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Click on booknumber for full information
b44563: Piketty, Thomas. Arthur Goldhammer, translator - Capital in the Twenty First Century
b33329: Luís de Camões. Alvaro Julio da Costa Pimpao, introduction - Rimas, Autos e Cartas.
b24516: Pine, Barbara and Deborah Nevins - "Interview with Barbara Pine" the primary text in From Beaux-Arts to Postmodern: Architects' Drawings from the Collection of Barbara Pine
b44764: Pinero, Arthur Wing - Response to "Mr. Pinero and the Message of Iris" in Harper's Weekly (October 18, 1902)
b40660: Ping, Wang - Foreign Devil (broadside)
b21643: Pinion, F.B. - A Wordsworth Chronology
ag87: Pinnell, Miss - Village Camera
b40956: Pinney, Thomas - A History of Wine in America, Volume 2: From Prohibition to the Present
b21386: Pinsker, Sanford, Stephen Dunning, Louis Daniel Brodsky, Laurel Speer, and other contributors - Cape Rock (Winter, 1978)
b20509: Pinsky, Robert; (Leonard, Elmore) - Review of "Road Dogs" in New York Times Book Review (May 31, 2009)
b6875: Pinter, Harold. Frances Gillen and Steven H. Gale, editors - The Pinter Review, Volume Two, Number One (1988)
b6874: Pinter, Harold. Frances Gillen and Steven H. Gale, editors - The Pinter Review, Volume One, Number One (1987)
b561: Pinter, Harold - Other Places: Three Plays
b1031: Pinter, Harold - Family Voices
b15263: Pinter, Harold, John Fuller, Peter Redgrove, editors - New Poems 1967: A P.E.N. Anthology of Contemporary Poetry
b15433: Pinter, Harold - The Lover, Tea Party, The Basement
b44017: Pinter, Harold, William Boyd, Peter Ackroyd, Maeve Binchy, David Attenborough, and others - Interview with Harold Pinter, William Boyd, Peter Ackroyd, Maeve Binchy, David Attenborough, and others in Waterstone's New Books for Christmas 1990
b23759: Pinter, HaroldHarold - Various Voices: Prose, Poetry, Politics, 1948-1998
b23476: Pinter, Harold - Mountain Language
b23478: Pinter, Harold - No Man's Land
b23479: Pinter, Harold - Monologue
b23455: Pinter, Harold - Complete Works: Three [The Homecoming, Landscape, Silence, The Basement, Revue Sketches, Tea Party short story and play]
b23454: Pinter, Harold - Old Times
b23420: Pinter, HaroldHarold;Bray, Barbara;Proust, Marcel;Losey, Joseph - The Proust Screenplay: A La Recherche Du Temps Perdu
b23419: Pinter, Harold - Poems and Prose, 1949-1977
b23417: Pinter, Harold - One for the Road. Revised and illustrated edition
b23193: Pinter, Harold. John Fowles, introduction - The French Lieutenant's Woman: A Screenplay
b23190: Pinter, HaroldHarold - Moonlight
b22630: Pinter, Harold - "Requiem for 1945" in Sunday Times Books (May 30, 1999)
b19318: Harold Pinter - Moonlight
b19319: Mel Gussow; Harold Pinter - Conversations with Pinter (Limelight)
5540: Pinter, Harold. - "The Examination" in Encounter (September, 1961).
021503: Pinter, Harold - Poems
b16908: Piper, Myfanwy, libretto. Benjamin Britten, music - Death in Venice
b44969: Pirandello, Luigi - Signora Speranza" in Tales: A Magazine of the World's Best Fiction, volume 29, number 4 (September, 1905)
b33068: Pirandello, Luigi, Roger Sale, Henri Peyre, and other contributors - Massachusetts Review (Spring-Summer, 1965)
b29448: Pirandello, Luigi - "Sicilian Times" in Theatre Arts Magazine (October, 1922)
b11851: Pirandello, Luigi - "The Cinema Is Digging Its Own Grave" in Illustrated London News (July 27, 1929)
013989: Pirandello, Luigi - "The Captive" in Story, VI(January, 1935).
b43475: Pittsburgh Pirates,, Bill Mazerowski - "BUCS ARE CHAMPS" Pittsburgh Pirates beat the New York Yankees in the 1960 World Series on Bill Mazerowski's ninth inning home run in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (October 14, 1960). Reprint edition.
b23654: Pirie, Peter J - English Musical Renaissance
b17703: Pirsig, Robert M. - "Conversation with Robert M. Pirsig" in Oui (November, 1975)
b17269: Pirsig, Robert M. - "Cruising Blues and Their Cure" in Esquire (May, 1977)
b18335: Piscator - "The Salmon Fisher" in The Albion (July 18, 1840)
b10429: Pissarro, Joachim - Pioneering Modern Painting: Cezanne and Pissarro, 1865-1885
z1489: Pitre, Merline - "Frederick Douglass and the Annexation of Santo Domingo" in Journal of Negro History (October 1977)
b29415: Pittman, Thomas Merritt [and] Walter Sikes - Two essays: "John Penn" (Pittman) and "Joseph Hewes" (Sikes) [The North Carolina Booklet: Great Events in North Carolina History]
022336: (Poe, Edgar Allan) Pittman, Diana - "Key to the Mystery of Edgar Allan Poe: Ebony Shadow Series. Metzengeratein" in Southern Literary Messenger (February, 1942)
022338: (Poe, Edgar Allan) Pittman, Diana - "Key to the Mystery of Edgar Allan Poe" in Southern Literary Messenger (August, 1941)
b33286: Pitz, Henry C. - "Ronald Searle" in American Artist (September, 1955)
b20725: (Pyle, Howard) Pitz, Henry C. - "Howard Pyle: Father of American Illustration" in American Artist (December, 1951)
b30701: Plachy, Sylvia. Mark Singer, foreword. Elizabeth Biondi, afterword - Goings on About Town: Photographing for the New Yorker
b6769: Plath, Sylvia - "Initiation" in Seventeen (January, 1953)
b32650: Plath, Sylvia - "Night Walk" in New Yorker (October 11, 1958)
b30053: Plath, Sylvia - "Berck-Plage" in London Magazine (June, 1963)
021868: Plath, Sylvia - "The Manor Garden" in Atlantic (September, 1960)
021429: Plath, Sylvia - "Medallion" in Poetry 1960: An Appetiser
021756: Plath, Sylvia - "The Mother's Union" in McCall's (October, 1972)
b32267: Platt, Colin - Abbeys and Priories of Medieval England
b24721: Platt, Colin - The Castle in Medieval England and Wales
b40939: Platteel, Andre and Carl C. Rohde - Symbol Soup (9 volume boxed set)
b44873: Plaut, Frederick - The Unguarded Moment: A Photographic Interpretation
b43469: Player, Gary - Gary Player's Golf Secrets. Expanded edition
b29464: Pleasants, Henry, Elihu Winer, and other contributors. Frank Merkling, editor - Opera News (February 10, 1973)
b41005: Pleasonton, Gen Alfred, Gen. O.O. Howard, Col. Huntington W. Jackson - "Jackson's Attack Upon the Eleventh Corps," "Sedgwick's Assault at Fredericksburg," "Chancellorasville Revisited by General Hooker", "The Reserve at Antietam", "General Grant's Reason's for Relieving General William F. Smith" Century (September, 1886)
x1640: Plessix, Francine du - "Philip Johnson Goes Underground" in Art in America (July-August 1966)
b36649: Plimpton, George - "Stalking the . . . Great Spangled Fritillary" in New York Times Magazine (November 3, 1995)
b6164: (Ali, Muhammad) Plimpton, George - "The World Champion Is Refused a Meal" in Sports Illustrated (May 17, 1965)
b33997: Plimpton, George - George Plimpton on Sports
x1575: Plimpton, George (Hemingway, Ernest) - "An Interview with Ernest Hemingway" in "Horizon: A Magazine of the Arts" (January 1959)
b11114: Plomer, William - "Beware of the Pen" [review] in New Statesman and Nation (August 12, 1939)
C5237: Plomer, William - "Byron in Westminster Abbey" in Cornhill (Summer, 1969)
b16517: Plomer, William - "A Ticket for the Reading Room" in New Statesman and Nation (May 18, 1940)
b11090: William Plomer - Celebrations
022313: Plomer, William - "In the Snake Park" in New Yorker (September 12, 1959)
b40293: Plowden, Francis - An Historical Review of the State of Ireland, from the Invasion of that Country Under Henry II. To Its Union with Great Britain on the First of January 1801. Volumes 1, 3-5
z331: Plumb, R. T. - "A Drive in the Victoria"
z1499: Plummer, Betty L. - "Letters of James Durham to Benjamin Rush" in Journal of Negro History (Summer 1980)
ag146: Plumridge, Andrew - Brickwork Architecture and Design
b44700: Poe, Edgar Allan and Robert Bloch (other contributors to this issue include Richard Matheson, Dean Evans, John Wyndham, Henry Kuttner and others) - "The Lighthouse" in Fantastic, volume 2, number 1 (January-February, 1953)
b40651: Poe, Edgar Allan - Poems by Edgar Allan Poe
b24932: Poe, Edgar Allan - Poems by Edgar Allan Poe
b24626: Poe, Edgar Allan - Poems by Edgar Allan Poe, Complete with an Original Memoir
b22363: Poe, Edgar Allen [sic, Allan] - Tamerlane and Other Poems [cover] / Poems and Miscellanies [title-page}
b21747: Poe, Edgar Allan - "Poe, Artist" in Time (October 6, 1930)
dn4512: Poe, Edgar Allan - Edgar Allan Poe: Poetry and Tales (Library of America, 2nd printing)
5641: Among the 83 poets and authors of fiction are: Marge Piercy; Dorothy Allison; William Stafford; MartÃn Espada; Naomi Shihab Nye; Thomas McGrath; Wendell Berry; Charles Bukowski; Jaroslav Seifert... - Editor's Choice II: Fiction, Poetry & Art from the U.S. Small Press, 1978 to 1983 (Contemporary Anthology Series)
b16662: Frederik Pohl - Gateway
b43442: Poinsett, Alex, Charles E. Adelsen, Phyl Garland, Louie Robinson, and other contributors - Ebony (March, 1970)
b22049: Poirier, Suzcanne, editor - Literature and Medicine (Fall, 1994)
b33024: Poitier, Sidney - "Dialogue on Film" in American Film (September, 1976)
b33004: Poitier, Sidney - "Walking the Hollywood Color Line" in American Film (April, 1980)
b11774: Polanski, Roman - "Rosemary's Baby" [complete screenplay] in Scenario (2001)
b23499: Poliakoff, Spephen - Favourite Nights and Caught on a Train
b23498: Poliakoff, Stephen - Runners and Soft Targets
b35030: Polk, James K. - Message of the President of the United States. December 7, 1847
b32470: Polk, James K. - Message of the President of the United States. December, 1845.
b30999: Polk, T. (Missouri Senator) - Speech of Hon T. Polk, of Missouri, on the Admission of Kansas. Delivered in the Senate of the United State, March 11, 1858
b32946: Pollack, Sydney - "Dialogue on Film" in American Film (April, 1978)
dn626: Pollak, Robert - "Gershwin" in Magazine of Art (Sep 1937)
b20525: Pollard, Alfred W. (Editor) - English Miracle Plays, Moralities, and Interludes
b44996: (Brandeis, Louis) Pollard, Joseph Percival - "Justice Brandeis and the Constitution" in Scribner's, volume 87, number 1 (January, 1930)
b34755: Pollen, Arthur H. - Disarmament In Its Relation to the Naval Policy and the Naval Building Program of the United States
b9973: Pollok, Robert - Tales of the Scottish Covenanters, "Helen of the Glen," "The Persecuted Family," and "Ralph Gemmell."
b3234: Polyani, Michael - "On the Modern Mind" in Encounter (May, 1965)
b32217: Pomeroy, Ernest - "Bernard Shaw on Municipal Trade" in Vanity Fair (September 9, 1908)
b34066: Ponce, Nicolas and Godefroy. Dolores Whelan, translator. Dragos D. Kostich, editor. - A Collection of Engravings of the Different Events of the War which Procured the Independence of the United States of America
b41150: Pond, Lily and XRichard Russo, editors - Yellow Silk: Erotic Arts And Letters
b33217: Pool, John Charles and Ross M. LaRoe - The Instant Economist
dn425: (Lewis, Sinclair.) Poore, Charles. - Cover portrait of Lewis and "The Kingdom of Sinclair Lewis" [review of Cass Timberlane] in New York Times Book Review (October 7, 1945).
7398: (Lewis, Sinclair.) Poore, Charles. - Cover portrait of Lewis and "The Kingdom of Sinclair Lewis" [review of Cass Timberlane] in New York Times Book Review (October 7, 1945).
b34482: Pope, Ann - "The Domestic Service Report" in Spectator (November 3, 1923)
b20519: Pope, Alexander. A.W. Ward, editor and contributor of the introductory memoir and notes - The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope. The Globe Edition.
dn627: Pope, Arthur Upham (John Russell Pope) - "In Defense of the Jefferson Memorial" in Magazine of Art (June, 1937
b12562: Paul Poplawski - D. H. Lawrence: A Reference Companion
b17820: Popper, Karl R. - "Indeterminism Is Not Enough" in Encounter (April, 1973)
b31680: Porcher, F.A., Iredell Jones, James M. Goggin, R.F.. Hoke, Johnson Hagood, Mrs. Agnes Law, J.G. Walker, William Allan, and other contributors - Southern Historical Society Papers (May, 1884). Essays and other contents in this issue: "Reconstruction in South Carolina," "Letters from Fort Sumter," "Diary of Rev. J.G. Law," "Chickamauga -- A Reply to Maj. Sykes," Battle of Drewry's Bluff," and other
b7713: Porter, Sue - Parsnip and the Pink Blanket
022478: Porter, Horace - Our Young Aeroplane Scouts in Russia
b11747: Porter, Katherine Anne - "The Winged Skull" [review] in Nation (July 17, 1943)
b11771: Porter, Katherine Anne - "Pull Dick, Pull Devil" [review] in Nation (October 13, 1945)
b15397: Porter, Katherine Anne - "The Sparrow Revolution" [review] in Nation (March 21, 1942)
b34569: Porter, Alan - "The Cosmopolitan" in Spectator (February 25, 1922)
b34337: Porter, Cole. Robert Barlow, introduction - "Some Unpublished Cole Porter Lyrics" [eight previously unpublished Porter lyrics] in Yale University Library Gazette (July, 1955)
b44934: Porter, Katherine Anne (Ludwig Bemelmans also contributes to this issue) - "Noon Wine" in Story: The Magazine of the Short Story, volume 10, number 59 (June 1937)
b33578: Porter, Katherine Anne - "Affectation of Praehiminincies" in Accent, volume two, number three (Spring, 1942)
b33444: Porter, Helen L.K.. Carlyn Swain, editor - It's the Real Thing Here: The Letters of Helen L.K. Porter in Word War I
b31257: Porter, Cole - Letter to the editor on Yale graduates New Yorker (February 12, 1949)
b29627: Stratton-Porter, Gene - "The Keeper of the Bees" AND "Patirotism or Politics?" in Collier's (July, 1925)
b24949: Porter, Katherine Anne - "Gertrude Stein: A Self-Portrait" in Harper's (December, 1947)
b23827: Porter, Katherine Anne - "Ship of Fools" in Texas Quarterly (Autumn, 1959)
b41050: Porter, Gen. Horace - "Grant's Last Campaign" in Century (November, 1887)
b18450: Porter, Katherine Anne - "Virgin Violeta" in Century (December, 1924)
b17334: Porter, Gene Stratton - "The Gift of Birds" in The Youth's Companion (March 19 and March 26, 1914)
8007: (Miller, Henry.) Porter, Bern. - "A Book in Praise of Henry Miller" [letter to the editor] in New Republic (October 22, 1945).
6580: Porter, Katherine Anne. - "And to the Living, Joy" in McCall's (December, 1971).
022021: Porter, Katherine Anne - "The Days Before" in Kenyon Review (Autumn, 1943)
022029: Porter, Katherine Anne - "The Source" in Accent (Spring, 1941)
b24486: Portis, Charles - "Damn!" in Nugget (Ocotber, 1957)
b24487: Portis, Charles - "Damn" in Nugget (October, 1957)
b17155: Portis, Charles - "Your Action Line" in New Yorker (December 12, 1977)
4646: Stephen G. Post - Bioethics for Students : How Do We Know What's Right?
uh48: Beatrix Potter - The Journal of Beatrix Potter from 1881 to 1897
b20770: Potvin, P.F. - The Attention Lesson
b10425: Potvin, P.F. - The Attention Lesson
b30454: Poulet, Georges. Carley Dawson and Elliott Coleman, translators - The Metamorphoses of the Circle
b34962: Pound, Ezra, editor with six contributions. William Carlos Williams, Robert McAlmon, Louis Zukofsky (five contributions), John Cournos, Sanuel Putnam, Falkoff-Kliorin, Benjamin Peret, and Carl Rakoski - Exile, No. 4 (Autumn, 1928)
b34371: Pound, Ezra - "Canto LXXXIII" plus two essays on Pound in the "Ezra Pound Issue" of the Yale Poetry Review, No. 6 (1947)
b32900: Pound, Ezra - Translations from Cavalcanti ["Chi e questa" and "La bella donna, dove Amor si Mostra"
dn244: Pound, Ezra and T.S. Eliot, T.E. Lawrence, Wyndham Lewis, Jorge Luis Borges et al - Nine: A Magazine of Poetry and Criticism (Summer 1950)
dn245: Ezra Pound, Tom Scott, Geoffry Wagner, Frank Granville Barker et al - Nine: A Magazine of Poetry and Criticism (Winter 1953-4)
dn246: Pound, Ezra; G.S. Fraser, William Empson, Sacheverrell Sitwell, et al - Nine: A Magazine of Poetry and Criticism (Summer and Autumn, 1952)
dn247: Ezra Pound, Campbell, Roy, William Barnes, Bash Bunting, HEG Rope - Nine: A Magazine of Poetry and Criticism (April 1956)
b30859: Pound, Ezra. - Confucius The Unwobbling Pivot & The Great Digest. Translated by . . . With notes and commentary on the text and the ideograms. . . .
b30572: Pound, Ezra, Carl Sandburg, Walter de la Mare, and other contributors - Poetry, volume 10, number 1 (April, 1917)
b29404: Pound, Ezra - "Canto 99" in Virginia Quarterly Review (Summer, 1958)
b29397: Pound, Ezra - The Ezra Pound Issue containing "Canto LXXXIII. Yale Poetry Review, No. 6 (1947)
b25371: Pound, Ezra, Hugh Kenner, Donald Davie, Hugh MacDiarmid, and other contributors - Special Issue in Honour of Ezra Pound's Eighty-Fifth Birthday". Agenda (Autumn-Winter, 1970)
b23965: Pound, Ezra. D.D. Paige, editor. Mark Van Doren, introduction - The Letters of Ezra Pound 1907 - 1941
b23966: Pound, Ezra - Collected Shorter Poems
b15868: Pound, Ezra - "From Canto CXIII" in New Yorker (November 30, 1968)
022451: Pound, Ezra, Wyndham Lewis, Richard Eberhart, and others - Ezra Pound Special Issue of the Quarterly Review of Literature
022526: Lawrence N. Powell - New Masters: Northern Planters During the Civil War and Reconstruction L Publications. Miscellany, No 124 (Yale Historical Publications : Miscellany, 124)
b6129: Powell, Anthony - "Speed's Mappes" in Punch (June 17, 1953)
b6132: Powell, Anthony - "Henry James, Jr." [review] in Punch (June 24, 1953)
b6137: Powell, Anthony - "Night-Thoughts from a Day-Bed by Cyr*l C*nn*lly" in Punch (June 10, 1953)
b7247: Powell, Anthony - "The Stocking: Or Christmas with Kafka" in Punch (November 2, 1953)
b7272: (Woolf, Virginia) Powell, Anthony - "Window in Bloomsbury" [review of Virginia Woolf's A Writer's Diary] in Punch (November 18, 1953)
b7273: Powell, Anthony - "Looking at Pictures" [review of two books by Bernard Berenson] in Punch (November 11, 1953)
b7278: Powell, Anthony - "Looking at Pictures" [review of two books by Bernard Berenson] in Punch (November 11, 1953)
b7284: Powell, Anthony - "English Letters To-Day" [review] in Punch (September 2, 1953)
b7290: Powell, Anthony - "Kafka a Trois" [review of Kafka's Letters to Milena] in Punch (September 30, 1953)
b7304: (Fitzgerald, F. Scott) Powell, Anthony - "Americans in the '20s" [review of Fitzgerald's Tender Is the Night] in Punch (August 19, 1953)
b31634: Powell, Lawrence Clark - Great Constellations
b29948: Powell, Dawn and Robert H.Hethmon - "Memories of the Group Theatre: An Interview" in Tin House (Winter, 2000)
b24500: Powell, Lawrence N. - "Rejected Republican Incumbents in the 1866 Congressional Nominating Conventions: A Study in Reconstruction Politics" in Civil War History (September, 1973)
b19065: Powell, Kenneth - City Transformed: Urban Architecture at the Beginning of the 21st Century
x1235: Nicolas Powell - Fuseli: The Nightmare (Art in Context)
7155: Powell, Anthony - "A Day of Disaster" in Show (April, 1962)
022416: Powell, Dawn. - "Dynamite in the Office" in Coronet (February, 1938).
b43692: Powell, Dawn - "Blue Blood" in Redbook (March, 1937)
C1129: Powers, J.F., John Betjeman, Vernon Watkins, Michael Swan, Rex Warner, and other contributors - London Magazine (May, 1955)
b12208: Powers, Richard. Jefferson Hendricks - "On the Novel in the Digital Age" [interview] in Poets and Writers (July/August, 2000)
b6765: Powers, Richard - "Literary Devices" in Zoetrope (Winter, 2002)
b34060: Powers, Thomas, Seamus Perry, Gavin Stamp, Michael Wood, Jana Prikryl, and other contributors - London Review of Books (November 20, 2014)
b32987: Powers, Richard - Prisoner's Dilemma
b31410: Powers, J.F., Kenneth Burke, William Carlos Williams, and other contributors - Accent (Autumn, 1955)
b23495: Powers, Richard - The Gold Bug Variations
b23194: Powers, Richard - Operation Wandering Soul
b17335: Powers, Richard - "American Dreaming" in New York Times Magazine (May 7, 2000)
b16999: Tim Powers - Last Call
b16809: Powers, J.F. - "God Writes a Bad Hand" in New Yorker (October 15, 1960)
b43487: Powers, Kevin - A Shout in the Ruins
018444: Powers, Richard - "Escapes" in Esquire (July, 1999)
b23975: Powys, John Cowper - The Letters of John Cowper Powys to Louis Wilkinson 1935-1956
b11845: (Hardy, Thomas) Powys, Llewelyn - "Recollections of Thomas Hardy" in Virginia Quarterly Review (Summer, 1939)
b8142: Dan Poynter - Writing Nonfiction: Turning Thoughts into Books
b7122: Pozzi, Lucio - Lucio Pozzi
b7121: Lucio Pozzi - Lucio Pozzi
b7223: Pozzi, Lucio. Tiffany Bell, text - Lucio Pozzi: The Rag Rug Paintings; Quadri della serie Tappeti di stracci; Die Fleckltpeppiche-Bilder
b31769: Pozzi, Lucio with contributions by Arthur C. Danto, Chris Gilbert, Helen Mirra, John Ashbery, and Cira Pascual Marquina - Colorgames
z524: Lucio Pozzi - Lucio Pozzi
b34128: Prasad, Rajendra - Mahatma Gandhi and Bihar: Some Reminiscences
b31677: Prather, Richard - "The Case of the Three Wild Blondes" in Cavalier (February, 1957)
b37465: Pratt, Enoch - "The Enoch Pratt Free Library". Letter of January 21, 1882 to the Mayor and the City Council of Baltimore announcing his gift endowing the Enoch Pratt Library in Baltimore in Johns Hopkins University Circulars, No. 13 (February, 1882)
b32077: Pratt, Theodore, Elsie Jerard, Emmet Gowan, Barbara Webb, and other contributors - Pictorial Review (July, 1934)
12433: Praz, Mario, editor. - English Miscellany 10
b6557: Editors of Phaidon Press - Stan Douglas (Contemporary Artists)
b21309: Haworth Information Press - Slavic and East European Information Resources, Volume 1, No 1, 2000
b17991: Editors of Phaidon Press - Fresh Cream
b24630: Pressland, David - Book of Penny Toys
b16874: Pressman, Hyman - Watchdog of Baltimore
b41007: (Jackson, Stonewall) Preston, Margaret J. - "Personal Reminiscences of Stonewall Jackson" in Century (October, 1886)
b33154: Prevots, Naima. Eric Foner, introduction - Dance for Export: Cultural Diplomacy and the Cold War
b43790: Price, James C. - . . . And So I Did: Stories of Shepherdstown
C5330: Price, Joseph - "Female Duellists" in New York Mirror (June 25, 1836)
b730: Richard Price - Ladies' man
b36480: Price, James C. - Strange As It Seems: Things That Actually Happened in Shepherdstown (DVD)
b35108: Yale University. Warwick James Price, chairman editors. William Lyon Phelps and other contributors - The Yale Courant, volume 29, nos. 10-12, 14-16 (March 11 through June 10, 1893)
C5333: Price, Joseph - "The Exiled Angel" in New York Mirror (June 18, 1836)
dn24: Price, James C. - ...and so I did. Stories of Shepherdstown. Volume 2
b31539: Price, Reynolds, Meg Wolitzer, James H. Billington, Roger Shattuck, Evan Thomas, and other contributors - Civilization (October, 1995)
b40679: Price, Reynolds - From Blue Calhoun beginning, "And way in the night when I had lain in the dark awake for maybe five hours. . . ."
z1659: Price, Richard - "The Plea" in New York Times Magazine (December 20, 1992)
b24014: Price, Richard - 3 Screenplays: The Color of Money, Sea of Love, and Night and the City
b23976: Price, Reynolds - Three Gospels: The Good News According to Mark, The Good News According to John, An Honest Account of a Memorable Life
b23667: Price, Richard - Bloodbrothers
b23441: Price, Richard - Freedomland
b19509: Richard Price - Wanderers: A Novel
b19254: Price, Joseph - Female Duellists" in New-York Mirror (June 25, 1836)
b19250: Price, Joseph - "The Exiled Angel" in New-York Mirror (June 18, 1836)
b19036: Price, Richard - Cover portrait of Richard Gere and "Richard Gere" in Rolling Stone (September 30, 1983).
021715: Price, Richard - "Summer in the City" in Rolling Stone (July 21 - August 4, 1983).
b35105: (Wilde, Oscar) Cooper-Prichard, A.H. - Conversations with Oscar Wilde
b6318: Prideaux, S.T. - "French Binders of To-Day" in Scribner's (March, 1896)
b34483: Priestley, J.B. - "Dr. Johnson and the Monthly Review" (review) in Spectator (November 3, 1923)
b34474: Priestley, J. B. - "'Q' as a Critic" (review) in Spectator (October 6, 1923)
b34476: Priestley, J. B. - "An Italian Critic" (review) in Spectator (October 13, 1923)
b34479: Priestley, J. B. - "Three Essayists" (review) in Spectator (October 20, 1923)
b34484: Priestley, J.B. - "Arnold Bennett at Last" (review) in Spectator (November 10, 1923)
B7260: Priestley, J.B. - "The Fourth Act" in Punch (December 16, 1953)
b30822: di Prima, Diane - "The Loba" in Ms. (May, 1977)
b23925: Prime, Temple - Descent of Comfort Sands and of His Children, With Notes on the Families of Ray, Thomas, Guthrie, Alcock, Palgrave, Cornell, Dodge, Hunt, Jessup
b20664: Prindle, Cyrus - A Collection of Hymns, for the Use of the Wesleyan Methodist Connection of America
b20368: Pringle, Terry - The Preacher's Boy
z687: Terry Pringle - A Fine Time to Leave Me: A Novel
b16440: Terry Pringle - A Fine Time to Leave Me: A Novel
b31952: Joint Committee on Printing, U.S. Congress - The Abridgement 1916: Containing the Annual Message of the President of the United States to the Two Houses of Congress. 64th Congress, 2d Session. With Reports of Departments and Selections from Accompanying Papers. Volume 2 only
b11014: Pritchett, V.S. - "The Clerk's Tale" in New Statesman and Nation (March 11, 1939)
b11045: Pritchett, V.S. - "Week-End Competitions. No. 484 Set by V.S. Pritchett" in New Statesman and Nation (June 10, 1939)
b11075: Pritchett, V.S. - "Lorca" [review] in New Statesman and Nation (July 29, 1939)
b11120: Pritchett, V.S. - "Rich and Poor" [review] in New Statesman and Nation (September 2, 1939)
b30565: Pritchett, V.S. - "The Ladder" in New Yorker (November 5, 1949)
b16634: Pritchett, V.S. - "A Liberator" [review] in New Statesman and Nation (March 30, 1940)
b16026: Pritchett, V.S. - "Battlepiece" [review] in New Statesman and Nation (January 6, 1940)
b16036: Pritchett, V.S. - "Star Performers" [review] in New Statesman and Nation (February 24, 1940)
b16045: (Maugham, W. Somerset) Pritchett, V.S. - "Books in General" [on Maugham] in New Statesman and Nation (June 15, 1940)
021027: (Koestler, Arthur.) Pritchett, V.S. - "The Best and the Worst - IV: Arthur Koestler" in Horizon (May, 1947)
b11195: Minister of Aircraft Production - Aircraft Recognition Training Handbook (N.W. European Theatre). Air Publication 1480Y/I
b19655: Writer's Project, Works Project Administration, State of New Jersey. Reynolds A Sweetland and Joseph Sugarman, Jr. - Entertaining a Nation: The Career of Long Branch [New Jersey]
b16245: Prokosch, Frederic - "Poem" in New Statesman and Nation (May 11, 1940)
b16027: Prokosch, Frederic - "The Campaign" [poem] in New Statesman and Nation (January 20, 1940)
b11677: Prokosch, Frederic - The Idols of the Cave
013272: Bill Pronzini - Bones
r80: Prose, Francine (Tobian Wolff) (Geoffrey Wolff) - "The Brothers Wolff" (essay) in New York Times Magazine (February 5, 1989)
b19535: Prose, Francine - "Provence, Austere and Voluptuous" in New York Times Sophisticated Traveler (May 10, 1998)
b10526: Proulx, Annie - "What Kind of Furniture Would Jesus Pick?" in New Yorker (August 18 & 25, 2003)
b7065: Proulx, E. Annie, Reynolds Price, and other contributors - Scribner's Magazine (Spring/Summer, 1996)
b31203: Proulx, Annie - "Heart Songs" in Esquire (October, 1986)
b21109: Proulx, Annie. - "Some Like It Cold" [essay] in Washington Post Book World (December 3-9, 2000).
b17043: Proulx, Annie - "Summer of the Hot Tubs" in New Yorker (August 19 and 26, 2002)
b15914: Proulx, Annie - "Negatives" in Esquire (July, 1994)
b11366: Proust, Marcel - "The Sources of the Loir at Illiers" in Evergreen Review (July-August, 1961)
b25185: Proust, Marcel - A La Recherche Du Temps Perdu. Tome XIII. Albertine Disparue
b23051: Proust, Marcel. Emilie Amram, translator - "La Mort de Baldassare Silvande Vicomte de Sylvania" in Twice a Year: A Semi-Annual Journal of Literature, the Arts, and Civil Liberties, Number Two (Spring-Summer, 1939 )
b25184: Proust, Marcel - A La Recherche Du Temps Perdu. Tome VI. La prisonnière (Sodome et Gomorrhe III)
b25186: Proust, Marcel - A La Recherche Du Temps Perdu. Tome V. Sodome et Gomorrhe II
b15520: Proust, Marcel - "Venice" and "A Fan" in London Magazine (November, 1955)
12365: Proust, Marcel - "A Young Girl's Confession" (story) in Twice A Year (Fall-Winter, 1941).
b10193: Prout, H.G. - "Railroad Travel in England and America" in Scribner's (October, 1894)
b22274: Prudden, T. Mitchell, M.D. - "Glimpses of the Bacteria" in Harper's (April, 1891)
022189: (Lincoln, Abraham) Ptiman, Benn, compiler. Philip Van Doren Stern. introduction - The Assassination of President Lincoln and the Trial of the Conspirators
b11911: DK Publishing - Eyewitness Travel Guide to Loire Valley
b11912: DK Publishing - Eyewitness Travel Guide to Loire Valley
b23652: Puccini, Giacomo. Giuseppe Adami, editor. Ena Makin, translator - Letters of Giacomo Puccini
b19182: Puck, Pearl S. - "New Arguments for Freedom" [review of Nehru's autobiography] in Asia (March, 1941)
b44609: Puig, Manuel - Betrayed by Rita Hayworth
b32890: Manuel Puig - The Buenos Aires Affair
z1680: Pumfrey, Stephen - Latitude and the Magnetic Earth
b8173: Emett of Punch - Saturday Slow
b7995: Purdy, James - "A Day After the Fair" in The Texas Arts Journal, Number One (1977)
b6714: Purdy, James - "Some of These Days" and "An Interview with James Purdy" in A Shout in the Street, II, nos 1 & 2 (1979)
b32991: Purdy, James - Mourners Below
b32886: James Purdy - Two Plays
b32884: Purdy, James - The House of the Solitary Maggot
b32887: Purdy, James - On Glory's Course
b32888: Purdy, James - Cabot Wright Begins
b32889: Purdy, James - Malcolm
b30193: Purdy, James, Mary Gordon, David Bosworth, Susan Clark, and other contributors - Antioch Review (Winter, 1979)
b23500: Purdy, James - Two Plays
b19151: Purdy, James and Andrei Cordrescu contribute short stories. Ellen Gilchrist, Associate editor - Barataria 4 (Fall, 1977)
b41255: Purdy, James - What Is It, Zach? S Short Play
b15793: Purdy, James - Two Plays
9282: Purdy, James. - "The Lesson" in Texas Quarterly, volume one, number four (Winter, 1958).
014252: Purdy, James - Two Plays
b11299: Purnell, Ida - "A Friend's Departure" [poem] in Nation (January 4, 1928)
b32798: Putnam, George - A Sermon Delivered before His Excellency George N. Briggs, Governor, His Honor John Reed, Lieutenant Governor, the Honorable Council, and the Legislature of Massachusetts, at the Annual Election, Wednesday, Jan. 7, 1846
b19413: Putnam, Eleanor - "Edge-Tools" in Lippincott's (August, 1882)
b8117: De Puy, W. H. - Threescore Years and Beyond; Or, Experiences of the Aged
b33014: Puzo, Mario - "Dialogue on Film" in American Film (May, 1979)
b44980: Pyle, Howard - "Buccaneera and Marooners of the Spanish Main" (two-part serialization, part one) in Harper's Monthly, volume 75, number 447 (August, 1887)
b44978: Pyle, Howard - "Stephen Wycherlie" (story) in Harper's Monthly, volume 75, number 445 (June, 1887)
b40102: Pyle, Howard - "The Pirate's Christmas--A Sene in the Town Jail" (two-page centerfold illustration) in Harper's Weekly (December 16, 1893)
b44253: Pyle, Howard - "The Ghost of Captain Brand" in Harper's Weekly (December 19, 1896)
b44178: Pyle, Howard - A Modern Magian" in Cosmopolitan (August, 1894)
b32200: Pyle, Howard - "Stamford's Soprano. -- A Sketch in Outline" in Harper's Weekly (June 24, 1893)
b31142: Pyle, Howard - "The Coming of Lancaster" (frontispiece) in Harper's (May, 1908)
b31060: Pyle, Howard - "The Minute Man!" [cover illustration] in Collier's (February 17, 1906)
b24558: Pyle, Howard - "The Cock Lane Ghost" Harper's (August, 1893)
b41101: Pyle, Howard - "The Early Quakers in England and Pennsylvania" in Harper's (November, 1882)
b41108: Pyle, Howard - "Retribution" in Harper's (April, 1893)
b41111: Pyle, Howard - "The Cock Lane Ghost" in Harper's (August, 1893)
b41130: Pyle, Howard - "Through Inland Waters" (part one of serialization) in Harper's (May, 1896)
b41117: Pyle, Howard - "Love and Death" in Harper's (March, 1897)
b44981: Pyle, Howard - "Buccaneera and Marooners of the Spanish Main" (two-part serialization, part two) in Harper's Monthly, volume 75, number 448 (September, 1887)
b16655: Pyle, Howard - Three full-page color illustrations for The King's Jewel
6591: Pyle, Howard. - "A Soldier of Fortune" in Harper's (December, 1893). Includes 16 illustrations by Pyle.
020585: Pyle, Howard - "Jamaica, New and Old: First Paper" in Harper's (January, 1890)
019317: Pyle, Howard. - "A Peculiar People" (with illustrations) in Harper's (October, 1889)
b44813: Pyle, Howard - "Sailors and Landsmen: A Story of 1812" in Harper's Weekly (December 15, 1894)
b44607: Pynchon, Thomas - Slow Learner: Early Stories (Uncorrected Proof)
b31553: Pynchon, Thomas. Lotion - Liner Notes for Nobody's Cool
b31552: Pynchon, Thomas. Lotion - Liner Notes for Nobody's Cool
b20258: Pynchon, Thomas - "Lunch with Lotion" in Esquire (June, 1996)
5715: Pynchon, Thomas. - Mortality and Mercy in Vienna.
3795: Pynchon, Thomas. - The Secret Integration.
021467: Pynchon, Thomas - Low-Lands
001685: Pynchon, Thomas. - The Small Rain.
b44312: "Q" - "Shakespeare's Christmas" in Illustrated London News (January 14, 1905)
b29515: (Darwin, Charles) Quammen, David - The Origin of the Species: Descent of a Text, with Modification
b16108: Quarrie, Paul. Michael F. Robinson, editor - Treasures of Eton College Library: 550 Years of Collecting
b29826: Queen, Ellery - "There Was An Old Woman" in Liberty (July 3, 1943)
b15658: Queener, Verton M. - "East Tennessee Republicans in State and Nation, 1870-1900" in Tennessee Historical Quarterly, volume 2, number 2(June, 1943)
b11017: Quennell, Peter - "French Caricature at the New Burlington Gallery" in New Statesman and Nation (March 25, 1939)
b34461: Quennell, Peter - "Eros" in Spectator (August 25, 1923)
b34806: Quigley, Harold S. - Chinese Politics and Foreign Powers. [including a Syllabus on Recent Chinese Politics and Diplomacy and a large chart on The Development of Chinese Culture by Shao Chang Lee]
b10932: De Quincey, Thomas - The Avenger, A Narrative; and Other Papers
b10934: De Quincey, Thomas - Letters to A Young Man and Other Papers
b23353: De Quincey, Thomas - The Caesars (De Quincey's Writings)
b23362: De Quincey, Thomas. Stuart M. Tave, editor - New Essays by De Quincey: His Contributions to The Edinburgh Saturday Post and The Edinburgh Evening Post, 1827-1828
b22386: De Quincey, Thomas. George Douglas, introduction - Selected Essays
b41173: Quincy, Josiah - An Oration, Delivered on Tuesday, the Fourth of July, 1826, It Being the Fiftieth Anniversary of American Independence, Before the Supreme Executive of the Commonwealth, and the City Council and Inhabitants of the CIty of Boston
b4637: Quine, W.V. - "Charting the World" (review) in New York Review of Books (September 30, 1965)
T91: Quine, W.V.O. - "Science and Truth" (review) in New York Review of Books (July 9, 1964)
b7143: Vicente Pascual; Daniel Quintero - Vicente Pascual, 1991-2002: Juliol-Setembre 2002, Casal Solleric
b33442: Quittanson, Charles. Jean-Francois Bazin, preface - Le clos des Lambrays
b11542: Quynn, Dorothy M. and William R. Quynn - "Barbara Frietschie" in Maryland Historical Magazine (September, 1942)
C5251: Buckley. Reginald R. - "Comala: A Music Drama" in The Poetry Review (May-June, 1915)
b36366: Raban, Jonathan, Anne Bernays and Justin Kaplan, Barbara Grizzuti Harrison, Beverly Lowry, N. Scott Momaday, and other contributors - Essays in The Sophisticated Traveler (September 14, 1997)
b32506: Rachmaninoff, Sergei - "A Picture from the Past" in Etude (May, 1931)
b4496: Racine, Jean. Ted Hughes, translator - Phaedra: A New Version
b29346: Racz, Istvan. Riitta Pylkkanen, introduction and notes. Diana Tullberg and Judy Beesley, translators - Art Treasures of Medieval Finland
x1796: Rada, Pravoslav - Book of Ceramics
b29284: Radcliff, Alan - Call me Chestaloozy
b32786: Rae, William E., editor-in-chief - Outdoor Life, volume 132, nos 2-6 (August-December, 1963)
b32783: Rae, William E., editor-in-chief - Outdoor Life, volume 136, nos 2, 4, 5 and 6 (August, September, November, December, 1965)
b32784: Rae, William E., editor-in-chief - Outdoor Life, volume 133, nos 1-6 (January-June, 1964)
b32782: Rae, William E., editor-in-chief - Outdoor Life, volume 135, nos 1-6 (January-June, 1965)
b32777: Rae, William E., editor-in-chief - Outdoor Life, volume 137, nos 1-6 (January-June, 1966)
b32776: Rae, William E., editor-in-chief - Outdoor Life, volume 138, nos 1-6 (July-December, 1967)
b32775: Rae, William E., editor-in-chief - Outdoor Life, volume 140, nos 1-6 (July-December, 1967)
b32774: Rae, William E., editor-in-chief - Outdoor Life, volume 139, nos 1-6 (January-June, 1967)
b32773: Rae, William E., editor-in-chief - Outdoor Life, volume 141, nos 5-6 and volume 142, nos 1, 2, 4-6 (May and June, July, August, October, November, and December, 1968)
b32772: Rae, William E., editor-in-chief - Outdoor Life, volume 144, nos1, 3-6 (June, July, September, October, November, 1969)
b34780: Raeburn, Daniel - The Imp, Number 3
b29779: Raemaeker, Louis - Raemaeker's Cartoons
b3170: Raffel, Burton - "Translations From St. John of the Cross" in Hudson Review (Autumn, 1965)
b33169: Rahnema, Ali and Farhad Nomani - The Secular Miracle: Religion, Politics and Economic Policy in Iran
b11035: Raine, Kathleen - "Far-Darting Apollo" [poem] in New Statesman and Nation (May 27, 1939)
b34010: Raine, Craig, Adam Thorpe, Ronald Blythe, Padraig Rooney, and other contributors - TLS The Times Literary Supplement (September 19, 2014)
b31570: Raine, Craig, Bill Berkson, Jay McInerney, Harry Matthews, and other contributors - Modern Painters (Autumn, 1998)
b43432: Raine, Craig. James Atlas, introduction - "The Way It Was" in Talk (December, 1999/January, 2000)
b11251: Marc Gisbourne; Jim Rakete - Berlin Art Now
b490: Rakosi, Carl - Droles De Journal
b11201: Rakosi, Carl - "The Holy Bonds" [poem] in Nation (December 23, 1925)
b11207: Rakosi, Carl - "Shadows for Florida" [poem] in Nation (May 5, 1926)
b15665: Raley, George H. - Our Totem Poles: A Souvenir of Vancouver
021825: (Carlyle, Thomas) Ralli, Augustus - Guide to Carlyle. Two volumes
b29997: Ralston, Tommy - To the Edge: Confessions of a Lifeboat Coxswain
b10250: Ramage, B.J. - "Georgia and the Cherokees" in American Historical Magazine (July, 1902)
b44197: "Ouida" [Maria Louise Ramé] - "Tonia: A Story of Crime from Poverty" in Cosmopolitan (December, 1895)
b22943: Rameau, Jean-Philippe. Philip Gossett, translation, introduction, and notes - L'hystoyre et plaisante cronicque du petit Jehan de Saintré et de la jeune dame des belles cousines par Antoine De La Sale. Publiée avec préface, notes et glossaire
b22938: Rameau, Jean-Philippe. Philip Gossett, translation, introduction, and notes - Treatise on Harmony
b15467: Sharon Ramirez - Brinktown
b21719: (Alexie, Sherman) De Ramirez, Susan Berry Brill - "Fancy Dancer: A Profile of Sherman Alexie" in Poets & Writers (January/February, 1999)
b11211: MacDonald. Ramsay - "The National Strike in Great Britain" in Nation (June 9, 1926)
b18063: Douglas E. Abrams; Sarah H. Ramsey - Children and the Law: Doctrine, Policy and Practice (American Casebook Series and Other Coursebooks)
b12175: Rand, Ayn - "The New Left Represents an Intellectual Vacuum" in New York Times Magazine ((December 7, 1969)
b30712: Rand, Ayn - "Introduction to 'Calumet "K"' in The Objectivist, volume 6, number 10 (October, 1967)
b30711: Rand, Ayn - "Requiem for Man" (part three) in The Objectivist, volume 6, number 9 (September, 1967)
b30710: Rand, Ayn - "Requiem for Man" (part one) in The Objectivist, volume 6, number 7 (July, 1967)
b30709: Rand, Ayn, editor - The Objectivist, volume 6, number 6 (June, 1967)
b30708: Rand, Ayn - "The Wreckage of the Consensus" (part two) in The Objectivist, volume 6, number 5 (May, 1967)
b30707: Rand, Ayn - "The Wreckage of the Consensus" (part one) in The Objectivist, volume 6, number 4 (April, 1967)
b30713: Rand, Ayn - "Introductory Note to 'The Man Who Laughs'" in The Objectivist, volume 6, number 12 (December, 1967)
b30705: Rand, Ayn - "Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology" (part eight. conclusion) in The Objectivist, volume 6, number 2 (February, 1967)
b30706: Rand, Ayn, editor - The Objectivist, volume 6, number 3 (March, 1967)
b30704: Rand, Ayn - "Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology" (part seven) in The Objectivist, volume 6, number 1 (January, 1967)
b30649: Rand, Ayn - "Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology" (part six) in The Objectivist, volume 5, number 12 (December, 1966)
b30647: Rand, Ayn - "Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology" (part four) in The Objectivist, volume 5, number 10 (October, 1966)
b30645: Rand, Ayn - "Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology" (part two) in The Objectivist, volume 5, number 8 (August, 1966)
b30646: Rand, Ayn - "Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology" (part three) in The Objectivist, volume 5, number 9 (September, 1966)
b30648: Rand, Ayn - "Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology" (part five) in The Objectivist, volume 5, number 11 (November, 1966)
b30643: Rand, Ayn - "Our Cultural Value-Deprivation" (part two) in The Objectivist, volume 5, number 5 (May, 1966)
b30642: Rand, Ayn - "Our Cultural Value-Deprivation" (part one) in The Objectivist, volume 5, number 4 (April, 1966)
b30641: Rand, Ayn - "Art and Sense of Life" in The Objectivist, volume 5, number 3 (March, 1966)
b30640: Rand, Ayn - "Philosophy and Sense of Life" in The Objectivist, volume 5, number 2 (February, 1966)
b30639: Rand, Ayn - "Altruism as Appeasement" in The Objectivist, volume 5, number 1 (January, 1966)
b30644: Rand, Ayn - "Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology" (part one) in The Objectivist, volume 5, number 7 (July, 1966)
b11404: Randall, Emilius O. - "The Mound Builders of Ohio" in Journal of American History (April-May-June, 1916)
b29301: Randall, Margaret, editor, translator, introduction - Estos Cantos Habitados / These Living Songs
b17465: Randolph, W. - "A Century of English Architecture" in Contemporary Review (November, 1937)
b36670: Rankin, Ian - "Doors Open. Conclusion: Killing Time" in New York Times Magazine (August 19, 2007)
b36667: Rankin, Ian - "Doors Open. Chapter 14: When Thieves Collide" in New York Times Magazine (August 12, 2007)
b36666: Rankin, Ian - "Doors Open. Chapter 13: On the Run" in New York Times Magazine (August 5, 2007)
b36663: Rankin, Ian - "Doors Open. Chapter 12: Chib's Visitor" in New York Times Magazine (July 29, 2007)
b36662: Rankin, Ian - "Doors Open. Chapter 11: The Noose Tightens" in New York Times Magazine (July 22, 2007)
b36660: Rankin, Ian - "Doors Open. Chapter 10: Direst Straits" in New York Times Magazine (July 15, 2007)
b36658: Rankin, Ian - "Doors Open. Chapter 8: The Fallout" in New York Times Magazine (July 1, 2007)
b36656: Rankin, Ian - "Doors Open. Chapter 9: The Telltale Heart" in New York Times Magazine (July 8, 2007)
b36640: Rankin, Ian - "Doors Open. Chapter 6: The New Mike" in New York Times Magazine (June 17, 2007)
b36641: Rankin, Ian - "Doors Open. Chapter 7: The Heist" in New York Times Magazine (June 24, 2007)
b36638: Rankin, Ian - "Doors Open. Chapter 5: Mr. Hate" in New York Times Magazine (June 10, 2007)
b36635: Rankin, Ian - "Doors Open. Chapter 4: The Faker" in New York Times Magazine (June 3, 2007)
b36634: Rankin, Ian - "Doors Open. Chapter 3: The Auction House" in New York Times Magazine (May 27, 2007)
b36631: Rankin, Ian - "Doors Open. Chapter 2: At the Gallery" in New York Times Magazine (May 20, 2007)
b36630: Rankin, Ian - "Doors Open. Chapter 1: Old Friends" in New York Times Magazine (May 13, 2007)
b32875: Rankin, Ian - Set in Darkness
b10783: Ransom, John Crowe - "Humanism at Chicago" in Kenyon Review (Autumn, 1952)
b31170: Ransom, John Crowe - "Sentimental Exercise" in Yale Review (Winter, 1937)
b19673: Ransom, John Crowe - "The Literary Criticism of Artistotle" in Kenyon Review (Summer, 1948)
022030: Ransom, John Crowe - "Eliot and the Metaphysicals" in Accent (Spring, 1941)
b32372: Ransome, Arthur - Oscar Wilde: A Critical Study
T415: Raphael, Frederic (editor); Contributors: Kingsley Amis, Brigid Brophy, Maureen Duffy, John Fowles, Arthur Koestler, Harold Pinter, Iris Murdoch, Alan Sillitoe - Bookmarks
b33153: Rapoport, Bernard - Being Rapoport: Capitalist with a Conscience
b15910: (Bellow, Saul) Raptis, Matthew - "Collecting Saul Bellow" in Firsts (January, 2006)
b31594: Rascoe, Judith, Carlos Garcia Vargas, Rick Peabody, Michael Horovitz, Joshua Norton, Lyn Lifshin, Janine Pommy Vega, Charles Plymell, Alexander Viola, George Myers, Jr., Percy Malfeasance, and other contributors - MOTA (Museum of Temporary Art) 17
b29562: Rathbone, Basil, Christopher Morley, Maurice Baring, Edgar W. Smith, and other contributors - The Baker Street Journal. An Irregular Quarterly of Sherlockiana. Volume 2, Number 4
b16197: William Jay Rathbun - Beyond the Tanabata Bridge: Traditional Japanese Textiles
b3976: Rathburn, John W. and Harry H. Clark - American Literary Criticism 1860-1905
b44351: Rauschenberg, Robert. Dorothy Gees Seckler - Cover collage and "The Artist Speaks: Robert Rauschenberg" [
b30269: Rauschenberg, Robert - Photographs
b40754: Rauschenberg, Robert and Barbara Rose - RAUSCHENBERG
b30280: Rauschenberg, Robert - Photos In and Out City Limits: New York C.
015744: Raviv, Dan - Comic Wars: How Two Tycoons Battled Over the Marvel Comics Empire--And Both Lost
b31159: (Audubon, John) Rawls, Walton and Margaret Welch - Two essays: "Audubon, Bodmer, and Catlin: Facsimile Edition from the Editorial Side" (Rawls) and "'Gentlemen of fortune and liberality': The Original Subscribers to the Audubon Folios" (Welch) in Imprint: (Spring, 1991)
T605: Ray, John E. - A Trip Abroad. Sketches of Men and Manners, People and Place in Europe
018724: Ray, Gordon N. - H.G. Wells & Rebecca West
b32169: Rayback, Joseph G. - Martin Can Buren
b31183: Raymond, Marcel - De Baudelaire au surréalisme. Edition nouvelle revue et remaniee
018448: Carver. Raymond - "Dreams" in Esquire (August, 2000)
b45017: Rayner, E [Emma]. Cover illustration by Maxfield Parrish - Free to Serve. A Tale of Colonial New York
b32744: Read, Charles F. - "A Boy's Memories of the Civil War and the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln; Together with Extracts from a Contemporaneous Diary" in Proceedings of the Bostonian Society at the Annual Meeting, January 18, 1916
b29154: Read, Herbert - Paul Nash
b16959: Read, Thomas Buchanan - The Poetical Works of Thomas Buchanan Read, Volume II
T342: Reade, Charles - "A Simpleton: A Story of the Day" in Harper's New Monthly Magazine No. 281 (October 1873)
b7812: Anthony Reading - Hope and Despair: How Perceptions of the Future Shape Human Behavior
T577: Joan Reardon - Poetry by American Women, 1900-1975: A Bibliography
b32983: Rebes, Salvador Carretero - Pictura en Catabria (1875-1975)
b11365: Rechy, John - "A Quarter Ahead" in Evergreen Review (July-August, 1961)
014098: Rechy, John - "No Mananas for Today's Chicanos" in Saturday Review (March 14, 1970)
b40033: (Roosevelt, Teddy) (Spanish American War Recruitment) - Harper's Weekly (May 7, 1898) ORIGINAL ISSUE
b7963: W. D. Redfern - Cliches and Coinages (The Language Library)
b41035: (Faulkner, William) Redman, Ben Ray - Cover photograph of Faulkner and "Faulkner's Double Novel" (review of The Wild Palms) in Saturday Review (January 21, 1939)
T371: Redmond, Louis - What I Know About Boys
T581: Theodore Redpath - The young romantics and critical opinion, 1807-1824: Poetry of Byron, Shelley, and Keats as seen by their contemporary critics
b4887: Reed, Ishmael, Editor - Konch, Volume 1, No. 2 (1990)
b4888: Reed, Ishmael, Editor. Al Young and Frank Chin, Contributors. - Konch, Volume 2, No. 4 (1991)
015562: Reed, Ishmael - "Why Martinicans Have Beautiful Eyes" in Zyzzyva (Winter, 1988)
b11946: Reed, John - "The Case for the Bolsheviki" in The Independent (July 13, 1918)
b4889: Reed, Ishmael, Editor. Amiri Baraka, Ntizake Shange, and Frank Chin, Contributors. - Konch, Volume 2, No. 1 (1991)
b4890: Reed, Ishmael, Editor. Ron Sukenick and Frank Chin, Contributors. - Konch, Volume 1, No. 1 (1990)
b4891: Reed, Ishmael, Editor. Andrei Cordrescu, Tennessee Reed and Frank Chin, Contributors. - Konch, Nunmber 5 (Fall, 1992)
b4892: Reed, Ishmael, Editor. Al Young, Thulani Davis, Amiri Bakara, Tennessee Reed and Frank Chin, Contributors. - Konch, Nunmber 6 (Fall, 1993)
b4893: Reed, Ishmael, Editor. Tennessee Reed and Frank Chin, Contributors. - Konch, Nunmber 7 (Fall, 1994)
b4894: Reed, Ishmael, Editor. Al Young, Contributes - Konch, Nunmber 8 (Fall, 1995)
b585: John R. Reed - Victorian Conventions
b32883: Reed, Ishmael - Ishmael Reed (Video Cassette): 15
b32882: Reed, Ishmael - The Terrible Threes
b32876: Reed, Ishmael - The Terrible Threes
b32877: Ishmael Reed - Japanese by Spring
b32878: Reed, Ishmael - Airing Dirty Laundry
b32880: Reed, Ishmael - Reckless Eyeballing
b32376: Reed, John R. - The Natural History H. G. Wells
b32141: Reed, John - "Dynamite" (serialization part) in Collier's (September 2, 1916)
b32137: Reed, John - "Dynamite" (serialization part) in Collier's (September 9, 1916)
b32139: Reed, John - "Dynamite" (part one of serialization) in Collier's (August 26, 1916)
z1673: Reed, Ishmael; Trueblood, Kathryn; Wong, Shawn (editors) - The Before Columbus Foundation Fiction Anthology: Selections from the American Book Awards 1980-1990
b29651: Reed, Jeremy - Nasturiums
b22640: (Wilson, August) Reed, Ishmael - "In Search of August Wilson" in Connoisseur (March, 1987)
b21916: Reed, Janet - Making Book: A Comedy About Publishing Textbooks in a Kinder, Gentler, Nation
b21316: Reed, Peter J. - Kurt Vonnegut (Writers for the 70's series)
b21151: Reed, Ishmael - "Rage Against the Machine" [review] in Washington Post Book World (May 20-26, 2001)
b19907: Reed, Ishmael, editor - Multi-America: Essays on Cultural Wars and Cultural Peace
b19197: Reed, Lou - "Laurie Sadly Listening" in New York Times Magazine (special issue on New York, November 11, 2001)
b23902: Reed, Ishmael. Cameron Northouse - Ishmael Reed: An Interview (Glen Cove Interviews, No 1)
b44778: Reed, Ishmael - Conjure; Selected Poems, 1963-1970.
b15818: (Vonnegut, Kurt) Reed, Ralph J. - "Collecting Kurt Vonnegut" and "Kurt Vonnegut: A Checklist of First Editions" in Firsts (April, 1998)
3708: Reed, Ishmael, editor. - The Before Columbus Foundation Fiction Anthology. Selections from the American Book Awards 1980-1990.
022764: Reed, Henry Hope - Classical America, Volume 1, No. 1 (1971) with a signed t.l.s.
017664: Reed, Peter J. - "Collecting Joyce Cary" in Firsts (March, 2000)
C1850: (Metalious, Grace) Rees, John - "Grace Metalious' Battle with the World" in Cosmopolitan (September, 1964)
dn485: David Rees - My New Fighting Technique is Unstoppable
b19138: David Rees - Muriel Spark, William Trevor, Ian McEwan: A Bibliography of Their First Editions
b19137: David Rees - Muriel Spark, William Trevor, Ian McEwan: A Bibliography of Their First Editions
b16745: Rees, Arthur J. - The Moon Rock
12153: (Brian Moore, Alasdair Gray, John McGahern) Rees, David. - Brian Moore, Alasdair Gray, John McGahern: A Bibliography of Their First Editions.
022548: David Rees - Get Your War On II
020738: David Rees - My New Fighting Technique is Unstoppable
b10599: Reeve, Arthur B. - The Dream Doctor: The New Adventures of Craig Kennedy, Scientific Detective
dn531: Reeves, John; Anne Leaton; Ron Fridell; Jack Morse; Conrad Bromberg LaVerne Kehr - Earplay, Volume Seven
b34125: Regan, Cheryl, exhibition director - The Civil War in America
b36711: (Carson, Anne) Rehak, Melanie - "Things Fall Together" (profile of Anne Carson) in New York Times Magazine (March 26, 2000)
b5569: Reid, Russell and Clell G. Gannon, editors - "Journal of the Atkinson - O'Fallon Expedition" in North Dakota Historical Quarterly (October, 1929)
b34431: Reid, Mary - "Married Women and Work" in Spectator (March 17, 1923)
b7733: Reid, Robert D. - "The Negro in Alabama During the Civil War" in Journal of Negro History (July, 1950)
b24548: Reid, Christian - The Picture of Las Cruces. Complete in Lippincott's (February, 1894)
b23980: (Disney, Walt) Reid, Ashton - Donald Duck cover and "Mr. Disney's Dream World" in Collier's (February 24, 1945)
T406: Reigner, Charles Gottshall - Enduring Values
b25035: Reik, Theodore - "The Fear of Touch" in Neurotica 6 (Spring, 1950)
b15477: Reilly, Helen - Satircase 4
b34702: Reiman, Donald H. - Percy Bysshe Shelley
b33178: Reiman, Jeffrey - The Death Penalty: For and Against
b33177: Reiman, Jeffrey - Abortion and the Ways We Value Human Life (14; Garland Reference Library of)
b33166: Reiman, Jeffrey - Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison, The: Ideology, Class, and Criminal Justice
b33165: Reiman, Jeffrey - Critical Moral Liberalism: Theory and Practice (Studies in Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy)
b24511: Reinhardt, Max. Alfred G. Brooks and Mario Amaya, text - Max Reinhardt 1873-1973: An Exhibition Commemorating the Hundredth Anniversary of His Birth June 7 through August 4, 1974
b12058: Reizenstein, Milton - Economic History of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad 1827-1858
b16988: Rejali, Darius - "From the Inside Looking In: Sickness, War, and Remembrance in Iran" in Reed (Winter, 2007)
b40787: Remarque, Erich Maria and Robert van Gelder - "Erich Maria Remarque Lays Down Some Rules for the Novelist" in New York Times Book Review (January 27, 1946)
b40036: Remington, Frederic - "Soldiers Who Cry" (paragraph essay) and "With the Regulars at Port Tampa, Florida--9th U.S. Cavalry (colored) Skirmishing through the Pines" (foldout drawing) in Harper's Weekly (May 21, 1898)
b40035: Remington, Frederic - "With the Blockading Fleet, On Board the U.S. Battle-ship 'Iowa'" (two drawings) in Harper's Weekly (May 14, 1898) ORIGINAL AND COMPLETE ISSUE
b40037: Remington, Frederic; (William Gladstone) - 5 Spanish-American War Drawings in Harper's Weekly (May 28, 1898) ORIGINAL AND COMPLETE ISSUE
b40099: Remington, Frederic / A.B. Frost - "A Run Behind Interference" (full-page football illustration by Remington) and "The Rural Pest" (full-page illustration by Frost) in Harper's Weekly (December 2, 1893)
b40103: Remington, Frederic - "'Toro, Toro!' An old Time California Vaquero after a Wild Steer" (two-page centerfold illustration) in Harper's Weekly (December 9, 1893)
b35207: Remington, Frederic, Harold Frederic, Mary M. Fenollosa, and other contributors - Cosmopolitan (January, 1898)
b44255: Remington, Frederic - Three essays by Remington in three issues: "A Practice March in Texas", "Squadrob A's Games". and "A New Idea for Soldiers" in Harper's Weekly (January 4, March 28, and May 2, 1896)
b40273: Remington, Frederic; Frank R. Stockton - "The Storming of San Juan" in Harper's Weekly (August 6, 1898)
b31501: Remington, Frederic - "The Advance-Guard, or The Military Sacrifice" in Harper's Weekly (September 16, 1893)
dn314: Remington, Frederic - "The Uprising in Chihuahua, Mexico" in Harper's Weekly (May 6, 1893)
dn315: Remington, Frederic; Owen Wister and others (Introduction and Verses) - Done in the Open: Drawings by Frederic Remington
b22281: Remington, Frederic - "Indian Scout with Lost Troop Horse" [frontispiece] in Harper's (June, 1891)
b41112: Remington, Frederic - "Black Water and Shallows" in Harper's (August, 1893)
b41118: Remington, Frederic - "The Great Medicine House, An Indian Myth of Thunder" in Harper's (September, 1897)
b41119: Remington, Frederic - "John Goodenough's Old Letter: A Story" in Harper's (November, 1897)
b41131: Remington, Frederic - "The Blue Quail of the Cactus" in Harper's (October, 1996)
6592: Remington, Frederic. - "An Outpost of Civilization" in Harper's (December, 1893). Illustrated by Remington.
b43481: Remington, Frederic - "A Winter Trip Through the Yellowstone Park" in Harper's Weekly (January 29, 1898)
b43492: Remington, Frederic - "The Training of Cavalry" in Harper's Weekly (April 2, 1898)
b43497: Remington, Frederic - "Soldiers Who Cry" [short essay] in Harper's Weekly (May 21, 1898)
b43500: Remington, Frederic - "The War Dreams" in Harper's Weekly (May 7, 1898)
b43501: Remington, Frederic - "Prominent Officers Now at Tampa, Florida" [four illustrations on one page] in Harper's Weekly (June 11, 1898)
b33158: Remnick, David - The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama
b32899: Rendell, Ruth - The Bridesmaid
b29392: Renoir, Jean and Gideon Bachmann - "A Conversation with Jean Renoir" in Contact 5 (June, 1960)
b11552: Van Rensselear, M.G, - "Sarah Bernhardt" in Lippincott's (February, 1881)
b19210: Van Rensselear, M.G, - "Frederick Law Olmsted" in Century (October, 1893)
015232: (Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr) Reshetovskaya, Natalya - Sanya. My Life with Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
b43744: Restad, Penny L. - Christmas in America: A History
b30093: Reston, James, Jr. - "You Cannot Refine It" (profile of William Tecumseh Sherman) in New Yorker (January 28, 1985)
8227: Reuther, Walter P. - "G.M. v. the Rest of Us" in New Republic (January 14, 1946).
b19126: John Rewald - Cezanne and America Dealers Collectors Art
019064: Rewald, John - Paul Cezanne
b15930: Rexer, Lyle, Jori Finkel, Merry Foresta, Sarah Schmerler, Richard B. Woodward, Cheryle Finley, Mia Fineman, Vince Aletti, and Jean Dykstra, contributors - Photograph ((March/April, 2005)
b33066: Rexroth, Kenneth, Joseph Wood Krutch, Richard Eberhart, F.W. Dupee, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Delmore Schwartz - Perspectives USA 10 (Winter, 1955)
b16674: Rexroth, Kenneth - "Chinese Thought and Idiom" [review of Derk Bodde's History of Chinese Philosophy] in Nation (November 14, 1953] AND "Rejoinder by Dr. Bodde" and "Mr. Rexroth Explains" [letters to editor] in Nation (November 14, 1953)
b16274: Rexroth, Kenneth - "The Fuzz" in Playboy (July, 1967)
5090: Rexroth, Kenneth. - "In Defense of [Robinson] Jeffers" in Saturday Review (August 10, 1957).
021025: Rexroth, Kenneth - "Another Spring" in Horizon (June, 1947)
b36373: Reyher, Ferdinand - "Stairways" (ghost story) in The Elks Magazine (March, 1932)
b31808: Reynolds, Graham - Victorian Painting
b29475: (Constable, John) Reynolds, Graham, Charles Rhyne, Julius Meier-Graefe, essays - John Constable, R.A.
b23656: Reynolds, Simon and Joy Press - Sex Revolts: Gender, Rebellion and Rock 'n' Roll
b44470: Reynolds, Joshua. Edmond Malone, "Some Account of the Life of the Author". Joseph Farington, "A Memoir of the Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds" - The Literary Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Kt. Late President of the Royal Academy; Containing His Discourses, Papers in The Idler, The Journal of a Tour Through Flanders and Holland, and Also His Commentary on Du Fresnoy's Art of Painting. Three volumes
020713: Reynolds, Sir Joshua - Autograph Note
b35254: Rhoades, James - "Le Berceau" in Spectator (December 4, 1915)
b12352: William G. Tierney; Robert A. Rhoads - Enhancing Promotion, Tenure and Beyond: Faculty Socialization as a Cultural Process (J-B ASHE Higher Education Report Series (AEHE))
b12409: Rhodes, Harrison. - "The Majestic Movies" in Harper's (January, 1919)
b32025: Rhodes, Harrison - "The Portrait of Chicago" in Harper's (June, 1917
x1611: Rhodes, F.H.T. - The Evolution of Life
b25406: (Robert E. Lee) Rhodes, Charles Dudley. Mrs. Robert Scott Spilman. George S. Wallace - Robert E. Lee: The West Pointer. Including Stratford Hall and The Lineage and Career of Robert E. Lee
b12018: Terrel Rhodes - Republicans in the South: Voting for the State House, Voting for the White House
014512: Rhys, Ernest - "The Last Dream of Julius Roy" in Macmillan's (February, 1891)
014697: Rhys, Jean. - "Sleep It Off Lady" in New Review (July, 1974)
b29601: Rhys, Jean - "On Not Shooting Sitting Birds " in New Yorker (April 26, 1976)
b19397: Rhys, Ernest - "A London Rose" in Macmillan's (January, 1892)
b33130: Ribak, Gil, Aviva Halamish, Udi Sommer, Jonathan Mendilow, Ehud Eiran, and other contributors - Israel Studies Forum (Fall, 2010)
b43597: Rice, Grantland - "None But the Braves" in Collier's (April 17, 1915)
b4639: Rice, Elmer - "Ford's English Usage" (letter to editor) in New York Review of Books (October 28, 1965)
b35221: Rice, Carlton - "The Oneida Community" [essay on the nature, origins and philosophy of the community posed as a series of questions and answers by a neighbor to the community] in Oneida Cicular (July 8, 1872)
b33311: Rice, Otis K., Charles H. Ambler, George E. Moore, Boyd B. Stutler, Allen W. Jones, Festus P. Summers, and other contributors - West Virginia History, volume 47
b29977: (Nichols, Mike and Elaine May) Rice, Robert - "A Tilted Night" [profile of Mike Nichols and Elaine May) in New Yorker (April 15, 1961)
b22625: Rice, Alice Hegan - Mr. Pete & Co. (The Sunday Novel)
b21532: Rice, Elmer - See Naples and Die
b16696: Rice, William G. - "The Meaning of McCarthyism" in Nation (August 30, 1952)
b16597: Jim RIce, Boston Red Sox - Jim RIce cover. Sporting News (August 13, 1977)
b4618: Rich, Adrienne. - "The Demon Lover" in New York Review of Books (November 17, 2966)
b7064: Rich, Adrienne. - "Pieces" in Salmagundi (Fall, 1970)
b7113: Rich, Adrienne. - "Not Somewhere Else, But Here" [four poems] in Southwest Review Review (Spring/Summer, 1992)
b32607: Rich, Adrienne Cecile - "Bears" in New Yorker (November 27, 1954)
b32591: Rich, Adrienne Cecile - "The Wild Sky" in New Yorker (July 31, 1954)
b32594: Rich, Adrienne Cecile - "The Celebration in the Plaza" in New Yorker (September 4, 1954)
b32567: Rich, Adrienne Cecile - "Living in Sin" in New Yorker (January 23, 1954)
b32424: Rich, Adrienne Cecile - "Allhollow's Eve" in New Yorker (October 29, 1955)
b32400: Rich, Adrienne Cecile - "The Platform" in New Yorker (January 22, 1955)
b3166: Rich, Adrienne. - "Autumn Sequence" in Hudson Review (Autumn, 1965)
Q90: Rich, Adrienne. - "Our Whole Life" in New Republic (May 2, 1970)
b30824: Rich, Adrienne - "Privelege, Power, and Tokenism" in Ms. (September, 1979)
b30812: Rich, Adrienne - "Natural Resources" in Ms. (December, 1977)
b30809: Rich, Adrienne - "A Challenge to All Your Ideas About Motherhood and Daughterhood" in Ms. (October, 1976)
b30810: Rich, Adrienne - "From an Old House in America" in Ms. (September, 1974)
b30813: Rich, Adrienne - "There Is a Fly in This House" in Ms. (February, 1977)
b30838: Rich, Adrienne - "She" in Ms. (July/August, 1990)
T35: Rich, Adrienne - "The Demon Lover" (poem) in New York Review of Books (November 17, 1966)
b19607: Rich, Adrienne Cecile - "The Capital" in New Yorker (June 18, 1955)
5595: Rich, Adrienne. - "Ideal Landscape" and "Versailles" in Borestone Mountain Poetry Awards 1954.
10482: Rich, Adrienne Cecile - "At Majority" in New Yorker (March 17, 1956).
b43426: Rich, Adrienne. - "In a Pergola" in New Yorker (September 27, 1958).
b43470: Rich, Maria F. and the Central Opera Service - Directory of American Contemporary Operas
015684: Rich, Adrienne - "Terza Rima," "Regardless," and "1999" in Double Take (Spring, 2001)
b44777: Rich, Adrienne. - Dark Fields of the Republic.
b23993: (Pound, Ezra) Humphreys. Richard, John Alexander, and Peter Robinson - Pound's Artists: Ezra Pound and the Visual Arts in London, Paris and Italy
b20707: Richard, Mark. - "The Theory of Man" in Esquire (February, 1989)
b41189: Richard, Keith and Robert Greenfield - "Ketih Richard: The Rolling Stone Interview" in Rolling Stone, No 89 (August 19, 1971)
T14: Richards, I.A. - "Growing Pains" [review essay] in New York Review of Books (April 14, 1966)
b31068: Richards, I.A., Howard Nemerov, John Hollander, Walter J. Ong, and other contributors - Kenyon Review (Spring, 1959)
b29812: Richards, Kenneth and Peter Thomson, editors - Essays on Nineteenth Century British Theatre
b26020: Richards, L. Adolph - Winchester and Vicinity. Third edition
b30698: Richardson, Joanna - Verlaine
b41157: (Dickens, Charles) Richardson, A.D. - "Charles Dickens: Letter from A.D. Richardson" (on Dickens's snub of Horace Greeley, the difficulty in locating tickets to his appearances, his presence on stage, his pronunciation, and other matters) in Sacramento Daily Union (January 13, 1868)
b19468: John Richardson - The Annals of London: A Year-by-Year Record of a Thousand Years of History
b45137: Richardson, James D. - A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, Volumes I-XI, including Index
b42296: Richardson, Todd, Roger Asselineau, Joann P. Krieg, William Innes, Ed Folsom, Robert Rehder, Martin Klammer, and Charles B. Green - Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, XV, 1(Summer, 1997)
016393: Richardson, Joanna - Baudelaire
b7770: Richmond, Leigh - Annals of the Poor: Containing The Dairyman's Daughter. With Considerable Addition; The Negro Servant; and The Young Cottager
b31042: Richmond, Roe, John Wilson, Philip St. John, T.W. Ford, Cliff Campbell, James Paul Andrews, Mal Kent, and other contributors - Super Sports, volume 8, number 1 (March, 1950)
b25197: Richmond, Grace - High Fences. Novel issued as a supplement to the Philadelphia Inquirer (November 25, 1934)
b17919: Hugh M. Richmond - Shakespeare's Richard II (Critical Essays on British Literature Series)
b32090: Richter, Conrad - "The King Was in the Kitchen" in Woman's Home Companion (May, 1932)
b498: Ricks, Beatrice - T.S. Eliot: A Bibliography of Secondary Works (Scarecrow Author Bibliographies)
b31939: Ricks, Thomas E. - The Generals: American Military Command from World War II to Today
T52: Ricks, Christopher - "The Greatness of Wordsworth" (review) New York Review of Books January 28, 1965
T88: (Behan, Brendan) Ricks, Christopher - "Bee Keeper" (review of "The Scarperer" and "Hold Your Hour and Have Another") in New York Review of Books (July 30, 1964)
b18515: Riddell, D. M'K. - "A Song for War" in The Albion (October 10, 1840)
b34462: Riddy, Arthur W. - "Reparations and Debt Entanglements" in Spectator (September 1, 1923)
b41099: Rideing, William H. - "Medical Education in New York" in Harper's (October, 1882)
d251: Ridge, W. Pett - "Irene Mercer" in The Nation (Sept 17, 1910)
b34650: Ridge, Lola - "The Everlasting Return" in New Republic (November 16, 1918)
b44301: Ridge, W. Pett - "A Sense of Duty" in Illustrated London News (March 30, 1901)
b30165: Riede, David G., editor - Critical Essays on Dante Gabriel Rossetti
b29437: Riedl, Peter Anselm - Kandinsky (I Maestri de colore 43)
z1706: Riefenstahl, Leni - Leni Riefenstahl: A Memoir
b12269: Riemann, Hugo. Alfred Einstein, editor - Musiklexikon. 2 volumes
C5141: Riesman, David. - "Values in Context" in American Scholar (Winter, 1952-53)
C5188: Riesman, David. - "The Search for Alternative Models in Education" in American Scholar (Summer, 1969)
b30196: Riesman, David (interview), W.D. Snodgrass, Diane Ackerman, Alicia Ostriker, and other contributors - Michigan Quarterly Review (Summer, 1988)
b33698: (Hitler, Adolf) Riess, Curt - "More Women in Hitler's Life" in Liberty (December 20, 1941)
b23599: Rignall, John, editor - Oxford Reader's Companion to George Eliot
b6504: Riley, Jan, curator. Michael Burnham, Chris Burden, Rebecca Horn, Bruce Nauman, Dennis Oppenheim, Charles Ray, and others - Mechanika
dtfyk: Riley, Elihu S. - A History of the General Assembly of Maryland 1635-1904
b32789: Riley, C.V., E.W. Hilgard, Manly Miles, Daniel Ammen, Cassius M. Clay, Cornelius Baldwin, E. Lewis Sturtevant, J.B. Lawes, Seth Green, Charles Houghton, N.S. Bailey, Alfred L. Kennedy, Benjamin Rose, Richard Goodman, J.P. Sheldon, and other contributors - The Journal of the American Agricultural Association, volume one, number one
b24091: Riley, James Whitcomb - "Little Maid-O-Dreams" in Ladies' Home Journal (February, 1896)
b24065: Riley, James Whitcomb - "Cassander" in Ladies' Home Journal (June, 1896)
b24022: Riley, Sam G. - Index to Southern Periodicals
b19201: Riley, James Whitcomb - "The Little Man in the Tinshop" in Century (April, 1890)
019886: Riley, James Whitcomb - "The Poet of the Future" in Century (January, 1889)
b34582: Rilke, Rainer Maria. Robert Bly, translator - The Voices
b34292: Rilke, Rainer Maria. Curt von Faber du Faur - "Rainer Maria Rilke's Letter the the Publisher Kurt Wolff" in Yale Library Gazette (January, 1950)
b21528: Rilke, Rainer Maria. Alfred Perles, translator - The Lay of Love and Death of Cornet Christopher Rilke
b20795: Rilke, Rainer Maria. Clara Rilke, editor - Letters on Cézanne
b1121: Rilke, Rainer Maria. Alfred Perles, translator - The Lay of Love and Death of Cornet Christopher Rilke
dn275: Ge?rin, Winifred - Emily Bronte?: A biography
b29716: Rinehart, Mary Roberts - "The Shelter of the Fold" in Munsey's (June, 1907)
b21529: Rinehart, Mary Roberts - Mary Roberts Rinehart's Crime Book: The After House; The Buckled Bag; Locked Doors; The Red Lamp; The Window at the White Cat
b33675: Ringgold, George Hay - Fountain Rock, Amy Wier, and Other Metrical Pastimes
b8994: Ringrose, Hyacinthe - The Inns of Court: An Historical Description of the Inns of Court and Chancery of England
b19089: Rinhart, Floyd and Marion - American Daguerreian Art
b21542: Ripken, Cal with Rick Wolff - Parenting Young Athletes the Ripken Way: Ensuring the Best Experience for Your Kids in Any Sports
b21184: Ripken, Cal with Mark Seal - Cover photograph of Ripken and "Cal Ripken Jr.'s Baltimore" in American Way (August 15, 1999)
b10146: Ripken, Cal - Cal Ripken breaks Lou Gehrig's record. Baltimore Sun (September 7, 1995)
b17508: Ripkin, Cal - Cover portrait of Ripken and 8-page section, "Baseball's New Iron Man: Cal Ripken" in Baseball Weekly (September 12, 1995)
020592: (Ruskin, John) Ritchie, Anne Thackeray - "John Ruskin" in Harper's (March, 1890)
b11960: Ritts, Herb, photographs. John Lahr, text - Two photograph of Ed Norton and "Norton's Anthology" in New Yorker (July 5, 1999)
b29916: Ritts, Herb - Cover photograph of Lily Tomlin on After Dark (February, 1981)
b20027: Herb Ritts, Isabel Snyder, Mark Liddell, Sam Jones, Davis Factor III, and others - Hollywood portrait issue. American Photo (March/April, 1999)
b19448: Ritts, Herb - "Going West" [12 photographs] in New Yorker (September 9, 2002)
b19016: Ritts, Herb - Cover photograph of Madonna in Rolling Stone (September 21, 1989)
b19015: Ritts, Herb - Cover photograph of Tom Hanks in Rolling Stone (June 30, 1988)
b19014: Ritts, Herb - Cover photograph of Jack Nicholson in Rolling Stone (June 20, 1988)
b19013: Ritts, Herb - Cover photograph of Jack Nicholson in Rolling Stone (August 14, 1986)
b19012: Ritts, Herb - Cover photograph of Tom Cruise in Rolling Stone (June 19, 1986)
b19011: Ritts, Herb - "White Heat" [5 full-page black-and-white fashion photographs] in Rolling Stone (March 24, 1988)
b15602: Ritts, Herb - "Ritts on Icons" [interview] and "Herb Ritts: Great Iconographer" in American Photo (May/June, 2000)
b23992: Rivera, Diego - "Portrait of a Child, 1930" frontispiece in St. Nicholas (March, 1932)
b11303: Rivera, Diego - Brief untitled letter to The Nation on its editorial content in Nation (March 28, 1928)
b11367: Rivers, Larry and Frank O'Hara - "How to Proceed in the Arts" in Evergreen Review (July-August, 1961)
b22772: Rivollet, Georges - Adrienne Le Couvreur
b19057: Rizzoli - Andy Warhol Heaven & Hell
b18160: Rizzoli - History Portraits
6292: Rizzuto, Phil. - "How to Play Shortstop" in Boy's Life (May, 1966).
b40069: Robb, Graham (other contributors to this issue include Paul Binding, Andrew McCulloch, Ned Denny, Thomas S. Hines, Iain SInclair, and others) - "Travels in Protohistory: MIddle Earth exists and we are living in it now" in TLS - Times Literary Supplement (October 4, 2013)
C1621: Robbins, Michael W., editor - Brooklyn: A State of Mind
016988: Robbins, Jerome. - "The Ballet Puts on Dungarees" in New York Times Magazine (October 14, 1945)
b12468: Robbins, Tom - "Superfly" in High Times (September, 1976)
b4999: (Sherman, Cindy) Robbins, David - Cover Portrait of Cindy Sherman, Artscribe, No. 78 (November-December, 1989)
z1562: Robbins, Tom - "Skinny Legs and All " in Esquire (April 1990)
b5688: Robbins, Lois B. - "The First Legislative Assembly Held on American Soil, July 30, 1619, at Jamestown, Virginia" in Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine (October, 1949)
b29721: Robbins, Sir Alfred - Grand Lodge and Its Work
b18030: Pennell. Elizabeth Robbins & Joseph Pennell - The Whistler Journal
020611: Robbins, Tom - "Mean Eileen" in Rolling Stone (August 31, 1972)
b44785: Robbins, Tom - Still life with Woodpecker
T235: Stanley L. Robe - Azuela and the Mexican Underdogs (Ucla Latin American Studies ; V. 48)
b12137: Stanley L. Robe - Azuela and the Mexican Underdogs (Ucla Latin American Studies ; V. 48)
b17027: Roberson, Rhonda S. - 1850 Census of Logan County, Virginia (Now West Virginia)
b20502: (Jones, Bobby) Robert, Harry - "Weep No More, You Duffers" in Holiday Magazine (July 1946)
b12026: John W. Roberts - Reform and Retribution: An Illustrated History of American Prisons
b15436: Gregory David Roberts - Shantaram: A Novel
b15543: Roberts, Lewis Niles - The Story of Nedda: An Italian Reservist's Wife
b34563: Roberts, Dorothy - "Cart Tracks" in Spectator (April 8, 1922)
b31541: Roberts, Edwin A., Jr. - Elections 1964
z1518: Roberts, Elizabeth Madox - The Time of Man
b15438: Roberts, Gregory David - Shantaram
12179: (Rhys, Jean) Roberts, Ray A. - "Jean Rhys: A Bibliographical Checklist" in American Book Collector (November/December, 1982).
b9940: Robertson, William - The History of America. 8th edition. Volume one
b32858: Robertson, C.F. - The American Revolution and the Acquisition of the Valley of the Mississippi
b31654: (Fowles, John) Robertson, Carolyn and James - Prospectus for The Nature of Nature and The Tree
b15269: Nancy Crow; Jean Robertson - Nancy Crow: Quilts and Influences
z72: Robertson, Foster - The wood path: Poems
b44731: Robertson, William - The History of Scotland During the Reign of Queen Mary and of James VI. Till His Ascension to the Crown of England with a Review of Scottish History previous to that Period and an Appendix containing Original Papers. Two volumes
b16312: Robeson, Paul with Cecelia Ager - "Cecelia Ager Meets: Paul Robeson" in PM Daily (April 9, 1942)
b29636: Robeson, Paul - "In What Direction Are We Going?" in Friday (August 30, 1940)
b8152: Robinson, Anne Steele - Poetic Reveries by a Lady
b5597: Robinson, Edgar B. - "Frederick Jackson Turner" in North Dakota Historical Quarterly (July, 1932)
014711: Robinson, Edward Arlington - "Sisera" in Theatre Arts (January, 1932)
b45006: (Roosevelt, Theodore) Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt - "My Brother Theodore Roosevelt. The Elkhorn Ranch and Near-Roughing It in Yellowstone Park" (serialization part) in Scribner's, volume 69, number 6 (June, 1921)
b44780: Robinson, Bruce - The Peculiar Memories of Thomas Penman
b40446: (Keats, John) Robinson, Dewight E. - Ode on a "New Etrurian" Urn: A Reflection of Wedgewood Ware in the Poetic Imagery of John Keats
b30299: Robinson, Frank C., S. Omar Barker, Walt Sheldon, William Freeman Hough, Lee Priestley, Lloid Jones, Wayne D. Overholser, Veda Neville Conner, Gopher Gus, - Ranch Romances (November 24, 1950)
x1587: Robinson, Horatio N. - New Elementary Algebra
b24923: Robinson, E.A. [Edward Arlington] - "Pawnrette" in Outlook (June 30, 1915)
b23593: Robinson, Ralph - "The Use of Rockets by the British in the War of 1812" in Maryland Historical Magazine (March, 1945)
b41100: (Rossetti, Dante Gabriel) Robinson, Mary - "Dante Gabiel Rossetti" in Harper's (October, 1882)
b44550: Robinson, David. Joyce Carol Oates (foreward) - Saving Graces: Images of Women in European Cemeteries
b41245: Robinson, Ken. John Fowles - John Fowles
b16970: Robinson, Edwin Arlington - Cavendar's House
b16605: Frank Robinson, Baltimore Orioles - Frank Robinson cover. Sporting News (July 31, 1971)
b16577: Robinson, Edward Ayrault - "Some Recollections of April 19, 1861" in Maryland Historical Magazine (December, 1932)
b43443: Robinson, Louie, Jack Slater, Monroe Anderson, Hamilton Bims, Jack Slater, and other contributors - Essays on George Foreman, Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Memphis garbage strike, "A Salute to Black Photographers", and other topics in Ebony (April, 1973)
b43444: Robinson, Louie, Bill Rhoden, Carllyle C. Douglass, Lerone Bennett, Jr., and other contributors - Blacks in Hollywood, baseball roundup, Benjamin C. Hooks, Leonidas H. Berry, Harriet Tubman and other topics in Ebony (June, 1975)
001918: Robinson, Jackie. - "We're Winning the One That Counts" Look (December 19, 1950).
b44779: Robinson, James R. - Rumor and Other Stories
LB547A: Robison, Mary - Believe Tham
014893: Robison, James. - "Between Seasons" in New Yorker (June 14, 1993)
b36520: Robison, Mary - Subtraction
b36521: Robison, Mary - An Amateur's Guide to the Night
b36519: Robison, Mary - Oh!
b36284: Robison, James - The Illustrator
b41136: Robison, Mary - Believe Tham
b20308: Robison, Mary, 1996 prize story judge with introduction - 1996 Prize Stories issue. Mississippi Review (1996)
b23003: Robles, Emmanuel - Les sports. Le ski
b23311: Rocawich, Linda, Cheryl Hiers, and other contributors - Southern Exposure, Vol. 13, No. 2(November/December, 1983)
b34076: De Roche, Linda - Erich Segal: A Critical Companion (Critical Companions to Popular Contemporary Writers)
b32111: Roche, Arthur Somers - "A More Honorable Man" in Collier's (August 19, 1922)
b30738: Roche, Maurice, David Hayman, Gerard de Cortanze, Gerard Genot, Carol Jacobs, Claudia Reeder, James Leigh, and other contributors - "Maurice Roche" issue. Sub-Stance, 17 (1977)
b29887: Rock, Peter - This Is the Place
b11420: Rockne, Knute and John B. Kennedy - "The Halfback of Notre Dame: An Interview with Knute Rockne" in Collier's (November 19, 1927)
b24986: Rockne, Knute - "Football -- A Man's Game" in Mentor (November, 1929)
d13: Rockwell, Norman - "Three Impressions" (including Ichabod Crane) in Coronet (September, 1941)
b43595: Rockwell, Norman - Cover illustration for Collier's (March 1, 1919)
b12197: (Wilson, Robert) Rockwell, John - "Staging Painterly Visions" in New York Times Magazine (November 15, 1992)
b36455: Rockwell, Norman - "The Silhouette" [painting] in Lades' Home Journal (February, 1931)
b37506: (Bernstein, Leorard) Rockwell, John - "Bernstein Triumpant" in New York Times Magazine (August 31, 1986)
b31064: Rockwell, Norman - "Schoolitis" cover illustration. Leslie's (October 5, 1916)
b40711: Rockwell, Norman, illustrator. Beatson, Kenneth Carlyle - ""Coach Quigley's Code" in Youth's Companion (March 22, 1917)
b29147: Rockwell, Norman as told to Thomas Rockwell - "My Adventures as an Illustrator, Part VII: My Four Freedoms " in Saturday Evening Post (March 26, 1960)
b29146: Rockwell, Norman as told to Thomas Rockwell - "My Adventures as an Illustrator, Conclusion: I Paint the President" in Saturday Evening Post (April 2, 1960)
b22631: Rockwell, Norman - "Willie, The Uncommon Thrush" [text and illustrations] in McCall's (April, 1967)
b17716: Rockwell, Norman - 1964 Calendar
b17717: Rockwell, Norman - 1971 Calendar
6679: Rockwell, Norman. - "Goodbye, Little French Mother" cover illustration for Life (March 13, 1919).
6678: Rockwell, Norman - "Home, Sweet Home" cover illustration in Life (August 23, 1923)
6677: Rockwell, Norman - "Thanksgiving" cover illustration in Life (November 22, 1923)
b31969: Rockwood, Harry - Harry Sharpe, The New York Detective
b34505: Rodd, Rennell - "Italy and the Fascisti" in Spectator (November 11, 1922)
T313: Roden, Robert F. - "Don Quioxote: An Account of the Various editions of the Master Work of Cervantes" in New York Times, Part II: Saturday Review of Books (January 14, 1905)
b8905: Rodgers, Marion Elizabeth - Mencken: The American Iconoclast
b41211: Marion Elizabeth Rodgers - Mencken: The American Iconoclast
b16636: Rodgers, W.R. - "Spring" in New Statesman and Nation (March 30, 1940)
b20939: Rodin, Auguste - The Gothic in the Cathedrals and Churches of France" in North American Review (February, 1905)
b19090: Rodin, Auguste - Art
021768: Roditi, Edouard. - "On the War in Vietnam" in Liberation (December, 1966)
b10294: Rodman, Lida Tunstall, Thomas Blount, and Richard Dillard - Historic Homes in North Carolina
016245: Rodrigues - Jorge Luis Borges: A Literary Biography
b32495: Rodriguez, Alberto, E. Pizzi de Porras, Gaston Baquero, Juan J. Guerra, Mario Cobas Reyes, Jesus Benitez, and other contributors - Defensa Intitucional Cubana (January, 1967)
b22597: Roe, Barbara L. - Donald Barthelme: A Study of the Short Fiction
b23964: Roehrig, Catherine H., editor - Hatshepsut: From Queen to Pharaoh
b44710: Roesler, J. Nep - "A New River Album" [reproduction of 13 lithographs apparently from Album of the Campaign of 1861 in Western Virginia], published in 1861, which contained 20 lithographs]
015925: Roethke, Theodore - "Roethke Remembers" in Show (May, 1965)
b3772: Roethke, Theodore - "In the Large Mind of Love" in Hudson Review (Summer, 1966)
b33602: Roethke, Theodore - "Genesis" in Nation (June 24, 1936)
b32678: Roethke, Theodore - "The Renewal" in New Yorker (April 26, 1958)
b32411: Roethke, Theodore - "The Dream" in New Yorker (June 4, 1955)
b3172: Roethke, Theodore - "Wish for a Young Wife," "Her Reticence," and "His Foreboding" in Hudson Review (Spring, 1963)
b29985: Roethke, Theodore - "The Tree, The Bird" in New Yorker (April 29, 1961)
b29978: Roethke, Theodore - The Knowing" in New Yorker (April 15, 1961)
8258: Roethke, Theodore. - "Weed Puller" in New Republic (February 25, 1946).
8250: Roethke, Theodore. - "Highway: Michigan" in New Republic (May 6, 1940).
8247: Roethke, Theodore. - "Lull" in New Republic (February 12, 1940).
8224: Roethke, Theodore. - "Carnations" and Moss-Gathering" in New Republic (February 18, 1946).
3418: Roethke, Theodore. - "Superb with Lindsay" Encounter (October, 1966).
10458: Roethke, Theodore. - "River Incident" in New Yorker (September 11, 1943).
022024: Roethke, Theodore - "Old Lady's Winter Words" in Kenyon Review (Winter, 1952)
b10623: Rogers, Will - "Letters of a Self-Made Diplomat to His President" in Saturday Evening Post (July 31, 1926)
b11110: Rogers, W.R. - "Their Excellancies" in New Statesman and Nation (December 16, 1939)
b11644: (Roosevelt, Theodore) Rogers, W.A. - "Held Up the Wrong Man" cover illustration of Roosevelt in Harper's Weekly (November 21, 1903)
b11651: (Roosevelt, Theodore) Rogers, W.A. - "Give Her a Generous Slice" cover illustration of Roosevelt in Harper's Weekly (November 28, 1903)
b11652: (Roosevelt, Theodore) Rogers, W.A. - "Approved" cover illustration of Roosevelt in Harper's Weekly (December 19, 1903)
b11656: Rogers, W.A. - "The Tammany Inferno," cover illustration in Harper's Weekly (October 31, 1903)
b11657: Rogers, W.A. - "I Come to Buy, Not to Beg, Sir," cover illustration in Harper's Weekly (October 31, 1903)
b11661: Rogers, W.A. - "The Slough of Despond" [Tammany Hall] in Harper's Weekly (October 24, 1903)
b11662: Rogers, W.A. - "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" [Tammany Hall] in Harper's Weekly (October 17, 1903)
dn354: Rogers, Howard - "Lives of the Painters: Ch'ien Hsuan" in Kaikodo Journal, XVII (Autumn, 2000)
b31043: Rogers, Will - "How to be Funny" in American Magazine (September, 1929)
b40808: (Grant, Ulysses S.) Rogers, Joseph M. - "A Confederate's Story of General Grant " in Leslie's Weekly (May 26, 1904)
z1390: Rogers, William Warren and Ward, Robert David - "'Jack Turnerism': A Political Phenomenon of the Deep South" in Journal of Negro History (October 1972)
b21570: Rogers, Neville, complier. Rainer Maria Rilke, Dorothy Hewett, Edmund Blunden, and others contribute - Keats, Shelley & Rome: An Illustrated Miscellany
b15733: Rogers, Will - "Letters of a Self-Made Diplomat to Senator Borah" in Saturday Evening Post (February 27, 1932)
b11819: Rogers, Bruce - "Alaska: Our Returning Frontier" in Nation (February 18, 1925)
021105: Rogers, Will - "The Grand Champion" in American Magazine (December, 1929)
b44814: Rogers, W.A. - "Santa Claus cover illustration, "Christmas in Politics" in Harper's Weekly (December 22, 1894)
b10710: Rohmer, Sax - "Karamaneh. VI of the Fu-Manchu Stories" in Collier's (April 26, 1913)
b10702: Rohmer, Sax - "Fire-Tongue" [serialization part] in Collier's (February 21, 1921)
b10712: Rohmer, Sax - "The Clue of the Pitiful. The Second Fu-Manchu Story" in Collier's (March 1, 1913)
b10716: Rohmer, Sax - "The Coughing Horror. Adventure Five in 'Fu-Manchu & Company" in Collier's (April 3, 1915)
b10719: Rohmer, Sax - "The Fiery Hand. Fu-Manchu & Company" in Collier's (September 25, 1915)
b10720: Rohmer, Sax - "Fire-Tongue" [serialization part] in Collier's (March 12, 1921)
b10730: Rohmer, Sax - "The Mummy. Fu-Manchu & Company" in Collier's (December 4, 1915)
b11397: Rohmer, Sax - "The Music of Magic" in The First Occult Review Reader
b11421: Rohmer, Sax - "The " in Collier's (November 19, 1927)
b44275: Rohmer, Sax. - "Fire Tongue" (serialization part) in Collier's (January 29, 1921).
b34716: Rohmer, Sax - The Dream Detective (R-1316)
b6250: Rohmer, Sax - "The Eyes of Fu Manchu" (part one of serialization) in This Week (October 6, 1957)
b33445: Rohmer, Sax - Moon of Madness
b33234: Rohmer, Sax - The Island of Ful Manchu
b32793: Rohmer, Sax - "Seven Sins" [last serial part] in Collier's (August 21, 1943)
b32133: Rohmer, Sax - "The Six Gates. Fu Manchu & Company" in Collier's (October 23, 1915)
b32135: Rohmer, Sax - "The White Peacock" in Collier's (March 6, 1915)
b32118: Rohmer, Sax - "Fire-Tongue" in Collier's (February 5, 1921)
b32121: Rohmer, Sax - "The Man with the Shaven Skull" in Collier's (September 18, 1920)
b32122: Rohmer, Sax - "Fire-Tongue" in Collier's (February 5, 1921)
b32101: Rohmer, Sax - "The White Haw" in Collier's (November 13, 1920)
b44011: Rohmer, Sax - "Serpent Wind" in Collier's (November 7, 1942)
b44010: Rohmer, Sax - "The Man Who Killed Blackbirds" in Collier's (February 13, 1943)
b31607: Rohmer, Sax - The Drums of Fu Manchu
b29625: Rohmer, Sax - "The Dreams of Fu Manchu" [serialization part] in Collier's (June 5, 1939)
b20261: Rohmer, Sax - "Fu Manchu and the Panama Canal" [part one of serialization] in Liberty (November 16, 1940)
b20265: Rohmer, Sax - "Hangover House" [part one of serialization] in Collier's (February 19, 1949)
b20267: Rohmer, Sax - "Laughing Buddha" in Collier's (February 21, 1942)
b18406: Rohmer, Sax - "The Tragedies in the Greek Room" in Argosy (November, 1929)
7156: Rohmer, Sax - "Without Surrender" in Liberty (June 26, 1926).
7157: Rohmer, Sax - "The Zara Mystery" in Liberty (April 2, 1927).
020789: Rohmer, Sax - Tales of Chinatown (217)
018579: Rohmer, Sax - "The Barking Dogs" in Collier's (December 24, 1927)
022585: Rohr, Charles James - The Governor of Maryland: A Constitutional Study
b23008: Rolland, Romain - La pensée européenne au XVIIIe siècle. De Montesquieu à Lessing. 2 volumes
b23006: Rolland, Romain - Jean-Christophe, I: L'aube
b23007: Rolland, Romain - Notre Littérature ètudiée dans les textes: I des Origines a la fin du XVII Siécle. II. Le XVIIIe et le XIXe Siécle. 2 volumes
b22969: Rolland, Romain - Jean-Christophe. La Fin du Voyage. Les Amies
b44900: Rollins, Carl P., William Barton Marsh, Stow Wengenroth, John Taylor Arms, A. Raymond Hopper, and other contributors - "The Si-Fan Mysteries, Being a New Phase in the Activities of Dr, Fu-Manchu & Company, The Flower of Silence" Collier's (April 8, 1916)
b33488: Rollins, Carl P., William Barton Marsh, Stow Wengenroth, John Taylor Arms, A. Raymond Hopper, and other contributors - Print: A Quarterly Journal of the Graphic Arts, volume 4, number 2
b40473: Rollins, Alice Wellington - "Ladies' Day at the Ranch" in Harper's (June, 1885)
b19009: (Madonna) Rolston, Matthew - Cover photograph of Madonna Rolling Stone (June 5, 1986)
b6881: Rolvaag, O.E. - "The Vikings of the Middle West" in American Magazine (October, 1929)
b8009: Antoinette Le Normand-Romain - Camille Claudel & Rodin: Time Will Heal Everything
b16018: Romains, Jules. Charles Guenther, translator - "Light, Light, Somewhat Revolving" in Accent (Spring, 1953)
x972: Catherine Roman - Foreplay: The Memories of a Wanton Woman
b44451: Ronns, Edward, Robert Leslie Bellem, C.S. Montayne, Jack Gleoman, Hal K. Wells, Lee Fredericks, and other contributors - Thrilling Detective, volume 5, number 5 (May, 1950)
b7793: Rontgen, William Konrad. H.J.W. Dam - Frontispiece portrait of Rontgen and "The Rontgen Rays in America" in McClure's (April, 1896)
022538: Rood, H.E. - "The American Museum of Natural History" in Metropolitan (October, 1906)
b42326: Rood, Roland - "The Photographic Talent" in Burr McIntosh Monthly (April, 1908)
b42330: Rood, Roland - Color Photography Achieved!" in Burr McIntosh Monthly (February, 1908)
T596: Roosevelt, Theodore - Three illustrations of Theodore Roosevelt in Life (October 27, 1904)
b44852: Roosevelt, Theodore. Remington, Frederic, illustrator. - "The Home Ranch" Century Magazine (March, 1888).
B40430: Roosevelt, Franklin D. - The Philosophy of Government: Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt's Speech at The Commonwealth Club, San Francisco, California, September 23, 1932
b35202: Roosevelt, Theodore. Howard B. Gotlieb, essay - "T.R. and His Friends: Theodore Roosevelt Letters in the Yale Library: A Centenary Piece: in Yale University Library Gazette (July, 1958)
b40285: Roosevelt, Theodore and The Rough Riders - Photograph of "Colonel Wood's Regiment of Rough Riders, at San Antonio, Texas" with Colonel Leonard Wood and Lieutenant-Colonel Theodore Roosevelt at the forefront in Harper's Weekly (June 18, 1898)
b34532: [Roosevelt, Theodore] Strachey, J. St. Loe - "Theodore Roosevelt and the Union of English-Speaking Peoples: A Personal Reminiscence" in Spectator (August 19, 1922)
b6297: Roosevelt, Theodore - "Oliver Cromwell" (part six of serialization) in Scribner's (June, 1900)
b6305: Roosevelt, Theodore - "Oliver Cromwell" (part 5 of serialization) in Scribner's (May, 1900)
b44311: Roosevelt, Theodore - "The Republican Peacemake Between Two Empires: President Roosevelt" [full-page phtograph of Roosevelt] in Supplement The Illustrated London News (June 17, 1905)
b33562: Roosevelt, Theodore, H.H. Asquith, David Lloyd George, Kitchner of Kartoum, and other contributors - New York Times Current History: The European War (October, 1915)
b40431: Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Agriculture: What Is Wrong and What To Do About It. Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt's Speech at Topeka, Kansas, September 14, 1932
b40435: Roosevelt, Franklin D. - The Railroads: Republican Mistakes and Democratic Remedies. Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt's Speech Delivered at Salt Lake City, Utah, September 17, 1932
b32916: Roosevelt, Franklin D. - "The Guilt of the Tarriff" in Liberty (July 9, 1932)
b32917: Roosevelt, Franklin D. - "The Election -- An Interpretation" in Liberty (December 10, 1932)
b32526: Roosevelt, Franlin Delano and E.H. Taylor - "The Roosevelt Program: An Interview with the Governor of New York" in Country Gentleman (July, 1931)
b32234: Roosevelt, Priscilla - Life on the Russian Country Estate: A Social and Cultural History
dn268: Roosevelt, Theodore - "Civic Helpfulness" in Century (October 1900)
T595: Roosevelt, Theodore - Cover Cartoon Illustration of Theodore Roosevelt in Life (October 13, 1904)
T597: Roosevelt, Theodore - Cover Cartoon Illustration of Theodore Roosevelt in Life (August 11, 1904)
b29793: Roosevelt, Theodore - "The Minimum Wage" in Outlook (September 28, 1912)
b29359: Roosevelt, Theodore. - Presidential Addresses and State Papers from May 10, 1905 to April 12, 1906 (volume in The Works of Theodore Roosevelt,, Executive Edition)
b29358: Roosevelt, Theodore - Presidential Addresses and State Papers from April 7, 1904 to May 9, 1905 (volume in The Works of Theodore Roosevelt,, Executive Edition)
b29357: Roosevelt, Theodore. Albert Shaw, introduction - Presidential Addresses and State Papers from February 19, 1902 to May 13, 1903 (volume in The Works of Theodore Roosevelt,, Executive Edition)
b29360: Roosevelt, Theodore. - Presidential Addresses and State Papers from May 14, 1903 to January 4, 1904 (volume in The Works of Theodore Roosevelt,, Executive Edition)
b29356: Roosevelt, Theodore - The Strenuous Life (volume in The Works of Theodore Roosevelt,, Executive Edition)
b24926: Roosevelt, Theodore - "The Life History of the African Lion" in Scribner's (September, 1913)
b24919: Roosevelt, Theodore - "On the Way to the Andes" in Outlook (April 18, 1914)
b24918: Roosevelt, Theodore - "Women and the New York Constitutional Convention" in Outlook (August 1, 1914)
b24901: Roosevelt, Theodore - "How Not to Get Self-Government" in Outlook (September 2, 1911)
b24900: Roosevelt, Theodore - "Commercialism, Hysteria, and Homicide" in Outlook (October 21, 1911)
b24897: Roosevelt, Theodore - "How the United States Acquired the Right to Dig the Panama Canal" in Outlook (October 7, 1911)
b24894: Roosevelt, Theodore - "Nationalism and the Judiciary" in Outlook (March 4, 1911)
b24893: Roosevelt, Theodore - "The Russian Treaty, Arbitration, and Hipocrisy" in Outlook (December 30, 1911)
b24895: Roosevelt, Theodore - "Nationalism and the Judiciary" in Outlook (March 18, 1911)
b24896: Roosevelt, Theodore - "Alaska Again" in Outlook (August 12, 1911)
b24898: Roosevelt, Theodore - "Our Neighbors, the Ancients" in Outlook (September 30, 1911)
b24672: Roosevelt, Theodore - "Nationalism and Popular Rule" in Outlook (January 21, 1911)
b24671: Roosevelt, Theodore - "In the Argentine" in Outlook (April 11, 1914)
b24669: Roosevelt, Theodore - "'Murder Is Murder'" AND "Introduction to The Irish Players" [of the Abbey Theater] in Outlook (December 16, 1911)
b24670: Roosevelt, Theodore - "Nationalism and the Judiciary" [part one] in Outlook (March 11, 1911)
b24666: Roosevelt, Theodore - "Arbirtration: Prentense and Reality" in Outlook (November 4, 1911)
b24365: Roosevelt, Theodore - "A Naturalists' Tropical Laboratory" in Scribner's (January, 1917)
b20274: Roosevelt, Mrs. Franklin D. (Eleanor) - "Maternal Mortality in America" in Woman's Home Companion (June, 1935)
b20568: Roosevelt, Theodore - "The Ranchman's Rifle on Crag and Prairie" in Century (June, 1888)
b19404: Roosevelt, Franklin D. - "President Roosevelt's Address on International Affairs at Chautauqua, New York, August 14, 1936" in International Conciliation (September, 1936)
b21287: Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Cover color portrait of Roosevelt and "Roosevelt's Ten Biggest Decisions: Each Changed Our History" in Look (October 3, 1944)
b15333: Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr. - "The Case for Dewey" in Look Magazine (April 9, 1940)
b45005: Roosevelt, Theodore. Joseph Bucklin Bishop, editor - "Personal Account of His Trip from Khardtoum to London, Written to Sir George Otto Trevelyan" (conclusion) in Scribner's, volume 67, number 3 (March, 1920)
021112: Roosevelt, Franklin D. - "Why We Need Politicians" in American Magazine (April, 1932)
b35115: Root, Elihu - Three separate pamphlets: The Sanction of International Law (1908), The Effect of Democracy on International Law (1917), and American Ideals During the Past Half-Century (1925)
b34791: Root, Elihu, James L Slayden, and Kenneth S. Latourette, and others - The United States and Japan
b29167: (Campanella, Roy and Don Newsombe) Roper, Scott C. and Stephanie Abbot Roper - Cover photograph of Roy Campanella and Don Newcombe and "'We're Going to Give All We Have for This Grand Little Town': Baseball Integration and the 1946 Nashua Dodgers" in Historical New Hampshire (Spring/Summer, 1998)
b5044: Rorem, Ned - "The Music of the Beatles" in Writers and Issues
b32720: Rorem, Ned. Kenneth Koch, text - Bertha. Vocal Score
b31558: Rorem, Ned and Robert Jacobson - "Ned Rorem Speaks to Robert Jacobson" in Opera News (December 8, 1973)
aa1: Rorem, Ned - Facing the Night: A Diary (1999-2005) and Musical Writings
b11198: Rorty, James - "Walls of Jericho" in Nation (December 16, 1925)
b11205: Rorty, James - "The Acolyte" [poem] in Nation (May 5, 1926)
b11231: Rorty, James - "Words for a Young Woman Who Wanted to Die" in Nation (September 8, 1926)
b11239: Rorty, James - "The Workers Build Their Own" in Nation (October 6, 1926)
b11704: Rorty, James - "Hamlet in Modern Dress" in Nation (August 15, 1928)
b11133: Rorty, James - "Nights and Days" [poem] in Nation (August 28, 1920)
020574: (Derrida, Jacques) Rorty, Richard - "Is Derrida a Transcendental Philosopher?" in Yale Journal of Criticism (Spring, 1989)
b8118: D. Carolo Antonio De Rosa - Civilis Decretorum Praxis Plurimis, ac recentissimis S. C. Decisionibus illustrata. . . . Illustrissimo, amplissimoque viro Aloysio Petronio
b22173: Rey Rosa, Rodrigo. Paul Bowles, translator - The Pelcari Project. Carcel De arboles
b8895: Roscoe, Thomas - The Tourist in France. (Landscape Annual for 1834)
b10103: Roscoe, Thomas, descriptions of the plates - Views of Cities and Scenery in Italy, France and Switzerland. Third series
b16328: Rose, Pete - Cover photograph of Pete Rose, "3,000 His Club," of Sporting News (May 20, 1978)
b34992: Rose, J. Holland - "Germany's Aims in Africa" (long letter to editor) in Spectator (February 20, 1915)
b34050: Rose, Jacqueline, James Meek, Alan Bennett, John Lanchester, RXichard Lloyd Perry, Tom McCarthy, Hal Foster, Lee Harwood, Michael Wood, and other contributors - London Review of Books (June 19, 2014)
b24493: Rose, Barbara - "Self-Portraiture: Theme With a Thousand Faces" in Art in America (January-February, 1975)
B19105: Barbara Rose - Autocritique: Essays on Art and Anti-Art, 1963-1987
b17711: Rose, Barbara - "Black Art in America" in Art in America (September-October, 1970)
b16607: Pete Rose, Philadelphia Phillies - Pete Rose cover. Sporting News (April 21, 1979)
b15430: Rose, Pete. Joe Garagiola, introduction - The Pete Rose Story: An Autobiography
b37557: Rosen, Jeffrey - "The New Look of Liberalism on the Court" (profile of Ruth Bader Ginsburg) in New York Times Magazine (October 5, 1997)
b36537: (O'Connor, Sandra Day) Rosen, Jeffrey - "A Majority of One" (profile of Sandra Day O'Connor) in New York Times Magazine (June 3, 2001)
b36680: (Stevens, John Paul) Rosen, Jeffrey - "The Dissenter" (profile of John Paul Stevens) in New York Times Magazine (September 23, 2007)
b16993: Rosen, Jonathan - "Return to Paradise: The Enduring Relevance of John Milton" in New Yorker (June 2, 2008)
b23711: Rosenbaum, S. P. - Edwardian Bloomsbury: The Early Literary History of the Bloomsbury Group. Volume 2
B915: Rosenberg, PIerre, Preface - French Painting 1774-1830: The Age of Revolution (FIRST EDITION)
b15963: (Warhol, Andy) Rosenberg, Harold - "Art's Other Half" in New Yorker (June 12, 1971)
b5920: Rosenberg, Harold - "On Art and History" in Prose (Fall, 1971)
b7111: Rosenberg, L.M. [Liz] - "Super-Realism in Fiction" in Seatle Review Review (Spring, 1979)
d201: (Cornell, Joseph) Rosenberg, Harold - "Object Poems" in New Yorker (June 3, 1967)
b29487: Rosenberg, L.M., Nicholas Delbanco, John Wideman, and other contributors - Seattle Review, volume 2, number 2 (Fall, 1979)
b40835: Rosenberg, L.M. [Liz], Hayden Carruth, Vassar Miller, Jane Kenyon - New Letters (Fall, 1980)
b17107: Liz Rosenberg - The Fire Music (Pitt Poetry Series)
b15854: Rosenberg, Harold - "The Contept of Action in Painting" in New Yorker (May 25, 1968)
b11865: Galway Kinnell; W. S. Merwin; Dave Smith; Liz Rosenberg - Apparitions
021743: Rosenberg, Harold - "Thoughts in Off-Season" in New Yorker (July 24, 1971)
b33532: Rosenberger, Francis Coleman, editor - Records of the Columbia Historical Society of Washington, D.C., 1960-1962
b3791: Rosenblum, Robert - "The Origin of Painting: A Problem in the Iconography of Romantic Classicism" in Art Bulletin (December, 1957)
b34659: Rosenfeld, Paul. - "Sibelius" in New Republic (December 14, 1918)
b20929: Rosenquist, James and Mary Anne Stariszewski - "James Rosenquist" [interview] in Bomb (Fall, 1987)
b30014: Rosenthal, Joe - Cover photograph at Iwo Jima (called "the greatest photograph of World War II) and the story behin it, "Jap Grenades Couldn't Stop Marines in the Hottest Flag-Raising Anywhere" in Bureau of Naval Personnel Information Bulletin (April, 1945)
x1811: Rosenzweig, Phyllis D. - The Thomas Eakins Collection of the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden
b42640: Rosetti, Christina; (Hawthorne, Nathaniel); Hawthorne, Julian - "One Sea Side Grave" (poem) in Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine (October 1884)
b30156: Roskolenko, Harry, Charles B. Victor, Mordecai Louk, Ed Margolies, Paul Little, Ray Puechner, and other contributors - Swank (September, 1966)
b7251: Ross, Alan - "Arena at Arles" in Punch (November 2, 1953)
dn225: (Hemingway, Ernest) Ross, Lillian - "How Do You Like It Now, Gentlemen?" [profile of Ernest Hemingway] in New Yorker (May 13, 1950)
b31145: Ross, Robert. Aymer Vallance, "List of Drawings by Aubrey Beardsly" - Audbrey Beardsley
b18018: Joellyn Ross - Ruth Channing Selected Graphic Work
b42641: Ross, Lee - African American Criminologists, 1970-1996: An Annotated Bibliography (Bibliographies and Indexes in Afro-American and African Studies)
021449: Mitchell S Ross - The literary politicians
b33245: Rosser, J. Barkley. Jr., Richard P.F. Holt, David Colander - European Economics at a Crossroads
b30854: Rosset, Barney with Ann Getty - "Interview with Barney Rosset" in Small Press (July/August, 1986)
b6879: Rossetti, Dante Gabriel - Poems
b34583: Rossetti, William Michael. Roger W. Peattie, editor - Selected Letters of William Michael Rossetti
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