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Click on booknumber for full information
72051: Mann H., - Lidice
29210: Manning R.B. & Chace F.A., - A Review of the Family Synopiidae (= Tironidae) Mainly Distributed in the Deep Sea (Amphipoda)
61649: Mannoni O., - Freud
62499: Manolino P., - L'astrologia magica
70530: Mansfield W.C., - Note on the upper Tertiary and Pleistocene mollusks of Peninsular Florida
70400: Mansfield W.C., - Mollusks from the type locality of the Choctawhatchee marl
74364: Mansfield W.C., - Mollusks from the type locality of the Choctawhatchee marl
71460: Mansfield W.C., - Some peculiar fossil forms from Maryland
72263: Mansfield W.C., - Miocene gastropods and scaphopods from Trinidad, British West Indies
72262: Mansfield W.C., - New fossil mollusks from the Miocene of Virginia and North Carolina, with a brief outline of the divisions of the Chesapeake group
73615: Mansfield W.C., - Mollusks of the Tampa and Suwannee Limestones of Florida
71504: Mansur M.C.D. & Veitenheimer I.L., - Nova espécie de Eupera (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae) e primeiros estudos anatômicos dentro do gênero
60888: Manta D. & Semolli D., - Le erbe nostre amiche
68972: Mantegazza P., - Elogio della vecchiaia
63082: Mantel L.H. (Ed.), - The compleat crab
73964: Mantell G.A., - The Medals of Creation; or, First Lessons in Geology, and the study of Organic Remains
68225: Manzano A.S., - Estudio comparativo de la miología de la cintura pectoral de algunos Phyllomedusinos (Anura: Hylidae)
67855: Manzi J.J., Calabrese A., & Rawlins D.M., - A note on gametogenesis in the oyster drills, Urosalpinx cinerea (Say) and Eupleura caudata (Say)
57856: Marabini F., - Osservazioni sulle strutture sedimentarie delle arenarie nell'Appennino settentrionale
68321: Marai S., - La sorella
63894: Marai S., - Sindbad torna a casa
59991: Maraini D., - Dolce per sé
65411: Maraini D., - Dolce per sé
60673: Maraini D., - Dolce per sé
59791: Maraini D., - Bagheria
65410: Maraini D., - La nave per Kobe - Diari giapponesi di mia madre
74847: Marais A.P. & Seccombe A.D., - Identification Guide to the Seashells of South Africa
62582: Maraldi U., - Dal cannonissimo al raggio mortale
62586: Maraldi U., - Dal centro della Terra alla stratosfera
51015: MARASTI R. & RAFFI S., - Osservazioni sulla malacofauna del Piacenziano di Quattro Castella (Reggio Emilia)
74245: Marasti R. & Raffi S., - Extinction of Polysiringian bivalves in the Mediterranean Pliocene
67410: Marcellino I., - Studio su alcuni Trogulidae (Arachnida, Opiliones) della Sicilia e dell'Appennino centrale
67399: Marcellino I., - Opilioni delle Alpi Apuane
67156: Marcellino I., - Su alcuni Opilioni (Arachnida) della Sicilia sud-orientale e centrale
67158: Marcellino I., - Notizie su alcuni Trogulidae (Arachn
67155: Marcellino I., - Su alcuni Opilioni (Arachnida) di Spagna
54171: Marchand, Felix, - Beschreibung dreier Mikrocephalen-Gehirne nebst Vorstudien zur Anatomie der Mikrocephalie Abtheilung I
25364: Marche-Marchad I. & Rosso J.C., - Une nouvelle marginelle de la côte occidentale d'Afrique: Marginella sebastiani sp nov
15174: Marché-Marchad I. & Brébion P., - Sur un buccinidé nouveau d'affinité miocène vivant au large du Sénégal
48239: Marchese A.G., - Il serpente di Esculapio - Medici, chirurgi e speziali a Chiusa Sclafani nella prima età moderna da Giovanni Filippo Ingrassia a Francesco Di Giorgio
23151: Marchetti M. & Tongiorgi E., - Ricerche sulla vegetazione dell' Etruria marittima VII: Una torba glaciale del Lago di Massaciuccoli (Versilia)
60261: Marchi C., - In punta di lingua
3824: Marchi C., - Ricerche sulla presenza di Vitamina C in alcuni molluschi eduli
11367: Marco F., - Sulla nutrizione degli animali pelagici - ricerche sui Doliolidae
74006: Marco Magraner N., Genis Armero R. & Capaccioni Azzati R., - Primera cita de Mitrella psilla (Duclos, 1864) (Gastropoda: Columbellidae) en Espa–a (Marina de Valencia, Mediterráneo Occidental)
67244: Marconi Paresce D., - Marconi
76288: Marcus Ev., - On Kentrodoris and Jorunna (Gastr
67197: Marcus Er. & Du Bois Reymond Marcus Ev., - Mesogastropoden von der Küste S‹o Paulos
64781: Marcus Er., - Three Brazilian sand-Opisthobranchia
71110: Marcus Ev. & Marcus Er., - On Leucozonia nassa
12602: Marcus Ev. & Marcus Er., - On Onchidella indolens (Gould, 1852)
71605: Marcus Ev. & Marcus Er., - On brazilian supratidal and estuarine snails
75968: Marcus Ev. & Marcus Er., - Notes on Aplysia
5402: Marcus Ev. & Marcus Er., - On Uncancylus ticagus
67681: Marcus Ev., - On the genus Tornatina and related forms
10478: MARCUS Ev. & MARCUS Er., - On two Ellobiidae from southern Brazil
70698: Marcus Er., - Notes on Opisthobranchia
64772: Marcus Ev. & Marcus Er., - Notes on Opisthobranchia
10465: MARCUS Er & Burch J.B., - Marine euthyneuran Gastropoda from Eniwetok Atoll, western Pacific
76287: Marcus Ev., - Systematics of the genera of the order Ascoglossa (Gastropoda)
12606: Marcus Ev. & Marcus Er., - Über Philinoglossacea und Acochlidacea
10462: MARCUS Er., - A new species of Polycera (Nudibranchia) from California
10463: Marcus Er., - Some Opisthobranchia from Micronesia
10464: MARCUS Er., - Uber Ellobiiden (Basommatophora)
10469: MARCUS Ev. & MARCUS Er., - On two sacoglossan slugs from Brazil
10471: MARCUS Ev. & MARCUS Er., - On Phyllaplysia engeli
10481: MARCUS Ev. & MARCUS Er., - Some opisthobranchs from Sapelo Island, Georgia, U
60927: Marcus Ev. & Er., - Opisthobranchian and lamellarian gastropods collected by the 'Vema'
64769: Marcus Er., - On Western Atlantic opisthobranchiate gastropods
69741: Marcus Ev. & Marcus Er., - On the Dove-Shell Anachis pulchella (Blainv
72605: Marcus Ev. & Gosliner T.M., - Review of the familiy Pleurobranchaeidae (Opistobranchia)
63552: Marcuse H., - L'autorità e la famiglia
30191: Marcuzzi G., - La fauna del suolo e il suo significato nel processo di umidificazione della lettiera
30189: Marcuzzi G., - Osservazioni ecologiche sulla fauna del suolo di alcune regioni forestali italiane
67474: Marcuzzi G., - Rapporti tra speciazione e paleogeografia
69447: Mareu J., - Carabiques récoltés au Nord-Yemen par M
56798: Marfuzzi G., - Contribucion al estudio de la autoecologia de los tenebrionidos de Venezuela y Las Antillas
51457: Margarete Streicher - Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Fruchtknotens der Birke 14 pages with 3 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 12
62306: Margiotta S., - La stirpe dell'Apocalisse
59873: Margry C.J.P.J., - Insulivitrina lamarckii (A
67415: Mariani G., - Ricerche coleotterologiche sul litorale ionico di Puglia, Lucania e Calabria
67437: Mariani G. & Pittino R. - Gli Aphodius italiani del sottogenere Calamosternus e considerazioni sulle specie mediterranee del gruppo granarius (Coleoptera Aphodiidae)
63264: Marias J., - L'Actinidia
60022: Marias J., - Domani nella battaglia pensa a me
51335: Marie Prodinger - Das Periderm der Rosaceen in systematischer Beziehung 56 pages with 4 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung 9
52757: Marignac, Jean-Charles Galissard de, 1902- - Oeuvres complètes publiées hors serie sous les auspices de la Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Geneve
34602: MARILAUN, A. Kerner di - La vita delle piante
18876: Marill F.G., Hofman M. & Bertozzi P., - Le foyer de bilharziose urinaire de Fondouk (Algérie)
7030: Marincovich L., - New Tertiary and recent Naticidae from the Eastern Pacific
61976: Marincovich L., - Cenozoic Naticidae of the Northeastern Pacific
70959: Marincovich L., - Late Pleistocene molluscan fauna from upper terraces of Palos Verdes Hills, California
6146: Marincovich L., - Tyrannoberingius rex, a new genus and species of Miocene gastropod from Alaska
68749: Marincovich L., - Intertidal mollusks of Iquique, Chile
72891: Marincovich L., Jr., - Miocene mollusks from the lower part of the Bear Lake Formation on Ukolnoi Island, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska
72899: Marincovich L. jr., - Danian mollusks from the Prince Creek formation, Norther Alaska, and implications for Arctic Ocean paleogeography
36014: Marini, P. L., - La Basilica dei Frari
67143: Marini L., Tocci G. & Stella A., - Storia d'Italia 17: I Ducati padani, Trento e Trieste
60617: Markale J., - Il Graal
63627: Markasheva E.L. & Schulz K., - New benthopelagic aetideids (Crustacea: Copepoda: Calnoida) from deep Antarctic waters
60102: Markham J.C., - Parasitic Bopyrid Isopods of the Amphi-American Genus Stegophryxus Thompson with the Description of a New Species from California
33983: Markham C. R., - The present standpoint of geography
18525: Markin G.P., Silva L: & Aguiar A.M., - The insect fauna associated with the tree Myrica faya in the Macaronesia Islands and on mainland Portugal
33684: Marks E. N., - On two Mosquitoes of the subgenus Finlaya (Diptera: Culicidae)
64729: Marks, J.G., - Miocene stratigraphy and paleontology of southwestern Ecuador
35149: Marlatt C. L., - Insect control in California
34371: Marlatt C.L., - The scale insect and mite enemies of Citrus trees
57744: Marques E., - Copépodes encontrados no conteoedo gástrico de alguns clupeídeos da Guiné portuguesa
75113: Marquet R., - Two Ataxiocerithium species from the Miocene of Belgium (Gastropoda Prosobranchia: Cerithiopsidae)
16700: Marquet R., - De Pliocene Gastropodenfauna Van Kallo (Oost-Vlaanderen, België)
24067: Marquet R. & Dijkstra H.H., - Pliocene species of Aequipecten from the North Sea Basin
7031: Marquet R., - The land molluscs of the Antwerp harbour area, with a new record of Cernuella cespitum (Draparnaud, 1801) for western Europe
68926: Marquet R. & Dijkstra H.H., - Neogene species of Pseudamussium (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Pectinidae) from Belgium
75112: Marquet R., - Cerithiella genei (Bellardi & Michelotti, 1840) new for the Miocene of Belgium (Gastropoda Prosobranchia: Cerithiopsidae)
13006: Marquet R., - Three Cerithiopsis species, new for the Miocene of Belgium
76014: Marquet R. & Landau B., - The gastropod fauna of the Luchtbal Sand Member (Lillo Formation, Zanclean, Early Pliocene) of the Antwerp region (Belgium)
72111: Marquet R., Lenaerts J. & Laporte J., - A systematic study of the Gastropoda (Mollusca) of the Grimmetingen Sand Member (Early Oligocene) in Belgium
72113: Marquet R., Lenaerts J. & Laporte J., - A systematic study of the Bivalvia from the Grimmertingen Sand Member and from the Klimmen Member in Belgium and the Netherlands
73003: Marquet R., - The Neogene Bivalvia (Heterodonta and Anomalodesmata) and Scaphopoda from Kallo and Doel (Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium)
61805: Marquez G.G., - Nessuno scrive al colonnello ed altri racconti
64045: Marquez G.G., - Cronaca di una morte annunciata
65242: Márquez G.G., - La incredibile e triste storia della candida Erendira e della sua nonna snaturata
11486: Marquez-Aliaga A. & Martinez del Alamo V., - Aspectos microestructurales de bivalvos triasicos prismaticos
65483: Marquez R., Arrebola J. R. & Delgado R., - Un avance sobre la composicion y microestructura de la concha de Iberus gualtierianus morfotipo gualterianus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Gastropoda: Helicidae)
58103: Marquez G.G., - L'autunno del patriarca
4592: Marquina M.J. & Martinell J., - Aportaciones al Cuaternario marino de Vilassar de Mar, Barcelona
63489: Marr J.C., - Biología pesquera marina
66451: Marro G., - Caratteri fisici e spirituali della razza italiana
65508: Marrow M. P., - Four New Species of the Genus Pusia (Gastropoda: Costellariidae) from Western Australia
70423: Mars P., - Contribution à l'étude de la faune malacologique des anciens cordons littoraux du delta du Rhone II: Les grés coquilliers de Carnon, Palavas, Maguelonne et ceux du Grau-du-Roi, Saintes-Maries et Fos-su-Mer
69013: Mars P., - Essai d'interprétation des formes généralement groupées sous le nom de Cardium edule
15095: Mars P., - Faunes malacologiques du Pliocène et du Quaternaire de Milazzo (Sicile)
56596: Marsand A., - Rime del Petrarca secondo la lezione di Antonio Marsand con varianti ed emedazioni - Volume unico
17156: Marsden C., - Mammillaria
66838: Marsh O.C., - Birds with teeth
65884: Marsh H., - Observations on the food and feeding of some vermivorous Conus on the Great Barrier Reef
64951: Marshall B. & Houart R., - A review of the New Zealand recent species of Poirieria Jousseaume, 1880 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Muricidae) with description of a new species
64952: Marshall B.A., - Deep-Sea gastropods from the New Zealand region associated with recent whale bones and an Eocene turtle
64969: Marshall B., - A review of the genus Kaiparathina Laws, 1941 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Trochoidea)
64984: Marshall B.A., - A new monoplacophoran from southern New Zealand
64989: Marshall B.A., - The genus Williamia in the western Pacific (Mollusca: Siphonariidae)
7039: Marshall W.B., - New land and fresh-water mollusks from central and south America
64968: Marshall B., - Recent and Tertiary Trochaclididae from the Southwest Pacific (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Trochoidea)
13340: Marshall B.A., - A luminescent eulimid from New Zealand
66758: Marshall B.A., - The New Zealand Recent species of Cantharidus Montfort, 1810 and Micrelenchus Finlay, 1926 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Trochidae)
66759: Marshall B.A., - A review of the Recent Trochini of New Zealand (Trochidae)
74619: Marshall B.A., - Calliostomatidae (Gastropoda : Trochoidea) from New Caledonia, the Loyalty Islands, and the northern Lord Howe Rise
67843: Marshall B., - The genus Acesta in the south-west Pacific (Bivalvia, Limidae)
60483: Marshall B.A., - A revision of the Recent Triphoridae of Southern Australia
61476: Marshall, J.T. - Additions to "British Conchology"
62708: MARSHALL W.B., - New pearly fresh water mussels from South America
62825: Marshall L.G., - New didelphine marsupials from the La Venta fauna (Miocene) of Colombia, South America
62680: Marshall B.A., - Adelacerithiinae: A new subfamily od Triphoridae (Miollusca: Gastropoda)
65045: Marshall B.A., - The systematic position of Larochea Finlay, 1927, and introduction of a new genus and two new species (Gastropoda: Scissurellidae)
66158: Marshall B., - A new species of Calliostoma from New Zealand
13070: Marshall B.A., - Molluscan name-bearing types in the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
7036: Marshall W.B., - New species of mollusks of the genus Chilina
51984: Marshall W.B., - New fossil fresh-water mollusks from Florida
60390: Marshall, S.M. & A. P. Orr, - On the biology of Calanus finmarchicus VIII - Food uptake, assimilation and excretion in adult and stage V Calanus
7037: Marshall W.B., - New Uruguayan mollusks of the genus Corbicula
69469: MARSHALL, B.A., - A Revision of the Recent Triphoridae of Southern Australia; 119 p
16878: Marshall B.A. & Crosby D.D., - Occurrence of the tropical and subtropical gastropod Strombus vomer vomer off north-eastern Northland, New Zealand
60778: Marshall B.A., - Dates of publication and supraspecific taxa of Bellardi and Sacco's (1873-1904) "I molluschi dei terreni terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria" and Sacco's (1890) 'Catalogo paleontologico del bacino terziario del Piemonte"
56712: Marshall B.A., - The Trochidae and Turbinidae of Kermadec Ridge
76550: Marshall P., - The Upper Cretaceous Ammonites of New Zealand
64513: Marshall B., - A review of the recent and late Cenozoic Calyptraeidae of New Zealand (Mollusca: Gastropoda)
10485: Marshall W.B., - New and little known species of South American fresh-water mussels of the genus Diplodon
10488: Marshall W.M., - New fossil land and fresh-water mollusks from the Reynosa formation of Texas
72455: Marshall B.A., - The genus Neilo in New Zealand
70690: Marshall W.B., - New fossil pearly fresh-water mussels from deposits on the upper Amazon of Peru
65014: Marshall B.A., - A new subfamily of the Addisoniidae associated with cephalopod beaks from the tropical southwest Pacific, and a new pseudococculinid assoicated with chondrichthyan egg cases from New Zealand (Lepetelloidea)
70546: Marshall B., - The dextral triforid genus Metaxia (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in the south-west Pacific
4930: Marshall, B. A., - A revision of the Recent Calliostoma species of New Zealand (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Trochoidea)
72456: Marshall B., - A new deep-sea limpet of the genus Pectinodonta Dall, 1882 from New Zealand, and new distribution records for P
72472: Marshall B.A., - The systematic position of Triforis Deshayes Mollusca: Gastropoda)
72473: Marshall B., - A revision of the recent Solariellinae (Trochoidea) of the New Zealand region
72490: Marshall W.B., - New fresh-water and marine bivalve shells from Brazil and Uruguay
72890: Marshall W.M. & Bowles E.O., - New fossil fresh-water mollusks from Ecuador
73079: Marshall B.A., - Marine Mollusca from Wellington Harbour & approaches
65677: Marsotto A., - Una nuova stella
65703: Marsotto A., - Un sogno sulle punte
58895: Marston C., - La Bibbia ha detto il vero
65075: Martell K.A., Tunnicliffe V. & Macdonald I.R., - Biological features of a buccinid whelk (Gastropoida, Neogastropoda) at the Endeavour ventfields of Juan de Fuca Ridge, Northeast Pacific
70570: Martens E. & Thiele J., - Die beschalten Gastropoden der deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition 1898-1899
68490: Martens von E. - Die Weich- und Schaltiere gemeinfasslich dargestellt
51478: Martha Furlani - Studien über die Triaszonen im Hochpustertal, Eisack- und Pensertal in Tirol 22 pages with 2 plates and 8 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 20
71315: Martin K., - Die Oligocaenen mollusken von Buton als auswürflinge eines schlammsprudels betrachtet
58866: Martin G., - La stampa
73408: Martin K., - Mollusken aus dem Neogen von Atjeh in Sumatra
69656: Martin G.R.R. & Dozois G. (cur.), - Storie dal crepuscolo di un mondo /1
74366: Martin K., - Ein neue Argonautiden-geschlecht von Sumatra
53386: Martin R. & Gomez B.J., - A new slug from the Iberian peninsula: Arion anguloi n sp (Pulmonata: Arionidae)
66952: Martin C.H., - The designation of lectotypes, a neotype, and redescriptions of Bellardi's species of Diogmites from Mexico (Diptera: Asilidae)
71321: Martin K., - Miocäne Gastropoden von Ost-Borneo
74126: Martin K., - Mollusken aus dem Obereocän von Nanggulan
66194: Martin K., - Il futuro con le carte
10491: Martin Duncan F., - British shells
66995: Martin-Piera F., - Composición sistemática y origine biogeográfico de la fauna ibérica de Onthophagini (Coleoptera, Scarabeoidea)
66640: Martin G.R.R., - Il drago di ghiaccio
59140: Martinell J., - Pliocenic shallow marine environments from NE Spain
73350: Martinetto E., - Leaves of terrestrial plants from the shallow marine and transitional Pliocene deposits of Asti (Piedmont, NW Italy)
74791: Martinez-Orti A. & Robles F., - Los caenogasteropodos terrestres (Mollusca, Orthogastropoda) de la Comunidad Valenciana (Espa–a)
20590: Martinez-Ort" A., Robles Cuenca F., Marinez F., Rodriguez-Babio C., - Datos preliminares sobre la familia Ferussacidae (Pulmonata) en la comunidad valenciana
74109: Martínez S.A., - Taphonomy and paleoecology of Holocene molluscs from the western margin of the Merin Lagoon (Villa Soriano Fm, Uruguay)
61216: Martinez-Orti A. & Borreda Gonzalez V., - Primeros dato sobre la copula y otros comportamientos en Drusia (Escutiella) alexantoni Martinez-Orti & Borreda, 2013 (Gastropoda, Parmacellidae)
38087: Martinez-Orti A., Faci G. & Robles F., - Taxonomical revision of Trochoidea (Xerocrassa) llopisi Gasull, 1981 (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Hygromiidae, Geomitrinae), from the province of Castellon, Spain
63628: Martinez Arbizu P., - Phylogenetic relationships within Schminkepinellidae fam
75391: Martinez Ortí A., Gómez-Moliner J. & Prieto C.E., - El género Pyramidula Fitinger 1833 (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) en la Península Ibérica
74441: Martinez-Ortí A. & Robles F., - Moluscos continentales de la Comunidad Valenciana
30212: Martinez Viera R., - Las algas del suelo; su funcion y distribucion
75366: Martinez S., - Moluscos fosiles holocenos de ls margen occidentsl de la Laguna Merin (Formacion Villa Sorino, Uruguay)
74676: Martinez E., Rodriguez G. & Rodriguez M.J., - Moluscos testáceos recolectados durante la campa–a oceanografíca CAP-89 en aguas profundas de Asturias (N de Espa–a)
72665: Martinez S. & Del Rio C., - Las provincias malacológicas miocenas y recientes del Atlántico sudoccidental
72912: Martinez S., - Los depósitos de la "transgresión entrerriana" (Mioceno de Argentina,Brasil y Uruguay): Comparaciones de sus principales áreas fosilíferas a través de los bivalvos y gastrópodos
73345: Martinez-Ortí A., - Descripción de Trochoidea (Xerocrassa) roblesi spec
40332: Martini L. & Pecile A. (Eds.), - Hormonal steroids 1 - Biochemistry, Pharmacology, and Therapeutics - Proceedings of the first international Congresso in hormonal steroids
60406: Martini C.M. & Zagrebelsky G., - La domanda di giustizia
434: Martini F., - Il Paleolitico superiore arcaico (Uluzziano) di Salviano presso Livorno
73845: Martini E. & Ritzkowsli S., - Was ist das "Unter-Oligocän"?: eine Analyse der Beyrich'schen und v
74981: Martins E.A., - Pitaria cf
74677: Martins A.M. F., - On the generic separation of Ovatella and Myosotella Monterosato, 1906 (Pulmonata: Ellobiidae)
64780: Martins E.A., - Uma nova espécie de molusco do gênero Conus do Brasil
34826: MARTORELLI Giacinto - - Gli uccelli d'Italia
58274: Martorelli G., - Gli Uccelli D'Italia
71973: Marty P., - Sur l'existence de coquilles marines dans l'isthme de Saint-Elme (Var)
75876: Marwick J. - New Zealand genera of Turritellidae, and the species of Stiracolpus
7048: Marwick J., - New Zealand fossil and recent Cardiidae (Mollusca)
72238: Marwick J., - Generic revision of the Turritellidae
72281: Marwick J., - A new Trigonia from Canterbury
73627: Marwick J., - Notocallista and its allies
58911: Marx W., - The frail ocean
59005: Marziale, - Gli epigrammi - Testo latino a fronte
76192: Masahito P. & Habe T., - Notes on five Japanese limid species (Mollusca) with description of new species
69378: Masahito P. & Habe T., - Systematic Study of Japanese Epitoniidae (III)
49944: Mascara P., - Guid agli uccelli delle Riserve Naturali Orientate "Bosco di Santo Pietro" e "Sughereta di Niscemi"
64787: Mascara R., - L'Avifauna dei siti di Rete Natura 2000 della Sicilia centro-meridionale
39653: Masini F. & Rook L., - Hystrix primigenia (Mammalia, Rodentia) from the Late Messinian of the Monticino gypsum quarry (Faenza, Italy)
58815: Masini F. & Santini G., - Microtus (Allophaiomys) (Arvicolidae, Rodentia, Mammalia) from Cava Pirro (Apricena, Gargano) and other Italian localities
58110: Masini G., - La ricerca scientifica negli Stati Uniti d'America
29766: Maskell E.J., Mason T.G., - Studies on the transport of Nitrogenous Substances in the Cotton Plant
57846: Maso S.., - Seneca e la tradizione storica romana In 8vo, broch
29780: Mason T.G., Maskell E.J., - Studies on the transport of Carbohydrates in the Cotton Plant
65600: Mason R., - Il vento non sa leggere
62651: Mason D.R., - Intervento da Typhon
59062: Mason A.Z. & Simkiss K., - Interactions between metals and their distribution in tissues of Littorina littorea (L
34471: Mason, Otis T., - Progress of Anthropology in 1889
8786: Mason J. & Copeland J., - The incidence and variety of Lehmannia valentiana conjoined twins: related breeding experiments (Gastr
57873: Massa B. & Nogara A., - La Riserva Naturale Orientata dello "Zingaro" - guida illustrata alla fauna ed ai suoi habitat
68204: Massa B., Lo Valvo M. & Lo Verde G., - Le specie del genere Pamphagus Thunberg 1815 (Orthoptera, Pamphagidae)
59980: Massari R., - Che Guevara - L'uomo dal mito alla storia
48490: MASSART JEAN, - La cicatrisation chez les végétaux
30319: Masse H., Ansell A.D., - Comparaison de quelques effets de la temperature sur des Nassarius reticulatus (L
66477: Massemin D., Lamy D., Pointier J.-P. & Gargominy O., - Coquillages et escargots de Guyane - Seashells and snails from French Guiana
62125: Masseti M., - Zoologia della Sicilia Araba e Normanna (827-1194)
62998: Massin C. & Dupont S., - Study on Leptoconchis species (Gastropoda, Coralliophilidae) infesting Fungiidae (Anthozoa: Scleractinia) 1: Presence of nine Operational Taxonomic Units OTUs) based on anatomical and ecological chacters
63000: Massin C., - Ecology of the Leptoconchus spp
15758: MASSY A. L., - British Antarctic "Terra Nova" Expedition, 1910
57844: Mastrocinque A., - I miti della sovranità e il culto dei Diadochi In 8vo, broch
70325: Masuda K., - Notes on the Tertiary Pectinidae of Japan
65715: Masuda O. & Habe T., - Systematic position of four buccinid species collected from off Tajima in the Japan Sea
74894: Mateo J.A. & Castroviejo J., - Variation morphologique et révision taxinomique de l'espèce Lacerta lepida
66155: Mateu J., - Notes sur les Lébiens malgaches (Col
67799: Mateu J., - Sexta nota sobre los Lebiidae neotropicales (Coleopteros-Carabidos)
26207: Mateus A. & De Oliveira E., - Une nouvelle espèce d'Hadzia (Amphipoda) di Portugal
26208: Mateus A., - Description d'une nouvelle espèce d'Echinogammarus (Amphipoda) du Portugal
25196: Mateus A., - Sur la phylogénie du genre Hadzia (Amphipoda)
69032: Mather J.A., Anderson R.C. & Wood J.B., - Octopus - The Ocean's Intelligent Invertebrate
58047: Matheson R., - Terzo dal Sole
67859: Matic Z. & Darabantu C., - Contributo alla conoscenza dei Chilopodi di Sicilia
67373: Matic Z., - Contributo alla conoscenza dei Chilopodi (Miriapodi) dell'Italia peninsulare
67866: Matic Z., Clichici M. & Darabantu C., - Contributo alla conoscenza dei Chilopodi della Grecia
67332: Matic Z., Darabantu C. & Clichici M., - Contributo alla conoscenza dei Chilopodi di Spagna e di Malta
55596: Matranga F., - Le pergamene greche più antiche finora conosciute in Sicilia
74545: Matsukuma A. & Habe T., - Systematic revision of living species of Meiocardia, Glossidae and Glossocardia, Trapezidae (Bivalvia)
72676: Matsukuma A., Goshima S. & Kuwahara Y., - Taxonomy and geographical distribution of Megangulus (Mollusca: Bivalvia) from the Northern Pacific
9515: Matsukuma A., Ozawa T. & Yoosukh W., - Paphia (Protapes) irrediviva Makiyama, an extinct tropical embayment element of Japanese Cenozoic mollusks, and allied species from the Indo-West Pacific
71814: Matsumoto H., - On the third phase of Holocene in North-Eastern Japan, as evidenced gy the molluscan fauna vof several sites in the province of Rikuze
71815: Matsumoto H., - On the growth of the Wataki to Rikuzen plain in the period of Ostrea gigas
72346: Matsumoto T. & Noda M., - Some inoceramids (Bivalvia) from the Cenomanian (Cretaceous) of Japan - I New or little known four species from Hokkaido and Kyushu
72401: Matsumoto T. & Asai A., - Cenomanian (Cretaceous) inoceramids (Bivalvia) from tHokkaido and Sakhalni I: Birostrina nipponica (Nagao et Matsumoto)
73259: Matsumoto T., - Evolution of Peroniceratidae
71546: Matsuoka K., - Brackish water molluscan fauna from the Miocene Bihoku group, Hiroshima Prefecture, Sputhwest Japan
19723: Mattei F., - Influenza di diversi livelli idrici del terreno sulla coltura del peperone (Capsicum annuum L)
088: Mattei G.E., - Convolvulacee
54077: Matteuzzi L., - Lanci simultanei di palloni piloti dal 1 gennaio al 30 aprile 1913
54076: Matteuzzi L., - Lanci contemporanei di palloni piloti dal 30 ottobre al 24 dicembre 1912
62855: Matthews Schram J.M. & Schram F.R., - Squillites spinosus Scott 1938 (Syncarida, Malacostraca) from the Mississippian Heath Shale of central Montana
75837: Matthews H.R., dos Santos Coelho A.C., de Sá Cardosa P. & Kempf M., - Notas sobre a familia Terebridae no Brasil (Mollusca, Gastropoda)
61815: Matthews D.C., - A comparative study of Craspedacusta sowerbyi and Calapasoma dactyloptera life cycles In 8vo, offp
60714: Matthiae P.& Levi M.A., - La preistoria e gli antichi imperi: dalle origini dell'uomo ai popoli mesopotamici
57597: Matthiae, P., Pinnock F. & , Scandone Matthiae G., 1995 (Eds.) - Ebla
66545: Mattia L., - Merlino
61945: Mattina P., Rotolo M. & Vesco M., - Il Palazzo Celestri di Santa Croce
58015: Mattingly G., - L'invincibile Armada
73971: Maubeuge P., - Les données actuelles sur la constitution géologique profonde du bassin de Paris
73972: Maubeuge P., - Synchronismes stratigraphiques des terrains du Bajocien moyen au Callvien inférieur dans l'est de l France
74240: Maubeuge P.L., - Ammonites caractèristiques de l'Aalénien Lorrain
72312: Maubeuge P.L., - Les Ammonites de la zone à Dactylioceras semicelatum-tenuicostatum dans l'Est de la France et plus spécialement dans le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
73050: Maubeuge P.L., - Les méthodes modernes de la Stratigraphie du Jurassique : ses buts, ses problèmes
73358: Maubeuge P.L., - Sur le contact du Rauracien et de l'Oxfordien en Rauracie (Jura Suisse septentrional)
73359: Maubeuge P.L., - Quelques remarques à propos de l'Hettangien, di Sinémurien er du Lotharingien
73760: Maubeuge P.L., - La constitution géologique profonde du Synclinal de Luxembourg à la lumière des récents forages pétroliers
73761: Maubeuge P.L., - Le problème du Grès de Luxembourg
73762: Maubeuge P.L., - Sur l'âge du Grès de Luxembourg
73763: Maubeuge P.L., - Quelgues reflexions et observations, stratigraphiques et paleogeographiques a propos du Trias Lorrain
57784: Maucci W & Durante Pasa M.V.., - Tardigradi muscicoli delle isole Andamane
57783: Maucci W., - Analisi preliminare di alcuni dati statistici sulla ecologia dei tardigradi muscicoli
57778: Maucci W., - Dactylobiotus haplonyx sp nov nuova specie di tardigrado della fauna interstiziale dei fiumi padani
30375: Mauchline J., - The biology of Schistomysis kervillei (Crustacea, Mysidacea)
30157: Mauchline J., - The biology of Praunus flexuosus and P
30154: Mauchline J., - The biology of Leptomysis gracilis and L
61226: Mauchline J., - The biology of the deep-sea species of Mysidiacea (Crustacea) of the Rockall Trough
30139: Mauchline J., - The biology of Mysidopsis gibbosa, M
63380: Maugé L.A. & Bauchot R., - Contribution a une revision generale des Ophichthidae (Pisces, Anguilliformi)
19566: Mauniy R., - Poteries néolithiques du Cap Vert (Sénégal)
469: Mauny R., - Botes d'archéologie au sujet de Gao [Afrique occidental]
64384: Maurensig P., - Venere lesa
22974: Maurer F., - Der Mensch und seine Uhnen - Das Berden des Menschen in Lichte der Naturforschung
62811: Mauriac F., - De Gaulle
72052: Mauriac F., - I due romanzi di Teresa Desqueyroux
66768: Mauries J.P., Golovatch S.I. & Stoev P., - The millipedes of Albania: recent data, new taxa; systematical, nomenclatoral and faunistical review (Myriapoda, Diplopoda)
60422: Mauro W., - La storia del jazz
70163: Maurois A., - Bernardo Quesnay
70151: Maurois A., - Tre ritratti (Voltaire, Dickens, Turghenief)
70167: Maurois A., - L'istinto della felicità
70518: Maury C.J., - Fossil Invertebrata from Northeastern Brazil
63570: Maury E.A., - Sobre el dimorfismo sexual de la pinza de los pedipalpos en los escorpiones Bothriuridae
68282: Maury C.J., 1920 (1971) - Recent molluscs of the Gulf of Mexico and Pleistocene and Pliocene species from the Gulf States
65282: Maury E.A., - Omeopatia: curare le malattie con le stesse sostanze che ne provocano i sintomi
22481: Maviglia C., - Gli amigdaloidi di Venosa
51264: Max Margules - Über den Arbeitswert einer Luftdruckvertheilung und über die Erhaltung der Druckunterschiede 8 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 11
51348: Max Wurdinger - Bau und Entwicklungsgeschichte des Embryosackes von Euphrasia Rostkoviana 20 pages with 3 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung 30
59144: Maxamud C.M. & Carush M.C., - The Indo-Pacific characters of the Somali shallow marine benthic fauna from Jurassic up to Oligocene
11536: Maxia C. & Vacca A., - Ulteriori studi sulla segmentazione di uova di Paracentrotus lividus sotto l'influenza di radiazioni mitogenetiche e di olii eterei
66395: Maxia C., - Bibliografia geologica del Lazio
24650: Maxon W.R., - A new fern, Goniophlebium pringlei, from Mexico
69742: Maxwell P.A., - Comments on 'A reclassification of the Recent genera of the subclass Protobranchia (Mollusca: Bivalvia)' by J
54495: Maxwell W., - The Hawaiian Islands
47360: Maxwell W.L., - Distribution of glycogen deposits in two euthyneuran sperm tails
71331: Mayer-Eymar C., - Die Panopaeen der Molasse
58871: Mayr E., - BIOLOGIA ED EVOLUZIONE Varieta mutamenti e storia del mondo vivente [
58890: Mayr E., - Evoluzione e varietà dei viventi
10504: Mayr E. & Berritto Rosen C., - Geographic variation and hybridization in populations of Bahama snails (Cerion)
70834: Mayr E., - Difficulties and importance of the biological species concept
59060: Mazza, P., - Further data on the Gargano (Southern Italy) Prolagus ( Ochotonidae, Lagomorpha, Mammalia)
35853: Mazza P., - Prolagus apricenicus and Prolagus imperialis: two new Ochotonids (Lagomorpha, Mammalia) of the Gargano (Southern Italy)
35854: Mazza P. & Zafonte F., - Phyletic and ecologic considerations on the Gargano (Southern Italy) Prolagus (Ochotonidae, Lagomorpha, Mammalia)
59030: Mazza P., - Prolagus (Ochotonidae, Lagomorpha, Mammalia) from Neogene fissure fillings in Gargano (southern Italy)
61261: Mazzarocchi S., - Ginnastica da camera per la donna
62381: Mazziotti C., Agamennone F., Micali P. & Tisselli M., - Descrizione di Turbonilla flaianoi n
56926: Mazzola P., Geraci A. & Raimondo F.M., - Endemismo e biodiversità floristica nelle isole circumsiciliane
57562: Mazzolini R. (Ed.), - Storia delle Scienze 3: Natura e vita - Dall' antichità all'Illuminismo
10506: McAlester A.L., - A new devonian pelecypod from Alaska and its bearing on pterioid phylogeny
10509: McAlester A.L., - Pelecypods as stratigraphic guides in the Appalacchian Upper Devonian
10510: McAlester A.L., - Revision of the type species of the ordovician nuculoid pelecypod genus Tancrediopsis
10515: McAlester A.L. & Doumani G.A., - Bivalve ecology in the Devonian of Antarctica
9516: McAlester A.L., - Evolutionary and systematic implications of a transitional ordovician lucinoid bivalve
46679: McAllister N.M. & Storer R.W., - Copulation in the pied-billed grebe
42875: McBryde I., - Some wooden artefacts from the North Coast of NSW: new archaeological and ethnographic data
64279: McCaffrey A., - Volo di drago
67194: McCaleb J.A., Quinn J.H. & Furnish W.M., - Girtyoceratidae in the southern Midcontinent
75559: McCleery T. & Wakefield A., - A review of the enigmatic genus Canalispira Jousseaume, 1875 (Gastropoda: Cystiscidae) with the description of three new species from the Western Atlantic
68432: McCleery T., - A revision of the genus Eratoidea Weinkauff, 1879 (Gastropoda: Marginellidae)
75706: McCleery T., - Descriptions of sixteen new species of the genus Gibberula Swainson, 1840 (Gastropoda: Cystiscidae) from the Caribbean
48199: McCord J.E., Serrallés J.J. & Picó R., - Types of farming in Puerto Rico
25984: McCord J.E., - A farm management study of small farms in three areas of Puerto Rico
26857: McCormick J., - Vascular flora of Shades State Park and Pine Hills natural area, Indiana
58942: McCosker J.E., Kevin Deacon, Leighton R., Jr. Taylor, Peter R. Last, Timothy C. Tricas, - Sharks and Rays
12596: McCraw B.M., - The ecology of the snail Lymnaea humilis Say
75061: McCraw B.M., - Aspects of the growth of the snail Lymnaea palustris (Müller)
12587: McCraw B.M., - Life history and growth of the snail Lymnaea humilis Say
12588: McCraw B.M., - Studies on the anatomy of Lymnaea humilis Say
60728: McEwan I., - L'amore fatale
71284: McEwen G.F., - Modern dynamical oceanography: an achievement of applications to ocean observations of principles of mechanics and heat
56293: McFadden Y.M. & Myers A.A., - The life history and reproductive biology of Odostomia eulimoides on the South coast of Ireland
69699: McIntosh J.T., - Sabba spaziale
42432: McIntyre A. D., - Meiobenthos of sub-littoral muds
73877: McKenna M.C., Robinson P.& Taylor, D.W., - Notes on Eocene Mammalia and Mollusca from Tabernacle Butte, Wyoming
70407: McKenny Hughes M., - On the Mollusca of vthe Pleustocene gravels in the neighborhood of Cambridge
69155: McKoy J.L., - Distribution of shipworms (Bivalvia : Teredinidae) in the New Zealand region
66817: McLay C.L., - Dynomenidae and Dromiidae (Decapoda, Brachyura) from Guam, Philippine Islands, Tonga and Samoa
64963: McLean J.H. & Nybakken J., - On the growth stages of Conus fergusoni Sowerby, 1873, the reinstatement of Conus xanthicus Dall, 1910, and a new species of Conus from the Galapagos Islands
64964: McLean J.H., - Descriptions of a new genus and eight new species of Eastern Pacific Fissurellidae, with notes on other species
64965: McLean J.H. & Emerson W.K., - Calotrophon, a new world muricid genus (Gastropoda: Muricacea)
64970: McLean J.H., - Systematic review of the family Choristellidae (Archaeogastropoda: Lepetellacea) with description of new species
66203: McLean J.H., - Reinstatement of Williamia subspiralis (Carpenter, 1864) (Gastropoda: Siphonariidae)
67695: McLean J.H. & Quinn J.F. jr., - Cataegis, new genus of three new species from the continental slope (Trochidae: Cataeginae new subfamily)
65015: McLean J.H., - New species and record of Lepetodrilus (Vetigastropoda: Lepetodrilidae) from hydrothermal vents
64927: McLean J.H., - Preliminary report on the limpets at hydrothermal vents
64928: McLean J.H., - Cocculiniform limpets (Cocculinidae and Pyropeltidae) living on whale bone in the deep sea off California
64974: McLean J.H. & Poorman R., - New species of tropical eastern Pacific Turridae
64978: McLean J.H., - A new monoplacophoran limpet from the continental shelf off Southern California
61482: McLean J.H., - The Galapagos rift limpet Neomphalus: relevance to understanding the evolution of a major Paleozoic-Mesozoic radiation
69756: McLean J.H., - Agathodonta nortoni, new species: living member of a lower Cretaceous trochid genus
61189: McLean J.H. & Poorman L.H., - Reinstatement of the turrid genus Bellaspira Conrad, 1868 (Moll
16173: McLean J.H. & Nybakken J., - On the growth stages of C
76492: McLean R.A., 1941 - - The oysters of the Western Atlantic
12575: McLean J.H., - A new genus of Fissurellidae and a new name for a misunderstood species of West American Diodora
12657: McLean J.H., - Shell reduction and loss in fissurellids: A review of genera and species in the Fissurellidea group
12672: McLean J.H., - A new genus and species of neomphalid limpet from the Mariana vents with a review of current understanding of relationship among Neomphalacea and Peltospiracea
12662: McLean J.H. & Haszprunar G., - Pyropeltidae, a new family of cocculiniform limpets from hydrothermal vents
12609: McLean J.H., - New slit-limpets (Scissurellacea and Fissurellacea) from hydrothermal vents Part 1 - Systematic descriptions and comparisons based on shell and radular characters
15790: McLean J.H., - Two northeastern Pacific gastropods of the families Lepetidae and Seguenziidae
71588: McLean J.H., - Two papers on new genera and names for Northeastern Pacific Prosobranch gastropods
74426: Mclean J.H. & Gofas S., - Notes on the genus Anadema H and A Adams, 1854 (Colloniidae)
72854: McLean J.H., - New species of recent and fossil West American aspidobranch gastropods
72861: McLean R.A. & Andrade H. V., - Large archibenthal gastropods of central Chile: Collection from an expedition of the R/V Anton Bruun and the Chilean shrimp fishery
72937: McLean J.D., - The Ostracoda of the Yorktown Formation in the York-James Peninsula of Virginia (with notes on the collection made by Denise Mongin form the area)
72286: McLearn F.H., - New species of pelecypods from the Cretaceous of Northern Alberta
69823: McLedan J., - Sublittoral Ecology of kelp beds of the open coast area near Carmel, California
33648: McLeod G. R. C., - The history of the Brisbane River
12574: McMahon R.F. & Russell-Hunter W.D., - Respiratory responses to low oxigen stress in marine littoral and sublittoral snails
16813: McMichael D.F., - The identity and validity of Hyridella australis (Lamarck) 1819
47077: McMichael A.J. & Doherty P.C. (Eds.), - Immunological memory - Papers of a discussion meeting
57625: McMichael D.F., - Shells of the Australian Sea-shore
55245: McMichael D.F., - Notes on the freshwater mussels of New Guinea
72186: McMichael D.E. & Whitley G.P., - The published writings of Tom Iredale and an index of his new scientific names
72188: McMichael D.E. & Voorwinde J., - Illustrations of unfigured New South Wales marine molluscs, part 1
73881: McMichael D.F., - Shells of the Australian Sea-shore
63744: McMillan N., - British shells
8494: McMILLAN N. F., - Littorina saxatilis nigrolineata Gray
65452: McMurtry M., - Voglia di tenerezza
66567: McNab A., - Bersaglio in movimento
59990: McNab A., - Lo sterminatore
73847: McNair C.G. et al., - The functional significance of aperture form in gastropods
63357: McPhee M., - Grand Canyon
74648: Mcsweeny E.S., - Description of the juvenile form of the Antarctic squid Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni Robson
33202: McTaggart N.R., - The Mesozoic sequence in the Lockyer-Marburg area, South-East Queensland
62796: Mead A.R., - Comparative genital anatomy of some African Achatinidae (Pulmonata)
63529: Mead A.R., - Helicid land mollusks introduced into North America
63527: Mead A.R., - The giant African snails enter the commercial field
63524: Mead A.R., - Anatomy of the South African Archachatina ustulata
63526: Mead A.R., - A flatworm predator of the giant African snail Achatina fulica in Hawaii
63676: Mead A.R., - Anatomical studies in the African Achatinidae - A preliminary report
25391: Mead A.R., - Anatomical studies transfer Leucotaenius from Achatinidae to Acavidae
58857: Medawar P.B., - L'immaginazione scientifica
69753: Medcof J.C. & Thomas L.H., - Canadian Atlantic Oyster Drills (Urosalpinx) - Distribution and industrial importance
74394: Medel M. D. & Vervoort W., - Atlantic Thyroscyphidae and Sertariidae (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria) collected during the CANCAP and Mauritania-II expeditions of the National Museum of Natural History, Leiden, The Netherlands
74393: Medel M. D. & Vervoort W., - Atlantic Haleciidae and Campanulariidae (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria) collected during the CANCAP and Mauritania-II expeditions of the National Museum of Natural History, Leiden, The Netherlands
41780: Medici M., - Indirizzi verso motori automobilistici meno inquinanti
60152: Medin, D. E. and A. E. Anderson. - Modeling the dynamics of a Colorado mule deer population
58478: Medina W., - Los peces marinos conoscidos del Callao con referencia de su distribucion geografica
74980: Medina F.A. & Rinaldi C.A., - Transposición charnelar en Bathytormus wilckensis sp
29393: Medina H., - Influencia del cambio de substrato alimenticio natural sobre la supervivencia de las larvas de Diatraea saccharalis de distintas edades
25433: Medina A. & Garcia J.C., - Estudio histologico y funcional de la gonada de Hypselodoris tricolor
11612: Medina M., Haroun R.J. & Wildpret W., - Phytosociological study of the Cystoseira abies-marina (Gmelin) C
72835: Medina F A. & Ramos A., - Geología de las inmediaciones del Refugio Ameghino (64°26'S -58°59'0)
14708: Medinskaya A.I., - Anatomy of the proboscis walls in Neogastropoda and its connection with diet and feeding mechanism
66748: Medisnskaya A.I., - Foregut anatomy if the Cochlespirinae (Turridae)
74476: Mediterranean cephalopods - Collection of 23 specimens prepared by Domenico Capua
67284: Medvedev L.N., - Lacordaire«s types of Clytrinae (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) in Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino
74848: Meek F.B., - A Report on the Invertebrate Cretaceous and Tertiary Fossils of the Upper Missouri Country
69097: Meeuse A.D., - Different phenotypic variation of the snail Cepaea nemoralis and C
76391: Meier-Brook C., - Gyraulus acronicus und G
60907: Meier-Brook C., - Abstracts of the Tenth International Malacological Congress - Tübingen
62434: Meijer, T., - Stratigraphical notes on Macoma (Bivalvia) in the southern part of the North Sea Basin and some remarks on the arrival of Pacific species
68274: Meijer T., - Holocene molluskenfauna's uit de Stevenshofjespolder in Leiden
65976: Meijer T., - De Molluskenfauna van enkele jong-holocene afzettingen in de Ij-polders bij Amsterdam
65972: Meijer T., - De land- en zoetwatermollusken van de opgespoten terreinen in het Noordzeekanaalgebied en de Zaanstreek (Nederland, provincie Noord Holland)
69727: Meijer T., - The late Middle Pleistocene non-marine molluscan fauna of borehole Noorderhoeve-19E117 (province of Noord-Holland, the Netherlands)
61599: Meinesz A. et al., - Normalisation des symboles pour la représentation et la cartographie des biocénoses benthiques littorales de Méditerranée
73767: Meinkhot N.A., - The Audobon Society Field Guide to North American Seashores Creatures
58341: Melentis J.K., - Nuovi dati sull'Ancylotherium pentelicum Gaudry & Lartet nei giacimenti di Halmyropotamos Sud Eubea
66218: Meletopoulou L., s.d. - Alonnissos, underwater wanderings
55601: Meli Giuseppe, - Sulle arti del disegno in Sicilia nel secolo XIX
55602: Meli Giuseppe, - Sulla musica in Sicilia nel presente secolo
72059: Meli G. & Rotolo M. (eds.), - Claustrum significat paradisum - Il chiostro della cattedrale di Cefalù, un luogo tra la terra e il cielo - Riflessioni sul restauro
66974: Mell C., - Die Molluskenfauna des Kapuzinerberges in Salzburg nebst wieteren Fundortsangaben Salzburger Weichtiere
56687: MELLINI A., - Un'accetta campignana e probabili opere murarie di Età dei Castellieri sui Monti Lessini, nel quadro di un percorso preistorico Pianura Veneta-Trentino
20906: Melone G., Taviani M., - Un nuovo Architectonicidae mediterraneo: Architectonica bannocki
67020: Melone N., - Associazione della demospongia Crambe crambe (Schmidt) Thiele con i lamellibranchi Spondylus gaederopus L
67638: Melone N., - I Poriferi associati a Corallium rubrum (L
60826: Melone G. & Taviani M., - Revisione delle Architectonicidae del Mediterraneo
76398: Melvill J.C., - Descriptions of new species of minute marine shells from Bombay
63358: Melville H., - Moby Dick ovvero la balena
63298: Melville H., - Benito Cereno
58427: Mendenhall W.C., - Reconnaissance from Fort Hamlin to Kotzebue Sound, Alaska, by Way of Dall, Kanuti, Allen, and Kowak Rivers
57956: Mendes Correa A.A., - Contacts culturels dans l'Afrique Portugaise
24796: Menéndez Ramos R., - Datos sobre la alimentación del ganado
66563: Menesini E., - La fauna fossile del "fringing reef" quaternario di Aqaba (Giordania): Bivlavia (Mollusca)
66510: Menesini E., - Studio della variabilità di Balanus perforatus perforatus
62647: Menghini L., - Il regno della nube
58096: Menghini L., - Reazione a catena
67772: Menghini L., - Il mio amico Stone
58067: Menghini L., - L'assedio
57298: Menier, J.J. & Ekis, G. - Les Chaetosomatidae malgaches
63596: Menier J.J., - Revision des Phyllobaeninae malgaches (Col
73710: Menozzi C., - Formiche dell'Himalaya e del Karakorum raccolte dalla spedizione italiana comandata da S
72839: Mercer J.H., - Glacial development and temperature trends in the Antarctic and in South America
66918: Meregalli M., - Revisione delle specie iberiche del genere Dichotrachelus Stierlin, 1853 (Coleoptera Curculionidae)
70152: Merejkowski D., - Tre santi : Paolo - Agostino - Francesco d'Assisi
31250: Merella P., Porcheddu A. & Casu S., - La malacofauna della riserva naturale di Scandola (Corsica Nord-occidentale)
64992: Merle D. & Pacaud G.M., - New species of Eocithara Fischer, 1883 (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Harpidae) from the Early Paleogene with phylogenetic analysis of the Harpidae
69072: Merle D. & Pacaud J.M., - Five new muricid species from the Eocene of France, Senegal and Pakistan
61605: Merle D. & Houart R., - Recent progresses in muricid shell studies: challenge and future works
43464: Merle D., - The spiral cords and the internal denticles of the outer lip in the Muricidae: terminology and methodological comments
72941: Merle D., Garrigues B. & Pointier J.-P., - Fossil and Recent Muricidae of the World - Part Muricopsinae
72970: Merle D., Garrigues B. & Pointier J.-P., - Fossil and Recent Muricidae of the World - Part Muricinae
72343: Merlo R., - L'altra Argentina - Patagonia e Terra del Fuego
64864: Mermod G., - Note sur un appareil pulsateur chez Hyalina lucida
68359: Mermod G. & Binder E., - Les types de la collection Lamarck au Museéum de Genève
68354: Mermod G., - Les types de la collection Lamarck au Museéum de Genève
30491: Merrill G.P., - On the meteorite from Rich Mountain, Jackson Couny, North Carolina
62696: Merrill G.P., - On Meteoric Irons from Alpine, Brewster County, Texas, and Signal Mountain, Lower California, and a Pallasite from Cold Bay, Alaska
5425: Merrill A.S., - A comparison of Cyclopecten nanus Verrill and Bush and Placopecten magellanicus (Gmelin)
65756: Merrill A.S. & Petit R.E., - Mollusks new to South Carolina
12582: Merrill A.S. & Burch J.B., - Hermaphroditism in the sea scallop, Placopecten magellanicus (Gmelin)
24717: Merrill E.D., - New species of plants from Indo-China
23991: Merrill E.D., 1926. - New species of plants from Indochina II
64258: Merritt A., - Gli abitatori del miraggio
40524: Mess A., - Contributions à la faune de moucherons sanguisuges (Diptera, Culicidae) de la région des Eaux Minérales du Caucase
60450: Messana V., - Riserva Naturale Grotta di Entella
60140: Messick J.P. & Hornocker M.G., - Ecology of the badger in Southwestern Idaho
57154: Messina G., - immagini di Erice nelle cartoline dal 1896 al 1996
65078: Messing C.G., Neumann A.C. & Lang J.C., 1i990 - Biozonation of Deep-Water Lithoherms and Associated Hardgrounds in the Northeastern Straits of Florida
7066: Mestre S., Pe–a A., Farí A. & Uriarte I., - Epoca natural de freza y ciclo gametogenico de Pecten jacobaeus (L
65464: Metalious G., - Ritorno a Peyton Place
62581: Metalnikov S., - La lotta contro la morte
60856: METIVIER B., - Campagne de la Calypso au large des côtes atlantiques de l'Amérique du Sud (1961-1962) - 12 - Mollusques lamellibranches : Chamidae et Spondylidae
63355: Metivier B., - Mollusque récoltés par M
60857: METIVIER B. - Campagne de la Calypso au large des côtes atlantiques de l'Amérique du Sud (1961-1962) - 8 - Mollusques lamellibranches : Mytilidae
68579: Metraux A., - Meravigliosa isola di Pasqua
63903: Meunier S., - Histoire géologique de la Mer
58928: Meyer W., s.d. - L'Aquarium
70114: Meyer O., - Beitrag zur Kenntnis der
64534: Meyers-Mu–oz M.A., Roubos E.W. & Van der Velde G., - Morphology and distribution of Flabellina falklandica (Eliot, 1907) (Nudibranchia, Aeolidina) from the Chilean coast
38156: Meyrinck E., - Notes on New Zealand Lepidoptera
2343: Micali P., - Riscoperta di Turbonilla victoriae (Pantanelli, 1880), fossile del Pliocene Senese
63670: Micali P., Siragusa F., Agamennone F. & Sbrana C., - Karpathos Island (Greece) and its Indo-Pacific alien species
61914: Micali P. & Quadri P., - Su alcuni interessanti molluschi rinvenuti nell'isola di Lampedusa
30637: Micali P., - Chrysallida palazzii n
62934: Micali P., Russotti C., Villari A., - Il genere Clavagella Blainville, 1817 nel Mediterraneo
23844: Micali P., - Note sulle specie di Chauvetia dell'Atlantico nord-orientale
61217: Micali P., Bogi C. & Galil B.S., - On the occurrence of Atys angustatus E
20998: Micali P., - Variabilità di Turbonilla striatula dal Pliocene all'attuale
60754: Micali P. & Villari A., - Riscoperta di Calliostoma sayanum (G
20911: Micali P., - Due nuovi Pyramidellidae pliocenici: Chrysallida varisculpta n sp e Folinella spinosula n sp
60577: Micali P. & Villari A., - Dai litorali del Villaggio Pace ai fondali coralligeni dello Stretto di Messina (5a Mostra malacologica messinese)
61288: Micali P. & Palazzi S., 1992. - Contributo alla conoscenza dei Pyramidellidae della Turchia, con segnalazione di due nuove immigrazioni dal Mar Rosso In 8vo, offp
56638: Micali P. & Villari A., - Riscoperta di Calliostoma formosissum (Seguenza G
65095: Micali P., Scuderi D. & Villari A., - Alcune sintetiche note di tassonomia e biogeografia delle Gibberula Swainson, 1840 mediterranee del gruppo di G
66263: Micali P. & Solustri C., - Osservazioni su Hiatella rugosa (Linné, 1767) ( Bivalvia Hiatellidae) endobionte di poriferi e differenze conchigliari con Hiatella arctica (Linné, 1767)
31227: Micali P. & Villari A., - Il deposito fossilifero di Salice (Messina) con particolare riguardo alle specie istituite da Giuseppe Seguenza
71424: Michael R., 1904- - Ueber das Vorkommen einer tertiären Landschneckenfauna im Bereich der jüngsten Schichten der Kreidescholle von Oppeln
58902: Michard J.G., - I vulcani - Il fuoco della terra
51899: Michel Alda, - Le industrie litiche di Thysville e di Masa, nel Congo belga sud-occidentale, e il problema della cultura 'tumbiana'
59759: Michelsen V., - Annotated catalogue of the Anthomyiidae, Faniidae, Muscidae and Scathophaglidae (Diptera: Muscoidea) of Greenland
60142: Mickelson P.G., - Breeding Biology of Cackling Geese and Associated Species on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
62713: Middleton W., - Descriptions of Some North American Sawfly Larvae
60454: Midolo D., s.d. - Acicastello - Guida del Castello Normanno e del Museo Civico
24599: Miège J., - Les Rhigiocarya (Menispermacées) de Côte d'Ivoire
28118: Miehe H., - Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Undersuchung der Algensymbiose bei Gunnera macrophylla BI
54639: Miele M., - Principi di diritto internazionale
31387: Mienis H.K., - Ventomnestia girardi (Audouin, 1827) from the Mediterranean
12605: Mienis H.K., - Cernuella virgata (Da Costa, 1778 in Nederland
73250: Mienis H.K., - On the nomenclature and distribution of Columbella savignyi (Gastropoda, Columbellidae)
73251: Mienis H.K., - Revision of Strombus (Canarium) mutabilis ochroglottis Abbott
73252: Mienis H.K., - A checklist of Terebridae from the northern part of Red Sea, with notes on Terebra areolata, T
73253: Mienis H.K., - Notes on a small collection of Littorinidae from Somalia
73254: Mienis H.K., - Addition to the checklist of Terebridae from the northern part of the Red Sea
73255: Mienis H.K., - Strombidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) collected by the Israel South Red Sea Expedition
46381: Mietto P. & Quaggiotto E., - Sulla distribuzione di Tharsiella tinostomoides Fekih & Gougerot, 1974 nel Mediterraneo
53036: Mifsud C., - Pseudographis cachiai n gen & n sp, and Cima melitensis n sp: two new species of Heterostropha (Mollusca, Gastropoda) from the Maltese islands
68068: Mifsud C. & Ovalis P., - Two new species of Sticteulima Laseron, 1955 (Gastropoda: Eulimidae) from Turkey, eastern Mediterranean
74422: Mifsud C. & Ovalis P., - Re-discovery of living specimens of Heliacus (Gyriscus) jeffreysianus (Tiberi, 1867)
33663: Mifsud C., - Vitreolina philippi (Ponzi, de Rayneval & Van Den Heck, 1854) (Eulimidae) found living on the echinoid Paracentrotus lividus (Lamarck) in infralittoral Maltese waters; In 8vo, offp
54055: Miguel S.E., - Las especies del género Bostryx Troschel 1847 en la Republica Argentina (1ra parte) (Gastropoda Stylommatophora: Bulimulidae)
64971: Mikkelsen P.M. & R. Bieler, - Varicorbula (Bivalvia: Corbulidae) of the western Atlantic: taxonomy, anatomy, life habits, and distribution
64944: Mikkelsen, P. M., I. Tëmkin, R. Bieler, & W. G. Lyons, - Pinctada longisquamosa (Dunker, 1852) (Bivalvia: Pteriidae), an unrecognized pearl oyster in the western Atlantic
57409: Mikkelsen P. & Bieler R., - Seashells of Southern Florida - Living Marine Molluscs of the Florida Keys and Adjacent Regions - Bivalves
18171: Mikkelsen P.M., - Review of shell reduction and loss in traditional and phyologenetic molluscan systematics, with experimental manipulation of a negative gain character
61423: Mikkelsen P., - The evolutionary relationship of Cephalaspidea s
65900: Mikkelsen P., - A Computerized Database for a Natural History Collection
75976: Mikkelsen P., Bieler R. & Petit R., - A bibliography of Caribbean malacology 1826-1993
65866: Mikkelsen P.M. & Cracraft J., - Marine biodiversity and the need for systematic inventories
12611: Mikkelsen P.M. & Bieler R., - Biology and comparative anatomy of three new species of commensal Galeommatidae, with a possible case of mating behavior in bivalves
12610: Mikkelsen P.M. & Bieler R., - Biology and comparative anatomy of Divariscintilla yoyo and D
2788: Mikkelsen P., - Monophyly versus the Cephalaspidea (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia) with an analysis of traditional cephalaspid characters
65059: Mikkelsen P.M., - Cephalaspid opisthobranchs of the Azores
52506: Mikkelsen P.M. & Bieler R., - Marine bivalves of the Florida Keys: discovery biodiversity
65863: Mikkelsen P.S., - A comparison of two Florida populations of the Coquina clam, Donax variablis Say, 1822 (Bivalvia: Donacidae) - I: Intertidal density, distribution and migration
64293: Mikkelsen P.M., - Speciation in modern marine bivalves (Mollusca: Bivalvia): Insights from the published record
72563: Mikkelsen P.M., Mikkelsen P-S. & Karlen D.J., - Molluscan Biodiversity in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida
70557: Mila evi K.O., - Liste des Mollusques marins collections en 1908 par K
58755: Milano E., - Xilografia dal Quattrocento al Novecento - Percorso storico artistico sui fondi della Biblioteca Estense
30715: Milazzo M., Chemello R., Badalamenti F., Riggio S., - Molluscan assemblages associated with photophilic algae in the Marine Reserve of Ustica Island (Lower Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)
28605: Mildenhall D.C., - Checklist of valid and invalid plant macrofossils from New Zealand
30585: Mildenhall D.C., - A note on a fossil fruit found near Lyell [New Zealand]
30447: Millar R.H., - Ascidians from the Indo-West-Pacific region in the Zoological Museum, Copenhagen (Tunicata, Ascidiacea)
30471: Millar R.H., - Australian Ascidians in the British Museum (Natural History)
24015: Millar R.H., - Investigations of the oyster beds in Loch Ryan
76607: Millar A.J. & Waite S., - Molluscs in coppice woodland
30344: Millar R.H., - On a collection of ascidians from South Africa
75912: Millard V., - Some Muricidae from Southern Africa
73646: Millard V., - Classification of Mollusca A Classification of World Wide Mollusca
72614: Millen S. & Hamann J.C., - A new genus and species of Facelinidae (Opisthobranchia: Aeolidacea) from the Caribbean Sea
38561: Miller S.L., - Adaptive design of locomotion and foot form in prosobranch gastropods
23441: Miller M.C. & Willan R.C., - A review of the New Zealand arminacean nudibranchs
59366: Miller H., - Tropico del cancro Biblioteca di Repubblica n
62846: Miller jr. C.N., - Two new pinaceous cones from the early Cretaceous of California
33390: Miller D. J. & Gotshall D., - Ocean Sportfish Catch and Effort from Oregon to Point Arguello, California, 7/1/1957 through 6/30/1961
75877: Miller M.C., - Aeolid nudibranchs (Gastropoda:Opisthobranchia) of the families Flabellinidae and Eubranchidae from New Zealand waters
60679: Miller A., - Svolte - la mia vita
76186: Miller A., Downs GH. & Youngquist W., - Some Mississippian cephalopods from central and western United States
65435: Miller P.J. - Gobiid fishes of the caspian genus Knipowitschia from the Adriatic Sea
71710: Miller K., - Aus dem Tertiärbecken von Steinheim a
32497: Miller P.J. - Systematics and biology of the leopard-spotted goby, Gobius ephippiatus (Teleostei: Gobiidae), with description of a new genus and notes on the identity of G
72010: Miller B.B., - A late Pleistocene molluscan faunule from Meade County, Kansas
63900: Miller H., - Tropico del cancro
15996: Miller S.L., - The classification, taxonomic distribution and evolution of locomotor types among prosobranch gastropods
72215: Miller A.K. & Thompson M.I., - The nautiloid genus Aturoidea in America
72216: Miller A.K. & Furnish W.M., - Aturias from the Tertiary of Mexico
72217: Miller A.K., - An Aturia from the Tonga Islands of the Central Pacific
72218: Miller A.K., - The nautiloid cephalopods of thr Midway group
72616: Miller M.C. & Rudman W.B., - Two new genera and species of the Superfamily Runcinoidea (Mollusca gastropoda: Opisthobranchia) from New Zealand
28726: Millikan R.A., - I raggi cosmici
66431: Milone F., - Memoria illustrativa della carta della utilizzazione del suolo della Calabria (fogli 19 e 20 della carta della utilizzazione del suolo d'Italia), con una introduz
66424: Milone F., - Il porto di Napoli
74737: Minà Palumbo F.,,1844 (1999) - Introduzione alla sotia naturale delle Madonie
74773: Minà Palumbo F., 1868 (1999) - Catalogo dei mammiferi della Sicilia - Terza edizione
72140: Mina - Minacantalucio - CD audio - 10 canzoni - edizione per Sorrisi e Canzoni
76428: Minchin D., - Observations on shell colour in the scallop, Pecten maximus (L
63008: Minchin D., - Biological observations on young scallops, Pecten maximus
57788: Minelli A., - Professione naturalista: problemi e prospettive - Atti del meeteing Bologna 14 novewmbre 16985
67391: Minelli A., - Odonati del Veneto (I° Contributo alla conoscenza degli Odonati)
58006: Mines S., - Gli ultimi giorni dell'umanità: Sopravvivenza ecologica o estinzione- Torino, Einaudi (Saggi n
63705: Minet J.P. & Poulard J.C., - Biologie et peche du 'balai' Hippoglossoides platessoides dans l'Atlantique du Nord-ouest
43588: Minniti F., Villari A. & Micali P., - Some comments on Cyerce cristallina (Trinchese, 1881) (Opisthobranchia: Sacoglossa) collected in Taormina Bay
57422: Minzoni G., - Manzoni, maestro contestatore
65079: Miscohr B. & Märkel K., - Histology and regeneration of the radula of Pomacea bridgesi (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia)
62585: Missenard A., - L'uomo e il clima
56795: MISTAKIDIS, M. N., - Quantitative studies of the bottom fauna of Essex oyster grounds
66673: Mitchell R., - La guerra civile americana
59101: Mitchell C. E. & Bergström S. M., - Three-dimensionally preserved Richmondian Graptolites fom Southwestern Ohio and the Graptolite correlation of the North American Upper Ordovician Standard
69654: Mitchell K., - Labirinto del passato
61704: Mitchell, P.H. - The effect of water-gas tar on oysters + The oxygen requirement of shellfish
65467: Mitford N., - A caccia d'amore
22595: Mitra P., - Prehistoric India, its place in the world's culture; Calcutta University
29751: Mitter J.H., - Studies in the Genus Fusarium
31748: Mitterpak J., Barquin U. & Fortun J.A., - Contribution al conocimiento de la fascioliasis en el ganado bovino en Cuba
30200: Mitterpak J., - La fascioliasis en Cuba y sus aspectos economicos biologico-epizootiologicos y de deshelmintizacion
28668: Miura I., - Some useful matters contained in forest trees in Japan
63146: Miyajima Y., Nobuhara T. & Koike H, - Taxonomic reexamination of three vesicomyid species (Bivalvia) from the middle Miocene Bessho Formation in Nagano Prefecture, central Japan, with nots on vesicomyid diversity
70723: Mizuno A., - Summary of the Paleogene molluscan faunas in North Japan
59839: Mniore R., Silva U. & Merola N., - Il commercio nella letteratura italiana
71687: Modell H., - Die Najaden des Neckar-Gebietes (Bivalvia, Unionacea)
71523: Modell H., - Die Najaden der Bermberger Gegend
74628: Modell H., - Tertiäre Najaden IV
74629: Modell H., - Tertiäre Najaden V - Nordamerikanische Najaden in des Haushamer Cyrenenschichten
69706: Modell H., - Das natürliche System der Najaden
70394: Modell H., - Die Gattung Contradens Haas (Naj
71289: Modell H., - Neues über Hyriopsis vetlhuizeni Schepm
66637: Moderni P., 1903- - Contribuzione allo studio geologico dei
66522: Moderni P., - Contribuzione allo studio geologico dei vulcani vulsini (part 1-3 of 4)
75178: Moerdijk P.W. & ter Poorten J.J., - Acanthocardia sliggersi spec
69728: Moerdijk P.W., - Mactromeris polynyma (Stimpson, 1860) (Mollusca, Mactridae) from the Upper Pliocene of the Netherlands and Belgium
58547: Moffert, - Hakotadi from telegraph hill
66601: Moggi G., Rizzotto M. & Gori C., - Aspetti significativi della flora dell'isola di Gorgona (Arcipelago Toscano), ai fini della sua protezione In 8vo, offp
14975: Mogi A., - An Atlas of the Sea Floor around Japan
75733: Mohamed Said Ali, - Miocene Scutellina (Echinoidea) from the northern part of the Western Desert, Egypt
37325: Moisil G.C., - Sur l'emploi des Mathématiques dans les Sciences de l'homme
73745: Mojetta A. & Ghisotti A., - Flora e fauna del Mediterraneo
60364: Mojsisovics A., - Über accessorische Fortsätze am Schädel der "Leporiden"
31111: Mojsisovics E.V., - Allgemeiner Bericht und Chronik der im Jahre 1898 innerhalb des Beobachtungsgebietes erfolgten Erdbeden
29748: Mojsisovics A., - Streiftouren im Ried-Terrain von "Bellye" und in der Umgebung von Villany
51177: Mojsisovics J.A.E. & von Mojsvár E., - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Obertriadischen Cephalopoden-Faunen des Himalaya
65461: Molière, - Commedie: Le preziose ridicole, Il misantropo, L'avaro, Tartufo, Il borghese gentiluomo, Le trappolerie di Scapino traduzione di Antonio Masini
54119: Molisch H., - Über die Herstellung von Photograhien in einem Laubblatte
54817: Molisch, H., - Botanische Beobachtungen auf Java
54829: Molisch, H., - Botanische Beobachtungen auf Java (IV Abhandlung) - Über Pseudoindican, ein neues Chromogen in den Cystolithenzellen von Acanthaceen
50926: Molisch H., - Über Blattstielkrümmungen infolge von Verwundung (Traumanastie)
70506: Moll F., - Uebersicht uber die Terediniden des Museums fur Naturkunde zu Berlin
49520: Moller D.G., - Dissertatio de anemocoetis
58174: Mollo V., - Gli immortali del bridge
69406: Moltoni E., - Descrizione di un nuovo meropide (Aves) dell'Eritrea
62780: Momigliano A., - Saggio su l' "Orlando Furioso"
62818: Momigliano A., - Alessandro Manzoni
55666: Monastero S. & Zaami V., - Le cocciniglie degli agrumi im Sicilia (Chrysomphalus dictyospermi M - Parlatoria pergandei C - Aspidiotus hederae V)
24970: Moncharmont Zei M., - Geremia D'Erasmo (1887-1962)
73699: Moncharmont U., - Guida breve per l'Acquario di Napoli
61284: Mondello G.M. & Rindone A., - Nuovi dati sul genere Corolla nel Mediterraneo
59055: MONEGATTI P., PANTOLI D. , - First evidence of Pleurotomariidae ( Gastropoda, Prosobranchia) from the Mediterranean Pliocene
49638: Monegatti P., - Le collezioni malacologiche del Museo Paleontologico Parmense
57811: Moneghini M., Voinovich D., Lubiana L. & Sciortino T., - La farmacia in Istria: suoi evidenti legami culturali con Venezia
69999: Mongin D. & Trouvé P., - Le valanginien inférieur calcaire du Grand Ca–on du Verdon (Basses-Alpes)
68196: Monguzzi R. & Trezzi G., - Tepuydites auyanensis, nuovo genere e nuova specie di platinino ipogeo del Venezuela (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Pterostichinae)
61912: Monks N., - The functional morphology of Hamites and Stomohamites and the origins of the Turritilidae
74323: Monnier E. & Limpalaer L., - Conus dorotheae (GASTROPODA, CONIDAE) A New Species of Cone from the Cape Verde Peninsula in Senegal
66287: Monnier E. & Limpalaër L., - Révision of the Kioconus caillaudi complex
66288: Monnier E. & Limpalaër L., - Additional informations on Lividoconus conco (Puillandre & al, 2015) a new endemic cone from the Marquesas Islands
68607: Monnier E., Limpalaër L., Robin A. & Roux C., - A Taxonomic Iconography of Living Conidae - Volume 2
66357: Monnier E. & Limpalaër L., - A new endemic species from French Polynesia : Leporiconus pomareae n
65538: Monnier E., Limpalaër L., Robin A. & Roux C., - A Taxonomic Iconography of Living Conidae - Volume 1
66341: Monnier E. & Tenorio M., - Malagasyconus, a new genus from Southern Madagascar
63434: Monniot F., - Sur une collection d'ascidies composées de Dakar
63313: Monniot C., - Ascidies littorales et bathyales récoltées au cours de la campagne Biaçores: Aplousobranches + Ascidies littorales et bathyales récoltées au cours de la campagne Biaçores: Phlébobranches et Stolidobranches + Ascidies abyssales de Méditerranée récoltées pasr le "Jean Charcot" (campagne Polymède)
66708: Monniot F. & Monniot C., - Ascidies de la pente externe et bathyales de l'ouest Pacifique
66579: Monniot C. & Monniot F., - Ascidies abyssales de l'Atlantique récoltées par le "Jean Charcot" (campagne Noratlante, Walda, Polygas A)
66700: Monniot F. & Monniot C., - Ascidians from the tropical western Pacific
63736: Monod T., - Contribution à l'établissement d'une classification fonctionnelle des engins de pêche
66580: Monod T., - Nouvelles observations sur le genre Bagatus (Crustacea, Isopoda)
63642: Monod T., - Fruits et graines de Mauritanie
63395: Monod, T. - Remarques sur quelques Cirolanidés (Crustacés, Isopodes)
64871: Monsecour K. & Monsecour D., - A new species of Anachis (Gastropoda: Neogastropoda: Columbellidae) from the Philippines
68827: Monsecour K. & Monsecour D., - A New Species of Columbellidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from Papua New Guinea
68656: Monsecour D., Lorenz F. & Monsecour K., - A New Species of Morum from the Diaoyu Islands (East China Sea) (Gastropoda: Harpidae)
76268: Monsecour D. & Monsecour K., - Two new deep water species of Columbellidae (Gastropoda: Neogastropoda) from the Caribbean
67044: Monserrat V.J., - New data on some species of the genus Micromus Rambur, 1842 (Insecta: Neuroptera: Hemerobiidae) In 8vo, offp
61759: Montale E., - Poesie
67087: Montale E., - Ossi di seppia
67475: Montalenti G., - Il concetto di specie e il valore della sistematica nella biologia moderna
42095: Montanari L., Rio D. & Sprovieri R., - Studio micropaleontologico della sezione del Cretaceo inferiore di Licodia Eubea (Catania)
59341: Montanaro Gallitelli E., - Hexanthiniaria a new Ordo of Zoantharia (Anthozoa, Coelenterata)
55364: Montanaro A. & Pigozzi D., - On the response function for the heat flux in bodies of the differential type
59172: Montanaro-Gallitelli E., A Russo, P Ferrari., - Upper Triassic coelenterates of western North America
66687: Montanaro Gallitelli E., - Per la geologia delle argille ofiolitifere appenniniche - Nota III - Foraminiferi dell'argilla scagliosa di Castelvecchio (Modena)
47940: Montanaro A., - On the response functions of a thermo-elastic body, from the Mach-Painlevé point of view
59835: Montanelli I. & Gervaso R., - L'Italia dei secoli bui
62622: Montarnal P., - Funghi
15331: Monteillet J. & Rosso J.C., - Répartition de la faune testacées actuelle (Mollusques et Crustacés Cirripèdes) dans la basse vallée et le delta du Sénégal
26026: Monteiro T., - Le genre Euchromius au Portugal (Crambidae)
65720: Monteiro A., Tenorio M.J. & Poppe G.T., - A Conchological Iconography [10] - The family Conidae - The genus Conus of West Africa and the Mediterranean
25198: Monteiro T., - Quelques lépidoptères nouveaux pour le Portugal
26024: Monteiro T., - Discestra pedrosai n sp; un Noctuidae nouveau pou la péninsule ibérique et quatre autres nouveaux pour le Portugal
15086: Monterosato T., 1873 (1972) - Notizie intorno ai solarii del Mediterraneo
46616: Monterosato T.A., - Nomenclatura generica e specifica di alcune conchiglie mediterranee
47150: Monterosato T., - Notizie intorno ai solarii del Mediterraneo
72129: Monterosato T.A., - Monografia dei vermeti del Mediterraneo
54638: Montevecchi O., - Commemorazione di Aristide Calderini nel centenario della nascita
69945: Montgomery S., - The soul of an octopus: A Surprising Exploration Into the Wonder of Consciousness
32776: Montuori A. - Ricerche sul meccanismo delle ossidazioni organiche
76307: Moolenbeek R.G. & Rolan E., - New species of risoidae form the Cape Verde Islands (Mollusca: Gastropoda) - part 1
70092: Moolenbeek R.G. & Roeckel D., - Cones taken off Wallis and Futuna Islands, South-West Pacific (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Conidae)
61783: Moolenbeek R.G. & Hoenselaar H.J., - On the identity of 'Columbella rustica' from West Africa and the Macaronesian islands
76171: Moolenbeek R.G. & Faber M.J., - The genus Euchelus (Trochidae) in the West Indies
25396: MOOLENBEEK R.G., - A new species of Eatonina from the Cape Verde Islands
76292: Moolenbeek R.G. & Dekker H., - New nassariids from Oman and Somalia (Neogastropoda: Prosobranchia)
64833: Moolenbeek R.G. & Hoenselaar H.J., - On the identity of Onoba moreleti (Rissoidae), with the description of Onoba josae n sp
75797: Moolenbeek R.G. & Hoenselaar H.J., - The genus Alvania on the Canary Islands and Madeira, part 1
76347: Moolenbeek R.G. & Coomans H.E., - Studies on Conidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) 2
76348: Moolenbeek R.G. & Warén A., - A new genus and species of Aclididae (Gastropoda) from off Tenerife, Canary Islands
76352: Moolenbeek R.G., Faber M. & Iliffe T.M., - Two new species of the genus Caecum (Gastropoda) from marine caves on Bermuda
25658: Moolenbeek R.G., - Studies on Conidae 9: On the identity of Conus egregius
59237: Moore U., - La prima chiave
64942: Moore D.R., - The systematic position of the family Caecidae
64939: Moore D.R., - A deep water Omalogyra in the Western Atlantic
63042: Moore P.G. & Beare D.J., - Taxonomic confusion in the genus Pontocrates (Amphipoda) and the presence of P
19622: Moore S.J., - Narcotising sea anemones
60050: Moore N.H., 1910 (ca) - The old furniture book with a sketch of past days and ways, with one hunderd and twelve illustrations
65890: Moore D.R., - The Western Atlantic Dimyidae
65082: Moore, D.R., - Small species of Nuculidae (Bivalvia) from the tropical western Atlantic
54325: Moore F.L., - Evolution of hormone diversity (Symposium held on 27-30 December 27 and 28 at Denver, Colorado, Texas in the Annual meeting of the American Society of Zoologists)
76073: Moore E.J., - Tertiary marine pelecypods of California and Baja California: Lucinidae through Chamidae
60661: Moore P., - Il maneggio
65861: Moore D.R., - The little bivalve Planktomya unmasked
74003: Moore P.R., Isaac M.J., Mazengarb C., Wilson G.I.& Wilson G.J., - Stratigraphy and structure of Cretaceous (Neocomian - Maastrichtian) sedimentary rocks in the Anini - Okaura Stream area, Urewera National Park, New Zealand
75825: Moore E.J., - Sculptural Variation of the Pliocene Pelecypod Patinopecten healeyi (Arnold)
12594: Moore H.B., - The specific identification of faecal pelletes
66166: Moore D.R., - Axel A
70589: Moore D.R., - The marine and brackish water Mollusca of the State of Mississippi
65064: Moore D.R., - A new genus [Dimyella] and species of Dimyidae from the Caribbean coast of Mexico
16265: Moore D.R., - A note on Pseudoparastrophia
64719: Moore D.R., - The Cyclostremellidae, a new family of prosobranch mollusks
75952: Moore E.J., - Tertiary marine pelecypods of California and Baja California: Nuculidae through Malleidae
72464: Moore E.J., - Tertiary marine pelecypods of California and Baja California: Erycinidae through Carditidae
73568: Moore R.C., Lalicker C.G. & Fischer A.G., - Invetebrate fossils
59874: Moorsel Van G., Faase M. & Lengkeek W., - New and rarely reported gastropods and bivalves on shipwrecks on the Dutch North Sea
64881: Moquin-Tandon A., - Observations sur les spermatophores des gastéropodes terrestres androgynes
62951: Moquin-Tandon A., 1857- - Notes ornithologiques
66572: Morales E., - Contribución al estudio de la morfologia, estructura y anatomia microscópica de la región visceral de Pteroctopus tetracirrhus D
76627: Moran A.L., - The unusual prodissoconch and larval development of Barbatia bailyi (Bartsch, 1931) (Mollusca : Bivalvia : Arcidae)
28473: Moran R., - Twelve new dicots from Baja California, Mexico
62386: Morassi M. & Bonfitto A., 2005. - Notes on fossil turrids 1 (Mollusca: Gastropoda)
60095: Moravia A., - Lettere dal Sahara
59359: Moravia A., - Gli indifferenti
60264: Moravia A., - 1934
59706: Moravia S., - Sigmund Freud - Filosofia e psicoanalisi
59719: Moravia A., - Gli indifferenti
61147: Moravia A., - La vita interiore
62040: Moravia A., - Il paradiso
58754: Moravia A., - Renato Guttuso
50671: MORAWETZ, Wilfried & WINKLER, Hans, - Reproductive Morphology in Annonaceae
57153: Mordente M., - Catalogo delle cartoline illustrate italiane: precursori, tematiche, illustrazioni, regionali
64077: Moreau J., - Contribution aux recherches ecologiques sur les claires a huitres du bassin de Marennes-Oleron
60729: Morehead A.H. & Mott-Smith G., - Il libro completo dei solitari e dei giochi di pazienza
67815: Moreira J., Cacablos E. & Troncoso J., - Diversity and spatial distribution of the gastropod fauna on subtidal sedimentary substrata of the Ensenada de Baiona (Galicia, NW Iberian Peninsula)
65728: Morelet A., - Malacologie des Comores - Récolte de M
66402: Morelli P., - Pontedera
68809: Moreno D. & Templado J., - The species complex "Nassarius cuvierii-N
29390: Moreno L.V., - Situacion taxonomica del Bufo taladai jaumei
75421: Moreno D., - The genus Gibberula (Gastropoda: Cystiscidae) in the Cape Verde Islands with the description of a new species
75392: Moreno D. & Ramos M.A., - New data on Theba subdentata helicella (Wood, 1828) (Gastropoda, Helicidae) in Almería (SE Spain)
23915: Moreno D., - Descripción de la comunidad de Ervilia castanea (Tellinoidea) en fondos de arena gruesa del Cabo de Gata
73340: Moreno D., - Bittium nanum (Gastropoda, Cerithiidae), una especie valida de las islas Azores
74598: Moret L., - Manuel de paléontologie animale cinquième édition complétée d'un addendum mis à jours
67305: Moret P., - Mise au point taxonomique sur le genre Dyscolus Dejean et description de cinq especes nouvelles (Caraboidea, Harpalidae, Platynini)
70160: Moretti M., - Il fiocco verde
63652: Mori M. & Belloni S., - Distribution, abundace and infestation of Ophryotrocha geryonicola (Annelida: Dorvilleidae) in Geryon longipes (Crustacea: Decapoda: Geryonidae) of Ligurian bathyal bottoms
66508: Mori A., (s.d.) - La Sardegna
62948: Moricand J., - Description de quelques coquilles nouvelles [Helix, Bulimus and Unio]
60212: Morley M.S., Hayward B.W., Raven J.L., Foeman G.A. & Grenfell H.R., - Intertidal and shallow subtidal biota of Mahia Peninsula, Hawkes Bay [New Zealand]
75086: Mornod L., - Association de faune marine, d'eau douce et continentale dans les dépôts flandriens de la basse vallée de l'Orne (Calvados)
60648: Moro S.A., - La tribu Xenodontini (Serpentes: Colubridae) : musculatura craneal como base para su análisis filogenético
2347: MORONI M.A., RUGGIERI G., 1985 - - Due Caecum del Miocene superiore della Sicilia occidentale
6160: Moroni M.A. & Ruggieri G., - Nodulus lagruttai, nuovo gasteropode del Miocene superiore della Sicilia
6159: Moroni M. A., - Solariorbis parmula, nuovo gasteropode neogenico della Sicilia
60753: Moroni M.A. & Ruggieri G., - Su due piccoli cerizi del Miocene superiore italiano
67272: Moroni M.A. & Ruggieri G., - Nucinella calabra (Bivalvia, Pteriomorpha) nel miocene della Sicilia
38051: Moroni M. A. & Ruggieri G., - Due Tornus del Miocene superiore di Ciminna (Palermo)
38964: Moroson H.L., & Quintiliani M., - Radiation Protection and Sensitization
69774: Morovich E., - Piccoli amanti
72392: Morra G.A. & Del Rio C.J., - La Subfamilia Architectonicinae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) en el "Patagoniano" de la costa atlantica, Chubut y Santa Cruz
59987: Morrell D., - Falsa identità
11613: Morri C. & Bianchi C.N., - Ecological niches of hermatypic corals at Ilha do Sal (Arquipelago de Cabo Verde)
74733: Morris S., - Conchiglie
62869: Morris W.J., - A review of Pacific Coast hadrosaurs
62832: Morris D., - Noi e gli animali - come convivere
58858: Morris D., - La mia vita con gli animali
69660: Morris H., - Direttiva primaria
73725: Morris P.A., - A field guide to shells: Atlantic and Gulf coasts and the West Indies
73855: Morris P.A., - A field guide to the Pacific coast shells
19110: Morrisey D.J., - Factors affecting individual body weight in field populations of the mudsnail Hydrobia ulvae
61124: Morrison J.P., - Western Atlantic Donax
7084: Morrison J.P.E., - Notes on the genera Lanx and Fisherola (Pulmonata)
70047: Morrison H.M. & Schneider B., - Description of a New Species of Bothriembryon (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora: Bothriembryontidae) from the Western Side of the Nullarbor Plain, Western Australia
71547: Morrison JP.E., - A report on the Mollusca of the northeastern Wisconsin Lake District
64428: Morrison H.M., - Description of a new species of Phalium (Gastropoda: Cassidae) from the Joseph bonaparte Gulf, South West of Darwin, Australia
66091: Morrison J.P.E., - New brackish water mollusks from Louisiana
60987: Morrison J.P., - The nonmarine mollusks of San José Island, with notes on those of Pedro González Island, Pearl Islands, Panama
64429: Morrison H.M., - Description of a new species of Ficus (Gastropoda: Ficidae) from the South West Coast of Western Australia
68640: Morrison H.M., Schneider B. & Whisson C.S., - A New Species of the Genus Bothriembryon (Gastropoda: Bothriembryontidae) from the Shire of Esperance, Western Australia
69557: Morrow J., Fahs C.F., Jones G., - Reports made to commodore Perry on Lew Chew Islands: The agriculture - The botany, ethnography, etc - A geological explorations, etc
43576: Morse M. P., - Distribution and ecological adaptations of interstitial molluscs in Fiji
59173: Mortari C., - Con gli insorti in Marocco e Spagna
74485: Mortensen T., - The Danish Ingolf-Expedition 1895-1896
69464: Morton J.E. & Machin J., - A key to the land snails of the Flatford Area, Suffolk
52595: Morton B. & Britton J.C., - The behaviour and feeding ecology of a suite of gastropod scavengers at Watering Cove, Burrup Peninsula, Western Australia
52654: Morton, B. & Britton, J.C., - Origins of the Azorean intertidal biota: the significance of introduced species, survivors of chance events
61404: Morton B., - The biology and functional morphology of the twisted ark Trisidos semitorta (Bivalvia: Arcacea) with a discussion on shell torsion" in the genus
32809: Morton B. - The tidal rhythm and rhythm of feeding and digestion in Cardium edule
16543: Morton B., - The biology and functional morphology of Claudiconcha japonica
65852: Morton B. & Britton J.C., - The ecology, diet and foraging strategy of Thais orbita (Gastropoda: Muricidae) on a rocky shore of Rottnest Island, Western Australia
61410: Morton B., - The structure, mode of operation and variation in form of the shell of the Laternulidae (Bivalvia: Anomalodesmata: Pandoracea)
61368: Morton B., - The biology and functional morphology of the coral-sand bivalve Fimbria fimbriata (linnaeus, 1758
19762: Morton B., - The biology, functional morphology and taxonomic status of Fluviolanatus subtorta (Trapeziidae), a heteromyarian bivalve possessing "zooxanthellae"
39100: Morton B., - Studies on the biology of Dreissena polymorpha Pall
43583: Morton B., - The functional morphology of the organs of the mantle cavity of Perna viridis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Bivalvia: Mytilacea)
69930: Morton J.E., - Molluscs
60976: Morton J.E., - The responses and orientation of the bivalve Lasaea rubra
15994: Morton B., - Some aspects on the biology and functional morphology of Cleidothaerus maorianus Finlay (Bivalvia: Anomalodesmata: Pandoracea)
64640: Morton B., - The mode of life and function of the shell buttress in Cucullaea concamerata (Martini) (Bivalvia: Arcacea)
68548: Morton B., - Studies on the biology of Dreissena polymorpha Pall
73561: Morton J. & Miller M., - The New Zealand Sea Shore
8662: Morton J.E. & Holme N.A., - The occurrence at Plymouth of the Opisthobranch Akera bullata, with notes on its habits and relationship
58860: Morus (Lewinsohn R.), - Gli anilmali nella storia della civiltà
73742: Moscatelli R., - The superfamily Strombacea from Western Atlantic
65003: Moscati S., - Un futuro per l'archeologia
57613: Moscati S., - L'Italia prima di Roma
72755: Moscati S., - Nel cuore del Mediterraneo - un'altra faccia della storia
30096: Mosello R., Petriccione B. & Marchetto A. /Eds.), - Long-term ecological research in Italian forest ecosystems
32983: Moser, H. G. and Ahlstrom, E. H. - Development of lanternfishes (Family Myctophidae) in the California current
68159: Moses S.T., - The anatomy of the chank (Turbinella pyrum)
66406: Mosetti F., - Fondamenti di oceanologia e idrologia
16031: Mosher J.I., - The responses of Macoma balthica to vibrations
39535: Moss J. E., - A further study of airborne pollens in Brisbane
49137: Mostny, G. - Ciudades atacame–as
73008: Moths H., Albrecht F. & Stein H., - Die Molluskenfauna (Hemmoorium, Untermiozän) aus der Kiesgrube Krinke bei Werder (Nordwest-Niedersachsen)
43449: Motokawa T., Shintani O. & Birenheide R., - Contraction and stiffness changes in collagenous arm ligaments of the stalked crinoid Metacrinus rotundus (Echinodermata)
68632: Moukrim A., Garcia Raso J.E. & Gofas S., - Notes on the benthic macrofauna of Agadir Bay (Atlantic Morocco)
65874: Mount J.D., - A new species of Neadmete (Neogastropoda) from the Pliocene of California
25978: Mounts B.T., - The development of foliage leaves
24877: Mourgues L.E., - Sur les matières colorantes du Maqui
72007: Mourlon M., - La faune marine du Quaternaire moséen révélée par les sondages de Strybeel (Meerle) et de Wortel, près de Hoogstraeten, en Campine
7089: Mouthon J., - Emmericia patula (Gastropoda, Emmericiidae) et Menetus dilatatus (Gasteropoda, Planorbidae), deux espèces nouvelles pour la faune de France
75073: Moyano G.H.I. & Gordon D.P., - New species of Hippothoidae (Bryozoa) from Chile, Antarctica and New Zealand
62997: Moyer J.T., Emerson W.K. & Ross M., - Massive destruction of scleractinian corals by the muricid gastropod, Druppela, in Japan and the Philippines
35828: Moyer J. T., Emerson W. K. & Ross M., - Massive destruction of scleractinian corals by the muricid gastropod, Drupella, in Japan and the Philippines
69094: Moynier de Villepoix (R.), - Sur l'accroissement de la coquille chez l'Helix aspersa
5455: Mozley A., - Sites of infection
70833: Mozley A., - New fresh-water mollusks from Northern Asia
76201: Mu–oz B. & Parejo C., - Redescription of Suboestophora gasulli nov
15652: Mu–iz Solís R., - Gibberula pilarae nueva especie de la familia Marginellidae Fleming, 1828 del Plioceno de Estepona (Málaga, Espa–a)
7096: Mu–iz-Solis R., - Catalogo preliminar de la familia Marginellidae Fleming, 1828 (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia) en las provincias lusitana, mediterranea y mauritana
73897: Mu–oz M.A., Valdés A. & Ortea J., - The genus Okenia Menke, 1830 (Nudibranchia, Goniodoridiae) in Chile
63589: Mu–oz-Cuevas A., - Embryogenèse, organogénèse et rôle des organes ventraux et neuraux de Pachylus quinamavidensis Munoz (Arachnides, Opiliones, Gonyleptidae)
62707: Muesebeck C.F.W., - A Revision of the North American Ichneumon-flies Belonging to the Subfamilies Neoneurinae and Microgasterinae
65305: Mukerji S., - Teoria e pratica yoga
57304: Muller L., - Grundzüge einer vergleichenden Anatomie der Blumenblätter
58456: Muller T., - La strada della valle
31961: Mulliner D.K. & Sphon G.G., - A new Platydoris (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) from the Galapagos islands
68967: Mumlazde L., - Shell size differences in Helix lucorum Linnaeus, 1758 (Mollusca: Gastropoda) between natural and urban environments
56567: Munari L., - Sul genere Lyrodus Gould, 1870 (Bivalvia, Teredinidae) V Contributo allo studiuo dei Teredinidae
63057: Muniain C., - Taxonomical and ecological aspects of the nudibranch Geitodoris patagonica Odhner, 1926 (Opisthobranchia, Doridina) from Argentina
76444: Muniain C., Ortea J. & Rodriguez G., - Redescripcion de Neodoris carvi de las costas de Patagonia, con notas sobre las relaciones entre los géneros Archidoris y Neodoris
69349: Munier-Chalmas, M., - Note sur les Vulsellidae, Adams
71664: Munier-Chalmas E.C., - Études critiques sur les rudistes
63040: Munilla T., - Pycnogonids from southern Spain: Fauna 1 project
75074: Munoz M.A. & Acuna J.D. , - On the taxonomic discrimination between Patella aspera Röding and Patella caerulea Linnaeus (Gastropoda: Patellidae) using conchological traits
30197: Munte y H. Bergmann K., Cuevas J.R., - La aplication del rapido test de germinacion de semillas de cafe con cloruro de 2, 3, 5-trifenil-tetrazolio (CTT)
62875: Munthe J. & Coombs M.C., - Miocene dome-skulled chalicotheres (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) from the western United States; a preliminary discussion of a bizarre structure
51593: Murari Brà A. & Carli A., - Quesito del Governo all'Accademia d'Agricoltura, Commercio, ed Arti di Verona e risposta al medesimo dei cittadini socj Alessandro Murari Brà Alessandro Carli premiata dalla stessa Accademia
14709: Muratov I.V., - New taxa of Pseudonapaeinae (Enidae)
32042: Murbeck Sv., - Contributions a la connaissance de la flore du nord-ouest de l'Afrique et plus specialement de la Tunisie
29352: Murbeck, - Die Vesicarius-gruppe der gattung Rumex
32041: Murbeck Sv., - Bidrag till Pterantheernas morfologi
32284: Murie A., - The Moose of Isle Royale [Michigan]
74391: Murillo L. & Horro J., - Indices de Iberus: Autores y taxones (1981-2006)
68795: Murillo L. & Templado J., - Spawn and development of Bulla striata from Western Mediterranean
60877: Murillo L., - Taxones publicados en Iberus (1981-1997)
63279: Murphy M.A., J. C. Matti & O. H. Walliser, - Biostratigraphy and evolution of the Ozarkodina remscheidensis-Eognathodus sulcatus lineage (Lower Devonian) in Germany and central Nevada
60287: Murphy J.L., - Coiled nautiloid cephalopods from the Brush Creek limestone (Conemaugh) of eastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania
71679: Murray H.D. & Leonard A.B., - Handbook of Unionid Mussels in Kansas
76624: Murray S.B., - Shell life & shell collecting
63072: Murray J. & Clarke B.,, - Changes of gene frequency in Cepaea nemoralis over fifty years
65714: Murray J. & Clarke B., - Partial reproductive isolation in the genus Partula (Gasteropoda) on Moorea
25620: Murray, J. - Alexander Agassiz: his life and scientific work
61242: Mutlu E., 1994. - Qualitative and quantitative distribution of benthic Mollusca along the Turkish Black Sea
76386: Mutvei H., - Characterization of actinoceratoid cephalopods by their siphuncular structure
62822: Myer D.L. & Lane N.G., - The feeding behaviour of some Paleozoic crinoids and Recent basketstars
60298: Myers A. A. & McGrath D., - Taxonomic studies on British and Irish amphipoda; The genus Gammaropsis
63396: Myers A.A., - The genera Megamphopus Norman and Microprotopus Norman
69755: Myers B. & D'Attilio A., - The morphology and distribution of Ocenebra grippi (Muricidae:Ocenebrinae)
32003: Myers A.A. & Costello M.J., - The amphipod sibling pair Leucothoe lilljeborgi and L
64991: Mühlhäusser H. & de Couet H.G., - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Arten Chichoreus aculeatus (Lamarck, 1822) und Chichoreus rossiteri (Crosse, 1872)
65048: Mühlhäusser H., - Pterynotus brianbaileyi n
65049: Mühlhäusser H. & Alf A., - Chichoreus kengaluae n
24246: Müller R., - Die geographische Verbreitung der Wirtschaftstiere mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Tropenländer; Leipzig, Verlag Heinsius Nachfolger
34479: Müller A., - Memoir of Heinrich Leberecht Fleischer
54873: Müller J.,, - Systematisch-faunistische Studien über Blindkäfer - Weitere Beiträge zur Höhlen- und Subterranfauna der Ostalpen und der Balkanhalbinsel
35751: Müller J., - Grundri§ Der Physik Und Metereologie
76222: Mylonas M. & Vardinoysnnis K., - Contribution to the knowledge of the terrestrial malacofauna of Macronissos Island (Cyclades, Greece)
76529: Münter J., - Ueber Muscheln, Schnecken und verwandte Weichthiere
75684: Münzing K., - Quartäre Molluskenfaunen aus dem Kaiserstuhl
71433: Münzing K., - Pleistozäne Molluskenfaunen aus dem Heilbronner Raum
69918: Möllendorff, E. von, - Binnen-Mollusken aus Westchina und Centralasien
57883: Möllring F.K., - Nozioni basilari di microscopia
71231: Mönig J., - Zur Molluskenfauna im Oberamt Saulgau
69818: Mörch O.S., 1850- - Catalogus Conchyliorum quae reliquit D
10526: Møller Christensen A., - Gunnar Thorson
52676: N. J. Evans, - The Status of Limax maculatus (Kaleniczenko 1851), Limax grossui Lupu 1970, and Limax pseudoflavus Evans 1978 (Gastropoda, Limacidae)
74692: N/A, - Aquarium Neapolitanum
50037: N/A - Due Upanisad: La dottrina arcana del bianco e del nero Yajurveda
65466: N.A., - Schiavismo rosso - Il lavoro forzato in Russia documentato all' ONU dalla federazione americana del lavoro
54788: Nabelek Fr., - Über die systematische Bedeutung des feineren Baues der Antherenwand
27782: Nabhitabhata J., Asawangkune P., Amornjaruchit S. &Promboon P., - Tolerance of eggs and hatchlings of neritic cephalopods to salinity scanges;In 8vo, offp
11648: Naccari G., - Atlante astronomico
60960: Nagabhushanam A.K., - On the biology of the commoner gadoids in Manx waters
27995: Nagai I., - Some studies on the germination of the seed of Oryza sativa
72415: Nagao T. - ïkatume K. - Matumoto T., 1939- - 4 papers bound together on molluscan cretaceous fossils of Japan: Nagao T
72412: Nair R.V. & Rao K.S. (eds.), - The Commercial Molluscs of India
68441: Nakano R., - Sea Slugs and Nudibranchs of Japan [Nihon no umiushi]
26653: Nakano H., - Über den Wechsel des Blutungsdruckes von Cornus controversa
76614: Nakazawa K. & Murata M., - On the Lower Cretaceous fossils found near the Ominé Mine, Iwaté Prefecture, northeast Japan
61713: Nakazawa, K. and N.D. Newell, - Permian Bivalves of Japan
51827: Nalepa A., - Die Phytoptocecidien von Tilia und ihre Erzeuger
56849: Nalepa A., - Beiträge zur Systematik der Phytopten
66458: Nangeroni G. (Ed.), - Studi sul glaciale quaternario della Lombardia
72016: Nangeroni G. (Ed.), - Note geomorfologiche sul territorio montuoso comasco ad oriente del Lario
25991: Napoleone I. & Follieri M., - Pollen analysis of a diatomite near Mazzano (Rome)
74406: Nappo A. & Pagli A.., - Description of a new species of Xanthodaphne Powell, 1942 from the Mediterranean and Eastern Atlantic Ocean
63623: Naranjo-Garcia E. & Castillo-Rodriguez Z.G., - First inventory of the introduced and invasive mollusks in Mexico, In 4to, offp
62888: Nardi G., - Contributo alla conoscenza del genere Vertigo (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Vertiginidae) in provincia di Brescia (Lombardia orientale)
5457: Nardi P.A., - Ricerche su un ecosistema ad Unio del Preappenino Pavese
7100: Nardi P.A., - Primi risultati sullo studio del metabolismo respiratorio degli unionidi
61609: Nardi G.B. & Bodon M., - Una nuova specie di Testacella Lamarck, 1801, per l'Italia Settentrionale (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Testacellidae)
67084: Nardone G., Loriedo C., Jeffrey K. Zeig J.K. & Watzlawick P., - Ipnosi e terapie ipnotiche - Misteri svelati e miti sfatati
67287: Nascetti G., Andreone F., Capula M. & Bullini L. - A new Salamandra species from southwestern Alps (Amphibia, Urodela, Salamadridae)
7101: Naselli-Flore L., Zava B. & Chemello R., - Molluschi delle acque interne siciliane
12433: Natarajan R. & Burch J.B., - Chromosomes of some Archaeopulmonata (Basommatophora)
12435: Natarajan R., Hubricht L. & Burch J.B., - Chromosomes of eight species of Succineidae (Stylommatophora) from the Southern United States
27800: Nateewathana A., Nabhitabhata J., Nilaplat P., - A new record of bobtail squid, Euprymna hyllebergi Nateewathana, 1997 in the Gulf of Thailand
65470: Nava N., - Le armi segrete
60453: Navarra V., - Sciacca turismo in tutte le stagioni
60653: Navone P., - Description of a new species of Pnigalio Schrank (Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea)
73944: Naylor P., - Great British marine animals
60391: Naylor, E. - The comparative external morphology and revised taxonomy of the British species of Idotea
41583: Neal H.V., - The history of the eye muscles
18784: Neave D.A., - The development of the lateral line system in plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) and turbot , Schophthalmus maximus)
57713: Nedun J. & Neudin G., - Catalogue Neudin 1980, l'argus international des cartes postales
69314: Negrea A. & Riedel A., - Eine neue unterirdische Zonitiden-Art und -Gattung (Gastropoda) aus Rumänien
22382: Negretti G.C., - Nuovi dati stratigrafici e paleontologici sul versante meridionale del M Scalambra (tra Serrone e Piglio - Lazio)
49545: Neich R., - From canoe to church on late nineteenth century Ulawa, Solomon Islands
60149: Nelson M.E. & Mech D., - Deer social organization and wolf predation in Northeastern Minnesota
25976: Nelson H.C., - Development of the foliaceous cotyledons of Cucurbita maxima
58529: Nenci G., - Alla Ricerca di Entella
60609: Neppi Fanello I., - Il segreto della torre
73014: Neraudeau D., Busson G. & Cornée A., - Les échinides du Cénomanien supérieur et du Turonien inférieur du Tinrhert oriental et central (Sahara algérien)
60403: Neruda P., - Difetti scelti
20715: Nesis K.N., - Spent females of deep-water squid Gonatopsis octopedatus Sasaki, 1920 in the epipelagic layer of the Okhotsk and Japanese seas
54961: Nestler A., - Ober die durch wundreiz bewirkten Bewegungserscheinungen des Zellkernes und des Protoplasmas
22983: Nestourkh M., - L'origine de l'homme
11614: Neto A.I. & Tittley I., - Structure and zonation of algal turf communities on the Azores: a numerical approach
65234: Neubauer T., - A nomenclator of extant and fossil taxa of the Melanopsidae (Gastropoda, Cerithioidea)
67954: Neubert E., - Revision of Helix Linnaeus, 1758 in its eastern Mediterranean distribution area, and reassignment of Helix godetiana Kobelt, 1878 to Maltzanella Hesse, 1917 (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Helicidae)
16337: Neubert E., - Digoniaxis bourguignati, a genus and species of the Pyramidellidae
69763: Neubert E. & M. Gosteli M., - The molluscan species described by Robert James Shuttleworth : I
11502: Neubert E. & Riedel A., - Über einige Vitrea-Arten (Zonitidae) aus der Türkey nebst Beschreibung einer neuen Art
75250: Neubert E., Örstan A. & Welter-Schultes F,., - The land snails of the area between Ka and Demre, southwestern Turkey, with special reference to Albinaria (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Clausiliidae)
74207: Neuffer F., Rothausen K. & Sonne V., - Fossilführende Rinnenfüllungen im Unteren Meeressand an einer Insel-Steilküste des Mitteloligozän-Meeres (Steigerberg bei Eckelsheim, Mainzer Becken) I
70616: Neumann A., - Gli alici del popolo
70617: Neumann A., - L'imperatore
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