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Click on booknumber for full information
71-0206: Christie's (Paris) - Vues de France. Tableaux Et Aquarelles Topographiques. Paris. November 7, 2006. Sale # France-5455. Lot #'s 1-116
71-0207: Christie's (Paris) - Art Impressionniste Et Moderne. Dont Un Ensemble D'Oeuvres Provenant de L'Atlier Degas. Paris. May 24, 2006. Sale # Edgar-5440. Lot #'s 1-205
71-0208: Christie's (Paris) - Collection D'Un Amateur. Tableaux Et Dessins Post-Impressionnistes Et Modernes. Paris. September 28, 2002. Sale # Fleur-5031. Lot #'s 1-44
71-0209: Christie's (Paris) - Art Impressionniste + Moderne. Paris. December 2, 2008. Sale # Melina-5535. Lot #'s 1-182
71-0210: Christie's (Paris) - Art Impressionniste Et Moderne. Paris. December 3, 2007. Sale # Camille-5485. Lot #'s 1-232
71-0211: Christie's (Paris) - Art Impressionniste Et Moderne. Paris. May 23, 2007. Sale # Lulu-5468. Lot #'s 1-234
71-0205: Christie's (Paris) - Collection Du Professeur René Küss. Paris. December 1, 2006. Sale # Honfleur-5496. Lot #'s 1-335
19-2912: Jean-Louis Picard (Paris) - Estampes Anciennes Et Modernes. Estampes Ecoles Anciennes, Gravures Du XVIII Siecle Ou Du Debut XIX Siecle, Estampes Des XIX Et XX Siecles, Aeronautique, Imagerie, Portraits Et Pieces Historiques, Vues. Paris. September 27, 1995. Lot #S 1-213
15-1498: Harrison of Paris and Katherine Anne Porter - Prospectus for Hacienda by Katherine Anne Porter
18-9190: Paul Prouté S.A. (Paris, FR) - Dessins Originaux Moderns, No. 64 & 73. [Two Auction Catalogues]
19-0339: Christie's (Paris) - Photographies Contemporaines. Samedi 16 Novembre 2013
63-8735: GL Manuel Freres (Paris); Huguette Duflos - Huguette Duflos Autographed Photo
12-0096: Draeger Frères (Paris) - Versailles: Le Chateau, 12 Cartes Postales En Coleurs
15-9971: Ader Nordmann (Paris) - Photographies & Livres de Photographies--Salle Des Ventes Favart, 15 Novembre, 2015. Lots # 1-448
15-9970: Ader Nordmann (Paris) - Livres de Photographies--Salle Des Ventes Favart, 17 Septembre, 2015. Lots # 1-354
15-9790: Yvon (Paris) - Fontainebleau. Son Palais - Sa Foret
63-8832: GL Manuel Freres (Paris) - Post Card Autographed by Jean [Loutour?]
15-7933: Ader Picard Tajan (Paris) - Tableaux Modernes
15-7932: Ader Picard Tajan (Paris) - Estampes. Gravures Des XVII Et Xviiie Siecles. Singerie. Monument Du Costume En Tirage de Neuwied. Estampes Des Xixe Et Xxe Siecles
15-7931: Ader Picard Tajan (Paris) - Importants Tableaux Modernes
15-7930: Ader Picard Tajan (Paris) - Aquarelles, Dessins, Gouaches, Pastels. Sculptures. Tableaux Modernes
15-7929: Ader Picard Tajan (Paris) - Estampes Anciennes Et Gravure de Sport. Affiches. Estampes Modernes
15-7928: Daniel Malingue (Paris) - Maitres Impressionnistes Et Modernes
15-7927: Daniel Malingue (Paris) - Maitres Impressionnistes Et Modernes
15-7923: Pierre Cornette de Saint-Cyr (Paris) - Autographes. Tableaux Modernes. Tableaux Contemporains
15-7924: Pierre Cornette de Saint-Cyr (Paris) - Tableaux Modernes. Tableaux Anciens. Objets D'Art & D'Ameublement Tapisseries
15-7925: Pierre Cornette de Saint-Cyr (Paris) - Tableaux Des Xixe Et Xxe Siecles
15-7926: Daniel Malingue (Paris) - Maitres Impressionnistes Et Modernes
15-7944: Gabrielle Ionesco (Paris) - Beaux Tableaux Anciens, Tableaux Modernes, Beaux Bijoux, Et Al.
15-7941: Yves de Cagny (Paris) - Tableaux Meubles Et Objets D'Art
19-0790: PIasa Paris - Bibliothèque François Mignard. Livres Anciens D'Architecture Et de Décoration. 27 Novembre 2003 à 14h15
63-8677: Studio Aragen (Paris) - Reprint of Elvis Presley Autographed Photograph
69-1303: Tijan (Paris) - Grands Vins & Spiritueux. 29 June 2018. Lot #S 1-508
63-9053: Photo Keystone (Paris) - B&W Photograph of Vietnam War Protest in Washington, Dc, May 10, 1971
69-1278: Remy le Fur (Paris) - Couverts & Couteaux de Collection, Dessins & Tableaux Anciens, Archeologie, Mobilier & Objets D'Art. 23 November 2021. Lot #S 1-324
15-8809: Galerie Lelong (Paris) - Konrad Klapheck: A L'Age de la Violence. October 29 - November 26, 1997
68-4584: Studio Carlet Aine (Paris) - Autographed B&W Photo of French Actor Georges Guetary
19-2930: Ader Tajan (Paris) - Estampes. Paris. June 16, 1993. Lot #S 1-194
15-7951: Christian Delorme (Paris) - Collection D'Un Amateur. 22 Juin, 1982
51-3208: Paris, Harold (1925-1979) - Dossier of the Guggenheim Fellowship to the Artist Harold Paris
69-1310: EVE (Paris) - Instruments Scientifiques, Sciences Naturelles, Papillons Et Insectes, Tableaux Anciens Et Modernes, Extreme Orient, Mobilier Et Objets D'Art, Tapis-Tapisseries, Numismatique, Bijoux, Objets de Vitrine, Orfevrerie Ancienne, Tableaux Modernes. 5 December - 7 December 2018. Lot #S 1-799. 24
69-1309: EVE (Paris) - Art Japonais, Art Chinois, Tableaux Anciens, Tableaux Modernes, Mobilier Ancien. 26 June 2018. Lot #S 1-441
18-6574: Hotel Drouot (Paris) - Objets D'Art Et D'Ameublement Principalement Du XVIII Siecle. March 17, 1964. Lot #S 1 - 181. [Auction Catalogue]
63-8801: Films Paramount (Paris); Meg Lemonnier - Post Card Autographed by Meg Lemonnier
69-1289: Gros & Delettrez (Paris) - Malles Louis Vuitton & Divers. 24 November - 25 November 2020. Lot #S 1-744
15-11176: Sotheby's (Paris) - Arts Decoratifs Du Xxe Siecle & Design. 3 June 2008. Sale Number: Pf 8006. Lots # 1-67
15-7945: M. Boscher & A. Gossart (Paris) - Tableaux Anciens, Tableaux Modernes, Dessins, Pastels, Gouaches, Peintures, Et Al.
15-7946: Stephane Deurbergue (Paris) - Estampes, Tableaux Modernes, Bronzes, Art 1900
15-10925: Musee Guimet (Paris); Asia Society; Jeannine Auboyer (intr) - Rarities of the Musee Guimet
15-10896: Editions Galerie Lahumiere (Paris) - Editions Galerie Lahumiere
15-10745: Paul Prouté S.A. (Paris) - Dessins Originaux. Catalogue No. 57, Printemps 1973. Lots # 1-929
15-10746: Paul Prouté S.A. (Paris) - Dessins Originaux. Catalogue No. 58, Automne 1973. Lots # 1-949
75-0978: Christie's Paris, Jeanne Lanvin - Collection Jeanne Lanvin: Fondations Polignac Kerjean Et Forteresse de Polignac, Lot #S 1-31, Sale #5590
15-10775: Galerie Herve Odermatt (Paris); Vladimir Velickovic; Alain Jouffroy - Velickovic: Course Contre L'Impossible
15-10661: Ader Picard Tajan (Paris) - Gravures. April 28, 1977. Lots 1 - 178
15-10662: Ader Picard Tajan (Paris) - Collection D'Un Amateur Estampes. May 11, 1977. Lots 1 - 127
15-10655: Ader Picard Tajan (Paris) - Tableaux Modernes. June 29, 1977. Lots 1 - 217
15-10656: Ader Picard Tajan (Paris) - Tableaux Modernes. June 21-22, 1976. Lots 1 - 346
63-8815: Cinemagazine (Paris); Rene Lefevre - Post Card Autographed with Dedication by Rene Lefevre
63-8816: Films Paramount (Paris); Meg Lemonnier - Post Card Autographed by Meg Lemonnier
63-8953: Photo Keystone (Paris) - B&W Photograph of Leaders of the Paris Student Uprising of 1968: Dr. Gismar, M. Sauvageot, Daniel Cohn-Bendit & Michel Recanati. May 2, 1968
63-9000: Photo Keystone (Paris) - B&W Photograph of Grigoris Lambrakis, April 21, 1963
63-9020: Photo Keystone (Paris) - B&W Photograph of Police Evacuating Occupants at the Odeon in Paris, After the May 1968 Student Uprisings. June 15, 1968
63-9043: Photo Keystone (Paris) - B&W Photograph of Italian Communist, July 26, 1969
63-9059: Photo Keystone (Paris) - B&W Photograph of "a Kommune Happening... Took Place in the 'Berliner Kurfurstendamm' When the Student Fritz Teufel (Bearded) Was Released from the Detention. " August 16, 1967
19-6147: Ader Picard Tajan (Paris) - P. E Clairin (1897-1980): Estampes, Aquarelles, Peintures. March 20, 1990. Lots 1 - 95
19-6150: Jean Morelle & Pascale Marchandet (Paris) - Affiches de Collections. December 5, 1996. Lots 1 - 293
15-4450: Alde (Paris) - Livres Anciens Et Modernes. Paris, 14 Avril 2011. Sale No. 65
15-4451: Alde (Paris) - Livres Illustrés Modernes. Paris, 29 Avril 2010. Sale No. 48
15-4448: Kapandji Morhange (Paris) - Tableaux & Dessins Anciens; Tableaux Modernes; Extreme-Orient; Bijoux; Mobilier - Objets D'Art;XX Siècle. Paris, Mercredi 9 Février 2011
15-4449: Alde (Paris) - Dessins Et Estampes. Livres Anciens Et Modernes. Paris, 18 Juin 2010. Sale No. 53
15-8110: Galerie Maeght (Paris); Raoul Ubac; André Frénaud - Ubac. Derrière le Miroir, No. 251
15-5088: Christie's (Paris) - Art D'Apres-Guerre Et Contemporain, 9 December 2008
15-5145: Christie's. Paris, 11 Decembre 2007 - Art D'Après-Guerre Et Contemporain
19-10147: Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris - Kees Van Dongen, le Peintre: 1877-1968
15-10322: La Sirene (Paris) - La Sirene: Estampes Et Dessins Anciens
15-10323: Arsene Bonafous-Murat (Paris) - Estampes
15-10325: Galerie Documents (Paris) - Catalogue No. 11, 1995
15-10312: Galerie Documents (Paris) - Catalogue No. 6, 1988. A L'Occasion de Notre Exposition "Affiches D'Artistes Generation 80. " June 16 - July 13, 1988
15-10296: Galerie Andre Candillier (Paris) - Estampes Originales Du XVIII Au XX Siecle: Catalogue 1993. Lots 1 - 54
15-8889: Musee Galliera (Paris) - La Maison Breguet: Horlogerie
15-8866: Drouot Montaigne (Paris) - Art Contemporain. December 15, 1990. Lots 1-64
15-8817: Galerie Lelong (Paris) - Tapies: Espirit de Papier. April 3 - May 20, 1998
15-8818: Galerie Lelong (Paris) - Sean Scully, March 20 - May 24, 1997
15-8819: Galerie Andre Candillier (Paris) - Louis-Marin Bonnet: Bouquest de Fleurs, November 20 - December 20, 1996
15-8820: Galerie de la Bouquinerie de L'Institut (Paris) - Bernard Cathelin
15-8816: Galerie Lelong (Paris) - Jan Voss: Au Sense Figure. December 3, 1997 - January 30, 1998
71-5389: Mirabaud Mercier. (Paris) - Manuscrits, Livres Anciens Et Modernes, Dont Bibliotheque D'Edmond Et Paul Raphael Provenant Du Chateau de Frenouville Et a Divers Amateurs. (Auction at Mirabaud Mercier, L'Hotel Drouot, Paris, 21 February 2019). Lots 1-366
15-10162: Piasa (Paris) - Estampes Et Dessins. 30 Octobre, 1997. Lot # 1- 260
63-8871: Pathe Natan (Paris); Albert Prejean - Post Card Autographed by Albert Prejean
63-8872: Studio Pour Vous (Paris); Albert Prejean - Post Card Autographed by Albert Prejean
15-10071: Levy Fils & Cie (Paris) - Cartes Postale: Chantilly
15-5492: Harrison of Paris; Lord Byron; Sir Francis Cyril Rose (ill.) - Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. A Romaunt by Lord Byron
15-10008: Galerie Schmit (Paris) - Maitres Francais Xixe-Xxe Siecles. 4 Mai-16 Juillet 1988. Lot #S 1-80
15-10891: Galerie Sagot (Paris); Felix Valloton - Valloton. 3 Mai 1979
15-4824: Christie's (Paris) - Arts Decoratifs Du Xxeme Siecle Et Design, 26 November 2008
69-1305: EVE (Paris) - Objets de Vitrine, Bijoux, Montres, Orfevrerie. 24 October 2018. Lot #S 1-258
19-2921: Jean-Louis Picard (Paris) - Estampes, Beaux Livres Anciens Et Modernes. Paris. December 17, 1993. Lot #S 1-278
19-2922: Jean-Louis Picard (Paris) - Livres D'Art de Reference Et Catalogues Raisonnes. Paris. October 11, 1991. Lot #S 1-285
19-2920: Jean-Louis Picard (Paris) - Estampes. Tres Belles Estampes Des XIX Et XX Siecles. Paris. January 24, 1992. Lot #S 1-170
68-4597: [Cinemonde (Paris).] - Periodical Clipping Featuring French Actor Georges Guetary
15-5051: Christie's. Paris, 16 Novembre 2008 - Arts Decoratifs, Tableauxet Dessins Du XVI Au XIX Siecle
51-1614: Barbizet & Co. de Paris - Palissy Ware - Poteries Gengre Palissy Par Barbizet, Paris, France.
15-8055: Artcurial Centre D'Art Plastique Contemporain (Paris) - Vieira Da Silva: Un Choix D'Estampes Rares
11-0095: Bibliothèque Romantique (Paris) - Collection Joseph, Antoine Et Pierre Dumas. Première Partie
71-5291: Societe Philanthropique des Maitres Tailleurs de Paris - Societe Philanthropique Des Maitres Tailleurs de Paris. Saison D'Hiver 1899-1900
68-4585: Sirius (Paris) - Newspaper Clipping with B&W Photo of French Actor Georges Guetary & Others, in Casanova
63-8873: Studio Pour Vous (Paris); Albert Prejean - Post Card Autographed by Albert Prejean
71-5353: Gros & Delettrez. (Paris) - Hermes Vintage. (Auction at Drouot, Paris, 17 December 2018). Lots 1-629
17-5142: Versailles Hôtel Rameau (Paris) - Tableaux Modernes. March 6, 1983. Lots 1-200
17-5143: Ader Picard Tajan (Paris) - Steinlen (Gravures, Dessins, Pastels, Peintures Et Sculptures) April 18, 1986. Lots 1-215
71-5378: Fraysse & Associes. (Paris) - Haute Curiosite Et Objets de Vitrine. Exceptionnel Ensemble de Glyptique. Tableaux Anciens Et Modernes. Collections D'Instruments de Musique Et Scientifiques. Objets D'Art Et de Tres Bel Ameublement. Tapis-Taisseries. (Auction at Fraysse & Associes, L'Hotel Drouot, Paris, 10 December 2021). Lots 1-175
71-5384: A & M (Audap-Mirabaud). (Paris) - Art Moderne Et Contemporain. (Auction at Drouot, Paris, 27 June 2018). Lots 1-278
63-8864: Studio Piaz (Paris); Germaine Aussey - Post Card Autographed by Germaine Aussey
63-8865: Studio Piaz (Paris); Germaine Aussey - Post Card Autographed by Germaine Aussey
13-0619: Christie's (Paris) - Art D'Après-Guerre Et Contemporain. Sale No. 5536. December 9, 2008
13-0314: Izdaneie Religeiozeio-Filosofsofi Adademii (Paris) - Put': Organ Russkoe Religioznoi Mysli = Voie: Revue Religieuse Russe. No. 11 = Voix: Revue Religieuse Russe
13-0315: Izdaneie Religeiozeio-Filosofsofi Adademii (Paris) - Put': Organ Russkoe Religioznoi Mysli = Voie: Revue Religieuse Russe. No. 12 = Voix: Revue Religieuse Russe
13-0089: Librairie Auguste Blaizot (Paris) - éditions Originales, Livres Illustrés, Romantiques Et Modernes, Belles Reliures. Catalogue No. 341
17-4365: Christie's(Paris) - Christie's Art Impressioniste and Moderne. December 2, 2008. Melina-5535. Lots 1-182
19-2620: Ader Nordmann (Paris) - Photographies. June 2, 2016. Paris. Lot #S 1-436
19-2621: Hotel Drouot (Paris) - Importantes Estampes. June 21, 1995. Paris. Lot #S 140-482
15-8648: Harrison of Paris - The Publications of Harrison of Paris. Autumn 1931
12-1570: Binoche Rinaud Giquello (Paris) - Livres Anciens Et Reliures Romantiques, éditions Originales Des Xixe Et Xxe Siècles, Livres Illustrés Modernes
15-10163: Piasa (Paris) - Estampes Anciennes Et Modernes. 21 Novembre, 1997. Lot # 1- 318
15-9699: Palais Des Arts (Paris) - Premiere Confrontation Internationale de Films de Et Sur le Theatre. 9 - 22 Novembre, 1977
12-1371: Institut d'urbanisme de l'Academie de Paris - Institut D'Urbanisme de L'Academie de Paris. Année Universitaire 1975-1976
75-1771: Hotels Paris - Dinner Menu for Hotels Paris
63-8802: Films Paramount (Paris); Meg Lemonnier - Post Card Autographed by Meg Lemonnier
63-8807: Films Paramount (Paris); Meg Lemonnier - Post Card Autographed by Meg Lemonnier
63-8808: Studio Lorelle (Paris); Meg Lemonnier - Post Card Autographed by Meg Lemonnier
63-8810: Kores (Paris); Robert Lamoureux - Photo of Robert Lamoureux
15-4864: Christie's (Paris) - Collection Alan Mann D'Art Africain, 4 December 2008
15-4863: Christie's (Paris) - Art Africain Et Oceanien, 4 December 2008
69-1288: Gros & Delettrez (Paris) - Bijoux Anciens & Modernes. 10 November 2020. Lot #S 1-396
12-0131: Houdé (Paris) - Postcards for Sweden and China
12-0820: Hotel Drouot (Paris) - Ventes Aux Enchères Publiques à Paris, Hotel Drouot, Palais Galliera
12-0741: Bibliothèque nationale (Paris, France) - Catalogue Des Ouvrages de César Conservés Au Département Des Imprimés
12-0737: Hotel Drouot (Paris) - Tableaux & Dessins Anciens: Aquarelles - Gouaches
12-0645: Drouot-Richelieu (Paris) - Art Ottoman, Art D'Orient
12-0446: Tajan (Paris) - Art D'Après-Guerre Et Contemporain
12-0409: Ader (Paris) - Jean-émile Laboureur: Estampes Et Dessins, Collection J. -P.L. -L
71-5393: Ader Nordmann & Dominque (Paris) - Bijoux & Montres. (Auction at Ader Nordmann & Dominque, L'Hotel Drouot, Paris, 5 June 2019). Lots 1-390
15-4704: Christie's. Paris, 1 Decembre 2008 - Collection Jeanne Lanvin. Foundations Polignac Kerjean Et Forteresse de Polignac
15-4744: Christie's (Paris) - Art D'Asie. Vendredi 21 Novembre, 2008
12-0135: Kunzli Frères (Paris) - La Poste Aux Etats-Unis D'Amerique (Nord)
11-1214: Action artistique de la Ville de Paris - Action Artistique de la Ville de Paris. Exposition 20 Décembre 2002-4 Mars 2003
11-1178: Sotheby's (Paris) - å’Uvres Provenant de la Collection Liliane Et Michel Durand-Dessert
75-0031: Sotheby's (Paris) - Art Impressionniste & Moderne. 1 June 2011. Auction #Pf1106. Lot #S 1-98
15-7922: Pierre Cornette de Saint-Cyr (Paris) - Tableaux Anciens, Meubles Et Objets D'Art, Tapis Et Tapisseries
15-7921: Pierre Cornette de Saint-Cyr (Paris) - Tableaux Et Sculptures Des Xixe Et Xxe Siecles
15-7920: Pierre Cornette de Saint-Cyr (Paris) - Tableaux Modernes
75-0888: Jean Cocteau [Paris] - Invitation to Jean Cocteau': Sur le Fil Du Siecle, 2003
75-0889: Jean Cocteau [Paris] - Invitation: Jean Cocteau - Jean Marais
15-6619: Sotheby's (Paris) - Art Impressioniste & Moderne, 4 December, 2014
71-5668: Fulgur (Paris) - A Queen Who Likes Fishing. The Queen Mother, Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, Then Duchess of York. (June 6, 1938)
71-2318: Drouot (Paris) - Livres Anciens. (Auction Catalogue, Drouot, Paris, 26-28 March 1979)
69-0282: Biennale de Paris - Onze Sculpteurs Américains
10-0727: Cie. des Commisaires Priseurs de Paris - Collection Henry Potez
19-2945: Christie's (Paris) - Ancienne Collection Jeanne Et Fernand Moch. Paris. May 22, 2012. Sale # Milou-3528. Lot #S 1- 36
17-5059: Ader Nordmann (Paris) - Shunga (Estampes Japonaises Et Peintures Chinoises érotiques). October 12, 2012. Lots 1-285
63-0018: Boscher Studer Fromentin (Paris) - Bibliotheque de Mme A. Chefs-D'Oeuvre de la Litterature Francaise Des Xviiie, Xixe Et Xxe Siecles, Editions Originales, Certaines Sur Grand Papier Avec Anvoi de L'Auteur. Lots 1 - 226. March 19, 2004
71-2294: Drouot (Paris) - Collection B. Ordres, Decorations, Medailles. (Auction Catalogue, Sale at Drouot Richelieu, Paris, 30-31 March 1990)
71-5290: Societe Philanthropique des Maitres Tailleurs de Paris - Societe Philanthropique Des Maitres Tailleurs de Paris. Hiver 1912-1913
19-8804: Sotheby's (Paris) - Livres Et Manuscrits. Mai 31, 2016. Sale # "Pf1603. " Lots 1 to 115
63-8736: GL Manuel Freres (Paris); Huguette Duflos - Huguette Duflos Autographed Photo
19-2931: Pierre Berge & Associates (Paris) - Arts Decoratifs Et Design, Des XX Et XXI Seicles. June 6, 2013. Paris. Lot #S 1-145
68-3575: Le Grand Vefour (Paris); Jean Cocteau (art); Relais & Chateaux; Jean-Claude Lhonneur (Chef de Cuisine) - Menu for le Grand Vefour
69-1308: EVE (Paris) - Cadres Anciens, Tableaux Anciens, Archeologie, Extreme Orient, Mobilier Et Objets D'Art, Tapis-Tapisseries, Bijoux, Miniatrues, Orfevrerie Ancienne, Atelier Evelyne Thierry-Picard, Arts Decoratifs Du Xxeme Siecle, Tableaux Modernes - Art Urbain. 18 April - 19 April 2019. Lot #S 1-935
15-7906: Catherine Charbonneaux (Paris) - Art Moderne Et Contemporain. November 25, 1981
71-5380: Hotel des Ventes de Senlis. (Paris) - Bijoux-Montres. Arts D'Asie. Dessins, Tableaux Anciens Et Modernes. Objets D'Art & Bel Ameublement Des Xviie Au Xixe Siecle. (Auction at Hotel Des Ventes de Senlis, Paris, 24 March 2019)
63-2713: Keystone (Paris) - L'Hommage de Paris Aux Victimes de la Catastrophe de Pomponne
19-7833: Ville de Paris - Municipal Loan Certificate
01-1303: L'Illustration (Paris) - L'Illustration: NoëL, 1931
07-0990: Maître Gilles Néret-Minet (Paris) - Bibliothèque de M.X. De G. -C. , Première Vente. Livres Anciens Et Du Xixe Siècle; Modes Et Costumes; Régionalisme Français Et étranger; Voyages Et Atlas; Botanique Et Art Des Jardins
07-0991: Librairie Giraud-Badin (Paris) - Beaux Livres Parmi Lesquels Un Choix de Reliures Remarquables
15-9344: The Albatross (Paris) - Post Card to Friends of the Albatross
75-0979: Christie's Paris, Jeanne Moch, Fernand Moch - Ancienne Collection Jeanne Et Fernand Moch + Importante Collection Particuliere Europeenne, Lot #S 1-36, Sale #3528
15-8008: Paul Prouté S.A. (Paris) - Dessins Et Estampes Du Xvie Au Xxe Siecle
15-6201: Galerie Elizabeth Royer (Paris, France); Rossella Bellusci; Sylvain Laveissière - Rossella Bellusci: Luce Sola
68-3019: SND-Contrechamp (Paris); Monti Film (Rome); Jean-Francois Davy (dir.) - Q Un Film Croustillant. Promotional Poster
68-3012: SND-Contrechamp (Paris); Monti Film (Rome); Jean-Francois Davy (dir.) - Q. Promotional Poster
69-1277: De Baecque (Paris) - Glyptique Arts D'Asie, Dessins Et Tableaux, Mobilier Et Objets D'Art. 11 March 2022. Lot #S 1-322
07-0764: Jours de France (Paris) - Jours de France, 3 Juin 1961. No. 342. Spécial Aviation
71-2288: Drouot (Paris) - Tableaux Et Dessins Anciens. Meubles Et Objets D'Art Du XVIII Siecle. Collection de Monsieur X: Objets Scientifiques Et de Curiosite Deu XVIII Siecle. Faiences Et Porcelaines Du XVIII Siecle. (Auction Catalogue, Sale at Drouot-Richelieu, Paris, 5 April 1990)
19-6733: Sotheby's (Paris) - Livres Et Manuscrits. February 8, 2017. Sale # Pf1703. Lot #S 1 - 148
19-6646: Sotheby's (Paris) - Collection Privee Parisenne Important Mobilier, Tableaux, Porcelaine de Chine. December 16, 2004. Sale # Pf4024. Lot #S 1 - 300
07-0960: Galerie Daniel Malingue (Paris) - Maitres Impressionistes Et Modernes
19-2899: Ader Tajan (Paris) - Bibliotheque D'Un Amateur: Exemplaires Exceptionnels Des Plus Beaux Livres Illustres Du XVIII Siecle. Paris. Novembre 28, 1991. Lot #S 1-158
17-5070: Cornette de Saint Cyr (Paris) - Arts Du XXème Siècle (Estampes, Photographies, Design) November 19, 2012. Lots 1-453
63-2436: Francis Briest (Paris) - Tableaux Impressionnistes Et Modernes. Novembre 20, 1989. Lots # 1 - 83
15-10893: Hotel Druout (Paris); Druout Rive Gauche - Affiches Publicitaires de la Belle Epoque. December 11, 1978; 217 Lots
69-1293: Chayette & Cheval (Paris) - Numismatique Et Phaleristique. 15 December 2020. Lot #S 1-379
11-0889: Opera National de Paris - Compagnie Invitee San Francisco Ballet
15-8059: Galerie Lelong (Paris) - Adami: Tableaux D'Un Voyageur. October 27 - November 24, 1994
19-6303: Ader Nordmann (Paris) - Photographie. June 8, 2017. Lots 1 - 375
19-6301: Millon & Robert (Paris) - Collection Jean-Claude Brugnot. June 18, 1993. Lots 1 - 125
19-6274: Millon & Associes (Paris) - Tableaux Modernes Et Contemporains. June 12, 1998. Lots 1 - 220
19-6200: Sotheby's (Paris) - Tableaux Et Dessins Anciens Et Du Xixe Siecle Principalement de L'Ecole Francais 1600-1850. June 27, 2002. Sale # "Pf2010. " Lots 1 - 192
05-1213: Paris, Harold, introduction - Harold Paris: Recent Work, 1974-75
19-5772: Sotheby's (Paris) - Tableaux Et Dessins Anciens Et Du Xixe Siecle. Principalement de L'Ecole Francaise. Paris Juin 25, 2003. Sale #Pf3007. Lots 1 to 100
19-5773: Sotheby's (Paris) - Tableaux Et Dessins Anciens Et Du Xixe Siecle. Paris Juin 19, 2006. Sale #Pf6010. Lots 1 to 208
15-5455: Harrison Of Paris - Two Exceptional Publications
15-7989: La Muse Rouge (Paris) - Nos Chansons. Recueil No. 5
19-2369: Christie's (Paris) - Photographies. November 16, 2002. Paris. Sale # 5036-Vo, Lot #S 1-130
63-8734: GL Manuel Freres (Paris); Huguette Duflos - Huguette Duflos Autographed Photo
00-0447: Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris - Fautrier, 1898-1964
15-7878: Herve Chayette Laurence Calmels (Paris) - Estampes Modernes: Paris Drouot-Montaigne Salle Bourdelle, le Lundi 3 Juillet 1989
15-7879: Joel Bares (Paris) - Aquarelles, Dessins, Estampes Modernes. Catalogue 1 - 1982/83
15-8238: F. Jenkins Heliog [(Paris) - Marmontel [Jean-Francois]
15-8235: Firmin Didot (Paris); Massias (lith.) - Grece
08-0049: Studio Geiger (Paris) - Eight Portraits of Suzanne Thierry
08-0051: Suzanne Thierry Parfums (Paris) - Twenty Publicity Portraits of Suzanne Thierry
08-0052: Studio F. Bernheim (Paris) - Eight Publicity Portraits of Suzanne Thierry
08-0053: [Suzanne Thierry Parfums (Paris)] - Seven Publicity Portraits of Suzanne Thierry
63-1889: Festival D'Automne (Paris); Beatrice Heyligers (phot.); Peter Brooks (dir.); William Shakespeare - Timon of Athens Production Photos
71-5406: Gros & Delettrez. (Paris) - Louis Vuitton. (Auction at Gros & Delettrex, L'Hotel de Drouot, Paris, 15 April 2019). Lots 1-339
19-4735: Sotheby's (Paris) - Livres Et Manuscrits: Dont Medecine Des Xvie Et Xviie Siecles de la Bibliotheque Jean Blondelet. Paris. 21 Mai 2016. Sale # Pf1603. Lot #S 1-115
07-0994: Galerie Lacourière-Frélaut (Paris) - Calder, Chagall, Delvaux, Giacometti, Magritte, Miro, Moore, Picasso: Exposition Du 12 Janvier Au 20 Février, 1988
19-4499: Sotheby's (Paris) - Design. November 22, 2016. Sale # Pf1614. Lot #S 201-336
15-7470: Jean-Louis Picard (Paris); Clive Lamming - Trains Jouets Modeles de Collection Henri M. Petiet. Troisieme Vente. Third Sale
15-7471: Jean-Louis Picard (Paris) - Tableaux-Sculptures Des Xixe Et Xxe Siecles. 26 Novembre, 1993
15-7472: Jean-Louis Picard (Paris) - Tableaux-Sculptures Des Xixe Et Xxe Siecles. 14 Juin, 1993
15-7374: Harrison of Paris and Katherine Anne Porter - Prospectus for Hacienda by Katherine Anne Porter
15-7300: Saga 88; Michele de Joannis; Isabelle Bonne; Grand Palais (Paris, France); Organisation Idees Promotion - Saga 88: 9-14 Mars, Paris Grand Palais: Salon de L'Estampe Et de L'Edition D'Art. Fiac Edition. General Information for English-Speaking Vendors
15-7299: Saga 88; Michele de Joannis; Isabelle Bonne; Grand Palais (Paris, France); Organisation Idees Promotion - Saga 88: 9-14 Mars, Paris Grand Palais: Salon de L'Estampe Et de L'Edition D'Art. Fiac Edition
15-7258: Cornette De Saint Cyr (Paris) - Design: 1950-2010, 7 June, 2010
15-7257: Cornette De Saint Cyr (Paris) - Arts Primitifs: Arts D' Extreme-Orient, 10 April, 2010
15-7256: Ader Tajan (Paris) - Art Islamique: Tableaux, 18 June, 1993
73-5796: Bibliothèque nationale de Paris - Nenufar
73-5797: Bibliothèque nationale de Paris - Avellaines. Noisette; Cerasa. Cerise; Fraxinus. Frêne
73-5798: Bibliothèque nationale de Paris - Chievrefueil. Camérisier; Sauge; Rose
73-5799: Bibliothèque nationale de Paris - Rosa Gallica Officinalis - Rosier de Provins Ordinaire
19-3767: Sotheby's (Paris) - Bibliotheque Cynegetique Du Verne. October 5, 2016. Sale # Pf1633. Lot #S 1-271
63-8248: Chauchard & Cie. (Paris) - Receipt from Chauchard & Cie. (Paris) to M. Eug. Mazel, June 3, 1884
69-1274: Fraysse & Associes (Paris) - Numismatique Haute Joaillerie Et Objets de Vitrine Orfevrerie Xviiie Et Xixe Siecles. 8 Decembre - 9 Decembre 2021. Lot #S 1-391
15-7694: Christie's (Paris) - Sculptures Par Alberto Giacometti: Provenant de la Succession Annette Giacometti. 28 Septembre, 2002
15-5976: Sotheby's (Paris) - Livres Et Manuscrits, Paris, 18 December, 2014
15-9694: Artcurial (Paris) - L'Avant-Garde Au Feminin. Moscou. Saint-Petersbourg. Paris (1907 -1930). Le Mardi 17 Mai - 31 Juillet 1983
19-3206: Christie's (Paris) - Art Impressionniste + Moderne. Paris. December 3, 2013. Sale # Tohu-3567. Lots #S 1-104
19-3207: Christie's (Paris) - Oeuvres Modernes Sur Papier. Paris. April 11, 2013. Sale # Dora-3546. Lots #S 1-55
19-3164: Christie's (Paris) - Art D'Asie. Paris. December 10, 2014. Sale # Goldfish-3608. Lot #S 1-389
19-3131: Christie's (Paris) - Art D'Asie. Paris. June 9, 2015. Sale # Hero-4024. Lot #S 1-388
18-2508: Comptoir General Financier (Paris, France) - Monnaies Vente Sur Offres. Collection Alain Tissiere. December 31, 2002. Sale #24. Lots 2001 - 2803
19-2926: Ader Tajan (Paris) - Dessins Anciens. Paris. November 25, 1993. Lot #S 1-201
19-2927: Ader Tajan (Paris) - Estampes. Paris. June 16, 1992. Lot #S 1-227
19-3079: Christie's (Paris) - Art D'Asie. Paris. June 21-22, 2016. Sale # Twins-12689. Lot #S 1-439
15-9281: Librarie-Galerie La Hune (Paris) - La Hune. Estampes Originales. IV
15-9254: Editions Lahumiere (Paris) - Antworten an Vasarely. Reponses a Vasarely
15-9233: Edition Empreinte (Paris) - Edition Empreinte: Lithographies Et Eaux-Fortes Originales. Catalogue No. 1
15-9234: Edition Empreinte (Paris) - Edition Empreinte: Lithographies Et Eaux-Fortes Originales
15-9191: Ader Picard Tajan (Paris) - Objets D'Art Et D'Ameublement. Paris, Hotel Drouot - Salle No. 6. 14 - 15 Novembre, 1973. Lots # 1-341
15-9192: Ader Picard Tajan (Paris) - Tableaux Modernes. Paris, Hotel Drouot - Salle No. 10. 19 Novembre, 1973. Lots # 1-148
15-9204: Galerie D'Art Alain Durvil (Paris) - Galerie D'Art Alain Durvil Card and Thirteen Color Plates of Their Gallery Artists
15-9206: Les Editions Du Damier (Paris) - Les Editions Du Damier Catalogue, 1973
15-9148: Ader Picard Tajan (Paris) - Importants Tableaux Modernes. 21 Juin 1978
15-9157: Artculturial (Paris) - Affiches D'Artistes Contemporains
15-9161: Artculturial (Paris) - Offrir Une Oeuvre D'Artiste
15-9163: Ader Picard Tajan (Paris) - Estampes. Paris, Hotel Drouot - Salle No. 7. 6 Juin, 1975. Lots # 1-136
19-2924: Ader Tajan (Paris) - Estampes. Paris. February 3, 1993. Lot #S 1-241
19-2946: Christie's (Paris) - Art Impressionniste & Moderne. Paris. May 23, 2012. Sale # Tintin-3505. Lot #S 1- 97
71-5398: Alde. (Paris) - Bibliotheque Guy Bigorie. (Auction at Alde, Paris, 25 April 2019). Lots 1-100
75-0909: Genevieve Gaetan-Picon (Paris) - Exposition Trois Siecles D'Affiches Francaises, 1977
75-0908: Genevieve Gaetan-Picon (Paris) - Exposition Trois Siecles D'Affiches Francaises 1996
75-0905: Jean Marais (Paris) - Expositions: Calendrier Janvier - Septembre, 1999
75-0894: Boris Kochno (Paris) - Hommage a Boris Kochno: 1904-1990, 2001
71-5371: Mathias & Oger-Blanchet. (Paris) - Numismatique-Bijoux Et Montres-Orfevrerie. (Auction at Mathias & Oger-Blanchet, L'Hotel Drouot, Paris, 11 December 2018). Lots 1-294
19-2942: Marc Ferri (Paris) - Estampes Modernes. Paris. June 15, 1992. Lot #S 1- 211
19-2941: Remi Ader (Paris) - Tableaux de Xixe Et Xxe Siecles. Dessins - Estampes. Sculptures - Art Contemporain. Paris. May 19, 1995. Lot #S 1- 192
19-2937: Pierre Berge & Associates (Paris) - Fondation France Libertes, Vente En Hommage a Madame Danielle Mitterrand. September 20, 2012. Paris. Lot #S 1-81
19-2933: Pierre Berge & Associates (Paris) - Art Moderne & Contemporain. December 6, 2012. Paris. Lot #S 1-84
19-2934: Pierre Berge & Associates (Paris) - Esprit D'Une Collection Contemporaine / Spirit of a Contemporary Collection. February 25, 2013. Paris. Lot #S 1-143
19-2935: Pierre Berge & Associates (Paris) - On/Off the Wall, la Collection Historique de la Chute Du Mur de Berlin. June 6, 2013. Paris. Lot #S 1-48
19-2928: Ader Tajan (Paris) - Estampes. Paris. September 24, 1991. Lot #S 1-233
19-2929: Ader Tajan (Paris) - Estampes. Paris. February 21, 1992. Lot #S 1-223
19-2925: Ader Tajan (Paris) - Estampes. Paris. March 18, 1994. Lot #S 1-201
68-3955: La Vie Parisienne - La Vie Parisienne. 81e Annee, No. 9. 7 Mai 1943
68-3959: La Vie Parisienne - La Vie Parisienne. 81e Annee, No. 10. 21 Mai 1943
19-1732: Treadway-Toomey Galleries (Oak Park) - 20th Century Art and Design Auction, December 4, 2011. Session One Lots #1-467, Session Two #468-682, Session Three #683-1030
19-1731: Treadway-Toomey Galleries (Oak Park) - 20th Century Art and Design Auction, March 4, 2012. Session One Lots #1-435, Session Two #436-692, Session Three #693-973
18-9892: Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery (Barnsdall Park) - Multicultural Focus : A Photography Exhibition for the Los Angeles Bicentennial
16-2471: Ernest Hemingway Foundation of Oak Park - Ernest Hemingway Wood Archives. Set #1. Volume 2 of 3
16-2472: Ernest Hemingway Foundation of Oak Park - Ernest Hemingway Wood Archives. Set #4. Volume 2 of 3
16-2473: Ernest Hemingway Foundation of Oak Park - Ernest Hemingway Wood Archives. Set #4. Volume 3 of 3
16-2474: Ernest Hemingway Foundation of Oak Park - Ernest Hemingway Wood Archives. Sections Include Letters from Hadley Richardson to Ernest Hemingway; Hemingway Memorabilia; & Section 1, Cards Describing Manuscript or Typed Material by Eh. [Volume 1 of 3?]
65-0282: Protégé of David Park - Standing Woman the Style of the Bay Area Figurative School
65-0280: Protégé of David Park - Mirror Image the Style of the Bay Area Figurative School
65-0278: Protégé of David Park - Woman in a Striped Dress in the Style of the Bay Area Figurative School
73-6528: Hotel Rebild Park - Menu
63-9461: The Ernest Hemingway Foundation of Oak Park - Hemingway Despatch. April 1996
65-0283: Protégé of David Park - Telegraph Avenue in the Style of the Bay Area Figurative School
75-0793: Frank Lloyd Wright (Oak Park) - Frank Lloyd Wright: Architectural Guide Map of Oak Park and River Forest, 1984
18-0898: Park, Soo-Jin - Artist of the Year 1995 - 2010
74-0638: Tatsuo Miyajima; Michael Auping; Johnson County Community College (Overland Park, Kan.). Gallery of Art - Tatsuo Miyajima, Running Time : Jan. 18-March 4, 1998
17-2506: David Park; Lance Esplund - David Park: Works on Paper 1930-1960. (Catalogue of an Exhibition Held at the Hackett-Freedman Gallery, May 8-June 28, 2008. )
65-0279: Protégé of David Park - Woman Beside a Wall Clock in the Style of the Bay Area Figurative School
54-1347: Vigeland Sculpture Park - Glimt Fra Vigelands Anlegget I Oslo / Glimpses from the Vigeland Sculpture Park in Oslo
73-6557: Hotel Rebild Park - Alt Ved Det Gamle - I Det Nye
70-3462: Michigan Legacy Art Park - Coasting the Base Line. (Promotional Pamphlet. )
70-3099: Valerie Fletcher; Lucinda H Gedeon; George Rickey; Philip Rickey; Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park; Marion Koogler McNay Art Museum; Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park and Museum; Vero Beach Museum of Art - George Rickey : Kinetic Sculpture : A Retrospective. (Catalogue of an Exhibition Held at Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park, Grand Rapids, Michigan, September 28 - December 31,2007)
69-0025: Laumeier Sculpture Park - Ceramics and Social Commentary
09-0478: Blue Mound Park - Blue Mound Park: Land of Sky [Brochure]
05-0480: Olympic Park, Munich, Germany - Postcards of Munich, Germany
19-4493: David Park; Paul Mills - David Park Memorial Exhibition: The University Years, 1955-1960
15-7260: Treadway/Toomey Galleries (Oak Park, Illinois) - 20th Century Art and Design Auction, December 5th, 2010
19-3852: David Park; W. S. Di Piero; Helen Park Bigelow - David Park: A Singular Humanity
19-0859: Parker, Derek (editor) - The Poetry Review Winter 1970/71 Vol. 61 No. 4
65-0088: Parker, Lawrence L. - Winter Sun
65-0125: Parker, A. - Ankhs
65-0126: Parker, A. - Face (Abstract)
65-0124: Parker, A. - Ankhs
16-5632: Parker, K. T.; Jacques Mathey; authors. Antoine Watteau (1684-1721), artist; Claude Roger-Marx (1888-1977), provenance - Antoine Watteau: Catalogue Complet de Son Oeuvre Dessiné Signed. First Edition
18-6682: Parker, John Henry, C.B. - An Introduction to the Study of Gothic Architecture. Seventeenth Edition
18-6681: Parker, John Henry, C.B. - An Introduction to the Study of Gothic Architecture. Sixth Edition
18-6643: Ian Parker; Mohamed Amin - Ivory Crisis
18-5301: Parker, Gertrud (artist.); Blackwell, Ben (photog.) - Gertrud Parker: "Woman's Plural Identity. " Steel, Gut 22" X 25" X 14", 1992. Photo: Ben Blackwell. [Original Artist Proof]. [Photographic Print]
18-5919: Dorothy Parker - Enough Rope: Poems
18-5303: Parker, Gertrud (artist.); Blackwell, Ben (photog.) - Gertrud Parker. "Male Landscape. " 11 1/2 " X 17 1/2" X 14 1/2". Gut, Dye, Urethrane. 1993. Photo: Ben Blackwell. [Photographic Print]
18-5302: Parker, Gertrud (artist.); Blackwell, Ben (photog.) - Gertrud Parker. "Ancestors". Gut, Aluminum, Urethane 18" X 40 " X 8". 1993. Photo: Ben Blackwell. [Photographic Print]
12-1643: Parker, Hershel - What Quentin Saw "out There
18-4515: Parker, Gertrud; Archbishop Alemany Gallery at the Dominican University of California (San Rafael) - The Sculpture of Gertrud Parker: A Convergence of Cultures. June 12, 2003 - August 28, 2003. Archbishop Alemany Gallery at the Library of the Dominican University of California. [Exhibition Postcard]
18-4511: Parker, Gertrud; haaaausch (Klagenfurt) - Gertrud Parker: Gediegen 2. [Exhibition Postcard]
18-4103: Parker, Gertrud; Blackwell, Ben (photog.); Falkirk Cultural Center (San Rafael, CA) - The Quartet: An Installation by Gertrud Parker As Part of Dual Visions: Artists in the Studio Leaders in the Community at Falkirk Cultural Center. December 2 - 31, 1994
18-4038: Parker, Gertrud; Selz, Peter (text); Galerie B. Haasner (Wiesbaden) - Gertrud Parker: Verfremdungen [Alienations]
63-4285: Robert B. Parker; Sky Nonhoff; Herb Yellin - Tls from Sky Nonhoff to Herb Yellin, Lord John Press, August 26, 1987 & Envelope with Parker's Original Autograph
70-2917: Parker, Dorothy; D'Usseau, Arnaud - [Dust Jacket] the Ladies of the Corridor. (Dust Jacket Only. Book Not Included)
18-2283: Parker, Julia - Julia Parker: Flesh and Blood. Recent Photographic Works. May 8 - 16, 1993. Master of Fine Arts Graduate Exhibition, Herbst Pavilion, Fort Mason Center. San Francisco. [Promotional Postcard]. Limited Edition
63-2722: Bruce [Parker] - Black and White Photographs
18-4015: Parker, Gertrud; San Francisco Craft & Folk Art Museum (San Francisco) - Gertrud Parker: A Lightness in Being. July 3 - August 19, 1993
75-2194: Jean Parker, De Reszke Cigarettes - Postcard of Actress Jean Parker
62-0198: Parker, Agnes Miller - Two Prints [Electronic File]. Reproduced from Fine Prints of the Year
75-0722: Teresa J. Parker, (Elmhurst) - Hugo Weber, 1999
60-0013: Parker, K. T. - The Engravings of Hans Baldung Grien [Electronic File]. With Catalogue
51-2884: Parker, Raymond K. (1922 - 1990) - Print Documentation for "Untitled," Lithograph in Brown, Red and Blue by Raymond K. Parker (Ray Parker) . Signed
15-3286: Parker, Dorothy; Ralph Rainger - I Wished on the Moon. [Sheet Music]. As Sung by Bing Crosby
71-0053: Parker, Harry - The Meadows Collection: A Selection of 19th and 20th Century Paintings on Exhibition at the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts
16-1648: Parker, Derek - John Donne and His World
71-0003: Parker, Harry - The Degas Bronzes
12-0588: Parker, James (Engraver, after Silvester Harding) - Mr. William Parsons in the Character of Alscrip in the Comedy of the Heiress
16-0125: Parker, Dorothy, Ogden Nash, E. B. White, et al. - The New Yorker Book of Verse: An Anthology of Poems First Published in the New Yorker 1925-1935
15-9749: Parker, Obadiah - Deed & Ms Letter from Obadiah Parker to Stephen C. Roe, October 29, 1836. Involving the Sale of Land in the Village of Lodi, Ny
51-3027: Parker, Robert - Original Art Work for the Lithograph "Divers.
70-2756: Parker, Dorothy - [Dust Jacket] : After Such Pleasures. (Dust Jacket Only. Book Not Included)
51-2883: Parker, Raymond K. (1922 - 1990) - Print Documentation for "Untitled," Lithograph in Brown, Red and Blue by Raymond K. Parker (Ray Parker). Signed
51-2882: Parker, Raymond K. (1922 - 1990) - Print Documentation for "Untitled," Lithograph in Violet, Green, Black and Blue Vy Raymond K. Parker (Ray Parker). Signed
51-2881: Parker, Raymond K. (1922 - 1990) - Print Documentation for "Untitled," Lithograph in Orange, Dark Violet, Blue and Red. By Raymond K. Parker (Ray Parker). Signed
51-2880: Parker, Raymond K. (1922 - 1990) - Print Documentation for "Untitled," Lithograph in Green, Red, Violet and Blue. By Raymond K. Parker (Ray Parker). Signed
70-1390: Raymond Parker; Priscilla Colt - Ray Parker: Exhibition of Paintings: The Dayton Art Institute, January 8 to February 7, 1965
73-4127: Parker, G.; Herring, James - Noah Webster
10-0040: Parker, Micah - Ornate Ketubah
10-0014: Parker, Micah - Ornate Ketubah (Emanuel)
02-0307: Parker, Jeff - Dow & Frosini. A Frame Maker in Berkeley
02-0308: Parker, Jeff - Sundance. A Performace Ski from Hexcel. Skis
15-7682: Parker, Olivia - Weighing the Planets
65-2593: Parkes, James William - Evrei Sredi Narodov. Obzor Prichin Antisemitizma = Jews Amongst Nations. A Study of Causes of Anti-Semitism
55-1088: Stewart after Parkes - The Leasowes, Seat of C. Hamilton, Esquire, Salop. (Shropshire. )
55-1089: Stewart after Parkes - Middle Castle, Salop. (Shropshire. )
55-1090: Greig after Parkes - Stoke Castle, Shropshire
73-4390: Parkes, D.; Howlett, F. - To John F.M. Dovaston, Eqsr. This View of Whittington Castle, Co. Salop
55-1179: Howlett after Parkes - Bennett's Hill, the Seat of William Hutton, Near Birmingham
59-4208: Larry (Terence Parkes) - It Was a Boy
12-1673: Weber, F. Parkes and O. B. Bode - PolycythæMia, Erythrocytosis and ErythræMia (Vaquez-Osler Syndrome): An Epitome Based on Parkes Weber's Book of 1921 and the Recent Literature of the Subject
05-1928: Parkhurst Grand Hall, et al. - 13 Programs for Stage Productions of Moore and Burgess Program (2), on Change, Mazeppa, Mother in Law, the Silver King, the Popinjay, High Jinks, on Trial, in the Night, la Tosca, Cavalleria Rusticana and at the Villa Rose
05-1214: Parkhurst, Charles, foreword - 1914: An Exhibition of Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture Created in 1914
74-0253: A E Parkins; Philip D. Gendrau (photo) - The South, Its Economic-Geographic Development (Dust Jacket Only, No Book)
55-0774: Woolnoth after Parkins - Cambridge Castle, Cambridge
63-5129: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Parkinson to Correspondents Dodder and Doctoris, April 9, [1958]. Re: Aldermaston, England
63-5133: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Parkinson to Correspondents Dodder and Doctoris, January 1, 1970. Re: Discussion of Democratic Politics, Finding a Candidate Who Can Beat Reagan; Victoria and Albert Museum
63-5100: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, [Ca. 1974]. Re: Parkinson Addressing the Possibility of Getting Into Politics
63-4722: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Typed Pages of Early Poetry by Thomas Francis Parkinson: Guillemott Cove, Washington (1949); Birthday View Opening (1957); the Autumnal Equinox (1945); Two Vineyards (Undated); & Yeat's Grave: Drumcliff (Undated)
63-5135: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, January 1, 1970. Re: Essay on Ezra Pound
63-5137: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, September 24, 1984. Re: Oakland Ballet
63-5138: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Thomas Parkinson, November 20, 1984. Re: Bca (Berkeley Citizen's Action?)
63-5139: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Thomas Parkinson, November 28, 1984. Re: Bca (Berkeley Citizen's Action?), Democrats
63-5140: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Thomas & Chrysa Parkinson, August 15, 1978. Re: Letter Written from the Point of View of Their Dog Hrothgar
63-5141: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Thomas & Chrysa Parkinson, July 24, 1978. Re: Letter Written from the Point of View of Their Dog Hrothgar
71-5920: Parkinson, Gavin (Essay) - Science in Surrealism (Exhibition at Gallery Wendi Norris, 16 May - 1 August 2015)
63-5125: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls to Parkinson from His Sister Catherine, [1958]. Re: Dublin, Eugene O'Neill
63-5128: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Parkinson to Correspondents Dodder and Doctoris, [1958]. Re: Oxford, Chaplin, Fellini
63-5121: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Parkinson to His Sister Catherine, January 26, 1958. Re: Reading University, Covent Garden, la Traviata
63-5119: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Photocopy of Tls Parkinson to Correspondent Evelyn, March 24, 1985. Re: Allen Ginsberg, Thom Gunn, Robert Duncan
63-5120: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Photocopy of Tls Parkinson to Correspondent Professor Wheelwright [1958]. Re: Freud. Jokey Christmas Greetings Letter
63-5196: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Miscellaneous Press Clippings, Book Reviews, Offprints & Other Academic-Related Matter [Ca. 1957-1985]
67-0132: Parkinson, Thomas - William Everson: An Anarcho-Pacifist Poet and Printer Emerges from Waldport, 1945-49
63-4881: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to Henry [Rago], [April] 10, 1958. Re: Thomas Gunn, Shakespeare
63-5195: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Miscellaneous Correspondence with Family, Students and Colleagues [Ca. 1957-1985]
63-5192: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Photocopy of This Extraordinary Book with Tls Parkinson to Correspondent David [E. Pesonen?]
63-5184: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Als to Thomas Parkinson from His Sister Helene February 4, 1985. Re: Chrysa's Ballet Success in England, Fund Drives, Scholarships
63-5163: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Spirit of the Cove. Ariel's Birthday, July 1969. Typed Poem with Ms Addendum Penciled in Margins
63-5165: Catherine Parkinson - Als to Thomas F. Parkinson from His Sister Catherine, [1956]. Re: Family Matters, Eisenhower
63-5166: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - The Church of the Lesser Known Saints. Baptismal Ceremony & Two-Part Invocation. For Chrysa Parkinson
63-5169: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Post Cards (5) to Thomas Parkinson from Various Correspondents 1980 - 1984
63-5171: Chrysa Parkinson - Als Chrysa Parkinson to Her Mother Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, [Ca. 1982]. Re: Acceptance Into Lcd School [London Contemporary Dance]
63-5172: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - For Chrysa. Christmas, 1984. Oxford. Typed Poem. Ms Note Inked on Verso: "Chrysa.
63-5173: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - The Chickiad. For Chrysa's Birthday, 1969
63-5175: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson - Tls to Ariel Reynolds Parkinson from Correspondent [Herm?], [Ca. 1984?], (with a Photocopy of Same). Re: Correspondent Stayed in the Parkinsons' Home, and Writes Up a Treatment for a Dramatic Presentation with Classical Greek Flavor
63-5177: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson - Als by Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, Untitled Poem, for Thomas (Parkinson), November 17, 1979
63-5180: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson - Post Card Als by Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, to Her Family, January 2, 1973
63-5181: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson - Post Card Als by Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, to Her Family, January 30, 1973
63-5159: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Parkinson to Joyce & Gordon Eric Reynolds. October 1, 1957. Re: The Nation, Dublin Literary Research
63-5161: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Correspondent Brigitte, July 15, 1974. Re: Art Projects, Travel Plans
63-5162: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Photocopy of Tls Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Gordon Reynolds, February 4, 1985. Re: Laurel C. Reynolds, Their Mother
63-5150: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Photocopy of Tls Thomas Parkinson in Character of His Dog Hrothgar to Herb (His Future Son-in-Law), September 10, 1977. Re: Philosophy, Their Dogs Bomber & Hrothgar
63-5151: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - For Herb and Kathy at Their Wedding
63-5152: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Photocopy of Tls Parkinson to Peter Selz, April 4, 1985. Re: Gothic Architecture
63-5153: Chrysa Parkinson - Chrysa Parkinson Correspondence, Academic Material, and Artwork Sent to Her Mother Ariel Reynolds Parkinson and Father Thomas Parkinson, [Ca. 1970-1982]
63-5154: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, Dodder and Doctoris, October 3, 1974. Re: Art, Architecture, Friends Visiting, Cuisine
63-5155: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, January 28, 1975. Re: Amtrak, Art Institute of Chicago, Architecture
63-5156: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Parkinson to Correspondent Mrs. Neuwirth, January 6, 1958. Re: Billing
63-5157: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Parkinson to Correspondents Allisons, October 11, 1969. Re: Housing, Painting
63-5158: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Photocopy of Tls Parkinson to Correspondent Gordon Eric Reynolds, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson's Brother. January 25, 1985. Re: Gordon & Ariel's Mother
63-5149: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls with Ms Notes Thomas Parkinson to Herb (His Future Son-in-Law) and Kathy, [1978], in the Voice of Their Dog Hrothgar, Concerned About Kathy and Herb's Dog Bomber
63-5143: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson & Daugher Chrysa, July 15, 1978. Re: Clint Eastwood, Rembrandt
63-5144: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson & Daugher Chrysa, August 15, 1978. Re: Dublin, Vorpal Gallery in Sf
63-5145: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson & Daugher Chrysa, August 1, 1978. Re: Finances; Rabbits
63-5146: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson & Daugher Chrysa, [July 11?], 1982. Re: Nyc Ballet, Richard III
63-5148: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Photocopy of Tls Thomas Parkinson to Herb (His Future Son-in-Law) and Kathy, February 16, 1978. Re: Philosophy, Their Dogs Bomber & Hrothgar
63-5134: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Parkinson to Correspondents Dodder and Doctoris, November 12, 1969. Re: York, St. Peter's College Oxford
63-5132: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Parkinson to Correspondents Dodder and Doctoris, October 1, 1969. Re: Arts Centre in York, Oxford Lectures
63-5131: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Parkinson to Correspondents Dodder and Doctoris, February 10, 1958. Re: Allen Ginsberg, Reading Lecture, National Gallery
63-5130: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Parkinson to Correspondents Dodder and Doctoris, January 6, 1958. Re: Oxford, London Festival Ballet
63-5126: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Parkinson to Correspondents Joyce, Gordon, Ann & Jill, February 11, 1958. Re: Redfern Gallery, Sewanee Review
63-5127: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Parkinson to Correspondents Joyce, Gordon, Ann & Jill, April 9, 1958. Re: The Nation, Aldermaston
63-5122: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tl Parkinson to His Sister Catherine, [1958]. Re: National Gallery, Yeats; Kenyon Review
63-5118: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tl Parkinson to Correspondents Ham & Mary, October 7, 1969. Re: Yorkshire's As Distinct from Southern England; F.R. Leavis; Oxford Lectures
63-5115: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Parkinson to Correspondent Ruth, [1958]. Re: Aldermaston Anti-Nuke March; Yeats Research, Spender, Montague
63-5114: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Parkinson to Correspondents Helene, Art, Kevin, Catherine, September 30, 1957. Re: Yeats Research, Hampstead Neighborhood, Bbc, New Chaplin Film
63-5113: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Carbon Copy of Tl Parkinson to Correspondents Joan and Bob, with Tls from Joan to Parkinson October 22, 1957. Re: Princeton, Greece, Look Back in Anger
63-5111: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Dossier on Academic Credentials of Thomas F. Parkinson for Contemporary Authors, Addressed to Laura Holmes
63-5110: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Dossier on Academic Credentials of Hamilton A. Tyler, Including a Photocopy of a Tls from Parkinson, and a Bio-Bibliography of Tyler
63-5104: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson & Friends at Seabeck, Wa, [Ca. 1974]. Re: Updates on Berkeley, Inquiries About the Kove
63-5102: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Untitled Poem in Ms, a Birthday Tribute by Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, [Ca. 1975?]
63-5101: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Als Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, 1985. Re: Parkinson Lecture on Ezra Pound & William Carlos Williams at Oxford
63-5099: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Three Postcards, Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, 1969-1974
63-5097: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, February 15, 1985. Re: Costume Design
63-5096: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, February 11, 1985. Re: Tempest, Adf Scholarship
63-5095: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, February 2, 1985. Re: Collette, Kingdom Come
63-5094: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, November 5, 1984. Re: Chez Panisse
63-5093: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, January 30, 1985. Re: Sf Ballet, Mendocino Art Center
63-5092: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, [1975]. Re: Poetry, Gardening
63-5091: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, July 20, 1967. Re: Bach. Illustration Present
63-5090: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Al Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, November 13, 1984. Re: Origins of the Universe, "Purple Rain
63-5088: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, July 11, 1978. Re: Week Spent in Idaho, la County Museum
63-5087: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, January 27, 1975. Re: Etchings, Genoa
63-5086: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, February 14, 1975. Re: Lincoln Center, Michelangelo
63-5085: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, November 9, 1974. Re: Prospectus, Epa, Venice
63-5084: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, October 20, 1974. Re: Bay Delta Project, Borges-Pomodoro Seven Saxon Poems
63-5083: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, October 16, 1974. Re: Architecture in Verona, Ceramics, Ulysses, Madame Bovary, Cuisine
63-5082: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, November 2, 1974. Re: John Ford's Tis Pity She's a Whore
63-5081: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, July 19, 1978. Re: Financial Letter
63-5080: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, June 29, 1978. Re: Uc Press, Uc Berkeley English Dept. Letter Sent to Thomas Parkinson in Ireland, Returned to Sender
63-5079: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, September 30, 1974. Re: Safely Arrived in Verona, Sculpture, Publications
63-5078: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, October 28, 1974. Re: Publishing, Studio, Chrysa's School
63-5077: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Al Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, November 3, 1974. Re: Paris, Milan, Eastman School
63-5076: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Al Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, September 13, 1974. Re: Paris, Nyc, Tom Collins
63-5075: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Al Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, November 18, 1974. Re: Dinner Guests from Italy, Cuisine. Only First Two Pages Present
63-5074: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, September 4, 1974. Re: Eastman, Sf Opera, Candide
63-5073: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, July 16, 1974. Re: Guillemot Cove (Near Seabeck, Washington)
63-5072: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, May 27, 1972. Re: Parnassus Press
63-5071: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, August 2, 1967. Re: Van Flein, Gardening
63-5070: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, July 19, 1967. Re: Peter Selz, O'Hanlon
63-5068: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, July 13, 1967. Re: General Westmoreland, Mcnamara, Mcphee
63-5067: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, [1962]. Re: Parkinson in Washington, Dc, Philadelphia & Nyc, Moma, Guggenheim, Publishers
63-5066: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Als Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, September 13, 1984. Re: Parkinson in Oxford, His Daughter Chrysa Taking Dance at School in London
63-5065: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Als Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, February 16, 1985. Re: William Butler Yeats Letters
63-5063: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, December 23, 1975. Re: Parkinson Celebrating Their 27th Wedding Anniversary
63-5062: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, [July 12, 1975]. Re: Parkinson & Chrysa's Birthday Present to Ariel
63-5061: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, July 6, 1974. Re: Winters-Crane Research
63-5059: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, July 12, 1974. Re: Letter on the Occasion of Ariel's Birthday
63-5058: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, July 21, 1974. Re: Family Issues, Irs, Epa
63-5057: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, July 12, 1974. Re: Family Issues
63-5056: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, February 9, 1973. Re: Reporting the Sale of Ariel's Paintings, Berkeley Politics
63-5055: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, February 4, 1973. Re: Ariel's Painting Exhibition Opening, Parkinson Sending His Play to the Publisher
63-5054: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, January 31, 1973. Re: Family, Berkeley Politics, Parkinson Explaining Why He Was Not Running for Berkeley City Council
63-5053: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, January 28, 1973. Re: Family, Berkeley Politics "Radical Coalition
63-5052: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, January 25, 1973. Re: Family
63-5051: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, 1970. Re: Futurism, Ezra Pound, Guns Traced to Angela Davis, Black Panthers, Soledad
63-5050: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, January 9, 1968. Re: Finances
63-5047: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Als Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, [1964]. Re: The Baby (I.E. Chrysa Parkinson), O'Neill, Fitzgerald
63-5046: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Als Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, June 16, 1964. Re: Family, Gelb Biography of O'Neill
63-5045: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Als Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, November 26, 1963. Re: Parkinson Realizing That His Wife Was Pregnant with Their Daughter Chrysa Parkinson, a Dance Instructor Currently Based in Europe
63-5044: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, August 27, 1958. Re: Parkinson in New England
63-5043: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Als Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, August 2, 1957. Re: Parkinson in New York
63-5042: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to London Landlord Staehelines, April 9, [1958]
63-5041: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson. Re: Parkinson in Ireland, Arranging for a Heater from London Landlord Staehelines and Meeting Mrs. Yeats
63-5040: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Als Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson. Re: Parkinson's Trip to Nyc Where Me Encountered One of His Former Students, Joan Didion
63-5038: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, Jan. 23, 1985. Photocopy of Seven Page Thomas Parkinson Essay "Allen Ginsberg at 30 and 60" Present
63-5035: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Academic Freedom in Theory and Practice. Reprinted from Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting, Philosophy of Education Society
63-5032: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to Henry [Rago?], [1958]. Re: Microfilm, Queen's College, Bbc
63-5031: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to Henry [Rago?], November 15, [1958]. Re: Yeats, British Museum
63-5030: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tl Thomas Parkinson to Larry [Ziff] [Ca. 1958]. Re: National Gallery, Giorgio
63-5029: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to Larry [Ziff] [Ca. 1958]. Re: Fulbrights, Opera
63-5027: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to Larry Ziff [Ca. 1958]. Re: Steven Spender, Allen Ginsberg, Bbc
63-5002: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920-1992) - Tlcc Thomas Parkinson to Lewis P. Simpson (Editor at the Southern Review), October 5, 1969. Re: Ezra Pound, African Writers
63-5004: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920-1992) - Tls CC Thomas Parkinson to Doris and Charles Muscatine (Uc Berkeley Professor), May 14, 1970. Re: King Lear, Robert Lowell, Antigone
63-4999: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920-1992) - Tls (Signed CC) Thomas Parkinson to John J. Geoghegan, October 30, 1963. Re: Robert Mann, Brautigan
63-4983: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920-1992) - Tl Thomas Parkinson to [John] Lehmann (Editor of the London Magazine), April 23, 1958
63-4981: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920-1992) - Tl Thomas Parkinson to Karl Shapiro (Poet & Editor of Prairie Schooner), [October, 1957]. Re: Discussing Parkinson's Work for the Nation, and Pitching Ideas for Prairie Schooner
63-4980: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920-1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to Robert Hatch (Editor, the Nation), April 8, 1958. Re: Aldermaston
63-4979: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920-1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to Robert Hatch (Editor, the Nation), [October], 1957. Re: Coventry, Sputnik, Blake
63-4978: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920-1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to Robert Hatch (Editor, the Nation), October 8, 1957. Re: Chaplin, Blake
63-4977: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920-1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to Robert Hatch (Editor, the Nation), [September], 1957. Re: Thomas Parkinson Pitching Story Ideas to Hatch
63-4964: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to [Frank] Wilson, November 4, 1957. Re: Cambridge, Yeats
63-4958: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tl Thomas Parkinson to Midu (Tel Aviv Correspondent), January 15, 1964, Which Is a Response to Als from Midu to Parkinson, Jan 1st [1964]. Re: Literature, Science, Research
63-4883: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Typed Letters Thomas Parkinson to Larry Ziff, Jack & Jo [Ca. December, 1957]. Re: Visiting London, and Allen Ginsberg at the Beat Hotel in Git-le-Coeur, Paris
63-4856: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - The University of California Library Lacks the Following: (Numbers As Quoted from Allan Wade, Bibliography of Writings of W.B. Yeats, 1951. Yeats Material Published by the Cuala Press and Dun Emer Press
63-4839: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to Fern & Willard Edward Farnham, October 2, 1957. Re: The Nation, Charlie Chaplin, Sartre
63-4838: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to Fern & Willard Edward Farnham, December 12, 1957. Re: Allen Ginsberg, Old VIC
63-4837: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to Tom [Collins?], February 21, 1964. Re: Ira, Emily Dickinson
63-4832: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Carbon Copy of Tls Thomas Parkinson to Georgie Hyde-Lees, March 31, 1958. Re: Parkinson Asking to See Yeats' Manuscripts During His Upcoming Trip in May
63-4833: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Carbon Copy of Tls Thomas Parkinson to Miss Anne Yeats, March 31, 1958. Re: Parkinson Inquiring About the Possibility of Uc Berkeley Purchasing Cuala Press Books
63-4831: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Carbon Copy of Tls Thomas Parkinson to Georgie Hyde-Lees, November 5, 1957. Re: Frank Wilson, Cuala Press, Yeats
63-4827: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Photocopy of Tls Thomas Parkinson to Arnold Shapiro, December 16, 1984. Re: Evaluation of Professor Richard J. Finneran
63-4727: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - For Ariel, and for the 26th Year. Typed Poem, with Original Autograph by Thomas Francis Parkinson, December 23, 1973
63-4728: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - How Does Humanity Stand It. (Political Essay)
63-4729: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - To Restore Our Honor. (Political Essay) Five Typed Pages with Ms Corrections
63-4731: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - There Was a Country in the Land of Asia, Whose Name Was Viet Nam. (Political Essay) Ten Typed Pages with Ms Corrections
63-4732: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - On Tuesday, May 20, 1969, Berkeley, a City in the United States, a University Town with Many Suburban Dwellers As Well As the Faculty, Staff, and Students of the University, Was Attacked from the Air by Toxic Gas from a Helicopter. (Political Essay) Photocopy of Eight Typed Pages with Ms Corrections
63-4733: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - A Litany for the American People. (Political Essay) Photocopy of Six Typed Pages with Ms Corrections
63-4734: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - A Litany for the American People. (Political Essay) Draft with Notes on Page 6. Six Typed Pages with Ms Corrections
63-4735: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Une Litanie Pour le Peuple Americain. (Political Essay) Four Typed Pages with Ms Corrections
63-4736: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Learning (Political Essay) Two Typed Pages with Parkinson's Ms Corrections
63-4737: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Courage of Science. (Academic Essay) Seven Pages, Ms in Parkinson's Hand
63-4738: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Letter from London. Re: The First of the Aldermaston Marches, Anti-Nuclear Weapons Demonstrations on Easter Weekend, April 4-7, 1958
63-4740: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Intimate and Impersonal: An Aspect of Modern Poetics. Article from the Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 16, No. 3 (Mar. , 1958)
63-4741: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Fiction without a Culture. Copy of Typed Draft, Later Published in New Orleans Review, Spring 1969. Re: Ishmael Reed, Norman Mailer, William Burroughs, Et Al.
63-4742: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - The Creative Function of the Junior College. Mimeographed Copy of Talk Parkinson Gave, Ca. 1966, with Ms Corrections
63-4743: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Serendipity. Photocopy of Typed Essay with Ms Corrections. Re: Hart Crane's Letters to Yvor Winters, Allen Tate, Shakespeare. Plus a 3 Page Review of the Resulting Book by Parkinson, Hart Crane and Yvor Winters, Their Literary Correspondence
63-4744: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - The Dream in Poetry. Original Ms Notes for Essay by Parkinson
63-4745: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - The Dream in Poetry. Book Topics - April 17, 1963. Copy of Typed Essay with Introduction by Dr. S.P. Lucia
63-4746: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Untitled Ms, Likely the First Draft of the Dream in Poetry
63-4747: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Suggested Reading, English 130d, Summer 1967, Mr. Parkinson, Uc Berkeley Department of English
63-4748: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - The Waste Land. T.S. Eliot, Lecture #3. Typed with Ms Notes & Corrections Throughout. Incomplete Document
63-4749: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Parkinson to Eleanor Mckinney, Co-Founder Kpfa, November 9, 1957
63-4750: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Parkinson to Eleanor Mckinney, Co-Founder Kpfa. Re: Anti-Nuclear Protest in Aldermaston
63-4763: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to Nobuyuki Yuasa, March 1, 1958. Re: Yeats, Bbc
63-4766: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to Richard Moore, Co Founder of Kpfa with His Wife Eleanor Mckinney, January 26, 1958. Re: Yeats
63-4769: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Typed Letter with Ms Corrections, Draft of Speech Thomas Parkinson Gave to the Uc Berkeley Academic Senate, December 8, 1964. Re: Free Speech Movement
63-4724: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Typed Draft of Thomas Francis Parkinson Letter to Michael Mcclure, 8/24/63
63-4725: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Printed Proof Sheet of Thomas Francis Parkinson Poetry, Including Yeats's Grace Drumcliff, Rue Du Palais Gallien: Bordeaux, Andalusian Village, and Others
63-4706: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tl Thomas Francis Parkinson to Jim [James R. Luguri?]. Re: Ferlinghetti, Ginsberg, Kenneth Rexroth, Publishing Poetry
63-4707: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Carbon Copy of Tls Thomas Francis Parkinson to Len Fulton (Small Press Review), February 23, 1974. Re: Tensions between Academia & Poetry, Wallace Stevens
63-4709: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - An Open Letter. March 29, 1974. Copy of Tls Thomas Francis Parkinson to Paul Foreman. Re: CCLM (Coordinating Council of Literary Magazines), Nea, Poetry, Publishing, Academia
63-4710: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Copy of Tls Thomas Francis Parkinson to Steve Vincent, March 28, 1974. Re: Poetry, Publishing, Academia
63-4667: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to Robert Collins, April 23, 1958. Parkinson Discussing Yeats Research
63-4666: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Carbon Copy of Typed Letter Thomas Parkinson to Mr. [Frank?] Mccreary, March 29, 1958. Parkinson Is Suggesting Consideration of Robert Duncan for the 1958 Shelley Award, Which Was Bestowed Upon Kenneth Rexroth
63-5123: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls to Parkinson from His Sister Catherine, [1958]. Re: The Nation, Football
63-5116: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Parkinson to Correspondent Travis, [1958]. Re: Guggenheim Fellowships, Spender, Bbc, Eugene O'Neill, Yeats
63-5117: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Parkinson to Correspondents Mathias & Marlise, [1958]. Re: Bbc, Stephen Spender, John Lehmann
59-4006: Parkinson, Ariel - Ariel / Theater Works
59-4005: Parkinson, Ariel - Ariel Parkinson. New Paintings
63-5142: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, July 27, 1978. Re: Compost; Ballet
63-5098: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Als Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Michael Smuin, Director of the San Francisco Ballet, October 16, 1984. Re: Romeo & Juliet, Tempest, Medea. Response Written on a Photocopy of a Tls from Smuin to Ariel
63-4721: Thomas Francis Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Up Strawberry Canyon (Political Satire, Sketch for a Piece of "Moving Theatre"). With Program for April 2, 1978 Performance by the Berkeley Stage Company
51-0545: Parkinson, Ariel - Poster for Exhibition at Vorpal Gallery. Ariel Parkinson : Paintings, Drawings, Costumes Masks, Set Studies for Past Performances of the San Francisco Ballet and the San Francisco Opera
63-5124: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Als to Parkinson from His Sister Catherine, [1958]. Re: Through the Looking Glass
63-5089: Ariel Reynolds Parkinson (1926 - 2017) - Al Ariel Reynolds Parkinson to Her Husband Thomas Parkinson, October 22, 1984. Re: Berkeley Ballet, Don Juan, "Juliet
63-5060: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, July 12, 1974. Re: Bay Delta Project, Abag
63-5028: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to Larry [Ziff] [Ca. 1958]. Re: Henry Miller, Yeats, Bbc
63-5103: Thomas F. Parkinson (1920 - 1992) - Tls Thomas Parkinson to His Wife, Ariel Reynolds Parkinson, [Ca. 1974]. Re: Gardening, Poetry
15-3635: Parkman, Francis - The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Mountain Life
68-3735: Parkman, Francis; C. A. Van Etten (illustr.) - Dust Jacket Only for the Oregon Trail
68-3835: Parkman, Francis; C. A. Van Etten (illustr.) - Dust Jacket Only for the Oregon Trail
65-1219: Parks, Addison; Smith, Leon Polk - Leon Polk Smith. Paintings 1945 - 1950. Recent Paintings
59-3484: Parks, Stephen, editor - Beinecke Studies in Early Manuscripts: Yale Library Gazette Supplement, Volume 66
15-1445: State of California. Dept. of Parks and Recreation. Division of Beaches and Parks - Sutter's Fort State Historical Monument
19-2805: Office of Historic Preservation California Department of Parks and Recreation - California Historical Landmarks
15-6122: California State Parks and Recreation Department - A Dedication of East Woods, a Center for Continuous Learning. February 29, 1974, at Asilomar
19-8547: Parley, Peter - Peter Parley's Parting Gift to His Young Friends
68-1579: Great Britain. Parliament - A Compleat List of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, with a List of the Commons of Great Britain : Both of the Late Parliament, Dissolved September the 23d 1710. And That Summoned to Meet November the 25th 1710. Fourth Edition
63-2810: John Parman, Elizabeth Snowden (publ.) - Design Book Review 6: Winter 1985
63-2811: John Parman, Elizabeth Snowden (publ.) - Design Book Review 4: Spring 1984
71-5821: Richardson, John; Memory Holloway; Dakin Hart; Jeff Koons, Helene Parmelin et al. - Picasso Mosqueteros: The Late Works 1962-1972. (Exhibition at Gagosian Gallery, from 26 March - 6 June 2009)
63-8182: L. Fort & Cie (69 Avenue Parmentier, Paris) - Receipt from L. Fort & Cie (69 Avenue Parmentier, Paris). June 19, 1908
55-0114: Toschi after Parmigiano - Saint Lucia and Saint Apollonia
51-0247: Parnall, Peter - Pygmy Owl
17-3313: Parnes, Roger - Le Directoire, Portefeuille D'Un Incroyable
65-3236: E. I. Parnov - Na Perekrestke Beskonechnostej = at the Crossroads of Infinities
75-2181: Annabella Parola, De Reszke Cigarettes - Postcard of Actress Annabella Daneila Parola
71-3342: Parr, Nathaniel (active 1742-1751) - The Louvre One of the Palaces of the King of France in Paris
18-8206: Parr, Martin (artist.); Luc, Elisabeth (trans.); Phillips, Sandra S. (text.) - Martin Parr. [Second French Language Edition]
18-8081: Martin Parr; Sandra S Phillips - Martin Parr
18-2093: Martin Parr - From Our House to Your House: Celebrating the American Christmas
59-0869: Parr, Ridley, et al. - Collection of Engravings of London Mayors
17-0416: Parr, Martin ; Gossage, John - Obvious & Ordinary : America 2006
09-0046: Parra, Emiliano Gironella; Breton, André - El Circo de Ojos. Homenaje a André Breton Por El Centenario de Su Nacimiento
19-7067: Emily M. Parris - What Is Love? a Book of Poetry by Emily M. Parris
17-1252: Parris, Leslie - Constable: Pictures from the Exhibition
17-2068: Parris, Leslie - Landscape in Britain C. 1750-1850
00-0613: Parris, Leslie, et al. - Constable: Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings
18-4008: Parrish, R. Nelson; Schone, Dorothea; Edward Cella Art + Architecture (Los Angeles) - R. Nelson Parrish: Surface Tension. October 17 - December 5, 2009. Opening: Saturday, October 17th, 2009 from 6 - 9 Pm. [Exhibition Announcement]
70-3154: Parrish, Martha V. (Preface) - Hirschl & Adler European: A Selection of Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Works
02-0487: Parrish, Maxfield - Enchantment
17-1656: Parrish, David - The Motorcycle by David Parrish
16-1918: Parrish, Randall - Prisoners of Chance: The Story of What Befell Geoffrey Benteen, Borderman, Through His Love for a Lady of France
71-5299: Parrocel, Pierre (French, 1670-1739) - Peasant Family
09-0339: Parrocel, Charles - Balotade. Croupade. Terre-à-Terre, Mezair, le Galop
63-0105: Parrot, George T.; Mary K. Thurston - Tls George T. Parrot (Surrogate Office, Union County, Elizabeth Nj) to Mary K. Thurston, February 16, 1911
63-0088: Parrot, George T.; Mary K. Thurston - Tls George T. Parrot (Surrogate Office, Union County, Elizabeth Nj) to Mary K. Thurston, January 31, 1911
68-0898: Parry, Roger (Phot.); Herckenrath on Veldstraat Salon, Ghent, Belgium - Jacques Perret
68-1000: Parry, Roger (phot.) - Mme Beck
63-9711: Parry, Captain William Edward - Narrative of an Attempt to Reach the North Pole in Boats Fitted for the Purpose, and Attached to His Majesty's Ship Hecla, in the Year Mdcccxxvii [1827]
74-0481: Edwin S Parry - Betsy Ross, Quaker Rebel : Being the True Story of the Romantic Life of the Maker of the First American Flag (Dust Jacket Only, No Book)
68-1007: Parry, R. [phot.] - Louis Ferdinand Céline
16-2542: Parry, Betty (ed.) - The Unicorn and the Garden. A Poetry and Prose Anthology from the Textile Museum Poetry & Literature Series
68-1008: [Parry, R. [phot.].] - [Celine]
59-0570: Pars, William - The Valley and Glacier of Grindelwald in the Canton of Berne / la Vallée Et Glacieres de Grindelwald, Dans le Canton de Berne
16-2003: Parson, J. (ed.) - The Friendly Dog: An Anthology
60-0496: Parsons, Arthur Jeffrey - The Division of Prints of the Library of Congress [Electronic File]
63-9757: George Parsons - Als George Parsons to Herb Yellin, October 9, 1980. On Aramco Letterhead
63-9758: George Parsons - Als George Parsons to Herb Yellin, October 5, 1980
63-9759: George Parsons - Als George Parsons to Herb Yellin, October 19, 1980
63-9756: George Parsons - Als George Parsons to Herb Yellin, April 5, 1980
63-9754: George Parsons - Als George Parsons to Herb Yellin, [1979]
63-9755: George Parsons - Als George Parsons to Herb Yellin, October 5, 1991
63-9751: George Parsons - Tls George Parsons to Herb Yellin, April 4, 1979
63-9752: George Parsons - Als George Parsons to Herb Yellin, July 8, 1979
63-9753: George Parsons - Tls George Parsons to Herb Yellin, May 13, 1979
18-4011: Parsons, Betty; Newman, Louis (text); David Findlay Jr. Gallery (New York) - Betty Parsons: A Life in Art. March 5 - 28, 2015. Reception: March 7, 3: 00-5: 00pm. [Exhibition and Reception Announcement]
63-4202: Friends of the Rochester Public Library; George R. Parsons, Jr.; Joyce Carol Oates - Copy of Tls Sent by George R. Parsons, Jr. Of Friends of the Rochester Public Library, to Joyce Carol Oates (Addressed As Joyce Carol Smith), March 25, 1980. Re: Invitation to Joyce Carol Oates to Join Rochester's Lecture Series
15-6045: Parsons, James J. - Antioqueno Colonization in Western Columbia
70-3180: Parsons, Betty; Godwin, Judith; Johnson, Buffie; Miles, Jeanne Patterson; Reynal, Jeanne; Schwabacher, Ethel; Shapolsky, Anita (text) - Betty Parsons & the Women. (Catalog of an Exhibition Held at the Anita Shapolsky Gallery, New York, Apr. 28-July 1, 2005; and at the Opalka Gallery, the Sage Colleges, Albany, Sept. 6-Oct. 16, 2005. )
12-1419: Parsons, Edward L. - Lo, the Poor Liberal!
18-8747: Partenheimer, Jurgen (artist.); Glatt, Bruno (text.); Wesseler, Jurgen (artist.); Galerie Onrust (Amsterdam); Kunsthalle Bremerhaven (Bremerhaven) - Jurgen Partenheimer: Iworu (Das Gebiet), Zeichnungen. 1987. Galerie Onrust (Amsterdam), the Netherlands. Zeichnungen: Das Wesen Der Dinge Versteckt Sich Gern. Notizen Zu Bildern, 1983-1987. 1988. Kunsthalle Bremerhaven. Bremerhaven, Germany. [Selection of 2 Exhibition Catalogues]
18-5114: Partenheimer, Jurgen; NationalGalerie Berlin (Berlin) - Jurgen Partenheimer: Verwandlung - Heimkehr. [Exhibition Catalogue]
18-4519: Partenheimer, Jurgen; Galerie Erkhard Klein (Bonn) - Jurgen Partenheimer: IM Flug Treff Ich Was Fliegt. [Exhibition Postcard]
18-4482: Partenheimer, Jurgen; Museum Morsbroich (Leverkusen) - Einladung Zur Ausstellungseroffnung. Jurgen Partenheimer: Tonende Schatten. Zeichnungen Und Aquarelle. [Exhibition Announcement and Invitation to Opening]
18-4480: Partenheimer, Jurgen; Galerie Lohrl (Mönchengladbach) - Jurgen Partenheimer. Das Trockene Feuer Der Seele: Bilder. 11. September - 29. Oktober, 1988. [the Dry Fire of the Soul, Exhibition]. [Exhibition Brochure]
18-4462: Partenheimer, Jurgen; - Jurden Partenheimer: Giant Wall / Vasts Apart [Prospectus Only]
18-4089: Partenheimer, Jürgen; Rathaus Reutlingen - Linolschitte Und Bucher. [June 12 - 24, 1988]
18-4080: Partenheimer, Jürgen; - On Tradition and Vision in Contemporary Art
18-4078: Partenheimer, Jürgen; - Partenheimer: Der Ort Des Bogens (the Site of the Bow)
18-4079: Partenheimer, Jürgen; Glatt, Bruno (text) - Partenheimer: Vor Der Erfindung Des Schreibens (Mnemosyne). [Limited Edition]
18-4040: Jürgen Partenheimer; Christa Häusler - Jürgen Partenheimer, Follow the Rabbit
18-4012: Partenheimer, Jurgen; Galerie Michael Haas (Berlin) - Jurgen Partenheimer. Arbeiten Auf Papier. 20 Mai Bis 1 Juli, 1988. Limited Edition
18-4013: Partenheimer, Jurgen; NationalGalerie Berlin (Berlin) - Jurgen Partenheimer: Verwandlung - Heimkehr
18-4014: Partenheimer, Jurgen; Hans Strelow (Dusseldorf) - Jurgen Partenheimer: Vier Enden Bilden Den Kreis Licht Warme Regen Kraft
18-4530: Partenheimer, Jurgen; Kunstverien St. Gallen (St. Gallen) - Jurgen Partenheimer: Tonende Schatten. Kunstmuseum St. Gallen: 26. August - 22. Oktober, 1989. [Exhibition Postcard]
71-1200: Partenheimer, Jurgen (Forward) - Mfa Exhibitions. Richard L. Nelson Gallery, University of California, Davis, 30 May - 27 June 1986
70-0312: Jürgen Partenheimer - Ausstellungskatalog Schwarzes Kloster: Der Umformer (Hasenfuß). 16 Zeichnungen. (Exhibition: 24 February to 25 March, 1984)
70-0303: Jürgen Partenheimer - Fragmente Part II. Der Weg Der Nashörner. Axis Mundi Twixt Thumb and the Next. (Signed and Inscribed by the Author to Peter Selz)
63-2904: Partington, J. R. - A History of Greek Fire and Gunpowder
08-1262: Galerie Royale; Partlow, Marianne Fairbank - The Friends of Gertrude Stein
08-1263: Galerie Royale; Partlow, Marianne Fairbank - 19th & 20th Century American Paintings. Recent Acquisitions. Fall 1989
19-9228: IBOU & Partners - Boekenweek 28 October - 12 November, 1972. Internationaal Jaar Van Het Boek. (Exhibition Poster)
51-2066: Graphic Partners, Edinburgh - Tiger Tim & Co. Exhibition. Poster
71-5645: Parton, Dolly - Portrait of Dolly Parton (Singer-Songwriter and Actress)
62-0199: Partridge, Roi - Nine Prints [Electronic File]. Reproduced from Fine Prints of the Year
18-9056: Elizabeth Partridge; Rondal Partridge; Sally Stein - Quizzical Eye: The Photography of Rondal Partridge
63-6969: Partridge, Eric; Society for Pure English - Slang. Society for Pure English, Tract No. LV
63-6466: Gryffyd Partridge - Als Gryffyd Partridge to Peg Frankel, November 11, 1981
18-2081: Rondal Partridge - Rondal Partridge - the California Historical Society Proudly Presents a Limited Edition Portfolio of the Work of California Photographer Rondal Partridge. (Note: This Is a Prospectus for the Portfolio and Not the Work Itself. )
15-6478: Partridge, A. C.; Allardyce Nicoll (fwd.) - The Problem of Henry VIII Reopened. Some Linguistic Criteria for the Two Styles Apparent in the Play
01-1096: Republican Party - Centennial Republic National Convention
59-1345: Democratic Party - Democrats Register Here to Vote
15-4215: Socialist Worker's Party - Stop Mccarthyism! Your Stake in the Fight
18-8429: Pasadena Art Museum (Pasadena) - Eighth San Gabriel Valley Artists Exhibition: October 7th Through November 18th, [1956]. Pasadena Art Museum, Pasadena, Ca. [Exhibition Catalogue]
70-3178: Pratapaditya Pal; Norton Simon Museum (Pasadena, Calif.) - Painted Poems: Rajput Paintings from the Ramesh and Urmil Kapoor Collection. (Catalog of an Exhibition Held at the Norton Simon Museum, Pasedena, Calif. , Apr. 2-Aug. 23, 2004. )
63-6106: Grant Dahlstrom (Pasadena, CA) - Grant Dahlstrom of the Castle Press Invites You to an Open House to Introduce Its New Owners Susan Denne & George Kinney. December 13, 1979
63-6986: Grant Dahlstrom (Pasadena, CA); Rev. Dr. John Trusler - A Christmas Greeting from the Castle Press. Includes a Reprint of How to Carve a Christmas Goose, by the Rev. Dr. John Trusler, 1735-1819
63-6107: Grant Dahlstrom (Pasadena, CA) - Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Helen and Grant Dahlstrom, 1974
63-6119: Grant Dahlstrom (Pasadena, CA) - Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. ("from Helen & Grant Dahlstrom" Inside Cover)
63-6115: Grant Dahlstrom (Pasadena, CA); Conrad Grable (illustr.) - Whether Silly Lamb or Surly Lion. Castle Press Advert Using 1615 Illustrations by Conrad Grable
63-6117: Grant Dahlstrom (Pasadena, CA) - Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Helen and Grant Dahlstrom 1968-69
63-6113: Grant Dahlstrom (Pasadena, CA) - Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Castle Press
63-6114: Grant Dahlstrom (Pasadena, CA) - Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Castle Press
63-6111: Grant Dahlstrom (Pasadena, CA) - Grant Dahlstrom Als to Paul [Bennett], March 23, 1950
63-6112: Grant Dahlstrom (Pasadena, CA) - John Locke on Printers, Binders, Sellers, and Others
63-6109: Grant Dahlstrom (Pasadena, CA) - Our 48pt Torino Italic Is Just Tickety-Boo!
63-6110: Grant Dahlstrom (Pasadena, CA) - Love. A Description. These Excerpts from the 1842 Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica
63-6108: Grant Dahlstrom (Pasadena, CA); John de Pol (wood engraving) - We Pay Particular Attention to the Quality of Presswork in Our Establishment. Grant Dahlstrom, the Castle Press
63-6105: Grant Dahlstrom (Pasadena, CA); W Irving Way; Roby Wentz; Homer P Earle; Zamorano Club - W. Irving Way 1853 - 1931. An Autobiographical Fragment
63-6104: Grant Dahlstrom (Pasadena, CA) - Grant Dahlstrom of the Castle Press Invites You to an Open House. January 23rd, 1969
63-6102: Grant Dahlstrom (Pasadena, CA) - Books Designed & Printed by Grant Dahlstrom
70-3155: Pratapaditya Pal; Norton Simon Museum (Pasadena, Calif.) - Painted Poems: Rajput Paintings from the Ramesh and Urmil Kapoor Collection. (Catalog of an Exhibition Held at the Norton Simon Museum, Pasedena, Calif. , Apr. 2-Aug. 23, 2004. )
70-3298: Pratapaditya Pal; Norton Simon Museum (Pasadena, Calif.) - Painted Poems: Rajput Paintings from the Ramesh and Urmil Kapoor Collection. (Catalog of an Exhibition Held at the Norton Simon Museum, Pasedena, Calif. , Apr. 2-Aug. 23, 2004. )
70-3036: Pratapaditya Pal; Norton Simon Museum (Pasadena, Calif.) - Painted Poems: Rajput Paintings from the Ramesh and Urmil Kapoor Collection. (Catalog of an Exhibition Held at the Norton Simon Museum, Pasedena, Calif. , Apr. 2-Aug. 23, 2004. )
15-7823: Norton Simon Museum (Pasadena, CA) - Vincent Van Gogh: Painter, Printmaker, Collector
66-0173: Pascal, Roy - Kafka's Narrators: A Study of His Stories and Sketches
75-2334: Jean Claude Pascal, Sam Levin - French Postcard with Plate of 'Jean Claude Pascal. '
51-5079: Pascal, Blaise 1623-1662; Jean de La Bruyère; Theophrastus; (371-287 BC) ;Pierre Jacques Brillon - Suite Des Caractères de Théophraste Et Des Pensées de M Pascal [and] Les Caractères de Théophraste Traduits Du Grec Avec Les Caractères Ou Les Moeurs de Ce Siècle Et la Clef. First Editions
70-2519: Mark Pascale; Printworks Gallery - The Exquisite Corpse : January 7, 2000-February 5, 2000. (Exhibition Catalog Including the Work of More Than 60 Artists. )
17-3178: E. Pascali - Giulio Romano. (B&W Engraving)
17-6304: Paschal, Huston - Defying Gravity: Contemporary Art and Flight
17-0118: Pascher, Stephen ; Steven Wolf Fine Arts (San Francisco) - Who Got the Chickens? : An Exhibition at Steven Wolf Fine Arts, January 8 - February 7, 2009
18-3800: Paschke, Ed; Speyer, A. James; Galerie Darthea Speyer (Paris) - Ed Paschke. [April 4 - June 6, 1981]
65-1306: Pascin, Jules - Jules Pascin (1885 - 1930). Paintings, Pastels, Drawings
18-8069: Jules Pascin; Alfred Werner - Pascin: 110 Drawings
70-2411: Jules Pascin; Hermine David - Works on Paper. (Invitation to Exhibition, May 19 to June 30, 1998. )
18-4007: Pascin, Jules - Jules Pascin (1885-1930), "the Nude. " Jan 5 - Feb. 7, 1959
10-0278: Pascin, Jules - Seated Woman
17-3493: Jules Pascin; Gaston Diehl; Rosalie Siegel (Transl.) - Pascin
19-9832: Galerie Fanny Guillon-Laffaille; Pascin, Jules; Theo Waddington Fine Art Ltd - Jules Pascin
19-8362: Pascin - Des Quarte Chemins
63-5689: Tom Pascoe; Ward Ritchie; Los Angeles Club of Printing House Craftsmen - Paul A. Bennett in Los Angeles
19-7217: Herbert Yellin; Steve Pasechnick, Edgewood Press - Letter on Letterhead Addressed to Herb Yellin of the Lord John Press Inquiring About Material for "Best of the Rest", and Anthology of Small Press Science Fiction
65-3325: Pasek, Mirko; V. S. Kovalevskij - Puteshestvija, Prikljuchenija, Fantastika. Mirko Pashek: Lovcy Zhenchuga = Lovci Perel
65-2827: Pasherstnik, A. E. - Kollektivnyj Dogovor V Sssr = Collective Agreement in Soviet Union
18-4010: Pasmore, Victor; Schamlenbach, Werner (text.); Kestner-Gesellschaft (Hannover) - Victor Pasmore
18-3863: Victor Pasmore - Victor Pasmore: June 1966
18-3846: Victor Pasmore - Victor Pasmore Print Exhibition. (Catalog of an Exhibition at the Rabak & Russell Gallery, San Francisco, 1984. Courtesy of Christie's Contemporary Art, London. )
59-2472: Pasmore, Victor - Victor Pasmore: A Print Retrospective 1951-1997
59-2335: Pasmore, Victor - Victor Pasmore: New Etchings
70-0313: Victor Pasmore; Ronald Alley (Essay) - Victor Pasmore. Retrospective Exhibition 1925-1965. (Exhibition: Tate Gallery, 14 May-27 June 1965. )
11-0660: Pasmore, Victor - Prospectus for Points of Contact-Transformations and Points of Contact-Linear Developments
08-1796: Iannetti, Pasquale and Armando Amaya - Armando Amaya: Recent Sculpture
65-1339: Pasquali, Marilena; Groppi, Georgio - Giorgio Groppi: Bronzetti, Mitologici
65-1197: Pasquali, Dino - Franco Scuderi. Dieci Anni/Ten Years
09-0297: Pasquali, Dino; Bianchini, Luca - Luca Bianchini: Scultore. Danza E Amore
59-2791: Pasquali, Marilena - Giorgio Groppi: Sculore
59-2652: Pasquali, Dino - Franco Scuderi: Dieci Anni/Ten Years
71-1605: Pasquali, Marilena, et al. - Mitchell Johnson - Doppio Binario
19-9924: Pasquali, Marilena (text.) - Folon Al Forte Di Belvedere Firenze
59-2323: Mario Pasqualotto - Cataplexia
73-7093: Pasquelot, Maurice - Maurice Pasquelot
17-1100: Galerie Priska Pasquer - Galerie Priska Pasquer: 10 Years
73-4357: Pasquier, J.A.; Jackson, M. - Arrival of Uncle John
73-7207: du Pasquier, Jacqueline - Les Arts Decoratifs Bordelais
59-3107: Pasquier - Dom Alvare Roy de Congo Donnant Audience Aux Hollandois En 1742
71-1448: J. A. Pasquier; E. Duncan (Illustrators) - Arrival of Uncle John: Packing the Christmas Hamper. From December 20, 1856 Issue of the Illustrated London News
71-0742: Pasquine, Ruth - Modernism and American Drawing 1900-1950. A Traveling Artmobile Exhibition Organized from the Arkansas Arts Center Foundation Collection
71-0735: Pasquine, Ruth - Poetry in Drawing: Prints, Drawings, and Artists' Books from the Arkansas Center Foundation Collection. Exhibition at the Arkansas Art Center, 1996-1998
15-10331: Pasquinucci, Graziella - Arteoggi I Cataloghi Delle Mostre 1983/1988: Per Un Catalogo Dei Cataloghi
73-3161: De Pass - De Pass
59-3292: White Pass and Yukon Route; [British Columbia Government Travel Bureau] - The Story of Ben-My-Chree
73-6989: Passanti, Mario - Architetuttura in Piemonte
15-3647: M. Tulli Ciceronis; V. O. Gorenshtejn, M. E. Grabar'-Passek et al. - Mark Tullij Ciceron: Rechi V Dvuch Tomah. Tom II, Gody 62-43 Do N.è. = M. Tulli Ciceronis: Orations in Two Volumes; Vol. 2
63-1433: Passeron, Roger - La Gravure En 1925. La Gravure Medicis. 4 Novembre 1975
212-X: Passeron, Roger - Cathelin: Lithographs, 1957-89
50-0979: Passet, G. - Carlier [Poster]
71-4109: Passignano, Domenico (After); S. Levi Polacco (Del. & Engraver) - Self-Portrait of Domenico Cresti, IL Passignano (1559-1638), from Imperiale E Reale Galleria Di Firenze
16-0017: Passler, David L. - Time, Form, and Style in Boswell's Life of Johnson
63-7839: Passmore, Mr. Walter - Post Card Signed by Mr Walter Passmore, Sent to Mr. L.P. Schlarb, Kennington Park London, Postmarked Feb. 4, 1905
70-2923: Dos Passos, John - [Dust Jacket] the Living Thoughts of Tom Paine. (Dust Jacket Only. Book Not Included)
18-3809: Passuntino, Peter; Brown, Gordon (text.); Monique Knowlton Gallery (New York, NY) - Peter Passuntino: Paintings. March 13 - April 17, 1976. Monique Knowlton Gallery. [First Edition. ]
16-1565: Pasta, Betty B., David J. Pasta, John R. Pasta - A Short Concordance to Laurence Sterne's a Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy by Mr. Yorick. Volume I.
16-1566: Pasta, Betty B., David J. Pasta, John R. Pasta - A Short Concordance to Laurence Sterne's a Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy by Mr. Yorick. Volume II
59-4248: Pastan, Linda - A Real Story
59-3418: Pasternak, Leonid Osipovich - Prof. L. Pasternak: Portrait-Album
11-0494: Pasternak, Boris - Poem
65-0853: Pasternak, Boris Leonidovich - Le Docteur Jivago: Roman
11-0670: Pasternak, Boris, et al. - Unicorn Folio, Series 1, No. 4
65-3364: B. Pasternak - Temy I Var'Jacii: Chetvertaja Kniga Stihov = the Fourth Books of Poems by Boris Pasternak
18-4028: Pasternak, Grigory L.; Raleigh, Eugene - To Reach This Season: A Russian's Odyssey to the West
70-3018: Pasternak, Boris Leonidovich; Max Hayward & Manya Harari (Transl) - [Dust Jacket] Doctor Zhivago. (Dust Jacket Only. Book Not Included)
70-3015: Pasternak, Boris Leonidovich; Max Hayward & Manya Harari (Transl) - [Dust Jacket] Doctor Zhivago. (Dust Jacket Only. Book Not Included)
11-0457: Pasternak, Boris, et al. - Unicorn Folio, Series 1, No. 4
17-0513: Pasternak, William G. - W.G. Pasternak : Drawings
18-4009: Pastine, Ruth; Kuspit, Donald; Edward Cella Art + Architecture (Los Angeles) - Ruth Pastine: Limitless. September 12 - October 31, 2009. Opening: Saturday, September 12, 2009 from 5 - 8 Pm. [Exhibition Announcement]
18-0315: Paston, George - Old Coloured Books. [First Edition]
73-1258: Paston, George - Old Coloured Books
01-0998: Pastorini, J. E. - Als Regarding Pastorini's Submittal of 2 Art Works for Exhibition at the Royal Academy, London
17-1087: Pastorius, Harold L. Jr. - Harold L. Pastorius, Jr. : Pastorius Sculpture
66-0299: Patai, Raphael - Tents of Jacob: The Diaspora, Yesterday and Today
07-0038: Patala, Ioulia, ed - Ancient Olympia: Authentic Copies and Applications
65-1216: Patara, Augusto, ed - Selezione Arte. Settembre/Ottobre 1979
15-6408: Patch, Howard Rollin - Two Notes on Chaucer's Troilus
13-1381: Patchen, Kenneth - For Sale: 2 New Painted Edition Patchen Books
59-3216: Patchen, Kenneth - Dust Jacket for the Collected Poems of Kenneth Patchen
59-4075: Patchen, Kenneth - We Would Like You to Come and Celebrate with Us on Publication Day the Appearance of the Journal of Albion Moonlight by Kenneth Patchen
15-7815: Patchen, Kenneth - For Sale: 2 New Painted Edition Patchen Books
10-0368: Patchen, Kenneth - Kenneth Patchen: Painted Books & Picture-Poems, November 21, 2009-March 21, 2010
15-5920: Patchen, Kenneth - A Word. A Preface to an Astonished Eye Looks out of the Air
71-2260: Patchett, Tom - Burt Payne 3: Access. (Exhibition at Track 16 Gallery, Santa Monica, Ca. , 10 September - 12 November 1994)
69-0741: Gieve Patel; Thomas W. Sokolowski; Daniel A. Herwitz - Contemporary Indian Art from the Chester and Davida Herwitz Family Collection
63-6056: Walter Pater; Charles L. Shadwell (ed.) - Gaston de Latour: An Unfinished Romance. First Edition
16-4813: Pater, Walter; Alastair, (Hans Henning Otto Harry Baron von Voigt, 1887-1969), artist - Sebastian Van Storck. With Eight Illustrations in Colour by Alastair. First Edition
16-1391: Pater, Alan F. (ed.) - Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1937, and Year Book of American Poetry
15-2686: Pater, Alan F. - Anthology of Magazine Verse and Yearbook of American Poetry. 1981 Edition
73-6761: Paterson and Worland - Photographs and Plan of Our Lady of Lourdes Church and Rectory, Bethesda, Md
73-0566: Donald G. Paterson; John G. Darley - Men, Women, and Jobs Dust Jacket Only, Book Not Included
16-0418: Paterson, Alistair (ed.) - 15 Contemporary New Zealand Poets
15-6414: Paterson, John - Hardy, Faulkner, and the Prosaics of Tragedy
15-6409: Paterson, John - The 'Poetics' of "the Return of the Native.
68-1557: Paterson, William - Upon the Petition of William Paterson, Esq
63-9554: Associated British-Pathe - Pr Stills of Diana Dors & Michael Craig in Yield to the Night
68-4801: [Pathe.?] - [Publicity Photo Dans le Revue Plaisirs Casino de Paris?]
68-4387: Pathe - [le Desorde, with S Frey a Valli Susan Strashe]
17-1484: Pathe - Emmanuelle Riva and Eiji Okada in Alain Resnais & Marguerite Duras' "Hiroshima Mon Amour", 1959
51-4916: Disques Pathé; Studio Star - Photograph of Jean Tranchant. Signed and Annotated.
68-4791: Pathe - Publicity Photo, Featuring Madame Line Renaud, Dans le Revue Plaisirs Casino de Paris
68-4847: Consortium Pathe - Press Kit for 1961 Film Les Femmes Accusent
71-1782: Pathick, Jerry (1935-2003) - Jerry Pathick: Material Space. Exhibition at Southern Alberta Art Gallery, 19 October - 27 November [1992]
73-5852: American Journal of Pathology - Volume 148, Number 1
16-1347: Patmore, Coventry - The Angels in the House: The Espousals
16-1349: Patmore, Coventry - The Angels in the House: The Betrothal
16-1486: Patmore, Coventry - The Rod, the Root, and the Flower
16-1480: Patmore, Coventry - Faithful for Ever
16-1459: Patmore, Coventry - Principle in Art
16-1458: Patmore, Coventry - The Angels in the House: The Betrothal
16-1212: Patmore, Coventry - Principle in Art
73-4108: Paton, J. Noel; Graves, R. - Paolo and Francesca Da Rimini
71-3776: Paton, John (After); W. Greatbach (Engraver) - Portrait of James Thomson (Scottish Poet and Playwright, 1700-1748)
19-6883: Paton, J. Noel (after); Graves, R. (engrav.) - Paolo and Francesca Da Rimini" Taken Fro, J. Vernon Whitaker's Book "Art, the Treasures of England: The Masterpieces of the Best English, Irish, and Scottish Painters and Sculptors, Represented by over 100 Fine Steel Engravings," Plate 46. Illustrated by J. Noel Paton and Engraved by R. Graves
71-3405: Patot, C. - Hotel de Mayenne, 21 Rue St. Antoine, Paris
65-3487: Moscow Patriarchate - Dejanija Soveshchanija Glav I Predstavitelej Avtokefal'Nyh Pravoslavnyh Cerkvej V Svjazi S Prazdnovaniem 500 Letija Avtokefalii Russkoj Pravoslavnoj Cerkvi; Tom Pervyj = Russian Orthodox Church Leaders Gathering in Honor of 500-Year Celebrations. Vol. 1
13-0188: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 1. January 1951
13-0183: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 11. November 1947
13-0174: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 7. July 1946
13-0167: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 7. July 1956
13-0164: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 10. October 1957
13-0161: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 11. November 1947
13-0148: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 9. September 1944
13-0143: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 12. December 1949
13-0199: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. 1948 Special Issue
13-0200: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. 1951 Complete
13-0195: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. 1948 Complete
13-0193: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 4. April 1953
13-0194: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 4. April 1953
13-0192: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 3. March 1953
13-0190: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 5. May 1952
13-0191: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 7. August 1952
13-0189: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 2. February 1951
13-0187: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 9. September 1949
13-0185: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 2. February 1949
13-0186: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 8. August 1949
13-0184: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 12. December 1947
13-0182: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 10. October 1947
13-0181: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 9. September 1947
13-0179: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 2. February 1946
13-0180: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 1. January 1947
13-0178: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 12. December 1946
13-0176: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 5. May 1946
13-0177: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 10. October 1946
13-0175: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 9. September 1946
13-0173: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 4. April 1946
13-0171: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 1. January 1949
13-0172: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 2. February 1949
13-0169: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 2. February 1957
13-0170: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 1. January 1957
13-0168: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 3. March 1957
13-0166: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 12. December 1955
13-0165: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 6. June 1957
13-0163: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 4. April 1957
13-0162: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 12. December 1947
13-0160: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 10. October 1947
13-0159: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 9. September 1947
13-0157: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 7. July 1947
13-0158: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 8. August 1947
13-0155: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 7. July 1950
13-0156: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 6. June 1947
13-0154: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 6. June 1950
13-0152: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 3. March 1950
13-0153: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 5. May 1950
13-0150: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 1. January 1950
13-0151: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 2. February 1950
13-0149: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 12. December 1957
13-0147: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 1. January 1944
13-0145: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 3. March 1943
13-0146: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 4. April 1943
13-0144: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 3. March 1943
13-0142: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 11. November 1949
13-0140: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 9. September 1949
13-0141: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 10. October 1949
13-0139: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 8. August 1949
13-0137: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 6. June 1949
13-0138: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 7. July 1949
13-0135: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 4. April 1949
13-0136: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 5. May 1949
13-0134: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 3. March 1949
13-0132: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 11. November 1950
13-0133: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 12. December 1950
13-0130: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 9. September 1950
13-0131: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 10. October 1950
13-0129: Moskovskaja Patriarchija - Zhurnal Moskovskoj Patriarhii = Journal of Moscow Patriarchy. No. 8. August 1950
18-9750: Polly Morris; Emilia Layden; Patrick and Beatrice Haggerty Museum of Art,; Greater Milwaukee Foundation - The Greater Milwaukee Foundation's Mary L. Nohl Fund : Fellowships for Individual Artists 2017 ; the Nohl Fellowships : Fifteen Years
62-0200: Patrick, James MacIntosh - Six Prints [Electronic File]. Reproduced from Fine Prints of the Year
59-1338: Patrick, Bill - Bill Patrick, Govenor
13-0906: Patrick, Robert - Untold Decades: Seven Comedies of Gay Romance
16-2932: Whitbeck, Patrick and Conrad Wolff (artists) and Ray Bradbury (writer) - The Martian Chronicles. Poster for the West Coast Premiere
13-0023: Patrick, Ted - Holiday. December 1960. Chicago
13-0019: Patrick, Ted - Holiday. September 1948. Utah
13-0021: Patrick, Ted - Holiday. May 1956
01-0168: Patrick, Bill - Elect Republican Bill Patrick Governor [Poster]
15-8495: Patrides, C. A. - Milton and His Contemporaries on the Chains of Satan. Reprinted from Modern Language Notes, Vol. LXXIII, 1958
17-3518: Galerie Patriotique - D' Annunzio : Ardent Poete Et Patriote Italien
73-3376: Department of California Highway Patrol - Handbook for Official Lamp Adjusting Stations
54-1945: Art Show Patrons - 1950 Walnut Festival Art Show, Preview Reception
51-5828: Patte, Pierre 1723-1814 ); Ange-Jacques Gabriel (Architect); François Boucher (Artist); Martin Marvie (Artist); Charles Nicolas Cochin (Engraver); Jean Charles Baquoy (Engraver); Noël Le Mire (Engraver),;Jean-Michel Papillon (Woodcutter) - Monumens érigés En France a la Gloire de Louis XV : PréCédés D'Un Tableau Du Progrès Des Arts & Des Sciences Sous Ce Règne, Ainsi Que D'Une Description Des Honneurs & Des Monumens de Gloire Accordés Aux Grands Hommes, Tant Chez Anciens Que Chez Modernes; Et Suivis D'Un Choix Des Principaux Projets Qui Ont été Proposés, Pour Placer la Statue Du Roi Dans Les Différens Quartiers de Paris... First Edition
63-9161: Patten, Brian - The Irrelevant Song. Limited Edition, Numbered 25 of 100. Original First Edition
16-1898: Patten, Brian, & Pat Krett (ed.) - The House That Jack Built: Poems for Shelter
11-0485: Patten, Brian - Portrait of a Young Girl Raped at a Suburban Party
15-9543: Van Patten, Nathan - Typed Summary of Nathan Van Patten Material
73-3528: Patterson, Gary - Sagittarius
74-0191: John C Patterson - America's Greatest Inventors (Dust Jacket Only, No Book)
59-3246: Patterson, Joseph Medill - Rebellion
15-3272: Patterson, Ian [bookseller] - Catalogue Eight: The Spanish CIVIL War
50-0626: Patterson, Charles Robert - The Ross-Shire
74-0257: J H Patterson - The Man-Eaters of Tsavo : And Other African Adventures, New Edition (Dust Jacket Only, No Book)
19-8550: Patterson, Calvin - Patterson's Common School Speller, Adapted to Written Lessons and Accompanied by an Exercise Book
12-0592: Patterson, Augusta Owen - American Homes of to-Day
63-5286: Jim Pattison - Tls Jim Pattison to Herb Yellin, May 14, 1989. Re: Dolan's Cadillac; the Pigeon Shoot
15-1963: Pattison, Frederick Woodworth - Als from Frederick Woodworth Pattison to Burton Weiss, September 7, 1987
16-0337: Patton, Annaleone D. (President) - The Ina Coolbrith Golden Circle
51-2762: Patton, F. (active 1754-1764) - Plan of the Temple of Aesculapius and Plan of the Temple of Jupiter
19-3752: James Richard Patton; Mary Patton - Space, Abstraction and Freedom: Twentieth-Century Art from the Collection of Mary and Jim Patton
18-3398: Renger-Patzsch, Albert; Bauhaus-Archiv; Haub, Barbara (trans.) - Focusing the Modern: The Fagus Factory Photographed by Albert Renger-Patzsch
51-5292: Pauchard - Mixed Media Abstract Work
68-0993: [Saint-Paul, Rene (phot.).] - Simone de Beauvoir
68-0992: Saint-Paul, Rene (phot.) - Simone de Beauvoir Et Sartre. Photographed Near the Church of Saint Germain Des Pres (on the Right) in Paris, Ca. 1955
68-0887: [Saint-Paul, Rene.] - [20th Century French Performer]
68-0885: [Saint-Paul, Rene.] - [20th Century French Scholar]
68-0884: [Saint-Paul, Rene.] - [20th Century French Scholar]
68-0881: Saint-Paul, Rene - [20th Century French Actress]
68-0882: [Saint-Paul, Rene.] - [20th Century French Performer]
68-0883: Saint-Paul, Rene - [20th Century French Performer]
16-2375: Krassner, Paul and Stewart Brand, Al Young, William Pitt Root, Barry Spacks, Robert Stone, a portfolio of photographs by Judy Dater, Gary Snyder, Allen Ginsberg - Neon Rose: It's a Blue Blue Rose That Grows Beneath the Neon Sun. Place, Vol. III, No. 1
18-9164: Jacqueline Paul; John Roberts - Japan Quest: An Illustrated Opinion of Modern Japanese Life. (Signed and Inscribed by John Roberts to Judy Stone on Free End Paper. )
59-3639: Mariah, Paul and Joan Miro - Homage to Miro #4
75-0317: ars mundi Collection (St. Paul) - Salvador Dali: Four Paintings of the Bible, 1986. St. Paul
75-0318: ars mundi Collection (St. Paul) - Dali's Medallion, King David and the Dinai Desert , 1986. St. Paul
68-0994: [Saint-Paul, Rene (phot.).] - [A. Peyre de Maudiapus]
63-7618: Bush Foundation (St. Paul, MN) - Pathways to Transformation: Three Decades of the Bush Artist Fellows Program
12-0808: Geiger, Paul and Wildhaber, Robert (eds.) - Archives Suisses Des Traditions Populaires. Tome 47
63-6981: Modesto Bee; Forrest G. Jackson, Jr.; Philter Press; Paul and Joyce Quyle - Fine Printing Becomes Way of Living for a Serious Hobbyist. The Modesto Bee, Wednesday January 5, 1966. Article About the Philter Press, Paul and Joyce Quyle
63-6980: Philter Press; Paul and Joyce Quyle - For Whom the Bells Tolled
63-6979: Philter Press; Paul and Joyce Quyle - Two of Old Granddad's Favorite Liqueur Recipes
18-3763: Bruno Paul - Bruno Paul Oder Die Wucht Des Komischen. (Signed by Peter Selz)
63-4359: Bookslinger (St. Paul, MN) - Announcement from Bookslinger (St. Paul, Mn), Regarding Trade Distribution Activities. With Ms Note Inked in Margins from Jim Sitter to Herb Yellin
63-3792: Point San Pablo Yacht Club (Richmond, Calif.); [Paul and Joyce Quyle (print)] - The Point San Pablo Yacht Club: Invites You to Our Valentine Party, Honoring the North Bay Yacht Club, February 12, 1972
63-3791: Point San Pablo Yacht Club (Richmond, Calif.); [Paul and Joyce Quyle (print)] - The Point San Pablo Yacht Club: Hey Man! What's with It? How You Gonna Be My Valentine If'n You Don't Come to the Party
01-1252: Lacroix. Paul - Moeurs, Usages Et Costumes Au Moyen Age Et a L'Epoque de la Renaissance
63-3079: Rodman W. Paul - Dust Jacket for California Gold
63-0793: Hermann Paul - Der Arme Heinrich Von Hartmann Von Aue
59-3638: Mariah, Paul and Robert Peters - Chatterton's Presents a Benefit Poetry Reading for Manroot Magazine. Paul Mariah, Robert Peters Reading from Their Own Works
12-1122: Mariah, Paul and Kirby Congdon - Mouth of the Dragon. No. 7
08-1073: Gorky, Arshile; Schimmel, Paul and Kertess, Klaus - Gorky's Betrothals. October 6, 1993 - January 9, 1994
02-0749: Paul, Jacqueline - Japan Quest: An Illustrated Opinion of Modern Japanese Life
17-0680: Ashit Paul - Mukta Shilpa Presents an Exhibition of Recent Works by Ashit Paul in Aid of Charuchetana at the Academy of Fine Arts, 8-14 December 2006
55-0205: Paul, Rodman - The California Gold Discovery [Prospectus]
15-2260: Cross Pointe Paper Corporation (Saint Paul, Minn.) - How Did Cross Pointe Know That Designers Would Be Drawn to Their Newest Line of Fine Recycled Paper
70-2951: Paul, Louis - [Dust Jacket] : The Reverend Ben Pool. (Dust Jacket Only. Book Not Included)
15-1484: Quyle, Paul and Joyce - October Moxon
15-5311: Club de Yates de San Pablo; Philter Press; Paul and Joyce Quyle - 1810, Dia de Independencia de la Republica Mexicana
75-1493: Bruno Paul - Oder Die Wucht Des Komischen
01-0014: Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad - The Trail of the Olympian. Two Thousand Miles of Scenic Splendor. Chicago to Puget Sound
12-0561: Joly-Delvalat, Paul and Confrérie des Chevaliers du Tastevin - Menu Cover for the Confrérie Des Chevaliers Du Tastevin
50-0766: Ambille, Paul and Pierre Lonchamp - Ambille Et Lonchamp. Peintures á L'Eau
12-0327: Zelada, Jean Paul and El Cultural - Juan Chávez: Unlimited Party City
09-0360: Paul, Peter - Maitres-Graveurs Contemporains 1974. Berggruen Catalogue Cover
08-1058: Corrubia, Paul and Riley - View of Downtown Tulsa in 1944
07-1082: Anderson, Kevin, Paul and Lindsey Taber - Christine Marie Taber: A Retrospective
19-3997: Paul-Joseph Blanc; Paul-Jacques Baudry; Pierre Oge; Alfred Boucher; Jean-Leon Gerome; Emile Carlier, et al. - The Salon of 1881: The Glorification of Law; the Wrecker; Filial Love; Anacreon, Baccus and Love; Before the Age of Stone; Country; a Bearer of Dispatches; Death of Richard Ceur de Lion; a Battery; Death of Agrippina; Automedon; Eros; En Route for the Temple of Ceres; December; a Path in the Wood; the Heath of Kerrenic; Old Willows at Wissant
08-0738: Sartre, Jean-Paul and Alexander, Lloyd - Intimacy
15-5585: Point San Pablo Yacht Club (Richmond, Calif.); Paul and Joyce Quyle (print) - The Point San Pablo Yacht Club Invites You to the October Party
05-1900: Paul, Leslie - Als to Geoffrey Robinson
16-5421: Paulen, Françoise; Evert Hoogstraten; Duco Stadig; Han Michel, editors - Atlas Sociale Woningbouw Amsterdam. The Amsterdam Social Housing Atlas. First Edition
68-4944: Paulet, M. - Traité Des Champignons, Ouvrage Dans Lequel, on Trouve Après L'Histoire Analytique & Chronologique
68-4244: Paulet, Paul - B&W Photo of French Actor Paul Paulet. On Verso "Role Du Notaire- la Mamma (A. Roussin).
68-4245: Paulet, Paul; Jean Marchat (1902-1966) - B&W Photo of French Actor Paul Paulet & Jean Marchat, Signed Dedication by Marchat
18-1983: Pauley, Kenneth - Rancho Days in Southern California. An Anthology with New Perspectives. Brand Book Twenty
00-0236: Pauli, Gustav - Paula Modersohn-Becker
16-5715: Paulian, G. - Des Ex-Libris Niçois : Orné de 25 Illustrations. First Edition
63-8137: Paulin et Lechevalier (eds) - L'Union Sociale. Propaganda Antisocialiste. Original Prospectus and 12 Issues from 1849. Original First Edition
73-1706: Paulin; Guerin - M'Armont L'Auguste Frederic Louis Viesse de Cuc de Raguse, Maréchal de France Lese Juillet 1809
17-3410: Paulme, Marius. Lasquin B., Georges - Notice Des Meubles & Objets D'Art: Bronzes D'Art Et D'Ameublement, Objets D'Orient & D'Extreme-Orient
17-3411: Paulme, Marius. Lasquin B., Georges - Notice Des Meubles & Objets D'Art: Bronzes D'Art Et D'Ameublement, Objets D'Orient & D'Extreme-Orient
17-3388: Paulme, Marius. Lasquin, Georges B. - Objets D'Art Et D'Ameublement Anciens: Porcleaines, Laques & Bronzes. D'Extreme-Orient Sieges & Meubles
17-3390: Paulme, Marius. Lasquin B., Georges - Objects D'Art Et D'Ameublement Anciens: Apartenant a Monsieur Z.
18-6551: Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo (Sao Paulo) - Moderno Mam: Programacao Do Museu de Arte Moderna de Sao Paulo: Volpi, O Artificie Das Cores Musicadas. [Exhibition Catalogue]. [Limited Edition]
17-1096: Museu de Arte Modern de Sao Paulo - A Mais Completa Taducao: Monumento As Bandeiras, de Victor Brecheret
63-6602: A. L. Paulsen, Sacramento Valley Expositions Association - Tls A.L. Paulsen, Sacramento Valley Expositions Association. Re: Commercial Encyclopedia of the Pacific Southwest. Aug. 26, 1914
63-0094: Eunice Smith Paulsen; Mary K. Thurston - Ms Letter Eunice Smith Paulsen to Mary K. Thurston, February 24, 1935
804-7: Paulson, Ronald - Hogarth's Graphic Works
16-4199: Pauly, Jean de; Jean de Pavly (1860 0-1903) - KirjäH Ne'EmäNäH. Iryah Neemanah - la Cité Juive. First Edition
17-0770: Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume - Double Mixte. Générique 2: Barry X. Ball, Lynne Cohen, Pascal Convert, Rachel Whiteread
71-3253: Pauquet, Hippolyte (born 1797); Guillaumot (Engraver) - Cauchoise
71-3255: Pauquet, Hippolyte (born 1797); Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard (1803-1847, Engraver) - Le Trappiste
71-3256: Pauquet, Hippolyte (born 1797); A. Gerard (Engraver) - Coiffures Normandes
73-1896: [Unknown 19th Century French Engraver] (Engraving) after Pauquet - Missionnaire de Picpus
71-3431: Pauquet, Polydore-Jean-Charles - Medicine. Reign of Charels VIII, France, 1493
51-5324: Le Pautre, Jean (1618-1682) - Les Plans, Coupes, Profils Et Elevations de la Chapelle Du Chasteau Royal de Versailles. ; Levez & Gravez Par Pierre le Pautre Architecte & Graveur Du Roy. First Edition
51-5248: Le Pautre, Jean (1618-1682) - Nouveaux Dessings, Pour Orner Et Embelir Les Carosses, Et Chaires Roullantes, Title and 4 Plates; [Chimneypieces ; Panaux D'Ornements Nouvel; Frisses Feuillages Et Ornements. First Editions. Of Gthe Engravings by Jean le Pautre (1618-1682)
51-5592: Le Pautre, Jean (1618-1682) - A Collection of Engravings of Chimneys and Interior Design by Jean le Pautre (1618-1682). First Edition
71-1990: Pauwels, H.; F. Robert-Jones; W. Laureyssens, et al. - Museum Voor Oude Kunst Brussel
17-2517: Isabelle Pauwels; Kerry Tribe; Gonzalo Lebrija - The Distance between You and Me : 3 Artists from Vancouver, Los Angeles and Guadalajara. (Exhibition, Vancouver Art Gallery, September 24, 2011 - January 22, 2012)
73-6722: Pauwels, Wim - 100 Best Children's Rooms
05-2427: Pavanello, Giancarlo - Untitled "Object-Leaf" from Geiger 10 Per Adriano Spatola
18-3808: Pavia, Phillip; Washington Gallery of Modern Art (Washington, D.C.) - Phillip Pavia. November 5 to December 31, 1966. Washington Gallery of Modern Art
51-1002: Pavia, Cathy - Two Unicorns with Jungle Animals
73-6677: Pavlik, Milan; Uher, Vladimir - Prague Baroque Architecture
15-2258: Pavlov', N. A., etc. - Dvuglavyj Orel'. 15(28) Dekabrja 1921 R. Dvadcat' Vtoroj Vypusk'
19-1418: Pavlova, N. - Vagonchik=a Little Railway Carriage. A Play
19-1410: Pavlova, O. - Kolonkovaya Okhota=Weasel Hunt. A Play
65-3003: Pavlovskij, A. A. - Vseobshchij Illjustrirovannyk Putevoditel' Po Monastyrjam I Svjatym Mestam Rossijskoj Imperii = General Illustrated Guidebook to Monasteries and Holy Places of the Russian Empire and Mt. Athos
13-0334: Pavolini, Paolo Emilio - IL Kalevala: Poema Nazionale Finnico
19-0028: Pawel, Ernst - The Labyrinth of Exile: A Life of Theodor Herzl
03-0731: Paxton, Jonas - Oxford Business Premises, Park End Street [Original Auction Poster]
55-0650: Paxton, Jonas - Particularly Valuable Old Inclosures of Freehold Accommodation Pasture Land. Charlton-Upon-Otmoor, Adjoining the Road Leading to Merton [Original Auction Poster]
55-0629: Paxton, Jonas - 140 Tons of Very Superior Meadow Hay. Wroxton Near Banbury [Original Auction Poster]
55-0628: Paxton, Jonas - 880 Valuable Maiden Oaks, and Elm, Chestnut, and Beech Trees. Studley, Midway between Brill and Oxford [Original Auction Poster]
55-0627: Paxton, Jonas - 84 Valuable Long Woolled Couples and 145 Acres of First-Rate Grass Keeping. Wormleighton [Original Auction Poster]
55-0605: Paxton, Jonas - A Capital 15-Quarter Malthouse and Two Good Cottages with Gardens, &C. Eynsham, Oxon [Original Auction Poster]
55-0584: Paxton, Jonas - 2 Ricks of Prime Upland Hay. Horton, Midway between Oxford and Brill [Original Auction Poster]
55-0575: Paxton, Jonas - Fine Willow Poles Being the Lop of 90 Trees. Bicester [Original Auction Poster]
03-0729: Paxton, Jonas - Bletchington Heath Farm, Oxon [Original Auction Poster]
03-0730: Paxton, Jonas - Kirtlington. Elm, Ash, Oak Auction [Original Auction Poster]
03-0728: Paxton, Jonas - Boar's Croft Farm. Short Horn Cattle [Original Auction Poster]
19-0400: Payer, Friedrich - Von Bethmann Hollweg Bis Ebert; Erinnerungen Und Bilder
19-0867: Payerle, George - The Afterpeople: A Patheticon
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