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Click on booknumber for full information
018058: SKEGGS, JOHN MUNDY - The Media
536760: SKEGGS, BEVERLEY - Class, Self, Culture
038767: SKELTON, ROBIN - Begging the Dialect
518056: SKELTON, BARBARA - Weep No More
459959: SKELTON, KIMBERLEY - The Paradox of Body, Building and Motion in Seventeenth-Century England
542200: SKELTON, MATTHEW - Endymion Spring
534710: SKELTON, BARBARA - Weep No More
181077: SKELTON, JOHN - Poems
543298: SKELTON, ROBIN, (ED.) - The Malahat Review, Number Nine: Sir Herbert Read (1893-1968): A Memorial Symposium:
018607: SKELTON, ROBIN - Third Day Lucky
547609: SKELTON, R.A. - County Atlases of the British Isles: 1579-1850: A Bibliography
455383: SKELTON, ROBIN - Timelight
534711: SKELTON, BARBARA - Tears Before Bedtime
510848: SKELTON, PETER J. C. - Main Line Steam Into the 1980s
475664: SKELTON, JOSEPH; VATOUT, M.J. (EDS.) - Le Chateau D'eu illustrE, Depuis Son Orihine En 912 Jusqu'au Voyage De Sa MajestE Victoria Reine D'Angleterre
606659: SKELTON, W. C. - Reminiscences of Joe Bowman and the Ullswater Foxhounds
606751: SKELTON, ROBIN - The Writings of J. M. Synge
541117: SKESLIEN CHARLES, JANET - The Paris Library
607509: SKEVINGTON, SUZANNE; BAKER, DEBORAH (EDS.) - The Social Identity of Women
542279: SKIBELL, JOSEPH - A Blessing on the Moon
060123: SKIDELSKY, ROBERT & HALLIGAN, LIAM - MacRoeconomic Stabilisation in Russia: Lessons of Reform, 199201995
264720: SKIDMORE, THOMAS E.; SMITH, PETER H. - Modern Latin America
514849: SKIDMORE, CHRIS - Richard III: Brother, Protector, King
215800: SKILBECK, MALCOLM; CONNELL, HELEN; LOWE, NICHOLAS; TAIT, KIRSTEN - The Vocational Quest : New Directions in Education and Training
501820: SKILLEN, HUGH - Enigma and Its Achilles Heel
Am2139: SKILLETER, ANDREW - Blacklight: The Art of Andrew Skilleter
536716: SKILTON, C.P. - British Windmills and Watermills
517726: SKIMPOLE, HERBERT - Bernard Shaw: The Man and His Work
434868: SKINGLEY, PHILIP (ED.) - Coins of England & The United Kingdom
294553: SKINNER, G. WILLIAM; TOMITA, SHIGEAKI (EDS.) - Modern Chinese Society, An Analytical Bibliography: 3. Publications in Japanese, 1644 - 1971
285554: SKINNER, QUENTIN - Sanatcinin Bir Siyaset Dusunuru Olarak Portresi: Ambrogio Lorenzetti
489921: SKINNER, B. F. - Particulars of My Life: Part One of an Autobiography
531121: SKINNER, DENNIS (INTRO.) - Justice: The Miner's Strike 1984-85
463054: SKINNER - Skinner: Fine Prints & Photographs, January 27, 2017, Boston
504597: SKINNER, DAMIAN - The Carver and the Artist: MAORI Art in the Twentieth Century
478399: SKINNER, H. A. (ED.) - Physical Chemistry Series Two, Volume 10: Thermochemistry and Thermodynamics (International Review of Science)
542819: SKINNER, B.F. - About Behaviourism
425938: SKINNER, JAMES - Around Uxbridge (Images of England)
430343: SKINNER, JOHN - An Introduction to Eighteenth-Century Fiction: Raising the Novel
031109: SKINNER, STEPHEN - Evangelism and Healing (Grove Booklets on Evangelism No. 29)
524042: SKINNER, ROY E. - Jerusalem to Baghdad 1967-1992: Selected Letters
477353: SKINNER, CONSTANCE LINDSAY - Beaver, Kings and Cabins
009188: SKINNER, JO; NGANASURIAN, WENDY; PIKE, SUSAN & HILTON, ANNE - An Investigation Into the Reliability and Validity of Assessment Strategies for the Accreditation of Prior Learning of Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors. Document Two: Annexes to the Final Report
606024: SKINNER, JULIA - Did You Know?: Sutton and Cheam - A Miscellany
540924: SKIPPER, DAVID - Runners
249725: SKIPWITH, JOANNA - The Sitwells and the Arts of the 1920s and 1930s
540821: SKIRA - Milan: Cities of Art
525805: SKOGAN, JOAN - Voyages: At Sea with Strangers
174541: SKOLDBERG, KAJ - The Poetic Logic of Administration : Styles and Changes of Style in the Art of Organizing (Management, Organizations and Society)
427438: SKOLNIK, PETER L. - Fads: America's Crazes, Fevers & Fancies from the 1890's to the 1970's
110352: SKONER, DAVID - Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America: Glucocorticosteriods (GCS) in Allergic Inflammation: August 2005, Volume 25, Number 3
000415: SKOTTOWE, IAN - Clinical Psychiatry for Practitioners and Students
005557: SKOTTOWE, IAN - A Mental Health Handbook
461544: SKOURAS, THOMAS S. - Issues in Contemporary Economics: Volume 5: The Greek Economy: Economic Policy for the 1990s
201532: SKOWRONSKI, JAN M. - Control Theory of Robotic Systems
438489: SKREBTSOV, A. N.; HOUSEMAN, D. H. (ED.) - Radioisotope Study of the Open-Hearth Process
280883: SKROBUCHE, HEINZ - Icons
270222: SKUTNABB-KANGAS, TOVE; CUMMINS, JIM (EDS.) - Minority Education: From Shame to Struggle
432647: SKVARNA, DUSAN - Na Prahu Modernej Doby: Sumrak Stavovskej, Usvit Narodno-obcianskej Spolocnosti
539811: SKVIRSKY, DAVID; TALMI, V. (TRANSLATORS) - On The Track of Discovery: Volume 1
539812: SKVIRSKY, DAVID (TRANSLATOR) - On The Track of Discovery: Volume 2
539813: SKVIRSKY, DAVID (TRANSLATOR) - On The Track of Discovery: Volume 3
542336: SKVORECKY, JOSEF (AUTHOR); WILSON, PAUL (TRANSLATOR) - The Swell Season: A Text on the Most Important Things In Life
272007b: SKVORECKY, JOSEF - The Return of Lieutenant Boruvka
272007a: SKVORECKY, JOSEF - The Return of Lieutenant Boruvka
150203: SKWIRZYNSKI, J. K. - Performance Limits in Communication Theory and Practice
446568: SKYNNER, A. C. ROBIN - One Flesh: Separate Persons - Principles of Family and Marital Psychology
548122: SLACK, PAUL - From Reformation to Improvement: Public Welfare in Early Modern England: The Ford Lectures Delivered in the University of Oxford, 1994-1995
519904: SLACK, PAUL; INNES, JOANNA (EDS.) - Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies - Number 143, May 1994
519840: SLACK, PAUL (ED.) - Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies - Number 126, February 1990
519841: SLACK, PAUL (ED.) - Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies - Number 125, November 1989
519814: SLACK, PAUL (ED.) - Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies - Number 114, February 1987
519811: SLACK, PAUL (ED.) - Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies - Number 117, November 1987
519867: SLACK, PAUL (ED.) - Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies - Number 121, November 1988
519866: SLACK, PAUL (ED.) - Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies - Number 122, February 1989
519881: SLACK, PAUL; INNES, JOANNA; WICKHAM, CHRIS (EDS.) - Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies - Number 145, November 1994
519861: SLACK, PAUL (ED.) - Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies - Number 119, May 1988
519856: SLACK, PAUL (ED.) - Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies - Number 127, May 1990
519844: SLACK, PAUL (ED.) - Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies - Number 110, February 1986
519864: SLACK, PAUL (ED.) - Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies - Number 124, August 1989
519865: SLACK, PAUL (ED.) - Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies - Number 123, May 1989
519862: SLACK, PAUL (ED.) - Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies - Number 118, February 1988
550145: SLACK, PAUL - From Reformation to Improvement: Public Welfare in Early Modern England
519816: SLACK, PAUL; INNES, JOANNA (EDS.) - Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies - Number 134, February 1992
414127: SLACK, PAUL (ED.) - Past and Present: A Journal of Historical Studies: Number 125, November 1989
414128: SLACK, PAUL (ED.) - Past and Present: A Journal of Historical Studies: Number 126, February 1990
519815: SLACK, PAUL; INNES, JOANNA (EDS.) - Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies - Number 135, May 1992
519880: SLACK, PAUL; INNES, JOANNA; WICKHAM, CHRIS (EDS.) - Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies - Number 144, August 1994
536345: SLACK, W.J. - The Lordship of Oswestry: 1393-1607
531711: SLACK, PAUL (ED) - Environments and Historical Change: The Linacre Lectures
550247: SLACK, PAUL - Rebellion, Popular Protest and the Social Order in Early Modern England
418686: SLACK, PAUL; INNES, JOANNA (EDS.) - Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies; 1993
146107: SLACK, KENNETH - Praying the Lord's Prayer Today
019558: SLADE, MARK . - Lakshana: Autopsy of a Century. (The West and The Wider World Series, Vol.III)
538985: SLADE, RICHARD - Your Book of Modelling
222510: SLADE, DOREN L. - Making the World Safe for Existence: Celebration of the Saints among the Sierra Nahuat of Chignautla, Mexico
083703: SLADE, R.J; LAIRD, E & BEYNON, G - Key Topics in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
542638: SLADE. GURNEY - In Lawrence's Bodyguard
541792: SLADEK, JOHN - Bugs
305103: SLADEK, JOHN T. - The Reproductive System
549002: SLADEK, JOHN - Roderick at Random, or Further Education of a Young Machine
493543: SLADEK, JOHN T. - The Reproductive System
547123: SLADEN, DOUGLAS; LORIMER, NORMA - More Queer Things about Japan
528623: SLATER, DAVID (ED.) - New Social Movements and the State in Latin America (Latin America Studies, Vol.29)
262901: SLATER, PATRICK (ED.) - The Measurement of Intrapersonal Space by Grid Technique,Volume I: Explorations of Intrapersonal Space
183090: SLATER, J. N. - Cable Television Technology
191930: SLATER, JAMES N. - Cable Television Technology (Ellis Horwood Series in Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
523411: SLATER, CHAS.; SPITTA, EDMUND J. - An Atlas of Bacteriology
542946: SLATER, HUMPHREY (EDITOR) - Polemic 5
542947: SLATER, HUMPHREY (EDITOR) - Polemic 6
542948: SLATER, HUMPHREY (EDITOR) - Polemic 7
485375: SLATER, JOHN C.; FRANK, NATHANIEL H. - Introduction to Theoretical Physics
541492: SLATER, WILLIAM J. - Aristophanis Byzantii Fragmenta
023667: SLATTERY, JAMES [EDITOR] - The British Association of Illustrators Sixth Annual
608629: SLAUGHTER, KARIN - This is Why We Lied
108211: SLAUGHTER, CLIFF - Marxism, Ideology and Literature
521901: SLAUGHTER, ANNE-MARIE; SWEET, ALEC STONE; WEILER, JOSEPH H.H. (EDS.) - The European Courts and National Courts - Doctrine & Jurisprudence: Legal Change in its Social Context
501542: SLAUGHTER, STEVEN - Liberty Beyond Neo-Liberalism: A Republican Critique of Liberal Governance in a Globalising Age
492843: SLAUGHTER, FRANK G. - Epidemic!
533343: SLAUGHTER, KARIN - Girl, Forgotten
295463b: SLAUGHTER, TODD (ED.) - Elvis Special 1978
295464: SLAUGHTER, TODD (ED.) - Elvis Special 1981
524353: SLAUGHTER, FRANK G. - Epidemic!
603124: SLAUGHTER, CAROLYN - The Banquet
472999: SLAUNWHITE, W. ROY - Fundamentals of Endocrinology
488413: SLAVID, RUTH (ED.) - A Walk Around King's Cross: Volume 1
274782: SLAVITT, DAVID R. - The Tristia of Ovid
277901: SLAVITT, DAVID R. - The Eclogues of Virgil
508220: SLAVITT, DAVID R. - The Tristia of Ovid
238488: SLAVITT, DAVID R. - A Gift : The Life of da Ponte
070671: SLAVOV, ATANAS - Mr Lampedusa Has Vanished
001902: SLAVSON, S.R. - Reclaiming the Delinquent By Para-Analytic Froup Psychotherapy and the Inversion Technique
512190: SLAWENSKI, KENNETH - J. D. Salinger: A Life
238154: SLAY, BEN (ED.); AKIMOV, ALEXANDR V.; DOLLERY, BRIAN; ERGASHEV, V.; ET AL. - Problems of Economic transition, Vol. 48, no. 12, April 2006: Financial and Public Administration Reform in Uzbekistan
094543: SLEDGE, C. (ED.) - Software Engineering Education: SEI Conference 1992 San Diego, California, USA, October 5-7, 1992 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 640)
436714: SLEEBOOM, H. P.; BIJVOET, O. L. M. - Tumour-Induced Hypercalcaemia and Its Treatment
456047: SLEEMAN, D.; BERNSEN, N. O. (EDS.) - Artificial Intelligence: Research Directions in Cognitive Science: European Perspectives Vol 5
295693: SLEEMAN, B. D.; JARVIS, R. J. (EDS.) - Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations; Volume II (Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series, 216)
498906: SLEEP, DAVID - Eltham
485748: SLEPOVA, TAT'IANA I. (ED.) - Kollektsiya Mantuanskih Monet v Ermitazhe/La Collezione Di Monete Mantovane dell'Ermitage
540922: SLESIN, SUZANNE; GWATHMEY, EMILY; MARGOLIES, JOHN - Dimpled Lunatics: The Mad World of Babyhood
476275: SLIDE, ANTHONY - The International Film Industry: A Historical Dictionary
105760: SLIGHTON, ROBERT L. - Urban Unemployment in Colombia : Measurement, Characteristics, and Policy Problems
041949: SLIMMING MAGAZINE - High Speed Diets
244557: SLINGERLAND, MAJA - Mixed Farming : Scope and Constraints in West African Savanna
475411: SLIOUSSAR, NATALIA - Grammar and Information Structure: A Study with Reference to Russian
476613: SLOAN, JOHN PETER - New English Fiction: Dangerous Times
485548: SLOAN, SAMUEL - The Model Architect. A Series of Original Designs for Cottages, Villas, Suburban Residences, Etc. Accompanied By Explanations, Specifications, Estimates, and Elaborate Details: Vol. II. (Da Capo Press Series in Architecture and Decorative Art)
464228: SLOAN, SAMUEL - City and Suburban Architecture; Containing Numerous Designs and Details for Public Edifices, Private Residences, and Mercantile Buildings (Da Capo Press Series in Architecture and Decorative Art)
072805: SLOAN, JOHN W. - Public Policy in Latin America
545588: SLOAN, CAROLYN - Shakespeare, Theatre Cat
048648: SLOAN, A. W. - Physiology for Students and Teachers of Physical Education
495777: SLOANE, DAVID E. E. (ED.) - New Directions in American Humor
009525: SLOANE, ETHEL - Biology of Women
523648: SLOANE, PATRICIA (ED.) - Primary Sources: Selected Writings on Color from Aristotle to Albers
488657: SLOBIN, DAN ISAAC; ZIMMER, KARL (EDS.) - Studies in Turkish Linguistics
606968: SLONCZEWSKI, JOAN - A Door Into Ocean
198373: SLONIM, J.; SCHONBACH, A.; BAUER, M. A.; MACRAE, L. J.; THOMAS, K. A. - Building an Open System
516800: SLOSSON, PRESTON WILLIAM - The Decline of the Chartist Movement
305319: SLOTE, STANLEY J. - Weeding Library Collections: Library Weeding Methods
490782: SLOTERDIJK, PETER - Ni le soleil, ni la mort: Jeu de piste sous forme de dialogues avec Hans-JUrgen Heinrichs
074173: SLOTNICK, ELLIOT E.; RIPLEY, RANDALL B. - Readings in American Government and Politics
514031: SLOTTE, PAMELA; HALME-TUOMISAARI, MIIA (EDS.) - Revisiting the Origins of Human Rights
469627: SLOTTJE, DANIEL J. (ED.) - Research on Economic Inequality: A Research Annual, Volume 1, 1989
469502: SLOTTJE, DANIEL J.; SMEEDING, TIMOTHY M. (EDS.) - Research on Economic Inequality, Volume 3, 1992: International Comparisons of Economic Inequality
508580: SLOVER, TIM - Joyful Noise
549392: SLOVO, GILLIAN - Morbid Symptoms
514622: SLOVO, GILLIAN - An Honourable Man
542471: SLOVO, GILLIAN - The Betrayal
542693: SLOVO, GILLIAN - The Betrayal
602192: SLOYAN, GERARD S. (ED.) - Modern Catechetics: Message and Method in Religious Formation
001202: SLUCHEVSKII, I.F. [ED.] - Problems of Psychiatry and Neurology Volume Three
002591: SLUCKIN, W. - Imprinting and Early Learning
168998: SLUCKIN, W. - Imprinting and Early Learning
073799: SLUCKIN, W. - Early Learning in Man and Animal
528308: SLUDDS, KEVIN - The Incurious Seeker's Quest for Meaning: Heidegger, Mood and Christianity (Religions and Discourse, Vol.57)
529021: SLUIJS, MARINUS ANTHONY VAN DER - Traditional Cosmology: The Global Mythology of Cosmic Creation and Destruction: Volume One: Preliminaries Formation
110350: SLUITER, H.J & VAN DER LENDE, R - Bronchitis IV
539240: SLUNG, MICHELE (EDITOR) - I Shudder At Your Touch
526482: SLUYTER-BELTRAO, JEFFREY - Rise and Decline of Brazil’s New Unionism: The Politics of the Central UNICA dos Trabalhadores (Trade Unions. Past, Present and Future, Volume 6)
474433: SLUYTER, GARY V. - Sage Human Services Guide: 74: Improving Organizational Performance: A Practical Guidebook for the Human Services Field
285079: SLYCE, JOHN - A Makeshift Scenario - : A Loose Chronology - : A Directory -: A Catalogue -
528377: SMAIL, DEBORAH - White-Collar Workers, Mass Culture and Neue Sachlichkeit in Weimar Berlin: A Reading of Hans Fallada's "Kleiner Mann - Was Nun?", Erich KASTNER'S "Fabian" and Irmgard Keun's "Das Kunstseidene MADCHEN" (British and Irish Studies in German Language, Vol.16)
458176: SMAILL, ANNA - Diane Susans: Selected Poems
284712: SMAJE, CHRIS - Health, 'Race' and Ethnicity: Making Sense of the Evidence
414185: SMAJGL, ALEX; LARSON, SILVA (EDS.) - Sustainable Resource Use: Institutional Dynamics and Economics
512397: SMALL, R. C. - Crusading Warfare 1097-1193
543995: SMALL, ROBIN (EDITOR) - A Hundred Years of Phenomenology: Perspectives on a Philosophical Tradition
Am2308: SMALL, ANDREW - The China-Pakistan Axis: Asia's New Geopolitics
544242: SMALL, HELEN - The Long Life
606352: SMALL, KENNETH A. - Urban Transportation Economics
188633: SMALLWOOD, VALERIE; WOODFORD, SUSAN - Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: Fragments from Sir William Hamilton's Second Collection of Vases Recovered from the Wreck of HMS Colossus
520049: SMARRELLI, MARCELLO (CURATOR) - Conversation Piece (Part III)
469459: SMART, WILLIAM - The Distribution of Income
181386: SMART, NINIAN - The World's Religions: Old Traditions and Modern Transformations
221130: SMART, JOHN C. (EDITOR) - Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research: Volume XIX
450715: SMART, BARRY - Modern Conditions, Postmodern Controversies
468752: SMART, E. HOWARD - Advanced Dynamics
206462: SMART, WILLIAM; JUVENAL; PERSIUS - Juvenal and Persius, Literally Translated for the use of Students
188393: SMART, NINIAN - The World's Religions
548793: SMART, THOMAS BURNETT (COMPILER AND EDITIOR) - The Bibliography of Matthew Arnold
221129: SMART, JOHN C. (EDITOR) - Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research Volume XX
534886: SMART, NINIAN - The Yogi and the Devotee
184651: SMART, PETER; TOVEY, N. KEITH - Electron Microcopy of Soils and Sediments : Examples
602683: SMARTT BELL, MADISON - Waiting for the End of the World
549725: SMEATON, OLIPHANT - Allan Ramsay: Famous Scots Series
009824: SMEATON, OLIPHANT - Longfellow and His Poetry
548860: SMEATON, A.C. - The Builder's Pocket Companion; Containing the Elements of Building, Surveying, and Architecture, with Practical Rules and Instructions Connected with the Subject
279801: SMEDBY, BJORN; LUNDBERG, INGVAR; SORENSEN, THORKILD I. A. (EDS.) - Scientific Evaluation of the Swedish Twin Registry
520354: SMEDLEY, AGNES - The Great Road: The Life and Times of Chu Teh
168953: SMEDLEY, F. E. - Harry Coverdale's Courtship
037034: SMEDLEY, F.E. - Frank Fairlegh, or Scenes from the Life of a Private Pupil
434367: SMEED, J. W. - Faust in Literature (University of Durham Publications)
527008: SMELIK, ANNEKE - And the Mirror Cracked: Feminist Cinema and Film Theory
445615: SMELLIE, R. M. S. (ED.) - Plasma Lipoproteins (Biochemical Society Symposia)
180885: SMELLIE, R. M. S. - The Structure and Formation of Eukaryotic Ribosomes
463224z: SMELLIE, J.L.; PANKHURST, R.J.; THOMSON, M.R.A.; DAVIES, R.E.S. (EDS.) - The Geology of the South Shetland Islands: VI. Stratigraphy, Geochemistry and Evolution (British Antarctic Survey Scientific Reports No.87)
463234z: SMELLIE, J.L.; PANKHURST, R.J.; THOMSON, M.R.A.; DAVIES, R.E.S. (EDS.) - The Geology of the South Shetland Islands: VI. Stratigraphy, Geochemistry and Evolution (British Antarctic Survey Scientific Reports No.87)
463745: SMERLING, WALTER (ED.) - Chinart
050775: SMETHURST, GEORGE - Basic Water Treatment For Application World Wide
519948: SMETINOFF, OLGA - The Yogurt Cookbook
428723: SMETS, IRENE - Rubens in Antwerp
525378: SMID, REMKO - European Vistas: History, Ethics and Identity in the Works of Claudio Magris (Cultural History and Literary Immagination, Volume 31)
143477: SMIDDY, F. G. (ELLIS, HAROLD) - The Investigation of the Surgical Patient
156187: SMIDDY, F. G. - Tutorials in Clinical Surgery in General - Two
600386: SMIDT, SANDRA - A Guide to Early Years Practice
305334: SMILES, SAMUEL - The Life of George Stephenson, Railway Engineer
458989: SMILES, SAMUEL - Lives of the Engineers: Volume II
424961: SMILES, SAMUEL - The Story of the Life of George Stephenson
280306: SMILES, SAMUEL - The Huguenots
446746: SMILEY, JANE - Horse Heaven
601118: SMILEY, JANE - Early Warning
242621: SMILEY, JANE - Horse Heaven
533865: SMILEY, JANE - A Year at the Races
290670: SMILLIE, IAN - Mastering the Machine: Poverty, Aid and Technology
090560: SMIRNOVA, L. S. AND A. S. SHILOVA - English for Stomatologists
291365: SMISMANS, STIJN (ED.) - Civil Society and Legitimate European Governance
421133: SMIT, JANTIEN - Scaffolding Language in Multilingual Mathematics Classrooms
306308: SMITE, RASA; SMITS, RAITIS (EDS.) - Acoustic Space: Media Architecture
223809a: SMITH, KENNETH M. (ED.); LAUFFER, MAX A. (ED.) - Advances in Virus research, Volume 10: 1963
519340: SMITH, PHILIP - The Book: Art and Object
454160: SMITH, WILLIAM; WAYTE, WILLIAM; MARINDIN, G. E. (EDS.) - A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Culture: Volume 1
506250: SMITH, BRUCE D. - The Emergence of Agriculture
223817: SMITH, KENNETH M. (ED.); LAUFFER, MAX A. (ED.); BANG, FREDERIK B. (ED.); MARAMOROSCH, KARL (ED.) - Advances in Virus research, Volume 19: 1974
284806: SMITH, NORMAN; HALL, A. RUPERT (EDS.) - History of Technology: Vol. 3, 1978
024166: SMITH, ALAN - The Return to Europe: The reintegration of Eastern Europe into the European Economy. (Studies in Russia and East Europe)
486033: SMITH, TOM ROB - Child 44
467687: SMITH, ADELE - The Royal Over-seas League: From Empire Into Commonwealth, A History of the First 100 Years
467760: SMITH, CHRIS - BBC Radio Devon Village Profiles (30 Villages Profiled)
486343: SMITH, VERNON L. - Papers in Experimental Economics
467765: SMITH, DOMINIC - The Last Painting of Sara De Vos
548277: SMITH, DAVID EUGENE - Rara Arithmetica: a Catalogue of the Arithmetics Written Before the Year MDCI with a Description of Those in the Library of George Arthur Plimpton in New York
529178: SMITH, JORDAN - An Apology for Loving the Old Hymns
004166: SMITH, HENRY PRESERVED - A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Books of Samuel
510891: SMITH, CAPT. W. G. (BILL) - 1247 Preservation Pioneer: The Story of Britain's First Privately Preserved Standard Gauge Steam Locomotive
436622: SMITH, WILLIAM A. - Reflections on Death, Dying and Bereavement: A Manual for Clergy, Counselors, and Speakers (Death, Value and Meaning Series)
223816: SMITH, KENNETH M. (ED.); LAUFFER, MAX A. (ED.); BANG, FREDERIK B. (ED.) - Advances in Virus research, Volume 17: 1972
456614: SMITH, JOHN S. (ED.) - The County of Sutherland (The Third Statistical Account of Scotland)
501700: SMITH, DANIEL - The Spade as Mighty as the Sword: The Story of World War Two's 'Dig for Victory' Campaign
075782: SMITH, CHRISTINE - Integrated Multiregion Models for Policy Analysis: An Australian Perspective Volume 19
231927: SMITH, RAOUL N. - The Language of Jonathan Fisher (1768-1847)
053066: SMITH, STANLEY F. - Aids to Organic Chemistry
419958: SMITH, JOHN - John Smith: Solo Show
456763: SMITH, E. CADWALLADER - Kodru: The Monkey
416166: SMITH, PETER (ED.) - Analysis, Volume 57, 1997
223810a: SMITH, KENNETH M. (ED.); LAUFFER, MAX A. (ED.) - Advances in Virus research, Volume 11: 1965
431333: SMITH, PETER - The Reform of Economics: How the Complex Systems Approach is Building a Realistic and Humane Alternative to Laissez-Faire
540839: SMITH, RAY - Jacko's Play
217575: SMITH, R.P. - Consumer Demand for Cars in the USA
482931: SMITH, ZADIE - Swing Time
233782: SMITH, R.L. (ED.); BABABUNMI, E.A. 9ED.) - Toxicology in the Tropics
448350: SMITH, M. G. - Pluralism Politics and Ideology in the Creole Caribbean
024372: SMITH, EDWIN W. - Tales of God's Packmen
269177: SMITH, DAVID G. - The Music Stops and the Waltz Continues
262595: SMITH, STAN (EDITOR) - Globalisation and Its Discontents: Writing the Global Culture
100022: SMITH, COURTNEY - Making Sense of the Practice Finance Initiative: Developing Public-private Partnerships
549724: SMITH, JOHN; BAIKIE, JIM; FEGREDO, DUNCAN; PHILLIPS, SEAN - The Complete New Statesmen
423274: SMITH, JOSEPH - The Wolf
049337: SMITH, J. - The Heritage of Spanish Dams
537156: SMITH, ALEXANDER MCCALL - An Isabel Dalhousie Novel:The Comfort of Saturdays
223815a: SMITH, KENNETH M. (ED.); LAUFFER, MAX A. (ED.); BANG, FREDERIK B. (ED.) - Advances in Virus research, Volume 16: 1970
001417: SMITH, STEPHEN - How Drugs Act Series II
260311: SMITH, DOUGLAS A. - Modeling the Hydrogen Bond
028387: SMITH, BRENDA; BROWN, SALLY - Research, Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
457217: SMITH, DENNIS - The Rise of Historical Sociology
223828: SMITH, KENNETH M. (ED.); LAUFFER, MAX A. (ED.) - Advances in Virus research, Volume 14: 1969
284937: SMITH, MAURICE A. (ED.) - Flight International: 6 July 1967, No. 3043, Volume 92
259605: SMITH, R. B.; MITCHAM, CHAD J. (ED.) - Changing Visions of East Asia, 1943-93: Transformations and Continuities
449631: SMITH, PETER - Public and Private Value: Studies in the Nineteenth-Century Novel
076942: SMITH, JOSEPH V. (SMITH, BRENDA F.) - Feldspar Minerals, In Three Volumes; Volume 1: Crystal Structure and Physical Properties
223824: SMITH, KENNETH M. (ED.); LAUFFER, MAX A. (ED.); BANG, FREDERIK B. (ED.); MARAMOROSCH, KARL (ED.) - Advances in Virus Research, Volume 27: 1982
495188: SMITH, SYDNEY - Sydney Smith's Essays
459174: SMITH, LACHLAN - Fox is Framed
495566: SMITH, C. G. - The Geology of Parts of the West Coast of Palmer Land (British Antarctic Survey: Scientific Reports No. 112)
525640: SMITH, SUSAN BRADLEY - A Splendid Adventure: Australian Suffrage Theatre on the World Stage
017717: SMITH, JOHN - A Discreet Immorality
304883: SMITH, WILFRED; MONKHOUSE, F. J.; WILKINSON, H. R. (EDS.) - A Scientific Survey of Merseyside
232225: SMITH, WORTHINGTON; THE BRITISH MUSEUM - Guide to Mr. Worthington Smith's Drawings of Field and Cultivated Mushrooms, and Poisonous or Worthless Fungi Often Mistaken for Mushrooms
513212: SMITH, J. BERWICK (ED.) - Dod's Parliamentary Companion 1981, 149th Year
496198: SMITH, STEVE - Great War Britain Norfolk: Remembering 1914-18
495567: SMITH, C. G. - The Geology of Parts of the West Coast of Palmer Land (British Antarctic Survey: Scientific Reports No. 112)
516568: SMITH, HARRY - One Foot on the Ground: The Ups and Downs of an Aircraft Worker
521927: SMITH, RACHAEL CRAUFORD (ED.) - Culture and European Union Law (Oxford Studies in European Law)
522211: SMITH, GODFREY - The Network
435392: SMITH, PATRICK - In The Name Of Love
518983: SMITH, ALEXANDER MCCALL - The Forgotten Affairs of Youth (Isabel Dalhousie 8)
518981: SMITH, WILBUR - Rage
550266: SMITH, CONSTANCE - Nairobi in the Making: Landscapes of Time and Urban Belonging
448917: SMITH, D.M. - Metallurgical Analysis by the Spectograph
510646: SMITH, STAN - The Origins of Modernism: Eliot, Pound, Yeats and the Rhetorics of Renewal
495979: SMITH, PETER (ED.) - Analysis, Volume 51, 1991
531329: SMITH, ROGER - Being Human: Historical Knowledge and the Creation of Human Nature
514693: SMITH, DENIS MACK (ED.) - Mussolini Il Duce
452320: SMITH, DAVID J. - Estonia: Independence and European Integration
524236: SMITH, EILEEN (ED.) - Integrity and Change: Mental Health in the Marketplace
520591: SMITH, ARTHUR D. HOWDEN - Fighting the Turk in the Balkans: An American's Adventures with the Macedonian Revolutionists
525894: SMITH, GRAHAM - 'Light That Dances in the Mind' Photographs and Memory in the Writings of E.M. Forster and His Contemporaries (CISRA, Vol 2)
531430: SMITH, CHRISTIAN - A Little Bit of Peace and War
518979: SMITH, WILBUR - A Time to Die
526077: SMITH, OMRY - Reason Not: Emotional Appeal in Shakespeare's Drama
432627: SMITH, KEN; BENSON, JUDY (EDS.) - Klaonica: Poems for Bosnia
416161: SMITH, PETER (ED.) - Analysis, Volume 50, 1990
416162: SMITH, PETER (ED.) - Analysis, Volume 52, 1992
416163: SMITH, PETER (ED.) - Analysis, Volume 54, 1994
507787: SMITH, GEORGE W. - MacArthur's Escape: John "Wild Man" Bulkeley and the Rescue of an American Hero
507788: SMITH, GEORGE W. - MacArthur's Escape: John "Wild Man" Bulkeley and the Rescue of an American Hero
113501: SMITH, DAVID HORTON; MACAULAY, JACQUELINE - Participation in Social and Political Activities: A Comprehensive Analysis of Political Involvement, Expressive Leisure Time, and Helping Behaviour
500756: SMITH, DIANA - The Tide Mill at Eling: History of a Working Mill
508160: SMITH, CHRIS (ED.) - The Military Utility of Landmines.......?
508802: SMITH, WILLIAM JAY - Army Brat: A Memoir
292766: SMITH, MARTIN (ED.) - Cricket Letters to the Daily Telegraph
529765: SMITH, JOE; TYSZCZUK, RENATA (EDS.) - Energetic: Exploring the Past, Present and Future of Energy
515225: SMITH, PETER C. - Luftwaffe at War: Stukas Over the Mediterranean 1940-1945
501874: SMITH, BRADLEY F. - The Ultra-Magic Deals and the Most Secret Special Relationship, 1940-1946
513215: SMITH, J. SMITH (ED.) - Dod's Parliamentary Companion 1985, 153rd Year
444220: SMITH, HELEN R. - David Garrick 1717-1779: A Brief Account
513483: SMITH, R. P. - Consumer Demand for Cars in the USA
501001: SMITH, VICTOR - Front-Line Kent: Defence Against Invasion from 1400 to the Cold War
263715: SMITH, FRANCIS MAYLETT; CROFTON, DENIS HAYES (ED.) - A GP's Progress to the Black Country: A Sequel to 'The Surgery at Aberffrwd'
269806: SMITH, HENRY - Restrictiveness in Case Theory
494989: SMITH, ADAM - Poems
506316: SMITH, KEN - Frontwards in a Backwards Movie
514146: SMITH, DENIS MACK - Mussolini's Roman Empire
510056: SMITH, H. JOHN; SIMONS, CLAIRE (EDS.) - Proteinase and Peptidase Inhibition: Recent Potential Targets for Drug Development
256708: SMITH, ADAM - Essays Philosophical and Literary
424367: SMITH, JOSEPH WAYNE - Reason, Science and Paradox: Against Received Opinion in Science and Philosophy
142689: SMITH, JOHN - A Letter to Lao Tze, Poems (With An Ode Toward Music)
517786: SMITH, CHRIS L. - Bare Architecture: A Schizoanalysis
510764: SMITH, GREGORY BLAKE - The Maze at Windermere: A Novel
520072: SMITH, SUSANNA - The Workhouse, Southwell
480451: SMITH, BARBARA HERRNSTEIN - Belief and Resistance: Dynamics of Contemporary Intellectual Controversy
518984: SMITH, ALEXANDER MCCALL - The Right Attitude to Rain (Isabel Dalhousie 3)
165161: SMITH, JOHN (ED.) - The Poetry Review: Volume LVI. No. 3, Autumn 1965
165162: SMITH, JOHN (ED.) - The Poetry Review: Volume LVI. No. 4, Winter 1965
437511: SMITH, MAGGIE (ED.) - The New Art
535583: SMITH, MICHAEL PETER; FEAGIN, JOE R. (EDITORS) - The Capitalist City
165153: SMITH, JOHN (ED.) - The Poetry Review: New Series, Volume LIV. No. 2. Spring 1963
165154: SMITH, JOHN (ED.) - The Poetry Review: New Series, Volume LIV. No. 2. Summer 1963
105038: SMITH, JANE (ED.) - London after Tomlinson : Reorganising Big Sity Medicine
547560: SMITH, W.A.C.; ANDERSON, PAUL - An Illustrated History of Edinburgh's Railways
540865: SMITH, JOAN - A Masculine Ending
108567: SMITH, PAGE [EDITOR] - A Letter From My Father: Volume 1
108568: SMITH, PAGE - A Letter from My Father: Volume 2
025876: SMITH, L. E. W. - Twelve Poems Considered
063706: SMITH, M. W. & SEPULVEDA, F. V. (EDS.) - Adaptation and Development of Gastrointestinal Function
550020: SMITH, F.E. (THE FIRST EARL OF BIRKENHEAD) - The World in 2030 A.D.
301202: SMITH, ELIZABETH - Memoirs of a Highland Lady: Being the Autobiography of Elizabeth Grant of Rothiemurchus, Afterwards Mrs. Smith of Baltiboys, 1789-1830
522854: SMITH, CECIL - Musical Comedy in America
521926: SMITH, RACHAEL CRAUFORD (ED.) - Culture and European Union Law (Oxford Studies in European Law)
439798: SMITH, R. E. G. (ED.) - Newspapers First Published Before 1900 in Lancashire, Cheshire and the Isle of Man: A Union List of Holdings in Libraries and Newspaper Offices Within That Area
518759: SMITH, THOMAS - The Life of a Fox: Written By Himself
036823: SMITH, GOLDWIN, . - The United States. An Outline of Political History, 1492-1871.
109095: SMITH, A. D.; HITCHENS, D. M. - Productivity in the Distributive Trades : A Comparison of Britain, America and Germany
087523: SMITH, SIMON NOWELL - Wordsworth to Robert Graves and Beyond: An Exhibition
223813a: SMITH, KENNETH M. (ED.); LAUFFER, MAX A. (ED.) - Advances in Virus research, Volume 13: 1968
476260: SMITH-ATAKAN, SERENGUL - Human-Computer Interaction
223823: SMITH, KENNETH M. (ED.); LAUFFER, MAX A. (ED.); BANG, FREDERIK B. (ED.); MARAMOROSCH, KARL (ED.) - Advances in Virus research, Volume 26: 1981
223822: SMITH, KENNETH M. (ED.); LAUFFER, MAX A. (ED.); BANG, FREDERIK B. (ED.); MARAMOROSCH, KARL (ED.) - Advances in Virus research, Volume 25: 1979
430141: SMITH, A. H. - The Place-Names of the West Riding of Yorkshire; Part Five: The Wapentakes of Upper & Lower Claro
529532: SMITH, ANDREW (TRANS.) - Boethius: On Aristotle on Interpretation 4-6 (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle)
472129: SMITH, STEPHEN - Britain's Shadow Economy
478005: SMITH, PETER - Realism and the Progress of Science
505989: SMITH, IAIN CRICHTON - Love Poems & Elegies
261862: SMITH, ALAN G. - Human Rights and Choice in Poverty: Food Insecurity, Dependency, and Human Rights-Based Development Aid for the Third World Rural Poor
193955: SMITH, D. E.; DAWSON, A. G. - Shorelines and Isostasy. Institute of British Geographers Special Publication, No. 16
080165: SMITH, NEIL - Uneven Development: Nature, Capital and the Production of Space
109493: SMITH, ANTHONY - Machine Gun : The Story of the Men and the Weapon That Changed the Face of War
223819: SMITH, KENNETH M. (ED.); LAUFFER, MAX A. (ED.); BANG, FREDERIK B. (ED.); MARAMOROSCH, KARL (ED.) - Advances in Virus research, Volume 22: 1978
537158: SMITH, ALEXANDER MCCALL - An Isabel Dalhousie Novel:The Lost Art of Saturdays
534196: SMITH, DOROTHY E. - The Everyday World As Problematic: A Feminist Sociology
294223: SMITH-SREEN, POONAM - Accountability in Development Organizations: Experiences of Women's Organizations in India
507522: SMITH, CARMEL; GREENE, SHEILA - Key Thinkers in Childhood Studies
534369: SMITH, D.; ONIONS, AGNES H. S. - The Preservation and Maintenance of Living Fungi
430142: SMITH, A. H. - The Place-Names of the West Riding of Yorkshire; Part Six: The Wapentakes of East & West Staincliffe and Ewcross
192936: SMITH, PETER K.; COWIE, HELEN - Understanding Children's Development
528564: SMITH, ANN KENNEDY - Painted Poetry: Colour in Baudelaire's Art Criticism (Modern French Identities, Vol.63)
223830: SMITH, KENNETH M. (ED.); LAUFFER, MAX A. (ED.) - Advances in Virus research, Volume 21: 1977
185376: SMITH, FRANK - Understanding Reading
545848: SMITH, SONYA - Old Panic Undressed
455410: SMITH, RUTH - Handel's Oratorios and Eighteenth-Century Thought
223811a: SMITH, KENNETH M. (ED.); LAUFFER, MAX A. (ED.) - Advances in Virus research, Volume 12: 1966
439252: SMITH, KENDRIC C. (ED.) - Photochemical and Photobiological Reviews: Volume 1
223818: SMITH, KENNETH M. (ED.); LAUFFER, MAX A. (ED.); BANG, FREDERIK B. (ED.); MARAMOROSCH, KARL (ED.) - Advances in Virus research, Volume 20: 1976
430081: SMITH, A. H. - The Place-Names of Gloucestershire, Part IV: Introduction, Bibliography, Analyses, Index, Maps (English Place-Name Society)
451933: SMITH, TREVOR - The Politics of the Corporate Economy
268289: SMITH, ARTHUR L. - Language, Communication and Rhetoric in Black America
492335: SMITH, A. H. - Selected Essays and Addresses
015223: SMITH, JAMES P. JR. - Sociology and Nursing
192284: SMITH, H.G; WELLS, M.K. - Minerals and the Microscope
495695: SMITH, CHRISTIAN - Poems
495696: SMITH, CHRISTIAN - Poems
546881: SMITH, PHILIP H. - The Ford Ten Competition Engine: A Complete Tuning Manual
465404: SMITH, ANTHONY - Software for the Self: Culture and Technology
487092: SMITH, PETER J. - Social Shakespeare: Aspects of Renaissance Dramaturgy and Contemporary Society
514057: SMITH, KENNETH - The Malthusian Controversy
545284: SMITH, LUCY TOULMIN (ED.) - York plays: The plays performed by the crafts or mysteries of York on the day of Corpus Christi in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries; now first printed from the unique manuscript in the library of Lord Ashburnham
283232: SMITH, ZADIE - NW
145961: SMITH, JOHN - A Letter to Lao Tze: Poems John Smith
223812a: SMITH, KENNETH M. (ED.); LAUFFER, MAX A. (ED.) - Advances in Virus research, Volume 12: 1966
549960: SMITH, D. HOWARD, (TRANSL.) - The Wisdom of the Taoist Mystics
534372: SMITH, GEORGE - An Introduction to Industrial Mycology
542297: SMITH, TOM ROB - Child 44
425426: SMITH - Me, the People
474964: SMITH, PETER - Measuring Outcome in the Public Sector
103545: SMITH, FERGUS; BRANN, CHRIS - Fostering
103546: SMITH, FERGUS; BRANN, CHRIS - Fostering
549924: SMITH, ANDREW - Building a 'REAL' Vertical Steam Engine: Construction Details
105066: SMITH, MARY M. - Genus and Species of Pathogenic Organisms : A Spelling Guide to Medical Binomial Terminology
290007: SMITH, GUY-HAROLD (ED.) - Conservation of Natural Resources
026279: SMITH, ANTHONY (EDITOR) - Goodbye, Gutenberg: The Newspaper Revolution of the 1980s
002120: SMITH, W[ALLACE] LYNN & PHILLIPUS, MARION JOHN, COMPILERS & EDITORS - Neuropsychological Testing in Organic Brain Dysfunction
105769: SMITH, R. IRVINE (ED.) - Men and Societies : Experimental Courses in the Humanities and Social Sciences, in Schools, Colleges and Universities in Great Britain and the United States
223820: SMITH, KENNETH M. (ED.); LAUFFER, MAX A. (ED.); BANG, FREDERIK B. (ED.); MARAMOROSCH, KARL (ED.) - Advances in Virus research, Volume 23: 1978
524784: SMITH, ROGER - Free Will and the Human Sciences in Britain, 1870-1910 (Science and Culture in The Nineteenth Century, No. 17)
487302: SMITH, WINIFRED - Nursery Songs & Rhymes of England, Pictured in Black & White
417810: SMITH, G.S.; NAUGHTON, J.; MACROBERT, C.M. (EDS.) - Oxford Slavonic Papers: New Series: Volume XXXIII: 2000
549923: SMITH, ANDREW - Building a 'REAL' Vertical Steam Engine: Construction Details
439849: SMITH, ALI - The Accidental
284799: SMITH, NORMAN (ED.) - History of Technology: Vol. 9, 1984
284805: SMITH, NORMAN; HALL, A. RUPERT (EDS.) - History of Technology: Vol. 4, 1979
434915: SMITH, MAY - An Introduction to Industrial Psychology
223826: SMITH, KENNETH M. (ED.); LAUFFER, MAX A. (ED.) - Advances in Virus research, Volume 9: 1962
157446: SMITH, VALERIE - Midwifery Questions Answered
163605: SMITH, DAVID NICHOL - Some Observations on Eighteenth Century Poetry
156008: SMITH, HAROLD L. - Britain in the Second World War : A Social History
455274: SMITH, H.S; ANDREWS, C.A.R; DAVIES, SUE (EDS.) - The Sacred Animal Necropolis at North Saqqara: The Mother of Apis Inscriptions (Volume II. Commentaries and Plates)
421097: SMITH, R. D. HILTON - Northwestern Approaches: The First Century of Books
499970: SMITH, JOAN - Clouds of Deceit: The Deadly Legacy of Britain's Bomb Tests
223814a: SMITH, KENNETH M. (ED.); LAUFFER, MAX A. (ED.); BANG, FREDERIK B. (ED.) - Advances in Virus research, Volume 15: 1969
012930: SMITH, RICHARD - Unemployment and Health: A Disaster and a Challenge
506680: SMITH, JOHN WESTON - No Stone Unturned: A History of the British Land Company 1856-2006
482241: SMITH, F. B. - The People's Health, 1830-1910
430196: SMITH, STEPHEN E.; RAWLINS, MICHAEL D. - Variability in Human Drug Response
234315: SMITH, JULIE; JENKINS, CHARLES (EDS.) - Through the Paper Curtain : Insiders and Outsiders in the New Europe (Chatham House Papers)
524591: SMITH, DOROTHY E. - The Everyday World as Problematic: A Feminist Sociology
536986: SMITH, G.S. (ED.); STONE, G.C. (ED.); MACROBERT, C.M. (GEN. ED. ) - Oxford Slavonic Papers: New Series: Volume XXX 1997
536987: SMITH, G.S. (ED.); STONE, G.C. (ED.); MACROBERT, C.M. (GEN. ED. ) - Oxford Slavonic Papers: New Series: Volume XXXII 1999
536988: SMITH, G.S. (ED.); STONE, G.C. (ED.); MACROBERT, C.M. (GEN. ED. ) - Oxford Slavonic Papers: New Series: Volume XXXI 1998
536989: SMITH, G.S. (ED.); NAUGHTON, J. (ED.); MACROBERT, C.M. (GEN. ED. ) - Oxford Slavonic Papers: New Series: Volume XXXIII: 2000
536990: SMITH, G.S. (ED.); STONE, G.C. (ED.); MACROBERT, C.M. (GEN. ED. ) - Oxford Slavonic Papers: New Series: Volume XXIX: 1996
536991: SMITH, G.S. (ED.); STONE, G.C. (ED.); MACROBERT, C.M. (GEN. ED. ) - Oxford Slavonic Papers: New Series: Volume XXVIII: 1995
537159: SMITH, ALEXANDER MCCALL - Dream Angus:The Celtic God of Dreams
455421: SMITH, ROCH C. - Gaston Bachelard
547906: SMITH, WALTER E. - Charles Dickens: A Bibliography of His First American Editions, 1836-1870
413533: SMITH, TOM ROB - Child 44
540309: SMITH, E.E. 'DOC' - Lord Tedric
080822: SMITH, K. M. - A Practical Guide to Network Planning
202654: SMITH, M. G. - Pluralism, Politics, and Ideology in the Creole Caribbean
155017: SMITH, DAVID - Memory
109988: SMITH, C. V. - From N to Z: New Zealand Guyed for Visitors
228466: SMITH, A. D.; DAVIES, S. W.; HITCHENS, D. M. W. N. - International Industrial Productivity : A Comparison of Britian, America and Germany
211507: SMITH, HOWARD - Commerce: A Survival Kit
258879: SMITH, ELIZABETH A. T. - Techno Architecture
231158a: SMITH, ALAN - The Return to Europe: The Reintegration of Eastern Europe into the European Economy (Studies in Russia and East Europe)
091090: SMITH, JOHN-CHRISTIAN - Historical Foundations of Cognitive Science, Series: Philosophical Studies Series , Vol. 46
173015: SMITH, JOHN - A Discreet Immorality
457368: SMITH, ANTHONY - Throw Out Two Hands
416168: SMITH, PETER (ED.) - Analysis, Volume 59, 1999
295792: SMITH, ALAN - Russia and the World Economy: Problems of Integration
519252: SMITH, GAVIN - Surrey Place-names
105424: SMITH, GUY N. - Gamekeeping and Shooting for Amateurs (Field Sports Library)
549916: SMITH, A.H.; SWANTON, M.J., (BIBLIOGRAPHY) - Three Northumbrian Poems: Caedmon's Hymn; Bede's Death Song and the Leiden Riddle
452091: SMITH, W. RAND - Crisis in the French Labour Movement: A Grassroots Perspective
600969: SMITH, LAURA LEE - The Ice House
488357: SMITH, R.J.L. - A Guide to Cathedrals and Greater Churches
001418: SMITH, STEPHEN - How Drugs Act Series I
448902: SMITH WILLIAMS, HENRY (ED.) - The Historians' History of the World, Volume XXI
531431: SMITH, CHRISTIAN - A Little Bit of Peace and War
063587: SMITH, JOHN A. R. & WATKINS, JOHN - Care of the Postoperative Surgical Patient
534465: SMITH, J.E.; BERRY, D.R. (EDITORS) - The Filamentous Fungi: Volume I, Industrial Mycology
481782: SMITH, ROSWELL C. - English Grammar on the Productive System (1864)
441433: SMITH, WILBUR - Those in Peril
443920: SMITH, NICHOLAS H. - Strong Hermeneutics: Contingency and Moral Identity
291530: SMITH, RICHARD; HUMPHRIES, JANE (EDS.) - The Economic History Review: Volume 60, No. 1, February 2007
049069: SMITH, H A - Main Currents of Modern French Drama
456615: SMITH, JOHN S. (ED.) - The County of Sutherland (The Third Statistical Account of Scotland)
008184: SMITH, JOHN HOLLAND - Joan of Arc
082280: SMITH, NIGEL; CLAMP, MAGGIE - Continence Promotion in General Practice (Practical Guides for General Practice, 13)
495980: SMITH, PETER (ED.) - Analysis, Volume 53, 1993
495978: SMITH, PETER (ED.) - Analysis, Volume 49, 1989
495977: SMITH, PETER (ED.) - Analysis, Volume 48, 1988
033875: SMITH, VERNON & KEEN, JOY - Visual Handicap in Children
527659: SMITH, ALLEN PERMAR - From Pulpit to Fiction: Sermonic Texts and Fictive Transformations (Religions and Discourse, Vol. 38)
600489: SMITH, A. H. - Selected Essays and Addresses
531258: SMITH, JONATHAN D.H.; ROMANOWSKA, ANNA B. - Post-Modern Algebra: 26 (Wiley-Interscience Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
242700: SMITH, ALEXANDER MCCALL - The Sunday Philosophy Club
097353: SMITH, GIPSY - Gipsy Smith His Life and Work
063584: SMITH, SELWYN - The Maltreatment of Children
212471: SMITH, TONY - Globalization: A Systematic Marxian Account (Historical Materialism 10)
211345: SMITH, DAVE; TAYLOR, PAUL - Of Fossils and Foxes: The Official Definitive History of Leicester City Football Club
008850: SMITH, ALWYN & JACOBSON, BOBBIE (EDITORS) - The Nation's Health: A Strategy for the 1990s
152972: SMITH, KEITH - Principles of Applied Climatology
601263: SMITH, ZADIE - Feel Free: Essays
102926: SMITH, IAIN CRICHTON - Love Poems & Elegies
466072: SMITH, GERRY - I am a Text-based Artist: Selected Words (1998 - 2008)
514969: SMITH, DENIS MACK - Cavour
087770: SMITH, G.B. - France, 1815-71
027133: SMITH, J - Diary and Correspondence of Samuel Pepys, F.R.S
543629: SMITH, SHERRY L. - Hippies, Indians and The Fight for Red Power
165159: SMITH, JOHN (ED.) - The Poetry Review: Volume LV. No. 3, Autumn 1964
165160: SMITH, JOHN (ED.) - The Poetry Review: Volume LVI. No. 2. Summer 1965
458676: SMITH, STEPHEN - The City That Was (The History of Medicine Series)
477986: SMITH, JOSEPH WAYNE - The Progress and Rationality of Philosophy as a Cognitive Enterprise: An Essay on Metaphilosophy
038906: SMITH, J. C. - The Law of Theft
212423: SMITH, R. B.; MITCHAM, CHAD J. (ED.) - Changing Visions of East Asia, 1943-93 : Transformations and Continuities
017231: SMITH, ALEXANDER - The Complete Works of Robert Burns
546427: SMITH, ANTHONY D. - Chosen Peoples: Sacred Sources of National Identity
538885: SMITH, DREW - The Circus
484906: SMITH, JOAN - Creating and Transforming Households: The Constraints of the World Economy
441034: SMITH, KENNETH M. - Virus-insect Relationships
197904: SMITH, SELWYN - The Maltreatment of Children
010671: SMITH, KATHLEEN - Help for the Bereaved
475282: SMITH, JAMES - Shakespearian and Other Essays
436397: SMITH, DAVID - Socialist Propaganda in the Twentieth-Century British Novel
023766: SMITH, PAGE [EDITOR] - A Letter from My Father, Volume 1 (1893-1930) and Volume 2 (1931-1947)
458095: SMITH, KEN - The Poet Reclining: Selected Poems, 1962-1980
422998: SMITH, LAURA LEE - Heart of Palm
422984: SMITH, MIKE; ROBERTSON, IVAN (EDS.) - Advances in Selection and Assessment
148855: SMITH, BRIAN T. - Matrix Eigensystem Routines: EISPACK Guide
451043: SMITH, ADAM - The Wealth of Nations
165158: SMITH, JOHN (ED.) - The Poetry Review: Volume LV. No. 1. Spring 1964
543980: SMITH, RAYMOND - The Irish Society 1613-1963
416164: SMITH, PETER (ED.) - Analysis, Volume 55, 1995
547182: SMITH, HEDRICK - The Russians
172642: SMITH, DAVID J. - Air Band Radio Handbook
458806: SMITH, MICHAEL B. - Toward the Outside: Concepts and Themes in Emmanuel Levinas
004170: SMITH, GEORGE ADAM - Jeremiah: Being the Baird Lecture for 1922
272047: SMITH, STAN (CONSULTANT ED.) - How to Draw & Paint in Pastels, Pencils and Pen & Ink
480096: SMITH, SHERRY L. - Reimagining Indians: Native Americans Through Anglo Eyes, 1880 - 1940
540208: SMITH, E.E. DOC - The Best of E.E. Doc Smith
448263: SMITH SURTEES, ROBERT - "Ask Mamma;" or, The Richest Commoner in England
448265: SMITH SURTEES, ROBERT - Handley Cross; or, Mr. Jorrocks's Hunt
448267: SMITH SURTEES, ROBERT - Young Tom Hall, His Heart-Aches and Horses
507525: SMITH, CARMEL; GREENE, SHEILA - Key Thinkers in Childhood Studies
479653: SMITH, JOHN - Five Songs of Resurrection
185733: SMITH, HEDRICK - Die Russen. Wie Die Russischen Menschen Wirklich Leben Wovon Sie Traumen Was Sie Lieben Und Wie Ihr Alltag Wirklich Assieht
148788: SMITH, I. M.; GRIFFITHS, D. V. - Programming the Finite Element Method
080964: SMITH, R.A.L. - Collected Papers
035352: SMITH, RICHARD - Unemployment and Health: A Disaster and a Challenge
041189: SMITH, JANE - London After Tomlinson: Reorganising Big City Medicine
510141: SMITH, MICHAEL B. - Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods, Volume 6
608193: SMITH, PLÍNIO JUNQUEIRA - Sextus Empiricus' Neo-Pyrrhonism: Skepticism as a Rationally Ordered Experience (Synthese Library, 457)
184763: SMITH, DWIGHT L.; EWERS, JOHN C. - Inidans of the United States and Canada. A Bibliography
498748: SMITH, MICHAEL - The Dulwich Catholics, 1879-1973
256594: SMITH, ROBERT A. - The Kramer Project
465858: SMITH, ANTHONY - The Geopolitics of Information: How Western Culture Dominates the World
542894: SMITH, JOAN - Full Stop: A Loretta Lawson Novel
602196: SMITH, GEORGE ADAM - The Early Poetry of Israel in Its Physical and Social Origins
602467: SMITH, JIM - George Lucas (Virgin Film)
602808: SMITH, GAVIN D. - British Brewing in Old Photographs
603556: SMITH, PETER J. - Highlights of the Off-Season
604655: SMITH, GAR - Nuclear Roulette: The Truth about the Most Dangerous Energy Source on Earth
542602: SMITH, JOAN - Full Stop: A Loretta Lawson Novel
605978: SMITH, CHRISTIAN - A Little Bit of Peace & War
605991: SMITH, ELLEN - The Reigate Sheet of the One-Inch Ordnance Survey: A Study in the Geography of the Surrey Hills
606188: SMITH, F. R. (ED.) - Lundy Field Society Annual Report, 1963-64 (Sixteenth Annual Report)
606189: SMITH, F. R. (ED.) - Lundy Field Society Annual Report, 1965-66 (Seventeenth Annual Report)
606190: SMITH, F. R. (ED.) - Lundy Field Society Annual Report, 1967 (Eighteenth Annual Report)
606939: SMITH, PAUL - Disraeli
607190: SMITH, KEITH - Around Malvern in Old Photographs
607617: SMITH, PAGE (ED.) - A Letter from My Father: The Strange, Intimate Correspondence of W. Ward Smith to His Son Page Smith
607634: SMITH, COURTNEY A. - Making Sense of the Private Finance Initiative: Developing Public-Private Partnerships
Am404a: SMITH, CHARLES H., AND BECCALONI, GEORGE - Natural Selection and Beyond: The Intellectual Legacy of Alfred Russel Wallace
506539: SMITHER, ELIZABETH - You're Very Seductive William Carlos Williams
521878: SMITHERMAN, CHARLES - Transatlantic Merger Cases: United States - European Community Merger Review Co-operation
426834: SMITHERS, DAVID - Not a Moment to Lose: Some Reminiscences
523394: SMITHERS, DAVID WALDRON - Not a Moment to Lose: Some Reminiscences (The Memoir Club)
195148: SMITHIES, F.; TODD, J. A. - Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics: No. 55. Asymptotic Expansions
545103: SMITHIN, JOHN - Controversies in Monetary Economics: Ideas, Issues and Policy
022457: SMITHSON, ALAN - The Kairos Point: The Marriage of Mind and Matter
521909: SMITS, JAN M. (ED.) - Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law
488950: SMITS, KATHRYN - Die FrUhmittelhochdeutsche Wiener Genesis: Kritische Ausgabe Mit Einem Einleitenden Kommentar Zur Uberlieferung (Philologische Studien Und Quellen)
523102: SMOLLETT, DR - The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom, 2 Volumes
425290: SMOLLETT, TOBIAS; SAINTSBURY, GEORGE (ED.) - The Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves (The Works of Tobias Smollett, In Twelve Volumes; Vol. 10)
426554: SMOLLETT, TOBIAS - Travels Through France and Italy (The Chiltern Library)
488525: SMOLLETT, T. - The Adventures of Roderick Random.
060059: SMOLUCHOWSKI, R. - Semiconductors and Insulators, Volume 2, Number 2 and 3
605131: SMOODIN, ERIC - Animating Culture: Hollywood Cartoons from the Sound Era
490711: SMOUTS, MARIE-CLAUDE - Les nouvelles relations internationales: Pratiques et thEories
214268: SMRCKA, LUBOS - Rodinny Rozpocet A Spolecnost Spotreby
146646: SMURL, JAMES FREDERICK - Religious Ethics : A Systems Approach
284066: SMYLIE, JOHN (ED.) - The Journal of Philosophy: Volume CVI, Number 2, February 2009
284872: SMYLIE, JOHN (ED.) - The Journal of Philosophy: Volume CIV, Number 12, December 2007
284873: SMYLIE, JOHN (ED.) - The Journal of Philosophy: Volume CV, Number 1, January 2008
284067: SMYLIE, JOHN (ED.) - The Journal of Philosophy: Volume CVI, Number 1, January 2009
496674: SMYLIE, MIKE - The Solway Firth to Hartland Point
284876: SMYLIE, JOHN (ED.) - The Journal of Philosophy: Volume CV, Number 6, June 2008
284874: SMYLIE, JOHN (ED.) - The Journal of Philosophy: Volume CV, Number 3, March 2008
416849: SMYTH, GARETH (ED.) - Refreshing the Parts: Electoral Reform and British Politics
282627: SMYTH, DAMIAN - Apparitions: a Hurricane
535630: SMYTH, ALFRED P. - Scandinavian York and Dublin: The History and Archaeology of Two Related Viking Kingdoms: Volume II
526076: SMYTH, SARAH; OPITZ, CONNY (EDS.) - Negotiating Linguistic, Cultural and Social Identities in the Post-Soviet World
546077: SMYTH, JOHN MCG - The Theory and Practice of the Irish Senate
081330: SMYTH, DAVID HENRY (ED.) - Intestinal Absorption (Biomembranes, Vol. 4A)
081331: SMYTH, DAVID HENRY (ED.) - Intestinal Absorption (Biomembranes, Vol. 4B)
537639: SMYTHE, PAT - Three Jays Lend A Hand
537633: SMYTHE, PAT - Three Jays on Holiday
537634: SMYTHE, PAT - Three Jays on Holiday
537638: SMYTHE, PAT - Three Jays Over the Border
205489: SMYTHE, MARTIN - Jottings
002463: SMYTHIES, J.R. [EDITOR] - Brain Mechanisms and Behaviour
083452: SMYTHIES, JOHN R.; ADEY, W. ROSS - Brain Mechanisms and Behaviour: An Outline of the Mechanisms of Emotion, Memory, Learning and the Organization of Behaviour, with Particular Regard to the Limbic System
043007: SNAITH, PHILIP - Clinical Neurosis
152256: SNAITH, IAN; COWNIE, FIONA - The Law of Corporate Insolvency
261770: SNAITH, MICHAEL L. (ED.) - ABC of Rheumatology
447330: SNASHALL, DAVID (ED.) - ABC of Work-Related Disorders
521456: SNELL, E.J. - Applied Statistics: A Handbook of BMDP Analyses
204064z: SNELL, LAWRENCE S. - The Suppression of the Religious Foundations of Devon and Cornwall
207272: SNELL, FOSTER DEE; SNELL, CORNELIA T. - Colorimetric Methods of Analysis, Including Some Turbidimetric and Nephelometric methods. Volume I: Inorganic
545931: SNELL, GORDON - The King of Quizzical Island
192535y: SNELL, LAWRENCE S. - The Chantry Certificates for Devon and the City of Exeter. - Documents Towards a History of the Reformation in Devon
192535z: SNELL, LAWRENCE S. - The Chantry Certificates for Devon and the City of Exeter. - Documents Towards a History of the Reformation in Devon
543424: SNELL, ALISON - Catholicism, Controversy and the English Literary Imagination: 1558-1660
291177: SNELLGROVE, MARTIN - Poems, 1965-72
445069: SNELLING, VERA M. - Victorian Byeways
282626: SNELLING, JOHN - Siren Songs
185745: SNELSON, BRYAN; GRAHAM, MICHAEL - Portfolio Fir$t Aid : Expert Advice for Healthier Investing
546172: SNICKET, LEMONY - A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Hostile Hospital, Book the Eighth
546173: SNICKET, LEMONY - A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Slippery Slope, Book the Tenth
546168: SNICKET, LEMONY - Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorised Autobiography (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
546171: SNICKET, LEMONY - A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Vile Village, Book the Seventh
546170: SNICKET, LEMONY - A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Vile Village, Book the Seventh
546169: SNICKET, LEMONY - Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorised Autobiography (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
546175: SNICKET, LEMONY - A Series of Unfortunate Events: The End, Book the Thirteenth
546174: SNICKET, LEMONY - A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Grim Grotto, Book the Eleventh
417886: SNIDER, LEE - Porgy & Bess: A Musical and Pictorial History
453368: SNIDER, GREG; ARNOLD, GRANT - Reece Terris: Ought Apartment
600371: SNIDER, ALFRED; SCHNURER, MAXWELL - Many Sides: Debate Across the Curriculum
277123: SNIJDERS, H.J.; YNZONIDES, M.; MEIJER, G. J. (EDS.) - Nederlands Burgerlijk Procesrecht
607624: SNIJDERS, HENK; WEATHERILL, STEPHEN (EDS.) - E-commerce Law: National and Transnational Topics and Perspectives
480364: SNODDY, STEPHEN (ED.); TIDBALL, JOHN (TRANS.) - Annette Messager: Telling Tales
452045: SNODDY, STEPHEN; GRIFFIN, JONATHAN - Eric Bainbridge: Collages
452532: SNODDY, STEPHEN; DILLON, BRIAN; BRACEWELL, MICHAEL - Ged Quinn: From the World Ash to the Goethe Oak
507901: SNODGRASS, MARY ELLEN - Encyclopedia of Frontier Literature
437490: SNOOKS, GRAEME DONALD - Global Transition: A General Theory of Economic Development
408473: SNORRI, EIDUR & EINAR - Strakar & Stelpur
219830: SNOUNOU, VICTOR - A Bridge to the Coming Millenium: A Blueprint for a Future Humane Society. An Essay on Knowledge Handling Systems
531807: SNOW, DAVID A.; DELLA PORTA, DONATELLA; KLANDERMANS, BERT; MCADAM, DOUG (EDS.) - The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, Volumes I-III
146328: SNOW, C P - Hem Komster
440369: SNOW, ALAN - Here Be Monsters: The Ratbridge Chronicles Volume 1
440508: SNOW, ALAN - Here be Monsters: The Ratbridge Chronicles Volume 1
523790: SNOW, C.P. - The Sleep of Reason
452431: SNOW, DR. D.H.; VOGEL, C.J. - Equine Fitness: The Care and Training of the Athletic Horse
433110: SNOW, C. P. - A Coat of Varnish
540254: SNOW, C.P. - Time of Hope
549039: SNOW, ALAN - The Ratbridge Chronicles, Volume 1
010487: SNOWBALL, JAN & GREEN, WENDY H - Nursing Principles: a Guide for Practice
522126: SNOWDEN, FRANK M. - The Conquest of Malaria: Italy, 1900-1962
062324: SNOWDEN, RITA F. - A Show of Hands
004958: SNOWDEN, RITA F. - Lively Stories For Children
548155: SNOWDEN, FRANK M. - Violence and Great Estates in the South of Italy, Apulia, 1900-1922
027675: SNOWDEN, RITA F. - A Show of Hands
545974: SNOWDONIA PARK JOINT ADVISORY COMMITTEE - The Joint Advisory Committee's Guide to the Snowdonia National Park
140800: SNOWLEY, GILLIAN D.; NICKLIN, PETER J. (EDS.) - Objectives for Care: Specifying Standards in Clinical Nursing
219041: SNOZZI, ERMENEGILDO G. - L'Interprétation Du Bilan
515053: SNYDER, LAURA J. - Eye of the Beholder - Johannes Vermeer, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, and the Reinvention of Seeing
469753: SNYDER, WILLIAM - Child Language: The Parametric Approach
518103: SNYDER, JONATHAN - Poetics of Opposition in Contemporary Spain: Politics and the Work of Urban Culture
002411: SNYDER, SOLOMON H. - Biological Aspects of Mental Disorder
514515: SNYDER, STEPHEN - A Place in the Sun: Green Living and the Solar Home
008469: SNYDER, MARIAH - Independent Nursing Interventions
531494: SNYDER, ROBERT W. - Crossing Broadway: Washington Heights and the Promise of New York City
516906: SNYDER, LOUIS L. - Encyclopedia of the Third Reich
538386: SNYDER, SOLOMON H.; LADER, MALCOLM H. - Caffeine: The Most Popular Stimulant
606644: SNYDER, ROBERT - This is Henry, Henry Miller from Brooklyn: Conversations with the Author from The Henry Miller Odyssey
505876: SOAMES, SALLY; MORGAN, ROBERT - Manpower
604742: SOAMES, MARY - A Daughter's Tale: The Memoir of Winston Churchill's Youngest Child
445945: SOBER, ELLIOTT - Core Questions in Philosophy: A Text with Readings
456627: SOBER, ELLIOTT - The Nature of Selection: Evolutionary Theory in Philosophical Focus
489054: SOBER, ELLIOTT - Philosophy of Biology
232842: SOBHAN, REHMAN (ED.); CENTRE FOR POLICY DIALOGUE (BANGLADESH) - Trends in the Post-Flood Economy: A Review of Bangladesh's Development, 1998-99
432134: SOBOL, JOSHUA - Ghetto
526126: SOBOLEVA, OLGA; WRENN, ANGUS - From Orientalism to Cultural Capital: The Myth of Russia in British Literature of the 1920s
081664: SOBOTKA, HARRY & STEWART, C.P - Advances in Clinical Chemistry Vol 9
081665: SOBOTKA, HARRY & STEWART, C.P - Advances in Clinical Chemistry Vol 8
081679: SOBOTKA, HARRY & STEWART, C.P - Advances in Clinical Chemistry Vol 11
159198: SOBOUL, ALBERT - L'encyclopedie : Textes Choisis : Les Classiques Du Peuole
422595: SOBRINO, ALVARO; MORCILLO, ALEJANDRO - In Pectore: Camisetas Con Mensaje/T-Shirts with Message
460137: SOBSEY, DICK - Violence and Abuse in the Lives of People with Disabilities
425108: SOCIAL SERVICES INSPECTORATE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH - Assessing Older People with Dementia Living in the Community: Practice Issues for Social and Health Services
148155: SOCIEDAD BOLIVARIANA DE VENEZUELA - Escritos Del Libertador, I Introduccion General
148153: SOCIEDAD BOLIVARIANA DE VENEZUELA - Escritos Del Libertador, VII Documentos Nos 925 - 1289, 20 Septiembre 1814 - 8 Mayo 1815
148154: SOCIEDAD BOLIVARIANA DE VENEZUELA - Escritos Del Libertador, VI Documentos Nos 562 - 924, 1 Enero - 7 Septiembre 1814
148152: SOCIEDAD BOLIVARIANA DE VENEZUELA - Escritos Del Libertador, XI Documentos Nos 1.971 - 2.290, 15 Sepiembre - 31 Octubre 1817
148149: SOCIEDAD BOLIVARIANA DE VENEZUELA - Escritos Del Libertador, X Documentos Nos 1739-1970, 1 Enero - 12 Septiembre 1817
148151: SOCIEDAD BOLIVARIANA DE VENEZUELA - Escritos Del Libertador, V Documentos Nos 288-561, 7 Agosto - 31 Diciembre 1813
148147: SOCIEDAD BOLIVARIANA DE VENEZUELA - Escritos Del Libertador, III Documentos Particulares II
148146: SOCIEDAD BOLIVARIANA DE VENEZUELA - Escritos Del Libertador, II Documentos Particulares I
148145: SOCIEDAD BOLIVARIANA DE VENEZUELA - Escritos Del Libertador, IV Documentos No 1-287, 14 Octubre 1795 - 5 Agosto 1813
022858: SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE EXPANSAO COMERCIAL LTDA [EDITORES] - Brasil, Sua Industria e Exportacao (Brazil - Its Industry and exportation) Volumes I and II
299254: SOCIETA ITALIANA DI DEMOGRAFIA STORICA - Popolazione e Storia: 2/2002
299251: SOCIETA ITALIANA DI DEMOGRAFIA STORICA - Popolazione e Storia: 1/2003
407669: SOCIETE DES HISPANISTES FRANCAIS - La Investigacion Sobre Temas Hispanicos En Francia (1962-1984): Espana y America Latina
536914: SOCIÉTÉ D'ÉTUDES ANGLO-AMÉRICANES - Bulletin De La Société D'Études Anglo-Américanes Des XVII et XVIII Siècles: No. 52
228212: SOCIÉTÉ SAINT-SIMON - Cahiers saint-simon, No. 13 - Année 1985
228222: SOCIÉTÉ SAINT-SIMON - Cahiers Saint-Simon, No. 23 - Année 1995
259246: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - Addiction: Volume 89: Number 7: July 1994
180388: SOCIETY OF INDUSTRIAL MICROBILOGY. - Developments in Industrial Microbiology Volume 4
180387: SOCIETY OF INDUSTRIAL MICROBILOGY. - Developments in Industrial Microbiology Volume 4
180386: SOCIETY OF INDUSTRIAL MICROBILOGY. - Developments in Industrial Microbiology Volume 3
180385: SOCIETY OF INDUSTRIAL MICROBILOGY. - Developments in Industrial Microbiology Volume 1
180384: SOCIETY OF INDUSTRIAL MICROBILOGY. - Developments in Industrial Microbiology Volume 5
259251: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - Addiction: Volume 91: Number 1: January 1996
079971: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF INBORN ERRORS OF METABOLISM - Some Inherited Disorders of Brain and Muscle: Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium of the Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism
259260: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - British Journal of Addiction: Volume 87: Number 10: October 1992
259261: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - British Journal of Addiction: Volume 87: Number 8: August 1992
259268: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - Addiction: Volume 92: Number 10: October 1997
259287: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - Addiction: Volume 89: Number 3: March 1994
259288: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - Addiction: Volume 89: Number 2: February 1994
259256: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - British Journal of Addiction: Volume 87: Number 2: February 1992
259257: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - British Journal of Addiction: Volume 87: Number 1: January 1992
259266: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - Addiction: Volume 92: Number 9: September 1997
259271: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - Addiction: Volume 89: Number 4: April 1994
259269: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - Addiction: Volume 89: Number 5: May 1994
259270: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - Addiction: Volume 89: Number 6: June 1994
259244: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - Addiction: Volume 89: Number 12: December 1994
415061: SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF HELLENIC STUDIES - The Journal of Hellenic Studies Volume LII 1932
016674: SOCIETY OF PERINATAL OBSTETRICIANS - Tocolytic Agents: Proceedings of a Symposium on Tocolytic Therapy, New Orleans, May 2, 1980
259240: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - British Journal of Addiction: Volume 87: Number 4: April 1992
415060: SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF HELLENIC STUDIES - The Journal of Hellenic Studies: Index to Volumes XVII.-XLII. And to Supplementary Paper III.
259250: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - Addiction: Volume 91: Number 2: February 1996
259245: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - Addiction: Volume 89: Number 8: August 1994
259254: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - British Journal of Addiction: Volume 85: Number 3: March 1990
043907: SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology: Number XVI, Biological Receptor Mechanisms
259263: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - Addiction: Volume 92: Number 12: December1997
259264: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - Addiction: Volume 92: Number 11: November 1997
259262: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - British Journal of Addiction: Volume 87: Number 7: July 1992
157247: SOCIETY FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF MATERIAL AND PROCESS ENGINEERING;BARTELDS, G.;SCHLIEKELMANN, R. J. - Progress in Advanced Materials and Processes: Durability, Reliability, and Quality Control
259267: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - Addiction: Volume 92: Number 7: July 1997
259255: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - British Journal of Addiction: Volume 87: Number 3: March 1992
259239: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - British Journal of Addiction: Volume 87: Number 6: June 1992
259265: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - Addiction: Volume 92: Number 8: August 1997
259253: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - British Journal of Addiction: Volume 85: Number 4: April 1990
259258: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - British Journal of Addiction: Volume 87: Number 12: December 1992
415059: SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF HELLENIC STUDIES - A Catalogue of Lantern Slides in the Library of the Societies For the Promotion of Hellenic and Roman Studies
080670: SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY (GREAT BRITAIN) - Solvent Extraction: Proceedings of the International Solvent Extraction Conference, ISEC 71, The Hague, 19-23 April, 1971; Vol II
259247: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - Addiction: Volume 88: Number 12: December 1993
259248: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL - Addiction: Volume 88: Number 11: November 1993
259259: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - British Journal of Addiction: Volume 87: Number 11: November 1992
259252: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - British Journal of Addiction: Volume 85: Number 5: May 1990
259243: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - Addiction: Volume 89: Number 9: September 1994
259242: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - British Journal of Addiction: Volume 87: Number 9: September 1992
259241: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - Addiction: Volume 89: Number 10: October 1994
259249: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL - Addiction: Volume 90: Number 6: June 1995
043909: SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology: Number XX, Nervous and Hormonal Mechanisms of Integration
283898: SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON - The Antiquaries Journal: General Index: Volumes 61-70
283897: SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON - Annual Report: Proceedings 1997
169654: SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF IRELAND - Irish Journal of Sociology : Vol 6 1996
169655: SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF IRELAND - Irish Journal of Sociology : Vol 5 1995
001248: SODDY, KENNETH; AHRENFELDT, ROBERT H. [EDS] - Mental Health and Contemporary Thought
003688: SODDY, KENNETH & AHRENFELDT [EDITORS] - Mental Health and Infant Development
484382: SODDY, FREDERICK - Radioactivity and Atomic Theory
000985: SODDY, KENNETH [EDITORS] - Identity: Mental Health & Value Systems
003733: SODDY, KENNETH WITH MARY C KIDSON - Men in Middle Life
435344: SODERBERG, ALEXANDER - The Other Son
469947: SODERSTROM, LARS (ED.) - Social Insurance (Contributions to Economic Analysis)
210600: SODHA, SONIA & LEIGHTON, DAN - Service Nation
510022: SOERGEL, PHILIP M. - Miracles and the Protestant Imagination: The Evangelical Wonder Book in Reformation Germany
033731: SOERGEL, ALBERT - Dichtung und Dichter der ZEit - Eine Schilderung der deutschen Literatur der letzten Jahrzehnte - Neue Folge im Banne des Expressionismus
241586: SOEUR EMMANUELLE - Soeur Emmanuelle: Confessions d'Une Religieuse
523205: SOFFEL, JOACHIM - Die Regeln Menanders FUR Die Leichenrede in Ihrer Tradition Dargestellt, Herausgegeben, UBERSETZT Und Kommentiert (BEITRAGE Zur Klassischen Philologie, Heft 57)
207095: SOH, CHUNGHEE SARAH - Women in Korean Politics
466030: SOHAR, ZVI - The Song of Solomon / Le Cantique Des Cantiques / El Cantar Los Cantares
533907: SOHMEN, HELMUT - Shipping in Transition: 1983-1986
533908: SOHMEN, HELMUT - Shipping in Crisis: 1874-1983
240301: SOHN, LOUIS B. (ED.) - Basic Documents of the United Nations
602339: SOISTER, JOHN T. - Up from the Vault: Rare Thrillers of the 1920s and 1930s
545542: SOKEL, WALTER H. (ED.) - An Anthology of German Impressionist Drama: A Prelude to the Absurd
537189: SOKICHI, OHASHI - Nihon Chiri Satsuyo: Translation: Japan Summary Geography Vols I.and II.
488464: SOKOL, NEAL - Ilan Stavans: Eight Conversations
530990: SOKOLOFF, BORIS - Penicillin: A Dramatic Story
530061: SOKOLOFF, BORIS - The Story of Penicillin
090632: SOKOLOVSKII, D.L. - River Runoff: Theory and Analysis.
250123: SOKOLOW, ANNA (COOK, RAY; GUEST, ANN HUTCHINSON) - Ballade : Choreography, Anna Sokolow; Music by Alexander Scriabin; Text and Labanotation by Ray Cook; Edited by Ann Hutchinson Guest (Language of Dance Series; No. 5)
250122: SOKOLOW, ANNA (COOK, RAY; GUEST, ANN HUTCHINSON) - Ballade : Choreography, Anna Sokolow; Music by Alexander Scriabin; Text and Labanotation by Ray Cook; Edited by Ann Hutchinson Guest (Language of Dance Series; No. 5)
454750: SOKOLOWSKI, STEVE - How to Draw Schematics and Design Circuit Boards with Your IBM PC
419688: SOLAKOV, NEDKO - Nedko Solakov: A 12 1/3 (and Even more) Year Survey
521164: SOLANAS, VALERIE - S.C.U.M. Manifesto: Society for Cutting Up Men
459792: SOLANKI, MAHENDRA - Shadows of My Making: Poems
534168: SOLCUM, JOSHUA - Sailing Alone Around the World and Voyage of the Liberdade (Mariners Library, No.1)
248823: SOLDATI, GIANFRANCO (EDITOR) - European Review of Philosophy: Philosophy of Mind: Volume 1
188088: SOLER, BARTOLOMÉ - Marcos Villarí
295374: SOLGANIK, G. YA. - Stilisticheskii slovar publitsistiki
417383: SOLINGA, JEAN-YVES - Artist in a Pixelated World
175495: SOLLERS, PHILIPPE - Improvisations : Collection Folio Essais
496245: SOLLY, HENRY - Working Men's Social Clubs and Educational Institutes
480556: SOLMI, SERGIO - Quadernetto: Di Letture e Ricordi
528413: SOLMS, MARK - The Neuropsychology of Dreams: A Clinico-Anatomical Study
185465: SOLNIK, BRUNO H. - La Programmation Lineaire: Dans La Gestion De L'entreprise
471965: SOLNITZKY, OTHMAR C.; EHRENPREIS, S. (EDS.) - Neurosciences Research: Volume 4
471963: SOLNITZKY, OTHMAR C.; EHRENPREIS, S. (EDS.) - Neurosciences Research: Volume 2
471964: SOLNITZKY, OTHMAR C.; EHRENPREIS, S. (EDS.) - Neurosciences Research: Volume 3
275566: SOLOGUB, FYODOR - Drops of Blood: The Created Legend: Part One
523915: SOLOGUB, FEODOR - The Old House and other Tales
484516: SOLOMON, ROBERT (ED.) - Money on the Move: The Revolution in International Finance since 1980
549771: SOLOMON, ANDREW - Instead of God: A Non-Believer's View of Spiritual Realities
537570: SOLOMON, BRAD - The Gone Man
258999: SOLOMON, JOE - Perpetual Playground
440899: SOLOMON, JOAN (ED.) - The Passion to Learn: An Inquiry Into Autodidactism
206124: SOLOMON, ROBERT C. - From Hegel to Existentialism
437996: SOLOMON, JON - This is Not a Taiwan Pavilion
536976: SOLOMON, MICHAEL - The Literature of Misogyny in Medieval Spain
512909: SOLOMONESCU, YASMIN - John Thelwall and the Materialist Imagination (Palgrave Studies in the Enlightenment, Romanticism and the Cultures of Print)
460073: SOLOMOS, JOHN; BACK, LES (EDS.) - Race, Politics and Social Change
021715: SOLOMOS, JOHN - Race and Racism in Contemporary Britain
546606: SOLOTAREFF, GREGOIRE - Don't Call Me Little Bunny
447801: SOLOUKHIN, VLADIMIR - Scenes from Russian Life
517449: SOLOVIEVA, OLGA V. - Christ's Subversive Body: Practices of Religious Rhetoric in Culture and Politics
232743: SOLSO, HOMER H.; JOHNSON, ROBERT L. - An Introduction to Experimental Design in Psychology : A Case Approach
513933: SOLTI, GEORG; SACHS, HARVEY - Solti on Solti: A Memoir
100593: SOLTIS, JONAS F. - An Introduction to the Analysis of Educational Concepts
469195: SOLTOW, LEE - Six Papers on the Size Distribution of Wealth and Income
469827: SOLTOW, LEE - Toward Income Equality in Norway
094465: SOLVBERG, A.; STEINHOLTZ, B. & BERGMAN, L. (EDS.) - Advanced Information Systems Engineering: Second Nordic Conference CAiSE '90, Stockhol, Sweden, May 8-10 1990 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 436)
512705: SOLVI; BATESON, RICHARD (TRANS.) - Tirich Mir: The Norwegian Himalaya Expedition
209902a: SOLYMAR, L.; WALSH, D. - Lectures on the Electrical Properties of Materials
515753: SOLZHENITSYN, ALEKSANDR - Apricot Jam and Other Stories
270159: SOLZHENITSYN, ALEXANDER - One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
526108: SOM, BIPASHA; DAS, SASWAT S. - 'The Taking Place of Language': Contemporizing the Debate About the Representation of Nation Within Bhasa Writing and Indian Writing in English
531343: SOMBART, WERNER; STEHR, NICO (ED.); GRUNDMANN, REINER (ED.) - Economic Life in the Modern Age
020379: SOMERLEYTON, BELINDA; LOW, SARAH - Freedom : Commemorative Anthology to Celebrate the 125th Birthday of the British Red Cross
519529: SOMERS, LORD - War History Of The Sixth Tank Battalion
021954: SOMERSET MAUGHAM, W. - Catalina
549075: SOMERSET, FIONA - Four Wycliffite Dialogues
525027: SOMERSET MAUGHAM, W. - Purely for My Pleasure
424476: SOMERSET WARD, R. - To Jerusalem: Devotional Studies in Mystical Religion
531761: SOMERSET, H.C.D. - Littledene: A New Zealand Rural Community
534431: SOMERSET, SUSAN, DUCHESS OF - The Duchess Cookery Book
076202: SOMERTON, ALICE - The Torn Bible or Hubert's Best Friend
010041: SOMERTON, ALICE - The Torn Bible or Hubert's Best Friend
546366: SOMERVILE, WILLIAM - The Chase: A Poem By William Somervile
496027: SOMERVILLE, PHIL - I am Moderately Fond of Australia
078644: SOMERVILLE, JOHN - The Peace Revolution: Ethos and Social Process (Contributions in Philosophy; No. 7)
449954: SOMERVILLE, ROWAN - The End of Sleep
482617: SOMERVILLE, KEITH - Angola: Politics, Economics and Society
187904: SOMIYA, SHIGEYUKI (ED.) - Advanced Ceramics Three : Proceedings of an Invited Lecture Meeting to Mark the Retirement of Professor S. Somiya from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Held in Tokyo, Japan, 27 May 1988
086461: SOMJEE, GEETA - Development Success in Asia Pacific : An Exercise in Normative-Pragmatic Balance
500107: SOMMER, BARBARA W.; QUINLAN, MARY KAY - The Oral History Manual
480619: SOMMER, A. - Photoelectric Tubes
435635: SOMMER, SIEGFRIED - Stachus
094686: SOMMERVILLE, IAN; PAUL, MANFRED (EDS.) - Software Engineering - ESEC '93: 4th European Software Engineering Conference Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany September 13-17, 1993 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 717)
531023: SOMMERVILLE, C. JOHN - The Secularization of Early Modern England: From Religious Culture to Religious Faith
530027: SOMMERVILLE-LARGE, PETER - Tribes and Tribulations: A Journey in Republican Yemen
108916: SOMMERVILLE, IAN F. - Determination of Steroid Hormones (The Radiochemical Centre; Medical Monograph No. 7)
217780: SOMMERVILLE, D.M.Y. - Analytical Conics
542009: SOMTOW, S.P. - The Pavilion of Frozen Women
539727: SOMTOW, S.P. - Moon Dance
608132: SOMTOW, S.P - Vanitas: Escape from Vampire Junction
150306: SOMVILLE, PIERRE - Essai Sur La Poetique D'Aristotle et Sur Quelques Aspects De Sa Posterite
544175: SONABEND, DANIEL - We Fight Fascists: The 43 Group and Their Forgotten Battle for Post-War Britain
268835: SONDEREGGER, ROLF P. - Gabler Euro-Wörterbuch: Bank Und Börse
525659: SONDHEIM, STEPHEN; WHEELER, HUGH - A Little Night Music
525667: SONDHEIM, STEPHEN; LAPINE, JAMES - Sunday in the Park with George
537297: SONDHEIM, STEPHEN; WHEELER, HUGH - Sweeney Todd, The Demon Barber of Fleet Street: A Musical Thriller
289540: SONE, TOSHIMARO - Consistency of Foodstuffs
239320: SONG YICHING; VERNOOY, RONNIE (ED.) - Seeds and Synergies: Innovating Rural Development in China
456379: SONG, XUE - The Scenery and Fashion of Today / Paintings and Verses of By-gone Days (Two volumes)
513478: SONG, LIGANG - Changing Global Comparative Advantage: Evidence from Asia and the Pacific
278433: SONG, I.-Y.; LIDDLE, S.W.; LING, T.W.; SCHEUERMANN, P - Conceptual Modeling - ER 2003 (LNCS 2813) 22nd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling Chicago, IL, USA, October 13-16, 2003 Proceedings
451668: SONNA, BIRGIT - Bo Christian Larsson: On and on is How We are
505469: SONNENBERG, BEN - Poems of Anna Comnena
543163: SONNENSCHEIN, C.; SOTO, A.M. - The Society of Cells: Cancer and Control of Cell Proliferation
289687: SONNTAG, H.; STRENGE, K. - Coagulation Kinetics and Structure Formation
603173: SONTAG, SUSAN - The Benefactor
606868: SONTAG, SUSAN - Against Interpretation and Other Essays
033743: SONTHEIMER, KURT - Grundzüge des politischen Systems der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
543237: SOOD, VIJAY K. - HVDC and Facts Controllers: Applications of Static Converters in Power Systems
026233: SOPER, DONALD - Christ and Tower Hill
221497: SOPER, CAROLINE (ED.) - International Affairs Volume 84 Number 2 March 2008
220783: SOPER, CAROLINE (ED.) - International Affairs Volume 83 Number 6 November 2007
412366: SOPER, CAROLINE (ED.) - International Affairs Volume 85, Number 6, November 2009
412367: SOPER, CAROLINE (ED.) - International Affairs Volume 85, Number 2, March 2009
220784: SOPER, CAROLINE (ED.) - International Affairs Volume 85 Number 4 July 2009
278372: SOPER, CAROLINE (ED.) - International Affairs; Vol. 85, No. 3, May 2009
278373: SOPER, CAROLINE (ED.) - International Affairs; Vol. 85, No. 6, November 2009
101024: SOPER, TONY - Discovering Animals
281407: SOPER, CAROLINE (ED.) - International Affairs Volume 82 Number 5 September 2006
236436: SOPER, CAROLINE (ED.) - International Affairs; Volume 75, Number 1, January 1999
220785: SOPER, CAROLINE (ED.) - International Affairs Volume 85 Number 5 September 2009
220786: SOPER, CAROLINE (ED.) - International Affairs Volume 85 Number 6 November 2009
412368: SOPER, CAROLINE (ED.) - International Affairs Volume 85, Number 3, May 2009
412369: SOPER, CAROLINE (ED.) - International Affairs Volume 85, Number 1, January 2009
014602: SOPER, TONY - The Bird Table Book
220782: SOPER, CAROLINE (ED.) - International Affairs Volume 84 Number 4 July 2008
221495: SOPER, CAROLINE (ED.) - International Affairs Volume 80 Number 1 January 2004
221496: SOPER, CAROLINE (ED.) - International Affairs Volume 83 Number 4 July 2007
465828: SOPHIAN, T.J. - The Landlord and Tenant Act 1954
512910: SOPHIE CHIARI - The Circulation of Knowledge in Early Modern English Literature
545131: SORABJI, RICHARD - Opening Doors: The Untold Story of Cornelia Sorabji, Reformer, Lawyer and Champion of Women's Rights in India
530153: SORABJI, RICHARD - Opening Doors: The Untold Story of Cornelia Sorabji: Reformer, Lawyer and Champion of Women's Rights in India
535584: SORBO, GUNNAR M.; AHMED, ABDEL GHAFFAR M. (EDITORS) - Sudan Divided: Continuing Conflict In a Contested State
272575: SOREL, ALBERT - L'europe et La Révolution francaise, bonaparte et le directoire 1795-1799
428243: SORELIUS, GUNNAR (ED.) - Studia Neophilologica: A Journal of Germanic and Romance Languages and Literature; Volume 72, 2000
428240: SORELIUS, GUNNAR (ED.) - Studia Neophilologica: A Journal of Germanic and Romance Languages and Literature; Volume 69, 1997
428242: SORELIUS, GUNNAR (ED.) - Studia Neophilologica: A Journal of Germanic and Romance Languages and Literature; Volume 71, 1999
297623: SOREN, INGRID - The Zen of Horseriding
504892: SORENSEN, JON; WATKINS, J. B. C. - The Saga of Fridtjof Nansen
111417: SORENSEN, H (EDITOR) - Advances in the Production and Utilization of Cruciferous Crops : World Crops: Production, Utilization, Description
464904: SORENSEN, GEORG - The Transformation of the State: Beyond the Myth of Retreat
601811: SORENSEN, COLIN - London on Film: 100 Years of Filmmaking in London
306343: SORENSEN, GEORG (ED.) - Political Conditionality
460587: SORIC, ANTE (ED.) - Joan Miro: 100 Grafika
480081: SORIN, GERALD - The New York Abolitionists: A Case Study of Political Radicalism
494627: SORLEY, H. T. - Musa Pervagans: Being Translations, with Original Texts, of Selected Lyric Poetry of Over Two Thousand Years from Divers Languages
296544: SOROS, GEORGE - The Crisis of Global Capitalism (Open Society Endangered)
141657: SORRELL, S. E. - Paper Base Laminates
526483: SORRENTINO, ALESSANDRA; ROSSNER, MICHAEL - Pirandello in un mondo globalizzato 1: Pirandello. Narrazione-Memoria-IDENTITA
530939: SORSBY, ARNOLD; UNGAR, JOSEPH - Antibiotics and Sulphonamides in Ophthalmology
286914: SOSA, ERNEST (ED.) - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research; Volume LXXVII, Number 3, November 2008
294177: SOSA, ERNEST (ED.) - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research: Vol. LVII, No. 2, June 1997
286912: SOSA, ERNEST (ED.) - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research; Volume LXXVII, Number 1, July 2008
286913: SOSA, ERNEST (ED.) - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research; Volume LXXVII, Number 2, September 2008
286916: SOSA, ERNEST (ED.) - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research; Volume LXXVIII, Number 2, March 2009
286915: SOSA, ERNEST (ED.) - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research; Volume LXXVIII, Number 1, January 2009
250866: SOSA, ERNEST AND VILLANUEVA, ENRIQUE (EDS.) - Philosophy of Mind: A Supplement to NOUS (Philosophical Issues, 13, 2003)
286909: SOSA, ERNEST (ED.) - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research; Volume LXXVI, Number 1, January 2008
286910: SOSA, ERNEST (ED.) - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research; Volume LXXVI, Number 2, March 2008
250859: SOSA, ERNEST AND VILLANUEVA, ENRIQUE (EDS.) - Epistemology: A Supplement to NOUS
533140: SOSMAN, ROBERT B. - The Phases of Silica
522446: SOSNITZA, OLAF - WETTBEWERBSBESCHRANKUNGEN Durch Die Rechtsprechung: Erscheinungsformen und Ursachen auf dem Gebiet des Lauterkeitsrechts (Wirtschaftsrecht und Wirtschaftspolitik 137)
600881: SOSS, JOE; HACKER, JACOB S.; METTLER, SUZANNE (EDS.) - Remaking America: Democracy and Public Policy in an Age of Inequality
486607: SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE - Catalogue of the First [to Seventh] Portion of the Valuable & Extensive Library Formed By the Rev. Thomas Corser, of Stand Rectory, Near Manchester... Which Will be Sold By Auction By Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge
299177: SOTHEBY'S - Sotheby's: Prints: New York: 31 October & 1 November 2013
299180: SOTHEBY'S - Sotheby's: 20th Century Italian Art: London: 17 October 2013
434878: SOTHEBY'S - Sotheby's: A Way of Life: The Tim Ellis Collection of Modern British Art: London 19 November 2014
550222: SOTHEBY PARKE BERNET & CO. - The Edward T. Chow Collection, Part Two: Early Chinese Ceramics and Ancient Bronzes
533640: SOTHEBY'S - Nineteenth Century European Paintings and Drawings "Titania"
468115: SOTHEBY'S - Sale Catalogue: Sotheby's: London: In Context: Italian Art: 5 October 2017
255753: SOTHEBY'S STAFF - Sotheby's: Contemporary Art Evening Auction: London, 15 February 2012
407280: SOTHEBY'S STAFF - The ICA Auction, London, 17 & 20 October 2008
218353: SOTHEBY'S - Sotheby's (10th-11th December 1985): Old Master, decorative, Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Prints
462235: SOTHEBY'S - Sotheby's: Celebrity, Disaster and Andy Warhol/The Futur! Is Now!: DIA Moves Forward/Les Lalanne: November 2013
299186: SOTHEBY'S - Sotheby's: Prints & Multiples: Old Master, Modern and Contemporary: London: 17 September 2013
407335: SOTHEBY'S STAFF - Old Master, 19th and 20th Century and Contemporary Prints; London, 25 & 26 June 1996
162245: SOTHEBY'S - Impressionist and Modern Paintings and Scultpure Part II
299116: SOTHEBY'S STAFF - Art Contemporan Vente Du Soir, Paris, 3 Decembre 2013
299117: SOTHEBY'S STAFF - Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Milano, 26 e 27 Novembre 2013
278730: SOTHEBY'S - Contemporary Art Evening Auction: New York, 13 November 2012
299181: SOTHEBY'S - Sotheby's: Contemporary Art Evening Auction: London: 17 October 2013
273292: SOTHEBY'S STAFF - Catalogue of Japanese Prints and Paintings, Chinese Paintings and Japanese Illustrated Books: The Property of Various Owners: Wednesday, 21st July, 1976
162501: SOTHEBY'S - 19th Century Paintings
227148: SOTHEBY'S - Art Contemporain: Paris 10-11 Decembre 2008 (Vols. 1 & 2, Sale #PF8020)
250334: SOTHEBY'S - Impressionist & Modern Art Day Sale Morning, 8 May 2008
415726: SOTHEBY'S - The Ti Group Art Collection, Supplement Catalogue: Olympia London, 14 November 2001
416651: SOTHEBY'S - Sotheby's: Contemporary Art Day Auction: New York 15 May 2014
272380: SOTHEBY'S STAFF - Catalogue of Printing Books: Thursday, 31st March, 1977
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