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Click on booknumber for full information
532745: CLARKE, TANJA (MANAGING EDITOR) - Halsbury's Laws of England: Consolidated Index A-E, 2019 Fifth Edition
532748: CLARKE, TANJA (MANAGING EDITOR) - Halsbury's Laws of England: Consolidated Tables, Cases A-G, 2020 Fifth Edition
482912: CLARKE, ANNA - Poison Parsley
085218: CLARKE, GORDON - Expert Systems in the City
489250: CLARKE, M. G.; DRUCKER, H. M. (EDS.) - Our Changing Scotland: A Yearbook of Scottish Government, 1976-77
440869: CLARKE, GEOFFREY M. - Statistics and Experimental Design (Contemporary Biology)
542526: CLARKE, LINDSAY - The Chymical Wedding
532735: CLARKE, TANJA (MANAGING EDITOR) - Halsbury's Laws of England: Annual Abridgment 2011
055597: CLARKE, KEITH C. - Getting Started With Geographic Information Systems
304973: CLARKE, PETE, ET AL - Looking Back: Facing Forward: Mistakes and Metaphors: Paintings, Prints and Drawings By Pete Clarke
437742: CLARKE, HAROLD D.; EVANS, GEOFFREY; SCARBROUGH, ELINOR (EDS.) - Electoral Studies: An International Journal; Volume 18, Numbers 1-4, December 1999
532743: CLARKE, TANJA (MANAGING EDITOR) - Halsbury's Laws of England: Cumulative Supplement, Part 1, Volumes 1-46, 2019 Fifth Edition
532742: CLARKE, TANJA (MANAGING EDITOR) - Halsbury's Laws of England: Annual Abridgment 2018
537020: CLARKE, ANTHONY H. (ED.) - A Further Range: Studies in Modern Spanish Literature for Galdós to Unamuno
602466: CLARKE, JAMES - Coppola (Virgin Film)
604768: CLARKE, ARTHUR C.; LEE, GENTRY - Cradle
604780: CLARKE, TIM - The Countess: The Scandalous Life of Frances Villiers, Countess of Jersey, 1753-1821
605653: CLARKE, ALBERT N. - Historic Sydney and New South Wales
606687: CLARKE, AUSTIN - Proud Empires
607213: CLARKE, COLIN; LEY, DAVID; PEACH, CERI (EDS.) - Geography & Ethnic Pluralism
607502: CLARKE, JANE - Office Politics: A Survival Guide
607642: CLARKE, GILLIAN - Making the Beds for the Dead
251725: CLARKSON, JEAN; BAMBER, PHIL; BOURKE, LORNA - In Safe Hands: Facilitating Service Learning in Schools in the Developing World
049593: CLARKSON, C.M.V.; KEATING, K.M. - Criminal Law: Text and Materials
185282: CLARKSON, C. M. V.; KEATING, H. M. - Criminal Law : Text and Materials
111994: CLARKSON, ELIZABETH M.R. - Medical Social Work : A Handbook for Medical Social Workers and Students in Developing Countries, with Particular Reference to Bangladesh
205870: CLARY, JULIAN - How to Be a Real Man
548909: CLARY, JULIAN - Murder Most Fab
288235: CLASEN, JOCHEN (ED.) - Converging Worlds Of Welfare?: British & German Social Policy In The 21st Century
602111: CLASEN, JOCHEN (ED.) - Social Insurance in Europe
436678: CLASON, W.E. - Elsevier's Dictionary of Chemical Engineering: Volume 1: Chemical Engineering and Laboratory Equipment
201710: CLASON, W. E. - Elsevier's Dictionary of Electronics and Waveguides (In Six Languages)
191159: CLASON, W.E. - Dictionary of Television, Radar and Antennas in Six Languages
436679: CLASON, W.E. - Elsevier's Dictionary of Chemical Engineering: Volume 2: Chemical Engineering; Processes and Products
528484: CLASSEN, ALBRECHT (ED.) - Frauen in der deutschen Literaturgeschichte: Die Ersten 800 Jahre ein Lesebuch (Women in German Literature, Volume 4)
541634: CLASSEN, CARL JOACHIM - Recht Rhetorik Politik: Untersuchungen Zu Ciceros Rhetorischer Strategie
434372: CLASSIQUES GARNIER - Cahiers De Lexicologie: 2009 - 1, No. 94
Am1598: CLAUDE CUENOT; ROGER GARAUDY - Science and Faith in Teilhard De Chardin
Am1730: CLAUDE CAHN - Roma Rights (Sourcebook on contemporary controversies series)
181729: CLAUDIA - Back to Our Country. Russia: Land of the Romantic Past and the Pregnant Future
512915: CLAUDIO CANAPARO - El Pensamiento Basura: Transitoriedad, Materia, Viaje y Mundo Periferico
085402: CLAUDON, MICHAEL P. GUTNER, TAMAR L. EDITORS - Putting Food on What Was the Soviet Table
435529: CLAUSEN, JEANETTE; FRIEDRICHSMEYER, SARA (EDS.) - Women in German Yearbook 7: Feminist Studies in German Literature and Culture
435531: CLAUSEN, JEANETTE; FRIEDRICHSMEYER, SARA (EDS.) - Women in German Yearbook 9: Feminist Studies in German Literature and Culture
435545: CLAUSEN, JEANETTE; CAFFERTY, HELEN (EDS.) - Women in German Yearbook 5: Feminist Studies in German Literature and Culture
435546: CLAUSEN, JEANETTE; CAFFERTY, HELEN (EDS.) - Women in German Yearbook 6: Feminist Studies in German Literature and Culture
547036: CLAUSEN, LISBETH - Global News Production
435530: CLAUSEN, JEANETTE; FRIEDRICHSMEYER, SARA (EDS.) - Women in German Yearbook 8: Feminist Studies in German Literature and Culture
462665: CLAUSSE, GUSTAVE - Les San Gallo: Architectes, Peintres, Sculpteurs, Medailleurs: XVe et XVIe Siecles
608486: CLAVELL, JAMES - Thrump-O-Moto
534564: CLAVEY, GEORGE - A History of Lodge Fortrose No. 108 Stornoway
535575: CLAVIER, CAROLE; DE LEEUW, EVELYNE (EDITORS) - Health Promotion and the Policy Process
086169: CLAXTON, GUY; EDITOR - Growth Points in Cognition
470588: CLAXTON, GUY (ED.) - Cognitive Psychology: New Directions (International Library of Psychology)
237019: CLAY, DANIEL C.; REARDON, THOMAS; SHAIKH, ASIF - Population, Environment and Development in Africa: Dynamic Linkages and Their Implication for Future Research and Development Programming
534065: CLAY, JOHN - John Masters: A Regimented Life
012722: CLAY, TREVOR - Nurses : Power and Politics
298475: CLAY, JASON - Exploring the Links between International Business and Poverty Reduction: A Case Study of Unilever in Indonesia
472927: CLAYBOROUGH, ARTHUR - The Grotesque in English Literature
253156: CLAYDON, GRAHAM - Climbing the Family Tree
255583: CLAYPOLE, GERALD - Poems
516253: CLAYRE, ALADAIR (ED.) - Nature and Industrialization
473989: CLAYRE, ALASDAIR - The Political Economy of Co-operation and Participation: A Third Sector
542817: CLAYSON, HOLLIS - Paris In Despair: Art and Everyday Life Under Seige (1870-71)
015928: CLAYTON, BARBARA E. [EDITOR] - Mental Retardation: Environmental Hazards
471627: CLAYTON, ERIC - Agrarian Development in Peasant Economies: Some Lessons from Kenya
193034: CLAYTON, STANLEY G.; NEWTON, JOHN R. - Pocket Obstetrics
157973: CLAYTON, A. R.; GAUNT, GEOFFREY DOUGLAS - The Sand and Gravel Resources of the Country Around Bawtry, South Yorkshire : Description of 1: 25000 Resource Sheet SK69
471392: CLAYTON, SYLVIA - The Peninsula
436175: CLAYTON, ELLEN CREATHORNE - Queens of Song: Being Memoirs of Some of the Most Celebrated Female Vocalists Who Have Appeared on the Lyric Stage, from the Earliest Days of Opera to the Present Time; In Two Volumes
549823: CLAYTON, ANTHONY - The Zanzibar Revolution and its Aftermath
497931: CLAYTON, MARY; MAGENNIS, HUGH - The Old English Lives of St Margaret (Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England)
074399: CLAYTON, STANLEY G.; LEWIS, T.L.T.; PINKER, G.D. - Obsterics by Ten Teachers
085214: CLEAL, D. M.; HEATON, N. O. - Knowledge Based Systems : Implications for Human-Computer Interfaces
245009: CLEAR, NIC; STARK, GABOR (EDITORS) - Adjacencies
408609: CLEARY, MARIA - Real World Student's Book
023384: CLEARY, JON - The Safe House
421333: CLEARY, WILLIAM (ED.) - Selving: Linking Work to Spirituality
191291: CLEARY, JEAN - Caring for Children in Hospital : Parents and Nurses in Partnership
546110: CLEARY, BRENDAN - Weightless
001464: CLEARY, ALAN; MAYES, TERRY & PACKHAM, DEREK - Educational Technology: Implications for Early and Special Education
605487: CLEARY, A. A. (ED.) - Thames Poetry, Volume I, Number 2, Summer 1976
420321: CLEAVE, CHRIS - Gold
094537: CLEAVELAND, W. R. (ED.) - CONCUR '92: Third International Conference on Concurrency Theory, Stony Brook, NY, USA, August 24-27, 1992 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 630)
205598: CLEAVER, J.E. - Thymidine Metabolism and Cell Kinetics
541027: CLEAVER, VERA; CLEAVER, BILL - Delpha Green and Company
507147: CLEAVER, ELIZABETH; LINTERN, MAXINE; MCLINDEN, MIKE - Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Disciplinary Approaches to Educational Enquiry
548924: CLEAVER, BILL; CLEAVER, VERA - Ellen Grae and Lady Ellen Grae
183009: CLEAVES, HOWARD FREDERICK - An Introduction to Differential Equations
549216: CLEDAT, L. - En Marge Des Grammaires
541514: CLEESE, JOHN (SELECTOR); PALIN, MICHAEL (PREFACE) - A Pocketful of Python
151660: CLEGG, D.W.; COLLYER, A.A. (EDS.) - Mechanical Properties of Reinforced Thermoplastics
520524: CLEGG, H. A.; FOX, ALAN; THOMPSON, A. F. - A History of British Trade Unions Since 1889: Volume I, 1889-1910
511249: CLEGG, BRIAN - Dice World: Science and Life in a Random Universe
511250: CLEGG, BRIAN - Dice World: Science and Life in a Random Universe
157881: CLEGG, F.E. - General Science : Biology (The Commonwelath and International Library of Science, Technology, Engineering and Liberal Studies, General Science Division; Volume 5)
017884: CLEGG, JOAN - Dictionary of Social Services: Policy and Practice
017832: CLEGG, JOAN - Dictionary of Social Services: Policy and Practice
601965: CLEGG, NICK - Politics: Between the Extremes
033128: CLELAND, JOHN - Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure
106908: CLELAND, JOHN (QUENNELL, PETER) - Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure
536496: CLELAND, CAROL E. - The Quest for a Universal Theory of Life: Searching for Life As We Don't Know It
037039: CLEMEN, CARL (ED.) - Die Religionen Der Erde, Ihr Wesen Und Ihre Geschichte
232040: CLEMEN, WOLFGANG - Shakespeare's Dramatic Art
544478: CLEMENS, CLAY; PATERSON, WILLIAM E. (EDS.) - The Kohl Chancellorship
206338: CLEMENS, WALTER C., JR. - Can Russia Change? : The U. S. S. R. Confronts Global Interdependence
458326: CLEMENT, THOMAS; ROBERT, DENIS - Tout Va Bien (1): Yvan et La Banquiere
470843: CLEMENT, F. W. - Nitrous Oxide-Oxygen Anesthesia: McKesson-Clement Viewpoint and Technique
019782: CLEMENT, AERON - The Cold Moons
415508: CLEMENTE, FRANCESCO; CREELEY, ROBERT - Francesco Clemente: Anamorphosis
149691: CLEMENTS, LUKE - Community Care and the Law
149692: CLEMENTS, LUKE - Community Care and the Law
189234: CLEMENTS, PHIL; JONES, JOHN - The Diversity Training Handbook : A Practical Guide to Understanding and Changing Attitudes
536221: CLEMENTS, HARRY - Afred Russel Wallace: Biologist and Social Reformer
017469: CLEMENTS, LUKE AND YOUNG, JAMES (EDS.) - Human Rights: Changing the Culture
539148: CLEMINSON, RALPH, (COMPILATION); DU FEU, VERONICA, (ED.); RYAN, W.F. (ED.) - A Union Catalogue of Cyrillic Manuscripts in British and Irish Collections
489075: CLEMINSON, RALPH; DU FEU, VERONICA; RYAN, W. F. (EDS.) - The Anne Pennington Catalogue: A Union Catalogue of Cyrillic Manuscripts in British and Irish Collections
601445: CLEMMONS, ZINZI - What We Lose
503886: CLEMOES, PETER (ED.) - Anglo-Saxon England: Volume 10
503878: CLEMOES, PETER (ED.) - Anglo-Saxon England: Volume 2
503884: CLEMOES, PETER (ED.) - Anglo-Saxon England: Volume 8
503888: CLEMOES, PETER (ED.) - Anglo-Saxon England 13
536348: CLERK, N.W. (C.S. LEWIS) - A Grief Observed
455523: CLERKE, AGNES M. - Low-Temperature Research at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, London, 1900 - 1907, II. The Charcoal Vacuum Septenate
455522: CLERKE, AGNES M. - Low-Temperature Research at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, London, 1893 - 1900
262449: CLESSE, ARMAND; LOUNEV, SERGEI - The Vitality of Russia
059712: CLESSE, ARMAND & TOKES, RUDOLF - Preventing a New East-West Divide: The Economic and Social Imperatives of the Future Europe
476519: CLEUGH, M.F. - Time and its Importance in Modern Thought
522094: CLEUGH, JAMES - Secret Enemy: The Story of a Disease
534146: CLEVERLY, BARBARA - Not My Blood
539623: CLEWES, DOROTHY - Skyraker and the Iron Imp
491639: CLIFF, TONY - The Employers' Offensive: Productivity Deals and How to Fight Them
550106: CLIFFE, J.T. - The Puritan Gentry: The Great Puritan Families of Early Stuart England
549301: CLIFFORD, MARTIN - Tom Merry and The Night Raiders (The Gem Library)
443813: CLIFFORD, JAMES L.; LANDA, LOUIS A. (EDS.) - Pope and His Contemporaries: Essays Presented to George Sherburn
253252: CLIFFORD, GRAHAM D; SHARP, FRANK W. - A Twentieth Century Professional Institution: The Story of the I.E.R.E. 1925-1988
441298: CLIFFORD, PAUL R. - Interpreting Human Experience: A Philosophical Prologue to Theology
547383: CLIFFORD, DEREK - Pelargoniums Including the Popular 'Geranium'
534359: CLIFFORD, MICHAEL - Empowerment, The Theory and Practice of Political Genealogy
541680: CLIFFORD, PAULA M. - Inversion of the Subject in French Narrative Prose from 1500 to the Present Day
549691: CLIFFORD, MARTIN - Tom Merry's Bodyguard
293673: CLIFFORD, BRIAN R.; GUNTER, BARIE; MCALEER, JILL - Television and Children: Program Evaluation, Comprehension, and Impact
539973: CLIFFORD, MARTIN - Tom Merry's Holiday
021894: CLIFFORD-VAUGHAN, F. MCA . - International Pressure and Political Change in South Africa
472749: CLIFT, BEN - French Socialism in a Global Era: The Political Economy of the New Social Democracy in France
528863: CLIFT, P. D.; KROON, D.; GAEDICKE, C.; CRAIG, J. (EDS.) - The Tectonic and Climatic Evolution of the Arabian Sea Region (Geological Society Special Publication, Number 195)
143927: CLIFTON, ROB; MARTIN, BRENDA; BROMLEY, SIMON - Module 2 Study Guide Governing the European Union DD(ZX)2000 Governing Europe Social Sciences Level 2
144110: CLIFTON; MARTIN & BROMLEY - Module 2 Study Guide Governing the European Union DD(ZX)200 Governing Europe Social Sciences Level 2
504809: CLIFTON, MICHAEL - A History of the Archdiocese of Southwark from 1850 to the Present Day
516969: CLIFTON, MICHAEL - The Quiet Negotiator: Bishop Grant, Bishop of Southwark
602474: CLIFTON, N. ROY - The Figure in Film
607325: CLIFTON, JUDITH; COMIN, FRANCISCO; DIAZ FUENTES, DANIEL - Privatisation in the European Union: Public Enterprises and Integration
542515: CLIMO, LINDEE - Clyde
515250: CLINCH, GEORGE; KERSHAW S.W. (EDS.) - Bygone Surrey
606434: CLINCH, GEORGE; KERSHAW, S. W. (EDS.) - Bygone Surrey
201867: CLINCHY, EVANS (ED.) - Creating New Schools : How Small Schools Are Changing American Education
147631: CLINE, HOWARD F. - Latin Americans History, Essays on Its Study and Teaching, 1898-1965 VOLUME TWO
530183: CLINE, BARBARA; DUCKWORTH (ADCOCK), MARILYN; ET.AL. - A College Spectator, No.1
491722: CLINE, HOWARD F. (ED.) - Latin American History: Essays on Its Study and Teaching, 1898 - 1965: Volume One
072187: CLINE, HOWARD F. - Mexico: Revolution to Evolution, 1940-1960
527035: CLINTON, HILARY RODHAM - Hard Choices: A Memoir
540646: CLITEUR, PAUL - Esperanto moral
505792: CLITHEROE, FREDERIC - Harecastle Mint
487998: CLIVE, CAROLINE - Paul Ferroll
536033: CLOAKE, JOHN - Cottages and Common Fields of Richmond and Kew
504050: CLODD, EDWARD - Pioneers of Evolution from Thales to Huxley with an Intermediate Chapter on the Causes of Arrest of the Movement
524087: CLODE, WALTER (ED.) - The Morals of Seneca: A Selection of His Prose (The Scott Library)
433782: CLOGAN, PAUL MAURICE (ED.) - Medievalia et Humanistica: Studies in Medieval & Renaissance Culture: New Series: Number 8: Transformation and Continuity
433778: CLOGAN, PAUL MAURICE (ED.) - Medievalia et Humanistica: Studies in Medieval & Renaissance Culture: New Series: Number 1: In Honor of S. Harrison Thomson
433769: CLOGAN, PAUL MAURICE (ED.) - Medievalia et Humanistica: Studies in Medieval & Renaissance Culture: New Series: Number 25: Transitions
433766: CLOGAN, PAUL MAURICE (ED.) - Medievalia et Humanistica: Studies in Medieval & Renaissance Culture: New Series: Number 22: Diversity
433763: CLOGAN, PAUL MAURICE (ED.) - Medievalia et Humanistica: Studies in Medieval & Renaissance Culture: New Series: Number 18: Spectrum
433764: CLOGAN, PAUL MAURICE (ED.) - Medievalia et Humanistica: Studies in Medieval & Renaissance Culture: New Series: Number 20: Breaching Boundarie
480139: CLOGAN, PAUL MAURICE (ED.) - Medievalia et Humanistica: Studies in Medieval & Renaissance Culture, New Series, Number 3: Social Dimensions in Medieval and Renaissance Studies
445866: CLOGAN, PAUL MAURICE (ED.) - Medievalia et Humanistica: Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Culture: New Series: Number 7: Medieval Poetics
433781: CLOGAN, PAUL MAURICE (ED.) - Medievalia et Humanistica: Studies in Medieval & Renaissance Culture: New Series: Number 7: Medieval Poetics
433787: CLOGAN, PAUL MAURICE (ED.) - Medievalia et Humanistica: Studies in Medieval & Renaissance Culture: New Series: Number 12: Byzantine and Western Studies
433793: CLOGAN, PAUL MAURICE (ED.) - Medievalia et Humanistica: Studies in Medieval & Renaissance Culture: New Series: Number 19
433789: CLOGAN, PAUL MAURICE (ED.) - Medievalia et Humanistica: Studies in Medieval & Renaissance Culture: New Series: Number 14: Fourteenth & Fifteenth Centuries
433779: CLOGAN, PAUL MAURICE (ED.) - Medievalia et Humanistica: Studies in Medieval & Renaissance Culture: New Series: Number 2: Medieval and Renaissance Studies in Review
433780: CLOGAN, PAUL MAURICE (ED.) - Mediaevalia et Humanistica: v. 3: Studies in Mediaeval and Renaissance Culture
543489: CLOGG, RICHARD (EDITOR AND TRANSLATOR) - The Movement for Greek Independence 1770-1821
151989: CLOKE, C.; NAISH, JANE (EDS) - Key Issues in Child Protection for Health Visitors and Nurses
527944: CLONTS, CHARLENE - Gherasim Luca: Texte, Image, Son (Modern French Identities, Volume 139)
432956: CLOSE, UPTON - Behind the Face of Japan
296343: CLOSSET, FR. - La Literature Flamande au Moyen Age (Collection Nationale; 6 Serie, No. 70)
548857: CLOTHWORKERS' COMPANY OF LONDON - Clothworkers' Company: Extracts From Reports of Municipal Enquiry Commissioners and Commissioners for Charities
600372: CLOUGH, PETER - Sculptural Materials in the Classroom
026848: CLOUGH, SHEPARD B.; GAY, PETER; WARNER, CHARLES K. - The European Past, Reappraisals in History Since Waterloo, Volume 2
532777: CLOUSTON, W.A. (ED. & INTRO.) - Arabian Poetry for English Readers
160983: CLOUT, IMOGEN; MILES, GEORGE - Foundations for the LPC 2002-2003
160982: CLOUT, IMOGEN; MILES, GEORGE - Foundations for the LPC 2002-2003
444325: CLOVER, LOUISE - Bullring Kid and Country Cowboy (Level 4)
532467: CLOVER, JOSHUA - 1989: Bob Dylan Didn't Have This to Sing About
492301: CLOVIO, GIULIO - The Towneley Lectionary: Illuminated for Cardinal Alessandro Farnese by Giulio Clovio: The New York Public Library Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations Manuscript 91: Described by Jonathan J.G. Alexander
440255: CLOW, SARAH; WILLIAMS, PAUL (EDS.) - Genomics, Healthcare and Public Policy
436471: CLOW, ROS; DAWN, TREVOR - The Ultimate FE Lecturer's Handbook
473176: CLOYNE, JAMES; ET AL (EDS.) - Fiscal Studies: The Journal of Applied Public Economics: Volume 37, Number 3-4, September-December 2016
237422: CLS - Palestinians in Lebanon : Report from the Core-Group Meeting of the
605604: CLUBBE, JOHN (ED.) - Carlyle and His Contemporaries: Essays in Honor of Charles Richard Sanders
530435: CLUCAS, STEPHEN; FORSHAW, PETER J.; REES VALERY (EDS.) - Laus Platonici Philosophi: Marsilio Ficino and His Influence: 198 (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History)
296483: CLUCKIE, I.D.; COLLIER, C.G. (EDS.) - Hydrological Applications of Weather Radar
522165: CLUGSTON, BYRON ASHLEY - Hypotyposis in Kant's Metaphysics of Judgement: Symbolizing Completeness
446101: CLULEY, J. C. - Transducers for Microprocessor Systems
009638: CLUNN, PATRICIA - Child Psychiatric Nursing
035024: CLUNN, PATRICIA A.& PAYNE, DORRIS B. - Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing (Nursing Outline Series)
512659: CLUNN, CHRIS - Bummaree: Photographs of Smithfield by Chris Clunn
108159: CLUTE, JOHN - The Disinheriting Party : A Novel
108159a: CLUTE, JOHN - The Disinheriting Party : A Novel
440492: CLUTTERBUCK, DAVID; KERNAGHAN, SUSAN; SNOW, DEBORAH - Going Private: Privatisations Around the World
502795: CLUTTERBUCK, MICHAEL - Steaming into the Firing Line: Tales of the Footplate in Wartime Britain
466131: CLUTTERBUCK, RICHARD - Living with Terrorism
063409: CLUTTERBUCK, DAVID; CRAINER, STUART - Decline and Rise of British Industry, The
004193: CLUTTON-BROCK, A.F. - Italian Painting
523559: CLUYSENAAR, ANNE - Nodes: Selected Poems 1960-1968 (Poetry Ireland Editions 12)
486901: CLUZEL, MAGDELEINE - Mimes et PoEtes Antiques (Essai Sur l'AntiquitE)
017976: CLYNE, PETER - The Disadvantaged Adult: Educational and Social Needs of Minority Groups: Educational and Social Needs of Minority Groups
451625: CLYNE, MICHAEL (ED.) - An Early Start : Second Language at Primary School
480374: CLYNE, MICHAEL - Community Languages: The Australian Experience
539939: CLYNES, MICHAEL - The Poisoned Chalice
469859: CNOSSEN, SIJBREN - Reform and Harmonization of Company Tax Systems in the European Union
520157: COAKLEY, JERRY; HARRIS, LAURENCE - The City of Capital: London's Role as a Financial Centre
474919: COAKLEY, JOHN - Reforming Political Institutions: Ireland in Comparative Perspective
530400: COAKLEY, JOHN (ED.) - Pathways from Ethnic Conflict: Institutional Redesign in Divided Societies (Routledge Studies in Nationalism and Ethnicity)
415623: COALE, ANSLEY J.; COTTS WATKINS, SUSAN (EDS.) - The Decline of Fertility in Europe
436576: COARE, PAM; THOMSON, ALISTAR (EDS.) - Through the Joy of Learning: Diary of 1, 000 Adult Learners
448641: COATES, DAVID; JOHNSTON, GORDON; BUSH, RAY (EDS.) - A Socialist Anatomy of Britain
445626: COATES, TIM - The British Invasion of Tibet: Colonel Younghusband, 1904
491937: COATES, KEN - Empire No More!... The Lion and Wolf Shall Cease
151413: COATES, KEN S.; TOPHAM, TONY - The History of the Transport and General workers' Union Volume I Part II - The Making of the Transport and General Workers' Union : The Emergence of the Labour Movement, 1870-1922
523124: COATES, DAVID - Flawed Capitalism: The Anglo-American Condition and its Resolution
447577: COATES-STEPHENS, ROBERT - Immagini e Memoria: Rome in the Photographs of Father Peter Paul Mackey, 1890-1901
470926: COATES, ROBERT - The Darkness of the Day
608453: COATES, HENRY (AUTHOR); MCNAUGHT, W. (EDITOR) - Novello's Biographies of Great Musicians: Chopin
490853: COATES, SHEILA; RICHER, JOHN (EDS.) - Autism - The Search for Coherence
290608: COATES, DAVID; SIAVELIS, PETER (PORTES, ALEJANDRO) - Getting Immigration Right: What Every American Needs to Know
300510: COATES, KEN; HOLLAND, STUART - Full Employment for Europe: The Commission, the Council and the Debate on Employment in the European Parliament, 1994-95
221242: COATES, KEN - How to Lose a War
047802: COATS, DEBBIE & ELWORTHY, RICHARD - CancerBacup Cancers of the Breast, Brain, Head and Neck: Factfile 2004
047806: COATS, DEBBIE & ELWORTHY, RICHARD - CancerBACUP Factfile 2004. Haematology, Sarcomas and Paediatric Cancers: Factfile 2004
047807: COATS, DEBBIE & ELWORTHY, RICHARD - CancerBACUP Factfile 2004. Volume 3. Gastro-Intestinal and Genito-Urinary Cancers: Factfile 2004
542568: COATS, LUCY - Hootcat Hill
047398: COATS, PETER - The St Michael Book of Great Gardens of Britain
152334: COATS, A. W. - Poverty in the Victorian Age, Debates on the Issue from 19th Century Critical Journals Volume IV Scottish Poor Laws 1815-1870
530540: COBAIN, EVE; COLEMAN, PHILIP (EDS.) - Robert Lowell and Irish Poetry
534874: COBB, NOEL; LOEWE, EVA (EDITORS) - Sphinx 3: A Journal for Archetypal Psychology and the Arts
608290: COBB, IRVIN S. - Short Stories of To-day and Yesterday
534873: COBB, NOEL; LOEWE, EVA (EDITORS) - Sphinx 2: A Journal for Archetypal Psychology and the Arts
548095: COBB, RON - Patriotic Cartoons: My Fellow Americans
533736: COBB, JOHN B. - The Earthist Challenge to Economism: A Theological Critique of the World Bank (Religion and Politics Series)
534875: COBB, NOEL; LOEWE, EVA (EDITORS) - Sphinx 4: A Journal for Archetypal Psychology and the Arts
290957: COBBAN, ALFRED (ED.) - History; Volume L, No. 169, June 1965
290961: COBBAN, ALFRED (ED.) - History; Volume LI, No. 173, October 1966
290956: COBBAN, ALFRED (ED.) - History; Volume L, No. 168, February 1965
436365: COBBAN, ALAN B. - The Kings Hall Within the University of Cambridge in the Later Middle Ages (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Third Series, Volume I)
151328: COBBAN, J. MACLAREN / STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS - Tinted Vapours, a Nemesis / Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886) Second Edition
290960: COBBAN, ALFRED (ED.) - History; Volume LI, No. 172, June 1966
290959: COBBAN, ALFRED (ED.) - History; Volume LI, No. 171, February 1966
290962: COBBAN, ALFRED (ED.) - History; Volume LII, No. 174, February 1967
290963: COBBAN, ALFRED (ED.) - History; Volume LII, No. 176, October 1967
290958: COBBAN, ALFRED (ED.) - History; Volume L, No. 170, October 1965
422814: COBBETT, WILLIAM; MORPURGO, J. E. (ED.) - Cobbett's America: A Selection from the Writings of William Cobbett
543880: COBBETT, WILLIAM (AUTHOR); COBBETT, PITT (EDITOR) - Rural Rides: Volume I and II
605875: COBBETT, WILLIAM - The English Gardener
495007: COBBING, BOB - Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz a Sound Poem Sequence (Writers Forum Poets)
521514: COBBOLD, T. SPENCER - Parasites; A Treatise on the Entozoa of Man and Animals, Including Some Account of the Ectozoa
085092: COBBOLD, RICHARD, ED. - The World Reshaped, Volume 2: Fifty Years After the War in Asia
607161: COBBOLD, T. SPENCER - Parasites, and Their Strange Uses: A Lecture
548251: COBDEN, RICHARD (AUTHOR); BRIGHT, JOHN; THOROLD ROGERS, JAMES E. (EDITORS) - Speeches on Questions of Public Policy By Richard Cobden, M.P.
608615: COBEN, HARLAN - Think Twice
608335: COBEN, HARLAN - The Final Detail
143948: COBLANS, HERBERT - Use of Physics Literature
535689: COBORN, CHARLES (INTRODUCTION); ROBEY, GEORGE (APPRECIATION) - Sixty Old-Time Variety Songs: Song Book No 2 (News Chronicle)
528614: COCCO, SEAN - Watching Vesuvius: A History of Science and Culture in Early Modern Italy
456292: COCHIN, M.; BELLIGARD, M. - Observations Sur Les Antiquities d'Herculanum
247139: COCHRAN, CHARLES B. - Showman Looks On
429852: COCHRAN, THOMAS C. - Frontiers of Change: Early Industrialism in America
210497: COCHRAN, AUGUSTUS B., III - Democracy Heading South : National Politics in the Shadow of Dixie
471867: COCHRANE, ALLAN; TALBOT, DEBORAH (EDS.) - Security: Welfare, Crime and Society
188452: COCHRANE, PAT - Outbound Telephone Selling : A Management Manual
085077: COCHRANE, ALLAN (EDITOR); ANDERSON, JAMES - Politics in Transition: Restructuring Britain
499177: COCHRANE, TOM - The Emotional Mind: A Control Theory of Affective States
271615: COCHRANE, CLAIRE - Shakespeare and the Birmingham Repertory Theatre, 1913-1929
171885: COCHRANE, ALLAN; HAMNETT, CHRIS; MCDOWELL, LINDA EDS. - City, Economy and Society : Acomparative Reader
074271: COCHRANE, A. L. (ED) - Background to Migraine: Symposium Proceedings
149516: COCHRANE, G. MAC; JACKSON, WILLIAM, F.; REES, P. JOHN - Color Atlas of Asthma : Current Perspectives
453493: COCHRANE, JOHN H. (ED.) ET AL - Journal of Political Economy, Volume 107 (4-6)
453497: COCHRANE, JOHN H. (ED.) ET AL - Journal of Political Economy, Volume 110 (1-3)
033879: COCHRANE, G.M & WILSHERE, E.R - Communication, Equipment for the Disabled
531631: COCHRANE, ERIC - Historians and Historiography in the Italian Renaissance
548687: COCKBURN, CLAUD - Ballantyne's Folly
518668: COCKBURN, PATRICK; BALAKRISHNAN, GOPAL; ET AL. - New Left Review 36, Second Series, Nov/Dec 2005
550230: COCKBURN, CYNTHIA - The Line: Women, Partition and the Gender Order in Cyprus
535048: COCKBURN, J.S (ED.); GREEN, THOMAS A. (ED.). - Twelve Good Men and True: The Criminal Trial Jury in England 1200-1800
451498: COCKE, THOMAS - 900 Years: The Restorations of Westminster Abbey
549734: COCKER, MARK - Crow Country: A Meditation on Birds, Landscape and Nature
513482: COCKERILL, A.; SILBERSTON, AUBREY - The Steel Industry: International Comparisons of Industrial Structure and Performance
504972: COCKETT, RICHARD - David Astor and the Observer
605674: COCKETT, RICHARD - David Astor and the Observer
497594: COCKRAM, JOHN - Brockenhurst and the Two World Wars
526904: COCKRAM, SARAH D.P. - Isabella d'Este and Francesco Gonzaga: Power Sharing at the Italian Renaissance Court (Women and Gender in The Early Modern World)
606334: COCKRAM, GILL G. - Ruskin and Social Reform: Ethics and Economics in the Victorian Age
473522: COCKRELL, DAVID J. (ED.) - Fluid Dynamic Measurements in the Industrial and Medical Environments, Volume I: Conference Papers
434505: COCKSHUT, A.O.J. - The Achievement of Walter Scott
512185: COCTEAU, JEAN - Past Tense: Volume II Diaries
470725: COCTEAU, JEAN - The Imposter
416844: CODDINGTON, ANNE; PERRYMAN, MARK (EDS.) - The Moderniser's Dilemma: Radical Politics in the Age of Blair
504528: CODELL, JULIE F. - Imperial Co-Histories: National Identities and the British and Colonial Press
481009: CODERRE, EMIL - J'Parle Tout Seul Quand Jean Narrache
464975: CODLING, BRIAN - A Folio Society Handbook: Parts 1-3
530306: CODLING, PETE - Dust to Dust: A Wall Drawing
281020: CODOGNET, PHILIPPE (ED.) - Logic Programming: 17th International Conference, ICLP 2001, Paphos, Cyprus, November/December 2001 Proceedings
509915: CODY, STEPHEN - Mosby's Success in Medicine: Behavioral Science
542646: CODY, LIZA - Backhand: An Anna Lee Mystery
541222: CODY, LIZA - Dupe
531383: CODY, GABRIELLE H.; SPRINCHORN, EVERT (EDS.) - The Columbia Enclyclopedia of Modern Drama, Volumes I&II
518896: COE, JONATHAN - Le COEUR De L'angleterre
476836: COE, RALPH T. - Sacred Circles: Two Thousand Years of North American Indian Art
291406: COE, JONATHAN - What a Carve Up!
519368: COE, JONATHAN - The Accidental Woman
544476: COE, RICHARD - Crocodile
479728: COE, A.L. - Water Supply and Plumbing Practices in Continental Europe
517110: COE, SEB - Running My Life: The Autobiography
548483: COE, JONATHAN - The Dwarves of Death
538843: COE, SUE - Malcolm X: Pictures By Sue Coe
549804: COE, JONATHAN - The Rotters' Club
603392: COE, MICHAEL D. - Mexico
461261: COELHO, PAULO - Adultery
468137: COELHO, ANTONIO BORGES - Joao de Barros, Vida e Obra
421273: COELHO, Z. (ED.); SHIELS, E. (ED.) - Workshop on Dynamical Systems: Proceedings of the Conference at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste 1988 (Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series; 221)
269252: COELHO, PAULO - The Fifth Mountain
464460: COELHO, PAULO - Brida
461035: COELHO, PAULO - The Valkyries: An Encounter with Angels
231215: COELHO, PAULO - The Witch of Portobello
529306: COEN, STANLEY J. - Between Author and Reader: A Psychoanalytic Approach to Writing and Reading
439896: COEN, CLIVE WARWICK (ED.) - Functions of the Brain
608557: COENEN, HEINZ H.; MERTENS, JOHN; MAZIERE, BERNARD - Radioionidation Reactions for Pharmaceuticals: Compendium for Effective Synthesis Strategies
061531: COERMANN, W - Deutsche Transportgesetzgebung, Leitfaden für die Praxis
466206: COETZEE, J. M. - Summertime: Scenes from Provincial Life
503594: COETZEE, J. M. - The Schooldays of Jesus
171390: COETZEE, KAREN; BERGH, RENE - The Complete Book of Soft Furnishings
515436: COETZEE, J.M. - The Childhood of Jesus
432208: COFER, CHARLES N. (ED.) - The Psychological Review; Volume LXXVI, 1969
432207: COFER, CHARLES N. (ED.) - The Psychological Review; Volume LXXV, 1968
506346: COFFEN, BEATRICE - Histoire Culturelle Des Pronoms D'adresse: Vers Une Typologie Des SYSTEMES Allocutoires Dans Les Langues Romanes
086103: COFFEY, PETER; PRESLEY, JOHN R - European Monetary Integration
518228: COFFEY, PETER (ED.) - Economic Policies of The Common Market
469691: COFFIELD, FRANK; ROBINSON, PHILIP; SARSBY, JACQUIE - A Cycle of Deprivation?: A Case Study of Four Families (SSRC/DHSS Studies in Deprivation and Disadvantage)
468836: COFFIELD, JAMES - The Tax Gatherers
163869: COFFIN, MICHAEL J. - Direct Digital Control for Building HVAC Systems
452399: COFFIN, HOWARD - Nine Months to Gettysburg: Stannard's Vermonters and the Repulse of Pickett's Charge
544687: COFFMAN, CHRISTOPHER K. (ED.); LUKES, DANIEL, (ED.) - William T, Vollmann: A Critical Companion
421301: COFFMAN, EDWARD N. (ED.) - The Academy of Accounting Historians, Working Paper Series, Volume 2
421300: COFFMAN, EDWARD N. (ED.) - The Academy of Accounting Historians, Working Paper Series, Volume 1
531739: COGAN, MARC - The Design in the Wax
477791: COGAN, ELAINE; PADROW, BEN - You Can Talk to (Almost) Anyone About (Almost) Anything: A Speaking Guide for Business and Professional People
110357: COGGINS, CECIL; HANCOCK, E WILLIAM & LEVITT, LEE - Annual Review of Medicine Selected Topics in the Clinical Sciences: Volume 48, 1997
532208: COGGINS, MARK - The Immortal Game
110490: COGGINS, CECIL H.; HANCOCK, E. WILLIAM; LEVITT, LEE J. (EDS.) - Annual Review of Medicine : Selected Topics in Clinical Sciences; Volume 47, 1996
085423: COGGINS, JOHN, LEWIS, D.S. EDITORS. - Political Parties of the Americas and the Caribbean: A Reference Guide
301253: COGGINS, RICHARD; PHILLIPS, ANTHONY; KNIBB, MICHAEL (EDS.) - Israel's Prophetic Tradition: Essays in Honour of Peter R. Ackroyd
104534: COGHILL, ROGER - Electrohealing: The Medicine of the Future
156570: COGHILL, NEVILL. - The Poet Chaucer
469150: COGNIAT, RAYMOND; VAN JOLE, MARCEL - Pinchas Shaar
111106: COGORDAN; SANSORES; AKACHI; VALLADARES - Ceramic Superconductors
550109: COGSWELL, THOMAS - Home Divisions: Aristocracy, The State and Provincial Conflict
537720: COGSWELL, THOMAS; CUST, RICHARD; LAKE, PETER (EDITORS) - Politics, Religion and Popularity in Early Stuart Britain (Essays in Honour of Conrad Russell)
151658: COGSWELL, FREDERIC NEIL - Polymer Melt Rheology
461990: COHAN, STEVEN; SHIRES, LINDA M. (EDS.) - Telling Stories: A Theoretical Analysis of Narrative Fiction
432491: COHEN, RALPH; FELSKI, RITA; MORRIS, DAVID B.; TUCKER, HERBERT F. (EDS.) - New Literary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretation; Volume 37, Number 1, Winter 2006
432494: COHEN, RALPH; FELSKI, RITA; MORRIS, DAVID B.; TUCKER, HERBERT F. (EDS.) - New Literary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretation; Volume 37, Number 4, Autumn 2006
290147: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 18, Number 3, Summer 1989
600774: COHEN, LIZABETH - Making a New Deal: Industrial Workers in Chicago, 1919-1939
290119: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 7, Number 1, Fall 1977
290121: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 12, Number 1, Winter 1983
290122: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 12, Number 2, Spring 1983
060196: COHEN, C. D. (ED.) - Agenda for Britain 1: Micro Policy
290133: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 15, Number 1, Winter 1986
290134: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 15, Number 2, Spring 1986
527405: COHEN, ELIOT A. - Conquered Into Liberty: Two Centuries of Battles Along the Great Warpath That Made the American Way of War
015781: COHEN, JULIAN - Your Project on Drugs
290124: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 12, Number 4, Fall 1983
469276: COHEN, WILBUR J.; FRIEDMAN, MILTON (EDS.) - Social Security: Universal or Selective?
432496: COHEN, RALPH; FELSKI, RITA; MORRIS, DAVID B.; TUCKER, HERBERT F. (EDS.) - New Literary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretation; Volume 38, Number 2, Spring 2007
155274: COHEN, ROBERT M. - Patient Management Problems for the MRCPsych
290127: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 13, Number 3, Summer 1984
290139: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 16, Number 4, Fall 1987
290140: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 17, Number 1, Winter 1988
444119: COHEN, GILLIAN - The Psychology of Cognition
510020: COHEN, DANIEL; PIKETTY, THOMAS; SAINT-PAUL, GILLES (EDS.) - The Economics of Rising Inequalities
409390: COHEN, PERCY S. - The British Journal of Sociology; Volume XXXIV, No. 3, September 1983
188010: COHEN, JACK K.; HAGIN, FRANK G. - Calculus with Maple Manual
244589: COHEN, RALPH (EDITOR) - New Literary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretation: Volume X Winter 1979 Number 2
519599: COHEN, ANA PAULA (ED.) - Panorama da Arte Brasileira 2001
511309: COHEN, NOAM - The Know-It-Alls: The Rise of Silicon Valley as a Political Powerhouse and Social Wrecking Ball
513342: COHEN, PHILIP; RUSTIN, MICHAEL J. (EDS.) - London's Turning: The Making of Thames Gateway
473023: COHEN, STEPHEN F. (ED.) - An End to Silence: Uncensored Opinion in the Soviet Union from Roy Medvedev's Underground Magazine 'Political Diary'
432497: COHEN, RALPH; FELSKI, RITA; MORRIS, DAVID B.; TUCKER, HERBERT F. (EDS.) - New Literary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretation; Volume 38, Number 3, Summer 2007
518672: COHEN, G. A.; RUSTIN, MICHAEL; ET AL. - New Left Review 126: The Travail of Labourism, Mar/Apr 1981
495349: COHEN, MARSHALL; NAGEL, THOMAS; SCANLON, THOMAS (EDS.) - Medicine and Moral Philosophy: A Philosophy & Public Affairs Reader
501683: COHEN, MATTHEW A. - Beyond Beauty: Reexamining Architechtural Proportion Through the Basilicas of San Lorenzo and Santo Spirito in Florence (Premio James Ackerman Per La Storia Dell'architettura)
432210: COHEN, RALPH (ED.) - New Literary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretation ; Volume 3, 1971-1972
277682: COHEN, RALPH (ED.) - New Literary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretation: "Ideology and Literature" (Volume IV, No. 3, Spring 1973)
462290: COHEN, STEVE - Immigration Controls, the Family and the Welfare State: A Handbook of Law, Theory, Politics and Practice for Local Authority, Voluntary Sector and Welfare State Workers and Legal Advisors
291344: COHEN, MARTIN - Political Philosophy from Plato to Mao
533288: COHEN, STAN - East, Wind, Rain: A Pictorial History of The Pearl Harbour Attack
432498: COHEN, RALPH; FELSKI, RITA; TUCKER, HERBERT F. (EDS.) - New Literary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretation; Volume 38, Number 4, Autumn 2007
432495: COHEN, RALPH; FELSKI, RITA; MORRIS, DAVID B.; TUCKER, HERBERT F. (EDS.) - New Literary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretation; Volume 38, Number 1, Winter 2007
475372: COHEN, STANLEY - States of Denial
548543b: COHEN, LEONARD - Flowers for Hitler
290137: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 16, Number 2, Spring 1987
508880: COHEN, STANLEY - Taking Gary Feldman
503462: COHEN, SUSAN - The Women's Institute
507575: COHEN, NATHAN; DRAKE, FRANK D. - Gravity's Lens: Views of the New Cosmology
432503: COHEN, RALPH (ED.) - New Literary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretation; Index to Volumes 1-10, 1969-1979
086150: COHEN, DAVID - Essential Psychology
086327: COHEN, JENNIFER BETH - Lying Together: My Russian Affair
457793: COHEN, JEROME ALAN; EDWARDS, R. RANDLE; CHEN, FU-MEI CHANG (EDS.) - Essays on China's Legal Tradition
455232: COHEN, RONALD - Goya: La Boda: The Royal Modello
433841: COHEN, RALPH (ED.) - New Literary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretation: History and Criticism II, Volume VI, Spring 1975, Number 3
433840: COHEN, RALPH (ED.) - New Literary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretation: On Narrative and Narratives, Volume VI, Winter 1975, Number 2
531524: COHEN, J.M. - The Life of Ludwig Mond
290110: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 4, Number 4, Summer 1975
290111: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 5, Number 1, Fall 1975
545017: COHEN, JON S.; HARCOURT, G.C. (EDITORS) - International Monetary Problems and Supply-Side Economics: Essays in Honour of Lorie Tarshis
483355: COHEN, STEPHEN PAUL - Heartless
287914: COHEN, M. (ED.) - Chronicles: News Of The Past In The Days Of The Bible
290142: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs Volume 17, Number 3, Summer 1988
432411: COHEN, TAMMY - First One Missing
518535: COHEN, G. A.; FITCH, ROBERT; ET AL. - New Left Review 207, September/October 1994: Turning Point in Ireland
085306: COHEN, GILLIAN - Memory in the Real World
290130: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 14, Number 2, Spring 1985
493688: COHEN, HELEN LOUISE - The Ballade (Columbia University Studies in English and Comparative Literature)
290136: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 16, Number 1, Winter 1987
487203: COHEN, J.M. (ED.) - The Rider Book of Mystical Verse
489080: COHEN, ARYEH - Rereading Talmud: Gender, Law and the Poetics of Sugyot (Brown Judaic Studies)
290108: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 4, Number 2, Winter 1975
292922: COHEN, SYDNEY; SADUN, ELVIO H. (EDS.) - Immunology of Parasitic Infections
290104: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 3, Number 2, Winter 1974
290106: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 3, Number 4, Summer 1974
290107: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 4, Number 1, Fall 1974
505932: COHEN, MARVIN - The Monday Rhetoric of the Love Club and other parables
451258: COHEN, LESLIE B.; SALAPATEK, PHILIP (EDS.) - Infant Perception: From Sensation to Cognition, Volume 1: Basic Visual Processes
537789: COHEN, MARK B. - Brass Monkeys
290138: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 16, Number 3, Summer 1987
290145: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 18, Number 1, Winter 1989
150945: COHEN, M.J. - Penguin Thematic Dictionary of Quotations, The
600597: COHEN, JUDITH; JAMES, SIMON; BLEWITT, JOHN (EDS.) - Learning to Last: Skills, Sustainability and Strategy
037840: COHEN, LOIS & GIFT, HELEN - Disease Prevention and Oral Health Promotion: Socio-Dental Sciences in Action
223381: COHEN, JULIAN - Ecstasy and Drug Use in the 90s
465296: COHEN, ARTHUR A. - Artists & Enemies: 3 Novellas
482633: COHEN, ABNER - Custom and Politics in Urban Africa: A Study of Hausa Migrants in Yoruba Towns
532112: COHEN, LENARD J. - Broken Bones: Yugoslavia's Disintegration and Balkan Politics in Transition
442123: COHEN, GILLIAN - Memory in the Real World
271836: COHEN, GILLIAN; JOHNSTON, ROBERT A.; PLUNKETT, KIM (EDS.) - Exploring Cognition: Damaged Brains and Neural Networks
008858: COHEN, BERNARD & BODIS-WOLLNER, IVAN (EDITORS) - Vision and the Brain : The Organization of the Central Visual System
549498: COHEN, G.A. - Karl Marx's Theory of History: A Defence
290128: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 13, Number 4, Fall 1984
032537: COHEN, L.; MANION, LAWRENCE - Multicultural Classrooms: Perspectives for Teachers
290115: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 6, Number 1, Fall 1976
290126: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 13, Number 2, Spring 1984
262407: COHEN. L. JONATHAN - The Diversity of Meaning
279934: COHEN, LOUIS; HOLLIDAY, MICHAEL - Practical Statistics for Students: An Introductory Text
290112: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 5, Number 2, Winter 1976
290114: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 5, Number 4, Summer 1976
290141: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 17, Number 2, Spring 1988
290135: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 15, Number 3, Summer 1986
432501: COHEN, RALPH; FELSKI, RITA; TUCKER, HERBERT F. (EDS.) - New Literary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretation; Volume 39, Number 3, Summer 2008
014614: COHEN, LOUIS & HOLLIDAY, MICHAEL - Statistics for Education and Physical Education
290123: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 12, Number 3, Summer 1983
290125: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 13, Number 1, Winter 1984
290117: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 6, Number 3, Spring 1977
110190: COHEN, ARTHUR A. - Artists and Enemies : Three Novellas
432502: COHEN, RALPH; FELSKI, RITA; TUCKER, HERBERT F. (EDS.) - New Literary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretation; Volume 39, Number 4, Autumn 2008
273826: COHEN, A. M.; CUTTS, J. F.; FIELDER, R.; JONES, D. E.; RIBBANS, J.; STUART, E. - Numerical Analysis (European Mathematics Series)
290109: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 4, Number 3, Spring 1975
417131: COHEN, PETER - Diary of a Simple Man
470587: COHEN, JOHN - The Lineaments of Mind in Historical Perspective
094461: COHEN, G.; LITSYN, S.; LOBSTEIN, A. & ZEMOR, G. (EDS.) - Algebraic Coding: First French-Soviet Workshop Paris, July 22-24, 1991 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 573)
290146: COHEN, MARSHALL (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 18, Number 2, Spring 1989
190209: COHEN, S. C.; VANICEK, P. - Slow Deformation and Transmission of Stress in the Earth
432488: COHEN, RALPH; FELSKI, RITA; MORRIS, DAVID B.; TUCKER, HERBERT F. (EDS.) - New Literary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretation; Volume 34, 2003
197725: COHEN, JONATHAN - Automatic Identification and Data Collection Systems
059922: COHEN, C. D. (ED.) - Agenda for Britain 2: Macro Policy
001138: COHEN, JOHN [EDITOR] - Psychology: An Outline for the Intending Student
604452: COHEN, ALBERT; COWARD, DAVID (TRANS.) - Belle Du Seigneur
607566: COHEN, STEVEN; EIMICKE, WILLIAM - The Responsible Contract Manager: Protecting the Public Interest in an Outsourced World
533077: COHN, NORMAN - Noah's Flood: The Genesis Story in Western Thought
476619: COHN, P.M. - Algebra: Volume 2
210516: COHN, THEODORE H. - Governing Global Trade : International Institutions in Conflict and Convergence
457780: COHN, BERNARD S. - India: The Social Anthropology of a Civilization
519251: COHN-SHERBOK, DAN - The Politics of Apocalypse: The History and Influence of Christian Zionism
468059: COHN-SHERBOK, DAN - Glimpses of God
423319: COHN-SHERBOK, DAN - The Dictionary of Jewish Biography
478599: COHN, J. N.; RITTINGHAUSEN, R. (EDS.) - Mononitrates
547041: COHN-SHERBOK, DAN; IRWIN, MICHAEL (EDITORS) - Exploring Reality
527540: COHN, RUBY - New American Dramatists: 1960-1980 (Macmillan Modern Dramatists)
536392: COHN-BENDIT, D.; DETEUIL, J.P. (ET AL) - The Student Revolt. The Activists Speak
449822: COHN, HARRY (ED.) - Doeblin and Modern Probability (Contemporary Mathematics)
451547: COHN, PRISCILLA (ED.) - Transparencies: Philosophical Essays in Honor of J. Ferrater Mora
469615: COID, C. R. (ED.) - Infections and Pregnancy
051405: COIFFET, PHILIPPE (ED.) - Robot Technology, Volume 8: Indexes and Bibliography
191186: COIFFET, PHILIPPE - Interaction with the Environment
515797: COIT, STANTON - The One Sure Foundation for Democracy
474404: COIT, STANTON - National Idealism and a State Church: A Constructive Essay in Religion
519132: COKER, E.G.; FILON, L.N.G. - A Treatise on Photo-Elasticity
528426: COLAIACOMO, PAOLA - Natasha's Dress: Language of Literature, Language of Fashion (CISRA, Vol.41)
525093: COLANTONI, LORENZO; MONTESANO, GIUSEPPE; SARTORI, NICOLO (EDS.) - Empowering Africa: Access to Power in the African Continent
451865: COLAPRICO, PIEOR - La Quinta Stagione
526994: COLATRELLA, STEVEN - Looking Over the Abyss: The US and Europe Beyond Capitalism
259560: COLBERT, EVELYN - Southeast Asia in International Politics, 1941-1956
606297: COLBOURNE, MAURICE - The Real Bernard Shaw
526057: COLBY, SASHA - Stratified Modernism: The Poetics of Excavation from Gautier to Olson
468593: COLBY, CHARLES C. - Geographic Aspects of International Relations
094591: COLCHESTER, A. C. F. & HAWKES, D. J. (EDS.) - Information Processing in Medical Imaging: 12th International Conference, IPMI '91, Wye, UK, July 7-12, 1991 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 511)
261360: COLCLOUGH, CHRISTOPHER (ED.); MANOR, JAMES (ED.) - States or Markets? Neo-Liberalism and the Development Policy Debate
207936: COLCLOUGH, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - Marketizing Education and Health in Developing Countries : Miracle or Mirage? (IDS Development Studies)
527983: COLDWELL, PAUL - Morandi's Legacy: Influences on British Art
081706: COLE, A.; VAUGHAN, B. - Reflections Three Years on
435413: COLE, GEORGE H. A. - The Inverted Bowl: Introductory Accounts of the Universe and Its Life
044357: COLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - Annual Register of Book Values - Literature, 1993
044359: COLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - Annual Register of Book Values - Modern First Edition, 1997
469748: COLE, JENNIFER; KISSEBERTH, CHARLES (EDS.) - Perspectives in Phonology
446123: COLE, ARTHUR (ED.) - Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics: Volume 1
044354: COLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - Annual Register of Book Values - Literature, 1995
096883: COLE, RICHARD B. - Executive Security: Corporate Guide to Effective Response to Abduction and Terrorism
527698: COLE, JENNIFER; KISSEBERTH, CHARLES (EDS.) - Perspectives in Phonology (Center for the Study of Language and Information Publication Lecture Notes, Number 51)
108185: COLE, SAM; MILES, IAN - Worlds Apart : Technology and North-South Relations in the Global Economy
044355: COLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - Annual Register of Book Values - Literature, 1998
549779: COLE, IAN, (ED.) - Gustav Metzger: Retrospectives: Museum of Modern Art Papers, Volume Three
506067: COLE, BARRY - Moon Search
151124: COLE, ALISTAIR - Governing and Governance in France
505513: COLE, BARRY - Pathetic Fallacies
515810: COLE, G.D.H. - Workshop Organization
520176: COLE, G.D.H. - The World of Labour: A Discussion of the Present and Future of Trade Unionism
518147: COLE, G.D.H.; GREEN, F.E. - The Life of William Cobbett
525849: COLE, JENN - Hysteria in Performance
548731: COLE, ARTHUR H. (LIBRARIAN) - The Kress Library of Business and Economics, Catalogue 1777-1817
518931: COLE, G.D.H. - Socialist Thought: Marxism and Anarchism 1850-1890 (A History of Socialist Thought: Volume II)
499076: COLE, TERRY - Bluebell Railway: Souvenir Guide Book
423622: COLE, RICHARD L. - Citizen Participation and the Urban Policy Process
505944: COLE, BARRY - The Visitors
471743: COLE, G.D.H.; POSTGATE, RAYMOND (EDS.) - The Common People, 1746-1946
044356: COLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - Annual Register of Book Values - Literature, 1994
449064: COLE, BILL - John Coltrane
257410: COLE, MARTINA - The Family
541174: COLE, MARGARET I. - Local Government for Beginners
161459: COLE, H.H. ; CUPPS, P.T. (EDITORS) - Reproduction in Domestic Animals Volume 2
044362: COLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - Annual Register of Book Values - Science & Medicine, 1994
050317: COLE, J.P. - Geography of World Affairs
022673: COLE, HUBERT - The Bedside Book of Bedrooms
306073: COLE, HENRI - The Look of Things
231053: COLE, G.D.H.; DICKINSON, G. LOWES; ZIMMERN, ALFRED; WEDGWOOD, J.; KEYNES, J.M. - The Political Quarterly, January 1930: Volume 1, Number 1
475021: COLE, G.D.H. - A Plan for Democratic Britain
113321: COLE, MIKE - The Social Contexts of Schooling
506116: COLE, BARRY - Moon Search
196597: COLE, ALISON - Art of the Renaissance Courts
198122: COLE, JOHN - As It Seemed to Me : Political Memoirs
532521: COLE, LAURENCE (ED.) - Different Paths to the Nation: Regional and National Identities in Central Europe and Italy, 1830-70
044364: COLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - International Rare Book Prices - 19th Century Literature, 1989
534679: COLE, PAUL; DAVIS, RICHARD - CIPA Guide to the Patents Act: Second Supplement to the Eighth Amendment
534680: COLE, PAUL; DAVIS, RICHARD - CIPA Guide to the Patents Act: First Supplement to the Eighth Edition
264519: COLE, MATT - Richard Wainwright, the Liberals and Liberal Democrats: Unfinished Business
242930: COLE, E.V. - Norwich: A Sketch Book By E.V. Cole
525859: COLE, JOSH - Hall-Dennis and the Road to Utopia: Education and Modernity in Ontario
221912: COLE, ALISON - Renaissance Von Mailand Bis Neapel: Die Kunst an Den Hofen Italiens
533975: COLE, BABETTE - Dr. Dog
027851: COLE, G. D. H. - Samuel Butler
547305: COLE, JUAN R.I. (EDITOR) - Comparing Muslim Societies: Knowledge and the State in a a World Civilization
044361: COLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - Annual Register of Book Values - Science & Medicine, 1996
448007: COLE, HUBERT (ED.) - The Bedside Book of Bedrooms
044353: COLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - Annual Register of Book Values - Literature, 1996
457179: COLE, ARTHUR H.; BIGELOW, KARL W. (EDS.) - A Manual of Thesis-Writing: For Graduates and Undergraduates
530136: COLE, MICHAEL W. - Sixteenth-Century Italian Art (Blackwell Anthologies in Art History)
534812: COLE, BARRY - Joseph Winter's Patronage
487885: COLE, G. D. H. - The Payment of Wages: A Study in Payment By Results Under the Wage-system (Trade Union Series)
009102: COLE, MARTIN & WALKER, STEPHEN (EDITORS) - Teaching and Stress
044363: COLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - Annual Register of Book Values - Science & Medicine, 1998
044360: COLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - Annual Register of Book Values - Science & Medicine, 1997
540915: COLE, MICHAEL (EDITOR) - International Rare Book Prices: Modern First Editions Volume 1
605419: COLE, ALISTAIR (ED.) - French Political Parties in Transition
605661: COLE, ALISTAIR; CAMPBELL, PETER - French Electoral Systems and Elections Since 1789
607230: COLE, ALISTAIR; LE GALES, PATRICK; LEVY, JONAH (EDS.) - Developments in French Politics 3
530616: COLEBROOK, LEONARD (COMPILER) - Bibliography of the Published Writings of Sir Almroth E. Wright, M.D., F.R.S.
512445: COLEBY, ANDY - British Films 1944-1973 Another World
238624: COLEGIO DE MEXICO; URRUTIA, ELENA (ED.) - Estudios Sobre Las Mujeres Y Las Relaciones De Genero En México: Aportes Desde Diversas Disciplinas
437398: COLEMAN, STEPHEN - Stilled Tongues: From Soapbox to Soundbite
409518: COLEMAN, BILL - Amish Odyssey
516452: COLEMAN, JULES; SHAPIRO, SCOTT (EDS.) - The Oxford Handbook of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law
440468: COLEMAN, MARYANNE - Pandemonium
440469: COLEMAN, MARYANNE - Goblin Market
498214: COLEMAN, E. C. - No Pyrrhic Victories: The 1918 Raids on Zeebrugge and Ostend - A Radical Reappraisal
511336: COLEMAN, TERRY - Olivier
530530: COLEMAN, DOROTHY S.; COLEMAN, ELIZABETH A.; COLEMAN, EVELYN J. - The Collector's Book of Dolls' Clothes: Costumes in Miniature 1700-1929
112387: COLEMAN, F. X. J. - Philip the Draftsman
010537: COLEMAN, PETER G. [EDITOR] - Ageing and Society, Volume 12, Part 4
550208: COLEMAN, D.C.; MATHIAS, PETER (EDITORS) - Enterprise and History: Essays in Honour of Charles Wilson
008497: COLEMAN, JOHN [EDITOR] - Working with Troubled Adolescents: a Handbook
422936: COLEMAN, EARL - A Stubborn Pine in a Stiff Wind
525854: COLEMAN, SARAH R. - The Walls Within: The Politics of Immigration in Modern America
514183: COLEMAN, TERRY - The Old Vic: The Story of a Great Theatre from Kean to Olivier to Spacey
010735: COLEMAN, PAUL D. [EDITOR IN CHIEF] - Neurobiology of Aging, Volume 23, No. 1S
429998: COLEMAN, JULES L.; BUCHANAN, ALLEN (EDS.) - In Harm's Way: Essays in Honor of Joel Feinberg
448296: COLEMAN, TERRY (ED.) - Thomas Hardy: An Indiscretion in the Life of an Heiress
192229: COLEMAN, TERRY - The Scented Brawl: Selected Articles and Interviews
144602: COLEMAN, G.S.; FLOOD, G.M. - Civil Engineering Specifications and Quantities
543114: COLEMAN, H.; HANN, M.A. (ED.) - Patterns of Culture: The Textiles of Bali and Nusa Tenggara
009224: COLEMAN, JOHN [EDITOR] - Working with Troubled Adolescents: A Handbook
605795: COLEMAN, BRUCE - Conservatism and the Conservative Party in Nineteenth-Century Britain
182472: COLENSO, J.W. - The Elements of Algebra: Part I
532222: COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR - The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
505208: COLERIDGE, HARTLEY (INTRODUCTION) - The Dramatic Works of Massinger and Ford
425442: COLERIDGE, HARTLEY - Essays on Parties in Poetry and on the Character of Hamlet
532571: COLERIDGE; HOLMES, RICHARD (ED. & INTRO.) - Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Selected Poems
517606: COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR; HOLMES, RICHARD (ED.) - Coleridge: Selected Poems
513147: COLERIDGE, C. R. - Max, Fritz, and Hob: A Tale of Adventure
423443: COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR - The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
285008: COLERIDGE, HARTLEY - Essays, on Parties in poetry and on the Character of Hamlet
546327: COLERIDGE, S.T. - Seven Lectures on Shakespeare and Milton: A List of All the MS Emendations in Mr Collier's Folio 1632: An Introductory Preface By J. Payne Collier Esq.
505488: COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR - Selected Poems
027152: COLES, ROBERT - Erik H. Erikson the Growth of His Work
496396: COLES, ALAN - Invergordon Scapegoat: The Betrayal of Admiral Tomkinson
538620: COLES, MANNING - Green Hazard
537935: COLES, R.A.; MAEHLER, H.; PARSONS, P.J. (EDITORS AND TRANSLATORS) - The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Volume LIV (Graeco-Roman Memoirs, No. 74)
545554: COLES, MANNING - Drink to Yesterday
510665: COLES, C.R.L. - Railways Through The Thames Valley
505879: COLES, PETER (ED.) - The Routledge Companion to the New Cosmology
540325: COLES, MANNING - Pray Silence
001877: COLES, ROBERT - Migrants, Sharecroppers, Mountaineers: Volume II of Children of Crisis
283470: COLETTE - La Vagabonde
015974: COLETTE - My Apprenticeships and Music-Hall Sidelights
544436: COLEY, SANDRA, (ED.) - The Journal of Stained Glass: Vol. XXVII: The Stained Glass Collection of Sir John Soane's Museum
541835: COLFER, EOIN - And Another Thing...Douglas Adams's Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy: Part Six of Three
413895: COLFER, CAROL J. PIERCE; DAHAL, GANGA RAM; CAPISTRANO, DORIS (EDS.) - Lessons from Forest Decentralization: Money, Justice and the Quest for Good Governance in Asia-Pacific (The Earthscan Forest Library)
543149: COLFER, EOIN - And Another Thing... Douglas Adams's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Part Six of Three
548916: COLFER, EOIN - Plugged
542321: COLFER, EOIN - Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception
534105: COLGATE, ISABEL - Deceits of Time
517272: COLILLI, PAUL - Agamben and The Signature of Astrology: Spheres of Potentiality
456153: COLIN, THIERRY - Tje Zu Ba Myanmar
458607: COLIN, THIERRY - Tje Zu Ba Myanmar
452825: COLIN, ANNA; YEE, LYDIA - British Art Show 8
286942: COLIN, C. - Unternehmen Deutsch: Lehrwerk fur Wirtschaftsdeutsch. Lehrbuch
286943: COLIN, C. - Unternehmen Deutsch: Lehrwerk fur Wirtschaftsdeutsch. Lehrbuch
447518: COLIN, BEATRICE - The Luminous Life of Lilly Aphrodite
Am1604: COLIN CLARKE - Mexico and the Caribbean Under Castro's Eyes: A Journal of Decolonization, State Formation and Democratization (Studies of the Americas)
248046: COLINGE, JEAN-PIERRE - Silicon-on-Insulator Technology : Materials to VLSI
533179: COLLA, PIERO S. - Per la nazione e per la razza. Cittadini ed esclusi nel modello Svedese
278586: COLLAR, N.J., ET AL - Threatened Birds of the Americas: The ICBP/IUCN Red Data Book
500602: COLLARD, IAN - Coastal Shipping: The Twilight Years
419890: COLLARD, IAN - Mersey Shipping Remembered
150410: COLLATZ, LOTHAR - Optimization Problems
437820: COLLECTIF - Unlimited Art Basel: 18 - 21 June 2015
469801: COLLECTIF - Questions EuropEennes (Les Rapports Du Conseil d'Analyse Economique)
169694: COLLECTIF - Politique Industrielle : N 1 : Des idees pour demain
169695: COLLECTIF - Politique Industrielle : N 2 : Des idees pour demain
466676: COLLECTIF - Revue L'ARC Lautréamont numéro 33
478089: COLLECTIF; MAURIES, PATRICK (ED.); BANVILLE, JOHN (CONT.); SENGES, PIERRE (CONT.) - Le Chambre Des Merveilles: Les Collections De Gaston-Louis Vuitton
481700: COLLECTIF - Income Disparities in China: An OECD Perspective
436963: COLLECTIF - Delacroix: Les Dernieres Annees
Am2241: COLLECTIF ARGOS - Climate Refugees
449938: COLLECTIF. - Afrique Du Sud: Theatre Des Townships
449937: COLLECTIF. - Afrique Du Sud: Theatre Des Townships
179116: COLLECTIF - Politique Etrangere : 2 - 1976 : (41 annee)
432337: COLLECTIF - Marcel Imsand et La Fondation
168037: COLLECTIF - Toshodaiji : Tresors D'un Temple Japonais
469835: COLLECTIF - Le Smic: Salaire Minimum De Croissance
535881: COLLECTIF - Gustave Courbert
306882a: COLLECTIF - Domaines Publics
470508: COLLECTIF - L'Exception: Le Banquet Imaginaire
410142: COLLECTIF - Lewis Carroll Photographe Victorien
178928: COLLECTIF - Politique Etrangere : 3 - 1978 : (43 annee)
226704: COLLECTIF - Tresors Du Musee National Du Palais, Taipei: Memoire d'Empire: Paris, Galeries Nationales Du Grand Palais, 20 Octobre 1998-25 Janvier 1999 (French Edition)
413238: COLLECTIF - Tracey Moffatt
178930: COLLECTIF - Politique Etrangere : 1 - 1979 : (44 annee)
428986: COLLECTIF - Les Plus Belles Pages Manuscrites de l'Histoire de France
535926: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.679 Juillet 2016
535927: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.680 Octobre 2016
537513: COLLECTIVE - Modern Poetry in Translation: No.11:Summer 1997
535928: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.681 Janvier 2017
535929: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.682 Avril 2017
537924: COLLECTIVE; THE GUARDIAN - Don McPhee: Photographer
537225: COLLECTIVE - Charles Prescott: 1877-1955
535917: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.670 Avril 2014
535921: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.674 Avril 2015
535942: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.695 Juillet 2020
535937: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.690 Avril 2019
535920: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.673 Janvier 2015
535923: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.676 Octobre 2015
535924: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.677 Janvier 2016
535931: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.684 Octobre 2017
535933: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.686 Avril 2018
535939: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.692 Octobre 2019
535943: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.696 Octobre 2020
538574: COLLECTIVE - Chap-Books: The Society of Private Printers: Fifth Exchange: 1982-1986
538576: COLLECTIVE - The Bedside Lilliput
536088: COLLECTIVE - Towards Sustainable Development
535922: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.675 Juillet 2015
535938: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.691 Juillet 2019
535940: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.693 Janvier 2020
535918: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.671 Juillet 2014
535919: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique Fondee En 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.672 Octobre 2014
535913: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.666 Avril 2013
536318: COLLECTIVE - Earthquake Engineering in Britain
537507: COLLECTIVE - Modern Poetry in Translation: No.4: Winter 1993-1994: Second International Poets Festival: Jerusalem
537508: COLLECTIVE - Modern Poetry in Translation: No.10: Winter 1996: Russian Issue
537509: COLLECTIVE - Modern Poetry in Translation: No.5: Summer 1994
537512: COLLECTIVE - Modern Poetry in Translation: No.6: Winter 1994-1995
535909: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.662 Avril 2012
535910: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.663 Juillet 2012
535911: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.664 Octobre 2012
535912: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.665 Janvier 2013
537514: COLLECTIVE: BULLOCK, MICHAEL (TRANS.) - Modern Poetry in Translation: No.3: Summer 1993
539307: COLLECTIVE - L'Art Du Manuscrit De La Renaissance En France
535908: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.661 Janvier 2012
535916: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.669 Janvier 2014
542787: COLLECTIVE - St Anthony's Papers: No.4: Middle Eastern Affairs No. One
537053: COLLECTIVE - Swatch After Swatch After Swatch
537054: COLLECTIVE - Swatch After Swatch After Swatch
536063: COLLECTIVE - Poland and Germany
535936: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.689 Janvier 2019
535935: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.688 Octobre 2018
537585: COLLECTIVE - New Zealand Short Stories
535941: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.694 Avril 2020
535932: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.685 Janvier 2018
535944: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.697 Janvier 2021
535915: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.668 Octobre 2013
408975: COLLECTIVE - Grammar Tour + CD-Rom
535925: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.678 Avril 2016
535914: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.667 Juillet 2013
535934: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.687 Juillet 2018
539666: COLLECTIVE - Relire Ruskin
536305: COLLECTIVE - Monster Children: We are Ten
537195: COLLECTIVE - Relire "Les Destinees" D'Alfred De Vigny
535930: COLLECTIVE - Revue Historique: Fondee en 1876 par Gabriel Monod: No.683 Juillet 2017
536880: COLLECTIVE - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law: Vol III. 1955-1956
536879: COLLECTIVE - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law: Vol III. 1955-1956
536300: COLLECTIVE - Threatened Deer: Proceedings of a Working Meeting of the Deer Specialist Group of the Survival Service Committee
422740: "COLLECTORS' LISTS - "Collectors' Lists": Vol. II, No. V, MCMXII
535553: COLLEDGE, ERIC (EDITOR AND INTRODUCTION) - The Mediaeval Mystics of England
192190: COLLES, H. C. - The Growth of Music: Part 1., From the Troubadors to Bach
305286: COLLET, COLLET DOBSON (HOLYOAKE, GEORGE JACOB) - History of the Taxes on Knowledge: Their Origin and Repeal (The Thinker's Library; No. 33)
501350: COLLETE, CAILLAT; RAVI, KUMAR - Jain Cosmology
501360: COLLETE, CAILLAT; RAVI, KUMAR - Jain Cosmology
534495: COLLETT, BARRY (ED); SMITH, ANGELA, (ED); REID, JULIAN (ED) - Building Accounts of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 1517-18
456644: COLLETT, CAMILLA; SEAVER, KIRSTEN (TRANS.) - The District Governor's Daughters
504699: COLLETT, NIGEL - The Butcher of Amritsar: General Reginald Dyer
531198: COLLETT, D. - Modelling Survival Data in Medical Research
549665: COLLETT, NIGEL - The Butcher of Amritsar: General Reginald Dyer
531197: COLLETT, D. - Modelling Binary Data
498736: COLLETT, BARRY - Elgar Country
433065: COLLETT-WHITE, JAMES - How Bedfordshire Voted, 1685-1735: The Evidence of Local Poll Books: Volume 2, 1716-1735
533228: COLLETTA, PIETRO - La Campagna d'Italia Di Gioacchino Murat
285714: COLLEY, ROBERT (ED.) - Devizes Division Income Tax Assessments, 1842-1860 (Wiltshire Record Society; Volume 55)
547450: COLLIE, MICHAEL; FRASER, ANGUS - George Borrow: A Bibliographical Study
518829: COLLIE, CRAIG - Nagasaki: The Massacre of the Innocent and Unknowing
521710: COLLIE, ALEXANDER - On Fevers: Their Hisotry, Etiology, Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment
474314: COLLIE, J. NORMAN; TAYLOR, WILLIAM C. - The Snows of Yesteryear
549187: COLLIE, MICHAEL - George Meredith: A Bibliography
463896: COLLIER, ANDREW - On Christian Belief: A Defence of a Cognitive Conception of Religious Belief in a Christian Context (Routledge Studies in Critical Realism)
545653: COLLIER, JOHN - His Monkey Wife or, Married to a Chimp
234357: COLLIER, H. (ED.) - Recent Advances in Chemical Information
234385: COLLIER, H. (ED.) - Further Advances in Chemical Information
469192: COLLIER, PAUL; LAL, DEEPAK (EDS.) - Labour and Poverty in Kenya 1900-1980
463897: COLLIER, ANDREW - In Defence of Objectivity and Other Essays: On Realism, Existentialism and Politics (Routledge Studies in Critical Realism)
463895: COLLIER, ANDREW - On Christian Belief: A Defence of a Cognitive Conception of Religious Belief in a Christian Context (Routledge Studies in Critical Realism)
028539: COLLIER, H. - Recent Advances in Chemical Information II
514163: COLLIER, RICHARD - Duce!: Rise and Fall of Benito Mussolini
518769: COLLIER, W.F. - The Hound and the Horn: Classic Tales of Moorland Hunting
521451: COLLIER, HOWARD E. - Outlines of Industrial Medical Practice
509391: COLLIER, SIMON - From Cortes to Castro: An Introduction to the History of Latin America 1492-1973
280931: COLLIER, JAMES - Acute Otitis Media: Translating the Science into Clinical Practice
028522: COLLIER, H. - Recent Advances in Chemical Information
259970: COLLIER, DAVID S.; GLASER, KURT (EDS.) - The Conditions for Peace in Europe: Problems of Detente and Security (Foundation for Foreign Affairs Series; Number 13)
464717: COLLIER, ANDREW - In Defence of Objectivity: On Realism, Existentialism and Politics
548308: COLLIER, SIMON - Chile: The Making of a Republic, 1830-1865: Politics and Ideas
523749: COLLIER, RICHARD - The Plague of the Spanish Lady: The Influenza Pandemic of 1918-1919
034501: COLLIER, CATRIN - Hearts of Gold
186087: COLLIER, PETER; HOROWITZ, DAVID - The Fords : An American Epic
526181: COLLIER, BASIL - Hidden Weapons: Allied Secret or Undercover Services in World War II
104381: COLLIER, PETER; PARKINSON, BRIAN - Workshop Processes and Materials, First Level (Hutchinson TEC Texts; 7)
227411: COLLIER, JOHN G. - Conflict of Laws
548244: COLLIER, SIMON - Ideas and Politics of Chilean Independence, 1808-1833
435494: COLLIER, PAUL; LAL, DEEPAK - Labour and Poverty in Kenya 1900-1980
496436: COLLIER, RICHARD - Masculinities, Crime and Criminology: Men, Heterosexuality and the Criminal(ised) Other
463926: COLLIER, ANDREW - In Defence of Objectivity and Other Essays: On Realism, Existentialism and Politics (Routledge Studies in Critical Realism)
605831: COLLIER, GEORGE A. - Socialists of Rural Andalusia: Unacknowledged Revolutionaries of the Second Republic
191652a: COLLIEU, ANTHONY MCB.; POWNEY, DEREK J. - The Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Materials
221774a: COLLIEU, ANTONY MCB; POWNEY, DEREK J. - The Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Materials
268925: COLLIN, PH (GENERAL EDITOR); COLLIN, FRANCOISE (FRENCH EDITOR) - Business French Glossary: English-French/French-English
085699: COLLIN, SIMON - Doing Business on the Internet
480974: COLLIN, PETER - French Computing Dictionary: French - English/English - French (Bloomsbury Reference)
523579: COLLIN, REGINALD - BAFTA: Behind the Mask
306026: COLLIN, P.H. (ED.) - Business Glossary: English-Catalan, Catalan-English
286598: COLLIN, S.M.H.; GLOWINSKI, C. - Slownik Komputerow I Internetu
549159: COLLIN, RODNEY - Hellas: A Spectacle with Music and Dances in Four Acts
601744: COLLIN, JEAN - Les Chemins De Ger Touristiques FRANCAIS
539338: COLLIN, PAUL RIES - Calling Bridge
268935: COLLIN, PH (GENERAL EDITOR); COLLIN, FRANCOISE (FRENCH EDITOR) - Pocket Business French Dictionary
445154: COLLINGE, N. E. - Collectanea Linguistica: Essays in General and Genetic Linguistics
422466x: COLLINGS, MATTHEW - Art Crazy Nation: The Post-Blimey Art World
422466w: COLLINGS, MATTHEW - Art Crazy Nation: The Post-Blimey Art World
547049: COLLINGTON, PETER - The Coming of the Surfman
243828: COLLINGWOOD, CHARLES - Brian and Me: An Autobiography
543956: COLLINGWOOD, R.G. (AUTHOR); DEBBINS, WILLIAM (EDITOR) - Essays in the Philosophy of History
546999: COLLINGWOOD, HARRY - The Cruise of the "Flying-Fish". The Airship-Submarine
488667: COLLINGWOOD, R. G. - The Idea of History
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488662: COLLINGWOOD, R.G. - Essays in Political Philosophy
496624: COLLINGWOOD, W. G. - The Bondwomen: A Saga of Langdale
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443443: COLLINS, WILLIAM - Odes on Several Descriptive and Allegoric Subjects 1747
032516: COLLINS, LAWRENCE - European Community Law in the United Kingdom
102219: COLLINS, JOHN C. (GENERAL EDITOR) FOREWORD BY SIR ALEXANDER FLECK - Radioactive Wastes, Their Treatment and Disposal
288271: COLLINS, ROBERT O. (ED.) - Problems In African History: The Precolonial Centuries
509462: COLLINS, D. - Background to Archaeology: Britain in Its European Setting
523347: COLLINS, JAMES C.; PORRAS, JERRY I. - Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies
284775: COLLINS, CLIVE - Sachiko's Wedding
509857: COLLINS, C. H. - Laboratory-acquired Infections: History, incidence, causes and prevention
283809: COLLINS DICTIONARY - Collins English-Japanese Dictionary: Express Edition
521876: COLLINS, HUGH (ED.) - The Forthcoming EC Directive on Unfair Commercial Practices: Contract, Consumer and Competition Law Implications
526590: COLLINS, FIONA M.; RIDGMAN, JEREMY (EDS.) - Turning the Page: Children’s Literature in Performance and the Media
522027: COLLINS, HUGH - The European Civil Code: The Way Forward (Studies in European Law and Policy)
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511003: COLLINS, JUDITH; LINDER, ELSBETH (EDS.) - Writing on the Wall: Women Writers on Women Artists
152138: COLLINS, LAWRENCE - European Community Law in the United Kingdom
095364: COLLINS, C. H. (EDITED BY) - Safety in Biological Laboratories
110134: COLLINS, A. FREDERICK - Shooting for Boys
444890: COLLINS, DAVID - The BRIC States and Outward Foreign Direct Investment (International Economic Law Series)
601149: COLLINS, MAX ALLAN - Quarry's Ex
438679: COLLINS, WILKIE - The Woman in White
244630: COLLINS, RICHARD - Minka
542710: COLLINS, B.R. - The Traitor Game
295718: COLLINS, ALAN - Security Dilemma and End of the Cold War
524615: COLLINS, JUDITH - Within These Shores: A Selection of Works from the Chantrey Bequest 1883-1985
171769: COLLINS, WILKIE - The Woman in White
607948: COLLINS, MAX ALLAN - Neon Mirage
434551: COLLINS, V. H.; TREBLE, H. A. - The Narrative Muse (Parts I & II)
017391: COLLINS, DESMOND (ED.) - The Origins of Europe: Four New Studies in Archaeology and History
076366: COLLINS, C. H.; KENNEDY, D. A. (EDS.) - Occupational Blood-borne Infections: Risk and Management
605055: COLLINS, H. M. - Artificial Experts: Social Knowledge and Intelligent Machines
534337: COLLINS, PETER - Sex, Violence and Miseducation Among British Toffs (1945-1975)
605338: COLLINS, STAN - Signing at Church for Adults and Young Adults
449602: COLLINSON, DIANE; WILKINSON, ROBERT - Thirty-five Oriental Philosophers
506169y: COLLINSON, MARGARET E. - Fossil Plants of the London Clay
459625: COLLINSON, JOHN (ED.) - The Jazz Legacy of Don Ewell
602511: COLLINSON, GARY - Holy Franchise, Batman!: Bringing the Caped Crusader to the Screen
427534: COLLIS, JOHN STEWART - An Artist of Life: The Life and Work of Havelock Ellis
534754: COLLIS, JOHN STEWART - Bound Upon a Course: An Autobiography
032645: COLLIS, MAURICE - The Motherly and Auspicious
085155: COLLISON, ROBERT - Published Library Catalogues : An Introduction to Their Contents and Use
085118a: COLLISON, ROBERT L. - The Treatment of Special Material in Libraries
445940: COLLISON, ROBERT L. - Bibliographies: Subject and National: A Guide to Their Contents, Arrangement and Use
156330: COLLISON, ROBERT; COLLISON, MARY - Dictionary of Foreign Quotations
171032: COLLISON, ROBERT - Newnes Dictionary of Dates
478456: COLLISON-MORLEY, LACY - Giuseppe Baretti, with an Account of His Literary Friendships and Feuds in Italy and in England in the Days of Dr. Johnson
486389: COLLISTER, PETER - The Sulivans and the Slave Trade
428418a: COLLLIER, PETER; TOMAS, ILDA (EDS.) - Beatrice Bonhomme: Le Mot, La Mort, L'Amour (Modern French Identities, 100)
283850: COLLMANN, R. D.; MARSHALL, A. J.; THOMAS, RUTH - Three Studies in the Comparative Intelligence of English, American and Australian Children; In Three Parts (Educational Research Series; No. 22)
520364: COLLODI, CARLO - Pinocchio: A Story of a Puppet
456200: COLLOMBERT, PHILIPPE; ET AL - Revue d'Egyptologie: Tome 65
Am1830: COLLOMS, MARIANNE; WEINDLING, DICK - The Greville Estate: The History of a Kilburn Neighbourhood
149043: COLLOPY, DAVID M. - Introduction to C Programming : A Modular Approach
519034: COLLYER, GRAHAM - The Surrey Village Book
194771: COLLYER, HELEN - Facial Disfigurement : Successful Rehabilitation
015695: COLMAN, ANDREW M. - Psychology Survey 7
001172: COLMAN, ARTHUR D. - Planned Environment in Psychiatric Treatment: A Manual for Ward Design
526394: COLOMA, GERMAN - La Complejidad De Los Idiomas
547332: COLOMBAN, PHILIPPE (EDITOR) - Proton Conductors: Solids, Membranes and Gels - Materials and Devices
451336: COLOMBEY, JEAN-PIERRE (ED.) - Collection of International Instruments and Other Legal Texts Concerning Refugees and Displaced Persons: Volumes I and II: Universal Instruments and Regional Instruments
525895: COLOMBINO, LAURA - Ford Madox Ford: Vision, Visuality and Writing (CISRA, Vol 1)
033109: COLOMBO, JOHN ROBERT [EDITOR] - Wit and Wisdom of the Moviemakers
423415: COLOMBO, BERNARDO; DEMENY, PAUL; PERUTZ, MAX F. (EDS.) - Resources and Population: Natural, Institutional, and Demographic Dimensions of Development (Pontificiae Academiae Scientiarum Scripta Varia; 87)
237131: COLOMBO, ALFREDO - Ecco Leonardo
539122: COLOMINA-ALMINANA, JUAN J. - Formal Approach to the Metaphysics of Perspectives: Points of View as Access
516846: COLON, SUSAN E. - Victorian Parables
606117: COLONIAL OFFICE - Annual Report on The Falkland Islands and Dependencies for the Year 1948
421667: COLONIUS, FRITZ; GRUNE, LARS (EDS.) - Dynamics, Bifurcations and Control (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 273)
048586: COLONY OF MAURITIUS - Ordinances Passed By the Legislative Council of Mauritius During the Year
549397: COLQUHOUN, KEITH - St. Petersburg Rainbow
208383: COLQUHOUN, KEITH - Killing Stalin
549043: COLSON, THORA - Rinkin of Dragon's Wood
607360: COLTART, NINA - How to Survive as a Psychotherapist
199860: COLTHEART, MAX (ED.); SARTORI, GIUSEPPE (ED.); JOB, REMO (ED.) - The Cognitive Neuropsychology of Language
410191: COLTON, T.; JOHNSON, A. L., MACHIN, D. (EDS.) - Statistics in Medicine; Volume 15, Number 7/8/9, 15 April-15 May 1996
410192: COLTON, T.; JOHNSON, A. L., MACHIN, D. (EDS.) - Statistics in Medicine; Volume 15, Number 10, 30 May 1996
410190: COLTON, T.; JOHNSON, A. L., MACHIN, D. (EDS.) - Statistics in Medicine; Volume 15, Number 6, 30 March 1996
481161: COLTON, NORMAN - Solar Heated Houses
410194: COLTON, T.; JOHNSON, A. L., MACHIN, D. (EDS.) - Statistics in Medicine; Volume 15, Number 12, 30 June 1996
410195: COLTON, T.; JOHNSON, A. L., MACHIN, D. (EDS.) - Statistics in Medicine; Volume 15, Number 13, 15 July 1996
410196: COLTON, T.; JOHNSON, A. L., MACHIN, D. (EDS.) - Statistics in Medicine; Volume 15, Number 24, 30 December 1996
410187: COLTON, T.; JOHNSON, A. L., MACHIN, D. (EDS.) - Statistics in Medicine; Volume 15, Number 1, 15 January 1996
410185: COLTON, T.; JOHNSON, A. L., MACHIN, D. (EDS.) - Statistics in Medicine; Volume 13, Number 18, 30 September 1994
410186: COLTON, T.; JOHNSON, A. L., MACHIN, D. (EDS.) - Statistics in Medicine; Volume 14, Number 13, 15 July 1995
196176: COLTON, JOEL - Lion Blum : Humanist in Politics
410193: COLTON, T.; JOHNSON, A. L., MACHIN, D. (EDS.) - Statistics in Medicine; Volume 15, Number 11, 15 June 1996
410188: COLTON, T.; JOHNSON, A. L., MACHIN, D. (EDS.) - Statistics in Medicine; Volume 15, Number 2, 30 January 1996
410189: COLTON, T.; JOHNSON, A. L., MACHIN, D. (EDS.) - Statistics in Medicine; Volume 15, Number 5, 15 March 1996
528311: COLTRI, MARZIA ANNA - Beyond RastafarI: An Historical and Theological Introduction (Religions and Discourse, Vol.56)
546972: COLUM, PADRAIC - Irish Elegies
435880: COLUMBO, CESARE (ED.) - Tra Sogno e Bisogno: 306 Fotografie e 13 Saggi sull'Evoluzione dei Consumi in Italia
244510: COLUMBUS, FRANK (ED.) - Kosovo - Serbia : A Just War?
113614: COLUMBUS, CHRISTOPHER - The Journal of His First Voyage to America
085272: COLVILE, GEORGIANA M. M., ED. - Contemporary Women Writing in the Caribbean (Contemporary Women Writing in the Other Americas Ser., Vol. II)
538500: COLVIN, HOWARD - Unbuilt Oxford
271757: COLVIN, SIDNEY (ED.) - The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson: Vol. XXXII: The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson: Volume Two
536390: COLVIN, IAN - The Origins of Empire
604206: COLVIN, JOHN - Not Ordinary Men: The Story of The Battle of Kohima
604669: COLVIN, IAN - Flight 777
292883: COLWELL, D. J. - Bibliographie Des Etudes Sur G. Flaubert (1960-1982)
179160: COLWELL, STELLA - The Family History Book : A Guide to Tracing Your Ancestors
478896: COMAR, D. (ED.) - PET for Drug Development and Evaluation (Developments in Nuclear Medicine)
510053: COMBA, PETER; HAMBLEY, TREVOR W. - Molecular Modeling of Inorganic Compounds
600100: COMBAZ, CHRISTIAN - Constance D.
146390: COMBE, T. G.; RICKARD, P. - French Language : History, Practice, and Stylistics
041591: COMBES, GILL & BRAUN, DORIT - Everything Gives You Heart Attacks These Days, Children's and parents' Experiences and Understanding of Health and Illness in Relation to Coronary Heart Disease Prevention in Three Primary Schools in Central Birmingham
195554: COMBES, PAUL F.; GRAFFEUIL, JACQUES; SAUTEREAU, JEAN-FRANCOIS - Microwave Components, Devices, and Active Circuits
092683: COMBINED STAFF OF THE DAILY NEWS & THE JOURNAL-AMERICAN - Volcano: The Eruption of Mount St. Helens
196162: COMBS, CINDY C. - Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century
008350: COMER, RONALD J. - Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology
102092: COMER, DOUGLAS E. - The Internet Book: Everything You Need to Know About Computer Networking and How the Internet Works
608603: COMEY, JAMES - Westport
463207: COMFORT, JUDITH - Country Roads of the Maritimes: New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia
022839: COMFORT, ALEX - Tetrarch
505858: COMFORT, ALEX - Darwin and the Naked Lady
425713: COMHAIRE, J. - Urban Conditions in Africa: Select Reading List On Urban Problems In Africa
506069: COMINO-JAMES, JOHN - The Gryphon
506830: COMINO-JAMES, JOHN - Pantyrhaidd
454758: COMMAGER, HENRY STEELE; NEVINS, ALLAN - America: The Story of a Free People
235351: COMMANDER, SIMON (ED.) - Structural Adjustment and Agriculture: Theory and Practice in Africa and Latin America
059878: COMMANDER, SIMON; FAN, QIMIAO & SCHAFFER, MARK E. - Enterprise Restructuring and Economic Policy in Russia
060105: COMMANDER, SIMON & CORICELLI, FABRIZIO - Unemployment, Restructuring, and the Labor Market in Eastern Europe and Russia
060129: COMMANDER, SIMON - Enterprise Restructuring and Unemployment in Models of Transition
060033: COMMANDER, SIMON; FAN, QIMIAO & SCHAFFER, MARK E. - Enterprise Restructuring and Economic Policy in Russia
479189: COMMEAU-RUFIN, IRENE - Lettres Des Profondeurs De l'U.R.S.S.: Le Courrier Des Lecteurs d'Ogoniok (1987-1989)
469621: COMMENTAIRE - Commentaire: Automne 2008, Volume 31/NumEro 123
174329: COMMISION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES - Agriculture: Investigation on the Possible Effect of Electrical Stimulation on pH and Survival of Foot-and-mouth Disease Virus in Meat and Offals from Experimentally Infected Animals Report EUR 10048 EN
108858: COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES - Proceedings of the Joint Meeting on Pulsed Neutrons and Their Utilization (Euratom - Japan Atomic Energy Society), Ispra, September 17-18, 1971
182060: COMMISSION ON PUBLIC POLICY - Promoting Prosperity
090520: COMMISSION ON PUBLIC POLICY & BRITISH BUSINESS - Promoting Prosperity: A Business Agenda for Britain
230012: COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES; OTWAY, HARRY J.; PELTU, MALCOLM - Regulating Industrial Risks : Public, Experts, and Media
142569: COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES - Copper in Animal Wastes and Sewage Sludge
172324: COMMISSION OF EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES - Factors Affecting the Survival of Newborn Lambs
146042: COMMISSION ON INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS - CIR Report No. 34: The Role of Management in Industrial Relations
090476: COMMISSION ON PUBLIC POLICY & BRITISH BUSINESS - Promoting Prosperity: A Business Agenda for Britain
112154: COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES; PATTERSON, R. L. S.; C.E.C. PROGRAMME OF CO-ORDINATION OF RESEARCH ON LIVESTOCK PRODUCTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT - Biochemical Identification of Meat Species: A Seminar in the CEC Programme of Coordination of Livestock Productivity Management, Held in Brussels, Belgium, 27-28 November 1984
281591: COMMISSION FOR RACIAL EQUALITY - Probation And After-Care In A Multi-Racial Society
281590: COMMISSION FOR RACIAL EQUALITY - Racial Equality In Social Services Departments: A Survey of Equal Opportunity Policies in Social Services Departments in England, Scotland and Wales
227437: COMMISSIONERS OF IRISH EDUCATION INQUIRY - Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Ninth Reports of The Commissioners of Irish Education Inquiry
176681: COMMITTEE ON MANPOWER RESOURCES FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - The Brain Drain: Report of the Working Group on Migration
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088981: COMMITTEE ON THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE - Policing the Police, a Report on the Policing of Events During the Summer of 1997 in Northern Ireland
232429: COMMITTEE OF EXPERTS COMMISSIONED BY UNESCO - Reinforced Concrete : An International Manual
074991: COMMITTEE FOR INVISIBLE TRANSACTIONS - The Capital Market: International Capital Movements: Restrictions on Capital Operations on Spain
521122: COMMITTEE ON THE BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF IONIZING RADIATIONS - The Effects on Populations of Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation: 1980
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074985: COMMITTEE FOR INVISIBLE TRANSACTIONS - the Capital Market: International Capital Movements: Restrictions on Capital Operations in Germany
074987: COMMITTEE FOR INVISIBLE TRANSACTIONS - The Capital Market: International Capital Movements: Restrictions on Capital Operations in Austria
074988: COMMITTEE FOR INVISIBLE TRANSACTIONS - The Capital Market: International Capital Movements: Restrictions on Capital Operations in Norway
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