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004206: JOHN A. CARLYLE M. D. - Dante's Divine Comedy: The Inferno. A Literal Prose Translation, with the Text of the Original
006336: DICK DABNEY - Old Man Jim's Book of Knowledge
000714: J. A. DAISENBERGER - The Passion-Play at Oberammergau
006424: PIERRE DAIX - Picasso: Life and Art
005061: FRANCES DALE - My Seed - Thy Harvest
005616: ELIZABETH DALY - Nothing Can Rescue Me
003502: MARY DANBY (EDITOR) - The 6th Fontana Book of Great Horror Stories
002508: DAVID SCOTT DANIELL - Flight Two Canada
002507: DAVID SCOTT DANIELL - Flight Three U.S.A.
002509: DAVID SCOTT DANIELL - Flight One Australia
004919: PIERRE DANINOS - A Certain Monsieur Blot
006139: J. T. DANN & F. COURVOISIER - The French Commercial Correspondent
006000: JAMES HEPOKOSKI; WARREN DARCY - Elements of Sonata Theory: Norms, Types, and Deformations in the Late-Eighteenth-Century Sonata
000891: AUTHOR OF "GRACE DARLING - Our Queen: The Life and times of Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, etc.
006661: SEBASTIEN DARRASSE - PHOTOS - Faces of Monaco: Monaco Special Olympics - u Nostru Mundu
002790: BERNARD DARWIN (ED) - The Dickens Advertiser
006635: CHARLES DARWIN - The Origin of Species, By Means of Natural Selection
000350: ELLEN DATLOW, EDITOR - Little Deaths; 24 tales of Horror and Sex
002642: ALPHONSE DAUDET - La Chèvre de M. Seguin
005944: MARCIA DAVENPORT - My Brother's Keeper
002253: CYRIL DAVENPORT - Miniatures, Ancient and Modern
006109: ANDREW F. MONK; ETC.; PETER C. WRIGHT; JEANNE HABER; LORA DAVENPORT - Improving Your Human Computer Interface: A Practical Technique (Bcs Practitioner)
006469: MICHAEL DAVIE - In the Future Now, a Report from California
001995: R. A. DAVIES AND A. J. STEIGER - Soviet Asia
000653: RHYS DAVIES - The Trip To London
004185: E. M. DAVIES - Welsh Place Names, Their Meanings Explained
005770: JOHN DAVIES, LT. RNVR - The Stone Frigate
001846: B. P. DAVIES, G. J. MURRAY, ED. W. F. MAUNDER - Reviews of United Kingdom Statistical Sources, volume 1, Personal Social Services, Voluntary Organizations in the Personal Social Service Field
001158: DONALD DAVINSON - Academic and Legal Deposit Libraries
001111: R H C DAVIS (ED) - History, the Journal of the Historical Association
002107: RICHARD DAVIS (ED) - Armada Sci-Fi 3
001050: H. W. C. DAVIS - Medieval Europe
003167: WILLIAM DAVIS (EDITOR) - The Punch Book of Inflation
001112: R H C DAVIS (ED) - History, the Journal of the Historical Association
002500: R H C DAVIS (ED) - History, the Journal of the Historical Association
006492: ADELLE DAVIS - Let's Have Healthy Children
002526: R. H. C. DAVIS (ED) - History, the Journal of the Historical Association
005958: WILLIAM DAVIS - Money in the 1980's
000923: NORBERT DAVIS - Sally's in the Alley
002525: R. H. C. DAVIS (ED) - History, the Journal of the Historical Association
004789: J. BURTT DAVY - The Classification of Tropical Woody Vegetation Types
005833: REV. C. S. DAWE - The Higher School History, Junior Course
006653: JANET DAWSON - The Magic Cage
000001: DAY, SON & HEWITT - The Half-Crown Key to Farriery, or the Farriery of Common Life
003651: DAVID DAY - A Tolkien Bestiary
000883: J. R. LUMBY DD - Bacon's History of the Reign of King Henry VII
005335: MICHAEL DEAKIN - The Children on the Hill : The Story of an Extraordinary Family
005348: ANTHONY DEANE, EDITOR - The Treasury, an Illustrated Magazine
003254: MARJORIE DEANS - Meeting at the Sphinx. Gabriel Pascal's production of Bernard Shaw's Caesar and Cleopatra
000964: CHARLOTTE DEASE - Children of the Gael
004316: SAMUEL DECALO - Coups and Army Rule in Africa : Motivations and Constraints
000665: "DECIBEL - Wireless Terms Explained
005884: AUTHOR OF "THE LADY OF THE DECORATION" ( FRANCES LITTLE ) - The House of the Misty Star
006361: JOHN DEDMAN - BR Blue Nos. 1-6: Southampton & New Forest, Western Region, Freight in 1980s, Type 4 Diesel Power, Train Formations, Passenger & Parcels
001033: RICHARD DIGIACOMO DEE - Curiosities of Medicine
000953: C. H. DEE (COMPILED BY) - From Friend to Friend
006630: ROGER DEELEY - King's Man
005551: WARWICK DEEPING - Slade
005171: WARWICK DEEPING - Suvla John
004988: WARWICK DEEPING - The Man on the White Horse
000400: WARWICK DEEPING - Roper's Row
006604: WARWICK DEEPING - Sincerity
006433: DANIEL DEFOE - The Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner
000473: PAUL DEHN - Cat's Cradle
000471: PAUL DEHN - Cat's Whiskers
000472: PAUL DEHN - Kittens on the Keys
006472: E. M. DELAFIELD - The Provincial Lady Goes Further
003438: E. M. DELAFIELD - Humbug
001213: SAMUEL R. DELANY - The Jewels of Aptor
005472: ETHEL M.DELL - The Lamp in the Desert
003694: ETHEL M.DELL - The Bars of Iron
006273: JOSEPH DELMONT - Chains
004741: DR. DAVID DELVIN & CHRISTINE WEBBER - The Big 'O' - Understanding and Improving Your Orgasm and Your Partner's
003914: MIKE DENNESS - I Declare
003084: C. J. DENNIS - The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke
004707: DOROTHY DENNISON - Full Circle
002579: H. C. DENT - The Life and Characters of Charles Dickens
006774: LABOUR PARTY RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - The Labour Party Speakers' Handbook, 1949-50
001201: AUGUST DERLETH - The Mask of Cthulhu
001350: PEGGY DERN - Heart's Home
005973: CLAUDE DERVENN - Les Baleares
000787: JEAN DESEBROCK - The Book of Bond Street, Old and New
003880: SHAW DESMOND - Tales of the Little Sisters of Saint Francis
003722: NICOLETTE DEVAS - Bonfire
001967: WALTER DEXTER, CHARLES DICKENS - The Love Romance of Charles Dickens (told in his letters to Maria Beadnell (Mrs. Winter))
005881: MONICA DICKENS - World's End in Winter
006168: CHARLES DICKENS - A Christmas Carol
004890: MARY ANGELA DICKENS - Prisoners of Silence
000752: FRANCES DICKENS - Mother Show Me How to Help Myself
004872: CARTER DICKSON - Skeleton in the Clock
002191: CARTER DICKSON - Lord of the Sorcerers
004324: EILIS DILLON - The Lion Cub
002177: EILIS DILLON - The Bitter Glass
002349: EILIS DILLON - The Island of Horses
000295: G.DIMITROFF (GEORGI) - Dimitroff's Letters from Prison
002812: HERBERT DINGLE - Mechanical Physics
005656: JEAN-PAUL DIVO & EDWIN TOBLER - Die Munzen der Schweiz Im 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert
005089: REX DIXON - Pocomoto - Pony Express Rider
005856: WALTER E. DIXON - A Manual of Pharmacology
002942: BERNARD DIXON - Beyond the Magic Bullet
006421: REX DIXON - Pocomoto, Buffalo Hunter
006733: ALEC DIXON - Tinned Soldier, a Personal Record
006677: MAURICE DOBB - Wages
003806: CHARLES CALDWELL DOBIE - San Francisco, a Pageant
006725: C. H. DODD - The Bible Today
006568: WILLIAM DODDS & CHARLES DELHAVE - French Extracts for London Matriculation
006318: JIM DODGE - Fup
004708: FRANK E. DODMAN - The Observer's Book of Ships
004205: ALFRED DOEBLIN - The Living Thoughts of Confucius
004871: MIKE DOLAN - Another Santana Morning
005105: J. F. C. DOLBY - All's Fair
005933: ADMIRAL SIR BARRY DOMVILE - From Admiral to Cabin Boy
006665: FRANCES DONALDSON - Evelyn Waugh, Portrait of a Country Neighbbour
002467: CARTER DONNAN (EDITOR), JOAN LAWSON (BUSINESS MANAGER) - Sweet Briar College Students' Handbook 1956 - 1957
005384: SHEILA HAMNETT / SHELIA DONNELLY, EDITOR - Goss Collectors' Club Magazine #152-163
001652: JOHN O'DONOGHUE - In a Strange Land
001628: J. B. DONOVAN - Inside Story
006782: ROLAND DORGELES - Departure
001840: GEORGE A. DORSEY - The Evolution of Charles Darwin
000259: M.A.DOUGLAS & C.R.ASH (EDS) - The Godolphin School, 1726-1926
005938: C. H. DOUGLAS - These Present Discontents and The Labour Party and Social Credit
004510: JIM DOUGLAS - How to Live with a Working Wife : The Husband's Guide to Household Arts
006450: D. M. LOW (INTRODUCTION) NORMAN DOUGLAS - Norman Douglas, a Selection from His Works
006478: JAMES DOWNS - Joseph Pike, the Happy Catholic Artist
001120: J. MOREWOOD DOWSETT - The Romance of England's Forests
005620: SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE - Tales of Adventure and Medical Life, printed in the Advanced Stage of Pitman's Shorthand
005932: ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE - His Last Bow
002135: SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE - Sherlock Holmes, Selected Stories
004836: A. CONAN DOYLE - The Captain of the Polestar, and other Tales
001151: ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE - Danger! and other stories
005297: A. ( ARTHUR ) CONAN DOYLE - Round the Fire Stories
001590: A. CONAN DOYLE - Best Stories of Sherlock Holmes
002859: JOHN DRINKWATER - Pawns: Three Poetic Plays
005401: JOHN DRINKWATER - Discovery, Being the Second Book of an Autobiograpny, 1897-1913
002358: JOHN DRINKWATER - Mary Stuart
006280: CHRISTOPHER DRUCE - Eccles' Entertainers
003765: WALTER W. DRUETT - The Stanmores and Harrow Weald through the ages
000063: WALTER W. DRUETT - Harrow through the Ages
005805: HENRY DRUMMOND - The Ascent of Man, the Lowell Lectures
002614: R. B. DRUMMOND AND KEITH COATES PALGRAVE - Common Trees of the Highveld
004826: HENRY DRUMMOND - The Greatest Thing in the World
006783: PAUL DRUMMOND, FOREWORD JULIAN COPE - Eye Mind, the Saga of Roky Erickson and the 13th Floor Elevators, the Pioneers of Psychedelic Sound
006121: JOHN DRURY - Painting the Word: Christian Pictures and Their Meanings (National Gallery London Publications)
001336: THOMAS PARK F.S.A. / JOHN DRYDEN - The Works of the British Poets; Including the most esteemed Translations from the Greek and Roman authors. Collated with the best editions. Vol. X Dryden's Fables.
000112: DRYDEN, VANBRUGH, WYCHERLEY, FIELDING, CIBBER - Plays from Moliere, By English Dramatists
003804: O. B. DUANE - Mysticism - the Origins of Wisdom
004495: ERNEST DUDLEY - Rufus, the Story of a Fox
003932: DOROTHY DUDLEY - Forgotten Frontiers, Dreiser and the Land of the Free
004117: A. N. DUERR, ASSISTED BY K. BORWICK - Duerr's - The History of F. Duerr & Sons - 100 years in Old Trafford, 1893-1993
002907: DOUGLAS V. DUFF AND OTHERS - Every Boy's Annual
004780: KENNETH DUFFIELD - Savages and Kings
001146: ALFRED DUGGAN - The Story of the Crusades
006348: MADELAINE DUKE - A City Built to Music
004875: MADELAINE DUKE - Slipstream - the story of Anthony Duke
001097: EDMUND DULAC (ILLUSTRATOR) - Edmund Dulac's Picture Book for the French Red Cross
006144: ALEXANDRE DUMAS, ADAPTED P. B. INGHAM - M. De Beaufort a Vincennes, founded on Vingt Ans Apres
005978: ALEXANDER DUMAS, EDIT. H. E. BERTHON - L'Exploit Du Chevalier D'Artagnan, episode du Vicomte de Bragelonne
000068: JANET DUNBAR - A Prospect of Richmond
005217: J. TELFER DUNBAR - Two Centuries of Highland Dress
006085: JANE DUNCAN - My Friend Cousin Emmie
006426: W. MURDOCH DUNCAN - The Whispering Man
006001: JANE DUNCAN - My Friends the Miss Boyds
003095: W. D. DUNKERLEY - Groping Poet
005252: R. B. DUNN, B SC - The Periodic Table, Atomic Structure and Valency
006023: PAUL H. DUNN - The Osmonds
006349: COLIN DUNNE - The Landsbird
005091: ALASTAIR M. DUNNETT - Quest By Canoe, Glasgow to Skye
001621: JOHN DUNNING - Murderous Women
003183: LORD DUNSANY (EDWARD JOHN MORETON DRAX PLUNKETT, 18TH BARON DUNSANY) - Five Plays - The Gods of the Mountain, The Golden Doom, King Argimenes and the Unknown Warrior, The Glittering Gate, The Lost Silk Hat
006667: MARY DUNSTAN - Banners in Bavaria (proof copy)
002279: RALPH DURAND - A Handbook to the Poetry of Rudyard Kipling
005851: JOHN DURANT - The Paleo Manifesto, Ancient Wisdom for Lifelong Health
004806: ANDREW DURKAN - Vendange : A Study of Wine and Other Drinks
000173: GERARD DUROZOI - Matisse
005761: LAWRENCE DURRELL - Sicilian Carousel
006222: GERALD DURRELL - The Picnic and Suchlike Pandemonium
002369: GERALD & LEE DURRELL - Durrell in Russia
004440: HENRY P. VAN DUSEN - What is the Church Doing?
003895: ELINOR M. BRENT-DYER - Peggy of the Chalet School
005661: BOB DYLAN - Blues, Ballate e Canzoni
006732: L. C. BERNACCHI O.B.E - A Very Gallant Gentleman
001231: ALICE K. EARLY - English Dolls, Effigies and Puppets
003772: HENRY EASON - EDITOR - Journal of the Institute of Bankers
004865: GORDON EAST - The Geography Behind History
005501: WILLIAM EDGAR EASTON & JAMES B. CLARKE - Christophe, a Tragedy in prose of Imperial Haiti
006134: ALICE ECHOLS - Scars of Sweet Paradise: The Life and Times of Janis Joplin
005891: WERNER ECK - The Age of Augustus
000297: GRACE DUNLOP ECKER - A Portrait of Old George Town
006330: ALLAN ECKERT - The Last Great Auk
003149: MARY BAKER EDDY - Poems
000860: EDITOR - Argosy
000862: EDITOR - Argosy
001810: EDITOR - The Dark Dominion
003475: EDITOR - Daily Mail Silver Jubilee Number
001105: EDITOR - The Antiquaries Journal
001106: EDITOR - The Antiquaries Journal
001107: EDITOR - The Antiquaries Journal
001108: EDITOR - The Antiquaries Journal
001109: EDITOR - The Antiquaries Journal
001110: EDITOR - The Antiquaries Journal, General Index Vols. XXI - XXX
003551: EDITOR - International Affairs, January 1959
000855: EDITOR - The London Mystery Selection 97
004415: EDITOR - The Ironmonger, Builders' Merchant and Hardwareman
005659: EDITOR - The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, Including the Famer's Guide to Agricultural Research, Vol 99
000744: EDITOR - Every Girl's Annual
002819: EDITOR - Argosy, Vol XV, No. 7, July 1954
001334: MALCOLM EDWARDS & ROBERT HOLDSTOCK - Realms of Fantasy
006110: GEORGE NELSON-EDWARDS - Spit and Sawdust: The Story of a Fighter Pilot Turned 'Cordon Bleu' Cook, Licensee and Restauranteur
005863: LEWIS A. EDWARDS - Inland Waterways of Great Britain: England, Wales and Scotland
002076: I. E. S. EDWARDS - Tutankhamun: his tomb and its treasures
006264: GREG EGAN - Incandescence
006326: MAGDELANA EGGLESTON - Mountain Shadows
003839: SAREL EIMERL - The Cautious Bachelor
006044: PAUL EINZIG - Behind the Scenes of International Finance
002592: GLADYS ELDER, OAP - The Alienated - Growing Old Today
001982: ROBERT ELEGANT - Manchu
005739: T. S. ELIOT - Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats
005734: T. S. ELIOT - Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats
001404: T. S. ELIOT - The Cocktail Party
006719: E. C. ELIOTT - Tas and the Space Machine
000625: S.E. ELLACOTT - The Story of the Kitchen
003341: ROSEMAY ELLERBECK - Inclination to Murder
003480: JAMES R. ELLIOTT - Living in Hospital - the Social Needs of People in Long-term Care
006313: EDMUND E. R. ELLIOTT, O. CARM - Child of Calvary, Myrtyr of Satan, a biography of Mother Marie-Therese Noblet
006319: GEORGE P. ELLIOTT - An Hour of Last Things, and Other Stories
004445: G. U. ELLIS (GEOFFREY UTHER) - There Goes the Queen
003766: NORMAN ELLISON - Roving with Nomad
002435: DAVE ELLISON - Along the River Annual
004878: MARION NEWBIGIN / RICHARD ELMHIRST - Life By the Seashore, an Introduction to Natural History
001495: FLORENCE ELON - Self-Made
002147: H. ELRINGTON - Ralph Wynward
004816: MURIEL ELWOOD - Deeper the Heritage
006335: DAVID ELY - The Tour
006527: H. O. EMERSON, ED. - Five One-act Plays
006393: ENEDEEN (LADY KENMARE) - Mary of the Winds
006120: W. STUART-LOW F.R.C.S.ENG - The Care of the Nose. Throat and Ear
005966: DOUGLAS ENGLISH, ADAPTED FROM THE FRENCH OF LOUIS PERGAUD - Tales of the Untamed, Dramas of the Animal World
006784: STUART ENGSTRAND - The Sling and the Arrow
004905: C. R. ENOCK - Pioneering and Map-Making for Boy Scouts & Others
002368: MAJOR C. M. ENRIQUEZ - Khyberie in Burma
002367: MAJOR C. M. ENRIQUEZ - Khyberie, the story of a Pony on the Indian Frontier
001964: JOSEPH EPSTEIN - Divorce, the American Experience
005612: DAVID EPSTEIN - The Sports Gene - What Makes a Perfect Athlete
002958: JACK ERJAVEC & ROBERT SCHARFF - Automotive Technology, a Systems Approach
006370: SUSAN ERTZ - Devices and Desires
005766: JONATHAN ESCOTT - Landfall in Sefton Carey
000020: ARUNDELL ESDAILE - The British Museum Library, a Short History and Survey
005390: JAMES JOHNSON ESQ - A Practical Treatise on Derangements of the Liver, Digestive Organs, and Nervous System, to Which is Added an Essay on the Prolongation of Life and Conservation of Health. (Adapted to General Perusal) INCOMPLETE.
004428: T. WILLIAMS ESQ., CONVEYANCER - Every Man His Own Lawyer, or, a Complete Law Library
000989: THE AUTHOR OF 'CHILLON' ETC - The Tower of the Hawk
006640: AUTHOR OF "COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC" ETC - Elementary Practical Mathematics, for Technical and Industrial Classes
005687: ADMIRAL E. R. G. R. EVANS - South with Scott
004220: JOHN G. EVANS - The Environment of Early Man in the British Isles
004299: JOAN EVANS AND OTHERS - Psychosynthesis Forum
005950: H. W. EVE AND F. DE BAUDISS - The Wellington College French Grammar, Part 1
002654: JOHN EVELYN - Aurora, a book of poems
000426: C. & O. EVES - The Classical Spelling Book
006353: JULIUS EVOLA - The Metaphysics of Sex
003627: JULIANA HORATIA EWING - Mary's Meadow, and other tales of Fields & Flowers
000841: RICHARD AND HELEN EXLEY - What is a Husband?
000145: "EXPERT - How to Play Badminton
003044: ERICH EYCK - Bismarck After Fifty Years
004957: MARGARET FAIRLIE - Traditional Scottish Cookery
001686: MICHAEL FALK - Part of the Furniture
006555: HANS FALLADA - Wolf Among Wolves
003563: E. N. FALLAIZE - The Origins of Civilization, the Earliest Phase - Benn's Sixpenny Library No. 5
001600: JULIA O'FAOLAIN - No Country for Young Men
000384: FRANZ FARGA - Violins and Violinists
006436: J. JEFFERSON FARJEON - Mother Goes Gay
001929: "ANTHONY FARLEY" (S. G. HOBSON) - Letters to My Nephew
004365: JERRILYN FARMER - Mumbo Gumbo
005103: JEFFERY FARNOL - The Definite Object
005162: JEFFERY FARNOL - Charmian, Lady Vibart
005503: JEFFERY FARNOL - The Money Moon, a Romance
000506: JEFFERY FARNOL - Beltane the Smith
000505: JEFFERY FARNOL - Gyfford of Weare
000504: JEFFERY FARNOL - Our Admirable Betty
000503: JEFFERY FARNOL - Martin Conisby's Vengeance
000501: JEFFERY FARNOL - The High Adventure
000406: JEFFERY FARNOL - The Pageant of Victory
000508: JEFFERY FARNOL - The Way Beyond
000510: JEFFERY FARNOL - The Amateur Gentleman
004462: REV. J. V. C. FARQUHAR - Guide to Saxon Cathedral and Priory church of S. Andrew, Hexham
005020: REV. FREDERIC W. FARRAR - Eternal Hope - Five Sermons Preached in Westminster Abbey, November and December 1877
005544: VERY REV F. W. FARRAR (DEAN FARRAR) - The Young Man Master of Himself
004531: PETE FARRELL - Multicultural Education
004915: JOHN FARRIMOND - Dust in My Throat
001855: NEGLEY FARSON - The Way of a Transgressor
001895: HIS FATHER - Arnold Wordsworth Jackson
004216: ST. AUGUSTINE; / IOAN BAPTIST FAURE - Enchiridion De Fide Spe et Caritate
001896: FCG (SIR FRANCIS CARRUTHERS GOULD) - Nature Caricatures - Sketches from Exmoor
006226: IAN FEARN - Think Again - a Series of Explorations in Creative Thinking
000904: MAGGIE FEARN - Gates of Gold
005799: WORLD BRIDGE FEDERATION - The International Code, Laws of Duplicate Contract Bridge 1975
005187: IRENE FEKETE - Zandra
006320: IRENE FEKETE - The Ornaments
004981: WINIFRED FELCE - Apes - an account of personal experiences in a Zoological Garden
002453: MURIEL H. FELLOWS - The Land of Little Rain, a Story of Hopi Indian Children
006099: IAIN FENLON - Music and Culture in Late Renaissance Italy
006435: HARVEY FERGUSSON - Wolf Song
006383: ADAM FERGUSSON - Roman Go Home
006704: HARVEY FERGUSSON - Grant of Kingdom
001347: VERGILIUS FERM - Concise Dictionary of Religion
004281: FRANK FERNEYHOUGH - Liverpool and Manchester Railway, 1830 - 1980
006055: SALVATORE FERRAGAMO - Shoemaker of Dreams (autobiography)
005036: MARIO FERRARA - Savonarola 2 Volumes
006770: WINIFRED FERRIER - Kathleen Ferrier, Her Life
006276: A. J. FERRIS - Deliverance from Russia, How it Will Come
005946: JASPER FFORDE - The Big Over Easy: Nursery Crime Adventures 1
003878: CHARLES FFOULKES - Armour and Weapons
005258: FLORENCE G. FIDLER - A Handbook of Orchestration
006402: KATHLEEN FIDLER - The Brydons at Smugglers' Creek
003693: H. G. FIEDLER (ED) - Das Oxforder Buch Deutscher Dichtung Vom 12ten Bis Zum 20sten Jahrhundert - the Oxford Book of German Verse
002817: A. N. FIELD - Why Colleges Breed Communists
006479: ARTHUR FIELDHOUSE - Key to the Student's Advanced Commercial Book-Keeping
003155: H. P. R. FINBERG - West-Country Historical Studies
003094: R. J. FINCH - The Children of Europe
002159: RICHARD FINDLATER (ED) - Public Lending Right - a matter of Justice
001873: EAMONN FINGLETON AND TOM TICKELL - The Penguin Money Book
004656: RALPH FINN - He Said, What's Blue?
003144: PATRICIA FINNEY - A Shadow of Gulls
003697: N. WESLEY FIRTH - Out for the Count
006204: ERNST FISCHER - The Necessity of Art, a Marxist Approach
001083: ANTONY FISHER - Must History Repeat Itself?
005041: ROBERT FISHER - EDITOR - Problem Solving in Primary Schools
004734: EDWARD FITTALL - Share My Fortune
006228: F. SCOTT FITZGERALD - The Great Gatsby
005874: BRIAN VESEY-FITZGERALD - The Cat Owner's Encyclopaedia
005887: BRIAN VESEY-FITZGERALD - The Book of the Dog
005904: DR V DE FIVAS - New Grammar of French Grammars
006344: LIAM O'FLAHERTY - The Black Soul
003032: LIAM O'FLAHERTY - The Informer
006224: MARY FLANAGAN - The Blue Woman and Other Stories
006234: CLAUDE & MICHEL FLANZY, PIERRE BENARD - Tecnologia Dei Vini Novelli
002268: SIR AMBROSE FLEMING - Physics for Engineers
003516: PETER FLEMING - Variety - essays sketches and stories
006585: PETER FLEMING - The Flying Visit
004116: ERNST FLEMMING - Encyclopaedia of Textiles
004511: CYRIL FLETCHER - Terse Verse
003793: C. R. L. FLETCHER - An Introductory History of England, from the Earliest Times to the close of the Middle Ages
004323: MCDOUGALL'S SELF-RAISING FLOUR - McDougall's Puddings & Pies
004408: BATCHELORS FOODS - Salad Club
004393: BATCHELORS FOODS - Magic Recipes from Batchelors
000637: SARAH FOOT - Following the Tamar
002169: COREY FORD - The Time of Laughter
001646: PAUL LEICESTER FORD - The Honorable Peter Stirling and what people thought of him
006350: JUSTUS MILES FORMAN - The Stumbling Block
005510: JAMES FORREST, M.B., CH.B. - The Recognition of Ocular Disease
006200: DAVID FORREST - The Great Dinosaur Robbery
005831: CHRIS FOSS - Diary of a Spaceperson
004298: JOHN FOSTER, (COMPILER) - A First Poetry Book
006682: JOHN FOTHERGILL - An Innkeeper's Diary
001197: FOUGASSE (COMPILED & ILLUSTRATED) - The Neighbours - an Animal Anthology
003241: FRIEDRICH DE LA MOTTE FOUQUÉ, J. B. H. DE ST. PIERRE - Undine; Sintram and His Companions; Paul and Virginia
002804: ETHEL L. FOWLER (ED) - For Your Delight, an anthology for children
004263: DR. P. D. FOWLER, DR. G. F. B. BIRDWOOD, EDITORS - Symposium Report - The Importance and Treatment of Inflammation in Ophthalmology
005748: HARRY W. FOX - Master Op-Amp applications Handbook
003484: PAUL HERVEY FOX - Sailor Town
006503: F. L. FOX & G. H. FAIRS - A Rational Economic Geography
004801: PAUL FOX - Four Men
006274: G. J. FRAENKEL, J. LUDBROOK - Guide to House Surgeons in the Surgical Unit
004469: ANATOLE FRANCE - The Amethyst Ring
004474: ANATOLE FRANCE - Thais
004475: ANATOLE FRANCE - A Mummer's Tale
004479: ANATOLE FRANCE - On Life and Letters, Third Series
000165: ANATOLE FRANCE, TRANS. AGNES FARLEY - Count Morin Deputy
004049: ANATOLE FRANCE - The Unrisen Dawn
004500: ANATOLE FRANCE - Penguin Island
004317: ANATOLE FRANCE - The Gods are Athirst
005869: MRS. C. D. FRANCIS - A Story of the Church of England, Part II / 2
006553: ANNE FRANCIS - Paulette
005526: TOM FRANCIS - Galactic Civilizations II Twilight of the Arnor, Plan B
002598: HARRY A. FRANCK - Roaming Through the West Indies
006757: ANDRE FRANCOIS - The Penguin Andre Francois
002680: GARY FRANK - Forever Will You Suffer
000255: GILBERT FRANKAU - Poetical Works, 2 Volumes
003698: GILBERT FRANKAU - World Without End
003576: GILBERT FRANKAU - Dance, Little Gentleman!
002260: GILBERT FRANKAU - Everywoman
001679: GILBERT FRANKAU - Son of the Morning
001682: GILBERT FRANKAU - Royal Regiment
001680: GILBERT FRANKAU - Christopher Strong
001681: GILBERT FRANKAU - Christopher Strong
003515: GILBERT FRANKAU - Life - and Erica
004859: ROSE FRANKEN - Claudia
005414: DR. THOMAS FRANKLIN, WILLIAM CONGREVE, AARON HILL, SIR RICHARD STEELE - The Earl of Warwick; The Double Dealer; Zara; The Conscious Lovers
001359: BENJAMIN FRANKLIN - Ben Franklin's Wit & Wisdom
006499: A. H. FRANKS - The Ballroom Dancer's Handbook
005475: AGNES R. FRASER - Donald Fraser of Livingstonia
003014: W. LIONEL FRASER - All to the Good
001554: G. S. FRASER - The Modern Writer and His World
006163: SIR WILLIAM FRASER - Hic et Ubique
003974: MICHAEL FRAYN - Alphabetical Order
002443: MICHAEL FRAYN - The Book of Fub
004570: KATHLEEN FREEMAN - Ancilla to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers - Fragments
002112: EVELYN FREETH AND PETER DAVEY (ED) - AJ Legal Handbook
000827: JACOB A. FRENKEL AND ASSAF RAZIN - Fiscal Policies and the World Economy
006341: MARK FRESHFIELD - The Stormy Dawn
003106: SUSAN FRIEDMAN (EDITOR) - Annual Editions, Readings in Sociology 1975/76
001396: ALFRED C. FRYER (COMPILED) - Toots: The Autobiography of a Persian Cat
006681: MINSTRY OF FUEL AND POWER - The Efficient Use of Fuel: a Text-book on Fuels and Their Efficient Utilisation for the Use of Students and Technical Men in Industry
006331: BLAIR FULLER - A Far Place
001457: JOHN FULLER - Flying to Nowhere
002785: ALEXANDER FULLERTON - The Yellow Ford
001346: ALICE FULTON - Dance Script With Electric Ballerina
003099: MONICA FURLONG - God's a Good Man and other poems
002395: ROSE FYLEMAN - Nine New Plays for Children
006532: HANNES GAAB - Fifty-Fifty
006590: ROBERT PETER GALE & A. VICTOR HOFFBRAND - Clinics in Haematology, Aig 1986, Acute Leukaemia. Vol. 15 No. 3
006609: ELIZABETH BUCKLER GALE - Farmers, Fishermen and Flax Spinners, the story of the People of Burton Bradstock
006674: ELIZABETH BUCKLER GALE - Two Days One Summer
005996: EDWARD R. HOME-GALL - Victor Gaunt - Master Spy
006203: PAUL GALLICO - Beyond the Poseidon Adventure
004061: RICHARD LE GALLIENNE - Old Love Stories Retold
005665: ALBERT GALLOWAY - Illustrated Coin Dating Guide for the Eastern World
002339: GALLUS - Fabulous Beasts
002350: JOHN GALSWORTHY - Six Short Plays
002365: JOHN GALSWORTHY - Plays: Second Series
002364: JOHN GALSWORTHY - Plays: First Series
002407: JOHN GALSWORTHY - Plays: Fifth Series
002406: JOHN GALSWORTHY - Plays: Fourth Series
002352: JOHN GALSWORTHY - Old English
002366: JOHN GALSWORTHY - Plays: Third Series
006429: ERIN C. GARCIA - Man Ray in Paris
006069: ROGER MARTIN DU GARD - Les Thibault, Septieme Partie, L'Ete 1914
001952: JANE GARDAM - Faith Fox
002769: WREY GARDINER (ED) - Poetry Quarterly, Autumn 1951
002886: A. G. GARDINER - Alpha of the Plough (second series)
005652: ERLE STANLEY GARDNER, CORNELL WOOLRICH, JEREMY YORK - The Case of the Calendar Girl, Violence, Sight of Death (three books in one)
004497: MONA GARDNER - Middle Heaven
006202: LEONARD GARDNER - Fat City
005726: NICHOLAS GARLAND - An Indian Journal
001449: RANDALL GARRETT - Too Many Magicians
000064: BERNARD GARSIDE - The History of Hampton School from 1556 to 1700, with a Brief Account of the Years Between 1700 and the Present Day.
006403: CROSBIE GARSTIN - The Penhales - the Owl's House, High Noon, West Wind
004321: DAVID GARTH - A Collection of Incidental Verse
005970: CHARLES GARVICE - Nell of Shorne Mills
005175: ROMAIN GARY - Europa
005569: HENRY LOUIS GATES JR. - Colored People
005095: WILLIAM GAUNT - London
006235: J. RIBEREAU-GAYON & E. PEYNAUD - Trattato Di Enologia, Vol 1
001329: MICHAEL GEARE & MICHAEL CORBY - Dracula's Diary
006531: C. A. GEDGE - The Reluctant Rebel
002261: W. M. GELDART - Elements of English Law
004278: P. GENT (EDITOR) - Hollywood Musicals Society, 9 Issues
003188: MARY GENTLE - Under the Penitence
004363: GEOGRAPHIA - South Scotland & Northumberland Mileage Map Sheet No 10
004261: GEORGE - Exit No. 60, for adults only, 1960s erotic magazine
005984: VIVIAN DE G. ST. GEORGE - St. George of Piccadilly
000217: HENRY GEORGE - Significant Paragraphs from Progress and Poverty, with an Appreciation By John Dewey
003347: W. L. (WALTER LIONEL) GEORGE - Israel Kalisch
006359: MORICE GERARD - The Shadow of Gilsland
003565: LOUISE GERARD - The Golden Centipede
000539: MORICE GERARD - Danes Abbey
001617: VIC GHIDALIA & ROGER ELWOOD - Beware the Beasts
000032: ROBERT GIBBINGS - Over the Reefs
001357: ROBERT GIBBINGS - Sweet Cork of Thee
005730: MAY GIBBS - Wattle Babies
005729: MAY GIBBS - Gum-Blossom Babies
006574: LEWIS GIBBS - Late Final
000493: PHILIP GIBBS - The Spoils of Time
003725: PHILIP GIBBS - England Speaks
000490: PHILIP GIBBS - Great Argument
005073: ALONZO GIBBS - Son of a Mile-Long Mother
000404: PHILIP GIBBS - Through the Storm
000540: PHILIP GIBBS - Both Your Houses
000491: PHILIP GIBBS - Called Back
006786: SIR PHILIP GIBBS - Out of the Ruins, and Other Little Novels
000986: AGNES GIBERNE - Floss Silverthorn; or, the Master's Little Handmaid
001462: RAJNA GIBSON - Option Valuation: Analyzing and Pricing Standardized Option Contracts
004990: MARY GIBSON - Warneford, VC
004987: VAL GIELGUD - Black Gallantry
006711: VAL GIELGUD - Outrage in Manchukuo, the Story of an Adventure
001816: DOROTHY B. GILBERT (ED) - American Art Directory
006373: JAY GILBERT - Boy Peace
002773: W. S. GILBERT - Savoyard Scrapbook
004373: MICHAEL GILBERT - The Dust and the Heat
006652: MICHAEL GILBERT - The Dust and the Heat
006020: A. F. GILES, ED. - University of Edinburgh Journal, Summer 1939
005641: G. F. GILLHAM - Class 50's on the Western
001497: VALERIE GILLIES - Bed of Stone
001542: SHEILA GILLULY - Greenbriar Queen
004163: JEAN GIONO - The Man Who Planted Trees
000545: MARION GIORDAN - The Consumer Jungle
002533: BERNARD GIP - The Passions and Lechery of Catherine the Great
000829: BANIRA GIRI - From the Other End
002129: MAURICE GIRODIAS (ED) - The Best of Olympia
006269: GEORGE GISSING - New Grub Street
000695: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - The Ready Reckoner; or, Trader's Most Useful Assistant
000888: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Daily Mail Year Book 1955
001917: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - The Army - the Modern Career
001070: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Good Housekeeping's International Kitchen
000278: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Admiralty Navigation Manual 1938, Vols. 1 and 2
004950: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - "The Times" Fourth Leaders
001894: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - The Competitor's Annual 1933
005592: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Welsh Rugby Union Centenary Handbook 1980-1981
004886: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Warne's Book of the Farm
004925: AUTHOR'S NAME NOT GIVEN - The First Six Books of Homer's Iliad, with an Interpaged Translation, Line for Line, and Numerous Notes
000073: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Red Guide to the Isle of Wight
000008: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - The Licensed Victuallers' Official Annual, Legal Text Book, Diary and Almanack for 1936
002455: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - How to Calculate Quickly and Correctly
002374: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - The Nature of Government and Politics in California
001203: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - A Pictorial and Descriptive Guide to Minehead, Exmoor, Lynton & Lynmouth, Etc.
003491: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Bonhams Chelsea Textile Sale Auction Catalogue
001053: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - English 18th Century Cookery
005165: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Guide to London Museums and Galleries
000287: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Miaou, the Cat in Pictures
001570: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Our National Heritage 7
000854: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Automobile Association Foreign Touring Guide
006488: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - The "Rapid" Pocket Ready Reckoner
005243: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Ten Fat Sausages
001564: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Not Until You Take Off That Silly Hat
000926: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - The Process Engraver/s Compendium, for users of photo-process engraving
001962: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - A Pictorial and Descriptive Guide to the Isle of Wight
002612: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Carnation Culture in South Africa
003470: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - The LACSAB Employee Relations Handbook
000460: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Fundamentals of Good English
000751: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Good Camping 1959
002026: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Guide to the Isle of Wight
001296: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - American Art - Four Exhibitions
001313: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Hints on the First Class Test
001314: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Over 15 - The approved scheme of training for the older boy
002497: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Official Handbook of Burns' House, Dumfries, and other memories of the national poet
005012: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - ABPI Data Sheet Compendium 1974
001259: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - The Manual of Heraldry
001522: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Michelin Tourist Guide New York City
001523: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - The "Mechanical World" Electrical Pocket Book 1931
000146: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - East India Resorts
002523: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Insolvency & Bankruptcy Acts, 3
005372: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - The Police Released
004423: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Furniture Repairing & Re-Upholstery
002905: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Warne's Pleasure Book for Girls
001149: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Historic Winchester, the official guide to the city
000369: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Stingray Annual
001582: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Dean's Favourite Annual for Boys
003216: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - A Pictorial and Descriptive Guide to Ilfracombe, Barnstaple, Bideford, Woolacombe, and North-west Devon
002912: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Happy Boys and Girls Comic Album
001572: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Merchantmen at War
004881: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - The Standard Catalogue of Postage Stamps of the World, Part 1 the British Empire
004885: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Little Dots, Forty-Seventh Annual Volume
003326: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Grimms' Fairy Tales
000747: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Cine-'Kodak'
004171: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - The Canadian Landscape, Exhibition Catalogue
000429: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - PhotoGuide Magazine
000750: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - The Campers' Guide and Year Book (regd.)
000764: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Photography, Applied to Plan Copying in Engineering and Other Industries
000765: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - The Technique of Micro-copying
002517: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Paintings and Plate of Trinity College, Exhibition Catalogue
004846: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Powderham Castle
004837: NONE GIVEN - Magdalene College Magazine and Record 1976-77
002652: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - The "Come to Cornwall" Guide
000759: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Winter and Night Photography
002567: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Careers for School Leavers, Posts in Government Service 1971
002330: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Exeter Cathedral, pictures, notes and a plan
002496: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Guide to Stirling, Bridge of Allan, Dunblane & District
002865: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Falmouth, the Lizard, Truro and South Cornwall
002488: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - The Rules of the County of Kent Friendly Society, approved under the National Health Insurance Act
002549: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Jahrbuch des Schweizer Alpenclub LVII Jahrgang 1922
001205: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Guide to London
001207: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Red Guide - West Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly
002049: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Heumann-Heilmittel
002048: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - Silver Jubilee Souvenir
001532: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - The "Rapid" Pocket Ready Reckoner
000969: NO AUTHOR GIVEN - South Cornwall
003427: ERNEST GLANVILLE - The Lost Regiment
006577: RALPH GLASSER - The New High Priesthood - How Marketing Shapes Your Life
003990: R. T. GLAZEBROOK - Mechanics - Dynamics - an Elementary Text-Book, Theoretical and Practical
000284: A.R.GLEDHILL - An Analysis of Sense Experience
001082: DUNCAN GLEN - The Autobiography of a Poet
005456: KEN GOATLEY - Bygone Days in Wokingham, a Nostalgic Look Back
002672: NOEL GODBER - How DARE You, Sir!
003017: RUMER GODDEN - The Dragon of Og
001960: RUMER GODDEN - The Valiant Chatti-maker
003629: C. GODFREY & G. M. BELL - The Winchester Arithmetic
001843: C. GODFREY & A. W. SIDDONS - A Shorter Geometry
004779: GEORGE GODWIN - Hansons of Eastcheap
006376: GOETHE, TRANS. W. B. RONNFELDT - Criticisms, Reflections & Maxims of Goethe
003346: JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE, TRANSLATED BY THOMAS CARLYLE - Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship and Travels
001825: ERVING GOFFMAN - The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
000018: VINCENT VAN GOGH - Letters to an Artist, to Anton Ridder Van Rappard, 1881 - 1885
001161: MAURICE GOLDSMITH - The Young Physicist's Companion
005989: MELVYN C GOLDSTEIN - The Snow Lion and the Dragon: China, Tibet and the Dalai Lama
004253: JOHN GOLDTHORPE - The Same Scourge
006688: E.H.GOMBRICH & E. KRIS - Caricature
001196: GEORGE LAURENCE GOMME - The Village Community
006405: GEORGE GOODCHILD - The Alaskan
006406: GEORGE GOODCHILD - Pinches of Salt from the Seven Seas
000912: GEORGE GOODCHILD - The Emperor of Hallelujah Island
005090: KATHLEEN GOODING - The Venetians
005521: GUY GOODWIN, GARY SACHS - Bipolar Disorders (Fast Facts)
000847: H. J. GOODYER - Perilous Dawn
005173: S.D.GORDON - Quiet Talks About Our Lord's Return
006102: ELAINE GORDON - Intimate Terms
006113: SIR HOME GORDON, BART - A Man's Road, Being the Path of Gerard Ardmay with the Women Who Loved Him
006060: RT. HON. W. ORMSBY GORE - Ancient Monuments Volume II Southern England, Illustrated Regional Guides
001371: CHARLES GORE - The Sermon on the Mount, a practical exposition
001643: RICHARD GORER - The Flower Garden in England
006713: ELIZABETH GOUDGE - Green Dolphin Street
006287: WILLIAM S. BARING-GOULD - The Lure of the Limerick, an Uninhibited History
003936: JACOB MARTIN GOULD - Output and Productivity in the Electric and Gas Utilities, 1899 - 1942
003152: S. BARING GOULD - The Red Spider
000921: GERALD GOULD - The Return to the Cabbage Patch
005096: NAT GOULD - The Rake
004603: M. VASSILIEV AND S. GOUSCHEV, EDITORS - Life In the Twenty-First Century
000345: GRACCHUS - Your M.P.
004230: DOM ERNEST GRAF - On Prayer
005225: JONATHAN GRAHAM, C. R. - The Office of a Wall
004287: HEATHER GRAHAM - Unhallowed Ground
005429: STEPHEN GRAHAM, EDITED - The Tramp's Anthology
006613: ALICE WALWORTH GRAHAM - The Natchez Woman
000318: KENNETH GRAHAME - The Golden Age
006221: KENNETH GRAHAME - The Wind in the Willows
000833: KENNETH GRAHAME - Dream Days
004807: JOHN GRAINGER - Garden Science
001188: CHARLES GRANT - Raven
006644: JOHN GRANT - Sex Secrets of Ancient Atlantis
001885: ROBERT GRAVES - I, Claudius
004814: MARY AGATHA GRAY - Derfel the Strong, a romance of the days of King Henry VIII
006315: SIMON GRAY - Little Portia
006622: ANNE GRAY - Edwardians: Secrets and Desires
002256: MARGARET GREAVES - Cat's Magic
002994: ANDREW M. GREELEY - God Game
001512: ANDREW M. GREELEY - Death in April
003656: EVELYN EVERETT-GREEN - The Heiress of Wylmington
002094: MICHAEL GREEN - A Roof Over My Head, or the Art of Coarse Moving
003166: F. L. GREEN - Odd Man Out
005487: JANET GREEN - My Turn Now
004809: CANDIDA LYCETT GREEN - John Betjeman Letters Vol. 2 : 1951-1984
003910: BENNY GREEN (EDITOR) - The Cricket Addict's Archive
003282: SIMON R. GREEN - The Man with the Golden Torc
006642: KATE GREENAWAY - Language of Flowers
006524: BRIAN GREENE - The Hidden Reality
005743: GRAHAM GREENE - England Made Me
001910: EDWARD GREENFIELD, ROBERT LAYTON, IVAN MARCH - The Penguin Guide to Compact Discs, Cassettes and LPs
005980: J. P. GREENHILL - The 1946 Year Book of Obstetrics and Gynecology
002058: DR. HAROLD GREENWALD - The Call Girl, a social and psychoanalytic study
005969: HARRY J. GREENWALL - American Scene
006091: JOHN D GREENWOOD - Realism, Identity and Emotion: Reclaiming Social Psychology
005771: LADY GREGORY - The Travelling Man
006147: THEOPHILUS S. GREGORY - The Compassion of Jesus
004194: D. C. GREIG, J. E. WRIGHT, B. A. HAINS, G. H. MITCHELL - Geology of the Country Around Church Stretton, Craven Arms, Wenlock Edge & Brown Clee
000930: SIR WILFRED GRENFELL - Deeds of Daring
001310: WILFRED THOMASON GRENFELL - A Labrador Doctor
001753: FRANCIS GRIERSON - The Buddha of Fleet Street
005654: JOHN HOWARD GRIFFIN - Black Like Me
006589: JAMES D. GRIFFIN - Clinics in Haematology, Nov 1986,myelodysplastic Syndromes. Vol. 15 No. 4
004256: LL. WYN GRIFFITH, EDITOR - The Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, Session 1936
005636: JANE GRIGSON - Good Things
002164: MARTHA GRIMES - Jerusalem Inn
005915: BEATRICE GRIMSHAW - When the Red Gods Call
006078: BEATRICE GRIMSHAW - Black Sheep's Gold
006184: JON COURTENAY GRIMWOOD - Felaheen (Arabesk)
000615: VLADIMIR B. GRINIOFF - Tale of a Whistling Shrimp
006212: L. ST. CLARE GRONDONA - Empire Stock-Taking
002029: ARTHUR GROOM - Champion the Wonder Horse
002688: DANIEL GROS AND KAREL LANNOO - The Euro Capital Market
005516: RUTH BELOV GROSS - What is That Alligator Saying? a Science Book about the way animals talk to each other
000616: ALFRED GROSSMAN - Acrobat Admits
004248: GEORGE GROVE - Beethoven and His Nine Symphonies
000182: FRANK GRUBER - The Twilight Man
005840: GIOVANNI GUARESCHI - The Little World of Don Camillo
003185: NATHANIEL GUBBINS - Dear Pig
001009: PHILIP GUEDALLA - The Liberators
001283: H. A. GUERBER - Contes et Legendes, pt. 1
005034: GUICCIARDINI, TRANSLATED CECIL GRAYSON - History of Italy & History of Florence (abridged)
004514: H. E. GUILLEBAUD - Why the Cross?
005892: URSULA LE GUIN - Always Coming Home (California Fiction)
004912: PAUL GUINARD AND OTHERS - Journees Internationales D'Etudes D'Art - l'Age d'Or Espagnol, 1955
005342: JOSEPH JOHN GURNEY - Observations on the Religious Peculiarities of the Society of Friends
005340: JOSEPH JOHN GURNEY - Sabbatical Verses
003474: TOMÁS ENRIQUE GURRIN, REVISED FERNANDO DE ARTEAGA - Hossfeld's New Practical Method for Learning the Spanish Language
003024: D. S. WALLACE-HADRILL - Twenty / 20 Answers, a Pocket Armoury for the Layman
005782: PROF. GUNTHER VON HAGENS & DR. ANGELINA WHALLEY - Body Worlds - Catalogue of Anatomical Exhibition of Real Human Bodies
006014: PETER HAINING (ED) - The Flying Sorcerers
001864: PETER HAINING (ED) - The Unspeakable People
000241: JOE HALDEMAN - The Hemingway Hoax
003345: NANCY HALE - The Sign of Jonah
002266: ELIE HALEVY - Halevy's History of the English People, Epilogue (1895-1905) Book 1: Imperialism
001405: VERNON HALL - A Short History of Literary Criticism
002726: JOSEPH HALL - Selections from Early Middle English, 1130 - 1250, Part 1 Texts
004648: MRS. MATTHEW HALL - The Queens Before the Conquest, Vol II
005836: H. R. HALL & S. R. KNIGHT - Elementary Algebra for Schools
004694: R. J. HALL, M.A. - Civic Problems and Their Solutions
000620: CYRIL HALL - The Sea and Its Wonders
001363: RODNEY HALL - Captivity Captive
003001: ROBERT HALL, A.M. / OLINTHUS GREGORY, LL.D. - The Works of Robert Hall A.M., with a memoir of his Life, and a Critical Estimate of his Character and Writings. Vol. IV Tracts, Political and Miscellaneous
001573: TREVOR H. HALL - Sherlock Holmes and His Creator
004403: MRS. S. C. HALL - Pilgrimages to English Shrines, Second Series
000815: ALLAN HALL (ED) - Worse Verse
006670: AYLMER HALL - The Devilish Plot
004460: PHILIP PURSER-HALLARD - Peculiar Lives - The Time Hunter
001938: LESLIE HALLIWELL - Halliwell's Screen Greats
006010: CHARLES HAMBLETT - The Crazy Kill, a Fantasy
004738: HENRY THOMAS HAMBLIN - Simple Talks on Science of Thought, No. 6
002649: C. S. HAMES - The Private Pilot
005875: DONALD HAMILTON - The Betrayers - Matt Helm
004327: LAURELL K. HAMILTON - Blue Moon
003652: VIRGINIA HAMILTON - Dustland
000486: STEVE HAMILTON - North of Nowhere
004848: NORMAN HAMMER - Warwick & Tunstall's First Aid to the Injured and Sick, an Advanced Ambulance Handbook
005664: EDITED J. A. HAMMERTON - Masterpiece Library of Short Stories, 15 & 16 American
005166: C. E. L. HAMMOND - Progressive Exercises in English Composition
001757: JOAN HAMMOND - A Voice, a Life
006787: JANE HAMMOND - Woman of Vengeance
005383: SHEILA HAMNETT, EDITOR - Goss Collectors' Club Newsletter #145-151
002377: JOHN HAMPDEN (SELECTED & EDITED) - Nine Modern Plays
002441: JONATHAN HANAGHAN - Sayings of Jonathan Hanaghan
005778: FRANCES DEAN HANCOCK - Three Loves for Cecily
001147: RALPH HANCOCK AND LETITIA FAIRBANKS - Douglas Fairbanks, the Fourth Musketeer
005618: FRED J. HANDO - Here and There in Monmouthshire
006360: JOHN HANNAVY - The Victorians and Edwardians on the Move
004183: ANITA HANNS - Decorative Biscuit Tins, a Brief History
004843: JOHN O'HARA - A Rage to Live
006575: ROBERT HARBIN - Instant Memory - the Way to Success
005172: MIKE HARDING - Hypnotising the Cat (and other squibs)
003710: KENNETH HARE - Our Cockney Ancestors
003926: CHRISTOPHER HARE - Maximilian the Dreamer. Holy Roman Emperor 1459 - 1519
002331: AUGUSTUS J. C. HARE - Westminster
006440: JOHN HARGRAVE - Words Win Wars - Propaganda the Mightiest Weapon of All
006283: TERRY HARKNETT - Invitation to a Funeral
006004: CYNTHIA HARNETT - Ring Out Bow Bells! (Puffin Books)
005242: MICHAEL HARRINGTON - The Accidental Century
004103: C. G. HARRIS - Oxfordshire Parish Registers and Bishops Transcripts
005795: JOHN HARRIS - Smiling Willie and the Tiger
001881: H. WILSON HARRIS - J. A. Spender
006255: BETH COOMBE HARRIS - The Price of Freedom
000924: JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS - Uncle Remus: His Songs and His Sayings
003309: ROBERT HARRIS - Note-book on Plane Geometrical Drawing
001545: MICHAEL HARRISON - The World of Sherlock Holmes
004009: TONY HARRISON - The Mysteries
003413: M. JOHN HARRISON - Nova Swing
006262: HARRY HARRISON - Spaceship Medic
003497: MICHAEL HARRISON - They Would be King
004880: A. F. HARROLD - Logic and the Heart : Love Poems 1999-2003
003604: DAVID HARSENT - From an Inland Sea
002186: JOSEPH K. HART - The Discovery of Intelligence
002836: BRET HARTE - Colonel Starbottle's Client, and Some other People
006357: C. GASQUOINE HARTLEY (MRS C G GALLICHAN) - Stories from the Greek Legends
002667: SIBYL HARTON - Stars Appearing, Lives of Sixty-Eight Saints of the Anglican Calendar
004949: JAROSLAV HASEK - The Good Soldier Schweik
006550: NICHOLAS HASLAM - Sheer Opulence
006290: PAUL N. HASLUCK, EDITED - Metalworking, a book of Tools, Materials and Processes for the Handyman
005628: PAUL N. HASLUCK - Practical Staircase Joinery
006071: ANGELA HASSALL - Straw Fire
006471: DE CRONIN HASTINGS - Alternative Society: Software for the Nineteen-eighties
002629: FRANCES RIDLEY HAVERGAL - The Ministry of Song
002486: C. P. HAWKES - The London Comedy, interludes in town
002791: NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE - The Scarlet Letter
006599: IAN HAY - The First Hundred Thousand: K1
001676: HIRAM HAYDEN - The Hands of Esau
003220: ARTHUR HAYDEN - Chats on Old Furniture, a Practical Guide for Collectors
000694: RICHARD HAYES - Interest at One View, Calculated to a Farthing
004478: R. CHETWYND-HAYES (EDITOR) - Cornish Tales of Terror
003780: R. CHETWYND-HAYES (EDITOR) - Cornish Tales of Terror
005023: S. T. HAYMON [SYLVIA T HAYMON] - A Very Particular Murder
004585: WILLIAM HAZLITT - Characters of Shakespear's Plays
003712: PETER A. HAZZARD - How to Pass Examinations in Cost Accounting
002079: GERALD HEARD - Doppelgangers, an episode of the fourth, the psychological, revolution, 1997
001549: SIDNEY HEATH - The Cornish Riviera
003983: E. G. HEATH - Archery, a Military History
003713: ERIC WILLIAM HEATON - The Old Testament Prophets
005442: NELL HEATON - Home-Made Sweets
005093: JOHN HEATON, (EDITOR) - Masters' Ready Reckoner
003487: PETER HEATON - Boatcraft, the understanding and care of yachts
006447: BASIL HEATTER - The Captain's Lady
002519: SID G. HEDGES - Modern Swimming and Diving
004918: WILLIAM HEFFERNAN - The Corsican
001247: INGE & STAN HEGELER - An ABZ of Love
002475: BE VAN DER HEIDE - Be van der Heide
006366: LOUISE HEILGERS - Woman
005131: WILLI HEINRICH - The Lonely Conqueror
006043: FELICIA HEMANS, EDITED WILLIAM MICHAEL ROSSETTI - The Poetical Works of Felicia Hemans
000691: JACK HEMING - Playing for the School
002325: R. D. HEMINGWAY & HENRY DE HALSALLE - Three Gentlemen from New Caledonia
003429: JOHN HEMMING - The Search for El Dorado
004448: ZENNA HENDERSON - Pilgrimage and The People: No Different Flesh
003085: AILEEN HENDERSON - Things Wonderful, More Nature Stories for Children
003225: LIEUT.-COL. G. F. R. HENDERSON, C. B. - Stonewall Jackson and the American Civil War - 2 Volumes
002870: PROFESSOR PETER HENNESSY - The Importance of Being Tony: Two Years of the Blair Style
005194: PAUL HENNING - Black and White Lies - a book of Puzzle Photographs for All Ages
002078: FERNANDO HENRIQUES - The Pretence of Love
005045: E. H. LACON WATSON [ EDMUND HENRY ] - Barker's - a Chronicle
005065: JAMES HERBERT - Haunted
004604: JAMES HERBERT - Ash - {sampler)
005642: HERGE - The adventures of Tintin - The Broken Ear
005374: JOSE HERNANDEZ, TRANS. WALTER OWEN - The Gaucho Martin Fierro
005846: DON HERRON, EDITOR - The Dark Barbarian: The Writings of Robert E Howard, a Critical Anthology
006683: JEANNE HERSCH - L'etonnement Philosophique, Une Histoire De La Philosophie
004370: PROF. DR. THEODOR HEUSS - Wilhelm Busch
000635: F. M. HEWARD - Susan the Beast
002098: MAURICE HEWLETT - Rest Harrow
001004: MAURICE HEWLETT - Open Country, a comedy with a sting
001566: MAURICE HEWLETT - Halfway House "A Comedy of Degrees"
001002: MAURICE HEWLETT - Earthwork Out of Tuscany, being impressions and translations of Maurice Hewlett
001001: MAURICE HEWLETT - Gudrid the Fair
001000: MAURICE HEWLETT - Mrs. Lancelot, a comedy of assumptions
000996: WILLIAM HEWLETT - The Breaking Point
000393: DOROTHY HEWLETT - The Flying Horse
002547: MAURICE HEWLETT - Halfway House
001003: MAURICE HEWLETT - The Stooping Lady
002171: MAURICE HEWLETT - Mrs. Lancelot, a Comedy of Assumptions
005796: GEORGETTE HEYER - No Wind of Blame
001979: GEORGETTE HEYER - The Conqueror
003744: GEORGETTE HEYER - Simon the Coldheart
005982: GEORGETTE HEYER - The Spanish Bride
004184: GEORGETTE HEYER - The Black Moth
005097: JOHN HEYWOOD - Illustrated Guide to the Isle of Man
003547: ROBERT HICHENS - Bella Donna
004214: A. J. B. HIGGINS - The Lord's Supper in the New Testament
005426: RAINER HILDEBRANDT - Es Geschah an Der Mauer : eine Bilddokumentation des Sperrgurtels um Berlin West / It Happened at the Wall: A Documentation in Pictures of the Military Ring around West Berlin
003273: NEVILLE HILDITCH, EDITOR - In Praise of Humour
001793: PHILIP HILL - Femme Fatale, a personal experience of schizophrenia
002258: DOUGLAS HILL - The Lightless Dome
002670: JOHN WOODROFFE HILL - The Management and Diseases of the Dog
005029: CHESTER HIMES - The Third Generation
005762: AL HINE - The Beatles in Help!
001906: REGINALD L. HINE - Confessions of an Un-Common Attorney
002123: DAVID A. HINTON - Alfred's Kingdom, Wessex and the South, 800 - 1500
000607: NIGEL HINTON - Getting Free
005596: ANNA L. HIRD - Principles and Practice of Needlework and Dressmaking
003800: ARTHUR HIRSCHBERG - Can You Solve it? a book of puzzles and Problems
005293: GERRI HIRSHEY - Nowhere to Run : The Story of Soul Music
001465: JACK HIRSHLEIFER AND JOHN G. RILEY - The Analytics of Uncertainty and Information
004907: COMITE INTERNATIONAL DES SCIENCES HISTORIQUES - IXe Congres International Des Sciences Historiques, Paris 28 Aout - 3 Septembre 1950: II Actes
006559: THOMAS W. HOARE - The "Look About You" Nature Study Books, Book 4
000428: RUSSELL HOBAN - The Mouse and His Child
003271: ROBIN HOBB - Shaman's Crossing
006474: D. L. HOBMAN - The Welfare State
000658: J. A. HOBSON - The Science of Wealth
001384: SANDRA HOCHMAN - Earthworks - poems 1960-1970
006061: JOSEPH HOCKING - In the Sweat of Thy Brow
001950: SILAS K. HOCKING - Real Grit
005135: SILAS K. HOCKING - Dick's Fairy, a tale of the streets
004845: JOSEPH HOCKING - A Flame of Fire
006132: SILAS K. HOCKING - For Such is Life
003614: SILAS K. HOCKING - The Conquering Will
003366: JOSEPH HOCKING - The Day of Judgment
003359: JOSEPH HOCKING - The Trampled Cross
003499: SILAS K. HOCKING - For Light and Liberty
006749: JOSEPH HOCKING - Rosemary Carew
006410: DAVID HOCKNEY & MARCO LIVINGSTONE - David Hockney: Faces, 1966-1984
005123: GERALD HODCROFT - My Own Red Roses
004712: C. WALTER HODGES - Columbus Sails
004432: H. A. HODGES - The Pattern of Atonement
001153: J. FREDERICK HODGETTS - Older England, Illustrated By the Anglo-Saxon Antiquities in the British Museum, in a Course of Six Lectures
005224: ROBERT D. HODGSON AND ELVYN A. STONEMAN - The Changing Map of Africa
005378: MOIRA HODGSON - Good Food from a Small Kitchen
004776: MARGARET HODGSON (EDITOR) - The Brown Book
004692: CORA B. S. HODSON - Human Sterilization To-day, a Survey of the Present Position
002130: JAMES LANSDALE HODSON - Harvest in the North
006047: PETER HØEG - The Woman and the Ape
002746: FRANZ HOFFMANN, TRANSLATED BY "JANET - The Count and the Showman
002262: J. H. HOFMEYR WITH SENATOR THE HON. F. W. REITZ - The Life of Jan Hendrik Hofmeyr (Onze Jan)
006342: MIN HOGG, EDITOR - The World of Interiors, Gilt-Edged Collection
006561: JOSEF GREULICH / MICHAEL HOHMEIER - Monheim am Rhein
005168: HENNING HOIRUP ( INTRODUCTION BY) - Skovgaard's Pictures in Viborg Cathedral
001292: HANS HOLBEIN - Bildnisse
004704: ROBERT HOLDSTOCK, WRITING AS ROBERT FAULCON - The Stalking (comprising The Stalking and The Talisman)
006056: ETHEL CARNIE HOLDSWORTH - This Slavery
001181: ISABELLE HOLLAND - Alan and the Animal Kingdom
005718: JOSEPH LEE HOLLANDER, EDITOR - The Arthritis Handbook, a Problem-Solving Approach to Arthritis Managemen
002616: AGNES THERESA HOLLIDAY - Five and One
001833: ALAN HOLLINGHURST - The Folding Star
000343: CHRISTOPHER HOLLIS - We Aren't So Dumb
002229: E. E. HOLMES, B. D. - In Praise of Legend
003198: OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES - The Professor at the Breakfast-Table
002915: OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES - The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table
005668: TOM HOLT - Faust Among Equals
000776: TOM HOLT - Djinn Rummy
003888: GORDON HOME - The Charm of Surrey
001528: GORDON HOME - Roman Britain
005455: PETER HOOD - About Maps, Puffin Picture Book 67
006028: DOROTHY HOOD - London is Invincible
004756: JOHN HOOPER - Handcraft in Wood
006270: SYDNEY E. HOOPER, EDITOR - Philosophy, the Journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy April 1951
004908: HENRY R. HOPE, EDITOR - College Art Journal XVI 3, Spring 1957
001338: ANTHONY HOPE - A Man of Mark
002729: ANTHONY HOPE - Phroso, a romance
005649: CORNELL WOOLRICH AS GEORGE HOPLEY - Night Has a Thousand Eyes
000246: W. GARRETT HORDER - The Poets' Bible, 2 Vols
002970: E. W. HORNUNG - Raffles, the Amateur Cracksman
001265: E. W. HORNUNG - A Thief in the Night - last chronicles of Raffles
003927: W. JILLARD HORT - The New Pantheon, or an introduction to the mythology of the ancients, etc.
002300: JULIUS HORWITZ - The Married Lovers
006199: PERCY HOSKINS - No Hiding Place! The Full Authentic story of Scotland Yard in Action
003646: ROBERT HOSKINS - Swords Against Tomorrow
002962: JAMES K. HOSMER - The Jews, in Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern Times
004653: M. E. HOST - It Turned Out Fine
004437: H. H. HOUBEN, TRANS. JOHN LINTON - Christopher Columbus, the tragedy of a Discoverer
005776: CLAUDE HOUGHTON - Hudson Rejoins the Herd
003453: JEAN HOUGRON - A Question of Character
006284: NORAH HOULT - House Under Mars
003850: BRANT HOUSE, EDITOR - Squelches
004835: ROYAL BALLET / SADLER'S WELLS / ROYAL OPERA HOUSE - Programme - Serenade, the Turn of the Screw, Rhapsody
006627: LIONEL HOUSER - Lake of Fire
004197: A. E. HOUSMAN - Collected Poems
001876: A. E. HOUSMAN - A Shropshire Lad
006430: JONATHAN L. HOWARD - Johannes Cabal, the Necromancer
005858: FRANCIS MORTON HOWARD - Cakes and Ale
002274: MURIEL HOWARD - Let Me Live ...as I Want to Live
004856: HOWARTH, DAVID; HOWARTH, STEPHEN - Nelson : The Immortal Memory
006082: W. H. HOWE - Everybody's Book of Irish Wit and Humour
005158: DAVID J. HOWE, EDITOR - Full Fathom Forty
000846: H. E. HOWE (ED) - Chemistry in Industry
002902: P. P. HOWE (EDITED), WILLIAM HAZLITT - The Best of Hazlitt
001648: W. D. HOWELLS - The Son of Royal Langbrith
005496: D. L. HOWERSKI - Body Flying
006586: NELSON HOYT - Colt Showdown
006089: MARY ALICE DOWNIE; MANN HWA HUANG-HSU - Buffalo Boy and the Weaver Girl, The (Silhouette Folktales Series)
005992: PHILIP MAITLAND HUBBARD - The Dancing Man
006263: SISLEY HUDDLESTON - Mediterranean Blue
004158: W. H. HUDSON - Afoot in England
006075: DAVE HUGHES, EDITOR - Skeleton Crew Issue 1
001341: JAMES PENNETHORNE HUGHES - Is Thy Name Wart?
006512: RICHARD HUGHES - A High Wind in Jamaica
002701: SPIKE HUGHES - Opening Bars
002038: TED HUGHES - Meet My Folks
002039: TED HUGHES - Birthday Letters
003142: THOMAS HUGHES - Alfred the Great
005125: BARBARA HULANICKI - From A to Biba
003037: GRETCHEN GAEBELEIN HULL - Equal to Serve - Women and Men in the Church and Home
006750: E. M. HULL - The Desert Healer
005923: MICHAEL HULSE - Propaganda: (poems)
005231: S. R. HUMBY AND E. J. F. JAMES - Science and Education
004105: ARTHUR L. HUMPHREYS - Berkshire Parishes, a Year's record in Bibliography, 1921-1922
006714: W. J. HUMPHREYS - Physics of the Air
003977: ROBERT HUNT - Cornish Folk-lore (Folklore)
003402: STEPHEN HUNT - The Court of the Air
006367: MOLLIE HUNTER - The Haunted Mountain
005094: EILEEN HUNTER - The Profound Attachment
005466: NORMAN HUNTER - The Incredible Adventures of Professor Branestawm
003169: FANNIE HURST - Anywoman
003859: J. W. HURST, EDITOR - Encyclopaedia of Agriculture, 3 Volumes
003706: JOSEPH HUSBAND - Citadel
004319: RICHARD J. HUTCHINGS - COMPILER - An Island of Poetry
004783: MAUDE HUTCHINS - A Diary of Love
003900: R. C. HUTCHINSON - The Unforgotten Prisoner
006514: R. C. HUTCHINSON - Rising
004443: R. C. HUTCHINSON - Elephant and Castle, a Reconstruction
004454: JOHN HUTCHINSON - Uncommon Wild Flowers
005013: HORACE HUTCHINSON - The Fortnightly Club
002803: JULIAN HUXLEY - Soviet Genetics and World Science - Lysenko and the Meaning of Heredity
006516: ALDOUS HUXLEY - The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell
006457: ALDOUS HUXLEY - Ends and Means, an Enquiry Into the Nature of Ideals and into the Methods Employed for Their Realization
002154: ALFRED H. HYATT - The Pocket Charles Kingsley
006534: H. A. HYDE - Welsh Timber Trees, Native and Introduced
003982: DOUGLAS HYDE - God's Bandit - the story of Don Orione, "Father of the Poor"
004060: STACEY W. HYDE - Simple Annals
001343: PAUL HYLAND - Wight: Biography of an Island
000598: VICENTE BLASCO IBANEZ - The Enemies of Women
003197: VINCENT BLASCO IBAÑEZ, TRANS. W. A. GILLESPIE - The Shadow of the Cathedral
002273: VICENTE BLASCO IBANEZ - The Temptress
006598: HSIAO CH'IEN - The Spinners of Silk
004489: W. IGGULDEN, F. R. H. S. - Fruit Culture for Small Gardens
005605: MICHAEL IGNATIEFF - Scar Tissue
000599: ENRIQUE ANDERSON IMBERT - The Other Side of the Mirror
001390: INDIAN, AFRICAN AND CHINESE ARTISTS - Son of Man - pictures and carvings
006445: WILLIAM COOK; FULCHESTER INDUSTRIES - 25 Years of Viz - Silver Plated Jubilee
003389: WILLIAM RALPH INGE - Lay Thoughts of a Dean
000949: SARSON C. J. INGHAM - The White Cross and Dove of Pearls
005419: ROGER INGPEN, COMPILER - A Choice of the Best English Lyrics, 17th Century & Earlier
001143: REV. J. H. INGRAHAM - The Throne of David
001482: M. VARIAKOJYTE-INKENIENE - Lithuanian Self-Taught
005063: MICHAEL INNES - Appleby's End
002841: RICHARD KEVERNE / HAMMOND INNES - Tales of Old Inns
000963: ALEXANDER IRELAND - William Hazlitt, Essayist and Critic - selections from his writings
005651: WILLIAM IRISH (CORNELL WOOLRICH), BRANDON BIIRD, MARGARET ERSKINE - Eyes That Watch You, Downbeat for a Dirge, Look Behind You, Lady (three books in one)
005241: ALAN ISAACS - The Survival of God in the Scientific Age
005848: ARIEH ISERLES - A First course in the Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations
005849: D. S. BROOMHEAD & A. ISERLES, EDITED - The Dynamics of Numerics and the Numerics of Dynamics (Institute of Mathematics & Its Applications Conference Series, New)
000605: PETER ISRAEL - The Hen's House
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