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Click on booknumber for full information
130851: MCILROY, THAD (EDITOR); MACLEOD, JACK (INTRO.) (EDITOR) - A Rose Is a Rose; A Tribute to Pierre Elliott Trudeau in Cartoons and Quotes
104393: DIEFENBAKER. MCILROY, THAD (EDITOR) - Personal Letters of a Public Man: The Family Letters of John G. Diefenbaker
120736: MCILROY, THAD (EDITOR); MACLEOD, JACK (INTRO.) - Diefenbaker; Remembering the Chief
118665: MCILWRICK, CHARLIE E. - "If Yuh Live Tuh Be Eighteen on a Saskatchewan Farm, Ain't Nuthin' Gonna Kill Yuh"
202902: MCINNES, GRAHAM - Sushila
111127: MCINNES, GRAHAM - Canadian Art
116419: MCINNES, WILLIAM; WILSON, ALFRED W.G. - Report on a Part of the Northwest Territories Drained by the Winisk and Atawapiskat Rivers by William Mcinnis; Report on a Traverse Through the Southern Part of the North West Territories from Lac Seul to Cat Lake in 1902 by Alfred W.G. Wilson
131024: MCINNIS, PETER S. - Harnessing Labour Confrontation; Shaping the Postwar Settlement in Canada, 1943-1950
114112: MCINNIS, NADINE - Hand to Hand
123652: MCINTYRE, JAMES - Poems of James McIntyre
106646: MCINTYRE, MICHAEL - Studies in Archaeology: Highway 1a Coal Creek Revision, Alberta
118282: MCKAGUE, ORMOND (GENERAL EDITOR) - Racism in Canada
101783: MCKAY, J.F - Gravel and Gold; 52 Reflections: Philosophic and Economic
119376: MCKAY, ARTHUR F.; MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - Arthur F. McKay; A Critical Retrospective
106648: MCKAY, GILBERT - Moosomin and the Mounted; a History of the Force at Moosomin 1882-1973
114238: MCKAY, J.R. - The Scylla and Charybdis of Strategic Leadership
126080: MCKAY, VINCENT - Chief Piapot; Book Two: "The Last Massacre"
128187: MCKAY, VINCENT - Chief Piapot; Book Two: "The Last Massacre"
128186: MCKAY, VINCENT - Chief Piapot; Book One: "I Will Stop the Train"
124829: MCKAY, VINCENT - Chief Piapot; Book One: "I Will Stop the Train"; Book Two: "The Last Massacre"; Book Three: The Kansas City Showdown"
120481: MCKEAN, HUGH F. - The "Lost" Treasures of Louis Comfort Tiffany
106653: MCKEE, SANDRA LYNN (EDITOR) - Gabriel Dumont, Indian Fighter
100299: MCKEE, G.A - Edmonton School District No.7 1885-1935
106654: MCKELLAR, HUGH - Presbyterian Pioneer Missionaries in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia
124309: MCKENDRY, BLAKE - An Illustrasted Companion to Canadian Folk Art
120281: MCKENDRY, RUTH - Quilts and Other Bed Coverings in the Canadian Tradition
123136: MCKENNA, M. OLGA - Micmac by Choice; Elsie Sark - an Island Legend
131016: MCKENNA, DOLORES; BENNETT, RUTH H. (PICTURES) - The Adventures of Wee Mouse; A Picture Story-Book for Children
122033: MCKENNEY, THOMAS L. - Sketches of a Tour to the Lakes, of the Character and Cutoms of the Chippeway Indians, and of the Incidents Connected with the Treaty of Fond Du Lac
120695: MCKEOUGH, RITA (ARTIST); FOX, CHARLIE (CURATOR) - Defunct; An Installation by Rita Mckeough
127043: MCKERN, W.C. - Archaeology of Tonga
117311: WINNIPEG ART GALLERY; MCKIBBON, MILLIE (EXHIBITION CURATOR) - Form & Performance; November 10, 1978 - January 7, 1979
123711: MCKILLOP, A. B. - A Disciplined Intelligence; Critical Inquiry and Canadian Thoughts in the Victorian Era
106664: MCKILLOP, NORMAN - Western Rail Trail
117546: MCKINNON, HARRY (PRESIDENT OF SASKATOON WRITERS) - Wild Geese and Prairie Lilies; Stories of Saskatchewan by Saskatoon Writers' Club
100902: MCKITRICK, T.G - Corner Stones of Empire; The Settlement of Crystal City and District in the Rock Lake Country
106666: MCKITRICK, T.G. - Andrew Stewart of the Prairie Homesteads
130978: MCKNIGHT, DAVID; WHITEMAN, BRUCE (FOREWORD) - Experiment: Printing the Canadian Imagination; Highlights from the David McKnight Canadian Little Magazine and Small Press Collection
124093: MCLACHLAN, ELIZABETH; BUTALA, SHARON [INTRODUCTION] - Gone But Not Forgotten; Tales of the Disappearing Grain Elevators
130781: MCLAREN, ANGUS; MCLAREN, ARLENE TIGER - The Bedroom and the State: The Changing Practices and Politics of Contraception and Abortion in Canada, 1880-1980
106668: MCLAREN, D.J. - Middle and Early Upper Devonian Rhynchonelloid Brachiopods from Western Canada
106669: MCLAREN, D.J.; NORRIS, A.W.; MCGREGOR, D.C. - Illustrations of Canadian Fossils: Devonian of Western Canada
106670: MCLAREN, JOHN; FOSTER, HAMAR; ORLOFF, CHET - Law for the Elephant, Law for the Beaver; Essays in the Legal History of the North American West
102762: MCLAREN, DUNCAN - Ontario Ethno-Cultural Newspapers 1835-1972: An Annotated Checklist
112628: MCLARNEY, WILLIAM - The Freshwater Aquaculture Book; A Handbook for Small Scale Fish Culture in North America
130796: MCLAUGHLIN, K. M. - The Germans in Canada
111590: MCLAURIN, C.C. - Pioneering in Western Canada; A Story of the Baptists
131604: MCLAY, BEATRICE HOOVER - Bea's Family Journal History History Memories 1790 1994
106673: MCLEAN, DON - Home from the Hill; A History of the Metis in Western Canada
120935: MCLEAN, DON - Time of the Seventh Fire
124131: MCLEAN, TERRY - Paintings of the Canadian West
129207: MCLEAN, DONALD; GABRIEL DUMONT INSTITUTE - 1885: Metis Rebellion or Government Conspiracy?; A paper presented to the "1885 and After Conference", University of Saskatchewan, May 2 - 4, 1985
129208: MCLEAN, DONALD; GABRIEL DUMONT INSTITUTE - 1885: Metis Rebellion or Government Conspiracy?; A Paper Presented to the Association of Canadian Studies in the United States, Biennial Conference, Philadelphia, September 19 - 21, 1985
106672: MCLEAN, A.L. (EDITOR) - Citations of the Statutes of Alberta and Saskatchewan 1886-1924
106674: MCLEAN, DON - 1885: Metis Rebellion or Government Conspiracy?
106675: MCLEAN, DON - Fifty Historical Vignettes: Views of the Common People
106679: MCLEAN, JOHN (1828-1886) - John Mclean's Notes of a Twenty-Five Year's Service in the Hudson Bay Territory
106680: MCLEAN, JOHN (1851-1928) - Lone Land Lights; First Series
106682: MCLEAN, JOHN (1851-1928) - The Indians: Their Manners and Customs
114885: MCLEAN, STUART - Vinyl Cafe Diaries
114204: MCLEAN, TERRY - Paintings of the Canadian West
126114: MCLEAN, STUART - Extreme Vinyl Cafe
121603: MCLEAN, JOHN (1851-1928) - Lone Land Lights; First Series
124815: MCLEAN, DON - 1885: Metis Rebellion or Government Conspiracy?
106686: MCLEARN, F.H.; HUME, G.S. - The Stratigraphy and Oil Prospects of Alberta, Canada
125267: BEVERIDGE, THOMAS MCLEISH AND FAMILY MEMBERS - A Beveridge-Mcleish Family History
127402: MCLENNAN, DAVID - Our Towns; Saskatchewan Communities from Abbey to Zenon Park
123938: MCLENNAN, DAVID - Our Towns; Saskatchewan Communities from Abbey to Zenon Park
130361: MCLEOD, DON - How the West Was Lost; The Native Question in the Development of Western Australia
120621: MCLEOD, NEAL - 100 Days of Cree
127353: MCLEOD, DAN [EDITOR] - Georgia Straight April 4 -10, !969 Vol. 3 No. 52
117641: MCLEOD, NEAL - Songs to Kill a Wîhtikow
117388: MCLEOD, NEAL - Cree Narrative Memory; From Treaties to Contemporary Times
116786: MCLEOD, JOSEPH - Collected Citizen
119813: MCLEOD, NEAL - Indigenous Poetics in Canada
120578: MCLEOD, NEAL GARNET - Exploring Cree Narrative Memory
125281: MCLEOD, ALEXANDER; NUNIS, DOYCE B., JR. [INTRODUCTION, EDITOR] - The Hudson's Bay Company's First Fur Brigade to the Sacramento Valley; Alexander Mcleod's 1829 Hunt
129537: MCLEOD, DARREL J. - Mamaskatch; A Cree Coming of Age
100302: MCLEOD, SCOTT H. - Nova Scotia Farm Boy to Alberta M.D
121932: MCLEOD, NEAL (EDITOR) - Coyote, Trickster and Other Stories My Family Never Told Me; An Anthology of Aboriginal Writing
110084: MCLINTOCK, A.H. - Crown Colony Government in New Zealand
124443: MCLOUGHLIN, JOHN; SAMPSON, WILLIAM R. [EDITOR] - John Mcloughlin's Business Correspondence, 1847-48
103919: MCLOUGHLIN, JOHN; RICH, E.E. (EDITOR); LAMB, W. KAYE (INTRO.) - The Letters of John McLoughlin from Fort Vancouver to the Governor and Committee - First Series, 1825-38
201282: MCLUHAN, MARSHALL; WATSON, WILFRED - From Cliche to Archetype
203667: MCLUHAN, MARSHALL - The Mechanical Bride; Folklore of Industrial Man
131179: MCMAHON, KEVIN - Arctic Twilight
106693: MCMANN, EVELYN DE R. - Canadian Who's Who Index 1898-1984: Incorporating "Canadian Men and Women of the Time"
124950: MCMANUS, CURTIS - Happyland; A History of the "Dirty Thirties" in Saskatchewan, 1914-1937
115064: MCMANUS, GEORGE (GEO) - Bringing Up Father
112049: MCMASTER, GERALD; RYAN, ALLAN J. - The Cowboy / Indian Show; Recent Work by Gerald McMaster
129081: MCMASTER, GERALD; RYAN, ALLAN J. (TEXT); MCMICHAEL CANADIAN ART COLLECTION - The Cowboy / Indian Show; Recent Work by Gerald McMaster
106694: MCMICKING, THOMAS; LEDUC, JOANNE (EDITOR) - Overland from Canada to British Columbia
122743: MCMINN, JOHN; POLO, MARCO - 41° to 66° Regional Responses to Sustainable Architecture in Canada
109363: MCMULLEN, LORRAINE - An Odd Attempt in a Woman: The Literary Life of Frances Brooke
100907: MCMULLEN, MEL - From Shoal Lake to Shibboleth; Proceedings of Mel McMullen Night Sponsored by the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce
119857: MCMUNN, EAST BRAINTREE, GLEN - Pioneer History; McMunn, East Braintree and Glenn, Manitoba, 1913 - 1989
110474: MCMURTRIE, DOUGLAS C. - The First Printing in Nova Scotia
126130: RAND MCNALLY - World Atlas
123371: MCNAMARA, EUGENE; MCLEAN, EVELYN (DESIGN) - Equinox; Twelve Poems
131221: MCNAMEE, JAMES - them damn Canadians hanged Louis Riel!
121395: MCNAMEE, LUE - A Cart Full of Strays
127507: MCNAUGHT, KENNETH; BERCUSON, DAVID J. - The Winnipeg Strike: 1919
118636: MCNAUGHT, KENNETH; BERCUSON, DAVID J. - The Winnipeg Strike: 1919
106697: MCNAUGHT, KENNETH - A Prophet in Politics: A Biography of J. S. Woodsworth
116262: MCNAUGHT, EUPHEMIA - Ephemian McNaught; A Regional Focus
116667: MCNAUGHTON, JOHN; LINDNER, ERNEST - Man; Jungle Wise and Otherwise
106699: MCNAUGHTON, JOHN - Markets and Men; or the Challenge of Changing Conditions
106700: MCNAUGHTON, JOHN; LINDNER, ERNEST - Man; Jungle Wise and Otherwise
114002: MCNEIL, FLORENCE - Barkerville
128311: MCNEIL, KENT - Defining Aboriginal Title in the 90's; Has the Supreme Court Finally Got It Right?
202203: MCNEILE, H.C.; "SAPPER - Bull-Dog Drummond's Third Round
100075: MCNEILL, LEISHMAN - Tales of the Old Town
106704: MCNICHOLL, MARTIN K. - Manitoba Bird Studies: A Bibliography of Manitoba Ornithology
100303: MCNICHOLL, MARTIN K. (ED.) - Bird Banding in Alberta
125586: MCNICKLE, D'ARCY - The Surrounded
116919: MCNINCH, JAMES; CRONIN, MARY - I Could Not Speak My Heart; Education and Social Justice for Gay and Lesbian Youth
128941: MCNULTY, GERALD E (GERRY) - Petite Grammaire Du Parler Montagnais En TS-N
129300: MCNULTY, GE, PÂHÎN, M.-H., BEAUDET-JOUBERT - Wâpuh Mak Umwâtshahwûk. Innu-Atanukan (Ther Hare and the Frog)
117968: MCQUARRIE, CHRISTOPHER - The Usual Suspects
130559: MCRAE, KENNETH (EDITOR) - Consociational Democracy; Political Accommodation in Segmented Societies
111313: MCROBBIE, KENNETH - What Is on Fire Is Happening
106710: MCROBBIE, KENNETH - Hole
130320: MCROBBIE, KENNETH - First Ghost to Canada
120552: MCRORIE, H.D.; HICKIE, J.F.; MATTILA, H.H.; GRONSDAHL, J.K.; DREW, J.L. - 1963 Saskatchewan Farm Business Summary; 453 Farms
118148: MCTAVISH, GEORGE SIMPSON - Behind the Palisades: An Autobiography
109364: MCWHINNEY, EDWARD - Constitution-Making: Principles, Process, Practice
106713: MCWILLIAMS, MARGARET S. - Manitoba Milestones
100910: MCWILLIAMS, R.F - All Along the River
101447: COLONSAY AND MEACHAM - Milestones and Memories: Colonsay and Meacham Districts 1905-1980
201290: MEAD, RICHARD - Medical Precepts and Cautions
129282: MEAD, ROBERT DOUGLAS - The Canoer's Bible
114206: MEADE, MRS. L. T. - A Madcap
126607: MEALING, S. R. - The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents; A Selection
111607: MEANY, EDMOND S. - Vancouver's Discovery of Puget Sound: Portraits and Biographies of the Men Honored in the Naming of Geographic Features of Northwestern America
126800: MEASHAM, TERRY - The Moderns 1945-1975; 104 Reproductions
124493: MEBANE, JOHN (EDITOR); PUNCER, FRANK (CONTRIB.); BANE, REYNOLDS (CONTRIB) ANTIQUES JOURNAL; JUNE, 1975 - VOL. 30, NO. 6 (MAGAZINE) - Mebane, John (Editor); Puncer, Frank (Contrib.); Bane, Reynolds (Contrib) Antiques Journal; June, 1975 - Vol. 30, No. 6
127525: POPULAR MECHANICS - Complete Book of Home Repair and Improvements [Complete Encyclopedia for Home, Workshop and Garden]
123257: SASKATCHEWAN SENIORS MECHANISM (EDITOR) - A Century of Memories... Recollections of Saskatchewan Residents 90 Years of Age and Older
110904: MEDE, JOSEPH (MEAD) - Diatribae. Discourses on Divers Texts of Scripture: Delivered upon Severall Occasions. Bound with Diatribae. Or, a Continuation of Certain Discourses on Sundry Texts of Scripture: Delivered upon Severall Occasions.
131651: MEDOVY, HARRY - A Vision Fulfilled; The Story of the Children's Hospital of Winnipeg 1909-1973
101786: MEDSTEAD - Trails of Promise (Vol I)
118816: MEDSTEAD - Trails of Promise Volume II
126900: MEDVEDEV, ROY A.; DE KADT, ELLEN [TRANSLATED BY] - On Stalin and Stalinism
102787: SAMPAT-MEHTA, R. - International Barriers. The Movement, Reception & Settlement of Peoples in Canada & Elsewhere
127314: MEILI, DIANNE - Those Who Know; Profiles of Alberta's Native Elders
117662: MEILI, DIANNE - Those Who Know; Profiles of Alberta's Native Elders
122752: MEILI, RYAN; ROMANOW, ROY - A Healthy Society; How a Focus on Health Can Revive Canadian Democracy
115442: MEILI, RYAN; ROMANOW, ROY - A Healthy Society; How a Focus on Health Can Revive Canadian Democracy
109557: MEISEL, JOHN - The Canadian General Election of 1957
126228: MEL, H.X.; BAKER, DORIS - Cryptography Decrypted
113985: MELANCON, CLAUDE - Indian Legends of Canada
122055: EDO HYAKKEI, MEISHO; TREDE, MELANIE & BICHLER, LORENZ - Hiroshige: One Hundred Famous Views of Edo
123424: MELANSON, ARTHUR - Retour a la Terre
202425: MELBA, NELLIE - Melba's Gift Book of Australian Art and Literature
131071: PEACE RIVER AREA. MELBERG, KARIN - Yesterday's Children
120503: MELDGAARD, JORGEN - Eskimo Sculpture
102570: MELDGAARD, JORGEN - Eskimo Sculpture
120399: MELENCHUK, ALLAN S. - Multicultural Connections; Exploring Strategies and Issues
100914: MELITA - Our First Century, 1884 to 1984; Town of Melita and Municipality of Arthur
109651: MELLEN, PETER - The Group of Seven
116555: MELLEN, PETER - The Group of Seven
122303: MELLEN, PETER - Landmarks of Canadian Art
202761: MELLER, JOSEF; SWEET, WILLIAM M. (EDITOR) - Ophthalmic Surgery; a Handbook of the Surgical Operations on the Eyeball and Its Appendages As Practised at the Clinic of Hofrat Prof. Fuchs
202627: MELLERS, WILFRID - Music in a New Found Land; Themes and Developments in the History of American Music
106723: MELNYCKY, PETER - Shelter, Feed, and Dray; a Structural History of the Radway Livery Barn
121324: MELNYK, GEORGE - Radical Regionalism
118820: MELNYK, GEORGE - New Moon at Batoche: Reflections on the Urban Prairie
111608: MELNYK, BRYAN P. - Calgary Builds: The Emergence of an Urban Landscape, 1905-1914
110255: MELNYK, GEORGE - The Literary History of Alberta: Volume Two: From the End of the War to the End of the Century
110242: MELNYK, GEORGE - The Empty Quarter
106725: MELNYK, GEORGE (EDITOR) - Riel to Reform: A History of Protest in Western Canada
128128: MELNYK, GEORGE - New Moon at Batoche: Reflections on the Urban Prairie
201295: MELTZER, MILTON (EDITOR) - Mark Twain Himself: Printer, Pilot, Soldier, Miner, Reporter, Lecturer, Editor, Humorist, Author, Businessmen, Publisher
113415: MELVILLE, HERMAN, ANTONIO FRASCONI - On the Slain Collegians
124273: MELVILLE, HERMAN - The Complete Shorter Fiction
125860: MELVILLE, HERMAN - Billy Budd and Benito Cereno
113421: MELVIN, BREEN - Behind the Co-Op Sign; Our First 50 Years
116508: MELVIN, W.R - Poems and Songs of the North-East Neu; Mainly Scotch
203475: MELZAK, Z.A. - Companion to Concrete Mathematics; Mathematical Techniques and Various Applications
113282: MENCKEN, H.L. - Heathen Days, 1890-1936
126490: MENNEL, TIMOTHY; STEFFENS, JO; KLEMEK, CHRISTOPHER - Block by Block: Jane Jacobs and the Future of New York
120854: MENTIPLAY, IAIN A. - A Century of Integrity; The Law Society of Saskatchewan 1907 to 2007
123461: MENTIPLAY, IAIN A. - A Century of Integrity; The Law Society of Saskatchewan 1907 to 2007
111529: MENZIES, MRS STEPHEN (EDITOR) - Our Own Gazette; Y.W.C.A Association News
106764: MENZIES, M.W. - Poverty in Canada; Its Nature, Significance and Implications for Public Policy
123408: MEOTA - Footsteps in Time: Meota, Prince, Wing, Russell, Fitzgerald, Vyner, St. Michael, Jackfish Creek, Ness, Lavigne, Cochin, Murray Lake, Scentgreaas, Glenrose, Moosomin, Sautleaux, Metinota.
117581: MERCREDI, MORNINGSTAR - Morningstar; A Warrior's Spirit
117683: MERCREDI, OVIDE; TURPEL, MARY ELLEN - In the Rapids; Navigating the Future of First Nations
124534: MEREDITH, OWEN - Lucile
202529: MEREDITH, CHARLES; BARROW, JOHN - Notes and Sketches of New South Wales, During a Residence in That Colony from 1839 to 1844; the Life, Voyages, and Exploits of Sir Francis Drake..
110630: MERILLAT, L.A. - Fistula of the Withers and Poll-Evil
102126: SASKATCHEWAN AWARD OF MERIT - Programme of the Third Investiture
112356: MERLIN, CHARLES J.; GREEN, WILSON F. (EDITOR) - The Elbeetian Book of Memories; Volume 5
201298: MERRIAM, EVE - Montgomery, Alabama, Money, Mississippi and Other Places
201299: MERRIL, JUDITH - Shadow on the Hearth
115675: MERRILL, WILLIAM L.; GODDARD, IVES; EDITORS (EDITOR) - Anthropology, History, and American Indians: Essays in Honor of William Curtis Sturtevant
115506: MERRILL, G.K. - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18; Volume IV: Botany: Part D: Lichens
100246: KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. MERTA, CHARLES WESLEY - Knights of Columbus of Alberta 1907-1980: A Dedicated History
126837: MERTON, THOMAS; BOCHEN, CHRISTINE M. [EDITOR] - Learning to Love; Exploring Solitude and Freedom
201300: MERWIN, JR., SAM - The House of Many Worlds
203738: MERWIN, W.S. - The Moving Target
127165: MERWIN, JR., SAM - The House of Many Worlds
127773: METAYER, MAURICE, AGNES NANOGAK - Tales from the Igloo
113549: METAYER, MAURICE, AGNES NANOGAK - Tales from the Igloo
113412: METAYER, MAURICE, AGNES NANOGAK - Tales from the Igloo
113389: METCALF, JOHN - An Aesthetic Underground
111027: METCALF, JOHN - The Teeth of My Father
128415: METCALF, JOHN - The Worst Truth; Regarding A History of Canadian Fiction by David Staines
130779: METCALFE, ALAN - Canada Learns to Play: The Emergence of Organized Sport, 1807-1914
110755: MEXICO - Cartografia de Ultramar; Carpeta III; Mejico, Toponimia de Los Mapas Que la Integran Y Relaciones Historicas de Ultramar
114043: MEYER, BRUCE - The Open Room
202763: VON MEYER, GEORG HERMANN - The Organs of Speech; and Their Application in the Formation of Articulate Sounds
120222: MEYER, GEORGE H. - Folk Artists Biographical Index; A Guide to Over 200 Published Sources of Information on Approximately 9,000 American Folk Artists from the Seventeenth Century to the Present, Including Brief Biographical Information; A Full Bibliography of Sources; Art Locator, Ethnicity, Geographic, Media, and Type of Work Indexes; And a Directory of Nearly 300 Institutions Where the Works of the Artists Are Located (First Edition)
106772: MEYER, DAVID A. - Pre-Dorset Settlements at the Seahorse Gully Site
106774: MEYER, ROBERT R. - The Spirit of the Post Road; a Story of Self-Help Communities
128978: BURLEY DAVID; MEYER, DAVID - Nipawin Reservoir Heritage Study; Volume 3; Regional Overview and Research Considerations
125944: MEYERSON, AMY - The Bookshop of Yesterdays
124572: MÉZIÈRES, ALFRED (UNDER THE DIRECTION OF); LOLIÉE, FRÉDÉRIC (INTRO.) - Encyclopédie Universelle Du Xxe Siècle; Lettres, Sciences, Arts
111737: MEZU, S. OKECHUKWU - The Poetry of Leopold Sedar Senghor
109638: DICKENS, CHARLES; HARDWICK, MICHAEL & MOLLIE (EDITOR) - The Charles Dickens Encyclopedia
116997: CLANCY, MICHAEL AND ANNA - Discover Saskatchewan; A User's Guide to Regional Parks
102573: MICHAEL, H. N. (EDITOR) - Studies in Siberian Ethnogenesis
127721: MICHAELS, ANNE - Skin Divers
128244: MICHAELSON, VALERIE E.; DURRANT, JOAN E. (EDITOR) - Decolonizing Discipline; Children, Corporal Punishment, Christian Theologies, and Reconconciliation
106775: MICHAUD, GEORGE - L'Avenir Agricole des Canadiens francais de la Saskatchewan
131271: INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY; MICHAUD, CHANTAL; FEGES, JAN (EDITORS) (EDITOR) - International Solidarity Vol. 1 No. 1 December 1981
113325: GEORGES-MICHEL, MICHEL - From Renoir to Picasso; Artists in Action
126188: MICHELANGELO; SALMI, MARIO, ET AL - The Complete Work of Michelango
122657: MICHELL, JOHN - Eccentric Lives, Peculiar Notions; True Tales; Flat-Earthers, Head Drillers, Ufologists, Frantic Lovers, Welsh Druids, Finders of Lost Tribes, & Other Obsessed Individuals
125184: MICHELSON, ARTHUR - From Judaism and Law to Christ and Grace; Life Story of Arthur U. Michelson
129003: MICHELSON, TRUMAN - Notes on the Fox Wapanowiweni (Bulletin 105)
129004: MICHELSON, TRUMAN - Fox Miscellany (Bulletin 114)
202638: MICHENER, JAMES A. - The Floating World
129046: MICHENER, JAMES A. - Hawaii
127618: MICHLOVIC, MICHAEL G.; SCHNEIDER, FRED - The Archaeology of the Shea Site (32 CS 101)
126925: MIDDLETON, RICHARD - Pop Music and the Blues; A Study of the Relationship and Its Significance
129444: ARTISTS IN OUR MIDST - Artists in Our Midst
126566: MIEDEMA, BAUKJE; STOPPARD, JANET M.; ANDERSON, VIVIENNE - Women's Bodies / Women's Lives; Health, Well-Being, and Body Image
115431: MIGUS, PAUL M. - Sounds Canadian: Languages and Cultures in Multi-Ethnic Society
120035: MIKA, NICK; MIKA, HELMA - Mosaic of Kingston
110893: MIKHAIL, E.H. - A Bibliography of Modern Irish Drama 1899-1970
130334: MILDEN - Our Milden Heritage 1997
130445: MILDEN - Looking Back
101074: SHELLMOUTH. KOCHANOWSKI, MILDRED AND SH - Shellmouth: Our Century; History of Shellmouth and District, Manitoba, Canada
120450: MILES, CHARLES - Indian and Eskimo Artifacts of North America
129498: MILES, BARRY - Ginsberg; A Biography
124722: MILES, BARRY - Ginsberg; A Biography
126565: MILES, ANGELA; FINN, GERALDINE (EDITOR) - Feminism from Pressure to Politics
102574: MILES, CHARLES. - Indian and Eskimo Artifacts of North America
201311: MILLAIS, JOHN GUILLE - The Natural History of the British Surface-Feeding Ducks
201309: MILLAIS, JOHN GUILLE - The Natural History of British Game Birds
129730: MILLAR, NANCY - Remember Me As You Pass by; Stories from Prairie Graveyards
117584: MILLAR, RUTH; OAKWELL, MARY (EDITOR) - Turning Back the Pages; 100 Years at the Saskatoon Public Library
115615: MILLAR, RUTH WRIGHT - Saskatchewan Heroes & Rogues
130632: MILLAR, NANCY - The Unmentionable History of the West
109365: MILLARD, J. RODNEY - The Master Spirit of the Age: Canadian Engineers and the Politics of Professionalism
106780: MILLARD, PETER - Stryjek; Trying the Colors
122078: MILLARD, PETER - Stryjek; Trying the Colors
106784: MILLER, OLLIE - Sowing Circles of Hope: A Handbook for and by Women Who Have Sustained Family Farms in the Past and Present, and Who Now Sow Hope for the Future
127683: MILLER, A.J. (ALFRED JACOB) - Des Indiens Et Des Bisons; Aquarelles Et Textes de A.J. Miller, 1810-1874
113886: MILLER, J.O. (EDITED BY) - The New Era in Canada
201328: MILLER, JOAQUIN - Songs of the Sierras
202765: MILLER, SAMUEL M. (COMPILER) - Notes of Hospital Practice: Part I: Philadelphia Hospitals. Part II: New York Hospitals. Part III: New York and Philadelphia Hospitals. Part IV: New York and Philadelphia Hospitals
202696: FULOP-MILLER, RENE - Triumph Over Pain
202695: FULOP-MILLER, RENE - Triumph Over Pain
120909: MILLER, OLIVE BEAUPRÉ - Up One Pair of Stairs of My Book House
124106: MILLER, PRESTON E.; COREY, CAROLYN - The New Four Winds Guide to Indian Weaponry, Trade Goods, and Replicas
118897: MILLER, HENRY (ARTIST) - Henry Miller
118845: MILLER, CHRISTINE (EDITOR) - Essays from Women of the First Nations
112076: MILLER, HENRY - The Air-Conditioned Nightmare
110836: MILLER, JULIET SCOTT - Cooking Is Fun; a Very Easy Cook Book for Boys and Girls
118073: MILLER, BASIL - Ken in Alaska
117664: MILLER, J.R. (EDITOR) - Sweet Promises; A Reader on Indian-White Relations in Canada
126978: MILLER, MARK - Jazz in Canada; Fourteen Lives
126977: MILLER, MARK - Jazz in Canada; Fourteen Lives
117379: MILLER, J.R. - Reflections on Native-Newcomer Relations
119943: MILLER, SHERRILL - The Pilgrim's Guide to the Sacred Earth
114291: DAVID MILLER, DENNIS SMITH, JOSEPH R.MCGESHICK, JAMES SHANLEY,CALEB SHIELDS - The History of the Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Montana, 1800 - 2000
126625: MILLER, JIM; KINGSBURY, ROBERT (DESIGNED BY) (EDITOR) - The Rolling Stone Illustrated History of Rock & Roll
123202: MILLER, HENRY; SMITH, BRADLEY - My Life and Times
126057: MILLER, SUE - Inventing the Abbotts and Other Stories
130490: MILLER, J. R. - Big Bear (Mistahimusqua)
106781: MILLER, ALFRED J.; TAYLOR, HUGH A. - Braves and Buffalo; Plains Indian Life in 1837
119410: MILLER, HENRY - Tropic of Capricorn
109366: MILLGATE, JANE - Walter Scott: The Making of the Novelist
126668: MILLIGAN, SPIKE - The Goon Show Scripts; B.B.C. File 1
122883: MILLIGAN, G. C. - Bibliography of Geology of the Precambrian Area of Manitoba to 1950; Publication 51-1
100919: MILLIKEN, LORENE FRANCES - Manitoba Landscape
118770: MILLS, JOSEPHINE (CURATOR) - Collecting Everyday
111631: MILLS, IVOR J. - Stout Hearts Stand Tall: Biographical Sketch of a Militant Saskatchewan Farmer - the Late Hopkin Evan Mills
106790: MILLS, IVOR J. - Stout Hearts Stand Tall: Biographical Sketch of a Militant Saskatchewan Farmer - the Late Hopkin Evan Mills
126842: MILLS, GEORGE G. - A Half Century of Random Reminiscences of Captain William White, K.C.
114623: MILNE, COURTNEY - Spirit of the Land: Sacred Places in Native North America
201334: MILNE, W.S. (EDITOR) - Canadian Full-Length Plays in English: A Preliminary Annotated Catalogue
203452: MILNE, COURTNEY - The Sacred Earth
112453: MILNE, A.A. - Two People
111632: MILNE, COURTNEY (PHOTOGRAPHS); MITCHELL, W.O. (TEXT) - W.O. Mitchell Country
110115: MILNE, COURTNEY - Prairie Light
128385: MILNE, COURTNEY - Prairie Light
123492: MILNE, COURTNEY - Prairie Dreams
123459: MILNE, COURTNEY - The Sacred Earth
106794: MILNE, J. - Trading for Milady's Furs: In the Service of the Hudson's Bay Co., 1923-1943
106792: MILNE, COURTNEY - Prairie Light
106793: MILNE, COURTNEY - Prairie Dreams
121654: MILNE, COURTNEY (PHOTOGRAPHS); MITCHELL, W.O. (TEXT) - W.O. Mitchell Country
120719: MILNE, COURTNEY - Prairie Skies
120718: MILNE, COURTNEY - Prairie Light
121911: MILNE, COURTNEY - Prairie Dreams
131297: MILNE, COURTNEY - The Sacred Earth
129832: MILNER, REV. JOHN - An Historical and Critical Account of Winchester Cathedral, with an Engraved View and Ichnographical Plan of that Fabric Extracted from the Rev. Mr. Milner's History and Antiquities of Winchester to which is added, a Review of Its Modern Monuments, and An Authentic Account of Old and New Sarum, The Cathedral, and Other Public Buildings Together with a Brief Description of Stonehenge, and Authentic and Interesting Particulars of the Seats of the Nobility and Gentry in the Environs of Salisbury (1795)
201335: MILNER, THOMAS - The Gallery of Geography: A Pictorial and Descriptive Tour of the World
128560: MILRAD, AARON; AGNEW, ELLA - The Art World; Law, Business & Practice in Canada
128027: MILTHORP, ROB [GUEST CURATOR] - Out . Side . Iain Baxter; Lylian Klimek; William MacDonnell 9 September - 9 October 1988
124402: MILTON, WILLIAM FITZWILLIAM; CHEADLE, W.B. - The North-West Passage by Land; Being the Narrative of an Expedition from the Atlantic to the Pacific, Undertaken with the View of Exploring a Route Across the Continent to British Columbia Through British Territory, by One of the Northern Passes of the Rocky Mountains
202312: BEATTY, BRYAN H. (ED.); ACORN, MILTON; ET AL - The Rivers Bend Review
131375: MILTON, JOHN; ALASTAIR FOWLER - Paradise Lost [With] a Commentary by Alastair Fowler
112219: MILTON, JOHN - Paradise Lost. A Poem in Twelve Books. [with] Paradise Regain'd. A Poem in Four Books. To Which Is Added Samson Agonistes: And Poems upon Several Occasions. From the Text of Thomas Newton, D.D.
131618: MILTON, JOHN; DORÉ, GUSTAVE (ILLUSTRATED BY) - Milton’s Paradise Lost. Illustrated By Gustave Doré. Edited, with Notes and a Life of Milton, by Robert Vaughan, D.D.
106798: MILTON, WILLIAM FITZWILLIAM; CHEADLE, W.B. - The North-West Passage by Land; Being the Narrative of an Expedition from the Atlantic to the Pacific, Undertaken with the View of Exploring a Route Across the Continent to British Columbia Through British Territory, by One of the Northern Passes of the Rocky Mountains
121775: MILTON, JOHN - Comus; A Mask
131374: MILTON, JOHN - Paradise Lost. A Poem in Twelve Books. [with] Paradise Regain'd. A Poem in Four Books. To Which Is Added Samson Agonistes: And Poems upon Several Occasions. From the Text of Thomas Newton, D.D.
115118: MINDE, EMMA; AHENAKEW, FREDA; WOLFART, H.C. - Kwayask ê-Kã®-Pãª-Kiskinowã¢pahtihicik I Their Example Showed Me the Way: A Cree Woman's Life Shaped by Two Cultures, Told by Emma Minde
121216: MINER, JACK - Jack Miner on Current Topics
121428: DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND RESOURCES - The National Parks of Canada: A Brief Description of Their Scenic and Recreational Attractions
130939: DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND RESOURCES, NATIONAL PARKS BUREAU (CANADA) - Playgrounds of the Prairies; Riding Mountain, Prince Albert, Elk Island, Nemiskam, and Wood Buffalo National Parks
123682: MINHINNICK, JEANNE - Early Furniture in Upper Canada Village; 1800-1837 [Together With] Furniture and Fraktur; An Exhibition of Artifacts from Germanic Ontario
201338: MINIATURE - The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
201340: MINIATURE - Wee Willie Winkie and Other Stories
201337: MINIATURE - The Roly Poly Children
112106: MINIATURE - The Victoria Miniature Almanac and Fashionable Remembrancer for 1856
109930: MINIATURE - The Story of the Red Hen and the Fox
109929: MINIATURE - Beauty and the Beast
106799: MINIFIE, JAMES M. - Homesteader; A Prairie Boyhood Recalled
115744: MINN, EEVA K. - Studies in Cheremis, Volume 4, Derivation
127636: MINNEDOSA - Minnedosa Valley Views
100924: MINNEDOSA (INCLUDES ODANAH, CLANWILLIAM, MINTO AND HARRISON) - Minnedosa Memories: A History of Minnedosa and Surrounding Districts
100922: MINNEDOSA - Minnedosa Valley Views
106800: MINNI, SHEILA JOAN - The Prehistoric Occupations of Black Lake, Northern Saskatchewan
124943: MINOR, WENDELL - Art for the Wriiten Words; Twenty-Five Years of Book Cover Art
118287: MINOR, N. KATHLEEN MARY - A Review of Counseling Among Cultures with Emphasis upon Culture-Specific Counseling Within the Inuit Society: A Method and Training Program
119275: MINOT, KATHLEEN - Issumatuq
130687: ROYAL CANADIAN MINT - Royal Canadian Mint Annual Collection 2022 Edition
101801: MINTON - Golden Leaves
123270: MINTON - Golden Leaves
129826: MINTZ, G.A. (BUD) - A Northwest Coast Indian Colouring Book Vol. 1 Prints
109368: MIRON, JOHN R. - Housing in Postwar Canada: Demographic Change, Household Formation, and Housing Demand
122436: MIRSKY, JEANNETTE - To the Arctic!; The Story of Northern Exploration from Earliest Times to the Present
114085: MISFELDT, JAMES - The Half-Finished Christ
106803: MISKA, JOHN P. - Canadian Studies on Hungarians 1886-1986; an Annotated Bibliography of Primary and Secondary Sources
102764: MISKA, JOHN P. (EDITOR) - The Sound of Time: Anthology of Canadian-Hungarian Authors
203220: A ZENANA MISSIONARY - Kardoo, the Hindoo Girl
111961: MISTRY, ROHINTON - Family Matters
128718: MITCHELL, KEN - The Con Man
114035: MITCHELL, S. WEIR - Dr. North and His Friends
128491: MITCHELL, KEN - This Train
111636: MITCHELL, W.O. - Jake and the Kid
121275: MITCHELL, KEN - Through the Nan Da Gate; A China Journey
119141: MITCHELL, KEN - Stones of the Dalai Lama
202767: MITCHELL, T.W. - Problems in Psychopathology
202766: MITCHELL, ROSS - Medicine in Manitoba; the Story of Its Beginnings
124207: MITCHELL, KEN; CURRIE, ROBERT - Ken Mitchell Country
127344: MITCHELL, KEN - Bill Gomersall a Cowboy's Tale
118749: MITCHELL, MARY - A Salute to Manitoba 4-H, 1913-1988
112940: MITCHELL, JOHN - The Kindom of America (A Canadian Creed)
112124: MITCHELL, W.O. - The Kite
111638: MITCHELL, W.O. - According to Jake and the Kid; a Collection of New Stories
111633: MITCHELL, J.; MOSS, H.C.; CLAYTON, J.S.; - Soil Survey of Southern Saskatchewan from Township 1 to 48 Inclusive
111637: MITCHELL, W.O. - Since Daisy Creek
120126: MITCHELL, MARGARET - Borte Med Blæsten
124762: MITCHELL, W.O.; BATES, WESLEY W. [ILLUSTRATIONS] - The Black Bonspiel of Willie Maccrimmon (Wullie)
131094: MITCHELL, PERCIVAL H. - Water Powers of Canada; The Prairie Provinces: Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta
120036: MITCHELL, KEN - The Shipbuilder [With] the Shipbuilder: A Production Supplement
117340: MITCHELL, MARYBELLE (EDITOR) INUIT ART QUARTERLY: SPRING 1996; VOL. 11, NO. 1 (MAGAZINE) - Mitchell, Marybelle (Editor) Inuit Art Quarterly: Spring 1996; Vol. 11, No. 1
114338: MITCHELL, KEN - The Jazz Province
106854: MITCHELL, W.O. - For Art's Sake
106852: MITCHELL, W.O. - According to Jake and the Kid; a Collection of New Stories
106853: MITCHELL, W.O. - Roses Are Difficult Here
106851: MITCHELL, W.O. - Ladybug, Ladybug...
106850: MITCHELL, W.O. - Since Daisy Creek
106848: MITCHELL, W.O. - How I Spent My Summer Holidays
106845: MITCHELL, W.O. - The Vanishing Point
106846: MITCHELL, W.O. - The Devil's Instrument
106843: MITCHELL, W.O. - The Kite
106840: MITCHELL, W.O. - The Black Bonspiel of Wullie Maccrimmon (Willie)
106839: MITCHELL, W.O. - Who Has Seen the Wind
106829: MITCHELL, KEN (EDITED BY) (EDITOR) - Horizon: Writings of the Canadian Prairie
106828: MITCHELL, KEN - Stones of the Dalai Lama
106826: MITCHELL, KEN - Rebels in Time; Three Plays
106825: MITCHELL, KEN - Witches and Idiots; Poems by...
106820: MITCHELL, KEN - Everybody Gets Something Here
106823: MITCHELL, KEN - Sinclair Ross: A Readers Guide
106818: MITCHELL, KEN - The Meadowlark Connection: A Saskatchewan Thriller
106819: MITCHELL, KEN - The Meadowlark Connection
106816: MITCHELL, KEN - The Con Man
106817: MITCHELL, KEN - Wandering Rafferty
106812: MITCHELL, J.; MOSS, H.C.; CLAYTON, J.S.; EDMUNDS, F.H. - Soil Survey of Saskatchewan Covering the Agriculturally Settled Areas North of Township 48
106811: MITCHELL, J.; MOSS, H.C.; CLAYTON, J.S.; EDMUNDS, F.H. - Soil Survey of Southern Saskatchewan from Township 1 to 48 Inclusive
106807: MITCHELL, ELIZABETH B. - Western Canada Before the War; a Study of Communities
106808: MITCHELL, ELIZABETH B. - In Western Canada Before the War; Impressions of Early Twentieth Century Prairie Communities
116444: MITCHELL, W.O. - Who Has Seen the Wind
121657: MITCHELL, KEN - The Con Man
123232: MITCHELL, KEN (EDITOR) - Rhyming Wranglers; Cowboy Poets of the Canadian West
128169: MITCHELL, KEN - Wandering Rafferty
116077: MITCHELL, KEN - Rebels in Time; Three Plays
128134: MITCHELL, KEN - Through the Nan Da Gate; A China Journey
114715: MITCHELL, W.O. - Jake and the Kid
119654: MITCHELL, KEN - Stones of the Dalai Lama
128177: MITCHELL, KEN - Stones of the Dalai Lama
128176: MITCHELL, W.O. - Who Has Seen the Wind
125956: MITCHELL, KEN - Everybody Gets Something Here
113483: MITCHELL, KEN (EDITOR) - The Jazz Province
122511: MITCHELL, W.O. - Ladybug, Ladybug...
115448: MITCHELL, KEN; CURRIE, ROBERT - Ken Mitchell Country
115403: MITCHELL, KEN - Gone the Burning Sun
130710: MITCHELL, PATRICIA; PREPAS, ELLIE (EDITOR) - Atlas of Alberta Lakes
121152: MITCHELL, KEN - Through the Nan Da Gate; A China Journey
122219: MITCHELL, W.O. - Roses Are Difficult Here
122214: MITCHELL, W.O. - Who Has Seen the Wind
115257: MITCHELL, W.O. - Ladybug, Ladybug...
129334: FREEMAN, MITCHELL & FAMILY - Mitchell (Mitch) Freeman October 29, 1967 - March 3, 2002
122093: MITCHELL, KEN - The Meadowlark Connection: A Saskatchewan Thriller
119484: MITCHELL, W.O. - Ladybug, Ladybug...
110265: MITCHELL, ESTELLE - The Grey Nuns of Montreal at the Red River, 1844-1984
120979: MITCHELL, KEN - Witches and Idiots
121912: MITCHELL, W.O. - The Kite
120967: MITCHELL, KEN - The Heroic Adventures of Donny Coyote
201346: MITFORD, NANCY - Don't Tell Alfred
123941: SHIMPO, MITSURU & WILLIAMSON, ROBERT - Socio-Cultural Disintegration Among the Fringe Saulteaux
201347: MITTERLING, PHILIP I. - America in the Antarctic to 1840
112069: MLAZGAR, W.J. - Pioneering in Saskatchewan
118700: MOCHORUK, JIM - Formidable Heritage; Manitoba's North and the Cost of Development, 1870 to 1930
106860: MOCQUAIS, PIERRE-YVES; LALONDE, ANDRE; WILHELM, BERNARD - La Langue, la Culture et la Societe des Francophones de l'Ouest
123672: MODISANE, BLOKE - Blame Me on History
107035: MOEN, S.E. (EDITOR) - Saskatchewan Music
114624: MOFFAT, ALFRED - Our Old Nursery Rhymes; The Tunes Harmonized by Alfred Moffat
117303: MOFFAT, W.D. (EDITOR) - The Mentor; September 1925; Beneker - Painter of Men at Work; Uncle Sam's Old Curiosity Shop
129552: MOINE, LOUISE - My Life in a Residential School
122727: MOINE, LOUISE - Remembering Will Have to Do
101805: MOIR, JAMES M. - Family Chronicle: Poems and Photographs of the Canadian West
128652: MOIR, JOHN S. - Church and State in Canada, 1627-1867; Basic Documents
112636: MOLDENHAUER, HANS - Duo-Pianism; A Dissertation
127983: MOLDER, BOYD - Pioneers in Perspective; An Account of Kasper and Amalia Molder's Pioneer Experience at Wheatwyn, Saskatchewan
124517: EGGERMONTH-MOLENAAR, MARY (ISSUE AUTHOR); FIDLER, PETER (JOURNAL) - Yumtzilob: Tijdschrift Over de America's; Jaargang 12, Nummer 1-2, (Zomer) 2000; Encounters with the Inhabitants of 'alberta' in 1792-1793 As Recorded by Peter Fidler, Surveyor
130460: EGGERMONT-MOLENAAR, MARY - Montana 1911: A Professor and His Wife Among the Blackfeet
203221: MRS. MOLESWORTH - A Christmas Child; a Sketch of a Boy-Life
114518: MOLLOY, TOM; FORWARD BY JOHN RALSTON SAUL - The World Is Our Witness; The Historical Journey of the Nisga'a into Canada
112788: MOLTO, JOSEPH ELDON - Biological Relationships of Southern Ontario Woodland Peoples: The Evidence of Discontinuous Cranial Morphology
106867: MOMATIUK, YVA (WITH JOHN. ASTCOTT.) - In a Sea of Wind: Images of the Prairies
128455: MONET, CLAUDE; JOYES, CLAIRE; NAUDIN, JEAN-BERNARD; ROBUCHON, JOEL - Monet's Table; The Cooking Journals of Claude Monet
116530: MONICA - Owlet Ash; A Novel
122513: MEIDER, MONICA & BLACH, LYNDA (EDITOR) - Saskatchewan Remembers Then and Now; An Anthology of Saskatchewan War Veterans
114937: MONK, PHILLIP (CURATOR) - Language and Representation
106869: MONKMAN, LESLIE - A Native Heritage; Images of the Indian in English-Canadian Literature
125949: MONKMAN, KENT - The Triumph of Mischief
124617: MONMARCHÉ, MARCEL; TILLIO, LUCIEN (UNDER THE DIRECTION OF) - Le Pays de France; Les Aspects de la Nature: Les Richesses; Monumentales: Les Chefs D'oeuvre de L'art; Les Particularités de la Vie Régionale
202768: MONS, W. - Principles and Practice of the Rorschach Personality Test
111279: MONSARRAT, NICHOLAS - The Ship That Died of Shame; & Other Stories
128556: MONTAGNE, PROSPER; DR. GOTTSCHALK - Larousse Gastronomique
114151: MONTAGU, ASHLEY - The Natural Superiority of Women
109898: MONTAIGNE, MICHAEL SEIGNEUR DE - The Essays of Michael Seigneur de Montaigne
111047: MONTANA - Montana: The Treasure State
110323: MONTANA - Montana for the Farmer
106870: MONTANA, HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF - Contributions to the Historical Society of Montana, with Its Transactions, Officers and Members
127800: BURN. BARBARA (EDITOR); DE MONTEBELLO, PHILIPPE (INTRODUCTION) (EDITOR) - Masterpieces of the Metropolitan Museum of Art
130773: MONTGOMERY, L. M. - Chronicles of Avonlea
201352: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUDE - The Tryst of the White Lady
112527: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUDE; RUBIO, MARY; WAT - The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery; Volume II: 1910-1921
111728: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUDE; RUBIO, MARY; WATERSTON, ELIZABETH (EDITOR) - The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery; Volume I: 1889-1910
123471: MONTGOMERY, L.M. - Rainbow Valley
123470: MONTGOMERY, L.M. - Anne of the Island
123469: MONTGOMERY, L.M. - Chronicles of Avonlea
106872: MONTGOMERY, HENRY HUTCHINSON - The Church on the Prairie
126481: MONTGOMERY, L.M. - Jane of Lantern Hill
131003: MONTGOMERY, L. M. - Anne of Green Gables
131004: MONTGOMERY, L. M. - Anne of the Island
101807: MONTMARTRE - Sacred Heart Parish 1903-1978
119542: MONTMARTRE - Montmartre; History of the Villiage and RM 126 (Three Volumes)
125315: MONTO, TOM - Strathcona: The End-Of-Steel
114925: MUSEE D'ART CONTEMPORAIN DE MONTREAL - Peinture Au Quebec: Une Nouvelle Generation
114907: MUSEE D'ART CONTEMPORAIN DE MONTREAL, - Cycle Recent Et Autre Indices
129068: MOODIE, D. WAYNE; CATCHPOLE, A.J.W.; ABEL, KERRY - Northern Athapaskan Oral Traditions and the White River Volcano
127641: MOOERS, COLIN - The Making of Bourgeois Europe; Absolution, Revolution, and the Rise of Capitalism in England, France, and Germany
122530: MOOGK, EDWARD B. - Roll Back the Years; History of Canadian Recorded Sound and Its Legacy; Genesis to 1930
120682: MOON, ROBERT - This Is Saskatchewan
201120: LEAST HEAT-MOON, WILLIAM - Prairyerth (A Deep Map)
106879: MOON, ROBERT - This Is Saskatchewan
121473: MOONDANCE, WOLF - Rainbow Medicine: A Visionary Guide to Native American Shamanism
128331: MOORE, CHRISTOPHER - You Suck
119282: MOORE, BRIAN - The Emperor of Ice Cream
113994: MOORE, ROGER - Last Year in Paradise
121331: MOORE, JACQUELINE - The Saskatchewan Secret: Folk Healers, Diviners, and Mystics of the Prairies
128332: MOORE, CHRISTOPHER - A Dirty Job
101809: MOORE, FRANK - Saskatchewan Ghost Towns
128334: MOORE, CHRISTOPHER - Fluke or, I Know Why the Winged Whale Sings
201369: MOORE, THOMAS - Tom Crib's Memorial to Congress; with a Preface, Notes and Appendix
201368: MOORE, GEORGE - A Communication to My Friends
201365: MOORE, EDWARD - Studies in Dante: Second Series: Miscellaneous Essays
201366: MOORE, EDWARD - Studies in Dante: Third Series: Miscellaneous Essays
201363: MOORE, DORIS LANGLEY - E. Nesbit: A Biography
201360: MOORE, BRIAN - An Answer from Limbo
203312: MOORE, H. KEATLEY (EDITOR) - The Nursery Song Book; Traditional Nursery Songs
125388: MOORE, CHRISTOPHER - Adventurers; Hudson's Bay Company - the Epic Story
131504: MOORE, CHRISTOPHER - Bite Me; A Love Story
113490: MOORE, YVETTE - A Prairie Alphabet
120271: MOORE, THOMAS - Irish Melodies
112071: MOORE, DOROTHEA - Dick of the Day-Girls
111029: MOORE, GEORGE - Ulick and Soracha
109965: MOORE, CHRISTOPHER - The Law Society of Upper Canada and Ontario's Lawyers 1797-1997
106880: MOORE, IRENE - Valiant la Verendrye
126703: MOORE, FRANK - Saskatchewan Ghost Towns
119776: MOORE, BRIAN - The Mangan Inheritance
128251: MOORE, JOHN H. (EDITOR) - The Political Economy of North American Indians
116081: MOORE, FRANK J. - The Nixon Homesteaders and Other Short Stories
126145: MOORE, THOMAS; GODLEY, A.D. (EDITOR) - The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore
126052: MOORE, FRANCIS D. - Give and Take; The Development of Tissue Transplantation
115483: MOORE, J. PERCY - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18, Volume IX; Annalids, Parasitic Worms, Protazoas, Etc, Part C: Hirudinea, Southern Party 1913-1916
120751: MOORE, GEORGE H. - Bibliographical Notes on Witchcraft in Massachusetts
128004: MOORE, IRENE - Valiant la Verendrye
119518: MOORE, BRIAN - The Temptation of Eileen Hughes
119519: MOORE, BRIAN - I Am Mary Dunne
119516: MOORE, BRIAN - The Emperor of Ice Cream
119517: MOORE, BRIAN - Fergus
119511: MOORE, BRIAN - The Luck of Ginger Coffey
119512: MOORE, BRIAN - The Mangan Inheritance
119513: MOORE, BRIAN - The Mangan Inheritance
119514: MOORE, BRIAN - The Color of Blood
125093: MOORE, ALAN; LLOYD, DAVID [ART] - V for Vendetta
129447: MOORE, HENRY - Henry Moore: Art Gallery of Ontario: 14 Oct - 19 Nov 1967; Confederation Art Gallery and Museum, Charlottetown: 9 Jan - 3 Mar 1968; Arts and Cultural Centre, St. John's: 29 Mar - 10 May 1968; The National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa: 11 June - 15 Sept 1968
106883: MOORHOUSE, HOPKINS. (ARTHUR HERBERT JOSEPH) - Deep Furrows: Which Tells of Pioneer Trails Along Which the Farmers of Western Canada Fought Their Way to Great Achievements in Co-Operation
124781: SPRING CREEK HISTORICAL SOCIETY; MOOSOMIN - Spring Creek History1882 - 1990
119114: MOPPETT, GEORGE (ESSAY); HÉBERT, GILLES (DIRECTOR) - Graham Fowler: The Water Paintings
118577: MOPPETT, RON (CURATOR); GORDON, RICHARD (ASSISTANT CURATOR) - Alexandra Haeseker; Twenty Years
120052: MOPPETT, RON (CURATOR); KEZIERE, RUSSELL (TEXT) - Kim Moodie: Drawings
106752: MENDEL ART GALLERY. MOPPETT, GEORGE - Sheila Butler: Paintings 1986
129619: MOPPETT, GEORGE; MENDEL ART GALLERY - The Object As Subject; Still-Life Art in Saskatchewan
123108: MENDEL ART GALLERY. MOPPETT, GEORGE - Sheila Butler: Paintings 1986
128018: MOPPETT, RON; NICKLES GALLERIES / UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY - Ron Moppett: Sculpture (Al) 1972 - 2015
128017: MOPPETT, RON; NICKLES GALLERIES / UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY - Ron Moppett: Sculptur(Al) 1972 - 2015
129755: MORANTZ, TOBY - An Ethnohistoric Study of Eastern James Bay Cree Social Organization, 1700-1850
130121: MORAY, GERTA (ESSAY); ; KARP, DIANE (FOREWORD); KAVANAGH, MARY - Mary Kavanagh: Seeking Georgia (Mapping O'Keefe Country)
131014: MORCK, IRENE - Five Pennies a Prairie Boy's Experience
100933: MORDEN - Morden; Mort Cheval, Pinancewaywinning, Lake Agassiz
112960: BERGTHALER MENNONITE CHURCH OF MORDEN - Milestones and Memories 1931 - 1981
119677: MORDEN. - 125 Stories About Morden
131735: MORE, THOMAS - Utopia; On the Best State of a Commonwealth and on the New Island of Utopia; A truly golden handbook, no less beneficial than entertaining, by the most distinguished author Thomas Moore citizen and Undersheriff of the famous City of London
119636: MORE, W.G. (CHAIRMAN); MACKIMMIE, G.W. (EDITOR); BRITNELL, G.E. (CONTRIB.) - The Canadian Banker, Volume 47, Number 1; October, 1939.
127021: MOREL, ROBERT (EDITOR) - La Croix de la Rose Rouge
109626: MOREL, E.D. - Nigeria; Its Peoples and Its Problems
120108: MORGAGNI, JOHN BAPTIST; ALEXANDER, BENJAMIN (TRANS.) - The Seats and Causes of Diseases. Investigated by Anatomy, in Five Books, Containing a Great Variety of Dissections, with Remarks. To Which Are Added Very Accurate and Copious Indexes of the Principal Things and Names Therein Contained
113821: MORGAN, W.A. - Our Anuk and Other Black Country Stories
201373: MORGAN, BERRY - The Mystic Adventures of Roxie Stoner
127324: MORGAN, LEWIS H. - Houses and House-Life of the American Aborigines
120092: MORGAN, HENRY JAMES (EDITOR) - The Canadian Men and Women of the Time: A Hand-Book of Canadian Biography
123537: MORGAN, EDWIN CHARLES - North-West Mounted Police 1873-1883; Manuscript Report Number 113
123538: MORGAN, EDWIN CHARLES - North-West Mounted Police 1873-1883; Manuscript Report Number 113
120817: MORGAN, JOHN P.; COLLICUTT, DOUGLAS R.; THOMPSON, JACQUELINE D. - Restoring Canada's Native Prairies; A Practical Manual
116471: MORGAN, DAN - Merchants of Grain: The Power and Profits of the Five Giant Companies at the Center of the World's Food Supply
115932: MORGAN, MURRAY - One Man's Gold Rush: A Klondike Albumn
115934: MORGAN, MURRAY - One Man's Gold Rush: A Klondike Albumn
121619: MORGAN, EDWIN CHARLES - Northwest Mounted Police: 1873-1883
104491: DUNLOP ART GALLERY. MORGAN, WAYNE P. - Russell Yuristy: Sculpture 1971-1981 in Photographs and Drawings
125272: MORGAN, MARTHA - Notes from Over the Hill
129722: MORICE, ADRIEN GABRIEL - Vie de Mgr. Langevin Oblat de Marie Immaculee, Archeveque de Saint Boniface
111643: MORICE, ADRIEN GABRIEL - History of the Catholic Church in Western Canada from Lake Superior to the Pacific (1659-1895)
111646: MORICE, ADRIEN GABRIEL - La Race Metisse; Etude Critique en Marge d'un Livre Recent
111644: MORICE, ADRIEN GABRIEL - Histoire de l'eglise Catholique dans l'Ouest Canadien du Lac Superieur au Pacifique (1659-1905)
123583: MORICE, ADRIEN GABRIEL - Histoire de L'eglise Catholique Dans L'ouest Canadien Du Lac Superieur Au Pacifique (1659-1905)
117363: MORICE, ADRIEN GABRIEL - History of the Catholic Church in Western Canada from Lake Superior to the Pacific (1659-1895)
106894: MORICE, ADRIEN GABRIEL - Dictionnaire Historique des Canadiens et des Metis Francais de l'Ouest
106896: MORICE, ADRIEN GABRIEL - History of the Catholic Church in Western Canada from Lake Superior to the Pacific (1659-1895)
106897: MORICE, ADRIEN GABRIEL - History of the Catholic Church in Western Canada from Lake Superior to the Pacific (1659-1895)
106898: MORICE, ADRIEN GABRIEL - Histoire de l'eglise Catholique dans l'Ouest Canadien du Lac Superieur au Pacifique (1659-1905)
106899: MORICE, ADRIEN GABRIEL - Histoire de l'eglise Catholique dans l'Ouest Canadien du Lac Superior au Pacific (1659-1905)
106902: MORICE, ADRIEN GABRIEL - Histoire Abregee de l'Ouest Canadien; Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta et Grand-Nord
106903: MORICE, ADRIEN GABRIEL - Vie de Mgr. Langevin Oblat de Marie Immaculee, Archeveque de Saint Boniface
106910: MORICE, ADRIEN GABRIEL - The MacDonnell Family in Canada
106913: MORICE, ADRIEN GABRIEL - Souvenirs d'un Missionnaire en Colombie-Britannique
106915: MORICE, ADRIEN GABRIEL - En Europe Centrale: simples notes de voyage
106916: MORICE, ADRIEN GABRIEL - M. Darveau - Martyr du Manitoba
106919: MORICE, ADRIEN GABRIEL - Monseigneur Turquetil Apotre des Esquimaux et le Miracle de ses Missions
106920: MORICE, ADRIEN GABRIEL - La Race Metisse; Etude Critique en Marge d'un Livre Recent
126416: MORICE, STELLA - The Book of Wiremu
113403: MORIN, JEAN-BAPTISTE, ALICE TROTTIER (EDITED BY) - Journal D'un Missionaire-Colonisateur 1890-1897
114181: MORIN, LOVIS - French Illustrators in Five Parts
121264: MORITZ, A.F. - Between the Root and the Flower
102888: MORLAN, RICHARD E. - The Cadzow Lake Site (Mjvi-1): A Multi-Component Historic Kutchin Camp
102889: MORLAN, RICHARD E. - Nbvk-1: An Historic Fishing Camp in Old Crow Flats, Northern Yukon Territory
102890: MORLAN, RICHARD E. - A Technological Approach to Lithic Artifacts from Yukon Territory
120917: MORLEY, WILLIAM F.E. - The Atlantic Provinces; Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island
203364: MORLEY, WILLIAM F.E. - A Bibliographical Study of Major John Richardson
112115: MORLEY, PATRICIA - Kurelek; A Biography
109369: MORLEY, J.T. - Secular Socialists: The C C F / N D P in Ontario, a Biography
109370: MORLEY, PATRICIA A. - The Mystery of Unity: Theme and Technique in the Novels of Patrick White
116678: MORLEY, PATRICIA - Kurelek; A Biography
124284: MORRICE, JAMES WILSON; BUCHANAN, DONALD W. - James Wilson Morrice
106922: MORRIER, EMMA - Quatre Essais de Theatre National
120564: MORRIN, PETER; FEINBERG, JEAN E. - Content in Abstraction: The Uses of Nature
125234: MORRIS, KEITH - The Story of the Canadian Pacific Railway
119436: MORRIS, DESMOND - The Naked Ape; A Zoologist's Study of the Human Animal
119333: DOLMAN, MORRIS & ISABEL - Easy Travel: A Travellers Guide to Saskatchewan
112262: MORRIS, ERNEST - Legends o' the Bells; Being a Collection of Legends; Traditions; Folk-Tales, Myths, Etc., Centred Around the Bells of All Lands
111647: MORRIS, ALEXANDER - Nova Britannia; Our New Canadian Dominion Foreshadowed
110919: MORRIS, WILLIAM GOUVERNEUR - Report upon the Customs District, Public Service, and Resources of Alaska Territory
120830: MORRIS, MICHAEL (ARTIST); BOVEY, PATRICIA E. (DIRECTOR); VARIOUS CONTRIB. - Michael Morris; Early Works, 1965-1972
106925: MORRIS, ALEXANDER - Nova Britannia; Our New Canadian Dominion Foreshadowed
118613: MORRIS, DESMOND - The Naked Ape; A Zoologist's Study of the Human Animal
126390: MORRIS, ALEXANDER - Nova Britannica, or Our Canadian Dominion Foreshadowed, Being a Series of Lectures, Speeches and Addresses
122180: MORRIS, DESMOND - The Naked Ape; A Zoologist's Study of the Human Animal
102765: MORRIS, RAYMOND N. - Behind the Jester's Mask. Canadian Editorial Cartoons About Dominant and Minority Groups 1960-1979
129831: MORRIS, ALEXANDER - The Treaties of Canada with the Indians of Manitoba and the North-West Territories, Including the Negotiations on Which They Were Based, and Other Information Relating Thereto
101834: MORRISON, DOROTHY - The Prairie Lily; Saskatchewan's Floral Emblem
201378: MORRISON, THEODORE - Chautauqua: A Center for Education, Religion and the Arts in America
124151: MORRISON, JEAN (EDITOR) - The North West Company in Rebellion; Simon Mcgillivray's Fort William Notebook, 1815
112013: MORRISON, TONI - Jazz
118126: MORRISON, DAVID - Arctic Hunters, the Inuit and Diamond Jenness
117640: MORRISON, R. BRUCE; WILSON, C. RODERICK (EDITORS) - Native Peoples; The Canadian Experience
129950: MORRISON, KAREN M. - A Madland Story; Rooted in Aseral
109371: MORRISON, DAVID R. - The Politics of the Yukon Territory, 1898-1909.
117009: MORRISON, DOROTHY - Tales the Eskimos Tell
122934: MORRISON, TONI - A Mercy
128007: MORRISON, CHAS. (EDITOR) - The History of the Year; A Review of the Events of 1891 All Around the World, with Special Reference to Canadian Affairs
114252: MORRISSEAU, NORVAL - Norval Morrisseau; Travels to the House of Invention
120386: MORRISSETTE, MARGARET (CHAIR) - Multiculturalism Legislation Framework Consultation Committee; August 1996 Report
106931: MORRISSETTE, GEORGE - Prairie Howl
106932: MORRISSETTE, GEORGE - Finding Mom at Eaton's
114130: MORRISSEY, KIM - Batoche
131458: MORROW, MARINA; MALCOE, LORRAINE HALINKA (EDITOR) - Critical Inquiries for Social Justice in Mental Health
100309: MEDICINE HAT. MORROW, J. W. - Early History of the Medicine Hat Country
101836: MORSE - Morse Memories
114633: MORSE, ERIC W. - Fur Trade Canoe Routes of Canada / Then and Now
201379: MORSE, SAMUEL FRENCH; BRYER, JACKSON R.; RIDDEL, JOSEPH N. - Wallace Stevens Checklist and Bibliography of Stevens Criticism
118736: MORSE, BRADFORD W. (EDITOR) - Aboriginal Peoples and the Law: Indian, Metis and Inuit Rights in Canada
106935: MORSE, BRADFORD W. (EDITOR) - Aboriginal Peoples and the Law: Indian, Metis and Inuit Rights in Canada
126773: MORSE, F.V. - Black Eagles Are Flying
130131: MORSE, ERIC W. - Fur Trade Canoe Routes of Canada / Then and Now
128197: MORSE, GARRY THOMAS - Rogue Cells / Carbon Harbour
116213: MORTENSEN, VIGGO - Recent Forgeries
129775: MORTIMER, RAYMOND - The French Pictures a Letter to Harriet
131752: MORTIMER, FAVELL LEE (BEVAN) 1802-1878 - The Peep of Day. Translated into the Language of the Ojibbeway Indians in the Diocese of Moosonee. By the Rev. J. Sanders, Matawakumma.
113354: MORTIMER, JOHN - The Summer of a Dormhouse
123647: MORTIMER, JOHN - Three Winters
126331: MORTIMER, JOHN - Rumpole
122467: MORTIMER, JOHN - Like Men Betrayed
129914: MORTIMER, RAYMOND - Duncan Grant
106940: MORTIN, JENNI - The Building of a Province: The Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities
121799: MORTIN, JENNI - A Prairie Town Goes to War
114795: MORTLACH - Time to Remember
130548: MORTON, W. L. - Monck Letters and Journals 1863 - 1868; Canada from Government House at Confederation
106970: MORTON, WILLIAM LEWIS - Manitoba: A History
114003: MORTON, WENDY - Private Eye
119292: MORTON, W. L. - Manitoba, the Birth of a Province
124989: MORTON, DESMOND - The Last War Drum
106972: MORTON, WILLIAM LEWIS - One University: A History of the University of Manitoba 1877-1952
113468: MORTON, WILLIAM LEWIS - Manitoba: A History
127237: MORTON, H.V. - In Search of England
131112: MORTON, DESMOND, COPP, TERRY - Working People
110122: MORTON, HARRY - The Wind Commands; Sailors and Sailing Ships in the Pacific
123622: MORTON, W. L. - The Canadian Identity
106971: MORTON, WILLIAM LEWIS - Manitoba: A History
106974: MORTON, WILLIAM LEWIS - Henry Youle Hind 1823-1908
106965: MORTON, WILLIAM LEWIS - The Progressive Party in Canada
106968: MORTON, WILLIAM LEWIS - The Bias of Prairie Politics
106952: MORTON, ARTHUR SILVER - Fort aux Trembles, Better Known as Isaac's House
106955: MORTON, ARTHUR SILVER - Sir George Simpson - Overseas Governor of the Hudson's Bay Company; a Pen Picture of a Man of Action
106956: MORTON, ARTHUR SILVER - Nipawi, on the Saskatchewan River, and Its Historical Sites
106958: MORTON, ARTHUR SILVER; KING, CARLYLE (EDITOR) - Saskatchewan: The Making of a University
106960: MORTON, DESMOND; ROY, REGINALD H. (EDITOR) - Telegrams of the North-West Campaign, 1885
116485: MORTON, DESMOND - When Your Number's Up; The Canadian Soldier in the First World War
106367: MANITOBA RECORD SOCIETY. MORTON, W.L. - Manitoba; the Birth of a Province
130832: MORTON, W. L. (WILLIAM LEWIS) - Manitoba; A History
128206: MORTON, ARTHUR SILVER; KING, CARLYLE (EDITOR) - Saskatchewan: The Making of a University
106943: MORTON, ARTHUR SILVER - The North West Company
102766: MORTON, JAMES - In the Sea of Sterile Mountains: The Chinese in British Columbia
125444: MOSBY - Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions, Tenth Edition
109374: MOSCOVITCH, ALLAN; DROVER, GLENN (EDITOR) - Inequality; Essays on the Political Economy of Social Welfare
113581: MOSELEY, KEITH - Flight (Great Planes of the Century)
113560: MOSELEY, K. - Mammiferes En Relief (Mammals in Relief)
126312: MOSER, MARY ANNE; WESTBURY, TIM - Nonscientific Unamerican
201380: MOSES, GRANDMA; CANADAY, JOHN - Grandma Moses; a Portfolio of Eight Paintings
130094: MOSES, EVA E. - Golden Is the Wheat
110205: MOSORIAK, ROY - The Curious History of Music Boxes
109375: MOSS, DAVID J. - Thomas Attwood: The Biography of a Radical
125240: MOSS, GWENNA (EDITOR) - Stories from the Road; Memories of Home Economics Extension at the University of Saskatchewan 1913-1980
203495: MOUL, DUNCAN; HILL, R.H. ERNEST - Picturesque Essex
120356: MOULE, THOMAS - The County Maps of Old England
104186: CREE. MOULIN, PIERRE MARIE CELESTIN (TRANS) - Catechisme en Cris
203505: MOULTON, RICHARD G. - The Ancient Classical Drama; a Study in Literary Evolution Intended for Readers in English and in the Original
128722: MOULTON, GARY E. (EDITOR) - The Journals of the Lewis & Clark Expedition June 10 - September 26,, 1806 (Volume 8)
124407: MOUNTED POLICE. ROYAL NORTH-WEST MOUNTE - Settlers and Rebels: 1882-1885
107007: MOUNTED POLICE. ROYAL NORTH-WEST MOUNTE - Settlers and Rebels: 1882-1885
130175: NEW CANADA / CANADIAN LIBERATION MOVEMENT - New Canada Volume 3, Number 5 December 1972
128433: CANADIAN LIBERATION MOVERMENT - New Canada Volume 6, Number 3 March 1975
107011: MOWAT, FARLEY - Never Cry Wolf
129594: MOWAT, FARLEY - Sibir; My Discovery of Siberia
202408: MOWAT, FARLEY - Farley Mowat Speaks Out on Canada's Role in Vietnam
124960: MOWAT, FARLEY - My Father's Son; Memories of War and Peace
117478: MOWAT, FARLEY - The Snow Walker
117480: MOWAT, FARLEY - People of the Deer; Death of a People - the Ihalmiut / Volume I
117482: MOWAT, FARLEY - Tundra; Selections from the Great Accounts of Arctic Land Voyages
117483: MOWAT, FARLEY - The Farfarers; Before the Norse
117484: MOWAT, FARLEY - The Farfarers; Before the Norse
117485: MOWAT, FARLEY - And No Birds Sang
123519: MOWAT, FARLEY - The Polar Passion
129708: MOWAT, FARLEY - Never Cry Wolf
116169: MOWAT, FARLEY - The Desperate People
116170: MOWAT, FARLEY - The Snow Walker
116160: MOWAT, FARLEY - Sibir; My Discovery of Siberia
131674: MOWAT, RUTH D. - All's Fair; The story of Ontario's Oldest Fair and its home Williamstown
122293: MOWAT, FARLEY - The Snow Walker
115157: MOWAT, FARLEY - A Whale for the Killing
121950: MOWAT, FARLEY - Walking on the Land
129704: MOWERY, WILLIAM BYRON - Sagas of the Mounted Police
107014: MOXHAM, WILLIAM. KENT, CHARLES DEANE (EDITOR) - The Manitoba Journal, 1885-1889, of William Moxham
119583: MOXLEY, BLANCHE - Wheat and Chaff
119584: MOXLEY, BLANCHE - Mustard Seed
100241: KENNETH A. MOYER - The Old Canoe
123485: MOYLES, R.G. - "Complaints Is Many and Various, But the Odd Divil Likes It"; Nineteenth Century View of Newfoundland
107015: MOYLES, R.G.; OWRAM, DOUG - Imperial Dreams and Colonial Realities: British Views of Canada, 1880-1914
128870: MOYLES, TRINA - Women Who Dig
119937: MOYNIHAN, RUTH; ARMITAGE, SUSAN; DICHAMP, CHRISTIANE FISCHER (EDITORS) - So Much to Be Done; Women Settlers on the Mining and Ranchng Frontier
125931: KALMAN, MR. & MRS. ANDRAS - English Naive Painting from the Collection of Mr. & Mrs. Andras Kalman
122855: BIG MUDDY - Big Muddy Country
122285: MIGUEL DE CERVANTES SAAVEDRA; MUELLER, HANS ALEXANDER (ILLUS.) - The First Part of the Life and Achievements of the Renowned Don Quixote de la Mancha
131529: DIOCESE OF MUENSTER (ST. PETER'S ABBACY) - A Journey of Faith; St. Peter's Abbacy: 1921-1996
129789: MÜHLBAUER, JEFF - Evidence for three distict nominal classes in Plains Cree (August 7, 2007)
127254: MUIR, RAMSAY - The Character of the British Empire
123312: MUIR, PERCY - English Children's Books 1600 to 1900
123200: GALLO, MIGUEL MUJICA ET AL. - Incas, Oro Del Peru [Vancouver Expo '86]
112014: MUKHERJEE, BHARATI - The Holder of the World
115530: MULCASTER, WYNONA; MOPPETT, GEORGE; ENWRIGHT, ROBERT - Wynona Mulcaster: A Survey 1973-1982
127704: DESCANT; MULHALLEN, KAREN [EDITOR IN CHIEF] (EDITOR) - Descant, a Winter Reader 155; Volume 42, No. 4 (Winter 2011)
129639: MULLER, ROBIN (RETOLD BY) - Mollie Whuppie and the Giant
127070: MULLER, HUGO - Why Don't You? A Look at Attitudes Towards Indians
130608: MULLER, HUGO - Waswanipi; Songs of a Scattered People
111325: MULLIGAN, HELEN; RYDER, WANDA - Ghost Towns of Manitoba
123053: MULLIN, L.J. "MOON"; OWENS, ELDON; MEACHER, DICK - Tom Sukanen and His Ship; Together at Last at the Sukanen Ship Pioneer Village and Museum
203086: MULTHAUF, ROBERT P. - The Origins of Chemistry
117400: MULVALE, JAMES P. - Reimagining Social Welfare; Beyond the Keynesian Welfare State
201383: MUMEY, NOLIE - Rocky Mountain Dick (Richard W. Rock): Stories of His Adventures in Capturing Wild Animals
114838: MUNCH, MARGARET - Wrens Making Nests: An Autobiography
107024: MUNGER, JAMES A. - Housing & Environmental Conditions in the Prairie Provinces, with Particular Emphasis on the Effects of Urbanization on Rural Housing and Public Facilities
201387: MUNGO, RAYMOND - Between Two Moons; a Technicolor Travelogue
124862: MUNHOLLAND, LOIS KNUDSON - Bread to Share. . . Stories About Saskatchewan's Early Lutheran Pastors and Their Wives; Volume I
127995: THE FEDERATION OF CANADIAN MUNICIPALITIES - First Nations-Municipal Community Infrastructure Partnership Program (Cipp) Service Agreement Toolkit
101146: THOMPSON MUNICIPALITY - The Hills of Home: A History of the Municipality of Thompson 1967
100688: ELTON MUNICIPALITY - Homesteaders and Homemakers; A History of Elton Municipality in Its First Century
115102: TOKE MUNN, HENRY - Prairie Trails and Arctic Byways
118122: MUNOZ, RIE; SHULER, JUDY - Rie Munoz, Alaskan Artist
125728: MUNOZ, DIANE - The Ancient Schools of Wisdom; A Collection of Teachings from Ramtha
201389: MUNRO, ALICE - Lives of Girls and Women
201392: MUNRO, NEIL - Ayrshire Idylls
201390: MUNRO, ALICE - Dance of the Happy Shades and Other Stories
119176: MUNRO, ALICE - Runaway
113611: MUNRO, ALICE - Selected Stories
127392: MUNRO, ALICE - Dance of the Happy Shades; Stories by Alice Munro
113289: MUNRO, ALICE - Runaway
127208: MUNRO, ALICE - Runaway
114805: CHAMPLAIN SOCIETY. MUNRO, WILLIAM BENNETT PH.D., LL.B. - Documents Relating to the Seigniorial Tenure in Canada 1598 - 1854`
117870: DIEFENBAKER. MUNRO, JOHN A. (EDITOR) (EDITOR) - The Wit and Wisdom of John Diefenbaker
117596: MUNRO, ALICE - Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage
117595: MUNRO, ALICE - The View from Castle Rock
117594: MUNRO, ALICE - The Moons of Jupiter
128628: MUNRO, J. - Pioneers of Electricity; Or Short Lives of the Great Electricians
120611: MUNRO, ALICE - Family Furnishings; Selected Stories, 1995-2014
117442: MUNRO, ALICE - The Progress of Love
117394: MUNRO, ALICE - The Love of a Good Woman
131601: MUNRO, ALICE - Something I've Been Meaning To Tell You. . . thirteen stories
116576: MUNRO, ALICE - Open Secrets
116575: MUNRO, ALICE - The Progress of Love
116521: MUNRO, ALICE - Friend of My Youth
126905: MUNRO, ALICE - Friend of My Youth
119662: DIEFENBAKER. MUNRO, JOHN A. (EDITOR) (EDITOR) - The Wit and Wisdom of John Diefenbaker
126109: MUNRO, ALICE - The Progress of Love
119674: MUNRO, ALICE - Too Much Happiness
116039: MUNSTERHJELM, ERIK - Fool's Gold; a Narrative of Prospecting and Trapping in Northern Canada
128983: MURAKAMI, HARUKI - The Second Bakery Attack
128984: MURAKAMI, HARUKI - Noruwei no Mori / Norwegian Wood (Volume II)
130422: MURAKAMI, HARUKI - after the quake
130421: MURAKAMI, HARUKI - What I Talk About When I Talk About Running
131519: MURAKAMI, HARUKI - Novelist As a Vocation
129647: MURAKAMI, HARUKI - Wind / Pinball
110177: MURDOCH, IRIS - The Philosopher's Pupil
110178: MURDOCH, IRIS - The Good Apprentice
116271: ART GALLERY OF ONTARIO; MURDOCH, JOHN - Forty-Two British Watercolours from the Victoria and Albert Museum
114274: MURDOCK, GEORGE PETER - Ethnographic Bibliography of North America
124235: MURI, ALLISON - The Hystery of the Broken Fether
118921: MURI, ALLISON - The Hystery of the Broken Fether
123842: MURIE, ADOLPH; MURIE, OLAUS (SKETCHES); OTT, CHARLES J. (PHOTOS) - Mammals of Mount McKinley National Park Alaska
201395: MURPHY, ROBERT CUSHMAN - Oceanic Birds of South America; a Study of Species of the Related Coasts and Seas, Including the American Quadrant of Antarctica Based upon the Brewster-Sanford Collection in the American Museum of Natural History
202770: MURPHY, JOSEPH JOHN - Habit and Intelligence, in Their Connexion with the Laws of Matter and Force: A Series of Scientific Essays
130820: MURPHY, J. T. - The Workers' Committee; An Outline of Its Principles and Structure No. 1
201397: MURRAY, W.H.H. - Daylight Land. The Experiences, Incidents, and Adventures, Humorous and Otherwise, Which Befel Judge John Doe, Tourist, of San Francisco; Mr. Cephas Pepperell, Capitalist, of Boston; Colonel Goffe, the Man from New Hampshire, and Divers Others..
203465: MURRAY, JOAN - The Last Buffalo; The Story of Frederick Arthur Verner, Painter of the Canadian West
202771: MURRAY, GORDON - Medicine in the Making
114576: MURRAY, JOAN - Northern Lights; Masterpieces of Tom Thomson and the Group of Seven
120280: MURRAY, JOAN (FOREWORD); HARPER, J. RUSSELL (INTRODUCTION) - 'twas Ever Thus; A Selection of Eastern Canadian Folk Art
118651: MURRAY, GEORGE - Poems
112463: MURRAY, BENJAMIN L. - Standards and Tests for Reagent Chemicals
110860: MURRAY, ROBERT - [Christmas Card]
109808: MURRAY, ROBERT; MARSHALL, NEIL - Robert Murray
109591: MURRAY, J. CLARK - Epimetheus to My Students
119824: MURRAY, W.H.H. - Daylight Land. The Experiences, Incidents, and Adventures, Humorous and Otherwise, Which Befel Judge John Doe, Tourist, of San Francisco; Mr. Cephas Pepperell, Capitalist, of Boston; Colonel Goffe, the Man from New Hampshire, and Divers Others..
123343: MURRAY, JOAN - Alex Cameron in Mid-Career
122735: MURRAY, JOAN - Lawren Harris; An Introduction to His Life and Art
122539: MURRAY, MAUREEN (EDITOR) - Saskatchewan Museums; A Traveller's Discovery Guide
131672: MURRAY, ANNIE - H. G. Wells: A Scientific Romance No. 1
115344: LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC; GENERAL JAS. MURRAY - Manuscript Relating to the History of Canada; "The Invasion of Canada in 1775" Bound with "A Dialogue in Hades; A Parallel of Military Errors, of Which the French and English Armies Were Guilty, During the Campaign of 1759, in Canada."
114076: MUSCARELLA, OSCAR WHITE (EDITED BY) - Ancient Art - the Norbert Schimmel Collection
127495: ROYAL SASKATCHEWAN MUSEUM - Policy for the Management and Repatriation of Sacred and Culturally Sensitive Objects of Aboriginal Origin in the Ethnology Reserve Collection
114561: MOOSE JAW MUSEUM & ART GALLERY; FAFARD, JOE (FOREWARD BY) - Russell Yuristy...A Kind of Abandon
114918: NICKLE ARTS MUSEUM - Striving for Ideal Resolution / Tendre Vers Une Solution Ideale
124917: GUGGENHEIM HERMITAGE MUSEUM - Masterpieces and Master Collectors; Impressionist and Early Modern Paintings from the Hermitage and Guggenheim Museums
120048: DAVID M. STEWART MUSEUM - The Discovery of the World; Maps of the Earth and the Cosmos
114745: PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES; PROVINCIAL MUSEUM - Interior Salish; British Columbia Heritage Series 1 Volume 3
114748: PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES; PROVINCIAL MUSEUM - Kootenay; British Columbia Heritage Series 1 Volume 8
114750: PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES; PROVINCIAL MUSEUM - Dene; British Columbia Heritage Series 1 Volume 9
114752: PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES; PROVINCIAL MUSEUM - Queen Charlotte Islands; British Columbia Heritage Series 2 Volume 1
116382: GLENBOW MUSEUM - Podoby Zeme Kanadska Graphik 1919-1945
131026: GREATER VERNON MUSEUM AND ARCHIVES - Valley of Dreams a Pictorial History of Vernon and District
116257: VANCOUVER MUSEUM, WATT, ROBERT D. - Cabinets of Curiosities; Collections of the Vancouver Museum 1894-1981
114283: NICKLE ARTS MUSEUM - That Still Place...That Place Still
125681: NATIONAL MARITIME MUSEUM - Voyages & Travel; Volume One
122063: GLENBOW MUSEUM - Gaylen C. Hansen
115074: GLENBOW MUSEUM - Multiple Associations: Five Alberta Artists
114965: ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM - Indians of the Plains
114964: ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM - Algonkians of the Eastern Woodlands
112970: MUSGRAVE, SUSAN - Hag Head
112167: BISSETT, BILL; GOM; MUSGRAVE ET AL; HILMO, MAIDIE (EDITOR) - Treeline II; North Country Writers
111920: MUSGRAVE, SUSAN - Tarts and Muggers; Poems New and Selected
110252: MUSGRAVE, SUSAN - A Man to Marry a Man to Bury
107034: MUSGRAVE, SUSAN - The Charcoal Burners
122792: MUSGRAVE, SUSAN - Selected Strawberries and Other Poems
119690: MUSGRAVE, SUSAN - The Dancing Chicken
125566: MUSGRAVE, SUSAN - I Do Not Know If Things That Happen Can Be Said to Come to Pass or Only Happen
102768: MUSTE, A.J.; VERIGIN, J.J.; MAKAROFF, PETER G., ET AL - Manifestations for Peace; Experiences at Suffield (Alberta), July 5, 1964 & Orcadia (Saskatchewan), November 28, 1964
110910: MUTHANNA, I.M. - People of India in North America (Part First)
202772: MYER, JESSE S. - Life and Letters of Dr. William Beaumont
115290: MYER, DR. MICHAEL - A Sound of Wings; Poems by Dr. Michael Myer
201399: MYERS MYERS, JOHN - Doc Holliday: The Life of the Famous Desperado of the Old West
120308: MYERS, MARYBELLE (COMPILED AND EDITED BY) - Things Made by Inuit / [Syllabics]
129020: MYERS, PATRICIA A. - Preserving Women's History; An Introductory Guide to Preserving the Records of Women's Lives
107039: MYLES, EUGENIE LOUISE - Airborne from Edmonton
203715: WILLIAMSON, C.N. AND A.M. - The Princess Passes; a Romance of a Motor
105289: HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. AGNEW, N. - Our Water Supply; Suggestions As to the Water We Drink, and Where to Get It From
105310: HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. BRYCE, GEO.; BELL, C.N. - Original Letters and Other Documents Relating to the Selkirk Settlement
125711: ANGRNA'NAAQ, RUBY - Sanavik Cooperative Baker Lake 1976 Prints / Estampes
130505: NABOKOV, PETER - Two Leggings; The Making of a Crow Warrior
117255: FEHER, MICHEL; RAMONA NADDAFF AND NADIA - Fragments for a History of the Human Body; Part Three
124101: NADEL, IRA B. - Various Positions; A Life of Leonard Cohen
114597: NAGLER, MARK - Indians in the City; A Study of the Urbanization of Indians in Toronto
114872: NAGLER, MARK - Perspectives on the North American Indians
118368: NAGY, MURIELLE IDA - Yukon North Slope Inuvialuit Oral History
125397: NAIRNE, SANDY; FERGUSON, BRUCE - Space Invaders
123521: NAKONECHNY, PHYLLIS - Vidh; A Book of Mourning
125994: NANSEN, FRIDTJOF; OTTO SVERDRUP (APPENDIX BY) - Farthest North: Being the Record of a Voyage of Exploration of the Ship "Fram" 1893-96 and of a Fifteen Months' Sleigh Journey by Dr. Nansen and Lieut. Johansen [One Volume Only]
127258: NAPIER, J.S. - Memories of Building the U.A.W.
105352: HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. BELL, CHARLES NAPIER - The Journal of Henry Kelsey (1691-1692); The First White Man to Reach the Saskatchewan River from Hudson Bay, and the First to See Buffalo, and Grizzly Bear on the Canadian Plains...
105349: HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. BELL, CHARLES NAPIER - The Earliest Fur Traders on the Upper Red River and Red Lake Minn. (1783-1810)
105308: HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. BELL, CHARLES NAPIER - Henry's Journal, Covering Adventures and Experiences in the Fur Trade on the Red River, 1799-1801
117250: NASBY, DAVID - Permanence and Change
123154: NASBY, JUDITH [DIRECTOR] - Qamanittuaq Drawings by Baker Lake Artists from the Collection of the MacDonald Stewart Art Centre
126954: NASGAARD, ROALD - Abstract Painting in Canada
111389: NASH, OGDEN - The Fanciful World of Ogden Nash; Readings by the Author with Music Composed and Conducted by Glenn Osser
107043: NASH, RONALD J. - Archaeological Investigations in the Transitional Forest Zone; Northern Manitoba, Southern Keewatin, N. W. T.
112513: NASON, JOHN W. - The New School - 1919-1944 - Twenty-Fifth Anniversary
201402: NATHAN, ROBERT - A Winter Tide: Sonnets & Poems
109483: NATHAN, ROBERT - Road of Ages
127735: KAWACATOOSE CREE NATION - Meskanawiyiniwak; Kawacatoose First Nation Elders
202773: NATION, EARL F.; ROLAND, CHARLES G.; MCGOVERN, JOHN P. - An Annotated Checklist of Osleriana
128724: GOVERNMENT OF CANADA; LITTLE SALMON / CARMACKS FIRST NATION - Little Salmon / Carmacks First Nation Final Agreement between the Government of Canada, the Little Salmon / Carmacks First Nation and the Government of the Yukon and Little Salmon / Carmacks First Natin Self-Government Agreement (Two Volumes)
113877: COMMISSION ON FIRST NATIONS AND METIS PEOPLES - Working Together; Interim Report - November 20, 2003
123948: FEDERATION OF SASKATCHEWAN INDIAN NATIONS (F.S.I.N.) - Saskatchewan Indian, Winter 2001
117196: FEDERATION OF SASKATCHEWAN INDIAN NATIONS - Saskatchewan and Aboriginal Peoples in the 21st Century: Social, Economic and Political Changes and Challenges
124701: FIRST NATIONS AND INUIT HEALTH BRANCH / HEALTH CANADA / MCLEOD, CLAY - It Takes a Community; Framework for the First Naions and Inuit Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Effects Initiative; A Resource Manual for Community-Based Prevention of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Effects
121349: UNITED NATIONS - The International Bill of Human Rights
203620: ANON.; "A NATIVE - Recollections of Dublin Castle & of Dublin Society
107051: NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF MANITOBA; JACKSON, V.W., ET AL - Check List of Manitoba Flora (With Notes)
113912: BIRDS AND NATURE - Birds and Nature Vol. IV No.2 March-April 1917
200426: NAVARRETE, DOMINGO; CUMMINS, J.S. (EDITOR) - The Travels and Controversies of Friar Domingo Navarrete 1618-1686
115152: HIS MAJESTY'S ROYAL NAVIES - A Selection of Ships' Badges
130134: NAVRADY, AARON - The Cold Fire; Chapter 2 - Piercing the Defenses
130135: NAVRADY, AARON - The Cold Fire; Chapter III - The Nightcap
118769: BIRCH HILLS; NAYLOR, NELLIE - The Naylor Farm Home; Birch Hills
114434: NAYSMITH, JOHN K. - North of 60: Land Use and Public Policy in Northern Canada
129011: O'NEAIL, HAZEL - Doukhobor Daze
124491: NEATBY, K. W. (DIRECTOR); PICKERSGILL, T. B. (ASST. DIRECTOR) - Seedtime & Harvest; Saskatchewan Edition; Vol.1, No. 2
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124220: NEATBY, LESLIE H. - The Search for Franklin
117988: NEATBY, LESLIE H. - The Search for Franklin
107055: NEATBY, K.W. - An Illustrated Guide to Prairie Weeds
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126383: NEATBY, LESLIE H. - In Quest of the Northwest Passage
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107059: NEEDLER, G.H. - Louis Riel; the Rebellion of 1885
126724: NEEDLER, G.H. - The Lone Shieling: Origin and Authorship of the Blackwood "Canadian Boat-Song"
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101863: NEIBRANDT, FRED - Intriguing Interludes: Zestful and Zany
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129394: NEIHARDT, JOHN G. - The Ancient Memory and Other Stories
131509: GAIMAN, NEIL; ET AL - The Sandman; Season of the Mists
131510: GAIMAN, NEIL; ET AL - The Sandman; The Kindly Ones
131511: GAIMAN, NEIL; ET AL - The Sandman; A Game of You
101865: NEILBURG - 40th Anniversary, Manitou Eavngelical Free Church, Neilburg, Saskatchewan
202160: NEILL, JOHN REA - Three Little Pigs; and How They Went Out into the Wide World to Seek Their Fortunes
131633: O'NEILL, EUGENE - Long Day's Journey into Night
123085: O'NEILL, J.F. - Foundations of Magic; Techniques & Spells That Work
120375: NEILSON, WILLIAM ALLAN (EDITOR IN CHIEF); BETHEL, JOHN P. (GENERAL EDITOR) - Webster's Biographical Dictionary
131076: NEILSON, HELEN R. - MacDonald College of McGill University 1907-1988; A Profile of a Campus
130564: NELSON, J. G. - Man's Impact on the Western Canadian Landscape
124169: NELSON, FERNE - Barefoot on the Prairie: Memories of Life on a Prairie Homestead
118502: NELSON, R. A. (ALSO WRITES AS ROBERT A. NELSON, AND BOB NELSON) - Club and Party Mentalism
117894: NELSON, RICHARD - The Island Within
131110: NELSON, DOUG - Hotcakes to High Stakes the Chuckwagon Story
125451: THOMAS NELSON AND SONS LTD. / HIGHROADS - Nelson's Highroads; Pronouncing and Etymological; With Appendix Containing Foreign Words and Phrases; With Supplement
107064: NELSON, FERNE - Barefoot on the Prairie: Memories of Life on a Prairie Homestead
107065: NELSON, J.G. - The Last Refuge
107066: NELSON, MARIE - They Gathered at the River; a Centennial History of the McDougall Mission 1873-83, Calgary Methodist Church 1883-1905, Central Methodist Church 1905-1925, Central United Church 1925-1975
129182: NELSON (OLSON), PEARL C. - Ohlen District Homesteads: The First Swedish Settlement in Saskatchewan; A Tribute in Photos
130996: NELSON, RUTH ASHTON; LEAKE, DOROTHY V. (DRAWINGS) - Handbook of Rocky Mountain Plants
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131410: FORT NELSON; FORT NELSON - The Fort Nelson Story - the Story of How a Town Grew Out of the Wilderness
100286: LUCERNE SCHOOL DISTRICT. NELSON, ETHEL - Wild Flowers and Buffalo Bones; a Parade of Pioneers
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113040: NEMEC, DAVID - 20th Century Baseball Chronicle; A Year by Year History of Major Legue Baseball
112812: NEMES, GUSTAV - Kanada Tortenelme
202979: DE NERCIAT, ANDREA - Felicia ou mes Fredaines
101830: NERO, ROBERT W.; LEIN, M. ROSS - Birds of Moose Mountain, Saskatchewan
107068: NERO, ROBERT W. - Birds of the Lake Athabasca Region, Saskatchewan
107067: NERO, ROBERT W. - The Birds of Northeastern Saskatchewan
107069: NESBITT, LEONARD D. - Tides in the West: A Wheat Pool History
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125990: NETTER, FRANK H., M.D. - The C.I.B.A. A Collection of Medical Illustrations Volume 1: A Compilation of Paintings on the Normal and Pathologic Anatomy of the Nervous System
125989: NETTER, FRANK H., M.D. - The C.I.B.A. A Collection of Medical Illustrations Volume 2: A Compilation of Paintings on the Normal and Pathologic Anatomy of the Reproductive System
131011: NEU, DEAN; THERRIEN, RICHARD - Accounting for Genocide; Canada's Bureaucratic Assault on Aboriginal People
201406: NEUBURG, VICTOR E. - The Penny Histories: A Study of Chapbooks for Young Readers Over Two Centuries
128765: BORDEN LIBRARY BOARD; NEUFELD, DAVID - The Borden Bridge; An Assessment of Heritage Significance
113443: NEUFELD, J.B. - Wild Flowers of the Prairie
110706: NEUFELD, ERNEST - Ernestly!; Happy Yesterdays
110469: NEUFELD, G.G. - Die Geschichte Der Whitewater Mennoniten Gemeinde in Manitoba, Canada 1925-1965
131048: NEUFELD, E. P. - A Global Corporation; A History of the International Deveopment of Massey-Freguson Limited
109707: NEUFELD, E.P. - Bank of Canada Operations 1935-54
117161: NEUFELD, CLINT - Grandpa Used to Wash My Hands with Gasoline
128426: NEUFELD, DR. PETER LORENZ - Prairie People
100951: NEUFELD, LORENZ - Aurora
102770: NEUFELD, LORENZ - Aurora
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127563: BUBER-NEUMANN, MARGARETE - Als Gefangene Bei Stalin Und Hitler; Eine Welt Im Dunkel
120896: NEVILL, RALPH - Old Sporting Prints
101868: NEVILLE - Neville; The Golden Years 1900-1980
123262: NEVILLE - Neville; The Golden Years 1900-1980
203110: (DENTISTRY); NEVIN, JOHN J. - Arabian Nights in Dentistry
130206: NEVINS, JR., FRANCIS M. (EDITOR) - The Mystery Writer's Art
107072: NEVITT, R.B.; DEMPSEY, HUGH A. (EDITOR) - A Winter at Fort MacLeod
109379: NEW, W.H. - Dreams of Speech and Violence: The Art of the Short Story in Canada and New Zealand
130103: NEWCOMB, WILLIAM W. - The Culture and Acculturation of the Delaware Indians
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