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Rosemary Pugh Books 59b Old Sarum Airfield, The Portway, SALISBURY, Wiltshire, SP4 6DZ, ENGLAND. Tel/fax/24 hour answerphone +44 1722 330 132 Email: rosemarypugh@btopenworld.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
82327: VINCENT J J - Radical Jesus: the way of Jesus then and now
82348: ROWLAND C & VINCENT J - Liberation spirituality (British liberation theology 3)
82347: ROWLAND C & VINCENT J - Gospel from the city (British liberation theology 2)
26500: VINCENT J J - Stirrings: essays Christian and radical
33034: RIEGER J & VINCENT J J - Methodist and radical: rejuvenating a tradition
34831: VINCENT M R - History of the textual criticism of the New Testament
82349: ROWLAND C & VINCENT J - Bible and practice (British liberation theology 4)
19973: VINE W E - Expository Dictionary of New Testament words with their precise meanings for English readers 4 volumes bound as one with individual pagination
38929: VINJE P M - Praying with Catherine of Siena (Companions for the journey)
48538: VINOGRADOFF P - Common-sense in law
26225: VINTCENT C - Be your own stockbroker: the secrets of managing your own investments
30802: VIPONT E - Some Christian festivals to which is appended a brief glossary of Christian terminology
19977: VIPONT E - High way: an anthology
47846: PIERRE QUI VIRE - Pierre qui vire [French text]
19981: VIRGIL - Georgics trans by C Day Lewis
18550: VIRGIL P [VERGILI] - Opera: recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit F A Hirtzel
47440: COMMUNITY ST MARY THE VIRGIN - Order of Compline throughout the year:
48053: COMMUNITY OF S MARY THE VIRGIN - Solemn modulations of magnificat (set of 8 copies)
73463: VIRGO T - PRAYING THE LORD'S PRAYER (How to.... study series)
81264: VIRGO L - First aid in pastoral care
19982: VIRKLER H - Hermeneutics: principles and processes of biblical interpretation
40656: VISCHER W - Immanuel-Botschaft im Rahmen des koniglichen Zionsfestes (Theologische Studien 45)
17087: SAMUEL D H 3rd Viscount - Century's changes of outlook
36548: VISSER M - Geometry of love: space, time, mystery and meaning in an ordinary church
49968: QUAST K & VISSERS J - Studies in Canadian evangelical renewal: essays in honour of Ian S Rennie
19984: VITZ P C - Sigmund Freud's Christian unconscious
69523: OLESEN Jorgen Vium - SONGS FROM DEEP WATERS: selections from the Psalms with prayer meditations
69524: OLESEN Jorgen Vium - SONGS FROM HEAVEN AND EARTH: selections from the Psalms with prayer meditations
47054: VIVALDI A - Magnificat: Vocal score (latin and english text)
19987: VLASIC T, Fr & BARBARIC S, Fr - Abandon yourself to me: meditations from January to June 1985
19986: VLASIC T - Open your hearts to Mary Queen of peace: meditations
25871: VLEDDER E-J - Conflict in the miracle stories: a socio-exegetical study of Matthew 8 and 9 (JSNTSS 152)
49222: PAX VOBISCUM - Pax vobiscum: an address
34155: VOGEL A A - Jesus prayer for today
19989: VOGEL A A - I know God better than I know myself
73470: VOGEL H - CONSIDER YOUR CALLING: introduction to theological study in the light of the fundamemntal questions it raises for ministers and divinity students
53477: VOGEL A A - Theology in Anglicanism (Anglican Study Series)
28526: VOGEL A A - Radical Christianity and the flesh of Jesus: the roots of Eucharistic living
252: ALLEN J & VOGES R - Synthesis and applications of isotopically labelled compounds 1994: proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium, Strasbourg, France, 20-24 June 1994
25151: VOGLER L - Stora - ackordboken for keyboard: over 500 ackord med tydliga diagram och fotografier
25833: RUSSELL A & VOGLER J - International politics of biotechnology: investigating global futures
51748: VOGUE A de - Community and Abbot in the Rule of Saint Benedict Volume Two ONLY
56419: GOLDSMITH M & VOIGT F - Hindenburg: the man and the legend
73477: VOILLAUME R - TRUTH WILL MAKE YOU FREE: letters to the Little Brothers
30196: VOILLAUME R - Source of life: the eucharist and Christian living
19993: VOILLAUME R - Follow me: the call to the religious life today
48460: VOLAVKOVA H - Guide to the Jewish Museum of Prague: Part II Museum of Jewish Towm in Prague
83329: VOLF M - Allah: a Christian response
21629: VOLF M - After our likeness: the Church as the image of the Trinity
56510: VOLF M - Free of charge: giving and forgiving in a culture stripped of grace
36960: VOLLEBREGT G N - Bible on marriage
40038: VOLPE C - Baroque and Rococo in Italy: illustrated catalogue
19998: VOLTAIRE A M De - Letters de Quelques Juifs: Portugalis, Allemands et Polonais par M L'Abbe Guenee in 3 vols
36598: VOLTAIRE - 16 artikel aus dem philosophischen taschenworterbuch
81745: VOLZ P - Das Damonische in Jahwe
20021: VONIER A - Key to the Doctrine of the Eucharist
53741: VONIER A - Angels
36587: VONSEGGEN D & L - Puppets: ministry magic [How your youth group can reach out with puppets]
53484: VORGRIMLER H - Karl Rahner: his life thought and work
82038: LATEGAN B C & VORSTER W S - Text and reality: aspects of reference in Biblical texts
73485: VOS H F - GENESIS
27385: VOSE R H - Glass (Connoisseur illustrated guides)
36501: VOSMAN F J H - Denken naar God toe: Piet Schoonenberg e.a. over lijden, schuld, rechtvaardigheid, schepping en laatste oordeel
53772: VOYSEY C - Theism or the religion of common sense
80501: VOYSEY S - Unseen footprints: encountering the divine along the journey of kife
36547: VREDEVELT P - Empty arms [Emotional support for those who have suffered miscarriage or stillbirth]
5509: DE VRIES S J - 1 and 2 Chronicles: (Forms of the Old Testament literature Volume XI)
5508: DE VRIES E - Man in rapid social change
82756: DE VRIES S J - Achievements of biblical religion: a prolegomenon to Old Testament theology
20027: VRIEZEN T C - Religion of Ancient Israel
20025: VRIEZEN T C - Outline of Old Testament theology
40142: VRIEZEN T C - Theologie des Alten Testaments in Grundzugen
36502: VROOM F W - First six centuries: sketches from early church history
73489: VULLIAMY C E - OUR PREHISTORIC FORERUNNERS with thirty-three illustrations
20029: VULLIAMY C E - John Wesley
27080: VUOLA E - Limits of liberation: feminist theology and the ethics of poverty and reproduction
27081: VUOLA E - Limits of liberation: feminist theology and the ethics of poverty and reproduction
5512: DE WAAL E - Life-giving way: a commentary on the Rule of St Benedict
59000: DE WAAL E - Celtic vision: prayers and blessings from the outer hebrides
34264: DE WAAL E - Lost in wonder: rediscovering the spiritual art of attentiveness
20032: WACE H - Confessions and absolution: report of a conference held at Fulham Palace on Dec 30 and 31 1901 and Jan 1 1902
57170: SMITH W & WACE H - Dictionary of Christian Biography (Volume IV N - Z): literature sects and doctrines during the first eight centuries being a continuation of 'The Dictionary of the Bible' No additional UK postage. For overseas postage please ask for a quote
57169: SMITH W & WACE H - Dictionary of Christian Biography (Volume II Eaba - Hermocrates): literature sects and doctrines during the first eight centuries being a continuation of 'The Dictionary of the Bible' No additional UK postage. For overseas postage please ask for a quote
17940: SMITH W & WACE H - Dictionary of Christian Biography (4 volumes): literature sects and doctrines during the first eight centuries being a continuation of 'The Dictionary of the Bible' No additional UK postage. Very heavy set. Please ask for a quote for overseas postage
57168: SMITH W & WACE H - Dictionary of Christian Biography (Volume III Hermogenes - Myensis): literature sects and doctrines during the first eight centuries being a continuation of 'The Dictionary of the Bible' No additional UK postage. For overseas postage please ask for a quote
37483: WACE H - Appeal to the first six centuries: containing an address on variations in doctrine and practice, a report of a deputation to the Archbishop of Canterbury, and a treatise by Bishop Cosin on the 'Catholic religion of the Realm of England'
50839: WACHOB W H - Voice of Jesus in the social rhetoric of James (SNTSMS 106)
52850: WACHOLDER B Z - The Dawn of Qumran: the sectarian Torah and the teacher of righteousness
36504: WADDAMS H M - Swedish church
20041: WADDELL H - Stories from Holy Writ
20046: WADE G W - New Testament History: with 10 maps & plans
30443: WADE G W - Book of the Prophet Isaiah with introduction and notes (WC)
70757: WADSWORTH M - WITH YOU IN SPIRIT? Cardinal Hume's Advisory Group on the pon the Catholic Church's commitment to the Black Community
22233: WAESBERGHE J S van - Gregorian chant and its place in the Catholic liturgy
81016: WAGENFUHR G P - Plundering Egypt: a subversive Christian ethic of economy
54803: WAGER C E - Thoughts of a country parson: articles for the parish magazine and an essay on Jesus of Nazareth Charles Edward Wager Rector of Little Gaddesden 1933 - 1953
20048: WAGGETT P N - Holy Eucharist: with other occasional papers
20049: WAGGETT P N - Religion and science: some suggestions for the study of the relations between them
36506: WAGGETT P N - Is there a religion of nature?: lectures given in St Paul's Cathedral January 1902
40588: WAGNER R - Ein Ende in Paris
73534: WAGNER C P - PRAYER SHIELD: how to intercede for pastors, Christian leaders and others on the spiritual frontlines
47039: WAGNER R - Tannhauser (edited for the pianoforte)
73529: WAGNER C P - CHURCH GROWTH AND THE WHOLE GOSPEL: a biblical mandate
81265: WAGNER G - Barnardo
57825: HARE J MORRIN J WAIGHT S - Victorian History of Hampshire: Mapledurwell (Victoria County History)
20052: WAINWRIGHT A W - Beyond Biblical Criticism: encountering Jesus in scripture
20058: WAINWRIGHT G - Keeping the faith: essays to mark the centenary of ""Lux Mundi""
39707: WAINWRIGHT G - Christian Initiation: ecumenical studies in history
21680: WAITE T - Footfalls in memory: relections from solitude
25971: WAITLEY D - Empires of the mind: lessons to lead and succeed in a knowledge-based world
36800: WAKEFIELD G S - On the edge of the mystery: meditations on passages from the communion service
32555: WAKEFIELD G S - Dictionary of Christian Spirituality
59083: WAKEFIELD G S - John Wesley
29892: WAKEFIELD G - Where are the men?: a study of an endangered species (GPS34)
20066: WAKEFIELD G S - Methodist Spirituality (Exploring Methodism)
20061: WAKEFIELD G S - Dictionary of Christian Spirituality
20062: WAKEFIELD G S - Kindly light: meditations on Newman's poem
20063: WAKEFIELD G S - Life of the spirit in the world today [an examination of the practices of prayer and worship in our present intellectual and cultural climate]
21796: WAKEFIELD G S - Outline of Christian worship
20064: WAKEFIELD G S - Liturgy of St John
37786: THORNTON-WAKEFIELD D - If fish is all you want [meditations on God's word and God's creation]
36508: WAKEFIELD G S - Methodist devotion: the spiritual life in the Methodist tradition 1791-1945
40692: WAKEFIELD G S - My providential way
35277: MCDOWELL J & WAKEFIELD N - Dad difference: creating an environment for your child's sexual wholeness
36332: WAKEFIELD G S - Puritan devotion: its place in the development of Christian piety (Fernley-Hartley lecture 1957)
30853: WAKEMAN H - Women priests: the first years
20070: WAKEMAN H O - Royal Supremacy in England (CHS23)
20068: WAKEMAN H O - Europe: 1598-1715 Period V
20067: WAKEMAN H O - Church and the puritans 1570-1660
36510: WAKEMAN H O - Introduction to the history of the Church of England from the earliest times to the present day, revised with an additional chapter by S L Ollard
42087: DIGIACOMO J J & WAKIN E - Understanding teenagers: a guide for parents
83372: WAKLEY G - Sexual abuse and the Primary are Doctor (Psychosexual Medicine Series 3)
73551: WAKSLER F C - LITTLE TRIALS OF CHILDHOOD and children's strategies for dealing with them
51401: WALASKAY P W - And so we came to Rome: the political perspective of St Luke (SNTSMS 49)
61712: BUHLMANN Walbert - FORWARD, CHURCH!: essays in ecclesial spirituality
48750: WALDEGRAVE J [CLARK J C D] - Memoirs and speeches of James, 2nd Earl Waldegrave, 1742-1763 edited with an introduction by J C D Clark
43636: WALDRON R - 15 days of prayer with Henri Houwen
23726: FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION OF WALES - Official yearbook and supporters' guide 2000-2001
26190: CHURCH IN WALES - Book of Common Prayer for use in the Church in Wales: Order for Morning and Evening prayer, Welsh and English on facing pages
53715: WALEY D - Later medieval Europe: from Saint Louis to Luther
21948: HUIZING P & WALF K - Electing our own Bishops (Concilium 137)
39412: WALKER A - Different Gospels: Christian orthodoxy and modern theologies
20079: WALKER A - God is Where You Are: preaching for today
73568: WALKER P L - MINISTRY OF WORSHIP: an exposition of selected Psalms
43683: WALKER P - Jesus way: the essential Christian starter kit
51824: WALKER W, NORRIS R A, LOTZ D W, & HANDY R T - History of the Christian Church [4th edition]
81242: WALLACE G & WALKER A D M - Definition of morality (University Paperbacks)
20085: WALKER G - Book of my baptism
20089: WALKER K - Human Physiology
20090: WALKER K - Physiology of sex
20092: WALKER L J - Problem of Reunion: discussed historically in seven essays
20094: WALKER S - Sheila: a healing through dying
31275: WALKER T - Open to God: a parish in renewal (GM&W38)
28467: WALKER A - Golf for the girls compiled from a series of articles originally pub in Golf Monthly illus by Joe McKeough
37746: WALKER T - Occult web
27689: WALKER D - Digby: a novel
20078: WALKER A - Different gospels
20076: WALKER A - Breakthrough: rediscovering the Holy Spirit
20101: WALKER W - History of the Christian Church
56857: CHAPMAN S & WALKER W - Minster people: eminent men and women connected with Southwell Minster over the centuries (published to commemorate nine centuries since the present buildign was inaugurated in 1109)
55470: WALKER A - Prayer for everyday living
81021: SHAW L & WALKER J M - Ambition: essays by members of the Chrysostom Society
25480: WALKER J A et al - Statistics: a first course
4597: WALKER K - Images or idols? place of sacred art in churches today
36565: WALKER T - Jewish views of Jesus: an introduction and an appreciation
2832: WALKER A - Restoring the kingdom: radical christianity of the House Church Movement
36559: WALKER W L - Christ's Gospel of the eternal and the divine manifestation in Christ
36560: WALKER W L - Cross and the kingdom as viewed by Christ Himself and in the light of evolution
27267: WALKER B - Armada
34782: WALKER W L - Christian theism and a spiritual Monism: God, freedom, and immortality in view of Monistic evolution
37358: WALKER M - God of our journey
51764: WALKER S - Year A resource: contemporary reflections for praying and preaching
73577: WALKER T - SMALL STREAMS BIG RIVERS: developing spiritual gifts in small groups and the church
73562: WALKER G - IDEALISM OF CHRISTIAN ETHICS being the Baird Lecture for 1928
48316: DUES G & WALKLEY B - Called to parish ministry: identity, challenges and spirituality of lay ministers
48078: WALL W - Brief critical notes especially on the various readings of the New Testament books: with a preface concerning the texts cited therein from the Old Testament as also concerning the use of the Septuagint translation
58305: WALL W - History of infant baptism in two parts: the first being an impartial collection of all such passages in the writers of the four first centuries as do make for or against it; the second containing several things that do help illustrate the said history
45488: WALL B - Italian art life and landscape
81619: WALLACE M - Healing encounters in the city: insights from an urban perspective (GPS30)
81241: WALLACE R S - Readings in 2 Kings: an interpretation arranged for personal group bible studies with questions and notes
29889: WALLACE M - Healing encounters in the city: insights from an urban perspective (GPS30)
20110: WALLACE W - Life of St. Edmund of Canterbury from original sources
20106: WALLACE L - Ben-Hur: a tale of the Christ
73586: WALLACE J - THERE'S A TIME AND A PLACE: prayers for the Christian Year
73587: WALLACE M - LITTLE BOOK OF CELTIC SAINTS illustrated by Ann MacDuff
80949: WALLACE C M - Confronting religious denial of gay marriage: Christian humanism and the moral imagination
36546: WALLACE R S - Gospel miracles: studies in Matthew, Mark, and Luke
24749: WALLACE M - Silent twins
80973: WALLACE C M - Confrontational wit of Jesus: Christian humanism and the moral imagination
80971: WALLACE C M - Confronting religious absolutism: Christian humanism and the moral imagination
58674: WALLACE R S - Ten commandments: a study of ethical freedom
81012: WALLACE C M - Confronting religious violence Christian humanism and the moral imagination
44080: WALLACE M I - Fragments of the Spirit: nature violence and the renewal of creation
83389: DAVIS M & WALLBRIDGE D - Boundary and space: an introduction to the work of D. W. Winnicott
73597: WALLIS P - MEN BEHAVING BOLDLY: getting to grips with spirituality
36153: WALLIS J - Rise of Christian conscience (The 1986 CMS annual sermon)
58016: WALLIS J - On God's side: what religion forgets and politics hasn't learned about serving the common good
20116: WALLIS J - Come Into His Presence
51204: WALLIS P - Be thou my breastplate: forty days of giving your life to God the Celtic way
44884: WALLIS J - Seven ways to change the world: reviving faith and politics
82480: WALLIS I G - Faith of Jesus Christ in early Christian traditions (SNTS Monograph Series 84)
58483: WALLWORK M - Singing with the saints: hymns for the festivals and lesser festivals of the Church of England (Words only)
23111: WALMSLEY J - Brit-think Ameri-think: a transatlantic survival guide
20119: WALPOLE G H S - Vital religion or the personal knowledge of Christ
83347: WALPOLE A S - Early Latin Hymns with introduction and notes by A S Walpole
37697: WALSH M - Universe book of saints
20120: WALSH B - Father Spencer: remarkable story of a young aristocrat who abandoned family and friends to become a missionary priest
20122: WALSH C - Stop looking and listen: an invitation to the Christian life (RBC 66)
20123: WALSH G - Biopharmaceuticals: biochemistry and biotechnology
20126: WALSH K - Sometimes I Weep: prayers & meditations
35788: WALSH M - Dictionary of Christian biography
73614: WALSH M - CONCLAVE: a sometimes secret and occasionally bloody history of papal elections
23316: WALSH M - Irish tax treaties 2000
34726: PAKENHAM-WALSH H - Lights and shades of Christendom to AD 1000
73611: WALSH M - JOHN PAUL II: a biography
37418: MIDDLETON J R & WALSH B J - Truth is stranger than it used to be: biblical faith in a postmodern age
82414: WALSH S - Kierkegaard thinking Christianity in an existential mode: (Christian theology in context)
35683: HANSEN B L & WALSOE F - In the beginning: the story of creation as told in the book of Genesis (colour photography throughout)
82766: WALTER T - Revival of death
73619: WALTER J A - HUMAN HOME: the myth of the sacred environment
262: RALEIGH Walter - Letters of Sir Walter Raleigh 1879 - 1922 edited by Lady Raleigh, preface by D N Smith
73622: WALTERS C J - TO SERVE AS JESUS SERVED: a guide to servanthood
36148: WALTERS G - Science and religion: the re-opening dialogue [Papers presented to a Conference of Anglican & Methodist clergy, Bath, 6-7 May 1969]
1144: BARNARD T & WALTERS D - Man, society and redemption: a workbook prepared for the lay ministerial training scheme
73623: WALTERS L S - THERE'S A NEW FAMILY IN MY HOUSE!: blending stepfamilies together
37696: WALTON R C - Gospel for martyrs: Saint Mark's Gospel (Modern Bible Textbooks)
20140: WALTON I - Lives of John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Richard Hooker, George Herbert and Robert Sanderson (WC)
20141: WALTON J - Six Reformers (Wilberforce, Peel, Fry, Shaftesbury, Nightingale & Barnado)
73626: WALTON C - SING A SONG OF CHRISTMAS [ A collection of over 210 poems by Christian writers]
59603: WALTON J R - Art and worship: a vital connection
56959: CONFORTI M & WALTON G - Royal Trasures of Sweden 1550 - 1700
26602: WALTON R C - Basic introduction to the Old Testament
40682: WALTON I - Herbert's poems: with the life of the author
73633: WALVOORD J F - MAJOR BIBLE PROPHECIES: 37 crucial prophecies that affect you today
26114: WALZENBACH G P E - Co-ordination in context: institutional choices to promote exports
20187: WAND W - Letters on Preaching
20185: WAND J W C - White of Carpentaria
20186: WAND W - Christianity: a historical religion?
20180: WAND J W C - Spirit of Church History
20155: WAND J W C - Church its nature structure and function
20151: WAND J W C - Atonement
20152: WAND J W C - Authority of the Scriptures
20157: WAND J W C - Development of Sacramentalism
20150: WAND J W C - Anglicanism in history and today
22545: WAND J W C - Seven steps to Heaven
24920: WAND J W C - Temptation of Jesus
20177: WAND J W C - Second Reform
20183: WAND J W C - What the church stands for: a guide to its authority in the twentieth century
20184: WAND J W C - White of Carpentaria
20182: WAND J W C - What St Paul Said: or the teaching of St Paul
73652: WAND J W C - RECOVERY STARTS WITHIN: the book of the Mission to London, 1949
20164: WAND J W C - Golden String: a short introduction to Christian Practice
20165: WAND J W C - Greek Doctors
20171: WAND J W C - Latin Doctors
20173: WAND J W C - Minds behind the New Theology: Kierkegaard, Barth, Bultmann Tillich and Bonhoeffer
20158: WAND J W C - Doctors and councils [includes 'Latin Doctors' 'Greek Doctors' and 'Four Councils']
4715: WAND J W C et al - Confirmation book: for members of the Anglican Communion
58553: WANDEL L P - Eucharist in the reformation: incarnation and liturgy
31969: WANG A - Christ Church, Ware: history 1858-1985
73657: WANG S - LONG ROAD TO FREEDOM: the story of Wang Mingdao
24630: CHENG F Y & WANG Y Y - Post-earthquake rehabilitation and reconstruction
61446: FREYNE S & WANSBROUGH - MARK AND MATTHEW (Scripture discussion commentary 7)
73659: WANSBROUGH N - COMMIT YOURSELF: where there's a will there's a way [based on 14 interviews with committee Christians, including Rupert Davies, Trevor Beeson, Donald Coggan, Leslie Houlden, Richard Coggins]
20188: WANSBROUGH H - Bendictines in Oxford
24785: WANSEY C - Clockwork church: reform in the Church of England at worm's eye level
24905: WANSEY C - New Testament word finder: a handy reference book to all NT passages common to all translations
48054: WANTLAND W C - Foundations of the faith
53770: WARBURTON W - Warburton lectures delivered at Lincoln's Inn 1995 - 2005
53771: WARBURTON W - Warburton lectures delivered at Lincoln's Inn 1985 - 1994 (includes lectures by Enoch Powell and Bishop John Baker)
73696: WARD P - GOD OF WELCOMES: for those who have almost given up
73699: WARD R H - PRODIGAL SON: some comments on the Parable
73701: WARD R A - ROYAL SACRAMENT: the preacher and his message
36154: WARD W - Last lectures by Wilfred Ward being the Lowell Lectures 1914 and three lectures delivered at the Royal Institution, 1915
32609: WARD K - God: a guide for the perplexed
32619: WARD K - Ethics and Christianity (Muirhead Library of Philosophy)
81131: WARD G - Theology and contemporary critical theory (Studies in literature and religion)
44489: WARD W R - Faith and faction [essays]
47241: WARD A - Dickens: English men of letters
49134: WARD K - Word of God: the Bible after modern scholarship
34460: WARD J - Mixed nuts: 23 plays and sketches
29016: WARD K - Concept of God
81741: WARD W R - Baptists and the transformation of the Church 1780-1830
24205: WARD J - Study of Kant
31723: WARD J M - Thus says the Lord: the message of the Prophets
29829: WARD H - Celebrating women
58349: WARD B - In company with Christ: through Lent, Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter to Pentecost
28266: WARD J et al - Leisure and tourism: (GNVQ advanced)
25259: WARD G - Catering questions and answers: food hygiene
59082: WARD A M - Outlines of Christian doctrine (2 volume set)
20231: WARD R S - Selectivity in organic synthesis
20245: WARD W - Life of John Henry Cardinal Newman (2 volumes): based on his private journals and correspondence
20247: WARD W - William George Ward and the Catholic Revival
56778: WARD T H - Men of the time: a dictionary of contemporaries containing biographical notes of eminent characters of both sexes
20210: WARD J S M - Brasses including fold-outs
20211: WARD J W - Letters of the Earl of Dudley to the Bishop of Llandaff
20218: WARD K - Images of eternity: concepts of God in five religious traditions
20220: WARD K - Promise
20222: WARD K - Rule of love: reflections on the sermon on the mount
20223: WARD K - Turn of the tide: Christian belief in Britain today
20225: WARD K - Vision to pursue: beyond the crisis of Christianity
20226: WARD M - France Pagan? the mission of Abbe Godin
22249: WARD S - Getting ready for the Pensions Act: a Trustees' guide
50331: WARD B - Miracles and the medieval mind
59081: WARD W R - Early Victorian Methodism: the correspondence of Jacob Bunting 1830 - 1858
20230: WARD M - Young Mr. Newman
20201: WARD J M - Prophets (IBT)
20192: WARD B - Progress for a small planet
52718: WARD R S - To Jerusalem: devotional studies in mystical religion edited with introduction by Susan Howatch (Library of Anglican spirituality)
32519: WARD K - Battle for the soul: an affirmation of human dignity and value
48069: WARD P - Worship and youth culture: a guide to alternative worship
24310: WARD K - Rational theology and the creativity of God
52273: WARD M - Assemblies A-Z
19082: WARD K - What the Bible really teaches: challenge for funamentalists
82240: GRAHAM E WALTON H & WARD F - Theological reflection methods
44205: WARD K - Images of eternity: concepts of God in five religious traditions
49938: WARD R A - Pattern of our salvation: a study of New Testament unity
29918: WARD H - Giving your self away (GS26)
34781: WARD J - Realm of ends or pluralism and theism (Gifford lectures 1907-10)
42413: WARD M - Early church portrait gallery
48994: WARD K - God: a guide for the perplexed
48075: WARD A W - Counter-reformation (Epochs of church history)
44163: WARD K - Is religion dangerous?
82655: WARD G - Barth, Derrida and the language of theology
46486: ABERCROMBIE N & WARDE A et al - Contemporary British society
26005: WARDE A - Consumption, food and taste: culinary antinomies and commodity culture
58682: WARDLAW J S - Posthumous works of the Rev Ralph Wardlaw D. D. Vol I Lectures on the Book of Proverbs
33614: WARDLAW R - Sermons
34459: WAREHAM J - Conducting of retreats
21707: WAREHAM J - Know thyself: an aid to self-examination
20260: WAREHAM J - Christian attitude: simple considerations & devotions for use in retreat
20261: WAREHAM J - First book about living the Christian life
20262: WAREHAM J - Parochial clergy and retreats for the people (A.P.R Handbooks 2)
20263: WAREHAM J - Priest and his people
20264: WARFIELD B B - Miracles: yesterday and today true and false
27078: HASSAN G & WARHURST C - Tomorrow's Scotland
55472: WARING P F - Pray always
73711: WARKE R - ON BEING A BISHOP: reminiscences and reflections
20266: WARNE A - Church and society in eighteenth-century Devon
36195: WARNECK D J - Paulus im Lichte der heutigen Heidenmission
81130: WARNER M - Bible as rhetoric: studies in biblical persuasion and credibility
20271: WARNER M - Alone of all her sex: the myth and the cult of the Virgin Mary
20269: WARNER H C - Start of a family: the story of reproduction for boys
33459: WARNER P - Women's icons of ministry: images from scripture (GP60)
50937: WARNER W L et al - Yankee City (One volume abridged edition)
73717: WARNER R - BAPTISM AND YOU [A personal guide to believers' baptism]
81129: WARNOCK G J - Contemporary moral philosophy (New studies in ethics)
36734: WARREN R - Launching a missionary congregation: a way forward for the local church
20293: WARREN M A C - Strange victory: a study of the Holy Communion Service
20294: WARREN M A C - Truth of vision: study in the nature of the Christian hope
20296: WARREN M A C - Gospel of Victory: a study of the relevance of the Epistle to the Galatians for the Christian mission today (RBC105)
20297: WARREN R - Building missionary congregations: towards a post-modern way of being church (BMO Paper 4) GSMisc 446
20284: WARREN M A C - Christian Mission
20286: WARREN M A C - Day of the Preacher
20287: WARREN M A C - I believe in the Great Commission
20288: WARREN M A C - Interpreting the cross
49456: WARREN M - Seeing through the media: a religious view of communications and cultural analysis
30029: WARREN R - In the crucible: the testing and growth of a local church
23367: WARREN C H - Great men of Essex
49181: PERRY M & WARREN N - Wedding book: with the marriage service ASB 1980
20290: WARREN M A C - Master of Time: an experience of the Lordship of Christ
20292: WARREN M A C - Partnership: the study of an idea being the Merrick Lectures at Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio March 1955
20280: WARREN C R - Concept of the chosen people
20283: WARREN M A C - Christian imperative: being the Kellogg lectures at the Episcopal Theological School, Cambridge, Massachusetts Feb 1955
36562: WARREN H C - Buddhism in translations: passages selected from the Buddhist Sacred Books and translated from the original Pali into English
20285: WARREN M A C - Crowded Canvas: some experiences of a life-time
29815: WARREN R - Living well
26548: WARREN M A C - Perspective in mission
26551: WARREN M A C - Social history and Christian mission
22058: WARREN F E - Leofric missal as used in the Cathedral of Exeter during the episcopate of its first bishop AD1050-1072 together with some account of the Red Book of Derby, Missal of Robert of Jumieges, & few other early manuscript Service books of the English Church
82289: WARREN Y - Cracked pot: the state of today's Anglican parish clergy
73729: WARREN M - SIMEON: an essay on Charles Simeon M.A. 1759-1836, Fellow of King's College and Vicar of Holy Trinity Church, Cambridge
43656: WARRIER G - Varaha: the secret of evolution
28460: WALSHE J G & WARRIER S - Dates and meanings of religious and other festivals with a calendar for 1997-2001
73739: WARRY J G - GREEK AESTHETIC THEORY: a study of callistic and aesthetic concepts inthe works of Plato and Aristotle (UNCORRECTED PROOF COPY)
48807: WARWICK C - Royal princes: the young men who will ensure the future of the Royal House of Windsor
30449: WASHINGTON H C et al - Escaping Eden: new feminist perspectives on the Bible (Biblical Seminar 65)
20304: WASS C - Zealot: a play for Easter
26747: SCHEEL D & WASTERNACK C - Plant signal transduction
20306: WATERFIELD R - Prophet: The Life & Times of Kahlil Gibran
20310: WATERHOUSE E S - What is salvation?
20307: WATERHOUSE E S - Philosophical approach to religion
34778: WATERHOUSE E S - Philosophy of religious experience: thesis approved for the Degree of Doctor of Divinity in the University of London
26055: WATERHOUSE P - Tutoring (Teaching and Learning)
48072: WATERLAND D - Scripture vindicated Part I II III in answer to a book intituled Christianity as old as the creation a charge; Charge delivered to the clergy of Middlesex at the primary visitation held May 19, 1731; Christianity vindicated against infidelity; Doctrinal use of the Christian sacraments considered in a charge delivered to the Middlesex clergy May 12, 1736; Critica Sacra or a short introduction to Hebrew criticism [all bound together]
20315: WATERS W E - Matters of life and death: an inaugural lecture delivered at the University of Southampton 12 May 1977
49823: WATERSON A P - Christian and the scientific method
20316: WATHERSTON P - Different kind of church: the Mayflower Family Centre story
81124: WATKIN J - KIERKEGAARD (Outstanding Christian thinkers)
73751: WATKIN J - KIERKEGAARD (Outstanding Christian thinkers)
34776: WATKIN E I - Balance of truth
73753: WATKINS E - GODSEARCH: a young person's exploration of faith
73754: WATKINS E - SURVIVAL HANDBOOK FOR FIRST-TIME PARENTS: an A - Z guide for when your first baby arrives
25279: WATKINS C - Marketing, sales and customer services: understanding the theory and practice of selling through service
55562: WATKINS P - Selection of secondary heads: suggestions for good practice (SHA discussion document 1983 Occasional Paper 2)
73756: WATKINS E - GODFOUND: discovering the searching God
46450: WATSON N - Second Epistle to the Corinthians [Epworth Commentaries]
36158: WATSON F - Defenders of the faith; or, the Christian Apologists of the second and third centuries
81127: WATSON J R - Pitying tenderness and tenderest pity: the hymns of Charles Wesley and the writings of St Luke (A S Peake memorial lecture - the Methodist Conference 2005)
51085: WATSON J - Mind of the master
73768: WATSON D - RENEWAL FOR LIFE [Thirty readings and spiritual exercises] (20 minutes with God series)
51735: HULMES E & WATSON B - Religious studies and public examinations: report on the Farmingotn Conference held at Keble College Oxford 2nd - 6th January 1979
73790: WATSON N - Striking Home interpreting and proclaiming the New Testament
31437: WATSON J - Doctrines of grace
20331: WATSON D - Is Anyone There?
29900: WATSON J - Guide to the New Age for confused Christians (GPS47)
28251: WATSON J R - English hymn: a critical and historical study
59079: WATSON P S - Message of the Wesleys: a reader of instruction and devotion
59080: WATSON J T - Daily prayers for the Methodist Church
20351: WATSON R - Anecdotes of the life of Richard Watson, Bishop of Landaff written by himself at different intervals, and revised in 1814
20354: WATSON T - Ten Commandments
20344: WATSON G - In tune: a guide to everything (from sex and evolution to philosophy and ecology) for young and old
20338: WATSON E W - Church of England (HUL)
20340: WATSON F - Guide to the New Testament
20342: WATSON F - Paul Judaism and the Gentiles: a sociological approach (SNTSMS 56)
82737: WATSON J R - Awake my soul: relections on thirty hymns
34747: WATSON P S - Let God be God: an interpretation of the theology of Martin Luther
73762: WATSON A - JESUS AND THE JEWS: the Pharisaic Tradition in John
36795: WATSON A - Godparents: guidelines for parents and Godparents
36796: WATSON J - Bosshardt: a biography [The story of a Christian missionary caught up in Mao's Long March]
51205: WATSON D - Living faith: lessons form Abraham
36835: PITT-WATSON I - Kind of folley: toward a practical theology of preaching (Warrack Lectures 1972-1975)
82428: WATSON H M - Towards a relevant Christology in India today an appraisal of the Christologies of John Hick, Jurgen Moltmann and Jon Sobrino (European University Studies)
81740: WATSON G - Litany for George Bell, Bishop of Chichester Friday 27 February 2004 (cover title: Bell of Chichester 1883-1958: a prophetic bishop)
37366: WATSON T - Body of divinity: contained in sermons upon the Westminster Assembly's Catechism
44437: WATT W M - Companion to the Qur'an: based on the Arberry translation
73802: WATT W M - CURE FOR HUMAN TROUBLES: a statement of the Christian message in modern terms
73800: WATT J - WHAT IS WRONG WITH CHRISTIAN HEALING? foreword by HRH the Prince of Wales
23171: WATT D A - Programming language concepts and paradigms
20355: WATT M H - History of the Parson's Wife
23708: WATT A - Diamond dogs: a post-modern thriller
81098: WATTLES J - Living in truth beauty and goodness
73818: WATTS R - PEOPLE ARE NEVER THE PROBLEM: a new paradigm for relating to others
30179: WATTS A J - Teach your child about God
28298: WATTS F, NYE R & SAVAGE S - Psychology for Christian ministry (with cartoons by Sean)
31587: WATTS F - Science meets faith [Contributors include: J Polkinghorne, J Bowker D W Hardy]
26966: WATTS A W - This is Zen and other essays on Zen and spiritual experience
24735: WATTS J W - Reading law: rhetorical shaping of the Pentateuch (Biblical Seminar 59)
20357: WATTS A J - Ask me another: a further handbook for teachers based on the revised catechism and agreed syllabus
20364: WATTS J D W - List of words occuring frequently in the Hebrew Bible: Hebrew-English edition (Seminary edition)
20366: WATTS M - Life of Christ
43384: WATTS I - Guide to Prayer: abridged and edited by Harry Escott
48406: WATTS C A H - Depression: understanding a common problem: care and welfare (Teach Yourself Books)
33864: WATTS A J - No new thing: a handbook of Religious Education with suggestions for visual aids and activities
33111: WATTS J - God's business: preparing the church for dramatic growth
45541: WATTS G - Rembrandt
23402: WAUGH A - Crash the ash: some joy for the beleaguered smoker
20374: WAUGH E - Life of the Right Reverend Ronald Knox: fellow of Trinity College, Oxford and Protonotary Apostolic to his Holiness Pope Pius XII compiled from the original sources
82865: WAUGH E [Amory] - Letters of Evelyn Waugh (heavy volume, please ask postal cost before ordering)
30686: WAUGH E - Handful of dust
81197: WAUGH E - Peace as seen in the Qur'an (Occasional papers No 3 Ecumenical Institute, Jerusalem)
9464: HOOFT WAV't - Genesis & formation of the World Council of Churches
35016: WAY - Way Supplement No 58 (Spring 1987): the spiritual exercises: weeks three and four
36492: WAY - Way Volume 33 Nos 1-3 (1993) [Titles: Everyday God: Boundaries: New Age spirituality]
20375: WAY - Way Supplement No 67 (Spring 1990): spirituality and liturgy
20376: WAY - Way Supplement No 25 God and Mary
20377: WAY - Way Supplement No 47 Spirituality and the priesthood
20388: WAY - Way Vol 28 No 3 (July 1988) Sexuality & Spirituality
20398: WAY - Way Volume 31 No. 1 (January 1991) Europe and Beyond
20399: WAY - Way Volume 31 No. 2 (April 1991) Media and Communication
20401: WAY - Way Volume 31 No. 4 (October 1991) Renew your Whole Creation
20406: WAY P - John A.T. Robinson Bishop of Woolwich and author of Honest to God about keeping in touch with theology
52911: WAY - Way Supplement No. 77 (Summer 1993) Celibacy
52912: WAY - Way Supplement No 52 (Spring 1985): Aspects of the second week
52914: WAY - Way Volume 44 No. 2 (April 2005) Ministering God's word
52916: WAY - Way Supplement No 54 (Autumn 1985): Approaches to spiritual direction
52917: WAY - Way Volume 33 No. 4 (April 1993) Boundaries
82318: WAY R - Garden of the Beloved illustrations by Laszlo Kubinyi
82850: WAY [Balthasar] - Spirituality tradition and beauty ( a special number in honour of Hans Urs von Balthasar 1905 - 1988) The Way Volume 44 No. 4 (October 2005)
34934: WAY - Way Supplement No 76 (Spring 1993): Person and society in the Ignatian exercises
34936: WAY - Way Supplement No 68 (Summer 1990): Ignatian spirituality in ecumenical context
36488: WAY - Way Supplement No 46 (Spring 1983): some helps in giving the Exercises
20409: WAYNE R P - Chemistry of atmospheres: intro to the chemistry of the atmospheres of earth, the planets, and their satellites
28151: WEARMOUTH J - Special educational provision: meeting the challenges in schools
83899: WEARMOUTH R F - Pages from a Padre's diary: a story of struggle and triumph, of sorrow and sympathy
21922: WEATHERHEAD L D - Salute to a sufferer: an attempt to offer the plain man a Christian philosophy of suffering (AS Peake memorial lecture No 7)
20470: WEATHERHEAD L D - Psychology in service of the soul
20480: WEATHERHEAD L D - Transforming Friendship: a book about Jesus and ourselves
20482: WEATHERHEAD L D - Why do men suffer?
58295: WEAVER M J - New Catholic women: a contemporary challenge to traditional religious authority
55027: WEAVER J D - John Howard Yoder: radical theologian
81042: WEAVER D J - Irony of power: the politics of God within Matthew's narrative (Studies in peace and scriptures - Institute of Mennonite studies)
48891: CHARLESWORTH J H & WEAVER W P - Old and the New Testaments: their relationship and intertestamental literature (Faith and scholarship colloquies)
20484: WEAVINGS - Weavings Poverty of Spirit (Vol. XV: I Jan/Feb 2000) (Journal of the Christian Spiritual Life)
36217: WEBB A - 1001 illustrations for pulpit and platform (author inscription of front end paper)
80390: WEBB W J - Returning Home: new covenant and sacred exodus as the context for 2 Corinthians 6.14-7.1 (Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement Series 85)
54404: WEBB R L - John the Baptizer and Prophet: a socio-historical study
25936: WEBB K - Introduction to problems in the philosophy of social sciences
53764: WEBB E A - Book of the foundation of the church of St Bartholomew London: rendered into modern English from the original Latin version preserved in the British Museum numbered Vespasian B IX...
20490: WEBB P - Salvation today
20489: WEBB P - Candles for Advent
36557: WEBB M - Spring of joy: a little book of healing
29030: WEBB W P - Behind the Creed: a plain man's rationale of faith
25964: WEBB G A - Annual reports on NMR spectroscopy: Volume 37
51459: WEBB C C J - Contribution of Christianity to ethics: Stephanos Nirmalendu Ghosh Lectures 1930 - 31
73872: WEBBER R - PRYMER: the Prayer Book of the Mediaeval era adapted for contemporary use
73871: WEBBER D - WILLIAM CAREY AND THE MISSIONARY VISION: a lecture first prepared for te Carey Conference for Ministers held at Swanwick on 8-10th January 1992
14197: NEILL S C & WEBER H-R - Layman in Christian History: a project of the Department on the Laity of the WCC
36214: WEBER D O - Versammelte Gemeinde: Beitrage zum Gesprach uber Kirche und Gottesdienst printed in Gothic script
36826: WEBER D C - Discerning images: the media and theological education. Resources for theological educators
73876: WEBER H R - LIVING IN THE IMAGE OF CHRIST the laity in ministry
20500: WEBER H R - On a Friday Noon: meditations under the cross
20502: WEBER H R - Way of the Lamb: Christ in the Apocalypse: Lenten meditations (Risk series 36)
20505: WEBER M - Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism:
20506: WEBER O - Ground plan of the Bible
20494: WEBER H R - Asia and the ecumenical movement 1895-1961
20495: WEBER H R - Cross: tradition and interpretation
20497: WEBER H R - Experiments with Bible Study
34757: WEBER L M - On marriage, sex and virginity (Quaestiones Disputatae 16)
27587: WEBER H R - Power: focus for a biblical theology
81095: WEBER T R - War peace and reconciliation: a theological inquiry
80381: WEBER O - Foundations of dogmatics Volume 1 and Volume 2
81195: WEBER M - Theory of social and economic organization
36544: WEBSTER R - Prayer: creative ways of praying together in all-age worship (God's people at worship)
81742: WEBSTER D - Christian faith and world religions part of a lecture given in Canterbury Cathedral
24233: WEBSTER D - Not ashamed: studies in mision and ministry (Moorhouse Lectures Melbourne 1969)
20514: WEBSTER D - Unchanging mission: biblical & contemporary
20515: WEBSTER D - What is evangelism?
20511: WEBSTER D - In debt to Christ: a study in the meaning of the cross
20513: WEBSTER D - Pentecostalism and speaking with tongues
20509: WEBSTER A R - Found wanting: women, Christianity and sexuality
20510: WEBSTER D - And Who is my neighbour?: five Bible readings in search of an answer
20516: WEBSTER D - What is spiritual healing?
20518: WEBSTER D - Yes to mission
24776: WEBSTER J C B - Dalit Christians: a history
24777: WEBSTER J C B et al - From role to identity: Dalit Christian women in transition
55466: WEBSTER D - Disturbed solitude
27389: MERRIAM-WEBSTER A - Webster's collegiate thesaurus
48060: WEBSTER A - Reaching for reality: sketches from the life of the Church
20507: WEBSTER A - Broken bones may joy: studies in reconciliation and resurrection
73889: WEBSTER J - FINGERNAIL MOON: the true story of a mother's journey to protect her daughter
26347: WEBSTER D - GCSE Physical education
53709: WECHS T - Friede ist moglich: biographien und initiativen aus zwei Jahrtausenden
46658: GASNER-WECHS T - Allgauer Luftle
39409: WEDDERBURN A J M - Paul and Jesus: collected essays (JSNTS 37)
30394: WEDDERBURN A J M - Beyond resurrection
50921: WEDDERBURN A J M - Baptism and resurrection: studies in Pauline theology against its Graeco-Roman background (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament: 44)
36928: LUZ U & WEDER H - Mitte des Neuen Testaments: Einheit und Vielfalt Neutestamentlicher Theologie: Festschrift fur Eduard Schweizer zum siebzigsten Geburtstag
30665: WEDGWOOD J - Nineteenth century teachers and other essays
20525: WEDGWOOD C V - King's Peace 1637-1641
52694: WEDGWOOD C V - Strafford (Bedford Historical Series)
54896: HOLY WEEK - About Holy Week
36660: HOLY WEEK - Holy Week: People's edition
57440: WEEKLEY E - The romance of words
9548: WEELKES T - Hosanna to the son of David: full anthem for six voices music by T Weelkes (Tudor Church Music no.9 revised)
20533: WEIDMAN J L - Christian feminism: visions of a new humanity
83349: WEIGHTMAN S C R - Mysticism and the metaphor of energies (24th Louis Jordan lectures in comparative religion June 2000)
73896: WEIGLE L A - INTRODUCTION TO THE REVISED STANDARD VERSION OF THE OLD TESTAMENT by Members of the Revision Committee Chairman L A Weigle
20538: WEIL S - Gateway to God
81193: WEINBERG W - History of Hebrew Plene Spelling
38674: WEINGREEN J - From Bible to Mishna: the continuity of tradition
1650: BEN-YEHUDA E & WEINSTEIN D - Pocket English-Hebrew, Hebrew-English Dictionary
30406: WEIPPERT M - Settlement of the Israelite tribes in Palestine: a critical survey of recent scholarly debate (SBT SS21)
3074: BUTTERWORTH E & WEIR D - Social problems of modern Britain
58927: WEIR J E - Bible and Marx: a discustion of the hermeneutics of liberation theology (Scot. Journ. of Theol. Vol34 pp337-350)
47447: WEIS O & [ tr SCHAFER I] - Passionsspiele oberammergau 2010 edited and expanded Christian Stuckl and Otto Huber
20553: WEISER A - Introduction to the Old Testament the Canon, the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha
41044: WEISER A - Einleitung in das Alte Testament
81325: WEISER A - Psalms: a commentary (Old Testament Library)
81326: WEISER A - Psalms: a commentary (OTL)
40664: WEISER A - Das Buch Hiob: ubersetzt und erklart
73904: WEISS B - BIBLICAL THEOLOGY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT translated from the third revised edition by David Eaton (2 volume set)
50082: WELCH C - Protestant thought in the Nineteenth Century: Volume 2 1870-1914
81151: WELCH D D - Law and morality
39172: WELCH F G - Training for the ministry in East Africa
53760: WELCH E - Dissenter's meeting houses in Plymouth to 1852 (reprinted from Volume XCIV (1962) of the Devonshire Association's transactions)
20561: WELCH A C - Kings and Prophets of Israel: edited by N W Porteous with a memoir by G S Gunn
20562: WELCH A C - Post-Exilic Judaism (Baird Lecture for 1934)
20564: WELCH A C - Religion of Israel under the kingdom (Kerr lectures 1911-12 in United Free Church College Glasgow)
20566: WELCH A C - Work of the Chronicler: its purpose and its date (Schweich Lectures of the British Academy 1938)
20567: WELCH C - Protestant thought in the Nineteenth Century: Volume 1 1799-1870
20568: WELCH C - Trinity in contemporary theology
82799: WELCH C - God and Incarnation in Mid-Nineteenth Century German Theology: G Thomasius, I A Dorner, A E Biedermann (Library of Protestant Thought
51982: WELCH A C - Anselm and his work
81150: WELCH A C - Psalter in life, worship and history
36563: WELDON B - Pax: chronological notes...rise, growth & present state of the English congregation of the Order of St Benedict, drawn from archives...at Douay, Dieulwart & Lambspring, where are preserved the authentic acts & original deeds AN: 1709
20569: WELDON T D - States and morals: study in political conflicts
34769: WELDON T D - States and morals: study in political conflicts
20570: WELFORD A T - Society: problems and methods of study
20571: WELLDON J E C - Recollections and Reflections
34775: WELLDON J E C - Hope of immortality: an essay incorporating the lectures... upon the foundation of John Hulse... 1897)
83896: WELLHAUSEN J - Einleitung in die drei ersten Evangelien: Das Evangelium Matthaei: Das Evangelium Marci: Das Evangelium Lucae [German texts: 1.2kg weight needs additional postage for overseas, please ask for quotation] all 4 matching hardbacks possibly bound from original paper edition) images available
28878: KANE R & WELLINGS K - Reducing the rate of teenage conceptions, an international international review of the evidence: data from Europe
32525: WELLS S - Transforming fate into destiny: the theological ethics of Stanley Hauerwas
59192: EDEN M & WELLS D F - Gospel in the modern world: a tribute to John Stott
64190: FROEHLICH A & WELLS P - What to do when you don't know what to say
20582: WELLS U - Prophets of Judah: Isaiah to Jonah
20577: WELLS J - Short history of Rome to the death of Augustus with 3 maps & 4 plans
1329: BATH & WELLS - Working together: a report of the teams and groups working party
24826: GISSING G & WELLS H G - George Gissing and H G Wells: their friendship and correspondence ed with an inttro by Royal A Gettmann
43673: WELLS N - Too much, too soon: the government's plans for your child's sex education
80435: WELLS D F - Losing our virtue: why the church must recover its moral vision
81152: WELLS P R - James Barr and the Bible: critique of a new liberalism
27576: WELLS R G - Woman of her time and ours: Mary Magdalen Taylor SMG
81932: WELSBY P A - Saint John Fisher: Bishop of Rochester
20588: WELSBY P A - Let us go forward: Anglican-Methodist Unity
20589: WELSBY P A - Looking to the future: reflections on the Morley Report
44638: WELSBY P A - George Abbot: the unwanted Archbishop 1562-1633
20584: WELSBY P A - Bond of church and state
20585: WELSBY P A - History of the Church of England 1945-1980
53742: WELSFORD A E - Life in the early church AD 33 to 313
3357: CARPENTER S & WELSFORD E - Christmas mystery: a carol service for church choirs
20592: WELSH P - Single person (FP 71)
40433: MOLTMANN-WENDEL E - I am my body: new ways of embodiment
39959: MOLTMANN J & MOLTMANN-WENDEL E - Passion for God: theology in two voices
34161: MOLTMANN-WENDEL E - Land flowing with milk and honey: perspectives on feminist theology
36138: WENDLAND D H-D - Die kirche in der modernen gesellschaft: entscheidungsfragen fur das kirchlighe handeln im zeitalter der massenwelt
81153: WENDLAND E R - Cultural factor in Bible translation: a study of communicating the word of God in a Central African cultural context (UBS monograph series No.2)
73936: WENDT H H - GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. JOHN: an inquiry into its genesis and historical value
73464: VIRGO Wendy - MAINLY FOR MOTHERS: a practical discipleship course
20599: WENGST K - Humility: solidarity of the humiliated - the transformation of an attitude and its social relevance in Graeco-Roman Old Testament-Jewish and early Christian tradition
83659: POOLE M W & WENHAM G J - Creation or evolution - a false antithesis (Latimer Studies 23/24) 2 ISBN nos 0946307229/0946307237
20605: WENHAM J - Renewal of unity of the Church in England: some thoughts of an Evangelical
80156: HESS R S & WENHAM G J - Zion city of our God
48906: HESS R S & WENHAM G J - Make the Old Testament live: from curriculum to classroom
32383: WENSLEY D - Celebration Book 3: Lent to Ascension including Easter edited by Brian Frost and Derek Wensley
32381: WENSLEY D - Celebration Book 1: Pentecost to All Saints with Harvest and Remembrance edited by Brian Frost and Derek Wensley
32382: WENSLEY D - Celebration Book 2: Advent to Epiphany including Christmas edited by Brian Frost and Derek Wensley
55683: WENTZ R E - When your nephew joins the Moonies and other letters to the Christians of St Woebegone's
36137: WERKMAN L - Recht doen aan vrouwen in de kerken: de feministische discussie over rechtvaardigheid en zorgzaamheld als bijdrage aan een visie op kerk-zijn...
81138: WERLINE R A - Penitential prayer in Second Temple Judaism: the development of a religious institution (Early Judaism and its leterature number 13)
81139: WERNLE P - Sources of our knowledge of the life of Jesus
20615: WERTHEIMER M - Brief history of psychology
82277: STAFFORD Wes - Too small to ignore: why the least of these matters most
58490: WESLEY J - Explanatory notes upon the New Testament (2 volume set): Volume I Matthew to Acts; Volume II Romans to Revelation
73948: WESLEY J [Parker] - JOURNAL OF JOHN WESLEY [selections] intro by H P Hughes, appreciation by A Birrell, edited by Percy Livingstone Parker
20629: WESLEY J - Selections from the Journal of John Wesley
20630: WESLEY J - Sermons on several occasions, in two volumes,
59068: WESLEY J - Collection of hymns for the use of the people called Methodists [WORDS ONLY]
20627: WESLEY J - Notes on Wesleys Forty Four Semons: by John Lawson
59071: WESLEY C - Unpublished poetry of Charles Wesley (Volume 1)
59072: WESLEY C - Unpublished poetry of Charles Wesley (Volume 2): Hymns and poems on Holy Scripture
59073: WESLEY C - Journal of Charles Wesley (2 volume set): Vol 1 March 9 1736 to December 28 1747; Vol 2 January 15 1748 to November 5 1756
58671: WESLEY J - Journal of the Rev John Wesley A. M. (Volume 3 only): from May 6 1760 to September 12 1773 (Everyman's Library)
59069: WESLEY J & WESLEY C - John and Charles Wesley: selected prayers, hymns, journal notes, sermons, letters and treatises (Classics of Western Spirituality)
59067: WESLEY J - Marrow of Methodism: twelve sermons by the Rev John Wesley
59065: WESLEY J [Gill] - Through the year with Wesley
59066: WESLEY C [NEWPORT] - Sermons of Charles Wesley: a critical edition with introduction and notes
21925: WESLEY J - Sermons on several occasions 1st series (spine title Forty-four sermons)
59075: WESLEY C - Fifty hymns by Charles Wesley: selected by J Alan Kay
20619: WESLEY J - Explanatory notes upon the New Testament
20621: WESLEY J - Sermons on several occasions 1st series (spine title Forty-Four Sermons)
58482: WESLEY J - Primitive physic or an easy and natural method of curing most diseases: to which is added the general receipt book containing upwards of four hundred of the most useful and valuable receipts
58486: WESLEY J - Explanatory notes upon the New Testament
81140: WESLEY J [SUGDEN E H] - Wesley's standard sermons...forty four discources...[plus] nine additional sermons Volume one only
49470: WESLEY - Collection of hymns for the use of people called Methodists with a new supplement
58488: WESLEY J - Wesley's standard sermons Volume I : consisting of forty-four discourses to which are added nine additional sermons (edited and annotated by E H Sugden)
39794: WESLEY J - Sermons on several occasions (spine title Fifty-three sermons) first series
20638: WESSEX - Aids?: response manual
59369: JONES R G & WESSON A J - Towards a radical church
73966: WEST W M S - TO BE A PILGRIM: a memoir of Ernest A Payne
36134: WEST F - Sparrows of the spirit
20641: WEST C C - Communism and the theologians: study of an encounter
27984: WEST G - Approach to Shakespeare
28887: WEST J - Bravo! 2: Teacher's Book
20649: WEST M - Shoes of the fisherman
51657: WEST A - Recollections 1832 to 1886
56223: WEST J R - Parish sermons on the Holy Eucharist
31573: BOWDEN A & WEST M - Dynamic local ministry
20645: WEST D J - Young offender
20646: WEST F - Country parish today & tomorrow
32620: WEST M et al - Living theology (Exploring faith: theology for life)
81141: WEST J K - Introduction to the Old Testament ""Hear, O Israel""
4356: WEST F - Ecclesia Anglicana for what does she stand? open letter to...Edgar, Lord Bishop of St Albans by Frank, Bishop of Zanzibar
25375: WEST J - Bravo 3: Teacher's Book
83143: SACKVILLE-WEST V - Eagle and the Dove a study in contrasts - St Teresa of Avila, St Theresa of Lisieux
36133: WESTALL H - Case for incense: submitted to His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury on behalf of Rev H Westall on May 8 1899, together with a legal argument and the appendices of the experts
20664: WESTCOTT B F - Gospel According to St John the Greek text in two volumes with introduction and notes
20674: WESTCOTT B F - Revelation of the father: short lectures on the titles of the Lord in the gospel of St John
20682: WESTCOTT B F - Victory of the cross: sermons preached during holy week 1888 in Hereford Cathedral
20667: WESTCOTT B F - Historic faith: short lectures on the apostles' creed
51630: WESTCOTT B F - Village sermons
73977: WESTERGAARD K - MY LIFE IS A FAIRY TALE: the story of Hans Christian Andersen
20686: WESTERHOFF J - Spiritual Life: the foundation for preaching and teaching
38995: WESTERMANN C - Bible: a pictorial history. Photography by Erich Lessing
36143: WESTERMANN C - Genesis 12-50 (Ertrage der Forschung Band 48)
20697: WESTERMANN C - Thousand years and a day: our time in the Old Testament
20694: WESTERMANN C - Living Psalms:
55465: WESTERMANN C - Handbook to the Old Testament
20691: WESTERMANN C - Genesis: a practical commentary
20693: WESTERMANN C - Isaiah 40-66: a commentary (Old Testament Library)
81175: WESTERMANN C - Praise of God in the Psalms [original publication of parts 1-3 of Praise and Lament in the Psalms]
81172: WESTERMANN C - Isaiah 40-66: a commentary (Old Testament Library)
81171: WESTERMANN C - Genesis: a practical commentary
81198: WESTERMANN C - Promises to the Fathers: studies on the Patriarchal Narratives
81735: WESTERMANN C - Der Schöpfungsbericht vom Anfang der Bibel: vom rechten Umgang mit der Bibel
81170: WESTERMANN C - Elements of Old Testament theology
42278: WESTERMARCK E - Future of marriage in Western civilisation
44969: WESTERN M - Story of the college of the Ascension
46180: WESTERN E - Daughters of the Cross at St Anthony's
8462: WESTFALL R - Construction of modern science: mechanisms and mechanics
42351: WESTLAKE H F - Story of Westminster Abbey: with sixteen illustrations
48421: WESTLAKE A T - New factors in the twentieth-century disease pattern: reprinted from the British Homoeopathic Journal Vol LIV No 3 July 1965
36263: WESTLAKE N H J - Elementary history of design in mural painting principally during the Christian era, Vol II ONLY: From the second until the twelfth centuries AD
20698: WESTLAND P - Teach Yourself Public Speaking
20699: WESTLEY R - Theology of Prescence: the search for meaning in the American Catholic Experience
73987: WESTON F - In his will: retreat addresses (Manuals of the inner life)
20707: WESTON M - Morality and the self (LPL)
73991: WESTON W - PAIN AND THE GLORY: a journey in Israel through the Rosary
73989: WESTON R - LIVING FOR THE LORD: taking the land for Christ
73986: WESTON F - SCHOOL OF SANCTITY: retreat addresses
55464: WESTON W - Pain and the glory: a journey in Israel through the rosary
8300: WESTON N - Taking on faith in the countryside: some comments on the pastoral aspects of the report of the Archbishops Commission on rural areas (GPS 45)
20708: WESTOW T - Introducing contemporary Catholicism (RBC 180)
20710: WESTOW T - Variety of Catholic attitudes
49393: WESTWOOD D - Win-prolog 3.0 user guide [Open University T396 Block 1 Artificial intelligence for technology SUP 20917 1]
20712: WETHERED H N - Four paths of pilgrimage
53239: WETZEL J - Parting knowledge: essays after Augustine
81200: WETZLAR I [FAIERSTEIN M M] - 'Libes Briv' of Isaac Wetzlar (Brown Judaic studies 308)
57758: WEVERS J W - Notes on the Greek text of Deuteronomy (Septuagint and Cognate Studies 39) [LXX on front board]
57759: WEVERS J W - Notes on the Greek text of Numbers (Septuagint and Cognate Studies 46) LXX on front board
35271: LINZEY A & WEXLER P - Fundamentlaism and tolerance: an agenda for theology and society (Canterbury Papers IV)
73999: VAN DE WEYER R - CELTIC RESURRECTION: the diary of a split from the church
39072: VAN DE WEYER R - Anglican quilt: resolving the Anglican crisis over homosexuality
54809: VAN DE WEYER R - Island vision: prophets pastors and pilgrims of the Emglish church
54811: VAN DE WEYER R - Celtic parables: stories poems and prayers
21715: VAN DE WEYER R - Fount book of prayer
19780: VAN DE WEYER R - Call to heresy: the prophetic, charismatic and mystical in Christian Religion
74000: VAN DE WEYER R - DEAR ROWAN... to the new Archbishop of Canterbury, on saving the Church of England for the people of England
74014: WHALE J - POPE FROM POLAND: an assessment by Murial Bowen, Nicholas Carroll, Tana de Zulueta, Peter Hebblethwaite & John whale
20722: WHALE J S - Christian doctrine: eight lectures delivered in the University of Cambridge
59058: WHALE J S - Protestant tradition: an essay in interpretation
20714: WHALE J - Anglican church today: the future of Anglicanism (Mowbrays Lambeth Series)
20717: WHALE J - Politics of the media
57054: WHARTON J A - Job
37071: WHAT'S WHAT - What's what in shipping: a manual of simple nautical information (including 4 pages of national and official flags)
31331: WHATELY R - Apostolical succession considered or The constitution of a Christian church its powers and ministry with an appendix of recent Anglican views on Apostolical succession abridged from Kingdom of Christ
20731: WHATELY R - Essays (first series) on some of the peculiarities of the Christian religion
20732: WHATLEY R - Bacon's Essays with annotations
20734: WHEATLY C - Rational illustration of the Book of Common Prayer.... according to the Church of England: being the substance of every thing material in Bishop Sparrow, Mr L'Estrange, Dr Comber, Dr Nicholls, and all former ritualists, commentators, & others...
36130: WHEELER W - Spectator: a digest-index
74020: WHEELER J T - ABRIDGMENT OF OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY for schools, families and general reading explained by historical and geographical illustrations, and numerous map diagrams
20736: WHEELER F L - Written in red: thoughts for the principal feasts of the Christian year
35640: WHEELER M - His face: images of Christ in art [with] selections from the King James version of the Bible
39717: WHEELER A C - Announcing the light: Sudanese witness to the gospel
27737: WHEELER W - Political subject: essays on the self from art, politics and science
83368: WHEELER A - Desire of nations: the Magi, their journey and the child
48067: WHEELER A - Voices from Africa: transforming mission in a context of marginalisation: an anthology
56600: WHELAN R et al - Cross and the rain forest: a critique of radical spirituality
20737: WHELAN J P - Spirituality of Friedrich Von Hugel: introduction by Bishop B C Butler
20738: WHERE - Whers e'er you walk: (Descant Series no.25) descant and accompaniment by Evelyn Sharpe
36129: WHERRY E M - Islam and Christianity in India and the Far East (Student Lectures on Missions at Princeton Theological Seminary for 1906-07)
61375: WHEWELL W - Architectural notes on German churches: a new edition to which is now added notes written during an architectural tour in Picardy and Normandy
49464: WHEWELL W - On the principles of English university education
34786: WHEWELL W - Elements of morality, including polity, with a supplement
55515: WHINNEY R - All that capital messuage called Wickham Place: a brief account of the excavation and research on the manor house at Wickham Hampshire 1975 - 1980
20740: WHISHAW C M - Through prayer to peace: a book of prayers with introduction and extracts from books on prayer
20741: WHISTLER H - False alternatives at the Reformation
44022: WHISTON W - Complete works of Flavius Josephus
82607: WHITACRE R A - Johannine polemic: role of tradition and theology (SBLDS 67)
20743: WHITAKER E C - Baptismal Liturgy (Studies in Christian worship V)
20744: WHITAKER E C - Documents of the Baptismal Liturgy
22079: WHITAKER E C - Baptismal Liturgy
20745: WHITAKER E C - Intercessions of the Prayer Book
46849: WHITAKER E C - Sacramental initiation complete in baptism (GLS1)
49510: WHITBY D - Paraphrase and commentary on the New Testament (Volume II) containing all the Epistles with a discourse on the millenium: to which is added a chronology of the New Testament, a map, and alphabetical table of all the places mentioned in the Gospel, Acts or the Epistles
26540: WHITCOMB J C - Early earth
54883: WHITE N - Mary and the creation: paintings, drawings and etchings by Noel White at St Mary's Cathedral Palmerston Place Edinburgh (Edinburgh International Festival)
51798: WHITE R E O - Contemporary sermon suggestions
74067: WHITE R E O - APOSTLE EXTRAORDINARY: a modern portrait of St. Paul
31062: WHITE V - God and the unconscious: foreword by CG Jung
53750: WHITE E - Mystery of growth and other discourses
53751: WHITE E - Life in Christ: a study of the scripture doctrine on the nature of man, the object of divine incarnation and the conditions of human immortality
36179: WHITE R - Meet St Paul: introduction to the man, his achievement and his correspendence
45076: WHITE R J - Cambridge life
41108: BUTLER B & WHITE J - To be a pilgrim: a comprehensive guide - information, instruction and inspiration for pilgrims
49794: WHITE D M - Italian by yourself: a quick course in reading for adult beginners and others
20778: WHITE S J - Christian worship and technological change
20783: WHITE W W - Studies in Old Testament characters based on Old Testament records, poems and addresses (bound tog)
53759: WHITE E - Theory of mission: or a scriptural inquiry into the doctrine of the everlasting torment of the barbarous nations and countless ignorant heathens of ancient and modern times
29700: WHITE R E O - Open letter to evangelicals: a devotional and homiletical commentary on the First Epistle of John
20756: WHITE B - Taste of Revival
20761: WHITE G - How the churches got to be the way they are
25162: WHITE P A - Let the Bible live: guide for schools, churches and youth groups on the presentation of the four gospels and the Acts of the Apostles
20772: WHITE R E O - Biblical doctrine of initiation
25496: WHITE J N - Everything you need for children's worship *(except children)
74071: WHITE R E O - GUIDE TO PASTORAL CARE: a practical primer of pastoral theology
20769: WHITE M - AIDS and the positive alternatives
20753: WHITE A - Hound and the Falcon: the story of a reconversion to the Catholic Faith
20267: WARNE C & WHITE P - Using the Bible for Reading out Loud
40994: WHITE G - Natural history of Selborne: and The naturalist's calendar
80514: KEW R & WHITE R J - New millenium, new church: trends shaping the Episcopal church for the 21st century
49438: WHITE R E O - Biblical ethics: (The changing continuity of Christian ethics Vol 1)
33375: WHITE A - Getting mission onto the agenda of the local church (GEv20)
74068: WHITE R E O - CHANGING CONTINUITY OF CHRISTIAN ETHICS: Volume 2 - The insights of history
82595: WHITE M C - Elijah Legends and Jehu's Coup (Brown Judaic Studies 311)
13472: MILNER-WHITE E - After the third collect: prayers for thanksgivings for use in public worship, previously published as 'Memorials upon several occasions'
32130: WHITE J R - Forgotten Trinity
8189: WHITE K - Centres for the servants: parish plant up-dated (GLS4)
57650: WHITE J L - Light from ancient letters (Foundations and facets-New Testament)
83321: WHITE V - Counterpoints: believing christian faith in a difficult world
36531: WHITE V - Identity
25244: WHITE J - Education and the end of work: a new philosophy of work and learning
59585: WHITE K J - In his image: Christian appreciation and involvement in the arts
20784: WHITEBROOK J C - Consecration of the Most Reverend Matthew Parker Archbishop of Canterbury effected by the Rt. Rev. Anthony Kitchen
54795: WHITEHEAD J D & E E - Method in ministry: theological reflection and Christian ministry
35446: WHITEHEAD H - Village Gods of South India (Religious life of India)
74084: WHITEHEAD E E & J - CHRISTIAN LIFE PATTERNS: the psychological challenges and religious invitations of adult life, complete & unabridged
34777: WHITEHOUSE W A - Christian faith and the scientific attitude
46159: WHITELEY R J - Geophysical case study of the Woodlawn Orebody New South Wales, Australia
20794: WHITELEY D E H - Thessalonians: in the RSV with intro and notes (NCB)
20792: WHITELEY D E H - Theology of St Paul
25360: WHITEMAN P G - Whiteman on Capital Gains Tax: eleventh cumulative supplement to fourth edition
33370: WHITFIELD J V et al - After the vote: men and women together in ministry (GP53)
22411: WHITFIELD R - Treasures from Korea: art through 5000 years
49437: WHITHAM A R - Epistle of consolations: studies in the Epistle to the Hebrews
48059: WHITING T - Priest in society
20804: WHITLEY C F - Prophetic achievement
47720: WHITLOCK P - Six hymn-preludes Book 1: Darwall's 148th, Song 13, Deo Gracias
36320: WHITMAN W - Wisdom of Walt Whitman selected and edited with an introduction by Laurens Maynard (10.5cms x 13cms in damaged slipcase)
56508: WHITNEY C - Calling: a year in the life in the Order of Nuns
20811: WHITNEY J P - Reformation: being an outline of the history of the Church from AD `1503 to AD 1648 (Church Universal
20808: WHITNEY J - Elizabeth Fry: Quaker Heroine
20810: WHITNEY J P - History of the Reformation
51795: WHITTAKER M - Jews and Christians: Graeco-Roman Views (Cambridge commentaries on writings of the Jewish and Christian world 200BC to AD200)
20815: WHITTEMORE C E - Symbols of the Church
47733: WHITTER M - Carol for Mary (set of 15 copies) (SATB)
40467: WHITTIER J G [HORDER] - Poetical works of John Greenleaf Whittier: with notes, index of first lines and chronological list
41018: WHITTIER J G - Selected poems
38630: WHITTINGHAM W - Brief discourse of the troubles at Frankfort, 1554-1558 AD (Christian Library)
20816: WHITTLE D - Christianity and the Arts
52161: WHITTON T - Necessity for Catholic reunion
74106: WHITWELL R - PRAYER OF THE AGES (Lord's Prayer)
39075: WHITWELL R - Francis of Assisi: Saint - mystic - poet - democrat
56598: WHITWORTH P - Becoming a spiritual leader: a life of the Apostle Peter
35641: WHO'S WHO - Who's who in the world 9th edition 1989-1990
20819: WHOSE - Whose Rubicon? report of a visit to South Africa by representatives of the British Churches
81181: WHYBRAY R N - Two Jewish theologies: Job and Ecclesiastes
57755: WHYBRAY R N - Reading the Psalms as a book (JSOT Supplement Series 222)
47880: WHYBRAY R N - Isaiah 40-66 based on the RSV (New Century Bible Commentary)
20821: WHYBRAY R N - Isaiah 40-66 based on the RSV (New Century Bible Commentary)
20822: WHYBRAY R N - Succession narrative: a study of II Samuel 9-20; I Kings 1 & 2 (SBT 2/9)
81187: WHYBRAY R N - Job (Readings: a new biblical commentary)
81189: WHYBRAY R N - Good life in the Old Testament
53748: WHYTE'S - James Fenning sale of antiquarian books: Friday and Saturday 19 & 20 Ocotber 2012
81183: WICHMANN [Borinski and Bussmann] - Wichmann's pocket dictionary of the German and English languages with rules as to pronunciation
20838: WICKHAM E R - Encounter with modern society
20839: WICKHAM E R - Encounter with modern society
20840: WICKHAM E R - Growth and inflation
74114: WICKS R J - EVERYDAY SIMPLICITY: a practical guide to spiritual growth
74113: WICKS R J - SEEDS OF SENSITIVITY: deepening your Spiritual life
35433: WICKS H J - Doctrine of God in the Jewish apocryphal and apocalyptic literature
74115: WICKS R J - REFLECTIONS: psychological and spiritual images of the heart
20841: WICKSTEED P H - Reactions between dogma and philosophy: illustrated from the works of S. Thomas Aquinas (Hibbert Lectures, second series, Oxford Oct-Dec 1916)
12121: LOVELL G & WIDDICOMBE C - Churches and communities: an approach to development in the local church
49963: WIDDOWSON C - Wherever, whenever, whatever
20845: WIDENGREN G - Literary and Psychological Aspects of the Hebrew Prophets
41740: WIDOR C-M - Toccata for organ [with performance notes by David Titterington]: last movement from the 5th symphony for organ, Op. 42 in F
20846: WIDYAPRANAWA S H - Lord is Saviour: faith in national crisis, a commentary on the Book of Isaiah 1-39 (International theological commentary)
81958: KNIGHT G A F & WIDYAPRANAWA S H - International theological commentary on Isaiah in 3 volumes Isaiah 1-39 The Lord is Savior by Widyapranawa: Isaiah 40-55 Servant theology and Isaiah 56-66 The New Israel Isaiah 56-66 both by GAF Knight
46740: WIECHERT E - Todeskandidat: la ferme morte/der barte
35414: WIEDEMANN A - Religion of the ancient Egyptians with seventy-three illustrations from the monuments
28056: WIEGAND P - Children and primary geography
43344: WIERSBE W W - Preaching and Teaching with Imagination: The Quest for Biblical Ministry
48930: WIERSBE W W - Wonderful names of Jesus
39724: WIERSMA J - Discernment and commitment: on the making of Europe
59584: WIERSMA S M - More than the ear discovers: God in the plays of Christopher fry
38777: WIGAN B - Book of Common Prayer 1549-1949 being a guide to books about the English Prayer Books designed to assist the celebration of the quater-centenary of the First English Prayer Book
20854: WIGAND R et al - Information, organization and management: expanding markets and corporate boundaries
30220: WIGFIELD W M - Baptist Church at Hatch Beauchamp Somerset (from the 17th Century to the present day)
57086: WIGLEY S - Balthasar's trilogy: a reader's guide
34751: WIGLEY H T - Distinctive Free Church witness to-day
20856: WIGNALL P - Anglican spirit: essays by J Barton, P J Budd, G J Cuming, C A Lewis, B G Mitchell, A Redfern, G Rowell & D P Wilcox
20857: WIGNALL P - Taking custody of the future
82068: WIGRAM G V - Englishman's Greek concordance of the New Testament...including a concordance to the proper names with indexes Greek-English and English-Greek [no extra UK postage, overseas please enquire - weight 2kg]
82069: WIGRAM G V - Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee concordance of the Old Testament Volume II only
82926: WIGRAM G V - Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee concordance of the Old Testament being an attempt at a verbal connection between the original and the English translation with indexes, list of proper names and their occurances
39144: WIGRAM G V - Hebrew and Chaldee proper names: a first attempt at a complete verbal index to the contents of the Hebrew and Chaldee scriptures
20861: WIJNGAARDS J N M - God within us
46289: BORER Wilber J - BOOK OF THE LORD: reflections on the life of Christ
20870: WILBERFORCE S - Sermons: [preached before Queen Victoria]
20868: WILBERFORCE S - Addresses to the candidates for ordination: on the questions in the Ordination Service
53481: WILBERFORCE S - Agathos and other Sunday stories
80090: WILBERFORCE S, LORD BISHOP OF OXFORD et al - Lenten sermons preached on the evening of each Wednesday and Friday during the season of Lent in the church of St Mary-The-Virgin Oxford
36941: WILBERFORCE S - Sermons preached on various occasions
39951: WILBERFORCE W - Practical view of the prevailing religious system of professed Christians, in the higher and middle classes in this country, contrasted with real Christianity
697: WILBERFORCE R G [ASHWELL A R] - Life of the Right Reverend Samuel Wilberforce, D.D (Volume 1 only) with selections from his diaries and correspondence (vol 1 of 3 vol set)
8228: WILBOURNE E - Healing - its place in evangelism: (GEv2)
80462: WILCKENS U - Resurrection: biblical testimony to the resurrection an historical examination and explanation
24088: ELLIS E E & WILCOX M - Neotestamentica et Semitica: studies in honour of Matthew Black
53113: WILCOX P C - John Henry Newman: spiritual director 1845 - 1890
43491: WILCOX P - Living the Dream: Joseph for Today: A Dramatic Exposition of Genesis 3750
81693: WILCOX E W - Poems of Ella Wheeler Wilcox illustrated by Alice Ross
53703: WILCOX E W - Poems of cheer
48274: WILCZYNSKI B [tr] - Together before the Lord: religious community today (Religious Life Series Volume 4)
36533: WILD D - Albrecht Durer: Aquarelle und Handzeichnungen aus der Albertina in Wien (Orbis Pictus)
57385: WILD D - Icones: art religieux de l'orient
26743: WILD R - Essentials of operations management with CD Rom
25248: WILD R - Tutor's guide for production & operations management (5thed) and Essentials of production and operations management (4th ed)
42005: WILDBERGER H - Jahwes Eigentumsvolk: [Abhandlungen zur Theologie des Alten und Neuen Testaments 37]
53702: WILDE O - Writings of Oscar Wilde (The Oxford Authors)
56220: WILDE J A et al - Before and after baptism: the work of teachers and catechists
20880: WILDER A N - Early Christian Rhetoric: the language of the Gospel
20883: WILDER A N - Otherworldliness and the New Testament (RBC110)
81185: WILDER A N - Armageddon revisited: a World War I Journal
48229: RICHARDSON W M & WILDMAN W J - Religion and science: history, method and dialogue
36495: WILDMAN C [Scott] - Escape from bondage: a memoir, preface by Michael Scott
41049: WILENSKI R H - Mantegna (1431-1506) and the Paduan School with an introduction and notes by R H Wilenski (Faber Gallery)
35958: WILES M - Christian Fathers
54718: WILES M - Shared search: doing theology in conversation with one's friends
58672: WILES J P - Half-hours with Isaiah
20892: WILES M - God's action in the World (The Bampton Lectures for 1986)
20895: WILES M - What is theology?
20896: WILES M et al - Providence (TC 12)
20890: WILES M - Explorations in Theology 4
20889: WILES M - Christian theology and inter-religious dialogue
32518: WILES M - Working papers in doctrine
81186: WILES M - Christian Fathers
37895: SOBRINO J & WILFRED F - Christianity in crisis? (Concilium 2005/3)
44154: BORGMAN E & WILFRED F - Theology in a world of specialization
81684: JANOWSKI B KOCH K & WILHELM G - Religionsgeschichtliche Beziehungen zwischen Kleinasien, Nordsyrien und dem Alten Testament [papers in German and English] (Internationales Symposion Hamburg 17-21 Marz 1990)
20898: WILHELM D - Creative alternatives to communism: guidelines for tomorrow's world
48153: WILHIDE E - French Room: simple french style for your home with photographs from la maison de Marie Claire
50790: WILKENS W - Von Kerygma zum Evangelium: Anfange der Evangelienbildung
20902: WILKES K - Religion and technology
27536: WILKES G A - Dictionary of Australian colloquialisms
81132: WILKIE J M - Book of Job: four sermons
20906: WILKIE J - Leisure in the 1990s: (Chambers social studies series)
49492: WILKINS J - Discourse concerning the gift of prayer whereunto is added Ecclesiastes: or a discourse concerning the gift of preaching
32561: FROST R & WILKINSON D - New start? hopes and dreams for the new millennium
74184: WILKINSON J - THROUGH THE WILDERNESS: forty conferences for Lent
35373: WILKINSON J T - Principles of biblical interpretation (A S Peake Memorial Lecture No 5, Liverpool, 1960)
47333: WILKINSON V - Centre of history: a study of Luke's gospel
40939: WILKINSON C - Nelson
74183: WILKINSON J - SUPPER AND THE EUCHARIST: a layman's guide to Anglican revision
40358: WILKINSON D A - In the beginning God?: modern cosmology and biblical creation today: the origin of the universe according to science and the Bible
35371: WILKINSON J - Wednesday at three: short addresses to the Minister's Class
74179: WILKINSON D - TEARS OF SORROW TEARS OF JOY [One ordinary woman's walk with God through the agony and ecstacy of life]
53701: WILKINSON B - Later Middle Ages in England 1216 - 1485
74180: WILKINSON H - CHRISTIAN COUNSELLOR: a biblically based periodical for those involved in helping people with their problems (Volume 1 no's 1, 3, & 4 (1991); volume 2 no's 1, 2, 3, & 4 (1992)
74177: WILKINSON A - REINCARNATION: a theory of spiritual evolution
55546: WILKINSON J - Exploring the upper Dearne valley: the life and industry of a Yorkshire people
20908: WILKINSON A - Christian Choices (Parish Group Study Guides 3: Moral Issues)
20911: WILKINSON A - Dissent or Conform? War Peace and the English Churches 1900-1945
20912: WILKINSON A - More Ready to Hear (Than we to pray): Parish Group Study Guides 2. Prayer and Worship
20923: WILKINSON J T - 1662 and after: three centuries of English Noncomformity
20924: WILKINSON J T - Arthur Samuel Peake: a biography
20927: WILKINSON R - Adult confirmation candidate's handbook: a short guide to the history, organisation, doctrine and ceremonies of the C of E for those needing basic instruction in the faith
20928: WILKINSON R - My confirmation search-book
40582: WILKINSON P et al - Teaching RE: Harvest 5-14
50633: WILKINSON G H - First steps to Holy Communion: four simple instructions after confirmation
49432: WILKINSON G H - Practical counsels to working christians and communicants (English Churchman's Library)
34745: WILKINSON J H - Four lectures on the early history of the gospels delivered at Milborne Port, Somerset, Advent, 1897
48063: WILKINSON A - Community of the Resurrection: a centenary history
20918: WILKINSON J - Family and evangelistic services
33787: WILKINSON P - Frank Ezra Adcock: Fellow, sometime Lecturer in Classics, Dean and Vice-Provost, Professor Emeritus of Ancient History
1800: WILKINSON W - English Good news in Luke: Luke in todays English version
50318: WILKINSON T - Death of a child: a book for families
35372: WILKINSON J - Eucharist for experiment: a guide to the Holy Communion in Alternative Services, Second Series
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