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100701: RUSSELL, MORGAN (EDITOR). - High Frontiers: 60s Into 90s Anti-Nostalgia (Issue #4).
99455: (NEIL GAIMAN) RUSSELL, P. CRAIG (ADAPTED BY). - The Graveyard Book: Volume 1.
103775: RUSSELL, BETTY. - Big Store - Funny Door.
58588: RUSSELL, KAREN. - St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised By Wolves.
46759: RUSSELL, ANDY. - Andy Russell: A Steeler Odyssey.
98947: RUSSELL, BERTRAND. - Human Society in Ethics and Politics.
64750: RUSSELL, KEITH, ET AL. - Sex and Fly Fishers: A Delightful and Insightful Celebration of Fly Fishing.
31715: RUSSETT, CYNTHIA EAGLE. - Concept of Equilibrium in American Social Thought.
1017: RUSSIER, GABRIELLE. - Affair of Gabrielle Russier.
24161: RUSSMANN, EDNA R. - Eternal Egypt: Masterworks of Ancient Art from the British Museum.
44182: RUSSO, RICHARD. - Mohawk.
77607: RUSSO, DOROTHY RITTER AND SULLIVAN, THELMA L. - Bibliography of Booth Tarkington, 1869-1946.
69416: RUSSO, DOROTHY RITTER AND SULLIVAN, THELMA L. - Bibliography of Booth Tarkington, 1869-1946.
48745: RUSSOMANNO, JOSEPH (EDITOR). - Defending the First: Commentary on First Amendment Issues and Cases.
62907: RUTHERFOORD, PEGGY (EDITOR). - African Voices: An Anthology of Native African Writing.
57436: RUTHERFORD, MEG. - Beautiful Island.
101980: RUTHERFORD, ANWORTH. - Hidden Island.
92115: RUTHVEN, MALISE. - Torture: The Grand Conspiracy.
34181: RUTHVEN, MALISE. - Fundamentalism: The Search for Meaning.
36697: RUTIGLIANO, SAM. - Pressure.
98801: RUTLEDGE, ARCHIBALD. - When Boys Go Off to School.
103153: RUTZ, VIOLA. - Little Tree and His Wish.
29957: RYALS, CLYDE DE L. - Browning's Later Poetry: 1871-1889.
16886: RYAN, MAUREEN. - Innocence and Estrangement in the Fiction of Jean Stafford.
64784: RYAN, KATHY (EDITOR). - New York Times Magazine Photographs.
24294: RYAN, MARY WYNN. - Ultimate Bath.
88237: RYAN, PAM MUNOZ. - Echo.
65602: RYAN, MICHAEL. - God Hunger: Poems.
32039: RYAN, MARIANNE (EDITOR). - Doubletake: Collective Memory & Current Art.
34114: RYAN, KIERNAN. - Harvester New Readings: Shakespeare.
80967: RYAN, PAMELA. - Dictionary of King Arthur's Knights.
102102: RYAN, CORNELIUS. - The Longest Day: The D-Day Story, June 6, 1944.
48964: RYAN, SIMON. - Cartographic Eye: How Explorers Saw Australia.
84425: RYAN, ALAN. - John Dewey and the High Tide of American Liberalism.
97767: RYAN, CHELI DURAN. - Hildilid's Night.
57297: RYAN, PAM MUNOZ. - Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride.
80411: RYAN, MARLEIGH GRAYER. - Development of Realism in the Fiction of Tsubouchi Shoyo.
64926: RYAN, KATHY (EDITOR). - New York Times Magazine Photographs.
100018: RYAN, MICHAEL. - Threats Instead of Trees.
40165: RYCROFT, W. STANLEY (EDITOR). - Indians of the High Andes.
1514: RYDBERG, ERNIE. - Conquer the Winds.
73280: RYDER, NICK. - How to Become a Porn Director: Making Amateur Adult Films.
44539: RYDER, JOANNE. - Big Bear Ball.
32215: RYDER, ROWLAND. - Ravenstein: Portrait of a German General.
98193: RYERSON, RICHARD ALAN. - The Revolution Is Now Begun: The Radical Committees of Philadelphia, 1765-1776.
14222: RYLANT, CYNTHIA. - Henry and Mudge and the Long Weekend: The Eleventh Book of Their Adventures.
14221: RYLANT, CYNTHIA. - Henry and Mudge and the Forever Sea: The Sixth Book of Their Adventures.
102040: RYLANT, CYNTHIA. - Children of Christmas: Stories for the Season.
25012: RYLANT, CYNTHIA. - Henry and Mudge Get the Cold Shivers: The Seventh Book of Their Adventures.
26744: RYLANT, CYNTHIA. - Henry and Mudge and the Bedtime Thumps: The Ninth Book of Their Adventures.
26747: RYLANT, CYNTHIA. - Henry and Mudge Take the Big Test: The Tenth Book of Their Adventures.
28195: RYLANT, CYNTHIA. - Little Whistle.
49454: RYLANT, CYNTHIA. - Dog Heaven.
100075: (WALKER EVANS) RYLANT, CYNTHIA. - Something Permanent.
26746: RYLANT, CYNTHIA. - Henry and Mudge and the Wild Wind: The Twelfth Book of Their Adventures.
73368: RYLEE, ROBERT. - The Ring and the Cross: A Novel.
98377: VAN RYNBACH, IRIS. - Everything from a Nail to a Coffin.
100975: RYWERANT, YOCHANAN. - The Feldenkrais Method: Teaching By Handling: A Technique for Individuals.
19230: ZITKALA-SA (RETOLD BY). - Old Indian Legends.
61110: SA'DI. - Rose Garden (Gulistan).
21547: SAAD, GEORGE NEHMEH. - Transitivity, Causation and Passivization: A Semantic-Syntactic Study of the Verb in Classical Arabic.
13524: SAAL, KATHLEEN. - In the Land of Hummel: Traditional Bavarian Life.
103505: SAARI, KAYE. - The Kidnapping of the Coffee Pot.
27911: SABA, UMBERTO. - Ernesto.
99733: SABATIER, PAUL. - The Road to Assisi: The Essential Biography of St. Francis.
972: SABATO, ERNESTO. - The Outsider.
13678: SABBAGH, KARL. - Rum Affair: A True Story of Botanical Fraud.
57292: SABBAGH, KARL. - Rum Affair: A True Story of Botanical Fraud.
46639: SABEL, CHARLES F. - Work and Politics: The Division of Labor in Industry.
10942: SABERSKY, ROLF H. AND ACOSTA, ALLAAN J. - Fluid Flow: A First Course in Fluid Mechanics.
52766: SABIN, E. ROSE. - Perilous Power.
22472: SABIN, MARGERY. - Dialect of the Tribe: Speech and Community in Modern Fiction.
60273: SABINI, JOHN. - Armies in the Sand: The Struggle for Mecca and Medina.
101634: (CLEMENT CLARKE MOORE) SABUDA, ROBERT. - The Night Before Christmas (Pop-Up).
101633: SABUDA, ROBERT. - The Christmas Alphabet (Pop-Up).
64626: SACCIO, PETER. - Court Comedies of John Lyly: A Study in Allegorical Dramaturgy.
72718: SACHAR, LOUIS. - Dogs Don't Tell Jokes.
29409: SACHER-MASOCH, LEOPOLD VON. - Venus in Furs / Letters of Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch and Emilie Mataja.
101369: SACHS, EDWIN. - Sleight of Hand: A Practical Manual of Legerdemain for Amateurs and Others.
93625: SACHS, ROBERT G. - The Physics of Time Reversal.
79177: SACHS, MARILYN. - Matt's Mitt & Fleet-Footed Florence.
101313: SACHS, ALBIE. - The Strange Alchemy of Life and Law.
56162: SACHS, MARILYN. - Dorrie's Book.
77821: SACHSE, WILLIAM L. (COMPILED BY). - Restoration England, 1660-1689.
103810: SACKS, OLIVER. - Migraine: Understanding a Common Disorder.
101924: SACKS, OLIVER. - On the Move: A Life.
88154: SACKS, KENNETH S. - Understanding Emerson: "the American Scholar" and His Struggle for Self-Reliance.
78154: SACKS, MARK. - World We Found: The Limits of Ontological Talk.
22558: SACKVILLE-WEST, VITA, - Vita Sackville-West: Selected Writings.
102412: SACKVILLE-WEST, VITA, - Saint Joan of Arc.
33789: SACKVILLE-WEST, V. - Knole, Kent.
101825: SACKVILLE, L. J. - Heresy and Heretics in the Thirteenth Century: The Textual Representations.
101719: SACKVILLE-WEST, V. - English Country Houses.
99675: SACKVILLE-WEST, VITA, - Saint Joan of Arc.
40471: SADIE, STANLEY (EDITOR). - Puccini and His Operas.
11558: SADLER, CATHERINE EDWARDS (RETOLD BY). - Heaven's Reward: Fairy Tales from China.
51972: SADOFF, DIANNE F. - Sciences of the Flesh: Representing Body and Subject in Psychoanalysis.
96433: SADOWSKI, GREG (EDITOR). - Action! Mystery! Thrills!: Comic Book Covers of the Golden Age, 1933-1945.
63233: SADR, KARIM. - Development of Nomadism in Ancient Northeast Africa.
93290: SAFFORD, CARLETON L. AND BISHOP, ROBERT. - America's Quilts and Coverlets.
22439: SAGALYN, LYNNE B. - Times Square Roulette: Remaking the City Icon.
88527: SAGAN, FRANCOISE. - The Unmade Bed.
40135: SAGE, ANGIE. - Septimus Heap: Book Two: Flyte.
24600: SAGE, JAMES. - Where the Great Bear Watches.
80317: SAGE, ALISON. - Ogre's Banquet.
67310: SAGE, DEAN. - Ristigouche and Its Salmon Fishing: With a Chapter on Angling Literature.
4195: SAGENDORPH, ROBB. - America and Her Almanacs: Wit, Wisdom & Weather, 1639-1970.
23944: SAGER, CLIFFORD J. - Marriage Contracts and Couple Therapy: Hidden Forces in Intimate Relationships.
102471: SAGGS, H. W. F. - The Babylonians: A Survey of the Ancient Civilisation of the Tigris-Euphrates Valley.
4038: SAGGS, H. W. F. - Civilization Before Greece and Rome.
103926: SAGONA, CLAUDIA. - Archaeology of Malta: From the Neolithic Through the Roman Period.
93689: SAGUY, ABIGAIL C. - What's Wrong with Fat?
103129: SAHAGUN, FRAY BERNARDINO DE. - Conquest of New Spain: 1585 Revision.
1113: SAHGAL, NAYANTARA. - This Time of Morning.
43086: SAHOTA, GURSHARAN. - Advanced Shotokan Karate Handbook.
102641: SAINT-EXUPERY, ANTOINE DE. - The Little Prince (Two Volume Boxed Set).
59401: SAINT-EXUPERY, ANTOINE DE. - The Little Prince.
77535: SAINT-EXUPERY, ANTOINE DE. - The Little Prince.
68601: SAINT-EXUPERY, ANTOINE DE. - The Little Prince.
102654: SAINT-GERMAIN, COMTE DE. - The Practice of Palmistry.
77355: SAINT-EXUPERY, ANTOINE DE. - The Little Prince.
100862: SAINT-EXUPERY, ANTOINE DE. - Der Kleine Prinz (the Little Prince).
82085: SAINT-EXUPERY, ANTOINE DE. - The Little Prince.
68967: SAINT-EXUPERY, ANTOINE DE. - The Little Prince.
47501: SAINTINE, X. B. - Picciola, the Prisoner of Fenestrella Or, Captivity Captive.
942: SAISSELIN, REMY G. - Literary Enterprise in Eighteenth-Century France.
100165: SAJOUS, CHARLES E. - Lectures on the Diseases of the Nose and Throat.
4658: SAKAMOTO, KERRI. - Electrical Field.
35122: SAKAMOTO, KERRI. - Electrical Field.
66829: SAKI (H. H. MUNRO). - Novels and Plays of Saki (H.H. Munro): Complete in One Volume.
102104: (EDWARD GOREY) SAKI (H. H. MUNRO). - Stories.
84836: SAKI (H. H. MUNRO). - Novels and Plays of Saki (H.H. Munro): Complete in One Volume.
3369: SAKS, KATIA. - La Rifa.
755: DE SALABERT, MIGUEL. - Interior Exile.
45065: SALAFF, JANET W. - State and Family in Singapore: Restructuring an Industrial Society.
92696: SALEM, LIONEL, ET AL. - The Most Beautiful Mathematical Formulas.
33500: SALFELLNER, HARALD. - Franz Kafka and Prague.
98475: SALGADO, SEBASTIAO (PHOTOGRAPHS). - The Children: Refugees and Migrants.
97061: SALGADO, SEBASTIAO (PHOTOGRAPHS). - The End of Polio: A Global Effort to End a Disease.
97031: SALGADO, SEBASTIAO. - The Scent of a Dream: Travels in the World of Coffee.
97230: SALGADO, SEBASTIAO. - Other Americas.
98561: SALGADO, SEBASTIAO (PHOTOGRAPHS). - Africa (Afrika Afrique).
98868: SALINAS PEDRAZA, JESUS WITH BERNARD, H. RUSSELL. - Rc Hnychnyu: The Otomi: Volume I: Geography and Fauna.
3690: SALINGER, J. D. - Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction.
19885: SALINGER, J. D. - For Esme - with Love and Squalor.
101389: SALINGER, J. D. - Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut.
65821: SALINGER, J. D. - Catcher in the Rye.
95100: SALINGER, J. D. - The Catcher in the Rye.
19925: SALINGER, J. D. - Catcher in the Rye.
84377: SALINGER, J. D. - Nine Stories.
100407: SALINGER, J. D. - Franny and Zooey.
72206: SALINGER, J. D. - The Catcher in the Rye.
26138: SALISBURY, MARJORIE CECIL, MARCHIONESS OF. - Gardens of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother: A Personal Tour with the Marchioness of Salisbury.
42847: SALISBURY, O. M. - Customs and Legends of the Thlinget Indians of Alaska.
96803: SALISBURY, HARRISON E. - A Time of Change: A Reporter's Tales of Our Time.
100473: SALISBURY, HARRISON E. - Black Night, White Snow: Russia's Revolutions, 1905-1917.
64159: SALMON, J. B. - Wealthy Corinth: A History of the City to 338 Bc.
100259: SALMOND, ANNE. - The Trial of the Cannibal Dog: The Remarkable Story of Captain Cook's Encounters in the South Seas.
102892: SALOMON, XAVIER F. - Canova's George Washington.
59022: SALOP, LYNNE. - Suisong (a Study of Sylvia Plath).
73963: SALSBURY, STEPHEN. - State, the Investor, and the Railroad: The Boston & Albany, 1825-1867.
86072: SALT, W. RAY AND SALT, JIM R. - Birds of Alberta: With Their Ranges in Saskatchewan & Manitoba.
48792: SALTEN, FELIX. - Walt Disney's Bambi.
1738: SALTER, JAMES. - Hunters.
103655: SALTER, JAMES. - A Sport and a Pastime.
76234: SALTER, ELIZABETH. - Piers Plowman: An Introduction.
12755: SALTER, MARY JO. - Unfinished Painting.
54823: SALTYKOV, MIKHAIL EVGRAFOVICH. - Golovlyov Family.
64067: SALTZ, INA. - Body Type: Intimate Messages Etched in Flesh.
26726: SALVADORE, JEAN GOVONI. - Cooking Ideas from Villa D'este.
39088: SALVADORI, CORINNA. - Yeats and Castiglione: Poet and Courtier.
101796: SALVAN, PAULA MARTIN. - The Language of Ethics and Community in Graham Greene's Fiction.
98573: SALVATORE, R. A. - The Orc King: Transitions, Book I (Forgotten Realms).
97900: SALVATORE, R. A. - Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones.
74952: SALVIDIO, FRANK. - Inventing Love: A Sonnet Sequence.
100880: (DANTE ALIGHIERI) SALVIDIO, FRANK (TRANSLATOR). - The Vita Nuova of Dante Alighieri.
30464: SALVINI, ROBERTO. - Medieval Sculpture.
91432: SALWAK, DALE (EDITOR). - Philip Larkin: The Man and His Work.
64570: SALZBERG, CHARLES. - From Set Shot to Slam Dunk: The Glory Days of Basketball in the Words of Those Who Played It.
9027: SALZMAN, MARK. - Iron & Silk.
62393: SAMMARCO, ANTHONY MITCHELL. - Great Boston Fire of 1872.
40594: SAMMARTINO, PETER. - Man Who Was William Shakespeare.
25915: SAMMARTINO, CLAUDIA F. - Northfield Mountain Interpreter: Facts About the Mountain, the River, and the People.
29542: SAMPSON, GEOFFREY. - Making Sense.
34545: SAMPSON, R. V. - Discovery of Peace.
97500: SAMPSON, PAMELA. - A Mouse Family Album.
67499: SAMPSON, ALISTAIR. - Guest from Hell.
32792: SAMS, ERIC. - Real Shakespeare: Retrieving the Early Years, 1564-1594.
1619: SAMSON, ANNE S. - Lines Spines and Porcupines.
47978: SAMSTAG, NICHOLAS. - Uses of Ineptitude Or How Not to Want to Do Better.
29392: SAMUELS, ROBERT. - Writing Prejudices: The Psychoanalysis and Pedagogy of Discrimination from Shakespeare to Toni Morrison.
49648: SAMUELS, WARREN J. - Classical Theory of Economic Policy.
40285: SAN SOUCI, ROBERT D. - Peter and the Blue Witch Baby.
40884: SAN SOUCI, ROBERT D. - Peter and the Blue Witch Baby.
31149: SAN SOUCI, ROBERT D. - Red Heels.
84423: SAN JUAN, JR., E. - Racial Formations / Critical Transformations: Articulations of Power in Ethnic and Racial Studies in the United States.
101657: SAN SOUCI, ROBERT D. - The Enchanted Tapestry: A Chinese Folktale Retold.
70391: SAN SOUCI, ROBERT D. - Young Merlin.
102661: SAN SOUCI, ROBERT D. (RETOLD BY). - The Talking Eggs.
82808: SANCHA, SHEILA. - Walter Dragun's Town: Crafts and Trade in the Middle Ages.
72988: SANCHEZ, LAURA AND SANCHEZ, ALEX. - Adobe Houses for Today: Flexible Plans for Your Adobe Home.
103074: SANCHEZ, JOSEPH P. - Spanish Bluecoats: The Catalonian Volunteers in Northwestern New Spain, 1767-1810.
91497: SANCHEZ, THOMAS. - Mile Zero.
31395: SAND, GEORGE. - Wings of Courage.
38320: SANDBURG, CARL. - Breathing Tokens.
3234: SANDBURG, HELGA. - Age of the Flower.
16584: SANDBURG, CARL. - Selected Poems of Carl Sandburg.
98009: SANDBURG, HELGA. - Blueberry.
102772: SANDBURG, HELGA. - Gingerbread.
51057: SANDERS, SCOTT R. - Hear the Wind Blow: American Folk Songs Retold.
49066: SANDERS, ARTHUR. - Victory: How a Progressive Democratic Party Can Win and Govern.
56390: SANDERS, ED. - Shards of God.
60396: SANDERS, ALAN AND STEANE, J. B. - Elisabeth Schwarzkopf: A Career on Record.
33880: SANDERS, SOL. - Honda: The Man and His Machines.
69191: SANDERS, CLINTON R. - Customizing the Body: The Art and Culture of Tattooing.
100606: SANDERSON, RUTH (RETOLD AND ILLUSTRATED BY). - The Twelve Dancing Princesses.
21492: SANDERSON, KYLIE (EDITOR). - British Fabrics: An Illustrated Sourcebook of Textiles, Lace, Trimmings, Rugs and Carpets.
26189: SANDERSON, MICHAEL. - Sea Battles: A Reference Guide.
44096: SANDERSON, RUTH. - Enchanted Wood: An Original Fairy Tale.
101659: SANDERSON, RUTH. - Enchanted Wood: An Original Fairy Tale.
69173: SANDERSON, STEVEN E. - Transformation of Mexican Agriculture: International Structure and the Politics of Rural Change.
67464: SANDERSON, RUTH (RETOLD AND ILLUSTRATED BY). - The Twelve Dancing Princesses.
103421: SANDINO, AUGUSTO CESAR. - Sandino: The Testimony of a Nicaraguan Patriot, 1921-1934.
849: SANDOZ, MARI. - Old Jules Country.
38603: SANDROF, IVAN. - More Massachusetts Towns.
31999: SANDROW, NAHMA. - Vagabond Stars: A World History of Yiddish Theater.
82679: SANDY, STEPHEN. - Roofs.
60291: SANDY, STEPHEN. - Roofs.
4352: SANELLO, FRANK. - Naked Instinct: The Unauthorized Biography of Sharon Stone.
48331: SANELLO, FRANK. - Knights Templars: God's Warriors, the Devil's Bankers.
29205: SANER, REG. - Climbing Into the Roots.
38409: SANFIELD, STEVE. - Just Rewards Or Who Is That Man in the Moon & What's He Doing Up There Anyway?
38934: SANFORD, JOHN (JULIAN SHAPIRO). - Winters of That Country: Tales of the Man Made Seasons.
2490: SANGER, MARJORY BARTLETT. - Billy Bartram and His Green World.
77630: SANGER, MARJORY BARTLETT. - Checkerback's Journey: The Migration of the Ruddy Turnstone.
101478: SANKEY, BENJAMIN. - A Companion to William Carlos Williams's Paterson.
47134: SANSOM, WILIAM. - South: Aspects and Images from Corsica, Italy and Southern France.
99136: SANSOM, GEORGE. - A History of Japan to 1334.
94277: SANSOM, IAN. - Paper: An Elegy.
89672: SANTAYANA, GEORGE. - The Letters of George Santayana.
1517: SANTEE, ROSS. - The Rummy Kid Goes Home and Other Stories of the Southwest.
1931: SANTIAGO, ESMERELDA. - Sueno de America.
31924: SANTOY, CLAUDE. - Amusing Shortstories of. . . Death.
62862: SAPERSTEIN, ALAN. - Mom Kills Kids and Self.
22840: SAPOZNIK, HENRY. - Klezmer!: Jewish Music from Old World to Our World.
38639: SAPPE, ARTHUR. - Of Dust and Sparrows.
569: SAPPHIRE. - Push.
67755: SAPPHIRE. - Push.
59301: SAPPHO. - Poems & Fragments.
21518: SARAMAGO, JOSE. - Cave.
103798: SARAMAGO, JOSE. - The Lives of Things: Short Stories.
99100: SARAMAGO, JOSE. - Journey to Portugal: In Pursuit of Portugal's History and Culture.
69593: SARAMAGO, JOSE. - Elephant's Journey.
97688: SARASWATI, SWAMI SATYANANDA. - A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya.
19061: SARGENT, WILLIAM. - Year of the Crab: Marine Animals in Modern Medicine.
25633: SARGENT, GILBERT. - Sussex Life: The Memories of Gilbert Sargent, Countryman.
11786: SARGENT, LUCY. - Tincraft.
67245: SARGENT, WILLIAM. - Year in the Notch: Exploring the Natural History of the White Mountains.
103768: SARGENT, PAMELA. - Alien Child.
99527: SARIOLA, SAKARI. - Power and Resistance: The Colonial Heritage in Latin America.
99344: SARMIENTO, DOMINGO FAUSTINO. - Recollections of a Provincial Past.
104015: SARNOFF, PAUL. - Jesse Livermore: Speculator-King.
60279: SAROYAN, WILLIAM. - Dogs, Or the Paris Comedy and Two Other Plays, Chris Sick, Or Happy New Year Anyway, and Making Money and Nineteen Other Very Short Plays.
16211: SAROYAN, WILLIAM (INTRODUCTION BY). - Arabian Nights.
4436: SAROYAN, WILLIAM. - Places Where I've Done Time.
75312: SAROYAN, WILLIAM. - Rock Wagram.
99953: SAROYAN, WILLIAM. - Saroyan's Fables.
37913: SARTAIN, JOHN. - Reminiscences of a Very Old Man, 1808-1897.
40385: SARTON, MAY. - Small Room.
24062: SARTON, MAY. - Silence Now: New and Uncollected Earlier Poems.
32587: SARTON, MAY. - Cloud, Stone, Sun, Vine: Poems, Selected and New.
3432: SARTON, MAY. - Shower of Summer Days.
3975: SARTON, MAY. - Selected Letters: 1916-1954.
6777: SARTON, MAY. - Miss Pickthorn and Mr. Hare: A Fable.
101713: SARTON, MAY. - The Bridge of Years.
100247: SARTRE, JEAN-PAUL. - Les Mots.
54099: SASAMORI, JUNZO AND WARNER, GORDON. - This Is Kendo: The Art of Japanese Fencing.
102913: SASS, LORNA J. - Dinner with Tom Jones: Eighteenth-Century Cookery Adapted for the Modern Kitchen.
69417: SASS, HANS-MARTIN. - Heidegger - Bibliographie.
101944: SASSER, ELIZABETH SKIDMORE. - Out of the Ordinary: The Art of Paul Milosevich.
101847: SASSI, MARIA MICHELA. - The Beginnings of Philosophy in Greece.
22709: SASSOON, ROSEMARY. - Practical Guide to Calligraphy.
71743: SASSOON, SIEGFRIED AND BEERBOHM, MAX. - Siegfried Sassoon Letters to Max Beerbohm, with a Few Answers.
87929: SASSOON, SIEGFRIED. - Memoirs of an Infantry Officer.
81443: SASULY, RICHARD. - The Search for the Winning Horse: With a Realistic Guide to Handicapping.
48984: SATO, RYUZO, ET AL (EDITORS). - Japan, Europe and International Financial Markets: Analytical and Empirical Perspectives.
96694: SATTY. - Time Zone.
6217: SAUCHELLI, VINCENT. - Phosphates in Agriculture.
26015: SAUER, INGE (ILLUSTRATOR). - Eve's Little Friends.
97990: SAUER, JULIA L. - Fog Magic.
99731: SAUER, CARL O. - Northern Mists.
76218: SAUL, GEORGE BRANDON. - Wild Queen.
99717: SAUL, NORMAN E. - Russia and the Mediterranean, 1797-1807.
97232: SAUL, CAROL P. - Barn Cat: A Counting Book.
21871: SAUNDERS, NICHOLAS WITH DOBLIN, RICK. - Ecstasy: Dance, Trance & Transformation.
34860: SAUNDERS, RAY. - Horsekeeping: Ownership, Stabling & Feeding.
74838: SAUNDERS, ALLEN. - Kerry Drake, Book No. 5 (1946 Anti-Drug Story).
94663: SAUNDERS, GARY L. - Rattles and Steadies: Memoirs of a Gander River Man.
100160: SAUNDERS, AUDREY. - Algonquin Story.
103880: SAUNDERS, RACHEL (INTRODUCTION). - Le Japon Artistique: Japanese Floral Pattern Design in the Art Nouveau Era.
64452: SAUTAI, MAURICE. - Montcalm at the Battle of Carillon (Ticonderoga): July 8th, 1758.
71151: SAVA, GEORGE. - Surgeon Under Capricorn.
71767: SAVILLE, JONATHAN. - Medieval Erotic Alba: Structure As Meaning.
4965: SAVISHINSKY, JOEL S. - Trail of the Hare: Life and Stress in an Arctic Community.
470: SAVORY, TEO. - Clutch of Fables.
6096: SAVORY, TEO. - Penny for His Pocket.
471: SAVORY, TEO - To Raise a Rainbow.
66248: SAVOY, GENE. - On the Trail of the Feathered Serpent. .
21208: SAWHNEY, MOHAN, ET AL. - Techventure: New Rules on Value and Profit from Silicon Valley.
24829: SAWYER, CHARLES. - B.B. King: The Authorized Biography.
100556: SAWYER, RUTH (TOLD BY). - The Remarkable Christmas of the Cobbler's Sons.
9158: SAWYER-LAUCANNO, CHRISTOPHER. - Continual Pilgrimage: American Writers in Paris, 1944-1960.
48819: SAWYER, RUTH. - Enchanted Schoolhouse.
67257: SAWYER, EDITH A. - Abiding of Ume [Ume No Kakurega].
100227: SAXON, LYLE. - Fabulous New Orleans.
56839: SAY, ALLEN. - Sign Painter.
36359: SAYCE, R. A. - Style in French Prose: A Method of Analysis.
43927: SAYER, MAGGIE. - Storey's Guide to Raising Meat Goats: Managing, Breeding, Marketing.
102063: SAYERS, DOROTHY L. - The Dorothy L. Sayers Crime Collection: Strong Poison / Have His Carcase / Murder Must Advertise / the Nine Tailors / Gaudy Night (Five Volume Boxed Set).
103228: SAYERS, DOROTHY L. - Murder Must Advertise.
72350: SAYERS, DOROTHY L. - Devil to Pay: A Stage-Play.
100959: SAYRE, APRIL PULLEY. - If You Should Hear a Honey Guide.
54795: AL-SAYYID, AFAF LUTFI. - Egypt and Cromer: A Study in Anglo-Egyptian Relations.
42861: SCAGNETTI, JACK. - Life and Loves of Gable.
64955: SCAMMELL, G. V. - World Encompassed: The First European Maritime Empires, C. 800-1650.
94109: SCANNIELLO, STEPHEN. - A Year of Roses (Revised Edition).
9881: SCARBOROUGH, ELIZABETH ANN. - Godmother's Apprentice.
7636: SCARFOGLIO, CARLO. - True Cross.
90386: SCARNE, JOHN. - Scarne's Magic Tricks (200 Best Tricks Anyone Can Do).
40536: SCARPI, N. O. - Dani: Kindergeschichten Fur Erwachsene.
16214: SCARRY, HUCK. - On the Road.
79662: SCARRY, RICHARD. - Silly Stories.
52311: SCARRY, HUCK. - On Wheels.
48307: SCARRY, RICHARD. - Planes.
79939: SCARRY, RICHARD (ILLUSTRATOR). - Richard Scarry's Old Mother Hubbard and Other Rhymes.
81922: SCARRY, PATRICIA M. - Jeremy Mouse Book.
22369: SCARTH, ALWYN. - La Catastrophe: The Eruption of Mount Pelee, the Worst Volcanic Disaster of the Twentieth Century.
35856: SCHAAP, JEREMY. - Cinderella Man: James J. Braddock, Max Baer, and the Greatest Upset in Boxing History.
76775: SCHABACKER, R. W. - Stock Market Profits.
29285: SCHACHTER, ZALMAN M. AND HOFFMAN, EDWARD. - Sparks of Light: Counseling in the Hasidic Tradition.
43363: SCHADE, SUSAN. - Travels of Thelonious.
33386: SCHAEFER, JACK. - Shane.
103030: SCHAEFER, VINCENT J. AND DAY, JOHN A. - Roger Tory Peterson Field Guides: The Atmosphere.
97402: SCHAEFER, BARBARA AND HACHMANN, ANITA. - Es War Einmal in Amerika: 300 Jahre Us-Amerikanische Kunst.
78312: SCHAEFFER, S. ALLYN. - Oil Painter's Guide to Paintingtrees.
28079: SCHAEFFER, SUSAN FROMBERG. - Queen of Egypt: Short Fiction.
103105: SCHAEFFER, KURTIS R., ET AL (EDITORS). - Sources of Tibetan Traition.
35337: SCHAEFFER, SUSAN FROMBERG. - Rhymes and Runes of the Toad.
96970: SCHAEFFER, OSKAR. - Atlas and Epitome of Labor and Operative Obstetrics.
100340: SCHAFER, MARTIN JORG. - Schmerz Zum Mitsein: Zur Relekture Celans Und Heideggers Durch Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe Und Jean-Luc Nancy.
102937: SCHAFER, EDWARD H. - The Golden Peaches of Samarkand: A Study of T'ang Exotics.
100332: SCHAFER, MARTIN JORG. - Szenischer Materialismus: Dionysische Theatralitat Zwischen Holderlin Und Hegel.
102936: SCHAFER, EDWARD H. - Vermilion Bird: T'ang Images of the South.
82809: SCHALDACH, WILLIAM J. - The Wind on Your Cheek Or More Chips from the Log of an Artist Sportsman.
45288: SCHAMI, RAFIK. - Fatima and the Dream Thief.
72024: SCHANKE, ROBERT A. - Shattered Applause: The Lives of Eva le Gallienne.
57205: SCHAPER, DONNA. - Teaching My Daughter to Mulch: Gardening Meditations.
22503: SCHAR, BRIGITTE. - Blind Fairy.
56235: SCHARFF, ROBERT. - One-Design Class Sailboat Handbook.
80272: SCHARLEMANN, ROBERT P. - Inscriptions and Reflections: Essays in Philosophical Theology.
50479: SCHATELL, BRIAN. - Midge & Fred.
31104: SCHAUSS, HANS-JOACHIM. - Contemporary Polish Folk Artists.
80360: SCHAUSS, HANS-JOACHIM. - Contemporary Polish Folk Artists.
97035: SCHECTER, JARRET. - Hermanovce: Four Seasons with the Roma.
62247: SCHEICK, WILLIAM J. - Will and the World: The Poetry of Edward Taylor.
13319: SCHEIDL, GERDA MARIE. - Miriam's Gift.
35139: SCHEIDL, GERDA MARIE. - Pickle & Patch.
98882: SCHEIN, SYLVIA. - Fideles Crucis: The Papacy, the West, and the Recovery of the Holy Land, 1274-1314.
72346: SCHELLIE, DON. - Me, Cholay & Co. , Apache Warriors.
14068: SCHELLING, ANDREW. - Whisk of Hair: Translations from the Sanskrit.
20476: SCHERER, JOANNA COHAN WITH WALKER, JEAN BURTON. - Indians: The Great Photographs That Reveal North American Indian Life, 1847-1929, from the Unique Collection of the Smithsonian Instituation.
16170: SCHERMAN, KATHERINE. - Long White Night.
103108: SCHERMAN, BERNARDINE KIELTY. - Girl from Fitchburg.
100375: SCHERTENLEIB, HANSJORG. - November. Rost: Gedichte.
22244: SCHERTLE, ALICE. - Bill and the Google-Eyed Goblins.
24358: SCHERTLE, ALICE. - Bill and the Google-Eyed Goblins.
73375: SCHERTLE, ALICE. - A Lucky Thing: Poems.
49582: SCHETTLER, TED, ET AL. - Generations at Risk: Reproductive Health and the Environment.
13590: SCHEYER, ERNST. - Circle of Henry Adams: Art & Artist.
103724: SCHICK, ALICE. - Kongo and Kumba: Two Gorillas.
101638: SCHICK, ELEANOR. - Rainy Sunday.
80485: SCHIEL, JACOB H. - Journey Through the Rocky Mountains and the Humboldt Mountains to the Pacific Ocean.
94446: SCHIFF, STACY. - The Witches: Salem, 1692.
38849: SCHIFFER, MARGARET B. - Historical Needlework of Pennsylvania.
76528: SCHIFFER, MICHAEL BRIAN. - Power Struggles: Scientific Authority and the Creation of Practical Electricity Before Edison.
616: SCHILDKRAUT, JOSEPH J. - Neuropsychopharmacology and the Affective Disorders.
54377: SCHILDT, GORAN. - Sun Boat: A Voyage of Discovery.
39471: SCHILLER, FRANCIS. - Mobius Strip: Fin-de-Siecle Neuropsychiatry and Paul Mobius.
20918: SCHINZ, MARINA AND LITTLEFIELD, SUSAN. - Visions of Paradise: Themes and Variations on the Garden.
25430: SCHINZ, MARINA AND LITTLEFIELD, SUSAN. - Visions of Paradise: Themes and Variations on the Garden.
16201: SCHIOTZ, AKSEL. - Singer and His Art.
23513: SCHIPHORST, PAUL KLEIN. - Golden Years of Tin Toy Trains, 1850-1909.
50570: SCHIRMER, WALTER F. - John Lydgate: A Study in the Culture of the Xvth Century.
12627: SCHLEE, ANN. - Strangers.
3706: SCHLEE, ANN. - Ask Me No Questions.
24733: SCHLEMM, BETTY L. - Painting with Light.
96827: SCHLESINGER, JR., ARTHUR M. - The Cycles of American History.
64783: SCHLESINGER, CHRIS AND WILLOUGHBY, JOHN. - Let the Flames Begin: Tips, Techniques, and Recipes for Real Live Fire Cooking.
96744: SCHLESINGER, JR., ARTHUR M. - The Age of Jackson.
95958: SCHLITZ, LAURA AMY. - The Hero Schliemann: The Dreamer Who Dug for Troy.
102788: SCHLOAT, JR., G. WARREN. - The Haunted Forest.
33970: SCHMEAL, JACQUELINE ANDRE. - Iowa Folk Artists.
92815: VON SCHMID, CHRISTOPH. - The Basket of Flowers: A Tale for the Young.
51438: SCHMID, ELEONORE (ILLUSTRATOR). - Cats' Tales: Feline Fairy Tales from Around the World.
100311: SCHMIDT, ARNO. - Das Essayistische Werk Zur Deutschen Literatur (Four Volume Boxed Set).
29939: SCHMIDT, KARL LUDWIG. - Place of the Gospels in the General History of Literature.
31221: SCHMIDT, KLAUS F. - Signs of the Times.
70990: SCHMIDT, ALBERT-MARIE. - Saint-Evremond Ou L'humaniste Impur.
47869: SCHMIDT-FOCKE, EDUARD. - Schmidt-Focke's Discus Book.
31074: (JAN MARINUS VERBURG) SCHMIDT, ANNIE M. G. - The Island of Nose.
20030: SCHMITT, FRANCIS O. AND MELNECHUK, THEODORE (EDITORS). - Neurosciences Research Symposium Summaries: Volume One.
101868: SCHMITT, HANS A. (EDITOR). - Historians of Modern Europe.
52973: SCHMITT, FREDERICK P., ET AL. - Thomas Welcome Roys: America's Pioneer of Modern Whaling.
72495: SCHMITZ, PUANGKRAM C. AND WORMAN, MICHAEL J. - Practical Thai Cooking.
31017: SCHMORLEITZ, MORTON S. - Castles in Japan.
30127: SCHMUTZ, ERVIN M. AND HAMILTON, LUCRETIA BREAZEALE. - Plants That Poison: An Illustrated Guide to Plants Poisonous to Man.
103624: SCHNAPP, ALAIN AND VIDAL-NAGUET, PIERRE. - The French Student Uprising, November 1967 - June 1968: An Analytical Record.
497: SCHNECK, STEPHEN. - Nightclerk.
48008: SCHNEER, CECIL J. (EDITOR). - Two Hundred Years of Geology in America.
75305: SCHNEER, JONATHAN. - The Thames.
101453: SCHNEIDAU, HERBERT N. - Ezra Pound: The Image and the Real.
27385: SCHNEIDER, MIKE. - Royal Copley: Identification and Price Guide.
27511: SCHNEIDER, JERROLD E. - Campaign Finance Reform and the Future of the Democratic Party.
100032: SCHNEIDER, REINHOLD. - Imperial Mission.
392: SCHNEIDER, PIERRE. - Louvre Dialogues.
38560: SCHNEIDER, DANIEL J. - Crystal Cage: Adventures of the Imagination in the Fiction of Henry James.
103331: SCHNEIDER, WOLFGANG. - Panzertaktik: German Small-Unit Armor Tactics.
98497: SCHNEIDER, ROBERT A. - Dignified Retreat: Writers and Intellectuals in the Age of Richelieu.
69977: SCHNEIDER, ELIZABETH. - Uncommon Fruits & Vegetables: A Commonsense Guide.
99644: SCHNEIDER, GERLINDE. - Uncle Harry.
103917: SCHNEIDER, HERMAN. - Everyday Weather and How It Works.
69769: SCHNEIDER, RICHARD C. - Crafts of the North American Indians: A Craftsman's Manual.
73195: SCHNEIDERMAN, STUART. - Jacques Lacan: The Death of an Intellectual Hero.
100323: SCHNITZLER, HEINRICH, ET AL. - Arthur Schnitzler: Sein Leben, Sein Werk, Seine Zeit.
71127: SCHNITZLER, ARTHUR. - Letters of Arthur Schnitzler to Hermann Bahr.
30150: (TOM STOPPARD) SCHNITZLER, ARTHUR. - Undiscovered Country.
73372: SCHNURNBERGER, LYNN EDELMAN. - Kings, Queens, Knights & Jesters: Making Medieval Costumes.
98313: (OSAMU TEZUKA) SCHODT, FREDERIK L. - Manga! Manga!: The World of Japanese Comics.
6018: SCHOEMPERLEN, DIANE. - Forms of Devotion.
53134: SCHOENER, ALLON (EDITOR). - Portal to America: The Lower East Side, 1870-1925.
12432: SCHOENEWOLF, GERALD. - Sexual Animosity between Men and Women.
82066: SCHOENHEIMER, RUDOLF. - The Dynamic State of Body Constituents.
2017: SCHOFIELD, WILLIAM G. - Freedom By the Bay: The Boston Freedom Trail.
99126: SCHOFIELD, DONALD F. - Indians, Cattle, Ships, and Oil: The Story of W.M. D. Lee.
97106: SCHOLDER, FRITZ. - Paintings.
9929: SCHOLEFIELD, ALAN. - Lost Giants.
57156: SCHOLES, ARTHUR. - Fourteen Men: The Story of the Antarctic Expedition to Heard Island.
71076: SCHOLES, ROBERT. - Rise and Fall of English: Reconstructing English As a Discipline.
79110: SCHOLES, ARTHUR. - Fourteen Men: The Story of the Antarctic Expedition to Heard Island.
73023: SCHOLES, ROBERT. - Textual Power: Literary Theory and the Teaching of English.
46678: SCHONBORG, VIRGINIA. - Salt Marsh.
80807: SCHONE, VIRGINIA. - Penny Tales.
26501: SCHONLAND, B. F. J. - Flight of Thunderbolts.
49980: FIELD ARTILLERY SCHOOL. - Field Artillery Automotive Instruction: 1941 Edition.
10732: SCHOOLCRAFT, EVELYN GRIGGS. - Outhouses in the Good Old Days.
42236: SCHOOLFIELD, GEORGE C. - Elmer Diktonius.
100339: SCHOPENHAUER, ARTHUR. - Samtliche Werke (Seven Volumes).
24637: SCHORER, MARK (EDITOR). - Sinclair Lewis: A Collection of Critical Essays.
9424: SCHORER, MARK. - World We Imagine: Selected Essays.
7690: SCHOTT, ROBIN MAY. - Cognition and Eros: A Critique of the Kantian Paradigm.
6385: SCHOTTER, RONI. - Northern Fried Chicken.
46396: SCHRAEPEN, EDMOND (EDITOR). - Saul Bellow and His Work.
102731: SCHRAG, CALVIN O. - Experience and Being: Prolegomena to a Future Ontology.
19086: SCHRANK, ROBERT. - Ten Thousand Working Days.
45509: SCHRAPNEL, B. M. W. (RICHARD MCKEE). - Clan of the Flapdragon and Other Adventures in Etymology.
54527: SCHREIBER, ELLEN. - Vampire Kisses 3: Vampireville.
66185: SCHREIBER, HERMANN. - Merchants, Pilgrims and Highwaymen: A History of Roads Through the Ages.
91012: SCHREIBMAN, LAURA. - The Science and Fiction of Autism.
101724: SCHREITER, JOHANNES, ET AL. - Klaus Zimmer: Glass Artist.
62716: SCHREYER, ALICE, ET AL. - Paul Bowles at 80: Checklist of an Exhibition at the Hugh M. Morris Library.
103686: SCHRIBER, CAROLYN POLING. - The Dilemma of Arnulf of Lisieux: New Ideas Versus Old Ideals.
100563: (JACQUES CALLOT) SCHRODER, THOMAS (EDITOR). - Jacques Callot: Das Gesamte Werk (Two Volumes).
45401: SCHRODER, TIMOTHY B. - Art of the European Goldsmith: Silver from the Schroder Collection.
84961: SCHRODER, DORIS. - Lassie: Forbidden Valley.
101609: SCHRODINGER, ERWIN. - Mind and Matter.
101610: SCHRODINGER, ERWIN. - My View of the World.
100883: SCHROECK, ROBERT M. - Gurps Mage: The Ascension.
41131: SCHROEDER, ALAN (RETOLD BY). - Tale of Willie Monroe.
99227: SCHROEDER, WILLIAM RALPH. - Sartre and His Predecessors: The Self and the Other.
97594: SCHROEDER, HORST (EDITOR). - Walt Disney Goofy.
97594: SCHROEDER, HORST (EDITOR). - Walt Disney Goofy.
83180: SCHROEDER, ROGER. - John Scheeler: Bird Carver.
88168: SCHROETER, JAMES (EDITOR). - Willa Cather and Her Critics.
99666: SCHUFREIDER, GREGORY. - An Introduction to Anselm's Argument.
61008: SCHULBERG, BUDD. - Waterfront.
62215: SCHULMAN, GRACE. - Burn Down the Icons: Poems.
43115: (E. T. A. HOFFMANN) SCHULMAN, JANET (ADAPTED BY). - Nutcracker.
28411: SCHULMAN, L. M. (SELECTED BY). - Random House Book of Sports Stories.
57395: SCHULMAN, ARNOLD. - Hole in the Head.
28055: SCHULTHEIS, ROB. - Night Letters: Inside Wartime Afghanistan.
27072: SCHULTZ, PHILIP. - Deep Within the Ravine.
46523: SCHULTZ, EILEEN HEDY. - 50th Annual of Advertising, Editorial & Television Art & Design.
100638: SCHULZ-HOFFMANN, CARLA AND WEISS, JUDITH C. - Max Beckmann: Retrospective.
100336: SCHULZ, GEORG-MICHAEL. - Negativitat in Der Dichtung Paul Celans.
96866: SCHULZ, CHARLES M. - Complete Peanuts: 1950 to 1952 and 1953 to 1954 (Two Volume Boxed Set).
101968: SCHULZ, CHARLES M. - Snoopy's Grand Slam.
85240: SCHULZ, CHARLES M. - It's Your First Kiss, Charlie Brown.
61358: SCHULZ, CHARLES M. - Peanuts: The Art of Charles M. Schulz.
101674: SCHULZ, CHARLES M. - Peanuts Lunch Bag Cook Book.
85935: SCHUON, KARL (SELECTED BY). - The Leathernecks: An Informal History of the U.S. Marine Corps.
21729: SCHUR, EDWIN M. - Law and Society: A Sociological View.
62009: SCHUTT, BILL. - Dark Banquet: Blood and the Curious Lives of Blood-Feeding Creatures.
73475: SCHUTTE, WILLIAM M. (EDITOR). - Twentieth Century Interpretations of a Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man: A Collection of Critical Essays.
102973: SCHUTZ, ALFRED AND LUCKMANN, THOMAS. - The Structures of the Life-World.
102724: SCHUTZ, ALFRED. - The Phenomenology of the Social World.
89706: SCHUTZ, BENJAMIN M. - The Things We Do for Love.
89703: SCHUTZ, BENJAMIN M. - All the Old Bargains.
89700: SCHUTZ, BENJAMIN M. - Embrace the Wolf.
102978: SCHUTZ, ALFRED. - The Phenomenology of the Social World.
79725: SCHWAB, JOSEPH J. - College Curriculum and Social Protest.
103098: SCHWALLER, JOHN FREDERICK. - The Church and Clergy in Sixteenth-Century Mexico.
80828: SCHWALLER DE LUBICZ, R. A. - Egyptian Miracle: An Introduction to the Wisdom of the Temple.
100426: SCHWAMBORN, CLAUDIA. - Individualitat in Goethes "Wanderjahren. "
39061: SCHWARTZ, ALVIN (COLLECTED AND RETOLD BY). - Fat Man in a Fur Coat and Other Bear Stories.
23953: SCHWARTZ, SANFORD. - Art Presence: Painters, Writers, Photographers, Sculptors.
41310: SCHWARTZ, ALVIN (COLLECTED BY). - Chin Music: Tall Talk and Other Talk.
24582: SCHWARTZ, RICHARD B. - Boswell's Johnson: A Preface to the Life.
57618: SCHWARTZ, LYNNE SHARON. - Four Questions.
44719: SCHWARTZ, GARY H. - Art of Golf, 1754-1940: Timeless, Enchanting Illustrations and Narrative of Golf's Formative Years.
30257: SCHWARTZ, LEW SAYRE (RETOLD BY). - Moby Dick: Based on the Novel By Herman Melville.
32236: SCHWARTZ, BERNARD. - From Confederation to Nation: The American Constitution, 1835-1877.
4338: SCHWARTZ, JOHN BURNHAM. - Reservation Road.
9403: SCHWARTZ, JEFFREY H. - Red Ape: Orang-Utans and Human Origins.
41302: SCHWARTZ, ALVIN (COLLECTED BY). - Witcracks: Jokes and Jests from American Folklore.
77039: SCHWARTZ, RICHARD B. - Samuel Johnson and the Problem of Evil.
83056: SCHWARTZ, ROSLYN. - Rose and Dorothy.
50505: SCHWARTZ, ALVIN (COLLECTED BY). - Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark: Collected from American Folklore.
41118: SCHWARTZ, ALVIN (RETOLD BY). - Ghosts!: Ghostly Tales from Folklore
75247: SCHWARTZ, SOL. - Drawing in the Dark: The Art of Sol Schwartz.
51722: SCHWARTZ, SANFORD. - Early Work of William King.
100494: SCHWARTZ, SEYMOUR I. - This Land Is Your Land: The Geographic Evolution of the United States.
41313: SCHWARTZ, ALVIN (COLLECTED BY). - Cross Your Fingers, Spit in Your Hat: Superstitions and Other Befiefs.
71812: SCHWARTZ, RICHARD B. - Samuel Johnson and the New Science.
58941: SCHWARTZ, JULIUS. - Now I Know.
3841: SCHWARTZ, LAWRENCE H. - Creating Faulkner's Reputation: The Politics of Modern Literary Criticism.
101518: SCHWARTZ, SHERWOOD AND SCHWARTZ, LLOYD J. - Brady, Brady, Brady: The Complete Story of the Brady Bunch As Told By the Father/Son Team Who Really Know.
102806: SCHWARZ, MAUREEN TRUDELLE. - Navajo Lifeways: Contemporary Issues, Ancient Knowledge.
3406: SCHWARZ, JOHN M. - Oh, You Wretch! Harry Miles.
96652: SCHWEIGHOFER, PETER. - Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook.
102674: DE SCHWEINITZ, KARL. - Growing Up.
25028: SCHWEITZER, ALBERT. - Out of My Life and Thought: An Autobiography.
49878: SCHWEITZER, BYRD BAYLOR. - The Man Who Talked to a Tree.
99153: SCHWEITZER, ALBERT. - Out of My Life and Thought: An Autobiography.
97465: SCHWEITZER, IRIS. - Tiglis and the Bird-Machine.
56521: SCHWIEBERT, ERNEST. - Remembrances of Rivers Past.
74579: SCHWITZGEBEL, ERIC. - Perplexities of Consciousness.
11145: SCIESZKA, JON. - Your Mother Was a Neanderthal (the Time Warp Trio).
11146: SCIESZKA, JON. - Good, the Bad, and the Goofy (the Time Warp Trio).
29124: SCIESZKA, JON AND SMITH, LANE. - Squids Will Be Squids: Fresh Morals, Beastly Fables.
9200: SCISM, CAROL K. - Secret Emily.
28597: SCOFIELD, ELIZABETH. - Fox in One Bite and Other Tales from Japan.
3166: SCOFIELD, SANDRA. - Beyond Deserving.
29526: SCOPPETTONE, SANDRA. - Gonna Take a Homicidal Journey.
88813: SCORTIA, THOMAS N. - Artery of Fire.
102313: SCOTT, WALTER. - Waverley; Or, 'tis Sixty Years Since.
71886: SCOTT, HENRY EDWARDS (EDITOR). - Vital Records of Windsor, Massachusetts to the Year 1850.
72210: SCOTT, PAUL. - Raj Quartet: The Jewel in the Crown, the Day of the Scorpion, the Towers of Silence, a Division of the Spoils (Four Volume Boxed Set).
79270: SCOTT, DONALD. - Psychology of Fire.
92757: SCOTT, ROBERT N., ET AL. - The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies: Series I (1), Volume I (1).
103408: SCOTT, PAUL. - The Mark of the Warrior.
42060: SCOTT, TOM. - Tales of Sir William Wallace: Guardian of Scotland.
42135: SCOTT, W. I. D. - Shakespeare's Melancholics.
92761: SCOTT, ROBERT N., ET AL. - The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies: Series I (1), Volume IX (9).
76412: SCOTT, JACK S. - Shallow Grave.
92760: SCOTT, ROBERT N., ET AL. - The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies: Series I (1), Volume III (3).
28183: (ORLANDO B. WILLCOX) SCOTT, ROBERT GARTH (EDITOR). - Forgotten Valor: The Memoirs, Journals, and CIVIL War Letters of Orlando B. Willcox.
43942: SCOTT, JOHN ANTHONY. - Ballad of America: The History of the United States in Song and Story.
14178: SCOTT, A. F. - Tudor Age: Commentaries of an Era.
44238: SCOTT, SIR WALTER. - Kenilworth.
32028: SCOTT, JR., NATHAN A. - Poetry of CIVIC Virtue: Eliot, Malraux, Auden.
33728: SCOTT, CHRIS. - Snake Lovers' Lifelist & Journal.
78083: SCOTT, PHIL. - Pioneers of Flight: A Documentary History.
2251: SCOTT, J. DIXON. - Fair Rivers of Southern England.
3466: SCOTT, HARDIMAN. - Operation 10.
51931: SCOTT, JACK DENTON. - That Wonderful Pelican.
9678: SCOTT, J. M. - Hudson of Hudson's Bay.
102080: SCOTT, SIR WALTER. - Kenilworth.
47527: SCOTT, W. I. D. - Shakespeare's Melancholics.
92769: SCOTT, ROBERT N., ET AL. - The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies: Series I (1), Volume XIV (14).
102194: SCOTT, PAUL. - The Raj Quartet: The Jewel in the Crown / the Day of the Scorpion / the Towers of Silence / a Division of the Spoils (Four Volume Boxed Set).
52207: SCOTT-JAMES, ANNE. - Gardening Letters to My Daughter.
79452: SCOTT, WILSON L. - Conflict between Atomism and Conservation Theory, 1644-1860.
62823: SCOTT, EDWARD M. - Adolescent Gap: Research Findings on Drug Using and Non-Drug Using Teens.
1403: SCOVEL, MYRA. - To Lay a Hearth.
94456: SCRIVER, BOB. - The Blackfeet: Artists of the Northern Plains: The Scriver Collection of Blackfeet Indian Artifacts and Related Objects, 1894-1990.
35670: SCULLY, JAMES. - Marches: A Book of Poems.
82805: SCURI, PIERA. - Late-Twentieth-Century Skyscrapers.
91217: VAN SCYOC, SYDNEY J. - Star Mother.
65658: SEABROOK, BRENDA. - Vampire in My Bathtub.
60068: SEALE, WILLIAM (EDITOR). - White House: Actors and Observers.
11823: SEALEY, RAPHAEL. - History of the Greek City States: Ca. 700-338 B.C.
44176: SEAMAN, MARK (INTRODUCTION). - Secret Agent's Handbook: The Wwii Spy Manual of Devices, Disguises, Gadgets and Concealed Weapons.
67831: SEAMAN, SYLVIA S. - How to Be a Jewish Grandmother.
64976: SEAMAN, W. A. L. AND SEWELL, J. R. (EDITORS). - Russian Journal of Lady Londonderry, 1836-7.
16655: SEARCY, MARGARET Z. - Charm of the Bear Claw Necklace: A Story of Stone Age Southeastern Indians.
72162: SEARLE, RONALD. - Zoodiac.
33234: SEARLE, RONALD. - Zoodiac.
63080: SEARLE, WILLIAM. - Saint & the Skeptics: Joan of Arc in the Work of Mark Twain, Anatole France, and Bernard Shaw.
94365: SEARLE, RONALD AND DOBBS, KILDARE. - The Great Fur Opera: Annals of the Hudson's Bay Company, 1670-1970.
14462: SEAVER, PAUL S. - Wallington's World: A Puritan Artisan in Seventeenth-Century London.
26780: SEAVER, GEORGE. - Albert Schweitzer: Christian Revolutionary.
30831: SEAY, JAMES. - Water Tables.
98705: SEBAG-MONTEFIORE, HUGH. - Enigma: The Battle for the Code.
99865: SEBALD, W. G. - Unheimliche Heimat: Essays Zur Osterreichischen Literatur.
99877: SEBALD, W. G. - Die Beschreibung Des Unglucks: Zur Osterreichischen Literatur Von Stifter Bis Handke.
60881: SEBALD, W. G. - After Nature.
100309: SEBASTIAN, THOMAS. - Der Gang Der Geschichte: Rhetorik Der Zeitlichkeit in Hermann Brochs Romantrilogie "Die Schlafwandler. "
59578: (JEAN LEE LATHAM) SEBASTIAN, JEANINE B. (TRANSLATOR). - Casse-Noisette (Nutcracker).
13183: SEBBY, SAM R. - Three Dragons.
100660: SECHI, STEPHAN MICHAEL. - Chasing the Dragon (Cyberpunk 2020).
12358: SECKER, MARTIN (CHOSEN BY). - Eighteen-Nineties: A Period Anthology in Prose and Verse.
48150: SECUNDUS, JOANNES. - Basia of Joannes Secundus.
43071: SEDARIS, AMY. - I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence.
18496: SEDENKO, JERRY. - Butterfly Garden: Creating Beautiful Gardens to Attract Butterflies.
61925: SEDGES, JOHN (PEARL S. BUCK). - Long Love.
2232: SEEGAL, DAVID. - Victories & Foibles: Some Western Haiku.
42783: SEEGER, PETE (WORDS AND MUSIC). - One Grain of Sand: A Lullaby.
30258: SEEGER, PETE AND JACAOBS, PAUL DUBOIS. - Abiyoyo Returns.
93282: SEEGER, PETE. - American Favorite Ballads: Tunes and Songs As Sung By Pete Seeger.
65883: SEEGER, PEGGY. - Folk Songs of Peggy Seeger: 88 Traditional Ballads and Songs.
74722: SEEL, GRAHAM E. AND SMITH, DAVID L. - Early Stuart Kings, 1603-1642.
41771: SEELEY, ROBERT A. - Handbook of Non-Violence.
1974: SEELEY, DAVID. - Too Cool to Get Married and Other True Stories.
103303: SEELYE, JOHN. - Memory's Nation: The Place of Plymouth Rock.
890: SEESE, JUNE AKERS. - James Mason and the Walk-in Closet.
35587: SEFERIS, GEORGE. - Poems.
55032: SEFERIS, GEORGE. - Three Secret Poems.
32421: SEFERIS, GEORGE. - On the Greek Style: Selected Essays in Poetry and Hellenism.
28519: SEFTON, CATHERINE. - Island of the Strangers.
100963: SEGAL, LORE. - Tell Me a Trudy.
101940: SEGAL, LORE. - The Story of King Saul and King David.
51969: SEGAL, JERRY. - Place Where Nobody Stopped.
22747: SEGALL, MARK AND TOBIN, MARGARET. - How to Make Love to Your Money.
103681: SEGALOFF, NAT. - Arthur Penn: American Director.
25856: SEGARRA, ANGELO. - Coca Finds a Shell.
84012: SEGAWA, SETSUKO. - Japanese Quilt Art II: Progressive Quilt.
103593: SEGRELLES, V. - The Mercenary: The Trials / the Sacrifice.
103595: SEGRELLES, V. - The Mercenary (#2): The Formula.
103596: SEGRELLES, V. - The Mercenary (#3): The Trials.
103594: SEGRELLES, V. - The Mercenary (#1): The Cult of the Sacred Fire.
98936: SEGUIN, JUAN N. - A Revolution Remembered: The Memoirs and Selected Correspondence of Juan N. Seguin.
42138: SEIDEL, MAX (PHOTOGRAPHER). - Suddeutsches Barock.
100498: SEIDEL, MAX AND BIHALJI-MERIN, OTO. - Francisco Goya: Caprichos: Their Hidden Truth.
101865: SEIDLER, HERBERT. - Allgemeine Stilistik.
100051: SEIDLER, TOR. - Mean Margaret.
22550: SEIFE, CHARLES. - Alpha & Omega: The Search for the Beginning and End of the Universe.
16493: SEIFERT, ELIZABETH. - Doctor's Strange Secret.
16494: SEIFERT, ELIZABETH. - Dr. Jeremy's Wife.
16492: SEIFERT, ELIZABETH. - Two Faces of Dr. Collier.
14234: SEIFERT, JAROSLAV. - Casting of Bells.
99108: SEIFERT, SHIRLEY. - By the King's Command.
23370: SEIGEL, JERROLD (EDITOR). - Figures on the Horizon.
61192: SEIKE, KIYOSHI. - The Art of Japanese Joinery.
20474: SEIKE, KIYOSHI, KUDO, MASANOBU, WITH ENGEL, DAVID H. - Japanese Touch for Your Garden.
27417: SEIKE, KIYOSHI, KUDO, MASANOBU, WITH ENGEL, DAVID H. - Japanese Touch for Your Garden.
31392: SELBY, HENRY A. - Zapotec Deviance: The Convergence of Folk and Modern Sociology.
10097: SELBY, BETTINA. - Frail Dream of Timbuktu.
90651: SELBY, JOHN. - Over the Sea to Skye: The Forty-Five.
31906: SELF, MARGARET CABELL. - Henrietta.
69811: SELF, MARGARET CABELL. - Fun on Horseback.
75621: SELF, MARGARET CABELL. - Shaggy Little Burro of San Miguel.
16482: SELF, WILL. - Sweet Smell of Psychosis.
27339: SELIGMAN, CRAIG. - Sontag & Kael: Opposites Attract Me.
100441: SELIGMAN, THOMAS K. AND LOUGHRAN, KRISTYNE (EDITORS). - Art of Being Tuareg: Sahara Nomads in a Modern World.
2250: SELIGMAN, GERMAIN. - Oh! Fickle Taste Or, Objectivity in Art.
57180: SELIGMAN, PATRICIA. - Painting Murals: Images, Ideas and Techniques.
78708: SELIGMAN, BEN B. - Permanent Poverty: An American Syndrome.
97113: SELKOWE, VALRIE M. - Spring Green.
79895: SELL, HENRY BLACKMAN AND WEYBRIGHT, VICTOR. - Buffalo Bill and the Wild West.
99088: SELLA, DOMENICO. - Crisis and Continuity: The Economy of Spanish Lombardy in the Seventeenth Century.
100844: SELLERIO, ENZO. - Fermo Immagine.
71780: SELLIN, PAUL R. - So Doth, So Is Religion: John Donne and Diplomatic Contexts in the Reformed Netherlands, 1619-1620.
93782: SELMI, HABIB. - The Scents of Marie-Claire.
64517: SELSAM, MILLICENT E. - Greg's Microscope.
15937: SELSAM, MILLICENT E. - Terry and the Caterpillars.
48245: SELSAM, MILLICENT E. - Terry and the Caterpillars.
73438: SELSAM, MILLICENT E. - Greg's Microscope.
7356: SELWYN, FRANCIS. - Sergeant Verity and the Swell Mob.
57461: SELZ, IRMA. - Curious Tourists.
30600: SEN GUPTA, S. C. - Shakespeare's Historical Plays.
53000: SENDAK, PHILIP. - In Grandpa's House.
65906: SENDAK, MAURICE. - Hector Protector and As I Went over the Water: Two Nursery Rhymes with Pictures.
79159: SENDAK, PHILIP. - In Grandpa's House.
88763: SENDAK, MAURICE. - Bumble-Ardy.
41290: SENDAK, PHILIP. - In Grandpa's House.
4302: SENDER, RAMON. - Tales of Cibola.
102207: SENECA. - Natural Questions.
97355: SENGHOR, LEOPOLD SEDAR. - The Collected Poetry.
103293: SENN, STEVE. - In the Castle of the Bear.
49186: SENN, FRITZ (EDITOR). - New Light on Joyce from the Dublin Symposium.
99380: SENNETT, RICHARD. - Building and Dwelling: Ethics for the City.
97805: SENNETT, TED. - Great Hollywood Westerns.
42627: SENSABAUGH, G. F. - Tragic Muse of John Ford.
100319: SENSER, ARMIN. - Grosses Erwachen: Gedichte.
53052: SENTER, BILL. - Color Transfer (Achieving Impressionistic Effects with Watercolor Markers and Inks).
98450: SERANNE, ANN AND TEBBEL, JOHN (EDITORS). - The Epicure's Companion.
49628: SERBER, ROBERT. - Los Alamos Primer: The First Lectures on How to Build an Atomic Bomb.
6400: SERENI, VITTORIO. - Sixteen Poems.
30334: SERFOZO, MARY. - Rain Talk.
99015: GREAT AMERICANA SERIES. - King Philip's War Narratives.
94902: SEROFF, VICTOR. - Modeste Moussorgsky.
102419: SERRAILLIER, IAN. - The Silver Sword.
43862: SERRELL, ALLISON. - At Home in the Hudson Valley.
72710: SERVICE, ALASTAIR AND BRADBERY, JEAN. - Megaliths and Their Mysteries: A Guide to the Standing Stones of Europe.
99606: SESAR, CARL. - Hey.
76553: SESHADRI, VIJAY. - 3 Sections: Poems.
36910: SETBOUN, MICHEL (PHOTOGRAPHY). - Bell Towers of Paris: A Stroll Through the City of Light.
77725: SETH, RONALD. - Noble Saboteurs (the Resistance Against Hitler's Forces).
91940: SETH, RONALD. - The Spy Who Never Was Caught.
211: SETON, JULIA M. - Indian Creation Stories.
92617: SETON, ERNEST THOMPSON. - Woodmyth & Fable.
66414: SETON, ERNEST THOMPSON. - Animal Tracks and Hunter Signs.
16612: SETTLE, MARY LEE. - Turkish Reflections: A Biography of a Place.
22668: SETTLE, MARY LEE. - Spanish Recognitions: The Roads to the Present.
96808: SETTLE, MARY LEE. - Celebration.
603: SETTLE, MARY LEE. - Charley Bland.
103413: SETTLE, MARY LEE. - Blood Tie.
24880: SEUFERT, KARL ROLF. - Caravan in Peril
94991: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - If I Ran the Zoo.
103489: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - Oh, the Places You'LL Go!
66997: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - Green Eggs and Ham.
97084: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - If I Ran the Zoo.
96326: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street.
94992: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - Mcelligot's Pool.
101026: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street.
101990: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - Hunches in Bunches.
42461: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - Cat in the Hat Comes Back.
94716: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - Mcelligot's Pool.
31355: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish.
40504: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - Horton Hears a Who!
100843: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today! and Other Stories.
103043: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins.
101034: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - Oh, the Places You'LL Go!
97566: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - Scrambled Eggs Super!
67042: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - On Beyond Zebra.
96509: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street.
102998: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street.
70373: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - Thidwick: The Big-Hearted Moose.
102999: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street.
94919: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - Just What I'd Do: If I Ran the Circus Or If I Ran the Zoo.
99845: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - Mcelligot's Pool.
95196: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - If I Ran the Circus.
99846: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - Bartholomew and the Oobleck.
96324: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories.
102744: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - On Beyond Zebra.
103876: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories.
90670: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street.
100870: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - Oh, the Places You'LL Go!
101296: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street.
102941: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - Oh, the Places You'LL Go!
95772: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street.
101776: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - My Many Colored Days.
101834: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - Dr. Seuss's Horse Museum.
103878: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew.
53966: SEUSS, DR. (THEODOR GEISEL). - The Seven Lady Godivas.
19085: SEVERIN, TIMOTHY. - African Adventure: Four Hundred Years of Exploration in the 'dangerous Continent. '
6822: SEVERIN, TIMOTHY. - Oriental Adventure: Explorers of the East.
8957: SEVERIN, TIMOTHY. - Golden Antilles.
103289: SEVERIN, TIM. - The Brendan Voyage.
51423: SEVERIN, TIMOTHY. - Explorers of the Mississippi.
103457: SEVERIN, TIMOTHY. - The Golden Antilles.
41345: SEVERN, DAVID. - Girl in the Grove: A Story of Suspense.
9983: SEVERN, DAVID. - Cruise of the Maiden Castle.
103764: DE SEVIGNE, MADAME. - Correspondance I (Mars 1646 - Juillet 1675).
59309: SEWALL, MARCIA. - People of the Breaking Day.
99743: SEWARD, DESMOND. - Henry V: The Scourge of God.
103741: SEWARD, DESMOND. - The Wars of the Roses: Through the Lives of Five Men and Women of the Fifteenth Century.
103369: SEWARD, DESMOND. - The Hundred Years War: The English in France, 1337-1453.
102831: SEWELL, ANNA. - Black Beauty.
82168: SEWELL, ANNA. - Black Beauty.
95481: SEXTON, ANNE. - Selected Poems of Anne Sexton.
85251: SEXTON, ANNE. - Book of Folly.
20969: SEXTON, ANNE. - Book of Folly.
63316: SEXTON, ANNE. - Words for Dr. Y. : Uncollected Poems with Three Stories.
100274: SEYMOUR, PETER (RETOLD BY). - Snow White: A Beautiful New Version of a Famous Fairy Tale (Pop-Up).
21163: SHAARA, MICHAEL. - Killer Angels.
96402: SHAARA, MICHAEL. - The Killer Angels.
40696: SHACTER, JAMES D. - Piano Man: The Story of Ralph Sutton.
51865: SHADBOLT, MAURICE. - Among the Cinders.
51847: SHADBOLT, MAURICE. - Summer Fires and Winter Country.
103597: SHADMI, KOREN. - The Abaddon.
49715: SHAFER, ROBERT. - Christianity and Naturalism: Essays in Criticism, Second Series.
494: SHAFFER, PETER. - Private Ear and the Public Eye.
47656: SHAFFER, PETER. - Royal Hunt of the Sun: A Play Concerning the Conquest of Peru.
83186: SHAFFER, PHILLIP. - Painting with Four Tubes of Paint: A Simplified Palette for Watercolorists.
99358: SHAFFER, PETER. - The Royal Hunt of the Sun: A Play Concerning the Conquest of Peru.
27666: SHAFFER, PETER. - Equus: A Play.
50705: SHAFFER, PETER. - Private Ear and the Public Eye: Two One Act Plays.
99010: SHAFFER, PETER. - Amadeus.
28747: SHAFTON, ANTHONY. - Dream-Singers: The African American Way with Dreams.
8089: SHAHEEN, MOHAMMAD. - George Meredith: A Reappraisal of the Novels.
83822: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. - Midsummer Night's Dream.
101059: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. - Julius Caesar.
100735: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. - Poems.
47585: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. - Shakespeare on Fairies & Magic.
54264: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. - Midsummer Night's Dream.
34254: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. - Midsummer Night's Dream.
98434: (MADELEINE L'ENGLE) SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. - The Tragedy of Richard the Third.
63529: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. - As You Like It: A Pleasant Comedy.
97278: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. - Julius Caesar.
96992: (MADELEINE L'ENGLE) SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. - Hamlet: Prince of Denmark.
72884: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. - Six Histories.
72885: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. - Eight Comedies.
101204: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. - The First Folio of Shakespeare: The Norton Facsimile.
100800: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. - Six Tragedies.
80045: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. - The Tragedies of Shakespeare, the Comedies of Shakespeare, the Histories and Poems of Shakespeare (ML 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).
72886: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. - Six Tragedies.
95918: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. - Shakespeare's Hamlet: The Second Quarto, 1604.
103223: SHALHOPE, ROBERT E. - A Tale of New England: The Diaries of Hiram Harwood, Vermont Farmer, 1810-1837.
100069: SHAMAN, SANFORD SIVITZ. - Robert Yarber Paintings, 1980-88.
24801: SHAMROCK, KEN AND HANNER, RICHARD. - Inside the Lion's Den.
99893: EL-SHAMY, HASAN M. (EDITOR AND TRANSLATOR). - Folktales of Egypt.
794: SHANGE, NTOZAKE. - Betsey Brown.
59216: SHANGE, NTOZAKE. - For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf: A Choreopoem.
29391: SHANKAR, S. - Textual Traffic: Colonialism, Modernity, and the Economy of the Text.
101658: SHANKAR, RAVI. - My Music, My Life.
100443: SHANKAR, RAVI. - My Music, My Life.
32786: SHANKMAN, STEVEN. - In Search of the Classic: Reconsidering the Greco-Roman Tradition, Homer to Valery and Beyond.
87809: SHANNON, GEORGE (TOLD BY). - The Piney Woods Peddler.
25407: SHANOWER, ERIC. - Enchanted Apples of Oz.
99307: (L. FRANK BAUM) SHANOWER, ERIC AND YOUNG, SKOTTIE (ILLUSTRATOR). - Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz.
98356: SHAPERO, RICH. - Rin, Tongue and Dorner.
18292: SHAPIRO, MARIANNE. - Poetics of Ariosto.
53823: SHAPIRO, KARL. - Bourgeois Poet.
38801: SHAPIRO, IAN. - Flight from Reality in the Human Sciences.
22972: SHAPIRO, HARRY. - Shooting Stars: Drugs, Hollywood and the Movies.
71044: SHAPIRO, NORMAN R. (TRANSLATOR). - Comedy of Eros: Medieval French Guides to the Art of Love.
43693: SHAPIRO, MARIAN KAPLUN. - Second Childhood: Hypno-Play Therapy with Age-Regressed Adults.
44925: SHAPIRO, KARL. - Essay on Rime.
45286: SHAPIRO, ELLEN. - Clients and Designers.
5122: SHAPIRO, KARL. - Randall Jarrell.
46306: SHAPIRO, HAROLD S. - Topics in Approximation Theory.
51757: SHAPIRO, IRWIN (TOLD BY). - Pat Sullivan's Felix on Television.
53246: SHAPIRO, HERMAN (EDITOR). - Medieval Philosophy: Selected Readings from Augustine to Buridan (ML 344).
103534: SHAPIRO, IRWIN. - Uncle Sam's 200th Birthday Parade.
100015: SHAPIRO, HARVEY. - Lauds & Nightsounds.
86376: SHAPIRO, KARL. - Poems of a Jew.
52636: SHAPIRO, ANNA. - Feast of Words: For Lovers of Food and Fiction.
74364: SHAPIRO, KARL. - To Abolish Children and Other Essays.
90311: SHAPIRO, ROBERT AND FANNING, ARTHUR. - Shining the Light III: Humanity Gets a Second Chance.
76014: SHAPIRO, IRWIN. - Uncle Sam's 200th Birthday Parade.
90188: SHAPIRO, MICHAEL AND MARIANNE. - Figuration in Verbal Art.
84580: SHAPIRO, KARL. - Poems of a Jew.
91935: SHAPLEN, ROBERT. - Time out of Hand: Revolution and Reaction in Southeast Asia.
51320: SHAPLEY, HARLOW. - View from a Distant Star: Man's Future in the Universe.
83764: SHARMA, PARTAP. - Surangini Tales.
9984: SHARMA, PARTAP. - Surangini Tales.
49053: SHARMA, PRATEEK AND SAMPLINER, RICHARD E. (EDITORS). - Barrett's Esophagus and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma.
84175: SHARMAT, MITCHELL. - Gregory, the Terrible Eater.
96979: SHARMAT, MARJORIE WEINMAN. - Nate the Great and the Lost List.
103582: SHARMAT, MARJORIE WEINMAN. - Gladys Told Me to Meet Her Here.
14578: SHARP, JAMES ROGER AND SHARP, NANCY WEATHERLY (EDITORS). - American Legislative Leaders in the Northeast, 1911-1994.
31630: SHARP, RONALD A. - Friendship and Literature: Spirit and Form.
74180: SHARP, MARGERY. - Miss Bianca in the Orient.
34734: SHARP, HENRY S. - Transformation of Bigfoot: Maleness, Power, and Belief Among the Chipewyan.
63371: SHARP, DENNIS. - Sources of Modern Architecture: A Critical Bibliography.
66300: SHARP, ANDREW. - Ancient Voyagers in Polynesia.
88620: SHARP, MARGERY. - Melisande.
101227: SHARP, MARGERY. - The Gipsy in the Parlour.
18078: SHARP, MARGERY. - Miss Bianca in the Salt Mines.
34403: SHARP, MARGERY. - Miss Bianca (a Fantasy).
51827: SHARP, JO. - Knitted Sweater Style: Inspirations in Color.
21376: SHARPE, TOM. - Wilt on High.
46565: SHATZKIN, MIKE. - View from Section 111.
36993: SHAW, JOSEPH T. - Out of the Rough.
15655: SHAW-SMITH, DAVID (EDITOR). - Ireland's Traditional Crafts.
73483: SHAW, (GEORGE) BERNARD AND HARRIS, FRANK. - Playwright and the Pirate: Bernard Shaw and Frank Harris: A Correspondence.
38768: SHAW, (GEORGE) BERNARD. - Don Juan in Hell: From Man and Superman.
39091: SHAW, BERNARD. - My Dear Dorothea: A Practical System of Moral Education for Females Embodied in a Letter to a Young Person of That Sex.
39778: SHAW, PRISCILLA WASHBURN. - Rilke, Valery and Yeats: The Domain of the Self.
26009: SHAW, BERNARD. - My Dear Dorothea: A Practical System of Moral Education for Females Embodied in a Letter to a Young Person of That Sex.
20850: SHAW, JOSEPH T. - Out of the Rough.
32522: SHAW, HOWARD. - Keepers of the Obelisk.
79156: SHAW, BOB. - Wreath of Stars.
49602: SHAW, CHARLES MACMAHON. - Bernard's Brethren.
102130: SHAW, (GEORGE) BERNARD. - Three Plays.
102196: SHAW, GEORGE BERNARD. - Two Plays for Puritans (the Devil's Disciple and Caesar and Cleopatra).
11980: SHAW, JAMES L. - Ships of the Panama Canal.
58509: SHAW, ARNOLD. - Rock Revolution.
94556: SHAW, LUCI (EDITOR). - The Swiftly Tilting Worlds of Madeleine L'engle.
64930: SHAW, NANCY. - Sheep on a Ship.
98399: SHAW, JOHN WITH CURRIE, BILL. - Shoot to Win.
78630: SHAWN, WALLACE. - Designated Mourner.
11667: SHAY, FELIX. - Elbert Hubbard of East Aurora.
90010: SHEA, JOHN GERALD. - Colonial Furniture Making for Everybody.
25578: SHEA, SUZANNE STREMPEK. - Shelf Life: Romance, Mystery, Drama, and Other Page-Turning Adventures from a Year in a Bookstore.
43562: SHEA, JOHN G. - Antique Country Furniture of North America.
2540: SHEA, SUZANNE STREMPEK. - Hoopi Shoopi Donna.
10430: SHEA, SUZANNE STREMPEK. - Selling the Lite of Heaven.
57707: SHEA, PEGI DEITZ. - Bungalow Fungalow.
96633: SHEA, JOHN GERALD. - Colonial Furniture Making for Everybody.
3437: SHEAFER, SILVIA ANNE. - Gold Country.
76623: SHEARER, MOIRA. - Balletmaster: A Dancer's View of George Balanchine.
75380: SHEARON, LILLIAN NICHOLSON. - Little Mixer.
61651: SHECK, LAURIE. - Black Series: Poems.
5485: SHECKLEY, ROBERT. - Dramocles: An Intergalactic Soap Opera.
21668: SHECTER, BEN. - Stone House Stories.
101946: SHECTER, BEN. - Sparrow Song.
37283: SHEEDY, ALLY. - Yesterday I Saw the Sun: Poems.
99079: SHEEHAN, BERNARD W. - Seeds of Extinction: Jeffersonian Philanthropy and the American Indian.
16763: SHEEHAN, SUSAN AND MEANS, HOWARD. - Banana Sculptor, the Purple Lady, and the All-Night Swimmer: Hobbies, Collecting, and Other Passionate Pursuits.
26971: SHEEHAN, SUSAN. - Ten Vietnamese.
6454: (MARY EMMERLING) SHEEHAN, CAROL SAMA. - Mary Emmerling's American Country Details.
98133: SHEEHAN, BERNARD W. - Seeds of Extinction: Jeffersonian Philanthropy and the American Indian.
98860: SHEEHAN, MICHAEL M. - Marriage, Family, and Law in Medieval Europe: Collected Studies.
22231: SHEEN, JOANNA. - Pressed Flowers: Creating and Styling.
38810: SHEFFI, YOSSI. - Resilient Enterprise: Overcoming Vulnerability for Competitive Advantage.
70656: SHEIKH, MOAZZAM. - Cafe le Whore and Other Stories.
52644: SHELBOURN, COLIN. - Great Walks: Lake District.
25934: SHELDON, WILLIAM G. - Wilderness Home of the Giant Panda.
72807: SHELLEY, PERCY BYSSHE. - Esdaile Notebook: A Volume of Early Poems.
7469: SHELLEY, PERCY BYSSHE. - New Shelley Letters.
99543: SHELLEY, FREDERICK. - Early American Tower Clocks: Surviving American Tower Clocks from 1726 to 1870, with Profiles of All Known American Makers.
103927: SHELLEY, MARY. - Frankenstein, Or, the Modern Prometheus.
66115: SHELLEY, PERCY BYSSHE. - Esdaile Notebook: A Volume of Early Poems.
99177: SHELLEY, MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT. - Frankenstein Or the Modern Prometheus.
102421: SHELLEY, MARY. - The Last Man.
50492: SHENNAN, J. H. - Government and Society in France, 1461-1661.
103184: SHEP, R. L. (COMPILED BY). - Corsets: A Visual History.
18182: SHEPARD, SAM. - Angel City & Other Plays.
20226: SHEPARD, JUDITH. - Seascapes.
25584: SHEPARD, LISA. - African Accents: Fabrics and Crafts to Decorate Your Home.
101711: SHEPARD, SAM. - Five Plays: Chicago / Icarus’S Mother / Red Cross / Fourteen Hundred Thousand / Melodrama Play.
49930: SHEPARD, SAM. - Fool for Love and Sad Lament of Pecos Bill on the Eve of Killing His Wife.
30428: SHEPARD, SAM. - The Unseen Hand and Other Plays.
97012: SHEPARD, LUCIUS. - Two Trains Running.
52192: SHEPHARD, J. B. - Land of the Tikoloshe.
101195: SHEPHARD, ESTHER. - Paul Bunyan.
86382: SHEPHERD, EDGAR C. - Sound of Bells.
102576: SHEPHERD, NAN. - The Living Mountain.
93698: SHEPHERD, JEAN. - A Christmas Story.
101449: SHEPHERD, JEAN. - A Christmas Story.
20031: SHEPHERD, JEAN. - The Ferrari in the Bedroom.
18418: SHEPHERD, JEAN. - A Fistful of Fig Newtons.
83965: SHEPHERD, JEAN. - Ferrari in the Bedroom.
41124: SHEPPARD, ROGER (COMPILED BY). - International Directory of Book Collectors, 1993-95.
64883: SHER, KENNETH J. - Children of Alcoholics: A Critical Appraisal of Theory and Research.
39786: SHERBURNE, JAMES. - Death's Pale Horse: A Novel of Murder in Saratoga in the 1880s.
14285: SHERMAN, JOSEPHA (EDITOR). - Orphans of the Night.
17709: SHERMAN, STEVE AND OLDER, JULIA. - Appalachian Odyssey: Walking the Trail from Georgia to Maine.
34230: SHERMAN, ELAINE. - Madame Chocolate's Book of Divine Indulgences.
4158: SHERMAN, STUART P. - My Dear Cornelia.
8064: SHERMAN, PADDY. - Cloud Walkers: Six Climbs on Major Canadian Peaks.
55600: SHERMAN, WILLIAM T. - Marching Through Georgia: William T. Sherman's Personal Narrative of His March Through Georgia.
98447: SHERMAN, ARNOLD. - In the Bunkers of Sinai.
48697: SHERMAN, STEVE AND OLDER, JULIA. - Appalachian Odyssey: Walking the Trail from Georgia to Maine.
77602: (EDWARD ABBEY) SHERMAN, STEVE AND OLDER, JULIA. - Appalachian Odyssey: Walking the Trail from Georgia to Maine.
66262: SHERMAN, HAROLD M. - Strike Him out!
83420: SHERMAN, JULIA A. AND BECK, EVELYN TORTON (EDITORS). - Prism of Sex: Essays in the Sociology of Knowledge.
88689: SHERRILL, ROBERT. - The Saturday Night Special.
29668: SHERRY, SYLVIA. - Mat the Little Monkey.
39139: SHERWAN, EARL. - Bruno: The Bear of Split Rock Island.
97686: SHERWOOD, E. HUGH. - Jack Jingling in Jungleland.
29772: SHERWOOD, ROBERT E. - There Shall Be No Night.
4189: SHERWOOD, MERRIAM (TRANSLATOR). - Tale of the Warrior Lord.
1394: SHERWOOD, JAMES. - Stradella.
96784: SHERWOOD, ROBERT E. - Idiot's Delight / Abe Lincoln in Illinois / There Shall Be No Night (Three Plays).
64610: SHERWOOD, MORGAN B. - Exploration of Alaska, 1865-1900.
90306: SHERWOOD, ROLAND H. - Atlantic Harbors.
97139: SHIBATA, TOSHIO. - Landscape.
98810: SHIELDS, DAVID S. (EDITOR). - American Poetry: The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.
73282: SHIGA, JASON. - Meanwhile.
64391: SHIGEMATSU, SOIKU (COMPILED AND TRANSLATED BY). - Zen Harvest: Japanese Folk Zen Sayings: Haiku, Dodoitsu, and Waka.
38236: SHINA, SAMMY G. - Concurrent Engineering and Design for Manufacture of Electronics Products.
98136: SHINGLETON, ROYCE GORDON. - John Taylor Wood: Sea Ghost of the Confederacy.
49868: NIPPON GAKUJUTSU SHINKOKAI (SELECTED AND TRANSLATED BY). - Noh Drama: Ten Plays from the Japanese.
70596: SHINN, ROGER L., ET AL. - Restless Adventure: Essays on Contemporary Expressions of Existentialism.
65039: SHIPMAN, PAT. - Taking Wing: Archaeopteryx and the Evolution of Bird Flight.
86576: SHIPPEY, TOM (EDITOR). - Oxford Book of Science Fiction Stories.
72020: SHIPPS, ANTHONY W. - Quote Sleuth: A Manual for the Tracer of Lost Quotations.
42709: SHIPWAY, J. S. - Tay Railway Bridge, Dundee, 1887-1987: A Review of Its Origin.
48122: SHIRCLIFFE, ARNOLD. - Edgewater Beach Hotel Salad Book.
79023: SHIRK, JEANNETTE C. - Little Circus.
49090: SHIRK, EVELYN URBAN. - Adventurous Idealism - the Philosophy of Alfred Lloyd.
51290: SHIRLEY, FRANCES A. - Swearing and Perjury in Shakespeare's Plays.
34635: SHLOTZHAUER, TAMMI L. AND MCGUIRE, JAMES L. - Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
23834: SHNAYERSON, MICHAEL AND PLOTKIN, MARK J. - Killers Within: The Deadly Rise of Drug-Resistant Bacteria.
68339: SHOEMAKER, WILLIE AND SMITH, DAN. - The Shoe: Willie Shoemaker's Illustrated Book of Racing.
82643: SHOHAT, ELLA (EDITOR). - Talking Visions: Multicultural Feminism in a Transnational Age.
53081: SHOMON, JOSEPH JAMES. - Open Land for Urban America: Acquisitions, Safekeeping, and Use.
100887: SHOMSHAK, DEAN AND ROARK, SARAH. - Time of Thin Blood (Ww 2101).
30934: SHOOK, GEORG AND WITT, GARY. - Painting Watercolors from Photographs.
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