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C5: McPhee, C., & Fitzgerald, A - The Non-Violent Militant: Selected Writings of Teresa Billington-Greig
C6765: McWilliams-Tullberg, Rita - Women at Cambridge: A Men's University - Though of a Mixed Type
C434: McWilliams Tullberg, Rita - Women at Cambridge:
A1925: Meacham, Standish - A Life Apart: the English Working Class, 1890-1914
C15471: Meade, L.T - Nobody's Neighbours:
A8605: Meade, L.T. - The Darling of the School:
A6676: Mearns, Andrew - The Bitter Cry of Outcast London: With leading articles from the Pall Mall Gazette of October 1883 and articles by Lord Salisbury, Joseph Chamberlain and Forster Crozier
C10926: Measor, Lynda and Sikes, Patricia J - Gender and Schools:
A13470: Mechie, Stewart - The Church and Scottish Social Development, 1780-1870:
A8016: Meckel, C., et al - Kathe Kollwitz:
A7971: Medlicott, W. N - Contemporary England, 1914-1974: with epilogue, 1964-1974
C11449: Mednick, Martha T. Shuch, et al - Women and Achievement:
A5332: Mee, Graham - Aristocratic Enterprise: The Fitzwilliam Industrial Undertakings, 1795-1857
A10657: Meehan, Aidan - Celtic Design: A Beginner's Manual
A12808: Meeuwissen, Herman - Project Planet Pie: The Truth About Climate Change and the World Economy
A3746: Mehl, Roger - The Sociology of Protestantism:
A12825: Mehl, Dieter - Geoffrey Chaucer: An Introduction to His Narrative Poetry
A15797: Meier, Paul - William Morris: the Marxist Dreamer. Volume Two only
A15399: Meinertzhagen, Col. R. - A Preliminary Study of the Relation Between Geographical Distribution: And Migration With Special Reference to the Palaearctic Region
A15398: Meinertzhagen, Col. R. - Some Preliminary Remarks on the Velocity of Migratory Flight Among Birds: With Special Reference to the Palaearctic Region
C1523: Mellor, Edna - Education Through Experience in the Infant School Years:
C8373: Melmoth, Jenny - A Cat in My Lap:
A14038: Melmoth, Jenny, ed - Dear, Dear Mary: Letters from Amber
C9430: Melosh, Barbara, ed - Gender and American History, since 1890:
A7520: Melvin, Michael J - Minesweeper: The Role of the Motor Minesweeper in World War II
A2346: Meriam, Adele Stuart - The Stepfather in the Family:
C9223: Merrill, Marlene Deahl, ed - Growing Up in Boston's Gilded Age: The Journal of Alice Stone Blackwell, 1872-1874
A3629: Merriman, John M., ed - French Cities in the Nineteenth Century:
A3735: Metcalfe, Jean - Sunnylea: a 1920s Childhood Remembered
A12204: Meulenbelt, Outshoorn, Sevenhuijsen, & Vries - A Creative Tension: Explorations in Socialist Feminism
A15033: Mew, Egan, ed - Battersea Enamels, 1750 - 1756:
C92: Meynell, Alice - Selected Poems of Alice Meynell:
A13548: Miall, Hugh - Nuclear Weapons: Who's In Charge?
A6455: Mickiewicz, Ellen Propper - Soviet Political Schools: The Communist Party Adult Instruction System
A11493: Middlemas, Keith - Politics in Industrial Society:
A8082: Midwinter, E. C - Social Administation in Lancashire, 1830-1860: Poor Law, Public Health and Police
A10050: Midwinter, E.C - Victorian Social Reform:
A13321: Miles, Caroline - Lancashire Textiles: a Case Study of Industrial Change
A13822: Miliband, Marion, ed - The Observer of the Nineteenth Century:
A11000: Mill, John Stuart - Autobiography of John Stuart Mill:
C13644: Miller, Jane - Seductions: Studies in Reading and Culture
A8603: Miller, Hugh - My Schools and Schoolmasters: the Story of My Education
A5746: Miller, Jon - Of Fish and Men:
A3093: Miller, G. W - Educational Opportunity and the Home:
A189: Miller, Russell & Renate - Ten Days in May: The People's Story of V.E. Day
A12709: Miller, Christine and Chuchryk, Patricia - Women of the First Nations: Power, Wisdom, and Strength
A12296: Miller, H. Tatlock and Sainthill, Louis - Churchill: The Walk with Destiny
C9725: Miller, Miranda - Bed and Breakfast: Women and Homelessness Today
H13773: Miller, Olive Beaupre - My Bookhouse: The Latch Key
C9880: Mills, Jane - Womanwords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Patriarchal Society
A7714: Mills, James Cobb Jr - Dmitrii Tolstoi as Minster of Education in Russia, 1866 - 1880:
G11125: Milne, Julia - Samplers: How to Create Your Own Designs
A9689: Milne, Alexander Taylor - A Centenary Guide to the Publications of the Royal Historical Society, 1868-1968: and of the Former Camden Society, 1838-1897
A3222: Milne, Gordon - The Sense of Society: A History of the American Novel of Manners
A15670: Milton, Brian and Iveson, Tony - The Lancaster and the Tirpitz:
A9666: Minchinton, W. E - Essays in Agrarian History: Volume II
A9665: Minchinton, W. E - Essays in Agrarian History: Volume 1
A4584: Minchinton, W. E. ed - Wage Regulation in Pre-Industrial England:
A13464: Minett, E. P. and Severn, A. G. M - Practical Tropical Sanitation: A Pocket Book for Sanitary Inspectors in the Tropics
A11520: Mingay, G. E., ed - The Rural Idyll:
A6072: Ministry of Information, Roof over Britain - The Official Story of Britain's Anti-Aircraft Defences, 1939-1942:
A13433: Minns, J.E - Model Railway Engines:
A13789: Minogue, Kenneth - Politics: a Very Short Introduction
A5961: Minta, Stephen - Love Poetry in Sixteenth Century France: A Study in Themes and Traditions
B13812: Mintz, Jerome R - Carnival Song and Society: Gossip, Sexuality and Creativity in Andalusia
A13555: Camden Miscellany, - Chronology, Conquest and Conflict in Medieval England:
C7839: Mitchell, Maureen, ed - Women's Studies: A Checklist of Bibliographies
C4185: Mitchell, David - The Pankhursts:
C1307: Mitchell, David - Queen Christabel: a Biography of Christabel Pankhurst
A8922: Mitchell, David - The Fighting Pankhursts: A Study in Tenacity
A14202: Mitchell, David - Women on the Warpath: The Story of the Women of the First World War
C716: Mitchison, Naomi - All Change Here: Girlhood and Marriage
C15120: Moat, Florence and Sumner, Josephine - The Concise Series of Practical Housecraft: I. Housewifery
A10233: Monahan, Patricia - Landscape Painting:
A3113: Moncrieff, A. R. Hope - Surrey: Painted by Sutton Palmer
A11184: Monet, Claude - Claude Monet: A Loan Exhibition. City Art Museum of St Louis, September 25 through October 22, 1957; The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, November 1 Through December 1 1957
A15698: Monger, David - Patriotism and Propaganda in First World War Britain: The National War Aims Committee and Civilian Morale
C35: Monk, Wendy, ed - The Journals of Caroline Fox, 1835-71. A Selection from:
A12335: Monroy, Douglas - Thrown Among Strangers: The Making of Mexican Culture in Frontier California
A12202: Monsarrat, Ann - An Uneasy Victorian: Thackeray the Man, 1811-1863
C5953: Montgomery, L. M - Chronicles of Avonlea:
A15035: Montgomery, W. A. and Weightman, M. Scott - Grace Darling:
A3384: Royal Commission Historical Monuments, - Nonconformist Chapels and Meeting-Houses: Buckinghamshire
A14735: Moonroller, - No Excuses Guitar Guide:
C5634: Moore, Lindy - Bajanellas and Semilinas: Aberdeen University and the Education of Women, 1860-1920
A15255: Moore, T. Sturge - Altdorfer:
A1434: Moore, James R., ed - Religion in Victorian Britain: Vol III: Sources
A13389: Moore, Geoffrey - Jean Bart: Resistance Leader
A10703: Moore, Lynden - The Growth and Structure of International Trade Since the Second World War:
C9482: Moore, Katharine - Victorian Wives:
A9522: Moran, Michael - The Politics of Industrial Relations: The Origins, Life and Death of the 1971 Industrial Relations Act
A12710: Moran, James - NATSOPA: Seventy-Five Years. The National Society of Operative Printers and Assistants, 1889-1964
A14068: Morant, Roland W - Cheshire Churches: a Guide to the Ancient Parish Churches of the County, 1066 to 1820
C2391: Morgan, D.H.J - Social Theory and the Family:
A6637: Morgan, J. Vyrnwy, ed - Welsh Political and Educational Leaders in the Victorian Era:
A2920: Morgan, Dr Roger - Germany 1870-1970: A Hundred Years of Turmoil
A15581: Morgan, Cecilia - Commemorating Canada: History, Heritage, and Memory, 1850s - 1990s
A11463: Morley, John - The Life of Richard Cobden:
C9106: Morley, Louise and Walsh, Val, eds - Feminist Academics: Creative Agents for Change
A10326: Morley, Ken - Knowledge is Power: My Life on Coronation Street
C1734: Morris, Pam - Literature and Feminism:
A6234: Morris, R. J - Class and Class Consciousness in the Industrial Revolution, 1780 - 1850:
A5620: Morris, R. J, ed - Class, Power and Social Structure in British Nineteenth-Century Towns:
A5045: Morris, Audrey Y - Gentle Pioneers: Five Nineteenth-Century Canadians
A13440: Morris, R. J - Cholera, 1832: the Social Reponse to an Epidemic
A13080: Morris, Audrey Y - Gentle Pioneers: Five Nineteenth-Century Canadians
A5826: Morrison, Venetia - The Art of George Stubbs: A Visual Celebration of One of the Masters of British Art
A3717: Morrow, John - Young England: The New Generation: a Selection of Primary Texts
A9632: Mort, Frank - Dangerous Sexualities: Medico-Moral Politics in England since 1830
D15492: Mortensen, Sverre, and Skoien, A. eds, - The Norway Year Book 1950:
A8500: Mortimer, James E and Ellis, Valerie A - A Professional Union: The Evolution of the Institution of Professional Civil Servants
A11777: Mortimer, John - Mercantile Manchester: Past and Present
A2856: Morton, Desmond & Granatstein, J. L - Victory, 1945: Canadians from War to Peace
A12133: Morton, A.L. and Tate, George - The British Labour Movement, 1770-1920: A History
A13333: Moseley, M. J. & Sant, Morgan E. C - Industrial Development in East Anglia:
C1436: Moss, Peter & Fonda, Nickie, eds - Work and the Family:
A3686: Moss, Michael; Elson, S. & Hume, John, eds - A Plumber's Pastime: Photographs of Victorian Life in the West of Scotland by Matthew Morrison
A12911: Moss, Les - Live and Learn: A Life and Struggle for Progress
C10710: British Mother's Magazine, - British Mother's Magazine: January 1950-January 1951
C5274: Motz, Marilyn Ferris - True Sisterhood: Michigan Women and their Kin, 1820-1920
A10308: Moule, Thomas - Moule's County Maps: The North of England
A14495: Mounfield, Arthur - Early Warrington Nonconformity: A Memorial Volume Issued by the Congregation of Cairo Street Chapel in Commemoration of the 250th Anniversary of the Granting of a License for Nonconformist Worship in Warrington
C10796: Mount, Ferdinand - The Subversive Family: An Alternative History of Love and Marriage
A8331: Mountfield, David - The Railway Barons:
C1207: Moynihan, Ruth Barnes - Rebel for Rights: Abigail Scott Duniway
C11926: Moynihan, Ruth Barnes, Russett, C. & Crumpacker, L - Second to None: A Documentary History of American Women: Volume II: From 1865 to the Present
A12273: Moynihan, Ruth B., Russett, C., & Crumpacker, L - Second to None: A Documentary History of American Women. Volume I: From the 16th Century to 1865
A12487: Mudie-Smith, Richard - The Religious Life of London:
C5304: Muggeridge, Kitty and Adam, Ruth - Beatrice Webb: A Life, 1858-1943
C7085: Muir, Kate - Suffragette City:
A4547: Muir, Richard - The Villages of England:
A8424: Mullard, Maurice - Understanding Economic Policy:
D13248: Mulryne, Ronnie and Shewring, Margaret - This Golden Round: The Royal Shakespeare Company at the Swan
A14795: Mundy, John - The British Musical Film:
A14976: Murland, J.R.W - The Royal Armoured Corps:
C4052: Murphy, Teresa Anne - Ten Hours' Labor: Religion, Reform, and Gender in Early New England
A14207: Murphy, Mary - Mining Cultures: Men, Women, and Leisure in Butte, 1914 - 41
A12206: Murphy, James - The Religious Problem in English Education: The Crucial Experiment
A15316: Murray, Robert N - Lest We Forget: The Experiences of World War II Westindian Ex-Service Personnel
C12663: Murrell, Christine M - Womanhood and Health:
A5441: J. Paul Getty Museum, - Drawings from the John Paul Getty Museum:
A14377: Science Museum, - The Science Museum: the First Hundred Years
A7978: Musgrave, P. W - Society and the Curriculum in Australia:
A336: Musgrave, P.W., ed - Sociology, History and Education:
A7603: Musson, A.E - British Trade Unions, 1800 - 1875:
A5880: Musson, A. E - The Typographical Association: Origins and History up to 1949
A11782: Myers, Bernard L - Goya:
J14272: Myler, Patrick - Gentleman Jim Corbett: The Truth Behind a Boxing Legend
A13356: Myrdal, Gunnar - The Cost of Living in Sweden, 1830 - 1930:
C12326: Myres, Sandra L - Ho for California: Women's Overland Diaries from the Huntington Library
C12625: Nagel, Paul C - The Adams Women: Abigail and Louisa Adams, Their Sisters and Daughters
A5443: Musee des Beaux-Arts de Nantes, - Peintures Monumentales: du Musee des Beaux-Arts de Nantes
H13237: Naterop, B.Jean and Revell, Rod - Telephoning in English:
A9824: National Institute, Economic and Social Research - The UK Economy:
A13190: Naudin, J-B, Plazy, G. and Saulnier, J - Cezanne: A Taste of Provence
F4602: Navarro, Miquel - Exhibition Catalogue 15th Nov to 15th Dec 1979: Del 15 de Noviembre al 15 de Diciembre 1979
A8736: Naylor, Leonard E - Dachshunds:
A5702: Naylor, Olive - Kambi Bolongo: The Land of Roots
C9146: Ndambuki, Berida and Robertson, Claire C - We Only Come Here to Struggle: Stories from Berida's Life
A599: Neale, R.S - Class and Ideology in the Nineteenth Century:
A13675: Neale, Douglas - Guide For Husbands and Wives or A Manual Of Wisdom:
A12541: Neale, R. S - Class in English History, 1680-1850:
C4538: Neff, Wanda F - Victorian Working Women: an Historical and Literary Study of Women in British Industries and Professions, 1832-1850
A3600: Neillands, Robin - The Wars of the Roses:
C14864: Nelson, Lucy - The Physician's Daughters: or, the Spring-time of Woman. A Tale
C11884: Nelson, Barbara J and Chowdhury, Najma - Women and Politics Worldwide:
A3211: Nelson, Brian - Emile Zola: A Selective Analytical Bibliography
A11233: Neu, Charles E - The Troubled Encounter: The United States and Japan
C8281: Neustatter, Angela - Hyenas in Petticoats: A Look at Twenty Years of Feminism
A14356: Nevin, Donal, editor - Trade Unions and Change in Irish Society:
A2921: Nevinson, Henry W - Visions and Memories:
A10808: Nevinson, Henry - Last Changes, Last Chances:
Z14729: Newark, Timothy - Medieval Warfare: an Illustrated Introduction
A2055: Newby, Howard - The Deferential Worker: a Study of Farm Workers in East Anglia
C10149: Newman, Francis William - Phases of Faith:
C12841: Newton, Judith and Rosenfelt, Deborah, eds - Feminist Criticsim and Social Change: Sex, Class and Race in Literature and Culture
A7884: Newton, J. L; Ryan, Mary P. & Walkowitz, J., eds - Sex and Class in Women's History:
C4620: Nicholson, Winifred. (Compiled by Andrew Nicholson) - Unknown Colour: Paintings, Letters, Writings by Winifred Nicholson
C12975: Nicholson, Joyce - What Society Does to Girls:
A8523: Nicholson, Mavis - What Did You Do in the War, Mummy?: Women in World War II
A5418: Nicholson, Graham & Fawcett, Jane - The Village in History:
A13515: Nickson, M.A.E - Early Autograph Albums in the British Museum:
A8505: Nicolson, Nigel - Portrait of a Marriage:
A14594: Nicolson, Nigel - Virginia Woolf:
C2437: Nightingale, Florence - Letters and Reflections:
A12959: Nisbet, Robert - Emile Durkheim: With Selected Essays
C2069: Nixon, Edna - Mary Wollstonecraft: her Life and Times
C6721: Noakes, Vivien - Edward Lear:
A3887: Noble, Peter - British Theatre:
J13875: Noin, Daniel and Woods, Robert, eds - The Changing Population of Europe:
A5070: Nolan, Christopher - Under the Eye of the Clock:
A13382: Norman, Sue and Roger, et al - The Small Garden:
A12684: Norman, John - Coarse Fishing with the Experts:
A12580: Normann, Roderick de - For Fuhrer and Fatherland: SS Muder and Mayhem in Wartime Britain
C9531: Norris, Pippa - Politics and Sexuality Equality: The Comparative Position of Women in Western Democracies
A12890: Norris, Samuel - Two Men of Manxland: Hall Caine (Novelist) and T. E. Brown (Poet)
A14088: North West Civic Trust, Norman Bilsborough - The Treasures of Cheshire:
C14705: Northcroft, Dora - Yarns on Women Pioneers:
A14074: Corporation of Nottingham, - Records of the Borough of Nottingham: Being a Series of Extracts from the Archives of the Corporation of Nottingham. Vol IX. 1836 - 1900
A5245: Nowell, Roger & Mills, Jeremy - The Skipper: a Fisherman's Tale
C8604: Nunn, Joan - Fashion in Costume, 1200 - 1980:
C15560: NUWSS Supporters' Badge, Suffragist Suffragette - Enamel Reproduction NUWSS Suffragist Suffragette Stick-Pin Badge / Brooch:
C12775: Nye, Andrea - Feminist Theory and the Philosophies of Man:
C12441: Oakes, Claudia M - United States Women in Aviation, 1930-1939:
C15700: Oakley, Ann - A Critical Woman: Barbara Wootton, Social Science and Public Policy in the Twentieth Century
C15734: Oakley, Ann and Mitchell, Juliet, eds - Who's Afraid of Feminism?: Seeing Through the Backlash
C15645: Oakley, Ann - Forgotten Wives: How Women Get Written Out of History
C12498: Oakley, Ann - Overheads:
C12447: Oakley, Ann - Telling the Truth about Jerusalem: A Collection of Essays and Poems
C10416: Oakley, Ann - Man and Wife: Richard and Kay Titmuss: My Parents Early Years
A337: Obelkevich, Jim; Roper, Lyndal; & Samuel, R., eds - Disciplines of Faith: Studies in Religion, Politics and Patriarchy
C15487: International Labour Office, - The War and Women's Employment: The Experience of the United Kingdom and the United States
C15514: Ogden, Annegret S. Ogden - The Great American Housewife: From helpmate to wage earner, 1776-1986
C34: Oldham, J.H. - Florence Allshorn and the Story of St. Julian's:
C375: Olivier, Edith - Four Victorian Ladies of Wiltshire: with an Essay on those Leisured Ladies
A4150: Ordish, George - The Living Garden: the 400-Year History of an English Garden
A12716: Orman, Richard A Van - A Room for the Night: Hotels of the Old West
A14935: Ormsby, Waterman L - The Butterfield Overland Mail: Only Through Passenger on the First Westbound Stage
C1108: Orr, Clarissa Campbell, ed - Wollstonecraft's Daughters: Womanhood in England and France, 1780-1920
A15644: Orr, Clarissa Campbell, ed - Women in the Victorian Art World:
A11911: Orr, Emily C - Our Working Boys: Suggestions for Their Teachers
A13971: Orrell, Robert - Saddle Tramp in the Lake District:
A14921: Orton, Harold and Halliday, Wilfrid J. eds - The Six Northern Counties And The Isle Of Man: Survey of English Dialects. Vol 1, Basic Material. Part 1
A12216: Orton, William Aylott - Labour in Transition: A Survey of British Industrial History since 1914
A8694: Osborne, Margaret - Collies:
G9965: Osler, Dorothy - Machine Patchwork: Technique and Design
A11145: Ostroff, Eugene - Photographing The Frontier:
C3402: Ostrogorski, M - The Rights of Woman: A Comparative Study in History and Legislation
A7269: Ottley, Lucy J - A Preliminary Manual of Home Nursing:
C15575: Ouditt, Sharon - Fighting Forces, Writing Women: Identity and Ideology in the First World War
A9739: Owen, John - L. T. Hobhouse: Sociologist
A13053: Owen, Frank - Tempestuous Journey: Lloyd George His Life and Times
A11337: Owens, W. R., ed - Seventeenth-Century England: A Changing Culture. Volume 2: Modern Studies
A12616: Ozga, Jenny, ed - Schoolwork: Approaches to the Labour Process of Teaching
A13055: Packe, Michael St John - The Life of John Stuart Mill:
A11051: Padgett, Stephen and Burkett, Tony - Political Parties and Elections in West Germany: The Seach for a New Stability
J12686: Pagan, Sylvette - Face Painting and Fancy Dress:
A15145: Page, Jesse - General Booth: the Man and his Work
C7834: Pahl, R. E - Divisions of Labour:
A14181: Palin, Michael - Sahara:
C2742: Palmer, W. Scott & Haggard, A. M - Michael Fairless: Her Life and Writings
A9929: Palmer, George Herbert - The Life of Alice Freeman Palmer:
A12283: Palmer, Samuel - Paintings and Drawings by Samuel Palmer: in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
J12963: Palmer, William T - The English Lakes:
C2541: Pankhurst, Richard - Sylvia Pankhurst: Artist and Crusader
C15723: Pankhurst, Emmeline - My Own Story:
C15646: Pankhurst, Helen - Deeds Not Words: The Story of Women's Rights - Then and Now
C15261: Pankhurst, Sylvia - Sylvia Pankhurst: Everything is Possible. DVD
A14023: Pankhurst, E. Sylvia - The Life of Emmeline Pankhurst: The Suffragette Struggle for Women's Citizenship
F6504: Pankhurst, Mrs Emmeline - Mrs Emmeline Pankhurst - Portrait: A print, taken from the original, hand-painted oils-on-canvas portrait by D. S Lynn. Commissioned by Portrayer Publishers
A11909: Pares, Richard - King George III and the Politicians: The Ford Lectures Delivered in Oxford, 1951-2
C14425: Parker, Julia - Women and Welfare: Ten Victorian Women in Public Social Service
C13728: Parker, Rozsika - The Subversive Stitch: Embroidery and the Making of the Feminine
A4551: Parker, Rowland - The Common Stream:
A5409: Parkinson, Anne C - A History of Catholicism in the Furness Peninsula, 1127-1997:
A3988: Parr, Joy - Labouring Children: British Immigrant Apprentices to Canada, 1869-1924
A5804: Parris, Leslie - Landscape in Britain, c 1750-1850:
A10531: Parris, L., Fleming-Williams, I., Shields, C - Constable: Paintings, Watercolours & Drawings
A10275: Parsons, The Rev. Martin - Your Marriage:
A1550: Partington, Jim - The Two-Up and Two-Downer (With a Taste for Honey): the Crowded Life of a Lancashire Lad
A14999: Partington, Geoffrey - Women Teachers in the Twentieth Century: in England and Wales
C10598: The Labour Party, - Discrimination Against Women: Report of a Labour Party Study Group
A14104: Pascall, Gillian and Cox, Roger - Women Returning to Higher Education:
C8966: Suffragette Embroidered Iron-on Patches, - Three WSPU Embroidered Iron-On Patches: Attractive Cloth Patches in Purple, White and Green, Featuring a Women's Social and Political Union Embroidered Insignia
C15627: Pateman, Carole and Gross Elizabeth, eds - Feminist Challenges: Social and Political Theory
A11123: Patenall, Philip - Learn to Draw People:
A7703: Paterson, Donald and Smith, J. Forest - Modern Methods of Feeding in Infancy and Childhood:
C8398: Paton, Maureen - The Best of Women: The History of Women of the Year
A7303: Patten, John, ed - Pre-Industrial England: Geographical Essays
A14566: Patterson, Gertrude - T. S. Eliot: Poems in the Making
D15079: Pattinson, Juliette - Behind Enemy Lines: Gender, Passing and the Special Operations Executive in the Second World War
C13247: Paul, Ellen Frankel - Equity and Gender: The Comparable Worth Debate
C12659: Paul, Nanette B - The Great Woman Statesman:
C1620: Paulson, Ross Evans - Liberty, Equality and Justice: Civil Rights, Women's Rights and the Regulation of Business, 1865-1932
A7688: Royal Commission on Equal Pay, - Royal Commission on Equal Pay: 1944 - 46 Report
A9143: Payne, P. L - British Entrepreneurship in the Nineteenth Century:
A15226: Payne, Robert - The Canal Builders: the Story of Canal Engineers Through the Ages
A6598: Peabody, Francis Greenwood - Education for Life: The Story of Hampton Institute
C11406: Peace, Helen F - The Pretended Family: A Study of Domestic Labour in Lesbian Families
A11901: Peake, Mervyn - Titus Alone:
Z15256: Pearce, A. H - Porpoise Bay:
A9783: Pearce, Malcolm and Stewart, Geoffrey - British Political History, 1867-1990: Democracy and Decline
A14744: Pearce, Joseph P - A Popular Excursion Through Ancient Liverpool:
A13208: Pearce, Edward - The Lost Leaders:
C15304: Pears, Edwin, ed - Transactions of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science: Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Meeting, 1870
A7656: Pearson, R.A - The Guardian Book of the Welfare State:
A14316: Pearson, Jeffrey - Cheshire Tales of Mystery and Murder:
C12510: Peavy, Linda and Smith, Ursula - Women in Waiting in the Westward Movement: Life on the Home Frontier
C15668: Pedersen, Joyce Senders - The Reform of Girls' Secondary and Higher Education in Victorian England: A Study of Elites and Educational Change
A12290: Pedley, Robin - The Comprehensive School:
C1267: Peel, Robert - Mary Baker Eddy: the Years of Trial, 1876-91
A13418: Peer, Willie Van, ed - The Taming of the Text: Explorations in Language, Literature and Culture
A13112: Pelham, R. A. - The Old Mills of Southampton:
A919: Pelling, Henry - A Short History of the Labour Party:
A1353: Pelling, Henry - A History of British Trade Unionism:
A5054: Pengelly, R. ed - John Ruskin: A Biographical Sketch
A14470: Penney, Stephen H - Lancaster: the Evolution of its Townscape to 1800
C15640: Pennington, Shelley & Westover, Belinda - A Hidden Workforce: Homeworkers in England, 1850 - 1985
C12490: Percival, Alicia C - The English Miss Today and Yesterday: Ideals, Methods and Personalities in the Education and Upbringing of Girls During the Last Hundred Years
A7553: Percival, Walter - Mountain Memories:
A13130: Working Man's Friend Periodical, - The Working Man's Friend and Family Instructor:
A11913: Perkin, Harold - Key Profession: The History of the Association of University Teachers
C4461: Perry, Elisabeth Israels - Belle Moskowitz: Feminine Politics and the Exercise of Power in the Age of Alfred G. Smith
A8224: Perry, P.J - A Geography of 19th-Century Britain:
A6694: Perry, P. J., ed - British Agriculture, 1875-1914:
A15276: Perry, Matt - Prisoners of Want: The Experience and Protest of the Unemployed in France, 1931-45 (Studies in Labour History)
A10089: Perry, P.J - British Agriculture 1875-1914:
A12264: Perryman, Nigel - Brave New Britain: Francis Frith's Method of Post-War Life
C13271: Pesotta, Rose - Bread Upon the Waters:
A13365: Petavel, J. W - Administrative Efficiency and What it Might Give Us: Reduced Military Expenditure with Increased Army Reserves, and the Solution of the Problems of the Unemployed, of Rehousing, and of Technical Education
E3634: Peters, Catherine - Thackeray's Universe: Shifting Worlds of Imagination and Reality
A12251: Peters, Don - Darley Abbey: From Monastery to Industrial Community
A8250: Petersen, William - Malthus:
C4229: Peterson, M. Jeanne - Family, Love and Work in the Lives of Victorian Gentlewomen:
A11458: Petrie, Sir Charles - George Canning:
C1616: Petroski, Catherine - A Bride's Passage: Susan Hathorn's Year Under Sail
A15017: Pettitt, Stephen J - Philharmonia Orchestra: A Record of Achievement, 1945 - 1985
K14339: Peyton, K. M - Prove Yourself a Hero:
K14258: Peyton, K. M - The Team:
C15327: Pfeiffer, Mrs - Women and Work: An Essay Treating on The Relation to Health and Physical Development of the Higher Education of Girls, and the Intellectual or More Systemised Effort of Women
A13263: Phares, Ross - Bible in Pocket Gun in Hand: The Story of Frontier Religion
A13331: Phelps, Humphrey, ed - Forest of Dean: England of One Hundred Years Ago. Photograph Collection
A11817: Philip, Brian - Excavations in West Kent, 1960-1970: The Discovery and Excavation of 30 Prehistoric, Roman, Anglo-Saxon and Medieval sites, mainly in the Bromley area and Danley valley
C4312: Philips, Deborah & Haywood, Ian - Brave New Causes: Women in British Postwar Fictions
C4311: Philips, Deborah & Haywood, Ian - Brave New Causes: Women in British Postwar Fictions
A6998: Philips, H and McInnes F. J. C - Exploration in the Junior School:
A2830: Philips, David - Crime and Authority in Victorian England: The Black Country 1835-1860
F4599: Philips, David, ed. - English Watercolours in Nottingham Castle:
C1630: Phillips, Catherine Coffin - Jessie Benton Fremont:
C15719: Phillips, Anne - Engendering Democracy:
C13642: Phillips, Anne - Democracy and Difference:
C15809: Phillips, Barbara - A Tottenham Childhood:
C10070: Phillips, Anne - Divided Loyalties: Dilemmas of Sex and Class
A8407: Phillips, Janet and Peter - Victorians at Home and Away:
A3434: Phillips, David - Exploring Museums: North West England and the Isle of Man
A14539: Phillips, C. B. and Smith, J. H, editors - Stockport Probate Records, 1620 - 1650:
A14538: Phillips, C. B. and Smith, J. H. editors - Stockport Probate Records, 1578 - 1619:
A13915: Philpott, Bryan - Fighters Defending the Reich: World War 2 Photo Album. Number 4
A3702: Pickering, W.F.S - A Social History of the Diocese of Newcastle, 1882-1982:
F4601: Pickvance, Ronald, introduction by - Edgar Degas: 2nd November - 9th December 1983
J11992: Picton-Seymour, Desiree - Historical Buildings in South Africa:
A7030: Pillai, Vijayan K. and Shannon Lyle W., eds - Developing Areas: A Book of Readings and Research
A11328: Pimlott, Ben - Frustrate their Knavish Tricks: Writings on Biography, History and Politics
C9033: Pinchbeck, Ivy - Women Workers and the Industrial Revolution, 1750 - 1850:
C4697: Ping-Ying, Hsieh - The Autobiography of a Chinese Girl: A Genuine Autobiography
C13108: Pininska, Mary - The Polish Kitchen:
A2493: Piper, David - Painting in England, 1500 - 1870:
A9602: Piraneshi, Giovanni Battista - Giovanni Battista Piraneshi:
C8392: Pitcher, Harvey - When Miss Emmie Was in Russia: English Governesses Before, During and After the October Revolution
A9376: Pitchfork, Graham - Men Behind the Medals:
A168: Place, Francis - Illustrations and Proofs of the Principle of Population: Including an Examination of the Proposed Remedies of Mr Malthus, and a Reply to the Objections of Mr Godwin. Together with Unpublished Letters of Place on Birth Control & Coleridge's Criticisms of Malthus's Views on Birth Control
J13428: Planche, J.R - A History of British Costume: From Ancient Times to the Eighteenth century
A10179: Political and Economic Planning (PEP), - Industrial Trade Associations: Activities and Organisation
A13401: Platts, A. and Hainton, G. H - Education in Gloucestershire: a Short History
A14372: Plaut, James S - The Story of Steuben Glass:
A11207: Plazzotta, Enzo - Bruton Gallery:
C7052: Plowden, Alison - Tudor Women: Queens and Commoners
C1033: Plowden, Alison - The Case of Eliza Armstrong: "a Child of 13 Bought for £5"
C1162: Plunket, Irene L - Sally Cocksure: a School Story
A14083: Polity, - The Polity Reader in Social Theory:
C15694: Polkey, Pauline, ed - Women's Lives Into Print: The Theory, Practice and Writing of Feminist Auto/Biography
A3375: Pollard, Sidney & Holmes, Colin - Documents of European Economic History: Vol. 3, The End of the Old Europe, 1914-1939
A3333: Pollard, Sidney, and Holmes, Colin, eds - Documents of European Economic History: Vol 2, Industrial Power and National Rivalry, 1870-1914
A1588: Pollard, Sidney, ed - The Gold Standard and Employment Policies Between the Wars:
A15692: Pollard, Andrew; Purvis, June; Walford, G., eds - Education, Training and the New Vocationalism: Experience and Policy
A14342: Pollard, Hugh B.C - Automatic Pistols:
A11170: Pond, Chris - Trouble in Store: A Study of Shopwork and Low Pay
A10291: Ponting, K. G., ed - Baines's Account of the Woollen Manufacture of England:
A13839: Poole, Vera E - The Small School:
C565: Pope-Hennessy, Una - Three English Women in America:
A11658: Pope, Liston - Millhands and Preachers:
G10438: Pope, Michael - Introducing Watercolour Painting:
C8449: Porter, Susan L. ed - Women of the Commonwealth: Work, Family and Social Change in Nineteenth-Century Massachusetts
C15776: Porter, David, ed - Between Men and Feminism:
A8092: Porter, Bernard - Britannia's Burden: The Political Evolution of Modern Britain, 1851-1990
A15126: Porter, Valerie - Yesterday's Countryside: Country Life as it Really Was
C14836: Suffragette Postcard, - Emmeline Pankhurst, 1858 - 1928:
C6881: Suffragette Poster, - Justice Demands the Vote:
C6880: Suffragette Poster, - Votes for Workers:
C6878: Suffragette Poster, - Handicapped:
C6877: Suffragette Poster, - Torturing Women in Prison: Vote Against the Government
C6876: Suffragette Poster, - Convicts, Lunatics and Women! Have No Vote for Parliament!: She: It is Time I Got Out of this Place - Where Shall I Find the KEY?
C14476: Suffragette Poster, - What a Woman May Be, and Yet Not Have the Vote: What a Man May Be, and Yet Not Lose the Vote
C12966: Suffragette Poster, - The Cat and Mouse Act: Passed by the Liberal Government
A12530: Pottle, Frederick, ed - Boswell in Holland, 1763-1764: Including his Correspondence with Belle de Zuylen (Zelide)
A12438: Pottle, Frederick A - Boswell's London Journal, 1762-1763:
A9888: Potts, Vanessa - Essential Monet:
A7151: Poulson, Christine - William Morris:
C2584: Powell, Lyman P - Mary Baker Eddy: A Life Size Portrait
A14970: Powell, Edgar and Trevelyan, G. M., eds - The Peasant's Rising and the Lollards: A Collection of Unpublished Documents Forming an Appendix to England in the Age of Wycliffe
A13527: Powell, C.G - An Economic History of the British Building Industry, 1815-1979:
A11338: Prandy, K., Stewart, A. and Blackburn, R. M - White-Collar Unionism:
A1824: Pratt, Edwin A - Licensing and Temperance in Sweden, Norway and Denmark:
A15139: Pratt, E.A - Trade Unionism and British Industry: A Reprint of The Times Articles on The Crisis in British Industry, with an Introduction
A10859: Irish University Press, - Focal Aspects of the Industrial Revolution, 1825-1842:
A12656: Preston, Robert - Days at the Coast:
A11037: Pretty, David A - The Rural Revolt that Failed: Farm Workers' Trade Unions in Wales, 1889-1950
A11161: Price, Harry - The Royal Tour, 1901: Or the Cruise of H. M. S. Ophir, being a Lower Deck Account of their Royal Highnesses, the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York's Voyage Around the British Empire
A298: Priestley, Philip - Victorian Prison Lives: English Prison Biography, 1830-1914
G9753: HP Deskjet 670C Series Printer, - User's Guide:
D3319: Prior, Mary, ed - Women in English Society 1500-1800:
C15165: Probert, Laura - Women of Thanet Rally Round the Flag, 1914 - 1918:
C3636: Procter, Adelaide Anne - Legends and Lyrics Together With a Chaplet of Verses:
A14554: Proctor, Richard - Watched by the Dead: A Loving Study Of Charles Dickens' Half Told Tale
A10831: Profumo, David and Swift, Graham, eds - The Magic Wheel:
A11059: Pronay, N., Smith B.R. and Hastie, T - The Use of Film in History Teaching:
C6760: Proud, E. Dorothea - Welfare Work: Employers' Experiments for Improving Working Conditions in Factories
J12583: Proudfoot, Karin - Genealogy for Beginners:
C15779: Pugh, Martin - The Pankhursts:
A8680: Pugh, Martin - State and Society: British Political and Social History, 1870-1992
A11887: Pullar, Philippa - Frank Harris:
A13093: Punch and Judy Poster, Reproduction of a Rare 1880 Image - The True Story of Punch and Judy: Royal Polytechnic. New Entertainment by Damer Cape. Humourous, Musical, Pictorial, Tragical, Comical. New Views by A. Mayhew & J. Green. New Music, by Edouard Frewin & Alfred Lee. New songs by Damer Cape & New Effects by the Institution. Twice Daily
A6410: Purvis, J.S - Educational Records:
A12594: Purvis, June and Hales, Margaret, eds - Achievement and Inequality in Education: A Reader
C4141: Putnam, Emily James - The Lady: Studies of Certain Significant Phases of her History
A15748: Quartly, Marian and Smart, Judith - Respectable Radicals: A History of the National Council of Women of Australia, 1896 - 2006
A11522: Questier, M.C., ed - Newsletters From the Archpresbyterate of George Birkhead:
J13310: Quinn, Tom - Angling in Art:
A13738: Quinn, Tom - Fishing's Strangest Days:
C9490: Rabb, Theodore K and Rotberg, Robert I - The Family in History: Interdisciplinary Essays
A3032: Race, Steve - The Two Worlds of Joseph Race:
H13609: Race, Phil - 53 Interesting Ways to Write Open Learning Materials:
A14690: Rackham, Bernard - Italian Maiolica:
C15345: Radcliffe, Ann - The Italian:
A11188: Radford, Matthew - Matthew Radford: April/May 1993. Grace Borgenicht Gallery, New York, and The Gallery, Three Zero, New York
C12426: Radner, Hilary - Shopping Around: Feminine Culture and the Pursuit of Pleasure
C2222: Raeburn, Antonia - The Suffragette View:
A11414: Raffo, P - The League of Nations:
A10255: Rahikainen, Marjatta - Centuries of Child Labour: European Experience from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century
C2820: Rai, S, Pilkington, H, Phizacklea, A, eds - Women in the Face of Change: The Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and China
A10560: Raistrick, Arthur - West Riding of Yorkshire:
A10360: Raitz, Karl, ed - A Guide to the National Road:
C12370: Ramazanoglu, Caroline - Feminism and the Contradictions of Oppression:
C917: Ramazanoglu, Caroline - Feminism and the Contradictions of Oppression:
A14924: Ramos-Poqui, Guillem - The Technique of Icon Painting:
C891: Ramsay, E. Mary - Christian Science and its Discoverer:
C14480: Ramsay, Esther, M.E. & Maddock, Alison, J., eds - The Churchwardens' Accounts of Walton-On-The-Hill, Lancashire, 1627 - 1667:
A3767: Ranchetti, Michele - The Catholic Modernists: a Study of the Religious Reform Movement, 1864-1907
C8754: Randall, Vicky - Women and Politics:
A14557: Randell, Keith - Luther and the German Reformation, 1517-55:
A5874: Ranelagh, John - CIA: A History
A15802: Rapoport, Rhona and Rapoport, Robert N - Leisure and the Family Life Cycle:
A15091: Rauchbauer, Otto - The Edith Oenone Somerville Archive in Drishane: a Catalogue and an Evaluative Essay
A14412: Ravenhill, Alice - Some Characteristics and Requirements of Childhood:
C990: Raverat, Gwen - Period Piece: a Cambridge Childhood
A1290: Ray, Gordon N - H.G. Wells and Rebecca West:
A13743: Ray, John - The Growth of Schools: 1750 to the present Day
A3044: Raybould, T.J - The Economic Emergence of the Black Country: A Study of the Dudley Estate
A9160: Razzell, Peter - William Shakespeare: The Anatomy of an Enigma
A8691: Read, Anthony & Fisher, David - The Proudest Day: India's Long Road to Independence
A632: Read, Donald - Edwardian England, 1901-1915: Society and Politics
A10350: Read, Donald and Glasgow, Eric - Feargus O'Connor: Irishman and Chartist
C15727: Real Photographic Suffragette Postcard, Original - Suffragettes' Parade. March 3rd 1913. Washington DC: Women Representing Foreign Countries
H13042: Reay, Barry - Watching Hannah: Sexuality, Horror and Bodily De-formation in Victorian England
A14563: Redclift, Nanneke and Sinclair, M. Thea - Working Women: International Perspectives on Labour and Gender Ideology
C15739: Redfern, Catherine and Aune, Kristin - Reclamiing the F Word: the New Feminist Movement
A14374: Redman, William - Illustrated Handbook Of Information On Pewter And Sheffield Plate: With Full Particulars Of Touch Marks, Maker's Marks, etc
A12079: Reece, S - Guide to Manchester and Salford:
A15219: Rees, Teresa - Women and the Labour Market:
A13946: Rees, Joan - Matilda Betham-Edwards: Novelist, Travel Writer and Francophile
A15278: Reeves, Frank - British Racial Discourse: A Study of British Political Discourse About Race and Race-related Matters
C14887: Reid, Marion - A Plea for Woman: Being a Vindication of the Importance and Extent of her Natural Sphere of Action With Remarks on Recent Works on the Subject
C114: Reid, Robert - Marie Curie:
C4128: Reilly, Catherine, ed - Winged Words: Victorian Women's Poetry and Verse
C4924: Reintjes, Liz - Influence and Originality: Landscapes, c.1920-c.1950. Winifred Nicholson, Ivon Hitchens, Frances Hodgkins
C831: Rendall, Jane - The Origins of Modern Feminism: Women in Britain, France and the United States, 1780-1860
C7322: Rendall, Jane - Women in an Industrialising Society, 1750-1880:
C15724: Rendel, Margherita, ed - Women, Power and Political Systems:
A3891: Renoir, Jean - Renoir: My Father:
A13189: Renshaw, Patrick - Nine Days in May: The General Strike
F7669: Renton, Andrew - Maria Chevska:
A15062: Renton, Alice - Tyrant or Victim: a History of the British Governess
C15569: Portrayer Reproductions, - Suffragette Jewelled Ring: Sterling Silver Domed Costume Ring in The Style of The Suffragettes
C15568: Portrayer Reproductions, - Replica Rectangular Votes for Women Suffragette Badge:
A1555: Rex, John & Moore, Robert - Race, Community and Conflict: a Study of Sparkbrook
A15501: Reynolds, Stephen - A Poor Man's House: with an introduction by Roy Hatterseley
A10299: Reynolds, M. E - Memories of John Galsworthy:
J12958: Rhodes, Mary - Needlepoint: The Art of Canvas Embroidery
G13087: Rhodes, Mary - Ideas for Canvas Work:
C8308: Rich, Doris L - Amelia Earhart: A Biography
C9075: Richards, J., Wilson, S. and Woodhead, L., eds - Diana: The Making of a Media Saint
C892: Richardson, Diane & Robinson, Victoria, eds - Introducing Women's Studies: Feminist Theory and Practice
C110: Richardson, Joanna - Colette:
A15060: Richardson, Michael F - Around Durham:
A13502: Richardson, Helen J - Adolescent Girls in Approved Schools:
A11846: Richardson, Joanna - Stendhal: A Biography
A11720: Richardson, R.C - Puritanism in North-West England:
C15409: Richmond, The Late Rev - The Dairyman's Daughter:
A15729: Rickards, Maurice, ed - Poster of Protest and Revolution:
A15731: Riding, Jacqueline - Peterloo: The Story of the Manchester Massacre
C5115: Ridley, Annie E - Frances Mary Buss and her Work for Education:
C2294: Riemer, Eleanor S. & Fout, John C., eds - European Women: a Documentary History, 1789-1945
J13307: Riley, Paul - Flower Painting: How to Paint Free and Vibrant Watercolours
C12345: Riley, Glenda - Inventing the American Woman: A Perspective on American Women's History
C12330: Riley, Glenda - Divorce: An American Tradition
C9597: Rinehart, Sue Tolleson - Gender Consciousness and Politics:
A15714: Ritchie, Rear Admiral G. S - The Admiralty Chart: British Naval Hydrography in the 19th Century
A12461: Rixson, Denis - The Hebridean Traveller:
A10318: Robb, Tom - Painting & Drawing: A Complete Art Course
G10414: Robb, Tom - Pack Up and Paint: Landscapes
C8261: Robbins, Keith - The Eclipse of a Great Power: Modern Britain, 1870-1975
A9399: Robbins, Keith - The Eclipse of a Great Power: Modern Britain, 1870-1975
A13552: Robbins, Keith - Nineteenth-Century Britain: England, Scotland and Wales: The Making of a Nation
C7668: Roberts, Elizabeth - Women's Work, 1840-1940:
C4152: Roberts, Elizabeth - A Woman's Place: an Oral History of Working-Class Women, 1890-1940
C1563: Roberts, Elizabeth - Women and Families: an Oral History, 1940-1970
A2955: Roberts, Elizabeth, ed - A History of Linen in the North West:
A15175: Roberts, John Easter - Hazards of the Footplate: LNWR to BR
A14706: Roberts, Elizabeth, editor. Lancaster University - Centre for North-West Regional Studies: Regional Bulletin
A14358: Roberts, Cathy - Women and Rape:
A11931: Roberts, Harry - British Rebels and Reformers:
A10160: Roberts, Robert - A Ragged Schooling: Growing Up in the Classic Slum
C15297: Robertson, Emma - Chocolate, Women and Empire: a Social and Cultural History
A14441: Robertson, John M - The Eight Hours Question:
C9864: Robins, Elizabeth - Where are you Going to?:
C2995: Robins, Elizabeth - The Convert:
C14930: Robins, Elizabeth - Way Stations:
C2624: Robinson, Jane - Parrot Pie for Breakfast: An Anthology of Women Pioneers
C15657: Robinson, Jane - Hearts and Minds: The Untold Story of the Great Pilgrimage and How Women Won the Vote
C12560: Robinson, Lillian S - Sex, Class and Culture:
A15392: Robinson, W. Sydney - Muckraker: The Scandalous Life and Times of W. T. Stead. Britain's First Investigative Journalist
A15069: Robinson, A. H. W - Marine Cartography in Britain: A history of the Sea Chart to 1855
A10714: Robinson, H and Bamford., C. G - Geography of Transport:
J11397: Robinson-Welsh, Dawn - Memories of Old Yorkshire:
D13733: Roby, John - Traditions of Lancashire: Volume II
G13067: Roche, Tony and Monahan, Patricia - Decorating with Stencils: Innovative Designs Step-by-Step Instructions Templates
A13324: Roche, Daniel - The People of Paris: An Essay in Popular Culture in the 18th Century
F4600: Rocker, Fermin - Paintings: 14th June - 2nd July 1988
A2985: Roderick, Gordon W. & Stephens, Michael D - Scientific and Technical Education in Nineteenth-Century England:
A10487: Roethel, Hans Konrad - Modern German Painting:
A7098: Rogers, Jean Scott - Stage by Stage: the Making of the Theatre Museum
A4799: Rogers, Stanley - Barenetha Rock: A True Drama of the Sea
A15251: Rogers, H. C. B. - Mounted Troops of British Army, 1066 - 1945:
Z14701: Rogers, Pat, ed - Daniel Defoe: A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain
C10006: Rollyson, Carl - Rebecca West: A Saga of the Century
C397: Romero, Patricia W - E. Sylvia Pankhurst: Portrait of a Radical
A7695: Rooper, T.G - School and Home Life: Essays and Lectures on Current Educational Topics
A13840: Rooy, Max Van - Honderdzes Adressen in Den Haag:
C8925: Rose, June - Marie Stopes and the Sexual Revolution:
C1405: Rose, June - Marie Stopes and the Sexual Revolution:
A5017: Rose, Sonya O - Limited Livelihoods: Gender and Class in Nineteenth-Century England
A14208: Rose, Fran - Cross Stitch: Design Manual
A13174: Rose, Andrea - Pre-Raphaelite Portraits:
A12352: Rose, Mark H - Cities of Light and Heat: Domesticating Gas and Electricity in Urban America
C1077: Rosen, Ruth & Davidson, Sue, eds - The Maimie Papers:
A8395: Rosen, Ruth & Davidson, Sue, eds - The Maimie Papers:
C12562: Rosenberg, Rosalind - Beyond Separate Spheres: Intellectual Roots of Modern Feminism
A12786: Rosenblatt, Frank F - The Chartist Movement: In Its Social and Economic Aspects
A5303: Ross, James - The Power I Pledge: Being a Centenary Study of the Life of William Quarrier and the Work he Pioneered
C15598: Rosser, Sue V - Feminism within the Science and Health Care Professions: Overcoming Resistance
C15618: Rossetti, William Michael, ed - The Poetical Works of Mrs Felicia Hemans:
C15628: Rossiter, Jenny - Nobler and Better Things: Octavia Hill's Life and Work
C12563: Rothman, Sheila M - Woman's Proper Place: A History of Changing Ideals and Practices, 1870 to the Present
A14811: Rothwell, Catherine - Fleetwood as it Was:
C503: Rowbotham, Sheila - Friends of Alice Wheeldon:
C4162: Rowbotham, Judith - Good Girls Make Good Wives: Guidance for Girls in Victorian Fiction
C2138: Rowbotham, Sheila - A Century of Women: the History of Women in Britain and the United States
C1584: Rowbotham, Sheila - A New World for Women: Stella Browne - Socialist Feminist
A15749: Rowbotham, Sheila; Segal, Lynne and Wainwright, H - Beyond the Fragments: Feminism and the Making of Socialism
A13848: Rowntree, Amy - The Early Settlement of Sandy Bay:
A13344: Rowntree, B. Seebohm, ed - Betting and Gambling: a National Evil
A13195: Rowntree, Joseph and Sherwell, Arthur - The Temperance Problem and Social Reform:
A10189: Rowntree, Maurice - Social Freedom: A Study in the Application of the Ethics of Jesus to Modern Social and Industrial Problems
H15136: Royal Norwegian Government, Information Office - Before We Go Back: Norway's Fight Since April, 1940. A Pictorial Record Of Norway's Fight Against Nazism Both Inside And Outside Germany, With A Postscript By Philip Noel-Baker
C15688: Royal College of Nursing, Molly Case - Album: It May Be for Sometime, it May be Forever
A7705: Royal Commission on Historical Monuments, and Roger Leech - Early Industrial Housing: the Trinity Area of Frome
C15481: Royden, Maude - Women's Partnership in the New World:
A10251: Royle, Edward - Chartism:
A2181: Rozanow, Z. & Smulikowska, E - The Cultural Heritage of Jasna Gora:
A8542: Rubinstein, David - School Attendance in London, 1870 - 1904: A Social History
A8040: Rubinstein, David - Victorian Homes:
A3939: Rude, George - Ideology and Popular Protest:
A1882: Ruskin, John - The Ethics of the Dust: Ten Lectures to Little Housewives on the Elements of Crystallization
A15490: Russell, Elbert - The History of Quakerism:
A14204: Russell, Alice - The TUC and the Working Time Question: Policy, Action and Outcomes in Twentieth Century Britain
A10127: Russell, Meg - Must Politics Disappoint:
C9967: Ruth, Sheila - Issues in Feminism: A First Course in Women's Studies
C4021: Ryan, Mary P - Women in Public: Between Banners and Ballots, 1825-1880
C15577: Ryan-Flood, Roisin and Gill, Rosalind, eds - Secrecy and Silence in the Research Process: Feminist Reflections (Transformations)
A14899: Ryan, John and Jeuda, Basil - Railway Postcard Scenes of Cheshire:
A10130: Ryder, Judith and Silver, Harold - Modern English Society:
A13972: Sackett, Terence - British Life a Century Ago: Images from the Francis Frith Collection
A12072: Sackett, Terence - British Life A Century Ago: Images from the Francis Frith Collection
C5430: Sadat, Jehan - A Woman of Egypt:
A707: Sadler, Michael E - Report on Secondary and Higher Education in Essex:
A11899: Sadler, Arthur - Paper Sculpture:
C7301: Sage, Lorna - The Cambridge Guide to Women's Writing in English:
A7521: Sahgal, Nayantara and Rai, E. N Mangat - Relationship: Extracts from a Correspondence
A14143: Sainsbury, Keith - Churchill and Roosevelt at War: The War They Fought and the Peace They Hoped to Make
G8679: Salamon, Ferdinando - A Collector's Guide to Prints and Printmakers From Durer to Picasso:
A9274: Salisbury, Harrison E - Disturber of the Peace: Memoirs of a Foreign Correspondent
C5422: Salter, Elizabeth - Edith Sitwell:
C15500: Sambrook, Pamela - Laundry Bygones:
A5565: Sambrook, James - William Cobbett:
C15752: Sampson, Fiona - In Search of Mary Shelley: The Girl Who Wrote Frankenstein
A3698: Sampson, William R - John McLoughlin's Business Correspondence, 1847-48:
C10890: Sancton, Thomas and MacLeod, Scott - Death of a Princess:
C6140: Sand, George - Marianne:
C5967: Sand, George - My Life: George Sand
C1448: Sand, George - Indiana:
C12317: Sander, Kathleen Waters - The Business of Charity: The Woman's Exchange Movement, 1832-1900
A8079: Sanderson, Michael, ed - The Universities in the Nineteenth Century:
C13123: Sandford, Mrs Henry - Home Work and Duties:
A9374: Sandford, Christopher - Sting: Demolition Man
C4081: Sands, Frederick & Broman, Sven - The Divine Garbo:
A13173: Sandys, Celia - Churchill Wanted Dead or Alive:
A12522: Sandys, Celia - The Young Churchill: The Early Years of Winston Churchill
A15111: Sangster, Joan - Transforming Labour: Women and Work in Postwar Canada
A11268: Sapsford, David - Labour Market Economics:
A12891: Sargent-Baur, Barbara Nelson and Cook, Robert Francis - Aucassin et Nicolette: A Critical Bibliography
A15406: Sassoon, Siegfried - The Heart's Journey:
C9878: Saunders, Beatrice - Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough: Her Life and Times
A3835: Savage, Katharine - The Story of British Trade Unions:
A14863: Savage, Henry L., ed - St. Erkenwald: a Middle English Poem
A14116: Savage, Mike and Witz, Anne, eds - Gender and Bureaucracy:
A15028: Junior League of Savannah, - Savannah Style: a Cookbook
A12240: Saville, Diana - Colour:
A10335: Saville, John - 1848: The British State and the Chartist Movement
A12956: Sawyer, Rex L - The Bowerchalke Papers: Collett's Village Newspaper, 1878-1924
C2292: Saxton, Martha - Louisa May: a Modern Biography of Louisa May Alcott
A3969: Sayce, R. A - Style in French Prose: A Method of Analysis
C4951: Sayers, Peig - An Old Woman's Reflections:
A2705: Sayers, R. S - A History of Economic Change in England, 1880-1939:
A9994: Sayles, G.O - The Medieval Foundations of England:
A12778: Sayles, G.O - The Medieval Foundations of England:
A6816: Sazonova, K - Andrei Mylnikov:
C14152: Scaffardi, Sylvia - Fire Under the Carpet: Working for Civil Liberties in the 1930s
A9628: Schama, Simon - A History of Britain: The British Wars 1603-1776
A11845: Schama, Simon - A History of Britain: At the Edge of the World? 300BC-AD1603
C6175: Scharff, Virginia - Twenty Thousand Roads: Women, Movement and the West
C1296: Scheinfeld, Amram - Women and Men:
A13390: Scher, Mark J. - Japanese Interfirm Networks and Their Main Banks:
C2376: Schleiner, Louise - Tudor and Stuart Women Writers:
A12359: Schlereth, Thomas J - Victorian America: Transformations in Everyday Life, 1876-1915
A14986: Schlissel, Lillian; Gibbens, Byrd and Hampsten, E - Far from Home: Families of the Westward Journey
A10426: Schofield, A. T - Nerves in Order: or the Maintenance of Health
A15038: Boughton Monchelsea School, - Boughton Monchelsea School: Log Book Extracts, 1863 - 1963
C3440: Schreiner, Olive - The Story of an African Farm:
C1821: Schreiner, Olive - Woman and Labor:
A12954: Schulman, Arlene - The Prizefighters: An Intimate Look at Champions and Characters
A14345: Schwarz, Hans - Painting in Towns and Cities:
A3361: British Assoc. Advancement of Science, - Scientific Survey of South-Eastern Scotland:
C5734: Scott, Philippa - Lucky Me:
C15001: Scott, Hilda - Women and Socialism: Experiences from Eastern Europe
C12628: Scott, Anne Firor and Scott, Andrew MacKay - One Half the People: The Fight for Woman Suffrage
C1191: Scott, Richenda - Elizabeth Cadbury, 1858-1951: A Biography
A9097: Scott, A. F - The Early Hanoverian Age, 1714-1760: Commentaries on an Era
A13825: Scott, W. H., Mumford, Enid, McGivering, et al - Coal and Conflict: A Study of Industrial Relations at Collieries
A13381: Scott, W. H. et al - Coal and Conflict: A Study of Industrial Relations at Collieries
A13511: Scottish Education Department, Ministry of Transport - Report: of the Scottish Inter-Departmental Committee on Road Safety among School Children
A7823: Scrase, Tony - Wells: A Pictorial History
A15151: Scrivenor, Harry - History of the Iron Trade of Great Britain: From the Earliest Records to the Present Period
C15650: Scutt, Jocelynne A - Women and Magna Carta: A Treaty for Rights or Wrongs?
A9899: Seabrook, Jeremy - Unemployment:
C3161: Seager, Joni & Olson, Ann - Women in the World: An International Atlas
G5221: Seager, Donald - Glove Puppetry:
C5883: Seagraves, Anne - High-Spirited Women of the West:
A15565: Searby, Peter - Weavers and Outworkers in Victorian Times:
G10511: Seaton, Jamie and Jessie - The Seaton Collection: Exclusive Knitting Designs by Jamie and Jessie Seaton
C11822: Seccombe, Wally - A Millennium of Family Change: Feudalism to Capitalism in Northwestern Europe
C15701: Seddon, Laura - British Women Composers and Instrumental Chamber Music: in the Early Twentieth Century
J11164: Seddon, George and Bicknell, Andrew - The Complete Guide to Conservatory Gardening:
C11411: Seear, B.N - Re-Entry of Women to the Labour Market After An Interruption in Employment:
A15564: Seidler, Victor J - Recreating Sexual Politics: Men, Feminism and Politics
A11222: Selby, Walford, D. ed - Lancashire and Cheshire Records Preserved in the Public Record Office, London:
A11221: Selby, Walford D., ed - Lancashire and Cheshire Records Preserved in the Public Record Office, London:
A15531: Seldon, Anthony and Pappworth, Joanna - By Word of Mouth: Elite Oral History
C8405: Sellers, Susan - Language and Sexual Difference: Feminist Writing in France
A8667: Selley, Ernest - Village Trade Unions in Two Centuries:
A10779: Semmel, Bernard - The Methodist Revolution:
A11212: Sempill, Cecilia - English Pottery and Porcelain:
A10503: Sengoopta, Chandak - Imprint of the Raj: How Fingerprinting was Born in Colonial India
C9528: Senjen, Rye, and Guthrey, Jane - The Internet for Women:
A13894: German Report Series, - The German Campaign in the Balkans (Spring 1941):
A15733: Service, Robert - Spies and Commissars: Bolshevik Russia and the West
A14891: Service, Robert W - The Rhymes of a Red-Cross Man:
A12750: Service, Robert - The Best of Robert Service:
A15147: Seton-Watson, Hugh - The East European Revolution:
A10943: Settle, Mary Lee - All the Brave Promises:
A11402: Journal of the History of Sexuality, - Journal of the History of Sexuality:
C13604: Seymer, Lucy Ridgely - Florence Nightingale:
C12599: Seymour-Jones, Carole - Beatrice Webb: Woman of Conflict
C9404: Shadegg, Stephen - Clare Booth-Luce: A Biography
C12758: Shahar, Shulamith - The Fourth Estate: A History of Women in The Middle Ages
C12432: Shanley, Mary Lyndon and Narayan, Uma, eds - Reconstucting Political Theory: Feminist Perspectives
A11507: Shannon, Richard - Gladstone:
C6498: Sharp, Evelyn - Rebel Women:
C10666: Sharpe, Sue - 'Just Like a Girl': How Girls Learn to be Women
F8464: Shastid, Jack and Roach, Geraldine M - The Bullmastiff: Peerless Protector
C753: Shaw, Marion, ed - Man Does, Woman Is: an Anthology of Work and Gender
A5235: Shaw, Jenny - Intellectual Property, Representative Experience and Mass-Observation:
A3117: Shaw, A.G.L - The Story of Australia:
A2903: Shaw, Frank & Joan - We Remember Dunkirk: Over 100 Personal Accounts
A14092: Shaw, Jenny - Education, Gender and Anxiety:
A14225: Shaxby, W. J - The Case Against Picketing:
C6069: Sheldrick, Helen M - Pioneer Women Teachers of Connecticut, 1767-1970: Two Hundred Years of Creative Service
C2308: Shelley, Mary - Maurice: or the Fisher's Cot
C12277: Shelley, Mary - Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus
A14601: Shepherd, George H - A Short History of the British School of Painting:
A14396: Shepherd, R. G - Gathered Leaves:
C5912: Sheridan, Dorothy, ed - Wartime Women: A Mass-Observation Anthology of Women's Writing, 1937 - 1945
C1657: Sheridan, Dorothy, ed - Wartime Women: A Mass-Observation Anthology
C12624: Sheridan, Dorothy, ed - Wartime Women: A Mass-Observation Anthology: The Experiences of Women at War
A14909: Sherrill, Charles H - Mosaics in Italy, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, and Greece:
A5670: Shewell-Cooper, W. E - The Royal Gardeners: King George VI and His Queen
F10281: Shiels, Tony 'Doc' - Monstrum!: A Wizard's Tale. Introduction by Colin Wilson
C1954: Shiman, Lilian Lewis - Women and Leadership in Nineteenth-Century England:
A11046: Shipman, David - Cinema: The First Hundred Years
C15460: Shipton, Elisabeth - Female Tommies: the Frontline Women of the First World War
C463: Shonfield, Zuzanna - The Precariously Privileged: A Professional Family in Victorian London
A14042: Short, Basil and Sales, John - The Book of Bridport:
C436: Shorter, E - The Making of the Modern Family:
C13708: Showalter, Elaine - Inventing: Claiming a Feminist Intellectual Heritage
A6512: Showler, Brian & Sinfield, Adrian, eds - The Workless State: Studies in Unemployment
A9573: Shrapnel, Norman - The Seventies: Britain's Inward March
A13824: Shriver, William P - Immigrant Forces: Factors in the New Democracy
A6622: Shturman, Dora - The Soviet Secondary School:
A964: Shuttleworth, J.K - Thoughts and Suggestions on Certain Social Problems: Contained Chiefly in Addresses to Meetings of Workmen in Lancashire
A15795: Sigwart, E.E - Royal Fleet Auxiliary: its Ancestry and Affiliations
A12200: Silberston, D. M - Youth in a Technical Age: A Study of Day Release
A2891: Silkin, Jon, ed - First World War Poetry:
C2765: Silver, R & Brandenburger, Caroline - Establishment Wives:
A2261: Silver, Pamela & Harold - The Education of the Poor: the History of a National School, 1824-1974
A2207: Silver, Harold - English Education and the Radicals, 1780-1850:
A11903: Silver, Harold - Education and the Social Condition:
A15775: Silverstone, Paul H - The Navy of World War II, 1922 - 1947:
C9343: Silverstone, Rosalie and Ward, Audrey, eds - Careers of Professional Women:
C15010: Simeone, Angela - Academic Women: Working Towards Equality
A14236: Simmons, Jack - Life in Victorian Leicester:
A12067: Simmons, Jack - Parish and Empire: Studies and Sketches
C6084: Simon, Sir John - Portrait of My Mother:
C13281: Simon, Rita J. and Danziger, Gloria - Women's Movements in America: Their Successes, Disappointments and Aspirations
A692: Simon, Brian - Education & the Labour Movement, 1870-1920:
A5298: Simon, Robert B - From Sacred to Sensual: Italian Paintings, 1400-1750
A4069: Simon, E.D - The Anti-Slum Campaign:
A1964: Simon, John - Three Speeches on the General Strike:
C15485: Simpson, Patricia - Marguerite Bourgeoys and Montreal, 1640-1665:
A14055: Simpson, M. A. and Lloyd, T. H., eds - Middle Class Housing in Britain:
A13057: Sinclair, Andrew - The Better Half: The Emancipation of the American Woman
A10039: Sinclair, J. B and Fenn, R. W. D - Just the Right Man: John Richard Worthington Poole-Hughes, 1916-1988: Bishop of South West Tanganyika, 1962-1974, and Bishop of Llandaff 1975-1985
A7919: Singh, B. P - The Problem of Change: A Study of North-East India
A13404: Sislian, Jack, ed - Representative Sadleriana: Sir Michael Sadler (1861-1943) on English, French, German and American Schools and Society - A Perennial Reader for Academics and the General Public
A15536: Sisman, Adam - Hugh Trevor-Roper: The Biography
A9080: Siviter, Roger - The Settle to Carlisle: A Tribute
A11857: Skelton, Robin - J. M. Synge and his World:
A10055: Skelton, Robin - Begging the Dialect: Poems and Ballads
A10688: Skidelsky, Robert - Interests and Obsessions: Historical Essays
A10168: Skopp, Douglas Richard - The Mission of the Volksschule: Political Tendencies in German Primary Education, 1840-1870
A11317: Skrubbeltrang, Fridlev - The Danish Folk High Schools:
A14198: Slack, Roy - Advertising the Classics: For Descant Recorder. Book 2
C4929: Slater, Catherine Ponton - Margaret Pow in Foreign Parts:
A13977: Slocum, Victor - Capt Joshua Slocum: The Adventures of America's Best Known Sailor
C6011: Smart, Carol, ed - Regulating Womanhood: Historical Essays on Marriage, Motherhood and Sexuality
A14077: Smart, Richard - Trees and Woodlands of Cheshire: a History and Guide
F5529: Smith, Ray Campbell - Fresh Watercolour: Bring Light and Life to Your Painting
C6905: Smith, Joan - Femmes de Siecle: Stories from the '90s: Women Writing at the End of Two Centuries
C4236: Smith, Anne - Women Remember: an Oral History
C3679: Smith, Angela K. , ed - Women's Writing of the First World War: An Anthology
C3455: Smith, Charlotte - The Young Philosopher:
C2483: Smith, Charlotte - Desmond:
C2053: Smith, Clifford P - Sketches from the Life of Mary Baker Eddy and the History of Christian Science:
C15573: Smith, Angela - Discourses Surrounding British Widows of the First World War:
A7883: Smith, Keith - The British Economic Crisis: its Past and Future
A14952: Smith, Captain Alexander - A Complete History of the Lives and Robberies of the Most Notorious Highwaymen: Footpads, Shoplifts and Cheats of Both Sexes
A14936: Smith, Alice E - Millstone and Saw: The Origins of Neenah-Menasha
A14260: Smith, Lucy Toulmin - York Plays: the Plays Performed By the Crafts Or Mysteries of York on the Day of Corpus Christi in the 14th, 15th and 16th Centuries
A13465: Smith, J. H - The Gordon's Mill Farming Club, 1758-1764:
A13139: Smith-Rosenberg, Carroll - Disorderly Conduct: Visions of Gender in Victorian America
A12292: Smith, J. Manton - Stray Leaves from My Story:
A10853: Smith, W. David - Stretching their Bodies:
C14784: Smitley, Megan - The Feminine Public Sphere: Middle-class Women and Civic Life in Scotland, c. 1870 - 1914
A11620: Smout, T.C - A History of the Scottish People, 1560-1830:
A13340: Snowden, Philip - The Living Wage:
A11864: Sochen, June - Movers and Shakers: American Women Thinkers and Activists, 1900-1970
C11578: Council of the Bronte Society, - Bronte Parsonage:
A13744: Royal Historical Society, - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: XVI
A13023: Royal Historical Society, - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: XIV
A12295: Royal Historical Society, - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society:
A12208: Edinburgh Festival Society, - Rumanian Art Treasures: Fifteenth to Eighteenth Centuries
A11432: Fabian Society, - Why Life Chances Matter: The Interim Report of the Fabian Commission on Life Chances and Child Poverty
A10177: Royal Historical Society, - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: 2003
A10166: Royal Historical Society, - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: 2001
A10165: Royal Historical Society, - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: 2000
A15666: Soldon, Norbert C - Women in British Trade Unions 1874 - 1976:
C2305: Soliday, Gerald L.; Hareven, Tamara K.; et al eds - History of the Family and Kinship: a Select International Bibliography
C5338: Somerville, Claire & Watson, Helena - Birth and Power: an Examination of Some Mass-Observation Writing
A10422: Somerville, E. OE., and Ross, Martin - Some Irish Yesterdays:
C3560: Souhami, Diana - The Trials of Radclyffe Hall:
A14994: Soulsby, Lucy H. M - The Use of Leisure: I. Some Thoughts on the Education of Girls. II. Our Duty to Our Neighbour
A12692: Soulsby, Lucy - H.M: Stray Thoughts on Character
A14799: Spalding, Thomas Alfred - The Work of the London School Board:
C14158: Spallone, Patricia - Beyond Conception: New Politics of Reproduction
A5038: Spaull, Hebe - The Co-operative Movement in the World Today:
A13586: Speed, P.F - Police and Prisons:
A14906: Spence, Jeoffry - Victorian and Edwardian Railways from Old Photographs:
A13637: Spencer, Herbert - Tumours Complicating Pregnancy, Labour and the Puerperium: Being The Lettsomian Lectures Delivered Before The Medical Society Of London, February and March 1920
C9940: Spender, Dale - Feminist Theories: Three Centuries of Women's Intellectual Traditions
C2141: Spender, Dale, ed - The Penguin Anthology of Australian Women's Writing:
C12395: Spender, Dale and Todd, Janet - Anthology of British Women Writers:
H10747: Spender, Dale - The Writing or the Sex: or, Why You Don't Have to Read Women's Writing to Know it's No Good
A14860: Spink, Henry Hawkes - The Gunpowder Plot And Lord Mounteagle's Letter: Being a Proof, With Moral Certitude, of the Authorship of the Document Together With Some Account of the Whole Thirteen Gunpowder Conspirators, Including Guy Fawkes
C15675: Spongberg, Mary; Caine, Barbara; Curthoys, Ann, eds - Companion to Women's Historical Writing:
D15439: Spongberg, Mary - Feminizing Venereal Disease: The Body of the Prostitute in Nineteenth-Century Medical Discourse
A10526: Sprenger, Richard A - Hygiene for Management: A Text for Food Hygiene Courses
C9702: Spurlock, John C and Magistro, Cynthia A - New and Improved: The Transformation of American Women's Emotional Culture
A15550: Squire, Rose E - Thirty Years in the Public Service: An Industrial Retrospect
C15483: St Helier, Lady Mary Jeune - Memories of Fifty Years:
B7658: St. Barbe Baker, Richard - The Brotherhood of Trees:
H15149: Stack, David - Queen Victoria's Skull: George Combe and the Mid-Victorian Mind
A11927: Stafford, J. Martin - Homosexuality and Education:
A10549: Stafford, D. C - The Economics of Housing Policy:
C13254: Stallard, Patricia Y - Glittering Misery: Dependents of the Indian Fighting Army
A10362: Stammers, Neil - Civil Liberties in Britain During the Second World War: A Political Study
C2661: Stanford, Peter - The She-Pope: a Quest for the Truth Behind the Mystery of Pope Joan
C12697: Stanhope, The Rt Hon Earl, ed - The Extra Year: A Report of the Joint Committee of Investigation Representing the Association of Education Committees and the National Union of Teachers
A14362: Stanko, Elizabeth A - Intimate Intrusions: Women's Experience of Male Violence
C15656: Stanley, Liz, ed - Feminist Praxis: Research, Theory and Epistemology in Feminist Sociology
A14968: Stanley, Oliver; Buchan, John, Bressey, C. H - British Bridges: an Illustrated Technical and Historical Record
A12188: Stanley, Christopher and Banks, Lesley - Britain's Coastline: History from the Air
C13258: Stansell, Christine - City of Women: Sex and Class in New York, 1789-1860
C12895: Stanworth, Michelle - Gender and Schooling: A Study of Sexual Divisions in the Classroom
A11783: Stapleton, Michael - The Sadler's Wells Opera: A Pictorial Record
A10733: Starkey, H.F - Schooner Port: Two Centuries of Upper Mersey Sail
C10244: Statham, June - Daughters and Sons: Experiences of Non-Sexist Childraising
A5663: Dundee Municipal Statutes, - Dundee Municipal Statutes: Being Acts of Parliament Administered by the Corporation of Dundee Relating to The Town Council as Such, and also as Coming in Place of the Commissioners of Police; and Including Recent Amendment of Acts (Separately Printed) of Dundee Gas and Dundee Water Commissioners, 1872-1898
A4884: Stearns, Peter N - Lives of Labour: Work in a Maturing Industrial Society
A13565: Stearns, Peter N., ed - Expanding the Past: A Reader in Social History
A15207: Steedman, Carolyn, Unwin, Cathy and Walkerdine, V - Language, Gender and Childhood:
A11154: Steen, Duncan and Soames, Nicholas - The Essential Englishman: An Anthology
C14164: Stein, Edward, ed - Forms of Desire: Sexual Orientation and the Social Constructionist Controversy
A11823: Stein, Walter, ed - Nuclear Weapons and Christian Conscience:
A12096: Stenton, Sir Frank - Anglo-Saxon England:
Z14711: Step, Edward - British Insect Life: a Popular Introduction To Entomology
C500: Stephen, Barbara - Girton College, 1869-1932:
A9484: Stephens, Mark - Roots of Power: 150 Years of British Trade Unions, A Personal View
A8751: Stephens, W. B - Teaching Local History:
A343: Stephens, W.B - Adult Education and Society in an Industrial Town: Warrington, 1800-1900
A310: Stephens, W.B - Education, Literacy and Society, 1830-70: The Geography of Diversity in Provincial England
A11659: Stephens, Mark - Roots of Power:
A11028: Stephens, W. B - Sources for English Social History:
C15709: Sterling, Dorothy - Black Foremothers: Three Lives
C2528: Stern, Madeleine B - We the Women: Career Firsts of Nineteenth-Century America
A3566: Stern, Edgar E - The Peppermint Train: Journey to a German-Jewish Childhood
A14228: Stevenson, D. Alan - The World's Lighthouses before 1820:
A10470: Stevenson, John and Cook, Chris - The Slump: Society and Politics During the Depression
C3552: Stewart, Mother (Eliza Daniel) - Memories of the Crusade: a Thrilling Account of the Great Uprising of the Women of Ohio in 1873, Against the Liquor Crime
A4851: Stewart, Alexander P. & Jenkins, Edward - The Medical and Legal Aspects of Sanitary Reform:
A2070: Stewart, J.I.M - Thomas Hardy: a Critical Biography
A11311: Stewart, Angus, ed - Contemporary Britain:
A11157: Stewart, Katharine - Crofts and Crofting:
A14098: Stinchcombe, Owen - Lucky to Survive: Centenary History of Gotherington School
C14964: Stivers, Camilla - Gender Images in Public Administration: Legitimacy and the Administrative State
A13201: Stobie, Denise - Exploring Celtic Britain:
A13200: Stobie, Denise - Exploring King Arthur's Britain:
A9517: Stock, Catherine McNichol and Johnston, R., eds - The Countryside in the Age of the Modern State: Political Histories of Rural America
C779: Stocks, Mary - My Commonplace Book: an Autobiography
C65: Stocks, Mary - Still More Commonplace:
A15148: Stocqueler, J. H - A Personal History of The Horse-Guards From 1750 to 1872:
C14002: Stodart, M. A - Principles of Education Practically Considered: with an Especial Reference to the Present State of Female Education in England
C13731: Stodart, M. A - Female Writers: Thoughts on their Proper Sphere and on Their Powers of Usefulness
A14324: Stodart, M.A - Hints on Reading: Addressed to a Young Lady
A13755: Stodart, M.A - Every Day Duties: in Letters to a Young Lady
C15658: Stokes, Wendy - Women in Contemporary Politics:
C15596: Stokes, John, ed - Eleanor Marx 1855 - 1898: Life, Work, Contacts
A11616: Stone, Lawrence - The Past and the Present Revisited:
C8860: Stone, Dorothy - The National: The Story of a Pioneer College: The National Training College of Domestic Subjects
A15233: Stoney, Barbara - Enid Blyton: a Biography
C77: Stopes, Marie - Wise Parenthood: the Treatise on Birth Control for Married People
C402: Stopes, Marie - Sleep:
C1679: Stopes, C.C - British Freewomen: their Historical Privilege
C13647: Storkey, Elaine - What's Right With Feminism:
A9926: Storry, Richard - A History of Modern Japan:
C1256: Stott, Mary - Organization Woman: the Story of the National Union of Townswomen's Guilds
C200: Stowell, Sheila - A Stage of their Own: Feminist Playwrights of the Suffrage Era
C4709: Strachey, Ray - Women's Suffrage and Women's Service: the History of the London and National Society for Women's Service
C13649: Strachey, Barbara - Remarkable Relations: The Story of the Pearsall Smith Family
C15466: Stratton, Helen - Walberswick Marshes:
H14308: Strickland, Geoffrey - Structuralism or Criticism?: Thoughts on How We Read
A10367: Stringer, Peter and Robinson, Gillian, eds - Social Attitudes in Northern Ireland: First Report, 1990-1991
A13497: Strong, Patience - The Harvest of a Quiet Eye:
A13949: Stroud, Marion P - Rainbow's End:
C3359: Stuart, Dorothy Margaret - The English Abigail:
A3245: Stuart, Dorothy Margaret - The Boy Through the Ages:
C10633: Feminist Studies, - Feminist Studies: Volume 29: Number 1. Spring 2003
C10634: Feminist Studies, - Feminist Studies: Volume 30: Number 3
C10447: Australian Feminist Studies, - Australian Feminist Studies: Volume 13 Number 28
C10087: Feminist Studies, - Feminist Studies: Volume 28 Number 2
A11400: Feminist Studies, - Feminist Studies:
A12652: Sturge, H. Winifred and Clark, Theodora - The Mount School, York: 1785-1814, 1831 to 1931
A14818: Sturlson, Snorri - The Stories of the Kings of Norway: Called the Round World (Heimskringla). Vol III
A11369: Sturm, Johan, et al - Education and Cultural Transmission: Historical Studies of Continuity and Change in Families, Schooling and Youth Cultures
A8342: Styler, W. E - Adult Education and Political Systems:
C13071: Suffragette Poster, Modern Reproduction - Votes for Women Wanted Everywhere:
C15005: Suffragettes, - Reproduction Votes for Women Badge: Votes for Women Shield in a Square
C15003: Suffragettes, - Reproduction Votes for Women Badge: Votes for Women Circle
C13723: Suffragettes, DVD format - The Suffragettes: the Story of Emmeline Pankhurst
C2122: Summerfield, Penny - Reconstructing Women's Wartime Lives:
C1783: Summerfield, Penny - Women Workers in the Second World War: Production and Patriarchy in Conflict
C14504: Summerfield, Penny and Peniston-Bird, Corinna - Contesting Home Defence: Men, Women and the Home Guard in the Second World War
C14460: Summerfield, Penny - Reconstructing Women's Wartime Lives:
C12708: Summerhayes, Martha - Vanished Arizona: Recollections of the Army Life of a New England Woman
C5258: Summers, Anne - Angels and Citizens: British Women as Military Nurses 1854-1914
A5554: Supple, Barry, ed - Essays in British Business History:
A13141: Supple, Barry E., ed - The Experience of Economic Growth: Case Studies in Economic History
A14900: Supreme Commander to the Combined Chiefs, General Eisenhower - Report on Operations in Europe of the Allied Expeditionary Force: 6 June 1944 to 8 May 1945
A9813: Surrey, M.J.C - The Analysis and Forecasting of the British Economy:
A13361: Sutcliffe, R. J - Richard Sutcliffe: The Pioneer of Underground Belt Conveying
C6392: Sutherland, John - Mrs Humphry Ward: Eminent Victorian, Pre-eminent Edwardian
A628: Sutherland, Gillian - Policy-Making in Elementary Education, 1870-1895:
A2991: Sutherland, Gillian - Elementary Education in the Nineteenth Century:
A3326: Suttles, Gerald D - The Social Order of the Slum: Ethnicity and Territory in the Inner City
A7822: Sutton, Richard - Motor Mania: Stories from a Motoring Century
A2593: Sutton, Alan, ed - Cotswold Tales:
A13388: Swaisland, Cecillie - Servants and Gentlewomen to the Golden Land: The Emigration of Single Women from Britain to Southern Africa, 1820 - 1939
A12020: Swan, Philip and Foster, David, eds - Essays in Regional and Local History:
C15556: Swanton, Daisy Lawrenson - Emerging From the Shadow: Sarah Anne Lawrenson and Lucy Olive Kingston, Based on Personal Diaries
A11014: Sweeney, Patricia E - Biographies of American Women: An Annotated Bibliography
A13457: Swift, Roger, ed - Victorian Chester: Essays in Social History, 1830-1900
C4041: Swindells, Julia - Victorian Writing and Working Women: the Other Side of Silence
A15614: Swindells, Julia, ed - The Uses Of Autobiography:
A9311: Sydenham, M. J - The French Revolution:
C15530: Symes, Ruth A - Family First: Tracing Relationships in the Past
A15529: Symes, R. A - Tracing Your Ancestors Through Letters and Personal Writings: a Guide for Family Historians
A15528: Symes, R. A - Unearthing Family Tree Mysteries:
A14177: Symes, Ruth A - Stories from Your Family Tree: Researching Ancestors within Living Memory
D15428: Symes, Ruth A - It Runs in the Family:
A8882: Symons, Julian - The General Strike:
A4467: Symons, Julian - The General Strike: A Historical Portrait
A11953: Symons, Julian - The Thirties: A Dream Revolved
F4498: Synge, Lanto - Antique Needlework:
G10899: Synge, Lanto - The Royal School of Needlework Book of Needlework and Embroidery:
A12329: Szasz, Margaret Connell. ed - Between Indian and White Worlds: The Cultural Broker
C14100: Taking Liberties Collective, Jo Campling, ed - Learning the Hard Way: Women's Oppression in Men's Education
A9696: Tames, Richard - Life with the Pioneers:
A7288: Tames, Richard - Economy and Society in Nineteenth Century Britain:
H11119: Tannahill, Reay - Sex in History:
A14975: Tanton, Morgan, ed - Women in Management: a Developing Presence
C12281: Tayler, J. Lionel - The Nature of Woman:
J13874: Taylor, Peter J - Political Geography: World Economy, Nation-state and Locality
C634: Taylor, G.R. Stirling - Mary Wollstonecraft: a Study in Economics and Romance
C5188: Taylor, Helen - The Claim of Englishwomen to the Suffrage Constitutionally Considered:
C14624: Taylor, Craig, translator. La Pucelle - Joan of Arc: La Pucelle
A616: Taylor, Peter - Popular Politics in Early Industrial Britain: Bolton, 1825-1850
A15616: Taylor, Barbara - Eve and the New Jerusalem: Socialism and Feminism in the Nineteenth Century
A15354: Taylor, Rogan and Ward, Andrew - Kicking and Screaming: An Oral History of Football in England
A13942: Taylor, Joan - Mary Martha of Stanford:
A12555: Taylor, A. J. P - Letters to Eva, 1969-1983:
K14291: Taylor, Jane and Ann - Little Ann and Other Poems: Illustrated by Kate Greenaway
C8756: Taymor, Betty - Running Against the Wind: The Struggle of Women in Massachusetts Politics
A9063: Tazawa, Yutaka, et al - Japan's Cultural History: A Perspective
A15157: National Union of Teachers, - Oxford 1935: a Souvenir of the World Educational Conferences
A7417: Temin, Peter - Causal Factors in American Economic Growth in the Nineteenth Century:
A12666: Temple, Arthur - The Making of our Empire: The Story of Our Colonies
A9695: Tennyson, Charles and Dyson, Hope - Tennyson, Lincolnshire and Australia:
A13922: Tew, Kaye, et al - All Write: Special Edition of Muse
A1338: Thabault, Roger - Education and Change in a Village Community: Mazieres-en-Gatine, 1848-1914
A11888: Thacker, Christopher - England's Historic Gardens: An Illustrated Account of One Nation's Garden Heritage
A9747: Thackeray, W. M - Vanity Fair:
C596: Thal, Herbert van - Eliza Lynn Linton: the Girl of the Period
A14043: Theakstone, John - Victorian & Edwardian Women Travellers: A Bibliography of Books Published in English
C15346: Thistlethwaite, June - Cumbrian Women Remember: Lake District Life in the Early 1900s
A6068: Thistlethwaite, William - Four Lectures on the Rise, Progess and Past Proceedings: of the Society of Friends in Great Britain
C6710: Thomas, Mary Martha - The New Woman in Alabama: Social Reforms and Suffrage, 1890-1920
C1153: Thomas, Clara - Love and Work Enough: the Life of Anna Jameson
C10669: Thomas, Caitlin - Caitlin: Life with Dylan Thomas
A8295: Thomas, David St John - The Country Railway:
A7670: Thomas, Dylan - Under Milk Wood: a Play for Voices
A13423: Thomas, Robert - Sir Bob: The Autobiography of Sir Robert Thomas
A7631: Thomis, Malcolm I - Old Nottingham:
A5486: Thomis, Malcolm I - The Town Labourer and the Industrial Revolution:
A11526: Thomis, Malcolm I. and Grimmett, Jennifer - Women in Protest, 1800-1850:
C13360: Thompson, Eleanor Wolf - Education for Ladies 1830 - 1860: Ideas on Education in Magazines for Women
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A312: Thompson, Laurence - The Enthusiasts: A Biography of John and Katharine Bruce Glasier
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