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S59531: Edwards, R. (Ed.) - Provisional atlas of the aculeate Hymenoptera of Britain and Ireland. Part 1
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P51311: Edwards, A.B. - Textures of the Ore Minerals and Their Significance
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S31179: Efetov, K.A.; Tarmann, G.M. - Forester Moths. The genera Theresimima, Rhagades, Jordanita and Adscita (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae, Procridinae)
S27300: Efetov, K.A.; Tarmann, G.M. - Forester Moths. The genera Theresimima, Rhagades, Jordanita and Adscita (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae, Procridinae)
S33344: Efetov, K.A.; Tarmann, G.M. - Forester Moths. The genera Theresimima, Rhagades, Jordanita and Adscita (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae, Procridinae)
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R41110: Eitschberger, U.; Yakovlev, R.V. - (1) Vorarbeit zur Revision der Eumorpha obliquus (Rothschild & Jordan, 1903)-Artengruppe mit der Beschreibung ener neuen Art aus Bolivien (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae); (2) Zur Kenntnis von Macroglossum sitiene Walker, 1856 und zu dieser phaenot
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S11796: Eliot, J.N. - The Higher Classification of the Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera): A Tentative Arrangement
N6399: Eliot, J.N. - A review of the Miletini (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
S50788: Eliot, J.N. - The Higher Classification of the Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera): A Tentative Arrangement
S43360: Eliot, C. - Japanese Nudibranchs
S49929: Eliot, J.N.; Kawazoe, A. - Blue Butterflies of the Lycaenopsis group
S43445: Elkaim, B. - Contribution à l Etude Ecologique d'un Estuaire Atlantique Marocain: l estuaire du Bou Regreg (premiere partie)
S12739: Elkin, A.P.; Macintosh, N.W.G. (Eds) - Grafton Elliot Smith: The Man and his Work
S48383: Elkington, T. (Ed.) - The Nature of Derbyshire: The Wildlife and Ecology of the County
S58550: Elkins, N. - Weather and Bird Behaviour
S58536: Elkins, N. - Weather and Bird Behaviour
S12743: Ellerman, J.R.; Morrison-Scott, T.C.S. - Checklist of Palearctic and Indian Mammals 1758 to 1946
S771: Ellerman, J.R.; Morrison-Scott, T.C.S.; Hayman, R.W. - Southern African Mammals 1758 to 1951: A Reclassification
S55347: Elliot, R.E. - Birds of Islay
S53500: Elliot, G.F.S; Laurie, M.; Murdoch, J.B. (Eds) - Fauna, Flora & Geology of the Clyde Area
S54932: Elliot, D.G. - Check List of Mammals of the North American Continent, the West Indies, and the Neighboring Seas [and] Supplement
N2574: Elliott, J.M.; Humpesch, U.H. - A Key to the Adults of the British Ephemeroptera with notes on their ecology
S34679: Elliott, J.M.; Tullett, P.A. - Provisional Atlas of the Freshwater Leeches of the British Isles
S59764: Elliott, J.M.; Humpesch, U.H. - Mayfly Larvae (Ephemeroptera) of Britian and Ireland: Keys and a review of their ecology
S60697: Elliott, J.M.; Mann, K.H. - A Key to the British Freshwater Leeches with notes on their life cycles and ecology
N29129: Elliott, J.M.; Dobson, M. - Freshwater Leeches of Britain and Ireland: Keys to the Hirudinea and a Review of their Ecology
S59373: Elliott, J.M.; Humpesch, U.H. - A Key to the Adults of the British Ephemeroptera with notes on their ecology
S35863: Elliott, J.M.; Mann, K.H. - A Key to the British Freshwater Leeches with notes on their life cycles and ecology
N41072: Elliott, A.; Martínez Vilalta, A. (Eds) - Mammals of South Asia: India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka
S44644: Elliott, J.M.; Humpesch, U.H. - A Key to the Adults of the British Ephemeroptera with notes on their ecology
N18897: Elliott, J.M.; Humpesch, U.H. - Mayfly Larvae (Ephemeroptera) of Britian and Ireland: Keys and a review of their ecology
S35786: Elliott, K.; O'Connor, M.; Wolstenholme, G.E.W. - Trypanosomiasis and Leishmaniasis with special reference to Chagas' disease
S44609: Elliott, J.M. - A Key to British Freshwater Megaloptera and Neuroptera with notes on their life cycles and ecology
S34226: Elliott, H.J.; deLittle, D.W. - Insect pests of trees and timber in Tasmania
S6533: Elliott, G.F. - The non-descriptive Palaeontology of the Sowerbys' Mineral Conchology
S21884: Elliott, J.M.; Tullett, P.A. - Provisional Atlas of the Freshwater Leeches of the British Isles
S44045: Elliott, J. - Alpines in the Open Garden
S53414: Elliott, J.M. - British Freshwater Megaloptera and Neuroptera: a key with ecological notes
S53413: Elliott, J.M. - A Key to British Freshwater Megaloptera and Neuroptera with notes on their life cycles and ecology
N16732: Elliott, J.M. - British Freshwater Megaloptera and Neuroptera: Keys to adult & larvae & a review of their ecology
S38505: Elliott, G.F. - The non-descriptive Palaeontology of the Sowerbys' Mineral Conchology
A37202: Ellis, John - The Natural History of Many Curious and Uncommon Zoophytes, Collected from Various Parts of the Globe
A35099: Ellis, John - Essai sur l'Histoire naturelle des Corallines,... qu'on trouve communement sur les Cotes de la Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande; Auquel on a joint une Description d'un Grand Polype de Mer, pris aupres du Pole Arctique, par des Pecheurs de Baleine, pendant l'E
S48405: Ellis, A.E. - British Freshwater Bivalve Molluscs. With Keys and Notes for the Identification of the Species
S46718: Ellis, A.E. - British Freshwater Bivalve Molluscs. With Keys and Notes for the Identification of the Species
S21038: Ellis, J.H. - Yellow Fever and Public Health in the New South
S43752: Ellis, H.A. - The Geology of the Yilgarn Goldfield, South of the Great Eastern Railway (Western Australia Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 97)
S41569: Ellis, D. - Iron Bacteria
S56629: Ellis, A.E. - British Freshwater Bivalve Molluscs. With Keys and Notes for the Identification of the Species
S45545: Ellis, A.E. - British Snails: A Guide to the Non-Marine Gastropoda of Great Britain and Ireland Pliocene to Recent
S55878: Ellis, J.W.; Mansbridge, W. - The Lepidopterous Fauna of Lancashire and Cheshire
S47820: Ellis, H.A. - The Exploratory Diamond Drilling of the Koolyanobbing Iron Deposit for Pyrite. Approx Lat. 30 50'S. Approx. Long. 119 45'E (Western Australia Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 112)
S47033: Ellis, P.E. (Ed.) - Social Organization of Animal Communities The proceedings of a Symposia held on the 26th and 27th November 1963
S48705: Ellis, A.E. - British Freshwater Bivalve Molluscs. With Keys and Notes for the Identification of the Species
S52902: Ellis, A.E. - British Freshwater Bivalve Mollusca:Keys and Notes for the Identification of the Species (Synopses of the British Fauna 11)
S32271: Ellis, A.E. - British Snails: A Guide to the Non-Marine Gastropoda of Great Britain and Ireland Pliocene to Recent
S46180: Ellis, E.A. - The Broads (New Naturalist 46)
S48398: Ellis, A.E. - British Freshwater Bivalve Molluscs. With Keys and Notes for the Identification of the Species
S41552: Ellis, H.A. - Some Economic Aspects of the Principal Tantalum-Bearing Deposits of the Pilbara Goldfield, North-West Division (Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Western Australia No 104)
S14498: Ellis, G. - Plant Hunting in Wales
S48013: Ellis, R.G. - Flowering Plants of Wales
S56375: Elmes, G.W.; Free, A. (Eds) - Climate change and rare species in Britain
S40865: Elmquist, H.; Liljeberg, G.; Top-Jensen, M.; Fibiger, M. - Sveriges Fjärilar
N38930: Elmquist, H.; Liljeberg, G.; Top-Jensen, M.; Fibiger, M. - Sveriges Fjärilar
S38406: Elofson, O. - Zur Kenntnis der marinen Ostracoden Schwedens mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Skageraks
S55232: Jonathan Elphick - Atlas of Bird Migration: Tracing the Great Journeys of the World's Birds
S44351: Elsden, J.V. - Principles of Chemical Geology A Review of the Application of the Equilibrium Theory to Geological Problems
S40955: Elster, H.-J. - Beiträge zur Limnochemie der Hochschwarzwaldseen Teil I-IV
S59335: Eltringham, H. - Histological and Illustrative Methods for Entomologists
S39635: Eltringham, H. - Butterfly Lore
S50223: Eltringham, H.; Jordan, K. - Lepidopterorum Catalogus Pt 11: Nymphalidae: Acraeinae
S45488: Elzinga, R.J. - Fundamentals of Entomology
S9568: Embrey, P.G.; Fuller, J.P. (Eds) - A Manual of New Mineral Names 1892-1978
S54137: Embry, B.; Youden, G.H. - The Butterflies and Moths (Macro-Lepidoptera and Pyrales) found in the Dover and Deal District of Kent
S30681: Van Emden, H.F. (Ed.) - Aphid Technology with special reference to the study of Aphids in the field
S33079: Van Emden, F.I. - Diptera Cyclorrhapha. Calyptrata (I) Section (a). Tachinidae and Calliphoridae (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10/4a)
S30682: Van Emden, H.F. (Ed.) - Aphid Technology with special reference to the study of Aphids in the field
S15227: Van Emden, F.I. - Ruwenzori Expedition 1934-35 Vol.2: No. 3, 4, 6: Muscidae
S29159: Van Emden, H.F. (Ed.) - Insect/Plant Relationships
S43779: Van Emden, F.I. - Diptera Cyclorrhapha. Calyptrata (I) Section (a). Tachinidae and Calliphoridae (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10/4a)
S18425: Van Emden, F.I. - The Larvae of Cassidoloma angolense John and Notiophygus piger John (Col. Colyd.)
S29200: Van Emden, F.I. - Ruwenzori Expedition 1934-35 Vol.2 no.4 Muscidae: B.- Coenosiinae
S10381: Van Emden, H.F. (Ed.) - Aphid Technology with special reference to the study of Aphids in the field
S28968: Van Emden, H.F. (Ed.) - Aphid Technology with special reference to the study of Aphids in the field
S28974: Emden, H. van; Service, M. - Pest and Vector Control
N34390: Emden, H. van; Harrington, R. (Eds) - Aphids as Crop Pests
S39031: Van Emden, F.I. - Diptera Cyclorrhapha. Calyptrata (I) Section (a). Tachinidae and Calliphoridae (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10/4a)
S49184: Van Emden, F.I. - Diptera Cyclorrhapha. Calyptrata (I) Section (a). Tachinidae and Calliphoridae (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10/4a)
S21266: Van Emden, H.F. (Ed.) - Aphid Technology with special reference to the study of Aphids in the field
S38858: Van Emden, F.I. - Diptera Cyclorrhapha. Calyptrata (I) Section (a). Tachinidae and Calliphoridae (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10/4a)
S51121: Van Emden, F.I. - Ruwenzori Expedition 1934-5 Vol. 2 no.6 Muscidae C.-Scatophaginae, Anthomyiinae, Lispinae, Fanniinae and Phaoniinae
S30683: Van Emden, H.F. (Ed.) - Aphid Technology with special reference to the study of Aphids in the field
R57460: Van Emden, F.I. - Keys to the Ethiopian Tachinidae Vol. I: Phasiinae; Vol. II: Dexiinae; Vol. III: Macquartiinae
S53334: Van Emden, F.I. - Diptera Cyclorrhapha. Calyptrata (I) Section (a). Tachinidae and Calliphoridae (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10/4a)
S53791: Emerson, P.H. - Birds, Beasts, and Fishes of the Norfolk Broadland
S52647: Emerson, P.H. - Birds, Beasts, and Fishes of the Norfolk Broadland
S43653: Emerton, J.H. - The Common Spiders of the United States
S17363: Emerton, J.H. - The Common Spiders of the United States
S55836: Emig, C.C. - British and other Phoronids (Synopses of the British Fauna 13)
S60755: Emig, C.C. - British and other Phoronids (Synopses of the British Fauna 13)
S55978: Emley, D.W. - Staffordshire Flies: A Provisional List
S38844: Emley, D.W. - Staffordshire Flies: A Provisional List
S54178: Emmel, T.C.; Ross, E.S. (Eds) - Butterflies: Their World, Their Life Cycles, Their Behavior
S49791: Emmel, T.C.; Minno, M.C.; Drummond, B.A. - Florissant Butterflies A guide to the fossil and present-day species of central Colorado
S49018: Emmet, A.M.; Langmaid, J.R. (Eds) - The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 4 (Pt I-II): Oecophoridae to Scythrididae
S33481: Emmet, A.M.; Pyman, G.A. - The Larger Moths and Butterflies of Essex
S45692: Emmet, A.M.; Heath, J. (Eds) - Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 7, pt. 2: Lasiocampidae - Thyatiridae. With Life History Chart of the British Lepidoptera
S39088: Emmet, A.M.; Heath, J. (Eds) - Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 7, pt. 2: Lasiocampidae - Thyatiridae. With Life History Chart of the British Lepidoptera
S45155: Emmet, A.M.; Heath, J. (Eds) - The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Volume 7, pt. 1: Hesperiidae - Nymphalidae (The Butterflies)
S52734: Emmet, A.M. - The Smaller Moths of Essex
S52135: Emmet, A.M.; Heath, J. (Eds) - The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Volume 7, pt. 1: Hesperiidae - Nymphalidae (The Butterflies)
S40693: Emmet, A.M.; Pyman, G.A. - The Larger Moths and Butterflies of Essex
S39081: Emmet, A.M.; Heath, J. (Eds) - The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 7, Pt 1: Hesperiidae - Nymphalidae (The Butterflies)
S42846: Emmet, A.M.; Heath, J. (Eds) - The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 7, Pt 1: Hesperiidae - Nymphalidae (The Butterflies)
S25118: Emmet, A.M. - The Smaller Moths of Essex
S57348: Emmet, A.M. (Ed.) - The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Volume 3: Yponomeutidae - Elachistidae
S42845: Emmet, A.M.; Heath, J. (Eds) - Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 7, pt. 2: Lasiocampidae - Thyatiridae. With Life History Chart of the British Lepidoptera
S52803: Emmet, A.M.; Heath, J. (Eds) - The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Volume 7, pt. 1: Hesperiidae - Nymphalidae (The Butterflies)
S49020: Emmet, A.M.; Heath, J. (Eds) - Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 7, pt. 2: Lasiocampidae - Thyatiridae. With Life History Chart of the British Lepidoptera
S45691: Emmet, A.M.; Heath, J. (Eds) - The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Volume 7, pt. 1: Hesperiidae - Nymphalidae (The Butterflies)
S28077: Emmet, A.M. - A Field Guide to Smaller British Lepidoptera
S47909: Emmet, A.M.; Heath, J. (Eds) - The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 7, Pt 1: Hesperiidae - Nymphalidae (The Butterflies)
S54360: Emmet, A.M. - A Field Guide to Smaller British Lepidoptera
S50832: Emmet, A.M. (Ed.) - A Field Guide to Smaller British Lepidoptera
S55060: Emmet, A.M.; Heath, J. (Eds) - The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Volume 7, pt. 1: Hesperiidae - Nymphalidae (The Butterflies)
S7184: Emmet, A.M. - The Smaller Moths of Essex
S35851: Emmet, A.M.; Pyman, G.A. - The Larger Moths and Butterflies of Essex
S33818: Emmet, A.M. - A Field Guide to Smaller British Lepidoptera
S54600: Emmet, A.M. - A Field Guide to the Smaller British Lepidoptera
S60725: Emmet, A.M. - A Field Guide to Smaller British Lepidoptera
S57347: Emmet, A.M.; Langmaid, J.R. (Eds) - The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 4 (Pt I-II): Oecophoridae to Scythrididae
N413: Emmet, A.M.; Heath, J. (Eds) - The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Volume 7, pt. 1: Hesperiidae - Nymphalidae (The Butterflies)
N414: Emmet, A.M.; Heath, J. (Eds) - The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Volume 7, pt. 2: Lasiocampidae - Thyatiridae
S45828: Emmet, A.M. (Ed.) - A Field Guide to Smaller British Lepidoptera
N4531: Emmet, A.M.; Langmaid, J.R. (Eds) - The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 4, pt. 2: Gelechiidae
S111: Emmett, R.L. et al - Distribution and Abundance of Fishes and Invertebrates in West Coast Estuaries Vol.II: Species Life History Summaries
S57339: Emmons, R.C. - The Universal Stage: (With five axes of rotation)
S54478: d'Empaire, Oswaldo - Introducción al Estudio de la Cultura Barí
S45927: Emry, R.J. - Revised Tertiary Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Western Beaver Divide, Fremont County, Wyoming
S45991: Emry, R.J.; Thorington, R.W. - Descriptive and Comparative Osteology of the Oldest Fossil Squirrel, Protosciurus (Rodentia: Sciuridae)
S46062: Emry, R.J. - Stratigraphy and Preliminary Biostratigraphy of the Flagstaff Rim area, Natrona County, Wyoming
S46590: Enay, R.; Mangold, C.; Groupe franc¸ais d'e´tude du Jurassique - Synthe`se Pale´oge´ographique du Jurassique Franc¸ais
S53574: Endersby, I.; Fliedner, H. - The Naming of Australia's Dragonflies
S21950: Endrodi, S. - Monographie der Dynastinae (Coleoptera, Lamellicornia). 1. Teil
N5997: Endrody-Younga, S. - Insectes. Coleopteres Nosodendridae (Faune de Madagascar 76)
S56848: Enequist, P. - Studies on the soft-bottom Amphipods of the Skagerak
S44146: Energlyn, Lord; Brealey, L. - Analytical Geochemistry
S60352: Engel, R.; Mathé, H. - Orchidées sauvages d'Alsace et des Vosges
N55205: Engelbrecht, I. - Field Guide to Scorpions of South Africa
S40328: Engelmann, F. - The Physiology of Insect Reproduction
S53633: Engelmann, F. - The Physiology of Insect Reproduction
S7955: England, K.W. - Certain Actiniaria (Cnidaria, Anthozoa) from the Red Sea and tropical Indo-Pacific Ocean
S44525: Engler, A.; Prantl, K. (Eds) - Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten. I. Teil. Abt. 1** Euthallophyta (Abt. II): Eumycetes: Basidiomycetes & Fungi imperfecti
S44517: Engler, A.; Prantl, K. (Eds) - Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten. III. Teil. Abt. 7 (Dicotyledoneae: Lythraceae, etc.) und 5 (Dicotyledoneae: Araliaceae, etc.)
S44518: Engler, A.; Prantl, K. (Eds) - Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten. III. Teil. Abt 1, 1a-b, 2, 2a, 3
S44531: Engler, A.; Prantl, K. (Eds); Printz, H. - Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten. Bd 3: Chlorophyceae (nebst Conjugatae, Heterocontae und Charophyta)
S44532: Engler, A.; Prantl, K. (Eds) - Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten. Bd 16b: Angiospermae: Santalales, Aristolochiales, Balanophorales
S44530: Engler, A.; Prantl, K. (Eds) - Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten. Bd 2. Peridineae (Dinoflagellatae), Diatomeae (Bacillariophyta), Myxomycetes
S43955: Engler, A.; Prantl, K. (Eds) - Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten insbesondere den Nutzpflanzen
S44533: Engler, A.; Prantl, K. (Eds) - Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten. Bd 16c: Angiospermae: Centrospermae
S44536: Engler, A.; Prantl, K. (Eds) - Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten. Bd 19a. Angiospermae: Pandales; Geraniales, Geraniineae (erster Teil)
S44537: Engler, A.; Prantl, K. (Eds) - Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten. Bd 19c. Angiospermae: Geraniales: Dichapetalineae, Tricoccae, Callitrichineae
S44541: Engler, A.; Prantl, K. (Eds) - Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten. IV Teil. Abt. 1 und 2: Dicotyledoneae, Sympetalae
S44528: Engler, A.; Prantl, K. (Eds) - Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten. Bd 14a. Angiospermae: Kurze Erläuterung der Blüten- und Fortpflanzungsverhältnisse
S44476: Engler, A.; Prantl, K. (Eds) - Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten. Bd 6 + 7a: Eumycetes (Fungi): Basidiomycetes
S44515: Engler, A.; Prantl, K. (Eds) - Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten. III. Teil. Abt. 4 (Dicotyledoneae: Geraniaceae, etc.) und 5 (Dicotyledoneae: Euphorbiaceae, etc.)
S44519: Engler, A.; Prantl, K. (Eds) - Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten. Nachträge zum I. Teil, 2. Abt. 2 (1890-1910)
S44523: Engler, A.; Prantl, K. (Eds) - Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten. II. Teil. Abt. 1-6
S45033: Engler, A.; Prantl, K. (Eds) - Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten. Nachträge zum I. Teil, 2. Abt. 2 (1890-1910)
S44520: Engler, A.; Prantl, K. (Eds) - Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten. Gesamtregister zum II bis IV Teil
S44521: Engler, A.; Prantl, K. (Eds) - Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten. III. Teil. Abt. 6 (Dicotyledoneae: Elaeocarpaceae, etc.) und 6a (Dicotyledoneae: Flacourtiaceae, etc.)
S44524: Engler, A.; Prantl, K. (Eds) - Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten. I. Teil Abt. 1*: Euthallophyta (Abt. II): Eumycetes: Lichenes
S45032: Engler, A.; Prantl, K. (Eds); Printz, H. - Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten. Bd 3: Chlorophyceae (nebst Conjugatae, Heterocontae und Charophyta)
S41393: English, G.L. - Getting Acquainted with Minerals
S11192: Englund, P.T.; Sher, A. (Eds) - The Biology of Parasitism: A Molecular and Immunological Approach
S55700: Ennion, E.A.R. - Bird Study in a GardenA Book for Bird Watchers (Puffin Picture Book No. 106)
S53987: Ennion, Eric - Birds and Seasons
P44142: Arquivos de Entomologia - Arquivos de Entomologia
S57097: Amateur Entomologist's Society - Collecting Clearwings
R23669: Entwistle, P.F. - The Identity, Variation and Distribution of some members of the genus Tragocephala Castelnau (Coleoptera: Lamiidae) in West Africa, with descriptions of five new subspecies
S35110: Entwistle, P.F. - Pests of Cocoa
S57509: Entwistle, P.F. - Pests of Cocoa
S38489: Entz, G. (Ed.) - Resultate der Wissenschaftlichen Erforschung des Balatonsees. Bd: II: Die Biologie des Balatonsees und seiner Umgebung. Theil I: Die Fauna des Balatonsees
S46453: Government Adviser for the Conservation of the Environment - Interim Report on the Results of the Oman Flora and Fauna Survey: Dhofar 1977, Sultanate of Oman
S53103: Epple, A.O.; Weins, J.F. - Plants of Arizona
S46881: Epstein, M.E. - Revision and Phylogeny of the Limacodid-Group Families, with Evolutionary Studies on Slug Caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Zygaenoidea)
S46150: Erben, H.K. - El Jurasico medio y el Calloviano de Mexico
S57076: Erdtman, G. (Ed.) - Grana Palynologica Vol. V, No. 2
S32589: Ereshefsky, M. (Ed.) - Units of Evolution: Essays on the Nature of Species
S59450: Erichson, W.F. - Naturgeschichte der Insecten Deutschlands. 1. Abt. Coleoptera. Bd 3
A31682: Erichson, W.F. - Die Käfer der Mark Brandenburg. Bd 1 (Abt. 1-2)
N33936: Eriksen, J.; Porter, R. - Birds of Oman
S30336: Erk, A.S. - Etude Geologique de la region entre Gemlik et Bursa (Turquie):Inauguraldissertation zur Erlangung des philosophische Doktorwürde vorgelegt der Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Basel
S3352: Ermisch, K. - Mordellidae des belgischen Congogebietes des Musee Royal du Congo Belge in Tervuren
R2593: Ermisch, K. - Mordellidae des belgischen Congogebietes des Musee Royal du Congo Belge in Tervuren
S54410: Ernst, A. - Resumen del Curso de Zoologia
S5486: Ernst, A. - The New Flora of the Volcanic Island of Krakatau
N34825: Erskine, S.E.; Killick, H.J.; Lambrick, C.R.; Lee, E.M. - Oxfordshire's Threatened Plants: a register of the rare and scarce plants of the administrative county, and of vice-county 23
S60601: Erwin, D.G.; Picton, B.E.; Connor, D.W.; Howson, C.M.; Gilleece, P.; Bouges, M.J. - Inshore Marine Life of Northern Ireland
S46873: Erwin, T.L. - Ground beetles of Central America (Carabidae), Part II: Notiophilini, Loricerini, and Carabini
S55880: Erwin, D.G.; Picton, B.E.; Connor, D.W.; Howson, C.M.; Gilleece, P.; Bouges, M.J. - Inshore Marine Life of Northern Ireland
R2518: Erwin, T.L. - Studies of the Subtribe Tachyina (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Bembidiini), Part III: Systematics, Phylogeny, and Zoogeography of the Genus Tachyta Kirby
S47337: Erwin, T.L.; Ball, G.E.; Whitehead, D.R.; Halpen, A.L. (Eds) - Carabid Beetles: Their Evolution, Natural History and Classification
S55000: Erzinclioglu, Z. - Blowflies (Naturalists' Handbooks 23)
S8402: Esaki, T.; Bryan, E.H.; Gressitt, J.L. - Insects of Micronesia Vol. 2: Bibliography
S42305: Esaki, T.; Bryan, E.H.; Gressitt, J.L. - Insects of Micronesia Vol. 2: Bibliography
S29862: Esaki, T. et al - Icones Heterocerorum Japonicorum in Coloribus Naturalibus: Vol. 2
S22516: Esch, G.W. - Parasites, People, and Places: Essays on Field Parasitology
A40565: Esper, Eugenius Johann Christoph - Die ausländische oder die ausserhalb Europa zur Zeit in den übrigen Welttheilen vorgefundene Schmetterlinge in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Beschreibungen. Erster Theil
N33843: Essayan, R.; Jugan, D.; Mora, F. Ruffoni, A. (Eds) - Atlas des papillons de jour de Bourgogne et Franche-Comté (Rhopalocera & Zygaenidae)
S17170: Essenberg, C. - The Factors Controlling the Distribution of the Polynoidea of the Pacific Coast of North America
R16423: Essig, E.O. - Insects of Micronesia Vol. 6(2): Homoptera: Aphididae
S40888: Estrada, E.; Meggers, B.J.; Evans, C. - Jambeli culture of South Coastal Equador
S36054: Etchécopar, R.D.; Hüe, F. - The Birds of North Africa: from the Canary Islands to the Red Sea
S31084: Etheridge, E. - Baxter Prints: A Concise Guide to their Collection, including Baxter Licensee Prints, etc.
S50055: Etheridge, E. - Review of the Iguanid lizard genera Uracentron and Stobilurus
S16139: Etheridge, R.; Carpenter, P.H. - Catalogue of the Blastoidea in the Geological Department of the British Museum (Natural History)
S49882: Etheridge, R. - A Review of the Iguanid Lizard Genus Enyalius
S51352: Ettlinger, D.M.T. - British & Irish Orchids: a field guide
S38874: Euller, J. - Antarctic World
S6036: Evans, K.; Trudgill, D.L.; Webster, J.M. (Eds) - Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Temperate Agriculture
N57057: Evans, A.V. - The Little Book of Beetles
S57365: Evans, G.O.; Fletcher, D.S. - Ruwenzori Expedition 1952 Vol.1 (I) Introduction with List of Localities
R58759: Evans, G.O. - An introduction to the British Mesostigmata (Acarina) with keys to families and genera
S37750: Evans, H.M. - Sting-fish and Seafarer
S40723: Evans, L.G.R. - The Ultimate Site Guide to Scarcer British Birds
S56256: Evans, G.O.; Browning, E. - Mites of the Genus Macrocheles Latr. (Mesostigmata) associated with the Coprid beetles in the collections of the British Museum (Natural History)
S58585: Evans, G.O.; Hyatt, K.H. - A Revision of the Platyseiinae (Mesostigmata: Aceosejidae): Based on Material in the collections of the British Museum (Natural History)
S46333: Evans, A. (Ed.) - Coastal Waders and Wildfowl in Winter
S38547: Evans, G; Sheals, J.; MacFarlane, D. - The Terrestrial Acari of the British Isles. Vol. 1: An Introduction to their Morphology, Biology and Classification
S31029: Evans, W. - Mammalian Fauna of the Edinburgh District
S28425: Evans, W.H. - A Catalogue of the African Hesperiidae
S47362: Evans, A.V.; Hogue, J.N. - Introduction to California Beetles
S53159: Evans, H.E.; Eberhard, M.J.W. - The Wasps
S53155: Evans, A.V. - Field Guide to Insects and Spiders & Related Species of North America
S59928: Evans, P.A.; Evans, I.M.; Rothero, G.P. - Flora of Assynt
N26869: Evans, A.V. - Beetles of Eastern North America
S58539: Evans, P.G.H. - Guide to Identification of Cetaceans in the North East Atlantic: A key to whales, dolphins and porpoises
S40341: Evans, G.O.; Browning, E. - Some British Mites of Economic Importance
S56211: Evans, G.O.; Hyatt, K.H. - A Revision of the Platyseiinae (Mesostigmata: Aceosejidae): Based on Material in the collections of the British Museum (Natural History)
S46167: Evans, H.E. - The Comparative Ethology and Evolution of the Sand Wasps
N45563: Evans, A.V. - Beetles of Western North America
S53064: Evans, A.V.; Hogue, J.N. - Field Guide to Beetles of California
R7181: Evans, L.K.; Evans, K.G.W. - A Survey of the Macro-Lepidoptera of Croydon and North-East Surrey
S44742: Evans, G.O.; Till, W.M. - Studies on the British Dermanyssidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) Part I External Morphology, Part II Classification
S37370: Evans, H.E. - The Comparative Ethology and Evolution of the Sand Wasps
N50187: Evans, A.V. - The Lives of Beetles: A Natural History of Coleoptera
N8416: Evans, A.V.; Hogue, J.N. - Introduction to California Beetles
R44562: Evans, G.O. - Collection of 71 papers on Acari
S50775: Evans, A.V.; Bellamy, C.L. - An Inordinate Fondness for Beetles
N12827: Evans, M.; Edmondson, R. - A Photographic Guide to the Grasshoppers & Crickets of Britain & Ireland
S39858: Evans, E.R.G.R. - South with Scott
S43922: Evans, A.D.; Grice, P.V.; Wilson, J.D. - Bird Conservation and Agriculture: The Bird Life of Farmland, Grassland and Heathland
S48315: Evans, G. - The Life of Beetles
R10936: Evans, L.K.; Evans, K.G.W. - A Survey of the Macro-Lepidoptera of Croydon and North-East Surrey
S32599: Evans, J.W. - The Leafhoppers and Froghoppers of Australia and New Zealand (Homoptera: Cicadelloidea and Cercopoidea)
S50489: Evans, M.I. (Ed.) - Important Bird Areas in the Middle East
S45906: Evans, G; Sheals, J.; MacFarlane, D. - The Terrestrial Acari of the British Isles. Vol. 1: An Introduction to their Morphology, Biology and Classification
S52365: Evans, L.G.R. - The Ultimate Site Guide to Scarcer British Birds
R28929: Evans, M.E.G - Life History of Atomaria ruficornis (Marsh.) (Col., Crytopgagidae)
R27668: Evans, L.K.; Evans, K.G.W. - A Survey of the Macro-Lepidoptera of Croydon and North-East Surrey
S44744: Evans, G.O.; Browning, E. - British Mites of the Subfamily Macrochelinae tragardh (Gamasina-Macrochelidae)
S32232: Evans, G; Sheals, J.; MacFarlane, D. - The Terrestrial Acari of the British Isles, vol. 1: Introduction and Biology
R8509: Evans, M.E.G. - The Muscular and Reproductive Systems of Atomaria ruficornis (Marsham) (Coleoptera, Crytophagidae)
S46915: Evans, G. - The Life of Beetles
S23426: Evans, I.M. (Ed.) - North-East Leicestershire Coalfield. Report of a Biological Survey, 1978
S33721: Evans, W.B.; Wilson, A.A.; Taylor, Price, D. - Geology of the Country around Macclesfield, Congleton, Crewe amd Middlewich
S58586: Evans, G.O.; Browning, E. - Mites of the Genus Macrocheles Latr. (Mesostigmata) associated with the Coprid beetles in the collections of the British Museum (Natural History)
S36264: Evans, P.G.H. - The Natural History of Whales and Dolphins
R1116: Evans, H.E.; O'Neill, K.M. - The Natural History and Behavior of North American Beewolves
S21827: Evans, G.O.; Browning, E. - Some British Mites of Economic Importance
N13171: Evans, W.; Yablokov, A. - Noninvasive Study of Mammalian Populations
S52711: Evans, A.V. - Beetles of Eastern North America
R58760: Evans, G.O.; Till, W.M. - Mesostigmatic mites of Britain and Ireland (Chelicerata: Acari-Parasitiformes): An introduction to their external morphology and classification
S39205: Evans, G; Sheals, J.; MacFarlane, D. - The Terrestrial Acari of the British Isles. Vol. 1: An Introduction to their Morphology, Biology and Classification
S44915: Evans, G; Sheals, J.; MacFarlane, D. - The Terrestrial Acari of the British Isles, vol. 1: Introduction and Biology
S54181: Evelyn, John - Kalendarium Hortense The Gard'ners Almanac Directing what he is to do monethly throughout the year and what fruits & flowers are in Prime
S52282: Evenari, M. - The Awakening Desert: the autobiography of an Israeli scientist
S50649: Evenari, M.; Shanan, L.; Tadmor, N. - The Negev: The Challenge of a Desert
S57530: Evenhuis, N.L.; Greathead, D.J. - World Catalog of Bee Flies (Diptera: Bombyliidae)
S57531: Evenhuis, N.L. - Catalogue of the Fossil Flies of the World (Insecta: Diptera)
S57658: Evenhuis, N.L. - An Indexed Bibliography of Bombyliidae (Insecta, Diptera): Supplement I
S58035: Evenhuis, N.L. - Systematics and Evolution of the Genera in the Subfamilies Usiinae and Phthiriinae (Diptera: Bomyliidae) of the World
S56059: Evenhuis, N.L. - An Indexed Bibliography of Bombyliidae (Insecta, Diptera)
S43604: Evenhuis, N.L. - An Indexed Bibliography of Bombyliidae (Insecta, Diptera)
S56194: Evenhuis, N.L. - Systematics and Evolution of the Genera in the Subfamilies Usiinae and Phthiriinae (Diptera: Bomyliidae) of the World
S43603: Evenhuis, N.L. - An Indexed Bibliography of Bombyliidae (Insecta, Diptera)
R57874: Evenhuis, N.L.; David, C. - Review of the genus Onchopelma Hesse, with descriptions of new species [and] Review of the Tertiary microbombyliids in Baltic, Bitterfeld, and Dominican amber [and] World revision of the microbombyliid genus Mythenteles Hall & Evenhuis [and]
N43795: Everard, C. - Desert Locust Plagues: Controlling the Ancient Scourge
S49783: Everitt, N. - Broadland Sport
S9574: Evers, D.C. (Ed.) - Endangered and Threatened Wildlife of Michigan
S16696: Everts, J.E. - Lijst der in Nederland voorkomende Schildvleugelige Insecten (Coleoptera)
S17674: Evrard, D. - L'Essetiel sur les Géraniums Vivaces
S50111: Ewans, M. - The Battle for The Broads. A History of Environmental Degradation and Renewal
S37025: Ewel, K.C.; Odum, H.T. (Eds) - Cypress Swamps
S36965: Ewer, R.F. - The Carnivores
S34130: Ewer, R.F. - The Carnivores
S28300: Exell, A.W. - Supplement to the Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of S. Tome (With Principe and Annobon)
S54991: Exell, A.W.; Wild, H.; Fernandes, A. (Eds) - Flora Zambesiaca: Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Rhodesia, Bechuanaland Protectorate. Vol. 2, Pt 2
S54988: Exell, A.W.; Wild, H.; Fernandes, A. (Eds) - Flora Zambesiaca:Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Rhodesia, Bechuanaland Protectorate. Vol. 1, Pt 1
S54984: Exell, A.W.; Wild, H.; Fernandes, A. (Eds) - Flora Zambesiaca: Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Rhodesia, Bechuanaland Protectorate. Vol. 1-2
S15701: Exell, A.W.; Fernandes, A. - Conspectus Florae Angolensis Vol. III Fasc 1 Leguminosae (Papilionoidea: Genisteae-Galegeae) Fasc. I. Leguminosae (Papilionoideae: Genista-Galegeae)
S43977: Exell, A.W.; Fernandes, A.; Mendes, E.J. - Conspectus Florae Angolensis Vol. IV: Rosaceae-Alangiaceae
S15699: Exell, A.W.; Mendonca, F.A. - Conspectus Florae Angolensis Vol. 1 Fasc. II. Malvaceae - Aquifoliaceae
S54892: Eyre, M.D.; Luff, M.L.; Ball, S.G. - An Atlas of the Carabidae (Ground Beetles) of Northumberland and Durham
N45768: Eyre, T. - Moorland Wildlife of the North York Moors (Identification Chart)
S48381: Eyre, M.D.; Ball, S.G.; Foster, G.N. - Atlas of the Water Beetles of Northumberland and Durham
S51518: Eyre, M.D. (Ed.) - Environmental Monitoring Surveillance and Conservation using Invertebrates
A30632: Eys, J.N van; Reinwardt, C.G.C. - Over de eigenschappen en het nut van den Kanadaschen Popel (Populus monilifera Ait.)
S56601: Eyssautier, L. - L'Industrie Minière du Maroc (Zone française)
S57395: Eyton, T.C. - A History of the Rarer British Birds [with] Catalogue of British Birds
A48780: Eyton, T.C.; Forster, T.; Legg, J. - A History of the Rarer British Birds (1) [and] Catalogue of British Birds (2) [and] Observations of the Natural History of Swallows (3) [and] A Discourse on the Emigration of British Birds (4)
S52835: Fabre, J.-H. - The Life of the Weevil
S52836: Fabre, J.-H. - The Glow-Worm and other Beetles
S15992: Fabre, J.-H. - The Life of the Fly
S44209: Fabre, J.-H. - Souvenirs Entomologiques: Etudes sur l'instinct et moeurs des insects. Serie 1-6
S14234: Fabre, J.-H.; Stawell, R.; Detmold, E.H. (Illustrator) - Fabre's Book of Insects: retold from Alexander Teixeira De Mattos' Translation of "Souvenirs Entomologiques" by Mrs. R. Stawell
S43329: Fabre, J.-H. - The Life of the Fly with which are interspersed Chapters of Autobiography
S55925: Fabre, J.-H. - The Life of the Fly with which are interspersed Chapters of Autobiography
S59041: Fabre, J.-H. - Le Monde Merveilleux des Insectes
S42025: Fabre, J.-H.; Stawell, R. - Fabre's Book of Insects: retold from Alexander Teixeira De Mattos' Translation of "Souvenirs Entomologiques" by Mrs. Rodolph Stawell
S53007: Fabre, J.-H. - The Spoilers
S43233: Fabre, J.-H.; Black, D. (Ed.) - Insects
S52276: Fabre, J.-H. - The Glow-Worm and other Beetles
S52832: Fabre, J.-H. - The Life of the Grasshopper
S52833: Fabre, J.-H. - The Sacred Beetle and others
S52834: Fabre, J.-H. - More Beetles
S52979: Fabre, J.-H. - The Wonders of Instinct: Chapters in the Psychology of Insects
S53001: Fabre, J.-H. - The Life of the Fly with which are interspersed Chapters of Autobiography
S53010: Fabre, J.-H. - The Life and Love of the Insect
S38034: Fabre, J.-H. - The Hunting Wasps
S26851: Fabre, J.-H.; Stawell, R.; Detmold, E.H. - Fabre's Book of Insects: retold from Alexander Teixeira de Mattos' Translation of "Souvenirs Entomologiques" by Mrs. R. Stawell
S52303: Fabre, J.-H. - The Wonders of Instinct: Chapters in the Psychology of Insects
S52825: Fabre, J.-H. - The Life of the Scorpion
A21564: Fabricius, O. - Fortsaettelse af Nye Zoologiske Bidrag
A44504: Fabricius, J.C. - Mantissa Insectorum sistens eorum species nuper detectas adiectis characteribus genericis, differentiis specificis, emendationibus, observationibus. Tom. I-II
N3918: Fabricius, J.C. - Systema Rhyngotorum
S28947: Fage, L. - Pêches Planctonique a la Lumière effectuées a Banyuls-Sur-Mer et a Concarneau III : Crustacès
S39427: Fage, L. - Cumaces Faune de France 54
S56675: Fahr-Becker, G. - Japanese Prints
N37902: Fahrbach, M.; Gerlach, U. - The Genus Triturus: History, Biology, Systematics, Captive Breeding
S37864: Fahrenbach, W.H. - The Biology of a Harpacticoid Copepod
S58581: Fairbairn, W.A. - Some Common Birds of West Africa
S38632: Fairchild, G.B. - A Catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas south of the United States No. 28: Tabanidae
S56065: Fairchild, G.B. - A Catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas south of the United States No. 28: Tabanidae
S43074: Fairfax-Blakeborough, J. - Analysis of the Turf or The Duties and Difficulties of Racing Officials, Owners, Trainers, Jockeys, Bookmakers and Bettors
S23573: Fairmaire, L.; Laboulbene, A. - Faune entomologiques Francaise ou Descriptions des Insectes qui se trouvent en France. Coleopteres Tome 1
A20826: Falconer, William [1744-1824] - Miscellaneous Tracts and Collections relating to Natural History, selected from the Principal Writers of Antiquity on that Subject
S4476: Falcoz, L. - Dipteres Pupipares Faune de France 14
S55957: Falk, S. - A review of the scarce and threatened flies of Great Britain (Part 1)
S52541: Falk, S.J.; Crossley, R. - A Review of the Scarce and Threatened Flies of Great Britain. Part 3: Empidoidea
S56131: Falk, S. - A review of the scarce and threatened flies of Great Britain (Part 1)
N28734: Falk, S.J.; Lewington, R. (Illus.) - Field Guide to the Bees of Great Britain and Ireland
S52203: Falk, S.J. - Warwickshire's wildflowers: the wildflowers, shrubs & trees of historic Warwickshire
S26726: Falk, S.J. - A Provisional Review of the Status of British Diptera
S59554: Falk, S. - A review of the scarce and threatened flies of Great Britain (Part 1)
S52888: Falk, S. - A review of the scarce and threatened flies of Great Britain (Part 1)
S54179: Falk, S.J. - Warwickshire's Wildflowers: the wildflowers, shrubs & trees of historic Warwickshire
S52542: Falk, S.J.; Chandler, P. - A Review of the sarce and threatened flies of Great Britain. Part 2: Nematocera and Aschiza not dealt with by Falk (1991)
S52275: Falk, S. - A Review of the Scarce and Threatened Bees, Wasps and Ants of Great Britain
S23434: Falk, D.A.; Holsinger, K.E. (Eds) - Genetics and Conservation of Rare Plants
S46800: Falk, S.J.; Lewington, R. (Illus.) - Field Guide to the Bees of Great Britain and Ireland
S56139: Falk, S. - A Review of the Scarce and Threatened Bees, Wasps and Ants of Great Britain
S59834: Falla, R.A.; Sibson, R.B.; Turbott, E.G. - A Field Guide to the Birds of New Zealand and Outlying Islands
S44561: Falla, R.A.; Sibson, R.B.; Turbott, E.G. - A Field Guide to the Birds of New Zealand and Outlying Islands
S36128: Falla, R.A.; Sibson, R.B.; Turbott, E.G. - The New Guide to the Birds of New Zealand and Outlying Islands
A39227: Fallén, C.F. - Phytomyzides et Ochtidiae Sveciae (Dissert. Resp. C.W. Pettersson)
S17662: Familiant V. - Beiträge zur Vergleichen der Hirnfurchen bei den Carnivoren und Primaten
S51174: Fan, Zi-De et al. - Economic Insect Fauna of China. Fasc. 37: Diptera: Anthomyiidae
S51173: Fan, Zi-De et al. - Economic Insect Fauna of China. Fasc. 37: Diptera: Anthomyiidae
S44353: FAO - Soil Map of the World. 1 : 5 000 000. Vol. 6: Africa
S49451: Fara, F. - Sex, Botany and Empire: The Story of Carl Linnaeus and Joseph Banks
S54173: Farago, L. (Ed.) - Abyssinian Stop Press
N40947: Faravel, G. - Butterflies of the World 48 Nymphalidae 28: Euphaedra II
S52494: Farinacci, A.; Elmi, S. (Eds) - Rosso Ammonitico Symposium Proceedings
A56248: Farington, Joseph - Original hand coloured engraving Strawberry Hill House, Twickenham, London
N31468: Farkac, J. - Rhysodidae, Carabidae: Nebriinae-Scaritinae (Icones insectorum Europae centralis 19)
N31473: Farkac, J. - Carabidae: Carabinae: Calosoma, Carabus, Cychrus (Icones insectorum Europae centralis 14)
N57977: Farley-Brown, R.; Shields, C.; Langman, M. - Park and garden birds (Identification Chart)
N33259: Farley-Brown, R.; Langman, M. (Illus.) - Guide to Summer Coastal Birds (Identification Chart)
N56677: Farley-Brown, R.; Broader, A.; Lewington, R. - Dragonflies and Damselflies of Britain (Identification Chart)
N32928: Farley-Brown, R.; Harper, L. - Flowers of Walks and Waysides
S56874: Farley-Brown, R.; Broader, A.; Lewington, R. - Dragonflies and Damselflies of Britain (Identification Chart)
N27802: Farley-Brown, R.; Shields, C.; Langman, M. - Garden bugs and beasties (Identification Chart)
N10662: Farley, R.; Roberts, C. - Playing Field Plants (Identification guide)
N22967: Farley-Brown, R.; Robers, C. - Guide to the land mammals of Britain
N60544: Farley-Brown, R.; Harper, L. - Non-native invasive plants of Britain and Ireland (Identification chart)
S40874: Farrell, C.E. - Chiggers of the genus Euschöngastia (Acarina: Trombiculidae) in North America
S33456: Farrer, R. - The Rainbow Bridge
S40464: Farrer, R. - The English Rock-Garden
S33985: Farrer, R. - The English Rock-Garden
R40305: Farrier, M.H. - A Revision of the Veigaiidae (Acarina)
S44589: Farrington, B. - What Darwin Really Said
N30039: Farrow, R. - Insects of South-Eastern Australia: An Ecological and Behavioural Guide
N13718: Farrugia, S. - Les Agrilus de France
S42891: Fassett, N.C. - A manual of aquatic plants
N38198: Fastovsky, D.E.; Weishampel, D.B. - Dinosaurs: A Concise Natural History
S20307: Fatmi, A.N. - Stratigraphy of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous Rocks and Jurassic Ammonites from Northern Areas of West Pakistan
S44138: Fatmi, A.N. - Neocomian Ammonites from Northern Areas of Pakistan
S20484: Faulks, P.J. - Early Ancestry and Evolution of the Higher Plants
S23256: Bureau of Flora and Fauna - Flora of Australia. Vol. 22 Rhizophorales to Celastrales
S37051: Faure, G. - The Italian Lakes
S12053: Faure, J.C. - The Phases of Locusts in South Africa
R56979: Faure-Fremiet, E. - (1) La Famille des Folliculinidae (Infusoria Heterotricha) [and] (2) The Folliculinidae (Infusoria Heterotricha) of the Breton Coast
P53054: Fauvel, Albert (Ed.) - Revue d'Entomologie. Vol. 3-4, 7-18
S55882: Fauvel, P. - Polychètes sédentaires addenda aux errantes, Archiannélides, Myzostomaires Faune de France 16
S54151: Fauvel, Albert - Les Staphylinides des Moluques et de la nouvelle Guinée. Mem. 1-2
S42797: Favre, J. - La Faune Malacologique Post-Glaciaire et Actuelle du Lac du Bourget
R34939: Favre, J. - Etudes sur la partie occidentale du Lac de Geneve - II. Histoire Malacologique du Lac de Genève
S43699: Fawcett, J.M. - Notes on the Transformations of some South African Lepidoptera [Pts 1 + 2]
S43698: Fawcett, J.M. - Notes on the Transformations of some South African Lepidoptera [Pts 1 + 2]
S52764: Fazekas, I. - Systematic catalogue of the Pyraloidea, Pterophoroidea and Zygaenoidea of Hungary (Lepidoptera)
N47722: Fazekas, I. - Pterophoridae fauna of Balkan Peninsula (Lepidoptera): Distribution, Biology, Identification
N43463: Fazekas, I. - Magyarorszag Eupitheciini faunaja / The Eupitheciini of Hungary (Lepidoptera: Geometridae)
N49679: Fazekas, I. - Magyarország Sesiidae atlasza / Atlas of the Sesiidae of Hungary: Distribution, Bionomy, Identification
S55125: Feare, C. - The Starling
S34439: Feare, C. - The Starling
S52257: Fearnley-Whittingstall, J. - Peonies: The Imperial Flower
S12977: Fechenbach, H. - Die Letzen mergentheimer Juden
S36873: Federmann, N. - Viaje a las Indias del mar Océano
S46377: Fedigan, L.M. - Primate Paradigms: Sex, Roles and Social Bonds
S51397: Fedotova. Z.A. - Gallitsy-fitofagi (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) Pustyn' i Gor Kazakhstana: Morfologiya?, Biologiya?, Rasprostranenie, Filogeniya? I Sistematika
S50213: Feige, G.B. - Wissenschaftliche Gattungsnamen der Gefa¨sspflanzen Mitteleuropas und ihre Bedeutung
S44419: Feist, S.O. - Fossile Schätze Unter Müll? Messel - Leben Vor 50 Millionen Jahren
S20564: Feldmann, R.M.; Tshudy, D.M.; Thomson, M.R.A. - Late Cretaceous and Paleocene Decapod Crustaceans from James Ross Basin, Antartic Peninsula
S43099: Feldtmann, F.R. - The auriferous lodes of the Gibraltar district, Coolgardie Goldfield (Western Australia Geological Survey. Bulletin No.91)
S43806: Felgenhauer, B.E.; Watling, L.; Thistle, A.B. (Eds) - Functional Morphology of Feeding and Grooming in Crustacea
S32474: Fellowes, M.; Holloway, G.; Rolff, J. (Eds) - Insect Evolutionary Ecology
N7358: Fellowes, M.; Holloway, G.; Rolff, J. (Eds) - Insect Evolutionary Ecology
S34091: Felt, E.P. - Insects Affecting Park and Woodland Trees. Vol. I-II
S52267: Feltwell, J. - Bumblebees
N23704: Feltwell, J. - The Conservation of Butterflies in Britain past and present
N23519: Feltwell, J. - Honeybees
N31626: Feltwell, J. - Black and White in the Wild
S50901: Feltwell, J. - The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Butterflies
S35249: Feltwell, J. - The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Butterflies
S38815: Fenaroli, L. - Guida alla Flora Mediterranea
S42643: Fenchel, T.; Jansson, B.-O. - Marine Microbenthos and Interstitial Fauna
S44048: Fenchel, T.; Finlay, B.J. - Ecology and Evolution in Anoxic Worlds
S18858: Fenchel, T.; Finlay, B.J. - Ecology and Evolution in Anoxic Worlds
S55480: Fenchel, T. - Ecology of Protozoa
S26424: Fenghwai, C.; Telin, Wu. (Eds) - Flora of Guangdong Vol. 1
R22635: Fennah, R.G. - On the Generic Classification of Derbidae(Fulgoroidea), with Descriptions of New Neotropical Species
S44570: Fennah, R.G. - Insects of Micronesia Vol. 6(3): Homoptera: Fulgoroidae
S16425: Fennah, R.G. - Insects of Micronesia Vol. 6(8): Homoptera: Fulgoroidae Supplement
S26713: Fennah, R.G. - New Species of Ugyops (Fulgoroidae: Delphacidae) from South America and South-East Asia
R22638: Fennah, R.G. - Fulgoroidea of South-Eastern Polynesia
R16870: Fennah, R.G. - Fulgoroidea of South-Eastern Polynesia
S4904: Fennessy, R.; Brown, L. - Birds of the African Bush
S39903: Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica - Bibliotheca Zoologica Fenniae
N48954: Fenton, M.B.; Rydell, J. - A Miscellany of Bats
S56383: Ferber, I. - Israel National Collections of Natural History
S27393: Ferenc, M. - Fúrólogyek Trypetidae 3. Fuzet : Fauna Hungariae 56
N10014: Ferguson, D.C. - The Moths of America North of Mexico 22.2: Lymantriidae
N10010: Ferguson, D.C. - The Moths of America North of Mexico 18.1: Geometridae: Geometrinae
N10011: Ferguson, D.C. - The Moths of America North of Mexico 20.2A: Saturniidae 1
S28703: Ferguson, D. - The Birds of Buckinghamshire
S55124: Ferguson-Lees, J.; Christie, D.A. - Raptors of the World
S10597: Ferguson, D.C. - The Moths of America North of Mexico 22.2: Lymantriidae
N10012: Ferguson, D.C. - The Moths of America North of Mexico 20.2B: Saturniidae 2
S49922: Ferguson-Lees, J.; Castle, P.; Cranswick, P. - Birds of Wiltshire
S59287: Ferguson-Lees, J.; Castle, P.; Cranswick, P. - Birds of Wiltshire
N16909: Ferguson, D.C. - The Moths of North America 17.2: Geometroidea, Geometridae, Ennominae (part: Abaxini, Cassymini, Macariini)
S59467: Fergusson, N.D.M. - Charipidae, Ibaliidae & Figitidae (Hymenoptera: Cynipoidea) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 8/1c)
S47500: Ferkinhoff, W.D.; Gundersen, R.W. - A key to the whirligig beetles of Minnesota and adjacent states and Canadian Provinces (Coleoptera: Gyrinidae)
S52192: Ferlatte, W.J. - A Flora of the Trinity Alps of Northern California
S54985: Fernandes, A.; Launert, E.; Wild, H.; Pope, G.V. - Flora Zambesiaca. Vol. 10: Gramineae Pt 1: (Bambuseae to Pappophoreae) [and] Pt 2: (Arundinae, Eragrostideae, Leptureae, Cynodonteae)
S25745: Fernandes, A.; Launert, E.; Wild, H. - Flora Zambesiaca. Vol. 10, Part 1: Gramineae (Bambuseae to Pappophoreae)
S10701: Fernandes, A.; Launert, E.; Wild, H. - Flora Zambesiaca. Vol. 10, Part 1: Gramineae (Bambuseae to Pappophoreae)
S37943: Fernandez Ordoñez, M.C.; Collado Prieto, M.A. - Briofitos de la Reserva Natural Integral de Muniellos, Asturias
S19845: Fernandez-Rubio, F. - Genitalias (Andropigios) de los Ropaloceros de Alava y su entorno iberico. Parte 1: Lycaenidae
S19846: Fernandez-Rubio, F. - Genitalias (Andropigios) de los Ropaloceros de Alava y su entorno iberico. Parte 1: Lycaenidae. Parte 2: Libytheidae Nymphalidae Danaidae
S54108: Fernandez, J.M. - Los Lepidopteros diurnos de las Islas Canarias
N10086: Fernandez-Rubio, F. - Fauna Iberica 26: Lepidoptera Zygaenidae
R16493: Fernandez-Rubio, F. - Genitalias (Andropigios) de las Zygaenas de la Peninsula Iberica
S40901: Fernando, C.H. (Ed.) - Ecology and Biogeography of Sri Lanka
S45989: Ferns, P. - Bird Life of Coasts and Estuaries
S54029: Ferns, P.N. - Wading Birds of the Severn Estuary
S6965: Ferragu, M. - Coleopteres Curculionidae Brachyderini. Genre Dinosius (Faune de Madagascar 66)
S22943: Ferrara F,; Meli, C.; Taiti, S. - Taxonomic Revision of the subfamily Toradjiinae (Crustacea: Oniscidea: Scleropactidae)
S42472: Ferrara F,; Meli, C.; Taiti, S. - Taxonomic Revision of the subfamily Toradjiinae (Crustacea: Oniscidea: Scleropactidae)
N4556: Ferrarese, U.; Rossaro, B. - Chironomidi 1 (Diptera: Chironomidae: Generalita, Diamesinae, Prodiamesinae) Guide per il riconoscimento delle specie animali delle acque interne italiane 12
N4558: Ferrarese, U. - Chironomidi 3 (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae) Guide per il riconoscimento delle specie animali delle acque interne italiane 26
S58249: Ferrarese, U.; Rossaro, B.; Nocentini, A. - Chironomidi (Diptera: Chironomidae) Guide per il riconoscimento delle specie animali delle acque interne italiane 12, 16, 26, 29
R21933: Ferreira de Sousa, E. [1]; Da Silva Cruz, M.A.; Wattison, J.T. [2] - Lepidopteros de Caldelas (1); Lista de Lepidopteros de Geres (2); Lepidopteros de Vizela (3)
S35781: Ferreira d'Almeida, R. - Catalogo dos Ithomiidae Americanos (Lepidoptera) [and] Suplemento ao Catalogo dos Ithomiidae Americanos
N42761: Ferrer, J.; Poussereau, J. - Les Ténébrionidés de l'île de la Réunion
S9658: Ferreyra, R. - A Revision of the Colombian Species of Monnina (Polygalaceae)
S59468: Ferriere, C.; Kerrich, G.J. - Hymenoptera. Chalcidoidea (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 8/2a)
S35181: Ferris, V.R.; Ferris, J.M.; Tjepkema, J.P. - Genera of Freshwater Nematodes (Nematoda) of Eastern North America
R26280: Ferris, G.F. - Report upon a Collection of Coccidae From Lower California
R53571: Ferris, G.F. - The Principles of Systematic Entomology
R26282: Ferris, G.F. - Scale Insects of the Santa Cruz Peninsula
N20979: Ferro, M.L.; Parys, K.A.; Gimmel, M.L. - Dragonflies and Damselflies of Louisiana
S50140: Ferry, B.W.; Baddeley, M.S.; Hawksworth, D.L. (Eds) - Air Pollution and Lichens
S45662: Ferry, B.W.; Baddeley, M.S.; Hawksworth, D.L. (Eds) - Air Pollution and Lichens
S23735: Fet, V.; Khabibulla, I.A. (Eds) - Biogeography and Ecology of Turkmenistan
N52869: Feulner, G.R.; Roobas, B.; Hitchings, V.; Otto, H.H.H.; Campbell, O.; Roberts, H.G.B.; Hornby, R.J.; Howarth, B. - Butterflies of the United Arab Emirates including Northern Oman
S48575: Ffrench, R. - A Guide to the Birds of Trinidad and Tobago
S36024: Ffrench, R. - Guide to the Birds of Trinidad and Tobago
S42839: Ffrench, R. - A Guide to the Birds of Trinidad and Tobago
R52730: Fibiger, M.; Kristensen, N.P. - The Sesiidae (Lepidoptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark
S51136: Fibiger, M.; Svendsen, P. - Danske natsommerfugle. Ændringer i den danske natsommerfuglefauna i perioden 1966-1980
S18252: Fibiger, M.; Kristensen, N.P. - The Sesiidae (Lepidoptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark (Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica 2)
S53573: Fichman, M. - An Elusive Victorian: The Evolution of Alfred Russel Wallace
N3917: Fieber, F.X. - Die Europaeischen Hemiptera: Halbfluegler (Rhynchota Heteroptera)
S1195: Fiedler, K. - Monograph of the South American Weevils of the Genus Conotrachelus
S57960: Field, H. - The Track of Man: Adventures of an Anthropologist
S50820: Field, W.D. - Butterflies of the Genus Vanessa and of the resurrected Genera Bassaris and Cynthia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)
S36011: Field, W.D.; Herrera, J. - The Pierid Butterflies of the Genera Hypsochila Ureta, Phulia Herrich-Schaffer, Infraphulia Field, Pierphulia Field, and Piercolias Staudinger
N23839: Field Studies Council; Shields, C. - Guide to Common Seashells of Britian and Ireland (Identification Chart)
R27311: Field, W.D.; Dos Passos, C.F.; Masters, J.H. - A Bibliography on the Catalogs, Lists, Faunal and Other Papers on the Butterflies of North America North of MexicoButterflies of North America North of Mexico arranged by State and Province (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera)
R17728: Field, W.D. - Preliminary Revision of Butterflies of the Genus Calycopis Scudder (Lycaenidae: Theclinae)
R18872: Field, W.D.; Dos Passos, C.F.; Masters, J.H. - A Bibliography on the Catalogs, Lists, Faunal and Other Papers on the Butterflies of North America North of Mexico arranged by State and Province (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera)
S47189: Field, J.E. - The Myth of the Pent Cuckoo: a Study in Folklore
S57654: Fieldhouse, R.; Jennings, B. - A History of Richmond and Swaledale
S48135: Fielding, J. - A Flora of Bishop's Stortford
S34131: Fiennes, R,; Fiennes, A. - The Natural History of the Dog
S22520: T-W-Fiennes, R.N. - Zoonoses and the Origins and Ecology of Human Disease
S231: Filip'ev, I.N. - Free-living marine nematodes of the Sevastopol area
S20697: Filson, R.B. - Checklist of Australian Lichens
S44433: Finch, W.C; Hawks, E. - Water in Nature 'Romance of Reality' Series
S60777: Fincham, A.A.; Rainbow, P.S. (Eds) - Aspects of Decapod Crustacean Biology
S49907: Fink, B. - The Lichen Flora of the United States: a Reissue
N4943: Finkel, M.; Chikatunov, V.; Nevo, E. - Coleoptera of Evolution Canyon II: Lower Nahal Keziv, western Upper Galilee, Israel
S29459: Finlay, V. - Colour: Travels through the Paintbox
S58517: Finlayson, C. - Birds of the Strait of Gibraltar
S55377: Finn, Frank - Bird Behaviour: Psychical and Physiological
S48834: Finn, Frank - Eggs and Nests of British Birds
S40339: Finnegan, S. - Acari as Agents Transmitting Typhus in India, Australasia and the Far East
S25526: Finney, C.M. - To Sail Beyond the Sunset: Natural History in Australia 1699-1829
S57682: Finot, A. - Les Orthoptères de la France Perce-oreilles, blattes, mantes, criquets, sauterelles et grillons
S52810: Firbank, L.G.; Smart, S.M.; van de Poll, H.M.; Bunce, R.G.H.; Hill, M.O.; Howard, D.C.; Watkins, J.W.; Stark, G.J. - Causes of change in British vegetation ECOFACT Vol. 3
S13418: Firmin, J. et al - A Guide to the Butterflies and Larger Moths of Essex
S35852: Firmin, J. - A Guide to the Butterflies and Larger Moths of Essex
S33482: Firmin, J. - A Guide to the Butterflies and Larger Moths of Essex
S54963: First edtion. Lithographic plates by the author, printed by W. West and Mintern Bros.Busk, G. - Catalogue of Marine Polyzoa in the Collection of the British Museum Pt III: Cyclostomata (Catalogue of the Cyclostomatous Polyzoa)
S36280: Firth, P.; Fisher, S.G. (Eds) - Global Climate Change and Freshwater Ecosystems
N32983: Firth, J.M. - Dragonflies of Italy and England
S4992: Fischer, E. - Flore D'Afrique Centrale (Congo-Kinshasa, Rwana & Burundi): Spermatophytes Scrophulariaceae (Premiere partie)
N10530: Fischer-Piette, E. et al - Gasteropodes Terrestres Prosobranches (Faune de Madagascar 80)
N33131: Fischer, J.; Steinlechner, D.; Zehm, A.; Poniatowski, D. - Die Heuschrecken Deutschlands und Nordtirols: Bestimmen - Beobachten - Schützen
R56218: Fischer, M. - Die Opiinae der äthiopischen Region (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)
N10364: Fischer-Piette, E. et al - Gasteropodes Terrestres Pulmones (excl. Veronicellidae et g. Elisolimax) (Faune de Madagascar 83)
S38955: Fish, J.D.; Fish, S. - A Student's Guide to the Seashore
R49323: Fish, M.P. - Contributions to the early life histories of sixty-two species of Fishes from Lake Erie and its tributary waters
S53226: Fish, J.D.; Savidge, J.P. - The Wildlife of the Dyfi Estuary
R35076: Fish, G.R. - Lakes Rotorua and Rotoiti, North Island, New Zealand: Their Trophic Ststus and Studies for a Nutrient Budget
N32888: Fish, L.; Mashau, A.C.; Moeaha, M.J.; Nembudani, M.T. - Identification Guide to Southern African Grasses: An Identification Manual with Keys, Descriptions and Distributions
N17255: Fishelson, L. - Orthoptera: Acridoidea Fauna Palaestina. Insecta III
S44863: Fisher, James - The New Naturalist: A Journal of British Natural History. [Nos 1-4]
S46627: Fisher, James; Flegg, J. - Watching Birds
R14407: Fisher, JamesP. - The Biology and Taxonomy of some Chalcidoid Parasites (Hymenoptera) of Stem-living Larvae of Apion (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
S53464: Fisher, James - Birds of the Field
S48505: Fisher, C.; Pattie, D.; Hartson, T. - Mammals of the Rocky Mountains
S53450: Fisher, James - Watching Birds
S55665: Fisher, A.T. - Outdoor Life in England
S14595: Fisher, W.K. - Asteroidea of the North Pacific and Adjacent Waters. Part 3. Forcipulata
S14594: Fisher, W.K. - Asteroidea of the North Pacific and Adjacent Waters. Part 1. Phanerozonia and Spinulosa
S53466: Fisher, James - Birds as Animals
S56768: Fisher, R.A. - Creative Aspects of Natural Law
S42283: Fisher, James - The New Naturalist. A Journal of British Natural History. No. 6: East Anglia
S53465: Fisher, James - The Birds of Britain (Britain in Pictures 36)
S49713: Fisher, R.H. - Butterflies of South Australia: (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea, Papilionoidea)
N49318: Fisher, B.L.; Peeters, C. - Les fourmis de Madagascar / Ants of Madagascar
S29658: Fisher, James - Mr. Marshal's Flower Album: from The Royal Library at Windsor Castle
S14596: Fisher, W.K. - Starfishes of the Philippine Seas and adjacent waters
S35742: Fisher, R.H. - Butterflies of South Australia: (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea, Papilionoidea)
S42417: Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries - Fungus and Other Diseases of Fruit Crops: Collected leaflets No.1 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
S39533: Fiske, J. - Darwinism and other Essays
A34089: Fitch, Asa - Reports on the Noxious, Beneficial and Other Insects, of The State Of New York 1-14
S48401: Fitter, A. - An Atlas of the Wild Flowers of Britain and Northern Europe
S55182: Fitter, R.S.R. - London's Birds
S54017: Fitter, A.; Smith, C. (Eds) - A Wood in Ascam: A study in Wetland Conservation. Askham Bog 1879-1979
R37194: Fitter, R.S.R. - Addenda to the Flora of Fair Isle
S59151: Fitter, R.S.R. (Ed.) - British Birds in Colour
S56915: Fitter, R. - The Wildlife of the Thames Counties
S53834: Fitter, R.S.R.; Lousley, J.E. - The Natural History of the City
S39583: Fittkau, E.J. - Die Tanypodinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) (Die Tribus Anatopyniini, Macropelopiini und Pentaneurini)
S28094: Fitton, M.G. - Western Palaearctic Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) of British authors
S28335: Fitton, M.G. - The ichneumon-fly genus Banchus (Hymenoptera) in the Old World
S8925: Fitton, M.G. - The Western Palaearctic Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) of British Authors
S60481: Fitton, M.G.; Shaw, M.R.; Gauld, I.D. - Pimpline Ichneumon-Flies: Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae (Pimplinae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 7/1)
R40: Fitzgerald, T.D. - The Tent Caterpillars
S47813: Fitzroy, Robert; Darwin, Charles; Stanbury, D. (Ed.) - A Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S Beagle
S57711: Fitzroy, V.M. - Dark Bright Land
S17079: Fitzsimons, V.F. - The Lizards of South Africa
S58162: Fitzsimons, V.F.M. - A Field Guide to the Snakes of Southern Africa
N26866: Fiuczynski, K.D. - The Eurasian Hobby (Falco subbuteo): Biology of an Aerial Hunter
S38915: Fjellberg, A. - The Collembola of Fennoscandia and Denmark 1: Poduromorpha (Fauna Ent. Scand. 35)
R28692: Fjellberg, A. et al. - 28 papers on Collembola
S41011: Fjerdingstad, E. - Microflora of the River Mølleaa: with Special Reference to the Relation of the Benthal Algae to Pollution
N12686: Flamigni, C.; Fiumi, G.; Parenzan, P. - Lepidotteri Eteroceri d'Italia: Geometridae Ennominae I
N30280: Flamigni, C.; Fiumi, G.; Parenzan, P. - Lepidotteri Eteroceri d'Italia: Geometridae Ennominae II
S37522: Flannagan, J.F.; Marshall, K.E. (Eds) - Advances in Ephemeroptera Biology
S50811: Flannery, T. - Mammals of the South-West Pacific & Moluccan Islands
S34174: Flattely, F.W.; Walton, C.L. - The Biology of the Sea-Shore
S46382: Fleagle, J.G.; Janson, C.; Reed, K.E. (Eds) - Primate Communities
S53788: Flegg, J. - Bird of the Week
S43932: Fleming, L.V.; Newton, A.C.; Vickery, J.A.; Usher, M.B. (Eds) - Biodiversity in Scotland: Status, Trends and Initiatives
S39446: Le Fleming, H.M. - British Ocean Tankers
S45170: Fleming, P. - Bayonets to Lhasa: The First Full Account of the British Invasion of Tibet in 1904
S56543: Fleming, R.L., Sr.; Fleming, R.L., Jr.; Bangdel, L.S. - Birds of Nepal with Reference to Kashmir and Sikkim
S39447: Le Fleming, H.M. - British Ocean Freighters
N29053: Fleming, L. - The Entokil Man: The Life of Harold Maxwell Lefroy
S17730: Fleminger, A. - Taxonomy, Distribution, and Polymorphism in the Labidocera Jollae Group with remarks on Evolution within the Group (Copepoda; Calanoida)
S41783: Flensburg, T. - Desmids and Other Benthic Algae of Lake Kävsjön and Store Mosse, SW Sweden
S54848: Fletcher, L. - An Introduction to the Study of Minerals, with a Guide to the Mineral Gallery
S42202: Fletcher, L. - An Introduction to the Study of Rocks
S40264: Fletcher, L. - Introduction to the Study of Meteorites, with a list of the meteorites represented in the collection on January 1, 1904
S40270: Fletcher, L. - Introduction to the Study of Meteorites, with a list of the meteorites represented in the collection
S16890: Fletcher, J.J. - Catalogue of papers and works relating to the Mammalian Orders, Marsupialia and Monotremata
S47219: Fletcher, L. - An Introduction to the Study of Rocks
S56227: Fletcher, L. - Introduction to the Study of Meteorites, with a list of the meteorites represented in the collection
R8986: Fletcher, D.S. - Ruwenzori Expedition 1952 Vol.1 (6) Geometridae
S40109: Fletcher, L. - An introduction to the study of minerals, with a guide to the mineral gallery
S56263: Fletcher, S. - A Wyre Forest Diary
S40110: Fletcher, L. - An introduction to the study of minerals, with a guide to the mineral gallery
S58910: Fletcher, D.S.; Nye, I.W.B. - The Generic Names of Moths of the World. Vol. 3: Geometroidea
S56230: Fletcher, L. - Introduction to the Study of Meteorites, with a list of the meteorites represented in the collection
S38366: Fletcher, D.S.; Nye, I.W.B. - The Generic Names of Moths of the World 4: Bombycoidea - Zygaenoidea
S50021: Fletcher, L. - An Introduction to the Study of Meteorites, with a list of the Meteorites represented in the Collection [British Museum (Natural History)]
S58908: Fletcher, D.S.; Nye, I.W.B. - The Generic Names of Moths of the World 4: Bombycoidea - Zygaenoidea
S56228: Fletcher, L. - An Introduction to the Study of Meteorites, with a list of the Meteorites represented in the Collection [British Museum (Natural History)]
S32699: Fletcher, J.M.J. (Ed.); Pearce, E.J. - Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club. Vol. XLVII (including: A List of Coleoptera of Dorset)
S16198: Fletcher, D.S. - Ruwenzori Expedition 1952 Vol.1 (7) Noctuidae
S28397: Fletcher, D.S. - Ruwenzori Expedition 1952 Vol.1 (4) Arctiidae, Nolinae
S31751: Fletcher, W.W. - Flowers of Glasgow: A salute to the European City of Culture
S6487: Fletcher, D.S.; Nye, I.W.B. - The Generic Names of Moths of the World 4: Bombycoidea - Zygaenoidea
S56229: Fletcher, L. - Introduction to the Study of Meteorites, with a list of the meteorites represented in the collection
S6084: Fletcher, T.B. - Some South Indian Insects and Other Animals of Importance Considered Especially from an Economic Point of View
S40106: Fletcher, L. - An introduction to the study of minerals, with a guide to the mineral gallery
S40108: Fletcher, L. - An introduction to the study of minerals, with a guide to the mineral gallery
S14330: Flint, J.H. et al - The Insects of the Malham Tarn Area
S18190: Flint, O.S. Jr., McAlpine, J.F.; Ross, H.H. - A Revision of the Genus Leptonema Guérin (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae: Macronematinae)
S40871: Flint, O.S - Studies of Neotropical Caddisflies XLV: the taxonomy, phehology and faunistics of the Trichoptera of Antioquia, Columbia
S40872: Flint, O.S.; Holzenthal, R.W. - Studies on Neotropical Caddisflies LI: systematics of the Neotropical Caddisfly genus Contulma (Trichoptera: Anomalopsychidae)
S45542: Flint, O.S. - Bredin-Archbold-Smithsonian Biological Survey of Dominica 9 the Tricoptera (Caddisflies) of the Lesser Antilles
S15580: Flint, J.M. - A Contribution to the Oceanography of the Pacific
S18186: Flint, O.S. Jr., McAlpine, J.F.; Ross, H.H. - Studies of Neotropical Caddisflies, 10, 13, 17, 18, 28, 33, 39
S18187: Flint, O.S. - Studies on Neotropical Caddisflies XVII: Genus Smicridea from North and Central America (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae)
S18188: Flint, O.S. - Studies of Neotropical Caddisflies XVIII. New Species of Rhyacophilidae and Glossosomatidae (Trichoptera
R34815: Flint, O.S. - The Caddisflies of Jamaica (Trichoptera)
S46267: Flint, V.E.; Boehme, R.L.; Kostin, Y.V.; Kuznetsov, A.A. - A Field Guide to Birds of the USSR: Including Eastern Europe and Central Asia
S40873: Flint, O.S. - Studies on Neotropical Caddisflies LIII: a taxonomic revision of the subgenus Curgia of the Genus Chimarra (Trichoptera: Philoptamidae
S60102: Flohe, J. - Kreta: Eine einzigartiges Blumenparadies | Crete: A Unique Paradise of Flowers
S54245: Flood, R.L.; Hudson, N.; Thomas, B. - Essential Guide to Birds of the Isles of Scilly
N41162: Flood, B.; Fisher, A. - Multimedia Identification Guide to North Atlantic Seabirds: Shearwaters: Jouanin's & White-Chinned Petrels
N16730: Floren, A.; Schmidl, J. - Canopy Arthropod Research in Europe: basic and applied studies from the high frontier
S12905: Florentin, P - Contribution l'Anatomie de l'Amygdale chez les Mammiferes
S39384: Florin, M.-B. - Plankton of Fresh and Brackish Waters in the Södertälje Area
S43976: Florschütz, P.A. - Flora of Suriname 6(1): Musci
S53753: Flower, W.H. - Essays on Museums and other subjects related to Natural History
R41039: Flower, W.H. - On the External Characters of two Species of British Dolphins (Delphinus delphis, Linn., and Delphinus tursio, Fabr.)
S17686: Flower, W.H. - On Modern Museums
A36078: Flower, W.H.; Lydekker, R. - An Introduction to the Study of Mammals Living and Extinct
N33411: Flück, M. - Pilzführer Schweiz: Mit vielen Tipps füs Bestimmen und Verwerten und den besten Pilzrezepten
A27016: Fluke, C.L. - Catalogue of the Family Syrphidae in the Neotropical Region
N30431: O'Flynn, C.; Pinchen, B.J.; Fitzpatrick, U. - Identification guide to Ireland's Ladybirds
S30366: Fock, A. - An Introduction to Chemical Crystallography
S41579: Fock, A. - An Introduction to Chemical Crystallography
S45498: Foelix, R.F. - Biology of Spiders
S58907: Foelix, R.F. - Biology of Spiders
S38310: Foelix, R.F. - Biology of Spiders
S37398: Foelix, R.F. - Biology of Spiders
S47083: Foer, J.S. (Ed.) - A Convergence of Birds: Original Fiction and Poetry Inspired By the Work of Joseph Cornell
N48522: Fogden, M. - Pollinators in Crisis: How We Can All Give Them a Helping Hand
S45368: Foged, N. - Freshwater Diatoms from Spitsbergen
S41784: Foged, N. - Freshwater Diatoms from Ghana
S36832: Foged, N. - Diatoms from Viti Levu, Fiji Islands (Bibliotheca Diatomologica 14)
S42471: Foged, N. - Diatoms from Afghanistan
S36745: Foged, N. - Freshwater Diatoms in Iceland
S40299: Fogg, G.E. - Algal Cultures and Phytoplankton Ecology
S52653: Foggi, B. - The Flora of the Canaries
S52654: Foggi, B. - Flores de las Canarias
S54312: Foley, M.; Clarke, S. - Orchids of the British Isles
S59924: Foley, M.; Clarke, S. - Orchids of the British Isles
S60355: Foley, M.; Clarke, S. - Orchids of the British Isles
S49397: Follett, P. - Dragonflies of Surrey
S50068: Follett, P. - Dragonflies of Surrey
S52821: Follett, P. - Dragonflies of Surrey
S4263: Folsom, J.W. - Nearctic Collembola or Springtails, of the Family Isotomidae
N40824: Fontana, P.; Buzzetti, F.M.; Marino-Perez, R.; Castellanos-Vargas, I.; Monge-Rodriguez, S.; Cano-Santana, Z. - Orthopterans of Oaxaca: Photographic Field Guide - Ortopteros de Oaxaca Guia fotografica de campo
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