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Rosemary Pugh Books 59b Old Sarum Airfield, The Portway, SALISBURY, Wiltshire, SP4 6DZ, ENGLAND. Tel/fax/24 hour answerphone +44 1722 330 132 Email: rosemarypugh@btopenworld.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
12775: MARTIN R - Hungry for God: practical help in personal prayer
12750: MARTIN G - Parish renewal: a charismatic approach
12753: MARTIN H - Christian Reunion: a plea for action
12756: MARTIN H - Great Christian books
12751: MARTIN H - According to St Luke: studies in the person and teaching of Jesus Christ
82411: SCHNETZ Martina - Healing flow: artistic expression in therapy - creative arts and the process of healing: an image/word approach inquiry
80851: MARTINDALE C C - Gospel according to Saint Luke (Stonyhurst Scripture Manuals)
53347: MARTINDALE C C - Difficult commandment: notes on self control especially for young men
80853: MARTINDALE C C - Spirit of God
80855: MARTINDALE C C - Bernard Vaughan S.J.
12788: MARTINDALE C C - Our blessed lady: sermons
12785: MARTINDALE C C - Creative words of Christ
35149: FRANCIS L J & MARTINEAU J - Rural praise: a parish workbook for worship in the country church
12799: MARTINEAU R - Preaching through the Christian Year 9: sermon outlines for the church seasons and other occasions
12795: MARTINEAU J - Study of Religion: its sources and contents 2 vol set
12794: MARTINEAU J - Study of Religion: its sources and contents 2 vol set
12792: MARTINEAU A - What can I tell my child about God? (Enquirer's Library)
80857: MARTINEZ G - Confronting the mystery of God: political, liberation and public theologies
12802: MARTINI C M - Letting God free us: meditations on Ignatian spiritual exercises
12803: MARTOS J - Doors to the sacred: a historical introduction to the sacraments in the Christian Church
12806: MARTY M E - Short history of Christianity
12804: MARTY M E - Modern Schism: three paths to the secular
80856: MARTY M E - Cry of absence: reflections for the winter of the heart
32375: MARTY M E - Protestantism
12805: MARTY M E - Place of Bonhoeffer: problems and possibilities in his thought
41979: MARTYR J [HANSON R P C] - Selections from Justin Martyr's dialogue with Trypho, a Jew
81750: SOCIETY OF KING CHARLES THE MARTYR - ""January 30: King Charles, Martyr"" Kalendar of the Book of Common Prayer
83021: MARTZ L L - Thomas More: the search for the inner man
61831: BYERS Marvin - YASSER ARAFAT - A BIBLICAL CHARACTER?: an urgent call to the Nation of Israel and the Body of Christ
12814: MARVIN F S - Living past: a sketch of Western progress
12815: MARWICK A - British society since 1945
80849: MARX K - Wages price and profit
12833: MARY CLARE, Mother - Prayer: Encountering the Depths, based on two talks given at Spode House, Jan 1973
29610: TOURTEL Mary - Rupert Story Book [appears to be 1st edition 1938 Rupert and Edward on swings, Bill, Reggie and Rex standing by, coloured frontis, [more images on request]
54185: MARY S - Pauline and Johannine mysticism
6523: EVANGELICAL SISTERHOOD OF MARY - Order of confession and mirror of conscience
12827: MARY CLARE, Mother - Apostolate of Prayer: a paper read at a Conference for Religious Superiors at Spode House February 1972
62558: COMLEY Mary - HIS LOVE EXTENDED: poems to lighten your step!
12830: MARY CLARE, Mother - Learning to Pray: a paper read at a conference for Roman Catholic novices at Spode House, Jan 1970
12834: MARY CLARE, Mother - Silence and Prayer: a paper read at a conference for clergy in Winchester Diocese
12839: MARY PAUL, Sr - Word of God
49606: ST MARY'S ABBEY - Religious life contemplative and enclosed
49987: MARYON D - O love how deep
50638: HOLLERER-MARZ H - Johann Wolfgang Goethe I: die grossen klassiker: literatur der welt in bildern, texten, daten
57234: MASCAGNI P - Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana: arranged for organ by Hamilton Robinson
54396: MASCALL E L - Saraband: the memoirs of E L Mascall
12868: MASCALL E L - Up and Down in Adria: some considerations of the volume entitled 'Soundings'
12876: MASEFIELD J - Everlasting mercy
45978: MASILLON J-B - Sermons (Volume I only)
45969: MASKELL W - Sermons: preached in the parish church of St. Mary Church, in the diocese of Exeter
45968: MASKELL W - Holy Baptism: a dissertation
45970: MASKELL W - Ancient liturgy of the Church of England: according to the uses of Sarum Bangor York & Hereford and the modern Roman liturgy arranged in parallel columns with preface and notes
12888: MASON A J - Ministry of conversion: (HC)
12882: MASON A - History of the Society of the Sacred Mission
12893: MASON K - George Herbert: priest and poet
41121: MASON A J - Christianity - what is it?: five lectures on Dr Harnack's 'Wesen des Christentums' (Church Historical Society LXVI)
56486: MASON J - Principles of chess in theory and practice
41009: MASON A J - Memoir of George Howard Wilkinson: Bishop of St Andrews Dunkeld and Dunblane and Primus of the Scottish Church, formerly Bishop of Truro in 2 volumes with illustrations
57160: MASON A J - Memoir of George Howard Wilkinson: Bishop of St Andrews Dunkeld and Dunblane and Primus of the Scottish Church, formerly Bishop of Truro (Volume I only)
23473: MASON T - Air power: a centennial appraisal
26281: MASON A J - Thomas Cranmer (Leaders of Religion)
51415: MASON T A - Serving God and Mammon: William Juxon 1582-1663 Bishop of London, Lord High Treasurer of England and Archbishop of Canterbury
80869: MASON R - Zephaniah Habbakkuk Joel (Old Testament Guides)
80870: MASON D et al - News from Notting Hill: the formation of a group ministry
29174: MASON K - Anglicanism: a Canterbury essay
12894: MASON P - Christianity and race (Burroughs memorial lectures 1956)
41122: MASON A J - Conditions of Our Lord's life on earth being five lectures delivered on the Bishop Paddock Foundation, in the General Seminary at New York, 1896 to which is prefixed part of a first Professional Lecture at Cambridge (Bishop Paddock Lectures 1896)
41128: MASON J [Hare] - Bernardino Luini: illustrated with eight reproductions in colour [lacks frontis 'Madonna and Child'] (Masterpieces in colour)
35646: PERRY G & MASON N - Rule Britannia: the Victorian world (colour & black/white illustrations throughout)
36185: MASON K - Priesthood and society
47285: MASON P - Dove in harness
12883: MASON A J - Chalcedonian Doctrine of the Incarnation: four lectures to clergymen delivered in the Divinity School at Cambridge, July 1913
12884: MASON A J - Church of England and Episcopacy
50675: MASON A J - Ministry of conversion: (HC)
268: MASS L D - Confessions of a Jewish Wagnerite: being Gay and Jewish in America
34847: CEREMONIES OF THE MASS - Ceremonies of the Mass arranged conformably to the rubrics of the Book of Common Prayer, being, The Ceremonies of Low Mass by William McGarvey, bound with The Ceremonies of High Mass by Charles P A Burnett
26583: VILADESAU R & MASSA M - World religions: a sourcebook for students of Christian theology
34998: MASSACHUSETTS - Massachusetts Historical Society: Proceedings, LX, April 1927 [includes Article on Pilgrim Fathers]
45977: MASSINGER P - Plays of Philip Massinger: with notes critical and explanatory by William Gifford
49384: MASSON J - Noble path of Buddhism [A228 Units 5-7]
80866: MASSON E - It happened this way
28829: BONNARD P & MASSON C - L'epitre de Saint Paul aux Galates by Pierre Bonnard printed with Charles Masson - L'epitre de Saint Paul aux Ephesiens (Commentaire du Nouveau Testament, Volume IX)
12904: MASTERMAN J H B - I believe in the Holy Ghost: a study of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit in the light of modern thought
12905: MASTERMAN J H B - Rights and responsibilities of National Churches (Hulsean Lectures for 1907-1908)
38087: MASTERMAN J H B - First Epistle of S Peter (Greek text) with introduction and notes
41124: MASTERMAN J H B - Parliament: its history and work
41125: MASTERMAN M R E - Religious life: a mystery in Christ and the church: a collated study according to Vatican Council II and subsequent papal and ecclesial documents
80865: MASTERMAN J H B - In the footsteps of the Master: sermon outlines on St Mark's Gospel
54899: SMITH-MASTERS J E - Confirmation: analysis outlines (The Catechism Method)
47251: MASTERS J - Casanova
48559: LE MAT L A F - Textual critcism and exegesis of Psalm XXXVI: a contribution to the study of the Hebrew Book of Psalms
54702: MATAJI V - Jesus the Christ: Who is he? What was his message
83016: MATERA F J - What are they saying about Mark?
82509: MATERA F J - New Testament Christology
54623: MATHE J - Atlantic Coast of France
64432: GIBBS J & MATHERS D - Six studies in the revelation of St John
81101: MATHESON P - Argula van Grumback (1492-1554/7): a woman before her time
80895: MATHESON E - Gathered gems
59304: MATHESON A S - Church and social problems
45975: MATHESON G - Representation of women in the Bible [Eve, Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Miriam. Deborah, Ruth, Hannah, Mary]
34682: MATHESON P - Profile of love: towards a theology of the just peace
52023: MATHEW D - Age of Charles I
83323: MATHEW D - Catholicism in England: 1535-1935: portrait of a minority, its culture and tradition
46490: MATHEW D - Acton: formative years
12914: MATHEWS B - Fascinated child: talks with boys and girls
12917: MATHEWS H F - Teacher & his craft in Sunday School & Junior Church
12918: MATHEWS S - Social teaching of Jesus: an essay in Christian Sociology
58954: MATHEWS W - World of painting (Christian Encounters)
80894: MATHEWS B - Jew and the world ferment
80891: MATHIESON E - Jimmy and the six weird witches
80892: MATHIESON E - Johnnie and the six dreadful giants
80893: MATHIESON E - Tommy and the marvellous magicians
34189: MATHIESON T - Theodore: letters from the Oxford Mission in India 1946-1993 edited by Gillian Wilson
80890: MATHISEN R R - Role of religion in American life: an interpretive historical anthology
80889: MATONTI C J - Celebrate with song: every parish can
58247: MATSON M A - In dialogue with another gospel? The influence of the fourth gospel on the passion narrative of the Gospel of Luke (SBL Dissertation Series No 178)
83430: MATTA EL-MASKINE, Pere - L'experience de dieu dans la vie de Priere (Spiritualite Orientale, no 71)
83509: MATTAPALLY S - Christophany: witnessing Christ Today - a spirituality of dialogue in Raimon Panikkar English text of Estratto della Dissertazione per il Dottoratp nella Facolata di Missiologia della Pontificia Universita Gregoriana
27107: MATTHEWS M - Both alike to Thee: the retrieval of the mystical way
12928: MATTHEWS A G - Mr Pepys and Non-conformity
12930: MATTHEWS C H S - Parson in the Australian bush
12931: MATTHEWS E, Fr - Popular guide to the New Mass
12934: MATTHEWS K R - Church youth club
12935: MATTHEWS M - Finding your story: a lent course + cassette
12954: MATTHEWS W R - Search for perfection
12961: MATTHEWS W R et al - William Temple: an estimate and an appreciation [Contributors include: SC Carpenter, Carl Heath, F Harrison, WG Peck, AE Baker]
59561: MATTHEWS W R - Religious philosophy of Dean Mansel (Friends of Dr Williams's Library Tenth Lecture 1956)
80614: MATTHEWS V H - Old Testament turning points: the narratives that shaped a nation
51440: MATTHEWS V H - Manners and customs in the Bible
80887: MATTHEWS E - Children give thanks: a guide to the new eucharistic prayers for children
82272: MATTHEWS V H - Studying the Ancient Israelites: a guide to sources and methods
12955: MATTHEWS W R - Some Christian Words
12956: MATTHEWS W R - Strangers & Pilgrims: some sermons preached during the war
12960: MATTHEWS W R - What is Man?: five broadcast addresses
12952: MATTHEWS W R - Purpose of God
12951: MATTHEWS W R - Psychological approach to religion
12949: MATTHEWS W R - Our faith in God
12948: MATTHEWS W R - Memories and Meanings
12944: MATTHEWS W R - Gospel and the modern mind
23295: MATTHEWS V H et al - Gender and law in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East (JSOTSS 262)
12941: MATTHEWS W R - Essays in Construction
12937: MATTHEWS W R - Christian Faith: essays in explanation and defence
47280: MATTHEWS M - Hidden journey: reflections on a dream by Thomas Merton
26919: MATTHEWS J - Unity scene
12962: MATTHEWS Z K - Responsible government in a revolutionary age
83011: MATTIES G H - Ezekiel 18 and the rhetoric of moral discourse (SBL Dissertation series number 126)
12963: MATTILL A J & M B - Classified Bibliography of Literature on the Acts of the Apostles
12965: MATTISON J - Prayers from a woman's heart
12966: MATTUCK I I - Thought of the Prophets
58106: MATURA T - Gospel radicalism: the hard sayings of Jesus
12967: MATURIN B W - Price of unity
80886: MATURIN B W - Self-knowledge and self-discipline
45987: MATURIN B W - Practical studies on the parables of our Lord
54606: MATZ T - Daybook of saints: a celebration of saints throughout the year
57029: MAUCHLINE J - God's people Israel
83012: MAUCHLINE J - 1 and 2 Samuel (New Century Bible based on the Revised Standard Version)
45984: MAUD J P - Preparation for confirmation
11764: LEWIS R & MAUDE A - English Middle Classes
34899: MAUDE J H - Foundations of the English church (Handbooks of English Church History)
57255: MAUNDER J H - While the earth remaineth: anthem for Harvest
47090: MAUNDER J H - Blessed be the name of the Lord: anthem for harvest, Setuagesima and for festival and general use
57905: MAUNDER S - Biographical treasury: a dictionary of universal biography
74478: MAUNDEVILE J [HALLIWELL] - Voiage and travaile of Sir Jonn Maundevile, KT ...Way to Hierusalem; and of marvayles of Inde, with other ilands and countryes reprinted from edition of 1725 with intro, notes & glossary by J O Halliwell
45982: MAUPASSANT G de - Douze contes
80885: MAUREL A - Church and the Sovereign Pontiff: an analytical catechism
12974: MAUREN M L - Creating Communities of Good News: a handbook for small group facilitators
41482: MAURER, WENDLAND & SCHUMANN - Luther und die Schwarmer (Wilhelm Maurer); Gesetz und Geist, zum problem des Schwarmertums bei Paulus (Heinz-Dietrich Wendland); Schwarmerei als Gegenwartige versuchung der kirche (Friedrich Karl Schumann)[Schriften des Theologischen Konvents Augsburgischen Bekenntnisses 6]
56484: MAURIAC F - Frontenac mystery
44014: MAURIAC F - Stumbling block: la pierre d'achoppement translated by Gerard Hopkins
6551: MAURICE F D - Lectures on the Ecclesiastical history of the first and second centuries
59550: MAURICE F D - Lord's prayer: nine sermons preached in the Chapel of Lincoln's Inn in the months of February March and April 1848
46022: MAURICE F D - Commandments: considered as instruments of national reformation
59570: MAURICE F D - Epistle to the Hebrews being the substance of three lectures delivered in the Chapel of the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn on the foundation of Bishop Warburton with a preface containing a review of Mr Newman's theory of development
30430: MAURICE F D - Kingdom of Christ (Volume II only) or hints on the principles, ordinances and constitution of the Catholic Church (2 volume set) (EL)
59573: MAURICE F D - Toward the recovery of unity: the thought of Frederick Debison Maurice
59578: MAURICE F D - Modern philosophy or a treatise of moral and metaphysical philosophy from the fourteenth century to the French Revolution with a glimpse into the nineteenth century
25025: MAURICE F D - Theological Essays
51635: MAURICE F D - Epistles of St John: a series of lectures on Christian ethics
59565: MAURICE F D - Lessons of hope: readings from the works of F D Maurice selected by J Llewelyn Davies
59566: MAURICE F D - Eucharist: five sermons
59563: MAURICE F D - Kingdom of Christ (2 volume set) or hints on the principles, ordinances and constitution of the Catholic Church (Everyman's Library)
54395: MAURICE F - History of the Scots Guards (2 volume set): from the creation of the regiment to the eve of the Great War
59547: MAURICE F D - Social morality: twenty-one lectures delivered in the University of Cambridge
12982: MAURICE F D - Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven: a course of lectures on the gospel of St Luke
59575: MAURICE F D - Unity of the New Testament: a synopsis of the first three gospels and of the Epistles of St James, St Jude, St Peter and St Paul
37638: MAURICE F D - Gospel of St John: a series of discourses
12977: MAURICE F D - Conscience: lectures on casuistry delivered at University of Cambridge
12976: MAURICE F D - Christmas Day and other sermons
12990: MAURICE F D - Theological Essays
25021: MAURICE F D - Prophets and kings of the Old Testament: a series of sermons preached in the Chapel of Lincoln's Inn
59571: MAURICE F D - Moral and metaphysical philosophy (2 volume set); Vol I Ancient philosophy and the first to the thirteenth centuries; Vol II Fourteenth century to the French Revolution with a glimpse into the nineteenth century
46959: MAURICE F D - Conflict of good and evil in our day: twelve letters to a missionary
51634: MAURICE F D - Lectures on the Apocalypse or Book of the Revelation of St John the Divine
12991: MAUROIS A - Disraeli: a picture of the Victorian age
40473: MAUROIS A - Prométhée ou la vie de Balzac
12992: MAURY P - Predestination and other papers
80884: MAVRODES G I - Rationality of belief in God (Central Issues in Philosophy Series)
12996: MAWBY C - Songs for many seasons: nine anthems for the church year
47383: VANN P & MAXEINER D - Schonsten autos der welt
28106: MAXIMOV A - Maximov's companion to the 1996 Russian presidential elections, election results, facts and figures
36350: MAXWELL I & M - All of my life: a world book of prayers for children
26706: MAXWELL W D - Outline of Christian worship: its development and forms
82168: MAY R - Paulus: reminiscences of a friendship
45045: MANSFIELD O A & MAY W J - John Bunyan, the tinker of Bedford (a sacred cantata)
45437: GRAHAM W C & MAY H G - Culture and conscience: archaeological study of the new religious past in ancient Palestine
80881: MAY M A - Women and Church: the challenge of ecumenical solidarity in an age of alienation
80976: MAY R H - Ethics without principles: another possible ethics-perspectives from Latin America
13007: MAYCOCK A L - Apocalypse
49033: MAYCOCK A - Chronicles of Little Gidding
80880: MAYCOCK A et al - Cambridge sermons on Christian unity
34665: MAYER C - In quest of a new ethics
47386: MAYER R - Spieltraining Fussball: 120 Programme fur Angriff und Abwehr
80879: MAYERS G - Listen to the desert: secrets of spiritual maturity from the Desert Fathers and Mothers
83944: MAYES A D H - Text in context: essays by Members of the Society for Old Testament Study
13013: MAYES A D H - Israel in the period of the Judges (SBT2/29)
44706: MAYES A D H - Deuteronomy (New century Bible based on the Revised Standard Version)
13021: MAYFIELD T - Thank God for That!: practical steps to Christian Faith
20807: MAYFIELD T - Spirit of Jesus
80878: MAYFIELD G - Praying with simplicity
13018: MAYFIELD G - Church of England: its members and its business
37397: MAYFIELD T - Stories by Jesus (Following Jesus series)
21721: MAYHALL J & C - Marriage takes more than love
57248: MAYHEW K - Complete organist (3 volume set) No additional UK postage. For overseas please ask for a quotation
13022: MAYHEW P - Theology of force & violence
7814: MAYLED J - Religious Topics series (8 books): Pilgrimage, Holy Books, Religious Food, Death Customs, Religious Teachers and Prophets, Religious Art, Religious Buildings, History of Religions
57246: MAYNARD T - Saints for our times
27974: MAYNARD T - Introduction to primary mentoring
57400: MAYNARD T - Saint Vincent de Paul: sa vie, son temps, ses oeuvres, son influence (4 volume set)
57689: MAYNARD J - Victorian discourses on sexuality and religion
80877: MAYNARD T - Apostle of charity: the life of St Vincent de Paul
12553: MAYNARD T - St Benedict and his monks
13023: MAYNE M - Encounters: exploring Christian Faith
52320: MAYNE B - Confident in Christ we pray: daily prayer for Lent and Easter (Year C)
13025: MAYNE M - This sunrise of wonder: letters to my grandchildren
13032: MAYO S - Living with the Story: bible studies for group participation
49741: MAYOR J B - Sketch of ancient philosophy from Thales to Ciciero
45993: MAYOR J B - Epistle of St. James: greek text with introduction notes and comments
45560: MAYOR J B - Handbook of modern english metre
59299: MAYOR S - Paradise defined: the nature of Christian society
80876: MAYOTTE R A - Complete Jesus
13041: MAYS J L - Psalms (Interpretation: a Bible commentary for teaching and preaching)
31152: MAYS J L - Leviticus, Numbers (LBC)
45991: MAYS J L - Amos: a commentary (Old Testament Library)
80875: MAYS J L et al - Old Testament interpretation: past present and future
83906: MAYS J L - Lord reigns: a theological handbook to the Psalms
13037: MAYS J L - Hosea: a commentary (Old Testament Library)
13040: MAYS J L - Leviticus, Numbers (LBC)
83506: MAZAR A - Archaeology of the Land of the Bible:10,000-586 BCE (Anchor Bible Reference Library) [heavy volume, may need extra postage]
58612: MAZAR B - Judges (The World History of the Jewish People Volume III)
49014: MAZZIOTA R - We pray to the Lord: general intercessions based on the scriptural readings for Sundays and holy days
13043: MBALI Z - Churches and racism: a black South African perspective
15138: PARTRIDGE W G Mc D - Portrait of an African School
48244: MCADOO H R - Spirit of Anglicanism: a survey of Anglican theological method in the seventeenth century
13052: MCALL K - Healing the family tree
28144: ROSE R & MCALLISTER I - Loyalties of voters: a lifetime learning model
68353: McASTOCKER D P - Little virtues
80986: McAULEY D - Paul's covert use of scripture: intertextuality and rhetorical situation in Philippians 2:10-16
68360: McBIRNIE W S - Search for the tomb of Jesus
27059: HAVARD M & MCBRIDE P - Using accountancy software in business
52673: CLAYDON T & MCBRIDE I - Protestantism and national identity: Britain and Ireland c1650 - c1850
56515: MCBRIDE D - Seasons of the world: reflections on Sunday readings
22622: MCBRIEN R P - Catholicism
13058: MCBRIEN R P - Church in the thought of Bishop John Robinson
68364: McBRIEN R P - Do we need the church?
28883: MCCAFFERTY J - Info skills book two: library and research skills
68367: McCAFFREY E - Confessors of Nuns and Sisters
56101: MCCAFFREY J et al - Biblical prayer journey in the Holy Land
82993: MCCANN J C - Theological introduction to the Book of Psalms: the Psalms as Torah
55283: MCCARRY C - Double eagle: Ben Abruzzo, Maxie Anderson, Larry Newman
54689: MCCARTHY F - Let the light shine: the gospel story
74377: MCCARTHY S - Celebrating the earth: an earth-centered theology of worship with blessings, prayers, and rituals
44939: HANSON R P C & McCAUGHEY J D - Chruch's unity: study outline
48187: MCCAUGHEY T P - Memory and redemption: church politics and prophetic theology in Ireland
13073: MCCAUGHEY J D - Christian Obedience in the University: studies in the life of the Student Christian Movement of Great Britain and Ireland 1930-1950
68370: McCAULEY G - Sacraments for secular man
80286: MCCLAIN L - Lest we be damned: practical innovation and lived experience among Catholics in Protestant England, 1559-1662
82991: MCCLAIN F, NORRIS R & ORENS J - F D Maurice: a study
13075: MCCLAIN F M - Maurice: man and moralist 1805-1872
42809: MCCLEAN L - What's the problem?
13077: MCCLELLAN B - Waters of life: a guide to spiritual reading
27022: MCCLENNAN C - Celebrity pets biographies in words and photographs of dogs and cats who befriend the famous, drawings by Linda Thurlow & Dawn Warnock
42811: MCCLURE E - Chapter in English Church history: being the minutes of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge for the years 1698-1704...report for the year 1878...by Rev Dr Bray for founding clerical libraries and supporting negro schools with memoir
68390: McCOMB A P - Moments remembered
82989: MCCOMISKEY T E - Covenants of promise: a theology of the Old Testament Covenants
13084: MCCONNACHIE J - Significance of Karl Barth
13083: MCCONNACHIE J - Barthian Theology: and the man of to-day
42814: MCCONNELL F J - Prophetic ministry
57690: KNOPPERS G N & MCCONVILLE J G - Reconsidering Israel and Judah: recent studies on the Deuteronomistic history (Sources for Biblical and Theological Study Volume 8)
21830: MCCONVILLE J G - Grace in the end: a study in Deuteronomic theology
82988: MCCONVILLE J G - Law and theology in Deuteronomy (JSOTSS 33)
52259: MCCORMACK M K - Introduction to Sikh belief
52564: MCCORMACK A - God the man of his word
52758: MCCORMICK R A - How brave a new world?: dilemmas in bioethics
25319: MCCRACKEN S - Banker's remedy of set-off
42816: MCCREA A - Work of Jesus in Christian thought
13091: MCCREARY A - Tried by fire: finding hope out of suffering in N Ireland
59247: MCCREARY A - The good the bad and the barmy
68398: McCREARY A - Profiles of hope
80624: MCCULLAGH C B - Truth of history
13095: MCCULLOCH J - Trumpet shall sound
25922: HELSBY G & MCCULLOCH G - Teachers and the National Curriculum (Teacher Development)
82987: MCCULLOUGH P E - Sermons at Court: politics and religion in Elizabethan and Jacobean preaching
68406: McCURDY R - Who is god? what reason can tell us (Where we stand series)
68408: McDERMOTT R P - Anglican interpretation of the fourth commandment (Theology Occasional papers, new series No 9)
31710: MCDONAGH E - Invitation and response: essays in Christian moral theology
30844: MCDONAGH E - Doing the truth: the quest for moral theology
68409: McDONAGH E et al - Church is mission
21780: MCDONAGH S - To care for the Earth: a call to a new theology
59331: MCDONAGH E - Demands of simple justice: a study of the Church, politics and violence with special reference to Zimbabwe
13101: MCDONAGH E - Roman Catholics and unity
37184: MCDONAGH S - Passion for the earth: the Christian vocation to promote justice, peace and the integrity of creation
13102: MCDONAGH S - Greening of the Church
48792: MCDONALD J I H - Gospel of Matthew
30887: MCDONALD M - Into the hand of God: readings and prayers for different occasions
22951: THOMPSON A & MCDONALD I - Key advances in effective management of multiple sclerosis
31711: MCDONALD J I H - Biblical interpretation and Christian ethics (New studies in Christian ethics)
13105: MCDONALD J I H - Resurrection: narrative and belief
81947: MCDONALD J I H - Kerygma and didache: the articulation and structure of the earliest Christian message (SNTSM 37)
68421: McDOUGAL H - Secrets of success: glimpses of everyday life of the Apostle Paul (Master Keys Series)
45917: McDOUGALL W - Frontiers of psychology
83374: MCDOUGALL J - Many faces of Eros: a psychoanalytic exploration of human sexuality
42819: MCDOWALL S A - Evolution and the need of atonement
80622: MCELVANEY W K - Preaching from Camelot to Covenant: announcing God's action in the world
50700: MCENHILL P - Theology: reformed and reforming
68435: McEVOY H - New every moment
35618: ISHERWOOD L & MCEWAN D - Introducing feminist theology
55139: MCEWAN D et al - Making liturgy: creating rituals for worship and life
48951: ISHERWOOD L & MCEWAN D - Introducing feminist theology
13114: MCEWAN D - Women experiencing church: a documentation of alienation
68438: McFADYEN J E - Wisdom books: (Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes) also Lamentations and the Song of Songs in modern speech and rhythmical form
30821: MCFADYEN A et al - Forgiveness and truth (Society for the study of theology symposium authors incl H Willmer F Watts P Selby et al)
82854: TURNBULL M & MCFADYEN d - State of the Church and the Church of the State: re-imagining the Church of England for our world today
32501: MCFADYEN P - Corinthian columns: imaginary interviews with the Apostle Paul about his second letter to the Corinthians (A parish presentation for Lambeth 1998)
13118: MCFADYEN J E [Davidson] - Key to the exercises in A B Davidson's revised Introductory Hebrew Grammar
13119: MCFADYEN J E - Message of Israel: (Chalmers lectures 1931)
68439: McFADYEN J F - Message of the Parables
82518: MCFADYEN A I - Call to personhood: a Christian theory of the individual in social relationships
34139: MCFAGUE S - Super, natural Christians: how we should love nature
81945: MCFAGUE S - Models of God: theology for an ecological, nuclear age (cover picture may vary)
24850: MCFARLAN D M - Bible Readers' reference book
56592: MCFARLANE K B - Wycliffe and English non-conformity
34152: MCGANN D - Journeying within transcendence: a Jungian perspective on the Gospel of John
47915: MCGARRY M S - Woman's book of faith; 2000 years of inspirational writing by and for women
47999: MCGEHEE P - Sweetheart
56375: MCGIFFERT A C - History of Christian thought (Volume II only): The West from Tertullian to Erasmus
13126: MCGIFFERT A C - History of Christianity in the Apostolic Age (ITL)
83930: MCGINN B - Apocalyptic Spirituality: Treatises and Letters by Lactantius, Adso of Montier-en-Der, Joachim of Fiore, the Franciscan Spirituals, Savonarola translation and introduction by Bernard McGinn (Classics of Western Spirituality)
38048: MCGINN B et al - Christian spirituality: origins to the twelfth century (World Spirituality)
23523: MCGINN C - Ethics evil and fiction
68451: MCGLADE J - Church on mission
55032: MCGLASSON P C - Church doctrine: the faith and practive of the Christian Community Vol I - Canon
55031: MCGLASSON P C - Church doctrine: the faith and practice of the Christian Community Volume II - God
81011: MCGLASSON P C - Church doctrine: the faith and practice of the Christian Community Volume III - Creation
35091: MCGOLDRICK D F - Fostering development: a critique, in tabloid, on the exercise of religious authority
36980: MCGOLDRICK T A - Blessed Margaret Clitherow
15382: PERRIS C & McGORRY P - Cognitive Psychotherapy of Psychotic and Personal Disorders handbook of theory and practice
68455: MCGOUGH D - Calming word
55995: MCGOVERN J et al - Java web services architecture
13140: MCGRATH A E - Understanding Jesus: who Jesus is any why he matters
44458: MCGRATH A E - Introduction to Christianity
23471: MCGRATH A E - Passion for truth: intellectual coherence of evangelicalism
35258: MCGRATH A E - Iustitia Dei: a history of the Christian doctrine of justification Volume II from 1500 to the present day
13142: MCGRATH P - Papists and Puritans Under Elizabeth I
41161: MCGRATH A E - Christian Theology: an introduction
26462: MCGRATH A E - Knowing Christ
13135: MCGRATH A E - Arcic II and Justification: an Evangelical Anglican assessment of 'Salvation and the Church' (Latimer Studies 26)
39513: MCGRATH A E - Renewal of Anglicanism
81943: MCGRATH A E - Making of modern German christology 1750 - 1990
81944: MCGRATH A E - Intellectual origins of the European Reformation
35767: MCGRATH A E - Historical theology: an introduction to the history of Christian thought
46182: MCGRATH A E - Twighlight of atheism: rise and fall of disbelief in the modern world
23195: MCGREAL W - Aylesford (Pilgrim Guide)
52300: MCGREEVY M - Death is only an horizon: thoughts in time of bereavement
55596: MCGREGOR G P - Bishop Otter College and policy for teacher education 1839 - 1980
53048: MCHARDY A K - Royal writs addressed to John Buckingham: Bishop of Lincoln 1363 - 1398: Lincoln register 12B: a calendar (Lincoln Record Society 86)
53052: MCHARDY A K - Clerical poll-taxes of the Diocese of Lincoln 1377 - 1381 (Lincoln Record Society 81)
27541: MCIAN R R - Clans of the Scottish Highlands: the costumes of the clans
51744: MCILHON J J - Forty days plus three: daily reflections for Lent and Holy Week
13153: MCILWRAITH N - Cities of God (Studies in Prophecy 5)
81941: MCINTYRE J - Shape of soteriology: studies in the doctrine of the death of Christ
13157: MCINTYRE J - Christian doctrine of history
42826: MCINTYRE M - Eucharist: our communal celebration
81940: MCKANE W - Prophets and wise men (SBT 44)
48466: MCKANE W - Studies in the patriarchal narratives
45925: MCKANE W - Late harvest: reflections on the Old Testament
44182: ROGERSON J W & MCKAY J W - Psalms 51 -100: CBCNEB
57737: MCKAY J - Religion in Judah under the Assyrians 732 - 609 BC (Studies in Biblical Theology Second Series 26)
4452: CLAXTON E & MCKAY H A C - Medicine, morals and man
22047: MCKEAN D - Money matters: a guide to the finances of the Church of England
81985: MCKEATING H - Book of Jeremiah
68469: MCKEATING H - Ezekiel (Old Testament Guides)
27199: McKEE A - From merciless invaders: defeat of the Spanish Armada
81983: MCKENNA M - Not counting women and children: neglected stories from the Bible
80345: MCKENNA M F - Light squibs of mirth: an anthology of work
56153: EARLEY C & MCKENNA G - Actions speak louder: a source book for social ministry
53181: MCKENNA D L - Christ-centred higher education: memory meaning and momentum for the twenty-first century
34184: MCKENNA M - Rites of justice: the sacraments and liturgy as ethical imperatives
68483: McKENTY, Neil - IN THE STILLNESS DANCING: the journey of John Main
61649: MCKENZIE P - Christians: their beliefs and practices
7905: GRAHAM M P and MCKENZIE S L - Chronicler as author: studies in text and texture (JSOTSS 263)
28966: MCKENZIE W - Unlocking company reports and accounts
13177: MCKENZIE J G - Psychology psychotheraphy and evangelicalism
13179: MCKENZIE P - Christians: their practices and beliefs -an adaption of Friedrich Heiler's ""Phenomenology of religion""
68490: McKENZIE J L - Authority in the Church
32503: MCKENZIE H - You alone care (Care and counselling)
68485: McKENZIE J G - Nervous disorders and religion: study of souls in the making
55407: MCKENZIE J L - World of the judges
81428: SHEARING L S & MCKENZIE S L - Those elusive Deuteronomists: the phenomenon of Pan-Deuteronomism (JSOT Supplement Series 268)
80952: McKIM D K - Church: Presbyterian perspectives
54522: MCKINLAY J E - Gendering Wisdom the Host: biblical invitations to eat and drink (JSOT Supplement Series 216)
57703: MCKINNON J - Music in early Christian literature
81981: McKNIGHT S - Interpreting the synoptic gospels (Guide to N T Exegesis)
80359: MCKNIGHT J P - Papacy: a new appraisal
56373: MCKUEN R - Stanyan Street and other sorrows
21145: WILSON R McL - Gnosis und Neues Testament [German text]
21142: WILSON R McL - Hebrews (NCBC)
21140: WILSON R McL - Gnostic problem: a study of the relations between Hellenistic Judaism and the Gnostic Heresy
21141: WILSON R McL - Gospel of Philip: translated from the Coptic text with an introduction and commentary
50039: MCLAREN B D - Last word and the word after that: a tale of faith, doubt, and a new kind of Christianity
23291: MCLAREN J S - Turbulent times? Josephus and scholarship on Judaea in the first century CE (JSPSS 29)
47980: MCLAREN B D - Generous orthodoxy
52981: MCLAREN R B - World of philosophy: an introduction
49076: MCLAREN B - New kind of Christianity: ten questions that are transforming the faith
80362: MCLAUGHLIN G A - Inbred sin
81988: MCLAY T - The OG and TH versions of Daniel (SBL Septuagint and Cognate Studies Series no 43)
36788: MCLEAN M - View of silence
53099: MCLEAN G R D - Prayers of the Western Highlanders: a new collection
81979: MCLEAN S - Humanity in the thought of Karl Barth
40350: MCLEHOSE W C - Correspondence between Burns and Clarinda: with a memoir of Mrs McLehose (Clarinda)
36628: MCLEISH E - Careers in teaching: your questions and answers (Questions & answers careers book)
80365: MCLELLAN D - Marx's grundrisse
13187: MCLELLAN D - Marx
81978: MCLELLAN D - Political Christianity: a reader
81990: MCLELLAN D - Simone Weil: Utopian Pessimist
80366: MCLELLAND J C - Toward a radical church: new models for ecumenical relations
68508: MCLEMAN J - Birth of the Christian faith
56610: MCLEMAN J - Resurrection then and now
81977: MCLEOD H - Religion and the working class in nineteenth-century Britain (Studies in economic and social history) (Studies in Economic and Social History)
59196: MCLEOD H - European religion in the age of great cities 1830-1930
13190: MCLEOD G - We shall Re-build: the work of the Iona Community on mainland and on island
81989: MCLEOD H - Religion and Society in England 1850-1914 (Social history in perspective)
43619: MCLEROY L - Sacred ordinary: embracing the holy in the everyday: 112 daily meditations
55130: MCRAE-MCMAHON D - Prayers for life's particular moments
80372: MCMAHON J T - Gift of God: Come, Holy Spirit
48311: MCMAKIN J - Doorways to Christian growth
30888: MCMANNERS J - Oxford illustrated history of Christianity
13196: MCMASTER M - Vision the Quest and the Goal: the story of St Luke's Oxford and its Founder
34157: MCMULLEN M - Clouds of heaven: learning to pray with the early Christians
13199: MCMURTRY L - Last picture show large print edition
80376: MCNABB V - St Thomas Aquinas and the Law (Aquinas Society of London Aquinas Paper No 24)
80377: MCNAIR J - Experiencing the Holy Spirit: Truths that can transform your life
80378: MCNALLY J J - Litany at Nazareth
81975: MCNALLY R E - Bible in the early middle ages
13202: MCNAMARA W - Human Adventure: the art of contemplative living
81976: MCNAMARA M - Intertestamental literature (Old Testament Message No 23)
81974: MCNAMARA M - Psalms in the early Irish church (JSOT SS165)
80383: MCNAMARA W - Art of being human
80379: MCNAMARA K - Sacrament of salvation: studies in the mystery of Christ and the Church
80386: MCNASPY C J - Our changing liturgy
28391: McNAUGHTON N - Prime Minister and Cabinet Government (Access to Politics)
22774: MCNAUGHTON N - Civil Service [Access to Politics]
25017: MCNAUGHTON N - Prime Minister and Cabinet Government (Access to politics)
53362: MCNEIL J J - Minister's service book: for pulpit and parish
22247: MCNEIL G - Fingerprints: an anthology of poetry and prose
13206: MCNEILE A H - Gospel According to St Matthew: Greek text with introduction, notes & indices
46840: MCNEILE A H - Devotion and discipleship: collection of the important devotional works of Rev A H Mc Neile
54682: HARRIS L & MCNEILE T - Through the prism
13209: MCNEILE A H - Problem of the Future Life: Moorhouse lectures 1925
13203: MCNEILE A H - After this Manner Pray Ye: studies in the Lord's Prayer
80387: MCNEILE A H - He led captivity captive
50489: MCNEILL F M - Iona: a history of the island with descriptive notes
34607: MCNEILL J T - History and character of Calvinism
21326: WOODS E S & MCNUTT F B - Theodore Bishop of Winchester: Pastor Prophet Pilgrim a memoir of F T Woods 1874-1932
24345: MCPHERSON T - Philosophy and religious belief
13216: MCPHERSON T - Philosophy of religion
80392: MCQUAY E P - Go Abraham go
13218: MCQUEEN M H - Parson, parish and patron: appointments to Benefices in the C of E, Latimer House Papers 1
83513: MCQUEEN L R - Joel and the Spirit: the cry of a prophetic hermeneutic
44310: MCQUEEN H - Beyond the cross
31499: MCQUIGGAN J - Time to heal: selected services of the Eucharist and special prayers for the sick and housebound appropriate to the church year (for special ministers, carers and others)
25269: MCQUILKIN R - Understanding and applying the Bible
47121: MCRAY J - Paul: his life and teachings
56099: MCREDMOND L - To the greater glory: a history of the Irish Jesuits
13223: MCVICAR J - Early Life and Professional Years of Bishop Hobart
13224: MCWILLIAM J - Sing say and move: a book of action songs and rhymes for the under 8's
13230: MEAD M - Cultural patterns and technical change: (from The Tensions and Technology Series)
54543: MEAD J - Telling place: reflections on stories of women in the Bible
31124: MEAD L B - Evaluation: of, by, for, and to, the clergy (AL5)
13227: MEAD L B - Critical moment of ministry: a change of pastors
13231: MEAD M - Growing up in New Guinea: a study of adolescence and sex in primitive societies
45989: MEADE J M - People ministry: future for the rural church
80874: MEADLEY T D - Route to the cross
30052: MEADOWCROFT T J - Aramaic Daniel and Greek Daniel: a literary comparison (Journal for the study of the Old Testament: supplement series 198)
48469: MEADOWS J - Innovation in information: twenty years of the British Library Research and Development Department (British Library Research)
13234: MEAKIN T - Basic church dictionary and compendium
59297: MEALAND D L - Poverty and expectation in the gospels
56694: PATTON M J & MEARA N M - Psychoanalytic counseling
83304: O'MEARA J - Charter of Christendom: the significance of the City of God (Saint Augustine lecture 1961)
44400: MEARNS A - Congregational magazine: and Journal of the Church-aid and Home Missionary Society for 1888
46007: MEARS E - Gospel of St John
26158: INSTITUTE OF MECHANICAL - ENGINERS Foreign object impact and energy absorbing structure ImechE Seminar Publication 1998-9
13235: MECHIE S - Church & Scottish social development 1780-1870 (Cunningham lectures 1957)
22296: MEDCALF S - Later Middle Ages (Context of English literature)
22305: FELLOWSHIP OF MEDITATION - Fourteen meditations
22630: MEE A - King's England: Kent
22631: MEE A - King's England: Kent The gateway of England & its great possessions
13244: MEE C L - White robe, black robe (study of Luther and Pope Leo X)
80872: MEE R - See and you shall find
13243: MEE A - Children's Bible: the greatest book in the world in its own words illustrated from the art galleries of the world
22646: MEE A - King's England: Hampshire with the Isle of Wight
47266: MEE A - Arthur Mee's story book
34659: MEECHAM H G - Light from ancient letters: private correspondence in the non-literary papyri of Oxyrhynchus ofthe first four centuries and its bearing on New Testament language and thought
49629: MEEKS W A - First urban Christians: the social world of the Apostle Paul
80140: MEEKS W A - First urban Christians: the social world of the Apostle Paul
56512: MEEKS B G - Season of ash and fire: prayers and liturgies for Lent and Easter
59610: MEER F van der - Early Christian art
80745: VAN DER MEER F G L - Faith of the church
13249: MEES A - Choirs and Choral Music: with portraits
489: BRUTON S M & MEES J K - Maps of the Anglican Communion by Provinces with a brief description & history of each province
56478: MEHL R - Sociology of protestantism
37472: MEHLIS G - Quest for God: an introduction to the philosophy of religion
2644: BROWN R E & MEIER J P - Antioch and Rome: New Testament cradles of Catholic Christianity
80744: MEILACH M - Firstborn son
80743: MEIN M - Winston Churchill and Christian Fellowship
57561: MEIN A - Ezekiel and the ethics of exile
80742: MEINARDUS O F A - St Paul in Ephesus and the cities of Galatia and Cyprus
81865: SAMUEL BEN MEIR [Lockshin] - Rashbam's commentary on Exodus: an annotated translation edited and translated by Martin I Lockshin (Brown Judaic Studies 310)
80740: MEISTER J W - What baptism means
43557: CRAIG W L & MEISTER C - God is great, God is good
28387: MELARA J - It only takes everything you've got: lessons for a life of sucess
26870: ANGLICAN DIOCESE OF MELBOURNE - Garden of many colours: the report of the Archbishop's Commission on Multicultural Ministry and Mision
55257: MELCHIOR I - Haigerloch project
13255: MELINSKY M A H - Religion and medicine: a discussion
13256: MELINSKY M A H - Shape of the ministry
13254: MELINSKY H - Patterns of ministry (GS202)
47115: DE MELLO A - One minute nonsense
44198: MELLONI A - 'Movements' in the church (Concilium 2003/3)
30038: MELLOR E B - Making of the Old Testament (CBC NEB)
49554: MELTON F T - Sir Robert Clayton and the origins of English deposit banking 1658-1685
82543: HICK J & MELTZER E S - Three faiths - one God: a Jewish, Christian, Muslim encounter (Library of Philosophy and Religion)
49555: MELTZER A H - Keynes's monetary theory: a different interpretation
24830: MELVILLE L - Life of William Makepeace Thackeray in 2 volumes with 24 portraits and illustrations
13261: MEN - Men women and the ministry: a plea for economic reform in the Church of England
13264: MENDEL A P - Essential works of Marxism
26382: MENDELSOHN K et al - Shine: teacher's book A
26383: MENDELSOHN K et al - Shine: teacher's book 2
25455: MENDELSOHN M - Guide to franchising 5th edition
26408: MENDELSOHN K et al - Shine: teacher's book B
83505: MENDELSON A - Philo's Jewish Identity (Brown Judaic Studies No 161)
13265: MENDELSSOHN F - Elijah, an oratorio (Novello Pocket Edition)
47794: MENDELSSOHN F - Violin Concerto E minor Op 64 miniature score [Edition Eulenburg No 702]
47429: MENDELSSOHN F - Elijah, an oratorio [SATB edition]
41716: MENDELSSOHN [Arr BLAIR H] - On wings of song (organ): transcribed for the organ [Anthology of organ music]
41734: MENDELSSOHN - Kompositionen fur die Orgel
13266: MENDELSSOHN F - Hymn of praise (Lobgesang) Sinfonia Cantata (Op 52): the English version by J Alfred Novello
54018: MENDLESON C - Jewish museum: a brief guide to the principal exhibits with illustrations
56967: MENDRAS H - Vanishing peasant: innovation and change in French agriculture
81088: MENIKOFF A - Politics and piety: Baptist social reform in America 1770-1860
45997: MENOUD P H - L'evangile de Jean: d'apres les recherches recentes (Cahiers Theologique de l'actualite protestante)
16989: RYCE-MENUHIN J - New look at Jung's ""Answer to Job"" (Guild of Pastoral Psychology Lecture 237)
12487: RYCE-MENUHIN J - Jung and the Monotheisms: Judaism, Christianity and Islam
34630: MENZIES A - Earliest gospel: a historical study of the Gospel according to Mark, with a Greek text and English version
37900: MENZIES R - Magnet of the heart [modern evangelistic sermons]
13275: MENZIES R - Preaching and pastoral evangelism
45996: MENZIES A - Second epistle of the apostle Paul to the Corinthians: introduction, text, english translation and notes
54700: MEOLI R C - Lasallian saints of yesterday and tomorrow
46471: MERCADANTE L A - Gender doctrine and God: Shakers and contemporary theology
13278: MERCER J E - Mystery of Life
13277: MERCER D - Stillborn: a novel about reincarnation
52327: MERCHANT M - Inherit the land: Cain makes his plea/Inherit the land (Abram/Abraham)/Joseph in Egypt/Moses the refining fire
52331: MERCHANT M - Fire from the heights
36092: MEREDETH J L - Book of Bible lists: one of a kind collection of bible facts
13280: MEREJKOWSKI D - Jesus Manifest
47252: SIMPSON J & E:MERGE - Just walk with me: a true story of inner-city youth work
45447: MERIMEE P - Carmen et autres nouvelles
29624: MERK H von O - Schriftauslegung als theologische Aufklarung: Aspekte gegenwartiger Fragestellungen in der neutestamentlichen Wissenschaft
41751: MERKEL G - Introduction und doppelfuge fur Orgel
55193: MERKLE J C - Abraham Joshua Heschel: exploring his life and thought edited with an introduction by John C Merkle
13285: MERKLEIN H - Biblische Rand bemerkungen: Schulerfestschrift fur Rudolf Schnackenburg zum 60. Geburtstag
46008: MERKS K W - Moeilijke waarheid: sociaal-ethische aspecten van waarachtiheid en leugen
46004: MERKX M - Spanning er in houden: over de visie op de vrouw in scheppingsthologie bij Thomas van Aquino
13288: MERRIMAN C - Mighty Big River
82406: MERRIMAN M W - Baptismal mystery and the Catechumenate
38229: MERRIMAN D J - Prayers for all occasions: 450 prayers for public and personal devotions
19345: MERRINGTON B - Hideaway: a book for children who grieve
21793: MERRINGTON B - Alice's Dad: a book for children who grieve
81008: MERRITT J L - Devils and deviants: religious schism in 1 and 2 John
46002: MERSCH E - Theologie du corps mystique [2 heavy volumes set-please ask for postage quotation]: (Books I - V in 2 volumes) introduction theologique et philosphique/la venue du Christ/le Christ/la Trinite/dans le Christ
46001: MERSCH E - Theology of the mystical body
13304: MERTON T - Road to Joy: the letters of Thomas Merton to new and old friends selected & edited by R E Daggy
47295: MERTON T - Thomas Merton reader
46018: MERTON T - Reflections on my work
40530: MERTON T - Silence in heaven: a book of the monastic life with ninety photographs and many texts from religious writings. Illustrated with black/white photography
80732: MERTON T - Merton annual (Volume 15): studies in culture, spirituality and social concerns
13294: MERTON T - Contemplative prayer
82451: MERTON T - Last of the Fathers: Saint Bernard of Clairvaux and the encyclical letter, Doctor Mellifluus
13293: MERTON T - Contemplation in a world of action
59292: MERTON T - Opening the bible
13297: MERTON T - Living bread
38075: MERTON T - Meditations on liturgy
13292: MERTON T - Climate of monastic prayer (Cistercian studies 1)
46415: MERTON T - Hidden ground of love: letters on religious experience and social concerns
59560: VAN DER MERWE C H J - Biblical Hebrew reference grammar
52889: THIESSEN G & MERZ A - Historical Jesus: a comprehensive guide
13317: MESSENGER E C - Two in one flesh Vol 1 Introduction to sex & marriage & Vol 3 Practice of sex & marriage
24311: MESSER R - Does God's existence need proof?
57037: MESSER D E - Conspiracy of goodness: contemporary images of Christian mission
56685: MESSER N - Theological issues in bioethics: an introduction with readings
82320: MESTERS C - Defenseless flower: new reading of the Bible
80723: METCALFE J - Book of Ruth
80722: METCALFE J - Church What is it?
28322: METCALFE A V - Statistics in management science
80721: METCALFE J - Hymns of the New Testament in metre
13320: METFORD J C J - Christian Year
46777: METHIVIER H - Ancien regime (Que sai-je? Le point des connaissances actuelles No 925)
59289: METHODIST - Book of family worship: prepared by direction of the Methodist Conference
59287: METHODIST - Summary of Methodist law and discipline: being a new edition of 'The Large Minutes' prepared by Rev. John S Simon (Fifth edition)
59283: METHODIST - Declarations of Conference on social questions
59284: METHODIST - Shorter book of offices: being a selection of the orders of service authorized for use in the Methodist Church
59282: METHODIST - Book of public prayers and services for the use of people called Methodists
38114: CALVINISTIC METHODISTS - Handbook of rules of the Calvinistic Methodists or Presbyterian Church of Wales
13336: METHODS - Methods of Self Examination: by a group of priests
53531: METHUEN C - If you love something let it go: reflections for Ash Wednesday to Pentecost
55242: METHUEN A - Anthology of modern verse
83317: METTINGER T N D - Farewell to the Servant Songs: a critical examination of an exegetical axiom (Scripta Minora 1982-1983:3)
1433: METZGER B M & I M - Oxford concise concordance to the Revised Standard Version of the Holy Bible
46013: METZGER B M - Textual commentary on the Greek New Testament (a companion volume to the United Bible Societies' Greek New Testament fourth revised edition)
55660: METZGER P L - Consuming Jesus: beyond race and class divisions in a consumer church
50579: METZGER B M - Reminiscences of an octogenarian
13346: METZGER H - St Paul's journeys in the Greek Orient (Studies in Biblical Archaeology 4)
13343: METZGER B M - New Testament: its background growth and content
13342: METZGER B M et al - Introduction to the Bible (LBC)
13345: METZGER B M - Text of the New Testament: its transmission corruption & restoration
13347: MEVILL H - Sermons 2 vols
31891: MEYENDORF J - Orthodox church: its past and its role in the world today
83039: MEYENDORFF J - Orthodox Church: its past and its role in the world today
80718: MEYENDORFF J - Living tradition: orthodox witness in the contemporary world
80719: MEYENDORFF J - Byzantium and the rise of Russia: a study of Byzantino-Russian relations in the fourteenth century
39637: MEYENDORFF J - Byzantine legacy in the Orthodox church
83037: MEYENDORFF J - Witness to the world
46012: MEYER F B - Psalms: notes and readings
53171: MEYER M W - Gospels of the marginalised: the redemption of doubting Thomas, Mary Magdalene and Judas Escariot in early Christian literature
40596: MEYER R M - Hundert besten gedichte: der Deutschen sprache (Lyrik)
81093: MEYER W J - Darwin in a new key: evolution and the question of value
38782: MEYER D J - Hannoversche agende im Auszug (Liturgische Texte IX)
27898: MEYER F B - Saved and kept: counsels to young christians
80715: MEYER F - Uni una to the one God my one soul: retreat lectures and readings for religious and priests
80717: MEYER A & J - Earth-keepers: environmental perspectives on hunger poverty and justice
34592: MEYER A G - Marxism: the unity of theory and practice
13358: MEYER C R - Touch of God: theological analysis of religious experience
13367: MEYERS E S - Envisioning the New City: a reader on urban ministry
24343: MEYNELL H A - Is Christianity true?
13369: MEYNELL H A - Sense nonsense and Christianity: an essay on the logical analysis of religious statements
46010: MEYNELL H - New theology and modern theologians
13368: MEYNELL H - God and the World: the coherence of Christian Theism
13370: MEYRICK F - Doctrine of the Church of England on the Holy Communion restated as a guide at the present time
33745: POOLE Michael - Miracles: science the Bible and experience
60798: BAUGHEN Michael - GETTING THROUGH TO GOD: breaking the prayer barrier:
2460: BRENDA MICHAEL Sr - This is the Word of the Lord
68120: MARSHALL Michael - FREEDOM OF HOLINESS: biblical reflections on the witness of the saints
61323: BOURDEAUX Michael - LAND OF CROSSES: the struggle for religious freedom in Lithuania, 1939-78 (Keston Book 12)
72753: TALBOT John Michael - BLESSINGS: reflections on the beatitudes
13374: MICHAEL D N - Cyberation: the silent conquest a report to the Centre for the study of
82196: JOHNSON Michael R - Genesis geology and catastrophism: a critique of creationist science and biblical literalism
33770: POOLE Michael - Teaching about science and religion: opportunities within Science in the National Curriculum
82262: WITTMER Michael E - Christ alone: an evangelical response to Rob Bell's 'Love wins'
40400: MICHAELI F - Textes de la Bible et de l'Ancien Orient
82609: MICHAELS J R - John (New InternationalBiblical Commentary based on the NIV)
13377: MICHAELS B - Other Worlds
83318: MICHALOWSKI P - Letters from Early Mesopotamia edited by Erica Reiner (SBL Writings from the Ancient World Series volume 3)
13378: MICHALSON C - Rationality of Faith: an historical critique of the theological reason
48011: MICHELIN - Paris and environs: hotels-restaurants 1992
38576: MICHELIN - Normandy, Channel Islands: the Green Guide with hotels and restaurants (in English)
13380: MICHELL G A - Landmarks in liturgy
80711: MICHELL P H - Israel present and future: Israel and the Church not in competition
13379: MICHELL G A - Eucharistic consecration in the primitive church
13386: MICKLEM N - Christian thinking today: studies in theology (ST 65)
51393: MICKLEM E R - Miracles and the new psychology: a study in the healing miracles of the New Testament
13392: MICKLEM N - Creed of a Christian: being monologues upon great themes of the Christian Faith
59265: MICKLEM N - God's freemen: a tract for the times
13385: MICKLEM N - Box and the puppets (1888-1953)
80710: MICKLEM N - Is there a Christian ethic (John Coffin Memorial Lecture 1959)
13383: MICKLEM C - Contemporary prayers for church and school
34622: MICKLEM N - Prophecy and eschatology
13401: MICKLEM P A - Secular and the Sacred: an enquiry into the principles of a Christian Civilization being the Bampton Lectures for 1946
13395: MICKLEM N - Religion (HUL)
13398: MICKLEM N - Ultimate Questions
13393: MICKLEM N - The doctrine of our redemption: the Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent Book - 1943
13388: MICKLEM N - Christian Worship: studies in its history and meaning by members of Mansfield College
46032: MICKLEM N - Galilean: the permanent element in religion
34661: MICKLEM E R - Miracles and the new psychology: a study in the healing miracles of the New Testament
80712: MICKLEN E R - Our approach to God: a study in public worship
46031: MICKLETHWAITE J T - Ornaments of the rubric: supplement to the third edition (Alcuin Club Tracts I)
22419: MICKS M H - Deep Waters: an introduction to Baptism
13402: MICKS M H - Deep Waters: an introduction to Baptism
48157: MIDDLEMASS K - Antique coloured glass
46037: MIDDLETON C - Miscellaneous works of the late reverend and learned Conyers Middleton (5 volume set)
56366: MIDDLETON R - Baptism: immersion unscriptural: our authority for baptising infants, re-baptism unscriptural
35393: MIDDLETON H - Rulers and rebels (Presenting the past: Book 2)
42411: MIDDLETON G A T - English Church architecture: from the earliest times to the reformation
34334: MIDDLETON A - Towards a renewed priesthood
27805: MIDGLEY M - Heart and mind: varieties of moral experience
46045: MIEGGE G - Religious liberty (World Christian Books 16)
28656: MIERS R - Scotland: (Cadogan guides)
26133: HILDT E & MIETH D - In vitro fertilisation in the 1990's: towards a medical, social and ethical evaluation
57660: POHIER J & MIETH D - Dignity of the despised of the earth (Concilium 130)
15638: POHIER J & MIETH D - Unemployment and the right to work (Concilium 160)
15637: POHIER J & MIETH D - Christian ethics: uniformity, universality, pluralism (Concilium 150)
69950: PERRIN Mike - UPON HIGH PLACES: stories from the mountains of Wales
80094: MIKKOLA T et al - Questioning mind: faith and values of the new generation
83492: MILAVEC A - Didache: text, translation, analysis, and commentary
83649: MILBANK D - Years of change: a history of Southlands College 1970-1985
2288: MILBURN R L P - Robert Henry Lightfoot 1883-1953 reprinted from Proceedings of the British Academy Volume XL
80709: MILBURN R G - Significant church history
39337: MILDERT W van - Inquiry into the general principles of scripture- interpretation, in eight sermons preached before the University of Oxford (Bampton Lecture 1814)
80093: MILDERT W Van - Sermons preached before the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn from the year 1812 to the year 1819 (2 volume set) No additional UK postage. For overseas please ask for a quotation.
43743: MILES J - Christ: crisis in the life of God UNCORRECTED PROOF NOT FOR SALE
61156: BOARD David Miles - WAY OF LIFE: being a Catholic today
26801: MILES M M - Maiden and mother: prayers hymns songs and devotions to honour the Blessed Virgin Mary throughout the year
22759: MILES J - God: a biography
80708: MILES T R - Religion and the scientific outloook
13414: MILES L W - Bible in Prayer: a book of prayers and devotions gathered out of the Holy Scriptures
80707: MILFORD T R - Foolishness to the Greeks
13421: MILFORD T R - Valley of decision: the Christian dilemma in the nuclear age including article from Clergy Review 'Debate on the morality of future war' (ten loose pages with pen underlining and couple of marginal marks)
13419: MILFORD C S - Middle East; bridge or barrier?
13420: MILFORD C S - South India's new church: union of the Church of India, Burma & Ceylon, South India United Church, South India Provincial Synod of the Methodist Church
34681: MILHAVEN J G - Toward a new Catholic morality
53164: MILINOVICH T - Beyond what is written: the performative structure of 1 Corinthians
58594: MILIS L J R - Angelic monks and earthly men: monasticism and its meaning to medieval society
54192: MILL J S - Utilitarianism, liberty and representative government (Everyman's library 482)
80706: MILL J S - Mill's ethical writings
44852: MILL J S - Nature and utility of religion
61788: BURROWS Millar - DEAD SEA SCROLLS with translation by the author
33406: MILLARD A - Discoveries from the time of Jesus
7365: FULOP-MILLER R - Rasputin: the holy devil
46043: MILLER A - Renewal of man: twentieth century essay on justification of faith (Christian Faith series)
30077: MADELEINE S & MILLER J L - Harper's encyclopedia of bible life (A completely revised edition of the original work by B M Bennett & D H Scott)
30699: MILLER M - Children's prayers and praises
29317: MILLER C - Praying the Eucharist: reflections on the eucharistic experience of God
28730: MILLER J - Wee guide to Mary, Queen of Scots (Pocket Scottish History)
28697: MILLER K - Crisis manual: a guide for teachers and carers of young children
34596: MILLER W R - Nonviolence: a Christian interpretation ISBN 0805201157
28026: MILLER W R - Nonviolence: a Christian interpretation
60850: BECK E & MILLER G - GUIDE TO UNDERSTANDING THE BIBLE: Volume 1 from Genesis to 1Samuel
61576: MILLER D L - Friendship with Jesus: a way to pray the Gospel of Mark
34693: MILLER E - Present state of the textual controversy respecting the Holy Gospels
46039: MILLER P D - Sin and judgment in the prophets: stylistic and theological analysis (SBL Monograph Series no.27)
83163: MILLER R B - War in the Twentieth Century: sources in theological ethics
83172: MILLER P D - Religion of Ancient Israel
83173: MILLER P D - Israelite Religion and Biblical Theology: collected essays (JSOTSS 267) [heavy book please enquire for overseas postal cost]
83176: MILLER J C - Obedience of faith, the eschatological people of God, and the purpose of Romans (SBL dissertation series Number 177)
83153: MILLER H - Evangelism's open secrets
83154: MILLER H K - Life Triumphant
83155: MILLER J M - Introducing the Holy Land: guidebook for first-time visitors
13437: MILLER D G - Saint Luke (LBC)
13439: MILLER G A - Psychology
13444: MILLER J M - Book of Joshua (Cambridge Bible Commentary on the NEB)
49209: MILLER J R - Help for the day: readings for every day of the year
49212: MILLER J R - Every-day of life
13434: MILLER C F - Prayers for parish worship
13431: MILLER A - Christian significance of Karl Marx
37370: LE PEAU P J & MILLER B J - Handbook for caring people: with questions for individuals and groups (Caring people bible studies)
13166: MCKAY J R & MILLER J F - Biblical Studies: essays in honour of W Barclay
13445: MILLER J M - Flowers of Iona
31522: MILLETT K - Politics of cruelty: an essay on the literature of political imprisonment
13455: MILLIGAN W - Resurrection of our Lord
30806: MILLIGAN W J - New nomads: challenges facing Christians in Western Europe (Risk book 21)
29293: MILLIGAN G - Expository value of the Revised Version (Short Course series)
51734: MILLIGAN B - Priest and the world
46049: MILLIGAN W - Resurrection of the dead: exposition of 1 Corinthians XV
13454: MILLIGAN W - Lectures on the Apocalypse
13456: MILLIKEN E K - English Monasticism yesterday and today
50712: MILLS W E - New Testament Greek: an introductory grammar
38907: MILLS C W - Sociological imagination fortieth anniversary edition with a new afterword by T Gitlin
23336: MILLS J - Europe's economic dilemma
57878: MILLS W E - Lutterworth dictionary of the Bible
80612: MILLS M E - Historical Israel Biblical Israel: studying Joshua to 2 Kings (Cassell Biblical Studies Series)
83168: MILLS M E - Biblical morality: moral perspectives in Old Testament narratives
83169: MILLS R - Faith in the media essays by Charles Moore, David Hope, Peter Moth, Rosemary Hartill, Colin Hart
25967: MILLS A - Understanding FDDI: a 100Mbps solution for today's corporate LANs
43571: MILLS B - God is still speaking: sparking a strategic prayer revival throughout the Church
57159: MILMAN H H - History of the Jews (Volume I only)
34623: MILMINE G - Life of Mary Baker G Eddy and the history of Christian science
14907: MILNE J R - Doctrine and practice of the eucharist: as deduced from scripture and the ancient liturgies
51408: MILNE A T - Centenary guide to the publications of the Royal Historical Society: 1868-1968 and of the former Camden society 1838-1897
35679: MACDONALD-MILNE B - True way of service: the Pacific story of the Melanesian Brotherhood 1925-2000 with reflections on the missionary calling of the Brotherhood
82715: MILNE P J - Vladimir Propp and the study of structure in Hebrew biblical narrative (Bible & Literature Series)
13480: MILSON F - Introduction to community work
32476: MILSON F - Small groups for Christians: a practical handbook for leaders
47666: MILTON J [Ed Bush] - Poetical works
56474: MILTON J [MACMILLAN] - Paradise lost Books I and II
47941: MILTON J - Samson Agonistes
56476: MILTON J - Poetical works of John Milton (Globe Edition)
33671: MILTON J - Milton (Giants of literature)
47475: MILTON J - Samson Agonistes
36313: MILTON J - Poetical works of John Milton edited after the original texts by H C Beeching
13486: MILVERTON, Lord - Apartheid: an Englishman's view (South Africa Society Papers No2)
45441: MINCHIN B - Celebration of the Eucharist facing the people
29986: MINCHIN B - Every man in his ministry (Worship in the Body of Christ)
13492: MINCHIN B - Praying with icons
13489: MINCHIN B - Celebration of the Eucharist facing the people
81585: MINEAR P S - Matthew: the teacher's gospel
13494: MINEAR P S - Matthew: the teacher's gospel
44452: MINEAR P S - Christians and the New Creation: Genesis motifs in the New Testament
38178: MINISSI F - Aspetti dell'architettura del Settecento in Sicilia
41117: ADVISORY BOARD OF MINISTRY - Criteria for selection: excerpted from the Report of a Working Party on Criteria for selection for ministry in the church of England (ABM Paper No 3B)
31224: ADVISORY BOARD OF MINISTRY - Numbers in ministry 1993 (GS Misc 417)
10279: ADVISORY BOARD OF MINISTRY - Training of readers (ABM MP 9)
48822: ADVISORY BOARD OF MINISTRY - Numbers in ministry 1992 (GS Misc 388)
122: ADVISORY BOARD OF MINISTRY - Order in Diversity: (ABM Ministry Paper No.5)
7981: GREAT BRITAIN Ministry of - Education Half our future: a report of the Central Advisory Council for Education (England)
7982: GREAT BRITAIN Ministry of - Education Training of part-time youth leaders & assistants: report of the working party appointed by the Minister of Education in July 1961
48823: ADVISORY BOARD OF MINISTRY - Numbers in ministry 1994 (GS Misc 434)
48825: ADVISORY BOARD OF MINISTRY - Review of selection procedures in the Church of England: the report of a working party (ABM Policy Paper No 6)
9469: ADVISORY BOARD OF MINISTRY - Deployment of readers: a way forward in ministry (ABM MP 15)
13499: MINISTRY - Ministry of Women: a report by a Committee appointed by his grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury with appendices and 15 Collotype Illustrations
28443: MINKOFF P - Executive skills
52075: YORK MINSTER - Consecration of the Venerable Anthony William Robinson to be Bishop of Pontefract 6 December 2002 (Order of Service)
56969: MIRABEAU - Memoires biographiques litteraires et politiques de Mirabeau (Volume IV): ecrits par lui-mem, par son pere, son oncle et son fils adoptif et precedes d'une etude sur Mirabeau par Victor Hugo
46065: MIRABEAU - Memoires biographiques litteraires et politiques de Mirabeau (Volume I): ecrits par lui-mem, par son pere, son oncle et son fils adoptif et precedes d'une etude sur Mirabeau par Victor Hugo
13500: MIRACLES [RAMSEY I T et al] - Miracles and the Resurrection: some recent studies by I T Ramsey, G H Boobyer, F N Davey, M C Perry, H J Cadbury (SPCK TC)
13504: MIRFIELD - Mirfield essays in Christian Belief
83149: MIRGELER A - Mutations of Western Christianity translated by Edward Quinn, foreword by David Knowles (Compass book)
13506: MIRTOW P - Jesus and the religion of the OT
81673: MISALLEM M D - Libya: Tripolitanian phrase book
83170: MISCALL P D - Isaiah: Readings a Biblical Commentary
36415: MISCALL P D - Isaiah 34-35: a nightmare/a dream (JSOT SS281)
46062: MISCHKE B C & MISCHKE F - Pray today's Gospel: reflections on the day's good news (for personal, family and homiletic use)
56940: READ Miss - Gossip from Thrush Green
49215: READ Miss - Village school
66446: PEOPLES SUNDAY MISSAL - PEOPLES SUNDAY MISSAL: Jerusalem Bible Version Complete edition
13511: MISSELBROOK L R - Winning the people for Christ: an experiment in evangelism
83150: MISSEN A F - Sound of a Going: the story of Assemblies of God as told by Alfred F Missen
57352: UNIVERSITIES MISSION - Healing of the African: by one whose privilege it was to work for the mission in Africa for twenty years
13512: MISSION - Mission to South Africa: The Commonwealth Report
18014: SOCIETY OF THE SACRED MISSION - Magazine Vol 65 No 206 Sept 1964: Vocation and Vocations - II
83171: MISTELE K H - End of a community: the destruction of the Jews of Bamberg, Germany 1937-1942 translated by Jacob Feuchtwanger
46061: MITCHELL A F - Catechisms of the second reformation: Part I - the shorter catechism of the Westminster Assemby and its puritan precursors. Part II - Rutherford's and other scottish catechisms of the same epoch
13531: MITCHELL R - Depresssion
57178: MITCHELL B - Why social policy cannot be morally neutral: the current confusion about pluralism [Moral aspects of social problems]
57750: MITCHELL C W - Meaning of BRK 'To bless' in the Old Testament (SBL Dissertation Series 95)
28731: MITCHELL E - Wee guide to whisky (Pocket Scottish History)
26064: MITCHELL J M - Great religions of India with portrait and map
25292: MITCHELL J V - New geopolitics of energy
61740: BUNTING Mitchell - COLUMBA
28660: MITCHELL B - Law relating to violent crime
35242: MITCHELL B - How to play theological ping pong and other essays on faith and reason
81519: MITCHELL J L - Beyond fear and silence; a feminist-literary reading of Mark
13526: MITCHELL G D - Sociology: the study of social systems
52973: MITCHELL L G - Purefoy letters 1735 - 1753
83151: MITCHELL G - Together in the Land: a reading of the Book of Joshua (JSOTS 134)
41886: MITCHELL D - Guastav Mahler: the early years
46054: MITCHELL H - My delight: chorus book for children of all ages
51304: MITCHELL J - In pursuit of wonder
27442: MITCHELL B - Faith and criticism: the Sarum lectures 1992
13528: MITCHELL L L - Baptismal anointing (ACC XLVIII)
13529: MITCHELL M M - Paul and the Rhetoric of Reconciliation: an exegetical investigation of the language and composition of 1 Corinthians
51478: MITCHELL H H - Recovery of preaching
56473: MITFORD N - Blessing
13538: MITTERRAND F - Wheat and the chaff with intro by William Syron
35814: MITTON M - Sounds of God (Exploring prayer)
29890: MITTON M - Quick and the dead (GPS32)
22988: MITTON M - Wild beasts and angels: remaining human in the healing ministry
83164: MITTON C L - Epistle to the Ephesians: its authorship origin & purpose
13540: MITTON C L - First aid in counselling
40673: PARKER R & MITTON M - Healing wounded history: the workbook
13542: MITTON C L - Social sciences and the churches
34593: MITTON C L - Ephesians (New Century Bible)
22860: MO J S-K - Tales from the Old Kingdom
83152: MOATE G G - Christianity and the Craft (Latimer studies 25)
23112: MOATS A-L - No nice girl swears [first pub 1933 by Cassell]
46219: MOBERLY G - Plain sermons: preached at Brighstone
32881: MOBERLY R C - Ministerial Priesthood: Chapters preliminary to a study of the ordinal on the rationale of ministry and the meaning of Christian Priesthood with an appendix upon Roman....
83165: MOBERLY R W L - Bible, theology and faith: a study of Abraham and Jesus
13552: MOBERLY R H - Great friendship
46220: MOBERLY G - Sayings of the great forty days: between the Resurrection and Ascension, regarded as the outlines of the Kingdom of God in five discourses with an examination of Mr Newman's theory of developments
37395: MOCKLER A - Francis of Assisi: the wandering years
52688: NICHOLSON S H [HYMNS ANCIENT AND MODERN - Plainsong hymnbook: musical edition (with accompaniment)
13555: MODERN - Modern ecumenical documents on the ministry (Canterbury 1973, St Louis 1970, Les Dombes 1973 & Accra 1974)
38118: MOERSCHBAECHER L S - Start at square one: starting and managing the planned gift program
34471: MOFFATT J - Grace in the New Testament
13568: MOFFATT J - Introduction to the literature of the New Testament (International Theological Library)
83147: MOFFATT J - First five centuries of the church
13567: MOFFATT J - General Epistles: James, Peter, and Judas (MNTC)
13565: MOFFATT J - Approach to the New Testament: lectures delivered in London & Cambridge Apr-May 1921
13566: MOFFATT J - First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians (MNTC)
83148: MOFFATT J - His gifts and promises (Scholar as Preacher series)
9977: MOFFATT J - Critical and exegetical commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews (International Critical Commentary)
46213: MOFFATT J - Jesus Christ the same
34608: MOFFATT J - Thrill of tradition [based on the James W Richards lectures delivered before the University of Virginia]
34692: MOFFATT J - Love in the New Testament
49557: MOGGRIDGE D E - British Monetary Policy 1924-1931: the Norman Conquest of $4.86
46223: MOHLER J A - Beginning of eternal life: dynamic faith of Thomas Aquinas, origins and interpretation
54119: MOHNEY N W - Frome Eve to Esther: letting Old Testament women speak to us
36184: ELLIOTT K & MOIR I - Manuscripts and the text of the New Testament: introduction for English readers
81526: FOSTER D & MOJZES P - Society and original sin: ecumenical essays on the impact of the Fall
44542: SWIDLER L & MOJZES P - Uniqueness of Jesus: a dialogue with Paul F Knitter
83160: MOL H - Identity and the sacred: a sketch for a new social-scientific theory of religion
25970: MOLE J - Mind your manners: managing business cultures in Europe
6709: MOLESWORTH W N - History of England from the year 1830 - 1874 in 3 volumes
49264: MOLIERE [ed Braunholtz] - Precieuses ridicules
83166: MOLINARI A L - Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles (NCH 6.1) allegory, ascent, and ministry in the wake of the Decian persecution
13577: MOLLAND E - Christendom: the Christian Churches their doctrines constitutional forms and ways of worship
13576: MOLLAND E - Christendom: the Christian Churches their doctrines constitutional forms and ways of worship
22981: MOLLENKOTT V R - Divine feminine: biblical imagery of God as female
64528: GLEBE-MOLLER J - Jesus and theology: critique of a tradition
29510: MOLONEY F J - Living voice of the Gospel: the Gospel today
55645: MOLONEY F J - Body broken for a broken people: eucharist in the New Testament
23176: MOLONEY R - Knowledge of Christ (Problems in theology series)
31320: MOLONEY F J - Life of promise: poverty, chastity, obedience
13579: MOLONEY F J - Disciples and Prophets: a biblical model for the religious life
83167: MOLONEY F J - Gospel of Mark: a commentary
34559: MOLONEY F J - Woman first among the faithful
13588: MOLTMANN J - Experiment hope
13589: MOLTMANN J - Future of creation
22744: MOLTMANN J - Way of Jesus Christ: Christology in messianic dimensions
81648: MOLTMANN J - Way of Jesus Christ: Christology in messianic dimensions
57668: KUNG H & MOLTMANN J - Conflicting ways of interpreting the Bible (Concilium 138)
21647: MOLTMANN J - Theology of hope
57999: MOLTMANN J - Experiences in theology: ways and forms of Christian theology
58014: MOLTMANN J - Church in the power of the spirit: a contribution to messianic ecclesiology
11251: KUNG H & MOLTMANN J - Fundamentalism as an ecumenical challenge (Concilium 1992/3)
57666: KUNG H & MOLTMANN J - Council for peace (Concilium 195)
37659: MOLTMANN-WENDEL E & MOLTMANN J - God - his and hers
13598: MOLTMANN J - Trinity and the kingdom of God: the doctrine of God
13597: MOLTMANN J - Theology today: two contributions toward making theology present
46280: MOLTMANN J et al - Religion and political society
82516: MOLTMANN J - Sun of Righteousness Arise: God's future for humanity and the earth
66428: MONACO F - Brothers and sisters: glimpses of the cloistered life
42077: MONACO F - They dwell in Monasteries
39025: MONAGHAN E E - With faith and hope: psalms for parish funerals, with music
41504: MONAGHAN A - Counselling as a Christian challenge
41373: MONAHAN W B - Moral theology of St Thomas Aquinas in 3 volumes (unmatched, but similar binding)
13603: MONAHAN W B - Popes and the Bible
83161: MONAHAN W B - St Thomas Aquinas on the Life of Christ
59266: MONAHAN C H - Subrahmanyam: the story of a pilgrimage
39109: SCRIPTORES MONASTICI - Epistole Herberti de Losinga, primi episcopi norwicensis, Osberti de Clara et Elmeri, prioris cantuariensis. Nunc primun e codicibus mss. editae A Roberto Anstruther
80483: MONBOURQUETTE J - Self-esteem and the soul: from psychology to spirituality
52901: MONCREIFFE H - Mystic mentors: an anthology from the writings of Christian mystics living form 2nd to 5th century
46233: MONEY W - History of the ancient town and borough of Newbury in the county of Berks
13607: MONICA E, Sr - Death the gateway to life: adapted from the teaching of Gilbert Shaw
23452: MONIES G - Local government in Scotland
34687: MONIST - Monist: a quarterly magazine devoted to the philosophy of science (Vol XXIX No 4 October 1919)
32655: ROWELL G & CHILCOTT-MONK J - Flesh, bone, wood: entering into the mysteries of the Cross
53104: CHILCOTT-MONK J P - Visions
83177: MONK R C - John Wesley his Puritan heritage: a study of the Christian life
80806: MAREDSOUS Monks of - Guide to the Bible
13609: MONMERIE A W - Preaching and hearing: and other sermons delivered in the Chapel of the Foundling Hospital
40250: MONNIN A - Cure of Ars: (St John Mary Vianney)
13611: MONOD J - Etudes Critiques sur les sources de L'Histoire Merovingienne Premiere Partie Introduction - Gregoire de Tours Marius D'Avenches
60701: MONRO M T - Enjoying the Wisdom Books
13612: MONRO M T - Old Testament and our times: a short reading course with subjects for discussion
73801: WATT W Mont - WHAT IS ISLAM?
53162: MONTAGNE D P LA - Barth and rationality: critical realism in theology
46225: MONTAGU B - Thoughts of divines and philosophers (Temple classics)
53768: WARD H & MONTAGUE C E - William Thomas Arnold; journalist and historian
61755: MONTAGUE G T - Our Father, our Mother: Mary and the faces of God
34423: MONTALEMBERT C De - Monks of the West: from Saint Benedict to St Bernard complete in 2 volumes [Postage £7.50]
57415: MONTALEMBERT C de - Moines d'occident depuis Saint Benoit jusqu'a Saint Bernard - Tome sixieme
57416: MONTALEMBERT C de - Moines d'occident depuis Saint Benoit jusqu'a Saint Bernard - Tome premier
46939: MONTALEMBERT C de - Moines d'occident (Vols 1-5): depuis Saint Benoit jusqu'a Saint Bernard UK postage £5 Overseas please ask for a quote
46938: MONTALEMBERT C de - Moines d'occident depuis Saint Benoit jusqu'a Saint Bernard - Tome septieme
46940: MONTALEMBERT C de - Histoire de Sainte Elisabeth de Hongrie (2 volume set): Duchesse de Thuringe (1207-1231)
27073: MONTEFIORE J - Arguments of heart and mind: selected essays 1977-2000
13628: MONTEFIORE H - Gospel and contemporary culture
13623: MONTEFIORE H - Awkward questions on Christian love
13627: MONTEFIORE H - Credible Christianity: the gospel in contemporary culture
13636: MONTEFIORE H - So near and yet so far: Rome, Canterbury and ARCIC
13622: MONTEFIORE H - Apocalypse: what does God say?
30092: MONTEFIORE H - Jesus across the centuries: His relevance to our problems
37196: MONTEFIORE C G - Rabinnic literature and gospel teachings
83178: MONTEFIORE C G - Some elements of the religious teaching of Jesus according to the Synoptic Gospels (Jowett lectures for 1910)
13629: MONTEFIORE H - Josephus and the New Testament (Contemporary Studies in Theology)
13619: MONTEFIORE A - Modern introduction to moral philosophy
13634: MONTEFIORE H - Remarriage and mixed marriage: a plea for dual reform
32488: MONTEFIORE H - Man and nature
51096: MONTEFIORE C G - Old Testament and after
13643: MONTEFIORE H W - Womb and the tomb
13637: MONTEFIORE H - Taking our past into our future
13638: MONTEFIORE H - To help you to pray (CKB)
83158: MONTEIRO M - Influence of Catholicism on the sciences and on the arts from the Spanish of the Rev Don Andres de Salas Y Gilavert
13644: MONTENAT, PLATEAUX et al - How to read the world: creation in evolution
83159: MONTEROSSO - Salt of the earth translated from the Italian by Isabel Quigly
44741: MONTESQUIEU - Persian Letters (translated by C J Betts)
56102: MONTFORT M de - Behind the walls: the story of Llantarnam Abbey
13649: MONTGOMERY H H - Visions
13650: MONTGOMERY J H - Social message of Jesus (Abingdon Religious Education Texts)
37209: MONTGOMERY W - St Augustine: aspects of his life and thought
56976: MONTGOMERY H H - Foreign missions
56353: MONTGOMERY B - Field-Marshall in the family
56974: MONTGOMERY H H - Mankind and the Church: being an attempt to estimate the contribution of great races to the fulness of the Church of God by seven bishops
48878: MONTINI - Mind of Paul VI on the church and the world
83157: MONTINI G B [Cardinal] - Homilies on Christmas and Epiphany
48175: GRANDS MONUMENTS - Grands Monuments 32: Italie Saint-Francois-d'Assise [in French]
9299: HISTORICAL MONUMENTS OF - ENGLAND Shropshire and Staffordshire Extracted from the inventry of Nonconformist Chapels and Meeting-houses
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