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Literary Cat Books Belfalas, 46 Faenol Isaf, Tywyn, Gwynedd, Wales, LL36 0DW, United Kingdom. Tel.: +44 (0)1654710223 Email: AntiqbookSales@gmx.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
24335: BANERJEE, SUMANTA - The Parlour and the Streets. Elite and Popular Culture in Nineteenth Century Calcutta
80424: BANERJI, SARA - Cobweb Walking
LCB85000: BANFIELD, WALTER T. - "Manna" : A Comprehensive Treatise on Bread Manufacture
61473: BANGASH, M. Y. H. - Impact and Explosion. Analysis and Design
LCB60026: WORLD BANK - The Role of the State in Finance: Rethinking the Role of the State in Finance (Global Financial Development Report 2013)
29368: BANKS, LIZ - Liz Banks Bathroom Fantasy
LCH46724: BANNERMAN, SARA - The Struggle for Canadian Copyright. Imperialism to Internationalism, 1842-1971
40396: BANNISTER, DONALD - New Perspectives in Personal Construct Theory Bannister, Donald
39920: BANTON, MICHAEL - Idea of Race
82427: BAPAT, SUBODH - Object-Oriented Networks Models for Network Architecture, Operations and Management
LCH46116: BARATYNSKY, YEVGENY; RAWLEY GRAU (TRANSLATOR) - A Science Not for the Earth. Selected Poems and Letters (Eastern European Poets Series #32)
LCB85372: JOHN C. LAMOTHE (EDITOR) & DONNA J. BARBIE (EDITOR) - Athletes Breaking Bad Essays on Transgressive Sports Figures
LCB60183: BARBOUR, DALE - Undressed Toronto: From the Swimming Hole to Sunnyside, How a City Learned to Love the Beach, 1850-1935
21216: BARBOUR, J. C. , S. ROORDA, D. ILA, M. TSUJIOKA (EDITORS) - Atomistic Mechanisms in Beam Synthesis and Irradiation of Materials : Symposium Held December 1-2, 1997, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S. A.
37505: BARCA, ANA - Wooden Churches of Salaj
82506: BARFIELD, LAWRENCE - Northern Italy Before Rome (Ancient People and Places, 76)
LCB61815: BARHAM, PENNY (COMPILED) - The Gifts of Parting: Prose & Poetry on the Seam of Death & Dying
LCB85695: BARKER, THEO & ANTHONY SUTCLIFFE - Megalopolis the Giant City in History
42071: BARKER, A. L. - John Brown's Body
28720: BARKER, GODFREY - Toby Ward. 22 November - 4 December 2005
LCB61953: BARKER, T. C. - Pilkington Brother and the Glass Industry
LCB61719: BARKER, WILLIAM & ROGER HOWE - Continuous Symmetry - from Euclid to Klein
45415: BARLINGAY, S. S. - Reunderstanding Indian Philosophy
37540: BARLOW, JANE - Irish Idylls
LCB61612: BARMA, NAAZNEEN H. & ELISABETH HUYBENS & LORENA VINUELA - Institutions Taking Root - Building State Capacity in Challenging Contexts
25784: BARMEIR, E. , B. DUBOWITZ & M. ROFFMAN - Computed Tomography in the Assessment and Planning of Complicated Total Hip Replacement. Reprinted from Acta Orthop. Scand. Volume 53, 1982
LCB60038: BARNABY, KENNETH C. - Basic Naval Architecture
13752: BARNARD, C. S. ; R. J. HALLEY & A. H. SCOTT - Milk Production
17361: BARNARD - English Pedagogy. First Series. Education, the School and the Teacher in English Literarure
LCH46546: BARNATO WALKER, DIANA - Spreading My Wings. One of Britain's Top Women Pilots Tells Her Remarkable Story from Pre-War Flying to Breaking the Sound Barrier
LCB85674: BARNES, C. H. - Bristol Aircraft Since 1910
23171: BARNETT, A. DOAK - Chinese Communist Politics in Action
LCB61401: BARNETT, GLENN - Emulating Alexander. How Alexander the Great's Legacy Fuelled Rome's Wars with Persia
18742: BARNSLEY, PETER - A Cradley Album.
LCB60400: BAROJA, PíO - Aurora Roja
LCB60466: BAROJA, PíO - Las Inquietudes de Shanti andía
LCH47165: BARR, STEPHEN - Experiments in Topology
LCH46603: BARR, ALEX (SIGNED COPY) - Henry's Bridge. Poems by Alex Barr
LCB61885: BARRA, G. DE - Introduction to Measure Theory
LCH46302: BARRATT, JOHN - Armada 1588. The Spanish Assault on England (Campaign Chronicle)
LCB85344: AMíLCAR ANTONIO BARRETO - The Politics of Language in Puerto Rico
31510: BARRETT, STANLEY R. - Anthropology: A Student's Guide to Theory and Method
81717: BARRETT, MARY ELLIN - Castle Ugly
LCB84805: BARRIE, J. M. - The Admirable Crichton
25632: BARRINGTON, E. J. W. - Invertebrate Structure and Function
37580: BARRON, RICHARD; CHARLES MICAUD (INTRODUCTION BY) - Parties and Politics in Modern France
39369: BARROW, LOGIE & IAN BULLOCK - Democratic Ideas and the British Labour Movement, 1880–1914
40053: BARTH, JOHN - Lost in the Funhouse. Fiction for Print, Tape, Live Voice
62098: BARTHAS, LOUIS & EDWARD M. STRAUSS & RéMY CAZALS & ROBERT COWLEY - Poilu - the World War I Notebooks of Corporal Louis Barthas, Barrelmaker, 1914-1918
42711: BARTHES, ROLAND - The Rustle of Language
40232: BARTHES, ROLAND AND HOWARD, R. - Empire of Signs Barthes, Roland and Howard, R.
43204: BARTLETT, FREDERIC C. - Remembering: A Study in Experimental and Social Psychology [Paperback] Bartlett, Frederic C.
LCH46294: BARTLETT, C. P. O. ; NICK BARTLETT (EDITOR) - In the Teeth of the Wind. Memoirs of the Royal Naval Air Service in the First World War
40731: BARTON, J - Peasants and Strangers: Italians, Rumanians, and Slovaks in an American City, 1890-1950 (Harvard Studies in Urban History) Barton, J
LCB61579: BARTON, N. J. - The Lost Rivers of London - a Study of Their Effects Upon London and Londoners, and the Effects of London and Londoners Upon Them
LCH47005: BASHMAKOVA, I. G. & G. S. SMIRNOVA - The Beginnings and Evolution of Algebra (Dolciani Mathematical Expositions Number 23)
25645: BASMAJIAN, JOHN V. - Surface Anatomy. An Instruction Manual
61903: BASS, GEORGE. F - Archaeology Under Water
26694: BASSLEER, GERALD - Colorguide of Tropical Fish Diseases [Hardcover] Bassleer, Gerald
25741: BAST, THEODORE H, BARRY J. ANSON & SHAFIK F. RICHANY - The Development of the Second Branchial Arch (Reichert's Cartilage) , Facial Canal and Associated Structures in Man. Reprinted from the Quarterly Bulletin, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, 1956, Volume 30, No. 3, Fall Quarter
19086: BASTID, PAUL - Les Institutions Politiques de la Monarchie Parlementaire Franìaise (1814-1848)
LCB83806: BASTIN, JEREMY - Norfolk Yeomanry in Peace and War
LCB85293: JAGANNATH P. PANDA; TITLI BASU - China-India-Japan in the Indo-Pacific
24156: BATES, STEPHEN - The South Pacific Island Countries and France. A Study in Inter-State Relations
41230: BATES, DON (EDITOR) - Knowledge and the Scholarly Medical Traditions
LCB60784: BATES, BRIAN - The Way of Wyrd, Tales of an Anglo-Saxon Sorcerer
LCH46268: BATES, MARSTON & PHILIP S. HUMPHREY (EDITORS) - Charles Darwin: An Anthology
LCB60071: BATES, JEREMY - World's Scariest Places. Volume One: Suicide Forest & the Catacombs
LCH46338: BATHANTI, JOSEPH - Concertina. Poems
LCB60291: BAU, FRéDéRIC (EDITOR) ; CLAY MCLACHLAN (PHOTOGRAPHY) - Cooking with Chocolate. Essential Recipes and Techniques
LCB85585: BAUGH, S. GAYLE & SHERRY E. SULLIVAN (EDITORS) - Maintaining Focus, Energy, and Options over the Career
40062: BAUM, RAINER C. - Holocaust and the German Elite, 1871-1945 Baum, Rainer C.
80592: BAWULSKI, SHAWN J. AND STEPHEN R. HOLMES - Christian Theology: The Classics
LCB83129: BAX, CLIFFORD - Farewell My Muse
LCB61156: BAX, CLIFFORD - Antique Pageantry. A Book of Verse-Plays
80900: BAXENDALE, JOHN - Priestley's England: J.B. Priestly and English Culture
31661: BAXTER, D. & BAXTER, B. - British Locomotive Catalogue 1825-1923 Volume 1 General Summary. Index of Locomotive-Owning Companies: Summary V. 1 David Baxter and Bertram Baxter
29391: BAYLDON, OLIVER - Exhibition Catalogue, Linocut, and Autographed Letters.
LCB60505: BAYLEY, F. W. N. - The New Tale of a Tub: An Adventure in Verse
26102: BAYS, DANIEL - China Enters the Twentieth Century: Chang Chih-Tung and the Issues of a New Age, 1895-1909 Bays, Daniel
LCB61695: BB; (ILLUSTRATIONS BY DENYS WATKINS-PITCHFORD) - The Forest of Boland Light Railway
23950: BEALE, G. COURTENAY - Intimate Letters to Husbands and Wives of to-Day and to-Morrow
23321: BEALS, CARLETON - The Great Circle. Further Adventures in Free-Lancing
61317: BEAN, RICHARD - The Heretic (Oberon Modern Plays)
7709: BEAR, BEATRICE E. - The British System of Physical Education. A Text-Book for Teachers. With Foreword by Sir James Crichton-Browne
LCB61757: BEARDON, ALAN F. - Complex Analysis – the Argument Principle in Analysis & Topology (1st Edition)
LCB61759: BEARDON, ALAN F. - Creative Mathematics - a Gateway to Research
LCB83194: BEARDSLEY, CHRISTINA - Unutterable Love the Passionate Life and Preaching of F.W. Robertson
LCB60685: BEARE, GEOFFREY & MAROUSSIA OAKLEY - Ibis Journal Four: Phantasies and Dreams
LCB60771: BEARE, GEOFFREY - Heath Robinson's Commercial Art. A Compendium of His Advertising Work
25796: BEATON, LINDSAY EUGENE & BARRY JOSEPH ANSON - The Relation of the Sciatic Nerve and of Its Subdivsions to the Piriformis Muscle. Reprinted from the Anatomical Record Volume 70 No. 1 December 25 (Signed Copy) .
25611: BEATTIE, EDWARD J. & STEVEN G. ECONOMOU - An Atlas of Advanced Surgical Techniques
LCB82973: BEATTIE, JOHN M. - The English Court in the Reign of George I
19714: BEAU DE LOMäNIE, E. - Les Responsabilitäs Des Dynasties Bourgeoises I de Bonaparte ê Mac-Mahon
19643: BEAU, FRANCIS - Renseignement Et Société de L'Information. Préface de L'Amiral Pierre Lacoste (Collection Perspectives Stratégiques)
43253: BEAUCHAMP, K. L. AND ETC. - Current Topics in Experimental Psychology Beauchamp, K.L. And Etc.
22598: BEAUGRANDE, ROBERT DE - Linguistic Theory. The Discourse of Fundamental Works (Longman Linguistics Library)
LCB60002: BEAUMONT-MAILLET, LAURE - Caspar David Friedrich, 1774-1840
LCB61970: BEAUZAMY, BERNARD AND LEOPOLDO NACHBIN (EDITOR) - Introduction to Banach Spaces and Their Geometry (Vol 68)
LCB60145: BEAZLEY, J. D. & BERNARD ASHMOLE - Greek Sculpture & Painting to the End of the Hellenistic Period
LCB60744: BEBB, RICHARD J. - Welsh Furniture 250-1950 (Volume One & Two) - a Cultural History of Craftsmanship and Design
LCH46852: BEBLAVý, MIROSLAV, ILARIA MASELLI & MARCELA VESELKOVá - Let's Get to Work! the Future of Labour in Europe. Volume 1
22518: BECERRA DE LA ROCA, RODOLFO - Nulidad de Una Apropriaciùn Chilena. Territorio Boliviano entre Los Paralelos 23 y 24
23379: BECERRA, MAUEL - Theory of the Firm for Strategic Management. Economic Value Analysis
23381: BECERRA, MAUEL - Theory of the Firm for Strategic Management. Economic Value Analysis
20030: BECK, L. J. - The Method of Descartes. A Study of the Regulae
20792: BECK VON MANNAGETTA, GƒNTHER RITTER - Die Vegetation Der Erde. Sammlung Pflanzengeographischer Monographien Herausgegeben Von A. Engler Und o. Drude. IV. Die Vegetationsverhèltnisse Der Illyrischen Lènder Begreifend SƒDkroatien, Die Quarnero-Inseln, Dalmatien, Bosnien Und Die Hercegovina, Mon
LCB85871: BECK, GEORGE - Law Enforcement in American Cinema, 1894-1952
41814: BECKER, JOSEPH AND KLEINMAN, ARTHUR - Psychosocial Aspects of Depression [Hardcover] Becker, Joseph and Kleinman, Arthur
LCH47173: BECKER, ANNETTE & PETER CACHOLA SCHMAL - Dam Yearbook - 2006 2006 - Architecture in Germany
LCB60218: BECKER, EDWIN, ROMAN PRAHL & PETR WITTLICH (EDITORS) - Prague 1900. Poetry and Ecstasy
32674: BECKETT, SAMUEL - Company (Calderbooks) Beckett, Samuel
LCH47131: BECKMANN, PETR - A History of Pi
LCB62107: BECKWITH, SARAH (ISSUE EDITOR) - The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies Formerly the Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Volume 28/Number 2 Spring 1998. Special Issue: English Commodities in Transition, 1350-1600
45035: BECKWITH, SARAH - Christ's Body: Identity, Culture and Society in Late Medieval Writings [Paperback] Beckwith, Sarah
LCH46247: BECKWITH, LADY MURIEL; JOSEPHINE TERRY (ADAPTOR) - Tell Me, Chef... Being the French Recipe Collection of the Lady Muriel Beckwith. Adapted by Josephine Terry. Illustrations by Joy Batchelor (Signed by the Adaptor)
LCB62110: BECKWITH, SARAH & ANNABEL WHARTON (ISSUE EDITORS) - The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. Volume 29/Number 2 Spring 1999. Open Topic Issue
LCB62108: BECKWITH, SARAH & ANNABEL WHARTON (ISSUE EDITORS) - The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. Volume 28/Number 3 Fall 1998. Special Issue: Body/Matter/Spirit
LCB62150: BECKWITH, SARAH & JAMES SIMPSON (ISSUE EDITORS) - The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. Volume 40. Number 1 Winter 2010. Special Issue: Premodern Shakespeare
LCB62114: BECKWITH, SARAH & ANNABEL WHARTON (ISSUE EDITORS) - The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. Volume 30/Number 2 Spring 2000. Open Topic Issue
LCB62109: BECKWITH, SARAH & ANNABEL WHARTON (ISSUE EDITORS) - The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. Volume 29/Number 1 Winter 1999. Special Issue: The Cultural Work of Medieval Theater: Ritual Practice in England, 1350-1600
LCB62127: BECKWITH, SARAH & ANNABEL WHARTON (ISSUE EDITORS) - The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. Volume 34/Number 2 Spring 2004. Open Topic Issue
LCB62124: BECKWITH, SARAH & ANNABEL WHARTON (ISSUE EDITORS) - The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. Volume 33/Number 1 Winter 2003. Open Topic Issue
LCB62118: BECKWITH, SARAH & ANNABEL WHARTON (ISSUE EDITORS) - The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. Volume 31/Number 2 Spring 2001. Open Topic Issue
LCB62121: BECKWITH, SARAH & ANNABEL WHARTON (ISSUE EDITORS) - The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. Volume 32/Number 2 Spring 2002. Open Topic Issue
25568: BEDDARD, FRANK E. - The Structure and Classification of Birds
LCB60531: BEDE, THE VENERABLE & THOMAS STAPLETON (TRANSLATOR) - The History of the Church of England
LCB85864: BEDELL, JACK B. - Color All Maps New. Poems
LCB85979: BEDROSSIAN, JACOB, PIERRE GERMAIN & NADER MASMOUDI - Dynamics Near the Subcritical Transition of the 3d Couette Flow I: Below Threshold Case (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society July 2020. Volume 266. Number 1294 (Fourth of 6 Numbers) )
LCB85043: BEEGE, TOM & ANDREA FROMM - Lyonel Feininger Und Seine Dörfer. Kunsthaus Apolda Avantgarde 15. September Bis 15. Dezember 2019
82793: BEER, TOM - Environmental Oceanography Introduction to the Behaviour of Coastal Waters
28600: BEER, FRANéOIS-JOACHIM - Mordecai Ardon. April - May 1973
3031: BEERBOHM, MAX - A Christmas Garland (Limited Edition of 780 Copies)
LCB85602: BEERS, TERRY - The End of Eden Agrarian Spaces and the Rise of the California Social Novel
18389: BEEZER, A. E. (EDITOR) - Biological Microcalorimetry
24030: BEHBEHANI, HASHIM S. H. - China's Foreign Policy in the Arab World, 1955-75. Three Case Studies
LCB60611: BEHR, VOLKER A. - Dornier Do X (the Story of Claude Dornier's Legendary Flying Boat)
62044: BEHR, VOLKER A. - Dornier Do X (the Story of Claude Dornier's Legendary Flying Boat)
21958: BEIJERS, J. L. - 1500-1600 (Catalogue 143)
13814: BEIJERS, J. L. - 15th and 16th June 1976. Nos. 1-808. The Library of Mr. J.A. Van Zelm Van Eldik. The Political History of the Netherlands. Nos. 809-1133. Varia, Rariora - Curiosa
21996: BEIJERS, J. L. - Seventeenth Century Books. Catalogue 144
22000: BEIJERS, J. L. - A Choice from Our Favourite Fields (Catalogue 140)
26934: BEIK, WILLIAM - Absolutism and Society in Seventeenth-Century France: State Power and Provincial Aristocracy in Languedoc (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern History) [Paperback] Beik, William
LCH45781: BEISER, ARTHUR - The Proper Yacht
82131: BEISER, ARTHUR - The Proper Yacht
42949: BELCHEM, JOHN - Industrialization and the Working Class the English Experience, 1750-1900
37628: BELGRAVE - Jessica Cooper: About Home 9-28 June 2014
42408: BELL, DANIEL - Marxian Socialism in the U.S. (Princeton Studies in American Civilization) [Paperback] Bell, Daniel
LCB61736: BELL, ADRIAN - Silver Ley
21952: BELL, ALEXANDER MELVILLE - The Science of Speech
21339: BELL, JIM & JACQUELINE MITTON (EDITORS) - Asteroid Rendezvous: Near Shoemaker's Adventures at Eros
22840: PARRY THOMAS; H. IDRIS BELL (TRANSLATOR) - A History of Welsh Literature
13330: BELL, E. A. & B. V. CHARLWOOD (EDITORS) - Secondary Plant Products (Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology. New Series. Volume 8)
24191: BELL, CORAL - Dependent Ally. A Study of Australia's Relations with the United States and the United Kingdom Since the Fall of Singapore (Canberra Studies in World Affairs No. 15)
LCH46944: BELL, CHRISTOPHER E. - Disney Channel Tween Programming. Essays on Shows from Lizzie Mcguire to Andi Mack
21274: BELL, L. DOUGLAS, F. (SHADI) SHAHEDIPOUR-SANDVIK, KENNETH A. JONE, DANIEL SCHAADT, BLAKE S. SIMPKINS & MIGUEL A. CONTRERAS (EDITORS) - Compound Semiconductors for Energy Applications and Environmental Sustainability, 2011 : Symposium Held April 25-29, 2011, San Francisco, California, U.S. A.
26508: BELL, FRED; CULSHAW, M. G. ; CRIPPS, J. C. AND COFFEY, J. R. - Field Testing in Engineering Geology (Geological Society Engineering Geology Special Publication) Bell, Fred; Culshaw, M.G. ; Cripps, J.C. And Coffey, J.R.
41780: BELLAIRS, RUTH AND GRAY, EDWARD GEORGE - Essays on the Nervous System: A Festschrift for Professor J.Z. Young Bellairs, Ruth and Gray, Edward George
19741: BELLAMY, CHRISTOPHER - Spiral Through Time: Beyond 'Conflict Intensity' (the Strategic and Combat Studies Institute. The Occasional Number 35. August 1998)
LCH46607: BELLI, GIACONDA - From Eve's Rib
LCB61494: BELLMAN, RICHARD - Analytic Number Theory. An Introduction
27454: BELSEY, HUGH - Into View. British Paintings from Private Collections.
LCB85435: BEN-ZVI, HAVA BROMBERG - We Who Lived Two Teenagers in World War II Poland
LCB85878: BéNARD, PIERRE & AARON HERTZMANN - Line Drawings from 3d Models. A Tutorial (Foundations and Trends® in Computer Graphics and Vision 32)
38486: BENDON, CHRIS - Constructions Bendon, Chris
LCB60886: BENEDICT, JAMES B. - The Fourth of July Valley. Glacial Geology and Archaeology of the Timberline Ecotone (Research Report No. 2 Center for Mountain Archeology. Ward, Colorado)
23940: BENEKE, FRIEDRICH EDUARD - Erziehungs- Und Unterrichtslehre. Zwei Bènde (2 Volumes in 1)
45004: BENESCH, WALTER - An Introduction to Comparative Philosophy: A Travel Guide to Philosophical Space
80520: BENEVOLO, LEONARDO - The Architecture of the Renaissance, Volume II
21398: BENGER, ELIZABETH - Memoirs of the Late Mrs Elizabeth Hamilton : With a Selection from Her Correspondence, and Other Unpublished Writings. Volume 2
LCB61248: BENJAMIN, ARTHUR - The Magic of Math - Solving for X and Figuring out Why
21965: BENJAMINS, JOHN - Catalogue No. 86 the Art of Caricature, Satire & Graphic Humour. A Selection from Our Stock.
21402: BENLOEW, LOUIS - Aperìu Gänäral de la Science Comparative Des Langues
82676: BENNETT, IAN (EDITOR) - Complete Illustrated Rugs and Carpets of the World
LCB85262: BENNETT, JAMES T. - Homeland Security Scams
38666: BENNETT, MICHAEL JA - Community, Class and Careers (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Third Series) [Hardcover] Bennett, Michael J.
LCB85415: BENNETT, JAMES T. - Homeland Security Scams
42234: BENNETT, JONATHAN - Rationality: An Essay Towards Analysis
LCH46271: BENNETT, ARNOLD & RANDI SALOMAN (EDITOR) - The Grand Babylon Hotel
41493: BENSEL, RICHARD FRANKLIN - Sectionalism and American Political Development, 1880-1980 Bensel, Richard F.
25653: BENSLEY, B. A. ; E. HORNE CRAIGIE (REVISOR & EDITOR) - Practical Anatomy of the Rabbit. An Elementary Laboratory Text-Book in Mammalian Anatomy
70439: BENTLEY, NICOLAS - The Tongue-Tied Canary
LCB83902: BERCIU, D. - Romania (Ancient People and Places 57)
82561: BERDYAEV, NICOLAS - The Destiny of Man
LCH46753: BERG, JOE & AL ALDINI - Rough Stuff
80356: MARINUS VAN DEN BERG - Als Verdriet en Rouw Je Weg Kruisen. Een Kruisweg.
LCB60907: BERGALLA, ALAIN - Magnum Cinema. Des Histoires de Cinéma par Les Photographes de Magnum.
LCB61564: BERGER, A. MARC & SHUI-NEE CHOW (EDITED BY) - Random & Computational Dynamics - Volume 1 Number 2 1992-93
40992: BERGER, BENNETT M. - Working-Class Suburb: Study of Auto Workers in Suburbia
43943: BERGER, STEFAN - Social Democracy and the Working Class (Themes in Modern German History)
39710: BERGERON, LOUIS AND PALMER, R. R. - France Under Napoleon Bergeron, Louis and Palmer, R.R.
19351: BERGHOFF, HARTMUT & DAVID LAZAR (EDITORS) - Bulletin of the German Historical Institute. Supplement 8 (2012) the German Historical Institute at 25.
3746: BERKEL, KLAAS VAN - Isaac Beeckman (1588-1637) en de Mechanisering Van Het Wereldbeeld. Isaac Beeckman (1588-1637) and the Mechanization of the World Picture (with a Summary in English). Proefschrift Ter Verkrijging Van de Graad Van Doctor in de Letteren Aan de Rijksuniversi
38244: BERLANSTEIN, PROFESSOR LENARD - The Working People of Paris, 1871-1914 (the Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science)
LCB83810: BERLIN, ISAIAH; HENRY HARDY (EDITOR) - The Magus of the North. J.G. Hamann and the Origins of Modern Irrationalism
80480: BERLINGER, SE'VE, SILBERSTEIN, ZWI; AVIGAD (LEVY) , BRAKHA (WATERCOLOURS AFTER) - Trees and Shrubs in Israel - Twenty Seven Wild Trees and Shrubs: Arbres Et Arbustes D'Israael - Vingt Sept Arbres Et Arbustes Des Champs
LCH46956: BERLINGHOFF, WILLIAM P. & FERNANDO Q. GOUVêA - Math Through the Ages. A Gentle History for Teachers and Others
24231: BERNARD, STäPHANE - The Franco-Moroccan Conflict 1943-1956
41651: BERNAUER, JAMES AND CARRETTE, JEREMY - Michel Foucault and Theology: The Politics of Religious Experience Bernauer, James and Carrette, Jeremy
20986: SOTHEBY PARKE BERNET - The Robert Von Hirsch Collection (4 Volumes). Volume Three. Old Master Drawings, Paintings and Medieval Miniatures Which Will Be Sold... On Tuesday, 20th... 21st June, 1978. Volume Two. Works of Art... 22nd June, 1978 Volume Three. Furniture and Porcel
21976: SOTHEBY PARKE BERNET - Important American Silver. Public Auction. Tuesday, October 17, 1972
13990: SOTHEBY PARKE BERNET - American Historical Prints. Books. Broadsides. Maps. From the Collection of Ambassador and Mrs. J. William Middendorf II. Public Auction. Friday, May 18, 1973 at 2 P.M.
24113: BERNEVILLE, GUILLAUME DE; GASTON PARIS & ALPHONSE BOS (EDITORS) - La Vie de Saint Gilles par Guillaume de Berneville. Poéme Du Xiie Siècle. Publié D'Apés le Manuscrit Unique de Florence par Gaston Paris & Alphonse Bos (Textes Français 22)
61334: BERNHEIMER, CHARLES & CLAIRE KAHANE (EDITORS) - In Dora's Case. Freud - Hysteria - Feminism (Gender and Culture)
42263: BERNSTEIN, BASIL - Class, Codes and Control: The Structuring of Pedagogic Discourse V. 4 Bernstein, Basil
40779: BERNSTEIN, IRVING - New Deal Collective Bargaining Policy (Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Era of the New Deal) [Paperback] Bernstein, Irving
24165: BERRY, SARA - Fathers Work for Their Sons. Accumulation, Mobility and Class Formation in an Extended Yor¥Bç Community
LCB85465: MICHAEL J. BERRY (AUTHOR) - The Modern Legislative Veto Macropolitical Conflict and the Legacy of Chadha
19093: BERTAUT, JULES - Le Faubourg Saint-Germain Sous L'Empire Et la Restauration
28712: BERTOLUCCI, BERNARDO - Matthew Spender. 17 May - 18 June 1988
LCB60075: BERTON, PIERRE - The Arctic Grail. The Quest for the Northwest Passage and the North Pole, 1818-1909
LCB61693: BESANT, WALTER - Fifty Years Ago
LCH46452: BESCH, EDWIN W. - U.S. Colored Troops Defeat Confederate Cavalry. Action at Wilson's Wharf, Virginia, 24 May 1864
60752: BESNER, NEIL K. & SCHNITZER, DEBORAH & TURNER, ALDEN - Uncommon Wealth, an Anthology of Poetry in English
18501: BEST, ELSDON - The Whare Kohanga (the 'Nest House') and Its Lore Comprising Data Pertaining to Procreation, Baptism, and Infant Betrothal, & C. , Contributed by Members of the Bhati-Kahungunu Tribe of the North Island of New Zealand
23609: BEST, MARY AGNES - Rebel Saints
60855: BESTER, ALFRED - Tiger! Tiger!
41370: BESWICK, ETHEL - Hindu Gods
LCH45804: BETHEL SR, TELLIS A - The Lucayan Sea Birthplace of the Modern Americas - a Tribute to the the Life and Legacy of the Indigenous People of the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands (Signed Copy)
42910: BETI, MONGO ( & PETER GREEN, TRANSLATOR - Mission to Kala Beti, Mongo and Green, P. Translated from the French
19563: BéTOURNé, OLIVIER & AGLAIA I. HARTIG - Penser L'Histoire de la Rävolution. Deux Siècles de Passion Française
33169: BETSKY, A. AND EEUWENS, A. - Design Nl Betsky, A. And Eeuwens, A.
60735: BETSKY, AARON - James Gamble Rogers & the Architecture of Pragmatism (American Monograph S. )
27724: BETTAGNO, ALESSANDRO - Canaletto. Disegni - Dipinti - Incisioni.
LCB61685: BETTENSON, HENRY. (NEW TRANSLATION BY) ; (INTRODUCTION BY DAVID KNOWLES) - Augustus- Concerning the City of God Against the Pagans
LCH46961: BEUTELSPACHER, ALBRECHT & UTE ROSENBAUM - Projective Geometry. From Foundations to Applications
LCB60789: BEVAN, ALUN WYN & HUW EVANS - Welsh Rugby Captains (Signed Copy)
LCB85862: BEVIS, CHARLIE - Baseball Under the Lights. The Rise of the Night Game
45233: BEYER, PETER - Religions in Global Society [Paperback] Beyer, Peter
LCH46744: BEYER, CHARLOTTE - Murder in a Few Words. Gender, Genre and Location in the Crime Short Story
38353: BEYNON, B. W. - The Restaurant of Mud Beynon, B.W.
LCB85454: MEDANI P. BHANDARI (AUTHOR) - Green Web-II - Standards and Perspectives from the Iucn
40310: BHARGAVA, RAJEEV - Individualism in Social Science: Forms and Limits of a Methodology (Oxford Philosophical Monographs)
70232: BHASKAR, ROY - Philosophy and the Idea of Freedom
LCH47036: BHATIA, RAJENDRA - Matrix Analysis (Graduate Texts in Mathematics 169)
45369: G. P. BHATT - The Basic Ways of Knowing: An Indepth Study of Kumarila's Contribution to Indian: In-Depth Study of Kumarila's Contribution to Indian Epistemology
22872: BHATTACHARYA, JIBESH - The Dramatic Art of John Ford
21294: BHUGRA, DINESH & AMIT MALIK (EDITORS) - Workplace-Based Assessments in Psychiatric Training
81681: BIARDEAU, MADELEINE - La Philosophie de Mandana Misra Vue ê Partir de la Brahmasiddhi (Volume LXXVI)
1557: THE HOLY BIBLE - The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments Translated out of the Original Tongues: Being the Version Set Forth A.D. 1611 Compared with the Most Ancient Authorities and Revised Printed for the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Volume IV Isaia
4561: INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIONES BIBLIOGRçFICA - Boletaen Del Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliogrçficas. N£Mero 4. Julio - Diciembre de 1970
4565: INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIONES BIBLIOGRçFICA - Boletaen Del Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliogrçficas. N£Mero 11. Enero-Junio de 1974
4567: INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIONES BIBLIOGRçFICA - Boletaen Del Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliogrçficas. N£Meros 14-15 1977-1978
4560: INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIONES BIBLIOGRçFICA - Boletaen Del Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliogrçficas. Tomo II. N£Mero 1. Enero - Junio de 1970
4566: INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIONES BIBLIOGRçFICA - Boletaen Del Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliogrçficas. N£Mero 12. Enero - Diciembre de 1975
LCB61288: BICHTELER, KLAUS - Integration - a Functional Approach (Birkhäuser Advanced Texts Basler Lehrbücher)
LCB61692: (EDITED BY) BIDWELL, JAMES K. & ROBERT G. CLASON - Readings in the History of Mathematics Education
24690: BIDWELL, ROBIN - The Two Yemens
LCB85534: BIECH, ELAINE - Starting a Talent Development Program
LCB60877: BIEDERMAN, CHARLES - Art As the Evolution of Knowledge
26141: BIENSTOCK, GREGORY - Struggle for the Pacific Bienstock, Gregory
LCB60828: BIESBOER, PIETER & JACOB J. ROOSJEN - Delfts . Delftse Goud- en Zilversmeden en Hun Merken 1536-1807
LCH46933: BIGART, ROBERT & JOSEPH MCDONALD - Duncan Mcdonald. Flathead Indian Reservation Leader and Cultural Broker, 1849-1937
LCB85978: BIGET, JEAN-LOUIS, YVON THéBERT & JEAN-CLAUDE HERVé (EDITORS) - Les Cadastres Anciens Des Villes Et Leur Traitement par L'Informatique - Actes de la Table Ronde... (Saint-Cloud, 31 Janvier-2 Février 1985) (Collection de L'école Française de Rome 120)
61929: BIGGS, NORMAN L. - Permutation Groups - London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Series Number 33
81689: BIGGS, JOHN R. - Illustration and Reproduction (Association Copy)
29361: BIGGS, LEWIS & RICHARD FRANCIS. - Starlit Waters. British Sculpture an International Art 1968 - 1988
LCB83600: BIGGS, BRUCE - Complete English-Maori Dictionary
27750: ROGER BILCLIFFE - Gordon K Mitchell
45026: BILIMORIA, PURUSHOTTAMA AND DINA AL-KASSIM - Postcolonial Reason and Its Critique [Hardcover] Bilimoria, Purushottama and Dina Al-Kassim
LCB60892: BILLINGHAM, RICHARD - Richard Billingham. Landscapes: 2001-2003
LCB61345: BILLINGSLEY, PATRICK - Probability and Measure (Wiley Series in Probability and Mathematical Statistics)
LCB85861: BILLY, GEORGE J - Uss Swordfish. The World War II Patrols of the First American Submarine to Sink a Japanese Ship
LCB60442: BINDER, EANDO - Adam Link Robot
28213: BINDMAN, DAVID - William Blake . Catalogue of the Collection in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
1098: BING, GEOFFREY - Reap the Whirlwind: An Account of Kwame Nkrumah's Ghana from 1950 to 1966
LCB85071: BINGHAM, NEIL - Christopher Nicholson (Riba Drawings Monographs No. 4)
81101: BINYON, LAURENCE - Essays by Divers Hands: Being the Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom (Vol. VIII)
4124: BIRDSEYE, CLARENCE F. - Individual Training in Our Colleges
62043: BIRKHEAD, TIM - Birds and Us (a 12,000-Year History, from Cave Art to Conservation)
LCB61862: BIRKHOFF, G - A Source Book in Classical Analysis - 12 (Source Books in the History of the Sciences)
24204: BIRNBAUM, PIERRE - Anti-Semitism in France. A Political History from Läon Blum to the Present. Translated by Miriam Kochan
LCB85510: BIRNS, NICHOLAS & NICOLE MOORE & SARAH SHIEFF (EDITORS) - Teaching Australian and New Zealand Literature
LCB84990: BIRULéS, JOSEP & JOSé HEVIA - Guide to the Architecture of Girona, Urban Area
LCH46246: BISHOP, FREDERICK - The Wife's Own Book of Cookery, Containing Upwards of Fifteen Hundred Original Receipts, Prepared with Great Care, and a Proper Attention to Economy, and Embodying All the Latest Improvements in the Culinary Art;...
LCH46604: BISHOP, ELIZABETH - Complete Poems
LCB60081: BISHOP, M. C. & JOHN DORE - Corbridge. Excavations of the Roman Fort and Town, 1947-80 (English Heritage Archaeological Report 8)
LCB60083: BISHOP, M. C. & J. C. COULSTON - Roman Military Equipment. From the Punic Wars to the Fall of Rome
25831: BISS, HERBERT E. J. - Bailliåre's Popular Atlas of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Male Human Body
25830: BISS, HERBERT E. J. - Bailliåre's Popular Atlas of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Female Human Body
80958: BJURSTROM, PER (COMPILED BY) - Drawings from Stockholm: A Loan Exhibition from the Nationalmuseum
18964: BLAAUW, A. , G. LARSSON-LEANDER, N. G. ROMAN, A. SANDAGE, H. F. WEAVER AND A. D. THACKERAY - Second Conference on Co-Ordination of Galactic Research (International Astronomical Union Symposium No. 7 Held at Saltsjübaden Near Stockholm, June 1957)
15165: BLACK, ANGELA (COMPILER) - Guide to Education Records in the County Record Office Cambridge
29119: BLACK, DUNCAN - Lum Hat Spring 1980 (Scottish Arts Club Newsletter)
82677: BLACK, DAVID (EDITOR) - The Atlas of Rugs and Carpets a Comprehensive Guide for the Buyer and Collector
38640: BLACKBOURNE, DAVID - Class, Religion and Local Politics in Wilhelmine Germany. The Centre Party in WƒRttemberg Before 1914 [Hardcover] Blackbourn, David.
39451: BLACKBURN, SIMON - Reason and Prediction
LCB60962: BLACKMAN, D. J. - Archaeological Reports for 1996 - 1997 (No. 43)
LCB60943: BLACKMAN, DAVID & ZHANETA ANDREA - Archaeological Reports for 1999-2000 (No. 46)
LCB60963: BLACKMAN, D. J. - Archaeological Reports for 1996 - 1997 (No. 43)
LCB60964: BLACKMAN, D. J; J BAKER & N. HARDWICK AND LOUISE STEEL - Archaeological Reports for 1997 - 1998 (No. 44)
LCB60976: BLACKMAN, DAVID & STEPHEN MITCHELL - Archaeological Reports for 1998 - 1999 (No. 45)
LCB60946: BLACKMAN, DAVID & DAVID RIDGEWAY - Archaeological Reports for 2001- 2002 (No. 48)
LCB85524: ORA BLACKMUN (AUTHOR) - Western North Carolina Its Mountains and Its People to 1880
LCB85231: BLACKWOOD, ALGERNON - A Prisoner in Fairyland (the Book That 'Uncle Paul' Wrote)
5870: BLACKWOOD'S - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. Vol. LXXX. July-December 1856
5869: BLACKWOOD'S - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. Vol. LXXVIII. July-December 1855
LCB85883: BLAIR, SARA, JOSEPH B. ENTIN & FRANNY NUDELMAN (EDITORS) - Remaking Reality. U.S. Documentary Culture After 1945
60912: BLAKE, GEORGE - "Master Magic". Audience Tested Effects for... "Mister Magic"
LCH46873: BLAMAN, ANNA; ANNEMARIE DIXON (TRANSLATOR) - A Matter of Life and Death (the Library of Netherlandic Literature Volume 3)
18203: BLANC, CHARLES - Grammaire Des Arts Du Dessin Architecture, Sculpture, Peinture. Jardins - Gravure en Pierrs Fines - Gravure en Médailles - Gravure en Taille-Douce - Eau-Forte Manière Noire, Aqua-Tinte - Gravure en Bois Gamaïeu - Gravure en Couleurs Lithographie. Seconde
LCB62112: BLAND, KALMAN & ANNABEL WHARTON (ISSUE EDITORS) - The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. Volume 29/Number 3 Fall 1999. Special Issue: Edges: Dangerous Encounters and Identity Formation
18262: BLANDFORD, PERCY W. - Tackle Canoeing This Way
25772: BLANTON, PATRICIA L. & NORMAN L. BIGGS - Eighteen Hundred Years of Controversy: The Paranasal Sinuses. Reprinted from the American Journal of Anatomy. Volume 124. No. 2 February 1969 (Signed Copy)
40279: BLASSINGAME, JOHN W. - Black New Orleans, 1860-80 Blassingame, John W.
25750: BLATT, IRVING M. - Submaxillary Salivary Flow: A Test of Chorda Tympani Nerve Function As a Basis for Surgical Intervention in Bell's Palsy: A Study of 61 Patients. Reprinted from the Transactions American Academy of Opthalmology and Otolaryngology November-December 1962
26605: BLAXTER, SIR KENNETH AND FOWDEN, SIR LESLIE - Food, Nutrition and Climate Blaxter, Sir Kenneth and Fowden, Sir Leslie
LCH46414: BLEHER, PAVEL M. & GUILHERME L. F. SILVA - The Mother Body Phase Transition in the Normal Matrix Model (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society May 2020. Volume 265. Number 1289 (Sixth of 7 Numbers)
60858: BLISH, JAMES - Galactic Cluster. Science Fiction Stories
22165: BLISS, GILBERT AMES - Algebraic Functions (American Mathematical Society. Colloquium Publications, Volume XVI)
21378: BLISS, LEE (EDITOR) - Coriolanus.
24609: BLOCH, BERNARD & GEORGE L. TRAGER - Outlines of Linguistic Analysis (Special Publications of the Linguistic Society of America)
5943: BLOCKHUS, JILL M. , MARK R. DILLENBECK, JEFFREY A. SAYER & PER WEGGE (EDITORS) - Conserving Biological Diversity in Managed Tropical Forests. Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the Iucn General Assembly Perth, Australia 30 November - 1 December 1990 (the Iucn Forest Conservation Programme)
LCB60783: BLOFELD, JOHN - Gateway to Wisdom
LCH46413: BLOKH, ALEXANDER, LEX OVERSTEEGEN, ROSS PTACEK & VLADLEN TIMORIN - Laminational Models for Some Spaces of Polynomials of Any Degree (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society. May 2020. Volume 265. Number 1288 (Fifth of 7 Numbers)
LCB61101: BLOM, LYNNE ANNE & L. TARIN CHAPLIN - The Moment of Movement. Dance Improvisation
LCH46868: BLOM, J. C. H. & E. LAMBERTS (EDITORS) - History of the Low Countries
LCB85971: BLONDé, BRUNO & ANNE-LAURE VAN BRUAENE & MARC BOONE (EDITORS) - City and Society in the Low Countries, 1100–1600
LCB61012: BLONDEL, ALAIN & INGRIED BRUGGER - Tamara de Lempicka (Art Deco Icon)
LCB61384: BLOOM, DAVIDA - Rape, Rage and Feminism in Contemporary American Drama
LCH46375: BLUESTONE, STEPHEN - The Painted Clock and Other Poems
LCH46504: BLüHM, ANDREAS & LOUISE LIPPINCOTT - Light! Revolution in Art, Science and Technology, 1750-1900
38556: BLUM, JEROME - The End of the Old Order in Rural Europe (Princeton Legacy Library) Jerome Blum
43799: BLUMENTHAL, KAREN - Grande Expectations: How Understanding Starbucks Demystifies the Stock Market - and How It Can Make You a Better Investor: How Understanding Starbucks... - and How It Can Make You a Better Investor Karen Blumenthal
19655: BLUNDEN, KATHERINE - Le Travail Et la Vertu: Femmes Au Foyer: Une Mystification de la Rävolution Industrielle
44592: BLY, ROBERT - Love of Minute Particulars Bly, Robert
LCH46610: BLY, ROBERT - A Love of Minute Particulars
25527: BO, WALTER J. , ISADORE MESCHAN & WAYNE A. KRUEGER - Basic Atlas of Cross-Sectional Anatomy. A Clinical Approach
LCH47132: BOAS, RALPH P. & HAROLD P. BOAS - A Primer of Real Functions (Mathematical Association of America Textbooks, Series Number 13)
70018: BOAS, FRANZ; ALEXANDER FRANCIS CHAMBERLAIN - Kutenai Tales. Together with Texts Collected by Alexander Francis Chamberlain (Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology. Bulletin 59)
24348: BOATENG, E. A. - A Geography of Ghana
12817: GOETHE; G. F. SENIOR & C. V. BOCK (EDITORS) - Goethe. The Critic. A Selection from His Writings on the Arts (German Texts)
23678: BOEVEY, S. M. CRAWLEY - Dene Forest Sketches. Second Series
80573: BOHAM, GARY - Foam Latex Ovens: Design, Materials and Construction
22324: BOHN, MICHAEL K. - Nerve Center. Inside the White House Situation Room
LCB85528: BOLANAKIS, DIMOSTHENIS E - Microcontroller Education Do It Yourself, Reinvent the Wheel, Code to Learn
LCB61578: BOLGER, DERMOT - In High Germany - Signed Copy
LCB60027: CHRISTOPHER BOLIN (AUTHOR) - Form from Form (Kuhl House Poets)
22548: CENTRAL OBRERA BOLIVIANA - Informe: Violacion de Los Derechos Humanos en Bolivia
21017: BOLL, MARCEL - Exposä âlectronique Des Lois de L'âlectricitä. Courants Continu Et Alternatifs, âlectromagnätisme Et Inductions, Räseaux de Distribution, âmission Et Räception Radioälectriques
43742: BOLT, CHRISTINE - Victorian Attitudes to Race (Study in Social History) Bolt, Christine
LCB61477: BOLTER, J. DAVID - Turing's Man: Western Culture in the Computer Age
LCB61777: BOLTJANSKY, VLADIMIR G. & I. TS. GOHBERG - Results and Problems in Combinatorial Geometry
70471: BOLTON, J. D. P. - Glory, Jest and Riddle
6586: BOLTOVSKOY, ESTEBAN & RAMIL WRIGHT - Recent Foraminifera
12695: BONANNO, RAPHAEL (EDITOR) - Jews, Moslems and Christians. Children of God
LCB61789: BONAR, DANIEL D. & MICHAEL J. KHOURY JR. - Real Infinite Series - Classroom Resource Materials
39522: BOND, EDWARD - At the Inland Sea (Modern Plays) [Paperback] Bond, Edward
12738: BOND, D. A. (EDITOR) - Vicia Faba: Feeding Value, Processing and Viruses. Proceedings of a Seminar in the Eec Programme of Coordination of Research on the Improvement of the Production of Plant Proteins, Held at Cambridge, England, June 27-29, 1979 Sponsored by the Commission o
17647: BONHAMS - The Scottish Sale. Made in Scotland. Thursday 22 August 2002. Friday 23 August 2002. Saturday 24 August 2002.
17613: BONHAMS - The 19th Century and Decorative Sale Including a Private Collection of Art Bronzes. Tuesday 29 October 2002
21846: BONHAMS - Postcards, Cigarette Cards and Trade Cards of the World. Thursday 28 November 2002
17931: BONHAMS - Sporting and Ornithological Pictures. Thursday 28 November 2002. Modern Sporting Guns, Rifles and Accessories. Thursday, 28 November 2002.
17947: BONHAMS - Fine Portrait Miniatures. Wednesday 10 April 2002
17948: BONHAMS - Portrait Miniatures and Silhouettes . Tuesday 1 October 2002
17949: BONHAMS - Portrait Miniatures and Silhouettes . Tuesday 12th March 2002
17950: BONHAMS - Fine Portrait Miniatures. Wednesday 5 November 2002
17951: BONHAMS - Fine Sporting Guns and Vintage Firearms. Wednesday 23 July 2003. Knightsbridge, London
17985: BONHAMS - The Scottish Sale Wednesday 24 August 2005, 11am Silver, Jewellery, Arms & Armour, Glass & Ceramics. Thursday 25 August 2005, 11am. Prints, Maps & Printed Books, Works of Art, Clocks, Furniture. Friday 26 August 2005, 11am. Pictures Edinburgh
17622: BONHAMS - Fine Continental Furniture and Works of Art. Thursday 4 December 2008
17663: BONHAMS - The Cunliffe Collection: Chinese Ceramics and Jade Carvings. Monday 11 November 2002
20925: BONHAMS - Creative Encounters. Portraits of Writers, Artists and Musicians. The Roy Davids Collection. Monday 3 November 2005
17976: BONHAMS - Antique Arms and Armour. Thursday 28 November 2002. Knightsbridge, London
22235: BONHAMS - Jewellery. Wednesday 6 November 2013
22238: BONHAMS - Jewellery. Wednesday 12 February 2014 Knightsbridge, London
22239: BONHAMS - Jewellery. Wednesday 12 March 2014 Knightsbridge, London
22240: BONHAMS - Jewellery and Silver. Thursday 13 March 2014 Edinburgh
22241: BONHAMS - Jewellery. Wednesday 9 April 2014 Knightsbridge, London
22242: BONHAMS - Jewellery. Wednesday 14 May 2014 Knightsbridge, London
22243: BONHAMS - Jewellery and Silver. Wednesday 4 June 2014 Edinburgh
22244: BONHAMS - Jewellery. Wednesday 11 June 2014 Knightsbridge, London
22245: BONHAMS - Jewellery. Wednesday 13 August 2014 Knightsbridge, London
22246: BONHAMS - Jewellery and Silver. Wednesday 3 September 2014 Edinburgh
22247: BONHAMS - Jewellery. Wednesday 10 September 2014 Knightsbridge, London
22248: BONHAMS - Jewellery. Wednesday 8 October 2014 Knightsbridge, London
22249: BONHAMS - Jewellery. Wednesday 5 November 2014 Knightsbridge, London
22250: BONHAMS - Jewellery. Wednesday 26 November 2014 Knightsbridge, London
22251: BONHAMS - Jewellery and Silver. Wednesday 3 December 2014 Edinburgh
22252: BONHAMS - Jewellery. Wednesday 11 February 2015. Knightsbridge, London
22253: BONHAMS - Jewellery. Wednesday 11 March 2015. Knightsbridge, London
22254: BONHAMS - Jewellery. Wednesday 15 April 2015. Knightsbridge, London
22255: BONHAMS - Jewellery. Wednesday 13 May 2015. Knightsbridge, London
22256: BONHAMS - Jewellery and Silver. Thursday 4 June 2015. Edinburgh
22257: BONHAMS - Jewellery. Wednesday 10 June 2015. Knightsbridge, London
22258: BONHAMS - Jewellery. Wednesday 15 July 2015. Knightsbridge, London
22259: BONHAMS - Jewellery. Wednesday 12 August 2015. Knightsbridge, London
22261: BONHAMS - Jewellery. Wednesday 7 October 2015. Knightsbridge, London
22263: BONHAMS - Jewellery. Wednesday 27 January 2016. Knightsbridge, London
22264: BONHAMS - Jewellery and Silver to Include an Important Private Collection of Silver Miniatures. Wednesday 2 December 2015. Edinburgh
22265: BONHAMS - The Ceres Collection. An Important Single-Owner Collection of Cameos and Intaglios, to Be Sold without Reserve. Wednesday 17 September 2014
22272: BONHAMS - Jewellery. Wednesday 16 July 2014
21844: BONHAMS - Postcards, Cigarette Cards & Trade Cards of the World. Thursday 31 July 2003
21845: BONHAMS - Postcards, Cigarette Cards and Trade Cards of the World. Thursday 25 July 2002
17568: BONHAMS - Fine British Ceramics, Glass and Enamels. Wednesday 8 December 2004 (11284)
LCB60838: BONHAMS - The Contents of Trelissick House Including the Copeland China Collection: Tuesday 23 July 2013 at 10am & Wednesday 24 July 2013 at 10am Feock, Nr Truro, Cornwall
17943: BONHAMS - Fine Portrait Miniatures. Thursday 22 May 2003
20923: BONHAMS - Design 1860-1945 Thursday 16 May 2002
20926: BONHAMS - The Garden Sale. Monday 16 July 2007
20927: BONHAMS - Fine Silver and Object of Vertu. Wednesday 2 July 2008
20928: BONHAMS - The Contents of Great Brampton House Sold by Order of Sir John and Lady Pidgeon and Including Other Properties. Wednesday 1 October 2008 Great Brampton House, Madley, Herefordshire
17652: BONHAMS - Fine Asian Art. Wednesday 11 June 2003
17927: BONHAMS - The Sporting Sale. Tuesday, 3 June 2003. Knightsbridge, London
17928: BONHAMS - Oil Paintings, Watercolours and Prints. Tuesday 15th January 2002
17925: BONHAMS - Portrait Miniatures and Silhouettes. Tuesday, 1 July 2003
17924: BONHAMS - Fine Portrait Miniatures. Monday 22nd November 1993
20922: BONHAMS - Decorative Arts. Wednesday 24th November 1999
20528: BONHAMS - Decorative Arts from 1860. Wednesday 1 October 2014. Knightsbridge, London
22023: BONHAMS - Decorative Arts from 1860. Wednesday 7 October 2015
20924: BONHAMS - Design from 1860. Thursday 11 November 2004
14744: BONHAMS - European Ceramics, Glass & Asian Art. Tuesday 18 January 2011 Knowle
14746: BONHAMS - European Ceramics, Glass & Asian Art. Tuesday 19 October 2010 Knowle
21544: BONHAMS - Design 1860 to the Present Day. Thursday 28 November 2002. Bonhams at the Mackintosh Museum, Glasgow School of Art
22262: BONHAMS - Jewellery. Wednesday 4 November 2015. Knightsbridge, London
19312: BONIFACE, PASCAL (EDITOR) - Relations Internationales Et Stratägiques. Le Dossier: Les Embargos. No. 24 Hiver 1996
LCB84974: BONNERJEA, BIREN - Index to Bulletins 1-100 of the Bureau of American Ethnology. With Index to Contributions to North American Ethnology, Introductions, and Miscellaneous Publications Bulletin 178
37840: BONNIN, GEORGES & JEAN - The Fourteenth of July at Nuremberg. The Nuremberg Trials: A Personal History
LCB84985: BONO, EDWARD DE - The Dog-Exercising Machine a Study of Children As Inventors
LCB61742: BONSALL, F. F. & J. DUNCAN - Numerical Ranges II - London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Series Number 10
7339: BONSER, WILFRID; JUNE TROY (EDITOR) - A Prehistoric Bibliography
LCB85089: BONY, JEAN (INTRODUCTION BY) ; (COMMENTS BY PETER MEYER) - Cathedrales Gothiques en France Collection Atlantis
21979: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - Summer Miscellany. Catalogue One Hundred and Ninety-Six
21997: DAWSON RARE BOOKS - Maps Catalogue IV
17848: OAK KNOLL BOOKS - Private Press and Fine Printing. Catalogue 234. Oak Knoll Books
21963: B. WEINREB ARCHITECTURAL BOOKS - Church Architecture and Architects in Britain. Catalogue 31
LCB61038: TIME-LIFE BOOKS - The Fabulous Century 1920-1930 the Twenties (Volume III)
21988: MARLBOROUGH RARE BOOKS - Illustrated Books. Catalogue One Hundred and Ninety-Four
21995: OAK KNOLL BOOKS - Catalogue 126. Printing and Other Fine Books
13706: JARNDYCE ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSELLERS - The Dickens Catalogue. Jarndyce Catalogue CXLV Winter 2001-02
18672: DE GRAAF ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSELLERS - Typographica Helvetica 1487-1600. Books Printed in Switzerland During the Fifteenth- and Sixteenth Century. Catalogue 42
LCB61887: BOOLOS, GEORGE & RICHARD C. JEFFREY - Computability and Logic
LCB60361: BOOTH, JOHN - Marvels of Mystery. A Professional Magician's Textbook of Conjuring Masterpieces. Introduction by Mrs. Harry Houdini. Illustrated by Bill Hanna
39119: BOOTH, WILLIAM JAMES - Interpreting the World: Kant's Philosophy of History and Politics
40901: BOOTH, M. B. - History Betrayed (Curriculum Reform S. ) Booth, M.B.
LCB61662: BORCOMAN, JAMES - Eugene Atget 1857 - 1927
LCB61189: BOREL, ARMAND - Essays in the History of Lie Groups and Algebraic Groups (History of Mathematics Volume 21)
22173: BOREL, ÂMILE & ANDRä CHäRON - Thäorie Mathämatique Du Bridge a la Portäe de Tous. 134 Tableaux de Probabilitäs Avec Leurs Modes D'Emploi, Formules Simples, Applications. Environs 4000 Probabilitäs (Monographie Des Probabilitäs. Fascicule V)
20963: BOREL, ÂMILE - Leìons Sur Les Säries a Termes Positifs Professäes Au Collåge France. Recueillies Et Rädigäes par Robert D'Adhåmar (Nouvelles leìons Sur la Thäorie Des Fonctions)
20670: BOREL, ÂMILE, MAURICE FRäCHET, PAUL PAINLEVä & HENRI LEBESQUE - Leìons Sur Les Fonctions de Variables Räelles Et Les Developpements en Säries de Polynomes Professäes a L'âcole Normale Supärieure (Collection de Monographies Sur la Thäorie Des Fonctions)
22486: BORGESEN, F. - The Algae-Vegetation of the Faerüese Coasts with Remarks on the Phyto-Geography. Reprinted from the Botany of the Faerües, Part II Published by the Aid of the Carlsberg Fund. Issued November 1 1905
LCB60478: BORJA-VILLEL, MANUEL J. & FLAVIO DE CARVALHO & LISETTE LAGNADO & MARíA BERRíOS & BO BARDI & LINA & JUAN BORCHERS - Drifts and Derivations: Experiences, Journeys and Morphologies
42500: BORNSTEIN, MARC H. AND LAMB, MICHAEL E. - Percept Cognit & Ling Devpt: An Advanced Textbook: Perceptual, Cognitive and Linguistic Development Pt. 2 [Paperback] Bornstein, Marc H. And Lamb, Michael E.
23326: BORODIN, GEORGE - Cradle of Splendour. The Song of Samarkand
22176: BORTKIEWICZ, L. V. - Die Iterationen. Ein Beitrag Zur Warscheinlichkeitstheorie
LCB85857: BOSA, JOAN, NATHANIAL P. BROWN, YASUHIKO SATO, AARON TIKUISIS & STUART WHITE - Covering Dimension of C*-Algebras and 2-Coloured Classification (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society January 2019. Volume 257. Number 1233 (Third of 6 Numbers)
45579: BOSCHERECCIA, AMINTA - Aminta: Favola Boschereccia (Italian Texts) Tasso, Torquato and Griffiths, C.E. J.
LCB83890: BOSI, ROBERTO - The Lapps (Ancient People and Places, 17)
LCB85833: BOTELER, LOVEJOY - Crooked Snake. The Life and Crimes of Albert Lepard
LCB61682: BOUANCHAUD, BERNARD - Essence of Yoga - Reflections on the Yoga Sutras of Putanjali
80600: BOUCHARD, LARRY D. - Tragic Method and Tragic Theology: Evil in Contemporary Drama and Religious Thought
39873: BOUCHER, DAVID AND KELLY, PAUL - The Social Contract from Hobbes to Rawls [Paperback] Boucher, David and Kelly, Paul
LCB83188: BOUCHER, FRANCOIS - A History of Costume in the West with 352 Colour Plates and 798 in Black and White
6864: BOULANGER, F. - Ambälakia Ou Les Associations Et Les Municipalitäs Helläniques Avec Documents Confirmatifs Recueillis Et Mis en Ordre
33265: BOULDERSTONE, JOHN & KATHERINE - So You'Ve Seen a Homoeopath ; a Patient's Guide to How Homoepathy Works and What to Do Next
39841: BOULOISEAU, MARC AND MANDELBAUM, JONATHAN - The Jacobin Republic 1792-1794: V 2 (the French Revolution) [Hardcover] Bouloiseau, Marc and Mandelbaum, Jonathan
28609: BOULTON-SMITH, JOHN - Stanley Spencer Gallery Cookham-on-Thames
LCB60899: BOURKE-WHITE, MARGARET - Eyes on Russia. With a Preface by Maurice Hindus
82671: BOURRIAUD, NICOLAS (EDITOR) - Altermodern Tate Triennial 2009
19068: BOURRICAUD, FRANìOIS - Le Retour de la Droite (Collection Libertä de L'Esprit)
61332: BOUSFIELD, PAUL - The Elements of Practical Psycho-Analysis
24697: BOUSQUET, GEORGE - Bulgaria. A Lecture on Bulgaria Delivered Before the Sociological Society in Paris, March 14, 1917
20802: BOUSSINESQ, M. J. - Leìons Synthätitiques de Mäcanique Gänärale Servant D'Introduction Au Cours de Mäcanique Physique de la Facultä Des Sciences de Paris
LCH46872: BOUWMAN, ANDRE & BART BESAMUSCA (EDITORS) - Of Reynaert the Fox. Text and Facing Translation of the Middle Dutch Beast Epic Van Den Vos Reynaerde
LCH47065: BOVA, BEN (EDITOR) - The Best of Analog
7656: BOVET, PIERRE; GEORGE H. GREEN (TRANSLATOR) - The Child's Religion. A Study of the Development of the Religious Sentiment (Signed and Dedicated by Translator)
82423: BOWDEN, JOHN; MARGARET LYDAMORE, HUGH BOWDEN - A Chronology of World Christianity
LCB84919: BOWDEN, CHRISTOPHER JOHN; GRAHAM OVENDEN (FOREWORD) - Beauty Freely Given: A Universal Truth - Artefacts from the Collection of Robin Hanbury-Tenison
19735: BOWEN, WYN Q. & ANDREW STEWART (EDITORS) - The Airey Neave Papers. Terrorism in the Uk. Broadening the Government's Counter-Terrorist Response - Contest. Annual Military Seminar - 29 to 30 November 2004 Jscsc Defence Academy of the United Kingdom. The Strategic and Combat Studies Institute. The Oc
LCH47066: BOWEN, MARJORIE - Black Magic. A Tale of the Rise and Fall of the Antichrist (the Dennis Wheatley Library of the Occult Volume 13)
6197: BOWER, DONALD E. - Fred Rosenstock. A Legends in Books & Art. Foreword by Frank Waters
70042: BOWERS, ALFRED W. - Hidatsa Social and Ceremonial Organization (Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology. Bulletin 194)
62021: BOWERS, HENRY AND JOAN - Arithmetical Excursions (an Enrichment of Elementary Mathematics)
LCH45817: BOWKER, R. M. - The Channel Handbook. The West Country - Volume Two. Containing 68 Large-Scale Charts and Navigational Notes for a Hundred Anchorages Within the Area Lyme Bay, Devon, Cornwall and Scilly
7091: BOWLER, I. R. , C. R. BRYANT & M. D. NELLIS (EDITORS) - Contemporary Rural Systems in Transition. Volume 1. Agriculture and Environment & Volume 2. Economy and Society (2 Volumes)
LCB61266: BOWLER, M. G. - Lectures on Special Relativity - Department of Nuclear Physics
LCH47091: BOWLT, JOHN E. (EDITOR & TRANSLATOR) - Russian Art of the Avant-Garde. Theory and Criticism, 1902-34 (Documents of Twentieth-Century Art)
LCB60820: BOWN, JANE & PATRICK O'DONOVAN (INTRODUCTION) - The Gentle Eye. Photographs by Jane Bown of the Observer
23967: BOWRA, MAURICE, JäRöME CARCOPINO, STEVEN RUNCIMAN, E. A. - Golden Ages of the Great Cities
29228: BOWYER, WILLIAM [EDITOR) - The Royal Academy Illustrated 1983. A Souvenir of the 215th Summer Exhibition
81861: BOYCE, WILLIAM D. - United States Colonies and Dependencies. Illustrated.
LCB61108: BOYD, CARL & AKIHIKO YOSHIDA - The Japanese Submarine Force & World War II
LCB61232: BOYD, A. W. - A Country Parish (New Naturalist Series, No. 9)
LCH47169: BOYER, CARL B. - The History of the Calculus and Its Conceptual Development (the Concept of the Calculus). With a Foreword by Richard Courant (Dover Books on Advanced Mathematics)
41967: BOYER, P - Urban Masses and Moral Order in America, 1820-1920 Boyer, P
28212: BOYLE, MARY - Biographical Catalogue of the Portraits at Weston the Seat of the Earl of Bradford
22645: BOYLE, DAVID - The Troubadour's Song. The Capture and Ransom of Richard the Lionheart
81454: MUSEUM BOYMANS - Edgard Tijtgat
20944: BRƒCKE, F. (EDITOR) - Symposium III. Biochemistry of the Central Nervous System (Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Biochemistry. Vienna, 1-6 September 1958 Volume III)
7563: BRABAZON, LORD - Some National and Board School Reforms
LCB60318: BRADBURY, DOMINIC & RICHARD POWERS (PHOTOGRAPHS) - The Iconic House: Architectural Masterworks Since 1900
4042: BRADBY, EDWARD (EDITOR) - The University Outside Europe. Essays on the Development of University Institutions in Fourteen Countries. Preface by Ernest Barker
26088: BRADING, H - Joshua's Key Brading, H
LCH46454: BRADLEY-EVANS, MARTHA - An Architectural Travel Guide to Utah
27469: WILL BRADLEY - Alex Frost. Supplements
LCH82925: BRADNER, LIESL & PHIL STERN - Snapdragon. The World War II Exploits of Darby's Ranger and Combat Photographer Phil Stern
26878: BRADY, CYRUS TOWNSEND - Northwestern Fights & Fighters: The Nez Perce & Modoc Indian Wars 1872-77 [Paperback] Brady, Cyrus Townsend
11303: KEITH JEFFERY & CIARAN BRADY (EDITORS) - Irish Historical Studies. The Joint Journal of the Irish Historical Studies and the Ulster Society for Irish Historical Studies. Volume XXXI 1998-9
LCB85972: BRADY, JOSEPH & ANNGRET SIMMS (EDITORS) - Dublin Through Space & Time (the Making of Dublin City 1) (Signed)
20960: BRAFFORT, P. & F. VAN SCHEEPEN (EDITORS) - Automation in Language Translation and Theorem Proving. Some Applications of Mathematical Logic. Brussels, June 1968.
LCB60808: BRAILSFORD, BARRY - Song of the Stone
LCB60608: BRAILSFORD, BARRY - Song of the Whale
LCB60609: BRAILSFORD, BARRY - Song of the Sacred Wind
LCB60147: BRAILSFORD, BARRY - Greenstone Trails - the Maori and Pounamu
LCB60148: BRAILSFORD, BARRY - Song of the Circle
60644: BRAILSFORD, BARRY - Song of the Eagle
LCB85944: BRAMALL, ERIC - Making a Start with Marionettes
LCH47117: BRAND, KURT - Project Earthsave (Perry Rhodan 38)
44498: BRAND, MAX AND TUSKA, JON - The Ghost Wagon and Other Great Western Adventures Brand, Max and Tuska, Jon
LCB60115: BRANDANE, JOHN - The Lifting
31852: BRANDEL, MARC AND VERLING, JOHN - The Mine of Lost Days
LCH46460: BRANDI, RICHARD - Garden Neighborhoods of San Francisco. The Development of Residence Parks, 1905-1924
70195: BRANDON, S. G. F. - Time and Mankind. An Historical and Philosophical Study of Mankind's Attitude to the Phenomena of Change
LCH45704: BRANDON, ROBIN - South Biscay Pilot the Gironde Estuary to la Coruna
23250: BRANDT, FRANCIS BURKE - Friedrich Eduard Beneke. The Man and His Philosophy. An Introductory Study (Columbia College Contributions to Philosophy, Psychology and Education. Vol 1 No. 4)
24504: BRANDT, CONRAD, BENJAMIN SCHWARTZ & JOHN K. FAIRBANK (EDITORS) - A Documentary History of Chinese Communism
LCH46954: BRANTLEY, ALLYSON P. - Brewing a Boycott. How a Grassroots Coalition Fought Coors and Remade American Consumer Activism (Justice, Power and Politics)
LCB85356: BRASELL, R. BRUCE - The Possible South. Documentary Film and the Limitations of Biraciality
25655: BRASH, JAMES COUPER (REVISOR) - Cunningham's Manual of Practical Anatomy. Volume Two Thorax and Abdomen
25651: BRASH, JAMES COUPER (REVISOR) - Cunningham's Manual of Practical Anatomy. Volume One General Introduction Upper Limb Lower Limb
LCB84993: BRATHWAITE, EDWARD K. - History of the Voice Development of Nation Language in Anglophone Caribbean Poetry
23907: BRAURE, MAURICE - The Age of Absolutism (the Twentieth Century Encyclopedia of Catholicism)
LCB83884: BREA, L. BERNABO - Sicily (Ancient Peoples and Places, 3)
LCB83003: BREASTED, JAMES HENRY - A History of Egypt from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest
41640: BRECKENRIDGE, CAROL A. - Orientalism and the Postcolonial Predicament: Perspectives on South Asia (South Asia Seminar)
LCB85180: BREEZE, CARLA - Pueblo Deco
LCB60484: BRENAN, GERALD - The Literature of the Spanish People: From Roman Times to the Present Day
38265: BRENTANO, FRANZ; ELIZABETH HUGHES SCHNEEWIND (EDITOR & TRANSLATOR) - Foundation and Construction of Ethics. Compiled from His Lectures on Practical Philosophy by Franziska Mayer-Hillebrand (International Library of Philosophy and Scientific Method)
LCB60106: BRéON, EMMANUEL - L'Art Déco. France. Amérique Du Nord
62171: BRESSOUD, DAVID - A Radical Approach to Real Analysis - Classroom Resource Materials
28040: BRETT, RICHARD (EDITOR) - Theatre Engineering and Architecture : Volume 1 Engineering and Technology
LCB61442: BRETT, SIMON - The Faber Book of Parodies
27207: BRETT, GUY. - Eric Rimmington. Paintings 1989/91. January 29-February 29 1992
LCH47059: BRETT, LEO - Faceless Planet. Had They Crossed a Thousand Galaxies Only to Die in the Uncharted Purple Jungle (Badger Books) (Sf47)
81914: BRETT, SIMON - Wood Engraving: How to Do It (Signed Copy)
45614: BRETT, DAVID - The Plain Style: Protestant Theology in the History of Design
43149: BREUILLY, JOHN - Labour and Liberalism in 19th-Century Europe: Essays in Comparative History Breuilly, John
61996: BREWER, PAUL - The History of Modern Warfare (a Year-by-Year Illustrated Account)
40326: BREWER, JOHN - The Sinews of Power War, Money and the English State 1688-1783
6548: BREYMEYER, A. I, & G. M. VAN DYNE (EDITORS) - Grasslands, Systems Analysis and Man (International Biological Programme 19)
LCB61883: O'BRIAN, PATRICK - The Mauritius Command
19254: BRIDGE, JOHN S. C. - A History of France from the Death of Louis XI. Volume IV. Reign of Lous XII 1508-1514
LCB61550: BRIDGES, DOUGLAS - Varieties of Constructive Mathematics (London Mathematical Society Lecture 97)
37541: BRIDGES, T. C. - The City of No Escape
19849: BRIDGES. - An African Journal of English Studies. Revue Africaine D'Etudes Anglaises. No. 7 Mars 1996
7705: BRIDGLAND, TONY - Waves of Hate: Naval Atrocities of the Second World War
LCB60114: BRIDIE, JAMES - What Say They? a Play in Two Acts
LCH46949: O'BRIEN, MARK A. - Sunday Matters. Reflections on the Lectionary Readings for Year a
61456: BRIGHOUSE, TIM & DAVID WOODS - Inspirations. A Collection of Commentaries and Quotations to Promote School Improvement
17477: BRIGHTWELLS - English & Continental Paintings. Wednesday 20th June 2012
15190: BRINDRED, SCOTT - Bibliography. The History, Study & Art of the Book. Catalogue Sixty. The History and Technique of Bookbinding and the Decoration of Books Together with Books on Paper, Papermaking and Watermarks
LCB62024: THE RAYMOND W. BRINK (SELECTED MATHEMATICAL PAPERS) - Selected Mathematical Papers on Precalculus - Vol 1
29093: ARTS COUNCIL OF GREAT BRITAIN - Epstein. Book of Illustrations. Including a Number of Works Not Exhibited. An Exhibition Held at the Tate Gallery 25 September - 9 November [1952]
27906: ARTS COUNCIL OF GREAT BRITAIN - The Arts Council of Great Britain 1st Annual Report 1945 -6
80116: THE BRITISH MUSEUM. BINYON, LAURENCE. - Catalogue of Drawings by British Artists and Artists of Foreign Origin Working in Great Britain. Volume II.
LCB60576: BRITNELL, W. J. (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. 157 (2008)
LCB60595: BRITNELL, W. J. (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. 169 (2020)
LCB60577: BRITNELL, W. J. (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. 158 (2009)
LCB60591: BRITNELL, W. J. (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. 166 (2017)
LCB60578: BRITNELL, W. J. (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. 159 (2010)
LCB60583: BRITNELL, W. J. (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. 163 (2014)
LCB60584: BRITNELL, W. J. (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. 164 (2015)
LCB60581: BRITNELL, W. J. (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. 162 (2013)
LCB60582: BRITNELL, W. J. (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. 165 (2016)
LCB60574: BRITNELL, W. J. (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. 155 (2006)
LCB60575: BRITNELL, W. J. (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. 156 (2007)
LCB60580: BRITNELL, W. J. (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. 161 (2012)
LCB60592: BRITNELL, W. J. (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. 167 (2018)
LCB60569: BRITNELL, W. J. (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. 150 (2001)
LCB60594: BRITNELL, W. J. (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. 168 (2019)
LCB60570: BRITNELL, W. J. (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. 151 (2002)
LCB60571: BRITNELL, W. J. (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. 152 (2003)
LCB60573: BRITNELL, W. J. (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. 154 (2005)
LCB60579: BRITNELL, W. J. (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. 160 (2011)
LCB60572: BRITNELL, W. J. (EDITOR) - Archaeologia Cambrensis: The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association Vol. 153 (2004)
19365: LE CENTRE DE RECHERCHES ET D'ÂTUDES EN CIVILISATION BRITTANNIQUE (CRECIB) - Revue Franéaise de Civilisation Britannique. French Journal of British Area Studies Volume XIV No. 2 Printemps 2007 Les Usages Du Temps Libre
19364: LE CENTRE DE RECHERCHES ET D'ÂTUDES EN CIVILISATION BRITTANNIQUE (CRECIB) - Revue Franéaise de Civilisation Britannique. French Journal of British Area Studies Volume XIV No. 1 Automne 2006 la Dävolution Des Pouvoirs ê L'äcosse Et Au Pays de Galles
19367: LE CENTRE DE RECHERCHES ET D'ÂTUDES EN CIVILISATION BRITTANNIQUE (CRECIB) - Revue Franéaise de Civilisation Britannique. French Journal of British Area Studies Volume XV. No. 4 Printemps 2010 Präsentations, Repräsentations, Re-Präsentations
19362: LE CENTRE DE RECHERCHES ET D'ÂTUDES EN CIVILISATION BRITTANNIQUE (CRECIB) - Revue Franéaise de Civilisation Britannique. French Journal of British Area Studies Volume XV No. 3 Automne 2009 Regards Sur la Jeunesse Britannique
19363: LE CENTRE DE RECHERCHES ET D'ÂTUDES EN CIVILISATION BRITTANNIQUE (CRECIB) - Revue Franéaise de Civilisation Britannique. French Journal of British Area Studies Volume XIV No. 4 Printemps 2008 L'Histoire Sociale en Mutation
19358: LE CENTRE DE RECHERCHES ET D'ÂTUDES EN CIVILISATION BRITTANNIQUE (CRECIB) - Revue Franéaise de Civilisation Britannique. French Journal of British Area Studies Volume XV No. 1 Automne 2008. Aspects Du Dâbat Sur L'Abolition de L'Esclavage en Grande-Bretagne, 1787-1840
19369: LE CENTRE DE RECHERCHES ET D'ÂTUDES EN CIVILISATION BRITTANNIQUE (CRECIB) - Revue Franéaise de Civilisation Britannique. French Journal of British Area Studies Volume XIV No. 3 Automne 2007 le Däfi Multiculturel en Grande-Bretagne
38275: BRIVATI, BRIAN & JONES, HARRIET - What Difference Did the War Make? (Themes in Contemporary British History S. ) Brivati, Brian and Jones, Harriet
LCB61746: BRöCKER, THEODOR; (TRANSLATED BY) L. LANDER - Differentiable Germs and Catastrophes - London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Series Number 17
LCB61889: BRöCKER, T - Introduction to Differential Topology
80067: BROCKLEBANK, HUGH - A Turn or Two I'LL Walk to Still My Beating Mind, Commentary on a Private Collection
20948: BRODA, E. & W. FRISCH-NIGGEMEYER (EDITORS) - Symposium VII. Biochemistry of Viruses (Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Biochemistry. Vienna, 1-6 September 1958 Volume VII)
82132: BRODIE, PETER R. - Dictionary of Shipping and Shipbroking Terms. French-English & English-French Dictionnaire Du Transport Et de L'Affretement Maritime. Français-Anglais Et Anglais-Français
LCB60831: BRóDKA, MARIA - Where the Devil Says Goodnight. Gdzie Diabel Mowi Dobranoc
44802: BRONKHORST, JOHANNES - Language and Reality. On an Episode in Indian Thought (Brill's Indological Library Volume 36)
81587: BROOKE, STOPFORD A. - Christianity and Social Problems
36305: BROOKE, JOHN & MARY SORENSON - The Prime Ministers' Papers: W.E. Gladstone. I. Autobiographica. : Autobiographica V. 1 John Brooke and Mary Sorensen
LCB83671: BROOKE, RUPERT - The Complete Works of Rupert Brooke
17930: BONHAMS & BROOKS - Antique Arms & Armour, Modern Firearms & Accessories. Thursday 27th September 2001
17973: BONHAMS & BROOKS - Antique Arms & Armour, Modern Firearms & Accessories. Thursday 6 December 2001
8573: EURIPIDES; HENRY TAYLOR & ROBERT A. BROOKS (TRANSLATORS) - The Children of Herakles (the Greek Tragedy in New Translations)
LCH46869: BROOMANS, PETRA & INGEBORG KROON (EDITORS) - Zweedse en Zweedstalige Finse Auteurs in Nederlandse Vertaling 1491-2007. Een Bibliografie / Svenska Och Finlandssvenska Författare I Nederländsk ôversättning 1491-2007. En Bibliografi.
LCB60812: BROOME, JON - The Green Self-Build Book. How to Design and Build Your Own Eco-Home
81629: BROOMHEAD, FRANK - The Book Illustrations of Orlando Jewitt
20051: BROPHY, JOHN - The Human Face Reconsidered
21985: MAGGS BROS. - Autograph Letters & Historical Documents (Maggs Catalogue 1303)
20520: MAGGS BROS. - A Classified Catalogue of Books in Foreign Languages of All Periods. Aldine Press Books, Bibles, Bindings, Calligraphy, Greek and Latin Classics, Costumes, Economics, Education, Food, Games and Sport, Italian Literature, Medicine and Science, Illustrated
13637: MAGGS BROTHERS - Maggs 1298. Illuminations
21977: MAGGS BROTHERS - Private Presses (Maggs Catalogue 1326)
13820: MAGGS BROTHERS - Many Kinds of Learning II. Maggs Catalogue 1048. Summer 1984
23027: MAGGS BROTHERS - Continental Books (Catalogue 1320)
19905: BROUä, PIERRE - Trotsky
18934: BROUGH, BENNETT H. (EDITOR) - The Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute. Volume XLVIII. No. II
18946: BROUGH, BENNETT H. (EDITOR) - The Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute. Volume XLV No. I 1894
18939: BROUGH, BENNETT H. (EDITOR) - The Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute. Volume XLIX No. I 1896
18936: BROUGH, BENNETT H. (EDITOR) - The Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute. Volume XLII. No. I 1892
5926: BROUGH, BENNETT H. (EDITOR) - The Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute. Volume LXIII. No. I
5927: BROUGH, BENNETT H. (EDITOR) - The Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute. Volume LVII. No. I
5928: BROUGH, BENNETT H. (EDITOR) - The Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute. Volume LIV. No. II
5929: BROUGH, BENNETT H. (EDITOR) - The Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute. Volume LXI. No. I
5931: BROUGH, BENNETT H. (EDITOR) - The Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute. Volume XLIII. No. I
38944: BROWN, STUART - Philosophers of the Enlightenment (Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures. Volume Twelve. 1977-78) [Hardcover]
LCB61162: BROWN, PAUL - Mercenaries to Conquerors. Norman Warfare in the Eleventh and Twelfth-Century Mediterranean
42667: BROWN, ROBERT AND ROLLINS, C. D. - Contemporary Philosophy in Australia (Muirhead Library of Philosophy)
LCH46548: BROWN, ELINOR L. & PAMELA E. GIBBONS - Ethnicity and Race. Creating Educational Opportunities Around the Globe (International Advances in Education: Global Initiatives for Equity and Social Justice)
39718: BROWN, DONALD GEORGE - Action
LCB61221: BROWN, LESLIE - British Birds of Prey (Collins New Naturalist Series)
61988: BROWN, KEN - U-Boat Assault on America (Why the Us Was Unprepared for War in the Atlantic)
38102: BROWN, GARY - Hesitant Martyr in the Texas Revolution: James Walker Fannin [Paperback] Brown, Gary
81954: BROWN, ROGER L. (EDITED BY) - The Sayce Papers: Volume 10 - Glimpses of the Old World
28587: BROWN, DAVID - Glen Onwin Saltmarsh
25727: BROWN, JERRY WILLIAM - The Development of the Nucleus of the Spinal Tract of V in Human Fetuses of 14 to 21 Weeks of Menstrual Age. Offprint from the Journal of Comparative Neurology, Volume 106, No. 2 December 1956
21876: BROWN, C. A. CAMERON - Electricity in Poultry Farming (Institute for Research in Agricultural Engineering. University of Oxford)
28204: KENJIRO OKAMOTO & DAVID BROWN - Aspects of British Art Today
LCH47074: BROWN, LOWELL S. - Quantum Field Theory
LCB61588: BROWN, KEVIN - Passage to the World - the Emigrant Experience 1807-1939
80457: BROWNE, J. ROSS - Adventures in the Apache Country: A Tour Through Arizona and Sonora: With Notes on the Silver Regions of Nevada
LCB85269: BROWNING, ROBERT X. - The C-Span Archives an Interdisciplinary Resource for Discovery, Learning, and Engagement
LCB62146: BROWNLEE, MARINA (ISSUE EDITOR) - The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. Volume 39. Number 1 Winter 2009. Special Issue: Intricate Alliances: Early Modern Spain and England
21345: BROWNSWORD, ROGER & MORAG GOODWIN - Law and the Technologies of the Twenty-First Century : Text and Materials
LCB61501: BRUCE, J. - Curves and Singularities. A Geometrical Introduction to Singularity Theory
7556: BRUCE, H. ADDINGTON (EDITOR) - The Education of Karl Witte or the Training of the Child. Translated from the German by Leo Wiener
41635: BRUCK, MICHAEL VON AND WHALEN LAI - Bouddhisme Et Christianisme. Histoire, Confrontation, Dialogue
3753: BRUGMAN, JAN - De Betekenis Van Het Mohammedaanse Recht in Het Hedendaagsche Egypte. Proefschrift Ter Verkrijging Van de Graad Van Doctor in de Letteren en Wijsbegeerte Aan de Rijksuniversiteit Te Leiden, Op Gezag Van de Rector Magnificus Mr. J.E. Jonkers, Hoogleraar in
LCB61397: BRUINSMA, ERNST, ALPITA DE JONG & ANDRé LOOIJENGA - Swallows and Floating Horses. An Anthology of Frisian Literature (Lesser Used Languages of Europe 9)
LCB85449: BRUMM, JAMES HART (EDITOR) - Tools for Understanding Essays in Honor of Donald J. Bruggink
21136: BRUMMER, CHRIS - Soft Law and the Global Financial System : Rule Making in the 21st Century
15443: BRUNI, ROBERTO L. & D. WYN EVANS - A Catalogue of Italian Books, 1601-1700, in Exeter Libraries. With an Appendix of Sixteenth-Century Books Mainly from Devon Library Services. With 224 Illustrations (Limited Numbered Edition)
LCH46998: BRUNSKILL, R. W. - Houses and Cottages of Great Britain. Origins and Development of Traditional Buildings
LCH46997: BRUNSKILL, R. W. - Brick Building in Britain
26200: O'BRYAN, K. G - Non-Official Languages: A Study in Canadian Multic [Unknown Binding] o'Bryan, K. G
45056: BRYANT, EDWIN F. - Krishna: A Sourcebook
40727: BRYANT, PETER - Piaget: Issues and Experiments Bryant, Peter
LCB61780: BRYANT, ARTHUR - Search for Justice (a History of Britain and the British People) - Volume 3 (Only)
LCH47142: BRYANT, VICTOR - A Course in Combinatorics
LCB84521: BRYCE, JAMES - The Story of a Ploughboy
LCH46931: BRYER, JACKSON R. , ROBERT M. DOWLING & MARY C. HARTIG (EDITORS) - Conversations with Sam Shepard (Literary Conversations Series)
42122: [HARDCOVER] BRZOSKA, MICHAEL AND OHLSON, THOMAS - Arms Transfers to the Third World 1971-85 [Hardcover] Brzoska, Michael and Ohlson, Thomas
LCB84524: BUCHAN, JOHN - The Magic Walking-Stick with Illustrations by Vernon L. Soper and Stories from the Arabian Nights (Selecxted Edited and Arranged for Young People by Frances Jenkins Olcott with Illustrations by Monro S. Orr)
41239: BUCHANAN, IAN - Michel de Certeau: Cultural Theorist (Published in Association with Theory, Culture & Society) [Paperback] Buchanan, Ian
25596: BUCHSBAUM, RALPH - Animals without Backbones. An Introduction to the Invertebrates
70414: BUCK, PEARL S. - The Bondmaid
29213: BUCK, JON - Intimate Connections April 2000
LCH46356: BUCKLEY, PETER J. - The Social Purpose of the Modern Business Corporation (Annals of Corporate Governance 6: 1)
LCB61279: BUDD, C. J. - Mathematics Galore! - Masterclasses, Workshops, and Team Projects in Mathematics and Its Applications
LCB60638: BUDDUG - Caniadau Buddug
80360: BUDGE, E. A. WALLIS - Cleopatra's Needles and Other Egyptian Obelisks. A Series of Descriptions of All the Important Inscribed Obelisks, with Hieroglyphic Texts, Translations, Etc.
LCB61356: BUENSUCESO, ELIZABETH P. - Asean Centrality. An Autoethnographic Account by a Philippine Diplomat
24605: BUHEIRY, MARWAN R. ; LAWRENCE I. CONRAD (EDITOR) - The Formation and Perception of the Modern Arab World. Studies by Marwan R. Buheiry
LCB61275: BUHLER, WALTER K. - Gauss - a Biographical Study
LCB85280: BUKAY, DAVID - From Muhammad to Bin Laden Religious and Ideological Sources of the Homicide Bombers Phenomenon
LCB85732: BUKO, ANDRZEJ - The Archaeology of Early Medieval Poland; Discoveries, Hypotheses, Interpretations; East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 450-1450
LCB60122: BULL, EMMA - Finder
39501: BULLEN, R. J. ; STRANDMANN, H. POGEE VON AND POLONSKY, A. B. - Ideas Into Politics: Aspects of European History, 1880 to 1950 Bullen, R.J. ; Strandmann, H. Pogee Von and Polonsky, A.B.
38575: BULLIVANT, KEITH - Culture and Society in the Weimar Republic Bullivant, Keith
LCB60447: BULLOCK-DAVIES, CONSTANCE - Menestrellorum Multitudo. Minstrels at a Royal Feast
LCH47160: BULMER M. G - Principles of Statistics
LCH46532: BUMPUS, JUDITH - Reginald Brill
29376: BUMPUS, JUDITH - Roger de Grey. Recent Paintings and Drawings. April 13th - 29th 1994
25682: BUNCKE, HARRY J. , NORMAN L. CHATER & ZOLTAN SZABO - The Manual of Microvascular Surgery. A Step-by-Step Guide to Microvascular Anastomosis in the Laboratory Using the Rat Femoral Artery and Vein
42278: BUNYAN, JOHNN AND GREAVES, RICHARD L. - The Miscellaneous Works of John Bunyan: Volume II: The Doctrine of the Law and Grace Unfolded; I Will Pray with the Spirit: Volume 2: The Doctrine of... With the Spirit V. 2
LCB85598: BURCH, SUSAN - Committed - Remembering Native Kinship in and Beyond Institutions
LCB61869: BURGER, EDWARD B. - Exploring the Number Jungle - a Journey Into Diophantine Analysis (Student Mathematical Library)
42677: BURGESS, ANTHONY - 1985 Burgess, Anthony
42548: BURKE, PETER - New Perspectives on Historical Writing Burke, Peter
LCB61539: BURKILL, J. C. - A First Course in Mathematical Analysis
LCB60681: BURLEY, W. J. - Wycliffe and the Dead Flautist
LCB60661: BURLEY, W. J. - Wycliffe and the Beales (Gollancz Detection)
LCB83217: BURNET, JOHN - Early Greek Philosophy
LCB85448: BURNETT, SCOTT E. & JOEL D. IRISH (EDITORS) - A World View of Bioculturally Modified Teeth
24084: BURNEY, CHARLES & DAVID MARSHALL LANG - The Peoples of the Hills. Ancient Ararat and Caucasus
8160: BURNHAM, HAMPDEN - Jack Ralston. A Tale of Life in the Far North-East of Canada
LCB61959: (EDITED BY) BURNHAM, BARRY C. & JEFFREY L. DAVIES - Conquest, Co-Existence and Change - Recent Work in Roman Wales (Trivium 25 1990)
LCH47112: BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE - Synthetic Men of Mars
LCH47114: BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE - A Fighting Man of Mars
LCB85226: BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE - Tarzan: The Beasts of Tarzan, Volume 3
LCH47111: BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE - Carson of Venus
LCB83551: BURROUGHS, WILLIAM - Naked Lunch
LCH47120: BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE - John Carter of Mars
LCH46928: BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE - Princess of Mars
LCH47119: BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE - Carson of Venus
LCH45753: BURROW, COLIN (EDITED BY) - William Shakespeare: The Complete Sonnets & Poems (1 Volume Only, No Box)
40226: SIR CYRIL BURT - The Backward Child Burt, Sir Cyril
LCB60894: BURTON, VIOLET - My Larger Life
LCB61352: BURTON, DAVID M. - Elementary Number Theory
LCH46914: BURTON, WOHL - Rollercoaster. Based on a Screenplay by Richard Levinson & William Link
24433: BURTON, RICHARD; C. W. NEWBURY (EDITOR) - A Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by C.W. Newbury
81299: BURTON (DR) - The Apolistic Fathers: The Epistles of St Ignatius and St Polycarp (with Introductory Preface Comprising a History of the Christian Church in the Second Century)
27787: BURY, SHIRLEY, EDWARD LUCIE - SMITH , WENDY RAMSHAW - Wendy Ramshaw 6 October 1982 - 16 January 1983
27596: BURY, POL - Pol Bury. Recueil de Textes -Crits Depuis 1959
60921: BUSBY, JEFF - Michael Skinner's Intimate Magic
82901: BUSH, KATE & BRETT ROGERS (CURATED BY) - Reality Check - Recent Developments in British Photography and Video
LCB84963: BUSHNELL, DAVID I. JR - The Choctaw of Bayou Lacomb St. Tammany Parish Louisiana Bulletin 48
70029: BUSHNELL, DAVID I. - Native Cemeteries and Forms of Burial East of the Mississippi (Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology. Bulletin 71)
70031: BUSHNELL, DAVID I. - Villages of the Algonquian, Siouan, and Caddoan Tribes West of the Mississippi (Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology. Bulletin 77)
23251: BUSKEN HUET, CD. - Het Land Van Rembrand. Studien over de Noordnederlandsche Heschaving in de Zeventiende Eeuwe. Geòllustreerd Onder Toezicht Van J.H. W. Unger
44742: BUSWELL JR, ROBERT E & ROBERT M. GIMELLO (EDITORS) - Paths to Liberation - the Marga and Its Transformations in Buddhist Thought
3935: BUTLER, NICHOLAS MURRAY - The Meaning of Education and Other Essays and Addresses
LCH47151: BUTLER, WILLIAM VIVIAN - The Greatest Magicians on Earth
LCB60212: BUTLER, SAMUEL - Erewhon. The Wood-Engravings by Blair Hughes-Stanton
LCB85179: BUTLER, GRAEME - California Bungalow in Australia. Origins, Revival, Source Ideas for Restoration (Signed Copy)
81396: BUTLER, PATRICIA M. - Paintings in Ipswich
LCB61609: BUTTERWORTH, L. - Teach Yourself - Radio Servicing
LCH47077: BUTTERY, DAVID - Wellington Against Soult. The Second Invasion of Portugal 1809
LCB85519: BUXTON, BARRY M. & STEVEN M. BEATTY - Blue Ridge Parkway - Age of Transition
12125: BUZAS, MARTIN A. & KENNETH P. SEVERIN - Distribution and Systematics of Foraminifera in the Indian River, Florida (Smithsonian Contributions to the Marine Sciences. Number 16)
LCB61025: BYDZOVSKá, LENKA & KAREL SRP (EDITORS) - Alfons Mucha. Slovanská Epopej
LCH46599: BYRNE-SUTTON, ANN - Come Back to Avalon
22536: CABALLERO, SANTIAGO BERRIOS - Los Falsos en Democracia. Nacionalismo o Coloniaje?
43940: CABLE, JAMES - The Royal Navy and the Siege of Bilbao [Hardcover] Cable, James
LCB61160: CACHET, MARIE; VARG VIKERNES (PREFACE) - The Secret of the She-Bear. An Unexpected Key to Understand European Mythologies, Traditions and Tales.
LCB84958: CACHIN, FRANçOISE - Paul Signac
25532: CAHILL, DONALD R. & MATTHEW J. ORLAND - Atlas of Human Cross-Sectional Anatomy
LCB85420: CHANGPIN LI & MIN CAI - Theory and Numerical Approximations of Fractional Integrals and Derivatives
62042: CAIDIN, MARTIN - Cyborg (Half Man, Half Machine- the Deadliest Secret Agent of Them All)
LCH47061: CAIDIN, MARTIN - Operation Nuke. The Second Cyborg Adventure. More of the Original Adventures of Tv's $6,000,000 Man
LCB60972: CAITLING, H. W. AND P. M. WARREN AND R. J. A. WILSON - Archaeological Reports for 1987 - 1988 (No. 34)
LCB60973: CAITLING, H. W. AND M. R. POPHAM ET AL; AND D RIDGWAY - Archaeological Reports for 1988 - 1989 (No. 35)
62174: CAJORI, FLORIAN PH. D - A History of Mathematics
LCB85706: CALABI, DONATELLA & STEPHEN TURK CHRISTENSEN - Cities and Cultural Exchange in Europe, 1400-1700
22545: CALDERON, RENE BALLIVAN - Principios de Economia Minera
21199: CALDERON, HECTOR A. (EDITOR) - Advanced Structural Materials 2013: Volume 1611
LCB83843: CALEY, EARLE R. - Analysis of Ancient Metals
LCB85267: GERALD EARLY (EDITOR) & MATTHEW CALIHMAN (EDITOR) - Approaches to Teaching Baraka's Dutchman
LCB61191: CALINGER, RONALD - Vita Mathematica (Historical Research and Integration with Teaching: 40)
LCB85873: CALLAHAN, CELESTE - Triathlon and Transformation. A Dual Memoir of Masters Women Athletes
42266: CALLENS, JOHAN - From Middleton and Rowley's Changeling to Sam Shepard's Bodyguard: A Contemporary Appropriation of a Renaissance Drama
39481: CALLOW, PHILIP - Janine Callow, Philip
LCH46493: CALVERT, LOUIS - Problems of the Actor. With an Introduction by Clayton Hamilton (from the Library of Robert Loraine, Actor & Aeronaut)
23232: CALVERT, ALBERT F. - Nigeria and Its Tin Fields
3081: CAMBERLIN, M. E. , RODOLPHE ROUSSEAU & PAUL CAMBERLIN - Manuel Pratique Des Tribunaux de Commerce a L'Usage Des Magistrats, Des Justiciables, Des Officiers Ministäriels Et Des Divers Auxiliares de la Jurisdiction Commerciale. Divisä en Six Parties: 1e Historique - Organisation Et Fonctionnement Des Tribunaux D
LCH46889: CAMERON, PETER J. - Introduction to Algebra
13643: CAMERON, CLIVE A. - Going Metric with the Us Printing Industry
LCB84466: CAMERON, IAN (IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY) - Mountains of the Gods (the Himalaya and the Mountains of Central Asia)
LCB61354: CAMERON, PETER J. - Combinatorics. Topics, Techniques, Algorithms
LCH46853: CAMERON, DAVID & RICHARD SIMEON (EDITORS) - Language Matters. How Canadian Voluntary Associations Manage French and English
LCH46936: CAMERON, IAN - Island at the Top of the World
7967: CAMPAGNAC, E. T. - Education in Its Relation to the Common Purposes of Humanity
24274: CAMPANILE, ENRICO (EDITOR) - Nuovi Materiali Per la Ricerca Indoeuropeistica
21203: CAMPBEL, S. A. , L. A. CLEVENGER, P. B. GRIFFIN & C. C. HOBBS (EDITORS) - Gate Stack and Silicide Issues in Silicon Processing II : Symposium Held April 17-19, 2001, San Francisco, California, U.S. A.
23666: CAMPBELL, R. J. - Thomas Arnold (Great English Churchmen Series)
24430: CAMPBELL, PENELOPE - Maryland in Africa. The Maryland State Colonization Society 1831-1857
LCB85257: CAMPBELL, PETER - Military Realism the Logic and Limits of Force and Innovation in the U.S. Army
38359: CAMPBELL, KEN - Furtive Nudist Campbell, Ken
21146: CAMPBELL, JOHN L. , J. ROGERS HOLLINGWORTH & LEON N. LINDBERG (EDITORS) - Governance of the American Economy
LCB61050: CAMPBELL, LORING - This Is Magic. Illustrations by Mel.
LCB84804: CAMPBELL, J. L. - The Miracle of Peille (Signed Copy)
LCH45824: FISHERIES AND OCEANS CANADA - Canadian Tide and Current Tables Tables Des Marées Et Des Courants Du Canada. Volume 6 Discovery Passage and West Coast of Vancouver Island
80006: INTERNATIONAL FINE ARTS EXHIBITION EXPO 67; MONTREAL CANADA - Man and His World; Terre Des Hommes Exposition Internationale Des Beaux-Arts
LCH45823: FISHERIES AND OCEANS CANADA - Canadian Tide and Current Tables Tables Des Marées Et Des Courants Du Canada. 5 Juan de Fuca Strait and Strait of Georgia
37671: CANFIELD, DOROTHY - Basque People
43446: CANNADINE, DAVID - Exploring the Urban Past: Essays in Urban History by H.J. Dyos [Paperback] Cannadine, David
LCB61264: CANNELL, D. M. - George Green. Mathematician and Physicist 1793-1841: The Background to His Life and Work
LCH46934: CANNING, VICTOR - Doubled in Diamonds
LCB60047: CANNON, ROBERT H. - Dynamics of Physical Systems
LCB61797: CANNON-BROOKES, PETER (EDITED BY) - Paintings from Tabley - an Exhibition of Paintings from Tabley House - the Heim Gallery 10th October 1989-21st November 1989
LCB60801: CANNON, SEAN - Edge of Light
LCH46894: CANTOR, GEOFFREY - Michael Faraday. Sandemanian and Scientist: A Study of Science and Religion in the Nineteenth Century
LCH46742: CANUTO, OTAVIANO & LILI LIU (EDITORS) - Until Debt Do Us Part. Subnational Debt, Insolvency, and Markets
LCB60882: CAPONIGRO, PAUL (PHOTOGRAPHY) & MARIANNE FULTON (ESSAY) - The Wise Silence. Photographs by Paul Caponigro
LCB61677: CAPRI, DIANE - Jack in the Green: The Hunt for Reacher Series
LCB61678: CAPRI, DIANE - Jack in a Box: The Hunt for Jack Reacher Series (a Short Story)
41532: CAPUTO, JOHN D. - The Religious: Blackwell Readings in Continental Philosophy
40368: CARALEY, D - Caraley: American Political Institutions in the Seventies (Cloth) Caraley, D
LCB60056: CARATHéODORY, CONSTANTIN - Conformal Representation
81207: CARBONEL, JEAN-CHRISTOPHE - French Secret Projects (2) : Bombers, Patrol and Assault Aircraft
80633: CARCO, FRANCIS - Les Belles Maniåres
22436: CARERI, G. (EDITOR) - Italian Physical Society. Proceedings of the International School of Physics >. Course XXI, Varenna on Lake Como. Villa Monastero. July 3- July 15 1961. Liquid Helium.
LCB61170: CAREY, BRIAN TODD, JOSHUA B. ALLFREE & JOHN CAIRNS - Hannibal's Last Battle. Zama and the Fall of Carthage
13854: CAREY, H. C. - The Past, Present, and the Future
21193: CARIGNAN, CLAUDE, FRANìOISE COMBES & KEN C. FREEMAN (EDITORS) - Tracing the Ancestry of Galaxies : (on the Land of Our Ancestors) : Proceedings of the 277th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union Held in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, December 13-17, 2010
LCB85846: CARLOS E. KENIG, E. A. (EDITOR) - Harmonic Analysis and Applications (Ias/Park City Mathematics Series Volume 27)
8156: CARLQUIST, MAJA; REGINALD E. ROPER, ROLF JUNKER, PHILIP SMITHELLS (TRANSLATORS) ; PHILIP SMITHELLS (EDITOR) - Rhythmical Gymnastics. The Book of the Sofia Girls. Ling's Gymnastics Developed According to the Principles of Rhythm. Illustrated by Georg Lagerstedt
LCB61406: CARLSON, DAVID, CHARLES R. JOHNSON, DAVID C. LAY & A. DUANE PORTER (EDITORS) - Linear Algebra Gems. Assets for Undergraduate Mathematics (Maa Notes #59)
44122: CARLSON, ROBERT E. - Liverpool and Manchester Railway Project, 1821-31 Carlson, Robert E.
32923: CARNAP, RUDOLF - Meaning and Necessity (Phoenix Books)
LCH46751: CARNEY, JOHN - Carney Up Close
21606: CARO, E. - La Philosophie de Goethe. Deuxiåme ädition
LCB85911: CARR, PAUL R. , DAVID ZYGIER, MARC PRUYN - Can Educators Make a Difference? Experimenting with, and Experiencing Democracy, in Education (Critical Constructions: Studies on Education and Society)
13296: CARRä , I. (EDITOR) - Les Pädagogues de Port-Royal. Saint-Cyran, de Saci, Lancelot, Guyot, Coustel, le Maötre, Nicole, Arnauld, Etc. Jacqueline Pascal. Histoire Des Petites âcoles. Notices, Extraits Et Analyses Avec Des Notes
LCH46615: CARRADICE, PHIL - Ghostly Riders (Signed Copy)
LCH47095: CARRADICE, PHIL - Nautical Training Ships. An Illustrated History
LCB85975: CARRAGáIN, ÉAMONN Ó & CAROL NEUMAN DE VEGVAR (EDITORS) - Roma Felix – Formation and Reflections of Medieval Rome (Church, Faith and Culture in the Medieval West)
21275: CARRELL, DOUGLAS T. (EDITORS) - Paternal Influences on Human Reproductive Success
LCH46714: CARRERA, SERGIO, ELSPETH GUILD & KATHERINA EISELE (EDITORS) ; CECILIA MALMSTRöM (INTRODUCTION) - Rethinking the Attractiveness of Eu Labour Immigration Policies. Comparative Perspectives on the Eu, the Us, Canada and Beyond
19759: CARRERAS, FERNAND - L'Accord F.L. N. -O.A. S. Des Nägociations Secråtes Au Cessez-le-Feu
LCB83236: CARROLL, WILLIAM - Volkswagen Guide (Service and Secrets of the World's Most Talked-About Small Car)
82042: CARROSELLI, RICK (EDITOR) - Waterway Guide Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands 2014 Volume 67 No. 4
LCB60703: CARRUTHERS, ANNETTE & MARY GREENSTED - Good Citizen's Furniture: The Arts and Crafts Collections at Cheltenham
LCB83785: CARSON, R. A. G. - Principal Coins of the Romans the Republic C. 290-31bc
LCB61791: CARTAN, HENRI & JOSEPH WARD SWAIN - The Elementary Theory of Analytic Functions of One or Several Complex Variables (Dover Books on Mathema 1. 4tics)
43005: CARTER, HAROLD - An Introduction to Urban Historical Geography Carter, Harold
LCB85727: CARTER, F. W. - Dubrovnik - a Classic City State (Ragusa)
LCB61747: CARTER, M. & B. VAN BRUNT - The Lebesgue-Stieltjes Integral - a Practical Introduction
4741: ACTA CARTOGRAPHICA - Acta Cartographica. A Series of Monographs and Studies on the History of Cartography, Reprinted from Periodicals Since 1800. Volume VII
4746: ACTA CARTOGRAPHICA - Acta Cartographica. A Series of Monographs and Studies on the History of Cartography, Reprinted from Periodicals Since 1800. Volume IX
4748: ACTA CARTOGRAPHICA - Acta Cartographica. A Series of Monographs and Studies on the History of Cartography, Reprinted from Periodicals Since 1800. Volume XI
4739: ACTA CARTOGRAPHICA - Acta Cartographica. A Series of Monographs and Studies on the History of Cartography, Reprinted from Periodicals Since 1800. Volume VI
4747: ACTA CARTOGRAPHICA - Acta Cartographica. A Series of Monographs and Studies on the History of Cartography, Reprinted from Periodicals Since 1800. Volume X
4743: ACTA CARTOGRAPHICA - Acta Cartographica. A Series of Monographs and Studies on the History of Cartography, Reprinted from Periodicals Since 1800. Volume II
4740: ACTA CARTOGRAPHICA - Acta Cartographica. A Series of Monographs and Studies on the History of Cartography, Reprinted from Periodicals Since 1800. Volume XII
4742: ACTA CARTOGRAPHICA - Acta Cartographica. A Series of Monographs and Studies on the History of Cartography, Reprinted from Periodicals Since 1800. Volume VIII
4749: ACTA CARTOGRAPHICA - Acta Cartographica. A Series of Monographs and Studies on the History of Cartography, Reprinted from Periodicals Since 1800. Volume XV
LCH46704: CARTWRIGHT, ANN - Parents and Family Planning Services
LCB85973: CARUS-WILSON, E. M. (EDITOR) - The Overseas Trade of Bristol in the Later Middle Ages
22041: CAMBI CASA D'ASTE - Fine Chinese Works of Art. Genova, 16-17 Dicembre 2014
22020: CAMBI. CASA D'ASTE - The Splendor of Chinese Corals. Genova 16 Dicembre 2014
22043: CAMBI CASA D'ASTE - Chinese Works of Art. Genova 17 Dicembre 2014
22553: CäSPEDES, TOMçS MOLINA - Testimonio de Un Dictador. Cuarto Edicion. Ampliada con Las Versiones de: Carlos Valverde Barbery, Emilio Lanza Armaza, Luis Arce Gùmez, Lidia Guiler Tejada, Gloria Ardaya Salinas, Fausto Reinaga
LCB61111: CASSIDY, BRIAN - Empire Flying Boat Owners' Workshop Manual (Haynes Manuals)
LCB85496: CASSIDY, VICTOR M. - Artistic Collaboration Today Profiles of Creative Teams in Diverse Media
29382: CASSON, HUGH. & POWELL, ANTHONY. - British Eminencies. Henry Mee
43019: CASTELLS, MANUEL AND LEBAS, ELIZABETH-ANNE - City, Class and Power (Sociology, Politics & Cities) Castells, Manuel and Lebas, Elizabeth-Anne
24103: CASTELNAUDARI, ARNAUT VIDAL DE; PAUL MEYER - Guillaume de la Barre. Roman D'Aventures par Arnaut Vidal de Castelnaudari Publié Pour la Première Fois D'Après le Manuscrit Unique Appartenant a Mgr. Le Duc D'Aumale (Société Des Anciens Textes Français 61)
81704: CASTILLEJO, DAVID - A Counter Report on Art Patronage
LCB61574: CASTLE, IAN & CHRISTA HOOK - Eggmühl 1809 - Storm over Bavaria: No. 56
LCB85920: CASTRO, ANGEL, DIEGO CORDOBA & JAVIER GOMEZ-SERRANO - Global Smooth Solutions for the Inviscid Sqg Equation (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society July 2020. Volume 266. Number 1292 (Second of 6 Numbers) )
LCB85890: CASWAY, JERROLD I. - The Culture and Ethnicity of Nineteenth Century Baseball
13712: CATELLEW, ORAN - The Book without a Name. Chiefly on Naturism, or the Religion of Science. Compiled in Dixieland
LCB60970: CATLING, H. W; T. C. B. RASMUSSEN; T. J. CORNELL AND A. C. RENFREW - Archaeological Reports for 1985-1986 (No. 32)
LCB60971: CATLING, H. W; D. J. SYMONS - Archaeological Reports for 1986 - 1987 (No. 33)
82806: CATLOW, JOANNA - The Sapphire Smoke (Signed)
82810: CATLOW, JOANNA - Sisters to Simon (Signed by Joanna Catlow)
41828: CATTELL, RAYMOND BERNARD AND KLINE, PAUL - Scientific Analysis of Personality and Motivation (Personality & Psycho-Pathology Monographs) Cattell, Raymond Bernard and Kline, Paul
61936: CATULLUS; E. CAPPS, T. E. PAGE, W. H. D. ROUSE (EDITORS) ; F. W. CORNISH (TRANSLATOR) - Tibullus and Pervigilium Veneris; the Poems of Gaius Valerius Catullus
LCH47034: CAUCHY, AUGUSTIN-LOUIS - Cours D'Analyse de L'Ecole Royale Polytechnique (Cambridge Library Collection - Mathematics)
LCB85539: CAUSEY, ANDREW - Paul Nash's Photographs - Document and Image
LCB60028: CAVANAGH, W. G. & ETC. - Post Minoan Crete: Proceedings of the Colloquium Organised by the British School at Athens and the Institute of Archaeology, University College, London, November 1995
40231: CAVE, RICHARD ALLEN - New British Drama in Performance on the London Stage, 1970-85
LCB61049: CAVENEY, MIKE - Ideas
8083: FERRIER-CAVERIVIåRE (EDITOR) - Thåmes Et Genres Littäraires Aux Xviie Et Xviiie Siåcles. Mälanges en L'Honneur de Jacques Truchet
80461: CAWLEY, A. C. (EDITOR) - Everyman (Association Copy)
22513: CENTRO DE DOCUMENTACIùN E INFORMACIùN BOLIVIA CEDIB - Nacionalizaciùn de Hidrocarburos en Bolivia. Dossier Hemerogrçfico. Mayo 2006 - Abril 2007
82433: CENKNER, WILLIAM - A Tradition of Teachers Sankara and the Jagadgurus Today
29378: PRATT GRAPHICS CENTER - Print Review 16.
18572: PEACE SCIENCE DIVISION OF THE WORLD FRIENDS RESEARCH CENTER - Journal of Peace Science. An International Journal of the Scientific Study of Conflict and Conflict Management. Volume 5, Number 1 Spring 1980
43937: CERNY, PHILIP G. - Politics of Grandeur: Ideological Aspects of de Gaulle's Foreign Policy Cerny, Philip G.
37673: CESARANI, DAVID & MARY FULBROOK (EDITORS) - Citizenship, Nationality and Migration in Europe
20844: CHABALIER, LäONCE - Häro Et Läandre. Poåme de Christopher Marlowe Et George Chapman Et Sa Fortune en Angleterre. Thåse Pour le Doctorat D'Universitä Präsentäe a la Facultä Des Lettres de Paris
37585: CHABANNE, ROBERT - Les Institutions de la France de la Fin de L'Ancien Regime a L'Avenement de la Iiieme Republique (1789-1875)
40749: CHABON, MICHAEL - A Model World and Other Stories Chabon, Michael
LCB61568: CHADWICK, WHITNEY & ISABELLE DE COURTIVRON - Significant Others - Creativity and Intimate Partnership
6702: CHADWICK, K. H. & H. P. LEENHOUTS - The Molecular Theory of Radiation Biology (Monographs in Theoretical and Applied Genetics 5)
LCB83309: CHADWICK, HENRY - The Early Church (the Pelican History of the Church, Volume 1)
LCB83871: CHADWICK, JOHN WHITE - Theodore Parker: Preacher and Performer
70040: CHAFE, WALLACE L. - Seneca Thanksgiving Rituals (Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology. Bulletin 183)
21968: CHAIT, I. M. - Asian & International Fine Arts Auction. May 18, 2014 Beverley Hills. I.M. Chait Gallery/Auctioneers
22037: CHAIT, I. M. - I.M. Chait. Gallery/Auctioneers. Asian & International Fine Arts Auction. January 25, 2015 Beverley Hills
22038: CHAIT, I. M. - I.M. Chait. Gallery/Auctioneers. Asian & International Fine Arts Auction. November 23, 2014 Beverley Hills
24642: CHAKRAVARTY, B. N. - India Speaks to America
LCB85964: CHALOPIN, JEREMIE & VICTOR CHEPOI - Weakly Modular Graphs and Nonpositive Curvature (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society. November 2020. Volume 268. Number 1309 (Sixth of 6 Numbers) )
LCH46420: CHALOPIN, JéRéMIE, VICTOR CHEPOI, HIROSHI HIRAI & DAMIAN OSAJDA - Weakly Modular Graphs and Nonpositive Curvature (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society November 2020. Volume 268. Number 1309 (Sixth of 6 Numbers) )
37675: CHAMBERS (LIEUT. -COLONEL) - Garibaldi and Italian Unity
42099: CHAMPAGNE, DUANE - Social Order and Political Change Constitutional Governments Among the Cherokee, the Choctaw, the Chickasaw, and the Creek
26237: CHAN, F. GILBERT - China at the Crossroads: Nationalists and Communists, 1927-1949: Nationalists and Communists, 1927-49 (Westview Replica Edition) Chan, F. Gilbert
LCH46365: CHAN, KARA - Girls and Media in Hong Kong. Dreams and Realities (Caring for Youth Series)
LCB60796: CHANAN, NOEL - William, Earl of Craven and the Art of Photography
LCH46252: CHANEY, MICHAEL A. - Reading Lessons in Seeing Mirrors, Masks, and Mazes in the Autobiographical Graphic Novel
LCB61143: CHANG, KUNG CHING - Infinite Dimensional Morse Theory and Multiple Solution Problems (Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications Volume 6)
81036: CHANKRAVARTI, A. - Acarya Kundakunda's Samayasara
LCH45770: CHAPELLE, HOWARD IRVING - The History of the American Sailing Navy. The Ships and Their Development
LCB84970: CHAPMAN, VERA - The Green Knight
LCB83549: CHAPMAN, RAYMOND - Means of Grace, Hope of Glory Five Hundred Years of Anglican Thought
13548: CHAPMAN, CECIL - Marriage and Divorce. Some Needed Reforms in Church and State (Woman Citizen's Series No. 1)
LCB61621: CHAPMAN, SCOTT T. (EDITOR) ET. AL. - The American Mathematical Monthly - Volume 120, No. 2 - February 2013
60913: CHAPMAN, FRANK - Chap's Scrapbook 1-24 (August 1938 - June 1940)
LCB61622: CHAPMAN, SCOTT T. (EDITOR) ET. AL. - The American Mathematical Monthly - Volume 120, No. 7 - August-September 2013
LCB61648: CHAPMAN, SCOTT T. ET. AL. (EDITORS) - The American Mathematical Monthly - Volume 121, No. 4 - April 2014
LCB61649: CHAPMAN, SCOTT T. ET. AL. (EDITORS) - The American Mathematical Monthly - Volume 121, No. 8 - October 2014
LCB61650: CHAPMAN, SCOTT T. ET. AL. (EDITORS) - The American Mathematical Monthly - Volume 122, No. 3 - March 2015
LCB61651: CHAPMAN, SCOTT T. ET. AL. (EDITORS) - The American Mathematical Monthly - Volume 123, No. 7 - August-September 2016
18218: CHAPONNIåRE, PAUL - Voltaire Chez Les Calvinistes (Limited Edition)
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LCH46791: CHESTER, GILBERT - A Date with Danger (Sexton Blake Library No. 135)
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20317: CHESTERTON, G. K. - The Uses of Diversity. A Book of Essays
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26167: CHOONG, WILLIAM - The Ties That Divide: History, Honour and Territory in Sino-Japanese Relations (Adelphi Series) Choong, William
61878: CHOQUET, GUSTAVE & JERROLD MARSDEN & ETC. - Lectures on Analysis-Volume 2 - Representation Theory
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