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Click on booknumber for full information
71-3107: 19th Century Engraver - The Reading-Room of the British Museum, London
71-3108: 19th Century Engraver - The Book-Cases at the British Museum, London, from 'Old and New London Illustrated, Vol. IV'
71-3109: 19th Century Engraver - Packing Warehouse. -Day and Martin's Blacking Factory, Holborn, London
71-3110: 18th Century Engraver - Oie Puopolo Addo Stive, Co Treccalle Magne, E Bive
71-3052: 19th Century Engraver; after Sir Thomas Lawrence - Sir Walter Scott. [Scottish Historian, Novelist, Poet, and Playwright, 1771-1832]
71-3046: 19th Century Engraver - Hans Christian Andersen
71-3042: [17th Century Engraver] - Dantes Aligerius Florent
71-3043: [19th Century Engraver] - William Wilkie Collins
71-3044: [19th Century Engraver] - Joseph Addison. [English Author and Politician]
71-3040: 19th Century Engraver - Joseph Addison [English Essayist, Poet, Playwright and Politician]
71-3038: Wightman (Engraver); after Rev. W.T. Strutt - Frontispiece: The Author of Travels to South Africa with Waggons &C. On the Banks of the Great, or Orange River
71-3023: 19th Century Engraver - Charles Dickens, from a Photograph Taken at the Time When He Was Writing 'David Copperfield'
71-2990: 18th Century Engraver - Histoire Du Christianism Des Indes
71-2989: 18th Century Engraver - Venit Haurire Dolorm, Dare Falutem. (He Comes to Draw Pain, to Give Relief)
71-2988: 18th Century Engraver - S M Multitud: Dolor Meor Confolationes Tue (S M a Multitude of Sorrow I Mourn Your Concoctions)
71-2987: 18th Century Engraver - [the Last Supper]
71-2986: 18th Century Engraver - [Jesus After the Resurrection]
71-2985: 18th Century Engraver - Puteus Abyssi (the Pit of the Abyss). Apoc. 9
71-2983: 18th Century Engraver - [God Commands Abraham to Kill His Son, Isaac]
71-2984: 18th Century Engraver - Peccatum Ueniale Mortale (a Mortal Sin)
71-2980: 18th Century Engraver - Jesus Na Zarenus Rex Judeor
71-2981: 18th Century Engraver - [Christ Carrying the Cross]
71-2982: 18th Century Engraver - [Jesus Christ in a Manger]
71-2979: 18th Century Engraver - [Angels Carrying the Cross]
71-2977: De La Fosse (Engraver); After M. Grouvlot? - Ad Meres Facilis Natura Reverti-Claudi
71-2976: 18th Century Engraver - [Sun Beaming with King on Throne]
71-2973: J.C. O. (Engraver) - Q. Curtiva Rufus Accurante Christoph Cellario Lipsiae Apud Thomam Fritsch
71-2972: 18th Century Engraver - M. Annaei, Lucani Pharsallia, Sive de Bello CIVILI. .
71-2971: 18th Century Engraver - Famiani Stradae. Romani E. Societate Iesu Decas Secunda
71-2949: 19th Century Engraver - Bust of Pietro Nelli
71-2967: 18th Century Engraver - [Sun Beaming with King on Throne]
71-2965: 18th Century Engraver - L'Etude de la Philosophie M'a Apris a Mepriser Des Honneurs, Qui Ne Rendent Ni Meilleur Ni Plus Sage
71-2964: 18th Century Engraver - [Monking Praying]
71-2962: McAcker? (Engraver) - [Old Man and Child in Cemetary]
71-2942: 19th Century French Engraver - Dessine a Vienne D'Apres Nature
71-2931: [French engraver] - Napoleon Wounded at Ratisbonne, 1809
71-3727: 19th Century Engraver - Portrait of Henry David Thoreau (American Naturalist, Essayist, Poet and Philosopher, 1817-1862)
71-2851: 18th British engraver - Map of St. Alban's
71-2852: 18th British engraver - Map of St. Alban's
71-2843: 18th Century Engraver - Map of Globe Terrestre/Globe Celeste
71-2844: 18th Century Engraver - Map of Asia from the Latest Authorities
71-2821: Willemsens. (Engraver); After L. Ostrowski - Jules Barbey D'Aurevilly (French Novelist, Poet, Short Story Writer, and Literary Critic)
63-5877: 18th Century American Engraver - Engraving of Geo. Washington, Born Feb. 22 1732, in March 4, 1789, Obt. Dec. 14 1799, Ae 68
71-2567: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Ancien Hotel de la Tremouille, Rue Des Bourdonnais
71-2568: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Fontaine de la Rue de Crenelle
71-2569: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - L'Eglise Du Saint Sepulcre
71-2570: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - L'Eglise Du Saint Sepulcre
71-2571: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - L'Eglise Du Saint Severin
71-2572: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - L'Eglise Du Saint Mery
71-2573: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - L'Eglise Du Saint Severin
71-2574: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - L'Eglise Du Saint Mery
71-2783: Rouargue freres. (Engraver) - Le Pont Neuf Et la Semaritaine
71-2780: Rouargue freres. (Engraver) - Hotel de Sens
71-2776: 19th Century Engraver - France Pittoresque: Chateau de Versailles, Cote Du Jardin; Chateau de Versailles, Cote de la Ville
71-2778: Rouargue freres. (Engraver) - St. Julien Des Menetriers
71-2779: Rouargue freres. (Engraver) - L'Eglise St. Mery
71-2772: 19th Century Engraver - (Interior of a Church)
71-2760: 19th Century Engraver - Pologne-Ruines Du Chateau de Chenciny
71-2761: 19th Century Engraver - Pologne-Comaszen En Masuria
71-2711: 19th Century Engraver - Russie-Theatre de L'Hermitage a St. Petersbourg
71-2684: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - L'Eglise St. Mery
71-2654: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - L'Eglise St. Severin
71-2655: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - L'Eglise St. Severin
71-2656: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Fontaine Du Palmier, Place Du Chatelet
71-2657: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Les Jesuites de la Rue St. Antoine
71-2658: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Place Du Carrousel
71-2659: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Ancienne Cour Des Comptes
71-2660: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Ancienne Cour Des Comptes
71-2661: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - La Sorbonne (Interieur de la Cour)
71-2647: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - La Bourse
71-2648: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - La Bourse
71-2649: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - La Bourse
71-2650: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - La Chambre Des Deputes
71-2644: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Ancien Hotel de la Tremouille. Rue Des Bourdonnais
71-2645: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Ancien Hotel de la Tremouille. Rue Des Bourdonnais
71-2646: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - La Bourse
71-2642: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Ancien Hotel de la Tremouille. Rue Des Bourdonnais
71-2643: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Ancien Hotel de la Tremouille. Rue Des Bourdonnais
71-2639: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Chemin de Fer de Paris a St. Germain
71-2640: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - L'Ecole Militaire
71-2641: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Ancien Hotel de la Tremouille. Rue Des Bourdonnais
71-2635: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Ecole Royale Des Beaux Arts
71-2634: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Ecole Royale Des Beaux Arts
71-2633: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Ecole Royale Des Beaux Arts
71-2632: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Ecole Royale Des Beaux Arts
71-2631: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Ecole Royale Des Beaux Arts
68-2832: [Eighteenth Century French Engraver] - Le Midy. Chez de Poilly Vue St. Jacques a la Belle Image
71-2630: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Ecole Royale Des Beaux Arts
71-2627: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - L'Eglise Du St. Sepulcre
71-2628: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - L'Eglise Du St. Sepulcre
71-2613: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Fontaine de la Rue de Grennelle
71-2614: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Fontaine de la Rue de Grennelle
71-2612: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Fontaine de la Rue de Grennelle
71-2610: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Fontaine de la Rue de Grennelle
71-2608: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Fontaine de la Rue de Grennelle
71-2609: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Fontaine de la Rue de Grennelle
71-2606: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - La Fontaine Des Innocens
71-2607: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Fontaine de la Rue de Grennelle
71-2605: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - La Fontaine Des Innocens
71-2604: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - L'Hotel de Sens
71-2603: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - L'Hotel Des Monnaies
71-2601: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Les Jesuites de la Rue St. Antoine
71-2598: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Le Pilori
71-2599: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Le Pilori
71-2597: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Le Pilori
71-2596: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Place Du Carrousel
71-2594: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - La Porte St. Denis
71-2595: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - La Porte St. Denis
71-2593: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - St. Julien Des Menetriers
71-2591: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - La Bourse
71-2590: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Le Pantheon
71-2588: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - La Porte St. Denis
71-2589: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - La Chambre Des Deputes
71-2586: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Colonne de la Place Vendome
71-2587: De Lalaisse (Engraver) - St. Etienne Du Mont
71-2584: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Fontaine de la Rue de Grenelle
71-2585: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - La Porte St. Denis
71-2583: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Ecole Royale Des Beaux-Arts
71-2575: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Fontaine de la Rue de Crenelle
71-2576: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Chemin de Fer de Paris a St. Germain
71-2577: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Ancien Hotel de la Tremouille, Rue Des Bourdonnais
71-2578: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Ancienne Cour Des Comptes
71-3060: [19th Century Engraver] - Sir Walter Scott [Scottish Historian, Novelist, Poet, and Playwright, 1771-1832]
71-3061: [19th Century Engraver] - Theodore E. Hook [English Man of Letters, 1788-1841]
71-5713: 18th Century Engraver - Portrait of Johann Jakob Rambach ( Lutheran Theologian and Hymn Writer, 1693-1735)
71-5777: Merian (Engraver) - La Tresancienne Cite Des Vangions, Qu'on Appelle Aujourd" - Huy Wormes
71-5778: Jean le Pautre (1618-1682) (Engraver) - Set of Trophies, from "Trophey a Lantique
71-4427: 19th Century Engraver - Game Birds and Their Haunts. Plover
71-4428: 19th Century Engraver - A Picture Sale in Paris
71-4429: 19th Century Engraver - Madison Square--Washington
18-0884: Keith Johnston (engraver) - Sweden & Norway. (19th Century Map)
68-2839: [19th Century British Engraver] - Portrait of Blue Eyed Woman Wearing a Lace Collar
71-2118: (18th Century French Engraver) - [Scenes of Workers: Le Laboureur, le Macon, le Forgeron, le Menuisier, le Serrurier, le Tourneur, le Tailleur, L'Imprimeur)
17-6653: Lohse (19th Century German engraver) - [Ladies and Men's Fashion], No. 3, 1828
70-1369: Migneret (Engraver) - Georges Louis Leclerc, Count of Buffon. (B&W Engraving)
18-6399: R. Hicks (engraver); Sir Joshua Reynolds (artist) - Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Esq. (Engraving)
18-6400: G. Stodart (engraver); C. G. Godwin (artist) - Yours with [Unreadable] Affection C.G. Godwin. (Engraving)
71-1548: 19th Century Engraver - Eglise de Ste. -Gudule Et de St. -Michel a Bruxelles
71-1545: 19th Century Engraver - Gand (Vue de L'Hotel de Ville)
71-1542: 19th Century Engraver - Angleterre-Hotel Deville a Londres, Guildhall
71-1532: 19th Century Engraver - Danemark-Eglise St. Sauveur a Copenhague
71-2850: 18th British engraver - Map of St. Alban's
71-2840: 19th Century Engraver - Fontaine de la Rue de Grenelle
68-0474: [19th Century British Engraver] - Temple Bar. Charing Cross & Cockspur Street. The Quadrant, Regent Street
68-0473: Ridley (Engraver); Kirk (artist) - London
71-3173: 18th Century Engraver - [Children Outdoor Recreation]
71-3174: 18th Century Engraver - [Outdoor Activities]
18-0985: F. V. Stülpnagel (engraver) - Frankreich Und Umgebungen Von Paris (19th Century Map of France and Surroundings of Paris)
71-1001: 18th Century European Engraver - 42 Vue D'Optique - la Biblioteque Du Vatican a Rome
70-1545: Lafosse (Engraver) - [Guillamiun]. (B&W Engraving)
71-5745: 19th Century Engraver - The Weather Prophet, from "Appleton's Illustrated Almanac
71-3813: Nicolas de Larmessin (Engraver) - Portrait of Robert Gaguin (French Humanist, Poet, Historian, and Ecclesiastic, 1433-1501)
71-3814: Nicolas de Larmessin (Engraver) - Portrait of Francois Panigarola (Italian Bishop, 1548-1594)
71-3815: Nicolas de Larmessin (Engraver) - Portrait of Anna Maria Van Schurman (Anne Marie Schurmans). (Dutch Painter, Engraver, Poet, Classical Scholar, Philosopher and Feminist, 1607-1678)
71-3816: Nicolas de Larmessin (Engraver) - Portrait of Paul Manuce (Venetian Printer, a Humanist, 1512-1574)
17-6655: Dujardins (19th Century French engraver) - Three Plates, from Magasin Des Demoiselles
17-6656: 18th Century French engraver - (an 8) Mise D'Un Jeune Homme; (an 12) Turban de Fantaisie Robe Garnie En Torsades, from Costume Parisien, Journal Des Dames Et Des Modes
71-3928: 19th Century Engraver - Portrait of John Ker, 3rd Duke of Roxburghe (1740-1804)
71-2119: (18th Century French Engraver) - L'Aginateur, No. 36
71-3773: J.C. Buttre (Engraver) - Portrait of Platt Rogers Spencer (American, Originator of Spencerian Penmanship, 1800-1864)
70-1555: E. Marc (Artist & Engraver) - Casimir Delavigne. (B&W Engraving)
70-1604: PA Desrosiers (Engraver) - Pierre Cardinal. (B&W Engraving)
70-1459: Delpech (Engraver) - La Tour D'Auvergne. (B&W Engraving)
71-3733: 19th Century Engraver - Portrait of Peter Cooper (American Industrialist, Inventor, Philanthropist, and Politician, 1791-1883)
71-3408: 18th Century Engraver - L'Hotel de la Vrilliere, Rue de L'Ancienne Place Des Victoires
71-5750: 19th Century Engraver - The Sunday at Home: A Family Magazine for Sabbath Reading. Reading the Old Sailor's Journal
51-5801: Nineteenth Century California engraver - City of Oakland. First Edition of the 19th Century Wood-Engraving.
18-0967: L. Smith (engraver) - Italie Méridionale (19th Century Map of Southern Italy)
18-0968: L. Smith (engraver) - Danemark (19th Century Map of Denmark)
73-1759: [19th Century French Engraver] - HéLène, Duchess of Orléans
63-7957: The Engraver and Printer Company (Boston, MA) - The Engraver and Printer: A Magazine of Progress in Illustration. January 1892
71-5706: 17th Century Engraver - Portrait of Richard Baxter (English Puritan Divine and Writer, 1615-1691)
71-4341: F. Wentworth (Engraver) - Animals on Christmas Day
71-4342: H. Scott (Engraver) - Driving His Wain Along the Snowy Track Which Led Through the Forest.
63-7093: [19th Century British Engraver?] - Roman Catholic Coat of Arms with the Motto "Mane Thecel Phares.
71-4343: R. Taylor (Engraver) - A Fireplace" to Illustrate "Flower Decorations
15-9775: 19th Century British Engraver - The History of Moses; Giving an Account of His Birth, His Being Found by Pharaoh's Daughter in the Ark of Bulrushes, and the Miracles Wrought by Him for the Deliverance of the Children of Israel. Embellished with Cuts
63-7223: [19th Century Italian Engraver?] - Febbraio - Fevrier
73-1941: [Unknown 19th Century French Engraver] - Boileau
70-1741: François-Séraphin Delpech (Engraver) - Billaut Adam. (B&W Engraving)
70-1744: Jacques Lubin (Engraver) - Jean Louis Guez de Balzac. (B&W Engraving)
70-1745: François-Séraphin Delpech (Engraver) - Balzac. (B&W Engraving)
70-1746: François-Séraphin Delpech (Engraver) - Balzac. (B&W Engraving)
71-4327: 19th Century Engraver - Christmas Eve
71-4313: 19th Century Engraver - Hubert and Ida; or, Fasts and Festivals. A Story, in Three Parts
71-4314: W. Thomas (Engraver) - With a Saddened Heart, She Began to Wreath Her Mirror Alone, But Ere She Had Finished, Her Hand Was Arrested.
71-4315: 19th Century Engraver - Little Folks
71-6084: Leonie Lacoste Chollet (Wood Engraver) - Neu-York (Amerique)
71-6085: 19th Century Engraver - Habitant de Morton
71-6086: Leonie Lacoste Chollet (Wood Engraver) - Philadelphie
71-6087: 19th Century Wood Engraver - Sir George Ferguson Bowen (1821 Ireland - 1899 England)
71-6088: 19th Century Wood Engraver - Viscount Canterbury (John Henry Thomas Manners-Sutton, 1814-1877. British Tory Politician and Colonial Admininstrator)
71-6508: 19th Century Engraver - Portrait of Philip Doddridge D.D. (English Nonconformist, 1702-1751)
71-2600: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Les Jesuites de la Rue St. Antoine
71-4308: 19th Century Engraver - Scene from Christmas Pantomime of "Moon Queen and King Night", at the Surrey Theatre. Arrival of the Baron
71-3654: Robert Cooper (Engraver) - Portrait of Henry Lemoine (English Bookseller and Author, 1756-1812)
70-1190: Forestier (Engraver) - G. Naudé. (B&W Engraving)
71-4332: M. J. Webb (Engraver) - Christmas Mistletoe, from "the Evangelist Monthly, a Church Magazine.
71-4333: F. Reason (Engraver) - Karlie's Christmas Stocking, from "the Evangelist Monthly, a Church Magazine.
18-1025: F. Mansell (Engraver) - Europe (18th Century Map of Rome)
70-2231: Robert Nanteuil (Engraver) - Jean François Sarrasin Conseiller Ordinaire Du Roy En Tous Ses Conseils. (B&W Engraving)
70-2218: [Jacques Lubin] (Engraver) - Pierre Dupuy. (B&W Engraving)
70-2217: Jacques Lubin (Engraver) - Pierre Dupuy, Garde de la Bibliothèque Du Roi. (B&W Engraving)
71-4014: Pierre Lombart (Engraver) - Portrait of Brian Walton (English Anglican Clergyman, Bishop of Chester, and Publisher of the London Polyglot Bible, 1600-1661)
18-0894: J&C Walker (engraver) - Germany General Map. (19th Century Map)
51-2633: Gilles Edme Petit (engraver); (After) Titian (1489?-1576) - Portrait de Franços 1er. . // D'Après le Tableau Du Titien Qui Est Dans le Cabinet Du Roy // Peint Sur Toile... Gravé Par Gilles Edme Petit. Original Edition
71-4456: 19th Century Engraver - Interior View of the Principal Sales-Room of D. Appleton & Co. 's Bookstore, 346 and 318 Broadway, New York
71-4457: 19th Century Engraver - Interior View of the Principal Sales-Room of D. Appleton & Co. 's Bookstore, 346 and 318 Broadway, New York
70-1497: Delpech (Engraver) - Balzac. (B&W Engraving)
71-4274: 19th Century Engraver - The Christmas Conjuror
71-4275: 19th Century Engraver - Christmas Holiday Treats: Pantomime Sketches
71-4277: 19th Century Engraver - Christmas Entertainment to the Poor of the City of London Union, Bow-Road, Mile-End
71-4279: 19th Century Engraver - Scene from "the Christmas Carol," at the Adelphi Theatre
71-4273: 19th Century Engraver - Christmas in the Lowther Arcadia
71-4261: 19th Century Engraver - Christmas Entertainment to the Inmates of the Greenwich Union-House
71-4243: William Rainey (Engraver, 1852-1936) - Christmas Day at the Australian Gold-Diggings--100° in the Shade
71-4247: 19th Century Engraver - The Village Church on Christmas Morning
71-4248: 19th Century Engraver - A Good Club for the Christmas Holidays
71-4239: G. Lewis (Engraver) - Fac-Simile from a Greek Manuscript of the Gospels, Ad. 1200, from "the Bibliographical Decameron; or, Ten Days Pleasant Discourse Upon Illuminated Manuscripts, and Subjects Connected with Early Engraving, Typography, and Bibliography
71-4231: 19th Century Engraver - The Scholars
70-1531: François-Séraphin Delpech (Engraver) - Cles. Duclos. (B&W Engraving)
73-1949: [Unknown 19th Century French Engraver] - Eglise de Marissel
70-1857: Pillement (Engraver) - Vue Des Montagnes Escarpées de Fraisler, Sur la Côte Orientale de la Baye George Dans L'Amérique Septentrionale. Atlas de Ce Continent, Par Desbares. (View of St. George's Bay, Nova Scotia, East Coast of Canada. ) (B&W Engraving)
70-1858: Garreau (Engraver) - Vue de L'Anse Fermée de L'Entrée Du Prince Guillaume (B&W Engraving)
70-1856: Filhol (Engraver) - Vue de la Cataracte de Cohoes Sur la Rivière Des Mohawks Dans L'Amérique Septentrionale. (a View of the Great Cohoes Falls, on the Mohawk River, the Fall About Seventy Feet, the River Near a Quarter Mile Broad) (B&W Engraving)
70-1754: Jacques Lubin (Engraver) - Pierre Dupuy, Garde de la Bibliothèque Du Roi. (B&W Engraving)
71-6081: Boullemier (Wood Engraver) - St. Louis (Amerique)
70-1848: Pillement (Engraver) - Vue Des Montagnes Escarpées de Fraisler, Sur la Côte Orientale de la Baye George Dans L'Amérique Septentrionale. Atlas de Ce Continent, Par Desbares. (View of St. George's Bay, Nova Scotia, East Coast of Canada. ) (B&W Engraving)
70-1756: François-Séraphin Delpech (Engraver) - Philippe de Commines. (B&W Engraving)
70-1752: Jacques Lubin (Engraver) - Pierre Dupuy, Garde de la Bibliothèque Du Roi. (B&W Engraving)
70-1750: Mourlan (Artist). C. Motte (Engraver) - Marc Antoine Desaugiers. (B&W Engraving)
70-1749: François-Séraphin Delpech (Engraver) - Philippe de Commines. (B&W Engraving)
70-1648: Delpech (Engraver) - Balzac. (B&W Engraving)
70-1649: Delpech (Engraver) - Billaut Adam. (B&W Engraving)
70-1650: Augustus Bry (Engraver); Rosselin (Editeur) - A.A. Barbier. (B&W Engraving)
70-1647: Mourlan (Artist). C. Motte (Engraver) - Marc Antoine Desaugiers. (B&W Engraving)
70-1638: Jacques Lubin (Engraver) - Jean Francois Sarrasin. (B&W Engraving)
70-1634: François-Séraphin Delpech (Engraver) - La Harpe. (B&W Engraving)
70-1631: Jacques Lubin (Engraver) - François de Malherbe. (B&W Engraving)
70-1628: Gerard Edelinck (1640-1707) (Engraver) - Paul Pelisson. (B&W Engraving)
70-1623: Jacques Lubin (Engraver) - Pierre Dupuy, Garde de la Bibliothèque Du Roi. (B&W Engraving)
70-1543: Delpech (Engraver) - Gresset. (B&W Engraving)
70-1538: Delpech (Engraver) - Fabre-D'Eglantine. (B&W Engraving)
70-1528: François-Séraphin Delpech (Engraver) - Marc Antoine Desaugiers. (B&W Engraving)
70-1525: Delpech (Engraver) - Daru. (B&W Engraving)
70-1522: Delpech (Engraver) - Marie Joseph Chénier. (B&W Engraving)
70-1523: Delpech (Engraver) - Philippe de Commines. (B&W Engraving)
70-1524: Delpech (Engraver) - Victor Cousin. (B&W Engraving)
70-1510: Delpech (Engraver) - Brantome. (B&W Engraving)
70-1501: Formentin & Co. (Engraver) - Raynouard. (B&W Engraving)
70-1499: Delpech (Engraver) - Beaumarchais. (B&W Engraving)
70-1751: Mourlan (Artist). C. Motte (Engraver) - Marc Antoine Desaugiers. (B&W Engraving)
70-1469: Charpenlier (Engraver) - François Mignet. (B&W Engraving)
70-1084: [Marchi] (Engraver) - Adam de Craponne. (B&W Engraving)
70-1463: Lemoine (Engraver) - François Ponsard. (B&W Engraving)
70-1455: Delpech (Engraver) - La Harpe. (B&W Engraving)
70-1456: Delpech (Engraver) - Lariboisiere. (B&W Engraving)
70-1454: Formentin (Engraver) - La Grange. (B&W Engraving)
70-1427: Delpech (Engraver) - P.J. De Beranger. (B&W Engraving)
70-1366: Fourquerun (Engraver) - Stephen Dela Madelaine. (B&W Engraving)
70-1363: Ducarme (Engraver) - Saint Maigrin. (B&W Engraving)
70-1362: Weber (Engraver) - Saint Megrin. (B&W Engraving)
70-1361: Weber (Engraver) - Saint Megrin. (B&W Engraving)
70-1360: Adolphe Varin (Engraver) - Vigneres Jean Eugene. (B&W Engraving)
70-1359: Adolphe Varin (Engraver) - Vigneres Jean Eugene. (B&W Engraving)
70-1356: Fiquet (Engraver) - Saugrain. (B&W Engraving)
70-1355: Fiquet (Engraver) - Saugrain. (B&W Engraving)
70-1354: Junea (Engraver) - A. Mie. (B&W Engraving)
70-1343: I. Mariette (Engraver) - Moyses Masegre. (B&W Engraving)
70-1333: Schubert (Engraver) - Guttenberg. (B&W Engraving)
70-1332: Muller (Engraver) - Gutenberg. (B&W Engraving)
70-1331: Muller (Engraver) - Gutenberg. (B&W Engraving)
70-1313: Vogt (Engraver) - Andre Thouin. (B&W Engraving)
70-1312: Ambroise Tardieu (Engraver) - Andre Thouin (Agronome). (B&W Engraving)
70-1311: Ambroise Tardieu (Engraver) - Andre Thouin (Agronome). (B&W Engraving)
70-1239: Delpech (Engraver) - Philibert Joseph Roux. (B&W Engraving)
70-1240: Delpech (Engraver) - Philibert Joseph Roux. (B&W Engraving)
70-1235: Ambroise Tardieu (Engraver) - Maximilien Stoll. (B&W Engraving)
70-1231: [de Junca] (Engraver) - Frédéric Sauvage. (B&W Engraving)
70-1229: Forestier (Engraver) - Roussel. (B&W Engraving)
70-1230: [de Junca] (Engraver) - Frédéric Sauvage. (B&W Engraving)
70-1228: Forestier (Engraver) - Roussel. (B&W Engraving)
70-1226: Lamare Richard (Engraver) - Pierre-Paul Riquet. (B&W Engraving)
70-1225: Blanchard (Engraver) - Pierre-Paul Riquet. (B&W Engraving)
70-1221: Forestier (Engraver) - Petit. (B&W Engraving)
70-1216: Blanchard (Engraver) - Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc. (B&W Engraving)
70-1215: G. Staal (Engraver) - Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc. (B&W Engraving)
70-1214: Fontaine (Engraver) - Oberkampf. (B&W Engraving)
70-1213: Fontaine (Engraver) - Oberkampf. (B&W Engraving)
70-1210: Fourmier (Engraver) - Newton. (B&W Engraving)
70-1211: Fontaine (Engraver) - Oberkampf. (B&W Engraving)
70-1212: Fontaine (Engraver) - Oberkampf. (B&W Engraving)
70-1209: Fourmier (Engraver) - Newton. (B&W Engraving)
70-1203: Panchouche (Engraver) - Jn. Fois. Clemt. Morand. (B&W Engraving)
70-1204: Ambroise Tardieu (Engraver) - Jn. Fois. Clemt. Morand. (B&W Engraving)
70-1200: J. N. Lerouge (Engraver) - Nicolas Jabot. (B&W Engraving)
70-1199: J. N. Lerouge (Engraver) - Nicolas Jabot. (B&W Engraving)
70-1196: L.F. Couché (Engraver) - Gaspard Monge. (B&W Engraving)
70-1194: Pierre-François Bertonnier (Engraver) - Carl Von Linné. (B&W Engraving)
70-1191: G. Staal (Engraver) - Gabriel Naudé. (B&W Engraving)
70-1189: Forestier (Engraver) - G. Naudé. (B&W Engraving)
70-1186: Ambroise Tardieu (Engraver) - Louis Lefèvre-Gineau. (B&W Engraving)
70-1187: Ambroise Tardieu (Engraver) - Louis Lefèvre-Gineau. (B&W Engraving)
70-1188: Forestier (Engraver) - G. Naudé. (B&W Engraving)
70-1162: [A. J. Salauyg?] (Engraver) - Victor André Cornil. (B&W Engraving)
70-1160: Ambroise Tardieu (Engraver) - Alexandre Henri Gabriel de Cassini. (B&W Engraving)
71-4019: L. Calmatta (Engraver) - Portrait of Masaccio (1401-1428), from Imperiale E Reale Galleria Di Firenze
70-1156: Ambroise Tardieu (Engraver) - Georges-Frédéric Cuvier. (B&W Engraving)
70-1154: Ambroise Tardieu (Engraver) - Boudou. (B&W Engraving)
70-1155: Ambroise Tardieu (Engraver) - Georges-Frédéric Cuvier. (B&W Engraving)
71-3998: 19th Century Engraver - Portrait of Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller (German Poet, Dramatist and Historian, 1759-1805)
70-1148: Ambroise Tardieu (Engraver) - Pierre Belon. (B&W Engraving)
70-1147: Ambroise Tardieu (Engraver) - Gaspard Bauhin. (B&W Engraving)
70-1146: Panchouche (Engraver) - Georges Mareschal. (B&W Engraving)
70-1145: [Pedretti] (Engraver) - Claude Louis Berthollet. (B&W Engraving)
70-1140: Forestier (Engraver) - Desbois de Rochefort. (B&W Engraving)
70-1139: Forestier (Engraver) - Desbois de Rochefort. (B&W Engraving)
70-1136: Forestier (Engraver) - J.B. L. Dubreuil. (B&W Engraving)
70-1133: François-Séraphin Delpech (Engraver) - Bernard Germain Lacépède. (B&W Engraving)
70-1129: François-Séraphin Delpech (Engraver) - Johann Kaspar Lavater. (B&W Engraving)
70-1128: François-Séraphin Delpech (Engraver) - Johann Kaspar Lavater. (B&W Engraving)
70-1127: François-Séraphin Delpech (Engraver) - Johann Kaspar Lavater. (B&W Engraving)
70-1096: Paul Petit (Engraver) - M Fourcault. (B&W Engraving)
70-1093: Forestier (Engraver) - Jean NoëL Hallé. (B&W Engraving)
70-1082: Ambroise Tardieu (Engraver) - Boudou. (B&W Engraving)
71-5675: 19th Century engraver - Portrait of Laurens Janszoon Coster, Dutch Inventor of Printing, from His Grave Effigy in Harlem (C. 1370-1440), from "Samuel Woodburn's Gallery of Rare Portraits Consisting of Original Plates
70-1144: [Pedretti] (Engraver) - Claude Louis Berthollet. (B&W Engraving)
70-1060: Pillement (Engraver) - Vue Des Montagnes Escarpées de Fraisler, Sur la Côte Orientale de la Baye George Dans L'Amérique Septentrionale. Atlas de Ce Continent, Par Desbares. (View of St. George's Bay, Nova Scotia, East Coast of Canada. ) (B&W Engraving)
70-1061: Garreau (Engraver) - Vue de L'Anse Fermée de L'Entrée Du Prince Guillaume (B&W Engraving)
70-1059: Filhol (Engraver) - Vue de la Cataracte de Cohoes Sur la Rivière Des Mohawks Dans L'Amérique Septentrionale. (a View of the Great Cohoes Falls, on the Mohawk River, the Fall About Seventy Feet, the River Near a Quarter Mile Broad) (B&W Engraving)
70-1052: Pillement (Engraver) - Vue Des Montagnes Escarpées de Fraisler, Sur la Côte Orientale de la Baye George Dans L'Amérique Septentrionale. Atlas de Ce Continent, Par Desbares. (View of St. George's Bay, Nova Scotia, East Coast of Canada. ) (B&W Engraving)
70-1045: John Poppel (Engraver) - Die Virginia Universität. (Virginia University) (B&W Engraving)
70-1019: John Poppel (Engraver) - Die Virginia Universität. (B&W Engraving)
70-0982: B. Metzeroth (Engraver) - Yale College & State House, New Haven, Connecticut. (B&W Engraving)
70-0983: B. Metzeroth (Engraver) - Yale College & State House, New Haven, Connecticut. (B&W Engraving)
71-1544: 19th Century Engraver - Malines (Belgium)
70-1473: Bornemann (Engraver) - Ch. Ribeyrolles. (B&W Engraving)
71-6509: 19th Century Engraver - Portrait of Henry Howard Earl of Surrey. Son of Thomas 3rd. Duke of Norfolk K.G. (1517-1547)
71-3674: John Hall? (Engraver) - Portrait of William Warburton D.D. , Lord Bishop of Goucester (1698-1779)
71-3809: [19th Century Engraver - Portrait of Reynold Wolfe, Printer (English Printer to the King, Died 1573)
71-3939: N. Pigne (Engraver) - Portrait of John Urry (English Editor, 1666-1715)
71-3959: 19th Century Engraver - Portrait of John Greenleaf Whittier (American Quaker Poet and Advocate of the Abolition of Slavery, 1807-1892)
71-4016: 17th Century Engraver - Portrait of Laurens Jans Koster (Allegedly the Dutch Inventor of a Printing Press at the Same Time As Johannes Gutenberg, 1370-1440)
71-5754: 19th Century Engraver - The Leisure Hour. Binding Macaulay's "History
71-4324: Amant (Engraver) - The Christ-Child
71-4474: 19th Century Engraver - Beecham's Pills. The World's Medicine
71-3715: John Kay (Engraver) - Portrait of Francis Grose, Esq. , F.A. S. , the British Antiquarian (Author of Antiquaries of Scotland)
71-4325: 19th Century Engraver - The Lady Bountiful
70-1627: Gerard Edelinck (1640-1707) (Engraver) - Philippe Quinault. (B&W Engraving)
71-3821: Francois-Germain Aliamet (Engraver) - Portrait of Tobias Smollett, M.D. (Scottish Poet and Author, 1721-1771)
68-2486: [19th Century Engraver] - Engraving of Circular Book Cabinet
68-2494: [17th Century European Engraver] - D. Ambrosius. Mediolanensis Episcopus
71-3701: R. Page (Engraver) - Portrait of Joseph Ames, F.R. S. & F.S. A. (English Writer and Antiquary, 1689-1759)
71-3702: 18th Century Engraver - Portrait of John Skelton, Poet Lauret to King Henry the Eighth (1460-1529)
71-3931: 19th Century American Engraver - Portrait of Harriet Beecher Stowe (American Author and Abolitionist, 1811-1896)
71-3934: George Edward Perine (Engraver) - Portrait of Dean Henry Hart Milman (English Historian and Ecclesiastic, 1791-1868)
18-1017: Samuel Augustus Mitchell (engraver) - Prussia. (19th Century Map)
63-7233: [18th Century British Engraver] - She with the Sylvan Pen
71-5721: 18th Century Engraver - Portrait of Henry de Justel, Keeper of the Library at St. James's Palace
51-5795: Nineteenth Century California engraver - Entrance to the Golden Gate. . First Edition of the the 19th Century Wood-Engraving.
12-0569: 20th Century French Engraver - France Militaire. Constantine
12-0572: 19th Century Italian Engraver - H. Santa Maria Maddalena E Santo Stefano Che Uanno a Inuestire IL Petaccio. .
12-0579: 19th Century English Engraver - Lady Sydney Morgan (Nee Owenson)
17-3136: A. Smith (Engraver) - The Ruins of Ancient Rome. (B&W Engraving)
71-2774: 19th Century Engraver - France Pittoresque: Hotel Et Porte de Nesle; Les Thermes de Julien; la Bastille; Notre Dame
71-4339: 19th Century Engraver - A Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year
71-6095: 19th Century Wood Engraver - Innsbruck, Capitale Du Tyrol. La Neustadt a Innsbruck. - Dessin de Lancelot, D'Apres Une Photographie
71-6096: 19th Century Wood Engraver - The Danube Near Vienna (from the Leopoldsburg)
71-4340: 19th Century Engraver - A Snow Scene
70-1739: Cheyere (Engraver) - Alexandre Soumet. (B&W Engraving)
71-3989: Johann Heinrich Storcklein (Engraver) - Portrait of Bernardo Segni (Italian Historian and Translator, 1504-1558)
71-3991: Francesco Bartolozzi (Engraver) - Portrait of Maffeo Pinelli (Venetian Bibliophile, 1736-1785)
70-1527: François-Séraphin Delpech (Engraver) - Jes. Delille. (B&W Engraving)
71-3679: G. Scott (Engraver) - Portrait of Mr. Matthew Buchinger, the Wonderful Little Man of Nuremberg (German Artist, Magician, Calligrapher and Performer Who Was Born without Hands or Feet, 1674-1740)
71-4346: 19th Century Engraver - The Promise Fulfilled. "Cast Thy Bread Upon the Waters: For Thou Shalt Find It After Many Days. "--Eccles. XI. I.
71-3775: F. T. Stuart (Engraver) - Portrait of John Lothrop Motley (American Author and Diplomat, 1814-1877)
71-3765: T. Blood (Engraver) - Portrait of Miss Claire Reeve (English Novelist, Author of the Old English Baron, 1729-1807)
71-3766: William Richardson (Engraver) - Portrait of Nathanael Richards (English Dramatist and Poet, 1630-1654)
71-3767: 19th Century Engraver - Portrait of Samuel Richardson (English Novelist, 1689-1761)
71-3768: 18th Century Engraver - Portrait of Mrs. Elizabeth Griffith (English Writer, Playright and Actress, 1720-1793)
71-3769: Johann Christoph Sysang (Engraver) - Portrait of Angelus Marie Querini, Der Romischen Kirchen Cardinal Und Bischoff Zu Brescia
71-3770: J. A. J. Wilcox (Engraver) - Portrait of Alexander Pope (English Poet, Translator, and Satirist, 1688-1744)
71-3771: James Basire (Engraver) - Portrait of James Bindley Esq. A.M. F.S. A. (English Commissioner of Stamps and Book Collector, 1737-1818)
71-5717: 18th Century Engraver - Portrait Du Philosophe, Jacques Masse
71-2629: Rouargue Freres (Del. & Engraver) - Ecole Royale Des Beaux Arts
09-0247: Engraver - Tibetan Hornblowers
18-6405: S. A. Schoff (engraver); T. Sully (artist) - Jared Sparks. (Engraving)
18-6406: E. Mackenzie (engraver); J. Herring (artist) - Oliver Ellsworth. (Engraving)
18-6407: E. Scrivin (engraver); J. W. Jarvis (artist) - James Fenimore Cooper. (Engraving)
71-3672: 17th Century Engraver - Portrait of Matthew Poole (English Non-Conformist Theologian and Biblical Commentor, 1624-1679)
68-0046: 18th Century French Engraver - Mme. [Louise] de la Valliere
71-6369: 17th Century Engraver - Vue de L'Orangerie Au Jardin de la Rome a Fontaine Bleau
71-4344: Richard Doyle? (Engraver) - Illustration to Charles Dickens' "the Cricket on the Hearth
71-3798: 18th Century Engraver - Portrait of Giuseppe Maria Tomasi (Cardinal Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa). (Italian Theatine Catholic Priest, 1649-1713)
71-4244: William Rainey (Engraver, 1852-1936) - Australian Diggers Keeping Christmas --"Auld Lang Syne
71-4317: Harry Arnold (Engraver) - Christmas Day Stroll--with Dolly and Puss
71-4318: 19th Century Engraver - Christmas Entertainment
63-7201: [18th Century French Engraver?] - Coat of Arms
71-3820: Esme de Boulonois (Engraver) - Portrait of Charles Du Moulin (Charles Du Molin) (French Jurist, 1500-1566)
51-5799: Nineteenth Century California engraver - Sutter's MILL. First Edition of the 19th Century Wood-Engraving.
71-3778: 18th Century Engraver - Portrait of John Taylor, the Water Poet (English Poet, 1578-1653)
68-2471: [17th Century French Engraver] - Engraving of an Arched Library, with Marble Busts Atop Shelving Sections. Subjects Clad in 17th Century Garb
71-3902: James Basire (Engraver) - Portrait of Hugh Latimer, Bishop & Martyr (English Bishop of Worcester During the Reformation, 1487-1555)
71-2775: 19th Century Engraver - France Pittoresque: Aqueduc D'Arcueil; Ancien Chateau de Madrid Dans le Bois de Boulogne
51-5798: Nineteenth Century California engraver - Sacramento City. First Edition of the 19th Century Wood-Engraving.
18-1018: Samuel Augustus Mitchell (engraver) - Austrian Empire. (19th Century Map)
71-2116: (19th Century British Engraver) - Fire at the Bookbinding Premises of Mr. Egleton, 1876
71-3896: 19th Century Engraver - Portrait of Charles Reade (English Novelist and Dramatist, 1814-1884)
70-1514: Delpech (Engraver) - Bussy Rabutin. (B&W Engraving)
68-2066: [Sixteenth Century French Engraver] - Jean Des Marets Presente Un Livre a la Reine Anne
68-2048: [19th Century German Engraver] - Kunste Und Handwerke
68-2034: [18th Century French Engraver] - Image from Discours Preliminaire Sur Les Mathematiques
68-1981: [18th Century British Engraver] - A View of the Inside of Westminster Hall
68-1973: [18th Century British Engraver] - The British Monarchy. The Dominions of the Present King of Great Britain, If We Consider Them As to Extent of Territory
68-1972: [17th Century German Engraver] - Petrus Lambecius (Peter Lambeck) (1628 - 1680)
70-1095: Paul Petit (Engraver) - M Fouquier. (B&W Engraving)
71-3646: Charles Henrry Jeens (Engraver) - Portrait of John Forster (English Writer and Journalist, 1812-1876)
70-1748: Augustus Bry (Engraver); Rosselin (Editeur) - A.A. Barbier. (B&W Engraving)
68-0462: [18th Century British Engraver] - Improved Mint Edges, Warranted Smooth
63-7064: 18th Century British engraver - View of the Coal Exchange, Thames Street
71-4347: 19th Century Engraver - The Yule Guests of the Forest
71-3946: Jacob Sandrart (Engraver) - Portrait of Abraham Calovius (German Lutheran Theologian, 1612-1686)
71-5746: 19th Century Engraver - January - in the Storm, from "Appleton's Illustrated Almanac
51-5796: Nineteenth Century California engraver - Entrance to the Golden Gate. . First Edition of the the 19th Century Wood-Engraving.
18-6408: John B. Forrest (engraver); Col. J. Trumbull (artist) - Reverend Timothy Dwight. (Engraving)
71-4254: 19th Century Engraver - St. Valentine's Day. --on the Alert for the Postman
71-4251: 19th Century Engraver - A Happy New Year. Welcome to Our Table
71-4255: M. Jackson (Engraver) - The Christmas Dole
71-4256: M. Jackson (Engraver) - Bringing Home the Yule Log
71-4257: 19th Century Engraver - The Little Bird's Song, from "Sunshine
71-4268: Cruz Janet (Engraver) - New Year's Day in Paris--the Family Breakfast
71-4269: 19th Century Engraver - A Christmas-Tree at the Middlesex Hospital
71-4270: 19th Century Engraver - Annual Entertainment and Distribution of Prizes from the Christmas-Tree at University College Hospital
71-4285: John Jackson (Engraver) - Christmas Amusements--Acting a Charade
71-5683: [19th Century Engraver] - Portrait of Henry Jessey, Sept. 4, 1663. (a Founder of the Puritans, the Jacobites,1601-1663)
71-5686: 18th Century Engraver - Portrait of Uberto Foglietta (Italian Author, 1518-1581)
71-5687: 17th Century Engraver - Portrait of Salomon Glassius (German Theologian and Biblical Critic, 1593-1656)
71-5695: 18th Century Engraver - Portrait of Joliot de Crebillon (French Poet and Tragedian, 1674-1762)
71-5696: 19th Century Engraver - Portrait of Dr. Richard Emmons (American Poet, Born 1788)
71-5697: Bocquet (Engraver) - Portrait of Lord Chancellor Ellesmere (English Lawyer, Nobleman, Judge, Statesman, 1540-1617), from "a Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland, and Ireland" by Horace Walpole
71-5698: Nicolas de L'Armessin. (Engraver) - Portrait of Leonard Lessius (Flemish Moral Theologian from the Jesuit Order, 1554-1623)
71-5699: Edme de Boulonois (Engraver) - Portrait of Juliana Morell (Catalan Dominican Nun, 1594-1653)
71-5700: Edme de Boulonois (Engraver) - Portrait of Juste Lipse (Flemish Catholic Philologist, 1547-1606)
71-5701: 19th Century Engraver - Portrait of Louis Agassiz (Swiss-Born American Biologist and Geologist, 1807-1873)
71-5702: 19th Century Engraver - Portrait of Baron Henry Brougham (1st Baron of Brougham in the County of Westmorland and High Head Castle, 1778-1868)
71-5704: 19th Century Engraver - Portrait of Prince Albert (Prince Consort to Queen Victoria of England, 1819-1861)
71-5705: 19th Century Engraver - Portrait of Camillo Benso Cavour (Count of Cavour, Italian Politician, Businessman, Economist and Noble, 1810-1861)
71-3653: Late 18th-early19th Century Engraver - Portrait of Wulfstan, Archbishop of York (Second Archbishop of York)
71-3649: W. Walker (Engraver) - Portrait of Pierre Bayle (French Philosopher, 1647-1706)
71-3980: S. Sartain (Engraver) - Portrait of John Gibson Lockhart (Scottish Writer, 1794-1854)
71-3995: C. H. Jeens (Engraver), after a photograph by Elliott & Fry - Portrait of Thomas Henry Huxley (English Biologist and Anthropologist, 1825-1895)
63-1253: 19th Century German Engravers - Set of Three Small Prints of Wood Engravings of Riga, 1878 - 1901
71-2839: Baugean & Schroeder (Engravers); After Delaval - Vue de la Tour Di Montjay Pres de Lagney, Dept. De Seine Et Marne
17-6654: 19th Century French engravers - Five Plates from Les Modes de la Saison, Journal Illustre Des Dames
74-0485: Page (engraving) ; London Magazine - Omiah [I.E. Omai] a Native of Otaheite, a New Discovered Island in the South Brought to England by Capt. Fourneaux, Aug 1774
73-1989: Rouargue freres (Engraving) - Le Pilori
73-1990: Rouargue freres (Engraving) - Le Grand Chatelet
68-0497: [18th Century Western European Engraving.] - Vis Unita Major
68-0496: [18th Century Western European Engraving.] - Oliva Minervae
74-1025: Bookhout Bros (engraving); Art Fair - Allcock's Porous Plasters, Used and Preferred by All
63-1584: Thomas Charles Wageman (stipple & line engraving) - Miss [Elizabeth Ogilvie] Benger. Authoress of the Life of Tobin Memoirs of Mary Queen of Scots
73-1907: Ethiou (Engraving) - Moreau
73-1986: Rouargue freres (Engraving) - Ancienne Cour Des Comptes
73-1996: Leclerc (Engraving) - Kaluza En Galicie
73-1988: Rouargue freres (Engraving) - La Porte St. Denis
73-1987: Rouargue freres (Engraving) - école Royale Des Beaux Arts
73-1978: Larbalestier (Engraving) - Le Donjon Du Temple
73-1975: Rouargue freres (Engraving) - Les Jésuites de la Rue St. Antoine
73-1976: Rouargue freres (Engraving) - St. Julien Des Ménétriers
73-1973: Rouargue freres (Engraving) - Ancien Hôtel de la Trémouille
73-1974: Rouargue freres (Engraving) - Ancienne Cour Des Comptes
73-1972: Lemaitre (Engraving) - Palais de la Chambre Des Pairs, Ancien Palais D'Orleéans
73-1970: Rouargue freres (Engraving) - L'église St. Sulpice
73-1969: Rouargue freres (Engraving) - Fontaine de la Rue de Grenelle
73-1962: Rouargue freres (Engraving) - L'Abbaye de St. Denis
73-1942: Fouquet (Engraving) - T. Corneille
73-1909: Mondain (Engraving) - Jourdan
73-1911: Gouttière (Engraving) - Ney
73-1913: Couche (Engraving) - Dessais
73-1906: Mauiduison (Engraving) - Le Maréchal Davoust
73-1902: Ethiou (Engraving) - Marceau
73-1991: Rouargue freres (Engraving) - Hôtel Des Monnaies
73-1992: Rouargue freres (Engraving) - La Colonnade Du Louvre
73-1914: Couche (Engraving) - Macdonald
16-5489: Enkelmann, Siegfried (1905 -1978); Rudolf Betz (1907-1970 ); Serge Lido ( 1906 - 1984); Rudolf Pittner; Sabine Toepffer; Inge Scheuerle; Taisto Tuomi,; Archives Lipnitzki, Arthur Grimm; Anton Macku (1901 -1985), photographers - Photographic Dance Archive of Heinz Rosen , Maitre de Ballet and Choreographer (1908-1972). Original Photographs
71-4777: Enli, Zhang; Zhou Yuwen; Xu Ke - Zhang Enli. (Exhibition at Shangiart Gallery, Shanghai, 7 September - 26 October 2008)
18-7894: Ennaifer, Mongi - La Civilisation Tunisienne a Traves la Mosaique
70-2505: Gail F Enns; Janet Koplos; Nippon Gallery.; Anton Gallery - Assimilations, April 3 - April 29, 1997
70-2555: Chu Enoki; Kuzuo Yamawaki - Seven Artists : Aspects of Contemporary Japanese Art = Siete Artistas : Aspectos Del Arte Japonés Contemporáneo : [Exhibition, Santa Monica Museum of Art, Calif. , March 29-May 26, 1991 & Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans, la. , March 21-May 10, 1992. ]
19-4507: Kazuo Enoki - Tonko No Shizen to Genjo. Nature and Current State of Dunhuang
12-0775: Enos, Joseph - El Camino Real
12-1377: Donati, Enrico and Umbro Apollonio - Donati: Sei Tavole a Colori
11-0789: Producciones Enriquez, S.A. - Laberinto de Pasiones
63-1535: Howard, Peter; Joh. Enschede en Zonen Grafische Inrichting B. V. - Tls Joh. Enschede En Zonen Grafische Inrichting to Peter Howard(Serendipity Books, Berkeley, Ca), 20 September, 1979
18-0134: Joh. Enschede En Zonen - The House of Enschede 1703 - 1953 (Seven Generations of Printers and Typefounders; a Short History of the Firm; a Six-Century Anthology of the Types)
15-8402: San Francisco Wind Ensemble; Starr King Concerts; First Unitarian Church of San Francisco; Wesley B. Tanner (print) - An Evening of Music by Alban Berg 1885 - 1935
01-1134: Ensko, Robert - Silversmiths' Cloth Containers
04-0899: Ensko, Stephen Guernsey Cook - American Silversmiths and Their Marks
63-0835: Enslin, Theodore - Intricate Morning
71-6112: Ensor, James; Allan Frumkin Gallery - James Ensor: The Early Work. (Exhibition at Allan Frumkin Gallery, 1959)
63-9372: Entenza, John (editor); Charles Kratka (cover art); Jesse Reichek; Editions Cahiers D'Art - Jesse Reichek Material. Includes Arts and Architecture, March 1951; on the Design of Cities, Jesse Reichek (Reprint from the Journal of the American Institute of Planning, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, May, 1961); Two Page Biography of Jesse Reichek, an Announcement of the Publication of His Work by Editions Cahiers D'Art
19-0364: Vertex Enterprises; Rick Hallwood - Vertex Enterprises, Inc. Prospectus with Supporting Documents, Including a Letter from Wayne Vincent, Project Director, the Monobloc Project, Touching on Fractal Mechanics, Melanin, Photon-Phonon Conversions, Free Radicals, Micromagnets & Emf Studies, Quantum Physics, and More
51-1344: Vale & Stewart (entertainers) and Walter Bird (photographer) - Signed Photograph of Vale & Stewart
63-5481: Rae Sanchini (Lightstorm Entertainment) - Tls Rae Sanchini to Herb Yellin, January 16, 1998. Re: Followup Letter Reply to Yellin, Who Had Written James Cameron to Acquire the Rights to Publish the Titanic Script
19-4377: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment - House of Flying Daggers
19-4375: Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc - Sideways
19-4373: Lions Gate Home Entertainment - Alone in the Dark
19-4369: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment - Are We There Yet
19-4368: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment - Bogeyman
19-4363: Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc - Frostbite
19-4365: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment - Spanglish
19-4361: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment - The Grudge
19-4358: Lions Gate Entertainment - Saw
19-4360: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment - The Grudge
19-4319: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment - William Shakespeare's the Merchant of Venice
11-0882: Shakespeare Enthusiast - The Globe
11-0874: Theater Enthusiast - Amphitheater
08-0796: Entrekin, Maggie; Finton, Joan; LaWanda Ultan; Ott, Mollison; and Waxdeck, Jean - Recent Paintings, Drawings and Ceramics
18-2784: Enwezor, Okwui (ed.); Wolfs, Rein (ed.); - Hanne Darboven
18-1860: James Enyeart; Arthur W. Dow - Harmony of Reflected Light: The Photographs of Arthur Wesley Dow
71-1809: Enyeart, Jim - Kansas Landscape-an Exhibition of Photographs by Jim Enyeart. University of Kansas Museum of Art, 26 September - 7 November 1971
18-0727: James Enyeart; Terrence Pitts - 4 Spanish Photographers: Koldo Chamorro, Cristina Garcia Rodero, Joan Fontcuberta, Marta Sentis
70-3201: James L Enyeart - Language of Light : A Survey of the Photography Collection of the University of Kansas Museum of Art. (a Catalogue of an Exhibition Held at the University of Kansas Museum of Art, February 3 - February 24, 1974. )
63-9717: Eugen Von Enzberg - Heroen Der Nordpolarforschung
55-2200: Dirección: Fernando Cortés. Con Iran Eory, Rolando Barral, Miguel Angel Suarez - El Hijo de Angela Maria. Movie Poster. (Cartel de la Película)
55-2103: Dirección: Tito Davison. Con Iran Eory, Enrique Alvarez Felix, Fernando Allende - El Amor Tiene Cara de Mujer. Movie Poster. (Cartel de la Película)
15-1298: Epel, Naomi (eds.) - Writers Dreaming
68-2686: Epicurus; Walter Charleton (transl.); Frederic Manning (intro.) - Epicurus' Morals: Collected, and Faithfully Englished. With an Introductory Essay by Frederic Manning
73-4976: Imagerie d'Epinal - La Libération
73-5006: Imagerie d'Epinal - Charles de Gaulle
73-3454: Imagerie Pellerin Épinal - Projet a Constructions No. 1 Et No. 2
18-3315: D'Épinay (d'Épinay, Prosper, Comte) (Lith.) - The Duke of Buccleuch and Queensbury; the Governing Classes. No. 221. (Original Lithograph. )
73-7160: Epko - Epko
73-7102: Galerie Epona - Peintures de Poche
73-6601: La Belle Epoque - La Belle Epoque Menu
18-1651: Winship, Michael (compiled by) with Philip B. Eppard and Rachel J. Howarth - Epitome of Bibliography of American Literature
04-0894: Eppens, J.H. - Pottery
75-2694: Philomena Epps - Alexander Ross, September 8-October 15, 2022
51-1096: Sigma Phi Epsilon - Banquet for P.J. Kindelon at Bergez-Frank's Old Poodle Dog Restaurant, San Francisco, 1912
15-6493: Epstein, Mieczyslaw - Economie Politique. Theories Des Crises; Experience de L'Economie Dirigee
63-8426: Epstein, Anne Merrick - Good Stones. Original First Edition. With Tls, Epstein to Judy Stone, September 13, 1977, Laid in
59-3482: Epstein, Jacob - Sculpture - Drawings - Watercolors - Jacob Epstein (1880-1959) a Loan Exhibition
09-0018: Epstein, Jacob - Jacob Epstein: Sculpture, Watercolors and Drawings from the Collection of Edward P. Schinman
16-0581: Epstein, William H. - John Cleland: Images of a Life. A Biography of the Author of Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill)
09-0177: Epstein, Jacob - Maternity Photograph
51-2714: Equino, Edmundo - Print Documentation for "Pescador" by Edmundo Equino. Signed
51-2711: Equino, Edmundo - Print Documentation for "Los Mimos" by Edmundo Equino. Signed
51-2712: Equino, Edmundo - Print Documentation for "Casador de Mariposas" by Edmundo Equino. Signed
51-2713: Equino, Edmundo - Print Documentation for "Venus" by Edmundo Equino. Signed
12-1156: Amsterdam Continental Types & Graphic Equipment, Inc. (New York, N.Y.) - Types from Amsterdam Continental Types & Graphic Equipment, Inc
08-1234: Galerija Equrna - Equrna 1989
51-2099: Erasmus, Desiderius Diogenes Laertius.; Sebastianus Gryphius; - Apophthegmatum Opus Cum Primis Frugiferum : Uigilanter Ab Ipso Recognitu[M] Autore, è Graeco Codice Correctis Aliquot Locis, in Quibus Interpres Diogenis laërtij Fefellerat. [Aphorisms and Apothegms. ] (Original Printing)
51-4370: Erasmus, Desiderius (1466-1536); Jean-Jacques de Barrett, translator (1717-1792) - L'éloge de la Folie. Traduction Nouvelle Du Latin Par M. Barrett. Orné de Douze Figures
51-5763: Desiderius Erasmus; Erasmus Roterodamus; Louis Elzevir (Printer) - Desid. Erasmi Roterodami Colloquia : Nunc Emendatiora. Cum Omnium Notis. Sumptibus Societatis. First Edition
07-0082: Erasmushaus - Autographen Und Portraits Von Musikern. Katalog 885
07-0112: Erasmushaus - Musik-Autographen Sammlung Max Reis Und Anderer Besitz. Auktion IM Basel Am 8. Oktober 1994
71-3883: Eraso, Manuel (After); Manuel Salvador Carmona (Engraver) - Portrait of Alfonso Da Santa Maria de Cartegena (Spanish Roman Catholic Bishop, Historian and Writer of Pre-Renaissance Spain, 1384-1456)
63-6359: Donald M. Erb; John Henry Nash - A Lesson in Courage: An Address by Donald M. Erb to the Oregon Legislature, February Fourteenth, 1939. One of 100 Copies, Original First Edition
73-6782: Pirola & Erbach - Photographs and Plan of Saint Ethelreda's Church, Chicago, IL
73-6785: Pirola & Erbach - Photographs and Plan of Sacred Heart Church and School, Melrose Park, IL
18-5121: Erber, Pedro; Katsuo, Suzuki; Japan Foundation (Tokyo) - The Emergence of the Contemporary: Avant-Garde Art in Japan, 1950-1970. [Exhibition Catalogue]. [First Edition]
18-8906: Émile Erckmann; Erckmann-Chatrian - L'Ami Fritz Par Erckmann-Chatrian
16-0997: Erdman, David V. - Coleridge on Coleridge: The Context (and Text) of His Review of "Mr. Coleridge's Second Lay Sermon.
10-0876: Erdman, Henry Ernest - Tls to Prof. Carl Landauer Regarding Mr. Yang Hsin-Pao
73-1102: Dean Erdmann - And, Apollo: A Laboratory
16-3589: Erdrich, Louise - The Bingo Palace. Signed Limited Edition
51-2214: Erdrich, Louise - Trial Colophon for the Bingo Palace
65-2455: Erenburg, I. G. - Lazik Rojtshvanec
15-3833: I. Èrenburg - Poèzija Revoljucionnoj Moskvy = Poetry of the Revolutionary Moscow
15-1831: Erenburg, Ilya - Zagovor Ravnyx = [the Plot Is Equal]
15-2087: Erenburg, Il'ja - Ne Perevodja Dyhanija = without Taking a Breath
15-2257: Erenburg, Il'ja (Ilya Ehrenburg, Ehrenbourg) - Rvach. Roman = [the Grabber. A Novel]
15-1830: Erenburg, Ilya - Zagovor Ravnyx = [the Plot Is Equal]
15-2270: Erenburg, Il'ja (Ilya Ehrenburg) - Shizn' I Gibel'. Nikolaja Kurbova. (Zhizn I Gibel. Nikolaya Kurbova. )
18-7874: Max Beckmann; Hans Martin Erffa, Freiherr von; Erhard Göpel - Blick Auf Beckmann. Dokumente Und Vorträge. (Signed by Peter Selz)
17-3265: Erhard; A. Vuillemin (Artist); E. Cortambert - Etats-Unis de Colombie Et Equateur
51-3454: Bromberger, Eric and Moise Kisling, (1891-1953) - Le Retour de Kisling
13-0989: Gill, Eric and Freedman - A Manuall of the Best Style, Answering All Queries and Wishes for the Author and Mechanic Employee; with Both Old Rules and New Regulations; for the Year 1948
05-1535: WEssel, Erich and Georg Trakl - Rectangles Et Noeuds from Paroles Peintes II
16-2312: Erickson, Ann (ed.) - Tight
19-3604: Britta Erickson - On the Edge: Contemporary Chinese Artists Encounter the West
54-0054: Erickson, Janet - Block Painting on Textiles: A Complete Guide
12-0845: Erickson, John - Soviet Military Power
12-0269: Harry H. Hamm (Erie, Pa.) - Souvenir Folder of Bradford, Pa. , Rock City Park and Olean, N.Y.
12-1824: Eriksen, James Adam - Mother Racoon (I.E. Raccoon) and Family
15-1711: I. Erinburg - V Protochnom Pereulke = in an Alley
16-5137: Erinna, Moero, Myrtis, Corinna, Telesilla, Praxilla, Nossis, Anyte, Johann Christian Wolf, Abraham Vandenhoeck (Printer) - Poetriarvm Octo Erinnae, Myrus, Myrtidis, Corinnae, Telesillae, Praxillae, Nossidis, Anytae, Fragmenta Et Elogia Graece Et Latine CVM Virorvm Doctorvm Notis. First Edition
65-2393: K'erkegor, C. - ILI-ILI = or-or
03-0522: Erkelens, Paul - Klm. Royal Dutch Airlines
19-1246: Erken, I. - Toot, Drugie I Mayor. =Toot, Others and Mayor. A Comedy
10-0855: Erlanger, Helmut - Calling Card of Helmut Erlanger, on Which Is an Al to Professor Carl Landauer; He Had Wished to Speak to Landauer About National European Labor Legislature
66-0742: Dubnov-Erlich, Sophie - The Life and Work of S.M. Dubnov
65-3461: Erlich, Victor - Russian Formalism: History - Doctorine (Slavistic Printings and Reprintings)
71-5976: Ermacora, Beate (Editor) - Stefan Loffelhardt: Tal Grund - the Valley Floor. (Exhibition at Galerie IM Taxispalais, 20 February - 12 April 2009)
73-4057: Erman, B.R. - Colonel Rankin's Lancer Regiment, Now at Detroit, Michigan
73-5226: Erman, B.R. - Colonel Rankin's Lancer Regiment, Now at Detroit, Michigan
65-3246: V. Ermilov - F.M. Dostoevskij = F.M. Dostoevsky
71-3637: Ermini, Pietro (After); Pietro Bettelini (Engraver) - Portrait of Angelo Poliziano (Italian Poet, 1454-1494)
71-3865: Ermini, Pietro (After); Pietro Bellelini (Engraver) - Portrait of Angelo Poliziano (Italian Poet, 1454-1494)
68-4344: Ermini, Adolfo (phot.) - B&W Photo. Al Gentissimo Cav. Costantius Daher Con la Piu Grande Conjderazione. Genova, Italy: 16 Aprile 1906. Signed F. Forradetto
75-1838: Les Ermites - Menu for Les Ermites, September 24, 1929
17-0714: Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar - Das Stilleben Und Sein Gegenstand
59-4052: Stefanik, Ernest and Cis Stefanik, editors - Encircled by an Alphabet: A Portfolio of Twelve Poems
08-0768: Hogan, Ernest and Billy Kersands - Any Rags
08-1079: Gutierrez, Ernesto and Hurlburt, Roger - Ernesto Gutierrez. Febrary 26 - March 26, 1993
73-1089: Hans Erni - Poesia Della Realta. 7 May - 25 June 1978
51-5776: Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965); Hans Erni, artist (1909-2015) - Message de Paix. [Illustrations Par] Hans Erni. Limited Edition
51-0387: Ford, Tennessee Ernie and Peter Howard - Tennessee Ernie Ford Appraisal
04-1857: Ernst, Helge - Børge Jørgensen
73-1193: Ernst, Max; Robin Campbell (fwd), Joanna Drew (fwd) - Max Ernst Prints, Collages and Drawings 1919-1972
18-7816: Ernst, Jimmy (artist.); Getlein, Frank (cur.); Meek, William (intro.); Harmon-Meek Gallery (Naples); Butler Institute of American Art (Youngstown) - Jimmy Ernst Retrospective (1920-1984). February 15 - March 7, 1987. Harmon-Meek Gallery, Naples, Florida. September 6 - October 11, 1987. Butler Institute of American Art. Youngstown, Ohio. [Exhibition Catalogue]. [First Edition]
74-0178: James Ernst - Roger Williams, New England Firebrand (Dust Jacket Only, No Book)
17-1918: Max Ernst; Galerie Brusberg - Max Ernst - Jenseits Der Malerei. Arbeiten Auf Papier (Beyond Painting. Works on Paper)
18-2549: Max Ernst; Werner Hofmann - Inside the Sight
15-1731: Ernst , R. - Austellung Ostasiatischer Maleriei Aus Dem Museum V.D. Heydt, Eysden, Holland; Chiesisches Lackgerät Aus Verschiedenem Besitz. ôsterreichisches Museum Für Kunst Und Industrie, Frühjahr 1937
17-1922: Jimmy Ernst; Eberhard Pinder - Jimmy Ernst, Gemälde Und Gouachen: Städtisches Kunsthaus Bielefeld 13. September Bis 11. Oktober 1964. (Exhibition: Jimmy Ernst: Paintings and Gouaches [Exhibition] September 13 to October 11, 1964)
17-0438: Ernst, Max ; Gorky, Arshile ; Yale University Art Gallery - Max Ernst & Arshile Gorky : From the Collection of Julien Levy. Yale University Art Gallery : March 19 - May 3, 1964
17-0191: Ernst, Max ; Brusberg, Dieter - Hommage an Max Ernst : "Les Labyrinthes Ne Sont Pas Faits Pour Les Chiens" : Bilder Und Blätter 1920 Bis 1939 ; Zur Ausstellung Mit Bildern Und Blättern Von Max Ernst Vom 25. August Bis 6. Oktober 1990, Galerie Brusberg, Berlin
15-4177: Excelsior Hotel Ernst - Silvester 1935. Excelsior Hotel Ernst. Koln Am Rhein
51-2023: Ernst, Gustav - Der Jagdfiguren-Zeichner Von G.E. Eine Reihefolge Von 16 Vorlegeblätter Vom Umriss Bis Zur Ausführung Hauptsachlich Für Zeichenschulen, Graveure, Schäfter, Etc. [Engraved Designs for Guns]
51-1749: Ernst, Max (artist) - Max Ernst. Estampes Originales, Livres Illustrés, 1949-1973
50-0700: Ernst, Max - Le Point Cardinal [Poster]
65-2905: V. Erofeev - V Labirinte Prokljatyh Voprosov = in the Labyrinth of Accursed Questions
63-1820: Erofeev, Venedikt; Vladimir Portnov (dir.); Nikolai Epov (art.); [Alma Law (phot.)?] - Walpurgis Night, or the Steps of the Commander (Valpurgieva Noch ILI Shagi Kommandora) Production Photos
19-1126: Erosheva, M. K. - [Leningrad]
54-2188: Flynn, Errol and Erich Wolfgang Korngold - The Adventures of Robin Hood
19-0138: Erskine, Thomas - Armata: A Fragment. Volume I. Second Edition
19-0139: Erskine, Thomas - Armata: A Fragment. Volume II. Second Edition
18-7552: Peter Erskine; Kurt Blank-Markard - S.O. S. - Secrets of the Sun: Millennial Meditations I.
63-0912: James Francis Harry St. Clair-Erskine, 5th Earl of Rosslyn - Signature of James Francis Harry St. Clair-Erskine, 5th Earl of Rosslyn, Pasted Onto Card with Typed Title
71-5063: Erskine, Peter; Bruce Odland; Sam Auinger - The Room of Questions and Answers: Secrets of the Sun: Millennial Meditations I (Sos). (Exhibition at Trajan's Markets, Rome, 1992)
16-5013: Erté et al. - La Revue Des Folies Bergères 1925 "Un Soir de Folie" Troisième Album. First Editions
71-4516: Erte; Salome Estorick (Preface) - Erte Graphics: Five Complete Suites Reproduced in Full Color: The Seasons, the Alphabet, the Numerals, the Aces, the Precious Stones
05-1871: Ervine, St. John - Als to Geoffrey Robinson
15-4409: Erwin, John - Ina Claire Arrive by Pan American to Start Rehearsals for New Eliot Comedy, "the Confidential Clerk.
18-4779: Elliott Erwitt; Katy Homans (Design) - Elliott Erwitt. (Photography Exhibition Poster)
51-4124: Es., L. van ; W. Brave - Almanak Voor de Huishouding, Keuken En Gezondheid Voor Mdcccxii. [Almanac of the Kitchen, , Household and Health for 1812] First Edition
15-5808: The Escalantes - Seasoned Greetings
18-5224: Robert Escarpit - The Book Revolution
15-11223: Juan Escauriza - San Francisco and the American Landscape. September 21 - October 16, 2013
50-0515: Eschbach, P. - Boats
19-8280: P. Eschbach - Winter Sunshine
16-5222: Eschenauer, Auguste (born 1827) - Original Manuscript of "le Echos, Poésies Par Auguste Eschenauer, Ex-Pasteur à Bordeaux, à Paruis, à Lille & à Strabourg. 1850-1873.
70-2402: M.C. Escher - M.C. Escher: A Major Exhibition Commemorating Escher's 100th Birthday. (Announcement for Exhibition, April 16 to June 27, 1998. )
09-0182: Escher, M. C. - M.C. Escher. Photo Archive
00-0345: Escher, M. C. - M.C. Escher: Grafiek En Tekeningen
01-0473: Escholier, Raymond - Renoir
01-0478: Escholier, Raymond - Henri Matisse
01-1371: Escholier, Raymond - Renoir
63-7272: Escoffier, Auguste; Savoy Hotel (London) - Lunch & Diner Menu. October 15, 1891
15-6280: Le Petit Escoffier - Le Petit Escoffier Restaurant. Beverly Hilton Hotel
65-0814: Escrivá, Vicente. (dir.) - El Golfo. Con Raphael, Shirley Jones, Héctor Suárez, Pedro Armendáriz Jr. (7 Tarjetas de Vestíbulo de Cine, Cada Con Una Fotografía Diferente)
65-0683: Escrivá, Vicente. (dir.) - El Golfo. Con Raphael, Shirley Jones, Héctor Suárez, Pedro Armendáriz Jr. (Cartel de la Película)
18-9845: Viviane Esders - Viviane Esders Photographie : Yann le Mouel ; Oaris, Drouot, Vendredi 23 Novembre 2018
18-2866: Eshed, Tal; Khorasheh, Mitra; Tanja Grunert Gallery (New York) - Dive in. .
63-9128: Eshelman, Clayton - The Sanjo Bridge. In Sparrow 2
63-9129: Eshelman, Clayton - Cantaloups & Splendor. Signed First Edition, Numbered 315 on Colophon
51-1810: Esherick, Lisa (born 1941) - Pacific Ocean with Cliff
59-4034: Eshleman, Clayton - The Wand
15-4589: Eshleman, Clayton; Gallery Live Oak Park - Clayton Eshleman Reading Dec 7, 8pm, Gallery Live Oak Park
65-3448: Esih, Ivan - Slovo O Polku Igora: Hrvatsko-Srpski I Slovenaä‡Ki Prijevodi
16-4201: Eskal, L. or L. Estal, artist - Album D'Images. Contes Des Fées. First Edition
18-2609: Eskenazi, John - Art of Gandhara. 10th - 28th November, 1998
54-0700: Eskenazi - Sculture Dell'India Classica IV Secolo A.C. - XI Secolo D.C.
18-8482: Ute Eskildsen - Nützlich, Süß Und Museal / Das Fotografierte Tier. (Published on the Occasion of the Exhibition "Useful, Sweet and Museal: The Photographed Animal" Museum Folkwang, Essen, October 22, 2005 to January 15, 2006)
18-2799: Eskildsen, Ute - Tschechische Fotografie, 1918-1938
18-1715: Eskildsen, Ute - Otto Steinert: Der Initiator Einer Fotografischen Bewegung. [Otto Steinert: The Initiation of a Photographic Movement. ]
18-8713: Eskildsen, Ute (cur.); Museum Folkwang (Essen) - Museum Folkwang: Die Fotografische Sammlung. Museum Folkwang, Essen, Germany. [Exhibition Catalogue]
19-0213: Eskin, Stanley G. - Tristram Shandy and Oedipus Rex: Reflections on Comedy and Tragedy. Reprinted from College English, January 1963
15-8524: Eskin, Stanley G. - Physis and Antiphysie: The Idea of Nature in Rabelais and Calcagnini. Reprinted from Comparative Literature, Vol. XIV, No. 2 Spring 1962
15-8523: Eskin, Stanley G. - Tristram Shandy and Oedipus Rex: Reflections on Comedy and Tragedy. Reprinted from College English, January 1963
73-7065: D'Espagnat, G. - G. D'Espagnat
59-3302: España - Don Carlos Por la Gracia de Dios. [Spanish Law Book Pages]
70-0418: Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España - Patrimonio Cultural de España 11, 2016
19-9033: Instituto Nacional del Libro Espaniol - Dia Del Libro. 23 April 1978 (Exhibition Poster)
19-8869: Instituto Nacional del Libro Espaniol - Dia Del Libro. 23 April 1980 (Exhibition Poster)
73-3568: Instituto Nacional del Libro Español - I Semana Nacional Del Libro Infantil
73-3466: Instituto Nacional del Libro Español - El Libro Español Se Lee En Todo El Mundo
73-3465: Instituto Nacional del Libro Español - Dia Del Libre
73-6618: Fiesta espanola en el Mols-Linien - Fiesta Espanola En El Mols-Linien Menu
68-5028: Bodegas Franco Espanolas - Menu. Bodegas Franco Espanolas
65-0677: Esparza, Damián Acosta. (dir.) - El Fiscal de Hierro 3. Con Mário Almada, Lucha Villa, Norma Herrera, César Sobrevals. (Cartel de la Película)
55-1311: Dirección: Julio Aldama. Con Carlitos Espejel, Adalberto Martinez, Ana Luisa Peluffo y Tere Velazquez - Chiquidracula [Movie Poster]. (Cartel de la Película)
51-5431: Espezel, Pierre de; Roger Schall (Illustrator) - Paris Relief. Histoire de Paris Des Origines à Nos Jours. Accompagnée D'Initiales Ornées, de Culs-de-Lampe, de Huit Qadrichromies Hors-Texte Et de Cent Vues Stéréoscopiques Originales. . First Limited Edition
16-1875: Esplen, Mike; Frances Jessup; Pegada; John Pudney; D. M. Thomas - Words Broadsheet: Twenty Two
18-6258: Frank & Eyre, (Attorneys for Respondents); Milton S. Eisner, Esq. and Mark J. Platshek, Esq. (Of Counsul) - No. 9864 in the Supreme Court of the State of California: E. Fanning, Plaintiff and Appellant Vs. Frederick Bohme, Et Al. Defendants and Respondents. Points and Authorities of Appellant
16-5220: Des Essarts, Alfred (1811-1893) - Académie Française. Concours de Poésie de 1856. Les Restes de Saint Augustin Rapportés à Hippone, Poème Par Alfred Des Essarts. First Edition, Signed
18-9020: Inka Essenhigh; Phoebe Hoban; Rob Colvin - Inka Essenhigh. (Catalog of an Exhibition Held at Miles Mcenery Gallery, New York, 19 April - 25 May 2018. )
10-0694: Essler, Fred - Patisserie
18-7875: Lena Essling; Lars Nittve - Time & Place: Los Angeles, 1958-1968. (Catalog of the Exhibition Held in Stockholm, Moderna Museet, 4 October 2008 - 6 January 2009)
19-1982: Kunstgalerie Esslingen (Esslingen) - Kunst Des 20. Jahrhunderts. January 16 - February 13, 1977. Lots #1-304
11-0086: Kunstgalerie Esslingen - Otto Dix: Ausstellung Der Kunstgalerie Esslingen
11-0087: Kunstgalerie Esslingen - Karl Jakob Hirsch: Ausstellung Der Kunstgalerie Esslingen
15-9243: Kunstgalerie Esslingen (Esslingen, Germany); Ralph D. I. Jentsch - Robert Genin. Gemalde, Pastelle, Aquarelle, Handzeichnungen, Illustrierte Bucher, Mappenwerke
15-9221: Fingerle + Co. (Esslingen, West Germany) - Kunstverlag Fingerle + Co. Verzeichnis Farbiger Kunstpostkarten I.
73-4957: Region Grand Est - 50ème Anniversaire de la Liberation de Pfastatt
73-5454: American Pictorial Book Establishment - To Danl. B. Ostlander Esq. - Port Jervis, Nj
05-1391: Savannah establishments - Two Pieces of Savannah, Georgia Ephemera
15-6109: Junta Auxiliar Jalisciense de la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadistica - Boletin de la Junta Auxiliar Jalisciense de la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia Y Estadistica. April 18, 1935
15-6110: Junta Auxiliar Jalisciense de la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadistica - Boletin de la Junta Auxiliar Jalisciense de la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia Y Estadistica. April 18, 1935
15-6106: Junta Auxiliar Jalisciense de la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadistica - Boletin de la Junta Auxiliar Jalisciense de la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia Y Estadistica. February 18, 1933
15-6107: Junta Auxiliar Jalisciense de la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadistica - Boletin de la Junta Auxiliar Jalisciense de la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia Y Estadistica. April 18, 1933
15-6108: Junta Auxiliar Jalisciense de la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadistica - Boletin de la Junta Auxiliar Jalisciense de la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia Y Estadistica. June 18, 1933
63-9381: Matisse, Henri; F. Woimant (estampes) and J. Guichard-Meili (livres illustrés); Maison Pulliérane - Catalogue Pully 1970. Gravures Et Lithographies de 1900 a 1929
63-6655: J. E. Tetrault, Real Estate And Insurance (Porterville, CA) - Tls J.E. Tetrault, February 5, 1914. Re: Commercial Encyclopedia of the Pacific Southwest
63-6534: Panama-California Exposition (San Diego); D. H. Hanson (Real Estate, Eureka, CA) - Tls D.H. Hanson to Ellis A. Davis. Re: Commercial Encyclopedia of the Pacific Southwest
59-4213: Thorngrove Estate, The - Plan, Particulars and Conditions of Sale of a Highly Desirable Landed Estate Called "the Thorngrove Estate.
16-4351: Estaunié, Édouard (1862 - 1942) - Le Ferment. (Signed Presentation Copy. Envoi Autographe Signé de L'Auteur à Thadée Natanson. )
59-1168: D'Este, Camera, or Cittario - D'Este Family Coat of Arms
15-8744: Este, Gaudi - Gaudi Este: First U.S. Exhibition. Works from Paris & Caracas. August 27 - September 29, 1996
18-2718: Max de Esteban; Jacques Ellul - Proposition Three: Touch Me Not
18-2872: de Esteban, Max - Propsition One: Only the Ephemeral
54-1315: Esten, John & Gilbert, Rose Bennett - Manhattan Style
51-4999: Esterházy, Countess - Original Photograph of Countess Esterházy
17-1867: Ministerio degli Affari Esteri - Giuseppe Garibaldi: Tra Storia E Mito (between History and Myth)
12-0744: Unione Nazionale per la Diffusione del Film Italiano all'Estero - La Settimana Del Film Italiano a New York, 6-12 Ottobre 1952
18-9967: Milton Esterow, ed - Artnews (Vol. 90, No. 6, 1991)
73-5466: Grant Estes - To Caribou Ski Marathon
15-4251: Estes, Eleannor; Slobodkin, Louis (illustrator) - Dust-Jacket for the Moffats
15-4252: Estes, Eleannor - Dust-Jacket for Ginger Pye
19-3707: Merion Estes - Merion Estes: Subversive Pleasures
15-4126: Estess, Ted L. - Elie Wiesel
50-0856: Estève - C. Bernard [Poster]
50-0855: Estève - Galerie Villand-Galanis [Poster]
18-6839: Carlos Estevez - Reliquary. (Exhibition: March 6 to April 25, 2015)
63-7590: Estevez, Ruth; Agustin Diez Fischer; Miguel A. Lopez - The Words of Others: Leon Ferrari and Rhetoric in Times of War
18-7311: Estienne, Charles - Kandinsky: Peintres Et Sculpteurs D'Aujourd'Hui. Collection "Signe. " Editions de Beaune. [First Edition]
51-4703: Estienne, Robert, printer; Franciscus Vatablus (François Vatable), editor - Biblia : Hebræa, Chaldæa, GræCa & Latina Nomina Virorum, Mulierum, Populorum, Idolorum, Vrbium, Fluuiorum, Montium, CæTerorumque Locorum Quæ in Bibliis Leguntur, Restituta, Cum Latina Interpretatione : Locorum Descriptio E Cosmographis : Index PræTerea Rerum & Sententiarum Quæ in Iisdem Bibliis Continentur : His Accesserunt Schemata Tabernaculi Mosaici, & Templi Salomonis, Quæ PræEunte Francisco Vatablo Hebraicarum Literarum Regio Professore Doctissimo, Summa Arte & Fide Expressa Sunt. [Third Robert Estienne Edition of the Bible]
51-1580: Estienne, Stephanus (Robert ) (1503-1559) - Die Berühmte Buchdrucker Familie Stephanus [Robert] Estienne Zu Paris Und Genf IM XVI. Jahr
71-4518: Estorick, Eric; Stella Blum - Designs by Erte: Fashion Drawings & Illustrations from Harpers Bazar
14-0071: Estrada, Adolfo ; Galeria Biosca (Madrid) - Adolfo Estrada : Noviembre '85
55-3072: Dirección: Francisco Lara Polop. Con Carlos Estrada, Nadiuska, Teresa Gimpera - Perversion. Movie Poster. (Cartel de la Película)
16-4373: Estrada, Marinio, Consul de Cuba - Original Visa Approval from the Consulado de Cuba Marseille to André Bollack in 1941. Signed
09-0381: Estre, J. Cros.; Ortega, Jose y Francisco - Plaza de Toros Tarragona
13-0001: Estrin, Jerry - Vanishing Cab. No. 3
71-1167: Estrin, Mary Lloyd; Robert Coles (Intro.) - To the Manor Born
18-7441: Kouichirou EtÅ - Soundcreatures
19-9227: Prufrock Books & Etc. - Collectable Books Bought and Sold. (Exhibition Poster)
68-0198: [Leon Gaucherel (engrav/etch.)]; After Dupre (medal) - Charlotte Marguerite de Montmorency Princesse de Conde. 1629
15-8950: Etchcraft - Etchcraft Bookplates
71-4114: 19th Century Etcher - The Rush-Light
71-2945: 19th Century French Etcher - Nic. Klimius, Empereur de Quama Et Ensuite Marguillier de L'Eglise de la Groix a Berge En Norwege
71-3181: 19th Century Etcher - Portrait of John Greenleaf Whiitter (1807-1892)
71-2947: 19th Century French Etcher - Woman Wearing a Decorative Costume
71-2946: 19th Century French Etcher - Frontispiece: Here an Opulent City Once Flourished, This Was the Seat of a Powerful Empire... Yes These Places Now So Desert, a Living Multitude Formerly Animated &. (Chap. 11)
71-2944: 19th Century French Etcher - Martinien En Perruque
68-2496: [17th Century British Etcher] - The Royall Exchange of London
68-2540: VOR [20th Century American Etcher] - Winter Landscape of American Suburb
54-2038: Society of American Etchers, Inc - Thirteenth Annual Exhibition and Its Seventh Annual Exhibition of Miniature Prints
51-4602: Cats, Jacob (1577-1660); Nicolaes van Ravesteyn, printer; Michiel Jansz van Mierevelt , artist; A. Matham; C.V. Dalen, et al , etchers and engravers - 's Werelts Begin, Midden, Eynde Besloten in Den Trou-Ringh Met Den Proef-Steen Van Den Seluen. Original Edition. [Emblem Book]
63-9768: [Adele Ethiou (etching).] - Montesquieu Engraving [After Ethiou]
63-9764: Adele Ethiou (etching) - Paul Louis Courier. Engraving After Ethiou
15-11478: Etchison, Dennis - Red Dreams
51-2190: Etchison, Dennis - Draft of Afterword for: Lord John Ten
15-5688: Spring Hopes Eternal - Spring Hopes Eternal, a Grand Two-Day Festival, April 16 & 17, 1955. Come Celebrate the Eternal Rebirth--the Liberation of the Earth
63-2887: Etgar, Yuval (ed.) - The Ends of Collage
16-1671: Etherege, George - The Man of Mode: A Comedy. To Which Is Prefixed the Life of the Author. Epilogue by Mr. Dryden
63-9766: [Ethiou?] - Engraving Featuring French Writers & Philosophers
73-4182: Ethiou, A. - Paul Louis Courier
71-4454: Ethofer, Theodor Josef (After); Leon Gaucherel (Engraver) - Bibliotheque de Subiaco
19-0120: Ethridge, James M., Barbara Kopala (eds.) - Contemporary Authors: A Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Current Authors and Their Works. Volumes 17-18
19-0119: Ethridge, James M., Barbara Kopala (eds.) - Contemporary Authors: A Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Current Authors and Their Works. Volumes 13-14
19-0118: Ethridge, James M., Barbara Kopala (eds.) - Contemporary Authors: A Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Current Authors and Their Works. Volumes 15-16
19-0117: Ethridge, James M., Barbara Kopala, Carolyn Riley (eds.) - Contemporary Authors: A Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Current Authors and Their Works. Volumes 19-20
19-0116: Ethridge, James M. (ed.) - Contemporary Authors: A Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Current Authors and Their Works. Volumes 9-10
19-0114: Ethridge, James M., Barbara Kopala (eds.) - Contemporary Authors: A Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Current Authors and Their Works. Volumes 15-16
19-0113: Ethridge, James M., Barbara Kopala, Carolyn Riley (eds.) - Contemporary Authors: A Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Current Authors and Their Works. Volumes 19-20
16-0004: Ethridge, James M. & Barbara Kopala (eds.) - Contemporary Authors: Volume 13-14
16-0003: Ethridge, James M. & Barbara Kopala (eds.) - Contemporary Authors: Cumulative Index of Volume 1-12, Volume 11-12
15-5722: Ethridge, James M.; Barbara Kopala (Ed.) - Contemporary Authors: A Bio - Bibliographical Guide to Current Authors and Their Works. Volumes 1-4, First Revision
15-5723: Ethridge, James M.; Barbara Kopala (Ed.) - Contemporary Authors: A Bio - Bibliographical Guide to Current Authors and Their Works. Volumes 17-18
04-1673: Galerie St. Etienne - Oscar Laske
74-0617: Galerie St. Etienne - From Brücke to Bauhaus : The Meanings of Modernity in Germany, 1905-1933 : March 31 Through June 26, 2009, Galerie St. Etienne
70-2290: Galerie St. Etienne - Taboo : Repression and Revolt in Modern Art. (Catalog for an Exhibition Held at Galerie St. Etienne, March 26 Through May 30, 1998. )
70-2291: Galerie St. Etienne - Taboo : Repression and Revolt in Modern Art. (Invitation for an Exhibition Held at Galerie St. Etienne, March 26 Through May 30, 1998. )
73-2423: Galerie St. Etienne - From Left to Right: Social Realism in Germany and Russia, Circa 1919-1933
70-2310: Galerie St. Etienne - Recent Acquisitions and Some Thoughts About Looted Art. (Catalog for an Exhibition Held at Galerie St. Etienne, June 9 Through September 11, 1998. )
70-2311: Galerie St. Etienne - Recent Acquisitions. (Invitation for an Exhibition Held at Galerie St. Etienne, June 9 Through September 11, 1998. )
54-1614: Galerie St. Etienne - Austrian Expressionists: Watercolors, Drawings, Prints
70-3464: Galerie St. Etienne - Hope or Menace? Communism in Germany between the World Wars: March 25 - June 13, 2008
68-4006: Galerie St. Etienne - Drawing the Line: Realism and Abstraction in Expressionist Art
03-0171: Etienne - Young Woman. I.
03-0172: Etienne - Young Woman. II
03-0173: Etienne - Young Woman. III
03-0174: Etienne - Young Woman. IV
17-2636: Calogero Etnarref - Calogero Etnarref : Du 27 Mai Au 14 Juin 1994 (Poster)
68-3526: Hotel de l'Etoile - Menu. Hotel de L'Etoile, 8 Septembre 1934
07-0490: Association Nationale pour la Défense des Idées Françaises à l'Étranger - Bulletin de L'Idée Française à L'étranger
18-7400: Etrog, Sorel (artist.); von Groschwitz, Gustave (text.); Pierre Matisse Gallery (New York) - Sorel Etrog. Recent Sculpture. February 16 to March 13, 1965. Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York, Ny. [First Edition]. [Exhibition Catalogue]
18-7405: Etrog, Sorel (artist.); Withrow, William (text.); Rose Fried Gallery (New York) - Sorel Etrog. Sculpture. May 7 - June 8, [1963]. Rose Fried Gallery, New York, Ny. [Exhibition Catalogue]
18-8888: Etrog, Sorel (artist.); Heinrich, Theodore Allen; Gallery Moos (Toronto) - Sorel Etrog. Gallery Moos, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 17 December 1964 to 19 January 1965. Felix Landau Gallery. Los Angeles, Ca. 8th to 27th March 1965. Galerie Dresdnere, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 6th to 26th April 1965. [Exhibition Catalogue]
17-2158: Etrog, Sorel (artist.); Heinrich, Theodore Allen; Gallery Moos (Toronto) - Sorel Etrog. Gallery Moos, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 17 December 1964 to 19 January 1965. Felix Landau Gallery. Los Angeles, Ca. 8th to 27th March 1965. Galerie Dresdnere, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 6th to 26th April 1965
71-0399: Ettinghausen, Richard; Marie Lukens Swietochowski; Marilyn Jenkins - The Whitney Review 1963-1964
71-0398: Ettinghausen, Richard; Marie Lukens Swietochowski; Marilyn Jenkins - Islamic Art
63-1313: [Ettlind, Jac. (engr).?] - Das Schloss Alupka in Der Krim (Alupka Castle in Crimea)
18-0555: T. Ettling - Italy & Switzerland (Map)
68-0241: Collection du Chateau d'Eu - Guise (Antoinette de Bourbon, Duchesse de) 1583
71-0439: Speicher Eugene - Eugene Speicher: American Artists Group(Monograph Number 7)
18-2069: Eugene, Frank; Pohlmann, Ulrich; Effner, Axel; Krase, Andreas - Frank Eugene: The Dream of Beauty
51-0633: Jolas, Eugene and Elliot Paul (editors) - Transition. ( a Long Run from the Library of George Whitsett, One of the Contributors)
19-4008: Eugene Feyen; Henry Louis Scott; Eugene Grandsire; Benjamin Ulmann; Ricardo de Madrazo; Louis-Georges Brillouin, et al. - The Salon of 1881: Departure of the Fisherwomen; Towers at the Sables-Dolonnes; Part of the Canal at Treport; Marguerite in Prison; Portrait of Mine Host; a Moor of Sus; Portrait of Alphonse de Neuville; Portrait of Mille Guerde; la Roussotte; Sunset
08-0617: Marchand, P. Eugene and Materials Branch, Dept. of Industry, Ottawa, Canada - Report of the Canadian Technical Mission on Prefabricated Concrete Components in Industrialized Building in Europe. September 2-22, 1966
18-2068: Jeffrey Eugenides; Anthony Vidler - James Casebere: The Spatial Uncanny
75-0846: Jeffrey Eugenides, Anthony Vidler, (Milan) - James Casebere: The Spatical Uncanny, 2001
11-0729: Eulalie - The Three Bears
73-3608: Eulenspiegel - Bücher-Panoptikum
05-2099: Eulenstein, C. - Als to Geo. Cumberland, Esq. , Jr.
63-8273: A. Garnier (23 & 25 Rue d'Eupatoria, Paris) - Tls from A. Garnier (23 & 25 Rue D'Eupatoria, Paris) July 29, 1943
05-1578: Eurich, Richard - Als to Geoffrey Robinson Regarding E.M. Forster's Opinion of an Autobiography, &C
05-1777: Eurich, Richard - Als to Geoffrey Robinson
75-1791: Hotel De l'Europe - Dinner Menu for Hotel de L'Europe, April 2, 1929
68-3565: Eurostar - Menu. Eurostar
17-0676: Birgit Eusterschulte - Portal 3 : Ulf Aminde, Anna Gollwitzer, Yuki Jungesblut, Simon Dybbroe Møller, Julia Schmidt, Tina Schulz, Magdalena Wisniewska ; [Eine Ausstellung Der] Kunsthalle Fridericianum, 10. Oktober - 28. November 2004
16-4812: Eutropius ( fl. AD 363-387) - Eutropij de Gestis Romanorvm Libri Decem. [the Deeds of the Ancient Romans]. First Edition
19-3305: Jack von Euw and Genoa Shepley - Drawn West: Selections from the Robert B. Honeyman Jr. Collection of Early Californian and Western Art and Americana
65-3628: Euwe, Max; A. A. Smirnov - Uroki Shahmatnoj Igry = Chess Lessons
19-2693: Ju. Vasil'ev; N. Mamaeva (Ed.) - Moscva : Otkrytki = Moscow : Flash Cards
19-1974: M. P. Arkad'ev - Osnovnye Zadachi Teatral'Nogo Stroitel'Stva = Basic Goals in Theatrical Construcation
19-1066: Grigor'ev, Apollon - Apollon Grigor'Ev Izbrannye Proizvedenija = the Collected Works of Apollon Grigorev
19-1225: Anastas'ev, A. N. (Editor) - Istorija Sovetskogo Dramaticheskogo Teatra, Tom 6 = a History of the Soviet Drama Theare, Volume 6
19-1221: Afanas'ev, R. - Voprosy Teatral'Nogo Iskusstva = Questions of Theatrical Art
65-2820: A. Vasil'ev - Sredi Narodnyh Stradanij. I. Chernaja Gora, Gercegovina I Bosnija V 1875-1878 G.G. II. Boka Kotorskaja V 1797-1814 G.G. = Suffering in National Perspective
15-1643: Ruch'ev, Boris - Rossiya Rodina Moya; Biblioteka Russkoi Sovestkoi Poezii V 50 Knigah = [Russia, My Homeland]
65-3390: K. Leont'ev - Egipetskij Golub'; Ditja Dushy = Egyptian Dove; Child of the Heart
65-3324: N. S. Arsen'ev - Iz Russkoj Kul'Turnoj I Tvorcheskoj Tradicii = Traditional Russian Culture and Art
65-3248: Grigor'ev, Apollon; V. S. Krupich - Socinenija: I. Kritika = Works by Apollon Grigor'Ev
65-2937: F. I. Vasil'ev - Dvesti Pjat'Desjat Bljud Kitajskoj Kuhni = a Collection of Recipes from Chinese Cuisine
65-2582: N. Arsen'ev - Pravoslavie, Katolichestvo, Protestantizm = Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Evangelicalism
65-2557: V. Solov'ev - Tri Razgovora = Three Conversations
63-1813: Vasil'ev, Boris; Sergei Yashin (dir.); E. Kochalaev (art.); [Alma Law (phot.)?] - Yesterday There Was a War (Zavtra Byla Voina) Production Photos
65-2782: V. Solov'ev - Tri Razgovora = Three Conversations
65-2398: Zinov'ev, A. - Zhivi = Live
65-2433: Vorob'ev, N. - Stihi O Raznom = Various Poems
65-3118: V. Solov'ev; G. A. Rachinski - V. S, Solov'Ev I Katolichestvo. 'Russkaja Ideja' = V.S. Soloviev and Catholicism
15-2169: Fedot'ev, P. P. - Sovremennoe Sostoianie Khimicheskoi Promyshlennosti V Rossii = [the State of the Chemical Industry of Russia to Date]
15-1334: Dement'ev, A.G. - Ocherki Po Istorii Russkoi Zhurnalistiki; 1840-1850 = Notes on the History of Russian Journalism; 1840-1850
15-5512: A. A. Leont'ev - Psiho-Lingvistika = Psycholinguistics
13-0407: Arsen'ev, Nikolaj - O Dostoevskom: Chetyre Ocherka = on Dostoyevsky: Four Essays
15-6287: A. V. Solov'ev - Jugoslavjanskija Temy V Proizvedenijah Pushkina
19-1188: Grigor'eva, M. C. - 25 Let Sovetskogo Teatra = 25 Years of Soviet Theare
19-1204: Evment'eva, Lidija - Zapiski Baleriny = Notes of a Ballerina
59-2874: Fischer, Eva and Enno Morricone - Immagini E Suoni
13-0804: E. A. Savel'eva; A. I. Kopanev - Biblioteka Ja. V. Brjusa: Katalog = Y.V. Bruce: Library Catalogue
17-2756: Margaret Evangeline; Dominique Nahas - New Work of Margaret Evangeline : Achieving Punctuation. (October 24 - January 21, 2004) (Presentation Copy: Signed and Inscribed by Margaret Evangeline to Peter Selz)
17-1854: Margaret Evangeline; Frances Richard; Paul Rodgers/9W (Gallery); Galerie Simonne Stern.; Palm Beach Institute of Contemporary Art - Margaret Evangeline, Antoinette Insatiable. (Catalog Published on the Occasion of the Exhibition Organized by Paul Rodgers/9w, April 14-May 19, 2001; Galerie Simonne Stern, April 7-May 1, 2001; Palm Beach Institute of Contemporary Art, May 3-25, 2001. ) (Presentation Copy: Signed and Inscribed by Margaret Evangeline to Peter Selz. Additional Handwritten Signed Note Laid in)
19-2060: Tabor Evans - Longarm and the Blood Bounty
19-2061: Tabor Evans - Longarm and the New Mexico Shoot-out
18-9754: Terry Evans - Prairie: Images of Ground and Sky
65-1746: Evans, Helen C. - The Arts of Byzantium. The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, Spring 2001. Volume LVIII, No. 4
63-8818: Madge Evans - Madge Evans Autographed Photo
63-8739: Madge Evans - Madge Evans Autographed Photo
18-6650: Owen Pritchard; Bernard Rackham; Vincent Evans, Sir - The Owen Pritchard Collection of Pottery Porcelain, Glass and Books. (Signed by Author)
10-0087: Evans, John - Richmond and Its Vicinity: With a Glance at Twickenham, Strawberry Hill and Hampton Court
11-0120: Evans, Henry Herman (ed.) - Poems & Pictures. Number One
01-0941: Evans, Richard - Letter. Evans, Richard
16-1061: Evans, David Allan (ed.) - New Voices in American Poetry: An Anthology
71-3586: Evans, Powys (Illustrator) - Portrait of Gilbergt Keith Chesterton (English Writer, Philosopher, Christian Apologist, Literary and Art Critic, 1874-1936)
71-3845: Evans, W. (After); Caroline Watson (Engraver) - Portrait of John Home, Esq. (Scottish Minister, Soldier and Author, 1722-1808)
18-1793: Evans, Walker; Crane, Arnold H. - 250 Photographs by Walker Evans
19-8164: Evans, Henry (ed.) - December MCMLIX: The World's Finest Printing Inks. .
51-2522: Hamady & Friends, Laura Evans and Ellen Lanyon, illustrator - Why Did You Didn't? Expanded Quotables from the Year of 1979. Illustrated by Ellen Lanyon. Communicated for Children's Community School, Mount Horeb, with a Hope That Our Friends Will Be Even More Generous to the Genius in Little Kids in This Year After the Year of the Child 1980
73-0553: Walker Evans - Walker Evans April 2 - May 31, 1981
17-2759: Jan Evans - Jan Evans : One-Woman Show, Eight Years Development from Painting to Sculpture : [an Exhibition Held at] Mills College Art Gallery, October 17-November 14, 1971
17-2531: Mary Evans - Garden Books Old and New
71-1148: Evans, Walker - Walker Evans I.
17-1911: John Evans; Hackett-Freedman Gallery - John Evans - Recent Paintings. January 4 - 27, 2001
11-0116: Evans, Henry Herman - Anomalies: A Poem
71-2131: Evans, Franklin; Miles McEnery Gallery - Franklin Evans: Fugitvemisreadings. (Exhibition at Miles Mcenery Gallery, 24 June - 31 July 2021)
19-8158: Evans, Henry (ed.) - Peregrine Print Portfolio Series Number 1
55-1048: Walker after Evans - Gunnersbury House in Middlesex, the Seat of the Late Princess Amelia
18-7252: Tamara S Evans - Alberto Giacometti and America
16-0059: Evans, Ifor - English Literature: Values and Traditions
04-1311: Evans, Henry - Wild Ginger
04-1316: Evans, Henry - Sand Verbena
15-6895: Evans, Henry (ed.); Lawrence Ferlinghetti; Ronald Bladen (ill.) - Poems & Pictures. Number Three 1955
70-1388: Diane Evans; Amy H Winter; Jennifer Bethke; Gertrud Parker - Gertrud Parker : Artist and Collector. (Catalog of an Exhibition Held at the Sonoma County Museum, Santa Rosa, Calif. , June 17-September 11, 2011. )
19-9489: Ina Evans - Ina Evans Photographs, January 1980. (Poster)
12-1537: Evans, B. Ifor - English Literature. (British Life & Thought, No. 15. )
19-8161: Evans, Henry (ed.) - Abcfjqxy&Zabcfjqxyz. .
19-8162: Evans, Henry (ed.) - The World's Finest Printing Inks. .
19-8163: Evans, Henry (ed.) - Black Ink. .
19-8159: Evans, Henry (ed.) - Peregrine Print Portfolio Series Number Five
19-8160: Evans, Henry (ed.) - Abcqy&Z. .
19-8155: Evans, Henry (ed.) - Peregrine Press Sampler, Cover
05-0143: Evans, Henry - Poppies
75-2455: Linda Evans - California Landscape Painting
70-1416: Diane Evans; Amy H Winter; Jennifer Bethke; Gertrud Parker - Gertrud Parker : Artist and Collector. (Catalog of an Exhibition Held at the Sonoma County Museum, Santa Rosa, Calif. , June 17-September 11, 2011. )
05-2006: Evans, Sydney - Als to Geoffrey Robinson
63-2481: Worker's Defense (Evanston, Illinois); Robert Green, Leah Grant, David R. Roediger - Worker's Defense Newsletter, No. 1, June 1978
07-0006: Evarts, Althea - Birth Announcement
15-8076: Eve, Jean - Jean Eve: Modern French Primitive. January 14th to February 25th, 1939
15-8118: Eve, Jean - Jean Eve: October 1 - 27, 1951
15-8125: Eve, Jean - Fourth Annual Holiday Exhibition: Modern Paintings "for the Young Collector. " Through December, 1940
59-2378: l'Eveille, Jean-Augustin; Huet, Jean-Baptiste (after) - Classical Fresco. Architectural Detail. (Book 16, Pl. 2)
59-2377: l'Eveille, Jean-Augustin; Huet, Jean-Baptiste (after) - Classical Fresco. Architectural Detail. (Book I, Pl. 3)
71-1189: Eveleth, Emily; Jackson Arn - Emily Eveleth. Exhibition at Miles Mcenery Gallery, 21 October - 27 November 2021
16-4017: Evelyn, John ; Alexander Hunter - Silva: Or a Discourse of Forest-Trees and the Propagation of Timber in His Majesty S Dominions: As It Was Delivered in the Royal Society on the 15th Day of October, 1662, Upon Occasion of Certain Quaeries Propounded to That Illustrious Assembly, by the Honourable the Principal Officers and Commissioners of the Navy. Together with an Historical Account of the Sacredness and Use of Standing Groves. (First Hunter Edition)
16-1107: Evenhuis, Francis D. - Massinger's Imagery
63-9694: Berkeley Green Panthers Cannabis Action Network Event; Dan McMullan - In Support of the Compassionate Use Initiative of 1996 for Medical Use of Marijuana. People's Park, Saturday August 24, 1996
73-6598: Eventhia et Alain Senderens - Eventhia Et Alain Senderens Menu
12-0350: Everett, Marshall, ed - Wreck and Sinking of the Titanic: The Ocean's Greatest Disaster
69-1024: Patricia R. Everett - Mabel Dodge: The Salon Years 1912-1917
17-1902: Philip Evergood; Patricia Hills - Philip Evergood: A Tribute. January 28 - March 12, 1994
65-0237: Evermon, Jacques - Dutch River Scene with Sail Boat
59-3617: Everson, William - River-Root. A Syzygy for the Bicentennial of These States
12-0934: Everson, William - Here the Rock Sleeps
15-5517: Everson, William; Leigh Wiener - The High Embrace. With Photographs of the Poet by Leigh Wiener. The Poem & a Note by the Poet Together with a Commentary by the Photographer
15-5518: Everson, William; Leigh Wiener - The High Embrace. With Photographs of the Poet by Leigh Wiener. The Poem & a Note by the Poet Together with a Commentary by the Photographer
51-0508: Everson, William, and Peter Howard - Offering of an Extensive Collection of Manuscripts and Works by William Everson
51-0398: Everson, William - Letterhead for the Equinox Press
13-0050: Everson, William - Announcement for William Everson: A Tribute in Honor of His 75th Year
12-0772: Everson, William - Prospectus for in Medias Res. Canto One of an Autobiographical Epic: Dust Shall Be the Serpent's Food
15-7995: Everson, William (Brother Antoninus) - Robinson Jeffers: Fragments of an Older Fury
15-7353: Everson, William; Serendipity Books; Patrick Kennedy (ill.) - River-Root: A Syzygy for the Bicentennial of These States
17-1919: Connor Everts; Donald J Brewer - The Studies of Connor Everts Drawings / Lithographs / Watercolors. (Exhibition: 27 March - 13 April 1973)
73-0370: Connor Everts, Gerald Nordland - Drawings, a Developmental Survey of the Drawing of Connor Everts Since 1952. Originated and Circulated by the Pasadena Art Museum, with Text by Gerald Nordland
73-0173: Connor Everts - Connor Everts Prints, Drawings & Ceramic Sketches, Studies in Desperation [Exhibition] 15 June 3 July 1964
73-0174: Connor Everts; Gerald Nordland; San Francisco Museum of Art.; Western Association of Art Museums - Connor Everts : Self Portraits 1949-1969
70-3174: Connor Everts; Gerald Nordland; Pasadena Art Museum - Drawings: A Developmental Survey of the Drawing of Connor Everts Since 1952
09-0321: Everts, Connor - Multiple Breasts
63-7809: Evett, Mr. Robert - Post Card with Signed Dedication by Mr. Robert Evett, Sent to Mr. L.P. Schlarb, Kennington Park London, Postmarked Jan. 14, 1905
55-1304: Dirección: Alfredo Zacarias. Con Evita, Joselo, y Roy Jenson - Extrano En la Casa, Un [Movie Poster]. (Cartel de la Película)
15-1878: Evnin, F.I., Lavreckiy, A.M., Opulskaya, L.D., Foht, U.R., Ceytlin, A.G. Eds - Istorija Russkoj Literatury. Tom III = [History of Russian Literature]. Volume 3
08-1210: Evola, Lin - Majesty
17-3002: Lin Evola - Wings over Los Angeles : Proposal for the Jewish Angel. (Signed Handwritten Note Laid in)
16-2856: Evreïnoff, Nicolas (playwright) - Nicolas Evreïnoff . Exhibition Poster
19-2169: N. N. Evreinov - Evreinov. Teatr' Dlja Sebja. Chast' II = Your Theater
15-2190: Evreinov, N. - Chto Takoe Teatr. Knizhka Dlia Detai = [What Is Theater? a Book for Children]
65-2779: N. N. Evreinov - Istorija Russkogo Teatra = History of the Russian History
16-2842: Evreinov, N. N. - Teatr Y Zhivotnykh. O Smysle Teatral'Nosti S Biologicheskoi Tochki Zreniia
15-9360: Evreinov, N. N. - Teatr Y Zhivotnykh. O Smysle Teatral'Nosti S Biologicheskoi Tochki Zreniia
65-2449: Evrejskaja, E. - Tri Devochki: Istorja Odnoj Kvartiry = Three Girls
19-6702: A. V. Sukovo Kabylin; N. Shcherbinskil; and Evgenii Evstigneev (Moscow) - Three Rolls of Microfilm Labeled A.V. Sukovo Kabylin, N. Shcherbinskil, and Evgenii Evstigneev
01-0563: Ewald, Ernst - Farbige Decorationen Vom XV-XIX Jarhhundert
01-0564: Ewald, Ernst - Farbige Decorationen Vom XV-XIX Jarhhundert
16-4662: Ewald, Ernst; Ernst Deodat Paul-Ferdinand Ewald (1836 -1904) - Farbige Decorationen [Vom 15. -19. Jahrhundert]. Band 1 & 2. First Editions, Complete
15-6573: Ewald, William (ed.); Isaac Bashevis Singer - Works in Progress. Number 1
15-4154: Ewald, William (ed.); Isaac Bashevis Singer - Works in Progress. Number 1
59-3879: EWART, GAVIN, EDITOR - The Batsford Book of Light Verse for Children
16-2000: Ewart, Gavin (ed.) - The Batsford Book of Children's Verse
63-2937: Ewell, James - The Medical Companion : Or Family Physician : Treating of the Diseases of the United States, with Their Symptoms, Causes, Cure and Means of Prevention... ; a Dispensatory for Preparing Family Medicines, and Glossary Explaining Technical Terms : To Which Are Added, a Brief Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Body... : An Essay on Hygiene, or the Art of Preserving Health, without the Aid of Medicine : An American Materia Medica, Pointing out the Virtues and Doses of Our Medicinal Plants : Also, the Nurse's Guide
71-2040: Ewer, Diana; Jon Schueler - Jon Schueler: The New York Years, 1975-1981. (Exhibition at David Findlay Jr. Gallery, 8-31 January 2015)
02-0766: Ewers, John C. - Artists of the Old West
19-7457: William B. Ewert, Publisher - Prospectus Announcement for First Publication of "Funland" by Joyce Carol Oates. (This Is the Prospectus for the Work, Not the Book Itself)
19-7462: William B. Ewert, Publisher - Signed Cover Letter Accompanying Broadside for Caedmon by Denise Levertov, for Tess by Raymond Carver, the Steer by William Heyen
63-5554: William B. Ewert, Publisher (Concord, NH) - Als William B. Ewert to Herb Yellin (Lord John Press) Written on Announcement of New Publications, Including a Limited Edition Joyce Carol Oates
63-5553: William B. Ewert, Publisher (Concord, NH) - Tls William B. Ewert to Herb Yellin (Lord John Press) with Announcement of New Publications, Including a Limited Edition Updike
63-4178: William B. Ewert, Publisher (Concord, NH) - William B. Ewert Ms Note to Herb Yellin (Lord John Press) on Announcement of New Publications
19-7324: William B. Ewert, Publisher - Signed, Printed Announcement from William B. Ewert Sent to Herb Yellin of the Lord John Press. (This Is the Prospectus for the Work, Not the Book Itself)
19-7083: Ewert, William B. - Prospectus Announcing Small Hymns by Joyce Carol Oates
19-7603: William B. Ewert, Publisher - Announcement for Thoughts Occasioned by the Most Insignificant of All Human Events, by Galway Kinnell. (This Is the Prospectus for the Work, Not the Book Itself)
19-7442: William B. Ewert, Publisher - Announcement for the First Publication of "D.D. Byrde Callyng Jennie Wrenn" a Poem by W.D. Snodgrass. (This Is the Prospectus for the Work, Not the Book Itself)
19-7237: William B. Ewert, Publisher - Announcement for Such Beauty by Joyce Carol Oates, Small Joys by May Sarton, Moon Clock by Donald Hall, and Ice by William Heyen. (This Is the Prospectus for the Work, Not the Book Itself)
17-2891: Edgar Ewing - Edgar Ewing: Paintings from a Sojourn in Greece, 1957-1958
18-8605: Kathleen M. H. Ewing; Harold A. Williams - A. Aubrey Bodine: Baltimore Pictorialist, 1906-1970
05-0352: Harris & Ewing - Portrait of Admiral Richard E. Byrd
05-0357: Harris & Ewing - Portrait of Herbert Hoover
18-2136: Ewing, William A. - About Face: Photography and the Death of the Portrait
75-0734: Robert A. Ewing, (Santa Fe) - Joe Waldrum: Recent Works, 1991
68-3674: Ewing, Juliana Horatia - Dust Jacket Only for Jackanapes
05-0365: Harris & Ewing - Portrait of Herbert Hoover
75-0840: Ewu, ritual staff cover, [Washington D.C.] - Ewu, Ritual Staff Cover, [1985]
75-1704: Banquet Des Ex - Menu for the Banquet Des Ex
19-6039: Exakta et al. - Instruction Manuals for Exakta Rtl1000, Singer Graflex Roll Holder Guidebook, Weston Master V Universal Exposure Meter Model 748, Radio Slave 4i
15-6910: San Francisco Sunday Examiner - Reconstruction Postal Cards, Showing the Regrowth of the City--Mail Them to Your Friends
63-3812: San Francisco Examiner - Bill from the San Francisco Examiner Circulation Department, May 31, 1903
54-2088: San Francisco Examiner - Pictorial Living: 75 Years of San Francisco and Its Newspaper
15-8329: San Francisco Examiner - Terrorism by the Southern Pacific of Kentucky. A Terrorized Community
15-10087: San Francisco Examiner; Jimmy Swinnerton (illust.) - Star of the Evening, Washington Star. Reproduced from the San Francisco Examiner, Friday Morning, February 21st, 1896
05-1470: State Fish Exchange - California Sea Foods: A Book of Recipes
55-0148: Lake County Fruit Exchange - Bartlet Pear Wrapper
73-0255: Gustav Georg Lande (exec); Charles Magnus - Rochester
19-1443: Chicago International Art Exhibition - Chicago International Art Exhibition
19-1444: Chicago International Art Exhibition - Catalogue. Chicago International Art Exhibition. 1985
74-0517: The art journal illustrated catalogue of the International Exhibition, 1862 - Drawing-Room Cabinet, Bookcase, and Paraquet Flooring
63-9253: Right Window Exhibition and Gallery Space; Kevin Killian (org.); Erik Bakke - Erik Bakke: Black Flag in the Desert of a Future Ocean. On View February 2019, Right Window Exhibition and Gallery Space
74-0519: The art journal illustrated catalogue of the International Exhibition, 1862 - Cabinet and Book Case (P. 11-12)
74-0518: The art journal illustrated catalogue of the International Exhibition, 1862 - Sideboard, Drawing-Room Cabinet, Bookcase, and Paraquet Flooring, Etc. P. 179-80
17-1858: Philip Larson; Walker Art Center.; Dallas Museum of Fine Arts.; Pasadena Art Museum. (Exhibition, Walker Art Center, 12 Dec. 1971-16 Jan. 1972; Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, 16 Feb. - 26 Mar. 1972; Pasadena Art Museum, 9 May - 2 July, 1972.) - Burgoyne Diller: Paintings, Sculptures, Drawings. (an Exhibition Organized by Walker Art Center, to Be Shown at Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, 12 December 1971-16 January 1972; Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, 16 February-26 March 1972; and Pasadena Art Museum, 9 May-2 July 1972. )
54-1993: Golden Gate International Exhibition - An Exhibition of Works by California Artists
73-1130: The Exhibitionist - La Critique. No. 4
19-1441: International Fine Art Exhibitions - Art Miami '92. International Art Exhibition January 8-12, 1992. Miami Beach Convention Center
74-0719: Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions - Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions 22nd Anniversary Benefit Art Auction 15 October 2003 Lot #S 1-61
74-0718: Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions - Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions 22nd Anniversary Benefit Art Auction 15 October 2003 Lot #S 1-61
63-1499: Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions; Larry Rinder (cur.) - Self-Evidence. May 5 Through June 11, 1989
71-2265: Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions - 23rd Annual Benefit Art Auction for Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions. (September 2002)
17-0170: ROSC Exhibitions - Rosc '80 : The Poetry of Vision : An International Exhibition of Modern Art and Chinese Painting
74-0716: Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions - Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions 26th Annual Benefit Art Auction 21 May 2005 Lot #S 1-68
74-0717: Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions - Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions 25th Anniversary Benefit Art Auction 15 October 2003 Lot #S 1-51
08-1264: The Exhumation - Affichal Business. Catalog 6. The Exhumation
62-0084: Exley, James Robert Granville - Four Prints [Electronic File]. Reproduced from Fine Prints of the Year
18-1408: Creativity Explorerd - S M a L L: Artwork That Fits in the Palm of Your Hand. June 30 - August 10, 2011. Invitation Card for Reception June 30, 2011. Limited Edition
73-4914: Forum Expo - 50ème Anniversaire de la Liberation D'Annecy
69-1073: Paris Expo - 5e Salon National
63-8605: Panfilov, Gleb (dir.); All-Union Corporation For Export and Import of Films - Promotional B&W Photographs for the Beginning, Featuring Inna Churikova
68-2959: Universel Exportation; Mac Ahlberg (dir.); Harry Reems - L'Emprise Des Caresses. Promotional Poster
68-3038: Universel Exportation; Mac Ahlberg (dir.); Harry Reems - L'Emprise Des Caresses. Promotional Poster
73-6960: International Fine Art Expos - Artpalmbeach Modern & Contemporary Art Fair
73-4927: Libération de Paris Exposition - Liberation de Paris 50ème Anniversaire Programme
73-0138: Urban Exposition - Art Palm Springs Ps19 Showguide
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