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78123: QUINE, W. V. - Quiddities: An Intermittently Philosophical Dictionary.
91342: QUINN, SUSAN. - The Furious Improvisation: How the Wpa and a Cast of Thousands Made High Art out of Desperate Times.
29623: QUINN, TOM. - Tales of the Country Eccentrics.
35908: QUINN, TOM. - Working Retrievers: The Training, Care, and Handling of Retrievers for Hunting and Field Trials.
54108: QUINN, WILLIAM P. - Saltworks of Historic Cape Cod: A Record of the Nineteenth Century Economic Boom in Barnstable County.
23722: QUINONES, RICARDO J. - Foundation Sacrifice in Dante's Commedia.
103477: QUIRK, ROBERT E. - The Mexican Revolution and the Catholic Church, 1910-1929.
49164: QUIROS, ROD. - Igor Youskevitch.
103447: AL-QUSHAYRI. - Principles of Sufism.
98585: RAABE, PAUL (EDITOR). - The Era of German Expressionism.
93416: RAAFLAUB, KURT AND ROSENSTEIN, NATHAN (EDITORS). - War and Society in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds: Asia, the Mediterranean, Europe, and Mesoamerica.
100271: RAAT, DIRK. - Revoltosos: Mexico's Rebels in the United States, 1903-1923.
100197: RAB, GUSTAV. - Sabaria.
98913: RABASA, JOSE. - Writing Violence on the Northern Frontier: The Historiography of Sixteenth-Century New Mexico and Florida and the Legacy of Conquest.
3824: RABE, BARRY G. - Beyond Nimby: Hazardous Waste Siting in Canada and the United States.
31301: RABELAIS, FRANCIS. - Amazing Adventures of Gargantua & His Son Pantagruel.
70988: RABELAIS, FRANCOIS. - Le Tiers Livre: Edition Critique.
49380: RABELAIS, FRANCOIS. - Histories of Gargantua and Pantagruel.
100729: RABELAIS, FRANCOIS. - The Histories of Gargantua and Pantagruel.
76917: RABINOVICH, ISAIAH. - Major Trends in Modern Hebrew Fiction.
24672: RABINOVITZ, RUBIN. - Reaction Against Experiment in the English Novel, 1950-1960.
28601: RABINOWITZ, RICHARD. - Spiritual Self in Everyday Life: The Transformation of Personal Religious Experience in Nineteenth-Century New England.
31474: RABINOWITZ, ANN. - Knight on Horseback.
32100: RABINOWITZ, ANNA. - At the Site of Inside out.
42595: RABINS, PETER V., ET AL. - Practical Dementia Care.
8977: RABOFF, ERNEST. - Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.
103475: RACHE, PIERRE. - Daily Life in the World of Charlemagne.
103254: RACINE, JEAN. - Oeuvres Completes: Tome I: Theatre, Poesies.
100767: RACINE, JEAN. - Six Tragedies.
101803: RACZ, ISTVAN D. - Philip Larkin's Poetics: Theory and Practice of an English Post-War Poet.
78180: RADAKOVICH, ANKA. - Sexplorations: Journeys to the Erogenous Frontier.
40236: RADCLIFF-UMSTEAD, DOUGLAS. - Birth of Modern Comedy in Renaissance Italy.
102179: RADCLIFFE, ANN. - The Complete Novels of Mrs. Ann Radcliffe: The Italian / Goston de Blondeville / the Romance of the Forest / the Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne / the Mystery of Udolpho / a Sicilian Romance (Six Volume Boxed Set).
1648: RADER, DOTSON. - Blood Dues.
8890: RADFORD, JOHN. - Child Prodigies and Exceptional Early Achievers.
78313: RADLEY, GAIL. - Spinner's Gift.
16349: RAE, HUGH C. - Interview.
521: RAE, HUGH C. - Skinner.
60299: RAE, HUGH C. - Rookery: A Novel of the Victorian Underworld.
68918: RAFFLES, HUGH. - Insectopedia.
99831: RAGNI, GEROME AND RADO, JAMES. - Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical (Vocal Selections: Songs, Action Photos, Biography).
35854: RAGO, HENRY. - Sky of Late Summer.
24259: RAGOSTA, MILLIE J. - Druid's Enchantment.
47474: RAHBAR, MUHAMMAD DAUD. - Cup of Jamshid: A Collection of Original Ghazal Poetry.
26710: RAHN, JOAN ELMA. - Eyes & Seeing.
43784: RAHN, JOAN ELMA. - Keeping Warm, Keeping Cool.
9567: RAHN, JOAN ELMA. - Ears, Hearing, & Balance.
88615: RAHN, JOAN ELMA. - Alfalfa, Beans & Clover.
27043: RAHNER, KARL. - Christian Commitment: Essays in Pastoral Theology.
28000: RAIBLE, STEVE AND SANDO, MIKE. - Steve Raible's Tales from the Seahawks Sideline.
90967: RAIDEN, EDWARD. - Gogglers: A Political Satire.
35771: RAILTON, STEPHEN. - Authorship and Audience: Literary Performance in the American Renaissance.
55295: RAILTON, STEPHEN. - Authorship and Audience: Literary Performance in the American Renaissance.
40936: RAINE, KATHLEEN. - Hollow Hill and Other Poems, 1960-1964.
97134: RAINES, HOWELL. - Whiskey Man.
79904: RAINWATER, DOROTHY T. AND H. IVAN. - American Silverplate.
101921: RAITT, GORDON. - Ye Unity Parish (Two Volumes).
6382: RAITT, A. W. - Life and Letters in France: The Nineteenth Century.
88637: RAJAN, BALACHANDRA (EDITOR). - The Prison and the Pinnacle.
46761: RAMAKRISHNA, KILAPARTI AND WOODWELL, GEORGE M. (EDITORS). - World Forests for the Future: Their Use and Conservation.
52004: RAMATI, ALEXANDER. - Beyond the Mountains.
13097: RAME, FRANCA AND FO, DARIO. - Orgasmo Adulto Escapes from the Zoo.
64471: RAMIREZ, EFREN CONVENTO. - In Pursuit of Images.
95575: RAMM, HARTMUT. - The Marxism of Regis Debray: Between Lenin and Guevara.
96567: RAMON Y CAJAL, SANTIAGO. - Advice for a Young Investigator.
72252: RAMOS, SAMUEL. - Profile of Man and Culture in Mexico.
60909: RAMPERSAD, ARNOLD. - Melville's Israel Potter: A Pilgrimage and Progress.
38490: RAMSAY, SHIRLEY GOOD (EDITOR). - Circle of Friends: Art Colonies of Cornish and Dublin.
84469: RAMSDEN, E. H. - 'come, Take This Lute': A Quest for Identities in Italian Renaissance Portraiture.
16733: RAMSEY, DAN. - Hardwood Floors.
41150: RAMSEY, RICHARD DAVID (COMPILED BY). - Edmund Wilson: A Bibliography.
27025: RAMSEY, IAN T. - Christian Discourse: Some Logical Explorations.
9697: RAMSEY, PAUL. - No Running on the Boardwalk.
70192: RAMSEY, JOHN. - Spain: The Rise of the First World Power.
87777: RAMSEY, IAN T. - Models and Mystery.
18561: RAMSLAND, KATHERINE. - Vampire Companion: The Official Guide to Anne Rice's the Vampire Chronicles.
43616: RAND, AYN. - Anthem.
101403: RAND, AYN. - Anthem.
97811: RAND, AYN. - Atlas Shrugged.
97252: RAND, AYN. - Atlas Shrugged.
72054: RAND, AYN. - Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal.
101390: RAND, MARVIN (PHOTOGRAPHER). - Irving J. Gill: Architect 1870-1936.
81633: RAND, AYN. - Night of January 16th: A Play.
101241: RAND, AYN. - Night of January 16th: A Play.
72863: RAND, ANN AND PAUL. - Sparkle and Spin: A Book About Words.
100999: RAND, AYN. - Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal.
103566: RAND, AYN. - Anthem.
100942: RANDAL, JONATHAN C. - Going All the Way: Christian Warloards, Israeli Adventurers, and the War in Lebanon.
35925: RANDALL, CHARLES T. - Encyclopedia of Window Fashions.
29263: RANDALL, CHARLES T. - Encyclopedia of Window Fashions.
49753: RANDALL, JULIA. - Adam's Dream: Poems.
88307: RANDALL, MARGARET. - So Many Rooms Has a House But One Roof.
101592: RANDEL, DON MICHAEL. - The Responsorial Psalm Tones for the Mozarabic Office.
4764: RANDLE, KEVIN D. - Spanish Gold.
103973: RANDLES, JENNY AND WARRINGTON, PETER. - Science and the Ufos.
14553: RANDOLPH, VANCE (COLLECTED AND EDITED BY). - Ozark Folksongs (Four Volumes).
97998: RANGAVIS, ALEXANDROS RIZOS. - The First Greek Ambassador to the American Federation, 1867-1868: From the Memoirs of Alexandros Rizos Rangavis.
28816: RANKIN, JOAN. - Little Cat and the Greedy Old Woman.
101611: RANKIN, ARTHUR C. - The Poetry of Stevie Smith: 'little Girl Lost. '
94710: RANKIN, HUGH F. (EDITOR). - Narratives of the American Revolution.
103458: RANLET, PHILIP. - The New York Loyalists.
13157: RANSOM, E. JACKIE. - Bichon Frise.
100464: RANSOME, ARTHUR. - Swallows and Amazons Series (Twelve Volumes).
99047: RANSOME, ARTHUR. - Swallows and Amazons.
92954: RANSOME, ARTHUR. - Swallowdale.
43068: RANSON, RON. - Learn Watercolor the Edgar Whitney Way.
97481: RANSTON, JACKIE. - Belisario: Sketches of Character: A Historical Biography of a Jamaican Artist.
98387: RAO, VELCHERU NARAYANA (TRANSLATOR). - Siva's Warriors: The Basava Purana of Palkuriki Somanatha.
67686: RAPAPORT, DIANE. - Naked Quaker: True Crimes and Controversies from the Courts of Colonial New England.
58434: RAPER, J. R. - Without Shelter: The Early Career of Ellen Glasgow.
79529: RAPHAEL, ELAINE AND BOLOGNESE, DON. - Sam Baker, Gone West.
7040: RAPHAEL, FREDERIC. - Richard's Things.
49068: RAPOPORT, ROBERT N. (EDITOR). - Children, Youth, and Families: The Action-Research Relationship.
101925: RAPPAPORT, JOANNE. - The Politics of Memory: Native Historical Interpretation in the Colombian Andes.
26801: RAPPAPORT, DOREEN. - Journey of Meng.
49086: RAPPAPORT, ANN. - Development and Transfer of Pollution Prevention Technology.
61754: RASBAND, S. NEIL. - Chaotic Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems.
70029: RASCHKA, CHRIS. - Seriously, Norman!
100740: RASHDALL, HASTINGS. - The Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages (Three Volumes).
98912: RASHDALL, HASTINGS. - The Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages: Volume II: Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Scotland, Etc.
7131: RASHLEIGH, RALPH. - Adventures of an Outlaw: The Memoirs of Ralph Rashleigh, a Penal Exile in Australia, 1825-1844.
34283: RASHOUD, CLAUDIA FARKAS AL. - Kuwait: Before and After the Storm.
101816: RASK, RASMUS. - Investigation of the Origin of the Old Norse Or Icelandic Language.
100908: RASKIN, XAVIER. - French Cook Book for American Families: A Book of 2200 Recipes, Including 800 French Recipes and Hundreds of New American Recipes.
95573: RASKIN, JOSEPH AND EDITH. - Strange Shadows: Spirit Tales of Early America.
71684: RASKIN, JOSEPH AND EDITH (RETOLD BY). - Indian Tales.
2242: RASKY, HARRY. - Tennessee Williams: A Portrait in Laughter and Lamentation.
45454: RASMUSSEN, HENRY (PHOTOGRAPHY). - Decade of Dazzle: Fifties Stylish American Cars.
48785: RASMUSSEN, HENRY. - Ferraris for the Road: The Survivors Series.
103470: RASNAKE, ROGER NEIL. - Domination and Cultural Resistance: Authority and Power Among an Andean People.
43782: RASPE, RUDOLPH, ET AL. - Singular Adventures of Baron Munchausen.
103349: RASPUTIN, MARIA. - My Father.
70440: RASSKIN-GUTMAN, DIEGO. - Chess Metaphors: Artificial Intelligence and the Human Mind.
99186: RATH, R. JOHN. - The Provisional Austrian Regime in Lombardy-Venetia, 1814-1815.
19521: RATH, JR., FREDERICK L. AND O'CONNELL, MERRILYN ROGERS (EDITORS). - Bibliography on Historical Organization Practices: Research (Volume 6).
19520: RATH, JR., FREDERICK L. AND O'CONNELL, MERRILYN ROGERS (EDITORS). - Bibliography on Historical Organization Practices: Administration (Volume 5).
19519: RATH, JR., FREDERICK L. AND O'CONNELL, MERRILYN ROGERS (EDITORS). - Bibliography on Historical Organization Practices: Historic Preservation (Volume 1).
19518: RATH, JR., FREDERICK L. AND O'CONNELL, MERRILYN ROGERS (EDITORS). - Bibliography on Historical Organization Practices: Interpretation (Volume 3).
43484: RATHBONE, CRISTINA. - World Apart: Women, Prison, and Life Behind Bars.
42693: RATHER, L. J. - Reading Wagner: A Study in the History of Ideas.
77021: RATHER, L. J. - Mind and Body in Eighteenth Century Medicine: A Study Based on Jerome Gaub's de Regimine Mentis.
77247: RATHER, L. J. - Addison and the White Corpuscules: An Aspect of Nineteenth-Century Biology.
40669: RATHMANN, PEGGY. - Day the Babies Crawled Away.
79167: RATHMANN, PEGGY. - Officer Buckle and Gloria.
100956: RATHMANN, PEGGY. - Good Night, Gorilla.
96641: RATNER, BRETT. - Hilhaven Lodge: The Photo Booth Pictures.
57041: RATTI, JOHN. - Remembered Darkness: Poems.
86876: RATTI, OSCAR AND WESTBROOK, ADELE. - Secrets of the Samurai: A Survey of the Martial Arts of Feudal Japan.
34257: RATTIGAN, JAMA KIM (RETOLD BY). - Woman in the Moon: A Story from Hawai'I.
9979: RATZ DE TAGYOS, PAUL. - Showdown at Lonesome Pellet.
61762: RAUCH, IRMENGARD AND SCOTT, CHARLES T. (EDITORS). - Approaches in Linguistic Methodology.
39369: RAUNER, ROBERT M. - Samuel Bailey and the Classical Theory of Value.
33407: RAUS, JR., EDMUND J. - Banners South: A Northern Community at War.
60824: RAVE, ELIZABETH J. AND LARSEN, CAROLYN C. (EDITORS). - Ethical Decision Making in Therapy: Feminist Perspectives.
26916: RAVEN, CHARLES E. - Science, Medicine and Morals: A Survey and a Suggestion.
97826: RAVENSCROFT, LINDA. - Enchanted: The Faerie and Fantasy Art of Linda Ravenscroft.
57713: VAN RAVENSWAAY, CHARLES. - Nineteenth-Century Garden.
12344: RAVITCH, DIANE. - National Standards in American Education: A Citizen's Guide.
79444: RAW, BARBARA C. - Art and Background of Old English Poetry.
2625: RAWLINGS, JOHN D. R. - Fighter Squadrons of the R.A. F. And Their Aircraft.
98547: RAWLINGS, JOHN. - 100 Studies of the Figure.
7253: RAWLINS, C. L. - Ceremony on Bare Ground.
99911: RAWLS, JOHN. - A Theory of Justice.
99379: RAWSON, MARION NICHOLL. - Little Old Mills.
63711: RAY, DEBORAH KOGAN. - My Dog, Trip.
27725: RAY, GENE (EDITOR). - John Ringling: Dreamer, Builder, Collector: Legacy of the Circus King.
31576: RAY, DAVID. - Maharani's New Wall and Other Poems.
101511: RAY, DAVID. - Dragging the Main and Other Poems.
73543: RAY, SATYAJIT. - Unicorn Expedition and Other Fantastic Tales of India.
99204: RAY, SIBNARAYAN (EDITOR). - Gandhi India and the World: An International Symposium.
36794: RAY, I. - Treatise on the Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity.
19695: RAYMOND, ALEX. - Flash Gordon: The Space Circus (#3).
19693: RAYMOND, ALEX. - Flash Gordon: The Plague of Sound (#2).
19692: RAYMOND, ALEX. - Flash Gordon: The Lion Men of Mongo (#1).
94705: RAYMOND, MARGARET THOMSEN. - Roberta Goes Adventuring.
30556: RAYMOND, ALEX. - Flash Gordon: The Witch Queen of Mongo (#5).
98047: RAYMOND, ALEX. - Flash Gordon in the Caverns of Mongo.
44971: RAYNES, JOHN. - Painting Seascapes: A Creative Approach.
21100: READ, MISS. - Summer at Fairacre.
40080: READ, MISS. - Village Centenary.
28905: READ, MISS. - Over the Gate.
4466: READ, ANTHONY AND FISHER, DAVID. - Fall of Berlin.
5413: READ, SUSANNAH (EDITOR). - Needleworker's Constant Companion.
80989: READ, MISS. - Time Remembered.
9787: READ, ANTHONY AND FISHER, DAVID. - Proudest Day: India's Long Road to Independence.
9982: READ, JAN. - New Conquistadors.
68063: READ, THOMAS BUCHANAN. - Wagoner of the Alleghanies: A Poem of the Days of Seventy-Six.
59404: READ, MISS (DORA JESSIE SAINT). - Thrush Green.
99760: READ, MISS (DORA JESSIE SAINT). - The Market Square.
18127: READ, DAVID. - Temperate Conquests: Spenser and the Spanish New World.
34375: READE, CHARLES. - Cloister and the Hearth: A Tale of the Middle Ages (ML 62).
40729: READY, WILLIAM. - Poor Hater.
70965: REAGE, PAULINE. - Retour a Roissy: Precede de Une Fille Amoureuse.
23128: REAGE, PAULINE. - Story of O.
39114: REATH, NANCY ANDREWS. - Weavers of Hand-Loom Fabrics: A Classification with Historical Notes.
13338: REAVIS, DICK J. - Conversations with Moctezuma: Ancient Shadows over Modern Life in Mexico.
20629: REAY, BARRY. - Watching Hannah: Sexuality, Horror and Bodily de-Formation in Victorian England.
70935: REBELL, HUGHES. - Le Fouet a Londres.
1558: REBER, JAMES Q. - Potomac Portrait.
73783: REBOUSSIN, MARCEL. - Les Grandes Epoques Culturelles de Al France.
97601: REBUFFAT, GASTON. - Men and the Matterhorn.
18238: RECHY, JOHN. - Miraculous Day of Amalia Gomez.
37309: RECK, FRANKLIN M. (COMPILED BY). - American Boy Anthology.
76600: RECK, FRANKLIN M. - Romance of American Transportation.
77208: REDDING, ROBERT H. - The Partners.
73828: REDFORD, BRUCE (EDITOR). - Origins of the School for Scandal: "the Slanderers," "Sir Peter Teazle. "
69557: REDGRAVE, MICHAEL. - Mask Or Face: Reflections in an Actor's Mirror.
34606: REDOL, ALVES. - Man with Seven Names.
102187: REDPATH, PETER. - The Moral Psychology of St. Thomas Aquinas: An Introduction to Ragamuffin Ethics.
73960: REDWOOD, JOHN. - Reason, Ridicule and Religion: The Age of Enlightenment in England, 1660-1750.
15167: REED, JOSEPH W. - Three American Originals: John Ford, William Faulkner, & Charles Ives.
42527: REED, J. RONALD WITH CULP, STEPHANIE. - Craftsmanship Revival in Interior Design: How Today's Artisans Preserve Yesterday's Skills.
65341: REED, NELSON. - Caste War of Yucatan.
42753: REED, JOSEPH W. - American Scenarios: The Uses of Film Genre.
83808: REED, GAIL S. - Transference Neurosis and Psychoanalytic Experience: Perspectives on Contemporary Clinical Practice.
51708: REED, EARL H. - Sketches in Duneland.
48412: REED, TENNESSEE. - Electric Chocolate: Poems, 1988-1989.
48419: REED, JOHN R. - Natural History of H.G. Wells.
49162: REED, GAIL S. - Transference Neurosis and Psychoanalytic Experience: Perspectives on Contemporary Clinical Practice.
26676: REED, LOU. - Between Thought and Expression: Selected Lyrics of Lou Reed.
50618: REED, GEORGE. - Dark Sky Legacy: Astronomy's Impact on the History of Culture.
96653: REED, DOUGLAS AND HILDERBRAND, GARY - Visible / Invisible: Landscape Works of Reed Hilderbrand.
101677: REEDER, ROBERTA (TRANSLATED AND EDITED BY). - Down Along the Mother Volga: An Anthology of Russian Folk Lyrics.
64257: REEDER, COLONEL RED. - Heroes and Leaders of West Point.
73903: REEDY, GERARD. - Bible and Reason: Anglicans and Scripture in Late Seventeenth-Century England.
52091: REEF, CATHERINE. - Walt Whitman.
1872: REEMTSMA, JAN PHILIPP. - More Than a Champion: The Style of Muhammad Ali.
18050: REES, BARBARA. - Try Another Country: Three Short Novels.
101870: REES, ELIZABETH. - Celtic Saints: Passionate Wanderers.
54834: REES, WILLIAM. - Caerphilly Castle and Its Place in the Annals of Glamorgan.
54800: REES-WILLIAMS, GWLADYS AND BRIAN (CHOSEN BY). - What I Cannot Tell My Mother Is Not Fit for Me to Know.
55127: REESE, TERENCE AND BIRD, DAVID. - Bridge: The Modern Game.
20521: REESE, KRISTA. - Elvis Costello: A Completely False Biography Based on Rumor, Innuendo and Lies.
103833: REESE, ANDREW RICHARD. - Reese's Peanut Butter Cups: The Untold Story.
14774: REESING, JOHN. - Milton's Poetic Art: A Mask, Lycidas, and Paradise Lost.
86321: REEVES, ROSSER. - Popo.
17608: REEVES, JAMES (RETOLD BY). - Quest and Conquest: Pilgrim's Progress Retold.
8434: REEVES, JAMES. - Questioning Tiger.
34249: REEVES, JAMES. - Ragged Robin: Poems from a to Z.
60840: REEVES, MONA RABUN. - Spooky Eerie Night Noise.
79727: REEVES, JAMES. - Maildun the Voyager.
91673: REGALADO, NANCY FREEMAN. - Poetic Patterns in Rutebeuf: A Study in Noncourtly Poetic Modes of the Thirteenth Century.
72008: REGIER, WILLIS GOTH. - In Praise of Flattery.
78196: REGNARD, JEAN-FRANCOIS. - Satire Against Husbands.
17617: REGNERY, HENRY. - Creative Chicago: From the Chap-Book to the University.
8586: DE REGNIERS, BEATRICE SCHENK. - This Big Cat and Other Cats I've Known.
47019: REGOSIN, RICHARD L. - Matter of My Book: Montaigne's Essais As the Book of the Self.
28685: REHBOCK, PHILIP F. (EDITOR). - At Sea with the Scientifics: The Challenger Letters of Joseph Matkin.
28812: REHNMAN, MATS. - Clay Flute.
98511: REICHARD, RICHARD W. - Crippled from Birth: German Social Democracy, 1844-1870.
83488: REICHE, REIMUT. - Sexuality and Class Struggle.
79811: REICHERS, LOU. - The Flying Years.
103553: REICHMAN, O. J. - Konza Prairie: A Tallgrass Natural History.
99032: REICHSTEIN, ANDREAS V. - Rise of the Lone Star: The Making of Texas.
81073: REID-HENRY, SIMON. - Fidel and Che: A Revolutionary Friendship.
13222: REID BANKS, LYNNE. - I, Houdini: The Autobiography of a Self-Educated Hamster.
25241: REID, JAMIE. - Diana Krall: The Language of Love.
27281: REID, DOUGLAS. - Botany for the Gardener.
5639: REID, PAT AND MICHAEL, MAURICE. - Prisoner of War.
98134: REID, WHITLAW. - A Radical View: The 'agate' Dispatches of Whitlaw Reid, 1861-1865 (Two Volumes)
49034: REID, CHRISTOPHER. - In the Echoey Tunnel.
98745: REID, MAJOR P. R. - Colditz: The Full Story.
98832: REID, ALASTAIR. - To Lighten My House: Poems.
68896: REID, B. L. - Art By Subtraction: A Dissenting Opinion of Gertrude Stein.
70095: REID, B. L. - Necessary Lives: Biographical Reflections.
8680: REIDENBAUGH, LOWELL. - Sporting News Take Me out to the Ball Park.
77642: REIF, RITA. - Home: It Takes More Than Money.
34277: REIGER, GEORGE. - Floaters and Stick-Ups: A Personal Survey of Wildfowl Decoys.
93062: REIGER, GEORGE. - The Wildfowler's Quest (Forty Years of Wandering with America's Foremost Wildfowler).
52546: REIK, MIRIAM M. - The Golden Lands of Thomas Hobbes.
18184: REILEY, H. EDWARD. - Success with Rhododendrons and Azaleas.
96673: REILLY, DOROTHY WARNES. - Jim and Jo Ann Stories: Our Boat Book.
101097: REILLY, H. V. PAT. - From the Balloon to the Moon: A Chronology of New Jersey's Amazing Aviation History.
98992: REILLY, ROBIN. - The British at the Gates: The New Orleans Campaign in the War of 1812.
48743: REIN, MARTIN AND WADENSJO, ESKIL (EDITORS). - Enterprise and the Welfare State.
47711: REINHARD, EDGAR (EXHIBITION DESIGN). - Nomadic Architecture: Human Practicality Serves Human Emotion.
99280: REINHARDT, STEVEN G. - Justice in the Sarladais, 1770-1790.
51378: REINHARDT, KURT F. - Theological Novel of Modern Europe: An Analysis of Masterpieces By Eight Authors.
8181: REINHARDT, NANCY S. - Danish Literature: Saxo Grammaticus to Isak Dinesen.
47754: REINHARDT, RICHARD. - Out West on the Overland Train: Across-the-Continent Excursion with Leslie's Magazine in 1877 and the Overland Trip in 1967.
99610: REINHART, MATTHEW. - Star Wars: A Pop-Up Guide to the Galaxy.
83863: REISMAN, JOHN M. AND RIBORDY, SHEILA. - Principles of Psychotherapy with Children: Second Edition.
51669: REIT, SEYMOUR (ADAPTED BY). - The Secret of Nimh Storybook.
102330: REITZ, DENEYS. - Commando: A Boer Journal of the Boer War.
42512: RELYEA, SUZANNE. - Signs, Systems, and Meanings: A Contemporary Semiotic Reading of Four Moliere Plays.
64821: REMAK, JOACHIM. - Gentle Critic: Theodor Fontane and German Politics, 1848-1898.
87903: REMARQUE, ERICH MARIA. - Spark of Life.
34810: REMINGTON, TUCK. - Nine Inch Nails.
5259: REMINGTON, FREDERIC. - Frederic Remington's Own West.
52885: REMUS, TIMOTHY. - How to Build the Ultimate V-Twin Motorcycle.
62552: RENARD, G. - Life and Work in Prehistoric Times.
96925: RENARD, JULES. - Carrots.
96663: RENAULT, MARY. - The Lion in the Gateway: The Heroic Battles of the Greeks and Persians at Marathon, Salamis, and Thermopylae.
102306: RENAULT, MARY. - The Alexander Trilogy: Fire from Heaven / the Persian Boy / Funeral Games (Three Volume Boxed Set).
102367: RENAULT, MARY. - The King Must Die.
102366: RENAULT, MARY. - The Bull from the Sea.
1229: RENDELL, RUTH. - Talking to Strange Men.
97137: RENDINA, LAURA COOPER. - Destination Capri.
49487: RENIER, GUSTAAF JOHANNES. - History: Its Purpose and Method.
26521: RENSCH, BERNHARD. - Homo Sapiens: From Man to Demigod.
67091: RENSCH, BERNHARD. - Evolution Above the Species Level.
68906: VAN RENSSELAER, STEPHEN. - American Firearms: The Colt Supplement.
97492: REPP, ED EARL. - The Stellar Missiles.
99412: REPPLIER, AGNES. - Eight Decades: Essays and Episodes.
74522: NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH. - Regularization of Business Investment.
97849: RESNIK, MURIEL. - Any Wednesday: A Comedy.
27028: COMMUNITY OF THE RESURRECTION. - Mirfield Essays in Christian Belief.
84742: REUTER, CAROL AND FREELUND, SUSAN. - The Roll 'em & Stuff 'em Cookbook: The Art of Filling & Saucing Gourmet Food.
14725: REUTERSVARD, OSCAR. - Impossible Coloring Book Too: Oscar Reutersvard's Drawings in Japanese Perspective.
29309: REVELLI, GEORGE. - Commander Amanda.
101726: REVERDOT, JEAN-PHILIPPE. - The Proof.
50773: REVESZ, RICHARD L. AND STEWART, RICHARD B. (EDITORS). - Analyzing Superfund: Economics, Science, and Law.
35363: REWALD, SABINE. - Paul Klee: The Berggruen Klee Collection in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
74493: REWALD, JOHN. - Cezanne, the Steins and Their Circle.
3467: REX, BARBARA. - Vacancy on India Street.
57434: REXFORD, EBEN E. - Home Floriculture: A Practical Guide to the Treatment of Flowering and Other Ornamental Plants in the House and Garden.
102611: REXROTH, KENNETH (INTRODUCTION). - The Book of Ecclesiastes: In the Revised King James Version.
95545: REY, H. A. - Cecily G. And the 9 Monkeys (Curious George).
76834: REY, MARGRET AND H. A. - New Adventures of Curious George.
47026: REY, MARGRET AND H. A. - Curious George Goes to the Hospital.
29477: REY, MARGRET AND H. A. - Curious George Goes to a Toy Store.
47563: REY, H. A. - Curious George Gets a Medal.
96892: REY, H. A. - Cecily G. And the 9 Monkeys (Curious George).
93686: REY ROSA, RODRIGO. - The Beggar's Knife.
77776: REY, H. A. - Cecily G. And the 9 Monkeys (Curious George).
40836: REYFMAN, IRINA. - Vasilii Trediakovsky: The Fool of the 'new' Russian Literature.
79543: DE REYNA, RUDY. - Magic Realist Watercolor Painting.
37761: REYNOLDS, GRAHAM. - Constable's England.
60724: REYNOLDS, MARGARET (EDITOR). - Sappho Companion.
83604: REYNOLDS, HELEN. - Summer of Surprise.
56195: REYNOLDS, BRAD. - Where's Wilber at?: Ken Wilber's Integral Visions in the New Milleneum.
7970: REYNOLDS, SHERI. - Rapture of Canaan.
8312: REYNOLDS, ERNEST. - Collecting Victorian Porcelain.
74736: REYNOLDS, KAY AND MIKE. - Fortune's Friends (1): Hell Week.
100772: REYNOLDS, MALVINA. - Tweedles and Foodles for Young Noodles: Children's Songs.
102919: REYNOLDS, J. N. - Mocha Dick: Or the White Whale of the Pacific.
1484: REZVANI. - Light-Years.
70576: RHEAD, LOUIS (EDITED AND ILLUSTRATED BY). - Speckled Brook Trout.
61112: RHEUBAN, JOYCE (EDITOR). - Marriage of Maria Braun: Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Director.
92379: RHOADS, J. W. - The Contract.
78982: RHODE, DEBORAH L. (EDITOR). - Theoretical Perspectives on Sexual Difference.
47625: RHODEHAMEL, JOHN. - Great Experiment: George Washington and the American Republic.
98244: RHODEHAMEL, JOHN (EDITOR). - The American Revolution: Writings from the War of Independence.
5712: RHODES, MARY. - Ideas for Canvas Work.
9879: RHODES, ANTHONY. - Dalmation Coast.
103353: RHODES, DENNIS (EDITOR). - In an Eighteenth Century Kitchen: A Recipe Book of Cookery, 1698.
98963: RHODES, EUGENE MANLOVE. - Paso Por Aqui.
101230: RHYS, JEAN. - The Early Novels: Voyage in the Dark / Quartet / After Leaving Mr Mackenzie / Good Morning, Midnight.
94793: RHYS, JEAN. - Wide Sargasso Sea.
92190: RIABOFF, ALEXANDER. - Gatchina Days: Reminiscences of a Russian Pilot.
29595: RIACH, ALAN. - Hugh Macdiarmid's Epic Poetry.
45142: RIBNER, JONATHAN P. - Broken Tablets: The Cult of the Law in French Art from David to Delacroix.
3264: RICCIUTI, EDWARD R. - Killers of the Seas.
36408: RICE, LUANNE. - Crazy in Love.
98841: RICE, JR., HOWARD C. AND BROWN, ANNE S. K. (TRANSLATED AND EDITED BY). - American Campaigns of Rochambeau's Army, 1780, 1781, 1782, 1783 (Two Volume Boxed Set).
17687: RICE, SILE. - Saxon Tapestry.
39295: RICE, GRAHAM. - Discovering Annuals.
21586: RICE, WILLIAM GORHAM. - Carillons of Belgium and Holland: Tower Music in the Low Countries.
29215: RICE, GRAHAM. - Plants for Problem Places.
29693: RICE, DOROTHY. - Manhattan with Love.
33442: RICE, DOROTHY (ILLUSTRATOR). - Gypsy Laddie: A Traditional Ballad.
33513: RICE, LUANNE. - Blue Moon.
35272: RICE, JAMES. - Cowboy Alphabet: For Grown Ups and Young'uns Too.
71350: RICE, JOSEPH MAYER. - Public-School System of the United States.
99273: RICE, PRUDENCE M. AND RICE, DON S. - The Kowoj: Identity, Migration, and Geopolitics in Late Postclassic Peten, Guatemala.
58544: RICH, ADRIENNE. - What Is Found There: Notebooks on Poetry and Politics.
81500: RICH, ADRIENNE. - Midnight Salvage: Poems, 1995-1998.
57435: RICH, HARRY. - Mutatis Alphonsus: A Plant Mutation & Mania of Ricco Alphonso.
40508: RICH, BARNABY. - Rich's Farewell to Military Profession, 1581.
62208: RICH, ADRIENNE. - Dark Fields of the Republic: Poems, 1991-1995.
89158: RICH, ADRIENNE. - Fox: Poems 1998-2000.
101693: RICH, LOUISE DICKINSON. - Summer at High Kingdom.
99433: RICH, LOUISE DICKINSON. - The First Book of the Vikings.
63133: RICH, ADRIENNE. - Leaflets: Poems, 1965-1968.
75479: RICH, HARRY. - Mutatis Alphonsus: A Plant Mutation & Mania of Ricco Alphonso.
69142: RICH, ADRIENNE. - What Is Found There: Notebooks on Poetry and Politics.
89020: RICH, ADRIENNE. - A Human Eye: Essays on Art in Society, 1997-2008.
77663: RICH, ADRIENNE. - School Among the Ruins: Poems, 2000-2004.
100024: RICHARD, JAMES ROBERT. - Snow King: The Lippizan Horse.
41711: RICHARDS, I. A. - Internal Colloquies: Poems and Plays.
66693: RICHARDS, LAURA E. - Nautilus.
103451: RICHARDS, ANTONY J. - Sherlock Holmes London Walks: Paddington to Baker Street / Euston to Trafalgar Square / Trafalgar Square to Euston / the City of London / Sherlock Holmes Guide to the Thames: Hammersmith to Gravesend (Five Volumes).
97175: RICHARDS, ROBERT J. - Darwin and the Emergence of Evolutionary Theories of Mind and Behavior.
66990: RICHARDS, LAURA E. - Tirra Lirra: Rhymes Old and New.
12723: RICHARDS, LOCKIE. - Dressage: Begin the Right Way.
74926: RICHARDS, LAURA E. - Isla Heron.
38400: RICHARDSON, EDGAR PRESTON. - Washington Allston: A Study of the Romantic Artist in America.
21766: RICHARDSON, TIM. - Sweets: A History of Candy.
102483: RICHARDSON, JOANNA (TRANSLATOR). - Paris Under Seige: A Journal of the Events of 1870-1871 Kept By Contemporaries.
22207: RICHARDSON, BRENDA. - Gilbert & George.
6119: RICHARDSON, V. Y. - VIC Richardson Story: The Autobiography of a Versatile Sportsman.
29795: RICHARDSON, DONALD CHARLES. - Croquet: The Art and Elegance of Playing the Game.
1066: RICHARDSON, LEON J. - Cronies: A Poetical Miscellany.
3625: RICHARDSON, ROBERT G. - Scalpel and the Heart.
4781: RICHARDSON, BONHAM C. - Economy and Environment in the Caribbean: Barbados and the Windwards in the Late 1800s.
52665: RICHARDSON, JAMES L. - Germany and the Atlantic Alliance: The Interaction of Strategy and Politics.
48145: RICHARDSON, ROBERT. - Book of the Dead.
48382: RICHARDSON, ROBERT. - Bellringer Street.
51838: RICHARDSON, ROBERT. - Sleeping in the Blood.
81224: RICHARDSON, KAT. - Labyrinth: A Greywalker Novel.
102574: RICHARDSON, JOANNA. - The Brownings: A Biography Compiled from Contemporary Sources.
31071: RICHE, PIERRE. - Daily Life in the World of Charlemagne.
81377: RICHEY, WILLIAM. - Blake's Altering Aesthetic.
101745: RICHIE, DONALD. - Memoirs of the Warrior Kumagai: A Historical Novel.
100330: RICHLE, URS. - Hand IM Spiel.
60444: RICHLER, MORDECAI. - On Snooker: The Game and the Characters Who Play It.
69509: RICHMOND, W. KENNETH. - Saga of Swans and Harrier over the Fen.
28442: RICHMOND, M. A. - Bid the Vassal Soar: Interpretive Essays on the Life and Poetry of Phillis Wheatley and George Moses Horton.
32791: RICHMOND, HUGH MACRAE (EDITOR). - Shakespeare and the Renaissance Stage to 1616 and Shakespearean Stage History, 1616 to 1998: An Annotated Bibliography of Shakespeare Studies, 1576-1998.
54518: RICHMOND, J. C. B. - Egypt, 1798-1952: Her Advance Towards a Modern Identity.
65396: RICHMOND, SIR IAN. - Roman Archaeology and Art: Essays and Studies By Sir Ian Richmond.
37849: RICHTER, CONRAD. - Over the Blue Mountain.
22863: RICHTER, DEREK (EDITOR). - Aspects of Learning and Memory.
30077: RICHTER, LYDIA. - Treasury of German Dolls: Album 1.
7520: RICHTER, CONRAD. - Grandfathers.
100237: RICHTER, MISCHA. - Eric and Matilda.
49093: RICHTER, GISELA M. A. - Attic Red-Figured Vases: A Survey (Revised Edition).
100495: RICHTER, ANNE. - The Jewelry of Southeast Asia.
97997: RICHTER, CONRAD. - The Awakening Land: The Trees, the Fields, the Town.
8882: RICKARDS, MAURICE. - Collecting Printed Ephemera.
102660: DE RICO, UL. - The Rainbow Goblins.
102749: RICOEUR, PAUL. - Husserl: An Analysis of His Phenomenology.
102972: RICOEUR, PAUL. - History and Truth.
102974: RICOEUR, PAUL. - Freedom and Nature: The Voluntary and the Involuntary.
57693: RIDDLE, TOHBY. - Careful with That Ball, Eugene!
28756: RIDDLE, TOHBY. - Careful with That Ball, Eugene!
103125: RIDDLE, KENYON. - Records and Maps of the Old Santa Fe Trail.
48333: RIDDLES, LIBBY AND JONES, TIM. - Race Across Alaska: First Woman to Win the Iditarod Tells Her Story.
29917: RIDGE, GEORGE ROSS. - Hero in French Decadent Literature.
55674: RIDGELY, J. V. - Nineteenth-Century Southern Literature.
17488: RIDGWAY, R. S. - Voltaire and Sensibility.
100034: RIDING, CHRISTINE AND JOHNS, RICHARD. - Turner & the Sea.
16934: RIDLEY, MICHAEL. - Oriental Art: India, Nepal, Tibet: For Pleasure and Investment.
23733: RIDLEY, JASPER. - Freemasons: A History of the World's Most Powerful Secret Society.
4902: RIDLEY, JASPER. - Statesman and Saint: Cardinal Wolsey, Sir Thomas More and the Politics of Henry VIII.
56563: RIDPATH, IAN. - Messages from the Stars: Communication and Contact with Extraterrestrial Life.
57122: RIEF, LINDA AND BARBIERT, MAUREEN (EDITORS). - All That Matters: What Is It We Value in School and Beyond?
90133: RIEGIE (SHARON MAYNARD). - The Ancient Ones: The Mission Remembered.
101595: RIEMAN, TIMOTHY D. AND BURKS, JEAN M. - The Complete Book of Shaker Furniture.
84745: RIETVELD, JANE. - Rocky Point Campers.
31978: RIFKIN, NED. - Robert Moskowitz.
102505: RIGGS, LYNN. - Green Grow the Lilacs.
24377: RIGGS, CHARLES R. - Architecture of Grasshopper Pueblo.
97013: RIGGS, BOBBY WITH MCGANN, GEORGE. - Court Hustler (an Autobiography).
7817: RIGGS, MARIBETH. - Scented Woman: Create Your Own Signature Perfume.
62570: RIGUTTI, MARIO. - Hundred Billion Stars.
71969: RIIS, JACOB A. - Hero-Tales of the Far-North.
57874: RIKER, TOM. - Guide to Buying Plants.
50012: RIKER, DOROTHY AND THORNBROUGH, GAYLE (COMPILED BY). - Indiana Election Returns, 1816-1851.
61688: RILEY, PAUL. - Flower Painting: How to Paint Free and Vibrant Watercolors.
24849: RILEY, PAUL. - Intimate Landscapes: How to Paint Close-Up Views in Watercolours.
42143: RILEY, MADELEINE. - Brought to Bed.
74713: RILEY, SAM G. - Magazines of the American South.
32551: RILEY, CARROLL L. - Rio Del Norte: People of the Upper Rio Grande from Earliest Times to the Pueblo Revolt.
100943: RILEY, G. MICHAEL. - Fernando Cortes and the Marquesado in Morelos, 1522-1547: A Case Study in the Socioeconomic Development of Sixteenth-Century Mexico.
10207: RILEY, TIM. - Hard Rain: A Dylan Commentary.
47601: RILEY, H. H. - Puddleford Papers, Or, Humors of the West.
56718: RILEY, GLENDA. - Life and Legacy of Annie Oakley.
63767: RILKE, RAINER MARIA. - Poems from the Book of Hours: "Das Stundenbuch. "
54092: RILKE, RAINER MARIA. - Letters to a Young Poet.
85179: RILKE, RAINER MARIA. - Diaries of a Young Poet.
37154: RILKE, RAINER MARIA. - Two Stories of Prague: King Bohush, the Siblings.
98607: RILKE, RAINER MARIA. - The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge.
72806: RILKE, RAINER MARIA. - Letters to Merline (1919-1922).
101875: RILKE, RAINER MARIA. - Two Stories of Prague: King Bohush, the Siblings.
63141: RILKE, RAINER MARIA. - Roses Window and Other Verse from New Poems.
31829: RILKE, RAINER MARIA. - The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge.
86402: RILKE, RAINER MARIA. - Diaries of a Young Poet.
71484: (JOHN ASHBERY) RIMBAUD, ARTHUR. - Illuminations.
100954: RIMBAUD, ARTHUR. - Season in Hell (Une Saison En Enfer).
96684: RIMER, J. THOMAS, ET AL. - Shisendo: Hall of the Poetry Immortals.
103387: RINDER, FRANK (RETOLD BY). - Old-World Japan: Legends of the Land of the Gods.
72460: RINEHART, MARY ROBERTS AND COBB, IRVIN S. - Isn't That Just Like a Man! / Oh! Well! You Know How Women Are!
97564: RING, BETTY. - Girlhood Embroidery: American Samplers & Pictorial Needlework, 1650-1850 (Two Volumes, Slipcased).
97624: RINGGOLD, FAITH. - Tar Beach.
103271: RIORDAN, ROGER AND TAKAYANAGI, TOZO. - Sunrise Stories: A Glance at the Literature of Japan.
68741: RIOS, ALBERTO. - Teodoro Luna's Two Kisses: Poems.
19976: RIPLEY, ROBERT L. - Ripley's Believe It Or Not!: 12th Series.
8032: RISENHOOVER, MORRIS AND BLACKBURN, ROBERT T. - Artists As Professors: Conversations with Musicians, Painters, Sculptors.
54984: RISOM, OLE. - I Am a Bunny.
98794: RISTEEN, H. L. - Tomahawk Trail.
98795: RISTEEN, H. L. - Chippeway Captive.
97184: RISTOW, WALTER WILLIAM. - The Emergence of Maps in Libraries.
82928: RITCHIE, ALICE. - Treasure of LI-Po.
5421: RITCHIE, CARSON I. A. - Soft Stone Carving.
97546: RITCHIE, NEIL. - Harold Acton: A Bibliography.
71811: RITCHIE, A. D. - Essays in Philosophy and Other Pieces.
21899: RITSOS, YANNIS. - Yannis Ritsos: Selected Poems, 1938-1975 (the Falcon: Volume 9, Number 16).
37444: RITSOS, YANNIS. - Erotica: Small Suite in Red Major, Naked Body, Carnal Word.
37361: RITSOS, YANNIS. - Erotica: Small Suite in Red Major, Naked Body, Carnal Word.
102005: RITTER, E. A. - Shaka Zulu: The Rise of the Zulu Empire.
89371: RITTER, RAYMOND. - L'architecture Militaire Du Moyen Age.
12259: RIVER, LINDSAY AND GILLESPIE, SALLY. - Knot of Time: Astrology and the Female Experience.
1750: RIVERA, OSWALD. - Fire and Rain.
86418: RIVERS, ELIAS L. - Quixotic Scriptures: Essays on the Textuality of Hispanic Literature.
20222: RIVERS, LARRY WITH BRIGHTMAN, CAROL. - Drawings and Digressions.
6497: RIVERS, CARYL. - More Joy Than Rage: Crossing Generations with the New Feminism.
101519: RIVERS, J. E. - Proust and the Art of Love: The Aesthetics of Sexuality in the Life, Times, & Art of Marcel Proust.
5500: RIVINIUS, KARL JOSEF. - Social Movement in 19th Century Germany.
66331: RIVINUS, MARION W. - Light Along the Schuylkill.
46333: ROACH, RUTH HUNTER. - St. Louis Silversmiths.
102955: ROADARMEL, GORDON C. (EDITOR AND TRANSLATOR). - A Death in Delhi: Modern Hindi Short Stories.
34581: ROATCAP, ADELA SPINDLER. - Book of the Dance in the 20th Century: Selections from the Jane Bourne Parton Collection of Books on the Dance.
19851: ROBB, CANDACE. - Trust Betrayed.
95301: ROBB, BRIAN. - My Grandmother's Djinn.
38503: ROBBINS, LORD. - Evolution of Modern Economic Theory and Other Papers on the History of Economic Thought.
26320: ROBBINS, SALLY FENNELL. - Porch Presence: Interior Design for the Exterior Room.
103924: ROBBINS, ALMA PIERCE. - History of Vassalborough, Maine (1771-1971).
45727: ROBBINS, HAROLD. - Dream Merchants.
63776: ROBBINS, RUTH. - Taliesin and King Arthur.
37790: ROBENALT, JAMES D. - Linking Rings: William W. Durbin and the Magic and Mystery of America.
102414: ROBERT, ANDREW. - Napoleon & Wellington.
73790: ROBERT-BUSQUET, L. - Farces Du Moyen Age.
101372: ROBERT-HOUDIN, (JEAN-EUGENE). - Card-Sharping Exposed.
70170: ROBERTS, KATRINA. - Underdog: Poems.
58272: ROBERTS, VICTORIA. - Cattitudes.
55046: ROBERTS, BETHANY. - Waiting-for-Papa Stories.
18777: ROBERTS, PETER. - Any Color So Long As It's Black. . . : The First Fifty Years of Automobile Advertising.
37977: ROBERTS, ALASDAIR. - Blacked out: Government Secrecy in the Information Age.
71037: ROBERTS, CECIL. - And So to Rome.
25142: (NOSTRADAMUS) ROBERTS, HENRY C. (EDITOR). - Complete Prophecies of Nostradamus.
42466: ROBERTS, GENE AND KUNKEL, THOMAS (EDITORS). - Breach of Faith: A Crisis of Coverage in the Age of Corporate Newspapering.
28349: ROBERTS, JOHN MADDOX. - Seven Hills.
69507: ROBERTS, DOROTHY JAMES. - Mountain Journey.
30222: ROBERTS, BRAD (EDITOR). - U.S. Security in an Uncertain Era.
32450: ROBERTS, BRAD (EDITOR). - New Forces in the World Economy: A Washington Quarterly Reader.
33492: ROBERTS, BRENDA. - Collectors Encyclopedia of Hull Pottery.
33779: ROBERTS, JAMES C. - Hardball on the Hill: Baseball Stories from Our Nation's Capital.
3009: ROBERTS, MELVA JEAN. - Dreamtime Heritage: Australian Aboriginal Myths.
4317: ROBERTS, DAVID. - Jean Stafford: A Biography.
4903: ROBERTS, BRIAN. - Diamond Magnates.
46852: ROBERTS, JOHN S. - Life and Explorations of David Livingstone.
99343: ROBERTS, RICHARD, ET AL. - Fischer / Spassky: The New York Times Report on the Chess Match of the Century.
51975: ROBERTS, BRYAN R. - Organizing Strangers: Poor Families in Guatemala City.
97804: ROBERTS, LAURENCE P. - Dictionary of Japanese Artists: Painting, Sculpture, Ceramics, Prints, Lacquer.
6224: ROBERTS, DOROTHY JAMES. - Kinsmen of the Grail.
103682: ROBERTSON, ARCHIE. - Slow Train to Yesterday: A Last Glance at the Local.
13661: ROBERTSON, JR., D. W. - Abelard and Heloise.
26567: ROBERTSON, R. B. - Of Whales and Men.
42825: ROBERTSON, SEONAID M. - Creative Crafts in Education.
83211: ROBERTSON, DONALD W. - Mind's Eye of Buckminster Fuller.
68008: ROBERTSON, BRUCE. - Reckoning with Winslow Homer: His Late Paintings and Their Influence.
3308: ROBERTSON, MARY ELSIE. - Clearing.
46135: ROBERTSON, A. P. AND ROBERTSON, WENDY. - Topological Vector Spaces.
97903: ROBERTSON, JR., JAMES I. - The Stonewall Brigade.
94195: ROBERTSON, ELSIE. - Under the Code.
103826: ROBERTSON, KEITH. - Henry Reed's Baby-Sitting Service.
21765: DI ROBILANT, ANDREA. - Venetian Affair.
99747: ROBIN, DIANA. - Filelfo in Milan: Writings, 1451-1477.
69539: ROBINETTE, GARY O. (COMPILED AND COLLECTED BY). - Evergreen Form Studies: Design Charachteristics of Conifers.
59908: ROBINSON, W. R. (EDITOR). - Man and the Movies.
15882: ROBINSON, HENRY MORTON. - Enchanted Grindstone and Other Poems.
18638: ROBINSON, WILLIAM F. - Certain Slant of Light: The First Hundred Years of New England Photography.
38973: ROBINSON, EDWIN ARLINGTON. - Untriangulated Stars: Letters of Edwin Arlington Robinson to Harry de Forest Smith, 1890-1905.
21998: ROBINSON, JANE (SELECTED BY). - Unsuitable for Ladies: An Anthology of Women Travellers.
97146: ROBINSON, CHANDLER A. - J. Evetts Haley: Cowman-Historian.
91931: ROBINSON, MARILYNNE. - The Givenness of Things: Essays.
78424: ROBINSON, JAMES M. - Secrets of Judas: The Story of the Misunderstood Disciple and His Lost Gospel.
90755: ROBINSON, VERONICA. - David in Silence.
95381: ROBINSON, MARILYNNE. - What Are We Doing Here?: Essays.
27066: ROBINSON, JEROME B. - Training the Hunting Retriever.
101690: ROBINSON, MABEL L. - Bright Island.
29574: ROBINSON, MARTHA. - Zoo at Night.
34474: ROBINSON, DEBBY. - Medieval Needlepoint: Twenty-Four Easy-to-Make Projects for the Home.
34540: ROBINSON, EDWIN ARLINGTON. - Cavender's House.
94205: ROBINSON, EDWIN ARLINGTON. - Selected Poems of Edwin Arlington Robinson.
10064: ROBINSON, ROXANA. - Glimpse of Scarlet and Other Stories.
47917: ROBINSON, LENNOX (EDITOR). - Irish Theatre: Lectures Delivered During the Abbey Theatre Festival Held in Dublin in August 1938.
91240: ROBINSON, KIM STANLEY. - The Gold Coast.
48089: ROBINSON, WILLIAM L. - Fool Hen: The Spruce Grouse on the Yellow Dog Plains.
14870: ROBINSON, EDWIN ARLINGTON. - Selected Poems of Edwin Arlington Robinson.
72521: ROBINSON, WARREN F. - G-Man's Son.
40557: ROBINSON, MARILYNNE. - Gilead.
99348: ROBINSON, JOHN W. - The San Bernardinos: The Mountain Country from Cajon Pass to Oak Glen: Two Centuries of Changing Use.
101363: ROBINSON, ARTHUR H. - Early Thematic Mapping in the History of Cartography.
97535: ROBINSON, KIM STANLEY. - Red Moon.
77976: ROBINSON, CHARLES C. AND DEVERTER II, PAUL L. - Houston North Shore.
103954: ROBINSON, TIMOTHY W. - History of the Town of Morrill in the County of Waldo and State of Maine, Volume I: From Its First Settlement in 1794 to 1887, Embracing Almost 100 Years.
97468: ROBINSON, RACHEL SARGENT. - Sources for the History of Greek Athletics.
53831: ROBINSON, MICHAEL. - Long Sonata of the Dead: A Study of Samuel Beckett.
77408: ROBINSON, ANTHONY M. - Alpine Roundabout.
55666: ROBINSON, DAVID. - Reflections.
96912: ROBINSON, WILLIAM. - Bottom Pig: A Novel in Three Stories.
99668: ROBINSON, DIANA. - To Stretch a Plank: A Survey of Psychokinesis.
97162: ROBINSON, WILLIAM H., ET AL. - Barcelona and Modernity: Picasso, Gaudi, Miro, Dali.
98896: ROBINSON, JOHN J. - Dungeon, Fire and Sword: The Knights Templar in the Crusades.
21778: ROBISON, MARY. - Believe Them: Stories.
22118: ROBISON, NANCY L. - Other Place.
26302: ROBISON, NANCY. - Ten Tall Soldiers.
103632: ROC, JOHN. - Fire!: A Play.
66366: ROCCA, GUIDO. - Gaetano the Pheasant: A Hunting Fable.
43024: ROCCO, JOHN (EDITOR). - Beastie Boys Companion.
13884: ROCHE, ALPHONSE V. - Alphonse Daudet.
99576: ROCHE, DANIEL. - The Culture of Clothing: Dress and Fashion in the Ancien Regime.
73965: ROCHE, DANIEL. - France in the Enlightenment.
37579: DE ROCHEMONT, RICHARD. - Pets' Cookbook: A Layman's Comprehensive Guide to the Feeding of Dogs, Cats, Birds, Fish, and Odd Animals Around the House.
100970: ROCHESTER, RALPH. - The Turkey and the Baby: A Christmas Story.
101439: ROCKEFELLER, EILEEN, ET AL. - A Book of Memories: Peggy Mcgrath Rockefeller, 1915-1996.
89157: ROCKLIN, JOANNE. - One Day and One Amazing Morning on Orange Street.
65696: ROCKMORE, DAN. - Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis: The Quest to Find the Hidden Law of Prime Numbers.
57602: ROCKMORE, RENEE AND STEVE. - Carpet Garden.
90917: ROCKWELL, CAREY. - Stand By for Mars: A Tom Corbett Space Cadet Adventure (#1).
90916: ROCKWELL, CAREY. - On the Trail of the Space Pirates: A Tom Corbett Space Cadet Adventure (#3).
28441: ROCKWELL, ANNE (TOLD AND ILLUSTRATED BY). - Puss in Boots and Other Stories.
100688: ROCKWELL, GEORGE L. - History of Ridgefield, Connecticut.
76360: ROCKWELL, ANNE. - Gogo's Pay Day.
90918: ROCKWELL, CAREY. - Danger in Deep Space: A Tom Corbett Space Cadet Adventure (#2).
49756: ROCKWELL, ANNE. - What Bobolino Knew.
101662: ROCKWELL, ANNE. - Albert B. Cub & Zebra: An Alphabet Storybook.
99800: ROCKWELL, ANNE. - Gift for a Gift.
87078: ROCKWELL, NORMAN. - Willie Was Different: A Children's Story.
85440: ROCKWELL, MOLLY AND NORMAN. - Willie Was Different: The Tale of an Ugly Thrushling.
97069: ROCKWELL, CAREY. - Stand By for Mars: A Tom Corbett Space Cadet Adventure (#1).
13327: ROCQUET, CLAUDE-HENRI. - Bruegel Or the Workshop of Dreams.
50332: RODALE, J. I., ET AL. - Our Poisoned Earth and Sky.
19404: RODANAS, KRISTINA. - Dance of the Sacred Circle: A Native American Tale.
53469: RODD, SIR RENNELL. - Rome of the Renaissance and to-Day.
35960: RODDAM, JOHN. - Changing Mind.
62856: RODDIE, SHEN. - Sandbear.
102371: RODGER, N. A. M. - The Wooden World: An Anatomy of the Georgian Navy.
26672: RODGERS, RICHARD AND HAMMERSTEIN II, OSCAR. - Rodgers & Hammerstein's My Favorite Things.
1653: RODIER, PAUL. - Romance of French Weaving.
58185: RODIN, ROBERT J. - Ferns of the Sierra.
53324: RODMAN, BELLA. - Lions in the Way.
46667: RODMAN, SELDEN. - Death of the Hero.
63446: RODOREDA, MERCE. - My Christina & Other Stories.
63546: RODRIGUES, JOSE HONORIO. - Brazilians: Their Character and Aspirations.
70740: RODRIGUES, JOSE HONORIO. - Brazil and Africa.
39534: RODRIGUEZ, ALEX. - Out of the Ballpark.
28130: RODRIGUEZ, LUIS J. - Trochemoche.
63759: RODRIGUEZ, JUAN (CHI CHI). - Chi Chi's Secrets of Power Golf.
100545: RODRIGUEZ, MARIO. - A Palmerstonian Diplomat in Central America: Frederick Chatfield, Esq.
101089: RODRIGUEZ-SREDNICKI, OFELIA AND TWAITE, JAMES A. - Understanding, Assessing and Treating Adult Victims of Childhood Abuse.
37152: RODWAY, ALLAN. - Romantic Conflict.
6488: RODWAY, ALLAN. - Truths of Fiction.
23709: RODWELL, WARWICK. - Fishermen's Chapel: Saint Brelade Jersey: Its Archaeology, Architecture, Wall Paintings and Conservation.
60315: RODWELL, JENNY. - Flower Painting: 25 Flower Painting Projects Illustrated Step-By-Step with Advice on Materials and Techniques.
41733: ROE, CAROLYN AND DAVID. - Complete Papillon.
67829: ROEDER, FRANZ. - Ordeal of Captain Roeder: From the Diary of an Officer in the First Battalion of Hessian Lifeguards During the Moscow Campaign of 1812-13.
47492: ROEPER, SUSAN , ET AL. - Book Illustrations from Six Centuries in the Library of the Sterling & Francine Clark Art Institute.
43982: ROERIG, FRED AND ROERIG, JOYCE HERNDON. - Collector's Encyclopedia of Cookie Jars.
43983: ROERIG, FRED AND ROERIG, JOYCE HERNDON. - Collector's Encyclopedia of Cookie Jars: Book II.
21692: ROESLER, JEAN. - Rectangular Quilt Blocks.
44301: ROETHKE, THEODORE. - On Poetry and Craft: Selected Prose.
103323: ROETHKE, THEODORE. - I Am! Says the Lamb.
52272: ROETTER, CHARLES. - Fire Is Their Enemy (Fire-Fighting Through the Ages).
23256: ROGAN, JOHNNY. - Neil Young: The Definitive Story of His Musical Career.
16454: ROGASKY, BARBARA. - Golem.
79703: ROGASKY, BARBARA (SELECTED BY). - Winter Poems.
46645: ROGER. - Cartoons from Nicaragua: The Revolutionary Humor of Roger.
98823: ROGERS, ROBERT J. - Rising Above Circumstances: The Rogers Family in Colonial America.
26132: ROGERS, SHERIDAN. - Cook's Garden.
42590: ROGERS, GUY MACLEAN. - Alexander: The Ambiguity of Greatness.
98782: ROGERS, J. DANIEL. - Objects of Change: The Archaeology and History of Arikara Contact with Europeans.
45651: ROGERS, KALEN (COMPILED BY). - Tori Amos: Images & Insights.
46659: ROGERS, ALFRED PAUL. - Notes of a Countryman.
48491: ROGERS, WILL. - Sanity Is Where You Find It.
11345: ROGERS, JANET W. B. AND WIDMER, ERIC (EDITORS). - Transcendent Mirror: A Bicentennial Anthology for Deerfield.
98016: ROGERS, W. G. - Wise Men Fish Here: The Story of Frances Steloff and the Gotham Book Mart.
50060: ROGERS, HELENE. - Freelance Travel Photography (a Photojournalist's View).
67730: ROGERS, FRANCIS M. - Quest for Eastern Christians: Travels and Rumor in the Age of Discovery.
90718: ROGGER, HANS. - Jewish Policies and Right-Wing Politics in Imperial Russia.
101473: ROGOVOY, SETH. - Bob Dylan: Prophet, Mystic, Poet.
38366: ROGOW, ROBERTA. - Futurespeak: A Fan's Guide to the Language of Science Fiction.
16119: ROGOWSKI, GINI AND DEWEESE, GENE. - Making American Folk Art Dolls.
9344: ROHAN, MICHAEL SCOTT. - The Hammer of the Sun.
11329: ROHEIM, GEZA. - Children of the Desert: The Western Tribes of Central Australia, Volume One.
23436: ROHMANN, ERIC. - My Friend Rabbit.
42692: ROHMER, SAX. - Romance of Sorcery.
32231: ROHMER, SAX. - Romance of Sorcery.
98565: ROHRBOUGH, MALCOLM J. - The Trans-Appalachian Frontier: People, Societies, and Institutions, 1775-1850.
53834: ROHRER, WAYNE C. AND DOUGLAS, LOUIS H. - Agrarian Transition in America: Dualism and Change.
6725: ROIPHE, ANNE. - Torch Song.
101656: ROJANKOVSKY, FEODOR (ILLUSTRATOR). - The Tall Book of Mother Goose.
94181: ROJANKOVSKY, FEODOR (ILLUSTRATOR). - The Tall Book of Nursery Tales.
49605: ROKEBY-THOMAS, ANNA E. - Ningiyuk's Igloo World.
98155: ROLLE, ANDREW. - John Charles Fremont: Character As Destiny.
84891: ROLLOCK, BARBARA. - Black Authors and Illustrators of Children's Books: A Biographical Dictionary.
96565: ROLVAAG, OLE E. - Concerning Our Heritage.
98135: ROMAINS, JULES. - The New Day.
98342: (MADELEINE L'ENGLE) ROMAINS, JULES. - The Proud and the Meek.
57823: ROMAN, CAMILLE, ET AL (EDITORS). - Women and Language Debate: A Sourcebook.
45804: ROMANO, MARC. - Crossworld: One Man's Journey Into America's Crossword Obsession.
96594: ROMBES, NICHOLAS. - A Cultural Dictionary of Punk, 1974-1982.
6814: ROMERO, JOSE RUBEN. - Futile Life of Pito Perez.
32850: ROMM, ETHEL GRODZINS. - Open Conspiracy: What America's Angry Generation Is Saying.
99354: ROMULO, CARLOS P. - I See the Philippines Rise.
22513: RONAN, COLIN A. - Their Majesties' Astronomers: A Survey of Astronomy in Britain between the Two Elizabeths.
1239: RONCO, WILLIAM. - Food Co-Ops: An Alternative to Shopping in Supermarkets.
102291: RONDEAU, JAMES AND DRUICK, DOUGLAS. - Jasper Johns: Gray.
41842: RONDON, NAYDA. - Marie Osmond's Collector Dolls: The First Ten Years.
78677: RONSTADT, LINDA. - Simple Dreams: A Musical Memoir.
72614: DE ROO, ANNE. - Moa Valley.
20212: ROOM, ADRIAN. - Tuttle Dictionary of Dedications.
46459: ROOM, ADRIAN. - Dictionary of Pseudonyms: Third Edition.
46202: ROONEY, DAN. - My 75 Years with the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Nfl.
41113: ROONEY, DAN. - My 75 Years with the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Nfl.
97896: ROONEY, DAN. - My 75 Years with the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Nfl.
74092: ROONEY-CESPEDES, AIDAN. - Day Release.
46105: ROOS, JR., FRANK J. - Bibliography of Early American Architecture: Writings on Architecture Constructed Before 1860 in Eastern and Central United States.
97928: ROOSENBURG, HENRIETTE. - The Walls Came Tumbling Down.
98253: ROOSEVELT, THEODORE. - The Rough Riders / an Autobiography.
97885: ROOSEVELT, GRACE L. - We Owed It to the Children.
101131: ROOSEVELT, THEODORE. - Outdoor Pastimes of an American Hunter.
101130: ROOSEVELT, THEODORE. - Through the Brazilian Wilderness.
102581: ROOSEVELT, THEODORE. - Memories of the American Frontier.
98453: ROOSEVELT, ELEANOR. - If You Ask Me.
98254: ROOSEVELT, THEODORE. - Letters and Speeches.
101132: ROOSEVELT, THEODORE. - The Wilderness Hunter: An Account of the Big Game of the United States and Its Chase with Horse, Hound, and Rifle.
98053: ROOSEVELT, THEODORE. - Hunting Trips of a Ranchman: Sketches of Sport on the Northern Cattle Plains.
43886: ROOT, PHYLLIS. - Coyote and the Magic Words.
92744: ROOT, ELIHU, ET AL. - The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies: General Index and Additions and Corrections.
40763: ROOTEN, LUIS D'ANTIN VAN. - Mots D'heures: Gousses, Rames: The D'antin Manuscript.
27129: ROOTEN, LUIS D'ANTIN VAN. - Mots D'heures: Gousses, Rames: The D'antin Manuscript.
44297: ROOTEN, LUIS D'ANTIN VAN. - Mots D'heures: Gousses, Rames: The D'antin Manuscript.
53542: ROOTEN, LUIS D'ANTIN VAN. - Mots D'heures: Gousses, Rames: The D'antin Manuscript.
37266: ROOTEN, LUIS D'ANTIN VAN. - Mots D'heures: Gousses, Rames: The D'antin Manuscript.
98418: ROPER, WALTER F. - Pistol and Revolver Shooting.
2240: DANIEL-ROPS. - Christus: La Vie Du Christ En Cent Chefs - D'oeuvre.
11294: ROREM, NED. - Music from Inside out.
18348: ROSATTO, VITTORIA. - Leavers Lace: A Hand Book of the American Leavers Lace Industry.
84169: ROSCOE, S. AND BRIMMELL, R. A. - James Lumsden & Son of Glasgow: Their Juvenile Books and Chapbooks.
89867: ROSE, GILBERT J. - Trauma and Mastery in Life and Art.
21807: ROSE, PETER I. - Guest Appearances and Other Travels in Time and Space.
23983: ROSE, PETER Q. - Ivies.
51129: ROSE, PHYLLIS (EDITOR). - Norton Book of Women's Lives.
26805: ROSE, DAVID S. - Maynard's Dreams.
33691: ROSE, PAUL LAWRENCE. - Heisenberg and the Nazi Atomic Bomb Project: A Study in German Culture.
34958: ROSE, MARK. - Heroic Love: Studies in Sidney and Spenser.
79981: ROSE, GRAHAM. - Classic Garden.
90083: ROSE, MARGARET A. - The Post-Modern and the Post-Industrial: A Critical Analysis.
6888: ROSE, AL. - Eubie Blake.
49321: ROSE, JOHN AND PILLINER, SARAH. - Breeding the Competition Horse.
2510: ROSE, PHYLLIS. - Writing of Women: Essays in a Renaissance.
98648: ROSE, LISLE A. - Power at Sea (Three Volumes Boxed Set).
57510: ROSE, AL. - I Remember Jazz: Six Decades Among the Great Jazzmen.
62855: ROSE, GRAHAM. - Small Garden Planner.
68712: ROSE, GRAHAM. - Small Garden Planner.
12261: ROSEBERRY, C. R. - Steamboats and Steamboat Men.
6812: ROSEBUSH, JAMES S. - First Lady, Public Wife: A Behind-the-Scenes History of the Evolving Role of First Ladies in American Political Life.
102304: ROSEMAN, MARK. - The Wannsee Conference and the Final Solution: A Reconsideration.
103981: ROSEN, GEORGE. - Contrasting Styles of Industrial Reform: China and India in the 1980s.
36404: ROSEN, MICHAEL. - We're Going on a Bear Hunt.
62065: ROSEN, DAVID. - Tao of Jung: The Way of Integrity.
14956: ROSEN, KENNETH (EDITOR). - Voices of the Rainbow: Contemporary Poetry By American Indians.
17042: ROSEN, JEFFREY. - Unwanted Gaze: The Destruction of Privacy in America.
40956: ROSEN, WINIFRED. - Three Romances: Love Stories from Camelot Retold.
34397: ROSEN, LAURA. - Manhattan Shores: An Expedition Around the Island Edge.
38434: ROSENBERG, HAROLD. - Artworks and Packages.
34745: ROSENBERG, DAVID. - Job Speaks.
7655: ROSENBERG, MAXINE B. - Artists of Handcrafted Furniture at Work.
100029: ROSENBERG, JAMES L. - A Primer of Kinetics.
97602: ROSENBERG, PIERRE. - Fragonard.
78848: ROSENBERG, ALEXANDER. - Sociobiology and the Preemption of Social Science.
80543: ROSENBERG, BRIAN. - Mary Lee Settle's Beulah Quintet: The Price of Freedom.
22314: ROSENBLUM, MORT. - Goose in Toulouse and Other Culinary Adventures in France.
101652: ROSENBLUM, WALTER, ET AL. - America & Lewis Hine: Photographs 1904-1940.
47397: ROSENBLUM, JOSEPH. - Practice to Deceive: The Amazing Stories of Literary Forgery's Most Notorious Practitioners.
8097: ROSENBLUM, ROBERT (ESSAY). - Andy Warhol: Portraits of the 70s.
26088: ROSENBLUM, RICHARD. - My Block.
20722: ROSENFELD, MORDECAI. - Backhanded View of the Law: Irreverent Essays on Justice.
100947: ROSENFELD, SEMYON. - The First Song.
21456: ROSENGARTEN, DALE. - Row Upon Row: Sea Grass Baskets of the South Carolina Lowcountry.
33174: ROSENHEIM, JAMES M. - Townshends of Raynham: Nobility in Transition in Restoration and Early Hanoverian England.
60614: ROSENLICHT, MAXWELL. - Introduction to Analysis.
39180: ROSENSTONE, ROBERT A. - Crusade of the Left: The Lincoln Battalion in the Spanish CIVIL War.
25816: ROSENTHAL, M. L. - Sailing Into the Unknown: Yeats, Pound, and Eliot.
70604: ROSENTHAL, MARK. - Jasper Johns: Drawings.
83159: ROSENTHAL, JACQUES. - Bibliotheca Magica Et Pneumatica: Geheime Wissenschaften, Sciences Occultes: Katalog 31 - 35.
61643: ROSENWALD, LESSING J. - 19th Book: Tesoro de Poveri.
103177: ROSENWEIN, BARBARA H. - Rhinoceros Bound: Cluny in the Tenth Century.
55564: ROSENZWEIG, SAUL. - Freud, Jung and Hall the King-Maker: The Expedition to America (1909).
100239: ROSENZWEIG, ANNE. - The Arcadia Seasonal Mural and Cookbook.
102861: ROSEVEAR, JOHN. - Pot: A Handbook of Marihuana.
38732: ROSINSKI, GRZEGORZ AND VAN HAMME, JEAN. - Thorgal: Child of the Stars.
27581: ROSINSKI, RICHARD R. - Development of Visual Perception.
74876: ROSINSKI, GRZEGORZ AND VAN HAMME, JEAN. - Thorgal: The Archers.
48796: ROSINSKI, JOSE. - Ultimate Automobiles.
28925: ROSKILL, MARK AND CARRIER, DAVID. - Truth and Falsehood in Visual Images.
99306: ROSOVSKY, NITZA (EDITOR). - City of the Great King: Jerusalem from David to the Present.
62881: ROSS, MARC HOWARD. - Grass Roots in an African City: Political Behavior in Nairobi.
16518: ROSS, RALPH. - Obligation: A Social Theory.
43543: ROSS, TONY (ILLUSTRATOR). - Little Red Hood: A Classic Story, Bent out of Shape.
28803: ROSS, MICHAEL. - Cross the Great Desert.
32099: ROSS, ANNE AND ROBINS, DON. - Life and Death of a Druid Prince: The Story of Lindow Man, an Archaeological Sensation.
32726: ROSS, STANLEY R. (EDITOR). - Latin America in Transition: Problems in Training and Research.
72860: ROSS, CINDY. - Woman's Journey.
1166: ROSS, MAGGIE. - Gastropod.
67413: ROSS, MICHAEL R. - Recreational Fisheries of Coastal New England.
11746: ROSS, PAT. - To Have & to Hold: Decorative American Boxes.
49450: ROSS, TONY (ILLUSTRATOR). - Little Red Hood: A Classic Story, Bent out of Shape.
51951: ROSS, LILLIAN. - Little Old Man and His Dreams.
61881: ROSS, TONY. - Happy Blanket.
99735: ROSS, CHARLES. - Richard III.
19977: ROSS, BARNABY. - Cree from Minataree.
57636: ROSS, PAT. - Remembering Main Street: An American Album.
92390: ROSS, STEVEN J. - Hollywood Left and Right: How Movie Stars Shaped American Politics.
79518: ROSS, HEATHER COLYER. - Bedouin Jewellery in Saudi Arabia.
99054: ROSS, TONY. - Hugo and the Ministry of Holidays.
44794: ROSSBACH, SARAH AND MASTER LIN YUN. - Feng Shui Design: From History and Landscape to Modern Gardens & Interiors.
102381: ROSSETTI, WILLIAM MICHAEL. - The Pre-Raphaelites & Their World.
35153: ROSSETTI, CHRISTINA. - Fly Away, Fly Away over the Sea and Other Poems for Children.
31677: ROSSI, MICHAEL J. - James Herriot: A Critical Companion.
57500: ROSSIAUD, JACQUES. - Medieval Prostitution.
100251: LE ROSSIGNOL, JAMES EDWARD. - Little Stories of Quebec.
27000: ROSSITER, RICHARD. - Best of Boulder Climbs.
45563: ROSTAND, JEAN. - Can Man Be Modified?
102106: ROSTAND, EDMOND. - Cyrano de Bergerac.
26106: ROSTEN, NORMAN. - Neighborhood Tales.
70607: ROSTENBERG, LEONA AND STERN, MADELEINE B. - Between Boards: New Thoughts on Old Books.
92347: ROSZAK, THEODORE (EDITOR). - The Dissenting Academy.
57317: ROSZELL, CALVERT. - Near-Death Experience: In the Light of Scientific Research and the Spiritual Science of Rudolf Steiner.
66659: ROSZKIEWICZ, RON AND STRAW, PHYLLIS. - Woodturner's Art.
88951: ROSZKIEWICZ, RON AND STRAW, PHYLLIS. - The Woodturner's Art.
98014: ROTENBERG, MARK. - I Was a 1950's Pin-Up Model: From the Collection of Mark Rotenberg.
15845: ROTH, SUSAN L. - Gypsy Bird Song.
38516: ROTH, ERNST. - Business of Music: Reflections of a Music Publisher.
101926: ROTH, PHILIP. - Portnoy's Complaint.
69054: ROTH, PHILIP. - Letting Go.
98614: ROTH, PHILIP. - Philip Roth: Novels, 1973–1977: The Great American Novel / My Life As a Man / the Professor of Desire.
81678: ROTH, SUSAN L. - Kanahena: A Cherokee Story.
102269: ROTH, CECIL (INTRODUCTION). - The Sarajevo Haggadah.
6169: ROTH, HAL. - After 50,000 Miles.
103600: ROTH, PHILIP. - Romans Et Nouvelles, 1959-1977.
101500: ROTH, JOSEPH. - The Hundred Days.
101281: ROTH, ANN. - Mosaic Masterpieces in Needlework and Handicraft Based on Motifs from the Holy Land.
87331: ROTH, PHILIP. - Letting Go.
80689: ROTHBLATT, BEN (EDITOR). - Changing Perspectives on Man.
86506: ROTHCHILD, SYLVIA. - Family Stories for Every Generation.
40089: ROTHENBERG, NAFTALI AND SCHWEID, ELIEZER (EDITORS). - Jewish Identity in Modern Israel: Proceedings on Secular Judaism and Democracy.
101479: ROTHENBERG, DAVID. - Thousand Mile Song: Whale Music in a Sea of Sound.
68361: ROTHKOPF, ERNST Z. AND JOHNSON, PAUL E. (EDITORS). - Verbal Learning Research and the Technology of Written Instruction.
49422: ROTHMAN, JOEL. - Antcyclopedia.
951: ROTHSCHILD, MICHAEL. - Wondermonger.
51592: ROTHSTEIN, ARTHUR. - Photojournalism: Fourth Edition (Revised).
46380: ROUKES, NICHOLAS. - Crafts in Plastics.
67332: ROUNDS, GLEN. - Cowboys.
97976: ROUNDS, GLEN. - Ol' Paul: The Mighty Logger.
83076: ROUNDS, GLEN. - The Morning the Sun Refused to Shine: An Original Paul Bunyan Tale.
58797: ROUNDS, GLEN. - Rain in the Woods and Other Small Matters.
82850: ROUNDS, GLEN. - Wild Appaloosa.
12985: O'ROURKE, J. BARRY. - Hot Shots: How to Photograph Beauty That Sells.
97563: ROUS, SARAH A. - Reset in Stone: Memory and Reuse in Ancient Athens.
1929: ROUSE, JR., PARKE. - Virginia: A Pictorial History.
55210: ROUSE, IRVING. - Migrations in Prehistory: Inferring Population Movement from Cultural Remains.
42518: ROUSSEAU, JEAN-JACQUES. - Pure Curiosity: Botanical Letters and Notes Towards a Dictionary of Botanical Terms.
103057: ROUSSEAU, PHILIP. - Basil of Caesarea.
100815: ROUSSEAU, JEAN JACQUES. - Political Writings.
79901: ROUTHIER, NICOLE. - Cooking Under Wraps.
100308: DE ROUX, DOMINIQUE, ET AL (EDITORS) - L.F. Celine.
73279: ROVERE, RICHARD H. - Howe & Hummel: Their True and Scandalous History.
43427: ROWAN, PAULA S. - Remember This.
4027: ROWAN-ROBINSON, MICHAEL. - Cosmic Landscape: Voyages Back Along the Photon's Track.
42660: ROWDON, MAURICE. - Spanish Terror: Spanish Imperialism in the Sixteenth Century.
21581: ROWE, W. W. - Patterns in Russian Literature II: Notes on Classics.
69606: ROWE, LAURA. - Granite Crosses of West Cornwall.
28894: ROWE, WILLIAM WOODIN. - Dostoevsky: Child and Man in His Works.
29157: ROWE, JOHN A. - Peter Piglet.
74635: ROWE, WILLIAM WOODIN. - Nabokov's Deceptive World.
36638: ROWINSKI, KATE. - Ellie Bear and the Fly-Away Fly.
62778: ROWINSKI, KATE. - L.L. Bear's Island Adventure.
60249: ROWLAND, INGRID D. - Scarith of Scornello: A Tale of Renaissance Forgery.
103999: ROWLEY, CLARA G. - The Wonder-Bird and Other Stories.
101111: ROWLING, J. K. - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
17275: ROWLING, J. K. - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
101110: ROWLING, J. K. - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
46637: ROWLING, J. K. - Tales of Beedle the Bard.
94517: ROWLING, J. K. - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
72202: ROWSE, A. L. (EDITOR). - Man of Singular Virtue: Being a Life of Sir Thomas More By His Son-in-Law William Roper and a Selection of More's Letters.
91146: ROWSE, A. L. (INTRODUCTION). - First Colonists: Hakluyt's Voyages to North America.
56135: ROWSE, A. L. (EDITOR). - Man of Singular Virtue: Being a Life of Sir Thomas More By His Son-in-Law William Roper and a Selection of More's Letters.
103704: ROWSON, JONATHAN. - Understanding the Grunfeld.
99382: ROWTHORN, ANNE W. - Samuel Seabury: A Bicentennial Biography.
83123: ROY, OLIVIER. - Holy Ignorance: When Religion and Culture Part Ways.
97927: ROY, CAL (RETOLD, AND WITH DECORATIONS, BY). - The Serpent and the Sun: Myths of the Mexican World.
84068: ROY, LUCINDA. - Wailing the Dead to Sleep.
5083: LE ROY LADURIE, EMMANUEL. - Jasmin's Witch.
64258: LE ROY LADURIE, EMMANUEL. - Jasmin's Witch.
100720: ROY, GABRIELLE. - Where Nests the Water Hen.
80694: ROY, JULES. - Battle of Dienbienphu.
102528: LE ROY LADURIE, EMMANUEL. - Montaillou: Cathars and Catholics in a French Village, 1294-1324.
101506: ROY, ARCHIE. - The Curtained Sleep.
11635: ROYCE, KENNETH. - Woodcutter Operation.
30408: ROYKO, MIKE. - Like I Was Sayin'. . .
9793: ROYSTER, CHARLES. - Fabulous History of the Dismal Swamp Company: A Story of George Washington's Times.
31501: ROZAKIS, LAURIE. - Merriam Webtser's Rules of Order.
101679: ROZEWICZ, TADEUSZ. - "the Survivor" and Other Poems.
34832: ROZMOVITS, LINDA. - Shakespeare and the Politics of Culture in Late Victorian England.
96761: RUARK, ROBERT C. - Grenadine Etching: Her Life and Loves.
96344: RUARK, ROBERT C. - Horn of the Hunter: The Story of an African Safari.
58047: RUBALCABA, JILL (RETOLD BY). - Uncegila's Seventh Spot: A Lakota Legend.
9933: RUBALCABA, JILL. - Saint Vitus' Dance.
44155: RUBBRA, BENEDICT. - Painting Children.
100944: RUBENSTEIN, HELENA. - My Life for Beauty.
16892: RUBIN, DAVID. - After the Raj: British Novels of India Since 1947.
25785: RUBIN, RON AND GOLD, STUART AVERY. - Tea Chings: The Tea and Herb Companion: Appreciating the Varietals and Virtues of Fine Tea and Herbs.
34027: RUBIN, BARRY AND RUBIN, JUDITH COLP. - Yasir Arafat: A Political Biography.
34879: RUBIN, HARRIET. - Dante in Love: The World's Greatest Poem and How It Made History.
4059: RUBIN, AMY KATEMAN. - Children of the Seventh Prophecy.
8960: RUBIN, CYNTHIA ELYCE (SELECTED BY). - ABC Americana from the National Gallery of Art.
94002: RUBIN, JERRY. - Growing (Up) at 37.
46646: RUBIN, WILLIAM. - Matta.
46831: RUBIN, WILLIAM. - Matta.
8139: RUBIN, CYNTHIA AND JEROME. - Cooking with Apples.
101078: RUBIN, VITALY A. - Individual and State in Ancient China: Essays on Four Chinese Philosophers (Confucius, Mo Tzu, Shang Yang, Chuang Tzu).
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