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The Complete Traveller Antiquarian Bookstore 1 Chelsea Court, Westport, 06880, Connecticut USA Email: info@ctrarebooks.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
15586: Grenfell, Wilfred Thomason, - A Labrador Doctor the Autobiography of Wilfrid Thomason Grenfell.
11703: Grenfell, Wilfred Thomason, - Labrador Looks at the Orient Notes of Travel in the Near and the Far East.
16478: Gresham, Grits, - Complete Book of Bass Fishing.
10187: Grew, Joseph C., - Report From Tokyo a Message to the American People.
16587: Grey, Howard & Stuart, Graham, - The Victorians by the Sea.
20476: Gribble, Francis, - Montreux.
20541: Gribble, Francis, - Lausanne.
2205: Gribble, Francis, - Geneva.
19702: Gribble, Francis, - Montreux.
8315: Gribble, Francis, - Geneva.
8090: Gribble, Francis, - Montreux.
5931: Gribble, Francis, - Geneva.
4843: Grieben, - Dresden Und Umgebung Mit Angaben Für Automobilisten.
2127: Grieben, - Dalmatien, Jugoslawische Adriakueste Mit Inseln Und Hinterland.
20343: Grierson, E., - Things Seen in Florence.
11983: Griffin, Harold, - Alaska and the Canadian Northwest.
15879: Griffis, William Elliot, - The Mikado's Empire [Volume Two Only].
18675: Grimal, François, - Cité de Carcassonne.
7458: Grimble, Sir Arthur, - We Chose the Islands a Six- Year Adventure in the Gilberts.
19090: Grimble, Sir Arthur, - We Chose the Islands a Six- Year Adventure in the Gilberts.
21149: Grimble, Sir Arthur, - Return to the Islands Life and Legends in the Gilberts.
18991: Grimm, G. ; Kashkaroga, L., - Peterburg Petrograd Leningrad V Proizvedeniyakh Khudozhnikov.
11946: Grindrod, Ralph Barnes, - Bacchus an Essay on the Nature, Causes, Effects, and Cure, of Intemperance.
14424: Griswold, Lawrence, - Tombs, Travel, and Trouble.
17826: Grobel, Lawrence, - The Hustons.
10122: Groom, G. Laurence (Mrs. ), - The Singing Sword.
18755: Grosso, Orlando, - Genova Nell'arte E Nella Storia.
17660: Grosvenor, Melville Bell (editor), - Exploring Canada From Sea to Sea.
19786: Grosvenor, Edwin A., - Constantinople [Two Volume Set].
21167: Grosvenor, Edwin A., - Constantinople [Two Volume Set].
20812: Grove, H. M., - Moscow.
17715: Grover, David H., - Debaters and Dynamiters the Story of the Haywood Trial.
15122: Gruber, Samuel D., - American Synagogues a Century of Architecture and Jewish Community.
4371: Guedalla, Philip, - Conquistador American Fantasia.
9459: Guedalla, Philip, - Independence Day a Sketchbook.
3262: Guedalla, Philip, - The Hundred Years.
2786: Guernsey, R. S., - New York City and Vicinity During the Year 1812- 15 [Volume One Only] a Military, Civic and Financial Local History of That Period with Incidents and Anecdotes.
6544: Guibaut, André, - Tibetan Venture in the Country of the Ngolo- Setas, Second Guibaut- Liotard Expedition.
17137: Guibaut, André, - Tibetan Venture in the Country of the Ngolo- Setas, Second Guibaut- Liotard Expedition.
19625: Guidry, Ron; Golenbock, Peter, - Guidry.
937: Guild, Curtis, - Over the Ocean or Sight and Scenes in Foreign Lands.
14736: Guild, Curtis, - Abroad Again: Or, a Fresh Foray in Foreign Fields.
2646: Board Of Directors Of The Theatre Guild, - The Theatre Guild Anthology.
16644: Guiles, Fred Lawrence, - Stan the Life of Stan Laurel.
7165: Guinier, Lani, - Lift Every Voice Turning a Civil Rights Setback Into a New Vision of Social Justice.
20579: Gulick, John, - Tripoli a Modern Arab City.
6679: Gullick, J. M., - Malaysia.
18994: Gunther, John, - Meet the Congo and Its Neighbors.
3451: Gunther, John, - Twelve Cities.
16728: Gurteen, S. Humphreys, - The Arthurian Epic a Comparative Study of the Cambrian, Breton, and Anglo- Norman Versions of the Story and Tennyson's Idylls of the King.
3738: Gurtner, Othmar; Kurz, Marcel, - The Mountain World 1956/57.
19948: Gutheim, Frederick, - The Potomac.
12577: Guy, Rosa, - Bird at My Window.
7152: Guy, Rosa, - A Measure of Time.
20293: Gwynn, Stephen, - Ireland Its Places of Beauty Entertainment Sport and Historic Association.
20381: Gwynn, Stephen, - The Famous Cities of Ireland.
16525: Haas, Karl, - Inside Music How to Understand, Listen to, and Enjoy Good Music.
17314: Hacker, Andrew, - The New Yorkers a Profile of an American Metropolis.
15831: Hadas, Moses, - A History of Rome From Its Origins to A.D. 529.
8166: Hadfield, Miles & John, - Gardens of Delight.
12495: Hagedorn, Hermann, - The Theodore Roosevelt Treasury a Self- Portrait From His Writings.
16458: Von Hagen, Victor W., - The Ancient Sun Kingdoms of the Americas Aztec Maya Inca.
14441: Von Hagen, Victor Wolfgang, - Frederick Catherwook Archt..
1246: Von Hagen, Victor Wolfgang, - The Ancient Sun Kingdoms of the Americas Aztec, Maya, Inca.
16072: Von Hagen, Victor W., - The Ancient Sun Kingdoms of the Americas Aztec Maya Inca.
10651: Von Hagen, Victor Wolfgang, - South America Called Them Explorations of the Great Naturalists la Condamine, Humboldt, Darwin, Spruce.
5774: Haight, Elizabeth Hazelton, - Italy Old and New.
10724: Haight, Anne Lyon, - Portrait of Latin America As Seen by Her Print Makers.
12014: Haile, Berard & Oakes, Maud, - Beautyway a Navaho Ceremonial.
19445: Hailey, Arthur, - The Final Diagnosis.
12443: Haines, Charles Glidden, - Memoir of Thomas Addis Emmet.
18374: Halberstam, David, - The Reckoning.
4228: Hale, Louise Closser, - We Discover New England.
20935: Hale, Henry (Captain, U. S. Navy) Foreword, - This Is Barcelona.
4224: Hale, Louise Closser, - We Discover New England.
4227: Hale, Louise Closser, - We Discover New England.
18048: Hale, Louise Closser, - We Discover the Old Dominion.
20013: Haley, Jacquetta M., - Pleasure Grounds Andrew Jackson Downing and Montgomery Place.
17140: Haley, Alex, - Alex Haley's Queen the Story of an American Family.
2158: Hall, S. Warren, - Tangier Island a Study of an Isolated Group.
871: Hall, Mrs. Herman J., - Two Travelers in Europe a Unique Story Told by One of Them, What They Saw and How They Lived, While Traveling Among the Half- Civilized People of Morocco, the Peasants of Italy and France, As Well As the Educated Classes of Spain, Greece, and Other Countries.
20569: Hall, Edward Hagaman, - A Guide to the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine in the City of New York Eleventh Edition.
13199: Halle, Louis J., - The Sea and the Ice a Naturalist in Antarctica.
10449: Hallgren, Mauritz, - All About Stamps Their History & the Art of Collecting Them.
17277: Halliburton, Richard, - New Worlds to Conquer.
18592: Halliburton, Richard, - Richard Halliburton's Second Book of Marvels the Orient.
19731: Halliburton, Richard, - The Glorious Adventure.
19961: Halliburton, Richard, - The Royal Road to Romance.
20543: Halliburton, Richard, - The Glorious Adventure.
19681: Halliburton, Richard, - The Glorious Adventure.
19835: Halliburton, Richard, - Richard Halliburton. His Story of His Life's Adventure As Told in Letters to His Mother and Father.
15987: Halse, Albert O., - Architectural Rendering the Techniques of Contemporary Presentation.
846: Hamilton, Clayton, - On the Trail of Stevenson.
13782: Hamilton, Donald, - Donald Hamilton's Cruises with Kathleen Matt Helm's Creator Gives Up Power and Returns to Sail.
16708: Hammer, Nelson R., - Interior Landscapes an American Design Portfolio of Green Environments.
17577: Hammond, Rolt; Lewin, C. J., - The Panama Canal.
5660: Hammond, Rolt; Lewin, C. J., - The Panama Canal.
8108: Hammond, Gertrude Demain (Illustrations), - The Beautiful Birthday Book.
18625: Hanak, Michael, - Schneider & Schneider Reaktion, Kreation. Reaction, Creation.
18624: Hanak, Michael, - Schneider & Schneider Reaktion, Kreation. Reaction, Creation.
18623: Hanak, Michael, - Schneider & Schneider Reaktion, Kreation. Reaction, Creation.
15807: Handlin, Oscar, - Statue of Liberty.
15745: O'Hanlon, Redmond, - Into the Heart of Borneo.
17573: Hannau, Hans W., - San Francisco.
16551: Hansen, Eric, - Motoring with Mohammed Journeys to Yemen and the Red Sea.
21137: Hansen, Harry, - The Chicago.
7084: Hansen, Erik Fosnes, - Psalm at Journey's End.
16190: Hansen, Ben, - Newfoundland and Labrador.
2023: Hanson, Ed, - Motoring with Mohammed Journeys to Yemen and the Red Sea.
2535: Hanson, Earl Parker, - New Worlds Emerging.
18914: Von Hanstein, Ostrid, - Vom Segelschiffsjungen Zum Lloydkapitän Fünfundvierzig Jahre Aus Dem Leben Eines Seemanns. Den Erinnerungen Des Kapitäns Des Lloyd- Dampfers "Stuttgart" Adolf Winter Warheitsgetreu Nacherzählt.
13187: O'Hara, John, - The Hat on the Bed a Collection of 24 New Stories.
17634: O'Hara, John, - The Hat on the Bed a Collection of 24 New Stories.
15182: O'Hara, John, - The Horse Knows the Way.
14786: O'Hara, John, - The Big Laugh.
19385: O'Hara, John, - The Instrument.
16508: O'Hara, John, - Appointment in Samarra.
19384: O'Hara, John, - The Farmers Hotel.
15366: Harbison, Peter, - The Archaeology of Ireland.
15716: Hard, Walter, - The Connecticut.
8244: Hardie, Martin, - John Pettie.
9686: Harding, Bertita, - Phantom Crown the Story of Maximilian & Carlota of Mexico.
18554: Harding, Davis [editor], - Measure for Measure.
12026: Harding, Peter, - The Corner of Harley Street Being Some Familiar Correspondence of Peter Harding, M.D..
19444: Hardman, Ric, - Fifteen Flags.
1084: Hardy, Arthur Sherburne, - Life and Letters of Joseph Hardy Neesima.
19912: Hare, Augustus J. C., - Walks in Rome [Two Volume Set].
18748: Hare, Augustus J. C., - Days Near Paris.
18747: Hare, Augustus J. C., - North- Western France Normandy and Brittany.
18746: Hare, Augustus J. C., - North- Western France Normandy and Brittany.
19851: Hare, Augustus J. C. & Baddeley, St. Clair, - Florence.
17513: Hare, Augustus J. C. & Baddeley, St. Clair, - Cities of Southern Italy.
19443: Harland, Henry, - The Lady Paramount.
20595: Harlow, V. T., - Ralegh's Last Voyage.
10546: Harper, Charles G., - Wessex.
19742: Harper, Henry Howard, - Highlights of Foreign Travel a Memorable Journey to Palestine, Egypt, Italy, and the Battle Front in France.
6684: Harper, Theodore Acland, - Forgotten Gods in Collaboration with Winifred Harper.
12509: Harriman, W. Averell & Elie Abel, - Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin 1941- 1946.
18349: Harris, Thomas A., - I'm Ok - Your're Ok a Practical Guide to Transactional Analysis.
17567: Harris, Bill, - Chicago a Photographic Journey.
17807: Harris, Frank, - Confessional a Volume of Intimate Portraits Sketches & Studies.
19645: Harris, David, - The League the Rise and Decline of the Nfl.
17144: Harris, Bill, - Manhattan.
17816: Harris, Frank, - My Life and Loves.
6389: Harris, Lis, - Holy Days the World of a Hasidic Family.
19289: Harrison, Wilmot, - Memorable London Houses a Handy Guide with Illustrative Anectodes and a Reference Plan by Wilmot Harrison.
16031: Harrison, Molly, - People and Furniture a Social Background to the English Home.
8941: Harrold, Stanley, - Gamaliel Bailey and Antislavery Union.
20462: Hart-Davis, Duff, - Ascension the Story of a South Atlantic Island.
19848: Harte, Bret, - Tales of the Gold Rush.
19081: Hartman, Myron, - The New York Red Book 1963- 1964.
18887: Hartwig, Helmut; Kamphoff, Petra, - Badenweiler Und Seine Umgebung.
4473: Harwell, Richard [Ed. ], - Gone with the Wind As Book and Film.
3328: Harwell, Richard B, - The War They Fought.
2780: Hastings, Hugh, - Annual Report of the State Historian War of the Rebellion Series.
11566: Hatch, Alden, - A Man Named John the Life of Pope John Xxiii.
17836: Hatch, Alden, - The Mountbattens the Last Royal Success Story.
17676: Hatchard, Keith A., - The Two Atlantics the Shipwreck of the Ss Atlantic at Prospect, N.S. April 1st, 1873.
13863: Hatcher, Harlan, - The Western Reserve the Story of New Connecticut in Ohio.
5804: Haucke, Kurt, - Bulgarien Land, Volk, Geschichte, Kultur, Wirtschaft.
18531: Haughton, Joseph P., - The Geography of Ireland.
17864: Hauglid, Roar, - Norway a Thousand Years of Native Arts and Crafts.
21074: Havell, E. B., - Benares the Sacred City. Sketches of Hindu Life and Religion.
5130: De Havilland, Olivia, - Typed Letter, Signed.
18976: Hawkins, Gerald S. ; White John B., - Stonehenge Decoded.
18975: Hawkins, Gerald S. ; White John B., - Stonehenge Decoded.
514: Hawkins, Gerald S. ; White John B., - Stonehenge Decoded.
19447: Hawthorne, Nathaniel, - The Marble Faun [Two Volume Set] or the Romance of Monte Beni.
4230: Hawthorne, Hildegarde, - Old Seaport Towns of New England.
9463: Hawthorne, Hildegarde, - Williamsburg Old and New.
18642: Hay Steele, John Carson; Rhett, Robert Pinckney, - Charleston Then and Now.
20905: Hayden, F. V. ; Selwyn, A. R. C., - North America.
5358: Hayes, Helen (with Funke, Lewis), - Gift of Joy.
17853: Hayes, Helen with Glasserow Gladney, Marion, - Our Best Years.
13080: Hayes, Sarah & Craig, Helen, - This Is the Bear and the Scary Night.
13067: Hays, Arthur Garfield, - Let Freedom Ring.
7144: Hayward, Sumner, - Star Smash.
13835: Haywood, C. Robert, - Trails South the Wagon- Road Economy in the Didge City- Panhandle Region.
17223: Hazard, Samuel, - Santo Domingo Past & Present with a Glance at Hayti.
13641: Hazlitt, William, - Lectures on the English Comic Writers.
18272: Headlam, Cecil, - The Story of Nuremberg.
20742: Headlam, Cecil, - The Story of Chartres.
20478: Headlam, Cecil, - The Inns of Court.
20552: Headlam, Cecil, - The Story of Nuremberg.
8085: Headlam, Cecil, - The Inns of Court.
19924: Headley, J. T., - The Achievements of Stanley and Other African Explorers Comprising All the Late and Really Great Achievements Won in the Exploration of the Vast Unknown Region of Equatorial Africa; Chef Among Which Are the Finding of the Lost Livingstone by Stanley, the Explorations of the Great Lakes, the Wonderful.. ..
10205: Heaps, Leo, - The Evaders.
16934: Hearn, Lafacadio, - Japan an Attempt at Interpretation.
13221: Hearn, Lafacadio, - The Japanese Letters of Lafcadio Hearn.
19870: Hearn, Lafacadio, - Karma and Other Stories Essays.
6364: Hearn, Lafacadio, - Japan an Attempt at Interpretation.
18918: Heath, Sidney, - Exeter.
11910: Hecht, Ben, - The Sensualists.
17692: Heckman, Richard D. (editor), - Yankees Under Sail a Collection of the Best Sea Stories From Yankee Magazine with Rare Photographs Taken During the Age of Sail.
13868: Hector, Robert [editor], - Travel with Great Writers an Informal Literary Guide to Europe.
7019: Hedin, Sven, - Die Seidenstrasse.
12193: Heer, J. C., - Guide to Lucerne the Lake, and Its Environs.
21045: Heer, J. C., - Guide to Lucerne the Lake, and Its Environs.
15691: Heinemann, Gunter, - Heidelberg.
17564: Heise, Kenan, - Chicago Afternoons with Leon 99 1/2 Years Old and Looking Forward.
9548: Heise, Kenan, - Chicago. The Beautiful a City Reborn.
3206: Heiser, Victor, - An American Doctor's Odyssey Adventures in Forty- Five Countries.
3166: Heistand, Emily, - The Very Rich Hours Travels in Orkney, Belize, the Everglades, and Greece.
12503: Helderman, L. C., - George Washington Patron of Learning.
19451: Heller, Joseph, - Something Happened.
19448: Heller, Joseph, - Good As Gold.
17485: Heller, Joseph, - Something Happened.
19449: Heller, Joseph, - Something Happened.
19450: Heller, Joseph, - Something Happened.
19453: Heller, Joseph, - Good As Gold.
19452: Heller, Joseph, - Picture This.
6166: Hellman, Geoffrey, - Bankers, Bones & Beetles the First Century of the American Museum of Natural History.
10103: Hemans, Felicia (Mrs. ), - The Poetical Works of Mrs. Felicia Hemans.
16400: Hemmleb, Jochen; Johnson, Larry A. ; & Simonson, Eric R., - Ghosts of Everest the Search for Mallory & Irvine.
21187: Henderson, John, - The West Indies.
14873: Henderson, Mary C., - The New Amsterdam the Biography of a Broadway Theatre.
545: Henderson, Helen W., - A Loiterer in London.
546: Henderson, Helen W., - A Loiterer in London.
19667: Henderson, Helen W., - A Loiterer in New England.
20570: Henderson, Daniel, - From the Volga to the Yukon the Story of the Russian March to Alaska and California, Paralleling Our Own Westward Trek to the Pacific.
9471: Hendrick, Burton J., - Bulwark of the Republic a Biography of the Constitution.
3287: Hendrickson, Robert, - Sumter the First Day of the Civil War.
16260: Hennessy, James Pope, - Robert Louis Stevenson a Biography.
18565: Henry, John Frazier, - Early Maritime Artists of the Pacific Northwest Coast, 1741- 1841.
16765: Henry, Thomas R., - The White Continent the Story of Antarctica.
20049: Hepburn, Andrew, - New York City This Is New York, Around Town with Bill Leonard, Popular Wcbs Radio Star.
21040: Heppell, Muriel; Singleton, Frank B., - Yugoslavia.
353: Herbert, Agnes, - Northumberland.
17275: Hermann, Bernard, - New York.
18034: Hermann, Bernard, - New York.
2251: Herndon, Lewis; Gibbon, Lardner, - Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon [Volume Two Only] Made Under Direction of the Navy Department.
17996: Herrick, Genevieve Forbes; Herrick, John Origen, - The Life of William Jennings Bryan.
19116: Herrick, Warren C., - Frank H Nelson of Cincinnati.
10696: Herring, Hubert, - Good Neighbors Argentina, Brazil, Chile & Seventeen Other Countries.
15391: Herron, Don, - Dashiell Hammett Tour.
7554: Hersey, John, - The Call.
19456: Hersey, John, - The Wall.
763: Hertling, Knud; Hesselbjerg, Erik; Klitgaard, Svend; Munck, Ebbe; Petersen, Olaf, - Greenland Past and Present.
1627: Hervey, Harry, - Where Strange Gods Call Pages out of the East.
17008: Herzog, Maurice, - Annapurna First Conquest of an 8000- Meter Peak [26, 493 Feet].
3169: Hesburgh, Theodore M., - Travels with Ted & Ned.
14419: Hesketh, Everard, - J. & E. Hall Ltd..
5635: Hewett, Edgar L., - Ancient Life in Mexico and Central America.
15737: Hewett, Edgar L., - Ancient Andean Life.
20268: Heyerdahl, Thor, - Kon- Tiki Across the Pacific by Raft.
18058: Hibben, Paxton, - The Peerless Leader William Jennings Bryan.
10488: Hibbert, Christopher, - Tower of London.
12336: Hicklin, John, - Roberts' Chester Guide.
1990: Hidalgo, Francisco, - St. Marten; St. Martin.
17835: Higham, Charles, - Charles Laughton an Intimate Biography.
2303: Higinbotham, John U., - Three Weeks in France.
16519: Hildegarde with Fletcher, Adele Whitely, - Over 50- So What!.
19038: Hildreth, Richard, - Japan As It Was and Is.
7451: Hilfiger, Tommy, - New England Icons and Inspirations.
19950: Hill, Ralph Nading, - The Winooski Heartway of Vermont.
13348: Hillary, Edmund (Sir), - From the Ocean to the Sky.
13355: Hillary, Edmund (Sir), - From the Ocean to the Sky.
11958: Hillary, Edmund (Sir), - From the Ocean to the Sky.
14416: Hillerman, Tony, - The Ghostway.
10124: Hills, Gertrude, - The Edwin J. Beinecke Collection of Robert Louis Stevenson.
7555: Hilton, James, - Time and Time Again.
15598: Hines, Sherman, - Nova Scotia the Lighthouse Route and the Annapolis Valley.
20840: Hingston, R. W. G., - A Naturalist in the Guiana Forest.
3181: Hinks, Roger & Royde-Smith, Naomi, - Pictures and People.
16692: Hiscock, Eric C., - Around the World in Wanderer Iii.
20743: Hoade, Eugene, - Guide to the Holy Land.
3792: Hoagland, Edward, - African Calliope a Journey to the Sudan.
11474: Hobson, Harold, - International Theatre Manual.
19249: Hoefler, Paul L., - Africa Speaks a Story of Adventure.
19615: Hoffer, Richard, - A Savage Business the Comeback and Comedown of Mike Tyson.
4260: Von Hoffman, Carl, - Jungle Gods.
3160: Hoffman, Malvina, - Heads and Tales.
18773: Hofstadter, Dan, - Falling Palace a Romance of Naples.
18964: Hogg, Garry, - Priories and Abbeys of England.
7857: Hogg, Garry, - Customs and Traditions of England.
20721: Holbrook, Stewart H., - The Old Post Road the Story of the Boston Post Road.
19952: Holbrook, Stewart H., - The Columbia.
15721: Holbrook, Stewart H., - The Columbia.
4366: Hole, S. Reynolds, - A Little Tour in America.
495: Holland, Clive, - From the North Foreland to Penzance.
16197: Holland, Clive, - Tyrol and Its People.
17157: Holland, Clive, - Czechoslovakia the Land and Its People.
6851: Holland, Clive, - Flanders and Hainault.
12844: Holland, Clive, - Warwickshire.
12428: Holland, Clive, - Warwickshire.
1208: Holland, Clive, - The Belgians at Home.
6580: Holland, Clive, - Wessex.
13822: Holliday, C. W., - The Valley of Youth.
6232: Holling, Clancy Holling, - Minn of the Mississippi.
530: Hollingdale, Eileen, - Old Brighton.
19621: Holmes, Larry; Berger, Phil, - Larry Holmes: Against the Odds.
8320: Holmes, Richard R, - Windsor.
12561: Holmes, Oliver Wendell, - Over the Teacups.
493: Holmes, Sir Richard Rivington, - Windsor.
19246: Hölscher, G., - A Guide to the Rhine Visits to the Siebengebirge and the Valleys of the Nahe, Lahn, Moselle, Ahr, Etc..
1229: Holton, Isaac F., - New Granada Twenty Months in the Andes.
18631: Homberger, Eric, - The Historical Atlas of New York City a Visual Celebration of Nearly 400 Years of New York City's History.
20858: Homberger, Eric, - The Historical Atlas of New York City a Visual Celebration of Nearly 400 Years of New York City's History.
20798: Home, Gordon, - Yorkshire Coast and Moorland Scenes.
20797: Home, Gordon, - Yorkshire Yales and Wolds.
8202: Home, Gordon, - France.
326: Home, Gordon, - The Motor Routes of France to the Chateaux of Touraine, Biarritz, the Pyrenees, the Riviera, & the Rhone Valley.
20834: Home, Gordon, - The Romance of London.
20584: Home, Gordon, - Canterbury.
20486: Home, Gordon, - Yorkshire Yales and Wolds.
12619: Home, Gordon, - Along the Rivieras of France and Italy.
16210: Hood, Thomas, - Up the Rhine.
10010: Hoover, Herbert, - Addesses Upon the American Road 1933 - 1938.
8253: Hope Moncrieff, A. R., - Surrey.
15145: Hope, Jack, - A River for the Living the Hudson and Its People.
8257: Hope Moncrieff, A. R., - Surrey.
10996: Hope, Laura Lee, - The Bobbsey Twins on the Deep Blue Sea.
20892: Horan, James D. ; Swiggett, Howard, - The Pinkerton Story.
19939: Horgan, Paul, - Great River [Two Volume Set] the Rio Grande in North American History.
19960: Horgan, Paul, - Great River [Two Volume Set] the Rio Grande in North American History.
19946: Horgan, Paul, - Great River [Two Volume Set] the Rio Grande in North American History.
15790: Hornaday, William T., - New York Zoological Society Twenty- Ninth Annual Report.
15789: Hornaday, William T., - New York Zoological Society Twenty- Eigth Annual Report.
21041: Horne, Alistair, - Canada and the Canadians.
20019: Horsley, Reginald, - New Zealand.
17673: Hosking, R. O., - A Source Book of Tankers and Supertankers.
14508: Hoskins, Franklin E., - From the Nile to Nebo a Discussion of the Problem and the Route of the Exodus.
16540: Hotson, Leslie, - Shakespeare by Hilliard a Portrait Deciphered.
20970: Hottinger, M. D., - The Stories of Basel Berne and Zurich.
19064: Houben, H. H., - Sturm Auf Den Sûdpol Abenteuer Und Heldentum Der Südpolfahrer.
16338: Hough, Henry Beetle, - Mostly on Martha's Vineyard a Personal Record.
18077: House, Homer D., - Wild Flowers of New York [Two Volume Set].
15974: Hovey, Tamara, - Paris Underground.
4867: Howard, Donald S, - The Wpa and Federal Relief Policy.
8891: Howard, Blair, - Battlefields of the Civil War a Guide for Travellers, Volume 1.
15690: Howard, Jane, - Margaret Mead a Life.
908: Howe, Maude, - Two in Italy.
17107: Howe, Irving, - World of Our Fathers.
19883: Howe, Octavius, T. ; Matthews, Frederick, C., - American Clipper Ships 1833- 1858 [Two Volume Set].
9412: Howe, Henry F., - Massachusetts There She Is - Behold Her.
8871: Howe, Maud, - Roma Beata Letters From the Eternal City.
8073: Howe, Maude, - Two in Italy.
13888: Howe, M. A. Dewolfe, - Who Lived Here a Baker's Dozen of Historic New England Homes and Their Occupants.
7558: Howells, W. D., - Heroines of Fiction [Two Volumes Set].
19533: Howells, William Dean, - Venetian Life [Two Volume Set].
390: Howells, William Dean, - Seven English Cities.
999: Howells, William Dean, - The Seen and Unseen at Stratford- On- Avon.
16073: Howitt, William, - Visits to Remarkable Places Old Halls, Battle Fields, and Scenes Illustrative of Striking Passages in History and Poetry.
19768: Howson, Henry F., - London's Underground.
8523: Hoyland, John, - A Historical Survey of the Customs, Habits, & Present State of the Gypsies Designed to Develope the Origin of This Singular People, and to Promote the Amelioration of Their Condition.
17751: Huang, Yunte, - Charlie Chan the Untold Story of the Honorable Detective and His Rendevous with American History.
13922: Hubbard, Frederick, - A Yankee Engineer Abroad 1855 to 1857 Part Ii: The East.
17983: Hubbard, Kin, - Abe Martin's Almanack Th' Comments, Philosophy an' Essays of Abe Martin an' His Neighbors.
2255: Huc, M., - Souvenirs D'un Voyage [2 Volume Set] Dans la Tartarie, le Thibet Et la Chine Pendant Les Années 1844, 1845 Et 1846.
17031: Huddleston, Sisley, - Normandy Its Charm Its Curiosities Its Antiquities Its History Its Topography.
20111: Huddleston, Sisley, - Paris Salons, Cafes, Studios Being Social, Artistic and Literary Memories..
6842: Huddleston, Sisley, - Those Europeans Studies of Foreign Faces.
17200: Hudson, W. H., - Green Mansions a Romance of the Tropical Forest.
17327: Hudson, W. H., - Green Mansions a Romance of the Tropical Forest.
6820: Hudson, Peter, - A Leaf in the Wind Travels in Africa.
7559: Hudson, W. H., - Green Mansions a Romance of the Tropical Forest.
2300: Hueffer, Oliver Madox, - French France.
16007: Hueffer, Oliver Madox, - French France.
12578: Hughes, Rupert, - The Cup of Fury.
12024: Hughes, Rupert, - The Thirteenth Commandment.
11333: Hughes, Emmet John, - The Living Presidency.
14652: Hugo, Victor, - Hernani a Drama in Five Acts.
11198: Huish, Marcus B., - Happy England.
10749: Hull, Francis; Reichmann, Felix, - Sugar, Gold, and Coffee Essays on the History of Brazil.
17719: Hullinger, Edwin Ware, - The Reforging of Russia.
15405: Hulme, William E., - God, Sex & Youth.
7406: Humphrey, Seth K, - Loafing Through the Pacific.
19696: Humphreys, J. R., - The Lost Towns and Roads of America a Journey Revealing Early America Still Here Today.
15110: Humphries, W. R., - Patrolling in Papua.
16171: Hungerford, Edward, - Planning a Trip Abroad.
18402: Hunt, Sir John, - The Conquest of Everest.
19204: Hunt, Frazier, - The Rising Temper of the East Sounding the Human Note in the World- Wide Cry for Land and Liberty.
19987: Hunter, W. S., - Hunter's Panoramic Guide From Niagara to Quebec.
15951: Hunter, Francis T. (Introduction), - The Iron Gates of Jack and Charlie's "21" Thru Which Is Presented a Vivid Portrayal of a Unique Institution - By a Distinguished Group of Authors, Artists and Celebrities.
21157: Huntington, Ellsworth, - West of the Pacific.
17557: Huntley, Elizabeth Valentine, - Peninsula Pilgrimage.
16680: Huppert, George, - The Idea of Perfect History Historical Erudition and Historical Philosophy in Renaissance France.
7844: Hürlimann, Martin, - London.
7560: Hurst, Fannie, - The Hands of Veronica.
12559: Huston, John, - Frankie and Johnny.
21154: Hutchings, W. W., - London Town Past and Present [Two Volume Set] with a Chapter on the Future in London by Ford Madox Hueffer.
15903: Hutchins, Francis G., - Young Krishna.
19354: Hutchins, Frank and Cortelle, - Houseboating on a Colonial Waterway.
19697: Hutton, Edward, - The Valley of Arno a Study of Its Geography, History & Works of Art.
18750: Hutton, Edward, - The Valley of Arno a Study of Its Geography, History & Works of Art.
19344: Hutton, Edward, - In Unknown Tuscany.
18453: Huxley, Elspeth, - With Forks and Hope an African Notebook.
7477: Huxley, Elspeth, - Their Shining Eldorado a Journey Through Australia.
13776: Huxley, Anthony [editor], - Standard Encyclopedia of the World's Oceans and Islands.
12942: Huxley, Elspeth, - With Forks and Hope an African Notebook.
15964: Huxley, Julian, - From an Antique Land Ancient and Modern in the Middle East.
13274: Huxley, Julian, - Tva Adventure in Planning.
18659: Huyler, Stephen, - Village India.
1236: Hyams, Edward; Ordish, George, - The Last of the Incas.
13257: Hyde, Floy S., - Water over the Dam at Mountain View in the Adirondacks Early Resort Days in the Great North Woods.
20524: Hyde, Floy S., - Water over the Dam at Mountain View in the Adirondacks Early Resort Days in the Great North Woods.
15446: Hynd, Alan, - Betrayal From the East the Inside Story of Japanese Spies in America.
4279: Hynes, Jack; Klee, Gregory, - Boston Beacon for the New Horizon.
12914: Ibsen, Henrik, - Peer Gynt.
16687: Ibsen, Henrik, - Peer Gynt.
15969: Idone, Christopher, - Glorious Food.
17931: Idriess, Ion L., - Men of the Jungle.
18293: Ignatius, David, - A Firing Offense.
13742: Illingworth, Frank, - North of the Circle.
16034: Imber, Walter & Tietze, Wolf, - Norway.
17682: Ingersoll, Robert G., - Little Journey to the Homes of Great Americans.
10950: Inglee, Charles T. (Intro), - Working Dogs the Breeds and Standards As Recognized by the American Kennel Club.
17691: Innes, Hammond, - The Last Voyage Captain Cook's Lost Diary.
2987: New York Institute, - Report of the New York Institute for the Education of the Blind at the End of the First Century 1832- 1932.
19460: Irving, John, - A Widow for One Year.
13193: Irving, John, - A Son of the Circus.
19454: Irving, John, - A Son of the Circus.
20597: Isnard, H., - Algeria.
3876: D'Israeli, I., - Romances.
16733: Jacka, Lois Essary & Jacka, Jerry, - Beyond Tradition Contemporary Indian Art and Its Evolution.
17665: Jackman, S. W., - Vancouver Island.
13639: Jackman, S. W., - Vancouver Island.
20652: Jackson, Thomas Graham, - A Holiday in Umbria with an Account of Urbino and the Cortegiano of Castiglione.
16975: Jackson, Kenneth T., - The Encyclopedia of New York City.
14468: Jacob, Klaus H. & Turkstra, Carl J. [editors], - Earthquake Hazards and the Design of Constructed Facilities in the Eastern United States.
15800: Jacobs, William Jay, - Ellis Island New Hope in a New Land.
18723: René-Jacques, - Mont Saint- Michel.
18724: René-Jacques, - Brittany.
18725: René-Jacques, - Cathedrales de France.
18727: René-Jacques, - Versailles.
18722: René-Jacques, - Châteaux of the Loire.
17317: Jaffe, Eric, - The King's Best Highway the Lost History of the Boston Post Road, the Route That Made America.
18681: Jalabert, Pierre, - La Provence Et le Compté de Nice.
16630: James Jr. , Theodore, - Fifth Avenue.
19458: James, Henry, - The Portrait of a Lady.
19461: James, Henry, - The Spoils of Poynton and Other Stories.
11992: James, Bushrod W., - Alaskana Alaska in Descriptive and Legendary Poems.
17184: Jamil, Rouhi, - Damascus Palmyra Baalbek.
20653: Jane, Cecil, - The Voyages of Christopher Columbus Being the Journals of His First and Third, and the Letters Concerning His First and Last Voyages, to Which Is Added the Account of His Second Voyage.
16285: Jankowski, Stanislaw & Ciborowski, Adolf, - Warschau 1945, Heute Und Morgen.
18703: Janvier, Thomas A., - The Mexican Guide.
8496: Jaswizkii, Valerie, - Ivan Iii [Two Volume Biography] Gosudar, Vseya, Rusi.
17506: Jeffers, H. Paul, - Roosevelt the Explorer T.R. ' S Amazing Adventures As a Naturalist, Conservationist, and Explorer.
6741: Jenkins, Peter, - Across China.
6667: Jenkins, Rolland, - The Mediterranean Cruise an Up- To- Date and Concise Handbook for Travelers.
19337: Jenkins, Stephen, - The Old Boston Post Road.
5349: Jenkins, Garry, - Harrison Ford Imperfect Hero.
18920: Jerrold, Walter, - Our Beautiful Homeland the Heart of London. Through London's Highways. In London's by- Ways. Rambles in Greater London.
18490: Jerrold, Walter, - The Heart of London.
18939: Jerrold, Walter, - Folkestone and Dover.
7879: Jesse, John Heneage, - Continuation of Memoirs of the Court of England During the Reign of the Stuarts Including the Protectorate [Two Volume Set].
19595: Jett, Dora Chinn, - In Tidewater Virginia.
20250: Joanne, Adolphe, - Paris Illustré.
21180: Johannsen, G. Kurt; Kraft, H. H., - Germany's Colonial Problem.
20947: Johns, Rowland (editor), - Our Friend the English Springer.
20582: Johnson, Virginia W., - The Lily of the Arno or Florence, Past and Present.
1819: Johnson, Virginia W., - The Florentine Gentleman America's Godfather.
17221: Johnson, Malcolm L., - Yesterday's Connecticut.
13225: Johnson, Virginia W., - The Lily of the Arno or Florence, Past and Present.
10947: Johnson, Myrtle Elizabeth; Snook, Harry James, - Seashore Animals of the Pacific Coast.
7088: Johnson, Hewlett [Dean Of Canterbury], - Soviet Strength.
3074: Johnson, Herbert Alan, & Andrist, Ralph K, - Historic Courthouses of New York State.
17885: Johnson, Mary Elizabeth, - Prize Country Quilts Designs, Patterns, Projects.
6053: Johnson, A. E., - Dudley Hardy.
20271: Johnson, Lady Bird [Taylor, Claudia Alta], - A White House Diary.
1881: Johnson, Virginia W., - Genoa the Superb the City of Columbus.
20558: Johnson, Virginia W., - Genoa the Superb the City of Columbus.
5752: Johnson, Virginia W., - Genoa the Superb the City of Columbus.
16039: Johnson, Owen, - The Spirit of France.
14721: Johnson, Hugh & Robinson, Jancis, - The World Atlas of Wine.
16964: Johnson, Martin, - Over African Jungles the Record of a Glorious Adventure over the Big Game Country of Africa 60,000 Miles by Airplane.
18481: Johnson, Osa, - Four Years in Paradise.
18093: Johnson, Clifton, - New England and Its Neighbors.
21122: Johnston, Charles, - Ireland.
4816: Johnston, Sir Harry H, - The Story of My Life.
18076: Jonas, Susan, - Ellis Island Echoes From a Nation's Past.
13769: Jones, Tristan, - The Incredible Voyage a Personal Odyssey.
9033: Jones, J. B., - A Rebel War Clerk's Diary of the Confederate States Capital [Volume Ii Only].
17745: Jones, Henry Festing, - Samuel Butler Author of Erewhon (1835- 1902). A Memoir [2 Volume Set].
17713: Jones, Joseph, - The Cradle of Erewhon Samuel Butler in New Zealand.
4339: Jordan, Mildred, - The Distelfink Country of the Pennsylvania Dutch.
9023: Josyph, Peter, - The Wounded River the Civil War Letters of John Vance Lauderdale, Md.
19240: Joy, Charles R. ; Arnold, Melvin, - The Africa of Albert Schweitzer.
17300: Judson, Harry Pratt, - Europe in the Nineteenth Century.
20529: Jungman, Beatrix, - Holland.
21112: Jungman, Beatrix, - Holland.
20790: Juta, Rene, - The Cape Peninsula.
20750: Juta, Rene, - The Cape Peninsula.
3927: Kafka, Franz, - The Castle.
18348: Kahn, George N., - The 36 Biggest Mistakes Salesmen Make and How to Correct Them.
647: Kalb, Marvin, - The Volga a Political Journey Through Russia.
19584: Kalinsky, George, - Shooting Stars.
13119: Kalinsky, George, - Garden of Dreams Madison Square Garden 125 Years.
10407: Kalitina, N. N., - French Portrait Painting of the 19th Century. [Franzyskii Portret Xix Beca].
18149: Kaljuste, J., - Viljandi.
13065: Kaltenborn, H. V., - It Seems Like Yesterday.
14688: Kaminska, Ida, - My Life, My Theater.
16949: Kane, Robert S., - South Pacific a to Z Australia, New Zealand, the Tropic Isles of Fiji, New Caledonia, the Samoas, Tahiti, Tonga - And Hawaii.
6448: Kane, Robert S., - Asia a to Z.
18499: Kane, Robert S., - London a to Z.
15554: Kangropool, R. & Bruns, D., - Tallinn Sajandeis Ehituskunstilline Ulevaade.
16367: Kanin, Garson, - A Gift of Time a Play in Two Acts.
10649: Kantor, Mackinlay, - Missouri Bittersweet.
19525: Kaplan, Justin, - Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain a Biography.
15010: Kaplan, Justin, - Lincoln Steffens a Biography.
16283: Kaplan, Robert D., - Eastward to Tartary Travels in the Balkans, the Middle East, and the Caucasus.
13331: Karfeld, Kurt Peter, - Von Feuerland Bis Zum Aquator Das Farbbildwerk Einer Reise.
7444: Katkov, Norman, - Blood & Orchids.
6016: Katkov, Norman, - Blood & Orchids.
1542: Katz, Richard, - Heitere Tage Mit Braunen Menschen.
17094: Kaufman, Ludwig, - Begegnung Im Heiligen Land.
1061: Kawata, T., - Glimpses of the South Seas & India Japan Trade Records.
2977: De Kay, Ormonde, - From the Age That Is Past Harvard Club of New York City.
12377: Kazantzakis, Nikos, - Saint Francis.
16618: Kean, B. H. & Tucker, Harold A., - The Traveler's Health Guide.
20904: Keane, A. H., - Asia with Ethnological Appendix.
20906: Keane, A. H., - Asia [Two Volume Set] Vol I. : Northern and Eastern Asia. Vol. Ii: Southern and Western Asia.
20908: Keane, A. H., - Africa [Two Volume Set] Vol. 1: North Africa. Vol. 2: South Africa.
20907: Keane, A. H., - Central & South America [Two Volume Set] Vol. 1: South America. Vol 2: Central America & West Indies.
11019: Kearton, Cherry, - Photographing Wild Life Across the World.
13859: Keating, Bern, - The Northwest Passage From the Mathew to the Manhattan: 1497 to 1969.
9931: Keating, Bern, - Voyages of the Royal Vikings.
9930: Keating, Bern, - Voyages of the Royal Vikings.
5543: Keating, Bern, - The Gulf of Mexico.
15088: Kehoe, William & Kehoe, Constance, - Enjoying Ireland.
21042: De Keijzer, Arne J. ; Kaplan, Frederic M., - Jal Guide to the People's Republic of China.
20752: Keim, De B. Randolph, - Keim's Illustrated Hand- Book Washington and Its Environs: A Descriptive and Historical Hand- Book of the Captial of the United States.
18880: Keller, Gottfried, - Romeo Und Julia Auf Dem Dorfe Erzählung.
16575: Keller, Sharon R., - The Jews a Treasury of Art and Literature.
18346: Kellerman, Faye, - Grievous Sin a Peter Decker/Rina Lazarus Mystery.
20435: Kelly, R. Talbot, - Egypt.
20519: Kelly, R. Talbot, - Egypt.
18506: Kelly, H. M. ; Clegg, William; Dolphin, A. R. ; Cook, J.w., - Great Langdale Second Series.
18502: Kelly, H. M. ; Peascod, W., - Pillar Rock and Neighbourhood Second Series.
18503: Kelly, H. M. ; Peascod, W. ; Rushworth, G., - Buttermere and Newlands Area Second Series.
18504: Kelly, H. M. ; Astley Cooper, C. J. ; Peascod, W; Rossiter, A.p., - Great Gable. Green Gable, Kirkfell, Yewbarrow, Buckbarrow Second Series.
21192: Kelman, John, - The Holy Land.
17799: Kelman, John, - The Holy Land.
14279: Kelsen, Hans, - Society and Nature a Sociological Inquiry.
9711: Kelsey, V; Osborne, L., - Four Keys to Guatemala.
19683: Kelsey, Vera, - Seven Keys to Brazil.
18635: Kemble, John Haskell, - San Francisco Bay a Pictorial Maritime History.
8106: Kendall, Rev. J. F., - A Short History of the Church of England.
17842: Kendrick, Alexander, - Prime Time the Life of Edward R. Murrow.
7589: Keneally, Thomas, - The Playmaker.
21073: Kennan, George, - Siberia and the Exile System [Two Volume Set].
2620: Kennedy, James W., - The Unknown Worshipper.
12312: Kennett, Lee, - For the Duration.. . The United States Goes to War *Pearl Harbor- 1942*.
19058: Kent, Rockwell, - N by E.
20760: Kent, Rockwell, - Rockwellkentiana Few Words and Many Pictures by R.K. And, by Carl Zigrosser, a Bibliography and List of Prints.
5663: Kent, Rockwell, - N by E.
19059: Kent, Rockwell, - Rockwellkentiana.
5667: Kent, Rockwell, - Salamina.
756: Kent, Rockwell, - Salamina.
5664: Kent, Rockwell, - N by E.
5666: Kent, Rockwell, - Salamina.
20561: Kent, Rockwell, - Voyaging Southward From the Strait of Magellan.
19061: Kent, Rockwell, - It's Me O Lord the Autobiography of Rockwell Kent.
6953: Kessel, Joseph, - Israel Que J'aime.
17164: Keverne, Richard, - Tales of Old Inns.
16264: Khamtsov, A. I. & Goncharova, A. A. & Andreyev, A. M., - Around the Kremlin the Moscow Kremlin, Its Monuments and Works of Art.
20792: Kidd, Dudley, - The Essential Kafir.
2996: Kieran, John, - Not Under Oath Recollections and Reflections.
13042: Kieran, John, - John Kieran's Natural History of New York City a Book for Sidewalk Naturalists Everywhere.
16817: Kieran, John, - John Kieran's Natural History of New York City a Book for Sidewalk Naturalists Everywhere.
7591: Killens, John Oliver, - The Cotillion or One Good Bull Is Half the Herd.
16110: Kimball, Robert & Simon, Alfred, - The Gershwins.
16666: Kimbrough, Emily, - Water, Water, Everywhere.
17909: King, Martin Luther (Jr. ), - Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?.
18038: King, Grace, - New Orleans the Place and the People.
20352: King, Moses, - King's Views of New York 1896- 1915 & Brooklyn 1905.
17294: King, Stephen, - Dreamcatcher.
15063: Kingdon-Ward, Frank, - Return to the Irrawaddy.
15137: Lord Kinross, - Between Two Seas the Creation of the Suez Canal.
19632: Kinsella, W. P. (editor), - Diamonds Forever Reflections From the Field, the Dugout & the Bleachers.
3929: Kipling, Rudyard, - The Phantom 'rickshaw and Other Tales.
12563: Kipling, Rudyard, - Life's Handicap Being Stories of Mine Own People.
7608: Kipling, Rudyard, - Many Inventions.
7544: Kipling, Rudyard, - The Irish Guards in the Great War [Two Volume Set] Edited and Compiled From Their Diaries and Papers.
3962: Kipling, Rudyard, - The City of Dreadful Night and Other Places.
17866: Kirk, Ruth, - Japan Crossroads of East and West.
19113: Kirk, Clara Marburg, - W.D. Howells, Traveler From Altruria 1889- 1894.
11003: Kirkham, Stanton Davis, - East and West Comparative Studies of Nature in Eastern and Western States.
8897: Kirkland, Joseph, - The Captain of Company K.
9562: Kirkpatrick, James C. ; Goodwin, Thelma P., - State of Missouri. Official Manual for the Years 1967- 1968.
13754: Kirkpatrick, Mary E., - Around the World on the Laconia.
19904: Kirsch, Jonathan, - The Grand Inquisitor's Manual a History of Terror in the Name of God.
15398: Kishon, Ephraim, - Look Back Mrs. Lot!.
10223: Kissinger, Henry, - White House Years.
11052: Klein, J. A. [and Baedeker, Karl (Bädeker, Karl) ], - Rheinreise Von Strassburg Bis Rotterdam Zweite, Erweiterte Und Verbesserte Auflage Der Rheinreise Von Professor J.A. Klein, Sammt Ausflügen an Die Nahe, Die Mosel, Die Uhr, in Die Bäder Des Taunus, Nach Aachen Und Spa, Und Den Wichtigeren Holländischen Städten.
19137: Klein, Woody, - Westport Connecticut the Story of a New England Town's Rise to Prominence.
3296: Klement, Frank L, - The Copperheads in the Middle West.
7077: Klocke, Thomas, Et Al, - Hideaways the World's Most Beautiful Hotels and Destinations.
17697: Kludas, Arnold, - Deutsche Ozean- Passagierschiffe 1850 Bis 1895 German Passenger Liners 1850 Until 1895.
18254: Knickerbocker, Diedrich [Irving, Washington], - A History of New York From the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty.
18630: Knight, Max, - Return to the Alps.
4334: Knight-Bruce, G W H, - Memories of Mashonaland.
19206: Knight, Max, - Return to the Alps.
4839: Knipp, T., - Guide to Leamington and Its Vicinity Including Warwick, Coventry, Stratford- On- Avon, Kenilworth, and Surrounding.
19039: Knox, George William, - Japanese Life in Town and Country.
11689: Knox, Brian, - Bohemia and Moravia an Architectural Companion.
14607: Kobal, John, - Rita Hayworth the Time, the Place and the Woman.
17530: Kobler, John, - Ardent Spirits the Rise and Fall of Prohibition.
3293: Koch, Freda Postle, - Colonel Coggeshall the Man Who Saved Lincoln.
12982: Koch, Edward I., - I'm Not Done Yet! Keeping at It, Remaining Relevant, and Having the Time of My Life.
20778: Koebel, W. H., - South America.
20960: Koebel, W. H., - Argentina Past & Present.
15628: Koebel, W. H., - Madeira: Old and New.
10694: Koebel, W. H., - The South Americans.
20843: Koebel, W. H., - Madeira: Old and New.
5029: Koenig, Samuel, - An American Jewish Community 50 Years 1889- 1939 the Sociology of the Jewish Community in Stamford, Ct.
19793: Koenig, Samuel, - An American Jewish Community 50 Years 1889- 1939 the Sociology of the Jewish Community in Stamford, Ct.
17102: Kollek, Teddy; Pearlman Moshe, - Pilgrims to the Holy Land the Story of Pilgrimage Through the Ages.
15533: Komech, Alexei & Gippenreiter, Vadim, - The Golden Ring Cities of Old Russia.
9262: Komisar, Lucy, - Corazon Aquino the Story of a Revolution.
10229: König, Paul, - Die Fahrt Der Deutschland Das Erste Untersee- Frachtschiff.
16746: Koning, Hans, - A New Yorker in Egypt.
6100: Kopelman, Arie, - N.Y. Gold Volume 8.
8991: Korngold, R., - Two Friends of Man.
18910: Kortwich, Werner, - Friesennot Erzählung.
13707: Kostabi, Mark, - Conversations with Kostabi.
12331: Kovalyov, A., - Moscow a Short Guide.
7476: Kreskin, - The Amazing World of Kreskin.
16044: Krippner, Monica, - Discovering the Camargue.
8868: De Kruif, Paul, - Hunger Fighters.
12469: De Kruif, Paul, - Seven Iron Men.
16288: Krzisnik, Zvone, - Slovenia.
15429: Krzyzewski, Mike & Spatola, Jamie K., - The Gold Standard Building a World- Class Team.
12363: Kuczman, Kazimierz, - Wawel Hill Guide- Book.
16287: Kunsky, Josef, - Homes of Primeval Man Wandering in the Caves of Czechoslovakia.
14362: Kurnitz, Harry & Achard, Marcel, - A Shot in the Dark.
10470: Kybalova, Ludmila, - Contemporary Tapestries From Czechoslovakia.
21038: Labande, Y. and E. -R., - Florence.
11459: Ladd, John, - Archeological Investigation in the Parita and Santa Maria Zones of Panama.
16534: Lafenestre, Georges, - The Louvre [Two Volume Set] the Museum and the Masterpieces in Paintings.
15181: Lake, Mary; Rusinol, Santiago, - The Tranquil Isle [la Illa de la Calma].
18541: Lamb, Charles and Mary, - Tales From Shakespeare.
17598: Lamkin, Nina, B. ; Jagendorf, M., - Around America with the Indian a Book for Boys and Girls About Indian Legens Made Into Plays. Indian Village Life. Ceremonials, Dances, Music, Games.
11974: Lamont, James, - Seasons with the Sea- Horses; or, Sporting Adventures in the Northern Seas.
15597: Lancaster, Bruce, - Bright to the Wanderer.
17179: Lanciani, Rodolfo, - The Golden Days of the Renaisance in Rome From the Pontificate of Julius Ii to That of Paul Iii.
1478: Landor, A. Henry Savage, - The Gems of the East Sixteen Thousand Miles of Research Travel Among Wild and Tame Tribes of Enchanting Islands.
15976: Landsdale, Maria Hornor, - The Chateaux of Touraine.
18159: Lane, Mills, - Savannah Revisited a Pictorial History.
20815: Lang, John; Lang, Jean, - Poetry of Empire Nineteen Centuries of British History.
20827: Lang, R. T., - Black's Guide to the Isle of Man.
18904: Lange-Tübingen, Konrad, - Verzeichnis Der Gemäldesammlung Im Kgl. Museum Der Bildenden Kûnste Zu Stuttgart.
15819: Langer, William L., - The New Illustrated Encyclopedia of World History [Two Volume Set].
14998: Langer, William L., - Explorations in Crisis Papers on International History.
7298: Langford, Gerald, - The Richard Harding Davis Years a Biography of a Mother and Son.
18683: Langlois, M. Le Colonel, - L'amerique Pré- Columbienne Et la Conquëte Européenne.
16350: Langner, Lawrence, - The Play's the Thing.
18392: Lanham, Url, - The Bone Hunters.
2519: Lanham, Edwin, - The Stricklands.
20394: Lanier, Sidney (Ed. ), - The Boy's King Arthur Sir Thomas Malory's History of King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table.
2363: Lansdale, Maria Hornor, - Paris [Two Volume Set] the World's Famous Places and Peoples.
19760: Lardy Sheldon-Williams, Ralf Frederic, - The Canadian Front in France and Flanders.
18734: Larfillon, L., - 100 Hours to Visit the Châteaux of the Loire.
18733: Larfillon, L., - 100 Heures de Visite En Corse.
20027: Larned, Ellen D., - Historic Gleanings in Windham County, Connecticut.
17875: Lash, Joseph P., - Roosevelt and Churchill 1939 - 1941 the Partnership That Saved the West.
13003: Lash, Joseph P., - Eleanor and Franklin.
10222: Laski, Harold J., - Where Do We Go From Here a Proclamation of British Democracy.
17765: Lathrop, Elise, - Historic Houses of Early America.
18135: Lathrop, Elise, - Historic Houses of Early America.
17299: Lathrop, Elise, - Early American Inns and Taverns.
19729: Lathrop, Elise, - Historic Houses of Early America.
6469: Lattimore, Owen, - Nomads and Commissars Mongolia Revisited.
10228: Lattimore, Owen, - America and Asia Problems of Today's War and the Peace of Tomorrow.
2312: Lauder, Harry, - A Minstrel in France.
19548: Laughlin, Clara E., - So You're Going to Germany and Austria! and If I Were Going with You These Are the Things I'd Invite You to Do.
19549: Laughlin, Clara E., - So You're Going to Italy and If I Were Going with You These Are the Things I'd Invite You to Do.
17718: Laurence, John, - A History of Capital Punishment.
6011: Laurence, John, - A History of Capital Punishment.
10929: Laurents, Arthur, - A Clearing in the Woods a Play.
17520: Lawliss, Chuck, - Great Resorts of America.
20095: Lawrence, T. E., - Revolt in the Desert.
8832: Lawrence, T. E., - Correspondence with Bernard and Charlotte Shaw [Volume One] 1922- 1926.
19585: Lawton, James, - Mission Impossible How Lennox Lewis Unified the World Heavyweight Title.
17197: Layman, William D., - River of Memory the Everlasting Columbia.
6560: Lea, Henry Charles, - Chapters From the Religious History of Spain Connected with the Inquisition.
15106: Leake, David, - Brunei the Modern Southeast- Asian Islamic Sultanate.
10517: Leapman, Michael, - The Book of London the Evolution of a Great City.
17522: De Leche, Vicomte Alain, - Mr. Goldberg's Party or, Leaves From the Travel Diary of a Young French Nobleman in America.
20393: Dr. Lechner], - Neuster Plan Und Fûhrer Durch Wien Un Nächste Umgebung.
19357: Lee, Fitzhugh, - Cuba's Struggle Against Spain with the Causes for American Intervention and a Full Account of the Spanish- American War, Including Final Peace Negotiations.
625: Lee, John S., - Nature and Art in the World or; Sketches of Travel in Europe and the Orient.
14693: Lee, Laurie, - I Can't Stay Long.
13451: Lee, Gypsy Rose, - Mother Finds a Body.
9692: Lee, Eleanor, - Neighbors 1892- 1967 a History of the Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine Columbia University.
18800: De Leeuw, Hendrik, - Crossroads of the Mediterranean.
13358: De Leeuw, Hendrik, - Crossroads of the Java Sea.
16528: Legg, Stuart, - Jutland an Eye- Witness Account of a Great Battle.
14045: Lehmann, Phyllis Williams & Karl, - Samothracian Reflections Aspects of the Revival of the Antique.
7048: Leigh-Bennett, E. P., - History of a House Flag.
7050: Leigh-Bennett, E. P., - History of a House Flag.
18820: Leitschuh, Friedrich, - Bamberg.
19466: Lelchuk, Alan, - American Mischief.
18732: Lemoine, Pierre, - Fontainebleau.
17092: Lendvai, Paul, - Anti- Semitism without Jews Communist Eastern Europe.
12462: Lenfant, James, - The History of the Council of Constance [Volume Two Only].
16711: Lenin, Vladimir, - Lenin on Youth.
3869: De Lenoir, Cecil, - The Hundredth Man Confessions of a Drug Addict.
13374: Leonowens, Anna H., - Siamese Harem Life.
18780: Lepesteur, E., - Guide Pratique Du Résea de L'ouest Comprenant la Normandie Et la Bretagne Et En Outre la Ligne de Brest a Paris Par Nantes (Réseau D'orléans) Desservant la Basse- Bretagne.
10282: Lescroart, John, - The Hearing a Novel.
14314: Leslie, Alfred, - The Hasty Papers Special Millenium Edition.
19465: Lesueur, Frédéric; Lesueur, Pierre, - Le Chateau de Blois.
4129: Levi-Strauss, C, - A World on the Wane.
16529: Levien, Michael, - Naval Surgeon the Voyages of Dr. Edward H. Cree, Royal Navy, As Related in His Private Journals 1837- 1856.
6925: Levin, L. S. [editor], - Central African Airways Guide to the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.
10254: Levin, Meyer, - The Fanatic.
10292: Levy, Alan, - The Bluebird of Happiness the Memoirs of Jan Peerce.
19215: Levy, Christine, - Bernina- Gletscher Wo Sich Himmel Und Eis Berühren.
17989: Levy, Julien (Introduction), - Eugene Berman Paintings, Drawings and Decor.
19212: Levy, Christine, - Bernina- Gletscher Wo Sich Himmel Und Eis Berühren.
14373: Levy, Emanuel, - And the Winner Is.. . The History and Politics of the Oscar Awards.
16542: Lewis, Wyndham, - Blasting and Bombardiering Autobiography (1914- 1926).
18497: Lewis, Samuel, - A Topographical History of England [Volume 5 Only] Historical and Statistical Descriptions..
11266: Lewis, Norman, - A Goddess in the Stones Travels in India.
8905: Lewis, Lloyd, - Sherman Fighting Prophet.
818: Lewis, Richard S., - A Continent for Science the Antarctic Adventure.
804: Lewis, David; George, Mimi, - Icebound in Antarctica.
19467: Lewis, Sinclair, - Kingsblood Royal.
14523: Lewis, Berkeley R., - Notes on Ammunition of the American Civil War 1861- 1865.
12955: Lewis, Sinclair, - Mantrap.
3924: Lewis, Cecil, - Gemini to Joburg the True Story of a Flight over Africa.
14442: Lhote, Henri, - A la Decouverte Des Fresques Du Tassili (at the Discovery of the Tassili Frescoes).
12179: Liautey, M. Andre [editor], - Guide Du Touriste En Foret D'ecouves (Orne).
16204: De Lichtervelde, Comte Louis, - Leopold of the Belgians.
20593: Liddell, Robert, - Aegean Greece.
20639: Liddell, R. Scotland, - Fifty Thousand Miles of Sun.
15263: Lillard, Richard G., - Desert Challenge an Interpretation of Nevada.
18407: Limpus, Lowell M. ; Leyson, Burr W., - This Man la Guardia.
10126: Lincoln, Joe, - Cape Cod Ballads and Other Verse.
17100: Lind, Jakov, - The Trip to Jerusalem.
20762: Lindbergh, Anne Morrow, - North to the Orient.
18052: Lindbergh, Anne Morrow, - Listen! the Wind.
12060: Lindbergh, Anne Morrow, - Bring Me a Unicorn Diaries and Letters of Anne Morrow Lindbergh 1922- 1928.
11467: Lindbergh, Anne Morrow, - Listen! the Wind.
13770: Lindblad, Lars-Eric, - Passport to Anywhere the Story of Lars- Eric Lindblad.
14667: Lindsay, John V., - The City.
4187: Lindsay, Hector, - Jungle Lindsay the Life and Adventures of Hector Lindsay.
15905: Lindsay, Maurice, - Robert Burns the Man- His Work- The Legend.
5629: Lindsay, Forbes, - Panama and the Canal to- Day an Historical Account of the Canal Project From the Earliest Times with Special Reference to the Enterprises of the French Company and the United States, with a Detailed Description of the Waterway As It Will Be Ultimately Constructed: Together with (.. . ).
6683: Canadian Pacific Cruise Line, - Storied Coasts of the Mediterranean.
16598: Linenger, Jerry M., - Off the Planet Surviving Five Perilous Months Aboard the Space Station Mir.
18952: The Princess Der Ling, - Two Years in the Forbidden City.
10605: Linklater, Eric, - The Survival of Scotland a New History of Scotland From Roman Times to the Present Day.
19471: Linklater, Eric, - Private Angelo.
12174: Linn, Thomas, - The Health Resorts of Europe.
552: Linskill, Charles D., - Travel in Lands Beyond the Sea; Beauty and Glory of Western Europe: Eloquent and Reliable Pen Pictures of , Castles, Cathedrals and Cities; Palaces, Prisons and People; Museums, Monuments, and Montains; Sea, Ships and Storms.
20658: Linton, Ralph; Wingert, Paul; D'Harnoncourt, Rene, - Arts of the South Seas.
14398: Lippmann, Walter, - Early Writings.
4232: Littell, Blaine, - South of the Moon on Stanley's Trail Through the Dark Continent.
3083: Litten, Frederic Nelson, - Pilot of the High Andes.
15242: Lord Russell Of Liverpool, - The Record the Trial of Adolf Eichmann.
8452: Liviipatavini, T., - Historiarum Ab Urbe Condita. Tomii Tertii. [Volume 3 Only] Libri Qui Supersunt Xxxv. Recensuit, & Notis Ad Usum Scholarum Accommodatis Illustravit J.B. L. Crevier, Emeritus Rhetoricae Professor. In Collegio Dormano- Bellovaco Universitatis Parisiensis.
20657: Livingstone, David, - Livingstone's Travels and Researches in South Africa Including a Sketch of Sixteen Years' Residence in the Interior of Africa, and a Journey From the Cape of Good Hope to Loanda on the West Coast, Thence Across the Continent, Down the River Zambresi, to the Eastern Ocean.
21185: Livingstone, David, - Livingstone's Travels and Researches in South Africa Including a Sketch of Sixteen Years' Residence in the Interior of Africa, and a Journey From the Cape of Good Hope to Loanda on the West Coast, Thence Across the Continent, Down the River Zambresi, to the Eastern Ocean.
19823: Livingstone, David, - Livingstone's Travels and Researches in South Africa Including a Sketch of Sixteen Years' Residence in the Interior of Africa, and a Journey From the Cape of Good Hope to Loanda on the West Coast, Thence Across the Continent, Down the River Zambresi, to the Eastern Ocean.
19897: Llosa, Mario Vargas, - Pantaleon Y Las Visitadoras.
19470: Llosa, Mario Vargas, - The Feast of the Goat.
14810: Llosa, Mario Vargas, - The Storyteller.
13249: Llosa, Mario Vargas, - The Time of the Hero.
13250: Llosa, Mario Vargas, - In Praise of the Stepmother.
12809: Llosa, Mario Vargas, - The Time of the Hero.
18456: Lloyd, Albert B., - Ughanda to Khartoum Life and Adventure on the Upper Nile.
18417: Lloyd, Christopher, - Pacific Horizons the Exploration of the Pacific Before Captain Cook.
3730: Lloyd, Lord, - Egypt Since Cromer [Two Volumes].
18776: Löbl, Robert, - Dolomiten Reichtum Und Wunder Der Landschaft.
20649: Lock, H. O., - Dorset.
18399: Lockwood, Mary S., - Afoot and Awheel in Europe.
340: Lockwood, Mary S., - Afoot and Awheel in Europe.
341: Lockwood, Mary S., - Afoot and Awheel in Europe.
339: Lockwood, Mary S., - Afoot and Awheel in Europe.
338: Lockwood, Mary S., - Afoot and Awheel in Europe.
521: Lockwood, Allison, - Passionate Pilgrims the American Traveler in Great Britain 1800- 1914.
17699: Lodenius, Erik, - Finland- Sydamerikalinjen 1926- 1976.
1690: Lohse, Bernd, - Australia and the South Seas.
19102: Lokanathan, P. S. (Preface), - Economic Atlas of Madras State.
20832: Lomas, John, - O'shea's Guide to Spain and Portugal.
18251: Lomas, John, - Spain.
16302: Lombardo, Guy & Altshul, Jack, - Auld Acquaintance.
10164: Long, Charles H., - Alpha the Myths of Creation.
10567: Long, John E., - England.
17475: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, - The Prose Works [Two Volumes Set].
17146: Van Loon, Hendrik, - America.
7134: Van Loon, Hendrik Willem, - The Story of the Pacific.
13211: Van Loon, Hendrik, - America.
3007: Van Loon, Hendrik Willem, - My School Books.
17298: Van Loon, Hendrik, - The Arts.
20937: Lopez, Don Manuel Ayala (Dr. ), - The Cathedral of Burgos Historical Notes, Tracery Sketch, Naves, Choir, Cloisters, and Other Artistic Treasures.
14730: Lorant, Stefan, - Fdr a Pictorial Biography.
14920: Lorca, Frederico Garcia, - Five Plays Comedies and Tragicomedies.
15440: Lord, Oswald B. & Lord, Mary Pillsbury, - Exit Backward, Bowing.
10980: Lord, Walter, - Lonely Vigil Coastwatchers of the Solomons.
17698: Lorentzen, Harald, - Fjordbatenes Saga Rutetrafikken Pa Oslofjorden Fra Hjuldamper Til Pappabat.
3753: Lorimer, Norma, - By the Waters of Egypt.
5773: Lorimer, Norma, - By the Waters of Italy a Tragedy in Sunshine.
5781: Loth, David, - Lorenzo the Magnificent.
20351: Lothian, Arthur (Sir), - A Handbook for Travellers in India, Pakistan, Burma and Ceylon.
745: Loti, Pierre, - An Iceland Fisherman.
7638: Loti, Pierre, - The Marriage of Loti.
15880: Loti, Pierre, - Japan (Madame Chrysantheme).
11406: Loti, Pierre, - An Iceland Fisherman.
7045: Loudet, Enrique, - Letras Argentinas En Centro America Poetisas, Poetas Y Posistas Argentinos.
19190: Louis, Victor; Bronstein, Henri, - From Vyborg to Moscow by Car a Guide for Motorists Travelling Along the Vyborg- Leningrad- Moscow Route.
19928: Louise, Mary; Grossman, Shelly; Hamlet, John N., - Our Vanishing Wilderness.
21056: Lovett, Pat [Introduction], - The Visitor's Guide to Calcutta Including a Brief History.
19333: Lowe, David, - Lost Chicago.
20428: Lowell, Thomas, - Out of This World Across the Himalayas to Forbidden Tibet.
21218: [Thomas Cook Ltd., - European Sleeping Cars 1982 Car Types, Car Layouts, Building Dates, Routes Operated, Photographs.
8816: Lubbock, Basil, - Western Ocean Packets.
18779: Lucas, E. V., - A Wanderer in Florence.
6685: Lucas, E. V., - More Wanderings in London.
406: Lucas, E. V., - More Wanderings in London.
17302: Lucas, E. V., - A Wanderer in Paris.
20745: Lucas, E. V., - A Wanderer in Paris.
16894: De Lucena, Luis Seco, - Practical and Art Guide of Granada.
2551: Luckiesh, Matthew, - Torch of Civilization the Story of Man's Conquest of Darkness.
8380: Ludwig, Emil, - On Mediterranean Shores.
4587: Luke, Sir Harry, - Queen Salote & Her Kingdom.
20551: Lutzow, Count, - The Story of Prague.
13812: Lyman, R. S., - The Public and Private Life of Daniel Webster [Two Volumes in One].
10011: Lynn, Kenneth S., - William Dean Howells an American Life.
20375: Lysnar, Frances Brewer, - New Zealand the Dear Old Maori Land.
10278: Lystra, Karen, - Searching the Heart Women, Men, and Romantic Love in Nineteenth- Century America.
16284: Maass, Peter, - Love Thy Neighbor a Story of War.
19140: Mac Lennan, Frank P., - A Tale of the Great Sea a Narrative of a Luxury Cruise of 1925 Into the Mediterranean by One Who Took It Personalitites and Persiflage.
7978: Mac Airt, Sean, - The Annals of Inisfallen Mrs. Rawlinson B. 503.
11673: MacArthur, Arthur, - After the Afternoon.
3655: Macaulay, Rose, - Fabled Shore From the Pyrenees to Portugal.
19468: Macaulay, Rose, - Mystery at Geneva an Improbable Tale of Singular Happenings.
15616: Macaulay, Rose, - Fabled Shore From the Pyrenees to Portugal.
15625: Macaulay, Rose, - They Went to Portugal.
18375: MacCoby, Michael, - The Gamesman the New Corporate Leaders.
480: MacDonald, John F., - Two Towns - One City. Paris - London.
1530: MacDonald, Malcolm, - Borneo People.
20113: MacDonell, Anne, - Touraine and Its Story.
14443: MacGregor, Alasdair Alpin, - The Changing Land a Look at the Primordial.
7641: Mackaye, Percy, - The Scarecrow or the Glass of Truth a Tragedy of the Ludicrous.
15631: Mackendrick, Paul, - The Iberian Stones Speak Archaeology in Spain and Portugal.
18915: Mackenzie, Donald A., - Callander and the Trossachs with Historical and Descriptive Notes on Loch Ard, St. Fillans, Loch Tay, Kenmore, Aberfoyle, Lake of Menteith, and the Rob Roy Country.
17375: Mackenzie, W. M., - Pompeii.
20076: Mackenzie-Grieve, Averil, - Aspects of Elba and the Other Islands of the Tuscan Archipelago.
18043: Mackinder, H. J., - The Rhine.
1572: Mackinnon, John, - In Search of the Red Ape.
15945: Mackinnon, Rev. James, - South African Traits.
13562: MacLean, Fitzroy, - Portrait of the Soviet Union.
19469: MacLean, Alistair, - Partisans.
14374: MacLeish, Archibald, - J.B. A Play in Verse.
16816: MacMillan, Donald B., - Four Years in the White North.
18509: MacPhee, G. Graham, - Climbers' Guide to Ben Nevis.
7479: MacQuarrie, Hector, - Tahiti Days.
15117: MacQuarrie, Hector, - Vouza and the Solomon Islands.
19843: MacQuarrie, Hector, - Vouza and the Solomon Islands.
15089: Maddock, Shirley & Whyte, Don, - Islands of the Gulf.
19117: Madison, Charles A., - Critics & Crusaders.
9950: Magnusson, Gudmundur, - Eimskip Fra Upphafi Til Nutima.
19134: O'Mahony, John, - The Sunny Side of Ireland How to See It by the Great Southern and Western Railway.
12928: Mahood, M. M., - Joyce Cary's Africa.
19363: Mailer, Norman, - The Deer Park.
19364: Mailer, Norman, - An American Dream.
7647: Mailer, Norman, - Advertisements for Myself.
19360: Mailer, Norman, - Harlot's Ghost.
19361: Mailer, Norman, - Cannibals and Christians.
7649: Mailer, Norman, - Pieces and Pontifications.
7650: Mailer, Norman, - Advertisements for Myself.
13658: Mailer, Norman, - Barbary Shore.
19359: Mailer, Norman, - Advertisements for Myself.
12558: Mailer, Norman, - Of a Fire on the Moon.
20753: Maillart, Ella K., - Forbidden Journey From Peking to Kashmir.
7623: Mais, S. P. B., - The Unknown Island.
20882: Maiuri, Amedeo, - Pompeii the New Excavations, the "Villa Dei Misteri", the Antiquarium.
5376: Major, Nettie Leitch, - C.W. Post [Charles William Post] the Hour and the Man. A Biography with Genealogical Supplement.
19869: Maki, John M., - Japanese Militarism Its Cause and Cure.
20067: Malcolm, Andrew H., - Unknown America.
18676: Mâle, Emile, - L'art Religieux Du Xiie Siecle.
17688: Malet, Lucas, - The Score.
15747: Malkin, Benjamin Heath, - Classical Disquisitions and Curiosities, Critical and Historical.
4193: Mallary, R. Dewitt, - Lenox and the Berkshire Highlands.
7651: Mallory, Carole, - Flash.
17829: Mallowan, Max, - Mallowan's Memoirs.
19366: Malraux, André, - Days of Wrath.
19365: Malraux, André, - Days of Wrath.
19362: Malraux, André, - Days of Wrath.
17952: Malteso, George Themistocle, - The Acropolis of Athens and Its Surroundings.
14902: Mankowitz, Wolf, - Laugh Till You Cry an Advertisement.
17113: Mann, Vivian B., - Gardens and Ghettos the Art of Jewish Life in Italy.
7652: Mann, Thomas, - Joseph the Provider.
10028: Mann, Thomas, - Letters to Paul Amann 1915 - 1952.
9639: Manners, William, - Patience and Fortitude Fiorello la Guardia.
16408: Manners, Ande, - Poor Cousins.
17737: Mannes, Marya, - Out of My Time.
6202: Manning, Clarence Augustus; Shirley, Rufus George, - Society of American Wars Commandery of the State of New York, Chartered December 16, 1909.
18679: Manoha, G. (editor), - Les Travaux & Les Jeux.
16215: Mansbridge, Albert, - Margaret Mcmillan Prophet and Pioneer Her Life and Work.
19631: Mantle, Mickey; Gluck, Herb, - The Mick.
19627: Mantle, Mickey; Pepe, Phil, - My Favorite Summer 1956.
15865: Maraini, Fosco, - Meeting with Japan.
19370: Marcum, Richard; Myers, Reyburn Webb, - Message of the Locust.
17111: Marcus, Jacob Rader, - Memoirs of American Jews 1775- 1665 [Three Volume Set].
15404: Marcus, Stanley, - Quest for the Best.
18252: Marden, Philip Sanford, - Travels in Spain.
17610: De Maré, Eric, - Scandinavia Sweden, Denmark and Norway.
21084: Margoliouth, D. S., - Cairo, Jerusalem, and Damascus Three Chief Cities of the Egyptian Sultans.
20180: Markham, Sir Clements R., - The Story of Majorca and Minorca.
19368: Marquand, John P., - Point of No Return.
7659: Marquand, John P., - So Little Time.
20257: Marshall, Archibald, - A Spring Walk in Provence.
3173: Marshall, John, - Vagabond de Luxe.
14058: Marshall, Robert, - The Haunted Major.
19783: Marshall, Logan, - The Story of the Panama Canal the Wonderful Account of the Gigantic Undertaking Commenced by the French, and Brought to Triumphant Completion by the United States with a History of Panama From the Days of Balboa to the Present Time.
20273: Marston Fitch, James, - American Building the Historical Forces That Shaped It.
13056: Martell, Ralph G., - When Does the Fun Start.
11208: Martin, Jean Chiaramonte, - The Rockies.
4181: Martin, Robert Bernard (Ed. ), - Charles Kingsley's American Notes Letters From a Lecture Tour 1874.
8943: Martin, David G., - The Shiloh Campaign March - April, 1862.
14409: Martin, Billy & Pepe, Phil, - Billyball.
16944: Martin, Roscoe C., - Water for New York a Study in State Administration of Water Resources.
17392: Martinez, Albert B., - Baedeker de la République Argentine Comprenant Aussi Une Partie Du Brésil, de la République Oriantale de L'uruguaz Et Du Chili..
17569: Marty, Sid, - Men for the Mountains.
834: Marvel, Ik., - Fresh Gleanings or a New Sheaf From the Old Fields of Continental Europe.
7662: Masefield, John, - Sard Harker.
13130: Mason, Hamilton, - French Theatre in New York a List of Plays 1899- 1939.
20505: Maspero, G., - Histoire de L'orient Classe de Sixieme.
466: Masse, J. L. J., - The Abbey Church of Tewkesbury with Some Account of the Priory Church of Deerhurst Gloucestershire.
10398: Masteroff, Joe, - Cabaret.
17968: Masters, Edgar Lee, - Jack Kelso a Dramatic Poem.
17966: Masters, Edgar Lee, - Whitman.
17965: Masters, Edgar Lee, - Domesday Book.
17964: Masters, Edgar Lee, - Gettysburg Manila Acoma.
17970: Masters, Edgar Lee, - Children of the Market Place.
17972: Masters, Edgar Lee, - Lichee Nuts.
17977: Masters, Edgar Lee, - Mark Twain a Portrait.
17976: Masters, Edgar Lee, - Lee a Dramatic Poem.
17975: Masters, Edgar Lee, - Mitch Miller.
7664: Masters, Edgar Lee, - Skeeters Kirby.
17974: Masters, Edgar Lee, - Skeeters Kirby.
8970: Masterson, K. B., - Cushing of Gettysburg the Story of a Union Artillery Commander.
19579: Mathison, Melissa, - Lennox.
10731: Matschat, Cecile Hulse, - Seven Grass Huts an Engineer's Wife in Central- And- South America.
19945: Matschat, Cecile Hulse, - Suwannee River Strange Green Land.
12063: Mattern, Jimmie, - Cloud Country Book Two 'hawaii to Hollywood'.
6150: Matthew, Christopher, - A Different World Stories of Great Hotels.
18290: Matthews, Chris, - Now, Let Me Tell You What I Really Think.
16674: Matthiessen, Peter & Porter, Eliot, - The Tree Where Man Was Born/the African Experience.
16675: Matthiessen, Peter; Porter, Eliot, - The Tree Where Man Was Born/the African Experience.
18471: Matthiessen, Peter; Porter, Eliot, - The Tree Where Man Was Born/the African Experience.
18470: Matthiessen, Peter; Porter, Eliot, - The Tree Where Man Was Born/the African Experience.
18472: Matthiessen, Peter; Porter, Eliot, - The Tree Where Man Was Born/the African Experience.
12453: Matthiessen, Peter, - At Play in the Fields of the Lord.
3992: Matthiessen, Peter, - African Silences.
15577: Matthiessen, Peter, - Under the Mountain Wall a Chronicle of Two Seasons in the Stone Age.
7668: Matthiessen, Peter, - Under the Mountain Wall a Chronicle of Two Seasons in the Stone Age.
16275: Maugham, W. Somerset, - Theatre a Novel.
13767: De Maupassant, Guy, - Bel- Ami.
19371: Mauriac, François, - The Weakling and the Enemy.
7677: Maurois, André, - Atmosphere of Love.
9921: Maxtone-Graham, John, - The Only Way to Cross.
551: Maxwell, Donald, - More Adventures Among Churches.
8126: Maxwell, Gordon S., - The Naval Front.
12329: May, W. Page, - Helwan and the Egyptian Desert.
13440: Mayer, Albert Et Al, - Pilot Project, India the Story of Rural Development at Etawah, Uttar Pradesh.
14335: Mayor, A. Hyatt, - Rembrandt and the Bible.
9381: Mc Manis, Douglas R., - European Impressions of the New England Coast 1497- 1620.
7010: McAdam, Roger Williams, - Priscilla of Fall River.
17286: McAdam, Roger Williams, - Salts on the Sound an Informal History of Steamboat Days and the Famous Skippers Who Sailed Long Island Sound.
5939: McAllister, J. Gray, - Boarderlands of the Mediterranean.
10141: McBain, Ed, - The House That Jack Built.
19577: McCallen, Brian, - Golf Resorts of the World the Best Places to Stay and Play.
18538: McCarthy, Joe (editor), - Ireland.
19372: McCarthy, Mary, - Winter Visitors.
11768: McCarthy, Mary, - Cannibals and Missionaries.
16278: McClendon, Sarah, - My Eight Presidents.
20740: McClymont, J. A., - Greece.
20493: McClymont, J. A., - Greece.
5955: McConkey, Phil; Simms, Phil; & Schaap, Dick, - Simms to Mcconkey Blood, Sweat and Gatorade.
18345: McCourt, Frank, - 'tis a Memoir.
17709: McCourt, Frank, - Angela's Ashes.
17580: McCullough, David, - The Path between the Seas the Creation of the Panama Canal 1870 - 1914.
8926: McDonough, James Lee, - Chattanooga a Death Grip on the Confederacy.
13578: McDowell, Bart, - Journey Across Russia the Soviet Union Today.
7679: McFee, William, - No Castle in Spain.
15090: McGinniss, Joe, - Going to Extremes.
15431: McGovern, George, - Terry My Daughter's Life- And- Death Struggle with Alcoholism.
7283: McGuire, Paul, - Westward the Course! the New World of Oceania.
18176: McKay, Richard C., - South Street a Maritime History of New York.
2156: McKeldin, Theodore R., - Washington Bowed.
15347: McKelvey, Blake, - Rochester on the Genesee the Growth of a City.
20433: McKelvey, Blake, - Rochester: An Emerging Metropolis 1925- 1961.
19373: McKenna, Stephen, - Sonia between Two Worlds.
17597: McKenney, Thomas, - Sketches of a Tour to the Lakes, of the Character and Customs of the Chippeway Indians, and of Incidents Connected with the Treaty of Fond Du Lac.
17991: McKernan, Maureen, - The Amazing Crime and Trial of Leopold and Loeb.
14959: McKnight, Gerald, - Verdict on Schweitzer the Man Behind the Legend of Lambarene.
19259: McLean, Ethel, - A Gentle Jehu in Japan.
19375: McMurtry, Larry, - Some Can Whistle.
19374: McMurtry, Larry, - Paradise.
3949: McMurtry, Larry, - Terms of Endearment.
15725: McNaspy, C. J., - Lost Cities of Paraguay Art and Architecture of the Jesuit Reductions 1607- 1767.
18644: McNeely, Robert, - The Clinton Years the Photographs of Robert Mcneely.
14423: Mead, Margaret & Brown, Muriel, - The Wagon and the Star a Study of American Community Initiative.
6309: Meares, Bernard (translation), - Around the Kremlin.
6207: Mearns, John S. ; Hartman, Myron D., - The New York Red Book 1954.
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