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80431: , - Trial of Mrs. Ann Nisbett, Wife of Walter Nisbett, Esq; of Grafton Street, Berkeley Square . . . For committing Adultery with Thomas Totty, Esq; (A Captain in the Navy, and Commander of the Majesty's Ship the Sphynx) At Doctors Commons
74250: , - Photograph of the Court, the frame measuring some 14 x 18 inches, the image 9 x 13 inches, a formal pose, all of the justices in their judicial robes, five standing with four behind, with the embossed stamp of Harris & Ewing in the lower left-hand corner
80249: , - Granta, The Magazine of New Writing. Sixty Eight non-consecutive issues from Issue 7 to Issue 147
80388: , - Judicial Ditch Notice. State of Minnesota, County of Meeker. District Court, Twelfth Judicial District. In the Matter of the Judicial Ditch Proceedings now Pending in Meeker Court, Minnesota, and known as Judicial Ditch No. 3
80417: , - The Jewish Review of Books. Number 1, Spring 2010
80461: , - The Works of Clarence S. Darrow [The radical publisher, Samuel Hammersmark, published two of Darrow's works, including 'Resist Not Evil' described on the verso of this broadsheet, as well as works by Tolstoy, John Peter Altgeld, and Edgar Lee Masters]
80434: , - The Trial of John Hart, Esq. Alderman of London; for Adultery and Cruelty . . . That, among Variety of Ingenious Refinements upon Cruelty, the Alderman extinguished Mrs. Hart's Fires in the coldest Weather . . . kicked and dragged her about [etc.]
80442: , - A Discourse for Taking Off the Tests and Penal Laws about Religion. Wing D1593; ESTC R3313
80411: , - Safe Bicycling in San Francisco [with] San Francisco Bike Map & Walking Guide [with] Record bicycle information here, Freezer Refrigeration Form
91880: , - Justice at Nuernberg. A Pictorial Record of the Trial of Nazi War Criminals by the International Tribunal at Nuernberg, Germany, 1945-46. Photographed by Charles W. Alexander, Director of Photography for the Trial. Text by Anne Keeshan
76040: , - Code Universel et Methodique des Nouvelles Lois Francaises, ou Recueil complet de tous les Decrets de l'Assemblee Nationale, divises par ordre de Matieres; avec des notes et explications pour en faciliter l'intelligence et l'execution [etc.]
80454: , - A System of Moral and Political Philosophy; Consisting of the Most Important Chapters from the Writings of the Late Dr. Paley; with Some Apposite Extracts from Blackstone's Commentaries . . . designed for the Improvement of Young Persons
80456: , - Boston University School of Law. Catalogue and Circular for the Year 1879-80 [listing among its students Lelia Josephine Robinson, the school's first female graduate, successful in getting legislation enacted permitting the admission of women to the bar]
45299: Baker, J.H. - Criminal Justice at Newgate 1616-1627: Some Manuscript Reports in the Harvard Law School
60114: Blackstone, William - Commentaries on the Laws of England. The Fourth [sic] Edition. Eller 6
60146: Cotton, Robert - An Exact Abridgement of the Records in the Tower of London . . . of all the Parliaments holden in each Kings reign, and the several Acts in every Parliament [etc.]. Revised . . . by William Prynne. Wing C6489. Folio
80455: Crooks, Peter & Thomas Muir (eds.) - Law and the idea of liberty in Ireland from Magna Carta to the present
46521: Dean, T.A. - Somers [Print]
60145: Dugdale, William - Origines Juridiciales, or Historical Memorials of the English Laws, Courts of Justice, Forms of Tryal, Punishment in Cases Criminal, Law-Writers, Law-Books . . . Innes of Court and Chancery [etc.]. Second edition
74934: Dugdale, William - Origines Juridiciales, or Historical Memorials of the English Laws, Courts of Justice, Forms of Tryal, Punishment in Cases Criminal, Law-Writers, Law-Books . . . Inns of Court and Chancery [etc.]. Third edition. Wing D2490
80391: Erskine, Thomas - Dissertation on the Origin of the English House of Commons, delivered before the Master, Fellows, and Scholars of Trinity College, Cambridge, in June 1777 to which the first Prize of the Year was adjudged
80439: Frankfurter, Felix - Typed postcard addressed to Ben V. Cohen at the Vanderbilt Hotel in New York City postmarked December 8, 1952, and providing Frankfurter's new telephone number [Cohen one of Frankfurter's prized "disciples" and a "lawyer's lawyer" of great talent]
80429: Grimes, Harlan - Justice? [one result of Grimes's efforts, as described below, was, surprisingly, his disbarrment from practising law in Oklahoma, a disbarment never remedied despite several attempts by Grimes to be reinstated]
80464: Harlan, Robert D - "Like a Gothic Cathedral", Paul Elder's Grant Avenue Book and Art Shop 1909-1922
80444: Jones, N.G - Sixteenth-Century England: A View From The Trust Cases
80453: Leigh Fermor, Patrick - George Psychoundakis: A Letter to C.A. Trypanis
80443: Lerner (ed.), Max - The Mind and Faith of Justice Holmes, His Speeches, Essays, Letters and Judicial Opinions
80435: Maitland, F.W - The Deacon and the Jewess [with] Prefatory Note by Israel Abrahams, M.A. [who describes Maitland's essay as "original in substance . . . [f]or the first time it gave a clear insight into . . . the laws of heresy in Mediaeval England"]
80432: Milsom, S.F.C. - Maitland [the first plate depicting the posthumous bust of Maitland by S. Nicholson Babb dated 1908 and the second the memorial tablet by Richard Kindersley dated 2000, now in the South Transept of Westminster Abbey]
80397: Oliver, Frederick Scott - Alexander Hamilton, An Essay on American Union [this copy with the inscription "From Louis D. Brandeis / Jan 31 1913" on the first free endpaper and with the calling card of Brandeis ("Mr. Louis D.Brandeis") laid in]
78428: Orwell, George - The Complete Poetry. Compiled and presented by Dione Venables with an introduction by Peter Davison [the editor of 'The Complete Works of George Orwell']
80467: Pound, Roscoe - Typed letter signed, one page, on Law School of Harvard University letterhead to the Rt. Hon. Sir Frederick Pollock. Bart. dated 29th August 1930, signed in ink "Roscoe Pound"
80409: Spender, Irving Kristol, Melvin Lasky (eds.), Stephen - Encounter Magazine [a run of approximately 400 issues from the first issue (#1) to the last issue (#427)]
80430: Swinburne, Henry - A Treatise of Spousals, or Matrimonial Contracts: Wherein All the Questions relating to that Subject are ingeniously Debated and Resolved. Wing S6260. Quarto
73218: Walker, James M. - The Theory of the Common Law
80437: Watkins, Charles - An Enquiry into the Question, Whether the Brother of the paternal Grand-mother shall succeed to the Inheritance of the Son, in preference to the Brother of the paternal Great-Grand-mother [etc.]. Not in Eller; Lauechli 660
46525: Woodman, R. - Erskine [Print]
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