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94055: BALLANTYNE, ROBERT MICHAEL. - The Young Fur Traders or Snowflakes and Sunbeams from the Far North.
66202: BALLANTYNE, REV JAMES. - Homes And Homesteads In The Land Of Plenty: A Handbook Of Victoria As A Field Emigration.
63998: BALLANTYNE, REV. JAMES. - Our Colony In 1880 Pictorial & Descriptive. With New Map Of Victoria And Plan Of the CIty Of Melbourne.
109045: BALLANTYNE, KENNETH. - Another Dawn Another Dusk: The true story of Trevor Bowyer, DFC, ISM, a veteran rear gunner in RAF Bomber Command during World War Two.
120633: BALLARAT. - The Album of Ballarat Views. (cover title).
113498: BALLARAT. - Ballarat 1900 - 2000 Celebrating the Century. The Courier Ballarat Est. 1867.
86119: BALLARD, ADMIRAL G. A. - Rulers Of The Indian Ocean.
120009: BALLARD, GEOFFREY. - Nation with Nation: The Story of Olympic Village Heidelberg Olympic Games - Melbourne 1956.
44368: BALLARD, ERIC H. - The Story Of South Herts Golf Club.
97691: BALLMENT, HUGH. - More Tram Images Of A Journey Through Australia And New Zealand. First electric trams in Australia, "Box Hill to Doncaster", and in New Zealand, "Roslyn to Maori Hill".
82050: BALLOC, HILAIRE. - Danton. A Study.
101178: BALLS-HEADLEY, W. - The Evolution Of The Diseases Of Women.
95772: BALLYN, SUSAN; DOYLE, JEFF; Compilers. - Douglas Stewart. A Bibliography.
102555: BALLYN, SUSAN. - Jean Baptiste Lehimas de Arrieta The First Spanish Settler? contained in 'The La Trobe Journal'. No.68 Spring 2001.
95739: BALMAIN, MR. JAMES. - Lighthouses at Cape Schanck and Wilson's Promontory. 1856-7. Victoria. Presented to Both Houses of Parliament by his Excellency's Command.
111339: BALOUS, MIROSLAV. - Northrop P-61 Black Widow & F-15 Reporter.
121323: DE BALZAC, HONORE. - Pere Goriot. With the Illustrations of Albert Lynch.
76461: BALZER, KARL. - Sabotage gegen Deutschland. Der heimtuckische Kampf gegen die deutschland Frontsoldaten.
95912: BAMFORD, A. N. - New College - Box Hill Grammar School - Kingswood College. A Brief History - 1890 - 1966.
109598: BAMFORD, JOE; COLLIER, RON. - Eyes Of The Night The Air Defence Of North-Western England 1940-1943.
105982: BANCKS, JIMMY. - Ginger Meggs and the Country Cousin.
103032: BANCROFT, A; ROBERTS, R. G. - The Mikado's Guests. A Story of Japanese Captivity.
102814: BANCROFT, A; ROBERTS, R. G. - The Mikado's Guests. A Story of Japanese Captivity.
115314: BANDLER, RICHARD; GRINDER, JOHN. - ReFraming : Neuro Linguistic Programming and the Transformation of Meaning.
122095: BANDO, MARK. - Breakout At Normandy: The 2nd Armored Division in the Land of the Dead.
89105: BANFIELD, E. J. - Last Leaves From Dunk Island.
85640: BANFIELD, E. J. - Selections From The Works Of E. J. Banfield. "The Beachcomber" Dunk Isle 1897-1923
119242: BANFIELD, LORNA. - Green Pastures And Gold. A History of Ararat.
80217: BANFILL, B. J. - With the Indians of the Pacific.
104087: BANHAM, STEPHEN. - Characters. Cultural stories revealed through typography. Foreword by Rick Poyner.
94859: ANZ BANK. - The Gothic Bank. Preserving the Past, Planning the Future.
102702: ANZ BANK. - The Gothic Bank. Preserving the Past, Protecting the Future.
102519: BANK, ALICE. - Byzantine Art. In the Collections of Soviet Museums.
98491: BANKS, MIKE. - Commando Climber.
123017: BANKS, JAMES C. - Ginger Meggs Annual, Xmas 1955. (Cover Title).
123018: BANKS, JAMES C. - Ginger Meggs Annual, Xmas 1954. (Cover Title).
116620: BANKS, JOHN; ATKINS, G. H. F. - The Prestige Series Midland Red: Number Twenty in The Prestige Series.
113469: BANKS, C. B; MARTIN, A. A. - Proceedings of the Melbourne Herpetological Symposium. Royal Melbourne Zoological Gardens Australia 19-21 May 1980.
123019: BANKS, JAMES C. - Ginger Meggs Annual, Xmas 1953. (Cover Title).
120573: BANNERMAN, DAVID A. - The Birds Of West And Equatorial Africa. Two Volume set.
122872: BANNISTER, J. L. et al. - Zoological Catalogue of Australia Volume 5. Mammalia.
95346: BARAGWANATH, W. - Records of the Geological Survey of Victoria. Vol. IV. Part 3. Department Of Mines. 1921, Victoria.
120670: BARAGWANATH, W. - The Long Tunnel and Adjacent Mines Walhalla. Bulletins of the Geological Survey of Victoria No. 39.
117166: BARAGWANATH, W. - Some Victorian Goldfields. No. 2: Wood's Point and District. Extract reprinted from Mining and Geological Journal, Volume 3, No. 4.
116778: BARAGWANATH, W. - The Jubilee Mines, Scarsdale: Bulletins of the Geological Survey of Victoria No. 35.
116740: BARAGWANATH, W; MAHONY, D. J. - The Aberfeldy District, Gippsland with Appendix on Petrology: Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Victoria No. 15 1925.
116625: BARAGWANATH, W. - The Pearl and Hercules and Energetic Mines Bendigo: Bulletins of the Geological Survey of Victoria No. 30.
101366: BARAGWANATH, W. - Bulletins Of The Geological Survey Of Victoria. The Pearl And Hercules And Energetic Mines, Bendigo. No. 30. Issued By W. Dickson, Secretary For Mines, Under The Authority Of The Hon. J. Drysdale Brown, M. L. C, Minister Of Mines. Department Of Mines.
82098: BARASSI, RON. - Barassi. Australian Football Stories.
49280: BARASSI, RON; McFARLAINE, PETER - Barassi The Life behind the Legend
116577: BARASSI, RON; McFARLAINE, PETER. - Barassi. The Life behind the Legend.
119110: BARASSI, RON; MCFARLANE, GLENN. - Ron Barassi: Chronicling His Football Career Using His Scrapbook and Memorabilia. Icons of Australian Sport.
94715: BARBEAU, J. - Notice Explicative Sur La Feuille Fort-Lamy. Carte Geologique de Reconnaissance a l'echelle du 1/100,000. Leves effectues de 1949 a 1953.
104849: BARBELLION, W. N. P. - Enjoying Life And Other Literary Remains.
96567: BARBER, TANIA; Researcher and Compiler. - Wimmera Diggers At War 1939 - 1945. Special Souvenir Issue.
93072: BARBER, RICHARD. - The Reign Of Chivalry.
76964: BARBER, LAURIE. - New Zealand. A Short History.
34261: BARBER, TANIA. ; Researched and compiled by. - Wimmera Diggers At War 1939 - 1945. Special Souvenir Issue.
16747: BARBER, NOEL. - The Fall Of Shanghai. The Communist Take-Over in 1949.
14893: BARBER, NOEL. - Sinister Twilight. The Fall and Rise Again of Singapore.
12175: BARBER, NOEL. - The White Desert.
115953: BARBER, MARK. - RAF Fighter Command Pilot: The Western Front 1939-42. Illustrated by Graham Turner.
114837: BARBER, MICHAEL. - Anthony Powell: A Life.
120877: BARBER, RICHARD; Editor. - The Life and Campaigns of the Black Prince from contemporary letters, diaries and chronicles, including Chandos Herald's Life of the Black Prince.
108170: BARBER, DR. JOSEPH; General Editor. - The Chicken A Natural Histrory A Natural Histrory.
108081: BARBER, JOEL. - Wild Fowl Decoys 140 Illustrations With 4 In Color.
106626: BARBER, STELLA M. - Crescendo ; Melbourne Symphony Orchestra : Celebrating 100 Years.
84054: BARBERA, JACK; MCBRIEN, WILLIAM; BAJAN, HELEN. - Stevie Smith. A Biography.
108530: BARBIER, MARY KATHRYN. - D-Day Deception. Operation Fortitude and the Normandy Invasion.
79799: BARBIN, LUCY DE; MATERA, DARY. - Are You Lonesome Tonight? The Untold Story of Elvis Presley's One True Love- and the Child He Never Knew.
71697: BARBOUR, A.J. - Clara: A Romance of Rural Life, And Other Poems.
63457: BARBOUR, T. C. - Your Home. Advice to property buyers.
104797: BARCAN, ALAN. - Sociological Theory and Educational Reality. Education and Society in Australia since 1949.
85559: BARCLAY, WILLIAM. - The Schools and Schoolmasters of Banffshire
69528: BARCLAY, GLEN ST J. - Friends In High Places. Australian-American diplomatic relations since 1945.
113306: BARCLAY, BRIGADIER C. N. - Armistice.
110423: BARCLAY, JOHN R. - Small Ships with descriptive titles by Lieut. G.P.B. Naish.
105305: BARCLAY, GLEN ST. J. - The Empire is Marching. A Study of the Military Effort of the British Empire 1800-1945.
45308: "THE RED BARD" - Battle-Song Of Change A Poem of Challenge
88570: BARDE, REV. H. W. - An Historical Sketch. St. Cuthbert's Church of England.
91595: BARDEN, LEONARD. - Leonard Barden's Chess Puzzle Book. An Evening Standard Chess Book.
89921: BARDEN, LEONARD; HARDING, TIM. - The Batsford Guide to Chess Openings.
89908: BARDEN, LEONARD. - How To Play The Endgame In Chess.
89473: BARDEN, LEONARD. ; HEIDENFELD WOLFGANG. - Modern Chess Miniatures.
39451: BARDEN, LEONARD. - How Good Is Your Chess ?
100966: BARDER, RICHARD C. R. - English Country Grandfather Clocks. The Brass-dial Longcase.
122250: BARDON, GEOFFRY AND JAMES. - Papunya. A Place Made After the Story. The Beginnings of the Western Desert Painting Movement.
33433_B: BARDSLEY, Rt. Rev. CUTHBERT. K. N; MOYES, Rt. Rev. J. S. - Coventry Campaign. A Record Of A Journey Across Australia.
80843: BARDWELL, SANDRA. - 50 Day Walks Near Melbourne. The Age Special No 1.
66980: BARDWELL, SANDRA. - Park Walks Near Melbourne.
94303: BARFF, H. E. - A Short Historical Account Of The University Of Sydney. in connection with The Jubilee Celebrations 1852-1902.
32738: BARFF, H. E. - A Short Historical Account Of The University Of Sydney. in connection with The Jubilee Celebrations 1852-1902.
101995: BARHAM, RICHARD JAMES (writing as "Thomas Ingoldsby"). - The Ingoldsby legends Or Mirth And Marvels By Thomas Ingoldsby Esquire. First - Third Series.
94834: BARIAND, P; ISSAKHANIAN, V; SADRZADEH, M. - Preliminary Metallogenic Map Of Iran. Ministry of Economy. Geological Survey of Iran. Report No 7, 1965.
118797: BARING-GOULD, WILLIAM S; BARING-GOULD, CEIL. - The Annotated Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes Old and New, Arranged and Explained by William S. Baring-Gould & Ceil Baring-Gould. Illustrated by Walter Crane, Randolph Caldecott, Kate Greenaway, Arthur Rackham, Maxfield Parrish, and Early Historical Woodcuts. With Chapter Decorations by E. M. Simon.
66813: BARJOT, ADMIRAL; SAVANT, JEAN. - History of the world's Shipping.
30789: BARK, CONRAD VOSS. - The Shepherd File.
98903: BARKER, ANTHONY J; JACKSON, LISA. - Fleeting Attraction. A Social History of American Servicemen in Western Australia During the Second World War.
120080: BARKER, RALPH. - Innings Of A Lifetime.
85039: BARKER, ANTHONY J. - The WACA. An Australian Cricket Success Story.
83547: BARKER, S. - Revision Of The Genus Astraeus Laporte & Gory (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). Contained in the Transactions Of The Royal Society of South Australia Incorporated. Vol. 99 Part 3.
83480: BARKER, SUSAN. - Quondong Station, South Australia: A Field Context For Applied Rangeland Research. Contained in the Transactions Of The Royal Society of South Australia Incorporated. Vol. 94.
80036: BARKER, LADY. - Station Life In New Zealand.
117549: BARKER, RALPH. - Ship-Busters, British Torpedo-Bombers in World War II.
75836: BARKER, A. J. - Stuka Ju-87.
56562: BARKER, H.P.; compiler. - Incidents Of Australian Life. In City And Bush.
39785: BARKER, A J. - Fortune Favours The Brave. The Battle of the Hook Korea 1953.
119350: BARKER, JOHN. - Renovate: Architectual Concepts for Rejuvenating Houses and Buildings.
11926: BARKER, A. W. - Letters To An Australian Publisher Dear Robertson.
116622: BARKER, COLIN. - Ipswich Trolleybuses: Trolleybus Classics Number 15.
116297: BARKER, THEO. - Moving Millions: A Pictorial History of London Transport.
115206: BARKER, W. MORRANT; HARRIS, VINCENT DORMER. - Hand-Book of Physiology. Volume I.
115145: BARKER, JULIET. - The Brontes.
115000: BARKER, SUE; MCCASKILL, MURRAY; Editors. - Discover Kangaroo Island.
114255: BARKER, ANTHONY J. - Behind The Play.. A History of Football in Western Australia from 1868.
113885: BARKER, NICOLAS. - Bibliotheca Lindesiana. The Lives and Collections of Alexander William 25th Earl of Crawford and 8th Earl of Balcarres, and James Ludovic, 26th Earl of Crawford and 9th Earl of Balcarres.
111666: BARKER, RALPH. - The Royal Flying Corps In France. From Mons To The Somme.
121322: BARKER, RALPH. - The RAF At War: Epic of Flight.
107808: BARKER, JULIET. - Wordsworth A Life.
107325: BARKER, T. J; Editor. - The way it was. Source Book in Australian History for use in schools.
121675: BARKER, A. J. - Stuka Ju-87.
104096: BARKER, JACK; Editor. - Trout 1999. Tasmanian Angling Report of Northern, Southern & North-Western Fisheries Association.
104054: BARKER, MARTIN. - Comics: ideology, power and the critics.
121818: BARKER, ANTHONY; Selected by. - An Illustrated Treasury of Australian Epic Journeys.
101307: BARKER, DAVID. - The Arthur Negus Guide to English Clocks. Foreword by Arthur Negus. Consultant Editor: Arthur Negus.
100731: BARKER, ANTHONY; Selected by. - An Illustrated Treasury of Australian Epic Journeys.
118293: BARKER, ANTHONY J. - The WACA. An Australian Cricket Success Story.
92635: CHRISTOPHER DAY GALLERY IN ASSOCIATION WITH EDWARD BARKES AND JOHN NESS BARKES. - Early Australian Painters. 18 April - 6 May 1984. Christopher Day Gallery in association with Edward Barkes and John Ness Barkes.
88536: BARLEE, F. R. - 1911 Western Australia. Manual For Justices And Clerks Of Court. Being a guide to the functions Of Justices, and the duties of Clerks of Court in their office, and in affiliated offices.
94795: BARLOW, NORA; Editor. - Darwin and Henslow. The Growth of an Idea. Letters 1831-1860.
111756: BARLOW, FRANK. - Thomas Becket.
87544: BARNABA. - Letters Of Barnaba (Daughter of Consolation) To a Soldier at the Front.
117071: BARNABY, JANE; Editor. - Australians Aviators.
117070: BARNABY, JANE; Editor. - Australians In War.
96907: BARNARD, JILL; TWIGG, KAREN. - Holding On To Hope. A History of the Founding Agencies of MacKillop Family Services 1854-1997.
91393: BARNARD, JAMES; Government Printer. - Victoriae Reginae. A Bill to Incorporate the Inhabitants of the Town of Launceston. Draft 19 Vict. No.
122218: BARNARD, JILL; KEATING, JENNY. - People's Playground. A History of the Albert Park.
71187: BARNARD, MAJORIE. - Macquarie's World.
37360: BARNARD, MARJORIE. - Sydney. The Story Of A City.
30400: BARNARD, ELLSWORTH. - War And The Verities.
14138: BARNARD, MAJORIE. - Macquarie's World.
13540: BARNARD, MARJORIE. - Miles Franklin.
116189: BARNARD, SIMON. - A-Z of Convicts in Van Diemen's Land.
112636: BARNARD, LORETTA; Editor. - Australia Through Time 2003 Edition.
118882: BARNARD, JILL with JENNINGS, SONIA. - Welcome And Farewell. The Story Of Station Pier.
96647: BARNED, MALCOLM. - The Mountain World 1955.
33043: BARNED, BETTY JEAN. - Woodend. On the Five Mile Creek.
106346: BARNERS, JEREMY. - The Pictorial History of the Vietnam War.
96645: BARNES, MALCOLM; Editor. - The Mountain World 1964/65
96644: BARNES, MALCOLM; Editor. - The Mountain World 1962/63.
96643: BARNES, MALCOLM; Editor. - The Mountain World 1960/61.
96636: BARNES, MALCOLM; Editor. - The Mountain World 1958/59.
96419: BARNES, MALCOLM; Editor. - The Mountain World 1956/7.
95640: BARNES, JOHN; Editor. - The La Trobe Journal No. 71 Autumn 2003.
120093: BARNES, SIMON. - Phil Edmonds: A Singular Man.
89499: BARNES, ROBERT. - Collins: His Dilemma and Decisions. Contained within the Victorian Historical Journal Vol. 56, Part 3, September 1970.
77220: BARNES, JOHN. - Henry Kingsley and Colonial Fiction. Australian Writers and their work. Edited by Grahame Johnston.
77117: BARNES, JOHN. - Joseph Furphy. Australian Writers and their Work.
77113: BARNES, JOHN. - Joseph Furphy. Australian Writers and their Work.
75762: BARNES, G. M. - Weapons Of World War II.
75380: BARNES, JOHN. - Hunting the Buffalo with Washington Irving: LaTrobe as Traveller and Writer. Contained within the LaTrobe journal No. 71 Autumn 2003.
48334: BARNES, T.; NICKLIN, S.; WHISH, D.; Editors - Medical Graduation Year Book 1981 University of New South Wales
97456: BARNES, MALCOLM; Editor. - The Mountain World 1966/67. Uncorrected Proofs.
16376: BARNES, N, JAMES. - Let's Save Antarctica!
112376: BARNES, F. C; AMBER, JOHN T. - Cartridges of the World. Complete and authoritative data on over 1000 rifle, pistol and shotgun cartridges, centerfire and rimfire, loads and ammunition components. Fully illustrated. general and historical notes on each cartridge.. factory and handloading ballistic data.. scores of dimensional drawings.
121514: BARNES, MAJOR R. MONEY. - A History Of The Regiments & Uniforms Of The British Army.
105492: BARNES, FRANK. - Fort Sumter National Monument South Carolina.
105320: BARNES, JOHN. - The Order of Things. A Life of Joseph Furphy.
105051: BARNES, GWYNETH. - Peter Sculthorpe. An Australian Composer's Influence.
104013: BARNES, JOHN; HOFFMAN, LOIS; Editors. - Bushman and Bookworm. Letters of Joseph Furphy.
99684: BARNES, C. H. - Bristol Aircraft since 1910
92906: BARNETT, F. OSWALD. - The Making of a Criminal.
122342: BARNETT, S. A; Editor. - A Century of Darwin.
57486: BARNETT, HARVEY. - Tale Of The Scorpion.
52288: BARNETT, CORRELLI. - Marlborough.
36704: BARNETT, F OSWALD. - How Lovely Is This World and other poems.
114036: BARNETT, P. NEVILLE. - Australian Book-Plates And Book-Plates Of Interest To Australia.
113974: BARNETT, A. DOAK. - China On The Eve Of Communist Takeover.
113712: BARNETT, CORRELLI. - The Desert Generals.
111241: BARNETT, P. NEVILLE. - Armorial Book-Plates. Their Romantic Origin And Artistic Development.
120431: BARNEY, RICHARD W; LOVELESS, ROBERT W. - How To Make Knives.
105044: BARNS, BEATRICE. - Poems. Australia The Peerless Land
122104: THE VALLEY OF BAROSSA. - A Township Starts to Live: The Valley of Barossa. South Australia's New Community.
92349: BARR, DONALD; Editor. - Rambler's Harvest. A Miscellany for Nature Lovers.
122825: BARR, WILLIAM; Editor. - Searching For Franklin: The Land Arctic Searching Expedition. James Anderson's and James Stewarts Expedition via the Back River. 1855.
120959: BARR, WILLIAM; WILLIAMS GLYNDWR; Editors. - Voyages in Search of a Northwest Passage 1741-1747. Two volumes. Hakluyt Society. Second Series, Volume 177 and 181. Vol I. The Voyage of Christopher Middleton 1741-1742. Vol II. The Voyage of William Moore and Francis Smith 1746-1747.
108189: BARR, MARSHALL. - Surgery, Sand And Saigon Tea. An Australian Army Doctor in Viet Nam.
95120: SHIRE OF BARRABOOL. - 1865 - 1965. Centenary Of The Proclamation Of The Shire of Barrabool Commemorated On April 14, 1965 at the Shire Hall, Mount Moriac and Recreation Reserve, Mount Moriac. In the presence of His Excellency the Governor of Victoria Sir Rohan Delacombe and Lady Delacombe.
18013: SHIRE OF BARRABOOL. - 1865 - 1965. Centenary Of The Proclamation Of The Shire of Barrabool Commemorated On April 14, 1965 at the Shire Hall, Mount Moriac and Recreation Reserve, Mount Moriac. In the presence of His Excellency the Governor of Victoria Sir Rohan Delacombe and Lady Delacombe.
117046: BARRACK, RICHARD; BERRY, JOHN; GEE, NEVILLE; Editors. - Country Branch Lines Victoria. Part 9 - Far North-Central Region. A Photographic Profile 1956-1986. Compiled by Neville Gee.
76507: BARRACLOUGH, GEOFFREY. - From Agadir To Armageddon. Anatomy of a Crisis.
115027: BARRACLOUGH, LINDA; SQUIRES, DEBRA. - East Gippsland Cemeteries: A Guide for the Genealogist.
120715: BARRALLIER, FRANCIS. - Journal of the Expedition into the Interior of New South Wales 1802. By order of His Excellency Governor Philip Gidley King.
14163: BARRAT, GLYNN. - The Russian Navy And Australia To 1825. The Days Before Suspicion.
116118: BARRAT, D. A; Editor. - Footy Fan Magazine. June 6, 1964. Volume 2. No.7.
89039: BARRATT, BRIAN; Editor. - Sharing Our Past. 90 Years of memories by Senior Citizens of Monash.
83031: BARRATT, GLYNN. - The Russians at Port Jackson 1814-1822.
81954: BARRATT, CHARLES. - On the Wallaby. Quest And Adventure In Many Lands.
114527: BARRATT, GLYNN. - The Russians at Port Jackson 1814-1822.
114526: BARRATT, GLYNN. - The Russians at Port Jackson 1814-1822.
103949: BARRATT, GLYNN. - The Russian Navy and Australia to 1825. The Days Before Suspicion.
106410: BARRAUD, E. M. - Barraud the story of a family.
96708: BARRETT, CHARLES. - The Platypus. The World's Wonder Animal.
94867: BARRETT, KENNETH. - Play On! A Well Loved Trinity Tradition. An affectionate look at the first century of theatre at Trinity.
120113: BARRETT, JAMES W. - A Vision Of The Possible. What The R.A.M.C. Might Become.
89790: BARRETT, JIM. - Yerranderie. Story of a Ghost Town.
118919: BARRETT, CHARLES L; KENYON, A. S. - Australian Aboriginal Art. National Museum Of Victoria.
89196: BARRETT, JIM. - Kanangra Walls. Discovery and History.
87127: BARRETT, CHARLES. - Australian Nature Wonders.
86040: BARRETT, CHARLES. - "The Beachcomber" And His Tropic Isle. Contained within the Australian Museum Magazine. Vol 1. No. 10, October 1923.
122958: BARRETT, PAUL H; Editor. - The Collected Papers of Charles Darwin. Volumes One and Two. With a Foreword by Theodosius Dobzhansky.
81307: BARRETT, CHARLES. - Life Masks Of Aborigines. Contained in The Victorian Naturalist Vol. 51 No. 6 October 1934.
80768: BARRETT, CHARLES. - Wild Life In Australia Illustrated.
78270: BARRETT, CHARLES. - The Bush Ramblers. A Story for Australian Children.
74767: BARRETT, JOHN. - That Better Country. The Religious aspect of Life in Eastern Australia, 1835 - 1850.
73948: BARRETT, S. A. - The Waho Indians. Bulletin Of The Public Museum Of The City Of Milwukee.
73555: BARRETT, CHARLES. - Wanderer's Rest.
64778: BARRETT, CHARLES. - An Australian Animal Book.
53556: BARRETT, CHARLES. - Wild Life Of Australia And New Guinea.
51614: BARRETT, CHARLES. - The Australian Aborigine
50782: BARRETT, CHARLES. - Wild Life Of Australia And New Guinea
47646: BARRETT, JOHN. - Falling In. Australians And 'Boy Conscription' 1911-1915.
43203: BARRETT, CHARLES. - The Platypus. The World's Wonder Animal.
43146: BARRETT, CHARLES. - An Australian Animal Book.
40480: BARRETT, CHARLES. - The Sunlit Land. Wanderings in Queensland.
37511_b: BARRETT, CHARLES; Editor. - The Swagman's Note-Book. An anthology of Australian Prose and Verse.
32523: BARRETT, CHARLES. - Heritage of Stone. Illustrated by Chas. H. Crampton.
122909: BARRETT, ALFRED. - The Life of the Rev. John Hewgill Bumby. with A Brief History of the Commencement and Progress of The Wesleyan Mission in New-Zealand.
113480: BARRETT, CHARLES; Editor. - The Pacific Ocean of Islands.
112190: BARRETT, CHARLES L; KENYON, A. S. - Australian Aboriginal Art. National Museum Of Victoria.
119156: BARRETT, PAUL; COLLISON, KERRY B; Compilers. - The Happy Warrior: An Anthology of Australian and New Zealand Military Poems.
108962: BARRETT, STEVE; LAIDLAW, ROBERT. - Two of a Kind The story of Chris and James Gowans. Edited by Peter Cornwall.
107807: BARRETT, CHARLES. - Australia's Inland Wonders.
106117: BARRETT, JAMES. - Eighty Eventful Years. Forward by the Rt. Hon. Sir John Latham, G.C.M.G., Chief Justice of Australia.
105709: BARRETT, CHARLES. - Australian Wild Life.
104788: BARRETT, CHARLES. - From A Bush Hut.
104653: BARRETT, CHARLES; BURNS, A. N. - Butterflies of Australia and New Guinea.
103723: BARRETT, JAMES W. - The Twin Ideals. An Educated Commonwealth.
102911: BARRETT, JOHN. - Falling In. Australians and `Boy Conscription' 1911-1915.
73076: BARRIE, J. M. - Courage. The Rectorial Address Delivered At St. Andrews University May 3rd 1922.
16660: BARRIE, DOUGLAS R. - The Heart Of Rum Jungle. The history of Rum Jungle and Batchelor in the Northern Territory of Australia.
13590: BARRIE, DOUGLAS M; PRING, PETER. - Australia's Thoroughbred Idols. Sm. 4to; pp. 118; 6 full-page colour plates, profusely illustrated with b/w illustrations, original cloth, dustjacket, minor discolouration and marks to pages and dustjacket, boards lightly bent, otherwise a very good copy.
95833: BARRINGTON, GEORGE. - A Voyage To New South Wales By George Barrington Superintendant of the Convicts, to which is prefixed a Detail of His Life, Trials, Speeches, Etc. Enriched with Beautiful Coloured Prints.
117795: BARRINGTON, SHAUN. - Concise History Of Harley-Davidson.
117797: BARRINGTON, SHAUN. - Harley-Davidson An Illustrated History.
120723: BARRINGTON, JOHN S. - The Tom Album; Homo-Erotic Art - Volume III.
115174: BARRINGTON, GEORGE WINSLOW. - Remarkable Voyages & Shipwrecks, being A Popular Collection of Extraordinary and Authentic Sea Narratives Relating to all parts of the Globe.
119634: BARRINGTON, KEN. - Playing It Straight.
104252: BARRINGTON-JOHNSON, J. - The Zoo The Story of London Zoo.
109016: BARRON, LEO; CYGAN, DON. - No Silent Night The Christmas Battle For Bastogne.
108671: BARRON, LEO. - Patton at the Battle of the Bulge. How the General's Tanks Turned the Tide at Bastogne.
86802: BARROW, DOROTHY. - Memories Of J. K. Barrow. A Most Devoted and Unselfish Mother.
85105: BARROW, JOHN. - A Description Of Pitcairn's Island And Its Inhabitants. With An Authentic Account Of The Mutiny Of The Ship Bounty, And Of The Subsequent Fortune Of The Mutineers. Harper's Family Library No. XXXI. Complete in one Volume.
55694: BARROW, FREDA. - The Transit of Nan.
31650: BARROW, SIR JOHN. - The Mutiny of the Bounty. Edited by Gavin Kennedy.
11711: BARROW, MARGARET. - Women 1870-1928. A Select Guide To Printed And Archival Sources In The United Kingdom.
99061: BARROW, T. - The Decorative Arts Of The New Zealand Maori.
110402: BARROW, WILL. - Buster. The dog who saved a thousand lives. RAF Police Flight Sergeant Will Barrow. As told to Isobel George.
107491: BARROWMAN, ALEXANDER HUTCHISON. - Old Days and Old Ways.
119709: BARRY, PAUL. - Spun Out. The Shane Warne Story.
83304: BARRY, PAUL. - The Rise And Fall Of Alan Bond.
76876: BARRY, J. V. - Captain Alexander Maconochie, R.N., K.H. Contained in The Victorian Historical Journal. Issue 108 Vol. 27 No. 4
76771: BARRY, Sir JOHN. - The Beginnings Of Law In Victoria. Contained in The Victorian Historical Magazine. Issues 151 & 152 Vol. No. 39, Nos. 1 & 2.
56270: BARRY, W. JACKSON. - Glimpses Of The Australian Colonies And New Zealand. A Thrilling Narrative Of The Early Days: Embodying The Life-History Of Captain William Jackson Barry Who Arrived In New South Wales In 1829.
52507: BARRY, CAPTAIN W. JACKSON - Glimpses of the Australian Colonies and New Zealand A thrilling narrative of the early days: embodying the life-history of Captain William Jackson Barry who arrived in New South Wales in 1829
121468: BARRY, PAUL. - Breaking News: Sex, Lies & The Murdoch Succession.
98075: BARRY, W. S. - The Language Of Aviation.
100996: BART, SIR JOHN LUBBOCK; - Fifty Years Of Science. Being The Address Delivered At York To The British Association August 1881.
92103: BARTH, HENNER. - Geologisches Jahrbuch Reihe B, Regionale Geologie Ausland, Heft 72. Explanatory Notes on the 1:500 000 Provisional Geological Map of the Lake Victoria Goldfields, Tanzania. With 8 figures and 1 map.
92102: BARTH, HENNER. - Geologisches Jahrbuch Reihe B, Regionale Geologie Ausland, Heft 72. Explanatory Notes on the 1:500 000 Provisional Geological Map of the Lake Victoria Goldfields, Tanzania. With 8 figures and 1 map.
92296: BARTHOLOME, PAUL. - Gisements Stratiformes Et Provinces Cupriferes. Centenaire de la Societe Geologique de Belgique Sous le Haut Patronage de sa Majeste le roi Liege, 9-13 Septembre 1974.
86232: BARTHOLOMEW, DORIS A; SCHOENHALS, LOUISE C. - Bilingual Dictionaries For Indigenous Languages.
115725: BARTHOLOMEW, J. G. - A Literary and Historical Atlas of Africa and Australasia.
113294: BARTHOLOMEW, J. G. - The Comparative Atlas - Physical & Political - Professor Meiklejohn's Geographical Series.
120579: BARTHOLOMEW, J. G. - The Royal Atlas & Gazetteer of Australasia.
101281: BARTHOLOMEW, JAMES. - The Welfare State We're In.
57818: BARTHORP, MICHAEL. - Crater To The Creggan. A History of The Royal Anglican Regiment 1964-1974.
117569: BARTKY, WALTER. - Highlights Of Astronomy. Photographs by Yerkes Observatory. Drawings by Chichi Lasley.
95789: BARTLETT, KEVIN; Foreword by. - Our Great Game. The Photographic History of Australian Football.
88754: BARTLETT, W. M; Deputy Commonwealth Statistician and Government Statistician. - Western Australian Pocket Year Book. No. 63. 1981.
86789: BARTLETT, NORMAN; Editor. - With The Australians In Korea.
120010: BARTLETT, KEVIN; (Foreword); MURRAY, JOHN: (Editor). - Our Great Game: The Photographic History of Australian Football.
80982: BARTLETT, KEVIN; PHILLIPS, STEPHEN. - Kevin Bartlett's Footy Trivia.
119985: BARTLETT, NORMAN. - Pictorial History Of Australia At War 1939-45. Five volumes.
78097: BARTLETT, NORMAN. - 1776-1976. Australia and America Through 200 Years.
77446: BARTLETT, KEVIN. - Kevin Bartlett's Book Of Football. Stories, Statistics, Trivia.
77347: BARTLETT, KEVIN. - Kevin Bartlett's Book Of Football. Stories, Statistics, Trivia.
77302: BARTLETT, KEVIN. - Kevin Bartlett's Book Of Football. Stories, Statistics, Trivia.
68042: BARTLETT, JEANETTE; Compiler. - 180 Years Of Victor Harbor History in Many Pictures With Some Words.
58897: BARTLETT, NORMAN; Editor. - Australia at Arms.
46607: BARTLETT, M.A. Compiler. - The Port Stephens Story
39774: BARTLETT, NORMAN; Editor. - With The Australians In Korea.
118552: BARTLETT, RHETT. - Richmond F.C. "The Tigers" A Century of League Football.
16868: BARTLETT, NORMAN - The Gold Seekers. The Story of the Australian Gold Rush.
14738: BARTLETT, NORMAN; Editor. - Australia at Arms.
12551: BARTLETT, NORMAN; Editor. - With The Australians In Korea.
117345: BARTLETT, JOHN. - Familiar Quotations: A Collection of Passages, Phrases and Proverbs traced to their Sources in Ancient and Modern Literature.
117242: BARTLETT, W. H. - Walks About The City and Environs of Jerusalem.
115290: BARTLETT, ROBERT. - The Hanged man: A Story of Miracle, Memory, and Colonialism in The Middle Ages.
114897: BARTLETT, ANNE M; Compiler. - Our Heritage in History: Papers of the Sixth Australasian Congress on Genealogy and Heraldry: Supplement. Launceston, Tasmania May 1991.
114070: BARTLETT, JOHN. - Ships of North Cornwall.
110986: BARTLETT, WYNNE; WHALLEY, JOYCE IRENE. - Beatrix Potter's Derwentwater. With original illustrations by Beatrix Potter.
105173: BARTLETT, ELISHA. - The History, Diagnosis, and Treatment of the Fevers of the United States.
67422: BARTLEY, NEHEMIAH. - Opals and Agates: or Scenes under the Southern Cross and The Magelhans. Being Memories of Fifty Years of Australia and Polynesia.
122684: BARTLEY, NEHEMIAH. Edited by J. J. KNIGHT. - Australian Pioneers And Reminiscences 1849-1894.
108348: BARTLEY, ANTHONY. - Smoke Trail in the Sky: From the Journals of a Fighter Pilot.
100007: BARTLEY, R. J. - Memorandum and Rules of Association of The New Queen Cross Mining Company (No Liability). The Companies Act, 1899-1918.
95641: BARTON, STUART. - Castles in Britain. An Illustrated Guide.
73888: BARTON, G. B. - History of New South Wales From The Records. Vol. 1 Governor Phillip 1783-1789.
73889: BARTON, G. B. - History of New South Wales From The Records. Vol. 1 Governor Phillip 1783-1789.
66825: BARTON, CHARLES H. - Australian Physiography.
116713: BARTON, LEONARD L. - The Desert Harassers. Being Memoirs Of 450 (R.A.A.F.) Squadron 1941-1945.
104664: BARTON, G. B. - The Poets And Prose Writers Of New South Wales.
104647: BARTON, CHARLES H. - Outlines of Australian Physiography.
103586: BARTON, PETER. - ARRAS, The Spring 1917 Offensive In Panoramas Including Vimy Ridge And Bullecourt.
11077: BARTRAM, GRACE. - Darker Grows the Valley.
50978: BARTROP, EDGAR - 50 Years On The Golden Jubilee story of Victoria's Real Estate Institute.
67390: BARWICK, JOHN; BARWICK, JENNIFER. - Australia's Worst Disasters. Disasters At Sea.
57571: BARZILAY, DAVID. - The British Army In Ulster.
99282: BASBANES, NICHOLAS A. - Among the Gently Mad. Perspectives and Strategies for the Book Hunter in the Twenty-first Century.
121421: BASCUNAN, FRANCISCO NUNEZ DE PINEDAY. - The Happy Captive: Translated from the Spanish by William C Atkinson.
99584: BASE, GRAEME. - The Sign of the Seahorse. A Tale of Greed and High Adventures in Two Acts.
99581: BASE, GRAEME. - The Eleventh Hour. A Curious Mystery.
119939: BASEDOW, HERBERT. - The Australian Aboriginal.
117963: BASEDOW, HERBERT. - Physical Geography And Geology Of The Western Rivers' District, Northern Territory of Australia. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, South Australian Branch.
115151: BASEDOW, HERBERT. - Journal Of The Government North-West Expedition.
47859: BASON, FREDERICK T. Compiler. - A Bibliography Of The Writings of William Somerset Maugham. Compiled by Frederick T. Bason.
87701: BASSETT, JAN; Editor. - Great Southern Landings. An Anthology of Antipodean Travel.
81263: BASSETT, JUDY. - Benalla Sketched. Illustrated By Jean Dennis.
122314: BASSETT, JUDY; HARMAN, EDNA. - Wangaratta Old Tales and Tours.
62962: BASSETT, MARNIE. - Behind the Picture. H.M.S. Rattlesnake's Australia * New Guinea Cruise 1846 to 1850.
56565: BASSETT, JUDY. - Benalla Sketched. Illustrated By Jean Dennis.
118223: BASSETT, JAN; Editor. - As We Wave You Goodbye. Australian Women and War.
34206: BASSETT, MARNIE. - Henry Fyshe Gisborne And `Once Upon A Time.'. With a Memoir by Ann Blainey and an Editorial note by Mary Turner Shaw.
117373: BASSETT-LOWKE, W. J. - The Model Railway handbook: A Practical Guide to the Installation of a Model Railway.
121755: BASSETT, JAN; Editor. - Great Explorations: An Australian Anthology.
104655: BASTABLE, MARSHALL J. - Arms and the State. Sir William Armstrong and the Remaking of British Naval Power, 1854-1914.
118187: BATCHELDER, ALF. - Pavilions In The Park. A History of the Melbourne Cricket Club and its Ground. Two Volumes.
119857: BATCHELDER, ALF. - From Bradman To Cordner - The Melbourne Cricket Club and Its Ground in World War II.
118554: BATCHELDER, ALF. - Only Yesterday : Don Bradman at the Melbourne Cricket Ground.
118578: BATCHELDER, ALF. - Hugh Trumble: A Cricketer's Life (Two Volume Set).
118580: BATCHELDER, ALF; RUSDEN, ANN; WEBSTER, RAY; WILLIAMS, KEN. - The Centenary Test. Melbourne Cricket Ground March 1977.
120225: BATCHELDER, ALF; WEBSTER, RAY; WILLIAMS, KEN. - An Unforgettable Summer. The 1960-61 Australia-West Indies Series. A 40th Anniversary Tribute.
119069: BATCHELDER, ALF; RUSDEN, ANN; STUDHAM, DAVID; WEBSTER, RAY; WILLIAMS, KEN. - An Affectionate Remembrance. The Story of the Mythical Ashes.
98980: BATCHELDER, ALF. - Melbourne Cricket Club Roll of Honour 1914-1918. A Research Project.
118280: BATCHELDER, ALF. - Playing The Greater Game: The Melbourne Cricket Club and its Ground in World War I.
96822: BATCHELOR, JOHN; LOWE, MALCOLM V. - The Complete Encyclopedia Of Flight. 1848-1939.
96741: BATCHELOR, JOHN; CHANT, CHRIS. - Flight. The History of Aviation.
120084: BATCHELOR, DENZIL. - The Book Of Cricket: A Gallery of Great players from W.G. Grace to the Present Day.
118197: BATE, WESTON. - Light Blue Down Under. The History Of Geelong Grammar School.
122980: BATE, WESTON. - Essential But Unplanned. The Story of Melbourne's Lanes.
112930: BATE, WESTON. - Overview: The Shape of History at RHSV. The Victorian Historical Journal. Issue 272, Vol. 80, No. 2. November 2009.
121107: BATE, WESTON. - Essential But Unplanned. The Story of Melbourne's Lanes.
118802: BATE, WESTON. - Sustaining Their Dream. The Metropolitan Golf Club 1901-2001.
118819: BATE, WESTON; PENROSE, HELEN. - Challenging Traditions. A History of Melbourne Grammar.
105459: BATE, WESTON. - Here's to Grandpa! The Watercolours 1900-1940 of C. A. Wilson.
78291: BATEMAN, ROBERT. - Quest For Nuggets.
117708: BATEMAN, JOHN FITZHERBERT; COMBES, ROBERT. - Aquatic Notes, or Sketches of the Rise and progress of Rowing at Cambridge. By a member of the C.U.B.C. With a letter Containing Hints on Rowing and Training, By Robert Coombes Champion Sculler.
111093: BATEMAN, ALEX. - No 617 'Dambuster' Sqn.
102857: BATEMAN, DONALD; MOYNIHAN, LORD. - Berkeley Moynihan Surgeon.
44546: BATES, J ; Hon Secretary. - Tynemouth Golf Club Ltd. Official handbook.
34030: BATES, L. VERNON. - Artificial Flies. How To Tie Them.
36474_b: BATES, GEOFF. - Centenary Of The Carrington Hotel 1880-1980.
90692: BATESON, CHARLES. - Gold Fleet For California. Forty-Niners from Australia and New Zealand.
77668: BATESON, CHARLES. - Gold Fleet For California. Forty-Niners from Australia and New Zealand.
77525: BATESON, CHARLES. - Dire Strait. A History of Bass Strait.
75194: BATESON, CHARLES. - Gold Fleet For California. Forty-Niners from Australia and New Zealand.
72895: BATESON, CHARLES. - Gold Fleet For California. Forty-Niners from Australia and New Zealand.
66818: BATESON, CHARLES. - The War With Japan. A Concise History.
59020: BATESON, CHARLES. - Gold Fleet For California. Forty-Niners from Australia and New Zealand.
52228: BATESON, CHARLES. - Gold Fleet For California. Forty-Niners from Australia and New Zealand.
44737: BATESON, CHARLES. - Gold Fleet For California. Forty-Niners from Australia and New Zealand.
18014: BATESON, CHARLES. - The War With Japan. A Concise History.
13944: BATESON, CHARLES. - Patrick Logan Tyrant of Brisbane Town.
117480: BATESON, W. - Mendel's Principles Of Heredity.
105143: BATESON, CHARLES. - Gold Fleet for California. Forty-Niners from Australia and New Zealand.
107772: BATEY, MAVIS. - Jane Austen And The English Landscape.
119031: BATHAM, C. N; POPE, TONY (Editor); HENDERSON, KENT (Introduction). - Freemasonry in England and France. Collected papers of C. N. Batham.
112947: BATHGATE, GREG. - HMAS Sydney. 1941. The Analysis.
53092: BATLEY, A.W. - The Boomerang Returns. The Story of the Church Army in Australia.
115478: BATMAN, JOHN; FAWKNER, JOHN PASCOE. - An Episode Bateman & Fawkner. Discovery Of The River Yarra.
99290: BATOR, ROBERT; Editor. - Masterworks of Children's Literature. Volume Four, c.1740-c.1836: Middle Period.
99288: BATOR, ROBERT; Editor. - Masterworks of Children's Literature. Volume Three, c.1740-c.1836: Middle Period.
18037: BATOR, VICTOR. - Vietnam. A Diplomatic Tragedy: Origins of U.S. Involvement.
66955: BATT, JOHN HERRIDGE. - Dr. Barnardo: The Foster-Father Of "Nobody's Children." A Record and an Interpretation.
98916: BATT, TERRY. - Terry Batt. Exhibition August 31- September 18. 1993. Niagara 245 Punt Road Richmond Vic 3121 Australia.
45095: BATTEN, MARIEDA. - Love-life A Sonnet Sequence
51334: BATTERS, PHILIPPE. - Murphy Street Memories No. 9 in a series of talks given at meetings of the Prahran Historical and Arts Society Inc.
89203: BATTERSBY, PAUL. - Journeys of an amateur orientalist: Australia and Asia through the eyes of Ambrose Pratt. Contained in the Journal Of The Royal Australian Historical Society. December 2000 Volume 86, Part 2.
100396: BATTIE, DAVID; TURNER, MICHAEL. - The Price Guide to 19th and 20th Century British Pottery. Including Staffordshire Figures and Commemorative Wares.
111782: BATTISCOMBE, GEORGINA. - The Spencers Of Althorp.
94548: BATTLE, CAPTAIN M. R; WILKINS, D. S (Third Edition); Editors. - The Year Of The Tigers. The Second Tour of 5th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment in South Vietnam, 1969 - 70.
79541: BATTY, PETER; PARISH, PETER. - The Divided Union. The Story of the American Civil War, 1861-65.
119909: BATTY, PHILIP; ALLEN, LINDY; MORTON, JOHN; Editors. - The Photographs of Baldwin Spencer.
119310: BATTYE, J. S. - Western Australia. A History from its Discovery to the Inauguration of the Commonwealth.
108086: BATZNER, NIKE. - Andrea Mantegna. 1430/31-1506.
79073: BAU, MARK; Editor. - Australian Railway Enthusiast. Vol. 28, No. 4 December 1990.
120712: BAUDIN, NICOLAS. - The Journal Of Post Captain Nicolas Baudin Commander-in-Chief of the Corvettes Geographe and Naturaliste. Assigned by Order of the Government to a Voyage Of Discovery. Translated from French by Christine Cornell, B.A. With forward by Jean-Paul Faivre.
118452: BAUDIN, NICOLAS. - The Journal Of Post Captain Nicolas Baudin Commander-in-Chief of the Corvettes Geographe and Naturaliste. Assigned by Order of the Government to a Voyage Of Discovery. Translated from French by Christine Cornell, B.A. With forward by Jean-Paul Faivre.
112381: BAUDOT, FRANCOIS; AVELINE, FRANCOISE. - Chanel: Three Volume Set. "Fashion", "Fine Jewellery" and "Perfume".
81413: BAUER, ERWIN A. - Hunting with a Camera. A World Guide to Wildlife Photography.
75582: BAUER, OBERST. - Der Irrwahn des Verstandigungs-Friedens.
119890: BAUER, FERDINAND; STEARN, WILLIAM T. - The Australian Flower Paintings of Ferdinand Bauer. With an Introduction by Wilfred Blunt.
52261: BAUER, ROY A.; COLLAR, EMILIO; TANG, VICTOR - The Silverlake Project Transformation at IBM The inside story of the management principles that produced the best-selling AS/400, helped to transform Big Blue into a market-driven company, and won the coveted Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award. Foreword by Tom Peters.
52017: BAUER, F. H. - Kangaroo Island. A Short Guide.
75511: BAUGHAN, B. E. - Forest and Ice.
120942: BAUGHAN, B. E. - Snow Kings Of The Southern Alps.
117125: BAUMAN, TONI; GLICK, LYDIA; Editors. - The Limits Of Change: Mabo and Native Title 20 Years On.
77171: BAUME, ERIC. - I Lived These Years. 1900-1941.
53080: BAUMER, EDWARD. - The Early Days of the Sun Fire Office.
11698: BAVIER, BOB. - America's Cup Fever An Inside View of Fifty Years of America's Cup Competition.
98374: BAVOUSETT, GLENN B. - World War II Aircraft in Combat. 43 Famous Warplanes Depicted in Raging Conflict.
97234: BAVOUSETT, GLENN B. - More World War II Aircraft in Combat. 47 Famous Warplanes Depicted in Raging Conflict.
90486: BAWLF, SAMUEL. - The Secret Voyage of Sir Francis Drake.
71138: BAX, CLIFFORD. - W.G. Grace.
110121: BAXT, GEORGE. - A Queer Kind of Love. A Pharaoh Love Mystery.
108558: BAXT, GEORGE. - A Queer Kind of Love. A Pharoah Love Mystery.
96147: BAXTER, CHRIS. - Central Victoria.
96142: BAXTER, CHRIS; DEWHIRST, CHRIS. - Rock Climbing Guide To Victoria. Except For The Grampians And Mt. Arapiles.
35230: BAXTER, R. K; MANVELL, ROGER; WOLLENBERG, H. H; Editorial Board. MANVELL, ROGER; Executive Editor. - The Penguin Film Review. 3.
35231: BAXTER, R. K; MANVELL, ROGER; WOLLENBERG, H. H; Editorial Board. MANVELL, ROGER; Executive Editor. - The Penguin Film Review. 4.
35229: BAXTER, R. K; MANVELL, ROGER; WOLLENBERG, H. H; Editorial Board. MANVELL, ROGER; Executive Editor. - The Penguin Film Review. 2.
35228: BAXTER, R. K; MANVELL, ROGER; WOLLENBERG, H. H. Editorial Board. MANVELL, ROGER; Executive Editor. - The Penguin Film Review. 7.
15877: BAXTER, ANNIE. - Memories of Tasmania and of the Macleay River and New England districts of New South Wales and of Port Fairy in the Western District of Port Phillip 1834-1848.
112137: BAXTER, BRIAN S. - Breakdown A History of Recovery Vehicles in the British Army.
111903: BAXTER-WRIGHT, EMMA. - The Little Book of Chanel.
103739: BAXTER, CAROL. - An Irresistible Temptation. The true story of Jane New and a colonial scandal.
104262: BAY, KENNETH E. - How To Tie Freshwater Flies. A step-by-step, fully illustrated guide for the beginning fly-tier.
104258: BAY, KENNETH E. - The American Fly Tyer's Handbook.
47104: BAYLDON, ARTHUR ALBERT. - Collected Poems Of Arthur Albert Bayldon. The Only Complete Collection Of The Author's Most Characteristic Poems.
45102: BAYLDON, ARTHUR ALBERT. - The Eagles The Collected Poems Of Arthur Albert Bayldon.
82874: BAYLEBRIDGE, WILLIAM. - Life's Testament.
73192: BAYLEBRIDGE, WILLIAM. - Love Redeemed.
53210: BAYLEBRIDGE, WILLIAM. - Love Redeemed
45694: BAYLEBRIDGE, WILLIAM. - An Anzac Muster. Collected Works of William Baylebridge (Memorial Edition).
122083: BAYLEY, WILLIAM A. - Rich Earth. History of Young and the Shire of Burrangong New South Wales.
89189: BAYLEY, WILLIAM A. - Steel Wheels On Railway To Whyalla.
89176: BAYLEY, WILLIAM A. - Lapstone Zig Zag Railway. Blue Mountains - New South Wales.
89157: BAYLEY, WILLIAM A. - Blue Mountains Railways.
87997: BAYLEY, WILLIAM A. - Picton-Mittagong Main Line Railway.
65544: BAYLEY, WILLIAM A. - Tunnels On Australian Railways.
61894: BAYLEY, WILLIAM A. - The Lithgow Zig Zag Railway.
54258: BAYLEY, WILLIAM A. - Steel Wheels On Railway To Whyalla.
54239: BAYLEY, WILLIAM A. - Steam Triumph On Railway Across Australia.
53111: BAYLEY, WILLIAM A. - Pichi Richi Railway.
97724: BAYLEY, WILLIAM A. - Green Meadows. Centenary History of Shellharbour Municipality New South Wales.
40391: BAYLEY, WILLIAM A. - Steel Wheels On Railway To Whyalla.
37537: BAYLEY, WILLIAM A. - Rich Earth. History of Young and the Shire of Burrangong New South Wales.
122666: BAYLEY, WILLIAM A; Editor; BARWICK, KATHLEEN H; Compiler. - History of Berkeley
35909: BAYLEY, WILLIAM A. - Lapstone Zig Zag Railway. Blue Mountains - New South Wales.
118026: BAYLEY, WILLIAM. A. - Standard Gauge Railway Across Australia.
13866: BAYLEY, WILLIAM A. - Border City. History of Albury New South Wales.
13852: BAYLEY, WILLIAM A. - Rich Earth. History of Young and the Shire of Burrangong New South Wales.
116326: BAYLEY, WILLIAM A. - Border City. History of Albury New South Wales.
115048: BAYLEY, WILLIAM A. - Blue Haven. History of Kiama Municipality New South Wales.
97411: BAYLEY, HAROLD. - The Lost Language Of Symbolism. Volume II. The Origin of Symbols, Mythologies & Folklore.
110517: BAYLEY, WILLIAM A. - Viaducts On Australian Railways.
110334: BAYLEY, WILLIAM A. - Diamond Jubilee Nowra Co-op Dairy Co. Ltd. 1902 - 1962.
116626: BAYLY, P. G. W. - Briquetting Powlett Slack Coal with Locomotive and Boiler Tests.: Bulletins of the Geological Survey of Victoria No. 31.
121298: BAYLY, BRIAN. - Introduction To Petrology.
114095: BAYNES-COPE, A. D. - Caring for Books and Documents.
101149: BAYNES, L. L. - Kept - The Other Side Of Tenko.
32591: BAYNHAM, HENRY. - From The Lower Deck. The Old Navy 1780 - 1840.
110527: BAYNTON-WILLIAMS, ASHLEY and MILES. - New Worlds Maps from the Age of Discovery.
104908: BAYNTON, BARBARA. - Bush Studies. With a memoir by H. B. Gullett and a forward by A. A. Phillips.
16788: BAZLEY, J.H.R. - Coarse Fishing. A Practical Treatise On The Sport And Choice Of Tackle And Water. Revised by Norman L. Weatherall.
51839: BEACH, EDWARD L. - Take Her Deep! A Submarine Against Japan in World War II.
85013: BEACOM, JONATHAN; ROSS, GEOFFREY AQUILINA. - The Maltese Islands From The Air.
115299: BEACONSFIELD, LORD. - Lord Beaconsfield's Letters 1830-1852.
101338: BEADELL, LEN. - Bush Bashers.
92991: BEADLE, RICHARD; Editor. - The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre.
49335: BEADLE, PETER - Fiordland
120954: BEADLE, N. C. W; EVANS, O. D; CAROLIN, R.C; TINDALE, MARY D. - Flora Of The Sydney Region.
120583: BEADLE, N. C. W; EVANS, O. D; CAROLIN, R.C; TINDALE, MARY D. - Flora Of The Sydney Region.
117711: BEADNELL, C. M. - A Picture Book Of Evolution: Adapted from the Work of the Late Dennis Hird.
85150: BEAGLEHOLE, J. C. - The Exploration Of The Pacific.
119892: BEAGLEHOLE, J. C; Editor. - The Journals of Captain James Cook On His Voyages Of Discovery. 3 volumes in 4 books plus the portfolio of Charts and Views and matching volume The Life of Captain James Cook by J.C. Beaglehole, In total 5 Volumes and a portfolio of Charts.
107389: BEAGLEHOLE, J. C. - The Exploration of the Pacific.
121705: BEAGLEHOLE, J. C. - The Life of Captain James Cook.
98620: BEAL, JAMES C. - Blue Book For The Year 1873. Compiled from the Official Returns in the Registrar-General's Office. Presented to Both Houses of Parliament by Command. Queensland.
97459: BEAL, JAMES O. - Report Upon The General Working Of The Railway Department During The Year Ending The 31st December, 1876. Laid upon the Table of the Legislative Council by Command, and Ordered to be Printed, 20th June, 1877. 1877 Queensland.
97471: BEAL, JAMES C. - 1877 Queensland. Harbor Commission. Minutes Of Evidence Taken Before The Royal Commission Appointed to Inquire into the Improvement of the Northern Entrance of Moreton Bay. Wedensday, 10 January, 1877.
98614: BEAL, JAMES C. - Report From The Superintendent Of Electric Telegraphs On The Condition Of His Department. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command. 1874 Queensland.
110588: BEAL, D. F; Editor. - Advances in Computer Chess 4.
76891: BEALE, EDGAR. - Anticipations Of The River Murray. Contained in The Journal Of The Royal Australian Historical Society. Vol. 73, Part1
57900: BEALE, PAT. - Operation Orders. The Experiences of an Infantry Officer. Malaya-PNG-Vietnam, 1963-1970.
57404: BEALE, J.E. - One Hundred and One Views. Bournemouth And District.
55520: BEALE, G.A. - Space & Vision. Three Scenes In Central Australia.
47257: BEALE, EDGAR. - The Illawarra Grammar School. 1959- 1984. A Silver Jubilee.
45838: BEALE, EDGAR. - Kennedy The Barcoo And Beyond 1847. The Journals of Edmund Besley Court Kennedy and Alfred Allatson Turner with new information on Kennedy's life.
122473: BEALE, EDGAR. - Sturt The Chipped Idol. A Study of Charles Sturt, Explorer.
32633: BEALE, EDGAR; Edited and introduced by. - The Earth Between Them Joseph Beale's Letters Home To Ireland From Victoria, 1852-53.
118589: BEALE, BOB; FRAY, PETER. - The Vanishing Continent: Australia's Degraded Environment.
122865: BEALE, EDGAR. - Kennedy of Cape York.
122763: BEALE, EDGAR. - Sturt The Chipped Idol. A Study of Charles Sturt, Explorer.
121618: BEALE, NICK; D'AMICO, FERDINANDO; VALENTINI, GABRIELE. - Air War Italy 1944-45: The Axis Air Forces from the Liberation of Rome to the Surrender.
104806: BEALE, BOB. - If Trees Could Speak. Stories Of Australia's Greatest Trees.
102939: BEALE, LIONEL. - The Microscope and its Application to Clinical Medicine.
80956: BEALS, ALAN R. - Village Life in South India. Cultural Design and Environmental Variation.
117777: BEALS, HERBERT K; CAMPBELL, R. J; SAVOURS, ANN; MCCONNELL; BRIDGES, ROY; Editor. - Four Travel Journals. The Americas, Antarctica and Africa, 1775-1874. [Hakluyt Society Third Series No. 18].
81501: BEAN, J. P. - Joe Cocker With A Little Help From My Friends.
117247: BEAN, C. E. W; Editor. - Official History Of Australia In The 1914-1918 War. 12 Volume Set.
112406: BEAN, C. E. W. - Flagships Three.
110340: BEAN, C. E. W. - The Official History Of Australia In The War Of 1914-1918. Volume IV. The Australian Imperial Force In France 1917.
121471: BEAN, JAMES R. - Neurosurgery in Transition: The Socioeconomic Transformation of Neurological Surgery. (Concepts In Neurosurgery Vol. 9).
120143: BEAN, C. E. W. - The Official History Of Australia In The War Of 1914-1918. Volume I. The Story Of Anzac. From The Outbreak Of War To The End Of The First Phase Of The Gallipoli Campaign, May 4, 1915.
106298: BEAN, C. E. W. - Anzac to Amiens. A Shorter History of the Australian Fighting Services in the First World War.
118303: BEAN, E. E. - Test Cricket in England and Australia1877 - 1921: Records, Statistics and Averages, With Notes on Victorian Cricket.
112426: BEANEY, JAMES GEORGE. - Lithotomy Its Successes and its Dangers being A verbatim Report from Shorthand notes, of an Inquest held Before the City Coroner. With a preface and Commentary by M.R.C.S.E.
101126: BEANEY, JAMES GEORGE. - The Generative System and its Functions in Health and Disease.
100948: BEANEY, JAMES GEORGE. - The Generative System. And its Functions in Health and Disease.
120457: BEAR, J. [J.B.]. - Impressions Of A Victorian abroad Also Confessions Of A Naughty Boy Of The Fifties. [Being Sketches Of Early Melbourne].
49896: BEARD, WILLIAM. - Eureka A narrative in verse.
113672: BEARD, WILLIAM; Editor. - Old Ironbark. Some unpublished Correspondence (1817-1824) from and to William Lawson Explorer and Pioneer of Veteran Hall, N.S.W. Introduced and Edited by William Beard.
97875: BEARD, WILLIAM; Editor. - Old Ironbark. Some unpublished Correspondence (1817-1824) from and to William Lawson Explorer and Pioneer of Veteran Hall, N.S.W. Introduced and Edited by William Beard.
109455: BEARDEN, BOB. - To D-Day and Back. Adventures with the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment and Life as a World War II POW.
116019: BEARDSELL, DAVID; HERBERT, BRUCE H. - The Outer Circle. A History of the Oakleigh to Fairfield Park Railway.
93551: BEARDSLEE, CLARK S; MITCHELL, HAROLD D. - Birds of the Niagara Frontier Region. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences.
121443: BEARE, GERALDINE. - Short Stories From The 'Strand'.
121842: BEARE, GERALDINE. - Adventure Stories From The Strand.
118230: BEARSHAW, BRIAN. - The Big Hitters.
95266: BEARUP, CECILIE. - Occupational Therapists in Wartime.
67627: BEASLEY, A. W. - Portraits. At The Royal Australasian College Of Surgeons.
47572: BEASLEY, JOHN; WHITWORTH, TIMOTHY. - Endgame Magic.
43683: BEASLEY, JACK. - The Rage For Life. The work of Katharine Susannah Prichard.
121164: BEASLEY, MARY; ALLAN, GARRY. - The Power of Many: The Inside Story of Port Power's First Year.
101655: BEASLEY, A. W. - The Mantle Of Surgery. The First Seventy-Five Years of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.
101611: BEASLEY, A. W. - Portraits At The Royal Australasian College Of Surgeons.
99306: BEASLEY, JACK. - The Rage for Life. The work of Katharine Susannah Prichard.
95816: BEATON, CECIL. - War Photographs 1939-45.
115091: BEATON, CECIL. - The Unexpurgated Beaton: The Cecil Beaton Diaries as they were written. Introduced by Hugo Vickers.
114071: BEATON, LEONARD. - The Struggle For Peace.
111915: BEATON, CECIL. - Cecil Beaton Theatre Of War.
105921: BEATON, FLORENCE. - A Women's Work. The Story of a Mallee Farmer's Wife from 1913.
57742: BEATTIE, ROBERT. - Australian Archives. Holding On To Our History.
115160: BEATTIE, J. W; Compiler. - Port Arthur. The British Penal Settlement In Tasmania. Glimpses Of Its Stirring History.
96520: BEATTY WARNER, WILLIAM. - Reading Clarissa. The Struggles of Interpretation.
92665: BEATTY, BILL. - Tasmania. Isle of Splendor.
85811: BEATTY, BILL. - 'Come a-Waltzing Matilda". Australian Folk-lore and Forgotten Tales.
80667: BEATTY, BILL. - Next Door To Paradise. Australia's Countless Islands.
74932: BEATTY, BILL. - 'Come a-Waltzing Matilda". Australian Folk-lore and Forgotten Tales.
65731: BEATTY, CHARLES. - Our Admiral. A Biography of Admiral of the Fleet Earl Beatty 1871-1936.
51731: BEATTY, BILL. - A Treasury Of Australian Folk Tales And Traditions.
51435: BEATTY, BILL. - Along the Great Divide
47313: BEATTY, BILL - Along the Great Divide
35212: BEATTY, BILL. - `Come a - Waltzing Matilda' Australian Folk-Lore And Forgotten Tales. With Decorations By E. J. Munday.
13840: BEATTY, BILL. - The Awakening Giant.
113728: BEATTY, BILL. - A Treasury Of Australian Folk Tales And Traditions.
110042: BEATTY, H. M. - A Brief History of Education.
108100: BEATTY, BILL. - Australian Folklore.
104496: BEATTY, BILL. - A Treasury Of Australian Folk Tales And Traditions.
79248: DUKE OF BEAUFORT. - Driving.
74006: BEAUGLEHOLE, A. C. - Victorian Vascular Plant Checklists. 13 - Study Area and 24 - Grid Distribution.
115526: BEAULIEU, PAUL-ALAIN. - A History of Babylon 2200 BC - AD 75.
112277: BEAULIEU, DENYSE. - The Perfume Lover. A Personal History of Scent.
95190: BEAUMONT, GUSTAVE de. - Ireland. Social, Political, and Religious.
84599: BEAUMONT, WINIFRED. - A Detail On The Burma Front.
67754: BEAUMONT, NORMAN E; CURRAN, JAMES F; Compilers. - Early Days of Berwick . And Its Surrounding Districts Beaconsfield, Harkaway, And Narre Warren. An Outline of its Settlement over the First Century.
67350: BEAUMONT, NORMAN E; CURRAN, JAMES F; HUGHES, R. H; Compilers. - Early Days of Berwick . And Its Surrounding Districts Beaconsfield, Upper Beaconsfield, Harkaway, Narre Warren And Narre Warren North.
60711: BEAUMONT, ANTHONY. - Traction Engine Pictures.
58306: BEAUMONT, ANTHONY. - Traction Engines On Parade. Fifty-Eight Photographs.
58304: BEAUMONT, ANTHONY. - A Gallery Of Old Timers. 51 Pictures Of Steam Wagons, Traction Engines, Fairground Rides, Ploughing Engines, Rollers And Other Old-Timers.
51194: BEAUMONT, NORMAN E; CURRAN, JAMES F; HUGHES, R. H; Compilers. - Early Days of Berwick . And Its Surrounding Districts Beaconsfield, Upper Beaconsfield, Harkaway, Narre Warren And Narre Warren North.
48952: BEAUMONT, NORMAN E; CURRAN, JAMES F; Compilers. - Early Days of Berwick and its surrounding districts Beaconsfield, Harkaway, and Narre Warren.
15733_3B: BEAUMONT, NORMAN E; CURRAN, JAMES F; HUGHES, R. H; Compilers. - Early Days of Berwick . And Its Surrounding Districts Beaconsfield, Upper Beaconsfield, Harkaway, Narre Warren And Narre Warren North.
117141: BEAUMONT, RALPH. - Heckman's Canadian Pacific: A photographic Journey.
115450: BEAUMONT, NORMAN E; CURRAN, JAMES F; HUGHES, R. H; Compilers. - Early Days of Berwick . And Its Surrounding Districts Beaconsfield, Upper Beaconsfield, Harkaway, Narre Warren And Narre Warren North.
111765: BEAUMONT, JOAN. - Australian Defence: Sources and Statistics.
104804: BEAUMONT, JOAN. - Broken Nation. Australians in the Great War.
113398: DE BEAUREGARD, G; DE GORSSE, H. - The Stamp King. Translated from the French by Miss Edith C. Phillips.
84824: BEAVER, BRUCE. - Lauds And Plaints. Poems (1968-1972).
84604: BEAVER, BRUCE. - Odes and Days. Poems.
83507: BEAVER, PAUL. - The British Aircraft Carrier.
53266: BEAVER, JAMES N. - John Garfield. His Life and Films.
51915: BEAVER, BRUCE. - Lauds And Plaints. Poems (1968-1972).
51882: BEAVER, BRUCE. - As It Was ..
42650: BEAVER, BRUCE. - As It Was ..
121994: BEAVER, PAUL. - U-Boats In The Atlantic (World War 2 Photo Album Number 11).
113367: BEAVERBROOK, LORD. - Politicians and the War 1914-1916.
40248: BEAVIS, D.A; RAISON, E.T. - Queenscliffe Historical Society. Book 1 - Royal Hotel. Book 2 - Main Events In The History Of Queenscliffe. Book 3 - Professional Fishing At Queenscliffe.
120802: BEAZLEY, MITCHELL. - The Mitchell Beazley World Atlas Of Birds.
80129: BEAZLEY, C. RAYMOND. - Voyages and Travels Mainly During The 16th and 17th Centuries. An English Garner. 2 Volumes.
74360: BEAZLEY, C. RAYMOND - Prince Henry The Navigator. The Hero Of Portugal And Of Modern Discovery. 1394-1460 A. D. With An Account Of Geographical Progress Through-out The Middle Ages As A Preparation For This Work.
71649: BEBBINGTON, WARREN. - The Oxford Companion To Australian Music.
64068: BECHERVAISE, EDWARD. - The Mutiny Of The 'Bounty"- Lieut. Bligh's Voyage In The Ship's Boat To Timor. Bound Together With A Note re Captain Cook's Point Hicks. By Thomas Walker Fowler.
63059: BECHERVAISE, JOHN. - Barwon And Barrabools. Poems With Pictures.
52280: BECHERVAISE, JOHN. - The University of Melbourne.
37012_b: BECHERVAISE, JOHN. - Barwon And Barrabools. Poems With Pictures.
115185: BECHERVAISE, JOHN. - The Far South. With a foreword by Phillip Law.
115177: BECHERVAISE, JOHN. - Antarctica. The Last Horizon.
10775: BECHERVAISE, JOHN. - The Far South. With a foreword by Phillip Law.
12843_B: BECHERVAISE, JOHN. - Science: Men on Ice in Antarctica. First edition; pp. 104; 6 maps & 29 other illustrations, bibliography, index; original stiff colour illustrated wrappers. Melbourne, Lothian Publishing Company Pty. Ltd., (1978).
121972: BECHERVAISE, JOHN; WHITE, UNK. - Bendigo and Eastern Goldfields Sketchbook.
81273: BECK, REG. - The Stockman's Hall of Fame and other verses.
72850: BECK, HAIG; COOPER, JACKIE. - Denton Corker Marshall. Rule Playing And The Ratbag Element.
56667: BECK, SIMONE; SIMON, PATRICIA. - Simca's Cuisine.
115211: DRS. JORDAN & BECK. - The Philosophy Of Marriage being Eight Important Lectures on the Function and Disorders of the Nervous System and Reproductive Organs.
110061: BECK, DOREEN. - Collecting Country & Western Americana.
107779: BECK, CARL. - Rontgen Ray Diagnosis And Therapy.
101339: BECK, R. THEODORE. - The Cutting Edge. Early History of the Surgeons of London.
94171: BECKE, LOUIS. - Ridan The Devil. And Other Stories.
92945: BECKE, LOUIS. - The Settlers Of Karossa Creek. And other Stories of Australian Bush Life.
73791: BECKE, LOUIS. - By Reef And Palm.
73651: BECKE, LOUIS. - The Ebbing Of The Tide. South Sea Stories.
73649: BECKE, LOUIS. - Wild Life in Southern Seas.
72704: BECKE, LOUIS. - The Settlers Of Karossa Creek. And Other Stories Of Australian Bush Life.
114436: BECKE, LOUIS; JEFFERY, WALTER. - A First Fleet Family. A Hitherto Unpublished Narrative Of Certain Remarkable Adventures Compiled From The Papers Of Sergeant William Dew Of The Marines.
111794: BECKE, LOUIS; JEFFERY, WALTER. - A First Fleet Family. A Hitherto Unpublished Narrative Of Certain Remarkable Adventures Compiled From The Papers Of Sergeant William Dew Of The Marines.
94708: BECKETT, JEREMEY. - Aborigines Make Music. Contained within the Quadrant, An Australian Quarterly Review. Spring 1958, 8. Volume 2, Number 4.
54492: BECKETT, BRIAN. - The Illustrated History Of The Vietnam War.
112917: BECKETT, WENDY. - Sister Wendy's 1000 Masterpieces.
111933: A'BECKETT, GILBERT ABBOTT; CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE. - The Comic Blackstone. Part II.- of Real Property.
109319: A'BECKETT, GILBERT ABBOT. - The Comic Blackstone. Part I. - Of the Rights of persons.
122759: BECKETT, RAY; BECKETT RICHARD. - Hangman The Life and Times of Alexander Green Public Executioner to the Colony of New South Wales.
121691: BECKETT, SAMUEL. - Three Plays. ( Waiting for Godot, Endgame, Krapp's Last Tape ).
103738: BECKETT, IAN F. W. - The Amateur Military Tradition. 1558-1945.
102371: BECKLER, HERMANN. - A Journey To Cooper's Creek. Translated by Stephen Jeffries and Michael Kertesz. Edited and with an introduction by Stephen Jeffries.
58026: BECKWITH, COL. CHARLIE A ; KNOX, DONALD. - Delta Force.
43370: BECKWITH, COL. CHARLIE A ; KNOX, DONALD. - Delta Force.
117742: BECKWITH, SANDRA; BAUER, KIRSTEN; GLISSMAN-GOUGH, SABINE; BARLEY, RICHARD. - Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne Draft Landscape Master Plan. May 1997.
58491: BEDDALL - SMITH, C.J. - Hillman Cars. A Practical Guide to Maintenance and Repair Covering Models from 1948.
99082: BEDDIE, M. K; Editor. - Bibliography of Captain James Cook. R.N., F.R.S., Circumnavigator. The Library Of New South Wales.
73766: BEDDIE, M. K; Editor. - Bibliography Of Captain James Cook R.N., F.R.S., Circumnavigator. The Library of New South Wales.
48662: BEDDIE, M. K; Editor. - Bibliography of Captain James Cook. R.N., F.R.S., Circumnavigator. The Library Of New South Wales.
83116: BEDER, SHARON. - Early Environmentalists and the Battle Against Sewers in Sydney. Contained in the Journal Of The Royal Australian Historical Society. June 1990 Volume 76, Part 1.
122511: BEDFORD, W. K. RILAND. - Three Hundred Years of a Family Living: Being a History of the Rilands of Sutton Coldfield.
94063: BEDFORD, RANDOLPH. - Naught To Thirty-Three.
122195: BEDFORD, JOHN; AUSTIN, DEREK. - Old Sheffield Plate: (Collectors' Pieces 12).
80161: BEDFORD, BRUCE L. - Challenge Underground.
76996: BEDFORD, D. EVAN. - Harvey's Third Circulation De Circulo Sanguinis In Corde. The Harveian Oration Of 1968.
74440: BEDFORD, RANDOLPH. - Naught To Thirty-Three.
66691: BEDFORD, RANDOLPH. - Naught to Thirty-Three.
66156: BEDFORD, RANDOLF. - Naught to Thirty-Three.
53739: BEDFORD, RANDOLF. - Naught to Thirty-Three.
117144: BEEBE, LUCIUS. - Highball A Pagent of Trains.
87252: BEECHAM, SIR THOMAS. - John Fletcher. The Romanes Lecture Delivered in the Sheldonian Theatre 7 June 1956.
80126: BEED DAVEY, GWENDA; SEAL, GRAHAM. - The Oxford Companion To Australian Folklore.
96932: BEER, GAVIN DE. - Alps and Elephants. Hannibal's March.
84880: BEER, JANE; FAHEY, CHARLES; CRIMSHAW, PATRICIA; RAYMOND, MELANIE. - Colonial Frontiers and Family Fortunes. Two Studies of Rural and Urban Victoria.
100949: DE BEER, SIR GAVIN; Editor. - Patrick Manson. The Father of Tropical Medicine. British Men Of Science.
78218: BEESTON, JOHN. - Varietal Wines Of Australia.
121159: BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN. - Beethoven Symphonie Numbers 1 to 9. (orchestral scores).
94630: BEEVER, MARGOT; SMITH, F. B. - Historical Studies. Australia and New Zealand.
80012: BEEVER, MARGOT; SMITH, F. B. - Historical Studies. Australia and new Zealand.
15933: BEEVER, E. A. - Launceston Bank for Savings 1835 - 1970. A history of Australia's Oldest Savings Bank.
117420: BEEVER, E. A. - Launceston Bank for Savings 1835 - 1970. A history of Australia's Oldest Savings Bank.
122464: BEEVOR, R. J; Compiler. - Hastings of Hastings.
115894: BEEVOR, ANTONY. - Stalingrad.
121851: BEEVOR, ANTONY. - Ardennes 1944. Hitler's Last Gamble.
121925: BEGBIE, DONALD. - Barker College. A Sketch Book.
65923: BEGG, RICHARD CAMPBELL; LIDDLE, PETER; Editors. - For Five Shillings a Day. Experiencing War, 1939-45.
119358: BEGGS, JIM. - Proud to be a Wharfie.
84641: BEGLEY, DONAL F. - Irish Genealogy. A Record Finder.
112525: BEGLEY, DONAL F. - Handbook On Irish Genealogy: How to Trace Your Ancestors and Relatives in Ireland.
106960: BEGLEY, DONAL F; Editor. - Irish Genealogy. A Record Finder.
114899: BEHAN, HAROLD F. - Mr. Justice J.W. Willis. With particular reference to his period as First Resident Judge in Port Phillip 1841-1843.
80671: BEHR, EDWARD. - 'Kiss The Hand You Cannot Bite'. The Rise And Fall Of The Ceausescus.
32653: BEHR, EDWARD. - Hirohito: Behind the Myth.
116893: BEHR, GEORGIUS HENRICUS. - Dissertatio Inauguralis Anatomico - Medica, de Pancreate ejusque Liquore, quam, Archiatro Summo Praeside, consensu ac indultu Gratiosissimae Facultatis Medicae in celeberrima agentinensium universitate, Pro Licentia summos in arte medica honores.
113791: BEHR, EDWARD. - Hirohito: Behind the Myth.
77124: BEILBY, RAYMOND; HADGRAFT, CECIL. - Ada Cambridge Tasma & Rosa Praed. Australian Writers and their Work.
39838: BEILBY, J WOOD. - Reasons Suggestive Mining On Physical Principles For Gold And Coal A Review of the Assumptions of Geologists.
85662: BEILENSON, PETER. - The Story of Frederic W. Goudy
87927: BEILHARZ, PETER. - Transforming Labor Labour Tradition on the Labor Decade in Australia.
104783: BEILHARZ, PETER. - Imagining the Antipodes. Culture, theory and the visual in the work of Bernard Smith.
104427: BEILHARZ, PETER; MANNE, ROBERT. - Reflected Light. La Trobe Essays.
56624: BEINERT, FREDERICA L. - The Good Cook's Guide to Souffles.
82459: BEKKER, CAJUS. - The German Navy 1939-1945.
77791: BELA, VITEZ ERDELYI. - Ver es acel. Keleti frontnaplo- Don, 1942/43.
76414: BELA, SZANTO. - A Magyar Munkasmozgalom 1914-IG.
75962: BELA, AUGUSTIN; FERENC, DARVAS; JOZSEF, SCHNEIDER. - A Gyogy - Es Vegyiipari Novenyek Termesztese.
75639: BELA, SZERKESZETTE CSORBA. - Affelett sokszor harcolast tottek. Forrasok A Delvidek Tortenetehez. (Bolcs Leotol Nagy Szulejman szazadaig).
75633: BELA, GADANECZ. - A Forradalom Vezerkaraban. Landler Jeno Eleterol.
75763: BELANE, KUN. - Kun Bela.
68939: BELASCO, DAVID. - Plays Produced under the Stage Direction of David Belasco. Illustrated with Twelve Crayon sketches by William F, Kurze.
49084: BELASCO, ALBERT. - Chess & Draughts. How to Play Scientifically. A Complete Guide.
40521: BELASCO, ALBERT. - Chess & Draughts A complete guide.
11138: BELASCO, ALBERT. - Chess & Draughts. How to Play Scientifically. A Complete Guide.
58474: BELBIN, PHIL; BURKE, DAVID. - Full Steam. Across The Mountains.
39849: BELBIN, PHIL; BURKE, DAVID. - Changing Trains. A Century of Travel on the Sydney - Melbourne Railway.
78116: BELCHER, GEORGE FREDERICK. - A Visit to Cape Town in 1853. Contained in Investigator, Magazine Of The Geelong Historical Society. Vol.7, No. 2, June, 1972.
90475: BELL, GAVIN. - In Search Of Tusitala. Travels in the Pacific After Robert Louis Stevenson.
90155: BELL, JOHN FRED. - A History of Economic Thought.
122948: BELL, DIANE. - Law: The Old and the New. Aboriginal Women in Central Australia Speak Out.
99902: BELL, JAMES. - Mining and Minerals.
76880: BELL, A. PATON. - The Origin Of The Name Of Caulfield Road District. Contained in The Victorian Historical Journal. Issue 115 Vol. 29 No. 3
70272: BELL, GRAEME. - Graeme Bell. Australian Jazzman. His Autobiography.
66568: BELL, GRAEME. - Graeme Bell. Australian Jazzman. His Autobiography.
55180: BELL, A.; Chairperson. - Progress Report From the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways on the Yallourn Brown Coal Mine Railway Deviation; Together with the Minutes of Evidence.
53851: BELL, FRED A. - Industry And Commerce Relieved And Increased By Means Of Free Trade And Direct Taxation.
53546: BELL, EDWARD. - Paris Exhibition. Report Of Special Commissioner For Victoria.
46993: BELL, NORA. - "Tintinnabulations of a Bell"..
46911: BELL, R. C; Editor. - Diaries from the Days of Sail. Introduction by Alan Villiers.
41887: BELL, ALEX G. - The Machine Plays Chess ?
40513: BELL, Sr MARIA ; Editor. - And The Spirit Lingers .. Genazzano - One Hundred Years 1889 - 1989.
38180: BELL, BARBARA. - Songs Of The Mallee A Collection Of Verse.
12552: BELL, ROGER J. - Unequal Allies. Australian-American Relations And The Pacific War.
117251: BELL, CLARRIE. - Eighty Golfing Years. A History Of North Adelaide Golf Club.
98133: BELL, E. A. - An Historic Centenary. Roberts, Stewart & Co. Ltd. 1865-1965.
119182: BELL, CATHERINE. - Army Brats.
115747: BELL, JOHN; BELL CHARLES. - The Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Body - The Seventh Edition: In Which The Whole is More perfectly Systematized and Corrected. Two Volumes 0f Three.
112764: BELL, DANA. - Air Force Colors Vol. 2. ETO & MTO 1942-45.
121506: BELL, GEORGE ARMOUR. - To Live Among Heroes: A Medical Officer's Insight into the Life of 609 (WR) Squadron in NW Europe 1944-45.
107184: BELL, AGNES PATON. - Melbourne John Batman's Village.
106667: BELL, KATHRINE. - The Australian Light Horse. Australian History Series.
104850: BELL, CHARLES. - Essays On The Anatomy Of Expression In Painting.
103106: BELL, SIR CHARLES. - The Hand. It's Mechanism And Vital Endowments As Evincing Design.
101756: BELL, GEOFFREY. - Geological Survey Of Victoria. Bulletin 57. The Iron Ore Deposits Of Nowa Nowa, Eastern Gippsland.
101554: BELL, R. C; Editor. - Diaries from the Days of Sail. Introduction by Alan Villiers.
101323: BELL,LESLIE. - Destined Meeting.
122020: BELL, BRIAN C. - Wehrmacht Combat Helmets 1933-45 (Osprey Elite 106).
38202: BELLAIR, JOHN. - Yesturdays Man & Other Verse.
82539: BELLAMY, EDWARD. - Looking Backward. 2000-1887.
98976: BELLAMY, B.E. - Private Presses and Publishing in England since 1945.
110456: BELLEC, FRANCOIS. - Unknown Lands The Log Books Of The Great Explorers.
99899: BELLICO, RUSSELL P. - Chronicles of Lake George. Journeys in War and Peace.
42019: BELLIN, ROBERT ; PONZETTO, PIETRO. - Test Your Positional Play.
70071: BELOFF, NORA. - Tito's Flawed Legacy. Yugoslavia & the West: 1939 to 1984.
103783: BEM, KEITH AYLIFFE; POSENER, JOHN. - Tracks Of The Dragon. A History of Australian Locating Artillery.
71380: BENAUD, RICHIE; Editor. - Cricket Yearbook 1990.
121019: BENAUD, RICHIE. - Willow Patterns.
119342: BENCE, BRUCE. - Fire. The story of a community's fight against fire.
58285: BENCON, NICHOLAS. - Rats' Tales. The Staffordshire Regiment at War in the Gulf.
121940: BENDIGO. - Draft Plan Greater Bendigo - Discussion Paper.
121946: BENDIGO. - Bendigo's Riches. Reprint of a Special Series of Articles which appeared in "The Argus" on the Potential Wealth of the Water Supply, Soil, and Sunshine of The Bendigo District.
88444: BENEDICT, ELIZABETH. - The Joy of Writing Sex.
76583: BENES, EDUARD. - My War Memories.
67581: BENET, STEPHEN VINCENT. - The Devil and Daniel Webster. Illustrated by Harold Denison.
107701: BENEZIT, EMMANUEL. - Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des Peintres, Sculpteures, Dessinateures et Graveurs: De tous les Temps et de tous les Pays Par un Groupe d'Ectivains specialistes Francais et Etrangers Eight Volumes.
103751: BENFORD, TIMOTHY B. - The World War II Quiz & Fact Book. Volume 2.
103749: BENFORD, TIMOTHY B. - The World War II Quiz & Fact Book.
90924: BENJAMIN, ROD. - English Artist E. Goodwyn Lewis, James Oddie, and the Ballarat Connection. Contained within the Victorian Historical Journal Vol. 83, No. 2 November 2012, Issue 278.
120321: BENJAMIN, RODNEY. - A Serious Influx Of Jews. A History of Jewish Welfare in Victoria.
50919: BENJAMIN, JOHN - "John, he would a-travelling go"
112211: BENKO, PAL; HOCHBERG, BURT. - Winning With Chess Psychology.
102832: BENKO, NANCY. - Art and Artists of South Australia.
102497: BENKO, NANCY. - Art and Artists of South Australia.
73577: BENNET, ROBERT AMES. - The Brand Blotters.
46444: BENNET, JACK - The Butcher Bird
103998: BENNET, TONY; CARTER, DAVID; Editors. - Culture in Australia. Policies, Publics and Programs.
96570: BENNETT, J. G. - Long Pilgrimage. The Life and Teaching of Sri Govindananda Bharati, known as The Shivapuri Baba.
96297: BENNETT, JOHN. - Defeat To Victory. No. 453 Squadron RAAF.
119666: BENNETT, WAYNE; CRAWLEY, STEVE. - Wayne Bennett: Don't Die With The Music In You.
94111: BENNETT, GEORGE. - Gatherings of a Naturalist in Australia Being Observations Principally on the Animal and Vegetable Productions of New South Wales, New Zealand, and Some of the Austral Islands.
90991: BENNETT, JACK; DENNY, TONY; Compilers. - A Photo Album - The ABC from 1932-1982.
90762: BENNETT, G. - Gatherings Of A Naturalist In Australasia 1860. Publishers Note: Some colour plates in this volume have been re - impositioned to facilitate a more attractive printing: but to preserve the typographical integrity of the facsimile the original Index of Colour Plates (page xi) still stands, though now incorrect.
88107: BENNETT, JACK. - Gallipoli.
87713: BENNETT, J. A. W. - Recollections Of David Nichol Smith.
84446: BENNETT, CRUVE; HAY, JOHN; ASHFORD, SUSAN. - Western Australian Literature. A Bibliography.
79851: BENNETT, DAVID H. - World Catalogue Of Theses And Dissertations About The Australian Aborigines And Torres Strait Islanders: An Updating. Contained in the Australian Institute Of Aboriginal Studies Newsletter. New Series. No. 14.
79803: BENNETT, BRUCE; GRONO, WILLIAM. - Wide Domain. Western Australian Themes and Images.
75215: BENNETT, JACK. - Gallipoli.
72874: BENNETT, J. M. - Portraits Of The Chief Justices Of New South Wales 1824-1977.
67477: BENNETT, JOHN. - Fighter Nights. 456 Squadron RAAF.
67072: BENNETT, G. P. - The Great Road between Forth and Tay. From Early Times to 1850.
53806: BENNETT, FREDERICK D. - Bibliotheca Australiana #46 and #47. Narrative Of A Whaling Voyage Round The Globe From The Year 1833-1836. Volumes 1 and 2.
39267: BENNETT, G. - Gatherings Of A Naturalist In Australasia 1860. Publishers Note: Some colour plates in this volume have been re - impositioned to facilitate a more attractive printing: but to preserve the typographical integrity of the facsimile the original Index of Colour Plates (page xi) still stands, though now incorrect.
122868: BENNETT, SAMUEL. - Australian Discovery & Colonisation. Volume I - to 1800. Volume II - 1800 to 1831.
117909: BENNETT, BRUCE; SINCLAIR, CHRISTINE; WILSON, CAROLE: Editors. - Balnarring Byways And Memories. Volume I.
16365: BENNETT, BRUCE. - Spirit In Exile. Peter Porter And His Poetry.
15876: BENNETT, SCOTT; Editor. - A Home In The Colonies. Edward Braddon's Letters to India from North-West Tasmania 1878.
11680: BENNETT, ISOBEL. - Shores Of Macquarie Island.
11672: BENNETT, JACK. - Gallipoli.
115914: BENNETT, J. D; Compiler. - Annotated Bibliography and Index of the Geology of Botswana 1967-1970.
115480: BENNETT, MARY M. - Human Rights For Australian Aborigines. How Can They Learn Without A Teacher?
113600: BENNETT, M. M. (Mary Montgomerie). - Hunt and Die The prospect For The Aborigines Of Australia.
112454: BENNETT, DAVID. - The Creation Of Bridges. From vision to reality - the ultimate challenge of architecture, design and distance.
106093: BENNETT, BRUCE. - Place, Region and Community. Foundation for Australian Literary Studies 1985.
104207: BENNETT, JACK. - Gallipoli.
104165: BENNETT, BRUCE; HAY, JOHN; ASHFORD, SUSAN; Compilers. - Western Australian Literature. A Bibliography.
103890: BENNETT, SCOTT. - Pozieres. The Anzac Story.
102667: BENNETT, ISOBEL. - Shores of Macquarie Island. Photography by the author.
100065: BENNETT, ARTHUR L. - The Glittering Years.
99689: BENNETT, JOHN. - The Imperial Gift. British Aeroplanes which formed the RAAF in 1921.
119374: BENNETT, A. G. - Whaling In The Antarctic.
83788: BENNY, JACK and HIS DAUGHTER JOAN. - Sunday Nights At Seven. The Jack Benny Story.
51512: BENSON, IRVING. - The Man With The Donkey. John Simpson Kirkpatrick The Good Samaritan Of Gallipoli.
14744: BENSON, IRVING. - The Man With The Donkey. John Simpson Kirkpatrick The Good Samaritan Of Gallipoli.
11557: BENSON, MARGARET - Tommy Woodcock.
92447: BENTLEY, NICOLAS. - Nicolas Bentley's book of Birds. An avian alphabet.
92014: BENTLEY, NICOLAS; Editor. - The Pick of the Punch. An Annual Selection.
82167: BENTLEY, JAMES. - Black Smoke, Blue Mountains. The Great Zig Zag Railway.
71501: BENTLEY, JAMES. - Black Smoke, Blue Mountains. The Great Zig Zag Railway.
117792: BENTLEY, DAWN; HATFIELD, JERRY. - Harley-Davidson : A Three-Dimensional Tribute to an American Icon.
100425: BENTLEY, JOHN. - The Devil Behind Them. Nine Dedicated Drivers Who Made Motor Racing History.
73455: BENTON, TONY; Editor. - Upminster. In Living Memory.
95251: BENWELL, GEORGE. - Tracking Turton in Gippsland. Contained in The Victorian Historical Journal. Issue 238, Vol. 62, Nos. 3 & 4. December 1991/March 1992.
78502: BENWELL, W. S. - Journey To Wine In Victoria.
66694: BENWELL, W. S. - Journey To Wine In Victoria.
56686: BENWELL, W. S. - Journey To Wine In Victoria.
53917: BENWELL, W. S. - Journey to Wine in Victoria.
30030: BENWELL, W. S. - Journey to Wine in Victoria.
119187: BENWELL, ANDREW. - Plants of Subtropical Eastern Australia.
122057: BENWELL, DOCTOR W S. - Coonawarra A Vignoble.
79939: BERAN, HENRY. - "I feel I should plough something back". Sir James Kirby 1899-1971.
43494: BERCKMAN, EVELYN. - Creators And Destroyers Of The English Navy. as related by the State Papers Domestic.
104900: BERE, RENNIE. - Birds in an African National Park.
65289: BERESINER, YASHA. - A Collector's Guide To Paper Money.
92295: BERG, L. S. - Natural Regions of the U.S.S.R.
90672: BERG, PATTY. - Golf for Women: Illustrated. with 96 action photographs.
11119: BERG, PATTY. - Golf for Women: Illustrated. with 96 action photographs.
119225: BERG, LEILA. - The Story Of The Little Car. Illustrated by Sillince.
43313: BERGER, J. - Conversations With Snakes.
10572: BERGER, J. M. - Beachport and The Rivoli Bay District of the south-east of South Australia.
98829: BERGÉSE, FRANCIS. - North American F-86.
97980: BERGÉSE, FRANCIS. - North American T-6.
97982: BERGÉSE, FRANCIS. - Documents Sur Le North American P-51 "Mustang."
112236: BERGET, ALPHONSE. - The Conquest Of The Air: Aeronautics Aviation - History: Theory: Practice.
76204: BERGHAHN, V. R. - Germany and the Approach of War in 1914.
63597: BERGIN, TOM. - In The Steps Of Burke & Wills.
104659: BERGIN, KENNETH G. - Aviation Medicine Its Theory And Application.
32462: BERGMAN, RAY. - Trout. Foreword by Lewis Douglas. Photographs of Fly Tying by Charles S. Krug. Fly Plates in full colour painted by Dr. Edgar Burke.
73542: BERGNER, HERZ. - Light and Shadow. Translated from the yiddish by Alex Braizblatt.
113879: BERGONZI, BERNARD. - Heroes' Twilight. A Study of the Literature of the Great War.
113733: BERGREEN, LAURENCE. - Over The Edge Of the World. Magellan's Terrifying Circumnavigation Of The Globe.
61676: "BERKELEY'. - Dominoes And Solitaire.
99602: BERKELOUW, MESSRS. - Africa and South Africa.
99620: BERKELOUW. - Messrs Berkelouws Catalogues. An Interesting Collection of Books on New Guinea.
107606: BERKMAN, PAMELA; Editor. - The History Of The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe.
18137: BERKOFF, STEVEN. - Free Association. An Autobiography.
117517: BERKOVITZ, B. K. B; MOXHAM, B. J. - A Textbook of Head and Neck Anatomy.
115655: BERLIN, ISAIAH. - Karl Marx, His Life and Environment.
34530: BERLITZ, CHARLES. - The Dragon's Triangle.
122103: BERMINGHAM, KATHLEEN. - Gateway To The South East. A Story of Robetown and the Guichen Bay District.
47749: BERMINGHAM, KATHLEEN. - The Third Eleven Tales Of Robe.
47213: BERMINGHAM, KATHLEEN. - The Sixth Eleven Tales Of Robe.
38218: BERMINGHAM, KATHLEEN. - The Fifth Eleven Tales Of Robe.
36537: BERMINGHAM, KATHLEEN. - Gateway To The South East. A Story of Robetown and the Guichen Bay District.
33658: BERMINGHAM, KATHLEEN. - The Fourth Eleven Tales Of Robe.
121649: BERNAD, DENES; KARLENKO, DMITRIY; ROBA, JEAN-LOUIS. - From Barbarossa to Odessa: The Luftwaffe and Axis Allies strike South-East: June-October 1941. Volume 2. The Air Battle for Odessa August to October 1941 A day-by-day account.
121039: BERNADAC, CHRISTIAN. - Camp For Women, Ravensbruck.
121040: BERNADAC, CHRISTIAN. - Women's Kommandos
121218: BERNADAC, CHRISTIAN. - Days Without End.
121220: BERNADAC, CHRISTIAN. - Medical Experiments On the Human Subjects In The Concentration Camps.
121221: BERNADAC, CHRISTIAN. - Doctors Of Mercy.
121630: BERNAGE, GEORGES. - Gold, Juno, Sword. (English and French Edition).
47220: BERNARD, GWENDOLYN MARY. - The Tapestry Of Sabu.
97031: BERNARD, BRUCE. - The Bible And Its Painters.
122870: BERNAYS, CHARLES ARROWSMITH. - Queensland - Our Seventh Political Decade, 1920-1930.
32061: BERNAYS, CHARLES ARROWSMITH. - Queensland Politics During Sixty (1859 - 1919) Years.
31668: BERNAYS, CHARLES ARROWSMITH. - Queensland Politics During Sixty (1859 - 1919) Years.
79829: BERNDT, RONALD M. - The Next Phase Of Anthropological Research In Australia. Contained in the Australian Institute Of Aboriginal Studies Newsletter. Vol. 2 No. 5 April, 1967.
119921: BERNDT, RONALD M; BERNDT, CATHERINE H. - Sexual Behaviour in Western Arnhem Land. Viking Fund Publications In Anthropology Number Sixteen.
119919: BERNDT, R. W. - Kunapipi. A Study of an Australian Aboriginal Religious Cult.
68147: BERNDT, RONALD M; PHILLIPS, E. S; Edited by. - The Australian Aboriginal Heritage. An Introduction through the Arts.
119915: BERNDT, RONALD M; BERNDT, CATHERINE H; STANTON, JOHN E. - A World That Was. The Yaraldi of the Murray River and the Lakes, South Australia.
120574: BERNDT, RONALD M. - Australian Aboriginal Anthropology.
120585: BERNDT, R. M. & C. H; Editors. - Aboriginal Man In Australia. Essays in Honour of Emeritus Professor A. P. Elkin.
101123: BERNDT, RONALD. - Three Faces of Love. Traditional Aboriginal song-poetry.
121285: BERNE, ROBERT M. - The Cardiovascular System. Volume I. The Heart.
105927: BERNHARDT, PETER; HOLDEN, ROBERT. - Gumnut Town. Botanic Fact and Bushland Fantasy.
75626: BERNIKOW, LOUISE. - Abel.
117536: BERNSTEIN, JONATHAN. - P-47 Thunderbolt Units Of The Twelfth Air Force. (Osprey Combat Aircraft No. 92).
103928: BERNSTEIN, D. L. - First Tuesday In November. The Story Of The Melbourne Cup.
77249: BERRY, W. E. F. - The Melbourne Graduate. Vol. 6, No. 2. September 1955.
77248: BERRY, W. E. F. - The Melbourne Graduate. Vol. 7, No. 1. June 1956.
64244: BERRY, JOHN; SARGENT JOHN. - Railway Stations. Greater Metropolitan Melbourne. A Photographic Profile 1950-1990. Part 1.
50378: BERRY, KARON; Editor - Yarrawong '75
119232: BERRY, JOHN; SARGENT JOHN. - Railway Stations. Greater Metropolitan Melbourne. A Photographic Profile 1950-1990. Part 2.
115879: BERRY, PAUL; BOSTRIDGE, MARK. - Vera Brittain: A Life.
96941: BERSTEIN, JEREMY. - Ascent: Of the Invention of Mountain Climbing & Its Practice.
122155: BERTELE, H. VON. - Globes and Spheres; Globen und Spharen; Globes et Spheres.
78020: BERTIE, C. H. - Days of Moment In Australia. 1788-1938.
67964: BERTIE, CHARLES H. - The Story of The Royal Hotel & The Theatre Royal. Sydney.
56923: BERTIE, CHARLES H. - The Story of The Royal Hotel & The Theatre Royal. Sydney.
53499: BERTIE, CHARLES H. - The Story of The Royal Hotel & The Theatre Royal. Sydney.
117982: BERTIE, CHARLES H. - The Story of Old George Street. A Chapter in Old Sydney.
117983: BERTIE, CHARLES H. - The Story of Old George Street. A Chapter in Old Sydney.
30938: BERTIE, CHARLES H. - The Story of Vaucluse House and Sir Henry Browne Hays. A Paper read before the Australian Historical Society.
117273: BERTON, PIERRE. - The Klondike Quest: A Photographic Essay 1897-1899. - 100th Anniversary Edition.
117264: BERTON, PIERRE. - Klondike The Last Great Gold Rush 1896-1899. (Signed by Author).
117145: BERTON, PIERRE. - The Great Railway Illustrated.
89456: BERTRAM, JAMES. - New Zealand Letters if Thomas Arnold the Younger. With Further Letters from Van Dieman's Land and Letters of Arthur Hugh Clough. 1847-1851.
64314: BERTRAM, JAMES. - Some Memories Of Books Authors And Events.
49819: BERTRAM, G.C.L; FLEMING, W.L.S; ROBERTS, B.B; WORDIE, J.M. Editorial Committee. - The Polar Record Volume 4 Number 32: July, 1946 (published April 1947).
49818: BERTRAM, G.C.L; FLEMING, W.L.S; ROBERTS, B.B; WORDIE, J.M. Editorial Committee. - The Polar Record Volume 4 Number 31: January (published October) 1946.
121274: BERTRAM, E. G. MIKE; MOORE, KEITH L. - An Atlas Of The Human Brain and Spinal Cord.
33912: BESANT, WALTER. - Westminster. Etching by Francis S. Walker, and 130 Illustrations by William Patten and others.
104963: BESSARABOFF, NICHOLAS. - Ancient European Musical Instruments. An organological Study of the Musical Instruments in the Leslie Lindsey mason Collection at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
99373: B. R. G. M; BESSOLES, BERNARD. - Géologie de l'Afrique. :e Craton Ouest African. Mémoires.
74430: BEST, ELSDON. - Polynesian Voyagers. The Maori as a Deep-sea Navigator, Explorer, and Colonizer.
70951: BEST, ELSDON. - The Maori As He Was. A Brief Account of Maori life as it was in Pre-European Life.
69303: BEST, ALLEYN. - The History of Municipal Employees Union in Victoria 1885-1985.
61466: BEST, A.K. - Production Fly Tying.
57406: BEST, ALLEYN. - The Tobacco Worker. History Of The Federated Tobacco Worker's Union Of Australia. Victorian Branch.
52568: BEST, RUPERT J.; Editor - Introducing South Australia.
117153: BEST, ELSDON. - The Maori As He Was. A Brief Account of Maori life as it was in Pre-European Life.
103911: BEST, GEOFFREY. - War and Society in Revolutionary Europe 1770-1870.
87201: BESTERMAN, THEODORE. - Voltaire on the arts: unity and paradox The Zaharoff Lecture for 1973
99087: BESTERMAN, THEODORE. - A bibliography of Sir James George Frazer, O.M.
36503: BETHELL, S.L. - Shakespeare & The Popular Dramatic Tradition With an Introduction by T.S Eliot.
116452: BETHELL, LLWELYN SLINGSBY. - The Story Of Port Dalrymple. Life and Work in Northern Tasmania.
121252: BETHELL, K. C. B. - John Beswicke. 1847-1925: Heritage Architect.
86095: BETJEMAN, JOHN. - John Piper. The Penguin Modern Painters.
116028: BETT, W. H. - The Theory of fare Collection on Railways and Tramways.
104550: BETTELHEIM, BRUNO. - Surviving and other essays.
100440: BETTERIDGE, MARAGRET. - Royal Doulton Exhibition 1979.
111236: BETTEX, ALBERT. - The Discovery Of The World. Translated from the German by Daphne Woodward.
53498: BETTS, REV. CHARLES MARSDEN. - Eight Sermons. To which is prefixed A breif memoir, by The Rev. James Carter, S.A.C., Minister of Piction, N.S.W.
15193: BETTS, M. S. - Australians In Antarctica. [wrapper title].
58307: BEUMONT, ANTHONY. - Steam Up! Engine & Wagon Pictures.
92293: BEUS, A. A. - Geochemistry Of Beryllium. And Genetic Types of Beryllium Deposits.
92191: BEUS, A. A. - Beryllium. Evaluation of Deposits During Prospecting and Exploratory Work.
98069: BEVAN, CHRISTOPHER, - A Kinchela Boy. A Novel.
70952: BEVAN, THEODORE F. - Toil, Travel, And Discovery In British New Guinea.
37816: BEVAN, G.A ; VAUGHAN, M. E. - Mannum Yesterday.
80144: LORD BEVERIDGE. - Power And Influence.
92230: BEVINGTON, COL. S. B. - Journal of a Voyage to Australia.
66316: BEWICK, THOMAS. - A General History Of Quadrupeds. The Figures Engraved On Wood.
47698: BEWICK, THOMAS. - A New Years Gift For Little Masters & Misses
106672: BEWICK, THOMAS. - Thomas Bewick's Birds. Watercolours And Engravings.
103549: BEWICK, THOMAS. - A General History Of Quadrupeds. The Figures Engraved On Wood.
46231: BEWLEY, CHRISTINA. - Muir of Huntershill A Scottish Patriot's Adventures Around the World.
45061: BEYER, TONY. - The Meat And Other Poems
45032: BEYER, TONY. - Jesus Hobo Poems by Tony Beyer
75809: BEYERCHEN, ALAN D. - Wissenschaftler Unter Hitler: Physiker Im Dritten Reich.
108233: BEZGODOV, ALEXEY. - The Extreme Caro-Kann: Attacking Black with 3.f3.
97604: BIANCHI, JOHN. - Blue Steel & Gunleather. A Practical Guide to Holsters.
120787: BIANCOLLI, LOUIS; MANN, WILLIAM S. - The Analytical Concert Guide.
98257: BIBBY, CYRIL - The Art Of The Limerick
95920: BIBRA, E. E; MASON, R. G. - Victorian River Gaugings to 1960. Stream gauging and Compilation of Information carried out by the Hydrographic Section of the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission, in collaboration with the Water Resources Section, Investigations and Designs Division.
117390: BICHAT, XAVIER. - Physiological Researches upon Life and Death. Translated fron the French by Tobias Watkins.
117339: BICHAT, XAVIER. - A Treatise On The Membranes
120241: BICHEL, ANDY; COLLINS, GERRY. - No Bull From the Bush to the Baggy Green.
77050: BICHENO, HUGH. - Midway.
47435: BICK, DAVID. - Discover St. Kilda's Heritage. Six Walking Tours in St. Kilda.
76112: BICKEL, LENNARD. - The Deadly Element. The Story Of Uranium.
53749: BICKEL, LENNARD. - Rise Up To Life. A Biography Of Howard Walter Florey Who Made Penicillin And Gave It To The World.
54487: BICKERS, RICHARD TOWNSHEND. - Friendly Fire. Accidents In Battle From Ancient Greece To The Gulf War.
112042: BICKERTON, A. W. - Romance of the Earth.
94612: BICKLE, M. J; NISBET, E. G; Editors. - The Geology of the Belingwe Greenstone Belt Zimbabwe. A Study of the evolution of Archaean Continenal Crust.
114212: BICKMORE, DAVID; Editor. - Further Examples of Environmental Maps
118548: BIDDISCOMBE, ROSS; CURRY, PATRICK; HAYDEN, JONATHAN. - The Official Encyclopedia Of Manchester United.
68125: BIDDLE, GORDON; NOCK, O.S. - The Railway Heritage Of Britain. 150 Years Of Railway Architecture And Engineering.
118374: BIDGOOD, JEFF; FERSON, MARK; Editor. - Australian Bookplates, An Illustrated collection from members of the Book Collectors' Society of Australia. Studies in Australian Bibliophily, Number 1.
88607: BIDWELL, ROBIN. - Travellers in Arabia.
111080: EL BIED, ANIS; LAURELUT, DANIEL. - The Curtiss P-40: From 1939 to 1945 Translated from the French by Alan McKay.
117080: BIEDERMANN, HANS - Medicina Magica.
113705: BIERMAN, STANLEY M. - The World's Greatest Stamp Collectors - More Of the World's Greatest Stamp Collectors. 2 Volume Boxed Set.
112004: BIGGE, JOHN THOMAS. - The Bigge Reports Australiana Facsimile Edition 68, 69 and 70. 3 Volume Set.
111162: BIGGE, JOHN THOMAS. - Report Of The Commissioner Of Inquiry Into The State Of The Colony Of New South Wales; Report on the Judicial establishments of New South Wales, and Van Diemen's Land; Report on Agriculture and Trade in NSW. Australian Facsimile Editions No's. 68. 69, 70.
110142: BIGGE, JOHN THOMAS. - Report Of The Commissioner Of Inquiry Into The State Of The Colony Of New South Wales. Australian Facsimile Editions No. 68.
105576: BIGGE, JOHN THOMAS. - Report Of The Commissioner Of Inquiry, On The State Of Agriculture And Trade In The Colony of New South Wales.
103657: BIGGE, JOHN THOMAS. - The Bigge Reports Australiana Facsimile Edition 68, 69 and 70. 3 Volume Set.
70440: BIGGS, H J G ; Compiler Editor. - 100 Years Of Local Government 1862-1962. Eaglehawk Borough Council.
54842: BIGGS, GEORGE. - Australian Clay Target Association History And Records1936-1992.
114355: BIGNARDI, PAUL. - A Fleet History of the San Francisco Municipal Railway.
98883: BIGNELL, MERLE. - First The Spring A History Of The Shire Of Kojonup Western Australia
35857: BIGNELL, MERLE. - First The Spring A History Of The Shire Of Kojonup Western Australia
108187: BIGWOOD, RICHARD "BARNEY"; BIGWOOD, ANDREW. - We Were Reos Australian Infantry Reinforcements in Vietnam.
82574: WANNAN. BILL. Editor. - A Marcus Clarke Reader. Containing Selections From His Lesser Known Writings.
74875: WANNAN. BILL. Editor. - A Marcus Clarke Reader. Containing Selections From His Lesser Known Writings.
40023: BILL, ALFRED HOYT. - Valley Forge The Making Of An Army.
16228_B: WALL. BILL - Five Hundred Ruy Lopez Miniatures
116387: BILLE, STEEN. - Beretning Om Corvetten Galathea's Reise Omking Jorder 1845, 46 og 47. Three Volumes.
103891: BILLETT, BILL. - Mont St Quentin. A Soldier's Battle.
54682: BILLING, JOHN. - The Cornubia. Paddle Steamer and the Common Seal of the City of Gladstone Queensland.
54663: BILLING, JOHN. Editor. - The Ancestor. Index I-XII 1902-1905.
54662: BILLING, JOHN. Editor. - The Ancestor Index. Index I-XII 1902-1905.
79249: BILLINGS, JOHN D. - Hardtack and Coffee. Or The Unwritten Story of Army Life.
76037: BILLINGS, MALCOLM. - The Cross & The Crescent. A History of the Crusades.
99514: BILLINGTON, STUART, JEWELL, EDWIN. - Australian Bookplate. Stuart Billington for Edwin Jewell.
122217: BILLOT, C. P. - Melbourne. An annotated bibliography to 1850.
66541: BILLOT, C. P. - The Life of Our Years. A Pictorial Chronology of Geelong.
15776: BILLOT, C. P; Compiler and Editor. - Poets & Poetasters of Geelong. Compiled & edited by C. P. Billot From the collection of Roy H. Holden.
117305: BILLROTH, THEODOR. - The Medical Sciences in the German Universities.
117171: BILLROTH, THEODOR. - General Surgical Pathology and Therapeutics.
96799: BILSTEIN, ROGER E. - Flight in America. From the Wrights to the Astronauts.
61579: BRENT OF BIN BIN. - Cockatoos. A Story Of Youth And Exodists.
112673: BRENT OF BIN BIN. [FRANKLIN, MILES]. - Ten Creeks Run. A Tale of the Horse and Cattle Stations of the Upper Murrumbidgee.
107459: BRENT OF BIN BIN. - Gentlemen At Gyang Gyang. A Tale Of The Jumback Pads On The Summer Runs.
106156: BRENT OF BIN BIN. - Up The Country. A Tale of the Early Australian Squattocracy.
106232: BINGHAM, CHARLES. - The River Test.
109805: BINGLEY, A. N. - On The Game. "An enlightening and informative treatise on the profession of prostitution".
98811: BINKS, Professor W.S. - Faces And How To Read Them. of Brighton, Victoria. Character analyst and vocational adviser.
110512: BINNEY, MARCUS; PEARCE, DAVID; Editors. - Railway Architecture.
109655: BINNEY, MALCOLM; LAVENDER, PETER; Collectors. - The Authentic Gilbert & Sullivan Songbook. 92 Unabridged Selections from All 14 Operas Reproduced from Early Vocal Scores. Selected and with Plot Summaries by James Spero.
12554: BINNING, JOHN. - Target Area.
72004: BINNS, KENNETH; Compiler. - Select List of Representative Workds Dealing with Australia. 1934 Commonwealth National Library, Canberra. Reprinted From The Official Year Book Of The Commonwealth, No. 27, 1934.
71307: BINNS, RICHARD. - Cricket in Firelight. a cricketer's book for all the year round.
52396: BINNS, RONALD. - The Loch Ness Mystery Solved.
114727: BINST, OLIVIER; Editor. - The Levant: History and Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean.
49991: BIRCH, ALAN ; MACMILLAN, DAVID S. - The Sydney Scene 1788 - 1960.
13855: BIRCH, ALAN; MACMILLAN, DAVID S. - The Sydney Scene 1788-1960.
113456: BIRCH, T. W. - Maps Topographical and Statistical.
97288: BIRCH, ANTHONY; Illustrator. - The Scouts' Cook-Book. The Patrol Books No. 23.
103036: BIRCH, W. D; Editor. - Zeolites of Victoria.
101336: BIRCH, W. D; HENRY, D. A; Editors. - Phosphate Minerals Of Victoria. Special Publication No. 3.
122434: BIRCHLEY, DELIA. - John McEncroe Colonial Democrat.
90471: BIRD, ISABELLA. - Six Months in Hawaii. Introduction by Pat Barr.
85390: BIRD, ERIC. - The Sandringham Environment Series - No. 2. Geology and Landforms of Beach Park: An Excursion Guide.
84068: BIRD, MICHAEL J. - The Secret Battalion. One of the most astonishing battles of the Second World War.
43910: BIRD, KENNETH. - Bishop Must Move
122685: BIRD, ISABELLA L. - The Hawaiian Archipelago: Six Months Amongst The Palm Groves, Coral Reefs, and Volcanoes of the Sandwich Islands.
104978: BIRD, SHEILA. - The Book of Cornish Villages. Line drawings by Steve Hicks.
103109: BIRD, E. C. F. - The Geomorphological Study of the Gippsland Lakes.
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