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948: Jerome Mandel & Bruce Rosenberg Edited - Medieval Literature and Folklore: Studies Essays in Honor of Francis Lee Utley
6535: Metcalfe W. M. Edited with Introduction, Notes, & Glossary - The Legends of Ss. Ninian and Machor from an Unique Ms. In the Scottish Dialect of the Fourteenth Century
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012982: Hubert Creekmore Edited - Lyrics of the Middle Ages
66773: Professor Connellan Edited - The Proceedings of the Great Bardic Institution Transactions of the Ossianic Society for the Year 1857 Vol. V
016122: Dean R.Snow Edited - Man in the Northeast Number 27 Spring 1984 Papers from the 1982 Conference on New England Archaeology
8534428593119436367789: Joseph Nicolar Edited, Annotated, Annette Kolodny - The Life and Traditions of the Red Man by Joseph Nicolar
010505: John Matthews Edited - At the Table of the Grail
9000138: Branwen. Jarvis Edited - A Guide to Welsh Literature 1700-1800 Volume IV
007073: Jean Dufournet (editeur) - Le Roman de Renard (Branches I, II, III, IV, V, VIII X, XV)
900053044: Vintage Giclee Editions - Vintage Arte Superiore
9000530099998987692: Dorsey Armstrong Editior - Arthuriana Volume 33 Number 1 Spring 2023 Not Quite Dead Yet: Zombies and le Morte Darthur
8534428593119377911: Dorsey Armstrong Editior - Arthuriana Volume 30 Number 2 Summer 2020
9000530099998899113888888: Dorsey Armstrong Editior - Arthuriana Volume 31 Number 3 Fall 2021 Babylon 5, an Arthurian World in Space
016718: Samuel Jones (Editor), Aled Jones (Editor), Jennifer Dukes Knight (Editor), Manuel Alberro (Contributor), Paul-Andre Bempechat (Contributor), Laurance Maney (Contributor), Nollaig O Gadhra (Contributor), Katharine Olson (Contributor), Geraldine Parsons (C - Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium, XXIV/XXV 2004 and 2005
016627: Benjamin Myer Brink Editor - Olde Ulster Vol. 1 November 1905 No. 11 an Historical and Genealogical Magazine
90005759843: Thomas Owen Clancy (Editor) - The Triumph Tree Scotland's Earliest Poetry Ad 550-1350 (Canongate Scottish Classics)
90005737: Dorsey Armstrong Editor - Arthuriana Volume 30 Number 4 Winter 2020 "the True Story of Guenever' and Nineteenth-Century Women in the Literary Marketplace
9000530701: Jordan E. Kerber (Editor), Dean R. Snow (Foreword) - Archaeology of the Iroquois: Selected Readings and Research Sources (the Iroquois and Their Neighbors)
9000530100039: Terry Gunnell [Editor] - Legends and Landscape Articles Based on Plenary Papers Presented at the 5th Celtic-Nordic-Baltic Folklore Symposium, Reykjavik 2005
005717: Henry Lewis Editor - Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Celtic Studies Continental Celtic
014059: Alison Adams (Editor), Armel H. Diverres (Editor), Karen Stern (Editor) - The Changing Face of Arthurian Romance: Essays on Arthurian Prose Romances in Memory of Cedric E. Pickford (Arthurian Studies)
11120: Jane Beal (Editor), Mark Bradshaw Busbee (Editor) - On Tolkien's Shadowfax and Old Norse Names for Horses Paul Acker Translating the Past: Essays on Medieval Literature in Honor of Marijane Osborn (Medieval & Renais Text Studies)
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006238: Peter A. Clayton (Editor) - A Companion to Roman Britain
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016827: Luke Wenger Editor - Speculum Vol. 64 October 1989 No. 4 In Praise of Italy: The Italian Republics
90083: Cheryl Straffon Editor - Meyn Mamvro No. 43 Autumn 2000 Ancient Stones and Sacred Sites in Cornwall Caer Bran Craig Weatherhill
016901: Editor - Volkslieder-Album Eine Sammlung Ausgewahlter Volkslieder Fur Eine Singstimme Mit Begleitung Des Pianoforte Heft 1 Heft 2.
90005701: George Eyre-Todd Editor - Early Scottish Poetry Thomas the Rhymer, John Barbour, Androw of Wyntoun, Henry the Minstrel
9000087: Sandra Billington [Editor]; Miranda Green [Editor]; - The Concept of the Goddess
017107: Venetia Newall (Editor) - The Witch Figure Folklore Essays by a Group of Scholars in England Honouring the 75th Birthday of Katharine M. Briggs
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9000135: Yitzhak Hen (Editor), Matthew Innes (Editor) - The Uses of the Past in the Early Middle Ages
9000172: Kassandra Conley (Editor), Erin Boon (Editor), Margaret Harrison (Editor), Elizabeth Moore (Editor), Yann Bevant (Contributor... - Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium, 29: 2009
017224: Shlomo Eidelberg (Editor) - The Jews and the Crusaders: The Hebrew Chronicles of the First and Second Crusades
765953269876554450: The Buddhist Society Editor - The Middle Way Vol. XXXII No. 1 May,1957
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215: Editor - Cowboys & Indians Best of the West Special Collector's Edition June 2011 Volume 19 Number 4
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874716922: Kassandra Conley (Editor), Erin Boon (Editor), Margaret Harrison (Editor), Elizabeth Moore (Editor), Yann Bevant (Contributor... - Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium XXIX, 2009
9000530099997: Kevin Dixon Gilligan Editor - Keltica the Inter-Celtic Journal Number 2 1983
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90032: R. O. Jones (Editor), Glanmor Williams (Editor) - Celts and the Renaissance, the
009140: Alan Lupack (Editor), Barbara T. Lupack (Editor) - Arthurian Literature by Women: An Anthology (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities)
015015: Edward C. Rochette Editor, Robert M.Hickman - Roman Conquest of Britain the Numismatist Vol. 82 August 1969 No. 8
9000530099998987809: Richard Barber (editor), Tony Hunt (editor), Toshiyuki Takamiya (editor) - Arthurian Literature IX (Vol 9)
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008983: Editors - New-York Mirror a Weekly Journal Devoted to Literature and the Fine Arts Volume Fifteen Saturday, February 17,1838 Number Thirty-Four "Washington's Life-Guard" and "the Rock of the Fort. In Two Chapters- Chapter the First
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SKU1000020: Editors - Illustrated Masonic Secrets of America's Founding Fathers
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005026: Isabel Hill Elder - Celt, Druid and Culdee
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005882: Ellis, Peter Berresford - Caesar's Invasion of Britain
005580: Edward S. Ellis - Storm Mountain Wyoming Series
ABE-231742: T. E. Ellis - Children of Don
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9000032: Peter Berresford Ellis - The Chronicles of the Celts
900057599007: Peter Berresford Ellis - A Guide to Early Celtic Remains in Britain
ABE-231247: Peter Berresford Ellis - A Guide to Early Celtic Remains in Britain
015053: Tecwyn Ellis - Edward Jones Bardd Y Brenin 1752- 1824
017191: Peter Berresford Ellis - Celt and Saxon: The Struggle for Britain Ad 410-937
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8534428570: Peter Berresford Ellis - The Cornish Saints
016168: Peter Berresford Ellis - Celtic Women: Women in Celtic Society and Literature
008178: Editor Peter Berresford Ellis - Scrif Celt 85 13 April 1985 Programme Booklet a Conference and Exhibition on Contemporary Writing and Publishing in the Celtic Languages (Breton, Cornish, Irish, Manx, Scots Gaelic, Welsh)
90018: George Ellis Signed Anne Ellis - Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances Chiefly Written During the Early Part of the Fourteenth Century Three Volumes Signed Anne Ellis
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6628: Lucy Embury - The Listening Man Signed And Inscribed Lucy Embury
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014652: Gearoid Mac Eoin - The Dating of Middle Irish Text Sir John Rhys Memorial Lecture British Academy 1981
008920: Marcia J. Epstein - Prions En Chantant: Devotional Songs of the Trouvãƒâ¨Res
014903: Eriugena, John Scotus; Bamford, Christopher [Translator] - The Voice of the Eagle/the Heart of Celtic Christianity: Homily on the Prologue to the Gospel of St. John
921: John Erskine - Galahad Enough of His Life to Explain His Reputation
853442859311300: John Erskine - Galahad Enough of His Life to Explain His Reputation
016918: M. C Escher - The Graphic Work of M C Escher
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015716: Ken Etheridge - Welsh Costume in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century
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765953269876554468: Wade-Evans, Arthur W. - Welsh Christian Origins
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010021: Sebastian Evans - The High History of the Holy Grail Burne Jones Illus. Vol 2.
9000075: Oliver Sandys (Marguerite Caradoc Evans) - The Miracle Stone of Wales
66821: Professor E.E. Evans - Ulster Journal of Archaeology Third Series Volume 22 1959 a Newly Discovered Statue at the Church on White Island, County Fermanagh
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781605986111: James Evans - Tudor Adventurers: The Voyage of Discovery That Transformed England The Hunt for the Northeast Passage
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010767: Endorsed By Clergy of All Faiths - Picture Stories from the Bible the Old Testament in Full Color Comic Strip Form
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011079: Julia O'Faolain - No Country for Young Men Hardcover
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6520: Winifred Faraday - On the Question of Irish Influence on Early Icelandic Literature, Illustrated from the Irish Mss. In the Bodleian Library. By Winifred Faraday Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society 1899-1900 Vol. 44: Part I
014879: W. Barnard Faraday - Pendragon
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006059: Robert Farren - Towards an Appreciation of Poetry
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45: Richard Feachem - A Guide to Prehistoric Scotland
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014333: Felix - The Running Dream Volume 1 African American Poetry
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9000286: Gertrude P. Kurath Photographs William Fenton - Iroquois Music and Dance: Ceremonial Arts of Two Seneca Longhouses Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 187
015691: Fenton, William N./ Starna, William A. (Editor)/ Campisi, Jack (Editor) - William Fenton: Selected Writings
013659: Kathleen M. Massie-Ferch; Richard Gilliam - Ancient Enchantresses
765953269876554454: Padraic Colum (Edited Samuel Ferguson) - The Poems of Samuel Ferguson an Chomhairle Ealaion Series of Irish Authors Number Two
011088: William M.Ferguson and John Royce Michael D.Coe - Maya Ruins of Mexico in Color Hardcover
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66805: J. Puig-Ferran, A. Campana - Mallorca Menorca Ibiza Formeniera (English) Hardcover -1985 Color Photographs
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008202: X. L. Mendez Ferrin - Amor de Artur
006504: Nicholas Fersin - The Florentine Fior Di Virtu of 1491 Translated Into English by Nicholas Fersin
015263: Woodstock Film Festival - Woodstock Film Festival Pre-Festival Program Book October 13-17 2004
005840: Jean-Louis Fetjaine - La Nuit Des Elfes
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11095: William Tydeman Edited P. J. C. Field - Shakespeare's King Arthur. P.J. C. Field Welsh Connection Essays
009242: THE INTERNATIONAL ARTHURIAN SOCIETY P. J. C. Field - The French Prose Tristan a Note on Some Manuscripts, a List of Printed Texts, and Two Correlations with Malory's Morte Darthur Bibliographical Bulletin of the International Arthurian Society. Vol. XLI, 1989
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90041: Graeme Fife - Arthur the King
006226: Jan Filip - Recent Archaeological Finds in Czechoslovakia
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007195: Laurie A. Finke - Medieval Texts and Contemporary Readers
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016348: Peter Firstbrook - The Voyage of the Matthew John Cabot and the Discovery of North America Hardcover Signed by the Complete Crew of the Matthew
013511: Catherine Fisher - Darkhenge
010586: Jude Fisher - The Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring Visual Companion
007809: W. Allan Fisher, Richard Moira, J.H.G.Lebon, George Pratt, F.D.A. Spaven - Coire Bhreacain the Scottish Geographical Magazine Complete Vol. 62 and Complete Vol. 63 1946 1947 Bound Hardcover "Some Notes on the Scottish Settlement in Darien" ''Land Reclamation in the Outer Isles" a Comment on the New Plan for Edinburgh
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9000530100085: Alan Fisk - The Summer Stars
014816: John Ryan William J.Philbin R.A.Breatnach Garret Fitzgerald - The Founder of Muintir Na Tire John M. Canon Hayes Studies Autumn 1957 an Irish Quarterly Review
011259: Constantine Fitzgibbon - Red Hand the Ulster Colony
013687: Liam O'Flaherty - Assassin
006007: Thomas Flanagan - The End of the Hunt
016384: Thomas J. Fleming - Now We Are Enemies the Story of Bunker Hill
90005759854: Thomas Fleming - The Secret War in Morristown
016420: Richard Fletcher - The Barbarian Conversion from Paganism to Christianity Hardcover
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014752: Professor Enrique Florescano - The Myth of Quetzalcoatl
015292: Antoine O'Flotharto - An Solas Dearg
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010959: Franklin Folsom, Introduction by Alfonso Ortiz - Red Power on the Rio Grande: The Native American Revolution of 1680
853442859311943590: Karen Wynn Fonstad - The Atlas of Middle-Earth Completely Updated
007961: Peter Godfrey Foote; David M. Wilson - The Viking Achievement the Society and Culture of Early Medieval Scandinavia (Sidgwick & Jackson Great Civilizations Series)
9000530499: J. Foster Forbes With Illustrations by Hilda W. Lomas - Giants of Britain Being a Short Treatise Dealing with the Story of Giants of All Ages with Additional Psychometric Interpretations by Miss Iris Campbell
015140: Allan Forbes and Paul F.Cadman - France and New England Volume II an Account of France in Boston with a Description of Franklin in Passy and Paris
9000530099998893: Jack D. Forbes - The American Discovery of Europe
016686: Allan Forbes and Paul F.Cadman - France and New England Volume III Containing an Account of Champlain's Three Voyages Along the New England Coast the French at Lake Champlain and Saint Croix Island
8.5344285931194E+20: Mary Hanford Ford - The Legends of Parsifal
8534428571: Ford, Patrick K. - The Mabinogi and Other Medieval Welsh Tales
013729: W. B. Yeats Benedict Kiely Foreword - Fairy and Folk Tales of Ireland
66886: Padraic Colum Virginia Haviland Foreword - The Stone of Victory and Other Tales of Padraic Colum
008587: Albert Bonniers Forlag - Dalslands Kanal. Ett Album Med Sju Utsigter Och Karta
007720: Pierre Forni - Explorons Les Celtes Et Les Gaulois
016948: Paula de Fougerolles - The Chronicles of Iona: Exile
007586: Edith Fowke - Legends Told in Canada
008941: Peter Fowler - Wessex Regional Archaeologies Hardcover
012940: Barbara Hughes (Translated By) Fowler - Medieval Irish Lyrics
015426: John Fowles - The Enigma of Stonehenge
011426: Cyril Fox ,Iorwerth C. Peate, W.J.Gruffydd - The Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies Vol. VIII Part IV May 1937 Traethawd Ar Felinyddiaeth
85344285931136: Helen Fox - Cornish Saints and Holy Wells: Volume 1
012180: Sir Cyril Fox and Bruce Dickins - The Early Cultures of North-West Europe (H.M. Chadwick Memorial Studies)
016688: Si Cyril Fox - South Wales and Monmouthshire Volume IV Ancient Monuments Hardcover
9000530099998987740: Adam Fox - English Hymns and Hymn Writers [Britain in Pictures Series No. 98]
011543: Kathleen Foyle - The Little Good People Folk Tales of Ireland
015479: Philip Francis - The Odes and Carmen Seculare of Horace in Latin and English, with Critical Notes Collected from His Best Latin and French Commentators Vol II.
9000225: Aviva; Frankel, Rachel Ben-Ur - Remnant Stones: The Jewish Cemeteries of Suriname: Essays
9.000530099999E+19: Edward Frankland - The Bear of Britain
015150: Edward Frankland - Arthur the Bear of Britain Epic Battles and Legendary Romance
9000060: Emma; Von Franz, Marie-Louise Jung - The Grail Legend
009387: Xavier De Langlais Jean Frappier - La Fin Des Temps Aventureux le Roman Du Roi Arthur
9000530099998987806: Jean Frappier - La Mort le Roi Artu Roman Du XIII Siecle
006789: Jean Frappier - La Mort le Roi Artu Roman Du XIII Siãƒâ¨Cle
013858: Michael Frayn - Head-Long a Novel
016493: Patrick Frazier - The Mohicans of Stockbridge
9000530629: Fredriksen, Paula - Augustine and the Jews: A Christian Defense of Jews and Judaism
015221: Hugo Gabriel- Freeman - Gedichte Hardcover
602: Philip Freeman - Celtic Mythology Tales of Gods, Goddesses, and Heroes
9000123: Tony Taylor Editor Mara Freeman, Mary Branin, Searles O'Dubhain, Pamela Harvey, Meredith Richard - Keltria Lughnasadh/ Fall 96 Issue 31
97813999328410: Philip Freeman - The Philosopher and the Druids: A Journey Among the Ancient Celts
853442859311312: Jiri Frel - Greek Architecture Photographs E. And M. Sladek
765953269876554466: Colonial Era French and Indian War Exploded Iron Mortar Shell Fragment - Fort William Henry French and Indian War Mortar Shell Fragment Found Near Southern Lake Geoge
955: David E. Campbell Translated From The Old French - The Tale of Balain from the Romance of the Grail, a 13th Century French Prose Romance
009135: M.C. Greenstock Foreword S.S. Frere - Some Inscriptions from Roman Britain London Association of Classical Teachers Original Records No. 4
853442859311943609: Gisele Freund - Three Days with Joyce
011301: Jonathan L. Fried - Guatemala in Rebellion Unfinished History
9000530100073: William Friedkin - The Friedkin Connection a Memoir
006833: Friel, Ian - The Good Ship Ships, Shipbuilding and Technology in England 1200-1520
011853: Larry Frolick - Ten Thousand Scorpions the Search for the Queen of Sheba's Gold
ABE-238539: William Henry Frost - The Court of King Arthur Illustrated by Sydney Richmond Burleigh
017100: James Frost - The Quest for King Arthur
900005: James Frost - The Quest for King Arthur
5225: Fryde, E B (Editor). - Essays and Poems Presented to Daniel Huws
9000530688: Brandon Fullam - The Lost Colony of Roanoke: New Perspectives
010834: Raymond Furness and Malcolm Humble - A Companion to Twentieth Century German Literature Hardcover
9000530548: Frederick J. Furnivall, Robert Thornton, The Rev. W. W. Skeat - Arthur; a Short Sketch of His Life and History in English Verse of the Fifteenth Century, Morte Arthure, of the Death of Arthur, Lancelot of the Laik: A Scottish Metrical Romance
874716936: Frederick James Furnivall - A Royal Historie of the Excellent Knight Generides. Edited from the Unique Ms. Of John Tollemache
8534428593113801: Chant A. G. - The Legend of Glastonbury Decorated and Illustrated by Horace J. Knowles
900053014: Francesco Gabrieli - Arab Historians of the Crusades Selected and Translated from the Arabic Sources
016791: Magdalena Stork Gadea - La Antigua Galicia Seis Cuadros Histãƒâ³Ricos
9000354: Serge Gagnon - Quebec and Its Historians
8534428578: James E.; Gale, Kira Starrs - The Death of Meriwether Lewis: A Historic Crime Scene Investigation
765953269876554456: Charles F. Gallagher - Hawaii and Its Gods: The Living Faiths of the Islands
900053039: John J. Gallagher - Battle of Brooklyn 1776
66902: Patrick Gallagher - Celtic Knot Ceramic Printing Block Hand Illuminated "7 X 15" with Embedded Bracket for Display
009049: Ligeia Gallagher - More's Utopia and It's Critics
015345: Parke Benet Galleries - English and French Furniture Paintings Silver Rugs All from Private Owners and Estates Including Property of Mrs Ralph K. Robertson from the Collection of the Late George Blumenthal
012341: Guide Gallimard - Chemins de Saint-Jacques (la Voie de Tours, la Voie Limousine)
9000094: W. Gamble - Irish Antiquities and Archaeology
853442859311339: John M. Ganim - Style and Consciousness in Middle English Narrative
9000365: Francois L. Ganshof, H.M Smyser, C.T. Allmand, Boyd H. Hill, Jr - Speculum a Journal of Mediaeval Studies Volume LX, Number 1 January 1965 the Impact of Charlemagne on the Institutions of the Frankish Realm
015764: Gar and Maggy Packard - Suns and Serpents the Symbolism of Indian Rock Art
9000530099998896: Luis Pericot-Garcia - The Balearic Islands
013981: John Gardner - October Light
015954: Sarah B.Sherrill Wendell Garett - The Magazine Antiques December 1974 Vol CVI No. 6 Living with Antiques an Eighteenth Century Farmhouse in the Hudson River Valley
011294: Alan Garner - Elidor
011145: Richard Garnett - The Age of Dryden
015180: Charles M Garnier - Legends of Ireland (Myths & Legends)
9000054: Devin A. Garrity - 44 Irish Short Stories
853442859311279: John Garth - Tolkien and the Great War: The Threshold of Middle-Earth
015231: Neudeutsch Von Will Vesper Meier Helmbrecht Von Wernher Dem Gartner - Statuen Deutscher Kultur Helmbrecht Von Wernher Dem Gãƒâ¤Rtner
853442859311943605: John Garvin - James Joyce's Disunited Kingdom and the Irish Dimension
015234: Catherine Gaskin - A Falcon for a Queen
9000530099998987826: Phillipe-Joseph Aubert De Gaspe - Yellow-Wolf & Other Tales of the Saint Lawrence (Dossier Quebec Series)
008948: Cardinal Gasquet - The Rule of Saint Benedict Translated with an Introduction by Cardinal Gasquet
SKU1000123: Gautier, Teofilo - El Capitan Fracasa Ilustraciones de Coty Hardcover by Teofilo Gautier by Teofilo Gautier by Teofilo Gautier
900004: Francis Gaynor - The First Stonehenge
90005759847: Piero Gazzola, direttore - Castellum. Rivista Dell'Istituto Italiano Dei Castelli 27/28 1987
012099: Patrick J. Geary - Readings in Medieval History
9000530640: Charles Gehring, Roderic H. Blackburn, James R. Tanis, Harriet Stryker-Rodda - De Halve Maen Quarterly Magazine of the Dutch Colonial Period in America Vol. LIV Fall-Winter 1979 No. 3
007298: Roberta Gellis, Morgan Llywelyn, Barbara Samuel, Susan Wiggs - Irish Magic Four Tales of Romance and Enchantment from Four Acclaimed Authors
008139: David Gemmell - Last Sword of Power (Stones of Power)
9000530099998899104: Don Jose Losanda Tome Gerente General - El Rebozo Artes de Mãƒâ©Xico aãƒâ‘O XVIII No. 142 1971 Espanol English Francais
006997: Arnold Van Gennep - Manuel de Folklore Francais Contemporain Tome II III IV VI Les Cãƒâ©Rãƒâ©Monies Pãƒâ©Riodiques Cycliques Et Saisonnieres Du Berceau a la Tombe Mariage - Funerailles Questionnaires-Provinces Et Pays Bibliographie Methodique Index Des Noms D'Auteurs Index Par Provinces 4 Original French Folklore Vols.
006241: Mary Gentle - A Hawk in Silver
9000530674: Robert A. Georges, Stephen Stern - American and Canadian Immigrant and Ethnic Folklore an Annotated Bibliography
9000073: Don R. Gerlach - Philip Schuyler's Saratoga Don R. Gerlach Paperback ã¢â€â“ January 1, 1985
015415: Nancy Moore Gettelman - The Himalayan Journey of Buddhism
012817: Henry Morris Eamonn O'Tuathail Paul gGosjean - Bealoideas IML. VII-Uimh II Nodlaig 1937' a Miracle of Our Lady' Henry Morris "Features common to Irish,Welsh, and Manx Folklore"
014620: Gheorghiu - La Vingt-Cinquiemeheure Hardcover
016605: John Murray Gibbon - The Orkneymen in Canada Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada Volume. XLIV Series III June 1950 Section Two
012714: James Cross Giblin - Walls Defenses Throughout History
010467: MacRae-Gibson, O D (Editor) - Of Arthour and of Merlin: Volume I: Text
66767: Christopher Gidlow - The Reign of Arthur from History to Legend
9000089: Frances Gies - The Knight in History
006632: Douglas Gifford - Warriors, Gods and Spirits from Central and South American Mythology
006433: Henry Gilbert - King Arthur for Boys
013178: Henry Gilbert - King Arthur Color Frontis Frances Brundage
009184: Henry Gilbert - King Arthur (Henry Holt Little Classics)
006432: Henry Gilbert - King Arthur Frances Brundage Full Color Painted Cover Hardcover
015330: H. Colin Slim J. F. C. Richards George Huppert Neal W. Gilbert - Musicians on Parnassus Studies in the Renaissance Volume XII 1965
008719: Sam D. Gill, Irene F. Sullivan - Dictionary of Native American Mythology (Hardback)
853442859311289: Gilliam, Richard [Editor]; Greenberg, Martin H. [Editor]; Kramer, Edward E. [Editor]; - Grails Visitations of the Night
9000530620: Kevin Dixon Gilligan, Margot Maria De Chatelaine Editors - Keltica the Inter-Celtic Journal Volume 1 Number 1 Winter, 1979-80
015641: Carolyn Gilman - Where Two Worlds Meet: The Great Lakes Fur Trade (Museum Exhibit Series)
016101: Allen Ginsberg - Reality Sandwiches, 1953-1960 (Pocket Poets Series, No. 18)
853442859311323: Louis Ginzberg - The Legends of the Bible
007422: Mark Girouard - The Return to Camelot Chivalry and the English Gentleman
015722: Sam Girvan - Peter and His Tales of the Wee People
010479: Henry Glassie - Irish Folk History Texts from the North Hardcover
009106: Henry Glassie - Passing the Time Folklore and History of an Ulster Community
007249: Henry Glassie - Irish Folk History Texts from the North
9000318: Joseph T. Glatthaar, James Kirby Martin - Forgotten Allies: The Oneida Indians and the American Revolution
011688: Professor Duncan Glen - The Poetry of the Scots: An Introduction and Bibliographical Guide to Poetry in Gaelic, Scots, Latin and English
010269: John Gloag - Artorius Rex
012574: P. V. Glob - The Mound People Danish Bronze Age Man Preserved
013473: Douglas Glover - Elle a Novel
8534428568: Flora Alexander Edited Helmut Gneuss, Hans Kasmann, Erwin Wolff Und Theodor Wolpers - Late Medieval Scottish Attitudes to the Figure of Arthur: A Reassessment Alexander. Anglia Zeitschrift Fãƒâ¼R Englische Philologie Band 93 1975
853442859311227: Padraic Colum. Illustrated by Imero Gobbato - The Girl Who Sat by the Ashes
007312: D. Rhys Phillips Douglas Hyde Lennox Robinson Ernest Rhys Mrs Kennedy Fraser Dr. P. Diverres Henry Jenner Magdalen Morgan Y.M. Goblet - Transactions of the Celtic Congress 1921 Papers Read at the Douglas Congress Original 1923 Hardcover
008170: Faith Assembly of God,poughkeepsie,new York Women's Ministries Department - 105 Favorite Recipes
85344285931180: Rumor Godden - The Dragon of Og Illustrated by Pauline Baynes
015961: O. F. M. GODFREY - A Pilgrim in the Holy Land
013100: John Kleinhans Introduction Gail Godwin - Woodstock Landscapes Photographs by John Kleinhans
015154: Parke Godwin - The Tower of Beowulf
009761: Malcolm Godwin - Angels an Endangered Species
016619: Parke Godwin - The Last Rainbow
016677: Malcolm Godwin - The Holy Grail Hardcover
015380: Walter Goffart - Barbarians and Romans A.D. 418-584 the Techniques of Accommodation
853442859311943627: Oliver St. John Gogarty With A Preface Myles Dillon - William Butler Yeats: A Memoir
005824: Oliver St. John Gogarty - Mr. Petunia
8534428593113808: S. D. Goitein - Letters of Medieval Jewish Traders
007535: R.D. Miller Editor S. D. Goitein, Curt F. Buhler, Ewart Lewis - Speculum Volume XXXIX Number 2 April 1964 Prayers and Charms in Middle English Scrolls Curt F. Buhler
014774: Gold, Norman - Who Wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls? the Search for the Secret of Qumran
008172: Seamus Deane Special Editor Sean Golden, Thomas Kilroy, John Dillon, W.J. McCormack, Timothy Kearney, Edna Longley, Mark Patrick Hederman, Gerald Dawe - The Crane Bag Vol. 3 No. 2 1979 Anglo-Irish Literature: Perspectives
015655: Karl Stierhof Laura Kuennen-Poper Pamela Goldsmith - Journal of the American Viola Society Vol. 12 No. 3
016056: Golway, Terry - For the Cause of Liberty a Thousand Years of Ireland's Heroes
014770: Ermilo Abreu Gomez - Tales and Legends of Ancient Yucatan
66706: Gonzàlez-Cascos Elena (Editor), and Herrero, Carlos (Editor) - Philip Perry's Sketch of the Ancient British History: A Critical Edition
006359: Maeve Good - W.B. Yeats and the Creation of a Tragic Universe
016204: Erwin Ramsdell Goodenough, Jacob Neusner (Editor) - Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Period (Bollingen Series)
017018: H.Russell Bernard Editor Ward G. Goodenough - American Anthropologist Volume 88 Number 3 September 1986 Sky World and This World: The Place of Kachaw in Micronesian Cosmology
9000530099998894: Erwin R. Goodenough - Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Period Volume Four: The Problem of Method Symbols from Jewish Cult
013970: Philip Goodman - The Yom Kippur Anthology
005558: Norma Lorre Goodrich - Guinevere
9000530099998987736: Norma Lorre Goodrich - Guinevere
012461: Norma Lorre Goodrich - Myths of the Hero
007054: Norma Lorre Goodrich - King Arthur
8534428593113790: Norma Lorre Goodrich - Guinevere
017248: Norma Lorre Goodrich - The Holy Grail
874716910: Norma Lorre Goodrich - The Ways of Love Eleven Romances of Medieval France
016825: Dan Goodrich - Mercury Champagne
9000530100026: Norma Lorre Goodrich - Merlin
006482: Leanna Goodwater - Women in Antiquity: An Annotated Bibliography
015758: William B. Goodwin - Spanish and English Ruins in Jamaica
016385: Frances Howard-Gordon - Glastonbury Maker of Myths
012460: C.D. Gordon - The Age of Attila Fifth-Century Byzantium and the Barbarians
014622: Elliott B. Gose, Jr - The World of the Irish Wonder Tale: An Introduction to the Study of Fairy Tales
015707: Frances M. Gostling, Anatole Le Braz - The Bretons at Home
008954: Harold C. Gotoff - The Transmission of the Text of Lucan in the Ninth Century
853442859269: Gilbert Goudie - The Celtic and Scandinavian Antiquities of Shetland
8534428581: David Goudsward - The Westford Knight and Henry Sinclair: Evidence of a 14th Century Scottish Voyage to North America
66740: Dom Louis Gougaud - Gaelic Pioneers of Christianity
013550: Henry Ellis Sir John Gough - The Camden Miscellany Volume the First: Register and Chronicle of the Abbey of Aberconway.
9000530099998987808: S. Baring Gould And John Fisher - The Lives of the British Saints the Saints of Wales and Cornwall and Such Irish Saints As Have Dedications in Britain Vol. II
8534428593113793: S. Baring-Gould - Curious Myths of the Middle Ages
765953269876554472555: Baring-Gould, S. - A Book of Cornwall
85344285931139: Peter Goullart - The Monastery of Jade Mountain
013763: Francis Gourvil - Brittany from Saint Brieuc to Brest and from Quimper to Vannes
9000530099998987681: Keith Busby edited by Linda Gowans, Bart Besamusca, Frank Brandsma, Martine Meuwese, - The Arthurian Yearbook II Arthurian Survivals in Scottish Gaelic
85344285931193784: Linda Gowans - Cei and the Arthurian Legend (Arthurian Studies)
006806: John Gower - Confessio Amantis
85344285931193779877: Aryeh Grabois - The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Medieval Civilization
007342: Cormac O. Grada - Ireland Before and After the Famine Explorations in Economic History, 1800-1925
011333: Standish O'Grady - The Coming of Cuculain
595: Standish O'Grady - Finn and His Companions
012614: Standish O'Grady - Early Bardic Literature: Ireland
006072: Standish O' Grady - Ulrick the Ready
017007: Brendan Grimes Edited Hiram Morgan Tommy Graham - Carnegie Libraries in Ireland History Ireland Vol. 6 No. 4 Winter 1998
928: Henry Grey Graham - The Social Life of Scotland in the Eighteenth Century Hardcover
90110: Roger Grand - Recherches Sur L'Origine Des Francs.
009172: Roger T. Grange - Ile Aux Noix Quebec Fosses Des Fortifications Originales de I'Ile Aux Noix Quebec
008909: Hugh. I.F. Grant; Cheape - Periods in Highland History
9000530099998987699: Michael Grant - The Jews in the Roman World
11127: Campbell Grant - Canyon de Chelly: Its People and Rock Art
SKU1000099: Grant, John - Introduction to Viking Mythology
9000530684: Anne MacVicar Grant - Essays on the Superstitions of the Highlanders of Scotland; to Which Are Added Translations from the Gaelic Vol. 1
013069: Grape, Wolfgang - The Bayeux Tapestry.
012473: Gunther Grass - Dog Years
5344285931194: Robert Graves - Five Pens in Hand Collected Essays, Stories And Poems By The Author
90036: Robert Graves - The Crowning Privilege Collected Essays on Poetry
012406: Robert Graves - 5 Pens in Hand Collected Essays, Stories and Poems by the Author of the Crowning Privilege
900053010: Robert Graves - King Jesus
010364: Robert Graves - King Jesus: A Novel
016178: Christopher Gray - The Chronicles of Combe Dingle Wood 'There Be Goblins in the Wood'
765953269876554469: Barbara Graymont - The Iroquois in the American Revolution
9000283: John A. Greed - Glastonbury Tales
8534428593119385: Richard Firth Green - Elf Queens and Holy Friars: Fairy Beliefs and the Medieval Church (the Middle Ages Series)
007940: Miranda J. Green - The Celtic World
97813999328417791: Thomas Green - Arthuriana: Early Arthurian Tradition and the Origins of the Legend
008239: Hannah Green - Little Saint
014093: Michael Green - Tolkien Treasury Stories, Poems, and Illustrations Celebrating the Author and His World
013498: William Cobbett Edited Daniel Green - Cobbett's Tour in Scotland
014036: Green, Miranda - Celtic Goddesses: Warriors, Virgins and Mothers
017237: Miranda Green - Symbol and Image in Celtic Religious Art
007525: Senator Mrs Stopford Green - Irish History Studies by Senator Mrs Stopford Green First Series Irishmen on the Sea, Old Irish Homes, an Irish School, Old Irish Farms,the Old Irish Peoples, an Irish Festival
013179: Miranda Aldhouse-Green; Stephen Aldhouse-Green - The Quest for the Shaman Shape-Shifters, Sorcerers and Spirit Healers in Ancient Europe
66766: Lawrence Schimel & Martin H. Greenberg - Camelot Fantastic
9000025: Greenberg, Martin Harry - Merlin
015451: Windrow & Greene - Windrow & Greene's Militaria Directory and Sourcebook 1994 the Essential Refrence Book for the Military Hobbyist Hardcover
011438: David Greene and Brian Cuiv - Celtica Vol. XI Myles Dillon Memorial Volume
017032: Emerson F. Greenman - Guide to Serpent Mound
010107: Frances Greenslade - A Pilgrim in Ireland: A Quest for Home
010940: Lady Gregory - Irish Folk History Plays
015640: Malachia Ormanian Translated G. Marcar Gregory - The Church of Armenia Her History, Doctrine, Rule, Discipline, Liturgy, Literature, and Existing Condition
011207: Margaret R. Grennan - William Morris Medievalist and Revolutionary
011001: Frederick Grice - Dildrum King of the Cats and Other English Folk Stories Hardcover
8534428593113792: Toby D. Griffen - Names from the Dawn of British Legend Taliesin, Aneirin, Myrddin/Merlin, Arthur
9000186: Justin E. Griffin - The Holy Grail the Legend, the History, the Evidence
012274: Justin E Griffin - Grail Procession: The Legend, the Artifacts, and the Possible Sources of the Story
013323: William Elliot Griffis - The Religions of Japan
9000530518: William Elliot Griffis - Welsh Fairy Tales
9000104: Dr. Theodore Max Chotzen Edited L.L. Wyn Griffith - Some Sidelights on Cambro-Dutch Relations 1100-1600 (with Special Reference to Humphrey Llwyd and Abrahamus Ortelius) the Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion Session
874716901: Paul Griffiths - The Lay of Sir Tristram
6604: Hywel Griffiths - The Secret Bridge
010102: W. F. Grimes - The Prehistory of Wales
016390: John M. Grimsrud - Yucatan's Magic Merida Side Trips Treasures of Mayab
9000530100047: Donald A. Grinde, Jr Illustrations Peter Jemison - The Iroquois and the Founding of the American Nation
006828: L.V. Grinsell - White Horse Hill and Surrounding Country Fold Out Map
016898: Leslie Grinsell - Discovering Regional Archaeology South Western England a Guide to the Archaeological Sites of Cornwall, Devon, and Somerset
90005759838: Meyer Kayserling Translated Charles Gross - Christopher Columbus and the Participation of the Jews in the Spanish and Portuguese Discoveries
006846: Edited Susan Grossman and Rivka Haut - Daughters of the King Women and the Synagogue
016635: Van Hien Study Group - The Seeker's Glossary of Buddhism
11042: Geraint Gruffydd - A Guide to Welsh Literature C. 1530-1700
853442859311351: Elis Gruffydd, Translations Patrick K. Ford - Tales of Merlin, Arthur, and the Magic Arts: From the Welsh Chronicle of the Six Ages of the World (World Literature in Translation)
8534428593113778: W. J. Gruffydd - Rhiannon an Inquiry Into the Origins of the First and Third Branches of the Mabinogi
SKU1000141: Editor-Robert Steven Grumet; Introduction-Anthony F. C. Wallace - Northeastern Indian Lives, 1632-1816 (Native Americans of the Northeast)
007266: Robert Steven Grumet - Native American Place Names in New York City
016638: Serge Gruzinski - Painting the Conquest (Art-Langue Anglaise)
9000530099998987716: J.R.R. Tolkien Edited by Peter Grybauskas - The Battle of Maldon Together with the Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm's Son
011825: H. A. Guerber - Stories of the Wagner Opera
8534428593119377227: Thomas Guerin - The Gael in New France Signed and Inscribed by the Author, Thomas Guerin
015378: Graeme Guilbert - Hill-Fort Studies Essays for A.H. A. Hogg
900003: Antoine [Editor] Guillaumont - Gospel According to Thomas
012566: Kathleen Cunningham Guler - Into the Path of Gods
9000530596: Neil M. Gunn - Sun Circle
9000530100056: Terry Gunnell - The Hidden People of Iceland
011830: Clive Gunnell - King Arthur Country in Cornwall: In Search of the Real Arthur
765953269876554455: Eric Gurney - How to Live with a Calculating Cat
846: S. Humphreys Gurteen - Arthurian Epic a Comparative Study of the Cambrian, Breton, and Anglo-Norman Versions of the Story
9000530099998899103: Joseph Gutmann - The Dura-Europos Synagogue: A Re-Evaluation (1932-1992) (Studies in the History of Judaism)
1098: Dafydd ap Gwilym, N. Heseltine (Translator) - Selected Poems [of] Dafydd Ap Gwilym
016876: E. J. Gwynn And W.J. Purton - The Monastery of Tallaght Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Volume XXIX Section C. No. 5
010331: Stephen Gwynn - Ireland
9000530100038: Christian J. Guyonvarc'h - The Making of a Druid Hidden Teachings from the Colloquy of Two Sages
015574: Christian J. Guyonvarc'h, Pierre Le Roux, Jacques Gourvest - Ogam Tradition Celtique Tome XI Fasc 2-3 Avril-Juin 1959
90107: Erling Haagensen - Templars' Secret Island
016886: Erling Haagensen, Henry Lincoln - The Templars Secret Island the Knights, the Priest and the Treasure (Bornholm, Denmark )
013337: Haber, Karen (Editor) - Meditations on Middle-Earth
6563: P. M. S. Hacker - Wittgenstein's Place in Twentieth-Century Analytic Philosophy
007604: Francis Hackett - The Story of the Irish Nation
014902: William T. Hagan - Longhouse Diplomacy and Frontier Warfare
009109: H.Rider Haggard - Eric Brighteyes Hardcover
014721: Michael Hague - Kate Culhane a Ghost Story Illustrated by Michael Hague Hardcover
016549: Anthony Hailey - A Walk Through Wales Hardcover
9000530099998987713: Zvi-Haim - Burnt Offering a Return to the Physical and Intellectual Jerusalem
005457: Peter Haining - Great Irish Tales of Unimaginable
014294: Peter Haining - The Leprechaun's Kingdom: The World of Banshees, Fairies, Demons, Giants, Monsters, Mermaids, Phoukas, Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, and Many Others
016585: Ric Hajovsky - The Bizarre Events, Odd Theories, and Offbeat Characters of Tulum Everyhing You Need to Know Before You Go to the Ruins, or What You Wish You Read Before You Went
11152: Ric Hajovsky - True History of Cozumel, Volume 2
9000411: Dan Hakes, John Tan, Maureen Debose - The Western Heights Neighborhood Association Presents Six Blocks of History September 9, 2007
016324: Z'ev ben Shinnon Halevi - Kabbalah Tradition of Hidden Knowledge
011686: Alex Haley - Roots
012114: Mrs S.C. Hall. - Sketches of Irish Character by Mrs S.C. Hall Hardcover
97813999328401: Alistair Hall - The Battle of Mount Badon, Ambrosius, Arthur and the Defence of Britain
006316: Wayne Hall - Shadowy Heroes: Irish Literature of the 1890s (Irish Studies Series)
011385: F. E. Halliday - A History of Cornwall
014165: R.Morton Nance C.C.James J.M.Doble Christoper O'Halloran - Early Tin-Smelting in Cornwall Old Cornwall Vol. V. No. 6 (1955)
8534428593119377899: Zena Halpern - The Templar Mission to Oak Island and Beyond: Search for Ancient Secrets: The Shocking Revelations of a 12th Century Manuscript
007024: Louis Halphen - A Travers L' Histoire Du Moyen Age
9000090: Milton W. Hamilton - Sir William Johnson and the Indians of New York
85344285931193796876: Dorothy C. Barck Editor Milton W. Hamilton, William S. Ewing, Alice P. Kenney - New York History 1961 Volume XLII Proceedings of the New York State Historical Association Volume LLIX An Eyewitness Account By James Furnis Of The Surrender Of Fort William Henry, August 1757 William S. Ewing
853442859300: Margherita Arlina Hamm - Famous Families of New York Historical and Biographical Sketches of Families Which in Successive Generations Have Been Identified with the Development of the Nation
8534428593113806: J. R. R. Tolkien Edited Christina Scull & Wayne G. Hammond - Roverandom
9000530652: Mark A Handley - Death, Society and Culture: Inscriptions and Epitaphs in Gaul and Spain, Ad 300-750 (British Archaeological Reports)
90009: Tibet Handmade - Tibetan Dragon Incense Box One and a Half Feet Long
8534428593119377905: Rev. John O' Hanlon - Life of St. Brigid, Virgin, First Abbess of Kildare, Special Patroness of Kildare, Dioces, and General Patroness of Ireland
97813999328417817: Robert W. Hanning - Hanning the Vision of History in Early Britain
66826: Bo Hannson - Sagan Om Ringen Lord of the Rings Cd
015169: Luther K.Hannum Jr. - Minutes of the One Hundred and Thirty-Fourth Session of the New York Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church
008309: Peter Hanratty - The Last Knight of Albion
005712: Hansen, Jens P. (editor); Meldgaard, Jorgen (editor); Nordqvist, Jorgen (editor) - The Greenland Mummies
014534: James C. Hansen - Counseling Theory and Process Hardcover
11024: L.Taylor Hansen - He Walked the Americas
012603: Hanson, Willis T. Jr. - A History of Schenectady During the Revolution: To Which Is Appended a Contribution to the Individual Records of the Inhabitants of the Schenectady District During That Period
011652: R.P.C.Hanson - Saint Patrick His Origins and Career
013147: Peter Harbison - The Archaeology of Ireland
009314: Peter Harbison - Guide to the National Monuments of Ireland
013775: Peter Harbison - Ireland Before St. Patrick the Irish Heritage Series : 14
013878: Peter Harbison - Pilgrimage in Ireland: The Monuments and the People (Irish Studies)
017000: Karl Taro Greenfeld First Edition Hardcover - Triburbia a Novel
016209: The Monastic Achievenent Hardcover - George Zarnecki
5344285931217: James Hardiman - Irish Minstrelsy or Bardic Remains of Ireland with English Poetical Translations Volume 2
006051: D. W. Harding - The Iron Age in Lowland Britain
011276: Jane D.Harding - The Arthurian Legend a Check List of Books in the Newberry Library and Supplement 2 Vols. Hardcover
016205: Jane D. Harding - The Arthurian Legend a Check List of Books in the Newberry Library and Supplement
016308: Michael Hardwick - The Private Life of Dr. Watson
8534428593119388: Thomas Hardy - Collected Poems of Thomas Hardy Volume I
9000530658: Thomas Hardy - The Famous Tragedy of the Queen of the Queen of Cornwall at Tintagel in Lyonnesse a New Version of an Old Story Arranged As a Play for Mummers
9000530100012: John B. Hare - Internet Sacred Text Archive 4. 0
011850: Alexander Harkavy - Amerikanisher Briefen-Shteler
012897: The RT. HON LORD HARLECH - North Wales Illustrated Regional Guide to Ancient Monuments No. 5
012848: Harriet And Fred Rochlin - Pioneer Jews a New Life in the Far West
9000231: Daniel J. Harrington - Hebrew Fragments of Pseudo-Philo's Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum Preserved in the the Chronicles of Jerahmeel
015718: Markham Harris, Translator - The Life of Meriasek a Medieval Cornish Miracle Play
90070: Richard. Harris - Hidden Cancun & the Yucatan Including Cozumel, Tulum, Chichen Itza, Uxmal, and Merida (Hidden Cancun and the Yucatan)
014973: David A.Wells T.Arwyn Watkins Colm O'Baoill Nicole Harrison - The Year's Work in Romance and Celtic Languages and Literatures 1982
85344285931193778690: Robert E. Harrist - The Landscape of Words Stone Inscriptions from Early and Medieval China
015346: Robert E. Harrist - Landscape of Words Stone Inscriptions from Early and Medieval China
007758: Sidney [Editor] [& William Lewis Jones]. - Malory Hart - One in Specyal Et Al: Immortalizers of King Arthur Arthur In Welsh Legend And Literature
9000153: Christine Hartley - The Western Mystery Tradition
013040: Heidi Hartmann, Ruth Milkman, Claire G. Moses, Judith Lowder Newton, Mary P. Ryan, Edited Josephine Withers - Feminist Studies Journal Vol 10 Number 1 Spring 1984 Inuit Women Artists: An Art Essay Josephine Withers
017087: Yi-tsi Mei Feuerwerker Josephine Withers Marilyn Power Susan Rawlins Nancie L.Gonzalez Editoe Heidi Hartmann - In Quest of the Writer Ding Ling Feminist Studies Volume 10 Number 1 Spring 1984
007734: Karl Drew Hartzwell - The Empire State at War World War II Hardcover
011005: Jean-Charles Harvey - The Many Faces of Quebec
85344285931167: Greg Harvey - The Origins of Tolkien's Middle-Earth for Dummies
5264: Vernon J. Harward jr. - The Dwarfs of Arthurian Romance and Celtic Tradition
009217: Foreword-Helmut A. Hatzfeld; Editor-E. Catherine Dunn; Editor-Tatiana Fotitch; Editor-Bernard M. Peebles - The Medieval Drama and Its Claudelian Revival
011847: Torill Thorstad Hauger - Captured by the Vikings
007435: Laurence M.Hauptman and James D.Wherry Edited - The Pequots in Southern New England: The Fall and Rise of an American Indian Nation
765953269876554457: Gilles Havard - Montreal, 1701 Planting the Tree of Life
012412: Walter Havighurst - Voices on the River the Story of the Mississippi Waterways (Hardcover)
005173: Virginia Haviland - Favorite Fairy Tales Told in Scotland Hardcover
SKU1000114: Roger Echo-Hawk - Tolkien in Pawneeland the Secret Sources of Middle-Earth
006164: Jacquetta Hawkes - King of the Two Lands the Pharaoh Akhenaten
9000363: Jacquetta Hawkes - Man and the Sun
005219: Jacquetta Hawkes - Prehistoric Britain
011253: Jacquetta Hopkins Hawkes - Adventurer in Archaeology: The Biography of Sir Mortimer Wheeler
010288: Gerald S. Hawkins - Beyond Stonehenge
9000530099998987766: Gerald S. Hawkins - Stonehenge Decoded
009756: Kate Hawks - The Lovers the Legend of Trystan and Yseult
11141: Clarence Hay - The Maya and Their Neighbors Essays on Middle American Anthropology and Archaeology
90005744: L. Newton Hayes With An Introduction Fong F. Sec - The Chinese Dragon
9000530692: Charles F. Hayes, III General Editor - The Iroquois in the American Revolution 1976 Conference Proceedings
598: Sian Hayton - Cells of Knowledge
11094: Elizabeth Healy - In Search of Ireland's Holy Wells
015178: James N. Healy - The Songs of Percy French
006827: Seamus Heaney - The Redress of Poetry
014920: Heaney, Seamus (Translator) - Beowulf: A New Verse Translation
005383: Seamus Heaney - Sweeney Astray a Version from the Irish
9000268: Proal Heartwell - Goronwy and Me: A Narrative of Two Lives
9000530554: Robin Heath; John Michell - The Lost Science of Measuring the Earth Discovering the Sacred Geometry of the Ancients
011672: Heaton, E. W. - Everyday Life in Old Testament Times
853442859311361: Jill M. Hebert - Morgan le Fay, Shapeshifter
017251: Martine Menwese Edited Cis van Heertum and Theodor Harmsen Translated - King Arthur in the Netherlands
853442859311243: Heffernan, Thomas J. - Sacred Biography: Saints and Their Biographers in the Middle Ages
5344285931224: Gerard Helferich - Stone of Kings: In Search of the Lost Jade of the Maya
015516: Gerard Helferich - Stone of Kings in Seach of the Lost Jade of the Mayas Hardcover
9000530099998987764: Pierre-Jakez Helias - The Horse of Pride: Life in a Breton Village
016248: Helen Fulton Fiona Tolhurst Neuendorf Ruthmarie H. Mitsch Alexandra Sterling Hellenbrand - A Woman's Place: Guinevere in the Welsh and French Romances Quuondam Et Futurus a Journal of Arthurian Interpretations Volume 3 Number 2 Summer 1993
558: Joseph Heller - Something Happened
008005: Virgil B.Heltzel - Fair Rosamond a Study of the Development of a Literary Theme (Original Hardcover)
765953269876554453: Bernard Henderson And Stephen Jones - Wonder Tales of Ancient Wales
853442859311272: George Henderson - Survivals in Belief Among the Celts
008055: Van Courtlandt Elliott Editor Armand O.Citarella Daniel V.Thompson John B Henneman Jr - Speculum Volume XLII Number 2 April 1967 the Relations of Amalfi with the Arab World Before the Crusades
008051: J.A.W. Bennett Editor. John Hennig, Rachel Bromwich, Elspeth Kennedy, - Britain's Place in the Early Irish Martyrologies John Hennig Medium Aevum Volume XXVI 1957 A Note on the Breton Lays. Rachel Bromwich
9000530634: Ursula Q. Henriques - The Jews of South Wales Historical Studies
015203: Francoise Henry - Hanging Bowls by Francoise Henry the Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries Volume LXVI December 1936
11135: Francoise Henry - Irish High Crosses Ard-Chroiseanna Eireann by Francoise Henry
8534428566: Francoise Henry - Irish Art in the Early Christian Period (to 800 A.D. ) Irish Art During the Viking Invasions (800-1020 A.D. ) Irish Art in the Romanesque Period (1020-1170 A.D. ) Three First Edition Hardcover Set
8534428593119417: Eunice Henry - Onondaga "Uha Gwa" Corn Bringer Soapstone Hand Carved and Signed
012337: Gilles Henry - Bretagne Et Bretons
874716913: Robert Henryson - The Poems of Robert Henryson
9000530100018: Kathleen Herbert - English Heroic Legends
017113: Kathleen Herbert - The Lady of the Fountain
012073: Maire Herbert; International Congress of Celtic Studies - Retrospect and Prospect in Celtic Studies Proceedings of the 11th International Congress of Celtic Studies Held in University College, Cork,25-31 July 1999
005808: Kathleen Herbert - Bride of the Spear
6580: Kathleen Herbert - Queen of the Lightning a Novel of High Romance Set in Dark Age Britain
90005729: Manx National Heritage - Prehistoric Sites in the Isle of Man
008100: Edited David Herlihy - Medieval Culture and Society
013574: Halldor Hermannsson - The Holar Cato an Icelandic Schoolbook of the Seventeenth Century Volume XXXIX
SKU1000037: Herne, Robin - Bard Song
016642: Robim Herne - Bard Song
66867: Louise Heron - Historic Kingston New York With Photos Of Dutch Stone Houses
006369: Leo Hershkowitz and Isodore S.Meyer - Letters of the Franks Family (1738-1748) Lee Max Friedman Collection of American Jewish Colonial Correspondence
005303: Gérard Herzhaft - Thorvald, Viking Des Orcades
8534428593119377900: Philip Heselton - Northern Earth Mysteries May 1980 No. 6, July 1980 No. 7, April 1980 No. 5, February 1980 No. 4 Four Issues
9000261: Philip Heselton, Jimmy Goddard, Paul Screeton - Northern Earth Mysteries Group No. 3 Winter Solstice 1979
016526: Editor Llamrei y Hethnen - Tournament Illuminated Spring XXIV 90
012739: Shlomo S.Gafni A.van Der Heyden - The Glory of Jerusalem an Explorer's Guide
016783: Helen Hickey - Images of Stone: Figure Sculpture of the Lough Erne Basin
9000536: Constance B. Hieatt - The Joy of the Court
017132: John Taylor Ranulf Higden - The Universal Chronicle of Ranulf Higden
9000530099998987756: Sydney Higgins - Theatre in the Round: The Staging of Cornish Medieval Drama
8534428593119377222: Charles Williams introduction Sorina Higgins - Taliessin Through Logres & the Region of the Summer Stars
853442859261: Sarah Lynn Higley - Between Languages: The Uncooperative Text in Early Welsh and Old English Nature Poetry
ABE-244068: Rita & Tim Hildebrandt - Merlin and the Dragons of Atlantis
009909: M. Inez Hilger - Chippewa Child Life and Its Cultural Background
738: William Thomson Hill - Buried London: Mithras to the Middle Ages
015884: Hill, Frances - Hunting for Witches: A Visitor's Guide to the Salem Witch Trials
007469: James Michael Hill - Celtic Warfare 1595-1763
015824: Jean Anouilh Translated Lucienne Hill - Becket or the Honor of God
380: William Thomson Hill - Buried London Mithras to the Middle Ages
SKU1000142: Barbara Hillers, Pamela Hopkins, Jerry Hunter Editors - Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium Volume XIII 1993
978139993284178375: J. N. Hillgarth - Visigothic Spain and Early Christian Ireland Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Volume 62, Section C, No 6
66781: Hillsdon, Sonia - Jersey Witches, Ghosts and Traditions
5311: Mary Penelope Hillyard - Blarney Castle and Rock Close
9000530100072: Martha Himmelfarb - Jewish Messiahs in a Christian Empire: A History of the Book of Zerubbabel
007839: John Hinde - Ireland Its Beauty and Splendour
008407: James R. Hinds and Edmund Fitzgerald - Bulwark and Bastion: A Look at Musket Era Fortifications with a Glance at Period Siegecraft
008985: Roger Hinks - Carolingian Art a Study of Early Medieval Painting and Sculpture in Western Europe
9000530099998987693: Elizabeth Caldwell Hirschman; Donald N. Yates - When Scotland Was Jewish: Dna Evidence, Archeology, Analysis of Migrations, and Public and Family Records Show Twelfth Century Semitic Roots
015216: Francis Hitching - Earth Magic
9000530099998987680: Francis Hitching - Earth Magic
5344285931196: Willy Van Hoecke, Gilbert Touroy, Werner Verbeke - Arturus Rex Volumen II Acta Conventus
013422: Alice Hoffman - Turtle Moon
6689: Rabbi Yair Hoffman - Mezuzah a Comprehensive Guide
005820: Daniel Hoffman - Paul Bunyan Last of the Frontier Demigods
9000280: Daithi O Hogain - Myth, Legend, and Romance: An Encyclopaedia of Irish Folk Tradition
007583: Robert Hogan - Eimar O'Duffy (the Irish Writers Series) Irish Writers Series Hardcover
010879: Robert Hogan - Dictionary of Irish Literature
ABE-261971: James Hogan - Ireland in the European System Vol. I 1550-1557
016112: A. H. A Hogg - Hill-Forts of Britain
010372: Kevin Crossley-Holland - The Seeing Stone (Arthur) First Edition Hardcover
792: Kevin Crossley-Holland - Storm and Other Old English Riddles
85344285931193795: C. H. Holland - Irish Scenery
006795: Rupert S.Holland, - King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table Illustrated by Lancelot Speed
9000530673: Hollywood Pantages Theatre February 9-27, 2022 - Hamilton Playbill Hollywood Pantages Theatre Los Angeles California
8534428593113805: J.R.R. Tolkien Dramatization Ian Holm, [Reader] - The Lord of the Rings (Bbc Dramatization) Thirteen Cds
007468: Carrie Ellen Holman - Our Island Story Broadcasts Given over Cfcy Charlottetown in the Winter of 1948
011522: Michael Holmes - King Arthur a Military History
9000530099998987805: Urban Tigner Holmes - Chrãƒâ©Tien de Troyes
016224: Holroyd, Michael - Bernard Shaw: The Pursuit of Power, Volume II 1898-191 Signed by Michael Holroyd
012697: Jan Greshoff Edited A. Roland Holst - The Death of Cuchulainn Harvest of the Lowlands an Anthology in English Translation of Creative Writing in the Dutch Language
8534428593119402: Honegger, Thomas - Introducing the Medieval Dragon (Medieval Animals)
005260: Michael Hook and Walter Ross - The 'Forty-Five the Last Jacobite Rebellion
016839: Hooker, Mark T. - Tolkien and Welsh Essays on J.R. R. Tolkien's Use of Welsh in His Legendarium
007147: Brian Hooker - Fairyland an Opera in Three Acts Original
90005759836: William Dunbar A.D. Hope - A Midsummer Eve's Dream: Variations on a Theme
980: Alannah Hopkin - The Living Legend of St. Patrick
90005731: Andrea. Hopkins - The Book of Guinevere
013145: Andrea Hopkins - Chronicles of King Arthur
007139: Andrea Hopkins - The Book of Guinevere: Legendary Queen of Camelot
90092: Zinken Hopp - Norwegian Folklore Simplified
9000530099998987775: Vincent Foster Hopper and Gerald B. Lahey - Medieval Mysteries, Moralities and Interludes
85344285931194363677878: Eben Norton Horsford - The Defences of Norumbega and a Review of the Reconnaissances
1080: Richard Hoskins - Westward to Arthur Holiday Quests for the West-Country Arthur
9000530099998987761: Romeyn Beck Hough - Handbook of the Trees of the Northern States and Canada East of the Rocky Mountains
007530: Denise Houle - Contes Quebecois
SKU1000125: Simpson-Housley; Simpson-Housley, Paul - The Arctic: Enigmas and Myths
015447: Laurence Housman - Victoria Regina a Dramatic Biography First Edition Hardcover
006628: Richard Hovey Edited Mrs. Richard Hovey - The Holy Graal and Other Fragments by Richard Hovey Being the Uncompleted Parts of the Arthurian Dramas
9000350: Thomas Hoving, Director Linda Sipress, Margaret B. Freeman - The Unicorn Tapestries the Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin Volume XXXII, Number 1, 1973/1974
014437: Robert West Howard - Thundergate the Forts of Niagara
9000530100045: John Howe - A Middle-Earth Traveller: Sketches from Bag End to Mordor
97813999328406: Caleb Howells - King Arthur the Man Who Conquered Europe
6589: Dick Plotz Editor Margaret M. Howes, Jan Wojcik, Bob Foster - Tolkien Journal Vol III. No 2 1967 Dick Plotz Editor Tim Kirk
016539: David Howlett - Insular Inscriptions
008242: Gerald Howson - Burgoyne of Saratoga: A Biography
015060: Arthur John Hubbard George Hubbard - Neolithic Dew Ponds and Cattle Ways
012270: Henri Hubert - The Rise of the Celts
625: Hubert, Henri - History of the Celtic People
016787: Benjamin Hudson - Studies in the Medieval Atlantic (the New Middle Ages)
005698: Barbara Walker Edited David J. Hufford, Barre Toelken, Timothy C. Lloyd, kenneth D.Pimple, Erika Brady, Joyce D. Adler - Out of the Ordinary Folklore and the Supernatural
016456: Dafydd Ab Hugh - Far Beyond the Wave
016150: Dafydd Ab Hugh - Arthur War Lord
90044: Hugh Miller Edited, With A Preface: By Mrs Miller - Tales and Sketches
005659: SirJohn Rhys J. E. Lloyd Professor Anwyl A.N.Palmer Harold Hughes - The Capel Mair Stone Archaeologia Cambrensis Vol. VII Sixth Series 1907 Original Hardcover
9000530529: Kathleen Hughes - Early Christianity in Pictland by Kathleen Hughes Jarrow Lecture 1970
SKU1000058: Hughes, Matt; Malice, Michael - Made in America: The Most Dominant Champion in Ufc History
013963: Kathleen Hughes - Early Christian Ireland
9000005: Kathleen Hughes - The Church in Early Irish Society
9000530648: John Hughes - Horae Britannicae; or, Studies in Ancient British History: Containing Various Disquisitions on the National and Religious Antiquities of Great Britain
015898: Leon Huhner - A Book of Songs and Sonnets by Leon Huhner a Memorial Volume
9000051: Eleanor Hull, T.F. O'Rahilly, R.I. Best, Myles Dillon, Kenneth Jackson, J. Lloyd-Jones, M.A O' Brien, Brian O' Cuiv - Eriu Vol. XVI 1952 Contributions in Memory of Osborn Bergin
008999: Henry Humbert - The Rise of the Celts
5211: Hume, M. K. - King Arthur: Warrior of the West
8534428593119415: Emyr. Humphreys - The Taliesin Tradition a Quest for Welsh Identity
014575: Christmas Humphreys - A Popular Dictionary of Buddhism
9000530506: John Humphries - Man from the Alamo: Why the Welsh Chartist Uprising of 1839 Ended in a Massacre
9000117: Rolfe Humphries - Green Armor on Green Ground Poems in the Twenty-Four Official Welsh Meters and Some, in Free Meters, on Welsh Themes
283: Ganddo Ef Ei Hun - Bywyd Ieuan Gwynedd
9000530099998987813: Richard Barber [Editor] Tony Hunt, Toshiyuki Takamiya - Arthurian Literature VIII (Vol 8)
011039: HUNT, R.W. / POWICKE, F M - Studies in Mediaeval History
630: Hunt, George T. - The Wars of the Iroquois: A Study in Intertribal Trade Relations
008098: Mollie Hunter - The Haunted Mountain
853442859311943611: Hunter, Mollie - The Stronghold
853442859311260: Jim Hunter - Percival and the Presence of God
853442859311292: Hurlock, Kathryn - Wales and the Crusades: C. 1095 - 1291 (University of Wales Press - Studies in Welsh History)
010445: Editor-Shahrukh Husain; Illustrator-Liane Payne - Daughters of the Moon
9000530100044: Huws, Daniel - Peniarth 28 Darluniau O Lyfr Cyfraith Hywel Dda Illustrations from a Welsh Lawbook
009073: An Craoibin Douglas Hyde - Sgeuluide Fior Na Seactmaine
006423: Douglas Hyde, W. Wade-Evans, A.W. Carmichael Alexander, - The Celtic Review Vol X. No. 40. June 1916 the Saxones in the Exeidium Britanniae- Continued Rev A.W. Wade-Evans The Cooking of the Great Queen Douglas Hyde
015830: Mavis Hyman - Jews of the Raj
016269: Maire Ui Iarnain - An Comortas Iascaireachta Agus Scealta Eile
9000284: Ministry for Foreign Affairs Of Iceland - The Viking Discovery of America
8534428593119403: Moshe Idel - Primeval Evil in Kabbalah Totality, Perfection, Perfectibility
11008: Rhiannon Ifans - Tales from Wales
009668: Rhiannon Ifans - Chwedlaur Brenin Arthur
008188: Sandra Ness Ihle - Malory's Grail Quest: Invention and Adaptation in Medieval Prose Romance
765953269876554452: Sandra Ness Ihle - Malory's Grail Quest: Invention and Adaptation in Medieval Prose Romance
9000530099998987720: Mark M. Boatner III - Landmarks of the American Revolution People and Places Vital to the Quest for Independence
010560: E. Tegla Davies W. Mitford-Davies Illus. - Y Greal Santaidd
6578: Margaret Stokes Illustrated With Woodcuts - Early Christian Architecture in Ireland
9000530099998987849: Gwyn Thomas Margaret Jones Color Illustrations - Madog Illustrations by Margaret Jones
9000530100070: J.R.R. Tolkien & Eric Fraser (Illustrator) - The Hobbit or There and Back Again
874716838: Magic Eye Inc. - Magic Eye III, Vol. 3 Visions a New Dimension in Art 3d Illustrations
9000530099998987840: Ingstad, Helge - Land Under the Pole Star
008207: Medieval Institute - 36th International Congress on Medieval Studies Scholarly Proceedings.
9000530099998987830: Trends International - The Lord of the Rings a 16-Months 2023 Calendar
97813999328416: Dion Fortune Gareth Knight Introduction - Moon Magic
007268: Eugene Mason Translated Gwyn Jones Introduction. - Arthurian Chronicles Wace and Layamon
90098: Eugene Mason Translated Gwyn Jones Introduction - Wace and Layamon Arthurian Chronicles
015068: Joseph Nicolar James D. Wherry Introduction - The Life and Traditions of the Red Man by Joseph Nicolar
013788: Hazel Snell Schreiber Julia Cooley Altrocchi introduction - Coastland Curfew and Other Other Poems Limited Numbered Edition
010480: Ernest Rhys Edited Lucy A. Paton Introduction - Two Romances of the Death of Arthur Introduction by Lucy Allen Paton
9000530513: Adomnan of Iona - Life of St. Columba (Penguin Classics)
9000364: John de Courcy Ireland And David C. Sheehy - Atlantic Visions
853442859311236: Made in Ireland - Irish Penal Cross Made of Bog Turf
013183: Arts Council Of Ireland, Wales, Scotland - Celtic Triangle an Exhibition of Works by Young Artists from Ireland, Scotland and Wales
008682: Myrtle Ireland - The Legend of Knocksheegowna ( the Hill of the Fairy Calf )
014133: S. Ireland - Roman Britain a Sourcebook
016473: Ordinance Survey Of Ireland - Galway Offaly Ordnance Survey Map 1976 Color Fold out
014753: Pierre M. Irving, Washington Irving - The Life and Letters of Washington Irving by His Nephew Volume 1 Original Hardcover
9000530099998987679: G. Alexander Irving, Martin Cannon, Al Aronowitz - The Woodstock Seasoner Summer/Autumn 1994 Dylan's Woodstock Shuffle Al Aronowitz Earthgames The Amazing Story Of John Lear Martin Cannon
006775: Rev. D. Falloon Edited Rev. John Irwin - History of Ireland CIVIL and Ecclesiastical, from the Earliest Times Till the Death of Henry II
8534428593119377901: Gerard Israel and Jacques Lebar - When Jerusalem Burned the Catastrophic Day When the Romans Destroyed the Great Temple and Jerusalem Itself
11004: The Reverend J. Israelstam and The Reverend L . Weiwow - Ye Are My Witnesses" Sermons and Studies by Former Students of Rabbi Dr. Samuel Daiches at Jews' College, London
853442859311: John Williams Ab Ithel - The Cambrian Journal; Published Under the Auspices of the Cambrian Institute Vol III (3) 1856
9000530099998987728: The Rev. John Williams ab Ithel - Dosparth Edeyrn Davod Aur; or the Ancient Welsh Grammar
9000530099998987745: William R Griffith IV - The Battle of Lake George: England's First Triumph in the French and Indian War
012497: Robert H. Ivy - The Manuscript Relations of Manessier's Continuation of the French Perceval
008114: Matthews J - From Isles of Dream Visionary Stories and Poems of the Celtic Renaissance
017282: Coatman J. - Magna Britannia
9000530099998987689: Marcus G. J. - The Conquest of the North Atlantic
007135: R. D. S Jack - The Italian Influence on Scottish Literature
009818: R. Ian Jack - Medieval Wales
006172: R.I. Jack - The Grey of Ruthin Valor
610: Kenneth Hurlstone Jackson. - A Celtic Miscellany
014801: Kenneth Jackson - The Gaelic Notes in the Book of Deer (Osborn Bergin Memorial Lecture)
9000530655: Kenneth Jackson - The Ogam Inscriptions at Dunadd Antiquity, Volume 39, No. 156, September 1963
65: W. T. H. Jackson - The Anatomy of Love
012802: Anthony Jackson - In Search of the Arthurian Kings an Attempt at Finding the Historical Truth About the Collapse of the Roman Empire and the Beginnings of the Saxon Kingdoms
8534428593113782: Anthony Jackson - The Pictish Trail
853442859311943629: Jackson, A.B. - The Voyage of St Brendan
005212: Kenneth Hurlstone Jackson - Studies in Early Celtic Nature Poetry
9000530099998987695: Jacob and Irwin Polishook Judd - Aspects of Early New York Society and Politics
90042: JACOBSON, Karen, ed - The French Renaissance in Prints, from the Bibliotheque Nationale de France
009968: Kathleen Jacoby - Vision of the Grail
005495: Lisa Lee Foreward By Hattie Jacques - Owen's Second Story Book a Further Collection of Welsh Fairy Tales
013093: Briard Jacques - Dolmens Et Menhirs
9000530667: M. A. Jagendorf, Illustrations by Lino S. Lipinsky - The Ghost of Peg-Leg Peter and Other Folk Tales of Old New York
016026: Mark Jager - Mystic Michigan Vol. 1 (Tales of the Supernatural)
005208: Cary James - King & Raven
90019: E. O. James - Prehistoric Religion a Study in Prehistoric Archaeology
90005759901322: John James - Not for All the Gold in Ireland
012908: Simon James - The World of the Celts
014908: Janet And Colin Bord - Prehistoric Britain from the Air
014299: Janet Egleson, and Dunleavy, Gareth W Dunleavy - Douglas Hyde: A Maker of Modern Ireland
5223: Karen Jankulak - The Medieval Cult of St Petroc Studies in Celtic History XIX
8534428593113819: R. H. Spencer Edited A. O. H. Jarman, Glenys W. Goetinick - A Note on the Possible Welsh Derivation of Viviane Gallica Essays Presented to J. Heywood Thomas Chretien's Welsh Inheritance
9000530568: Branwen Jarvis - Goronwy Owen
97813999328417826: Jason; Ralph Frammolino Felch - Chasing Aphrodite
853442859311943619: John Jay - The Peace Negotiations of 1782-1783 As Newly Illustrated by Confidential Papers of Shelburne and Vergennes
013111: John Major Jenkins - Maya Cosmogenesis 2012: The True Meaning of the Maya Calendar End-Date
90005759865: Anthony Jenkins - The Isle of Ladies or, the Ile of Pleasaunce (Garland Medieval Texts, No. 2)
6532: Geraint H. Jenkins, Gareth Elwyn Jones - Degrees of Influence: A Memorial Volume for Glanmor Williams (Hardback)
012422: Brian Jenkins - Fenians and Anglo-American Relations During Reconstruction
007980: Jenkins, Elizabeth - The Mystery of King Arthur
009554: L. B. Jenson - Nova Scotia Sketch Book
012413: John Jerome - Stone Work: Reflections on Serious Play & Other Aspects of Country Life
015559: Editor-Chris Gosden, Helena Hamerow, Philip de Jersey and Gary Lock - Communities and Connections Essays in Honour of Barry Cunliffe
013154: Margareta Jersild - Skillingtryck Studier I Svensk Folklig Vissing Fãƒâ¶Re 1800 with Summary in English The Melodies of Swedish Broadsides Songs Before 1800
005306: Liversidge Joan - Britain in the Roman Empire
016400: Nicole St.John - Guinevere's Gift
015974: John R. Sellers, Gerard W. Gawalt, Paul H. Smith, and Patricia Molen Editors American Revolution Bicentennial Office - Manuscript Sources in the Library of Congress for Research on the American Revolution Hardcover
014845: Paul C. Johnson - The California Missions a Pictorial History
6644: David. Johnson - Penninc and Pieter Vostaert Roman Van Walewein (Garland Library of Medieval Literature) Hardcover
014457: Richard Wall Edited F.X.Martin Ann Dooley Toni O'Brien Johnson - Medieval and Modern Ireland
014598: Johnson, Thomas [edited by J. S. L. Gilmour] - Thomas Johnson - Botanical Journeys in Kent and Hampstead
9000530099998987788: Editor-David F. Johnson; Editor-Geert H. M. Claassens - Dutch Romances : III Five Interpolated Romances from the Lancelot Compilation (Arthurian Archives)
853442859262: Johnson, Marjorie T. - Seeing Fairies: From the Lost Archives of the Fairy Investigation Society, Authentic Reports of Fairies in Modern Times
015008: Donald S. Johnson - Phantom Islands of the Atlantic the Legends of Seven Lands That Never Were
013993: Johnston, David E. - The Channel Islands: An Archaeological Guide
9000507: Donald L. Cyr Editor Paul Karlsson Johnstone, Paul Screeton, Egerton Sykes, Louis K. Bell - The Round Table Cloth Paul Karlsson Johnstone Stonehenge Viewpoint Issue Number 58 Atlantis Issue
006122: George Johnstone - The Saga of Gisli
90005702: Paul K. Johnstone - Escape from Attila
9000018: Dan Jolley - The Hero Twins Against the Lords of Death a Mayan Myth
9000530599: Mieczyslaw Brahmer (Editor); Stanislaw Helsztynski (Editor); Julian Krzyzanowski (Editor) Thomas Jones, Helen Adolf, Roger Sherman Loomis, Nevill Coghill - A Sixteenth Century Version of the Arthurian Cave Legend Studies in Language and Literature in Honour of Margaret Schlauch
008169: W. Basil Jones John Williams ab Ithel Rev.John Jones - Archaeologia Cambrensis a Record of the Antiquities of Wales and Its Marches New Series No. XX October1854 and Supplement 1850 Vestiges of the Gael in Gwynedd Both Part 1 & 2 in Two Seperate Complete Original Issues
9000256: E. Alfred Jones - Welshmen in the American War of Independence Original 1917 from the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion
9000367: Ellis T. P. Foreword By Prof. T. Gwynn Jones - Dreams and Memories With A Foreword By Prof. T. Gwynn Jones
007713: Keith Spencer Alan Jones - The Green Book Autumn 1979 Volume 1 Number 1 a Celebration of the Native Genius of the British & Celtic Peoples
853442859311943634: Robin Gwyndaf Illustrated Margaret D. Jones - Welsh Folk Tales Gwerin Cymru
016946: J. J. Jones - March Ap Meirchion a Study in Celtic Folklore Aberystwyth Studies Vol. XII 1932
9000530659: C. A. Jones - Little Jeanneton's Work; a Chronicle of Breton Life
90005692: Arthur Jones - The History of Gruffydd Ap Cynan the Welsh Text with Translation, Introduction, and Notes
005709: Michael Jones - Ducal Brittany 1364-1399: Relations with England and France During the Reign of Duke John IV
9000530100105: Louis Thomas Jones - Red Man's Trail
6695: Cynan Jones - Bird, Blood, Snow (New Stories from the Mabinogion)
845: Beryl Maud Jones - Stories from the Enchanted Harp
1063: Gwyn Jones - Kings Beasts and Heroes
9000017: G. Lloyd Jones - The Discovery of Hebrew in Tudor England: A Third Language
010556: Lawrence E. Jones - The Observer's Book of Old English Churches
014115: Patrick; Jones, Michael Galliou - The Bretons (Peoples of Europe)
900010: J. Gwynfor Jones - Diddordebau Diwylliannol Wyniaid Gwedir (the Cultural Interests of the Wynns of Gwydir) Initialled by Author
249: Rev. William Basil Jones, Rev.John Williams (Ab Ithel ) Rev.John Jones, - Vestiges of the Gael in Gwynedd, on the State of Agriculture Under the Druidical System, Glossary of Terms Used for Articles of British Dress and Armour Archaeologia Cambrensis Record of the Antiquities of Wales and Its Marches Supplement,1850 Original First Edition Original 1850 Edition
90005759901304: Sally Roberts Jones - Elen and the Goblin, and Other Legends of Afan
009333: T. Gwynn Jones - Bardism and Romance: A Study of the Welsh Literary Tradition by T. Gwynn Jones
007947: Rev. Basil Jones, T. O. Morgan - Vestiges of the Gael in Gwynedd Supplemental Section Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Cambrian Archaeological Association
008901: Owain Jones and Kevin Mason Edited R.F. Peter Powell Jacqueline Morris - Brycheiniog Vol XXII 1986/87 Hay-on-Wye: Local Economy in the Nineteenth Century
010977: Thomas Jones, J.E.Caerwyn Williams, J.M. Cleary, A.H. Dodd - The Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies Vol XVII Part IV May 1958
515: Courtway Jones - In the Shadow of the Oak King
017045: Thomas Jones - A Welsh Chronicler in Tudor England Signed with Author's Compliments Plus Accompanying Original Two Page Hand Written Letter by Welsh Historian Thomas Jones and T.J. Morgan on Elis Gruffudd
8534428587: Ffion Mair Jones - 'the Bard Is a Very Singular Character Iolo Morganwg, Marginalia and Print Culture (University of Wales Press - Iolo Morganwg and the Romantic Tradition)
9000530099998987834: Gwyn Jones - Welsh Legends and Folktales
016993: Michael E. Jones, Daniel M. Masterson, - Naval History the Sixth Symposium of the U.S. Naval Academy The Logistics of the Anglo-Saxon Invasion by Michael E. Jones
66834: Jones, Kelvin I. - The Wise Woman; Her Lives, Charms, Spells and Cures: A Guide to the Folk Charms, Cures and Divinatory Practices of the Wise Woman
5247: Deloris Jordan with Roslyn M. Jordan - Salt in His Shoes: Michael Jordan in Pursuit of a Dream
853442859311340: Amelia Joyce - My Connemara Journeys Joyce Country A Connemara Guide
66903: James Joyce - Finnegans Wake Centennial Edition
853442859311943608: James Joyce - James Joyce Reads (Audio Cassette-Unabridged)
11109: Steven Justice - Adam Usk's Secret (the Middle Ages Series)
005280: Chambers E.K. - The English Folk-Play
97813999328383: Marianne E. Kalinke - Norse Romance II the Knights of the Round Table (Arthurian Archives)
900008: Marianne E. Kalinke - King Arthur North-by-Northwest the Matiãƒâ¨Re de Bretagne in Old Norse-Icelandic Romances Bibliotheca Arnamagnaeana Vol. XXXVII (37).
009582: Marianne E. Kalinke - The Book of Reykjaholar: The Last of the Great Medieval Legendaries
012400: David Kamansky - Gold Jewelry and Ornaments of Malaysia
017013: et. al. Dana Evan Kaplan - American Jewish History an American Jewish Historical Society Quarterly Publication, December 1995 (Volume 83)
016925: Aryeh Kaplan - The Infinite Light a Book About God
014230: Sidney Kaplan - The Black Presence in the Era of the American Revolution
008010: Vaclav Kaplicky - Witch Hammer
013226: Phyllis Ann Karr - The King Arthur Companion: The Legendary World of Camelot and the Round Table
012889: William Loren Katz - Black Indians: A Hidden Heritage
011219: Daniel Kaufman - Ireland Presences
011295: Kavanaugh, James - Winter Has Lasted Too Long
016523: Guy Gavriel Kay - The Wandering Fire the Fionavar Tapestry Book Two
90005759901323: Guy Gavriel Kay - The Darkest Road the Fionavar Tapestry Book 3
66720: Guy Gavriel Kay - The Darkest Road the Fionavar Tapestry Book Three
66733: John E. Keall, E. J. Nagal-Berthrong, E Vollmer - Silk Roads, China Ships: An Exhibition of East-West Trade
007186: Dorothy Everett Edited Patricia Kean - Essays on Middle English Literature
014804: John B Keane - The Bodhran Makers
016662: Editors John W.Keefe, William K.Verner, John F.Hayward - American Lacy and Pressed Glass in the Toledo Museum of Art the Magazine Antiques July 1971
015041: J. Fraser P. Grosjean J.G.O' Keefe - Irish Texts Fasciculus III
853442859264: Simon Keegan - Pennine Dragon
853442859279: Keegan, Simon - The Lost Book of King Arthur
853442859311254: Laura Keeler - Geoffrey of Monmouth and the Late Latin Chroniclers 1300-1500
9000530099998987714: Neil Philip Illustrator Charles Keeping. - The Tale of Sir Gawain
9000088: Alice Beck Kehoe - The Land of Prehistory a Critical History of American Archaeology
546: Thomas Keightley - The World Guide to Gnomes, Fairies, Elves and Other Little People
016740: Rosemary Radford Ruether Rosemary Skinner Keller - Women and Religion in America the Colonial and Revolutionary Period (Women & Religion in America)
9000530100035: Arthur S. Keller, Oliver J. Lissitzyn, Frederick J. Mann - Creation of Rights of Sovereignty Through Symbolic Acts 1400-1800
009675: Donald G Keller - The Eildon Tree a Journal of Fantasy Vol. 1 No 2 Limited Hand Numbered Edition 300 Copies It All Started With Tolkien, Part VI: 1973
016271: Claire O' Kelly - Passage-Grave Art in the Boyne Valley
013044: Seamus O' Kelly - Irish Short Stories by Seamus O'Kelly
014871: Claire O'Kelly - Illustrated Guide to Newgrange and Other Boyne Monuments
853442859311301: Michael A. Clark Contributing Editor M A Kelly - Maelgwn of Llandaff and Joseph of Arimathea
9000530100006: Mary Kelly, & Charles Doherty, editors - Music and the Stars: Mathematics in Medieval Ireland
SKU1000167: O'Kelly, Michael J - Early Ireland: An Introduction to Irish Prehistory Fine Condition Hardcover
008458: J. J. O' Kelly - Elements of Irish Art a Lecture Delivered Under the Auspices of the Academy of Christian Art
006609: Amy Kelly - Eleanor of Aquitaine and the Four Kings
6657: Kelsey, Penelope Myrtle - Reading the Wampum: Essays on Haudenosaunee Visual Code and Epistemological Recovery
9000044: William W. Kenawell - The Quest at Glastonbury a Biographical Study of Frederick Bligh Bond
015301: T.D. Kendrick - Anglo-Saxon Art to A.D. 900 Hardcover
011055: Kenneally, Michael (Editor) - Andrew Carpenter, Terry Eagleton, Richard Kearney, Declan Kiberd, Edna Longley, Patrick Rafroidi, Mary Helen Thuente - Irish Literature and Culture - (Conference Papers of the Canadian Association of Irish Studies)
009645: Charles W. Kennedy - An Anthology of Old English Poetry
013109: Mike Dixon-Kennedy; Chris Down - Heroes of the Round Table
900057599002: Elspeth Kennedy - Lancelot and the Grail: A Study of the Prose Lancelot
016005: Alice P. Kenney, James K. Pickering, Clyde Griffen, Lowell K.Dyson Editor Wendell Tripp - New York History Volume LI Number 5 October 1970 Sir Galahad and the Knight of the Apron String
9000175: Maurice Kenny - Tekonwatonti: Molly Brant: Poems of War (1735-1795 : Poems of War)
008736: Maurice Kenny - Tekonwatonti: Molly Brant: Poems of War (1735-1795 : Poems of War)
005916: Percy F. Kensett - The Amulet of Tarv
8534428574: Alan M. Kent - Arthur Symons and His Forgotten Tristan and Iseult Studies in Cornish Language and Culture 8
014568: Helene Schwartz Kenvin - This Land of Liberty: A History of America's Jews
853442859271: John Kenward - Ab Ithel: An Account of the Life and Writings of the Rev. John Williams Ab Ithel, M.A.
016427: W. P. Ker - Epic and Romance Essays on Medieval Literature
9000530542: Richard M Ketchum - Divided Loyalties: How the American Revolution Came to New York
SKU1000057: Ketterer, David - Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy
008400: Declan Kiberd - Inventing Ireland the Literature of the Modern Nation
90005733: William W. Kibler - The Lancelot-Grail Cycle Text and Transformations
90005759840: Catherine M. Jones & William W. Kibler - Huon of Bordeaux First Modern English Translation
014661: Thomas J. Kiernan - The White Hound of the Mountain and Other Irish Tales
015135: Charles Kightly, Peter Cheze Brown - Strongholds of the Realm Defences in Britain
90005759855: Alan Kilpatrick - The Night Has a Naked Soul: Witchcraft and Sorcery Among the Western Cherokee (the Iroquois and Their Neighbors)
9000530099998987777: Robert L. Kindrick With The Assistance Of Michele R. Crepeau - Arthuriana Volume 7 Number 1 Spring 1997 Special Issue William Matthews on Caxton and Malory
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007092: A.M. Kinghorn - The Middle Scots Poets
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006468: John Kirkpatrick And J. W. D. Kirkland - Transactions of the Franco-Scottish Society 1906-1909
016107: Noel Kissane and Inez Fletcher - Gaelic Manuscripts Treasures from the National Library of Ireland
015642: Ernst Kitzinger - Early Medieval Art
012586: Thorkild Kjergaard - Denmark Gets the News of 76
11132: Francine Klagsbrun - Freedom Now!: The Story of the Abolitionists
006730: Joseph Klaits - Servants of Satan: The Age of the Witch Hunts
008535: Mitzi Kleidon - Eternity's Hope the Sequel to Rexcaibur
008438: Mitzi Kleidon - Rexcalibur the Magic Returns
010651: Mina C. Klein and H. Arthur Klein - Temple Beyond Time the Story of the Site of Solomon's Temple at Jerusalem
012354: Milton M.Klein - New York State History Vol. XL. No 3 1959
014476: Hans-Joachim Klimkeit - Gnosis on the Silk Road Gnostic Parables, Hymns & Prayers from Central Asia
8534428593119384: Gareth. Knight - Dion Fortune and the Inner Light
85344285931124: Israel. Knohl - The Messiah Before Jesus the Suffering Servant of the Dead Sea Scrolls
874716935: James Knowles - King Arthur and His Knights
007064: Kocher, Paul Harold - Master of Middle-Earth; the Fiction of J.R. R. Tolkien
011480: Francis C. Koehler - Hilda a Romance of the Revolution Washington Bi-Centennial Edition
009185: G. Kogan - Histoires Et Legendes de la Bretagne Mysterieuse
010543: J.Frank Dobie Joseph E.Doctor Paul I.Wellman Larry Koller - Deception at Bushy Run the American Gun Volume 1 No. 3 Hardcover
181: Manuel Komroff - Tales of the Monks from the Gesta Romanorum
11140: James O'Kon - The Lost Secrets of Maya Technology
016687: Helene Koppejan - Strange Parallel Zebulun the Netherlands a Tribe of Israel
015107: Bernard Postal Lionel Koppman - Jewish Landmarks in New York an Informal History and Guide
8534428593119377910: Peter Korrel - An Arthurian Triangle a Study of the Origin, Development and Characterization of Arthur, Guinevere and Modred
013742: Jerzy Kosinski - Cockpit
011651: Hubert Lampo & Pieter Paul Koster - Arthur and the Grail
014718: Rabbi Ralph De Koven and Edith and Oscar Tarcov - A Prayer Book with Explanatory Notes and Prayer Dictionary Selected from the Illustrated Book of Jewish Knowledge Hardcover
900053016: Herbert C. Kraft - The Dutch, the Indians & the Quest for Copper: Pahaquarry & the Old Mine Road
015561: Leon E. Stover & Bruce Kraig - Stonehenge the Indo-European Heritage
010680: Frank R. Kramer - Voices in the Valley Mythmaking and Folk Belief in the Shaping of the Middle West
013339: Horatio Sheafe Krans - Irish Life in Irish Fiction
015744: Nobert Krapf - Beneath the Cherry Sapling Legends from Franconia
015478: Alexander Haggerty Krappe - Balor with the Evil Eye Studies in Celtic and French Literature
9000028: Alexander Haggerty Krappe - The Science of Folk-Lore
007049: Paul V. Kreider - Elizabethan Comic Character Conventions
015166: Thomas Kren - Margaret of York, Simon Marmion, and the Visions of Tondal
010075: Nancy Kress - The Golden Grove
015036: Carol Herselle Krinsky - Synagogues of Europe: Architecture, History, Meaning (Architectural History Foundation Book)
014416: C. Douglas Kroll - Friends in Peace and War" the Russian Navy's Landmark Visit to CIVIL War San Francisco (Military Controversies)
900057599000: Venceslas Kruta and Werner Forman - The Celts of the West (Echoes of the Ancient World)
009255: Herbert Kuhn - The Rock Pictures of Europe
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005960: Philip B. Kunhardt Jr - Life in Camelot the Kennedy Years First Edition Hardcover
015217: Gustav Kunnecke - Bilderatlas Geschichte Der Deutschen National Litteratur (Hardcover)
010939: Gustav Kunstler - Romanesque Art in Europe
012875: George Frederick Kunz - The Magic of Jewels and Charms
8534428569: Samuel Kurinsky - Glassmakers: An Odyssey of the Jews : The First Three Thousand Years
005508: Daniel Grotta-Kurska - J.R. R. Tolkien: Architect of Middle Earth a Biography
014180: Katherine Kurtz - Two Crowns for America
9000575981: Kushner, Ellen - Thomas the Rhymer
90005700: Ellen Kushner - Thomas the Rhymer
006139: Susan MacLean Kybett - Bonnie Prince Charlie
9000052: Editor Nichols Roger L. - The American Indian Past and Present
9000277: Laurier Turgeon Editor Ronald Labelle - Ethnologies in Honour of Peter Narvaez Vol. 30. 2 2008
5266: Labi, Esther - California (Dk Eyewitness Travel Guides)
66785: Brian Lacey - Colum Cille and the Columbian Tradition
009085: Hartmann Von Aue Mit Anmerkungen Von G.F. Benecke Und K. Lachmann - Iwein Eine Erzãƒâ¤Hlung Von Hartmann Von Aue
017207: Jean Lacouture - Andre Malraux
9000530099998987774: Norris J. Lacy - The Grail, the Quest and the World of Arthur
015123: Brian Lacy - Colum Cille and the Columban Tradition
9000530552: Geoffrey Ashe Norris J. Lacy - The Arthurian Handbook
97813999328417807: Norris J. Lacy - The Fortunes of King Arthur (Arthurian Studie)
008371: John Laffin - Scotland the Brave the Story of the Scottish Soldier
9000013: Valerie M. Lagorio, Mildred Leake Day - King Arthur Through the Ages, Volume. 2
009427: Vincent F.Hopper Gerald B.Lahey - Medieval Mystery Plays Morality Plays and Interludes
010637: Lloyd Laing - Celtic Britain Hardcover
006040: Laing, Lloyd; Laing, Jennifer - Anglo-Saxon England
9000530100101: Helen Drever Illustrated Mildred R. Lamb - The Lure of the Kelpie Fairy And Folk Tales Of The Highlands
010001: Jacques Lamoureux - Lancelot Et la Reine Du Graal
012688: Auguste Guignard Adapted Into English By Daniele Lampietti - The Castle of Chillon Tresors De Mon Pays
5344285931209: Gustave Lanctot - Montreal Under Maisonneuve 1642 -1665
9000253: Helen Landreth - The Mind and Heart of Mary Childers As Shown in Selections from a Personal Correspondence with Helen Landreth
765953269876554449: Bernadette Breton translated Patricia Landry - Marguerite Bourgeoys and the Native People
9000396: Nancy Lane, Alan Edwards - The Early Church in Wales and the West Recent Work in Early Christian Archaeology, History and Place-Names (Oxbow Monographs in Archaeology)
005640: Barbara Lane - Echoes from Medieval Halls: Past Life Memories from the Middle Ages
011488: Jean Lang - A Land of Romance the Border It's History and Legend
012725: William Langhorne - Plutarch's Lives of the Most Select and Illustrious Characters of Antiquity
97813999328417830: Ernest Langlois - Adam le Bossu TrouvãƒâˆRe Artãƒâ‰Sien Du XIII SiãƒâˆCle le Feu de la Feuillãƒâ‰E Les Classiques Français Du Moyen Age
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