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Title: 1816 Pair of Letters to the Duc de Montmorency-Laval About a Job
Description: France, 1816. Ephemera. On offer is a very interesting pair of letters, part of a correspondence with one of the most senior members of French nobility. The letters were written by a Monsieur de Laval. His first letter is a request to be considered for a position in a medical institution. The letter is addressed to Mathieu Jean Felicité de Montmorency, duc de Montmorency-Laval by his title. In his first letter, dated Aug 1st, 1816, de Laval outlines his past history in medicine: De Laval ancien chirurgien de terre et de mer des armies du Roy, membre et correspondent de la Societe Royale de Medecine de Marseille ...[Translation: De Laval former land and sea surgeon of the armies of the King, member and associate of the Royal Society of Medicine of Marseille…]He goes on to extol his qualities and how he would be suitable for the position he seeks. The second letter is dated Aug 18th. From context, it is apparent that he has received a reply to his first letter. And, unfortunately for him, his request to the Vicomte has fallen on deaf ears. J'ai recu Monsieur la lettre que vous envoyez fait l'honneur de m'ecrire []. Je aurais ete bien aise de vous ete utile mais j'ai malheurusement tres peu de moyen de rempli vos intuition. [I have received the letter you are sending and I am honoured to write to you. I would have been happy to be of use to you, but unfortunately I have very little way to satisfy your conditions…]. Mathieu Jean Felicité de Montmorency, duc de Montmorency-Laval was a prominent French statesman during the French Revolution and Bourbon Restoration. He was elected as the youngest member of the National Assembly in 1789. He is also known for his military expertise and his relationship with Mme de Staël. De Staël was the daughter of Jacques-Necker, France’s Minister of Finance and his wife Suzanne who hosted one of the most important salons in Paris. In short, Montmorency was wealthy, powerful and deeply connected in the leading circles of France. For a social historian, this is an excellent example of the type of correspondence that would have taken place among those seeking favours and positions. It is also a direct connection to one of France’s great noble families. There are two letters in this group. They each measure 9.5 inches by 7.5 inches. Each is a single sided piece. The paper is in good condition and the handwriting is legible. ; Manuscripts; 9.5" x 7.5"; 2 pages; Signed by Author. Good with no dust jacket .

Keywords: 19th Century

Price: US$ 789.99 Seller: Katz Fine Manuscripts
- Book number: 0010205