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Syber's Books 38 Chapel St., Windsor 3181, Melbourne Australia. Tel.: +61 (0)3 9530 2222 Email: sybersbooks@gmail.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
0288695: Adams, George Martin - Foliage Birds; Australian Birds and Their Favoured Plants
0288654: Allswang, Benzion - The Final Resolution: Combating Anti-Jewish Hostility
0272065: Ambriere, Francis - editor - Moyen-Orient : Liban- Syrie - Jordanie - Iraq - Iran
0214459: Andrezel, Pierre (a.k.a. Izak Dinesen, a.k.a. Karen Blixen) - The Angelic Avengers
0130664: Armstrong, (Harold Barry) 1903-1978 - Mein Kranks: A Second Volume of War Cartoons, December 1939 to December 1940 / by Armstrong of the Argus
0288606: Asheri, Michael - Living Jewish: The Lore and Law of Being a Practicing Jew
0235990: Audeguy, Stephane - The Only Son
0288597: Ayres, Pam - The Ballad of Bill Spinks' Bedstead and Other Poems
0123047: Ayres, Pam - The Ballad of Bill Spinks' Bedstead and Other Poems
0277530: Bacall, Lauren - Lauren Bacall; By Myself and Then Some
0272409: Bacharach, A. L. editor - British music of our time Pelican A156
0288602: Baglin, Douglass & Thiering, Barry - Australian Churches
0273042: Baglin, Douglass & Mullins, Barbara - Islands of Australia
0113148: Barker, Victor - The Truth of Everything
0271927: Barker, Karen & Dale, Catherine et alia editors - antithesis volume 21 2011 Futures
0242181: Beaver, Bruce - you can't come back
0288461: Bedford, Sibille - The Best We Can Do: Account of the Trial of John Bodkin Adams
0118082: Bell, Quentin - Victorian Artists
0271923: Beschloss, Michael R. - Jacqueline Kennedy historic conversations on life with John F. Kennedy
0288556: Bevan, Edward - Jerusalem Under the High Priests: Five Lectures On The Period Between Nehemiah And The New Testament
0237924: El-Bisatie, Mohammed - Clamor of the Lake (translated by Hala Halim )
0288686: Bitton-Jackson, Livia E. - Elli; Coming of Age in the Holocaust
0288692: Blackburn, John - A Scent of New-Mown Hay
0274721: Blackman, Cally - One Hundred years of Menswear
0288649: Bloch, Sidney - Understanding Troubled Minds: A Guide to Mental Illness and Its Treatment
0288704: Victorian Education Board - The Victorian Readers: Eighth Book
0242177: Bovell, Andrew - Speaking in Tongues
0288535: Bradbury, Ray - Death Is a Lonely Business
0288533: Bradbury, Ray - The Illustrated Man
0288536: Bradbury, Ray - Let's All Kill Constance: A Novel
0229971: Bradford, Ernle - The Year of Thermopylae
0202629: Bragg, Melvyn - The Soldier's Return
0288572: Brasch, R. - Australian Jews of Today and the Part They Have Played
0120981: Brasch, R. - Australian Jews of Today and the Part They Have Played
0274107: Breward, Ian - A history of the Australian churches
0272417: Bridges, Robert - Testament Of Beauty: A Poem In Four Books
0273572: van den Brink, H. M. Hans Maarten - On the Water
0288617: Brown, R. Hanbury - Man and the Stars
0288571: Buber, Martin - MAMRE -- essays in Religion
0258161: Burke, Martyn - The Commisar's Report
0125044: Cable, James Translator - The Death of King Arthur (Penguin Classics)
0242162: Cabot, Sandra Dr. - hormone replacement the real truth balance your hormones naturally and swing from the chandeliers
0242164: Cabot, Sandra Dr. - don't let your hormones ruin your life
0288570: Calwell, Sue editor - Turning points; includes inspiring personal stories from Julie Anthony, Eddie McGuire, Gai Waterhouse, Ron Clarke, Tottie Goldsmith and many more
0288697: Johns W. E. Capt - Biggles in the South Seas
0288679: Johns Captain W. E. (William Earle) - Biggles of 266
0288662: Johns Captain W. E. (William Earle) - Biggles Flies Again
0288668: Johns Captain W. E. (William Earle) - Biggles of 266
0288638: Card, Orson Scott - Speaker for the Dead
0288664: Carmody, Isobelle - The Farseekers The Obernewtyn Chronicles Book 2
0242165: Carpenter, Moira - curing PMT the drug-free way
0288631: Carroll, Brian - Australia's Mines and Miners: An Illustrated History of Australian Mining
0242166: Cashmore, Jennifer MP - a chance in life
0273690: Caswell, Brian - A cage of butterflies
0288178: Cerminara, Gina - Many Mansions: The Edgar Cayce Story of Reincarnation
0102222: Chapman, Ivan - Details Enclosed
0288590: Chaucer, Geoffrey ( Bell, Robert Editor ) - Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer; with Poems Formerly Printed with His or Attributed to Him: Volume III ( Bohn's Standard Library)
0288675: Chopra, Deepak - The Way of the Wizard; 20 Spiritual Lessons for Creating the Life You Want
0109251: Clark, Linda - Rejuvenation
0288636: Clarke, Arthur C. & Lee, Gentry - The Ghost from Grand Banks
0288632: Clarke, Arthur C. - The Lion of Comarre & Against the Fall of Night
0288633: Clarke, Arthur C. - 2001 A Space Odyssey
0288564: Clarke, Arthur C. - The Songs of Distant Earth
0288637: Clarke, Arthur C. - The Songs of Distant Earth
0288634: Clarke, Arthur C. & Lee, Gentry - Cradle
0288462: Clevely, Hugh - Public Enemy
0288613: Clune, Frank 1893 - 1971 - Land of Australia " Roaming in a Holden "
0288619: Cochrane, G. R & Fuhrer, B. A & Rotherham, E. R. +& Willis, J. H - Australian Flora in Colour: Flowers and Plants of Victoria
0277646: Corbet, Robert - Fifteen Love
0284874: Not credited - Arithmetic for Grade V
0288702: not credited - The Victorian Readers: Fifth Book
0272189: not credited - The Victorian Readers: Fifth Book
0271911: Dawood, N. J. Translator - The thousand and one nights the hunchback Sindbad And Other tales
0288549: Committee of Imperial Defence - Sub- Committee on Oil from Coal Report
0288600: Demosthenes (Kennedy, Charles Rann Editor ) - The Olynthiac and Other Public Orations of Demosthenes ( Bohn's Standard Library)
0244065: Dickens, Charles John Huffam - the uncommercial traveller
0244066: Dickens, Charles John Huffam - Reprinted Pieces
0244058: Dickens, Charles John Huffam - Martin Chuzzlewit In two volumes
0268433: Disch, Thomas M. - The Priest: A Gothic Romance
0216257: Disch, Thomas M. & Sladek, John T. - Fundamental Disch (a selection of the very best short fiction by the winner of the John W. Campbell Memorial award)
0288705: Duras, Marguerite (Translated by Barbara Bray) - Emily L.
0288641: Eco, Umberto - On Literature
0109936: Ecott, Tim - Neutral Buoyancy; Adventures in a Liquid World
0229745: Eddy, W. H. C. - ORR (Professor Sydney Sparkes Orr)
0288676: Jewish Publication Society of America Editors - The Prophets, Nevi'im: A New Translation of the Holy Scriptures According to the Masoretic Text Second Section
0273617: Ellery, Reg S. (Reginald Spencer), 1897-1955 - Eyes left! : the Soviet Union and the post-war world
0288567: Von Essen, Hermann - Feng Shui for the Southern Hemisphere
0274362: Evans, Siβn - Queen Bees: Six Brilliant and Extraordinary Society Hostesses Between the Wars A Spectacle of Celebrity, Talent, and Burning Ambition
0288542: Ewen, David - Great Men of American Popular Song: The History of the American Popular Song Told Through the Lives, Careers, Achievements, and Personalities of Its Foremost Composers and Lyricists-From William Billings of the Revolutionary War to the "Folk-Rock" of Bob Dylan
0272306: Fairless, Michael - The Roadmender & Out Of the Shadow & at the White Gate
0230033: Ferris, Timothy -- Editor - Coming Of Age in the Milky Way
0288693: Field, Peter - Law Man of Powder Valley
0264743: Fink, Carmen - Fairytales for Grown-Ups
0288561: Follett, Ken - Edge of Eternity (The Century Trilogy)
0273683: Foster, David - the pure land
0288537: Freeling, Nicolas - Cold Iorn
0204562: Freeman, Lucy - The Psychiatrist Says Murder
0288578: Fromm, Erich - the art of loving
0285929: Fromm, Erich - the art of loving
0288557: Gabrieli, Francesco (Selector and Translator) - Arab Historians of the Crusades (The Islamic World Series)
0288580: Geddes, Hugh - The Pyjama Girl Case
0123291: Ginibi, Ruby Langford - My Bundjalung People (UQP Black Australian Writers Series)
0271919: Ginsberg, Allen - Selected Poems 1947 1995
0288559: Ginsburg, Herbert & Opper, Sylvia - Piaget's Theory of Intellectual Development: an introduction
0288547: Golan, Matti - Shimon Peres: A Biography
0288655: Graham, Helen - Time, Energy And The Psychology Of Healing
0288575: Green, Hannah - I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
0288558: Greenfield, Hana - Fragments of Memory: From Kolin to Jerusalem
0288573: Greenhow, Phyllis - Village Girl
0288595: Greer, Germaine; Hastings, Susan; Medoff, Jeslyn; Sansone, Melinda Editors - Kissing the Rod An Anthology of Seventeenth-Century Women's Verse
0273686: Gregory, Robin - novice death
0110899: Groom, Arthur - Bobby Bear's Annual
0288656: Hagan, Robert - Robert Hagan's Paintings of Australia : Australia Coast to Coast Captured in Over 40 Fabulous Paintings
0288648: Hamilton, Clive - The Freedom Paradox: Towards A Post-Secular Ethics
0288629: Hammett, Dashiell - The Glass Key
0288587: Hammond, Paul - French Undressing: Naughty Postcards From 1900 To 1920
0288685: Hardy, William - Lady Killer
0116697: Hardy, William - Lady Killer
0272087: Hardy, Robin & Schaffer, Anthony - The Wicker man
0286358: Harrer, Heinrich (Graves, Richard Translator) - Seven Years In Tibet (Pan Books)
0288583: Harrer, Heinrich (Graves, Richard Translator) - Seven Years In Tibet (Pan Books)
0277589: Hawthorne, Susan - The Falling Woman
0288684: Hayes, Alfred - In Love
0288672: Heard, Gerald, (Heard, G. F Pseudonym) - A Taste for Honey
0288671: Heisenberg, Werner - Physics and Philosophy; The Revolution in Modern Science
0211136: Hennessy, Max (pseudonym of John Harris) - Back to Battle
0288543: Herring, Basil F. - Jewish Ethics and Halakhah for Our Time: Sources and Commentary (The Library of Jewish Law and Ethics Volume XI)
0288183: Hesse, Hermann (Wright, James Selector and Translator) - Poems
0288553: Hevesy, George - Radioactive Indicators - Their Application in Biochemistry, Animal Physiology, and Pathology
0288694: Hill, Napoleon - Think and Grow Rich
0288506: Hill, Dawn - With a lIttle Help from My Friends
0277732: Hirst, Alex - Almost One
0243257: Hoke, James H. - I Would If I Could and I Can
0272092: HOLLAND, W. E. S. - The Indian Outlook a study in the way of service
0288576: Holmes, L. P. - The Savage Hours
0120641: Horn, Maurice -- Editor - The World Encyclopedia of Comics
0288614: Huxley, Aldous - Crome Yellow ( Penguin 41)
0288603: Ingham, Anne Marie - The Boss Drover and his Mates
0288608: Irving, Washington - Life of Mahomet
0272446: Jaivin, Linda - Eat Me
0130810: Johns, Captain W. E. (William Earle) - Biggles Flies to Work: Some Unusual Cases of Biggles and his Air Police
0288688: Johns, Captain W. E. (William Earle) - Biggles Air Detective
0288670: Johns, Captain W. E. (William Earle) - The Boy Biggles
0288667: Johns, Captain W. E. (William Earle) - Biggles Second Case; A Biggles Adventure
0288680: Johns, Capt W. E. (William Earle) - Biggles Takes Charge
0288666: Johns, Captain W. E. (William Earle) - Biggles Flies East
0288669: Johns, Captain W. E. (William Earle) - Spitfire Parade
0288663: Johns, Captain W. E. (William Earle) - Biggles Takes the Case
0288698: Johns, Capt W. E. (William Earle) - The Cruise of the Condor: A Biggles Story
0288665: Johns, Captain W. E. (William Earle) - Biggles of the Interpol (Hampton Library)
0288699: Johns, Captain W. E. (William Earle) - Biggles Flies to Work: Some Unusual Cases of Biggles and his Air Police
0123180: Johnson, Samuel - Lives of the English Poets: 2 Volumes
0288640: Johnson, Paul - Creators: from Chaucer to Walt Disney
0288568: Jones, G. Lloyd - The Discovery of Hebrew in Tudor England: A Third Language
0288582: Jordan, Richard and Pierce, Peter Editors - The Poets' Discovery: Nineteenth-Century Australia in Verse
0273489: Katzenellenbogen, Adolf - The Sculptural Programs of Chartres Cathedral
0288657: Keating, H. R. F. Editor - Whodunit? A Guide to Crime, Suspense & Spy Fiction
0288566: O'Keefe, Daniel & Atkinson, Ann - Competitors: The Sports Experience : Australian Sporting Photographs 1950s to 1980s
0272443: Keneally, Thomas - The Fear
0272439: Kevin, Tony (Anthony Charles) - Reluctant Rescuers : An Exploration of the Australian Border Protection System's Safety Record in Detecting and Intercepting Asylum-seeker Boats, 1998-2011
0273689: King, Francis - a domestic animal
0273688: King, Francis - The Firewalkers
0288696: Kloot, Tess and McCulloch, Ellen - Birds of Australian Gardens
0288550: Knecht, Edmund, Rawson, Christopher & Loewenthal, Richard - A Manual of Dyeing: Volume 1
0273540: Knightley, Phillip - Philby; The Life and Views of the K.G.B. Masterspy
0244666: Kondratov, Alexander - The Riddles of Three Oceans
0288585: Kopkind, Andrew - America: The Mixed Curse (Penguin Special)
0260845: Kordel, Lelord - Lelord Kordel's Health the Easy Way
0288622: Kramer, Leonie -- Editor - My Country Australian Poetry & Short Stories Two Hundred Years Volume 1 Beginnings 1930s & Volume 2 1930s- 1980's Selected and with an Introduction by Leonie Kramer
0288653: Kurzweil, Zvi - The Modern Impulse of Traditional Judaism
0288552: Laqueur, Walter - Terrorism
0258686: Laqueur, Walter - Terrorism
0270880: Lawson, Henry - Collected Short Stories of Henry Lawson While the Billy Boils over the Slip Rails Joe Wilson Joe Wilson's Mates the Romance of the Swag the Rising of the Court Send round the Hat
0288690: Leak, Bill - Trigger Warning: Deplorable Cartoons by Bill Leak
0288456: Lennig, Walter - Portrait of DeSade, An Illustrated Biography
0288639: Leon, Abram - The Jewish Question: A Marxist Interpretation
0288544: Levinthal, Israel Herbert - Judaism: An Analysis and an Interpretation
0278339: Liberman, Serge - The Life That I Have Led
0288555: Liberman, Serge - The Life That I Have Led
0254671: Linklater, Eric - Magnus Merriman
0288615: Linklater, Eric - The Voyage Of The Challenger
0288644: Lob, Jacques Author - Lone Sloane: Delerius
0288548: Lukacs, Yehuda Editor - Documents on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, 1967-1983
0288484: Macdonald, Ross - The Blue Hammer (Library of Crime)
0210594: Macinnes, Helen - the Salzburg Connection
0288627: Marsh, Ngaio - Death in a White Tie (Library of Crime)
0277547: Louis G. Ferguson and Mary Marshall - Mastering the Art of Cooking: Cooking By Degrees
0277734: Marshall, William 1944- - the hatchet man; A Yellowthread Street Mystery
0288645: Massinger, Philip - A New Way To Pay Old Debts ( Dent's Temple Dramatists)
0260936: McCloy, Helen - Cruel As The Grave
0288691: McCloy, Helen - He Never Came Back (Penguin Crime 1554)
0288661: McKee, Robert - Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting
0236066: McLaughlin, Mary Martin & Ross, James Bruce -- Editors - The Portable Renaissance Reader
0249399: Michener, James A. - Space
0273749: Miller, Arthur - A View from the Bridge & All My Sons
0288674: MILLIGAN, Spike, (HOBBS, Jack -- editor) - Mussolini; His Part in My Downfall
0288594: Milne, A. A. - Now We Are Six
0119518: Moliere - Comedies: Volume 1 (The Blunderer, or the Counter-Plots, The Amorous Quarrel, The Miser, The Romantic Ladies, The School for Husbands, The School For Wives, The School for Wives Criticised, The Impromptu of Versailles, The Man-Hater, the Mock-Doctor (Everyman's Library)
0288588: Moore, Patrick - The Southern Stars
0288616: Moorehead, Alan - Darwin and the Beagle
0203879: Morley, Sheridan - Robert: My Father
0271839: Murray-Smith, Stephen - Sitting on Penguins; People & Politics in Australian Antarctica
0271928: Murray, Alex & Chan, Queenie editors - antithesis volume 14 2004 Fuse
0274181: Nabokov, Vladimir - Nabokov's quartet An affair of honour Lik the Vane sisters the visit to the museum
0288598: Nietzsche, Friedrich - Twilight of the Idols and the Anti-Christ (Penguin Classics)
0288592: Niland, D'Arcy - The Big Smoke
0128030: Niland, D'Arcy - The Big Smoke
0277781: Norton, Andre - Trey of Swords (Witch world 8)
0206441: Obler, Dr. Martin & Clavin, Thomas - Fatal Analysis, A True Story of Professional Privilege and Serial Murder
0288700: Office of Schools Administration, Ministry of Education, Victoria - The Victorian Readers: Second Book
0288599: Oswald, Ian - Sleep (Pelican Books)
0288624: Panshin, Alexei - Rite Of Passage
0288596: Parsons, I. M. - Men Who March Away; Poems of the 1st World War
0288604: Partridge, Eric (Beale, Paul Editor) - A Dictionary of Catch Phrases: British and American from the Sixteenth Century to the Present Day
0288650: Paterson, A. B. ( Andrew Barton ) 'Banjo' ( Campbell, Rosamund & Harvie, Philippa -- collected and introduced by ] - Singer of the Bush; Complete Works 1885-1900, Song of the Pen; Complete Works 1901-1941 Paterson, A. B. ( Andrew Barton ) 'Banjo'
0273811: Pearl, Cyril - So You Want to be an Australian
0264878: Pehle, Walter H. Hg. - Der Judenpogrom 1938: Von der "Reichskristallnacht" zum Volkermord (German Edition)
0279441: Perls, Frederick & Hefferline, Ralph F. & Goodman, Paul - Gestalt Therapy: Excitement and Growth in the Human Personality
0256707: Peyrefitte, Roger - The Jews
0288605: Pisano, Beverly - Pomeranians
0273881: Playford, Nicholas - the prisoner gains a blurred skin
0271920: Plowman, Martin - The UFO Diaries; Travels in the Weird World of High Strangeness
0105980: Poli, Franηois - Gentlemen Convicts
0272415: Popham, Hugh - Against the Lightning, Poems
0288579: Porush, Israel - Today's Challenge to Judaism: An Australian Rabbi discusses the problems facing his people
0283700: Porush, Israel - The House of Israel; A Study of Sydney Jewry from Its Foundation (1788) and There History of the Great Synagogue of Sydney, the Mother Congregation of Australian Jewry, Compiled on the Occasion of its Centenary (1878-1978)
0288689: Radcliffe, Russ Editor - Best Australian Political Cartoons 2020
0264115: Raphael, Frederic - Oxbridge Blues
0277662: Reid, A. J., Shaw, N. J. and Wheeler, W. R. - Birds of Victoria 2: of South-Eastern Australia, The Ranges
0271918: Richmond, Fiona - On the road
0273783: Robe, Stanley -- Editor - Charles Aisen; His Metal Sculptures
0273770: Roberts, Ursula - Hints for Harmony of Body and Soul
0288065: Rosenbaum, Ron - Explaining Hitler; The Search for the Origins of His Evil
0288623: Rossi, Ernest L. and Cheek, David B. - Mind-Body Therapy: Methods of Ideodynamic Healing in Hypnosisr
0273660: Rosten, Leo (Leonard Q. Ross) 1908 1997 - Leo Rosten's Treasury of Jewish Quotations
0288643: Rottensteiner, Franz - The Science Fiction Book: An Illustrated History
0287252: Rottensteiner, Franz - The Science Fiction Book: An Illustrated History
0288658: Rudkin, Margaret - The Margaret Rudkin Pepperidge Farm Cookbook
0288682: Russell, Bertrand - Satan in the Suburbs: and Other Stories
0288642: Sadoul, Jacques - 2000 A.D. Illustrations From the Golden Age of Science Fiction Pulps
0288628: Sandars, N. K. Translator and Selector - Poems of Heaven and Hell from Ancient Mesopotamiat (Penguin Classics)
0288620: Schulz, Charles M. - You're Not for Real, Snoopy! (Selected Cartoons From You Need Help Charlie Brown, Volume I)
0288586: Seltzer, David - Omen
0288630: Sheer, K. H. - Realm of the Tri-Planets - Perry Rhodan Series #31
0277561: Sholl, Andrew - Completed Jew
0123573: Sidney, Neilma - Journey to Mourilyan: A Coastal Pilgrimage
0284173: Simak, Clifford D. - Time and Again
0288565: Simak, Clifford D. - A Heritage Of Stars
0288591: Simenon, Georges - The Premier (Penguin 2026)
0272413: Sitwell, Edith - The Penguin Poets - Edith Sitwell - a Selection By The Author
0288562: Smith, E. E. 'Doc' - Second Stage Lensman (Lensman Series)
0288625: Smith, Cordwainer (Paul M. Linebarger, 1913-1966) - Norstrilia
0288563: Smith, E. E. 'Doc' - Children of the Lens (Lensman Series)
0288560: Smithells, Colin J. - Metals Reference Book: Volume 1
0273586: Smythe, Frank - the mountaintop an illustrated anthology from the prose and pictures of Frank S Smyth
0272420: Snaith, Sidney - Stormy Harvest: Poems of Peace and War
0220015: Snicket, Lemony [ Pseud. of Handler, Daniel ] - the Carnivorous Carnival [ book the ninth -- A Series of Unfortunate Events ]
0283117: Solomon, Charmaine - the low fat Asian book
0129446: Stables, Gordon & Gillie, E. A & Lyall, C. H. & McLaren, Duncan & Stebbing, G. & Chattan, Kade - Valour and Victory
0288607: Stackpole, Michael A. - Warrior: Coupe (Battletech, Warrior Trilogy, Vol. 3)
0112864: Stackpole, Michael A. - Keith Stackpole; Not Just the Openers
0288681: Stark, Freya - Traveller's Prelude
0119564: Not Stated - Planes: Book Two (Orbit Books)
0288677: Not Stated - Who's Who in the World of Women: Victoria, Australia. Cententary Edition. Vol II, 1934. A representation of Every Sphere showing Activities and Interests, social - philanthropic, historic - scholastic, sport and travel
0288186: Not Stated - Handbook of Shell charged with Chemical, Incendiary and Smoke Mixtures at present In Use with the Field Armies
0288574: Not Stated - Background In Mathematics: A Guidebook To Elementary Mathematics For Teachers In Primary Schools
0288621: Stevenson, Robert Louis - Virginibus Puerisque: And Other Papers
0286217: Stevenson, Robert Louis - New Arabian Nights (Nelson Classics)
0288577: Stevenson, William - 90 Minutes at Entebbe
0288618: Strahan, Ronald ( Editor ) - The Australian Museum Complete Book of Australian Mammals; the National Photographic Index of Australian Wildlife
0276141: Strahan, Ronald ( Editor ) - The Australian Museum Complete Book of Australian Mammals; the National Photographic Index of Australian Wildlife
0288651: Sturgeon, Theodore - The Dreaming Jewels
0288659: Sugden, Philip - The Complete History of Jack the Ripper
0277602: Susann, Jacqueline - Yargo
0271884: Sweetman, Edward & Long, Charles R. & Smyth, John - A history of state education in Victoria with an introduction by Sir Alexander J. Peacock
0288554: Szubanski, Magda - Reckoning: A Memoir
0273817: Taine, John ( pseudonym of Eric Temble Bell 1883 - 1960 ) - G.O.G. 666
0288652: Tarsis, Rabbi A. - Gates to Happiness
0236713: Tarsis, Rabbi A. - Gates to Happiness
0288534: Thiele, Colin - The Bight
0288551: Tregenza, John - Professor of Democracy; The Life of Charles Henry Pearson 1830 -- 1894 Oxford Don and Australian Radical
0288703: Education Department Victoria - The Victorian Readers Sixth Book
0288701: Education Department Victoria - The Victorian Readers: Fourth Book
0288683: Vittorini, Elio - Conversation in Sicily
0206576: Walker, Alice - Her Blue Body Everything We Know - Earthling Poems 1965-1990
0271904: Wallace-Crabbe, Chris - Melbourne or the Bush; Essays on Australian Literature and Society
0288546: Warburg, James P. - Crosscurrents in the middle - east a primer for the general reader
0254874: Warburg, James P. - Crosscurrents in the middle - east a primer for the general reader
0288673: Warriner, Thurman - The Doors of Sleep (Penguin Crime)
0123567: Wethered, Joyce - Golfing Memoirs and Methods
0272455: Williams, Tennessee - cat on a hot tin roof
0288626: Williams, Walter Jon - Metropolitan
0119870: Williams, Walter Jon - Angel Station
0276754: Woollaston, M. T. (Mountford Tosswill 1910 1998) a.k.a. Toss - Erua
0288647: Yalom, Irvin D. and Elkin, Ginny - Every Day Gets A Little Closer: A Twice-Told Therapy
0272445: Zable, Arnold - The Fig Tree
0288601: Zwi, Rose - Safe Houses
0286549: Zwi, Rose - Last Walk in Naryshkin Park
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