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Wittenborn Art Books 1109 Geary Blvd., San Fransisco, Ca 94109, USA. +1 415-292-6500 Email: order@art-books.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
59-0920: Archer, J. after J. M. W. Turner - Crook of Lune, Looking Towards Hornby Castle
15-7859: Archer, Jeffrey - A Matter of Honor
15-7861: Archer, Jeffrey - A Matter of Honor
19-4451: W. G. Archer - Murals from China: The Han to the Tang Dynasties
18-7843: Archipenko, Alexander (artist.); Zabriskie Gallery (New York) - Alexander Archipenko 1887-1964: The Late Experimental Years. October 2 - 27, 1979. Zabriskie Gallery, New York, Ny [Exhibition Brochure]
68-2406: Alexander Archipenko; Perls Galleries - Alexander Archipenko: Bronzes. September 29 - October 24, 1959
68-2407: Alexander Archipenko; Perls Galleries - Alexander Archipenko: Bronzes. January 9 - February 3, 1962
73-6507: The Architect - The Architect - Volume XIII - Number 3
71-0983: Pugin, A. W. N. (Architect and Engraver) - The New Catholic Church of St. Maries, Derby
68-1987: American Architect and Building News - The Library Capt. H.A. Bennett's House Manchester
71-5812: Rhode Kellermann Wawrowsky Architects - Architektur 1950-2000/Architecture
71-5811: Rhode Kellermann Wawrowsky Architects - Architektur Fur Handel/Architecture for the Retail Trade: Kaufhauser, Einkaufszentren, Galerien. Geschichte Und Gegenwartige Tendenzen. Miteinem Werkbericht Der Architekten Rkw, Rhode Kellermann Wawrowsky + Partner
63-7357: The Institution of Naval Architects; R. W. Dana - The Institution of Naval Architects. Reprinted from "Brassey's Naval & Shipping Annual.
69-0664: Olson Sundberg Kundig Allen Architects - The Mission Hill Family Estate
51-3018: SCB Architects - University of California, Santa Cruz. Student Housing West. 2014-15 Campus Housing Study
75-1507: The American Institute Of Architects - The Annual of American Architecture, 1981
71-5250: Rhode Kellermann Wawrowsky Architects - Architektur Fur Den Handel: Kaufhauser, Einkaufszentren, Galerien. Geschichte Und Gegenwartige Tendenzen. Miteinem Werkbericht Der Architekten Rkw, Rhode Kellermann Wawrowsky + Partner
71-4562: Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture - Kartografi Morfologi Topologi. Cathography, Morphology, Topology
59-3948: Southern California institute of Architecture - Offramp. Volume 1, No. 1
69-0215: Global Architecture; Frank Lloyd Wright; Arata Isozaki - Frank Lloyd Wright Houses in Oak Park and River Forest, Illinois. 1889-1913
69-0216: Global Architecture; Frank Lloyd Wright; Arata Isozaki - Frank Lloyd Wright - Johnson & Son, Admission Building and Research Tower, Racine, Wisconsin. 1936-9
70-3278: University of Michigan. College of Architecture and Urban Planning.; University of Michigan. Extension Service - Preserving Wright's Heritage : Third Annual Symposium, March 24-27, 1988
51-3019: Form4 Architecture - Form4 Architecture. Catalogue of Projects
75-1457: Academie d'Architecture - Academie D'Architecture Catalogue Des Collections: 1890-1970 Vol II
15-7717: Deutsches Architekturmuseum; Andrea Gleiniger-Neumann; Hans-Peter Schwarz - Bauen Heute: Architektur Der Gegenwart in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
68-0934: [Bettmann Archive?] - William Faulkner
63-0046: Max Reinhardt Archive, SUNY Binghamton - Modern International Drama: The Magazine of Contemporary International Drama in Translation. Vol 12, No. 2; Vol. 13, Nos. 1 - 2
69-0186: The Charles Biederman Collection Archive; University of Minnesota - Charles Biederman
73-0958: Lyonel Feminger Archive - Spanierman Modern. 12 July - 4 August 2012: Stephen Pace (Artist)
73-0957: Lyonel Feminger Archive - The Lyonel Feminger Catalogue Raisonne
68-0928: [Rue Des Archives?] - [Panaït Istrati]
63-8253: Henin & Cie (77 Rue des Archives, Paris) - Receipt from Henin & Cie (77 Rue Des Archives, Paris) to M. De la Marmiere, 11 September, 1907
68-0926: Rue Des Archives - Colette "a L'Epoque Ou Elle Ecrivait Les 'Claudine'.
17-0887: International Council on Archives - Comma: International Journal on Archives / Revue Internationale Des Archives
18-0350: National Archives - The End of the War in the Pacific: Surrender Documents in Facsimile
68-0927: [Rue Des Archives.] - Colette Enfant
15-7795: United States National Archives; Paul Lewindon (comp.) - A Guide to Documents in the National Archives: For Negro Studies
08-0038: Suzanne Thierry archives - Photograph of Gary Cooper
71-2239: Archuleta, Margaret - 7th Native American Fine Arts Invitational. (Exhibition at the Heard Museum, Phoeniz, Az, 15 November 1997 - 2 August 1998)
75-2289: Margaret Archuleta, Dr. Rennard Strickland - Shared Visions: Native American Painters and Sculptors in the Twentieth Century
17-6545: Fagiolo dell'Arco, Maurizio - Futurism: Selected Works and Documents-Marinetti, Bocciono, Sant'Elia, Balla, Severini, Russolo, Depero
59-2459: Arco - Arco Contemporary Art. Number 28. Summer 2003
59-2458: Arco - Arco Contemporary Art. Number 31. Spring 2004
17-2443: Maurizio Fagiolo dell'Arco; Giorgio De Chirico - Giorgio de Chirico. Vita E Opere Di de Chirico Attraverso Incisioni E Litografie
15-8884: Arco; Institucion Ferial de Madrid - Arco Special: A Retrospective
01-0077: dell'Arco and Carrà - Carlo Carrà: The Primitive Period, 1915-1919
16-3925: Thiroux d'Arconville, Marie Geneviève Charlotte (1720 - 1805) - Des Passions. Par L'Auteur Du Traité de L'Amitié [M.G. C. Thiroux D'Arconville]. First Edtiion
07-0041: Arcturial - Bibliothèque Yves Lévy: Philosophie, Politique Et économie Du Xvie Au Xviiie Siècle
01-1072: D'Arcy, A. M. - Clochards de Paris. Portfolio of Parisian Bums, Hobos, Homeless
15-2199: Ardamatskij, Vasilij I. - Bog, Mister, Glen I Jurij Korovcov. Povest'
15-6576: Ardavin, Luis Fernandez - La Maja. Comedia En Tres Actos, En Verso
68-0390: Elizabeth Arden - Elizabeth Arden Advert
73-5007: Musée de l'Ardenne - Centenaire D'Une Saison En Enfer D'Arthur Rimbaud Exposition
17-6136: Fiama Arditi - Bernardo Siciliano: Catalogue for Exhibition Held May 13-June 11, 1999
69-0499: Fiamma Arditi - Bernardo Siciliano
63-8061: Ardizzone, Edward (illustrator); E. Nesbit; Noel Streatfeild (intro.) - Long Ago When I Was Young. Original First Edition
63-8064: Ardizzone, Edward (illustrator); Edward Booth-Clibborn - My Father and Edward Ardizzone: A Lasting Friendship. Original First Edition
63-8063: Ardizzone, Edward (illustrator); Archibald Marshall - The Dragon. Original First American Edition
63-8062: Ardizzone, Edward (illustrator); James Reeves - The Angel and the Donkey. Original First American Edition
63-8059: Ardizzone, Edward (illustrator); Hans Andersen; Stephen Corrin (transl.) - Ardizzone's Hans Andersen: Fourteen Classic Tales. Original First Edition
63-8056: Ardizzone, Edward (illustrator); James Reeves - Titus in Trouble. Original First American Edition
63-8055: Ardizzone, Edward (illustrator) - Johnny the Clockmaker. Original First Edition
63-8052: Ardizzone, Edward (illustrator); Meriol Trevor - Sun Slower Sun Faster. Original First American Edition
63-8051: Ardizzone, Edward (illustrator); Paula Fox - A Likely Place. Original First Edition
63-8049: Ardizzone, Edward (illustrator/author) - The Wrong Side of the Bed
63-8048: Ardizzone, Edward (illustrator); G. W. Stonier - Pictures on the Pavement
63-8046: Ardizzone, Edward (illustrator); Bodley Head (London) - Some Words & Drawings from Edward Ardizzone's Indian Diary, 1952 - 1953. Limited First Edition, One of 225 Copies. Signed Dedication by Max Reinhardt, David Cameron, Evan James, & Michael [Ratcliffe] of Bodley Head, London, on the Colophon Page
63-8045: Ardizzone, Edward (illustrator); Christianna Brand - Nurse Matilda
63-8044: Ardizzone, Edward (illustrator); Christianna Brand - Nurse Matilda
63-8043: Ardizzone, Edward (illustrator); Bruce Marshall - The Red Danube. Original First Edition
63-8042: Ardizzone, Edward (illustrator); Hallam Fordham; William Shakespeare - Hey Nonny Yes. Passions and Conceits from Shakespeare. 16 Full Page Lithographs by Ardizzone. Signed by Previous Owner Inside Cover. Original First Edition
63-8041: Ardizzone, Edward (illustrator); Victoria & Albert Museum - Edward Ardizzone: Victoria & Albert Museum, 15 December 1973 to 13 January 1974. 128 Items Described
63-8047: Ardizzone, Edward (illustrator); Bodley Head (London); Malcolm Muggeridge (intro) - Some Words & Drawings from Edward Ardizzone's Indian Diary, 1952 - 1953
63-8053: Ardizzone, Edward (illustrator); Meriol Trevor - Sun Slower Sun Faster. Original First Edition
63-8054: Ardizzone, Edward (illustrator); Dana Faralla - Singing Cupboard. Original First Edition
63-8057: Ardizzone, Edward (illustrator); Judy Taylor (cur. & intro.) - Sketches for Friends. Original First American Edition
63-8058: Ardizzone, Edward (illustrator) - Sarah and Simon and No Red Paint. Original First Edition
15-4311: Ardizzone, Edward - Dust-Jackets for Tim and Lucy Go to Sea; Little Tim and the Brave Sea Captain
18-7935: Ardon, Mordecai (artist.); Marlborough-Gerson Gallery (New York) - Mordecai Ardon. April 1967. Marlborough-Gerson Gallery, New York, Ny. [Exhibition Catalogue]
63-0352: Ardon; Bayer; Max Bill; Bhavsar; H. Cohen; D'Arcangelo; Dorazio; Genoves; Guston; Hepworth; House; Katz; Kitaj; Kokoschka; Krasner; Lansner; Lipton; Marca-Relli; Masson; Matta; Molinari-Flores; Moore; Motherwell; Nesbit; Nicholson; Pasmore; Pepper; Perill - A la Mer Rouge; Feuille Avec Croix; One Reversed, Et Al. Price List Valid October 15 Through December 31, 1974
63-0354: Ardon; Bayer; Bhavsar; H. Cohen; D'Arcangelo; Dorazio; Genoves; Gottlieb; Guston; Hepworth; House; Katz; Kitaj; Kokoschka; Krasner; Lansner; Lipton; Marca-Relli; Masson; Matta; Molinari-Flores; Moore; Motherwell; Nicholson; Pasmore; Pepper; Perilli; Piche - A la Mer Rouge; Feuille Avec Croix; One Reversed, Et Al. Price List Valid November 10, 1973 Through January 31, 1974
63-0355: Ardon; Bayer; Max Bill; Bhavsar; H. Cohen; D'Arcangelo; Dorazio; Genoves; Guston; Hepworth; House; Hurtubise; Katz; Kitaj; Kokoschka; Krasner; Lansner; Lipton; Marca-Relli; Masson; Matta; Molinari-Flores; Moore; Motherwell; Nicholson; Pasmore; Pepper; Per - A la Mer Rouge; Feuille Avec Croix; One Reversed, Et Al. Price List Valid from May 1 Through June 30, 1974
75-0670: Joe Ardourel, (Boulder) - Joe Ardourel: Woodcuts and Linocuts, 1986
51-1715: Ardov, V, and Mass Vl - Imennitza
13-1377: Ardov, V, and Mass Vl - Imennitza
19-2560: Herb Levart Art Books (Ardsley) - American Art and Artists: Catalogue 6. Lot #S 1-771
19-2561: Herb Levart Art Books (Ardsley) - Books on Graphics: Catalogue 15. Lot #S 1-507
55-1836: Dirección: Rene Cardona Jr. Con Horacio Areco, Fabiola Arosamena, Arturo Baquerizo - Cain, Abel Y El Otro [Movie Poster]. (Cartel de la Película)
05-0545: El Aref, Aref - A Brief Guide to the Dome of the Rock an Al Haram Al Sharif
75-0556: Audrey Spencer Arellanes, (Alhambra) - Bookplates in the News: Engagement Calendar, 1977
75-0660: Audrey Spencer Arellanes, (Alhambra) - Poppert Family Bookplate Collection, 1996
75-0663: Audrey Spencer Arellanes, (Detroit) - Bookplates in the News, 1970-1985, a Collection of Sixty Issues of the Newsletter of the American Society of Bookplate Collectors and Designers, Including a General Index and an Illustrations Index to Bookplate Artists and Owners, 1986
75-0662: Audrey Spencer Arellanes, (Detroit) - Bookplates, a Selected Annotated Bibliography of the Periodical Literature, 1971
75-0617: [Audrey Spencer Arellanes], ([Alhambra]) - Artists and Engravers of British and American Book Plates: A Book of Reference for Book Plate and Print Collectors. [1982]
12-1003: Arenas, Braulio - Memorándum Chileno
55-3196: Dirección: Jesús Marín. Con Miguel Arenas, Alfredo Wally Barron, Patricia Conde - Los Bravos de California. Movie Poster. (Cartel de la Película)
55-3195: Dirección: Jesús Marín. Con Miguel Arenas, Alfredo Wally Barron, Patricia Conde - Los Bravos de California. Movie Poster. (Cartel de la Película)
66-0388: Arendt, Hannah - Love and Saint Augustine
71-3875: Arenhold, Gerhard Justus (After); Johann Martin. Bernigeroth (Engraver) - Portrait of Johann Gottfried Von Meiern (German Jurist, Publisher, and Archive Director, 1692-1745)
59-3628: Arens, Egmont (ed.) - Playboy: A Portfolio of Art and Satire. No. 2
75-2745: Walter Arensberg - The Secret Grave of Francis Bacon at Lichfield
59-2117: Arenthon, Paris - When Arts Are Trumps, Livres Illustres, Albums Et Estampes, Mnographies, Catalogues Raisonnes
12-1710: Arétin, Pierre - XVI Sonnets Luxurieux de M. Pierre Arétin, Surnommé le Fléau Des Princes, le Magnifique, le Divin
71-4009: Aretino, Santi Cardini (After); Francesco Allegrini (Engraver) - Portrait of Angelo Gambiglioni (Italian Professor of Law, 1400-1461)
55-3082: Dirección: Fernando Durán Rojas. Con Mario Arevalo, Manuel Benitez, Mario Cid - Asesinos: Comerciantes de Ninos. Movie Poster. (Cartel de la Película)
51-4452: Nicolay d'Arfeuille, Nicolas; ArtusThomas Sieur d'Embry Parisien - Plusieurs Descriptions Des Accoustremens Tant Des Magistrats Et Officiers de la Porte de L'Empereur Des Turcs, Que Des Peuples Assujectis à Son Empire. Avec Les Figures Qui Representent, le Tout Au Naturel, Ttirées Des Medailles Antiques & Descriptions de Ceux Qui Ont Frequenté Parmy Ces Nations, Ou Des Bons Autheurs Qui En Ont Escrit. [with] Tableaux Prophetiques Des Empereurs Severe Et Leon Avec Leurs Epigrammes Predisans la Ruyne de la Monarch Des Turcs. First Edition
18-8724: Argan, Carle Giulio (pres.); Association Internationale des Critiques d'Art (AICA) - Aica: Association Internationale Des Critiques D'Art. / International Association of Art Critics. 1963
59-2471: Argan, Giulio Carlo - Victor Pasmore
54-1431: Argan, Giulio Carlo - Somaini
71-6122: Argan, G. C. - Dusan Dzamonja. (Exhibition at Galleria Odyssia, 9 - 30 May 1964)
51-4008: d'Argé, Auguste-Philibert Chaalons; Hiram Cox (1760-1799); Desmandryl jeune, cartographer - Voyage Du Capitaine Hiram Cox Dans L'Empire Des Birmans, Avec Des Notes Et Un Essai Historique Sur Cet Empire, Les Peuples Qui Occupent la Presqu'île Au-Delà Du Gange, Et Sur la Compagnie Anglaise Des Indes Orientales. . [Voyage to Burma and India] . Tome Premier. First Edition
15-10973: Rene Yvon Lefebvre d'Argence; Hans Popper - The Hans Popper Collection of Oriental Art
02-1084: Lefebvre d'Argencé, René-Yvon, ed - Treasures from the Shanghai Museum: 6,000 Years of Chinese Art
16-5297: Tour d'Argent, Restaurant - Carte de Vins. Réserves Des Caves de la Tour D'Argent Et Du Café Anglais (1995). Signed
16-5300: Tour d'Argent, Restaurant. Claude Terrail, 1917-2006, owner - Deluxe Menu for la Tour D'Argent, Paris
16-5301: Tour d'Argent, Restaurant. Claude Terrail, 1917-2006, owner - Menu for la Tour D'Argent in 1982
54-2223: La Tour d'Argent - Postcard
68-3558: Noces d'Argent - Menu. Noces D'Argent, de Monsieur Marcel Louis Et Madame Nee Julia Lesprit
65-2808: Komitet Rossijskoj Kolonii v Argentine - Velikij Rossijanin: Sbornik Statej Posvjashchennyh Pamjati N.V. Gogolja (1852-1952) = a Collection of Works Dedicated to N.V. Gogol (1852-1952)
63-3940: Argonaut Book Shop (San Francisco); Atlantic Richfield Company; Yost-Dohrmann Co. (Stockton, CA), et al. - San Francisco Bay Area Miscellania. Oakland-East Bay Cities Map from 1967; Blank Envelope from Argonaut Book Shop (San Francisco), Ca. 1908; Ad Vert for Fireless Cookers at Yost-Dohrmann Co. (Stockton, Ca), China Hall, 1915; Postmarked Envelope Sent from Oakland, 1914 to North Carolina; Advertisement for "Your Smiling Associated Dealer... James D. Daly," Berkeley, Ca, Ca. 1920; Table Plan for R.A. D. Luncheon, Tuesday July 30th (1918?); Post Card Sent to Joseph A. Ruegge, Oakland, Ca
63-3834: Hotel Argonaut, Fourth & Market (San Francisco, CA) - Receipt from the Hotel Argonaut, Fourth & Market (San Francisco, Ca) Paid by Col. T. Wilhelm, June 1, 1911
18-8466: Ivan Argote; Galerie Perrotin; Galeria Vermelho - Let's Write a History of Hopes
70-2399: Doug Argue; David Bierk; Stuart Davis; Paul Jenkins; Tom Judd - On Paper. (Announcement for Opening Reception and Exhibition, June 17 to August 28. )
15-8697: Argue, Doug - Hypnerotomachia Poliphili
19-3948: Douglas Argue; Mary E. Frank - Doug Argue: Palimpsests
66-0266: Ben-Ari, Raikin - Habima: The Story of a Unique Dramatic Group That Achieved World Acclaim in the Theater
10-0936: Gur-Arieh, M. - Genesis Silhouettes Cut by M. Gur-Arieh
05-1123: Zúñiga, Ariel and Andrew Vlady - Francisco Zúñiga. Cátalogo Razonado. Catalogue Raisonné. Vol. I. Escultura. Sculpture. 1923-1993. Vol. II. Oil Paintings, Prints & Reproductions. Pintura Al óleo, Estampas Y Reproducciones. 1927-1986
70-0868: Menashe Kadishman; Schulamit Ariel, L. Servier (Transl.) - Menashe Kadishman : Paintings 1978-1980
68-5005: Arigato - Arigato Menu
18-8014: Arikha, Avigdor (artist.); Marlborough Gallery (New York) - Avigdor Arikha: Paintings, Drawings and Pastels. September 8 - October 4, 1983. Marlborough Gallery Inc. New York, Ny. [Exhibition Catalogue]
74-0545: Avigdor Arikha; Musée des beaux-arts de Dijon - Arikha : [Exposition] Musée Des Beaux-Arts de Dijon, 24 Mars -28 Juin 1981
74-0589: Avigdor Arikha; Marlborough Fine Art (London) - Avigdor Arikha : Oil Paintings, Pastels and Drawings : Marlborough Fine Art, London, October 1986, Lot #S 1-29
74-0588: Avigdor Arikha - Avigdor Arikha : Huit Gravures
18-3764: Avigdor Arikha - Avigdor Arikha: Dessins Et Gravures. (la Collection Berggruen, 68)
74-0584: Avigdor Arikha; Marlborough - Avigdor Arikha : Recent Work
17-2788: Arikha; Galerie Karl Flinker - Arikha : 11 Octobre Au 4 Novembre 1961. (Poster)
661-3: Aringhi, Paolo - Roma Subterranea Novissima = Catacombs of Rome
16-5589: Aringhi, Paolo (artist) ; Antonio Bosio, author; Innocentius; Lucas Waddingus, A. Victricius; Vincentius Candidus; Giovanni;Severano ; Frédéric Léonard (Printer) - Roma Subterranea Novissima : In Qua Post Antonium Bosium Antesignanum, Jo: Severanum Congreg. Oratorii Presbyterum, Et Celebres Alios Scriptores Antiqua Christianorum Et PræCipue Martyrum Cå“Meteria, Tituli, Monimenta, Epitaphia, Inscriptiones Ac Nobiliora Sanctorum Sepulchra Sex Libris Distincta Illustrantur Et Quamplurimæ Res Ecclesiasticæ Iconibus Graphice Describuntur, Ac Multiplici Tum Sacra, Tum Profana Eruditione Declarantur. Tomus Primus & Secundus. Original Edition
51-1794: Ariosto, Lodovico (1474-1533) - Orlando Furioso [Mad Orlando]. (First Baskerville Edition with Extra Plates)
51-4484: Ariosto, Ludovico ; Louis d' Ussieux, translator; Pierre-Prudence Brunet, publisher; Baskerville , Moreau , Cochin, Eisen, Greuze, Monnet, Moreau, artists - Roland Furieux, Poëme Héroïque, de L'Arioste, Traduction Nouvelle. [Orlando Furioso]. First Edition
65-1326: Arisi, Ferdinando; Groppi, Georgio - Maioliche Di Giorgio Groppi
65-1338: Arisi, Ferdinando; Fiorentini, Fausto; Maj, Igino; Pasquali, Marilena. Groppi, Georgio - Papa Gregorio X - Beato (Tedaldo Visconti, 1210 - 1276). A Cura Di Fausto Fiorentini
59-2792: Arisi, Ferdinando - Giorgio Groppi: Sculore
65-0050: Hunting Arist - Forest Scene with Stag and Hunting Dogs
63-4303: Donald C. Dickinson (University of Arizona) - Tls Collector Donald C. Dickinson (University of Arizona) to Lord John Press. December 15, 1980. Re: Joyce Carol Oates Publications
17-0461: Tucson Museum of Art (Arizona) - Desert Dweller. An Exhibition of Tucson Museum of Art : October 21, 2017 - January 21, 2018
12-1242: Sixth Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona - Acts, Resolutions and Memorials Adopted by the Sixth Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona, 1871
17-0223: AV-ark - 3 Finnish Themes : Videos of the 90's
63-4950: Keneth Kinnamon (University of Arkansas) - Tls Keneth Kinnamon to Thomas Parkinson, January 3, 1984. Re: Richard Finneran
19-2834: Marjorie Dakin Arkelian; George W. Neubert (Preface) - Thomas Hill: The Grand View
17-4778: Marjorie Arkelian - The Kahn Collection of Nineteenth-Century Paintings by Artists in California. 17-4778
15-1761: Arkin, D. - Monumental'Naya Skulptura Leningrada = [Monumental Sculptures of Leningrad]
68-1568: Arkley, Patrick - Scotch County Courts. Twelve Articles Reprinted from "the Edinburgh Evening Courant.
15-7526: Arland, Marcel - Chronique de la Peinture Moderne
12-1316: Philpott, Arlen and Clara Louise - A Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year
17-0414: Recontres Internationales dela Photographie (Arles, France) - Onze Photographes de Santa Fe = 11 Santa Fe Photographers. Recontres Internationales de la Photographie ; Center for Media Art of the American Center : 1981
51-5005: L'Arlésienne - Original Photograph of a 19th Century Arlésienne
63-3385: Clymer Publications (Arleta, CA); Mike Bishop - Fiat Service Repair Handbook, 128 and X1/9. 1971 - 1975
63-3382: Clymer Publications (Arleta, CA); Eric Jorgensen (ed.) - Ford Courier. 1972 - 1982 Shop Manual. A172
63-3362: Clymer Publications (Arleta, CA); Mike Bishop; Eric Jorgensen (ed.) - Fiat 124 1967 - 1979 Shop Manual. Includes 2000 Spider
63-3365: Clymer Publications (Arleta, CA); Kalton C. Lahue; Syndie A. Wauson - Ford & Mercury Escort, Exp, Lynx, Ln7. 1981 - 1982 Shop Manual. A287
16-4088: Mademoiselle Arletty; Léonie Marie Julie Bathiat (1898 - 1992) - Signed Carte de Visite with Text by Mademoiselle Arletty to Emmanuel Looten
15-8660: Dallas Morning News; Johnston's Studio (Arlington, Texas) - Dallas News Art and Engraving Order. Photographs of Benjamin Capps of Grand Prairie, Tx, and Others
75-2148: George Arliss, Sarony Cigarettes - Postcard of Actor George Arliss
75-2176: George Arliss, De Reszke Cigarettes - Postcard of Actor George Arliss
71-5971: Arlitt, Sabine Weder; Gottfried Honegger; Martin Steiner - Muller-Emil
75-2297: Sabine Weder Arlitt, Gottfried Honegger, Martin Steiner - Muller-Emil
16-0632: Arlott, John (ed.) - First Time in America: A Selection of Poems Never Before Published in the Usa
17-0215: Armajani, Siah ; Baxter Art Gallery (CalTech) - Siah Armajani : A Poetry Lounge. An Exhibition Presented at Baxter Art Gallery, Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences, California Institute of Technology : March 3 Through April 25, 1982
51-4988: Arman; César - A Collection of Invitations to Exhibitions by Arman & César
65-0521: Arman - Colors: New Works by Arman
74-0553: Arman; Marisa del Re Gallery - Arman : Dirty Paintings, 1 Mar - 31 Mar 1990
71-0141: Arman; Jan Van der Marck - Arman: Selected Works, 1958-1974, la Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art. September 15-October 29, 1974
75-0955: Arman, Cesar, Christo - The Yoav Harlap Collection, Lot #S 101-135, Sale # 7364
70-3255: Armand Pierre Arman; Andrew Crispo Gallery - Arman: Hard and Soft : [Catalogue of an Exhibition Held at the] Andrew Crispo Gallery May 4-27, 1978. (Signed by Peter Selz on Inside Front Cover)
70-2361: Arman; Baechler; Warhol; Man Ray - 20th Century Masterworks. (Postcard for Exhibition, April 2 to May 2, 1998. )
11-0989: Arman - Tortured Color
19-1469: Armand, L i Evdokimov, A. - Narodnyj Teatr I Kooperacija (Doklady Teatral'Nomu S'Jezdu V Moskvu). Izdanie Tret'e = People's Theater and Cooperation. Third Edition
16-3452: Weigert, Roger-Armand and Maxime Préaud; - Inventaire Du Fonds Français. Graveurs Du Xviie Siècle. 10 Volumes. Tomes 1-10. First Editions
51-2541: Schwerner, Armand and Rolan Ginzel (illustrator) - Redspel. Eleven American Indian Adaptations. Signed
51-2545: Schwerner, Armand and Arthur Thrall and Walter Hamady (illustrators) - Triumph of the Will. Signed
55-2026: Dirección: Pedro Lazaga. Con Miguel Armario, Sonia Bruno, Francisco Camoiras - No Desearas la Mujer de Tu Projimo [Movie Poster]. (Cartel de la Película)
12-0197: Armbrister, Fred - Lake Louise, Alberta
18-2613: Armbruster, Gisela; Brinker, Helmut - Brush and Ink: The Heinz Gotze Collection Edited by Gisela Armbruster and Helmut Brinker
71-3506: Service Geographiique de l'Armee - Map-Belgerac (Limoges). Carte de France a 200,000 Flle. No. 57
55-2210: Dirección: Rogelio A. González. Con Pedro Armendariz, Rosita Quintana, Ignacio Lopez Tarso - El Habre Nuestra de Cada Dia. Movie Poster. (Cartel de la Película)
55-1840: Dirección: Gilberto Gazcon. Con Pedro Armendariz, Jose Chavez, Agustin de Anda - Carcel de Cananea, la [Movie Poster]. (Cartel de la Película)
55-1790: Dirección: Gilberto Gazcon. Con Pedro Armendariz, Jose Chavez, Agustin de Anda, Sonia Furio - Carcel de Cananea, la [Movie Poster]. (Cartel de la Película)
55-1361: Dirección: Roberto Gavaldon. Con Pedro Armendariz, Maria Felix - Escondida, la [Movie Poster]. (Cartel de la Película)
02-0317: Armendariz, Pedro - Los Juniors. [Movie Poster / Cartel de la Película]
51-3758: Armengaud, Jean-Germain-Désiré - Les Galeries Royales D'Angleterre : Windsor, Buckingham, Osbornel. First Edition
55-2928: Dirección: Miguel M. Delgado. Con Ramon Armengod, Alfredo Wally Barron, Roberto Canedo - Bajo El Imperio Del Hampa. Movie Poster. (Cartel de la Película)
55-2837: Dirección: Miguel M. Delgado. Con Ramon Armengod, Alfredo Wally Barron, Roberto Canedo - Bajo El Imperio Del Hampa. Movie Poster. (Cartel de la Película)
16-1714: Armens, Sven M. - John Gay: Social Critic
68-0222: [L'Armessin, Nicolas de (engrav.)] - Marie Angélique de Scorailles, Duchesse de Fontagnes
17-5019: Maxwell Armfield; Georges Clairin; George Lemmen - Peintre S. De Lame. 1984 Exhibition
62-0007: Armington, Caroline H. - Three Prints [Electronic File]. Reproduced from Fine Prints of the Year
50-0770: Armiss - Armiss Exposition
15-2701: Armistead, J. M. - The First English Novelists: Essays in Understanding
73-4659: Armitage, Edward (1817 - 1896); After William Greatbach - Samson
54-0917: Armitage, Kenneth - Kenneth Armitage
70-3242: Kenneth Armitage; Paul Rosenberg & Co - An Exhibition of Recent Sculpture by Kenneth Armitage. (Exhibition of Recent Sculpture by Kenneth Armitage : March 6 to March 31, 1962, Paul Rosenberg & Co. , 20 East 79th Street, New York)
01-0443: Armitage, Merle - Warren Newcombe
17-0653: John M. Armleder; Hans-Peter Feldmann; N. Dash; Sylvie Fleury - Mehdi Chouakri: Art Basel Hong Kong 2015. (Published on the Occasion of an Exhibition at Art Basel Hong Kong, March 13-17, 2015)
18-8157: John Armor; Peter Wright - Manzanar
18-1859: John Armor; Peter Wright - Manzanar
73-1545: Armour, Richard - A Satirist Looks at the World
18-0324: Margaret Armour - The Home and Early Haunts of Robert Louis Stevenson
15-6591: Armour, Richard - Writing Light Verse
73-1192: Arms, John Taylor; Ellen E. Endslow (fwd), Roberta Hodgson (fwd) - Fairfield Printmaker John Taylor Arms: Visions of Home and Abroad
60-0183: Arms, John Taylor - Ernest Haskell [Electronic File]
62-0008: Arms, John Taylor - Twelve Prints [Electronic File]. Reproduced from Fine Prints of the Year
60-0340: Arms, John Taylor - Ernest D. Roth, Etcher [Electronic File]
60-0291: Arms, John Taylor - The Engravings of Thomas W. Nason [Electronic File]
60-0190: Arms, John Taylor - Arthur William Heintzelman, Friend and Artist [Electronic File]
60-0010: Arms, Dorothy Noyes - John Taylor Arms, Modern Mediaevalist [Electronic File]
19-0994: Armstrong, Richard; John G. Hanhardt; Richard Marshall; Lisa Phillips; Whitney Museum of American Art - 1989 Biennial Exhibion (Whitney Biennial)
19-0991: Armstrong, Richard; John G. Hanhardt; Richard Marshall; Lisa Phillips; Whitney Museum of American Art - 1991 Biennial Exhibion (Whitney Biennial)
19-0987: Armstrong, Tom; Whitney Museum of American Art - 1985 Biennial Exhibition (Whitney Biennial)
66-0386: Armstrong, Karen - A History of God from Abraham to the Present: The 4000-Year Quest for God
75-2710: Richard Armstrong - David Park
65-1241: Armstrong, Annabel; Tarkhoff, Nicolas - Nicolas Tarkoff. A Retrospective Exhibition September to November 1989
18-0414: Richard Armstrong - Artschwager, Richard
74-0414: James William Armstrong - Public Speaking for Everyone a Practical Handbook (Dust Jacket Only, No Book)
74-0492: Cosmo Armstrong; after Nathaniel Dance (painting) - Captain James Cook
18-7086: Baird Joseph Armstrong; Richard V West - From Exposition to Exposition: Progressive and Conservative Northern California Painting, 1915-1939
73-4255: Armstrong, Margaret - A Checklist of Trade Bindings
51-3773: Armstrong, Neil John W. Young; Charles A. Bassett; Scott Carpenter; Edgar B. White; John Glenn; Alan L. Bean; Edwin Aldrin, Jr.; William A. Anders; Russell L. Schweickart; David. R. Scott; Michael Collins; Frank Borman; James McDivitt; James Lovell, Jr.; - A Collection of 20 Mainly Signed Photographs by the Major American First Generation Astronauts: Neil Armstrong; John W. Young; Charles A. Bassett; Scott Carpenter; Edgar B. White; John Glenn; Alan L. Bean; Edwin Aldrin, Jr. ; William A. Anders; Russell L. Schweickart; David. R. Scott; Michael Collins; Frank Borman; James Mcdivitt; James Lovell, Jr. ; R. Walter Cunningham; Charles Conrad, Jr. ; Donn Eisele; Richard; Gordon, Jr. ; Walter Schirra
16-1264: Armstrong, A. Joseph - Intimate Glimpses from Browning's Letter File
73-5032: Armstrong, Arthur C. - Bouverie Street to Bowling Green Lane
63-3208: Roger Armstrong - Ms with Original Autograph Signed by Roger Armstrong, Cartoonist Who Drew the Flintstones, Bugs Bunny, Little Lulu & Others. Dated February 1, 1975
63-3207: Roger Armstrong - Ms with Original Autograph Signed by Roger Armstrong, Cartoonist Who Drew the Flintstones, Bugs Bunny, Little Lulu & Others. Dated 7/8/1974
18-2556: Elizabeth Armstrong; Rita González; Karen Moss; Kristin Chambers; Chris Ballantyne; Walead Beshty; Jane Callister; Shannon Ebner; Martin McMurray; Joel Morrison; Leslie Shows; Tim Sullivan; Mario Ybarra - California Biennial 2006
18-2491: Elizabeth Armstrong; Irene Hofmann; Taru Elfving - Girls' Night out. (Orange County Museum of Art, September 14, 2003 - January 25, 2004 Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, September 16 - December 31,2005; Blaffer Gallery, the Art Museum of the University of Houston, January 21 - April 2, 2006)
18-1524: Armstrong, Richard - David Park
69-0694: L.C. Armstrong; Kelly Bousman - L.C. Armstrong: Making & Unmaking
17-6779: Armstrong, Tom - Isamu Noguchi: The Sculpture of Spaces
02-0724: Armstrong, Walter - The Life of Velázquez and the Art of Velázquez
17-0268: Armstrong, Elizabeth ; Zamudio-Taylor, Victor ; Museum of Contemporary Art (San Diego) - Ultra Baroque : Aspects of Post Latin American Art. An Exhibition by Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego
13-0887: Armstrong, Isobel - The Major Victorian Poets: Reconsiderations
54-1137: Armstrong, John A. - Suzanne Klotz-Reilly
54-0675: Armstrong, Elizabeth - First Impressions. Early Prints by Forty-Six Contemporary Artists
015-4: Armstrong, Annabel - Marvena. Paintings and Works on Paper
18-0811: Armstrong, Rodney - Change and Continuity: A Pictorial History of the Boston AthenæUm. Being Selections from an Exhibition Held in December, 1976
75-2535: Richard Armstrong - Richard Anuszkiewicz, September 18-October 31, 1976
51-0172: Armstrong, Louis - Unique Poster for the Film Louis Armstrong Jazz Journal Live in '59. Feb. 23, 2010
12-0616: Armstrong, P. R. - K/Itch: Poems and Sketches
69-0961: Richard Armstrong - Four Californians: Christopher Georgesco, Patsy Krebs, Andrew Spence, Robert Therrien
09-0069: Armstrong, Richard Reed; Belleroche, Albert - Selected Lithographs of Albert Belleroche. Catalogue 3
01-0812: Armstrong - Calendar for 1951. In Berkeley, It's Earl la Trace
014-6: Armstrong, Annabel - Nicolas Tarkhoff: A Retrospective Exhibition
00-0670: Armstrong, Walter - Thomas Gainsborough
19-3473: Armstrong, Elizabeth & Hofmann, Irene (Editors) - Girls' Night out
59-3225: U.S. Army - Yank: The Army Weekly
73-3836: Department of the Army; Department of the Air Force - Principles of Automotive Vehicles
01-1024: United States Army - Honorable Discharge Leather Folder
63-4275: Raymond Y. Yamachika; Department of the Army, Europe (United States) - Tls Raymond Y. Yamachika (Department of the Army, Europe (United States)) to Guenter Grass, C/O Lord John Press, April 16, 1985. Re: Library Programming
63-3433: United States Departments of the Army and the Air Force - Principles of Automotive Vehicles. Department of the Army Technical Manual, Tm9-8000. Air Force to , 36 a-1-76
52-0260: Red Army - Timoshenko [Poster]
51-0313: United States Army - Something Money Can't Buy. War Department Civilian Service Awards. Your Campaign Ribbons
63-8920: Studio Arnal - Photo, Autographed by [Sousson?]
01-0905: Arnald, A. M. - Letter. Arnald, A.M.
01-0906: Arnald, Sebastian W. - Letter. Arnald, Sebastian W.
55-0869: Cook after Arnald - Audley End, Seat of Lord Braybrooke, Essex
55-0870: Woolnorth after Arnald - Audley End, Seat of Lord Braybrooke, Essex
55-1153: Pye after Arnald - Cave Castle, South Cave, the Seat of Henry B. Barnard, Esquire, Yorkshire
55-1131: Woolnoth after Arnald - Guys Tower, Warwich Castle, Warwickshire
55-1025: Hay after Arnald - Sunbury Place, Seat of Honorable Percy Windham, Esquire, Middlesex
74-0413: Ellis Gibbs Arnall - The Shore Dimly Seen (Dust Jacket Only, No Book)
69-1007: H. H. Arnason - The Precisionist View in American Art
68-4949: Arnaud, Gabriel (1882 - 1957) - Les Asterinees
65-1061: Arnaud, Jean-Robert - Cimaise (Present Day Art / Arts Actuels)
18-8055: Arnaud, Jean-Robert; Barzilay, Rene - Cimaise, Art Et Architecture Actuels / Present Day Art and Architecture. Numero Special / Special Issue Hartung. 21ieme Annee - No. 119-120-121. Sept-Oct. -Nov. -Dec. 1974
12-1078: Arnaud, Jean-Robert (ed.) - Cimaise: Art Et Architecture Actuels = Present Day Art and Architecture, 10e Année, No. 66
12-1079: Arnaud, Jean-Robert (ed.) - Cimaise: Art Et Architecture Actuels = Present Day Art and Architecture, 13e Année, No. 77
12-1080: Arnaud, Jean-Robert (ed.) - Cimaise: Art Et Architecture Actuels = Present Day Art and Architecture, 12e Année, No. 72
71-1571: Arnaud, Jean-Robert (Editor) - Cimaise: Art Et Architecture Actuels, Present Day Art and Architecture, No. 162-163. Janvier-Fevrier-Mars 1983
16-3604: Flavius Josephus; Robert Arnauld, d'Andilly; Gallet, George (Amsterdam) - Histoire Des Juifs, écrite Par Flavius Joseph, Sous le Titre de Antiquitez Judaïques, Traduite Sur L'Original Grec Reveu Sur Divers Manuscrits, Par Monsieur Arnauld D'Andilly. First Edition
71-5182: Arnberger, Leslie P. (Superintendent, Yosemite National Park) - Yosemite: Summary of the Draft General Management Plan, August 1978
18-2659: Arndt, Tom; Keillor, Garrison (foreword); Slade, George (intro.) - Home: Tom Arndt's Minnesota. Signed by Author
18-0905: Arndt, Thomas Frederick; Travis, David (text) - Men in America. Photographs 1973-1987
17-0228: Arndt, Thomas Frederick ; Travis, David (text) - Thomas Frederick Arndt : Men in America : Photographs 1973-1987. An Exhibition by First Bank Saint Paul Gallery, 19 January Through 11 April 1988
19-3926: Thomas Frederick Arndt; David Travis - Men in America, Photographs 1973-1987
16-3930: Arne, Thomas Augustine (1710-1778) - Rule, Britannia! a Favorite National Song. Composed by Dr. Arne. Price 1s. Original Engraved Sheet Music
74-0539: Robert Arneson; Frumkin/Adams Gallery - Black : New Sculpture and Works on Paper and Canvas
07-0576: Arnet, Christina, et al. - Berlin Now: Contemporary Art 1977
18-0375: Arnheim, Rudolf - Visual Thinking. 35th Anniversary Printing
19-8615: E. Arnheim - Gelbe Rosen in Kupferschale
75-2616: Bill Arning - Jill Slaymaker: Musings
04-1561: Schönberger, Arno and Halldor Soehner - The Rococo Age. Art and Civilization of the 18th Century
54-0404: Arno, Peter - Peter Arno's Circus
15-2813: Arnold, Matthew - New Poems (1867)
05-1246: Arnold, Martin - Martin Arnold: Deanimated
19-0126: Arnold, Thomas James - Reynard the Fox: After the German Version of Goethe
15-1672: Arnold, Matthew - Friendship's Garland: Being the Conversations, Letters, and Opinions of the Late Arminius, Baron Von Thunder-Ten-Tronckh
18-9925: David Arnold - Chain of Letters
51-2570: Appleby, John, Jean Arnold and Tony Booth (editors) and Edmund Blampied (illustrator) - A Catalogue Raisonné of the Etchings, Drypoints & Lithographs of Edmund Blampied. De Luxe Edition in Morocco with an Original Etching
74-0587: Chester Arnold; Catharine Clark Gallery - Chester Arnold, Reconstruction, 13 May - 24 June 2004
74-0564: Chester Arnold; James Doolin; Karen Kienzle; Patricia Hickson; San Jose Museum of Art - Urban Invasion : Chester Arnold
74-0538: Chester Arnold; Maria Porges; Susan Cummins Gallery - Accumulation : Reflections of a Material Life, Paintings 1998
18-4624: Arnold, Chester; Porges, Maria (text.); Susan Cummins Gallery (Mill Valley) - Chester Arnold: Accumulation: Reflections of a Material Life. Paintings, 1998
18-4581: Chester Arnold - Chester Arnold: Paintings, 1988-1994. (Catalog of an Exhibition Held Jan. 14-Mar. 10, 1995, de Saisset Museum, Santa Clara. )
73-3332: Arnold, Grant (ed.); Henry, Karen (ed.) - Traffic: Conceptual Art in Canada 1965-1980
18-3094: Arnold, Grant; Vancouver Art Gallery - Residue: The Persistence of the Real
18-2546: Jeanne E. Arnold - Life at Home in the Twenty-First Century: 32 Families Open Their Doors
18-10087: Chester Arnold - Chester Arnold : An Exhibition by Catharine Clark Gallery
18-0065: Arnold and Marc Glimcher - Je Suis le Cahier: The Sketchbooks of Picasso
73-1552: Arnold, William Harris - Ventures in Book Collecting
59-3169: Arnold, Steven - Matrix Presents Steve Miller Blues Band
59-2172: Arnold, Karl; Arnold, Fritz; Galleria Henze - Karl Arnold: Werke Aus Den Jahren, 1908 - 1942. Katalog 44, Spring 1990
18-10092: Chester Arnold - Chester Arnold : On Earth As It Is in Heaven. An Exhibition by Nevada Museum of Art
71-1337: Arnold, E.H. & J.A. Burton; Gordon Corbet; Illustrated by Denys Ovenden - A Field Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of Britain and Europe; the Mammals of Britain and Europe
16-3402: Kohler, Arnold and Gérald Cramer - Gérald Cramer: Quarante-Deux Ans D'Activité, 1942-1983 [with] Trente Ans D'Activité [and]Une Nouvelle Période D'Activité,1972-1983
70-2950: Arnold, Elliott - [Dust Jacket] : Flight from Ashiya. (Dust Jacket Only. Book Not Included)
16-2574: Kunst Salon Ernst Arnold - Small Poster for Eine Ausstelling . . Moderne Künstler.
16-1537: Arnold, Lloyd - Hemingway: High on the Wild
16-0906: Arnold, Matthew - Matthew Arnold's Notebooks
16-0904: Arnold, Matthew - Mixed Essays
16-0902: Arnold, Matthew - Frienship's Garland: Being the Conversations, Letters, and Opinions of the Late Arminius, Baron Von Thunder-Ten-Tronckh
16-0901: Arnold, Matthew - Essays in Criticism: Second Series
15-2790: Arnold, Matthew - The Scholar Gipsy, Thyrsis, Rugby Chapel
15-1669: Arnold, Matthew - The Poems of Matthew Arnold, 18401867
15-1670: Arnold, Matthew - Poetical Works
15-1219: Arnold, Matthew - Poetical Works of Matthew Arnold
51-2569: Appleby, John; Jean Arnold and Tony Booth (editors) and Edmund Blampied (illustrator) - A Catalogue Raisonné of the Etchings, Drypoints & Lithographs of Edmund Blampied
50-0592: Arnold, I. - Sailboat Scene
16-0926: Arnold, Edwin - With Sa'Di in the Garden: Or, the Book of Love
16-0927: Arnold, Edwin - The Light of Asia: Or, the Great Renunciation, Being the Life and Teaching of Gautama As Told in Verse by an Indian Buddhist
15-7684: Arnold, Eve - The Great British
75-1114: Charles Arnoldi - New Work, Charles Arnoldi, September 8-October 29, 2005. Announcement for the Exhibition
19-3886: Charles Arnoldi - Charles Arnoldi: A Mid-Career Survey, 1970-1996
75-1184: Charles Arnoldi, Edith Baumann-Hudson, Jeffrey Browning, John De Andrea, James Hayward, Gus Heinze, Peter Lodato, John M. Miller, Valentin Popov, Mel Ramos, John Register, Jacques Villegle - Selected Works, June 24-August 14, 2004. Announcement for the Exhibition
75-1192: Charles Arnoldi - Charles Arnoldi, "Natural Selection" September 9-October 23, 2021
51-5652: Arnoldi, Charles (born 1946) - Fit. Charles Arnoldi: Exhibition Poster
74-0586: Charles Arnoldi; Fred Hoffman Gallery - Charles Arnoldi : A Mid-Career Survey : 1970-1996 : May 30-August 10, 1996 : Fred Hoffman Fine Art
71-5307: Arnout, Jules Baptiste (1814-1868) - Arc de Triomphe de L'Etoile, Cote de Paris
71-5308: Arnout, Jules Baptiste (1814-1868) - Eglise de la Madeleine
71-1117: Arnout, Jean-Baptiste (Drawn); Francois Delpech (lithographer) - Maison de Raphael
71-3120: Arnout, J. (Lithographer); After Thomas Hosmer Shepherd - The British Museum
71-1511: Arnout, Louis-Jules (1814-1868, Illustrator); Charles Lataisse (Engraver) - Pologne-Chateau de Willanow
71-1510: Arnout, Louis-Jules (1814-1868, Illustrator); Charles Lataisse (Engraver) - Pologne-Malborg
71-1509: Arnout, Louis-Jules (1814-1868, Illustrator); Desauix (Engraver) - Pologne-Chateau de Lazienki
71-1128: Arnout, Jean-Baptiste (Drawn); Francois Delpech (lithographer) - Vue Du Chateau Des Rochers (Habitation de Mme. De Sevigne)
71-1121: Arnout, Jean-Baptiste (Drawn); Charles-Louis Constans (lithographer) - Vue Du Donjon Vincennes (Prise Des Bois)
70-0933: Arnout; Lemaitre - La Grande Place a Mexico. (B&W Engraving)
16-5475: Arnoux, Guy (1886-19510 - Quatre Images Allégoriques de Guy Arnoux, Artiste à Paris. (le Vainqueur de Lorraine, la Vision Du Dragon, la Sentinelle Endormie, Les Anciens à la Rescousse). First Edition of the Pochoirs
16-5476: Arnoux, Guy (1886-19510 - Exposition Guy Arnoux. Quelques Oeuvres Du Sculpteur Howard. First Edition of the Pochoir Invitation
16-5477: Arnoux, Guy (1886-1951) - Quatre Canons François Mis En Images Par Guy Arnoux‎. L'Ancêtre, la Bombarde, le Gribeauval and le Soixante-Quinze. First Edition of the Pochoirs
51-5350: Balzac Honoré de; Guy Arnoux , artist - Souvenirs D'Un Paria, Les Mémoires de Sanson. Série "Scènes Eparses. " Illustrations de Guy Arnoux. Deluxe Edition with an Extra Suite of the Pochoirs
16-5478: Arnoux, Guy (1886-1951) - Les Marins. 6 Images de Guy Arnoux. First Edition of the Pochoirs
03-0531: Arnoux, Guy - Menu for le Coq Hardi
18-0902: Arnovitz, Andi - Andi Arnovitz. Works 2013
73-1234: Arns, Inke - Nsk Eine Analyse Ihrer Künstlerischen Strategien IM Kontext Der 1980er Jahre in Jugoslawien
73-1235: Arns, Inke - Nsk Eine Analyse Ihrer Künstlerischen Strategien IM Kontext Der 1980er Jahre in Jugoslawien
19-1103: Arnshtam, L. - Muzyka Geroicheskogo. = the Music of Heroic
75-0943: Gerd Arntz, Mario Ameglio, Otmar Alt - Auktion, Lot #S 1-1093
206-5: Arntz, Wilhelm F. - Werkkataloge Zur Kunst Des 20. Jahrhunderts = Catalogue of Catalogues Raisonnés of 20th Century Artists, 1945-1983
085-2: Arntz, Wilhelm F. - Werkkataloge Zur Kunst Des 20. Jahrhunderts = Catalogue of Catalogues Raisonnés of 20th Century Artists, 1945-1973, Vol. 1
04-0942: Arntz, Wilhelm F. - Werkkataloge Zur Kunst Des 20. Jahrhunderts [Catalogue of Catalogues Raisonnés of 20th Century Artists,] 1974-1983, Vol. 2
15-2684: Arobateau, Red, et al. - Woman to Woman: A Book of Poems and Drawings by Women from S.C. U.M.
65-2611: Aron, Raymond - Opium Dlya Intelligencii = L'Opium Des Intellectuels
16-0684: Aronowitz, Alfred G., and Peter Hamill - Ernest Hemingway: The Life and Death of a Man
16-0694: Aronowitz, Alfred G., and Peter Hamill - Ernest Hemingway: The Life and Death of a Man
16-0530: Aronowitz, Alfred G., & Peter Hamill - Ernest Hemingway: The Life and Death of a Man
15-2542: Aronowitz, Alfred G. & Peter Hamill - Ernest Hemingway: The Life and Death of a Man
15-2533: Aronowitz, Alfred G. & Peter Hamill - Ernest Hemingway: The Life and Death of a Man
66-0539: Aronsfeld, C. C. (ed. ) - Christian Jewish Relations: A Documentary Survey (Vol. 14, No. 4)
18-6621: Joseph Aronson - The Book of Furniture and Decoration: Period and Modern
71-5070: Aronson, David - David Aronson: Music of the Soul. (Exhibition at David Findlay Jr. Fine Art, New York, 8 - 29 January 2011)
15-8069: Aronson, David - Collection of Material Related to the Late Artist, David Aronson. Pucker/Safari Gallery (Boston, Mass. ) 1976 Catalogue of Work by David Aronson. 4to. 12 Pp. , Stapled Wraps, Very Good. Some Color Plates. David Aronson, Sculpture. New York: Lee Nordness Galleries, & Boston: Boris Mirski Gallery, 1969. 8vo. 25 Pp. , Stapled Wraps, Very Good, Plates. David Aronson, a Retrospective. Waltham, Mass. : Rose Art Museum, & New York: The Jewish Museum, 1979. 4to. , 32 Pp. , Stapled Wraps, Very Good, Plates. Two Copies. Promotional Brochure from Louis New Galleries (Beverly Hills, Ca), for 1992 David Aronson Exhibition. 8vo. , Folded Card, Near Fine, Color Plates. Tls from Estelle and Martin Karlin to Pasquale Iannetti, Dated 9/14/92 Regarding Having Iannetti Represent David Aronson. Tls from Estelle and Martin Karlin to Pasquale Iannetti, Dated 2/8/1993 Regarding Having Iannetti Represent David Aronson. Gail D'Angelo, an Ancestral Aesthetic: The Fine Art of David Aronson, Article from Spring 1992 Issue of Bostonia. (2 Copies). David Aronson Bibliography, List of Exhibitions, Awards, Collections Holding His Work, and Brief Biography
70-3020: Aronson, Lisa (Curator) - Nigerian Art and Communication : Two Exhibitions: Communication with the Gods-Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, January 29-February 27, 1983 and the Igbo and Their Neighbors - Edna Caristen Gallery, January 30-February 28, 1983
75-1306: S. Arouangue - Chemin de Fer Franco-Suisse" [19th Century]
55-2845: Dirección: Fernando Cortes. Con Amparo Arozamena, Carlos Bravo y Fernandez, Arturo Castro 'Bigoton' - Los Beverly de Peralvillo. Movie Poster. (Cartel de la Película)
75-2707: Jean Hans Arp - Arp
71-0431: Arp, Jean (essay) - Sophie Taeuber-Arp. Exhibition at Albert Loeb & Krugier Gallery, Taurus 13. October-November 1970
50-0663: Arp, Jean - Nijimeegs Museum [Poster]
59-2174: Arp, Jean; Cassou, Jean - Arp: Sculpture, Collage, Drawing
73-0638: Jean Arp, Louise Bourgeois, Max Ernst, Herbert Ferber, David Hare, Joan Miro, Isamu Noguchi - Sculpture from Surrealism September 22 - October 31, 1987
19-10226: Jean Arp - Arp: Sculpture, Collage, Drawing
54-0897: Arp, Jean - Jean Arp
15-6160: Arp, Hans - Hans Arp. Chance - Form - Language (and a Franzwestigation)
01-1364: Arp, Hans - Hans Arp: Graphik 1912-1959
55-1774: Dirección: Ramon Fernandez. Con Maria Elena Arpon, Roberto Camardiel, Perla Cristal, Nino Del Arco - Cristo Del Oceano, El [Movie Poster]. (Cartel de la Película)
73-0562: Margaret Cushing Osgood (arr) - The City without Walls. An Anthology Setting Forth the Drama of Human Life Dust Jacket Only, Book Not Included
16-3640: VAN VELDE, Bram (1895-1981); Textes de Fernando Arrabal et Hubert Juin - Derriere le Miroir N° 216. Dlm. Bram Van Velde
63-2908: Nick Manoloff (arrangement) - Home on the Range. With Ukelele Chords, Guitar Chords and Special Hawaiian Guitar Solo
12-0989: Joint Committee on Arrangements - The One Hundredth Anniversary of the Second Inauguration of Abraham Lincoln: Commemoration Ceremony
15-8919: Arrhenius, Olof; A.-B. Kartografiska Institutet - Fosfathalten Hos Gotlandska Jordar. Pa Grundval Av Svenska Sockerfabriksaktiebolagets Markundersokningar 1929 - 36
55-2838: Dirección: Raúl de Anda hijo. Con Felipe Arriaga, Rebeca Silva, Luis Manuel Pelayo - Amor a la Mejicana. Movie Poster. (Cartel de la Película)
55-2669: Dirección: Rafael Villaseñor Kuri. Con Felipe Arriaga, Tito Junco, Antonio Zamora - Como Perros Rabiosos. Movie Poster. (Cartel de la Película)
55-2363: Dirección: Rafael Villaseñor Kuri. Con Felipe Arriaga, Tito Junco, Antonio Zamora - Como Perros Rabiosos. Movie Poster. (Cartel de la Película)
55-2128: Dirección: Raúl de Anda hijo. Con Felipe Arriaga, Rebeca Silva, Luis Manuel Pelayo - Amor a la Mejicana. Movie Poster. (Cartel de la Película)
55-3118: Dirección: Mauricio Walerstein. Con Fernando Arriago, Haydee Balza, Rafael Briceno - Cuando Quiero Llorar No Lloro. Movie Poster. (Cartel de la Película)
55-2238: Dirección: Mauricio Walerstein. Con Fernando Arriago, Haydee Balza, Rafael Briceno - Cuando Quiero Llorar No Lloro. Movie Poster. (Cartel de la Película)
15-10650: University of California at Davis; Ellen Arrington, Manina Harris - Typed Press Release Regarding Judy Chicago Program at Uc Davis, Dated March 28, 1978
63-3206: Gus Arriola - Ms with Original Autograph Signed by Gus Arriola, Cartoonist of Syndicated Comic Strip Gordo, on His Letterhead
19-1417: Arro, V. - Sad=Garden. A Play
01-0337: Arrow, Simon - Count Fanny's Nuptials: Being the Story of a Courtship
59-3404: Arrowsmith, William, Fearon Brown, Frederick Morgan - The Chimera: A Rough Beast. Volume 1, Number 2
70-0371: Eduardo Arroyo; Joan Brossa - Eduardo Arroyo
12-0323: Arroyo, Natalio Martin - The Sourcebook of Contemporary Jewelry Design
19-2699: A. M. Terekhova; O. Cecarskij (Art.) et al. - Gosudarstvennaja Oruzheinaja Palata Moskovskogo Kremlja. Komplekt Otkrytok = the State Armoury Museum in the Moscow Kremlin. Flash Cards
19-2698: M. Tolmacheva (Ed.); V. Poljakova (Art.) et al. - Moskva. Komplekt Otkrytok = Moscow. Flash Cards
68-5654: Jean Collardot (art.) - Disnee D'Amitie Internationale Et Rotarienne
69-0133: Long Beach Museum of Art - Hans Burkhardt Retrospective Exhibition 1950-1972
68-5579: Rauch (art); Ransonnette (engrav.) - Chateau de Semur
68-5580: Rauch (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Hospice Du Lautaret
68-5626: Michel Lapensee (art.) - Menu for the Chapitre de la Confrerie Des Chevaliers Du Tastevin
71-4807: Yishu. Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art - Yishu. Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art. December 2007. Winter Issue
71-4808: Yishu. Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art - Yishu. Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art. Supplement. December 2007
69-1204: Dilley Fine Art - Dilley Fine Art
73-1214: Katonah Museum of Art; Susan Filin-Yeh (curator) - The Technological Muse
73-6970: International Fair of New Art - The Armory Show 2001
73-6971: International Fair of New Art - The Armory Show 2006
69-0077: The San Francisco Museum of Art - A Proposal to the James Irvine Foundation
73-1227: The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo - Masterpieces from the National Gallery, London
68-5645: Jean Filiber (art.) - Menu for the Chapitre de la Confrerie Des Chevaliers Du Tastevin
19-1285: Campbell Fine Art - British Prints 18th--20th Centuries. Catalogue No. 3
19-1286: Campbell Fine Art - British Prints 18th--20th Centuries. Catalogue No. 2
69-0070: Robert Henry Adams Fine Art - Modern Art in America
73-5510: Isaac Delgado Museum of Art - New Orleans: Its People and Environs
68-5553: Rauch (art); Nyon (engrav.) - Pont Suspendu Du Port Ste. Marie
73-0408: The Museum of Modern Art, New York - Twentieth Century Engineering , the Museum of Modern Art
68-0114: Belle (art) - Orleans (Auguste-Marie Jeanne de Baden Baden, Duchesse D') 1726
19-1287: Campbell Fine Art - British Prints 18th--20th Centuries
19-1284: Campbell Fine Art - British Prints 18th--20th Centuries. Catalogue No. 5
19-1282: Campbell Fine Art - European Prints 18th--20th Centuries. Catalogue
19-1283: Campbell Fine Art - British Prints 18th--20th Centuries. Catalogue No. 4
19-1281: Campbell Fine Art - American Prints. Catalogue
19-0628: Philadelphia Museum of Art - A.E. Gellatin Collection
17-2467: Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas - Register of the Spencer Museum of Art. Vol VIII. No. 5. Modern and Contemporary East Asian Art
19-1937: Los Angeles County Museum of Art - The Los Angeles Antiques Art + Design Show. October 10-14, 2012
15-8602: Freer Gallery Of Art, Smithsonian Institute; Richard Edwards; Zhou Shen; Rogers D. Spotswood Collection - The Field of Stones: A Study of the Art of Shen Chou (1427-1509)
15-8603: Freer Gallery Of Art, Smithsonian Institute; Kodansha Ltd. (Tokyo); John A. Pope (pref.) - The Freer Gallery of Art. I China
15-8604: Freer Gallery Of Art, Smithsonian Institute; Kodansha Ltd. (Tokyo); Harold P. Stern (pref.) - The Freer Gallery of Art. II Japan
18-9990: National Collection of Fine Art, Smithsonian Institute - Disparitia Si Reaparita Imaginii : Pictura Americana de Dupa 1945. Expozitie Organizata in Cadrul Programului International de Arta de Catre Colectia Nationala a Artelor Frumoase, Institul Smithsonian, Washington D.C.
18-9981: National Museum of Modern Art - Mutual Influences between Japanese and Western Arts. The National Museum of Modern Art (Tokyo), 7 Sept. - 27 Oct. 1968
18-9975: Jacquelyn Days Serwer ; National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institute - American Kaleidoscope : Themes and Perspectives in Recent Art
18-9968: San Jose Museum of Art - Frameworks : Winter 1995
68-5549: Rauch (art); Ransonnette (engrav.) - Chateau D'Argy
68-5548: Cte. du H. (art); Ransonnette (engrav.) - Port D'Espagne. Hautes Pyrenees
18-9866: Los Angeles County Museum of Art - Los Angeles County Museum of Art Report : July 1, 1983 - June 30, 1985
18-9800: Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago - Four Los Angeles Sculptors : Lloyd Hamrol, Barbara Munger, John White, Connie Zehr
73-0214: Museum of Modern Art, New York - Recent Painting Usa: The Figure
03-0669: Baltimore Museum of Art - Maryland Silver in the Collection of the Baltimore Museum of Art
15-8626: Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art; Ross E Taggart; George L McKenna; Marc F Wilson (eds) - Handbook of the Collections in the William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art and Mary Atkins Museum of Fine Arts, Kansas City, Missouri. Vol. II: Art of the Orient
73-0702: Museum of Modern Art; Arthur Drexler (intro) - Design for Sport. May 15 - July 31, 1962
59-2677: Douwes Fine Art - Russian Paintings
68-5659: Raymond Charpentier & Jean Filiber (art.) - Menu for the Chapitre de la Confrerie Des Chevaliers Du Tastevin
68-5634: E. de la Tramblais (art.) - Menu for the Chapitre de la Confrerie Des Chevaliers Du Tastevin
69-0293: The Isaac Delgado Museum of Art - The World of Art in 1910
68-5598: Rauch (art); Nyon (engrav.) - Arc de Triomphe a Besancon
65-1757: Metropolitan Museum of Art - The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin: Fall 1989, Volume XLVIII, Number 2: Recent Acquisitions, a Selection: 1988-1989
65-1756: Metropolitan Museum of Art - The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin: Fall 1990, Volume XLVIII, Number 2: Recent Acquisitions, a Selection: 1989-1990
65-1755: Metropolitan Museum of Art - The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin: Fall 1997, Volume LV, Number 2: Recent Acquisitions, a Selection: 1996-1997
65-1753: Metropolitan Museum of Art - The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin: Fall 1998, Volume LVI, Number 2: Recent Acquisitions, a Selection: 1997-1998
65-1752: Metropolitan Museum of Art - The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin: Fall 1999, Volume LVII, Number 2: Recent Acquisitions, a Selection: 1998-1999
65-1747: Metropolitan Museum of Art - The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin: Fall 2000, Volume LVIII, Number 2: Recent Acquisitions, a Selection: 1999-2000
68-5543: Rauch (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Porte Du Pont Joubert a Poitiers
65-1743: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin. Summer 2001. Ars Vitraria: Glass in the Metropolitan Museum of Arts
65-1742: Metropolitan Museum of Art - The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin: Fall 2002, Volume LX, Number 2: Recent Acquisitions, a Selection: 2001-2002
65-1732: Metropolitan Museum of Art - The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin: Fall 2005, Volume LXIII, Number 2: Recent Acquisitions, a Selection: 2004-2005
65-1716: Douwes Fine ARt - Russian Painting
65-1488: Faustus Fine Art & Gallery Art - Etsen Van Rembrandt. Expositie
65-1467: Gebr. Douwes Fine Art - Old Master Paintings Until 1805. Selling Exhibition of Old Master Paintings of the 17th, 18th and Early 19th Century
68-5056: Los Angeles County Museum Of Art - Five Younger Los Angeles Artists: Tony Berland, Melvin Edwards, Llyn Foulkes, Lloyd Hamrol, Philip Rich
68-5495: Amelin (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Grotte Des Demoiselles
65-1812: Armstrong Fine Art - June 2008
65-1091: Christopher-Clark Fine Art - A Legacy on Paper: Masterworks of Printmaking
65-1092: Christopher-Clark Fine Art - A Legacy on Paper: Masterworks of Printmaking
65-1078: Didier Imbert Fine Art - Shirl Goedike
18-8672: Menconi & Schoelkopf Fine Art - Menconi + Schoelkopf
17-6615: Beacon Hill Fine Art - Earl Cunningham's Ameriican Fantasies
68-5571: Rauch (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Chateau de Combefa
18-8515: Bell, Eugenia (ed.); Nicholson, Robin (intro.); Hall, Sarah (text.); Brean, Dawn Reid (text.); Frick Art and Historical Center (Pittsburgh) - The Frick Pittsburgh: A Guide to the Collection. [Exhibition Catalogue]
68-4021: San Francisco Museum Of Modern Art; Lynn Hershman; Chelsea Brown - Bay Area Media. Brief Descriptions. With Tl Post Card to Peter Selz from Chelsea Brown
71-0336: Amon Carter Museum of Western Art - The Artist's Environment: West Coast: An Exhibition Presented by the Amon Carter Museum of Western Art Fort Worth, Texas in Collaboration with the Uclaart Galleries and the Oakland Art Museum. 1962-1963
63-9841: Museum of Modern Art, New York - Aleksandr Rodchenko. June 25 to October 6, 1998
18-8045: Musee National d'Art Moderne (Paris); Centre National d'Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou (Paris) - Paris-New York. 1977. Musee National D'Art Moderne, Paris, France. [Exhibition Brochure]
73-6344: University of Kansas Museum of Art - Language of Light
68-5557: Brecy (art); Ransonnette (engrav.) - Mausolee de B. Monluc
68-5556: Brecy (art); Ransonnette (engrav.) - Saint-Caprais
68-5536: Cte. du H. (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Port D'Espagne. Hautes Pyrenees
68-5544: Rauch (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Eglise de Charroux
68-5545: Rauch (art); Ransonnette (engrav.) - Ruines Du Chateau de Gaillon
68-5546: Rauch (art); Ransonnette (engrav.) - Chateau Gaillard
68-5547: Rauch (art); Nyon (engrav.) - Chateau Gaillard
63-9427: Los Angeles County Museum of Art - Women and Modernity in and Around German Expressionism. Los Angeles County Museum of Art, November 24, 2000 - April 8, 2001
68-5550: Rauch (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Felletin
68-5551: Rauch (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Ruines Du Chateau D'Aubusson
68-5554: Rauch (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Tour de L'Horloge D'Evreux
68-5555: Rauch (art); Devilliers (engrav.) - Chateau de L'Arbresle
63-9395: Saint Louis Gallery of Contemporary Art - At Issue: Art and Advocacy. 9 September - 17 October, 1987
68-5558: Rauch (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Chateau de Courcy
68-5559: Rauch (art); Ransonnette (engrav.) - Chateau de Fontaine Henri
68-5569: H. W. (art); Skelton fils (engrav.) - Thermes D. Orsat. Pres Tarascon
68-5570: Rauch (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Ruines Du Chateau de Burlats
63-9260: Annely Juda Fine Art - Andre Kertesz and Avant Garde Photography of the Twenties and Thirties. Price List. Annely Juda Fine Art
63-9230: San Francisco Museum Of Modern Art; Jessica S. McDonald - Photography in Mexico: Selected Works from the Collections of Sfmoma and Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser. March 10 - July 8, 2012
68-5646: [Jean Filiber (art.).] - Menu for the Chapitre de la Confrerie Des Chevaliers Du Tastevin
63-9195: Marcellin Auzolle (art) - Poster Advert for Sassi Detacheur Ininflammable
68-5623: F. A. Pernot (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Anciens Cordeliers
68-5573: Rauch (art); Adam(engrav.) - Soreze
74-0706: Renée Cox; Victor Matthews; Vera List Center for Art and Politics, The New School; Oratorio di san Ludovico - Renée Cox & Victor Matthews Isbn: 889001119x 9788890011191
74-0633: Jessica Hough; Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art (Ridgefield, Conn.); et al. - Family : May 19-September 4, 2002, the Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art Isbn: 1888332190 9781888332193
68-5647: Raymond Charpentier & Jean Filiber (art.) - Menu for the Chapitre de la Confrerie Des Chevaliers Du Tastevin
68-5648: Gabriel Bernuy & Jean Filiber (art.) - Menu for the Chapitre de la Confrerie Des Chevaliers Du Tastevin
68-5649: Herve Morvan & Jean Filiber (art.) - Menu for the 356e Chapitre de la Confrerie Des Chevaliers Du Tastevin
17-2329: National Gallery of Art - Works of Art from the Widener Collection
74-0603: Achim Moeller Fine Art; Mark Tobey Archives - Achim Moeller Fine Art
18-7596: National Gallery of Art - Piet Mondrian 1872 - 1944. (Exhibition Dates: February 3 - April 4, 2004)
18-7595: Santa Barbara Museum of Art - Invitation Card to Members' Preview of the First West Coast Retrospective Exhibition of Paintings by Piet Mondrian
63-8670: La Jolla Museum of Art; Santa Barbara Museum of Art - The Reminiscent Object: : Paintings by William Michael Harnett, John Frederick Peto and John Haberle. [Exhibition] la Jolla Museum of Art, July 11 Through September 19, 1965; Santa Barbara Museum of Art, September 28 Through October 31, 1965
63-8663: La Jolla Museum of Art; Santa Barbara Museum of Art - The Reminiscent Object: : Paintings by William Michael Harnett, John Frederick Peto and John Haberle. [Exhibition] la Jolla Museum of Art, July 11 Through September 19, 1965; Santa Barbara Museum of Art, September 28 Through October 31, 1965. With Signed Dedication to Judy Stone
18-7431: Minneapolis Institute of Art - The Art of Wonder: Inspiration, Creativity, and the Minneapolis Institute of Arts
73-6904: International Review of African American Art - Redefining "Museum
68-5599: Rauch (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Chateau de la Reine Blanche
68-5651: M. Charles Oursel (art.) - Chapitre Des Premices Celebre a la Memoire D'Andre Maurois. Menu for the Chapitre de la Confrerie Des Chevaliers Du Tastevin
63-8407: David Findlay Jr. Fine Art; Byron Browne - Byron Browne: Myth Maker, September 1 - 24, 2011. David Findlay Jr. Fine Art (Ny)
18-7127: Wilson, Rob (ed.); The Redding Museum of Art and History (Redding) - A Survey of Kinetic Sculpture. November 6 - December 27, 1992. Stan Bennett, Duane Flatmo, Mahlon V. Kirk, David Medley, David Quick. Redding Museum of Art and History. [Exhibition Catalogue]
73-0761: San Francisco Museum of Art - Manuel Neri. August 6, 1971 - September 5, 1971
68-0199: Ducayer (art); L. Massard (publ) - Conde (Charlotte Marguerite de Montmorency Princesse de). 1650
18-6895: Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art - 2008 Another Masterpiece: New Acquisitions. (Catalog of an Exhibition Held at Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art, Jan. 23-Mar. 29, 2009)
68-5591: H.V. (art); Ransonnette (engrav.) - Manciet
18-6743: Center for Contemporary Art - Substantials #03 [Includes Cd]
73-5182: The Journal of Royal College of Art - Ark 15
69-1056: The Corcoran Gallery of Art - The Collection of Mrs. Harry Lynde Bradley
63-7679: Hood Museum Of Art, Dartmouth College (Hanover, NH); Chanon (Kenji) Praepipatmongkol (intro) - A Space for Dialogue. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College
63-7650: Los Angeles County Museum of Art; William Wegman; Jane Livingston (intr.) - Magritte and Contemporary Art: The Treachery of Images. November 19, 2006 - March 4, 2007
63-7648: Anderson Gallery of Graphic Art, De Young, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco - Celebrating a Centennial. Contemporary Printmakers at Cca. September 29, 2007 - January 6, 2008
63-7600: Latvian National Museum of Art; Natalie Suyunshalieva (ed.) - The Main Building of the Latvian National Museum of Art
73-0854: annely juda fine art - Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart: Retrospective. 15 September - 11 November 1972
63-7610: Amsterdam Prize for Art; Marrie Bot - Marrie Bot, Photographer. Awarding of the Amsterdam Prize for Art for 1990 to Marrie Bot on October 26, 1990
73-4630: [Bernard (art.); Goussier (illust); Denis Diderot.] - Serie Des Pavillons de Signaux
73-4631: Bernard (art.); Goussier (illust); Denis Diderot - Marine, Pavillons. Maritime Flags from the Diderot Encyclopedia. Suite de la Pl. 19
18-6130: John Hallmark Neff; Bureau Beeldende Kunst Buitenland Amsterdam.; Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago - Contemporary Art from the Netherlands
73-4679: Metropolitan Museum of Art - European Paintings
73-4627: Bernard (art.); Goussier (illust); Denis Diderot - Marine, Pavillons. Maritime Flags from the Diderot Encyclopedia. Plate XVII
73-4624: Bernard (art.); Goussier (illust); Denis Diderot - Marine, Pavillons. Maritime Flags from the Diderot Encyclopedia. Suite de la Pl[Ate] XVIII
73-4623: Bernard (art.); Goussier (illust); Denis Diderot - Art Heraldique, Pl. X.
73-4622: [Bernard (art.); Goussier (illust); Denis Diderot.] - Turkische Flaggen
69-0259: National Gallery of Art - Selections from the Nathan Cummings Collection
70-3184: Smith College Museum of Art - Inside Outside : An Exhibition of Sculpture by Sixteen Artists Teaching in Colleges and Universities in Western New England (Catalogue of an Exhibition Held at Smith College Museum of Art (Northampton, Mass. ), 11 May - 7 June 1966. )
73-0192: Museum of African Art, Washington D.C. - Traditional Art of the Nigerian Peoples, the Ratner Collection
63-6794: Los Angeles County Museum of Art; William Wegman; Jane Livingston (intr.) - William Wegman. Los Angeles County Museum of Art, May 22 - July 1, 1973
15-9321: Princeton University: Department of Art and Archaeology & Program in East Asian Studies - Artists and Traditions: A Colloquium on Chinese Art. May 17, 1969, Princeton University. Preliminary and Unedited. Not for Publication or Quotation
17-1643: UCLA at the Armand Hammer Museum of Art and Cultural Center -
17-2191: Triton Museum of Art - A Bay Area Connection: Works from the Anderson Collection, 1954-1984
63-6710: Benjamin West; Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institute (NY) - A Gift to Its Members from the Archives of American Art. [Facsimile of Original Letter Addressed to Charles Wilson Peale, Dated London, June 15th, 1783. ]
18-5354: Finch College. Museum of Art - Five Graphic Artists of the Seventeenth Century: Jusepe de Ribera, Pietro Testa, Simone Cantarini, Ginlio [Sic] Carpioni, Bartolomeo Biscaino: A Loan Exhibition
68-5540: Rauch (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Chateau de Greoux
68-3478: Dauphine (art.); Congres De La Legion Vosgienne - Menu. Congres de la Legion Vosgienne. 3 Juin 1956. Gerardmer
17-1650: Museum of Contemporary Art - Hand-Painted Pop: American Art in Transition, 1955-62
73-3436: Metropolitan Museum of Art - 19th Century French Drawings
73-3793: Aberbach Fine Art - Aberbach Fine Art
68-5602: Rauch (art); Devilliers (engrav.) - Tour de la Grosse Horloge a Rouen
68-5619: Rauch (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Fontaine de Dax
73-3444: The Metropolitan Museum of Art - Images of Women: Master Drawings of Five Centuries
73-3269: South-Eastern Center for Contemporary Art - Awards in the Visual Arts 6
01-1094: San Francisco Museum of Art - Collection of Quarterly Bulletins
70-2372: Milo Cleveland Beach; Society for Art and Cultural Heritage of India; Palo Alto Cultural Center; Stanford Art Museum - The Society for Art and Cultural Heritage of India, Palo Alto Cultural Center, and Stanford Art Museum Present the Queen's History of the King of the World. (Announcement for Talk by Milo Cleveland Beach, March 2, 1998. )
68-5047: Danforth Museum Of Art - Joan Snyder: A Painting Survey, 1969 - 2005. Exhibition Brochure
59-2705: Santa Barbara Museum of Art - Diverse Directions: A Collector's Choice Selections from the Charles Craig Collection
63-5633: San Francisco Museum Of Art; CinemaSculpture; Soon 3 - Soon 3. Cinemasculpture to Be Performed Presents: The Desire Circus
18-10038: The Butler Institute of American Art - California a-Z and Return. The Butler Institute of American Art, June 23 - August 19, 1990
63-5501: J. M. Edelstein (Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities) - Tls Form Letter J.M. Edelstein to Herb Yellin (Addressed As "Colleague"), June 1, 1994. Re: Edelstein's New Position As Bibliographer at Brown. With Personal Ms Note to Yellin Inked in Margin
69-0989: Long Beach Museum of Art - Arts of Southern California-- VIII: Drawing
63-5425: Royal College of Art; Theo Crosby - The Pessimist Utopia: Lethaby Lecture for 1975, Royal College of Art. Pentagram Papers 2
63-5375: San Francisco Museum of Art; Gerald Nordland (fwd) - Four Americans in Paris. The Collections of Gertrude Stein and Her Family. San Francisco Museum of Art, September 9 - October 31, 1971
69-0277: Museum of Contemporary Art - At the End of the Century: One Hundred Years of Architecture
68-5583: Rauch (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Luynes
73-6376: Museum of Contemporary Art - Relief/Construction/Relief
71-0312: The University of Iowa Museum of Art - James Lechay / Selected Works
73-1047: Los Angeles Country Museum of Art - L.A. 8: Painting and Sculptures 76. 6 April - 30 May 1976
65-1159: Mary-Anne Martin Fine Art - Diego Rivera: Watercolors and Drawings
54-2006: San Francisco Museum of Art - General Information Pamphlet
71-2244: Los Angeles County Museum of Art - Los Angeles County Museum of Art. (World of Art Series)
73-6895: San Jose Museum of Art - American Art 1900-1940: A History Reconsidered
68-5577: Rauch (art); Nyon (engrav.) - Fort de Joux
63-4182: Tregoning Fine Art, Inc. (Cleveland, Ohio) - The Leona R. Prasse Collection
63-4179: Natalie Alper; Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts - Natalie Alper: Paintings, Drawings, and Works on Paper. May 5 June 11, 1989
63-3776: San Francisco Museum of Art - San Francisco Museum of Art Brochure. Lectures in September, Exhibitions in September, Courses
63-3774: San Francisco Museum of Art - Invitation to a Preview of a Portrait by Frederic Taubes of Mr. William Gerstle
63-3772: San Francisco Museum of Art - First Year Course in Art Appreciation - 1941
63-3771: San Francisco Museum of Art - Memorable Movies Presented by the San Francisco Museum of Art. Friday Afternoons and Evenings at 2: 30 and 8: 00 Pm
18-3149: Museum of Modern Art - Moma Appointment Calendar 2016
73-6964: China Abstract Art - China Abstract Art
68-5524: Despois (art); Devilliers (engrav.) - Ruines Du Chateau de Grignan
68-5525: Mauduit (art); Ransonnette (engrav.) - Grane
68-5527: De La Pylaie (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Tour D'Elven
68-5532: Cte. du H. (art); Onwhyn(engrav.) - Eclise Du Mont-Notre-Dame
68-5535: [Aine] (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Sainte Marie
68-5578: Rauch (art); Nyon (engrav.) - Chateau de Grammont
63-3316: Todd Walker (phot.); William S. Johnson & Susan E. Cohen (intr.); Museum of Art, University of Arizona - The Photographs of Todd Walker:... One Thing Just Sort of Led to Another... Exhibition Presented at the Museum of Art, University of Arizona, November 18 - December 12, 1979
19-2690: E. Gavrilov (Ed.); Ju. Brovkin, A. Kurkin (Art.) et al. - Zolotoe Kol'Co : Otkrytki = the "Golden Circle" : Flash Cards
08-1260: Daniela Laube Fine Art - Catalogue 2. Old Master Prints, Modern Master Prints, Rare Books (Alte Meistergrafik, Modern Meistergrafik, Alte Drucke)
68-5596: Rauch (art); Nyon (engrav.) - Chateau de Montbelliard
18-2655: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art - 010101 : Art in Technological Times
73-1112: Whitney Museum of American Art - Shape and Envoirnment: Furniture by American Architects
18-2553: Palm Beach Institute of Contemporary Art - Making Time: Considering Time As a Material in Contemporary Video & Film: (Inaugural Exhibition of the Palm Beach Institute of Contemporary Art, Lake Worth, Florida, March 5, 2000 - May 28th 2000. )
18-2539: Armand Hammer Museum of Art and Cultural Center - Thing: New Sculpture from Los Angeles (February 6 - June 5, 2005)
05-2307: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art - Picturing Modernity: Highlights from the Collection of the San Franicsco Museum of Modern Art
69-0890: The University of Iowa Museum of Art - Rudolf Wilke (1873-1908): Centennial Anniversary of His Birth
73-4625: Bernard (art.); Goussier (illust); Denis Diderot - Marine, Pavillons. Maritime Flags from the Diderot Encyclopedia. Suite de la Pl[Ate] XVII
73-2500: Boca Raton Museum of Art - Books As Art
18-2035: Philadelphia Museum of Art - The Philadelphia Museum Bulletin Vol XL, No. 206, May 1945
18-2026: Massachusetts College of Art - The Country between Us: Contemporary American Landscape Photographs (Exhibition Brochure: Jan 27 - March 7, 1992)
18-2023: Massachusetts College of Art - Fables of the Visible World (Exhibition Brochure: Sept 14 - Oct 24, 1992)
73-2425: Los Angeles County Museum of Art - October 1988
73-2421: New Orleans Museum of Art - German & Austrian Expressionism
73-2420: Minneapolis Institute of Art - German Realism of the Twenties: The Artist As Social Critic
69-0191: The Museum of Modern Art; Mildred Constantine; Arthur Drexler - The Object Transformed
69-0192: The Museum of Modern Art; Louise Bourgeois - Louise Bourgeois
18-1762: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art - Alfred Stieglitz. (Exhibition Catalog, 3 February - 8 May, 1983)
18-10004: William C. Agee ; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York - The 1930's : Painting and Sculpture in America. An Exhibition Catalogue : Whitney Museum of American Art, New York : October 15 - December 1, 1968
63-1629: [Yishuguan (Museum of Art)?] - [Wangzhiwentaociweishu (Inquiry on Ceramics & Micro-Books). ]
68-5603: Rauch (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Chapelle Des Ardens
68-5604: Rauch (art); Skelton fils (engrav.) - Cascade Du Guiers
68-5606: Rauch (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - L'Ermitage
68-5607: Rauch (art); Skelton fils (engrav.) - Fort de Queyraz
68-5608: Rauch (art); Ransonnette (engrav.) - Rougeperiers
68-5609: Mme. la Bne. P. (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Pont Des Rousses
68-5610: Rauch (art); Skelton fils (engrav.) - Interieur Du Chateau de Greoux
73-3452: Birmingham Museum of Art - Mexico XIX Century: People and Landscapes
68-5658: Michel Lapensee & Jean Filiber (art.) - Menu for the Chapitre de la Confrerie Des Chevaliers Du Tastevin
17-2297: R.S. Johnson Fine Art - Traditions and Reflections : A Selection of Works from England, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Switzerland
71-4223: The Magazine of Art - Scheme for Arrangement and Decoration of a Room, Illustrated in the Magazine of Art
68-5542: Rauch (art); Nyon (engrav.) - Vigny
71-5524: Los Angeles County Museum of Art - The Machine Age in America 1918-1941. (Exhibition at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 16 August - 18 October 1987)
73-0758: Cedar Rapids Museum of Art - Charles Biederman: An American Idealist. December 21, 2002 - March 16, 2003
18-10049: The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles - The Campaign for Moca
18-10045: American Museum of Western Art - Masterpieces of the American West : Selections from the Anschutz Collection
18-10034: The Amon Carter Museum of Western Art - The Artists Environment : West Coast : An Exhibition Presented by the Amon Carter Museum of Western Art Fort Worth, Texas in Collaboration with the Uclaart Galleries and the Oakland Art Museum. 1962 - 1963
56-0120: Philadelphia Museum of Art - Philadelphia: Three Centuries of American Art
18-0774: Anderson Gallery of Graphic Art - Chuck Close and Crown Point Press
07-0055: National Gallery of Art - Brief Guide, National Gallery of Art, East Building
69-0262: Whitney Museum of American Art - The New Decade: 35 American Paintings and Sculptors
68-5625: Rauch (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Chateau de Dieppe
68-5624: H. Valton (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Bains de L'Arquebuse
71-0332: National Gallery of Art - Henri Matisse: The Early Years in Nice 1916-1930
68-5574: Rauch (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Jube de L'Eglise Ste. Cecile D'Albi
68-5575: Rauch (art); Ransonnette (engrav.) - St. Benoit-Sur-Loire
75-2264: Metropolitan Museum of Art - In Pursuit of Beauty: Americans and the Aesthetic Movement
73-2411: Queens Museum of Art - Art at Work: Forty Years of the Chase Manhattan Collection
73-1667: L'Art et les Artistes - L'Art Et Les Artistes, Numéro 56, Avril 1925
73-1666: L'Art et les Artistes - L'Art Et Les Artistes, Numéro 58, Juin 1925
17-3877: Herbet F. Johnson Museum Of Art, Cornell University - Splendor of Dynamic Structure: Celebrating 75 Years of the American Abstract Artists
73-1434: Los Angeles County Museum of Art - Five Paintings from the Collection of Ferdinand and Adele Bloch Bauer
73-1335: Museum of Contemporary Art - Vision & Context
73-1307: Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art - Alexis Rockman: Manifest Destiny
73-1301: Los Angeles County Museum of Art - Jasper Johns to Jeff Koons: Four Decades of Art from the Broad Collections
73-1220: SF Museum of Modern Art - The Making of a Modern Museum
73-1065: Department of Art, UCLA - Emerging Artists: Ucla. 1974
73-1057: Indianapolis Museum of Art - Indiana Stoneware
73-0848: Birmingham Museum of Art - Austrian Art. 16 April - May 22 1977
73-0989: Brian Gross Fine Art - Guardians of the Secret II. 12 March - 7 May 2016: Robert Arneson (Artist)
73-0983: The Museum of Modern Art - Head-on/the Modern Portrait. 10 January - 19 March 1991: Chuck Close (Artist)
73-1076: Tampa Museum of Art - Ceramics & Society: Making and Marketing Ancient Greek Pottery
73-0879: San Francisco Museum of Art - Arts of San Francisco. 1971
73-0875: The Metropolitan Museum of Art - Maurice Prendergast's Large Boston Public Garden Sketchbook. 1982
17-3764: The Museum of Modern Art - Museum of Modern Art Portfolio
59-3419: Modern Institute of Art - Modern Artists in Transition
73-0767: San Francisco Museum of Art - Poetic Fantasy Watercolors and Drawings. May 14, 1971 - June 20, 1971
73-0766: San Francisco Museum of Art - Three Photographers- Mikal Baker, Ray Belcher, Kenneth Graves. June 15, 1971 - July 25, 1971
73-0765: San Francisco Museum of Art - Milton Komisar. June 18, 1971 - July 18, 1971
73-0762: San Francisco Museum of Art - Don Campbell- Light Environment. August 6, 1971 - August 29, 1971
73-0763: San Francisco Museum of Art - Roy Gover Paintings: 1965-1971. June 22, 1971 - July 18, 1971
73-0716: Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art - But Yet the Body Is His Book: Recent Students of Herbert George. 28 February - 4 April 1999
73-0709: Los Angeles County Museum of Art - Handbook. 1977
17-4918: Robert Henry Adams Fine Art, Inc (Chicago) - Modern American Art. February 2006
17-4822: Beacon HIll Fine Art - Afternoon Pleasures: American Impressionist and Expatriate Paintings. May 19 Through July 7, 1995
17-4769: National Museum of Wildlife Art - Highlights from the Collection
17-4664: National Gallery of Art - Photography Reinvented: The Collection of Robert E. Meyerhoff and Rheda Becker
59-2768: Nassau County Museum of Art - Rembrandt to Rosenquist: Masters of Printmaking
59-2692: R. S. Johnson Fine Art - A.L. De Sanctis Collection, Works on Paper Manet to Picasso
73-0403: Washington Gallery of Modern Art - Permanent Collection
73-0390: Toledo Museum of Art - Late 2012 Exhibitions: A Season of Portraiture
17-4391: Los Angeles County Museum of Art - Lacma Bulletin 1978
73-0374: Museum of Modern Art, New York - Primitivism" in 20th Century Art, Affinity of the Tribal and the Modern
59-2476: Christopher-Clark Fine Art - Humanity Through the Hand of a Genius: Embrandt Master Etcher
73-0308: The Corcoran Gallery of Art - Scale As Content. Ronald Bladen, Barnett Newman, Tony Smith. October 7, 1967 - January 7, 1968
17-4070: RS Johnson Fine Art - Old Master Prints Durer to Goya Art Historical Perspectives 1480-1800
17-4071: Blouin Gallery of Art - Blouin Gallery Guide Monthly Global Gallery Guide May 2019
17-4065: Saffron Art - Summer Online Auction June 12-13 2019
17-4002: Quinzane d'art en quercy - Rencontres D'Art. Hommage a Winkler. 1970. April 27-June 1977
68-5611: Rauch (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Chateau de Navarre
59-2056: Bridgestone Museum of Art, Tokyo - Prints of Edvard Munch: October -November 1989, Bridgestone Museum of Art, Tokyo
73-0216: Washington Gallery of Modern Art - Treasure of 20th Century Art from the Maremont Collection at the Washington Gallery of Modern Art, Washington, D.C. From April 1 Though May 3
73-0209: Modern Institute of Art, Beverly Hills - Schools of Twentieth Century Art
73-0206: La Jolla Museum of Art - Continuing Surrealism
59-2107: Museum of Modern Art, New York - Word and Image ; Posters from the Collection of the Museum of Modern Art
73-0187: Museum of Art, Washington D.C. - African Art in Washington Collections
17-3655: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art - Exhibitchin'. A Most Righteous Sfmoma Staff Art Show 2009-2010
17-3627: Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art - Electromedia Scope : Experimental Film, Video & New Media : 20th Anniversary, 1993-2013. (This Publication Documents and Celebrates 20 Years of Electromediascope, the Nelson-Atkins' Three-Season, Annual Program Featuring Contemporary Film, Video, New Media, Sound and Performance Art)
73-0023: Institute of Classical Architecture & Art - The Classicist No. 9, 2010-2011
59-1607: Maison d'Art, Monaco - Le Meraviglie Dell'Arte. Important Old Master Paintings
68-5521: Valton (art); Skelton (engrav.) - Ancien Hotel Mesgrigny
68-5650: M. Charles Oursel (art.) - Menu for the Chapitre de la Confrerie Des Chevaliers Du Tastevin
68-5572: Rauch (art); Adam(engrav.) - Eglise Saint Salvi a Alby
19-7571: Lee Naiman Fine Art - Announcement for "Gunter Grass Lithographs and Etchings" Exhibition at Weyhe Gallery and Suzanne Gross Gallery. (This Is the Prospectus for the Exhibition, Not the Book Itself)
17-2956: National Association of Schools of Art - National Association of Schools of Art : Summary Report of the Discussion Sections : October 15-17, 1964 Annual Meeting
68-5612: H. De Mauduit (art); Nyon (engrav.) - Tour de la Belle Allemande
68-5613: Rauch (art); Nyon (engrav.) - Les Eaux Bonnes
68-5614: Rauch (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Entree Du Desert a Fourvoirie
68-5616: Rauch (art); Chavene (engrav.) - Pont En Royans
68-5617: Rauch (art); Nyon (engrav.) - Pont D'Orthez
17-2665: Musée D'Art et D'Histoire - Peinture Et Societe 1870 - 1914 : 7 Mai 1982 Au 19 Juin 1983. (Poster)
17-2660: Musée D'Art et D'Histoire - Année Clovis Les Mérovingiens En Franche Comté : 17 Decembre 1982 Au 23 Janvier 1983. (Poster)
15-8764: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art - Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, and Mexican Modernism. April 18 - September 8, 1996
15-8766: Brian Gross Fine Art - Gary Lang: Intimate Works, December 4, 1997 - January 31, 1998
17-2516: Seoul Museum of Art - Seoul Museum of Art Sema
17-2357: Museum of Modern Art - Painting and Sculpture Acquisitions, January 1, 1958 Through December 31, 1958
69-1109: David Findlay Jr Fine Art - Charles Cajori: The Imagined and Observed
69-1110: David Findlay Jr Fine Art - Charles Cajori: A Survey
17-2358: Museum of Modern Art - Paintings from Private Collections
17-2006: Lewis DeSoto; Stephanie Hanor; Helaine Posner; Dan Mills; Samek Art Gallery.; Vanderbilt University. Fine Arts Gallery.; Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego - Lewis Desoto: Paranirvana (Self-Portrait). (Catalog of an Exhibition Held at Samek Art Gallery, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pa, Oct. 27-Dec. 8, 2002; Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery, Nashville, Tn, Feb. 6-Mar. 20, 2003; Five Other Venues, Apr. 25, 2003-Mar. 21, 2004; and Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, San Diego, Ca, Autumn 2004. )
17-1896: Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago - German and Austrian Expressionism: Art in a Turbulent Era
17-1769: Marnin Art - Marnin Art: Rare Illustrated Art Books
17-1759: Achim Moeller Fine Art - Looking at Drawings: Late 19th and 20th Century Master Drawings. Including a Section of Drawings by Lyonel Feiniger and Albert Gleizes
17-1661: North Carolina Museum of Art - North Carolina Museum of Art Bulletin, Volume XVII, 1997
17-0270: Museum of Modern Art, New York - Museum of Modern Art Bulletin (Vol. 23, No. 3, 1956) : Painting and Sculpture Acquisitions. June 1, 1953 Through June 30, 1955
17-0271: Museum of Modern Art, New York - Museum of Modern Art Bulletin ) : Painting and Sculpture Acquisitions. January 1, 1959 Through December 31, 1959
17-0272: Museum of Modern Art, New York - Museum of Modern Art Bulletin (Vol. 24, No. 4, 1957) : Painting and Sculpture Acquisitions. July 1, 1955 Through December 31, 1956
17-0273: Museum of Modern Art, New York - Museum of Modern Art Bulletin (Vol. 21, No. 2, 1953-54) : Idea & Symbol in the Library
17-0274: Museum of Modern Art, New York - Museum of Modern Art Annual Report : 1962-1963
17-0276: Museum of Modern Art, New York - Museum of Modern Art : Painting and Sculpture Acquisitions. January 1, 1961 Through December 31, 1961
17-0277: Museum of Modern Art, New York - Museum of Modern Art : Painting and Sculpture Acquisitions. January 1, 1962 Through December 31, 1962
71-0764: R.S. Johnson Fine Art - Selbstbildnis: The German Expressionist Self-Portrait (1905-1930). Exhibition at R.S. Johnson Fine Art, Spring 1997
68-5653: Caroll Roughol (art.) - Menu for the Chapitre de la Confrerie Des Chevaliers Du Tastevin
17-1247: Carnegie Museum of Art - American Landscape Video: The Electronic Grove. Featuring Works by Dara Birnbaum, Frank Gillette, Doug Hall, Mary Lucier, Rita Myers, Steina Vasulka, Bill Viola
56-0156: Museum of Modern Art - Art in Progress
56-0146: Columbus Museum of Art - A Nation's Legacy: 150 Years of American Art from Ohio Collections
56-0127: National Gallery of Art - American Naive Paintings from the National Gallery of Art
17-1163: Metropolitan Museum of Art - French Portraits in the Era of Impressionism and Symbolism
17-1153: Los Angeles County Museum of Art - A Day in the Country: Impressionism and the French Landscape
68-5618: Rauch (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Chateau de Pressilly
17-1091: Snite Museum of Art, University of Notre Dame - Roaring Twenties Exuberance & Depression Era Extravagance: Selections from the Jack B. Smith Jr. Automobile Collection
69-1045: Whitney Museum of American Art - Edward Hopper: Prints and Illustrations
17-0923: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art - Glamour: Fashion + Industrial Design + Photography
17-0702: Minneapolis College of Art and Design; Jerome Foundation for Emerging Artists - Mcad/Jerome Artists 2008-09
17-0582: Heather James Fine Art - Post-War and Contemporary Art
17-0377: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art - The Human Condition : A Psychiatrist's Perspective : Selections from the Ramer Collection. An Exhibition by San Francisco Museum of Modern Art : 25 August - 11 November 1984
17-0283: Museum of Modern Art, New York - Museum of Modern Art : Painting and Sculpture Acquisitions. July 1, 1951 Through May 31, 1953. An Important Change in Policy : Katherine S. Dreier Bequest, Sam A. Lewisohn Bequest, Mrs. Simon Guggenheim Fund Exhibition, New Acquisitions
17-0282: Museum of Modern Art, New York - Museum of Modern Art : Painting and Sculpture Acquisitions. January 1, 1960 Through December 31, 1960
17-0171: The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York City - Paradise Lost / Paradies Regained : American Visions of the New Decade. La 41abiennale Di Venezia 1984, United States Pavilion
17-0073: Los Angeles County Museum of Art - The David E. Bright Collection. Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1967
17-0031: The Santa Barbara Museum of Art ; The J. Paul Getty Museum - Etchings of Rembrandt and His Followers. An Exhibition in Association with the Santa Barbara Museum of Art and the J. Paul Getty Museum, 1977
55-0398: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Impressionists in the Metropolitan
54-2258: Marlborough Fine Art, Ltd - Aspects of Twentieth Century Art; Picasso - Important Paintings, Watercolors and New Linocuts; Henry Moore - Recent Work, Life Drawings
54-2242: Museum of Modern Art, New York - Painting in Paris: From American Collections
54-2216: Museum of Modern Art, New York - The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Print Room, 1949-1958
54-2206: San Francisco Museum of Art - San Francisco Women Artists: Thirty-Eighth Annual Exhibition
54-2017: San Francisco Museum of Art - Vera Bernhard: Sculpture; Margery Nahl: Portraits in Oil
54-2035: San Francisco Museum of Art - San Francisco Art Association Exhibition of Drawings and Prints
54-2010: San Francisco Museum of Art - General Information Pamphlet
54-2009: San Francisco Museum of Art - General Information Pamphlet
54-2008: San Francisco Museum of Art - General Information Pamphlet
54-2007: San Francisco Museum of Art - General Information Pamphlet
54-2005: San Francisco Museum of Art - General Information Pamphlet
54-2002: San Francisco Museum of Art - This Is Jazz
54-2001: San Francisco Museum of Art - General Information Pamphlet
54-2000: San Francisco Museum of Art - General Information Pamphlet
54-1998: San Francisco Museum of Art - General Information Pamphlet
54-1962: San Francisco Museum of Art - Animal Forms in Stone by Kisa Beeck
54-1961: San Francisco Museum of Art - Florence Ingalsbe Tufts: Watercolors
54-1960: San Francisco Museum of Art - Leah Rinne Hamilton: Paintings
54-1959: San Francisco Museum of Art - Amy D. Flemming: Paintings
54-1927: Women's Board. San Francisco Museum of Art - Invitation to Modern
17-4256: SF Museum of Modern Art - Portraits of Artists/Faces Photographed. From the Permanent Collection. December 9, 1984-March 10, 2985
54-1400: Masters in Art - Masters in Art. A Series of Illustrated Monographs Issued Monthly. Ruisdale, Part 86, Volume 8
54-0667: R.S. Johnson Fine Art - Old Master Prints & Drawings, 1475-1825
54-0585: Detroit Institute of the Arts - Metropolitan Museum of Art - Design in America: The Cranbrook Vision, 1925-1950
54-0428: Marlborough Fine Art - Between Space and Earth: Trends in Modern Italian Art
54-0425: Cocoran Gallery of Art - Fifteen Painters from Paris
54-0424: Museum of Modern Art - 1957 Appointment Calendar with Prints from the Collection of the Museum of Modern Art
54-0252: Cottage Hill Wildlife Art - Collector Prints
54-0116: Museum of Modern Art - Les Fauves
54-0105: National Gallery of Art - Post-Impressionism: Cross-Currents in European and American Painting, 1880-1906
15-4437: Marlborough Fine Art - Max Bill
68-5581: Rauch (art); Ransonnette (engrav.) - Ruines Pres de St. Mace
68-5622: H. Valton (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Ricey Haute Rive
68-3864: Bouchot (art) - Championnet (Jean-Etienne)
68-5620: Rauch (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Porte de Nevers
68-5621: Arnaud (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Restes de L'Ancien Chateau de Dampierre
68-5627: Francois Bellec & Jean Filiber (art.) - Menu for the Chapitre de la Confrerie Des Chevaliers Du Tastevin
68-5628: Gilbert Michaud & Jean Filiber (art.) - Menu for the Chapitre de la Confrerie Des Chevaliers Du Tastevin. Cent Hours Apres la Floraison Du Lys Viendra le Temps Beni de la Vendange
68-5582: Rauch (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Chateau de Brissac
68-5576: Rauch (art); Ransonnette (engrav.) - Chateau de Sully
68-5485: H. de Mauduit (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Chateau de Chatillon
71-0693: Francis M. Naumann Fine Art - Teacher-Student/Student-Teacher: The Photographs of Man Ray, Berenice Abbott, Naomi Savage. Exhibition at Francis M. Naumann Fine Art, 8 September - 31 October 2008
71-0670: North Carolina Museum of Art - Jugtown Pottery: The Busbee Vision. Exhibition at North Carolina Museum of Art, 5 May-19 August 1984
68-5652: Gilbert Michaud & Jean Filiber (art.) - Menu for the Chapitre de la Confrerie Des Chevaliers Du Tastevin
68-5584: Rauch (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Azay-le-Rideau
68-5585: Rauch (After) (art); Ransonnette (engrav.) - Chateau D'Usse
68-5589: Rauch (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Ancien Phare de Courdouan
73-6935: San Jose Museum of Art - The Eureka Fellowship Awards 1999-2001
71-0363: Herbet F. Johnson Museum of Art - Photo/Synthesis: An Exhibition of Works That Synthesize Fine Arts, Crafts and Photographic Media
71-0365: San Jose Museum of Art - Fletcher Benton
73-4642: Bernard (art.); Goussier (illust); Denis Diderot - Marine, Pavillons. Maritime Flags from the Diderot Encyclopedia
68-5586: Rauch (art); Nyon (engrav.) - Chateau de Moulins
68-5587: Rauch (art); Nyon (engrav.) - Tour de L'Horloge D'Auxerre
71-0342: Department of Art, Stanford University - The Founders & the Architects: The Design of Stanford University
71-0341: The Metropolitan Museum of Art - The Age of Carvaggio
71-0328: La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art - José de Rivera : Retrospective Exhibition 1930-1971
71-0303: Museum of Contemporary Art - John de Andrea, Duane Hanson: The Real and Ideal in Figurative Sculpture
71-0300: Institute of Contemporary Art - Selected Works from the Collection of Mr. And Mrs. H. Gates Lloyd
71-0290: Long Beach Museum of Art - New Guinea Art of the Sepik River
71-0274: San Francisco Museum of Art - Untitled, 1968*
71-0172: The Museum of Modern Art, New York - Henri Matisse: A Retrospective September 12,1992-January 12, 1993
68-5488: Pernot (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Porte St. Andre a Autun
73-0712: Whitney Museum of American Art - Edward Hopper and the American Imagination. 22 June - 15 October 1995
70-3275: San Francisco Museum of Art - Design of a City: Foster City, Oct 22 - Nov 21, 1965
70-3215: Museum of Modern Art - The Sidney and Harriet Janis Collection, a Gift to the Museum of Modern Art
70-3199: University of Kansas Museum of Art - Nineteenth Century Houses in Lawrence Kansas, September 22 - October 27, 1968
70-3172: Long Beach Museum of Art - Arts of Southern California - I: Architecture
69-0089: David Findlay Jr Fine Art - Jon Schueler (1916-1992)
11-0047: Alan N. Stone Works of Art - Old Master and Modern Prints. Catalogue Number 5
70-3087: Long Beach Museum of Art - Arts of Southern California, IV: Prehistoric and Indigenous Indian Art
15-6543: Museum of Modern Art; David Rockefeller (intr.) - Toward the New Museum of Modern Art
11-0636: Marlborough Fine Art - Tomás Sánchez: New Paintings and Drawings
70-3166: Doris Lee; D. Wigmore Fine Art, Inc - Doris Lee Images of Delight 1930-1950. (Catalog of an Exhibition Held Oct. 1-Dec. 7, 1996 at D. Wigmore Fine Art. )
70-3091: Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art - Those Beguiling Women
73-1320: Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei; Sean Hu (cur.) - Fashion Accidentally
70-3076: Diane M Kelder; Finch College. Museum of Art, Contemporary Study Wing.; Studio 2RC - Grafica Oggi = Contemporary Graphics from the Studio 2rc in Rome : [Exhibition] : Finch College Museum of Art, September 20 - 20 October, 1974
70-3062: Long Beach Museum of Art - Arts of Southern California, III: Art in Film
68-5588: Rauch (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Tour de Meix
15-7503: Stanford University Museum of Art - A Decade in the West. Painting, Sculpture and Graphics from the Anderson Collection
73-1113: Whitney Museum of American Art - Willem de Kooning. 8 October - 16 November 2002
15-5232: San Francisco Museum Of Art - San Francisco Museum of Art. Quarterly Bulletin, Series II, Volume IV--No. 1, 1955
15-5230: The Museum of Modern Art, New York; John Elderfield; William Rubin (fwd.) - European Master Paintings from Swiss Collections. Post-Impressionism to World War II
73-6349: Whitney Museum of American Art - Young America 1965
68-5590: [Rauch (art)]; Schroeder (engrav.) - Salle de Spectacle de Bordeaux
68-5597: Rauch (art); Nyon (engrav.) - Porte Taillee a Besancon
15-5236: San Jose Museum Of Art - Michael Bradley. Paintings & Sculpture, Sept 2--Oct 30, 1977
15-11543: Archives of American Art, West Coast Center (San Francisco, CA); Smithsonian Institution (Washington, DC) - Us Art: An Art Exposition and Sale of Exclusively American Art from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century, Friday - Sunday, February 22 - 24, 1991
68-5552: Rauch (art); Nyon (engrav.) - Lavardin
74-0643: Al Harris F; Karen Emenhiser; University at Buffalo Art Gallery/Research Center in Art and Culture - Faith in Doubt : University at Buffalo Art Gallery, October 28 to December 22, 1994
15-11207: Society for the Encouragement of Contemporary Art; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; Chris Finley - Seca Art Award, 1998: Chris Finley, Gay Outlaw, Laurie Reid, Rigo 98
71-5534: Los Angeles County Museum of Art - Degenerate Art" the Fate of the Avant-Garde in Nazi Germany. (Exhibitiion at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 17 February - 12 May 1991)
15-10991: Los Angeles County Museum of Art; Pratapaditya Pal (ed.) - Islamic Art: The Nasli M. Heeramaneck Collection [of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art]
15-10998: New Orleans Museum of Art; Stephen Addiss; Bosai Kameda - The World of Kameda Bosai: The Calligraphy, Poetry, Painting and Artistic Circle of a Japanese Literatus
15-11004: Caron Smith; Sung Yu; Hubei Sheng bo wu guan.; San Diego Museum of Art.; et al. - Ringing Thunder: Tomb Treasures from Ancient China. Selections of Eastern Zhou Dynasty Material Form the Hubei Provincial Museum, People's Republic of China
15-11006: Los Angeles County Museum of Art; George Kuwayama (ed.) - The Great Bronze Age of China: A Symposium
15-10983: Freer Gallery of Art; Thomas Lawton; Linda Merrill; Smithsonian Institution - Freer: A Legacy of Art
15-10725: George R. Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art; J P Palmer; Meredith Chilton - Treasures of the George R. Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art
15-10898: Los Angeles County Museum of Art - Los Angeles County Museum of Art: Member's Calendar, March 1978, Vol. 16, No. 3
15-6873: The Museum of Modern Art, New York; Frank O'Hara (intr/cur.) - New Spanish Painting and Sculpture
15-6863: Metropolitan Museum of Art; Alfreda Murck; Wen Fong; Philippe de Montebello (fwd) - A Chinese Garden Court. The Astor Court at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, Winter 1980/81, Volume XXXVIII, Number 3
15-10713: Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco; National Gallery of Art, Washington; Charles S. Moffett - The New Painting: Impressionism 1874 - 1886: An Exhibition Organized by the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco with the National Gallery of Art, Washington
15-10653: Elizabeth Weiner Corporate Art - Tls Elizabeth Weiner to Pasquale Iannetti, June 5, 1978. Attached Are Six Color Plates of Alexander Calder Tapestries
15-6544: Museum of Modern Art - Twentieth-Century Art from the Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller Collection
68-5601: Rauch (art); L. Lhuillier (engrav.) - Ruines Du Chateau de Mortain
15-4435: Marlborough Fine Art - Eduardo Paolozzi: New Reliefs Abd Sculpture
15-7962: The Metropolitan Museum of Art; The Pierpont Morgan Library; Jacob Bean; Felice Stampfle - Drawings from New York Collections III. The Eighteenth Century in Italy
15-10350: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art - The Human Condition: A Psychiatrist's Perspective. Selections from the Ramer Collection. August 25 - November 11, 1984
15-10349: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art - Lorser Feitelson and Helen Lundeberg: A Retrospective Exhibition. October 2 - November 16, 1980
15-10304: Laguna Beach Museum of Art; Norton Simon Inc. Foundation; Pasadena Art Museum - Selections from the Norton Simon Inc. Foundation and the Pasadena Museum and Graphics and Paintings from Private Collections, May 10 - June 15, 1975
15-8965: Helen Foresman Spencer Museum of Art; Monni Adams; Stephen Addiss - Tokaido. Adventures on the Road in Old Japan
15-8873: San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art - People, Places, and Things. Vol. I, No. II, June 1981
68-5635: Amaryllis Bataille & Jean Filiber (art.) - Menu for the Chapitre de la Confrerie Des Chevaliers Du Tastevin
15-8628: Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art - Kung Hsien: Theorist and Technician in Painting
15-8630: Freer Gallery Of Art, Smithsonian Institute; Richard Edwards - LI Ti
68-2646: After George Harvey (art.); W. I. Bennett (engrav.) - A Road Accident, a Glimpse Thro'an Opening of the Primitive Forest. Thornville, Ohio. Color Engraving by W.I. Bennett, from an Original Painting by G. Harvey. 1841
68-5630: Francois Bellec & Jean Filiber (art.) - Menu for the Chapitre de la Confrerie Des Chevaliers Du Tastevin
68-5631: Francois Bellec & Jean Filiber (art.) - Menu for the Chapitre de la Confrerie Des Chevaliers Du Tastevin
68-5632: Georges Vilgard & Jean Filiber (art.) - Menu for the Chapitre de la Confrerie Des Chevaliers Du Tastevin. Chapitre de la Tradition Culinaire Francaise
68-5633: Kevin Pearsh & Jean Filiber (art.) - Menu for the Chapitre de la Confrerie Des Chevaliers Du Tastevin
68-5489: Pernot (art); Lyon (engrav.) - Tour de Francois 1er
68-5490: Pernot (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Ancienne Cathedrale de Macon
15-5186: San Francisco Museum Of Art, Civic Center - Museum Brochure. Exhibitions in May, Lectures in May
15-5185: San Francisco Museum Of Art - French Romantic Artists. An Exhibition of Paintings, Drawings and Watercolors by Groz, Gericault, Delacroix. With Prints of the Romantic Period. April 19th Through May 14th, 1939
15-7607: Los Angeles County Museum Of Art; Michael Quick; Marvin S. Sadik; William H. Gerdts - American Portraiture in the Grand Manner: 1720-1920
18-5924: Karen Jacobson; Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts.; Armand Hammer Museum of Art and Cultural Center.; Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.); Bibliothèque Nationale de France - The French Renaissance in Prints from the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. (Catalogue of an Exhibition Held at the Armand Hammer Museum of Art and Cultural Center, Los Angeles, Nov. 1, 1994 - Jan. 1, 1995; the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Jan. 12-Mar. 19, 1995; and Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris, Apr. 20-July 10, 1995. )
15-7636: Corcoran Gallery of Art; Lisa Lyons (cur.); Nancy Eickel (ed.) - The 39th Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting
15-6154: Mark Hopkins Institute Of Art; Mary Searles Gallery; Hearst Hall - Piano Recital by Mrs. Madeleine Peck Taylor, at Hearst Hall, Thursday April Eighteenth, Nineteen Hundred and One
15-6892: Pennsylvania Museum Of Art; Paul J. Sachs (fwd); Agnes Mongan (intr) - Degas 1834-1917
70-0304: Fischer Fine Art - The Zebra Group 1965-1975: Asmus, Nagel, Stortenbecker, Ullrich First London Exhibition April-May 1975. (Catalogue of an Exhibition Held at Fischer Fine Art, Apr. - May 1975. )
51-0720: The Metropolitan Museum of Art - The Metropolitan Museum of Art Mezzanine Gallery - Price List and Reproductions
15-9332: Metropolitan Museum of Art; Richard M Barnhart; John P. O'Neill & Joan S. Ohrstrom [Editor]; WalterJ.F Yee [Photographer]; Gerald Pryor [Designer] - Along the Border of Heaven: Sung and Yuan Paintings from the C.C. Wang Family Collection
15-5205: Colby College Museum Of Art - The Art of Alex Katz. The Paul J. Schupf Wing
69-1133: The New Museum of Contemporary Art - Art & Ideology
69-1104: Whitney Museum of American Art - Kienholz: A Retrospective
69-1098: Aaron Payne Fine Art - Lawrence Calcagno
69-0946: Long Beach Museum of Art - Arts of Southern California-- V: Prints
69-1061: San Francisco Museum of Art - Ansel Adams: Recollected Moments
71-1967: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art - Catalog of the Permanent Collection of Painting and Sculpture
69-1040: Los Angeles County Museum of Art - Private Images: Photographs by Painters
69-1011: San Francisco Museum of Art - Fletcher Benton, Jerry Ballaine, Sam Richardson
69-0990: Long Beach Museum of Art - Arts of Southern California-- X: Collage
69-0943: R. S. Johnson Fine Art - Aspects of Art in France: Renoir to Gleizes
15-8607: Freer Gallery Of Art, Smithsonian Institute; Harry Vanderstappen; Marylin M Rhie - The Sculpture of T'Ien Lung Shan: Reconstruction and Dating
69-0949: The Corcoran Gallery of Art - 30th Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting
69-0933: Long Beach Museum of Art - Arts of Southern California-- XII: Sculpture
68-5592: [Rauch (art)]; Schroeder (engrav.) - Salle de Consistoire a Toulouse
68-5593: H. V. (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Chateau de Lecase
69-0870: Corcoran Gallery of Art - 21st Area Exhibition Sculpture
69-0852: Long Beach Museum of Art - Arts of Southern California-- XIII: Painting
69-0851: Museum of Modern Art - About Vision: New British Painting in the 1990s
69-0944: R. S. Johnson Fine Art - Aspects of Art in France: Delacroix to Picasso
69-0831: Smith College Museum of Art - Great Explorations: Research Into American Folk Art Conducted by Students in the Museum Seminar
69-0813: Marlborough Fine Art - Henri Matisse
15-9316: Osaka Shiritsu Bijutsukan; San Francisco Center of Asian Art and Culture - Osaka Exchange Exhibition: Paintings from the Abe Collection and Other Masterpieces of Chinese Art
68-5615: Rauch (art); Schroeder (engrav.) - Pont En Royans
69-0655: Colby College Museum of Art - Drawn from a Family: Contemporary Works on Paper
11-0640: Thomas Gibson Fine Art - Eric Fischl
15-9701: Los Angeles County Museum of Art; UCLA Film Archives - The Avant-Garde in Russia, 1910 - 1930. Symposium Victory over the Sun. Soviet Silent Film and the Avant-Garde
71-5545: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; Janet Bishop - The Anderson Collection Gift of American Pop Art. (Exhibition at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 4 February - 23 May 1993)
69-0083: Gallery of Art, Department of Art University of Northern Iowa - Contemporary Chicago Painters
19-9332: Whitney Museum of American Art - Flora Whitney Miller: Her Life, Her World
15-6554: Museum of Modern Art - Painting and Sculpture Acquisitions, January 1, 1960 Through December 31, 1960
15-6555: Museum of Modern Art - Painting and Sculpture Acquisitions, January 1, 1958 Through December 31, 1958
15-9306: Center Of Asian Art and Culture (San Francisco) - Chinese Jades in the Avery Brundage Collection: A Brief Introduction
69-0289: Los Angeles County Museum of Art - Illustrated Handbook
69-0280: Museum of Art, University of Iowa - The Elliott Collection
69-0279: Museum of Contemporary Art - Material Evidence: Chicago Architecture at 2000
68-5594: De La Pylaie (art); Nyon (engrav.) - Grotte de Sauges
68-5595: Rauch (art); L. Lhuillier (engrav.) - Mauves
69-0264: The Museum of Modern Art - René D'Harnoncourt: A Tribute
69-0261: San Francisco Museum of Art - Pacific Coast Art: United States' Representation at the Iiird Biennial of Såo Paulo
69-0254: National Gallery of Art - Twentieth Century Paintings & Sculpture of the French School in the Chester Dale Collection
69-0255: National Gallery of Art - French Paintings in the Chester Dale Collection
69-0253: National Gallery of Art - Paintings Other Than French in the Chester Dale Collection
69-0252: National Gallery of Art - Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Paintings & Sculpture of the French School in the Chester Dale Collection
69-0224: Ringling Museum of Art; Robert Harvey - Robert Harvey: A Family Album
69-0222: Whitney Museum of American Art; Jo Baer; Barbara Haskell - Jo Baer
19-9042: Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art - Hector Zamora: Architecture + Art. October 27 - January 27, 2013
69-0200: Acquavella Contemporary Art, Inc - Lucian Freud: Recent Work
69-0201: Acquavella Contemporary Art, Inc - Lucian Freud: New Work
69-0181: David Findlay JR Fine Art; Charles Biederman - Charles Biederman
69-0178: San Francisco Museum of Art; Richard Diebenkorn - Richard Diebenkorn: Paintings from the Ocean Park Series
69-0167: San Francisco Museum of Art; Al Held - Al Held
69-0121: Museum of Contemporary Art - Alexander Calder from the Collection of the Ruth and Leonard J. Horwich Family
69-0119: David Findlay JR Fine Art; Peter Busa - Peter Busa: The Case for Indian Space
19-8849: The Metropolitan Museum of Art - The New American Wing
69-0081: Santa Barbara Museum of Art - Some Paintings to Consider
69-0080: The Washington Gallery of Modern Art - Sculptors of Our Time
69-0063: Museum of Modern Art - The Art of the Real: An Aspect of American Painting and Sculpture 1948-1968
69-0055: HHK Foundation for Contemporary Art, INC - Art in Our Time
69-0047: The Corcoran Gallery of Art - Scale As Content: Ronald Bladen, Barnett Newman, Tony Smith
69-0029: Stanford University Museum of Art - A Decade in the West: Painting, Sculpture and Graphics from the Anderson Collection
69-0027: Institute of Contemporary Art - Boston Expressionism: Hyman Bloom, Jack Levine, Karl Zerbe
69-0020: Washington Gallery of Modern Art - Picasso Since 1945
69-0005: San Francisco Museum of Art - 84th Annual Exhibition
68-3477: Dauphine (art.); Congres De La Legion Vosgienne - Menu. Congres de la Legion Vosgienne. 15 Mai 1955. Gerardmer
19-7869: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art - Hand Bookbinding Today, an International Art: An Exhibition Organized by the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art in Cooperation with the Hand Bookbinders of California
68-5491: Pernot (art); Nyon (engrav.) - Milly
05-0179: Museum of Modern Art - Odilon Redon, Gustave Moreau, Rudolphe Bresdin
04-1537: Los Angeles County Museum of Art - Masterworks of Mexican Art. From Pre-Columbian Times to the Present
07-0971: Vivian Kiechel Fine Art - Inaugural Catalog
15-5218: The Metropolitan Museum Of Art, New York - Paintings and Drawings by Van Gogh. International Loan Exhibition, on View Daily Through January 15
69-0078: The San Francisco Museum of Art - Picasso Gris Miro: The Spanish Masters of Twentieth Century Painting
69-0051: San Francisco Museum of Art - Four Americans in Paris: The Collections of Gertrude Stein and Her Family
05-1142: Leslie Petranek Fine Art, Chicago - Henri Matisse Opening of Exhibition of His Works
69-0137: San Jose Museum of Art; Jack Stuppin; Peter Selz - Songs of the Earth - Landscapes by Jack Stuppin
68-4024: The New Museum Of Contemporary Art - Strange Attractors: Signs of Chaos. Fall 89
68-2890: Loris (art); Les Films Jacques Leitienne; Francis Mischkind; Lee Frost - Promotional Movie Poster for Hot Spur (Original Title), L'Eperon Brulant
07-0711: Blond Fine Art - Blair Hughes Stanton, 1902-1981: Watercolours and Wood Engravings
15-3281: Detroit Museum of Art - Exhibition of Stagecraft
18-6834: Center for Contemporary Art - Substantials #04 [Includes Cd]
68-4030: Bezalel Academy Of Art And Design Jerusalem; Rinchas Cohen Gan; Mordechai Omer (intro.); Peter Selz - Rinchas Cohen Gan. Atomic Art
68-4035: Museum Of Modern Art - Schedule of Exhibitions and Events
68-5032: The International Review Of African-American Art - Africobra Turns 50. Vol. 28. No. 3
73-0309: The Museum of Modern Art - Frank Stella, March 26 - May 31, 1970
70-3456: Museum of Contemporary Art - Open House. (Promotional Pamphlet)
68-2018: Vasiliv (art) - Vacation Readers Have More Fun Than Anyone -- Except Other Vacation Readers!
15-7796: Cleveland Museum of Art - The Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art
68-5639: Amaryllis Bataille & Jean Filiber (art.) - Menu for the Chapitre de la Confrerie Des Chevaliers Du Tastevin
68-5638: Amaryllis Bataille & Jean Filiber (art.) - Menu for the Chapitre de la Confrerie Des Chevaliers Du Tastevin
02-0226: Aberbach Fine Art - Hundertwasser
15-5426: Toledo Museum of Art; Marilyn F. Symmes (intr.); Roger Mandle (fwd.) - The Bareiss Collection of Modern Illustrated Books from Toulouse-Lautrec to Kiefer
00-0459: Museum of Modern Art - Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph
00-0444: Museum of Modern Art - Henri Rousseau
07-0413: Slade School of Fine Art - Poster for the Slade School of Fine Art. Summer School
19-4700: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art - The Photographs of Faurest Davis: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 28 September - 11 November
19-4694: The Metropolitan Museum of Art - The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Twentieth Century Art
05-2149: Leslie Petranek Fine Art - Advertisement for Exhibition "Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot: Clichés-Verre and Etchings, September 1982.
19-4452: The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo - Japanese Painted Porcelain: Modern Masterpieces in Overglaze Enamel
19-4128: Museum of Glass: International Center for Contemporary Art - Assembly, *Some Assembly Required
19-4091: Tampa Museum of Art - Tampa Museum Project. Photographed by Len Prince, January 23 - April 24, 1994
69-0287: The Baltimore Museum of Art - 1914: An Exhibition of Paintings, Drawings, and Sculpture Created in 1914
07-0067: San Francisco Museum of Art - Emerging American Culture 1940-1955 (Man and Art III)
03-0511: Wolfe, Art and Davidson, Art - Alakshak
19-3870: Orange County Museum of Art - California Biennial 2006
19-3857: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art - San Francisco Museum of Modern Art 50 Years
11-0633: Marlborough Fine Art - Andrzej Jackowski: Paintings, 1982-1992
68-1134: David A. Maass (art) - 1982 - 1983 Federal Duck Stamp Print by David A. Maass. Signed by Maass, Numbered 18,165 of 22,250
00-0161: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Age of Caravaggio
69-0045: San Francisco Museum of Art - Pacific Coast Art: United States' Representation at the Iiird Biennial of Såo Paulo
15-7754: San Francisco Museum Of Art - San Francisco Museum of Art. Quarterly Bulletin, Series II, Volume I--No. 1-2, 1952
19-3392: Meredith Ward Fine Art - Flora Crockett, 1892-1979
19-3315: Corcoran Gallery of Art - Jim Sanborn: Atomic Time - Pure Science and Seduction. 2004
68-5641: Gabriel Bernuy & Jean Filiber (art.) - Menu for the Chapitre de la Confrerie Des Chevaliers Du Tastevin
19-3335: Huntington Museum Of Art - Through American Eyes: Two Centuries of American Art from the Huntington Museum of Art
15-5689: Yale Center For British Art; Lorraine Daston - Observation in the Enlightenment
15-5813: San Francisco Museum of Art - Philip Smith's Bookbinding Art. A Visual Lecture on Some Ideas on a New Approach
15-5850: James Cummins Fine Art; Piccadilly Gallery; Max Beerbohm - Exhibition of Drawing and Watercolors by Britain's Supreme Caricaturist Sir Max Beerbohm
19-3147: NanHai Art - Liebian/Fissure: The Art of Qiu Deshu. October 2 - November 7, 2015
68-1135: Nancy Howe (art) - 1991 - 1992 Federal Duck Stamp Print by Nancy Howe. Signed by Howe, Numbered 4382 of 10,350
68-5642: Gabriel Bernuy & Jean Filiber (art.) - Menu for the Chapitre de la Confrerie Des Chevaliers Du Tastevin
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