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657P28: Doctor John Jeffries - A Narrative of the Two Aerial Voyages of Doctor Jeffries with Mons. Blanchard; with Meteorological Observations and Remarks. The First Voyage, on the Thirtieth of November, 1784, from London Into Kent: The Second, on the Seventh of January, 1785, from England Into France
762P43: W. Carey Jeffries - Two Undergraduates in the East
909P61: Johannes Jegerlehner - Sunlight-Marchen
798P46: Gertrude Jekyll - Wood and Garden Notes and Thoughts, Practical and Critical, of a Working Amateur
798A45: Gertrude Jekyll - Wall and Water Gardens
910M5: Gertrude Jekyll; Christopher Hussey - Garden Ornament
834G16: Gertrude Jekyll - Wood and Garden: Notes and Thoughts, Practical and Critical, of a Working Amateur
913F29: Joseph Jekyll; Algernon Bourke [ed.] - Correspondence of Mr. Joseph Jekyll
852N18: Gertrude Jekyll; Christopher Hussey - Garden Ornament
884T72: Gertrude Jekyll - Colour Schemes for the Flower Garden
909F47: Gertrude Jekyll - Colour Schemes for the Flower Garden
906T34: Gertrude Jekyll; Cherry Lewis [editor] - The Making of a Garden
826A17: Gertrude Jekyll - Wood and Garden: Notes and Thoughts, Practical and Critical, of a Working Amateur
764R46: Gertrude Jekyll - Wall and Water Gardens
906F42: Gertrude Jekyll - Home and Garden: Notes and Thoughts, Practical and Critical, of a Worker in Both
902F20: Ernest Arthur Jelf - Eileen&Apos;S Journey: History in Fairyland
729P31: Wilfrid Jelf - Sport in Silhouette
902Q9: Ernest Arthur Jelf - Eileen&Apos;S Journey History in Fairyland
775R2: Alana Jelinek - The Fork&Apos;S Tale
858P32: Robert Jenison - The Informations of Robert Jenison of Grayes Inn, Esquire. Relating the Horrid Popish Plott, As They Were Given in Writing Upon Oath to the Honourable House of Commons on Tuesday the 9th Day of November, 1680
884Q9: Elizabeth Jenkins - Jane Austen
604P11: Lady Minna Jenkins - Sport & Travel in Both Tibets
856A54: David Fraser Jenkins - John Piper: The Forties
833M16: J. Gilbert Jenkins - A History of the Parish of Penn in the County of Buckingham by J. Gilbert Jenkins, M.A. With Linocut Illustrations by Elizabeth Tuke Jenkins
884Z5: J. Travis Jenkins - The Fishes of the British Isles Both Fresh Water and Salt.
796R42: E. H. Jenkins - A History of the French Navy
GEN40-G-5: J Gilbert Jenkins - A History of the Parish of Penn: In the County of Buckingham
916Y58: Edward Jenkins - Ginx&Apos;S Baby
847T1: W. H. J. Jenkins - How Tom Jeffrey Saw the World
MOD4-B-10: Herbert Jenkins - Adventures of Bindle and the Night Club
914Y66: J. W. Jenkinson - Three Lectures on Experimental Embryology
850M31: Henry Irwin Jenkinson - Tourist&Apos;S Guide to the English Lake District
782R25: Robert Banks Jenkinson - The United Kingdom Tributary to France; the Real Cause of the Distresses of the Country: Demonstrated in a Letter to the Right Hon. The Earl of Liverpool
635P16: Tudor Jenks - Electricity for Young People
817D48: Diamond Jenness - The Indians of Canada
GEN31-H-24: D Jenness - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18 Volume XII: The Copper Eskimos
760A5: Seán Jennett - The Cloth of Flesh
878T25: Seán Jennett - The Cloth of Flesh
762R60: Seán Jennett - The Cloth of Flesh
791P56: John J. Jennings - Theatrical and Circus Life; or, Secrets of the Stage, Green-Room and Sawdust Arena
835J31: Major J. Willes Jennings; Christopher Addison - With the Abyssinians in Somaliland
911T70: H. J. Jennings - Our Homes and How to Beautify Them
891Q30: C. Jennings - The Eggs of British Birds
833A10: Hargrave Jennings - The Rosicrucians: Their Rites and Mysteries
829B14: Payne Jennings - Sun Pictures of the Norfolk Broads
732L17: Louis J Jennings - Louis J Jennings
831W50: George Jennison - May the Mare the Life Story of a Horse
810D34: Wilhelm Jensen - Fair Isle, a Tale in Verse
916T5: Virginia Allen Jensen - Catching
624C1: [Soame Jenyns] - Miscellaneous Pieces in Verse and Prose
801J27: A.J. Mounteney-Jephson - Emin Pasha and the Rebellion at the Equator
912P1: Edgar Jepson - The Moon Gods
756L16: William Jerdan - Memoirs of Sir Thomas Lawrence
FGN22-E-1: Jerome et Jean Tharaud - La Fete Arabe
906P21: Jerome K. Jerome - Three Men in a Boat
805R19: Jerome K. Jerome - The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow: A Book for an Idle Holiday
FGN10-E-11: Jerome et Jean Tharaud - Paul Deroulede Et la Mort de Paul Deroulede in Two Volumes
906P30: Jerome K. Jerome - Three Men in a Boat
816A7: Jerome K. Jerome - Three Men in a Boat (to Say Nothing of the Dog)
911F56: Douglas Jerrold; W. Blanchard Jerrold - The Works of Douglas Jerrold
777R33: Blanchard Jerrold - Life of Gustave Dore
775A42: Walter Jerrold - The Silvery Thames
912P40: Douglas Jerrold - Mrs. Caudle&Apos;S Curtain Lectures
912T74: Douglas Jerrold; W. Blanchard Jerrold - The Works of Douglas Jerrold with an Introductory Memoir by His Son
815B14: Douglas Jerrold - Mrs Caudle&Apos;S Curtain Lectures
LTH11-E-18: Douglas Jerrold - Comedies and Dramas and Mrs Caudles Curtain Lectures the Story of a Feather and the Sick Giant and the Doctor Dwarf
826A49: Douglas Jerrold - Mrs Claude&Apos;S Curtain Lectures
904P59: Blanchard Jerrold - The Chronicles of the Crutch
GEN10-B-5: Douglas Jerrold - Mrs Caudle&Apos;S Curtain Lectures
890Z36: Walter Jerrold - The Heart of London and in London&Apos;S by-Ways
GEN15-C-24: Douglas William Jerrold - The Story of a Feather
847A4: Douglas Jerrold - Mrs Claude&Apos;S Curtain Lectures
846J26: Fin-Bec [William Blanchard Jerrold] - The Book of Menus
877Z48: Maud F. Jerrold - Vittoria Colonna with Some Account of Her Friends and Her Times
GEN1-C-15: Douglas Jerrold - Mrs. Caudle&Apos;S Curtain Lectures
861N29: Walter Jerrold - Electricians and Their Marvels
914P4: Andrew Jervise; James Gammack - The History and Traditions of the Land of the Lindsays
905Z29: [Richard Jesfferies] - The Gamekeeper at Home: Sketches of Natural History and Rural Life
774R76: J. Heneage Jesse - London: Its Celebrated Characters and Remarkable Places
865N24: Captain Jesse - The Life of George Brummel, Esq, Commonly Called Beau Brummell
917Z9: F. Tennyson Jesse - Many Latitudes
GEN1-E-20: Edward Jesse - A Summer&Apos;S Day at Windsor and a Visit to Eton
719P13: Edward Jesse - Anecdotes of Dogs
837P5: John Heneage Jesse - George Selwyn and His Contemporaries
878F49: Captain Jesse - The Life of Beau Brummell
887F29: Captain Jesse - The Life of Beau Brummell
808D19: J. Heneage Jesse - Memoirs of Celebrated Etonians
810F14: Edward Jesse - Gleanings in Natural History and an Angler&Apos;S Rambles
791L15: John Heneage Jesse - George Selwyn
GEN23-F-13: Augustus Jessopp - The ã‚âoeconomy of the Fleete: Or an Aapologeticall Answeare of Alexander Harris (Late Warden There) Unto XIX Articles Sett Forth Against Him by the Prisoners
856W30: W. Stanley Jevons - The Theory of Political Economy
813J5: W. Stanley Jevons - Money and the Mechanism of Exchange
651P29: Arthur J. Jewers - The Registers of the Abbey Church of Ss. Peter and Paul, Bath
881V44: John Howard Jewett - Toy Bearkins at School
634P56: Llewellyn Jewitt - Handbook of English Coins. Giving a Concise Description of the Various Denominations of Coin, from the Norman Conquest, to the Present Reign
GEN33-B-18: Aunt Louisa [Laura Jewry] - Home for the Holidays
846T19: Mary Jewry - Warne&Apos;S Model Cookery and Housekeeping Book
846B31: Mary Jewry - Warne&Apos;S Model Cookery and Housekeeping Book
917Y49: Mary Jewry - Warne&Apos;S Every-Day Cookery
846T23: Mary Jewry - Warne&Apos;S Model Cookery and Housekeeping Book
846J25: Mary Jewry - Warne&Apos;S Every-Day Cookery, Containing One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-Eight Distinct Receipts
825A76: Mary Jewry - Warne&Apos;S Model Cookery and Housekeeping Book, Containing Complete Instructions in Household Management
782P50: Mary Jewry - Warne&Apos;S Model Cookery with Complete Instructions in Household Management
687L28: Raj Kamal Jha - The Blue Bedspread
862B83: Dr. Prasadilal Jha - Ayurved-Vigyan-Mimansa Scientific Investigation & Exposition of Ayurved
827B36: Ruth Prawer Jhabvala - Heat & Dust
607K4: Ruth Prawer Jhabvala - Shards of Memory
881T14: Ruth Prawer Jhabvala - Heat & Dust
882Q46: R. Prawer Jhabvala - Like Birds Like Fishes and Other Stories
801A31: Rith Prawer Jhabvala - Heat and Dust
843A80: R. Prawer Jhabvala - A Stronger Climate
MOD3-D-23: R Prawer Jhabvala - A Stronger Climate
GEN26-G-11: Harold H. Joachim - Logical Studies
879T1: C. E. M. Joad - The Adventures of the Young Soldier in Search of the Better World
902P39: C. E. M. Joad - The Adventures of the Young Soldier in Search of the Better World
860N26: Nicolai A. S. Joanne - Epitoma Apostolicarum Constitutionum Et Decretorum Quae a Regularibus Ubique Locorum in Publica Mensa
634C17: AD. Joanne; J. Ferrand - Collection Des Guides-Joanne de Lyon a la Mediterranee
726P7: Adolphe Joanne - Normandie
838W61: Paul Joanne - Les Stations D&Apos;Hiver de la Mediterranee
724L6: Richard Paul Jodrell; John Sargent; Sophia Lee; Hannah More; Thomas Denton - The Female Patriot [with] the Mine a Dramatic Poem [with] a Hermit&Apos;S Tale [with] Florio [with] Immortality
863M24: Johannes Joergensen; Teodor de Wyzewa [trans.] - Saint Franãƒâ§Ois D&Apos;Assise: Sa Vie Et Son Oeuvre
910T51: Joseph Joffo; Martin Sokolinky; Judith Landry - A Bag of Marbles
876T67: M. Auguste Johanet - Souvenirs de Belgrave-Square Dedies a Tous Les Fletris
654P21: Edward Gibbon; John, Lord Sheffield - The Miscellaneous Works of Edward Gibbon, Esq. , with Memoirs of His Life and Writings, Composed by Himself: Illustrated from His Letters, with Occasional Notes and Narrative
884M5: John Milton; Alfred, Lord Tennyson; John Keats; et al. - Poets and Painters
822P20: Uncle John - Wonders of the World in Earth, Sea, and Sky
GEN18-C-24: Percy B. St. John - The Arctic Crusoe a Tale of the Polar Seas
751R33: Uncle John - The Book of the United Kingdom
SET61-B-2: John, Lord Hervey - Memoirs of the Reign of George II from His Accession to the Death of Queen Caroline
795F10: Charles St. John - Sketches of the Wild Sports and Natural History of the Highlands
908F44: Charles St. John - A Tour in Sutherlandshire
821B42: Charles St. John - Short Sketches of the Wild Sports & Natural History of the Highlands
622L23: James Augustus St John - Egypt and Mohammed Ali or Travels in the Valley of the Nile
821B41: Charles St John - Wild Sports and Natural History of the Highlands
903T23: Charles St. John - Short Sketches of the Wild Sports and Natural History of the Highlands
LTH27-E-19: Henry St John - Letters on the Study and Use of History
626C7: Charles St. John - Short Sketches of the Wild Sports and Natural History of the Highlands
834G37: Molyneux St. John - The Sea of Mountains: An Account of Lord Dufferin&Apos;S Tour Through British Columbia in 1876.
855F15: Henry St John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke - A Dissertation Upon Parties; in Several Letters to Caleb D&Apos;Anvers, Esq.
903T14: Charles St. John - Natural History & Sport in Moray
846P45: Charles St. John; Sir Herbert Maxwell - Wild Sports and Natural History of the Highlands
847W32: Claude Levi-Strauss; John and Doreen Weightman - The Raw and the Cooked
911T58: Charles St. John; Sir Herbert Maxwell - Wild Sports and Natural History of the Highlands
790R62: Adela Rogers St. John - Never Again and Other Stories
677P39: Uncle John - The Book of the United Kingdom
821F31: Henry St. John, Lord Viscount Bolingbroke - Letters on the Study and Use of History; the Last Will and Testament of the Late Rt. Hon. Henry St. John, Lord Viscount Bolingbroke
GEN36-F-9: John, Lord Campbell - The Life of Lord Bacon
866T24: John St. John - Mary, Queen of Scotts, a Tragedy As Performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane
811A25: Charles St. John - Natural History and Sport in Moray
882F19: Charles St. John - A Tour in Sutherlandshire, with Extracts from the Field-Books of a Sportsman and Naturalist
629L1: Charles St John - Natural History and Sport in Moray
873Q16: Katherine John - Without Trace
903Q4: Charles St. John - Sketches of the Wild Sports & Natural History of the Highlands
887F50: Bayle St. John - Adventures in the Libyan Desert and the Oasis of Jupiter Ammon
FGN11-E-5: Thomas Johnes - The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet. In Three Volumes
854F31: Arthur James Johnes - An Essay on the Causes Which Have Produced Dissent from the Established Church in the Principality of Wales
917T75: Captain W. E. Johns - A Collection of Omnibus Series from Captain W.E. Johns
917Q32: W. E. Johns - Biggles in the Baltic
917T62: Captain W. E. Johns - A Collection of Biggles Stories by Captain W.E. Johns
917T71: Captain W. E. Johns - A Collection of Biggles Novels
900T62: Captain W. E. Johns - Biggles Takes the Case
788P1: C. A. Johns; Various - British Natural History
900T61: Captain W. E. Johns - Biggles and the Black Raider
917Y38: Captain W. E. Johns - Biggles and Co; South Seas; Biggles Flies North; Biggles Flies South
MOD2-D-15: Captain W. E. Johns - Gimlet&Apos;S Oriental Quest a "King of Commandos" Adventure
900T58: Captain W. E. Johns - Biggles in Blue
917Q30: W. E. Johns - Biggles Defies the Swastika
917Y37: Captain W. E. Johns - Biggles Novels from the Kingston Library Series
GEN9-C-16: C. A. Johns - Simple Tales from Other Lands
917Q31: Capt. W. E. Johns - Biggles Flies East
829F3: W. E. Johns - Worrals on the War-Path: A Worrals of the W.A. A.F.
917T68: Captain W. E. Johns - Biggles Sweeps the Desert
900T60: Captain W. E. Johns - Biggles and the Missing Millionaire
900T63: Captain W. E. Johns - Biggles in Mexico
917Q28: W. E. Johns - Spitfire Parade
900M15: Captain W. E. Johns - No Rest for Biggles
900M19: Captain W. E. Johns - Biggles in the Orient; Biggles Takes a Holiday; Another Job for Biggles; Biggles at the World"S End
917T69: Captain W. E. Johns - A Collection of Biggles Omnibuses from Captain W.E. Johns
917T60: Captain W. E. Johns - The Rustlers of Rattlesnake Valley
917Q33: Capt. W. E. Johns - Biggles & Co.
917T74: Captain W. E. Johns - A Collection of Biggles Stories
890F41: Captain W. E. Johns - Biggles Gets His Men
900M16: Captain W. E. Johns - Biggles Goes Home
917T67: Captain W. E. Johns - The First Biggles Omnibus & Biggles Air Detective Omnibus
917T72: W. E. Johns - Biggles Spelar Hogt, Biggles I Strid, & Biggles Och Den Mystiske Miljonaren
917T66: Captain W. E. Johns - The Passing Show: A Garden Diary by an Amateur Gardener
917T63: Captain W. E. Johns - A Collection of Biggles Omnibuses
900T57: Captain W. E. Johns - Biggles Hunts Big Game: A Story of Sergeant Bigglesworth C.I. D. And His Special Air Police
832A61: Rev. C. A. Johns - Gardening for Children
917Y33: Captain W. E. Johns - Biggles Sweeps the Desert
890P67: Captain W. E. Johns - Biggles in the Orient
880Z15: Rev C. A. Johns - British Birds in Their Haunts
900M14: Captain W. E. Johns - Biggles Works It out
890P66: Captain W. E. Johns - Biggles Takes a Holiday, Biggles in the Gobi
808P5: Captain W. E. Johns - Biggles Sets a Trap
825W20: C. A. Johns - Two Books by C.A. Johns: British Trees and British Birds
839B67: Rev C. A. Johns; G. S. Boulger - Flowers of the Field
917Y34: Captain W. E. Johns - The First Biggles Omnibus; Biggles Air Detective Omnibus; the Biggles Adventure Omnibus
900M17: Captain W. E. Johns - Gimlet Comes Home
917T59: Captain W. E. Johns - The Rustlers of Rattlesnake Valley
GEN17-C-5: Rev. C. A. Johns - Botanical Rambles
917T61: Captain W. E. Johns - Spitfire Parade: Stories of Biggles in War-Time
917Q25: Captain W. E. Johns - The Biggles Book of Heroes
793F17: Captain W. E. Johns - Biggles Hunts Big Game
917P7: Captain W. E. Johns - Biggles in the Jungle
917P8: Captain W. E. Johns - Biggles in the Jungle
917T65: Captain W. E. Johns - The Passing Show: A Garden Diary by an Amateur Gardener
917Y32: Capt. W. E. Johns - Biggles Novels
844A60: William Johns - Practical Botany; an Improved Arrangement of the Generic Characters of British Plants: With a Familiar Introduction to the Linnean System
906Y5: Rev C. A. Johns - British Birds in Their Haunts
900M18: Captain W. E. Johns - Biggles Forms a Syndicate
808J31: Captain W.E. Johns - Biggles of the Special Air Police
917Q24: Captain W. E. Johns - The Biggles Book of Heroes
917Z21: Capt. W. E. Johns - Four Volumes of &Apos;Biggles&Apos; Novels
917Q26: W. E. Johns - Fighting Planes and Aces
917T73: Captain W. E. Johns - A Collection of Biggles Novels in Danish
855M11: Rev. C. A. Johns; E. T. Cook [ed.]; W. Dallimore [ed.] - British Trees, Including the Finer Shrubs for Garden and Woodland
827W55: Daisy Johnson - Everything Under
905M2: Doctor Samuel Johnson - A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland
881T34: W. R. Johnson - The History of England, in Easy Verse: From the Invasion of Julius Caesar, to the Beginning of the Year 1806
GEN22-I-3: Edgar Johnson - Sir Walter Scott the Great Unknown Volume I 1771-1821 Volume II 1821-1832
900T75: Dr. Johnson - A Dictionary of the English Language Compiled from Dr. Johnson; with the Addition of Many Hundred Words Since Become Familiar. And to Which Is Added a Complete List of All the Cities, Boroughs, Towns, and Remarkable Villages in England and Wales. And a Comprehensive View of English Grammar.
877Z5: Ben Johnson; Robert Greene; Nicholas Breton; Walter Raleigh; Francis Bacon; George MacDonald; Edmund Spencer - Seven Volumes from the Elizabethan Library the Poet of Poets a Cabinet of Gems a Bower of Delights Thoughts That Breath Choice Passages Green Pastures Brave Translunary Things
860N20: Thomas Lewis Johnson - God Knows All About It
846B69: Douglas Wilson Johnson - Battlefields of the World War Western and Southern Fronts a Study in Military Geography
GEN2-D-23: George Johnson, M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.S. - The Harveian Oration Delivered at the Royal College of Physicians June 24, 1882
910T68: George W. Johnson - The Cottage Gardener or, Amateur Gardener&Apos;S Guide to out-Door Gardening and Spade Cultivation
GEN40-G-7: John Johnson; Strickland Gibson. - Print and Privilege at Oxford to the Year 1700.
887M2: Samuel Johnson; Thomas Babington Macaulay; Matthew Arnold [ed.] - The Six Chief Lives from Johnson&Apos;S Lives of the Poets, with Macaulay&Apos;S Life of Johnson
694P1: Samuel Johnson - The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets. With Critical Observations on Their Works
871T52: Walter Johnson; William Wright; B. C. Polkinghorne - Neolithic Man in North-East Surrey
868T69: Samuel Johnson; Bruce Redford [editor] - The Letters of Samuel Johnson
LTH28-D-21: Samuel Johnson - The History of Rasselas Prince of Abyssinia
902F23: Owen Johnson - The Coming of the Amazons
908P31: Edward Johnson - Letters to Brother John, on Life, Health, and Disease
835P13D: Samuel Johnson - A Dictionary of the English Language: In Which the Words Are Deduced from Their Originals and Illustrated in Their Different Significant by Examples from the Best Writers. To Which Are Prefixed a History of the Language and an English Grammar
851A7: J. Johnson; A. Greutzner - British Artists 1880-1940 (Dictionary of British Art Volume V)
902F35: Samuel Johnson - A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland
883V32: R. Brimley Johnson - Jane Austen: Her Life, Her Work, Her Family, and Her Critics
710P18: B. S. Johnson - Poems
GEN9-F-2: Edmund C. Johnson - Annuities to the Blind by 1895 - ,
911Y7: A. W. Johnson - The Birds of Chile and Adjacent Regions of Argentina, Bolivia and Peru
838B68: Samuel Johnson - A Dictionary of the English Language: In Which the Words Are Deduced from Their Origin and Illustrated in Their Different Significations by Examples from the Best Writers
EXP3-A-7: Dr Samuel Johnson - Johnsoniana or a Collection of Bon Mots Etc. By Dr Johnson and Others with Choice Sentences of Publius Syrus
677P17: Samuel Johnson - The Idler
894F23D: Samuel Johnson - A Dictionary of the English Language
779P25: Charles Johnson - The Ferns of Great Britain
828P25: Samuel Johnson - A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland
GEN15-E-17: Ruth Johnson; Alfred H. Body - Old Road a Lancashire Childhood
916Y10: Robyn Johnson - The Enchanted Dolls&Apos; House Wedding
894P41: [Samuel Johnson] - The Prince of Abissinia
635C19: Samuel Johnson; Rev. Robert Lynam - The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. With Murphy&Apos;S Essay
SET38-F-3: Samuel Johnson - The Works of Samuel Johnson
838W83: Samuel Johnson; Arthur Murphy - The Works of Samuel Johnson in Fourteen Volumes
SET27-B-1: Allen Johnson - Dictionary of American Biography
647P11: Edward Johnson - Life, Health, and Disease
789F11: Una E. Johnson; August L. Freundlich - Karl Schrag: A Catalogue Raisonne of the Graphic Works, 1939-1970; Karl Schrag: A Catalogue Raisonne of the Graphic Works, Part II 1971-1980
788R89: George Johnson - Notes on Cholera Its Nature and Treatment
849T49: Samuel Johnson - The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets with Critical Observations on Their Work
899Z53: [Samuel Johnson] - The Rambler
866B57: Samuel Johnson; H. C. Biron - &Apos;Sir,&Apos; Said Dr. Johnson- Some Sayings
793A4: Charles Johnson; C Pierpoint Johnson - British Poisonous Plants
MOD13-H-3: Edgar Johnson - Sir Walter Scott the Great Unknown
882Q26: R. Brimley Johnson - Jane Austen
750R21: Samuel Johnson, L.L.D. - A Dictionary of the English Language: In Which the Words Are Deduced from Their Origin and Illustrated in Their Different Significations by Examples from the Best Writers.
839W21: James Johnson - 1820 a Treatise on Derangements of the Liver, Internal Organs and Nervous System
848A62: Walter Johnson - Gilbert White: Pioneer, Poet, and Stylist
693L16: Alfred Forbes Johnson - Facsimiles and Illustrations No 1 German Renaissance Title-Borders
844A67: Samuel Johnson - The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets: With Critical Observations on Their Works
833G7: Samuel Johnson; James Boswell; Arthur Murphy - The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. ; the Life of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. Comprehending an Account of His Studies, and Numerous Works in Chronological Order, a Series of His Epistolary Correspondence, and Conversations with Many Eminent Persons, and Various Original Pieces of His Composition Never Before Published, the Whole Exhibiting a View of Literature and Literary Men in Great Britain, for Near Half a Century During Which He Flourished.
826A19: George W. Johnson - The Cottage Gardener; or, Amateur and Cottager&Apos;S Guide to out-Door Gardening and Spade Cultivation
LTH30-H-4: Edward Gilpin Johnson - Sir Joshua Reynolds&Apos;S Discourses on Art
846T66: Lionel Johnson - The Art of Thomas Hardy
876T23: Dr Samuel Johnson - A Dictionary of the English Language in Which the Words Are Deduced from Their Originals, and Illustrated in Their Different Significations by Examples from the Best Writers
866B67: Samuel Johnson - The Rambler
651C18: A. E. Johnson - The Crown and the Laurel
903Q34: Samuel Johnson; et al. - The Works of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland
875P9: J. Johnson - Typographia, or, the Printer&Apos;S Instructor: Including an Account of the Origin of Printing
EXP1-E-2: Samuel Johnson - A Dictionary of the English Language: In Which the Words Are Deduced from Their Originals, and Illustrated in Their Different Significations by Examples from the Best Writers. In Two Volumes
848A1: Robert Flynn Johnson; Joseph R. Goldyne - Master Drawings from the Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts
775L5: Samuel Johnson; R W Chapman - The History of Rasselas
596C10: Richard Johnson; Thomas O'Cluny - The Merry Multifleet and the Mounting Multicorps
SET1-E-4: Samuel Johnson, LL.D. - The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets. With Critical Observations on Their Works.
727P3: Samuel Johnson - The Letters of Samuel Johnson
844P32: Samuel Johnson - A Dictionary of the English Language: In Which the Words Are Deduced from Their Originals, Explained in Their Different Meanings, and Authroized by the Names of the Writers in Whose Works They Are Found
903P17: Samuel Johnson; H. J. Todd - A Dictionary of the English Language
875V2: Samuel Johnson - The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia
883V26: R. Brimley Johnson - Popular British Ballads: Ancient and Modern
879T70: Dr. Samuel Johnson - Works of the English Poets with Prefaces, Biographical and Critical & Index to the English Poets
903Q33: Samuel Johnson; Hester Lynch Piozzi - Letters to and from the Late Samuel Johnson to Which Are Added Some Poems Never Before Printed
802R12: Martin Johnson - Over African Jungles
GEN2-E-15: T G Johnson - Francois-Severin Marceau
861F49: Martin Johnson - Lion, African Adventure with the King of Beasts
907Y26: Samuel Johnson - Johnson&Apos;S Dictionary of the English Language with Walker&Apos;S Pronunciation of All the Difficult or Doubtful Words: And Marks to Show Where to Double the Consonant in the Participle.
625C28: [Samuel Johnson]; George Lord Lyttleton - The Rambler [and] Letters from a Persian in England, to His Friend at Ispahan, by George Lord Lyttleton
759A17: R. Brimley Johnson - Fanny Burney and the Burneys
838P5: Samuel Johnson - A Dictionary of the English Language: In Which the Words Are Deduced from Their Originals, and Illustrated in Their Different Significations by Examples from the Best Writers. To Which Are Prefixed, a History of the Language, and an English Grammar
817J18: B S Johnson; Zulfikar Ghose - Statement Against Corpses
861P21: Henry T. Johnson - The Ape Man
831A77: Samuel Johnson; David Garrick - The Drury-Lane Prologue by Samuel Johnson and the Epilogue by David Garrick 1747
SET23-E-4: Samuel Johnson, Peter Cunningham - Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets, with Critical Observations on Their Works
843B39: Paul Johnson; Danny Sullivan - Runic Inscriptions in Great Britain and Leys
801P34: Cuthbert W. Johnson - The Farmers&Apos; Medical Dictionary, for the Diseases of Animals
847M26: Martin Johnson - Over African Jungles: The Record from Pen and Camera of a Glorious Adventure over the Big Game Country of Africa, 60,000 Miles by Aeroplane
623P4: J. Johnson; A. Greutzner - The Dictionary of British Artists 1880 - 1940 an Antique Collectors&Apos; Club Research Project Listing 41,000 Artists
854W52: Jane Johnson - Bertie on the Beach
852M25: Samuel Johnson - The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets with Critical Observations on Their Works
SET20-F-2: Samuel Johnson; Arthur Murphy. - The Works of Samuel Johnson. In Twelve Volumes
885Z24: Pamela Hansford Johnson - The Unspeakable Skipton an Error of Judgement Important to Me a Bonfire
890F11: Samuel Johnson - The Poetical Works of Samuel Johnson, L.L. D. Complete in One Volume
684P7: Dr. Samuel Johnson; [William Cook] - The Beauties of Johnson: Consisting of Maxims and Observations, Moral, Critical, & Miscellaneous Accurately Extracted from the Works of Dr. Samuel Johnson
798R60: Walter Johnson - Gilbert White Pioneer, Poet, and Stylist
879P28: W. Fletcher Johnson - Life of Sitting Bull and History of the Indian War of 1890-&Apos;91
838F17: James B. Johnston - Place-Names of Scotland
793A45: H H Johnston - The Kilima-Njaro Expedition: A Record of Scientific Exploration in Eastern Equatorial Africa and a General Description of the Natural History, Languages, and Commerce of the Kilima-Njaro District
761P35: Harry Johnston - The Uganda Protectorate
851P1: James F. W. Johnston - The Chemistry of Common Life
LTH2-F-6: Charles Johnston - Sonnets, Original and Translated
788J30: Harry Johnston - Pioneers in Tropical America
897M12: James F. W. Johnston - The Chemistry of Common Life
740P58: Hamilton Johnston - Dying Nicely
805A10: John Caldwell-Johnston - Forty-Two Sonnets from the Book of the Beloved
771R38: M. Johnston - The Fairy&Apos;S Gift
841W73: Annie Fellows Johnston - Joel a Boy of Galilee
LTH20-C-1: Harry Johnston - The Living Races of Mankind a Popular Illustrated Account of the Customs, Habits, Pursuits and Feasts and Ceremonies of the Races of Mankind Throughout the World
814A70: Jennifer Johnston - How Many Miles to Babylon
915Y41: Shirley Johnston; Sherif Sonbol - Egyptian Palaces and Villas, 1808-1960
SET36-D-3: Mary Johnston - Works of Mary Johnston
908Y28: Sir Harry Johnston - George Grenfell and the Congo: A History and Description of the Congo Independent State and Adjoining Districts of Congoland, Together with Some Account of the Native Peoples and Their Languages, the Fauna and Flora; and Similar Notes on the Camaroons and the Island of Fernando Po the Whole Founded on the Diaries and Researchers of the Late Rev. George Grenfell, B.M. S. , F.R. G.S. ; on the Records of the British Baptist Missionary Society; and an Additional Information Contributed by the Author, by the Rev. Lawson Forfeitt, Mr. Emil Torday, and Others
842F16: Sir Harry Johnston - George Grenfell and the Congo
861F34: Sir Harry Johnston - The Uganda Protectorate
903Z52: David Lawson Johnstone - The White Princess of the Hidden City Being the Record of Leslie Rutherford&Apos;S Strange Adventures in Central America
904T1: D. Lawson Johnstone - The Mountain Kingdom: A Narrative of Adventure
846J24: Mrs Margaret Dods [Christian Isobel Johnstone] - The Cook and Housewife&Apos;S Manual
GEN18-D-14: William Johnstone - The Table Talker or Brief Essays on Society and Literature
796F29: Harmood Victor Carruthers Johnstone; James Robertson Russell - The Gezira Irrigation Scheme: Canalization of the Gezira; Sluices and Machinery of the Gezira Irrigation Scheme: Blue Nile Dam and Canalization
906F21: Charles Johnstone - Chrysal, or the Adventures of a Guinea
822B27: George Johnstone - A History of the British Zoophytes
842A60: M. Pierre Joigneaux - Le Livre de la Ferme Et Des Maisons de Campagne
871F43: Maurus Jokai [Mor Jokai]; R. Nisbet Bain [trans.] - Eyes Like the Sea
885F34: Ernst Jokl - The Medical Aspect of Boxing
906P9: Guy Joli - Memoires de Guy Joli, Conseiller Au Chastelet de Paris
907Z17: Elizabeth Jolley - The Sugar Mother
854B18: J. E. A. Jolliffe - The Constitutional History of Medieval England from the English Settlement to 1485
863B48: J. Cretineau-Joly - Clement XIV Et Les Jesuites
860A18: J. Cretineau-Joly - Histoire Religieuse, Politique Et Litteraire de la Compagnie de Jesus Composee Sur Les Documents Inedits Et Authentiques
884F29: Charles Albert Joly - Choix de Mosaiques Romaines D&Apos;Algerie
770R64: Fr. Jonas - Von Der Heide Zur Marsch
802A69: Uncle Jonathan - Walks in and Around London
764R58: Ben Charles Jones - Fact and Fiction, Past and Present
915M6: H. Bence Jones [Henry Bence Jones] - On Animal Chemistry in Its Application to Stomach and Renal Diseases
805R56: Frederic Wood-Jones - The Problem of Man&Apos;S Ancestry
839B19: Terry Jones - The Lady and the Squire
825F3: Henry Festing Jones - Samuel Butler: Author of Erewhon (1835-1902), a Memoir
GEN20-C-7: John Price Jones - The German Spy in America the Secret Plotting of German Spies in the United States and the Inside Story of the Sinking of the Lusitania
866A42: Barbara Jones - Follies & Grottoes
778A25: Lloyd Jones - Co-Operation in Danger! an Appeal to the British Public
GEN37-B-20: E. Alfred Jones - Catalogue of Plate Belonging to the Duke of Portland, K.G. , G.C. V.O. At Welbeck Abbey
791A66: James Jones - From Here to Eternity
643P1: John Bavington Jones - The Records of Dover the Charters, Record Books and Papers of the Corporation, with the Dover Customal
765R16: Hugh Jones - Llangollen, the Official Guide
LTH11-E-9: Sir William Jones - The Works of Sir William Jones Supplementary Volumes. Volume I
719P27: Sadie Jones - The Outcast
GEN26-B-14: Allan Gwynne-Jones - Portrait Painters European Portraits to the End of the Nineteenth Century and English Twentieth-Century Portraits
873P15: W. Byford-Jones - Death by Order
861F66: Cora Minnett [Minnie Warren Jones] - The Day After to-Morrow
762R40: Raymond B. Wood-Jones - Traditional Domestic Architecture of the Banbury Region
884M16: J. B. Jones - The War-Path; or, Wild Western Scenes
LTH30-I-10: Henry Festing Jones - Samuel Butler Author of Erewhon (1835-1902) a Memoir
881Z29: Thomas Rymer Jones - The Animal Creation: A Popular Introduction to Zoology
LTH11-D-11: Stephen Jones - A New Biographical Dictionary: Containing a Brief Account of the Lives and Writings of the Most Eminent Persons and Remarkable Characters in Every Age and Nation
795F45: David Jones - The Sleeping Lord
MOD2-D-3: R. F. Jones - The Toymaker
828F55: David Jones - In Parenthesis Seinnyessit E Gledyf Ym Penn Mameu
788R62: E. Alfred Jones - Catalogue of the Plate of Oxford Colleges
725K5: Tobias Jones - The Salati Case
908T76: Rosie Llewellyn-Jones - A Very Ingenious Man: Claude Martin in Early Colonial India
837A19: Cavendish [Henry Jones] - The Laws of Piquet Adopted by the Portland and Turf Club with a Treatise on the Game
GEN40-C-3: Arthur Glyn Prys-Jones - Green Places Poems of Wales
892F50: Hazel Wynn Jones - The Flying Sorcerer
830G14: Owen Jones - Decorative Ornament
818P25: Theodora Eyton-Jones - Under Eastern Roofs
716L3: William Jones - An Essay on the Character of the Welsh As a Nation
891F73: H. Bedford Jones - The Trail of the Shadow
687L40: Susanna Jones - The Earthquake Bird
859A49: M Jones - Book Reviews, Taken from British Quarterly Review
798A75: A Clergyman [William Jones] - A Preservative Against All Publications Dispersed by Modern Socinians in Which the Impiety and Absurdity of Their Principles Are Clearly Shewn
889T29: Colonel Winfield Jones - Story of the Ku Klux Klan
830B49: Wendy Jones - Grayson Perry: Portrait of the Artist As a Young Girl
710P21: Sadie Jones - The Outcast
916F53: Stephen Jones - A New Biographical Dictionary
GEN19-B-23: William Henry Jones - Domesday for Wiltshire
913Y45: Charles Jones - Hoyle&Apos;S Games Improved: Consisting of Practical Treatises. With an Essay on Game Cocks Wherein Are Comprised Calculations for Betting Upon Equal or Advantageous Terms
914F1: Antony Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of Snowdon; John Mortimer [intro.] - Snowdon: Sittings 1979-1983
908Q17: Mark Channing [Leopold Aloysius M. Jones] - Nine Lives
912F4: J. W. Jones; Cecil T. Prime - The New Naturalist Monograph Series: The Salmon; Lords & Ladies
683P15: Harry Longueville Jones - Illustrations of the Natural Scenery of the Snowdonian Mountains: Accompanied by a Description, Topographical and Historical, of the County of Caernarvon
842B57: M. A. Jones - The History of England from Julius Caesar to George the Ivth
807D9: Edward Burne-Jones; Mary Lago (ed) - Burne-Jones Talking: His Conversations 1895-1898, Preserved by His Studio Assistant
754A5: Lewis Jones - King of Rugger
885Q3: William Jones - How to Make Home Happy: Or, Hints and Cautions for All
863A31: Theophilus Jones - A History of the County of Brecknock: Containing Chorography, General History, Religion, Laws, Customs, Manners, Language, and System of Agriculture Used in That County
853N40: C.S. Jones - Household Elegancies: Suggestions in Household Art and Tasteful Home Decorations
839F34: Neville Jones; Robert Tregold [forward] - Rhodesian Genesis, the Story of the Early Days of Southern Rhodesia
849W19: D. F. Jones; Kingsley Amis; Robert Conquest; Mark Clifton; Dave Wallis; Constantine Fitz Gibbon - Five Works of Science Fiction
862F15: Jingo Jones, M.P. - The Sack of London by the Highland Host: A Romance of the Period
917T4: Henry Jones - Browning As a Philosophical & Religious Teacher
825A6: Barbara Jones - Follies & Grottoes
848T40: Sydney R. Jones - England West
859A65: W M Jones - Somerset Songs & Verse
799R16: Mary Eirwen Jones - British Samplers
848A68: A. E. (Jimmy) Jones; Sir Leslie Joseph - Swansea Porcelain Shapes and Decoration
909Z6: Rev. William Basil Jones - Vestiges of the Gael in Gwynedd
909T86: Schuyler Jones - Men of Influence in Nuristan: A Study of Social Control and Dispute Settlement in Waigal Valley, Afghanistan
895Z4: Neville Jones; Robert Tregold [forward] - The Rhodesian Genesis the Story of the Early Days of Southern Rhodesia Compiled from the Reminiscences of Some of the Pioneers.
876V6: E. Alfred Jones - Catalogue of Plate Belonging to the Duke of Portland, K.G. , G.C. V.O. At Welbeck Abbey
857B72: William Jones - In the Press Horae Monasticae Poems, Songs and Ballads
871A21: L. E. Jones - A Victorian Boyhood; an Edwardian Youth; Georgian Afternoon; I Forgot to Tell You
663H15: Lucy Jones - Puddings and Sweets Being Three Hundred and Sixty-Five Receipts Approved by Experience
848B95: Ralph E. Jones; George H. Rarey; Robert J. Icks - The Fighting Tanks from 1916 to 1933
GEN27-D-29: Cavendish [Henry Jones] - The Laws of Piquet Adopted by the Portland and Turf Clubs with a Treatise on the Game
749P62: William Jones; Lord Teignmouth - The Works of Sir William Jones
GEN28-A-1: E. Alfred Jones - Catalogue of the Plate of Clare College Cambridge
802F5: T. Percy Jones; [William Edmonstoune Aytoun] - Firmilian: Or, the Student of Badajoz: A Spasmodic Tragedy
LTH20-F-11: Stephen Jones - The History of Poland: From Its Origin As a Nation to the Commencement of the Year 1795
806A29: James Jones - From Here to Eternity
GEN16-D-19: Charles C Jones - Antiquities of the Southern Indians Particularly of the Georgia Tribes
917M26: William Jones - The Jubilee Memorial of the Religious Tract Society: Containing a Record of Its Origin, Proceedings, and Results A.D. 1799 to A.D. 1849
907T60: E. Stanley Jones - Christ and Human Suffering
837W17: James P. Jones - A History of the South Staffordshire Regiment (1705-1923)
788R58: E. Alfred Jones - The Old Silver Sacramental Vessels of Foreign Protestant Churches in England
748R38: Stephen Jones - A New Biographical Dictionary
781R13: Lloyd Jones - Co-Operation in Danger!
853T57: Sir William Jones - The Works of Sir William Jones
MOD1-A-21: Raymond F. Jones - Renaissance
GEN33-A-4: Michael Wynn Jones - The Cartoon History of Britain
766A6: Henry Festing Jones - Mount Eryx and Other Diversions of Travel
681P3: Oliver Wendell Jones Jr. - The Poet at the Breakfast Tale Autocrat at the Breakfast Table
850T48: Ben Jonson; C. H. Herford; Percy Simpson - Ben Jonson: The Man and His Work
743L20: Ben Jonson; Ben Johnson - The Workes of Benjamin Jonson
841W47: Ben Jonson; Christine Tacq - From the Forest: To Penhurst
887P43: Ben Jonson; Francis Beaumont; John Fletcher; Peter Whalley; George Colman - The Dramatic Works of Ben Jonson, and Beaumont and Fletcher
843W56: Simon Jooijman; Richard Moyle; Dale Idiens - Cook Islands Art, Polynesian Barkcloth & Polynesian Sound-Producing Instruments
849A2: August Joos - Das Badische Gesetz Vom 8. Mãƒâ¤Rz 1868 ãƒâ¼Ber Den Elementarunterricht Sammt Den Dazu Gehãƒâ¶Rigen Verordnungen Mit Benuetzung Amtlicher Quellen
760R7: E. M. Jope - Studies in Building History
687L32: Neil Jordan - The Past
890T58: Neil Jordan - Night in Tunisia and Other Stories
906Y1: A Son of the Marshes (Denham Jordan) - Within an Hour of London Town: Among Wild Birds and Their Haunts
890T57: Neil Jordan - The Past
732P18: [Denham Jordan] - Within an Hour of London Town Among Wild Birds and Their Haunts
766R18: Martin Jordan - For You the War Is over
878M3: A Son of the Marshes" [Denham Jordan]; J. A. Owen [preface] - On Surrey Hills
726L35: M Camille-Jordan; De M De Cotton - Reponse de M Camille-Jordan Depute Du Departement de L&Apos;Ain a Un Discours Sur Les Troubles de Lyon; Prononcee Dans la Seance Du 22 Avril 1818, Pendant la Discussion Du Budget.
791A53: Ricardo Jorge - Canhenho Dum Vagamundo: Impressoes de Viagem
891Q21: Lieve Joris; Stacey Knecht [trans.] - Back to the Congo
856P29: [John Jortin] - The Life of Erasmus
MOD13-F-5: Matthew Josephson; Hannah Josephson - Al Smith Hero of the Cities
779R27: Flavius Josephus; Arnauld d'Andilly - Histoire Des Juifs Ecrite Par Flavius Josephus
917M16: Flavius Josephus; William Whiston [trans.]; Rev. Hugh Reginald Haweis [intro.] - The Siege of Jerusalem: Part of Book IV, and Book V and Book VI of &Apos;the Jewish War&Apos;
760P59: S. T. Joshi - Sixty Years of Arkham House a History and Bibliography
801A65: Joseph Joubert; Henry Attwell [trans.] - Pensãƒâ©Es of Joubert
870M13: Alain Jouffroy - Tire a L&Apos;Arc
844B5: Marcel Jouhandeau - Marie Laurencin
883M11: H. A. Joukl - Motãƒâ½Lovãƒâ© a Housenky Stãƒâ-ã‚â™Edni Europy, Se Zvlãƒâ¡ã‚âšTnim Zãƒâ-ã‚â™Etelem K Motãƒâ½Lãƒâ-ã‚â¯M ãƒâ„ã‚âoeekãƒâ½M
840T87: M. Jourdain - Old Lace: A Handbook for Collectors
GEN34-G-12: M. Jourdain - The History of English Secular Embroidery
GEN20-A-1: Margaret Jourdain. - English Decoration and Furniture: Volume I: Of the Early Renaissance (1500-1650); and Volume IV: Of the Later Xviiith Century (1760-1820)
885T80: Francis Lenygon [Margaret Jourdain] - The Library of Decorative Art: Furniture in England from 1660 to 1760, Decoration in England from 1640 to 1760, & English Decoration and Furniture of the Later Xviiith Century (1760-1820)
846W56: Francis C. R. Jourdain - Notes on the Ornithology of Corsica
FGN1-D-10: MM. Les Chanoines Jourdain et Duval - Cathdrale D&Apos; Amiens Les Stalles Et Les Clotures Du Choeur
GEN24-F-18: M. Jourdain - The History of English Secular Embroidery.
799J10: Margaret Jourdain - English Interior Decoration 1500-1800
GEN36-A-2: M. Jourdain - English Decoration and Furniture of the Later Xviiith Century 1760-1820 an Account of Its Development and Characteristic Forms
793A11: M Jourdain - Regency Furniture 1795-1820
846W41: F. C. R Jourdain - Birds of Southern Spain
GEN38-A-1: The Builder's Journal and Architectural Record - Specification for Architects, Surveyors and Engineers When Specifying.
834B58: The Art Journal - Decorative Artists E. Burne-Jones William Morris Walter Crane
864M13: E. Jouy [Étienne de Jouy]; A. Jay [Antoine Jay] - L&Apos;Hermite de la Chaussãƒâ©E D&Apos;Antin; Guillaume le Franc-Parleur; L&Apos;Hermite de la Guiane; L&Apos;Hermite En Province; L&Apos;Hermite de Londres; Les Hermites En Prison
839J3: Victor-Joseph Etienne de Jouy - L&Apos;Hermite de la Chaussee-D&Apos;Antin
MOD2-H-3: R. L. P. Jowitt and John Roders - British Cities Series Salisbury and York
755R24: Norman H. Joy - A Practical Handbook of British Beetles
748L15: James Joyce - Ulysses
849F14: Jeremiah Joyce - Scientific Dialogues, Intended for the Instruction and Entertainment of Young People
879F6: James Joyce - Two Tales of Shem and Shaun
906Q21: James Joyce - Ulysses
876F2: James Joyce - Pomes Penyeach
897T26: James Joyce - Ulysses
649P12: Rev. J. Joyce - Letters on Natural and Experimental Philosophy, Addressed to a Youth Settling in the Metropolis
901P1: James Joyce - Pomes Penyeach
897T49: Lucy Joynes - Original Poetry, for Infant and Juvenile Minds in Two Parts
852W40: Margaret Jpiu - Regency Furniture 1795-1820
908T58: John C. Windsor Jr. et al - The Riverside Press: Submitted to Professor Georges F. Doriot in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement of the Course, Manufacturing at the Harvard Business School.
GEN15-C-10: K. V. F. Jubb; Peter C. Kennedy - Pathology of Domestic Animals
903T5: Aaron Judah - The Pot of Gold and Two Other Tales
805D11: Alan Judd - Short of Glory
837P32: Alan Judd - Short of Glory
844W34: Arthur W. Judge - The Modern Motor Engineer
868M12: Arthur W. Judge - Engineering Workshop Practice: A Practical Work on Engineering Workshop Tools, Machines, Materials and Equipment, Engineering Manufacturing Processes and Machine Operations
902F50: Arthur W. Judge - The Modern Motor Engineer
876M30: Judy - The Right Hon. William Ewart Gladstone from Judy&Apos;S Point of View, As Shewn in Her Cartoons During the Last Ten Years
FGN21-C-7: Opinions Des Anciens Sur Les Juifs, Reflexions Impartiales Sur L'Evangile & Discours Historique Sur L'Apocalipse - Opinions Des Anciens Sur Les Juifs, Reflexions Impartiales Sur L&Apos;Evangile & Discours Historique Sur L&Apos;Apocalipse
655L20: J Beete Jukes - Narrative of the Surveying Voyage of H.M. S Fly, Commanded by Captain F.P. Blackwood, R.N. In Torres Strait, New Guinea, and Other Islands of the Eastern Archipelago, During the Years 1842-1846: Together with an Excursion Into the Interior Part of Java
851M13: Martti Jukola - Huippu-Urheilun Historia
912P7: Julius - The Sorrows of Jupiter
780R24: E. Haldeman-Julius - Little Blue Books on Herbert Hoover
822K12: Henry Cheal Jun - The History of Ditchling in the County of Sussex
732K14: Christian Jungersen - The Exception
915F43: Curt Junghandel - Zehn Kleine Hundekinder
839B1: Beatrix Jungman - Holland
774R27: Beatrix Jungman - Holland
642C14: Beatrix Jungman - Holland
848G26: Beatrix Jungman; Nico Jungman - Holland
851W17: Beatrix Jungman - Holland
791A82: Beatrix Jungman - Holland
811A37: Beatrix Jungman - Holland
909T6: Max Jungnickel - Das Kathe Kruse Bilderbuch
864M9: J. Ricardo Cordeiro Junior - A Chave de Oiro Drama Em 5 Actos
890T50: Richard Cowper [John Middleton Murry Junior] - The Custodians and Other Stories
LTH13-F-7: Junius - Junius: Including Letters by the Same by the Same Writer, Under Other Signatures, (Now First Collected), to Which Are Added, His Confidenttial Correspondence with Mr Wilkes, and His Private Letters Addressed to Mr H.S. Woodfall. With a Preliminary Essay, Notes, Fac-Similes, &C
836P21: Junius; Anonymous - Junius
905F33: Junius - The Letters of Junius
629L10: Junius - Junius Stat Nominis Umbra
SET24-H-1: Junius - Junius: Including Letters by the Same Writer, Under Other Signatures (Now First Collected) to Which Are Added His Confidential Correspondence with Mr. Wilkes, and His Private Letters Addressed to Mr. H.S. Woodfall. In Three Volumes
GEN26-E-18: Junius - Stat Nominus Umbra
852W62: Junius; John Wade - Junius: Including Letters by the Same Writer Under Other Signatures
756P34: Junius - Junius
916F57: Junius - Junius: Stat Nominis Umbra
848A41: Junius - Junius: Stat Nominis Umbra
SET64-H-4: Junius - Junius: Including Letters by the Same Writer, Under Other Signatures (Now First Collected) to Which Are Added His Confidential Correspondence with Mr. Wilkes, and His Private Letters Addressed to Mr H.S. Woodfall with a Preliminary Essay, Notes, Facsimiles &C
897Z29: Junius - Junius Stat Nominis Umbra ( Letters of Junius)
848F49: Junius - Junius. Stat Nominus Umbra. [Letters of Junius]
781F35: Junius - Junius
781F38: Junius - Junius
810J40: Junius - Junius Stat Nominis Umbra (Letters of Junius)
765P40: Junius - Junius
835F31: H. P. Junod - Bantu Heritage
897T19: Madame Junot - Memoirs of Madame Junot Duchesse D&Apos;Abrantes
900P14: Pierre Jurieu - Tratie de la Devotion
838W52: J. J. Jusserand; Lucy Toulmin Smith (trans.) - English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages (Xivth Century)
909Y40: J. J. Jusserand; Lucy Toulmin Smith (trans.) - English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages (Xivth Century)
865B10: J. J. Jusserand - A French Ambassador at the Court of Charles the Second le Comte de Cominges from His Unpublished Correspondence
GEN31-F-1: J. J. Jusserand - Shakespeare in France Under the Ancien Regime
743P39: J. J. Jusserand - La Vie Nomade Et Les Routes D&Apos;Angleterre Au Xive Siecle
819P14: Michael Juste; [Michael Houghton] - Many Brightnesses and Other Verse
612P9: Carl Justi; A. H. Keane - Diego Velazquez and His Times
893P64: Justus - Observations on the Bedford Charity
841W20: Peter Frauchen; Janos Jusztis, Edward Price Ehrich (trans.) - Ivalu the Eskimo Wife
898Q8: Rene Juta - The Cape Peninsula
866A52: Rene Juta - The Cape Peninsula
GEN24-I-14: Juvenal - The Satires of Juvenal
779F52: Juvenal - Woman, a Satire
854F13: Juvenal; Cornelio Schrevelio [ed.] - D. Junii Juvenalis, Et Auli Persii Flacci Satyrae
860N27: Juvenal; Ludovicus Prateus - D. Junii Juvenalis Et A. Persiiflacci Satirae. Interpretatione Ac Notis
FGN20-C-4: Juvenal; Persius - Decii Junii Juvenalis Et A. Persii Flacci Satirae
863P14: Juvenal; Jean Dusaulx - Satires de Juvenal
850P1: Juvenal; Persius; John Dryden - The Satyrs of Decimus Junius Juvenalis: And of Aulus Persius Flaccus
LTH6-B-14: R K and M I R Polkinghorne - The Art of Needlecraft
FGN19-E-10: Hans Kaarsberg - Memoirer
834W9: C. J. Kaberry - Our Little Neighbours, Animals of the Farmyard and the Woodland
881Q5: Ismail Kadare; Jon Rothschild [trans.] - Doruntine
861T14: Julius Kaerst - Geschichte Des Hellenistischen Zeitalters
905F16: Franz Kafka; Willa Muir [trans.]; Edwin Muir [trans.] - America
FGN20-B-10: KAHKJFDSKJ - Manon Lescaut
830M6: Helmut Kahlert; Richard Mühe; Gisbert Brunner - Wristwatches History of a Century&Apos;S Development
FIN3-E-6: Otto H Kahn - Of Many Things Being Reflections and Impressions on International Affairs Domestic Topics and the Arts
817B39: Moritz Kahn - The Design and Construction of Industrial Buildings
842J21: Frederick Kaigh - Witchcraft and Magic of Africa
801A50: Frederick Kaigh - Witchcraft and Magic of Africa
842W2: Moritz Von Kaisenberg; Jessie Haynes (trans.) - The Memoirs of Baroness Cecil de Courtot
831W15: Okakura-Kakuzo; Hiroshi Muraoka - The Ideals of the East
MOD8-F-6: Marvin Kalb; Elie Abel - Roots of Involvement the U.S. In Asia 1784-1971
850M12: Nicholas Kaldor - Causes of the Slow Rate of Economic Growth of the United Kingdom: An Inaugural Lecture
850M11: Nicholas Kaldor - Causes of the Slow Rate of Economic Growth of the United Kingdom: An Inaugural Lecture
675L3: J Benor-Kalter - Jerusalem Twelve Views of the Old City
861F15: J. H. Kaltschmidt - A New and Complete Dictionary of the English and German Languages; Neues Und Vollstandiges Worterbuch Der Englischen Und Der Deutschen Sprache
MOD9-F-11: Stuart M. Kaminsky - Rostnikov&Apos;S Corpse
889T39: Field-Marshal Lord Roberts of Kandahar - Forty-One Years in India from Subaltern to Commander-in-Chief
898Z24: Field Marshal Lord Roberts of Kandahar - Forty-One Years in India from Subaltern to Commander-in-Chief
910M7: Lord Roberts of Kandahar - Forty-One Years in India: From Subaltern to Commander-in-Chief
859A37: Lord Roberts of Kandahar - Forty-One Years in India Rom Subaltern to Commander-in-Chief
868T43: George Kane; E. Talbot Donaldson [editors] - Piers Plowman Version a and B
852F19: Brigadier-General Richard Kane - Campaigns of King William and the Duke of Marlborough
853T19: Ben Kane - Lionheart & Crusader
778F35: Elisha Kent Kane - Arctic Explorations: The Second Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin, 1853, &Apos;54, &Apos;55.
797F33: Elisha Kent Kane - The Far North: Explorations in the Arctic Regions
841T22: Garson Kanin - Tracy and Hepburn: An Intimate Memoir
880F7: Leo Kahn [Leo Kann] - Palestina IM Bild
862B34: Ernst Kantorowicz - Kaiser Friedrich Der Zweite
890Z6: H. J. Kaplan - Anywhere Else
869A43: Helen Kapp; James Laver - Toying with a Fancy
889M10: Reginald O. Kapp - The Failure of Sociology
FGN9-B-7: Ejnar Jacobsen og Vagn kappel - Musikkens Mestre
843P16: A. W. Kappel; W. Egmont Kirby - British and European Butterflies and Moths (Macrolepidoptera)
883M8: A. W. Kappel; W. Egmont Kirby - British and European Butterflies and Moths (Macrolepidoptera)
618K32: Georges Karaiskakies; Francois Chapon - Bibliographie Des Oeuvres de Paul Valery Publiees de 1889 a 1965 Par Georges Karaiskakis Et Francois Chapon Conservator de la Bibliotheque Jacques Doucet Editee Sous Les Auspices de la Foundation Singer-Polignac Preface de Lucienne Julien-Cain
840A28: Theodore Karcher - Les Ecrivains Militaires de la France
799J13: German Karginov - Rodchenko
901Q11: Karma - Astrology of the Ancient Egyptians
GEN33-B-5: Semni Karouzou - The Amasis Painter
MOD8-I-4: Marshall Karp - Rabbit Factory
FIN2-B-6: Alphonse Karr - Contes Et Nouvelles
908Y36: Tamara Karsavina - Theatre Street: The Reminiscences of Tamara Karsavina
864F42: Yousuf Karsh; Dieter Vorsteher [ed.]; Janet Yates [ed.] - Yousuf Karsh: Helden Aus Licht Und Schatten
GEN31-E-6: Edgar J. Kates - Diesel Electric Plants
892Z13: Vaughan Kathrens; Peter Gascoigne - Benny Went First Zero Always Wins
LTH20-F-9: William Kaulbach; G. H. Lewes. - Goethe&Apos;S Female Characters
824W42: Dan Kavanagh; Julian Barnes - Putting the Boot in
867P2: T. Henry Kavanagh - Murray&Apos;S Lucknow Guide, Including Notes on Cawnpore, Agra and Delhi. Containing a Sketch Also of the Routes of the 3 Reliefs
845A13: P. J. Kavanagh - Real Sky
881P31: Dan Kavanagh; [Julian Barnes] - Fiddle City
760L7: Dan Kavanagh; Julian Barnes - Duffy
803F6: Yasunari Kawabata; Edward G. Seidensticker [trans.] - House of the Sleeping Beauties and Other Stories
771A29: Yasunari Kawabata - The Lake
607C15: Arthur Kay; Henry M Hake - Treasure Trove in Art
878P18: John Kay; Hugh Paton - A Series of Original Portraits and Caricature Etchings
858B66: Mollie Kaye - Willow Witches Brook and Gold Gorse Common
LTH20-E-5: John William Kaye - Memorials of Indian Government Being a Selection from the Papers of Henry St. George Tucker, Late Director of the East India Company
858T37: Mollie Kaye - Potter Pinner Meadow
909Z26: Anton Reiser [Rudolf Kayser]; Albert Einstein - Albert Einstein: A Biographical Portrait
909Z24: Anton Reiser [Rudolf Kayser] - Albert Einstein: A Biographical Portrait
703L14: Omar Kayyam - Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
MOD2-H-6: Elia Kazan - The Understudy
745L3: Judith Kazantzis; Carolyn Trant - The Garden of Earthly Delight
783L23: Robert Keable - Simon Called Peter
LTH19-D-8: D D Keane; James A Foot - A Collection of the Public General Statutes, Passed in the Sixth Year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the Fourth: Being the Sixth Session of the Seventh Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; and the Justice of the Peace Volume XI in Two Volumes.
902Q15: Chalmers Kearney - Erone
898T2: Cherry Kearton; Sir Gilbert Parker - My Friend Toto: The Adventures of a Chimpanzee and the Story of His Journey from the Congo to London
787A43: Cherry Kearton - Wild Life Across the World
905Y60: Richard Kearton - Our Rarer British Breeding Birds: Their Nests, Eggs, and Summer Haunts
855T10: Cherry Kearton - Photographing Wild Life Across the World
635P6: Richard Kearton - The Fairy-Land of Living Things
LTH14-F-3: R Kearton - Wild Nature&Apos;S Ways
879M1: Richard Kearton - With Nature and a Camera, Being the Adventures and Observations of a Field Naturalist and an Animal Photographer
884Q24: Richard Kearton - With Nature and a Camera
907T61: R. Kearton - Wild Life at Home: How to Study and Photograph It
857B42: [Eliza Keary] - At Home
GEN23-H-13: George Keate - The Distressed Poet, a Serio-Comic Poem, in Three Cantos
MOD11-F-2: H.R.F. Keating - The Bad Detective
MOD11-F-3: H.R.F. Keating - The Hard Detective
843B9: H. R. F. Keating - Works by H.R. F. Keating
672H23: H.R.F. Keating - A Detective Under Fire
672H24: H.R.F. Keating - The Hard Detective
841T12: H. R. F. Keating - The Sheriff of Bombay
845B49: John Keats - The Poetical Works of John Keats
798J6: John Keats; Robert Bridges; Percy Bysshe Shelley - The Poetical Works of Bridges, Shelley, and Keats
708L37: John Keats - Endymion
879F23: John Keay - Eccentric Travellers
651M17: John R. Keble - Tewkesbury Abbey and Other Poems
916Z32: John Keble - The Christian Year: Thoughts in Verse for the Sundays and Holydays Throughout the Year
LTH28-C-17: [John Keble] - The Christian Year: Thoughts in Verse for the Sundays and Holy Days Throughout the Year
917T85: John Keble - The Christian Year: Thoughts in Verse for the Sundays and Holidays Throughout the Year
856P15: [Sir Anthony Keck] - Cases Argued and Decreed in the High Court of Chancery from the 12th Year of King Charles II to the 31st the Second Part of Cases Argued and Decreed in the High Court of Chancery, Continued from the 30th Year of King Charles II. To the 4th Year of King James II.
GEN21-C-7: Sarah Tytler [Henrietta Keddie] - Scotch Marriages in Three Volumes
746R16: Sarah Tytler [Henrietta Keddie] - Papers for Thoughtful Girls
882Q25: Sarah Tytler [Henrietta Keddie] - Jane Austen and Her Works
914P3: The Marquis Curzon of Kedleston; George Curzon - Bodiam Castle, Sussex
913T19: The Marquis Curzon of Kedleston - Bodiam Castle Sussex: A Historical & Descriptive Survey
893Q36: Lucy Kee - Harry Potter: A Pop-Up Book Based on the Film Phenomenon
MOD3-H-18: Sir Frederick Keeble - Science Lends a Hand in the Garden
855T82: G. Keegan - Le Negociant Universel; Ou Recueil de Lettres Originales de Commerce
904P14: Harry Stephen Keeler - Sing Sing Nights
838T20: Adelaide Keen - With a Saucepan over the Sea: Quaint and Delicious Recipes from the Kitchens of Foreign Countries
712P34: G. Alan Keen - Petit Dejeuner with Harlequin a Trifle for the Theatre
854M5: Alan Keen; Roger Lubbock - The Annotator
805D43: Brian Keenan - Turlough
LTH1-D-16: H G Keene - Delia Bathing (Zelis Au Bain) by the Marquis de Pezay Celia&Apos;S Doves (Les Tourterelles de Zelmis) by Claude Joseph Dorat Translated by H.G. Keene
869T31: Derek Keene; Arthur Burns; Andrew Saint [editors] - St. Paul&Apos;S: The Cathedral Church of London 604-2004
815D29: J. H. Keene - The Practical Fisherman
866P42: H. G. Keene - A Handbook for Visitors to Lucknow, Allahabad, and Cawnpore
869M9: H. G. Keene - History of India, from the Earliest Times to the Twentieth Century for the Use of Students and Colleges
902T25: Carolyn Keene - The Circle of Footprints & the Portrait in the Sand
842J36: Franz Georg Ritter von Kees - Allgemeines Bãƒâ¼Rgerliches Gesetzbuch
908Y9: Donald E. Kehoe - The Compleat Adventures of Captain Philip Strange in Flying Aces Volume 1 - Volume 3
835F70: Thomas Keightley; Leonard Schmitz [ed.] - The Mythology of Ancient Greece and Italy
567L36: R P Keigwin - Lanyard Lyrics
892Z28: Garrison Keillor - We Are Still Married
890Z30: Garrison Keillor - Leaving Home
848F28: James Keir - An Account of the Life and Writings of Thomas Day
685P19: [Robert Keith] - A Large New Catalogue of the Bishops of Several Sees Within the Kingdom of Scotland, Down to the Year 1688. Instructed by Proper and Authentic Vouchers: Together with Some Other Things Necessary to the Better Knowledge of the Ecclesiastical State of This Kingdom in Former Times: As Also, a Brief Preface Concerning the First Planting of Christianity in Scotland, and the State of That Church in the Earlier Ages
831g29: Rev. Patrick Keith, Clerk, F.L.S - A Botanical Lexicon, or Expositor of the Terms, Facts and Doctrines of the Vegetable Physiology, Brought Down to the Present Time.
805F55: Edward Charles Keith - Gun for Company
806F15: Edward Charles Keith - A Countryman&Apos;S Creed
888T70: C. H. Keith - Flying Years
917Y22: Alexander Keith - Demonstration of the Truth of the Christian Religion
785L8: Thomas Keith - A New Treatise on the Use of the Globes or a Philosophical View of the Earth and Heavens
GEN28-B-4: Christopher Brown, Jan Kelch and Pieter van Thiel - Rembrandt: The Master and His Worskshop Paintings
841B65: Gottfried Keller - Eugenia
901F42: David H. Keller - The Devil and the Doctor
668P20: Joseph Keller - God Knows
810D32: Bernhard Kellermann - The Tunnel
606P21: Bernhard Kellermann - Sassa Yo Yassa Japanische Tanze
678P17: Charles Kellsall - Classical Excursion from Rome to Arpino
912T35: R. Talbot Kelly - Egypt
903T63: R. Talbot Kelly - Egypt
736P28: Terence Kelly - The Carib Sands
906K4: Walt Kelly - Pogo
839F30: R. Talbot Kelly - Egypt, Painted and Described
904P22: Mary Kelly - The Spoilt Kill
903Y41: James Paul Kelly - Prince Izon: A Romance of the Grand Canyon
854M27: R. B. Talbot Kelly - Bird Life and the Painter
848P24: R. Talbot Kelly - Egypt
839B3: R. Talbot Kelly - Egypt
859T54: James Fitzmaurice-Kelly; Juan Perez de Montalban - The Nun Ensign
LTH14-B-10: P Kelly - The Universal Cambist and Commercial Instructor: Being a Full and Accurate Treatise on the Exchanges, Coins, Weights and Measures of All Trading Nations and Their Colonies
824J14: Rev. John Kelly - Louisa of Prussia and Other Sketches
840B23: James Kelly - Poems
830B68: ed. A. Lindsay Kelly - Kelly&Apos;S Directory of Berkshire, Bucks and Oxon
830M29: ed. A. Lindsay Kelly - Kelly&Apos;S Directory of Berkshire and Oxfordshire. With New Maps.
917Y55: Mrs. Harding Kelly - The Lights of Upton Point
867T84: Arthur Kelly - The Rosebud and Other Tales
906P11: [John Kelly] - Pamela&Apos;S Conduct in High Life
824J21: Rev. John Kelly - The Life and Work of Charles Henry Von Bogatzky
914P9: R. Talbot Kelly - Egypt
830B28: ed. A. Lindsay Kelly - Kelly&Apos;S Directory of Oxfordshire
835B27: Captain H. Whalley-Kelly - Ich Dien" the Prince of Wales&Apos;S Volunteers (South Lancashire) 1914-1934
907Y51: Hugh Kelly - A Word to the Wise, a Comedy, As It Was Performed at the Theatre Royal, in Drury-Lane
903Q19: Alexander Kelly; Colin Wilson - Jack the Ripper or the Mysteries of the East End
789R61: ed. A. Lindsay Kelly - Kelly&Apos;S Directory of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire
888T24: John Kelman - From Damascus to Palmyra
839B4: John Kelman - The Holy Land
672P2: Stephen Kelman - Pigeon English
848G25: John Kelman - The Holy Land
836A25: James Kelman - Dirt Road
843T29: james Kelman - Translated Accounts
802D14: John Kelman - The Holy Land
GEN25-D-18: Zachary Craft [Charles Kelsall] - The First Sitting of the Committee on the Proposed Monument to Shakspeare Carefully Taken in Short-Hand by Zachary Craft, Amanuensis to the Chairman
887Z3: Hans Kelsen - Society and Nature: A Sociological Inquiry
901T85: Franklyn Kelsey - The Island in the Mist
GEN34-D-20: Mary Kelty - Reminiscences of Thought and Feeling
603L7: Lord Kelvin; George Francis Fitzgerald; William Francis - The London Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science Volume XXXV Fifth Series January - June 1893
MOD4-D-12: Ian Kelway - Poet&Apos;S Light
778P2: Frances Anne Kemble - Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation in 1838-1839
837J18: James Kemble - St Helena During Napoleon&Apos;S Exile: Gorrequer&Apos;S Diary
879Q28: John Mitchell Kemble - The Saxons in England. A History of the English Commonwealth Till the Period of the Norman Conquest
830B4: Harry Kemelman - Rabbi Small Mysteries
880V20: Harry Kemelman - Sunday the Rabbi Stayed Home
775A27: A C Kemp - The Distribution and Status of the Birds of the Kruger National Park
916Y67: Dora N. Kemp - The Darlings of the Nations
837B21: Lieut.-Commander P. K. Kemp - The History of the 4th Battalion King&Apos;S Shropshire Light Infantry (T.A. ) 1745-1945
854N47: Harold Kemp - Murder Humane
757L5: Thomas A Kempis; Cedric Chivers - The Imitation of Christ
916Z31: Thomas A Kempis - A Kempis
900P37: Thomas A Kempis - Kempis Commun. Ou Les Quarte Livres de L&Apos;Imitation de Jesus-Christ
863N2: [Thomas Kempis]; Abbe F. De La Mennais - L&Apos;Imitation de Jesus-Christ
803P3: F. Claude Kempson - The Sad End of Erica&Apos;S Blackamoor
846P50: F. Kempster; H. C. E. Westropp - Manchester City Battalions of the 90th & 91st Infantry Brigades Book of Honour
859M19: Captain G. A. Kempthorne - Sandhurst, Berks.
FGN19-C-17: Charles Holland Kendall - 1848-1863 Personal Banking Ledger Bosanquet & Co
904P32: May Kendall; Andrew Lang - &Apos;That Very Mab&Apos;
EXP3-B-1: Edward Augustus Kendall - An Argument for Construing Largely the Right of an Appellee of Murder, to Insist on, Trial by Battle; and for Abolishing Appeals
878V18: Edward Augustus Kendall - Burford Cottage and Its Robin-Red Breast
644C19: George W. Kendall - Across the Great Southwestern Prairies
GEN9-D-2: Albert Frank Kendrick - English Decorative Fabrics of the Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries
843B30: Emma E. Kendrick - Conversations on the Art of Miniature Painting
798F43: A. F. Kendrick; C. E. C. Tattersall - Hand-Woven Carpets, Oriental and European
864P39: T. D. Kendrick - Anglo-Saxon Art to A.D. 900
674P23: Thomas Keneally - Schindler&Apos;S Ark
MOD5-I-6: Thomas Keneally - A Family Madness
827W44: Thomas Keneally - Confederates
MOD5-A-20: Thomas Keneally - Toward Asmara
MOD10-B-2: Thomas Keneally - Season in Purgatory
MOD5-H-16: Thomas Keneally - A River Town
805D42: Thomas Keneally - A Family Madness
836A31: Thomas Keneally - Schindler&Apos;S Ark
MOD12-G-6: Thomas Keneally - Gossip from the Forest
MOD10-E-8: Thomas Keneally - The Playmaker
761A3: Thomas Keneally - The Office of Innocence
MOD10-H-6: Thomas Keneally - Schindler&Apos;S Ark
827W57: Thomas Keneally - The Playmaker
MOD9-G-12: Thomas Keneally - An Angel in Australia
905Z42: Nina H. Kennard - Lafcadio Hearn Containing Some Letters from Lafcadio Hearn to His Half-Sister, Mrs. Atkinson.
915F17: Edward Kennard - Norwegian Sketches Fishing in Strange Waters
728P36: A. S. Kennard; B. B. Woodward - Synonymy of the British Non-Marine Mollusca (Recent and Post-Tertiary)
621C10: John H Kennaway - On Sherman&Apos;S Track; or, the South After the War
675P39: [Benjamin H. Kennedy]; [James Riddell] - Sabrinae Corolla in Hortulis Regiae Scholae Salopinensis Contextuerunt Tres Viri Floribus Legendis
SET32-B-1: Rankin Kennedy - The Book of Electrical Installations Electric Light, Power, Traction and Industrial Electrical Machinery
902F17: Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer; H. E. Kennedy and Zofia Uminska [trans.] - Tales of the Tatras
787F13: John Kennedy - A History of the Parish of Leyton, Essex
815A73: Margaret Kennedy - The Forgotten Smile
890T20: Alexander W. M. Clark Kennedy - The Birds of Berkshire and Buckinghamshire: A Contribution to the Natural History of the Two Counties
LTH29-B-3: Kennedy and Jenkin - Urban District of Handsworth in the County of Stafford Electric Light and Power Supply
900F55: Pringle Kennedy - Arabian Society at the Time of Muhammad. Parts I and II.
916F26: Benjamin Hall Kennedy - The Revised Latin Primer
910T74: Grace Kennedy - Anna Ross: A Story for Children
857W45: E. B. Kennedy - Thirty Seasons in Scandinavia
857N39: Admiral Kennedy - Sporting Sketches in South America
890Z22: Milward Kennedy - I&Apos;LL Be Judge, I&Apos;LL Be Jury
860A66: John Pendleton Kennedy - Letter of J P Kennedy to His Constituents, Citizens of the Fourth Congressional District in the State of Maryland, on the Principles and Value of the Protective System
GEN18-E-23: Captain W R Kennedy - Sport, Travel and Adventure in Newfoundland and the West Indies
782R4: Bart Kennedy - Wander Pictures
880Q10: Margaret Kennedy - A Night in Cold Harbour
782R52: Rankin Kennedy - The Book of the Motor Car
698P20: Basil Kennett - Romae Antiquae Noticia; or the Antiquities of Rome
663P22: White Kennett - The Case of Impropriations and of the Augmentation of Vicarages and Other Insufficient Cures, Stated by History and Law, from the First Usurpation of the Popes and Monks, to Her Majesty&Apos;S Royal Bounty, Lately Extended to the Poorer Clergy of the Church of England
889F1: Basil Kennett - Romae Antiquae Notitia: Or, the Antiquities of Rome
842A39: Austin Kennett - Bedouin Justice: Law and Custom Among the Egyptian Bedouin
LTH26-G-13: Rev B Kennicott - An Analysis of the Fifth Book of Hooker&Apos;S Ecclesiastical Polity Being a Particular Defence of the Church of England Designed Principally for the Use of Candidates for Holy Order
691P15: W. Kenrick - Falstaff&Apos;S Wedding, a Comedy: As It Is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane
736L8: Alexander Kent - Selected Bolitho Novels
838M23: Charles Kent - The Land of the "Babes in the Wood" or the Breckland of Norfolk
MOD11-I-15: Alexander Kent - Sloop of War
755A41: Alexander Kent - For My Country&Apos;S Freedom
755A42: Alexander Kent - For My Country&Apos;S Freedom
755A43: Alexander Kent - Cross of St George
755A40: Alexander Kent - Relentless Pursuit
LTH4-B-11: Alexander Kent - Form Line of Battle!
904P24: Michael Kent - Hail, Victor, Hail!
LTH3-D-4: Charles Kent - The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore
MOD11-I-1: Alexander Kent - Second to None
738P20: Alexander Kent; [Douglas Reeman] - Sloop of War Command a King&Apos;S Ship Stand Into Danger Beyond the Reef
838B20: Rockwell Kent - Salamina
851B50: William Kent - Designs of Inigo Jones
823P18: Pete Kent - Rustler Basin
849A3: John Kent; Francis Lawley [ed.] - Racing Life of Lord George Cavendish Bentinck
768A45: George Kent - George Kent&Apos;S Catalogue of Apparatus for the Measurement of Water Under All Conditions Affecting the Work of Water and Sewage Engineers
758A23: Rockwell Kent - Voyaging Southward from the Strait of Magellan
800P22: Edwin Kentfield - The Game of Billiards: Scientifically Explained, and Practically Set Forth, in a Series of Novel and Extraordinary, But Equally Practical Strokes; and Illustrated by Numerous Appropriate Diagrams. To Which Is Added the Rules and Regulations Which Govern the Numerous Games As They Are Played at the Present Day in All the Countries of Europe
916Z10: Dr Eric Kentley; David Hawcock - The Pop-Up Book of Ships
885Q16: James Kenward - The Suburban Child
789F34: F. W. Kenyon - Legacy of Hate; the Tragedy of Mary Stewart Queen of Scotland and the Isles
893Q9: G. H. Kenyon - The Glass Industry of the Weald
777R5: E. C. Kenyon - Daring Tom, or, How Tom Melville Learnt Wisdom
837W31: Kathleen M. Kenyon - Excavations at the Jewry Wall Site, Leicester
740P31: Michael Kenyon - The 100,000 Welcomes the Shooting of Dan Mcgrew
898M13: C. R. Kenyon [Charles Richard Kenyon] - The Argonauts of the Amazon
740P33: Michael Kenyon - The Whole Hog
818A94: G. H. Kenyon - The Glass Industry of the Weald
876T57: Gyorgy Kepes; S. Giedion; S. I. Hayakawa - Language of Vision
628P8: Thomas Keppel - The Life of Augustus Viscount Keppel, Admiral of the White, and First Lord of the Admiralty in 1782-3
GEN35-F-5: Captain G. Roos-Keppel and Qazi Abdul Ghani Khan - A Manual of Pushtu
875P4: Henry Keppel - The Expedition to Borneo of H.M. S. Dido for the Suppression of Piracy
730P5: Henry Keppel - The Expedition to Borneo of H.M. S. Dido for the Suppression of Piracy
837W55: N. R. Ker - Medieval Libraries of Great Britain, a List of Surviving Books
823J6: John Bellenden Ker - An Essay on the Archaiology of Popular English Phrases and Nursery Rhymes
833A66: Thomas Forster Ker - Voices for Progress and Other Poems
778P45: Jean de Kergorlay - Sites Delaisses D&Apos;Orient (Du Sinai a Jerusalem)
728P23: Thomas Kerigan - Moore&Apos;S Navigation Improved; Being the Theory and Practice of Finding the Latitude, the Longitude, and the Variation of the Compass, by the Fixed Stars and Planets. To Which Is Prefixed, the Description and Use of the New Celestial Planisphere
818P21: Thomas Kerigan - Moore&Apos;S Navigation Improved; Being the Theory and Practice of Finding the Latitude, the Longitude, and the Variation of the Compass, by the Fixed Stars and Planets. To Which Is Prefixed, the Description and Use of the New Celestial Planisphere
866A33: Nathan Kernan - Joan Mitchell: Selected Paintings 1956-1992 the Presence of Absence
727K1: Simon Kernick - The Business of Dying
873T50: Simon Kernick - Siege
683P13: Simon Kernick - The Crime Trade Relentless Deadline Target the Business of Dying a Good Day to Die the Murder Exchange Severed
774L8: Jack Kerouac - Desolation Angels
843W68: Jack Kerouac - The Dharma Bums
843A62: Jack Kerouac - On the Road
851K14: Jack Kerouac - On the Road
843A74: Jack Kerouac - Lonesome Traveller
794F14: Richard Kerr - Nature - Curious and Beautiful
571L31: Lennox Kerr - The Eye of the Earth
837W56: James Kerr, E. White Wallis - Second International Congress on School Hygiene
856B58: Robert Kerr - The Consulting Architect: Practical Notes on Administrative Difficulties and Disputes
857B83: W. J. W. Kerr - Records of the 1st Somerset Militia
753P61: Geoffrey Kerr - Under the Influence
864M40: Sir Robert Kerr; King James the First; George Eyre-Todd [ed.] - Abbotsford Series of the Scottish Poets
791R49: Alex Kerr - No Bars between
908P27: Gerald Kersh - The Terribly Wild Flowers
MOD3-D-19: Gerald Kersh - Brain and Ten Fingers
891M18: Gerald Kersh; Clay Henry; Douglas Hurd - More Than Once Upon a Time; the Third Twin; Truth Game
892P47: Gerald Kersh - The Terribly Wild Flowers
906T48: Gerald Kersh - Night and the City
780A13: Gerald Kersh - Faces in a Dusty Picture
843g32: Imre Kertesz - Fatelessness
819B20: Fiona Pitt-Kethley - A School for Life
786J2: Henry Kett - Elements of General Knowledge Introductory to Useful Books in the Principal Branches of Literature and Science
718P38: Louisa Marion Kett - Evidences of the Kett Family
714L34: Mary Kettilby - A Collection of Above Three Hundred Receipts in Cookery Physick and Surgery
GEN21-C-11: Robert E Key - Poems
886Q16: Sidney Kilworth Keyes - Dartford Historical Notes
MOD5-F-3: Francis Parkinson Keyes - Vail D&Apos;Alvery
791F40: Frances Parkinson Keyes - The Explorer
843F38: Geoffrey Keynes - Medical Works by Geoffrey Keynes
777R57: Geoffrey Keynes - A Bibliography of Sir Thomas Browne
842W73: Geoffrey Keynes; William Hazlitt - Bibliography of William Hazlitt
842B20: Geoffrey Keynes - William Blake&Apos;S Engravings
842M1: Geoffrey Keynes - John Evelyn a Study in Bibliography & a Bibliography of His Writings
843B2: Geoffrey Keynes - Bibliography of William Hazlitt
842B14: Geoffrey Keynes - A Bibliography of the Writings of Dr. William Harvey 1573-1657
883Z41: Geoffrey Keynes - Jane Austen: A Bibliography
843T48: Geoffrey Keynes - Dr Timothie Bright: A Survey of His Life with a Bibliography of His Writings
778R5: Geoffrey Keynes - A Bibliography of George Berkeley, Bishop of Cloyne
841M36: Geoffrey Keynes - A Bibliography of Dr. John Donne Dean of St Paul&Apos;S
709L33: John Maynard-Keynes - The End of the Laissez-Faire
848W35: John Maynard Keynes - Essays in Persuasion
842B12: Geoffrey Keynes - The Life of William Harvey
843T49: Geoffrey Keynes - William Pickering Publisher: A Memoir and a Checklist of His Publications
842B13: Geoffrey Keynes - The Life of William Harvey
GEN14-E-1: Geoffrey Keynes - The Life of William Harvey
842B90: Geoffrey Keynes - A Bibliography of Henry King Bishop of Chichester
842A19: Geoffrey Keynes - John Evelyn: A Study in Bibliophily with a Bibliography of His Writings
856B8: Geoffrey Keynes - Bibliography of the Works of Dr John Donne Dean of St Paul&Apos;S
843T51: Geoffrey Keynes - John Ray: A Bibliography
842A20: Geoffrey Keynes - A Bibliography of Dr. Robert Hooke
841M39: Geoffrey Keynes - A Bibliography of the Writings of William Harvey Discoverer of the Circulation of the Blood 1628-1928
868T32: Geoffrey Keynes - The Personality of William Harvey
851M5: Geoffrey Keynes - The Library of Edward Gibbon: A Catalogue of His Books
842B15: Geoffrey Keynes - A Bibliography of Sir William Petty and of Observations on the Bills of Mortality by John Grauntã‚â
841M38: Geoffrey Keynes - The Portraiture of William Harvey
843T50: Geoffrey Keynes - Thymectomy for Myasthenia Gravis by Geoffrey Keynes from Techniques in British Surgery by Rodney Maingot
842B91: Geoffrey Keynes - A Bibliography of George Berkeley Bishop of Cloyne
777P43: Geoffrey Keynes - John Evelyn a Study in Bibliography & a Bibliography of His Writings
842J23: Geoffrey Keynes - Blake Studies, Notes on His Life and Works
842B92: Geoffrey Keynes; Peter Davidson [editors] - A Watch of Nightingales
710L4: John Maynard Keynes - A Revision of the Treaty Being a Sequel to the Economic Consequences of the Peace
830B34: Charles E. Keyser - The Norman Doorways in the Churches in the Northern Part of Hampshire
868T78: R. Keyser; P. A. Munch - Norges Gamle Love Indtil 1387
723P15: Anant Harihar Khasgiwale - Cane and Wrestling. The Most Profusely Illustrated Authoritative Treatise, with Clear Explanations and Detailed Information on Useful Indian Art of &Apos;Cane-Malkhamb&Apos; and Its Applications to Indian Wrestling
903M24: Omar Khayyam; Edward Fitzgerald [trans.]; W. H. Anson [ed.]; Washington Irving; Thomas Lodge; Johann Wolfgang von Goethe; Anna Swanwick [trans.]; Geoffrey Chaucer; - The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam; the Christmas Book of Carols and Songs; Rural England; Faust; the Story of Patient Griselda; Rosalynde
762A58: Omar Khayyam, Edward FitzGerald [trans.] - The Rubãƒâ¡Iyat of Omar Khayyãƒâ¡M
785R8: Omar Khayyam; Edward Fitzgerald - The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
914Y33: Omar Khayyam; Edward Fitzgerald [trans.] - Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam: The First and Fourth Renderings in English Verse
887P36: Omar Khayyam - Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
772R39: Omar Khayyam; Edward Fitzgerald - Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
895M10: Omar Khayyam, Edward Fitzgerald [trans.] - The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
818B4: Omar Khayyam, Edward Fitzgerald [trans.] - The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam the Astronomer-Poet of Persia
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