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Lorrin Wong, Bookseller 5924 Shenandoah Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90056-1426, U.S.A. Email: wongbooks@gmail.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
2018708: Hawaiian Mission Children's Society - One Hundred and Fortieth Annual Report, 1992
2018088: Hawaii Mission Children's Society - Nineteenth Annual Report of the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society Presented June 17, 1870 With the Constitution and By-Laws
2018054: Hawaii Mission Children's Society - The Eighty-Fifth Annual Report on the Hawaiian Mission Childrens' Society for the Year Ending April 17, 1937 With the Names and Addresses of Active Members
2018053: Hawaii Mission Children's Society - Hawaiian Mission Children's Society, Charter and By-Laws
2018421: Hawaiian Mission Children's Society - One Hundred and Forty-Fifth Annual Report (1999) of the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society Museum Houses
2022003: Hawaii Mission Children's Society - Twentieth Annual Report of the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society presented June 15, 1872 with the Constitution and By-Laws
2022004: Hawaii Mission Children's Society - Twenty-fourth Annual Report of the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society presented June 10th, 1876 with the Constitution and By-Laws
2022008: Hawaii Mission Children's Society - Thirty-Seventh Annual Report of the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society presented June 8th, 1889 with the Constitution and By-Laws and Full List of Life, Annual and Honorary Members
2022006: Hawaii Mission Children's Society - Thirty-Fifth Annual Report of the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society presented May 15th, 1887 with the Constitution and By-Laws and Full List of Honorary and Life Members
2022007: Hawaii Mission Children's Society - Thirty-First Annual Report of the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society presented May 19th, 1883 with the Constitution and By-Laws and Full List of Honorary and Life Members
2022014: Hawaii Mission Children's Society - Sixth Annual Report of the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society Presented May 22d, 1858 With the Constitution and By-Laws
2018100: Hawaii Mission Children's Society - The Genealogical Report and Membership Roster of the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society for 2001
2018087: Hawaii Mission Children's Society - Seventeenth Annual Report of the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society Presented June 12, 1869
2018055: Hawaii Mission Children's Society - The Eighty-Fourth Annual Report on the Hawaiian Mission Childrens' Society for the Year Ending April 18, 1936 With the Names and Addresses of Active Members
651994: The Organizatioin Committee Of The Exhibition Of Archaeological Finds Of The People's Republic Of China - The Exhibition of Archaeological Finds of the People's Republic of China
651365: Chipps, Genie D & Bill Henderson Editors - Love Stories for the Time Being
656660: Choko, Stanislas - La Cote De L'Affiche De Cinema
600310: Chopra, Deepak - Unconditional Life: Mastering the Forces That Shape Personal Reality
624022: Chotzinoff, Samuel - Toscanini: an Intimate Portrait
2019308: Chou, Ju-hsi & Claudia Brown - Chinese Painting under the Qianlong Emperor (Phoebus 6, Volume 1 only)
553120: Christie, Agatha - Postern of Fate
655697: Christie's - A Distinguished Collection of French Furniture: the Property of a Lady, May 19, 1983
752210: Christofferson, April - Patent to Kill
655039: [Doherty, Willie] Christov-Bakargiev, Carolyn & Caoimhin Mac Giolla Leith - Willie Doherty: False Memory
561624: Chute, Carolyn - Letourneau's Used Auto Parts
2021186: Ciaranfi, Anna Maria Francini tran. by Hilda M.R. Cox - The Pitti Palace and Its Art Collection: Handbook and Itinerary
2564244: Cipolla, Carlo M - Clocks and Culture: 1300-1700
2018337: Clair, Kate - A Typographic Workbook: a Primer to History, Techniques, and Artistry
2018167: Clancy, Tom With Mark Greaney - Command Authority
553122: Clark, Mary Higgins - Loves Music, Loves to Dance
553123: Clark, Mary Higgins - The Second Time Around
658276: Clark, Mary Higgins - Stillwatch
560570: Clark, Mary Higgins - Moonlight Becomes You
657785: Clark, Mary Jane - It Only Takes a Moment
752214: Clark, Mary Higgins - I Heard That Song Before
752215: Clark, Mary Higgins - Where Are You Now?
652173: Clark, Jane Gordon - Wallpaper in Decoration
581213: Clark, Mary Higgins - Stillwatch
581211: Clark, Carol Higgins - Twanged
581210: Clark, Carol Higgins - Iced
561629: Clark, Eleanor - Baldur's Gate
2018168: Clark, Marcia - Guilt By Degrees
581220: Clark, Mary Higgins - I'Ll Be Seeing You
656948: Clark, Carol Higgins - Zapped
650845: Clark, Mary Higgins - The Anastasia Syndrome and Other Stories
655169: Clark, Mary Higgin - On the Street Where You Live
655170: Clark, Mary Higgins - Before I Say Good-Bye
581219: Clark, Mary Higgins - All Around the Town
2018434: Clark, Mary Higgins - I'Ll Be Seeing You
655171: Clark, Mary Higgins - We'Ll Meet Again
582563: Clark, Mary Higgins - Daddy's Little Girl
2021180: Clark, Mary Higgins - While My Pretty One Sleeps
561630: Clark, Eleanor - Baldur's Gate
2564215: Clark, Marcia - Guilt By Asssociation
2020037: Clark, Robin editor with a Foreword by Hugh M Davies - Phenomenal: California Light and Space
2021113: Clark, Mary Higgins - While My Pretty One Sleeps
657800: Clark, Mary Higgins - Nighttime is My Time
550103: Clark, Mary Higgins - Remember Me
656945: Clark, Mary Higgins - Two Little Girls in Blue
657799: Clark, Mary Higgins - Before I Say Good-Bye
581223: Clark, Mary Higgins - I'Ll Be Seeing You
581224: Clark, Mary Higgins - Let Me Call You Sweetheart
586091: Clarke, Arthur C & Mike Mcquay - Richter 10
586089: Clarke, Arthur C - 1984: Spring-a Choice of Futures
657978: Clarke, Richard A - Breakpoint
655714: Clarke, Arthur C - 2010: Odyssey Two
653711: Clarke, Arthur C & Gentry Lee - Cradle
752374: Clarke, David - Arguments in Favor of Sharpshooting
657590: Clarke, Richard A - The Scorpion's Gate
654051: Clarke, Arthur - 2010: Odyssey Two
2020706: Clarke, Arthur C - The Songs of Distant Earth
2563271: Claverol, Valenti With An Introduction By Miguel Angel Canturri Montanya & An Essay By Ellen Handy - Andorran Memories
654109: Clayson, Hollis - Paris in Despair: Art and Everyday Life Under Siege (1870-71)
581229: Cleary, Jon - Winter Chill
581230: Cleary, Jon - Endpeace
561635: Cleland, John With An Introduction By Maurice Renfrew - The Memoirs of Maria Brown
2020316: Clement, Gill - Jewelry Making
561637: Clewes, Quentin - Jetlag
550010: Clifton-Wallace, Robert - Mons Graupius
657905: Clinch, Wendy - Double Black
581232: Clothier, Peter - Dirty Down
752305: Type Directors Club - Typography 22: the Annual of the Type Director's Club: Forty-Seventh Exhibition
752304: Type Directors Club - Typography 9: the Annual of the Type Directors Club
561643: Coale, Howard - The Ouroboros
2020286: [Gehry, Frank] essays by various contributors with a Foreword by Henry N Cobb - The Architecture of Frank Gehry
2021204: Coben, Harlan - Live Wire
657159: Coben, Harlan - Long Lost
2018638: Coben, Harlan - Home
656459: Coburn, Broughton With An Introduction By Tim Cahill And An Afterword By David Breashears - Everest: Mountain Without Mercy
611111: Cockburn, Alexander - Corruptions of Empire
650269: Cockey, Tim - Hearse of a Different Color
657020: Cody, Paul - Eyes Like Mine
581238: Cody, Liza - Monkey Wrench
581240: Coel, Margaret - The Lost Bird
657570: Coel, Margaret - Wife of Moon
657397: Coelho, Paulo Translated By Margaret Jull Costa - Eleven Minutes
657559: Cohen, Gabriel - The Graving Dock
561653: Cohen, Robert - The Organ Builder
656981: Cohen, David Harris & Catherine Hess - Looking at European Ceramics: a Guide to Technical Terms
651094: Coke, Van Deren With Diana C Du Pont - Photography: a Facet of Modernism
581242: Coker, Carolyn - The Other David
581243: Coker, Carolyn - The Vines of Ferrara
2020523: Cole, Alison - Virtue and Magnificence: Art of the Italian Renaissance Courts
658020: Cole, Meredith - Posed for Murder
651668: Coleman, Terry - Passage to America: a History of Emigrants From Great Britain and Ireland to America in the Mid-Nineteenth Century
650607: Coleman, Elizabeth Ann - Changing Fashions: 1800-1970
595812: Coles, Robert - The Spiritual Life of Children
595813: Coles, Robert - The Spiritual Life of Children
2020763: Coles, Alex editor - Designer and Art
656587: Coles, Robert - The Spiritual Life of Children
612037: Collier, Richard - Bridge Across the Sky: the Berlin Blockage and Airlift 1948-1949
654168: [Patterson, Richard] Collings, Matthew - Richard Patterson: Paintings From Dallas
2020211: Collins, Jim & Jerry I Porras - Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies
656784: Collins, Jim - Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap...and Others Don't
2020586: Collins, Paul - The Book of William: How Shakespeare's First Folio Conquered the World
650441: Collins, Hannah - Hannah Collins: in the Course of Time
581244: Collins, Larry - Maze
581245: Collins, Michael - Castrato
581247: Collins, Michael - The Irishman's Horse
600505: Collins, Richard L - Mastering the Systems: Air Traffic Control and Weather
657516: No Author Stated/Mergenthaler Linotype Company - Supplement No. 2: Specimen Book Linotype Faces
752256: Eastman Kodak Company - How to Make Good Pictures: a Guide for the Amateur Photographer
2020285: [Gehry, Frank] compiled and edited by Peter Arnell & Ted Bickford, text by Mason Andrews & an essay by Germano Celant - Frank Gehry: Buildings and Projects
657600: Compton, Jodi - The 37th Hour
657828: Compton, Jodi - Sympathy Between Humans
657573: Compton, David - Impaired Judgment
571003: [Donne, John] Le Comte, Edward - Grace to a Witty Sinner: a Life of [John] Donne
752165: Condon, Bill With An Introduction By Jonathan Gathorne-Hardy & A Brief History By Linda Wolfe - Kinsey: Public and Private
572030: Congreve, William - The Way of the World
561670: Connell Jr, Evan S - Saint Augustine's Pigeon
2565047: O'Connell, Carol - Mallory's Oracle
655618: Connelly, Michael - Echo Park
657091: Connelly, Michael - The Brass Verdict
752245: Connelly, Michael - Angels Flight
581259: Connelly, Michael - Void Moon
2019154: Connelly, Michael - The Drop
2018547: Connelly, Michael - The Brass Verdict
2021343: Connelly, Michael - The Crossing
2018635: Connelly, Michael - The Burning Room
2018664: Connelly, Michael - The Gods of Guilt
586094: Conner, Michael - Archangel
2018481: Connolly, M Caren & Louis Wasserman - Updating Classic America: Bungalows-Design Ideas for Renovating, Remodeling, and Building New
657855: Connolly, John - The Lovers
563351: O'Connor, Edwin - All in the Family
561674: Connor, Ralph - The Foreigner
2018045: Conrad, Agnes Editor - The Hawaiian Journal of History: Volume 6, 1972
561677: Conrad, Peter - Underworld
657279: Conroy, Pat - South of Broad
2020765: [Sailsdorder, Michael] contributions by Martin Germann, Kristin Scharder & Ellen Seifermann - Michael Sailsdorfer
650691: Contributions By Iaroslava Boubnova, Horst Christoph, Robert Fleck, John Miller And Michel Onfray - Vienna Secession, 1898-1998, the Century of Artistic Freedom
2020445: [Knoebel, Imi] contributions by Richter, Petra, Johannes Stuttgen, Hubertus Butin, Jorg Heiser, David Moos, Martin Schulf - Imi Knoebel: Ich Nicht/ Neue Werke/ New Works and Enduros/ Sammlung Deutsche Bank Collection
655044: Various Contributors - Mythos Berlin: Zur Wahrnehmungsgeschichte Einer Industriellen Metropole
653513: [Lavier, Bertrand] Various Contributors - Bertrand Lavier
652005: [Rousseau, Henri] Various Contributors - Henri Rousseau
655531: [Bravo, Manuel Alvarez] Various Contributors - Revelaciones: the Art of Manuel Alvarez Bravo
655040: [Munch, Edvard & Frederick Delius] Various Contributors - Frederick Delius Og Edvard Munch
656974: Various Contributors - Cesky Bibliofil 1934: Premie Spolku Cuskych Bibliofilu V Praze
655657: Various Contributors - Trans > 7 (Issue 7)
652027: Various Contributors - Subway: Arte, Fumetto, Letteratura E Teatro Negli Spazi Della Metropolitana Del Passante Delle Stanioni Ferroviarie
655240: Various Contributors - Yuki Terai: Tokyo Labyrinth
655685: Various Contributors - Susret-Begegnung: Kunstler Und Fluchtlinge (Susret-Encounter, Artists and Refugees), Carpets, Quilts, Wall Hangings
651578: Various Contributors - Ruhrworks: the Arts of a German Region
652067: Various Contributors - Rom in Karthago: Mosaiken Aus Tunesien
2019206: various contributors - Object of Stratification
652465: Various Contributors - The Whitney Review: 1964-1965
2020542: various contributors - C'est très bon de sentir d'ou vient le vent en mouillant son doigt ". F. Picabia
656975: Various Contributors - Cesky Bibliofil 1937: Premie Spolku Cuskych Bibliofilu V Praze
2020183: various contributors - Metropolis M: Tweemaandelijks tijdschift over hedendaagse kunst nummer 3
597030: Various Contributors - The New Yorker Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Album
2565042: Various Contributors - The Overland Monthly (No. VI, December 1868)
657252: Various Contributors - Book Arts Exhibition 1990-Polychrome-Polytechnique
752550: Various Contributors - 3zu Revista D'Arquitectura: Ginebra [Geneva] 1927 (Issue/Numero 1)
656980: Various Contributors - Blurred Vision: New Narrative Art
561687: Conway, Jill Ker - True North
550121: Conwill, Kinshasha, Arthur C Danto, Edmund Barry Gaither, Grey Gundaker & Judith M McWillie - Testimony: Vernacular Art of the African-American South
657962: Cook, Robin - Seizure
581263: Cook, Robin - Sphinx
581265: Cook, Stephen - One Dead Tory
632008: Cook, Robin - Private Parts in Public Places
2020441: [Palermo, Blinky] Cooke, Lynne & Karen Kelly eds with Barbara Schroder - Blinky Palermo: To the People of New York City
2021294: Coon, Carleton S. - The Seven Caves: Archaeological Explorations in the Middle East
581268: Cooney, John - Acts of Contrition
752565: Coonts, Stephen - The Flight of the Intruder
2564285: Coonts, Stephen - The Assassin
2018169: Coonts, Stephen - The Disciple
550113: Coonts, Stephen - The Red Horseman
2564453: Coonts, Stephen - Hong Kong
2564452: Coonts, Stephen - America
581274: Coonts, Stephen - America
581272: Coonts, Stephen - Under Siege
2563081: Coonts, Stephen - Flight of the Intruder
2018170: Coonts, Stephen - The Traitor
657104: Coope, Kate - How to Draw More Manga
570258: Cooper, John R - The Art of the Compleat Angler
651489: Cooper, Michael H - Dues
656135: Cooper, Bernard - Truth Serum
2019060: Coplans, John edited by Stuart Morgan - Provocations: Writings by John Coplans
561701: Coppel, Alfred - Thirty-Four East
561702: Coppel, Alfred - Night of Fire and Snow
561703: Coppel, Alfred - The Marburg Chronicles
561704: Coppel, Alfred - A Land of Mirrors
581276: Coppel, Alfred - A Land of Mirrors
650762: Coquet, Michele Translated By Jane Marie Todd - African Royal Court Art
752415: Corbett, Scott Illustrated By Richard Rosenblum - Bridges
658036: Corcoran, Tom - Air Dance Iguana
656149: Cordingly, David - Under the Black Flag: the Romance and the Reality of Life Among the Pirates
550505: Cori, Jacques - Chile
561711: Corman, Avery - 50
2021302: Cormier, Robert - Fade
656621: Corn, David - Deep Background
650079: Cornwell, Patricia D - All That Remains
2021321: Cornwell, Patricia D - All That Remains
2018455: Cornwell, Patricia - All That Remains
581290: Cornwell, Patricia D - Hornet's Nest
581282: Cornwell, Patricia D - All That Remains
581283: Cornwell, Patricia D - All That Remains
581284: Cornwell, Patricia D - Cruel & Unusual
581285: Cornwell, Patricia D - Cruel & Unusual
581286: Cornwell, Patricia D - Cruel & Unusual
581287: Cornwell, Patricia D - The Body Farm
581288: Cornwell, Patricia D - From Potter's Field
581289: Cornwell, Patricia D - Cause of Death
650206: Railroad Supply Corporation - Large Scale Live Steam and Diesel Locomotives
2020786: [Viola, Bill] an Introduction by Maria de Corral - Bill Viola: Mas alla de la mirada (imagenes no vistas)
657249: Correa, Arnaldo - Spy's Fate
572031: Corrigan, Robert W - The Theatre in Search of a Fix
572032: Corrigan, Robert W Editor - The New Theatre of Europe: an Anthology
571057: Corrigan, Beatrice Editor - Italian Poets and English Critics 1755-1859: a Collection of Critical Essays
597003: Corwin, Norman - Holes in a Stained Glass Window
581291: Coscarelli, Kate - Heir Apparent
658105: Cosin, Elizabeth M - Zen and the City of Angels
581292: Cosling, Paula - A Few Dying Words
561715: Cost, March - Invitation From Minerva
654153: Costello, Dan & Lisa Schamess - Building on the Past, Traveling to the Future: a Preservationist's Guide to the Istea Transportation Enhancement Provision. Second Edition
653880: Cotterell, Arthur - The First Emperor of China: the Greatest Archeological Find of Our Time
601507: Cottle, Thomas J - Black Testimony: Voices of Britain's West Indians
614508: Cottrell, Leonard - The Mountains of Pharaoh: the Exciting Drama of Pyramid Exploration
581297: Coughlin, William J - The Heart of Justice
581296: Coughlin, William J - The Heart of Justice
581295: Coughlin, William J - In the Presence of Enemies
581293: Coughlin, William J - Her Honor
581294: Coughlin, William J - In the Presence of Enemies
650687: Le Coultre, Martijn F With An Introduction By Ellen Lupton & An Essay By Alston W Purvis - Wendingen: a Journal of the Arts, 1918-1932
561716: Coupland, Douglas - Shampoo Planet
561717: Coupland, Douglas - Shampoo Planet
561718: Coupland, Douglas - Shampoo Planet
581299: Courter, Gay - Code Ezra
638002: Courtney, William Prideaux - A Register of National Bibliography (Vol. III)
590279: Cousins, Norman - In Place of Folly
600314: Cousins, Norman - In Place of Folly
561721: Covington, Vicki - Bird of Paradise
656956: Cowles Communications/United Press International, Editors - Assassination: Robert F. Kennedy 1925-1968
656290: Cox, Elizabeth - Familiar Ground
561723: Cox, Elizabeth - The Ragged Way People Fall Out of Love
561724: Cox, Richard - Sam 7
581304: Coyle, Harold - Bright Star
581306: Coyle, Harold - Look Away
561728: Cozzens, James Gould - Morning Noon and Night
600406: Crafts, Leland & Theodore Schneirla Et Al - Recent Experiments in Psychology
581307: Craig, Kit - Gone
581308: Craig, MS - Flash Point
752579: Crais, Robert - The Sentry
581312: Crais, Robert - Demolition Angel
2021205: Crais, Robert - The Forgotten Man
2018587: Crais, Robert - The First Rule
581311: Crais, Robert - The Last Detective
2563187: Craven, Margaret - I Heard the Owl Call My Name
561732: Cravens, Gwyneth - The Gates of Paradise
561731: Cravens, Gwyneth - Heart's Desire
561730: Cravens, Gwyneth - Heart's Desire
657954: Cray, David - What You Wish for
657023: Creasey, John - The Dissemblers
653808: Crewdson, Gregory - Hoover
656097: Crichton, Michael - Prey
570175: [Pater, Walter] Crinkley, Richmond - Walter Pater: Humanist
581314: Crisp, NJ - In the Long Run
650921: Crnkovic, Gordana P - Imagined Dialogues: Eastern European Literature in Conversation With American and English Literature
2020488: Crone, Rainer, Jurgen Harten, Ulrich Luckhardt & Jiri Svestka - BiNATIONALE: Deutsche Kunst der spaten 80er Jahre/ German Art of the Late 80's
561737: Cronin, AJ - The Northern Light
2020298: edited with an Introduction by Elizabeth Cropper - Florentine Drawing at the Time of Lorenzo the Magnificent: Papers from a colloquium held at the Villa Spelman, Florence, 1992
657356: Crosby, Theo - Architecture: City Sense
570119: [Colette] Crosland, Margaret - Colette: the Difficulty of Loving
2564554: Cross, Wilbur L - Conneticut Yankee: an Autobiography
2019216: Crow, Thomas - Modern Art in the Common Culture
581316: Crowder, Herbert - Ambush at Osirak
657755: Cruikshank, Jeffrey - Murder at the B-School
614509: Crum, Bartley C - Behind the Silken Curtain: a Personal Account of Anglo-American Diplomacy in Palestine and the Middle East
656760: Crumey, Andrew - Music, in a Foreign Language
581317: Crumley, James - Dancing Bear
2563169: Cruz, Victor Hernandez - Red Beans
556530: Cruz, Arturo Jr - Memoirs of a Counter-Revolutionary: Life With the Contras, the Sandinistas and the Cia
2019297: Cugier, Bice editor - Parkett: Number 13
2563238: Cuisenier, Jean - French Folk Art
650656: Culbertson, Ely - The New Gold Book of Bidding and Play (1949 Edition)
650148: Cullen, Robert - Heirs of the Fire
550114: Cunningham, Michael - Flesh and Blood
2023013: Cunningham, Michael - Specimen Days
2021171: The Director and Curators - The Huntington Library: Treasures from Ten Centuries
581320: Currey, Richard - The Wars of Heaven
561744: Currey, Richard - The Wars of Heaven
620007: Curry, Larry - The American West: Painters From Catlin to Russell
620015: Curry, Larry (Introduction) - American Paintings From the Metropolitan Museum of Art
581321: Curtis, Jack - Mirrors Kill
652433: Curtis, Gerald L - The Japanese Way of Politics
561745: Curtis, Jack - Mirrors Kill
2020587: Curtis, Charles - The Original Grand Crus of Burgundy
657769: Cussler, Clive With Paul Kemprecos - Polar Shift: a Novel From the Numa Files
657793: Cussler, Clive With Paul Kemprecos - Fire Ice: a Novel From the Numa Files
2018171: Cussler, Clive & Dirk Cussler - Poseidon's Arrow
2018172: Cussler, Clive With Jack Du Brul - The Jungle
581326: Cutter, Leela - Death of the Party
2019210: Dabrowski, Magdelena with an Introduction by John Elderfield - Contrasts of Form: Geometric Abstract Art, 1910-1980
561749: Dahlberg, Edward - The Olive of Minerva Or the Comedy of a Cuckold
2020090: Dahlberg, Jonas & Jan Mancuska - The First Minute of the Rest of the Movie
653516: Dailey, Dan - Dan Dailey: Simple Complexities in Drawings & Glass, 1972-1987
561751: Dailey, Janet - Aspen Gold
581327: Dalby, Richard Editor - Mistletoe & Mayhem: Horrific Tales for the Holidays
581328: Dalessandro, James - Bohemian Heart
656271: Dalessandro, James - Bohemian Heart
2021130: Daluiso, Mindy, editor - Picturebook: A Collectable Art Quarterly #3
2020033: Damon, Ethel M with an analysis of legal opinions by Samuel B Kemp - Sanford Ballard Dole and His Hawaii
2564550: Damon, Ethel M Editor - The Stone Church at Kawaiahao
610125: Damon, S Foster With A Foreword By Robert F Fitzgerald - The Moulton Tragedy
2565031: Damon, Ethel M - Samuel Chenery Damon
2564551: Damon, Ethel M With A Foreword By Samuel B Kemp - Sanford Ballard Dole and His Hawaii
561758: Daneman, Meredith - The Favourite
2019166: Danforth Jr, Ted - Pietro Bembo: 'Foster Father' of the Modern Book
650153: Daniel, David & Chris Carpenter - Murder at the Baseball Hall of Fame
581333: Daniel, David - The Skelly Man
651594: Daninos, Pierre - Major Thompson Lives in France
2563260: Danly, Susan - American Drawings and Watercolors From the Huntington Collections
651491: Dann, Jack - The Memory Cathedral
2020726: [Koons, Jeff] Danoff, I Michael - Jeff Koons
2021267: Danvers, Dennis - Time and Time Again
2021159: Darboven, Hanne - Ein Jahrhundert Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe gewidmet/ A Century- dedicated to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
657787: Darden, Christopher & Dick Lochte - The Last Defense
657660: Darden, Christopher & Dick Lochte - L.A. Justice
657661: Darden, Christopher & Dick Lochte - The Trials of Nikki Hill
658182: Darden, Christopher & Dick Lochte - Lawless
2020176: Dark, Larry editor - Prize Stories 1998: The O. Henry Awards
2019208: Darling, Michael - Painting in Tongues
658196: Darnton, John - Mind Catcher
657720: Darnton, John - Black & White and Dead All Over
752292: Datlow, Ellen Editor - Off Limits: Tales of Alien Sex
658308: Davidson, Sara - Cowboy: a Love Story
561766: Davidson, Sara - Cowboy: a Love Story
561764: Davidson, Sara - Friends of the Opposite Sex
561763: Davidson, Sara - Friends of the Opposite Sex
752276: Davidson, Gustav - Moment of Visitation
653417: Davies, Miranda (Compiler) - Third World, Second Sex: Women's Struggles and National Liberation
561773: Davies, Robertson - The Cunning Man
561772: Davies, Robertson - Murther & Walking Spirits
561771: Davies, Robertson - Murther & Walking Spirits
561769: Davies, Robertson - The Lyre of Orpheus
581335: Davies, Linda - Nest of Vipers
2018533: Davies, Robertson - The Lyre of Orpheus
581336: Davies, Linda - Wilderness of Mirrors
656451: Davis, Julian L - Mathematics of Wave Propagation
752218: Davis, Lindsey - Time to Depart
752221: Davis, Lindsey - Venus in Copper
623037: Davis, Sammy Jr - Hollywood in a Suitcase
561778: Davis, Gwen - The Princess and the Pauper
561776: Davis, Claire - Winter Range
575004: Davis, Jim - Garfield Hangs Out
655072: Davis-Gardner, Angela - Forms of Shelter
616531: Davis, Peter, - Where is Nicaragua?
2020769: Davis, Douglas with an Introduction by Irving Sandler - Artculture: Essays on the Post-Modern
581337: Davis, Bart - The Midnight Partner
581338: Davis, J Madison - Bloody Marko
752175: Davis, Jim - Here Comes Garfield
595413: Davison, Jane - The Fall of a Doll's House
2021337: Daws, Gavan - Shoal of Time: a History of the Hawaiian Islands
651029: Dawson, Janet - A Credible Threat
570261: Dawson, Carl - Prophets of Past Time: Seven British Autobiographers: 1880-1914
655293: Dawson, Margaret - The Men From Uncle
601119: Day, Donald - Will Rogers
2564536: Day, A Grove & Albertine Loomis - Ka Pai Palapala: Early Printing in Hawaii
2020014: Dean, Arthur L - Alexander & Baldwin, Ltd and the Predecessar Partnerships
652078: Dean, David - Architecture of the 1930s
581344: Dean, SFX - It Can't Be My Grave
2018597: Deardorff, William W & John L Reeves II - Preparing for Surgery: a Mind-Body Approach to Enhance Healing and Reocvery
581346: Deaver, William - Speaking in Tongues
2020585: [Art & Language] with a Foreword by Jan Debbaut - Art & Language: The Paintings
600226: Deblieu, Jan - Meant to Be Wild: the Struggle to Save Endangered Species Through Captive Breeding
581347: Debrosse, Jim - Southern Cross
2022024: [Tobey, Mark] Musee des Arts Decoratifs - Retrospective Mark Tobey
561802: Dee, Jonathan - The Liberty Campaign
561803: Dee, Jonathan - St. Famous
561804: Dee, Jonathan - St. Famous
2019013: Dee, Elizabeth editor - Every Future Has a Price: 30 Years after Infotainment
581348: Dee, Ed - 14 Peck Slip
595609: Dees, Morris With Steve Fiffer - A Season for Justice: the Life and Times of Civil Rights Lawyer Morris Dees
595608: Dees, Morris With Steve Fiffer - A Season for Justice: the Life and Times of Civil Rights Lawyer Morris Dees
657303: Dees, Morris With Steve Fiffer - Hate on Trial: the Case Against America's Most Dangerous Neo-Nazi
620113: Defraoui, Silve & Cherif (Essay) - Orient, Occident
2020535: [Manet, Edouard] Wilson-Bareau & David Degener - Manet and the Sea
581352: Deighton, Len - Mamista
581353: Deighton, Len - Violent Ward
2023024: Deiss, Joseph Jay - Herculaneum: Italy's Buried Treasure
657952: Dekker, Ted & Erin Healy - Kiss
561805: Dekkers, Midas - Arctic Adventure
650447: Del Chiaro, Mario A - Classical Art: Sculpture
586104: Delany, Samuel R - They Fly at Ciron
561808: Delbanco, Nicholas - Old Scores
650732: Delderfield, Eric R - Introduction to Inn Signs
617503: Delf, George - Jomo Kenyatta: Towards Truth About the Light of Kenya
2021233: Delheim, Charles - The Disenchanted Isle: Mrs. Thatcher's Capitalist Revolution
653964: Delillo, Don - The Body Artist
2021184: [Bernini, Gian Lorenzo] della Pergola, Paola - [Gian Lorenzo] Bernini
2023038: Demarinis, Rick - The Year of the Zinc Penny
2564455: Demille, Nelson - The Lion
2564089: Demille, Nelson - The Gate House
650808: Dendel, Esther Warner - African Fabric Crafts: Sources of African Design & Technique
561817: Dengler, Sandy - Hyaenas
611114: Dennis, Geoffrey - Coronation Commentary
2564241: [Bateman, Robert] Derry, Ramsay - The World of Robert Bateman
2021285: [Bateman, Robert] Derry, Ramsay - The World of Robert Bateman
2023042: Dershowitz, Alan M. - Chutzpah
581355: Dershowitz, Alan M - The Advocate's Devil
655296: Dertouzos, Michael - The Unfinished Revolution: Human-Centered Computers and What They Can Do for Us
561823: Dessi, Guiseppe - The Forest of Norbio
654053: Dethier, VG - The Ant Heap
600500: Ad Hoc Committee On Remote Sensing For Development - Resource Sensing From Space: Prospects for Developing Countries
581356: Deverell, William - Mindfield
581358: Devon, Gary - Bad Desire
581357: Devon, Gary - Lost
2021xxx: Devries, Peter - Peckham's Marbles
657270: Dexter, Pete - Train
653826: Diamonstein, Barbaralee - Handmade in America: Converations With Fourteen Craftmasters
581364: Dibdin, Michael - Dirty Tricks
2019104: [Rauschenberg, Robert] Dickerman, Leah (essay) with poetry by Robin Coste Lewis & Kevin Young - Robert Rauschenberg: Thirty-Four Illustrations for Dante's Inferno
2021239: Dickey, James - Alnilam
561837: Dickey, James - Alnilam
653564: Dickey, Roland F With Drawings By Lloyd Lozes Goff - New Mexico Village Arts
2020591: [Dahn, Walter] Dickhoff, Wilried editor - Walter Dahn: Irrationalismus & Moderne Medizin, Arbeiten/Works 1984-1988
2020584: [Baechler, Donald] Dickhoff, Wilfred - Donald Baechler
581370: Dickinson, Charles - With Or Without
581369: Dickinson, Charles - Crows
581368: Dickinson, Charles - Waltz in Marathon
581372: Dickinson, Peter - Tefuga
581373: Dickinson, Peter - Skeleton-in-Waiting
655363: Dickinson, Peter - Heartsease: the Changes (Book Two)
2018466: Dickinson, Peter - Tefuga
2018467: Dickinson, Peter - King & Joker
2563158: Dickson, Gordon R With An Introduction By Poul Anderson - Dickson!
581374: Diehl, William - Chameleon
2021109: Dillard, Annie - The Living
581380: Dinallo, Greg - Rockets' Red Glare
581381: Dinallo, Greg - Purpose of Evasion
2018561: Dippie, Brian W With An Introduction By James H Nottage - West-Fever
2020634: Diserens, Corrine - Skulptur / Sculpture: Material und Abstraktion: material and abstraction, mate´riaux et abstraction : 2x5 Positionen, 2x5 points of view, 2x5 positions
750076: Walt Disney - Walt Disney's Favorite Nursery Tales: the Gingerbread Man and the Golden Goose
750078: Walt Disney - Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse: the Kitten-Sitters
611115: Disraeli, Benjamin - The Letters of Disraeli to Lady Chesterfield and Lady Bradford (Vol. 1)
2019037: Dixon, Thomas - The Clansman: An Historical Romance of the Klu Klux Klan- illustrated with scenes from the Photo-Play, The Birth of a Nation
561856: Dixon, Stephen - Gould
631003: Dixon, Jeane As Told To Rene Noorbergen - My Life and Prophecies
561859: Djerassi, Carl - Menachem's Seed
561861: Doane, Michael - The Surprise of Burning
561862: Doane, Michael - The Surprise of Burning
561863: Doane, Michael - Six Miles to Roadside Business
561864: Doane, Michael - City of Light
752114: Doane, Michael - The Surprise of Burning
561869: Doctorow, EL - Drinks Before Dinner
561870: Doctorow, EL - Loon Lake
561872: Doctorow, EL - Lives of the Poets
561873: Doctorow, EL - Lives of the Poets
2021312: Doctorow, E.L. - Billy Bathgate
2021254: Doctorow, E.L. - World's Fair
561868: Doctorow, EL - Loon Lake
561880: Doctorow, EL - The Waterworks
2018406: Dodd, Susan - The Silent Woman
616000: Dodge, Ernest S - Islands and Empires: Western Impact on the Pacific and East Asia (Vol. VII Only)
2018051: Dodge, Charlotte Peabody & Arthur L Silverman - The Hawaiian Mission Children's Society, 1852-1970
2018052: Dodge, Charlotte Peabody & Arthur L Silverman - The Hawaiian Mission Children's Society, 1852-1952
561881: Doerr, Harriet - Stones for Ibarra
2018056: Dole, Edmund P - Hiwa: a Tale of Ancient Hawaii
624025: Domingo, Placido - My First Forty Years
650512: Domingo, Alain & Francois Scali With An Introduction By Didier Laroque - Nemo
561887: Dominic, Randolph & William Barry - Pyrrhus Venture
2564319: Harstad Donald - The Big Thaw
2564320: Harstad Donald - Code Sixty-One
586111: Donaldson, Stephen R - Daughter of Regals
2018538: Donaldson, Stephen R - Daughter of Regals
2018539: Donaldson, Stephen R - White Gold Wielder
2022017: Donaldson, Gordon - Strategy for Financial Mobility
2018441: [Wilson, Robert] Donker, Janny Translated By Cor Block And Janny Donker - The President of Paradise: a Traveller's Account of Robert Wilson's the Civil Wars
561892: Donleavy, JP - A Singular Country
582100: O'Donnell, Lilian - A Good Night to Kill
563354: O'Donnell, Mary King - Those Other People
582101: O'Donnell, Lilian - The Raggedy Man
561893: Donnelly, Gabriela - The Girl in the Photograph
656633: [Bergman, Ingmar] Donner, Jorn Translated By Holger Lundbergh - The Films of Ingmar Bergman: From Torment to All These Women
2564291: Doogan, Mike - Capitol Offense
561895: Dooling, Richard - Critical Care
561896: Dooling, Richard - White Man's Grave
561897: Dooling, Richard - White Man's Grave
581387: Doolittle, Jerome - Body Scissors
613062: Dore, RP - City Life in Japan: a Study of a Tokyo Ward
2020274: Dorenburg, David & Karen Page - Dining Out: Secrets from America's Leading Critics, Chefs, and Restaurateurs
561898: Dorfman, Ariel Translated By George Shivers - The Last Song of Manuel Sendero
2020471: Dorling, Daniel, Mark Newman & Anna Barford - The Atlas of the Real World: Mapping the Way We Live Revised and Expanded
581388: Dorner, Marjorie - Freeze Frame
561908: Dorris, Michael With A Foreword By Louise Erdrich - The Broken Cord: a Family's Ongoing Struggle With Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
561906: Dorris, Michael With A Foreword By Louise Erdrich - The Broken Cord: a Family's Ongoing Struggle With Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
561907: Dorris, Michael With A Foreword By Louise Erdrich - The Broken Cord: a Family's Ongoing Struggle With Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
561900: Dorris, Michael - Working Men
561902: Dorris, Michael & Louise Erdich - The Crown of Columbus
561903: Dorris, Michael & Louise Erdrich - The Crown of Columbus
561912: Dotourd, Jean - Five a.M.
2563245: Douglas, Frederic H & Rene D'Harnoncourt - Indian Art of the United States
626019: Douglas, Stan Curated By Daina Augaitis - Stan Douglas
651228: Douglas, Davison M - Reading, Writing & Race: the Desegregation of the Charloote Schools
561916: Doumani, Carol - Untitled: Nude
656580: Douthwaite, Julia V - The Wild Girl, Natural Man, and the Monster: Dangerous Experiments in the Age of Enlightment
656464: Dovey, Ceridwen - Blood Kin
655620: Downey, Timothy - A Splendid Executioner
581393: Downing, Warwick - The Player
652470: Downs, Joseph (Essay) - Pennsylvania German Arts and Crafts: a Picture Book
2019151: Downsbrough, Peter - Peter Downsbrough
561922: Doyle, Roddy - The Woman Who Walked Into Doors
561927: Drabble, Margaret - A Natural Curiosity
2023036: Drabble, Margaret - A Natural Curiosity
650606: Dragesco, Bernard - English Ceramics in French Archives
586113: Drake, David - Queen of Demons [Book Two of the Lord of the Isles]
550001: Drayer, Walter Photography - La Collection Oskar Reinhart Du Romerholz
2564143: Dreyer, Eileen - With a Vengeance
2564222: Dreyer, Eileen - Head Games
2018173: Dreyer, Eileen - Sinners and Saints
2020476: [Typography] Dreyfus, John - The Work of Giovanni Mardersteig with Monotype Faces
656531: Drucker, Mindy & Pierre Finkelstein - Recipes for Surfaces: Deocrative Paint Finishes Made Simple
650192: Drucker, Peter F - Managing in Turbulent Times
561932: Drummond, Emma - Some Far Elusive Dawn
624026: Dubal, David - Conversations With Mehunin
656588: Dubbini, Renzo Translated By Ludia G Cochrane - Geography of the Gaze: Urban and Rural Vision in Early Modern Europe
750020: Dubelman, Richard - The Adventures of Holly Hobbie
561941: Dubus, Andre - Voices From the Moon
612073: Duckett, Eleanor Shipley - Medieval Portraits From East and West
638004: Duckles, Vincent - Music Reference and Research Materials: an Annotated Bibliography
651683: Ducornet, Rikki - The Word, Desire
561946: Dukes, Carol Muske - Dear Digby
561947: Dukes, Carol Muske - Dear Digby
561948: Dukes, Carol Muske - Saving St. Germ
658195: Dumas, Margaret - Speak Now
590104: Duncan, Richard R - Lee's Endangered Left: the Civil War in Western Virginia, Spring of 1864
658003: Duncan, Patrick Sheane - A Private War
2019204: [Biller, Les] Duncan, Michael (essay) - Les Biller
620117: Duncan, Michael (Essay) - The Guest Room: 1991-1992
581396: Duncan, Robert L - The Serpent's Mark
658171: Dunlap, Susan - Rogue Wave
651031: Dunlap, Susan - Sudden Exposure
581397: Dunlap, Susan - Rogue Wave
581399: Dunlap, Susan - No Immunity
657509: Dunlap, Susan - High Fall
2563039: Dunlop, Ian With An Introduction By The Duc De Brissac - The Chateaux of the Loire
752717: Dunn, Douglas - New and Selected Poems: 1966-1988
2020798: Dunne, John Gregory - The Red White and Blue
2023015: Dunne, Gerald T - Hugo Black and the Judicial Revolution
561956: Dunne, John Gregory - Harp
561957: Dunne, John Gregory - Playland
657856: Dunning, John - The Sign of the Book
657754: Dunning, John - The Bookwoman's Last Fling
581402: Dunning, John - The Bookman's Wake
653820: Duran Duran - Duran Duran: New Updated Edition 1984
2019024: Duran Duran - Duran Duran Complete
656120: Duran Duran - Welcome to Our Fantasy World
561965: Durrell, Lawrence - Tunc
561971: Durst, Paul - The Florentine Table
2020768: Leo Bersani and Ulysse Dutoit - Arts of Impoverishment: Beckett, Rothko, Resnais
2018138: Dutton, Meiric K - Henry M. Whitney: Pioneer Printer-Publisher & Hawaii's First Postmaster
2565022: Dutton, Meiric K (Commentary) - A Most Extraordinary Correspondence
2564541: Dutton, Meiric K (Commentary) - A Most Extraordinary Correspondence
2018121: [Obookiah, Henry] Dwight, Edwin With An Introduction By Albertine Loomis - Memoirs of Henry Obookiah: a Native of Owhyhee and a Member of the Foreign Mission School; Who Died at Cornwall, Connecticut February 17, 1818 Aged 26 Years
611116: Dyce, Alexander Edited By Richard J Schrader - The Reminiscences of Alexander Dyce
2018076: Dye, Thomas S Editor - The Hawaiian Journal of History: Volume 35, 2001
2018077: Dye, Thomas S Editor - The Hawaiian Journal of History: Volume 36, 2002
601125: Dye III, John Thomas - Golden Leaves
601126: Dykstra, Robert R - The Cattle Towns
2020188: [Sanin, Fanny] East, Elizabeth - Fanny Sanin
652229: Eastus, Madalyn - Woof
657994: Eberhardt, Michael C - Body of a Crime
652066: Eberhardt, Isabelle With A Preface By Victor Barrucand - Notes De Route: Maroc-Algerie-Tunise
581405: Eberhardt, Michael C - Against the Law
581406: Eberhart, Mignon - Murder in Waiting
653813: Eberlin, Harold Donaldson & Roger Wearne Russell - The Practical Book of Chinaware
2564056: Ebersohn, Wessel - The October Killings
657116: Eberstadt, Fernanda - Isaac and His Devils
656533: Ebert, John & Katherine - Old American Prints for Collectors
658174: Eccles, Marjorie - Untimely Graves
656761: Eckersley, Richard Et Al - Glossary of Typesetting Terms
613013: Eckstein, Alexander - China's Economic Development: the Interplay of Scarcity and Ideology
611117: Eden, Guy With A Forward By Brendan Bracken - Portrait of Churchill
656766: Edge, Arabella - The Company: the Story of a Murder
561981: Edgerton, Clyde - The Floatplane Notebooks
561982: Edgerton, Clyde - Killer Diller
561983: Edgerton, Clyde - Killer Diller
561984: Edgerton, Clyde - Killer Diller
561985: Edgerton, Clyde - Redeye
2019183: Edner, Florian, compiler - Vor aller Augen: Fotographie aus Leipzig/ Photography from Leipzig/ Photographie de Leipzig
650406: Edwards, Elwyn Hartley With Photographs By Bob Langrish - Horses
657323: Edwards, Bernard - Donitz and the Wolf Packs
656069: Edwards, Robert B - H.M.S. Richards
656673: Edwards, Selden - The Little Book
620297: Edwards, IES - Treasures of Tutankhamun
652520: Edwards, Ralph (Introduction) - English Chairs
2019339: Eggers, David, editor, with contributions by numerous others - Timothy McSweeney's Huddled Back Here with the Others Because in the Front It is Dangerous Now, Issue No. 5, Very Late Summer, 2000
581412: Egleton, Clive - In the Red
2562016: Egli, Ida Rae Editor - No Rooms of Their Own: Women Writers of Early California
638005: Eichelberger, Clayton L - A Guide to Critical Reviews of United States Fiction: 1879-1910
2020187: [Olowska, Paulina] Grasslin with contributions by Dominic Eichler - Paulina Olowska
581414: Eickhoff, Randy Lee - A Hand to Execute
2020164: Eigen, Manfred & Ruthild Winkler translated by Robert & Rita Kimber - Laws of the Game: How the Principles of Nature Govern Chance
653600: Eisler, Benita - Private Lives: Men and Women of the Fifties
2020467: Eissenhauer, Michael editor, Marianne Heinz und Cora Eggers-Wrublick - documenta-Erwerbungen fur die Neue Galerie
752437: Elfont, Edna A With Photographs By CJ Elfont - Roar of Thunder, Whisper of Wind
552035: Eliot, TS - The Cocktail Party
595817: Eliot, Alexander Illustrated By Eugene Berman - Creatures of Arcadia and Creatures of a Day
571062: Eliot, TS - Collected Poems: 1909-1935
650443: Van Elk, Ger - The Horizon, a Mental Perspective (De Horizon, Een Geestelijk Vershiet)
650442: Van Elk, Ger - The Horizon, a Mental Perspective (De Horizon, Een Geestelijk Vershiet)
650527: Van Elk, Ger - Ger Van Elk: De Cadillac En De Non [the Cadillac and the Nun]
581422: Elkins, Aaron - Loot
652253: Elkins, Stanley - The Magic Kingdom
2020464: Ellegood, Anne & Douglas Fogle - All of This and Nothing
581424: Ellin, Stanley - Stronghold
581425: Ellin, Stanley - The Luxembourg Run
581426: Ellin, Stanley - Star Light Star Bright
600025: Elliot, James & Richard Kerr - Rings: Discoveries From Galileo to Voyager
553142: Elliott, James - Cold Cold Heart
553143: Elliott, James - Cold Cold Heart
2019172: Elliott, Sara - Italian Renaissance Painting
657239: Elliott, Peter With An Introduction By Julia Reed - Home Front
630001: Ellis, Griffin Odgen (Foreword) & An Introduction By Robert Zuppke - American Boy Sport Stories
752420: Ellis, Charles D - Capital: the Story of Long-Term Investment Excellence
2564292: Ellis, Robert - City of Fire
2564293: Ellis, Robert - Murder Season
2564155: Ellis, Robert - The Lost Witness
2564182: Ellis, David - The Hidden Man
656549: Ellis, Marc H - Beyond Innocence & Redemption: Confronting the Holocaust and Israeli Power
750023: Ellis, Ella Thorp - Hallelujah
656248: Ellison, Nancy With An Introduction By Paul Theroux - Starlet: First Stage at the Hollywood Dream Factory
2021289: Ellison, Harland - Edgeworks2: Spider Kiss & Stalking the Nightmare
611118: Ellmann, Richard Editor - Edwardians and Late Victorians
2018606: Elstob, Winston With Ill By Joyce Mary Alexander - Chinatown: a Legend of Old Cannery Row
2564294: Emley, Dianne - The First Cut
2019261: Engels, Mathias T - August Macke
651110: Engen, Rodney K - Victorian Engravings
651504: L'Engle, Madeleine - Certain Women
2021223: Englebert, Omar translated by Benjamin T. Crawford - The Hero of Molokai: Father Damien, Apostle of the Lepers
2020054: Englebert, Omar translated by Benjamin T Crawford - The Hero of Molokai: Father Damien, Apostle of the Lepers
2020184: [Baldessari, John] Engler, Martin editor - John Baldessari: The Stadel Paintings
562006: Ephron, Amy - Biodegradable Soap
562016: Erdrich, Louise Editor - The Best American Short Stories: 1993
658186: Erickson, KJ - Alone at Night
651744: Erickson, Carolly - Our Tempestuous Day: a History of Regency England
611119: Erickson, Carolly - Great Harry: the Extravagant Life of Henry VIII
752506: Ernst, Earle - The Kabuki Theatre
595613: Ernst, Morris L & Alan U Schwartz - Censorship: the Search for the Obscene
2020383: Esche, Charles & Mark Lewis editors - Afterall: Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry, Summer 2009, Volume 21
2020385: Esche, Charles & Mark Lewis editors - Afterall: Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry, Summer 2013, Volume 33
2020391: Esche, Charles & Mark Lewis editors - Afterall: Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry, Summer 20156, Volume 39
2020393: Esche, Charles & Mark Lewis editors - Afterall: Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry, Spring/Summer 2016, Volume 41
2020394: Esche, Charles & Mark Lewis editors - Afterall: Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry, Autumn/ Winter 2016, Volume 42
2020397: Esche, Charles & Mark Lewis editors - Afterall: Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry, Spring/Summer 2018, Volume 45
2020398: Esche, Charles & Mark Lewis editors - Afterall: Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry, Autumn/Winter 2018, Volume 46
2020434: Esche, Charles & Mark Lewis editors - Afterall: Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry, Spring/Summer 2019, Volume 47
2020386: Esche, Charles & Mark Lewis editors - Afterall: Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry, Autumn/ Winter 2013, Volume 34
2020387: Esche, Charles & Mark Lewis editors - Afterall: Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry, Spring 2014, Volume 35
2020388: Esche, Charles & Mark Lewis editors - Afterall: Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry, Summer 2014, Volume 36
2020435: Esche, Charles & Mark Lewis editors - Afterall: Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry, Spring 2012, Volume 29
581437: Eskapa, Shirley - Blood Fugue
562027: Esler, Anthony - The Blade of Castlemayne
657878: Eslick, Tom - Mountain Peril
2564020: Esperdy, Barielle - Modernizing Main Street: Architectcure and Consumer Culture in the New Deal
2018482: Espinosa, Jose E - Saints in the Valleys: Christian Sacred Images in the History, Life and Folk Art of Spanish New Mexico
653445: [Gruner, Silvia] Essay By Kelly Jones, Cuahtemoc Medina & Osvaldo Sanchez - Silvia Gruner: Collares & Reliquias
2019178: [Windett, Sam] essay by Herbert, Martin - Sam Windett
2021174: [Bochner, Mel] essays by Chritoophe Cherix, Laurent Jenny & James Meyer - Working Drawings and Other Visible Things on Paper Not Necessarily Meant to be Viewed as Art
2020635: essays by Russell Bowman, Linda L Cathcart, Donald Kuspit and Lisa Liebmann - Warhol/ Beuys/ Polke
2020322: [Havinden, Ashley] essays by Michael Havinden, Richard Hollis, Ann Simpson & Alice Strang - Ashley Havinden: Advertising & the Artist
2020701: [Haacke, Hans] essays by Leo Steinberg, Rosalyn Deutsche, Fredric Jameson, Brian Wallis & Hans Haacke - Hans Haacke: Unfinished Business
2020093: essays by Grita Insam, Klaus Honnef, Dietmar Steiner & Helmut Draxler - Raum Annehmen: Aspekte osterrieichischer Skulptur, 1950 bis 1985
2020320: essays by Chris Bruce, Mary Livingstone Beebe, Richard Koshalek, Norie Sato & Charles Wright - Breaking Down the Boundaries: Artists and Museums
2021137: [Partenheimer, Jurgen] essays by Bazon Brock, Uwe Wieczorek & Werner Schnell - Jurgen Partenheimer: Der Schein der Dinge/ Gentle Madness
752047: Essays By Benjamin L Mason, David Park Curry, Jane C Nylander & Celia Oliver & Robert Shaw With An Introduction By J - An American Sampler: Folk Art From the Shelburne Museum
572037: Esslin, Martin - Reflections: Essays on Modern Theater
623003: [Demille, Cecil B ] Essoe, Gabe & Raymond Lee - Demille: the Man and His Pictures
581440: Estleman, Loren D - Roses Are Dead
581444: Estleman, Loren D - Sweet Women Lie
656273: Estleman, Loren D - American Detective
581445: Estleman, Loren D - Billy Gashade
2018669: Eu, March K - Sons of Chong: A Fairy Tale
655221: Evanovich, Janet - Motor Mouth
651033: Evanovich, Janet - Hard Eight
651032: Evanovich, Janet - To the Nines
2564198: Evanovich, Janet - Plum Lucky
550511: Evanovich, Janet - Plum Lucky
2018666: Evanovich, Janet - Twelve Sharp
2564200: Evanovich, Janet - Ten Big Ones
581446: Evanovich, Janet - One for the Money
654108: Evans, John H - Playing God? : Human Genetic Engineering and the Rationalization of Public Bioethical Debate
657127: Evans, Sid Editor - Sports Afield: Trout Fisher's Almanac
2019115: Evans, Garth with a Commentry by Jon Wood - The Cardiff Tapes (1972)
562030: Evans, Nicholas - The Horse Whisperer
650497: Evans, David Allan Editor - New Voices in American Poetry
601510: Evers, Charles - [Medgar] Evers
623039: [Fields, WC ] Everson, William K - The Art of W. C. Fields
657722: Eversz, Robert - Digging James Dean
657723: Eversz, Robert - Burning Garbo
2564159: Eversz, Robert M - Killing Paparazzi
658162: Eversz, Robert - Zero to the Bone
581449: Eversz, Robert - False Profit
638008: Ewen, David Compiler - Popular American Composers: From Revolutionary Times to the Present
652505: Exposito, Alberto Martin Editor - Afinidades Electivas: Elective Affinities
581450: Eyre, Elizabeth - Curtains for the Cardinal
2023028: Fabre, Jan - Passage
562040: Fader, Daniel - The Naked Children
752099: Fairley, John & Simon Welfare With A Foreword And Epilogue By Arthur C Clarke - Arthur Clarke's World of Strange Powers
2018175: Fairstein, Linda - Hell Gate
2018177: Fairstein, Linda - Bad Blood
2018178: Fairstein, Linda - The Bone Vault
2564459: Fairstein, Linda - Silent Mercy
2564295: Fairstein, Linda - Killer Heat
2564296: Fairstein, Linda - Night Watch
2018176: Fairstein, Linda - The Dead-House
2564460: Fairstein, Linda - The Kills
2564115: Fairstein, Linda - Death Dance
655222: Fairstein, Linda - The Kills
2018174: Fairstein, Linda - Entombed
653467: Faler, Paul G - Mechanics and Manufacturers in the Early Industrial Revolution: Lynn, Massachusetts, 1780-1860
2018179: Faludi, Susan - Backlash: the Undeclared War Against American Women
2020050: Famighetti, Michael editor - Aperture 252
657156: O'Faolain, Nuala - Almost There: the Onward Journey of a Dublin Woman
652250: O'Faolain, Nuala - My Dream of You
611152: O'Faolain, Sean - Vive Moi! : an Autobiography
652327: O'Faolain, Julia - The Obedient Wife
651495: Farber, Thomas - The Beholder
657182: Farber, Thomas - The Beholder
562044: Farber, Thomas - Hazards to the Human Heart
657468: Farmer, Nancy - The Sea of Trolls
651539: Farmer, Philip Jose - The Unreasoning Mask
656940: Farmer, Philip Jose - Gods of Riverworld
2564298: Farnsworth, Christopher - Red, White and Blood
2564297: Farnsworth, Christopher - Blood Oath
2564118: Farnsworth, Christopher - The President's Vampire
657519: Farr, Dennis (Essay) - Impressionist & Post-Impressionist Masterpieces: the Courtauld Collection
581453: Farrell, Gillian B - Alibi for an Actress
586122: Farris, John - Scare Tactics
752388: Farris, Edmond J - Art Students' Anatomy
620121: Fascon, France (Curator) - Ecrans Politiques, Political Reflections
656237: Fasman, Jon - The Georgrapher's Library
615014: Fast, Howard - The Romance of a People: the History of the Jews
562046: Fast, Howard - The American: a Middle Western Legend
562057: Faulks, Sebastian - A Fool's Alphabet
586123: Faust, Ron - In the Forest of the Night
651205: Feild, Rachael - Collector's Style Guide: Victoriana
620308: Feinblatt, Ebria - Old Master Drawings From American Collections
651315: Feireiss, Kristin - Et Anelsens Observatrium: an Observatory of Premonition: Book of Copenhagen/Modeln of Copenhagen
2563014: Feldenkirchen, Toni - Neue Kolner Kirchen
2019134: Feldmann, Hans-Peter - Hans Peter-Feldmann
2020683: [Merz, Mario] essay by Zdenek Felix - Dove Sta Memoria
2019250: Fell, Alison, editor - Serious Hysterics
620023: Feng, Hsein-Ming - Important Finds of Ancient Chinese Ceramics Since 1949
658377: Fenollosa, Ernest F - Epochs of Chinese and Japanese Art (Volume Two Only)
2020206: Fenton, James - Leonardo's Nephew: Essays on Art and Artists
650165: Fenton, John H - Salt of the Earth: an Informal Portrait of Richard Cardinal Cushing
562064: Ferber, Edna - Great Son
562067: Fergus, Charles - Shadow Catcher
655528: Ferrall, Victor - Writing Wood: Essays and Other Scribblings Related to Wood and Me, an Exhibition of the Craft of Victor Ferrall
562068: Ferris, Paul - The Cure
570218: [Warren, Robert Penn] Ferriss, Lucy - Sleeping With the Boss: Female Subjectivity and Narrative Pattern in Robert Penn Warren
562070: Ferro, Robert - Second Son
650522: Feuerstein, Guenther - New Directions in German Architecture
656736: Fiechter, JJ - A Masterpiece of Revenge
550300: Fiedler, Leslie - The Second Stone
752317: [Johns, Jasper] Field, Richard S - Jasper Johns: Prints, 1970-1977
752318: [Johns, Jasper] Field, Richard S - Jasper Johns: Prints, 1970-1977
615015: Field, Walter L - A People's Epic: Highlights of Jewish History in Verse
2021124: Field, Evan - What Nigel Knew
571069: Field, Eugene - The Writings in Prose and Verse of Eugene Field: the Holy Cross (Vol. Six)
2562010: Filedkt Kok, JP - Rembrandt Etchings & Drawings in the Rembrandt House: a Catalogue
550002: Files, Yvonne De Ridder - The Quest for Freedom: Belgian Resistance in World War II
612008: Filipovic, Zlata - Zlata's Diary
624027: Fillmore, John Comfort - Pianoforte: Its History With Biographical Sketches and Critical Estimates of Its Greatest Players
2564153: Finder, Joseph - Power Play
2564175: Finder, Joseph - Paranoia
2564212: Finder, Joseph - Company Man
655600: Findley, Timothy - The Piano Man's Daughter
562073: Findley, Timothy - You Went Away
652151: [Whistler, James Macneil] Fine, Ruth With An Annotated Bibliography By Eric Denker - Drawing Near: Whistler Etchings From the Zelman Collection
651734: Fine, Elsa Honig - Women & Art: a History of Women Painters and Sculptors From the Renaissance to the 20th Century
656082: Fischer, Norbert - Haupstadte Um 1900
656090: Fischl, Eric - Eric Fischl
2020269: Fish, Kathleen DeVanna - The Great Vegetarian Cookbook: The Chefs' Secret Recipes
562075: Fisher, Alan - The Rage of Angels
590161: Fishman, Jack - Long Knives and Short Memories
650712: Fiske, Patricia L, W Russell Pickering & Ralph S Yohe Editors - From the Far West: Carpets and Textiles of Morocco [De L'Extreme Occident: Tapis Et Textiles Du Maroc]
752461: Fitchen, John - The Construction of Gothic Cathedrals: a Study of Medieval Valut Erection
561000: [Agee, James] Fitzgerald, Robert Editor - The Collected Short Prose of James Agee
601132: Fitzgerald, Frances - Cities on a Hill: a Journey Through Contemporary American Cultures
562078: Fitzgibbon, Constantine - In the Bunker
657524: O'Flaherty, Joseph S - Those Powerful Years: the South Coast and Los Angeles, 1887-1917
623041: Flamini, Roland - Scarlett, Rhett and a Cast of Thousands: the Filming of Gone With the Wind
562079: Flanagan, Mary - The Blue Woman
658130: Flander, Scott - Sons of the City
2019307: Flanner, Janet with a New introduction by Rosamond Bernier - Men & Monuments: Profiles of Picasso, Matisse, Braque & Malraux
653595: Flanner, Janet Edited By William Shawn - Paris Journal, 1947-1965
651781: Flannery, Tim - The Birth of Sydney
651497: Fleetwood, Hugh - The Witch
612056: Fleischer, Victor - Rienzo: the Rise and Fall of a Dictator
2020150: Fleiss, Elein editor - The Purple Journal: Number 5, Summer 05
2021162: Fleiss, Elein & Sebastien Jamain eds. - The Purple Journal
657063: Fleming, Renee - The Inner Voice: the Making of a Singer
652343: Fleming, Patricia Edited With Thomas Carpenter - Traditions in Wood: a History of Wildfowl Decoys in Canada
654144: [Adam, Robert] Fleming, John - Robert Adam and His Circle
562085: Fleming, Barry - Family Reunion
562088: Fleming, Stephen - The Exile of Sergeant Nen
655390: Flood, John - Bag Men
2020688: [Merz, Gerhard] essay by Richard Flood - Gerhard Merz: A Sojourn in Italy
562089: Flook, Maria - Family Night
562090: Flook, Maria - You Have the Wrong Man
581461: Flynn, Don - A Suitcase in Berlin
658146: Flynn, Joseph - The Next President
2564300: Flynn, Vince - The Last Man
2021227: Foer, Jonathan Safran - Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
2021346: Follett, Ken - The Key to Rebecca
581466: Folsom, Allan - The Day After Tomorrow
581465: Folsom, Allan - The Day After Tomorrow
657968: Folsom, Allan - The Machiavelli Covenant
655175: Folsom, Allan - Day of Confession
658310: Folsom, Allan - The Day After Tomorrow
581467: Forbes, Bryan - The Endless Game
2563239: Ford, Henry Chapman - Etchings of California
655622: Ford, GM - No Man's Land
638009: Ford, Boris Editor - The Cambridge Guide to the Arts in Britain: Since the Second World War (Vol. 9)
655078: Ford, Richard - A Multitude of Sins
657882: Ford, Clyde - Precious Cargo
562096: Ford, Richard - Independence Day
656641: Ford, Hugh With A Foreword By Glenway Wescott - Four Lives in Paris
600709: Forde, C Daryll - Habitat, Economy and Society: a Geographical Introduction to Ethnology
2020624: [Shutte, Thomas] Foreword by Jochen Poetter with essays by Bettina Durr, Bettina Hesse & Martin Hentschel - Thomas Schutte
2020575: [Kienholz, Edward & Nancy] Foreword by Peter Goulds, an Introduction by Lisa Jann and Notes by Nancy Reddin Kienholz - Edward & Nancy Kienholz: The Merry-Go-World or Begat by Chance and The Wonder Horse Trigger
752370: Forgacs, Eva & Eva Bajkay - Janos Mattis Teutsch and the Hungarian Avant-Garde, 1910-1935
750027: Forman, James D - Prince Charlie's Year
581470: Forrest, Richard - Death Through the Looking Glass
581471: Forrest, Richard - The Death at Yew Corner
615016: Forster, Arnold & Benjamin R Epstein - The New Anti-Semitism
653566: Forster-Hahn, Francoise - French and School of Paris Painting in the Yale University Art Gallery: a Catalogue Raisonne
620260: [Hassam, Childe] Fort, Ilene Susan - The Flag Paintings of Childe Hassam
2020094: Fortin, Sylvie - Art Papers: Striking Ideas + Moving Images + Smart Texts
658040: Fossum, Karin Translated By Charlotte Barslund - Black Seconds
586130: Foster, Alan Dean - Into the Out of
611124: Foster, Elizabeth - Children of the Mist
2020708: Foster, Hal - Recodings: Art, Spectacle, Cultural Politics
2020501: Foster, Tony, Jonathan Harvey & James Lingwood - New Works for Different Places: Derry, Glasgow, Newcastle, Plymouth
655196: Foucault, Michel Translated & Edited By James Harkness With Illustrations And Letters By Rene Magrittte - This is Not a Pipe
550310: Fourcade, Francois - Art Treasures From the Peking Museum
652224: Fowler, Earlene - Broken Dishes
562101: Fowler, Connie May - Sugar Cage
562102: Fowler, Connie May - Sugar Cage
562103: Fowler, Connie May - River of Hidden Dreams
656937: Fowler, Earlene - Irish Chain
656936: Fowler, Earlene - Kansas Troubles
562112: Fowles, John - A Maggot
562110: Fowles, John - A Maggot
562111: Fowles, John - A Maggot
562105: Fowles, John - The Ebony Tower
562106: Fowles, John - The Ebony Tower
562109: Fowles, John - Mantissa
562113: Fowles, John - A Maggot
656317: Fox, HB - The 2000-Mile Turtle and Other Episodes From Editor Harold Smith's Private Journal
752049: Fox, Sandi - Small Endearments: 19th Century Quilts for Children and Dolls
102397: [Antin, Eleanor] Fox, Howard with an essay by Lisa E Bloom - Eleanor Antin
2563232: Fox, James - Five Sisters: the Langhornes of Virginia
653453: Fox, Martin With Text By Barbara Allen Guilfoyle & J Roger Guilfoyle - Print Casebooks 5, 1982-1983, the Best in Packaging
2562019: Fox, J Ronald Editor - Defense and Aeropace Glossary for Project Management
562114: Fox, Peter - Down Time
581485: Francis, Dick - Longshot
581486: Francis, Dick - Driving Force
581484: Francis, Dick - The Edge
650047: Francis, Craig - Wolf Winter
581482: Francis, Dick - Break in
581483: Francis, Dick - Straight
581491: Francis, Dick - 10 Lb. Penalty
581492: Francis, Dick - Field of 13
657024: Francis, Dick - Whip Hand
581487: Francis, Dick - Comeback
581488: Francis, Dick - Wild Horses
581489: Francis, Dick - Come to Grief
2563205: Francis, Daniel - Copying People: Photographing British Columbia First Nations, 1860-1940
581490: Francis, Dick - Come to Grief
657953: Francisco, Ruth - Confessions of a Death Maiden
657973: Francisco, Ruth - Good Morning, Darkness
2020602: [Klee, Paul] Franciscono, Marcel - Paul Klee: His Work and Thought
2018011: Frank, Jona With An Introduction By Hanna Rosin & An Essay By Colin Westerbeck - Right: Portraits From the Evangelical Ivy League
620077: [Shaw, Cameron] Frank, Peter - Cameron Shaw
752589: Frank, Bruno Translated By HT Lowe-Porter - A Man Called Cervantes
2020805: Fraser, Antonia - Oxford Blood
581497: Fraser, Antonia - Jemima Shore at the Sunny Grave
581498: Fraser, Antonia - Jemima Shore's First Case and Other Stories
2020804: Fraser, Antonia - Oxford Blood
2021263: Frayn, Michael - Headlong
654054: Frayn, Michael - Spies
2021262: Frayn, Michael - Headlong
655079: Frazier, Ian - Family
550411: Frazier, Ian - Nobody Better, Better Than Nobody
655372: Frazier, Charles (Foreword) & An Introduction By Anthony Minghella & Photographs By Phl Bray, Demmie Todd & Brigitte Lacombe - Cold Mountain: the Journey From Book to Film
656030: Frazier, Ian - Family
562072: Frazier, Ian - Family
562122: Frazier, Ian - Nobody Better, Better Than Nobody
658115: Freadhoff, Chuck - Blue Rain
656056: Frederickson, Kristen & Sarah E Webb Editors - Singular Women: Writing the Artist
658126: Fredrickson, Michael - A Defense for the Dead
2021331: Freedberg, S.J. - Painting of the High Renaissance in Rome and Florence (two volumes: Text and Plates)
2564179: Freedman, JF - Fallen Idols
2564301: Freedman, JF - Above the Law
2564126: Freedman, JF - Bird's-Eye View
2023007: Freedman, JF - Against the Wind
752010: Freedman, Adele - Sight Lines: Looking at Architecture and Design in Canada
752580: Freedman, Russell - Lincoln: a Photobiography
581501: Freeling, Nicolas - No Part in Your Death
2564303: Freeman, Brian - Stripped
600408: Freeman, Lucy - The Beloved Prison: a Journey Into the Unknown Self
581507: Freemantle, Brian - The Button Man
581503: Freemantle, Brian - The Blind Run
581505: Freemantle, Brian - The Choice of Eddie Franks
581504: Freemantle, Brian - The Blind Run
2563028: Frehner, Christina And Matthias - Oscar Reinhart Collection "Am Romerholz" Winterthur
590137: Freidel, Frank - Over There: the Story of America's First Great Crusade Overseas
2564014: [Masaccio] Fremantle, Richard - Masaccio: the Complete Paintings By the Master of Perspective
2019214: French, Tana - Faithful Place
562129: French, Marilyn - Her Mother's Daughter
562132: French, Marilyn - Our Father
650869: French, Peter A, Theodore E Uehling, Jr, & Howard K Wettstein Editors - Moral Concepts
2023041: Freud, Sigmund - The Collected Papers of Sigmund Freud: Vol. III
562133: Freud, Esther - Summer at Gaglow
600410: Freud, Sigmund - An Autobiographical Study
657450: [Kessler, Leopold] Freudenberger, Annette Editor - Leopold Kessler
600413: Freund, Anna - The Psycho-Analytical Treatment of Children
657637: Freveletti, Jamie - Running From the Devil
655623: Frey, Stephen - The Insider
2018182: Frey, Stephen - Silent Partner
2018183: Frey, Stephen - Hell's Gate
581509: Frey, Stephen W - The Vulture Fund
2021332: Katja Friebel - Experiment Wohnen - Konzepta Ritterstrasse 4 Architektengruppen entwerfen einen Blockrand in der Südlichen Friedrichstadt.
655433: Friedan, Betty - The Fountain of Age
650106: Friedlaender, Walter Translated By Robert Goldwater - David to Delacroix
596002: Friedlander, Anna Fay - The Shared Time Strategy: Prospects and Trends in the Growing Partnership Between Public and Church Schools
655525: Friedlander, Walter - David to Delacroix
655624: Friedman, Bruce Jay - About Harry Towns
581510: Friedman, Kinky - A Case of Lone Star
581516: Friedman, Mickey - A Temporary Ghost
581512: Friedman, Kinky - Armadillos & Old Lace
657120: Friedman, Martin Et Al - The Frozen Image: Scandinavian Photography
581511: Friedman, Kinky - Frequent Flyer
562137: Friedman, Bruce Jay - Scuba Duba
562139: Friedman, Bruce Jay - About Harry Towns
581515: Friedman, Mickey - Paper Phoenix
562142: Friedman, Bruce Jay - A Father's Kisses
562140: Friedman, Bruce Jay - Let's Hear It for a Beautiful Guy
656662: Friedman, Thomas L - The World is Flat: a Brief History of the Twenty-First Century
590256: Friendly, Alfred - Beaufort of the Admiralty: the Life of Sir Francis Beaufort 1774-1857
2562026: Friendly, Alfred - Beaufort of the Admiralty: the Life of Sir Francis Beaufort, 1774-1857
657586: Frost, Scott - Never Fear
657587: Frost, Scott - Run the Risk
571074: Frost, Robert - Early Poems
562145: Frucht, Abby - Are You Mine?
650291: Fruge, August - A Skeptic Among Scholars: August Fruge on University Publishing
2563192: Fu, Tianchou Editor With An Introduction By Sidney Shapiro - The Underground Terracotta Army of Emperor Qin Shi Huang
650983: Fuchs, Rudi & Adam D Weinberg - Views From Abroad: European Perspectives on American Art 1
658103: [Kounellis, Jannis] Fuchs, RH - Jannis Kounellis
2019305: Fuchs, Rudi (curator) - Ouverture/ Arte conemporanea
620129: Fuchs, RL - De Statua
562150: Fuentes, Carlos - Diana, the Goddess Who Hunts Alone
562151: Fuentes, Carlos Translated By Alfred Macadam - The Campaign
562152: Fuentes, Carlos Translated By Margaret Sayers Peden - The Hydra Head
610143: Fulbright, William With Seth P Tillman - The Price of Empire
571075: Fuller, John Editor - New Poetry 8: an Arts Council Anthology
623044: Fulton, AR - Motion Pictures: the Development of an Art From Silent Films to the Age of Television
562154: Furman, Laura - The Shadow Line
656733: Furst, Alan - Blood of Victory
2019041: Furst, Alan - Kingdom of Shadows
650039: Furst, Alan - The World at Night
2018437: Furtado, Peter Et Al - The Ordnance Survey Guide to Castles in Britain
581517: Furutani, Dale - The Toyotomi Blades
2564306: Fusilli, Jim - Closing Time
2564307: Fusilli, Jim - Tribeca Blues
656838: Fust, Alan - Red Gold
581519: Fyfield, Frances - Shadow Play
650055: Fyfield, Frances - A Clear Conscience
581518: Fyfield, Frances - Not That Kind of Place
614511: Gabrieli, Francesco - A Short History of the Arabs
611126: Gadd, David - The Loving Friends: a Portrait of Bloomsbury
562160: Gadol, Peter - Coyote
562161: Gadol, Peter - The Mystery Roast
562162: Gadol, Peter - Closer to the Sun
581004: [Izzi, Eugene] Gaitano, Nick - Mr. X
562163: Gaitskill, Mary - Two Girls Fat and Thin
656480: Gaitskill, Mary - Two Girls Fat and Thin
590107: Gallagher, Gary W - Lee and His Generals in War and Memory
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