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Click on booknumber for full information
100682: NEWFIELD, ELKHORN, LITTLE BRIDGE, MURPHY CREEK - Search for Yesteryears; A History of Newfield School and Districts of Elkhorn, Little Bridge, Murphy Creek, Newfield and Teddington
128775: NEWHOUSE, DAVID; FITZMAURICE, KEVIN; MCGUIRE-ADAMS, TRICIA; JETTE, DANIEL (EDITOR) - Well-Being in the Urban Aboriginal Community; Fostering Biimaadiziwin, a National Research Conference on Urban Aboriginal Peoples
120972: NEWHOUSE, DAVID; PETERS, EVELYN (EDITORS) - Not Strangers in These Parts; Urban Aboriginal Peoples
120697: NEWLANDS, ANNE - The Group of Seven and Tom Thomson; An Introduction
122414: NEWLANDS, ANNE - Canadian Art from Its Beginnings to 2000
107076: NEWLOVE, HAROLD J. - Fiddlers of the Canadian West
121320: NEWLOVE, JOHN - The Green Plain
112666: NEWLOVE, JOHN - Moving in Alone
125187: NEWLOVE, JOHN - Apology for Absence; Selected Poems 1962-1992
107080: NEWMAN, PETER C. - Company of Adventurers; Volume 1
128360: NEWMAN, FRANK; WEISSBRODT, DAVID - International Human Rights: law, policy, and process
123524: NEWMAN, JOHN Q. - Be Your Own Dick: Private Investigating Made Easy
116851: NEWMAN, PETER C. - Promise of the Pipeline
107078: NEWMAN, MARKETA (EDITOR) - Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Artists: Women Artists
107079: NEWMAN, MARKETA (EDITOR) - Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Artists: Men Artists
107081: NEWMAN, PETER C. - Caesars of the Wilderness: Company of Adventurers, Volume 2
107083: NEWMAN, PETER C. - Empire of the Bay: An Illustrated History of the Hudson's Bay Company
119816: NEWMAN, DWIGHT G. - Revisiting the Duty to Consult Aboriginal Peoples
126224: NEWMAN, PETER C. - Company of Adventurers; Volume 1
104395: DIEFENBAKER. NEWMAN, PETER C. - Renegade in Power: The Diefenbaker Years
125197: THE LEADER POST [NEWPAPER] - The Leader Post; RCMP Centennial Edition
125457: CANADA RAILWAY NEWS - Souvenir View Book of Scenic Canada
129089: GUARDIAN INDEPENDENT RADICAL NEWSPAPER - Guardian Independent Radical Newspaper Vol. 21 Number 41; July 19, 1969
127295: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (December 16, 1984), Number 51
127294: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (July 22, 1984), Number 30
127293: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (June 17, 1984), Number 25
127292: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (November 16, 1984), Number 47
127291: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (August 5, 1984), Number 31
127290: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (September 2, 1984), Number 36
127289: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (November 11, 1984), Number 46
127288: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (August 28, 1984), Number 35
127287: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (November 4, 1984), Number 45
127286: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (July 1, 1984), Number 27
127285: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (December 2, 1984), Number 49
127284: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (May 20, 1984), Number 21
127283: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (October 14, 1984) Number 42
127282: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (August 19, 1984) Number 34
127281: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (December 9, 1984) Number 50
127280: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (November 25, 1984) Number 48
127279: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (December 23, 1984) Number 52
127278: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (June 10, 1984) Number 24
127277: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (September 9, 1984) Number 37
127276: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (September 16, 1984) Number 38
127275: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (June 3, 1984) Number 23
127096: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (May 27, 1984) Number 22
127095: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (September 23, 1984) Number 39
127093: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (October 21, 1984) Number 43
129092: GUARDIAN INDEPENDENT RADICAL NEWSPAPER - Guardian Independent Radical Newspaper Vol. 22 Number 16; January 17, 1970
129093: GUARDIAN INDEPENDENT RADICAL NEWSPAPER - Guardian Independent Radical Newspaper Vol. 22 Number 17; January 24, 1970
128105: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (December 14, 1969) Number 50
128104: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (June 24, 1984) Number 26
128102: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (July 8, 1984) Number 28
128101: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (October 28, 1984) Number 44
128100: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (July 15, 1984) Number 29
128099: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (August 12, 1984) Number 33
128098: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (September 30, 1984) Number 40
129088: GUARDIAN INDEPENDENT RADICAL NEWSPAPER - Guardian Independent Radical Newspaper Vol. 22 Number 24; March 14, 1970
128097: EPHEMERA; NEWSPAPER - Gramma Weekly Review (October 7, 1984) Number 41
129087: GUARDIAN INDEPENDENT RADICAL NEWSPAPER - Guardian Independent Radical Newspaper Vol. 21 Number 40; July 12, 1969
129086: GUARDIAN INDEPENDENT RADICAL NEWSPAPER - Guardian Independent Radical Newspaper Vol. 21 Number 44; August 16, 1969
129090: GUARDIAN INDEPENDENT RADICAL NEWSPAPER - Guardian Independent Radical Newspaper Vol. 21 Number 31; May 3, 1969
129091: GUARDIAN INDEPENDENT RADICAL NEWSPAPER - Guardian Independent Radical Newspaper Vol. 21 Number 27; April 5, 1969
113996: NEWTON, NORMAN - On the Broken Mountain
202872: NEWTON, NORMAN - The House of Gods
107088: NEWTON, WILLIAM - Twenty Years on the Saskatchewan, N.W. Canada
115782: NEWTON, JOANNE WILLIS; BOBBISH-SALT, LUCI (EDITOR) - Once upon This Land; The Legend of Aayaasaau
110420: COPERNICUS; NEYMAN, JERZY (EDITOR) - The Heritage of Copernicus: Theories "Pleasing to the Mind"
126635: NICCOLI, RICCARDO - History of Flight from the Flying Machine of Leonardo Da Vinci to the Conquest of the Space
123046: BP NICHOL - Journeying & the Returns
113623: NICHOLS, BEVERLEY - The Stream That Stood Still
127379: NICHOLS, JOHN D.; OGG, ARDEN C.; BLAIN, ELEANOR M. - Nikotwasik Iskwahtem, Paskihtepayih! Studies in Honour of H.C. Wolfart; A Moraic Analysis of Syllables in Ojibwe
111867: NICHOLS, JOHN D.; OGG, ARDEN C. - Nikotwasik Iskwahtem, Paskihtepayih! Studies in Honour of H.C. Wolfart Including: Hudson Bay Trader's Cree / P. Bakker --A Moraic Analysis of Syllables in Minnesota Ojibwe / E. Blain --Stability and Variability in Chipewyan Phonology? / E. Cook --Between Grammar and Cognition : The Expression of Definiteness in Plains Cree / D. Cyr --Narrative Structure of a Fox Text / A. Dahlstrom --What Are Texts for These Days? / R. Darnell --Conjurors : The Use of Evidentials in Montagnais Secondhand Narratives / L. Drapeau --Ex Occidente Lux : Catastrophic Volcanism in Greek and Dene Oral Tradition / R. Egan --Theory, Literary Texts and Empiricism / P. Fortier --Two Hua Texts / J. Haiman --Voice in Algonquian Verbs / C. Hockett --Arikara Rhetoric : Et
123640: NICHOLS, RUBY - Songs from Then and Now
123552: NICHOLS, JOHN - The Sterile Cuckoo
115706: NICHOLS, JOHN D. (EDITOR) - Papers of the Thirty-First Algonquian Conference
115707: NICHOLS, JOHN D. - Actes Du Trente-Deuxieme Congres Des Algonquinistes [Papers of the Algonquian Conference] in French
115709: NICHOLS, JOHN D. - Papers of the Thirtieth Algonquian Conference
115661: NICHOLS, JOHN D.; OGG, ARDEN C. - Nikotwasik Iskwahtem, Paskihtepayih! Studies in Honour of H.C. Wolfart Including: Hudson Bay Trader's Cree / P. Bakker --A Moraic Analysis of Syllables in Minnesota Ojibwe / E. Blain --Stability and Variability in Chipewyan Phonology? / E. Cook --Between Grammar and Cognition : The Expression of Definiteness in Plains Cree / D. Cyr --Narrative Structure of a Fox Text / A. Dahlstrom --What Are Texts for These Days? / R. Darnell --Conjurors : The Use of Evidentials in Montagnais Secondhand Narratives / L. Drapeau --Ex Occidente Lux : Catastrophic Volcanism in Greek and Dene Oral Tradition / R. Egan --Theory, Literary Texts and Empiricism / P. Fortier --Two Hua Texts / J. Haiman --Voice in Algonquian Verbs / C. Hockett --Arikara Rhetoric : Et
120974: NICHOLS, JOHN D.; NYHOLM, EARL - A Concise Dictionary of Minnesota Ojibwe
201415: NICHOLSON, NORMAN L. - The Boundaries of Canada: Its Provinces and Territories
129664: NICHOLSON, W. - Totem Lore
120562: FAIRVIEW. NICHOLSON, HAROLD; ROBERTS, DALE T. (EDITOR) - Heart of Gold; Fairview, 1928-1978; 50
128486: PROVINCIAL MUSEUM OF ALBERTA; NICK, TRUDY (CURATOR) - The Creative Tradition; Indian Handicrafts and Tourist Art
131664: MIKA, NICK AND HELMA - United Empire Loyalists; Pioneers of Upper Canada
123410: NICKEL, JACOB J. - Betrachtungen Über Die Bergpredigt Unsers Herrn Jesu Christi
128246: NICKEL, SARAH; FEHR, AMANDA - In Good Relations; History, Gender, and Kinship in Indigenous Feminisms
129280: NICKELS, NICK - Canada Canoe Routes
115817: NICKERSON, SHEILA - Midnight to the North; The Untold Story of the the Inuit Woman Who Saved the Polaris Expedition
115967: NICKERSON, E.B. - Kayaks to the Arctic
127808: NICKLES, SARA; SHACOCHIS, BOB (INTRODUCTION) (EDITOR) - Drinking, Smoking, and Screwing: Great Writers on Good Times
112952: NICOL, JOHN - The All-Red Route; From Halifax to Victoria in a 1912 Reo
111687: NICOL, FRANCOIS. (PERE TRAPPISTE) - Une Trappe dans un Pays de Missions, Notre-Dame des Prairies, St. Norbert, Manitoba, Canada; Cinquante annees de vie contemplative 1892-1942
107089: NICOL, ERIC (EDITOR) - Dickens of the Mounted: The Astounding Long-Lost Letters of Inspector F. Dickens N W M P 1874-1886
107090: NICOL, FRANCOIS. (PERE TRAPPISTE) - Une Trappe dans un Pays de Missions, Notre-Dame des Prairies, St. Norbert, Manitoba, Canada; Cinquante annees de vie contemplative 1892-1942
125140: NICOL, ERIC - Shall We Join the Ladies?
109509: NICOLL, ALLARDYCE - A History of Early Eighteenth Century Drama 1700-1750
109510: NICOLL, ALLARDYCE - A History of Late Eighteenth Century Drama 1750 to 1800
128285: NICOLL, JIM; GLENBOW-ALBERTA INSTITUTE - Paintings and Poetry
121051: NICOLSON, HAROLD; NICOLSON, NIGEL (EDITOR) - Harold Nicolson: Diaries and Letters [3 Volumes]
121073: NICOLSON, NIGEL - Portrait of a Marriage
201418: NIEDEREHE, HANS-JOSEF; KOERNER, KONRAD (EDITOR) - History and Historiography of Linguistics: Papers from the Fourth International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (Ichols Iv), Trier, 24-28 August 1987
113938: NIEDERMEYER, DR. ALBERT - Compendium of Pastoral Medicine
117120: NIELSEN, KENNETH F (EDITOR) - Proceedings of the Canadian Centennial Wheat Symposium
110066: NIEMEYER, WILHELM - Gottschalk / Der Monch; Eine Fruhgestalt Deutscher Frommigkeit
122299: NIKIFORUK, ANDREW - Saboteurs; Wiebo Ludwig's War Against Big Oil
130082: NILSON, BOB; NASH, OGDEN (FOREWORD) - The Hanging Book
131087: NIMCHUK, DOROTHY - One Extraordinary Man; The Great Escape
127320: NIN, ANAIS - A Spy in the House of Love
131577: NIN, ANAÏS; CLARKE, BOB CARLOS - The Illustrated Delta of Venus
131336: NIN, ANAÏS - Fire; from A Journal of Love The Unexpurgated Diary of Anaïs Nin 1934-1937
128988: NIN, ANAIS - Seduction of the Minotaur
130143: NINGEWANCE, PATRICIA M. - Ojibwe Thesaurus: First Edition
123323: NINGEWANCE, CHRISTIE; NINGEWANCE, PATRICIA - Gii-Nitaa-Aadisooke; Ojibwe Legends from Lac Seul
101872: NIPAWIN - Between Two Rivers
101873: NIPAWIN - Bridging the Years
121343: NISKALA, BRENDA - Emma's Horizon
122170: NISKALA, BRENDA - For the Love of Strangers
117893: NIVEN, JENNIFER - Ada Blackjack: A True Story of Survival in the Arctic
107097: NIVEN, FREDERICK - Mine Inheritance
125439: NIVEN, FREDERICK - The Paisley Shawl
100957: NIVERVILLE - Niverville: A History, 1878-1986
107099: NIX, JAMES EARNEST - Mission Among the Buffalo; the Labours of the Reverends George M. And John C. McDougall in the Canadian North-West, 1860-1876
109740: NIXON, HOWARD M. - English Restoration Bookbindings; Samuel Mearne and His Contemporaries
129326: NIXON, ELVA - Fifty Years to Gold; Synchronized Swimming in Saskatchewan (1941-1991)
107101: NOBLE, CHARLES - Afternoon Starlight
128457: HERBERT; NOBLE, A.A.; BOORAH, PAUL - Herbert; Photo Image Story and Verse 1879-1980
124581: NOEL, MARY - Villains Galore; The Heyday of the Popular Story Weekly
126946: NOGUCHI, THOMAS - The Isamu Noguchi Garden Museum
128024: NOKONY, DENIS; MENDEL ART GALLERY - Figure in Landscape: Drawings by Denis Nokony
120292: NONE - Who's Who in Atoms; An International Reference Book, 1959
120094: [NONE] - Who Was Who: A Companion to "Who's Who" Containing the Biographies of Those Who Died During the Period, 1897-1916 [With] ...1916-1928
120091: [NONE] - Who's Who and Why, 1917-18
101876: NOONAN, BRIAN - Saskatchewan Separate Schools
127459: NOONAN, BRIAN; HALLMAN, DIANNE; SCHARF, MURRAY (EDITOR) - A History of Education in Saskatchewan
105684: KELLY, NORA & WILLIAM - The Royal Canadian Mounted Police; a Century of History 1873 - 1973
101104: ST. NORBERT - Abbaye N.-D. des Prairies; St. Norbert, Manitoba
124020: NORDEGG, MARTIN; KOCH, MARIA [TRANSLATION} - To the Town That Bears Your Name; A Young Woman's Journey to Nordegg in 1912
118722: NORIE, J.W. - A Complete Epitome of Practical Navigation, and Nautical Astronomy, Containing All Necessary Instructions for Keeping a Ship's Reckoning at Sea: With the Most Approved Methods of Ascertaining the Latitude and Longitude and Every Requisite to Form the Complete Navigator; The Whole Being Rendered Perfectly Easy, and Illustrated by Numerous Examples, Diagrams and Charts / Together with a Correct and Extensive Set of Tables, Preceded by a Copious Explanation of Each Table
115525: NORLEN, ALISON; MCCABE, SHAUNA; MARION, JOANNE - Alison Norlen; Glimmer
114823: DOUGLAS, FREDERIC H.; FEDER, NORMAN; ET AL - Denver Art Museum Indian Leaflet Series (Near Complete)
123675: NORMAN, CHAD - On the Urban Prairie and Other Shorter Poems
126821: SYMONS, A. J. A.; BIRKETT, SIR NORMAN AND LESLIE, SIR SHANE [INTRODUCTIONS] - The Quest for Corvo; An Experiment in Biography
101877: NORQUAY. - Norquay Nostalgia 1912-1982
120596: NORRIS, JOE (ARTIST); HUNTINGTON, CHRIS (CURATOR) - Joe Norris: Paintings and Furniture
129479: NORRIS, KATHLEEN - Mother; A Story
131652: ST. MATTHEW'S PRO-CATHEDRAL; NORRIS, RIGHT REVEREND I. A. (FOREWORD) - The Story of the Parish of St. Matthew's Pro-Cathedral; Seventieth Anniversary 1882-1952
102771: NORRIS, JOHN - Strangers Entertained: A History of the Ethnic Groups of British Columbia
112511: NORTH, ROBERT N. - Transport in Western Siberia: Tsarist and Soviet Development
129706: NORTH, DICK - The Mad Trapper of Rat River
115309: HANNA NORTH - Hanna North
201429: NORTHCOTE, SYDNEY - The Ballad in Music
111192: NORTON, C.L.; HABBERTON, JOHN - Canoeing in Kanuckia; or, Haps and Mishaps Afloat and Ashore of the Statesman, the Editor, the Artist, and the Scribbler Recorded by the Commodore and the Cook
101883: NORTON - From the Roughbark to the Buttes; R. M. Norton. No. 69, Villages of Amulet, Forward, Khedive, Moreland, and Pangman
122820: NORTON, MERVYN - The New Urban Age; Bridging to Our Future As Urban Government in Saskatchewan
125712: NORTON - The Prairie Gardener
129145: DALLAS NOTES - Dallas Notes November 5-18, 1969 Volume III, Number 16
120523: NOTMAN, WILLIAM - Through Mountains and Canyons; The Canadian Rockies
119725: NOVAKSHONOFF, WILLIAM RUSSELL - An Inquiry into the Iconology of Russian Painting of the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century
126401: BERG, NOWELL; ET AL (EDITOR) - Independent Film and Video Alliance / L'alliance de la Video Et Du Cinema Independant; Showcase / Rencontres (Calgary, 1991)
131462: NOWLAN, ALDEN - The Gardens of the Wind
131602: NOWLAN, ALDEN - Miracle at Indian River
122878: NOWRY, LAURENCE - Man of Mana; Marius Barbeau
130227: NSHANNACAPPO - The Krillian Key Salamander Way (Volume I)
116913: NUFFIELD, EDWARD W. - The Pacific Northwest; Its Discovery and Early Exploration by Sea, Land and River
126641: NUSSBAUM, MARTHA B. - Sex and Social Justice
123708: NUSSER, J.L. - The Scorpion Field
126839: NUTE, GRACE LEE - A History of Minnesota Books and Authors
118242: ADVISORY COMMISSION ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE GOVERNMENT IN THE NWT - Northern Settlements; Settlements of the Northwest Territories Book 4
118241: ADVISORY COMMISSION ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE GOVERNMENT IN THE NWT - Northern Settlements; Settlements of the Northwest Territories Book 3
118240: ADVISORY COMMISSION ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE GOVERNMENT IN THE NWT - Northern Settlements; Settlements of the Northwest Territories Book 1
120839: NYE, JEFF; THAKKER, AJ (COMPILED BY) - Four Tall Tales; A Graphic History of the Regina Public Library
116381: NYKOR, LYNDA MUSSON; MUSSON, PATRICIA D. - Mennonite Furniture; The Ontario Tradition in York County
109989: SOMERVILLE, E.O. AND ROSS, MARTIN - French Leave
201790: SOMERVILLE, E.O. AND ROSS, MARTIN - Stray-Aways
117983: OCHINSKY, LAWRENCE - The Most Ancient Eskimos, the Eskimo Affinities of Dorst Culture Skeletons
131648: FORTIN, OCTAVE AND CARRUTHERS, C. - Sixty Years and After; an Historical Sketch of Holy Trinity Parish, Winnipeg, 1868-1928
100710: FORTIN, OCTAVE AND CARRUTHERS, C. - Sixty Years and After; an Historical Sketch of Holy Trinity Parish, Winnipeg, 1868-1928
113880: ODDFELLOWS - I.O.O.F. (Intenational Organization of Odd Fellows)
100969: ODER, AILEEN REBECCA - Hello Soldier; a Winnipeg Centennial Project - a Picture of the Times - 1943-1945
101889: ODESSA - A Sacred Heritage: Odessa and District
124329: WAVERLY. R.M. OF - The R.M. Of Waverly No. 44
129595: WAR OFFICE (GREAT BRITAIN) - Manual of Map Reading, Photo Reading, and Field Sketching 1929: (Reprinted with Amendments (Nos. 1 to 4) 1939)
127270: NEXT YEAR COUNTRY / WAFFLE PROVINCIAL OFFICE - Regina Plain News; A Socialist Newslette; Vol. I, No. I
114458: INTERNATIIONAL LABOUR OFFICE - Indigenous Peoples: Living and Working Conditions of Aboriginal Populations in Independent Countries
120077: RCMP. LIASON OFFICE. - Royal Canadian Mounted Police; An Historical Outline of the Force
130908: PRIVY COUNCIL OFFICE - Canadian Industrial Relations; The Report of Task Force on Labour Relations
125004: OGDEN, SHEPHERD - Step by Step Organic Vegetable Gardening; The Gardening Classic Revised and Updated
124055: OGDEN, PETER SKENE - Traits of American-Indian Life
116186: OGEMA - Prairie Grass to Golden Grain; R.M. #70; Ogema and Surrounding District
113217: OGILVIE, SHEILAGH C. - The Park Buffalo
116522: OGILVIE, WILL - Whaup o' the Rede; A Ballad of the Border Raiders
125286: OHASHI, WATARU; LINDNER, VICKI [EDITED BY] - Do-It-Yourself Shiatsu; How to Perform the Ancient Japanese Art of Acupuncture without Needles
131322: OHATON, ALBERTA - Lure of the Homestead; Ohaton Alberta
131549: O'SHEA, JOHN M.; LUDWICKSON, JOHN - Archaeology and Ethnohistory of the Omaha Indians; The Big Village Site
124724: O'SIADHAIL, MICHEAL - Tongues
100333: OKANAGAN - The Twelfth Report of the Okanagan Historical Society: 1948
127412: OKIMASIS, JEAN L.; RATT, SOLOMON - Cree, Language of the Plains: Nehiyawewin, Paskwawi-Pikiskwewin
118344: OKIMASIS, JEAN L.; RATT, SOLOMON - Cree, Language of the Plains: Nehiyawewin, Paskwawi-Pikiskwewin
117162: OKIMASIS, JEAN L.; RATT, SOLOMON - Cree, Language of the Plains: Nehiyawewin, Paskwawi-Pikiskwewin - Workbook
115353: OKIMASIS, JEAN L.; RATT, SOLOMON - Cree, Language of the Plains: Nehiyawewin, Paskwawi-Pikiskwewin
119199: OKO, ANDREW - Country Pleasures: The Angling Art of Jack Cowin
106262: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY. OKO, ANDREW - Jan Gerrit Wyers 1888-1973
123947: OLDHAM, TODD; SHERMAN, CINDY [ESSAY] - John Waters Place Space
100335: OLDS - A History of Olds and Area
120799: OLIVE, W.H.T. - The Right Way on; Adventures in the Klondyke of 1898
118894: OLIVER, EDMUND HENRY - The Canadian North-West; Its Early Development and Legislative Records; Minutes of the Councils of the Red River Colony and the Northern Department of Rupert's Land
118437: OLIVER, EDMUND H. - The Contest Between Lieutenant-Governor Royal and the Legislative Assembly of the North West Territories, 1888-1893
117521: OLIVER, CHONÉ; COLTART, MARGARET A. (INTRO.) - Dr. Margaret MacKellar; The Story of Her Early Years
126920: OLIVER, PAUL; WRIGHT, RICHARD (FOREWORD) - Blues Fell This Morning; Meaning in the Blues
107176: OLIVER, EDMUND HENRY - The Settlement of Saskatchewan to 1914
107179: OLIVER, EDMUND HENRY - The Institutionalizing of the Prairies
115244: OLIVER, EDMUND HENRY - Presidential Address: The Beginnings of Agriculture in Saskatchewan
125679: OLIVER, LUCILE - Mobilier Quebecois
111409: OLIVIER, LAURENCE - Laurence Olivier on the Death of King George VI; the Services at Windsor Chapel
110555: OLKHOVSKY, ANDREY - Music Under the Soviets; the Agony of an Art
101892: OLSON, JOAN (ED.) - Prairie Reflections; Pioneer Life 1900-1930
118158: OLSON, B.J. EDITOR (EDITOR) - Mining and Minerals in Ther Golden Heart of Alaska
116042: OLSON, NOREEN - The School Bus Doesn't Stop Here Any More; Life and Times of a Rural Route
129313: OLSON, MRS. OLIVE E. - More Gleanings from the Poets (Poem Book Number Three)
123094: OLSSON, AXEL A.; HARBISON, ANNE - Pliocene Mollusca of Southern Florida with Special Reference to Those from North St. Petersburg; With Special Chapters on Turridae by William G. Fargo and Vitrinellidae and Fresh Water Mollusks by Henry A. Pilsbry
116937: OLTMANN, RUTH - Lizzie Rummel, Baroness of the Canadian Rockies
118119: OMAN, LELA KIANA - The Epic of Qayaq, the Longest Story Ever Told by My People
124558: ONDAATJE, MICHAEL - The Daily Monsters
201455: ONDAATJE, MICHAEL - The English Patient
201456: ONDAATJE, MICHAEL - Running in the Family
201453: ONDAATJE, MICHAEL; MARLATT, DAPHNE - The Capilano Review; No.16 / 17
127713: ONDAATJE, MICHAEL - The Dainty Monsters
113889: ONDAATJE, MICHAEL - Divisadero
119096: ONDAATJE, MICHAEL - Handwriting
129640: ONDAATJE, MICHAEL - The Man with Seven Toes
129496: ONDAATJE, MICHAEL (EDITOR) - Quarry Volume 16 Number 4 Summer 1967
118735: ONDAATJE, MICHAEL - The English Patient
118434: ONDAATJE, MICHAEL - The Cat's Table
117215: ONDAATJE, MICHAEL - Anil's Ghost
117216: ONDAATJE, MICHAEL - Anil's Ghost
122856: ONDAATJE, MICHAEL - The Cinnamon Peeler; Selected Poems
130293: ONDAATJE, MICHAEL - The Cat's Table
126026: ONDAATJE, MICHAEL - Elimination Dance
125629: ONDAATJE, MICHAEL - The Collected Works of Billy the Kid; Running in the Family; In the Skin of a Lion; The Cinnamon Peeler
121989: ONDAATJE, MICHAEL - The Collected Works of Billy the Kid: Left Handed Poems
127404: ST-ONGE, NICOLE - Saint-Laurent Manitoba; Evolving Metis Identities, 1850 - 1914
116304: ONLEY, TONI; BOULET, ROGER H. - Toni Onley; A Silent Thunder
116274: ONLEY, TONI - Toni Onley: A Survey
116273: ONLEY, TONI - Toni Onley: A Retrospective Exhibition
119543: ONLEY, TONI - Onley's Arctic Diaries and Paintings of High Arctic
114536: INDIAN COMMISSION OF ONTARIO - Indian Negotiations in Ontario: Making the Process Work
112385: ONTARIO - Method of Taking the Vote on Church Union Under the Federal Act in the Province of Ontario
130125: ART GALLERY OF ONTARIO - Visual Art 1951 -1993; The Michael Snow Project
114351: ART GALLERY OF ONTARIO - Vincent Van Gogh and the Birth of Cloisonism (An Overview)
122526: ART GALLERY OF ONTARIO - Art Gallery of Ontario; The Canadian Collection
119628: ONTARIO - Sessional Papers. Vol XXX - Part V; Fourth Session, Eighth Legislature of the Province of Ontario; Session 1897-8
119627: ONTARIO - Sessional Papers. Vol Xxi-Part VI; Third Session of Sixth Legislature of the Province of Ontario, Session 1889 / the Proceedings Before the Judicial Committee of Her Majesty's Imperial Privy Council on the Special Case Respecting the Westerly Boundary of Ontario, Argued 15th, 16th, 17th, 19th, 21st and 22nd July, 1884. With Notes of Explanation and Correction.
112345: ONUFRIJCHUK, THEODOR - 35th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Congregation at Yorkton, Sask. In Service to God and Humanity
107191: OPEKOKEW, DELIA - The First Nations: Indian Government in the Community of Man
116658: CAPE DORSET CO-OPERATIVE - Cape Dorset Calendar 1978
120526: OPIE, IONA; OPIE, PETER - A Nursery Companion
119470: OPPEL, FRANK (COMPILED BY) - Tales of the Canadian North
107193: OPPEN, WILLIAM A. - The Riel Rebellions: A Cartographic History / Le récit cartographique des affaires Riel
110662: ATHENIAN ORACLE, ATTRIBUTED TO JOHN DUTTON - The Athenian Oracle: Being an Entire Collection of All the Valuable Questions and Answers in the Old Athenian Mercuries
113641: ORCHARD, IMBERT (SOUND HERITAGE SERIES) - Floodland and Forest
113644: ORCHARD, IMBERT (SOUND HERITAGE SERIES) - Growing Up in the Valley
113638: ORCHARD, IMBERT (SOUND HERITAGE SERIES) - Martin; The Story of a Young Fur Trader
107195: ORCHARD, W.J. - Kitchen Middens: Prehistoric Campsites
125504: ORCHARD, DAVID - The Fight for Canada; Four Centuries of Resistance to American Expansionism
118031: COOKBOOK. WINNIPEG SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA - Symphony in Foods; Variations on a Theme Composed by the Women's Committee of the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra
113414: ORCZY, BARONESS - El Dorado
107133: NORTH-WEST TERRITORIES. LAW. ORDINANCES - Ordinances of the North-West Territories
201183: ORLAN, PIERRE MAC - Uranie; Ou l'Astronomie Sentimentale
125394: ORR, PHYLLIS E. - Pathways of Saskatchewan
130185: ORR, DAVID D. - Encountering Riel
116708: ORRELL, JOHN - Fallen Empires; The Lost Theatres of Edmonton
112026: ORTOLAN, R.P. TH - Les Oblats de Marie Immaculee durant le premier siecle de leur existence; Tome II, en dehors de l'Europe (Jusqu'a la mort du venere Fondateur) 1841-1861
111697: ORTOLAN, R.P. TH - Les Oblats de Marie Immaculee durant le premier siecle de leur existence; Tome IV, Au Canada 1861-1892
107197: ORTOLAN, R.P. TH - Les Oblats de Marie Immaculee durant le premier siecle de leur existence; Tome IV, Au Canada 1861-1892
114333: ORVIK, NILS; PATTERSON, KIRK - The North in Transition
114335: ORVIK, NILS; PATTERSON, KIRK - Policies of Northern Development
115090: ORVIK, JANES; BARNHARDT, RAY (EDITORS) - Cultural Influences in Alaskan Native Education
126201: OSBALDESTON, MARK - Unbuilt Toronto; A History of the City That Might Have Been
120948: OSBORNE, KENNETH - The Prairies; Selected Historical Sources
124024: OSBORNE, RALPH - Just for Comfort
121034: OSBORNE, THOMAS [THE EARL OF DANBY / DUKE OF LEEDS] - Copies & Extracts of Some Letters Written to and from the Earl of Danby (Now Duke of Leeds) in the Years 1676, 1677, and 1678. With Particular Remarks upon Some of Them
100972: OSBORNE, W.F - The Genius of Shakespeare; and Other Essays
125075: OSBORNE, WALTER HAMILTON - The Catspaw
201462: OSGOOD, ERNEST STAPLES - The Day of the Cattleman
113023: OSGOOD, WILLIAM; LESLIE HURLEY - The Snowshoe Book
128072: OSKAR, TALLMAN (TOLLY) - A Quirk of Fate
201464: OSLER, WILLIAM - Bibliotheca Osleriana; a Catalogue of Books Illustrating the History of Medicine and Science..
112294: OSLER, WILLIAM - The Principles and Practice of Medicine: Designed for the Use of Practitioners and Students of Medicine
116977: OSLER, E.B. - The Man Who Had to Hang, Louis Riel
107199: OSLER, E.B. - The Man Who Had to Hang, Louis Riel
117445: OSSAWA, REABURN, MARQUETTE, MEADOW LEA, POPLAR HEIGHTS - Footsteps Through the Years; Ossawa, Reaburn, Marquette, Meadow Lea, Poplar Heights
107202: OSTENSO, MARTHA - Wild Geese
125334: OSTRYZNIUK, NATALIE - 75 Years of Service, Friendship and Commitment 1927-2002; Ukrainian Women's Association of Canada; Daughters of Ukraine Branch, Regina, Saskatchewan
118105: OSWALT, WENDELL H. - Eskimos and Explores
117915: OSWALT, WENDELL H. - Alaskan Eskimos
115206: OSWALT, WENDELL H. - Napaskiak: An Alaskan Eskimo Community
119191: OTONABEE - Forest to Farm; Early Days in Otonabee
124821: UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA / UNIVERSITE D'OTTAWA - Caheiers Linguistiques D'ottawa
111078: DEN OTTER, ANDREW A. - Civilizing the West: The Galts and the Development of Western Canada
120437: OTTLEY, GEORGE - A Bibliography of British Railway History [Together With] Supplement
115104: NORDENSKJOLD, OTTO AND MECKING, LUDWIG - The Geography of the Polar Regions
107210: OUIMET, ADOLPHE; MONTIGNY, B. A. T. DE - La La Vérité sur La Question Métisse au Nord-Ouest, par Adolphe Ouimet; Biographie et Récit de Gabriel Dumont sur Les Événements de 1885, par B. A. T. de Montigny
113562: OUKRAT, JEAN-CLAUDE - Un Avion
100579: BRANDON. O'SULLIVAN, P. J. - By Steps, Not Leaps: St. Augustine of Canterbury Parish, Brandon, Manitoba, 1881-1981
203345: OUSPENSKY, P.D. - Strange Life of Ivan Osokin
101896: OUTLOOK - South Saskatchewan River Project; 1958-1967
203753: OUTRAM, GEORGE - Legal & Other Lyrics
121417: OUVRARD, PIERRE - Master Bookbinder / Maître Relieur
101899: OVERGARD, NELLE - The Last of the Buffalo: The"Soo Line" and Its' People; With a Review of Rupert's Land and the District of Assiniboia
123799: SANDERSON, OWEN AND MARGARET - Some Places Where the Creaking Carts Ended
106374: MANITOBA RECORD SOCIETY. OWEN, WENDY (EDITOR) - The Wheat King; Selected Letters and Papers of A.J. Cotton, 1888-1913
200766: GREY OWL (WA-SHA-QUON-ASIN) - Pilgrims of the Wild
112007: THOROUGHBRED OWNERS AND BREEDERS ASSOC. - Sires and Dams of Stakes Winners 1925-85
107214: OWRAM, DOUGLAS R. - Promise of Eden: The Canadian Expansionist Movement and the Idea of the West 1865-1900
107215: OWRAM, DOUGLAS R. (EDITOR) - The Formation of Alberta: A Documentary History
125780: OWSLEY, SIBYL B. - The School They Handed On
115672: OXFORD, WILL - A Grammatical Study of Innu-Aimun Particles
121920: OYLE, IRVING, DR. - Time, Space & the Mind; The Mind's Ability to Switch Off Time-Space Reality Is the Single, Most Powerful Healing Tool Available to Humanity
113790: D'OYLEY, ELIZABETH - An Anthology for Animal Lovers; Of the Love of Beasts
111065: FROEBEL, FRIEDRICH; WOODHAM-SMITH, P.; ET AL; LAWRENCE, EVELYN (EDITOR) - Friedrich Froebel and English Education
105344: HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. TURNER, J.P. - The Moose and Wapiti of Manitoba; A Plea for Their Preservation
100267: LETHBRIDGE AND AREA. BAINES, A.P. (ED.) - Pioneer Pemmican Club Roundup 1885-1985
110857: NORTHERN PACIFIC - List of Land Dealers Along the Northern Pacific Railway; Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon
124074: PACKARD, R.L. - Pre-Columbian Copper-Mining in North America
112121: PACKARD, FRANK L. - The Hidden Door
123621: PACKER, JOY - Nor the Moon by Night
124334: PADDOCKWOOD - Cordwood and Courage 1911-1982 : Paddockwood, Beaton, Chesley, Chiefswood, Dorothy I-Ii, Elk Holme, Elkrange, Birchbark, Howard Creek, Melba, Moose Lake, Pine Valley, Surrey.
201465: PADGETT, EARL CALVIN - Surgical Diseases of the Mouth and Jaws
131693: DELGATY, REV. TOM, PADRE AND LEGION HISTORIAN - Veterans' Military Memories
113622: PAGE, P.K. - A Flask of Sea Water
203480: PAGE, FRANK E. - Homer Watson Artist and Man
114927: GALLERY PAGE AND STANGE - Gallery Catalogue
124790: PAGE, DANIEL H.; DA ROSA, VICTOR, M.P. - Heritage of the North American Indian People; Some Suggestions Emphasizing the Eastern Woodlands
102587: PAGE, JESSE - David Brainerd, the Apostle to the North American Indians
127416: PAGET, AMELIA M. - People of the Plains
126955: PAGLIA, CAMILLE - Sexual Personae; Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson
118666: PAIDEL, LINDA (EDITOR) - A Brief History of Regina, Saskatchewan
114659: PAIN, HOWARD; FALES, DEAN A. (FWD.); KILBOURN, WILLIAM (INTRO.) - The Heritage of Upper Canadian Furniture; A Study in the Survival of Formal and Vernacular Syles from Britain, America and Europe, 1780-1900
120176: PAIN, HOWARD; FALES, DEAN A. (FWD.); KILBOURN, WILLIAM (INTRO.) - The Heritage of Upper Canadian Furniture; A Study in the Survival of Formal and Vernacular Syles from Britain, America and Europe, 1780-1900
124893: PAIN, HOWARD; FALES, DEAN A. (FWD.); KILBOURN, WILLIAM (INTRO.) - The Heritage of Upper Canadian Furniture; A Study in the Survival of Formal and Vernacular Syles from Britain, America and Europe, 1780-1900
123695: PAINTER, GEORGE D. - William Caxton; A Biography
113433: PENGUIN MODERN PAINTERS - Ben Shahn, Edward Bawden, Paul Klee, Paul Nash, Edward Hopper
122412: PALADINO, MIMMO - Mimmo Paladino
122350: PALADINO, MIMMO - Mimmo Paladino
122314: PALADINO, MIMMO - Mimmo Paladino; Etchings, Woodcuts and Linocuts 1983-86
121485: PALAHNIUK, CHUCK - Snuff
202170: PALEY, SYBIL SCOTT; CHRISTIE, G.F. - Playtime
119702: PALGRAVE, F.T. (ARRANGED BY) - The Golden Treasury
107223: PALLISER, JOHN - Solitary Rambles: And Adventures of a Hunter in the Prairies
202981: PALM, AUGUST - Ogonblickersbilder Fran En Tripp Till Amerika
130387: PALMATER, PAMELA D. - Beyond Blood; Rethinking Indigenous Identity
201467: PALMER, ARNOLD - More Than Shadows: A Biography of Sir William Russell Flint
129760: PALMER, HERBERT EDWARD - The Judgment of Francois Villon; A Pageant- Episode Play in Five Acts
130780: PALMER, BRYAN D. (EDITOR) - The Character of Class Struggle: Essays in Canadian Working-Class History, 1850-1985
112450: PALMER, STUART - Four Lost Ladies; A Miss Withers Mystery
120042: PALMER, HARRY; STENSON, FRED (ESSAY) - Twin Edition: The Tallpecs of Alberta & Saskatchewan
120813: PALMER, J.P.; CHILTON, MEREDITH - Treasures of the George R. Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art
114388: PALMER, ARNOLD (EDITOR) - Recording Britain (In Four Volumes)
130802: PALMER, HOWARD - Ethnicity and Politics in Canada Since Confederation
107233: PALMER, HOWARD; SMITH, DONALD (EDITORS) (EDITOR) - The New Provinces: Alberta and Saskatchewan, 1905-1980
107235: PALMER, HOWARD; SMITH, DONALD (EDITORS) - The New Provinces: Alberta and Saskatchewan, 1905-1980
107226: PALMER, ASAEL E. - When the Winds Came: How the Battle Against Soil Drifting Was Won on the Canadian Prairies
107231: PALMER, HOWARD (EDITOR) - The Settlement of the West
129759: PALMER, HERBERT EDWARD - The Judgment of Francois Villon; A Pageant- Episode Play in Five Acts
129978: PATTERSON, PALMER AND NANCY-LOU - Changing People; A History of the Canadian Indians
122296: PALMER, HARRY; STENSON, FRED (ESSAY) - The Tallpecs of Alberta & Saskatchewan; Celebrating the 100th Birthday of Alberta and Saskatchewan; Artist Edition
203805: PALOUS, JAN; BURTON, W. BUTLER; LINDBLAD, PER OLOF (EDS.) - Evolution of Interstellar Matter and Dynamics of Galaxies; Proceedings of the International Conference, Prague, 21-25 May 1991
118685: PÁLSSON, GÍSLI - Travelling Passions; The Hidden Life of Vilhjalmur Stefansson
101902: PAMBRUN. - Pambrun Heritage: From Roots to Branches 1906-1982
123614: LE PAN, DOUGLAS - The Wounded Prince and Other Poems
115059: PAN, LYNN - Sons of the Yellow Emperor: A History of the Chinese Diaspora
127006: PANASSIE, HUGUES - Louis Armstrong
130703: PANITCH, LEO; SWARTZ, DONALD - The Assault on Trade Union Freedoms from Consent to Coercion Revisted
130704: PANITCH, LEO; SWARTZ, DONALD - The Assault on Trade Union Freedoms from Wage Controls to Social Contract
203274: PANKOVE, J.I. (EDITOR) - Electroluminescence
107239: PANNEKOEK, FRITS - A Snug Little Flock: The Social Origins of the Riel Resistance of 1869-70
123238: PAPANDREA, RON - They Never Surrendered; The Lakota Sioux Band That Stayed in Canada
122861: PAPANDREA, RON - They Never Surrendered: The Lakota Sioux Band That Stayed in Canada
129725: PAPEQUASH, ELDER CAMPBELL - The Yearning Journey Escape from Alcoholism
121828: PAPER, JORDAN - Native North American Religious Traditions; Dancing for Life
122428: PAPINEAU, LOUIS-JOSEPH - Adresse À Tous Les Électeurs Du Bas-Canada; Par Un Loyal Canadien
130808: PAQUET, MARTIN - Toward a Quebec Ministry of Immigration, 1945 to 1968
117246: PAQUETTE, LT. CDR EDWARD R., AND LT. CHARLES G. BAINBRIDGE, FRSA - Honours and Awards Canadian Naval Forces World War II
203247: PAQUIN, L.P. - Conference sur les Proprietes Deleteres des Liqueurs Spiritueuses donnee a St. Sauveur de Quebec
203246: PAQUIN, L.P. - Conference sur les Proprietes Deleteres des Liqueurs Spiritueuses faite a Quebec
109654: PARE, RICHARD - Photography and Architecture: 1839-1939
129213: ARROW LAKES HISTORICAL SOCIETY BOOK COMMITTEE; PARENT, MILTON - Faces of the Past Centennial Series Volume I
130073: SACRED HEART PARISH (WYNYARD) - Golden Jubilee; 1937 - 1987 Sacred Heart Ukrainian Catholic Church, Wynyard, Sask. (Saskatchewan)
118711: ST. JAMES PARISH - Golden Memories
126637: PARISSIEN, STEVEN - Station to Station
124312: PIKE LAKE VALLEY PARK - Reflections: Pike Lake Valley Park
202787: PARK, ROSWELL - An Epitome of the History of Medicine
117403: PARK, NORM - Seared in My Memory: One Hong Kong Pow Tells His Story; Bernard Jesse As Told to Norm Park
117304: HERITAGE PARK - Heritage Park Memory Album
130966: GLASLYN AND THE RM OF PARKDALE - Northern Reflections (2 Volumes)
118524: PARKER, JULIA; PARKER, DEREK - Sun & Moon Signs
111044: PARKER, C.W. (EDITOR) - Who's Who and Why; A Biographical Dictionary of Men and Women of Canada and Newfoundland Especially Compiled for Newspaper and Library Reference; Volume 5, 1914
110717: PARKER, MR. - The Ecclesiastical Histories of Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen, and Theodorit. Faithfully Translated and Abridg'd from the Originals. Together with a Brief Account of the Lives of These Historians, and Several Useful Notes and Illustrations, and a Copious Index
121434: PARKER, WILLIAM WILDER MCKINLEY - Rhymes from the North-West
121432: PARKER, DONALD DEAN - Local History: How to Gather It, Write It, and Publish It
107245: PARKER, JAMES - Emporium of the North: Fort Chipewyan and the Fur Trade to 1835
116784: PARKER, WILLIAM WILDER MCKINLEY - Bush Homestead Girl; Or Myrtle's Blueberry Kiss
107247: PARKER, WILLIAM; DEMPSEY, HUGH (EDITOR) - William Parker; Mounted Policeman
115452: PARKER, J.M.; MOYLES, R.G. - The University of Alberta 1908-1983
100340: PARKER, WILLIAM W. MCKINLEY - Pansy Pie and Other Poems; a Third Book of Verse
100341: PARKER, WILLIAM WILDER MCKINLEY - Lake Lanonne Trail or Pal of the Pine Woods
120174: PARKHILL, JOHN T. (INTRO.) - Toronto and Ealy Canada: A Catalogue of the Toronto and Early Canada Picture Collection in the Toronto Public Library; Landmarks of Canada, Volume 3
129818: PARKIN, RAY - The Sword and the Blossom
100973: PARKINSON, HAZEL MACDONALD - The Mere Living; a Biography of the Hartney District
126514: PARKMAN, FRANCIS - The Oregon Trail; Sketches of Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life
115271: PARKMAN, FRANCIS - Montcalm and Wolfe
115009: BRUNER PARKS, GEORGE - Richard Hakluyt and the English Voyages
129577: PARLETT, DAVID - The Oxford History of Board Games
118913: PARLEY, KAY (EDITOR); GRIFFITHS, MARY (CO-EDITOR) - Parley: The Scots Line
126036: PARLEY, KAY - The Grass People
201475: PARPART, ARTHUR K. - The Chemistry and Physiology of Growth
119774: PARR, LESLIE; HICKS, ANDREA; STARECK, MARIE (EDITORS) - The Best of Sears Collectibles, 1905-1910
102892: PARR, RICHARD T. - A Bibliography of the Athapaskan Languages
121260: PARRISH, RICHARD - Nothing But the Truth
115089: PARRISH, RANDALL - My Lady of the North
122027: PARROTT, D. F. - Princess Patricia's Regiment; 1938-1941
101864: NEIDPATH. PARSON, EDNA TYSON - Land I Can Own; A True Account of Homesteading and the Years That Followed at Neidpath, Saskatchewan
201477: PARSONS, ELSIE CLEWS - The Family; an Ethnographical and Historical Outline with Descriptive Notes, Planned As a Text-Book for the Use of College Lecturers and of Directors of Home-Reading Clubs
127473: PARSONS, GRAHAM F. - Saskatchewan Rising; Reinventing the Past; Planning for a Future Success; An Essay on the Social and Economic Transformation of Saskatchewan for the Twenty First Century [Transforming Saskatchewan for the Twenty-First Century]
107255: PARSONS, NELL WILSON - Upon a Sagebrush Harp
126486: PARSONS, ALICE BEAL - Woman's Dilemma
120296: PARTINGTON, J.R. - A History of Chemistry [Volumes 2-4]
111023: PARTINGTON, WILFRED - Thomas J. Wise in the Original Cloth; the Life and Record of the Forger of the Nineteenth-Century Pamphlets
110796: PARTINGTON, WILFRED - Forging Ahead; the True Story of the Upward Progress of Thomas James Wise, Prince of Book Collectors, Bibliographer Exraordinary and Otherwise
203707: PARTRIDGE, ERIC - Here, There and Everywhere; Essays upon Language
111654: PARTRIDGE, ERIC - A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English; Colloquialisms and Catch-Phrases, Solecisms and Catachreses, Nicknames, Vulgarisms, and Such Americanisms As Have Been Naturalized
111653: PARTRIDGE, ERIC - A Dictionary of the Underworld - British and American; Being the Vocabularies of Crooks, Criminals, Racketeers, Beggars and Tramps, Convicts, the Commercial Underworld, the Drug Traffic, the White Slave Traffic, Spivs
127681: PROGRESSIVE LABOR PARTY (PLP) - Progressive Labor; Voi. 6 No. 6; February 1969
131200: PROGRESSIVE LABOR PARTY (PLP) - Progressive Labor; Voi. 7 No. 2; August 1969
131261: SOCIALIST LABOR PARTY - The People Vol. 94, No. 2 April 28, 1984
107073: NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY - Manifesto of the Saskatchewan Waffle Movement 1975
130439: PROGRESSIVE LABOR PARTY - Racism, Intelligence, and the Working Class; Working class intelligence: Baltimore sanitation men wildcat, hang union misleaders in effigy
119691: LABOR-PROGRESSIVE PARTY - Constitution of the Labor-Progressive Party; As Amended at Third National Convention, February 4-8, 1949
127117: EPHEMERA; WHITE PANTHER PARTY - Black Panther Party 10-Point Program; The White Panther 10-Point Program
131407: PASCAL, BLAISE - Pensées
121797: PASCHALL, SUZANNE - Birth of a Boom; Lives & Legacies of Saskatchewan Entreprepreneurs
122328: PASCHALL, SUZANNE - Birth of a Boom; Lives & Legacies of Saskatchewan Entreprepreneurs
118141: PASCHEN, ELIZABETH - Moosehidejackets, Mackenzie's Arctic Journey Retraced
127987: PASK, JOHN - "Where It All Began"; The History of the Lord Selkirk - West Kildonan Community
100120: CROWSNEST PASS - Crowsnest and Its People
114146: PASSERON, ROGER - Daumier
200523: DOS PASSOS, JOHN - The Head and Heart of Thomas Jefferson
201478: PASTERNAK, BORIS - The Blind Beauty
130937: PASTERNAK, BORIS - Doctor Zhivago
123681: PASTERNAK, BORIS; KAYDEN, EUGENE M. (TRANS.); GREER, BILL (ILLUS.) - The Poems of Doctor Zhivago
118689: PATALAS, KAZIMIERZ (EDITOR); IZYDORCZYK, ZBIGNIEW (TRANS.) - Providence Watching; Journeys Fram Wartorn Poland to the Canadian Prairies
202262: PATCHEN, KENNETH - The Memoirs of a Shy Pornographer; an Amusement
122766: PATCHIN, FRANK GEE - The Battleship Boys at Sea
109491: PATER, WALTER - Emerald Uthwart; an Imaginary Portrait
203134: PATERSON, ALEXANDER - The Prison Problem of America; (With Admiration for Those Who Face It)
101266: WINNIPEG. EDITH PATERSON, COMPILER - Winnipeg 100; Winnipeg Free Press 100 Year Pictorial History of Winnipeg
113405: PATERSON, EDITH - Tales of Early Manitoba
110643: PATIL, G. (EDITOR) - Random Counts in Scientific Work
110642: PATIL, GANAPATI P.; JOSHI, SHARADCHANDRA W. - A Dictionary and Bibliography of Discrete Distributions
119400: PATKAU, ESTHER (COMPILED BY) - Canadian Women in Mission; 1895 - 1952 - 2002
201481: PATON, ALAN - Too Late the Phalarope
126665: PATON, ADRIAN K. - An Honest, Genial and Kindly People; A Private Collection of First Nations Photographs from the Turn of the Century in Southern Saskatchewan
102291: TERRELL. PATON, EVA (EDITOR) - Terrell 101; Faith and Freedom
119744: PATON, ALAN - Cry, the Beloved Country
130812: PATRIAS, CARMELA - The Hungarians in Canada
117070: DOUAUD, PATRIC & DAWSON, BRUCE - Plain Speaking: Essays on Aboriginal Peoples & the Prairie
121186: THE CORRECTIVE COLLECTIVE; DAVITT, PATRICIA; ET AL - Never Done; Three Centuries of Women's Work in Canada
114096: DEMERS, PATRICIA AND ROSILAND KERR (EDITED, AND WITH INSTRUCTIONS BY) - Staging Alternative Alberta; Experimental Drama in Edmonton
113921: PATRICK, RENA - Way of the River
122795: O'CONNELL. PATRICK - Falling in Place
203934: PATTEN, GILBERT - Jud and Joe; Printers and Publishers
202242: PATTERSON, A.W. - The Pacific Coast Third Reader
202241: PATTERSON, A.W. - The Pacific Coast First Reader
112039: PATTERSON, TOM; GOULD, ALLAN - First Stage; the Making of the Stratford Festival
121806: PATTERSON, R.M. - Far Pastures
117320: PATTERSON, GRAEME - Woodrow Manual; A Multimedia Installation
107265: PATTERSON, R.M. - The Buffalo Head
119829: PATTERSON, FREEDMAN - Namaqualand; Garden of the Gods
102773: PATTERSON, NANCY-LOU GELLERMANN - Swiss-German and Dutch-German Mennonite Traditional Art in the Waterloo Region, Ontario
120984: PATTERSON, JERRY E. - Autographs: A Collector's Guide
101472: CORY. PATTISON, MARY - Cory in Recall: History of Cory
120051: PATTISON, JEANNE L. (TEXT) - The Group of Seven and Tom Thomson
124040: PATTON, KATHELEEN; PERRY, HUGH [ILLUSTRATIONS] - Spicy (The Kitten That Couldn't Purr)
120862: PATTON, BRIAN (COMPILED & EDITED BY) - Bear Tales from the Canadian Rockies
120800: PATTON, BRIAN (EDITOR) - Tales from the Canadian Rockies
120801: PATTON, BRIAN (EDITOR) - Tales from the Canadian Rockies
130233: PAUL, ELIZABETH; SANGER, PETER; SYLIBOY, ALAN - The Stone Canoe; Two Lost Mi'kmaq Texts
114554: DEPREZ, PAUL AND Y.G. LITHMAN - Two Papers on Canadian Indians (Contributor Paul Deprez--Education and Economic Development: The Case of Indian Reserves in Canada; Yngve Georg Lithman--Capitalization of a Traditional Pursuit: The Case of Wild Rice in Manitoba.)
118186: GRESCOE, PAUL AND AUDREY - Alaska, the Cruise Lover's Guide
117447: EAST ST. PAUL - Heritage II; A History of East St. Paul
108974: WIEBE FAMILY [THIESSEN, HELEN; HARDER, DELORES; PAETKAU, PAUL; ET AL] - Fescha Wieben Von Rosenthal; Family History
126123: THIRY, PAUL AND MARY - Eskimo Artifacts Designed for Use
121147: SAINT PAUL - Saint Paul Des Metis 1909 to St. Paul 1979
115255: PAUL, ALEXANDER H.; DALE, EDMUND H. - Background Papers: Southern Prairies Field Excursion
115256: PAUL, ALEXANDER H.; DALE, EDMUND H. - Tour Guide: Southern Prairies Field Excursion
100438: ST. PAUL AND DISTRICT. NOEL, OLIVER - A Pictorial History of St. Paul and District
201484: PAULHAN, JEAN - Braque le Patron
203091: PAULIN, GEORGE - No Struggle for Existence No Natural Selection; a Critical Examination of the Fundamental Principles of the Darwinian Theory
131191: PAULL, MRS. H. B. - Englefield Grange or, Mary Armstrong's Troubles
113777: PAULOS, JOHN ALLEN - Beyond Numeracy; Ruminations of a Numbers Man
130838: PAULSEN, JR., HAROLD A. - Range Management in the Central and Southern Rocky Mountains: A Summary of the Status of Our Knowledge by Range Ecosystems
130088: PAULUS, TRINA - Hope for the Flowers
121810: PAUPANEKIS, KENNETH; FORWARD BY PATRICIA NINGEWANCE - Pocket Cree; A Phrasebook for Nearly All Occasions
104313: DE PAUW, GEORGE - Pioneering in Highway Bridges for the Province of Manitoba and the Engineering Profession
116255: PAVELIC, MYFANWYBOVEY, PATRICIA E. - Myfanwy Pavelic; Inner Explorations
201485: PAVEY, L.A. - At Home
201486: PAVLOV, I.V.; KOSHTOYANTS, KH. S. (EDITOR) - Selected Works
113212: PAWSON, ALICE (COMPILED AND EDITTED) - Memories of Shand: History of a Saskatchewan Coal Mining Community
114315: PAWSON, GEOFFREY - Go Forward with Pride: A Historical Review of the Ranch Ehrlo Society
107271: PAYETTE, B.C. - The Oregon Country Under the Union Jack: Postscript Edition; a Reference Book of Historical Documents for Scholars and Historians
117617: PAYMENT, DIANE PAULETTE - The Free People / Li Gens Libres: A History of the Métis Community of Batoche, Saskatchewan
128435: PAYMENT, DIANE PAULETTE - "The Free People - Otipemisiwak" Batoche, Saskatchewan 1870 - 1930
116938: PAYNE, ALICE V. - Quin Kola: Tom Payne's Search for Gold
129522: PAYNE, CHARLES M. - I've Got the Light of Freedom; The Organizing Tradition and the Mississippi Freedom Struggle
107275: PAYTON, W.F. - An Historical Sketch of the Diocese of Saskatchewan of the Anglican Church of Canada; 100 Years, 1874-1974
126953: THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART; PAZ, OCTAVIO [INTRODUCTION] - Mexico; Splendid of Thirty Centuries
111708: CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE - The Hague Convention (II) of 1907 Respecting the Limitation of the Employment of Force for the Recovery of Contract Debts
111705: CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE - The Hague Declaration (IV, 2) of 1899 Concerning Asphyxiating Gases
111706: CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE - The Hague Declaration (IV, 3) of 1899 Concerning Expanding Bullets
111707: CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE - The Final Acts of the First and Second Hague Peace Conferences, together with the Draft Convention on a Judicial Arbitration Court
111704: CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE - The Hague Declarations of 1899 (IV, 1) and 1907 (XIV) Prohibiting the Discharge of Projectiles and Explosives from Balloons
111703: CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE - The Hague Conventions of 1899 (III) and 1907 (X) for the Adaptation to Maritime Warfare of the Principles of the Geneva Convention
111702: CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE - The Hague Conventions of 1899 (II) and 1907 (IV) Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land
125807: CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Founded December 14, 1910; Year Book, 1921; No. 10
120327: PEACH, JACK - All Our Yesterdays
116312: PEACH, JACK - Days Gone by; Jack Peach on Calgary's Past
101909: PEACOCK, J.W - From Lumberjack to Wheat Farmer
114603: PEACOCK, KENNETH - A Survey of Ethnic Folkmusic Accross Western Canada
107276: PEACOCK, DON - Barefoot on the Hill; the Life of Harry Hays
107277: PEACOCK, KENNETH - Twenty Ethnic Songs from Western Canada
125257: PEACOCK, J.W - From Lumberjack to Wheat Farmer
130743: PEARCE, WES D.; HILLABOLD, JEAN (EDITED BY) (EDITOR) - Outspoken; Perspectives on Queer Identities
100348: PEARSALL, BLANCHE - Scattered Leaves
201488: PEARSON, THOMAS - Infidelity: Its Aspects, Causes and Agencies; Being the Prize Essay of the British Organization of the Evangelical Alliance
120069: PEARSON, T. GILBERT - Stories of Bird Life
115839: PEARY, ROBERT E.; SCHLESINGER, ARTHUR M. - Race for the South Pole - the Antarctic Challenge; Chronicles from National Geographic
115022: PEASE, LEONORA - Happy Dollies: Dollies in Happyland
130510: PEASTITUTE, JOHN; JANCEWICZ, ELIZABETH (ILLUSTRATIONS) - Kuihkwahchaw; Naskapi Wolverine Stories
107282: PECHER, KAMIL - Lonely Voyage; by Kayak to Adventure and Discovery
112887: PECK, C.B. EDITOR - Car Builders' Cyclopedia 1953
130271: PECK, M. SCOTT - The Road Less Traveled; A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth
107283: PECK, J.A. - Farm Machinery in Perspective
126144: PECK, HARRY THURSTON (EDITOR IN CHIEF) (EDITOR) - Masterpieces of the World's Greatest Literature, Ancient and Modern (20 Volumes)
129676: PECOVER, JACK - The Work of Justice; The Trials of Robert Raymond Cook; The Story of the Last Man Hanged in Alberta
127975: PEDERSEN, ROD - Green Magic; Canada's Team Wins the 2007 Grey Cup
121101: PEEL, BRUCE - Bibliography of Bruce Braden Peel
130965: PEEL, ANNIE LAURIE STAFFORD - Nineteenth Century Lethbridge
129947: PEEL, BRUCE BRADEN - A Bibliography of the Prairie Provinces to 1953 with Biographical Index
107288: PEEL, BRUCE - Early Printing in the Red River Settlement 1859-1870 and Its Effect on the Riel Rebellion
107285: PEEL, BRUCE - Steamboats on the Saskatchewan
107286: PEEL, BRUCE BRADEN - A Bibliography of the Prairie Provinces to 1953 with Biographical Index
107287: PEEL, BRUCE - Rossville Mission Press: The Invention of the Cree Syllabic Characters, and the First Printing in Rupert's Land
125662: PEEL, BARRY; MISTIK MANAGEMENT LTD. - The Nor Sask Forest Story
107289: PEERS, LAURA - The Ojibwa of Western Canada 1780 to 1870
118813: CROOKED RIVER, PEESANE & DISTRICTS - Forest & Mills to Farming Skills
129494: PEET, RICHARD (EDITOR) - Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography; Volume 13, Number 3 1981
129495: PEET, RICHARD (EDITOR) - Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography; Volume 13, Number 2 1981
128473: PEET, RICHARD (EDITOR) - Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography; Volume 5, Number 2 May 1973; Destruction and Exploitation in the Third World, Establishment Geography, Gaudeloupeen Diary.
121811: PEET, MARTHA TOKA - Pocket Intuktitut; A Phrasebook for Nearly All Occasions
126157: PEHAP, ERIC - Eric Pehap Paintings & Graphics
125241: UTAMARO; MEECH-PEKARIK, JULIA [INTRODUCTION] - Utamaro; A Chorus of Birds
130539: PELECH, DMYTRO - Ivan Mazeppa, the Great Hetman
130012: AUTHOR OF "PELHAM", "DEVEREUX", &C. (EDWARD BULLWER-LYTTON) - Eugene Aram; A Tale in Three Volumes
115940: PELINSKI, RAMON; SULUK, LUKE; AMAROOK, LUCY - Inuit Songs from Eskimo Point
124745: PELLETIER, JOANNE - Gabriel Dumont
125177: PELLETIER, DARRELL W. - Alfred's First Day at School
125176: PELLETIER, DARRELL W. - The Big Storm
107294: PELLETIER, EMILE - Le Vecu des Metis
124806: PELLETIER, EMILE - Le Vecu des Metis
131582: GABRIEL DUMONT INSTITUTE; PELLETIER, JOANNE (REVISION BY) - North-West Resistance Aftermath of the Red River Insurgence (Revised Edition)
115596: PELLICANI, LUCIANO - Red Bureaucracy
201492: PELLOWE, WILLIAM C.S. - Mark Twain, Pilgrim from Hannibal: A Biographical Study
123391: PELLY, LINDA - Saulteaux Legends: Nanabush & the Ducks
122877: PELLY, LINDA - Saulteaux Legends; Nanabush and the Bullrushes
122876: PELLY, LINDA - Saulteaux Legends: Nanabush & the Muskrat
114270: PELTZ, REV. GEORGE A. - Grandpa Goodwin's Stories or Home Talks Out of the Wonderful Book
100977: PEMBINA - MANITOU - Pembina Manitou 100th Anniversary and Reunion; July 2-8, 1979
121836: WALDMAN, CARL. PEN AND INK DRAWINGS BY MOLLY BRAUN. - Word Dance; The Language of Native American Culture
107296: PENARD, JEAN MARIE - Mgr. Charlebois; (Notes et Souvenirs)
130646: PENASHUE, TSHAUKUESH ELIZABETH; YEOMAN, ELIZABETH (EDITOR) - Nitinikiau Innusi I keep the Land Alive
102894: PENDERGAST, JAMES F. - The Roebuck Prehistoric Village Site Rim Sherds--An Attribute Analysis
202792: PENFIELD, WILDER - Second Thoughts: Science, the Arts and the Spirit
128297: PENIKETT, TONY - Reconciliation; First Nations Treaty Making in British Columbia
107301: PENNER, NORMAN (EDITOR, INTRO.); PRITCHARD, W.A. (FOREWORD) - Winnipeg 1919: The Strikers' Own History of the Winnipeg General Strike
131028: ALTONA (MANITOBA); PENNER, VIC; FRIESEN, T.J. - Altona; A Pictorial History
100350: PENNER, HELEN - Poetry Lane
203802: POSTL, BRIAN D.; GILBERT, PENNY; ET AL (EDITOR) - Circumpolar Health 90; Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Circumpolar Health Whitehorse, Yukon, May 20-25, 1990
119356: PENSE - Thirty Years of Pense Progress
131287: PENTANGELI, PEP (EDITOR); PULP MAYHEM (EDITOR) - Soft Brides for the Beast of Blood; Fiction, Features and Art from Classic Men's Adventure Magazines: Pulp Mayhem, Volume Three
107304: PENTLAND, DAVID H.; WOLFART, H. CHRISTOPHER - Bibliography of Algonquian Linguistics
115712: PENTLAND, DAVID H. (EDITOR) - Papers of the Twenty-Seventh Algonquian Conference
115710: PENTLAND, DAVID H. (EDITOR) - Papers of the Twenty-Ninth Algonquian Conference
114414: PENTNEY, WILLIAM F. - The Aboriginal Rights Provisions in the Constitution Act, 1982
128536: PENZER, NORMAN M. - Nala & Damayanti
129385: CANADIAN ASSOCIATION IN SUPPORT OF NATIVE PEOPLES (C.A.S.N.P.) - C.A.S.N.P. bulletin for concerned Canadians; Vol 14 No. 1 April, 1973
127515: ROYAL COMMISSION ON ABORIGINAL PEOPLES - Aboriginal Peoples in Urban Centres; Report of the National Round Table on Aboriginal Urban Issues
127430: ROYAL COMMISSSION ON ABORIGINAL PEOPLES - The Right of Aboriginal Self-Government and the Constitution; A Commentary by the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples
118928: ROYAL COMMISSION ON ABORIGINAL PEOPLES - (1 Line of Cree Syllabics) / People to People, Nation to Nation / À L'aube D'un Rapprochement / (1 Line of Inuktitut Syllabics)
114541: ROYAL COMMISSION ON ABORIGINAL PEOPLES - Treaty Making in the Spirit of Co-Existence; An Alternative to Extinguishment
114542: ROYAL COMMISSION ON ABORIGINAL PEOPLES - Public Policy and Aboriginal Peoples 1965 - 1992 (Volume 4) Bibliography
114521: ROYAL COMMISSION ON ABORIGINAL PEOPLES - The Path to Healing: Report of the National Round Table on Aboriginal Health and Social Issues
114471: ROYAL COMMISSION ON ABORIGINAL PEOPLES - Public Policy and Aboriginal Peoples 1965 - 1992 (Volume 2) Summaries of Reports by Federal Bodies and Aboriginal Organizations
114472: ROYAL COMMISSION ON ABORIGINAL PEOPLES - Public Policy and Aboriginal Peoples 1965 - 1992 (Volume 3) Summaries of Reports by Provincial and Territorial Bodies and Other Organizations
114457: ROYAL COMMISSION ON ABORIGINAL PEOPLES - High Arctic Relocation, a Report on the 1953-55 Relocation with Volume 1 and 2 of Summary of Supporting Information (3 Volumes)
117629: ROYAL COMMISSION ON ABORIGINAL PEOPLES - Sharing the Harvest; The Road to Self-Reliance
114295: ROYAL COMMISSION ON ABORIGINAL PEOPLES - Partners in Confederation; Aboriginal Peoples, Self-Government, and the Constitution
127993: ROYAL COMMISSION ON ABORIGINAL PEOPLES - Public Hearings: Exploring the Options; Overview of the Third Round
106004: LEVEILLE-PEPIN, CORNELIE - Histoire de St. Paul Alberta 1896-1951
127232: PERDUE, THEDA; GREEN, MICHAEL D. - American Indians of the Southeast
101915: PERDUE - Let's Look Back..
119126: MENDEL ART GALLERY; PEREHUDOFF, WILLIAM (ARTIST) (EDITOR) - The Optimism of Colour: William Perehudoff, a Retrospective / L'optimisme de la Couleur: William Perehudoff, Une Rétrospective
118956: CALENDAR. PEREHUDOFF, WILLIAM (ARTIST) - 1967 12 Month Calendar
123171: PEREHUDOFF, WILLIAM; GRENVILLE, BRUCE [TEXT] - William Perehudoff Paintings of the Sixties
123167: PEREHUDOFF, WILLIAM; THE GALLERY / ART PLACEMENT, INC. - Perehudoff; Works on Paper and Canvas
118762: PERIN, ROBERTO - Rome in Canada; The Vatican and Canadian Affairs in the Late Victorian Age
130810: PERIN, ROBERTO - The Immigrants' Church; The Third Force in Canadian Catholicism, 1880-1920
130658: PERIODICAL - Manitoba Pageant
130150: PERIODICAL. - Racar. Revue D'Art Canadienne. Canadian Review of Art. XVII,2 / 1990
201495: PERIODICAL - Antiquity; a Quarterly Review of Archaeology
130454: PERIODICAL - Next Year Country 1975 - 1978
121678: PERIODICAL - Alberta Historical Review; The Pioneer West
121089: PERIODICAL - I'm No Superman; The Comic Collection of Gilbert Bouchard
128464: PERIODICAL - Saskatchewan History
101920: PERIODICAL - S.S.E.A. Art Journal.
101923: PERIODICAL - The Farm Movement
113219: PERIODICAL - Our Schools Our Selves; A Magazine for Canadian Activists
113141: PERIODICAL - The Western Canadian Journal of Anthropology Vol. 2 No. 1 1970
113140: PERIODICAL - The Western Canadian Journal of Anthropology Vol. VIII No. 2,3,4 (Bound Together) 1979
124936: PERIODICAL - The Western Canadian Journal of Anthropology Vol. 1 No. 2; July, 1970
123781: RED RIVER VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY; PERIODICAL - Red River Valley Historian; Minnesota Issue (Winter 1975-76)
123779: RED RIVER VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY; PERIODICAL - Red River Valley Historian and History News; The Quarterly Journal of the Red River Valley Historical Society; Manitoba Issue
131102: PERIODICAL - Seven Persons; Repository
130410: PERIODICAL - Canadian Antiques Collector; A Journal of Antiques and Fine Arts (Later Canadian Collector) March 1971
130411: PERIODICAL - Canadian Antiques Collector; A Journal of Antiques and Fine Arts (Later Canadian Collector) July/August 1974 / Vol. 9 No. 4
130412: PERIODICAL - Canadian Antiques Collector; A Journal of Antiques and Fine Arts (Later Canadian Collector) September 1970 / Vol. 5, No. 8
130413: PERIODICAL - Canadian Antiques Collector; A Journal of Antiques and Fine Arts (Later Canadian Collector) July/August 1973 / Volume 8, Number 4
130414: PERIODICAL - Canadian Antiques Collector; A Journal of Antiques and Fine Arts (Later Canadian Collector) September/October 1974 / Vol. 9 No. 5
130415: PERIODICAL - Canadian Antiques Collector; A Journal of Antiques and Fine Arts (Later Canadian Collector) July / August 1972
130416: PERIODICAL - Canadian Antiques Collector; A Journal of Antiques and Fine Arts (Later Canadian Collector) September-October 1973
130417: PERIODICAL - Canadian Antiques Collector; A Journal of Antiques and Fine Arts (Later Canadian Collector) 1973 Vol. 8 No. 1
117503: PERIODICAL. - The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science
117502: PERIODICAL. - The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science
117501: PERIODICAL. - The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science
117500: PERIODICAL. - The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science
117499: PERIODICAL. - The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science
117498: PERIODICAL. - The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science
117497: PERIODICAL. - The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science
117496: PERIODICAL. - The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science
117495: PERIODICAL. - The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science
117494: PERIODICAL. - The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science: The Journal of the Canadian Political Science Association
117493: PERIODICAL. - The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science: The Journal of the Canadian Political Science Association
117492: PERIODICAL. - The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science: The Journal of the Canadian Political Science Association
117491: PERIODICAL. - The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science: The Journal of the Canadian Political Science Association
117490: PERIODICAL. - The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science: The Journal of the Canadian Political Science Association
117488: PERIODICAL. - The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science: The Journal of the Canadian Political Science Association
117489: PERIODICAL. - The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science: The Journal of the Canadian Political Science Association
117486: PERIODICAL. - The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science: The Journal of the Canadian Political Science Association
117487: PERIODICAL. - The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science: The Journal of the Canadian Political Science Association
114769: PERIODICAL - Saskatchewan Indian Federated College Journal
130450: PERIODICAL - The Beaver; A Magazine of the North (Changes to Canada's History April 2010)
117375: PERIODICAL - Saskatchewan Indian Federated College Journal
117373: PERIODICAL - Saskatchewan Indian Federated College Journal
117374: PERIODICAL - Saskatchewan Indian Federated College Journal
117372: PERIODICAL - Saskatchewan Indian Federated College Journal
107368: PERIODICAL - Saskatchewan History
107370: PERIODICAL - Saskatchewan Indian Federated College Journal
107371: PERIODICAL - Saskatchewan Indian
107372: PERIODICAL - Saskatchewan Native Women's Association Newsletter
107373: PERIODICAL - Saskatchewan Today
107375: PERIODICAL - Wascana Review
107379: PERIODICAL - The Western Digest
107380: PERIODICAL - Western Economic Review
107381: PERIODICAL - The Wide World: The Magazine for Men
107382: PERIODICAL - The Wide World: The Magazine for Men
107383: PERIODICAL - Canadian Fiction Magazine; Saskatchewan Issue
107385: PERIODICAL - Canadian Golden West; the Canadian West's Own Magazine
107342: PERIODICAL - Manitoba Pageant
107344: PERIODICAL - Manitoba in Literature: An Issue on Literary Environment
107345: PERIODICAL - The Mountie; True Stories of the R.C.M.P., And Other Articles of General Interest
107348: PERIODICAL - Northern Light 3
107353: PERIODICAL - Writers News Manitoba
107354: PERIODICAL - Prairie Fire: A Canadian Magazine of New Writing
107364: PERIODICAL - Saskatchewan Archaeology Newsletter
107365: PERIODICAL - Saskatchewan Archaeology; The Journal of the Saskatchewan Archaeological Society
107335: PERIODICAL - Labour / Le Travail: Labour in Alberta
107336: PERIODICAL - N M A G Review
107338: PERIODICAL - Manitoba Archaeological Newsletter
107339: PERIODICAL - Manitoba Archaeological Quarterly
107340: PERIODICAL - Manitoba Archaeological Quarterly; Archaeology Today
107341: PERIODICAL - Manitoba History
117129: PERIODICAL - Saskatchewan History Index Volume I to Volume Xxx; 1948 - 1977
114768: PERIODICAL - Saskatchewan Indian Federated College Journal
107318: PERIODICAL - C.S.T.A. Review. La Revue de la C.S.T.A
107320: PERIODICAL - Camera Canada
107321: PERIODICAL - Canada Goose: A Canadian Poetry Quarterly
107324: PERIODICAL - Canadian Journal of Native Studies
107326: PERIODICAL - Contemporary Verse Two
107327: PERIODICAL - Dandelion
107328: PERIODICAL - Dawson and Hind Quarterly
107330: PERIODICAL - Folklore
107332: PERIODICAL - Grain. New Writing. New Art
107333: PERIODICAL - Historical Bulletin: Notes and Abstracts Dealing with Medical History
107312: PERIODICAL - Arts West
107305: PERIODICAL - Blue Buffalo; a Magazine of Recent Alberta Writing
107306: PERIODICAL - Alberta; Studies in the Arts and Sciences
107308: PERIODICAL - Alberta Historical Review / Alberta History
107310: PERIODICAL - Journal of the Appraisal Institute of Canada; Proceedings of the Annual Conference
114767: PERIODICAL - Saskatchewan Indian Federated College Journal
116472: PERIODICAL - Canadian Journal of Linguistics
120591: PERIODICAL. - The Canadian Historical Review
120589: PERIODICAL. - The Canadian Historical Review; New Series of the Review of Historical Publications Relating to Canada
116249: PERIODICAL - The Western Canadian Journal of Anthropology Vol. II No. 2, July 1971
120581: PERIODICAL. - Labour / le Travail : Journal of Canadian Labour Studies / Revue D'études Ouvrières Canadiennes [Complete Run: Vol.1 - Vol.76]
107323: PERIODICAL - Canadian Antiques Collector; A Journal of Antiques and Fine Arts - Canadian Collector
115847: PERIODICAL - The Western Canadian Journal of Anthropology Vol. 4 No. 3, January 1975
115778: PERIODICAL - Na'pao; A Saskatchewan Anthropology Journal; Vol. 3, No. 1; July 1971
115779: PERIODICAL - Oshkaabewis Native Journal; Vol. 2, No. 1, Fall 1995
107316: PERIODICAL - Blue Jay; a Journal of Natural History and Conservation for Saskatchewan and Adjacent Regions
130090: PERIODICAL - Blue Jay; a Journal of Natural History and Conservation for Saskatchewan and Adjacent Regions
122799: PERIODICAL - Two-Cylinder
122798: PERIODICAL - The Sheaf
100978: PERIODICAL - Manitoba Sports Gazette; ...From Archery to Yachting
122354: PERIODICAL - Wascana Review
130769: PERIODICAL - Alberta Historical Review; The Pioneer West
115145: PERIODICAL - Etudes Inuit Studies
102775: PERIODICAL - Iskra (Spark)
102776: PERIODICAL - Journal of Mennonite Studies
102777: PERIODICAL - The Icelandic Canadian
102774: PERIODICAL - Promin
115075: PERIODICAL - Art West: Canadian Issue (Vol.Ii, Issue 1)
130770: PERIODICAL - Alberta Historical Review / Alberta History
113142: PERIODICAL - The Western Canadian Journal of Anthropology Vol. 1 No. 1 1970 Spacial Issue: Cree Studies
131756: PERRAULT, CHARLES - The Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault
110376: PERRAULT - Les Contes de Perrault: La Belle Au Bois Dormant
125150: PERRAULT, CHARLES-OVIDE (1809-1837) (TRANSLATOR) [INFO]. - Prières, Catéchisme Et Cantiques En Langue Montagnaise Ou Chipeweyan
122532: PERRAULT, WILF - In the Admiral's Wake; A Romance
118540: PERREAULT, WILF; MARGOSHES, DAVE; VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - Wilf Perreault; In the Alley / Dans la Ruelle
122533: PERREAULT, WILF - In the Admiral's Wake; A Romance
127274: THE BATH HERALD; PERREN, FREDERICK AUGUSTUS [PHOTOGRAPHS] - A Record of the Great Floods in Bath and the Surrounding District, November 13 & 15, 1894
121914: PERRET, JOHN L. - Saskatchewan in Sight; A Photographic Odyssey, Illustrating the Seasonal Beauty of Saskatchewan
120910: PERRIER, ANTHELME - Gravitation; Préface de Francis de Miomandre
130924: PERROTT, STANFORD; FORAN, MAXWELL L. - The Chalk & the Easel; The Life and Work of Stanford Perrott
119773: PERRY, WIB - The Wayward Angel, Et Al; A Centennial Project
119717: PERRY, CHARLES E. - Hon. N. Clarke Wallace; Grand Master Loyal Orange Association of British America. His Actions on the "Remedial Bill" and What Led Up to It
118790: PERSON, LLOYD H. - Growing Up in Minby
107388: PERSON, LLOYD H. - No Foot in Heaven
114716: PERSON, LLOYD H. - Growing Up in Minby
121840: MCLAREN, PETER & KINCHELOE, JOE L. (EDITOR) - The Original Pedagogy; Where Are We Now?
129787: WOLFART, H. CHRISTOPH; MAHER, J. PETER ET AL. (EDITED BY) - Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science IV Current Issues in Linguistic Theory (Offprint); Papers from the 3rd International Conference on Historical Linguistics / The Word-and-Paradigm Model and Linguistic Change: The Verbal System of Ojibwa
128351: HAWKES DAVID C.; PETERS, EVELYN J. - Issues in Entrenching Aboriginal Self-Government; Report on the Workshop Held on February 16 - 18, 1987
112765: PETERS, ELLIS (PSEUDONYM OF EDITH PARGETER) - An Excellent Mystery; The Eleventh Chronicle of Brother Cadfael
126933: PETERS, VICTOR - All Things Common: The Hutterian Way of Life
126932: PETERS, VICTOR - All Things Common: The Hutterian Way of Life
107392: PETERS, P.J. - A Century of Horticulture in Manitoba 1880-1980
128986: PETERSEN, TOVE R. - Ballad of Svend Aage
128970: PETERSON, C.W. - Social Credit a Critical Analysis (New and Revised Edition)
124377: PETERSON, C.W.; JONES, DAVID C. [EDITOR] (EDITOR) - Wake Up, Canada!; Reflections on Vital National Issues
202793: PETERSON, FRED W. - Desert Pioneer Doctor and Experiences in Obstetrics
112383: PETERSON, C.F. - Politisk Handbook for Svenskarne I Amerika
110128: PETERSON, JACQUELINE; BROWN, JENNIFER S.H. - The New Peoples: Being and Becoming Metis in North America
107398: PETERSON, JACQUELINE; BROWN, JENNIFER S.H. - The New Peoples: Being and Becoming Metis in North America
126699: PETERSON, MURRAY; SWEENEY, ROBERT J. [ILLUSTRATIONS] - Winnipeg Landmarks; Volume II
128178: INDIAN HEAD. PETERSON, L.O.T. (EDITOR) - Indian Head; History of Indian Head and District
115423: CICERO; PETERSON, W. - The Speech of Cicero in Defence of Cluentius
107400: PETHICK, DEREK - James Douglas: Servant of Two Empires
117520: PETIT, PIERRE - Paris Inondé
107402: PETITOT, EMILE (EDITOR) - The Book of Dene: Containing the Traditions and Beliefs of Chipewyan, Dogrib, Slavey, and Loucheux Peoples
125247: PETRONE, PENNY (EDITOR) - First People, First Voices
107410: PETRONE, PENNY (EDITOR) - First People, First Voices
121980: PETRONE, PENNY - Native Literature in Canada; From the Oral Tradition to the Present
131231: PETTIGREW, R. KING - Goodbye Goodeve; Growing up in Saskatchewan in the 1920s. . .
130274: PETTINGER, RAYMOND S.; SHOAL LAKE - Shoal Lake Businesses 1874-2004
119085: PETTIPAS, KATHERINE - Severing the Ties That Bind; Government Repression of Indigenous Religious Ceremonies on the Prairies
107415: PETTIPAS, LEO (EDITOR) - The Oldtimers; First Peoples of the Land of the North Wind
119855: PETTIPAS, LEO - Aboriginal Migrations; A History of Movements in Southern Manitoba
106370: MANITOBA RECORD SOCIETY. PETTIPAS, KATHERINE (EDITOR) - The Diary of the Reverend Henry Budd; 1870-1875
112312: PEYERIMHOFF, A. - Lectures on Summability
127445: PEZER, VERA - The Stone Age; A Social History of Curling on the Prairies
124117: EDITORS OF PHAIDON - The Phaidon Atlas of Contemporary World Architecture (Comprehensive Edition)
107418: PHALEN, TERRY - Co-Operative Leadership: Harry L. Fowler
112400: PHARR, ROBERT DEANE - Giveadamn Brown
125342: SMITH, ELSIE; HARTL, PHILIP AND MARIA (NEE DITTRICH) - The Roots and Branches of the Families of Philip and Maria Hartl (Nee Dittrich)
131718: PULLMAN. PHILIP - His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass; The Subtle Knife; The Amber Spyglass (Trilogy)
127722: PHILIPS, ELIZABETH - Torch River
115875: PHILLIPS, WALTER J.; NIVEN, FREDERICK - Colour in the Canadian Rockies
201504: PHILLIPS, M.; TOMKINSON, W.S. - English Women in Life & Letters
121085: PHILLIPS, WALTER J. - Print - Mt. Edith
120330: PHILLIPS, CAROL A. (DIRECTOR); QUIJANO, M. JEAN-PIERRE (TRANS.) - Prints by Rodolphe Bresdin / Gravures de Rodolphe Bresdin
203713: PHILLIPS, HENRY WALLACE - Red Saunders; His Adventures West & East
113337: PHILLIPS, DAVID GRAHAM - The Price She Paid
111148: PHILLIPS, WALTER J.; BOULET, ROGER H. - The Tranquility and the Turbulence: The Life and Work of Walter J. Phillips
123686: PHILLIPS, PAUL - Regional Disparities
123603: PHILLIPS, DAVID - The Dream Outside
107425: PHILLIPS, BLUEBELL STEWART - Something Always Turned Up
107426: PHILLIPS, BOB - Prairie Journal: Persons and Places of Western Canada
107427: PHILLIPS, BOB - Out West: Stories About Persons and Places on the Canadian Prairies
107428: PHILLIPS, K.A. - Minerals of Manitoba Volume I: Non-Metallic and Pegmatic;
107429: PHILLIPS, K.A. - Common Rocks in Manitoba
106372: PHILLIPS, WALTER J.; TIPPETT, MARIA; COLE, DOUGLAS (EDITOR) - Phillips in Print; the Selected Writings of Walter J. Phillips on Canadian Nature and Art
131008: PHILLIPS, CHARLES E. - The Development of Education in Canada
115812: PHILLIPS, R.A.J. - Canada's North
115813: PHILLIPS, R.A.J. - Canada's North
122740: PHILLIPS, CAROL A. - 1987: Contemporary Art in Manitoba
122732: PHILLIPS, CAROL A. [CURATOR] NORMAN MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - Changes: 11 Artists Working on the Prairies
119528: PHILLIPS, ROBERT H.D. - Comrades in Arms and for Ever After; Stories About Members of Saskatoon's Nutana Branch 362 Royal Canadian Legion in Both War and Peacetime
102593: PHILLIPS, JAMES W. - Alaska-Yukon Place Names
202807: ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS IN CANADA - The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Canada Fiftieth Anniversary , 1979
201785: SOCIETY OF PHYSICIANS - The Annual Medical Review and Register for the Year 1809
201784: SOCIETY OF PHYSICIANS - The Annual Medical Review and Register for the Year 1808
101934: PIAPOT - Piapot Prairie Trails
114661: PICASSO, PABLO; BOZAL, VALERIANO, ET AL. - Picasso: From Caricature to Metamorphosis of Style
201506: PICASSO, PABLO - Desire: A Play
111711: PICK, HARRY - Next Year; the Story of the Barr Colonists. A Semi-Historical Account of the Exploits and Exploitations of the Far-Famed Barr Colonists, Who, Led by an Unscrupulous Church of England Parson, Adventured Deep into the Wilderness of Canada's Great North-West in the Early Days of the Twentieth Century
122862: PICK, HARRY - Next Year; the Story of the Barr Colonists. A Semi-Historical Account of the Exploits and Exploitations of the Far-Famed Barr Colonists, Who, Led by an Unscrupulous Church of England Parson, Adventured Deep into the Wilderness of Canada's Great North-West in the Early Days of the Twentieth Century
201507: PICKARD, KATE E.R. - The Kidnapped and the Ransomed
123496: PICKEL, VESTA ALTHEA - Under the Prairie Sky
117053: PICKERING, JACK L. - Prairie Pilgrimage; 366 Prairie Sketches
109387: PICKERSGILL, J.W. - The Road Back; By a Liberal in Opposition
115235: PICON, GAETAN - Ingres
120954: PICOUX, LOUISA; GROLET, EDWIGE - Légendes Manitobaines
112545: PIELKE, ROGER A. - Mesoscale Meterological Modeling
113311: PIERCE, PATRICIA (COMPILED BY) - Canada; The Images of Our Heritage 1895 - 1924
117738: PIERCE, LORNE - John McDougall
110473: PIERCE, LORNE - Unexplored Fields of Canadian Literature
107447: PIERCE, LORNE - John McDougall
123142: PIERCE, LORNE - Marjorie Pickthall a Book of Remembrance
202239: PIERCY, MARGE; BIRNEY, EARLE; LIFSHIN, LYN; AMMONS, A.R.; HEMENSLEY, KRIS - New: American & Canadian Poetry; December 1968, No.8
129209: PIERCY, C.H. (SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS) - Survey of Educational Facilities in Northern Saskatchewan; Part II the Areas along the Fringe of Established Settlement where the Inhabitants are Engaged in Agriculture
131216: ST. PIERRE, MARK; LONG SOLDIER, TILDS - Walking in the Sacred Manner; Healers, Dreamers, and Pipe Carriers - Medicine Women of the Plains
115227: GASSIER, PIERRE AND WILSON, JULIET - Goya: The Life and Complete Work of Fransisco Goya
115228: GASSIER, PIERRE AND WILSON, JULIET - Goya: The Life and Complete Work of Fransisco Goya
202794: PIERSOL, GEORGE MORRIS - Gateway of Honor; the American College of Physicians 1915-1959
131083: PIHACH, JOHN D. - Ukrainian Genealogy a Beginner's Guide
130555: PIKE, ROBERT M,; ZUREIK, ELIA (EDITOR) - Socialization and Values in Canadian Society Volume Two: Socialization, Social Stratification and Ethnicity
111795: PIKE, OLIVER G. - Through Birdland Byways with Pen and Camera
101548: FOREST BANK. CHRISTINE PIKE - Ever in My Mind; Forest Bank 1903-1981
115589: PIKE, WARBURTON - The Barren Ground of Northern Canada
118177: PILGRIM, MARIETTE SHAW - Alaska, Its History, Resources, Geography and Government
129719: PILLING, JAMES CONSTANTINE - Bibliography of the Chinookan Languages (Including the Chinook Jargon)
127951: PILLING, JAMES CONSTANTINE - Bibliography of the Eskimo Languages
116056: PIMLOTT, DOUGLAS; BROWN, DOUGALD; SAM, KENNETH - Oil Under the Ice; Offshore Drilling in the Canadian Arctic
131377: PINDAR, IAN (EDITOR) - The Folio Book of Historic Speeches
107449: PINIUTA, HARRY - Land of Pain: Land of Promise; First Person Accounts by Ukrainian Pioneers 1891-1914
113123: PINKERTON, THOMAS - The Adoption of Rhodope
110550: PIORKOWSKI, JERZY - Miasto Nieujarzmione
124814: PIOTROVSKY, MIKHAIL - The State Hermitage, Masterpieces from the Museum's Collections, Complete 2 Volumes in Slipcase Vol. 1: Art of the Early Cultures, Clöassical Antiquities, Oriental Works of Art, Coins and Medals, Arms and Armour, Vol. 2: Western European Art, Russian Art and Culture
124351: PIOZZI, HESTER LYNCH; HAYWAR, A.; LOBBAN, J.H. - Dr. Johnson's Mrs. Thrale; Autobiography, Letters, and Literary Remains of Mrs. Piozzi, Edited by A. Hayward, Q.C., Newly Selected and Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by J.H. Lobban
112307: PIPKIN, A.C. - Lectures on Viscoelasticity Theory
101937: PIKE LAKE. PIPPIN, J.R - 70 Years in Saskatchewan on Mudsnakes and Sauerkraut
121647: PIPREK, JAN UND JULIUSZ IPPOLDT: - Wielki Slownik Niemiecko-Polski / Großwörterbuch Deutsch-Polnisch (2 Bände Komplett / 2 Tomy) - Tom I: A - K / Tom II: L - Z / Tom III - Suplement
125128: PISKOR, ED - Hip Hop Family Tree; Fantagraphics Treasury Edition, Volume 1
100993: PITBLADO, CHARLES BRUCE - Robert Burns - His Life and Poetry; an Address Delivered in Selkirk Hall, Winnipeg, Manitoba, February 25th, 1884
113588: PITCHFORD, ELINOR - Stories Mamma Told Me
115900: PITSEOLAK - Pictures Out of My Life
120397: PITSULA, JAMES M. - For All We Have and Are; Regina and the Experience of the Great War
116084: PITSULA, JAMES M. - New World Dawning; The Sixties at Regina Campus
121459: PITSULA, JAMES M. - New World Dawning; The Sixties at Regina Campus
101939: PITSULA, JAMES M. - Let the Family Flourish: A History of the Family Service Bureau of Regina, 1913-1982
117715: PITSULA, JAMES (TEXT) - Honouring Our Past, Embracing Our Future; Celebrating a Century of Excellence in Education at the University of Regina Campus
127139: PITSULA, JAMES M. - Keeping Canada British; The Ku Klux Klan in 1920s Saskatchewan
123507: PITSULA, JAMES M. - As One Who Serves; The Making of the University of Regina
107457: PITSULA, JAMES M. - An Act of Faith: The Early Years of Regina College
107458: PITSULA, JAMES M.; RASMUSSEN, KEN - Privatizing a Province: The New Right in Saskatchewan
109388: PITT, DAVID G. - E.J. Pratt; The Truant Years 1882-1927
122577: PITT, ET AL. - Masterpieces of English Oratory; Being the Celebrated Speeches of Chatham, Burke, and Erskine, to Which Is Added the Arguement of Mr. Mackintosh, in the Case of Peltier. Selected by a Member of the Philadelphia Bar.
201516: PITTER, RUTH - On Cats
125958: PITTMAN, AL - Once When I Was Drowning
200652: PITTS, JOSEPH; DANIEL, WILLIAM; PONCET; FOSTER, WILLIAM (EDITOR) - The Red Sea and Adjacent Countries at the Close of the Seventeenth Century As Described by Joseph Pitts, William Daniel and Charles Jacques Poncet
126618: PITTS, VICTORIA - In the Flesh; The Cultural Politics of Body Modification
112885: PIXLEY, CHARLES - Optical Primer
101944: PORCUPINE PLAIN AND DISTRICT - Cordwood Days to Modern Ways; Carragana - Chelan - High Tor - Porcupine Plain - Somme - Weekes
125801: SWAN PLAIN - Pioneers Settled, We Continued...
101368: BELLE PLAINE, STONEY BEACH - Prairie Sojourn. Belle Plaine - Stoney Beach
123124: BELLE PLAINE, STONEY BEACH - Prairie Sojourn. Belle Plaine - Stoney Beach
100594: CARBERRY PLAINS - Carberry Plains; Century One 1882-1982
122364: PLAMONDON, BOB - Hay West; A Story of Canadians Helping Canadians
124385: THE CITY OF EDMONTON PLANNING - Old Strathcona; Background and Issues
117298: KAPISTS. ORGAN ZWIAZKU POLSKICH ARTYSTOW PLASTYKOW - Glos Plastyków; Czasopismo Ilustrowane Poswiecone Sztuce Plastycznej; Rocznik IX Wrezesien 1948
201517: PLEASANTS, MARY M. - Which One?; And Other Ante Bellum Days
200537: DU PLESSIS, J. - A Thousand Miles in the Heart of Africa; a Record of a Visit to the Mission-Field of the Boer Church in Central Africa
128626: PLINIUS, CAECILIUS SECUNDUS [PLINY THE YOUNGER] - Panegirico di Plinio a Traiano Volgarizzato dal padre don Gio: Agostino Lengueglia della Congreg. di Somasca
202223: PLUMMER, FRANK EVERETT - Gracia; a Social Tragedy
111888: JAECKLE-PLUNIAN, CLAUDE; MCMEEKIN, SEAN A. - A Propos des ecrits sur le theatre au dix-huitieme siecle; From Beaumarchais to Chenier: the droits d'auteur and the fall of the Comedie-Francaise, 1777-1791
126534: PLUTARCH - Selected Lives from the Parallel Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
201519: PLUTZIK, HYAM - Apples from Shinar
120270: POCIUS, GERALD L. - Textile Traditions of Eastern Newfoundland
127405: POCKLINGTON, T.C. - The Government and Politics of the Alberta Metis Settlements
107461: POCKLINGTON, T.C. - The Government and Politics of the Alberta Metis Settlements
127968: PODRUCHNY, CAROLYN - Making the Voyageur World; Travelers and Traders in the North American Fur Trade
131317: POE, EDGAR ALLAN; SCOTT, WILBER S. (INTRODUCTION) - The Complete Tales & Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
129411: POE, EDGAR ALLAN - Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
107464: POETTCKER, HENRY; REGEHR, RUDY - Call to Faithfulness: Essays in Canadian Mennonite Studies
107468: POHORECKY, ZENON - Saskatchewan People: A Brief Illustrated Guide to Their Ethnocultures
126402: POIER, GRANT - Expanded Standard Time Line; Artists and Electronic Media in Calgary; Emmedia 1980 Through 2005. . .
201522: POINSETT, JOEL ROBERT - Indians Hostile on Western Frontier: Letter from the Secretary of War, upon the Subject of a Hostile Disposition upon the Part of the Indians on the Western Frontier
130643: POINT, NICOLAS, S.J.; DONNELLY, JOSEOH, S.J. - Wilderness Kingdom; Indian Life in the Rocky Mountains: 1840-1847 Translated and introduced by Joseph P. Donnelly, S.J. with an appreciation by John C. Ewers
121513: POIRIER, THELMA; HILLABOLD, JEAN - Double Visions
121512: POIRIER, THELMA; HILLABOLD, JEAN - Double Visions
121449: POIRIER, THELMA; HILLABOLD, JEAN - Double Visions
116917: POIRIER, THELMA - Rockcreek
126841: POIRIER,THELMA - Children of the Wood Mountain Uplands
121608: POIRIER, THELMA - The Grasslanders: Ranch Stories from Grasslands National Park
118902: POITRAS, EDWARD (ARTIST); LAVALLEE, MICHELLE (CURATOR) - 13 Coyotes: Edward Poitras
129320: POITRAS, EDWARD; CANADIAN MUSEUM OF CIVILIZATION - Edward Poitras; Canada XLVI Biennale di Venezia
127897: THE ELDERS OF KAWACATOOSE FIRST NATION; TED WHITECALF; MARILYN POITRAS - Kawacatoose First Nation Elders Volume II : Meskanawiyiniwak
112476: POIZNER, HOWARD; KLIMA, EDWARD S.; BELLUGI, URSULA - What the Hands Reveal About the Brain
128580: POLAK, MONIQUE; FITZGERALD, MEAGS (ILLUS.) - I Am a Feminist; Claiming the F-Word in Turbulent Times
131563: POLANO, PIETRO SOAVE (PAOLO SARPI); BRENT, NATHANAEL (TRANSLATED BY) - The History of the Council of Trent. Containing Eight Books in which Befides the Ordinary Acts of the Council are declared many notable Occurances, which happened in Christendom, during the space of forty years and more. AND PARTICULARLY Thw Practices of the Court of ROME To hinder the Reformation of their ERROURS, and to maintain their GREATNESS
124539: POLE, GRAEME - David Thompson; The Epic Expeditions of a Great Canadian Explorer
129720: ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE - Law and Order in Canadian Democracy; Crime and Police Work in Canada Revised Edition 1952
124403: MOUNTED POLICE. ROYAL NORTH-WEST MOUNTED POLICE - Law and Order; Being the Official Reports to Parliament of the Activities of the Royal North-West Mounted Police Force from 1886-1887
113592: ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE - An Historical Outline of the Force
111896: MOUNTED POLICE. ROYAL NORTH-WEST MOUNTED POLICE - The New West: Being the Official Reports to Parliament of the Activities of the Royal North-West Mounted Police Force from 1888-1889
111787: ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE - Presentation of the New Guidon to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police by Her Majesty the Queen, Honorary Commissioner, July 4, 1973, "Depot" Division, Regina, Saskatchewan
110273: MOUNTED POLICE. ROYAL NORTH-WEST MOUNTED POLICE - Law and Order; Being the Official Reports to Parliament of the Activities of the Royal North-West Mounted Police Force from 1886-1887
110156: MOUNTED POLICE; THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE ROYAL NORTH-WEST MOUNTED POLICE - Opening Up the West; Being the Official Reports to Parliament of the Activities of the Royal North-West Mounted Police Force from 1874-1881
107359: PERIODICAL. ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE (R.C.M.P.) - The R.C.M.P. Quarterly (Volume 30)
107361: PERIODICAL. ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE (R.C.M.P.) - The R.C.M.P. Quarterly (Volume 50)
107009: MOUNTED POLICE. ROYAL NORTH-WEST MOUNTED POLICE - The New West: Being the Official Reports to Parliament of the Activities of the Royal North-West Mounted Police Force from 1888-1889
120790: ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE - The Origins of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police / la Gendarmerie Royale Du Canada À Ses Débuts
120585: PERIODICAL. ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE (R.C.M.P.) - The R.C.M.P. Quarterly (Volume 60)
106984: MOUNTED POLICE - Map Shewing Mounted Police Stations & Patrols 1888; Commemorating Royal Canadian Mounted Police Centennial 1873-1973
201524: POLLARD, ELIZA F. - A Daughter of France; A Story of Acadia
123610: POLLARD, W.C. - Life on the Frontier; A Sketch of the Parry Sound Colonies That Settled Near Edmonton, N.W.T. In the Early Nineties.
202183: POLLIA, JOSEPH ANDREA - The Fundamental Principles of Alveolo-Dental Radiology; a Text Book Dealing with the Technics of Taking Radiographs of the Teeth and Osseous Tissues of the Human Jaws, with an Analytical Treatise on Their Interpretation As a Basis of Diagnosis of Oral Lesions
121321: POLLOCK, SHARON - Blood Relations and Other Plays
129070: POLLOCK, SHARON - Walsh
122036: POLLOCK, JACKSON; BAETJER, KATHARINE; MINTZ MESSINGER LISA; ROSENTHAL, NAN - The Jackson Pollock Sketchbooks in the Metroplolitan Museum of Art (Lacks Accompanying Sketchbooks)
102596: POLLOCK, JOHN WILLIAM - The Culture History of Kirkland Lake District, Northeastern Ontario
116697: POLSON,DON - Moving Through Deep Snow
129257: POLTARNEES, WELLERAN - All Mirrors are Magic Mirrors
102779: POLYANA, YASNAYA; TOLSTOY, L.N. - "Two Wars" and "Tolstoy's Letters to Doukhobors" (... In Canada)
126923: POMERANCE, ALAN - Repeal of the Blues
201527: POMERANTZ, CHARLOTTE - A Quarter Century of Un-Americana: 1938-1963, a Tragico-Comical Memorabilia of H.U.A.C.
119752: POMEROY, EARL - The Pacific Slope; A History of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada
118143: DE PONCINS, GONTRAN - Kabloona
118012: PONCINS, GONTRAN DE - The Ghost Voyage
125520: DE PONCINS, GONTRAN - Kabloona
119769: POND, GEORGE E. - Milestones and Memories; A Century of Simcoe
113887: PONTING, J. RICK ( EDITED BY) - Arduous Journey; Canadian Indians and Decolonization
117686: PONTING, J. RICK - First Nations in Canada; Perspectives on Opportunity, Empowerment, and Self-Determination
117094: SASKATCHEWAN WHEAT POOL - Remember the Carloading Bees?
130028: POOLE, ROGER - The unknown Virginia Woolf
116218: POOLE, LESLIE - Confessions
129193: POOLE, LESLIE; KAMLOOPS ART GALLERY - Through the Looking Glass; Self-Portraits of Leslie Poole
113854: POPE, JESSIE - The Picture Book of Kittens
124142: POPE, SIR JOSEPH, DOUGHTY, A.G. (PREFACE BY) - Memoirs of the Right Honourable Sir John Alexander MacDonald, G.C.B., First Primeminister of the Dominion of Canada
130525: POPOFF, MARTIN - Live Magnetic Air; The Unlikely Saga of the Superlative Max Webster
102780: POPOFF, I.A. - An Historical Exposition on the Origin and Evolvement of the Basic Tenents of the Doukhobor Life-Conception
107477: POPOWICH, CLAUDIA HELEN - To Serve Is to Love: The Canadian Story of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate
107479: POPPLE, ARTHUR E. - Popple's Handbook of Western Canadian Law. A Concise Statement of the Laws of Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba and Saskatchewan Adapted for the Use of Justices of the Peace, Notaries, Bankers, ...
110607: PORCEPIC - Giant Canadian Poetry Annual 1977
107481: PORRITT, EDWARD - Sixty Years of Protection in Canada 1846-1912 Where Industry Leans on the Politician
128518: PORTER, JOHN - The Vertical Mosaic; An Analysis of Social Class and Power in Canada
125216: PORTER, BARRI WORTHINGTON; ELLIS, ELEANOR A. (EDITOR) - Trapping and Fur Preparation
202153: STRATTON-PORTER, GENE - Laddie; a True Blue Story
120207: STRATTON-PORTER, GENE - Freckles
128906: STRATTON-PORTER, GENE - Freckles
117384: PORTER, JENE M. (EDITOR) - Perspectives of Saskatchewan
128651: PORTER, JOHN - Canadian Social Structure; A Statistical Profile
126825: PORTER, KATHERINE ANNE; GIVENER, JOAN - Katherine Anne Porter; A Life
116390: STRATTON-PORTER, GENE - Moths of the Limberlost
126442: STRATTON-PORTER, JEANETTE - Freckles Comes Home
122528: PORTER, ELEANOR H. - Little Pardener and Other Stories
115436: PORTIGAL, ALAN H.; WALTON, RICHARD E.; SEASHORE, STANLEY E.; BRADBURN, NORM - Measuring the Quality of Working Life
128749: POST, PATRICK - Kahnawa'kero:NOn Tehonatstikahwhen Ratiia'taronnion; Kahnawake - a Spoor of Portraits
201957: VAN DER POST, LAURENS - The Hunter and the Whale
113484: LEADER POST - No Time to Build an Ark; A Pictorial Story of the Worst Flood in Regina's History
120837: SASKATOON STAR PHOENIX; REGINA LEADER-POST - Province with a Heart; Celebrating 100 Years in Saskatchewan
129418: CANADA POST - Empress of Ireland 100th Anniversary Collection (2014)
101995: REGINA LEADER-POST - Front Page: A News History of Canada and the Prairie West from the Pages of the Regina Leader-Post
107766: ROSEMONT ART GALLERY. POSYNIAK, SUZANNE - Bruce Anderson. Myth of a West
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