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%23230321: Male, R.M. van & B.W.N. de Waard (eds.) - Adviezen aan de Awb-wetgever : doorzend- en verwijsregels, proceskosten in voorprocedures.
%2373323: Male, R.M. van. - Rechter en bestuurswetgeving : beroep tegen door bestuursorganen vastgestelde algemeen verbindende voorschriften en toetsing daarvan aan ongeschreven recht in rechtsvergelijkend perspectief.
%23281552: Malesevic, Sinisa & Haugaard, Mark (eds.) - Ernets Gellner & contemporary social thought.
%23281322: Malet, Albert. - Personne et amour dans la théologie trinitaire de Saint Thomas d'Aquin.
%23284391: Malet, Rosa Maria. - Joan Miró.
%2336761: Malevich, Kazimir. - Kazimir Malevich, 1878-1935.
%23286932: Malevich, Kazimir. - Kazimir Malevich en de Russische avant-garde : met een selectie uit de Khardzhiev- en Costakiscollecties.
%23219147: Maleville, Jacques de. - Analyse raisonnée de la discussion du Code Civil au Conseil d'État : contenant le Texte des Lois; le précis des observations faites sur chaque article, et les Motifs de la décision du Conseil; L'Indication de la confirmité et de l'opposition de ces articles aux lois anciennes; les arrêts rendus par la Cour de Cassation pour en fixer le sens; et les observations particulières de l'auteur, pour concilier et rectifier quelques-uns de ces articles. Tome I-IV.
%2330811: Maley, William (ed.) - Fundamentalism reborn? : Afghanistan and the Taliban.
%235914: Malherbe, François Ernst Johannes. - Humor in die algemeen en sy uiting in die Afrikaanse letterkunde.
%23295622: Mali, Anco. - Margot Frank en de anderen.
%23249572: Malingrëy, Rémi., Merle, Pierre. - Petit traité de l'injure.
%2358598: Malinvaud, Edmond. - Lectures on Microeconomic Theory.
%2342133: Malinvaud, Edmond. - Méthodes statistiques de l'économétrie.
%23279636: Maliszewski, Paul. - Fakers: Hoaxers, Con Artists, Counterfeiters, and Other Great Pretenders.
%23243289: Creveld van & Malkus. - Het bestek. Leidraad voor het maken van bestekken ten behoeve van studie en praktijk.
%23257379: Malladra, Allessandro. - Il Vesuvio dal 1906 al 1920.
%23231890: Mallampalli, Chandra. - Race, religion, and law in colonial India : trials of an interracial family.
%23272641: Mallat, Chibli - Philosophy of Nonviolence: Revolution, Constitutionalism, and Justice beyond the Middle East.
%23117003: Mallet, M. - Northern Antiquities : or, an historical account of the manners, customs, religion and laws, maritime expedition and discoveries, language and literature of the ancienst Scandinavians (Danes, Swedes, Norwegians and Icelanders).
%23177873: Mallet, J. V. G. - Xanto : pottery-painter, poet, man of the Italian Renaissance.
%23295370: Mallet, Henri. - Médecine et Traité de Rome; les incidences du traité sur la profession médicale dans les pays de Marché commun.
%23294931: O'Malley, Stephen & Alexander Layton. - European civil practice.
%23278922: O'Malley, Therese & Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn (eds.) - Modernism and landscape architecture, 1890-1940.
%2383928: O'Malley, J.J., K.W. Algozin & F.G. Weiss. - (eds.) Hegel and the history of philosophy. Proceedings of the 1972 Hegel society of America conference.
%2360658: O'Malley, J.J. (ed.). - The Legacy of Hegel : proceedings of the Marquette Hegel Symposium.
%23176707: Malliavin, Marie Paule. - Séminaire d'algèbre Paul Dubreil et Marie-Paul Malliavin : proceedings, Paris 1987-88 (39ème année).
%23176350: Malliavin, Marie-Paule (ed.) - Séminaire d'algèbre Paul Dubreil et Marie-Paule Malliavin : proceedings, Paris 1980 (33ème année).
%23176348: Malliavin, Marie-Paule (ed.) - Séminaire d'algèbre Paul Dubreil et Marie-Paule Malliavin : proceedings, Paris 1983-1984 (36ème année).
%23176605: Malliavin, Marie Paule. - Séminaire d'algèbre Paul Dubreil et Marie-Paule Malliavin : proceedings, Paris 1982 (32ème année).
%23176542: Malliavin, Marie-Paule (ed.) - Séminaire d'algèbre Paul Dubreil et Marie-Paule Malliavin : proceedings, Paris 1981 (34ème année)
%2347385: MALLINSON, G.J. - The comedies of Corneille. Experiments in the comic.
%23237962: Malloy, Robin Paul. - Law in a market context : an introduction to market concepts in legal reasoning.
%23250405: Malmborg, Mikael & Bo Strêath (eds.) - The meaning of Europe variety and contention within and among nations.
%23291542: Maloka, Eddy (ed.) - A United States of Africa?
%23292076: Malone, David M. - Does the Elephant Dance? : Contemporary Indian Foreign Policy.
%23293054: Malsch, Friedemann (ed.) - Kazimir Malevich: The Black Square : the story of a masterpiece.
%2382858: Malsch, M. & J.F. Nijboer. - Complex cases : perspectives on the Netherlands criminal justice system.
%23141141: Malsch, Marijke - Lawyers' Predictions of Judicial Decisions. A Study on Calibration of Experts.
%23286406: Malsch, Marijke & Wilma Smeenk (eds.) - Family violence and police response : learning from research, policy and practice in European countries.
%23288093: Malsch, Marijke ... [et al.] - Kijken, luisteren, lezen : de invloed van beeld, geluid en schrift op het oordeel over verdachtenverhoren.
%23231715: Maltby, Richard (Editor) - 'Film Europe' And 'Film America': Cinema, Commerce and Cultural Exchange 1920-1939.
%23277278: Maltese, John Anthony. - The selling of Supreme Court nominees.
%23276160: Malthus, Thomas Robert. - An Essay on the Principle of Population or a view of its past and present effects on human happiness : with an inquiry into our prospects respecting the future removal or mitigation of the evils which it occasions.
%2344294: MALTHUS, THOMAS ROBERT. - Principes d'économie politique considérés sous le rapport de leur application pratique, Seconde Édition, revue, corrigée et considérablement augmentée; suivis Des définitions en économique politique par Malthus, avec des remarques inédites de J.-B. Say; précédés d'une introduction et accompagnés de notes explicatives et critiques, par Maurice Monjean.
%23181170: Malti-Douglas, Fedwa. - Medicines of the soul : female bodies and sacred geographies in a transnational Islam.
%2350166: Maltz, Earl M. - Civil Rights, the Constitution, and Congress, 1863-1869.
%23188770: Maluwa, Tiyanjana - International Law in Post-Colonial Africa.
%23243621: Mamet, David - The Wicked Son: Anti-Semitism, Self-hatred, and the Jews.
%23294432: Mampel, Siegfried. - Die sozialistische Verfassung der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik : Text und Kommentar.
%23136672: Mampel, Siegfried - Der Sowjetsektor von Berlin : einen Analyse seines äusseren und inneren Status.
%2362834: MAMROTH, KARL. - Gewerblicher Konstitutionalismus. Die Arbeistarifverträge in ihre volkswirtschaftlichen und sozialen Bedeutung.
%2362440: Man, Adrianus Pieter de. - Organizing for competitiveness.
%23297048: Man, Daniel ... [et al.]. - Still on and non the wiser : an exhibition with selected urban artists.
%23283366: Man, Marie G.A. de. - Konvoluut van 27 publicaties en overdrukken over Zeeuwse munten en penningen. 1. Schutterspenningen van Vere.
%2360341: Man, Reinier de. - Energy forecasting and the organization of the policy process : a comparative study on the use of energy forecasts in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.
%23136265: Man, D. de. - Hier beginnen sommige stichtige punten van onse oelden zusteren, naar het te Arnhem berustende handschrift.
%23155203: Man, Huibert de. - Organizational change in its context : a theoretical and empirical study of the linkages between organizational change projets and their administrative, strategic and institutional environment.
%23159692: Al-Haq/Law in the service of man (ed.) - Punishing a nation : human rights violations during the Palestinian uprising, December 1987-December 1988 : a report.
%23279700: Man, John. - The Gutenberg Revolution : The Story of a Genius and an Invention That Changed the World.
%23297354: Manasherob, Robert. - Israeli Hamer : Merkava-based Armored Personnel Carrier. (Israeli Wild & Cruel Cats, 5).
%23297356: Manasherob, Robert. - Israeli PUMA Combat Engineering Vehicle. Part 1. (Israeli Wild & Cruel Cats, 1).
%23297359: Manasherob, Robert. - Centurion tanks of the IDF (Israeli Defence Force : Shot Kal Alef, Vol 3.
%23297357: Manasherob, Robert. - Israeli ACHZARIT : Heavy Armored Personnel Carrier. Part 1. (Israeli Wild & Cruel Cats, 3).
%23297358: Manasherob, Robert. - Israeli ACHZARIT : Heavy Armored Personnel Carrier. Part 3 : Degem Beth Mk IIs - Late types. (Israeli Wild & Cruel Cats, 6).
%23297355: Manasherob, Robert. - Israeli PUMA Combat Engineering Vehicle. Part 2. (Israeli Wild & Cruel Cats, 2).
%2342167: Mancall, Peter C. - Fatal Journey: The Final Expedition of Henry Hudson.
%23276400: Manchanda, Catharina. - Pop Departures.
%23183851: Manchot, Melanie. - Melanie Manchot : love is a stranger : photographs, 1998-2001.
%23284364: Mancini-Griffoli, Deborah & Picot, André. - Humanitarian negotiation : a handbook for securing access, assistance and protection for civilians in armed conflict.
%23250371: Mandaza, Ibbo & Arno Tostensen. - Southern Africa : in search of a common future : from the conference to a community.
%23291843: Mandel, Robert - Armies without states : the privatization of security
%23124465: Mandel, Ernest. - Marxist Economic Theory
%2341237: Mandelbaum, Ann. - Ann Mandelbaum : Thin Skin : photographs.
%23238646: Mandelbaum, Seymour J. - Open moral communities.
%23154249: Mandelbaum, Michael (ed.) - The new European diasporas : national minorities and conflict in Eastern Europe.
%23196609: Mandelbaum, Ann. - New Work.
%2362311: Mandele, L. Martijn van der. - Leadership and the inflection point : a longitudinal perspective.
%23293129: Mandelot, Marie-Humberte Dubreuil de Sainte-Croix, Bnne de. - Loisirs champêtres, ou Recueil de poésies fugitives, par Mme de Mandelot, née Sainte-Croix.
%23101406: Mander, Carel van & Henri Hymans (ed/tr.) - Le livre des peintres de Carel van Mander : (1548-1606) : vie des peintres et graveurs flamands, hollandais et allemands, traduite sur l'édition originale néerlandaise de 1604 accompagnée d'une introduction biographique, de notes et de commentaires, et de tables analytiques et alphabétiques.
%23106581: Manders, W.J.A. - Vijf Kunsttalen : vergelijkend onderzoek naar de waarde van het Volapük, Esperanto, Ido, Occidental en Novial.
%23295384: Mandl, Avraham & Sylvia Habif. - Customs album, a century of customs and excise in Palestine and Israel.
%23239775: Mandler, Peter (ed.) - Liberty and authority in Victorian Britain.
%23295664: Mandos, H. & M. Mandos-van de Pol ; - De Brabantse spreekwoorden : uitdrukkingen in Brabant gebruikt en opgetekend.
%2313038: Manen, N.F. van. - Rechtshulp in de buurt. Een vergelijkend onderzoek naar rechtshulpverlening in twee Amsterdamse wijken. Diss.
%2364068: Manent, Pierre. - Enquete sur la democratie.
%2331493: Maneschijn, G. - Burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid : over grenzen aan politieke gehoorzaamheid in een democratische rechts- en verzorgingsstaat.
%2368436: Mangan, J.A. & Fan Hong (eds.) - Sport in Asian Society: Past and present.
%2355441: Manger, J.B. - Thorbecke en de historie : bijdrage tot de kennis van het liberalisme.
%23267729: Mangilius, Joannes Antonius. - [Ioanne Antonio Mangilio]. De evictionibvs tractatvs in quo agitur de materia contingente ...
%23181747: Manheim, Henry L. - Sociological research : philosophy and methods.
%23257987: Mani, Inderjeet & Mark T. Maybury. - Advances in automatic text summarization.
%2340125: Mani, Sunil - Innovation, Learning, and Technological Dynamism of Developing Countries.
%23285053: Manicas, Peter T. - A realist philosophy of social science : explanation and understanding.
%23222983: Manier, Bénédicte - Quand les femmes auront disparu : L'élimination des filles en Inde et en Asie.
%23188800: Manigart, Philippe & Ljubica Jelusic (eds.) - European defence restructuring : military and public view.
%23255941: Manilius, L'ingénieur. - Cours populaire de calcul diff;erentiel et intégral et de mécanique : à l'usage des architects, des constructeurs de machines, et de constructeurs des ponts et chaussées.
%2378608: Maningk, Alfred. - Willenserklärung und Willensgeschäft. Ihr Begriff und ihre Behandlung nach BGB : ein System der juristischen Handlungen.
%2322398: Mankabady, Samir. - The Hamburg rules on the carriage of goods by sea.
%23280326: Mankabady, Samir. - The International Maritime Organization. Vol. 1: International shipping rules; Vol. 2: Accidents at sea.
%23198573: Mankell, Henning. - Faceless killers : a mystery.
%23249276: Mankell, Henning. - Depths.
%23178038: Mankevar, Purnima. - Screening culture, viewing politics: an ethnography of television, womanhood and nation in Postcolonial India.
%23151512: Mann, Thomas E. & Gary J. Orren (eds.) - Media polls in American politics.
%23239545: Mann, Bonnie. - Women's liberation and the sublime : feminism , postmodernism , environment.
%2355790: Mann, Edward C. - The rights and duties of citizens of the United States : a manual of citizenship.
%2357932: Mann, Kenneth. - Defending white-collar-crime. A portrait of attorneys at work.
%23237424: Mann, Renske & Marion Mathews. - Haar : styling, knippen, kleuren, ideeën, alles en nog iets meer over haarverzorging.
%239747: Mann, Clarence J. - The function of judicial decision in European Economic Intergration.
%23295470: Mann, Catherine L. ; Eckert, Sue E. & Knight, Sarah Cleeland. - Global electronic commerce : a policy primer.
%23286028: Mann, Fritz Karl (ed.); G.L. Duprat, Hans Freyer, Alfred Meusel, Leopold von Wiese & Marianne Weber. - Gründer der Soziologie : eine Vortragsreihe.
%23193394: Mann, David W. - A simple theory of the self.
%23172180: Mann, Thomas. - Death in Venice and other tales.
%23151327: Mann, Thomas E. (ed.) - A Question of balance : the president , the Congress , and foreign policy.
%23153707: Mann, William J. - Kate : the woman who was Hepburn.
%2347006: MANN, CORAMAE RICHEY. - Unequal justice. A question of color.
%23224916: Manna, Dyno Radjesh - Standardisation in a multi-ethnic world: a paradox? : the validity of guidelines in the treatment of patients with different ethnic backgrounds.
%2319977: MANNESMANN. - Rohre gab es immer schon.
%237104: Mannheim, Hermann. - Comparative criminology : a text book. 2 Vols.
%23154093: Mannheim, Karl. - Freedom, power & democratic planning.
%23278184: Mannheim, Karl. - Het generatieprobleem.
%23277167: Mannheim, Hermann. - Juvenile delinquency in an English middletown.
%2357968: Manning, Bayless. - Federal conflict of interest law.
%23251710: Manning, A.F., M. van Faassen & A.E. Kersten (eds.) - Documenten betreffende de buitenlandse politiek van Nederland, 1919-1945. Periode C : 1940-1945. Deel 6 : 16 december 1942 - 30 juni 1943.
%23285554: Manning, Samuel. - Those Holy Fields : Palestine illustrated by pen and pencil.
%2324959: Manning, K.R. - Black Apollo of science : the life of Ernest Everett Just.
%23274631: Manning, Chris - Indonesia in Transition: Social Dimensions of the Reformasi and the Economic Crisis.
%23168602: MANNSTAEDT, HEINRICH. - Preisbildung und Preispolitik im Frieden und im Kriege.
%2362836: MANNSTAEDT, HEINRICH. - Ursachen und Ziele des Zusammenschlusses im Gewerbe unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kartelle und Trusts.
%23223013: Manolides, Theodore. - Theodore Manolides.
%23119524: Manoukian, E.B. - Modern Concepts and Theorems of Mathematical Statistics.
%23259825: Mans, Jan. - 'Monsieur le président'
%23286637: Manschot, Willem Arnold. - Over progeronanie : (progeria van Gilford).
%23155388: MANSEL, HENRY L. - Letters, Lectures and Reviews.
%23258708: Mansell, Prof. Robin & Dr. Andrew Davies. - The New Telecommunications in the Netherlands. Strategic Developments in Technologies and Markets.
%23289365: Manser, Gallus M. - Angewandtes Naturrecht.
%23170765: Mansergh, Nicholas. - Survey of British Commonwealth affairs. [II]: Problems of wartime co-operation and post-war change 1939-1952.
%23197306: Mansfeld, Rudolf. - Die Kulturpflanze : Berichte und Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für Kulturpflanzenforschung der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin in Gatersleben, Krs. Aschersleben.
%23102237: Mansfeld, Jaap. - Pappus, mathematicus en een beetje filosoof.
%23257182: Mansfeld, Jaap. - The pseudo-Hippocratic tract Peri hebdomado-n : ch. 1-11 and Greek philosophy.
%23233910: Mansfield, Edward D. & Jack Snyder. - Electing to fight : why emerging democracies go to war.
%23172869: Mansfield, Howard. - Skylark : the life, lies, and inventions of Harry Atwood.
%23104816: Mansfield, Peter - The Middle East: a political and economic survey.
%2312069: Mansfield, Edward D. - Votes, vetoes, and the political economy of international trade agreements.
%23285064: Mansi, Joseph. - Aerarium evangelicum : hoc est : Evangeliorum totius anni. Tomi 1-3.
%23154331: Mansion, Augustin - Introduction a la Physique Aristotélicienne.
%23213264: Manski, Charles F. - Identification Problems in the Social Sciences.
%23210832: Mansoor, M. - Legal and documentary Arabic reader : with explanatory notes, exercises, vocabularies and model answers. Volume 1.
%23296499: Mansueto, Geminiano da Santo. - Prediche quaresimali del Padre Geminiano da S., Mansueto, Agostiniano scalzo della Provincia di Milano. Tom. 1-2.
%2375749: Mante-Meijer, E.A. - Conflicten in organisaties: individuele klachten en hun behandeling.
%235377: MANTEGAZZA, PAUL. - De hygiene van het hoofd.
%23144436: MANTEGAZZA, PAUL. - Das Jahr 3000. Ein Zukunftstraum.
%23200579: Mantel, A.F. (ed.) - De Nederlandse Geneesmiddelenmarkt in observatie: onderzoek, diagnose en voor te schrijven medicijn.
%23296537: Mantel, Hilary. - Mantel pieces : Royal bodies and other writing from the London Review of Books.
%23246966: Mantel, Anne. - Herodotus historiën : patronen en historische werkelijkheid bij Herodotus.
%23150453: Manthey, Franz - Polnische Kirchengeschichte.
%23203606: Mantica, Francesco. - De coniecturis ultimarum voluntatum : libri duodecim.
%23119780: Manton, K.G., Singer, B.H. & Suzman, R,M. (eds.) - Forecasting the Health of Elderly Populations. (Statistics in the Health Sciences.)
%23154104: Mantran, R.(preface). - L'Egypte d'aujourd'hui: permanence et changements, 1805-1976.
%23250275: Mantz-van der Meer, Annine Emilie Ghislaine. - Op zoek naar loutering : oorsprong en ontwikkeling van de enkratitische ascese tot in het begin van de dertiende eeuw n. Chr.
%2371791: Mantzavinos, C. - Naturalistic Hermeneutics.
%23200226: Manu, René R. - Die psychosozialen Lebenswelten von Nachkommen jüdischer KZ-Überlebender in Deutschland.
%23284125: Manuelli, Rodolfo E. - Exercises in Dynamic Macroeconomic Theory.
%23174255: Manunza, Elisabetta. - EG-aanbestedingsrechtelijke problemen bij privatiseringen en bij de bestrijding van corruptie en georganiseerde criminaliteit : een beschouwing over de vraag of privatiseringsoperaties en de bestrijding van corruptie en georganiseerde criminaliteit een belemmering vormen voor de voltooiing van de Europese markt voor overheidsopdrachten.
%23255364: Manunza, Elisabetta & Linda Senden (ed.) - De EU: de interstatelijkheid voorbij?
%23193171: Manunza, Elisabetta. - EG-aanbestedingsrechtelijke problemen bij privatiseringen : en bij de bestrijding van corruptie en georganiseerde criminaliteit : een beschouwing over de vraag of privatiseringsoperaties en de bestrijding van corruptie en georganiseerde criminaliteit een belemmering vormen voor de voltooiing van de Europese markt voor overheidsopdrachten.
%23104446: Manusama, Kenneth M. - The United Nations Security Council in the post-cold war era : applying the principle of legality.
%2322824: Manusama, Kenneth M. - The principle of legality in the law and post-Cold War practice of the United Nations Security Council.
%23297272: Manuth, Volker & Axel Rüger (eds.) - Collected opinions : essays on Netherlandish art in honour of Alfred Bader.
%2352063: Manzini, M. Rita - Locality: A Theory and Some of Its Empirical Consequences (Linguistic Inquiry Monographs).
%2352147: Manzini, Maria Rita - Locality: A Theory and Some of Its Empirical Consequences (Linguistic Inquiry Monographs).
%23282623: Manzoni, Piero. - Piero Manzoni - achrome
%23291501: Maoihibou, Issa. - Geek tattoo : pop culture in the flesh AuteursIssa Maoihibou Gedrukt boek2017 Paris : Cernunnos, 2017.
%23269699: Maolchonaire, Flaithri O. (Florence Conry). - Desiderius : otherwise called Sgathan an Chrabhaidh by Flaithry O Maolchonaire (Florence Conry).
%2351897: Mapp, Wayne. - Iran-United States Claims Tribunal : the first ten years, 1981-1991.
%23221454: Maquet, Albert. - L'astronome royal de Turin, Giovanni Plana (1781-1864) : un homme, une carrière, un destin.
%23295024: Mar, Maksymilian Del. - Visualising the Common Law Mind Making and Re-making Patterns of Facts over Time..
%23292857: Maracke, Catharina. - Die Entstehung des Urheberrechtsgesetzes von 1965.
%23111943: Marácz, László (ed.) - Expanding European Unity : Central and Eastern Europe.
%2398672: MARANI, M. & RIGON, R. (eds.). - Hydrometeorology and Climatology.
%23275612: Maranini, Giuseppe. - Classe e Stato nella rivoluzione Francese.
%23218626: Marantz, Alec, Y. Miyashita, Y. & Wayne O'Neil (eds.) - Image, language, brain : papers from the First Mind Articulation Project Symposium.
%2382565: MARANTZ, P. & GROSS STEIN, J. (ed.) - Peace-making in the Middle East: problems and prospects.
%23123667: Marat, Jean-Paul. - Oeuvres. Recueillies et annotées par Auguste Vermorel.
%23236009: Marat, Jean-Paul. - Le Junius français. Journal politique. 2 Juin 1790- 24 Juin 1790.
%23252992: Maravall, José María. - Regimes, politics and markets : democratization and economic change in Southern and Eastern Europe.
%23294781: Maravall, José Antonio. - Estado moderno y mentalidad social : siglos XV a XVII.
%2355648: Al-Marayati, Abid A. - Middle Eastern constitutions and electoral laws.
%23283627: Marburg, Theodore. - Development of the League of Nations idea : documents and correspondence of Theodore Marburg.
%2351482: Marburger, Peter. - Fälle und Lösungen nach höchstrichterlichen Entscheidungen. BGB. Allgemeiner Teil.
%23204962: Marc, Elizabeth. - In de poolstreken verdwaald.
%23284056: Marc, Franz & Joseph Beuys. - Franz Marc und Joseph Beuys : Im Einklang mit der Natur.
%23277659: Marcadé, Victor. - Explication théorique et pratique du Code Civil contenant l'analyse critique des auteurs et de la jurisprudence et un Traité résumé après le commentaire de chaque titre. Vol. 1-6.
%23295319: Marcel, Guillaume. - Tablettes chronologiques, : contenant avec ordre, l'etat de l'eglise en Orient & en Occident : les conciles generaux & particuliers : les autheurs ecclesiastiques : les schismes, heresies & opinions, qui ont été condamne´es: pour servir de plan à ceux qui lisent l'histoire sacrée.
%23296586: Marcel, Gabriel (ed.). - Un changement d'espérance à la rencontre du réarmement moral des témoignages, des faits.
%23295351: Marcella, H. - De nulliteiten in het strafprocesrecht : openbare les gegeven bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van buitengewoon lector aan de Rechtshoogeschool te Batavia op den 19den October 1928.
%23278248: Marchak, M. Patricia. - Reigns of terror.
%2317980: Marchand, Bruno - Graeme Mann & Patricia Capua Mann (Collection Archigraphy Lémaniques)
%2375563: Marchand, Maurice, Pierre Pestieau & Henry Tulkens. - The performance of public enterprises : concepts and measurement.
%23225170: Marchand, Philip. - Marshall McLuhan : the medium and the messenger.
%2318195: Marchand, Bruno - Quartier Ecoparc / Ecoparc Quarter
%23280796: Marchand, M; H A Udo de Haes & H Bezemer. - The people's role in wetland management : International conference on wetlands : Papers.
%23296500: Marchant, Jacques. - [R.D. Jacobi Marchantii]. Rationale evangelizantium : in quo doctrina et veritas evangelica sacerdotibus, pastoribus, ac concionatoribus ad pectus appendenda.
%2396353: Marchant, Jacques (1585-1648). - Vitis florigera in qua doctrina et veritas evangelica continetur sacerdotibus, pastoribus, ac concionatoribus ad pectus appendenda & diebus festis per anni circulum e cathedris proponenda. Accedunt opuscula pastoralia ...
%23144423: Marchesini, G. & S.K. Mitter (eds.) - Mathematical systems theory.
%23250718: Marchildon, Gregory P. (ed.) - Mergers and acquisitions.
%23296880: Marcinowski, Bettina.77357 - Die Frau in Afrika : Untersuchungen zum schwarzafrikanischen frankophonen Roman Kameruns und Senegals.
%2351194: Marck, E.M. van der (ed.). - Atlas du Notariat. Le Notariat dans le monde. Huit siècles de notariat latin - Quarte décennies d'Union Internationale. Essays édités par les soins de la Fondation pour la promotion de la science notariale à l'occasion du XIXe congrès de l'Union Internationale du Notariat latin du 21 au 27 mai 1989 à Amsterdam = Atlas van het Notariaat. Het notariaat in de wereld. Acht eeuwen latijns notariaat. Vier decennia Internationale Unie. Opstellen uitgegeven door de Stichting ter bevordering van der notariële wetenschap t.g.v. het XIXe congres van de Internationale Unie van het latijnse notariaat, 21-27 mei 1989 te Amsterdam.
%23270156: Marck, Erich. - Von staatlichen Werden und Wesen : Festschrift, Erich Marcks zum 60. Geburtstage.
%2379392: Marcks, Erich. - Von staatlichen Werden und Wesen : Festschrift, Erich Marcks zum 60. Geburtstage.
%23140908: Marco, Guido de & Michael Bartolo. - A second generation United Nations : for peace in freedom in the 21st century.
%2351876: Marconi, Diego. - Lexical Competence.
%2361832: Marcotorchino, J.-F, J.M. Proth & J. Janssen (eds.) - Data analysis in real life environment : ins and outs of solving problems.
%2370411: Marcu, Valeriu. - Die Geburt der Nationen : von der Einheit des Glaubens zur Demokratie des Geldes.
%23294900: Marcum, Deanna B. & Roger C. Schonfeld. - Along came Google : a history of library digitization.
%2399303: Marcus, Ralph. - Law in the Apocrypha.
%23263229: Marcus, Gary. F. - Overregularization in language acquisition.
%23137363: Marcuse, Ludwig. - Plato und Dionys : Geschichte einer Demokratie und einer Diktatur.
%2340921: Marcy, Georges. - Le droit coutumier Zemmoûr. Fascicule I : [Mariage et Statut personnel].
%2364858: Maréchal, Bernard. - Concordance des saints Pères de l'église, grecs et latins. Où l'on se propose de montrer leurs sentimens sur le dogme, la morale & la discipline, de faciliter l'intelligence de leurs écrits par des remarques fréquentes, & d'éclaircir les difficultés qui peuvent s'y rencontrer. Tome I-II (All published).
%23282986: Marée, Piet. - Boeken in ons huis.
%23282987: Marée, Piet. - Boeken in ons huis.
%23282993: Marée, Piet. - Knutselen in huis 4 : meubels, kastjes, opbergmogelijkheden.
%23282990: Marée, Piet. - Knutselen in huis : Doe-het-zelf-cursus voor jong en oud.
%23282991: Marée, Piet. - Knutselen in huis 2.
%23282992: Marée, Piet. - Prisma knutselboek voor de vrouw.
%23288943: Mareel, Samuel (ed.) - Call for justice : art and law in the Low Countries 1450-1650.
%2310292: Marees van Swinderen, E. de. - Volkenbond en Verenigde Naties : een rechtsvergelijking.
%23265973: Marees van Swinderen, Tobias Jan de. - Iets over artikel 182 Burgerlijk Wetboek.
%23210897: Marees van Swinderen, R.M.A. de. - Eene opmerking naar aanleiding van art. 57 der Grondwet.
%23292534: Marek, Krystyna (ed.) - A digest of the decisions of the International Court : Volume II. International Court of Justice. Part 2 = Précis de la jurisprudence de la cour internationale. Volume II. Cour internationale de justice. Deuxieme partie.
%2381079: Marek, Krystyna (ed.) - A digest of the decisions of the International Court = Précis de la jurisprudence de la cour internationale. Vol. I: Permanent court of international justice = Cour permanente de justice internationale; Vol. II: International court of justice = Cour internationale de justice.
%23258805: Marella, Primo. - Post-Tsunami Art: emerging artists from South-East Asia.
%23284370: Maren, van D.S. - Morphodynamics of a cyclic prograding delta : the Red River, Vietnam.
%23223539: Marenholtz-Bülow, Bertha von. - How kindergarten came to America : Friedrich Froebel's radical vision of early childhood education.
%23246130: Marenko, Betti., Polhemus, Ted - Hot bodies, cool style : new techniques in self-adornment.
%23141520: Maresca, Philippi - Diatyposis reconventionalis observantis Theophilim Gisebertum I.C. Clariss. siué enarrationes ad divum Iustianum in locum Papinianus ....
%2334377: Maresceau, Marc (ed.) - The political and legal framework of trade relations between the European Community and Eastern Europe.
%23106349: Maresceau, Marc. - The European Community's commercial policy after 1992: the Legal dimension.
%2378281: Marez Oyens, J.C. de. - Het normatieve karakter van internationale tractaten.
%2354832: Margadant, T.W. - Urban rivalries in the French Revolution.
%2395252: Marglin, Stephen A. - Value and price in the labour-surplus economy.
%23120529: Margolis, Joseph (ed.) - The Worlds of art and the world.
%234279: Margolis, Diane Rothbard. - The fabric of self : a theory of ethics and emotions.
%23292007: Maria Theresia, Erzherzogin von Österreich - Zollordnung und Tarif für das Land Tirol, aus dem Jahre 1780.
%2375554: Mariani, M.P. (ed.) - Distributed data processing technology and critical issues.
%23276086: Marias, Epaminondas A. (ed.) - The European ombudsman.
%2387659: Marie, S. and J.R. Piggott. - A handbook of sweeteners.
%23285061: Honoré de Sainte Marie [Honoratus à Sancta Maria]. - Animadversiones in regulas et usum critices : spectantes ad historiam ecclesiae, opera patrum, acta antiquorum martyrum, gesta sanctorum, atque ad rationem interpretandi sacras litteras, traditam a scriptore quodam, tanquam omnium, quotquot hactenus prodierunt, accuratissimam ; accedunt notationes historicae, chronologicae et criticae.
%23284144: Mariger, Randall P. - Consumption Behavior and the Effects of Government Fiscal Policies.
%23296725: Marik, Soma. - Revolutionary democracy : emancipation in classical Marxism.
%23289626: Marin, Luisa. - Il principio di mutuo riconoscimento nello spazio di libertà, securezza e giustizia : le implicazione del mandato d'arresto Europeo sul livello costituzioneale europeo e su quello degli stati membri.
%23291970: [Nederland]. Departement van Marine. - Wet van 28 Augustus 1851 (Staatsblad no. 127) tot regeling der militaire pensioenen bij de zeemagt : zoo als die luidt, na de daarin gebragte wijzigingen bij de wetten van 4 September 1853 (Staatsblad no. 88), 8 Augustus 1862 (Staatsblad no. 159, 24 December 1863 (Staatsblad no. 66), 21 Mei 1873 (Staatsblad no. 64) en 1 April 1875 (Staatsblad no. 33).
%23197287: Marini-Bettolo, G.B. (ed.) - Recent flavonoid research.
%23293461: Marino, Nancy F - El libro del conoscimiento de todos los reinos = The book of knowledge of all kingdoms.
%23293466: Marino, Nancy F - Don Juan Pacheco : wealth and power in late medieval Spain
%23201558: Marinus, J.H. and J.J. van der Laan. - Veertig jaren ervaring in de Deli-cultures.
%23279874: Marion, Jean-Luc. - Cartesian Questions: Method and Metaphysics.
%23279875: Marion, Jean-Luc. - On Descartes' metaphysical prism : the constitution and the limits of onto-theo-logy in Cartesian thought.
%23256524: Dante Marioni. - Dante Marioni : Blown Glass.
%2372311: Maris, C.W. & F.C.L.M. Jacobs (eds.). - Recht, Orde en Vrijheid : een historische inleiding in de rechtsfilosofie.
%2359170: MARIS, A. Johanna. - Eemnes : rechtsgeschiedkundige ontwikkeling van gemeente en waterschap.
%23262320: Maris, A.G. - De Maris-bundel : opstellen aangeboden aan mr. A.G. Maris.
%2383303: Maris, C.W. - Een natuurlijke equivalent van de 'plicht'?
%23140799: Maris, C.W. - Nietzsche, Niëzky, Nijinsky : de dans van Zarathustra.
%23177853: Maris, A.G. - De Maris-bundel : opstellen aangeboden aan mr. A.G. Maris.
%23274040: Marissen, Michael. - Bach's Oratorios: The Parallel German-English Texts with Annotations.
%2339953: Marissing, J.P.L. van. - De regelgeving voor overheidsopdrachten op het niveau van de Europese Gemeenschap en de GATT, alsmede de gevolgen hiervan voor de Nederlandse regelgeving.
%23192859: Marissing, J.P.L. van. - De regelgeving voor overheidsopdrachten op het niveau van de Europese Gemeenschap en de GATT, alsmede de gevolgen hiervan voor de Nederlandse regelgeving.
%23164508: Marissing, J.P.L. van. - De regelgeving voor overheidsopdrachten op het niveau van de Europese Gemeenschap en de GATT, alsmede de gevolgen hiervan voor de Nederlandse regelgeving.
%2364682: Maritain, Jacques. - L'Homme et l'État.
%2366060: Maritain, Jacques. - Art et scolastique.
%23285922: Maritain, Jacques. - Freedom in the modern world.
%23118497: Maritain, Jacques. - La Philosophie Bergsonienne. Études critiques.
%23291282: Maritch, Sreten. - Histoire du Mouvement social sous le Second Empire à Lyon.
%23274755: Markakis, John. - Resource Conflict in the Horn of Africa (International Peace Research Institute, Oslo.
%2378610: Markby, William. - Elements of law : considered with reference to principles of general jurisprudence.
%2311742: Marke, Julius J. (ed.). - A Catalogue of the Law Collection at New York University. With selected annotations.
%23256432: Markel, Dan., Jennifer M. Collins, & Ethan J. Leib. - Privilege or punish : criminal justice and the challenge of family ties.
%2331554: Markel, Dan - Privilege or Punish: Criminal Justice and the Challenge of Family Ties.
%23258628: Markesinis, B.S. & S.F. Deakin. - Tort Law.
%23165568: Markesinis, Basil S. - A comparative introduction to the German law of torts.
%23238667: Markfield, Wallace. - Teitlebaum's window.
%23279425: Markfield, Wallace. - Teitlebaum's Window.
%23200037: Markgren, Martin. - Geomorphological studies in Fennoscandia. Volume II: Chute slopes in Northern Fennoscandia. A: Regional Studies and B: Systematic Studies.
%23279426: Markham, William T. - Environmental organizations in modern Germany : hardy survivors in the twentieth century and beyond.
%236785: Markianos, Demetrios J. - Die Übernahme der Haager Regeln in die nationalen Gesetze über die Verfrachterhaftung.
%2314266: Markianos, Démètre J., Robert de Smet, Jacques van Doosselaere ... [et al.] - Le transport maritime sous connaissement à l'heure du Marché Commun.
%2358238: Markie, Peter J. - Descartes's gambit.
%23239022: Markman, Ellen M. - Categorization and Naming in Children. Problems of Induction.
%23294906: Markovic, Marko. - La philosophie de l'inégalité et les idées politiques de Nicolas Berdiaev.
%239448: Markovitch, Tihomir J. - Les théories modernes de la sous-consommation.
%23186872: Marks, Peter Koenraad. - Association between games : a theoretical and empirical investigation of a new explanatory model in game theory.
%2382485: Marks, Lara V. - Metropolitan maternity: maternal and infant welfare services in early twentieth century London.
%2341281: Marks, Adriaan Jacob. - Accounting for services : the economic development of the Indonesian service sector, ca. 1900-2000.
%23287520: Marks, Howard. - Mr Nice : an autobiography.
%23139793: Marks, Hans - Knechten Knechten: de ervaring en verbeelding van sociale ongelijkheid in de baksteenindustrie, 1920-1970.
%2347617: Marks, Lawrence E. - Perceiving similarity and comprehending metaphor.
%23200666: Marks, Philip A. Deborah L. Haller, William Seeman. (Eds.) - The Actuarial Use of the MMPI with Adolescents and Adults.
%2365327: Marks III, Frederick W. - Wind over sand: the diplomacy of Franklin Roosevelt.
%2387739: Markschies, Alexander. - Icons of Renaissance architecture.
%23276319: Markx-Velhuijzen, F. - The right of asylum : selective bibliography = Le droit d'asile : bibliographie sélective.
%23198274: Marlane, Judith. - Women in television news revisited : into the twenty-first century.
%23259514: Marle, Hjalmar J.C. van. - Een gesloten systeem : een psychoanalytisch kader voor de verpleging en behandeling van TBS-gestelden.
%2337402: Marle, C.E. van. - Eenige opmerkingen naar aanleiding van art. 1721 B.W. Diss.
%2349713: Marle, C.E. van. - Eenige opmerkingen naar aanleiding van art. 1721 B.W. Diss.
%2360657: Marle, H.J.C. & C.M. van Esch (eds.) - Werk in uitvoering : penitentiaire forensische psychiatrie : liber amicorum voor Jacques Eizenga.
%23186185: Marler, E.E.J. - Pharmacological and chemical synonyms : a collection of names of drugs, pesticides and other compounds drawn from the medical literature of the world.
%2378515: Marlowe, John - Iran : a short political guide.
%23173832: Marlowe, Dave. - Coming, Sir! : the autobiography of a waiter.
%23285225: Marmontel, Jean-François. - Les Incas ou La Destruction de l'empire du Pérou. Tome I-III.
%2347061: Marmus, William - Michael Taylor: A Geometry of Meaning.
%23291142: Marnier, A.J. - Ancien coutumier inédit de Picardie : contenant les coutumes notoires, arrêts et ordonnances des Cours, Assises, et autres juridictions de Picardie, au commencement du 14me siècle (1300-1323).
%2367541: Marotta, Julieta. - Access to justice and legal empowerment of victims of domestic violence through legal organizations in the city of Buenos Aires : a qualitative empirical legal study.
%2365975: MAROTTI, M.O. - The Duplicating Imagination, Twain and the Twain Papers.
%23282844: Marq, Charles. - Musée national. Message biblique Marc Chagall, Nice : donation Marc and Valentina Chagall.
%23292214: Marquardt, Joachim. - Römische Staatsverwaltung. 3 Bände.
%23297481: Marquardt, Joachim. - Das Privatleben der Romer von Marquardt.1.-2. Theil.
%23293080: Marquis, Alice Goldfarb. - Marcel Duchamp : the bachelor stripped bare : a biography.
%23158755: Marra, Michele. - Representations of power : the literary politics of medieval Japan.
%2395619: Marracci, Ippolito. - Polyanthea Mariana, qua libris octodecim Deiparae Mariae Virginis Sanctissima Nomina, celeberrima & innumera laudum encomia, altissimae gratiarum, virtutum, & sanctitatis excellentiae, & coelestes denique praerogrativae & dignitates ex S.Scripturae, ss. apostolorum omnium, ss. patrum, & ecclesiae doctorum, aliorumque sacrorum scriptorum, veterum praesertim monumentis studiose collecta, juxta alphabeti seriem, & temporis, quo vixerunt, ordinem, utiliter disposita, lectorum oculis exhibentur.
%23280717: Marramao, Giacomo. - The Passage West: Philosophy After the Age of the Nation State.
%23296071: Marrer-Tising, Carlee. - The reception of Hermann Hesse by the youth in the United States : a thematic analysis.
%2358663: Marres, P.H. - De iustitia secundum doctrinam theologicam et principia iuris recentioris, speciatim vero Neerlandici. Liber I: De Iure in re; Liber II: De iniuria et restitutione; Liber III: De obligationibus, quae aut ex contractu, aut ex lege per licitum hominis factum nascuntur; Liber IV: De diversis.
%2358339: Marres, René. - In defense of mentalism: a critical review of the philosophy of mind.
%2363911: Marrou, Henri-Irénée. - De la connaissance historique.
%2393683: Marschak, Jacob. - Decision and Organization. A volume in honor of Jacob Marschak.
%2351509: Marschall von Bieberstein, Walther Freiherr. - Zum Problem der völkerrechtlichen Anerkennung der beiden deutschen Regierungen : ein Beitrag zur Diskussion über die Rechtslage Deutschlands.
%2339064: Marsden, Philip. - The Officers of the Commons 1363-1965.
%23296707: Marseille, A.T. & H.D. Tolsma (eds.) - Bestuursrecht 2, Rechtsbescherming tegen de overheid.
%23293843: Marseille, A.T. & H.D. Tolsma (eds.) - Bestuursrecht 2, Rechtsbescherming tegen de overheid.
%23288193: Marseille, A.T. - Voorspelbaarheid van bestuurshandelen : een onderzoek naar rechtsregels en beslissingen over het volgen van scholing met behoud van uitkering.
%23289347: Marseille, A.T. - Effectiviteit van bestuursrechtspraak : een onderzoek naar het verloop en de uitkomst van bestuursrechtelijke beroepsprocedures.
%23293888: Marseille, A.T.; B.W.N. de Waard & M. Wever. - Evaluatie bezwaarschriftprocedure gemeente Tilburg.
%23296708: Marseille, A.T. & H.D. Tolsma (eds.) - Bestuursrecht 2, Rechtsbescherming tegen de overheid.
%23286172: Marsh-Caldwell, Anne. - De beproevingen van Emilia Wyndham.
%2395552: Marsh, Norman S. (ed.) - The rule of law in a free society : a report on the International Congress of Jurists, New Delhi, January 1959.
%23277393: Marsh, Gerald (ed.) - Work place sabotage.
%2377660: Marsh, Henry. - Documents of liberty from earliest times to universal suffrage.
%2391419: MARSHALL, JAMES - Intention in law and society.
%232142: Marshall, Dale Rogers. - The politics of participation in poverty : a case study of the board of the economic and youth opportunities agency of greater Los Angeles.
%23184271: Marshall, Alfred. - Elements of economics of industry, being the first volume of elements of economics.
%2351874: Marslen-Wilson, William - Lexical Representation and Process.
%23260183: MARSLEN-WILSON, WILLIAM (Ed.) - Lexical representation and process.
%23202899: Marso, Lori Jo. - (Un)manly citizens : Jean-Jacques Rousseau's and Germaine de Staël's subversive women.
%236717: Marsono. Drs. - Pengembangan sumber daya manusia penyelenggara otonomi daerah.
%23110446: Marsoobian, Armen; Kathleen Wallace & Robert S. Corrington (eds.) - Nature's Perspectives: Prospects for Ordinal Metaphysics.
%23110698: Marsoobian, Armen; Kathleen Wallace & Robert S. Corrington (eds.) - Nature's perspectives. Prospects ordinal metaphysics.
%23276188: Marta, Giacomo Antonio. - Digesta novissima totivs ivris controversi scientiae, ex omnibvs decisionibvs vniversi orbis quae huc vsque impressae fue^re: a doctore Marta neapolitano ... Ad instar Digestorvm imperialivm noua methodo compilata: sex tomis distincta, quorum primus iudiciorum ciuilium, secundus criminalium, tertius contractuum, quartus feudorum, quintus vltimarum voluntarum, sextus beneficialium, & spiritualium materias continent, atque totam legalem scientiam complectuntur. In qvibvs qvicqvid a Ivstiniani compilatione Digestorum usque ad nostra tempora vere iudicatum est, (praetermissis superfluis, & contrariis,) id totum in suo ordine collocatum facillime reperiri potest ... Superaditis omnibus, quae in impressione veneta praetertionis authoris correctius restitutum.
%2320484: Martens, Martin, P.E. - Interaction between financial markets.
%2322047: Martens, Pim & Chiung Ting Chang (eds.) - The Social and Behavioural Aspects of Climate Change: Linking Vulnerability, Adaptation and Mitigation
%23284247: Martens, Georg Friedrich de. - Nouveau recueil général de traités et autres actes rélatifs aux rapports de droit international. Continuation du Grand Recueil de G.Fr. de Martens. Troisième série. Table générale. Tome XXXI-XLI.
%23283813: Martens, Peter. - Cruel compassion.
%23255871: Martens, Wolfgang ... [et al.] - Grundrechte im Leistungsstaat / Wolfgang Martens und Peter Häberle. Die Dogmatik des Verwaltungsrechts vor den Gegenwartsaufgaben der Verwaltung / Otto Bachof und Winfried Brohm. Berichte und Diskussionen auf der Tagung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer in Regensburg vom 29. September bis 2. Oktober, 1971.
%23293755: Martens, H. - Grondwet voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden naar de tekst van 1983 : met aantekeningen, jurisprudentie, uitvoeringswetten en -besluiten en verdere bijlagen, alsmede het Statuut voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden met toelichting en alfabetisch register Dl. I.
%2364776: Martens van Sevenhoven, A.H. - De Justitieele Colleges in de Steden en op het Platteland van Holland, 1795-1811.
%23211702: Martens, S.K. - Martens dissenting : the separate opinions of a European human rights judge.
%23284248: Martens, Georg Friedrich de. - Nouveau recueil général de traités et autres actes rélatifs aux rapports de droit international. Continuation du Grand Recueil de G.Fr. de Martens par Heinrich Triepel. Troisième série. Tome XLI.
%23276412: Marter, Joan (ed.) - The Grove Encyclopedia of American Art. Volume 1 : Aalto - Cutrone.
%23206699: Marti, José. - Obras completas. I: La edad de oro; II: Poesia; III: Teatro y Novela; IV-X: Critica y Periodismo; XI: Cuba; XII-XIV: Hombres de Norteamérica; XV: Cronica de Viaje; XVI: Educacion; XVII-XVIII: La Revolucion de Marti; IXX-XX: Estados Unidos y América Latina; XXI: Caracter de Jose Marti; XXII: Antiimperialismo; XXIII-XXIV: Problemas Sociales; XXV: Vida de Martí; Guia para el lector; Indice General.
%2350980: Martijn, J.K. - Exchange-rate variability and trade. Essays on the impact of exchange-rate variability on trade policy and trade flows. Diss.
%23289703: Martin, Nicholas. - Nietzsche and the German Tradition.
%23280786: Martin, Zacharie. - Pour une recherche participative : strateÌgie et deÌveloppement d'une approche de recherche avec les paysans au BeÌnin.
%23281846: Martin, Olivier. - Sentences civiles du Châtelet de Paris (1395-1505), publiées d'après les registres originaux.
%2325595: Martin, Jay. - Live All You Can: Alexander Joy Cartwright and the Invention of Modern Baseball
%23293800: Martin, David A. (ed.) - The new asylum seekers : refugee law in the 1980's : the ninth Sokol colloquium on international law.
%23262310: Martin, Olivier. - La coutume de Paris : trait d'union entre le droit romain et les législations modernes : six cours professés en mars 1925 à l'Université d'Utrecht.
%23282456: Martin, Jean-Baptiste. - Recueil d'instructions pour la première communion, comprenant : 1° une retraite préparatoire à la première communion ; 2° plusieurs instructions pour le jour de la première communion et pour la rénovation des voeux du baptême ; 3° différentes autres instructions relatives à cette cérémonie.
%2350173: Martin, B.F. - Crime and criminal justice under the Third Republic : the shame of Marianne.
%2332549: Martin, Julian A. - Law Enforcement Vocabulary.
%23289095: Martin, Tracy. - Collectable names and designs in women's shoes.
%23200487: Martin, David A. (ed.) - The new asylum seekers : refugee law in the 1980's : the ninth Sokol colloquium on international law.
%23291734: Martin, Richard M. - The notion of analytic truth.
%23263344: Martin, Daniel - Advanced Database Techniques.
%2338292: Martin, C.H. - The Angelo Herndon case and Southern justice.
%23250326: Martin, Pierre-Marie. - Le conflit israelo-arabe : recherches sur l'emploi de la force en droit international public positif.
%2375711: Martin, Andrew - Napoleon the novelist.
%23279025: Martin, Barnaby. - Hanging man : the arrest of Ai Weiwei.
%23281329: Martin, Henri. - Histoire de France depuis 1789 jusqu'a nos jours. Deuxième édition.
%23296267: Martin, Lori Latrice. - Introduction to Africana demography : lessons from founders E. Franklin Frazier, W.E.B. Du Bois, and the Atlanta School of Sociology.
%23254895: Martin, Henry. - Production et distribution de l'énergie pour la traction électrique : stations centrales, sous-stations de transformation, feeders, lignes aériennes, trolleys, troisième rail, canivaux, contacts superficiels, retour du courant.
%23266150: Martin, Rudolf. - Zur wissenschaftlich-anthropologischen Photographie.
%23265466: Schwarz. Martin. - Octave Mirbeau : vie et oeuvre.
%23185116: Martin, Roderick - Transforming management in Central and Eastern Europe.
%23136023: Martin, Uli (ed.) - U3 Corporate Culture : Kunst, Kunststoff, Kunststoffrecycling = Art, Plastics and Recycling.
%23281586: Martin, David Dale. - Mergers and the Clayton Act.
%23276420: Martin, Bill. - Ethical marxism : the categorical imperative of liberation.
%23293167: Martin, Kevin W. - Syria's democratic years : citizens, experts, and media in the 1950s.
%23150099: Martin, R.M. - Primordiality, Science, and Value.
%23285691: Martin, André & Geroges Fradier. - Mosaïques de Tunisie = Al-fusaifisa fi Tunis.
%2346117: Martin, Carol L. - The ISTD Handbook of Community Programmes for Young and Juvenile Offenders.
%2353948: Martin, Henri. - Histoire de France depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'en 1789. Quatrieme edition.
%23294855: Martin, Roger & Handasyde, K. A. - The koala : natural history, conservation and management.
%23275334: Martin, Gerald. - Gabriel Garcia Marquez : a life.
%23293502: Martin, Elizabeth A. & Jonathan Law (eds.) - A dictionary of law. 7th edition.
%23280557: Martin, Peter ... [et al.] - Air law. Vol 1, General text..
%23249854: Martin, Bradford G. - German-Persian diplomatic relations, 1873-1912.
%23191118: Martin, Ross M. - TUC: the growth of a pressure group, 1868-1976.
%23278835: Martin, Jean. - L 'empire renaissant 1789-1871.
%2342942: Martindale, Don. - Social life and cultural change.
%23128174: Martine, Brian John. - Indeterminacy and intelligibility.
%2353879: Martineau, James. - Types of ethical theory.
%2387673: Martinek, Oswin & Gustav Wachter (eds.), Schnorr, Gerhard. - Arbeitsleben und Rechtsordnung : Festschrift Gerhard Schnorr zum 65. Geburtstag
%23266972: Martinet, J.F. - Het vereenigd Nederland.
%23295171: Martinet, J.F. - Zeemans Handboek. Tweede druk.
%23292435: Martínez, María Antonia & Sara Elisa Rosales. - El acceso de la mujer a la tierra en Honduras.
%23238829: Martinez, Luis. - The Libyan Paradox.
%23279432: Martinez-Fernandez, Luis. - Torn between Empires: Economy, Society, and Patterns of Political Thought in the Hispanic Caribbean, 1840-1878.
%23297109: Martinez Diez, Gonzalo. - Colecciones derivadas. ( La Colección Canónica Hispana. II/1-II/2).
%2332560: Martinez, Thomas M. - Gambling Scene.
%23183889: Martinez, Magdalena - National Sovereignty and International Organizations.
%23280905: Martinez, Luis. - The Algerian Civil War.
%2378615: Martini, Karl Anton von. - Erklärung der Lehrsätze über das allgemeine Staats- und Völkerrecht.
%23296584: Martino, Pierre. - Le roman réaliste sous le Second Empire.
%23289123: Reithmann Christoph & Dieter Martiny (eds.) - Internationales Vertragsrecht : das internationale Privatrecht der Schuldverträge.
%23183111: Pietro Martire d'Anghiera. - The Discovery of the New World in the Writings of Peter Martyr of Anghiera.
%23227418: Martis, Adi & Jennifer Smit. - Arte : Dutch Caribbean art = Beeldende kunst van de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba.
%23207101: Märtl, Claudia. - Kardinal Jean Jouffroy, (1473) : Leben und Werk.
%23215275: Martorell, Joanot & Marti Joan de Galba. - Tirant lo Blanc.
%23207074: Martschukat, Jürgen. - Geschichte der Todesstrafe vom 17. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert.
%23236061: Martyn, Georges. - De rechtsgeschiedenis van de twintigste eeuw = The legal history of the twentieth century : handelingen van het contactforum (21 november 2003) De rechtsgeschiedenis van de twintigste eeuw gesteund door het Vlaams kennis- en cultuurforum van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten.
%23290238: Martyn, Georges ... [et al.] (ed.) - Rechtsgeschiedenis verbeeld.
%23279860: Martz, Louis L. - Thomas More: The Search for the Inner Man.
%23293254: Marugg, Tip & Vincent, Paul (translator) - The roar of morning [= De morgen loeit weer aan].
%23279433: Marvick, Elizabeth Wirth. - Louis XIII : the making of a king.
%23291313: Marwitz, Bruno & Philipp Möhring. - Das Urheberrecht an Werken der Literatur und der Tonkunst in Deutschland : Kommentar zum Reichsgesetz vom 19. Juni 1901, 22. Mai 1910, und den internationalen Verträgen Deutschlands.
%23232277: Marx, Karl. - Das Kapital : Kritik der politischen Ökonomie. 3 Bände.
%23295290: Marx, Thomas G. - Business and society : Economic, moral, and political foundations : text and readings.
%23220939: Marx, Karl & Friedrich Engels. - Briefwechsel bis April 1846. Text & Apparat (Karl Marx Friedrich Engels Gesamtausgabe (MEGA) 3,1,1 & 3,1,2 : Abteilung 3, Briefwechsel; Band 1).
%23220935: Marx, Karl. - Werke : Artikel : literarische Versuche bis März 1843. [Teil 1:] Text & [Teil 2:] Apparat. (Karl Marx Friedrich Engels Gesamtausgabe (MEGA) : Abteilung 1, Werke, Artikel, Entwürfe; Band 1).
%23277058: Marx, Emanuel. - Bedouin of Mount Sinai : an anthropological study of their political economy.
%23108613: Marx, Werner. - Vernunft und Welt. Zwischen Tradition und anderem Anfang.
%23123672: Marx, Jakob. - Geschichte des Erzstifts Trier als Kurführstentum und als Erdiözese, von den ältesten Zeiten bis zum Jahre 1816.
%23294489: Marx, Fritz Morstein. - The administrative state: an introduction to bureaucracy
%23279877: Marx, Werner. - Mind and morals : essays on cognitive science and ethics.
%23237422: Mary, Elisabeth J. - Technisch handboek voor dag- en avond make-up.
%23237429: Mary, Elisabeth J. - Handboek voor make-up.
%23295278: März, Daniel. - Kinderarmut in Deutschland und die Gründe für ihre Unsichtbarkeit.
%23213848: Mascini, Peter & Nienke Doornbos. - Onbekend terrein : grenzen van het vreemdelingenbeleid.
%23276058: Mascini, Peter. - Risico's in bedrijf : omgaan met gezondheidsrisico's op de werkvloer.
%23170505: Masen, Jakob - D. Augustinus controversiarum fidei huius temporis ex sola s. scriptura...arbiter ac decisor optimus...cum refutatione D. Ioannis Cocceii Batavo Lugdunensis Theologi...p. Iacobo Masenio.
%23129763: Maser, Werner - Hitlers brieven en notities.
%23202382: Masloh, Tania. - Betriebliche Konfliktaustragung in Zeiten von Beschäftigungskrisen : eine Befragung von Personalleitern und Betriebsräten in Betrieben der Metallindustrie der Tarifgebiete Nordwürttemberg/Nordbaden und Sachsen.
%23289702: Maso, Stefano; Carlo Natali & Gerhard Seel. - Reading Aristotle's Physics VII. 3 : What Is Alteration?.
%23220298: Masoin, M. & E. Morselli (eds.) - Impôts sur transactions, transmissions et chiffre d'affaires : problèmes du Marché commun et de l'intégration internationale. [Allemagne, Argentine, Belgique, Brésil, Canada, Danemark, Etats-Unis, France, Grande-Bretagne, Grèce, Japon, Italie, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Suisse, Uruguay, Yougoslavie].
%23233416: Mason, Richard. - Oppenheimer's choice : reflections from moral philosophy.
%23128329: MASON, E.S. - Economic concentration and the monopoly problem.
%2357998: Mason, J.K. & R.A. McCall Smith. - Law and medical ethics. 4th edition.
%2360729: Mason, H.T. & Doyle, W. (ed.). - The impact of the French Revolution on European consciousness.
%23281019: Masquelin, Jean. - Le droit des traités dans l'ordre juridique et dans la pratique diplomatique belges.
%23289112: Masri, Safwan M. - Tunesia : an Arab anomaly.
%23297427: Mass, Michael. - Merkava MK2 / MK3 : Israeli Defense Force.
%23297369: Mass, Michael & Adam O'Brien. - Centurion based APC in Israeli Defence Force Service. Part 2 : Hagmachon Heavy APC (Armoured Presonnel Carrier).
%23297367: Mass, Michael & Adam O'Brien. - Merkava Siman MK 4 in Israeli Defence Force Service. Part 2 : Merkava Siman 4/4LIC/4M
%23297381: Mass, Michael & Adam O'Brien. - Merkava Siman MK 4 in Israeli Defence Force Service. Part 4 : Merkava Siman 4/4M : 50 Jubilee 1970-2020.
%23297379: Mass, Michael & Adam O'Brien. - Centurion based APC in Israeli Defence Force Service. Part 4 : Nakpadon Heavy APC (Armoured Presonnel Carrier).
%23297380: Mass, Michael & Adam O'Brien. - CHemit Oshkosh 8x8 in Israeli Defence Force Service. (Trucks in IDF Service Part 1).
%23287577: Mass;, Edgar & Paul-Ludwig Weinacht (eds.) - Montesquieu-Traditionen in Deutschland. : Beitra¨ge zur Erforschung eines Klassikers.
%23297362: Mass, Michael. - Magach 6B Gal and Gal Batash M601A1 in Israeli Defence Force Service. Part 2.
%23297424: Mass, Michael. - T-54 (Tiran 4) / T-55 (Tiran 5) / T-62 (Tiran 6) : Israeli Defense Force.
%23297364: Mass, Michael & Adam O'Brien. - Doobi D9 Variants : D9 Bulldozers in Israeli Defence Force Service.
%23297363: Mass, Michael & Adam O'Brien. - Merkava Siman 3 BAZ and RAMAQH in Israeli Defence Force Service.
%23297376: Mass, Michael & Adam O'Brien. - Magach A/B (M60A1) in Israeli Defence Force Service. Part 3 : Magach 6 A/B IDF Patton M60A1.
%23297372: Mass, Michael & Adam O'Brien. - Centurion based APC in Israeli Defence Force Service. Part 3 : Puma Heavy APC (Armoured Presonnel Carrier) with Carpet, Nochri & Dozer.
%23297375: Mass, Michael & Adam O'Brien. - Merkava Siman MK 3 in Israeli Defence Force Service. Part 3 : Merkava Siman 3D.
%23297373: Mass, Michael & Adam O'Brien. - Merkava Siman MK1 in Israeli Defence Force Service. Part 2.
%23297371: Mass, Michael & Adam O'Brien. - HMMWV (Hummer) in Israeli Defence Force Service.
%23297368: Mass, Michael & Adam O'Brien. - Magach 7 & 7 Gimel in Israeli Defence Force Service. Part 1 : Magach 7 IDF Patton M60.
%23297366: Mass, Michael & Adam O'Brien. - Merkava Siman MK 2 in Israeli Defence Force Service. Part 1.
%23297360: Mass, Michael. - Merkava Siman MK 3 in Israeli Defence Force Service.
%23297352: Mass, Michael & Adam O'Brien. - Merkava Siman MK 1 in Israeli Defence Force Service. Part 1.
%23297353: Mass, Michael & Adam O'Brien. - Merkava Siman MK 4 in Israeli Defence Force Service. Part 3 : Merkava Siman 4/4M.
%23297378: Mass, Michael & Adam O'Brien. - ARV & Wreckers in Israeli Defence Force Service. Part 1 : ARV & Wreckers.
%23297377: Mass, Michael & Adam O'Brien. - Magach 3 (M48A3) in Israeli Defence Force Service. Part 3 : Magach 3 IDF Patton M48A3.
%23297365: Mass, Michael & Adam O'Brien. - Rochev and Doher : M109A1/A2 Rochev & Doher in Israeli Defence Force Service.
%23297361: Mass, Michael & Rafy Levy. - Merkava Siman MK 4 in Israeli Defence Force Service.
%23236137: Massé, A.-J. - Le parfait notaire : ou la science des notaires.
%23178762: Massie, Robert K. - Catherine the Great : Portrait of a Woman.
%23124326: Massier, A.W.H. - Van recht naar Hukum : Indonesische juristen en hun taal 1915-2000.
%2370209: Massier, Ab. - The voice of the law in transition : Indonesian jurists and their languages, 1915-2000.
%23251689: Massiliensis, Salvianus; Vincentius Lirinensis; Stephanus Baluzius. - Sanctorum presbyterorum Salviani Massiliensis et Vincentii Lirinensis opera.
%2394087: Massillon, Jean Baptiste. - Petit caréme de Massillon, evêque de Clermont.
%2394527: Massillon, Jean Baptiste. - Chefs-d'oevres oratoires de Massillon.
%23296192: Massoud, Fatma. - Epochengeschichtliche Aspekte in der Lyrik Karl Krolows.
%23232742: Mast, André. - Overzicht van het Belgisch administratief recht.
%23149082: Mast, André. - Overzicht van het Belgisch administratief recht.
%23107765: Mastandrea, Paolo. - Un Neoplatonico Latino Cornelio Labeone.
%2378618: Maste, Ernst. - Die Republik der Nachbarn : die Nachbarschaft und der Staatsgedanke Artur Mahrauns.
%2323123: Masters, William H. & Virginia E. Johnson. - Homosexuality in perspective.
%23261223: Masters, Ruth D. (ed.) - Handbook of international organizations in the Americas.
%2322012: Mastik, Hanneke. - Responsief simuleren : de speelruimte voor leren en sturen in meerduidige context.
%23166023: Mastik, H. (e.a.) - Simulatie van wetgeving : een verkenning van gebruiksmogelijkheden van spelsimulatie voor ex ante evaluatie van wetgeving.
%23103520: Mateboer, J. - Bibliografie van het Nederlandstalig narratief fictioneel proza 1701-1800 : a bibliography of prose fiction written in or translated into Dutch (1701-1800).
%23283276: Mateer, David (ed.) - The Renaissance in Europe : : a cultural enquiry : Courts, patrons and poets.
%23289889: Matejka, Ladislav & Krystyna Pomorska (eds.) - Readings in Russian poetics : formalist and structuralist views.
%23109349: Matenko, Percy. - Two studies in Yiddish Culture.
%23198847: Mateo, Josep Lluis. - Occasions.
%2322785: MATER, A.G. - -- VELDKAMP, G.M.J. (e.a.). WAO. Balans en perspectief. Bundel opstellen aangeboden aan A.G. Mater bij zijn afscheid als directeur van de GMD.
%23197768: Matey, Maria (ed.) - Actes du VII-ème Congrès international de droit du travail et de la sécurité sociale, Varsovie, le 14-17 sept. 1970.
%2340333: Matheeussen, Constant & Jan H.A. Lokin. - Vinculum iuris : leerstukken uit het verbintenissenrecht uitgelegd aan de hand van Romeinsrechtelijke teksten.
%23223298: Mathews, Nancy Mowll., Prendergast, Maurice Brazil. - Prendergast in Italy.
%23157211: Mathias, Glyn - ITN Election factbook: 11 june 1987.
%23157736: Mathias, A.R.D. & H. Rogers (eds.) - Cambridge Summer School in Mathematical Logic.
%23276383: Mathiassen, Tove Engelhardt ... [et aL.] (eds.) - Perspectives and trends in textile and dress in the Early Modern Nordic World.
%23295383: Mathieu, Jean-Baptiste-Joseph. - Abrégé chronologique de l'histoire des évêques de Langres ; avec un appendice concernant les contrées du diocèse de Langres qui ne faisaient pas partie de l'ancien.
%23281539: Mathieu, Rémi. - Anthologie des mythes et légendes de la Chine ancienne : textes choisis, présentés, traduits et indexés par Remi Mathieu.
%23244699: Mathiez, Albert - La vie chère et le mouvement social sous la Terreur.
%2390567: Mathis, G. - Die preussische Grundbuchgesetze mit Anmerkungen. Handausgabe zum praktischen Gebrauch.
%2361107: Mathyer, Pierre. - La visite des camps de prisonniers de guerre dans le cadre de la codification du droit humaine.
%23279228: Matic, Marko. - Jürgen Moltmanns Theologie in Auseinandersetzung mit Ernst Bloch
%2378982: Matile, George Auguste (ed.) - Le Miroir de Souabe. Editio altera curavit Karl August Eckhardt.
%23284931: Matos, Patr�cia Ferraz de. - The Colours of the Empire: Racialized Representations during Portuguese Colonialism.
%23210497: Matos Antunes Varela, Joao de. - Das obrigações em geral. Vol. 1.
%23279013: Matringe, Jean. - Tradition et modernité dans la Charte africaine des droits de l'homme et des peuples : eÌtude du contenu normatif de la Charte et de son apport aÌ€ la theÌorie du droit international des droits de l'homme.
%23243064: Matsuda, Matt K.DHL - Empire of love : histories of France and the Pacific.
%23188194: Matsumoto, Koji. - The rise of the Japanese corporate system : the inside view of a MITI official.
%2352013: Matsumoto, Yoshiko. - Diversity in Language: Perspectives and Implications (Center for the Study of Language and Information - Lecture Notes).
%23285271: Matsushita, Takaaki. - Design motifs (Arts of Japan, 7).
%2379917: Matsushita, Mitsuo. - International trade and competition law in Japan.
%23275214: Matt, Gerald A. (ed.). - Le Surreéalisme c'est moi! : Homage to Salvador Dali?. Louise Bourgeois, Glenn Brown, Markus Schinwald, Francesco Vezzoli.
%2382690: Mattaire, Michael. - Historia typographorum. Aliquot Parisiensium vitas et libros.
%23221524: Matte, Nicolas Mateesco. - Traité de droit aérien-aéronautique.
%23102243: Matter, Fred (red.) - Toverij in Nederland, 1795-1985 : bibliografie.
%23253394: Matteucci, Mario. - Dictionnaire juridique Français-Italien [et] Italien-Français : (droit, finances, commerce, douanes, assurances, administration) = Dizionario giuridico Francese-Italiano [e] Italiano-Francese : (Dirrito, finanza, commercio, dogane, assicurazioni, amministrazione).
%23288929: Matthaeus, Antonius II. - [Antonio Matthaeo]. De judiciis dispvtationes septendecim.
%23259786: Matthaeus, Antonius III. - De Jure Gladii tractatus et de toparchis qui exercent id in dioecesi Ultrajectina.
%2364752: Matthaeus, Antonius. - [Antonii Matthaei V.I.D.] Collegia Iuris Sex ; unum fundamentorum juris, Alterum Institutionum, Tertium & Quartum earundem. Quintum pandectarum, sextum codicis. Quibus adjectae sunt disputationes quaedam extra-ordinariae.
%23293299: Matthaeus, Antonius III. - De Jure Gladii tractatus et de toparchis qui exercent id in dioecesi Ultrajectina.
%2338989: Matthaeus, Antonius III. - De Nobilitate, de Principibus, de Ducibus, de Comitibus, de Baronius, de Militibus, Equitibus, Ministerialibus, Armigeris, Barscalcis, Marscalcis, Adelscalcis de Advocatis Ecclesiae de Comitatu Hollandiae et Dioecesi Ultraiectina. Libri Quator. In quibus passim Diplomata & Acta hactenus nondum visa.
%23862: Matthaeus, Antonius III. - De jure gladii tractatus et de toparchis qui exercent id in diocesi Ultrajectina.
%23245709: Matthaeus, Antonius II. - On crimes : a commentary on books XLVII and XLVIII of the Digest. Volume 1.
%23278437: Matthaeus, Antonius III. - De Jure Gladii tractatus et de toparchis qui exercent id in dioecesi Ultrajectina.
%2329284: Matthaeus, Antonius II. - De Crimibus ad Lib. XLVII et Lib. XLVIII Dig. Commentarius commentarivs Antonii Matthaei IC. ... : adjecta est brevis & succincta juris municipalis interpretatio, cum indice triplici: titulorum, rerum & verborum, nec non legum, qua strictius, qua fusius explicatarum.
%23220078: Matthew, Richard A. - Landmines and human security : international politics and war's hidden legacy.
%23279878: Matthews, Gareth B. - Philosophy and the young child.
%23287516: Matthews, Roger. - Armed Robbery.
%23279881: Matthews, Gareth. - Philosophy and the Young Child.
%2344564: Matthews, Gerald - Emotional intelligence : science and myth.
%23279435: Matthews, Glenna. - Rise of Public Woman : Woman's Power and Woman's Place in the United States, 1630-1970.
%2387265: Matthews, William. - British Autobiographies : an annotated bibliography of British autobiographies written before 1951.
%23257669: Matthews, Robert J. - The measure of mind : propositional attitudes and their attribution.
%2382746: Matthews, G. - The rise of public woman : woman's power and woman's place in the United States 1630-1970.
%23279871: Matthews, Gareth. - Dialogues with Children.
%23296351: Matthews, Helen S. - The Legitimacy of Bastards : the place of illegitimate children in later medieval England.
%23172618: Matthijsen, Jan. - Het Rechtsboek van Den Briel beschreven in vijf tractaten door Jan Matthijssen. Ed. R. Fruin & P.C. Molhuysen.
%23244542: Matthijsen, J.W. - Het fascisme in Italië.
%23119024: Matthijssen, L.J. - Jurisprudentiedatabanken : een internationaal vergelijkende studie naar de publicatie van rechterlijke uitspraken met behulp van informatietechnologie.
%23296280: Mattick, Paul. - Social Knowledge : an essay on the nature and limits of social science.
%23295223: Mattingly, Garrett. - Renaissance diplomacy.
%23125682: Mattingly, Harold. - Essays in Roman coinage presented to Harold Mattingly.
%23190747: Mattlin, Mikael. - Politicized society : the long shadow of Taiwan's one-party legacy.
%23183000: Mattson, Michelle. - Franz Xaver Kroetz : the construction of a political aesthetic.
%23196295: Matysik, Tracie. - Reforming the moral subject : ethics and sexuality in Central Europe, 1890-1930.
%2364194: Matysik, Stanislaw. - Prawo Morskie Gdanska. Studium historycznoprawne.
%2385776: Matz, Samuel A. - Food texture.
%23179710: Matz, Samuel A. - Cereal technology.
%2385763: Matz, Samuel A. - Bakery technology and engineering.
%23179708: Matz, Samuel A. - Cereal science.
%23179713: Matz, Samuel A. - Bakery technology and engineering. 2nd edition.
%2387734: Matz, Samuel A. - Water in foods.
%23295870: Mauch , Hans-Joachim. - Nationalistische Wehrorganisationen in der Weimarer Republik : zur Entwicklung und Ideologie des Paramilitarismus.
%23162134: Mauduit, Roger. - Auguste Comte et la science économique.
%2365482: MAUMENÉ, E.-J. - Théorie générale de l'action chimique.
%2330153: Maung Maung, U. - Burma in the family of nations.
%23176222: Maurer, Friedrich & Cola Minis (eds.) - Altgermanistische Beiträge : Jan van Dam zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet.
%2378620: Maurer, Georg Ludwig von; Heinrich Cunow & Karl Dickopf. - Einleitung zur Geschichte der Mark-, Hof-, Dorf-, und Stadtverfassung und der öffentlichen Gewalt.
%2378623: Maurer, Georg Ludwig von. - Geschichte der Städteverfassung in Deutschland. 4 Bände.
%2378622: Maurer, Georg Ludwig von. - Geschichte der Markenverfassung in Deutschland.
%2378626: Maurer, Konrad von. - Das ältesten Hofrecht des Nordens. Eine Festschrift zur Feier des 400-jährigen Bestehens des Universität Uppsala
%23123692: Maurer, Konrad von. - Zur politischen Geschichte Islands : gesammelte Aufsätze.
%2377509: Maurer, Konrad von. - Germanistische Abhandlungen zum 70. Geburtstag Konrad von Maurers.
%23220434: Maurer, Georg Ludwig von. - Geschichte der Städteverfassung in Deutschland. Band 2.
%23290564: Maurer, Konrad von. - Zur politischen Geschichte Islands : gesammelte Aufsätze.
%2378625: Maurer, Georg Ludwig von. - Über die Freipflege (Plegium liberale) und die Entstehung der grossen und kleinen Jury in England.
%23267307: Maurer, Alfred. - Geschichte des schweizerischen Sozialversicherungsrechts.
%23193177: Mauritz, Adriaan Jeroen. - Liability of the operators and owners of aircraft for damage inflicted to persons and property on the surface.
%23130953: Maurois, André. - De Gide a Sartre
%23392: Maurtua, Victor M., James Brown Scott, Jean Efremoff - Nouvelles tendances de la Conciliation internationale.
%23114630: Maury, L.-F.-Alfred. - La magie et l'astrologie dans l'antiquité et au moyen âge [ou Étude sur les superstitions païennes qui se sont perpétuées jusqu'à nos jours].
%23291407: Mauss, Egon. - Vom Naturrecht zum Natur-Recht : Neuorientierungen des Naturrechtsdenkens vor dem Hintergrund der deutschen Verfassungsreform zum Schutz der natürlichen Lebensgrundlagen.
%23266448: Maussen, Marcel Johannes Marie. - Constructing mosques : the governance of Islam in France and the Netherlands.
%23275472: Mauvillon, F.W. von. - De oppositie en hare organen in Nederland.
%2338003: Mavrotas, George - Advancing Development: Core Themes in Global Economics.
%23285832: Mawby, R.I. - Policing Across the World: Issues for the Twenty-First Century.
%23287341: Mawby, R.I. - Burglary.
%23295739: Mawby, R.I. & S. Walklate. - Critical victimology : international perspectives.
%23295770: Maxfield, Michael G. & Babbie, Earl R. - Research methods for criminal justice and criminology.
%23292013: Kaiser Maximilian I. - Ordnung des Gemeinen Pfennigs : erstes allgemeines Reichssteuergesetz aus dem Jahre 1495.
%23220880: Maxwell-Stuart, P.G. - Hexen : Wahn und Wirklichkeit von der Antike bis heute.
%23296136: Maxwell, Hugh. - Valenzgrammatik mittelhochdeutscher Verben.
%23277104: Maxwell, Lida. - Public trials : Burke, Zola, Arendt, and the politics of lost causes.
%23218315: Maxwell, Grover & Robert M. Anderson (eds.) - Induction, probability, and confirmation.
%23114688: Maxwell, James Clerk. - Substanz und Bewegung.
%23265865: Maxwell, A.E. - Experimental design in psychology and the medical sciences.
%23291699: Maxwell, William H. & Leslie F. Maxwell (eds.) - A bibliography of English law : [Vol. 1]. To 1650 : including books dealing with that period, printed from 1480 to 1925; [Vol. 2]. From 1651 to 1800; [Vol. 3]. 1801 to June 1932.
%23241380: May, William - Stevie Smith and Authorship.
%236486: May, Richard ... [et. al]. - Essays on ICTY procedure and evidence in honour of Gabrielle Kirk McDonald.
%2366168: May, Georg. - Die kirchliche Eheschliessung in der Erzdiözese Mainz seit dem Konzil von Trient.
%23239694: May, Larry. - Aggression and crimes against peace.
%23280466: May, Richard. - Criminal evidence. 2nd edition.
%2342886: May, Larry. - War: Essays in Political Philosophy.
%23105568: May, Gaston. - Introduction à la science du droit.
%23256779: May, Larry. - Aggression and crimes against peace.
%23249357: May, Gary. - The informant : the FBI , the Ku Klux Klan , and the murder of Viola Liuzzo.
%23123696: May, John Maunsell Frampton. - The coinage of Damastion and the lesser coinages of the Illyro-Paleonian region.
%23256418: May, Larry. - Crimes against humanity : a normative account.
%23257810: MAYBURY, MARK. T. (Ed) - Intelligent multimedia information retrieval.
%23203851: Mayda, Jaro (ed.) - Atomic energy and law : interamerican symposium : record of the interamerican symposium on legal and administrative problems connected with peaceful atomic energy programs, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 16-19 November 1959.
%238113: Mayer, Hellmuth. - Das Strafrecht des Deutschen Volkes.
%2387685: Mayer, Otto. - Festgabe für Otto Mayer zum 70. Geburtstag dargestellt von Freunden, Verehrern und Schülern, 29. 3. 1916.
%23282091: Mayer, theodor (ed.) - Probleme des 12. Jahrhunderts.
%2378630: Mayer, Theodor. - Der auswärtige Handel des Herzogstums Österreich im Mittelalter.
%2378632: Mayer-Tasch, Peter Cornelius. - Hobbes und Rousseau.
%2378628: Mayer, Ernst. - Historia de las instituciones sociales y politicas de Espana y Portugal durante los siglos V a XIV.
%2378629: Mayer, Ernst. - Italienische Verfassungsgeschichte von der Gotenzeit bis zur Zunftherrschaft.
%23111239: Mayer, Peter. - Cohesion and Conflict in International Communism.
%2340395: Mayer-Maly, Theo. - Das Putativtitelproblem bei der Usucapio.
%23123701: Mayer, Anton. - Erdmutter und Hexe : eine Untersuchung zur Geschichte des Hexenglaubens und zur Vorgeschichte der Hexenprocezze.
%2386205: Mayer, Joachim. - Veränderung und Angleichung tarifverträglich geregelter Arbeitsbedingungen nach Betriebsübergang (§ 613a abs. 1 Satz 2-4 BGB).
%23140946: Mayer, Maria - The Rusyns of Hungary: Political and Social Developments 1860-1910.
%23166738: Mayer, Katharina. - Katharina Mayer : Carrie und ich ; Fotografie.
%23256395: Mayer Thurman, Christa C. - European textiles in the Robert Lehman collection : [The Robert Lehman Collection XIV: European textiles].
%23291560: Mayer, Ernst. - Deutsche und französische Verfassungsgeschichte vom 9. bis zum 14. Jahrhundert. 2 Bände.
%2345003: Mayer, Ernst. - Die oberdeutschen Volksrechte.
%2388286: Mayer-Tasch, Peter Cornelius. - Guerillakrieg und Vòlkerrecht; Essay, Bibliographie und Dokumentation.
%23284496: Mayerfeld, Jamie. - The promise of human rights : constitutional government, democratic legitimacy, and international law.
%23259103: Mayerhofer, Christoph. - Der Kraftfahrzeugdiebstahl und verwandte Delikte.
%23157491: Mayerhöfer, Josef (ed.) - Wiener Theater des Biedermeier und Vormärz : Ausstellungs-Katalog.
%2385542: Mayers, Lewis. - Shall we amend the fifth amendment?
%2342473: Mayfield, Katherine - Acting A to Z (Revised Second Edition): The Young Person's Guide to a Stage Or Screen Career.
%23288709: Mayhew, Pat & Jan J.M. van Dijk. - Criminal victimisation in eleven industrialised countries : keys findings from the 1996 International Crime Victims Survey.
%23274620: Mayhew, Alan - Recreating Europe: The European Union's Policy towards Central and Eastern Europe.
%2332228: Mayhew, Leon H. - Law & equal opportunity. A study of the Massachusetts Commission against Discrimination.
%23190825: Mayntz, Renate (ed.) - Formalisierte Modelle in der Soziologie.
%23197291: Mayo, P. de - The higher terpenoids.
%23237624: Mayor, Federico. - Memory of the future.
%2383013: Mazel, P.E. - In naam van het recht : de Hoge Raad en de Tweede Wereldoorlog.
%23287329: Mazerolle, Lorraine Green & Jan Roehl (eds.) - Civil remedies and crime prevention.
%23147332: Mazsu, János - The Social History of the Hungarian Intelligentsia, 1825-1914.
%23283821: Mazure, Alfred (MAZ) - Dick Bos - Alle Avonturen. In 19 banden compleet.
%23280449: Mbanaso, Michael U. - Minorities and the state in Africa.
%23280777: Mbiba, Beacon. - Urban agriculture in Zimbabwe : implications for urban management and poverty.
%23249302: Mc Leod, Cynthia & Carel de Haseth. - Slavernij en de Memorie / Slaaf en meester.
%23278258: McAdoo, Harriette Pipes. - Family ethnicity : strength in diversity.
%23199019: McAfee, Noëlle. - Habermas, Kristeva, and citizenship.
%23144964: McAlister, Linda. - The Development of Franz Brentano's Ethics.
%23253711: McAllester, David A. - ONTIC: A Knowledge Representation System for Mathematics.
%23227035: McAllister, James. - No exit : America and the German problem, 1943-1954.
%23247744: McArthur, Benjamin. - The man who was Rip van Winkle : Joseph Jefferson and nineteenth-century American theatre.
%23268513: McBreen, Ellen. - Matisse's sculpture : the pinup and the primitive.
%23284699: McBride, Keally. - Punishment and political order.
%23279767: McBride, Nicholas J. - Letters to a Law Student: A Guide to Studying Law at University by Nicholas J. Mcbride (2010-03-11).
%23238533: McCallum, Donald F. - The four great temples : Buddhist archaeology , architecture , and icons of seventh-century Japan.
%23238432: McCalman, Iain. - The last alchemist : Count Cagliostro , master of magic in the age of reason.
%23231658: McCann, Graham - Cary Grant: A Class Apart.
%23269239: McCann, Adam ... [et al.] - When private actors contribute to public interests : a law and governance perspective.
%23258047: McCargo, Duncan. - Mapping national anxieties : Thailand's Southern conflict.
%23257939: McCarthy, Paul. - The Box.
%23110259: McCarthy, John A., Schade, Richard E. & Dieter Sevin (eds.) - Practicing progress : the promise and limitations of Enlightenment : Festschrift for John A. McCarthy.
%23297461: McCarthy, Donald J. - Sword of David : the Israeli Air Force at War.
%23258413: McCarthy, J. M. (ed.) - Kinematics of Robot Manipulators.
%2386774: McCarthy, John A. - Crossing Boundaries: a Theory and History of Essay Writing in German, 1680-1815.
%23130667: McCarthy, John P. - Hilaire Belloc: Edwardian radical.
%23291596: McCarthy, Courtney Watson. - Leonardo pop-ups.
%23207936: McCarthy, John C. (ed.) - Modern Enlightenment and the rule of reason.
%23257646: McCartney, Robert (Ed.) - Automating Software Design.
%23281223: McCarty, Richard ... [et al.] (eds.) - Stress : molecular genetic and neurobiological advances : proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Catecholamines and Other Neurotransmitters in Stress, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, June 19-24 1995.
%23185018: McCarty, Marilu Hurt. - The Nobel laureates : how the world's greatest economic minds shaped the modern thought.
%23284272: McCausland, Shane & et...al. - Chinese romance from a Japanese brush Kano Sansetsu's Chogonka Scrolls in the Chester Beatty Library.
%2352129: McCawley, James D. - The Syntactic Phenomena of English, Vol. 1.
%2352128: McCawley, James D. - The Syntactic Phenomena of English, Volume 2.
%23107052: MccGwire, Michael. - Perestroika and Soviet national security.
%23154248: MccGwire, Michael. - Perestroika and Soviet national security.
%23237281: McChesney, Robert W. & Ben Scott. - Our unfree press : 100 years of radical media criticism.
%23225377: McChesney, Robert Waterman. - Rich media , poor democracy : communication politics in dubious times.
%23262943: McClamrock, Ron. - Existential cognition : computational minds in the world.
%23293798: McClean, John David & John C. Wood. - Criminal justice and the treatment of offenders.
%23240522: McCleary, Richard and Richard A. Hay, jr. with Errol E. Meidinger and David McDowall. - Applied time series analysis for the social sciences.
%23281481: McClelland, Peter C. - Causal explanation and model building : in History, Economics and the New Economic History.
%23257534: McCloskey, H.J. - Meta-ethics and normative ethics.
%23220637: McCloud, Scott. - Zot ! 1987-1991 : the complete black and white collection.
%23166604: McClure, Kirstie Morna. - Judging rights : Lockean politics and the limits of consent.
%23135906: McConville, J.G. & J.G. Millar - Time and Place in Deuteronomy.
%2320457: McConville, Mike & Jacqueline Hodgson. - Custodial Legal Advice and the Right to Silence
%2366609: McCord, James W.W. & Sandra L. McCord. - Criminal Law and Procedure for the Paralegal: A Systems Approach.
%23134531: McCormick, Charles H. - Seeing Reds : Federal Surveillance of Radicals in the Pittsburgh Mill District, 1917-1921.
%23145932: McCormick, E. Allen - Theodor Storm's Novellen. Essays on Literary Technique.
%2374660: McCosh, James. - The Scottish philosophy : biographical, expository, critical : from Hutcheson to Hamilton.
%23155403: McCosh, James. - The laws of discursive thought being a textbook of formal logic.
%23250756: McCoubrey, H. - International humanitarian law : the regulation of armed conflicts.
%23285896: McCready, Karen. - Art Deco and Modernist Ceramics.
%23135597: McCreesh, Thomas P. - Biblical Sound and Sense. Poetic Sound Patterns in Proverbs 10-29.
%23101498: McCrindle, J.W. (tr) - The invasion of India by Alexander the Great, as described by ARRIAN, Q. CURTIUS, DIODORUS, PLUTARCH, and JUSTIN
%23101495: McCrindle, J.W. (tr) - Ancient India as described by MEGASTHENES and ARIAN...
%23101497: McCrindle, J.W. (tr) - Ancient India as described by PTOLEMY...
%23101491: McCrindle, J.W. (tr) - Ancient India as described in Classical literature.
%23101494: McCrindle, J.W. (tr) - Ancient India as described in Classical literature. A collection of Greek and Latin texts...
%23101493: McCrindle, J.W. (tr) - The Commerce and Navigation of the Erythraean Sea (Periplus Maris Erythraei)...
%23191072: McCulloch, John Ramsay. - Over de omstandigheden, die den prijs der werkloonen en den toestand der arbeidende klassen bepalen.
%23265688: McCulloch, John Ramsay. - Treatises & essays on subjects connected wit economic policy.
%2378604: McCulloch, John Ramsay. - Geld und Banken.
%23224423: McCulloch, John Ramsay. - The literature of political economy : a classified catalogue of select publications in the different departments of that science with historical, critical, and biographical notices.
%23275503: McCulloch, John Ramsay. - A treatise on the circumstances which determine the rate of wages and the condition of the labouring classes.
%23295799: McCullough, David G. - John Adams.
%23274955: McCullough, Jay (ed.) - The complete guide to shelter : skills, tactics, and techniques.
%23282884: [Travel Guide]. McCullough, W.D.H. (Intr.). - London.
%23227481: McCumber, John. - Poetic interaction : language, freedom, reason.
%23258065: McCumber, John. - Reshaping reason. Toward a New Philosophy.
%23171999: McCumber, John. - Metaphysics and oppression : Heidegger's challenge to Western philosophy.
%2351877: McDaniel, Dana - Methods for Assessing Children's Syntax.
%2350958: McDermott, Kevin - Revolution and Resistance in Eastern Europe: Challenges to Communist Rule.
%23279728: McDiarmid, Lucy. - The Irish Art of Controversy.
%23144417: McDonald, Peter (ed.) - The literature of soil science.
%23265851: McDonald, Colm ... [et al.] (eds.) - Bipolar disorder: the upswing in research and treatment.
%23277814: McDonald, Hamish. - Demokrasi : Indonesia in the 21st century.
%23260734: McDonald, Christie. - Painting my world : the art of Dorothy Eisner.
%23284120: McDonald, John. - A Ghost's Memoir: The Making of Alfred P. Sloan's My Years with General Motors.
%23190744: McDonogh, Gary W., Robert Gregg, & Cindy H. Wong. - Encyclopedia of contemporary American culture.
%23221323: McDonough, Kevin & Walter Feinberg (eds.) - Citizenship and education in liberal-democratic societies : teaching for cosmopolitan values and collective identities.
%2317431: McDougal, Myres S. & Associates. - Studies in world public order.
%23223151: McEwan, Colin - Turquoise Mosaics from Mexico.
%23154212: McEwan, Calvin W.; Linda S. Braidwood; Henri Frankfort, Hans C. Haines, Helene J. Kantor, & Carl H. Kraeling. - Soundings at Tell Fakhariyah.
%23100621: McEwan, Ian. - Notendop.
%23154785: McFalls, Laurence & Lothar Probst (eds.) - After the GDR: New Perspectives on the Old GDR and the Young Länder.
%23253997: Mcfarland, David - Intelligent Behavior in Animals and Robots.
%23131022: McFarland, Thomas - Shapes of Culture
%23227565: Mcfaul, Michael. - Russia's unfinished revolution : political change from Gorbachev to Putin
%23212445: McGillivray, Mark & Oliver Morrissey (eds.) - Evaluating economic liberalization (Case studies in economic development, 4).
%23273359: McGillivray, Mark - Human Well-Being: Concept and Measurement.
%2343909: Mcgilly, Kate (ed.) - Classroom lessons : integrating cognitive theory and classroom practice.
%23290992: McGinley, Ryan. - Ryan McGinley : Mirror Mirror.
%2342042: McGinn, Noel F. - Framing Questions, Constructing Answers: Linking Research with Education Policy for Developing Countries (Harvard Studies in International Development).
%2342309: McGlinn, William D. - Introduction to Relativity.
%23119135: McGlynn, Frank & Arthur Tuden (eds.) - Anthropological approaches to political behaviour.
%23131825: McGoldrick, J.D. - Law and Practice of Municipal Home Rule 1916-1930
%23250753: McGough, Lucy S. - Child witnesses : fragile voices in the American legal system.
%2325762: McGowan, Chris - Rail, Steam, and Speed: The Rocket and the Birth of Steam Locomotion
%23291058: Mcgrath, Tim. - James Monroe : a life.
%23114506: McGregor, Stuart. - The formation of modern Hindi as demonstrated in early Hindi dictionaries. 8th Gonda lecture.
%2352957: McGregor, John C. - Southwestern Archaeology.
%23267631: McGregor, James H.S. - Back to the garden : nature and the Mediterranean world from prehistory to the present.
%23285428: McGrew, Anthony & Christopher Brook (eds.) - Asia-Pacific in the new world order.
%23258997: McGuinness, Aims. - Path of empire : Panama and the California Gold Rush.
%2374466: McGuire, Kevin T. - The Supreme Court bar: legal elites in the Washington community.
%23284336: McHugh, Paul R. & Slavney, Phillip R. - The Perspectives of Psychiatry.
%2360608: McIntosh, Roderick J., Joseph A. Tainter & Susan Keech McIntosh. - The way the wind blows : climate, history, and human action.
%23280761: McIntosh, Roderick J. (Editor). - Plundering Africa's Past.
%23289150: McIvor, Gill. - Working with offenders.
%23284376: McKay, Susan & Dyan E Mazurana. - Where are the girls? : girls in fighting forces in northern Uganda, Sierre Leone and Mozambique : their lives during and after war.
%2324973: McKee, Patricia. - Heroic commitment in Richardson, Eliot, and James.
%23179509: McKee, David L. - Schumpeter and the political economy of change.
%23239277: McKeever, Sean D & Michael Ridge. - Principled ethics : generalism as a regulative ideal.
%23109892: McKegeny. J.C. - The political pamphlets of Pablo Villavicencio
%23198321: McKenna, Joseph C. - Diplomatic protest in foreign policy : analysis and case studies.
%23215610: McKenzie, Lionel W. - Classical general equilibrium theory.
%23190476: McKenzie, Steven L. - King David : a biography.
%23284926: McKenzie, Brian A. - Remaking France: Americanization, Public Diplomacy, and the Marshall Plan.
%23151480: McKenzie, F.A. - Korea's Fight for Freedom.
%23144378: McKeon, Zahava K. - Freedom and History and Other Essays. An Introduction to the thought of Richard McKeon.
%23268079: McKeon, Richard. - Selected writings of Richard McKeon. Vol. 1: Philosophy, science, and culture.
%2398410: McKillop, A.B. - Matters of mind: the university in Ontario 1791-1951.
%23163881: McKillop, A. B. - The spinster and the prophet : a tale of H.G. Wells, plagiarism and the history of the world.
%23294816: McKinley, Catherine E, Danticat, Edwidge & Woodson, Jacqueline. - The African lookbook : a visual history of 100 years of African women.
%23132693: McKinnon, Alistair (ed.) - Kierkegaard in translation. En traduction. In Übersetzung.
%23258049: McKinnon, Katharine. - Development professionals in Northern Thailand : hope, politics and practice.
%23243758: McKinnon, Ronald I., Ohno, Kenichi. - Dollar and yen resolving economic conflict between the United States and Japan.
%23230986: McKinnon, E. Luanne - Eva Hesse : Spectres 1960.
%23258364: McKitterick, Rosamond. - Atlas of the Medieval World.
%23175958: McKnight, Stephen A., - International and interdisciplinary perspectives on Eric Voegelin.
%23236759: McKown, Delos Banning. - Behold the Antichrist : Bentham on religion.
%23262642: McLaren, Angus. - Impotence : a cultural history.
%23289977: McLaughlin, Eurgene & John Muncie (eds.) - The Sage dictionary of criminology.
%2373085: McLaughlin, George D. & Edwin R. Theis. - The chemistry of leather manifacture.
%23156523: McLAUGHLIN, ROBERT N. - On the logic ordinary conditionals.
%23250783: McLean, Sheila (ed.), - Law reform and human reproduction.
%23262818: McLean, Alick M. - Prato : architecture, piety, and political identity in a Tuscan city-state.
%23174732: Mclellan, D. - Thought of Karl Marx.
%23255642: McLellan, Andrew [et al ...] - King's as Collectors: paintings, sculpture and decorative arts from the Musée du Louvre.
%23234129: McLeod, Carolyn. - Self-trust and reproductive autonomy.
%2368303: McLeod, Glenda. - Virtue and venom : catalogs of women from Antiquity to the Renaissance.
%23254312: McLeod, Michael. - Anatomy of a beast : obsession and myth on the trail of bigfoor.
%23143322: McLin, Jon B. - Canada's Changing Defense Policy, 1957-1963. The Problems of a Middle Power in Alliance.
%2353369: McLoughlin, J. - The law and practice relating to pollution control in the United Kingdom.
%23109294: McLYNN, Frank J. - Carl Gustav Jung.
%23289592: McMahon, Keith. - Polygamy and sublime passion : sexuality in China on the verge of modernity.
%23258016: McNAB, DAVID & JAMES YOUNGER. - The Planets.
%232529: McNair, Arnold D. - The law of the air.
%23272587: McNair, Amy. - The Upright Brush: Yan Zhenqing's Calligraphy and Song Literati Politics.
%23292626: McNair, Arnold D. (Foreword). - The European Convention on Human Rights.
%23136365: McNaron, Toni A.H. - Poisoned Ivy. Lesbian and Gay Academics Confronting Homophobia.
%23152876: McNaugher, Thomas L. - New weapons , old politics : America's military procurement muddle.
%23137985: McNeill, W.H. - The Pursuit of Power. Technology, armed force and society since a.d. 1000.
%23109773: McNerney, Kathleen. - The influence of Ausiàs March on early golden age Castilian Poetry.
%23234010: McPhee, Peter - Robespierre: A Revolutionary Life.
%23118310: McPherson, Glen. - Statistics in Scientific Investigation. Its Basis, Application, and Interpretation.
%23284759: McPhillips, Stephen & Paul D. Wordsworth (eds.) - Landscapes of the Islamic world : archaeology, history, and ethnography.
%23198194: McQuail, Denis. - Media performance : mass communication and the public interest.
%23293297: McQuiston, Liz. - PROTEST! : a history of social and political protest graphics.
%23173602: McRae, Robert Grant. - Philosophy and the Absolute: the modes of Hegel's speculation.
%2315769: McSheffrey, Shannon. - Love and marriage in late medieval London.
%23261677: McWhinney, Edward. - Federal constitution-making for a multi-national world.
%23293844: McWhinney, Edward. - Canada and the Constitution 1979-1982.
%23254692: McWhinney, Edward. - Aerial piracy and international law : [essays grown out of an international conference on the general theme 'Aerial piracy and international law' held at the Institute of air and space law at McGill University, Montreal, October 30-31, 1970].
%2365038: McWhinney, Edward. - The illegal diversion of aircraft and international law.
%23103660: McWilliams-Tullberg, Rita. - Women at Cambridge. A men's university - though of a mixed type.
%23182656: Mda, Zakes - Het rode hart.
%23289729: Mead, Margaret. - Studying Contemporary Western Society : Method and Theory.
%23244272: Mead, David. - The New Law of Peaceful Protest: Rights and Regulation in the Human Rights Act Era.
%238070: Mead, Donald C. - Growth and structural change in the Egyptian economy.
%23249444: Mead, Margaret. - To cherish the life of the world : selected letters of Margaret Mead.
%23243875: Mead, Margaret. - To cherish the life of the world : selected letters of Margaret Mead.
%23282255: Meade, Edward Sherwood. - Trust Finance.
%2312278: Meade, James E. - The balance of payments.
%23198030: Meade, James E. - A neo-classical theory of economic growth.
%2331576: Meade, James E. - Planning and the price mechanism : the liberal-socialist solution.
%23135567: Meadowcroft, T.J. - Aramaic Daniel and Greek Daniel. A Literary Comparison.
%23219540: Meagher, Sharon M. & Patrice DiQuinzio (eds.) - Women and children first : feminism , rhetoric , and public policy.
%23295285: Mearsheimer, John J. & Walt, Stephen M. - De Israëllobby.
%23192330: Meates, G.W. - The Roman villa at Lullingstone, Kent. Vol. I: The site.
%23101505: Meaume, Édouard. - Sébastien Le Clerc (1637-1714) et son oeuvre gravé : étude biographique et catalogue raisonné.
%23177001: Mechem, Floyd Russell, - Outlines of the law of agency.
%23209230: Medawar, Charles & Anita Hardon. - Medicines out of control? : antidepressants and the conspiracy of goodwill.
%23283755: Medenbach, Olaf & Harry Wilk. - The Magic of Minerals.
%2397563: Meder, Theo & Marie van Dijk. - Doe open zimzim : verhalen en liedjes uit de Utrechtse wijk Lombok.
%23290513: Meder, Theo. - Vertelcultuur in Waterland : de volksverhalen uit de collectie Bakker in hun context (ca. 1900).
%2344946: Medicus, Dieter. - Grundwissen zum bürgerlichen Recht : ein Basisbuch zu den Anspruchsgrundlagen. 5. Auflage.
%23236238: Medicus, Dieter. - Allgemeiner Teil des BGB : ein Lehrbuch.
%23243042: Medicus, Dieter. - Bürgerliches Recht : eine nach Anspruchsgrundlagen geordnete Darstellung zur Examensvorbereitung.
%23217906: Medicus, Dieter. - Allgemeiner Teil des BGB : ein Lehrbuch.
%23189415: Medina, José Toribio. - La imprenta en Guatemala, 1660-1821.
%2320142: Meeks, Dimitri - Daily Life of the Egyptian Gods
%23166613: Meene, Hellen Van & Karel Schampers. - Hellen van Meene : new photos [Japan series].
%23127651: Meent, G.W.A. van de. - Overheidsaanbestedingen : de EG-rechtelijke context.
%23294796: Meent, G.W.A. van de. - Overheidsaanbestedingen : de EG-rechtelijke context.
%23294065: Meer, Jelle van der & Hella Rottenberg. - Opwaaiende toga's : achter de schermen van de rechtbank.
%238928: Meer, Robert van der. - Operational control of internal transport =Besturingsystemen voor intern transport.
%23102249: Meer, J.H. van der. - Die Klangfarbliche Identität der Klavierwerke Carl Philipp Emanuel Bachs.
%23105786: Meer, S.G.W. van der. - Venloer Stadt-Texte 1320-1543. Eine lautliche und ortographische Untersuchung.
%2360023: Meer, F.M. van der - Ambtenaren in Nederland : Omvang, bureaucratisering en representativiteit van het ambtelijk apparaat (Dutch Edition).
%23286369: Meer, Sjoerd de & Joost Schokkenbroek (eds.) - Hoogtij : maritieme identiteit in feesten, tradities en vermaak.
%23204022: Meer, Job van der. - Communitarisme en vertrouwen in politieke instellingen : verslag van een empirisch onderzoek.
%23294871: Meer, Adrianus Josephus van der, - Gemeentegrenzen in Nederland : een juridisch, technisch en kadastraal onderzoek.
%23197269: Meer, K. van der. - Documentaire informatiesystemen.
%23772: Meerdink, Johan. - De achteruitgang der geboorten.
%23126514: Meere, Freek de. - U kunt gerust gaan slapen...; Denkbeelden over technologie risico s en samenleving.
%23149922: Meerhaeghe, M.A.G. van. - A Handbook of International Institutional Economics.
%2382504: Meering, A. - Recht van spreken : over notariaat en belastingrecht : opstellen aangeboden aan prof. A. Meering.
%23156557: Meerkerk, Edwin M. - Achter de schermen van het boekbedrijf : Henri du Sauzet (1687-1754) in de wereld van uitgeverij en boekhandel in de Republiek.
%23196315: Meerling. - Methoden en technieken van psychologisch onderzoek. Deel 1 : model, observatie en beslissing.
%234971: Meerloo, Joost A.M. - De razende roes naar Nergenshuizen : brokkenmakers in het verkeer.
%234975: Meerloo, Joost A.M. - Homo militans : de psychologie van oorlog en vrede in de mens.
%234979: Meerloo, Joost A.M. - Lachen, dansen, rebellie : beschouwingen over geestelijke besmetting.
%23133588: Meersmans, Patrick. - Optimization of Container Handling Systems.
%23142072: Meerssche, Paul Van de - De Europese integratie : 1945-1970.
%23130028: Meerten, Hans van. - Een Europese Unie: efficiënt, transparant en democratisch.
%23295769: Meerten, Hans van. - Een Europese Unie: efficiënt, transparant en democratisch : beschouwingen over een Europese Unie met tenminste 27 lidstaten.
%23213070: Meertens, P.J. & Ger Harmsen. - In het voetspoor van Henriette Roland Holst : radicalen en religieuze socialisten in Nederland.
%23237055: Meertens, P.J. ... et al. - Nederlands repertorium van familienamen. XIII : Zuidholland. Band 1 - A t/m K.
%2359978: Meertens, P.J. ... et al. - Nederlands repertorium van familienamen. XII : Noordholland. Band 2 - M t/m Z.
%23208361: Meertens, P.J. ... et al. - Biografisch woordenboek van het socialisme en de arbeidersbeweging in Nederland. Deel 7.
%23208358: Meertens, P.J. ... et al. - Biografisch woordenboek van het socialisme en de arbeidersbeweging in Nederland. Deel 4.
%23208356: Meertens, P.J. ... et al. - Biografisch woordenboek van het socialisme en de arbeidersbeweging in Nederland. Deel 2.
%23208357: Meertens, P.J. ... et al. - Biografisch woordenboek van het socialisme en de arbeidersbeweging in Nederland. Deel 3.
%23208359: Meertens, P.J. ... et al. - Biografisch woordenboek van het socialisme en de arbeidersbeweging in Nederland. Deel 5.
%23208354: Meertens, P.J. ... et al. - Biografisch woordenboek van het socialisme en de arbeidersbeweging in Nederland. Deel 1.
%23136878: Meertens, P.J. - Zeeuwse Familienamen.
%23280770: H. C. C., Meertens,. - Dynamics in farming systems : changes in time and space in Sukumaland, Tanzania.
%23238863: Meerts, Paul W. & Franz Cede. - Negotiating European Union.
%23187671: Meerum Terwogt, P.C.E. - Het nut der wijsbegeerte.
%23287623: Meerum Terwogt, Jr., Willem. - Quaestiones Valerianae : specimen litterarium inaugurale ...
%23284602: Mees, Heleen. - Changing fortunes : how China's boom caused the financial crisis.
%23213909: Meese, Joachim. - De duur van het strafproces : onderzoek naar de termijn waarbinnen een strafprocedure moet of mag worden afgehandeld.
%23283862: Meesenburg, H. ... [et al.] - The island of Fanö : its dwellings and its countryside.
%23169312: Meesters, Jan Herman. - Op zoek naar de oorsprong van de Sabbat.
%23262275: Meeteren, Aries van. - Op hoop van akkoord : instrumenteel forumgebruik bij geschilbeslechting in Leiden in de zeventiende eeuw.
%23268004: Heemkundige Genootschap van het Meetjesland. - Appeltjes van het Meetjesland. Jaarboek van het Heemkundig Genootschap van het Meetjesland. Nr. 33 - 1982.
%23279199: Meeus, Wilhelmus Hubertus Johannus Meeus & Quintin Antoon Willem Raaijmakers - Gewoon gehoorzaam. Een sociaal-psycholog. onderzoek naar gehoorzaamheid door Wilhelmus Hubertus Johannus Meeus; Quintin Antoon Willem Raaijmakers Scriptie/Proefschrift : Scriptie/Dissertatie : Manuscript Archiefmateriaal Taal: Nederlands Uitgever: 1984.
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%23150679: Mei, A.P. van der. - Free Movement of Persons within the European Community : cross Border Access to Public Benefits.
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%23270508: Meij, Pelle de. - Samenloop van CMR-Verdrag en EEX-Verordening.
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%23175199: Meijboom, Bert R. - Planning in decentralized firms : a contribution to the theory on multilevel decisions.
%23229075: Meijden, Dick van der. - Katern Algemene wet bestuursrecht : teksten en toelichting in relatie tot milieurecht Editie 2001/2002
%2363321: Meijden, Dick van der. - Vraagbaak bodem 2011 : ruim 300 vragen en antwoorden over de bescherming en de sanering van de bodem.
%2364130: Meijel, Sun van e.a. - Vrouwendomicilie en mannendominantie. Reader over vrouwen en gebouwde omgeving.
%23223228: Meijer, Godfried August Ernst Benjamin. - Het karakter der 'Pauliana' naar Nederlandsch recht.
%23293640: Meijer, Rogier. - Staatsaansprakelijkheid wegens schending van Europees gemeenschapsrecht : de invloed van het Europese recht op het nationale stelsel van overheidsaansprakelijkheid.
%23289547: Meijer, J.M. - The Russian colony in Zuerich (1870-1873) : a contribution to the study of Russian populism. Save Show this book only Meijer JM. J. M. USD 14.84 Antiquariaat Schot /Biblio Assen, Van Gorcum & Comp nv 1955. Original publisher's sewn paperback, title spine and frontcover, large 8vo: 230pp., epilogue, notes, appendix, note on sources, bibliography, index. Assen, Van Gorcum & Comp nv 1955 [NL]
%2341519: Meijer, Onno G. - The hierarchy debate : perspectives for a theory and history of movement science.
%23245247: Meijer, Fik. - Schipper, zeil de haven binnen, alles is al verkocht : handel en transport in de Oudheid.
%23191334: Meijer Wiersma, Klaas. - Nederlandsche Staatswetten, met opneming van de oorspronkelijke redactie der gewijzigde artikelen en ten aanzien der grondwet met verwijzing naar de correspondeerende artikelen der grondwetten van 1815 en 1848, enz.
%2368754: Meijer, A.Th. & F.G. van Dam. - Algemene wet bestuursrecht en aanverwante regelgeving 2013.
%232387: Meijer, Maaike & Jetty Schaap (eds.) - Historiography of women's cultural traditions.
%2318147: Meijer, Pieter Anne. - Chronologie en redactie van Aristoteles' Politica.
%235465: Meijer, Adolph F. - Behandeling van zenuwzieken door Psycho-analyse. Een overzicht van Freud's theorie en therapie voor artsen en studenten.
%2364382: Meijer, Albert. - De doorzichtige overheid : parlementaire en juridische controle in het informatietijdperk.
%23287292: Meijer, Fik. - Keizers sterven niet in bed : van Caesar tot Romulus Augustulus, 44 v. Chr.-476 n. Chr.
%23192413: Meijer, W.R. - Gevolgen van de erfopvolging.
%23286952: Meijer, F.M. ... [et al.] - De nieuwe bouwplanprocedure: ervaringen op lokaal niveau.
%23293215: Meijer-Wichmann, Clara. - Mensch en maatschappij : voordrachten.
%23230684: Meijer, Fik. - Gladiatoren : volksvermaak in het Colosseum.
%23261286: Meijer, Sonja. - Openbaar ministerie en tenuitvoerlegging : de taak van het openbaar ministerie tot tenuitvoerlegging van door de rechter opgelegde strafrechtelijke sancties vanuit constitutioneel en strafrechtsdogmatisch perspectief bezien.
%23257963: Meijer, Hans. - Den Haag-Djakarta : de Nederlands-Indonesische betrekkingen 1950-1962.
%23245216: Meijer Timmerman Thijssen, J. ... [et al.] - Financiering van de onderneming : civielrechtelijke, fiscaalrechtelijke en jaarrekeningsaspecten.
%23292723: Meijer, Jaap. - Hoge hoeden, lage standaarden : de Nederlandse Joden tussen 1933 en 1940.
%23141689: Meijer, Th. J. (ed.) - Album Promotorum Academiae Franekerensis (1591-1811).
%23287293: Meijer, Fik. - Gladiatoren : volksvermaak in het Colosseum.
%2332034: Meijer, L.S. - De ziekten van den mensch. Beschrijving der meest voorkomende ziekten en hunne oorzaken, bew. naar Baur und Frey's Atlas der Krankheiten des Menschen.
%2318141: Meijer, Joannes B. J. - De eerste levensvraag in het intellectualisme van St. Thomas van Aquino en het integraal-relaisme van Maurice Blondel.
%23276809: Meijer Wiersma, Klaas. - Wet van 6 februari 1901, S. 62, tot wijziging en aanvulling van de bepalingen in het Burgerlijk Wetboek omtrent de vaderlijke macht en de voogdij en daarmede samenhangende artikelen, alsmede van een daarmede verband houdend voorschrift in het wetboek van burgerlijke regtsvordering, met aan de geschiedenis der wet ontleende aanteekeningen.
%23286248: Meijer Jr., D.C. - Wandeling door de zalen der historische tentoonstelling van Amsterdam.
%2319142: Meijer, Theodorus Josephus. - Kritiek als herwaardering : het levenswerk van Jacob Perizonius (1651-1715).
%23275216: Meijer, Bert W. (ed.). - Repertory of Dutch and Flemish paintings in Italian public collections / III, Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta. Vol. 1, (A-L).
%23275444: Meijer, Bert W. - Repertory of Dutch and Flemish paintings in Italian public collections. III, Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta. Part 2, (M-Z).
%23275449: Meijer, Bert W. - Repertory of Dutch and Flemish paintings in Italian public collections. Vol. III, Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta. Part 1, (A-L).
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%23104527: Meijering, E.P. - Von den Kirchenvätern zu Karl Barth. Das altkirchliche Dogma in der 'Kirchlichen Dogmatik'.
%23286643: Meijering, Willem Lucas. - On community psychotherapy : (the Netherlands military hospital for neurotics)
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%2316025: Meijers, E.M. & A.S. de Blécourt. - Le Droit Coutumier de Cambrai. Tome I-II.
%238488: Meijers, E.M. & J. Eggens (red.) - Het testament : een bundel monografieën t.g.v. 100-jarig bestaan Broederschap den Candidaat-notarissen.
%2316122: Meijers, E.M. - Tractatus duo de vi et potestate statutorum. Tractatus Baldi et van der Keessel de vi et potestate statutorum; Insunt : 1. BALDI Repetitio super lege cunctos populos (c. 1. 1. 1); 2. VAN DER KEESSEL Praelectiones juris hodierni ad H. Grotii introductionem, theses 26-44.
%2372615: Meijers, V.A.E.M. - Civielrechtelijke beschouwingen over de rechtspositie van de commanditaire vennoot.
%2316113: Meijers, E.M.& J.-J. Salverda de Grave. - Des Lois et Coutumes de Saint-Amand.
%23291547: Meijers, E.M. - Le Droit Coutumier de la Ville de Metz au Moyen Âge. Tome II: Aperçu systématique du droit civil de Metz d'après la jurisprudence du XIVe siècle.
%23260045: Meijers, E.-M. & Salverda de Grave, J.-J. - Le Livre des Droits de Verdun.
%2316068: Meijers, E.M. - Responsa Doctorum Tholosanorum.
%23189251: Meijers, E.M.Oeuvre posthume. - Le Droit Coutumier de Cambrai II
%2310948: Meijers, E.M., MEYERS, E.M. - De beteekenis der burgerlijke wet in de huidige samenleving. Rede.
%23116290: Meijers, E.M.; A.S. de Blécourt & H.D.J. Bodenstein (eds.) - Nederlandsch Compendium van de Observationes Tumultuariae (1-2017) van Cornelis van Bijnkershoek.
%2313049: Meijers, E.M. - Het kort geding.
%23278933: Meijers, E.-M. & Salverda de Grave, J.-J. - Le Livre des Droits de Verdun.
%2311971: Meijers, S.J. - Rijksopvoedingsgestichten; meer in het bijzonder dat voor meisjes en de resultaten daar verkregen.
%23137557: Meijers, L.D. - Ruimtelijke Netwerken van de Zakelijke Dienstverlening. Diss.
%2312516: Meijers, E.M. - Le droit ligurien de succession en Europe occidèntale. Tome 1: Les pays alpins.
%2347256: Meijers, H. (red.). - Volkenrechtelijke aspecten van Antilliaanse onafhankelijkheid.
%2313740: Meijers, E.M. - Recueil de lois modernes concernant le droit international privé.
%233693: Meijers, V.A.E.M. - Handboek handelsregister. 1e druk.
%23288996: Meijers, Jesse. - Do not restrain the prisoner's brain : executive functions, self-regulation and the impoverished prison environment.
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%23218491: Meijknecht, P.A.M. - Van Nederlands naar Europees procesrecht?! : liber amicorum Paul Meijknecht.
%23123913: Meijl, H. van. - Endogenous technological change; the case of information technology: Theoretical considerations and empirical results.
%2321781: Meijs, Maarten - Components and Connections
%23290042: Meijs, Paul & Wim Jansen. - Eigendom tussen politiek en economie : naar een moderne opvatting van eigendom.
%2383639: Meiller, Andreas von. - Regesta Archiepiscoporum Salisburgensium inde ab anno 1106 usque as annum 1246. Regesten zur Geschichte der Salzburger Erzbischöfe Konrad I., Eberhard I., Konrad II., Adelbert, Konrad III. und Eberhard II.
%23123705: Meiller, Andreas von. - Regesta Archiepiscoporum Salisburgensium inde ab anno 1106 usque as annum 1246. Regesten zur Geschichte der Salzburger Erzbischöfe Konrad I., Eberhard I., Konrad II., Adelbert, Konrad III. und Eberhard II.
%2323283: Meilli, F. & A. Mamalok. - Das internationale Privat- und Zivilprozessrecht auf Grund der Haager Konventionen. Eine systematische Darstellung.
%23272000: Meilof, Jan. - Een wereld licht en vrij : het culturele werk van de AJC.
%2385468: Meimberg, P. - Zuckerwirtschaftliches taschenbuch 1963.
%23164851: MEINCKE, GERRIT. - Ehescheidungen und Geschiedenen-Unterhalt in Norwegen im Vergleich zum deutschen Recht.
%2376368: Meinecke, Carl E. - Die Inseln des Stillen Ocenas. Eine Geographische Monographie. 1. Theil. Melanesien und Neuseeland.
%23269485: Meinecke, Friedrich. - Geschichte des deutsch-englischen Bündnisproblems 1890-1901.
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%23123714: Meiners, Christoph. - Geschichte der Entstehung und Entwicklung der hohen Schulen unseres Erdteils.
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