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111709: RYAN, KEITH. - The Illustrated History of Fire Engines.
98352: RYAN, J. S; Guest Editor. WIDDOWSON, J. D. A; Editor. - Special Issue. Folklore Studies: Past, Present - and Future? Lore and Language, Vol. 15, Number 1-2 (1997).
110194: RYAN, JAMES. - IRISH RECORDS. Sources For Family Local History.
109653: RYAN, PETER. - Side By Side A Season With Collingwood. Foreword by Nick Maxwell.
104735: RYAN, LYNDALL. - Tasmanian Aborigines. A history since 1803.
103069: RYAN, SR. M. IMELDA. - Pows Fraternal. Diaries of S/SGT Raymond Ryan Poems of PTE Laurence (Bouff) Ryan World War II.
102949: RYAN, JUDITH; Editor; MOLLLISON, JAMES; Curator; DENHAM, PETER; Assistant Curator. - Van Gogh. His Sources, Genius And Influence.
100860: RYAN, JACK. - Fresh Water Angling.
100857: RYAN, JACK. - Trout Fishing. and Other Fresh Water Fishing. After 40 years angling in Victoria.
100844: RYAN, JACK. - Fresh Water Angling.
99537: RYDON, JOAN. - A Biographical Register of the Commonwealth Parliament 1901-1972.
51790: RYLAH, ANN. - Australian Adventure. Girl Guiding under the Southern Cross.
70540: RYMILL, ARTHUR. - The First Municipality In Australasia. An Address By The Lord Of Adelaide Mr. Arthur Rymill. No. 8/51.
96662: SABET, ATEF HASSAN ALI. - Geology And Mineral Deposits Of Gebel El Sibai Area. Red Sea Hills, Egypt, U.A.R.
96659: SABET, ATEF HASSAN ALI. - Geology And Mineral Deposits Of Gebel El Sibai Area. Red Sea Hills, Egypt, U.A.R.
13202: SABEY, IAN. - Stalag Scrap Book.
11085: SABEY, IAN H. - Of the Thunder of Hooves. Melodie's Son; The Story of Mountain Rogue.
122517: SACHS, EDWIN O. - A Record of the International Fire Exhibition Earl's Court, London, 1903, Organised under the auspices of the British Fire Prevention Committee and Under the Management of the London Exhibitions, Limited. Comprising Particulars and Illustrations of the Principal Historical Exhibits the leading mechanical and Constructional Exhibits together with A Report on Some of the Exhibition Events.
96332: SACK, JOHN. - The Ascent of Yerupaja.
122508: SACK, PETER; CLARK, DYMPHNA. - German New Guinea: The Draft Annual Report for 1913-14.
122496: SACK, PETER; Editor. - German New Guinea. A Bibliography.
43339: SACLIER, MR M ; Editor. - Tasmanian Historical Research Association. Papers And Proceedings. Contents: Annual Excursion. An Aspect of Tasmanian Patriotism in the Great War: The Persecution of Aliens by Marilyn Lake. Irish Convicts and Van Diemen's Land by John Williams. France and the Discovery of Australia by Roger London. Trans. by L. A. Triebel. Marion du Fresne : Pioneer Explorer by L. A. Tribel. Book Review. September, 1972. Volume Nineteen. No. 3.
43336: SACLIER, MR M ; Editor. - Tasmanian Historical Research Association. Papers And Proceedings. Contents: Leeds Merchants and Manufacturers in Local Government before 1840 by W. G. Rimmer. The Rattlesnake Revisited: Review Article by P. A. Howell. Where were the Gentlemen in Green Gigs: Review by R. S. Neale. October 1969. Volume Seventeen. No. 2.
56148: SADIE, STANLE;. Editor. - The Groove Concise Dictionary of Music.
117550: SADLER, JOHN. - Operation Mercury: The Battle for Crete, 1941.
110997: SADLER, MATTHEW. - The Slav. (Chess Press Opening Guides).
122033: SADLER, JOHN. - Operation Mercury: The Battle for Crete, 1941.
86061: SADLIER, FRED. - "Along The Length." An Account of Living and Working on the Maroondah Aqueduct.
99140: SADOUL, JACQUES. - 2000 A.D. Illustrations From the Golden Age of Science Fiction Pulps.
65154: SAFFIN, N.W. - Left and Right in Bendigo and Shepparton 1947-51. Studies in Labour History - No. 1
121938: SAFFIN, N.W. - Left and Right in Bendigo and Shepparton 1947-51. Studies in Labour History - No. 1.
119157: SAFIRE, WILLIAM. - Lend me Your Ears: Great Speeches In History.
122340: SAGAN, ELI. - At The Dawn Of Tyranny: The Origins of Individualism, Political Oppression and the State.
99015: SAGAR, KEITH; TABOR, STEPHEN. - Ted Hughes. A bibliography 1946-1980.
99016: SAGAR, KEITH. Edited by. - The Achievement of Ted Hughes.
115114: SAGEMAN, MARC. - Leaderless Jihad Terror Networks in the Twenty-First Century.
99665: SAGGERSON, E. P; General Coordinator. - Metamorphic Map of Africa.
12406: SAIDY, ANTHONY, - The Battle of Chess Ideas.
113288: SAINSBERY, W. E. - Australian State Boundaries.
67207: SAINSBURY, FELIX W. - Ground Crew. A Middle East Diary of the Forgotten Campaigners of the Desert Airforce in North Africa October 1940- July 1943.
59051: SAINT-FORT, R. - Dam_Karate. Art & Science.
114541: SAINT-MANDE, WILFRED. - Halcyon Days In Africa.
119284: THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS. - 1881 British Census and National Index - England, Scotland, Wales, Channel islands, Isle of Man, and Royal Navy. [ The Set of 25 CD ROMs ].
85012: SAINTY, MALCOLM R; JOHNSON, KEITH A; Editors. - Census Of New South Wales. November 1828.
99708: SAINTY, MALCOLM R; FLYNN, MICHAEL C; Editors. - Index to the Australian Dictionary of Biography. Volumes 1 & 2 (A to Z - 1788-1850).
104731: SAINTY, MALCOLM R; JOHNSON, KEITH A; Editors. - Census Of New South Wales. November 1828.
74895: SAKHAROW, KONSTANTIN W. - Die Tschechischen Legionen In Sibirien.
121237: SAKI. [Hector Hugh Munro]. - Short Stories. Selected and introduced by John Letts. Drawings by Sir Osbert Lancaster.
11064: SAKKAS, JIM. - Ilias.
84735: SALE, KIRKPATRICK. - The Conquest of Paradise. Christopher Columbus and the Columbian Legacy
17897: SALE, RICHARD; OLIVER, TONY. - Arctic Odyssey Travelling Arctic Europe.
122400: SALHAB, WALID AMINE; HRH PRINCE MICHAEL OF ALBANY. - The Knights Templar of the Middle East: The Hidden History of the Islamic origins of Freemasonry.
52563: SALINGER, J.P.; SAY, J.S.; MARCUSSEN, K.H. - Flower Gardening with the Journal of Agriculture.
76818: SALISBURY, HARRISON E. - The Siege of Leningrad.
108607: SALLIS, ROGER. - The Pinjarra-Narrogin Railway: A History of Western Australia's Hotham Valley Line.
120486: SALMON, PAUL; PIESSE, KEN. - The Big Fish: Paul Salmon's Own Story.
121371: SALMON, PAUL. - Fish Tales: Stories with a Kick from a Life in Football.
121372: SALMON, PAUL. - More Fish Tales: Favourite Yarns from a Football Life.
53272: SALMOND, JOHN A. - " My Mind Set On Freedom ". A History of the Civil Rights Movement, 1954 - 1968.
123061: SALMOND, ANNE. - The Trial of the Cannibal Dog: Captain Cook in the South Seas.
107502: SALMOND, ANNE. - The Trial of the Cannibal Dog. The Remarkable Story of Captain Cook's Encounters in the South Seas.
59269: SALSBURY, STEPHEN; SWEENEY, KAY. - The Bull, the Bear and the Kangaroo. The History of the Sydney Stock Exchange.
108899: SALT, D. F. - Gateway to the South First Stop Sylvania: An intimate insight into the origins of the Sutherland Shire.
66697: SALTER, ELIZEBETH. - Daisy Bates.
17106: SALTER, ELIZEBETH. - Daisy Bates. "The Great White Queen of the Never Never".
107353: SALTER, ELIZEBETH. - Daisy Bates.
110188: SALTMARSH, LORRAINE. - Noel Westgate. Presenting a Brief Biography of the Life of Australian Landscape Artist
48752: SALVADO, R. - Memorias Historicas Sobre La Australia Y La Mision Benedictina De Nueva Nursia Con Introduccion Y Notas De Un Padre Benedictino De La Real Abadia De Samos.
48413: SALVADO, R. - Memorias Historicas Sobre La Australia Y La Mision Benedictina De Nueva Nursia Con Introduccion Y Notas De Un Padre Benedictino De La Real Abadia De Samos.
11745: SALWAY, LANCE. - A Peculiar Gift. Nineteenth Century Writings on Books for Children.
122754: SISTERS OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN (Queanbeyan, NSW). - A Long Line and a Bright One: The Centenary of the Arrival of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan in Queenbeyan and the Foundation of St. Benedict's School.
103482: SAMERSKI, HELMUT. - The Trout Whisperer. More than just about trout.
117732: SAMLI, MARIO; Editor. - The Complete Works Of Michelangelo.
95910: SAMPSON, R. S. - Through Central Australia.
87219: SAMPSON, R. S. - Through Central Australia.
86824: SAMPSON, R. S. - To the Old World and the New Being some Notes Gathered on a Voyage around the World.
81247: SAMPSON, R. V. - The Discovery Of Peace.
42429: SAMPSON, LILY K. - Grassroots Army Collaroy 1984.
121433: SAMPSON, BURFORD. - The Burford Sampson Great War Diary.
66587: SAMSON, G. GORDON. - Every Man His Own Builder. A Book For Everyone Who Owns A Piece Of Land.
60045: SAMSON, JACK. - Line Down! The Special World of Big-Game Fishing.
115149: SYDNEY SAMUEL. - The History of Australia comprising New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia; Their pastures, Copper Mines & Gold Fields.
110665: SAMUEL, WOLFGANG W. E. - Watson's Whizzers: Operation Lusty and The Race for Nazi Aviation Technology.
108016: SAMUEL, RAY. - Take Post. A History of The 18 Light Anti Aircraft Regiment Royal Australian Artillery. 1952 - 1974.
112504: SAMUELS, JOHN. - Somewhere Below: The Sydney Scandal Exposed.
121873: SAMWELL, DAVID. - Captain Cook And Hawaii. A Narrative by David Samwell.
120420: SAMWORTH, THOMAS G. - The Checkering and Carving of Gunstocks.
79152: SANCHA, SHEILA. - The Luttrell Village. Country life in the early-fourteenth century.
14337: SANCHEZ, THOMAS. - Mile Zero.
73458: SANDELL, CAMILLA; Editor. - Women Of The Year. A collection of speeches by Australia's most successful women.
78867: SANDERCOCK, LEONIE; TURNER, IAN. - Up Where, Cazaly? The Great Australian Game.
114227: SANDERLIN, GEORGE. - The Sea-Dragon: Journals of Francis Drake's Voyages Around the World.
81285: SANDERS, T. W. - Popular Hardy Perennials. Their Cultivation in Beds, Borders, the Wile and Woodland Garden and by the Waterside: and also their Propagation. With Descriptions of the most Attractive, Useful and Easily-Grown Genera, Species and Varieties.
76421: SANDERS, WILBUR; JACOBSON, HOWARD. - Shakespeare's Magnanimity. Four Tragic Heroes, Their Friends and Families.
114374: SANDERS, C. S. - The Settlement of George Sanders and his Family at Echunga Creek, 1839-40 from the Journal of Jane Sanders.
109760: P SANDERS PTY LTD, ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS; GRAEME BUTLER 7 ACCOCIATES, ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN; Prepared By. - Camberwell Conservation Study Study Area 1. Prepared For The City Of Camberwell November 1986. The Studies And Associated Reports Were Prepared.
93947: SANDERSON, ANGELA. - Complete Book of the Australian Dogs.
93832: SANDERSON, W. A. - The Alienation of the Melbourne Parks. Contained within the Victorian Historical Magazine. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria. Issue 55. Vol. XIV, December, 1932, No. 4.
93830: SANDERSON, W. A. - Royal Park. Contained within the Victorian Historical Magazine. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria. Issue 54. Vol. XIV, May, 1932, No. 3.
76816: SANDERSON, W. A. - The Alienation Of The Melbourne Parks. Contained in The Victorian Historical Journal. Issue 182 Nov. - Dec., 1975 Vol. 46 No. 4.
72064: SANDERSON, W.A. - Royal Park. Contained In The Victorian Historical Magazine. Vol. XIV No. 3. May, 1932.
99676: SANDERSON, HUGH; Editor. - Lesmurdie. A Home in the Hills. From the diary of Maude Sanderson.
55024: SANDES, JOHN. - Rhymes of the Times.
89104: SANDFORD, JOHN. - Walter Harper And The Farmers.
71252: SANDHAM, ANDREW. - Cricket.
98812: SANDIE, M; HUGHES, DAVID; Compilers. - Belles Of St. Mary's 1876-1983.
94778: SANDIFORD, LIBBY. - Rugged Mountains, Jewelled Sea. The South Coast Heritage Trail Network.
118150: SANDO, GEOFF; WHIMPRESS, BERNARD. - Grass Roots: 100 Years of Adelaide District Cricket 1897-1997.
80551: SANDOR, PETHO. - Grof Apponti Albert.
117880: SANDOW, MARY. - The Town Hall Ballaarat 100 Years.
51055: SANFORD, BARRIE. - The Pictorial History of Railroading in British Columbia
48530: SANFORD TERRY, C. Editor - Ostend and Zeebrugge April 23: May 10, 1918 The Dispatches of Vice-Admiral Sir Roger Keyes, And other Narratives of the Operations
92369: SANSOM, RUTH. - Through the Eyes of a Child. Sketches of a Tasmanian Childhood.
106130: SANSOM, RUTH. - Through the Eyes of a Child. Sketches of a Tasmanian Childhood.
120117: SANTAMARIA, B. A. - Santamaria Against The Tide.
114919: SANTAMARIA, B. A; MORGAN, PATRICK; Editor. - B. A. Santamaria: Your Most Obedient Servant: Selected Letters: 1938-1996.
44151: SANTASIERE, ANTHONY EDWARD. - Santasiere's Folly Or The Opening With A Future.
121227: SANTER, ROBERT M. - Morphology and Innervation of the Fish Heart. (Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology 89)
98442: SANTOS-DUMONT, ALBERTO. - My Airships. With a new Introduction by Air Marshal Sir Peter Wykeham, Deputy Chief of Air Staff, Royal Air Force. (Author of Santos-Dumont: A Study in Obsession).
74036: SANZ, CARLOS. - Australia. Its Discovery And Name. With Facsimile Reproductions Of The Quiros Memorial And Other Rare Illustrations.
74022: SANZ, CARLOS. - Sensacional noticia bibliografica de ultima hora sobre el descubrimiento de Australia.
108503: SAPP, RICK. - Standard Catalog of Colt Firearms. Featuring Photos by Paul Goodwin.
93527: SAPPER - Bulldog Drummond.
90044: SARCEY, FRANCISQUE. - A Theory of the Theatre. Papers on Playmaking IV. With an Introduction by Brander Matthews.
105152: SARGANT, GEORGE. - The Winding Track.
81201: SARGEANT, DORIS A; Selected by. - Focus On Paramatta. Poems, Illustrations And Items Of Historical Interest.
39160: SARGEANT, PHILIP. - Something In Between.
88864: SARGENT, G .E. - Frank Layton. An Australian Story.
65985: SARGENT, JOHN; Editor. - Photographer Profile Series Jim Seletto. "A Man Of Steam".
61699: SARGENT, G. E. - Frank Layton: An Australian Story.
51476: SARGENT, MALCOLM. (Editor). - The Outline Of Music.
116985: SARGENT, JOHN; GEE, NEVILLE; Editor. - Country Railway Stations Victoria. A Photographic Profile 1958-1994 Part 6.
116981: SARGENT, JOHN; Editor. - Country Railway Stations Victoria. A Photographic Profile 1950-2000 Part 5.
116978: SARGENT, JOHN; Editor. - Rail Scene New South Wales. Volume 12 N.S.W.G.R. - in Service Steam - "Nineteens To Sixties" From the Photographs of Ross I.Tollow.
98869: SARKIS, ANTHONY M. - From the Bottom Drawer. Poems.
63394: Sartori, Alan. - Alan Sartori's Stories.
111066: SASSOON, SIEGFRIED. - Siegfried's Journey 1916-1920.
109963: SASSOON, SIEGFRIED. - Sherston's Progress.
109174: SATCHELL, EDGAR. ( Bookplate ). - Bookplate Ex Libris Colin Earle.
71317: SAUER, GORDON C. - John Gould The Bird Man. A Chronology and Bibliography.
97425: SAULNIER, TONY. - Headhunters Of Papua. With The Collaboration Of Marcel Bisiaux.
89621: SAUMAREZ SMITH, JOHN. - The Bookshop at 10 Curzon Street. Letters between Nancy Mitford and Heywood Hill 1952-73.
76849: SAUNDBY, ROBERT. - Early Aviation. Man Conquers the Air.
94990: SAUNDERS, MONTAGU. - The Mystery In The Drood Family.
89494: SAUNDERS, MALCOLM. - Women Fighting for Peace. Charles Strong and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. Contained in The Victorian Historical Journal. Issue 241, Vol. 64, No.1. April 1993.
84517: SAUNDERS, G. W. - The Church Of All Saints Martock.
83117: SAUNDERS, KAY. - A model in these matters? State intervention in Queensland during the 1946 Meat Workers and 1948 Railway Strikes. Contained in the Journal Of The Royal Australian Historical Society. October 1990 Volume 76, Part 2.
98285: SAUNDERS, JAMES EDWIN; RIDLEY CHESTERTON, W; Editor. - The Reflections And Rhymes Of An Old Miller. James Edwin Saunders.
78199: SAUNDERS, L. A. - Milestones One Hundred Years. The History Of The Firm Of Tucker & Co.
77755: SAUNDERS, HILARY ST. GEORGE. - Per Ardua. The Rise Of British Air Power 1911-1939.
76900: SAUNDERS, MALCOLM. - Peace Dissent In The Australian Colonies: 1788-1900. Contained in The Journal Of The Royal Australian Historical Society. Vol. 74, Part 3.
76893: SAUNDERS, MALCOLM. - Portrait Of An Anglican Chaplain: The Reverend Herbert John Rose 1857-1930. Contained in The Journal Of The Royal Australian Historical Society. Vol. 76, Part 2.
75654: SAUNDERS, ANTHONY. - Weapons Of The Trench War 1914 - 1918.
72372: SAUNDERS, MALCOLM. - Women fighting for Peace: Charles Strong and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. Contained In The Victorian Historical Magazine. Vol. 64 No. 1 April, 1993.
40074: SAUNDERS, HILARY ST GEORGE. - The Red Beret. The story of the parachute regiment at war 1940 - 1945.
109390: SAUNDERS, ANDY. - Bader's Last Flight: An In-depth Investigation Of A Great WWII Mystery
106362: SAUNDERS, ANDREW. - Fortress Britain. Artillery Fortification in the British Isles and Ireland.
104177: SAUNDERS, J. NICHOLAS. - Beyond the Dead Horizon. Studies in Modern Conflict Archaeology.
110980: SAUTELLE, JOHN. - Fishing for the Educated Trout.
63146: SAVAGE-LANDOR, A. HENRY. - Across Unknown South America. Two Volumes.
56168: SAVAGE, D.S. - The Withered Branch. Six Studies in the Modern Novel.
72301: SAVILL, BARBARA J. - Cremorne Gardens: a brief history. Contained In The Victorian Historical Magazine. Issue 199 Vol. 51 No. 1. February, 1980.
103247: SAVILLE, TOM. - Reservoir Trout Fishing with Tom Saville.
107904: SAVINE, ALBERT. - Les Debuts de Botany Bay: Souvenirs De Georges Barrington. Ancien Convict. Annotes d'apres les documents d'archives et les memoires.
98047: SAVORNIN, J. - La Géologie Algérienne et Nord-Africaine. Depuis 1830.
109326: SAVORY, JOHN. - A Compendium Of Domestic Medicine: and Companion to the Medicine Chest. Comprising Plain Directions For The Employment Of Medicines, with their Properties and Doses; and Brief Descriptions of the Symptoms and Treatment of Diseases and of the Disorders Incidental to Infants and Children; with Directions for Restoring Suspended Animation, and for Counteracting the Effects of Poison. Also a Selection of the Most Efficacious Prescriptions, and Various Mechanical Auxiliaries to Medicine. To which is added an Appendix on Cod-Liver Oil, with Observations on its use, &c. The whole intended as a source of easy reference for Clergymen, Master Mariners, and Travellers; and for Families resident at a distance from professional assistance.
58428: SAVOURS, ANN. - The Voyages Of The Discovery. The Illustrated History Of Scott's Ship.
115012: SAVVA, NIKI. - The Road to Ruin: How Tony Abbott and Peta Credlin Destroyed Their own Government.
31050: SAW, RON. - Brief Encounters with Uncles, Great Aunts, Wombats, Womcats, Tomcats, Randy Bantam Roosters, Ducks, Pigeons, Seagulls, Elephants, Horses, Dogs, Flora and Fauna, as well as Rare Specimens of Humanity. Illustrated by Donald Friend.
75843: SAWARD, DUDLEY. - Victory Denied. The Rise Of Air Power And The Defeat Of Germany 1920-45.
55363: SAWER, GEOFFREY. - Australian Government Today.
15329: SAXBY, H. M. - A History Of Australian Children's Literature. 1841 - 1941.
12894: SAXBY, H. M. - Two Volumes. A History Of Australian Children's Literature. Vol I. 1841 - 1941. Vol II. 1941 - 1970.
104066: SAXBY, H. M. - Offered to Children. A History of Australian Children's Literature 1841 - 1941.
83416: SAY, MADELINE. - Black Thursday: William Strutt's 'Itinerant Picture'. ..an itinerant picture in search of a place in a public collection. Contained in The La Trobe Journal No. 75 Autumn 2005.
70780: SAYEN, HENRY. - A Yankee Looks at Cricket.
83893: SAYER, IAN; BOTTING, DOUGLAS. - Hitler's Last General.
52462: SAYER, PRUE; WALLS, KAY. - Bendigo Foods & Moods. Introduction by Don Dunstan, Illustrated by Bill Walls, Foreword by Campbell McComas.
122064: SAYERS, C. E. - Of Many Things. A History of Warrnambool Shire.
91192: SAYERS, STUART. - By Courage and Faith. The First Fifty Years at Carey Baptist Grammar School.
80912: SAYERS, STUART. - Book Collectors Of Melbourne. A Constant Battle of Wits.
69611: SAYERS, M. C; NEIL, JAN. - Port Fairy. Pioneer Whaling Station.
66526: SAYERS, C. E. - More Old Gold Towns of Victoria.
58881: SAYERS, M. C; NEIL, JAN. - Port Fairy. Pioneer Whaling Station.
52849: SAYERS, STUART. - By Courage and Faith. The First Fifty Years at Carey Baptist Grammar School.
49937: SAYERS, C. E. - Old Gold Mining Towns Of Queensland. Paintings by John Darbyshire
49043: SAYERS, C. E. - By These We Flourish. A history of Warrnambool.
39566: SAYERS, C. E; YULE, P. L. - By These We Flourish. A History Of Warrnambool.
36766: SAYERS, STUART. - By Courage And Faith. The First Fifty Years At Carey Baptist Grammer School.
17435: SAYERS, C. E. - Shepherd's Gold. The Story of Stawell.
16109: SAYERS, C. E. - By These We Flourish. A History Of Warrnambool.
16075: SAYERS, C. E. - David Syme. A Life.
15757: SAYERS, STUART. - Ned Herring A Life of Lieutenant-General the Honourable Sir Edmund Herring.
12427: SAYERS, C. E. - Shanty at the Bridge. The Story of Donald.
38395: SAYERS, C. E. - The Women's.. A Social History. To mark the 100th Anniversary of The Royal Women's Hospital Melbourne 1856-1956.
106788: SAYERS, C. E. - By These We Flourish. A History of Warrnambool.
101700: SAYERS, C. E. - By These We Flourish. A History Of Warrnambool.
101432: SAYERS, C. E. - Shanty at the Bridge. The Story of Donald.
121969: SAYERS, C. E. - Shepherd's Gold. The Story of Stawell.
88172: SBRESNI, CHRISTINE. - Commemorative China For Preston Guild 1822-1922.
88121: SCADDAN, THE HONOURABLE JOHN. - Financial Statement For The Year 1913-14. Delivered by the Honourable John Scaddan, M.L.A. Premier and Colonial Treasurer of the State of Western Australia. Delivered in the Legislative Assembly, Perth, on Thursday, 16th October. 1913.
95103: SCALES, MARJORIE. - John Walker's Village. A History Of Walkerville.
52653: SCALES, MARJORIE. - John Walker's Village A History Of Walkerville.
38345: SCALES, MARJORIE. - John Walker's Village A History Of Walkerville
35826: SCALES, MARJORIE. - John Walker's Village A History Of Walkerville
118962: SCALES, JOHN. - The Team Most Feared: A History of the Mitta United Football Club.
105144: SCAMMELL, MICHAEL. - Solzhenitsyn. A Biography.
101240: SCAMMELL, LUTHER. - A Voyage To Australia. in the Barque "William Wilson".
35453_B: SCANLON, HERBERT. - Old Memories Late Anzac
13258: SCANLON, HERBERT. - Triolette.
13250_B_B: SCANLON, HERBERT. - Humoresque.
94829: SCATES, BRUCE. - A Place to Remember A History of the Shrine of Remembrance.
117882: SCATES, BOB. - "Draftmen Go Free" A History Of The Anti-Conscription Movement In Australia.
103808: SCATES, BRUCE. - A Place to Remember A History of the Shrine of Remembrance.
113505: SCHAECHE, ANNE. - Dingley Journey to the Village.
48601: SCHAEDEL, CHARLES. - Australian Air Ace The exploits of `Jerry' Pentland, MC, DFC, AFC.
101791: SCHAEDEL, CHARLES. - Men & Machines Of The Australian Flying Corps 1914-19.
14338: SCHAEFFER, FROMBERG, SUSAN. - Buffalo Afternoon.
92707: SCHAEFFTER, GERLINDE. - Paul Trappe. Sculpture 1969 - 1989.
78610: SCHAFER, ATHOL. - Walking The Lower Wonnangatta. Contained in The Melbourne Walker 1979. Vol. 30.
78604: SCHAFER, ATHOL. - Kosciusko National Park: Its Past, Present and Future. Contained in The Melbourne Walker 1977. Vol. 28.
112563: SCHAFER, MIKE. - Classic American Railroads; More Classic American Railroads; Classic American Railroads Volume III. Three Volumes.
109619: SCHAFER, MIKE. - All Aboard Amtrak 1971 1991 With Selected Chapters By Bob Johnston And Kevin McKinney. A 20-Year Salute to The National Railroad Passenger Corporation.
39798: SCHAFF, MORRIS. - The Battle Of The Wilderness. With maps and plans.
79572: SCHAFFER, I; PURTSCHER, JOYCE; Compilers. - The Sick & Poor In Tasmania 1870. Persons In Receipt Of Public Aid.
105087: SCHAFFER, KAY. - Women and the bush. Forces of desire in the Australian Cultural Tradition.
66811: VAN SCHAIK, LEON. - Design City Melbourne.
83661: SCHALLER, MICHAEL. - Douglas MacArthur The Far Eastern General.
45865: SCHALLOPP, EMIL. - Das internationale Schachturnier zu Hastings im August-September 1895 Sammlung samtlicher Partien mit ausfuhrlichen Anmerkungen.
114376: SCHANCHDIENST, SCHWEIZER. - Olympiade Final Warna 1962. Golden Sands Golden Sands.
92528: SCHAPPER, HENRY P. - Aboriginal Advancement to Integration. Conditions and Plans for Western Australia.
87175: SCHAPPER, H. P. - Aboriginal Advancement To Integration. Condition and Plans for Western Australia.
69418: SCHAPPER, HENRY P. - Aboriginal Advancement To Integration. Conditions and Plans for Western Australia.
119478: SCHAPPER, CATHY. - 'A Dreaming That Shall Not Fade'. One Hundred Years of the Methodist Ladies' College Old Collegians' Club.
106746: SCHARF, J. THOMAS. (Officer of the Confederates States Navy). - History of the Confederate States Navy. From Its Organization to the Surrender of Its Last Vessel. The Struggle with the Navy of the United States, The Engagements Fought in the Rivers and Harbors of the South and upon the High Seas, Blockade-Running, The First Use of Iron-Clads and Torpedoes, The History of Privateering. Illustrated.
100101: SCHAULE, GUNTER. - Holtermann's Nugget.
103915: SCHEDVIN, C. B. - Shaping Science And Industry. A History of Australia's Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 1926 - 49.
103025: SCHEDVIN, BORIS. - The Merino and Industrial Science. Contained within the Victorian Historical Journal. Vol. 61, No. 4; December 1990. Issue 236.
120627: SCHEEL, JORGEN. - Rivulins of the Old World.
98910: SCHEIBE, E. A. - Estudios Geologicos y Paleontologicos Sobre la Cordillera Oriental de Colombia. Parte Primera. Estidios Geologicos sobre la Cordillera Oriental.
122137: SCHEIBERT, HORST. - Panzer Grenadier Division Grossdeutschland.
50255: SCHELLING, ERNEST; HAAKE, CHARLES J; HAAKE, GAIL MARTIN; McCONATHY, OSBOURNE. - Oxford Piano Course Teacher's First Manual.
88817: SCHERER, P. A. - Venture of Faith. An Epic in Australian Missionary History.
88815: SCHERER, P. A. - Venture of Faith. An Epic in Australian Missionary History.
88780: SCHERER, P. A. - Venture of Faith. An Epic Missionary History.
30288: SCHERMAN, KATHARINE. - Spring On An Arctic Island.
101530: SCHETGEN, ROBERT; Editor. - Hints & Kinks for the Radio Amateur.
118188: SCHICKERLING, GARY; Compiler. - Carlton Cricket Club Inc. Then and Now Sesquicentenary History. 1864-2014.
67650: SCHILDER, GUNTER (Edited by); DE HEER, C (Translator). - Voyage to the Great South Land. Willem de Vlamingh 1696-1697.
65583: SCHILLER, ERIC. - Fianchetto against the West Indians.
117697: SCHILLER, ERIC. - U.S.S.R. Versus Rest Of The World. London, June 1984.
41161: SCHILLER, ERIC. - Sicilian Defense: Modern Richter - Rauzer Systems
109405: SCHILLER, ERIC. - World Champion Openings: The Definitive Guide to the Concepts and Secrets of Chess Openings as Played by the World Champions.
120660: SCHLECHTER, R. - The Orchidaceae of German New Guinea.
121567: SCHLESIER, KARL HEINZ. - Flakhelfer to Grenadier: Memoir of a Boy Soldier, 1943-1945.
81995: SCHLIEMANN, HENRY. - Troja: Results Of The Latest Researches And Discoveries On The Site Of Homer's Troy, And In The Heroic Tumuli And Other Sites, Made In The Year 1882; And A Narrative Of A Journey In The Troad In 1881.
73695: SCHLIMM-MAZEL, BENJAMIN. - Mordecai MacCobber. The Story of a Scotch Jew in Australia. His Many Successes and his more Dismal Failures. Compiled from His Posthumous, Papers, Newspapers.
73172: SCHLIMM-MAZEL, BENJAMIN. - Mordecai MacCobber. The Story of a Scotch Jew in Australia. His Many Successes and More Dismal Failures. With a foreward by J.M. Fowler and an introduction by J.A. Gilruth. In Four Parts.
63882: SCHLIMM-MAZEL, BENJAMIN. - Mordecai MacCobber. The Story of a Scotch Jew in Australia. His Many Successes and his more Dismal Failures. Compiled from His Posthumous, Papers, Newspapers, Official Documents, and Private Family Records.
110539: SCHLINK, BERNHARD. - The Reader. Translated from the German by Carol Brown Janeway.
94675: SCHLITT, W. J., LARSON, W. C., HISKEY, J. B; Editors. - Gold and Silver Leaching, Recovery and Economics. Proceedings from the 110th AIME Meeting Chicago, Illinois, February 22-26, 1981.
50622: SCHMEISER, KARL. - The Gold-fields of Australasia Assisted by Bergassessor Dr. Karl Vogelsang. Translated by Henry Louis.
63166: SCHMEISSER, KARL. - Die Goldfelder Australasiens.( Gold-fields of Australasia ) Unter Mitwirkung des Königlichen Bergassessors Karl Vogelsang.
94842: SCHMID, KATHARINA. - Uber den Goldgehalt der Flusse und Sedimente der miozanen Molasse des NE-Napfgebietes (Kt. Luzern). Beitrage zur Geologie der Schweiz Kleinere Mitteilungen Nr. 75.
80287: SCHMID, PETER. - Beggars On Golden Stools. A Journey Through Latin America.
84532: SCHMIDMAIER, DAGMAR; State Librarian & Chief Executive. - Matthew Flinders. The Ultimate Voyage.
86745: SCHMIDT, W. - Karlwin A Story from Mt Walker
84885: SCHMIDT, JANINE; VENTRESS, ALAN; Editors in Chief. - State Library Of New South Wales Collection Development Policy.
75779: SCHMIDT, MATTHIAS. - Albert Speer: Das Ende eines Mythos. Speers wahre Rolle im Dritten Reich.
114741: SCHMIDT, A. - Corio Club The First Century.
113789: SCHMIDT, HEINZ. WERNER. - With Rommel In The Desert.
108552: SCHMIDT, MICHAEL. - The Novel: A Biography.
104023: SCHMIDT, WILLIAM E. - Hooks for the Fly. The fly tier's complete, illustrated guide. With cross-reference charts and descriptions of hooks from all the major manufacturers.
112701: SCHMIEDER, OSCAR. - The Brazilian Culture Hearth. University of California Publications in Geography Vol. 3. No. 3.
112307: SCHMIEDER, OSCAR. - The Brazilian Culture Hearth. Volume 3. No. 3.
102631: SCHNACKENBURG, RUDOLF. - The Moral Teaching of the New Testament.
95619: SCHNEER, JONATHAN. - Ben Tillett. Portrait of a Labour Leader.
100969: SCHNEER, CECIL J; Editor. - Toward a History of Geology. Proceedings of the New Hampshire Inter-Disciplinary Conference on the History of Geology. September 7-12, 1967.
90243: SCHNEIDER, HERBERT W. - A History of American Philosophy. A Brilliant Contribution to the History of American Culture - our Literature, Social Theory, Political Theory & Religion.
110766: SCHNEPF, ED. - North American B-25. The Full Story of World War II's Classic medium.
118623: SCHOFIELD, W; MCLAUGHLIN, M; MANDILE, R; Editors. - Old Paradians' Amateur Athletic Club Golden Jubilee Magazine 1932 - 1982.
113321: SCHOFIELD, RICHARD. - Kuwait and Iraq Historical Claims and Territorial Disputes. A Report compiled for the Middle East programme of the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
55004: SCHOLEFIELD, G.H. - New Zealand. International Information Series. British Empire Section. Volume IV.
81843: SCHOLES, ARTHUR. - The Sixth Continent. The Discovery and Exploration of Australia.
72337: SCHOLES, LESLEY. - John Murray: 'A True Liberal in Every Sense of the Word.' Contained In The Victorian Historical Magazine. Issue 230 Vol. 59 No. 2. July, 1988.
120332: SCHOLES, Dr LESLEY. - A History of the Shire of Swan Hill. Public land, private profit and settlement.
111242: SCHOLES, DAVID. - The Way of an Angler. An appreciation of fly-fishing on many waters.
121453: SCHOLES, DAVID. - Fly-fisher in Tasmania: An Acquaintance with the Trout of the Rivers and Lakes of Tasmania, Australia.
103432: SCHOLES, DAVID. - The Enchanting Break O'Day
103428: SCHOLES, DAVID. - Macquarie River Reflections
121844: SCHOLLE, PETER A; BEBOUT, DON G; MOORE, CLYDE H. - Carbonate Depositional Environments.
121846: SCHOLLE, PETER A. - Sandstone Depositional Environments.
41537: SCHONBERG, HAROLD. C. - Grandmasters Of Chess.
120104: CAREY BAPTIST GRAMMAR SCHOOL. - Carey Chronicle Diamond Jubilee Year 1983.
88728: RICHMOND SCHOOL. - Richmond School.
87443: STUDENTS OF THE PITCAIN ISLAND SCHOOL - The Pitcairn Miscellany 1969 - 1976.
87441: STUDENTS OF THE PITCAIN ISLAND SCHOOL - The Pitcain Miscellany January 1995 - December 1999.
87440: STUDENTS OF THE PITCAIN ISLAND SCHOOL - The Pitcain Miscellany January 1977 - September 1984.
87439: STUDENTS OF THE PITCAIN ISLAND SCHOOL - The Pitcain Miscellany January 1990 - December 1994.
56553: GRIFFITH HIGH SCHOOL. - A Howling Wilderness. A History Of Griffith & District.
114577: GEELONG GRAMMAR SCHOOL. - The Corian: Vol. 45 No. I (May, 1920) to Vol. 54 No. 3 (December, 1929) complete run of 30 issues bound in five volumes.
112914: MELBOURNE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. - A Historical Timeline 1858-2008.
121032: MELBOURNE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. - The Centenary Melburnian (Special issue).
121033: CAULFIELD GRAMMAR SCHOOL. - The Caulfield Grammarian 1996. Volume XVI, No. 2.
110185: HEIDELBERG STATE SCHOOL - Centenary Heidelberg State School 1854 -1954.
118322: MELBOURNE HIGH SCHOOL. - Melbourne High School Old Boy's Directory.
48257: VON SCHOULTZ, COMMODORE G. - With the British Battle Fleet: War Recollections of a Russian Naval Officer. By Commodore G. von Schoultz, Commander in Chief of the Finnish Navy, Russian Attache to the Grand Fleet. Translated by Arthur Chambers.
109119: SCHRADER, HELENA PAGE. - Sisters In Arms: British & American Women Pilots During World War II.
121660: SCHRAEPLER, HANS-ALBRECHT; Editor. - At Rommel's Side: The Lost Letters of Hans-Joachim Schraepler.
77215: SCHRAMM, WILHELM VON. - Conspiracy Among Generals. Translated and Edited by R. T. Clark.
76502: SCHRAMM, WILHELM VON. - Verrat Im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Vom Kampf der Geheimdienste in Europa.
105803: SCHREUDER, DERYCK M; WARD, STUART. - Australia's Empire. Oxford History of the British Empire, Companion Series.
110590: SCHROEDER, JAMES; Editor. - International Chess Tournament Hastings 1934/35.
49534: SCHUBERT, FRANZ - Franz Schuberts Letters and other writings Edited by Otto Erich Deutsch and translated by Venetia Saville with a foreword by Ernest Newman
111213: SCHUG-WILLE, CHRISTA; MUNSTERBERG, HUGO; BACKES, MAGNUS; DOLLING, REGINE; TROWELL, MARGARET; NEVERMANN, HANS; HAFNER, GERMAN; WESTENDORF, WOLFHART; DU RY, CAREL J.; SCHULTZE, JURGEN; HAFNER, GERMAN; WOLF, ROBERT ERICH; MILLEN, RONALD; TORBRUGGE, WALTER; A - Panorama of World Art; 16 Volumes; Art of the Byzantine World, Art of India and Southest Asia, Art of the Dark Ages, African and Oceanic Art, Art of Crete Mycenae, and Greece, Painting Sculpture, and Architecture of Ancient Egypt, Art of Islam, Art of Nineteenth Century Europe, Art of Rome, Etruria, and Magna Graecia, Renaisssance and Mannerist Art, Prehistoric European Art, Pre-Columbian Art and later Indian Tribal Arts, Art of The Ancient Near and Middle East, Baroque and Rococo Art, Art of the Late Middle Ages, Art of The Early Middle Ages.
42999: SCHULMAN, J NEIL. - Alongside Night.
82007: SCHULTZ, JULIANNE; Editor. - Griffith Review The Lure of Fundamentalism.
75589: SCHULTZ, JOACHIM. - Die letzen 30 Tage.
116437: SCHULTZ, JULIANNE; CICA, NATASHA; Editors. - Griffith Review 39: Tasmania The Tipping Point?
116854: SCHULZ, REGINE; SEIDEL, MATTHIAS; Editors. - Egypt The World of the Pharaohs.
49577: SCHUMANN, R. - III Symphonie "Rhenane" MI(flat) MAJEUR - E(Flat) MAJOR - Es DUR
96709: SCHUMER, L. A. - Henry Dendy's Account - Book.
34207: SCHUMER, L. A. - Henry Dendy's Account - Book.
15385: SCHURKE, PAUL. - Bering Bridge. The Soviet-American Expedition from Siberia to Alaska.
94365: SCHURMANN, H. M. E. - The Pre-Cambrian in North Africa. With 88 plates, 3 maps and 54 text figures.
60224: SCHURMANN, EDWIN A. - No Trains on Sunday. Illustrated by David Cox.
17728: SCHURMANN, EDWIN A. - No Trains on Sunday. Illustrated by David Cox.
98486: SCHUSTER, LORD. - Mountaineering. The Romanes Lecture. Delivered in the Sheldonian Theatre.
112732: SCHUSTER, THEO. - End Games in Chess. The Essential Techniques for Winning.
76852: SCHUTTE, HEINZ. - Tanzania. A model for Papua New Guinea? Contained in New Guinea And Australia The Pacific And South-East Asia. March-April 1972 Vol. 7 No. 1.
122659: SCHUTZ, ALBERT J; GERAGHTY, PAUL; Editors. - David Cargill's Fijian Grammar (Fijian Language Studies II: Bulletin of the Fiji Museum No. 6 1980.).
49350: SCHUTZ, HEINRICH - When Mammoths Roamed the Frozen Earth Translated from the German by Frank Barnes
79536: SCHUYLER, ROBERT L; Editor. - Historical Archaeology; A Guide to Substantive and Theoretical Contributions.
76960: SCHWARTS, TED. - The Co-operatives. Contained Within New Guinea and Australia, the Pacific and South-East Asia.
75732: SCHWARTZ, HARRY. - Russia's Soviet Economy.
73426: SCHWARTZ, ZOLTAN; SCHWARTZ, EDI. - The Army-Cap Boy. The story of a teenage boy's survival in Hitler's Europe.
36030: SCHWARTZ, CHARLES. - Gershwin His Life And Music
99142: SCHWARTZ, GARY H. - Skiing Literature. A Bibliographical Catalogue.
90413: SCHWARZ, ROLF. - Handbuch der Schach-Eroffnungen Band 14: 1. c2-c4 (Englisch/Bremer Partie). Ausfuhrliche Theorie mit 145 Partien.
90102: SCHWARZ, ROLF. - Die Sizilianische Vertedigung. Handbuch der Schach-Eröffnungen Band 23.
90046: SCHWARZ, DR. FRED. - The Heart, Mind, and Soul of Communism A companion booklet to The Communist Interpretation of Peace and The Christian Answer to Communism.
49200: SCHWARZ, DR. FRED. - The Heart, Mind, and Soul of Communism A companion booklet to The Communist Interpretation of Peace and The Christian Answer to Communism.
35180: SCHWARZ, TED. - Walking With The Damned. The Shocking Murder Of The Man Who Freed 30,000 Prisioners From The Nazis.
46904: SCHWARZKOPF, H. NORMAN; PETRE, PETER. - It Doesn't Take a Hero. General H. Norman Schwarzkopf. The Autobiography.
116580: SCHWARZROCK, GARY. - The Sydney Mail 1887 - 1938.
110791: SCHWEBER, HENRY; SAPERSTEIN, STANLEY D. - The Civil War School of the Soldier For the Modern Reenactor.
101811: De SCHWEINITZ, G. E. - The Toxic Amblyopias: Their Classification, History, Symptoms, Pathology, and Treatment. Being an essay to which was awarded the Alvarenga Prize of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, October, 1894.
86298: SCHWEITZER, ALBERT. - The Quest Of The Historical Jesus. A Critical Study of its Progress from Reimarus to Wrede.
86013: SCHWEITZER, ALBERT. - The Quest Of The Historical Jesus. A Critical Study of its Progress from Reimarus to Wrede.
83791: SCHWIEBERT, ERNEST G. - A history of the U.S. Air Force Ballistic Missiles With Supplementary material by the Editors of Air Force/Space Digest
105195: SCHWIEBERT, ERNEST. - Nymphs. A Complete Guide to Naturals and Imitations. Illustrated by the author.
103447: SCHWIEBERT, ERNEST. - Trout Two Volumes.
99179: SCHWIMMER, ERIC. - The World of the Maori.
37382: AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF POLITICAL SCIENCE. - Northern Australia Task For A Nation.
121955: SCOBIE, JAMES. - My Life on the Australian Turf.
120558: SCORESBY, WILLIAM; JACKSON, C. IAN. - The Arctic Whaling Journals of William Scoresby the Younger. Edited by C. Ian Jackson. [With Appendices by George Huxtable and Fred M. Walker.] The Hakluyt Society. Series III. Volumes 12, 20 and 21. Three Volume Set.
103150: SCOTCHER, GEORGE. - The Fly Fisher's Legacy.
110797: SCOTLAND, TOM. - Voice from the Stars.
96544: SCOTT, EVE. - A Woman at War.
95732: SCOTT, TOM; Editor. - Golfing Technique in Pictures.
95605: SCOTT, ERNEST. - Australia. A Reissue of Volume VII, Part 1 of the Cambridge History Of The British Empire.
94426: SCOTT, ERNEST. - The Resistance to Convict Transportation in Victoria, 1844-1853. Contained in The Victorian Historical Journal. Vol. 1 No. 4 December 1911.
93862: SCOTT, MR. - New South Wales. Copies of the Despatch from Earl Grey to the Governor of New South Wales, dated the 31st day of July 1847, and other Despatches and Correspondence relating thereto. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be Printed, 29 August 1848.
90613: SCOTT, TOM. - Golf- Begin The Right Way.
89630: SCOTT, HAROLD. - The Early Doors. Origins of the Music Hall.
88595: SCOTT, JOHN. - Landscapes of Western Australia.
88594: SCOTT, JOHN. - Landscapes of Western Australia.
122181: SCOTT, JACK L. - Pewter Wares from Sheffield.
87617: SCOTT-YOUNG, BERYL E. - Lectures In Diseases Of The Eye. Compiled for the Use of the Nurses of The Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital East Melbourne.
84094: SCOTT, ERNEST. - Laperouse. Author of "Terre Napoleon".
83281: SCOTT WHEELER, JAMES. - The Making Of A World Power. War and the Military Revolution in Seventeenth Century England.
82556: SCOTT, EVE. - A Woman at War.
82051: SCOTT, WILLIAM. - Terror And Repression In Revolutionary Marseilles.
80434: SCOTT, ERNEST; Editor. - Australian Discovery Volume I: By Sea Volume II: By Land. Edited with an Introduction by Ernest Scott.
80095: SCOTT, BILL. - Complete Book Of Australian Folk Lore.
77017: SCOTT, ERNEST. - The Resistance to Convict Transportation in Victoria, 1844-1853. Contained in The Victorian Historical Journal. Vol. 1 No. 4 December 1911.
75655: SCOTT, PETER T. - "Dishonoured". The "Colonels' Surrender" at St. Quentin, The Retreat from Mons, August 1914.
75520: SCOTT, SIR WALTER. - The Lady Of The Lake, A Poem.
70448: SCOTT, GEORGE RYLEY. - Curios Customs Of Sex And Marriage. An Inquiry Relating To All Races And Nations From Antiquity To The Present Day.
68642: SCOTT, EVE. - A Woman at War.
67169: SCOTT, F. PETER. - Command In Vietnam. Reflections of a Commanding Officer.
66095: SCOTT, CAPTAIN ROBERT F. - The Voyage of the ' Discovery '.
66087: SCOTT, CAPTAIN R. F. - Scotts Last Expedition. The Personal Journals of Captain R. F. Scott, CVO, RN. on his Journey to the South Pole. With a Biographical Introduction by J. M. Barrie and a Preface by Sir Clements R. Markham.
64092: SCOTT, JAMES. - Railway Romance. And Other Essays.
59469: SCOTT, LEADER. - Fra Bartolommeo.
56780: SCOTT, ERNEST. - Lord Robert Cecil's Gold Field Diary. With Introduction And Notes By Ernest Scott.
56348: SCOTT, W.N. - Brother And Brother.
55072: SCOTT, W.N. - Brother And Brother.
55050: SCOTT, ERNEST. - Lord Robert Cecil's Gold Field Diary. With Introduction And Notes By Ernest Scott.
54440: SCOTT, SHEILA. - On Top Of The World.
53454: SCOTT, ERNEST. - Lord Robert Cecil's Gold Fields Diary. With Introduction and Notes by Sir Ernest Scott Late Professor of the history in the University of Melbourne.
45399: SCOTT, GEORGE E. - Khamcoban Calling and Other Verses.
44334: SCOTT, TOM; COUSINS, GEOFFREY; Editors. - The Ind Coope Book Of Golf.
42730: SCOTT, C. G. - Hagley. A Short History of the Early Days of the Village and District with Notes on the Pioneer Families.
42409: SCOTT, DOROTHY. - The Halfway House To Infidelity. A history of the Melbourne Unitarian Church 1853 - 1973.
37517: SCOTT, ERNEST. - A History of The University of Melbourne.
117841: SCOTT, GRAHAM. - Motorcycle mania Harley-Davidson: The Power, The Glory, The legend Lives.
35160: SCOTT, W.N. - focus on judith wright
120775: SCOTT, GEORGE A. M; STONE, ILMA G. - The Mosses of Southern Australia. With illustrations by Celia Rosser.
35120: SCOTT, ERNEST. - Lord Robert Cecil's Gold Field Diary. With Introduction And Notes By Ernest Scott.
33352: SCOTT, HARDIMAN. - Operation 10
33235: TUROW. SCOTT. - The Burden of Proof.
118054: SCOTT, WILLIAM F. - Last Tram At Eleven: Tramways of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong.
15171: SCOTT, TOM. ; EVANS, WEBSTER. - The Golfers' Year. Volume II.
14350: TUROW. SCOTT. - Pleading Guilty.
14279: SCOTT, TOM; Compiler. - Golf with the Experts. An Instructional Anthology from the Greatest Names in Golf.
13706: SCOTT, J. M. - Icebound. Journeys to the Northwest Sea.
13680: SCOTT, TOM. Edited by. - The Golfers' Year.
116773: SCOTT, E. O. G. - Records Of Tasmanian Cetacea: No. II. A large School of Pilot Whale, Globicephalus Melas (Traill, 1809), Stranded at Stanley, North Western Tasmania, in October, 1935. Contained in Records of The Queen Victoria Museum Launceston, Vol. 1. No. 2.
114149: SCOTT, SIR WALTER. - Tales of A Grandfather. Being The History of Scotland from the earliest Times. Addressed to his Grandson, Hugh Littlejohn (John Hugh Lockhart).
113815: SCOTT, VALERIE G; Editor. - The Map Collector. (45 issues March 1985. No 30 - Spring 1996 No. 74).
110643: SCOTT, GRAHAM. - Essential Military Jeep: Willys, Ford & Bantam Models 1941 - 45.
110295: SCOTT, WALTER. - The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Complete In One Volume. With All His Introductions, Notes, Various Readings, and Notes by J. G. Lockhart, Esq.
110246: SCOTT, Sir WALTER. (1771-1832). - Waverley Novels (Complete in 25 Volumes).
121310: SCOTT, W. S; Translation, Notes and Introduction by. - The Trial Of Joan Of Arc: Being the verbatim report of the proceedings from the Orleans Manuscript.
119308: SCOTT, CAPTAIN R. F. - Scott's Last Expedition. In Two Volumes. Vol. I. Being The Journals Of Captain R. F. Scott, R. N., C.V.O. Vol. II. Being the Reports of the Journeys & the Scientific Work undertaken by Dr. E. A. Wilson and the Surviving Members of the Expedition. Arranged by Leonard Huxley. With a Preface by Sir Clements R. Markham, K.C.B., F.R.S. With Photogravure Frontispiece, 6 Original Sketches in Photogravure by Dr. E. A. Wilson, 18 Coloured Plates (16 from drawings by Dr. Wilson), 260 Full-Page and smaller Illustrations, from Photographs taken by Herbert G. Ponting, and other Members of the Expedition; Panoramas and Maps.
118853: SCOTT, JAS. - Early Cricket in Sydney. Edited by Richard Cashman & Stephen Gibbs.
109226: SCOTT, Flying Officer Squire 'Tim'. - Twenty Days in the Reich Three Downed RAF Aircrew in Germany during 1945.
107985: SCOTT, JOCK. - Salmon & Trout Rivers. Served by the London & North Eastern Railway.
106219: SCOTT, CAPTAIN R. F. - Scott's Last Expedition. In Two Volumes. Vol. I. Being The Journals Of Captain R. F. Scott, R. N., C.V.O. Vol. II. Being the Reports of the Journeys & the Scientific Work undertaken by Dr. E. A. Wilson and the Surviving Members of the Expedition. Arranged by Leonard Huxley. With a Preface by Sir Clements R. Markham, K.C.B., F.R.S. With Photogravure Frontispiece, 6 Original Sketches in Photogravure by Dr. E. A. Wilson, 18 Coloured Plates (16 from drawings by Dr. Wilson), 260 Full-Page and smaller Illustrations, from Photographs taken by Herbert G. Ponting, and other Members of the Expedition; Panoramas and Maps.
105994: SCOTT, WALTER. - Australia and the Challenge of Change. Being a Study of the Second Industrial Revolution and It's Possible Effects Upon Australia.
105876: SCOTT, CHERYL; Compiler. - Osborne House. On the Shores of Corio Bay at Swinburne Street, North Geelong Celebrations 150 Years of Pastoral, Naval, Merchant Marine, Military, Social & Civic History 1858 - 2008.
104738: SCOTT, DOUGLAS; BABITS, LAWRENCE; AND HAEKER, CHARLES. - Fields of Conflict. Battlefield Archaeology from the Roman Empire to the Korean War.
121733: SCOTT, ERNEST. - The Life Of Captain Matthew Flinders, R. N.
103232: SCOTT, ERNEST. - English and French Navigators on the Victorian Coast. Contained in The Victorian Historical Magazine. Vol. II. No. 4. December, 1912.
121773: SCOTT, JAMES. - Remarks On A Passage To Botany Bay 1787-1792. A First Fleet Journal.
102492: SCOTT, RUSSELL. - The Body as Property.
101487: SCOTT-TAGGART, JOHN. - Elementary Text-Book on Wireless Vacuum Tubes.
99210: SCOTT, GREG. - Mulligan's Mob. (And Others).
100122: SCOTT, ERNEST. - Lord Robert Cecil's Gold Fields Diary.
119958: SCOTTISH MARTYRS. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, PARLIAMENT, COMMITTEE OF SECRECY. - The Reports of the Committee of Secrecy of the House of Commons, on the Papers belonging to the Society for Constitutional Information, and , the London Corresponding Society, seized by order of Government, and presented to the House by Mr Secretary Dundas.
78609: SCOWEN, MIKE. - The Bogong Peaks. Contained in The Melbourne Walker 1988. Vol. 59.
92285: SCRIVENOR, HARRY. - History Of The Iron Trade. Cass Library of Industrial Classics No. 5.
89071: SCRUTATOR. - One Thing and Another.
122121: SCURR, JOHN. - German Spanish Volunteers 1941-45. (Osprey - Men-At-Arms Series).
95178: SCUTT, JOCELYNNE A; Editor. - Lionel Murphy. A Radical Judge.
96789: SCUTTS, JERRY. - Northrop F-5/F-20.
116418: SCUTTS, JERRY. - USSAAF Heavy Bomber Units ETO & MTO 1942-45. (Aircam/Airwar 2).
115675: SCUTTS, JERRY. - War In The Pacific - From The fall of Singapore to Japanese Surrender.
111881: SCUTTS, JERRY. - Air War Over Korea - Warbirds Illustrated No. II.
111119: SCUTTS, JERRY. - Mustang Aces of the Ninth & Fifteenth Air Forces & the RAF (Osprey Aircraft of the Aces. No 7).
110956: SCUTTS, JERRY. - USAAF Camouflage of World War 2. AIRFIX Magazine Guide 18.
110535: SCUTTS, JERRY. - Lion in the Sky. US 8th Air Force Fighter Operations 1942-45.
121584: SCUTTS, JERRY. - Luftwaffe Bomber Units 1939-41. (Osprey/Airwar - No. 15).
78341: SEAL, HERB. - Alternative Life Styles.
88168: SEALE, ALLAN. - Allan Seale's Complete Guide to Australian Gardening
51036: AN ABLE SEAMAN. - Reminiscences of a Wanderer.
70916: SEARCY, ALFRED. - By Flood and Field.
115040: SEARING, DONALD D. - Westminster's World: Understanding Political Roles.
77239: SEARLE, RONALD. - Something In The Cellar. Ronald Searle's Wonderful World of Wine.
66617: SEARLE, MURIEL V. - Lost Lines. An anthology of Britains lost railways.
65230: SEARLE, G. W. - At Sea Level.
101352: SEARLE, RICK. - The Man Who Saved Smithy. Fighter pilot, pioneer aviator, hero: the life of Sir Gordon Taylor MC, GC.
78112: SEATON, GLADY'S. - Divers peoples and far-sundered lands. Contained in Investigator, Magazine Of The Geelong Historical Society. Vol.7, No. 4, December, 1972.
46398: SEATON, ROSE. - Fleurette An Idyl.
14474: SEAVER, GEORGE. - The Faith Of Edward Wilson.
10774: SEAVER, GEORGE. - Scott Of The Antarctic. A Study in Character.
115039: SEBAG-MONTEFIORE, HUGH. - Enigma: The Battle for the Code.
112506: SEBBA, ANNE. - That Woman: The Life of Wallis Simpson Duchess of Windsor.
110473: SECKEL, AL. - Maters Of Deception Esher, Dali & Artist of Optical Illusion.
105479: SEDDON, GEORGE; DAVIS, MARI; Editors. - Man and Landscape in Australia. Towards An Ecological Vision. Australian USESCO Committee For Man And The Biosphere Publication No. 2.
100962: SEDGWICK, ADAM. - A Discourse on the Studies of the University. With an Introduction by Eric Ashby and Mary Anderson.
94132: SEEGER, R. C. - The History of Melbourne's Water Supply - Part 2. Contained within the Victorian Historical Magazine. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria. Issue 85. Vol. XXII, June, 1947, No. 1.
76917: SEEGER, R. C. - The History Of Melbourne's Water Supply Part 2. Contained in The Victorian Historical Journal. Issue 85 Vol. 22 No. 1.
108150: SEEKEE, VANESSA. - Horn Island In Their Steps 1939-45; A Record of The defence of Horn island During World war Two. Photography by Arthur Liberty Seekee.
94750: SEELAF, GEORGE; Secretary. - Guardian Guide To Hire Purchase. Expert Advice for Mr. & Mrs. Everyman.
98016: SEELEY, L. B; Editor. - Horace Walpole and His World, Selected Passages from His Letters.
45287: SEELIGSON, NAT. - Symphony for Peace A dramatic poem in four movements by Nat Seeligson. With an introduction by Bill Wannan. Cover design and illustrations by Noel Counihan.
45285: SEELIGSON, NAT. - The Remaking Of Man and Other Poems. By Nat Seeligson 1907-1957. With a Foreword by Ralph Gibson. Cover illustration by Noel Counihan.
56647: SEELY, CHARLES; Editor. - Ginger Up Your Cookery.
48362: SEFTON, ANN JERVIE; CHENG, NICHOLAS; THONG, IAN G.; Editors - The Centenary Book of the Sydney University Medical Society
121648: VON SEGER UND ETTERLIN, FRIDO. - Niether Fear Nor Hope: The Wartime Career of General Frido Von Senger Und Etterlin Defender of Cassino. Translated from the German by George Malcom.
14339: SEGURA, CHRIS. - Marshland Brace. Two Louisiana Stories
76459: SEIDLER, FRANZ W. - Frauen Zu Den Waffen? Marketenderinnen Helferinnen Soldatinnen.
98350: SEIFFERT, RACHEL. - The Dark Room.
75975: SEIICHIRO, TAKAHASHI; Editor. - Kaigetsudo. (circa 1700-1750).
109115: SEIRAWAN, YASSER ; MINEV, NIKOLAY. - Take My Rooks.
74495: SEKULESS, PETER. - Fred: An Australian Hero.
78208: SELBY, ISAAC. - The Old Pioneers' Memorial History of Melbourne. From the Discovery of Port Phillip down to the World War.
72986: SELBY, ISAAC. - The Old Pioneers Memorial Almanac. From Nov. 19th 1934 to Nov. 19th 1935 and a complete Calendar for Two Years. A Centenary Souvenir.
71478: SELBY, DAVID. - Itambu!
47983: SELBY, JOHN. - Stories of Famous Sieges.
113654: SELBY, JOHN. - The Boer War A Study in Cowardice and Courage.
117430: SELFE, NORMAN. - Sydney: Past, Present and Possible. An Address to the Australian Historical Society on November 27th, 1906.
80679: SELIGMAN, ADRIAN. - The Voyage Of The Cap Pilar.
48381: SELIGMAN, ADRIAN. - No Stars To Guide.
70981: SELINCOURT, HUGH DE. - The Game Of The Season.
75829: SELLA, AMNON. - The Value Of Human Life In Soviet Warfare.
65076: SELLWOOD, A. V. - Atlantis. The Story of a German Surface Raider by Ulrich Mohr as told to A. V. Sellwood.
15317: SELTH, P. A; Editor. - Canberra Collection. With Foreword by L.F.Fitzhardinge.
86949: SELWYN, DAVID G. - The Library Of Thomas Cranmer. Oxford Bibliographical Society Publications Third Series Volume 1.
73120: SELWYN, C. J. [Authors of Preface] - Annals Of The Diocese Of New Zealand. Annals Of The Colonial Church.
53862: SELWYN, C. J. [Author of Preface]. - Annals Of The Diocese Of New Zealand. Annals Of The Colonial Church.
121079: SELZER, ANITA. - The Armytages of Como. Pastoral Pioneers.
13150: "SEMAPHORE" - Middle East Mirth. And Home Guard Goings on Always Good for a Laugh.
13149_B2: "SEMAPHORE" - Khaki Comedy and Newsy Nonsense. (Lots Of Lilting Laughter For One Shilling It's A "Semaphore" Smile Book).
101608: SEMMELWEIS, IGNAZ; CARTER, K. CODELL. - The Etiology, Concept, and Prophylaxis of Childbed Fever. Translated and edited by K. Codell Carter.
116342: SEMMENS, P. W. B; GOLDFINCH, A. J. - How Steam Locomotives Really Work.
94549: SEMMLER, CLEMENT. - The Banjo of the Bush. The work, life and times of A. B. Paterson.
87033: SEMMLER, CLEMENT. - For The Uncanny Man. Essays, Mainly Literary.
87029: SEMMLER, CLEMENT. - The Art Of Brian James And Other Essays on Australian Literature.
77308: SEMMLER, CLEMENT. - A. B Paterson. Australian Writers and their work. Edited by Grahame Johnston.
77244: SEMMLER, CLEMENT. - Kenneth Slessor. Writers And Their Work: No. 194.
69623: SEMMLER, CLEMENT. - The Banjo of the Bush. The work, life and times of A. B. Paterson.
57434: SEMMLER, CLEMENT. - The Banjo of the Bush. The work, life and times of A. B. Paterson.
46196: SEMMLER, CLEMENT. - A. B. Patterson Great Australians
105697: SEMMLER, CLEMENT. - The Banjo of the Bush. The work, life and times of A. B. Paterson.
43569: SEMYONOV, JULIAN. - Prtrovka 38. Translated from the Russian by Michael Scammell.
90375: SENEFELDER, ALOIS. - The Invention Of Lithography. Translated from the Original German by. J. W. Muller.
121486: SENICH, PETER R. - The German Assault Rifle 1935-1945.
65492: SENIOR, R. F. JEFFREY C. - The Life and Times of Richard John Senior 20/5/1883-19/5/1955.
48472: SENIOR, WILLIAM. - Naval History in the Law Courts A Selection of Old Maritime Cases.
111361: SENIOR, TIM. - The AirForces Monthly Book of the F/A-18 Hornet.
118202: SENYARD, JUNE E. - The Ties That Bind: A History of Sport at the University of Melbourne.
46258: SENYARD, JUNE E. - Birchip - Essays on a Shire.
17236_B: SENYARD, JUNE E. - Birchip - Essays on a Shire.
99688: SENYARD, JUNE E. - Birchip - Essays on a Shire.
89898: SERGEANT, P. W; WATTS, W. H. - Pillsbury's Chess Career.
89271: SERGEANT, P. W; WATTS, W. H. - Pillsbury's Chess Career. With a new introduction and afterword by Irving Chernev.
89084: SERGEANT, PHILIP W. - Morphy's Games Of Chess. 300 Games by the Greatest Player of All Time, Selected and Annotated by Philip W. Sergeant with a New Introduction by Fred Reinfeld.
36442: SERGEANT, P W; WATTS, W H. - Pillsbury's Chess Career.
112245: SERGEANT, P W. - Championship Chess. Edited and modernized by Fred Reinfeld.
110562: SERGEANT, P. W; WATTS, W. H. - Pillsbury's Chess Career. With a new introduction and afterword by Irving Chernev.
53233: THE WONDER BOOK SERIES - The Wonder Book of The Navy.
11932: THE COLOPHON new series. - A Quarterly For Bookmen Spring 1936 Volume I New Series Number 4.
11931: THE COLOPHON new series. - A Quarterly For Bookmen Winter 1936 Volume I New Series Number 3.
121272: BROOKS'S AUSTRALIAN SCHOOL SERIES. - Brooks's Date Book of Australian History.
94414: SERLE, GEOFFREY. - The Creative Spirit in Australia. A Cultural History.
93712: SERLE, JESSIE. - Werribee Park. Historical Research applied in its Restoration. Contained in The Victorian Historical Journal. 185th Issue. Vol. 47, No. 3. August, 1976.
91277: SERLE, GEOFFREY. - The Creative Spirit In Australia. A Cultural History.
87492: SERLE, GEOFFREY. - A Survery Of Honours Graduates Of The University Of Melbourne School Of History, 1937-1966. Contained in the University of Melbourne Historical Studies R. M. Crawford Special Issue. Vol. 15, No. 57, October 1971.
87305: SERLE, GEOFFREY; Editor. - Judge Stretton's Reminiscences. Contained within the La Trobe Library Journal Vol. 5, No. 17. October, 1976.
81892: SERLE, GEOFFREY. - The Creative Spirit In Australia. A Cultural History.
67019: SERLE, GEOFFERY. - Sir John Medley : A Memoir. Together with a selection of his verse edited by Ray Marginson.
35824: SERLE, GEOFFERY. - Sir John Medley : A Memoir. Together with a selection of his verse edited by Ray Marginson.
30552: SERLE, GEOFFREY. - Percival Serle 1871 - 1951. Biographer, Bibliographer, Anthologist and Art Curator.
117433: SERLE, PERCIVAL. - A Bibliography of Australasian Poetry and Verse. Australia and New Zealand.
116240: SERLE, R. P; Editor. - The Second Twenty-Fourth. Australian Infantry Battalion Of The 9th Australian Division. A History.
114659: SERLE, GEOFFREY. - John Monash. A Biography.
121161: SERLE, GEOFFREY. - John Monash. A Biography.
109514: SERLE, JESSIE. - Point Cooke. A history prepared for the Melbourne and Metropolitan of Works.
108867: SERLING, ROBERT J. - When The Airlines Went To War The Dramatic, Never-Before-Told Story of America's Civilian Air Warriors.
50753: SERVENTY, VINCENT; RAYMOND, ROBERT. - Lakes & Rivers Of Australia
50041: SERVENTY, VINCENT. - A Continent in Danger. A Survival Special on Australian Wildlife
116829: SERVENTY, D. L. - The Australian Tunas (Division of Fisheries - Report No. 4) Pamphlet No. 104.
120941: SERVENTY, D. L; WHITTELL, H. M. - A Handbook Of The Birds Of Western Australia (With the Exception of the Kimberley Division).
81637: SERVICE, ALASTAIR. - The Architectects of London. and their buildings from 1066 to the present day.
40145: MEN IN THE SERVICES. - The Boys Write Home.
113461: AUSTRALIAN ADVISORY COUNCIL ON BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SERVICES. - The Development Of National Book Resources: Following on the Report of the National Book Resource Development Committee.
44270: SERVICMEN. - Fighting Men Speak.
58410: SERVILLE, PAUL DE. - The Australian Club Melbourne 1878 - 1998.
40647: DE SERVILLE, PAUL. - The Australian Club Melbourne 1878 - 1998.
119062: DE SERVILLE, PAUL. - Athenaeum Club - Melbourne - A New History of the Early Years 1868-1918.
114644: DE SERVILLE, PAUL. - Port Phillip Gentlemen. And Good Society in Melbourne before the Gold Rush.
104043: DE SERVILLE, PAUL. - Rolf Boldrewood. A Life.
101462: de SERVILLE, PAUL. - Pounds and Pedigrees. The Upper Class in Victoria 1850-80.
112138: SESSLER, PETER C. - Jeep Prototypes & Concept Vehicles Photo Archive.
86621: SETH, RONALD. - Operation Barbarossa. The Battle for Moscow.
44944: SETO, PAUL. - The Day Before Poems For Peace
77382: SETON-WATSON, HUGH; SETON-WATSON, CHRISTOPHER. - The Making of a New Europe. R. W. Seton-Watson and the last years of Austria-Hungary.
76000: SETON-WATSON, HUGH. - The Decline Of Imperial Russia. 1855-1914.
14340: SETTLE, LEE, MARY. - Celebration.
71229: SEWELL, E.H.D. - Well Hit! Sir.
118118: SEWELL, HENRY. - A Letter to Lord Worsley on The Burthens Affecting Real Property Arising from the Present State of the Law: with Reasons in Favour of A General Registry of Titles.
88883: SEXTON, E. R. - Griff.
75410: SEXTON, CHRISTOPHER. - The Seeds Of Time. The Life Of Sir Macfarlane Burnet.
50102: SEXTON, CHRISTOPHER. - The Seeds of Time. The Life Of Sir Macfarlane Burnet.
112417: SEXTON, A. HUMBOLDT; BANNISTER, C. O. - An Elementary Text-Book of Metallurgy.
96531: SEYMOUR-SMITH, MARTIN. - Rudyard Kipling.
96230: SEYMOUR-JONES, CAROLE. - Painted Shadow. The Life of Vivienne Eliot, and the Long-Suppressed Truth about her Influence on his Genius.
81295: SEYMOUR, CHARLES; Arranged by. - The Intimate Papers Of Colonel House. Two Volumes. Vol. 1. Behind The Political Curtain 1912-1915. Vol. 2. From Neutrality To War 1915-1917.
39062: SEYMOUR, WILLIAM. - British Special Forces. Foreword by David Stirling. Maps by W. F. N. Watson.
35663: SEYMOUR, BEATRICE KEAN. - The Wine Is Poured..
15434: SEYMOUR, ALAN. - The One Day of the Year.
105638: SEYMOUR, WILLIAM. - Yours To Reason Why. Decision in Battle.
99106: SEYMOUR-SMITH, MARTIN; Editor. - Novels and Novelists. A Guide to the World of Fiction.
90518: SHACKLETON, SIR ERNEST. - South. The Story of Shackleton's Last Expedition 1914-1917.
119307: SHACKLETON, E. H.; C.V.O. - The Heart Of The Antarctic. Being the Story of the British Antarctic Expedition 1907-09. With an Introduction by Hugh Robert Mill,D.Sc. An Account of the First Journey to the South Magnetic Pole by Professor T. W. Edgeworth David, F.R.S.
96965: SHACKLETON, KEITH. - Ship in the Wilderness. Voyages of the MS "Lindblad Explorer" through the last wild places on Earth.
100164: SHACKLETON, W. G; BINNIE, M. N. - Exploring Australia's Mining Heritage. A Visitor's Guide.
37558_b: SHAIN, CHARLES E. - University Of Minnesota Pamphlets On American Writers. Number 15. F. Scott Fitzerald.
120563: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. - The Songs and Sonnets of William Shakespeare. Illustrated by Charles Robinson.
122140: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. - Selected Plays of William Shakespeare.
122203: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. - William Shakespeare The Sonnets and A Lovers Complaint.
110566: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. - Shakespeare The Complete Works: With more than 500 Illustrations By Sir John Gilbert and a Glossary.
121417: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. - Shakespeare's Sonnets.
106886: SHAKESPEARE, NICHOLAS. - In Tasmania.
106822: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. - The First Folio of Shakespeare. The Norton Facsimile prepared by Charlton Hinman. Based on Folios in the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington. With a new introduction by Peter W. M. Blaney.
44238: SHALLARD, HEATHER J. - " Somebody's Baby " History of the Pakenham & District Hospital 1926 - 92.
111083: SHALLCROSS, ROY. - A Navigator's Tale.
41098: SHAMKOVICH, LEONID ; SCHILLER, ERIC. - Caro - Kann : Flohr - Filip Variation 1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 31c3 de 4 1xe4 1d7.
111751: SHAMKOVICH, L; SCHILLER, E. - Play The Tarrasch.
110998: SHAMKOVICH, LEONID; SCHILLER, ERIC. - Saving Lost Positions: (The Tournament Player's Collection).
108149: SHAMKOVICH, LEONID; Carter, JAN R. - Fischer-Spassky 1992; World Chess Championship Rematch. Openings analysis - USF Master Etic Schiller; Edited by Lou Hays.
76963: SHAND, RIC. - Coffee In New Guinea. Contained Within New Guinea and Australia, the Pacific and South-East Asia.
62463: SHAND, R.T.; STRAATMANS, W. - Transition From Subsistence: Cash Crop Development In Papua New Guinea. New Guinea Research Bulletin No. 54.
103908: SHAND, ADAM. - The Skull. Informers, Hit Men and Australia's Toughest Cop.
80519: SHANKLAND, PETER. - Byron Of The Wager.
79340: SHANKLAND, PETER. - Byron Of The Wager.
76832: SHANN, K. C. O. - Indonesia and Australia. "Nether will ever really understand each other". Contained in New Guinea And Australia The Pacific And South-East Asia. June-July 1968 Vol. 3 No. 2.
119252: SHANN, F. - The Canberra System Of School Athletics. Its Approach, Basis, Organization and Results. Australian Council For Education Research Series No. 63.
122901: SHANNON, ALAN. - Twentieth Century Profiles. Volume III.
110948: SHANNON, KEVIN; WRIGHT, STEPHEN. - One Night In June. Foreword by General Sir John Hackett.
121531: SHANNON, ROBERT B. - Colonial Australian Gunsmiths With a list of Convicts associated with the Gunmaking Trade transported to New South Wales, 1813-1842 and A list of Proprietary Firearms advertised by Australian Dealers 1890-1914.
82977: SHAPCOTT, THOMAS W. - Fingers At Air.
80672: SHAPCOTT, THOMAS. - Mona's Gift.
80506: SHAPCOTT, THOMAS. - Theatre Of Darkness.
78856: SHAPCOTT, THOMAS. - The Birthday Gift. a novel.
78695: SHAPCOTT, THOMAS. - White Stag of Exile.
73430: SHAPCOTT, THOMAS. - The Search For Galina.
73428: SHAPCOTT, THOMAS. - Limestone & Lemon Wine
55591: SHAPCOTT, THOMAS W. - Fingers At Air.
55582: SHAPCOTT, THOMAS W. - Inwards to the Sun.
55058: SHAPCOTT, THOMAS W. - Shabbytown Calendar.
45281: SHAPCOTT, THOMAS. - Limestone & Lemon Wine
44774: SHAPCOTT, THOMAS W. - Shabbytown Calendar
12298: SHAPCOTT, THOMAS. - Hotel Bellevue.
122385: SHAPIRO, WARREN. - Social Organization in Aboriginal Australia.
44411: SHAPIRO, MEL ; DOHN, WARREN ; BERGER, LEONARD. - Golf A turn of the century treasury.
115146: SHAPIRO, JAMES. - 1606 - William Shakespeare and the Year of Lear.
114716: SHAPIRO, JAMES. - 1599 A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare.
84058: SHAPLEN, ROBERT. - The Lost Revolution: Vietnam 1945 - 1965.
61274: SHAPPARD, TRISH. - Australian Adventurers. Illustrated by Iain Finlay.
120294: SHARE, PAT; Editor. - Mud and Blood. "Albury's Own" Second Twentythird Australian Infantry Battalion Ninth Australian Division.
68835: SHARKEY, L. L; CAMPBELL, E. W. - The Story of Government and Enterprise in Australia. The Real History of the Commonwealth Bank, The Commonwealth Shipping Line, State Brickworks, etc.
92674: SHARLAND, MICHAEL. - Oddity and Elegance.
85358: SHARLAND, MICHAEL. - A Territory Of Birds.
77380: SHARLAND, MICHAEL. - A Territory Of Birds.
56964: SHARLAND, MICHAEL. - These Verdant Plains. A History Of The Shire Of East London, Victoria.
56033: SHARLAND, MICHAEL. - These Verdant Plains. A History Of The Shire Of East Loddon, Victoria.
52434: SHARLAND, MICHAEL. - Stones Of A Century. With Illustrations by the Author
47630: SHARLAND, MICHAEL. - Stones Of A Century.
16584: SHARLAND, MICHAEL. - These Verdant Plains. A History Of The Shire Of East Loddon, Victoria.
15921: SHARLAND, MICHAEL. - Stones Of A Century.
15922: SHARLAND, MICHAEL. - Stones Of A Century.
116502: SHARLAND, MICHAEL. ("Peregrine" of the Mercury). - Tracks of the Morning. Selected items from a Naturalist's Notebook. Photographs by the Author.
116501: SHARLAND, MICHAEL. - Once Upon a Time .. Tasmanian Tales.
120953: SHARLAND, MICHAEL. - Tasmanian Wild Life. A Popular Account of the Furred Land Mammals, Snakes and Introduced Mammals of Tasmania.
98728: SHARMA, S.R. - Swami Rama Tirtha.
115843: SHARMAN, JULIAN. - A Cursory History of Swearing.
94702: SHARP, ANDREW. - The Discovery of Australia.
81923: SHARP, GRAHAM. - The Xaverian 2007.
62575: SHARP, ANDREW. - Ancient Voyagers in Polynesia.
117636: SHARP, J. A. - Cells, Organs and Animals: An Approach To Basic Sciences.
40583: SHARP, S A. - The 1979 N. S. W. Rail Transport Review.
115022: SHARP, STUART. - The Railway Heritage of Goulburn.
120277: SHARP, IAN G; TATZ, COLIN M. - Aborigines In The Economy: Employment, Wages and Training.
108720: SHARP, ANDREW. - The Discovery of the Pacific Islands.
102780: SHARP YOUNG, MAHONRI. - American Realists. Homer to Hopper.
100624: SHARP, ANDREW. - The Discovery of Australia.
96816: SHARPE, MICHAEL. - Aviation Art.
95698: SHARPE, TOM. - Vintage Stuff.
88648: SHARPE, ALAN. - Pictorial Memories Streets of Old Sydney.
88652: SHARPE, ALAN. - Pictorial History Newtown. Alexandria. Camperdown. Darlington. Erskineville. Macdonaldtown. St Peters. Waterloo.
70145: SHARPE, ALAN. - Nostalgia Australia. 1920's & 1930's.
67460: SHARPE, ALAN. - Australian Crimes. An illustrated history.
67149: SHARPE, MICHAEL; CHANT, CHRIS. - Fighting Aircraft of the World. Over 600 Fighters, Bombers and Transports.
67023: SHARPE, DAVID AND KATHLEEN. - Pharmacy Families. Henry Francis in Australia 1849-1999.
59823: SHARPE, ALAN. - Colonial NSW 1853-1894.
112094: SHARPE, MICHAEL; SCUTTS, JERRY; MARCH, DAN. - Aircraft of World War II: A Visual Encyclopedia.
119829: SHARPHAM, PETER. - The First Wallabies and the defection to Rugby League.
119146: SHARPHAM, PETER. - Trumper The Definitive Biography.
85420: SHARPLES, THEO E. - Congregationalism In Tasmania 1830-1977. A Brief History.
117860: SHARPLEY, W. G. - Home to Stawell October, 1947, Official Souvenir Publication.
60905: SHARRON, LINDA. editor. - The Iron-Men Album Magazine. Volume 46. May/June 1992. No. 5.
41333: SHATSKES, B. - English Opening. Translated, Supplemented and Updated by B. Cafferty.
117844: O'SHAUGHNESSY, PETER; INSON, GRAEME; WARD, RUSSEL. - The Restless Years. Being Some Impressions of the Origin of the Australian. With the 12' L.P. Record.
101819: O'SHAUGHNESSY, DESMOND. - Music and Medicine.
96801: SHAW, ROBBIE. - F5 Warplane for the World.
122105: SHAW, A B. - Fort Denison Sydney Harbour.
93279: SHAW, F. C. - A Short History Of All Saints' Church Swansea.
92790: SHAW, MICHAEL. - No 1 Squadron.
91176: SHAW, MARJORIE. - Our Goodly Heritage. History of Huntly Shire.
120072: SHAW, MERVYN J. C; CARR, KEITH W. - Cricket in the Park: A History of the East Suburban District & Churches' Cricket Association.
122718: SHAW, GEORGE; SOWERBY, JAMES. - Zoology Of New Holland By George Shaw. The Figures by James Sowerby.
86147: SHAW, A. G. L. - Heroes And Villains In History. Governors Darling and Bourke in New South Wales. The Fifth George Arnold Wood Memorial Lecture Delivered in the University of Sydney, 1965.
85855: SHAW, A. G. L; Editor. - Victoria's Heritage Lectures to celebrate the 50th anniversary of European Settlement in Victoria.
84700: SHAW, GEORGE BERNARD. - A Letter From George Bernard Shaw To J. C. Williamson. Prefatory Note by Walter W. Stone.
79413: SHAW, A. G. L. - The Hollow Conqueror and The Tyranny of Distance.
76341: SHAW, STANFORD J; SHAW, EZEL KURAL. - History Of The Ottoman Empire And Modern Turkey. Volume II: Reform, Revolution, and Republic: The Rise of Modern Turkey, 1808-1975.
119741: SHAW, LEILA. - The Way We Were.. Adventures, Feats and Experiences of Pioneering Families of the Mornington Peninsula.
72207: SHAW, CHARLES. - A Sheaf Of Shorts.
72070: SHAW, E.D. - The Early History of the Melbourne Fire Brigade. Contained In The Victorian Historical Magazine. Vol. XVIII No. 2. April, 1940.
61812: SHAW, A. G. L. - La Trobe's Melbourne. Contained in The Journal Of The Royal Australian Historical Society. September, 2002. Vol. 73, Number 2.
60961: SHAW, WILLIAM. - Days Of Steam. 1. Kings Cross - York. A Journey In Pictures With An Essay By Dr. W.A. Tuplin.
60960: SHAW, WILLIAM. - Days Of Steam. 4. Padington To Wolverhampton. A Journey In Pictures With An Essay By Dr. W.A. Tuplin.
60733: SHAW, WILLIAM. - Days of Steam. 3. Euston to Carlisle. A Journey in Pictures.
54836: SHAW, WINIFRED. - Babylon. Decorations By Hugh McCrae.
53485: SHAW, WILLIAM; HANCOCK, H. LIPSON. - A Sunday School Of To-Day. An Illustration Of Principles.
45356: SHAW, WINIFRED. - The Aspen Tree And Other Verses.
40613: SHAW, MICHAEL. - Twice Vertical The History of No 1 (Fighter) Squadron, RAF.
119524: SHAW, MERVYN J C. - Cricket in the Park: A History of the East Suburban District & Churches' Cricket Association: The Final Chapter - The Statistics - Part 3:
34214: SHAW, BERNARD. - Widower' Houses : A Play.
16078: SHAW, MARY TURNER. - Builders of Melbourne. The Cockrams and their Contemporaries 1853-1972.
14341: SHAW, IRWIN. - The Top Of The Hill.
120331: SHAW, A. G. L; Editor. - Gipps - LaTrobe Correspondence 1839-1846.
120350: SHAW, W. H. - The Newcastle Directory and Almanac for the year 1880.
114033: SHAW, A. G. L; Editor. - Gipps - LaTrobe Correspondence 1839-1846.
121103: SHAW, A. G. L. - A History of The Port Phillip District Victoria Before Separation.
112275: SHAW, BERNARD. - Morris as I Knew Him. With a Foreword by Stanley Morison and an Introduction by Basil Blackwell.
121142: SHAW, BERNARD. - Four Plays. Illustrated by Stan Hunter.
121370: SHAW, TONY. - A Shaw Thing.
121458: SHAW, IAN W. - The Ghosts Of Roebuck Bay: The 1942 Attack on Broome and its Tragic Aftermath.
106137: SHAW, MARY P. - It seems to me. Illustrated by Ray Woods.
105590: SHAW, JOHN H. - The Effects of Irrigation Development in the Social Growth of Deniliquin.
103522: SHAW, HELEN. - Flies for Fish & Fisherman. The Wet Flies.
103231: SHAW, A. G. L. - Governor La Trobe. Contained within the Victorian Historical Journal Vol. 61, No. 1, March 1990, Issue 234.
101661: SHAW, GEORGE BERNARD. - The Adventures of The Black Girl in Her Search For God. Designed and Engraved by John Farleigh.
121970: SHAW, JOSEPH T. - Out of The Rough.
100837: SHAW, BERNARD. - London Music in 1888-89 As Heard By Corno Di Bassetto (Later Known As Bernard Shaw) With Some Further Autobiographical Particulars.
100759: SHAW, MARY TURNER. - Builders of Melbourne. The Cockrams and their Contemporaries 1853-1972.
118228: SHAW, MERVYN J C. - Cricket In The Park. A History of the East Suburban Churches' Cricket Association.
101360: SHAWSMITH, ALAN. - Halcyon Days. The Story of Amateur Radio in VK4, Queensland, Australia.
63478: SHAY, HILDE J; compiler. - 200 Facts About Illawarra.
79585: O'SHEA, J; O'SHEA, F; Compilers. - O'Shea Index To The Mercury Marriages 1854-1899. Companion to Whitton's Index 1858-1899.
79571: O'SHEA, J; O'SHEA, F; Compilers. - O'Shea Index To The Mercury Births 1854-1899. Companion to Whitton's Index 1858-1899.
79559: O'SHEA, J; O'SHEA, F; Compilers. - O'Shea Index To The Mercury Births 1911-1920.
79553: O'SHEA, J; O'SHEA, F; Compilers. - O'Shea Index To The Mercury Births 1900-1910.
79543: O'SHEA, J; O'SHEA, F; Compilers. - O'Shea Index To The Mercury Deaths 1911-1920.
79544: O'SHEA, J; O'SHEA, F; Compilers. - O'Shea Index To The Mercury Marriages 1854-1899. Companion to Whitton's Index 1858-1899.
79542: O'SHEA, J; O'SHEA, F; Compilers. - O'Shea Index To The Mercury Marriages 1900-1910.
79503: O'SHEA, J; O'SHEA, F; Compilers. - O'Shea Index To The Mercury Deaths 1900-1910.
69926: O'SHEA, PHILLIP P; Compiled and Edited by. - Honours, Titles, Styles and Precedence in New Zealand.
117664: O'SHEA, STEPHEN. - Back To The Front: An Accidental Historian Walks the Trenches of World War I.
100265: SHEAFER, SILVIA ANNE. - Golf Country. Exploring the Mother Lode. Prospectors, Outlaws, Promoters- They All Sought Instant Riches.
10420: SHEARD, LAURI E. - An Australian Youth Among Desert Aborigines. Journal of an expedition among the Aborigines of Central Australia.
119840: SHEARER, J.D. - Bound for Botany Bay. Impressions of Transportation and Convict Life.
117599: SHEARMAN, HUGH. - Ulster. (The County Books).
80726: SHEARS, RICHARD; GIDLEY, ISOBELLE. - Devi. The Bandit Queen.
55075: SHEARS, W.S. - William Nash Of St. Paul's Cray. Papermakers.
87136: SHEDVIN, BORIS. - The Merino And Industrial Science. Contained within the Victorian Historical Journal Vol. 61, No. 4, December 1990, Issue 236.
91539: SHEEDY, KEVIN; BROWN, CAROLYN. - Football's Women. The Forgotten Heroes.
120074: SHEEDY, KEVIN; HADFIELD, WARWICK. - The 500 Club: Footy's Greatest Coaches.
86769: SHEEDY, KEVIN; HADFIELD, WARWICK. - The 500 Club. Footy's Greatest Coaches.
119543: SHEEDY, KEVIN. - Stand Your Ground: Life & Football.
68680: SHEEDY, BRIAN. - The War at Sea.
110302: SHEEDY, KATHERINE; Editor. - Circa. The Journal of Professional Historians. Issue two, 2011.
110299: SHEEDY, KATHERINE; Editor. - Circa. The Journal of Professional Historians. Issue three, 2012.
119397: SHEEDY, KATHERINE; ROOD, SARAH. - Home Away From Home. Celebrating 125 Years of the Victoria Hotel.
66815: SHEEHAN, C.G. - Wilson HTM LTD. The First 100 Years 1895-1995.
110101: SHEEHAN, LAURENCE. - The Sporting Life. A Passion for Hunting and Fishing. With Carol Sama Sheehan and Kathryn George. Photographs by William Stites.
10779: SHEEHAN, LARRY; Editor. - Great Golf Humor From Golf Digest.
106972: SHEEHAN, MARY. - Victories in Camberwell. A History of Catholics in Camberwell.
105613: SHEEHAN, LAURENCE. - the Angler's Life. Collecting And traditions. Photographs by William Stites with Carol Sama Sheehan and Kathryn George Precourt.
118498: SHEEHAN, M. V. (SINBAD). - The Maher Cup Story: A history of the incidents and personalities associated with the most famous trophy in Country Rugby League Football.
89348: SHEEHY, TOM. - Battlers Tamed A Sandbelt. Moorabbin 50 Years A City.
86907: SHEEHY, TOM. - A Hospital For The Bayside. Mordialloc-Cheltenham History.
70184: SHEEHY, TOM. - Battlers Tamed A Sandbelt. Moorabin 50 Years A City.
69146: SHEEHY, THOMAS. - Sandringham a Sketchbook History. Illustrated by Judith Wells.
44207: SHEEHY, TOM. - A Short History Of Moorabbin. (First published May, 1966 under the title of A Shire Preceded Three Cities Moorabbin, Sandringham, Mordialloc).
40485: SHEEHY, T. A; Compiler. - Mooroobin Vol I No. 1 to No. 12. Vol II No. 1 to No. 6. Vol III No. 2 to No. 3. Vol IV No. 1. January 1979 - September 1982.
37845: SHEEHY, TOM. - A Short History Of Moorabbin. (First published May, 1966 under the title of A Shire Preceded Three Cities Moorabbin, Sandringham, Mordialloc).
32840: SHEEHY, THOMAS. - Sandringham a Sketchbook History.
17952: SHEEHY, TOM. - Battlers Tamed A Sandbelt. Moorabin 50 Years A City.
106347: SHEFFIELD, G. D. - The Pictorial History of World War I.
11076: SHEINER, ROBIN. - Smile, the War is Over.
48336: SHELL, ALLAN; Editor. - Faculty of Medicine Graduation Year Book, 1976. University of New South Wales.
94611: SHELLABEAR, REV. W. G. - A Practical Malay Grammar.
11621_B: SHELLBACKS, OLD - Tall True Tales of the Sea.
113563: SHELTON, ROBERT. - Team Stealth F-117. Photographs by Randy Jolly.
78512: SHELVOCKE, GEORGE. - A Voyage Round the World.
48480: SHELVOCKE, GEORGE. - A Voyage Around The World By the Way of the great South Sea.. Bibliotheca Australiana #71.
43037: SHEMMELD, W P. - Kruger Jars 'N' Fencing Wire. Stories about the Barossa Germans, the Barossa Abroingines and local characters. Drawings by Grant Kraft.
86730: SHENNAN, ROSALYN M. - A Goldfields Adventurer Contained in The Victorian Historical Journal. Issue 254, Vol. 71, No. 1.
70547: SHENNAN, F; Managing Editor. - Railway Transportation. 115 Parts. Vol. 1, No. 1.- Vol. 10, No. 4. October 1951-April 1961.
112763: SHENNAN, ANTHONY. - Lockheed P.38 Lightning A Pictorial History.
101497: SHENTON, ALAN; SHENTON, RITA. - The Price Guide to Clocks. 1840 - 1940.
79501: SHEPARD, FRANCIS P. - Geological Oceanography. Evolution of Coasts, Continental Margins, and the Deep-Sea Floor.
104365: SHEPARD, MARK. - Aviculture In Australia. Keeping and breeding aviary birds.
93505: SHEPERDSON, KATHLEEN L. - Sunshine In Shadow. (History of the Association for the Blind 1895 - 1970).
118492: SHEPHARD, MARK. - The Great Victoria Desert. North of the Nullarbor. South of the Centre.
118464: SHEPHARD, MARK. - The Simpson Desert. Natural History and Human Endeavour.
93291: SHEPHEARD-WALWYN, B. W. - Purleigh in Wartime.
122242: SHEPHERD, R. C. H. - Is That Plant Poisonous? An Australian Field Guide for Livestock, Pets and People.
83539: SHEPHERD, S. A; WOMERSLEY, H. B. S. - The Subtidal Algal And Seagrass Ecology Of St Francis Island, South Australia. Contained in the Transactions Of The Royal Society of South Australia Incorporated. Vol. 100 Part 4.
119924: SHEPHERD, CHRISTOPHER. - German Aircraft Of World War II.
122384: SHEPHERD, R. C. H. - Pretty but Poisonous: Plants Poisonous to People An Illustrated Guide for Australia.
55641: SHEPHERD, CATHERINE. - Tasmanian Adventure. With Drawings By Grace Huxtable.
55568: SHEPHERD, CATHERINE. - Daybreak. A Play In Three Acts.
55570: SHEPHERD, CATHERINE. - Daybreak. A Play In Three Acts.
53047: SHEPHERD, E. COLSTON. - The Military Aeroplane. Oxford Pamphlets On World Affairs No. 44.
121807: SHEPHERD, ROBERT LESLIE. - Victoria 100 Years Onwards: An Examination of a Contribution to Tropical Australia 1883-1983.
101652: SHEPHERD, JOHN A. - Simpson and Syme of Edinburgh.
37754_b: SHEPHERDSON, KATHLEEN L. - Seeds Of Compassion The Story of The Association For The Blind.
85368: SHEPPARD, JENNIFER M. - The Buildwas Books. Book Production, Acquisition and Use at an English Cistercian Monastery, 1165-c.1400.
83166: SHEPPARD, DON. - Destroyer Skipper. A Memoir of Command at Sea.
68561: SHEPPARD, H.R.L. - Some of My Religion.
114628: SHEPPARD, BARRIE; Compiler. - Old Australia The People, The Pastimes, The Pioneering Spirit.
114979: SHERBORN, C. W; Artist - Bookplate; Ex Libris Robert Cutting.
88642: SHERIDAN, COLE J; Editor. - Industrial Progress of Western Australia.
75731: SHERIDAN, RICHARD BRINSLEY. - The Plays Of Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
62265: SHERIDAN, LYNETTE. - University Ski Club 1929-1979.
58916: SHERIDAN, GREG. - Asian Values Western Dreams. Understanding the new Asia.
17955: SHERIDAN, LYNETTE. - University Ski Club 1929-1979.
47793: SHERIGTON, GEOFFREY; VANDERFIELD, ROGER. - A Century of Caring. The North Shore Hospital. 1888-1988.
111309: SHERINGTON, KATE; Project Editor. - Melbourne & Victoria Australia's Southern Jewel.
119083: SHERINGTON, GEOFFREY; PETERSEN, R. C; BRICE, IAN. - Learning To Lead: A History of Girls' and Boys' Corporate Secondary Schools in Australia.
76972: SHERLOCK, SHEILA. - The Harveian Oration Virus Hepatitis. Delivered before The Fellows of The Royal College Of Physicians Of London on Thursday 17th October 1985.
96028: SHERMAN, PADDY. - Cloud Walkers. Six Climbs on Major Canadian Peaks.
105357: SHERMAN, ALBERT. - The Flower Paintings of Albert Sherman. With an introduction by Howard Ashton.
100535: SHERMAN, PAUL. - Melba. A Play. Contemporary Australian Plays: 6.
122333: SHERMER, MICHAEL. - In Darwin's Shadow: The Life and Science of Alfred Russel Wallace: A Biographical Study on the Psychology of History.
57894: SHERMER, DAVID; HEIFERMAN, RONALD; MAYER, M.L. - Wars of the 20th Century. World War 1, World War 2, Korea, Vietnam, The Middle East Wars.
113388: SHERMER, DAVID. - World War I.
45486: SHERON, JAMES. - The Astral Visitation
106190: SHERRINGTON, CHARLES S. - The Integrative Action Of The Nervous System.
76032: SHERRY, MICHAEL. S. - The Rise of American Air Power. The Creation of Armageddon.
87225: SHERVINGTON, CHRISTINE. - University Voices. Traces from the Past.
108881: SHERWOOD, JOHN. - A Botanist At Bay. The second novel about Celia Grant gardening expert. She visits new Zealand and finds something more than botanical rarities.
95066: SHIEL, DES. - Eucalyptus Essence Of Australia. The Story Of The Eucalyptus Oil Industry - And Of The "Eucy" Men And Their Contribution To The Australian Bush Tradition.
108733: SHIEL, DES. - Eucalyptus Essence Of Australia. The Story Of The Eucalyptus Oil Industry - And Of The "Eucy" Men And Their Contribution To The Australian Bush Tradition.
107236: SHIEL, D J. - Ben Hall. Bushranger.
119207: SHIEL, DES. - The People's Man. Charles Jardine Don Australian labour's first Parliamentarian.
17390: SHILLINGLAW, JOHN J; Editor. - Historical Records of Port Phillip. The First Annals of the Colony of Victoria.
120224: SHILLINGLAW, JOHN J; Editor. - Historical Records of Port Phillip. The First Annals of the Colony of Victoria.
107363: SHILLINGLAW, JOHN J; Editor. - Historical Records of Port Phillip. The First Annals of the Colony of Victoria. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by C. E. Sayers.
92543: SHINEBERG, DOROTHY. - They Came for Sandalwood. A Study Of The Sandalwood Trade In The South-West Pacific 1830-1865.
39705: SHINEBERG, DOROTHY. - They Came for Sandalwood. A Study Of The Sandalwood Trade In The South-West Pacific 1830-1865.
35935: SHINEBERG, DOROTHY. Editor. - The Trading Voyages Of Andrew Cheyne 1841-1844
122829: SHIPMAN, C. T. (Carl Thomas). - A Contribution to the Understanding of the Stone-Age Cultures of the Australian Aboriginals.
116954: SHIPMAN, JOHN J. - Operative Surgery Revision.
12477: THE HISTORY OF SHIPS. - The Magnificent Saga Of Man's Conquest Of The Seas. 96 complete parts in 6 binders, issues are part 1-96.
96239: SHIPTON, ERIC. - Land of Tempest. Travels in Patagonia 1958 - 1962.
84602: SHIPTON, ERIC. - Tierra del FuegoI the Fatal Lodestone
122851: MURILLA SHIRE. - Miles & District Historical Village & Museum.
122540: CALLIOPE SHIRE. - Calliope Shire Centenary 1879-1979.
109608: SHIRER, WILLIAM L. - Berlin Diary 1934 - 1941. The Rise Of The Third Reich.
99504: SHIRLOW, JOHN; LATHAM, ELLA. - Australian Bookplate John Shirlow Design for Ella Latham.
99510: SHIRLOW, JOHN; GREIG LATHAM, JOHN. - Australia Bookplate. John Shirlow Bookplate for John Greig Latham, Chief Justice of Victoria.
111049: SHIROV, ALEXEI. - Fire On Board Part II: 1997-2004.
119745: SHMITH, MICHAEL. - Cranlana: The First 100 Years The House, The Garden and The People.
87577: SHNAYERSON, MICHAEL. - Irwin Shaw. A Biography.
15916: SHOEMAKER, MICHAEL MYERS. - Islands Of The Southern Seas Hawaii, Samoa, New Zealand, Tasmania, Australia, And Java.
89593: SHORE, HARVEY. - From the Quay.
66743: SHORE, HARVEY. - From the Quay.
114407: SHORE, CAPTAIN C. - With British Snipers to the Reich.
96372: SHORES, CHRISTOPHER; FRANKS, NORMAN; GUEST, RUSSELL. - Above The Trenches. Supplement.
97549: SHORES, CHRISTOPHER & RING, HANS. - Fighters Over The Desert. The Air Battles In The Western Desert June 1940 To December 1942. Foreword by Air Vice Marshal Raymond Collishaw.
117067: SHORES, CHRISTOPHER. - History of the Royal Canadian Air Force.
116889: SHORES, CHRISTOPHER; CULL, BRIAN; IZAWA, YASUHO. - Bloody Shambles: Volume One The Drift to War to the Fall of Singapore: Volume Two. The Defence of Sumatra to the Fall of Burma.
116417: SHORES, CHRISTOPHER; WARD, RICHARD. - Curtiss Kittyhawk Mk. I-IV. In RAF-SAAF-RAAF-RNZAF-NEIAF SERVICE. (Aircam Aviation Series No. 6).
112048: SHORES, CHRISTOPHER; RING, HANS; HESS, WILLIAM N. - Fighters Over Tunisia.
111987: SHORES, CHRISTOPHER. - 2nd TAF. Colour illustrations by Richard Ward.
121494: SHORES, CHRISTOPHER. and MASSIMELLO, GIOVANNI. with GUEST, RUSSELL. - A History of the Mediterranean Air War 1940-1945. Volume One: North Africa June 1940 - January 1942.
121495: SHORES, CHRISTOPHER. and MASSIMELLO, GIOVANNI. with GUEST, RUSSELL; OLYNYK, FRANK; BOCK, WINFRIED. - A History of the Mediterranean Air War 1940-1945. Volume Two: North African Desert February 1942 - March 1943.
121496: SHORES, CHRISTOPHER. and MASSIMELLO, GIOVANNI. with GUEST, RUSSELL; OLYNYK, FRANK; BOCK, WINFRIED. - A History of the Mediterranean Air War 1940-1945. Volume Three: Tunisia and the End in Africa November 1942 - May 1943.
121503: SHORES, CHRISTOPHER. - Dust Clouds In The Middle East; The Air War For East Africa, Iraq, Syria, Iran and Madagascar, 1940-42.
121504: SHORES, CHRISTOPHER; BRIAN, CULL; IZAWA, YASUHO. - Bloody Shambles; Volume One. The Drift To War To The Fall Of Singapore.
121517: SHORES, CHRISTOPHER. - Fledgling Eagles: The Complete Account of Air Operations During The 'Phoney War' and Norwegian Campaign, 1940.
121521: SHORES, CHRISTOPHER; CULL, BRIAN; MALIZIA, NICOLA. - Malta: The Hurricane Years 1940-41.
121523: SHORES, CHRISTOPHER; CULL, BRIAN; MALIZIA, NICOLA. - Malta: The Spitfire Year 1942.
121526: SHORES, CHRISTOPHER; CULL, BRIAN; MALIZIA, NICOLA. - Air War For Yugoslavia, Greece And Crete 1940-41.
122001: SHORES, CHRISTOPHER F. - Pictorial History of the Mediterranean Air War: Volume II: RAF 1943-45.
97530: SHORES, CHRISTOPHER; RING, HANS; HESS, WILLIAM N. - Fighters Over Tunisia.
91473: SHORT, DAVID. - Nigel Short : Chess Prodigy. His career and best games. Edited by Leonard Barden.
81134: SHORT, ANTHONY. - The Origins Of The Vietnam War.
47748: SHORT, WILSIE - Benjamin Short 1833 - 1912 A migrant with a mission Grandfather's story as told by Wilsie Short
97376: SHORT, MARTIN. - Inside the Brotherhood. Further Secrets of the Freemasons.
118856: SHORT, MARTIN. - Inside the Brotherhood. Further Secrets of the Freemasons.
85710: SHORTER, ALFRED H. - Paper Making In The British Isles. An Historical and Geographical Study.
76985: SHORTHOUSE, JOSEPH HENRY. - John Inglesant. A Romance.
87375: SHORTRIDGE, SUSAN; Editor. - Paradise Possessed. The Rex Nan Kivell Collection.
104047: SHOWALTER, DENNIS E; DEUTSCH, HAROLD C; Editors. - If the Allies had Fallen. Sixty Alternate Scenarios of World War II. Foreword by William R. Forstchen.
122031: SHOWELL, JAK P. MALLMANN. - Hitler's U-Boat Bunkers.
120994: SHROCK, ROBERT R; TWENHOFEL, WILLIAM H. - Principles of Invertebrate Paleontology.
51710: THE SHROFF - The Box Seat or Medicus and The Shroff
98507: SHUFELDT, DR. R. W. - Skeletons Of The Monotrems In The Collections Of The Army Medical Museum At Washington. Contained within Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society Of Tasmania for the year 1921. Issued February 28th, 1922.
111723: SHUKER, KARL P. N. - The Hidden Powers of Animals Uncovering the Secrets of Nature.
53801: SHULTZ, LEONARD P; CHAPMAN, WILBERT M; LACHNER, ERNEST A; WOODS, LOREN P. - Fishes Of The Marshall And Marianas Islands. Volume 2. Families from Mullidae through Stromateidae.
75116: SHUMWAY, HARRY IRVING. - War In The Desert.
104398: SHURLOCK, BARRY. - The Essence of Fly Fishing.
105888: SHUSHKEWICH, VAL. - The Real Winnie. A One-of-a-Kind Bear.
95513: SHUSTER, WILLIAM. - Field Judging Trophy Animals.
97873: SICLARI, JOED. - SunCon Convention Journal 1. Thirty Fifth World Science Fiction Convention. September 2-5, 1977. The Fontainebleau, Miami Beach, Florida.
97871: SICLARI, JOED; CHALKER, JACK. - SunCon Convention Journal 2. Thirty Fifth World Science Fiction Convention. September 2-5, 1977. The Fontainebleau, Miami Beach, Florida.
95134: SIDDER, GARY B; GARCIA, ANDRES E; STOESER, JUDITH W; Editors. - Geology And Mineral Deposits Of The Venezuelan Guayana Shield. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2124.
14343: SIDDONS, RIVERS, ANNE. - Peachtree Road.
116913: SIDGWICK, J. B. - William Herschel: Explorer of the Heavens.
56765: SIDNEY, SAMUEL. - The Three Colonies Of Australia: New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia; Their Pastures, Copper Mines & Gold Fields.
15797: SIDNEY, SAMUEL. - The Three Colonies Of Australia: New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia; Their Pastures, Copper Mines, & Gold Fields. By Samuel Sidney, Author Of "The Australian Hand-book," Etc.--- With Numerous Engravings. --- London: Ingram, Cooke, & Co. 227, Strand., MDCCCLII.
110199: SIDNEY, SAMUEL. - Gallops and Gossips in the Bush Of Australia; or Passages in the Life of Alfred Barnard.
56730: SIEBOLD, W. - Die Wildkueche. Ein Brevier Fuer Feinschmecker.
54526: SIEFRING, THOMAS A. - We are Proud to Bear the Title of United States Marines.
116536: SIERP, ALLAN. - Colonial Life in Tasmania. Fifty Years Of Photography 1855-1905.
116407: SIGERIST, HENRY E. - A History Of Medicine Volume I: Primitive and Archaic Medicine.
101740: SIGERIST, HENRY E. - Great Doctors. A Biographical History of Medicine. Translated by Eden & Cedar Paul.
107577: SIGNOR, JOHN R. - Southern Pacific - Santafe Tehachapi.
46783: SILCOCK, THOMAS H. - Tradeways.
112915: SILIOTTI, ALBERTO. - EGYPT: Splendours of and Ancient Civilization.
71174: SILK, DENNIS. - Attacking Cricket.
14811: SILKIN, JON. - Out Of Battle. The Poetry Of The Great War.
111818: SILKIN, JON; Editor. - The Penguin Book Of First World War Poetry.
99696: SILLCOCK, KEN. - Three Lifetimes Of Dairying in Victoria.
90598: SILLITOE, ALAN. - Collected Poems.
81993: SILLITOE, PERCY. - Cloak Without Dagger.
15088: SILLITOE, ALAN - A Start In Life
15021: SILLITOE, ALAN. - Out of the Whirlpool.
90791: SILLTOE, ALAN. - Life Without Armour. An Autobiography.
121324: SILONE, IGNAZIO. - Bread and Wine. Translated by Harvey Fergusson II. Illustrated by Ronald Keller.
47946: SILTHORNE, L. C.; GASKIN, W. C. - The British Foot Guards A bibliography
99600: SILVEIRA DE BRAGANZA, RONALD LOUIS; OAKES, CHARLOTTE; HILL, JONATHAN A. - The Hill Collection of Pacific Voyages. 3 Volumes.
89119: SILVER, LYNETTE RAMSAY. - Marcel Caux. A Life Unravelled.
80156: SILVER, ROLLO G. - Typefounding In America, 1787-1825.
72744: SILVER, HARVEY. - Behind The Footy Show.
115798: SILVER, LYNETTE RAMSAY. - Sandakan: A Conspiracy of Silence.
114448: SILVER, L. RAY. - Last Of The Gladiators A World War II Bomber Navigator's Story.
36452: SILVERBERG, ROBERT. - Stormy Voyager The Story of Charles Wilkes. Maps and drawings by Thomas R. Funderburk.
94694: SILVERMAN, KENNETH. - A Cultural History of the American Revolution. Painting, Music, Literature, and the Theatre in the Colonies and the United States from the Treaty of Paris to the Inauguration of George Washington, 1763-1789.
41041: SILVERSIDES, H J ; Compiler. - The Digger Book 1954.
87737: SILVERSTONE, PAUL H. - U.S. Warships Of World War II. Part 1: Battleships, Battlecruisers and Aircraft Carriers.
76448: SILVERSTONE, PAUL H. - U.S. Warships Of World War II. Part 1: Battleships, Battlecruisers and Aircraft Carriers.
86026: SILVESTER, JOHN; RULE, ANDREW. - Tough 101 Australian Gangsters A Crime Companion
84353: SILVESTER, JOHN; RULE, ANDREW. - Underbelly 2. More True Crime Stories.
84354: SILVESTER, JOHN; RULE, ANDREW. - Underbelly 7. More True Crime Stories.
84352: SILVESTER, JOHN; RULE, ANDREW. - Underbelly 6. True Crime Stories.
84350: SILVESTER, JOHN; RULE, ANDREW. - Leadbelly. Inside Australia's Underworld Wars.
84349: SILVESTER, JOHN; RULE, ANDREW. - Underbelly 9. More True Crime Stories.
84228: SILVESTER, JOHN; RULE, ANDREW. - Underbelly 8. More True Crime Stories.
84153: SILVESTER, JOHN; RULE, ANDREW. - Underbelly 3. More True Crime Stories.
84151: SILVESTER, JOHN; RULE, ANDREW. - Underbelly 4. True Crime Stories.
84152: SILVESTER, JOHN; RULE, ANDREW. - Underbelly 5. More True Crime Stories.
69971: SILVESTER, CHRISTOPHER; Editor. - The Penguin Book of Columnists.
119545: SIMES, GARY. - A Dictionary of Australian Underworld Slang.
33845: SIMKIN, COLIN. ; Edited by. - Currier and Ives' America. A Panorama Of The Mid-Nineteenth Century Scene Eighty Prints In Full Colour With An Introduction And Commentry By The Editor.
53186: SIMMELHAIG, HELEN AND SPENCELEY, G.F.R. - For Australia's Sake. A history of Australia's involvement in nine wars.
13206: SIMMLHAIG, HELEN; SPENCELEY, GFR. - For Australia's Sake A history of Australia's involement in nine wars.
120098: SIMMONS, JACK; BEARSHAW, BRIAN. - Flat Jack: The Autobiography Of Jack Simmons.
84247: SIMMONS, JACK. - The Railways Of Britain.
77398: SIMMONS, SAMUEL ROWE. - Marcus Clarke. An Annotated Checklist: 1863-1972.
73408: SIMMONS, SAMUEL R. - A Problem And A Solution. Marcus Clarke And The Writing Of "Long Odds". His First Novel.
65324: SIMMONS, JACK; Editor. - The Birth Of The Great Western Railway. Extracts from the Diary and Correspondence of George Henry Gibbs.
62831: SIMMONS, JACK. - The Railways Of Britain.
45302: SIMMONS, SAMUEL R. - A Problem And A Solution. Marcus Clarke And The Writing Of "Long Odds" His First Novel.
120730: SIMMONS, MARION. - Acacias Of Australia.
45042: SIMMS, NORMAN. - Time & Time Again
88080: SIMON, GEORGE T. - Glenn Miller and His Orchestra.
87657: SIMON, R. DAVID, EITZEN, D. STANLEY. - Elite Deviance
82156: SIMON, LINDA. - The Biography of Alice B. Toklas.
53165: SIMON, WILIAM L; Editor. - The Reader's Digest Children's Songbook.
43472: SIMON, ANDRE L. - Mushrooms Galore. A book of mushroom recipes collected by Andre L. Simon. Introductio by F. C. Atkins.
119493: SIMON, ROBIN; SMART, ALASTAIR. - The Art of Cricket.
115509: SIMON, NEIL. - Neil Simon Rewrites: A Memoir.
111902: SIMON, LINDA. - Coco Chanel.
120803: SIMON, HENRY W; Revised by. - The Victor Book Of The Opera.
116512: SIMONS, P. FRAZER. - Historic Tasmanian Gardens.
109308: SIMONS, GRAHAM M. - Northrop Flying Wings.
96775: SIMPSON, FRED WM. - Report Of The Department Of Mines For The Year 1915. 1916 Western Australia. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency's Command.
90940: SIMPSON, COLIN. - Pleasure Islands Of The South Pacific.
87734: SIMPSON, R. A. - The Walk Along The Beach.
87408: SIMPSON, FRED WM. - Report Of The Department Of Mines For The Year 1910. 1911 Western Australia. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency's Command.
87409: SIMPSON, FRED WM. - Report Of The Department Of Mines For The Year 1917. 1918 Western Australia. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency's Command. Second Session of 1918.
87082: SIMPSON, FRED WM. - Report Of The Department Of Mines For The Year 1906. 1907 Western Australia. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency's Command.
86968: SIMPSON, FRED WM. - Award Of Special Board Fixing Wages And Conditions Of Employment. In the matter of a Dispute, and in the matter of a Special Board of Arbitration with Assessors agreed upon. Between The Perth Electric Tramways Employees' Industrial Union of Workers and The Commissioner of Railways.
86596: SIMPSON, FRED WM. - Report Of The Department Of Mines For The Year 1915. 1916 Western Australia. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency's Command.
86595: SIMPSON, FRED WM. - Report Of The Department Of Mines For The Year 1916. 1917 Western Australia. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency's Command.
86594: SIMPSON, FRED WM. - Report Of The Department Of Mines For The Year 1914. 1915 Western Australia. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency's Command. Second Session of the Ninth Parliament.
86565: SIMPSON, FRED WM. - Report Of The Department Of Mines For The Year 1926. 1927 Western Australia. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency's Command. First Session of the Thirteenth Parliament.
83489: SIMPSON, R. A. - Poems From Murrumbeena.
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98316: SIMPSON, FRED WM. - Report Of The Department Of Mines For The Year 1907. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency's Command. 1908 Western Australia.
117851: SIMPSON, MARJORIE M. - S.S. 2535 Meerlieu 1883 - 1983 Being a History of a Rural School and its District.
17969: SIMPSON, KEN. - Birds In Bass Strait.
116264: SIMPSON, SHEILA. - Medical Pathfinders A History of 2/1 Australian General Hospital 1939-1945.
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111520: SIMPSON, EDWARD S; GIDSON, CHAS. G. - The Distribution and occurrence of the Baser Metals in Western Australia. Geological Survey Bulletin No. 30.
110927: SIMPSON, FRED WM. - Report Of The Department Of Mines For The Year 1925. 1926 Western Australia. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency's Command.
110926: SIMPSON, FRED WM. - Report Of The Department Of Mines For The Year 1923. 1923 Western Australia. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency's Command.
110925: SIMPSON, FRED WM. - Report Of The Department Of Mines For The Year 1917. 1918 Western Australia. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency's Command. Second Session of 1918.
109947: SIMPSON, ANDY. - Hot Blood & Cold Steel : Life and Death in the Trenches of the First World War.
97975: SIMPSON, FRED WM. - Report Of The Department Of Mines For The Year 1911. 1912 Western Australia. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency's Command.
97972: SIMPSON, FRED WM. - Report Of The Department Of Mines For The Year 1926. 1927 Western Australia. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency's Command. First Session of the Thirteenth Parliament.
97971: SIMPSON, FRED WM. - Report Of The Department Of Mines For The Year 1921. 1922 Western Australia. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency's Command. Second Session of the Eleventh Parliament.
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