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74678: LOW. - Low's Autobiography.
67045: LOW, A. M. - It's Bound to Happen. With Illustrations by Henry Hewitt.
51782: LOW. - Low's Autobiography.
42363: LOW - Europe At War. A history in sixty cartoons with a narrative text.
40971: LOW, JOHN - Pictorial Memories Blue Mountains.
35467_B: LOW - Europe Since Versailles A History in One Hundred Cartoons with a Narrative Text.
114934: LOW, CHARLES. - A Roll Of Australian Arms. Corporate and Personal Borne by Lawful Authority.
106676: LOW, ROSEMARY. - Beginner's Guide to Birdkeeping.
85352: LOWE, DE LACY. - See Melbourne by Tram
84534: LOWE, DAVID. - New Zealand's Cavalcade of Trams.
75640: LOWE, C. J; MARZARI, F. - Italian Foreign Policy 1870-1940.
74213: LOWE, LENA; Art Director. - Tales From A Sunburnt Country. Volume II.
54779: LOWE, RUPERT. - A Sketch Of Rupert Lowe's Life Up To His Fortieth Birthday (1918).
115827: LOWE, DE LACY. - Walking Around Melbourne: The Complete Guide to Melbourne on Foot! Illustrated by Jill Wheeler.
115524: LOWE, KEITH. - The Fear and The Freedom: How the Second World War Changed Us.
111914: LOWE, MALCOLM V. - The North American Aviation P-51 Mustang. A Comprehensive Guide (For The Modeller), Part 1 Allison Powered.
106534: LOWE, SAMUEL E. - In the Court of King Arthur. Illustrations by Neil O'Keeffe.
98444: LOWE, DE LACY. - See Melbourne by Tram.
101802: LOWE, PETER. - The Whole Course of Chirurgerie. Being a Facsimile of the First Edition of 1597, with Engravings from the Second Edition of 1612.
115060: LOWENSTEIN, WENDY; HILLS, TOM. - Under The Hook. Melbourne Waterside Workers Remember Working Lives and Class War: 1900-1980.
83426: LOWER, OSWALD B. - Descriptions of New Guinea and Species of Australian Lepidoptera. Contained in the Transactions And Proceedings And Report Of The Royal Society of South Australia. Vol. XXV Part II. Edited By Walter Howchin.
99120: LOWNDES, ROBERT A.W. - Three Faces of Science Fiction.
108972: LOWRY, BERNARD. - British Home Defences 1940 -45. Fortress 20. Illustrated by C Taylor & V Boulanger.
64570: LOXTON, HOWARD. - Railways.
111793: LOXTON, HOWARD; Editor. - The Garden. A World View. History. Evolution. Design. Practice. Plants and Planting. Furniture and Ornament.
74310: LOYAU, GEORGE E. - The Representative Men Of South Australian.
122343: LOYAU, GEORGE E. - Notable South Australians; Or, Colonists - Past And Present.
118104: LOYAU, GEORGE E. - Notable South Australians; Or, Colonists - Past And Present.
95242: LOZYNSKY, ARTEM; Editor. - Richard Maurice Bucke, Medical Mystic. Letters of Dr. Bucke to Walt Whitman and His Friends.
99623: GEOSURVEYS OF AUSTRALIA LTD. - Beach Petroleum N. L. Geltwood Beach Well No. 1 O.E.L.22. South Australia. Well Completion Report.
82679: LODER & BAYLEY PTY LTD. - Murry River Streamsides Planning Study. For Ministry For Planning And Environment.
68017: THE RESEARCH DEPARTMENT NICHOLAS PTY. LTD. - Nicholas Vitamins Manual. A Review of Present Day Knowledge by The Research Department Nicholas Pty. Ltd. Melbourne.
55374: HUDDART PARKER LTD. - War Service Of The Merchant Navy. A Record Of The Participation Of The Men And Ships Of Huddart Paker Ltd., With a foreword by Admiral Lord Mountevans.
13841: HARDIE & GORMAN PTY. LTD. - Properties & Premises. Every Month. Vol.1, No.1.- No.12, April 1st, 1918 - March 1st, 1919.
115813: STANLEY GIBBONS LTD. - Stanley Gibbons Stamp Monthly Volume XXIX No. 1 September 1955. to Volume XXIX No. 12. August 1956. (12 issues in total). Includes the Rare 5 special issues Commemorating The Centenary of Stanley Gibbons Ltd.
115406: MAGGS BROS. LTD. - Voyages and Travels Part I.
121296: HOMEREX HOME RECREATIONS LTD. - How The Hobby Family Solved All Their Troubles! Ready Cut To Finished Size, Halves Furnishing Costa, No Middle Profits, No Covered Flaws, No Putty Fillings, Only Seasoned Woods Used.
79034: LUBBOCK, BASIL. - Bully Hayes. South Sea Pirate.
115745: LUBBOCK, BASIL. - The Last of the Windjammers With Illustrations and Plans. Two Volume Set.
115246: LUBBOCK, BASIL - The China Clippers. With Illustrations and Plans.
115230: LUBBOCK, BASIL. - The Colonial Clippers.
113869: LUBBOCK, BASIL. - The China Clippers
113716: LUBBOCK, BASIL. - The Down Easters American Deep-Water Sailing Ships 1869-1929.
108179: LUBBOCK, BASIL. - The Last of the Windjammers With Illustrations and Plans. Two Volumes.
107667: LUBBOCK, BASIL. - The Log of the "Cutty Sark".
107179: LUBBOCK, BASIL - The China Clippers. With Illustrations and Plans.
92095: LUCAS, S. T. - Bibliography Of Water Colour Painting And Painters.
83340: LUCAS, NORMAN. - The Great Spy Ring.
81388: LUCAS, CELIA. - Prisoners of Santo Tomas. Based on the Diaries of Mrs Isla Corfield.
81309: LUCAS, A. H. S. - A Pioneer Botanist In Victoria. Contained in The Victorian Naturalist Vol. 50 No. 8 December, 1933.
79286: LUCAS, JOHN. - The Melancholy Man. A study of Dickens's novels.
77610: LUCAS, SCOTT. - The Betrayal of Dissent. Beyond Orwell, Hitchens and the New American Century.
74051: LUCAS, A. H. S. - Fletcher Memorial Lecture, 1930. Joseph James Fletcher, An Idealist Secretary.
73966: LUCAS, REV. D. VANNORMAN - Australia And Homeward.
73544: LUCAS, KATHRYN G. - A New Twist. A Centennial History of Donaghys Industries Limited.
65204: LUCAS, F. J. - Popeye Lucas. Queenstown.
52088: LUCAS, TONY - Willunga Profile South Australia. From Original Pencil Drawings by Tony Parkinson
116064: LUCAS, G. - The City Council Tram in Brisbane.
114778: LUCAS, REV. H. - The Lancing Roll of Honour 1914-1919.
112585: LUCAS, G. - The Brisbane Tram Pictorial.
112575: LUCAS, PAUL; ROBINSON, NEIL. - Camouflage & Markings No. 5. RAF Fighters 1945 - 1950 Overseas Based. (Scale Aircraft Monographs).
111943: LUCAS, PAUL. - Camouflage & Markings No. 1: RAF Fighters 1945-1950 UK Based. Scale Aircraft Monographs.
121611: LUCAS, JAMES. - The Last Year of the German Army May 1944 - May1945.
121625: LUCAS, JAMES. - War on the Eastern Front 1941-1945. The German soldier in Russia.
121668: LUCAS, JAMES. - The Last Days Of The Third Reich: The Collapse of Nazi Germany, May 1945.
121989: LUCAS, JAMES. - Kommando: German Special Forces of World War Two.
121995: LUCAS, JAMES. - Storming Eagles: German Airborne Forces in World War Two.
100256: LUCAS, F. J. - Popeye Lucas. Queenstown.
112724: LUCKETT, PERRY D; BYLER, CHARLES L. - Tempered Steel: The Three Wars of Triple Air Force Cross Winner Jim Kasler. Foreword by James Salter.
103395: LUCKEY, CARL F. - Collecting Antique Bird Decoys And Duck Calls. An Identification And Value Guide.
101836: VON LUCKNER, FELIX COUNT. - Out of an Old Sea Chest. Translated from the German by Edward Fitzgerald.
83457: LUDBROOK, N. H; Compiler. - Royal Society Of South Australia Incorporated Index To The Transactions. Volumes XLV - 91 (1921-1967).
118816: LUDEMAN, TREVOR; MURRAY, JOHN. - Out The Come To Play - North Old Boys F.C, 50 Years 1963-2013.
83756: LUDENDORFF, MATHILDE. - Grlofung von Tefu Chrifto.
83755: LUDENDORFF, MATHILDE. - Gchopfunggefchichte. 14 und 15.
83753: LUDENDORFF, MATHILDE. - Gelbltlchopfung. 6 und 7.
83754: LUDENDORFF, MATHILDE. - Des Kindes Geele und der Cltern Umt.
122822: LUDERS, DAVID. - Saga Of Pacific Islands: First - Led By The Stars; Second - Break The Sky; Third - Catcclysm.
104824: LUDMERER, KENNETH M. - Time To Heal. American medical Education From The Turn Of The century To The Era of managed Care.
100841: LUDWIG, EMIL. - Napoleon. Translated by Edan and Cedar Paul.
86840: LUMB, GEOFF. - Bradford and its Trolleybuses
56216: LUMB, R.D. - The Constitutions of the Australian States.
122376: LUMHOLTZ, CARL. - Bland Menniskoatare. Fyra Ars ResaI Australien (Text in Swedish).
122302: LUMHOLTZ, CARL. - Among Cannibals. An Account Of Four Years' Travels In Australia And Of Camp Life With The Aborigines Of Queensland.
50153: LUMIERE, CORNEL. - Kura!
121192: LUMLEY, J. S; CRAVEN, J. L; AITKEN, J. T. - Essential Anatomy and Some Clinical Applications.
98411: LUMSDEN, G. INNES; Editor. - Geology and the Environment in Western Europe.
64916: LUNAN, DUNCAN. - Man And The Stars. Contact And Communication With Other Intelligence.
116764: LUNDBLADH, JANNE; KIHLBERG, BENGT; Editorial Team - The Lore Of Ships.
116849: LUNDE, PAUL. - The Secrets of Codes. Understanding The World Of Hidden Messages.
116676: LUNDEGARDH, PER H. - Petrology Of The Molndal - Styrso - Vallda Region In The Vicinity Of Gothenburg.
99141: LUNDWALL, SAM J. - Science Fiction. An Illustrated History.
74000: LUNDY, JACK. - Ringwood Memories No. 2. Ringwood Lake.
49420: LUNDY (-CLARKE), JACK. - Ringwood Memories No. 1 Loughnan's Lake.
54938: LUNN, HUGH. - Vietnam. A Reporter's War.
103390: LUNN, MICK; GRAHAM-RANGER, CLIVE. - A Particular Lunn. One Hundred Glorious Years On The Test.
106952: LUNNEY, BOB. - Fair Dinkum and Ridgy Didge. Yarns from the Top End. Illustrated by Diane Gardoll.
83804: LUNT, JAMES. - A Hell Of A Licking. The Retreat from Burma 1941-2.
59171: LUNT, JAMES. - Bokhara Burnes. Great Travellers.
106847: LUO CHANGYAN, English Translator. - Charm Of Dark-Red Pottery Teapots.
95374: LURIE, ALISON. - The War Between The Tates.
95367: LURIE, ALISON. - Foreign Affairs.
93618: LURIE, ALISON. - The Nowhere City.
90812: LURIE, ALISON. - FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Foreign Affairs.
90793: LURIE, ALISON. - The Truth About Lorin Jones.
90612: LURIE, ALISON. - Don't Tell the GROWN-UPS. Subversive Children's Literature.
90610: LURIE, ALISON. - Women and Ghosts.
90611: LURIE, ALISON. - The Last Resort.
98764: LURIE, ALISON. - The Truth About Lorin Jones.
99330: LURIE, ALISON. - The Truth About Lorin Jones.
15549: LURIE, MORRIS. - Rappaport's Revenge.
14660: LURIE, ALISON - The Truth About Lorin Jones.
13643: LURIE, ALISON - The Truth About Lorin Jones.
13537: LURIE, MORRIS. - Whole Life. An Autobiography.
98767: LURIE, ALISON. - The War Between The Tates. A New Novel.
13760: LUSCOMBE, TOM. - The Priest And The Governor.
99656: LUSCOMBE, TOM. - The Priest And The Governor.
64409: LUSH, ROBIN; HOLT, IAN. (compilers). - Keighley And Worth Valley Railway Stockbook.
94844: LUTHER KING JR, MARTIN. - Stride Toward Freedom. The Montgomery Story.
96173: LUTYENS, MARY. - Millais & The Ruskins.
96508: LUTYNES, MARY. - The Ruskins and the Grays.
109199: LUTZ, D. E. - Artillery For The Land Service Of The United States 1849-1865 Volume I. Field Artillery.
106140: LUTZ., D. E. - Artillery For The Land Service Of The United States 1849 - 1865. Field Artillery Limber. No. 21 in the Series.
71770: LUXTON, HAROLD. - Melbourne City Council's Sound Finantial Position Under Existing Franchise. Important Speech by Councillor Sir Harold Luxton.
122149: LY, TRAN DUY. - Ansonia Clocks: A Guide to Identification and Price.
122163: LY, TRAN DUY. - Calendar Clocks.
122172: LY, TRAN DUY. - 1997 Price Up-Date to Calendar Clocks (Featuring previously Unpublished Photographs and Information).
39140: LYALL, K. M; Compiler and Editor. - Letters from an Anzac Gunner.
113254: LYALL, GAVIN; Editor. - The War In The Air 1939 - 1945 An anthology of personal experience selected and edited by Gavin Lyall.
39524: LYAUTEY, PIERRE. - Claude Barres A Hero In Revolt. Translated from the French by Humphrey Hare.
79642: LYDEKKA, RICHARD; Editor. - The Royal Natural History. Volume one and two (out of a six volume set).
78263: LYDEKKER, RICHARD. - A Hand-Book To The Marsupialia and Monotremata.
39403: LYDEKKER, JOHN WOLFE. - The Faithful Mohawks With a Foreword by The Right Honourable Lord Tweedsmuir.
93840: LYELL, ANDREW MRS. - Hawthorn. Contained within the Victorian Historical Magazine. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria. Issue 61. Vol. XVI, November, 1936, No. 2.
90221: LYELL, MRS. ANDREW. - Hawthorn. Contained within the Victorian Historical Magazine. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria. Issue 61. Vol. XVI, November, 1936, No. 2.
54311: LYELL, MAJOR ANDREW. - Memoirs of an Air Observation Post Officer.
102669: LYELL, SIR CHARLES. - Principles of Geology. Or the Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants. In Two Volumes.
100199: LYELL MCEWIN, HON. A; Issued under the Authority of. - Mining Review for the Half-Year Ended 31st December, 1946. No. 85. Department of Mines. South Australia.
105027: LYKES, RICHARD WAYNE. - Campaign For Petersburg.
89117: LYLE, SANDY. - Learning Golf: The Lyle Way, The Sure and Simple Way to Play the Game.
55177: LYLE, GARRY. - Eighteen Poems.
50917: LYLE, GARRY. - Eighteen Poems.
45161: LYLE, GARRY. - Eighteen Poems.
101692: LYLE, T. KEITH; BRIDGEMAN, G. J. O. - Woth and Chavasse's Squint. The Binocular Reflexes and the Treatment of Strabismus.
115459: LYMAN, JOHN. - Book Scouting: A practical manual on finding, evaluating, buying and selling books, written by a dealer who buys and scouts.
65343: LYNAM, EDWARD; Editor - Richard Hakluyt and His Successors A Volume issued to commemorate the centenary of the Hakluyt Society. Hakluyt Society, Second Series No. XCIII.
121910: LYNAS, IAN N; Compiler. - Buses and Trams Of Australia's Government and Municipal Operators.
122267: LYNCH, JOHN M; Editor. - Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection: British Responses, 1859-1871. (4 Volume Set). Vol. 1: Species Not Transmutable, Nor the Result of Secondary Causes (1860), Charles Robert Bree; Vol. 2: The Reign of Law (1867), George Douglas Campbell; Vol. 3: Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection (1870), Alfred Russel Wallace; Vol. 4: On the Genesis of Species (1871), St. George Jackson Mivart.
72246: LYNCH, W. B. LARCOMBE, F. A. - Randwick 1859-1959.
69914: LYNCH, MICHAEL. - Scotland. A New History.
119503: LYNCH, STEVEN; Editor. - The Wisden Book of Test Cricket Volume 3. 2000-2009.
122769: LYNCH, JOHN. - Paths of the Pioneers: A History of Early Ten Mile Creek - Germanton - Holbrook.
66389: LYNE, ALLEN. - Tall Tales And True From The Boys In Blue.
61442: LYNE, ALLEN. - Tall Tales and True from the Boys in Blue.
116561: LYNE, NAIRDA. - Tasmanian Tales
73467: LYNES, E. T. - For All Who Serve. A History Of The Victorian Branch of The Australian Legion Of Ex-Servicemen And Women.
78040: LYNG, J. - The Scandinavians in Australia, New Zealand And The Western Pacific.
120957: LYNG, JAMES. - Island Films. Reminiscences Of "German New Guinea".
35188: LYNN, KENNETH S. - William Dean Howells. An American Life.
97919: LYNN, ELWIN, - Contemporary Drawing. The Arts in Australia.
107687: LYNOTT. - Bubblegug.
107847: LOW; LYNX. - Lions and Lambs with interpretations by 'Lynx'.
119704: LYON GARY: MAHER, ANDREW. - Demon Within - An Autobiography.
48818: LYONS, MARK - Legacy The First Fifty Years
116495: LYONS, JOAN. - Memories of Badger Head.
106229: LYONS, MARTYN. - Books A Living History.
115584: LYSIKATOS, JOHN. - Sturt - The Unley Story.
114620: LYSIKATOS, JOHN. - True Blue. The History of the Sturt Football Club.
114605: LYSIKATOS, JOHN. - We Are Sturt. Volume 1, 1901 -1944.
108620: LYSIKATOS, JOHN. - 108 Not Out. The History of the Sturt Cricket Club.
121870: LYTE, CHARLES. - Sir Joseph Banks. 18th Century Explorer, Botanist And Entrepreneur.
101542: LYTE, CHARLES. - Sir Joseph Banks. 18th Century Explorer, Botanist and Entrepreneur.
93000: LYTTON, THE RIGHT HON. LORD. - The Caxtons. A Family Picture.
83623: MAAS, PETER. - The Rescuer.
14963: MAASS, JOACHIM - The Gouffe Case Translated from the German by Michael Bullock
122720: MABBERLEY, D. J. - Jupiter Botanicus: Robert Brown Of The British Museum.
120939: MABBUTT, J. A. - Desert Landforms: An Introduction to Systematic Geomorphology Volume Two.
60305: MABELL, COUNTESS OF AIRLIE, - With The Guards We Shall Go. A guardsman's letters in the Crimea, 1854 - 1855.
39795: MABELL, COUNTESS OF AIRLIE - With The Guards We Shall Go. A guardsman's letters in the Crimea, 1854 - 1855.
103545: MAC FARLANE, CHARLES. - Constantinople In 1828. A Residence of Sixteen Months in the Turkish Capital and provinces with an Account of the present State of the naval and Military Power, and of the Resources of the Ottaman Empire. To which is added An appendix, containing Remarks and Observations To The autumn of 1829. Two Volumes.
84811: MACARTHUR, ANTONIA. - His Majesty's Bark Endeavour. The Story of the Ship and her People.
113301: MACARTHUR, DOUGLAS. - A Soldier Speaks. Public Papers and Speeches of General of the Army. Prepared for The United States Military Academy, West Point, N.Y. by the Department of Military Art and Engineering. Edited by Major Vorin E. Whan, Jr., USA. With and Introduction by General Carlos P. Romulo.
111939: MACARTHUR, BRIAN. - Surviving The Sword Prisoners Of The Japanese 1942-1945.
98017: MACARTNEY, DAVE; PHILLIPS, JOHN; Editors. - Australian Railway Enthusiast. Vol. 21, No. 2. June, 1983.
98022: MACARTNEY, DAVE; PHILLIPS, JOHN; Editors. - Australian Railway Enthusiast. Vol. 20, No. 3. September, 1982.
74110: MACARTNEY, FREDERICK. - The Aboriginal Dilemma.
71961: MACARTNEY, FREDERICK T. - An Odious Comparison. Considered in its relation to Australian Literature. Bulldozer Booklets No. 2.
55846: MACARTNEY, FREDERICK T. - Carols Of Cant And Wont. With Suitable Accompaniments And Prefatory Indications For A New Rhyming Dictionary.
53001: MACARTNEY, C.A. - The Danubian Basin. Oxford Pamphlets On World Affairs No. 10.
52093: MACARTNEY, FREDERICK. - Australian Literary Essays.
47167: MACARTNEY, FREDERICK T. - Furnley Maurice (Frank Wilmot)
46899: MACARTNEY, FRESERICK T. - Furnley Maurice. (Frank Wilmot).
46897: MACARTNEY, FREDERICK T. - Furnley Maurice. (Frank Wilmot).
46898: MACARTNEY, FRESERICK T. - Furnley Maurice. (Frank Wilmot).
30902: MACARTNEY, FREDERICK T. - Preferences Poems
18057: MACARTNEY, FREDERICK T. - A Historical Outline of Australian Literature.
14369: MACARTNEY, FREDERICK T. - Proof Against Failure.
98018: MACARTNEY, DAVE; PHILLIPS, JOHN; Editors. - Australian Railway Enthusiast. Vol. 21, No. 3. September, 1983.
98026: MACARTNEY, DAVE; PHILLIPS, JOHN; Editors. - Australian Railway Enthusiast. Vol. 19, No. 4, December, 1981.
98025: MACARTNEY, DAVE; PHILLIPS, JOHN; Editors. - Australian Railway Enthusiast. Vol. 19, No. 3, September, 1981.
115301: MACARTNEY-SNAPE, TIM; LESLIE, SIMON; WALKER, STUART. - Find Me A Mountain. Timbertop and The Victorian High Country.
98023: MACARTNEY, DAVE; PHILLIPS, JOHN; Editors. - Australian Railway Enthusiast. Vol. 19, No. 1, March, 1981.
98024: MACARTNEY, DAVE; PHILLIPS, JOHN; Editors. - Australian Railway Enthusiast. Vol. 19, No. 2, June, 1981.
98015: MACARTNEY, DAVE; PHILLIPS, JOHN; Editors. - Australian Railway Enthusiast. Vol. 21, No. 1. March, 1983.
98019: MACARTNEY, DAVE; PHILLIPS, JOHN; Editors. - Australian Railway Enthusiast. Vol. 21, No. 4. December, 1983.
98020: MACARTNEY, DAVE; PHILLIPS, JOHN; Editors. - Australian Railway Enthusiast. Vol. 20, No. 1. March, 1982.
98021: MACARTNEY, DAVE; PHILLIPS, JOHN; Editors. - Australian Railway Enthusiast. Vol. 20, No. 2. June, 1982.
111678: MACAULAY, DAVID. - Cathedral The Story of Its Construction.
111676: MACAULAY, DAVID. - Mill.
121352: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON. - The History Of England from 1485 to 1685. Compiled and edited by Peter Rowland.
109102: MACAULAY, ALEXANDER. - A Dictionary Of Medicine, Designed for Popular use. Containing an Account of Diseases and their Treatment, Including those most Frequent in Warm Climates: With Directions for Administering The Various Substances Used as Medicines; The Regulation of Diet and Regimen; and The Management of the Diseases of Women and Children.
103190: MACAULAY, BETTINA - Songs of Colour. The art of Vida Lahey.
61570: MACAULEY, K.M. - Black Anna.
116802: MACAUSLAN, DUNCAN. - Balmain Peninsula Transport History.
39408: MACBETH, R.G. - Policing The Plains Being The Real-Life Record Of The Famous Royal North-West Mounted Police.
86623: MACCALLUM, MUNGO. - Quarterly Essay. Girt By Sea. Australia, The Refugees and the Politics of Fear. QE 5 2002.
78923: MACCALLUM, MUNGO; Selected by. - Political Anecdotes.
49391: MacCALLUM, MUNGO - Plankton's Luck A life in retrospect
16364: MacCALLUM, MUNGO. - A Voyage in Love.
88767: MACCARTHY, B. G. - The Later Women Novelists 1744 - 1818.
88761: MACCARTHY, B. G. - Women Writers. Their Contribution to the English Novel 1621 - 1744.
107185: MACCARTHY, FIONA. - The Last Pre-Raphaelite. Edward Burne-Jones and the Victorian Imagination.
116045: MACCOWAN, IAN. - The Tramways of New South Wales.
94667: MACDONALD, COLIN. - The Residential Component of University Education. Contained In The Victorian Historical Magazine. Issue 123 Vol. XXXI No. 3. February, 1961.
93838: MACDONALD, COLIN. - The Wye River Settlement. Contained within the Victorian Historical Magazine. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria. Issue 59. Vol. XV, December, 1935, No. 4.
93157: MACDONALD, JAMES S. - The Art Of F. McCubbin.
90743: MACDONALD FRASER, GEORGE. - The Candlemass Road.
90742: MACDONALD FRASER, GEORGE. - The Candlemass Road.
90712: MACDONALD FRASER, GEORGE. - The Pyrates.
90580: MACDONALD FRASER, GEORGE. - McAuslan In The Rough.
90577: MACDONALD FRASER, GEORGE. - The Reavers.
90332: MACDONALD, REV. D. - The Oceanic Languages Shemitic: The Personal Pronouns. [Read 11th March, 1886].
89914: MACDONALD, COLIN. - A Dame Nellie Melba Centenary Oration. Contained In The Victorian Historical Magazine. Issue 123 Vol. XXXI No. 3. February, 1961.
82837: MACDONALD, COLIN. - Early Letters Of John MacFarland, First Master Of Ormond College, University Of Melbourne. Contained in The Victorian Historical Journal. Issue 100 Vol. 25 No. 4.
78792: MACDONALD, LYN. - Somme.
78767: MACDONALD, ALEXANDER. - Revolt In Paradise. The Social Revolution In Hawaii After Pearl Harbour.
77900: MACDONALD, IRENE; TADVANSKY, SUSAN; Editors. - Arthur And Emily. Letters In Wartime.
76440: MACDONALD, LYN. - 1915 The Death Of Innocence.
72279: MACDONALD, DONALD. - How We Kept The Flag Flying. The Story Of The Siege Of Ladysmith.
72239: MACDONALD, COLIN. - Roentgens Discovery Of The X-Rays And The Pioneer Melbourne Radiologists. Contained In The Victorian Historical Magazine. Issue 142 Vol. XXXVI No. 4. November, 1965.
72220: MACDONALD, COLIN. - Harry Douglas Stephens, Herbert Hewlett And Some Of Their Colleagues. Contained In The Victorian Historical Magazine. Issue 129 Vol. XXXIII No. 1. August, 1962.
72212: MACDONALD, COLIN. - The Residential Component Of University Education. Contained In The Victorian Historical Magazine. Issue 123. Vol. XXXI No. 3. February, 1961.
71777: MACDONALD, A.C. - A Chapter From The History Of Early Discovery And Colonisation Of Australia.
71271: MACDONALD, JAMES. - The Art And Life Of David Davies.
70449: MACDONALD, JAMES S. - The Art of Charles Wheeler, O.B.E., D.C.M.
67642: MACDONALD, ALEC. - A History of the King's School Worcester.
61615: MACDONALD, JAMES. - Lawn, Links & Sportsfields.
58815: MACDONALD, W. JAMES; Compiler. - A Bibliography Of The Victoria Cross.
58798: MACDONALD, GUS. - Camera. Victorian Eyewitness.
55197: MACDONALD, GEORGE J. - On A Movement Of Beethoven's. and other poems of 1830's.
55008: MACDONALD, JAMES S. - Australian Painting Desiderata. Foreword by Robert Menzies.
122426: MACDONALD, ELSIE; HOARE, VIOLET; BIRKBECK, MERCEDES. - 2,200 Years Under Capricorn, 1988. Three Volume Set.
54509: MACDONALD, PETER. - The Making Of A Legionnaire.
54410: MACDONALD, DR. COLIN. - Harry Douglas Stephens, Herbert Hewlett And Some Of Their Colleagues. The Henry Stephens Memorial Oration delivered in the Public Lecture Theatre of the University of Melbourne on Wednesday Evening, 11th July, 1962.
53192: MACDONALD, ANITA. - Mariposa. A Story of the Learmonths of Western Victoria and Mexico, 1834-1930.
46699: MacDONALD, LIN. - Bud the Monkey. And Other Tales of Soldier's Pets. Illustrated by Angus MacDonald. With an Introductio by General Sir Ian Hamilton.
37941: MACDONALD, DR. COLIN. - Harry Douglas Stephens, Herbert Hewlett And Some Of Their Colleagues. The Henry Stephens Memorial Oration delivered in the Public Lecture Theatre of the University of Melbourne on Wednesday Evening, 11th July, 1962.
122830: MACDONALD, ELSIE; MACDONALD, COLIN. - Matthew Dorrough Illawarra Pioneer.
34666: MACDONALD, R.J. (CAPTAIN); Compiler. - The History of the Dress of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, 1625-1897.
117017: MACDONALD, HELEN. - Possessing The Dead: The Artful Science of Anatomy.
115673: MACDONALD, JOHN. - Great Battles of World War II. Foreword by General Sir John Hacket.
115167: MACDONALD, LYN. - The Roses Of No Man's Land.
120272: MACDONALD, J. G. - Journal Of J. G. Macdonald, On An Expedition To The Gulf Of Carpentaria And Back.
112758: MACDONALD, FERGUS. - Growing Up In Paradise.
112442: MACDONALD, GREVILLE. - Reminiscences Of A Specialist.
110124: MACDONALD, CHARLES B. - A Time for Trumpets. The Untold Story Of The Battle Of The Bulge.
110025: MACDONALD, LYN. - They called it Passchendaele. The story of the third battle of Ypres and of the men who fought in it.
109711: MACDONALD, REV. D. - South Sea Languages. A Series Of Studies on The languages of The New Hebrides, and Other South Sea Islands. Volume II. Tangoan-Santo, Malo, Malekula, Epi (Baki and Bierian), Tanna and Futuna.
108412: MACDONALD, GRAHAM. - A Good Solid Comfortable Establishment. An Illustrated History of Lower Fort Garry.
106029: MACDONALD, WILLIAM JOHN. - Australian Songs.
105841: MACDONALD, J. D. - Birds of Australia A Summary of Information. With contribution by D. L. Serventy. Illustrated by Peter Slater.
122578: MACDONALD, D. - The Oceanic Languages Their Grammatical Structure Vocabulary, and Origin.
121819: MACDONALD, ELSIE; HOARE, VIOLET; BIRKBECK, MERCEDES. - Looking Back (1988-1788) the Bicentennial Book of the Rockhampton Writers' Club.
102164: MACDONALD, JAMES. - The Art and Life of David Davies.
101586: MACDONALD, HELEN. - Human Remains. Episodes to human dissection.
108688: MACDONELL, DONALD. - From Dogfight To Diplomacy A Spitfire Pilot's Log 1932-1958.
68335: MACDONNELL, FREDA. - Before Kings Cross.
50210: MACDONNELL, FREDA. - Before Kings Cross.
17611: MACDONNELL, J. E. - Fleet Destroyer.
13848: MACDONNELL, FREDA. - Before Kings Cross.
96809: MACDOUGALL, A. K. - Anzacs Australians At War. A Narrative History Illustrated by Photographs From The Nation's Archives.
117552: MACDOUGALL. A. K. - Victory : The Epic of World War II 1939-1945.
77601: MACDOUGALL, A. K. - Australians At War. A Pictorial History.
56878: MACDOUGALL, R.J. - History Of St. John's Camberwell.
39821: MACDOUGALL, A. K. - Anzacs Australians At War. A Narrative History Illustrated by Photographs From The Nation's Archives.
117800: MACDOUGALL, A. K. - Australians At War. A Pictorial History.
112971: MACDOUGALL, A. K. - Anzacs Australians at War. A Narrative History Illustrated by Photographs From The Nation's Archives.
112341: MACDOUGALL, A. K; Compiler. - The Big Treasury of Australian Folklore. Two Centuries of Tales, Epics, Ballads, Myths & Legends.
105348: MACDOUGALL, A. K; Compiler. - The Great Treasury of Australian Folklore. Two Centuries of Tales, Epics, Ballads, Myths & Legends.
101718: MACDOUGALL, PHILIP. - Mysteries on the High Seas.
63894: MACE, LINDSAY. - Brighton. Recollections 1920s-1930s.
107706: MACE, E. - Atlas De Microbiologie. (Text in French).
106459: MACE, LINDSAY. - Brighton. Recollections 1920s-1930s.
113811: MACEACHREN, ALAN M. - How Maps Work. Representation, Visualization, and Design.
80146: MACEBUH, STANLEY. - James Baldwin. A Critical Study.
13092: MacFALL, Major HALDANE. - Beware The German's Peace!
110750: MACFALL, HALDANE. - A History Of Painting The French Genius.
61649: MACFARLAN, ALLAN; MACFARLAN, PAULETTE. - Knotcraft. The Practical and Entertaining Art of Tying Knots.
83745: MACFARLANE, L. J. - The British Communist Part. Its Origin And Development Until 1929.
95151: MACFARREN, H. W. - Text Book Of Cyanide Practice.
67475: MACGREGOR, SANDY; THOMSON, JIMMY. - No Need For Heroes. The Aussies who Discovered the Viet Cong's Secret Tunnels.
46086: MACGREGOR, DAVID R. - The China Bird The History of Captain Killick, and the Firm he Founded: Killick Martin & Company.
111201: MACGREGOR, DAVID R. (Artist). - The Great Sailing Ship Engravings. Ships depicted: Sea Lark, Thermophylae, Matflower, Consitution, Endeavour, Victory, Farguharsson, Challenge, Charles W Morgan, Mozart, Santa Maria, Real, Great Republic, Mermerus and the Thomas W Lawson.
114703: MACGREROR, PAUL; Editor. - Histories of the Chinese in Australasia and the South Pacific: proceedings of an International Public Conference held at the Museum of Chinese Australian History Melbourne, 8-10 October 1993.
67112: MACHAFFIE, FRASER G. - The Short Sea Route. Portpatrick- Donaghadee. Stranraer- Larne. Cairnryan- Larne.
96853: MACHARDY, CHARLES. - The Ice Mirror.
101227: MACHOWSKI, JACEK. - Island of Secrets. The discovery and exploration of Easter Island.
97418: MACINNES, HAMISH. - Look Behind The Ranges. A Mountaineer's Selection Of Adventures And Expeditions.
96076: MACINNES, HAMISH. - Beyond The Ranges. Five Years in the life of Hamish MacInnes.
67372: MACINNES, HELEN. - The Unconquerable.
11060: MACINNES, COLIN. - Three Years to Play.
112936: MACINNIS, PETER. - Not Your Usual Gold Stories; Not Your usual Bush Rangers. Two Volume Set.
82141: MACINTOSH, N. W. G. - Darwin And The Evolution Of Man. Contained in The Australian Museum Magazine. Vol. XIII No. 4 December 1959.
101073: MACINTOSH, ANN; Editor. - Memoirs of Dr Robert Scot Skirving. 1859-1956
95936: MACINTYRE, STUART; SELLECK, R. J. W. - A Short History of the University of Melbourne.
119773: MACINTYRE, STUART; SELLECK, R.J.W. - A Short History of the University of Melbourne.
53094: MACINTYRE, RONALD G. - The Theology Of Dr Angus. A Crititcal Review.
51763: MACINTYRE, STUART; Editor - Ormond College. Centenary Essays.
97080: MACINTYRE, DONALD; BATHE, BASIL W. - Man of War. A History of the Combat Vessel. Preface by Edward L. Beach.
102456: MACINTYRE, STUART. - The Oxford History of Australia. Volume 4. 1901-1942. The Succeeding Age.
80852: MACK, GEORGE; Prepared by. - Corals And The Great Barrier Reef.
77559: MACK, JAMES D. - Matthew Flinders. Great Australian Lives Series.
106950: MACK, JAMES D. - Matthew Flinders 1774-1814.
108884: MACKAIL, J. W. [ William Morris]. - An Address Delivered the XIth November MDCCCC at Kelmscott House, Hammersmith before the Hammersmith Socialist Society by J. W. Mackail.
87123: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - A Chronology of Momentous Events in Australian History 1788-1846. In two Parts bound together. Part I (1788-1828), by Robert Howe. Part II (1829-1846), by Francis Low. Edited, with Introduction, Notes and Commentary by George Mackaness. With Eleven Illustrations.
87121: MACKANESS, GEORGE; Introduction by. - Letters From An Exile At Botany - Bay, To His Aunt In Dumfries. With Three Illustrations.
87122: MACKANESS, GEORGE; Editor. - Fresh Light On Bligh. Being Some Unpublished Correspondence of Captain William Bligh, R.N., with John and Francis Godolphin Bond 1776-1811. With an Introduction and Notes.
99091: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - The Art Of Book-Collecting In Australia.
99092: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - The Art Of Book-Collecting In Australia.
85593: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - Account Of The Duel Between William Bland And Robert Case And With Circumstances That Led Thereto, Drawn Up For Posterity By Dr. William Bland. With A Report Of The Trial, Rex v. Blans, Randall and Fulton, Before The Recorder Of Bombay, 14th And 1th April, 1813 (extracted from the Bombay Courier). And A Memoir Of Dr. William Bland.
84112: MACKANESS, GEORGE; Editor. - Some Private Correspondence Of Sir John And Lady Jane Franklin (Tasmania, 1837-1845). Two Volume set of Part 1 and Part 2.
73772: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - Bibliomania. An Australian Book Collector's Essays.
72127: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - Blue Bloods Of Botany Bay. A Book of Australian Historical Tales.
71906: MACKANESS, GEORGE; STONE, WALTER W. - The Books Of The Bulletin 1880-1952. An Annotated Bibliography.
69271: MACKANESS, GEORGE. Compiler. - The Discovery and Exploration of Moreton Bay and the Brisbane River (1799 - 1823). In Two Parts. With an Introduction, Notes and Commentary By George Mackaness.
69266: MACKANESS, GEORGE; Translator. - Notes Of A Convict Of 1838 By Francois Xavier Prieur. Translated from the original, with an Introduction and Notes by George Mackaness. With Six Illustrations.
69270: MACKANESS, GEORGE; Editor. - Recollections Of Life In Van Diemen's Land by William Gates. Edited With an Introduction, Notes and Commentary by George Mackaness. In Two Parts.
69252: MACKANESS, GEORGE; Editor. - Australian Gold Discovery Monographs, No.3. A Short Account Of The Late Discoveries Of Gold In Australia With Notes Of A Visit To The Gold District By John Elphinstone Erskine. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by George Mackaness.
69250: MACKANESS, GEORGE; Editor. - Australian Gold Discovery Monographs, No.3. A Short Account Of The Late Discoveries Of Gold In Australia With Notes Of A Visit To The Gold District By John Elphinstone Erskine. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by George Mackaness.
69242: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - Some Proposals For Establishing Colonies In The South Seas With Five Illustrations.
69244: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - Letters From An Exile At Botany - Bay, To His Aunt In Dumfries. With Three Illustrations.
69241: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - Alexander Dalrymple's "A Serious Admonition To The Public On The Intended Thief Colony At Botany Bay". With A Memoir.
67696: MACKANESS, GEORGE; Editor. - A Chronology of Momentous Events in Australian History 1788 - 1846. In Two Parts. Part I (1788 - 1828) by Robert Howe. Part II (1829 - 1846) by Francis Low. Edited With Introduction, Notes and Commentary by George Mackaness. With Eleven Illustrations.
67355: MACKANESS, GEORGE. Collected and Edited by. - Fourteen Journeys Over The Blue Mountains of New South Wales 1813-1841. Part I. (1813-1815) The Journals of Blaxland, Evans, Cox, Macquarie and Antill. Part II. (1819-1827) The journals of Quoy, Gaudichaud and Pellion; Mrs. Hawkins; Barron Field; D'Urville and Lesson; Anonymous. Part III. (1835-1845) The Journals of Backhouse. Darwin, Mrs. Louisa Anne Meredith and Mrs. Sophia Stanger;
67348: MACKANESS, GEORGE; Editor. - A New Song. Made In New South Wales On The Rebellion By (Lawrence Davoren). With an Essay on Historical Detection, Notes and Commentary by George Mackaness. With Ten Illustrations.
66271: MACKANESS, GEORGE; Editor. - Australian Gold Discovery Monographs. No. 1. Australian Gold Fields Their Discovery, Progress And Prospects. With Illustration By R. S. Anderson.
66212: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - The Art Of Book-Collecting In Australia.
65052: MACKANESS, GEORGE. Collected and Edited by. - Fourteen Journeys Over The Blue Mountains of New South Wales 1813-1841.
65006: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - An Annotated Bibliography of Henry Lawson.
62494: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - Blue Bloods Of Botany Bay. A Book of Australian Historical Tales.
58221: MACKANESS, GEORGE; Editor. - The Australian Journal Of William Strutt, A.R.A. 1850 - 1862. In Two Parts. Edited, with an Introduction, Notes and Commentary By George Mackaness, Both With Five Illustrations.
45772: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - Blue Bloods Of Botany Bay. A Book of Australian Historical Tales.
43272: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - Letters From An Exile At Botany - Bay, To His Aunt In Dumfries.
42739: MACKANESS, GEORGE; Editor. - A New Song. Made In New South Wales On The Rebellion By (Lawrence Davoren). With an Essay on Historical Detection, Notes and Commentary by George Mackaness.
118893: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - Odes Of Michael Massey Robinson. First Poet Laureate Of Australia (1754-1826). With an introduction by George Mackaness.
38557: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - Odes Of Michael Massey Robinson First Poet Laureate Of Australia (1754 - 1826). With an introduction by George Mackaness. With 5 illustrations.
37302: MACKANESS, GEORGE; Editor. - The Australian Journal Of William Strutt, A.R.A. 1850 - 1862. In Two Parts. Edited, with an Introduction, Notes and Commentary By George Mackaness, Both With Five Illustrations.
35734: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - Robert Louis Stevenson. His Associations with Australia. Australian Historical Monographs Volume I (New Series).
35621: MACKANESS, GEORGE; Editor. - The Australian Journal Of William Strutt, A.R.A. 1850 - 1862. In Two Parts. Edited, with an Introduction, Notes and Commentary By George Mackaness, Both With Five Illustrations. Australian Historical Monographs Volume XLI, XLII (New Series).
35600: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - Some Fictitious Voyages To Australia Australian Historical Monographs Volume XXXVII (New Series)
35599: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - "The Van Diemen's Land Warriors" With an Essay on Matthew Brady. With Five Illustrations. Australian Historical Monographs Volume XXXVI (New Series).
35595: MACKANESS, GEORGE; Editor. - Some Letters of Rev. Richard Johnson, B.A. First Chaplain of New South Wales. Collected and Edited, With Introduction, Notes and Commentary, by George Mackaness. Australian Historical Monographs Volume XXI (New Series) In Two Parts Part I With Five Illustrations, Part II With Six Illustrations.
35591: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - Some Private Correspondence of the Rev. Samuel Marsden And Family. 1794 - 1824. Australian Historical Monographs Volume XII (New Series) With 11 Illustrations.
35561: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - Some Proposals For Establishing Colonies In The South Seas Australian Historical Monographs Volume XI (New Series).
35560: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - Captain William Bligh's Discoveries and Observations in Van Diemens Land. Australian Historical Monographs. Volume X (New Series). Read before the Royal Society of Tasmania at its Centenary Meeting, Hobart, October 14, 1943.
35543: MACKANESS, GEORGE; Editor. - Australian Gold Discovery Monographs, No.3. A Short Account Of The Late Discoveries Of Gold In Australia With Notes Of A Visit To The Gold District By John Elphinstone Erskine. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by George Mackaness. With a Map and Two Illustrations.
35542: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - Alexander Dalrymple's "A Serious Admonition To The Public On The Intended Thief Colony At Botany Bay". With A Memoir.
35539: MACKANESS, GEORGE; Editor. - A New Song. Made In New South Wales On The Rebellion By (Lawrence Davoren). With an Essay on Historical Detection, Notes and Commentary by George Mackaness.
35538: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - Odes Of Michael Massey Robinson. First Poet Laureate Of Australia (1754-1826). With an introduction by George Mackaness.
35537: MACKANESS, GEORGE; Editor. - Murray's Guide To The Gold Diggings. The Australian Gold Diggings: Where They Are, And How To Get At Them; with letters from Settlers and Diggers telling How To Work Them. Edited With An Introduction, Notes and Commentary by George Mackaness. Volume VIII.
35540_B5: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - Account Of The Duel Between William Bland And Robert Case And With Circumstances That Led Thereto, Drawn Up For Posterity By Dr. William Bland With A Report Of The Trial, Before The Recorder Of Bombay, 14th And 17th April, 1813. And A Memoir Of Dr. William Bland.
34618: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - Bibliomania An Australian Book Collector's Essays.
35541_B5: MACKANESS, GEORGE; Editor. - Slavery And Famine Punishments For Sedition Or An Account Of The Miseries And Starvation At Botany Bay By George Thompson With Some Preliminary Remarks By George Dyer. Edited with an Introduction by George Mackaness.
33425: MACKANESS, GEORGE; Editor. - Australian Gold Discovery Monographs. No.1. Australian Gold Fields Their Discovery, Progress And Prospects.
33424: MACKANESS, GEORGE; Editor. - Australian Gold Discovery Monographs, No. 2. Murray's Guide To The Gold Diggings. The Australian Gold Diggings: Where They Are, And How To Get At Them; With Letters From Settlers And Diggers Telling How To Work Them. Australian Gold Discovery Monographs. No.2.
31302: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - An Annotated Bibliography of Henry Lawson.
12239: MACKANESS, GEORGE; STONE, WALTER W. - The Books Of The Bulletin 1880-1952. An Annotated Bibliography.
12105: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - An Annotated Bibliography of Henry Lawson.
11916: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - Bibliomania An Australian Book Collector's Essays.
37313_B: MACKANESS, GEORGE. Compiler. - The Discovery and Exploration of Moreton Bay and the Brisbane River (1799 - 1823). In Two Parts. With an Introduction, Notes and Commentary By George Mackaness.
37306_B: MACKANESS, GEORGE; Translator. - Notes Of A Convict Of 1838 By Francois Xavier Prieur. Translated from the original, with an Introduction and Notes by George Mackaness.
37308_B: MACKANESS, GEORGE; Editor. - Australian Gold Discovery Monographs. No. 1. Australian Gold Fields Their Discovery, Progress And Prospects. With Illustration By R. S. Anderson. Edited With An Introduction, Notes and Commentary by George Mackaness.
37305_B: MACKANESS, GEORGE; Editor. - Some Letters of Rev. Richard Johnson, B.A. First Chaplain of New South Wales. Collected and Edited, With Introduction, Notes and Commentary, by George Mackaness. In Two Parts Part I With Five Illustrations, Part II With Six Illustrations.
110551: MACKANESS, CAROLINE. - Bridging Sydney.
107282: MACKANESS, GEORGE. - An Annotated Bibliography of Henry Lawson.
107170: MACKANESS, GEORGE; Editor. - Some Letters of Rev. Richard Johnson, B.A. First Chaplain of New South Wales. Collected and Edited, With Introduction, Notes and Commentary, by George Mackaness. In Two Parts Part I With Five Illustrations, Part II With Six Illustrations.
99035: MACKANESS, GEORGE; STONE, WALTER W. - The Books Of The Bulletin 1880-1952. An Annotated Bibliography.
120764: MACKANESS, GEORGE; Editor. - The Correspondence of John Cotton. Victorian Pioneer, 1842 - 1849, in three parts, Part I..1842 - 1849, Part II.. 1844 - 1847, Part III.. 1847 - 1849. Edited by George Mackaness.
120630: MACKAY, ROY D. - The Birds of Port Moresby and District.
78588: MACKAY, ANGUS. - The Australian Agriculturist And Guide For Land Occupation. Plain Experiences in Station, Farm, Orchard and Garden Work, Dairying, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Ensilage Making, Poultry Farming, Fruit Preserving, Pests of the Agriculturist and how to Check Them, Home Helps, Directions for Treating Wounds, Snake-bite, Drowning & c.,
73591: MACKAY, JESSIE. - Land of the Morning.
73572: MACKAY, JESSIE. - The Sitter on the Rail: And Other Poems.
63801: MACKAY, CHARLES. - Extraordinary Popular Delusions. and the Madness of Crowds. Volume 1. 1956 Edition.
62495: MACKAY, KEN. - Quest For The Ashes. In Collaboration With Frank O'Callaghan.
34005: MACKAY, KENNETH. - Songs Of A Sunlit Land.
118057: MACKAY, GEORGE; LANSELL G. V; STEPHENS, W. J; LOCKWOOD, DOUGLAS; CUSACK, FRANK; GREENWELL, SANDRA. Editors and Compilers. - Annals Of Bendigo. (Parts 1 to 9, plus the index to first 8 Parts) Part I 1851-1867, Part II 1868-1891, Part III 1892-1909, Part IV 1910-1920. Part V 1921-1935, Part VI 1936- 1950 Part VII 1951-1970, Part VIII 1971-1987, Part IX 1988-1999.
119579: MACKAY, TOD; Compiler. - Prahran Football Club 2001 Yearbook: Seniors, Reserves, Club XVIII, Under 9, 10, 12, & 14.
117074: MACKAY, DONALD. - The Asian Dream: The Pacific Rim and Canada's National Railway.
120828: MACKAY, RON. - De Havilland Mosquito: Walk Around No. 15.
115728: MACKAY, JAMES. - Betrayal In High Places.
122779: MACKAY, MARGE. et al. - St Mary's Parish Adaminaby Golden Jubilee 1931-1981: Parish Pot-Pourri - A Literary medley compiled and published for the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of the Catholic Parish of Adaminaby.
113987: MACKAY, JAMES. - Railway Antiques.
111982: MACKAY, R. S. G. - Lancaster in Action.
111516: MACKAY, RON. - 20th Fighter Group.
106213: MACKAY, ANGUS. - The Australian Agriculturist And Colonists' Guide. Plain Words on Station, Farm and garden Work, Dairying, Ensilage Making, Poultry Farming, Seed Growing, Fruit Preserving, Diseases of Plants and Animals, &c., with Directions For Treating Wounds, Snake-Bite, &c., &c., with Calander of Field and Garden Work, from January to December.
103622: MACKAY, GEORGE. - The History Of Bendigo.
102257: MACKAY, R. W. - The Sophistes of Plato: A Dialogue on True an False Teaching. Translated with explanatory notes, and a Introduction on Ancient and Modern Sophistry.
101589: MACKAY, CHARLES. - Alan Newton. A personal tribute.
98813: MACKELLAR, SIR CHARLES; WELSH, D.A. - Mental Deficiency A Medico-Sociological Study of Feeble Mindedness.
104403: MACKELLAR, MAGGIE. - Core of my heart, my country. Women's sense of place and the land in Australia & Canada.
80196: MACKENDRICK, PAUL. - The Liberian Stones Speak. Archaeology in Spain and Portugal.
95806: MACKENZIE, COMPTON. - Mr Roosevelt.
72714: MACKENZIE, KENNETH. - Selected Poems.
69044: MACKENZIE, JOHN. - Report (No. 2) on The Coalfields of Victoria. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency's Command.
63523: MACKENZIE, M. E. - Shipwrecks. Being the historical account of Shipwrecks along the Victorian Coast from Peterborough to Cape Otway 1843-1914.
54620: MACKENZIE, J. M. - Sealing, Sailing And Settling In South Western-Victoria. Historical Briefs Series, No.5.
51926: MACKENZIE, MARGARET E. - Shipwrecks. Being the historical accounts of Shipwrecks Along the Victorian Coast from Cape Otway to Port Fairy 1836-1914.
45964: MACKENZIE, MARGARET E. - Shipwrecks. Being the historical accounts of Shipwrecks Along the Victorian Coast from Cape Otway to Port Fairy 1836-1914.
97048: MACKENZIE, ANDREW. - Hans Heysen 1877-1968. A Biographical Sketch.
37275: MACKENZIE, MARGARET E. - Shipwrecks. Being the historical accounts of Shipwrecks Along the Victorian Coast from Cape Otway to Port Fairy 1836-1914.
36769: MACKENZIE, KENNETH. - The Moonlit Doorway Poems.
35413: MACKENZIE, R.D. - Solo The Bert Hinkler Story
34771: MACKENZIE, JOHN REV; THOMSON, WILLIAM REV. - Donald Macrae Stewart. Records of his Life and Work.
16575: MACKENZIE, MARGARET E. - Shipwrecks. Being the historical accounts of Shipwrecks Along the Victorian Coast from Cape Otway to Port Fairy 1836-1914.
97047: MACKENZIE, ANDREW; Compiler. - Walter Withers. A Biographical Sketch 1854-1913.
116348: MACKENZIE, JEFFREY. - Always a Tram in Sight - A Picture History of Blackpool's Trams.
107787: MACKENZIE, JOHN M. - The Victorian Vision. Inventing New Britain.
104259: MACKENZIE-PHILPS, PETER. - Flyfishing Skill on Stillwaters.
103653: MACKENZIE-PHILPS, PETER. - Flycasting Handbook.
103648: MACKENZIE-PHILPS, PETER. - Flyfishing Skill on Stillwaters.
103607: MACKENZIE-PHILPS, PETER. - Successful Modern Salmon Flies.
102866: MACKENZIE, SIR MORELL. - Essays.
101610: MACKENZIE, WILLIAM COLIN. - The Action Of Muscles. Including Muscle Rest And Muscle Re-Education.
99049: MACKENZIE, GERALDINE. - The First Australian's First Book. Illustrations by Roma Thompson.
94159: MACKERRAS, COLIN; Editor. - Chinese Theater. From Its Origins to the Present Day.
113517: MACKERSEY, IAN. - Smithy. The Life of Sir Charles Kingsford Smith.
44196: MACKETT - BEESON, A E J. - Chessmen.
12993: MACKETT-BEESON, A. E. J. - Chessmen.
98264: MACKINNON, HAMILTON. - The Austral Edition of Selected Works of Marcus Clarke. Together with a Biography and Monograph of the deceased author.
66008: MACKINNON, HAMILTON. - The Austral Edition of Selected Works of Marcus Clarke. Together with a Biography and Monograph of the deseased author.
33262: MACKINNON, SUE. - Bendigo And Its Vintage Talking Trams.
80572: MACKINTOSH, JOHN P. - The British Cabinet.
116312: MACKINTOSH, NEIL. - Bus Fleets. STA Adelaide.
113285: MACKINTOSH-SMITH, TIM; Editor. - The Travels of Ibn Battitah.
69671: MACKLE, FRANCIS. - The Footprints Of Our Catholic Pioneers. The Beginning of the Church in Victoria 1839-1859.
120503: MACKLIN, ROBERT. - 100 Great Australians.
109020: MACKLIN, ROBERT. - Warrior Elite: Australia's Special Forces Z Force To The SAS Intelligence Operations To Cyber Warfare.
104778: MACKLIN, ROBERT. - Dark Paradise. Norfolk Island. Isolation, Savagery, Mystery and Murder.
121191: MACKNIGHT, C. C; Editor. - The Farthest Coast. A Selection of Writings Relating to the History of the Northern Coast of Australia.
115062: MACKRELL, JUDITH. - The Unfinished Palazzo: Life, Love and Art In Venice. The stories of Luisa Casati, Doris Castlerosse and Peggy Guggenheim.
91957: MACKSEY, KENNETH. - Commando Strike. The Story of Amphibious Raiding in the World War II.
76236: MACKSEY, KENNETH. - From Triumphy To Disaster. The Fatal Flaws Of German Generalship From Moltke To Guderian.
75719: MACKSEY, KENNETH. - Invasion. The German invasion of England July 1940.
75693: MACKSEY, KENNETH. - Military Errors. Of World War Two.
32161: MACKSEY, KENNETH. - Crucible Of Power. The fight for Tunisia 1942-1943.
110680: MACLAEN, ALISTAIR. - South by Java Head.
77989: MACLAURIN, C. - De Mortuis. Essays, Historical and Medical hitherto published in two volumes entitled respectively Post Mortem and Mere Mortals.
87742: MACLEAN, DONALD. - Queens' Company. An Autobiography.
79528: MACLEAN, ANNE; POOLE, SUZANNE; Compilers. - Fighting Ships. Of World Wars One And Two.
75469: MACLEAN, DONALD. - The Man From Curdie's River or Where Men Are Made. No. 5 Historical Reprints Series.
73962: MACLEAN, DONALD. - The Man From Curdie's River. Or Where Men Are Made.
73333: MACLEAN, META. - Drummond Of The Far West.
64640: MACLEAN, F.J. - The Human Side Of Insurance.
62806: MACLEAN, A. A. - A Pictorial Record of LNER Constituent Signalling.
61409: MACLEAN, STEPHEN. - Peter Allen. The Boy From Oz.
59552: MACLEAN, ANNE; POOLE, SUZANNE; Compilers. - Fighting Ships. Of World Wars One And Two.
117693: MACLEAN, W; Editor. - Australian Open Chess Championship 1973 . 100 Best Games.
39558: MACLEAN, W; Editor. - Australian Chess Championship 1974 . 100 Best Games.
117857: MACLEAN, DONALD. - Balwyn 1841-1941.
16657: MACLEAN, DONALD. - The Man From Curdie's River or Where Men Are Made. No. 5 Historical Reprints Series.
13069: MACLEAN, VIRGINIA. - A Short-title Catalogue of Household and Cookery Books published in the English Tongue 1701-1800.
111879: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR. - The Guns of Navarone.
106006: MACLEAN, DONALD. - The Man From Curdie's River or Where Men Are Made. No. 5 Historical Reprints Series.
101043: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR. - Captain Cook.
99714: MACLEAN, W; Editor. - Australian Open Chess Championship 1973 . 100 Best Games.
100950: MACLEHOSE, JAMES. - Picture of Sydney and Strangers' Guide in New South Wales for 1839.
96482: MACLEISH, MARTIN; LEGATE, PAM; Editors. - The Australian Bicentenary 1788-1988.
98672: MACLELLAN TRACEY, MICHAEL. - Captain John Thomas Hynes, DSO, MM: An Australian Soldier. Contained within Sabretache. The Journal and Proceedings of The Military Historical Society of Australia. Vol. LII September 2011, Number 3.
122534: MACLEOD, ROY; REHBOCK, PHILIP F; Editors. - Darwin's Laboratory: Evolutionary Theory and Natural History in the Pacific.
14498: MACLEOD, SHEILA - Lawrence's Men and Women
102237: MACLEOD, GEORGE H. B. - Notes On The Surgery Of The War In The Crimea, With Remarks On The Treatment Of Gunshot Wounds.
71173: MACLOED, JOHN. - The Cricketer's Dictionary.
101054: MACMICHAEL, WILLIAM. - The Gold-Headed Cane. A New Edition With An Introduction And Annotations By George C. Peachey Author Of "The History Of St George's Hospital," Etc.
92308: MACMILLAN, NORMAN. - Great Aircraft.
86993: MACMILLAN, DAVID S. - The Debtor's War Scottish Capitalists and the Economic Crisis in Australia 1841 - 1846.
84607: MACMILLAN, DAVID S. - A Squatter Went To Sea. The Story Of Sir William Macleay's New Guinea Expedition (1875) And His Life In Sydney.
83771: MACMILLAN, DAVID S. - Australian Universities. A Descriptive Sketch.
17380: MACMILLAN, DAVID S. - A Squatter Went To Sea. The Story Of Sir William Macleay's New Guinea Expedition (1875) And His Life In Sydney.
116686: MACMILLAN, H. F. - Tropical Planting and Gardening. With Special Reference to Ceylon.
115634: MACMILLAN, MARGARET. - Peacemakers: Six Months That Changed The World: The Paris Conference of 1919 and Its Attempt to End War.
114975: MACMILLAN, HAROLD. - The Past Masters, Politics and Politicians 1906-1939.
114909: MACMILLAN, HAROLD. - The Memoirs of Harold Macmillan: Winds of Change 1914-39; The Blast of War 1939-1945; Tides of Fortune 1945-1955; Riding the Storm 1956-1959, Pointing the Way 1959-1961 and At the end of the Day 1961-1963. Six Volume Set.
69481: MACMILLIAN, D. S; Stewart, A. D. G. - Some Recollections of Sydney's Early Development.
114668: MACMILLIAN, MARGARET. - The War That Ended Peace: The Road to 1914.
60235: MACNAB, IAN. - A History And Description of the Isle Of Man Railway.
45490: MACNAB, STELLA CLEMENT. - Marriage in Heaven
105599: MACNAMARA, OWEN ROE. - Son Of Clancy. A Bushman's Story.
118533: MACNAUGHTAN, JOHN. - The Red and Whites: A History of the Mordialloc Football Club.
30744: MACNEICE, LOUIS. - Autum Sequel. A Rhetorical poem in XXVI Cantos.
74375: MACNEIL, REV. JOHN - The Spirit Filled Life.
80339: MACNEISH, RICHARD S. - The Science of Archaeology?
104876: MACNELL, JAMES. - Mettle At Woomera.
120463: MACNULTY, W. KIRK. - Freemasonry: A Journey Through Ritual and Symbol.
122229: MACOBOY, STIRLING. - Stirling Macoboy's What Tree Is That.
116757: MACOBOY, MARGARET. - Perth 150 Years.
118269: MACOY, ROBERT. - A Dictionary Of Freemasonry.
97893: MACPHERSON, PAUL. - Bibliographies Of Military History. An annotated bibliography of those held in the Printed Records collection, Australian War Memorial.
79228: MACPHERSON, J. HOPE; GABRIEL, C. J. - Marine Molluscs Of Victoria.
49734: MACPHERSON, STEWART - Melody & Harmony A Treatise for the teacher and the student Book II Elementary Harmonic Progression
119471: MACPHERSON, MURRAY; Compiler. - Twelve Seconds To Glory: The Official History of the Stawell Athletic Club.
102812: MACPHERSON, PAUL. - Bibliographies of military history. An annotated bibliography of those held in Printed Records collection Australian War Memorial.
42941: MACQUARIE, LACHLAN. - Lachlan Macquarie Governor of New South Wales Journals Of His Tours In New South Wales And Van Diemen's Land 1810-1822.
106854: MACQUARIE, LACHLAN. - Lachlan Macquarie Governor Of New South Wales Journals of His Tours in New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land 1810-1822.
37932: MACQUEEN, E M. - The Story Of A Church.
122639: MACQUEEN, NELL; Editor. - Back Creek and Beyond. Millmerran's Story of Change 1881 - 1981.
64607: MACRAE, DAVID. - A Feast of Fun. With Some Extra Courses.
43501: MACRAE, C.F. - Adam Lindsay Gordon Twayne's World Authors Series
34946_b: MACRAE, K.L. - The Amazing Scaffold.
11724: MACROBERT, T. M. - Printed Books. A short introduction to fine typography.
116788: MACROBERTSON, MACPHERSON. - Macrobertson Abroad. A Reprint of Mr. Mac. Robertson's Diary Written During his World Tour of 1926-1927. Foreword by H. S. Gullett.
104187: MACRORY, PATRICK. - Retreat from Kabul. The Incredible Story of How a Savage Afghan Force Massacred the World's Most Powerful Army.
38447: MACSELF, A J. - The Chrysanthemum Grower's Treasury.
46023: MACSHANE, FRANK. - The Life of John O'Hara.
119393: MACSMITH, BERTHA; LLOYD, BRIAN; Compiler. - Letters of John Maxwell. Superintendent of Government Stock 1823-31.
80283: MADARIAGA, SALVADOR DE. - Latin America Between The Eagle And The Bear.
49271: MADDEN, JUSTIN. - Real Footballers Don't Cry.
34171: MADDEN, M. S. - Sir Guyon In Snowland.
111598: MADDEN, E. S. - Craig's Spur.
107885: MADDEN, FREDERICK; FIELDHOUSE, DAVID. - Settler Self-Government, 1840-1900: The Development of Representative and Responsible Government; Select Documents on the Constitutional History of the British Empire and Commonwealth; Volume IV.
103886: MADDEN, A. F; MORRIS-JONES, W. H; Editors. - Australia and Britaiin. Studies in a Changing Relationship.
103548: MADDERN, I. T. - The Centenary History Of The Shire Of Rosedale, 1871-1971.
103547: MADDERN, I. T. - The Centenary History Of The Shire Of Rosedale, 1871-1971.
122629: MADDERN, I. T. - A Souvenir History Of Morwell. Morwell Centenary Celebrations 31st March to 6th April 1979.
96601: MADDIGAN, JUDITH. - Out Of Their Own Mouths Women Getting The Vote The Victorian Experience. Contained in The Victorian Historical Journal. Issue 270, Vol. 79, No. 2, November 2008.
86839: MADDIGAN, JUDY; FROST, LENORE. - Maribyrnong Record: Past Images of the River.
86784: MADDIGAN, JUDY. - Queen's Park. Moonee Ponds. Celebrating 25 Years, Essendon Historical Society.
79858: MADDOCK, KENNETH. - The Australian Aborigines. A Portrait of their Society.
79168: MADDOCK, KENNETH; WRIGHT, BARRY. - War. Australia And Vietnam.
117132: MADDOCK, KENNETH. - Your Land is Our Land: Aboriginal Land Rights.
120338: MADDOCK, JOHN. - The People Movers. A History of Victoria's Private Bus Industry 1910-1992.
109039: MADDOCK, KENNETH; Editor. - Memories Of Vietnam.
107401: MADDOCK, KENNETH; WRIGHT, BARRY. - War. Australia And Vietnam.
121745: MADDOCK, JOHN. - A History Of Road Trains in the Northern Territory 1934-1988.
102907: MADDOCK, SHIRLEY. - These Antipodes. A New Zealand Album 1814 to 1854
101465: MADDOX, ERNEST E. - The Clinical Use Of Prisms; And The Decentering of Lenses.
122783: MADDRELL, G. H. - Braidwood Show Society Centenary Celebrations: Official Souvenir.
115854: MADIGAN, C. T. - The Geology of the Fleurieu Peninsula. Part I. - The Coast From Sellick's Hill to Victor Harbour. Contained in Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia Vo. XLIX. December 1925.
115138: MADSEN, AXEL. - Chanel: A Woman of Her Own.
111637: MADSEN, AXEL. - Coco Chanel A Biography.
110202: MADSEN, Rev. A. - The Loyal Orange Institution: Facts v. Fables. A Rejoinder to the Rev. Father Cleary's Book - "The Orange Society."
97331: MAEDER, HERBERT. - The Mountains Of Switzerland. The Adventure Of The High Alps.
66190: MAEGHT, FONDATION. - Stael.
111956: MAGAREY, A. T. - Aboriginal Water-Quest. [Reprinted from] Proceedings Of The Royal Geographical Society Of Australasia, [South Australian Branch] Session, 1894-5.
56666: SUNSET BOOKS; SUNSET MAGAZINE. - Sunset Barbecue Cook Book.
117500: GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY MAGAZINE. - Great Western Railway Magazine Vol. XLVII, September, 1935. No. 9. (G.W.R. Centenary Number).
115990: PUNCH MAGAZINE. - Punch Magazine for January-June 1935. Volume 188.
110991: The British Chess Magazine - World Chess Championship Candidates Tournament Amsterdam March-April 1956.
121951: GOLF DIGEST MAGAZINE. - All About Putting.
115457: MAGEE, DAVID; Compiled & Arranged by. - A Course in Correct Cataloguing of Notes to The Neophyte With a preface by James D. Hart.
100499: MAGEE, ADRIAN. - Nellie Melba. The First Australian diva.
117488: MAGENDIE, F. - Lectures on The Blood and on The Changes which it Undergoes During Disease.
33921: MAGENER, ROLF. - Prisoners' Bluff. Translated from the German by Basil Creighton.
62990: MAGGS, COLIN G; Editor. - The Best of the Last Days of Steam.
114350: MAGGS, COLIN G. - GWR Principal Stations.
89142: MAGLEN, KRISTA. - Quarantined: Exploring personal accounts of incarceration in Australian and Pacific quarantine stations in the nineteenth century. Contained in The Journal Of The Royal Australian Historical Society. Vol. 91, Part 1. June 2005.
94908: MAGNER, DENNIS. - The Classic Encyclopedia of the Horse.
113233: MAGNUS, PHILIP. - Kitchener Portrait Of An Imperialist.
120095: MAGOFFIN, RICHARD. - Down Another Track.
43787: MAGOR, BOB. - Blasted Crows. Humorous Bush Verse.
98963: MAGOULIAS, HARRY J. - I Tell You What Love Is!
118813: MAGOUN, F. ALEXANDER. - The Frigate Constitution and Other Historic Ships.
80041: MAHAJAN, VIDYA DHAR. - Fifty-Five Years Of Modern India. (1919-1974).
80039: MAHAJAN, VIDYA DHAR. - India Since 1526.
69149: MAHAN, JEAN. - Doll Furniture 1950s-1980s. Identification and Price Guide.
119795: MAHER, J. A. - The Tale Of A Century Kilmore 1837-1937.
54689: MAHER, BRIAN. - Things Both Old And New. The Jubilee History Of St. Christopher's Cathedral Manuka A.C.T. 1939-1989.
116697: MAHER, BRIAN. - Planting The Celtic Cross: Foundations of the Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn.
120520: MAHER, THERESA; Editor. - A Country Paper Minyip1885 - 1985.
121643: MAHIKE, HELMUT. - Memoirs of a Stuka Pilot.
52808: MAHLER, ALMA; CREIGHTON, BASIL (translator). - Gustav Mahler. Memories and Letters.
59378: MAHONEY, J.D. - Kings Of The Iron Road. Steam Passenger Trains of New Zealand.
96278: MAHONY, ROBERT. - Jonathan Swift. The Irish Identity.
95726: MAHONY, D. J. - The Problem Of Antiquity Of Man In Australia. Memoirs of the National Museum, Melbourne No. 13, September, 1943.
85629: MAHONY, D. J. - Memoirs of the National Museum Melbourne No. 10
85628: MAHONY, D. J. - Memoirs of the National Museum Melbourne No. 10
85206: MAHONY, D. J. - Memoirs Of The National Museum Melbourne No. 14, Part I Issued May, 1944.
117630: MAHONY, D. J. - Tables For The Calculation Of Rock Analyses. Victoria Department of Mines Bulletins of the Geological Survey of Victoria No. 51.
110118: Mahony, Will F. - Bookplate: Colin Faris His Book.
83425: MAIDEN, J. H. - On Eucalyptus Behriana, F. v. M. Contained in the Transactions Of The Royal Society of South Australia. Vol. XXVI Part I. Edited By Walter Howchin.
76446: MAIDEN, R. L; Editor. - British Tanks. Of World War II.
106442: MAIE, CASEY. - Melba Re-Visited .
100556: MAIE, CASEY. - Melba Re-Visited.
106925: MAIER, THOMAS. - When Lions Roar. The Churchills and the Kennedys.
91188: MAILER, NORMAN. - Ancient Evenings.
87522: MAILER, NORMAN. - The Essential Norman Mailer.
14329: MAILER, NORMAN - Tough Guys Don't Dance
14328: MAILER, NORMAN - The Prisoner of Sex.
14327: MAILER, NORMAN - Pieces and Pontifications
91406: MAIN, J. M. - Making Constitutions In New South Wales and Victoria 1853-1854. Contained within Historical Studies, Selected Articles Second Series. Compiled by Margot Beever and F. B. Smith.
89674: MAIN, JIM. - Big Al. Collingwood The Untold Story.
119702: MAIN, JIM. - Plugger and the Mighty Swans.
78948: MAIN, JIM; HOMESBY, RUSSELL. - The Encyclopedia Of League Footballers.
78900: MAIN, JIM. - More than a century of AFL Grand Finals.
78897: MAIN, JIM; CONNOLY, ROHAN. - More than a century of AFL Grand Finals.
78849: MAIN, WILLIAM. - Bush Solitudes. And Other Verses.
77353: MAIN, JIM. - The Big Aussie Rules Book.
77320: MAIN, JIM. - Big Al. Collingwood The Untold Story.
77304: MAIN, JIM. - Football's Black Book. Reports, Charges, Penalties, Statistics.
77213: MAIN, JIM; PIESSE, KEN. - The A to Z of Football.
76165: MAIN, JIM; HOMESBY, RUSSELL. - The Encyclopedia Of League Footballers.
53281: MAIN, JIM. - Big Al. Collingwood The Untold Story.
119815: MAIN, JIM. - When It Matters Most. The Norm Smith Medallist and Best on Ground in Every Grand Final.
49551: MAIN, JIM. - Hutton's Footy Book 1981 Interviews, Pin-up Pics, Games, Quizzes, Statistics, Footy Facts, Interstate Football.
45020: MAIN, JIM; Author; DUNN, JOHN; Editor. - Australian Rules Football An Illustrated History
119813: MAIN, JIM; ALLEN, DAVID. - Fallen. The Ultimate Heroes. Footballers who never returned from war.
122750: MAIN, JEAN; Transcribed and Annotated by. - The Barque "John" A Voyage to the Land of Hope Gravesend to Adelaide 1839/1840.
118582: MAIN, JIM - In The Blood Celebrating the Red & White 1874 - 2009.
119073: MAIN, JIM. - The Encyclopedia Of AFL Coaches. Every AFL/VFL Coach Since 1904.
103627: MAIN, JIM. - Encyclopedia of Australian Murders. 200 Years of Murder.
118288: MAIN, JIM; HOLMESBY, RUSSELL. - Carlton. The 100 Greatest.
91984: MAINE, RENE. - Trafalgar. Napoleon's Naval Waterloo.
80968: MAINWARING, MARCUS. - Nor Any Drop To Drink. England To Australia May 1987- January 1988.
115576: MAIRET, PHILIPPE. - Aristocracy and the Meaning of Class Rule. An Essay upon Aristocracy Past and Future.
98729: MAISONAVE, HECTOR MARIO. - Descripcion Geologica De La Hoja 14 c, Cerros Cuminchango. Provincias De La Rioja Y Catamarca.
103146: MAITLAND, GORDON L. - The Second World War and its Australian Army Battle Honours.
100441: MAITLAND, GIBB A; MONTGOMERY, A. - Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 89. The Geology And Mineral Industry Of Western Australia.
118922: LE MAITRE, S. - Songs of The Gold Fields. Edited with introduction and notes by Frank Cusack.
116946: MAJNO, GUIDO. - The Healing Hand: Man and Wound in the Ancient World.
81940: MAJOR, HARLAN. - Salt Water Fishing Tackle. The Complete Book of Equipment and Its Use.
64272: MAJOR, G; Editor. - Mass Media in Australia. Australian Institute of Political Science. Proceedings of the 41st Summer School.
117024: MAJOR, RALPH H. - Classic Descriptions of Disease: With Biographical Sketches of the Authors.
84121: MAKIN, NORMAN. - Federal Labour leaders.
14251: MAKIN, JOCK. - The Big Run. The Story Of Victoria River Downs Station.
108527: MAKOS, ADAM; ALEXANDER, LARRY. - A Higher Call. The Incredible True Story of Heroism and Chivalry During the Second World War.
103602: MAKOS, ADAM; ALEXANDER, LARRY. - A Higher Call. The Incredible True Story of Heroism and Chivalry During the Second World War.
36016: MALAMUD, BERNARD. - The Fixer.
36012: MALAMUD, BERNARD. - Dubin's Lives.
85934: MALCOLM, PAT. - First Cuts are Deepest. Proud and Defiant- a survivor.
75115: MALCOLM, IAN. - Lord Balfour. A Memory.
110616: MALCOLM, LAIRD. - Classic Warbirds, No. 9: Fighter Archive.
115635: MALCOMSON, A. P. W. - John Foster The Politics of the Anglo-Irish Ascendancy.
99711: MALDON - Unissued Share Certificate in the South German Reef Gold Company Maldon.
113940: MALING, D. H. - Measurements From Maps. Principles and Methods of Cartometry.
10400: MALINOWSKI, BRONISLAW. - Crime and Custom in a Savage Society.
65671: MALKOVA, ALLA; Managing Editor. - French Painting. From the Hermitage, Leningrad Mid-19th to early 20th century.
83411: MALLALIEU, HUON; Editor. - Popular Antiques Yearbook. Volume 2.Trades and prices of everyday antiques for 1987.
71195: MALLALIEU, J.P.W. - Sporting Days. In which a Travelling Partisan Views Test Matches, F.A. Cup Finals, Rugger and Cricket Matches, Irish Hurling, Billiards, Boxing, Racing & Tennis & any other Sport which Fills in Gaps between Huddersfield Town's Home Matches.
36021: MALLET-JORIS, FRANCOIS. - Signs And Wonders Translated From The French by Herma Briffault.
111310: MALLET, J. - Fire Engines Of The World.
118164: MALLETT, ASHLEY. - The Black Lords of Summer: The Story of the 1868 Aboriginal Tour of England and Beyond.
119722: MALLETT, ASHLEY. - Trumper. The Illustrated Biography. The Greatest Batsman of Cricket's Golden Age.
77331: MALLETT, ASHLEY. - Tim Watson. Master Footballer Series.
116404: MALLETT, ASHLEY. - Robert Flower (Master Football Series ).
121921: MALLETT, ASHLEY. - Doug Walters. Master Cricketer Series.
97315: MALLETT, ASHLEY. - Wayne Johnston. Master Footballer Series.
71733: MALLEY, ERN. - Collected Poems.
115427: O'MALLEY. - Fighting Vehicles - Armoured Personnel Carriers & Infantry Fighting Vehicles. (Greenhill Military Manuals).
100947: O'MALLEY, C. D. - English Medical Humanists. Thomas Linacre and John Caius. Logan Clendening Lectures on the History and Philosophy of Medicine.
110159: MALLINSON, JEREMY. - Travels In Search Of Endangered Species.
55684: MALLOCH, FELLOW HARRY. - A Brief History of the Bread and Cheese Club, Melbourne. Issued as a Souvenir of the Club's Australian Art & Literature Exhibition Held at Tye's Velasquez Gallery. 100 Bourke Street, Melbourne.November 18th - 30th, 1940.
85371: MALO, DAVID. - Hawaiian Antiquities. (Moolelo Hawaii).
95275: MALONE, BILL C. - Music from the True Vine. Mike Seeger's Life & Musical Journey.
50573: MALONE, BETTY - Prahran Historical & Arts Society The first twenty-five years
34199: MALONE, BETTY. - Chapel Street Prahran. Part Two 1919-1984.
34195: MALONE, BETTY. - Prahran's Pubs. 1852-1988. (Prahran Historical Series No. 9.).
15730: MALONE, BETTY. - Chapel Street Prahran. Part One 1834-1918.
15729: MALONE, BETTY. - Early Prahran 1850-1863.
13536: MALONE, J. J. - Talks about Poets and Poetry.
112059: MALONE, REV. J. J. - Wild-Briar And Wattle-Blossom: Verses.
121393: MALONE, PAUL. - ALF The Allan Langer Story.
105571: MALONE, REV. J. J. - The Purple East.
64697: MALONEY, BETTY; WALKER, JEAN; MULLINS, BARBARA. - all about Australian Bush Gardens.
112551: MALONEY, MARGARET CRAWFORD; Editor. - Early English Children's Books from The Osborne Collection, Toronto Public Library. ( 35 Volumes in 28 slipcases with the Descriptive Companion volume edited by Margaret Crawford Maloney also in a slipcase). 1. Orbis Sensualium Pictus. 2. Goody Two-Shoes. 3. A New Years Gift for Little Masters & Misses. 4. The Birth-day Gift or The Joy of a New Doll. 5. The Death and Burial of Cock Robin.6. The Moving Adventures of Old Dame Trot and Her Comical Cat. 7. The Butterfly's Ball and the Grasshopper's Feast 8. The Peacock "At Home'. 9. The Mansion of Bliss. 10. Diamonds and Toads or Humility Rewarded, and Pride Punished. 11. Scripture Histories. 12. Jack and Jill, and Old Dame Gill. 13. A Visit to the Bazaar. 14. The Ocean and Its Inhabitants. 15. The Traditional Faery Tales of Little Red Riding Hood, Beauty and the Beast & Jack and the Bean Stalk. 16. The Gallant History of Bevis of Southampton. 17. A Mournful Ditty of the Death of Fair Rosamond. 18 The Sweet and Pleasant History of Patient Grissel. 19. Hop-o'my-Thum and the Seven-League Boots. 20. Old Nurse's Book of Rhymes, Jingles and Ditties. 21.The New Picture Book Being Pictorial Lessons on Form, Comparison, and Number, for Children under Seven years of Age. 22. The Dog's Dinner Party. 23. In Fairy Land. A Series of Pictures from the Elf World. 24. Sing-Song. 25. The Alphabet of Old Friends. 26. Puss in Boots. 27. A Book of Nonsense. 28. Under the Window. 29. Kate Greenway's Calendar for 1884. 30. Cinderella. 31. The Diverting History of John Gilpin. 32. The Babes in the Woods. 33. The Nursery "Alice". 34. The Baby's Own Aesop. 35. The Adventures of Two Dutch Dolls. Together with the companion volume of commentary titled English Illustrated Books for Children.
111831: MALONEY, EDWARD T. - Lockheed P-38 "Lightning". Aero Series Vol. 19.
111022: MALONEY, EDWARD T; FEIST, UWE. - North American P-51 Mustang - Areo Series 15.
111021: MALONEY, EDWARD T; FEIST, UWE. - Chance Vought Corsair. (Aero Vol. 11).
120557: MALORY, THOMAS. - Malory's Chronicles of King Arthur (3 Volume Set) 1. The Tale of King Arthur 2. Sir Tristan de Lyonesse 3. The Morte D'Arthur. Revised with introduction by Sue Bradbury.
84637: MALOUF, DAVID. - The Great World.
77889: MALOUF, DAVID. - Harland's Half Acre.
65878: MALOUF, DAVID. - David Malouf. Selected Poems.
100762: MALOUF, DAVID. - 12 Edmondstone Street.
100568: MALOUF, DAVID. - Dream Stuff.
100540: MALOUF, DAVID. - The Conversations At Curlow Creek.
63756: MALPASS, STEVE.; DARE, JOHN.; JENKIN, IAN. - A Vintage Year For Steam. AusSteam '88 And Flying Scotsman In Australia.
121676: MALRAUX, ANDRE. - Man's Fate. (Greatest Books of the 20th Century). Translated by Haakon M. Chevalier.
123045: MALTBY, PEG. - Ben and Bella in the Clouds.
122970: MALTBY, PEG. - Nutchen of The Forest. Written and Illustrated by P. Maltby.
122972: MALTBY, PEG. - Pepita's Party. Written and Illustrated by P. Maltby.
69946: P. MALTBY - Pip And Pepita's New Home.
122973: MALTBY, PEG. - Pip and Repita's New Home. Written and Illustrated by P. Maltby.
122974: MALTBY, PEG. - Pip & Pepita In Goblinland. Written and Illustrated by P. Maltby.
116648: MALTE-BRUN, V. A. - General Map of Australia showing the different Colonies and the Routes taken by the principal Explorers 1840 to 1863.
122562: MAMAA, DULWAN; (Edited by Jeff Doring). - Gwion Gwion. Secret and Sacred pathways of the Ngarinyin Aboriginal People of Australia.
80399: MAMAK, ALEXANDER. - Colour, Culture & Conflict. A Study of Pluralism in Fiji.
78752: MAN, JOHN; SCHULER, CHRIS. - The Traveller's Atlas. A global guide to the places you must see in your lifetime.
75071: MAN, JOHN. - Lawrence And His Legacy. The British Empire. No. 75.
75060: MAN, JOHN. - The Empire On Film.
109770: MAN, FELIX H. - Artists' Lithographs A world history from Senefelder to the present day.
82054: MANCERON, CLAUDE. - Which Way To Turn? Napoleon's Last Choice.
106884: MANCHESTER, WILLIAM. - The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill Visions of Glory: 1874-1932.
68891: MANCINI, A; HIBBINS, G M; Editor. - Running With The Ball. Football's Foster Father. Being the autobiography of H. C. A. Harrison originally published under the title of The Story of an Athlete: A Picture of the Past. With a preface on Harrison's family origins and his role in the start of Australian Rules Football.
39560: MANCINI, A ; HIBBINS, G M ; Editor. - Running With The Ball. Football's Foster Father. Being the autobiography of H. C. A. Harrison originally published under the title of The Story of an Athlete: A Picture of the Past. With a preface on Harrison's family origins and his role in the start of Australian Rules Football.
11078: MANDELSOHN, OSCAR A. - A Salute to Onions.
73708: MANDER-JONES, PHYLLIS. - Catalogue Of The Manuscripts In The Library Of The Royal Geographical Society Of Australasia. (South Australian Branch) Inc.
68612: MANDER-JONES, PHYLLIS. Compiler. - Catalogue Of The Manuscripts In The Library Of The Royal Geographical Society Of Australasia. (South Australian Branch).
55212: MANDER-JONES, PHYLLIS; Compiler. - Catalogue Of The Manuscripts In The Library Of The Royal Geographical Society Of Australasia. (South Australian Branch).
121860: MANDER-JONES, PHYLLIS; Editor. - Manuscripts In The British Isles Relating To Australia, New Zealand, And The Pacific.
94624: MANDLE, W. F. - Going It Alone. Australia's National Identity in the Twentieth Century.
79921: MANDLE, W. F. - Going It Alone. Australia's National Identity in the Twentieth Century.
117123: MANDY, PAUL; GRAY, GEOFFREY; Editors. - Through a Smoky Mirror History and Native Title.
104011: MANEFIELD, BARRY. - Making Good Schools Better.
108024: MANGAN, KATHLEEN. - Autumn Memories. A McCubbin Family Album.
105809: MANGAN, KATHLEEN. - Autumn Memories. A McCubbin Family Album.
54841: MANGOLD, TOM.; PENYCATE, JOHN. - The Tunnels Of Cu Chi.
113209: MANHOOD, H. A. - Maiden's Fury. The Grayson Books Edited by John Hackney.
94145: MANIFOLD, J. S. - Op. 8. Poems 1961-69.
71732: MANIFOLD, J.S. - Op. 8. Poems 1961-69.
55161: MANIFOLD, J.S. - Op. 8. poems 1961-69.
31657: MANIFOLD, J. S. - Nightmares & Sunhorses.
113507: MANIFOLD, W. G. - The Wished-For-Land. The Migration and Settlement of the Manifolds of Western Victoria.
85937: MANION, MARGARET. - The Wharncliffe Hours. A Study of a Fifteenth Century Prayerbook. Art Monograph 1.
91318: MANLEY, JOAN; MORGAN, JOHN; Editors. - Numeralla. Culture and Skill. Magazine of the Moe High School. Moe, Victoria, Australia. Volume 3. December 1958.
48535: MANLEY, MICHAEL - A History of West Indies Cricket Introduction by Clive Lloyd
43538: MANLEY, SEON ; BELCHER, SUSAN. - O, Those Extraordinary Women ! or the joys of literary lib.
121047: MANLEY, MICHAEL - A History of West Indies Cricket. Introduction by Clive Lloyd.
95930: MANN, W. R; Editor. - River Boats and a River Town. Contained in The Melbourne Walker 1966. Vol. 37.
94983: MANN, IDA; LOSCHDORFER, J. - Opthalmic Survey Of The Territories Of Papua And New Guinea 1955. Territory Of Papua and New Guinea.
97726: MANN, D. D. - The Present Picture of New South Wales 1811. With an introduction by Professor Brian Fletcher M.A,, Dip Ed., Ph.D., F.R.A.H.S.
82400: MANN, LEONARD. - Elegiac And Other Poems.
77849: MANN, CECIL. - The River. And Other Stories.
72949: MANN, LEONARD. - The Plumed Voice. Poems.
67185: MANN, CECIL. - The River. And Other Stories.
52343: MANN, LEONARD. - Elegiac And Other Poems.
51858: MANN, ARTHUR M. - The Boer in Peace and War. With sixteen illustrations.
43018: MANN, D. D. - The Present Picture Of New South Wales 1811. With an introduction by Professor Brian Fletcher.
38669: MANN, B. R. - Mallee Pioneer. The Recollections Of James Barrett Mann. Founder Of Morningquest.
36722: MANN, LEONARD. - The Plumed Voice. Poems.
36723: MANN, LEONARD. - Elegiac And Other Poems.
36992_b: MANN, LEONARD. - The Delectable Mountains And Other Poems.
122755: MANN, ALLYN. - The Boundary Riders: A History of St. James Church of England, Wilcannia 1883 - 1983.
112634: MANN, LEONARD. - Andrea Caslin.
104933: MANN, ROBERT. - A Grand Delusion. America's Descent Into Vietnam.
121698: MANN, THOMAS. - The Magic Mountain. Translated from the German by H. T. Lowe-Porter.
102405: MANN, IDA. - Developmental Abnormalities Of The Eye.
95610: MANNE, ROBERT. - The Pretrov Affair. Politics and Espionage.
68842: DE MANNE, E. - Nouveau Dictionnaire des Ouvrages Anonymes et Pseudonymes la Plupart Contemporains avec les Noms des Auteurs ou Editeurs. Accompagne de Notes Historiques at Critiques.
83652: MANNING, OLIVIA. - The Remarkable Expedition. The Story of Stanley's Rescue of Emin Pasha from Equatorial Africa.
74912: MANNING, FREDERIC (PRIVATE 19022). - Her Privates We.
74591: MANNING, FREDERIC. - Scenes And Portraits.
46322: MANNING-SANDERS, RUTH. - Seaside England.
113817: MANNING, PADDY. - Born To Rule The Unauthorised Biography Of Malcolm Turnbull.
113756: MANNING, GEOFFREY H. - The Romance of Place Names of South Australia.
97964: MANNING, HENRY EDWARD; O'GORMAN, THOMAS; DAMEN, ARNOLD; GOLDIE, FRANCIS. - Cabinet Of Catholic Information With Biographies Of Illustrious Saints Containing Teachings Of The Holy Catholic Church As Interpreted By The One True Church Founded By Our Divine Saviour Including the Ministry of Jesus; Gospel Story of the Passion of our Lord; Grounds of Catholic Doctrine; Life of St. Peter; Pearls from the Hidden Treasures of the Holy Mass; the Sacked Heart Etc. The Blessed Sacrament; St. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland; the Holy Angels; Teachings of the Twelve Apostles; The Holy Rosary; Practical Advice on Confession; Invocation of Saints Etc. Etc. Also a Treatise on the Marriage Laws of Pope Pius X, by the Rt. Rev Monsignor O'Brien, Rector of St. Johns College, Sydney "Catholicity the Safety of the Commonwealth," "Some Alleged Dangers Considered," and "Why Catholics Insist on Catholic Schools," by Benjamin Hoare of Melbourne to which is added a sketch of the Apostle of Temperance, Father Matthew, and Total Abstinence from a Catholic Point of View.
111028: MANNING, STEPHEN. - The Martini-Henry Rifle.
101697: MANNING, FREDERIC (PRIVATE 19022). - Her Privates We. Introduction by Edmund Blunden.
117588: MANNY, LEON B. - Over The Bridge A Suspended Service: A historic precedent - The Northbridge to Wynyard bus service and associated history.
116063: MANNY, LEON. B. - Terminus Please. A Comprehensive History And A Selection Of Humorous Anecdotes Of Private Bus Services, Hire Cars And Taxi Cabs Within The Municipality Of Lane Cove.
48539: MANOR, JASON - The Pawns of Fear a novel by
121484: MANRHO, JOHN; PUTZ, RON. - Bodenplatte. The Luftwaffe's Last Hope.
90715: MANSFIELD, PETER. - Eureka's Place In Ballarat Today. Contained within the Victorian Historical Magazine. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria. 218th Issue. Vol. 56, No. 1, March, 1985.
119926: MANSFIELD, ANGUS. - Barney Barnfather: Life On A Spitfire Squadron.
44599: MANSFIELD, T C. - Annuals In Colour And Cultivation. With 64 plates in colour and 36 illustrations.
42368: MANSFIELD, GARRY. - Historic Houses Trust of New South Wales. The Year 1981 - 82.
31473: MANSFIELD, GARRY. - The Dream Comes True A History of Latrobe Golf Club.
106155: MANSFIELD, KENNETH. - Perch. How To Catch Them.
104121: MANSFIELD, PETER. - In Perfectly Safe Hands. An Overview Of Local Government In Geelong And District Since 1836.
104110: MANSFIELD, PETER. - Graham Berry : Geelong's Radical Premier.
103366: MANSFIELD, KENNETH. - Anglers' Dictionary. Drawings by A. Donald Gibson. Photographs by William J. Howes.
105225: MANSON, PATRICK. - Tropical Diseases. A manual of the Diseases of Warm Climates.
60065: MANT, GILBERT.; editor and introduction. - Soldier Boy. The Letters And Memoirs Of Gunner W.J. Duffell 1915-1918.
57687: MANT, GILBERT. - The 20th Century Off The Record.
32800_b6: MANTON, JILL. L. - A History Of Kew Baptist Church 1856-1981. (the first 125 years)
58809: MoToR's Flat Rate Manual. - Factory Labor And Parts Data.
106712: MANUCY, ALBERT. - Artillery Through The Ages. A Short Illustrated History of Cannon, Emphasizing Types Used in America.
58887: MANUEL, D.L. - Men and Machines. The Brambles Story.
85341: The Victorian Chamber of Manufactures. - Members' Service Brochure.
95515: THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS. - Private Papers of British Colonial Governors 1782-1900. Guides to Sources for British History based on the National Register of Archives 5.
88038: MANVELL, ROGER; FRAENKEL, HEINRICH. - Hermann Göring.
109931: A PAKEHA MAORI. ( Frederick Edward Maning ). - Old New Zealand. A Tale of the Good Old Times.
107388: A PAKEHA MAORI. ( Frederick Edward Maning ). - Old New Zealand. A Tale of the Good Old Times.
95294: MAPLESTONE, MICHAEL - Those Magnificent Men 1897 - 1987.
77268: MAPLESTONE, MICHAEL. - Flying Higher. History of the Essendon Football Club 1872 - 1996.
119574: MAPLESTONE, MICHAEL. - Flying High. The History Of The Essendon Football Club.
119113: MAPLESTONE, MICHAEL. - Flying Higher. History of the Essendon Football Club 1872 - 1994.
102945: MARAIS, J. S. - The Colonisation of New Zealand.
107271: MARC, ELIZABETH. - Two In The Bush. A Story of Adventure In Australia.
96915: MARCH, PETER R; Editor. - Brace By Wire to Fly By Wire. 75 Years of the Royal Air Force.
97403: MARCH, PETER R; Compiler. - Sabre to Stealth. 50 Years of the United States Air Force 1947-1997.
106918: MARCH, IVAN; CZAJKOWSKI, PAUL; Editor. - The Penguin Guide to the 1000 Finest Classical Recordings. The Must Have CDs and DVDs.
81681: MARCHANT, BESSIE. - By Honour Bound. A School Story For Girls.
122430: MARCHANT, LESLIE. - France Australe. A study of French explorations and attempts to found a penal colony and strategic base in south western Australia.
105758: MARCHANT, BESSIE. - The Rajan's Daughter : Or, The Half-Moon Girl.
117097: MARCHETTI, VICTOR; MARKS, JOHN D. - The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence. Introduction by Melvin Wulf.
79479: MARCUS, JULIE; Editor. - First in their Field. Women and Australian Anthropology.
49086: MARCUS, ALEX. - "Dems? "What's Dems? " The story of men of the Royal Australian Navy who manned defensively equipped merchant ships during World War II.
121246: DE MARE, ERIC. - Wren's London.
104723: DE LA MARE, WALTER. - Early One Morning In The Spring.
78985: MAREI, SAYED. - Agrarian Reform in Egypt.
105835: MAREK, GEORGE R. - Beethoven. Biography of a Genius.
111770: MARENT, THOMAS. - Rainforest A Photographic Journey.
108515: MARES, FRANK. - The Engaging Memoir Of A Czech Fighter Pilot Flying For Britain in World War Two.
69175: MARETT, R. R; PENNIMAN, T. K; Editors. - Spencer's Scientific Correspondence With Sir J.G. Frazer and Others.
58823: MARETT, R.R.; PENNIMAN, T.K.; Editors. - Spencer's Scientific Correspondence With Sir J.G. Frazer and Others.
121219: MARETTE, FANNY. - I Was Number 47177.
41364: MARFIA, JIM; DUDLEY, BOB. Compilers and Translators. - The Double Fianchetto Opening System Informant Classification R42/a.
10447: CLARKE JAN; COCHRAN MARGARET. - The Lamp Burns Brightly. The First Centenary of Clarendon College, Ballarat 1868-1968.
76197: MARGINSON, SIMON. - Remaking the University Monash.
108067: MARGINSON, SIMON. - Remaking the University Monash.
47615: MARIAGER, DON. - Among The Gumtrees Rusbridge. Goongee. Back To Easter 1987.
68520: MARIAH, LISA; Writer. - Touched by War. Memoirs of a Beaufighter Pilot. Told by Raynor Barber.
77033: MARTIN-MARIE. - Wind Aloft, Wind Alow. containing Narratives of his two single-handed Atlantic Crossings, under sail in the Winnibelle and under power in the Arielle.
64153: MARIE, MONA. [ TICKNER, GEORGINA MARIE ] - Ballarat Chimes.
119519: MARIKA, WANDJUK. - Wandjuk Marika. Life Story As told to Jennifer Isaacs.
35091: MARILL, ALVIN. H. - Katherine Hepburn.
112743: MARIMON, LUIS DE. - XXVII Campeonato De Ajedrez De La U.R.S.S. 1960. Text in Spanish.
122772: MARIN LA MESLEE, EDMOND. - The New Australia 1883. Translated and Introduced by Russel Ward.
103244: MARINARO, VINCENT C. - A Modern Dry-Fly Code. Illustrations by Pearce Bates.
79427: MARISKA, GARDOS. - Szazarcu Elet.
71362: RAY; MARK. - Cricket Masala.
74024: MARKALE, J. - Celtic Civilization.
120055: MARKES, NEIL. - Tales from the Locker Room: Classic Stories of Australian Sport.
122098: MARKHAM, GEORGE. - Guns of the Empire: Firearms of the British Soldier 1837-1987.
122099: MARKHAM, GEORGE. - Guns of Reich. Firearms of the German Forces, 1939 - 1945.
94491: MARKHAM, GERVASE. - The Art Of Archerie. With an Introduction by Stephen V. Grancsay.
37681: MARKHAM, SIR CLEMENTS; Editor and Translator. - Book Of The Knowledge. Of All The Kingdoms, Lands, And Lordships That Are In The World, And The Arms And Devices Of Each Land And Lordship, Or Of The Kings And Lords Who Possess Them. Written By A Spanish Franciscan In The Middle Of The XIV Century. Published For The First Time With Notes By Marcos Jimenez De La Espada In 1877.
105612: MARKHAM, GEORGE. - Guns of Reich Firearms of the German Forces, 1939 - 1945.
122924: MARKHAM, SIR CLEMENTS. - The Voyages Of Pedro Fernandez De Quiros. 1595 To 1606. Two Volumes.
119861: MARKOFF, BARRY. - The Road To 'A' Grade. A History Of The Ajax Football Club.
110592: MARKOV, YURI; SCHIPKOV, BORIS. - Winning With The Slav. English text edited by Sarah j. Young. Additional material added by Graham Burgess.
91426: MARKS, ELIZABETH ELLEN. - Amateurs And Experts. A History of The Genealogical Society of Victoria 1941-2001.
79936: MARKS, PERCY J. - Norfolk Island And The Bounty Mutiny.
119730: MARKS, VIC; FRINDALL, BILL. - The Wisden Illustrated History of Cricket. Records compiled by Bill Frindall.
66705: MARKS, HARRY. - I Can Jump Oceans. The World of Alan Marshall.
55210: MARKS, PERCY J. - Norfolk Island And The Bounty Mutiny.
13100: MARKS, HARRY. - Unicorn Among The Wattles.
98743: MARKS, ELIZABETH ELLEN. - Amateurs And Experts. A History of The Genealogical Society of Victoria 1941-2001.
115279: MARKS, RICHARD; WILLIAMSON, PAUL. - Gothic: Art For England 1400-1547.
115212: MARKS, E, GEORGE. - How Foch Makes War.
114410: MARKS, KEN. - Get Your Hair Cut.
107029: MARKS, P. J. M. - Beautiful Bookbindings A Thousand Years of the Bookbinder's Art.
80262: MARLAND, E. A. - Early Electrical Communication.
81829: MARLER, G. - Original Etching. Artist's hand proof.
119698: MARLOW, JESSE. - Centre Bounce: Football From Australia's Heart.
40497: MARLOW, JOYCE. - The Tolpuddle Martyrs.
88104: MARLOWE, MARY. - That Fragile Hour An Autobiography.
83272: MARLOWE, CHRISTOPHER. - Edward The Second.
115268: MARMION, BOB. - The Victorian Volunteer Force On The Central Victorian Goldfields 1858-1883. A thesis submitted in total fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts.
111141: MARMION, BOB. - A Texas Soldier & Marine during the Civil War, 1861-65. A short biography of Captain James R. Marmion's Service in the Confederate States Army and the Texas Marine Department.
121259: MARMION, BOB. - Middle Gate, 150 years of local government in the West Wimmera 1862 - 2012.
103676: MARMION, DR. BOB. & TOWNSEND, MARILYN. - The Nelson's Sixty-Fours. An intriguing tale. How a Bendigo archaeological dig recovered an important part of early Victoria's naval heritage.
103567: MARMION, ROBERT J. - Gibraltar of the South, Defending Victoria, An analysis of colonial defence in Victoria, Australia, 1851 - 1901. A thesis submitted in total fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, March 2009.
121350: MARO, PUBLIUS VERGILIUS. - The Georgics. Translated into English verse by K. R. Mackenzie.
48270: MAROSKE, IAN. - A Hundred Warracknabeal Shows
81298: MARQUAND, BETTYE LE. - No Easy Way. Autobiography of Bettye Le Marquand.
73479: MARQUEZ, GABRIEL GARCIA. - In Evil Hour. Translated from the Spanish by Gregory Rabassa.
36432: MARQUEZ, GABRIEL GARCIA. - The General In His Labyrinth. Translated From The Spanish By Edith Grossman.
81264: MARR, DAVID G. - Vietnam 1945 The Quest For Power.
81121: MARR, DAVID. - Barwick. The Classic Biography of a Man of Power.
78629: MARR, DAVID. - Barwick.
68797: MARR, DAVID; WILKINSON, MARIAN. - Dark Victory.
43638: MARR, IAN ; Drawings by. - The Official Broken Hill Centenary Sketchbook.
39039: MARR, DAVID; Editor. - Patrick White Letters.
13561: MARR, DAVID. - Patrick White. A Life.
13560: MARR, DAVID. - Patrick White. A Life.
105657: MARR, DAVID. - Patrick White. A Life.
121795: MARR, DAVID; Editor. - Patrick White Letters.
32679: MARRIC, J. J. - Gideon's Wrath.
47771: MARRINER, CYRIL - Riding with Shipwrecks and History
122111: MARRIOTT, R. S. - This is the Story of Toowoomba's First 100 Years 1860 - 1960.
117459: MARRIOTT, WILLIAM. - Hints to Meteorological Observers Prepared Under the Direction of The Council of the Royal Meteorological Society.
122066: MARRIOTT, K. L. - The Yarra Valley.
112649: MARRIOTT, LEO. - The Universe Images from the Hubble Telescope.
121430: MARRIOTT, JOAN; Editor. - Cowra on The Lachlan.
118344: MARRS, EDWIN W; Editor. - The Letters of Thomas Carlyle to His Brother Alexander with Related Family Letters.
83622: MARS, ALASTAIR. - H.M.S. Thule Intercepts.
70559: MARSCHALL, RICHARD; Editor. - The Sunday Funnies. 1896-1950. 6 Parts. Includes The Sunday Funnies, Turn Of The Century, The Sunday Teens, The Sunday Twenties, The Sunday Thirties, The Sunday Forties.
90784: MARSDEN, PETER. - The Wreck of the Amsterdam.
69975: MARSDEN, PHILIP. - The Office of the Commons 1363-1965.
114906: MARSDEN, COLIN J; FENN, GRAHAM B. - British Rail Main Line Diesel Locomotives.
114222: MARSDEN, B. S; TUGBY, E. E. - Bibliography of Australasian Geography Theses: Preliminary Edition 1933-1971.
113859: MARSDEN, COLIN J. - The Complete UK Modern Traction Locomotive Directory.
81619: MARSH, BILL 'SWAMPY'. - Great Australian Railway Stories.
81055: MARSH, BILL 'SWAMPY'. - Great Australian Flying Doctor Stories.
71014: MARSH, ROD. - The Inside Edge.
11376: MARSH, ROD - You'll Keep As told to Ian Brayshaw.
111465: MARSH, PETER; Designer. - The Diggers Ten Commandments: A Portfolio.
106767: MARSH, BILL 'SWAMPY'. - Great Australian Droving Stories.
104920: MARSH, BILL 'SWAMPY'. - Great Australian Droving Stories.
103555: MARSH, NORMAN. - Norman Marsh's Flybox.
85826: MARSHALL, ALAN. - Pioneers & Painters. One Hundred Years Of Eltham And Its Shire.
85827: MARSHALL, ALAN. - Pioneers & Painters. One Hundred Years Of Eltham And Its Shire.
85362: MARSHALL, ALAN. - Alan Marshall Talking. Edited by Edward Harding.
85186: MARSHALL, DAVID. - Breadfruit Buccaneers and the Bounty Bible. Special Bicentennial Edition. A fresh look at the mutiny on HMAS Bounty and the story of the Pitcairn Island colony over two centuries.
122660: MARSHALL, K. and M. - The Early Wollongong Congregational Church and Some of its personalities.
122664: MARSHALL, K and M. - Early Roads to Wollongong 1815-1888.
84382: MARSHALL, MEL. - The Care And Repair Of Fishing Tackle.
83295: MARSHALL, ALAN. - Alan Marshall Talking. Edited by Edward Harding.
80578: MARSHALL, A. J. - Darwin And Huxley In Australia.
79385: MARSHALL, BRENDA. - The Charles Dickens Cookbook.
75298: MARSHALL, ANTHONY. - Trafficking in Old Books.
74729: MARSHALL, A. J. - Darwin And Huxley In Australia.
71012: MARSHALL, JOHN. - Old Trafford.
70943: MARSHALL, JOCK; DRYSDALE, RUSSELL. - Journey Among Men.
119777: MARSHALL, ALAN. - Pioneers & Painters. One Hundred Years Of Eltham And Its Shire.
63708: MARSHALL, MARGUERITE. - Eltham Shire Historic buildings, people and places. Photographs Ron Grant.
62866: MARSHALL, JOHN. - Rail. Guiness Factbook.
59271: MARSHALL, PAUL; Editor. - Raparapa Kularr Martuwarra. Stories from the Fitzroy River Drovers. Eric Lawford, Jock Shandley, Jimmy Bird, Ivan Watson, Peter Clancy, John Watson, Lochy Green, Harry Watson and Barney Barnes.
55928: MARSHALL, A.J. - Darwin And Huxley In Australia.
55330: MARSHALL, JOCK; DRYSDALE, RUSSELL. - Journey Among Men.
51257: MARSHALL, ALAN. - Pull Down The Blind. Illus. by Noel Counihan.
51024: MARSHALL, HOWARD. - With Scott to The Pole. Re-told by Howard Marshall. Illustrated from original photographs.
47778: MARSHALL, PAUL; Editor. - Raparapa Kularr Martuwarra. Stories from the Fitzroy River Drovers. Eric Lawford, Jock Shandley, Jimmy Bird, Ivan Watson, Peter Clancy, John Watson, Lochy Green, Harry Watson and Barney Barnes.
45929: MARSHALL, ALAN. - Alan Marshall Talking. Edited by Edward Harding.
40906: MARSHALL, WILLIAM. - Head First. A yellowthread Street mystery.
97827: MARSHALL, BILL. - Angels, Bulldogs & Dragons. The 355th Fighter Group in World War II.
39069: MARSHALL, JAMES VANCE. - A Walk To The Hills Of The Dreamtime. Illustred by Lydia Rosier.
37589: MARSHALL, WILLIAM. - Thin Air A Yellowthread Street Mystery
118006: MARSHALL, BARRY; WILSON, JOHN; Compilers. - Locomotives of the S.A.R.
16009: MARSHALL, NORMAN J. - St. Georges Hospital, Kew 1912-1980. An Early Anglican Hospital.
14201: MARSHALL, ALAN. - Short Stories.
97369: MARSHALL GRAVES, A; HOPE RORY M; COOPER, DESMOND W. - Mammals From Pouches And Eggs: Genetics, Breeding and Evolution of Marsupials and Monotremes.
116267: MARSHALL, PRINCE. - Wheels of London: The Story of London's Street Transport.
113853: MARSHALL, ANTHONY. - Fossicking For Old Books.
112187: MARSHALL, ALAN. - People Of The Dreamtime. Illustrated by Lesbia Thorpe.
99938: MARSHALL, BRENDON. - Mining, Ministry and Miracles. A Short History of the Eaglehawk Wesleyan Methodist Church, 1852-1900.
110477: MARSHALL, BRIAN. - Paddle Boats of the Murray-Darling River System.
107573: MARSHALL, A. J; Editor. - The Great Extermination. A Guide to Anglo-Australian Cupidity Wickedness & Waste.
107377: MARSHALL, A. J. - Darwin And Huxley In Australia.
106143: MARSHALL, MARGUERITE. - Eltham Shire Historic buildings, people and places. Photographs Ron Grant.
104733: MARSHALL, ALAN. - Short Stories.
103770: MARSHALL, CRAIG; LAWRIE, SANDRA. - WheretoRide. Western & Northern Victoria. From The Great Ocean Road to The Murray.
122883: MARSHALL, PAUL; Editor. - Raparapa: Stories from the Fitzroy River Drovers.
100312: MARSHALL, DAVID; HARRIS, BRUCE. - Dreamers, Doers & Daredevils. Celebrating 100 years of aviation.
95875: MARSON, CHARLES L. - Village Silhouettes.
59965: MARSTON, R.B. - Walton And Some Earlier Writers On Fish And Fishing.
77721: MARSZALEK, JOHN F. - Assault At West Point. The Court-Martial of Johnson Whittaker.
76803: MARTA, MATUSSNE LENDVAI. - Fejezetek Dunapentele iskolatortenetebol.
94048: MARTIN, JOHN. - Martin Howy Irving: Professor, Headmaster, Public Servant.
93209: MARTIN, MANDY; SINCLAIR, PAUL. - Tracts: Back O' Bourke.
92073: MARTIN, ANDREW. - Funny You Should Say That. Amusing Remarks from Cicero to the Simpsons.
118660: MARTIN, COLIN; Compiler. - A Century Of Cricket The Eastern Cricket Association 1903-2003.
99024: MARTIN, GISELA. - Frames. A Selection Of Poems.
86161: MARTIN, A. W. - Henry Parkes Great Australians
85158: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER. - The Complete Who's Who Of Test Cricketers. Researched by James Coldham
84086: MARTIN, ORMSBY R. - Tradition And Transition In Chinese Politics.
78244: MARTIN, COLIN SWINBURNE. - A History. The First Forty Years. The Queen Victoria Memorial Hospital.
76835: MARTIN, WILLIAM. - Statesmen Of The War. In Retrospect 1918-1928.
72110: MARTIN, A. W; WARDLE, P. - Members Of The Legislative Assembly Of New South Wales 1856-1901. Biographical Notes.
71425: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER, Editor. - The Cricketer Book Of Cricket Eccentrics And Eccentric Behaviour.
71157: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER; SEABROOK, MIKE; Editors. - Quick Singles. Memories of Summer days & Cricket heroes.
70489: MARTIN, W.T. - Our Australia. An Address. Given to the Pioneers' Association on August 17th 1951.
69621: MARTIN, ROBERT BERNARD; Editor. - Victorian Poetry. Ten Major Poets. Tennyson, Browning, Arnold, Meredith, D. G. Rosetti, Christina Rosetti, Swinburne, Hardy, Hopkins, Housman.
68656: MARTIN, A.W. - William McMillan: A Merchant in Politics. Contained within the Royal Australian Historical Society. Journal and Proceedings. Vol. XL. 1954 Part IV.
52367: MARTIN, A. PATCHETT - Australia and the Empire
51766: MARTIN, DAVID - The Mermaid Attack
51758: MARTIN, DAVID. - The Young Wife.
51515: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER. - The Complete Who's Who Of Test Cricketers. Researched by James Coldham
51487: MARTIN, BOYD - Modern American Drama and Stage
51471: MARTIN, A. PATCHETT - Australia and the Empire
49890: MARTIN, PATCHETT. - FERNSHAWE. Sketches in Prose and Verse.
47156: MARTIN, DAVID. - Spiegel the Cat. A story-poem by David Martin based on a tale by Gottfried Keller. Illustrated by Roderick Shaw.
46781: MARTIN, DAVID. - The Gift. Poems 1959 - 1965.
119860: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER; SEABROOK, MIKE; Editors. - Quick Singles. Memories of Summer Days & Cricket Heroes.
43775: MARTIN, PHILIP. - A Flag For The Wind.
41165: MARTIN, ANDREW; Series Editor. - Trends. Torre And Trompovsky.
40642: MARTIN, GED. - Episodes Of Old Canberra.
40275: MARTIN, A. W; SMITH, F. B; Editor. - Historical Studies Australia and New Zealand. Vol. 11 No. 41 November, 1963.
36047: MARTIN, CAPTAIN HENRY BYAM. - The Polynesian Journal Of Captain Henry Byam Martin. In Command of H.M.S. Grampus-50 guns, at Hawaii and on station in Tahiti and the Society Islands August 1846 to August 1847.
34372: MARTIN, DAVID. - Spiegel the Cat. A story-poem by David Martin based on a tale by Gottfried Keller. Illustrated by Roderick Shaw.
33643: MARTIN, J. STANLEY. - A Tale Of Two Churches. From West Melbourne To Box Hill.
118094: MARTIN, SIR WILLIAM. - Remarks on "Notes Published For The New Zealand Government," January, 1861. and on Mr Richmond's Memorandum on the Taranaki Question December, 1860.
118095: MARTIN, SIR WILLIAM. - Remarks on Notes Published for the New Zealand Government, on Sir William Martin's Pamphlet, entitled The Taranaki Question.
118096: MARTIN, SIR WILLIAM. - The Taranaki Question.
15074: MARTIN, GILLIAN - Passage of Time.
14921: MARTIN, GILLIAN - Passage of Time.
119607: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER. - Assault On The Ashes. MCC in Australia and New Zealand 1974-75.
11710: MARTIN, DOUGLAS. - The Telling Line. Essays On Fifteen Contemporary Book Illustrators.
116865: MARTIN, T. J. - Liverpool Corporation Tramways 1897-1937: Liverpool Corporation Tramways 1937- 1957 Part 1 and Part 2.
115334: MARTIN, A. W; HARDY, PATSY. - Dark and Hurrying Days : Menzies' 1941 Diary.
114713: MARTIN, CAPTAIN HENRY BYAM. - The Polynesian Journal Of Captain Henry Byam Martin. In Command of H.M.S. Grampus-50 guns, at Hawaii and on station in Tahiti and the Society Islands August 1846 to August 1847.
114522: MARTIN, DAVID; PARKER, BETH; TURLEY, GARY; RUSSELL-CHAMBERLIN, JUNE; Editors. - Mercator's World. The Magazine of Maps, Exploration, and Discovery. 33 Issues Volume 1, No 1 January 1996, to Volume 6, No. 3.May/June 2001.
113674: MARTIN, MONTGOMERY; POTTER, JONATHAN. - The Illustrated Atlas of the Nineteenth Century World.
37568_b: MARTIN, JAY. - University Of Minnesota Pamphlets On American Writers. Number 92. Robert Lowell.
113377: MARTIN, TOY; LOTTY, DAVE. - Map & Compass Fundamentals Orienteering.
112332: MARTIN, JAMES. - Major Mitchell And Castlemaine. A Descriptive Survey Of Major Mitchell's Journey.
112235: MARTIN, R. MONTGOMERY. - The British Colonial Library, Comprising A Popular and Authentic Description of all the Colonies of the British Empire. Volume II. (First Title page) History Of Austral-Asia: Comprising New South Wales, Van Diemen's Land, Swan River, South Australia, &c.(Second Title page).
112210: MARTIN, A. E. - Place Names in Queensland New Zealand and the Pacific. Romance of Nomenclature.
11022: MARTIN, DAVID. - Where a Man Belongs.
109518: MARTIN, HUGH; WEIR, H. H; Editors. - Medical Practice in Africa & the East. Being a series of open letter on professional subjects from doctors practising abroad, addressed to their colleagues at home. With and introduction by Stephen Paget.
118655: MARTIN, COLIN. - Ninety Not Out: A History of the Eastern Suburbs Cricket Association.
107107: MARTIN, STEPHEN. - A History of Antarctica.
105666: MARTIN, ANGUS. - Gorillas in the Garden. Zoology and Zoos. Illustrated by Pamela Conder.
105198: MARTIN, ANGUS. - Gorillas in the Garden. Zoology and Zoos. Illustrated by Pamela Conder.
103635: MARTIN, GEORGE R. R. - A Song Of Ice And Fire - A game of Thrones, A Clash Of Kings, A Storm Of Swords I: Steel & Snow, II. Blood & Gold, A Feast For Crows, A Dance With Dragons I: Dreams & Dust II. After The Feast. The complete box set of all 7 books.
103286: MARTIN, DARREL. - The Fly Fishers Illustrated Dictionary.
101764: MARTIN, A. A. - A Surgeon In Khaki.
101405: MARTIN, DR. FRANKLIN H. - Fifty Years Of Medicine And Surgery. An Autobiographical Sketch. With special reference to the organisation and administration of Surgery, Hynecology and Obstetrics, the Clinical Congress, the American College of Surgeons, the Gorgas Memorial Institute, and the participation of the medical profession in the World War. Based on personal diary, professional writings, and digest of professional activities during fifty years.
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