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5513: ALDAY, UNTZA OTAOLA - Colloquial Spanish.
1062: ALLEN, JAMES P - Middle Egyptian. An introduction to the language and culture of hieroglyphic
5514: ANKUM, WILLEMIEN & LEONARD WOLFSBERGEN - Marius Bauer 1867-1932 orientalist
1027: ASSMANN, JAN - Tod und Jenseits im Alten Egypt
6103: BAX, KANDER - De Mulisch Mythe
3028: BEDE KRISTENSEN, W - The meaning of religion
3111: BERGES, ULRICH - Herders Theologischer Kommentar zum Alten Testament.
3231: BETZ, H.D. - The Sermon on the Mount. Hermeneia Commentaries
4020: BLACK, MAX - A companion to Wittgenstein
5027: BLAKELEY, SANDRA - Myth, Ritual, and Metalurgy in ancient Greece and recent Africa
3024: BLUM, ERHARD - Die Komposition der Vatergeschichte
3106: BODA, MARK - A Severe Mercy. Sin and its remedy in the Old Testament
3025: BOURGET, DANIEL - Des metaphores de Jeremie
3205: BOURGUET, D - Des Metaphores de Jeremie
3113: BUBER, MARTIN EN ROSENZWEIG, FRANZ - Die Schrift. 4 delen: Die funf Bucher der Weisung, Bucher der Geschichte, Bucher der Kundung, Die Schriftwerke. Deze uitgave geeft ook de versnummers weer, wat opzoeken vergemakkelijkt t.o.v. eerdere uitgaven
6110: BUCH, BOUDEWIJN - Bibliotheken
5521: BUTT, J. AND BENJAMIN, C - A New Reference Grammar of Modern Spanish. 5th ed.
3037: CAQUOT, ANDRE; ROBERT, PHILIPPE DE - Les livres de Samuel
5511: CARMAN, J.B - The Theology of Ramanuja. An essay in religious understanding.
6029: CATTON, ELEANOR - Luminaries
1022: CERNY, J.A. - Community of Workmen at Thebes in the Ramesside Period
3032: CLIFFORD, RICHARD - The cosmic mountain in Canaan and the Old Testament
3101: COLLINS, JOHN J. - Daniel
5515: COLLINS - Greek - English Dictionary
5050: CONWAY MORRIS, SIMON - Life's solution. Inevitable humans in a lonely universe
3219: COOK, JOHN A - Time and the Biblical Hebrew Verb. The expression of tense, aspect and modality in Biblical Hebrew
3239: COOK, JOHN A - Time and the Biblical Hebrew Verb. The expression of tense, aspect and modality in Biblical Hebrew
1169: DAVID, ROSALIE - A Guide to Religious Ritual at Abydos
1016: DEMARREE, R - The Akh ikr n Re - Stelae on Ancestor Worship in Ancient Egypt.
1061: DESROCHES, C.ET. AL - Sen-nefer. Die Grabkammer des Burgermeisters von Theben
4358: DEVER, WILLIAM G - Did God have a wife? Archaeology and folk religion in ancient Israel
6031: DICKER, JOEL - De waarheid over de zaak Harry Quebert
4503: DOTHAN, TRUDE - The Philistines and Their Material Culture
3242: DOZEMAN, THOMAS B - The Pentateuch. Introducing the Torah.
5033: EDINGER, EDWARD - The mystery lectures. A journey through C.G.Jung
3017: EISENMANN, ROBERT, ROBINSON, JAMES - A Fascimile Edition of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Volumes I,II
3301: FABRY, HEINZ-JOSEF - Nahum. Herders Theologischer Kommentar
1065: FAULKNER, R.O - The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts
5524: FEYERABEND, K - Langenscheidt Pocket Hebrew-English Dictionary to the Old Testament
1043: FINNESTAD, RAGNHILD - Image of the world and symbol of the creator
3063: FISCHER, IMTRAUD - Ruth. Herders Theologischer Kommentar
4362: FORBES, R.J - metallurgy in Antiquity
5056: FORESTIER, SYLVIE - Chagall. De gebrandschilderde ramen
5060: FRANZ, M.L.VON - Alchemie
1029: GARIS DAVIES, NINA DE, GARDINER, A - The Tomb of Amenemhet
4361: GARLAKE, PETER - Great Zimbabwe
5065: GARLAKE, P.S. - Great Zimbabwe
4011: GOLDEN, JONATHAN - Ancient Canaan & Israel
1069: GRANDET, PIERRE - Le Papyrus Harris (BM 9999). 2 volumes
5067: GRINNELL, ROBERT - Alchemy in a modern woman. A study in the contrasexual archetype
3215: HAYS, DANIEL - The Message of the Prophets. A survey of prophetic and apocalyptic books of the Old Testament
1049: HEERMA VAN VOSS, M.S.H.G - De oudste versie van het dodenboek 17a. Coffin texts spreuk 335a
5536: HELLNER ESHED, MELILA - A river flows from Eden. The language of mystical experience in the Zohar
1067: HERMSEN, EDMUND - Lebensbaum Symbolik im Alten Egypt
5038: HOMER - Iliad - 2 volumes (transl. by A.T. Murray)
1041: HORNUNG, ERIK - Der aegyptische Mythos von der Himmelskuh. Eine Aetiologie des Unvolkommenen. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 46. Texte, Ubersetzung, Notizen u. Kommentar.
1056: HORNUNG, ERIK - Der Eine und die Vielen. Aegyptische Gottesvorstellungen
3235: IRSIGLER, H - Zefanja.Herders Theologischer Kommentar
5523: ISAACSON, WALTER - Einstein. De biografie
5500: ISAACSON, WALTER - De Uitvinders
5059: JANSMA, RUDI - Jainisme
5032: JUNG, C.G. - The psychology of Kundalini Yoga. Notes of the Seminar Given in 1932 by C.G.Jung
1021: JUNGE, F - Neuaegyptisch
5529: KAISER, HELMUT - Die Grube Clara zu Wolfach im Schwarzwald
3236: KESSLER, RAINER - Micha. Herders Theologischer Kommentar
3300: KESSLER, RAINER - Maleachi. Herders Theologischer Kommentar
6030: KING, STEPHEN - Under the Dome
6109: KING, STEPHEN - Het Instituut
3023: KORPEL, MARJO; MOOR, JOHANNES DE - The silent God
3051: KORPEL, MARJO C.A.; MOOR, JOHANNES C. DE - The Structure of Classical Hebrew Poetry: Isaiah 40-55
6033: KUNG, HANS - Erkampfte Freiheit. Erinnerungen
1042: KURTH, DIETER - Den Himmel stutzen. Die tw3 pt-Szenen in den aegyptischen Tempeln der griechisch-romischen Epoche
5053: LANDSTROM, BJORN - Die Schiffe der Pharaonen. Altaegyptische Schiffsbaukunst von 4000 bis 600 v.Ch
1046: LAPP, GUNTHER - Die Opferformel des Alten Reiches
5057: LEVY-STRAUSS, CLAUDE - Introduction to a Science of Mythology. 4 volumes. Vol 1: The raw and the cooked. 387 pp. Vol. 2: From honey to ashes. 512 pp. Vol. 3:The origin of table manners. 551 pp. Vol. 4: The naked man. 746 pp
5037: LINDORFF, DAVID - Pauli and Jung. The meeting of two great minds
3093: LIVERANI, MARIO - Israel
3112: LONGACRE, ROBERT E - Joseph. a Story of Divine Providence. A text theoretical and textlinguistic analysis of Genesis 37 and 39-49. A classic text in discourse analysis.
3238: LONGACRE, R.E. AND BOWLING, A.E. - Understanding Biblical Hebrew Verb Forms
5021: LUDOVICI, SERGIO (ANALYSE) - Apokalypse. Eine Holzschittfolge der Sammlung Este
3237: LUST, J., EYNIKEL, E., HAUSPIE, K - Greek-English Lexicon of the Septuagint
5512: MASUDA, KOH - Kenkyusha's New Japanese-English Dictionary.
5035: MEIER, CHRISTEL - Gemma spiritualis, Methode und Gebrauch der Edelsteinallegorese vom fruhen Christentum bis ins 18. Jahrhundert. Teil I
4016: MELLAART, JAMES - Catal Huyuk. A neolothic town in Anatolia
5017: MEYER, FRANK - Marc Chagall - Leben und Werk
5011: MILLER, RICHARD - Cobra
3201: MITTMANN-RICHERT, ULRIKE - De Suhnetod des Gottesknechts
5015: MOON, B. (RED) - Archtypen in de Kunst
6017: MULISCH, HARRY - De procedure
6027: MULISCH, HARRY - De ontdekking van de hemel
5034: MUNSTERER, HANS OTTO - Amulette und Kreuzamulette
3210: MURAOKA, T - A Syntax of Septuagint Greek
3226: MURAOKA, T - A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament
1047: MYSLIWIEC, KAROL - Herr Beider Lander
5541: NAIZHENG DU - Groot Chinees - Nederlands Woordenboek. Gerangschikt volgens het Pinyin transcriptiesysteem. Met de chinese karakters; ca. 100.000 woorden
3227: NICACCI, ALVIERO - The Syntax of the Verb in Classical Hebrew Prose
3053: NICCACCI, ALVIERO - The syntax of the verb in classical Hebrew prose
5537: NIJMEIJER, BERT - Heyboer. Een biografische speurtocht
5538: NIJMEIJER, BERT - Heyboer. Een biografische speurtocht
3016: NOTEBAART, COR - Metallurgical Metaphors in the Hebrew Bible
1037: OCKINGA, BOYO G.; AL-MASRI, YAHYA - Two Ramesside tombs at El Mashayik. Part I.The tomb of Anhurmose - the outer room.
5530: OGAWA, J. AND ENOKIDA, F - Japanese. The complete course for beginners. Free audio on line. Plasticized layer in upper right corner has come off
6106: OZ, AMOS - Judas
5527: P.J.S. - Van Dale Groot Woordenboek Spaans - Nederlands
6025: PERROIS, LOUIS - Ancestral Art from Gabon. From the collections of the Barbier-Mueller museum
4359: PETTINATO, GIOVANNI - Ebla. Nuovi orizzonti della storia
3055: PLOGER, OTTO - Spruche Salomos. Proverbia. Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament
3074: QIMRON, ELISHA - The Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Harvard Semitic Studies 29.
5531: RAFIEE, A - Persian. The complete course for beginners. Free audio on line
1060: RATNAGER, S - Trading Ecounters. From the Euphrates to the Indus in the Bronze Age
4500: RENFREW, COLIN - The Emergence of Civilisation. The Cyclades and the Aegean in the third millennium BC
6004: ROBERTS, GREGORY DAVID - The Mountain Shadow.
5064: ROBERTS, WILLARD LINCOLN; RAPP, GEORGE ROBERT, JR; & WEBER, JULIUS - Encyclopedia of Minerals. A classic work for micromounters.
3030: RYRIE, ALEC - Protestanten. Het geloof dat de moderne wereld vormgaf
4501: SAGONA, A. AND ZIMANSKY, P - Ancient Turkey
3232: SCHNABEL, ECKHARD J - Early Christian Mission. 2 Vols
5532: SCHUMANN, HANS W - Buddhistische Bilderwelt. Ein ikonographisches Handbuch des Mahayana und Tantrayana Buddhismus
1048: SCHWEITZER, URSULA - Löwe und Sphinx im alten Agypten. Aegyptologische Forschungen Heft 15
5533: SENGUE, TSHEUKY - De symboliek van tibetaanse tempels
1003: SETHE, KURT - Die altagyptische Pyramidentexten, Band I-IV in 3 volumes. Hieroglyphic texts.
3013: SMELIK, WILLEM F. - The Targum of Judges
5014: SNELLGROVE, DAVID - The Image of the Buddha
3065: STEURER, RITA MARIA - Das Alte Testament. Interlinearubersetzung Hebraisch-Deutsch und Transkription des hebraischen Grundtextes. Band 2. Josua-Konige.
5043: STEVENS, KEITH - Chinese Gods. The unseen world of spirits and demons
3104: STRAWN, BRENT A. - What is stronger than a lion? Leonine image and metaphor in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 212
3086: THE HEBREW-ENGLISH OLD TESTAMENT. - Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia and English Standard Version. Hebrew and English on opposite pages
6009: TOLKIEN, J.R.R. - The lord of the rings. 50th anniversary edition. 3 vols. in one
3212: TREMPER LONGMAN III, DILLARD, RAYMOND B - An Introduction to the Old Testament
5036: VAES, J.E. - Mineraux du Haut Katanga.
6014: VAN DIS, ADRIAAN - De Zuid-Afrika Boeken
3220: VAN WOLDE, ELLEN - Job 28. Cognition in context
2002: VEENHOF, K,R. - Aspects of Old Assyrian Trade and its Terminology
2004: VIROLLEAUD, CHARLES - La deesse Anat
4017: WEBB, JENNIFER - Ritual architecture, iconography and practice in the Late Cypriot Bronze Age
3026: WEINFELD, MOSHE - Deuteronomy and the deuteronomic school
4013: WEIPPERT, HELGA - Palastina in vorhellenistischer Zeit
3041: WESTERMANN, CLAUS - Genesis 1-11,12-36, 37-50 (Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament). 3 vols, complete set
5517: WHEELER, M - The Oxford Russian-English Dictionary
5540: WHITTINGTON, H.B. - Trilobites
3057: WIDENGREN, GEO - Religionsphilosophie
1059: WILKINSON, A - Ancient Egyptian Jewellery
1006: WILLEMS, H - The Coffin of Heqata (Cairo JdE 36418)
5543: WOIDICH, MANFRED EN HEINEN-NASR, RABHA - Kullu Tamam. Inleiding tot de Egyptische omgangstaal
5066: WORNER, H.K., MITCHELL, R.W. (ED.) - Minerals of Broken Hill
2010: WYATT, N - Religious Texts from Ugarit
3059: YADIN, YIGAEL - The Ben Sira Scroll from Massada.
5026: ZAEHNER, R.C - Concordant Discord. The Interdependence of Faiths.
5502: ZEVIT, ZIONY. - The Religions of Ancient Israel. A synthesis of parallactic approaches
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