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195534: Committee for Ecumenical and Religious Affairs - The Challenge of Catholic-Muslim Marriage: A Pastoral Resource
206560: Bishop's Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs - Documents on Anglican / Roman Catholic Relations III
206558: Bishop's Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs - Documents on Anglican / Roman Catholic Relations
87371: Ralph A. Newman - ed - Man and Nature: Selected Essays by Giorgio Del Vecchio
99093: Nancy Sabbag - ed - Divine Love Came Down! Wisdom from Saint Alphonsus Liguori
206666: Robert P. Baird, ed. and tr., Robert P. Baird and Bernard McGinn, intro - Miguel de Molinos: The Spiritual Guide
205819: Lewis Carroll; Roger Lancelyn Green, ed. and intro - The Works of Lewis Carroll
84808: Donald Senior - ed - The Catholic Study Bible: New American Bible
204063: William Hansen, ed. and trans - The Book of Greek & Roman Folktales, Legends, & Myths
73181: Richard H. Kohn & Joseph P. Harahan. ed - Air Interdiction in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam: An Interview with Gen. Earle E. Partridge, Gen. Jacob E. Smart, and Gen. John W. Vogt, Jr.
206670: Kieran Kavanaugh, O.C.D., ed. and intro.; Ernest E. Larkin, O.Carm., preface - John of the Cross: Selected Writings
206318: Peter C. Erb, ed. and intro.; F. Ernest Stoeffler, preface - Pietists: Selected Writings
86036: Lionel Manson - ed - Biological Properties of the Mammalian Surface Membrane
19441: Patricia Robertson (ed) - Stirring Sea Stories
11338: Baroness de Stael Holstein (ed) - Letters and Reflections of the Austrian Field Marshal Prince de Ligne
206177: John Henry Cardinal Newman; Francis X. Conolly, ed. and intro - A Newman Reader: An Anthology of the Writings of John Henry Cardinal Newman
2303: Thomas M. Cranfill (ed) - Rich's Farewell to Military Profession
203029: G. N. Garmonsway, tr., ed. and intro - The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
206438: Eric Colledge, ed. and intro - The Mediaeval Mystics of England
1658: John Raymond (ed) - The Reminiscences and Recollections of Captain Gronow
194616: Ed and Maureen Curley - First Prayers for Young Catholics: Puzzles, Games, and Individual Activities for Religious Education
121371: J.H. Westcott ed - Selected Letters of Pliny
121399: Leo W. Keebler ed - Titi LIVII Libri XXI Et XXII
121188: J. David Williams ed - America Illustrated
121662: Carl Frankenstein ed - Between Past and Future: Essays and Studies on Aspects of Immigrant Absorption in Israel
121718: J. Hergenrother ed - Monumenta Graeca Ad Photium Ejusque Historiam Pertinentia
120730: Gavin Lyall ed - The War in the Air: The Royal Air Force in World War II
121955: Bradley T. Johnson ed. and Distinguished Men of [Jefferson Davis'] Time - A Memoir of the Life and Public Service of Joseph E. Johnston and Life and Reminiscences of Jefferson Davis
121879: Douglas Woodruff ed - For Hilaire Belloc: Essays in Honor of His 71st Birthday
121888: Hester Thackeray Ritchie ed - Thackeray and His Daughter: The Letters and Journals of Anne Thackeray Ritchie with Many Letters of William Makepeace Thackeray
122022: Anton-Hermann Chroust ed - Natural Law Forum 1959 Volume 4 Number 1
121892: James Hewitt ed - Eye-Witnesses to Nelson's Battles
122066: Frederick J. Adelmann ed - The Quest for the Absolute
121929: James Edward Tobin ed - The Happy Crusaders
121939: W. Edwin Hemphill ed - Gold Star Honor Roll of Virginians in the Second World War
126115: John A. Coleman ed - One Hundred Years of Catholic Social Thought: Celebration and Challenge
1247000: John R. Carnes ed - The 1976 History of Allen County Ohio
120224: Laverne J. Wagner - ed - George de la Hele (1547-1586) Collected Works
104600: M. Georges Lequin - ed - Memoirs of the Count de Rambuteau
206897: E.J. Stormon, S.J., ed. and tr - Towards the Healing of Schism: The Sees of Rome and Constantinople - Public Statements and Correspondence between the Holy See and the Ecumenical Patriarchate 1958-1984
206266: Tom Schwanda, ed. and intro.; Mark A. Noll, foreword - The Emergence of Evangelical Spirituality: The Age of Edwards, Newton, and Whitefield
2109: F.E. Chadwick (ed) - The Despatches of Thomas Graves
206494: Felip Ribot, O.Carm.; Richard Copsey, O.Carm., ed. and tr - The Ten Books on the Way of Life and Great Deeds of the Carmelites
163491: Mary Baker Eddy - Poems
172336: Mary Baker Eddy - Poetical Works of Mary Baker Eddy
170696: Mary Baker Eddy - Rudimental Divine Science / No and Yes --- Prvni Zaklady Bozske Vedy / Ne a Ano
163409: Mary Baker Eddy - Poetical Works of Mary Baker Eddy
163213: Mary Baker Eddy, intro - Hymnal Notes Being Brief Studies of the Hymns and Hymn Tunes, the Poets and Composers Represented in the Christian Science Hymnal
163657: Mary Baker Eddy - Various Writings and Poems of Mary Baker Eddy in Six Volumes
171888: Mary Baker Eddy - Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures / Vetenskap Och Halsa Med Nyckel Till Skriften
175641: Paul Rhodes Eddy and Gregory A. Boyd - The Jesus Legend: A Case for the Historical Reliability of the Synoptic Jesus Tradition
170855: Mary Baker Eddy - Miscellaneous Writings 1883-1896
126571: Mary Baker Eddy - Rudimental Divine Science & No and Yes: English/Russian Version
126466: Mary Baker Eddy - Manual of the Mother Church the First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts
126469: Mary baker Eddy - Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
126594: Mary Baker Eddy - Retrospection and Introspection: English/Russian Version
171846: Mary Baker Eddy - Mary Baker Eddy's Published Writings (in Addition to Those in "Prose Works") (1895-1910)
200461: Mary Baker Eddy - Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
194613: Ede and Maureen Curley - The Parables: High Interest Involvement Activities for Teens
60938: May Edel and Abraham Edel - Anthropology and Ethics: The Quest for Moral Understanding
61514: Yervant H. Krikorian & Abraham Edel, eds - Contemporary Philosophic Problems: Selected Readings
207142: Jerry Edelwich with Archie Brodsky - Burn-out: Stages of Disillusionment in the Helping Professions
190833: Bill Edens and Kenneth McGuire - Paulist Chronicles
198019: Rupert J. Ederer - Economics As If God Matters: More Than a Century of Papal Teaching
1270703: Rev. Alfred Edersheim - The Histopry of Israel and Judah from the Reign of Ahab to the Decline of the Two Kingdoms
1270701: Rev. Alfred Edersheim - Israel Under Samuel, Saul and David to the Birth of Solomon
126725: Rev. Dr. Edershem - The Temple: Its Ministry and Services As They Were at the Time of Christ
188956: John F. Edgar - Pioneer Life in Dayton and Vicinity 1796-1840
190689: M.G. Edgar and Eric Chilman, arr - A Treasury of Verse for School and Home
200325: Frank E. Edgington - A History of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church
187442: Edward F. Edinger - The Christian Archetype: A Jungian Commentary on the Life of Christ
143431: Edith Wyschogrod, Jean-Joseph Goux, and Eric Boynton, eds - The Enigma of Gift and Sacrifice
141130: J. Anthony Williams (editor) - Catholic Record Society: Post-Reformation Catholicism in Bath, Vols. I-II, Volumes 65-6
141112: Robert E. Scantlebury (editor) - Catholic Record Society: Hampshire Registers I, the Registers and Records of Winchester, Volume 42
141115: Robert E. Scantlebury (editor) - Catholic Record Society: Hampshire Registers IV, the Registers of Gosport and Portsea, Volume 49
111746: [Robert Dodsley - editor] - A Collection of Poems in Six Volumes by Several Hands
141135: Martin Murphy (editor) - Catholic Record Society: St. Gregory's College, Seville, 1592-1767, Volume 73
141107: Edwin Henson (editor) - Catholic Record Society: Registers of the English College at Valladolid 1589-1862, Volume 30
141118: P. Reynold (editor) - Catholic Record Society: The Wisbech Stirs 1595-1598, Volume 51
141125: R.E. Scantlebury (editor) - Catholic Record Society: Isle of Wight Registers Newport 1792-1887, Cowes 1796-1856, Volume 59
141117: E.E. Reynolds (editor) - Catholic Record Society: The Mawhood Diary, Volume 50
141113: Robert E. Scantlebury (editor) - Catholic Record Society: Hampshire (and Dorset) Registers II, Volume 43
141105: Edwin Henson (editor) - Catholic Record Society: The English College at Madrid 1611-1767, Volume 29
141129: P.R. Harris (editor) - Catholic Record Society: Douai College Documents 1639-1794, Volume 63
141114: Robert E. Scantlebury (editor) - Catholic Record Society: Hampshire Registers III, the Registers and Records of Brockhampton (Havant), Volume 44
1241455: Robert N. Taylor (editor) - The Eric Gill Collection of the Humanities Research Center: A Catalogue
111680: Harold McCracken - editor - Frederic Remington's Own West
108165: Carlo Diano - editor - L'Attualita Della Problematica Aristotelica: Atti Del Convegno Franco-Italiano Su Aristotle
112400: William Aldis Wright - editor - Letters and Literary Remains of Edward Fitzgerald: Vols. I-III
141110: Wilfrid Kelly (editor) - Catholic Record Society: Liber Ruber Venerabilis Collegii Anglorum de Urbe, Volume 40
141309: Jill Balcon (editor) - The Pity of War: Poems of the First World War
141120: Anthony Kenny (editor) - Catholic Record Society: The Responsa Scholarum of the English College, Rome, Part One: 1598-1621 and Part Two: 1622-1685, Volumes 54-5
141121: E.E. Reynolds (editor) - Catholic Record Society: Miscellanea, Volume 56
141134: Michael Sharratt (editor) - Catholic Record Society: Lisbon College Register 1628-1813, Volume 72
111420: W.J. Beecher - editor - Poems of Peace and War
141109: J. Cyril M. Weale (editor) - Catholic Record Society: Registers of the Catholic Chapels Royal and of the Portuguese Embassy Chapel 1662-1829, Vol. I Marriages, Volume 37
106624: Skira Editore - From Fra Angelico to Bonnard: Masterpieces from the Rau Collection
106623: Skira Editore - From Fra Angelico to Bonnard: Masterpieces from the Rau Collection
187758: Charles River Editors - The Battle of Vienna (1683): The History and Legacy of the Decisive Conflict between the Ottoman Turkish Empire and Holy Roman Empire
201153: David Edkins - The Prussian Orden Pour le Merite: History of the Blue Max
194495: S.W. Edlund and M.G. Edlund - Pick Your Job -- and Land It!
194029: David Edman - Of Wise Men and Fools: Realism in the Bible
191857: Edmond and Jules de Goncourt - French XVIII Century Painters
174412: J.M. Edmonds - The Greek Bucolic Poets
175412: S. Emma E. Edmonds - Nurse and Spy in the Union Army: Comprising the Adventures and Experiences of a Woman in Hospitals, Camps, and Battle-Fields
205782: I.G. Edmonds - Lassie: The Wild Mountain Trail
199648: St. Therese of Lisieux; Robert J. Edmonson, tr - The Complete Therese of Lisieux
189029: Edmund J. Farrell, Ruth S. Cohen, L. Jane Christensen, and H. Keith Wright - Purpose in Literature
181898: Rev. Father Edmund - Hunter of Souls: A Study of the Life and Spirit of Saint Paul of the Cross
86625: Elizabeth Canning & C.A. Wright (eds) - Behavioural Aspects of Parasite Transmission
143695: Eduardus, Archbishop of Dublin - Synodus Dioecesana Dublinensis, Habita in Ecclesia Sanctae Crucis, Dublini, Die 20 Septembris, 1927. Una Cum Nonnullis Documentis Usui Cleri Accomodatis
163085: Australian Bishops' Committee for Education - Catholic Catechism Book Two: Teacher's Book
1271969: [American Catholic Higher Education] - Bound Volume of 24 Catholic College Catalogues 1882-1883
125558: The Congregation for Catholic Education and the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life - Developments in Vocational Pastoral Ministry in the Particular Churches
201886: The Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education - Lay Catholics in Schools: Witnesses to Faith
145858: Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education - Educational Guidance in Human Love: Outlines for Sex Education
181202: Edw. S. Deemer, P.A. Shanor, and H.J. Deily - History of the Junior Order United American Mechanics
1278974: Edward Foley, Nathan D. Mitchell, and Joanne M. Pierce, eds - A Commentary on the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, Developed Under the Auspices of the Catholic Academy of Liturgy and Cosponsored by the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions
193878: Edward W. Smykay, Donald J. Bowersox, and Frank H. Mossman - Physical Distribution Management: Logistics Problems of the Firm
188884: Edward and Lorna Mornin - Saints: A Visual Guide
179353: Edward F. Murphy, Leo Trese, Margaret Ahern, and Shelia Kaye-Smith - Angel of the Delta / Vessel of Clay / Speck, the Altar Boy / Cornelia Connelly
191441: Edward S. Greenberg, Neal Milner, and David J. Olson - Black Politics: The Inevitability of Conflict / Readings
167983: Henry Edward - Petri Privilegium: Three Pastoral Letters to the Clergy of the Diocese
184886: Anne Edwards - Maria Callas: An Intimate Biography
72527: Tudor Edwards - Worlds Apart: A Journey to the Great Living Monastaries of Europe
189454: E.D. Edwards, ed - The Dragon Book
190693: Frank Edwards - Stranger Than Science
141829: David L. Edwards - Christian England (Volume Three): From the Eighteenth Century to the First World War
192365: David Edwards and David Cromwell - Guardians of Power: The Myth of the Liberal Media
183895: William E. Edwards - Ten Days to a Great New Life
207629: Mark Edwards and George Tavard - Luther: A Reformer for the Churches - an Ecumenical Study Guide
179138: Mark J. Edwards, ed - Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, New Testament Vol. VIII: Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians
179760: E.J. Edwards - These Two Hands
187813: Steven Anthony Edwards - Interior Acts: Teleology, Justice, and Friendship in the Religious Ethics of Thomas Aquinas
174075: Harry Stillwell Edwards - Eneas Africanus
193013: David Edwards - Burning All Illusions: A Guide to Personal and Political Freedom
167031: O.C. Edwards, Jr. - The Living and Active Word: One Way to Preach from the Bible Today
166669: F. Henry Edwards - The Edwards Commentary on the Doctrine and Covenants
196808: Denis Edwards - Aliento de Vida: Una Teologia Del Espiritu Creador
1257674: Martin Edwards - The Story of Classic Crime in 100 Books
174268: Samuel E. Edwards - The Ohio Hunter: Or a Brief Sketch of the Frontier Life of Samuel E. Edwards, the Great Bear and Deer Hunter of the State of Ohio
198880: Paul Edwards - People of the Book
187460: Denis Edwards - Jesus and the Cosmos
123475: Dennis F. Edwards and Ron Pigram - The Final Link
123600: David L. Edwards - Christian England: Volume 2 - from the Reformation to the 18th Century
123598: David L. Edwards - Christian England: Volume 3 - from the 18th Century to the First World War
122718: Paul Edwards - Canute's Tower St. Beuno's 1848-1989
167187: David L. Edwards - What Anglicans* Believe - *Episcopalians
199543: E.J. Edwards - The Chosen
183255: David L. Edwards - Christian England, Volume Two: From the Reformation to the Eighteenth Century
185021: E.M.H. Edwards - Commander William Barker Cushing, of the United States Navy
200573: James R. Edwards - Romans
200659: Anne Edwards - Sonya: The Life of Countess Tolstoy
172572: E.J. Edwards - Herald of the Word
201761: Edwin T. Wheatley, Jr., Barry C. Weaver, and Charles P. McDowell - The Boxer Uprising: Campaigns, Medals, and Men
196974: Edwin S. Gaustad, Mark A. Noll, and Heath W. Carter, eds - A Documentary History of Religion in America
174095: Rev. Myron Eells - History of Indian Missions on the Pacific Coast. Oregon, Washington and Idaho
1262935: Elsie Spicer Eells - The Magic Tooth and Other Tales from the Amazon
195430: Baha'u'llah; Shoghi Effendi, tr - Prayers and Meditations by Baha'u'Llah
150704: Rev. Patrick K. Egan - The Parish of Ballinasloe: Its History from the Earliest Times to the Present Day
206506: Keith J. Egan - Carmelite Prayer: A Tradition for the 21st Century
207123: Eileen Egan - For Whom There Is No Room: Scenes from the Refugee World
197197: Keith J. Egan and Craig E. Morrison, ed - Master of the Sacred Page: Essays and Articles in Honor of Roland E. Murphy, O. Carm. , on the Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday
181114: Maurice Francis Egan; Conde Benoist Pallen - Songs and Sonnets / Carmina
172422: Maurice Francis Egan, preface - Progress of the Catholic Church in America and the Great Columbian Catholic Congress of 1893
177103: Pierce Egan - Pierce Egan's Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry, and Logic, in Their Pursuits Through Life in and out of London
184377: J.W. Egerer - A Bibliography of Robert Burns
184246: Elsie E. Egermeier - Bible Story Book: A Complete Narration from Genesis to Revelation for Young and Old
179932: Dan Egger - The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Prima's Official Strategy Guide
145516: W. Eggert - The Treatment of Uterine Displacements Including Prolapsus, Anteversion, Retroversion, Anteflexion, and Retroflexion
188067: Peter van Egmond - The Critical Reception of Robert Frost
190809: Bertrand Russell; Robert E. Egner and Lester E. Denonn, eds - The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell 1903-1959
146455: A. Ehl - Direction Spirituelle Des Religieuses: Principes Et Applications
188259: Sidney Z. Ehler and John B. Morrall, tr - Church and State Through the Centuries: A Collection of Historic Documents with Commentaries
198617: Sebastian Correa Ehlers - Suyajruna: Una Mirada Al Artista Popular Peruano / a Glance at the Peruvian Popular Artist
167268: Henry J. Ehlers - Professional Supplement to Accompany Logic: Modern and Traditional
166713: Henry J. Ehlers - Logic: Modern and Traditional
125519: Ralph Nader; Barbara Ehrenreich, foreword - The Ralph Nader Reader
192458: Barbara Ehrenreich - Fear of Falling: The Inner Life of the Middle Class
191679: P. Andreas Ehrensberger - Vade Mecum: Tascengebetbuchlein Fur Katholische Junglinge Und Manner
181406: David Ehrenstein - Open Secret: Gay Hollywood 1928-1998
310603: Arnold Ehret - Prof. Arnold Ehret's Mucusless-Diet Healing System: A Sciewntific Method of Eating Your Way to Health
36763: Dr. Albert Ehrhard - Die Altchristliche Literatur Und Ihre Erforschung Seit 1880
185931: Roy Ehrhardt - Elgin Watch Company: Grade and Serial Numbers
98053: Henry Lutz Ehrlich - Geomicrobiology
36187: Rudolf J. Ehrlich - Rome: Opponent or Partner
189857: Bart D. Ehrman - The New Testament and Other Early Christian Writings: A Reader
190679: Bart D. Ehrman - Peter, Paul, and Mary Magdalene: The Followers of Jesus in History and Legend
196768: Bart D. Ehrman - Lost Christianities: The Battles for Scripture and the Faiths We Never Knew
189718: Bart D. Ehrman - Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium
189720: Bart D. Ehrman - The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture: The Effect of Early Christological Controversies on the Text of the New Testament
195916: Ehud Ben-Yehuda, ed., with David Weinstein - Ben-Yehuda's Pocket English-Hebrew, Hebrew-English Dictionary
194083: David Paul Eich - Desiderata: A Teenager's Journey to God
184411: Clayton L. Eichelberger, comp - A Guide to Critical Reviews of United States Fiction, 1870-1910: Volume II
177202: David J. Eicher - The CIVIL War in Books: An Analytical Bibliography
43627: Eduard Eichmann; Klaus Mordsdorf - Lehrbuch Des Kirchenrechts Auf Grund Des Codex Iuris Canonici, Volumes I-III
113147: Dale F. Eickelman - The Middle East and Central Asia: An Anthropological Approach
207843: Francis A. Eigo and Silvio E. Fittipaldi - Ministering in a Servant Church
189516: Oguma Eiji - Return from Siberia: A Japanese Life in War and Peace, 1925-2015
198791: Robert D. Eimer and Sarah A. O'Malley - Dayspring from on High: Advent Prayer
199821: Robert Eimer and Sarah O'Malley, eds - In the Potter's Hands: Nine Wake Services
122775: Einhard; edited by J.P. Migne - Patrologia Latina #97: B. Caroli Magni Imperatoris Opera Omnia, Tomus Primus
202147: Einhard - Vita Karoli Magni / Das Leben Karls Des Grossen
185149: Alfred Einstein - Mozart: His Character, His Work
147746: F.C. Eiselen and Wade Crawford Barclay - The Worker and His Bible
181546: Cliff Eisen and Dominic McHugh - The Letters of Cole Porter
310866: Theophilus Eisen - This Old Leather Satchel
169135: Frances Eisenberg - My Uncle Newt
169924: Azriel Eisenberg - The Confirmation Reader
193165: Dwight D. Eisenhower - Crusade in Europe
1253306: Dwight D. Eisenhower - Crusade in Europe
170830: Robert Eisenman - The Dead Sea Scrolls and the First Christians
184358: Eduard Eisenmeier - Adalbert Stifter Bibliographie
174691: Stuart E. Eizenstat - Imperfect Justice: Looted Assets, Slave Labor, and the Unfinished Business of World War II
191878: Arthur A. Ekirch, Jr. - The Decline of American Liberalism
198514: Jean-Marc Ela - El Grito Del Hombre Africano: Cuestiones Dirigidas a Los Cristianos Y a Las Iglesias de Africa
195941: Elbert L. Richardson, Maria de Lourdes Sa Pereira, and Milton Sa Pereira, eds - Mckay's Modern Portuguese-English and English-Portuguese Dictionary
146670: Rev. John A. Elbert - Devotion to Mary in the 20th Century
142433: Fra Elbertus - Respectability: Its Rise and Remedy
126642: Ismar Elbogen - Jewish Liturgy: A Comprehensive History
67764: Most Rev. Leon Arthur Elchinger, Marc Boegner, Francois Perroux - A Challenge to the Church
201636: Edhem Eldem - Pride and Privilege: A History of Ottoman Orders, Medals and Decorations
206499: Rozanne Elder, ed - The Joy of Learning and the Love of God: Studies in Honor of Jean Leclercq
300377: Bishop William Henry Elder - CIVIL War Diary (1862-1865)
46622: Eldon Dyer, et al. - Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society: August 1967
175303: Charles C. Eldredge - Georgia O'Keeffe: American and Modern
150882: Richard Eldridge - Leading a Human Life: Wittgenstein, Intentionality, and Romanticism
111214: Richard Eldridge - Stanley Cavell
111221: Richard Eldridge - Leading a Human Life
125640: Fred Eldridge - Wrath in Burma: The Uncensored Story of General Stilwell and International Maneuvers in the Far East
179456: Robert S. Elegant - Dynasty
186005: Edward Elgar - Symphonies Nos. 1 and 2 in Full Score
185123: Edward Elgar - The Dream of Gerontius
203687: Duane Elgin - Voluntary Simplicity: Toward a Way of Life That Is Outwardly Simple, Inwardly Rich
130917: Jose Elguero - Espana En Lost Destinos de Mexico
186621: Donald J. D'Elia - The Spirits of '76: A Catholic Inquiry
189482: Pascal M. D'Elia - Catholic Native Episcopacy in China: Being an Outline of the Formation and Growth of the Chinese Catholic Clergy 1300-1926
199583: Mircea Eliade - Patterns in Comparative Religion
179037: Mircea Eliade and Ioan P. Couliano with Hillary S. Wiesner - The Harpercollins Concise Guide to World Religions
180897: Mircea Eliade - A History of Religious Ideas, Volume 1: From the Stone Age to the Eleusinian Mysteries
198556: Mircea Eliade and Joseph M. Kitagawa, eds - The History of Religions: Essays in Methodology
310402: Mircea Eliade, ed - The Encyclopedia of Religion, Volumes I-XVI in 8 Books
185834: Mircea Eliade - The Quest: History and Meaning in Religion
198555: John L. Elias - The Foundations and Practice of Adult Religious Education
145115: E.L. Eliason, L. Kraeer Ferguson, and Evelyn M. Farrand - Surgical Nursing
192372: Gregory Elich - Strange Liberators: Militarism, Mayhem and the Pursuit of Profit
193350: Elie Wiesel, Lucy S. Dawidowicz, Dorothy Rabinowitz, and Robert McAfee Brown - Dimensions of the Holocaust: Lectures at Northwestern University
184229: Alexander Eliot - Three Hundred Years of American Painting
175968: Ezra Pound; T.S. Eliot, ed - The Literary Essays of Ezra Pound
174046: William G. Eliot - Discourses on the Doctrines of Christianity
205927: T.S. Eliot - The Cocktail Party: A Comedy
111650: George Eliot - Romola
166396: George Eliot - Adam Bede
177348: George Eliot - Silas Marner
188568: Sister Mary Margaret; Sister Mary Elisbeth, ed - In Our Lady's Household, Volume II: Reverend Mother Mary Anna, Sister Mary Aloysia, Sister Mary Ignatia
199061: Luis Lopez-Yarto Elizalde - Dinamica de Grupos: Cincuenta Anos Despues
191316: Stanley Elkin - A Bad Man
191379: Stanley Elkin - Boswell
191901: Stanley Elkin - The Living End
184570: A.C. Elkins, Jr., and L.J. Forstner, eds - The Romantic Movement Bibliography 1936-1970: A Master Cumulation from Elh, Philological Quarterly and English Language Notes, Volumes I-VII
199363: Ignacio Ellacuria and Jon Sobrino, eds - Mysterium Liberationis: Fundamental Concepts of Liberation Theology
199839: Mary Pierre Ellebracht - The Easter Passage: The Rcia Experience
183782: Ellen Skerrett, Edward R. Kantowicz, and Steven M. Avella - Catholicism, Chicago Style
179601: William Ellenberg - Death Through the Eyes of a Funeral Director
164431: Patricia Ellertson - Distinctive Thumbprints in Regional Ministry: Case Studies of Regional or Cluster Ministries
177274: Paul Ellingworth - The Epistle to the Hebrews: A Commentary on the Greek Text
183899: John Elliot - Blood on the Snow
310815: Elisabeth Elliot - Shadow of the Almighty: The Life & Testament of Jim Elliot
178721: Lawrence Elliott - I Will Be Called John: A Biography of Pope John XXIII
310348: Peter J. Elliott - Ceremonies of the Modern Roman Rite: The Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Hours; a Manual for Clergy and All Involved in Liturgical Ministries
172673: Peter J. Elliott - Ceremonies of the Modern Roman Rite: The Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Hours; a Manual for Clergy and All Involved in Liturgical Ministries
198742: Rev. Peter J. Elliott, ed - Ministry at the Altar: A Manual for Servers, Acolytes, Clergy, Sacristans, Teachers, Masters of Ceremonies, and All Involved in the Ceremonies of the Church
202157: Dyan Elliott - Spiritual Marriage: Sexual Abstinence in Medieval Wedlock
206632: Neil Elliott - The Arrogance of Nations: Reading Romans in the Shadow of Empire
177744: Lawrence Elliott - I Will Be Called John: A Biography of Pope John XXIII
176139: Ada Elliott - 801: Beans, Potatoes and Apple Pie
198817: Rev. Peter J. Elliott, ed - Let Us Pray to the Lord: Prayers of the Faithful for All Sundays, Solemnities, Major Feasts and Other Occasions
300076: Marc H. Ellis - Faithfulness in an Age of Holocaust
176956: George Ellis - Specimens of the Early English Poets; to Which Is Prefixed, an Historical Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the English Poetry and Language, with a Biography of Each Poet, &C
177871: John Tracy Ellis, ed - Documents of American Catholic History
196941: Frederick S. Ellis - St. Tammany Parish: L'Autre Cote Du Lac
310159: E. Earle Ellis - Eschatology in Luke
178420: Peter Berresford Ellis - Celt and Saxon: The Struggle for Britain A.D. 410-937
198190: E. Earle Ellis - Paul's Use of the Old Testament
174722: Edward S. Ellis - The Indian Wars of the United States from the First Settlement at Jamestown, in 1607, to the Close of the Great Uprising of 1890-91 with Numerous Illustrative Incidents
195721: John Tracy Ellis - The Life of James Cardinal Gibbons: Archbishop of Baltimore 1834-1921, Volumes I-II
86359: Carleton Ellis and Alfred Wells - The Chemical Action of Ultraviolet Rays
203088: Roger Ellis - Who's Who in Victorian Britain
201484: E. Earle Ellis - Paul and His Recent Interpreters
187724: John Tracy Ellis, ed - The Catholic Priest in the United States: Historical Investigations
206949: John Tracy Ellis, ed - The Catholic Priest in the United States: Historical Investigations
190546: Ralph Ellis - Jesus: Last of the Pharaohs; the True History of Religion Revealed
195475: John Tracy Ellis, ed - The Catholic Priest in the United States: Historical Investigations
149544: Sir Henry Ellis, ed - Chronica Johannis de Oxenedes
169229: Walter M. Ellis - Alcibiades
98045: John Tracy Ellis - Catholic Bishops: A Memoir
183926: Chris Ellis, ed - Airfix Magazine Annual for Modellers 1973
143377: John Tracy Ellis - Catholic Bishops: A Memoir
1242869: Chris Ellis - How to Make Model Aircraft
163259: Peter F. Ellis - The Men and Message of the Old Testament
123969: John Tracy Ellis and Robert Trisco - A Guide to American Catholic History: Revised and Enlarged
123242: R. Ellis, ed - Appendix Vergiliana: Carmina Minora Vergilio Adtributa
1236639: Bill Ellis - Lucifer Ascending: The Occult in Folklore and Popular Culture
123235: Robinson Ellis - Catulli Carmina
193521: John Tracy Ellis - The Life of James Cardinal Gibbons: Archbishop of Baltimore 1834-1921, Volumes I-II
182805: R. Ellis - Catulli Veronensis Liber: Iterum Recognovit; Apparatum Criticum Prolegomena Appendices Addidit
202741: Warren Ellis - Crooked Little Vein
195683: D.L. Ellis and D. van der Luit - Just Enough Dutch
193560: John Tracy Ellis - The Formative Years of the Catholic University of America
176335: Havelock Ellis - My Life: Autobiography of Havelock Ellis
202499: Peter F. Ellis - The Men and the Message of the Old Testament
131228: Edwin J. Ellis - The Real Blake: A Portrait Biography
32650: Griffith Ogden Ellis, ed - American Boy Stories
197392: E. Earle Ellis - The Making of the New Testament Documents
188894: Ralph Ellis - Solomon, Falcon of Sheba: The Tombs of King David, King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba Discovered
172583: John Tracy Ellis and Robert Trisco - A Guide to American Catholic History
172690: John Tracy Ellis - Catholics in Colonial America
172692: John Tracy Ellis - Catholics in Colonial America
198891: H.L. Ellison - Exodus
187175: Virginia H. Ellison - The Pooh Party Book: Inspired by Winnie-the-Pooh and the House at Pooh Corner by A.A. Milne
123966: Richard Ellmann - James Joyce
164548: B.F. Ells, ed - The Western Miscellany Vol. I. July 1848 to June 1849
164549: B.F. Ells, ed - The Western Miscellany Vol. I. July 1848 to February 1849
310411: Robert Ellsberg - All Saints: Daily Reflections on Saints, Prophets, and Witnesses for Our Time
192657: Daniel Ellsberg - Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers
206787: Jaques Ellul - The Meaning of the City
198540: Jacques Ellul - The Ethics of Freedom
1249716: Jacques Ellul - To Will & to Do
199628: Jacques Ellul - The Technological Bluff
187929: Thomas Ellwood - Davideis: The Life of David, King of Israel: A Sacred Poem. In Five Books
105835: R. Amy Elman - Sexual Subordination and State Intervention: Comparing Sweden and the United States
122534: Herbert C. Elmer, ed - T. Macci Plauti Captivi
1210748: Herbert C. Elmer, ed - T. Macci Plauti Captivi
149542: Thomas of Elmham - Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis
94717: Norbert Eloy - Histoire de Notre-Dame Des Belles-Pierres
177503: Richard Elphick and Hermann Giliomee, eds - The Shaping of South African Society, 1652-1840
204242: Marguerite Elsbeth and Kenneth Johnson - The Silver Wheel: Women's Myths & Mysteries in the Celtic Tradition
103815: Gerald F. Else - Homer and the Homeric Problem
15583: Jane Shaffer Elsmere - Henry Ward Beecher: The Indiana Years 1837-1847
34517: Hebe Elsna - The Wise Virgin
34608: Hebe Elsna - The Wise Virgin
198148: Edward L.R. Elson - Prayers Offered by the Chaplain of the Senate of the United States, Edward L.R. Elson, During the Ninety-Second Congress 1971-72
142167: Baron Joseph Van Der Elst - The Last Flowering of the Middle Ages
195690: Bente Elsworth - Teach Yourself Danish: A Complete Course for Beginners
195426: G.R. Elton, ed - The New Cambridge Modern History, Volume II: The Reformation 1520-1559
167218: Geoffrey Elton - The English
195428: G.R. Elton, ed - The New Cambridge Modern History, Volume II: The Reformation 1520-1559
163527: Dorothea Eltzner and Paul Radenhausen - German
191129: Mark Elvins - The Sussex Martyrs
170339: Walter A. Elwell, ed - Evangelical Dictionary of Bible Theology
170341: Walter A. Elwell, ed - Evangelical Dictionary of Theology
187650: Columba Cary-Elwes - China and the Cross: A Survey of Missionary History
199183: Columba Cary-Elwes - China and the Cross: A Survey of Missionary History
199182: Columba Cary-Elwes - China and the Cross: A Survey of Missionary History
177150: Muriel Elwood - Web of Destiny
126312: Douglas J. Elwood - Asian Christian Theology: Emerging Themes
1267506: [Edmund Elys] - An Answer to Six Arguments Produced by Du-Pin to Prove That Passage in Josephus in Which There Is Honourable Mention of Jesus Christ, to Be Spurious
176127: Gerry Embleton - Medieval Military Costume Recreated in Colour Photographs
80851: Martin Windrow & Gerry Embleton - Military Dress of North America 1665-1970
175649: William C. Emerson - Land of Beauty and Enchantment: Stories and Photographs of the Florida Everglades
193360: Ralph Waldo Emerson - Essays: First and Second Series
176453: Ralph Waldo Emerson - The Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Four Volumes in One
28278: Ralph Waldo Emerson - Essays
181141: Ralph Waldo Emerson - The Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson
1245089: William C. Emerson - The Longest Day
177064: Ralph Waldo Emerson - Essays: First and Second Series, and Nature
170281: William K. Emerson - Chevrons: Illustrated History and Catalog of U.S. Army Insignia
188300: St. Boniface; Ephraim Emerton, tr - The Letters of Saint Boniface
1270983: Ephraim Emerton, trans - The Correspondence of Pope Gregory VII: Selected Letters from the Registrum
196508: Noemie Emery - Alexander Hamilton: An Intimate Portrait
202222: Richard W. Emery - The Friars in Medieval France: A Catalogue of French Mendicant Convents, 1200-1550
189528: William Chauncey Emhardt and George M. Lamsa - The Oldest Christian People: A Brief Account of the History and Traditions of the Assyrian People and the Fateful History of the Nestorian Church
202121: Cesare Emiliani - The Scientific Companion: Exploring the Physical World with Facts, Figures, and Formulas
186410: Emily and Charlotte Bronte - Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre
68612: Sister Marie Emmanuel, S.C. - Let in the Sun: Monthly Meditations for Sisters in the Active Apostolate
182830: Sister Marie Emmanuel - Let in the Sun: Monthly Meditations for Sisters in the Active Apostolate
183505: Susan Gitlin-Emmer - Lady of the Northern Light: A Feminist Guide to the Runes
170475: Susan Gitlin-Emmer - Runes: The Signs of the Goddess; a Woman's Guide
196122: Anne Catherine Emmerich - Mary Magdalen in the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich
175342: Princess Julia Cantacuzene; Terence Emmons, ed - Revolutionary Days Including Passages from My Life Here and There 1876-1917
185980: Shirlee Emmons - Tristanissimo: The Authorized Biography of Heroic Tenor Lauritz Melchior
163044: Elizabeth Braithwaite Emmott - The Story of Quakerism
174607: W.H. Emory - Notes of a Military Reconnaissance, from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in California, Including Parts of the Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila Rivers
300390: John Emory, ed - The Works of the Reverend John Welsey, Vol. IV
300389: John Emory, ed - The Works of the Reverend John Welsey, Vol. V.
207236: James Empereur and Eduardo Fernandez - La Vida Sacra: Contemporary Hispanic Sacramental Theology
150795: Paul C. Empie, ed & T. Austin Murphy, ed & Joseph A. Burgess, ed - Teaching Authority and Infallibility in the Church: Lutherans and Catholics in Dialogue VI
188473: John Emsley - Molecules at an Exhibition: Portraits of Intriguing Materials in Everyday Life
199707: Tom Neufer Emswiler - A Complete Guide to Making the Most of Video in Religious Settings: How to Produce, Find, Use, and Distribute Video in the Church and Synagogue
203446: G.B. Endacott and A. Hinton - Fragrant Harbour: A Short History of Hong Kong
148221: Elizabeth Crump Enders - Temple Bells and Silver Sails
195021: William C. Endicott - Bridge over the Ohio River at Louisville, Ky. Letter from the Secretary of War, Transmitting, in Response to a Resolution of the House, a Letter from the Chief of Engineers, with Accompanying Papers, Respecting the Proposed Bridge over the Ohio River between Louisville, Ky. , and Jeffersonville, Ind
206995: Shusaku Endo - A Life of Jesus
109388: Guy Endore - The Sword of God: Jeanne D'Arc
186639: David J. Endres - A Bicentennial History of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati: The Catholic Church in Southwest Ohio, 1821-2021
67997: Joseph Endres, C.SS.R. - Man As the Ontological Mean
207317: David J. Endres - American Crusade: Catholic Youth in the World Mission Movement from World War I Through Vatican II
184030: William Enfield - Institutes of Natural Philosophy, Theoretical and Practical
192373: F. William Engdahl - Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order
168327: S. Morris Engel - The Chain of Logic
190208: Claire Eliane Engel - A History of Mountaineering in the Alps
197713: Fr. Zephyrin Engelhardt - The Holy Man of Santa Clara or Life, Virtues, and Miracles of Fr. Magin Catala, O.F. M.
180418: Antonellus Engemann - The New Song: Faith, Hope, and Charity in Franciscan Spirituality
207357: Charles E. Van Engen, ed - The State of Missiology Today: Global Innovations in Christian Witness
176585: Church of England - The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, According to the Use of the Church of England: Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, Pointed As They Are to Be Sung or Said in Churches
191385: Liturgy Office of the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales and International Commission on English in the Liturgy - In Sure and Certain Hope: Rites and Prayers from the Order of Christian Funerals for the Use of Lay Leaders
104829: E.B. England - The Iphigeneia Among the Tauri of Euripides
203163: Eugene England, ed - Bright Angels and Familiars: Contemporary Mormon Stories
1269723: Omer Englebert - Catherine Laboure and the Modern Apparitions of Our Lady
188199: Omer Englebert - Saint Francis of Assisi
1276681: Omer Englebert - The Hero of Molokai: Father Damien, Apostle of the Lepers
192694: Yves Engler - Building Apartheid: Canada and Israel
186406: [Harriet English] - Conversations and Amusing Tales Offered to the Publick for the Youth of Great Britain
1271904: Bible in English - The Holy Bible: New American Catholic Edition
1254136: Bible in English - The New American Bible: Catholic Life Edition
310686: E. Schuyler English - Robert G. Lee: A Chosen Vessel
141438: Bible in English - Life Application Bible (Niv)
206166: Adam C. English - The Saint Who Would Be Santa Claus: The True Life and Trials of Nicholas of Myra
1254135: Bible in English - The Holy Bible: New American Bible - Friendship Edition
1251038: Bible in English - Holy Bible: Catholic Heritage Edition
197575: Lawrence Englmann - Latin Grammar According to Prof. Lawrence Englmann
185919: Steven Englund - Grace of Monaco: An Interpretive Biography
186136: John Engstead - Star Shots: Fifty Years of Pictures and Stories by One of Hollywood's Greatest Photographers
190944: Stuart Engstrand - Son of the Giant
163595: Theodore W. Engstrom, ed - 227 Heart-Reaching Illustrations
181272: Charles H. Enicks - An Odd Fellow's Scrap Book: A Collection of Articles, Addresses, Editorials, Verse, Etc. Pertaining Mostly to Odd Fellowship and Its Principles, by Prominent Member Os the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and Others
187122: Elizabeth Enright - Thimble Summer
189959: Ronald M. Enroth - Churches That Abuse
188485: Joh. Enschede and Sons - The Enschede Catalog of Typographic Borders and Ornaments
192341: Tod Ensign - America's Military Today: The Challenge of Militarism
47743: W.S. Ensign, ed - The Truth-Teller: August 1946
194169: Eddie Ensley - Visions: The Soul's Path to the Sacred
207675: C.D. Stampley Enterprises, Inc - The New World Dictionary-Concordance to the New American Bible
189010: Theodore Rowland-Entwistle and Jean Cooke - The World Almanac Infopedia: A Visual Encyclopedia for Students
199609: Clarence J. Enzler - My Other Self in Which Christ Speaks to the Soul on Living His Life
1249720: Clarence J. Enzler - My Other Self in Which Christ Speaks to the Soul on Living His Life
81145: Anthony Ephremides and John B. Thomas - Random Processes: Multiplicity Theory and Canonical Decompositions
163672: Gershon Ephros, ed - Cantorial Anthology of Traditional and Modern Synagogue Music Arranged for Cantor and Choir with Organ Accompaniment, Vol. I: Rosh Hashonoh
169849: Gershon Ephros - New Jewish Songster, Volumes I-II
164286: La Iglesia Episcopal - El Libro de Oracion Comun: Administracion de Los Sacramentos Y Otros Ritos Y Ceremonias de la Iglesia Junto Con El Salterio O Salmos de David
196720: Eldon Jay Epp - Junia: The First Woman Apostle
191999: John Eppstein - The Cult of Revolution in the Church
126163: Edwin M. Epstein - The Corporation in American Politics
55303: Paul Epstein - Repertorium Der Hoheren Analysis: Erster Halfte
163966: Priests for Equality - The Inclusive New Testament
197273: Johann Arndt; Peter Erb, tr - True Christianity
181518: Walter Erban - Marc Chagall
184529: David V. Erdman, ed - The Romantic Movement: A Selective and Critical Bibliography for 1985
164984: John Eric Erichsen - The Concussion of the Spine: Nervous Shock and Other Obscure Injuries of the Nervous System, in Their Clinical and Medico-Legal Aspects
178998: Ephraim Edward Ericksen - The Psychological and Ethical Aspects of Mormon Group Life
107477: E. Gordon Ericksen - The West Indies Population Problem
189474: John H. Erickson - Orthodox Christians in America
132003: Carolly Erickson - Bloody Mary
176788: Carolly Erickson - Bloody Mary
184126: Carolly Erickson - Royal Panoply: Brief Lives of the English Monarchs
203358: Karla C. Erickson - Take Time to Make Time Count
176789: Carolly Erickson - The First Elizabeth
188167: Liturgical Commission of the Diocese of Erie - The Community Mass Book
192818: Erik Barnouw, et al. - Conglomerates and the Media
194142: Erikk Geannikis, Andrew Romiti, and P.T. Wilford - Greek Paradigm Handbook: Reference Guide & Memorization Tool
202763: Steven Erikson - The Lees of Laughter's End: A Tale of Bauchelain and Korbal Broach
178396: Steven Erikson - The Lees of Laughter's End: A Tale of Bauchelain & Korbal Broach
19137: Fred Erisman - Frederic Remington
204213: Betsy Erkkila - The Wicked Sisters: Women Poets, Literary History & Discord
160824: Rachel Erlanger - The Unarmed Prophet: Savonarola in Florence
179375: Ernest Caparros, Michel Theriault, and Jean Thorn, eds - Code of Canon Law Annotated: Prepared Under the the Responsibility of the Instituto Martin de Azpilcueta
179494: Brother Ernest - A Story of Saint Francis Xavier
193497: Brother Ernest - A Story of Raphael
179500: Brother Ernest - A Story of Saint Gemma
179509: Brother Ernest - A Story of Saint Cecilia
179510: Brother Ernest - A Story of Saint Agatha
188746: Brother Ernest - Our Lady's Portrait Painter: A Story of Raphael
149598: Le Baron Ernouf - L'Art Des Jardins: Parcs_jardins_promenades; Etude Historique - Principes de la Composition Des Jardins - Plantations; Decoration Pittoresque Et Artistique Des Parcs Et Jardins Publics; Traite Pratique Et Didactique
173459: Petronius; Alfred Ernout, trans - Petrone: Le Satiricon
1244123: Johann August Ernst - Clavis Ciceroniana Sive Indices Rerum Et Verborum in Opera Ciceronis
190942: Morris L. Ernst and David Loth - American Sexual Behavior and the Kinsey Report
178983: Clive Erricker - Buddhism
202430: R. Malcolm Errington - A History of Macedonia
1250830: R. Malcolm Errington - A History of the Hellenistic World 323-30 Bc
1235369: R. Malcolm Errington - A History of Macedonia
182421: Marjory Erskine - Mother Philippine Duchesne
131312: John Erskine, ed - Books and Habits from the Lectures of Lafcadio Hearn
46676: Hans Ertel - Elemente Der Operatorenrechnung
198259: St. John G. Ervine - John Ferguson: A Play in Four Acts
207332: Erwin Fahlbusch, Jan Milic Lochman, John Mbiti, Jaroslav Pelikan, and Lukas Vischer, eds - The Encyclopedia of Christianity
1252806: Alejandro Arango y Escandon - Algunos Versos
300047: St. Josemaria Escriva - Praying the Rosary with St. Josemaria Escriva
208100: St. Josemaria Escriva - Christ Is Passing by: Homilies
206362: Josemaria Escriva - Friends of God: Homilies
98356: Arundell Esdaile - A List of English Tales and Prose Romances Printed Before 1740
197291: Philip F. Esler - New Testament Theology: Communion and Community
123194: Anthony Esler - For the Love of a Pirate
181082: Zegero Bernardo van Espen - Commentarius in Canones Et Decreta Juris Veteris, Ac Novi Et in Jus Novissimum
194315: Rev. Joseph M. Esper - Defiance! the Antichrists of History and Their Doomed War Against the Church
195449: Fr. Joseph M. Esper - Saintly Solutions to Life's Common Problems -- from Anger, Boredom, and Temptation to Gluttony, Gossip, and Greed
310526: Orlando O. Espin and James B. Nickoloff, eds - An Introductory Dictionary of Theology and Religious Studies
197213: Orlando O. Espin - Idol and Grace: On Traditioning and Subversive Hope
1926: Albert Espitalier - Napoleon and King Murat: A Biography Compiled from Hitherto Unknown and Unpublished Documents
166645: Scott C. Esplin and Kenneth L. Alford, eds - Salt Lake City: The Place Which God Prepared
7113: Vincent Esposito - A Short Military History of World War I: Atlas
170840: John L. Esposito - Islam: The Straight Path
195101: J.S.E. [Sr. Julie de St. Esprit] - Spiritual Pastels: Heart Talks and Meditations
177849: Msgr. John Esseff - Building a Kingdom of Love: Your Role in the Triumph of the Sacred Heart
199355: Cajetan esser and Engelbert Grau - Love's Reply
73866: Gilbert F. Esser, C.PP.S. - Three Founders C. Pp. S.
110891: Gerard Esser - Theologia Naturalis in Usum Scholarum
110892: Gerard Esser - Logica in Usum Scholarum
110893: Gerard Esser - Psychologia in Usum Scholarum
199203: Cajetan Esser - Repair My House
131361: Robert N. Essick, ed - The Visionary Hand: Essays for the Study of William Blake's Art and Aesthetics
131488: Robert N. Essick, ed & Donald Pearce, ed - Blake in His Time
191776: Gabe Essoe and Raymond Lee - Demille: The Man and His Pictures
147333: A Member of the Dunboyne Establishment - A Sermon, in Aid of Saint Mary and Saint Peter's Orphan Society, Preached in S.S. Michael and John's Chapel
173586: E.M. Estabrooke - Photography in the Studio and in the Field
198495: Loyola College Pastoral Counseling Faculty; Rev. Barry K. Estadt, ed - Pastoral Counseling
185950: John Esten with Rose Bennett Gilbert - Manhattan Style
207830: David V. Esterline and Ogbu U. Kalu - Shaping Beloved Community: Multicultural Theological Education
101204: Immanuel Estermann - Recent Research in Molecular Beams
194984: Esther L. Gardner, Daisy Schluntz, Ruth Little, and Mary Turner - Homemakers' Cookbook and Guide to Nutrition
5067: Raymond Esthus - From Enmity to Alliance: Us-Australian Relations 1931-1941
121874: A.G. L'Estrange - The Friendships of Mary Russell Mitford As Recorded in Letters from Her Literary Correspondents
200730: Roger L'Estrange - Twenty Four Fables of Aesop and Other Eminent Mythologists, As Rendered Into English by Sir Roger L'Estrange, Knight, with Illustrations After the Etchings of Marcus Gheeraerts the Elder
202706: Dennis Etchison, ed - The Museum of Horrors
178349: Dennis Etchison - Darkside
197420: Marie Hall Ets - Mr. T.W. Anthony Woo: The Story of a Cat and a Dog and a Mouse
1242550: Etteilla - Esoteric Ancient Tarots
196996: Raymond Etteldorf - The Soul of Greece
184412: Richard W. Etulain - Western American Literature: A Bibliography of Interpretive Books and Articles
147538: Girard J. Etzkorn - Iter Vaticanum Franciscanum: A Description of Some One Hundred Manuscripts of the Vaticanus Latinus Collection
172958: Keith Eubank - Munich
67149: Rudolf Eucken - Konnen Wir Noch Christen Sein
61773: Rudolf Eucken - Der Wahrheitsgehalt Der Religion
195983: Saint John Eudes - Meditations on Various Subjects
204017: Saint John Eudes - Meditations on Various Subjects
186562: Eugene H. Peterson, tr., with William Griffin - The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language
203770: Eugene and Nora Ching, Ling Yan - 201 Mandarin Chinese Verbs
184573: Eugene J. Kelley, Hector Lazo, Arnold Corbin, and Edward Kahn, eds - Marketing Management: An Annotated Bibliography
32257: Sister Mary Eugene - King of the Hill
194759: Eugene O'Neill, Tennessee Williams, et al.; Allan Halline, introduction - Six Modern American Plays
204371: Jeffrey Eugenides - Middlesex
1255821: Eugippius; edited by Pius Knoell - Eugippii: Vita Sancti Severini
113483: Alvin C. Eurich and Elmo C. Wilson - In 1937
173397: Euripides; Gilbertus Murray - Euripidis: Fabulae, Tomus I.
67193: C.J. Eustace - Romewards
207436: Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer - Demonic Abortion: A Sobering Commentary on the Satanic Nature of the Modern Abortion Industry
113204: Gabrielle Euvino with Michael San Filippo - The Complete Idiot's Guide to Italian History and Culture
164787: General Synod of the Evangelical and Reformed Church - The Hymnal Containing Complete Orders of Worship
300193: Evangelicals and Catholics Together - The Two Shall Become One Flesh: Reclaiming Marriage
198718: Evangelista Vilanova, Martin McNamara, et al. - The Crisis of Liturgical Reform
1243833: Societatis S. Joannis Evangelistae - Varii Cantus Ad Processionem Et Benedictionem Ss. Sacramenti: Ex Libris Vaticanis Et Solesmensibus Excerpti (Editio Rhythmicis Signis Ornata)
192311: NCCB Committee on Evangelization - Journey to the Fullness of Life: A Report on the Implementation of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults in the United States
1251918: A.A. Evans and David Gibbons - The Compact Timeline of Military History
142635: Edward P. Evans - Apostle of the Karens: Venerable Fr. Paolo Manna
205944: Anatole France; A.W. Evans, trans.; Carl Van Doren, intro - Penguin Island
164486: Arza Evans - The Keystone of Mormonism
202112: G.R. Evans - The Thought of Gregory the Great
202130: Alun Evans - Brassey's Guide to War Films
197637: Craig A. Evans - From Jesus to the Church: The First Christian Generation
190777: G.R. Evans - Anselm and Talking About God
197276: Craig A. Evans, ed - From Prophecy to Testament: The Function of the Old Testament in the New
193727: Ita Ford; Jeanne Evans, ed - Here I Am, Lord": The Letters and Writings of Ita Ford
177436: Mari Evans, ed - Black Women Writers (1950-1980); a Critical Evaluation
198630: Craig A. Evans - Jesus and His Contemporaries: Comparative Studies
1271017: Mary Ellen Evans - The Spirit Is Mercy: The Story of the Sisters of Mercy in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati 1858-1958
163910: Holden A. Evans - One Man's Fight for a Better Navy
109579: G.R. Evans - Anselm
165229: H. Barry Evans, ed - Prayer Book Renewal: Worship and the New Book of Common Prayer
113260: Richard L. Evans - Unto the Hills
113264: Richard L. Evans - At This Same Hour
178833: Michael Evans - The Death of Kings: Royal Deaths in Medieval England
195942: H. Meurig Evans - Welsh-English, English-Welsh Dictionary
200574: Craig A. Evans - Luke
200757: Richard I. Evans - Dialogue with Erich Fromm
199582: Paul Evdokimov - The Struggle with God
1245740: Paul Evdokimov - In the World, of the Church: A Paul Evdokimov Reader
198639: Eric Eve - The Jewish Context of Jesus' Miracles
199585: Louis Evely - We Are All Brothers
198154: Louis Evely - We Dare to Say "Our Father
207368: Louis Evely - The Word of God: Homilies by Louis Evely
201974: Louis Evely - That Man Is You
198189: Louis Evely - The Gospels without Myth
196438: Louis Evely - In the Christian Spirit
188745: Louis Evely - Credo
1275817: Louis Evely - The Prayer of a Modern Man
125594: Louis Evely - Teach Us How to Pray
199989: Evelyn and Frank Stagg - Woman in the World of Jesus
27163: H.O. Evennett - The Catholic Schools of England and Wales
124289: H. Outram Evennett - The Spirit of the Counter-Reformation
187270: Jeff Evenson - Art of the Lewis & Clark Trail
196039: William Preston Campbell-Everden - Freemasonry and Its Etiquette
185983: Rupert Everett - Red Carpets and Other Banana Skins
24808: Georg G. Evers - Martin Luther [Complete Set]
109931: Georg Evers - Martin Luther: Lebens Und Charakerbild Von Ihm Selbst Gezeichnet in Seinen Eigenen Schriften Und Correspondenzen [Complete Set]
149155: William Everson - The Springing of the Blade
181813: Evert van Uitert, Louis van Tilborgh, and Sjraar van Heugten - Vincent Van Gogh: Paintings
207743: Jason Evert - If You Really Loved Me: 100 Questions on Dating, Relationships, and Sexual Purity
140664: George Every - The Mass: Meaning, Mystery and Ritual
70036: L'Abbe Elie Evesque - Instructions Sur Les Evangiles
103959: Colin Ewan - Caesar's Gallic War Book I.
178645: James Ewell - The Planter's and Mariner's Medical Companion: Treating, According to the Most Successful Practice, I. The Diseases Common to Warm Climates and on Ship Board. II. Common Cases in Surgery, As Fractures, Dislocation, &C. &C. III. The Complaints Peculiar to Women and Children. To Which Are Subjoined, a Dispensatory, Shewing How to Prepare and Administer Family Medicines, and a Glossary, Giving and Explanation of Technical Terms
185540: David Ewen, ed - The Book of Modern Composers
185351: David Ewen, ed - American Composers Today: A Biographical and Critical Guide
185352: David Ewen, ed - European Composers Today: A Biographical and Critical Guide
106992: Hanns Heinz Ewers - Blood
194439: Ward B. Ewing - Job: A Vision of God
70631: J. Franklin Ewing, S.J., ed - Local Leadership in Mission Lands: Proceedings of the Fordham University Conference of Mission Specialists, 2nd Annual Meeting, January 23-24, 1954
70628: J. Franklin Ewing, S.J., ed - Christian Living in Mission Lands: Proceedings of the Fordham University Conference of Mission Specialists, 5th Annual Meeting, January 19-20, 1957
70630: J. Franklin Ewing, S.J., ed - Social Action in Mission Lands: Proceedings of the Fordham University Conference of Mission Specialists, 3rd Annual Meeting, January 22-23, 1955
32664: S. Blaine Ewing - Burtonian Melancholy in the Plays of John Ford
13332: The Bradford Exchange - The Bradsford Book of Collector's Plates 1976
160056: The Trust for Museum Exhibitions - Maurice Boutet de Monvel: Master of French Illustration and Portraiture
171645: Abbe Prevost d'Exiles - The Story of Manon Lescaut and the Chevalier Des Grieux
196936: I.H. Eybers, F.C. Fensham, C.J. Labuschagne, W.C. van Wyk, and A.H. van Zyl, eds - De Fructu Oris Sui: Essays in Honour of Adrianus Van Selms
181562: Scott Eyman - Ernst Lubitsch: Laughter in Paradise
1281040: St. Peter Julian Eymard - The Real Presence: Eucharistic Meditations
121544: Vincent Eyre - Journal of an Afghanistan Prisoner
169247: Harry Eyres - Horace and Me: Life Lessons from an Ancient Poet
169087: Rosalie F. and Charles F. Baker III - Ancient Romans: Expanding the Classical Tradition
191160: William F. and Robert J. Rosenblum - Eight Lights: The Story of Chanukah
169172: Rosalie F. and Charles F. Baker III - Ancient Greeks: Creating the Classical Tradition
3045: Jack Cassin-Scott & John Fabb - Ceremonial Uniforms of the World
207917: Virginia Fabella and R.S. Sugirtharajah - Dictionary of Third World Theologies
177160: Lorney Faber - Next Year Country
185379: Michel Faber - The Crimson Petal and the White
180698: Frederick William Faber - Notes on Doctrinal and Spiritual Subjects, Volume II: The Faith and the Spiritual Life
182443: M. Mueller; F.W. Faber, tr - St. Camillus de Lellis: Founder of the Clerks Regular, Servants of the Sick
190033: Frederick William Faber - The Blessed Sacrament; or, the Works and Ways of God
1248176: C.W. Faber, ed - New Dayton Illustrated or the Gem City As Seen Through a Camera 1893
107995: Erika Papp Faber - Our Mother's Tears: Ten Weeping Madonnas in Historic Hungary
199635: Fredrick William Faber - The Creator and the Creature or, the Wonders of Divine Love
199769: Robert Fabing - La Verdadera Comida: Una Espiritualidad de la Eucaristia
188672: Frank J. Fabozzi, ed - Investment Management
207650: Jaume Fabregas and Alexandre Olivar - La Voz de Los Padres En la Liturgia de Las Horas: Los Autores Eclesiasticos Del Oficio de Lectura
195255: Jean de Fabregues - Christian Marriage
144853: Burton P. Fabricand - Beating the Street: How to Make More Money in the Stock Market
1273115: J. Alberti Fabricii (Johann Albert Fabricius) - Bibliotheca Graeca Sive Notitia Scriptorum Veterum Graecorum, Vol. One
181001: Johann Albert Fabricius - Bibliographia Antiquaria, Sive Introductio in Notitiam Scriptorum, Qui Antiquitates Hebraicas, Graecas, Romanas Et Christianas Scriptis Illustraverunt
199202: Fr. Dominic Faccin - Spiritual Exercises According to Saint Bonaventure
188032: Lillian Faderman - Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers: A History of Lesbian Life in Twentieth-Century America
175802: Clifton Fadiman, ed - I Believe: The Personal Philosophies of Certain Eminent Men and Women of Our Time
310418: Rev. W. Faerber - Catechism for the Catholic Parochial Schools of the United States
205660: Rev. W. Faerber - Catholic Catechism for the Parochial Schools of the United States
1249972: Louis J. Faerber, ed - Our Lady in Education: The Proceedings of the Workshop on Our Lady in Education, Conducted at the University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio, from June 11 to June 18, 1958, in Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Lourdes Apparitions
37964: P. Franz Faessler, O.S.B. - Der Hagiosbegriff Bei Origenes Ein Beitrag Zum Hagios-Problem
173118: Brian M. Fagan - Return to Babylon: Travelers, Archaeologists, and Monuments in Mesopotamia
173123: Brian Fagan - The Rape of the Nile: Tomb Robbers, Tourists, and Archaeologists in Egypt
167471: Brian M. Fagan - The Journey from Eden: The Peopling of Our World
183291: Herb Fagen - White Hats and Silver Spurs: Interviews with 24 Stars of Film and Television Westerns of the Thirties Through the Sixties
124158: David W. Fagerberb - The Size of Chesterton's Catholicism
207223: David W. Fagerberg - Theologia Prima: What Is Liturgical Theology
145592: J.-B. Fages - Le Structuralisme En Proces
166619: Lawrence W. Fagg - The Becoming of Time: Integrating Physical and Religious Time
185628: Massimo Faggioli - Vatican II: The Battle for Meaning
206627: Fr. Augustin Fagothey - Right and Reason: Ethics in Theory and Practice
62287: Emile Faguet, ed - Descartes
169796: James C. Fahey - The Ships and Aircraft of the United States Fleet
142093: Geiko Muller-Fahrenholz - The Kingdom and the Power: The Theology of Jurgen Moltmann
65386: Helmut Fahsel - Ehe, Liebe Und Sexualproblem
186494: Thomas M. Fahy - Book of Glory: Questions and Answers About the Third Fiat of God
184026: Charles Faider - Paroles D'Un Voyant
197125: Morris M. Faierstein, tr - Jewish Mystical Autobiographies: Book of Visions and Book of Secrets
187963: Jacob Baart de la Faille - Specimen de Romano-Catholicorum, Qui Vulgo Jansenistae Dicuntur, Historia Et Principiis
164268: Gordon L. Fain - Ancient Greek Epigrams: Major Poets in Verse Translation
66123: Rev. Bartholomew Francis L. Fair - The Impediment of Abduction: An Historical Synopsis and Commentary
1241010: Chicago 1933 World's Fair - Catalogue of a Century of Progress Exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture
206157: Donald Fairbairn - Life in the Trinity: An Introduction to Theology with the Help of the Church Fathers
178643: John King Fairbank - The United States and China
203329: John King Fairbank - The United States & China
190404: Trevor Fairbrother - John Singer Sargent
131362: B.H. Fairchild - Such Holy Song: Music As Idea, Form, and Image in the Poetry of William Blake
28421: Hoxie Neale Fairchild - Religious Trends in English Poetry [2 Vols]
191914: Henry Pratt Fairchild - Immigration: A World Movement and Its American Significance
86238: Hoxie Fairchild - Religious Perspectives in College Teaching
109646: H. Rushton Fairclough - Horace: Satires - Epistles and Ars Poetica
176275: William Fairholme - Journal of an Expedition to the Grand Prairies of the Missouri 1840
200821: Benjamin F. Fairless - It Could Happen Only in the U.S. : A Coal Miner's Son Describes His Remarkable Career That Led from Pigeon Run, Ohio to the Summit of American Industry
195723: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - Declaration Dominus Iesus
148434: Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - Declaration in Defence of the Catholic Doctrine on the Church Against Certain Errors of the Present Day
195720: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on Some Aspects of the Church Understood As Communion
125583: The Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - Instruction on Infant Baptism
195548: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - From "Inter Insigniores" to "Ordinatio Sacerdotalis": Documents and Commentaries
206554: Commission on Faith and Order - Towards Sharing the One Faith: A Study Guide for Discussion Groups
199468: Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - Declaration on Certain Questions Concerning Sexual Ethics: Persona Humana / Commentaries
195340: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - Instruction Donum Vitae
125561: Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - Instruction on Mixed Marriages
148729: Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - Declaration in Defense of the Catholic Doctrine on the Church Against Certain Errors of the Present Day
148671: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - Non-Discrimination Against Homosexual Persons: Some Considerations Concerning the Response to Legislative Proposals
1275742: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - Christian Meditation: Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on Some Aspects of Christian Meditation
192016: Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - Declaration on Certain Questions Concerning Sexual Ethics
148737: Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - Declaration on the Question of the Admission of Women to the Ministerial Priesthood
125540: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - Instruction on Some Aspects of the Use of the Instruments of Social Communication in Promoting the Doctrine of the Faith
145857: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - Instruction on Some Aspects of the Use of the Instruments of Social Communication in Promoting the Doctrine of the Faith
38979: Congretation for the Propogation of the Faith - Collectanea S. Congregationes de Propaganda Fide Seu Decreta Instructiones Rescripta Pro Apostolicis Missionibus, Vols. I-II
195608: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - Responses to Some Questions Regarding Certain Aspects of the Doctrine on the Church
145662: Daniel Faivre - L'Idee de Dieu Chez Les Hebreux Nomades: Une Monolatrie Sur Fond de Polydemonisme
206589: Ernest Falardeau, S.S.S. - That All May Be One: Catholic Reflections on Christian Unity
144821: Lawrence P. Creedon & William D. Falcon - United for Separation: An Analysis of Poau Assaults on Catholicism
206580: Alan Falconer, ed - Faith and Order in Moshi: The 1996 Commission Meeting
182641: Alan Falconer - A Man Alone: Meditations on the Seven Last Words of Jesus on the Cross
189744: Roland J. Faley - From Genesis to Apocalypse: Introducing the Bible
80455: Edwin A. Falk - Togo and the Rise of Japanese Sea Power
183875: Christopher Falkus - The Life and Times of Charles II
190929: Delos Fall - Science for Beginners: An Introduction to the Method and Matter of Science
166242: Anne-Catherine Fallen, Research & Design, Ltd., ed - Washington National Cathedral
195067: P. Othone Faller - De Priorum Saeculorum Silentio Circa Assumptionem B. Mariae Virginis
144474: Viscount Grey of Fallodon - Fallodon Papers
197737: Timothy D. Fallon - What Jesus Said and Why It Matters Now
1249271: J.C. Ewald Falls - Three Years in the Libyan Desert
176802: Jake Falstaff - The Book of Rabelais
174902: Jake Falstaff - Reini Kugel: Lover of This Earth
148753: Pontifical Council for the Family - From Despair to Hope: The Family and Drug Addiction
195296: Pontifical Council for the Family - Compendium on the Family and Human Life
195489: Pontifical Council for the Family - Vademecum for Confessors Concerning Some Aspects of the Morality of Conjugal Life
194060: Pontifical Council for the Family - Enchiridion on the Family: A Compendium of Church Teaching on Family and Life Issues from Vatican II to the Present
203248: K. Fan, ed - Mao Tse-Tung and Lin Piao: Post Revolutionary Writings
145387: Violet Fane - Constance's Fate: A Story of Denzil Place
43356: Ludovico Fanfani - De Iure Religiosorum Ad Normam Codicis Iuris Canonici
188767: Amintore Fanfani - Catholicism, Protestantism and Capitalism
190389: Ludovico Fanfani - De Iure Parochorum Ad Normam Codis Iuris Canonici
43647: Franciscus Fang - Dispensatio Matrimonialis Urgente Mortis Periculo Et Instante Nuptiarum Contractu Ad Normam Can. 1043-1045
1220660: K.T. Fann, ed - Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Man and His Philosophy
67893: Patrick Fannon, S.M.M. - The Changing Face of Theology
183039: John Fante - Dreams from Bunker Hill
185862: Elaine Fantham - The Roman World of Cicero's de Oratore
204093: Elaine Fantham - Roman Literary Culture: From Cicero to Apuleius
141213: Giovanni Fantoni - Poesie Di Giovanni Fantoni Toscano
107176: Fanzines - Fantasy Macabre 1
146641: Sean O'Faolain - Newman's Way: The Odyssey of John Henry Newman
163373: Caesar E. Farah - Islam: Beliefs and Observances
172327: Caesar E. Farah - Islam: Beliefs and Observances
204308: Monte Farber and Amy Zerner - Cupid Cards: The Oracle of Love
62104: Marvin Farber, ed - Philosophic Thought in France and the United States: Essays Representing Major Trends in Contemporary French and American Philosophy
165383: James Farber - Texans with Guns
100022: Oliver La Farge - Long Pennant
310224: Oliver La Farge, ed - The Changing Indian
64911: Marie Fargues - The Child and the Mystery of Death
163050: A.G. Ravan Farhadi - Abdullah Ansari of Herat (1006-1089 C.E. ): An Early Sufi Master
196776: Jacir de Freitas Faria - El Otro Pedro Y la Otra Magdalena Segun Los Apocrifos
142944: John Farina, ed - Hecker Studies: Essays on the Thought of Isaac Hecker
1266577: John T. Faris - Roaming the Eastern Mountains
174856: John T. Faris - Seeing the Middle West
185224: Lawrence Tibbett; Andrew Farkas, ed - Singing Actor
184889: Oscar Farkasch - Dilemmas of Dentistry, Volume I.
183997: Walter Farley - Son of the Black Stallion
190066: Edward Farley - The Transcendence of God: A Study in Contemporary Philosophical Theology
192042: Rev. John M. Farley - History of Saint Patrick's Cathedral
192951: Paul Farmer - The Uses of Haiti
198924: D.H. Farmer, ed - Benedict's Disciples
207265: William R. Farmer - The International Bible Commentary
203567: Philip Jose Farmer - The Dark Design
199197: Fannie Merritt Farmer - The Boston Cooking-School Cook Book
178336: Philip Jose Farmer and Danny Adams - The City Beyond Play
120124: David Hugh Farmer, ed - Benedict's Disciples
202988: Philip José Farmer - The Other in the Mirror
178783: Philip Jose Farmer - The Other in the Mirror
178394: Philip Jose Farmer - To Your Scattered Bodies Go
179429: Philip Jose Farmer - The Magic Labyrinth
181026: David Hugh Farmer - The Oxford Dictionary of Saints
192883: Paul Farmer - Infections and Inequalities: The Modern Plagues
195859: Ceris Farnes - Survive in Five Languages
167560: Jeffery Farnol - Charmian Lady Vibart
180397: Mabel Farnum - The Wool Merchant of Segovia (St. Alphonsus Rodriguez)
182449: Mabel Farnum - Saint Anthony of Padua: His Life and Miracles
131003: George Farquhar - The Recruiting Officer: A Comedy
131004: George Farquhar - The Recruiting Officer: A Comedy
131005: George Farquhar - Sir Harry Wildair: Being the Sequel of the Trip to the Jubilee: A Comedy
177885: Clarissa P. Farrar and Austin P. Evans - Bibliography of English Translations from Medieval Sources
170422: Canon Farrar - The Early Days of Christianity, Part I.
197607: Frederic W. Farrar - The Life of Christ As Represented in Art
1276395: Walter Farrell - A Companion to the Summa: Vols. I-IV
207956: Walter Farrell, O.P. - Sin
191969: Father Farrell - The Parish Catechism
190421: Rev. Christopher Farrell - The Devotion of Our Time
65999: Benjamin F. Farrell - The Rights and Duties of the Local Ordinary Regarding Congregations of Women Religious of Pontifical Approval
179355: Rev. Melvin Farrell - First Steps to the Priesthood: An Explanation of the Christian Life for Minor Seminarians
202920: Joseph P. Farrell - The Philosophers' Stone: Alechemy and the Secret Research for Exotic Matter
193061: Mike Farrell - Of Mule and Man
170448: Nick Farrell - Making Talismans: Living Entities of Power; a Complete Magical System to Bring About Inner & Outer Change
189002: Joseph Farrell - Life in Ancient Rome
124399: Walter Farrell and Dominic Hughes - Swift Victory: Essays on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
199939: Christopher Farrell and Thomas Artz - The Sacraments Today: Their Meaning and Celebration
207187: Fr. Edward J. Farrell - No One Else Can Sing My Song
204400: Eileen Farrell and Brian Kellow - Can"T Help Singing: The Life of Eileen Farrell
207204: Rev. Edward J. Farrell - Gathering the Fragments: A Gospel Mosaic
177813: Rev. Martin Farrell - A Catechism for Non-Catholics
187253: Walter Farrell - Only Son
197174: Dom. M. John Farrelly - Predestination, Grace, and Free Will
207014: M. John Farrelly, O.S.B. - Belief in God in Our Time: Foundational Theology I.
172506: Sister M. Natalena Farrelly - Thomas Francis Meehan (1854-1942): A Memoir
183449: David Farren - Living with Magic
28678: Robert Farren - This Man Was Ireland: A Poem
180215: E.A. Farrington - A Clinical Materia Medica. Being a Course of Lectures Delivered at the Hahnemann Medical College, of Philadelphia
187116: Frank Farrington - Sunny Sam: Something for Oldsters to Read to Youngsters
160768: Jane Farrington - Wyndham Lewis
202742: John Farris - Catacombs
169364: Dr. Kaveh Farrokh - Shadows in the Desert: Ancient Persia at War
192008: John Farrow - Pageant of the Popes
165410: Edward S. Farrow - Farrow's Military Encyclopedia: A Dictionary of Military Knowledge Illustrated with Maps and About Three Thousand Wood Engravings (Volume I)
189618: John Farrow - Damien the Leper
199109: John Farrow - Damien the Leper
43488: P. Nicolaus Farrugia - De Matrimonio Et Causis Matrimonialibus: Tractatus Canonico-Moralis Iuxta Codicem Isuris Canonici
181775: Daniel Farson - The Gilded Gutter Life of Francis Bacon
178137: Isma'il Ragi al Faruqi and David E. Sopher, eds - Historical Atlas of the Religions of the World
178503: Byron Farwell - Armies of the Raj from the Mutiny to Independence, 1858-1947
169067: Byron Farwell - Mr. Kipling's Army
193200: Byron Farwell - The Great War in Africa 1914-1918
171558: Capt. Raymond F. Farwell - The Rules of the Nautical Road
202872: Byron Farwell - Mr. Kipling's Army: All the Queen's Men
202852: Alessia Fassone and Enrico Ferraris - Egypt: Pharaonic Period
177548: Howard Fast - The Selected Work of Tom Paine & Citizen Tom Paine
205930: Howard Fast - Citizen Tom Paine
176709: Howard Fast - Citizen Tom Paine
196461: Howard Fast - The Last Frontier
200787: Howard Fast - The Unvanquished
97454: A Dominican Father - Saint Thomas Aquinas
310467: Carmelite Fathers, Province of the Most Pure Heart of Mary - Acts of the Provincial Chapter of the Carmelite Order, Chapters 26-33
1267407: The Maryknoll Fathers, eds - The Maryknoll Missal
187781: Holy Ghost Fathers - Chuo Cha Sala: Prayer Book
196437: The Maryknoll Fathers, ed - The Maryknoll Missal
167288: The Maryknoll Fathers, ed - The Consecutive Missal of the Mystical Body Conveniently Arranged for Each Sunday and Feastday of the Year with Prayers and Devotions
1266060: The Maryknoll Fathers, eds - The Maryknoll Missal
1257117: The Basilian Fathers - St. Basil's Hymnal: An Extensive Collection of English and Latin Hymns for Church, School and Home
1240565: The Maryknoll Fathers, eds - The Maryknoll Missal
125560: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Fatih - Some Aspects of the Church Understood As Communion: Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church
199127: Emma Fattorini - Hitler, Mussolini, and the Vatican: Pope Pius XI and the Speech That Was Never Made
198708: Mary Ann Fatula - Catherine of Siena's Way
113166: Elizabeth Faue - Community of Suffering & Struggle: Women, Men, and the Labor Movement in Minneapolis, 1915-1945
15058: Millard Faught and Laurence Hammond - The Care and Feeding of Executives and the General Theory of How to Be One
70177: Kardinal Faulhaber - Judentum, Christentum, Germanentum: Adventspredigten
123486: Michael Cardinal Faulharber - The Women of the Bible
193913: Terry R. Faulk - Simple Methods of Mining Gold
196502: Odie B. Faulk - Destiny Road: The Gila Trail and the Opening of the Southwest
163235: Raymond O. Faulkner - A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian
198313: William Faulkner - Light in August
200483: William Faulkner - A Fable
109474: William Faulkner - A Green Bough
203309: William Faulkner - Sartoris (Spanish Language Edition)
190170: Georgene Faulkner - The White Elephant and Other Tales from Old India
206942: Jose Ignacio Gonzalez Faus - Hombres de la Comunidad: Repensando El Ministerio Eclesial
187696: Gerry Faust and Steve Love - Gerry Faust: The Golden Dream
203372: James E. Faust - Reach Up for the Light
203371: James E. Faust - Finding Light in a Dark World
113347: Patricia L. Faust, ed - Historical Times Illustrated Encyclopedia of the CIVIL War
203404: James E. Faust - To Reach Even Unto You
166304: Robert T. Fauth - So You Are a Church Member: Revised and Updated
165324: Robert T. Fauth - So You Are a Church Member
167462: Robert T. Fauth - So You Are a Church Member
182030: Pierre-Marie Favelac - Aujourd'Hui S'Installer En Louis XVI
185877: Stephen Fay - The Ring: Anatomy of an Opera
176307: Bernard Fay - Franklin, the Apostle of Modern Times
102777: James Fay - Molecular Thermodynamics
95934: Eugene de Faye - Origene - Sa Vie, Son Ouevre, Sa Pensee Vol. III: La Doctrine
66092: Rev. Francis J. Fazzalaro - The Place for the Hearing of Confessions: A Historical Synopsis and a Commentary
43615: Giuseppe M. Fazzari - Valutazione Etica E Consenso Matrimoniale
206264: Gerolamo Fazzini, ed.; Bernardo Cervellera, preface; Charlotte J. Fasi, tr - Diaries of the Chinese Martyrs: Stories of Heroic Catholics Living in Mao's China
192943: Robert W. Fearn - Amoral America: How the Rest of the World Learned to Hate America, Volume 1
175043: Henry Bradshaw Fearon - Sketches of America: A Narrative of a Journey of Five Thousand Miles
203028: Peter Fearon - Behind the Palace Walls: The Rise and Fall of Britain's Royal Family
203368: Vaughn J. Featherstone - More Purity Give Me
203465: Vaughn J. Featherstone - A Generation of Excellence: A Guide for Parents and Youth Leaders
121787: Donald Featherstone - Weapons and Equipment of the Victorian Soldier
111934: Donald Featherstone - Victorian Colonial Warfare: India
101179: Donald Featherstone - Handbook for Model Solider Collectors
203403: Vaughn J. Featherstone - The Disciple of Christ
203406: Vaughn J. Featherstone - Commitment
203412: Vaughn J. Featherstone - Hold Up Your Light
166686: J. Clayton Feaver and William Horosz - Religion in Philosophical and Cultural Perspective: A New Approach to the Philosophy of Religion Through Cross-Disciplinary Studies
181539: William Feaver - The Lives of Lucian Freud: The Restless Years, 1922-1968
198388: Con J. Fecher - Ancestral Portraits of Ohio Settlers
72707: Constantine John Fecher - The Longevity of Members of Catholic Religious Sisterhoods
170425: Con. J. Fecher - Life-Style and Demography of Catholic Religious Sisterhoods and Health of Other Religious Groups
184206: Luke Feck - Yesterday's Cincinnati
173880: Luke Feck - Yesterday's Cincinnati: Special Bicentennial Edition
173881: Luke Feck - Yesterday's Cincinnati: Special Bicentennial Edition
67526: Dr. Carl Feckes - Das Mysterium Der Heiligen Kirche: Dogmatische Untersuchungen Zum Wesen Der Kirche
191583: R.P.J. Feder - Missel Quotidien Des Fideles: Vesperal, Rituel, Recueil de Prieres
201249: Klaus H. Feder and Uta Feder - Auszeichnungen Der Nationalen Volksarmee Der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik
162872: Carla Federici and Carla Larese Riga - Ciao! Laboratory and Exercise Manual
202301: Paul Jonathan Fedwick, ed - Basil of Caesarea: Christian, Humanist, Ascetic; a Sixteen-Hundredth Anniversary Symposium, Part One
37210: Sergius Fedyniak - Mariologia Apud Pp. Orientales
206026: Gordon D. Fee - The First Epistle to the Corinthians
206597: Gordon D. Fee - 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus
180935: Denis Feeney - Caesar's Calendar: Ancient Time and the Beginnings of History
182017: Robert Feeney - The Rosary: "the Little Summa
170858: Rev. Bernard Feeney - The Catholic Sunday School: Some Suggestions on Its Aim, Work, and Management
32277: Thomas Butler Feeney, S.J. - When the Wind Blows
192425: John Feffer - Shock Waves: Eastern Europe After the Revolutions
187399: Leslie Feher - The Psychology of Birth: Roots of Human Personality
123888: Don E. Feherenbacher, ed - Abraham Lincoln: Speeches and Writings, 1859-1865
124380: Noah Edward Fehl - The Idea of a University: In East and West
186594: Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner - Mary and Franciscanism
186588: Fr. Peter Damian Ma. Fehlner - St. Maximilian Ma. Kolbe, Martyr of Charity - Pneumatologist: His Theology of the Holy Spirit
167290: Henry Fehren and Stephen J. Hartdegen - Prayers of the Bible
70070: Father Henry Fehren - Christ Now: Saturday Night Thoughts for Sunday Mass
196814: Adeline Fehribach - The Women in the Life of the Bridegroom: A Feminist Historical-Literary Analysis of the Female Characters in the Fourth Gospel
198321: John J. Fehring, dir - Kyriale and Motet Book
175716: Robert N. Feicht - A History of St. Johns Lodge No. 13: Free and Accepted Masons, Dayton, Ohio 1810-1962
199940: Rev. Paul A. Feider - The Sacraments: Encountering the Risen Lord
182039: Gail Feigenbaum - Degas and New Orleans: A French Impressionist in America
197688: Johannes Feiner and Magnus Lohrer - Mysterium Salutis: Manual de Teologia Como Historia de la Salvacion, Tomos I-V
206112: Lawrence Feingold - Faith Comes from What Is Heard: An Introduction to Fundamental Theology
185223: Michael Feinstein with Ian Jackman - The Gershwins and Me: A Personal History in Twelve Songs
8716: Uwe Feist - Waffen-Ss in Action
674: Edward Maloney & Uwe Feist - North American P-51 Mustang
191928: Aubrey Feist - The Lion of St Mark: Venice; the Story of a City from Attila to Napoleon
20448: Uwe Feist - Messerschmitt Me109
20452: Heinz Nowarra & Uwe Feist - Junkers Ju-87
193916: Leland Feitz - Ghost Towns of the Cripple Creek District: A Quick History
193918: Leland Feitz - Alamosa: The City & the County
171893: Edward Feld - The Spirit of Renewal: Finding Faith After the Holocaust
187042: Rev. Hilarin Felder - Jesus of Nazareth
199545: Rev. Hilarin Felder - The Knight-Errant of Assisi
180404: Rev. Hilarin Felder - The Knight-Errant of Assisi
196685: Aloysius H. Feldhaus - Oratories
185827: Andrew Feldherr, ed - The Cambridge Companion to the Roman Historians
171657: David Feldman - Why Do Pirates Love Parrots
192880: Jonathan Feldman - Universities in the Business of Repression: The Academic-Military-Industrial Complex and Central America
63343: Dr. Franz Feldmann - Das Buch Isaias: Kap. 1-39
83293: Richard Feldtkeller - Einfuhrung in Die Siebschaltungstheorie
200459: Antonia Felix - Elizabeth Warren: Her Fight. Her Work. Her Life
108060: Laurie Felknor - The Crisis in Religious Vocations: An Inside View
191057: Bob Feller with Bill Gilbert - Now Pitching, Bob Feller
190848: Bob Feller - Strikeout Story
187629: Karl Gustav Fellerer - The History of Catholic Church Music
121826: J.E. Fellers - Crossing Familiar Paths: A Collection of Notes, Comments, and Suggestions; Persons, Places, Things; Miscellaneous
110658: Edmund Horace Fellowes - The English Madrigal Composers
186855: Independent Order of Odd Fellows - By-Laws of Gem City Encampment No. 116, I.O. O.F. Of Dayton, O.
181190: Independent Order of Odd Fellows - Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Ohio at the One Hundred and Twenty-First Annual Session Held at Mansfield, June 14-17, 1953
181193: Independent Order of Odd Fellows - Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Ohio at Its Seventy-Third Annual Session Held at Akron, May 16th to 19th, 1905
182255: Independent Order of Odd Fellows - Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Ohio at Its Seventy-Second Annual Session Held at Youngstown, May 17th to 20th, 1904
182256: Independent Order of Odd Fellows - Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Ohio at Its Seventy-First Annual Session Held at Ironton, May 19th to 22nd, 1903
196054: Odd-Fellows - The Golden Rule and Odd-Fellows' Family Companion. A Saturday Journal of General Literature, Odd-Fellowship and Amusement, Volumes VI-VII
165704: Boston Clergy Group of the Episcopal Evangelical Fellowship - A Prayer Book Manual Prepared by the Boston Clergy Group of the Episcopal Evangelical Fellowship
5333: M. von Felsenstadt - Die Schmach Der Fremdenlegion
188579: Mark Felton - Children of the Camps: Japan's Last Forgotten Victims
196644: Msgr. Anthony A. La Femina - Eucharist and Covenant in John's Last Supper Account (Jn. 12: 44-17: 26)
188452: Jonathan Fenby - Modern China: The Fall and Rise of a Great Power, 1850 to the Present
175126: Francois J. Fenelon; Rev. T.F. Dibdin - Fenelon's Treatise on the Education of Daughters: Translated from the French, and Adapted to English Readers, with an Original Chapter, "on Religious Studies.
146722: Francis Fenelon - Pious Reflections for Every Day of the Month. Translated from the French of Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray. To Which Is Prefixed, the Life of the Author
142473: M. Fenelon - Les Aventures de Telemaque, Fils D'Ulysse
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