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S54027: McAldowie, A.M. - The Birds of Staffordshire with Illustrations of Local Bird Haunts
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S52157: McAlister, E. - The Secret Life of Flies
N46585: McAlister, E. - The Inside Out of Flies
S17902: McAlpine, D.K. - The Australian Platystomatidae (Diptera, Schizophora) with a revision of five genera
S38750: McAlpine, J. F. - A Revised Classification of the Piophilidae, Including 'Neottiophilidae' and 'Thyreophoridae' (Diptera; Schizophora)
S51363: McAlpine, J.; Peterson, B.V.; Shewell, G.E.; Teskey, H.J.; Vockeroth, J.R.; Wood, D.M. (Eds) - Manual of Nearctic Diptera, Vol. 1: Introduction; Nematocera; Lower Brachycera
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S53988: McCallum, James - North Norfolk: Wildlife through the Seasons
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A53166: McWilliam, John Morell - The Birds of the Island of Bute
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S48947: Mead, C.; Smith, K. - Hertfordshire Breeding Bird Atlas
S55624: Mead, C.; Smith, K. - Hertfordshire Breeding Bird Atlas
S54113: Mead, C.; Smith, K. - Hertfordshire Breeding Bird Atlas
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N8971: Meaney, P. - Insect Pests of Stored Food and Preparation Premises
N14026: Meaney, P. - Cockroaches and their Control
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N32369: Measures, D. - Kaleidoscope: The Secret Lives of Britains Butterflies
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S25463: Medler, J.T. - Insects of Nigeria: Check List and Bibliography
N18393: Medvedev, L.N. - Alticinae of Indochina
S36335: Medvedev, G.S. (Ed.) - Novye vidy nasekomyh [New Species of Insects]
S43693: Medvedev, S.I. - [Larvae of Scarabaeidae beetles of the fauna of the USSR]
S36159: Medway, Lord; Wells, D.R. - Birds of the Malay Peninsula. Vol. 5: Conclusion, and Survey of Every Species
S56000: Medway, Lord - Mammals of Borneo: Field Keys and an Annotated Checklist
S9396: Medway, Lord - The Gunong Benom Expedition 1967 Introduction1. Introduction
S7179: Medway, Lord - The Gunong Benom Expedition 1967. Part 6 Distribution and Altitudinal Zonation of Birds and Mammals on the Gunong Benom
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S42225: Mee, A. (Ed.) - King's England: Essex, London's North Sea Neighbour
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S54505: Meek, E. - Islands of Birds: A guide to the Orkney Birds & where to see them
S54942: Meek, S.E.; Hildebrand, S.F. - The Marine Fishes of Panama. Pt I-III
R58226: Mees, G.F. - The Auchenipteridae and Pimelodidae of Suriname (Pisces, Nematognathi)
S12281: Meester, J. - A Systematic Revision of the Shrew Genus Crocidura in Southern Africa
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N41962: Melillo, E. - The Butterfly Effect: Insects and the Making of the Modern World
S56197: Melin, D. - Contributions to the Knowledge of the Biology, Metamorphosis and Distribution of the Swedish Asilids in relation to the whole familiy of Asilids
S4493: Melis, A. - Contributo alla conoscenza della Cecidomia delle foglie del Pero: Perrisia pyri Bouche
S4844: Melis, A. - Contributo alla conoscenza morfologica e biologica della Phytomyza atricornis Meig.
S46226: Mellanby, K. - Pesticides and Pollution (New Naturalist 50)
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N9811: Mellanby, K. - Scabies
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S55036: Mellanby, K. - The Mole (New Naturalist Monograph 22)
S44939: Mellanby, K. - Farming and Wildlife (New Naturalist 67)
S39053: Mellanby, K. - The Mole (New Naturalist Monograph 22)
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S15938: Melville, R.V.; Smith, J.D.D. (Eds) - Official Lists and Indexes of Names and Works in Zoology [with] Supplement 1986-2000
S48022: Mendel, H.; Piotrowski, S.H. - The Butterflies of Suffolk: An Atlas and History
S54660: Mendel, H. - Provisional Atlas of the Click Beetles (Coleoptera: Elateroidea) of the British IslesBritish Isles
N4231: Mendel, H. - Suffolk Dragonflies
S33924: Mendel, H. - Suffolk Dragonflies
S46135: Mendel, H.; Piotrowski, S.H. - The Butterflies of Suffolk: An Atlas and History
S14238: Mendelson, J.R. et al - Systematics of the Bufo coccifer Complex (Anura: Bufonidae) of Mesoamerica
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S20352: Menendez, C.A. - Fossil Bennettitales from the Tico Flora, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina
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S54948: Menni, R.C.; Ringuelet, R.A.; R.H. Aramburu - Peces Marinos de la Argentina y Uruguay
N2458: Menzel, F.; Mohrig, W. - Revision der Paläarktischen Trauermücken (Diptera: Sciaridae) (Studia Dipterologica - Supplement 6)
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R34861: Menzies, R.J. - The Marine Borer family Limnoriidae (Crustacea, Isopoda). Part I: Northern and Central America: Systematics, Distribution and Ecology
S29061: de Mercado, G.I. - Notes on Shetland Freshwater Life and Arthropods
S29062: de Mercado, G.I. - Notes on Shetland Freshwater Life and Arthropods
N15809: Mercer, I. - Dartmoor (New Naturalist 111)
S32937: Mercer, J.; Buckland, R.; Kirkland, P.; Waddell, J. - Butterfly Atlas of the Scottish Borders
S50513: Mercer, I. - Dartmoor (New Naturalist 111)
N28446: Meregalli, M. - A review of Niphadonyx a high alititude weevil genus of the Himalayas and north-west China
S53850: Merian, Maria Sibylla - The St. Petersburg Watercolours
N31187: Mériguet, B.; Zagatti, P. - Coléoptères du Bassin parisien: Guide d'identification de terrain
S48458: Merikallio, E. - Finnish Birds: their distribution and numbers
R19933: Merker, E. - Die Zuverlässigkeit der Bestandsdüngung gegen Waldschädlinge
S59052: Merrett, P. (Ed.) - Arachnology: 7th International Congress
S6492: Merrett, P. (Ed.) - Arachnology: 7th International Congress
N33175: Merrett, J.; Clarke, S.; - Guide to Shapwick Heath (Identification Chart)
S50404: Merriam, C.H. - Life zones and crop zones
S55522: Merrifield, Mrs [Mary Philadelphia] - A Sketch of the Natural History of Brighton and its Vicinity
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S38694: Merritt, R.; Moore, N.W.; Eversham, B.C. - Atlas of Dragonflies of Britain and Ireland
S53158: Merritt, R.; Moore, N.W.; Eversham, B.C. - Atlas of Dragonflies of Britain and Ireland
S53009: Merritt, R. - Atlas of the Water Beetles (Coleoptera) and Water Bugs (Hemiptera) of Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, and South Yorkshire, 1993-2005
S47765: Merritt, R. - Atlas of the Water Beetles (Coleoptera) and Water Bugs (Hemiptera) of Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, and South Yorkshire, 1993-2005
S46316: Merritt, R.; Moore, N.W.; Eversham, B.C. - Atlas of Dragonflies of Britain and Ireland
N14618: Merryweather, J. - The Fern Guide: A Field Guide to the Ferns, Clubmosses, Quillworts and Horsetails of the British Isles
N40327: Merryweather, J. - Britain's Ferns: A field guide to the clubmosses, quillworts, horsetails and ferns of Great Britain and Ireland
N8579: Merryweather, J. - Guide to Common Ferns (Identification Chart)
S23326: Mertens, R. - The World of Amphibians & Reptiles
S41313: Merz, B.; Bächli, G.; Haenni, J-P.; Gonseth, Y. (Eds) - Diptera: Checklist Fauna Helvetica 1
N5113: Merz, B. - Insecta Helvetica Fauna 10: Diptera Tephritidae
N13478: Merz, B. (Ed.) - Phylogeny, Taxonomy and Biology of Tephritoid Flies (Diptera, Tephritoidea): Proceedings of the 3rd Tephritoid Taxonomist's Meeting, Geneva, 19-24 July 2004
S25829: Merz, B.; Bächli, G.; Haenni, J-P.; Gonseth, Y. (Eds) - Diptera: Checklist Fauna Helvetica 1
S55773: Mesquida, J. - Elements of genetics with special reference to the Bee
S17147: Messenger, G. - Flora of Rutland
S46186: Meszaros, L. - The Puszta: Hortobagy, Kiskunsag, Bugac
N34309: Metal, P. - Insectinside: life in the bushes of a small Peckham park
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S41925: Metcalf, A.L. - Fishes of the Kansas River System in Relation to Zoogeography of the Great Plains
S3507: Metcalf, Z.P. - A Bibliography of the Homoptera (Auchenorhyncha): Vol. 1 Author's List A-Z; Vol.2 List of Journals and Topical Index
S18929: Metcalf, Z.P. - A Bibliography of the Homoptera (Auchenorhyncha). Vol. 2
S36935: Metchnikoff, O. - Life of Elie Metchnikoff 1845-1916
N57846: Metherell, C.; Metherell, H. - Plants of Holy Island
N35237: Metherell, C.; Rumsey, F. - Eyebrights of Britain and Ireland
S57865: Metrowich, F.C. - Assegai over the Hills
S16934: Metzler, E.H. et al - Contribution to the Understanding of Tallgrass Prairie-Dependent Butterflies and Moths (Lepidoptera) and their Biogeography in the United States
S30572: Meunier, A. - Microplankton de la Mer Flamande: Pt. 4: Les Tintinnides et coetera
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S52607: Mey, W. (Ed.) - Esperiana Memoir Vol 1 - 5
S17972: Meyen, F.J.F. - Outlines of the Geography of Plants with particular enquiries concerning the native country, the culture, and the uses of the principal cultivated plants on which the prosperity of nations is based
S38340: Meyer, R.P.; Durso, S.L. - Identification of the Mosquitoes of California
S32645: Meyer De Schauensee, R. - The Birds of China
S35959: Meyer De Schauensee, R. - The Species of Birds of South America with their Distribution
S26013: De Meyer, M.; Maes, K.; Jacque, R.; VandenSpiegel, D. - East African Bugs
S33110: Meyer, O. - Microscopy on a Shoestring for Beekeepers and Naturalists
S51377: Meyer, H. - Experimentell-ökologische Untersuchungen an Gallmücken (Cecidomyiiadae-Diptera) in Salzwiesenbereichen Nordwestdeutschlands
S38567: Meyer De Schauensee, R. - The Birds of China
S49007: Meyer, H. A.; Möbius, K.; Karsten, G.; Hensen, V.; Kupffer, C. - Jahresbericht der Commission zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung der deutschen Meere in Kiel. Jahrgang I-VI
A51498: Meyer, H.L. - Coloured Illustrations of British Birds, and their Eggs. Vol. I-VII
A19385: Meyer, H.A.; Moebius, K. - Fauna der Kieler Bucht. 1. Band: Die Hinterkiemer oder Opisthobranchia; 2. Band: Die Prosobranchia und Lamellibranchia
N27025: De Meyer, M. - Staphylinidae endémiques de l’ouest de l’Europe continentale (Coleoptera): premiers résultats
N19432: Meyer, A.; Zumbach, S.; Schmidt, B.; Monney, J.-C. - Les amphibiens et les reptiles de Suisse
S35963: Meyer De Schauensee, R. - A Guide to the Birds of South America
S693: Meyer De Schauensee, R. - A Guide to the Birds of South America
S44421: Meyer, M.K.P.S.; Ueckermann, E.A. - A taxonomic study of some Anystidae (Acari: Prostigmata)
S19643: Meyer-Arendt, J.R. - Introduction to Classical and Modern Optics
S46268: Meyer De Schauensee, R. - The Birds of China
N39024: Meyer, H.; Stark, A. - Verzeichnis und Bibliografie der Tanzfliegenverwandten Deutschlands (Diptera: Empidoidea: Atelestidae, Brachystomatidae, Dolichopodidae s. l., Empididae, Hybotidae, 'Iteaphila-Gruppe', Oreogetonidae) Studia Dipterologica Supplement 19
S28708: Meyer De Schauensee, R.; Phelps, W.H. - A Guide to the Birds of Venezuela
S47059: Meyer De Schauensee, R. - The Birds of China
N4583: De Meyer, M. - World Catalogue of Pipunculidae (Diptera)
S47058: Meyer De Schauensee, R.; Phelps, W.H. - A Guide to the Birds of Venezuela
N41361: Meyer, A.; Zumbach, S.; Schmidt, B.; Monney, J.-C. - Auf Schlangenspuren und Krötenpfaden: Amphibien und Reptilien der Schweiz
S39282: Meylan, B.A.; Butterfield, B.G. - Three-Dimensional Structure of Wood: A Scanning Electron Microscopic Study
R36218: Meyrick, E. - Lepidoptera of the Chatham Islands
S25958: Meyrick, E. - A Revised Handbook of British Lepidoptera
S17209: Meyrick, E. - A Revised Handbook of British Lepidoptera
S31350: Meyrick, E. - A Handbook of British Lepidoptera
S14068: Meyrick, E. - A Handbook of British Lepidoptera
S9478: Meyrick, E. - Insects of Samoa Pt III. Lepidoptera: Fasc. 2. Micro-Lepidoptera
S15723: Meyrick, E. - A Revised Handbook of British Lepidoptera
S52760: Meyrick, E. - A Revised Handbook of British Lepidoptera
S49464: Meyrick, E..Meyrick, E. - A Revised Handbook of British Lepidoptera
S54820: Meyrick, E. - Exotic Microlepidoptera. Vol. II
S13050: Meyrick, E. - A Revised Handbook of British Lepidoptera
S13633: Miall, L.C. - The Sirenoid Ganoids with a description of the British fossil teeth of the Ceratodus
S49213: Miall, L.C.; Greenwood, F. - Anatomy of the Indian Elephant (Studies in Comparative Anatomy, No. II)
S22365: Miall, L.C. - Round the Year. A series of Short Nature-Studies
S40983: Miall, L.C.; Hammond, A.R. - The Structure and Life-History of the Harlequin Fly (Chironomus)
S41335: Miall, L.C; Denny, A. - The Structure and Life-History of the Cockroach (Periplaneta orientalis): An Introduction to the Study of Insects
S55488: Miall, L.C. - The Natural History of Aquatic Insects
S47329: Michael, A.D. - The British Oribatidae. Vol. I-II
S44442: Michael, A.D. - British Tyroglyphidae. Vol. I
S1281: Michael, A.D. - British Tyroglyphidae. Vol. I-II
S44911: Michael, A.D. - The British Oribatidae
S44715: Michael, A.D. - British Tyroglyphidae. Vol. I-II
N30782: Michalska, K.; Michalski, S. - Spider
N30034: Michalski, J.; Abbott, J.C. (Illus) - The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Trinidad and Tobago
S46416: Michalski, J.; Abbott, J.C. (Illus) - The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Trinidad and Tobago
S16390: Michelangelo - Sibyllen und Propheten
R52251: Michelbacher, A.E.; Smith, R.F. - Edward Oliver Essig and the Bibliography of Edward Oliver Essig and Insects Named by Him
S53648: Michelet, J. - The Insect
R36674: Michell, B.L. - Report on a survey of the termites of Zimbabwe
S53273: Michener, C.D. - A Classification of the Bees of Australian and South Pacific Regions
S53254: Michener, C.D. - Comparative external morphology, phylogeny, and a classification of the bees (Hymenoptera)
S53252: Michener, C.D. - The Social Behavior of the Bees: A Comparative Study
R44239: Michener, C.D. - Comparative Morphological and Systematic Studies of Bee Larvae with a Key to the Families of Hymenopterous Larvae
N21109: Michez, D.; Rasmont, P.; Terzo, M.; Vereecken, N.J. - Bees of Europe. Hymenoptera of Europe 1
S43460: Micoletzky, H. - Die Freilebenden Süsswasser- und Moornematoden Dänemarks nebst Anhang über Amöbosporidien und andere Parasiten bei freilebenden Nematoden
S43059: Micoletzky, H. - Die Freilebenden Süsswasser- und Moornematoden Dänemarks. Nebst Anhang über Amöbosporidien und andere Parasiten bei freilebenden Nematoden
R10905: Middlekauff, W.W. - The Cephid Stem Borders of California (Hymenoptera:Cephidae)
S38376: Middlekauff, W.W.; Lane, R.S. - Adult and Immature Tabanidae (Diptera) of California
S36577: Middleton, T. - The Book of Maidenhead
N30440: Middleton, N. - The Effective Ecologist: Succeed in the Office Environment
N4574: Midgley, M. - Evolution as Religion: Strange Hopes and Stranger Fears
S8002: Miehe, G. - An annotated list of vascular plants collected in the valleys south of Mt EverestMt Everest
N51069: Mielke, O.H.H.; Brockmann, E.; Mielke, C.G.C. - Butterflies of the World 49 Hesperiidae II. New World Pyrrhopyginae (Text)
S56244: Mielke, R.D. - Flora of Cyprus. Vol. 1
S57451: Miers, H.A. - Individuality in the Mineral Kingdom
R31745: Mifsud, D. (Ed.) - Aphids associated with shrubs, herbaceous plants and crops in the Maltese Archipelago (Hemiptera, Aphidoidea)
R8912: Mifsud, D.; Burckhardt, D. - Taxonomy and Phylogeny of the Old World jumping-louse genus Paurocephala (Insecta, Hemiptera, Psylloidea)
S31828: Migdoll, I. - Field Guide to Butterflies of Southern Africa
S50066: Mihál, I.; Šoltés, R.; Šoltesová, A. - Kvety Tatier: Sprievodca živou Prírodou Tatranského národného parku
S21198: Mik, J. - Dipterologische Untersuchungen
A44503: Mikan, J.C. - Monographia Bombyliorum Bohemiae iconibus illustrata
S59074: Mikhailov, K.G. - Catalogue of the spiders of the territories of the Former Soviet Union ??????? ?????? ?????????? ??????? ?????????? ?????
S43562: Mikhailov, K.G. - Bibliographia Araneologica Rossica 1770-2011 (Bibliography on Spiders of Russia and Post-USSR Republics, 1770-2011)
S46575: Mikkola, H. - Owls of Europe
S58489: Mikkola, H. - Owls of Europe
N29850: Mikkola, K. - The Winged Wonders: Butterfly, Moth and Bird Expeditions to Siberia and North America
N19321: Mikkola, K.; Lafontaine, D.; Gill, J. - The Moths of North America 26.9: Noctuoidea: Noctuidae. Xyleninae, Apameini (Apamea group)
S51128: Mikkola, K.; Jalas, I.; Peltonen, O. - Suomen Perhoset. Mittarit 1 (Geometroidea 1)
N43304: Mikolji, I. - Fishes of the Orinoco in the Wild
R41063: Miles, R.S. - Dipnoan (lungfish) skulls and the relationship of the group: a study based on new species from the Devonian of Australia
S21908: Miles, R.S. - Features of Placoderm Diversification and the Evolution of the Arthrodire Feeding Mechanism
S42671: Miles, K.R.; Foxall, J.S. - The Blue Asbestos Bearing Banded Iron Formations of the Hamersley Ranges, Western Australia / The Blue Asbestos Deposits of the Hamersley Range and Their Economic Importance (Western Australia Geological Survey. Bulletin No 94)
S51161: Milheiros, M. - Notas de Etnografia Angolana
S54482: Mill, J.S. - Essays on Equality, Law, and Education
A51080: Millais, J.G. - Mammals of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. I-III
A37784: Millais, (John Guille) - British Diving Ducks. Vol. I-II
A44841: Millais, J.G. - The Natural History of the British Surface-Feeding Ducks
N28265: Millán, A.; Sanchez-Fernández, D.; Abellán, P.; Picazo, F.; Carbonell, J.A.; Lobo, J.M.; Ribera, I. - Atlas de los coleópteros acuáticos de España peninsular
S31762: Millar, I.M. - A Catalogue of the aphids (Homoptera; Aphidoidea) of sub-Saharan Africa
S57700: Millar, A.K. - Plantagenet in South Africa, Lord Charles Somerset
N51216: Mille, C.; Jolivet, P. - Illustrated Catalogue of the Leaf Beetles of New Caledonia / Catalogue Illustré des Chrysomèles de Nouvelle-Calédonie (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae)
S35675: Miller, L.D.; Brown, F.M. - A Catalogue / Checklist of the Butterflies America North of Mexico
S35280: Miller, E. - That Noble Cabinet A History of the British Museum
S42921: Miller, N.C.E. - The Biology of the Heteroptera
S48235: Miller, P.L. - Dragonflies (Naturalists' Handbooks 7)
S3554: Miller, G.S.; Kellogg, R. - List of North American Recent Mammals
S39283: Miller, N.G. (Ed.) - Advances in Bryology. Vol. 4: Bryophyte Systematics
S57516: Miller, J.I. - The Spice Trade of the Roman Empire 29 B.C. - A.D. 641
S33655: Miller, L.D.; Brown, F.M. - A Catalogue / Checklist of the Butterflies America North of Mexico
S47318: Miller, J.R.; Miller, T.A. (Eds) - Insect-Plant Interactions
S31932: Miller, P.J. (Ed.) - Miniature Vertebrates:The Implications of Small Body Size
S54974: Miller, G.S. - The Families and Genera of Bats
S32550: Miller, H. - Footprints of the Creator; or, The Asterolepis of Stromness, with a Memoir of the Author by Louis Agassiz
N47017: Miller, J.S.; Wagner, D.L.; Opler, P.A.; Lafontaine, J.D. - The Moths of North America 22.1B: Notodontidae (Part 2, Conclusion): Heterocampinae, Nystaleinae, Dioptinae, Dicranurinae
S50570: Miller, P.L. - Dragonflies (Naturalists' Handbooks 7)
S25469: Miller,C.D. - The Nearctic Species of Pnigalio and Sympiesis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)
S52449: Miller, W.E. - Guide to the Olethreutine Moths of Midland North America (Tortricidae)
S40699: Miller, P.L. - Dragonflies (Naturalists' Handbooks 7)
S27299: Miller, J.S. - Cladistics and Classification of the Notodontidae (Lepidoptera: Noctuoidea) Based on Larval and Adult Morphology
S36624: Miller, E. - Prince of Librarians: The Life and Times of Antonio Panizzi of the British Museum
S53835: Miller, P.L. - Dragonflies (Naturalists' Handbooks 7)
S54712: Miller, N.C.E. - The Biology of the Heteroptera
S9446: Miller, H.A. - Bryophyte evolution and geography
S34569: Miller, A.; Phillips, D.; Williams, R.J.P. (Eds) - Mineral Phases in Biology: Proceedings of a Royal Society discussion meeting Held on 1 and 2 June 1983
S18506: Miller, N.C.E. - Notes on the Biology of the Reduviidae of Southern Rhodesia
S56639: Miller, W.E. - The European Pine Shoot Moth - Ecology and Control in the Lake States
S51169: Miller, R.; Berman, A.; Falk, C.G.; Minardi, L.; Sessions, R. - A Shared Legacy: Folk Art in America
S34110: Miller, D. - Common Insects in New Zealand
S50573: Miller, P.L. - Dragonflies (Naturalists' Handbooks 7)
S28984: Miller, J.R.; Miller, T.A. (Eds) - Insect-Plant Interactions
R8745: Miller, D.; Davidson, J.A. - Armored Scale Insect Pests of Trees and Shrubs
N36602: Miller, J.S.; Wagner, D.L.; Opler, P.A.; Lafontaine, J.D. - The Moths of North America 22.1A: Drepanoidea, Doidae; Noctuoidea, Notodontidae (Part): Pygaerinae, Notodontinae, Cerurinae, Phalerinae, Periergosinae, Dudusinae, Hemiceratinae
R32: Miller, J.Y. (Ed.) - The Common Names of North American Butterflies
S40257: Miller, D. - Bibliography of New Zealand Entomology 1775-1952
S45429: Miller, P.L. - Dragonflies (Naturalists' Handbooks 7)
S50563: Miller, P.L. - Dragonflies (Naturalists' Handbooks 7)
S38293: Miller, N.C.E. - The Biology of the Heteroptera
S50795: Miller, P.L. - Dragonflies (Naturalists' Handbooks 7)
S57750: Millin, Sarah Gertrude - Rhodes
S42731: Mills, D. - Salmon and Trout: A Resource, its Ecology, Conservation and Management
S59275: Mills, John Fitzmaurice - Encyclopedia of Antique Scientific Instruments
S49194: Milne, A.A. - Now We Are Six
S43539: Milne-Edwards, H. - Observations sur les ascidies composées des côtes de la Manche
S41058: Milner, H.B. - Sedimentary Petrography: with special reference to Petrographic Methods of Correlation of Strata, Petroleum Technology and other Economic Applications of Geology
S39772: Milner, C.D. - Rock for Climbing
S20551: Milner, A.R. (Ed.) - Studies on Carboniferous and Permain Vertebrate: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Permo-Carboniferous Continental Floras Special Papers in Palaeontology 52
R41221: Milner, R. - "In my Day…and Today"; Darwin at Edinburgh, 1996
S48030: Milner, J.; Brierly, O.W. - The Cruise of H.M.S Galatea, Captain H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh, K.G., in 1867-1868
S29119: Milon, Y. - Recherches sur les Calcaires Paléozoiques et le Briovérien de Bretagne
S34282: Milon, P.; Petter, J.-J.; Randrianasolo, G. - Oiseaux (Faune de Madagascar 35)
N48611: Milton, N. - The Secret Life of the Adder: The Vanishing Viper
S47198: Minchin, H.C. - The Legion Book
S41923: Minckley, W.L. - Fishes of Arizona
S52724: Minelli, A.; Ruffo, S.; La Posta, S. (Eds) - Checklist delle Specie della Fauna Italiana 88-91. Lepidoptera
S49056: Minelli, A.; Ruffo, S.; La Posta, S. (Eds) - Checklist delle Specie della Fauna Italiana 66-78. Diptera
S32522: Minelli, A. - Biological Systematics: The State of the Art
S50620: Minelli, A. - Biological Systematics: The state of the art
S56980: Minelli, A.; Ruffo, S.; La Posta, S. (Eds) - Checklist delle Specie della Fauna Italiana 62-65. Diptera
S34760: Minelli, A. - Hirudinea Fauna d'Italia 15
S47535: Mingo, E. - Fauna Iberica 6: Hymenoptera, Chrysididae
S33599: Minno, M.C.; Emmel, T.C. - Butterflies of the Florida Keys
S49798: Minno, M.C.; Emmel, T.C. - Butterflies of the Florida Keys
A48041: Mintern, R. - South Sea Islands Butterflies - colour plate
S40963: Miracle, M.R. - Distribucion en el espacio y en el tiempo de las especies del zooplancton del lago de banyoles
S53080: Miret, E.R. - Papallones de la Comarca d'Anoia. Vol. 2: Noctuidae
S52452: Miret, E.R. - Papallones de la Comarca d'Anoia. Vol. 2: Noctuidae
S47042: Mislin, H.; Ravera, O. (Eds) - Cadmium in the Environment
N28453: Misra, S. - Orchids of Orissa
N28459: Misra, S. - Orchids of Odisha
S54233: Mitcham, T. - Rutland Breeding Bird Atlas
S54225: Mitcham, T. (Ed.) - The Birds of Rutland and its Reservoirs
S54224: Mitcham, T. (Ed.) - The Birds of Rutland and its Reservoirs
S21057: Mitchell, J. - Loch Lomondside (New Naturalist 88 )
S58566: Mitchell, P.I.; Newton, S.F.; Ratcliffe, N.; Dunn, T.E. - Seabird Populations of Britain and Ireland
S43016: Mitchell, J. - Loch Lomondside (New Naturalist 88)
S5509: Mitchell, W.I. - The Ordovician Brachiopoda from Pomeroy, Co. Tyrone
N32147: Mitchell, D. - Birds of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East: An Annotated Checklist
S25166: Mitchell, J. - Loch Lomondside (New Naturalist 88)
S12876: Mitchell, G.H.; Walton, E.K.; Grant, D. - Edinburgh Geology An excursion guide
S29649: Mitchell, P. - European Flower Painters
S34928: Mitchell, D.S. - Aquatic Weeds in Australian Inland Waters
S39923: Mitchell, M.E. - A Bibliography of Books, Pamphlets and Articles relating to Irish Lichenology 1727-1970
N30335: Mitchell, D.K.; Dewhurst, C.F.; Tennent, W.J.; Page, W.W. - Queen Alexandra's Birdwing Butterfly Ornithoptera alexandrae (Rothschild, 1907): a review and conservation proposals
S50479: Mitchley, J.; Malloch, A.J.C. - Sea cliff management handbook for Great Britain
S36387: Mitsch, W.J.; Gosselink, J.G. - Wetlands
N47799: Mittermeier, R.A.; Langrand, O.M.; Wilson, D.E.; Rylands, A.B.; Ratsimbazafy, J.; Reuter, K.E.; Andriamanana, T.; Louis, E.E.; Schwitzer, C.; Sechrest, W. - Mammals of Madagascar
S39367: Mittermeier, R.A.; Robles Gil, P.; Hoffman, M.; Pilgrim, J.; Brooks, T.; Mittermeier, C.G. - Hotspots Revisited: Earth's Biologically Richest and Most Endangered Terrestrial Ecoregions
S35391: Mittermeier, R.A.; Kormos, C.F.; Mittermeier, CG.; Gil, P.R.; Sandwith, T.; Besancon, C. - Transboundry Conservation: A new vision for protected areas
S5203: Mittler, T.E (Ed.) et al - Annual Review of Entomology Vol. 37
S15620: Mitton, J.B.; Sturgeon, K.B. - Bark Beetles in North American Conifers: A System for the Study of Evolutionary Biology
S6356: Mitzman, M.E. - George Baxter and the Baxter Prints
S48692: Mitzopoulos, M.K. - Beiträge zur Cephalopodenfauna des Oberen Lias der Alta Brianza
S56959: Mivart, St. G. - A Monograph of the Lories or Brush-tongued Parrots
S40374: Miyadi, D. - Studies on the Bottom Fauna of Japanese Lakes. Part I-X
R56760: Miyake, T. - Studies on the Fruit-Flies of Japan. Contribution I: Japanese Orange-Fly
R31768: Miyazaki, M. - A Revision of the Tribe Macrosiphini of Japan (Homoptera: Aphididae, Aphidinae)
R45861: Moberg, R. - The Lichen genus Physcia and allied genera in Fennoscandia
S50141: Moberg, R., Holmåsen, I. - Lavar: En fälthandbok
S60791: Möbes, W.K.G. - Bibliographie der Tauben
S21589: Mochi, A. - [Papers on Egyptian Sphecoidea] Revisione delle Specie egiziane del Genere Cerceris Latr. /Revisione delle Specie egiziane del Genere Philanthus F. e Nectanebus Spin. /Revisione delle Specie egiziane del Genere Stizus Latr.
R56986: Mock, H. - Chaetonotoidea (Gastrotricha) der Nordseeinsel Sylt
S41822: Mocquard, M.F. - Recherches Anatomiques sur L'Estomac des Crustaces Podophthalmaires
S48024: Mocquard, M.F. - Recherches Anatomiques sur L'Estomac des Crustacés Podophthalmaires
N2538: Moehn, E. - Butterflies of the World 5: Papilionidae 2: Battus
N4839: Moehn, E. - Butterflies of the World 14: Papilionidae 8: Baronia, Euryades, Protographium, Neographium, Eurytides
N6647: Moehn, E. - Butterflies of the World 16: Nymphalidae 7: Pseudacraea
N11588: Moehn, E. - Butterflies of the World 26: Papilionidae 13: Parides
N6649: Moehn, E. - Butterflies of the World 13: Papilionidae 7: Parnassius apollo I: Plates
N9808: Moehn, E. - Butterflies of the World 23: Papilionidae 12: Parnassius apollo III Text
A49642: Moffet, Thomas [Mouffett, Moufet, Muffet] - Insectorum sive minimorum Animalium Theatrum
N21421: Moffett, M.W. - Adventures Among Ants A Global Safari with a Cast of Trillions
S45214: Moggridge, J.T.; Pickard-Cambridge, O. - Harvesting Ants and Trap-Door Spiders
S13278: Moggridge, J.T. - Harvesting Ants and Trap-Door Spiders
S17087: Mohamed, A.F. - Chemical and Physical Investigations: The Distribution of Hydrogen-ion Concentration in the North-western Indian Ocean and Adjacent Waters. The John Murray Expedition 1933-34 Scientific Reports Vol. II, No. 5
N7256: Mohamedsaid, M.S. - Catalogue of the Malaysian Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera)
R23210: Von Mojsisovics, A. - Nachträge zur Anatomie von Loxodon africanus Falc. (Masc. Adult.) nebst einleitenden Bemerkungen über das Gebahren dieses Thieres in der Gefangenschaft
N57426: Moldestad, K.; Lundetræ, O. - Roots: A Field Guide for Identification
S1565: Moler, P.E. (Ed.) - Rare and Endangered Biota of Florida Vol. III: Amphibians and Reptiles
S51185: Molesworth Allen, B. - Common Malaysian Fruits
N37244: Molina, C.; Bartomeus, I. - Guía de campo de las abejas de España
S36994: Molinier, R.; Vignes, P. - Ecologie et Biocénotique: Les êtres vivants, leurs milieux, leurs communautés. L'environnement
S41839: Möller, H. - Field Guide to the Diagnosis of Fish Diseases and Important Fish Parasites in North Sea and Baltic Sea/ Feldfuhrer zur Diagnose der Fischkrankheiten und wichtigsten Fischparasiten in Nord-und Ostsee
R16434: Moller Anderson, N.; Michelsen, V. (eds) - Entomologica Scandanavia [Festschrift] in Honor of Michael Shaffer
R52928: Mols, P.J.M. - Foraging behaviour of the Carabid Beetle Pterostichus coerulescens L. (= Poecilus versicolor Sturm) at different densities and distributions of prey Part II
S60331: Molyneux, S.G.; Dorning, K.J. - Contributions to Acritarch and Chitinozoan Research Special Papers in Palaeontology 48
S44372: Molyneux, D.H.; Ashford, R.W. - The Biology of Trypanosoma and Leishmania: Parasites of Man and Animals
S21658: Molyneux, D.H.; Ashford, R.W. - The Biology of Trypanosoma and Leishmania: Parasites of Man and Animals
N29723: Monastyrskii, A.; Devyatkin, A. - Butterflies of Vietnam (an illustrated checklist)
N58272: Monastyrskii, A. - Butterflies of Vietnam. Vol. 5: Pieridae
N13101: Monastyrskii, A. - Butterflies of Vietnam. Vol. 2: Papilionidae
N38715: Monastyrskii, A. - Butterflies of Vietnam. Vol. 4(I): Libytheinae, Calinaginae, Apaturinae, Charaxinae, Nymphalinae, Biblidinae, Pseudergolinae, Cyrestinae, Heliconiinae; Vol. 4(II): Limenitidinae
N21111: Monastyrskii, A. - Butterflies of Vietnam. Vol. 3: Nymphalidae: Danainae, Amathusiinae
N10726: Monastyrskii, A. - Butterflies of Vietnam. Vol. 1: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae
S16649: Monckton, H.W.; Herries, R.S. (Eds) - Geology in the Field
S18501: Mond, R.; Myers, O.H. - Cemeteries of Armant I
N44245: Mondal, A.; Chanda, D.; Vartak, A.; Kulkarni, S. - A Field Guide to the Spider Genera of India
S54807: De Monfreid, H. - Le Drame Éthiopien
N4822: Monk, J.; Gillmor, R. (Illustrator) - Birds for all Seasons: Chronicles from the Thames Valley
S38301: Monk, K.A.; De Fretes, Y.; Reksodiharjo-Lilley - The Ecology of Nusa Tenggara and Maluku
S44081: Monkhouse, F.J. (Ed.) - A Survey of Southampton and its Region
S59315: Monnier, E.; Limpalaër, L.; Robin, A.; Roux, C. - A Taxonomic Iconography of Living Conidae Vol. 1-2
S42561: Monod, T. - Hippidea et Brachyura ouest-africains
S15567: Monod, T. - Isopodes marins des campagnes du "de Lanessan"
S39108: Monod, T. - John Cranch Zoologiste de L'Expedition du Congo (1816)
S6528: Monod, T. - John Cranch Zoologiste de L'Expedition du Congo (1816)
S48296: Monod, T.; Schnell, R. - Mélanges Botaniques / La Réserve Naturelle Integrale du Mt Nimba Fascicule 1
A49210: Monro, Alexander - The Anatomy of the Human Bones and Nerves and Lacteal Sac and Duct
S53579: Monro, T.K. - The Physician as Man of Letters, Science, & Action
S56717: Monroe, B.L.; Sibley, C.G. - A World Checklist of Birds
S12656: Monroe, B.L. - A Distributional Survey of the Birds of Honduras
N31552: Monroe, J.L. - Large Sulphurs of the Americas: Anteos, Prestonia, Phoebis, Rhabdodryas, & Aphrissa
A56683: Montagu, G.; Rennie, James - Ornithological Dictionary of British Birds
N21103: Montagud Alario, S.; Garcia Alama, J.A. - Mariposas diurnas de la Comunitat Valenciana
S49818: Monteith, G. - The Butterfly Man of Kuranda: Frederick Parkhurst Dodd
S52473: Monteith, A.H. - Valpy's Latin Delectus
S36590: Monti, R. (Ed.) - La Limnologia del Lario in relazione al ripopolamento delle acque ed alla pesca
S2494: Montier, D. - Atlas of Breeding Birds of the London Area
N56156: Montreuil, O.; Flutsch, G.; Mehrabi, A.; Yarmand, H.; Alpansèque, J.-L.; Legrand, J.-P. - Cetoniimania No. 18: Les cétoines d'Iran
S23242: Moody, R. - Practical Guide to Fossils
S52159: Moon, H.P. - Henry Walter Bates F.R.S. 1825-1892: Explorer, Scientist and Darwinian
S52160: Moon, H.P. - Henry Walter Bates F.R.S. 1825-1892: Explorer, Scientist and Darwinian
S52158: Moon, H.P. - Henry Walter Bates F.R.S. 1825-1892: Explorer, Scientist and Darwinian
S57514: Mooney, H.F. - A Glossary of Ethiopian Plant Names
S107: De Moor, I.J.; Bruton,M.N. - Atlas of alien and translocated indigenous aquatic animals in southern Africa
S54940: Moorat, S.A.J. - Catalogue of Western Manuscripts on Medicine and Science in the Wellcome Historical Medical LibraryI, MSS Written before 1650 A. D., II: Manuscripts After 1650 (A-M). Manuscripts After 1650 (N-Z)
S57026: Moore, J. - Man and Bird and Beast: More Country Contentments
S38339: Moore, D.T. - An Account of those described Rock Collections in the British Museum (Natural History) made before 1918 with a provisional Catalogue arranged by Continent
S3895: Moore, R.C. (Ed.) - Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part D Protista 3: (chiefly Radiolaria and Tintinnina)
S49137: Moore, R. - Man, time and fossils: the story of evolution
S48420: Moore, I. - Grass and Grasslands (New Naturalist 48)
S40538: Moore, R.C. (Ed.) - Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part E: Archaeocyatha and Porifera
N22626: Moore, J.A. - Charophytes of Great Britain and Ireland
S31906: Moore, H.D.M.; Holt, W.V.; Mace, G.M. (Eds) - Biotechnology and the Conservation of Genetic Diversity
S17025: Moore, I. - Grass and Grasslands (New Naturalist 48)
A31524: Moore, F. - The Lepidoptera of Ceylon
S41245: Moore, D.T.; Jones, V.; Woolley, A.R.; Bishop, A.C. - Catalogue of Chemically Analysed Igneous Rocks in the Collection of the Britsih Museum (Natural History)
S57131: Moore, J.A. - Charophytes of Great Britain and Ireland
S3811: Moore, R.C. (Ed.) - Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part E: Archaeocyatha and Porifera
S42717: Moore, J.C.; de Ruiter, P.C. - Energetic Food Webs: An Analysis of Real and Model Ecosystems
S46145: Moore, H.B. (Ed.) - Marine Fauna of the Isle of Man
S43426: Moore, J.A. (Ed.) - Physiology of the Amphibia
S60780: Moore, P.G.; Seed, R. (Ed.) - The Ecology of Rocky Coasts
S55562: Moore, R. - The Birds of Devon
S44396: Moore, J.R.; Chant, C. - The Metaphysics of Evolution
S16829: Moore, I. - Grass and Grasslands (New Naturalist 48)
S815: Moore, L.B.; Adams, N.M. - Plants of the New Zealand Coast
S6538: Moore, D.T. - An Account of those described Rock Collections in the British Museum (Natural History) made before 1918 with a provisional Catalogue arranged by Continent
R57144: Moore, R.C. (Ed.) - Correlation of Pennsylvanian Formations of North America
S13111: Moore, B.P. - Life on Forty Acres: Some Experiences of a Naturalist Living in the Australian Bush
S27853: Moore, L.B.; Edgar, E. - Flora of New Zealand, Vol. II: Indigenous Tracheophyta
S19062: Moore, J. - An Introduction to the Invertebrates
N41745: Moore, Jane - Planting for Butterflies: The Grower's Guide to Creating a Flutter
N19366: Moore, T.; Lander, T. - Revision du genre Conognatha
S33169: Moore, M.R. (Ed.) - Australian Grasslands
S40537: Moore, R.C. (Ed.) - Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part D: Protista 3: Protozoa (Chiefly Radiolaria and Tintinnina)
S57496: Moorehead, A. - The Blue Nile
S37923: Moorehead, A. - The White Nile
S25541: Moores, R. - Where to Watch Mammals in Britain and Ireland
S54266: Moorhouse, I.D. - Birds of St. Mary's Island
R14397: Moran, V.C.; Brothers, D.J.; Case, J.J. - Observations on the Biology of Tetrastichus flavigaster Brothers & Moran (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), parasitic on psyllid nymphs (Homoptera)
N7002: Morati, J.; Huet, M. - Revision du genre Pachyteria
N43056: Moravec, J. - Obojživelníci a plazi Ceské republiky [Amphibians and reptiles of the Czech Republic]
N20255: Moravec, J. - Tiger Beetles of the Madagascan Region (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae)
S54404: Morch, O.A.L. - Fortegnelse over de i Danmark forekommende Land- og Ferskvandsblöddyr
S57649: Moreau, R.E. - The Bird Faunas of Africa and its Islands
N29699: Moreira Da Rocha, J.; Parapar Vegas, J.; Nunez, J. - Fauna Iberica 41: Annelida Polychaeta 4
N45025: Morel, D.; Taurand, L.; Robineau, R. - Iconographie des Geometridae de la faune de France
S50321: Morgan, D. - Cuckoo-Wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 6/5)
S44927: Morgan, C.E.; Thomas, G.D.; Hall, R.D. - Annotated Bibliography of the Stable Fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.), Including References on Other Species Belonging to the Genus Stomoxys
S60482: Morgan, D. - Cuckoo-Wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 6/5)
S42384: Mori, T. - The Pelagic Copepoda from the Neighbouring Waters of Japan
R49320: Morishita, K. - [The Belladonna group of the genus Delias (Lep. Pieridae)]
S15996: Morison, G.D. - Thysanoptera of The London Area (London Thrips)
S23187: Morison, G.D. - Thysanoptera of The London Area (London Thrips)
A44166: Morison, Robert - Plantarum Umbelliferarum distributio nova, per tabulas cognationis et affinitatis ex libro naturae observata & detecta
R16862: Morison, G.D. - A Review of British Glasshouse Thysanoptera
S16025: Morley, C. - Ichneumonologia Britannica IV. The Ichneumons of Great Britain. Tryphoninae
S14393: Morley, C. - A Revision of the Ichneumonidae based on the collection in the British Museum (Natural History). Pts I-IV
S30747: Morley, D.W. - Ants
S14365: Morley, C. - Catalogue of British Hymenoptera of the Family Chalcididae
S30024: Morley, C. (Ed.) - The Lepidoptera of Suffolk
S4695: Morley, C. - Fauna of British India: including Ceylon and Burma. Hymenoptera 3: Ichneumonidae 1: Ichneumones Deltoidei
S43423: Morley, D.W. - The Ant World
S42692: Morley, C. - Catalogue of British Hymenoptera of the Family Chalcididae
S1054: Morley, C. - Catalogue of British Hymenoptera of the Family Chalcididae
S10631: Morley, A.M. - A List of Butterflies and Moths (Macro-Lepidoptera) occurring in the neighbourhood of Folkestone
S27667: Morley, A.M. - List of Butterflies and Moths (Macro-Lepidoptera) occurring in the Neighbourhood of Folkestone
S27467: Morley, A.M. - List of Butterflies and Moths (Macro-Lepidoptera) occurring in the Neighbourhood of Folkestone
S31019: Morley, C. - A Revision of the Ichneumonidae. Pt IV Based on the Collection in the British Museum (Natural History)
S22527: Morley, D.W. - Ants
S40985: Morley, C. - Catalogue of British Hymenoptera of the Family Chalcididae
S42811: Morley, D.W. - Ants
S2838: Morohoshi, S. - Physiogenetical studies on moltinism and voltinism in Bombyx mori: A new hormonal antagonistic balance theory on the growth
S36558: Moroni, A. - I Laghi della Val Parma
S47816: Morrell, M,; Capparell, S. - Shackleton's Way: Leadership Lessons from the Great Antarctic Explorer
S53743: Morrell, J. - John Phillips and the Business of Victorian Science
N9346: Morrell, S.; Roberts, C. - A Guide to Common Seaweeds (Identification Chart)
S54992: Morrell, J.A. - Miss Jemima's Swiss Journal: The first conducted tour of Switzerland
S1826: Morrell, R. - Common Malayan Butterflies (Malayan Nature Handbooks)
S51197: Morrell, R. - Common Malayan Butterflies (Malayan Nature Handbooks)
S59477: Morris, M.G. - True Weevils 1: Coleoptera: Curculionidae (Raymondionyminae to Smicronychinae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/17b)
S59479: Morris, M.G. - True Weevils 2: Coleoptera (Curculionidae, Ceutorhynchinae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/17c)
S48075: Morris, D. (Ed.) - Natural History of Bournemouth and District
A50559: Morris, F.O. - A History of British Butterflies
A56968: Morris, F.O. - A History of British Birds. Vol. I-VI [with] A Natural History of the Nests and Eggs of British Birds. Vol. I-III
S59757: Morris, S.W. - Fleeming Jenkin and The Origin of Species: A reassesment
S53576: Morris, B. - Insects and Human Life
S49028: Morris, M.G. - True Weevils 1: Coleoptera: Curculionidae (Raymondionyminae to Smicronychinae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/17b)
S19069: Morris, M.G.; Perring, F.H. (Eds) - The British Oak
A50791: Morris, Beverley R. - British Game Birds and Wildfowl
S48881: Morris, F.O. - Natural History of British Moths. Vol. I-IV
A53175: Morris, F.O. - Natural History of British Moths. Vol. I-IV
S47363: Morris, M.G. - True Weevils 3: Coleoptera: Curculionidae (Curculioninae, Baridinae, Orobitidinae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/17d)
S40670: Morris, D. - Animalwatching: a field guide to animal behaviour.
S49437: Morris, M.G. - Broad-nosed Weevils. Coleoptera: Curculionidae (Entiminae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/17a)
N34297: Morris, P. - Hedgehog (New Naturalist 137)
S50578: Morris, F.O. - Anecdotes in Natural History
A50359: Morris, F.O.; Tegetmeier, W.B. - A Natural History of the Nests and Eggs of British Birds. Vol. I-III
S43966: Morris, D. (Ed.) - Primate Ethology
S50760: Morris, P.A. - A Red Data Book for British Mammals
S40202: Morris, M.J.; Berwick, L. (Eds) - The Linnaean Legacy: Three Centuries after his Birth
S38779: Morris, M.G. - True Weevils 3: Coleoptera: Curculionidae (Curculioninae, Baridinae, Orobitidinae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/17d)
A50369: Morris, F.O. - A History of British Butterflies
A50426: Morris, F.O. - A Natural History of British Moths. Vol. I-IV
S56152: Morris, P. - Dormice
S47375: Morris, M.G. - Broad-nosed Weevils. Coleoptera: Curculionidae (Entiminae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/17a)
S47376: Morris, M.G. - Orthocerous Weevils: Coleoptera Curculionoidea (Nemonychidae, Anthribidae, Urodontidae, Attelabidae and Apionidae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/16)
S47385: Morris, M.G. - True Weevils 1: Coleoptera: Curculionidae (Raymondionyminae to Smicronychinae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/17b)
A54365: Morris, F.O. - A History of British Moths
A38121: Morris, F.O. - A History of British Butterflies
S58521: Morris, S. - Bird-Song: A Manual for Field Naturalists on the Song and Notes of some British Birds
P57970: Morris, H.F.; Russell, A.H.; Ingham, K. (Eds) - The Uganda Journal Vol. 26 No.1 The Journal of the Uganda Society: Speke Centenary Number
A50839: Morris, F.O. - A History of British Moths. Vol. I-IV
N901: Morris, R.K.A. - Hoverflies of Surrey
S34773: Morris, S.C. - Crucible of Creation: The Burgess Shale and the Rise of Animals
S49173: Morris, M.G. - True Weevils 1: Coleoptera: Curculionidae (Raymondionyminae to Smicronychinae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/17b)
S37490: Morris, C. (Ed.) - Illustrated Journeys of Celia Fiennes c.1682 - c.1712
S57993: Morris, J. - Sultan in Oman
N23632: Morris, M.G. - True Weevils 3: Coleoptera: Curculionidae (Curculioninae, Baridinae, Orobitidinae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/17d)
A55796: Morris, F.O. - Natural History of British Moths. Vol. I-IV
S49163: Morris, M.G. - True Weevils 2: Coleoptera (Curculionidae, Ceutorhynchinae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/17c)
S58587: Morris, R.; Morris, D. - Men and Snakes
N1947: Morris, M.G. - Broad-nosed Weevils. Coleoptera: Curculionidae (Entiminae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/17a)
S40867: Morris, D. - Manwatching: a field guide to human behaviour
S54769: Morris, M.G. - True Weevils 3: Coleoptera: Curculionidae (Curculioninae, Baridinae, Orobitidinae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/17d)
S34212: Morris, D. - the Human Zoo
A48218: Morris, F.O. - A History of British Butterflies
A50825: Morris, F.O. - A History of British Birds. Vol. I-VI
S32462: Morris, S.C. - Crucible of Creation: The Burgess Shale and the Rise of Animals
A50841: Morris, F.O. - A History of British Butterflies
A50855: Morris, F.O. - A Natural History of the Nests and Eggs of British Birds. Vol. I-III
S37583: Morris, R.H.; Abbot, D.P.; Haderlie, E.C. - Intertidal Invertebrates of California
S49253: Morris, M.G. - Orthocerous Weevils: Coleoptera Curculionoidea (Nemonychidae, Anthribidae, Urodontidae, Attelabidae and Apionidae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/16)
N15766: Morris, M.G. - True Weevils 2: Coleoptera (Curculionidae, Ceutorhynchinae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/17c)
A50845: Morris, F.O. - A History of British Butterflies
S44038: Morris, R.; Morris, D. - Men and Apes
S1953: Morris, M.G. - Orthocerous Weevils: Coleoptera Curculionoidea (Nemonychidae, Anthribidae, Urodontidae, Attelabidae and Apionidae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/16)
S50298: Morris, M.G. - True Weevils 2: Coleoptera (Curculionidae, Ceutorhynchinae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/17c)
S40131: Morris, R.; Taylor, E.W.; Brown, D.J.A.; Brown, J.A. (Eds) - Acid toxicity and Aquatic Animals
S50314: Morris, M.G. - Broad-nosed Weevils. Coleoptera: Curculionidae (Entiminae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/17a)
N13596: Morris, P.; Burgis, M. - The World of Lakes: Lakes of the World
S50315: Morris, M.G. - True Weevils 1: Coleoptera: Curculionidae (Raymondionyminae to Smicronychinae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/17b)
R10395: Morrison, H. - Classification of the Ortheziidae Supplement to Classification of Scale Insects of the Subfamily Ortheziinae
S25578: Morrone, J.J.; Llorente Bousquets, J. (Eds) - Perspectiva Latinoamericana de la Biogeografia
S51282: Morse, R.A. (Ed.) - Honey Bee Pests, Predators, and Diseases
S16757: Morse, E.S. - Observations on the Terrestrial Pulmonifera of Maine, including a Catalogue of all the species of Terrestrial and Fluviatile Mollusca known to inhabit the state
S40419: Morse, H. - Where do we come from? Is Darwin Correct? A philosophical and Critical Study of Darwin's Theory of "Natural Selection"
S12845: Morson, C. (Ed.) - St. Peter's Hospital for Stone 1860-1960
S41739: Mortensen, T. - Handbook of the Echinoderms of the British Isles
S43084: Mortensen, T. - Report on the Echinoidea Collected by the United States Fisheries Steamer "Albatross" during the Philippine Expedition, 1907-1910. Parts 2-3.Mosses; Bryophytes; Bryophyta
S35120: Mortimer, J. - Rumpole: Selected and Introduced by the Author
S50001: Mortimer, S.R., Turner, A.J., Brown, V.K., Fuller, R.J.; Good, J.E.G.; Bell, S.A.; Stevens, P.A.; Norris, D.; Bayfield, N.; Ward, L.K. - The Nature conservation value of scrub in Britain
S60722: Morton, B.; Tseng, C.K. (Eds) - The Marine Flora and Fauna of Hong Kong and Southern China. Vol. 1-2
R60350: Morton, J.K. - The Flora of Islay and Jura (v.c. 102)
S41797: Morton, J.E. - Molluscs
S60738: Morton, B.; Morton, J. - The Sea Shore Ecology of Hong Kong
S39616: Morton, H.V. - The Waters of Rome
S43713: Morton, J.E. - The Pelagic Mollusca of the Benguela Current. Pt. I. First Survey, R.R.S. 'William Scoresby', March 1950: with an account of the reproductive system and sexual succession of Limacina Bulimoides (Discovery Report XXVII)
S41771: Morton, J.E. - Molluscs
S43209: Morwood, W. - Traveller in a Vanished Landscape: The Life and Times of David Douglas
S36566: Mosello, R.; Wathne, B.M.; Giussani, G. (Eds) - Limnology on groups of remote mountain lakes: ongoing and planned activities
S13745: Mosely, M.E. - Ruwenzori Expedition 1934-5 Vol. 3 no.1: Trichoptera
S58269: Mosely, M.E.; Kimmins, D.E. - The Trichoptera (Caddis-Flies) of Australia and New Zealand
S1187: Mosely, M.E. - A Revision of the Genus Leptonema (Trichoptera)
S42287: Mosely, M.E. - The Protoptila group of the Glossosomatinae (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae)
S15802: Mosely, M.E. - The British Caddis Flies (Trichoptera): A Collector's Handbook
S36834: Moser, G.; Steindorf, A.; Lange-Bertalot, H. - Neukaledonien: Diatomeenflora einer Tropeninsel. Revision der Collection Maillard und Untersuchung neuen Materials (Bibliotheca Diatomologica 32)
S54454: Mosley, Oswald; Brown, Edwin - The Natural History of Tutbury. Together with the Fauna and Flora of the District surrounding Tutbury and Burton-on-Trent
S25193: Moss, B. - The Broads: The People's Wetland. (New Naturalist 89)
S50583: Moss, B. - The Broads: The People's Wetland. (New Naturalist 89)
N33738: Moss, S. - The Robin: A Biography
N28080: Moss, B. - Lakes, Loughs & Lochs (New Naturalist 128)
N56347: Moss, S. - The Owl: A Biography
N43021: Moss, S. - The Swallow: A Biography
S50768: Moss, B.; Madgwick, J.; Phillips, G. - A guide to the restoration of nutrient-enriched shallow lakes
N36371: Moss, S. - The Wren: A Biography
S4393: Mössmer, M.; Willis, C.K. - Plant Taxonomic Expertise: An inventory for southern Africa
S49611: Mostovski, M.B. (Ed.) - African Invertebrates 53(1): Gedenkschrift in honour of Brian Roy Stuckenberg (1930-2009)
S25364: Mostovski, M.B. (Ed.) - African Invertebrates 53(1): Gedenkschrift in honour of Brian Roy Stuckenberg (1930-2009)
S22466: Mouchet, J.; Carnevale, P.; Coosemans, M.; Julvez, J. et al - Biodiversité du paludisme dans le monde
S27585: Moulds, M.S. - Bibliography of the Australian Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea) 1773-1973
S60644: Moulds, M.S. - Embedding Insects and Other Specimens in Clear Plastic
S35755: Moulds, M.S. - Bibliography of the Australian Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea) 1773-1973
N40276: Moulds, M.; Tuttle, J.; Lane, D. - Hawkmoths of Australia: Identification, Biology and Distribution
S29875: Le Moult, E.; Real, P. - Les Morpho d'Amérique du Sud et Centrale: Historique, Morphologie, Systématique
N6610: Mound, L.A. - Gall-forming Thrips and Allied Species (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripinae) from Acacia Trees in Australia
S12710: Mound, L.A. - A Review of R.S. Bagnall's Thysanoptera Collections
N6601: Mound, L.A. - Leaf-litter Thysanoptera of the subtribe Williamsiellina (Phlaeothripidae)
S46712: Mound, l.A.; Morison, G.D.; Pitkin, B.R.; Palmer, J.M. - Thysanoptera (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 1/11)
N6603: Mound, L.A. - The Nesothrips Complex of Spore-feeding Thysanoptera (Phlaeothripidae: Idolothripinae)
S59188: Mound, L.A.; Walker, A.K. - Fauna of New Zealand 1: Terebrantia (Thysanoptera)
S38609: Mound, L.A.; Waloff, N. (Eds) - Diversity of Insect Faunas
S6520: Mound, L.A. - A Review of R.S. Bagnall's Thysanoptera Collections
S1519: Mound, L.A.; Houston, K.J. - An Annotated Check-List of Thysanoptera from Australia Occasional Papers on Systematic Entomology Number 4
N6611: Mound, L.A. - Thysanoptera from the Solomon Islands
N6613: Mound, L.A.; Palmer, J.M. - The Generic and Tribal Classification of Spore-feeding Thysanoptera (Phlaeothripidae: Idolothripinae)
A40934: Mounteney-Jephson, A.J. - Emin Pasha and the Rebellion at the Equator: A Story of Nine Months Experience in the Last of the Soudan Provinces
S44479: Mountfort, G. - Portrait of a River: The Wildlife of the Danube, from the Black Sea to Budapest
S55478: Mountfort, G. - Portrait of a Desert: The Story of an Expedition to Jordan
S46033: Mountfort, G. - The Vanishing Jungle: The Story of the World Wildlife Fund Expedition to Pakistan
S46100: Mountfort, G. - Portrait of a River: The Wildlife of the Danube, from the Black Sea to Budapest
S28547: Mountfort, G; Arlott, N. (Illus) - Rare Birds of the World: A Collins/ICBP Handbook
S56903: Mountfort, G; Arlott, N. (Illus) - Rare Birds of the World: A Collins/ICBP Handbook
S51337: Moure, J.S.; Hurd, P.D. - An Annotated Catalog of the Halictid Bees of the Western Hemisphere (Hymenoptera: Halictidae)
S22473: Moussiegt, O. - Aedes (Ochlerotatus) communis De Geer: Bibliographie
S22474: Moussiegt, O. - Aedes (Ochlerotatus) caspius (Pallas, 1771). Bibliographie
S41232: Moyal, A. - 'a bright & savage land': Scientists in colonial Australia
S39948: Moyle, P.B. - Inland Fishes of California
S52431: Mrázek, A. - Príspevky k poznání sladkovodních Copepodu
S41535: Mu, En-zhi; Boucot, A.J.; Chen, Xu; Rong, Jia-yu - The Correlation of the Silurian Rocks of China (A Part of the Silurian Correlation for East Asia)
S57027: Mudie, R. - The Feathered Tribes of the British Islands. Vol. I-II
A50582: Mudie, R. - The Feathered Tribes of the British Islands. Vol. I-II
S36780: Mueller-Dombois, D.; Fosberg, F.R. - Vegetation of the Tropical Pacific Islands
S47253: Mueller, F. von - Select Extra-Tropical Plants Readily Eligible for Industrial Culture or Naturalisation, with Indications of their Native Countries and some of their Uses
N59388: Muer, T.; Jahn, R.; Sauerbier, H. - Flora Cretica: A complete handbook of all flowering plants, lycopods and ferns occuring on the island of Crete and surrounding islets
S30262: Muesebeck, C.F.W.; Krombein, K.V.; Townes, H.K. - Hymenoptera of America North of Mexico: Synoptic Catalog [and] First Supplement [and] Second Supplement
R28276: Muesebeck, C.F.W. - A Revision of the Parasitic Wasps of the Subfamily Braconinae Occurring in America North of Mexico
R27677: Muesebeck, C.F.W. - A Revision of the Parasitic Wasps of the Genus Microbracon Occurring in America North of Mexico
S1070: Muesebeck, C.F.W.; Krombein, K.V.; Townes, H.K. - Hymenoptera of America North of Mexico. Synoptic Catalog
S34817: Muhlberg, H. - The Complete Guide to Water Plants: A Reference Book
N33943: Mühlethaler, R.; Holzinger, W.; Nickel, H.; Wachmann, E. - Die Zikaden Deutschlands, Österreichs und der Schweiz Entdecken - Beobachten - Bestimmen
S45088: Muhr, J. - Die Mundtheile der Insecten
N29790: Muilwijk, J.; Felix, R.; Dekoninck, W.; Bleich, O. - De Loopkevers van Nederland en Belgie (Carabidae)
S45467: Muir-Wood, H.M. - A History of the Classification of the Phylum Brachiopoda
S60671: Muir-Wood, H.M. - A History of the Classification of the Phylum Brachiopoda
S44706: Muir-Wood, H.M. - A History of the Classification of the Phylum Brachiopoda
S20126: Muir-Wood, H.M. - Malayan Lower Carboniferous Fossils and their bearing on the Visean Palaeogeography of Asia
S59821: Muir-Wood, H.M. - Malayan Lower Carboniferous Fossils and their bearing on the Visean Palaeogeography of Asia
S9479: Muir, F.; Crawford, D.L.; Laing, F. - Insects of Samoa Pt II. Hemiptera: Fasc. 1. Fulgoroidea; Psyllidae (Chermidae); Coccidae, Aphididae and Aleyrodidae
S10172: Muir-Wood, H.M. - On the Morphology and Classification of the Brachiopod suborder Chonetoidea
S10098: Muir-Wood, H.M. - Report on the Brachiopoda of the John Murray Expedition. The John Murray Expedition 1933-34 Scientific Reports Vol. X, No. 6
S10320: Muir-Wood, H.M. - The British Carboniferous Producti II.- Productus (sensu stricto); Semireticulatus and Longispinus Groups
S22053: Muirhead-Thomson, R.C. - Trap Responses of Flying Insects: The Influence of Trap Design on Capture Efficiency
S54068: Muirhead, George - The Birds of Berwickshire
A54089: Muirhead, George - The Birds of Berwickshire. Vol. I-II
S22051: Muirhead-Thomson, R.C. - Behaviour Patterns of Blood-sucking Flies
S21218: Mukabana, W.R. - Differential attractiveness of humans to the African malaria vector Anopheles gambiae Giles: Effects of host characteristics and parasite infection
S43530: Mukhopadhyay, S. (Ed.) - Plant protection in West Bengal: Proceedings of workshop held March 26-27, 1980 Department of Plant Pathology Faculty of Agriculture, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya
N20815: Mullard, J. - Brecon Beacons (New Naturalist 126)
N37543: Mullard, J. - Pembrokeshire (New Naturalist 141)
S28678: Mullard, J. - Gower (New Naturalist 99)
S44620: Mullard, J. - Brecon Beacons (New Naturalist 126)
S25189: Mullard, J. - Gower (New Naturalist 99)
S28825: Mullen, G.; Durden, L. (Eds) - Medical and Veterinary Entomology
S49616: Mullen, G.; Durden, L. (Eds) - Medical and Veterinary Entomology
S56482: Mullens, W.H. - Thomas Muffett
S51118: Müller, A. - Wildbienen im Schaffhauser Randen
S14717: Muller, J. - The Orbitotemporal Region of the Skull of the Mammalia Proefschrift
S53280: Müller, A. - Wildbienen im Schaffhauser Randen
S56777: Muller, Frantz Henrich - Frantz Henrich Müller's Selvbiografi meddelt af Ad. Clément
S19268: Muller, K.J.; Walossek, D. - Skaracarida, a New Order of Crustacea from the Upper Cambrian ofVästergötland, SwedenSweden
S11213: Muller, R. - Worms and Disease: A Manual of Medical Helminthology
S43176: Müller, M.A.N. - Grasse van Suidwes-Afrika/Namibie
S22040: Muller, R. - Worms and Disease: A Manual of Medical Helminthology
S52285: Müller, H. - Fertilisation of Flowers
S39536: Müller, H. - Fertilisation of Flowers
S44243: Munawar, M.; Chang, P.; Dave, G.; Malley, D.; Munawar, S.; Xiu, R. (Eds) - Aquatic Ecosystems of China: Environmental and Toxicological Assessment
S36985: Munawar, M.; Munawar, I.F. - Phytoplankton Dynamics North American Great Lakes. Vol. 1-2
S36961: Munawar, M.; Hecky, R.E. (Eds) - The Great Lakes of the World (GLOW): Food-web, Health & Integrity
S36296: Munawar, M.; Edsall, T.; Leach, J. (Eds) - The Lake Huron Ecosystem: Ecology, Fisheries and Management
S60771: Mundy, S.P. - A Key to the British and European Freshwater Bryozoans
S9900: Mune, T.L.; Parham, J.W. - The Declared Noxious Weeds of Fiji and Their Control
S44771: Mungall, J.E.; Meurer, W.P.; Martin, R.F. (Eds) - Platinum-Group Elements: Petrology, Geochemistry, MineralogyA Second Tribute to Petr Cern
S56378: Munn, P.; Jones, R. (Eds) - Honey and Healing
S52397: Munn, P.; Jones, R. - Honey and Healing
S26030: Munro, H.K. - Ruwenzori Expedition 1934-5. Vol. 2, no. 9: Trypetidae
S16392: Munro, A. - The Locust Plague and its Suppression
S55018: Munro, J.W. - British Bark-Beetles
S34896: Munro, W. - A Monograph of the Bambusaceae, including Descriptions of all the Species
S56027: Munro, J.W. - Pests of Stored Products
S54203: Munro, I. - The Birds of the Pentland Hills
S52435: Munroe, E. - The Moths of America North of Mexico 13.1A-C Pyraloidea: Pyralidae (Part)
S52436: Munroe, E. - The Moths of America North of Mexico 13.2 A-B: Pyraloidea Pyralidae (part) 2 volumes
S1540: Munroe, E. - The Moths of America North of Mexico 13.2A-B: Pyraloidea: Pyralidae (Part)
N10016: Munroe, E. - The Moths of America North of Mexico 13.1A Pyralidae: Scopariinae, Odontiinae, Evergestinae
S6576: Munroe, E.G.; Shaffer, M. - A Revision of Vitessidia Rothschild & Jordan and Vitessa Moore (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
N10006: Munroe, E. - The Moths of America North of Mexico 13.1A-C: Pyralidae: Scopariinae, Odontiinae, Evergestinae
S5737: Munroe, E.G.; Shaffer, M. - A Revision of Vitessidia Rothschild and Jordan and Vitessa Moore (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
S26466: Munroe, E. - The Moths of America North of Mexico 13.1A-C: Pyralidae: Scopariinae, Odontiinae, Evergestinae
N14623: Munroe, E. - The Moths of America North of Mexico 13.2B: Pyraloidea: Pyralidae 2
N10017: Munroe, E. - The Moths of America North of Mexico 13.1B Pyralidae: Odontiinae, Glaphyriinae
N10018: Munroe, E. - The Moths of America North of Mexico 13.2A: Pyraloidea Pyralidae (part)
R14401: Murdie, G. - Some causes of size variation on the Pea Aphid Acrythosiphon pisum Harris; and The biological consequences of decreased size caused by crowding or rearing temperatures in apterae of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris
A41030: Murie, J. - Further Observations on the Manatee
N28279: Murphy, J.A.; Roberts, M.J. - Spider Families of the World and their Spinnerets
S59945: Murphy, F. - Keeping Spiders, Insects and other Land Invertebrates in Captivity
S56271: Murphy, J. - Gnaphosid Genera of the World. Vol. 1-2
S54502: Murphy, D. - In Ethiopia with a Mule
S58804: Murphy, F.; Murphy, J. - An Introduction to the Spiders of South East Asia
N29992: Murphy, R.J. - Evening-Primroses (Oenothera) of Britain and Ireland
S5673: Murphy, R.C. - Fish-Shape Paumanok: Nature and Man on Long Island
S58809: Murphy, J.A.; Roberts, M.J. - Spider Families of the World and their Spinnerets
N16795: Murphy, R.J. - Fumitories of Britain and Ireland
N2723: Murphy, F.; Murphy, J. - An Introduction to the Spiders of South East Asia
S59142: Murphy, J. - Gnaphosid Genera of the World. Vol. 1-2
S32018: Murphy, J.B. - Chameleons: Johann von Fischer and Other Perspectives
S59991: Murray, C.W. - The Botanist in Skye: Check List of the Plants of the Islands of Skye and Raasay as known to the end of 1973
S57064: Murray, J.; Pullar, L. - Bathymetrical Survey of the Fresh-water Lochs of Scotland: Report on the Scientific Results
R18430: Murray, A. - On the Geographical Relations of the Coleoptera of Old Calabar
S53583: Murray, D. - Museums: Their History and their Use. Vol. I-III
S55659: Murray, David K. Wolfe ('Fish-Hawk') - Birds through the Year
S55660: Murray, David K. Wolfe ('Fish-Hawk') - Studies of British Birds
S43088: Murray, J.A. (Ed.) - Wild Africa: Three Centuries of Nature Writing from Africa
A31643: Murray, A. - Catalogue of the Coleoptera of Scotland
S35554: Murray, J.B.; Souter, R. - Hertfordshire and Middlesex Butterfly and Moth Report 1999
N35892: Murray, D.A.; O'Connor, J.P.; Ashe, P.J. - Chironomidae (Diptera) of Ireland - A review, checklist and their distribution in Europe
S60540: Murray, C.W.; Birks, H.J.B. - The Botanist in Skye; Check-list of the Plants of the Islands of Skye and Raasay
S12409: Murray, C.W.; Birks, H.J.B. - The Botanist in Skye; Check-list of the Plants of the Islands of Skye and Raasay
S39716: Murray, H.D.; Leonard, A.B. - Handbook of Unionid Mussels in Kansas
S35555: Murray, J.B.; Souter, J. - Hertfordshire and Middlesex Butterfly and Moth Report 1997
S35557: Murray, J.B.; Souter, R. - Hertfordshire and Middlesex Butterfly and Moth Report 1998
S39883: Murray-Brown, J. - Faith and the Flag: The Opening of Africa
S35556: Murray, J.B.; Wood, A. - Hertfordshire and Middlesex Butterfly and Moth Report 2000
S41467: Murray, J. (Ed.) - Cultural Atlas of Africa
S44560: Murray, A. - Economic Entomology. Aptera
S60141: Murray, C.W.; Birks, H.J.B. - The Botanist in Skye and Adjacent Islands; An Annotated Check-list of the Vascular Plants of the Islands of Skye, Raasay, Rona, Rum, Eigg, Muck, Canna, Scalpay, and Soay
A50425: Murray, A. - Catalogue of the Coleoptera of Scotland
S48134: Murton, R.K. - Man and Birds (New Naturalist 51)
S44944: Murton, R.K. - Man and Birds (New Naturalist 51)
N5969: Murzin, V. - The Tiger Moths of the former Soviet Union (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae)
S59819: British Museum (Natural History) - The Bed-bug its habits and life history and how to deal with it
S29037: British Museum (Natural History) - Guide to the Crustacea Exhibited in the Department of Zoology British Museum (Natural History)
S29041: British Museum (Natural History) - A Guide to the Fossil Mammals in the British Museum (Natural History) / A Guide to the Fossil Birds, Reptiles and Amphibians in the Department of Geology and Paleontology in the British Museum (Natural History)
S55968: British Museum (Natural History) - Insects of Samoa Pt VI. Diptera. Fasc. 1-9
S57268: British Museum (Natural History) - Handbook of Instructions for Collectors
S25641: British Museum (Natural History) - Lice
S44343: Science Museum - Meteorology: Catalogue of the Collections in the Science Museum South Kensington
S50175: British Museum (Natural History) - Expedition to South-West Arabia 1937-8. Vol. 1, Nos 1, 9-33 + Index
S28108: British Museum (Natural History) - The House-fly: as a danger to health, its life history and how to deal with it
S28110: British Museum (Natural History) - Furniture Beetles: Their life-history and how to check or prevent the damage caused by the worm
S21877: British Museum (Natural History) - British Mosquitoes and their Control
S53654: British Museum (Natural History) - The History of the Collections contained in the Natural History Departments of the British Museum. Vol. I-II [with] Vol. II: Appendix
S53702: British Museum (Natural History) - Catalogue of the Books, Manuscripts, Maps, and Drawings in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. 1-8
S5147: British Museum (Natural History) - Catalogue of the Books, Manuscripts, Maps and Drawings in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. V. SO-Z
S44913: British Museum (Natural History); [Frohawk, F.W.] - Life Histories of British Butterflies. Series No. 3
S50028: British Museum - Handbook to the Ethnographical Collections
S57003: British Museum (Natural History) - Instructions for Collectors No. 12: Worms
S60496: British Museum (Natural History) - Catalogue of the Books, Manuscripts, Maps and Drawings in the British Museum (Natural History) Vol. I-VIII
S29211: British Museum (Natural History) - Insects of Samoa. Pt IV. Coleoptera. Fasc. 2
S53673: British Museum (Natural History) - Short History of the Collections
S38512: British Museum (Natural History); [Frohawk, F.W.] - Life Histories of British Moths. Series 1-3
S16387: British Museum (Natural History) - Instructions for Collectors No. 12: Worms
S46706: British Museum (Natural History) - Guide to the Crustacea, Arachnida, Onychophora and Myriopoda exhibited in the Department of Zoology of the British Museum (Natural History)
S9159: British Museum (Natural History) - Ruwenzori Expedition 1934-1935 Vol.1 no.1 Introduction with list of localities
S57043: British Museum (Natural History) - Guide to the Exhibition Galleries of Geology and Palaeontology
N31482: Natural History Museum - Images from Nature: Drawings and Paintings from the Library of The Natural History Museum
S8410: British Museum (Natural History) - Insects of Samoa and other Samoan Terrestrial Arthropods. Part I-IX
E53164: British Museum (Natural History) - Arachnida. Series No. 1-4. British Spiders (Set N1-N4) [Postcards]
S33679: British Museum (Natural History) - Catalogue of the Books, Manuscripts, Maps and Drawings in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. I-VIII
S28109: British Museum (Natural History) - Mosquitoes and their Relation to Disease: Their Life-history, Habits and Control
S38513: British Museum (Natural History); [Frohawk, F.W.] - Life Histories British Butterflies. Series No. 3
S6671: British Museum (Natural History) - The Cockroach: Its life-history and how to deal with it
S36216: British Museum (Natural History) - Guide to the Crustacea, Arachnida, Onychophora and Myriopoda exhibited in the Department of Zoology of the British Museum (Natural History)
S57000: British Museum (Natural History) - Instructions for Collectors 3: Reptiles, Amphibians and Fishes
S57001: British Museum (Natural History) - Instructions for Collectors No. 8: Spiders, Centipedes, Peripatus, etc.
E53162: British Museum (Natural History) - Arachnida. Series No. 1-4. British Spiders (Set N1-N4) [Postcards]
S29284: British Museum (Natural History) - Scientific Research at the Natural History Museum
S28111: British Museum (Natural History) - Clothes Moths and Carpet Beetles: their Life-history, Habits and Control
S27888: British Museum (Natural History) - Furniture Beetles: Their life-history and how to check or prevent the damage caused by the worm
S27396: British Museum (Natural History) - Economic Leaflets No. 1-7
S23933: British Museum (Natural History) - Great Barrier Reef Expedition 1928-29. Scientific Reports. Vol. 4
S16444: British Museum (Natural History) - Instructions for Collectors No. 9a: Invertebrate Animals other than Insects
S44912: British Museum (Natural History); [Frohawk, F.W.] - Life Histories of British Moths. Series 1-3
S19163: British Museum (Natural History) - Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Entomology. Vol. 1-57 [with] Supplement 1-26
S14621: British Museum (Natural History) - Ruwenzori Expedition 1934-1935 Vol.1 [index]
S14622: British Museum (Natural History) - Ruwenzori Expedition 1934-1935 Vol.2 [Index]
S60825: British Museum (Natural History) - The Bed-bug its habits and life history and how to deal with it
S26112: British Museum (Natural History) - The Bed-bug: its habits and life history and how to deal with it
S30179: British Museum (Natural History) - Cockroach: Its Life-history and how to deal with it
S32682: Musil, A. - Skupiny lesnich typu [Groups of forest types]
S36182: British Musuem - A Guide to the Elephants (Recent and Fossil ) exhibited in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology in the British Museum (Natural History)
S29024: British Musuem - A Guide to the Elephants (Recent and Fossil) exhibited in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology in the British Museum (Natural History)
R49321: Muttkowski, R.A. - The Fauna of Lake Mendota
S39970: Muus, B.J. - The Fauna of Danish Estuaries and Lagoons: Distribution and Ecology of Dominating Species in the Shallow Reaches of the Mesohaline Zone
S19754: Muus, B.J. - The Fauna of Danish Estuaries and Lagoons: Distribution and Ecology of Dominating Species in the Shallow Reaches of the Mesohaline Zone
S54515: Myatt, F. - The March to Magdala: The Abyssinian War of 1868
S60673: Myers, R.F. - Micronesian Reef Fishes: A Practical Guide to the Identification of the Coral Reef Fishes of the Tropical Central and Western Pacific
N52923: Myers, S. - Birds of Borneo
N50944: Myers, S. - The Bird Name Book: A History of English Bird Names
S25613: Myers, N. - Ultimate Security: The Environmental Basis of Political Stability
S60604: Myers, A.A.; Little, C.; Costello, M.J.; Partridge, J.C. (Eds) - The Ecology of Lough Hyne. Proceedings of a conference 4-5 September, 1990
S43919: Myers, J.H.; Bazely, D.R. - Ecology and Control of Introduced Plants
N29935: Myers, S. - Birds of Borneo
S60605: Myers, A.A.; Little, C.; Costello, M.J.; Partridge, J.C. (Eds) - The Ecology of Lough Hyne. Proceedings of a conference 4-5 September, 1990
S60699: Myers, A.A.; Giller, P.S. (Eds) - Analytical Biogeography: An Integrated Approach to the Study of Animal and Plant Distributions
S34891: Myers, A.A.; Giller, P.S. (Eds) - Analytical Biogeography: An Integrated Approach to the Study of Animal and Plant Distributions
S35655: Myers, A.A. - Revision of the Amphipod Genus Microdeutopus Costa (Gammaridea: Aoridae)
S26367: Myers, R. K.; Zahner, R.; Jones, S.M. - Forest Habitat Regions of South Carolina From Landset Imagery
S60066: Myhre, S.S. - Orchideen der norwegischen Natur
S9398: Nadchatram, M.; Clay, T - The Gunong Benom Expedition 1967 9. A collection of Chiggers from Gunong Benom (Prostigmata: Trombiculidae) M. Nadchatram 10. Phthiraptera (Iinsecta) Chewing and Sucking Lice9. A collection of Chiggers from Gunong Benom (Prostigmata: Trombiculidae) 10. P
R57366: Nadig, A. - Hydrobiologische Untersuchungen in Quellen im Schweizerischen Nationalparkes im Engadin
N5483: Nagai, S.; Porion, T. - Fulgoridae 2: Illustrated Catalogue of Asiatic and Australian Fauna
S12152: Nagatomi, A.; Yang, D. - A Review of Extinct Mesozoic Genera and Families of Brachycera (Insecta, Diptera, Orthorrhapha)
S38142: Nagorsen, D.W.; Peterson, R.L. - Mammal Collector's Manual A guide for collecting, documenting and preparing mammal specimens for scientific research
S36856: Naidu, K.V.; Rao, G.C. - Fauna of India: Gastrotricha
S6384: Nair, R.V. - The Thaliacea of the Madras Plankton
N47709: Nakae, M. - Papilionidae of the World
S35830: Nakahara, K. - Selected Butterflies of the World Illustrated in Colours
N37250: Nakajima, H.; Kobayashi, H. - Winter geometrid moths of Japan
R56042: Van Name, W.G. - Compound Ascidians of the Coasts of New England and Neighbouring British Provinces.
N35610: Nanayakkara, R.P. - An introduction to common Spiders of Sri Lanka
S40204: Nannfeld, J.A.; Sprague, T.A.; Bremekamp, C.E.B.; Svenson, H.K.; Savage, S.; Uggla, A.H.; Bryk, F. - Species Plantarum 1753-1953
A38445: Nansen, Fridtjof (Ed.) - The Norwegian North Polar Expedition 1893-1896. Scientific Results. Vol. I
S35119: Napier, William; Connell, B. (Ed.) - History of the War in the Peninsula
S54968: Napier, J.; Barnicot, N.A. (Eds) - The Primates Symposia of the Zoological Society of London No. 10
S42790: Napper, D.M. - Grasses of Tanganyika with Keys for Identification
S14677: Narbutas, V.; Iurgaitis, A. (Eds) - Lietuvos Kvarteriniu Naudinguju Iskasenu Geologijos Klausimai
S57331: Narchuk, E.P. (Ed.) - [Diptera, (Insecta) their systematics, geographic distribution and ecology]
N53601: Nardi, J.B. - The Hidden Company That Trees Keep: Life from Treetops to Root Tips
S50099: Nash, T.H. - Lichen Biology
R22632: Nash, T.A.M.; Page, W.A. - Ecology of Glossina palpalis in Northern Nigeria
S12414: Nash, T.A.M. - Tsetse Flies in British West Africa
S28836: Nash, T.A.M. - A Zoo Without Bars Life in the East African Bush 1927-1932
S55351: Nash, J. Kirke - The Birds of Midlothian
S56791: Nash, T.H. - Lichen Biology
S49955: Nasir, Y.J.; Rafiq, R.A. - Wild Flowers of Pakistan
N33832: Naskrecki, P. - Hidden Kingdom: The Insect Life of Costa Rica
N40394: Nason, R. - Birds of Greece
S49708: Nath, S.; Roy, P.; John, M.; Leo, R. - Honeyhunters & Beekeepers of Tamil Nadu: A Survey Document
S40206: Nathorst, A.G. - Carl von Linné as a Geologist
S41438: United Nations - Proceedings of the International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy: Vol 6 Geology of Uranium and Thorium
S22585: Natorp, P. - Einleitung in die Psychologie nach kritischer Methode
S59459: Dorset Naturalist's Trust - The Dorset Naturalist
A50714: Cardiff Naturalists' Society - The Birds of Glamorgan
R31101: Yorkshire Naturalists' Union - The Lepidoptera of Yorkshire (Macro-Lepidoptera)
N19809: Poitou-Charentes Nature - Libellules du Poitou-Charentes
N1244: Ligue suisse pour la protection de la nature - Les Papillons et leur Biotopes: Espèces; Dangers qui les menacent; Protection. Suisse et regions limitrophes. Tome 2
N30614: Ligue suisse pour la protection de la nature - Les papillons de jour et leurs biotopes: Especes, Dangers qui les menacent, Protection, Vol. 1
S59395: Nederlandse Jeugdbond voor Natuurstudie - Voorlopige atlas van de Nederlandse zweefvliegen (Syrphidae)
S22797: Nederlandse Jeugdbond voor Natuurstudie - Voorlopige atlas van de Nederlandse zweefvliegen (Syrphidae)
S40646: Rijksmuseum voor de Geschiedenis der Natuurwetenschappen - Some Dutch Contributions to the Development of Physiology
S48852: Nau, B. (Ed.) - Fluid Sealing
N7801: Nau, B. - Guide to Shieldbugs of the British Isles (Identification Chart)
S53893: Nau, B.S.; Boon, C.R.; Knowles, J.P. (Eds) - Bedfordshire Wildlife
S28939: Naumann, I.D. - Systematics of the Australian Ambositrinae (Hymenoptera: Diapriidae): with a synopsis on Non-Australian Genera of the Subfamily
S34412: Naumburg, E.M.B. - The Birds of Matto Grosso, Brazil: A Report on the Birds Secured by the Roosevelt-Rondon Expedition
S13948: Naumov, N.A. - Clés des Mucorinées ( Mucorales)
S30033: Naurois, R. de - Les Oiseaux de L'Archipel du Cap Vert / As Aves do Arquipélago de Cabo Verde
S45639: Naviaux, R. - Les Collyris (Coleoptera Cicindelidae). Revision des Genres et Description de nouveaux Taxons
S21272: Nayar, J.K. - Bionomics and Physiology of Culex nigripalpus (Diptera: Culicidae) of Florida: An Important Vector of Diseases
S21159: Nayar, J.K. (Ed.) - Bionomics and Physiology of Aedes taeniorhynchus and Aedes sollicitans, the Salt Marsh Mosquitoes of Florida
S19452: Naylor, P. - Great British Marine Animals
S60675: Naylor, E. - British Marine Isopods (Synopses of the British Fauna 3)
S29232: Naylor, G. (Ed.) - William Morris by Himself: Designs and Writings
S39498: Nazarenko, V.A.; Aref’ev, V.N. - Ikhtiofauna malykh rek Ul’yanovskoi oblasti [Ichthyofauna of Small Rivers of Ul’yanovsk Oblast]
N56015: Nazari, V.; Cotton, A.M.; Coutsis, J.G.; Shapoval, N.; Todisco, V.; Bozano, G.C. - Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region: Papilionidae 4: Papilioninae, Papilionini, Papilio (partim)
S48985: Neal,E.G. - Woodland Ecology
S30745: Neal, E. - The Badger (New Naturalist Monograph 1)
S16096: Neal, E.G.; Harrison, R.J. - Reproduction in the European Badger (Meles meles L.)
S18992: Neal, E. - The Badger
S30354: Neal, E. - The Badger (New Naturalist Monograph 1)
S39480: Neal, E. - The Badger (New Naturalist Monograph 1)
S44018: Neale, J.W. - An ostracod fauna from Halley Bay, Coats Land, British Antarctic Territory
S54175: Neave, S.A. et al - Nomenclator Zoologicus Vol. II. D-L
S54176: Neave, S.A. et al - Nomenclator Zoologicus Vol. IV. Q-Z with Supplement
S54177: Neave, S.A. et al - Nomenclator Zoologicus Vol. III. M-P
S15827: Neave, S.A. et al - Nomenclator Zoologicus. A list of the names of genera and subgenera in zoology from the tenth edition of Linnaeus 1758 to the end of 1935[-1965]
S44095: Neaverson, E. - Stratigraphical Palaeontology: A Study of Ancient Life-Provinces
S44096: Neaverson, E. - Stratigraphical Palaeontology: A Study of Ancient Life-Provinces
S53884: Neboiss, A. - A Taxonomic and Zoogeographic Study of Tasmanian Caddis-Flies
S53885: Neboiss, A. - Tasmanian Caddis-Flies
S37739: Neboiss, A. - Atlas of Trichoptera of the SW Pacific - Australian Region
S53818: Neboiss, A. - Atlas of Trichoptera of the SW Pacific - Australian Region
S53669: Neboiss, A. - Checklist and Bibliography of the Australian Caddis-Flies (Trichoptera)
N41138: Nedved, O. - Ladybird Beetles of Central Europe / Brouci celedi slunéckovití (Coccinellidae) strední Evropy
S48389: Needham, J.G.; Needham, P.R. - A Guide to the Study of Fresh-water Biology
S58307: Needham, J.G.; MacGillivray, A.D.; Johannsen, O.A.; Davis, K.C. - Aquatic Insects in New York State
N17406: Needham, J.G.; Westfall, M.J.; May, M.L. - Dragonflies of North America: The Odonata (Anisoptera) Fauna of Canada, the Continental United States, Northern Mexico and the Greater Antilles
S1294: Needham, J.G.; MacGillivray, A.D.; Johannsen, O.A.; Davis, K.C. - Aquatic Insects in New York State
S40895: Needham, A.E. - The Significance of Zoochromes
S1460: Needham, J.G.; Frost, S.W.; Tothill, B.H. - Leaf-Mining Insects
S12730: Negus, V. - History of the Trustees of the Hunterian Collection
S49677: Nehls, H.B. - Familiar Birds of the Northwest
S59979: Nehmeh, Mustapha - Wild Flowers of Lebanon
S21192: Nehring, A. - Uebersicht über vierundzwanzig mitteleuropäische Quartär-Faunen zusammengestellt und mit Bemerkungen versehen
S21197: Nehring, A. - Die Herberstain'schen Abbildungen des Ur und des Bison (Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des europäischen Urrindes)
S49731: Neild, A.F.E. - The Butterflies of Venezuela 1: Nymphalidae 1 (Limenitidinae, Apaturinae, Charaxinae)
N2534: Neild, A.F.E. - The Butterflies of Venezuela 1: Nymphalidae 1 (Limenitidinae, Apaturinae, Charaxinae)
N14802: Neild, A.F.E. - The Butterflies of Venezuela 2: Nymphalidae 2 (Acraeinae, Libytheinae, Nymphalinae, Ithomiinae, Morphinae)
S53229: Neill, W.T. - Twentieth-Century Indonesia
S46469: Neillands, R. - Wellington and Napoleon: Clash of Arms
N13958: Nel, J. - Atlas des Lépidoptères Pterophoridae de France. Genitalia males et femelles
N13957: Nel, J. - Atlas des genitalia femelles des lépidoptères Tortricidae de France
N52149: Nel, J.; Varenne, T. - Les Lépidoptères (Papillons) du Parc National des Calanques et de ses Environs
S44394: Nel, L.T. - The Geology of the Klerksdorp-Ventersdorp Area: An Explanation of the Geological Map
N26824: Nel, J.; Varenne, T. - Atlas des Lépidoptères Gracillariidae Lithocolletinae de France
N37472: Nel, J.; Varenne, T.; Rosset, P.; Combrisson, D. - Liste provisoire des Lépidoptères du Parc National des Ecrins
N29216: Nel, J.; Varenne, T. - Atlas des Lépidoptères Gracillariidae: Gracillariinae (s.l.) Phyllocnistinae de France
N13956: Nel, J. - Atlas des genitalia male et femelle des lépidoptères Coleophoridae de France
S56150: Nelson, B.; Thompson, R.; McFerran, D. - Guide to the Dragonflies of Ireland
S46346: Nelson, J.B. - The Sulidae: Gannets and Boobies
S59064: Nelson, G.; Platnick, N. - Systematics and Biogeography: Cladistics and Variance
S58505: Nelson, B. - The Gannet
S53781: Nelson, B. (Ed.) - Bird Walks in Dumfries & Galloway
S60101: Nelson, B.; Thompson, R. - The Natural History of Ireland's Dragonflies
S60211: Nelson, Erich - Gestaltwandel und Artbildung erörtert am Beispiel der Orchidaceen Europas und der Mittelmeerländer inbesondere der Gattung Ophrys mit einer Monographie und Ikonographie der Gattung Ophrys [and] Monographie und Ikonographie der Orchidaceen-Gattungen Serapi
S60159: Nelson, Erich - Orchis (Text Volume + Plates)
S45722: Nelson, B.; Thompson, R. - The Natural History of Ireland's Dragonflies
S4122: Nelson, E.W. - Report upon Natural History Collections made in Alaska 1877-1881
S54492: Nelson, K.; Sullivan, A. (Eds) - John Melly of Ethiopia
S36628: Nelson, G.C. (Ed.) - Genetically Modified Organisms in Agriculture: Economics and Politics
S48148: Nelson, C. - History & Mystery: Notes and queries from Newsletters of the Society for the History of Natural History
N56293: Nelson, X. - The Lives of Spiders: A Natural History of the World's Spiders
S49628: Nelson, C. - Wild Plants of the Burren and the Aran Islands: A simple souvenir guide to the flowers and ferns
S34281: Nelson, J.B. - The Sulidae: Gannets and Boobies
S50868: Nelson, B.; Thompson, R. - The Natural History of Ireland's Dragonflies
S54310: Nelson, W. - New Zealand Seaweeds: An Illustrated Guide
S60348: Nelson, E.C. - An annotated topographical checklist of the flowering plants, conifers, ferns & fern allies of the Burren Region
S10919: Nelson, B.C. - A Revision of the New World Species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves)
S48898: Nenquin, J. (Ed.) - Inventaria Archaeologica Africana
N54976: Neo, L. - The Endemic Plant Genera in Borneo
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