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184856: - Verdura 70th Anniversary Catalogue
188951: - Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Volume L (December 1874 - May 1875)
310033: - Church of the Holy Angels Guide Book & Directory 2017-18
182263: - Foxe: Voices of the Martyrs Ad 33-Today
141098: - Catholic Record Society: Miscellanea X, Volume 17
164480: - Some Suggestions for Latter-Day Saint Missionaries from the Field of Successful Commercial Salesmanship
71684: - Canones Et Decreta Sacrosancti Oeumenici Councilii Tridentini Sub Paulo III. , Iulio III. Et Pio IV. Pontificibus Maximis. Cum Additamentis Et Et Indicibus Amplissimis
201000: - The Atlantic Monthly. A Magazine of Literature, Science, Art, and Politics. (Volume XXVII, January-June 1871)
65538: - Verhandlungen Der 54 Generalversammlung Der Katholiken Deutschlands in Wurzburg
170041: - Gates of Repentance: The New Union Prayerbook for the Days of Awe
200994: - The Atlantic Monthly: A Magazine of Literature, Science, Art, and Politics, Volume LVII (January-June 1886)
200995: - The Atlantic Monthly. A Magazine of Literature, Art, and Politics. (Volume XV, January-June 1865)
207324: - Studies in the International Apostolate of Jesuits Vol. IV No. 1
175394: - History of the Presbytery of Argyle of the United Presbyterian Church of North America, and Its Associate and Associate Reformed Predecessors
203868: - The Golden Book Magazine Volume VII Number 39
203869: - The Golden Book Magazine Volume VI Number 36
203870: - The Golden Book Magazine Volume VII Number 41
203871: - The Golden Book Magazine Volume VI Number 31
203872: - The Golden Book Magazine Volume III Number 15
203873: - The Golden Book Magazine Volume IV Number 24
197167: - The Sacrament of Holy Orders: Some Papers and Discussions Concerning Holy Orders at a Session of the Centre de Pastorale Liturgique, 1955
177586: - The Fire Lands Pioneer: Volume XIII (July 1878)
201179: - The History of the Franciscan Order
14513: - Impressions: Reflections in the Graphic Arts
207799: - The Letters of Gerbert with His Papal Privileges As Sylvester II
177143: - John James Audubon's Birds of America: From the Collection of the New York Society Library, Parts I-II
170975: - Saint Aloysius' Society Manual
171900: - Japanese Religion: A Survey by the Agency for Cultural Affairs
124716: - Catholic International (Volumes 11-12 in 1 Book)
310381: - Ritual Para El Bautismo de Los Ninos
187155: - Mickey Mouse Presents Walt Disney's Silly Symphony Book to Color for Use with Paints or Crayons
206553: - Joint Working Group between the Roman Catholic Church and the World Council of Churches: Seventh Report
192356: - Compte Rendu Des Constitutions Des Jesuites, Par Monsieur le Procureur-General Du Roi Au Parlement de Toulouse, Les 24, 30 Avril & 4 Mai 1762, En Execution Des Arrets de la Cour Des 15 Septembre & 14 Novembre 1761. / Plaidoyer de Monsieur le Procureur-General Du Roi Au Parlement de Toulouse, Dans Les Audiences Des 8, 11 & 17 Fevrier 1763. / Comptes Rendus Au Parlement Seant a Toulouse, Toutes Les Chambres Assemblees Par Deux D'Entre MM. Les Commissaires, Au Sujet Des Constitutions & de la Doctrine Des Soi-Disans Jesuites, Les 7, 9, 10 & 11 Mai 1762, & Deposes Au Greffe Dudit Parlement, En Consequence de L'Arrete Du 16 Juin de la Meme Annee
172392: - Artlines Poster Collection: Flying
1277618: - Catholic's Pocket Manual Compiled from Approved Sources
148567: - The Dublin Review: January, February, March 1923
195921: - Korean/English, English/Korean Dictionary
203954: - The Knickerbocker or New-York Monthly Magazine Volume LIV Nos. 1-6
203958: - The Cosmopolitan: A Monthly Illustrated Magazine Volume XXVII Nos. 1-6
203959: - The Cosmopolitan: A Monthly Illustrated Magazine Volume XXV Nos. 1-6
203960: - The Cosmopolitan: A Monthly Illustrated Magazine Volume XXVI Nos. 1-6
203961: - The Cosmopolitan: A Monthly Illustrated Magazine Volume XXXII Nos. 1-6
179625: - Germany and Eastern Europe Since 1945: From the Potsdam Agreement to Chancellor Brandt's "Ostpolitik
181288: - The Independent Order of Odd Fellows: A World Wide Fraternal Order
168352: - De Doctrina Ioannes Duns Scoti: Acta Congressus Scotistici Internationalis, Oxonii Et Edimburgi 11-17 Sept. 1966 Celebrati
205865: - Higher Geography: Embodying a Comprehensive Course with Many Original Features - Accompanied with Numerous Engravings Illustrative of New Subjects, from Sketches and Designs by Distinguished Artists - with Political Maps Combining Every Convenience for Both Study and Reference - with Physical Maps Showing at Once, by a New Arrangement, Not Only Differences of Elevation, But the Principal Minerals, Animals, and Vegetable Products of Each Country - and with a Commercial Map of the World, Displaying the Chief Exports of the Leading Commercial Cities, As Well As Steamer Routes, Submarine Cable Lines, Etc.
167405: - Teaching: No Greater Call; Resource Materials for Teacher Improvement
167413: - My Confirmation: A Guide for Confirmation Instruction
173878: - 1950 Executive Record and Travel Guide
199434: - Analecta Ordinis Carmelitarum: Volume 62, No. 2 (July-December 2011)
132171: - Pii Affetti Per Visitare Con Spirito Di Religione la S. Casa Di Loreto
176732: - Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Ohio, at Its Several Grand Communications, from 1848 to 1857, Inclusive
183767: - The Illustrated London News, Volume LXXIX (July-December 1881)
171150: - Child's Prayer Book: Prayers and Instructions for Catholic Children
310300: - When God Answered Prayer: Testimonies to God's Faithfulness
203378: - Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: John Taylor
190706: - 50 Years in Steel: The Story of the Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company
201210: - The Reader's Digest: September 1941
201214: - Ussr Exhibition: New York World's Fair 1959
171422: - Linweave Limited Editions
180615: - The Six Version Parallel New Testament
193686: - My God and My All
167012: - A Guide to Washington Cathedral: The Cathedral Church of St. Peter and St. Paul
205686: - St. Nicholas: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks, Volume LIV, Part I (November 1926-April 1927)
171187: - Parish Hymns. A Collection of Hymns for Public, Social, and Private Worship. Selected and Original
195650: - Ntc's Compact Swedish and English Dictionary
205843: - Fireside Stories for Little People
195560: - The Vest-Pocket Manual with Epistles and Gospels
167843: - The Holy Communion Together with the Collects, Epistles and Gospels and Prayers and Thanksgivings with Additional Prayers from the Book of Common Prayer
198369: - Easy Means of Honoring Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament
192145: - Ripley's Believe It or Not! 13th Series
192147: - Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine: October 1959
198374: - Godparents at Baptism
199872: - I Conferencia General Del Episcopado Latinoamericano: Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 25 de Julio Al 4 de Agosto de 1955; Declaracion, Conclusiones
207666: - Lectionary for Mass: Study Edition Cycles a-C
186370: - Glory & Praise
310444: - Worship II: A Hymnal for Roman Catholic Parishes
207639: - Ordenacion General Del Misal Romano: Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani
208014: - Directorio Catequetico Nacional Para Los Catolicos de Los Estados Unidos (Primer Borrador)
310445: - Kyriale Seu Ordinarium Missae: Missa Pro Defunctis, Toni Communes Missae, Et Varii Cantus Usitati Ad Processionem Et Benedictionem S.S. Sacramenti
1252113: - A Catechism of Christian Doctrine: Revised Edition of the Baltimore Catechism No. 2
190586: - The Jubilee Fund News: The Catholic University of America Publication, 1939-1940
181064: - Chinese Carvings
126589: - Renyi Picture Dictionary: Hebrew and English
204444: - The Opera Quarterly Volume 20 Number 4 Autumn 2004: Special Issue
1265212: - Nature Magazine: December 1925
126412: - Sikh Religion
124631: - The Chatauquan (Volumes 12-13)
187954: - Vintage Cigarette Card Album: British Military Uniforms
10824: Ex-Legionnaire 1384 - Spies of the Sahara
199294: - Convent of the Sacred Heart: A History in New York City
184568: - The Saturday Evening Post: April 6, 1963
184569: - Life Magazine: December 20, 1968
167862: - Luther's Small Catechism with Explanation
161595: - French: Advanced Course
107010: - Le Visage Vert: Anthologie Fantastique No. 6
124586: - The New Englander (Volumes 3, 10-19, 21-7 in 18 Books)
124603: - Temple Bar (Volume 118 in 1 Book)
124613: - Cornhill Magazine (Volumes 1-47 in 46 Books)
124627: - The Dublin Review (Volumes 139, 141-2 in 3 Books)
126353: - Misal de la Comunidad
124597: - Temple Bar (Volume 88 in 1 Book)
1245320: - Sixteenth Legislature. No. 45 Senate. State of Maine. In Senate, March 1, 1836. The Joint Select Committee, to Whom Was Referred the Message of the Governor, Communicating the Report and Resolutions of the Legislatures of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama, on the Incendiary Proceedings of the Abolitionists in the Non-Slave-Holding States
126359: - The Methodist Hymnal: Official Hymnal of the Methodist Church
124625: - Academic Mission Studies (Volume 5)
124626: - Acta Ex Iis Decerpta Quae Apud Sanctam Sedem (Volume 2)
124605: - Temple Bar (Volume 50 in 1 Book)
124601: - Temple Bar (Volume 101 in 1 Book)
124587: - Lippincott Magazine (Volumes 1-9, 11-17, 19-22, 25-32, 34 in 29 Books)
124379: - Questions on Religious Life: Compiled from Review for Religious, 1942-1961
126358: - Hymnal for Christian Worship
124201: - Thomas Merton: The Poet and the Contemplative Life
112705: - The Mother and Child 1892
1250915: - Nahorody Ukrainyl: Istoria, Fakty, Dokumenty: 3v
122747: - Documents Historiques: Correspondance Echangee Entre Les Autorites Francaises Et Les Gouverneurs Et Intendants: Vol. I [Complete]
184559: - Corporate Responsibility for Social Problems: A Bibliography, Volume IV
184560: - Corporate Responsibility for Social Problems: Bibliography, Volume III
184584: - Life Magazine: July 14, 1961
184585: - Life Magazine: July 4, 1969
184594: - Life Magazine: March 1, 1968
163271: - Hugo's Portuguese Simplified: An Easy and Rapid Self-Instructor
106932: - Sixpenny Wonderfuls: 6d Gems from the Past
188049: - A Catalogue of Books, Relating Principally to America, Arranged Under the Years in Which They Were Printed
195406: - Ellington Air Force Base, 3605th Aircraft Observer Training Wing: 1956 Yearbook
1239996: - A Lot of 14 Vintage Dog Show Catalogs, 1933-1967
196320: - Vater, Ich Ruse Dich! Gebet- Und Erbauungsbuch Fur Katholiken, Aus Den Besten, Mit Approbation Versehnen Schriften Und Gebetbuchern Gesammest Und Bearbeitet Von Einem Katholischen Geistlichen
126345: - Book of Confessions Study Edition [Part I of the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S. A. )]
141095: - Catholic Record Society: Miscellanea IV, Volume 4
124706: - Christian Art (Volumes 1-4 in 3 Books)
126354: - Misal de la Comunidad (Santoral Y Ferial)
126356: - Ceremonial for the Reception and Profession (Combined Ceremony) of Ursuline Religious of the Congregation of Paris
126366: - Perikopenbuch Zur Ordnung Der Predigttexte
126372: - Intercession Services for Congregational Use in Public Worship
126377: - The All-Night Vigil for Choir and Laity
126304: - New Saint Joseph Weekday Missal: Complete Edition, 2 Vols. With the Proper Mass Texts for Every Weekday and Feast Day in a Continuous and Easy-to-Use Arrangement: All Readings for Liturgical Years I and II in the "New American Bible" Text: With the People's Parts Printed in Boldface Type: In Accordance with the New Liturgy As Decreed by Vatican II
32567: - The Mississippi Valley Historical Review: Vol. 40, #1-4
124629: - Camera (Volumes 58-61, 63-70 in 10 Books)
124622: - The Messenger (1906)
124623: - Magazine of Art (Volume 4)
124624: - Academia Studies (Volumes 6-7 in 2 Books)
124615: - Popular Monthly (Volumes 16-19, 21-28 in 13 Books)
124600: - Temple Bar (Volume 95 in 1 Book)
124619: - The Leisure Hour (1868, 1882, 1884 in 3 Books)
171518: - Bo-Peep Story Books
201829: - Psalterium Breviarii Romani Cum Excerptis E Communi Sanctorum Secundum Novam E Textibus Primigeniis Interpretationem Latinam Pii Papae XII Auctoritate Editum Editio II Juxta Typicam Vaticanam
124685: - Records of the American Catholic Historical Society (Volume 79 in 4 Books)
124683: - Records of the American Catholic Historical Society (Volume 73 in 4 Books)
124668: - Acta Pontificiae Academiae Marianae Internationalis (Volume 4)
126265: - The Teen Study Bible: New International Version
124686: - Records of the American Catholic Historical Society (Volume 80, N. 1)
124688: - Records of the American Catholic Historical Society (Volumes 81-83)
113474: - American Folklore and Legends
124648: - Jahrbuch Der Osterreichischen Byzantinistik (Volumes 2-14)
124689: - Records of the American Catholic Historical Society (Volumes 84, N. 4)
194768: - Cantate Domino
194769: - Venite Adoremus I.
124714: - The Book Collector (Volume 15, N. 1-2 in 2 Books)
124660: - American Catholic Historical Researches (Volume 3)
113448: - National Geographic: 100 Years
124690: - Records of the American Catholic Historical Society (Volumes 85-91 in 8 Books)
124691: - Good Work (Volumes 25-30 in 3 Books)
124692: - Good Work (Volume 23)
110209: - Pick-Me-Up Vol. XXIV No. 621 August 25 1900
110210: - Pick-Me-Up Vol. XXIV No. 622 September 1 1900
110211: - Pick-Me-Up Vol. XXIV No. 620 August 18 1900
124667: - Acta Pontificiae Academiae Marianae Internationalis (Volume 1)
1250443: - Orders of Soviet Republics
169955: - Service of the Synagogue: Day of Atonement; a New Edition of the Festival Prayers with an English Translation in Prose and Verse
165839: - Providing in the Lord's Way: A Leader's Guide to Welfare
182811: - G.I. Gurdjieff: A Selective Bibliography
124702: - American Catholic Historical Researches (Volumes 9-10 in 1 Book)
124703: - American Catholic Historical Researches (Volume 21, N. 1-3)
124704: - American Catholic Historical Researches: New Series (Volumes 1-2)
192273: - Ripley's Believe It or Not! 7th Series
124674: - Acta Pontificiae Academiae Marianae Internationalis (Volume 1)
124695: - Good Work (Volume 30, N. 1-2)
124698: - Eastern Churches Quarterly (Volume 8, N. 4, 6, 8)
1236162: - The Complete Book of Fortune
126256: - The Canons of the Church of England: Canons Ecclesiastical Promulged by the Convocations of Canterbury and York in 1964 and 1969
72186: - Hirtenbriefe Des Deutschen Und Osterreichischen Episkopats: 1926
125118: - Irish Christian Monks, Including: Marianus Scotus, Saint Mirin, Kevin of Glendalough, Papar, Dicuil, Finan of Lindisfarne, Aileran, Colman Mac Duagh, Lasren Mac Feradaig, Fergno Britt Mac Failbi, Segene Mac Fiachnai, Suibne Moccu Fir Thri, Cummene Find
124712: - The Book Collector (Volume 3, N. 1-2)
124693: - Good Work (Volume 25, N. 4)
123525: - Woman: Why Man Can'St Live with Her Nor without Her
177955: - A Day in the Life of China: Photographed by 90 of the World's Leading Photojournalists on One Day, April 15, 1989
1248935: - Emerge: Our Voice in Today's World - Sept. 1992
124671: - Manuscripta (Volume 12, No. 1)
113311: - The Little Gidding Prayer Book
124670: - Manuscripta (Volume 5, No. 3)
124669: - Acta Pontificia Et Decreta Ss. Rr. Congregationum (Annus/Volume 5, Fasciculi/Numbers 1-9, 11-12 in 10 Books)
113679: - New Saint Joseph Sunday Missal: Complete Edition with the Proper Mass Texts for Every Sunday and Holyday in a Continuous and Easy-to-Use Arrangement
189620: - My Catholic Devotions
126578: - The Thirty-Three Articles of Faith: As Published in the Martyr's Mirror with Apocrypha Ref. Omitted
124654: - Acta Pontificia (Volumes 1-6 in 6 Books)
126132: - Wise Sayings from the Orient
124651: - North American Review (Volumes 12-247)
110932: - The American Annual Cyclopaedia and Register of Important Events of the Year 1862
194775: - The Community Mass Book: Participation Program Arranged by the Liturgical Commission of the Diocese of Erie; Voice Book
124652: - National Magazine (Volumes 10-13 in 4 Books)
124653: - Old & New (Volumes 5-8)
187159: - The Illustrated Book of Natural History, Part II
195036: - Commemoration Ceremony in Honor of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the First Continental Congress in the United States House of Representatives, September Twenty-Fifth, Nineteen Hundred and Seventy-Four
124684: - Records of the American Catholic Historical Society (Volume 75, N. 2-4 in 3 Books)
71535: - Saint Vincent de Paul: A Tercentenary Commemoration of His Death, 1660-1960
124596: - Temple Bar (Volume 80 in 1 Book)
126130: - Japanese Proverbs & Traditional Phrases
124694: - Good Work (Volume 26, N. 1-2, 4)
124705: - American Catholic Historical Researches: New Series (Volumes 6-7)
1240446: - The Service Hymnal Compiled for General Use in All Religious Services of the Church, School and Home
124595: - Temple Bar (Volumes 74-5 in 2 Books)
191543: - Nouveau Petit Larousse 1970
113624: - The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments / the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ / the Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints / the Pearl of Great Price
193417: - Patron Saints for Girls
124677: - Acta Apostolicae Sedis (Volumes 1-74 in 112 Books)
124678: - Records of the American Catholic Historical Society (Volumes 2-18, 20-41 in 39 Books)
124679: - Records of the American Catholic Historical Society (Volume 59, N. 4)
124680: - Records of the American Catholic Historical Society (Volume 65, N. 3)
124681: - Records of the American Catholic Historical Society (Volume 66, N. 1-3)
124682: - Records of the American Catholic Historical Society (Volume 70, N. 3-4)
124666: - Acta Pontificiae Academiae Marianae Internationalis (Volumes 1-4)
124655: - Acta Minorum (Volumes 27-31 in 4 Books)
124657: - Democratic Review (Volumes 18-29 in 7 Books)
162483: University of Cincinnati Student Council 1927 - Songs of the University of Cincinnati
124687: - Records of the American Catholic Historical Society (Volumes 76-7 in 1 Book)
207893: - The Sacramentary Approved for Use in the Dioceses of the United States of America by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and Confirmed by the Apostolic See
167202: - Journal of the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America: Otherwise Known As the Episcopal Church; Held in Seattle, Washington, from September Seventeenth to Twenty-Seventh, Inclusive, in the Year of Our Lord 1967 with Appendices and Supplements
167234: - Manual of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul: Translated from the French 20th Edition
167240: - Westminster Abbey
167247: - Service for the Lord's Day from the Worshipbook
183668: - Gestalten Der Weltgeschichte: Zeitgenossische Miniaturen Beruhmter Personlichkeiten Aus Vier Jahrhunderten
187895: - The Cruise Record of the 95th United States Naval Construction Battalion, April 1943 - September 1945
199247: - Toward Spiritual Maturity: A Guide to Readiness for Ordination to the Priesthood
199410: - Orden Del Carmen: Historia, Espiritualidad, Documentos
202791: - The Illustrated London News, Volume LXXXII: January-June 1883
170547: - Portrait and Biographical Record of Adams County, Illinois, Containing Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens, Together with Biographies and Portraits of All the Presidents of the United States
189706: - The Commercial Club of Cincinnati: Year Book 1930-1957
205872: - L'Humanite Histoire Des Infortunes Du Chevalier de Dampierre Contenant Des Anecdotes Secrettes Et Particulieres, Sur Les Dernieres Revolutions de Perse. Tome I.
166240: - The Rule of the Society of St. John the Evangelist: North American Congregation
183768: - Liber Gradualis: Propers of the Mass for Sundays and Feasts (1st and 2nd Class); Modern Notation with Rhythmical Signs
188433: - Fifty Years of German Drama: A Bibliography of Modern German Drama, 1880-1930, Based on the Loewenberg Collection in the Johns Hopkins University Library
193683: - Nabozenstwo Do Matki Boskiej Czestochowskiej Krolowej Polski
162746: - Passport's Let's Drive Europe: The 10-Language Phrasebook for Motoring Travelers
162779: - Heian's Study English-Korean Dictionary
168199: - Confessing the One Faith: An Ecumenical Explication of the Apostolic Faith As It Is Confessed in the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed (381)
168244: - Traditional Hymns
190429: - Little Treasury of the Sacred Heart
193651: - Officium Et Missae Pro Defunctis
184095: - Jeff Dykes High Spot List of Western Fiction
162288: - A Treasury of the World's Best Loved Poems
148565: - The Dublin Review October-December 1937
187837: - Register of Debates: A Report of the Speeches Delivered in the Two Houses of Congress, Reported for the United States Telegraph. 23d Congress, 1st Session, Volume I.
191667: - Within the Sanctuary: The Mass with Manual of Prayers
191014: - 2010 Directory for Precious Blood Catholic Church: Trotwood, Ohio
188577: - A Century of Service: St. Vincent Hospital, Toledo, Ohio 1855-1955
171255: - Religious Miscellany
186655: - The Hero of Auschwitz: The Story of St. Maximilian Kolbe, Ofm Conv. , the Knight of the Immaculata
186661: - Prayers from the Heart: The Prayer Book of St. Maximilian Kolbe's Militia of the Immaculata
73565: - Norbert Wiener: 1894-1964
193936: - Fulfillment: A Book of Verse by Religious of the Cenacle
205687: - St. Nicholas: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks, Volume LI, Part I (November 1923-April 1924)
188174: - Women Studies Abstracts: Winter 2009
200148: - Henry R. Luce: April 3, 1898 - February 28, 1967
199252: - General Regulation of the Roman Curia
165992: - Family Home Evening Number 7: Strengthening Families
173947: - Minutes of the Provincial Council of Pennsylvania, from the Organization to the Termination of the Proprietary Government. (Volumes I-II)
183804: - Dog Etiquette
167075: - Eucharistic Readings: Years a, B, C and Holy Days from the New Revised Standard Version
178101: - Is Tradition Excommunicated
39041: - Biblische Studien, Vols. 1-23
39042: - Biblische Zeitfragen, Vols. 1-13
39039: - Neutestamentliche Abhandlungen, Vol. 20, #1-5
39040: - Neutestamentliche Abhandlungen, Vol. 21, #1-4
39037: - Neutestamentliche Abhandlungen, Vol. 19, #3-5
39036: - Neutestamentliche Abhandlungen, Vol. 18, #1-3
205681: - St. Nicholas: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks, Volume XLIII, Part II (May 1916-October 1916)
38798: - Emmanuel: Official Monthly of the Priests' Eucharistic League [Vols. 1-71]
38887: - Acta Et Documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II Apparando: Series I (Antepraeparatoria), Vol. I: Acta Summi Pontificis Ioannis XXIII
38888: - Acta Et Documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II Apparando: Series II (Praeparatoria), Vol. I: Acta Summi Pontificis Ioannis XXIII
39002: - New Testament Abstracts, Vol. I, #1
39011: - The New Testament: Revised Standard Version and King James Version in Parallel Columns
39027: - Current Scripture Notes
161395: - Mounged Classique Arabe Francais: Dictionnaire Moderne
191196: - Cartier Jewellery Collection 2013
174803: - Addresses and Lectures on Public Men and Public Affairs, Delivered in Washington City, D.C.
205682: - St. Nicholas: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks, Volume XLII, Part I (November 1914 - April 1915)
164348: - The Phrase Concordance of the Bible
178308: - Rocky Mountain Views on the Rio Grande, "Scenic Line of the World
195038: - The New Englander, Volume X -- Number III. August 1852
190075: - The Gift of Friendship, a Token of Remembrance, for 1855
179702: - Roman Catholicism in the United States
201209: - The Reader's Digest: April 1941
182809: - Poetry: November 1951
182810: - Accent: Winter 1942
180518: - St. Gall Church Dedication
123561: - Character-Glimpses of Most Reverend William Henry Elder, Second Archbishop of Cincinnati
195446: - The New Sunday Missal: Texts Approved for Use in England & Wales, Ireland, Scotland & Africa
186238: - Walton on the Park Condo Portfolio
186466: - Traccia: A Marian Plan of Franciscan Life
186471: - The Fatima Timeline
186538: - The Illustrated Catholic American, a Journal of Information and Recreation for the People. Volume XIV (July-December 1886)
190411: - Miguel Covarrubias: Cuarto Miradas / Four Visions; Homenaje Nacional / National Homage
202903: - Dictionary of Chinese Classifiers with English Equivalents
191012: - St. Joseph Parish: 150 Years of Worship and Education
191011: - The Cathedral of the Holy Spirit: The First Fifty Years -- a Parish History 1947-1997
202871: - Factbook of History: Revised and Updated
190475: - The Catholic Hymnal: Hymns for Liturgical Celebration; English Edition with the Order of the Mass and Masses from the Kyriale
187897: - Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science and Arts: Poole Vol. 69
191173: - Contemporary Calligraphy: Modern Scribes and Lettering Artists II
183297: - Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, Volume VIII
181346: - Grisebach: Modern and Contemporary Photographs, Auction No. 172, June 3, 2010
167628: - Out of Many Hearts
207996: - Recipe for Holiness: St Pius X and the Priest
1273929: - The Navarre Bible: The Pentateuch
171743: - The Parish School Hymnal Authorized by the United Lutheran Church in America
174838: - A Digest, Compiled from the Records of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, and from the Records of the Late Synod of New York and Philadelphia, of Their Acts and Proceedings, That Appear to Be of Permanent Authority and Interest; Together with a Short Account of the Missions Conducted by the Presbyterian Church
203505: - Brigham Young University 1983-84 Fireside and Devotional: Speeches
203506: - Brigham Young University 1981-82 Fireside and Devotional: Speeches
125467: - Biographical and Historical Sketches of the Catholic Clergy in the State of Iowa: Rev. John O'Farrell
310468: - Lot of 6 Books on the Centennial Province of the Carmelite Order, Province of the Most Pure Heart of Mary
1281585: - Code of Canon Law: Latin-English Edition - New English Translation
186710: - You Will Make This Known to All My People
186711: - Hero of Auschwitz: St. Maximilian Kolbe, Ofm Conv
186713: - Catechism Tracts
186714: - General Statutes of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual
203881: - The Golden Book Magazine Volume VI No. 35
203882: - The Golden Book Magazine Volume VII No. 43
203883: - The Golden Book Magazine Volume IV No. 20
203884: - The Golden Book Magazine Volume III No. 16
203885: - The Golden Book Magazine Volume III No. 13
190474: - Simple Songs for Simple People to Sing on Simple Occasions
181989: - Leaves from Georgia Masonry
196422: - Williams' Middletown City Directory 1939
193794: - The Hours of Prayer from Lauds to Compline Inclusive Compiled from the Sarum Breviary and Other Rites
181496: - Flowers from the Garden at Eichstatt
169910: - Principles of Baha'i Administration: A Compilation
169912: - Service of the Synagogue: New Year; a New Edition of the Festival Prayers with an English Translation in Prose and Verse
184261: - This England 1954
184263: - Bulgaria-Fahnenbilder: Aussereuropaische Staaten
184264: - Uniformen Der Alten Armee
184265: - Orden: Ein Sammlung Der Bekanntesten Deutschen Orden Und Auszeichnungen
184273: - The Catholic Review, Jan. 2, 1897 - Oct. 9, 1898
184274: - The Illustrated London News, Volume 86 (January-June 1885)
184275: - The Illustrated London News, Volume 84 (January-June 1884)
195328: - Sermon Outlines
185632: - Ephemerides Iuris Canonici: Nuova Serie, Anno 52, N. 1
191387: - The Liturgy Documents: A Parish Resource
183330: - Practical Treatise on Gearing
195671: - Dutch for Travellers
195672: - Finnish for Travellers
195679: - Indonesian Phrase Book: Hugo's Simplified System
195682: - Irish-English, English-Irish Dictionary and Phrasebook
195684: - Pocket Irish Dictionary
126819: - The North American Review. Vol. CXXIII
203433: - Stanford Journal of International Studies Volume X/ Spring 1975: China's Changing Role in the World Economy
203444: - Chinese-English Glossary of Current Affairs Words and Phrases
72188: - Hirtenbriefe Des Deutschen Und Osterreichischen Episkopats: 1928
141097: - Catholic Record Society: Miscellanea IX, Volume #14
141096: - Catholic Record Society: The Diary of the 'Blue Nuns' or Order of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady, at Paris. 1658-1810, Volume 8
21635: - Genetic Concepts and Neoplasia: A Collection of Papers Presented at the 23rd Annual Symposium on Fundamental Cancer Research, 1969
180074: - Halo 2: The Official Guide
203445: - The Tenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China (Documents)
183931: - The Juvenile Review in Two Parts
174447: - Franklin Square Library (2 Volumes)
187154: - Zoo Animals to Color
208025: - Documentos Del Concilio Ecumenico Vaticano II - Constituciones - Decretos - Declaraciones - Texto Oficial de la Secretaria General Del Concilio
208022: - I Documenti Del Concilio Vaticano II
174945: - Proceedings of the Conventions of the Province of Maryland, Held at the City of Annapolis, in 1774, 1775, & 1776
171659: - Thirty Days Has September: Cool Ways to Remember Stuff
310243: - Springfield High School Alumni Directory 1994
174767: - Annual Report of the Bibliophile Society for 1926
201198: - The Reader's Digest: November 1924
183285: - Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, Volume IX
190237: - New Saint Joseph Sunday Missal and Hymnal: The Complete Masses for Sundays and Holydays
171144: - Mother Therese and the Carmel of Allentown by a Member of the Community
171146: - The Psalter, or Seven Ordinary Hours of Prayer According to the Use of the Illustrious & Excellent Church of Sarum. And the Hymns, Antiphons, & Orisons or Collects, for the Principal Festivals & Seasons; with the Appropriate Musical Intonation & Melodies, Together with Hymns, and Other Devotions, from Ancient English Sources, and the More Important Variations of the York and Hereford Uses. Also, the Litany & Vigils of the Dead, Translated & Arranged, for Private, or Coenobial Use. With Explanatory Notes and Comments
203900: - The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine Vol. XLVIII Nos. 1-6
130316: - Cristoforo Colombo: E IL Quarto Centenario Dalla Scoperta Dell'America
183840: - The Catholic Educational Exhibit at the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893
183869: - Grandma Trooley's Old Fashioned Picture Book for Boys and Girls
186783: - The Illustrated London News, Volume LXXXVII (July-December 1885)
176055: - The Convent Horror: Story of Barbara Ubryk; Twenty-One Years in the Dungeon, Eight Feet Long, Six Feet Wide; from Official Records
195499: - Blessed Sacrament Parish Golden Jubilee 1890-1940
195500: - 100th Anniversary: Holy Name Cathedral
195501: - Saint Gabriel Church Diamond Jubilee Souvenir Program 1880-1955
174789: - The Illustrated London News, Volume 83: July-December 1883
192249: - Hozsanna! Teljes Kottas Nepenekeskonyv
192250: - Hozsanna! Teljes Kottas Nepenekeskonyv
206520: - The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom of the Eastern Orthodox Church
174969: - Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Volume LXIII. June to November, 1881
188287: - Ursuline Tradition and Progress: Quadricentennial Number 1540-1940 (October 21, 1941)
190293: - Lutheran Book of Prayer
196043: - My Favorite Nursery Stories: Babes in the Wood and the House That Jack Built
202058: - The Illustrated London News Vol. LVI (January-June 1870)
207790: - Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest: Leader's Edition - Approved for Use in the Diocese of the United States of America by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops
207751: - Reproductive Technologies, Marriage and the Church
177581: - The Firelands Pioneer: New Series, Volume XIII (December 1, 1900)
171095: - A Short Exposition of Dr. Martin Luther's Small Catechism
181318: - The Kingdom of the Divine Will: An Introduction to the Fulfillment of the Lord's Prayer
195032: - Constitution of Oregon. The Preamble, Constitution, and Schedule, Adopted by the People of the Territory of Oregon, Preparatory to Admission Into the Union of the States
206970: - La Oracion Del Senor
184276: - Retraite de Dix Jours Sur Les Principales Obligations Des Religieuses
184277: - Reglement D'Un Eleve Du Seminaire de Saint Sulpice, Suivi de Ses Sentiments Sur Son Ordination Au Sous-Diaconat
184281: - Jugement de L'Eglise Catholique, Contre Les Nouveaux Schismatiques de France
170983: - Extensionist Manual: Approved Devotions and Prayers for All Occasions and Stations of Life Carefully Selected from the Prayers of the Church and Her Saints
170994: - The Little Ursuline Manual, or a Collection of Prayers and Spiritual Exercises, Originally Arranged for the Young Ladies Educated at the Ursuline Convent, Cork
204266: - Secrets of the New Age: Four Volumes in One
169508: - Documents on Renewal for Religious
176731: - Phelps's Travellers' Guide Through the United States; Containing Upwards of Seven Hundred Rail-Road, Canal, and Stage and Steam-Boat Routes Accompanied with a New Map of the United States
310894: - Greek New Testament: Text with Critical Apparatus
1260386: - The Proper of the Time: Gregorian Notation
207754: - La Biblia: Traducia, Presentada Y Comentada Para Las Comunidades Cristianas de Latinoamerica Y Para Los Que Buscan a Dios - Letra Grande
180484: - Praise to You Lord: Prayers of St. Anthony
207981: - Diccionario Del Judaismo
184583: - Life Magazine: October 3, 1960
1275840: - Passing Through Germany 1928/1929
206860: - Schleiermacher: Christmas Dialogue, the Second Speech, and Other Selections
206960: - The Popes and the Priesthood: A Symposium of Seven Papal Documents
81135: - Aufnahme Und Verarbeitung Von Nachrichten Durch Organismen
97354: - The Manifestation of the Miraculous Medal
207448: - Eastern Churches Journal: Incorporating Chrysostom - a Journal of Eastern Christendom Summer 1994 Volume 1 Number 2
193378: - Liturgical Arts: November 1956 - August 1959 (Volumes 25-27)
181962: - Johannes Vermeer
192275: - Ripley's Believe It or Not! 10th Series
186249: - Harper's Bazar: A Repository of Fashion, Pleasure, and Instruction, Volume IV
186252: - Harper's Bazar: A Repository of Fashion, Pleasure, and Instruction, Volume XIII
179437: - 1995-1996 Church Almanac
195354: - St. Charles Borromeo Diamond Jubilee 1885-1960
162556: - Cincinnati
180748: - A Book of Remembrances: Diana, Princess of Wales 1961-1997
194638: - Standard French-English, English-French Dictionary
194834: - The Marian Era, Volume 1 (1960)
200320: - The Mohawk Valley and the American Revolution
193605: - The Centenary of St. Joseph's Parish: Somerset, Ohio 1818-1918
310397: - Compendio: Catecismo de la Iglesia Catolica
196376: - Important Greek and Roman Coins Sold on the Instructions of the Agent: Numismatic Fine Arts, International
196377: - History of Preble County, Ohio, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches
183630: - Deutsche Baukunst Des Mittelalters Und Der Renaissance / Old German Architecture / Ancienne Architecture Allemande
183633: - Catholic Churches and Institutions by O'Meara and Hills Architects
192697: - Breaking the Silence: Women Soldiers' Testimonies
194809: - The New Interpreter's Bible, Volume I.
204234: - Y Llyfr Gweddi Gyffredin I'w Arfer Yn Yr Eglwys Yng Nghymru: Cyfrol II / the Book of Common Prayer for Use in the Church in Wales: Volume II
191219: - Codification of Ordinances of the City of Wilmington 1929: Revision, Codification, Rearrangement and Repeal of Certain Ordinances in Force Prior to Date of Passage of This Ordinance, Numbered 180
196694: - Historical Album of Sainte Anne de Beaupre
182113: - By-Laws and Rules of Order of Spartan Lodge, No. 24, I.O. O.F. , Laurel, Ind
182116: - Charge Book of a Subordinate Lodge Under the Jurisdiction of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows
190476: - Mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
171683: - Hymns of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 1985
97421: - Biographical Notice on Very Reverend Mother Mary of the Passion: Foundress of the Institute of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary
207794: - Franciscan Life: Celebrating Seventy-Five Years
180977: - The Ampersand Club: Retrospect and Prospect, 1965
184234: - Cincinnati Bell Centennial 1873-1973
167007: - Favorite Hymns of Praise
207178: - Ritual de Exequias Reformado Por Mandato Del Concilio Vaticano II Y Promulgado Por Su Santidad El Papa Pablo VI
180168: - Friendship Missionary Baptist Church: 75th Anniversary History 1897-1972
170668: - The Agam Passover Haggadah
194468: - 1991 Troy, Ohio City Directory
174448: - The Humboldt Library of Popular Science Literature, Volume I (Numbers 1-24)
310498: - Vis-Ed Spanish Vocabulary Cards
193939: - A Holy Card Prayer Book: A Compilation of Saints and Holy People
170610: - Gates of Prayer: The New Union Prayerbook; Weekdays, Sabbaths, and Festivals, Services and Prayers for Synagogue and Home
190427: - Tre Ore: Good Friday Devotion Commemorating the Three Hours' Agony of Our Lord
180754: - Souvenir of the Coronation of Elizabeth II: Westminster Abbey, 2 June, 1953
186409: - Harper's Bazar: A Repository of Fashion, Pleasure, and Instruction, Volume XXV
187934: - The Day Hours of the Cistercian Breviary
193388: - The Life of St. Stanislas Kostka, of the Society of Jesus
193732: - Lectionary for Mass: English Translation Approved by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and Confirmed by the Apostolic See
201202: - The Reader's Digest: March 1931
206136: - Proclaiming the Truth of Jesus Christ: Papers from the Vallombrosa Meeting
177106: - Views of Dayton and the Soldiers' Home
188926: - The Real Happily Ever After Book: 21 Favorite Fairy Tales
170390: - The Bethany Parallel Commentary on the New Testament from the Condensed Editions of Matthew Henry, Jamieson/Fausset/Brown, Adam Clarke
203150: - The Scouter's Minute
179948: - A Tapestry of Love, Dedication and Fruitfulness: The Story of the School Sisters of St. Francis of Christ the King in the United States of America 1909-2009
169547: - Craven Black Cat Collection of Military Uniforms
169549: - Vyznamenani Prezidentu Republiky - Rad Bileho Lva / the Decorations of Presidents - Order of the White Lion
169563: - Wwi Campaign and Service Credits
193786: - The Small Missal Containing the Proper of the Mass for All Sundays and the Principal Feasts of the Year, the Rite of Benediction, Vespers and Compline for Sundays, and Other Devotions
168648: - She Promises Peace: Golden Jubilee Memorial of the Story of Fatima in Full Color
191577: - Holy Communion in Large Print
191580: - Morning Prayer and Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer
36719: - Memorial Volume of the Centenary of St. Mary's Seminary of St. Sulpice, Baltimore, Md
28202: - The Poems of Eugene Field: Complete Edition
172391: - Artlines Poster Collection: Glamour
172389: - Artlines Poster Collection: Drink
172390: - Artlines Poster Collection: Perfumes
165994: - Family Home Evening Number 5: Families Are Forever
126232: - New Saint Joseph Sunday Missal: Large Type Edition: The Complete Masses for Sundays, Holydays, and the Easter Triduum with the People's Parts of the Mass Printed in Boldface Type and Arranged for Parish Participation: With the 'New American Bible' Text, Short Helpful Notes and Explanations, and a Treasury of Popular Prayers
126242: - The Missal for Sundays and Principal Feasts of the Year According to the Latest Degrees: With Benediction, Vespers, Compline and a Collection of Prayers
205871: - Histoire de la Derniere Revolution de Genes Avec Une Carte de la Ville & de Ses Environs. Tome Second. Contenant Les Deux Dernieres Parties
187870: - The Illustrated London News, Volume XC (January-June 1887)
189001: - Missionary Vocabulary & Phrases: Mandarin
310044: - Totus Tuus II: Consecrate Them in Truth Family Conference
188172: - Women Studies Abstracts: Fall 2008
200016: - Thomas Cather's Journal of a Voyage to America in 1836
183022: - The New Yorker Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Album
183043: - Best in Children's Books
183274: - Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, Volume V.
183275: - Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, Volume IV
183276: - Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, Volume X.
183775: - L'Album de la Guerre: Histoire Photographique Et Documentaire Reconstituee Chronologiquement a L'Aide de Cliches Et de Dessins Publies Par "L'Illustration" de 1914 a 1921, Tomes I-II
180845: - The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, Volume XLI
180846: - The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, Volume XLII
180847: - The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, Volume XLIII
184725: - Old and New, Volume VIII
184746: - Temple Bar: A London Magazine for Town and Country Readers, Volume XVII
184747: - Temple Bar: A London Magazine for Town and Country Readers, Volume XVI
185015: - Opera Lovers: The Metropolitan Opera [2003 Planner]
185016: - Opera Villains: The Metropolitan Opera [2004 Planner]
186377: - Missale Romanum Ex Decreto Sacrosancti Concilium Tridentini Restitutum, Summorum Pontificum Cura Recognitum: Editio X Juxta Editionem VI Post Typicam Vaticanam Amplificata V Cum Omnibus Innovationibus Liturgicis Hebdomadae Sanctae Proprio Loco Positis
174867: - History of the Ordinance of 1787 and the Old Northwest Territory (a Supplemental Text for School Use)
169716: - The History of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Volumes 1-8
203598: - The Cabinet War Rooms
32312: - The Library of Congress
32568: - The Mississippi Valley Historical Review: Vol. 41, #1-4
32569: - The Mississippi Valley Historical Review: Vol. 42, #1-4
162886: - The Church School Hymnal for Youth: A Book for Use in Worship Providing Hymns, Responsive Readings, Worship Programs, Prayers, and Other Worship Materials As a Part of the Program of Christian Education for Intermediates, Seniors, and Young People
162890: - The Hymnal for Youth
170779: - Korean New Testament: New Translation
173190: - Cincinnati: The Queen City
171835: - Das Neue Testament Unsers Herrn Und Heilandes Jesu Christi Nach Der Deutschen Ubersekung D. Martin Luthers
171838: - The Gospel of Luke in Arabic
171839: - Le Nouveau Testament Traduit En Francais Sous la Direction de L'Ecole Biblique de Jerusalem
186510: - Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science and Arts (Fifth Series, 1884)
186511: - Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science and Arts: Poole Vol. 72
47455: - Practipedics: The Science of Giving Foot Comfort and Correcting the Cause of Foot and Shoe Troubles; Based on the Experience, Inventions and Methods of Dr. William M. Scholl
175700: - The History of Bookbinding 525-1950 A.D. : An Exhibition Held at the Baltimore Museum of Art, Novermber 12, 1957 to January 12, 1958
195324: - General Instruction of the Roman Missal
206382: - Select Treatises of S. Athanasius, Archbishop of Alexandria, in Controversy with the Arians, Translated, with Notes and Indices
175975: - Trinity Church in the City of Boston, Massachusetts 1733-1933
181843: - Toiles de Nantes, Des Xviiie Et Xixe Siecles: 8 Fevrier - 8 Avril 1978, Musee Des Arts Decoratifs de Paris
165299: - The Constitution and Canons of the Anglican Church of Australia 1992
172091: - Life's Roses: A Volume of Selected Poems
167392: - A Brief Statement of Principles of the Gospel Based Largely Upon the Compendium (Richards-Little) with Excerpts from Other Writings: Including Also Church Chronology, Priesthood Ordinances, Selected Hymns
167397: - The Rule of Taize in French and English
167400: - The Rite for Confirmation: A People's Booklet with Official Text and Catechetical Commentary
72977: - Days of Trial and Triumph: A Pictorial History of Lockheed: Based on the 100 Memorable Lockheed Days Collection
73006: - National Aircraft Collection: Smithsonian Institution National Air Museum
169618: - Uniforms of the Armed Forces of Eastern European Countries
167355: - Old North Church: Boston, Massachusetts
126850: - Trial and Imprisonment of Jonathan Walker, at Pensacola, Florida, for Aiding Slaves to Escape from Bondage. With an Appendix, Containing a Sketch of His Life
181249: - The Gazette of the Union, Golden Rule, and Odd-Fellows' Family Companion. A Saturday Journal of General Literature, Odd-Fellowship and Amusement. (Volume IX, July-December 1848)
181250: - Iola No. 83 Souvenir
173195: - The Best of Cincinnati
165973: - Family Home Evening Resource Book
189243: - Missionary Vocabulary & Phrases: Mandarin
189245: - The Illustrated Guide to Japan: Daily Life & Society
169353: - Texts to Illustrate a Course of Elementary Lectures on the History of Greek Philosophy from Thales to Aristotle
188144: - Letters to the Members of a Bible Class
188151: - Missale Romanum Ex Decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini Restitutum, S. Pii V Pontificis Maximi Jussu Editum, Aliorum Pontificum Cura Recognitum, a Pio X Reformatum, Et Benedicti XV Auctoritate Vulagtum: Edition VIII Juxta Typicam Vaticanam Amplificata III
188120: - The History of the Catholic Diocese of Pyeong Yang
184582: - The Saturday Evening Post: December 14, 1963
172298: - Every Day with Jesus: Three Hundred Sixty Five Names and Titles of the Lord Jesus Christ As Found in the Old and New Testament
199437: - Fons Et Culmen Vitae Carmelitanae: Proceedings of the Carmelite Liturgical Seminar S. Felice Del Benaco, 13-16 June 2006
171945: - A Complete Concordance to Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures: Together with an Index to the Marginal Headings and a List of the Scriptural Quotations Contained in That Book As Finally Revised by Its Author Mary Baker Eddy
189495: - Salute Our Jubilarians
194699: - Manual of the Forty Hours' Adoration
178741: - The Ming Tombs [Set of 10 Postcards]
199173: - For a Reading of the New Constitutions with Mary of the Passion
166951: - Debates on the Grand Question of Catholic Emancipation in the Imperial Parliament of 1813; to Which Is Added, a Concise Account of the Penal Statutes As Affecting the Roman Catholics of Ireland, for the Last One Hundred and Fifty Years
199520: - Handbook for Marriage Nullity Cases
162508: - Rome and Vatican
61791: - Possibility: Lectures Delivered Before the Philosophical Union of the University of California, 1933
97438: - Mother Mary Teresa of Jesus: Foundress of the Order of the School Sisters of Notre Dame
203874: - The Golden Book Magazine Volume VIII Number 48
165956: - The de la Salle Arithmetics: A Practical Course for School and Life, Book One; Years Three and Four Including the Preparatory Work of Years One and Two
208123: - Love to Share: Intellectual Property Rights, Copyright, and Christian Churches
189028: - Holidays: Hundreds of Copyright-Free Illustrations -- All Ready to Use!
199407: - Direction Spirituelle Et Psychologie
207421: - Misal de la Comunidad: I - Festivo and II - Diario
70663: - Guida Delle Missioni Cattoliche
190418: - Manual of Catholic Devotions Compiled from Approved Sources in Accordance with Recent Pontifical Decrees
194706: - Prima Romana Synodus
169580: - Danmarks Riges Medaljer Og Haederstegn: The Decorations and Medals of Denmark 1670-1990
165842: - Partners in Prayer 1977
148557: - The Dublin Review Vol. XXXIX: September and December 1855
188426: - A Manual for Authors of Mathematical Papers
184775: - Temple Bar: A London Magazine for Town and Country Readers, Volume VIII
184911: - 300 Jahre Oper in Hamburg 1678-1978
164118: - The Arabian Nights' Entertainments
162403: - Cincinnati Women: Jewels in the Crown
207929: - The Holy Bible: 21st Century King James Version Containing the Old Testament and the New Testament
205790: - Science. New Series. Volume XVII, January-June 1903
189787: - The Psalms: A New Translation from the Hebrew Arranged for Singing to the Psalmody of Joseph Gelineau
195764: - Marilyn Monroe in Her Own Words
200553: - Foreign Mission Work of American Friends: A Brief History of Their Work from the Beginning of the Year Nineteen Hundred and Twelve
188165: - Our Parish Prays and Sings: Hymnbook with the Resposes of the People from the Ordinary of the Mass; a Service Book for Liturgical Worship
190587: - Franklin Delano Roosevelt: A Tribute of the Catholic Hour
200740: - Fort Necessity and Historic Shrines of the Redstone Country
200894: - A Treasury of Unity Poems
200959: - History of the Megiddo Mission
200969: - The Atlantic Monthly. A Magazine of Literature, Science, Art, and Politics. (Volume XXII, July-December 1868)
194491: - Miami County Bicentennial 1807-2007: The History
200984: - The Atlantic Monthly: A Magazine of Literature, Science, Art, and Politics, Volume XLIII (January-June 1879)
200985: - The Atlantic Monthly: A Magazine of Literature, Science, Art, and Politics, Volume XLIV (July-December 1879)
200986: - The Atlantic Monthly: A Magazine of Literature, Science, Art, and Politics, Volume XLV (January-June 1880)
63226: - Supplements to Vetus Testamentum: Volume Du Congres, Strasbourg 1956
63233: - Supplements to Vetus Testamentum: Congress Volume: Oxford 1959
189568: - Animated Stories from the Book of Mormon: The Tree of Life Coloring Book
189569: - Animated Stories from the Book of Mormon: Mormon and Moroni Coloring Book
189570: - Animated Stories from the Book of Mormon: Alma and the Zoramites Coloring Book
189571: - Animated Stories from the Book of Mormon: Samuel and the Sign Coloring Book
189575: - The Animated Stories from the New Testament: The King Is Born
189605: - Victorian Frames, Borders and Cuts from the 1882 Type Catalog of George Bruce's Son and Co
193612: - Harvard College & Radcliffe College Class of 1956: 60th Anniversary Report
193613: - Harvard College & Radcliffe College Class of 1956: Sixty-Fifth Anniversary Report
194105: - Handbook for Marriage Cases
184100: - Charles J Cleary Awards for Papers on Material Sciences
183655: - Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, Volume VI
183656: - Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, Volume XVII
183657: - Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, Volume XVIII
178176: - Japan: A Bilingual Atlas
191185: - Our Heritage: Enon, Ohio, and Mad River Township; an Illustrated History
202595: - Business Japanese: A Guide to Improved Communication, Vol. I-II
178245: - Kodansha's Furigana Japanese-English Dictionary
1272489: - The Homiletic Review: An International Magazine of Religion, Theology & Philosophy: 1924-1932
195606: - Companion Prayers: A Guide to Prayer from the Companions of St. Anthony
191016: - St. Anthony Church: Youngstown, Ohio
179946: - Commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the North American Province of the School Sisters of St. Francis of Christ the King 1909-1984
172520: - Golden Jubilee of the Germania Maennerchor: Souvenir Program
172608: - Decreta Concilii Provincialis Philadelphiensis I: Anno Mdccclxxx Habiti
172612: - Map Reading: Department of the Army Field Manual Fm 21-26
172632: - Bugs Bunny's Adventures
172696: - Guide to the Franciscan Monastery, Washington, D.C. : A Pilgrimage to "the Holy Land of America" Together with Many Interesting Facts About the Order of St. Francis and Its Work in the Holy Land and America
196319: - La Violencia En Medellin Y Colombia: Iniciativas Para la Solucion Del Conflicto (1980-2004)
190311: - Life and Novena of St. Jude Thaddeus
198519: M.C. D'Arcy, Maurice Blondel, et al. - A Monument to Saint Augustine: Essays on Some Aspects of His Thought Written in Commemoration of His 15th Centenary
206209: Diocese of St. Maron - U.S.A. - The Maronite Liturgical Year Volume III - Season of Resurrection - Season After Pentecost - Season After Holy Cross
206663: Edmund Colledge, O.S.A. and Bernard McGinn, tr. and intro.; Huston Smith, preface - Meister Eckhart: The Essential Sermons, Commentaries, Treatises, and Defense
190267: W.H.A. - Music for the "Catholic Hymns.
150319: Murray A., ed & Marian L. Cowie - The Works of Peter Schott 1460-1490: Volume I - Introduction and Text
146485: Croatian Catholic Union of U.S.A. - Constitution and by-Laws of the Croatian Catholic Union of U.S. A.
202579: E. Raymond Capt M.A., A.I.A, F.S.A. Scot - The Great Pyramid Decoded
197238: James W. Aageson - Paul, the Pastoral Epistles, and the Early Church
1238470: Kallervo Aaltonen - Kalevala Tarot Deck & Book Set
206274: David H. Aaron - Biblical Ambiguities: Metaphor, Semantics, and Divine Imagery
194101: Russell Abata - A Question of Authority: The Fourth Commandment Explained
194102: Russell Abata - Sunday: God's Day and Yours; the Third Commandment Explained
194104: Russell Abata - Sexual Responsibility: The Sixth and Ninth Commandments Explained
194103: Russell Abata - Reverence for Human Life: The Fifth Commandment Explained
194182: Russell M. Abata - A Loving Plan for Your Happiness
194183: Russell Abata - God Wants to Be Loved: The First Commandment Explained
194184: Russell Abata - Respect His Name: The Second Commandment Explained
183956: Rosario Abate - The History of Airplanes
208009: Marcella Abatemarco - Parish Catechetical Leader Formation Workbook: A Self-Directed Journey Into Catechetical Leadership
185332: Monks of St. John's Abbey, ed - Parish Kyriale
167126: Benedictine monks of St. Augustine's Abbey, Ramsgate - The Book of Saints: A Dictionary of Servants of God
148396: A Religious of Holy Cross Abbey - La Trappe in England: Chronicles of an Unknown Monastery
171182: Monks of St. Mary's Abbey, Newark, NJ (Patrick O'Brien, abbot) - Saint Mary - My Everyday Missal and Heritage
207305: The Benedictine Monks of St. Augustine's Abbey, Ramsgate - The Book of Saints: A Dictionary of Servants of God Canonised by the Catholic Church - Extracted from the Roman & Other Martyrologies
199116: A Priest of New melleray Abbey, Peosta, Iowa, tr - A Spiritual Directory for Religious
205806: Cherie D. Abbey, ed - Biography Today: Profiles of People of Interest to Young Readers Volume 20 - 2011 Annual Cumulation
179818: A Monk of St. Meinrad's Abbey, tr - Way of the Cross for Religious
197726: John A. Abbo and Jerome D. Hannan - The Sacred Canons: A Concise Presentation of the Current Disciplinary Norms of the Church, Volumes I-II
185019: Willis J. Abbot - Panama and the Canal in Picture and Prose: A Complete Story of Panama, As Well As the History, Purpose and Promise of Its World-Famous Canal -- the Most Gigantic Engineering Undertaking Since the Dawn of Time
187425: Abbot Thomas Keating, M. Basil Pennington, and Thomas E. Clarke - Finding Grace at the Center
205624: Abbot Thomas Keating, M. Basil Pennington, and Thomas E. Clarke - Finding Grace at the Center
194963: Lawrence F. Abbott - Impressions of Theodore Roosevelt
173651: Jacob Abbott - History of Queen Elizabeth
143960: Jacob Abbott - Makers of History: Queen Elizabeth
184002: Shirley Abbott - Womenfolks: Growing Up Down South
186075: George Abbott and Bob Merrill - New Girl in Town
162252: John S.C. Abbott - Makers of History: Josephine
162253: Jacob Abbott - Makers of History: Peter the Great
64083: Edwin A. Abbott - Light on the Gospel from an Ancient Poet
64085: Edwin A. Abbott - Indices to Diatessarica with a Specimen of Research
203608: Geoffrey Abbott - Severed Heads: British Beheadings Throughout the Ages
198289: A Square (Edwin Abbott) - Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions
1800: John S.C. Abbott - Napoleon at St. Helena
169548: P.E. Abbott - A Regimental Index to the Distinguished Conduct Medals Gazetted between 1920 and 1997
192262: Jacob Abbott - History of Julius Caesar
198899: Reuben Abel - Man Is the Measure: A Cordial Invitation to the Central Problems of Philosophy
120783: Lisa M. Abel - Ecological Abundance: A Learning Instrument for the Practical Application of Ecologocal Sustainability in Industry
62715: F.-M. Abel, ed - La Sainte Bible: Le Livre de Josue
1277725: Peter Abelard - Commentart on the Epistle to the Romans: The Fathers of the Church Mediaeval Continuation #12
192701: Robert P. Abele - Democracy Gone: A Chronicle of the Last Chapters of the Great American Democratic Experiment
198175: Jean Abele - Christianity and Science
192700: Robert A. Abele - The Anatomy of a Deception: A Reconstruction and Analysis of the Decision to Invade Iraq
192698: Robert P. Abele - A User's Guide to the Usa Patriot Act and Beyond
38208: Dr. Friedrich Abert - Sancti Thomae Aquinatis Compendium Theologiae
200340: Thomas S. Abler, ed - Chainbreaker: The Revolutionary War Memoirs of Governor Blacksnake As Told to Benjamin Williams
126563: Sylvia Abraham - How to Read the Tarot
198511: K.C. Abraham and Bernadette Mbuy-Beya, eds - Spirituality of the Third World: A Cry for Life
207698: S. Daniel Abraham - Peace Is Possible: Conversations with Arab and Israeli Leaders from 1988 to the Present
187419: Ralph H. Abraham - Chaos, Gaia, Eros: A Chaos Pioneer Uncovers the Three Great Streams of History
203658: Marc Abrahams - The Ig Nobel Prizes: Rewarding the World's Unlikeliest Research
310841: E.M. Abrahamson and A.W. Pezet - Body, Mind, and Sugar
163709: A. Abrahm and Ph. Silpert - Language Guide: English-Russian with a Short Grammatical Supplement and Dictionary
192196: Danny Abramowicz - Spiritual Workout of a Former Saint
170020: Pinhas Kehati, commentary; R. Abramowitz and R. Fisch, trans - The Mishnah: Makkot
165849: M.H. Abrams, ed - The Norton Anthology of British Literature: Fifth Edition, Volume 2
161721: R.N. Absalom - Comprehension of Spoken Italian
173280: Jeffrey Abt - American Egyptologist: The Life of James Henry Breasted and the Creation of His Oriental Institute
310023: Rabbi Yaakov Abuchatzeira - Pituchei Chotam: Insights on the Weekly Parashah
195002: David Abulafia, ed - The Mediterranean in History
192857: Said K. Aburish - A Brutal Friendship: The West and the Arab Elite
162097: U.S. Naval Academy - Annual Register of the United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md 1960-1961
162094: U.S. Naval Academy - Annual Register of the United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md 1959-1960
197423: The Mary Louis Academy - 1964 Mary Louis Academy Yearbook
182704: St. Mary's Academy - 1974 St. Mary's Academy Yearbook
111588: Raleigh Christian Academy - The 2002 Eagle Talon: Raleigh Christian Academy
162413: Xavier Academy, Avondale - Catalogue of Xavier Academy 1915-1916
162412: Xavier Academy, Avondale - Catalogue of Xavier Academy 1913-1914
172824: United States Naval Academy - Lucky Bag 1958
207419: Luigi Accattoli - When a Pope Asks Forgiveness: The Mea Culpa's of John Paul II
207671: Paul J. Achtemeier - Harper's Bible Dictionary
207708: Paul J. Achtemeier - Society of Biblical Literature 1980 Seminar Papers One Hundred Sixteenth Annual Meeting November 5-9, 1980 Loew's Anatole and Marriott Hotels, Dallas, Texas
192204: Paul J. Achtemeier, ed - The Harpercollins Bible Dictionary
198181: Elizabeth Achtemeier - Nahum-Malachi
203402: Cristina Acidini, introduction - Masterworks of Art from Tutankhamun to Van Gogh
187489: Rev. Bernard van Acken - A Handbook for Sisters
202088: Saint Hildegard; L. Van Acker, ed - Hildegardis Bingensis: Epistolarium, Pars Prima I-XC
192588: Frank Ackerman and Lisa Heinzerling - Priceless: On Knowing the Price of Everything and the Value of Nothing
196835: Jane Ackerman - Elijah: Prophet of Carmel
206606: Susan Ackerman - Warrior, Dancer, Seductress, Queen: Women in Judges and Biblical Israel
149092: Russell L. Ackhoff and Herbert J. Addison with Sally Bibb - Management F-Laws: How Organizations Really Work
62503: Peter R. Ackroyd - Exile and Restoration: A Study of Hebrew Thought of the Sixth Century Bc
198130: P.R. Ackroyd, ed - The Society for Old Testament Study Book List 1972
198126: P.R. Ackroyd, ed - The Society for Old Testament Study Book List 1968
192509: Peter Ackroyd - The Life of Thomas More
205912: Peter Ackroyd - Dickens: Public Life and Private Passion
198128: P.R. Ackroyd, ed - The Society for Old Testament Study Book List 1970
203077: Peter Ackroyd - London: The Biography
203078: Peter Ackroyd - Albion: The Origins of English Imagination
198129: P.R. Ackroyd, ed - The Society for Old Testament Study Book List 1971
203652: Peter Ackroyd - Foundation: The History of England from Its Earliest Beginnings to the Tudors
198127: P.R. Ackroyd, ed - The Society for Old Testament Study Book List 1969
206334: Peter R. Ackroyd - Exile and Restoration: A Study of Hebrew Thought of the Sixth Century B.C.
206335: Peter R. Ackroyd - Exile and Restoration: A Study of Hebrew Thought of the Sixth Century B.C.
198125: P.R. Ackroyd, ed - The Society for Old Testament Study Book List 1967
207673: P.R. Ackroyd, C.F. Evans, G.W.H. Lampe, and S.L. Greenslade - The Cambridge History of the Bible: 3 Volumes
178810: Peter Ackroyd - The Plato Papers: A Prophesy
177550: Frances Acomb - Anglophobia in France 1763-1789: An Essay in the History of Constitutionalism and Nationalism
195448: Estafania Acosta - Benedict XVI: Pope "Emeritus
80684: Fourth International Congress on Acoustics - Congress Report II: Copenhagen, August 21-28 1962
1250269: Catholic Action - Social Justice Review Vol. 35: 1942-1943
1250266: Catholic Action - Social Justice Review Vol. 39: 1946-1947
1250267: Catholic Action - Social Justice Review Vol. 37: 1944-1945
1250271: Catholic Action - Social Justice Review Vol. 36: 1943-1944
1250265: Catholic Action - Social Justice Review Vol. 34: 1941-1942
1250268: Catholic Action - Social Justice Review Vol. 33: 1940-1941
186803: John Aczel and Peter Jay, eds - New Measure: A Quarterly Magazine of Poetry (Autumn 1965)
191768: John Adair and Kurt W. Deuschle - The People's Health: Medicine and Anthropology in a Navajo Community
168577: Karl Adam - The Spirit of Catholicism
194939: Karl Adam - The Spirit of Catholicism
197642: A.K.M. Adam, ed - Handbook of Postmodern Biblical Interpretation
171931: Nathif Jama Adam, comp - Kitab Al-Salaat (the Book of Prayer)
170189: Karl Adam - The Spirit of Catholicism
181392: Andreas Krase; Hans Christian Adam, ed - Eugene Atget: Paris 1857-1927
185793: Plato; J. Adam, ed - Crito
182503: Karl Adam - The Spirit of Catholicism
125614: David Adam - Flame in My Heart: St. Aidan for Today
206816: Karl Adam - Roots of the Reformation
1239491: Karl Adam - The Roots of the Reformation
113322: David Adam - Flame in My Heart: St Aidan for Today
64720: Adolf Adam - Confirmation Et Pastorale
182743: A.K.M. Adam - James: A Handbook on the Greek Text
207682: A.K.M. Adam - What Is Postmodern Biblical Criticism
191942: Louis Adamic - From Many Lands
67645: S.J. Adamo - While the Winds Blew
197643: David Tuesday Adamo, ed - Biblical Interpretation in African Perspective
177204: Ansel Adams with Mary Street Alinder - Ansel Adams: An Autobiography
177053: Ramon F. Adams, comp - Six-Guns and Saddle Leather: A Bibliography of Books and Pamphlets on Western Outlaws and Gunmen
171730: John Adams and Abigail Adams - Letters of John and Abigail Adams 1762 to 1826
175346: Ramon F. Adams - The Rampaging Herd: A Bibliography of Books and Pamphlets on Men and Events in the Cattle Industry
148470: Ramon F. Adams - Six-Guns & Saddle Leather: A Bibliography of Books and Pamphlets on Western Outlaws and Gunmen
188572: Daniel J. Adams - Thomas Merton's Shared Contemplation: A Protestant Perspective
198473: Mark S. Adams and Tommy Bassett III - Just Coffee: Caffeine with a Conscience
62959: J. McKee Adams - Biblical Backgrounds: A Geographical Survey of Bible Lands in the Light of the Scriptures and Recent Research
182960: J. Donald Adams - Triumph over Odds: An Anthology of Man's Unconquerable Spirit
174985: Benedict Revoil; W.H. Davenport Adams, trans - The Hunter and the Trapper in North America; or, Romantic Adventures in Field and Forest
191235: Stephen Ostrander; Ian Adams, photography - Ohio: A Bicentenntial Portrait
201960: Doug Adams - Congregational Dancing in Christian Worship
190982: Marcus Adams - Vintage Portrait of Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret As Children
186890: Richard Adams - The Adventures and Brave Deeds of the Ship's Cat on the Spanish Maine Together with the Most Lamentable Losse of the Alcestis & Triumphant Firing of the Port of Chagres
175348: Ramon F. Adams - Burs Under the Saddle: A Second Look at Books and Histories of the West
195150: Elizabeth Laura Adams - Dark Symphony
131501: Henry Austin Adams - Orations of Henry Austin Adams
188935: Bill Adams - The Five Lessons of Life
310634: Bobby Adams and Samuel C. Gipp - The Reintroduction of Textus Receptus Readings in the 26th Edition & Beyond of the Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum - Graece
189037: Scott Adams - Dilbert Gives You the Business
199703: Henry Adams - Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres
145614: Alison Adams - Jean Jacques Boissard's Emblematum Liber. Emblemes Latins
103690: Henry Adams - The Education of Henry Adams
184854: Brian Adams - La Stupenda: A Biography of Joan Sutherland
187931: Charles Adams - Women of the Bible
170739: Henry Adams - Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres
174196: John Adams - A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America, Against the Attack of M. Turgot in His Letter to Dr. Price, Dated the Twenty-Second Day of March, 1778. (3 Volumes)
131020: Eleanor B. Adams - A Bio-Bibliography of Franciscan Authors in Colonial Central America
186034: Ansel Adams - Examples: The Making of 40 Photographs
175034: Ramon F. Adams, comp - The Adams One-Fifty: A Check-List of the 150 Most Important Books on Western Outlaws and Lawmen
199510: Iain Adamson - Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian
188068: Lynda G. Adamson - Notable Women in American History: A Guide to Recommended Biographies and Autobiographies
206490: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph Pohle; Arthur Preuss, adapt. and ed - Mariology: A Dogmatic Treatise on the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God with an Appendix on the Worship of the Saints, Relics, and Images
132018: Raleigh Addington, editor - Faber, Poet and Priest: Selected Letters by Frederick William Faber 1833-1863
170173: John Addis - Crickhowell Yesterday: 100 Years of Photographs
179692: William E. Addis and Thomas Arnold - A Catholic Dictionary Containing Some Account of the Doctrine, Discipline, Rites, Ceremonies, Councils, and Religious Orders of the Catholic Church
188087: Patricia K. Addis - Through a Woman's I: An Annotated Bibliography of American Women's Autobiographical Writings, 1946-1976
176982: [Joseph Addison and Richard Steele] - The Spectator, Volumes I-VI and the Guardian, Volumes I-II
171960: Thomas Addison - On the Constitutional and Local Effects of Disease of the Supra-Renal Capsules
189033: Anthony Addison, ed - The Children's Book of Questions & Answers
131141: George Ade - True Bills
131177: George Ade - In Pastures New
131163: George Ade - Fables in Slang
206585: Adelbert Denaux, Nicholas Sagovsky, and Charles Sherlock, eds - Looking Towards an Church Fully Reconciled: The Final Report of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission 1983-2005 (Arcic II)
183312: Adele J. Haft, Jane G. White, and Robert J. White - The Key to the Name of the Rose
180501: Jill Haak Adels - The Wisdom of the Saints: An Anthology
182306: Jean Adhemar and Francoise Cachin - Edgar Degas: Gravures Et Monotypes
98681: Senyo K. Adjibolosoo - International Perspectives on the Human Factor in Economic Development
202788: Leslie Adkins and Roy A. Adkins - Handbook to Life in Ancient Greece
202608: Roy Adkins - Trafalgar: The Biography of a Battle
202605: Roy Adkins and Lesley Adkins - The War for All the Oceans: From Nelson at the Nile to Napoleon at Waterloo
206726: Mortimer J. Adler - The Conditions of Philosophy: Its Checkered Past, Its Present Disorder, and Its Future Promise
196413: Cyrus Adler, ed - The American Jewish Year Book 5663: October 2, 1902, to September 21, 1903
196414: Cyrus Adler, ed - The American Jewish Year Book 5662: September 14, 1901, to October 1, 1902
195372: Michel de Montaigne; Mortimer J. Adler, ed - Michel de Montaigne: Twenty-Nine Essays
126456: Dr. H. Adler, ed - Service of the Synagogue: Day of Atonement
310778: Cyrus Adler - I Have Considered These Days
171313: Bill Adler with Sayre Ross - Pope Paul in the United States: His Mission for Peace on Earth... October 4, 1965
178814: Mortimer J. Adler - Aristotle for Everybody: Difficult Thought Made Easy
107910: Gilbert Adler and Gerard Vogeleisen - Un Siecle de Catechese En France 1893-1980
102767: Isidore Adler - X-Ray Emission Spectrography in Geology
181417: Renata Adler - Gone: The Last Days of the New Yorker
178817: Mortimer J. Adler - How to Think About the Great Ideas from the Great Books of Western Civilization
193832: Committee on Research of the Amos Tuck School of Administration and Finance, Dartmouth College - Manual on Research and Reports: A Guidebook of Procedures Helpful in Conducting Investigations and Presenting Reports on Subjects in the Fields of the Social Sciences
201961: Pierre Adnes - Le Mariage
67653: Robert Adolfs, O.S.A. - The Church Is Different
300052: Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration - Devotion to the Precious Blood
170808: Adoremus with the Church Music Association of America - The Adoremus Hymnal: A Congregational Missal/Hymnal for the Celebration of Sung Mass in the Roman Rite
170809: Adoremus, Society for the Renewal of the Sacred Liturgy - The Adoremus Hymnal: A Congregational Hymnal Including the Ordinary of Mass, Chants and Music for Sung Masses, and Hymns for Liturgical Feasts, Seasons, Occasions, and Devotions
198052: Adrian van Kaam, Bert van Croonenberg, and Susan Muto - The Participant Self, Books 1-2
199041: Adrian van Kaam, Bert van Croonenburg, and Susan Muto - The Emergent Self, Volumes 1-4
182872: Adrian van Kaam, Bert van Croonenberg, and Susan Muto - The Participant Self, Volumes I-II
37859: Joseph Adrian - Seele Und Glaube: Psychologie Des Christlichen Glaubens
173554: Aeschylus; Gilbertus Murray - Aeschyli: Septem Quae Supersunt Tragoediae
1276017: Aesop, translated by George Fyler Townsend - Aesop's Fables
120161: Commissioner of Indian Affairs - Fifty-Ninth Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to the Secretary of the Interior
194531: Joseph T. Martin de Agar - A Handbook on Canon Law
310878: Frederick A. Agar - The Stewardship of Life
87463: Joseph Agassi - Science and Society: Studies in the Sociology of Science
192932: Philip Agee - On the Run
149873: James Agee and Walker Evans - Let Us Now Praise Famous Men: Three Tenant Families
181950: James Agee - Agee on Film: Reviews and Comments by James Agee
192924: Philip Agee - Inside the Company: Cia Diary
191950: James Agee - Agee on Film: Five Film Scripts by James Agee
193982: Msgr. George Agius - Tradition and the Church
161453: Raoul Aglion - The Fighting French
172759: Joan Walsh Aglund - A Book of Good Tidings from the Bible
207046: Agnes Cunningham, Susanne Breckel, et. al - Women in Ministry: A Sister's View
162419: Agnete Hjorth, Gerd Manne, Par Wistrand, and Gun Ekroth - Leva Bland Manniskor: Samtida Svenska Texter
190613: J. Martin Miller; Alfredo d'Agnillo, tr - Storia Completa Degli Orrori Del Terremoto in Italia
80681: L. Agostini and J. Bass - The Theories of Turbulence
194380: Peter R. D'Agostino - Rome in America: Transnational Catholic Ideology from the Risorgimento to Fascism
181519: Yashodhara Agrawal - Silk Brocades
1276122: Mary Of Agreda; translated by Fiscar Marison - Mystical City of God: The Divine History and Life of the Virgin Mother of God, Manifested to Mary of Agreda for the Encouragement of Men: The Incarnation, the Conception, the Transfixion, the Coronation
168502: Ohio State Board of Agriculture - Thirty-Third Annual Report of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture, with an Abstract of the Proceedings of the County Agricultural Societies, to the General Assembly of Ohio for the Year 1878
160634: Stockbridge School of Agriculture - 1954 Stockbridge School of Agriculture Yearbook
86294: Eugenio Sarrablo Aguareles - El Conde de Fuenclara Embajador Y Virrey de Nueva Espana (1687-1752)
130905: Victoriano Agueros - Escritores Mexicanos Contemporaneos
207083: San Agustin - La Ciudad de Dios: Introduccion de Francisco Montes de Oca
71435: Josef Iganatius von Ah - Des Seligen Einsiedlers Nikolaus Von Flue
188506: Patrick Henry Ahern - The Life of John J. Keane: Educator and Archbishop 1839-1918
193520: Patrick Henry Ahern - The Life of John J. Keane: Educator and Archbishop, 1839-1918
186176: Barnabas Ahern - The Formation of Scripture
71204: Rev. John J. Ahern, S.T.L. - Eight Happy People
181904: Barnabas M. Ahern - New Horizons: Studies in Biblical Theology
194429: Julia Ahlers and Michael Wilt - Christian Justice: Sharing God's Goodness
189820: Gillian T.W. Ahlgren - Entering Teresa of Avila's Interior Castle: A Reader's Companion
163560: Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad - Teachings of Islam
192711: Shamshad Ahmad - Rounded Up: Artificial Terrorists and Muslim Entrapment After 9/11
192874: Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed - The War on Truth: 9/11, Disinformation, and the Anatomy of Terrorism
192867: Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed - Behind the War on Terror: Western Secret Strategy and the Struggle for Iraq
145724: Jurgen Ahrendts - Bibliographie Zur Alteuropaischen Religionsgeschichte 2. Band: 1965-1969
106264: P.C. Aichelburg and R.U. Sexl - Albert Einstein: His Influence on Physics Philosophy and Politics
310882: August Aichhorn - Wayward Youth
131342: Conrad Aiken - Selected Poems
170274: Christopher Ailsby - Allied Combat Medals of World War 2, Volume 1: Britain, the Commonwealth and Western European Nations
176977: William Harrison Ainsworth - The Tower of London. A Historical Romance
187848: W. Harrison Ainsworth - The Legend of the Devil's Dyke
196505: [William Francis Ainsworth, ed.] - All Around the World: An Illustrated Record of Voyages, Travels and Adventures in All Parts of the Globe, Volumes I-II
206132: James K. Aitken and Edward Kessler, eds - Challenges in Jewish-Christian Relations
195735: Ake Viberg, Kerstin Ballardini, and Sune Stjarnlof - Essentials of Swedish Grammar: A Practical Guide to the Mastery of Swedish
203521: Donald Harman Akenson - Some Family: The Mormons and How Humanity Keeps Track of Itself
113227: Susan Grey Akers - Simple Library Cataloguing
163578: Shabbir Akhtar - A Faith for All Seasons: Islam and the Challenge of the Modern World
98865: Jan Joost Teunissen & Age Akkerman - Protecting the Poor: Global Financial Institutions and the Vulnerability of Low-Income Countries
163196: Dunai Akos, ed - Beszelgetes Onmagunkkal: A Katolikus Magyarok Vasarnapja 1983-As Evkonyve
195749: Thomas A. Akowuah - Lingala-English, English-Lingala Dictionary and Phrasebook
94706: M. Aladel - La Medaille Miraculeuse
104319: Alan M. Friedlander, et al. - Monitoring Hawaii's Marine Protected Areas: Examining Spatial and Temporal Trends Using a Seascape Approach
179902: Alan Averill, et al. - Super Smash Bros. Melee: Official Nintendo Player's Guide
207762: Kurt Aland - Synopsis of the Four Gospels: English Edition
193735: Kurt Aland, ed - Synposis of the Four Gospels
1262649: Kurt Aland, ed - Synopsis of the Four Gospels: Greek-English Edition of the Synopsis Quattuor Evangeliorum
197619: Kurt Aland and Bruce M. Metzger, eds - The New Testament: Greek and English
195459: Fr. Chris Alar and Jason Lewis - After Suicide: There's Hope for Them and for You
179724: D. Pedro Antonio de Alarcon - Ultimos Escritos
166113: Don Pedro Antonio de Alarcon - The Three-Cornered Hat: The True History of an Affair Current in Certain Tales and Ballads and Here Written Down As and How It Befel
171752: Pedro Antonio de Alarcon - Tales from the Spanish
99537: Ambrogio Albano - Commentary on the Rule of Life of the Society of Mary
181536: Celeste Albaret with Georges Belmont - Monsieur Proust
181592: Celeste Albaret - Monsieur Proust: Souvenir Recueillis Par Georges Belmont
61864: Ernest Albee - A History of English Utilitarianism
185133: Isaac Albeniz - Iberia and Espana: Two Complete Works for Solo Piano
201509: Giuseppe Alberigo, ed - History of Vatican II (5v)
178659: Blessed James Alberione - Saint and Thought for Every Day
1271485: Blessed James Alberione - Saint and Thought for Every Day
1249768: Very Rev. James Alberione - Introduction to Christian Doctrine
1250016: James Alberione, S.T.D. - Fundamentals of Christian Sociology
37957: Dr. Paul Bruno Albers - Florilegium Patristicum #15: S. Ambrosii Mediolanensis Episcopi de Obitu Satyri Fratris Lavdatio Funebris
37958: Dr. Paul Bruno Albers - Florilegium Patristicum #16: S. Pachomi Abbatis Tabennensis Regulae Monasticae
102414: Acoustical Society of America; Vernon M Albers, ed - Suggested Experiments for Laboratory Courses in Acoustics and Vibrations
184384: Ethel M. Albert and Clyde Kluckhohn - A Selected Bibliography on Values, Ethics, and Esthetics in the Bhavioral Sciences and Philosophy, 1920-1958
192367: Michael Albert - Parecon: Life After Capitalism
192376: Michael Albert - Remembering Tomorrow: From Sds to Life After Capitalism
192971: Michael Albert - The Trajectory of Change: Activist Strategies for Social Transformation
126838: Albert and Jane Salisbury - Two Captains West: An Historical Tour of the Lewis and Clark Trail
200440: Luciano Alberti - Music of the Western World
69762: Iosepho Alberti - Pars Theologiae Pastoralis
67582: A.F. Carrillo de Albornoz - Religious Liberty
39453: A.F. Carrillo de Albornoz - The Basis of Religious Liberty
67728: Dr. A.F. Carrillo De Albornoz - Roman Catholicism and Religious Liberty
182792: Michael von Albrecht - A History of Roman Literature from Livius Andronicus to Boethius with Special Regard to Its Influence on World Literature, Volumes I-II
173022: Michael von Albrecht - Geschichte Der Romischen Literatur Von Andronicus Bis Boethius Und Ihr Fortwirken, Bands 1-2
178614: W. Steve Albrecht - Money Wise: Money Management for Latter-Day Saints
195796: Andrea Albretti - Teach Yourself Slovene: A Complete Course for Beginners
192935: Matthew Albright - Profits Pending: How Life Patents Represent the Biggest Swindle of the 21st Century
207709: William Foxwell Albright - The Biblical Period from Abraham to Ezra
113428: Harry Albright - Pearl Harbor: Japan's Fatal Blunder; the True Story Behind Japan's Attack on December 7, 1941
198983: W.F. Albright - The Biblical Period from Abraham to Ezra: An Historical Survey
310416: William Foxwell Albright - The Bible After Twenty Years of Archaeology (1932-1952)
1230742: Vernacular Photo Album - Original Photo Album of Wales, Circa 1930
185664: St. Peter of Alcantara - Treatise on Prayer and Meditation
68477: St. Peter of Alcantara - De Meditatione Et Oratione Libellus Aureus
148823: Sr. Mariana Alcoforado - Letters from a Portuguese Nun to an Officer in the French Army
191719: Louisa May Alcott - Eight Cousins or the Aunt-Hill
205879: Louisa M. Alcott - Under the Lilacs
183769: Louisa M. Alcott - Eight Cousins or, the Aunt Hill
205718: Louisa M. Alcott - Eight Cousins or the Aunt-Hill
189656: Louisa M. Alcott - Jo's Boys and How They Turned out: A Sequel to "Little Men
181776: Daniel Alcouffe - Restauration Du Mobilier
196279: Antonio M. de Aldama - Missioning
196276: Antonio M. de Aldama - Jesuit Religious Life
196277: Antonio M. de Aldama - The Formula of the Institute: Notes for a Commentary
310668: Manuel Garrido Aldama - From Roman Priest to Radio Evangelist
196278: Antonio M. de Aldama - Union Among Jesuits
197381: Salvador Carrillo Alday - La Espiritualidad de Los Profetas de Israel Para El Dia de Hoy
197812: Salvador Carrillo Alday - Pablo, Apostol de Cristo: Su Vida Y Sus Epistolas
197558: Salvador Carrillo Alday - El Evangelio Segun San Marcos
198622: Salvador Carrillo Alday - Los Milagros de Jesus: Exegesis Y Proyeccion Pastoral
199848: Jose Aldazabal - Liturgia de Las Horas: Veinte Siglos de Historia
205796: Raymond Macdonald Alden - Why the Chimes Rang
179628: John Richard Alden - The American Revolution 1775-1783
198832: Robert L. Alden - Proverbs: A Commentary on an Ancient Book of Timeless Advice
177284: Vera Stanley Alder - The Finding of the 'Third Eye'
193811: Wroe Alderson and Stanley J. Shapiro, eds - Marketing and the Computer
202892: Brian Aldiss - Sanity and the Lady
184628: Joan Aldous and Reuben Hill - International Bibliography of Research in Marriage and the Family, 1900-1964
178445: Cyril Aldred - The Egyptians
193925: John K. Aldrich - Ghosts of Clear Creek County: A Guide to the Ghost Towns and Mining Camps of Clear Creek County, Colorado
193861: John K. Aldrich - Ghosts of the Sangre de Cristo Area: A Guide to the Ghost Towns and Mining Camps of the Sangre de Cristo Mountain Area, Colorado
205836: Thomas Bailey Aldrich - The Story of a Bad Boy
193860: John K. Aldrich - Ghosts of Summit County: A Guide to the Ghost Towns and Mining Camps of Summit County, Colorado
186701: [Henry Aldrich] - A Reply to Two Discourses. Lately Printed at Oxford Concerning the Adoration of Our Blessed Savior, in the Holy Eucharist
170611: Richard J. Aldrich - Intelligence and the War Against Japan: Britain, America and the Politics of Secret Service
193917: Dorothy Aldridge - Historic Colorado City: Town of the Future
1256254: Buzz Aldrin and Malcolm Mcconnell Alan B Shepard and Deke Slayton James Lovell and Jeffrey Kluger Frank Borman with Robert J Serling Walter Schirra with Richard Billings Scott Carpenter, Gordon Cooper, and John Glenn - The Astronaut's Library: Complete Set: Men from Earth, Moon Shot, Lost Moon, Countdown, Schirra's Space, We Seven
186241: Chris Aleck - Authorized Shoulder Sleeve Insignia of the U.S. Army (2012)
186242: Chris Aleck - Authorized Shoulder Sleeve Insignia of the U.S. Army (2011)
102272: Igor Vladimirovich Aleksandrov - The Theory of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
105605: M. D'Alembert - Traite de Dynamique
38318: Adhemar D'Ales - La Theologie de Tertullien
194657: Rev. Adhemar d'Ales - Baptism and Confirmation
195536: Msgr. John A. Alesandro - Canonical Delicts Involving Sexual Misconduct and Dismissal from the Clerical State
194109: John A. Alesandro, ed - Marriage Studies: Reflections in Canon Law and Theology, Volume IV
188702: David F. D'Alessandro - Career Warfare: 10 Rules for Building a Successful Personal Brand and Fighting to Keep It
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