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5271: Earle, Nick: - What's Wrong with the Church?
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349: Eliot, T.S.: - Selected Prose
5090: Enogat, John: - Science News No. 5
5088: Enogat, John: - Science News No. 3
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1994: Ernst, Morris L.: - The Best Is Yet
2558: Ernst, Morris L.: - The Best Is Yet
460: Ernst, Morris L.: - The Best Is Yet
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505: Fairbrother, F.: - Roses
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954: Farrar-Hockley, Captain Anthony: - The Edge of the Sword
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10711: Farrell, James T.: - Short Stories
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10741: Ferber, Edna: - Great Son
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9271: Finberg, Josceline: - The Cotswolds
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226: Fisher, James: - Bird Recognition vol 1: Sea-Birds and Waders
10808: Fisher, Lucy: - Women in the War: the Last Heroines of Britain's Greatest Generation
8984: Fletcher, Ronald: - Britain in the Sixties: the Family and Marriage
4669: Fletcher, Ronald: - Britain in the Sixties: The Family and Marriage
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10837: Fry, Helen: - The Walls Have Ears: the Greatest Intelligence Operation of World War II
10834: Fry, Helen: - Spymaster: the Man Who Saved MI6
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6027: Gallico, Paul: - Trial by Terror
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4552: Galsworthy, John: - The White Monkey
4319: Galsworthy, John: - The Man of Property
433: Galsworthy, John: - Maid in Waiting
8935: Galsworthy, John: - Swan Song
4294: Galsworthy, John: - The Man of Property
2180: Galsworthy, John: - The Man of Property
3744: Galsworthy, John: - Maid in Waiting
3740: Galsworthy, John: - In Chancery
3741: Galsworthy, John: - To Let
3742: Galsworthy, John: - The Silver Spoon
3743: Galsworthy, John: - Swan Song
3739: Galsworthy, John: - The Man of Property
185: Galsworthy, John: - Maid in Waiting
182: Galsworthy, John: - The Silver Spoon
181: Galsworthy, John: - The White Monkey
180: Galsworthy, John: - To Let
178: Galsworthy, John: - In Chancery
2105: Galsworthy, John: - The Man of Property
7704: Galsworthy, John: - The Man of Property
6621: Galsworthy, John: - The Man of Property
2181: Galsworthy, John: - The White Monkey
4555: Galsworthy, John: - Flowering Wilderness
6837: Galsworthy, John: - In Chancery
6638: Gardner, Erle Stanley: - The Case of the Substitute Face
8221: Garnett, David: - The Sailor's Return & Beany-Eye
9117: Garratt, Colin: - Veterans in Steam
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970: Geraghty, Tony: - Who Dares Wins: The Story of the Special Air Service 1950-1980
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510: Gibson, Tony and Singleton, Jack: - The Spare-Time Book
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10685: Glasgow, Ellen: - Vein of Iron
10841: Glass, Charles: - They Fought Alone: the True Story of the Starr Brothers, British Secret Agents in Nazi-Occupied France
10847: Glickman, Mark: - Stolen Words: the Nazi Plunder of Jewish Books
600: Gloag, John: - The English Tradition in Design
10386: Gloag, John: - The Englishman's Castle: a History of Houses, Large and Small, in Town and Country, from AD 100 to the Present Day
7194: Gloag, John: - English Tradition in Design
9335: Godfrey, John: - 1204: the Unholy Crusade
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8846: Goldsmith, Oliver: - The Vicar of Wakefield
234: Goodman, L. Landon: - Man and Automation
7877: Gooneratne, Yasmine: - Jane Austen
4320: Gordon, Richard: - Doctor at Sea
6811: Gordon, Richard: - Doctor in Love
6810: Gordon, Richard: - Doctor at Sea
10303: Gos, Michael W.: - Lories
10294: Goulding, Michael: - Amazon: the Flooded Forest
3813: Grant, Nigel: - Soviet Education
10782: Grant, Bruce: - Indonesia
10457: Grant, David: - Tales from the Animal Hospital
9559: Grant, David: - Tales from the Animal Hospital
9294: Granzotto, Gianni: - Christopher Columbus: the Dream and the Obsession
8818: Graves, Robert: - Claudius the God Volume 1
5036: Graves, Robert: - Robert Graves
1869: Graves, Robert: - I, Claudius Volume I
6534: Graves, Robert: - Claudius the God One Volume
8220: Green, F.L.: - Odd Man Out
8111: Green, Roger Lancelyn: - The Luck of Troy
976: Gregory, F.H.: - Goering
8964: Grierson, Herbert: - The Background of English Literature
9105: Grigson, Geoffrey: - Henry Moore
45: Grossmith, George and Weedon: - The Diary of a Nobody
2348: Grzimek, Bernhard: - Wild Animal, White Man: Some Wildlife in Europe, Soviet Russia and North America
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7828: Gunther, John: - Inside Asia
9114: Hadfield, John: - The Shell Book of English Villages
9094: Hadfield, John: - The Shell Book of English Villages
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6194: Hamlin, Gordon: - Our Birds Month By Month
6187: Hamlin, Gordon: - Wild Animals of Our Countryside
10840: Hanning, James: - Love & Deception: Philby in Beirut
305: O'Hara, John: - BUtterfield 8
10683: O'Hara, John: - Pal Joey
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8602: Hardy, A.C.: - World Shipping
7856: Hardy, Barbara: - A Reading of Jane Austen
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997: Harris, Larry and Taylor, Brian: - Escape to Honour
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5173: Haskell, Arnold: - Ballet
238: Haskell, Arnold: - Ballet
10768: Haskell, Arnold: - Ballet
5502: Haskell, Arnold L.: - Ballet
7145: Haskell, Arnold: - Ballet
5111: Haslett, A.W.: - Science News No. 38
5112: Haslett, A.W.: - Science News No. 39
5108: Haslett, A.W.: - Science News No. 32
5109: Haslett, A.W.: - Science News No. 33
5110: Haslett, A.W.: - Science News No. 35
5102: Haslett, A.W.: - Science News No. 22
5103: Haslett, A.W.: - Science News No. 23
5104: Haslett, A.W.: - Science News No. 24
5105: Haslett, A.W.: - Science News No. 26
5106: Haslett, A.W.: - Science News No. 27
5107: Haslett, A.W.: - Science News No. 29
1988: Hastings, Lewis: - Dragons Are Extra
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7040: Hawthorne, James: - Two Centuries of Irish History
1136: Hay, Ian: - Arms and the Men
1267: Heald, Tim: - Red Herrings
988: Heaps, Leo: - Thirty Years with the KGB: The Double Life of Hugh Hambleton
10810: Heath, Tim: - Hitler's Housewives: German Women on the Home Front
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43: Hewlett, Maurice: - The Forest Lovers
8838: Hewlett, Maurice: - The Forest Lovers
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5120: Hill, Ralph: - The Penguin Music Magazine No. 3
5119: Hill, Ralph: - The Penguin Music Magazine No. 2
5118: Hill, Ralph: - The Penguin Music Magazine No. 1
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581: Hill, Ralph: - The Penguin Music Magazine No. 1
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353: Hodge, Harry: - Famous Trials II
2573: Hodge, Harry: - Famous Trials II
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7432: Hoffnung, Gerard: - The Penguin Hoffnung
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1761: Holme, Constance: - The Lonely Plough
1762: Holme, Constance: - The Lonely Plough
6489: Holme, Constance: - The Lonely Plough
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5250: Horabin, T.L.: - Politics Made Plain
5470: Hortelano, Juan Garcia: - Summer Storm
8583: Hough, Richard: - A History of Fighting Ships
10495: Howard, Anthony: - Country Ways: a Country Year in Hampshire, Dorset and Wiltshire
9602: Howard, Anthony: - Country Ways: a Country Year in Hampshire, Dorset & Wiltshire
1001: Howarth, David: - Escape Alone
1483: Howson, Henry F.: - The Rapid Transit Railways of the World
10738: Hughes, Richard: - The Innocent Voyage
10737: Hughes, Richard: - The Innocent Voyage
10164: Hughes, A.J.: - East Africa: the Search for Unity
10824: Hughes-Wilson, John: - On Intelligence: the History of Espionage and the Secret World
8260: Hume, Rosemary and Downes, Muriel: - The Penguin Dictionary of Cookery
3383: Humphreys, Christmas: - Buddhism
8053: Hunt, Wray: - Boy of the Indian Frontier
10775: Hunter, Andrew Alexander: - Cheltenham College Register 1841 - 1910
9721: Hurley, Beryl: - Wiltshire Family History Society Issue 51 1st. October 1993
9708: Hurley, Jack: - Murder and Mystery on Exmoor
10788: Hutchinson, Michael and Young, Christopher: - Educating the Intelligent
4609: Huxley, Aldous: - Antic Hay
6585: Huxley, Aldous: - Antic Hay
10598: Hyams, John: - The Batsford Colour Book of Dorset
7010: Hyams, Edward: - The Changing Face of England
3621: Ibsen, Henrik: - Hedda Gabler and Other Plays
9445: Ireland, Bernard: - Warships of the World: Submarines and Fast Attack Craft
2603: Irwin, Margaret: - Royal Flush
2068: Irwin, Margaret: - Royal Flush
223: Jackson, W. Eric: - Local Government in England and Wales
4327: Jacobson, Dan: - The Price of Diamonds
3202: Jacobson, Dan: - The Wonder-Worker
3623: James, Henry: - Washington Square
3622: James, Henry: - The Spoils of Poynton
10735: James, Henry: - Daisy Miller
10736: James, Henry: - Daisy Miller
4582: James, Henry: - The Awkward Age
9719: Jeffery, H.E.: - Goats
8526: Jenkins, Alan C.: - A Countryman's Year
7944: Jenkins, Clive and Sherman, Barrie: - Collective Bargaining
7907: Jenkins, Clive and Sherman, Barrie: - White-Collar Unionism: the Rebellious Salariat
7906: Jenkins, Clive and Sherman, Barrie: - The Collapse of Work
9087: Jennings, Paul: - The Living Village: A Report on Rural Life in England and Wales Based on Actual Village Scrapbooks
232: Jennings, Sir Ivor: - The Queen's Government
5139: Johnson, M.L. and Abercrombie, Michael and Fogg, G.E.: - New Biology No. 20
5137: Johnson, M.L. and Abercrombie, Michael: - New Biology No. 11
5138: Johnson, M.L. and Abercrombie, Michael: - New Biology No. 14
5134: Johnson, M.L. and Abercrombie, Michael: - New Biology No. 8
5136: Johnson, M.L. and Abercrombie, Michael: - New Biology No. 10
3209: Johnson, Pamela Hansford: - The Humbler Creation
564: Johnson, M.L. and Abercrombie, Michael (Eds.): - New Biology No. 2
4065: Johnson, Pamela Hansford: - The Humbler Creation
3756: Johnson, Pamela Hansford: - The Last Resort
8472: Johnson, Paul: - A Place in History
3624: Johnson, Pamela Hansford: - The Unspeakable Skipton
3598: Johnson, M.L. and Abercrombie, Michael and Fogg, G.E.: - New Biology No. 17
3596: Johnson, M.L. and Abercrombie, M.: - New Biology No. 12
3597: Johnson, M.L. and Abercrombie, Michael: - New Biology No. 14
3595: Johnson, M.L. and Abercrombie, Michael: - New Biology No. 5
569: Johnson, M.L. and Abercrombie, Michael and Fogg, G.E. (Eds.): - New Biology No. 15
568: Johnson, M.L. and Abercrombie, Michael (Eds.): - New Biology No. 14
567: Johnson, M.L. and Abercrombie, M. (Eds.): - New Biology No. 12
566: Johnson, M.L. and Abercrombie, Michael (Eds.): - New Biology No. 5
6804: Johnson, Pamela Hansford: - The Unspeakable Skipton
9489: Jones, Kenneth Westcott: - Railways for Pleasure: The Complete Guide to Steam and Scenic Lines in Great Britain and Ireland
4131: Joyce, James: - A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
10827: Kean, Sam: - The Bastard Brigade: the True Story of the Renegade Scientists and Spies Who Sabotaged the Nazi Atomic Bomb
9444: Keesey, Walter M: - Cambridge: A Sketch-Book
3211: Kenward, James: - Prep School
6813: Kenward, James: - Prep School
7912: King, Anthony: - The British Prime Minister: a Reader
3213: King, Frances: - The Man on the Rock
3212: King, Frances: - The Widow
9256: Kington, Miles: - Let's Parler Franglais!
10811: Knight, Tracey-Ann: - Women Warriors: Ten Courageous Lives of Women Who Went to War
8484: Knights, L.C.: - Drama and Society in the Age of Jonson
10845: Krake, Frank: - The Last Survivor: the Miraculous True Story of the Holocaust Prisoner Who Survived Three Concentration Camps
10092: Laing, Lloyd and Jennifer: - Britain's European Heritage
8411: Langley, Andrew: - The Making of The Living Planet
5262: Lansdell, Norman: - The Atom and the Energy Revolution
9265: Larsson, Lena: - Your Child's Room
2043: Lavin, Mary: - The House in Clewe Street
3626: Lawrence, D.H.: - Sons and Lovers
2074: Lawrence, D.H.: - Selected Essays
7686: Lawrence, D.H.: - The Plumed Serpent
7685: Lawrence, D.H.: - The Plumed Serpent
293: Lawrence, D.H.: - Love Among the Haystacks and Other Stories.
10679: Lawrence, D.H.: - The Lovely Lady
4512: Lea, Tom: - The Brave Bulls
149: Lea, Tom: - The Brave Bulls
5740: Leavis, F.R.: - D.H. Lawrence: Novelist
5739: Leavis, F.R.: - New Bearings in English Poetry: a Study of the Contemporary Situation
6351: Lee, Laurie: - I Can't Stay Long
10580: Legg, Rodney: - Romans in Britain
4654: Legum, Colin: - Congo Disaster
5728: Legum, Colin: - Congo Disaster
5029: Lehmann, John (Ed.): - The Penguin New Writing No. 17
8450: Lehmann, John: - The Penguin New Writing No. 5
8267: Lessing, Doris: - The Habit of Loving
5900: Levi, Peter: - The Penguin Book of English Christian Verse
5906: Lewis, Norman: - The Day of the Fox
10817: Lewis, Damien: - SAS Great Escapes: Seven Incredible Escapes Made by Second World War Heroes
10815: Lewis, Damien: - Churchill's Shadow Raiders: the Race to Develop Radar, WWII's Invisible Secret Weapon
10816: Lewis, Damien: - SAS Band of Brothers: the Last Stand of the SAS and Their Hunt for the Nazi Killers
5248: Lilienthal, David E.: - TVA: Tennessee Valley Authority
10803: Lincoln, Commander F. Ashe QC RNVR: - Secret Naval Investigator: the Battle Against Hitler's Secret Underwater Weapons
7758: Linklater, Eric: - Juan in China
3217: Linklater, Eric: - White-Maa's Saga
3218: Linklater, Eric: - Position at Noon
6860: Linklater, Eric: - White-Maa's Saga
6739: Linklater, Eric: - Juan in America
5276: Linn, Ian: - Weasels
7467: Lister-Kaye, Charles: - Welsh Corgis
10336: Lloyd, Glenys and Derek: - Birds of Prey
519: Lo, Kenneth: - Chinese Food
6189: Long, Tony: - Mountain Animals
10818: Love, Jack and Barry Love: - March by Moonlight: a Bomber Command Story of OPS and Evasion, Captivity and Friendship
10305: Low, Rosemary: - Endangered Parrots
10016: Lowther-Clarke, W.K.: - Chichester Cathedral: Its History and Art
5894: Lucie-Smith, Edward: - British Poetry Since 1945
5889: Lucie-Smith, Edward: - The Penguin Book of Satirical Verse
4578: MacBeth, George: - The Penguin Book of Animal Verse
10820: Macdonald-Rothwell, Gabrielle: - Last Man Standing: Geoffrey Rothwell, Survivor of 71 Missions, POW and the Last of the SOE Pilots
8475: Macintyre, Donald: - Famous Fighting Ships
8546: Mackenzie, Compton: - The Rival Monster
1390: Mackie, Keith: - The Piccadilly World of Golf 1975-76
7611: Mahan, Captain A.T.: - The Life of Nelson
3762: Malamud, Bernard: - Idiots First
3224: Mansfield, Katherine: - In a German Pension
3225: March, William: - October Island
7174: Marriott, Michael: - Mountains and Hills of Britain: a Guide to the Uplands of England, Scotland and Wales
1290: Marsh, Ngaio: - Final Curtain
3228: Marshall, James Vance: - Walkabout
2638: Martienssen, Anthony: - Crime and the Police
5967: Martin-Jenkins, Christopher: - The Cricketer Book of Cricket Disasters and Bizarre Records
9538: Mary, Sister Edna: - The Religious Life
5737: Maschler, Tom: - New English Dramatists 6: Robert Bolt - A Man for All Seasons/John Whiting - The Devils/Henry Livings - Nil Carborundum
1037: Mason, Herbert Molloy: - To Kill Hitler
6656: Masters, John: - Nightrunners of Bengal
6819: Masters, John: - Fandango Rock
6818: Masters, John: - Fandango Rock
1038: Mather, John S.: - The Great Spy Scandal
3584: Matterson, E.M.: - Play with a Purpose for Under-Sevens
5518: Maugham, Somerset: - Ten Novels and Their Authors
6472: Maugham, W. Somerset: - The Explorer
7793: Maugham, W. Somerset: - Christmas Holiday
7779: Maugham, W. Somerset: - Collected Short Stories Volume 2
5338: Maugham, W. Somerset: - Catalina
4656: de Maupassant, Guy: - Boule de Suif and Other Stories
6012: du Maurier, Daphne: - Gerald
4951: Maurois, Andre: - September Roses
6234: Mayne, William: - No More School
5043: McCarthy, Mary: - A Charmed Life
4005: McEvedy, Colin: - The Penguin Atlas of Medieval History
5871: McEvedy, Colin: - The Penguin Atlas of Medieval History
6912: McEvedy, Colin: - The Penguin Atlas of Medieval History
2050: McKenna, Stephen: - Sonia
10038: McKenney, Ruth and Bransten, Richard: - Here's England
7865: McMaster, Juliet: - Jane Austen's Achievement
9058: Meikle, Henry W.: - Scotland: A Description of Scotland and Scottish Life
766: Meikle, Henry W. and Beattie, William: - Poems of Robert Burns
74: Meredith, George: - The Tragic Comedians
8895: Merriman, Henry Seton: - Barlasch of the Guard
8849: Merriman, Henry Seton: - Barlasch of the Guard
56: Merriman, Henry Seton: - Barlasch of the Guard
1942: Merriman, Henry Seton: - Barlasch of the Guard
55: Merriman, Henry Seton: - Barlasch of the Guard
2532: Merriman, Henry Seton: - Barlasch of the Guard
2531: Merriman, Henry Seton: - Barlasch of the Guard
54: Merriman, Henry Seton: - Barlasch of the Guard
1885: Merwin, Samuel: - Silk: a Legend
9150: Midgley, Kenneth: - Garden Design
9120: Milligan, Spike: - A Book of Bits or a Bit of a Book
9122: Milligan, Spike and Hobbs, Jack: - William McGonagall: the Truth at Last
9254: Millman, Mike: - Spotlight Guide to Angling in the South-West: Sea Angling, Inshore and Offshore Boat Fishing, Stillwater Trout, River Game, Coarse Fishing
189: Milne, A.A.: - Four Plays
187: Milne, A.A.: - Four Plays
1829: Milne, A.A.: - Four Plays
9290: Mitford, Nancy: - Frederick the Great
8779: Montague, C.E.: - Right Off the Map
1858: Montague, C.E.: - Right Off the Map
5642: Montgomery, L.M.: - Anne of Avonlea
543: Moore, W.G.: - A Dictionary of Geography
909: Moorehead, Alan: - Montgomery
5694: Moorehead, Alan: - The Fatal Impact: an Account of the Invasion of the South Pacific 1767-1840
5331: Moorehead, Alan: - No Room in the Ark
2124: Moravia, Alberto: - The Woman of Rome
8041: Moravia, Alberto: - Conjugal Love
139: Moravia, Alberto: - The Woman of Rome
5329: Moravia, Alberto: - Bitter Honeymoon and Other Stories
6015: Moravia, Alberto: - Bitter Honeymoon
10757: Morehead, Albert H. and Mott-Smith, Geoffrey: - The New Quiz Book
10684: Morley, Christopher: - Thunder on the Left
5127: Morpurgo, J.E.: - Penguin Parade Second Series No. 1
5128: Morpurgo, J.E.: - Penguin Parade Second Series No. 2
344: Morpurgo, J.E.: - Charles Lamb and Elia
562: Morpurgo, J.E.: - Penguin Parade Second Series No. 1
4672: Morpurgo, J.E.: - Penguin Parade Second Series No. 3
2079: Morrell, J.M.: - Four English Comedies
9288: Morris, Ruth: - The Runaway
304: Mortimer, John: - Paradise Postponed
303: Mortimer, John: - Paradise Postponed
298: Mortimer, John: - Rumpole and the Golden Thread
1057: Mosley, Leonard: - The Druid: The Nazi Spy Who Double-Crossed the Double-Cross System
3235: Mosley, Nicholas: - Assassins
9354: Mottram, Tony: - Improve Your Tennis
10403: Moule, Thomas: - Moule's County Maps: the West of England Including the West Midlands
5181: Mowrer, Edgar Ansel: - Mowrer in China
10060: Munro, H.H. (Saki): - The Unbearable Bassington
3603: Needleman, L.: - Regional Analysis: Selected Readings
7866: O'Neill, Judith: - Critics on Jane Austen
10360: Newell, Steve et al.: - The Complete Golfer
10359: Newell, Steve and Foston, Paul: - How to Play Golf: a Complete Step-by-Step Course from Starting out to Advanced Techniques
4931: Newsom, J.H.: - The Child at School
7458: Nicolson, Adam: - The National Trust Book of Long Walks
9625: Nicolson, Adam and Meers, Nick: - Panoramas of England
9220: Nicolson, Nigel: - The Himalayas
1715: Nilson, Bee: - Cooking for Special Diets
9438: Norman, John: - Coarse Fishing with the Experts
1138: North, John: - North-West Europe 1944-5
1070: North, John: - The Memoirs of Field-Marshall Earl Alexander of Tunis 1940-1945
10844: Ohler, Norman: - The Bohemians: the Lovers Who Led Germany
10849: Othen, Christopher: - The King of Nazi Paris: Henri Lafont and the Gangsters of the French Gestapo
1072: Owen, Charles: - No More Heroes: The Royal Navy in the Twentieth Century
10169: Owen, David: - Hidden Evidence: Forty True Crimes and How Forensic Science Helped Solve Them
1073: Pack, S.W.C.: - The Battle of Matapan
8360: Chors and Palle: - Nautilia kai Nautikoi Hupologismoi (1918)
3587: Palmer, W.T.: - North Wales
1066: Pape, Richard: - Boldness Be My Friend
4355: Pares, Bernard: - Russia
8466: Parker, John: - Lake District Walks for Motorists: Western Area Circular Walks
8465: Parker, John: - Lake District Walks for Motorists: Northern Area Circular Walks
7219: Parker, Eric: - The County Books: Surrey
10800: Parkin, Simon: - Games of Birds and Wolves: the Secret Game That Revolutionised the War
7031: Parlett, David: - The Popular Dictionary of Card Games
4664: Paterson, Katherine: - The Great Gilly Hopkins
1074: Payne, Ronald: - Private Spies
10088: Perrett, Bryan: - Impossible Victories: Ten Unlikely Battlefield Successes
10340: Perrins, Dr. Christopher M.: - All the World's Animals: Songbirds
10836: Pesnot, Patrick: - Great Spies of the 20th. Century
7179: Peynet, Rxaymond: - L'Amour
5117: Phillips, Hubert: - Ask Me Another
5116: Phillips, Hubert: - Ask Me Another
4758: Phillips, Hubert: - Who Wrote That?
544: Phillips, Hubert: - Word Play
8274: Phipson, Joan: - The Boundary Riders
1088: Pincher, Chapman: - Their Trade Is Treachery
1087: Pincher, Chapman: - Too Secret Too Long
1086: Pincher, Chapman: - The Secret Offensive: Active Measures: A Saga of Deception, Disinformation, Subversion, Terrorism, Sabotage and Assassination
1085: Pincher, Chapman: - Inside Story
10020: Place, Edith: - A Brief Guide to Chelsea
8945: Plowman, Stephanie: - To Spare the Conquered
1092: Poolman, Kenneth: - The Kelly
315: van der Post, Laurens: - The Lost World of the Kalahari
7783: van der Post, Laurens: - Flamingo Feather: a Story of Africa
7097: Potter, Stephen: - Supermanship
4959: Pottle, Frederick A.: - Boswell's London Journal 1762 - 1763
4439: Potts, Jean: - The Man with the Cane
4864: Potts, Jean: - Home Is the Prisoner
5835: Potts, Jean: - The Man With the Cane
1095: Preston, Anthony: - The Ship: Dreadnought to Nuclear Submarine
4518: Prevost, Abbe: - Manon Lescaut
5746: Price, Petty Officer Harry: - The Royal Tour 1901: or the Cruise of H.M.S. Ophir
7034: Price, Pamela Vandyke: - Dictionary of Wines and Spirits
5175: Pringle, J.M.D.: - China Struggles for Unity
2255: Pringle, J.M.D.: - China Struggles for Unity
7914: Proudfoot, Mary: - British Politics and Government 1951 - 1970
8468: Pudney, John: - Suez: De Lesseps' Canal
3719: Queen, Ellery: - The Player on the Other Side
8955: Quennell, Peter: - Byron: The Years of Fame
492: Quennell, Peter: - Byron: The Years of Fame
6647: Quennell, Peter: - Byron: The Years of Fame
1202: Racine, Jean: - Phaedra and Other Plays
6921: Rantzen, M.J.: - Little Ship Meteorology
6920: Rantzen, M.J.: - Little Ship Navigation
8533: Redfield, Robert: - The Primitive World and Its Transformations
4276: Reid, Forrest: - Peter Waring
2447: Reid, P.R.: - The Latter Days at Colditz
2416: Reid, P.R.: - The Latter Days at Colditz
1954: Reid, Forrest: - Peter Waring
2536: Reid, Forrest: - Peter Waring
9575: Reid, Richard: - The Shell Book of Cottages
2583: Reynolds, E.E.: - Nansen
10767: Rice, Peter: - Narrow Boats
10814: Richards, Matt and Langthorne, Mark: - The Hidden Army: MI9's Secret Force and the Untold Story of D-Day
1097: Rivers, Gayle: - The Specialist: The Personal Story of an Elite Specialist in Covert Operations
4234: Roberts, Denys Kilham: - The Centuries' Poetry volume 5: Hopkins to Eliot
5676: Roberts, Denys Kilham (Ed.): - Penguin Parade No. 3
4259: Robertson, E. Arnot: - Four Frightened People
9257: Robinson, G.W.: - The Cool Greenhouse
10301: Rogers, Cyril H.: - Parrots
1098: Romanones, Aline Countess of: - The Spy Wore Red: My Adventures as an Undercover Agent in World War II
1099: Ronblom, H.K.: - Wennerstrom the Spy
4591: Roper, Lanning: - Hardy Herbaceous Plants
7916: Rose, Richard: - Studies in British Politics: a Reader in Political Sociology
7915: Rose, Richard: - Policy-Making in Britain: a Reader in Government
10848: Rosenberg, Justus: - The Art of Resistance: My Four Years in the French Underground
4711: Rothstein, Andrew: - Peaceful Coexistence
5503: Rowe, W.H.: - Trees and Shrubs
6995: Rowntree, Diana: - Interior Design
8467: Rowse, A.L.: - The Tower of London in the History of the Nation
10341: Rue III, Leonard Lee: - Birds of Prey: a Portrait of the Animal World
6046: Ryan, Peter: - The National Trust and the National Trust for Scotland
3632: Sagan, Francoise: - A Certain Smile
10743: Saki: - The Unbearable Bassington
3816: Sandstrom, C.I.: - The Psychology of Childhood and Adolescence
136: Sansom, William: - South
7411: Sansom, William: - South
5804: Santini, Loretta: - Rome and Vatican
1128: Saunders, Hilary St. George: - The Green Beret
10726: Scarlett, Bishop William: - Christianity Takes a Stand
5695: Schaller, George: - The Year of the Gorilla: an Exploration
5198: Schonfield, Hugh J.: - The Suez Canal
5019: Schonfield, Hugh J.: - The Suez Canal
5423: Searle, Ronald: - The Square Egg
5422: Searle, Ronald: - The Square Egg
10297: Seidel, Gitta: - Goulburn & Beyond: a Photographic Essay
9084: Seymour, William: - Battles in Britain Volume 2 1642 - 1746
5023: Shakespeare, William: - Henry the Fourth Part Two
5024: Shakespeare, William: - Much Ado About Nothing
5025: Shakespeare, William: - The Sonnets and The Lover's Complaint
10795: Shakespeare: - Hamlet
4695: Shakespeare, William: - Richard II
8464: Shakespeare, William: - The Life and Death of King John
512: Shand, P. Morton: - A Book of French Wines
4208: Shand, P. Morton: - A Book of French Wines
10797: Shapiro, Walter: - Hustling Hitler: The Jewish Vaudevillian Who Fooled the Fuhrer
2325: Shaw, Bernard: - Major Barbara
8980: Shaw, Bernard: - Saint Joan
200: Shaw, Bernard: - Saint Joan
4280: Shaw, Bernard: - Saint Joan
4278: Shaw, Bernard: - Plays Pleasant
4272: Shaw, Bernard: - Major Barbara
198: Shaw, Bernard: - Saint Joan
1970: Shaw, Bernard: - The Black Girl in Search of God and Some Lesser Tales
1969: Shaw, Bernard: - The Black Girl in Search of God and Some Lesser Tales
1967: Shaw, Bernard: - Saint Joan
1964: Shaw, Bernard: - Three Plays for Puritans
1966: Shaw, Bernard: - The Doctor's Dilemma
4116: Shaw, Bernard: - Plays Unpleasant
1963: Shaw, Bernard: - Three Plays for Puritans
3668: Shaw, Bernard: - Saint Joan
3665: Shaw, Bernard: - Three Plays for Puritans
1921: Shaw, Bernard: - Major Barbara
196: Shaw, Bernard: - The Doctor's Dilemma
1962: Shaw, Bernard: - Three Plays for Puritans
3377: Shaw, Bernard: - Plays Unpleasant
3381: Shaw, Bernard: - Androcles and the Lion
6516: Shaw, Bernard: - Back to Methuselah
2543: Shaw, Bernard: - The Black Girl in Search of God and Some Lesser Tales
10716: Shaw, Bernard: - Pygmalion
2542: Shaw, Bernard: - Androcles and the Lion
3053: Shaw, Bernard: - The Black Girl in Search of God and Some Lesser Tales
203: Shaw, Bernard: - The Black Girl in Search of God and Some Lesser Tales
10723: Shaw, Bernard: - Saint Joan
10721: Shaw, Bernard: - Major Barbara: a Screen Version
10722: Shaw, Bernard: - Saint Joan
10720: Shaw, Bernard: - Major Barbara: a Screen Version
5657: Shaw, Bernard: - Heartbreak House: a Fantasia in the Russian Manner on English Themes
6872: Shaw, Bernard: - Saint Joan
202: Shaw, Bernard: - Androcles and the Lion
6566: Shaw, Bernard: - Man and Superman
9272: Shea, Michael: - Maritime England
1114: Shevchenko, Arkady N.: - Breaking With Moscow
3569: Shonfield, Andrew: - British Economic Policy Since the War
515: Sichel, Allan: - The Penguin Book of Wines
10681: Silone, Ignazio: - Bread and Wine
10680: Silone, Ignazio: - Bread and Wine
9519: Simenon, Georges: - The Premier
10819: Simmons, Mark: - Ian Fleming and Operation Golden Eye: Spies, Scoundrels, and Envoys Keeping Spain out of World War II
1116: Simone, Andre: - J'Accuse! The Men Who Betrayed France
1139: Singer, Kurt: - The World's Greatest Spy Stories
8773: Sitwell, Osbert: - Triple Fugue
6524: Sitwell, Osbert: - Triple Fugue
8209: Sitwell, Nigel: - The Shell Guide to Britain's Threatened Wildlife
3031: Sitwell, Osbert: - Triple Fugue
6386: Sitwell, Osbert: - Before the Bombardment
5888: Skelton, Robin: - Poetry of the Forties
8544: Smith, Anthony: - Throw Out Two Hands
8525: Smith, Michael: - Station X: the Codebreakers of Bletchley Park
3814: Smith, W.O. Lester: - Government of Education
3780: Smith, Geoffrey: - The Business of Loving
5837: Smith, Arthur Croxton: - Dogs
9657: Smith, Anthony and Search, Gay: - The Down Your Way Book
5052: Snow, C.P.: - In Their Wisdom
5051: Snow, C.P.: - A Coat of Varnish
8058: Soby, James Thrall: - Ben Shahn
2355: Soper, Tony: - Wildlife Begins at Home
3635: Sophocles: - The Theban Plays
3293: Spark, Muriel: - The Go-Away Bird and Other Stories
5875: Spencer, T.J.B.: - Elizabethan Love Stories
10804: Spicer, Tim: - A Dangerous Enterprise: Secret War at Sea
9649: Staples, R.T.: - Span: People in the Pictures Vol. 2 No. 15 November 1955
5965: Steer, William H.: - Gardening Encyclopedia
10645: Stenton, Doris Mary: - English Society in the Early Middle Ages
8977: Stevenson, R.L.: - Virginibus Puerisque
1140: Stevenson, William: - Intrepid's Last Case
3955: Stevenson, Robert Louis: - Kidnapped
340: Stevenson, R.L.: - Virginibus Puerisque
5821: Stevenson, Robert Louis: - Kidnapped
3785: Story, Jack Trevor: - Something for Nothing
1141: Straight, Michael: - After Long Silence
4342: Stroud, John: - The Shorn Lamb
6840: Stroud, John: - The Shorn Lamb
6839: Stroud, John: - The Shorn Lamb
10805: Stroud, Rick: - Lonely Courage: the True Story of the SOE Heroines Who Fought to Free Nazi-occupied France
7979: Swift, Jonathan: - Gulliver's Travels
9181: Talboot-Booth, E.C.: - Rank and Badges in the Navy, Army, R.A.F. and Auxiliaries
1177: Talbot, Hayden: - After "The Day": Germany Unconquered and Unrepentant
10829: Talty, Stephan: - The Good Assassin: How a Mossad Agent and a Band of Survivors Hunted Down the Butcher of Latvia
10813: Tanner, R.E.S. and D.A.: - Burma 1942: the Diary of Ralph Tanner, KOYLI
3302: Target, G.W.: - The Teachers
6823: Target, G.W.: - The Teachers
10835: Tate, Tim: - The Spy Who Was Left Out in the Cold: the Secret History of Agent Goleniewski
9357: Taverner, Eric et al.: - The Lonsdale Library Volume II: Trout Fishing from All Angles
9064: Taylor, E.G.R.: - An Atlas of Tudor England and Wales
9456: Taylor, David: - Dogs
7237: Taylor, Jane: - The Romantic English Garden
8790: Tchehov, Anton: - Three Plays
1864: Tchehov, Anton: - Three Plays
2730: Tchehov, Anton: - Three Plays
10302: Teitler, Risa: - Training African Grey Parrots
10637: Tennyson, Julian: - Rough Shooting for the Owner-Keeper Month by Month
10846: Thomas, Gordon and Lewis, Greg: - Defying Hitler: The Germans Who Resisted Hitler
4271: Thorne, Anthony: - Delay in the Sun
6542: Thorne, Anthony: - Delay in the Sun
3787: Thurber, James: - The Thurber Album
8305: Thurber, James: - The Thurber Carnival
2121: Thurber, James: - The Thurber Carnival
2768: Thurber, James: - The Thurber Carnival
1126: Thursfield, Rear-Admiral H.G.: - "Action Stations!" The Royal Navy at War
7694: van Tilburg Clark, Walter: - The Ox-Bow Incident
9097: Timpson, John: - Timpson's English Villages
9190: Titchmarsh, Alan: - The English River
10794: Tomlinson, H.M.: - Gallions Reach
10792: Tomlinson, H.M.: - Gallions Reach
3305: Tracy, Honor: - Silk Hats and No Breakfast: Notes on a Spanish Journey
3304: Tracy, Honor: - Mind You, I've Said Nothing! Forays in the Irish Republic
10812: Tremain, David: - The Beautiful Spy: the Life and Crimes of Vera Eriksen
9722: Trewin, J.C.: - The West Country Book
6176: Tuckerman, Ted and Simmons, Bob and Weaver, Michael: - Angling in the West Country: Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, South Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Hampshire
6180: Tupper, Jack P.: - Sea Baits
4001: Turgenev, I.S.: - On the Eve
9480: Twain, Mark: - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
4066: Updike, John: - Marry Me
3308: Updike, John: - The Poorhouse Fair
5084: Vail, Amanda: - Love Me Little
4668: Vassiliev, M. and Gouschev, S.: - Life in the Twenty-First Century
10806: Vaughan, Hal: - Sleeping with the Enemy: Coco Chanel's Secret War
10850: Verneret, Hubert: - Teenage Resistance Fighter: With the Maquisards in Occupied France
3867: Verney, John: - Going to the Wars
8005: Vesey-Fitzgerald, Brian: - Cats
1134: Villard, Oswald Garrison: - Inside Germany
4344: Wain, John: - Hurry on Down
3316: Wain, John: - The Young Visitors
3314: Wain, John: - A Travelling Woman
10769: Walker, Ronald: - Flight to Victory
9221: Wallace, Robert: - The Grand Canyon
8534: Walsh, William: - The Use of Imagination: Educational Thought and the Literary Mind
9541: Walsh, William: - The Use of Imagination: Educational Thought and the Literary Mind
5021: Ward, Barbara: - Policy for the West
5253: Ward, Barbara: - Policy for the West
4618: Warner, Rex: - Men and Gods
144: Warner, Rex: - Men and Gods
759: Warner, Rex: - Men and Gods
7981: Warren, C. Henry: - The County Books: Essex
4346: Waugh, Evelyn: - Work Suspended and Other Stories
1823: Waugh, Evelyn: - Black Mischief
7791: Waugh, Auberon: - The Foxglove Saga
9273: Wayre, Philip: - The Private Life of the Otter
3790: Weatherby, W.J.: - Out of Hiding
4965: Webb, Beatrice: - My Apprenticeship
8539: Webb, Kaye and Bicknell, Treld: - The First Puffin's Pleasure
7242: Weir, Elizabeth: - Cassell's German Dictionary: German-English -- English-German
8433: Welfare, Humphrey: - National Trust Histories: Wessex
9159: Wells, H.G.: - Travels of a Republican in Search of Hot Water
5070: Wells, H.G.: - The New Machiavelli
6531: Wells, H.G.: - Kipps
2546: Wells, H.G.: - The History of Mr. Polly
71: Wells, H.G.: - The History of Mr. Polly
6200: Wenzel, Frank: - The Owl Family
1149: West, Nigel: - Mole-Hunt
2294: West, Nigel: - Mole-Hunt
1675: West, Nigel: - A Matter of Trust: MI5 1945-72
10838: West, Nigel: - Cold War Spymaster: the Legacy of Guy Liddell Deputy Director of MI5
1152: West, Nigel: - A Matter of Trust: MI5 1945-72
3525: Weyman, Stanley J.: - Under the Red Robe
8845: Weyman, Stanley J.: - Under the Red Robe
6543: Weyman, Stanley J.: - Under the Red Robe
4586: Wharton, Edith: - The House of Mirth
1160: Wheeler, Harold: - The People's History of the Second World War: September 1939-December 1940
1159: Wheeler, Harold: - The People's History of the Second World War: September 1939-December 1940
1881: White, T.H.: - Farewell Victoria
1880: White, T.H.: - Farewell Victoria
3327: White, Patrick: - The Living and the Dead
36: White, T.H.: - Farewell Victoria
9231: White, T.H.: - Farewell Victoria
10355: Whitelegg, John et al.: - High Speed Trains: Fast Tracks to the Future
6208: Whitfield, Nella: - Kitchen Encyclopedia
10482: Whitlock, Ralph: - Whitlock's Wessex
5478: Whitman, Walt: - Song of Myself
9068: Wilkinson, Gerald: - Ordnance Survey Woodland Walks
4638: Williams, J.H.: - The Spotted Deer
1162: Williams, Eric: - The Tunnel
2187: Williams, W.E.: - A Book of English Essays
788: Williamson, Reginald Ross: - Ackermann's Cambridge
9251: Willock, Colin: - The ABC of Fishing: a Complete Guide to Angling for Coarse, Sea and Game Fish
5060: Wilson, Angus: - A Bit Off the Map and Other Stories
5059: Wilson, Angus: - As If By Magic
3337: Wilson, Angus: - No Laughing Matter
3548: Wilson, John Dover: - Life in Shakespeare's England
251: Wint, Guy and Calvocoressi, Peter: - Middle East Crisis
5261: Wint, Guy and Calvocoressi, Peter: - Middle East Crisis
592: Winter, Carl: - Elizabethan Miniatures
493: Wiseman, Foster: - The Penguin Handyman
3578: Wiseman, Foster: - The Penguin Handyman
10750: Wolfe, Thomas: - Short Stories
2319: Woodgate, Leslie: - The Penguin Part Song Book
6590: Woodgate, Leslie: - The Penguin Part Song Book
1131: Woodham-Smith, Cecil: - The Reason Why
6733: Woodham-Smith, Cecil: - Florence Nightingale
2258: Woodman, Dorothy: - An A.B.C. of the Pacific
247: Woodman, Dorothy: - An A.B.C. of the Pacific
598: Wooley, Leonard: - Ur: the First Phases
5062: Woolf, Virginia: - The Years
8893: Wright, Andrew H.: - Jane Austen's Novels
3659: Wright, S. Fowler: - The Island of Captain Sparrow
5886: Wright, David: - Longer Contemporary Poems
10842: Wyllie, James: - Nazi Wives: the Women at the Top of Hitler's Germany
4836: Young, Wayland: - Strategy for Survival: First Steps in Nuclear Disarmament
2166: Young, Edward: - One of Our Submarines
5267: Young, Wayland: - Strategy for Survival: First Steps in Nuclear Disarmament
6650: Young, Edward: - One of Our Submarines
2660: Young, Edward: - One of Our Submarines
5189: Zilliacus, K. (Vigilantes): - Between Two Wars?
2194: Zilliacus, K. (Vigilantes): - Between Two Wars?
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