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Click on booknumber for full information
G75766: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Palaeobulgarica, 16th year (1992), no.1
G75775: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Thracia V: Problèmes ethno-culturels de la Thrace antique
R98867: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Collectanea Mechliniensia [Commentarius scientiarum ecclesiasticarum] Volume 51, 1966 (complete year)
R117060: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Analecta Cisterciensia, Annus XXVIII (28) - 1972
X113938: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für kleinasiatische Forschung, Band II, Heft 1-2 : In memoriam Helmuth Theodor Bossert (Anadolu Arastirmalari, Cilt II Sayi 1-2 : Helmuth Theodor Bossert in Hatirasina Armagan)
R68247: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii ad rem biblicam scientifice investigandam a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.29
X99691: VARIOUS AUTHORS (QUAEGEBEUR JAN, ED.) - Studia Paulo Naster oblata. II: Orientalia antiqua [OLA, 13]
G86174: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Frühmittelalterliche Studien, 5. Band (1971). Jahrbuch des Instituts für Frühmittelalterforschung der Universität Münster
G73275: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Documenta. Revista de la Sociedad Peruana de Historia. Año 3 No.1
F105465: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& MATTHEN MOHAN, ED.) - Aristotle Today. Essays on Aristotle's Ideal of Science
T85885: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Evphrosyne, revista de filologia classica. Nova serie, volume XX (1992)
X77484: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& LANDERSDORFER P.S. O.S.B., TRANSL.) - Ausgewählte Schriften der Syrischen Dichter Cyrillonas, Balaüs, Isaak von Antiochien und Jakob von Sarug
T67538: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Estudis de lingüística i de filologia Catalanes, dedicats a la memòria de Pompeu Fabra en el centenari de la seva maixença. I + II [complete in 2 vols.]
S85731: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Peter Paul Rubens 1577-1640. Katalog I: Rubens in Italien, Gemälde, ölskizzen, Zeichnungen. Triumph der Eucharistie, Wandteppiche aus dem Kölner Dom
R68225: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii periodici Pontificii Instituti Biblici. vol.75
R68226: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii periodici Pontificii Instituti Biblici. vol.59
X94007: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume LIII (53), Part 1 + 2 (January + July 1965)
G115153: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Medioevo latino. Bollettino bibliografico della cultura europea da Boezio a Erasmo (secoli VI-XV). Volume XXXVII (37) 2016
R115087: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& LIVINSTONE ELIZABETH A., ED.) - Athanasius and his opponents, Cappadocian Fathers, other Greek writers after Nicaea [in: Studia Patristica vol.XXXII]
R68157: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae - Volume 28 (1990)
W116435: VARIOUS AUTHORS (TAUPITZ JOCHEN & WESCHKA MARION, EDS.) - CHIMBRIDS - Chimeras and Hybrids in Comparative European and International Research. Scientific, Ethical, Philosophical and Legal Aspects
X72422: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Neue Folge, Band 4 (1984). International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
R68363: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - Commentarii de re theologica et philosophica; vol.13 (1932) [complete volume]
R116386: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sancti viri, ut audio : Theologies, rhetorics and receptions of the Pelagian controversy reappraised [BETL, 336]
R107258: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 23, 1980
F104925: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& LOCKEY PAUL, ED.) - Studies in Thomistic Theology
S87216: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Artibus et historiae. An art anthology (IRSA nr.19, X), 1989
S85394: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Natur und Antike in der Renaissance
G98510: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Staat und Gesellschaft in Mittelalter und früher Neuzeit. Gedenkschrift für Joachim Leuschner
K69869: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Word classes and related topics in Ancient Greek. Proceedings of the conference on 'Greek syntax and word classes' (Madrid, 18-21 June 2003)
K69590: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Cultura e lingue classiche 3: 3° Convegno di aggiornamento e di didattica (Palermo, 29 ottobre - 1 novembre 1989)
R68299: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 72 (1977, complete volume)
X76958: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Altaica III. Sbornik statej i materialov [="Altaica IV. Collected papers and materials"]
K86820: VARIOUS AUTHORS ("POETAE LATINI MINORES") & LEMAIRE N.E., ED. - Poetae Latini Minores, ex recensione Wernsdorfiana
R65863: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.3
G79328: VARIOUS AUTHORS - La Magna Grecia e Roma nell'età arcaica. Atti dell'ottavo (8e) convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 6-11 ottobre 1968
G79329: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Taranto nella civilta della Magna Grecia. Atti del decimo (10e) convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 4-11 ottobre 1970 [2 volumes]
G114009: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Atti e Memorie dell'Accademia Toscana di Scienze e Lettere 'La Colombaria' : Volume LXXVI (76), Nuova serie LXII, Anno 2011
R69303: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rivista di archeologia cristiana. Pubblicazione trimestrale per cura della Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra e del Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana. Vol.64 (1988) [complete]
F105486: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& STARK RUDOLF, ED.) - Rhetorika. Schriften zur aristotelischen und hellenistischen Rhetorik
X113803: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Centre d'archéologie méditerranéenne polonaise des sciences. Etudes et travaux, VII (1973)
X113804: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Centre d'archéologie méditerranéenne polonaise des sciences. Etudes et travaux, I (1966)
R115090: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& LIVINSTONE ELIZABETH A., ED.) - Biblica et Apocrypha, Ascetica, Liturgica [in: Studia Patristica vol.XXX]
R115091: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& LIVINSTONE ELIZABETH A., ED.) - Preaching, Second Century, Tertullian to Arnobius, Egypt before Nicaea [in: Studia Patristica vol.XXXI]
J115308: VARIOUS AUTHORS (BLANPAIN R., ED.) - XV World Congress of Labour Law and Social Security (22-26 September 1997, Buenos Aires, Argentina) - XV Congreso Mundial del Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social [3 volumes]
F66324: VARIOUS AUTHORS - History and eschatology in John Scottus Eriugena and his time. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference of the Society for the Promotion of Eriugenian Studies (Maynooth and Dublin, August 16-20, 2000)
R68218: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii periodici Pontificii Instituti Biblici. vol.58
G98928: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 2, 1971
G98929: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 1, 1970
G98927: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 3, 1972
S85336: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Kunst in der Republik Genua 1528-1815
X113945: VARIOUS AUTHORS - 1st International Symposium Georgian Manuscripts. Abstracts of papers
R98868: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Collectanea Mechliniensia. Commentarius scientiarum ecclesiasticarum. Volume 52, 1967 (complete year)
R78482: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Testimonium Christi. Scritti in onore di Jacques Dupont
X85979: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Hierapolis di Frigia 1957-1987
R107286: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jenseitsvorstellungen in Antike und Christentum - Gedenkschrift für Alfred Stuiber
R107260: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 25, 1982
R70978: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Handbuch der Kirchengeschichte. V: Die Kirche im Zeilalter des Absolutismus und der Aufklärung
X72427: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Neue Folge, Band 9 (1990). International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
S91689: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gli arazzi della battaglia di Pavia
J94080: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Proceedings of the International Colloquium "Author's right without author ? The crossroads of the European copyright system" (Brussels, September 21-23, 1989)
X88970: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica. Volume 18, 1987
R117077: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Analecta Sacri Ordinis Cisterciensis, periodicum trimestre, Annus XVII (17) - 1961
R84106: VARIOUS AUTHORS [COMMISSIO HISTORICA ORDINIS PRAEMONSTRATENSIS] - Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus XI & XII (11-12, 1935-1936, complete)
F104960: VARIOUS AUTHORS - L'interpretazione di San Tommaso delle Dottrine di San Paolo. Saint Thomas's Interpretation on Saint Paul's Doctrines
F104959: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Persona, legge naturale, diritti umani in una societa complessa e globale. The Human Person, Natural Law, Human Rights in a Complex and Globalised World
F104956: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Veritas et Sapientia ; en el VII centenario de Sto. Tomas de Aquino
F104955: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& MCLEAN GEORGE F. O.M.I., ED.) - Teaching Thomism today ; Proceedings of the Workshop on Teaching Thomism Today conducted at the Catholic University of America, June 15 to June 26, 1962
G79339: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Santuari di Magna Grecia. Atti del quarto (4e) convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto-Reggio Calabria, 11-16 ottobre 1964
T76535: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Epistemonike epeterida tes Philosophikes Scholes periodos B'. Teuchos tmematos philologias. Tomos pemptos [= Scientific yearbook of the School of Philosophy. Department of philology: vol.5]
G79204: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 24: Cerreto - Chini
T85886: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Evphrosyne, revista de filologia classica. Nova serie, volume XXII (1994)
T85884: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Evphrosyne, revista de filologia classica. Nova serie, volume XXI (1993)
T82579: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& HORNUNG HERWIG H., ED.) - Disputationes ad Montium Vocabula aliorumque nominum significationes pertinentes [2 volumes] 1Oth International Congress of Onomastic Sciences, Vienna, 8-13.IX.1969. Proceedings
R70626: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Kirchlicher Dienst und theologische Ausbildung. Festschrift für Präses Dr. Heinrich Reiss
R70629: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Zeit und Geschichte. Dankesgabe an Rudolf Bultmann zum 80. Geburtstag
T92911: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Estudis de linguistica i filologia oferts a Antoni M. Badia i Margarit. Volume I, volume II [2 volumes]
R70432: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Der Dienst für den Menschen in Theologie und Verkündigung. Festschrift für Alois Brems, Bischof von Eichstätt, zum 75. Geburtstag
R70618: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Aspekte frühchristlicher Heiligenverehrung
R70615: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Der Ruf Jesu und die Antwort der Gemeinde. Exegetische Untersuchungen Joachim Jeremias zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet von seinen Schülern
G117013: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Atti del Congresso Internazionale di Studi sulla Sicilia Normanna (Palermo, 4-8 dicembre 1972)
R66478: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Contemporary perspectives on religious epistemology
G85756: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Scritti in onore di Ruggero Fauro Rossi [in: Atti e memorie della Società Istriana di archeologia e storia patria, CV-2]
R70399: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Leben angesichts des Todes. Beiträge zum theologischen Problem des Todes . Helmut Thielicke zum 60. Geburtstag
J26516: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Soziale Sicherung - Sozialenquête - in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; Bericht der Sozialenquête-Kommission
F105487: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& MUELLER-GOLDINGEN CHRISTIAN, ED.) - Schriften zur aristotelischen Ethik
R70368: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jüdische Schriften aus hellenistisch-römischer Zeit. Band IV Lieferung 1-3: Poetische Schriften [Band IV complete]
R117076: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Analecta Sacri Ordinis Cisterciensis, periodicum trimestre, Annus XX (20) - 1964
R96149: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bericht über den XXIII. Internationalen Eucharistischen Kongress Wien 12. bis 15. September 1912
R111499: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Katalog der mittelalterlichen Handschriften der Bibliothek des Prämonstratenser Chorherrenstiftes Wilten
T72491: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Studia Germanica. Tillägnade Ernst Albin Kock den 6 december 1934
T72788: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Symbolae philologicae in honorem Vitoldi Taszycki
X71735: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Sautrantikas [Jiabs 26 (2003) no.2]
T72473: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Uns ist in alten Mären- Das Nibelungenlied und seine Welt
R69311: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rivista di archeologia cristiana. Pubblicazione trimestrale per cura della Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra e del Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana. Vol.73 (1997) [complete]
R68224: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii periodici Pontificii Instituti Biblici. vol.66
R68222: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii periodici Pontificii Instituti Biblici. vol.63
X72431: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Neue Folge, Band 13 (1994). International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
G75412: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Die Balkanländer im Europa der Gegenwart. Fünftes Symposium, organisiert in Thessaloniki (am 22.-23. Mai 1992) vom Institut für Balkan-Studien und der Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft München
R70350: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Studiorum Paulinorum congressus internationalis catholicus 1961, simul secundus congressus internationalis catholicus de re biblica, completo undevicesimo saeculo post S. Pauli in Urbem adventum [2 vols.]
R69310: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rivista di archeologia cristiana. Pubblicazione trimestrale per cura della Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra e del Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana. Vol.72 (1996) [complete]
R70314: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Begegnung mit dem Wort. Festschrift für Heinrich Zimmermann
R62710: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Popes, teachers, and canon law in the Middle Ages
M27659: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Zeitschrift für Kirchemusik ; 72.Jahrgang 1952 complete (12 nrs.of which 4 double-issues)
H114014: VARIOUS AUTHORS (SOCIÉTÉ DES BOLLANDISTES, ED.) - Analecta Bollandiana : Revue critique d'hagiographie. A journal of critical hagiography. Tome 136-1, juin 2018
M95174: VARIOUS AUTHORS (LIPPMANN FRIEDRICH, ED.) - Studien zur italienisch-deutschen Musikgeschichte VIII [in: Analecta Musicologica, Band 12]
G79203: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 27: Collenuccio - Confortini
R92915: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliotheca Sanctorum. Volume IX : Masabki - Ozanam
X114477: VARIOUS AUTHORS (SOMMER FERDINAND & EHELOLF HANS, EDS.) - Kleinasiatische Forschungen, Band I
F106993: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Il problema della domanda
F106994: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Demitizzazione e Morale
F106992: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Filosofia e Informazione
F106991: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Mito e Fede
F106989: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Surrealismo e simbolismo
F106990: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Logica e analisi
F106988: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Il mito della pena
F75244: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Studi sul pensiero di Giuseppe Zamboni
R68195: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.36
R68196: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.35
R68189: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.33
S84609: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Veit Stoss in Nürnberg. Werke des Meisters und seiner Schule in Nürnberg und Umgebung
T92848: VARIOUS AUTHORS (HOLTUS GUNTER & RINGGER KURT, EDS.) - Raetia antiqua et moderna. W. Theodor Elwert zum 80 Geburtstag
R68331: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.54 (1973) (complete volume)
B113947: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Collectio epistolarum pastoralium, decretorum, aliorumque documentorum, quo pro regimine Dioecesis Mechliniensis publicata fuerunt. Tomus Primus, complectens documenta edita a concordato anni 1801 usque ad obitum cels. principis de Méan
T71142: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Grammatica Limbii Române [complete in 2 vols.]
R107292: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Tesserae - Festschrift für Josef Engemann
H93345: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Un santo laico dell'età postgregoriana. Allucio da Pescia (1070 c.a. - 1134). Religione e società nei territori di Lucca e della Valdinievole
R69266: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Paschale mysterium. Studi in memoria dell' abate Prof. Salvatore Marsili [O.S.B.] (1910-1983)
R107254: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 19, 1976
H90659: VARIOUS AUTHORS (HAGIOGRAPHI BOLLANDIANA) - Catalogus codicum hagiographicorum latinorum antiquiorum saeculo XVI qui asservantur in Bibliotheca Nationali Parisiensi. Tomus I-II-III [3 volumes]
R68383: VARIOUS AUTHORS - New Testament Studies. An international journal, published quarterly under the auspices of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Vol.35 (1989)
R84114: VARIOUS AUTHORS [COMMISSIO HISTORICA ORDINIS PRAEMONSTRATENSIS] - Analecta Praemonstratensia. Tomus XXX, XXXI, XXXII (30 to 32, 1954-1956, complete)
R107257: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 22, 1979
F66560: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Essays on Aristole's Poetics
F66462: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Individuation in scholasticism. The later Middle Ages and the counter-reformation, 1150-1650
F66457: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Medieval philosophy
F66456: VARIOUS EDITORS - Ethics and political philosophy
F66453: VARIOUS AUTHORS - A companion to the philosophy in the Middle Ages
R68208: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii periodici Pontifici Instituti Biblici. vol.53
R68209: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii periodici Pontifici Instituti Biblici. vol.52
X92865: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dumbarton Oaks Papers, number twenty-one (21, 1967)
C13296: VARIOUS AUTHORS - African Arts (Periodical, Vol.24-Nr.1)
M94200: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Festskrift Jens Peter Larsen 14.VI 1902-1972. Studier udgivet af musikvidenskabeligt institut ved Kobenhavns Universitet
W75757: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2008
G75410: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Iliria. Revistë arkeologjike - Revue archéologique semestrielle, XVI (1986), 1: Kuvendi II i studimeve Ilire - Iième Colloque des Etudes Illyriennes (Tiranë, 20-23.XI.1985)
G75409: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Iliria. Revistë arkeologjike - Revue archéologique semestrielle XVIII (1988), 2
G75408: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Iliria. Revistë arkeologjike - Revue archéologique semestrielle (1984), 1
G75407: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Iliria. Revistë arkeologjike - Revue archéologique semestrielle, XVI (1988), 1
R68329: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.56 (1975) (complete volume)
F117034: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Nuntia Scotistica, An. III-XII, 1940-1951, ad capitulum generale Ordinis Fratrum Minorum a.d. 1951 Assisii celebrandum delata
G68858: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The cultural heritage in Sweden
R93173: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Analecta Praemonstratensia, tomus LX (60) 1984, fasciculus 1-2
X99965: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Religionsgeschichte des Orients in der Zeit der Weltreligionen [in: Handbuch der Orientalistik, I-8-2]
R107244: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 7, 1964
R70132: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblische Randbemerkungen. Schülerfestschrift für Rudolf Schnackenburg zum 60. Geburtstag
R70125: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The New Testament and gnosis: Essays in honour of Robert McL. Wilson
R38249: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Le millénaire du catholicisme en Pologne. Poland's millenium of catholicism
R104558: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& NIEDERKORN-BRUCK META, ED.) - Kartäusisches Denken und daraus resultierende Netzwerke vom Mittelalter bis zur Neuzeit, Band 5 (Internationale Tagung: Kartause Aggsbach 23-27 August 2011 zum Anlass des 80. Geburtstages von James Hogg) [in: Analecta Cartusiana, 276]
X93139: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Epeteris Hetaireias Byzantinon Spoudon. Volume 37 (1969-1970)
X93138: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Epeteris Hetaireias Byzantinon Spoudon. Volume 29 (1959)
R117047: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Miscellania Anselm M. Albareda, II [dans: Analecta Montserratensia, volume 10]
W73104: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The blood lipids and the clearing factor (IIIrd international conference on biochemical problems of lipids, 26th to 28th of July 1956) / De lipiden van het bloed en de ophelderingsfactor (IIIde internationaal colloquium over de biochemische problemen der lipiden, 26 tot 28 juli 1956)
X93137: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Epeteris Hetaireias Byzantinon Spoudon. Volume 25 (1955)
X93136: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Epeteris Hetaireias Byzantinon Spoudon. Volume 23 (1953) ; Kaniskion Phaidoni I. Kukule [Koukoule, Koukoules]
X116541: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Burlesque of the Philosophers. Indian and Buddhist Studies in Memory of Helmut Krasser. Part II
X98760: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Near Eastern Studies, volume LI (51) 2014
X94905: VARIOUS AUTHORS (LIPINSKI E., ED.) - Studia Phoenicia V: Phoenicia and the East Mediterranean in the first millenium B.C., Proceedings of the Conference held in Leuven from the 14th to the 16th of November 1985 [in: Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 22]
R70086: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Der lebendige Gott. Festschrift für Wilhelm Thüsing zum 75. Geburtstag
X94029: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume 84, Part 2, 1996
F105485: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& STEINMETZ PETER, ED.) - Schriften zu den Politika des Aristoteles
X94025: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume XLIX (49), Part 2: November 1961
X94013: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume 78 (1990), Part 1 + 2
R107294: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Panchaia - Festschrift für Klaus Thraede
X94011: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume 68 (1980), Part 1 + 2 (January + July 1980)
X94008: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume L (50), Part 1 + 2 (January + July 1962)
R69928: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Das Deuteronomium. Entstehung, Gestalt und Botschaft / Deuteronomy. Origin, form and message [BETL 68]
X94004: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume 75, 1987
X88972: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica. Volume 20, 1989
X94003: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume LVI (56), Part 1 + 2 (January + July 1968)
X94002: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume LVII (57), Part 1 + 2 (January + July 1969)
X71594: VARIOUS AUTHORS (POPPE NIKOLAUS, POSCH UDO, DOERFER GERHARD, E.A.) - Altaistik. Zweiter Abschnitt: Mongolistik [in: Handbuch der Orientalistik, Erste Abteilung: Der Nahe und der mittlere Osten, Band V-2]
X93276: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archaeology. Volumes 1 to 9 [complete series, all published]
R68232: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii ad rem biblicam scientifice investigandam a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.25
X94005: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume 74, 1986
R65866: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.2
G116979: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Italia medioevale e umanistica, II (1959)
R113878: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliotheke Ellenon Pateron Kai Ekklesiastikon Suggrapheon. Volume 5 : Theophilos o Antiocheias, Ermeias, Egesippos, Eirenaios, Ippolytos (meros 1)
T83584: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Linguistics in South West Asia and North Africa
R98872: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Collectanea Mechliniensia [commentarius scientiarum ecclesiasticarum] Volume 54, 1969 (complete year)
H108568: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Romana et Sutrina. Beatificazionis et Canonizationis Servi Dei P. Laurentii a S. Francisco Xaverio, sacerdotis professi e Cong.ne Clericorum Regularium Excalceatorum SS.mae Crucis et Passionis D.N.J.C., Positio super Introductione Causae
H108567: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Romana et Sutrina. Beatificationis et Canonizationis Servi Dei P. Laurentii a S. Francisco Xaverio, sacerdotis professi e Cong.ne Clericorum Regularium Excalceatorum SS.mae Crucis et Passionis D.N.I.C.
H108449: VARIOUS AUTHORS [GABRIEL DELL'ADOLORATA] - Pinnen. Canonizationis B. Gabrielis a Virgine Dolorosa clerici professi e Congregatione Clericorum Regularium Excalceatorum a SS. Cruce et Passione D.N.I.C., Alter positio super miraculis
R69624: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Congress volume (Uppsala 1971) [Supplements to Vetus Testamentum, vol.22]
R69616: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Congress volume (Rome, 1968) [Supplements to Vetus Testamentum, vol.17]
R69611: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Studies in the religion of ancient Israel [Supplements to Vetus Testamentum, vol.23]
R69612: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Hebräische Wortforschung. Festschrift zum 80, Geburtstag von Walter Baumgartner [Supplements to Vetus Testamentum, vol.16]
R69608: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Congress volume (Bonn, 1962) [Supplements to Vetus Testamentum, vol.9]
X93118: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Epeteris Hetaireias Byzantinon Spoudon. Volume 2 (1925)
X93115: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Byzantina. Annual Review of the Center for Byzantine Studies of the School of Philosophy, University of Thessaloniki. Volume 2 (1970)
X93112: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Byzantina. Annual Review of the Center for Byzantine Studies of the School of Philosophy, University of Thessaloniki. Volume 9 (1977)
X86575: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch des österreichischen Byzantinischen Gesellschaft. Volume XV (15, 1966)
X86574: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch des österreichischen Byzantinischen Gesellschaft. Volume XVI (16, 1967)
X86573: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch des österreichischen Byzantinischen Gesellschaft. Volume XVII (17, 1968)
R98859: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Collectanea Mechliniensia. Commentarius scientiarum ecclesiasticarum. Volume XLVI (46), novae seriei t. XXXI, 1961 (complete year)
H108572: VARIOUS AUTHORS [GEMMA GALGANI] - Lucana. Beatificationis et canonizationis Servae Dei Gemmae Galgani Virginis
H108569: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Viterbien. Beatificationis et canonizationis Servi Dei Joannis Baptistae a S. Michaele Archangelo, sacerdotis professi e Congregatione Clericorum Excalceatorum SS. Crucis et Passionis D.N.J.C.
H107011: VARIOUS AUTHORS (HAGIOGRAPHI BOLLANDIANI) - Catalogus codicum hagiographicorum Bibliothecae Regiae Bruxellensis. Pars I: Codices Latini Membranei. Tomus I, Tomus II [2 volumes]
O788: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Educazione e Società nel mondo contemporaneo - Studia in onore di Sua Santità Paolo VI
O20104: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Kollektiv Erziehung im Kibbutz - Texte zur vergleichenden Sozialisationsforschung (herausgegeben von L.Liegle)
X92899: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik. 27. Band (1978)
F77162: VARIOUS AUTHORS (SPEER ANDREAS, ED.) - Philosophie und geistiges Erbe des Mittelalters (gehalten auf dem Symposion zum 65. Geburtsttag von prof. Dr. Albert Zimmermann am 9.Juli 1993)
R93175: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Analecta Praemonstratensia, tomus LXI (61) 1985, fasciculus 3-4
R69443: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Kyriakon. Festschrift Johannes Quasten [complete in 2 vols.]
X92898: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik. 28. Band (1979)
X113779: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Mneme Agion Gregoriou tou Theologou kai Megalou Fotiou Arkhiepiskopon Konstantinoupoleos : Praktika epistemonikou symposiou : 14-17 oktobriou 1993
X92897: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik. 29. Band (1980)
X92895: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik. 34. Band (1984)
X92896: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik. 30. Band (1981)
X92890: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dumbarton Oaks Papers, number Thirty-Two (32) 1978
X92894: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dumbarton Oaks Papers, number Forty-Five (45) 1991
X114345: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& BASMADJIAN GARIG, TRANSL.) - Armenian-American Poets : a bilingual anthology
C116498: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Varia Aegyptica et Orientalia Luc Limme in honorem
X92893: VARIOUS AUTHORS (CUTLER ANTHONY & FRANKLIN SIMON, EDS.) - Dumbarton Oaks Papers, number Forty-Six (46) 1992. Homo Byzantinus, Papers in honor of Alexander Kazhdan
X92878: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dumbarton Oaks Papers, number twelve (12) 1958
R69312: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rivista di archeologia cristiana. Pubblicazione trimestrale per cura della Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra e del Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana. Vol.62 (1986) [complete]
X92875: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dumbarton Oaks Papers, number twenty-two (22) 1968
X92874: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dumbarton Oaks Papers, number twenty-six (26), 1972
X92873: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dumbarton Oaks Papers, number twenty-eight (28), 1974
X92870: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dumbarton Oaks Papers, number fourteen (14), 1960
X92871: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dumbarton Oaks Papers, number twenty-five (25, 1971)
X92866: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dumbarton Oaks Papers, number twenty (20, 1966)
R93171: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Analecta Praemonstratensia, tomus LXIII (63) 1987, fasciculus 1-2
R93170: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Analecta Praemonstratensia, tomus LXII (62) 1986, fasciculus 3-4
R93169: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Analecta Praemonstratensia, tomus LXII (62) 1986, fasciculus 1-2
X111378: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik, 23. Band (1974)
R69308: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rivista di archeologia cristiana. Pubblicazione trimestrale per cura della Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra e del Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana. Vol.69 (1993) [complete]
F105560: VARIOUS AUTHORS - L'attualita della problematica aristotelica. Atti del convegno franco-italiano su Aristotele (Padova, 6-8 Apr. 1967)
X91510: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Mongolyn Sudlal [= Mongolian studies, in the series: Studia Mongolica, tomus V fasc.2-7]
R69307: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rivista di archeologia cristiana. Pubblicazione trimestrale per cura della Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra e del Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana. Vol.68 (1992) [complete]
R69305: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rivista di archeologia cristiana. Pubblicazione trimestrale per cura della Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra e del Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana. Vol.67 (1991) [complete]
R69306: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rivista di archeologia cristiana. Pubblicazione trimestrale per cura della Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra e del Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana. Vol.63 (1987) [complete]
X92868: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dumbarton Oaks Papers, number twenty-seven (27, 1973)
X92869: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dumbarton Oaks Papers, number fifteen (15, 1961)
X92892: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dumbarton Oaks Papers, number Forty-Three (43) 1989
X91166: VARIOUS AUTHORS (HUNZAI FAQUIR M., TRANSL. & KASSAM KUTUB, INTROD. & ED.) - Shimmering light. An anthology of Ismaili Poetry
R68229: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii periodici Pontificii Instituti Biblici. vol.60
X92867: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dumbarton Oaks Papers, number thirty-one (31, 1977)
G98919: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 11-12, 1980-1981
G98920: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 10, 1979
G98913: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 22, 1991
G98917: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 15-17, 1984-1986
G98918: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 13-14, 1982-1983
R102800: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Jaargang XXIV (24) 1980 (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen, A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity)
R69513: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Lehramt und Theologie im 16. Jahrhundert
G98916: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 18, 1987
G98915: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 20, 1989
G98914: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 21, 1990
G98907: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 28, 1997
G98912: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 23, 1992
G98911: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 24, 1993
G98910: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 25, 1994
G98909: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 26, 1995
G98908: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 27, 1996
G98906: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 29, 1998-1999
G98905: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 30, 2000
G98902: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 33, 2003
G98903: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 32, 2002
G98904: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 31, 2001
X88971: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica. Volume 19, 1988
X88968: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica. Volume 16, 1985
G98901: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 34, 2004
G98900: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 35, 2005
G98888: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XLVIII (48), 1999
G98878: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 41, 2011
G98889: VARIOUS AUTHORS (DE VOCHT HENRICUS & IJSEWIJN IOSEPHUS, EDS.) - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Studia et textus neolatini. Volume XVII (17), 1968
G98887: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XLIX (49), 2000
G98885: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume LI (51), 2002
G98886: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume L (50), 2001
G98879: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 40, 2010
G98876: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 44, 2014
G98877: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 43, 2013
G98800: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume LXIII (63), 2014
G98875: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 45, 2015
R78704: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ecclesia a Spiritu Sancto edocta Lumen Gentium 53 - Mélanges théologiques Hommage à Mgr. Gérard Philips / Verzamelde Theologische Opstellen aangeboden aan Mgr. Gérard Philips [BETL XXVII]
G98796: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume LXI (61), 2012
G98516: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Aus Geschichte und Landeskunde, Forschungen und Darstellungen, Franz Steinbach zum 65. Geburtstag gewidmet von seinen Freunden und Schülern
X73492: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Die Religionen Südostasiens
R98871: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Collectanea Mechliniensia [commentarius scientiarum ecclesiasticarum] Volume 55, 1970 (complete year)
G98421: VARIOUS AUTHORS - San Martin en la historia y en el bronce (Ano del libertador general san Martin)
X88982: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica. Volumes 1 to 31, 1970-2005 [31 volumes, complete series, all published]
X88981: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica. Volume 30, 1999
X88980: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica. Volume 29, 1998
X88979: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica. Volume 28, 1997
X88978: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica. Volume 27, 1996
X88975: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica. Volume 24, 1993
X88976: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica. Volume 25, 1994
G96108: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gibraltar in the Spanish Cortes (The Spanish red book on Gibraltar)
G95526: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jagen und Sammeln. Festschrift für Hans-Georg Bandi zum 65. Geburtstag (3. September 1985)
X88969: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica. Volume 17, 1986
R84107: VARIOUS AUTHORS [COMMISSIO HISTORICA ORDINIS PRAEMONSTRATENSIS] - Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus XIII & XIV (13-14, 1937-1938, complete)
R69250: VARIOUS AUTHORS - La celebrazione cristiana del matrimonio. Simboli e testi. Atti del II congresso internazionale di liturgia (Roma, 27-31 maggio 1985)
X94006: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume 65, 1977, Part 1 (January) + Part 2 (July)
X86577: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch des österreichischen Byzantinischen Gesellschaft. Volume XIII (13, 1964)
F106985: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ebraismo, Ellenismo, Christianismo, I
F106986: VARIOUS AUTHORS - L'ermeneutica della liberta religiosa
X88965: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica. Volume 13, 1982
X88961: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica. Volume 9, 1978
M95176: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Musica Antica VIII. Volume I: Acta musicologica, Bydgoszcz, 1988 Polska (Filharmonia Pomorska imiena Ignacego Paderewskiego)
R116388: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Res opportunae nostrae aetatis : Studies on the Second Vatican Council offered to Mathijs Lamberigts [BETL, 317]
R116389: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Catholic Church and its Orthodox Sister Churches twenty-five Years after Balamand [BETL, 326]
X93140: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Epeteris Hetaireias Byzantinon Spoudon. Volume 38 (1971)
X88959: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Miscellanea in honorem Josephi Vergote [in: Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica. Volume 6/7, 1975-1976]
X88958: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica. Volume 5, 1974
X88957: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica. Volume 4, 1973
X88956: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica. Volume 3, 1972
X88974: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica. Volume 23, 1992
R69223: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliographia missionaria (Pontifical Missionary Library). Vol.61 (1997)
R69224: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliographia missionaria (Pontifical Missionary Library). Vol.60 (1996)
X85994: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica. Volume 31, 2000-2005
X85993: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica. Volume 22, 1991
R102432: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume XIV (14) 1963 ; Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen. A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity
G93214: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Studien zu Geschichte, Theologie und Wissenschaftsgeschichte, herausgegeben von der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen
G93216: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2012
G93217: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2011
R102430: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume XI (11) 1960 (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen. A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity)
R102431: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume XII (12), 1961 ; Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen. A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity
G93184: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Boletin del seminario de estudios de arte y arqueologia (BSAA) Tomo XXXVI (36) 1970 (Universidad de Valladolid, Facultad de Filosofia y Letras)
G93183: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Boletin del seminario de estudios de arte y arqueologia (BSAA) Tomo XXXVII (37) 1971 (Universidad de Valladolid, Facultad de Filosofia y Letras)
R101662: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Opes atticae Raymondo Bogaert et Hermanno Van Looy oblata (in: Sacris erudiri - Volume XXXI (31) 1989-1990]
R102428: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume V (5) 1953 (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen. A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity)
R102426: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume II (2), 1949 (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen, A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity)
R102427: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume IV (4) 1952 (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen. A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity)
R102424: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume XIII (13), 1962 (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen, A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity)
R102425: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume I (1948) (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen, A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity)
M95175: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Musica Antiqua. VI: pod patronatem Unesco. Acta Scientifica, Bydgoszcz 1982 Polska (Filharmonia Pomorska imiena Ignacego Paderewskiego)
X75953: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Belleten (türk Tarih Kurumu), Cilt XII Sayi 46 (Nisan 1948) / Beleten (Revue publiée par la Société d'Histoire Turque), Tome XII No.46 (Avril 1948)
R102423: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume XIX (19), 1969-1970 (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen, A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity)
R102422: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume XVIII (18), 1967-1968 (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen, A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity)
R102421: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume XVII part 1 and 2 (1966) (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen, A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity)
R69289: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jüdische Liturgie. Geschichte, Struktur, Wesen
G91646: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the British Archaeological Association, Volume XLI (41, 1885), for the encouragement and prosecution of researches into the arts and monuments of the early and middle ages
R69271: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Lex orandi, lex credendi. Miscellanea in onore di P. Cipirano Vagaggini [O.S.B.]
R101450: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris Erudiri - Jaargang XXXV, 1995 ; Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen [A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity]
R101449: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris Erudiri - Jaargang XXXIV, 1994 ; Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen [A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity]
G91096: VARIOUS AUTHORS - I 10 anni della carta del lavoro. Publicazione a cura della Confederazione Fascista dei lavoratori dell'industria, XXI Aprilez anno XV E.F.
R102420: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris Erudiri - Volume XXIII (23), 1978-1979 ; Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen [A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity]
R102419: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume XXII,1-2 (1974-1975) (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen, A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity)
R102418: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris Erudiri - Volume XXXII,2 (1991) ; Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen [A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity]
R100235: VARIOUS AUTHORS (SCHNEEMANN GERHARD S.J., PREF.) - Acta et Decreta Conciliorum recentiorum. Collectio Lacensis. Auctoribus presbyteris S.J. e domo B.V.M. sine labe conceptae ad Lacum. Volume I: Acta et Decreta S. Conciliorum, quae ab episcopis ritus latini ab a. 1682 usque ad a. 1789, sunt celebrata
R100234: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Acta et Decreta Conciliorum recentiorum. Collectio Lacensis. Auctoribus presbyteris S.J. e domo B.V.M. sine labe conceptae ad Lacum. Volume V (5): Ab episcopis Germaniae, Hungariae et Hollandiae ab a. 1789 usque ad a. 1869, celebrata sunt
R100233: VARIOUS AUTHORS (SCHNEEMANN GERHARD S.J., PREF.) - Acta et Decreta Conciliorum recentiorum. Collectio Lacensis. Auctoribus presbyteris S.J. e domo B.V.M. sine labe conceptae ad Lacum. Volume VI (6): Ab episcopis Italiae, Americae Meridionalis et Asiae celebrata sunt, Accedunt supplementa
R100232: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Acta et Decreta Conciliorum recentiorum. Collectio Lacensis. Auctoribus presbyteris S.J. e domo B.V.M. sine labe conceptae ad Lacum. Volume III (3): Ab episcopis Americae Septentrionalis et Imperii Britannici ab a. 1789 usque ad a. 1869 celebrata sunt
R100230: VARIOUS AUTHORS (SCHNEEMANN GERHARD S.J., PREF.) - Acta et Decreta Conciliorum recentiorum. Collectio Lacensis. Auctoribus presbyteris S.J. e domo B.V.M. sine labe conceptae ad Lacum. Volume IV (4): Ab episcopis Galliae ab a. 1789 usque ad a. 1869, celebrata sunt
R100231: VARIOUS AUTHORS (SCHNEEMANN GERHARD S.J., PREF.) - Acta et Decreta Conciliorum recentiorum. Collectio Lacensis. Auctoribus presbyteris S.J. e domo B.V.M. sine labe conceptae ad Lacum. Volume IV (4): Ab episcopis rituum orientalium ab a. 1682 usque ad a. 1789, indeque ad a. 1689, sunt celebrata. Accedunt decreta romana de ritibus orientalibus
R64549: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Virgo immaculata. Acta congressus Mariologici-Mariani (Rome 1954) Vol.8 Fasc.2: De Maria immaculata et reparatione ad mentem ecclesiae et in spiritu congregationis sacerdotum a sacro corde Jesu
B83963: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Liber Memorialis Erik Duverger
X85892: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies. Volume IV, issue 1 (2009)
R103704: VARIOUS AUTHORS - XVIII Semana Biblica Espanola (23-27 sept. 1957) Teologia biblica sobre el pecado, La teologia biblica, otros estudios
G79090: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Monte Sannace gli scavi dell'acropoli (1978-1983)
H99361: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Kyrilliana. Spicilegia edita sancti Cyrilli Alexandrini XV recurrente saeculo 444-1944. Etudes variées à l'occasion du XVe centenaire de saint Cyrille d'Alexandrie 444-1944
R105027: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& POPPI ANTONINO, ED.) - Le fonti e la teologia dei sermoni antoniani (Atti del congresso internazionale di studio sui "Sermones" di S. Antonio di Padova, 5-10 ottobre 1981)
R105010: VARIOUS AUTHORS - El cristiano en el mundo. En el centenario del nacimiento del beato Josemaria Escriva (1902-2002). XXIII simposio internacional de teologia de la Universidad de Navarra
X85890: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies. Volume VI, issue 1 (2011)
X85891: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies. Volume IV, issue 2 (2009)
X85878: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Anatolian studies, journal of the British Institute at Ankara. Volume 59 (2009)
R104983: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& D'AMORE BENEDETTO O.P., ED.) - Tommaso d'Aquino nel i centenario dell'encyclica "Aeterni Patris". Atti del convegno organizzato a Roma dalla societa internazionale Tommaso d'Aquino e dalla Pontificia Universita 'S. Tommaso d'Aquino', Roma 15-16-17 novembre 1979
G94373: VARIOUS AUTHORS - El liberalismo y la reforma en Mexico
X85877: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Anatolian studies, journal of the British Institute at Ankara. Volume 58 (2008)
X71838: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Annual report of the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University for the Academic Year 2000, vol.4
X84282: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Erklärendes Wörterbuch zur Kultur und Kunst des Alten Orients. Ägypten, Vorderasien, Indien, Ostasien
R84109: VARIOUS AUTHORS [COMMISSIO HISTORICA ORDINIS PRAEMONSTRATENSIS] - Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus XVII & XVIII (17-18, 1941-1942, complete)
G87410: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Proceedings of the Supreme Council of sovereigns grand insepctors general of the thirty-third and last degree ancient and accepted Scottish Rite for the dominion of Canada, held at their "grand east, Montreal" 45°, 31' N.lat. and 73°, 20' W. long., meridian of Greenwich, on the tenth day of October a.d. 1877
R108197: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& ALBAN KEVIN O.CARM., ED.) - We sing a hymn of glory to the Lord, preparing to celebrate seven hundred years of Sibert de Beka's Ordinal 1312-2012. Proceedings of the Carmelite Liturgical Seminar, Rome, 6-8 July 2009
R69029: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Romanitas et christianitas. Studia Iano Henrico Waszink a.d. VI Kal. Nov. a. MCMLXXIII XIII lustra complenti oblata
R104526: VARIOUS AUTHORS - L'ordre des chartreux au XIIIe siècle. Actes du colloque international d'histoire et de spiritualité cartusienne. VIIIe centenaire de la fondation de la chartreuse de Valbonne, 11-13 juin 2004 [Analecta Cartusiana, 234]
R68986: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Zeit und Geschichte. Dankesgabe an Rudolf Bultmann zum 80. Geburtstag
R68979: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Jaargang XXII,2 (1974-1975) (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen, A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity)
R68976: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume VI,1 (1954) (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen. A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity)
R68975: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume VI part 2 (1954) (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen. A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity)
R68974: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume XVII,1 (1966) (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen, A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity)
R68972: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume II (2), 1949 (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen, A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity)
R68970: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume IV (4) 1952 (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen. A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity)
R68969: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume V (5) 1953 (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen. A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity)
R68967: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume 9 (1957) (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen [A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity])
R68966: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume 10 (1958) (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen [A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity])
R68964: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume XII (12), 1961 ; Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen. A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity
R68962: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume XIV (14) 1963 ; Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen. A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity
R68961: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume XVI (16), 1965 ; Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen [A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity]
R68960: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume XVIII (18), 1967-1968 (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen, A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity)
R68959: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume XIX (19), 1969-1970 (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen, A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity)
T116099: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sense and Transcendence : Essays in honour of Herman Servotte
T116223: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dialektologie heute - Pour une dialectologie moderne. Festschrift für Hélène Palgen, Mélanges offerts à Hélène Palgen [in: Beiträge zur Luxemburgischen Sprach- und Volkskunde, Nr.XI]
R104189: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Celestino V nel settimo centenario della morte. Convegno Nazionale, Ferentino, 10-12 Maggio 1996
R107270: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 36, 1993
R107271: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 37, 1994
R107268: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 34, 1991
R107269: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 35, 1992
R107245: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 8-9, 1965-1966
R107246: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 10, 1967
R107247: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 11-12, 1968-1969
R107619: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& NIEDERKORN-BRUCK META, ED.) - Liber Amicorum James Hogg. Kartäuserforschung 1970-2006, Band 3, (Internationale Tagung Kartause Aggsbach, 28.8 - 1.9.2006 Kartause Mauerbach)
R107618: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& NIEDERKORN-BRUCK META, ED.) - Liber Amicorum James Hogg. Kartäuserforschung 1970-2006, Band I, (Internationale Tagung Kartause Aggsbach, 28.8 - 1.9.2006 Kartause Mauerbach)
R108424: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Brugen. Beatificationis et canonizationis servi Dei Isidori a Sancto Ioseph (in saeculo: Isidori De Loor) religiosi e Congregatione Passionis D.N.I.C. (1881-1916). Positio super Virtutibus [2 volumes] [added: 7 more related publications]
R104497: VARIOUS AUTHORS - La Cartuja de Valldecrist (1405-2005) VI Centenario del inicio de la obra mayor [Analecta Cartusiana, 233]
R68956: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume XXIII (23), 1978-1979 ; Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen [A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity]
R68955: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Jaargang XXIX (29), 1986 ; Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen [A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity]
R68954: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Jaargang XXVIII (28), 1985 ; Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen [A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity]
R68953: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Jaargang XXVII (27), 1984 ; Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen [A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity]
R104458: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Miscellanea Vermeersch - Scritti pubblicati in onore del r.p. Arturo Vermeersch S.J. [2 volumes] I: Studi in teologia morale e diritto canonico, II: Studi di diritto civile e sociologia
R107356: VARIOUS AUTHORS [NICOLINI GALILEO - GALILAEUS] - Beatificationis et Canonizationis servi Dei Galilaei Nicolini novitii Congregatonis SS. Crucis et Passionis D.N.J.C., Positio super introductione causae : Nullius SS. Vincentii et Anastasii ad Aquas Salvias
R107255: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 20, 1977
R108570: VARIOUS AUTHORS [BRUNI GIOVANNI] - Sabinen seu Ripana. Beatificationis et canonizationis Servi Dei Joannis a Spiritu Sancto, sacerdotis professi Congr.nis SS.mae Crucis et Passionis D.N.J.C. [Giovanni Bruni]
R106026: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& OLDFATHER WILLIAM ABBOTT, ED.) - Studies in the Text Tradition of St. Jerome's Vitae Patrum
R107295: VARIOUS AUTHORS (SCHOLLGEN GEORG & SCHOLTEN CLEMENS, EDS.) - Stimuli - Exegese und ihre Hermeneutik in Antike und Christentum. Festschrift für Ernst Dassmann
R104521: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& BINDEL ROBERT, ED.) - 35 années de recherche et de spiritualité. Congrès International des Analecta Cartusiana du 23 au 26 juin 2005, Chartreuse de Molsheim, France [Analecta Cartusiana, 253]
R104567: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ecclesia a Spiritu Sancto edocta Lumen Gentium 53 - Mélanges théologiques Hommage à Mgr. Gérard Philips / Verzamelde Theologische Opstellen aangeboden aan Mgr. Gérard Philips [BETL XXVII]
R107733: VARIOUS AUTHORS - En el VII centenario de Santo Tomas de Aquino 1274-1974. Cinco ensayos sobre la II parte de la 'Suma Theologica'
R107713: VARIOUS AUTHORS - XVI centenario di S. Atanasio (+ 373) : Incontro sul linguaggio trinitario nei padri della chiesa (Roma, 4-5 Maggio 1973)
R107714: VARIOUS AUTHORS - S. Thomas Aquinas in hodierna formatione sacerdotali
R68951: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Jaargang XXIV (24) 1980 (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen, A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity)
R69302: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rivista di archeologia cristiana. Pubblicazione trimestrale per cura della Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra e del Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana. Vol.65 (1989) [complete]
X93109: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Byzantina. Annual Review of the Center for Byzantine Studies of the School of Philosophy, University of Thessaloniki. Volume 2 (1971)
X93108: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Byzantina. Annual Review of the Center for Byzantine Studies of the School of Philosophy, University of Thessaloniki. Volume I (1969)
X93079: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies. Volume 31, 1971
G79198: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 19: Cappi - Cardona
X106703: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Conference of the Indian hierarchy held ar Mylapore in the year 1921
G65216: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The lost perspective? Trade unions between ideology and social action in the new Europe. I: Ideological persistence in national traditions, II: Significance of ideology in European trade unionism [complete in 2 vols.]
R26465: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Annua Nuntia Lovaniensia - Facultatum Sacrae Theologiae atque Iuris Canonici ; Tomus VII : 1940-41, 41-42, 42-43, 34-44, 44-45, 45-46, 46-47, 47-48, 48-49, '49-'50
R49929: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bericht über den XXIII. Internationalen Eucharistischen Kongress Wien 12. bis 15. September 1912
G79340: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Filosofia e scienze in Magna Grecia. Atti del quinto (5e) convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto, 10-14 ottobre 1965
G79341: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Letteratura e arte figurata nella Magna Grecia. Atti del sesto (6e) convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto, 9-13 ottobre 1966
X69066: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Aspects of Altaic civilization II. Proceedings of the XVIII PIAC (Bloomington, June 29-July 5 1975)
R76011: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ex orbe religionum. Studia Geo Widengren XXIV mense apr. MCMLXXII quo die lustra tredecim feliciter explevit oblata ab collegis, discipulis, amicis, collegae magistro amico congratulantibus [2 vols.]
X100341: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Das Alte Orient, Gemeinverständliche Darstellungen herausgegeben von der Vorderasiatischen Gesellschaft. Jahrgang 11 (1910) till 15 (1915)
R75245: VARIOUS AUTHORS - El hombre moderno a la búsqueda de Dios, según el magisterio de Pablo VI. Jornadas de estudio, Pamplona, 2-3 de octubre de 1999
R75915: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Zwanzigster Internationaler Eucharistischer Kongress in Cöln vom 4. bis 8. August 1909 (amtlicher Bericht herausgegeben im Auftrage des Lokal-Komitees)
G116945: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Studies in the romanization of Etruria
R75911: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Report of the Nineteenth Eucharistic Congress held at Westminster from 9th to 13th September 1908
G68647: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Studia historica Slovaca III
R75587: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Miscellanea Georg Hofmann S.J.
G80204: VARIOUS AUTHORS (IJSEWIJN JOZEF, TOURNOY GILBERT, PIOVESAN AEMILIUS, AND OTHERS) - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XVIII (18, 1969)
G80205: VARIOUS AUTHORS (GRAZIONI ACQUARO MARIA TERESA, MEERSSEMAN GILLES G. O.P., THOEN PAUL, AND OTHERS) - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XIX (19, 1970)
R76747: VARIOUS AUTHORS / COLLECTIF - Convolut of 17 publications on the controversy of the "frequent communion" / Convolut de 17 publications sur la polémique de la "communion fréquente"
G113834: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Annalen des historischen Vereins für den Niederrhein, insbesondere die alte Erzdiöcese Köln. Fünfunddreissigstes Heft (35), 1880
R77145: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Doctor communis fasc.1-2 (Christian humanism in the third millenium: the perspective of Thomas Aquinas)
R78488: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& ADLER NIKOLAUS, HRSG.) - Vom Wort des Lebens. Festschrift für Max Meinertz zur Vollendung des 70.Lebensjahres 19.Dezember 1950, dargeboten von seinen Freunden, Kollegen und Schülern
G86611: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archeaologia Laziale V. Quinto incontro di studio del comitato per l'archeologia laziale
F66449: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Philosophie im Mittelalter. Entwicklungslinien und Paradigmen
G86501: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Estudios en memoria del professor D.Claudio Sanchez-Albornoz, volumen I [in: En la Espana medieval, V]
G86486: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Studi sulla citta antica. Atti del convegno di studi sulla citta etrusca e italica preromana
R78724: VARIOUS AUTHORS (ELTESTER WALTHER, HRSG.) - Judentum, Urchristentum, Kirche. Festschrift für Joachim Jeremias
G86180: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Frühmittelalterliche Studien, Register zu Band 1-5. (Jahrbuch des Instituts für Frühmittelalterforschung der Universität Münster)
G86177: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Frühmittelalterliche Studien, 10. Band (1976). Jahrbuch des Instituts für Frühmittelalterforschung der Universität Münster
G86175: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Frühmittelalterliche Studien, 9. Band (1975). Jahrbuch des Instituts für Frühmittelalterforschung der Universität Münster
G79335: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Economia e società nella Magna Grecia. Atti del dodicesimo (12e) convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto, 8-14 ottobre 1972
G79336: VARIOUS AUTHORS - La citta e il suo territorio. Atti del settimo (7e) convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto, 8-12 ottobre 1967
G79337: VARIOUS AUTHORS - La Magna Grecia nel mondo ellenistico. Atti del nono (9e) convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto, 5-10 ottobre 1969
R77607: VARIOUS AUTHORS - L'opera letteraria di Agostino tra Cassiciacum e Milano. Agostino nelle Terre di Ambrogio (1-4 ootobre 1986)
R76951: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Miscellania Tomista, en commemoració del sisè centenari de la canonització de Sant Tomas d'Aquino
R96100: VARIOUS AUTHORS (DE BOER P.A.H., ED.) - Oudtestamentische Studiën, volume V (5)
R96099: VARIOUS AUTHORS (DE BOER P.A.H., ED.) - Oudtestamentische Studiën, volume VI (6)
R96097: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Syntax and meaning. Studies in Hebrew syntax and biblical exegesis [in: Oudtestamentische Studiën, 18]
R78655: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Miscellanea Liturgica in onore di S.E. il cardinale Giacomo Lercaro, archivescovo di Bologna, Presidente del "Concilium" per l'applicazione della constituzione sulla Sacra Liturgia. Volume Primo
R77623: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Il Vescovo fra storia e teologia. Saggi in onore del card. Silvano Piovanelli
R68935: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vetus Testamentum. A quarterly published by the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament. Vol.14 (1964) fasc.3
R68161: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae - Volume 32 (1994)
R68162: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae - Volume 33 (1995)
X93111: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Byzantina. Annual Review of the Center for Byzantine Studies of the School of Philosophy, University of Thessaloniki. Volume 5 (1973)
X93117: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Epeteris Hetaireias Byzantinon Spoudon. Volume 1 (1924)
X93116: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Byzantina. Annual Review of the Center for Byzantine Studies of the School of Philosophy, University of Thessaloniki. Volume 8 (1976)
X93114: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Byzantina. Annual Review of the Center for Byzantine Studies of the School of Philosophy, University of Thessaloniki. Volume 4 (1972)
X93113: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Byzantina. Annual Review of the Center for Byzantine Studies of the School of Philosophy, University of Thessaloniki. Volume 7 (1975)
R68159: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae - Volume 30 (1992)
X92880: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dumbarton Oaks Papers, numbers Nine and Ten (9-10) 1956
X92879: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dumbarton Oaks Papers, number eleven (11) 1957
X92877: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dumbarton Oaks Papers, number thirteen (13) 1959
X77479: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Proceedings of the 46th Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference June 22-27 2003. Uluslararasi Surekli Altayistik Konferansi Bildirileri 22-27 Haziran 2003
X77475: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Verhandlungen des XIII.Internationalen Orientalisten-Kongresses, Hamburg September 1902
R93176: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Analecta Praemonstratensia, tomus XLIV (44) 1968, fasciculus 3-4
R82501: VARIOUS AUTHORS (CROSS F.L., ED.) - Studia Patristica vol.VI: Papers presented top the Third International Conference on Patristic Studies held atr Christ Church, Oxford, 1959. Part IV: Theologica, Augustiniana
X94024: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume XXXIX (39), Part 2: January 1952
X94023: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume 66, 1978, Part 1 (January) + Part 2 (July)
X94022: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume 61, Part 1 + 2 (January + July 1973)
X94021: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume 64, Part 1 + 2 (January + July 1976)
X94020: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume 62, Part 1 + 2 (January + July 1974)
X94019: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume LVIII (58), Part 1 + 2 (January + July 1970)
X94018: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume 91, 2003
X94017: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume 92, 2004
X94016: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume 93, 2005
X94014: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume 79 (1991), Part 1 + 2
X94015: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume 80 (1992), Part 1 + 2
X72421: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Neue Folge, Band 3 (1983). International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
X72420: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Neue Folge, Band 2 (1982). International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
R68934: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vetus Testamentum. A quarterly published by the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament. Vol.14 (1964) fasc.2
R68933: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vetus Testamentum. A quarterly published by the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament. Vol.14 (1964) fasc.1
G86011: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia istorica a Romaniei - Bibliographia Historica Romaniae. II: Secolul XIX, Tom I: Cadrul general. tara si locuitori
G85918: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Annual of the British School of Athens, no.69, 1974
G85967: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde. Band I: Aachen - Bajuwaren
G85973: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Quaderni del museo archeologico provinciale "Francesco Ribezzo" di Brindisi. Ricerche e studi, XIII, 1980-1987
G85976: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Cronica del III Congreso arqueologico del sudeste espanol, Murcia 1947
G85980: VARIOUS AUTHORS - La civita di Artena. Scavi belgi 1979-1989
G85981: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Civilta' preistoriche e protostoriche della Daunia. Atti del colloquio internazionale, Foggia, 24-29 Aprile 1973
G86004: VARIOUS AUTHORS - I problemi della ceramica romana di Ravenna, della Valle padana e dell'alto Adriatico. Atti del convegno internazionale, Ravenna 10-12 Maggio 1969
G86005: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Mare d'Egnazia dalla preistoria ad oggi. Ricerche e problemi
G86006: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Il promontorio Garganico tra tardoromano e paleocristiano. Atti della VI esposizione archeologica
G86010: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia istorica a Romaniei - Bibliographia Historica Romaniae. I: 1944-1969
G85904: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Viator. Medieval and renaissance studies, volume 9 (1978)
R68932: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vetus Testamentum. A quarterly published by the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament. Vol.19 (1969) [complete volume]
R68921: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vetus Testamentum. Quarterly published by the International Organization of Old Testament Scholars. Vol.4 (1954) [complete volume]
R68922: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vetus Testamentum. Quarterly published by the International Organization of Old Testament Scholars. Vol.5 (1955) [complete volume]
R68923: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vetus Testamentum. Quarterly published by the International Organization of Old Testament Scholars. Vol.6 (1956) [complete volume]
R68924: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vetus Testamentum. Quarterly published by the International Organization of Old Testament Scholars. Vol.7 (1957) [complete volume]
R68925: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vetus Testamentum. Quarterly published by the International Organization of Old Testament Scholars. Vol.8 (1958) [complete volume]
R68926: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vetus Testamentum. Quarterly published by the International Organization of Old Testament Scholars. Vol.9 (1959) [complete volume]
R68928: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vetus Testamentum. Quarterly published by the International Organization of Old Testament Scholars. Vol.15 (1965) [complete volume]
R68929: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vetus Testamentum. A quarterly published by the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament. Vol.16 (1966) [complete volume]
R68930: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vetus Testamentum. A quarterly published by the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament. Vol.17 (1967) [complete volume]
R68931: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vetus Testamentum. A quarterly published by the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament. Vol.18 (1968) [complete volume]
R68907: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 68 (1973, complete volume)
R68804: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Il cardinale August J. Hlond, primate di Polonia (1881-1948). Note sul suo operato apostolico (Atti della serata di studio: Roma, 20 maggio 1999)
R68908: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 69 (1974, complete volume)
R68913: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 77 (1982, complete volume)
R68915: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 79 (1984, complete volume)
R68917: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 88 (1993, complete volume)
R68918: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vetus Testamentum. Quarterly published by the International Organization of Old Testament Scholars. Vol.1 (1951) [complete volume]
R68919: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vetus Testamentum. Quarterly published by the International Organization of Old Testament Scholars. Vol.2 (1952) [complete volume]
R68920: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vetus Testamentum. Quarterly published by the International Organization of Old Testament Scholars. Vol.3 (1953) [complete volume]
R68912: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 76 (1981, complete volume)
R68909: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 73 (1978, complete volume)
R68910: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 74 (1979, complete volume)
G113410: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Medioevo latino. Bollettino bibliografico della cultura europea da Boezio a Erasmo (secoli VI-XV). Volume XXXIX (39) 2018
R84707: VARIOUS AUTHORS - L'Enciclica Aeterni Patris nell'Arco di un secolo. Atti del'VIII Congresso Tomistico Internazionale [3 volumes]
G85754: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Österreichische Archive unter dem Hakenkreuz
R107279: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 46, 2003
R107280: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 47, 2004
R68303: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 84 (1989, complete volume)
R68302: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 83 (1988, complete volume)
R86928: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Historia et spiritualitas Cartusiensis, colloquii quarti internationalis. Acta, Gandavi, Antverpiae, Brugis. 16-19 Sept. 1982
G80047: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bollettino di Archeologia (Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali). Anno I no.1 (1989)
B79021: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Belgium, september 1944. An Anglo-Belgian symposium to commemorate the fortieth anniversary of the liberation of Belgium
R94394: VARIOUS AUTHORS (FINGER HEINZ & HIESTAND RUDOLF, HRSG.) - Bischöfe, Klöster, Universitäten und Rom. Gedenkschrift für Josef Semmler 1928-2011
R68310: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 92 (1997, complete volume)
R68311: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.72 (1991) (complete volume)
R68312: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.73 (1992) (complete volume)
R68313: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.74 (1993) (complete volume)
R68314: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.75 (1994) (complete volume)
R68315: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.76 (1995) (complete volume)
R68316: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.77 (1996) (complete volume)
R68317: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.78 (1997) (complete volume)
R68318: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.79 (1998) (complete volume)
R68319: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.71 (1990) (complete volume)
R68320: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.70 (1989) (complete volume)
R68322: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.68 (1987) (complete volume)
R68324: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.64 (1983) (complete volume)
R68325: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.63 (1982) (complete volume)
G98896: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume LVII (57), 2008
G98895: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume LVI (56), 2007
G98893: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume LII (52), 2003
G98894: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume LIII (53), 2004
R24428: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Studien und Mitteilungen zur Geschichte des Benediktiner-Ordens und seiner Zweige (herausgegeben von der Bayerischen Benediktinerakademie) Band 55 [in copy]
R68882: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.15 (1973)
G79661: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Die Volkskunde und ihre Grenzgebiete
R84101: VARIOUS AUTHORS [COMMISSIO HISTORICA ORDINIS PRAEMONSTRATENSIS] - Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus VI (6, 1930, complete)
R84103: VARIOUS AUTHORS [COMMISSIO HISTORICA ORDINIS PRAEMONSTRATENSIS] - Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus III (3, 1927, complete)
R84117: VARIOUS AUTHORS [COMMISSIO HISTORICA ORDINIS PRAEMONSTRATENSIS] - Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus XXXIX, XL & XLI (39 to 41, 1963-1965, complete)
R84119: VARIOUS AUTHORS [COMMISSIO HISTORICA ORDINIS PRAEMONSTRATENSIS] - Analecta Praemonstratensia. Tomus XLVII & XLVIII (47-48, 1971-1972, complete)
R84120: VARIOUS AUTHORS [COMMISSIO HISTORICA ORDINIS PRAEMONSTRATENSIS] - Analecta Praemonstratensia. Tomus IL & L (49-50, 1973-1974, complete)
R84121: VARIOUS AUTHORS [COMMISSIO HISTORICA ORDINIS PRAEMONSTRATENSIS] - Analecta Praemonstratensia. Tomus LIII & LIV (53-54, 1977-1978, complete)
R94584: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orientalia Christiana Periodica. Volumen 79 fasc.2, 2013. Commentarii de re orientali aetatis christianae sacra et profana editi cura et opere pontificii instituti orientalium studiorum
R81109: VARIOUS AUTHORS [COMMISSIO HISTORICA ORDINIS PRAEMONSTRATENSIS] - Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus VI (1930), fascicules 1 to 4
R79514: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Miscellanea Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae, I
R107262: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 27-28, 1984-1985
R68905: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 60 (1965, complete volume)
R68906: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 61 (1966, complete volume)
R93172: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Analecta Praemonstratensia, tomus LXIII (63) 1987, fasciculus 3-4
R68902: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 56 (1961, complete volume)
R68903: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 58 (1963, complete volume)
R68904: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 59 (1964, complete volume)
V42854: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Russian kerchiefs and shawls
R68900: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 51 (1956, complete volume)
R68893: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.26 (1984)
R68894: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.27 (1985)
R68895: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.28 (1986)
R68896: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.29 (1987)
R68897: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.40 (1998)
R68892: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.25 (1983)
R68889: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.22 (1980)
R68890: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.23 (1981)
R68891: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.24 (1982)
R68887: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.20 (1978)
R68888: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.21 (1979)
R68885: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.18 (1976)
R68886: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.19 (1977)
R68883: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.16 (1974)
R68884: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.17 (1975)
R68880: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.13 (1971)
R68881: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.14 (1972)
R69972: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Wort, Lied und Gottesspruch. Festschrift für Joseph Ziegler. I: Beiträge zur Septuaginta. II: Beiträge zu Psalmen und Propheten [2 vols.]
R85965: VARIOUS AUTHORS [COMMISSIO HISTORICA ORDINIS PRAEMONSTRATENSIS] - Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus X (10, 1934, complete)
R85963: VARIOUS AUTHORS [COMMISSIO HISTORICA ORDINIS PRAEMONSTRATENSIS] - Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus IX (9, 1933, complete)
R85031: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Adriano Bernareggi, vescovo di Bergamo 1932-1953
X103722: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Studia classica et orientalia Antonio Pagliaro oblata [3 volumes]
R79547: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Selectae patrum Societatis Jesu Orationes
R80761: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sanctus Augustinus Vitae Spiritualis Magister. Settimane internazionale di spiritualita' Agostiniana, Roma 22-27 Ottobre 1956. Volume II
R80723: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gli Agostiniani a Venezia e la chiesa di Santo Stefano. Atti della giornata di studio nel V centenario della dedicazione della chiesa di santo Stefano, Venezia, 10 novembre 1995
F105523: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Aristotelismus und Renaissance. In memoriam Charles B. Schmitt
A107912: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Die Alpen, Les Alpes, Le Alpi, Las Alps. Volume XX (20) 1944. Monaschrift des Schweizer Alpenclub, Revue du Club Alpin Suisse, Rivista del Club Alpino Svizzero, Survista dal Club Alpin Svizzer
B103824: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Silver Jubilee of the Association of English-speaking Catholics in the North of Belgium (A.E.S.C.) 1937-1962. Souvenir-booklet
S108260: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sztuka Europejska XV - XVIII wieku (ze zbiorow Muzeum Sztuki w Lodzi)
G81873: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Archaeological Journal- for the encouragment and prosecution of researches into arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. Volume XVII (17), 1860 [by The Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland]
G81866: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Archaeological Journal- for the encouragment and prosecution of researches into arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. Volume XXVII (27), 1870 [by The Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland]
G81867: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Archaeological Journal- for the encouragment and prosecution of researches into arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. Volume XXV (25), 1868 [by The Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland]
G81868: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Archaeological Journal- for the encouragment and prosecution of researches into arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. Volume XXIV (24), 1867 [by The Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland]
G81869: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Archaeological Journal- for the encouragment and prosecution of researches into arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. Volume XXIII (23), 1866 [by The Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland]
G81870: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Archaeological Journal- for the encouragment and prosecution of researches into arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. Volume XXII (22), 1865 [by The Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland]
G81872: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Archaeological Journal- for the encouragment and prosecution of researches into arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. Volume XX (20), 1863 [by The Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland]
G81871: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Archaeological Journal- for the encouragment and prosecution of researches into arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. Volume XXI (21), 1864 [by The Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland]
G81864: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Archaeological Journal- for the encouragment and prosecution of researches into arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. Volume XXIX (29), 1872 [by The Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland]
G81865: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Archaeological Journal- for the encouragment and prosecution of researches into arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. Volume XXVIII (28), 1871 [by The Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland]
R68879: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.12 (1970)
R94586: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orientalia Christiana Periodica. Volumen 78 fasc.2, 2012. Commentarii de re orientali aetatis christianae sacra et profana editi cura et opere pontificii instituti orientalium studiorum
R94587: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana, volume LXXIX (79) 2003 (a cura della Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra e del Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana)
R94588: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana, volume LXXXIII (83) 2007 (a cura della Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra e del Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana)
R94589: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana, volume LXXXVII-LXXXVIII (87-88) 2011-2012 (a cura della Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra e del Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana)
G81856: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Archaeological Journal- for the encouragment and prosecution of researches into arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. Volume XXXVIII (38), 1881 [by The Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland]
G81857: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Archaeological Journal- for the encouragment and prosecution of researches into arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. Volume XXXVI (36), 1879 [by The Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland]
G81858: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Archaeological Journal- for the encouragment and prosecution of researches into arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. Volume XL (40), 1883 [by The Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland]
G81859: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Archaeological Journal- for the encouragment and prosecution of researches into arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. Volume XXXVII (37), 1880 [by The Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland]
G81860: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Archaeological Journal- for the encouragment and prosecution of researches into arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. Volume XXXV (35), 1878 [by The Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland]
G81861: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Archaeological Journal- for the encouragment and prosecution of researches into arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. Volume XXXIV (34), 1877 [by The Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland]
G81862: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Archaeological Journal- for the encouragment and prosecution of researches into arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. Volume XXXIII (33), 1876 [by The Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland]
G81863: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Archaeological Journal- for the encouragment and prosecution of researches into arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. Volume XXX (30), 1873 [by The Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland]
R98858: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Collectanea Mechliniensia. Commentarius scientiarum ecclesiasticarum. Volume XLV (45), novae seriei t. XXX, 1960 (complete year)
X114180: VARIOUS AUTHORS (BOZOYAN A.A., ED.) - Cilician Armenia in the perceptions of adjacent political entities (historical-philological essays)
G115150: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Medioevo latino. Bollettino bibliografico della cultura europea da Boezio a Erasmo (secoli VI-XV). Volume XXXVI (36) 2015
S84462: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Flanders in the fifteenth century. Art and civilization
S84454: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Flemish drawings of the seventeenth century, from the collection of Frits Lugt, Institut Néerlandais, Paris
R94585: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orientalia Christiana Periodica. Volumen 77 fasc.2, 2011. Commentarii de re orientali aetatis christianae sacra et profana editi cura et opere pontificii instituti orientalium studiorum
R97244: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Regalis Carthusia - lo sguardo, l'incanto, il potere
G113832: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Annalen des historischen Vereins für den Niederrhein, insbesondere die alte Erzdiöcese Köln. Zweiunddreissigstes Heft (32), 1878
R95586: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Montini, Journet, Maritain : Une famille d'esprit. Journées d'étude, Molsheim, 4-5 juin 1999
R95585: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Atto accademico per la presentazione di "Vaticano II Bilancio e Prospettive. Venticinque anni dopo (1962-1987)" Roma, 19 gennaio 1988
R95579: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Paolo VI e la collegialita episcopale. Colloquio internazionale di studio, Brescia, 25-26-27 settembre 1992
R95580: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Paul VI et les réformes institutionnelles dans l'Eglise. Journée d'études, Fribourg (Suisse) 9 novembre 1985
R95581: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Paul VI et l'art ; Journée d'études, Paris 27 janvier 1988
R95582: VARIOUS AUTHORS - El sacerdocio en la obra y el pensamiento de Pablo VI. Giornata di studio, Salamanca, 8 novembre 1991
R95583: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Religious liberty ; Paul VI and 'Dignitatus Humanae' (Symposium, 3-5 June 1993)
R95584: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Pablo VI y Espana. Giornata di studio, Madrid, 20-21 maggio 1994
R98158: VARIOUS AUTHORS (SCHNEEMANN GERHARD S.J. & GRANDERATH THEODOR S.J., PREF.) - Acta et Decreta Conciliorum recentiorum. Collectio Lacensis. Auctoribus presbyteris S.J. e domo B.V.M. sine labe conceptae ad Lacum [7 volumes, complete]
R84115: VARIOUS AUTHORS [COMMISSIO HISTORICA ORDINIS PRAEMONSTRATENSIS] - Analecta Praemonstratensia. Tomus XXXIII, XXXIV & XXXV (33 to 35, 1957-1959, complete)
R84116: VARIOUS AUTHORS [COMMISSIO HISTORICA ORDINIS PRAEMONSTRATENSIS] - Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus XXXVI, XXXVII & XXXVIII (36 to 38, 1960-1962, complete)
X74865: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Studies on the inner languages, vol.XIII
X74864: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Studies on the inner Asian languages, vol.XII
S84606: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Experiment Bauhaus. Das Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin (West) zu Gast im Bauhaus Dessau
G80208: VARIOUS AUTHORS (IJSEWIJN J., DEMERSON GENEVIEVE, BERRIGAN J.R., AND OTHERS) - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XXII (22, 1973)
G80209: VARIOUS AUTHORS (DEKKER A.M.M., KLUYSKENS J., NAUWELAERTS M.A., KAISER L.M., AND OTHERS) - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XXIII (23, 1974)
R95981: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Studia Dondersiana. Beato Petro Donders C.SS.R. leprosorum apostolo in solemni beatificatione obsequii fratrum munus
C99905: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Miscellanea zoologica H. Schouteden
X71498: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Tractata Altaica, Denis Sinor sexagenario optime de rebus altaicis merito dedicata
X71491: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Essays in Tai linguistics
R68455: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria di Propaganda Fide). Vol.26 (1962)
R68456: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria di Propaganda Fide). Vol.27 (1963)
R68457: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria di Propaganda Fide). Vol.29 (1965)
R68458: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Unione Missionaria del Clero in Italia). Vol.11 (1947)
H90658: VARIOUS AUTHORS (HAGIOGRAPHI BOLLANDIANI) - Catalogus codicum hagiographicorum Bibliothecae Regiae Bruxellensis. Pars I: Codices Latini Membranei. Tomus I, Tomus II [2 volumes]
R68453: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria di Propaganda Fide). Vol.24 (1960)
R68451: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria di Propaganda Fide). Vol.14 (1950)
R68452: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria di Propaganda Fide). Vol.23 (1959)
S85489: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rubens e la pittura fiamminga del Seicento nelle collezioni pubbliche fiorentine. Rubens et la peinture flamande du XVIIème siècle dans les collections publiques florentines
T88250: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Medium Aevum deutsch. Beiträge zur deutschen Literatur des hohen und späten Mittelalters. Festschrift für Kurt Ruh zum 65. Geburtstag
R92271: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Ave Maria. A catholic family magazine devoted to the honor of the Blessed Virgin. Volume 41, July-December 1895
R92272: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Ave Maria. A catholic family magazine devoted to the honor of the Blessed Virgin. Volume 42, January-July 189§
R68469: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Unione Missionaria del Clero in Italia). Vol.1
R68471: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vetus Testamentum. A quarterly published by the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament. Vol.37 (1987) [complete volume]
R68472: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vetus Testamentum. A quarterly published by the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament. Vol.38 (1988) [complete volume]
R68473: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vetus Testamentum. A quarterly published by the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament. Vol.39 (1989) [complete volume]
R68474: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vetus Testamentum. A quarterly published by the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament. Vol.40 (1990) [complete volume]
R68476: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vetus Testamentum. A quarterly published by the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament. Vol.43 (1993) [complete volume]
R68477: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vetus Testamentum. A quarterly published by the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament. Vol.44 (1994) [complete volume]
R68478: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vetus Testamentum. A quarterly published by the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament. Vol.45 (1995) [complete volume]
R68479: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vetus Testamentum. A quarterly published by the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament. Vol.46 (1996) [complete volume]
R68481: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris Erudiri - Jaargang XXXII,2 (1991) ; Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen [A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity]
R68468: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Unione Missionaria del Clero in Italia). Vol.2 (1934-1935)
R68467: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Unione Missionaria del Clero in Italia). Vol.3 (1936)
R68466: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Unione Missionaria del Clero in Italia). Vol.4 (1937)
R68465: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Unione Missionaria del Clero in Italia). Vol.5 (1938)
R68464: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Unione Missionaria del Clero in Italia). Vol.6 (1939)
R68463: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Unione Missionaria del Clero in Italia). Vol.7 (1940)
R68462: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Unione Missionaria del Clero in Italia). 1938-1941
R68460: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Unione Missionaria del Clero in Italia). Vol.9 (1942)
R68461: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Unione Missionaria del Clero in Italia). Vol.8 (1941)
R68459: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Unione Missionaria del Clero in Italia). Vol.10 (1943-46)
R68454: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria di Propaganda Fide). Vol.25 (1961)
S21669: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Stadt Paderborn ; Ein Jahrzehnt Aufbau und Planning 1945-1955
S84194: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The forty-fourth (44th) volume of The Walpole Society, 1972-1974
S84192: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The forty-seventh (47th) volume of The Walpole Society, 1978-1980
S84191: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The forty-sixth (46th) volume of The Walpole Society, 1976-1978
S67539: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Saggi e memorie di storia dell'arte, vol.32 (2008)
R68443: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria di Propaganda Fide). Vol.21 (1957)
R68408: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.11 (1969)
R68409: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.10 (1968)
R68410: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.4 (1960)
R68411: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.5 (1962)
R68412: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliographia missionaria (Pontifical Missionary Library of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples). Vol.57 (1993)
R68413: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliographia missionaria (Pontifical Missionary Library of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples). Vol.58 (1994)
R68414: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliographia missionaria (Pontifical Missionary Library of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples). Vol.59 (1995)
R68415: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliographia missionaria (Pontifical Missionary Library of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples). Vol.53 (1989)
R68416: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliographia missionaria (Pontifical Missionary Library of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples). Vol.50 (1986)
R68417: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliographia missionaria (Pontifical Missionary Library of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples). Vol.56 (1992)
R68418: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliographia missionaria (Pontifical Missionary Library of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples). Vol.54 (1990)
R68446: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria di Propaganda Fide). Vol.18 (1954)
R68447: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria di Propaganda Fide). Vol.17 (1953)
R68448: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria di Propaganda Fide). Vol.16 (1952)
R68449: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria di Propaganda Fide). Vol.15 (1951)
R68450: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria di Propaganda Fide). Vol.13 (1949)
G79326: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Le genti non greche della Magna Grecia. Atti dell'undicesimo (11e) convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 10-15 ottobre 1971 [2 volumes]
G79322: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Magna Grecia, Epiro e Macedonia. Atti del ventiquatrresimo (24e) convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 5-10 ottobre 1984
G79323: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Metropoli e colonie di Magna Grecia. Atti del terzo (3e) convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, tenuto a Taranto dal 13 al 17 ottobre 1963
G79324: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Greci e Italici in Magna Grecia. Atti del primo (1e) convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 4-8 novembre 1961
G79325: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vie di Magna Grecia. Atti del secondo (2e) convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, tenuto a Taranto dal 14 al 18 ottobre 1962
R68444: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria di Propaganda Fide). Vol.20 (1956)
R68445: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria di Propaganda Fide). Vol.19 (1955)
G79320: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Siris e l'influenza ionica in occidente. Atti del ventesimo (20e) convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 12-17 ottobre 1980
G79319: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Magna Grecia bizantina e tradizione classica. Atti del decimosettimo (17e) convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 9-14 ottobre 1977
G79317: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Neapolis. Atti del venticinquesimo (25e) convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 3-7 ottobre 1985
G63224: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Studi Sardi
R68442: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria di Propaganda Fide). Vol.22 (1958)
R68440: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria della S.C. per l'Evangelizzazione dei Popoli). Vol.48 (1984)
R68441: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria di Propaganda Fide). Vol.12 (1948)
R68439: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria della S.C. per l'Evangelizzazione dei Popoli). Vol.46 (1982)
R68431: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria della S.C. per l'Evangelizzazione dei Popoli). Vol.35 (1971)
R68432: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria della S.C. per l'Evangelizzazione dei Popoli). Vol.36 (1972)
R68433: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria della S.C. per l'Evangelizzazione dei Popoli). Vol.45 (1981)
R68434: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria della S.C. per l'Evangelizzazione dei Popoli). Vol.40 (1985)
R68435: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria della S.C. per l'Evangelizzazione dei Popoli). Vol.44 (1980)
R68436: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria della S.C. per l'Evangelizzazione dei Popoli). Vol.43 (1979)
R68437: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria della S.C. per l'Evangelizzazione dei Popoli). Vol.42 (1978)
R68438: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria della S.C. per l'Evangelizzazione dei Popoli). Vol.47 (1983)
S63587: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Maurilio Colombini
F98552: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& ROBERTS GEORGE W., ED.) - Bertrand Russell Memorial Volume
R68419: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliographia missionaria (Pontifical Missionary Library of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples). Vol.55 (1991)
R68420: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliographia missionaria (Pontifical Missionary Library of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples). Vol.52 (1988)
R68421: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliographia missionaria (Pontifical Missionary Library of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples). Vol.51 (1987)
R68422: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria "De Propaganda Fide"). Vol.32 (1968)
R68423: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria "De Propaganda Fide"). Vol.31 (1967)
R68424: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria "De Propaganda Fide"). Vol.30 (1966)
R68425: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria della S.C. per l'Evangelizzazione dei Popoli). Vol.41 (1977)
R68426: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria della S.C. per l'Evangelizzazione dei Popoli). Vol.40 (1976)
R68427: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria della S.C. per l'Evangelizzazione dei Popoli). Vol.39 (1975)
R68428: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria della S.C. per l'Evangelizzazione dei Popoli). Vol.37 (1973)
R68429: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria della S.C. per l'Evangelizzazione dei Popoli). Vol.38 (1974)
R68430: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliografia missionaria (Pontificia Biblioteca Missionaria della S.C. per l'Evangelizzazione dei Popoli). Vol.34 (1970)
R96085: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Studies on Psalms [in: Oudtestamentische Studiën, 13]
R96086: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Studies on the Book of Genesis [in: Oudtestamentische Studiën, 12]
S85074: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Johann Bockhorst 1604-1668
B98892: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Faculty of Theology of Louvain. Studies on the history of the faculty of theology on the occasion of the 550th anniversary of the founding of the Catholic University of Louvain
V88044: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vocabulario portugues de tecnica textil. Alemao, Espanhol, frances, ingles, italiano, sueco
X111627: VARIOUS AUTHORS (KHACHIKIAN LEVON, ED.) - Banber Matenadarani, 13 = Vestnik Matenadarana, 13
G80212: VARIOUS AUTHORS (TOURNOY-THOEN GODELIEVE, IJSEWIJN J., RYAN L.V., DEMERSON-BARTHELOT GENEVIEVE, AND OTHERS) - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XXVI (26, 1977)
G80213: VARIOUS AUTHORS (IJSEWIJN J., TOURNOY-THOEN GODELIEVE, VEISSIERE M., BINNS J.W., AND OTHERS) - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XXVII (27, 1978)
R68404: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.38 (1996)
R68405: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.9 (1967)
R68406: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.7 (1964-1965)
R68407: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.6 (1963)
R68341: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - Commentarii de re theologica editi a professoribus Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae; vol.49 (1968) (complete volume)
R68340: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.50 (1969) (complete volume)
S84555: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Scientific examination of early Netherlandish painting. Applications in art history
S108133: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& DE BAERE BART, ED.) - A Story of The Image : Old & New Masters from Antwerp
C103363: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Göttinger Miszellen - Beiträge zur ägyptologischen Diskussion. Collection of 60 parts & indices to vol.1-60
R68395: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.32 (1990)
R68402: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.8 (1966)
R68403: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.39 (1997)
R68396: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.31 (1989)
R68397: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.30 (1988)
R68398: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.37 (1995)
R68399: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.36 (1994)
R68400: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.35 (1993)
R68401: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.34 (1992)
R68389: VARIOUS AUTHORS - New Testament Studies. An international journal, published quarterly under the auspices of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Vol.25 (1979)
R68390: VARIOUS AUTHORS - New Testament Studies. An international journal, published quarterly under the auspices of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Vol.24 (1978)
R68391: VARIOUS AUTHORS - New Testament Studies. An international journal, published quarterly under the auspices of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Vol.33 (1977)
R68392: VARIOUS AUTHORS - New Testament Studies. An international journal, published quarterly under the auspices of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Vol.22 (1976)
R68394: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Novum Testamentum, an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies. Vol.33 (1991)
R68388: VARIOUS AUTHORS - New Testament Studies. An international journal, published quarterly under the auspices of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Vol.26 (1980)
R68384: VARIOUS AUTHORS - New Testament Studies. An international journal, published quarterly under the auspices of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Vol.34 (1988)
R98865: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Collectanea Mechliniensia. Commentarius scientiarum ecclesiasticarum. Volume XLI (41), novae seriei t. XXVI, 1956 (complete year)
R98863: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Collectanea Mechliniensia. Commentarius scientiarum ecclesiasticarum. Volume XL (40), novae seriei t. XXV, 1955 (complete year)
R98862: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Collectanea Mechliniensia. Commentarius scientiarum ecclesiasticarum. Volume XLII (42), novae seriei t. XXVII, 1957 (complete year)
R98861: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Collectanea Mechliniensia. Commentarius scientiarum ecclesiasticarum. Volume XLIV (44), novae seriei t. XXIX, 1959 (complete year)
R98860: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Collectanea Mechliniensia. Commentarius scientiarum ecclesiasticarum. Volume XLIII (43), novae seriei t. XXVIII, 1958 (complete year)
G98921: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 9, 1978
G98924: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 6, 1975
G98925: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 5, 1974
G98926: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Society, volume 4, 1973
G80233: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XLVII (47, 1998)
G80218: VARIOUS AUTHORS (IJSEWIJN J., DAVIS CH.J., BLUSCH J., VECCE C., AND OTHERS) - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XXXII (32, 1983)
G80219: VARIOUS AUTHORS (NEUHAUSEN K.A., TRAPP E., HEESAKKERS CHR.L., VAN DE VENNE H., A.O.) - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XXXIII (33, 1984)
G80221: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XXXV (35, 1986)
G80222: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XXXVI (36, 1987)
G80223: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XXXVII (37, 1988)
G80224: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XXXVIII (38, 1989)
G80225: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XXXIX (39, 1990)
G80226: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XL (40, 1991)
G80227: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XLI (41, 1992)
G80228: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XLII (42, 1993)
G80229: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XLIII (43, 1994): Corona Martiniana. Studia in honorem Iani Martinek Pragensis Septuagenarii
G80230: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XLIV (44, 1995)
G80231: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XLV (45, 1996)
G80232: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XLVI (46, 1997)
T69907: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Oral art forms and their passage into writing
T71966: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Festskrift til Kristian Hald. Navneforskning dialektologi sproghistorie. Pa halvfjerdsarsdagen 9.9.1974
S96965: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Fra Trama e Ordito 2, Mostra antiquaria di arti tessili ; Arazzi, Tappeti, Tessuti
H113320: VARIOUS AUTHORS (HAGIOGRAPHI BOLLANDIANI) - Catalogus codicum hagiographicorum Bibliothecae Regiae Bruxellensis. Pars I: Codices Latini Membranei. Tomus I, Tomus II [2 volumes]
G80217: VARIOUS AUTHORS (ONOFRI LAURA, LEYS FR., KAISER L.M., AND OTHERS) - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XXXI (31, 1982)
G80216: VARIOUS AUTHORS (WEISS J.M., RUMMEL ERIKA, KOLLER H., AND OTHERS) - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XXX (30, 1981)
G80215: VARIOUS AUTHORS (BERRIGAN J.R., SCARCIA PIACENTINI PAOLA, BENTLEY J.H., IJSEWIJN J., AND OTHERS) - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XXIX (29, 1980)
T65525: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bild-Sprache: Texte zwischen Dichten und Denken
T65523: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Centenario de la aparición des Quijote: Conocimientos geográficos de Cervantes
R68382: VARIOUS AUTHORS - New Testament Studies. An international journal, published quarterly under the auspices of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Vol.28 (1982)
S96722: VARIOUS AUTHORS - La collezione Gandini del Museo Civico de Modena. I tessuti del XVIII e XIX secolo
X79408: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orientalisches Recht
G80210: VARIOUS AUTHORS (IJSEWIJN J., THOMSON D.F.S., SHARRATT P., BRICENO JAUREGUI M., AND OTHERS) - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XXIV (24, 1975)
G80211: VARIOUS AUTHORS (IJSEWIJN-JACOBS JACQUELINE, BERRIGAN J.R., WALSH R., AND OTHERS) - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XXV (25, 1976)
R84113: VARIOUS AUTHORS [COMMISSIO HISTORICA ORDINIS PRAEMONSTRATENSIS] - Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus XXVII, XXVIII & XXIX (volumes 27 to 29, 1951-1953, complete)
X79391: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Proceedings of the Vith Congress of Arabic and Islamic studies. Visby 13-16 August, Stockholm 17-19 August 1972
X78876: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Journal of the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies. Volume 14, April 2010
G80206: VARIOUS AUTHORS (IJSEWIJN JOZEF, TOURNOY G., TRACY J.D., BURMEISTER K.H., BINNS J.W., AND OTHERS) - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XX (20, 1971)
G80207: VARIOUS AUTHORS (VALENTIN J.-M., NAUWELAERTS M.A., STARNAWSKI J., AND OTHERS) - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XXI (21, 1972)
R68381: VARIOUS AUTHORS - New Testament Studies. An international journal, published quarterly under the auspices of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Vol.29 (1983)
R68380: VARIOUS AUTHORS - New Testament Studies. An international journal, published quarterly under the auspices of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Vol.30 (1984)
G80061: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bollettino di Archeologia (Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali). Volume 23-24 (ottobre-dicembre 1993)
G80063: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bollettino di Archeologia (Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali). Volume 28-29-30 (luglio-dicembre 1994)
G80060: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bollettino di Archeologia (Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali). Volume 22 (luglio-settembre 1992)
T103576: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Il Rinascimento, aspetti e problemi attuali
G116948: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Numero speciale su Bruzolo e i trattati del 1610
F70730: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Grotiana. New series vol.24-25 (2003-2004)
S97046: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Turkish Carpets from the 13th - 18th centuries
R68377: VARIOUS AUTHORS - New Testament Studies. An international journal, published quarterly under the auspices of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Vol.37 (1991)
R68378: VARIOUS AUTHORS - New Testament Studies. An international journal, published quarterly under the auspices of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Vol.36 (1990)
R68379: VARIOUS AUTHORS - New Testament Studies. An international journal, published quarterly under the auspices of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Vol.31 (1985)
R68370: VARIOUS AUTHORS - New Testament Studies. An international journal, published quarterly under the auspices of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Vol.44 (1998)
S96711: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Il costume e l'immagine pittorica nel Seicento umbro
G80059: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bollettino di Archeologia (Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali). Volume 19-20-21 (gennaio-giugno 1993)
S97231: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Textile Museum Journal, Volume IV number 1, december 1974
S97232: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Textile Museum Journal, Volume IV number 4, 1977
S97230: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Textile Museum Journal, Volume 19 and 20, 1980-1981
S97229: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Textile Museum Journal, Volume IV number 2, 1975
S97202: VARIOUS AUTHORS - 16th-18th century European paintings from The National Museum of Romania and The National Brukenthal Museum
G79214: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 4: Arconati - Bacaredda
S97181: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Le sete impero dei palazzi napoleonici (Collezioni del Mobilier national)
G80051: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bollettino di Archeologia (Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali). Volume 5-6 (agosto-dicembre 1990)
G80052: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bollettino di Archeologia (Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali). Volume 7 (gennaio-febbraio 1991)
G80054: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bollettino di Archeologia (Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali). Volume 9 (maggio-giugno 1991)
G80055: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bollettino di Archeologia (Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali). Volume 10 (luglio-agosto 1991)
G80056: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bollettino di Archeologia (Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali). Volume 11-12 (settembre-dicembre 1991)
G80057: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bollettino di Archeologia (Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali). Volume 13-14-15 (gennaio-giugno 1992)
G80048: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bollettino di Archeologia (Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali). Volume 1-2 (gennaio-aprile 1990)
G80049: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bollettino di Archeologia (Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali). Volume 3 (maggio-giugno 1990)
A68742: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Disertaciones sobre Misiones, Chaco, Formosa, Chubut y otras regiones de la Patagonia por la Conferencia de agronomos
F18559: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The legacy of Hegel - proceedings of the Marquette Hegel Symposium 1970
G79787: VARIOUS AUTHORS - El rescate de la Antigüedad clasica en Andalucia
X77712: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vestnik drevnej istorii, 1 (119). Journal of ancient history, 1 (119), 1972
X77711: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Materialy po archeologii Severnogo Pricernomorja. Vypusk tretij
X77699: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Macdonald presentation volume. A tribute to Duncan Black Macdonald consisting of articles by former students, presented to him on his seventieth birthday April 9, 1933
X77575: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 1962 parts 3-4
X77574: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 1962 parts 1-2
X77573: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 1954 Parts 3-4
X77572: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 1951 Parts 3-4
X77571: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 1921 Part III (July)
X77570: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 1920 part III (July)
X77567: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 1918 part I (January)
X77535: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Materialy po istorii Sjunnu: po kitajskim istocnikam, Vup.2 [= "Materials on the history of the Huns (Hsiung-nu) based on Chinese sources, part 2"]
H114015: VARIOUS AUTHORS (SOCIÉTÉ DES BOLLANDISTES, ED.) - Analecta Bollandiana : Revue critique d'hagiographie. A journal of critical hagiography. Tome 133-1, juin 2015
X77500: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft. Band 156 Heft 1 (2006)
X77499: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft. Band 155 Heft 2 (2005)
A9799: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The National Geographic Magazine Vol.LXXVIII (complete)
A97200: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Romania panoramic - Roumanie panorama - Panoramic Romania
T71238: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Die Evolution der Sprache. Akten des internationalen Kongresses der Gesellschaft Teilhard de Chardin für den Deutschen Sprachraum (München, 26-27 April 1975), Herrn Prof. Dr. Emil Kuhn-Schnyder zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet
G79338: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gli Eubei in Occidente. Atti del diciottesimo (18e) convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 8-12 ottobre 1978
G113833: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Annalen des historischen Vereins für den Niederrhein, insbesondere die alte Erzdiöcese Köln. Dreiunddreissigstes Heft (33), 1879
G79333: VARIOUS AUTHORS - La Magna Grecia nell'età romana. Atti del quindicesimo (15e) convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto, 5-10 ottobre 1975 [2 volumes]
G79331: VARIOUS AUTHORS - La Magna Grecia e il lontano occidente. Atti del ventinovesimo (29e) convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 6-11 ottobre 1989
G79327: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Metaponto. Atti del tredicesimo (13e) convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto, 14-19 ottobre 1973
G79252: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ausgrabungen in Deutschland, gefördert von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft 1950-1975 [4 volumes]
G79196: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 21: Caruso - Castelnuovo
G79231: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 35: Indice A-C
G79230: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 37: Della Frata - Della Volpaia
G79228: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 33: D'Asaro - De Foresta
G79229: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 38: Della Volpe - Denza
G79227: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 34: Primo Supplemento A-C
G79226: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 39: Deodato - Di Falco
G79201: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 17: Calvart - Canefri
G79197: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 20: Carducci - Carusi
G79225: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 31: Cristaldi - Dalla Nave
G79224: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 36: De Fornari - Della Fonte
G79194: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 28: Conforto - Cordero
G79195: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 41: Donaggio - Dugnani
G79223: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 1: Aaron - Albertucci
G79220: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 9: Berengario - Biagini
G79218: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 3: Ammirato - Arcoleo
R73604: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ursulinen in Köln (1639-1989). Festschrift zum 350jährigen Bestehen der Ursulinenschule Köln
X77029: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Istorija, archeologija i etnografija Srednej Azii: k 60-let. so dnja rozdenija S.P. Tolstova [= "History, archaeology and ethnography of Central Asia"]
G78109: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Festschrift zum fünfzigjährigen Bestehen der [Schweizerische] Gesellschaft [für Volkskunde]. Archives Suisses des traditions populaires, Tome 43
R65885: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica, vol.73 (Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico)
R65882: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica, vol.72 (Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico)
G79216: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 7: Bartolucci - Bellotto
G79217: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 6: Baratteri - Bartolozzi
R65881: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica, vol.78 (Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico)
G79215: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 11: Boccadibue - Bonetti
G79212: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 10: Biagio - Boccaccio
G77677: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Tabona. Revista de prehistoria y de arqueologia. Volume VIII Tomo 1 (1992-1993)
G77676: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Proceedings of the fifth Greek-Serbian symposium. 1: Serbia and Greece during the first world war, 2: The ideas of the French Revolution, the enlightenment and the pre-romantic period in the Balkans 1780-1830
G77675: VARIOUS AUTHORS (PAPOULIA BAS. & BABRITSAS ANDR., EDS.) - E istorike, archaiologike kai laografike eruena gia te Thrake : Symposio. Xanthe, Komotene, Alexandroupole, 5-9 Dekembriou 1985. Praktika
R65879: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica, vol.76 (Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico)
R65878: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica, vol.77 (Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico)
G79211: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 12: Bonfadini - Borrello
G79210: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 14: Branchi - Buffetti
G79209: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 15: Buffoli - Caccianemici
G79208: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 18: Canella - Cappello
R68158: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae - Volume 29 (1991)
R73594: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Festschrift zum vierten centenarium des Ursulinenordens (zugleich IX. Jahrbuch des Verbandes Selbständiger Deutscher Ursulinenklöster
R113683: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliotheke Ellenon Pateron Kai Ekklesiastikon Suggrapheon. Volume 40 : Megas Antonios, Ammonas, Amon 'e Ammonios, Pahomios, Pahomiou Ellenikoi Vioi protos vios, Paraleipomena, Eteros vios
G76530: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Benediktbeurer Gespräche der Allianz Umweltstiftung 2002-2006
R68350: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - Commentarii de re theologica editi a professoribus Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae; vol.33 (1952) (complete volume)
R68345: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - Commentarii de re theologica editi a professoribus Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae; vol.37 (1956) (complete volume)
R68344: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - Commentarii de re theologica editi a professoribus Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae; vol.38 (1957) (complete volume)
S88411: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Die Portugiesen in Indien. Die Eroberungen Dom Joao de Castros auf Tapisserien 1538-1548
R68348: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - Commentarii de re theologica editi a professoribus Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae; vol.35 (1954) (complete volume)
R68342: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - Commentarii de re theologica editi a professoribus Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae; vol.48 (1967) (complete volume)
R68343: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - Commentarii de re theologica editi a professoribus Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae; vol.39 (1958) (complete volume)
G75778: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Thracia 8
R68339: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.51 (1970) (complete volume)
R68338: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.52 (1971) (complete volume)
R68337: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.58 (1977) (complete volume)
R68335: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.60 (1979) (complete volume)
R68334: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.61 (1980) (complete volume)
R68333: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.62 (1981) (complete volume)
R68347: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - Commentarii de re theologica editi a professoribus Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae; vol.40 (1959) (complete volume)
R68346: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - Commentarii de re theologica editi a professoribus Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae; vol.36 (1955) (complete volume)
H114016: VARIOUS AUTHORS (SOCIÉTÉ DES BOLLANDISTES, ED.) - Analecta Bollandiana : Revue critique d'hagiographie. A journal of critical hagiography. Tome 133 1/2, juin & décembre 2015
R94183: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Movimento religioso femminile e Francescanesimo nel secolo XIII. Atti del VII convegno internazionale, Assisi, 11-13 ottobre 1979
G68636: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Burg und Stadt in Geschichte und Gegenwart
R101661: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris Erudiri - Jaargang XXI (21) 1972-1973 (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen [A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity])
R68330: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.55 (1974) (complete volume)
H114017: VARIOUS AUTHORS (SOCIÉTÉ DES BOLLANDISTES, ED.) - Analecta Bollandiana : Revue critique d'hagiographie. A journal of critical hagiography. Tome 131 1/2, juin & décembre 2013
R68326: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.67 (1986) (complete volume)
R68327: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.66 (1985) (complete volume)
R68328: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.57 (1976) (complete volume)
R68308: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 90 (1995, complete volume)
G86171: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Frühmittelalterliche Studien, 7.Band (1973). Jahrbuch des Instituts für Frühmittelalterforschung der Universität Münster
G86172: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Frühmittelalterliche Studien, 1. Band (1967). Jahrbuch des Instituts für Frühmittelalterforschung der Universität Münster
X75957: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Belleten (türk Tarih Kurumu), Cilt XII Sayi 47 (Temmuz 1948) / Beleten (Revue publiée par la Société d'Histoire Turque), Tome XII No.47 (Juillet 1948)
X75956: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Belleten (türk Tarih Kurumu), Cilt XX Sayi 77 (Ocak 1956) / Beleten (Revue publiée par la Société d'Histoire Turque), Tome XX No.77 (Janvier 1956)
R96103: VARIOUS AUTHORS (DE BOER P.A.H., ED.) - Oudtestamentische Studiën, volume II (2)
G68123: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Melngalvju Nams Riga / Das Schwarzhäupterhaus in Riga / The Blackheads House in Riga
X75955: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Belleten (türk Tarih Kurumu), Cilt VII-2 Sayi 28 (Tesrin 1943): Cumhuriyetin yirminci yildönümü münasebetiyle özel sayi / Beleten (Revue publiée par la Société d'Histoire Turque), Tome VII-2 No.28 (October 1943): numéro spécial publié à l'occasion du XXe anniversaire de la république
X75954: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Belleten (türk Tarih Kurumu), Cilt XII Sayi 45 (Ocak 1948) / Beleten (Revue publiée par la Société d'Histoire Turque), Tome XII No.45 (Janvier 1948)
G67548: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters. 64.Jahrgang Heft 2
X76565: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Siam Society fiftieth anniversary, commemorative publication: selected articles from The Siam Society Journal. Volume I: 1904-1929
G71254: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Magische Götterwelten. Werke aus dem Museum für Indische Kunst, Berlin
R68300: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 81 (1986, complete volume)
G68646: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Studia historica Slovaca II
X76562: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume LV (55), Part 1 + 2 (January + July 1967)
X76561: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume LIV (54), Part 1 + 2 (January + July 1966)
X76560: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume 65 Part 2, July 1977
R106043: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& MOSSAY JUSTIN, ED.) - II. Symposium Nazianzenum, Louvain-la-Neuve, 25-28 août 1981. Actes du colloque international
G80050: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bollettino di Archeologia (Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali). Volume 4 (giugno-luglio 1990)
X76559: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume XLVII (47), Part 2: November 1959
X113864: VARIOUS AUTHORS (SCHREINER PETER & STRAKHOV OLGA, EDS.) - Chrysai pilai - Zlataa vrata : Essays presented to Professor Ihor Sevcenko on his eightieth birthday by his colleagues and students [in: Palaeoslavica X-2002 nos.1-2]
R68296: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 67 (1972, complete volume)
R68295: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 66 (1971). Heft 1-2
R68292: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 57 (1962, complete volume)
R68293: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 64 (1969, complete volume)
R68291: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 62 (1967, complete volume)
R68290: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 55 (1960, complete volume)
R68289: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 54 (1959, complete volume)
R68288: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 53 (1958, complete volume)
R68287: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 50 (1955, complete volume)
R68228: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii periodici Pontificii Instituti Biblici. vol.61
X76467: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Istorija i filologija Bliznego Vostoka: Semitologija [="History and philology of the Middle East: semitology"]
B102782: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gedenkboek der Plantin-dagen 1555-1955. International congres voor boekdrukkunst en humanisme, 4-10 september 1955 (Mémorial des Journées Plantin, Memorial Volume of the Plantin-Celebration, Gedenkbuch der Plantin-Tage)
R84111: VARIOUS AUTHORS [COMMISSIO HISTORICA ORDINIS PRAEMONSTRATENSIS] - Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus XXII-XXIII & XXIV (22-24, 1946-1948, complete)
R90927: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Espansione del Francescanesimo tra Occidente e Oriente nel secolo XIII. Atti del VI convegno internazionale, Assisi 12-14 ottobre 1978
S88081: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Das Reich der Jahreszeiten
R101451: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris Erudiri - Jaargang XXXIII, 1992-1993 ; Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen [A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity]
J111383: VARIOUS AUTHORS (BURGMANN LUDWIG & KAUFHOLD HUBERT, DIRS.) - Bibliographie zur Rezeption des byzantinischen Rechts im alten Russland sowie zur Geschichte des armenischen und georgischen Rechts
R68246: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii ad rem biblicam scientifice investigandam a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.19
R68243: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii ad rem biblicam scientifice investigandam a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.17
R68242: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii ad rem biblicam scientifice investigandam a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.24
R68241: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii ad rem biblicam scientifice investigandam a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.22
R68240: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii ad rem biblicam scientifice investigandam a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.23
R68237: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii ad rem biblicam scientifice investigandam a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.28
R68239: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii ad rem biblicam scientifice investigandam a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.16
G61035: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Medioevo latino. Bollettino bibliografico della cultura europea da Boezio a Erasmo (secoli VI-XV). Volume 29 (2008)
R116387: VARIOUS AUTHORS (DE MEY PETER & FRANCOIS WIM, EDS.) - Ecclesia semper reformanda : Renewal and Reform beyond Polemics [BETL, 306]
R68233: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii ad rem biblicam scientifice investigandam a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.26
R68234: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii ad rem biblicam scientifice investigandam a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.18
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