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Literary Cat Books Belfalas, 46 Faenol Isaf, Tywyn, Gwynedd, Wales, LL36 0DW, United Kingdom. Tel.: +44 (0)1654710223 Email: AntiqbookSales@gmx.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
LCB61089: SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF HELLENIC STUDIES - The Journal of Hellenic Studies. Volume CIII 1983
11047: SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF HELLENIC STUDIES - The Journal of Hellenic Studies. Volume VIII 1887
LCB61114: SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF HELLENIC STUDIES - The Journal of Hellenic Studies. Volume CVII 1987
LCB60109: INSTITUTE FOR BALKAN STUDIES - Ancient Macedonia: Papers Read at the Fourth International Symposium
LCB61119: SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF HELLENIC STUDIES - The Journal of Hellenic Studies. Volume CXII 1992
LCB61116: SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF HELLENIC STUDIES - The Journal of Hellenic Studies. Volume CIX 1989
LCB61121: SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF HELLENIC STUDIES - The Journal of Hellenic Studies. Volume CXIV 1994
LCB61087: SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF HELLENIC STUDIES - The Journal of Hellenic Studies. Volume CI 1981
LCB61088: SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF HELLENIC STUDIES - The Journal of Hellenic Studies. Volume CII 1982
LCB61090: SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF HELLENIC STUDIES - The Journal of Hellenic Studies. Volume CIV 1984
LCB61091: SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF HELLENIC STUDIES - The Journal of Hellenic Studies. Volume CV 1985
LCB61092: SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF HELLENIC STUDIES - The Journal of Hellenic Studies. Volume CVI 1986
LCB61117: SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF HELLENIC STUDIES - The Journal of Hellenic Studies. Volume CX 1990
LCB61120: SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF HELLENIC STUDIES - The Journal of Hellenic Studies. Volume CXIII 1993
80152: THE STUDIO LTD; SITWELL, OSBERT (INTRODUCTION) - Thomas Rowlandson 1757-1827, Famous Water-Colour Painters VI
82464: IKARI STUDIO - Erotic Manga
LCH46976: STUEBEN, MICHAEL & DIANE SANDFORD - Twenty Years Before the Blackboard. The Lessons and Humor of Mathematics Teacher (Spectrum)
25781: STURROCK, ROBERT R. - Two Cases of Unusually Positioned Horseshoe Kidneys. Offprint from Anatomia Clinica Volume 2 1980
24043: STURT, CHARLES - Journal of the Central Australian Expedition 1844-5
LCB61058: STUTHARD, JOE; GEOFFREY ROBINSON (EDITOR) - Stooging Around. The Complete Act, and Other Secrets, with the Accent on Entertainment and Comedy, of One of the Most Succesful Music Hall Artistes in the Business to-Day (a "Magic Wand" Publication)
LCB83654: STYAN, J L - The Dramatic Experience
LCB85408: STYNES, MARTIN & DAVID - Convection-Diffusion Problems an Introduction to Their Analysis and Numerical Solution
LCB62068: SUBAK, SUSAN - The Five-Ton Life (Carbon, America, and the Culture That May Save Us)
80037: SUETONIUS; ROLFE, J C (TRANSLATOR) . (THE LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY) - Suetonius (in Two Volumes) Volume II Only
24110: SUGARMAN, SIDNEY - The Unrelenting Conflict. Britain, Balfour & Betrayal
44667: SUGIRTHARAJAH, SHARADA - Imagining Hinduism: A Postcolonial Perspective
43951: O'SULLIVAN, SUSANNAH - Military Intervention in the Middle East and North Africa: The Case of Nato in Libya (Interventions) [Hardcover] o'Sullivan, Susannah
27255: SUMMERSON, JOHN - Inigo Jones : Lecture on a Mastermind . British Academy 1964.
LCB62141: SUMMIT, JENNIFER & DAVID WALLACE (ISSUE EDITORS) - The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. Volume 37/3 Fall 2007. Special Issue: Medieval/Renaissance. After Periodization
LCB62142: SUMMIT, JENNIFER & DAVID WALLACE (ISSUE EDITORS) - The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. Volume 38/1 Winter 2008. Special Issue: Towards a New Diplomatic History
LCH46531: SUMNER, HEYWOOD; BARRY CUNLIFFE (INTRODUCTION) - The Ancient Earthworks of Cranborne Chase
LCB61110: SUN, FEN & PATRICK T. K. LEUNG & ROY VELLAISAMY - Science in Chinese Kung Fu (Gateway Education Series)
21426: SURIANO, MICHELE, MARC'ANTONIO BARBARO; HENRY LAYARD (EDITOR AND TRANSLATOR) - Despatches of Michele Suriano and Marc' Antonio Barbaro : Venetian Ambassadors at the Court of France, 1560-1563
24980: SUSSER, BERNARD - The Grammar of Modern Ideology
40640: SUTCLIFFE, ANTHONY - Towards the Planned City: Germany, Britain, the United States, France, 1780-1914 Sutcliffe
LCB61686: SUTHERLAND, JOHN - Lives of the Novelists - a History of Fiction in 294 Lives
27253: SUTHERLAND, GILES - Jock Macinnes, Rgi. 'Call of the Sea'. 14th October - 6th November 2000
81458: SUTTON, DENYS (EDITOR) - Apollo: August 1975 (Volume CII No. 162)
81457: SUTTON, DENYS (EDITOR) - Apollo: February 1976 (Volume CIII No. 168)
81459: SUTTON, DENYS (EDITOR) - Apollo: April 1977 (Volume CV No. 182)
81460: SUTTON, DENYS (EDITOR) - Apollo: April 1985 (Volume CXXI No. 278)
81461: SUTTON, DENYS (EDITOR) - Apollo: January 1972 (Volume XCV No. 119)
36577: SUTTON, DENYS - Nocturne: The Art of James Mcneill Whistler (Signed Copy)
82462: SUZUKI, DAISETZ TEITARO; HUMPHREYS, CHRISTMAS (FOREWORD) - Essays in Zen Buddhism (First / 1st Series)
82461: SUZUKI, DAISETZ TEITARO; HUMPHREYS, CHRISTMAS (FOREWORD) - Essays in Zen Buddhism (Second, 2nd Series)
82460: SUZUKI, DAISETZ TEITARO; HUMPHREYS, CHRISTMAS (FOREWORD) - Essays in Zen Buddhism (3rd Series)
LCH46322: SVALDUZ, ELENA - Da Castello a "Città". Carpi E Alberto Pio (1472-1530) (Collana Di Architettura. 33)
LCB60273: SVINHUFVUD, LEENA & ELINA HEIKKA & JOHANNA LUHTALA & MARIANNE AAV - Modernism - Essays on Finnish Modernism
70044: SWANTON, JOHN R. - Early History of the Creek Indians and Their Neighbors (Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology. Bulletin 73)
70070: SWANTON, JOHN R. - A Structural and Lexical Comparison of the Tunica, Chitimacha, and Atakapa Languages (Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology. Bulletin 68)
70017: SWANTON, JOHN R. - Tlingit Myths and Texts (Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology. Bulletin 39)
26155: SWARTOUT, ROBERT R. - Mandarins, Gunboats and Power Politics: Owen Nickerson Denny and International Rivalries in Korea (Asian Studies at Hawaii) Swartout, Robert R.
LCB61614: SWARTZ, SHARLENE & ARVIN BHANA - Teenage Tata - Voices of Young Fathers in South Africa - Child, Youth, Family and Social Development Programme
LCB85342: SWATUK, LARRY A. - Water in Southern Africa; New Perspectives on Public Issues (Off-Centre: New Perspectives on Public Issues, 1)
44987: SWEARER, DONALD K. - Becoming the Buddha – the Ritual of Image Consecration in Thailand (Buddhisms: A Princeton University Press Series 6)
22789: SWEDISH PIONEER, THE - The Swedish Pioneer Historical Quarterly. Vol. XIII January 1962 No. 1
LCB85820: SWEENEY, KATE - American Afterlife. Encounters in the Customs of Mourning
10859: SWEET-ESCOTT, BICKHAM - Greece. A Political and Economic Survey 1939-1953
62029: SWETZ, FRANK & JOHN FAUVEL & BENGT JOHANSSON & VICTOR KATZ & OTTO BEKKEN - Learn from the Masters (Classroom Resource Materials)
24270: SWIGGERS, PIERRE & ALFONS WOUTERS (EDITORS) - Grammatical Theory and Philosophy of Language in Antiquity (Orbis Supplementa. Monographs Published by the International Center of General Dialectology (Louvain) Tome 19)
38945: SWINBURNE, RICHARD - The Coherence of Theism (Clarendon Library of Logic & Philosophy)
28133: SWINBURNE, CHARLES ALFRED - A Descriptive Catalogue of a Collection of Water-Colour Pictures and Painter- Etchers' Art at Beech-Hurst, Andover, with Observations Theron, Cursive and Discursive.
27320: LANTO SYGE. - Turner's Venice. James Mallord William Turner ' Going to the Ball ' [ San Marino ] ' Returning from the Ball ' [ St. Martha ]
LCH46642: SYLVESTER, JOHN - The Terror of Tregarwith (Sexton Blake Library No. 47)
LCB84863: SYLVESTER, DAVID; MICHEL LEIRIS ETC. - Late Picasso Paintings, Sculptures, Drawings, Prints, 1953-1972
61315: SYMINGTON, NEVILLE - The Analytic Experience
62154: TABACHNIKOV, SERGE - Kvant Selecta Algebra and Analysis, II: Algebra and Analysis II : 002 - (Mathematical World)
62148: TABACHNIKOV, SERGE - Kvant Selecta - Mathematical World - Algebra and Analysis I : 001
LCB85227: TABACHNIKOVA, OLGA - Russian Irrationalism from Pushkin to Brodsky, Seven Essays in Literature and Thought
LCB85780: TACITI, CORNELII [TACITUS, CORNELIUS] & FISHER, C D (EDITOR) - Cornelii Taciti Annalium Ab Excessv Divi Augusti Libri [Annals]
LCB60501: TACITUS, PUBLIUS CORNELIUS & ARTHUR MURPHY (TRANSLATOR) - Tacitus Historical Works Volume I & II: The Annals, the History, Germania & Agricola
LCH46383: TAFT, WILLIAM HOWARD; SIDNEY A. PEARSON (INTRODUCTION) - Popular Government. Its Essence, Its Permanence and Its Perils (Library of Liberal Thought)
3701: TAITHE, BERTRAND & TIM THORNTON (EDITORS) - War. Identities in Conflict 1300-2000 (Themes in History)
82510: TALBOT RICE, TAMARA - The Scythians , Ancient People and Places, Vol 2
LCB61771: W. J. A. MANN & DAVID TALL - Computers in the Mathematics Curriculum - a Report of the Mathematical Association
LCB85118: TALLACK, DOUGLAS - New York Sights Visualizing Old and New New York
LCB85551: JOSHUA TALLIS - The War for Muddy Waters Pirates Terrorists Traffickers and Maritime Insecurity
LCH46370: TALLY, MARGARET - The Limits of #Metoo in Hollywood. Gender and Power in the Entertainment Industry
LCH46743: TALUSAN, MARY - Instruments of Empire. Filipino Musicians, Black Soldiers, and Military Band Music During Us Colonization of the Philippines
LCH46953: MARY TALUSAN (AUTHOR) - Instruments of Empire. Filipino Musicians, Black Soldiers, and Military Band Music During Us Colonization of the Philippines
LCB85005: TALVIO, TUUKA - Mitalit Ja Mitalitaide Medals and Medallic Art in Finland
45284: TAMBIAH, S. J. - Buddhism and the Spirit Cults in North East Thailand (Cambridge Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology) [Paperback] Tambiah, S.J.
41233: SOR-HOON TAN - The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Chinese Philosophy Methodologies
LCB85458: TAN, KIANG HWEE - Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures Vol 1: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Frp Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (Frpcs-6) , Singapore, 8-10 July 2003
LCH46592: TANENBAUM, ANDREW S. - Modern Operating Systems
25659: TANK, PATRICK W. - Grant's Dissector
13321: TANNER, W. & F. A. LOEWUS (EDITORS) - Plant Carbohydrates II. Extracellular Carbohydrates (Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology Volume 13 B)
LCB83162: TANNER, ROBIN - Lettering for Children
21085: TANNERY, JULES & JULES MOLK - Fläments de la Thäorie Des Fonctions Elliptiques. Tome I. Introduction. - Calcul Differentiel. (1er Partie) . - Tome II. Calcul DifferentiäL (Iie Partie)
LCB85410: TAO, YONG X. & YI (EDITORS) - Analytics for Building-Scale Sustainable Ecosystems
LCB84861: TAPIE, ALAIN & JEAN-MARIE DAUTEL, PHILIPPE ROUILLARD - Les Vanités Dans la Peinture Au Xviie Siècle Méditations Sur la Richesse, le Dénuement Et la Rédemption
25773: TAPPEN, N. C. - Two Orientational Features of Compact Bone As Predictors of Split-Line Patterns. Reprinted from American Journal of Physical Anthropology Volume 35 No. 1 July 1971
25764: TAPPEN, N. C. - A Comparative Functional Analysis of Primate Skulls by the Split-Line Technique. Reprint from Human Biology. A Record of Research. Volume 26 No. 3 September 1954
39492: TARAS, RAYMOND - Ideology in a Socialist State: Poland 1956-1983 (Cambridge Russian, Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies) [Hardcover] Taras, Raymond
44952: TART, CHARLES T. - Transpersonal Psychologies: Perspectives on the Mind from Seven Great Spiritual Traditions
3855: TARVER, JOHN CHARLES - Some Observations of a Foster Parent
22442: TASCHEN, ANGELIKA (EDITOR) ; JANE EDWARDS - London Interiors. Intärieurs de Londres
36562: TATE GALLERY, THE - The John Hay Whitney Collection. The Tate Gallery. 16 December 1960 to 29 January 1961
LCB84807: TAUTVAISA, H. - The Cemetery of Nations in the Siberian Tundra
23890: TAYLER, C. B. - Memorials of the English Martyrs
LCB85398: TAYLOR, WILLIAM B. - Marvels and Miracles in Late Colonial Mexico - Three Texts in Context
LCH47085: TAYLOR, JOHN W. R. (EDITOR) - Jane's All the World's Aircraft 1976
22454: TAYLOR, HENRY OSBORN - Thought and Expression in the Sixteenth Century. Volume I
LCB61740: TAYLOR, MICHAEL E. - Measure Theory and Integration - Graduate Studies in Mathematics Volume 76 (Graduate Studies in Mathematics)
61997: TAYLOR, H. A. - Fairey Aircraft Since 1915
LCB85579: TAYLOR, BRENDAN & NICHOLAS FARRELLY & SHERYN LEE (EDITORS) - Insurgent Intellectual Essays in Honour of Professor Desmond Ball
LCB83601: TAYLOR, MICHAEL H. - Poverty and Christianity
18402: TAYLOR, E. G. R. - The Mathematical Practictioners of Tudor & Stuart England
42274: TAYLOR, IAN ET AL - New Criminology: For a Social Theory of Deviance (International Library of Society) Taylor, Ian and Etc.
20327: TAYLOR, RICHARD & TONY JOWITT (EDITORS) - Nineteenth Century Bradford Elections (Bradford Centre Occasional Papers No. 1)
45001: TAYLOR, MARK C. - Confidence Games: Money and Markets in a World without Redemption (Religion & Postmodernism) Taylor, Mark C
82239: TEALE, E. O. AND OATES, F - The Mineral Resources of Tanganyika Territory. Department of Lands and Mines Geological Division - Bulletin No. 16.
LCB60309: TEASDALE, TOM - Rampisham
LCB60741: TEGNER, BRUCE - Savate. French Foot & Fist Fighting
LCB84439: TEIGE, KAREL; JEAN-LOUIS COHEN (INTRODUCTION) ; IRENA ZANTOVSKA MURRAY & DAVID BRITT (TRANSLATORS) - Modern Architecture in Czechoslovakia and Other Writings (Getty Research Institute Publications Program. Texts & Documents)
LCB60252: TELI, MAURIZIO & CHIARA BASSETTI (EDITORS) - Becoming a Platform in Europe. On the Governance of the Collaborative Economy (Nowopen)
LCB60209: TELI, MAURIZIO & CHIARA BASSETTI (EDITORS) - Becoming a Platform in Europe: On the Governance of the Collaborative Economy
36298: TEMPLAR, RICHARD - The Rules of Work: A Definitive Code for Personal Success Templar, Richard
26418: TENBERG, REINHARD & MICHAEL BYRAM - Intercultural Perspectives Images of Germany in Education and the Media
18438: TENNANTS - Autumn Catalogue Sale at the the Auction Centre, Leyburn, North Yorkshire. Day One, Thursday 20 November 2008... Glass, Ceramics and Oriental Works of Art... Jewellery, Watches, Plated Ware, Silver and Objects of Vertu... Day Two Friday 21 November...
LCB61751: TENNISON, B. R. - Sheaf Theory - London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Series Number 20
23172: TEODOR, POMPILIU (EDITOR) - Enlightenment and Romanian Society
25589: TEODORO P. NUGUID, BACON, HARRY E. & PORFIRIO MAYO RECIO - Surgical Anatomy of the Colon, Rectum and Anal Canal
24129: TEODORSSON, SVEN-TAGE (EDITOR) - Greek and Latin Studies in Memory of Cajus Fabricius (Studia Graeca Et Latina Gothoburgensia LIV)
LCB85755: TERENCE, JOHN SARGEAUNT - Phormio, the Mother-in-Law, the Brothers II. Loeb Classical Library
LCB85756: TERENCE, JOHN SARGEAUNT - Phormio, the Mother-in-Law, the Brothers (II) Loeb Classical Library
LCB85404: TERENCE, MALCOLM - Beginner's Luck Dispatches from the Klamath Mountains
LCH46389: TERRACE, VINCENT - Encyclopedia of Television Miniseries, 1936-2020
LCB61556: TERRY, PATRICIA (TRANSLATED BY) - Renard the Fox - Translated from the Old French
42378: TESELLE, SALLIE M. - Family Communes and Utopian Societies (Torchbooks)
LCH46331: TESTA, D. M. - Defending the Dillinger Gang. Jessie Levy and Bess Robbins in the Courtroom
LCB85406: TESTAVERDE, MAURO , HARRY MOROZ, CLAIRE H. HOLLWEG & ACHIM SCHMILLEN - Migrating to Opportunity Overcoming Barriers to Labor Mobility in Southeast Asia
25813: TESTUT, L. & A. LATARJET - Tratado de Anatomia Humana. Obra Laureada por la Academia de Medicina de Paris (Premio Santour, 1902) . Novena Edicion, Revisada, Corregida y Aumentada. Tomo Primero. Osteologia - Artrologia - Miologia
25511: TESTUT, L. & A. LATARJET - Tratado de Anatomia Humana. Obra Laureada por la Academia de Medicina de Paris (Premio Santour, 1902). Novena Edicion, Revisada, Corregida y Aumentada. Tomo Tercero. Meninges - Sistema Nervioso Periferico. Organos de Los Sentidos. Aparato de la Respiracio
LCB85391: TEUTSCH, DAVID A. - A Guide to Jewish Practice: Tzedaka
82915: HHULYA TEZCAN - The Topkapi Saray Museum. Carpets
LCB60658: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE - The Luck of Barry Lyndon
LCB61858: THAKUR-SINGH, S. G. ; (WITH FOREWORD BY RABINDRA NATH TAGORE) ; (INTRODUCTION BY ABANINDRA NATH TAGORE) - "Glimpses of India" Vol. 1 (Only) a Unique Collection of Landscapes and Architectural Beauties - Second Edition
LCH46904: THAL, HERBERT VAN (EDITOR) - The Second Pan Book of Horror Stories
82761: THAPA, SHANKER - Buddhist Monasticism in Theory and Practice
LCH46253: THATCHER, JIM, ANDREW SHEARS & JOSEF ECKERT (EDITORS) - Thinking Big Data in Geography New Regimes, New Research
21115: THAUER, CHRISTIAN R. - Managerial Sources of Corporate Social Responsibility
LCH83097: THAYER, WILLIAM M. - From Log-Cabin to White House the Story of President Garfield's Life
23340: THAYER, WILLIAM M. - From Log-Cabin to White House: The Story of President Garfield's Life
LCH46557: THE ROYAL COURT THEATRE - The Macdona Players. Season 1929-1930
61314: THEATRE WORKSHOP; LITTLEWOOD, JOAN (EDITOR) - Oh What a Lovely War (Methuen Drama Modern Plays)
LCB85789: THEOCRITUS, A. S. F. GOW (EDITOR) - Bvcolici Graeci
8690: THEOCRITUS, BION & MOSCHUS; A. LANG (TRANSLATOR) - Theocritus, Bion and Moschus Rendered Into English Prose with an Introductory Essay (Golden Treasury Series)
LCB85730: THETFORD, OWEN - British Naval Aircraft Since 1912
LCB85239: THIIS, JENS - Edvard Munich
LCB60339: THOM, IAN M. (EDITOR) - Robert Davidson: Eagle of the Dawn
LCB60307: THOMAS, WILLIAM [GLANFFRWD]; THOMAS EVANS (TRANSLATOR) - Glanffrwd's History of Llanwynno
LCB60535: THOMAS, W. GWYN (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. CXXI (1972)
LCB60536: THOMAS, W. GWYN (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. CXXII (1973)
LCB60537: THOMAS, W. GWYN (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. CXXIII (1974)
LCB60538: THOMAS, W. GWYN (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. CXXIV (1975)
LCB85701: THOMAS, CAROL G. - Alexander the Great in His World
40440: THOMAS, DENNIS W. AND DAY, GRAHAM - Contemporary Wales: V. 7: An Annual Review of Economic and Social Research (Social Sciences Yearbook) Thomas, Dennis W. And Day, Graham
LCB84960: THOMAS, CYRUS; ASSISTED BY JOHN R. SWANTON - Indian Languages of Mexico and Central America and Their Geographical Distribution Bulletin 44
LCB60326: THOMAS, DANIEL - Outlines of Australian Art: The Joseph Brown Collection
80828: THOMAS, KEITH; J. H. POWELL (FOREWORD BY) - Old Ebbw Vale in Photographs Volume 2 (Signed Copy)
LCB60622: THOMAS, JOHN - Gwaith John Thomas
25547: THOMAS, JAMES BLAKE - Introduction to Human Embryology
LCB84447: THOMAS, GRAHAM & DR. ALFRED LESTIE ROWE - Far from the Valleys (Signed by Graham Thomas)
LCB60539: THOMAS, W. GWYN (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. CXXV (1976)
LCB60541: THOMAS, W. GWYN (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. CXXVII (1978)
LCB60542: THOMAS, W. GWYN (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. CXXVIII (1979)
LCB60543: THOMAS, W. GWYN (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. CXXIX (1980)
LCB60544: THOMAS, W. GWYN (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. CXXX (1981)
LCB60545: THOMAS, W. GWYN (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. CXXXI (1982)
LCB60546: THOMAS, W. GWYN (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. CXXXII (1983)
LCB60547: THOMAS, W. GWYN (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. CXXXIII (1984)
LCB60548: THOMAS, W. GWYN (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. CXXXIV (1985)
LCB60549: THOMAS, W. GWYN (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. CXXXV (1986)
LCB60550: THOMAS, W. GWYN (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. CXXXVI (1987)
LCB60551: THOMAS, W. GWYN (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. CXXXVII (1988)
LCB60552: THOMAS, W. GWYN (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. CXXXVIII (1989)
26920: THOMAS, GEOFFREY - The Moral Philosophy of T.H. Green
LCB85725: THOMAS, CAROL G. & ROBERT GRIFFITH - City State in Five Cultures
2536: THOMAS, J. - Lippincott's Dictionary of Biography and Mythology
3878: THOMAS, FRANK W. & ALBERT R. LANG - Principles of Modern Education
46038: THOMAS, W. S. K. - Journeys Into Brecon's Past [Paperback] Thomas, W.S. K.
LCH46601: THOMAS, R. GEORGE - Writers of Wales. Edward Thomas
LCB60540: THOMAS, W. GWYN (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. CXXVI (1977)
41956: THOMAS, R. MURRAY - Comparing Theories of Child Development Thomas, R. Murray
LCB60226: THOMAS, VALéRIE, ROSELYNE BOUVIER, FRANçOIS PARMANTIER, JéRôME PERRIN & COLLECTIF - Le Musée de L'Ecole de Nancy Dévoile Ses Réserves. Oeuvres Méconnues Ou inédites
43324: THOMAS, HAYDN - The Cathays Files, 8th Edition [Hardcover] Thomas, Haydn
LCB60534: THOMAS, W. GWYN (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. CXX (1971)
LCB85818: THOMPSON, DENISSE R & CHRISTINE SUURTAMM & MARY ANN HUNTLEY (EDITORS) - International Perspectives on Mathematics Curriculum (Editors)
LCH46895: THOMPSON, DENISSE R & ZALMAN USISKIN (EDITORS) - Enacted Mathematics Curriculum. A Conceptual Framework and Research Needs
20684: THOMPSON, HAROLD - Pelagic Tunicates of Australia
24040: THOMPSON, GEORGE - The Palm Land or West Africa, Illustrated. Being a History of Missionary Labors and Travels, with Descriptions of Men and Things in Western Africa. Also, a Synopsis of All the Missionary Work on That Continent (the Colonial History Series)
LCB85394: THOMPSON, ROGER - Emerson and the History of Rhetoric
36406: THOMPSON, MARTYN P. - Ideas of Contract in English Political Thought in the Age of John Locke
LCB60526: THOMPSON, GEOFF - Dead or Alive - the Choice Is Yours (the Definitive Self-Protection Handbook)
LCB60527: THOMPSON, GEOFF - Real Head, Knees and Elbows
26816: THOMPSON, JAMES AND HARGREAVES, MARTIN - Digging Up Stories: Applied Theatre, Performance and War [Paperback] Thompson, James and Hargreaves, Martin
LCB61265: THOMPSON, IAN & TORBEN DAM & JENS BALSBY NIELSEN (EDITORS) - European Landscape Architecture - Best Practice in Detailing
LCH46556: THOMPSON'S GALLERY - Thompson's Gallery (Aldeburgh) Requests the Pleasure of Your Company at the Private View of Our Annual Exhibition on Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th June, 2001. Annual Exhibition June 9th- June 23rd, 2001
LCB83366: THOMSON, W. M. - The Land and the Book or Biblical Illustrations Drawn from the Manners and Customs, the Scenes and Scenery of the Holy Land
22155: THOMSON, G. P. - The Wave Mechanics of Free Electrons (the George Fisher Baker Non-Resident Lectureship in Chemistry at Cornell University)
23259: THOMSON, J. J. - The Corpuscular Theory of Matter
80293: THOMSON, RICHARD - The Private Degas. Exhibitions at Whitworth, Manchester 20 January - 28 February and Fitzwilliam, Cambridge 17 March - 3 May 1987
18542: THOMSON, D. J. , D. E. BEEVER AND R. G. GUNN (EDITORS) - Forage Protein in Ruminant Animal Production. Proceedings of a Symposium Organized Jointly by the British Society of Animal Production and the British Grassland Society and Held at the University of Leeds in September 1982 (Bsap Occasional Publication Num
25613: THOREK, PHILIP - Atlas of Surgical Techniques
LCB60740: THORGERSON, STORM & PETER CURZON - The Raging Storm: The Album Graphics of Stormstudios
LCB85196: THORMANN, OLAF - Bauhaus Saxony
37823: THORPE, JAMES - E.J. Sullivan. English Masters of Black-and-White
28655: THORPE, JAMES - E.J. Sullivan (English Masters of Black and White Series)
24928: THORSTEINSSON, THORSTEIN - Island Under Og Efter Verdenskrigen. En Okonomisk Oversigt (Skandinavisk Serie)
81705: THRAPP, DAN L. - Encyclopedia of Frontier Biography (Volume I, II and III) Complete Set
82540: THROCKMORTON, PETER - The Lost Ships an Adventure in Undersea Archaeology
LCH46429: THROM, SEBASTIAN - Uniqueness of Fat-Tailed Self-Similar Profiles to Smoluchowski's Coagulation Equation for a Perturbation of the Constant Kernel (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society May 2021. Volume 271. Number 1328 (Fifth of 7 Numbers) )
LCB85765: THUCYDIDES, E. C. MARCHANT (EDITOR) - Book VII (Macmillan's School Class Books)
LCB85773: THUCYDIDES, E. C. MARCHANT (EDITOR) - Thucydides Book I
LCB85775: THUCYDIDES, E. C. MARCHANT (EDITOR) - Thucydides Book II
21381: THUNBERG, CARL PETER; J. A. SCHULTES (EDITOR) - Flora Capensis : Sistens Plantas Promontorii Bonae Spei Africes
39486: THURLEY, GEOFFREY - The Romantic Predicament
41448: THURMAN, ROBERT A. F. - The Speech of Gold: Reason and Enlightenment in the Tibetan Buddhism Robert A.F. Thurman
25986: TSONG KHAPA; ROBERT A. F. THURMAN (EDITOR) - The Life and Teachings of Tsong Khapa
23968: THURSTON, HERBERT - Superstition. A Backward Glance over Nineteen Centuries
22606: TIELE, C. P. - Elements of the Science of Religion. Part I. Morphological Being the Gifford Lectures Delivered Before the University of Edinburgh in 1896 (Volume 1)
LCB61552: TIKHOMIROV, V. M. - Stories About Maxima and Minima (Mathematical World Volume 1)
LCB61778: TILLER, TERENCE - That Singing Mesh and Other Poems
33306: TILLICH, PAUL - Systematic Theology, Volume 2
33680: TILLMAN, BARRETT - Above and Beyond: The Aviation Medals of Honor Tillman, Barrett
39031: TILLY, CHARLES - Historical Studies of Changing Fertility (Quantitative Studies in History)
44886: TIMINGS, LESLEY & GEOFFREY COVELL - An Teallach: The Forge Timings, Lesley and Covell, Geoffrey
80943: TIMME KRAGH, ULRICH (EDITED BY) - The Foundation for Yoga Practitioners: The Buddhist Yogacarabhumi Treatise and Its Adaptation in India, East Asia and Tibet
LCB60045: TIMOSHENKO, S. & D. H. YOUNG - Elements of Strengths of Materials
8677: TINBERGEN, J. - Economische Bewegingsleer
LCB60432: TINNISWOOD, ADRIAN - The Arts and Crafts House
LCB85303: CARRIE HELMS TIPPEN - Inventing Authenticity How Cookbook Writers Redefine Southern Identity
LCB61619: TIPPING, H. AVRAY - Old English Furniture - It's True Value and Function - Being Two Lectures Delivered at Messrs. Waring & Gillow's on June 11th and 14th 1928
39198: TIRATSOO, NICK - The Attlee Years Tiratsoo, Nick
25576: LƒTJEN-DRECOLL, ELKE & JOHANNES W. ROHEN - Atlas of Anatomy. The Functional Systems of the Human Body
25628: TOBIN, CHARLES E. (EDITOR) - Shearer's Manual of Human Dissection
LCB85860: TOBIN, WILLIAM & VALERIE FEIT - Student Research for Community Change. Tools to Develop Ethical Thinking and Analytic Problem Solving
LCB61382: TODHUNTER, L. ; J. G. LEATHEM (REVISION) - Spherical Trigonometry for the Use of Colleges and Schools
LCB61537: TODHUNTER, L. - A Treatise on the Differential Calculus with Numerous Examples
LCH46884: MULTATULI; INA RILKE & DAVID MCKAY (TRANSLATORS) ; PRAMOEDYA ANANTA TOER (INTRODUCTION) - Max Havelaar. Or, the Coffee Auctions of the Dutch Trading Company (New York Review Books Classics)
LCB84989: TOKER, FRANKLIN K. - The Buildings of Pittsburgh (Buildings of the United States)
24622: TOLAND, JOHN; HERBERT MAINUSH (TRANSLATOR) - Grunde Fur Die Einburgerung Der Juden in Grossbrittanien Und Irland. Englisher Text Eingeleitet, ƒBersetzt Und Erlèutert Von Herbert Mainusch
LCB60155: TOLLE, ECKHART - Guardians of Being
82184: TOMBS, ROBERT - The War Against Paris 1871
LCB60959: TOMLINSON, H. M. & DAVID RIDGEWAY - Archaeological Reports for 1994-1995 (No. 41)
LCB60960: TOMLINSON, H. M; RASMUSSEN, TCB & RJA WILSON - Archaeological Reports for 1995 - 1996 (No. 42)
LCB60961: TOMLINSON, R. A. & DAVID RIDGEWAY - Archaeological Reports for 1994-1995 (No. 41)
4067: TOMPKINS, ARNOLD - The Philosophy of Teaching
9664: TOMPKINS, ARNOLD - The Science of Discourse. A Rhetoric for High Schools and Colleges
LCB61208: TOMS, MIKE - Owls (a Natural History of the British and Irish Species: Book 125) New Naturalist
34567: TOOHEY, JOHN - Captain Bligh's Portable Nightmare: From the Bounty to Safety - 4, 162 Miles Across the Pacific in a Rowing Boat Toohey, John
36188: O'TOOLE, GERALD; AND JAMES RIDELL - Murphy's Law: Lex Morphi Gerald o'Toole and James Ridell
40451: AUTODESK LEARNING TOOLS - The Art of Maya: An Introduction to 3d Computer Graphics [Paperback] Autodesk Maya Press
LCB85838: TOPERICH, SASHA & ANDY MULLINS (EDITORS) - A New Paradigm. Perspectives on the Changing Mediterranean
21182: TORCHYNSKA, TETYANA V. , GEORGIY POLUPAN, LARYSA KHOMENKOVA, GENNADIY BURLAK, YURI V. VOROBIEV, ZSOLT J. HORVATH (EDITORS) - Low-Dimensional Semiconductor Structures (Materials Research Society. Symposium Proceedings Volume 1617. Symposium Held August 11-15, 2013, Canì, M_xico)
LCH46958: TOTI RIGATELLI, LAURA; JOHN DENTON (TRANSLATOR) - Evariste Galois 1811–1832 (Vita Mathematica 11)
LCB85913: TOTTEN, SAMUEL, HELEN EATON, SHELLEY DIRST & CLARE LESIEUR (EDITORS) - Spark the Brain, Ignite the Pen Quick Writes for Kindergarten Through High School Teachers and Beyond. Quick Writes for Kindergarten Through High School Teachers and Beyond. Second Edition
LCB60279: TOURTE, DOMINIQUE (EDITOR) - Jan Fabre. Chalcosoma (2006-2012) Hommage à Jérôme Bosch Au Congo (2011-2013). Illuminations. Enluminures. Trésors Enluminés de France.
39033: TOWNLEY, ROD - Early Writings of William Carlos Williams [Hardcover] Townley, Rod
29406: TOWNSEND, PETER (EDITOR) - Studio International Volume 171 Number 875 March 1966
LCB60100: TOY, SIDNEY - The Castles of Great Britain
23524: TOYNBEE, ARNOLD J. - Between Oxus and Jumna
61982: TOYNBEE, ARNOLD. J. AND V. M. BOULTER - Survey of International Affairs 1938, Volume I
LCB83879: TOYNBEE, J. M. C. - The Art of the Romans (Ancient Peoples and Places, 43)
LCB84961: TOZZER, ALFRED - Excavation of a Site at Santiago Ahuitzotla, D.F. Mexico Bulletin 74
27746: TRAPP, FRANK [EDITOR] - British Art. Mead Art Museum Monographs Volumes 6 & 7 Winter 1985 - 1986
27710: TRAPP, FRANK (EDITOR) - British Art. Mead Art Museum Monographs Volumes 6 & 7 Winter 1985 - 1986
LCB60612: TRAUTMAN, JAMES - Pan American Clippers
15157: TRAYLEN, CHARLES W. - Fine Books Published to Celebrate the Seventieth Year in the Booktrade of Charles W. Traylen and to Coincide with the Thirty Second Antiquarian Book Fair. The Park Lane Hotel, Piccadilly, London W.1. Stand No. 5. With a Foreword by the Right Hon. Kenneth
LCB61484: TREHARNE, EVAN R. - British Heavyweight Champions
37532: TRENCH, RICHARD CHENEVIX - Notes on the Miracles of Our Lord
LCB60391: TRESIDDER, JANE - The Living Silence of the Hours
LCB83163: TRICKEY, CLIVE - Tuning a Mini (Including Notes on Tuning Fords)
LCB83922: TRIGGER, BRUCE - Nubia -Under the Pharaohs (No. 85 Ancient Peoples and Places)
23016: TRIGUBOFF, ELEANORA (EDITOR) - Art and Australia. Arts Quarterly Volume 47 Number 4 Winter 2010
23018: TRIGUBOFF, ELEANORA (EDITOR) - Art and Australia. Arts Quarterly Volume 48 Number 2 Summer 2010
23019: TRIGUBOFF, ELEANORA (EDITOR) - Art and Australia. Arts Quarterly Volume 49 Number 3 Autumn 2012
23014: TRIGUBOFF, ELEANORA (EDITOR) - Art and Australia. Arts Quarterly Volume 47 Number 2 Summer 2009
LCB85879: TRIMBLE, S. - Undead Ends. Stories of Apocalypse
LCH46708: TROMLY, FRED B. - The Two Walter Raleighs. Famous Father, Rebellious Son and a Shared Tragedy
LCB60254: FRED B. TROMLY (AUTHOR) - The Two Walter Raleighs. Famous Father, Rebellious Son and a Shared Tragedy
33346: TROTTI, JOHN AND HALL, GEORGE - Marine Air: First to Fight (the Illustrated Air Combat Series) Trotti, John and Hall, George
42847: TROUT, CHARLES H. - Boston, the Great Depression and the New Deal (the Urban Life in America S. ) Trout, Charles H.
LCB84818: TRUAX, MIKE & JOE SONDERMAN - St. Louis - the 1904 World's Fair
LCB61159: TRUDGEN, RICHARD; DJAMBATJ MALA - Why Warriors Lie Down & Die. Towards an Understanding of Why the Aboriginal People of Arnhem Land Face the Greatest Crisis in Health and Education Since European Contact Djambatj Mala
LCH46353: TRUMPBOUR, ROBERT C. & KENNETH WOMACK: MICKEY HERSKOWITZ (FOREWORD) - The Eighth Wonder of the World. The Life of Houston's Iconic Astrodome
LCH46261: TSCHACHLER, HEINZ - George Washington and Political Fatherhood the Endurance of a National Myth
LCB61795: TSETSKHLADZE, GOCHA & A. J. N. W. PRAG & A M SNODGRASS - Periplous: Papers on Classical Art and Archaeology Presented to Sir John Boardman
LCB85623: TSO, ANNA WING & SCARLETT LEE - Reading the Short Story - a Student's Guide to Selected British, Irish and American Works
LCH47067: TUBB, E. C. - Space: 1999. Breakaway
25745: TUBIANA, RAOUL, BARRY P. SIMMONS & HERVE A. R. DEFRENNE - Location of Dupuytren's Disease on the Radial Aspect of the Hand. Reprinted from Clinical Orthopaedics. August, 1982. Volume 168
82054: TUCHOWSKA, MARTA & ELENA GARCIA - Auras (Understand and Feel Them- How to Get Rid of Negative Energy and Create an Amazing Life)
26957: TUCK, RICHARD - Natural Rights Theories: Their Origin and Development
80315: TUCKER, NORMAN - The North Wales Wonderland. Tours by Road for Motorist or Cyclist. 26 Tours, 9 Maps.
LCB60186: TUCKER, DAVID C. - S. Sylvan Simon, Moviemaker: Adventures with Lucy, Red Skelton and Harry Cohn in the Golden Age of Hollywood
39813: TUCKER, D. F. B. - Marxism and Individualism
LCB60227: TUCKER, KEVIN W. , FRAN BAAS & ELISABETH SCHMUTTERMEIER - The Wittgenstein Vitrine. Modern Opulence in Vienna (Dallas Museum of Art Publications)
1294: TUCKER, E. F. - Renaissance Latin Drama in England: Peter Hausted Senile Odium, Senilis Amor, Alphonsus (Plays Associated with the University of Cambridge)
LCB85366: TULCHIN, JOSEPH S. - Latin America in International Politics Challenging Us Hegemony
80778: TULKU, DOBOOM (EDITED BY) - Buddhist Translations: Problems and Perspectives
8513: TUOMISKOSKI, AUNE & ANNA SLüüR - English-Finnish Dictionary/Englantilais-Suomalainen Sanakirja
17959: LYON & TURNBULL - Fine Antiques. Wednesday 21st March 2007
LCB61558: TURNBULL, STEPHEN - Ninja - Unmasking the Myth
18429: LYON AND TURNBULL - Fine Antiques. Saturday 29th June 2002
13263: TURNBULL, LUCIA - Indian Fairy Tales. Retold by Lucia Turnbull. Illustrated by Hazel Cook
LCB61956: TURNER, GRAHAM - The Leyland Papers
36238: TURNER, GRADY T - Nyc Sex: How New York City Transformed Sex in America (Everyman) Turner, Grady T
LCB60719: TURNER, ROGER - Capability Brown and the Eighteenth Century English Landscape
20024: TUVE, ROSEMOND - Elizabethan and Metaphysical Imagery. Renaissance Poetic and Twentieth-Century Critics
44994: TWEED, THOMAS A - Crossing and Dwelling: A Theory of Religion Tweed, Thomas a
61906: TYLDESLEY, JOYCE - Cleopatra (Last Queen of Egypt)
40650: TYLER, ROBERT HENRY ( & SENIOR PUPILS) - Laugharne: Local History and Folklore the Headmaster, Senior Assistant and Senior Pupils of Laugharne Elementary Schoo
LCH46776: TYRER, WALTER - The Mystery of the Three Demobbed Men (Sexton Blake Library No. 120)
LCH46832: TYRER, WALTER - The Motor-Coach Mystery (Sexton Blake Library No. 173)
LCH46677: TYRER, WALTER - The Case of the Conscript Miner (Sexton Blake Library No. 81)
LCH46765: TYRER, WALTER - The Secret of the Sands (Sexton Blake Library No. 109)
LCH46847: TYRER, WALTER - The Affair of the Hollywood Contract (Sexton Blake Library No. 188)
LCH46842: TYRER, WALTER - The Mystery of the Woman Overboard (Sexton Blake Library No. 183)
LCH46656: TYRER, WALTER - The Curse of the Carrngtons (Sexton Blake Library No. 61)
LCH46787: TYRER, WALTER - The Crime on the Moors (Sexton Blake Library No. 131)
LCH46818: TYRER, WALTER - The Case Against Dr. Ripon (Sexton Blake Library No. 162)
LCH46806: TYRER, WALTER - The Holiday Camp Mystery (Sexton Blake Library No. 150)
LCB84929: TYSON, JANET - Art Deco Masterpieces of Art
LCB85493: TZENG, ALBERT & WILLIAM L. RICHTER & EKATERINA KOLDUNOVA (EDITORS) - Framing Asian Studies Geopolitics and Institutions
39950: UBEROI, J. P. S. - Politics of Kula Ring
LCB60266: UBINAS RENVILLE, GUAROA - Historias y Leyendas Afro-Dominicanas
LCB61589: UFFINDELL, ANDREW & MICHAEL CORUM - On the Fields of Glory - the Battlefields of the 1815 Campaign
21038: ULAM, S. M. - A Collection of Mathematical Problems
LCH46922: ULAM, S. M. - Problems in Modern Mathematics. First Published Under the Title: A Collection of Mathematical Problems
28711: UNDERWOOD, NICHOLAS - Norman Miller. Exhibition: 5 - 27 November 1998
12699: UNESCO - Report of the Commission on Technical Needs. Press, Film, Radio Following Surveys in Fourteen Countries and Territories
15452: UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. International Standardization of Library and Documentation Techniques
9649: UNGER, PETER - Ignorance. A Case for Scepticism
1979: CHICAGO UNIVERSITY - Ethics. An International Journal of Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy. Volume LXXII 1961-1962
10650: HARVARD UNIVERSITY - Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies Volume 47 1987
13145: YALE UNIVERSITY - Yale French Studies Twenty-Two. French Education
1984: CHICAGO UNIVERSITY - Ethics. An International Journal of Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy. Volume LXXVII 1966-1967
8087: UNMACK, RANDALL - Education Et Däcentralisation. âtude Des Syståmes Franìais Et Anglais
LCB61668: UNNAMED - The Art of Looking Sideways
61968: UNSCHULD, PAUL U. - Medicine in China (a History of Ideas)
3765: UNSTEAD, J. F. - How to Read Ordnance Maps. Practical Hints for Students of Geography, Officers in Training, Non-Commissioned Officers and Members of Volunteer Corps, Etc.
21951: UNSWORTH, CHARLIE - Unsworth Booksellers. Catalogue 8 Antiquarian and Rare Books
21565: UNTERKIRCHER, FRANZ - Getijdenboek Voor Maria Van Bourgondiae
LCB85474: UPCHURCH, DANIEL F. - Pyrrhic Victory: The Cost of Intergration
LCB60415: URBAN, OTTO M. - Mysterious Distances: Symbolism and Art in the Bohemian Lands, 1880-1914
61900: URE, P. N - The Greek Renaissance
24254: URELAND, P. STURE - Kulturelle Und Sprachliche Minderheiten in Europa. Aspekte Der Europaòschen Ethnolinguistik Und Ethnopolitik. Akten Des 4. Symposions ƒBer Sprachkontakt in Europa, Mannheim 1980 (Linguistische Arbeiten 109)
LCB85287: URICK, ANGELA M. & DAVID E. DEMATTHEWS & TIMOTHY G. FORD - Maximizing the Policy-Relevance of Research for School Improvement
18594: URQUHART, THOMAS - A Challenge from Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromartie (Luttrell Reprints No. 4)
23378: URQUHART, ALVIN W. - Planned Urban Landscapes of Northern Nigeria. A Case Study of Zaria
37653: URUMPACKAL, THOMAS PAUL - Organized Religion According to Dr S. Radhakrishnan
19745: UTLEY, RACHEL - The Case for Coalition: Motivation and Prospects. French Military Intervention in the 1990s (the Strategic and Combat Studies Institute. The Occasional. Number 41. January 2001)
41835: VACCA, ROBERTO - Modest Technologies for a Complicated World
LCB61194: VAJDA, S - Fibonacci & Lucas Numbers, and the Golden Section: Theory and Applications
LCB61551: VAKIL, RAVI - Mathematical Mosaic. Patterns and Problem Solving
LCB61924: DU VAL, PATRICK - Elliptic Functions and Elliptic Curves - London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Series Number 9
1321: VALE, BRIAN - A Frigate of King George: Life and Duty on a British Man-of-War
80922: DE VALERA, MR - Peace and War: Speeches by Mr. De Valera on International Affairs
17963: PHILLIPS INTERNATIONAL AUCTIONEERS & VALUERS - Fine British and Topographical Watercolours and Portrait Miniatures. Monday 12th July 1999
17966: PHILLIPS INTERNATIONAL AUCTIONEERS & VALUERS - Watercolours and Portrait Miniatures. Tuesday 8th February 2000
17967: PHILLIPS INTERNATIONAL AUCTIONEERS & VALUERS - Watercolours and Portrait Miniatures. Monday 17th April 2000
17968: PHILLIPS INTERNATIONAL AUCTIONEERS & VALUERS - Watercolours, Drawings and Original Illustrations. Monday 5th November 2001
42840: LUIGI VALZELLI - Psychobiology of Aggression and Violence Luigi Valzelli
45206: VANAIK, ACHIN - The Rise of Indian Communalism - Religion, Modernity & Secularisation
LCB61073: VANCE, JACK - Servants of the Wankh (Planet of Adventure 2)
LCB61074: VANCE, JACK - The Brains of Earth
LCB61594: VANHOVE, DORIS - Thorikos - Graffiti - Dipinti - Stamps: V. 3
19561: VARASCHIN, DENIS (EDITOR) - Aux Sources de L'Histoire de L'Annexion de la Savoie
23243: VARCOLLIER, H. - Propagation Ellipsoòdale, Relativitä, Quanta
LCB60849: VARNEDOE, KIRK - Gustave Caillebotte
LCB85760: VARRO, MARCUS TERENTIUS & R. G. KENT - De Lingua Latina Volume II (Loeb)
42951: VASILIEV, L. L. - Experiments in Distant Influence Vasiliev, L.L.
24240: VATCHER, WILLIAM H. - Panmunjom. The Story of the Korean Military Armistice Negotiations
20196: VAUGHAN, C. E. ; A. G. LITTLE (EDITOR) - Studies in the History of Political Philosophy Before and After Rousseau (2 Volumes, Vol I & II )
40096: VAUGHAN, DAI - Portrait of an Invisible Man: Working Life of Stewart Mcallister, Film Editor Vaughan, Dai
LCB60554: VAUGHAN, ROBERT - The Life and Opinions of John de Wycliffe, D.D. Illustrated Principally from His Unpublished Manuscripts with a Preliminary View of the Papal System, and of the State of the Protestant Doctrine in Europe... Vol. II.
28970: VAUGHAN, C. E. - Bibliographies of Swinburne , Morris and Rossetti (the English Association Pamphlet No. 29)
LCB85462: VAZ-DEVILLE, KIM (EDITOR) & KAREN TRAHAN LEATHEM (FOREWORD) - Walking Raddy the Baby Dolls of New Orleans
21317: VçSQUEZ, MANUEL A. - The Brazilian Popular Church and the Crisis of Modernity
44767: VAN DER VEER, PETER - Religious Nationalism – Hindus & Muslims in India. Hindus and Muslims in India
LCB85447: VEIDLINGER, DANIEL - From Indra's Net to Internet Communication, Technology, and the Evolution of Buddhist Ideas
10958: VEIRAS, DENIS; AUBREY ROSENBERG (ÂDITEUR) - L'Histoire Des Sävarambes. âdition Critique
LCB85970: VEKEN, JOERI VAN DER, ALFONSO CARRIAZO, IVKO DIMITRIC, YUN MYUNG OH, BOGDAN D. SUCEAVA E. A. - Geometry of Submanifolds. Ams Special Session on Geometry of Submanifolds... October 20-21, 2018, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (Contemporary Mathematics 756)
21253: VELDE, MARC VAN DE, HELEN SCHOLEFIELD & LAUREN A. PLANTE - Maternal Critical Care : A Multidisciplinary Approach
61328: AESCHYLUS; PHILIP VELLACOTT (TRANSLATOR) - Prometheus Bound, the Suppliants, Seven Against Thebes, the Persians.
LCB61627: VELLEMAN, DANIEL J. ET. AL. (EDITORS) - The American Mathematical Monthly - Volume 116, No. 10 - December 2009
LCB61628: VELLEMAN, DANIEL J. ET. AL. (EDITORS) - The American Mathematical Monthly - Volume 117, No. 4 - April 2010
19510: VENIER, PASCAL - Lyautey Avant Lyautey (Signed Copy)
LCB85430: VERA SCHIFF, JEFF MCLAUGHLIN - Lost to the Shoah - Eight Lives by Vera Schiff, with Jeff Mclaughlin
61475: VERANNEMAN, JEAN-MICHEL - Belgium in the Second World War
LCB62070: VERDIER, PHILIPPE - Catalogue of the Painted Enamels of the Renaissance (the Walters Art Gallery)
LCB60217: VERGO, PETER - Art in Vienna 1898-1918. Klimt, Kokoschka, Schiele and Their Contemporaries
61987: VERLINDEN, FRANCAIS - The German Tiger Tanks (on Target No1 Modelling Special)
27708: VERONESI, GIULIA - Romain de Tirtoff-Erte.
LCH46880: VESTDIJK, SIMON - The Garden Where the Brass Band Played
40059: VIAZZO, PIER PAOLO - Upland Communities: Environment, Population and Social Structure in the Alps Since the Sixteenth Century: 8 (Cambridge Studies in Population, Economy and Society in Past Time) [Hardcover] Viazzo, Pier Paolo
27409: VICENS, FRANCESC, JOAN BROSSA - Antoni Tàpies o L'Escarnidor de Diademeslch46478
38630: VICKERS, BRIAN - Appropriating Shakespeare: Contemporary Critical Quarrels Vickers, Brian
18541: VICKERY, BRIAN C. (EDITOR) - Fifty Years of Information Progress : A Journal of Documentation Review
25582: VIDIC, BRANISLAV & FAUSTINO R. SUAREZ - Photographic Atlas of the Human Body
25663: VIDIC, BRANISLAV - Manual of Dissection
22851: VIGOUREUX, P. & C. E. WEBB - Principles of Electric and Magnetic Measurements. Part I - Electricity. Part II - Magnetism
LCB85403: VILHAUER, RUVANEE PIETERSZ - The Water Diviner and Other Stories
LCH47147: VINAVER, MICHEL - High Places, the Neighbours, Portrait of a Woman, the Television Programme
LCB85995: VINCENT, EDGAR & T. G. DICKSON - A Handbook to Modern Greek
21938: VINE, RICHARD D. (EDITOR) - Soviet-East European Relations As a Problem from the West
LCH46858: VINOD, M. J. & MEENA DESHPANDE - Contemporary Political Theory
18610: VIRONE, L. E. , C. PELLIZZI, MARTIN UPTON, LUIS MARCANO - The Transformation of Rural Communities. Some Implications of Promoting Change from Subsistence to Marketing Agriculture in Contrasted Geographical Regions. With an Introduction by Sir Joseph Hutchinson (the World Land Use Survey. Occasional Papers No. 7)
LCH46540: VIRTUE, JOHN - The Sea [Limited Signed Edition of 300 Copies]
LCB85110: VIRTUE, JOHN - John Virtue Last Paintings of London
LCB85111: VIRTUE, JOHN - North Sea Paintings 13 October to 6 November 2010
25768: VIS, J. H. - Histological Investigations Into the Attachment of Tendons and Ligaments to the Mammalian Skeleton. Reprinted from the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Wetenschappen - Amsterdam. Proceedings, Series C, 60, No. 2, 1957
41345: VISWANATHAN, GAURI - Outside the Fold: Conversion, Modernity, and Belief by Viswanathan, Gauri
39179: VITAL, DAVID - Making of British Foreign Policy (Study in Political Science) Vital, David
LCB85606: VITALE-AUSSEM, JILL - Disrupting the Status Quo of Senior Living a Mindshift
41337: VIVENZA, JEAN-MARC - Nâgârjuna Et la Doctrine de la Vacuité
LCH47183: VLECKOVA, LUCIE - Vital Art Nouveau 1900
LCB85622: VLERAH, ABAGAIL VAN - Women Who Ride the Hoka Hey - Enduring America's Toughest Motorcycle Challenge
42459: VOEGELIN, ERIC - Anamnesis Voegelin, Eric
LCB61419: VOGEL, STEVEN - Cats' Paws and Catapults. Mechanical Worlds of Nature and People
22463: VOGT, H. - Leìons Sur la Räsolution Algäbrique Des âquations. Avec Une Preface de M. Jules Tannery
41616: VOHRA, ASHOK AND SHARMA, ARVIND - Dharma: The Categorial Imperative
21394: VOLNEY, CONSTANTIN-FRAN_OIS - Voyage en Syrie Et en âgypte Pendant Les Annäes 1783, 1784 Et 1785 Volume 2
6852: VOLTAIRE - Histoire de Charles XII Et Histoire de Russie Sous Pierre le Grand
20689: VOLTERRA, VITO & JOSEPH PäRåS - Leìons Sur la Composition Et Les Fonctions Permutables (Collection de Monographies Sur la Thäorie Des Fonctions)
37759: VOLTERRA, M. V. - Lecons Sur L'Integration Des Equations Differentielles Aux Derivees Partielles
20683: VOLTERRA, VITO - Leìons Sur Les Fonctions de Lignes Professäes a la Sorbonne en 1912. Recuiellies Et Rädigäes par Joseph Pärås
LCB61573: JOOST VAN DEN VONDEL - Lucifer (Oberon Classics)
41180: VAN VOORST, ROBERT E. - Anthology of World Scriptures: Eastern Religions [Paperback] Van Voorst, Robert E.
21552: VOORVELT, CORNELIUS PETRUS - De Amor Poenitens Van Johannes Van Neercassel (1626-1686). Ontstaansgeschiedenis en Lotgevallen Van Een Verhandeling over de Strenge Biechtpraktijk. Proefschrift Ter Verkrijging Van de Graad Van Doctor in de Letteren Aan de Katholieke Universiteit Te Nijm
18708: VOS, ELLEN - Institutional Frameworks of Community Health and Safety Legislation Committees, Agencies and Private Bodies
LCH46955: DE VRIES, ANDRé - Flanders. A Cultural History (Landscapes of the Imagination)
41807: VRIES-MASON, JILLIAN DE - Perception in the Poetry of D.H. Lawrence (European University Studies) Vries-Mason, Jillian de
LCB60623: AP VYCHAN - Gwaith Ap Vychan
29263: KUNSTVEILINGEN SOTHEBY MAK VAN WAAY - Catalogus 260 Fine Dutch, Flemish and German Drawings. Belangrijke Nederlandse, Vlaamse en Duitse Tekeningen 3 May 1975 3 Mei 1976
18506: WACKS, RAYMOND - Understanding Jurisprudence: An Introduction to Legal Theory
LCB85931: WADE-EVANS, A. W. - Papers for Thinking Welshmen
43292: WADE, JOHN - The Extraordinary Black Book
27329: WADSWORTH, CHRIS - Fragments from the Attic. Charles Oakley. Recent Work an Exhibtion of Watercolours and Boxes.
27517: WADSWORTH, CHRIS - Percy Kelly 1918 - 1993 Discoveries.
LCB61292: WAERDEN, BARTEL LEENDERT VAN DER - A History of Algebra - from Al-Khwarizmi to Emmy Noether
LCB83577: WAINER, HOWARD - Picturing the Uncertain World How to Understand, Communicate, and Control Uncertainty Through Graphical Display
LCB60422: WAITE, CHARLIE - Seeing Landscapes: The Creative Process Behind Great Photographs
LCB85982: WALBANK, FRANK W. - Polybius, Rome and the Hellenistic World. Essays and Reflections
LCB62089: WALCOTT, DEREK - The Prodigal
27502: WALDSTEIN, CHARLES - Art in the Nineteenth Century
80162: THE COUNCIL OF THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF WALES - The National Library of Wales Journal Volume VI, Number 1 (Summer) 1949; Cylchgrawn Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, Cyfrol VI, Rhifyn 1, (Haf) 1949
80163: THE COUNCIL OF THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF WALES - The National Library of Wales Journal Volume VII, Number 2 (Winter) 1951; Cylchgrawn Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, Cyfrol VII, Rhifyn 2, (Gaeaf) 1951
80164: THE COUNCIL OF THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF WALES - The National Library of Wales Journal Volume VIII, Number 1 (Summer) 1953; Cylchgrawn Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, Cyfrol VIII, Rhifyn 1, (Haf) 1953
18648: THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY FOR WALES - Digest of Welsh Statistics 2000. Crynhoad o Ystadegau Cymru 2000
24075: WALES, H. G. QUARITCH - The Indianization of China and of South-East Asia
18707: THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY FOR WALES - Digest of Welsh Local Area Statistics 2001 Crynhoad o Ystadegau Ardaloedd Lleol Cymru 2001
LCH47164: WALKER, R. - Cartesian and Projective Geometry
LCB60140: WALKER, SUSAN & M. L. BIERBRIER - Ancient Faces. Mummy Portraits from Roman Egypt (Part IV of a Catalogue of Roman Portraits in the British Museum)
70058: WALKER, WINSLOW M. - The Troyville Mounds Catahoula Parish, la. (Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology. Bulletin 113)
38699: WALKER, DAVID - Dream and Disillusion: Search for Australian Cultural Identity
LCB85629: WALKER, DAVID - Railroading Religion Mormons, Tourists, and the Corporate Spirit of the West
LCB61518: WALL, HUBERT STANLEY - Analytic Theory of Continued Fractions
LCB83799: WALLACE, STUART - War and the Image of Germany. British Academics, 1914-18
LCH46510: WALLACE-CRABBE, CHRIS - New and Selected Poems (Oxford Poets)
LCB61892: WALLACH, R. NOLAN - Bulletin (New Series) of the American Mathematical Society-Volume 33 Number 1 Jan 1996
45419: WALLERSTEIN, IMMANUEL - Unthinking Social Science: The Limits of Nineteenth-Century Paradigms Wallerstein, Immanuel
22025: WOOLLEY & WALLIS - Asian Art I. Tuesday 17th November 2015
22026: WOOLLEY & WALLIS - Asian Art II. Wednesday 18th November 2015
22028: WOOLLEY & WALLIS - Asian Art II. Wednesday 18th May 2016
22029: WOOLLEY & WALLIS - Asian Art I. Tuesday 17th May 2016
LCB83490: WALLIS, GLENN - Mediating the Power of Buddhas Ritual in the Manjusrimulakalpa
81893: WALMSLEY, F. C. (CHIEF OPERATING MANAGER) - Working Timetable of Mandatory Train Services between Carlisle, Glasgow Cen. , Edinburgh and Branches. 12 May 1980 to 10 May 1981.
LCB85222: WALTER, HARRIET - Macbeth, Actors on Shakespeare (Lady Macbeth)
LCB85550: MILDRED PITTS WALTER - Something Inside So Strong Life in Pursuit of Choice, Courage, and Change
80801: WALTERS, J. CUMING - Romantic Cheshire (Signed Copy)
3070: WALTERS, GERALD (EDITOR) - A Technological University: An Experiment in Bath.
LCB60247: WALTON, IZAAK - The Compleat Angler
LCB61059: WALTON, ROY - The Devil's Playthings. A Collection of Card Tricks
LCH46735: WALTZ, LYNN - Hog Wild. The Battle for Workers' Rights at the World's Largest Slaughterhouse
13886: WAMBEKE, A. VAN & L. LIBEN - Carte Des Sols Et de la Vegetation Du Congo Belge Et Du Ruanda-Urundi. 6. Yangambi. Planchette 4: Yambaw a Et B. Notice Explicative de la Carte Des Sols Et de la Vegetation (Publications de L'Institut National Pour L'Etude Agronomique Du Congo Belge (I.N.
LCB85292: WANG, FUNG YEE - A Concise History of Human Civilization; the World Through Chinese Eyes Vol 1-2 Bilingual Edition
LCH46424: WANG, CHAO, ZHIFEI ZHANG, WEIREN ZHAO & YUNRUI ZHENG - Local Well-Posedness and Break-Down Criterion of the Incompressible Euler Equations with Free Boundary (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society March 2021. Volume 270. Number 1318 (Second of 7 Numbers) )
15400: WAPLES, DOUGLAS - Research Memorandum on Social Aspects of Reading in the Depression
LCB61754: WAPNER, LEONARD M. - The Pea and the Sun - a Mathematical Paradox
23367: WAQUET, FRANìOISE - Le Modåle Franìais Et L'Italie Savante. Conscience de Soi Et Perception de L'Autre Dans la Räpublique Des Lettres (1660-1750) (Collection de L'äcole Franìaise de Rome 117)
LCB85847: WARBURTON, PAUL - Signature Seasons. Fifteen Baseball Legends at Their Most Memorable, 1908-1949
61905: WARD, PETER DOUGLAS; STEVEN M. STANLEY (FOREWORD) - On Methuselah's Trail (Living Fossils and the Great Extinctions)
1346: WARD, ROBERT - Renaissance Latin Drama in England: Microcosmus, Stoicus Vapulans, Robert Ward Fucus Sive Histriomastix (Plays Associated with the University of Cambridge)
41545: WARD, GRAHAM; RENNIE, BRYAN S. - Reconstructing Eliade: Making Sense of Religion
82532: WARD, BALDWIN H. (EDITOR) - Year's Pictorial History of the American Negro
62051: WARD, S. G. P. - Wellington's Headquarters: The Command and Administration of the British Army During the Peninsular War
81219: WARD, 'SHARKEY' (FOREWORD BY) ; BENNETT, GH (INTRODUCTION BY) - Bismarck: The Chase and Sinking of Hitler's Goliath (Brittania Naval Histories of World War II
LCB85560: WARD, BRAD - The Motivated Worker a Manager's Guide to Improving Job Satisfaction
5955: WARDEN, A. A. - Common-Sense Patriotism
LCB85895: WARHOL, ROBYN & DIANE PRICE HERNDL - Feminisms Redux. An Anthology of Literary Theory and Criticism
LCB61761: WARHURST, NEIL - Taking Charlie
27897: WARNER, FELICITY - Julian Bailey . New Work. 13 May - 11 June 2004
40783: WARREN, NEIL - Studies in Cross-Cultural Psychology: V. 2 Warren, Neil
25142: WARREN, KATE M. (EDITOR) ; STOPFORD A. BROOKE (INTRODUCTION) - A Treasury of English Literature. Selected and Arranged with Translations and Glossaries. Origins to Eleventh Century.
LCH46276: WARREN, JAMES - Epicurus and Democritean Ethics an Archaeology of Ataraxia
LCB62157: WARREN, NANCY BRADLEY (ISSUE EDITOR) - The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. Volume 42. Number 3. Fall 2012. Special Issue: Monasticisms Medieval and Early Modern
1357: WARREN, DAVID B. - American Decorative Arts and Paintings in the Bayou Bend Collection
24978: WARTOFSKY, MARX W. - Feuerbach
25650: WARWICK, ROGER - Introduction to Anatomy
22827: WASHBURN, A. L. - Weathering, Frost Action, and Patterned Ground in the Mesters Vig District, Northeast Greenland (Meddelelser Om Gronland Bd. 176 - Nr. 4)
LCB85612: WASHINGTON, DONNA-LYN - John Jennings (Conversations with Comic Artists Series)
20644: WASSERMAN, ROBERT & CHARLES P. WELLS (EDITORS) - Fundamental Topics in Relativistic Fluid Mechanics and Magnetohydrodynamics. Proceedings of a Symposium Held at Michigan State University October, 1962
61313: WASSERMAN, DALE - One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest. A Play in Two Acts. From the Novel by Ken Kesey
7833: WATERBEEMD, HAN VAN DE - Structure-Property Correlations in Drug Research (Biotechnology Intelligence Unit)
28683: WATERHOUSE, E. K. ET AL - Thomas Gainsborough 1727 - 1788 . An Exhibition of Paintings
27344: WATERS, BILL - Burne - Jones a Quest for Love : Works by Sir Rdward Burne - Jones Bt and Related Works by Contemporary Artists.
LCH46586: WATERS, C. N. & JAN ZALASIEWICZ - A Stratigraphical Basis for the Anthropocene
81565: WATLING, JOHN. (EDITOR) - British Railway Journal. Special Great Eastern Railway Edition
43229: WATSON, PETER - War on the Mind: The Military Uses and Abuses of Psychology (Pelican) Watson, Peter
LCB85172: WATSON, ANNE - Beyond Architecture Marion Mahony and Walter Burley Griffin - America, Australia and India
LCB85902: WATSON, JAY, ANNETTE TREFZER & JAMES G. THOMAS JR (EDITORS) - Faulkner and the Native South (Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha Series)
80606: WATSON, DAVID C. K. - My God Is Real
18519: WATSON, FOSTER - Richard Mulcaster and His 'Elementarie. A Paper Read Before the College of Perceptors, Wednesday, December 14, 1892 [Reprinted from the Educational Times for January 1893]
39123: WATSON, J. R. - Wordsworth's Vital Soul: The Sacred and Profane in Wordsworth's Poetry [Hardcover] Watson, J.R.
80074: WATSON, DAVID ROBIN - Georges Clemenceau a Political Biography
LCB61339: WATSON, G. A. - Approximation Theory and Numerical Methods
LCB85346: WATSON, JAY & ANN J. (EDITORS) - Fifty Years After Faulkner (Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha Series)
LCH46939: WATSON, IAN - The Embedding
LCB60255: WATSON, JAY & JAMES G. THOMSON JR. (EDITORS) - Faulkner and Slavery (Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha Series)
LCB85363: WATSON, NANCY T. & LEI XIE & MATTHEW J. ETCHELLS - Cultural Impact on Conflict Management in Higher Education
LCB85512: WATSON, LEMUEL W. - It Takes Team Effort Men and Women Working Together to Enhance Children’S Lives
LCB84808: WATSON, DAWN AND SPRAY, ROB - Seaweeds of the English East Coast Illustrated with Pressings from the Seaweed East Survey
28629: WATSON, GRAY - Louise Blair
LCB61299: DE WATTEVILLE, CAROLINE - Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection - Guide to the Exhibited Works
LCB85663: WATTON, ROSS - The Cruiser Belfast
13227: WATTS, FRANK - Education for Self-Realisation and Social Service
LCB85996: WAY, ARTHUR S. - Aristophanes in English Verse. Vol. I
45066: WAYMAN, ALEX - A Millennium of Buddhist Logic (Vol. I) : Vol 1 (Buddhist Tradition Series) Alex Wayman
LCH47182: WAYWELL, GEOFFREY B. - The Lever and Hope Sculptures - Ancient Sculptures in the Lady Lever Art Gallery, Port Sunlight, and a Catalogue of the Ancient Sculptures Formerly in... Band 16. (Monumenta Artis Romanae S)
61927: WEAIRE, DENIS & TOMASO ASTE - The Pursuit of Perfect Packing
LCB60715: WEAVER, MIKE - Julia Margaret Cameron 1815-1879
80508: WEAVER, LAWRENCE; EARL OF ROSEBERY (PREFACE) - The Story of the Royal Scots (the Lothian Regiment)
21250: WEBB, JAMES L. A. - The Long Struggle Against Malaria in Tropical Africa
LCB60259: WEBB, VALERIE - Edward Stott (1855-1918). A Master of Colour and Atmosphere
5967: WEBB, LEICESTER - The Control of Education in New Zealand
LCB61167: WEBBER, WILLIAM LLOYD; RICHARD HENRY WOLLOCOMBE (EDITOR) - With Guns to the Peninsula. The Peninsular War Journal of Captain William Webber, Royal Artillery (the Napoleonic Library)
25790: WEBBER, C. E. & E. S. GARNETT - Density of Os Calcis and Limb Dominance. Reprinted from Journal of Anatomy Volume 121 1976 No. 1
40350: WEBER, MAX AND PARSONS, T. - Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism Weber, Max and Parsons, T.
LCB82941: WEBER, ALISON - Teresa of Avila and the Rhetoric of Femininity
LCH47007: WEBSTER, ROGER - Convexity (Oxford Science Publications)
37560: WEBSTER, C. K. - The Congress of Vienna 1814-1815
61303: WEBSTER, JOHN; RENé WEIS (EDITOR) - The Duchess of Malfi and Other Plays (Oxford World's Classics)
LCH46529: WEBSTER, LESLIE - Anglo-Saxon Art. A New History
LCB83195: WEBSTER, JOHN - Karl Barth (2nd Edition)
26821: WEBSTER, ROGER - School and Community in Rural Wales (Aberystwyth Studies in Education) Webster, Roger
61969: WECHSBERG, JOSEPH - A Walk Through the Garden of Science (a Profile of the Weizmann Institute)
LCB61735: WECHSBERG, JOSEPH - Looking for a Bluebird
70052: WEDEL, WALDO RUDOLPH - An Introduction to Pawnee Archeology (Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology. Bulletin 112)
17435: WEEKES, BLANCHE E. - The Influence of Meaning on Children's Choices of Poetry. Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Philosophy, Columbia University
LCB60014: WEEKS, JONATHAN - Best of the Bruins. Boston's All-Time Great Hockey Players and Coaches
LCB85603: WEEVER, JACQUELINE - Aesop and the Residue of Medieval Thought - a Study of Six Fables As Translated at the End of the Middle Ages
80414: JAAP WEIDEMA - Dooie Vliegen
LCB61021: WEIGHT, R. V. - Carel Weight. A Haunted Imagination
LCB85413: WEIGOLD, MARILYN E. - Peconic Bay Four Centuries of History on Long Island’S North and South Forks
LCB61532: WEIL, ANDRé - Number Theory. An Approach Through History from Hammurapi to Legendre
LCB61277: WEIL, ANDR E - The Apprenticeship of a Mathematician
LCB85986: WEINBERG, ROBERT, STEFAN R. DZIEMIANOWICZ & MARTIN H. GREENBERG (EDITORS) - Rivals of Weird Tales. 30 Great Fantasy and Horror Stories from the Weird Fiction Pulps (Signed)
LCB60427: WEINBERG, JONATHAN & JOYCE HENRI ROBINSON - The Photography of Nan Goldin
29415: WEINBERG, JILL & BERNARD LENNON - Raoul Hague . Sculpture 1947 - 1989.
LCB61103: WEINZWEIG, ARI - A Lapsed Anarchist's Approach to Building a Great Business (Zingerman's Guide to Good Leading, Part 1)
25563: WEIR, J. , P. H. ABRAHAMS, E. A. - An Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy
LCB85851: WEIR, CATHERINE & EVANS MANDES - Interpreting Visual Art. A Survey of Cognitive Research About Pictures
LCB61879: WEIR, ALAN J. - General Integration and Measure
25709: WEISSE, FANEUIL D. - Practical Human Anatomy. A Working-Guide for Students of Medicine and a Ready-Reference for Surgeons and Physicians
70051: WELANT, C. W. - An Introduction to the Ceramics of Tres Zapotes, Veracruz, Mexico (Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology. Bulletin 139)
LCB85645: DIODORUS OF SICILY & C. BRADFORD WELLES (TRANSLATOR) - Diodorus Siculus: Books XVI. 66-95 and XVII
21118: WELLS, STANLEY (EDITOR) - Shakespeare and the Globe
80607: WELLS, SAMUEL - Hanging by a Thread: The Questions of the Cross
LCH47070: WELLS, DAVID - Hidden Connections, Double Meanings. A Mathematical Exploration
82629: WELLS, CALVIN - Bones, Bodies and Disease: Evidence of Disease and Abnormality in Early Man (No. 37, Ancient People and Places)
82507: WELLS, CALVIN - Bones, Bodies and Disease - Evidence of Disease and Abnormality in Early Man (Vol 37. Ancient Peoples & Places) Signed
8211: WELLS, KATHARINE F. - Kinesiology. The Mechanical and Anatomic Fundamentals of Human Motion Illustrated
LCB85605: WENDER, CHAIM & PATRICIA MORRISON - The Hospice Team Who We Are and How We Care
LCB60144: WENDORF, RICHARD - Sir Joshua Reynolds. The Painter in Society
LCH46855: WENDT, ALBERT - From Manoa to a Ponsonby Garden
LCB61590: WENDT, ALBERT - From Manoa to a Ponsonby Garden
LCH47148: WESKER, ARNOLD - The Weaker Trilogy; Chicken Soup with Barley, Roots I'm Talking About Jerusalem
28749: WESSELL, THOMAS - Klaus Merkel. Arbeiten Aus Perl. Souvenir. Rückseite Des Mondes Und Eine Gruppe Von Zeichnungen.
25726: WESSON, MILEY B. - The Prostatic Median Bar. Reprinted from the Journal of Urology, Vol. XXII, No. 4, October, 1929
LCB85914: WEST, KRISTA & RONALD J. BROGAN (INTRODUCTION) - Junior Drug Awareness. Cocaine and Crack
7051: WEST, N. E. & JOHN SKUJINS (EDITORS) - Nitrogen in Desert Ecosystems (Us/Ibp Synthesis Series 9)
LCB85572: WEST, MARK I. - Shapers of American Childhood - Essays on Visionaries from L. Frank Baum to Dr. Spock to J.K. Rowling
27716: WESTFALL, STEPHEN - Catherine Lee. Bronze, Ceramic and Oil Reliefs. 15 March - 15 April 1989
21399: WESTPHAL, RUDOLF - Theorie Der Musischen KƒNste Der Hellenen Volume 2 Griechische Harmonik Und Melopoeie
LCB85334: WESTWOOD, HOWARD C. & JOHN Y. SIMON - Black Troops, White Commanders, and Freedmen During the CIVIL War
LCH47075: WETHERILL, G. BARRIE - Elementary Statistical Methods
38993: WEYLER, REX - Blood of the Land: The Government and Corporate War Against the American Indian Movement
62097: WHALEY, JOACHIM (EDITOR) - Mirrors of Mortality, Studies of the Social History of Death
LCB62102: WHARTON, ANNABEL (ISSUE EDITOR) - The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies Formerly the Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Volume 26/Number 3 Fall 1996. Special Issue: Maps of Authority: Conflict in the Medieval and Early Modern Urban Landscape
LCB85823: WHATLEY SMITH, VIRGINIA (EDITOR) - Richard Wright. Writing America at Home and from Abroad
40158: WHEATON, BERNARD & KAVAN, ZDENEK - The Velvet Revolution: Czechoslovakia, 1988-1991 [Paperback] Wheaton, Bernard
12844: WHEELER, GERALD JOHN - The Practice of Private Bills with the Standing Orders of the House of Lords and House of Commons and Rules As to Provisional Orders
82628: WHEELER, MORTIMER - Early India and Pakistan to Ashoka (Revised Edition) Vol 12. Ancient People and Places
21931: WHEELER, BENJAMIN IDE - Analogy and the Scope of Its Application in Language
LCB61013: WHELAN, RICHARD & CORNELL CAPA - Cornell Capa - Photographs
LCB85561: WHELAN, GLORIA - Living Together - Stories and a Novella
LCB85282: WHITE, BRETTON - Staging Discomfort; Performance and Queerness in Contemporary Cuba
41232: ANN A. PANG-WHITE - The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Chinese Philosophy and Gender
LCB60123: WHITE, KENNETH - Open World the Collected Poems 1960-2000
5900: WHITE, EVA W. ; HANMER, LEE F. - The Gary Public Schools. Household Arts - Bound with: The Gary Public Schools: Physical Training and Play
39969: WHITE, TED - Broadcast News Writing, Reporting and Production White, Ted
39958: WHITE, ROBERT W - Enterprise of Living White, Robert W.
28308: CHRISTOPHER WHITE - Dutch and Flemish Drawings from the Royal Library Windsor Castle.
25195: WHITE, WILLIAM HALE MARK RUTHERFORD - Letters to Three Friends
LCB61046: WHITE, STEPHEN - John Thomson, a Window to the Orient
LCH46436: WHITEFORD, ANDREW H. - A Reappraisal of Economic Development. Perspectives for Cooperative Research
LCB61691: WHITESIDE, D. T. (EDITED BY) - The Mathematical Papers of Isaac Newton - Volume 5, 1683-1684
LCB60902: WHITEWAY, MICHAEL & AUGUSTO MORELLO - Christopher Dresser. 1834-1904
LCB85355: WHITFIELD, HARVEY AMANI (EDITOR) - Black Slavery in the Maritimes - a History in Documents
LCB60949: WHITLEY, JAMES & OLS LAFE - Archaeological Reports for 2004- 2005 (No. 51)
LCB60947: WHITLEY, JAMES & MARGARITA GLEBA - Archaeological Reports for 2002- 2003 (No. 49)
LCB60948: WHITLEY, JAMES & LOUISE STEEL - Archaeological Reports for 2003- 2004 (No. 50)
LCB60968: WHITLEY, J, SOPHIA GERMANIDOU ET AL; FRANCO DE ANGELIS; LUCINDA BURN - Archaeological Reports for 2006 - 2007 (No. 53)
LCB60967: WHITLEY, JAMES AND OLS LAFE - Archaeological Reports for 2004-2005 (No. 51)
LCB85354: WHITNEY-WEI, JORDAN - Katharine Whitney Curtis, Mother of Synchronized Swimming Mother of Synchronized Swimming
29405: WHITTET, G. S. (EDITOR) - Studio International Volume 169 Number 861 January 1965
29409: WHITTET, G. S. (EDITOR) - Studio International Volume 170 Number 870 October 1965
29411: WHITTET, G. S. (EDITOR) - Studio International Volume 169 Number 862 February 1965
LCB85212: WHITTICK, ARNOLD - Eric Mendelson; a Biography by Arnold Whittick
LCB83295: WHITTIER, JOHN GREENLEAF (COLLECTED WORKS BY) - Poems: Religious and Devotional
LCH45905: WHITTINGHAM, BRIAN - Ergonomic Workstations and Spinning Teacans
LCH45906: WHITTINGHAM, BRIAN - Drink the Green Fairy (Signed Copy)
61453: WHITTLE, PETER - Probability (Library of University Mathematics)
62182: WHITTLE, PETER - Probability
61461: WHITWORTH, WILLIAM ALLEN - Choice and Chance with 100 Exercises
81315: WIAYARATNA, MOHAN - Buddhist Nuns: The Birth and Development of a Women's Monastic Order
25557: WICKE, LOTHAR; ANNA N. TAYLOR (EDITOR & TRANSLATOR) - Atlas of Radiologic Anatomy
44978: WICKS, ROBERT - Modern French Philosophy: From Existentialism to Postmodernism
LCB85132: WIEKART, K. - Art and Architecture in the Netherlands Oud, J.J. P.
39764: WIGGINS, DAVID - Sameness and Substance
LCB60340: WIGODER, GEOFFREY - The Story of the Synagogue: A Diaspora Museum Book
LCB85532: SUDIE DOGGETT WIKE - Women in the American Revolution
27370: WILCOX, TIMOTHY - The Glory of Watercolour - the Royal Watercolour Society Diploma Collection.
LCB60954: WILCOX, CLAIRE - The Ambassador Magazine - Promoting Post-War British Textiles and Fashion
39954: WILCOX, WAYNE AYRES - The Emergence of Bangladesh: Problems and Opportunities for a Redefined American Policy in South Asia (Foreign Affairs Study) Wilcox, Wayne Ayres
LCB60299: WILCOX, SCOTT - British Watercolours. Drawings of the 18th and 19th Centuries from the Yale Center for British Art
27456: WILDER, F. L. - Print Prices Current. Being a Complete Alphabetical Record of All Engravings & Etchings Sold by Auction in London, Each Item Annotated with the Date of Sale and Price Realised. Volume X 1929
27457: WILDER, F. L. - Print Prices Current. Being a Complete Alphabetical Record of All Engravings & Etchings & Baxtertints Sold by Auction in London and America , Each Item Annotated with Date of Sale, Price Realised and the Quality and Condition of the Prints. Volume 14.
LCH46359: WILEY, J. W. - The N**Ger in You. Challenging Dysfunctional Language, Engaging Leadership Moments
LCB61355: WILF, HERBERT S. - Generating Functionology
LCB61819: WILF, HERBERT S. (EDITOR) E. A. - The American Mathematical Monthly - Volume 95, Number 7 - August-September 1988
LCB60110: WILIAM, EURWYN - The Welsh Cottage Building Traditions of the Rural Poor
21301: WILKIN, PAUL & SIMON J. MAYO - Early Events in Monocot Evolution: 83
40332: WILKINS, BURLEIGH TAYLOR - Has History Any Meaning?
42583: WILKINSON, JAMES D . - The Intellectual Resistance in Europe [Paperback] Wilkinson, James D.
62046: WILKINSON-LATHAM, JOHN - British Cut and Thrust Weapons
19707: WILKINSON, JAMES D . - The Intellectual Resistance in Europe
82242: WILKINSON, JOHN - Egeria's Travels Newly Translated with Supporting Documents and Notes
LCB60694: WILL, JAY T. ; TOM SULAK (EDITOR) - Kenpo Karate for Self-Defense
LCH46968: WILLETT, JULIE - The Male Chauvinist Pig. A History
82576: WILLETTS, R. F. - Everyday Life in Ancient Crete
26759: WILLETTS, PETER - Non-Aligned Movement: Origins of a Third World Alliance Willetts, Peter
33789: WILLETTS, WILLIAM - Chinese Art: Volume One.
27501: WILLIAM D. MCKAY, R. S. A. - The Scottish School of Painting.
41995: WILLIAMS, R. D. - Crop Protection Handbook - Grass and Clover Swards Williams, R.D.
38200: WILLIAMS, BERNARD - Moral Luck: Philosophical Papers 1973-1980 (Cambridge Paperback Library) [Paperback] Williams, Bernard
LCB61694: WILLIAMS, GLYN - The Desert and the Dream -- a Study of Welsh Colonization in Chubut, 1865-1915
LCB85428: WILLIAMS, ANDREA N. - Dividing Lines Class Anxiety and Postbellum Black Fiction
LCB61540: WILLIAMS, KENNETH S. & KENNETH HARDY - The Red Book of Mathematical Problems
LCB60625: WILLIAMS, WILLIAM [CALEDFRYN] - Gwaith Caledfryn
LCH47149: WILLIAMS, TENNESSEE - The Night of the Iguana
21298: WILLIAMS, DAVID A. & SERENA VITI - Observational Molecular Astronomy : Exploring the Universe Using Molecular Line Emissions
80353: WILLIAMS, ALAN F - John Cabot and Newfoundland
80581: WILLIAMS, IOLO A. - Early English Watercolours and Some Cognate Drawings by Artists Born Not Later Than 1785
LCB85492: WILLIAMS, DONALD MACE - Interlude in Umbarger Italian Pows and a Texas Church
LCH46075: WILLIAMS, STEPHANIE - Hong Kong Bank. The Building of Norman Foster's Masterpiece
42377: WILLIAMS III, FRANK P. AND MCSHANE, MARILYN D. - Criminology Theory Williams III, Frank P. And Mcshane, Marilyn D.
LCB83666: WILLIAMS, E. ROLAND - Some Studies of Elizabethan Wales
38862: WILLIAMS, HOWARD - Essays on Kant's Political Philosophy
82002: WILLIAMS, CHRIS & RALPH A GRIFFITHS & SIAN WILLIAMS - The Gwent County History Industrial Monmouthshire, 1780 - 1914 Volume 4
LCB60639: WILLIAMS, O. GAIANYDD - Dafydd Jones o Drefriw (1708-1785)
36432: WILLIAMS, GLANMOR - Bywyd Ac Amersau'r Esgob Richard Davies
LCH47118: WILLIAMS, GORDON - Micronaut World
LCB83021: WILLIAMS, LESLIE H. - The Young Manager in Industry to-Day
LCH47126: WILLIAMSON, JACK - Dragon's Island. A Science Fiction Adventure
62031: WILLIS, JAN AND (AFTERWORD) BETTINA APTHEKER - Dreaming Me : Black, Baptist, and Buddhist (One Woman's Spiritual Journey
44069: WILLIS, SAM AND RODGER, N. A. M. - Fighting Ships 1850-1950 Willis, Sam and Rodger, N.A. M.
61375: P. A. D. HOLLOM & R. F. PORTER & S. CHRISTENSEN & IAN WILLIS - Birds of the Middle East and North Africa
LCB61378: WILLIS, HOLLY (EDITOR) - David o. Russell. Interviews (Conversations with Filmmakers Series)
20789: WILLKOMM, MORITZ - Die Vegetation Der Erde. Sammlung Pflanzengeographischer Monographien Herausgegeben Von A. Engler Und o. Drude. I. GrundzƒGe Der Pflanzenverbreitung Auf Der Iberischen Halbinsel
81813: WILLOUGHBY, D. - About It & About
LCB83196: WILLS, RICHARD WAYNE - Martin Luther King, Jr. , and the Image of God
82217: WILMOT, MARTHA; THE MARCHIONESS OF LONDONDERRY AND H. M. HYDE (EDITORS) - More Letters from Martha Wilmot. Impressions of Vienna - 1819-1829
22440: WILSON, STEWART - Spitfire (Sovereign Series)
LCB85048: WILSON, RICHARD GUY - Mckim, Mead and White. Architects
LCB60991: WILSON, ROBIN J. - Stamping Through Mathematics
27310: H. J. WILSON - Frank Fidler First One Man Show. [ 1958 ]
1398: WILSON, DAVID - Children (Commercial Photography)
61307: WILSON, SNOO - Vampire
LCB61347: WILSON, ROBIN - Euler's Pioneering Equation. The Most Beautiful Theorem in Mathematics
LCH46301: WILSON, BRIAN; ROBERT FARRIS THOMPSON (FOREWORD) - In Search of Ancient Kings. Egúngún in Brazil
39676: WILSON, EDMUND AND EDEL, LEON - The Twenties Wilson, Edmund and Edel, Leon
LCB61444: WILSON, ROBIN - Four Colours Suffice: How the Map Problem Was Solved
40793: WILSON, CHRISTOPHER P. - Jokes: Form, Content, Use and Function (European Monographs in Social Psychology) Wilson, Christopher P.
LCB60397: WILTON-ELY, JOHN AND VALERIE (TRANSLATORS) - The Horses of San Marco, Venice
20355: WINCH, PETER (EDITOR) - Analysis Volume 32 1971-1972
13658: WINCH, W. H. - Inductive Versus Deductive Methods of Teaching: An Experimental Research (Educational Psychology Monographs. No. 11)
20356: WINCH, PETER (EDITOR) - Analysis Volume 33 1972-1973
41689: WING, LORNA - Aspects of Autism Biological Research (Gaskell Psychiatry Series) Lorna Wing
25635: WINGERD, BRUCE D. - Dogfish Dissection Manual
6108: WINKEL, HARALD - Universitèt Hohenheim. Festschrift Zum 175 Jèhrigen Jubilèum. Herausgegeben Von Harald Winkel. Mit Beitrègen Von Erwin Reisch, George Turner, Harald Winkel
25212: WINKLER, WILHELM - Die Einkommensverschiebungen in àsterreich Wèhrend Des Weltkrieges (Wirtschafts- Und Sozialgeschichte Des Weltkrieges. àsterreichische Und Ungarische Serie) (Verüffentlichungen Der Carnegie-Stiftung FƒR Internationalen Frieden. Abteilung FƒR Volkswirtscha
39787: WINNERS WARNER, CRAIG; NELSON, RICHARD; MAIROWITZ, DAVID Z AND BAINES, ELIZABETH - Best Radio Plays 1989: Giles Cooper Award Winners Warner, Craig; Nelson, Richard; Mairowitz, David Z and Baines, Elizabeth
28969: WINTER, C. - The British School of Miniature Portrait Painters. Annual Lecture on Aspects of Art. Henriette Hertz Trust, of the British Academy (Signed Association Copy)
61911: WINTERBOTTOM, MICHAEL (EDITOR) - Roman Declamation
80617: WINTERTON, EARL - Pre-War
22161: WINTNER, AUREL - Spektraltheorie Der Unendlichen Matrizen. EinfƒHrung in Den Analytischen Apparat Der Quantenmechanik. Mit Einer Einleitung Von Leon Lichtenstein
18492: WINTON, ANDREW L. & KATE BARBER - The Structure and Composition of Foods. Volume III Milk (Including Human) , Butter, Cheese, Ice Cream, Eggs, Meat, Meat Extracts, Gelatin, Animal Fats, Poultry, Fish, Shellfish
LCH46325: WISE, CAROL, LESLIE ELLIOTT ARMIJO & SAORI N. KATADA (EDITORS) - Unexpected Outcomes. How Emerging Economies Survived the Global Financial Crisis
LCH46870: WITANOWSKI, DAVID R. - Reynard the Fox
20663: WITHERS, HARTLEY - War and Lombard Street
39972: WITKIN, HERMAN A. AND ETC. - Psychological Differentiation: Studies of Development Witkin, Herman A. And Etc.
LCB85271: LEWIS BLANE D. & FIRMAN WITOELAR - Econimic Dimensions of Covid-19 in Indonesia Responding to the Crisis
27218: WITT, ROBERT - Dutch Art, an Illustrated Souvenir of the Exhibition of Dutch Art at Burlington House, London. [1929 ]
28573: WITT, SIR ROBERT - Exhibition in Honour of Sir Robert Witt, C.B. E. , D. Litt. , F.S. A. Of the Principal Acquisitions Made for the Nation Through the National Art - Collections Fund
21135: WITTENBERG, JASON - Crucibles of Political Loyalty : Church Institutions and Electoral Continuity in Hungary
44575: WITTGENSTEIN, LUDWIG AND ANSCOMBE, G. E. M. - Notebooks, 1914-16
38927: WITTGENSTEIN, LUDWIG; G. H. VON WRIGHT (EDITOR) , HEIKKI NYMAN; PETER WINCH (TRANSLATOR) - Culture and Value (Vermischte Bemerkungen)
38554: WITTGENSTEIN, LUDWIG - Wittgenstein, Der Wiener Kreis Und Der Kritische Rationalismus: Akten Des Dritten Internationalen Wittgenstein Symposiums, 13. Bis 19. August 1978... Der Wittgenstein-Gesellschaft)
44516: WITTGENSTEIN, LUDWIG; G. E. M. ANSCOMBE (TRANSLATOR) - Philosophical Investigations. Philosophische Untersuchungen. The German Text with a Revised English Translation (Bilingual)
40168: WITTIG, SUSAN, FRANKLIN HOLCOMB & ANN DUNN - The Participating Reader [Paperback] Wittig, Susan
LCB60746: WITTLICH, PETR - Art–Nouveau Prague
8369: WITTY, RICHARD A. - How to Become a Qualified Accountant
21105: WITZ, M. AIMä - Cours de Manipulations de Physique Präparatoire a la Licence (L'âcole Pratique de Physique)
LCB85894: WOLCOTT, WILLA - Reflections on Teaching Literacy. Selected Speeches of Margaret J. Early
LCH47049: WOLD, ALLEN - V. The Crivit Experiment
LCH46911: WOLF, GARY K. - Killerbowl
61974: S. WOLF, ROBERT - A Tour Through Mathematical Logic
21961: WOLF, PAUL - Algebraische Theorie Der Galoisschen Algebren (Mathematische Forschungsberichte III)
LCH47110: WOLFE, GENE - Operation Ares
82125: WOLFERSTAN, BILL - Desolation Sound and the Discovery Islands. Cruising Guide to British Columbia Vol. 2
60642: WOLFF, HELGA - No Longer Strangers
LCB60426: WOLFF, DR. PAUL; WARNER S. VICTOR (TRANSLATOR) - My Experiences in Colour Photography
80677: WOLFFE, JOHN - God and Greater Britain: Religion and National Life in Britain and Ireland 1843-1945
20941: WOLFROM. M. L. (EDITOR) - Symposium I. Carbohydrate Chemistry of Substances of Biological Interest (Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Biochemistry. Vienna, 1-6 September 1958 Volume I)
LCB85508: WOLFSON, LAURA ESTHER - For Single Mothers Working As Train Conductors
LCH46461: WONG, ANTHONY CHI-YING - Powder Technology in Plastics Processing
LCB61281: WONTNER, NED J. H. - Views from a Peak - Generalisations and Descriptive Set Theory
LCH46448: WOO, BENJAMIN & JEREMY STOLL (EDITORS) - The Comics World. Comic Books, Graphic Novels, and Their Publics
27236: PETER KARDIA & JON WOOD. - John Panting Rediscovered.
LCB60178: WOOD, KATELYN HALE - Cracking Up: Black Feminist Comedy in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Century United States (Studies in Theatre History & Culture)
LCB85722: WOOD, RICK - Shutter House
LCB85721: WOOD, RICK - After the Devil Has Won (Cia Rose)
LCB85715: WOOD, RICK - The Sensitives Book 1 - 3
LCB85713: WOOD, RICK - Death of the Honeymoon
LCB85714: WOOD, RICK - Demon's Daughter
LCB85716: WOOD, RICK - Questions for the Devil
LCB85717: WOOD, RICK - Repent
LCB85719: WOOD, RICK - The Edward King Series Books 4-5
LCB85720: WOOD, RICK - The Edward King Series Books 1-3
LCB85723: WOOD, RICK - This Book Is Full of Bodies
LCB85718: WOOD, RICK - The Resurgence
LCB61571: WOOD, RONNIE - How Can It Be? a Rock & Roll Diary
LCB84468: WOOD, A. HAROLD & E. GORDON RUPP - Church Unity without Uniformity a Study of Seventeenth-Century English Church Movements and of Richard Baxter's Proposals for a Comprehensive Church
LCB85627: WOODARD, HELENA - Slave Sites on Display (Reflecting Slavery's Legacy Through Contemporary "Flash" Moments)
25542: WOODBURNE, RUSSELL T. - Essentials of Human Anatomy
60593: WOODCOCK, PETER - This Enchanted Isle. The Neo-Romantic Vision from William Blake to the New Visionaries.
42066: WOODCROFT, BENNET - Alphabetical Index of Patentees of Inventions, [from March 2, 1617 (14 James I) to October 1, 1852 (16 Victoriae) ] Woodcroft, Bennet
25851: WOODHEAD, A. G. (EDITOR) - Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum. Volumen XIX
25848: WOODHEAD, A. G. (EDITOR) - Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum. Volumen XVI
25850: WOODHEAD, A. G. (EDITOR) - Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum. Volumen XVIII
25852: WOODHEAD, A. G. (EDITOR) - Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum. Volumen XX
25849: WOODHEAD, A. G. (EDITOR) - Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum. Volumen XVII
19424: WOODHOUSE, ROGER - Tangled Destiny. France, Europe and the Anglo-Saxons
LCB83706: WOODHOUSE, PATRICK - Etty Hillesum a Life Transformed
LCB61095: WOODMAN, RICHARD - The Real Cruel Sea. The Merchant Navy in the Battle of Atlantic 1939-1943
42864: WOODRUFF, W. - The Struggle for World Power 1500–1980
25697: WOODS, JOHN E. & O. H. BEAHRS (EDITORS) - The Surgical Clinics of North America. Volume 57 - Number 4. August 1977. Symposium on Head and Neck Surgery II
25719: WOODS, JOHN E. & O. H. BEAHRS - The Surgical Clinics of North America. Volume 57. Number 3. June 1977. Symposium on Head and Neck Surgery I
80101: WOODWARD, B B - The History of Wales, from the Earliest Times to Its Final Incorporation with the Kingdom of England. Part 24. [Fascicle]
80099: WOODWARD, B B - The History of Wales, from the Earliest Times to Its Final Incorporation with the Kingdom of England. Part 22. [Fascicle]
80094: WOODWARD, B B - The History of Wales, from the Earliest Times to Its Final Incorporation with the Kingdom of England. Part 13. [Fascicle]
80098: WOODWARD, B B - The History of Wales, from the Earliest Times to Its Final Incorporation with the Kingdom of England. Part 21. [Fascicle]
80100: WOODWARD, B B - The History of Wales, from the Earliest Times to Its Final Incorporation with the Kingdom of England. Part 23. [Fascicle]
40932: WOODWORTH, ROBERT S. ; SCHLOSBERG, HAROLD; KLING, J. W. AND RIGGS, L. A. - Experimental Psychology Woodworth, Robert S. ; Schlosberg, Harold; Kling, J.W. And Riggs, L.A.
LCB61065: WOOF, ROBERT & HOWARD J. M. HANLEY AND STEPHEN HEBRON - Paradise Lost - the Poem and Its Illustrations
LCB83642: WOOLF, JAN & RUTH BOSWELL - Fugues on a Funny Bone
38587: WOOLF, STUART - Napoleon's Integration of Europe [Hardcover] Woolf, Stuart
LCH46609: WOOLFORD, JOHN & KARLIN, DANIEL (EDITED BY) - The Poems of Browning. Volume Two: 1841-1846
70141: WOOLLEY, PERSIA - How to Write and Sell Historical Fiction
3989: WORDSWORTH, CHRISTOPHER; JOHNSON, R. BRIMLEY (EDITOR) - The Undergraduate. From Dr. Christopher Wordsworth's Social Life at the English Universities in the Eighteenth Century. Revised, Abridged, and Re-Arranged with an Introduction.
38081: WORMALD, BRIAN HARVEY GOODWIN - Francis Bacon: History, Politics and Science, 1561-1626 (Cambridge Studies in the History and Theory of Politics)
21004: WORONIN, MICHAEL STEPHANOVITCH; CHARLES CHUPP (TRANSLATOR AND PREFACE) - Plasmiodophora Brassicae. The Cause of Cabbage Hernia (Phytopathological Classics Number 4)
39826: WORONOFF, DENIS AND JACKSON, JULIAN - The Thermidorean Regime and the Directory 1794-1799 (the French Revolution) (V3) [Hardcover] Woronoff, Denis and Jackson, Julian
LCB61261: WORRALL, JOHN & GREGORY CURRIE (EDITORS) - Philosophical Papers Mathematics V2 - Volume 2, Philosophical Papers: 02. Philosophical Papers (Cambridge)
LCB61155: WORSLEY, LUCY - Jane Austen at Home. A Biography
62033: WRAGG, DAVID - 'Total Germany' (the Royal Navy's War Against the Axis Powers 1939-1945)
LCB61591: WRAGG, TED (EDITED BY) - Research Papers in Education - Policy and Practice - Volume 7 Number 2 June 1992
21386: WRAXALL, NATHANIEL WILLIAM - Historical Memoirs of My Own Time. Volume 1
21139: WRAXALL, NATHANIEL WILLIAM - Historical Memoirs of My Own Time. Volume 2
81931: WRIGHT, W. B. - The Quaternary Ice Age
82058: WRIGHT, GEOFF - The Hedge Wytch . Samhain 1999. Issue 8.
82062: WRIGHT, GEOFF - The Hedge Wytch. Beltaine 2001. The Magazine of the Association of Hedge Witches : Issue 14
82063: WRIGHT, GEOFF - The Hedge Wytch. Lammas 2001. The Magazine of the Association of Hedge Witches : Issue 15
82064: WRIGHT, GEOFF - The Hedge Wytch. Samhain 2001. The Magazine of the Association of Hedge Witches : Issue 16
82085: WRIGHT, GEOFF - The Hedge Wytch. Imbolc 2011. Issue 53. The Magazine of the Association of Hedge Witches
82072: WRIGHT, GEOFF - The Hedge Wytch. Samhain / Nov 2003. Issue 24
82073: WRIGHT, GEOFF - The Hedge Wytch. Beltane 2004. Issue 26.
82078: WRIGHT, GEOFF - The Hedge Wytch. Issue 40. Samhain/ November 2007
82060: WRIGHT, GEOFF - The Hedge Wytch - Samhain 2000 - Magazine of the Association of Hedge Witches : Issue 12
23390: WRIGHT, ALAN & NICHOLAS HASTIE (EDITOR) - Genes and Common Diseases. Genetics in Modern Medicine
82081: WRIGHT, GEOFF - The Hedge Wytch August / Lammas 2008. Issue 43. The Magazine of the Association of Hedge Witches
42421: WRIGHT, DAVID - Metrical Observations Wright, David
82059: WRIGHT, GEOFF - The Hedge Wytch. The Magazine of the Association of Hedge Witches : Issue 11
82079: WRIGHT, GEOFF - The Hedge Wytch February / Imbolc 2008. Issue 41. The Magazine of the Association of Hedge Witches
41707: WRIGHT, RICHARD - American Hunger Wright, Richard
22508: WRIGHT, DAVID & ANNE DIGBY (EDITORS) - From Idiocy to Mental Deficiency. Historical Perspectives on People with Learning Disabilities (Studies in the Social History of Medicine)
21104: WRIGHTSON, JOHN, W. FREAM - Farm Crops (Cassell's Agricultural Text-Books (the Downton Series) . With a Chapter on Grasses by W. Fream
38695: WRIGLEY, CHRIS (ED) - Challenges of Labour: Central and Western Europe 1917-1920: Central and Western Europe, 1917-20 Wrigley, Chris
40340: WRIGLEY, E. A - Continuity, Chance and Change: The Character of the Industrial Revolution in England [Hardcover] Wrigley, E.A.
82680: WULFF, HANS E. - The Traditional Crafts of Persia. Their Development, Technology and Influence on Eastern and Western Civilization.
41173: WYLAND, FRANCIE - Motherhood, Lesbianism and Child Custody Wyland, Francie
29414: W/S FINE ART/ANDREW WYLD - Watercolours and Drawings 1750 - 1950. The Annual Exhibition. 7 June - 7 July 2006
28333: ANDREW WYLD - W.S. Fine Art Andrew Wyld. Summer Exhibition 2009
37554: WYN DAVIES, DAVID - Hugh Williams: The Man Who Was Rebecca?
27418: WYNESS, FENTON - James Giles R.S. A. 1801 - 1870
LCH46367: WYSE, LOWELL - Ecospatiality. A Place-Based Approach to American Literature (New American Canon)
LCB85740: XENOPHON, G. M EDWARDS (EDITOR) - Memorabilia I
LCB85370: LE, XIAOBIN - Reliability-Based Mechanical Design, Volume 1 Component Under Static Load
LCB61923: SINAI YA. G. - Introduction to Ergodic Theory
LCB62011: YAGLOM I. M. (TRANSLATED BY ABE SHENITZER) - Geomtric Transformations III
LCB62012: YAGLOM I. M. (TRANSLATED BY ALLEN SHIELDS) - Geometric Transformation II
18526: YAHUDA, MICHAEL B. - China's Role in World Affairs
LCH46733: YANCEY, GEORGE & ALICIA L. BRUNSON - Prejudice in the Press? Investigating Bias in Coverage of Race, Gender, Sexuality and Religion
45203: YANDELL, KEITH E. - The Epistemology of Religious Experience
24456: YANG, LIEN-SHENG - Excursions in Sinology (Harvard-Yenching Institute Studies XXIV)
LCH47083: YANG, KICHOON - Complex Algebraic Geometry. An Introduction to Curves and Surfaces (Pure and Applied Mathematics. A Series of Monographs and Textbooks). No. 149
LCB60727: CHU YUAN; YANG HSIEN-YI & GLADYS YANG (TRANSLATORS) - LI Sao and Other Poems of Chu Yuan
21209: YAP, YOKE KHIN (EDITOR) - Nanotubes and Related Nanostructures - 2009: Volume 1204
36244: YAZDANI, MASOUD - Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Applications (Chapman & Hall Computing Series) Yazdani, Masoud
61458: YEE, LEE , RUDOLF VYBORNY - The Integral: An Easy Approach After Kurzweil and Henstock (Australian Mathematical Society Lecture Series 14)
44808: YELLE, ROBERT A. - The Language of Disenchantment: Protestant Literalism and Colonial Discourse in British India (Aar Reflection and Theory in the Study of Religion) [Paperback] Yelle, Robert A.
40337: YEO, EILEEN AND YEO, STEPHEN - Popular Culture and Class Conflict, 1590-1914: Explorations in the History of Labour and Leisure Yeo, Eileen and Yeo, Stephen
LCB61022: YEOMANS, RICHARD - The Art and Architecture of Islamic Cairo
LCB85353: YEONHYANG KIM (EDITOR) , SIVARAM K. NARAYAN (EDITOR) , GABRIEL PICIOROAGA (EDITOR) & ERIC S. WEBER (EDITOR) - Frames and Harmonic Analysis; Ams Special Session on Frames, Wavelets and Gabor Systems; Ams Special Session on Frames, Harmonic Analysis, and Operator Theory
LCB85041: YERBURY, F. R. - Modern Dutch Buildings. With Photographs Specially Taken by the Author
70300: YOLTON, JOHN W. - John Locke and the Way of Ideas
LCB61217: YONGE, C. M. - The Sea Shore (New Naturalist Series)
36710: CHRISTIE'S NEW YORK - Printed and Manuscript Americana
36705: CHRISTIE'S NEW YORK - Scientific Books from the Illinois Institute of Technology Tuesday 25 February 2003
36704: CHRISTIE'S NEW YORK - The Forbes Collection of American Historical Documents Part One... 27 March 2002
17638: SOTHEBY'S NEW YORK - Important English Furniture and Decorations. Sale 6893 Auction: Friday, October 11, 1996...
12765: CHRISTIE'S NEW YORK - American & European Printed Books & Manuscripts. The Properties of Brooklyn Public Library, David Bailey, C. Grant la Farge, M.D. , Donald & Robert Sang, Margaret Z. Van Beuren, the Estates of Calvin Bullock, Elizabeth Adelaide Leonard, Mrs. Douglas Maxwel May
29446: CHRISTIE'S NEW YORK - Fine 20th Century Decorative Arts: The Properties of William and Beatrice Weiss, William Lamson and Nathalie H. Pyle... March 22 1986
17600: PHILLIPS NEW YORK - Asian Works of Art... March 30th 1998
20529: CHRISTIE'S NEW YORK - Old Master & 19th Century Drawings. Wednesday 22 January 2003
LCB61369: YOUNG, L. - Mathematicians and Their Times: History of Mathematics and Mathematics of History (North-Holland Mathematics Studies, Volume 48)
LCB82130: YOUNG, CLAIBORNE S. - Cruising Guide to Western Florida
28186: YOUNG, ANDREW MCLAREN - Glasgow University's Pictures a Selection of Paintings, Drawings, Prints, and Other Works from the Hunterian Museum , University of Glasgow 4th September - 5th October 1973
LCH46438: YOUNG, GORDON W. F. - Power and the Professional. Ethics, Accountability and Leadership in the Workplace
24722: YOUNGS, J. W. T. - The Representation Problem for Frächet Surfaces. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society. Number 8
43837: YOVEL, YIRMIAHU (EDITOR) - Philosophy of History and Action: Papers Presented at the First Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter December 1974 (Philosophical Studies Series in Philosophy 11)
61459: YULE, G. UDNY & M. G. KENDALL - An Introduction to the Theory of Statistics
LCB85699: YURETICH, LINDA (TRANSLATOR) - The Chronicle of Constantine Manasses
LCB60104: ZAFIROPULO, JEAN - Mead and Wine. A History of the Bronze Age in Greece. Translated from the French by Peter Green
38060: ZAGZEBSKI, LINDA T. - The Dilemma of Freedom and Foreknowledge Zagzebski, Linda T.
LCB85274: ZALDUA, IBAN & MARIANN VACZI - This Strange and Powerful Language; Eleven Crucial Decisions a Basque Writer Is Obliged to Face
LCB60001: ZALESKI, ROB (EDITOR) - Ed Garvey Unvarnished. Lessons from a Visionary Progressive
3288: ZALOGA, STEVEN - Us Light Tanks 1944-84. M24 Chaffee, M41 Walker Bulldog and M551 Sheridan (Osprey Vanguard 40)
LCB85875: ZAMORA, FELICIA - Of Form & Gather (the Andrés Montoya Poetry Prize)
41659: ZäPHIR, THIERRY AND OKADA, AMINA - Decouverte Gallimard: L'Age D'or de L'Inde Classique (Däcouvertes Gallimard - Histoire) Zäphir, Thierry and Okada, Amina
24317: ZARTMAN, I. WILLIAM (EDITOR) - Man, State, and Society in the Contemporary Maghrib
LCB85709: CRAFTS COUNCIL OF NEW ZEALAND - Mau Mahara; Our Stories in Craft
23391: ZEICHNER, STEVEN & JENNIFER READ - Textbook of Pediatric Hiv Care
6180: ZEIL, WERNER - The Andes: A Geological Review (Beitrège Zur Regionalen Geologie Der Erde)
22561: ZELLER, AUKTIONSHAUS MICHAEL - 115. Internationale Bodensee-Kunstauktion 6. Bis 8. Dezember 2012
37709: ZEMAN, Z. A. B. - Prague Spring: A Report on Czechoslovakia 1968
LCB83150: ZEMAN, Z. A. B. - The Gentleman Negotiators - a Diplomatic History of the First World War
LCB60263: ZEPHANIAH, BENJAMIN - Funky Chickens
LCB60264: ZEPHANIAH, BENJAMIN - Talking Turkeys
LCH46324: ZETTERLING, NIKLAS & ANDERS FRANKSON - The Korsun Pocket. The Encirclement and Breakout of a German Army in the East, 1944
LCB85396: ZHANG, MILIN, ZHIHUA WANG, JAN VAN DER SPIEGEL & FRANCO MALABERTI (EDITORS) - Low Power Circuit Design Using Advanced Cmos Technology
LCH46465: ZHANG, AIZHONG & RICHARD N. YOUNGWORTH (EDITORS) - Review of Optical Manufacturing 2000 to 2020 (Press Monographs)
LCB85506: ZHENG, JOHN & BILING CHEN - Conversations with Gish Jen
LCB85477: ZHENG, YUFENG & ERIK BLASCH & ZHENG LIU - Multispectral Image Fusion and Colorization
LCB85263: ZHENG, JOHN & BILING CHEN (EDITORS) - Conversations with Gish Jen
LCH46314: ZHENG, JOHN & BILING CHEN (EDITORS) - Conversations with Gish Jen (Literary Conversations Series)
18394: ZIELENKIEWICZ, WOJCIECH - Calorimetry
LCB62144: ZIMMERMAN, SUSAN (ISSUE EDITOR) - The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. Volume 38. Number 3 Fall 2008. Special Issue: The Diseased Body in Premodern Europe: Ideology and Representation
25698: ZIMMERMAN, LEO M. (EDITOR) - The Surgical Clinics of North America. Volume 51 - Number 6. December 1971 Symposium on Surgery of Hernia
LCB61774: ZIMMERMAN, LAWRENCE J. & GILBERT KESSLER - Arml-Nysml Contests 1989-1994 - Mathematics Competitions for High School Students
13679: ZINCKE, FOSTER BARHAM - Some Thoughts About the School of the Future: A Sketch of the Solution Which Time Appears to Be Preparing for the Different Educational Questions of the Day
LCH46404: ZIPES, JACK (EDITOR) - Charles Godfrey Leland and His Magical Tales (Series in Fairy-Tale Studies)
45224: ZIZEK, SLAVOJ - The Fragile Absolute: Or, Why Is the Christian Legacy Worth Fighting for? (Wo Es War) Zizek, Slavoj
43751: ZOHAR, DANAH - The Quantum Self
LCB60483: ZOLA, ÉMILE - Le Rêve
25609: ZOLLINGER, ROBERT M. & ROBERT M. JR. - Atlas of Surgical Operations
LCB61728: ZöLLNER, FRANK - Leonardo Da Vinci the Complete Paintings (Vol. 1)
LCB61729: ZöLLNER, FRANK - Leonardo Da Vinci Sketches and Drawings (Vol. 1)
LCB60987: ZONG, CHUANMING; JAMES J. DUDZIAK (EDITOR) - Strange Phenomena in Convex and Discrete Geometry
81307: ZOPA RINPOCHä, LAMA - La Bodhisattva Attitude: Comment Dädier Votre Vie Aux Autres
27057: ZORAWSKA, JANINA. - Sokolowski
20696: ZORETTI, LUDOVIC - Leìons Sur le Prolongement Analytique. Professäes Au Collåge de France (Collection de Monographies Sur la Thäorie Des Fonctions)
LCB61812: ZORN, PAUL (EDITOR) E. A. - Mathematics Magazine: Vol. 69, No. 2, April 1996 - (Inverse Problems for Central Forces; the Mystery of the Linked Triangles; Groups, Factorising, and Cryptography)
LCB61813: ZORN, PAUL (EDITOR) E. A. - Mathematics Magazine: Vol. 73, No. 4, October 2000 - (Pythagoras After 2500 Years; the Gyro-Structure of the Unit Disk; Pipcirs)
25664: ZUCKERMAN, SOLLY - A New System of Anatomy
LCB60244: ZUKOWSKY, JOHN (EDITOR) - Chicago Architecture and Design, 1923-1993
26968: ZVESPER, JOHN - Nature and Liberty
LCH46883: ZWAGERMAN, JOOST - The Penguin Book of Dutch Short Stories (Penguin Modern Classics)
6707: ZWEIFEL, PETER & H. E. FRECH III (EDITORS) - Health Economics Worldwide (Developments in Health Economics and Public Policy)
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