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Click on booknumber for full information
517733: GREENHILL, ELIZABETH - Bookbinder: A Catalogue RAISONNE
538645: GREENHOUGH, TERRY - Thought World
540425: GREENHOUGH, TERRY - Thoughtworld
462369: GREENHUT, M. L.; OHTA, H. - Theory of Spatial Pricing and Market Areas
542537: GREENLAND, COLIN - Seasons of Plenty
542886: GREENLAND, COLIN - Other Voices
434262: GREENLEAF WHITTIER, JOHN - The Poems of John Greenleaf Whittier
479902: GREENLEAF, W.H. - The British Political Tradition: Volume Three: A Much Governed Nation, Part I
518373: GREENLEAF, W.H. - The British Political Tradition, Volume 2: The Ideological Heritage
529713: GREENLEE, J. HAROLD - A Concise Exegetical Grammar of New Testament Greek
473715: GREENLIEF, K.C. - Cold Hunter's Moon
490586: GREENSLADE, S. L. (ED.) - The Cambridge History of the Bible: The West from the Reformation to the Present Day
160859: GREENSLADE, MARY ED. - All on Stage
528954: GREENSPAN, ALAN; WOOLDRIDGE, ADRIAN - Capitalism in America: A History
244222: GREENSTEIN, MARILYN; HAMILTON, DIANE; BADUA, FRANCISCO ANTONIO - Solutions Manual to Accompany: Electronic Commerce: Security, Risk Management and Control
505067: GREENSTOCK, M. C. - Some Inscriptions from Roman Britain
600781: GREENSTONE, J. DAVID - The Lincoln Persuasion: Remaking American Liberalism
488584: GREENSTONE, J. DAVID - The Lincoln Persuasion: Remaking American Liberalism
495137: GREENWALD, TED; SAROYAN, ARAM - Lapstrake: Poems
534871: GREENWAY, DIANA (ED.), HOLDSWORTH, CHRISTOPHER, (ED.); SAYERS, JANE (ED.) - Tradition and Change: Essays in Honour of Marjorie Chibnall
462128: GREENWELL, BILL - Tony Blair Reminds Me Of A Budgie: Poems from New Statesman and Others
530924: GREENWOOD, MAJOR - Some British Pioneers of Social Medicine
092297: GREENWOOD, BRIAN & DE COCK, KEVIN - New and Resurgent Infections: Prediction, Detection and Management of Tomorrow's Epidemics
174851: GREENWOOD, MALCOLM S.; GAUNT, HELEN J. - Total Quality Management for Schools
547464: GREENWOOD, JAMES - The Adventures of Reuben Davidger: Seventeen Years and Four Months Captive among the Dyaks of Borneo
487893: GREENWOOD, JAMES M. (ED.) - Adapting War-time Sites to Post-war Uses
512237: GREENWOOD, GORDON - Australia: A Social and Political History
521737: GREENWOOD, MAJOR; HILL, AUSTIN BRADFORD (INTRO.) - The Medical Dictator and Other Biographical Studies
293360: GREENWOOD, JUSTIN - Inside the EU Business Associations
293361: GREENWOOD, JUSTIN (ED.) - The Effectiveness of EU Business Associations
443389: GREENWOOD, NICHOLAS - Burma: Then and Now
523345: GREENWOOD, ROYSTON; OLIVER, CHRISTINE; SAHLIN, KERSTIN; SUDDABY, ROY (EDS.) - The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism
176463: GREENWOOD, JOHN; BEGLEY, DAVID J.; SEGAL, MALCOM B. - New Concepts of a Blood-Brain Barrier : Proceedings of a Symposium in Honor of Michael Bradbury Held in London, England, July 4-6, 1994
608467: GREENWOOD, MAJOR - Epidemics and Crowd-Diseases: An Introduction to the Study of Epidemiology
094188: GREEP, ROY O.; ASTWOOD, EDWIN B.; KNOBIL, ERNST; SAWYER, WILBUR H.; GEIGER, STEPHEN R. - Handbook of Physiology: A Critical, Comprehensive Presentation of Physiological Knowledge and Concepts (Section 7: Endocrinology Volume 4 the Pituitary Gland and Its Neuroendocrine Control, Part 1)
497259: GREEP, S. J.; JONES-BAKER, D. (EDS.) - Hertfordshire Archaeology, Volume 9 1983-86
094189: GREEP, ROY O.; ASTWOOD, EDWIN B.; KNOBIL, ERNST; SAWYER, WILBUR H.; GEIGER, STEPHEN R. - Handbook of Physiology: A Critical, Comprehensive Presentation of Physiological Knowledge and Concepts (Section 7: Endocrinology Volume 4 the Pituitary Gland and Its Neuroendocrine Control, Part 2)
206146: GREEP, ROY O. ET AL. - Handbook of Physiology. section 7: Endocrinology. Volume 1. Endocrine Pancreas
475386: GREER, GERMAINE - Daddy, We Hardly Knew You
264964: GREER, SCOTT L. - Territorial Politics and Health Policy: UK Health Policy in Comparative Perspective
460978: GREER, ALLAN - Peasant, Lord, and Merchant: Rural Society in Three Quebec Parishes 1740-1840
445400: GREER FEIN, SUSANNA; RAYBIN, DAVID; BRAEGER, PETER C. (EDS.) - Rebels and Rivals: The Contestive Spirit in the Canterbury Tales
534118: GREER, GERMAINE - White Beech: The Rainforest Years
171643: GREER, GERMAINE (ED) - Kissing the Rod: An Anthology of 17th Century Women's Verse
543421: GREER, ALLAN - Mohawk Saint: Catherine Tekakwitha and the Jesuits
433666: GREETHAM, D. C.; HILL, W. SPEED; SHILLINGSBURG, PETER L. (EDS.) - Text: Transactions of the Society for Textual Scholarship; Volume 7
433665: GREETHAM, D. C.; HILL, W. SPEED; SHILLINGSBURG, PETER L. (EDS.) - Text: Transactions of the Society for Textual Scholarship; Volume 6
433660: GREETHAM, D. C.; HILL, W. SPEED (EDS.) - Text: Transactions of the Society for Textual Scholarship; Volume 1, 1981
433662: GREETHAM, D. C.; HILL, W. SPEED (EDS.) - Text: Transactions of the Society for Textual Scholarship; Volume 3
433663: GREETHAM, D. C.; HILL, W. SPEED (EDS.) - Text: Transactions of the Society for Textual Scholarship; Volume 4
047426: GREEVES, LYDIA; TRINICK, MICHAEL; NATIONAL TRUST (GREAT BRITAIN) - The National Trust Guide: A Complete Introduction to the Buildings, Gardens, Coast, and Country Owned by the National Trust
Am1768: GREG SMITH - A ‘Connoisseur’s Panorama’: Thomas Girtin’s Eidometropolis and Other London Views c. 1796-1802
173501: GREG WILKINSON, HUGH FREEMAN (ED) - The Provision of Mental Health Services in Britain : The Way Ahead
492856: GREG HILTY; FRANCIS GOODING; DAVID TOOP - Shirazeh Houshiary: No Boundary Condition
175191: GREG, W. W. (ED.) - Roister Doister
547623: GREG, WALTER WILSON - A List of English Plays Written Before 1643 and Printed Before 1700
547376: GREG, WALTER, (ED.) - Love's Labour's Lost: 1598: Shakespeare Quarto Facsimiles No. 10
522591: GREGG, CHARLES T. - Plague! The Shocking Story of a Dread Disease in America Today
442124: GREGG, VERNON H. - Introduction to Human Memory
518526: GREGOIRE, LUCIEN - Murder by the Grace of God: The CIA and Pope John Paul I
465308: GREGOR, IAN - The Great Web: The Form of Hardy's Major Fiction
601774: GREGORIS, PAULO - Il Paesaggio Dei Treni
473528: GREGOROVICOVA, EVA (ED.); SEDLACEK, PAVEL - CEskA PanovnickA a StAtnI Symbolika: VYvoj Od StRedovEku Do SouCasnosti/Czech Sovereigns' and State's Symbols: Their Evolution from the Middle Ages Up to the Present
449974: GREGORSON, EDITH RAY - Lemuel
084145: GREGORY, DEE - Breaking Through: Making Therapy Succeed for You
305576: GREGORY, ROY; GIDDINGS, PHILIP - The Ombudsman, the Citizen and Parliament
026509: GREGORY, RICHARD; SIMMONS, A. T.; HODGES, F. W. - Physics and Chemistry: A Practical Course for Middle Forms
509861: GREGORY, CHRISTOPHER D. (EDS.) - Apoptosis and the Immune Response
091544: GREGORY, D. P. - Fuel Cells (M & B Monograph CE/7)
520330: GREGORY, DEREK - The Colonial Present
460474: GREGORY, STANLEY - Recent Climatic Change: A Regional Approach
191682: GREGORY, S. - Statistical Methods and the Geographer
537876: GREGORY, PHILIPPA - The White Queen - The Cousins' War
546980: GREGORY, LADY; SMYTHE, COLIN, (ED. AND FOREWORD) - Seventy Years: Being the Autobiography of Lady Gregory
608431: GREGORY, JAMES - Journey to Goldenage
544291: GREGORY, PHILIPPA - A Respectable Trade
292840: GREGORY, C. A. - Gifts and Commodities
546872: GREGORY, VALISKA - Kate's Giants
486538: GREGORY, LIONEL - With a Song and Not a Sword
528974: GREGORY, PHILIPPA - Three Sisters, Three Queens
152347: GREGORY, ROGER; PACKER, BILL - Bankruptcy of Individuals and Partnerships (Insolvency)
102785: GREGORY, J. M. - The Effect of Strength on Performance and Economics of Concrete Pavements (Road Research Laboratory, Department of the Environment) RRL Report LR 423
502112: GREGORY, PATRICK; NURSER, ELIZABETH - An American on the Western Front: The First World War Letters of Arthur Clifford Kimber, 1917-18
306040: GREGORY, SUSANNA - Murder on High Holborn
080092: GREGORY, C.E. - Explosives for North American Engineers
486785: GREGORY, LIONEL - Crying Drums: The Story of Comex, the Commonwealth Expedition
543913: GREGORY, JEREMY. (ED.) - The Speculum of Archbishop Thomas Secker
527447: GREGORY, PHILIPPA - The Last Tudor
105833: GREGORY, EDWIN (DESCH, CECIL H.) - Metallurgy
547266: GREGORY, LADY; MURPHY, DANIEL J. (ED.) - Lady Gregory: The Journals: Volume One: Books 1-29: The Coole Edition
545488: GREGORY, PHILIPPA - Dark Tides
474985: GREGOS, KATERINA; SKAMAGA, MARIA (EDS.) - Fusion Cuisine
017164: GREGSON, J. M. - Sherlock Holmes and the Frightened Golfer
605490: GREGSON, KEITH - A Viking in the Family and Other Family Tree Tales
101607: GREGUSS, PAL - Ultrasonic Imaging: Seeing by Sound the Principles and Widespread Applications of Image Formation by Sonic, Ultrasonic, and Other Mechanical Waves
100991: GREIBACH, S.A.; GREIBACH, SHEILA - Theory of Program Structures: Schemes, Semantics, Verification (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 36)
526295: GREIF, HAJO; HJORTH, LARISSA; LASEN, AMPARO; LOBET-MARIS, CLAIRE (EDS.) - Cultures of Participation: Media Practices, Politics and Literacy (Participation in Broadband Society, 4)
221487: GREIG, ANNE; TAYLOR, JAYNE - Doing Research with Children
548544: GREIG, IAN - Today's Revolutionaries: A Study of Some Prominent Modern Revolutionary Movements and Methods of Sedition in Europe and the United States
015983: GREIST, JOHN H.; JEFFERSON, JAMES W. & MARKS, ISAAC M. - Anxiety and Its Treatment: Help Is Available
190057: GREKIN, LINDA - Never Get Lost Again! : The Complete Guide to Improving Your Sense of Direction
463593: GREKOVA, I - Soviet Women Writing: Fifteen Short Stories
029868: GRELL, RHODA F. (ED.) - Mechanisms in Recombination
489416: GREN, ERIK; LEWIN, BERNHARD; RINGGREN, HELMER; WIKANDER, STIG (EDS.) - Donum Natalicum H. S. Nyberg Oblatum
545241: GRENADE, L. (AUTHOR); KEENE, DEREK; ARCHER, IAN W. (EDITORS) - The Singularities of London, 1578: Les Singularitez De Londres, Noble, Fameuse CITE, Capital Du Royaume d'Angleterre: Ses Antiquitez et Premiers Fondateurs
513011: GRENADE, L.; KEENE, DEREK; ARCHER, IAN W. (EDS.) - The Singularities of London, 1578
533259: GRENDLER, PAUL F. - Critics of the Italian World 1530-1560: Anton Francesco Doni, Nicolo Franco, Ortensio Lando
608542: GRENDON, PAUL; MIESCHER, GIORGIO; RIZZO, LORENA; SMITH, TINA - Usakos: Photographs Beyond Ruins
525296: GRENE, NICHOLAS; LONERGAN, PATRICK; CHAMBERS, LILIAN (EDS.) - Interactions: Dublin Theatre Festival 1957-2007 (Irish Theatrical Diaspora Series: 3)
530558: GRENE, NICHOLAS; LONERGAN, PATRICK (EDS.) - Irish Drama: Local and Global Perspectives
525687: GRENFELL, MICHAEL; KELLY, MICHAEL; JONES, DIANA - The European Language Teacher: Recent Trends and Future Developments in Teacher Education
199565: GRENFELL, JOYCE - Joyce Grenfell Requests the Pleasure
487009: GRENFELL, JOYCE - Grenfell Requests the Pleasure
207437: GRENFELL, DAVID - Periodicals and Serials: Their Treatment in Special Libraries
214633: GRENFELL, MICHAEL; HARRIS, VEE - Modern Languages and Learning Strategies : In Theory and Practice
526348: GRENHAM, THOMAS G.; KIERAN, PATRICIA (EDS.) - New Educational Horizons in Contemporary Ireland: Trends and Challenges (Rethinking Education, Volume 9)
507377: GRENHOLM, CARL-HENRIC; KAMERGRAUZIS, NORMUNDS (EDS.) - Sustainable Development and Global Ethics
548413: GRENIER, YVON (AUTHOR); SELIGSON, MITCHELL A. (FOREWORD) - The Emergence of Insurgency in El Salvador; Ideology and Political Will
519591: GRENIER, CATHERINE; KINLEY, CATHERINE (EDS.) - Abracadabra: International Contemporary Art
051505: GRENNAN, DAVID M. - Rheumatology
486063: GRENTE, GEORGES (ED.) - Dictionnaire Des Lettres FranCaises: Le XVIIe SiEcle
287990: GRENVILLE, J. A. S.; GROSS, RAPHAEL (EDS.) - Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook 2004
187718: GRENVILLE, J. A. S. - A World History of the Twentieth Century Volume 1: 1900-45 Western Dominance
287991a: GRENVILLE, J. A. S.; GROSS, RAPHAEL (EDS.) - Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook, 2002; XLVII
492949: GRESCHAT, ISABEL - Der Sammler Walter Minnich und das Kunstmuseum Luzern: Pechstein, Melzer, Soutine, Terechkovitch
274431: GRESH, ALAIN; VIDAL, DOMINIQUE - The Middle East: War without End?
195808: GRESH, ALAIN; BAROUH, EMMY - A L'Est, Les Nationalismes Contre La Democratie ?
195391: GRESHINA; NINA, LYZHENKOVA, MARIA EDS. - The Hermitage Picture Gallery
523728: GRESS, ELSA - Philoctetes Wounded and Other Plays
016770: GRESS, LUCILLE D.; BAHR, ROSE THERESE - The Aging Person: A Holistic Perspective
525699: GRETCHANAIA, ELENA - Je Vous Parlerai La Langue de l'Europe...: La Francophonie En Russie (XVIIIe-XIXe SIECLES) (Enjeux Internationaux, Volume 26)
178857: GRETEN, H.; WINDLER, E.; BEISIEGEL, U. (EDS.) - Receptor-Mediated Uptake in the Liver
496704: GRETSCH, MECHTHILD - The Intellectual Foundations of the English Benedictine Reform (Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England)
543203: GRETZ, SUSANNA - Teddybears 1 to 10
060211: GREVE, JOHN - Background Report No. 6: Low Incomes in Sweden
218589: GREVE, GISELA - Leben in Bildern: Psychoanalytisch-biographische Kunstinterpretationen
469090: GREVE, BENT (ED.) - Comparative Welfare Systems: The Scandinavian Model in a Period of Change
108003: GREVILLIE, CHARLES; REEVE, HENRY (ED.) - The Greville Memoirs: A Journal of the Reign of Queen Victoria, from 1852 to 1860. 2 VOLUMES COMPLETE
275237: GREVIN, JACQUES - Taken By Surprise (Les Esbahis)
073585: GREWAL, HARJIT - Sex Discrimination Handbook
437433: GREY, ANTONY - Speaking of Sex: The Limits of Language
088902: GREY-WILSON, CHRISTOPHER (EDITOR) - The Alpine Gardener: Bulletin of the Alpine Garden Society Volume 71 March 2003
440220: GREY, HOWARD; STUART, GRAHAM - The Victorians by the Sea
496295: GREY, CHRISTOPHER - Decoding Organization: Bletchley Park, Codebreaking and Organization Studies
258701a: GREY, JEFFREY - Australian Brass: The Career of Lieutenant General Sir Horace Robertson
534569: GREY, EDWARD (SIR) - The Haddon Hall Library: Fly Fishing
018557: GREY, ZANE - Under the Tonto Rim
602740: GREY, ANTHONY - Peking
062975: GRIBAUDO, PAOLA - Annalisa Cima
196624: GRIBBIN, JOHN - Get a Grip on New Physics
607966: GRIBBIN, JOHN; CHOWN, MARCUS - Double Planet
478885: GRIBBLE, JAMES - Literary Education: a Revaluation
020266: GRIBBLE, CHARLES E. - Origins of the Slavic Short Version of the "Life of Nifont"
280723: GRICE, J. WATSON - National and Local Finance
441019: GRICE, GEOFFREY RUSSELL - The Grounds of Moral Judgement
080662: GRICE, HAROLD C.; CIMINERA, JOSEPH L. (EDS.) (LEIGHTON, CHARLES C.) - Carcinogenicity: The Design, Analysis, and Interpretation of Long-Term Animal Studies (International Life Sciences Institute-Nutrition Foundation Monographs)
515226: GRIEHL, MANFRED - Luftwaffe at War: German Bombers Over England 1940-1944
231581: GRIER, MARY C. - Oceanography of the North Pacific Ocean, Bering Sea, and Bering Strait: A Contribution toward a Bibliography (University of Washington Publications Library Series; Volume 2, May 1941)
170448: GRIER, ELDON - A Friction of Lights
447741: GRIERSON, D.; COVEY, S.N. - Plant Molecular Biology
479757: GRIERSON, G. A. (ED.) - Linguistic Survey of India, Vol. VII: Indo-Aryan Family, Southern Group: Specimens of the MarAthI Language.
479756: GRIERSON, G. A. (ED.) - Linguistic Survey of India, Vol. VI: Indo-Aryan Family, Mediate Group: Specimens of the Eastern HindI Language
479755: GRIERSON, G. A. (ED.) - Linguistic Survey of India, Vol. V: Indo-Aryan Family, Eastern Group, Part II: Specimens of the BihArI and OriyA Languages
114021: GRIERSON, HERBERT J.C. - Cross Currents in English Literature of the XVIIth Century : Or The World, the Flesh & the Spirit, Their Actions & Reactions, Being The Messenger Lectures on the Evolution of Civilization, Cornell University, 1926-27
450967: GRIERSON, H.J.C. (ED.) - Essays and Studies By Members of The English Association: Vol. XVI
541604: GRIERSON, PHILIP; MAYS, MELINDA - Catalogue of Late Roman Coins in the Dumbarton Collection and the Whittemore Collection: From Arcadius and Honorius to the Accession of Anastasius
494783: GRIERSON, D.; LYCETT, G.W.; TUCKER, G.A. (EDS.) - Mechanisms and Applications of Gene Silencing
479762: GRIERSON, G. A. (ED.) - Linguistic Survey of India, Vol. XI: Gipsy Languages
174195: GRIERSON, H.; SMITH, J. C. - A Critical History of English Poetry
527521: GRIES, DAVID - The Science of Programming (Texts and Monographs in Computer Science)
470350: GRIEVE, GREGORY P. - Mobilisation of the Spine: Notes on Examination, Assessment and Clinical Method
446839: GRIEVE, PAUL - Upon a Wheel of Fire
497133: GRIEVESON, LEE - Policing Cinema: Movies and Censorship in Early-Twentieth-Century America
531073: GRIFFEN, SCOTT - My Heart is Africa: A Flying Adventure
415201: GRIFFIN, JAMES; EDDERSHAW, DAVID - Using Local History Sources: A Teacher's Guide for the National Curriculum
290084: GRIFFIN, CHRISTINE; LEES, SUE (EDS.) - Gender and Education: Volume 9, Number 1, March 1997: Special Issue: Masculinities in Education
505852: GRIFFIN, JONATHAN - Common-Sense of the Senses
513747: GRIFFIN, STEPHEN - Ken Dodd: The Biography
534432: GRIFFIN, STUART - Japanese Food and Cooking
248005: GRIFFIN, GABRIELE; ASTON, ELAINE (EDS.) - Pulp and Other Plays by Tasha Fairbanks
013205: GRIFFIN, TOM - International Marketing Communications
541398: GRIFFIN, NICHOLAS - Russell's Idealist Apprenticeship
600353: GRIFFIN, KEITH (ED.) - Economic Reform in Vietnam
464997: GRIFFIN, PETER - "I am only the head of those that go before me" (A twenty year retrospective)
474977: GRIFFIN, APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK - Library of Congress: Select List of Books on Railroads in Foreign Countries
418722: GRIFFIN, TIM (ED.) - Artforum; Decemebr 2004
495345: GRIFFIN, CHARLES C.; WARREN, J. BENEDICT (EDS.) - Latin America: A Guide to the Historical Literature
409936: GRIFFIN, WILLIAM PAUL - The God of the Prophets: An Analysis of Divine Action
169869: GRIFFIN, JANE ED. - Health Information and the Consumer : Papers from a Symposium Held on 30th November 1994
441984: GRIFFIN, KEITH; MCKINLEY, TERRY - Implementing a Human Development Strategy
525634: GRIFFIN, MICHAEL J.; MOYLAN, TOM (EDS.) - Exploring the Utopian Impulse: Essays on Utopian Thought and Practice (Ralahine Utopian Studies, Volume 2)
094272: GRIFFIN, JANE - Born Too Soon
272522: GRIFFIN, PETER - Peter Griffin: Between Head and Heart: Paintings, People and Places
488718: GRIFFIN, CAROLINE - Passion is Everywhere Appropriate
072058: GRIFFIN, BURT W. - Cities within a city: On changing Cleveland's government (Special reports in urban affairs series)
198968: GRIFFIN, JANE (ED.) - The Future of Primary Care : Papers from a Symposium Held on 13th September 1995
476885: GRIFFIN, PETER - Peter Griffin: Paintings from the Interlude
605179: GRIFFIN, MARTIN - Ashes of the Mind: War and Memory in Northern Literature, 1865-1900
207441: GRIFFIS, WILLIAM - The Japanese Nation in Evolution
198731a: GRIFFISS, J. MCLEOD; ROOT, RICHARD K.; SANDE, MERLE A.; WARREN, KENNETH S. (EDS.) - Immunization (Contemporary Issues in Infectious Diseases)
508331: GRIFFITH, RICHARD; TENGNAH, CASSAM - Law and Professional Issues in Nursing
251724: GRIFFITH, RHYS - National Curriculum: National Disaster? : Education and Citizenship
516797: GRIFFITH, GARETH - Socialism and Superior Brains: The Political Thought of Bernard Shaw
436458: GRIFFITH-JONES, STEPHANY; SUNKEL, OSVALDO - Debt and Development Crises in Latin America: The End of an Illusion
462450: GRIFFITH, J.S. - The Neural Basis of Conscious Decision: An Inaugural Lecture by Professor J.S. Griffith
000469: GRIFFITH, E.F. - Ups and Downs in Married Life
085258: GRIFFITH, R. H. - The Practice of Research in the Chemical Industries
020171: GRIFFITH, ERNEST, S, - Congress, Its Contemporary Role
537196: GRIFFITH, LLEWELYN WYN - Up to Mametz
109040: GRIFFITH, ERNEST S. - The American System of Government (Home Study Books; No. 21)
274867: GRIFFITHS, SALLY; MCBRIDE, SIMON - The English House: Architecture & Interiors
485644: GRIFFITHS, D. LL.; SEDDON, H. J.; ROAF, R. - Pott's Paraplegia
536439: GRIFFITHS, RALPH A. - The Household Book (1510-1551) of Sir Edward Don: An Anglo-Welsh Knight and His Circle
264422: GRIFFITHS, SIMON; HICKSON, KEVIN - British Party Politics and Ideology after New Labour
299570: GRIFFITHS, C. M.; HURST, A.; WORTHINGTON, P. F. (EDS.) - Geological Applications of Wireline Logs II
508197: GRIFFITHS, N. E. S. - Penelope's Web: Some Perceptions of Women in European and Canadian Society
501586: GRIFFITHS, MARTIN (ED.) - Encyclopedia of International Relations and Global Politics
548510: GRIFFITHS, ELLY - The Last Word
522449: GRIFFITHS, M.R.; LUCAS, J.R. - Ethical Economics
542809: GRIFFITHS, RICHARD - The Reactionary Revolution: The Catholic Revival in French Literature 1870-1914
440191: GRIFFITHS, GARETH - Women's Factory Work in World War I
021599: GRIFFITHS, ALAN; WALL, STUART (EDS.) - Applied Economics: An Introductory Course
295702: GRIFFITHS, D. F.; WATSON, G. A. (EDS.) - Numerical Analysis 1993: Proceedings of the 15th Dundee Conference, June-July 1993 (Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series, 303)
241664: GRIFFITHS, DAVID F. (ED.) - The Mathematical Basis of Finite Element Methods: With Application to Partial Differential Equations (The Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications Conference Series Number 2)
289382: GRIFFITHS, SIAN; HUNTER, DAVID J. (EDS.) - Perspectives in Public Health
010235: GRIFFITHS, TREVOR - The Gulf Between Us or, The Truth and Other Fictions
486452: GRIFFITHS, REBECCA - A Place to Lie
011674: GRIFFITHS, TREVOR; PIKSER, JEREMY - Real Dreams and Revolution in Cleveland
522301: GRIFFITHS, ANTONY; CAREY, FRANCES - German Printmaking in the Age of Goethe
083430: GRIFFITHS, TREVOR - Real Dreams and Revolution in Cleveland
188479: GRIFFITHS, PETER - Managing Your Internet and Intranet Services : The Information and Library Profession
544799: GRIFFITHS, RALPH A. (ED.); SHERBORNE, JAMES, (ED.) - Kings & Nobles in the Later Middle Ages: A Tribute to Charles Ross
421657: GRIFFITHS, D. F.; WATSON, G. A. (EDS.) - Numerical Analysis 1991 (Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series 260)
544377: GRIFFITHS, DAVID J. - Somali and Kurdish Refugees in London: New Identities in the Diaspora
083429: GRIFFITHS, TREVOR - Real Dreams and Revolution in Cleveland
016500: GRIFFITHS, ALAN - European Community Survey
606610: GRIFFITHS, STEPHEN (ED.) - More Memories of Croydon
607429: GRIFFITHS, WYNNE M. (ED.) - Aspects of Edenbridge, Number Three
607753: GRIFFITHS, BRYN - Beasthoods
082667: GRIFFTHS, R.A. - Degenerative Neurological Disease in the Elderly
Am1962: GRIGERA, JUAN & ZORZOLI, LUCIANA - The Argentinian Dictatorship and Its Legacy: Rethinking the Proceso
157577: GRIGG, JOHN - The History of the Times: Volume VI The Thomson Years 1966-1981
260056: GRIGGS, TERRY - Quickening
506867: GRIGGS, NORMAN - Sharp-Eyed and Wary
506210: GRIGGS, NORMAN - Life in the Withered Shell
606552: GRIGGS, CLAUDINE - S/he: Changing Sex and Changing Clothes
484308: GRIGNON, C.H.; GUEVREMONT, G.; RINGUET, A. LABERGE; RIVARD, A. - Trois visions du terroir
144982: GRIGORENKO, PETER (CRANKSHAW, EDWARD) - The Grigorenko Papers : Writings by General P.G. Grigorenko and Documents on His Case
001746: GRIGORENKO, GENERAL P. G. - The Grigorenko Papers
507432: GRIGOROPOULOS, COSTAS P. - Transport in Laser Microfabrication: Fundamentals and Applications
473055: GRIGOROVICH, YURI; DEMIDOV, ALEXANDER (EDS.) - The Authorized Bolshoi Ballet Book of Ivan the Terrible
541329: GRIGSON, GEOFFREY; GRIGSON, JANE - Shapes and Adventures
263886: GRIGSON, GEOFFREY (EDITOR); HOSKINS, W.G. - Chilterns to Black Country (About Britain Number Five)
272020: GRIGSON, GEOFFREY (ED.) - The Mint: A Miscellany of Literature, Art and Criticism: 2
260094: GRIGSON, GEOFFREY - The Fiesta: Poems
506194: GRIGSON, GEOFFREY - Persephone's Flowers and Other Poems
506195: GRIGSON, GEOFFREY - History of Him
518133: GRIGSON, GEOFFREY; GIBBS-SMITH, CHARLES HARVARD (EDS.) - Places: A Volume of Travel in Space and Time, Places Which Have Delighted, Intrigued and Intimidated Men
518132: GRIGSON, GEOFFREY; GIBBS-SMITH, CHARLES HARVARD (EDS.) - People: A Volume of the Good, Bad, Great and Eccentric Who Illustrate the Admirable Diversity of Man
506201: GRIGSON, GEOFFREY - Sad Grave of an Imperial Mongoose
518151: GRIGSON, GEOFFREY; GIBBS-SMITH, CHARLES HARVARD (EDS.) - Ideas: A Volume of Ideas, Living, Dying, Dead and Fossil, Which we are Moved By or Were Moved By
518134: GRIGSON, GEOFFREY; GIBBS-SMITH, CHARLES HARVARD (EDS.) - Things: A Volume of Objects Devised By Man's Genius Which are the Measure of His Civilzation
505590: GRIGSON, GEOFFREY - Angles and Circles and Other Poems
505999: GRIGSON, GEOFFREY - The Fiesta: Poems
506200: GRIGSON, GEOFFREY - A Skull in Salop and Other Poems
415805: GRILL, HELMUT - Helmut Grill: The Refuge
064282: GRILLO, ERNESTO - Selections from the Italian Prose Writers
201655: GRILLO, R.D. (ED.); STIRRAT, R.L. (ED.) - Discourses of Development : Anthropological Perspectives
293088: GRILLO, R. D. - Race, Class, and Militancy: An African Trade Union, 1939-1965
030957: GRILLPARZER, FRANZ - Romantische Dramen
524294: GRILO, RUI; FONSECA, JOSE MANUEL; DA CUNHA, JOAO VIERA - Terror Ao Penqueno-ALMOCO: A GESTAO Que Preferia NAO Conhecer
052319: GRIMA, ANGELO P. - Residential Water Demand: Alternative Choices for Management
491083: GRIMAL, PIERRE - In Search of Ancient Italy
532979: GRIMAL, N.; GRIMAL, G. (TEXT); CHEVALIER, J. (PHOTOS) - Lights of Egypt/Lumieres D'Egypte
536225: GRIMAL, PIERRE (ED. TRANS.) - Romans, Grecs & Latins
531984: GRIMALDI, CLAUDIO - Discours et terminologie dans la presse scientifique FRANCAISE (1699-1740): La construction des lexiques de la botanique et de la Chimie
529313: GRIME, KITTY; WILMER, VAL (PHOTOS) - Jazz at Ronnie Scott's
608357: GRIMES, MARTHA - Jerusalem Inn: A Richard Jury Mystery
533922: GRIMES, MARTHA - The Grave Maurice
539528: GRIMES, MARTHA - I Am The Only Running Footman: A Richard Jury Mystery
534078: GRIMES, MARTHA - The Old Wine Shades (A Richard Jury Mystery)
540073: GRIMES, MARTHA - The Dirty Duck: A Richard Jury Mystery
602038: GRIMES, ALAN P. - Equality in America: Religion, Race and the Urban Majority
474791: GRIMM, HEIKE; RIHOUX, BENOIT (EDS.) - Innovative Comparative Methods for Policy Analysis: Beyond the Quantitative-Qualitative Divide
287994: GRIMM, JACOB; GRIMM, WILHELM (BRACKERT, HELMUT; SANDER, VOLKMAR) - German Fairy Tales: Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm and Others (The German Library; Volume 29)
540303: GRIMM, JACOB; GRIMM, WILHELM (AUTHORS); TAYLOR, EDGAR (TRANS.) - A Tale from the Brothers Grimm: King Grisly-Beard
538405: GRIMM, THE BROTHERS - Grimm's Household Tales
540268: GRIMM, JACOB; GRIMM, WILHELM - King Grisly-Beard
182639: GRIMM, REINHOLD - Bertolt Brecht
539072: GRIMM, JAKOB; GRIMM, WILHELM - Grimms' Fairy Tales
523261: GRIMM, JACOB - Deutsche Grammatik
507992: GRIMSCHITZ, BRUNO - Die Altwiener Maler
441577: GRIMSHAW, M. E. - Silver Medals, Badges and Trophies from Schools in the British Isles 1550-1850
460690: GRIMSHAW, ANNA - The Ethnographer's Eye: Ways of Seeing in Modern Anthropology
411545: GRIMSHAW, JENNIE - Employment and Health: Psychosocial Stress in the Workplace (Social Policy)
411546: GRIMSHAW, JENNIE - Employment and Health: Psychosocial Stress in the Workplace (Social Policy)
513303: GRIMSHAW, ARTHUR E. - Old English Tunes: Ballad-Tunes and Dances of the 16th and 17th Centuries
476289: GRIMSLEY, RONALD (ED.); ROUSSEAU, JEAN-JACQUES - Religious Writings
242343: GRIMWOOD, JON COURTENAY - Stamping Butterflies
019334: GRIN, ALEXANDER - Das Purpursegel : Eine Feerie
480801: GRINDEA, MIRON - Adam 300
417912: GRINDEA, MIRON (ED.) - ADAM: International Review: Vol. XXXXIX, Nos. 498-499
417910: GRINDEA, MIRON (ED.) - ADAM: International Review: Vol. XXXXIX, Nos. 487-492
417913: GRINDEA, MIRON (ED.) - ADAM: International Review: Vol. XXXXIX, Nos. 498-499
547197: GRINDEA, MIRON - ADAM International Review: A Literary Quarterly in English and French: Vol. XLI, Nos. 416-418
418971: GRINDEA, MIRON (ED.) - International Review: Our 25th Year: Marcel Proust - A World Symposium.
537976: GRINDEA, MIRON, (ED.) - The London Library
417909: GRINDEA, MIRON (ED.) - ADAM: International Review: Vol. XXXXVIII, Nos. 468-480
483776: GRINDEA, MIRON (ED.) - ADAM International Review: A Literary Quarterly in English and French: Vol. XXXVII, Nos. 364-366
483777B: GRINDEA, MIRON (ED.) - ADAM International Review: A Literary Quarterly in English and French: Vol. XXXVII, Nos. 361-363
483775: GRINDEA, MIRON (ED.) - ADAM International Review: A Literary Quarterly in English and French: Vol. XXXII, Nos. 316-17-18
491069: GRINDEA, MIRON (ED.) - The London Library
005635: GRINDER, ROBERT E. - Studies in Adolescence: A Book of Readings in Adolescent Development
514913: GRINDROD, MURIEL - Italy
000981: GRINKER, ROY R.; MACGREGOR, HELEN; SELAN, KATE; KLEIN, ANNETTE AND KOHRMAN, JANET - Psychiatric Social Work: a Transactional Case Book
469626: GRINOLS, EARL L. - Uncertainty and the Theory of International Trade (Fundamentals of Pure and Applied Economics)
485972: GRINSTEIN, FERNANDO F.; MARGOLIN, LEN G.; RIDER, WILLIAM J. - Implicit Large Eddy Simulation: Computing Turbulent Fluid Dynamics
539525: GRIPE, MARIA; LA FARGE, SHEILA (TRANSL.) - The Glassblower's Children
546672: GRIPSRUD, JOSTEIN; MOE HALLVARD (EDITORS) - The Digital Public Sphere
221991: GRISEBACH, LUCIUS (EDITOR) - Brucke: Aufbruch Der Moderne in Dresden Und Berlin
416615: GRISEBACH - Grisebach: Kunst des 19. Jahrhunderts: Berlin, 29. Mai 2013
441136: GRISHAM, JOHN - Rogue Lawyer
206353: GRISHAM, JOHN - The Last Juror
526855: GRISHAM, JOHN - The Judge's List
540717: GRISHAM, JOHN - The Pelican Brief
548505: GRISWOLD, ANN - The Kenwood Ladies' Bathing Pond
510135: GRISWOLD, H. JACK; MISENHEIMER, MIKE; POWERS, ART; TROMANHAUSER, ED - An Eye for an Eye: Four Inmates on the Crime of American Prisons Today
535732: GRISWOLD DEL CASTILLO, RICHARD - Chicano San Diego: Cultural Space and the Struggle for Justice
206929: GROB, DAVID (ED.) - Myasthenia Gravis : Pathophysiology and Management (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 377)
489969: GROBE, FRIEDRICH DER - Geschichte Meiner Zeit
246051: GROBLE, SUSI - Schuld Und Suhne Im Werk Adalbert Stifters
508310: GROCHOWSKI, JANET R.; FERGUSON, SUSAN J. (ED.) - Families and Health
534447: GROCOTT, TERENCE - Shipwrecks of the Revolutionary & Napoleonic Eras
605232: GRODDECK, GEORG; COLLINS, V.M.E. (TRANS.) - The Book of the It
450797: GRODZISKI, STANISLAW - The Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences: 1872-1952-2002
000454: GROEN, J - Psychosomatic Research: A Collection of Papers
237128: GROENENDIJK, PAUL;VOLLAARD, PIET - Booosting in Bedrijf: 35 Profielen Van Ontwerpers, Ontwikkelaars En Ondernemers in De Bouw = Booosting in Business 35 Profiles of Designers, Developers, and Entrepreneurs in Building Construction
545983: GROENEWEGEN, PETER (EDITOR) - Economics and Ethics?
058231: GROENWALD ET AL, SUSAN - The Cancer Problem
530197: GROFF, RUTH; GRECO, JOHN - Powers and Capacities in Philosophy: The New Artistotelianism
052068: GROFF, JAMES R.; WEINBERG, PAUL N. - Understanding UNIX: A Conceptual Guide
409923: GROFF, DAVID (ED.) - Out Facts:Just About Everything You Need to Know About Gay and Lesbian Life
539620: GROGAN, EMMETT - Final Score
164881: GROGONO & HOWELLS - MCQ Tutor for Anaesthetists
532945: GROHMANN, KLEANTHES (ED.) - InterPhases: Phase-Theoretic Investigations of Linguistic Interfaces
482681: GROISS, ARNON - The West, Christians, and Jews in Saudi Arabian Schoolbooks
550037: GROLLEAU, FABIEN; ROYER, JEREMIE - Darwin: An Exceptional Voyage
603255: GROMINGER, PETRA - Bladmannens Ansikten: The Green Man Som Konsthistoriskt Motiv Och Nutida Fenomen
603256: GROMINGER, PETRA - Bladmannens Ansikten: The Green Man Som Konsthistoriskt Motiv Och Nutida Fenomen
549123: GROMOV, MISHA (AUTHOR); LAFONTAINE, J.; PANSU, P. (EDITORS); BATES, SEAN MICHAEL (TRANSLATOR); KATZ, M.; PANSU, P.; SEMMES, S. (APPENDICES) - Metric Structures for Riemannian and Non-Riemannian Spaces
408212: GRONAU, GEORG - Correggio: Des Meisters Gemalde (Klassiker Der Kunst in Gesamtausgaben; X)
488854: GRONDIN, JEAN - Von Heidegger zu Gadamer: Unterwegs zur Hermeneutik
421963: GRONLI, LINA VISTE - Sentences in English and Other Writings
547791: GRONOW, J.R.; SCHOFIELD, A.N.; JAIN, R.K. (EDITORS) - Land Disposal of Hazardous Waste: Engineering and Enviornmental Issues
019650: GRONOW, R.H.; ABRIDGED WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY JOHN RAYMOND - The Reminscences and Recollections of Captain Gronow
545791: GRONSETH, ANNE SIGFRID; DAVIS, DONA LEE; (EDS.) - Mutuality and Empathy: Self and Other in the Ethnographic Encounter
542599: GROOM, ARTHUR - The Ghost of Gordon Gregory
545969: GROOM, ARTHUR - Buffalo Bill Annual 1949
509984: GROOT, LOEK - Basic Income, Unemployment and Compensatory Justice
284218: GROS & DELETTREZ - Gros & Delettrez: Orientalisme Art Islamique: 17 Et 18 Juin 2013: Paris
451130: GROS, DANIEL; STEINHERR, ALFRED - Economic Transition in Central and Eastern Europe: Planting the Seeds
462956: GROS, FRANCOIS - The Gene Civilization
538158: GROS, JEAN-GERMAIN - Healthcare Policy in Africa: Institutions and Politics from Colonialism to the Present
062508: GROS, DANIEL; STEINHERR, ALFRED - Economic Reform in the Soviet Union: Pas De Deux Between Disintegration and Macroeconomic Destabilization (Princeton Studies in International Finance, No. 71, November 1991)
430461: GROSART, ALEXANDER B. (ED.) - Joshuah Sylvester: The Complete Works, Volume I-II
549202: GROSCHE, C.; STEINER, F. - Handbook of Feynman Path Integrals
442635: GROSS, HYMAN; VON HIRSCH, ANDREW (EDS.) - Sentencing
509850: GROSS, DAVID R. - Animal Models in Cardiovascular Research: Second Revised Edition
535327: GROSS, CHARLES - The Gild Merchant: A Contribution to British Municipal History: Vol.I
528677: GROSS, IRENA GRUDZINSKA - The Scar of Revolution: Custine, Tocqueville, and The Romantic Imagination
479169: GROSS, PHILIP - The Song of Gail and Fludd
542503: GROSS, KENNETH - Shylock Is Shakespeare
516835: GROSS, JOHN - Shylock
548988: GROSS, MICHA, (ED.) - Preservation and Renewal: Bauhaus and International Style Buildings in Tel Aviv
110475: GROSS, NICHOLAS J. (ED.) - Anticholinergic Therapy in Obstructive Airways Disease
261262: GROSS, JOHN (ED.) - The Oxford Book of Essays
438456: GROSSBAND, E. (ED.) - Straw Decay and Its Effect on Disposal and Utilization
199133: GROSSBERG, STEPHEN; KUPERSTEIN, M. - Neural Dynamics of Adaptive Sensory-Motor Control
142193: GROSSBERG, LAWRENCE (EDITOR) - Cultural Studies - Jan 1997 - Vol 11 - No 1
142195: GROSSBERG, LAWRENCE (EDITOR) - Cultural Studies - May 1995 - Vol 9 - No 2
142192: GROSSBERG, LAWRENCE (EDITOR) - Cultural Studies - Oct 1994 - Vol 8 - No 3
142188: GROSSBERG, LAWRENCE (EDITOR) - Cultural Studies - May 1993 - Vol 7 - No 2
142187: GROSSBERG, LAWRENCE (EDITOR) - Cultural Studies - Oct 1993 - Vol 7 - No 3
549499: GROSSBERG, LAWRENCE - Under the Cover of Chaos: Trump and the Battle for the American Right
453321: GROSSE, RUDOLF - Die Mitteldeutsch-Niederdeutschen Handschriften Des Schwabenspiegels in Seiner Kurzform: Sprachgeschichtliche Untersuchung, Band 56 Heft 4 (Der Abhandlungen Der Philologisch-Historischen Klasse Der Sachsischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften)
490736: GROSSE, SIEGFRIED; MOSER, HUGO; PAUL, HERMANN; SCHROBLER, INGEBORG - Mittelhochdeutsche Grammatik (Sammlung Kurzer Grammatiken Germanischer Dialekte)
432090: GROSSEKETTLER, HEINZ; ET AL; VON STEIN, LORENZ - Von Stein's 'Lehrbuch Der Finanzwissenschaft '
061238: GROSSER, ALFRED - Ansprachen anlässlich der Verleihung des Friedenspreises
549762: GROSSER, PIERRE - L'histoire Du Monde Se Fait En Asie: Une Autre Vision Du XX SIECLE
432044: GROSSMAN, DAVID - The Yellow Wind
543600: GROSSMAN, DAVID - The Smile of the Lamb
480274: GROSSMAN, LAWRENCE - The Democratic Party and the Negro: Northern and National Politics, 1868-92
515589: GROSSMAN, SHEILA C.; PORTH, CAROL MATTSON - Porth's Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States
524599: GROSSMAN, ROBIN E.; SAN, L. JAMES; VANCE, TIMOTHY J. (EDS.) - Papers from the Parasession on Functionalism, April 17, 1975
543697: GROSSMAN, JEFFREY A. - The Discourse On Yiddish in Germany: From the Enlightenment to the Second Empire
539701: GROSSMANN, HENRYK (AUTHOR); BANAJI, JAIRUS (TRANSL.); KENNEDY, TONY (FOREWORD AND INTRO.) - The Law of Accumulation and Breakdown of the Capitalist System: Being Also a Theory of Crises
196907: GROTA, JAMES C. (ED.) - Management of the Acutely Ill Neurological Patient
240447: GROTE, GEORGE - Fragments on Ethical Subjects: Being a Selection from His Posthumous Papers
525293: GROTE, GEORG; OBERMAIR, HANNES (EDS.) - A Land On the Threshold: South Tyrolean Transformations, 1915-2015
516988: GROTH, GARY (ED.) - Naked Cartoonists
477427: GROTIUS, HUGUES - Le Droit De La Guerre et De La Paix: Tome Second
295754: GROTVEDT, PAUL; LANGHAMER, ANTONIN - Peter Mandl Sculptor: Works from 1996-2010
415746: GROTZSCH, HELMUT; KARPINSKI, JURGEN - Dresden: Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon
507865: GROUNDS, E.M. - Alpha and Omega
534184: GROVE, GEORGE D.C.L. (ED.) - A Dictionary of Music and Musicians: Volumes I-IV
444442: GROVE, WENDELL E. - Brief Numerical Methods (Prentice-Hall Applied Mathematics Series)
294077: GROVE, VALERIE - A Voyage Round John Mortimer
206517: GROVE, J.W. - Government and Industry in Britain
232970: GROVER, VELMA I.(ED) - Climate Change : Five Years after Kyoto
302760: GROVER, PHILIP - Henry James and the French Novel: A Study in Inspiration (Novelists and Their World)
513518: GROVES, THEODORE; RADNER, ROY; REITER, STANLEY (EDS.) - Information, Incentives, & Economic Mechanisms: Essays in Honor of Leonid Hurwicz
517657: GROVES, CLINTON H. - Propliners: A Half-Century of the World's Great Propeller-Driven Airliners
211690: GROVES, MALCOLM (BAUMBER, JOHN; LEIGH, GABRIELLE; PULLEN, DEE; TEMPLE, BILL; YATES, SHEILA) - Regenerating Schools: Leading the Transformation of Standards and Services through Community Engagement
104796: GROVES, TRISH (ED.) (GRIFFITHS, ROY) - Countdown to Community Care
477611: GROVES, MURRAY; NATCHEVA, ADRIANA - Groves Natcheva Architects: Selected Works 2000 - 2015
258967: GROVES, R. H.; DI CASTRI, F. (EDS.) - Biogeography of Mediterranean Invasions
149111: GROW, MICHAEL - Scholars' Guide to Washington, D.C. for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
174571: GROWN, G(ED); BORNSYEIN,R.A.(ED) - Neurobehavioral Aspects of Cerebrovascular Disease
531139: GRUBB, GERD - Distributions and Operators (Graduate Texts in Mathematics 252)
536284: GRUBB, MICHAEL; VROLIJK, CHRISTIAAN; BRACK, DUNCAN - The Kyoto Protocol: A Guide and Assessment
036291: GRUBB, ANDREW (EDITED BY) - Challenges in Medical Care
232951: GRUBB, MICHAEL; BETZ, REGINA; NEUHOFF, KARSTEN (EDS) - National Allocation Plans in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme : Lessons and Implications for Phase II (Climate Policy; Volume 6; Issue 4)
544964: GRUBE, DENNIS C. - Why Governments Get it Wrong and How They Can Get it Right
423890: GRUBEL, HERBERT G. - Forward Exchange, Speculation and the International Flow of Capital
477106: GRUBER, RUTH - Virginia Woolf: The Will to Create as a Woman
301646: GRUBER, SABINE; HIRNER, RENE; REICH, ANNETTE - Camill Leberer: Shelter/Casing
149437: GRUBER, R.; PERIAUX, J.; SHAW, R. P. (EDS) - Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Numerical Methods in Engineering Volumes I And II
039354: GRUDININA, I.; KURILENKO, R. G.; FONYAKOVA, N. N.; KHOLINA, A. P. (COMPS.) - A.P.Chekhov: Materialy Literaturnogo Muzeya Pushkinskogo Doma (Academiya Nauk SSSR, Institut Pushkinskoi Literatury)
008700: GRUDZINSKAS, J.G. & BEEDHAM, T. [EDITORS] - Treatment and Prognosis : Obstetrics & Gynaecology
172579: GRUEL, GERT-MARTIN ED. - Oberwolfach Reports Vol 1. No. 1
491155: GRUEN, LORI; PANICHAS, GEORGE E. (EDS.) - Sex, Morality, and the Law
536495: GRUEN, LORI (EDITOR) - Critical Terms for Animal Studies
438961: GRUENBERG, ELLIOT L. (ED.) - Handbook of Telemetry and Remote Control
450678: GRUET, STEPHANE (ED.) - Poiesis: Architecture, City and Human Community
104360: GRUGEL, JEAN - Politics and Development in the Caribbean Basin: Central America and the Caribbean in the New World Order
524580: GRUGEL, JEAN; RIGGIROZZI, PIA (EDS.) - Governance After Neoliberalism in Latin America (Studies of The Americas Series)
453574: GRUGEL, LEE E. - George Jacob Holyoake: A Study in the Evolution of a Victorian Radical
451652: GRUGEL, JEAN - Politics and Development in the Caribbean Basin: Central America and the Caribbean in the New World Order
033415: GRUHNER, EMMY - Susis Nordlandreise
251047: GRUIS, VINCENT; TSENKOVA, SASHA; NIEBOER, NICO (EDS.) - Management of Privatised Housing: International Policies and Practice
251061: GRUIS, VINCENT; TSENKOVA, SASHA; NIEBOER, NICO (EDS.) - Management of Privatised Housing: International Policies & Practice
439121: GRUNBACHER, ARMIN - The Making of German Democracy: West Germany During the Adnauer Era, 1945-65 (Documents in Mondern History)
484873: GRUNBACHER, HERBERT; HARTENSTEIN, REINER W. (EDS.) - Field-Programmable Gate Arrays: Architectures and Tools for Rapid Prototyping: Second International Workshop on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications, Vienna, Austria, August 31 - September 2, 1992: Selected Papers
492901: GRUNCHEC, PHILIPPE; THUILLIER, JACQUES - Tout L'oeuvre Peint De Gericault (Les Classiques De l'Art)
214705: GRUNDBERG, ANDY - Crisis of the Real : Writings on Photography since 1974
522044: GRUNDMANN, STEFAN; KERBER, WOLFGANG; WEATHERILL, STEPHEN (EDS.) - Party Autonomy and the Role of Information in the Internal Market
522111: GRUNDMANN, STEFAN; CAFAGGI, FABRIZIO; VETTORI, GIUSEPPE (EDS.) - The Organizational Contract: From Exchange to Long-Term Network Cooperation in European Contract Law
495037: GRUNDY, PETER (ED.) - IATEGL 1999: Edinburgh Conference Selections
495036: GRUNDY, PETER (ED.) - IATEGL 1997: Brighton Conference Selections
540642: GRUNDY, G.B. - Fifty-Five Years at Oxford: An Unconventional Autobiography
482847: GRUNDY, KENNETH W. - The Militarization of South African Politics
498965: GRUNDY, MICHAEL - A Fiery Glow in the Darkness: Woodbine Willie - PadrE & Poet
491079: GRUNDY, LYNNE - Books and Grace: Aelfric's Theology
470589: GRUNEBERG, MICHAEL; MORRIS, PETER (EDS.) - Theoretical Aspects of Memory
523549: GRUNENBERG, CHRISTOPH; SILLARS, LAURENCE (EDS.) - Peter Blake: A Retrospective
163250: GRUNFELD, FREDERIC V. - Rodin : A Biography
090007: GRUNIG, RUDOLF; KUHN, RICHARD - Process-based Strategic Planning
473687: GRUNWALD, HENRY - Twilight: Losing Sight, Gaining Insight
075398: GRUNWALD, JOSEPH (ED.) - Latin America and World Economy: A Changing International Order (Latin American International Affairs Series; Volume 2)
485723: GRUPINSKA, ANKA (ED.) - Warszawa 1943, Warszawa 1944: fotograf Nieznany
542335: GRUSA, JIRI (AUTHOR); KUSSI, PETER - The Questionnaire, or Prayer For A Town & A Friend
429824: GRUSHIN, OLGA - The Dream Life of Sukhanov
276999: GRUSHIN, OLGA - The Dream Life of Sukhanov
517538: GRUSIN, RICHARD (ED.) - After Extinction
478701: GRUSOVIN, MARCO (ED.) - Cultura Ebraica Nel Goriziano (Fonti Di Cultura)
519451: GRUSOVIN, MARCO - Gli Ebraisti Cattolici a Gorizia Nell'Ottocento: Esegesi, Linguistica e Teologia (Fonti e Studi Di Storia Sociale e Religiosa)
529711: GRUSZKOWSKI, WIESLAWA - Ruiny Fotografie Wieslawa Gruszkowskiego
089411: GRUTER, W.; GUILLARD, H.; MOSER, W.; MONGET, J. M.; PALZ, W.; RASCHKE, E.; REINHARDT, R. E.; SCHWARZMANN, P.; AND WALD, L. - Solar Radiation Data from Satellite Images: Determination of Solar Radiation at Ground Level from Images of the Earth Transmitted by Meteorological Satellites
537383: GRUTTERS, CAROLUS; MANTU, SANDRA; MINDERHOUD, PAUL (EDITORS) - Migration on the Move: Essays on the Dynamics of Migration
440631: GRUZINOV, V. P. - The USSR's Management of Foreign Trade
544283: GRZYMALA-MOSZCZYNSKA, HALINA; BEIT-HALLAHMI, BENJAMIN (EDITORS) - Religion, Psychopathology and Coping
451811: GSANGER, HANS - The Future of Rural Development: Between the Adjustment of the Project Approach and Sectoral Programme Design
530316: GU, WENDA; BESSIRE, MARK (ED.) - Wenda Gu: Art from Middle Kingdom to Biological Millennium
511530: GU, XUN - Statistical Theory and Methods for Evolutionary Genomics
511529: GU, XUN - Statistical Theory and Methods for Evolutionary Genomics
470581: GUAL, JORDI; RICART, JOAN E. (EDS.) - Strategy, Organization and the Changing Nature of Work
108913: GUAL, CARLOS (ED.) - Third International Congress of Endocrinology, Mexico, D.F., June 30 - July 5, 1968 : Abstracts of Brief Communications (International Congress Series; No. 157)
461571: GUAL, JORDI - The Social Challenge of Job Creation: Combating Unemployment in Europe
Am2020: GUALTIERI, CLAUDIA - Migration and the Contemporary Mediterranean
601481: GUARE, JOHN - Six Degrees of Separation
539986: GUARESCHI, GIOVANNI - School For Husbands
544988: GUARINO SERGIO, LOCCI MASSIMO, LUDOVICO ANNA - Antonella Cappuccio. Dipinti 1984-1985
543612: GUASCO, ALBERTO - Le Due Italie: Azionismo e Qualunquismo (1943-1948)
531684: GUBA, EDDIE - Race Report 3
190067: GUBBINS, DAVID - Seismology and Plate Tectonics
260950: GUBERT, RENZO (ED.) - Persistenze e Mutamenti Dei Valori Degli Italiani Nel Contesto Europeo
162071: GUDENIAN, CHES & COOPER, BARBARA - Travellers Digest (B.O.A.C Guide to 101 Countries)
249571: GUDNASON, GUNNAR; BRUUN, ERIK - CMOS Circuit Design for RF Sensors (The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science. Analog Circuits and Signal Processing)
209373: GUDZINOWICZ, BENJAMIN J.; GUDZINOWICZ, MICHAEL J. - Analysis of Drugs and Metabolites By Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectometry, Volume 3: Antipsychotic, Antiemetic, and Antidepressant Drugs
424959: GUEDALLA, PHILIP - Mr. Churchill: A Portrait
463722: GUEDALLA, PHILIP - The Queen and Mr. Gladstone, Volume 1: 1845 - 1879
463723: GUEDALLA, PHILIP - The Queen and Mr. Gladstone, Volume 2: 1880 - 1898
022016: GUEDALLA, PHILIP - The Liberators
515688: GUEDEA, ROGELIO (ED.) - Países en tránsito; Estudios de literatura comparada (75) (Hispanic Studies: Culture and Ideas)
525270: GUEDEA, ROGELIO (ED.) - Margen al Centro: Nuevas Vertientes De La POESIA Ibero / Americana : Hispanic Studies: Culture and Ideas, Volume 78
527162: GUEDEA, ROGELIO (EDS.) - PAISES en TRANSITO: Estudios de literatura comparada (Hispanic Studies: Culture and Ideas, Volume 75)
085292: GUEDES, GUTA MOURA, ED. - Experimenta Reflex 1
523110: GUELETT, M.; STACKHOUSE, T. (TRANS.) - Chinese Tales; or, the Wonderful Adventures of the Mandarin Fum-Hoam (Cooke's Edition)
544921: GUENEE, BERNARD; VALE, JANET, (TRANSL.) - States and Rulers in Later Medieval Europe
520300: GUENO, JEAN-PIERRE; LAPLUME, YVES - Paroles de Poilus: Lettres et carnets du front, 1914-1918
602969: GUERBER, H. A.; STUART, DOROTHY MARGARET - The Myths of Greece and Rome
179129: GUERIN, MICHEL - La Politique De Stendhal: Les Brigands Et Le Bottier
543001: GUERINOT, J.V. - Pamphlet Attacks on Alexander Pope, 1711-1744: A Descriptive Bibliography
427593: GUERLAC, HENRY - Newton on the Continent
537518: GUERNERI, LUCA, (ED); GALAVERNI, ROBERTO (INTRO.) - Modern Poetry in Translation: No.15: Contemporary Italian Poets
533471: GUERON, JACQUELINE (ED) - Sentence and Discourse
455594: GUERRAND, ROGER-H.; ET AL - Ceramique Impressioniste
514023: GUERRERO, ANTONIO - Absolved by Solidarity / Absueltos por La Solidaridad: 16 Watercolors for 16 Years of Unjust Imprisonment of the Cuban Five / 16 Acuarelas por 16 Anos de Injusta Prision de los Cinco Cubanos
257209: GUERSHOON, ANDREW. - Certain Aspects of Russian Proverbs
248627: GUERTS, WERNER; CATTHOOR, FRANCKY; DE MAN, HUGO; GEURTS, WERNER; VERNALDE, SERGE - Accelerator Data-Path Synthesis for High-Throughout Signal Processing Applications
250155: GUEST, ANN HUTCHINSON - Tudor's Soiree Musicale (The Language of Dance Series; No. 4)
045940: GUEST, EDWIN - Origines Celticae and Other Contributions to the History of Britain Vol I
250154: GUEST, ANN HUTCHINSON - Tudor's Soiree Musicale (The Language of Dance Series; No. 4)
539129: GUEUDET, GHISLAINE; PEPIN, BIRGIT; TROUCHE, LUC (EDITORS) - From Text to 'Lived' Resources: Mathematics Curriculum Materials and Teacher Development
210633: GUEVARA, ERNESTO CHE; DEUTSCHMANN, DAVID (ED.) - Che Guevara Reader : Writings on Guerrilla Strategy, Politics and Revolution
484343: GUEVREMONT, GERMAINE - Marie-Didace
192179: GUEX, JULES - Le Theatre et La Societe Francaise De1815 a 1848
288392: GUGGENHEIM, E. A.; STOKES, R. H. - Equilibrium Properties of Aqueous Solutions of Single Strong Electrolytes; Topic 15. Equilibrium Properties of Electrolyte Solutions; Volume 1
530881: GUGLIELMINETTI, MARZIANO - Tristano L'Inquisitore e Il Rogo
089455: GUHA, ASHOK (EDITOR) - Economic Liberalization, Industrial Structure & Growth in India
455317: GUI, HEI - Chinese Artist in the 21st Century
451730: GUIBERT, GERARD (ED.) - Morocco Tourism, No. 58
178313: GUICCIARDINI, FRANCESCO - Francesco Guicciardini : A Cura Di Guido Vitali
530775: GUICCIARDINI, FRANCESCO; GRAYSON, CECIL (ED.&TRANS.); GRAYSON, MARGARET (TRANS.) - Francesco Guicciardini: Selected Writings
423918: GUICHARNAUD, JACQUES - Raymond Queneau (Columbia Essays on Modern Writers)
467283: GUIDARELLI, GIANMARIO - Una Giogia Ligata in Piombo: La Fabbrica Della Scuola Grande Di San Rocco in Venezia 1517-1560
603672: GUIDOBONO, RAFFAELLA; ELLEGOOD, ANNE - Gordon Cheung: God is on Our Side
514337: GUILES, FRED LAWRENCE - Marion Davies, a Biography
457120: GUILHERME MERQUIOR, JOSE - L'Esthetitque de Levi Strauss
511395: GUILHIERMOZ, PAUL - Essai Sur L'origine De La Noblesse En France Au moyan-Age
546447: GUILIANO, EDWARD (ED.) - Lewis Carroll Observed: A Collection of Unpublished Photographs, Drawings, Poetry and New Essays
437369a: GUILLAUME, GENERAL A. - The German Russian War 1941-1945
509754: GUILLAUME, ANDRE (ED.) - ORE Number 28: Special Issue on W.E. Henley (1849-1903)
112056: GUILLAUME, A. (TASSIGNY, DE LATTRE DE) - The German Russian War, 1941-1945
529550: GUILLAUME, ALFRED - Islam (The Belle Sauvage Library)
478669: GUILLAUMIN, EMILE - Six ans de Lutte Syndicale
071909: GUILLEBAUD, JOHN - The Pill and Other Forms of Hormonal Contraception
073195: GUILLEBAUD, JOHN - Pill and Other Forms of Hormonal Contraception, The
071918: GUILLEBAUD, JOHN - Contraception: Your Questions Answered
094842: GUILLEMIN, VICTOR - Cosmology in (2 + 1) -Dimensions, Cyclic Models, and Deformations of M2,1: Annals of Mathematics Studies (Study 121)
479017: GUILLOT, RENE - Fonabio and the Lion
109753: GUILLOT, RENE - The Sea Rover
109757: GUILLOT, RENE - The Fantastic Brother
109762: GUILLOT, RENE - The Troubadour
109765: GUILLOT, RENE - The Wind of Chance
473319: GUILLOT, RENE - The White Shadow
502540: GUILMANT, AYLWIN - Bygone Steyning Bramber and Beeding
524578: GUIMARAES, S. PINHEIRO (ED.) - South Africa and Brazil: Risks and Opportunities in the Turmoil of Globalisation
480976: GUINDON, HUBERT; HAMILTON, ROBERTA (ED.); MCMULLAN, JOHN L. (ED.) - Quebec Society: Tradition, Modernity, and Nationhood
449166: GUINN, MATTHEW - The Scribe
029073: GUINNESS, ALEC - My Name Escapes Me : The Diary of a Retiring Actor
442802: GUINNESS, LINDY - Cows: The Way That I Went
477976: GUINNESS, BRIAN - The Engagement
544873: GUINNESS, BRYAN - The Engagement
110765: GUINNESS, BRYAN - The Giant's Eye
214907: GUIRAO, FERNANDO - Spain and the Reconstruction of Western Europe, 1945-57 : Challenge and Response
522526: GUIRDHAM, MAUREEN - Interpersonal Skills at Work
532476: GUISO, ANDREA - La Colomba e La Spada: "Lotta Per La Pace" e Antiamericanismo Nella Politica Del Partito Comunista Italiano (1949-1954)
492739: GUITAUT, CAROLINE DE - Les animaux de FabergE: Miniatures des Collections royales d'Angleterre
492738: GUITAUT, CAROLINE DE - Les animaux de FabergE: Miniatures des Collections royales d'Angleterre
113623: GUITON, SHIRLEY - No Magic Eden
195176: GUITRY, SACHA - LUCIEN GUITRY Sa Carriere Et Sa Vie
188968: GUITRY, SACHA - Et Versailles Vous Est Conte
451104: GUIVER, GEORGE - Faith in Momentum: The Distinctiveness of the Church
496446: GUIVER, GEORGE - Vision Upon Vision: Processes of Change and Renewal in Christian Worship
059413: GUIZOT, M. - History of Richard Cromwell and Restoration of Charles II
544489: GUJER, W.; KREJCI, V. (EDS.) - Topics in Urban Storm Water Quality, Planning and Management
063377: GULBRANSEN, DAVID; RAWLINGS, KENRICK - MCSE Training Guide: Internet Explorer 4
187695: GULICK, C; OCKERT, R; WALLACE, R - History and Theories of Working-Class Movements: A Select Bibliography
197532: GULICK, DENNY L. - Encounters with Chaos
027449: GULLIFORD, E. - Backwardness and Educational Failure
141030: GULLIFORD, RON - Teaching Children With Learning Difficulties
549211: GUMEDE, M.V. - Traditional Healers: A Medical Practitioner's Perspective
156912: GUMILEV, L. N. - Searches for an Imaginary Kingdom : The Legend of the Kingdom of Prester John
240977: GUMILLA, JOSÉ - Historia Natural, Civil y Geografica De Las Naciones Situadas En Las Riveras Del Rio Orinoco : Tomo I
218655: GUMMERE, FRANCIS B. (ED.) - Germanic Origins: A study in Primitive Culture
185956: GUMMERMAN, JAY - We Find Ourselves in Moontown
469572: GUMOWSKI, I.; MIRA, C. (EDS.) - Optimization in Control Theory and Practice
482067: GUMP, JAMES O. - The Dust Rose Like Smoke: The Subjugation of the Zulu and the Sioux
026829: GUMPORT, RICHARD I.; JONES, R. A.; RHODES, C.; MINTEL, R. - Student's Companion to Stryer's Biochemistry, Volume 1, Chapters 1-26
607304: GUN, NERIN E. - Red Roses from Texas
428290: GUNARATNA, ROHAN; IQBAL, KHURAM - Pakistan: Terrorism Ground Zero
304697: GUNATILLEKE, GODFREY (ED.) - Migration to the Arab World: Experience of Returning Migrants
464540: GUNDARA, JAGDISH S. - Interculturalism, Education and Inclusion
465049: GUNDARA, JAGDISH S. - Interculturalism, Education and Inclusion
425766: GUNESEKERA, ROMESH - The Match
491931: GUNESEKERA, ROMESH - The Sandglass
101692: GUNESEKERA, ROMESH - The Match
427858: GUNKEL, HERMANN - What Remains of the Old Testament and Other Essays
216932: GUNKEL, HENRIETTE - The Cultural Politics of Female Sexuality in South Africa
292118: GUNN, CATHY - Nightmare on Lime Street: Whatever Happened to Lloyd's of London?
075079: GUNN FAMILY - Gun(n) Poems of Australia
002316: GUNN, JOHN - Violence in Human Society
517674: GUNN, WALT - A Life Aloft from DC-3 to 747
608273: GUNN, NEIL M. - Morning Tide
517254: GUNN, GILES - Ideas to Live for: Toward a Global Ethics
549967: GUNN, THOM - Touch
480092: GUNN, JAMES - The Road to Science Fiction: From Gilgamesh to Wells
276819: GUNNING, R. C. - Lectures on Complex Analytic Varieties: Finite Analytic Mappings
549010: GUNNING, DENNIS - Good Stuff
541181: GUNNING, DENNIS - Good Stuff
204295: GUNNINGLE, PATRICK (ED.); ROCHE, WILLIAM K. (ED.) - New Challenges to Irish Industrial Relations
537040: GUNST, PÉTER; HOFFMANN, TAMÁS - Grand Domaine et Petites Exploitations En Europe Au Moyen Age et Dans Les Temps Modernes: Rapports Nationaux: Large Estates and Small Holdings in Europe in the Middle Ages and Modern Times: National Reports.
517592: GUNSTON, BILL - Diamond Flight: The Story of British Midland
066414: GÜNTER, ANDREA - Weibliche Autorität, Freiheit und Geschlechterdifferenz
261891: GUNTER, MICHAEL M. - The Kurds in Turkey: A Political Dilemma
243622: GUNTER ENGELHARD - Angelika Platen - Artists : No Photos Please
Am231: GUNTER EICH - Pigeons and Moles: Selected Writings
158437: GUNTHER, ALFRED - William Shakespeare Band II: Tragodien Und Historien
158438: GUNTHER, ALFRED - William Shakespeare Band I: Komodien
497257: GUNTHER, JORN - Mittelalterliche Handschriften Und Miniaturen: Katalog Und Retrospektive
276178: GUNTHER, OLIVER - Environmental Information Systems
211105: GÜNTHER, MICHAEL,JÜNGEL, ANSGAR - Finanzderivate mit MATLAB.: Mathematische Modellierung und numerische Simulation.
513862: GUNTHER, JOHN - Twelve Cities
094598: GUNTHER, O. & SCHEK, H. J. (ED.) - Advances in Spatial Databases: 2nd Symposium, SSD '91 Zurich, Switzerland, August 28-30, 1991 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 525)
188071: GUNTHER, R.T. - A History of the Daubeny Laboratory, Magdalen College, Oxford; to Which is Appended a list of the Writings of Dr. Daubent, and a register of the Names of Persons Who have Attended the Chemical Lectures of Dr. Daubeny from 1822 to 1867
157995: GUNTHERODT, H.J. - Glassy Metals
109086: GUNTHERODT, H.-J & WIESENDANGER, R (EDITORS) - Scanning Tunneling Microscopy II: Further Applications and Related Scanning Techniques
424388: GUNTON, COLIN E. - Act and Being: Towards a Theology of the Divine Absolutes
544107: GUNTY, TESS - The Rabbit Hutch
523352: GUNZ, HUGH; PEIPERL, MAURY (EDS.) - Handbook of Career Studies
540898: GUO YONGQIN; GUANGZHOU UNIVERSITY / GUANGDONG UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN STUDIES - Land and Labor Tax in Imperial Qing China (1644-1912) (Global Economic History / The Quantitative Economic History of China, 18)
418904: GUO, XIAOLU - UFO in Her Eyes
537546: GUO, ZHONGHUA; GUO, SUJIAN (EDITORS) - Theorizing Chinese Citizenship
537860: GUO, ZHONGHUA (EDITOR) - The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Citizenship
607991: GUO YONGQIN; GUANGZHOU UNIVERSITY / GUANGDONG UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN STUDIES - Land and Labor Tax in Imperial Qing China (1644-1912) (Global Economic History / The Quantitative Economic History of China, 18)
608157: GUO YONGQIN; GUANGZHOU UNIVERSITY / GUANGDONG UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN STUDIES - Land and Labor Tax in Imperial Qing China (1644-1912) (Global Economic History / The Quantitative Economic History of China, 18)
045967: GUPPY, H & SEWELL, A - St Mary's College Magazine
014757: GUPTA, ASHA - Beyond Privatization: A Global Perspective
434385: GUPTA, SUMAN - Two Texts and I: Disciplines of Knowledge and the Literary Subject
461970: GUPTA, MONICA DAS; AABY, PETER; GARENNE, MICHAEL; PISON, GILLES (EDS.) - Prospective Community Studies in Developing Countries
480570: GUPTA, TANIKA - The Waiting Room
248402: GUPTA, RAJESH K. - Co-Synthesis of Hardware and Software for Digital Embedded Systems
143107: GUPTA, INDRANI; TRIVEDI, MATUR & KANDAMUTHAN, SUBODH - Adoption of Health Technologies in India: Implications for the AIDS Vaccine
441982: GUPTA, RAHILA - Enslaved: The New British Slavery
244751: GUPTA, RAHILA - Enslaved: The New British Slavery
191098: (ED.) GUPTA, H. K.; DELANY, F. M. - Zagros, Hindu Kush, Himalaya Geodynamic Evolution
460472: GUPTE, PRANAY - Vengeance: India after the Assassination of Indira Gandhi
539480: GURDON, J.E. - The Riddle of The Forest
076079: GUREVICH, L. (SOST.) - O Stanislavskom: Sbornik Vospominanii
092263: GUREVITCH, MICHAEL; KATZ, ELIHU - The Secularization of Leisure: Culture and Communication in Israel
252743: GUREWITSCH, MATTHEW - Face To Face: An Essay on the Inaugral Cycle of the Rolex Mentor and Protogee Arts Initiative. The Inaugral Cycle/ 2001-2003
231311: GURKAN, S. LEYLA - The Jews as a Chosen People: Tradition and Transformation
606258: GURKO, MIRIAM - Theodor Herzl: The Road to Israel
233494: GURN, JOSEPH - Charles Carroll of Carrollton 1737-1832
512751: GURNER, RONALD - Pass Guard at Ypres
156141: GURNEY, R. J; FOSTER, J. L; PARKINSON, C. L. (EDS.) - Atlas of Satellite Observations Related to Global Change
511331: GURNEY, ALAN - Below the Convergence: Voyages Towards Antarctica 1699-1839
250584: GURNEY, JOSEPH - The Trial of Thomas Hardy for High Treason V3 : At the Sessions House in the Old Bailey
540719: GURNEY, JAMES - Dinotopia Pop-Up Book
292174: GUROCK, JEFFERY S. (ED.) - American Jewish History Vol. 7: America, American Jews, and the Holocaust
472993: GUROIAN, VIGEN - Ethics After Christendom: Toward an Ecclesial Christian Ethic
534782: GUROIAN, VIGEN - Incarnate Love
487100: GURR, ANDREW - Playgoing in Shakespeare's London
061785: GURR, ANDREW - Studying Shakespeare: An Introduction
292114: GURR, TED ROBERT - Polimetrics: An Introduction to Quantitative Macropolitics
447940: GURVITCH, GEORGES (ED.) - Traite De Sociologie: Tome Second (Bibliotheque De Sociologie Contemporaine)
469251: GURWITZ, AARON SAMUEL - The Economics of Public School Finance
549019: GUSCIN, MARK - All the Diamonds in the World
469756: GUSEJNOVA, DINA - Cosmopolitanism in Conflict: Imperial Encounters from the Seven Years' War to the Cold War
267803: GUSHULAK, BRIAN D.; MACPHERSON, DOUGLAS W. - Migration Medicine and Health: Principles and Practice
485494: GUSSEINOV, CHINGHIZ - Mahomet, Mahmed, Mamish: A Novel
526941: GUSSENHOVEN, C.; BROEDERS, A. - English Pronunciation for Student Teachers
472709: GUSSENHOVEN, CARLOS; JACOBS, HAIKE (EDS.) - Understanding Phonology
526814: GUSSMAN, EDMUND (ED.) - Contrastive Polish-English Consonantal Phonology
526819: GUSSMAN, EDMUND; KARDELA, HENRYK (EDS.) - Focus on Language: Papers from the 2nd Conference of the Polish Association for the Study of English, Kazimierz '93
526812: GUSSMAN, EDMUND (ED.) - Rules and the Lexicon: Studies in Word-Formation
526951: GUSSMANN, EDMUND - Studies in Abstract Philosophy (Linguistic Inquiry Monograph, Four)
518492: GUSSOW, MEL - Edward Albee: A Singular Journey, A Biography
441609: GUSSOW, MEL - Conversations with Miller
420453: GUSTAFSON, JAMES M. - Protestant and Roman Catholic Ethics: Prospects for Rapprochement
534284: GUSTAFSON, JAMES M. - Ethics from a Theocentric Perspective: Volume One, Theology and Ethics
534285: GUSTAFSON, JAMES M. - Ethics from a Theocentric Perspective: Volume Two Ethics and Theology
294858: GUSTAFSON, RALPH - At the Ocean's Verge: Selected Poems
531885: GUSTAFSON, JAMES P. - The Dilemmas of Brief Psychotherapy
279303: GUSTAFSSON, YLVA; KRONQVIST, CAMILLA, MCEACHRANE, MICHAEL (EDS.) - Emotions and Understanding: Wittgensteinian Perspectives
470647: GUSTAFSSON, BJORN; PEDERSEN, PEDER J. (EDS.) - Poverty and Low Income in the Nordic Countries
041330: GUSTAV LANDAUER - Shakespeare, Erster Band
536228: GUSTAVSON, KENT; HUBER, RICHARD M.; RUITENBEEK, JACK; (EDITORS) - Integrated Coastal Zone Management of Coral Reefs: Decision Dupport Modeling
548431: GUTAS, DIMITRI - Greek Thought, Arabic Culture: The Graeco-Arabic Translation Movement in Baghdad and Early Abbasid Society (2nd-4th / 8th-10th centuries)
494048: GUTCHEON, BETH - Leeway Cottage
533947: GUTERSON, DAVID - The Other
533941: GUTERSON, DAVID - Our Lady of the Forest: A Novel
542383: GUTERSON, DAVID - East of the Mountains
605953: GUTERSON, DAVID - Snow Falling on Cedars
266522: GUTFREUND, AMIR - The World a Moment Later
440969: GUTH, HANS P.; RICO, GABRIELE L. - Discovering Literature: Fiction, Poetry and Drama
089365: GUTHKE, KARL S. - Trails in No-Man's-Land: Essays in Literary and Cultural History
410483: GUTHKE, KARL S. - Der Stand Der Lessing-Forschung: Ein Bericht Uber Die Literatur Von 1932-1962
182126: GUTHKE, KARL SIEGFRIED - Schillers Dramen: Idealismus Und Skepsis
523624: GUTHRIE, DOUGLAS - A History of Medicine
155920: GUTHRIE, DOUGLAS - Logan Turner's Diseases of the Nose, Throat, and Ear
540655: GUTHRIE, WOODY - Howdi Do
518472: GUTHRIE, W.K.C. - A History of Greek Philosophy: Volume II, the Presocratic Tradition from Parmenides to Democritus
063581: GUTHRIE, MARY M. - Shock
203940: GUTHRIE, R.D.; FERRIER, R.J.; HOW, M.J. - A Specialist Periodical Report: Carbohydrate chemistry, Volume 1: A Review of the Literature Published During 1967
531646: GUTHRIE, DOUGLAS - From Witchcraft to Antisepsis: A Study in Antithesis (Logan Clendening Lectures on the History and Philosophy of Medicine, fifth series)
409895: GUTIERREZ, GUSTAVO - Sharing the Word Through the Liturgical Year
090596: GUTIERREZ, DAVID G. - The Columbia History of Latinos in the United States Since 1960
531250: GUTMAN, MARTA - A City for Children: Women, Architecture, and the Charitable Landscapes of Oakland, 1850-1950
512387: GUTMAN, ROY; RIEFF, DAVID (EDS.) - Crimes of War: What the Public Should Know
238880: GUTMANN, VERONIKA; SCHWEIZERISCHER TONKUNSTLERVEREIN - Paul Sacher Als Gastdirigent: Dokumentation Und Beitrage Zum 80. Geburtstag
484848: GUTMANN, AMY; THOMPSON, DENNIS - The Spirit of Compromise: Why Governing Demands It and Campaigning Undermines It
217233: GUTTENPLAN, SAMUEL (ED.) - Mind and Language Volume 25 Number 2 April 2010
462663: GUTTENPLAN, SAMUEL - The Languages of Logic: An Introduction to Formal Logic
217232: GUTTENPLAN, SAMUEL (ED.) - Mind and Language Volume 25 Number 1 February 2010
098343: GUTTERIDGE, M. V. - The Duration of Attention in Young Children
538056: GUTTERIDGE, LINDSAY - Fratricide is a Gas
543493: GUTTERIDGE, LINDSAY - Killer Pine
600998: GUTTING, GARY - Talking God: Philosophers on Belief
512058: GUTTLER, PETER ET AL. - Berlin Brandenburg: Ein ARCHITEKTURFUHRER: An Architectural Guide
257396: GUTTMAN, MICHAEL; PARODI, JOHN - Real-Life MDA: Solving Business Problems with Model Driven Architecture
601354: GUTTMAN, PETER - By the Sea: A Photographic Voyage Around the Blue Planet
430078: GUTTMANN, MARK J.; SIMMONS, JOSEPH W. - States, Waves and Photons: A Modern Introduction to Light (Addison-Wesley Series in Physics)
546404: GUTTRIDGE, PETER - No Laughing Matter
543026: GUVELI, AYSE; GANZEBOOM, HARRY; PLATT, LUCINDA; NAUCK, BERNHARD; BAYKARA-KRUMME, HELEN; EROGLU, SEBNEM; BAYRAKDAR, SAIT; SOZERI, EFE K,; SPIERINGS, NIELS, (EDITORS) - Intergenerational Consequences of Migration: Socio-Economic, Family and Cultural Patterns of Stablility and Change in Turkey and Europe
532235: GUY, J.A.; BEALE, H.G. (EDS.) - Law and Social Change in British History: Papers Presented to the Bristol Legal History Conference, 14-17 July 1981
161048: GUY, ROSA - Ruby
501673: GUY, JOHN - West Kent From the Air
501677: GUY, JOHN - Indian Textiles in the East: From Southeast Asia to Japan
458060: GUY, R. KENT - The Emperor's Four Treasuries: Scholars and the State in the Late Ch'ien-lung Era
295216: GUY, HENRY - Essai Sur La Vie Et Les Oeuvres Litteraires Du Trouvere Adan De Le Hale
542004: GUYAN, A.M. - Exciting, Isn't It
413453: GUYAUX, ANDRE - Rimbaud 1891-1991: Actes du Colloque d'Aix-en-Provence et de Marseille 6-10 Novembre 1991
413443: GUYAUX, ANDRE - Lectures de Rimbaud: Revue de l'Universite de Bruxelles: 1982/1-2
161993: GUYER, JANE I. - Feeding African Cities: Studies in Regional Social History
526711: GUYON, LOIC P. - Les Martyrs De La Veuve: Romantisme et Peine De Mort (Romanticism and After in France, Volume 19)
253392: GUYON, BERNARD - La Vocation Poetique De Victor Hugo: Essai Sur La Signification Spirituelle Des Odes et Ballades et Des Orientales (1818-1828)
453883: GUYVER, ROBERT (ED.) - Teaching History and the Changing Nation State: Transnational and Intranational Perspectives
003530: GUZE, SAMUEL B. - Criminality and Psychiatric Disorders
525096: GUZMAN, ANDREA L. (ED.) - Human-Machine Communication: Rethinking Communication, Technology, and Ourselves
271474: GUZY, IRENA; NIEDZIELA, ANIELA; GOROL, MARTA; IZDEBSKA - Studia i Materialy do Historii Chrzescijanstwa w Polsce, Tom IX.; Zenskie Zgromadzenia Zakonne w Polsce 1939-1947
254129: GWATHMEY, CHARLES; SIEGEL, ROBERT - Zumikon Residence
Am1305: GWEN BURNYEAT - Chocolate, Politics and Peace-Building: An Ethnography of the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó, Colombia (Studies of the Americas)
002259: GWINNER, PAUL & GRANT, MARCUS - What's Your Poison? How to Enjoy Drinkin
487979: GWYN, SANDRA (ED.); GWYN, RICHARD - The Northern Magus: Pierre Trudeau and Canadians
247270: GWYN, WILLIAM B. - Democracy and the Cost of Politics in Britain
108726: GWYNN, STEPHEN (ED.) - The Odes of Horace; Book I (Blackie's Latin Series)
534343: GWYNNE-JAMES, DAVID - Letters from Oman: A Snapshot of Feudal Times as Oil Signals Change
431802: GWYNNE, PAUL - Patterns of Patronage in Renaissance Rome: Francesco Sperulo: Poet, Prelate, Soldier, Spy, Volume I
450117: GWYNNE, PAUL - Patterns of Patronage in Renaissance Rome: Francesco Sperulo: Poet, Prelate, Soldier, Spy. Volume I (Court Cultures of the Middle Ages and Renaissance)
477143: GWYNNE-JONES, ALLAN - A Way of Looking at Pictures
450078: GWYNNE, PAUL - Patterns of Patronage in Renaissance Rome: Francesco Sperulo: Poet, Prelate, Soldier, Spy. Volume II (Court Cultures of the Middle Ages and Renaissance)
525388: GWYNNE, PAUL - Patterns of Patronage in Renaissance Rome: Francesco Sperulo: Poet, Prelate, Soldier, Spy. Volume II
431803: GWYNNE, PAUL - Patterns of Patronage in Renaissance Rome: Francesco Sperulo: Poet, Prelate, Soldier, Spy, Volume II
525387: GWYNNE, PAUL - Patterns of Patronage in Renaissance Rome: Francesco Sperulo: Poet, Prelate, Soldier, Spy. Volume I
256362: GWYTHER, JOHN - First Voyage: Being the Full & Authentic Story of the Great Discoveries Made By Lt. James Cook, R. N. - Commanding H. M. Bark Endeavour - in the Great South Seas in the Years 1768 -1771
462803x: GYFFORD, E. - Designs for Elegant Cottages and Small Villas
282096: GYFORD, JOHN - Citizens, Consumers and Councils: Local Government and the Public (Government Beyond the Centre)
186853: GYLES, CARLTON L.;THOEN, CHARLES O. - Pathogenesis of Bacterial Infections in Animals
488740: GYLYS, BETH - Spot in the Dark
235881: GYPMANTASIRI, PHREK; SRIBOONCHITTA, SONGSAK; WIBOONPONGSE, AREE - Policies for Agricultural Sustainability in Northern Thailand
244181: GYPMANTASIRI, PHREK; SRIBOONCHITTA, SONGSAK; WIBOONPONGSE, AREE - Policies for Agricultural Sustainablity in Northern Thailand
511647: GYSIN, BRION - The Process
094420: GYSSENS, M.; PAREDAENS, J. & GUCHT, D. VAN (EDS.) - ICDT '88: 2nd International Conference on Database Theory, Bruges, Belgium, August 31 - September 2, 1988 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 326)
493143: GYTHA LODGE - She Lies in Wait
213401: GYULA, KONIG - Analizis: Bevezetés a Mathematika Rendszerébe
543204: H.D. (AUTHOR); MARTZ, LOUIS L. - H.D. Selected Poems
549388: H.D. (AUTHOR); MARTZ, LOUIS L. (EDITOR) - Collected Poems, 1912-1944
487060: H. LEE - Grassland
Am1300: H. KLEPAK - Cuba's Military 1990-2005: Revolutionary Soldiers During Counter-Revolutionary Times (Studies of the Americas)
296924: H. D. C. - 'Varsity Verses: Light Blue and Dark
067556: H. CROMBIE, K. ORD, J. ASHTON - Environmental Causes of Death and Disability in the Mersey Region.
605334: H. BLAIRMAN & SONS LTD - Furniture and Works of Art
113737: HA, TRI T. - Digital Satellite Communications
502516: HAAG, MICHAEL - The Quest for Mary Magdalene
469938: HAAGH, LOUISE - Citizenship, Labour Markets and Democratization: Chile and the Modern Sequence (St Antony's Series)
208748: HAAGS GEMEENTEMUSEUM;ISTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO OLANDESE DI STORIA DELL'ARTE;INSTITUT NEERLANDAIS (PARIS, FRANCE);GALLERIA D'ARTE MODERNA (MILAN, ITALY) - Mondrian Et L'Ecole De La Haye: Aquarelles Et Dessins Du Haags Gemeentemuseum, La Haye Et D'une Collection Particuliere Florence, Istituto Universitario Olandese Di Storia Dell'arte, 7 Novembre-13 Decembre 1981 Milan, Galleria D'arte Moderna, 6 Janvier-12
537775: HAAKEN, JANICE - Hard Knocks: Domestic Violence and the Psychology of Storytelling
521560: HAAPIO, HELENA; SIEDEL, GEORGE J. - A Short Guide to Contract Risk (Short Guides to Business Risk Series)
545298: HAAR, JAMES - Essays on Italian Poetry and Music in the Renaissance, 1350-1600
270865: HAAR, ARNOLD JANSEN OP DE - Yugoslav Requiem
608209: HAARA, HEIKKI - Pufendorf's Theory of Sociability: Passions, Habits and Social Order (The New Synthese Historical Library, 77)
411070: HAARKOTTER, HEKTOR - Der Bucherwurm: Vergnugliches fur den Besonderen Leser
544315: HAARSTAD, HAVARD (ED) - New Political Spaces in Latin American Natural Resource Governance
541394: HAAS, JILL - Ports of Call
506404: HAAS, JILL - The Last Days
084697: HAAS, HANS (LEUTSCHER, ALFRED) - The Young Specialist Looks at Fungi
437780: HAAS, A. M.; BOUMA, A. L. (EDS.) - Shell Research: Proceedings of the Symposium on Shell Research, Delft, August 30 - September 2, 1961
217144: HAAS, PETER J.; SPRINGER, J. FRED - Applied Policy Research : Concepts and Cases
537529: HAAS, ANDREW - Hegel and the Problem of Multiplicity
415716: HABAKKUK, H. J. - Population Growth and Economic Development Since 1750
511886: HABAKKUK, H. J. - American and British Technology in the Nineteenth Century
505658: HABAKKUK, H. J.; POSTAN (EDS.) - The Cambridge Economic History of Europe, Volume VI: The Industrial Revolutions and After: Incomes, Population and Technological Change (I)
548118: HABAKKUK, JOHN - Marriage, Debt, and the Estates System: English Landownership, 1650-1950
106200: HABE, HANS - The Poisoned Stream
280603: HABE, HANS - Anatomy of Hatred: The Wounded Land
071013: HABEL, ALEX - Aids to Paediatrics for Undergraduates
047587: HABEL, ALEX - Aids to Paediatrics
479952: HABER, SAMUEL - The Quest for Authority and Honor in the American Professions, 1750 - 1900
033268: HABERKORN, INGEBORG - Flügelschläge Gedichte und Bilder
517710: HABERMAN, DONALD C. (ED.) - G.B.Shaw: An Annotated Bibliography of Writings About Him, Volume III 1957-1978
469349: HABERMAN, SHELBY J. - Analysis of Qualitative Data: Volume 2: New Developments
178889: HABERMAS, JURGEN - Toward a Rational Society : Student Protest, Science and Politics
489906: HABERMAS, JURGEN; COOKE, MAEVE (EDS.) - FaktizitAt und Geltung: BeitrAge zur Diskurstheorie des Rechts und des demokratischen Rechtsstaates
489930: HABERMAS, JURGEN; COOKE, MAEVE (EDS.) - Zur Verfassung Europas Ein Essay
488900: HABERMAS, JURGEN - Vorstudien und ErgAnzungen zur Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns
516965: HABERSHON, ADA A - The Bible and the British Museum
509376: HABGOOD, JOHN - Varieties of Unbelief
451103: HABGOOD, JOHN - Making Sense
189293: HABIL, G. S ET AL. - Archivum Lithuanicum 5
072451: HACHINSKI, VLADIMIR, DE LA TORRE, JACK C. (EDS) - Cerebrovascular Pathology in Alzheimer's Disease
608435: HACK, INGE (RETELLER) - Danish Fairy Tales
483476: HACK, RICHARD - Hughes: The Private Diaries, Memos and Letters
277459: HACK, RICHARD - Duchess of Death: The Unauthorized Biography of Agatha Christie
296943: HACKER, BARTON C. (ED.) - Technology and Culture: April 1991, Volume 32, Number 2, Part 2: Index of Volumes 1 through 25, 1959-1984
153436: HACKER, GERHARD & TUBBS, RAYMOND - Molecular Morphology in Human Tissues : Techniques and Applications
601052: HACKER, ANDREW - The Math Myth and Other STEM Delusions
545780: HACKER, NEVA - Speaking of Fear: WPA Number 12
410326: HACKER, ARTHUR - Hong Kong: A Rare Photographic Record of the 1860s
487793: HACKER, SALLY L. - "Doing it the Hard Way": Investigations of Gender and Technology
423569: HACKER, BARTON C. (ED.) - An Annotated Index to Volumes 1 Through 10 of 'Technology and Culture' 1959-1969
544767: HACKER, DIETER - Stupid Pictures
099615: HACKERMÜLLER, ROTRAUT - Das Leben, das mich stört : Eine Dokumentation zu Kafkas letzten Jahren 1917-1924
487551: HACKETT, REGINA - I Surprise Myself: The Art of Elizabeth Sandvig
524373: HACKETT, C.J. - Bone Lesions of Yaws in Uganda
466633: HACKETT, C.A. - The Writer and his Other Self
486912: HACKETT, DAVID G. - The Rude Hand of Innovation: Religion and Social Order in Albany, New York, 1652-1836
548926: HACKFORTH-JONES, GILBERT - Green Sailors and Blue Water
548925: HACKFORTH-JONES, GILBERT - Green Sailors and Fair Winds
227065: HACKFORTH, R.; DENNISTON, J. D. (ED.) - The Classical Quarterly: Volumes XXVII and XXVIII, Nos. 1-4
523968: HACKNEY, ROAN; BUDGEN, MARCUS; FIENNES, RANULPH (FOREWORD) - 200 Years of Polar Exploration 1819-2019
608568: HACKNEY, ALAN - Whatever Turns You on, Jack
534572: HACKS, PETER - Armer Ritter
155006: HACON, RICHARD - Personal and Organizational Effectiveness
531792: HADAMARD, JACQUES - The Mathematician's Mind: The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field (Princeton Science Library)
433418: HADAMOWSKY, FRANZ - Bucherkunde Deutschsprachiger Theaterliteratur: 1,2. Teil 1900-1944
433417: HADAMOWSKY, FRANZ - Bucherkunde Deutschsprachiger Theaterliteratur: 1,1. Teil 1750-1899
535647: HADAS, MOSES, (TRANS.); MCLEAN, JOHN HARVEY, (TRANS.) - The Plays of Euripides
282647: HADAWAY, MEREDITH DAVIES - The River Is a Reason: Poems
472425: HADDAD-FADEL, H. - Le Dialecte Libanais: Deuxieme Partie
525691: HADDAD, ROSALIE RAHAL - Bernard Shaw in Brazil: The Reception of Theatrical Productions, 1927–2013
473594: HADDAD-FADEL, H. - Le Dialecte Libanais et l'Arabe Litteral: Deuxieme Partie
197660: HADDAD, Y. M. - Mechanical Behaviour of Engineering Meterials. Volume 2: Dynamic Loading and Intelligent Material Systems
293131: HADDEN, JOHN W.; SZENTIVANYI, ANDOR (EDS.) - Immunopharmacology Reviews: Volume I
079172: HADDEN, J.W.; SPREAFICO, F.; YAMAMURA, Y.; AUSTEN, K.F. - Advances in Immunopharmacology 4: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Immunopharmacology, Osaka, Japan, 16-19 May 1988
521885: HADDING, WALTHER; SCHNEIDER, UWE H. (EDS.) - Transboundary Payment Transactions in the European Single Market (Schriftenreihe Der EUROPAISCHEN Rechtsakademie Trier, Band 18)
521905: HADDING, WALTHER; WELTER, REINHARD (EDS.) - Legal Issues Involved in Banking Services in the Single Market (Schriftenreihe Der EUROPAISCHEN Rechtsakademie Trier, Band 5)
096922: HADDON, CELIA - The Yearbook of Love and Wisdom
539838: HADDON, MARK - The Red House
539878: HADDON, TESSA - A Magic Book of Birds
096697: HADDON, CELIA - Faithful to the End: An Illustrated Anthology of Dogs
544156: HADDON, MARK - The Porpoise
295132: HADDON, CELIA - The First Ever English Olimpick Games
542468: HADDON, MARK - A Spot of Bother
547155: HADDON, MARK - The Talking Horse and The Sad Girl and the Village Under the Sea
015894: HADDON, CELIA - Women and Tranquillisers
175599: HADDON, MARK - A Spot of Bother
537962: HADDON, CELIA (EDITOR) - Venus Reveal'd: The Amorous Adventures of Francis Lysaght
283017: HADDON, MARK - The Red House
544937: HADDON, MARK - The Porpoise
606409: HADDON, MARK - A Spot of Bother
523664: HADDU, MIRIAM & PAGE, JOANNA - Visual Synergies in Fiction and Documentary Film from Latin America
549110: HADDU, MIRIAM; PAGE, JOANNA (EDITORS) - Visual Synergies in Fiction and Documentary Film from Latin America
Am1303: HADDU, MIRIAM AND PAGE, JOANNA (EDS) - Visual Synergies in Fiction and Documentary Film from Latin America (Studies of the Americas)
542339: HADEN ELGIN, SUZETTE - Star-Anchored, Star-Angered
161623: HADFIELD, JOHN (ED.) - The Shell Book of English Villages
100848: HADFIELD, JOHN; HOBSLEY, MICHAEL & TREASURE, TOM - Current Surgical Practice, Volume 5
243513: HADFIELD, JOHN (ED.) - Restoration Love Songs
060928: HADFIELD, CHRISTINE; TOWERS, SUSAN; WRAY, GAYLE - Foundation Health and Social Care
076206: HADFIELD, CHARLES; HADFIELD, ALICE MARY - The Cotswolds (Batsford Britain Series)
195430: HADFIELD, JOHN; HOBSLEY, MICHAEL - Current Surgical Practice
257886: HADFIELD, JOHN (ED.) - Elizabethan Love Lyrics
542891: HADFIELD, JILL - Postcards from Babel
606857: HADFIELD, THOMAS - Dying in Faith, Open'd and Improv'd a Sermon Occasion'd by the Death of the Late Mrs. Mary Coope,... Preach'd at Peckham in Surrey, July the 8th, 1733
543896: HADFIELD, MILES - An English Almanac
512435: HADLEIGH, BOZE; CRISP, QUENTIN (FOR.) - Celluloid Haze
156621: HADLEY, ROGER; COOPER, MIKE; DALE, PETER; STACY, GRAHAM - Community Social Worker's Handbook
428136: HADLEY, TESSA; MAY, STEVE; WOODWARD, GERARD - Spectrum New Writing from Bath Spa
434380: HADLEY, MICHAEL - Romanverzeichnis: Bibliographie Der Zwischen 1750 - 1800 Erschienenen Erstausgaben (Europaische Hochschulschriften)
237097: HADNUM, LEE - Non Resident and Offshore Tax Planning (Taxcafe.co.uk Tax Guides)
442011: HADOW, W. H. - Studies in Modern Music: Hector Berlioz; Robert Schumann; Richard Wagner
420266: HADVIG, SVEN - Steel Chimneys
542878: HADZI, D.; THOMPSON, H.W. (EDITORS) - Hydrogen Bonding
033256: HAECKEL, ERNST / HRG. VON HEINRICH SCHMIDT - Ernst Haeckel - Gemeinverständliche Werke Band 1-6
275722: HAEFLIGER, ANDRE; NARASIMHAN, RAGHAVAN - Essays on Topology and Related Topics: Memoires DEdiEs A George De Rham
439747: HAEKKERUP, NICK - Controls and Sanctions in the EU Law
492652: HAENCHEN, ERNST - Der Weg Jesu: Eine ErklArung Des Markus-Evangeliums Und Der Kanonischen Parallelen
532893: HAERI, SHAYKH FADHLALLA; STOKES, IBRAHIM (FOREWORD) - Journey of the Universe as Expounded in the Qur'an
275536: HAERS, JACQUES; HINTERSTEINER, NORBERT; SCHRIJVER, GEORGES DE (EDS.) - Postcolonial Europe in Crucible of Cultures: Reckoning with God in a World of Conflicts (Currents of Encounter; Volume 34)
536753: HAFELI, RENE (SUPERVISOR) - Francis Bacon
421150: HAFER, EUGENE G. - The Big Cheese or Doris Comes to Town
079978: HAFEZ, E. S. E.; C.S. MOTT CENTER FOR HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT; PELUSO, J. J. - Sexual Maturity: Physiological and Clinical Parameters
527357: HAFFENDEN, JOHN (ED.) - William Empson: Essays on Renaissance Literature, Volume 2 - The Drama
300523: HAFFNER, SARAH - Unterwegs
481642: HAFNER, H.; MOSCHEL, G.; SARTORIUS, N. (EDS.) - Mental Health in the Elderly: A Review of the Present State of Research
441829: HAFSTAD, BALDUR; SIGURDSSON, GISLI (EDS.) - Bref til Haralds
218899: HAGA, HANJIRO - A Disequilibrium-Equilibrium Model with Money and Bonds: A Keynesian-Walrasian Synthesis (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems; 135)
452440: HAGALIN, GUDMUNDUR GISLASON - Kristrun i Hamravik
222038: HAGAN, WILLIAM T. - Theodore Roosevelt and Six Friends of the Indian
482706: HAGBERG, STEN - Between Peace and Justice: Dispute Settlement Between Karaboro Agriculturalists and Fulbe Agro-pastoralists in Burkina Faso
271820: HAGELL, ANN (ED.) - Changing Adolescence: Social Trends and Mental Health
548436: HAGELSTANGE, RUDOLF; SALINGER, HERMAN, (TRANSL.) - Ballard of the Buried Life: University of North Carolina Studies in the Germanic Languages and Literatures: Number Thirty Eight
549917: HAGELSTANGE, RUDOLF - Lies Der Jahre: Gesammelte Gedichte 1931-1961
457965: HAGEMANN, GREGOR - Financial Reporting Quality in Emerging Economies: Empirical Evidence from Brazil and South Africa
264912: HAGEMANN, KAREN; MICHEL, SONYA; BUDDE, GUNILLA (EDS.) - Civil Society and Gender Justice: Historical and Comparative Perspectives
606224: HAGEN, LOUIS - Arnhem Lift: A Fighting Glider Pilot Remembers
436914: HAGENA, O. F.; SCOTT, J. E.; VARMA, A. K. - Design and Performance of an Aerodynamic Molecular Beam and Beam Detection System: Technical Report, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
469598: HAGENAARS, A.J.M. - The Perception of Poverty
528290: HAGENE, TURID - Negotiating Love in Post-Revolutionary Nicaragua: The Role of Love in the Reproduction of Gender Asymmetry (Hispanic Studies: Culture and Ideas, Volume 15)
231841: HAGER, PETER J.; SCHEIBER, H.J. (EDITORS) - Managing Global Communication in Science and Technology
545986: HAGER, CAROL J. - Technological Democracy: Bureaucracy and Citizenry in the German Energy Debate
420367: HAGERMANN, DIETER (ED.) - Das Mittelalter: Die Welt der Bauern, Burger, Ritter und Monche
090539: HAGERSTRAND, T. (EDITOR) - The Identification of Progress in Learning
446138: HAGERTY, D. JOSEPH; PAVONI, JOSEPH L.; HEER, JOHN E., JR. - Solid Waste Management
151209: HAGG, MICHAEL - Guide to Egypt
485051: HAGGARD, H. RIDER - Nada the Lily (hodder & Stoughton's Sevenpenny Library)
539988: HAGGARD, WILLIAM - The Diplomatist
506990: HAGGARD MATTESON, BARBARA - Ringing the Changes
523220: HAGGARD, H.RIDER - SHE: A History of Adventure, Volumes 1&2 (Tauchnitz Edition, 2445&2446)
543389: HAGGARD, RIDER H.; GREEN, ROGER LANCELYN, (INTRO.) - Allan Quatermain
270073: HAGGARD, H. RIDER - She and Allan
548618: HAGGARD, WILLIAM - The Vendettists
022884: HAGGARD, WILLIAM - The Hard Sell, a Novel of Suspense
202884: HAGGARD, MARK - Research in the Development of Effective Services for Hearing-Impaired People
192227: HAGGARD, HOWARD W. - The Doctor in History
543388: HAGGARD RIDER H.; CLOETE, STUART, (INTRO.) - She: A History of Adventure
548688: HAGGARD, WILLIAM - The Scorpion's Tail
172436: HAGGER, ALFRED JAMES - Inflation: Theory and Policy
192829: HAGGIN, B.H. - Music for the Man Who Enjoys "Hamlet"
603266: HAGGIN, B. H. - A Book of the Symphony
282528: HAGGLUND, TOR-BJORN - Dying: A Psychoanalytical Study With Special Reference To Individual Creativity And Defensive Organization
306630a: HAGGSTROM, MARGARET; FROMMER, JUDITH; JONES, CHRISTOPHER M.; BUNTING, MARIE-FRANCE; PATENOTTE, LAURENT - Portes Ouvertes: An Interactive Multimedia Approach to First-Year French
525469: HAGHIGHAT, RAHMAN - Historical Memories in Culture, Politics and the Future: The Making of History and the World to Come
550068: HAGIO, MOTO (AUTHOR); THORN, MATT (TRANSLATOR) - A Drunken Dream and Other Stories
176495: HAGLUND, DAVID G. (ED.); MACFARLANE, S. NEIL (ED); SOKOLSKY, JOEL J. (ED.) - NATO's Eastern Dilemmas
076363: HAGLUND, B. J. A.; ET AL. (EDS.) - Creating Supportive Environments for Health: Stories from the 3rd International Conference on Health Promotion, Sundsvall, Sweden (Public Health in Action 3)
437378: HAGUE, WILLIAM - William Pitt the Younger
461854: HAGUE, D. C. (ED.) - Price Formation in Various Economies: Proceedings of a Conference Held By the International Economic Association
524292: HAGUE, DOUGLAS; YOUNG, MARSHALL (EDS.) - The Oxford Strategic Leadership Programme 1982-2007
469234: HAHN, FRANK - Equilibrium and Macroeconomics
510944: HAHN, EDITH; DWORKIN, SUSAN - The Nazi Officer's Wife: How One Jewish Woman Survived the Holocaust
531517: HAHN, F.H. (ED.) - Readings in the Theory of Growth
527923: HAHN, REGINA U. - The Democratic Dream: Stefan Heym in America (Exile Studies, Volume 10)
095270: HAHN, OTTO (GAADE, W.) - New Atoms: Progress and Some Memories
521463: HAHN, ULLA - Das Verborgene Wort
545094: HAHN, F.H.; BRECHLING, F.P.R. (EDITORS) - The Theory of Interest Rates: Proceedings of a Conference Held By the International Economic Association
Am1935: HAHN, LEWIS EDWIN - The Philosophy of A. J. Ayer, Volume 21 (Library of Living Philosophers)
607259: HAHR, AUGUST - Architecture in Sweden: A Survey of Swedish Architecture Throughout the Ages and Up to the Present Day
435214: HAI-FU, FAN; WOOLFSON, MICHAEL - Physical and Non-physical Methods of Solving Crystal Structures
159840: HAIG, EARL DAWYCK - My Father's Son
064917: HAIG, STIRLING - Madame De Lafayette
534421: HAIG, DAWYCK, MAJOR, THE EARL HAIG - My Father's Son
519513: HAIG, DOUGLAS; SCOTT, DOUGLAS (ED.) - The Preparatory Prologue: Douglas Haig, Diaries and Letters 1861-1914
296169: HAIG, CATHERINE - Making the Most of Bathrooms
502836: HAIGH, RH; MORRIS, DS; PETERS, AR - The Rise and Rise of The Third Reich: Nazi Foreign Policy 1933-1939
466630: HAIGH, RUPERT - Legal English
462119: HAIGH, GIDEON (ED.) - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack Australia 1999
543855: HAIGH, CHRISTOPHER - Reformation and Resistance in Tudor Lancashire
462120: HAIGH, GIDEON (ED.) - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack Australia 2000-01
550108: HAIGH, CHRISTOPHER - Elizabeth I: Illustrated Edition.
221955: HAIGH, GERALD; LARRY - The School and the Parent
268872: HAIGH, GIDEON - Ashes 2011: England's Record-Breaking Series Victory
606819: HAIGH, GERALD - Good Ideas for Good Teachers Who Want Good Jobs
456890: HAIGHT, JEANNE - The Concept of Reason in French Classical Literature 1635-1690
547735: HAIGHT, GORDON S. - George Eliot: A Biography
488022: HAIGHT, ANNE LYON (ED.) - Portrait of Latin America as Seen By Her Print Makers
448161: HAILBRONNER, KAY; MARTIN, DAVID A.; MOTOMURAM HIROSHI (EDS.) - Immigration Controls: The Search for Workable Policies in Germany and the United States
541455: HAILE, H.G. - The History of Doctor Johann Faustus
087017: HAILEY, ARTHUR - In High Places
536383: HAILSHAM, LORD - The Door wherein I Went
514245: HAILWOOD, ANDY - Gun Law - Fighting Britain's Deadliest Gangs: Inside an Elite Police Firearms Unit
002018: HAIM, ANDRE - Adolescent Suicide
526804: HAIMAN, JOHN; BENENCA, PAOLA - The Rhaeto-Romance Languages
015605: HAIN, PETER - Political Strikes: The State and Trade Unionism in Britain
416848: HAIN, PETER - Political Trials in Britain: From the Past to the Present Day
297185: HAINAUX, RENE - Les Arts Du Spectacle: Bibliographie D'ouvrages En Francais, 1960-1985
518888: HAINE, ANGELA; OWEN, SUSAN - Discovering Walks in Surrey
509618: HAINES, JOE - Kick 'Em Back: Wilson, Maxwell and Me
536017: HAINES, ROY MARTIN - The Register of John De Stratford, Bishop of Winchester, 1323-1333: Volume 1
544763: HAINES, C.R. (ED. TRANSL.) - The Communings with Himself of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus: Emperor of Rome: Together with His Speeches and Sayings
549819: HAINES, DANIEL - Rivers Divided: Indus Basin Waters in the Making of India and Pakistan
287065: HAINES, SIMON - Developing Intermediate Vocabulary
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