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Title: The Great Illusion 1933
Description: London, William Heinemann Ltd., 1933. Hardcover (cloth), met stofomslag. xiii+387 pp. No images. Conditie: Good, Dustjacket missing parts as well as strengthened with tape on the inside.. With letter by the publisher to a reviewer which also mentions the publication date (june 26 1933) and a letter from The Saturday Review : "With compliments from Miss Armstrong." Originally published in 1909 with the title Europe's Optical Illusion. Angell argues that in modern industrialised societies war is contra-productive as all countries are interdependent. In this revised edition of 1933 he urges countries bordering Germany to form an alliance. Although the book received a lot of critisism after the First World War this was unfair. Angell did not argue war would be impossible, only that it would not be in the best interest of countries.


Price: EUR 30.00 = appr. US$ 32.61 Seller: Art4Brains
- Book number: 7252