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043672: D'INGUIMBERT, F. MALACHIA - La Regola Di S. Benedetto Tradotta, E Spiegata Secondon IL Suo Vero Spirito Opera in Questo Nuova Edizione Ridotta in Miglior Forma
065731: E. C. INMAN - History of Lichfield Theological College 1857 - 1927
065732: E. C. INMAN - History of Lichfield Theological College 1857 - 1927
050393: E. C. INMAN - History of Lichfield Theological College 1857-1927
068417: FRED INN - St Paul's Forebridge, Past and Present: The District and Parish of St Paul's Church, Forebridge in the Borough of Stafford
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070807: ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGY INSTITUTE - Notes and Queries on Anthropology
037591: CHRISTIAN INSTITUTE - Bankrolling Gay Proselytism: The Case for Extending Section 28
036980: ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGY INSTITUTE - Notes and Queries on Anthropology
054524: IONE, AMY - Nature Exposed to Our Method of Questioning
068442: IONIDES, JULIA - Thomas Farnolls Pritchard of Shrewsbury: Architect and 'Inventor of Cast Iron Bridges'
052303: N. IORGA - L'Art Roumain Du Xive Au Xixe Siecle
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043559: IREDALE, ERIC W. - Sempringham and St. Gilbert and the Gilbertines
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036225: IRONS, WILLIAM J. - Proposed Surrender of the Prayer-Book and Articles of the Church of England: A Letter to the Lord Bishop of London on Professor Stanley's Views of Clerical and University Subscription
019239: IRONS, JOSEPH - Sermons from a Forgotten Age
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048707: IRVINE, WILLIAM - Apes, Angels and Victorians: A Joint Biography of Darwin & Huxley
045235: IRVINE, CHRISTOPHER - A Taste of Mystery: Some Biblical Reflections on the Meaning of the Eucharist
032941: IRVINE, CHRISTOPHER - They Shaped Our Worship : Essays on Anglican Liturgists
028283: IRVINE, CHRISTOPHER - They Shaped Our Worship : Essays on Anglican Liturgists
022367: IRVINE, CHRISTOPHER - They Shaped Our Worship : Essays on Anglican Liturgists
018368: IRVINE, CHRISTOPHER - They Shaped Our Worship : Essays on Anglican Liturgists
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068920: JOHN IRVING - Dumbarton Castle: Its Place in the General History of Scotland Forming Part I of a Revised History of Dumbartonshire
062407: IRWIN, KEVIN W. - Context and Text: Method in Liturgical Theology
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021718: ISAACSON, R. F. (ED.) - The Episcopal Registers of the Diocese of St David's 1397-1518
067730: ISHAM, ARTHUR - An Historical Interpretation of the Book Called in the Sinaitic, Vatican and Ephrem Mss a Revelation of John, Otherwise a Revelation of Jesus Christ Given to Him of God, Shewing the Bride of Christ, Conducted to Glory.
045355: ISOLLE, JACQUES - Chateaux En Anjou
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058802: JAMES ISSAVERDENS - Armenia and the Armenians Being a Sketch of Its Geography, History, Church and Literature
070167: JACQUES ISSAVERDENS - The Uncanonical Writings of the Old Testament Found in the Armenian Mss. Of the Library of St. Lazarus
018020: ISSERLIN, B. S. J. - The Israelites
052436: JANE ELLIOTT; HYWEL FRANCIS; ROB HUMPHREYS; DAVID ISTANCE - Communities and Their Universities: The Challenge of Lifelong Learning
031956: ISWOLSKY, HELENE - Christ in Russia: The History, Tradition and Life of the Russian Church
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070498: JOHN WILLIAMS AB ITHEL - Annales Cambriae
056549: A. IVANOV - The Art of Kubachi
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069376: J, H, BERNARD; R. ATKINSON - The Irish Liber Hymnorum (2 Vols Set)
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056905: COULSON, J. & ALLCHIN, A. M. (EDS) - The Rediscovery of Newman : An Oxford Symposium
066223: HARRY J, GREENWALL; ROLAND WILD - Unknown Liberia
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049212: GUMING, G. J. & BAKER, DEREK (EDS) - Councils and Assemblies
046781: C. J. (ED.) - The Tractarian Doctrine of the Mass from the Tracts for the Times Nos. 26, 27, 52, 81, 90
044504: STEVENSON, J. & FREND, W. H. C. - Creeds, Councils, and Controversies; Documents Illustrating the History of the Church Ad 337-461.
041620: BARTLETT, FREDERIC; GINSBERG, M. ; LINDGREN, E. J. & THOULESS, R. H. (EDS) - The Study of Society: Methods and Problems
065434: J, ARTHUR THOMSON - Man in the Light of Evolution
035402: TURNER, G. J. & SALTER, H. E. - The Register of St Augustine's Abbey Canterbury Commonly Called the Black Book
032814: COULSON, J. & ALLCHIN, A. M. (EDS) - The Rediscovery of Newman: An Oxford Symposium
031949: COGGINS, R. J. & HOULDEN, J. L. (EDS.) - A Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation
031791: FREEMAN, J. J. & JOHNS, D. - A Narrative of the Persecution of Christians in Madagascar with Details of the Escape of the Six Christian Refugees Now in England
031552: COGGINS, R. J. & HOULDEN, J. L. (EDS.) - A Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation
029887: COGGINS, R. J. & HOULDEN, J. L. (EDS.) - A Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation
029434: BATTY, J. & FRANCIS, CHARLES - Poultry Colour Guide: Covering Large Fowl, Natural Bantams, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys and Guinea Fowl
027539: COULSON, J. & ALLCHIN, A. M. (EDS) - The Rediscovery of Newman: An Oxford Symposium
025456: BAKER, J. ROBERT, NYBERG, LARRY J. & TUFANO, VICTORIA M. - A Baptism Sourcebook
024823: SORMUNEN, EINO; VIHERJUURI, H. J. & KIUAS, E. - The Church of Finland in Pictures
071197: PARRY, J. & BLOCH, M. (EDS) - Money and the Morality of Exchange
019901: MITCHELL R. J. - The Spring Voyage; the Jerusalem Pilgrimage in 1458
018591: BOURASSE, J. J. & MARBODI - Venerabilis Hildeberti Opera Omnia
017847: HILL, DANIEL J. & RAUSER, RANDAL D. - Christian Philosophy a-Z
069783: JABÈS, EDMOND - The Book of Questions: Yael; Elya; Aely (Volumes 4, 5, & 6)
069782: JABÈS, EDMOND - The Book of Questions: El, or the Last Book
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037884: BENNETT, JACKIE & FORGAN, ROSEMARY - Convent Girls
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069426: JACKSON, I. H. - Bee-Keeping for Beginners
058607: JACKSON, W.H. - Knighthood in Mediaeval Literature
069793: JACKSON, ALISON - Private
055021: KENNETH HURLSTONE JACKSON - A Celtic Miscellany
054886: PETER WARD-JACKSON - Victoria & Albert Museum: English Furniture Designs of the Eighteenth Century
063345: JACKSON, PHILIP W. - John Dewey and the Philosopher's Task
063513: GEORGINA F. JACKSON - Shropshire Word-Book a Glossary of Archaic and Provincial Words Etc Used in the County
070582: JACKSON, CECILE; PEARSON, RUTH - Feminist Visions of Development: Gender Analysis and Policy
071120: KENNETH HURLSTONE JACKSON - The Oldest Irish Tradition: A Window on the Iron Age, the Rede Lecture 1964
031707: JACKSON, THOMAS GRAHAM - Byzantine and Romanesque Architecture
070769: JACKSON, W - Jackson: The Challenge of the Medieval Text: Studies in Genre and Interpretation
021314: JACKSON, ELEANOR M. - Red Tape and the Gospel: A Study of the Significance of the Ecumenical Missionary Struggle of William Paton, 1886-1943
020174: JACKSON, THOMAS GRAHAM - Architecture
060941: JACOB, E. F. - Archbishop Henry Chichele
051875: E. F. JACOB - Essays in Later Medieval History
049109: E. F. JACOB - Essays in Later Medieval History
045394: JACOB, E. F. - Essays in the Conciliar Epoch
045170: E. F. JACOB - Essays in Later Medieval History
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056556: BYRON JACOBS - Trends in the Benko Gambit Volume 2
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043656: JACOBS, DAVID - Constantinople and the Byzantine Empire
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16435: JACOBS, MICHAEL - Still Small Voice; an Introduction to Pastoral Counselling.
062041: BORCH-JACOBSEN, MIKKEL - Making Minds and Madness: From Hysteria to Depression
026135: DUPONT, JACQUES & GNUDI, CESARE - The Great Centuries of Painting: Gothic Painting
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069576: WERNER JAEGER - Paideia: The Ideals of Greek Culture: Volume II in Search of the Divine Centre
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025906: DE JAEGHER, PAUL - An Anthology of Mysticism
069238: SHAMSUL ULAMA MAULAVI MUHAMMAD YUSUF JAFARI - Annotated Glossary to the Urdu Roz-Marra Text-Book for the Examination of the Lower Standard Hindustani
069717: JAFFÉ, H. L. C. - De Stijl 1917-1931: The Dutch Contribution to Modern Art
063072: JÄGERSKIÖLD, STIG - Mannerheim. 1867 - 1951
060781: JAGGER, PETER J. - Gladstone: The Making of a Christian Politician: The Personal Life and Development of William Ewart Gladstone 1809-1832
056910: JAGGER, PETER J. - Christian Initiation 1552-1969
064629: JAGGER, P.J. - Clouded Witness, Initiation in the Church of England in the Mid-Victorian Period 1850-1875.
051695: JAGGER, PETER J. - The Alcuin Club and Its Publications 1897-1987 an Annotated Bibliography
068966: JAGGER, PETER J. - The Alcuin Club and Its Publications 1897-1987 an Annotated Bibliography
047456: JAGGER, PETER J. - Bishop Henry de Candole His Life and Times: 1895-1971
046982: JAGGER, PETER J. - Christian Initiation 1552-1969
034395: JAGGER, PETER J. - A History of the Parish and People Movement
033232: JAGGER, PETER J. - Christian Initiation 1552-1969
033039: JAGGER, PETER J. - The Alcuin Club and Its Publications 1897-1987 an Annotated Bibliography
032892: JAGGER, PETER J. - Christian Initiation 1552-1969
031475: JAGGER, PETER J. - Gladstone: The Making of a Christian Politician: The Personal Life and Development of William Ewart Gladstone 1809-1832
018175: JAGGER, PETER J. - Christian Initiation 1552-1969
054800: RAYMOND GID; PIERRE JAHAN - Le Devot Christ de la Cathedrale Saint-Jean de Perpignan
021106: HAMBURGER STIFTUNG F. SOZIALGESCHICHTE D. 20.JAHRHUNDERTS (ED.) - Das Daimler-Benz-Buch. Ein Rustungskonzern IM Tausendjahrigen Reich
052734: EMMANUEL TERRAY; MARGARITA XANTHAKOU; JEAN-LUC JAMARD - En Substances: Textes Pour Francoise Heritier
064992: FRANCOIS JAMART - Complete Spiritual Doctrine of St. Therese of Lisieux
070274: JAMES, JEFFREY - Edward IV: Glorious Son of York
064582: JAMES, WENDY - The Pursuit of Certainty: Religious and Cultural Formulations
067416: JAMES, EDWARD - Gregory of Tours: Life of the Fathers
061296: P. D. JAMES - Devices and Desires
060757: JAMES, JOHN - A Comment Upon the Collects Appointed to Be Used in the Church of England
060727: JOHN JAMES - Christian Watchfulness in the Prospect of Sickness, Mourning and Death
060722: JOHN JAMES - A Comment Upon the Collects Appointed to Be Used in the Church of England Before the Epistle and Gospel on Sundays and Holydays Throughout the Year
058290: JAMES, MERLIN - David Jones 1895-1974: A Map of the Artist's Mind
065492: BALDWIN, JAMES ET AL. - Perspectives: Angles on African Art
057183: MORTON, JAMES & GASQUET - The Nun's Rule, Being the Ancren Riwle Modernised by James Morton with Introduction by Abbot Gasquet
056618: F. W. EDWARDS; S. P. JAMES - British Mosquitoes and Their Control
070910: THOMAS BEAUMONT JAMES - The Palaces of Medieval England 1050-1550 - Royalty, Nobility, the Episcopate and Their Residences from Edward the Confessor to Henry VIII
054033: MICHAEL R D JAMES - The World Explored, the World Suffered: The Exeter Lectures
051825: E. O. JAMES - Comparative Religion an Introductory Study
051822: WALTER JAMES - Temples and Faiths
051820: E. O. JAMES - The Cult of the Mother-Goiddess: An Archaeological and Documentary Study
051818: E. O. JAMES - Christianity and Other Religions
051469: E. O. JAMES - Marriage and Society
051442: E. O. JAMES - The Beginnings of Religion
051441: E. O. JAMES - The Ancient Gods
051408: E. O. JAMES - The Origins of Religion
051381: E. O. JAMES - The Social Function of Religion a Comparative Study
069462: E. O. JAMES - Comparative Religion an Introductory Study
050925: JAMES, E. O. - Sacrifice and Sacrament
050779: JAMES, E. O. - Sacrifice and Sacrament
048532: NELSON, JAMES & LONGFELLOW, SANDRA (EDS) - Sexuality and the Sacred : A Reader
046780: JAMES, WALTER - The Christian in Politics
043373: ERIC JAMES - The House of My Friends: Memories and Reflections
043355: JAMES, ERIC - Odd Man out? the Shape of the Ministry Today
068769: JAMES, E. O. - The Ancient Gods
042024: NELSON, JAMES & LONGFELLOW, SANDRA (EDS) - Sexuality and the Sacred : A Reader
041025: JAMES, E. L. B. - Bee-Keeping for Beginners and Others
070620: JAMES, WENDY - The Pursuit of Certainty (Asa Decennial Conference Series: The Uses of Knowledge)
037620: JAMES, ERIC - Judge Not: Selection of Sermons Preached in Gray's Inn Chapel, 1978-88
037207: JAMES, ERIC - Who Is This? Holy Week Meditations and Other Sermons 1998-2000
063686: JOHN ANGELL JAMES - Youthful Consecration: A Memorial of Rosalinda Phipson
036387: JAMES, ERIC - A Life of Bishop John A.T. Robinson: Scholar, Pastor, Prophet
033941: JAMES, PAUL - Liturgical Presidency
033518: JAMES, E. O. - Sacrifice and Sacrament
032239: JAMES, JOHN ANGELL - The Widow Directed to the Widow's God
031519: JAMES, PHILIP (ED.) - Yugoslav Medieval Frescoes (Replicas) at the Tate Gallery 23rd October - 13th December
027366: HEATHCOTE-JAMES, EMMA - Psychic Pets: How Animal Intuition and Perception Has Changed Human Lives
027365: HEATHCOTE-JAMES, EMMA - They Walk Among Us: An Investigation Into the Phenomenon of After-Death Materialisation
025158: JAMES, ALLAN - John Morris-Jones
023465: JAMES, WALTER - Wine in Australia; a Handbook
023460: JAMES, E. L. B. - Bee-Keeping for Beginners and Others
023443: JAMES, WALTER - Nuts on Wine
069944: H. R. WARE; P. G. PALMER; E. RENOUARD JAMES - Three Surrey Churches: A Chapter of English History: St Nicholas, Compton; St Mary, Guidford; St Martha Chilworth
021464: MOWOE, ISAAC JAMES & BJORNSON, RICHARD (EDS.) - Africa and the West : The Legacies of Empire
020233: CORKERY, JAMES & WORCESTER, THOMAS - The Papacy Since 1500; from Italian Prince to Universal Pastor
020126: JAMES, E. L. B. - Bee-Keeping for Beginners and Others
070190: E. O. JAMES - Origins of Sacrifice: A Study in Comparative Religion
019088: JAMES, JOHN - Christian Watchfulness, in the Prospect of Sickness, Mourning and Death
052890: MRS JAMESON - Legends of the Religious Orders As Represented in the Fine Arts
044656: JAMESON, MRS - Sacred and Legendary Art
035773: JAMESON, MRS - Sacred and Legendary Art
035244: JAMESON, MRS - Legends of the Madonna As Represented in the Fine Arts
029166: JAMISON, CHRISTOPHER - Finding Sanctuary : Monastic Steps for Everyday Life
030539: WILDMAN, STEPHEN; MARSH, JAN & CHRISTIAN, JOHN - Visions of Love and Life: Pre-Raphaelite Art from Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery
066316: JANCEY, MERYL (ED.) - St Thomas Cantilupe, Bishop of Hereford: Essays in His Honour
040855: PRYER, JANE & CROOK, NIGEL - Cities of Hunger: Urban Malnutrition in Developing Countries
026205: MARTINEAU, JANE & ROBINSON, ANDREW (EDS.) - The Glory of Venice: Art in the Eighteenth Century
038907: JANERAS, SEBASTIA - Miscellania Papirologica Ramon Roca-Puig: En El Seu Vuitante Aniversari
025989: JANERAS, VICENC-SEBASTIA - Introductio in Liturgias Orientales
043301: JANIN, R. - The Separated Eastern Churches
025115: JANIN, R. - The Separated Eastern Churches
067095: KAY PETER JANKRIFT - Henker, Huren, Handelsherren
061965: JANNING, FINN - A Philosophy of Mindfulness: A Journey with Deleuze
037710: JANOWIAK, PAUL A. - The Holy Preaching: The Sacramentality of the Word in the Liturgical Assembly
041196: JANOWITZ, MORRIS - The New Military: Changing Patterns of Organization
054879: JANTZEN, GRACE M. - Julian of Norwich: Mystic and Theologian
054650: JANTZEN, GRACE M. - A Place of Springs
034907: JANVIER, THOMAS A. - The Christmas Kalends of Provence
049540: THE ORNITHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN - Check-List of Japanese Birds
045815: SARA JAPHET - The Way of Lovers: The Oxford Anonymous Commentary on the Song of Songs (Bodleian Library, Ms Opp. 625): An Edition of the Hebrew Text, with English Translation and Introduction (Commentaria)
067008: JAPHET, SARA - I & II Chronicles: A Commentary (Old Testament Library)
055564: MRS ROBERT JARDINE - The Chapbook of the Rottenrow
067369: JARITZ, GERHARD - Die Strasse: Zur Function Und Perzeption Offentlichen Raums in Spaten Mittelalter (Forschungen Des Instituts Fur Realienkunde Des Mittelalters)
068015: JARITZ, GERHARD - Sign Languages of Poverty. International Round Table-Discussion, Krems an Der Donau, October 10 and 11, 2005 (Forschungen Des Instituts Fur Realienkunde Des Mittelalters Und Der Fruehe)
056223: MADELEINE JARRY - The Carpets of the Manufactuory de la Savonnerie
052334: ERIC JAS - Piety and Polyphony in Sixteenth-Century Holland
062255: JASPER, DAVID - The Sacred Community: Art, Sacrament, and the People of God
062224: R.C.D. JASPER - The Eucharist Today: Studies on Series 3
057287: R. C. D. JASPER - The Position of the Celebrant at the Eucharist
054657: JASPER, DAVID - The New Testament and the Literary Imagination
054655: JASPER, DAVID - The Sacred Desert: Religion, Literature, Art, and Culture
047390: JASPER, RONALD C. D. (ED.) - Walter Howard Frere: His Correspondence on Liturgical Revision and Construction
047050: JASPER, DAVID (ED.) - Postmodernism, Literature and the Future of Theology
046980: JASPER, R. C. D. - Prayer Book Revision in England 1800-1900
037416: JASPER, RONALD C. D. (ED.) - Walter Howard Frere: His Correspondence on Liturgical Revision and Construction
037368: JASPER, DAVID (ED.) - Translating Religious Texts: Translation, Transgression and Interpretation
036198: JASPER, RONALD C. D. (ED.) - Walter Howard Frere: His Correspondence on Liturgical Revision and Construction
036173: JASPER, R. C. D. (ED.) - An Order for Holy Communion: A Report of the Church of England Liturgical Commision to the Archbishops of Canterbury and York
033080: JASPER, RONALD C. D. - Herbert Newell Bate 1871-1941: A Reticent Genius
071135: KARL JASPERS - Karl Jaspers - Philosophy, Volume 3
069257: JASPERS, KARL; HANNAH ARENDT (ED.) - Anaximander, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Plotinus, Laotzu, Nagarjuna
064409: MARTIN JAY - Splinters in Your Eye: Frankfurt School Provocations: Essays on the Frankfurt School
067709: WILLIAMS, THOMAS JAY & CAMPBELL, ALLAN WALTER - The Park Village Sisterhood
067840: TISSA JAYATILAKA - Sirimavo Honouring the Worlds First Woman Prime Minister:
037346: JAYSON, JULIE R. - The Single Parent Expedition
030894: BOTTERO, JEAN & FINET, ANDRE - Archives Royales de Mari XV Repertoire Analytique Des Tomes I a V
030639: FLINT, PETER W.; DUHAIME, JEAN & BAEK, KYUNG S. (EDS) - Celebrating the Dead Sea Scrolls: A Canadian Collection
026938: BONNECAZE, JEAN & RACQ, JEAN-PIERRE (DESPLAT, CHRISTIAN 77 BLAZQUEZ, ADRIAN EDS.) - Voyage de Deux Pelerins a Compostelle Au Xviiieme Siecle
024369: JEAN, CHARLES F. - Lettres Diverses
057277: JEANES, GORDON P. - The Day Has Come!: Easter and Baptism in Zeno of Verona
057255: JEANES, GORDON P. - The Day Has Come!: Easter and Baptism in Zeno of Verona
033944: JEANES, GORDON P. - The Origins of the Roman Rite Volume 2
032902: JEANES, GORDON P. - The Day Has Come!: Easter and Baptism in Zeno of Verona
018793: JEANES, GORDON P. - The Day Has Come!: Easter and Baptism in Zeno of Verona
053190: A. JEANNERET - Dahomey: Traditions Du Peuple Fon
055134: ANGELA JEANS - Minerva: The Story of an Owl
069943: S. A. JEAVONS - Monumental Effigies of Staffordshire Parts I - III
019186: JEAVONS, SIDNEY A. - Church Plate of Warwickshire; Diocese of Coventry
052949: ISAAC HERBERT JEAYES - Descriptive Catalogue of Derbyshire Charters in Public and Private Libraries and Muniment Rooms
061480: RICHARD JEBB - Sophocles: The Text of the Seven Plays
069315: JEBB, PHILIP DOM (ED.) - Missale de Lesnes
034522: JEBB, PHILIP DOM (ED.) - Missale de Lesnes
038850: JEDIN, HUBERT - A History of the Councill of Trent
035038: ASTLEY, JEFF & FRANCIS, LESLIE (EDS) - Christian Perspectives on Faith Development: A Reader
051912: J. T. JEFFCOCK - A Record of the Celebration of the Noningentenary or 900th Anniversary of Collegiate Church of Wolverhampton
044296: JEFFCOCK, T. H. (ED.) - A Record of the Celebration of the Nonigentenary or 900th Anniversary of the Granting of the Charter of the Pious Lady Wulfrun in 994 A.D. To the Collegiate Church of Wolverhampton
070275: RICHARD JEFFERIES - The Story of My Heart
038867: JEFFERSON, H. A. L. - Hymns in Christian Worship
018459: JEFFERSON, ALAN - The Life of Richard Strauss
058754: JEFFERY, GEORGE - A Brief Description of the Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem, with Other Christian Churches of the Holy City with Some Account of the Medieval Copies of the Holy Sepulchre Surviving in Europe
068262: JEFFERY, PAUL - Parish Church of St. Mary-at-Hill in the City of London
059379: T. S. GARRETT; R. M. C. JEFFREY - Unity in Nigeria
038863: JEFFREY, DAVID LYLE (ED.) - English Spirituality in the Age of Wesley
064486: JEFFREYS, ELIZABETH M. (ED.) - Byzantine Style, Religion and Civilization in Honour of Sir Steven Runciman
067845: HAROLD JEFFREYS - Asymptotic Approximations
028617: JEFFREYS, ELIZABETH (ED.) - Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of Byzantine Studies: London 21-26 August 2006
052689: STEPHEN GRANT; SIMON JEFFS - The Brighton Belle: The Story of a Famous and Much-Loved Train
041235: JELLICOE, MARGUERITE - The Long Path: Social Change in Tanzania
041706: SAURMA-JELTSCH, HUGO VON - Die Saurmasche Munzsammlung Deutscher, Schweizerischer Und Polnischer Geprage Von Etwa Dem Beginn Der Groschenzeit Bis Zur Kipperperiode
061813: ROMILLY JENKINS - The Dilessi Murders
059920: JENKINS, TIMOTHY - An Experiment in Providence: How Faith Engages with the World: How Faith Engages the World
059632: JENKINS, PHILIP - Jesus Wars: How Four Patriarchs, Three Queens and Two Emperors Decided What Christians Would Believe
059170: H. JENKINS - Colchester Castle Built by a Colony of Romans As a Temple to Their Deified Emperor Claudius Caesar
058703: JENKINS, IAN - Defining Beauty: The Body in Ancient Greek Art
058479: JENKINS, IAN - The Parthenon Frieze
057285: ROBERT C. JENKINS - Pre-Tridentine Doctrine: A Review of the Commentary on the Scriptures of Thomas de Vio Commonly Called Cardinal Cajetan
054087: GERAINT H. JENKINS - The University of Wales: An Illustrated History
052757: PAUL JENKINS - Guide to the Basel Mission's Cameroon Archive
051660: RICHARD JENKINS - Social Identity
051572: JENKINS, RICHARD - Pierre Bourdieu
048953: JENKINS, ROMILLY - Byzantium: The Imperial Centuries Ad 610-1071
045861: ROMILLY JENKINS - The Dilessi Murders: Greek Brigands and English Hostages
042590: JENKINS, R. T. - The Moravian Brethren in North Wales, an Episode in the Religious History of Wales
042589: JENKINS, R. T. - The Moravian Brethren in North Wales, an Episode in the Religious History of Wales
070630: JENKINS, KEITH - On 'What Is History?': From Carr and Elton to Rorty and White (Historical Connections)
038144: JENKINS, KEITH (ED.) - The Postmodern History Reader
037681: JENKINS, RICHARD WADE - O King Live for Ever or the Last Days of Babylon
037263: JENKINS, DANIEL - The British: Their Identity and Their Religion
034465: JENKINS, DAVID - The Calling of a Cuckoo: Not Quite an Autobiography
025509: JENKINS, CLAUDE - The Monastic Chronicler and the Early School of St Albans, a Lecture
025157: JENKINS, GERAINT H. - Literature, Religion and Society in Wales, 16601730
024955: JENKINS, ROY - The Chancellors
018971: JENKINS, PHILIP - The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity
052840: WILLIAM JENKINSON - Trends in Mission: Toward the Third Millennium : Essays in Celebration of Twenty-Five Years of Sedos
037965: JENKINSON, WILLIAM - Trends in Mission: Toward the Third Millennium : Essays in Celebration of Twenty-Five Years of Sedos
038147: JENKS, CHRIS - Culture
061489: JENKYNS, RICHARD - Three Classical Poets: Sappho, Catullus and Juvenal
048111: RICHARD JENKYNS - Dignity and Decadence: Some Classical Aspects of Victorian Art and Architecture
059526: STEPHEN JENNER - Our Prayer Book: Protestant, Not Romish; Shewn from Historical Facts
035717: 'A CLERGYMAN' [JENNER, STEPHEN] - Steepleton or High Church and Low Church: Being the Present Tendencies of Parties in the Church Exhibited in the History of Frank Faithful
018552: JENNER, KONRAD DIRK - De Perikopentitels Van de Geillustreerde Syrische Kanselbibjel Van Parijs (Ms Paris Bib. Nat. Syr 341).
042694: JENNESS, D. - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18 Volume XIII: Eskimo Folk-Lore
042693: JENNESS, D. - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18 Volume XII: The Copper Eskimos
051698: JENNINGS, PETER - Benedict XVI and Cardinal Newman
049896: S. WENZEL; M.F. BURNS; F.P. KILCOYNE; M HAREN; E. CROOK; M. JENNINGS - I Am Myn Owene Woman, Wel at Ese: In Memory of Margaret Jennings
068461: TREVOR S. JENNINGS - Master of My Art: The Taylor Bellfoundries 1784-1987
029113: JENNINGS, PETER - Benedict XVI and Cardinal Newman
026874: JENNINGS, PETER - Benedict XVI and Blessed John Henry Newman : The State Visit - September 2010 - the Official Record
019061: JENNINGS, PAUL - The Living Village, a Picture of Rural Life Drawn from Village Scrapbooks
066781: JOHN TEBBEL; KEITH JENNISON - The American Indian Wars
061160: JENSEN, A. E. - Mythos Un Kult Bei Naturvolkern; Religionwissenschaftliche Betrachtungen
051341: JENSEN, A. E. - Mythos Un Kult Bei Naturvolkern; Religionwissenschaftliche Betrachtungen
032109: KRIGE, E. JENSEN & KRIGE, J. D. - The Realm of a Rain-Queen: A Study of the Pattern of Lovedu Society
028446: WALLACH, JENNIFER JENSEN & KIRK, JOHN A. (EDS) - Arsnick : The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in Arkansas
021508: JENSEN, A. E. - Das Religiose Weltbild Einer Fruhen Kultur
063809: JENSEN, RICHARD L.; MALCOLM R. THORP (EDS) - Mormons in Early Victorian Britain
030532: JENYNS, LEONARD - A Manual of Bristish Vertebrate Animals or Descriptions of All the Animals Belonging to the Classes Mammalia, Aves, Reptilia, Amphibia and Pisces Which Have Hitherto Been Observed in the Bristish Isles
058143: JEPSON, LANCE - Mediterranean Tortoises
047308: JEPSON, JOHN J. (ED.) - St Augustine: The Lord's Sermon on the Mount
055202: WILLIAM JERDAN (ED.) - Rutland Papers: Original Documents Illustrative of the Courts and Times of Henry VII and Henry VIII
070342: WILLIAM JERDAN (ED.) - Letters from James Earl of Perth to His Sister the Countess of Erroll and Other Members of His Family
061249: JEREMIAS, JOACHIM - The Central Message of the New Testament
043121: JEREMIAS, JOACHIM - The Parables of Jesus
039975: JEREMIAS, JOACHIM - New Testament Theology, Volume 1: The Proclamation of Jesus
067063: JOACHIM JEREMIAS - The Sermon on the Mount
024912: TAYLOR, JEREMY & CATTERMOLE, R. - A Discourse on Prophesying: Shewing the Unreasonableness of Prescribing to Other Men's Faith and the Iniquity of Persecuting Differing Opinions
018316: JEREZ, CESAR - The Church and the Nicaraguan Revolution
069084: THOMAS WILLIAM JERFFERYS - A Full Report of a Most Extraordinary Investigation Which Took Place... June 26, 1849, at Mount Saint Bernard Monastery, Leicestershire, Relative to... Charges Brought Against the Inmates, in a Pamphlet... Entitled: "a Narrative of Six Years' Captivity and Sufferings Among the Monks of St. Bernard, Charnwood Forest, Leicestershire"; Full Confession of the Author (W.T. J. )... Also the Retractation of Messrs. Ragg. Wilkins & Nayler.
066854: V. J. JEROME - Culture in a Changing World: A Marxist Approach
054783: GUILLAUME DE JERPHANION - Miscellanea Guillaume de Jerphanion
023405: DE JERPHANION, G. - La Voix Des Monuments, Notes Et Etudes D'Archaeologie Chretienne
043899: JERREHIAN, ARAM K. - Oriental Rug Primer: Buying and Understanding New Oriental Rugs
024863: JERVIS, W. HENLEY - The Gallican Church and the Revolution
066718: E. JERVOISE - The Ancient Bridges of Wales and Western England
047924: JESMAN, CZESLAW - The Russians in Ethiopia: An Essay in Futility
066448: OTTO JESPERSEN - Language: Its Nature, Development and Origin
050788: LEITCH RITCHIE; EDWARD JESSE - Windsor Castle and Its Environs
066516: T. E. JESSOP (ED.) - Berkeley: Philosophical Writings
053999: L. JESSOP (B. J. SEMAN ED.) - The Exotic Artefacts from George Allan's Museum and Other Ethnographic Collections Surviving in the Hancock Museum, Newcastle Upon Tyne
050866: AUGUSTUS JESSOP - One Generation of a Norfolk House a Contribution to Elizabethan History
055844: AUGUSTUS JESSOPP - England's Peasantry and Other Essays
047962: RONALD JESSUP - Man of Many Talents: An Informal Biography of James Douglas 1753-1819
065084: SOCIETY OF JESUS - Mariale Novum: A Series of Sonnets on the Titles of Our Lady's Litany by Members of the Society of Jesus
040033: SAINT TERESA OF JESUS - The Way of Perfection
065936: KARL JETTMAR - Art of the Steppes: The Eurasian Animal Style
046647: JEWEL, JOHN (AYRE, JOHN (ED.)) - The Works of John Jewel, Bishop of Salisbury, the Third Portion: Containing Apologia Ecclesiae Anglicanaer &C
024951: JEWEL, JOHN (AYRE, JOHN (ED.)) - The Works of John Jewel, Bishop of Salisbury, the First Portion: A Sermon Preached at St Pauls' Cross; Correspondence with Dr. Cole; the Reply to Harding's Answer of Private Mass.
022672: JEWEL, JOHN - The Apology of the Church of England, Written in Latin in the Year 1562, Translated Into English by Thomas Cheyne Rector of Lilly in the County of Hertford.
025788: JEWELL, HELEN M. - English Local Administration in the Middle Ages
019076: JEWELL, F. - Little Abe, or the Bishop of Berry Brow, Being the Life of Abraham Lockwood a Quaint and Popular Yorkshire Local Preacher in the Methodist New Connexion.
039180: JEWETT, ROBERT - Dating Paul's Life
052517: BOGUMIL JEWSIEWICKI - Naitre Et Mourir Au Zaire: Un Dei-Siecle D'Histoire Quotidien
038036: MCGUIGAN, JIM & GRAY, ANN (EDS) - Studying Culture: An Introductory Reader
054900: NATALIA COSSIO DE JIMENEZ - El Greco: Notes on His Birthplace, Education and Family
035413: GARCIA, JO & MAITLAND, SARA - Walking on the Water, Women Talk About Spirituality
022750: DREW JOANNA (ED.) - Master Paintings from the Phillips Collection, Washington: Hayward Gallery, London 19 May-14 August 1988
066843: E. JOANNIDES - Bloody But Unbowed: The Story of the Greek People's Struggle for Freedom
022840: JOASSAERT, BERNARD (ED.) - Editeur Les Martyrologes. Henri Quentin Et Les Bollandistes.
052361: BERNARD JOASSART - Entre Liberalisme Et Ultramontanisme Charles Daniel, Ambroise Matignon, Pierre Toulemont Et Victor de Buck
017020: JOB - The Book of Job
055504: JOBERT, PHILIPPE; MICHAEL MOSS - The Birth and Death of Companies: An Historical Perspective
068144: JOBERT, PHILIPPE; MOSS, MICHAEL S. - Birth and Death of Companies: An Historical Perspective
029581: JOBLING, DAVID - The Sense of Biblical Narrative: Structural Analyses in the Hebrew Bible II
049181: ADRIAN JOBSON - Baronial Reform and Revolution in England, 1258-1267
044653: RICHARD JOBSON (GAMBLE, DAVUID P. & HAIR, P. E. H. EDS) - Discovery of River Gambra (1623)
025693: JOBSON, ALLAN - Household and Country Crafts
031595: BEPLER, JOCHEN & HEITMANN, CHRISTIAN (EDS) - The St Albans Psalter: Current Research and Perspectives
043029: HILLABY, JOE & HILLABLY, CAROLINE - Leominster Minster, Priory and Borough C660-1539
043673: BURNOUF, JOELLE ET AL. - Dictionnaire Des Chateaux Et Des Fortifications Du Moyen Age En France
041538: JOGI, PIIBE - Oigus Ja Eetika: Teooriad Oiguest Ja Oiglusest 20. Sajandi Oigusfilosoofias
019339: WEISS, JOHANNES & KNOPF, RUDOLF, GRANT, FREDERICK, C. (ED.) - The History of Prmitive Christianity
044392: JOHANNESSON, ALEXANDER - The Third Stage in the Creation of Human Language
061258: BIGGS-DAVISON, JOHN AND CHOWDHARY-BEST, GEORGE - The Cross of Saint Patrick the Catholic Unionist Tradition in Ireland
058730: FAGG, WILLIAM, PEMBERTON, JOHN & HOLCOMBE, BRYCE - Yoruba, Sculpture of West Africa
071070: JOHN ET AL COALES - The Earliest English Brasses: Patronage, Style, and Workshops, 1270-1350
062701: FEKETE JOHN - The Structural Allegory: Reconstructive Encounters with the New French Thought (Theory and History of Literature; Volume 11)
047091: HICK, JOHN & MCGILL, ARTHUR C. - The Many-Faced Argument: Recent Studies on the Ontological Argument for the Existence of God
045427: MACNEILL, JOHN & CARNOY, A. J. - Celtic & Teutonic Religions
045257: FORTESCUE, JOHN & PLUMMER, CHARLES - The Governance of England: Otherwise Called the Difference between an Absolute and a Limited Monarchy
069521: [E. P. SAINT JOHN] - The Congregation in Church: A Plain Guide to a Reverent and Intelligent Participation in the Public Services of Holy Church with Brief Information Concerning the Six Points and the Principal Rites, Ceremonies, Vestments, Ornaments, Seasons, Feasts, Fasts, Liturgical Colours, Ecclesiastical Terms and Various Other Matters Pertaining to Catholic Worship
041555: DUNN, JOHN & ROBERTSON, A. F. - Dependence and Opportunity: Political Change in Ahafo
040436: JOHN, EARL OF SHREWSBURY - Reasons for Not Taking the Test for Not Conforming to the Established Church; and for Not Deserting the Ancient Faith; with Preliminary and Concluding Observations; Together with Remarks on the Bishop of Peterborough's Late Charge
039793: MASON, JOHN & HALESTRAP, E. A. - Crafts in Linson
15211: FAGG, WILLIAM, PEMBERTON, JOHN & HOLCOMBE, BRYCE - Yoruba, Sculpture of West Africa
038856: KEITH, ROBERT; SPOTTISWOODE, JOHN & RUSSEL, M. - A Historical Catalogue of the Scottish Bishops Down to the Year 1688 Also an Account of All the Religious Housesthat Were in Scotland at the Time of the Reformation with a Life of the Author
038852: LUBBOCK, JOHN & MYERS, J. G. - Ants Bees and Wasps: A Record of Observations on the Social Hymenoptera
038827: BLAIR, JOHN & GOLDING, BRIAN - The Cloister and the World: Essays in Medieval History in Honour of Barbara Harvey
038148: BLUNDELL, VALDA; SHEPHERD, JOHN & TAYLOR, IAN (EDS) - Relocating Cultural Studies: Developments in Theory and Research
037746: HICK, JOHN & KNITTER, PAUL F. (EDS) - The Myth of Christian Uniqueness
037711: PECK, JOHN & STROHMER, CHARLES - Uncommon Sense: God's Wisdom for Our Complex and Changing World
029637: KOUMOULIDES, JOHN & DERIZIOTIS, LAZAROS - Churches of Aghia in Larissa
028876: BUNYAN, JOHN & HARE, J. M. - The Pilgrim's Progress, a New Edition Wth a Memoir
028517: BOARDMAN, JOHN & VAPHOPOLOU-RICHARDSON, C. E. (EDS) - Chios: A Conference at the Homereion in Chios, 1984
027909: MIDDLETON, JOHN & TAITM DAVID (EDS) - Tribes without Rulers: Studies in African Segmentary Systems
026499: BUTT, JOHN & DONNACHIE, IAN (EDS.) - Industrial Archaeology Volume 9
025058: WITTE, JOHN & BORDEAUX, MICHAEL - Proselytism and Orthodoxy in Russia: The New War for Souls
024020: RICHARDS. JOHN - Exorcism, Deliverance and Healing: Some Pastoral Guidelines
023847: LEWIS, JOHN & GRISELDA - Pratt Ware: English and Scottish Relief Decorated and Underglaze Coloured Earthenware 1780-1840
023825: BUNYAN, JOHN & LANDELS, WILLIAM - The Pilgrim's Progress
023207: FAGG, WILLIAM, PEMBERTON, JOHN & HOLCOMBE, BRYCE - Yoruba, Sculpture of West Africa
019729: COBDEN, RICHARD; BRIGHT, JOHN AND ROGERS, THOROLD (EDS.) - Speeches on Questions of Public Policy
019693: ALLAN, JOHN; YOUNGER, JOHN & FARQUHAR, DAVID - The Workman's Testimony to the Sabbath; or the Temporal Advantages of That Day of Rest Considered in Relation to the Working Classes Being the First Three of One Thousand and Forty-Five Competing Essays on the Sabbath by Working Men
064288: JOHN, TREVOR - The Warwickshire Hundred Rolls of 1279-80: Stoneleigh and Kineton Hundreds (Records of Social and Economic History, New Series, XIX)
066390: JOHNS, JERRY - About Clifton-Upon-Teme 2000
067955: C. H. W. JOHNS - The Relation between the Laws of Babylonia and the Laws of the Hebrew Peoples
056315: JOHNS, C. A. (G. S. BOULGER ED.) - Flowers of the Field
039506: ST JOHNS, HAROLD - Report of a Committee Appointed at the Request of the Diocesan Missionary Conference to Enquire Into the Question of Witchcraft
065984: JOHNSGARD, PAUL A. - Cormorants, Darters, and Pelicans of the World
031640: JOHNSGARD, PAUL A. - The Plovers, Sandpipers, and Snipes of the World
031373: JOHNSGARD, PAUL A. - The Grouse of the World
062599: JOHNSON, LAWRENCE E. - A Life-Centered Approach to Bioethics: Biocentric Ethics
062382: JOHNSON, LAWRENCE E. - A Morally Deep World: An Essay on Moral Significance and Environmental Ethics
062304: JOHNSON, MALCOLM; TAYLOR, ALAN - St Barnabas Pimlico: Ritual and Riots
060592: AUBREY R. JOHNSON - The Vitality of the Individual in the Thought of Ancient Israel
070281: JOHNSON, LESLIE; EVANS, RUTH; EVANS, RUTH - Feminist Readings in Middle English Literature: The Wife of Bath and All Her Sect
067821: W. BRANCH-JOHNSON - The Carrington Diary (1797-1810)
056966: JOHNSON, MAXWELL E. - The Rites of Christian Initiation: Their Evolution and Interpretation
056960: JOHNSON, DAVID - Regency Revolution: The Case of Arthur Thistlewood
056532: WENDY JAMES; GERD BAUMANN; DOUGLAS JOHNSON - Juan Maria Schuver's Travels in East Africa 1880-1883
064552: JOHNSON, WALTON R - Worship and Freedom: A Black American Church in Zambia
067839: JOHNSON, STEPHEN - The Roman Forts of the Saxon Shore
066205: JOHNSON, BYRON R. - Objective Religion: Volume One: Competition, Tension, Perseverance
069188: BRANCH JOHNSON, WILLIAM - Memorandoms for the Diary between 1798 and 1810 of John Carrington, Farmer, Chief Constable, Tax Assessor, Surveyor of Highways and Overseer of the Poor of Bramfield in Hertfordshire
049972: DALE ALBERT JOHNSON - Corpus Syriacum Johnsoni I
070480: JOHNSON, KURT - Nabokov's Blues: The Scientific Odyssey of a Literary Genius
049541: H. SWANN; JOHN JOHNSON - Prof. E. Mcsquared's Original, Fantastic & Highly Edifying Calculus Primer
048177: JOHNSON, A. H. - The Disappearance of the Small Landowner
048076: JOHNSON, H. C. - Wiltshire County Records: Minutes of Proceedings in Sessions 1563 and 1574 to 1592
069965: MALCOLM JOHNSON - Bustling Intermeddler? the Life and Work of Charles James Blomfield
037606: JOHNSON, MALCOLM - Outside the Gate: St. Botolph's and Aldgate, 950-1994
037592: JOHNSON, MALCOLM - St Martin-in-the-Fields
036550: JOHNSON, LUKE TIMOTHY - Living Jesus: Learning the Heart of the Gospel
034923: JOHNSON, REV. MALCOLM, M.D. - Diary of a Gay Priest: The Tightrope Walker
034874: JOHNSON, MALCOLM - Outside the Gate: St. Botolph's and Aldgate, 950-1994
032386: DEGRAFT-JOHNSON, J. C. - African Experiment: Cooperative Agriculture and Banking in British West Africa
063484: JOHNSON, WILL - Rumi's Four Essential Practices: Ecstatic Body, Awakened Soul
028342: JOHNSON, LAWRENCE J. - Mystery of Faith: Ministers of Music
022207: JOHNSON, PAUL - Pope John Paul II and the Catholic Restoration
068316: JOHNSON, MAXWELL E.; ALEXOPOULOS, STEFANOS - Introduction to Eastern Christian Liturgies
020432: JOHNSON, A. F. - A Bibliography of Ghana 1930-1961
020364: JOHNSON, SHERMAN E. - Commentary on the Gospel According to St. Mark
062497: JOHNSTON, MARK - Surviving Death
058748: HANNAH JOHNSTON - Tate Introductions: Georgia O'Keeffe
055593: C. E. JOHNSTON (ED.) - East Herts Archaeological Society Transactions Vol IV Part I 1908-9 to Vol IV Part III 1911
065883: CHRISTOPHER N. JOHNSTON - John Blaw of Castlehill: Jacobite and Criminal
050273: CHARLES JOHNSTON - Travels in Southern Abyssinia V 1 & 2 Through the Country of Adal to the Kingdom of Shoa (1844)
064448: JOHNSTON, WILLIAM - Silent Music: The Science of Meditation
068498: RON JOHNSTON - Bell-Ringing: The English Art of Change-Ringing
017523: JOHNSTON, WILLIAM - Arise, My Love: Mysticism for a New Era
058229: T. F. TOUT; HILDA JOHNSTONE - State Trials of the Reign of Edward the First 1289-1293
066391: DEREK BEAMISH; JOHN HILLIER; H. F. V. JOHNSTONE - Mansions and Merchants of Poole and Dorset, Volume One
017172: JOHNSTONE, NATASHA (TRANS) - Art of Ancient Vologda
062536: JOLDERSMA, CLARENCE W. - A Levinasian Ethics for Education's Commonplaces: Between Calling and Inspiration (the Cultural and Social Foundations of Education)
065670: J. E. A. JOLLIFFE - The Constitutional History of Medieval England from the English Settlement to 1485
054726: JOLLY, JAMES; KOHLER, ESTELLE - Gay Letters
036331: DAVIES, JON & LOUGHLIN, GERARD (EDS) - Sex These Days: Essays on Theology, Sexuality and Society
066593: HENRI NOUWEN; ROBERT A. JONAS - The Essential Henri Nouwen
062412: CAMPBELL-JONES, SUZANNE - In Habit: Anthropological Study of Working Nuns
061535: P. THORESBY JONES - T. Macci Plauti: Menaechmi
061509: JONES, ALICE ILGENFRITZ; MERCHANT, ELLA - Unveiling a Parallel
061136: JONES, PETER - Learn Ancient Greek
060267: JONES, KATHLEEN - Who Are the Celtic Saints?
066170: ANDREW JONES - Phillpotts Before Gorham: The Bishop of Exeter and His Clergy 1831-1851
059910: JONES, KEITH G - The European Baptist Federation a Case Study in European Baptist Interdependency 1950 - 2006
059809: JONES, GWYN - A History of the Vikings
059556: LESLIE J. FRANCIS; SUSAN H. JONES - Psychological Perspectives on Christian Ministry
059150: QUAESTOR; W. BYFORD-JONES - I Met Them in the Midlands
064484: JONES, JAMES W. - Terror and Transformation; the Ambiguity of Religion in Psychoanalytic Perspective
058769: WILLIAM HENRY JONES; EDWARD A. DAYMAN; W. H. RICH JONES - Fasti Ecclesiae Sarisburiensis or a Calendar of the Bishops, Deans, Archdeacons and Members of the Cathedral Body at Salisbury from the Earliest Times to the Present [Bound with] Statutes of the Cathedral Church of Sarum
065279: AESCHYLUS; HUGH LLOYD-JONES - The Oresteia: Agamemnon, the Libation Bearers and the Eumenides
16348: TREVALLYN-JONES, G. F. - Saw-Pit Wharton; the Political Career from 1640 to 1691 of Philip, Fourth Lord Wharton.
057988: JONES, MYFANWY LLOYD - Society and Settlement in Wales and the Marches: 500 B.C. To A.D. 1100 (British Archaeological Reports British Series)
057223: CUNLIFFE-JONES, HUBERT (ED.) - A History of Christian Doctrine
065665: JONES, MICHAEL - Gentry and Lesser Nobility in Late Medieval Europe
056697: JONES, DAVID CERI - Glorious Work in the World: Welsh Methodism and the International Evangelical Revival, 1735 - 1750
056660: JONES, DAVID CERI; SCHLENTHER, BOYD STANLEY; WHITE, ERYN MANT - The Elect Methodists: Calvinistic Methodism in England and Wales, 1735-1811
056540: R. C. JONES - A Survey of the Flora, Physical Chracteristics and Distribution of Field Ponds in North East Leicestershire
056416: JAMES P. JONES - A History of the Parish of Tettenhall
056015: LLOYD-JONES, D. MARTYN - Studies in the Sermon on the Mount Volume One
055317: D. Z. PHILLIPS; MEL GOODING; DANIEL JONES - Ceri Richards an Exhibition to Inaugurate the Ceri Richards Gallery Oriel Ceri Richards Taliesin University College of Swansea
055231: EDWARDS-JONES, IMOGEN - The Taming of Eagles: Exploring the New Russia
052895: TREFOR JONES - The English Saints: East Anglia
070781: JONES, PHILLIP - Boomerang: Behind an Australian Icon
071091: JONES, HENRY; JOHN HENRY MUIRHEAD. - The Life and Philosophy of Edward Caird. Maclehose, Jackson. 1921
071093: THOMAS JONES - Brut Y Tywysogyon or the Chronicle of the Princes Peniarth Ms. 20 Version
069358: JONES, ANTHEA - Tewkesbury
062669: JONES, JAMES W. - Can Science Explain Religion?: The Cognitive Science Debate
051689: BENCE-JONES, MARK - The Catholic Families
051594: CHARLOTTE AULL DAVIES; STEPHANIE JONES - Welsh Communities: New Ethnographic Perspectives
050758: PAMELA MUNN; RICHARD JONES - Honey and Healing
049287: WILLIAM HENRY JONES - Fasti Ecclesiae Sarisburiensis or a Calendar of the Bishops, Deans, Archdeacons and Member Sof the Cathedral Body at Salisbury from the Earliest Times to the Present
048871: E. A. JONES (ED.) - The Medieval Mystical Tradition in England: Exeter Symposium VII
063380: PRYS-JONES, O. E.; SARAH A. CORBET - Bumblebees
064364: W. H. S. JONES - Hippocrates Vol. I
046580: DONALD G. JONES - The Sectional Crisis and Northern Methodism: A Study in Piety, Political Ethics and CIVIL Religion
046171: SPENCER JONES - The Church of England and the Holy See an Essay Towards Reunion
045449: JONES, SPENCER - Rome and Reunion, the Inaugural Lecture to the Members of the Society of St Thomas of Canterbury (Students of the Church in the West)
044928: CATHERINE CHEREMETEFF JONES - A Year of Russian Feasts
044899: JONES, A. E. E. - Anglo-Saxon Worcester
044159: BENCE-JONES, MARK - The Catholic Families
042482: JONES, SAMUEL - Rule of Faith: Chiefly an Epitome of the Rt. Rev. Dr Milner's End of Religious Controversy
041937: JONES, SPENCER - Catholic Reunion
068611: JONES, COLIN - Blackpole Munitions Factory Worcester
071053: ERNEST JONES - On the Nightmare
041632: MICHEL-JONES, FRANOISE - Retour Aux Dogon: Figures Du Double Et Ambivalence
039671: JONES, BRIDGET - Gale's Honey Book
070398: GETHYN-JONES, ERIC - The Dymock School of Sculpture
067866: DAVID MARTIN-JONES - Scotland: Global Cinema: Genres, Modes and Identities
038527: GETHYN-JONES, ERIC - The Dymock School of Sculpture
065532: JONES, HANNAH - The Life and Times of a Charlbury Quaker: The Journals of William Jones, 1784-1818
062968: VICTOR EHRENBERG; A. H. M. JONES - Documents Illustrating the Reigns of Augustus and Tiberius
068745: JONES, PRUDENCE; PENNICK, NIGEL - A History of Pagan Europe
034177: JOHN SAM JONES - Crawling Through Thorns
034023: JONES, SPENCER - The Church of England and the Holy See Tractate VII What Do the Tractarians Say?
033794: PRYS-JONES, A. G. - Gerald of Wales : His 'Itinerary' Through Wales and His 'Description' of the Country and People
064104: H. LLOYD-JONES - Menandri: Dyscolus
031493: JONES, J. CLIFFORD - Buckley Parish Church 1822-1972
030664: SEYMOUR-JONES, CAROLE - Beatrice Webb: Woman of Conflict
066541: JOHN JONES - On Aristotle and Greek Tragedy
028772: JONES, C. P. M. (ED.) - A Manual for Holy Week
026845: JONES, P. THORESBY (ED.) - T. Macci Plauti: Menaechmi
026709: JONES, GARETH - Christian Theology: A Brief Introduction
026703: JONES, GARETH - Critical Theology : Questions of Truth and Method
071191: JONES, REX L.; JONES, SHIRLEY K. - The Himalayan Woman: A Study of Limbu Women in Marriage and Divorce
025245: JONES, OWAIN WILLIAM;WALKER, DAVID - Links with the Past: Swansea & Brecon Historical Essays
025107: JONES, BEDWYR LEWIS - Arthur Y Cymry: The Welsh Arthur
024975: JONES, J. GWYNFOR - Wales and the Tudor State: Government, Religious Change and the Social Order, 1534-1603
024921: JONES, C. P. M. (ED.) - A Manual for Holy Week
070124: JONES, ANTHEA - Dissenters' Meeting-House Certificates and Registrations for Bristol & Gloucestershire 1672-1852: 32 (Gloucestershire Record Series)
023304: JONES, THEOLPHILUS - The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel the Queen's Letter and Church Societies
022115: JONES, SIMON - The World of the Early Church
070500: DAN JONES - Realm Divided: A Year in the Life of Plantagenet England
018314: JONES, MALDWYN ALLEN - American Immigration
064299: JONES, JAMES W. - Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Religion: Transference and Transcendence
070460: JONG, A. H. DE - Mission and Politics in Eastern Africa: Dutch Missionaries and African Nationalism in Kenya, Tanzania, and Malawi, 1945-1965
038931: DE JONGE, MARINUS - Jesus, the Servant Messiah
020989: JONGENEEL, J. A. B. - Missiologie: I Zendingswetenschap II Missionaire Theologie
030290: JOOS, LOUIS D. C. - Through the Sahara to the Congo
065408: JORDAN, MANUEL - Chokwe: Art and Initiation Among the Chokwe and Related Peoples
023603: JORDAN, CLARE - The Seeing Eye: An Artist's Perception As Revealed Through Photographs and Commentary of Clare Jordan
020726: JORDAN, CLARE - The Seeing Eye: An Artist's Perception As Revealed Through Photographs and Commentary of Clare Jordan
040653: MALLET-JORIS, FRANCOISE - Sept Demons Dans la Ville
046618: ALTHOLZ, JOSEF & MCELRATH, DAMIAN (EDS) - The Correspondence of Lord Acton and Richard Simpson (3 Vols Set)
041834: FREDE, HERMANN JOSEF & STANJEK, HERBERT - Sedulii Scotti Collectaneum in Apostolum: II in Epistolas Ad Corinthios Usque Ad Hebraeos
031527: SIEGEL, RACHEL JOSEFOWITZ & COLE, ELLEN (EDS) - Celebrating the Lives of Jewish Women: Patterns in a Feminist Sampler
055117: MICHAEL JOSEPH - Cat's Company
046305: GILLOW, JOSEPH & TRAPPES-LOMAX, RICHARD - The Diary of the 'Blue Nuns' or Order of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady at Paris 1658-1810
040381: BROWN & BAYLEE, JOSEPH - A Controversy on the Infallibility of the Church of Rome and the Doctrine of Article VI of the Church of England between the Right Reverend Bishop Brown and Rev. Joseph Baylee
039546: GILLOW, JOSEPH & TRAPPES-LOMAX, RICHARD - The Diary of the 'Blue Nuns' or Order of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady at Paris 1658-1810
028486: KRAUTSCHEIDT, JOSEPH & MARRE, HEINER - Das Kirchliche Arbeitsrecht Vor Neuen Herausforderungen
028408: HOEFFNER, JOSEPH & KOENIG, FRANZ - Opus Dei and Its Critics, an Interview with Cardinal Hoeffner and Some Reflections on the Life and Work of Msgr. Josemaria Escriva
023800: GILLOW, JOSEPH & TRAPPES-LOMAX, RICHARD - The Diary of the 'Blue Nuns' or Order of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady at Paris 1658-1810
064618: JOSEPHS, ZOE - Survivors: Jewish Refugees in Birmingham, 1933-45
051324: JEREMY JOSEPHS - Swastika over Paris: Fate of the French Jews
040546: JOSEPHUS (L'ESTRANGE, ROGER TRANS.) - The Wars of the Jews Containing I. The Wars of the Jews with the Romans: In Seven Books II. The Life of Flavius Josephus: Written by Himself
025597: SCHNEIDER, P. JOSEPHUS & LEHMKUHL, AUGUSTINI - Manuale Sacerdotum Diversis Eorum Usibus Tum in Privata Devotione, Tum in Functionibus Liturgicis Et Sacramentorum Administratione
061164: JOSLIN, TITUS REV. - The Three Kings of Cologne
061642: JOUANNA, JACQUES - Sophocle
068051: R. CAGNAT; J. TOUTAIN; P. JOUGUET - Inscriptiones Graecae Ad Res Romanas Pertinentes Tomus Primus
026906: JOURDANNE, GASTON - Folk-Lore de L'Aude
061261: EPHREM'S THEOLOGICAL JOURNAL - Ephrem's Theological Journal October 1997 Vol. I No. 1 & 2
068046: ROGER JOUSSAUME - Dolmens for the Dead: Megalith-Building Throughout the World
050846: PIERRE JEAN JOUVE - The Unconscious Spiritual Catastrophe
049918: KOSANA JOVANOVIC - Secular Power and Sacral Authority in Medieval East-Central Europe
067142: JOWETT, PHILIP - Chinese CIVIL War Armies 1911-49 (Men-at-Arms)
019512: JOWITT, R. L. P. - British Cities: Salisbury
019204: JOWITT, R. L. P. - British Cities: Salisbury
053555: JOY, MORNY - Paul Ricoeur and Narrative: Context and Contestation
054472: JOYCE, ELAINE T. - Nine Witnesses for the Colonel: King Charles' Most Faithful Servant
070892: JOYCE, CHRISTOPHER - Earthly Goods: Medicine-Hunting in the Rainforest
045580: JOYCE, THOMAS A. - South American Archaeology: An Introduction to the Archaeology of the South American Continent with Special Reference to the Early History of Peru
032622: COOMBS. JOYCE - One Aim: Edward Stuart 1820-1877
031775: JOYCE, JAMES WAYLAND - Acts of the Church 1531-1885: The Church of England Her Own Reformer As Testified by the Records of Her Convocations with Appendix Containing Legal Instruments Ancient and Modern Connected with Those Assemblies and Comments Thereon
028140: COOMBS. JOYCE - One Aim: Edward Stuart 1820-1877
045397: PAUL JOYNER (ED.) - Dolbadarn: Studies on a Theme
063428: ROSEMONT JR., HENRY; SMITH, HUSTON - Is There a Universal Grammar of Religion? (Master Hsüan Hua Memorial Lecture)
070520: MOORE JR, BARRINGTON - Privacy: Studies in Social and Cultural History: Studies in Social and Cultural History
067799: COHN JR, SAMUEL KLINE - Popular Protest in Late-Medieval Europe: Italy, France and Flanders (Manchester Medieval Sources)
068507: PHILO; JUDAEUS, C. D. YONGE; DAVID M. SCHOLER - The Works of Philo: Complete and Unabridged, New Updated Edition
038493: JUDD, ARNOLD - The Life of Thomas Bekynton, Secretary to King Henry VI and Bishop of Bath and Wells 1443-1465
069729: JUDD, PETER HARING - The Akeing Heart: Passionate Attachments and Their Aftermath: Sylvia Townsend Warner, Valentine Ackland, and Elizabeth Wade White
038066: GILES, JUDY & MIDDLETON, TIM (EDS) - Writing Englishness 1900-1950: An Introductuory Sourcebook on National Identity
018431: JUEL, DONALD - Luke Acts
062707: JUERGENSMEYER, MARK; GRIEGO, DINAH; SOBOSLAI, JOHN - God in the Tumult of the Global Square: Religion in Global CIVIL Society
054774: MARTIN JUGIE - Melanges Martin Jugie
041446: JULER, HENRY E. - A Handbook of Opthalmic Science and Practice
017422: BAGGINI, JULIAN & STANGROOM, JEREMY (EDS.) - New British Philosophy: The Interviews
044239: JULIUS, ANTHONY - Transgressions: The Offences of Art
041149: ASSFALG, JULIUS & KRUGER, PAUL - Kleines Worterbuch Des Christlichen Orients
025770: KIRSHNER, JULIUS & MORRISON, KARL F. (EDS.) - Readings in Western Civilisation: 4 Medieval Europe
068388: JULLIEN, FRANCOIS - The Propensity of Things: Toward a History of Efficacy in China
062253: JOSEF JUNGMANN - Liturgical Renewal in Retrospect and Prospect
047435: JUNGMANN, JOSEPH A. - Liturgical Worship
045776: JUNGMANN, J. A. - Pastoral Liturgy
033772: JUNGMANN, J. A. - La Grande Priere Eucharistique
029135: JUNGMANN, JOSEF A. - The Mass: An Historical, Theological and Pastoral Survey
028840: JUNGMANN, JOSEPH A. - Christain Prayers Through the Centuries
026397: JUNGMANN, J. A. - Public Worship
024827: JUNGMANN, JOSEF A. - Place of Christ in Liturgical Prayer
022628: JUNGMANN, J. A. - Das Eucharistische Hochgebet
067389: HENRI A. JUNOD - The Life of a South African Tribe
052130: JUPP, PETER (ED.) - The Letter-Journal of George Canning, 1793-1795
024836: JUPP, PETER (ED.) - The Letter-Journal of George Canning, 1793-1795
023971: JURRIST, CHARLES (ED.) - Shadows of Love: American Gay Fiction
063282: A. P. JUSCHKEWITSCH - Geschichte Der Mathematik IM Mittelalter
061354: JUST, ROGER - Women in Athenian Law and Life
052149: JUXON, THOMAS - The Journal of Thomas Juxon, 1644-1647
058079: STEVENSON, K. & SPINKS, B. (EDS.) - The Identity of Anglican Worship
049591: PETRUSEWICZ, K. & RYSZKOWSKI, L. - Energy Flow Through Small Mammal Populations
037413: COBURN, CAROL K. & SMITH, MARTHA - Spirited Lives: How Nuns Shaped Catholic Culture and American Life 1836-1920
029208: URBAN, EMIL K. & BROWN, LESLIE H. - A Checklist of the Birds of Ethiopia
028930: DENT, ROBERT K. & HILL, JOSEPH - Historic Staffordshire
026374: KORNILOVICH, K. & KAGANOVICH, A. L. - Arts of Russia from the Origins to the End of the 18th Century
025519: CHAMBERS, E. K. & SIDGWICK, F. (EDS.) - Early English Lyrics: Amorous, Divine, Moral & Trivial
024241: PENNIMAN. T. K. - A Hundred Years of Anthropology
063805: G. K, CHESTERTON - All Things Considered
036929: KAHAMA, C.G.; MALIYAMKONO, T.LUTA; WELLS, STUART W. - The Challenge for Tanzania's Economy
058924: KAHN, DEBORAH - The Romanesque Frieze and Its Spectator
065494: GEORGIUS KAIBEL - Athenaei Navcratitae Dipnosophistarum Libri XV Vol I Libri I - V
050358: OTTO KAISER - Isaiah 1-12 (Old Testament Library)
067048: KAISER, OTTO - Isaiah 13-39 a Commentary
048924: KAISER, OTTO - Isaiah 1-12 a Commentary
044698: JOHN R. KAISER - Peter Porter: A Bibliography, 1954-86
044528: KAISER, OTTO - Isaiah 1-12 (Old Testament Library)
042170: KAISER, OTTO - Isaiah 1-12 a Commentary
036292: KAISER, OTTO - Isaiah 13-39 a Commentary
030047: KAISER, OTTO - Isaiah 13-39 a Commentary
064268: SUDHIR KAKAR - The Analyst and the Mystic: Psychoaonalyitc Reflections on Religion and Mysticism
056800: FRIEDRICH KALB - The Theology of Worship in 17th Century Lutheranism
051054: FRIEDRICH KALB - The Theology of Worship in 17th Century Lutheranism
031308: KALENDAR - A Kalendar of the English Church and Ecclesiastical Almanack for the Year of Grace 1868 Being Bissextile or Leap Year
069757: KALIN, IBRAHIM - Knowledge in Later Islamic Philosophy: Mulla Sadra on Existence, Intellect, and Intuition
055804: JOHANNES KALTER - Arts and Crafts of Turkestan
044977: ADRIAN SCHENKER; RAPHAELA GASSER; URS KAMBER - Die Erste Zurcherbibel: Erstmalige Teilweise Ausgabe Und Ubersetzung Der Altesten Vollständig Erhaltenen Bibel in Deutscher Sprache
047260: HENRY KAMEN - The Spanish Inquisition: An Historical Revision
047254: HENRY KAMEN - Inquisition and Society in Spain : In the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
070200: KAMEN, HENRY - Philip of Spain
021562: KAMINSKY, UWE - Innere Mission IM Ausland: Der Aufbau Religiöser Und Sozialer Infrastruktur Am Beispiel Der Kaiserswerther Diakonie (1851-1975)
018102: KAMMEN, MICHAEL - In the Past Lane : Historical Perspectives on American Culture
050786: RICHARD KANDT - Caput Nili Eine Empfindlame Reise Zu Den Quellen Des Nils
068196: O'KANE, ROSEMARY H.T - Terror, Force and States: The Path from Modernity
069786: O'KANE, BERNARD - The Iconography of Islamic Art: Studies in Honor of Robert Hillenbrand
036904: KANE, MARGARET - What Kind of God? Reflections on Working with People and Churches in North-East England
035105: KANE, MARGARET - Theology in an Industrial Society
041382: KANEFF, DEEMA - Who Owns the Past?: The Politics of Time in a 'Model' Bulgarian Village
061883: KANGAS, DAVID J. - Kierkegaard's Instant: On Beginnings
069619: IMMANUEL KANT - Prolegomena: To Any Future Metaphysics That Will Be Able to Present Itself As a Science (Philosophy Classics)
032464: KANT, EMMANUEL - Anthropologie Du Point de Vue Pragmatique
052408: ANGELA HOBART; BRUCE KAPFERER - Aesthetics in Performance: Formations of Symbolic Construction and Experience
064548: ANGELA HOBART; BRUCE KAPFERER - Aesthetics in Performance: Formations of Symbolic Construction and Experience
063653: KAPLAN, DAVID M. - Ricoeur's Critical Theory
069547: KAPLAN, GRANT - Answering the Enlightenment: The Catholic Recovery of Historical Revelation
048077: LAWRENCE KAPLAN - Politics and Religion During the English Revolution: The Scots and the Long Parliament 1643-1645
034365: KAPPELER, SUSANNE - The Pornography of Representation
046712: KAPSNER, OLIVER L. - A Benedictine Bibliography: An Author-Subject Union List
045151: KAPSNER, OLIVER L. - Catholic Religious Orders, Listing Conventional and Full Names in English, Foreign Language and Latin Also Abbreviations, Date and Country of Origin
052560: VERONIKA GOROG-KARADY - Genres, Forms, Meanings: Essays in African Oral Literature
063687: VASSOS KARAGEORGHIS - Ancient Cypriote Art in the Pierides Foundation Museum
063400: KARAKATSANES, ATHANASIOS A. - Treasures of Mount Athos
053852: KARALIS, VRASIDAS - Reflections on Presence: In Five Days
064634: KARAM, AZZA - Transnational Political Islam: Religion, Ideology and Power (Critical Studies on Islam)
050494: TERRENCE G. KARDONG - Day by Day with Saint Benedict
043697: KLOPPER, SANDRA; NEL, KAREL & CONRU, KEVIN - The Art of Southeast Africa from the Conru Collection
042277: KARKOV, CATHERINE E. - Text and Picture in Anglo-Saxon England: Narrative Strategies in the Junius 11 Manuscript (Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England)
039920: BARTH, KARL & THURNEYSEN, EDUARD - Karl Barth - Eduard Thurneysen Briefwechsel Band I 1913-1921
021685: BAUS, KARL & EWIG, EUGEN - L'Epoca Dei Concilila Formazione Del Dogma IL Monachesimo Diffusione Missionara E Cristianizzazione Dell'Impero (IV-V Sec)
048316: KARLINGER, HANS - Alt-Bayern Ein Bilderband
067358: BADISCHES LANDESMUSEUM KARLSRUHE - Mittelalterliche Elfenbeinarbeiten: Aus Der Sammlung Des Badischen Landesmuseums Karlsruhe (Bestandskataloge Des Badischen Landesmuseums) (German Edition)
033789: KARN, NICHOLAS (ED.) - English Episcopal Acta : Ely 1198-1256
054214: KARNOS, DAVID D.; SHOEMAKER, ROBERT G. - Falling in Love with Wisdom: American Philosophers Talk About Their Calling
067920: GEORGE KAROLYI - An Excursion Into the Paranormal
041234: KARP, IVAN - Fields of Change Among the Iteso of Kenya
070567: KARP, IVAN - Fields of Change Among the Iteso of Kenya
028376: KARP, HEINRICH - La Penitence: Textes Et Commentaires Des Origines de L'Ordre Penitentiel de L'Eglise Ancienne
067704: KARRAS, RUTH MAZO - Common Women: Prostitution and Sexuality in Medieval England (Studies in the History of Sexuality)
030207: KARRER, OTTO - Peter and the Church: An Examination of Cullmann's Thesis
069181: EFRAIM KARSH - Islamic Imperialism: A History
025170: KARSLAKE, W. H. - The Litany of the English Church Considered in Its History, Its Plan, and the Manner in Which It Is Intended to Be Used
051512: KARSTEN, RAFAEL - The Origins of Religion
070885: KASER, GEORG - Tropical Glaciers (International Hydrology Series)
060776: KASPAROVA, K. V.; LVOVA, Z. A.; MARSHAK, B. I.; SOKOLOVA, I. V.; SHCHUKIN, M. B.; ZALESKAYA, V. N.; ZASETSKAYA, I. P. - Treasure of Khan Kubrat: Culture of Bulgars, Khazars, Slavs
051258: WALTER KASPER - Accepting the Mystery: Scriptural Reflections for Advent and Christmas
050977: WALTER KASPER - Faith: Practices, Models, and Sources of the Spirit
040685: KASPER, WALTER - Jesus the Christ
034067: KASPER, WALTER - The God of Jesus Christ
061785: RUDOLFUS KASSEL - Menandri Sicyonius
050672: ROBERT KASTENBAUM - The Psychology of Death
028358: WILSON-KASTNER, PATRICIA - Sacred Drama: A Spirituality of Christian Liturgy
042139: JONES, STANLEY; MAJOR, KATHLEEN & VARLEY, JOAN - The Survey of Ancient Houses in Lincoln 1. Priorygate to Pottergate
053930: KATZ, CLAIRE ELISE - Levinas and the Crisis of Humanism
047475: KAUFFMAN, CHRISTOPHER J. - Tamers of Death Volume One the History of the Alexian Brothers from 1300 to 1789
036706: KAUFFMAN, IVAN J. - Follow Me: A History of Christian Intentionality
045832: C. M. KAUFFMANN - Eve's Apple to the Last Supper: Picturing Food in the Bible
048012: MERVYN KAUFMAN - Honeybees
043741: KAUFMANN, THOMAS - A Short Life of Martin Luther
018210: KAUFMANN, KAREN;PETROCIK, JOHN R.;SHAW, DARON;SHAW, DARON R.;PETROCIK, JOHN - Unconventional Wisdom: Facts and Myths About American Voters
020751: KAUL, H. K. (ED.) - Travellers' India, an Anthology
063247: WOLFGANG KAUNZNER - Kurt Vogel in Memoriam: Vier Vorträge (Algorismus : Studien Zur Geschichte Der Mathematik Und Der Naturwissenschaften)
053743: KAVANAGH, JENNIFER - New Light: 12 Quaker Voices
062073: KAVANAUGH, KIERAN - John of the Cross: Doctor of Light and Love
029657: COFFEY, THOMAS F., DAVIDSON, LINDA KAY & DUNN, MARYJANE (EDS) - The Miracles of St. James: Translations from the Liber Sancti Jacobi
027871: KAY, GEOFFREY - Development and Underdevelopment : A Marxist Analysis
020205: KAY, WILLIAM K. - Pentecostalism, a Very Short Introduction
061253: KAYE, ELAINE - The History of the King's Weigh House Church, a Chapter in the History of London.
057158: PHILALETHES CANTABRIGIENSIS[ JOHN KAYE] - Remarks on Dr Wiseman's Lectures on the Rule of Faith and on the Doctrine of the Eucharist
053700: KAYE, DR. BRADLEY - The Boundless Open Sea: A Collection of Essays: Zen Buddhism and Critical Theory
049920: BRUCE KAYE - The Rise and Fall of the English Christendom: Theocracy, Christology, Order and Power (Routledge Contemporary Ecclesiology)
045871: KAYE, JOHN WILLIAM - The Life and Correspondence of Charles, Lord Metcalfe Vol II
043378: KAYE, JOHN (ED.) - The First Apology of Justin Martyr Addressed to the Emperor Antoninus Pius
039578: KAYE, JOHN (ED.) - The First Apology of Justin Martyr Addressed to the Emperor Antoninus Pius
037580: KAYE, JOHN - Some Account of the Writings and Opinions of Clement of Alexandria
020512: KAYE, ELAINE - C.J. Cadoux: Theologian, Scholar, and Pacifist
020511: KAYE, ELAINE - The History of the King's Weigh House Church, a Chapter in the History of London.
062819: SHAH KAZEMI, REZA - Common Ground between Islam and Buddhism: Spiritual and Ethical Affinities
036013: KAZHDAN, A. P.; EPSTEIN, ANN WHARTON - Change in Byzantine Culture in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries
067395: KEALEY, EDWARD J. - Medieval Medicus: A Social History of Anglo-Norman Medicine
067144: KEAN, ROGER MICHAEL - Forgotten Power Byzantium: Bulwark of Christianity
070424: KEAN, P.M. - Chaucer and the Making of English Poetry: The Art of Narrative Vol. 2
019902: KEAN, JAMES - Among the Holy Places; a Pilgrimage Through Palestine
042945: KEANE, DAVID - The Initiation
068165: J. A. KEAR - The Game of Draughts: The Complete Record of the Fourth International Match between England and Scotland at Newcastle-on-Tyne April, 1903
057052: KEARY, CHARLES; GRUEBER, H.ERBERT A. - English Coins in the British Museum (Anglo Saxon Series)
048004: JONATHAN KEATES - The Siege of Venice
048731: KEAY, F. E. - A History of Hindi Literature
057708: KEBLE, JOHN - National Apostasy Considered in a Sermon Preached in St Mary's Oxford Before His Majesty's Judges of Assize Sunday, July 14th, 1833
057437: KEBLE, JOHN - National Apostasy Considered in a Sermon Preached in St Mary's Oxford Before His Majesty's Judges of Assize Sunday, July 14th, 1833
052968: KEBLE, JOHN - National Apostasy Considered in a Sermon Preached in St Mary's Oxford Before His Majesty's Judges of Assize Sunday, July 14th, 1833
069292: KEBLE, JOHN - National Apostasy Considered in a Sermon Preached in St Mary's, Oxford Before His Majesty's Judges of Assize Sunday, July 14th, 1833
050354: JOHN KEBLE (MARIA POGGI JOHNSON ED.) - Sermons for the Christian Year
032631: KEBLE, J. (WILSON, R. F. ED.) - Letters of Spiritual Counsel and Guidance
031812: KEBLE, J. (WILSON, R. F. ED.) - Letters of Spiritual Counsel and Guidance
027793: KEBLE, JOHN - Sermons for the Christian Year: Sermons for Easter to Ascension Day
042132: KECK, ANDREA (ED.) - Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom
035561: KECK, LEANDER E. - A Future for the Historical Jesus: The Place of Jesus in Preaching and Theology
060622: HOWARD CLARK KEE - Medicine, Miracle and Magic in New Testament Times
059828: KEE, ALISTAIR - Nietzsche Against the Crucified
057580: KEE, ALISTAIR - Constantine Versus Christ: The Triumph of Ideology
053731: KEE, ALISTAIR; LONG, EUGENE T. - Being and Truth: Essays in Honour of John Macquarrie
039132: KEE, HOWARD C. - Christian Origins in Sociological Perspective
036842: KEE, ALISTAIR - Constantine Versus Christ: The Triumph of Ideology
035974: KEE, HOWARD C. - Christian Origins in Sociological Perspective
020475: KEE, HOWARD CLARK - Community of the New Age: Studies in Mark's Gospel
019539: KEE, ROBERT - A Crowd Is Not Company
017149: KEE, ALISTAIR - Nietzsche Against the Crucified
063434: KEEBLE, BRIAN - God and Work: Aspects of Art and Tradition
060173: KEEBLE, BRIAN; CECIL COLLINS - Cecil Collins, the Artist As Writer and Image Maker
058814: ERIC GILL; BRIAN KEEBLE - A Holy Tradition of Working: Passages from the Writings of Eric Gill
069598: KEEFE, JENNIFER - James Frederick Ferrier: Selected Writings
050856: DAVID G. DOWNEY; E. W. HALFORD; RALPH WELLES KEELER - Militant Methodism: The Story of the First National Convention of Methodist Men Held at Indianapolis, Indiana
037449: KEELING, MICHAEL - The Mandate of Heaven the Divine Command and the Natural Order
045758: KEEN, M. H. - England in the Later Middle Ages: A Political History
069533: HAROLD KASIMOW; JOHN P. KEENAN; LINDA KLEPINGER KEENAN - Beside Still Waters: Jews, Christians, and the Way of the Buddha
059243: HENRY GEORGE KEENE - An Oriental Biographical Dictionary Founded on Materials Collected by the Late Thomas William Beale
064483: KEEPIN, WILLIAM - Belonging to God: Science, Spirituality & a Universal Path of Divine Love
026759: KEESING, ROGER M. - Kin Groups and Social Structure
021638: KEET, C. C. - A Liturgical Study of the Psalter, a Consideration of Some Liturgical and Ceremonial Aspects of Jewish Worship Exhibited in the Book of Psalms
028374: KEIFER, RALPH A - Blessed and Broken: An Exploration of the Contemporary Experience of God in Eucharistic Celebration
044466: KEILY, M. D. - Major-General Patrick Sarsfield a Biography and a Detailed Account of the Defence of Limerick in 1650 Against the Army of the Prince of Orange
066213: ENID SCHILDKROUT; CURTIS A. KEIM - The Scramble for Art in Central Africa
065622: ENID SCHILDKROUT; CURTIS A. KEIM - African Reflections: Art from Norteastern Zaire
037585: KEISER, MELVIN R. - Recovering the Personal: Religious Language and the Postcritical Quest of H. Richard Niebuhr
063033: KHODADAD E. KEITH - The Social Life of a Jew in the Time of Christ
064845: SIR ARTHUR KEITH - Darwinism and Its Critics
058984: PAL KELEMEN - Baroque and Rococco Latin America
055828: PATRICK J. KELLEHER - The Holy Crown of Hungary
062509: KELLER, CATHERINE; ORTEGA-APONTE, ELIAS - Common Goods: Economy, Ecology, and Political Theology
059827: KELLER, ERNST; KELLER, MARIE-LUISE - Miracles in Dispute: A Continuing Debate
055081: HARALD KELLER - Die Entstehung Des Bildnisses Am Ende Des Hochmittelalters Band III
038507: KELLER, ERNST; KELLER, MARIE-LUISE - Miracles in Dispute: A Continuing Debate
067164: KELLER, DAVID G. R. - Oasis of Wisdom: The Worlds of the Desert Fathers and Mothers
070782: KELLEY, PATRICIA; ROSS, ROBERT - Stephen Jay Gould: Reflections on His View of Life
071013: WILLIAM OF OCKHAM; ALFRED J. FREDDOSO; FRANCIS E. KELLEY - Quodlibetal Questions: Quodlibets 1-7 (Vols. 1 and 2)
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