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Title: Automobile Quarterly Vol 10 No 4 Fourth Quarter 1972 ( Volume X , Number 4 )
Description: U.S.A, Automobile Quarterly. 1972. Hard Cover, 112 Pages. The Connoissseur's Magazine of Motoring Today, Yesterday and Tomorrow. Articles include 1973 American Cars , American Motors , Chrysler , Ford , General Motors , Henry's Model T , Silent Knight Sleeve Valve engine , Ulster Tourist Trophy Races , Irish TT paintngs by Hanna , TT SS Impressions.. Good/No Jacket Issued.

Keywords: Vorderman, Automobile Quarterly Fourth Quarter 1972 Volume X Number 4 Ten Four Vol. 10 No. 4, Auto Autos Automobile Automobiles Automotive Car Cars History Motor Motors Motoring Motorcar Motor Car Road Transport Transportation Vehicles

Price: GBP 15.00 = appr. US$ 21.42 Seller: Pooks Motor Books
- Book number: 003028