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S42411: Hobson, P. - Tan Your Hide!: Home Tanning Leathers & Furs
S32471: Hoch, H. - Diversity and Evolution of the Southeast-Asian planthopper taxon Bennini (Hemiptera, Cixiidae)
R56634: Hocking, B. - Insect Associations with the swollen thorn Acacias
S57872: Hockly, Howard Edward - The Story of the British Settlers of 1820 in South Africa
N22066: Hodek, I.; Honek, A.; van Emden, H.F. (Eds) - Ecology and Behaviour of the Ladybird Beetles (Coccinellidae)
S11788: Hodek, I. (Ed.) - Ecology of Aphidophagous Insects
S45818: Hodge, A.E. - The Young Collector's Guide to Butterfly & Moth Collecting
S47987: Hodge, P.J.; Jones, R.A. - New British Beetles: Species not in Joy's Practical Handbook
S54755: Hodge, P.J.; Jones, R.A. - New British Beetles: Species not in Joy's Practical Handbook
S47248: Hodge, P.J.; Jones, R.A. - New British Beetles Species not in Joy's Practical Handbook
S45511: Hodge, P.J.; Yates, B.J. - The Coleoptera of Rye Bay: A Specialist Report of the Interreg II Project
S52516: Hodge, P.J.; Jones, R.A. - New British Beetles Species not in Joy's Practical Handbook
N10015: Hodges, R.W. - The Moths of America North of Mexico 21: Sphingidae
S52445: Hodges, R.W. et al (Eds) - Checklist of the Lepidoptera of America North of Mexico
N10002: Hodges, R.W. - The Moths of America North of Mexico 6.1: Cosmopterigidae
N10004: Hodges, R.W. - The Moths of America North of Mexico 07.1: Gelechiidae: Dichomeridinae
N6755: Hodges, R.W. et al (Eds) - Checklist of the Lepidoptera of America North of Mexico
S53368: Hodges, R.H. - Common British Birds The 'How to Identify' Series no.5
S26473: Hodges, R.W. - The Moths of America North of Mexico 6.1: Cosmopterigidae
N4630: Hodges, R.W. - The Moths of America North of Mexico 6.2: Gelechioidea Oecophoridae
S45573: Hodgkin, E.P. - An Environmental Study of the Blackwood River Estuary Western Australia 1974-75
S50693: Hodgkiss, I.J. - Hong Kong Freshwater Plants
S38558: Hodgkiss, I.J. - Hong Kong Freshwater Plants
N6516: Hodgson C.J. - A Revision of the Lecanodiaspis Targioni-Tozzetti (Homoptera: Coccoidea) of the Ethiopian Region
S42718: Hodkinson, T.R.; Jones, M.B.; Waldren, S.; Parnell, A.N. (Eds) - Climate Change, Ecology and Systematics
S34060: Hodson, P. - Under A Sickle Moon. A Journey Through Afghanistan
S18060: Hodson, W.E.H. - Narcissus Pests
S52392: Hoegh-Guldberg, O.; Jarvis, F.V.L. - Central and North European Ariciae (Lep.): Relationships, Heredity, Evolution
S52393: Hoegh-Guldberg, O. - Evolutionary trends in the genus Aricia (Lep.): Further information on distribution, taxonomy, and biology of A.allous G.-Hb. and A.aegestis Schiff
S52354: Hoegh-Guldberg, O. - North European groups of Aracia allous: Their variability and relationship to A. agestis
S27316: Hoegh-Guldberg, O. - Evolutionary Trends in the Genus Aricia: (Lepidoptera) Further information on Distribution Taxonomy and Biology of A. allous G.-Hb. and A. agestis Schiff.
S45761: Hoegh-Guldberg, O.; Jarvis, F.V.L. - Central and North European Ariciae (Lepidoptera): Relationships, Heredity, Evolution
S30195: Hoegh-Guldberg, O. - Evolutionary Trends in the Genus Aricia: (Lepidoptera) Further information on Distribution Taxonomy and Biology of A. allous G.-Hb. and A. agestis Schiff.
S30199: Hoegh-Guldberg, O. - North European Groups of Aricia allous G.-HB.: Their Variability and Relationship to A. agestis Schiff
S44967: Hoeppli, R. - Parasitic Diseases in Africa and the Western Hemisphere: Early Documentation and Transmission by the Slave Trade
N28295: Hofer, R.; Hofer, E. - Aegean, Nature and Hiking for Island Hoppers
S44966: van 't Hoff, J.H. - Vorlesungen über theoretische und physikalische Chemie. Erstes [-Drittes] Heft
S60206: Hoffman, N.; Brown, A. - Orchids of South-West Australia
R13005: Hoffman, R.L. - The Insects of Virginia: No.9: Squash, Broad-headed and Scentless Plant Bugs of Virginia (Hemiptera: Coreoidea: Coreidae, Alydidae, Rhopalidae)
S40878: Hoffman, R.L. - Revision of the North American Annelid worms of the genus Cambarincola (Oligochaeta: Branchiobdellidae)
S60413: Hoffman, N.; Brown, A. - Orchids of South-West Australia
R40146: Hoffmann, L.; Leveque, R.; Aguesse, P.; Bigot, L. - An ecological sketch of the Camargue
S26660: Hoffmann, A. - Coleopteres Bruchides et Anthribides: Faune de France 44
S51213: Hoffmann, A. - Coleopteres Curculionides 1 Faune de France 52
S18137: Hoffmann, H. - Dr. H. G. Bronns Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs. Bd. 3: Mollusca. Abt. II: Gastropoda. 3. Buch: Opisthobranchia. Teil 1
S40814: Hoffmann, K.H. (Ed.) - Environmental Physiology and Biochemistry of Insects
S45774: Hoffmeyer, S. - De Danske Ugler
S51135: Hoffmeyer, S. - De Danske Spindere [and] De Danske Ugler [and] De Danske Målere
S45764: Hoffmeyer, S. - De Danske Spindere
S48211: Hofmann, E.; Kirby, W.E. - The Young Beetle-Collector's Handbook
S59134: Hofmann, E.; Kirby, W.E. - The Young Beetle-Collector's Handbook
S52348: Hofmann, A.; Tremewan, W.G. - A Systematic Catalogue of the Zygaeninae (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae)
N32294: Hofmann, A.F.; Tremewan, W.G. - The Natural History of Burnet Moths (Zygaena Fabricius, 1775) (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae). Part III (1+2): Species Section
S53804: Hofmann, E.; Kirby, W.E. - The Young Beetle-Collector's Handbook
N32731: Hofmann, A.F.; Spalding, A.; Tarmann, G.; Witt, T. (Eds) - Gerry Tremewan (1931-2016): The adventurous life of a Cornish entomologist
S53131: Hofmann, E.; Kirby, W.E. - The Young Beetle-Collector's Handbook
S13081: Hofmann, E.; Kirby, W.E. - The Young Beetle-Collector's Handbook
S20570: Hofmann, H.J.; Jackson, G.D. - Shale-facies Microfossils from the Proterozoic Bylot Supergroup, Baffin Island, Canada
R57367: von Hofsten, N. - Zur Kenntnis der Tiefenfauna des Brienzer des Thuner Sees
S34639: Hogarth, P.J. - The Biology of Mangroves (Biology of Habitats)
S60670: Hogarth, P.J. - The Biology of Mangroves (Biology of Habitats)
S48164: Hogarth, A.M. - British Mosquitoes and how to eliminate them
S10196: Hogg, H.R. - British Antarctic ("Terra Nova") Expedition, 1910. Natural History Report Zoology. Vol.III,No.6: Arachnida Part 1.-Araneae (Spiders)
S40643: Hogg, J. - The Microscope: its History, Construction, and Application
S38648: Hohl, M.; Gigon, A.; Jeanneret, P. - Grasshopper and butterfly diversity in the Swiss Alps: Spatial and temporal variation of grasshopper and butterfly communities in semi-natural grasslands of the Swiss Alps
S20972: Holden, H.S. - The Morphology and Relationships of Rachiopteris cylindrica
S49198: Holden, M.J. - Populations of fish in dry season pools of the River Sokoto
N54420: Holden J. - Amphibians of Cambodia: A Field Guide
N9362: Holden, L.; Hamper, K. - Fungi Name Trail A key to commoner fungi (Identification Chart)
S55842: Holdich, D.M.; Jones, J.A. - Tanaids (Synopses of the British Fauna 27)
S39454: Holdich, D. et al - 10 short papers on Marine Tanaidacea (Crustacea)
S37311: Holdich, D. - Ecology of the White-clawed Crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes
R39456: Holdich, D. et al - 28 short papers on Freshwater Crayfish
S39458: Holdich, D. et al - 9 medium length papers on Australian Marine Isopods
S60674: Holdich, D.M.; Jones, J.A. - Tanaids (Synopses of the British Fauna 27)
S58053: Holland, J. - Bird Spotting No. 1-6
S22978: Holland, G.P. - Contribution towards a Monograph of the Fleas of New Guinea
S55855: Holland, W.J. - The Moth Book: A Popular Guide to a Knowledge of the Moths of North America
S56356: Holland, S. - Distribution of Dragonflies in Gloucestershire
S58054: Holland, J. - Bird Spotting
S20951: Holland, C.H.; Lawson, J.D.; Walmsley, V.G. - The Silurian Rocks of the Ludlow District, Shropshire
S59000: Hölldobler, B.; Wilson, E.O. - Journey to the Ants: a Story of Scientific Exploration
S50779: Hölldobler, B.; Wilson, E.O. - The Ants
S25218: Hollingsworth, P.M.; Bateman, R.M.; Gornall, R.J. (Eds) - Molecular Systematics and Plant Evolution
S36104: Hollis, D. - Animal Identification: A Reference Guide. Vol. 3: Insects
S55966: Hollis, D. - Diptera from Nepal (Stratiomyidae, Therevidae, and Dolichopodidae)
N6596: Hollis, D. - A Preliminary Revision of the Genus Oxya Audinet-Serville (Orthoptera: Acridoidea)
N6579: Hollis, D. - A Review of the Subfamily Oxyinae (Orthoptera : Acridoidea)
S5730: Hollis, D. - Jumping Plant Lice of the Tribe Ciriacremini (Homoptera : Psylloidea) in the Ethiopian Region
S30230: Hollis, D. - Animal Identification: A Reference Guide. Vol. 3: Insects
S26722: Hollis, D. - A review of the subfamily Oxyinae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea)
S18961: Hollis, D.; Broomfield, P.S. (1); Broadhead, E.C. (2) - (1) Ficus-feeding psyllids (Homoptera), with special reference to the Homotomidae (D. Hollis & P.S. Broomfield); (2) The species of Poecilominettia, Homoeominettia and Floriminettia (Diptera: Lauxaniidae) in Panama (E.C. Broadhead)
S19329: Hollister, N. - East African Mammals in the United States National Museum. Part III: Primates, Artiodactyla, Perissodactyla, Proboscidea,and Hyracoidea
S47708: Hollom, P.A.D.; Porter, R.F.; Christensen, S.; Willis, I. - Birds of the Middle East and North Africa A Companion Guide
S58535: Hollom, P.A.D.; Porter, R.F.; Christensen, S.; Willis, I. - Birds of the Middle East and North Africa A Companion Guide
S37773: Hollom, P.A.D.; Porter, R.F.; Christensen, S.; Willis, I. - Birds of the Middle East and North Africa A Companion Guide
S46563: Hollom, P.A.D.; Porter, R.F.; Christensen, S.; Willis, I. - Birds of the Middle East and North Africa A Companion Guide
S56556: Hollom, P.A.D. - The Popular Handbook of Rarer British Birds
S47117: Hollom, P.A.D.; Porter, R.F.; Christensen, S.; Willis, I. - Birds of the Middle East and North Africa A Companion Guide
N4687: Holloway, J.D. - The Moths of Borneo 9: Geometridae: Oenochrominae, Desmobathrinae, Geometrinae
S33609: Holloway, J.D. - The Lepidoptera of Norfolk Island their Biogeography and Ecology
S53492: Holloway, S.; Maggs, K. - The Birds of Croydon and Its Countryside. Pt 1-2(I-II)
N4686: Holloway, J.D. - The Moths of Borneo 7: Arctiidae, Lithosiinae
N20658: Holloway, J.D. - The Moths of Borneo 2: Phaudidae, Himantopteridae & Zygaenidae
N18267: Holloway, J.D. - The Moths of Borneo 13: Noctuidae: Pantheinae, Bagisarinae, Acontiinae, Aediinae, Eustrotiinae, Bryophilinae, Araeopteroninae, Aventiinae, Eublemminae
N4619: Holloway, J.D. - The Moths of Borneo 10: Geometridae: Sterrhinae, Larentiinae
N4621: Holloway, J.D. - The Moths of Borneo 12: Noctuidae: Noctuinae, Heliothinae, Acronictinae, Amphipyrinae, Agaristidae
N4615: Holloway, J.D. - The Moths of Borneo 4: Notodontidae
S52787: Holloway, J.D.; Bradley, J.D.; Carter, D.J.; Betts, C.R. (Eds) - CIE Guides to Insects of Importance to Man 1: Lepidoptera
S41255: Holloway, B.A. - Fauna of New Zealand 3: Anthribidae (Coleoptera)
S58553: Holloway, S. - The Historical Atlas to Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland, 1875 - 1900
S10902: Holloway, J.T. - Forests and Climate in the South Island of New Zealand
S23279: Holm, E. - Revision of the genera Amblysterna Thomson, Neojulodis Kerremans, and the African species of Julodella Semenow
S33168: Holm-Nielsen, L.B.; Nielsen, I.C.; Balslev, H. (Eds) - Tropical Forests: Botanical Dynamics, Speciation and Diversity
S31773: Holman, J. - Los Afidos de Cuba
S37702: Holman, J.; Pelikan, J.; Dixon, A.F.G.; Weismann, L. (Eds) - Population Structure, Genetics and Taxonomy of Aphids and Thysanoptera
S47350: Holmen, M. - The Aquatic Adephaga (Coleoptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark 1. Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, Hygrobiidae and Noteridae (Fauna Ent. Scand. 20)
S54730: Holmen, M. - The Aquatic Adephaga (Coleoptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark 1. Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, Hygrobiidae and Noteridae (Fauna Ent. Scand. 20)
S19267: Holmer, L.E. - Middle Ordovovician Phosphatic Inarticulate Brachiopods from Västergötland and Dalarna, SwedenSweden
S60446: Holmes, A. - Principles of Physical Geology
N26832: Holmes, N.; Raven, P.Holmes, N.; Raven, P. - Rivers
S5498: Holmes, T.V.; Sherborn, C.D. (Eds) - Geologists' Association. A Record of Excursions made between 1860 and 1890
S35307: Holmes, S. - Outline of Plant Classification
S58348: Holmquist, C. - Problems on Marine-Glacial Relicts on Account of Investigations on the Genus Mysis
S3559: Holsinger, J.R. - Systematics, Speciation, and Distribution of the Subterranean Amphipod Genus Stygonectes (Gammaridae)
S42480: Holsinger, J.R. - Systematics of the Subterranean Amphipod Genus Stygobromus (Gammaridae) [(Crangonyctidae)] Pt. I-II
R34818: Holsinger, J.R. - Systematics, Speciation, and Distribution of the Subterranean Amphipod Genus Stygonectes (Gammaridae)
S49016: Holst, K.T. - The Saltatoria (Bush-crickets, crickets and grasshoppers) of Northern Europe (Fauna ent. scand. 16)
S47876: Holst, K.T. - The Saltatoria (Bush-crickets, crickets and grasshoppers) of Northern Europe (Fauna ent. scand. 16)
N2059: Holst, K.T. - The Saltatoria (Bush-crickets, crickets and grasshoppers) of Northern Europe (Fauna ent. scand. 16)
S13867: Holstein, M.H. - Biologie d'Anopheles Gambiae: Recherches en Afrique-Occidentale Francaise
N9304: Holston, K.C.; Erwin, E.I. - Revision of the Nearctic Thereva (Diptera, Asiloidea: Therevidae) Studia Dipterologica Supplement 13
S50852: Holt, V.M. - Why not Eat Insects?
S39390: Holthuis, L.B. - A General Revision of the Palaemonidae (Crustacea Decapoda Natantia) of the Americas. I. The Subfamilies Euryrhynchinae and Pontoniinae; II. The Subfamily Palaemoninae
S41012: Holthuis, L.B. - The Crustacea Decapoda of Suriname (Dutch Guiana)
S39389: Holthuis, L.B. - The Recent Genera of the Caridean and Stenopodidean Shrimps (Crustacea, Decapoda, Natantia) with Keys for their Determination
S43660: Holthuis, L.B. - Caridean Shrimps found in Land-Locked Saltwater Pools at four Indo-West Pacific Localities (Sinai Peninsula, Funafuti Atoll, Maui and Hawaii Islands), with the description of one new genus and four new species
S47134: Holthuis, L.B. - Crustaceorum Catalogus Pars 1. Stomatopoda I: Fam. Lysiosquillidae et Bathysquillidae
S43656: Holthuis, L.B. - Notes on the Localities, Habitats, Biology, colour and vernacular names of New Guinea Freshwater Crabs (Crustacea Decapoda, Sundathelphusidae)
S38101: Holthuis, L.B. - The Decapoda of the Siboga Expedition. Pt. X-XI: Palaemonidae (Siboga Expeditie XXXIXa9/10)
S43658: Holthuis, L.B. - A Collection of Decapod Crustacea from Sumba, Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia
S43659: Holthuis, L.B. - Cavernicolous and Terrestrial Decapod Crustacea from Northern Sarawak, Borneo
S21082: Holthuis, L.B. - Fauna van Nederland XV. Decapoda (K IX) A. Natantia, Macrura Reptantia, Anomura en Stomatopoda (K X)
S44510: Holthuis, L.B. - The Caridean Crustacea of Tropical West Africa
N43680: Holyoak, D.T. - European Bryaceae: A guide to the species of the moss family Bryaceae in Western & Central Europe and Macaronesia
S51151: Hölzel, E. - Aus der Tierwelt Kärntens: In Kärnten entdeckte Arthropoden
S32449: Holzinger, W.E. - Zikaden - Leafhoppers, Planthoppers and Cicadas (Insecta: Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha): Denisia 4
N39875: Holzschuh, C.; Bentanachs, J. et al - Les Cahiers Magellanes NS no. 33:
S48568: Homes, R.C. et al - The Birds of the London Area (New Naturalist Monograph 14)
R27074: Honey, M.R.; Scoble, M.J. - Linnaeus's Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea)
R40198: Honey, M.R.; Scoble, M.J. - Linnaeus's Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea)
S30527: Honeywell, R.A.; Honeywell, G.E. - Birds of the Batinah of Oman
S57501: Hong Kong Bird Watching Society; Chan Kai Tai; Fan, Sophie (Eds) - A Photographic Guide to the Birds of Hong Kong [????????]
S29940: Hood, J. - Marked for Misfortune: An Epic Tale of Shipwreck, Human Endeavour and Survival in the Age of Sail
S26050: Hoogstraal, H. - Bibliography of Ticks and Tickborne Diseases. Vol. 8
A31275: Hooker, W.J. - Flora Scotica; or A Description of Scottish Plants, Arranged Both According to the Artificial and Natural Methods
A47194: Hooker, W.J. - Niger Flora; or an enumeration of the plants of western tropical Africa, collected by the late Dr. Theodore Vogel, botanist to the voyage of the expedition sent by Her Britannic Majesty to the River Niger in 1841, under the command of Capt. H.D. Trotter,
S30694: Hooker, W.J.; Baker, J.G. - Synopsis Filicum; or, A Synopsis of all known Ferns
S26069: Hooker, C.W. - Ichneumon Flies of America belonging to the Tribe Ophionini
R54969: Hooper, E.T. - A Systematic Review of Harvest Mice (Genus Reithrodontomys) of Latin America
S38783: Hope, F.W. - A Catalogue of the Lucanoid Coleoptera: In the Collection of the Rev. F. W. Hope, Together with Descriptions of the New Species Therein Contained
R41029: Hope, F.W. - Descriptions of some Nondescript Insects from Assam, chiefly collected by William Griffith, Esq., F.L.S., Assistant-Surgeon in the Madras Medical Service, and attached to the late Scientific Mission to Assam
A59344: Hope, F.W. - The Coleopterist's Manual, containing the Lamellicorn Insects of Linneus and Fabricius. [Part I]
S52823: Hopkin, S. - Biology of the Springtails (Insecta: Collembola)
S47413: Hopkin, S. - A Key to the Woodlice of Britain and Ireland
S60715: Hopkin, S. - A Key to the Woodlice of Britain and Ireland
N9354: Hopkin, S. - The Woodlouse Name Trail (Identification Chart)
N12544: Hopkin, S.P. - A Key to the Collembola (Springtails) of Britain and Ireland
N581: Hopkin, S. - A Key to the Woodlice of Britain and Ireland
S16066: Hopkins, G.H.E. - Insects of Samoa Pt III. Lepidoptera: Fasc. 1. Butterflies of Samoa and some neighbouring island-groups
S8306: Hopkins, G.H.E.; Clay, T. - A Check List of the Genera & Species of Mallophaga
S6420: Hopkins, G.H.E. - Mosquitoes of the Ethiopian Region Part 1: Larval Bionomics of Mosquitoes and Taxonomy of Culicine Larvae
S142: Hopkinson, J. - A Bibliography of the Tunicata 1469-1910
P34960: Hopkinson, J. (Ed) - Transactions of the Herfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club. Vol. I
S1669: Hopkinson, J. - A Bibliography of the Tunicata 1469-1910
S39954: Hopkirk, J.D. - Endemism in Fishes of the Clear Lake Region of Central California
S32174: Hora, F.B. - A Field Key to Four Hundred Common Mushrooms and Toadstools
S44277: Horder, M. - In Praise of Cambridge: An Anthology for Friends
S58051: Horenstein, S. - Familiar Fossils North America (The Audubon Society Pocket Guides)
S33768: Horenstein, H. - Animalia
S36442: Horie, S. (Ed.) - Lake Biwa
S10790: Horie, S. (Ed.) - Paleolimnology of Lake Biwa and the Japanese Pleistocene (Volume 3)
S54032: Hornbuckle, J.; Herringshaw, D. - Birds of the Sheffield Area Including the North-East Peak District
S13666: Horne, J.E.M.; Horne, D.M. - Lake District Waters: An Index and Bibliography of Scientific Research
S40130: Horne, J.E.M.; Horne, D.M. - Lake District Waters: An Index and Bibliography of Scientific Research
N6750: Horowitz, A.R.; Ishaaya, I. (Eds) - Insect Pest Management: Field and Protected Crops
S38335: Horsfield, Thomas - Zoological Researches in Java, and the Neighbouring Islands
S44464: Horsfield, D.; MacGowan, I. - An Assessment of the Distribution and Status of Montane Brachycera (Diptera) in Scotland
S38918: Horsley, Rev. Canon J.W. - Our British Snails
S13680: Horton, G.A.N. - Monmouthshire Lepidoptera: The Butterflies and Moths of Gwent
S45738: Horton, G.A.N. - Monmouthshire Lepidoptera: The Butterflies and Moths of Gwent
N3562: Horton, G.A.N. - Monmouthshire Lepidoptera: The Butterflies and Moths of Gwent
S50769: Horwich, R.H.; Lyon, J. - A Belizean Rain Forest: The Community Baboon Sanctuary
S21472: Hoser, R.T. - Australian Reptiles and Frogs
S4985: Hosie, G.W. - Mulivariate analyses of the macrozooplankton community and euphausiid larval ecology in the Prydz Bay region, Antarctica
S53479: Hosking, D.; Flegg, J.; Hosking, E. - Eric Hosking's Classic Birds: 60 Years of Bird photography
N30615: Hotchkiss, A.; Harper, L. (Illus) - Ancient Woodland indicator Plants (Identification Chart)
S35055: Hotchkiss, N. - Common Marsh, Underwater and Floating-leaved Plants of the United States and Canada
S31770: Hottes, F.C.; Frison, T.H. - The Plant Lice, or Aphiidae, of Illinois
S59342: Houard, C. - Les Zoocécidies du Nord de l'Afrique
A35930: Houghton, W. - British Fresh-water Fishes
S58308: Houghton, W. - British Fresh-Water Fishes
S53629: Houghton, W. - Sketches of British Insects: A Handbook for Beginners in the Study of Entomology
S43081: Houghton, W. - Sketches of British Insects
S9867: Houghton, W. - British Fresh-Water Fishes
S14658: Houghton, W. - British Fresh-water Fishes
S37615: Houlbert, C. - Les Coléoptères d'Europe France et Régions voisines. Tome II
S28960: House of Lords, Select Committee on Science and Technology - What on Earth? The Threat to the Science Underpinning Conservation
S36579: House, J. - Landscapes of France: Impressionism and its rivals
S43410: House, M.R. - The Origin of Major Invertebrate Groups
N37647: Houston, T. - A Guide to Native Bees of Australia
S11723: Houtman, T.J. - Water Masses and Fronts in the Southern Ocean south of New Zealand
P37041: Hovanitz, W. (Ed.) - The Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera. Vol. 10(1)-11(3)
S12662: Hovel, H. - The Birds of Israel with Sinai an Annotated Check-list
S23344: Hovenkamp, P. (Ed.) - Systematics and evolution: a matter of diversity
S55824: Howard, C.; Brunton, C.; Curry, G.B. - British Brachiopods (Synopses of the British Fauna 17)
S25202: Howard, C.; Brunton, C.; Cocks, L.R.M.; Long, S.L. (Eds) - Brachiopods Past and Present
S58131: Howard, J.A. - Aerial Photo-Ecology
N39050: Howard, J. - The Wildlife Pond Book:Create Your Own Pond Paradise for Wildlife
S42523: Howard, J. - Practical Observations on the Natural History and Cure of Venereal Disease. Vol. I-II
N38322: Howard, J. - RSPB Spotlight Frogs and Toads
N40835: Howard, J. - RSPB Spotlight Snakes
S57414: Howard, F.W.; Moore, D.; Giblin-Davis, R.M.; Abad, R.G. - Insects on Palms
S48937: Howarth, T.G. - South's British Butterflies
S20457: Howarth, M.K. - Cenomanian and Turonian Ammonites from the Novo Redondo area, Angola
S55055: Howarth, T.G. - Colour Identification Guide to British Butterflies
S31853: Howarth, T.G. - South's British Butterflies
S20345: Howarth, M.K. - The Shell Structure of the Liassic Ammonite Family Dactylioceratidae
S35768: Howarth, T.G. - Colour Identification Guide to British Butterflies
S38250: Howarth, T.G. - Colour Identification Guide to British Butterflies
S48228: Howarth, T.G. - Colour Identification Guide to Butterflies of the British Isles
S8183: Howarth, T.G. - A List of the Type-specimens of Ornithoptera (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in the British Museum (Natural History)
S30132: Howarth, T.G. - South's British Butterflies
S35716: Howarth, T.G. - Colour Identification Guide to Butterflies of the British Isles
S35486: Howe, W.H. (Ed.) - The Butterflies of North America
S48368: Howe, H.F.; Westley, L.C. - Ecological Relationships of Plants and Animals
S57876: Howell, C.; Bourlière, F. (Eds) - African Ecology and Human Evolution
N52977: Howell, S.N.G.; Dyer, D. - Birds of Belize
S38021: Howell, P.; Lock, M.; Cobb, S. (Eds) - The Jonglei Canal: Impact and Opportunity
N39401: Howell, S.N.G.; Zufelt, K. - Oceanic Birds of the World
S54028: Howells, Roscoe - Cliffs of Freedom: The story of Skomer Island, and of Reuben Codd, the last man to farm it
S19715: Hower, R.O. - The Freeze-Dry Preservation of Biological Specimens
S42299: Howes, G.J. - Review of the anatomy, taxonomy, phylogeny and biogeography of the african neoboline cyprinid fishes
S7950: Howes, G.J. - The phylogenetic position of the Yugoslavian cyprinid fish genus Autopyge Heckel, 1841, with an appraisal of the genus Barbus Cuvier & Cloquet, 1816 and the subfamily Cyprininae
S22001: Howes, C. - Red in Tooth and Claw. Pt. 1: Studies on the History of the Wild Cat Felis silvestris Schr. in Yorkshire. Pt. 2: Studies on the Natural History of the Domestic Cat Felis catus Lin. in Yorkshire.
S17461: Howes, F.N. - A Dictionary of Useful and Everday Plants and their Common Names
S52772: Howkins, C. - Heathland Harvest: The Uses of Heathland Plants throughout the Ages
S20538: Howlett, P.J. - Late Jurassic-early Cretaceous Cephalopods of Eastern Alexander Island, Antarctica Special Papers in Palaeontology 41
N50971: Howse, P.E. - The Spider Winged Cupid and the Platypus
N50959: Howse, P.E. - Vicar of the Amazon: The Reverend Arthur Miles Moss - In the Footsteps of Alfred Russel Wallace and Henry Walter Bates
N21423: Howse, P.; Wolfe, K. - Giant Silkmoths: Colour, Mimicry and Camouflage
S44297: Howse, P.E.; Clement, J.-L. (Eds) - Biosystematics of Social Insects
N7414: Hoy, R.R.; Popper, A.N.; Fay, R.R. (Eds) - Comparative Hearing: Insects
N35139: Hoyland, G. - Yeti: An Abominable History
S45528: Hoyle, F.; Wickramasinghe, C. - Space travellers: the bringers of life
S41656: Hoyle, G. - Muscles and their Neural Control
P60588: Hoyle, W.E. (Ed.) - The Journal of Conchology; Vol. IX
S47311: Hoyt, E.; Schultz, T. - Insect Lives: Stories of Mystery and Romance from a Hidden World
S11524: Hrdy, I. (Ed.) - The Ontogeny of Insects: Acta symposii de evolutione insectorum, Praha 1959
S46480: Hrdy, S.B. - The Langurs of Abu: Female and Male Strategies of Reproduction
S52395: Hruby, K. - Prodromus Lepidopter Slovenska. Prodromus Lepidopterorum Slovaciae
N49505: Hsu, Y.F.; Huang, C.L.; Liang, J.Y.; Shen, Z.Y. - Butterfly Fauna of Taiwan. Vol. 5: Nymphalidae (Text & Plates)
S10910: Hsu, Y.F.; Powell, J.A. - Phylogenetic Relationships within Heliodinidae and Systematics of Moths formerly assigned to Heliodines Stainton (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutoidea)
S53483: Hsu, Y.F.; Huang, C.L.; Liang, J.Y. - Butterfly Fauna of Taiwan. Vol. 3: Hesperidae
N45381: Hsu, Y.F.; Huang, C.L.; Liang, J.Y. - Butterfly Fauna of Taiwan. Vol. 4: Lycaenidae
N37770: Hsu, Y.F.; Huang, C.L.; Liang, J.Y. - Butterfly Fauna of Taiwan. Vol. 3: Hesperidae
N35203: Hsu, Y.F.; Huang, C.L.; Liang, J.Y. - Butterfly Fauna of Taiwan. Vol. 2: Pieridae
N35201: Hsu, Y.F.; Huang, C.L.; Liang, J.Y. - Butterfly Fauna of Taiwan. Vol. 1: Papilionidae
N9586: Huang, Dawai; Xiao, Hui - Hymenoptera Pteromalidae Fauna Sinica Insecta 42
S59324: Huang, Hao; Chen, Chang Chin - Stag Beetles of China III
R32559: Huang, Yiau-Min - The Subgenus Stegomyia of Aedes in the Afrotropical Region. II. The Dendrophilus Group of Species (Diptera: Culicidae)
S42814: Hubault, E. - Le Lac de Lispach dans les Vosges: Un lac acide de montagnes anciennes
S38297: Hubbard, M.D. - Mayflies of the World: A Catalogue of the Family and Genus Group Taxa (Insecta: Ephemeroptera)
S53849: Hubble, D. - Keys to the adults of seed and leaf beetles of Britain and Ireland
N32776: Hubble, D. - Leaf beetles (Naturalists' Handbooks 34)
S52994: Hubble, D. - Keys to the adults of seed and leaf beetles of Britain and Ireland
N23534: Hubble, D. - Keys to the adults of seed and leaf beetles of Britain and Ireland
S41915: Hubbs, C.L.; Lagler, K.F. - Fishes of the Great Lakes Region
S39646: Hubbs, C.L. (Ed.) - Zoogeography
S43661: Hubendick, B. - Studies on Ancylidae: the subgroups
S43662: Hubendick, B. - Studies on Ancylidae: the subgroups
S35022: Hubendick, B. - Pylogeny in the Planorbidae
S43678: Hubendick, B. - Studies on Ancylidae: the Australian, Pacific and Neotropical formgroups
S43679: Hubendick, B. - Studies on Ancylidae: the Palearctic and Oriental Species and Formgroups
S39361: Hubendick, B. - Studies on Venezuelan Planorbidae
S37992: Huber, Francis - Observations on the Natural History of Bees (Huber's Natural History of the Honey Bee)
S36457: Huber, G. - Monographische Studien im Gebiete der Montigglerseen (Südtirol) mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Biologie
S58185: Huc, Regis-Evariste - Lamas of the Western Heavens
N6116: Huchet, J.-B. - Insecta Coleoptera Chironidae (Faune de Madagascar 90)
R58095: Huckett, H.C. - A Revision of the North American Species belonging to the Genus Pegomyia (Diptera: Muscidae)
S49052: Huckett, H.C. - The Muscidae of Northern Canada, Alaska and Greenland (Diptera)
R58094: Huckett, H.C. - New Species of Anthomyiidae and Muscidae from California (Diptera)
S34696: Huckett, H.C. - The Muscidae of California: Exclusive of Subfamilies Muscinae and Stomoxyinae
S26166: Huckett, H.C. - The Muscidae of California Exclusive of Subfamilies Muscinae and Stomoxyinae
R58096: Huckett, H.C. - The Anthomyiidae of California: Exclusive of Subfamily Scatophanginae
S41525: Huckriede, R. - Molluskenfaunen mit limnischen und brackischen Elementen aus Jura, Serpulit und Wealden NW-Deutschlands und ihre paläogeographische Bedeutung
S28100: Huddleston, T. - The Palaearctic species of Ascogaster (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)
S56905: Hudson, W.H. - Nature in Downland
S52699: Hudson, W.H. - British Birds
S41267: Hudson, W.H. - The Naturalist in La Plata
S23155: Hudson, W.H. - Afoot in England
S41861: Hudson-Edwards, K.; Savage, K.; Jamieson, H.; Taylor, K.; Martin, R.F. - Minerals in Contaminated Environments: Characterization, Stability, Impact
S53891: Hudson, W.H. - The Bird Biographies of W.H. Hudson
S37469: Hudson, W.H.; Reumaux, P. - Venins
S55175: Hudson, W.H. - Birds in London
S7979: Huemer, P. - A Taxonomic Revision of Caryocolum (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)
N15160: Huemer, P.; Karsholt, O. - Gelechiidae 2 Microlepidoptera of Europe 6
S16378: Huet, E.L.L. - Nouvelles Recherches sur les Crustacés Isopodes
S59743: Hughes, R. Elwyn - Alfred Russel Wallace: Some notes on the Welsh Connection
S37642: Hughes, N. - Maya Monuments
S44810: Hughes, A.M. - The Mites of Stored Food
S44809: Hughes, T.E. - Mites, or the Acari
S39096: Hughes, A.M. - Mites Associated with Stored Food Products
S30546: Hughes, R. - Fatal Shore: A History of the Transportation of Convicts to Australia, 1787-1868
S25790: Hughes, N.F. - Organisms and Continents Through Time: Methods of Assessing Relationships between Past and Present Biologic Distributions and the Positions of Continents
N42318: Hugonnot, V.; Chavoutier, L.; Pépin, F.; Vergne, T. - Les bryophytes des Pyrénées-Orientales
N37251: Hukuda, H.; Minotani, N. - Neptis pryeri group of Japan and the World
N37454: Hulbert-Powell, C. - The Walnut Tree
A18487: Hulbert, C. - Museum Americanum; or, Select Antiquities, Curiosities, Beauties and Varieties of Nature and Art in America
S57520: Hull, F.M. - The Morphology and Inter-relationship of the Genera of Syrphid Flies, Recent and Fossil
S18504: Hull, F.M. - The Morphology and Inter-relationship of the Genera of Syrphid Flies, Recent and Fossil
S57850: Hull, F.M. - Robber Flies of the World: The Genera of the Family Asilidae. (Pt 1-2)
S56094: Hull, F.M. - Bee Flies of the World: The Genera of the Family Bombyliidae
S55259: Hull, R. - Scottish Birds Culture and Tradition
S25582: Hull, D.L. - Science as a Process:An Evolutionary Account of the Social and Conceptual Development of Science
S57860: Hull, F.M. - Bee Flies of the World: The Genera of the Family Bombyliidae
S43411: Hull, F.M. - Robber Flies of the World: The Genera of the Family Asilidae. (Pt 1-2)
S49219: Hulme, F.E.; Hibberd, S. - Familiar Garden Flowers. Ser. 1-2
S40207: Hulth, J.M. - Bibliographia Linnaeana: Mate´riaux pour servir à une bibliographie linne´enne. Partie I - Livraison I
S47563: Hulton, P.; Hepper, F.N.; Friis, I. - Luigi Balugani's Drawings of African Plants: from the collection made by James Bruce of Kinnaird on his travels to discover the source of the Nile 1767-1773
N41140: Hume, R.; Still, R.; Swash, A.; Harrop, H.; Tipling, D. - Britain's Birds: An Identification Guide to the Birds of Britain and Ireland
S56018: Hume, R.; Still, R.; Swash, A.; Harrop, H.; Tipling, D. - Britain's Birds: An Identification Guide to the Birds of Britain and Ireland
S40345: Hume, W.F.; Madgwick, T.G.; Moon, F.W.; Sadek, H. - Preliminary Geological Report on Gebel Nezzazat (Western Sinai) …. Gebel Tanka Area …. the Quseir-Safaga District, particularly the Wadi Mureikha Area …. the Abu Shaar el Qubli (Black Hill) District …. South Zeit Area …. Ras Dib Area
S50463: Hume, G.S. - Oil and Gas in Western Canada
S30610: Hume, W.F. - Geology of Egypt Vol. II. The Fundamental Pre-Cambrian Rocks of Egypt and the Sudan; their Distribution Age and Character. Pt I. The Metamorphic Rocks
S50462: Hume, G.S. - Oil and gas in Western Canada
S44337: Hume, G.S. - Oil and Gas in Eastern Canada
S56870: Hume, R.; Pearson, B. (Illus) - Seabirds (Hamlyn Bird Behaviour Guides)
N39397: Hume, R.; Still, R.; Swash, A.; Harrop, H.; Tipling, D. - British Birds: A Pocket Guide
S34710: Humes, A.G.; Stock, J.H. - A Revision of the Family Lichomolgidae Kossmann, 1877, Cyclopoid Copepods Mainly Associated with Marine Invertebrates
R57019: Humes, A.G. - The Morphology, Taxonomy, and Bionomics of the Nemertean genus Carcinonemertes
R58608: Humes, A.G. - Lichomolgid Copepods (Cyclopoida) Associated with Corals in Madagascar
S56814: Humes, A.G.; Ho, J.-S. - New Species of Stellicola (Copedopa, Clyclopoida) associated with Starfishes in Madagascar, with a Redescription of S. caeruleus (Stebbing, 1900)
S44767: Humphreys, A.L. - Antique Maps and Charts
A32567: Humphreys, H.N. - The Butterfly Vivarium; or Insect Home: being an account of a new method of observing the curious metamorphoses of some of the most beautiful of our native insects
A39827: Humphreys, H.N. - The Genera of British Moths
A60620: Humphreys, H.N. - The Genera of British Moths. Vol. I-II
S52167: Humphreys, Jennett - Insect Ways on Summer Days: in Garden, Forest, Field, and Stream
S53639: Humphreys, Jennett - Insect Ways on Summer Days: in Garden, Forest, Field, and Stream
A43722: Humphreys, H.N.; Westwood, J.O. - British Butterflies and their Transformations [with] British Moths and their Transformations. Vol. I-II
S50009: Humphreys, P.; Kahrom, E. - The Lion and the Gazelle: The Mammals and Birds of Iran
N46975: Humphreys, H. - Field Study: Meditations on a Year at the Herbarium
N43297: Humphries, D.; Wright, C. - Fungi on Trees: A photographic reference
S54834: Humphries, C.J.; Parenti, L.R. - Cladistic Biogeography:
S23763: Humphries, C.J. - A Revision of the genus Anacyclus L. (Compositae: Anthemideae)
S23762: Humphries, C.J. - A Revision of the genus Anacyclus L. (Compositae: Anthemideae)
S60595: Humphries, C.J.; Parenti, L.R. - Cladistic Biogeography: Interpreting Patterns of Plant and Animal Distributions
S25798: Humphries, C.J.; Jury, S.L.; Richardson, I.B.K. - Botanical Expedition to Morocco 1974
S23764: Humphries, C.J. - A Revision of the Macaronesian Genus Argyranthemum Webb ex Schultz BIP. (Compositae-Anthemideae)
A39922: Humphry, George Murray - A Treatise on the Human Skeleton (Including the Joints)
A57392: Humphry, George Murray - Observations in Myology, including the myology of Cryptobranch, Lepidosiren, dog-fish, Ceratodus and Pseudopus pallasii, with the nerves of Cryptobranch and Lepidosiren and the disposition of muscles in vertebrate animals
S58277: Hungerford, H.B.; Matsuda, R. - Keys to Subfamilies, Tribes, Genera and Subgenera of the Gerridae of the World / Morphology, Evolution and a Classification of the Gerridae (Hemiptera Heteroptera)
S58258: Hungerford, H.B. - The Corixidae of the Western Hemisphere (Hemiptera)
S380: Hunt, P.F.; Grierson, M. - The Country Life Book of Orchids
N46758: Hunter, L. - The Flower Hunter: Seasonal Flowers Inspired by Nature and Gathered from the Garden
S54059: Hunter, Douglas G.; Adams, John (Ed.) - Bird Notes in Angus and the Far North
S59806: Hunter, M. (Ed.); Kahr, B.; Clay, J.; Figlio, K.; Cantor, G.; Higginson, I.; Smith, C. - Psychoanalysing Robert Boyle
S59442: Hunter, L. - Domestic Pests: What they are and How to Remove them
N36712: Hunter, L. - Field Guide to Carnivores of the World
S38989: Huntford, R. (Ed.); Summers, J.; Rowley, D. - The Shackleton Voyages: A Pictorial Anthology of the Polar Explorer and Edwardian Hero
S23127: Huntley, B.J. (Ed.) - Botanical Diversity in Southern Africa
S41369: de la Hunty, L.E. - The Geology of the Manganese Deposits of Western Australia
R52418: Hurd, P.D.; Linsley, E.G.; Michelbacher, A.E. - Ecology of the Squash and Gourd Bee Peponapis pruinosa, on cultivated Cucurbits in California (Hymonoptera, Apoidea)
S60727: Hurd, P.D.; Linsley, E.G. - Principal Larrea Bees of the Southwestern United States (Hymenoptera: Apoidea)
S60729: Hurd, P.D.; LaBerge, W.E.; Linsley, E.G. - Principal Sunflower Bees of North America with Emphasis on the Southwestern United States (Hymenoptera: Apoidea)
R37825: Hurd, P.D.; Linsley, E.G. - Bee family Oxaeidae with a revision of the North American species (Hymenoptera: Apoidea)
S53244: Hurd, P.D.; LaBerge, W.E.; Linsley, E.G. - Principal Sunflower Bees of North America with Emphasis on the Southwestern United States (Hymenoptera: Apoidea)
S58765: Hurd, P.D.; Linsley, E.G.; Michelbacher, A.E. - Ecology of the Squash and Gourd Bees - Genera Peponapis Robertson and Xenoglossa Smith - Inhabiting American North of Mexico (Hymonoptera, Apoidea)
S43687: Hurley, D.E.; Jansen, K.P. - The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Family Sphaeromatidae (Crustacea Isopoda; Flabellifera)
R58332: Hurley, D.E. - Amphipoda of the family Lysianassidae from the west coast of north and central Africa
S40062: Hurliman, M. - Spain
S43575: Hürlimann, H. - Zur Lebensgeschichte des Schilfs an den Ufern der Schweizer Seen
S56981: Hürlimann, M.; Meyer, P. - English Cathedrals
S60565: Hürlimann, B. - Three Centuries of Children's Books in Europe
S20177: Hurst, C.H. - The Pupal Stage of Culex
S31797: Husch, B. - Forest Mensuration and Statistics
R18687: Hustache, A. - Extrait de la Mission Rohan-Chabot Angola et Rhodesia (1912-1914): Coléoptères Curculionidae
S50742: Hutchings, M.R.; Harris, S. - The current status of the brown hare (Lepus Europaeus) in Britain
S39492: Hutchinson, Sir J.; Bunting, A.H.; Jolly, A.R.; Pereira, H.C. (Eds) - Resource Development in Semi-Arid Lands
S11459: Hutchinson, J.; Dalziel, J.M. - Flora of West Tropical Africa: The British West African colonies, British Cameroons, the French and Portuguese colonies south of the Tropic of Cancer to Lake Chad, and Fernando Po
S44509: Hutchinson, J. - A Contribution to the Limnology of Arid Regions
S58280: Hutchinson, C. - Watching Birds in Ireland: A Guide to the best places to watch birds in Ireland
S427: Hutchinson, J. - The Genera of Flowering Plants (Angospermae) based principally on the Genera Plantarium of G.Bentham and J.D.Hooker. Vol. 1 Dicotyledones
S58506: Hutchinson, C.D. - Birds in Ireland
S47193: Hutchinson, J.; Dalziel, J.M.; Alston, A.H.G. - Flora of West Tropical Africa. Vol. I-III [with] Supplement
S47887: Hutchinson, G.; Thomas, B.A. - Welsh Ferns, Clubmosses, Quillworts and Horsetails: A descriptive Handbook
S52936: Hutson, A.M. - Keds, Flat-Flies and Bat-Flies (Diptera, Hippoboscidae and Nycteribiidae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10/7)
S56171: Hutson, A.M. - A Revision of the Families Synneuridae and Canthyloscelidae (Diptera)
S59502: Hutson, A.M.; Ackland, D.M.; Kidd, L.N. - Mycetophilidae (Bolitophilinae, Ditomyiinae, Keroplatinae, Sciophilinae and Manotinae): Diptera, Nematocera (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 9/3)
S52942: Hutson, A.M.; Ackland, D.M.; Kidd, L.N. - Mycetophilidae (Bolitophilinae, Ditomyiinae, Keroplatinae, Sciophilinae and Manotinae): Diptera, Nematocera (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 9/3)
S56845: Hutson, A.M. - Keds, Flat-Flies and Bat-Flies (Diptera, Hippoboscidae and Nycteribiidae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10/7)
S56819: Hutson, A.M.; Ackland, D.M.; Kidd, L.N. - Mycetophilidae (Bolitophilinae, Ditomyiinae, Keroplatinae, Sciophilinae and Manotinae): Diptera, Nematocera (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 9/3)
S5452: Hutt, J.E. - The Llandovery Graptolites of the English Lake District
S58689: Hutton, James - The 1785 Abstract of James Hutton's Theory of the Earth
S1788: Hutton, F.W. - Index Faunae Novae Zealandiae
S41354: Hutton, F.W. - Darwinism and Lamarckism: Old and New
S59039: Huxley, T.H. - On the Origin of Species or, the Causes of the Phenomena of Organic Nature
S44289: Huxley, T.H.; Huxley J. (Ed.) - T.H. Huxley's Diary of the Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake
S49073: Huxley, J. - Evolution: The Modern Synthesis
S49074: Huxley, J. (Ed.) - The New Systematics
S44069: Huxley, Elspeth - East Africa
S15416: Huxley, A.; Taylor, W. - Flowers of Greece and the Aegean
S59555: Huxley, T. - Provisional Atlas of the British aquatic Bugs (Hemiptera, Heteroptera)
S53538: Huxley, J. - Bird-Watching and Bird Behaviour
S54898: Huxley, J. (Ed.) - The New Systematics
S57932: Huxley, E. - The Flame Trees of Thika: Memories of an African Childhood
S56012: Huxley, J. (Ed.) - The New Systematics
S42843: Huxley, Elspeth - Nellie: Letters from Africa
S53746: Huxley, J.S. - The Stream of Life
S48824: Huxley, T. - Provisional Atlas of the British aquatic Bugs (Hemiptera, Heteroptera)
S42834: Huxley, Juliette - Wild Lives of Africa
S13274: Huxley, T.H. - Physiography: An Introduction to the Study of Nature
S53598: Huxley, J. - Evolution: The Modern Synthesis
S34209: Huxley, J. - Evolution in Action: Based on the Patten Foundation Lectures Delivered at Indiana University in 1951
S42844: Huxley, Elspeth - Sorcerer's Apprentice: a Journey through Africa
A44287: Huxley, T.H. - A Manual of the Anatomy of Invertebrated Animals
S23803: Huxley, L. - Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
S44292: Huxley, T.H. - Introductory (Science Primers)
S44293: Huxley, T.H. - Essays upon some Controverted Questions
S48329: Huxley, T.H. - Darwiniana (Collected Essays Vol. II)
S44286: Huxley, J. (Ed.) - The New Systematics
S57652: Huxley, Elspeth - Forks and Hope: An African Notebook
S44226: Huxley, J. (Ed.) - The New Systematics
A42632: Huxley, T.H. - The Crayfish: An Introduction to the Study of Zoology
S33982: Huxley, A. - Mountain Flowers in Colour (Mountain Flowers of Europe)
S52712: Huxley, T. - Provisional Atlas of the British aquatic Bugs (Hemiptera, Heteroptera)
S51346: Huys, R.; Boxshall, G.A. - Copepod Evolution
S39047: Huys, R.; Boxshall, G.A. - Copepod Evolution
S27944: Huys, R.; Boxshall, G.A. - Copepod Evolution
S33137: Huzel, J.P. - The Popularization of Malthus in Early Nineteenth Century England: Martineau, Cobbett and the Pauper Press
S29498: Hyams, E. - Capability Brown and Humphry Repton
S44738: Hyatt, K.H. - Mites of the genus Holoparasitus Oudemans, 1936 (Mesostigmata: Parasitidae) in the British Isles
S44739: Hyatt, K.H. - Mites of the genus Holoparasitus Oudemans, 1936 (Mesostigmata: Parasitidae) in the British Isles
S31383: Hyatt, A. - Genesis of the Arietidae
S44728: Hyatt, K.H. - Mites of the subfamily Parasitinae (Mesostigmata: Parasitidae) in the British Isles
S44731: Hyatt, K.H. - A Collection of Mesostigmata (Acari) associated with Coleoptera and Hemiptera in Venezuela
S44735: Hyatt, K.H.; Emberson, R.M. - A review of the Macrochelidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) of the British Isles
S44736: Hyatt, K.H.; Emberson, R.M. - A review of the Macrochelidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) of the British Isles
S44737: Hyatt, K.H. - Mites of the subfamily Parasitinae (Mesostigmata: Parasitidae) in the British Isles
S35696: Hyde, G.E. - Butterflies (Town and Country)
S45814: Hyde, G.E. - A Pocket-Book of British Moths
S50279: Hyde, P.; Harrington, D. - Faversham Oyster Fishery Through Eleven Centuries
S32450: Hyde, H.A. - Welsh Timber Trees: Native and Introduced
S56318: Hyde, G.E. - Butterflies in Britain
S20279: Hyde, H.A.; Wade, A.E.; Harrison, S.G. - Welsh Ferns, Clubmosses, Quillworts and Horsetails: A descriptive Handbook
N12111: Hyden, N. - Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae-Lymantriidae: Fjarilar: Adelspinnare-tofsspinnare (Nationalnyckeln till Sveriges Flora och Fauna)
R50854: Hylander, N.; Jorstad, I.; Nannfeldt - Enumeratio Uredinearum Scandinavicarum
S45435: Hyman, P.S.; Parsons, M.S. - A review of the scarce and threatened Coleoptera of Great Britain. Pts 1+2
S55721: Hyman, L.H. - The Invertebrates. Vol. III: Acanthocephala, Aschelminthes and Entoprocta. The Pseudocoelomate Bilateria
S55720: Hyman, L.H. - The Invertebrates. Vol. I: Protozoa through Ctenophora
S35999: Hyman, S. - Edward Lear's Birds
S49966: Hyman, P.S.; Parsons, M.S. - A review of the scarce and threatened Coleoptera of Great Britain. Pts 1+2
S52618: Hyman, P.S.; Parsons, M.S. - A review of the scarce and threatened Coleoptera of Great Britain. Pts 1+2
S54001: Hyman, P.S.; Parsons, M.S. - A review of the scarce and threatened Coleoptera of Great Britain. Part 1
S52827: Hyman, P.S.; Parsons, M.S. - A review of the scarce and threatened Coleoptera of Great Britain. Pts 1+2
S41129: Hynek, R.W. - The True Likeness
S30678: Hynes, H.B.N.; Macan, T.T.; Williams, W.D. - A Key to the British Species of Crustacea: Malacostraca occurring in Freshwater: with notes on their Ecology and Distribution
R40193: Hynes, H.B.N. - The British Taeniopterygidae (Plecoptera)
S39273: Hynes, H.B.N.; Macan, T.T.; Williams, W.D. - A Key to the British Species of Crustacea: Malacostraca occurring in Freshwater: with notes on their Ecology and Distribution
S26613: Hynes, H.B.N.; Macan, T.T.; Williams, W.D. - A Key to the British Species of Crustacea: Malacostraca occurring in Freshwater: with notes on their Ecology and Distribution
S21822: Hynes, H.B.N.; Macan, T.T.; Williams, W.D. - A Key to the British Species of Crustacea: Malacostraca occurring in Fresh water: with notes on their Ecology and Distribution
S59606: Iablokoff-Khnzorian, S.M. - Les Coccinelles: Coléoptères-Coccinellidae: Tribu Coccinellini des régions Paléarctique et Orientale
S36593: Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia - Lago di Annone: La Necessita di una Ricerca
S42133: Ifor Evans, B. - Literature and Science
S33231: Igarashi, S.; Fukuda, H. - The Life Histories of Asian Butterflies. Vol. I
N28286: Igarashi, S.; Harada, M. - Sequel to 'The Life Histories of Asian Butterflies. Vols 1+2'
S60301: Iglesias, X.L.; Camino, X.A. - Guía das Bolboretas de Galicia
S20561: Ikeya, N.; Hirano, H.; Ogasawara, K. (Eds) - Database of Japanese Fossil Type Specimens described during the 20th Century: Parts 1-4
S32069: Ilango, K. - Wetland mosquito fauna of Tamil Nadu
S40875: Illg, P.L. - North American Copepods of the family Notodelphyidae
S43971: Illg, P.L.; Dudley, P.L. - North American Copepods of the family Notodelphyidae [and] Notodelphyid Copepods from Banyuls-sur-Mer [and] Some Gastrodelphyid Copepods from the Pacific Coast of North America
S37768: Illg, P.L; Dudley, P.L. - Notodelphyidae (3 papers)
S41785: Illing, L.V.; Hobson, G.D. (Eds) - Petroleum Geology of the Continental Shelf of North-West Europe
S16012: Illingworth, J.F. - Early References to Hawaiian Entomology
S29602: Imamori, M. - Insects on Earth
S58198: Imevbore, A.M.A; Adegoke, O.S. (Eds) - The Ecology of Lake Kainji The Transition from River to Lake
S36129: Imhof, T.A. - Alabama Birds
S43621: Imms, A.D.; Richards, O.W.; Davies, R.G. - A General Textbook of Entomology
S48422: Imms, A.D. - Insect Natural History (New Naturalist 8)
S53404: Imms, A.D. - A General Textbook of Entomology
S16322: Imms, A.D.; Richards, O.W.; Davies, R.G. - A General Textbook of Entomology
S53861: Imms, A.D. - Insect Natural History (New Naturalist 8)
S14254: Imms, A.D. - Recent Advances in Entomology
S42262: Imms, A.D. - Recent Advances in Entomology
S8672: Imms, A.D. - Observations on the Insect Parasites of some Coccidae 1. On Aphelinus mytilaspidis Le Baron, a Chalcid Parasite of the Mussel Scale (Lepidosaphes ulmi L.)
S47449: Imms, A.D. - Insect Natural History (New Naturalist 8)
S17832: Imms, A.D. - Insect Natural History (New Naturalist 8)
S48544: Imms, A.D. - Insect Natural History (New Naturalist 8)
S51326: Imperatriz-Fonseca, V.L.; Saraiva, A.M.; De Jong, D. (Eds) - Bees as pollinators in Brazil: assessing the status and suggesting best practices
S53408: Impey, O.; MacGregor, A. (Eds) - The Origins of Museums: The Cabinet of Curiosities in Sixteenth- and Seventeeth-Century Europe
R52379: Imre, F. - Pterophoridae Hungariae Fasciculus 1. Pterophorinae et Agdistinae
N25633: Imura, Y.; Mizusawa, K. - The Carabus of Japan
S59871: Prepared by the Air Ministry and the Central Office of Information - Wings of the Phoenix: The official story of the Air War in Burma
N51043: Ing, B. - Biodiversity in the North West: The Rusts and Smuts of Cheshire, Lancashire, Cumbria and the Isle of Man
N43197: Ing, B. - The Fungi of North East Wales: A Mycota for Vice-Counties 50 (Denbighshire) and 51 (Flintshire)
N43196: Ing, B. - Biodiversity in the North West: The Mildews of Cheshire, Lancashire and Cumbria
S44240: Ingalls, W.R. - Notes on Metallurgical Mill Construction
S45329: Inger, R.F. - Systematcis and Zoogeography of Philippine Amphibia (Philippine Zoological Expedition 1946-1947)
S45326: Inger, R.F. - The Systematics and Zoogeography of the Amphibia of Borneo
S41683: Ingham, J.K. - The Upper Ordovician Trilobites from the Cautley and Dent Districts of Westmorland and Yorkshire Parts 1-3
S22156: Ingham, J.K. - The Upper Ordovician Trilobites from the Cautley and Dent Districts of Westmorland and Yorkshire Parts 1-3
R31136: Ingle, R.W. - Carcinology in the Natural History Museum; the brachyuran crab collections and their curation from 1913-1904 (Leach to Calman)
S60762: Ingle, R.W. - British Crabs
N19493: Ingle, R.W. - Shallow water Crabs Synopses of the British Fauna 25
S38389: Ingles, J.M.; Sawyer. F.C. - A Catalogue of the Richard Owen Collection of Palaeontological and Zoological Drawings in the British Museum (Natural History)
S6545: Ingles, J.M.; Sawyer. F.C. - A Catalogue of the Richard Owen Collection of Palaeontological and Zoological Drawings in the British Museum (Natural History)
S12995: Inglis,W.G. - The Marine Enoplida (Nematoda): A Comparative Study of the Head
S50347: Ingram, D.; Robertson, N. - Plant Disease: A Natural History (New Naturalist)
S59656: Ingram, Collingwood - In Search of Birds
S50253: Ingram, D.; Robertson, N. - Plant Disease: A Natural History (New Naturalist)
S54528: Ingram, G.C.S.; Salmon, H.M. - Hand List of the Birds of Radnorshire
S57729: Ingrams, Harold - Arabia and the Isles
N49220: Ingwersen, D. - A Naturalists Guide to the Birds of Australia
S53236: Ingwersen, W. - Manual of Alpine Plants
S36683: Innes, C. - The World of Iridaceae: A Comprehensive Record
N17249: Inns, H. - Britain's Reptiles & Amphibians A guide to the reptiles and amphibians of Great Britain, Ireland and Channel Islands
S16411: Inoue, H.; Okano, M.; Shirozu, T.; Sugi, S.; Yamamote, H. - Iconographia Insectorum Japonicorum. Colore naturali edita. Volumen 1 (Lepidoptera)
S48146: Inskipp, C.; Inskipp, T. - A Guide to the Birds of Nepal
N37650: Inskipp, C.; Grimmett, R.; Inskipp, T.; Sherub - Birds of Bhutan and the Eastern Himalayas
N4832: Inskipp, C.; Inskipp, T. - A Guide to the Birds of Nepal
S28944: Commonwealth Mycological Institute - Common Names of Virus Diseases Used in The Review of Applied Mycology
S29132: Smithsonian Institution - Smithsonian Institution Annual Report 1890
S35383: Xerces Society/Smithsonian Institution - Butterfly Gardening: Creating Summer Magic in your Garden
S53267: Intenthron, M.; Gerrard, J. - Making Nests for Bumble Bees: A way to save an endangered species
N4611: Intenthron, M.; Gerrard, J. - Making Nests for Bumble Bees: A way to save an endangered species
S52169: Intenthron, M.; Gerrard, J. - Making Nests for Bumble Bees: A way to save an endangered species
S15689: Department of the Interior - Mineral Resources of United States Calendar Year 1910: Part I-Metals
S31901: Birdlife International - Threatened Birds of the World
S25428: Birdlife International - Threatened Birds of the World
S55353: GeBirdlife International - Threatened Birds of the World
A19908: M'Intosh, W.C. - The Marine Invertebrates and Fishes of St. Andrews [with] Additions to the Marine Fauna of St. Andrews since 1874
S51439: M'Intosh, D. - The Traveller's Companion
S20859: Inuzuka, N. - Skeletal Restoration of the Desmostylians: Herpetiform Mammals
S46407: Inwood, S. - The Forgotten Genius: The Biography of Robert Hooke 1635-1703
S59021: Inwood, S. - The Man Who Knew Too Much: The Strange and Inventive Life of Robert Hooke 1635-1703
N32092: Iorio, E. - Catalogue biogéographique et taxonomique des chilopodes (Chilopoda) de France métropolitaine [Biogeographic and taxonomic catalogue of the centipedes (Chilopoda) of metropolitan France]
N19771: Iorio, E. - La faune des Chilopodes du Massif Armoricain
N18664: Iorio, E. - Les Lithobies et genres voisins de France (Chilopoda, Lithobiomorpha)
N41350: Iorio, E.; Voigtländer, K. - The Lithobiomorpha of the continental Iberian Peninsula (Chilopoda): New data, description of a new species of the genus Lithobius (s. str.), checklist and identification key
N39137: Iorio, C.; Scherini, R.; Fontana, P.; Buzzetti, F.M.; Kleukers, R.; Ode, B.; Massa, B. - Grasshoppers and crickets of Italy: A photographic field guide to all the species
S22448: Iredale, T. - Mollusca Part 1 Great Barrier Reef Expedition 1928-29. Scientific Reports. Vol.V, No. 6
S46209: Iredale, T. - Birds of New Guinea. Vol. I-II
S46196: Iredale, T. - Birds of Paradise and Bower Birds
S34280: Iredale, T. - Birds of New Guinea. Vol. I-II
R42670: Conchological Society of Great Britain and Ireland - Census of the Distribution of British Non-Marine Mollusca [with] Supplement
S37890: Irenee-Marie, Frère - Flore Desmidiale de la Region de Montreal
R14237: Irmler, U. - New Neotropical Species of the Genus Holotrochus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae)
R33204: Irmscher, C. - Louis Agassiz: Creator of American Science
S54873: Irvine, W. - Apes, Angels, and Victorians: The Story of Darwin, Huxley, and Evolution
S58211: Irvine, K.; Allott, N.; De Eyto, E.; Free, G.; White, J.; Caroni, R.; Kennelly, C.; Keaney, J.; Lennon, C.; Kemp, A.; Barry, E.; Day, S.; Mills, P.; O' Riain, G.; Quirke, B.; Twomey, H.; Sweeney, P. - Ecological Assessment of Irish Lakes: The development of a new methodology suited to the needs of the EU Directive for Surface Waters. Final Report
S36133: Irvine, F.R. - The Fishes and Fisheries of the Gold Coast
S8009: Irvine, D.E.G. et al - Seaweeds of the Faroes
S40055: Irvine, D.E.G.; John, D.M. (Eds) - Systematics of the Green Algae
S29233: Irwin, R. - British Birds and Their Books
S21592: Isgrove, A. - Eledone Liverpool Marine Biology Committee Memoirs XVIII
S27388: Ismay, J.W. (Ed) - Abstracts Volume Fourth International Congress of Dipterology: 6th-13th September 1998, Keble College, Oxford
R39779: Isoviita, P. - Dillenius's 'Historia Muscorum' as the Basis of Hepatic Nomenclature, and S.O. Lindberg's Collection of Dillenian Bryophytes
S11925: Issekutz, L. - Schmetterlingsfauna des südlichen Burgenslandes. 1. Teil: Macrolepidoptera
S44741: Ito, Y. - Behaviour and Social Evolution of Wasps: The Communal Aggregation Hypothesis
N8105: Iuell, B. - Wildlife and Traffic: A European handbook for identifying conflicts and designing solutions
S50758: Iuell, B. et al. - Wildlife and Traffic: A European handbook for identifying conflicts and designing solutions
S46308: Iuga, V.G. - Fauna Republicii Populare Romine: Insecta. Vol. IX, Fasc. 3: Hymenoptera Apoidea, Fam. Apidae, Subfam. Anthophorinae
S59888: Ivimey-Cook, R.B. - Atlas of the Devon Flora
N9758: Ivinskis, P. - Lepidoptera of Lithuania: Annotated Catalogue
R56796: Ivliev, L.A. - Entomologicheskie issledovaniya na Dal'nem Vostoke Vyp 2: Dvykrylye Dal'nego Vostoka [Entomological researches in the Far East Issue 2: Diptera of the Far East]
S15790: Iwanowski, A.B. - Index of Rugose Coral Genera
S37850: Izquierdo, V. - Ensayo sobre los protozoos de las aguas dulces de Chile
S19988: Jablonski, D.; Erwin, D.H.; Lipps, J.H. (Eds) - Evolutionary Paleobiology
A46988: Jablonsky, Carl Gustav; Herbst, J.F.W. - Natursystem aller bekannten in- und ausländischen Insecten: Schmetterlinge. Plate CLXXII Pap. Praefecti almana, asterie, jatrophe
S39307: Jack, R.L. - The Salt and Gypsum Resources of South Australia (Geological Survey of South Australia. Bull. No. 8)
S40026: Jack, R.L. - Some Developments in shallow water areas in the North-east of South Australia (Geological Survey of South Australia. Bull. No. 11)
S59617: Jack, A. - Feathered Wings: A Study of the Flight of Birds
S59729: Jackson, T.H.E. - A Revision of the Genus Telipna Aurivillius (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
N47371: Jackson, C.E. - A Newsworthy Naturalist: The Life of William Yarrell
S57266: Jackson, E.; Simms, A.; Hayman, P. - Top 50 Garden Birds (Identification Chart)
S55376: Jackson, C.E. - Great Bird Paintings of the World. Vol. I-II
A41427: Jackson, J.R. - Observations on Lakes, Being an Attempt to Explain the Laws of Nature regarding them; the Cause of Their Formation and Gradual Diminution, the Different Phenomena they Exhibit, &c.
N58632: Jackson, T.; Parker, J. - Plankton: A Worldwide Guide
S25112: Jackson, G.; Wiehe, P.O. - An Annotated Check List of Nyasaland Grasses: Indigenous and Cultivated
R59849: Jackson, T.H.E. - Notes on the Epitolinae Part 2
S5767: Jackson, T.H.E. - Notes on the Epitolinae with Descriptions of a New Genus and New Species and Subspecies (Lepidoptera: Lycaebidae)
S22094: Jackson, M.J.; Howlett, D.J. - The Freshwater Molluscs of the River Waveney Grazing Marshes: A survey carried out during the summer of 1997
S39230: Jackson, B.; Baines, V. - Mindful of Butterflies
S35144: Jackson, B. - Images of Shetland
S42350: Jackson, W.P.U. - Wild Flowers of the Fairest Cape
S10188: Jackson, J.W. - British Antarctic ("Terra Nova") Expedition, 1910. Natural History Report Zoology. Vol. II, No. 8: Brachiopoda
S47234: Jacob-Remacle, A. - Abeilles Sauvages et Pollinisation
S46156: Jacob-Remacle, A. - Abeilles et Guepes de nos jardins
S31824: Jacobs, S.N.A. et al - Illustrated Papers on British Microlepidoptera
R20304: Jacobs, S.N.A. - The British Oecophoridae and Allied Genera Pts.1-3 / The British Lamproniidae and Adelidae
S50042: Jacobs, W. - Schmetterlinge und Raupen II (Schreibers Kleine Atlanten 2)
S51175: Jacobs, S.N.A. et al - Illustrated Papers on British Microlepidoptera
S54773: Jacobs, S.N.A. et al - Illustrated Papers on British Microlepidoptera
S13791: Jacobs, W. - Verhaltensbiologische Studien an Feldheuschrecken
S30582: Jacobsen, N.H.G. - Guide to the Trees & Shrubs and Other Wildlife of Vienna Private Nature Reserve
S16740: Jacoby, M. - Description of the New Genera and Species of the Phytophagous Coleoptera from the Indo-Malayan and Austro-Malayan subregions, contained in the Genoa Civic Museum. Part 3
S16739: Jacoby, M. - Description of the New Genera and Species of the Phytophagous Coleoptera from the Indo-Malayan and Austro-Malayan subregions, contained in the Genoa Civic Museum. Part 2
S16788: Jacoby, M. - Descriptions of some undescribed species of Phytophagous Coleoptera from Abyssinia contained in the Genoa Civic Museum
S16790: Jacoby, M. - Descriptions of some New Species and a New Genus of Phytophagous Coleoptera
R16789: Jacoby, M. - Descriptions of New Species of South American Coleoptera of the Family Chrysomelidae
R16935: Jacoby, M. - Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Phytophagous Coleoptera obtained by W. Doherty in the Malayan Archipelago/ Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Phytophagous Coleoptera from Africa and Madagascar
N10611: Jacques, R.L. - The Potato Beetles The Genus Leptinotarsa in North America (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
S57851: Jäger, O.A. - Antiquities of North Ethiopia: A Guide
S26719: Jago, N.D. - A revision of the genus Usambilla Sjöstedt (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) and its allies
R14404: Jago, N.D. - A Review of the Genus Auloserpusia Rehn, 1914 (Orthoptera: Acrididae, Catantopinae) and its Evolution in Eastern Congo and Western Uganda
S26718: Jago, N.D. - A revision of the genus Usambilla Sjöstedt (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) and its allies
S40073: Jain, R.L. - Neogene Fossils from Kathiawar, Gujarat, India with Special Emphasis on Taxonomic Description of Molluscs and Corals
S10387: Jakubski, A.W. - A Critical Revision of the Families Margarodidae and Termitococcidae (Hemiptera, Coccoidea)
S12911: Jakubski, A.W. - A Critical Revision of the Families Margarodidae and Termitococcidae (Hemiptera, Coccoidea)
S1168: Jakubski, A.W. - A Critical Revision of the Families Margarodidae and Termitococcidae (Hemiptera, Coccoidea)
S50988: James, P. - Lichens and Air Pollution: A booklet to accompany the wallchart published by the British Museum (Natural History) and BP Educational Services
S56322: James, M.J. - The New Aurelians: A Centenary History of the British Entomological & Natural History Society
S50907: James, R.; Pitts-Singer, T. (Eds) - Bee Pollination in Agricultural Ecosystems
A60637: James, F.L. - The Unknown Horn of Africa. An Exploration from Berbera to the Leopard River
S59902: James, T.J. - Flora of Hertfordshire
S46665: James, R.; Pitts-Singer, T. (Eds) - Bee Pollination in Agricultural Ecosystems
S44959: James, William - Text-Book of Psychology
N35153: James, T.J. - Beetles of Hertfordshire
N51407: James, D.G.; Lohman, D.J. - The Lives of Butterflies: A Natural History of Our Planet's Butterfly Life
S48636: James, P. (Ed.) - Birds of Sussex
S38646: James, M.T. - A Catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas south of the United States No. 26: Stratiomyidae
S54020: James, P. (Ed.) - Birds of Sussex
S2282: James, R.R.James, R.R. - Henry Wellcome
S40386: James, D. - Scott of the Antarctic: the film and its production
S44053: Jameson, W. - The Wandering Albatross
R28067: Jameson, D.L.; Mackey, J.P.; Richmond, R.C. - Systematics of the Pacific Tree Frog, Hyla regilla
S8019: Jamieson, B.G.M. - The Indigenous Earthworms (Megascolecidae: Oligochaeta) of Tasmania
S889: Jamieson, B.G.M. - The Ultrastructure and Phylogeny of Insect Spermatozoa
S25370: Jamieson, B.G.M. - The Ultrastructure and Phylogeny of Insect Spermatozoa
A44920: Jamin, J.; Bouty, E. (Ed.) - Cours de physique de l'École Polytechnique. Vol. I-IV [with] Première [-Troisieme] Supplément
R38630: Jamnback, H. - The Culicoides of New York State (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)
S43064: Janet, C. - Considérations sur l'etre vivant
S30834: Janse, A.J.T. - The Moths of South Africa Vol V (Pts 1-2) Gelechiadae (part)
S16057: Jansson, A.; Silverberg, H.; Bistrom, O. - Lists of the Insect Types in the Zoological Museum, University of Helsinka. 1-5
S29252: Janus, H. - Young Specialist Looks at Land and Freshwater Molluscs
N34386: Janvier, H. - Comportement d'Abeilles Colletidae (Hymenoptera): Les genres Hylaeus, Chilicola, Colletes, Pasiphae, Policana, Cadequala, Caupolicana, Lonchopria et Diphaglossa
N5306: Janzen, J.-W. - Arthropods in Baltic Amber
S37725: Janzen, D.H. (Ed.) - Costa Rican Natural History
S49787: Janzen, D.H. (Ed.) - Costa Rican Natural History
S47351: Jaques, H.E. - How to Know the Beetles: Pictured-keys for identifying many of the beetles which are most frequently seen, with aids for their study and with other helpful features
S46802: Jaques, H.E. - How to know the Insects: An illustrated key to the more common families of insects, with suggestions for collecting, mounting and studying them
N5961: Jaramillo, A.; Burke, P.; Beadle, D. - Field Guide to the Birds of Chile including Peninsular Antarctica, the Falkland Islands and South Georgia
S55117: Jaramillo, A.; Burke, P. - New World Blackbirds. The Icterids
S32390: Jaramillo-Arango, J. - The Conquest of Malaria
S53683: Jardine, N., Secord, J.A.; Spary, E.C. - Cultures of Natural History
S53494: Jardine, D.C.; Clarke, J.; Clarke, P.M. - The Birds of Colonsay and Oransay Their History and Distribution
S54718: Jardine, N.K. - The Dictionary of Entomology
A47325: Jardine, William - The Natural History of the Felinae The Naturalist's Library. Mammalia Vol. II
S40090: Jardine, N.K. - The Dictionary of Entomology
A58642: Jardine, William - Birds of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. I-IV
S7844: Jarvis, P.G. et al - Forests, Weather and Climate
N5305: Jaschhof, M.; Didham, R.K. - Rangomaramidae fam. nov. from New Zealand and implications for the phylogeny of the Sciaroidea (Diptera: Bibionomorpha) (Studia Dipterologica Supplement 11)
S49364: Jaschhof, M.; Jaschhof, C. - The Wood Midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae: Lestremiinae) of Fennoscandia and Denmark Studia Dipterologica Supplement 18
N17936: Jaschhof, M.; Jaschhof, C. - The Wood Midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae: Lestremiinae) of Fennoscandia and Denmark Studia Dipterologica Supplement 18
N25523: Jaschhof, M.; Jaschhof, C. - The Porricondylinae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) of Sweden with notes on extralimital species. Studia Dipterologica Supplement 20
S34231: Jaubert, J.; Petron, C. (Photos) - Ethiopia [Under-Water Paradise]: A Bird's-eye-view for the Tourist - Un aperçu pour le touriste
S43900: Jax, K. - Ecosystem Functioning
N35609: Jayasinghe, H.D. - Common Butterflies of Sri Lanka
S52662: Jeanes, M.J.F; Snook, R. - The Rook in Suffolk
S48123: Jeanmonod, D.; Burdet, H.M. (Eds) - Catalogue des plantes vasculaires de la Corse (Complements au Prodrome de la Flore de Corse Annexe 3)
N23496: Jeanne, C.; Zaballos, J.-P. - Catalogue des Coléoptères Carabiques de la Péninsule Ibérique
R38650: Jeanne, R.L. - Social biology of the neotropical wasp Mischocyttarus drewseni
S34785: Jeannel, R. - Mission Scientifique de l'Omo Tomes III (Fasc. 18-30) + VI (Fasc. 57-60): (Zoologie)
S50780: Jeannel, R. - Coleopteres carabiques. Pt 1-2 (Faune de France 39, 40)
S42205: Jeannel, R. - Introduction to Entomology
S50439: Jeannel, R. - Pselaphides recueillis par N. Leleup au Congo Belge VI-XI
S59404: Jeannel, R. - La Genèse des Faunes Terrestres: Éléments de Biogéographie
S59405: Jeannel, R. - Introduction to Entomology
R52617: Jeannel, R. - Pselaphides de l'Afrique Orientale
S51115: Jeannel, R. - Un Cimetière d'Éléphants Mission Scientifique de l'Omo
S57647: Jeannel, R. - Hautes montagnes d'Afrique, vers les neiges éternelles sous l'équateur
S58344: Jeannel, R. - Hautes montagnes d'Afrique, vers les neiges éternelles sous l'équateur
S50437: Jeannel, R. - Pselaphides recueillis par N. Leleup au Congo Belge I-XVIII [with], Les Pselaphides de Madagascar [and] Les Pselaphides de 'Afrique du Nord [and] Revision des Pselaphides de l'Afrique Intertropicale [and] The Humicolous Fauna of South Africa Pselaphidae a
S59612: Jeannel, R. - Coleopteres carabiques. Pt 1-2 [with] Supplément (Faune de France 39, 40, 51)
S50148: Jeannel, R. - Hautes montagnes d'Afrique, vers les neiges éternelles sous l'équateur
R52614: Jeannel, R. - Révision des Psélaphides du Japon
S31123: Jeannel, R. - Sur les Pselaphides de Ceylan
R52616: Jeannel, R. - Pselaphides recuellis par N. Leleup en Afrique Centrale sous les auspices de l'I.R.S.A.C
S54153: Jeannel, R. - Faune Cavernicole de la France avec une Etude des Conditions d'Existence dans le Domaine Souterrain
N60032: Jeans, P. - Landscape and Landforms of the North Cotswolds
S53120: Jeeves, M. - The Flora of Leicestershire and Rutland: Checklist and Rare Plant Register
S48719: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Eds) - Ecological Processes in Coastal Environments. The First European Ecological Symposium and the 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society Norwich, 12-16 September 1977
S20291: Jefferies, R.P.S. - The Subphylum Calcichordata (Jeffries 1967) Primitive Fossil Chordates with Echinoderm Affinities
S48036: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Eds) - Ecological Processes in Coastal Environments. The First European Ecological Symposium and the 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society Norwich, 12-16 September 1977
S54084: Jefferies, Richard - Wild Life in a Southern County
A33905: Jefferys, Charles - A Complete Catalogue of British Mollusca
S7770: Jeffrey, C. - Biological Nomenclature
S27139: Jeffrey, C. - Biological Nomenclature
S25261: Jeffrey, C. - Biological Nomenclature
S22599: Jeffrey, C. - Biological Nomenclature
S50174: Jeffrey, N. - Nick Jeffrey : Natural Artist Impressions of Kotohira-gu
S34951: Jeffreys, J.G. - British Conchology or an account of the Mollusca which now inhabit the British Isles and the surrounding seas. Vol. I-V
A47511: Jeffreys, J.G. - British Conchology or an account of the Mollusca which now inhabit the British Isles and the surrounding seas. Vol. I-V
S40083: Jeffreys, J.G. - British Conchology or an account of the Mollusca which now inhabit the British Isles and the surrounding seas. Vol. I-V
N55178: Jehle, R.; Thiesmeier, B.; Foster, J. - The Crested Newt: a dwindling pond-dweller
S44902: Jekyll, G. - Wall and Water Gardens
S18867: Jekyll, G. - Wall, Water and Woodland Gardens
S51029: Jeletzky, J.A. - Thorsteinssonoceras: A New Craspeditid Ammonite from the Valanginian of Ellesmere Island, Arctic Archipelago
S44216: Jeletzky, J.A. - Mesozoic and ?Tertiary Rocks of Quatsino Sound, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
S42463: Jeletzky, J.A. - Late Upper Jurassic and Early Lower Cretaceous Fossil Zones of the Canadian Western Cordillera, British Columbia
S44137: Jeletzky, J.A.; Tipper, H.W. - Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous Rocks of Taseko Lakes Map- Area and their Bearing on the Geological History of Southwestern British Columbia
N31465: Jelinek, J. - Coleoptera: Sphindidae, Kateretidae, Nitidulidae (Icones insectorum Europae centralis 21)
S20557: Jell, P.A.; Hughes, N.C. - Himalayan Cambrian Trilobites Special Papers in Palaeontology 58
S60493: Jelly, E.C. - Synonymic Catalogue of the Recent Marine Bryozoa. Including Fossil Synonyms
S55155: Jenkins, A.R. - Birds of the Letchworth Region
S55156: Jenkins, A.R. - Birds of the Letchworth Region
S20905: Jenkins, W.A.M. - Chitinozoa from the Ordovician Viola and Fernvale Limestones of the Arbuckle Mountains Oklahoma Special Papers in Palaeontology 5
S41758: Jenkins, A.C. - The Naturalists: Pioneers of Natural History
S13877: Jenkins, D. (Ed.) - Agriculture and the Environment
S20002: Jenkins,F.A.; Parrington, F.R. - The Postcranial Skeletons of the Triassic Mammals Eozostrodon, Megazostrodon and Erythrotherium
S43466: Jenkins, J.T. - The Fishes of the British Isles both Freshwater and Salt
S48282: Jenkins, J.T. - The Fishes of the British Isles both Freshwater and Salt
S41520: Jenkins, J.T. - The Fishes of the British Isles both Freshwater and Salt
S45268: Jenkins, J.T. - The Fishes of the British Isles both Freshwater and Salt
S60135: Jenkinson, M.N. - Wild Orchids of Dorset
S60416: Jenkinson, M.N. - Wild Orchids of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight
S47282: Jenkinson, M.N. - Wild Orchids of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight
N42995: Jenner, T. - Mammals of Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti and Somalia: Field Guide to the Larger Mammals of the Horn of Africa
S43518: Jennett, S. - Munster
N40225: Jenni, Lukas; Winkler, Raffael - Moult and Ageing of European Passerines
S58730: Jennings, D.T.; Graham Jr., F. - Spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Milbridge, Washington County, Maine
S56946: Jennings, C. - The Eggs of British Birds
N41710: Jennings, N. - RSPB Spotlight Bats
N41708: Jennings, N. - RSPB Spotlight Hares
S42356: Jennings, M.C. - The Birds of Saudi Arabia: a Checklist
S54829: Jensen, J.V. - Thomas Henry Huxley: Communicating for Science
S59733: Jensen, J.V. - Return to the Wilberforce-Huxley Debate
N29954: Jensen, J.-K.; Sivertsen, H.E. - Firvaldar: 155 ymiskir firvaldar in Foröyare
S38701: Jepson, P. (Ed.) - Birding Indonesia: A Bird-watcher's Guide to the World's Largest Archipelago
N14655: Jermy, A.C.; Simpson, D.A.; Foley, M.J.Y.; Porter, M.S. - Sedges of the British Isles
S50682: Jermy, C.; Camus, J. - The Illustrated Field Guide to Ferns and Allied Plants of the British Isles
S59926: Jermy, A.C.; Arnold, H.R.; Farrell, L.; Perring, F.H. (Eds) - Atlas of Ferns of the British Isles
S33628: Jermy, A.C.; Crabbe, J.A. (Eds) - The Island of Mull: a survey of its flora and environment
S50828: Jermy, C.; Camus, J. - The Illustrated Field Guide to Ferns and Allied Plants of the British Isles
S30925: Jermy, A.C.; Tutin, T.G. - British Sedges: A Handbook to the Species of Carex Found Growing in the British Isles
S23799: Jermy, A.C. (Ed.) - Biodiversity Assessment. A Guide to Good Practice. A Review and Field Manuals (1+2)
S34878: Jermyn, S.T. - Flora of Essex
S50858: Jermyn, S.T. - Flora of Essex
S32662: Jervis, M.; Kidd, N. (Eds) - Insect Natural Enemies: Practical approaches to their study and evaluation
S54509: Jesman, C. - The Russians in Ethiopia: An Essay in Futility
S41933: Jespersen, P. - Non-parasitic Copepoda
S43013: Jespersen, P.; Russell, F.S. - Fiches d'identification du Zooplancton. Fiches 1-142
S59221: Jessop, L. (Ed.) - Notes on Insects, 1692 & 1695 by Charles duBois
S30560: Jessop, L. (Ed.) - Notes on Insects, 1692 & 1695 by Charles duBois
S30559: Jessop, L. (Ed.) - Notes on Insects, 1692 & 1695 by Charles duBois
S38318: Jessop, L. (Ed.) - Notes on Insects, 1692 & 1695 by Charles duBois
S39754: Jezek, J. - Enumeratio Insectorum Bohemoslovakiae Check List of Czechoslavak Insects II (Diptera)
N31067: Jiggins, C. - The Ecology and Evolution of Heliconius Butterflies: A Passion for Diversity
S45424: Zhang Jingwei - Alpine Plants of China
N39872: Jiroux, E. (Ed.) - Faune des Coléoptères de Corse 1: Carabidae, Nebriidae, Omophronidae, Cicindelidae, Siagonidae, Scaritidae, Apotomidae, Brachinidae, Psydridae, Trechidae, Harpalidae
N56155: Jiroux, E. (Ed.) - Faune des Coléoptères de Corse 6: Elateridae, Eucnemidae, Throscidae
N41699: Jiroux, E. (Ed.) - Faune des Coléoptères de Corse 3: Histeridae, Hydraenidae, Silphidae
N53792: Jiroux, E. (Ed.) - Faune des Coléoptères de Corse 5: Buprestidae
N41698: Jiroux, E. (Ed.) - Faune des Coléoptères de Corse 2: Lucanidae, Trogidae, Geotrupidae, Hybosoridae, Chironidae, Aphodiidae, Scarabaeidae
N46777: Jiroux, E. (Ed.) - Faune des Coléoptères de Corse 4: Adephaga aquatiques
S40121: Liu Youqiao; Bai Jiuwei - Lepidoptera, Tortricidae. Part 1 [C]. Economic Insect Fauna of China vol. 11
S28591: Jobling, J.A. - A Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names
S59692: Jobling, B. - A revision of the structure of the head, mouth-parts and salivary glands of Glossina palpalis Rob.-Desv.
S32622: Jobling, J.A. - A Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names
S58810: Jocque, R.; Dippenaar-Schoeman, A. - Spider Families of the World
N3690: Joedicke, R. - Die Binsenjungfern und Winterlibellen Europas. Lestidae (Die Libellen Europas 3)
N32886: Johannsmeier, M.F. - Beeplants of South Africa: Sources of Nectar, Pollen, Honeydew and Propolis for Honeybees
R37715: Johansson, D. - Ecology of vascular epiphytes in West African rain forest
S60480: Johansson, R.; Nielsen, E.S.; Nieukerken, E.J. van; Gustafsson, B. - The Nepticulidae and Opostegidae (Lepidoptera) of North West Europe (Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica Vol. 23, Pt 1-2)
S34549: John, P.A. - Habits Structure and Development of Sphaeroma terebrans (A Wood-boring Isopod)
S45883: John, V. - Verbreitungstypen von Flechten im Saarland: eine Orientierungshilfe für die Raumbewertung
R21191: John, J. - Cizopasnici nasich zab: Dle vlastnich pozorovani podava
N46105: John, E.; Makris, C. - Butterflies of Cyprus: A Field Guide and Distribution Atlas
N55594: John, E.; Makris, C. - Field Guide to the Butterflies of Cyprus
S53078: John, E. - Butterflies of Cyprus 1998 (Records of a year's sightings)
S25814: John,D.M.; Price,J.H.; Maggs, C.A.; Lawson, G.W, - Seaweeds of the Western Coast of Tropical Africa and Adjacent Islands A Critical Assessment. III. Rhodphyta (Bangiophyceae)
A41692: Johns, C.A. - A Week at the Lizard
S56753: Johns, C.A. - I Go a-Walking through the Woods and o'er the Moor
S60415: Johnsen, Bent - Skandinaviens Orkideer | Orchids of Scandinavia
S46038: Johnsgard, P.A. - The Grouse of the World
S46039: Johnsgard, P.A. - Cranes of the World
S46041: Johnsgard, P.A. - Cormorants, Darters and Pelicans of the World
S46043: Johnsgard, P.A. - Diving Birds of North America
S48578: Johnsgard, P.A. - The Pheasants of the World
S36000: Johnsgard, P.A. - Cormorants, Darters and Pelicans of the World
S46262: Johnsgard, P.A. - The Hummingbirds of North America
S36801: Johnsgard, P.A. - The Hummingbirds of North America
S55692: Johnsgard, P.A. - The Pheasants of the World
S46029: Johnsgard, P.A. - North American Owls: Biology and Natural History
S39338: Johnsgard, P.A. - North American Game Birds of Upland and Shoreline
S58410: Johnson, D.M.; Petersen, R.P.; Lycan, D.R.; Sweet, J.W.; Neuhaus, M.E.; Schaedel, A.L. - Atlas of Oregon Lakes
S14148: Johnson, C. - Coleoptera, Clambidae (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 4/6a)
S38964: Johnson, H. - Trees: A lifetime's Journey through Forests, Woods and Gardens
N17821: Johnson, N. (Ed.) - Advances in the Systematics of Hymenoptera: Festschrift in Honor of Lubomir Masner
R47915: Johnson, D.S. - The British Species of the Genus Daphnia (Crustacea, Cladocera)
S58178: Johnson, T.C.; Odada, E.O. (Eds) - The Limonology, Climatology and Paleoclimatology of the East African Lakes
S59180: Johnson, R.W. (Ed.) - Volcanism in Australasia
S50402: Johnson, C. - Provisional Atlas of the Cryptophagidae-Atomariinae (Coleoptera) of Britain and Ireland
S54665: Johnson, C. - Provisional Atlas of the Cryptophagidae-Atomariinae (Coleoptera) of Britain and Ireland
S53658: Johnson, K. - Ordering Life: Karl Jordan and the Naturalist Tradition
S49545: Johnson, C. - Provisional Atlas of the Cryptophagidae-Atomariinae (Coleoptera) of Britain and Ireland
S43954: Johnson, J.C. - Microscopic Objects: How to Mount them
S42880: Johnson, A.F.; Scholderer, V. (Eds) - Short-Title Catalogue of Books printed in the Netherlands and Belgium and of Dutch and Flemish Books printed in other Countries from 1470 to 1600 now in the British Museum
S53361: Johnson, H. - Night and Morning in Dark Africa
R8316: Johnson, W.F.; Halbert, J.N. - A List of the Beetles of Ireland
S56491: Johnson, W. - Gilbert White: Pioneer, Poet, and Stylist
S16074: Johnson, C. - Coleoptera, Clambidae (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 4/6a)
S30227: Johnson, C. - Provisional Atlas of the Cryptophagidae-Atomariinae (Coleoptera) of Britain and Ireland
N8089: Johnson, C. - Provisional Atlas of the Cryptophagidae-Atomariinae (Coleoptera) of Britain and Ireland
S40034: Johnson, W.P. - My African Reminiscences 1875-1895
S49971: Johnson, W.; De La Hunty, L.E.; Gleeson, J.S. - The Geology of the Irwin River and Eradu Districts and Surrounding Country (Western Australia Geological Survey. Bulletin No.108)
S52527: Johnson, C. - Provisional Atlas of the Cryptophagidae-Atomariinae (Coleoptera) of Britain and Ireland
A58010: Johnson, Theophilus - Illustrations of British Hawk Moths and their Larvae (Including the Sesidae)
R56343: Johnson, W.A. - Late Pleistocene Oscillations of Sea-level in the Ottawa Valley
S43747: Johnson, W. - A Geological Reconnaissance Survey of Part of the Area Included Between the Limits Lat. 24 0' S and Lat. 29 0'S and Between Long. 115 30' E. and Long. 118 30' E, Including Parts of the Yalgoo, Murchison, Peak Hill and Gascoyne Goldfields (Western Australi
S46138: Johnson, R. - The Butterflies and Moths of Lincolnshire: The Micro-Moths and Species Review to 1996
S48374: Johnston, A. - Animal Families and Where They Live
S38275: Johnston, G.; Johnston, B. - This is Hong Kong: Butterflies
S44475: Johnston, W.A. - The Trent Valley Outlet of Lake Algonquin and the deformation of the Algonquin Water-Plane in Lake Simcoe District, Ontario.
S32869: Johnston, G.; Johnston, B. - This is Hong Kong: Butterflies
S30330: Johnston, H.B. - Annotated Catalogue of African Grasshoppers: Supplement
S57552: Johnston, J.L. - A Naturalist's Shetland
A45569: Johnston, G. - A History of the British Zoophytes
S44470: Johnston, R.A.A. - Gay Gulch and Skookum Meteorites
S57394: Johnston, G.; Johnston, B. - This is Hong Kong: Butterflies
S35597: Johnston, G.; Johnston, B. - This is Hong Kong: Butterflies
A48324: Johnston, G. - A History of British Zoophytes
S19254: Johnston, H.B. - Annotated Catalogue of African Grasshoppers: Supplement
S41580: Johnston, R. - Stereographic Projection of Crystals: An elementary introduction and practical guide for students
S42821: Johnstone, J. - Life in the Sea
S9672: Johnstone, G,S. - British Regional Geology The Grampian Highlands
S54573: Jolivet, P.; Cox, M.L. (Eds) - Chrysomelidae Biology: 1: The Classification, Phylogeny and Genetics; 2: Ecological Studies; 3: General Studies
S54626: Jolivet, P.; Santiago-Blay, J.A.; Schmitt, M. (Eds) - New Developments in the Biology of Chrysomelidae
R27897: Jolivet, P. - 20 short papers on Chrysomelidea
S49002: Jolly, A.; Oberle, P.; Albignac, R. (Eds) - Madagascar (Key Environments)
S44625: Jolly, A. - A World Like Our Own: Man and Nature in Madagascar
S20320: Jolly, C.J. - The Classification and Natural History of Theropithecus (Simopithecus) (Andrews, 1916), Baboons of the African Plio-Pleistocene
S43835: Joly, J. - The Surface-History of the Earth
S43834: Joly, J. - The Surface-History of the Earth
S40137: Jónasson, P.M. (Ed.) - Ecology of eutrophic, subarctic Lake Myvatn and the River Laxá
S40138: Jónasson, P.M. (Ed.) - Ecology of oligotrophic, subarctic Thingvallavatn
S1588: Jonathan, J.K.; Gupta, V.K. - Ichneumonologia Orientalis III The Goryphus-Complex (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)
S34474: Jones, D.L. - Cycads of the World: Ancient Plants in Today's Landscape
S59232: Jones, R.W; Ellwood, C.V; Harvey, J.M.V; Chancellor, G.R. - The Challenger Expedition (1872-1876), Henry Bowman Brady (1835-1891) and the Challenger Foraminifera / (2) The Lady Blake Collection: Catalogue of Lady Edith Blake's Collection of Drawings of Jamaican Lepidoptera and Plants / (3) Charles Darwin's St. Hel
S14862: Jones, F.W. - Design and Purpose
S42895: Jones, J.G. - A Guide to Methods for Estimating Microbial Numbers and Biomass in Fresh Water
S13848: Jones, T.R. - Tertiary Entomostraca
N576: Jones-Walters, L.M. - Keys to the Families of British Spiders
S54639: Jones, R. - Call of Nature: The Secret Life of Dung
S42036: Jones, S. - Darwin's Island: The Galapagos in the Garden of England
S55775: Jones, R.; Munn, P. (Eds) - Habitat Management for Wild Bees and Wasps
S5417: Jones, T.R. - A Monograph of the Fossil Estheriae
S21165: Jones, L. - Winter Studies of Birds in Lorain County, Ohio
S54866: Jones, F. Wood - Mammals of South Australia Parts I-III
N30919: Jones, R. - Beetles (New Naturalist 136)
S5414: Jones, T.R.; Kirkby, J.W.; Brady, G.S. - A Monograph of the British Fossil Bivalved Entomostraca from the Carboniferous Formations: Part 1. The Cypridinadae and their allies
N30916: Jones, R. - Beetles (New Naturalist 136)
S12707: Jones, T.R. - Catalogue of the Fossil Foraminifera in the Collection of the British Museum (Natural History)
S30356: Jones, J.W. - The Salmon (New Naturalist Monograph 16)
R6379: Jones, W.W. - The description and biology of Nepticula braunella new species (Lepidoptera Nepticulicidae), a species of leaf miner on Prunus ilicifolia Walp. and the variety Integrifolia Sarg.
S5448: Jones, T.R.; Woodward, H. - A Monograph of the British Palaeozoic Phyllopoda
S43999: Jones, F.G.W.; Jones, M.G. - Pests of Field Crops
S60374: Jones, D.L. - Native Orchids of Australia
N37508: Jones, R. - Wasp
S38316: Jones, R.W; Ellwood, C.V; Harvey, J.M.V; Chancellor, G.R. - The Challenger Expedition (1872-1876), Henry Bowman Brady (1835-1891) and the Challenger Foraminifera / (2) The Lady Blake Collection: Catalogue of Lady Edith Blake's Collection of Drawings of Jamaican Lepidoptera and Plants / (3) Charles Darwin's St. Hel
S51269: Jones, T.R. - Cassell's Book of Birds. Vols I-IV
N42438: Jones, R. - Shieldbugs (New Naturalist 147)
S60036: Jones, D.L.; Clements, M.A. - A Review of Pterostylis (Orchidaceae) (Australian Orchid Research Vol. 4)
S54906: Jones, F. Wood - The Mammals of South Australia. Pt I-III
N4245: Jones, K.; Walsh, A. - A guide to British bats (Identification Chart)
S50990: Jones, S. - Almost like a Whale The Origin of Species updated
S49893: Jones-Walters, L.M. - Keys to the Families of British Spiders
S48149: Jones, P.E. (Ed.) - Provisional Atlas of the Arachnida of the British Isles. Part 1: Pseudoscorpiones
S49416: Jones, G.; Quinn, M. - Fountains of Praise: University College Cardiff, 1883-1983
S59802: Jones, G. - Alfred Russel Wallace, Robert Owen and the theory of natural selection
N45145: Jones, R. - Ants
R43255: Jones, T.S.; Cave, A.J. - Diet, longevity and dental disease in the Sierra Leone Chimpanzee
S19203: Jones, H.G. - Plants and Microclimate
S5699: Jones, S.G. - Introduction to Floral Mechanism
S58706: Jones-Walters, L.M. - Keys to the Families of British Spiders
S43689: Jones, N.S. - The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Crustaceans of the Order Cumacea
S45051: Jones, J.W. - The Salmon (New Naturalist Monograph 16)
S54049: Jones, P.H. - The Natural History of Bardsey
S51369: Jones, R. (Ed.) - Bibliography of Commonwealth Apiculture
S9428: Jones, T.R.; Hinde, G.J. - Cretaceous Entomostraca of England and Ireland. A Supplementary Monograph
S12678: Jones, F.W.; Porteus, S.D. - The Matrix of the Mind
S12462: Jones, R.J.A. - Soils in Staffordshire II: Sheet SJ 82 (Eccleshall)
S13630: Jones, T.R. - A Monograph of the Entomostraca of the Cretaceous formation of England
S52112: Jones, R. - Beetles (New Naturalist 136)
S59682: Jones, D. - The Country Life Guide to Spiders of Britain and Northern Europe
S46349: Jones, D.L. - Encyclopaedia of Ferns: An Introduction to Ferns, their Structure, Biology, Economic Importance, Cultivation and Propagation
N34406: Jones, R. - Beetles (New Naturalist 136)
S58755: Jones, S. - Darwin's Island: The Galapagos in the Garden of England
S59964: Jones, D.L. - Encyclopaedia of Ferns: An Introduction to Ferns, their Structure, Biology, Economic Importance, Cultivation and Propagation
S7371: Jones, T.R. - A Monograph of the Entomostraca of the Cretaceous formation of England, 1849; bound with A Supplementary Monograph of the Cretaceous Entomostraca of England and Ireland by Jones T.R. and Hinde G.J. 1890; A Monograph of the Tertiary Entomostrca of England
S53858: Jones, R. - Extreme Insects From the heaviest to the smallest
S30511: Jones, D.J. - Introduction to Microfossils
S26167: Jones, F. Wood - Arboreal Man
S10321: Jones, O.T. - Plectambonites and Some Allied Genera
S57996: Jones, A.H.M.; Monroe, Elizabeth - A History of Ethiopia
S3687: Jones, F. Wood - Arboreal Man
N34407: Jones, R. - Beetles (New Naturalist 136)
R38698: Jones, C.M.; Anthony, D.W. - The Tabanidae (Diptera) of Florida
R16358: Jones, H.P. - An Account of the Hemiptera-Heteroptera of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight; with Additional Notes on British Species not recorded for the County (= A Synopsis of the British Fauna)
N30784: Jones, R. - Mosquito
N42439: Jones, R. - Shieldbugs (New Naturalist 147)
A27017: Jong, R. de - Systematics and geographic history of the genus Pyrgus in the Palaearctic region (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae)
R9102: Jong, M.C.J.M. de - Etiologic Aspects of Caterpillar Dermatitis caused by the Larva of Euproctis chrysorrhoea L. (Proefschrift)
S27039: Jong, R. de; Treadaway, C.G. - The Hesperiidae (Lepidoptera) of the Philippines
S42557: de Jong, C.G. van Zyll - A Systematic Review of the Nearctic and Neotropical River Otters (Genus Lutra Mustelidae, Carnivora )
S49727: Jong, R. de; Treadaway, C.G. - The Hesperiidae (Lepidoptera) of the Philippines
S20997: Jongmans, W.J. - The Carboniferous Flora of Peru
S29263: Jonsson, L. - Birds of Europe with North Africa and the Middle East
S57030: Jope, M. - The Praying Mantis Keeper's Handbook
S26724: Jordan, K.; Smit, F.G.A.M. - Notes on Tunga caecigena (Siphonaptera: Tungidae) / Neotunga euloidea gen. n., sp. n. (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae)
S31796: Jordan, K.; Smit, F.G.A.M. - Notes on Tunga caecigena (Siphonaptera: Tungidae) / Neotunga euloidea gen. n., sp. n. (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae)
S39132: Jordan, H.E.K; Smit, F.G.A.M. - On a very remarkable flea from Argentina collected by Dr. J.M. de la Barrera / Descriptions of a new and little-known Siphonaptera
N28878: Jordana, R. - Synopses on Palaearctic Collembola Pt 7/1: Capbryinae & Entomobryini
S42470: Jörgensen, E.G. - Diatom Communities in Some Danish Lakes and Ponds
S2925: Joseph, A.N.T.; Parui, P. - Fauna of India: Diptera (Asilidae) 1: Introduction, Tribes Leptogasterini, Laphriini, Atomosini, Stichopogonini and Ommatini
S60383: Jouandoudet, F. - A la decouverte des Orchidees sauvages d'Aquitaine
S19984: Joubin, L. - Les Némertiens: Faune Francaise
S58584: Joy, N.H. - British Beetles: Their Homes and Habits
S31364: Joy, N.H. - A Practical Handbook of British Beetles. Vol. I-II
S47230: Joy, N.H. - A Practical Handbook of British Beetles. Vol. I-II
S48540: Joy, N.H.; Hodge, P.J.; Jones, R.A. - A Practical Handbook of British Beetles Vol. I-II [with] New British Beetles: Species not in Joy's Practical Handbook
S25876: Joy, N.H. - A Practical Handbook of British Beetles. Vol. I-II
S54621: Joy, N.H. - A Practical Handbook of British Beetles. Vol. I-II
S39985: Joy, N.H. - British Beetles: Their Homes and Habits
S33782: Joy, N.H. - A Practical Handbook of British Beetles. Vol. I-II
S50663: Joy, N.H. - A Practical Handbook of British Beetles
S50030: Joyce, T.A.; Braunholtz, H.J. - Handbook to the Ethnographical Collections
S47913: Joyce, A.E. - Copepods and Cladocerans of Loch Plankton
S20042: Joysey, K.A.; Kemp, T.S. (Eds) - Studies in Vertebrate Evolution
N28191: De Juana, E.; Garcia, E. - The Birds of the Iberian Peninsula
N37710: de Juana Aranzana, E. - Plantas silvestres de Madrid: Clave de identificación mediante fotografías
S29446: Judd, W.W. - Early Naturalists and Natural History Societies of London, Ontario
S36833: Juggins, S. - Diatoms in the Thames Estuary, England: Ecology, Palaeoecology, and Salinity Transfer Function (Bibliotheca Diatomologica 25)
N47101: Juhel, P.; Bate, R. - Les Cahiers Magellanes NS no. 38
N28881: Juhel, P.; Teocchi, P.; Vives, A.; Audureau, A.; Vitali, F.; Devesa, S. - Les Cahiers Magellanes NS no. 18
N21305: Juhel, P.; Vitali, F.; Vitali, C.; Teocchi, E.; Vives, A. - Les Cahiers Magellanes NS no. 4
N44783: Juhel, P.; Adlbauer, K.; Sudre, J. et al - Les Cahiers Magellanes NS no. 34
N35788: Jung, K.-S.; Lee, J.-E. - A pictorial key of the Odonata from Korea
S38280: Juniper, B.; Southwood, R. (Eds) - Insects and the Plant Surface
S40230: Junk, W. - Bibliographia ColeopterologicaFinal Report
S40235: Junk, W. - Bibliographia LepidopterologicaFinal Report
N23332: Juskaitis, R.; Buechner, S. - The Hazel Dormouse. Muscardinius avellanarius
S49948: Jutson, J.T.; Farquharson, R.A. - The Mining Geology of Kookynie, Niagara and Tampa, North Coolgardie Goldfield … with Petrology by R.A. Farquharson (Western Australia Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 78)
S22569: Juutinen, P. - Zur Biologie und forstlichen Bedeutung der Fichtenböcke (Tetropium Kirby) in Finnland
S51138: Kaaber, S. - De danske svaermere og spindere: Geografisk udbredelse og fluktuationer 1850-1980
S13067: Kaaber, S. - De danske svaermere og spindere: Geografisk udbredelse og fluktuationer 1850-1980
S33273: Kaaber, S. - De danske svaermere og spindere: Geografisk udbredelse og fluktuationer 1850-1980
S45760: Kaaber, S. - De danske svaermere og spindere: Geografisk udbredelse og fluktuationer 1850-1980
S56913: Kaal, J. - Natural Medicine from Honey Bees (Apitherapy)
N21509: Kabakov, O.N. - Scarabaeid Beetles (Scarabaeinae) of the Fauna of Russia and adjacent Countries
S45363: Kabata, Z. - Parasitic Copepoda of British Fishes
S27943: Kabata, Z. - Parasitic Copepoda of British Fishes
S37853: Kachalova, O.L. - Rucheiniki rek Latvii [Trichopterenfauna der Flüsse Lettlands]
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