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8593: BROWSE Lillian - Sickert
33977: BRUGGEN Coosje van - Frank O Gehry. Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.
32943: BRUTON GALLERY - Michael Ayrton Graphics
9781: BRYANT Richard (photos) & GALE Iain (text) - Living Museums
39013: BUCHANAN Colin and Partners - Bath: A Study in Conservation. Report to the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Bath City Council
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38746: BUCK & HICKMAN, LTD. - Sectional Catalogue of General Ironmongery for all Trades (1947)
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38977: BUDDEN Lionel B (ed) - The Book of the Liverpool School of Architecture
36155: THE BUILDER - The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Operative, and Artist. Edited by George GODWIN. Two Bound Volumes as follows: "1868", being Vol XXVI, Jan 4 to Oct 10, 1868; "1869", being Volume XXVI. Oct. 17, 1868 to Dec 26, 1868, and Vol XXVII 9th January 1869 to July 17, 1869 (appears to be one issue missing for 2nd January 1869).
33752: BUILDING DESIGN PARTNERSHIP - Rhondda Valley Development Plan. A Future for a former mining community [cover title]
33954: BUILDING DESIGN PARTNERSHIP (introduction by Dennis Sharp) - Selected and Current Works
35279: THE BUILDING CENTRE - Three Bedroomed Cottages. 60 Designs Submitted in the Building Centre Competition.
36144: BUISSERET David - Historic Architecture of the Caribbean
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15398: BULLOCK Nicholas, DICKENS Peter et al - Surveys of Space and Activities. Reading University
36511: BULLOCK E H - Planning To-Morrow's Britain
32147: BULLOCK Albert Edward - Westminster Abbey and St. Margaret's Church. VOLUME ONE: Illustrated by Seventy Phototypes of Architectural and Sculptural Details of the Mediaeval and Later Gothic Monuments.VOLUME TWO: Illustrated by Eighty two Phototypesof Architectural Details of Renaissance and Later Renaissance Monuments and Cenotaphs.
36191: BUNCE John Thackray - History of Old St. Martin's Birmingham with Illustrations in Chromo-Lithography by Thomas Underwood from original drawings by Allen E Everitt
37168: BUNGE J H O - Tideless Thames in Future London.
34111: BURDETT Richard (introduction) - Cities: Architecture and Society. La Biennale di Venezia 2006. 10. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura.
34669: BURDETT Ricky - Istanbul: City of Intersections
34894: BURIAN Edward R (eds) - Modernity and the Architecture of Mexico
32618: BURKE Thomas - The Ecstasies of Thomas de Quincey. Chosen by...
27795: BURKE Gerald - Greenheart Metropolis: Planning the Western Netherlands.
38728: BURMAN Peter (ed) - Conservation of Wallpaintings
23461: BURMAN Peter (ed) - Treasures on Earth. A good housekeeping guide to churches and their contents.
33826: BURN Robert Scott - The Self Aid Cyclopaedia for Self-Taught Students comprising General Drawing: Architectural, Mechanical, and Engineering Drawing; Ornamrntal Drawing and Design; Mechanics and Mechanism; The Steam Engine
38614: BURNETT John - A Social History of Housing 1815-1970.
33877: BURRELL Edward - Elementary Building Construction and Drawing
38493: BURRETT Edward (designer) & TAYLOR Basil (author) - The Festival of Britain (Back cover title: The Official Book of the Festival of Britain)
35360: BURROWS Les - The Housing Act 1989
30683: BUTTNER Oskar - Parkplätze und Grossgaragen. Bauten für den ruhen Verkehr
34539: BYARS Mel - The Design Encyclopedia
32655: BYATT A S - Wordsworth and Coleridge in their time.
32322: BYKOV V.E. - Georgii Gol'ts
36066: BYNG The Hon. John, introduction by ANDREWS C BRUYN - The Torrington Diaries : Containing the Tours Through England and Wales of the Hon. John Byng (Later Fifth Viscount Torrington) Between the Years 1781 and 1794
37273: BYRNE Andrew - London's Georgian Houses
37397: BYRNE Andrew - Bedford Square: An Architectural Study
38459: BYTTNER Anders - Arvet Efter Ivar Kreuger (Typescript of English Translation)
38353: CADBURY BROTHERS LIMITED - Changing Britain: Illustrating the Industrial Revolution: 1750-19...?
28701: CADBURY, Junr George - Town Planning. With special reference to the Birmingham Schemes.
20573: CADBURY George - Industry and Transport A Paper read at The Congress of the Institute of Transport, Birmingham, May 19th, 1927.
33623: CADBURY, Junr George - Town Planning: with Special Reference to the Birmingham Scheme
39066: CADBURY BROTHERS LIMITED (pub) - Our Birmingham: The Birmingham of our Forefathers and the Birmingham of our Grandsons
35221: CADBURY BROTHERS (publ) - Industrial Record 1919-1939. A Review of the Post-war Years
35854: CAIRNS Julia - Home Making. The mid-twentieth century guide to the practical yet subtle art of making a house a home
34666: CALDERFORD LTD - La Lumière 2 Pennington Street; A New Landmark Building.
27680: CALIFORNIA WORLD'S FAIR COMMISSION - Final Report of the California World's Fair Commission, including a description of all exhibits from the State of California,, collected and maintained under legislative enactments..........
38764: CALLENDER'S CABLE AND CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD. - The Callender Wiring System
8971: CAMBER Richard (ed) - Collectors & Collections
33509: CAMPBELL-COLE Barbie & BENTON Tim (eds) - Tubular Steel Furniture. Conference Papers.
35669: CAMPBELL Harold - Housing Co-ops: After Ten Years
36703: CAMPBELL Robin (foreword) - Bill Brandt: Photographs
9002: CAMPBELL William - Commerce and the Commercial Office: how the activities of the commercial world are organized and how the work of the business office is conducted
24664: CANDY & CO LTD - "The Devon Fire"
38934: CANE Percy S (text) - Modern Gardens: British and Foreign
27577: CANNON Christine - A 'Most Pressing Problem': Housing and the National Capital Development Commission.
30722: CANTACUZINO Sherban (ed) - Architectural Conservation in Europe.
38930: CANTACUZINO Sherban (Intro) - Howell Killick Partridge & Amis: architecture
36272: CANTACUZINO Sherban - Wells Coates, a monograph.
38912: CANTACUZINO Sherban (intro) - Wells Coates: Architect and Designer 1895-1958
34875: CANTER David - Architectural Pyschology. Proceedings of the conference held at Dalandhui, University of Strathclyde, 28 February-2 March 1969.
33248: CANTWELL John D - Images of War. British Posters 1939-45. Public Records Office.
9337: CAPART Jean - Le Temple des Muses
36542: CAPITAL & COUNTIES PROPERTY COMPANY Ltd - Shopping for Pleasure: A survey of shopping centres in North America
37005: CAPPER Charles - The Port and Trade of London: Historical, Statistical, Local and General
27809: CARDINAL Roger - German Romantics in Context
29929: CARDINELL John D (publ) - 1926 Philadelphia. A Pictorial Record of the Sesqui-Centennial International Exhibition Philadelphia Pennsylvania June 1st-December 1st Nineteen Hundred and Twenty Six. Commemorating the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the United States
33283: CARPENTER Humphrey - The Joshers or London to Birmingham with 'Albert' and 'Victoria' A story of the canals.
38938: CARRIER Robert and LAWSON DICK Oliver - The Vanished City: A Study of London
36659: CARRINGTON Noel - Design in the Home
34775: CARRINGTON Noel - Design in Civilisation
32132: CARRITT E F - A Calender of British Taste. From 1600 To 1800 being A Museum of Specimens & Landmarks chronologically arranged.
33495: CARROLL John, CROCE Bal et al - The Art of the Harley
34949: CARSALADE Flávio de Lemos - Arquitetura: Interfaces
35053: CARTER FW - Conservation Problems of Historic Cities in Eastern Europe (Occasional Papers No. 39)
33093: CASCIANI Paolo - Montecatini e le Sue Acque
37517: CASSELL (pub) - Building World: An Illustrated Weekly Trade Journal for... [Vol. V, No. 105 to 130; from October 16, 1897 to April 9, 1898]
34646: CASSON Hugh - Homes by the Million: An account of the housing achievement in the U.S.A. 1940-1945
36401: CASSON Hugh - Homes by the Million: An account of the housing achievement in the U.S.A. 1940-1945
35232: CASSON Hugh - Homes by the Million: An account of the housing achievement in the U.S.A. 1940-1945
32541: CAUMAN S - Das Lebende Museum. Erfahrungen eines Kunsthistorikers und Museumdirektors Alexander Dorner.
35554: CAUTLEY H Munro - Norfolk Churches
38798: B & CD TRADE EXHIBITIONS LTD - The Domestic Equipment Trades Fair at the National Hall, Olympia, London W14, September 2nd - 11th, 1958
35744: CDP INFORMATION AND EXCHANGE UNIT - Profits Against Houses: An alternative guide to housing finance
24577: CEMENT AND CONCRETE ASSOCIATION - Cycle Tracks, Paths and Pavements
35767: CEMENT AND CONCRETE ASSOCIATION - Concrete Flats: External Wall Construction and Finish
25541: CEMENT AND CONCRETE ASSOCIATION (issued by) - Concrete Roads and Paved Areas. Manual for Clerks of Works
28810: CEMP - Cemp Ornamental Ironwork Catalogue GR/2 [cover title]
35423: CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION (publ) - Town and Country Planning in Britain
36550: CENTRAL HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Moving from the Slums Seventh report of the housing management sub-committee of the Central Housing Advisory Committee.
35632: CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION (publ) - Town and Country Planning In Britain (Pamphlet No. 9)
38372: CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION - Town and Country Planning in Britain
25381: CENTRAL DIRECTORATE OF RECONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING - Woningen Logements Wohnungen Homes Casas 1946-1952. Nederland Les Pays-Bas Die Niederlande The Netherlands Los Paises Bajos
23754: CENTRE GEORGES POMPIDOU - Architectures en Allemagne 1900-1933
34069: CENTRE GEORGES POMPIDOU (pub) - Frank O Gehry: Projets en Europe.
12451: CERVER Francisco Asensio - Commercial Space: Office Furniture
33507: CERVER Francisco Asensio - Commercial Space: Shop Windows, Cosmetics
34409: CESAIRE Aime - Cahier d'un Retour au Pays Natal. Return to my Native Land
36632: CESCINSKY Herbert and GRIBBLE Ernest R - Early English Furniture and Woodwork (Vols I and II)
36965: CESCINSKY Herbert and GRIBBLE Ernest R - Early English Furniture and Woodwork (Vols I and II, bound as a single volume)
36928: CESCINSKY Herbert and GRIBBLE Ernest R - Early English Furniture and Woodwork (2 Volume Set)
28847: CESERANI Gian Paulo - Vetrina della Belle Epoque. Ricerche iconographie di Andrea Jemolo.
36909: CEVESE Renato (Direttore della mostra) et al - Palladio: Catalogo Della Mostra - Vicenza / Basilica Palladiana
33391: Chagall GEORGE, Waldemar (intro) - Marc Chagall (Les Peintures Français Nouveaux No. 31) Vingt-neuf reproductions de peintures et dessins précédées d'une étude critique par...
36128: CHAMOT Mary - Modern Painting in England
36013: CHAMPIGNEULLE Bernard - Perret
38344: CHAMPION AG - An Estimate of the Changing Extent and Distribution of Urban Land in England and Wales, 1950-70 (CES RP10)
37025: CHANCELLOR E Beresford - Knightsbridge and Belgravia. Their History, Topography, and Famous Inhabitants.
37043: CHANCELLOR E Beresford - The Pleasure Haunts of London: during four centuries
30121: THE CHANNEL TUNNEL COMPANY, LIMITED (W TURNER PERKINS, edited by) - The Channel Tunnel. Deputation to the Prime Minister. Full Details of the Present Scheme - Military, Engineering, Financial. Benefit of the Channel Tunnel to British Trade: The late Sir Robert Griffen's Evidence. Opinions of the Press.
38263: CHAPIN F Stuart - Urban Land Use Planning
32776: CHAPLIN Stephen - '1976'
24445: CHAPMAN W Dobson - County Palatine: A Plan for Cheshire. Prepared for the County Council.
38852: CHAPMAN W Dobson & RILEY Charles F - Granite City: A Plan for Aberdeen.
30702: CHAPMAN W Dobson - County Palatine: A Plan for Cheshire. Prepared for the County Council.
38550: CHARLES JOYNER & Co. LIMITED - New Designs of Gas Fittings (Catalogue No. 26)
34710: CHARLTON Susannah, POWERS Alan and HARWOOD Elain - British Modern Architecture and Design in the 1930s
32640: CHARTERS Ann - Olson: Melville. A Study in Infinity
22150: CHATTERTON Frederick (ed) - Small Houses and Bungalows
38187: CHERRY Gordon E (ed) - Shaping an Urban World
4496: CHERRY G E - Urban and Regional Planning: Promise and Potential in the West Midlands. An Inaugural Lecture Delivered in the University of Birmingham...
34865: CHESSELL Henry - National Parks for Britain
19388: CHESTERMAN W Deryck - The Photographic Study of Rapid Events
38795: CHESTERTON JONES & CO. LIMITED - Davidson: Electric Fires, Cookers, Water Heaters and other Domestic Appliances
38330: CHICAGO PLAN COMMISSION, DEPARTMENT OF CITY PLANNING - Annual Report 1959: Fifty Years of Progress Through Planning
34928: CHILDS Rigby - A Test Case: Newbury New City. An Appreciation of the Implications of the Proposal for a New City in the Newbury-Hungerford Area, asoutlined in the South East Study, 1961-1981. Together with a statement by the Kennet Valley Preservation Society on the same proposal
26302: CHILDS Rigby - A Test Case: Newbury New City. An Appreciation of the Implications of the Proposal for a New City in the Newbury-Hungerford Area, asoutlined in the South East Study, 1961-1981. Together with a statement by the Kennet Valley Preservation Society on the same proposal
34847: CHILTERNS STANDING CONFERENCE - A Plan for the Chilterns
36053: CHINNERY Victor - Oak Furniture. The British Tradition. A History of Early Funiture on the British Isles and New England.
34440: CHOAY Françoise - Le Corbusier
36158: CHRISTIAN Ewan - Architectural Illustrations of Skelton Church, Yorkshire
8724: CHRISTIE Guy - Crieff Hydro
38494: CHRISTY Miller (Compiled by, with introduction and notes) - The Bryant and May Museum of Fire Making Appliances Catalogue of the Exhibits; Supplement (2 volumes)
29093: CHURCH Guy & SMITH Major R. Drysdale - What About A House Again?
35226: CHURCH Guy & SMITH Major R. Drysdale - What About A House Again?
34177: Churches' Working Party on the South Hampshire Development Plan - Your Choice: Your Community. The report of the Churches' Working Party on the South Hampshire Development Plan (South Hampshire Structure Plan) Churches' Working Party on the South Hampshire Development Plan. 1972.A report
34695: CITY OF WESTMINSTER - Marsham Street: Draft Planning Brief
35245: CITY OF BIRMINGHAM - Building Bye-Laws
26974: CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - Planning Pontiac's Future.
35333: CITY OF LEEDS - Leeds House Improvements: Heating Efficiency and Clean Air Handbook
36410: CITY OF EXETER and COUNTY OF DEVON - Exeter and District Joint Feasability Study: Report, Abridged Report and Maps (3 volumes)
35754: CITY OF LEEDS EDUCATION COMMITTEE - Proposal for the Establishment of the Leeds Polytechnic
35607: CITY AND COUNTY OF KINGSTON UPON HULL - Annual Report of the Deputy Chief Executive and City Planner for 1972/73
39067: CITY COUNCIL OF KINGSTON UPON HULL (publ) - Planning in Action: an account of aims and achievements in Kingston upon Hull
38960: CITY ARCHITECT'S DEPT, LEEDS (publ) - City of Leeds - A Short History of Civic Housing
35350: CITY OF LEEDS HOUSING COMMITTEE - Official Opening of Maisonettes and Moorfield Estate.
35055: CIVIC TRUST REGENERATION UNIT - Frome Town Centre: An Environmental Audit
38351: CIVIC TRUST - Urban Redevelopment: Report of a Committee Appointed by the...
25277: CIVIC WEEK COUNCIL (issued by) - Dublin Civic Week Sept 17-25 1927
25382: CIVIC TRUST - Pride of Place. A manual for those wishing to improve their surroundings
24579: CLACTON URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL - Clacton-on-Sea. Official Guide 1932.
36791: CLARK Graham - Prehistoric England
33366: CLARK, Sir Kenneth (introduction) - The War Artists Memorial Exhibition, New Metropole Arts Centre, Folkestone
38363: CLARK David M - Greater Manchester Votes A guide to the new metropolitan districts
36478: CLARK GN (ed) - Agenda: A Quarterly Journal of Reconstruction (Vol II, Number 4, November 1943)
31204: CLARK Geo T - Mediaeval Military Architecture in England (2 vols)
38616: CLARK Kenneth - The Gothic Revival: An Essay in the History of Taste
32891: CLARK Kenneth - On The Painting of English Landscape by..... Annual lecture on aspects of art Henriette Hertz Trust of the British Academy
17246: CLARKE John J - An Introduction to Planning with reference to The Town and Country Planning Act 1947.
34472: CLARKE J Wright - Modern Plumbing Practice Volume 1. An Account of Practical Lead - Working and Plumber's Materials
17315: CLARKE John J - A Synopsis of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1947
37405: CLAY Henry - The Sanitary Inspectors' Handbook: a Manual for Sanitary Inspectors and Other Executive Public Health Officers
35195: CLAYTONS - Clayton Son & Co. Ltd, Engineers, Hunslet, Leeds
38225: CLELAND James - Report Respecting the Improvements in the Green of Glasgow, with an Account of its Minerals, and its Natural Filter for an Additional Supply of Water to the City etc etc etc
31324: CLEMENT Gregory - KPF Selected and Current Works
34147: CLEW Kenneth R - The Kennet and Avon Canal
37028: CLINCH George - Bloomsbury and St Giles's: Past and Present; with historical and antiquarian notices of the vicinity
36955: CLOUZOT Henri - Modern French Ironwork
36051: W CLOWES AND SONS - London Society: The Christmas Number for 1865
33831: CLOZIER René - L'architecture , éternel livre d'images
37318: CLUNN Harold - London Rebuilt 1897-1927. An attempt to depict the principal changes which have taken place, with some suggestions for the further improvement of the metropolis.
35282: COAL UTILISATION JOINT COUNCIL - The Newer Heat for Modern Homes New solid fuel appliances for greater comfort and more efficient heating services.
35281: COAL UTILISATION JOINT COUNCIL - Fuel Stores for Small Houses
35064: COATES Gary J, MOFFETT Kenneth M (eds) - Response to Environment: Student Publications of the School of Design Vol. 18
20958: COATES Stephen and STETTER Alex (eds) - Impossible Worlds
38653: COCKERELL CR (Introduction) - Engravings from the Ancient Marbles in the British Museum. Part VI. 1830C. R. Cockerall
38815: COCTEAU Jean - Jean Marais Collection Masques et Visages
38816: COCTEAU Jean - Le Sang d'un Poète
33535: COHEN, Jean-Louis - Le Corbusier: la planète comme chantier
34840: COLE G.D.H. (intro) - Britain's Town and Country Pattern: a summary of the Barlow, Scott, and Uthwatt Reports. Prepared by the Nuffield College Social Reconstruction Survey
11830: COLE G. D. H. - Robert Owen
36384: COLE G.D.H. - Building and Planning
34430: COLEMAN Les - Unthinking
36161: COLLING James Kellaway - Examples of English Medieval Foliage and Coloured Decoration, taken from buildings of the twelfth to the fifteenth century: with descriptive letterpress.
33240: COLLINS Michael - Towards Post-Modernism: Design Since 1851.
30280: COLLINS Michael - Towards Post-Modernism: Design Since 1851.
36256: COLLINS Michael, PAPADAKIS Andreas - Post-Modern Design
30277: COLLINSON Howard Creel - Documenting Design: Works on Paper in the European Collection of the Royal Ontario Museum.
32414: COLQUHOUN Kate - A Thing in Disguise. The Visionary Life of Joseph Paxton.
36520: COLVIN Brenda - Land and Landscape:
37500: COLVIN H. M. (notes) - Ackermann's Oxford. A Selection of Plates from Rudolph Ackermann's "A History of the University of Oxford, its Colleges, Halls, and Public Buildings" 1814 and James Ingram's "Memorials of Oxford" 1837.
39019: COLVIN HM (Introduction) - Architectural Drawings in the Bodleian Library
37430: COMMITTEE ON THE CAMBERWELL WATERWORKS BILL - Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee to whom the Bill for Supplying the Inhabitants of the Parish of St. Giles, Camberwell, and parts of the Parish of St. Mary Lambeth, and several other Parishes & Places in Counties of Surrey and Kent with Water (HC 155)
37281: COMMITTEE OF ENQUIRY - The Cab Service of the Metropolis: Report of the... (bound together with: The Minutes of Evidence to the...[C.-7607]
38379: COMMUNITY RENEWAL PROGRAM - An Atlas of Chicago's People, Jobs and Homes Background for Renewal Planning
33901: COMPTON Alfred G. - First Lessons in Metal-Working
31675: CONCRETE PUBLICATIONS - Road Bridges in Great Britain. Illustrated descriptions, with many working drawings of complete designs and details, progress photographs, and notes on construction methods, relating to 96 reinforced concrete bridges of various types and spans
35698: CONCRETE LIMITED (publ) - Bison Floors and Roofs
34939: CONDIT Carl W. - Chicago 1910-1929. Building, Planning and Urban Technology
35025: CONDITT Georg and WEBER Peter - Stadterneuerung - warum und wie?
39057: CONNELY Willard - Louis Sullivan as He Lived The Shaping of American Architecture
37286: CONQUEST Joan - The Naked Truth. Shocking Revelations about the Slums by an ex-Nursing Sister.
36789: CONZEN M R G - Alnwick, Northumberland. A Study in Town-Plan Analysis.
38850: CONZEN M R G - Alnwick, Northumberland. A Study in Town-Plan Analysis.
34869: COOK ET (ed) - Carnations and Pinks
33822: COOK, Jeffrey - Seeking Structure from Nature The Organic Architecture of Hungary
26555: COOK Peter - Peter Cook: Six Conversations
38697: COOK Olive, with photos by SMITH Edwin - The Sense of Continuity in a Hertfordshire Parish: A Study of Anstey Commission on the Third London Airport
35848: COOPER Nicholas - The Opulent Eye: Late Victorian and Edwardian Taste in Interior Design
36476: COPPER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION - Sheet Copper-Work for Building: A Practical Handbook (CDA Publication no. 5)
33654: COPPER AND BRASS EXTENDED USES COUNCIL - Copper in Architecture: A Treatise for the Information of Architects, Builders and Lovers of Good Building.
34275: COPPER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION - Copper Flashings and Weatherings (CDA Publication no. 42)
34277: COPPER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION - Pipe-Line Services in Building (CDA Publication no. 25)
34282: COPPER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION - 'Economy' Copper Roofing (CDA Publication no. 53)
34266: COPPER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION - Introduction to Copper (CDA Publication no. 52)
37006: COPPERTHWAITE, William Charles - Vauxhall Bridge (across the Thames, Westminster), 1906. An original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers 1907.
38962: LE CORBUSIER - The City of To-morrow and its planning by...... translated from the 8th French Edition of Urbanisme with an introduction by Frederick Etchells
38902: LE CORBUSIER - Towards a New Architecture by..... translated by Frederick Etchells
38975: LE CORBUSIER - The Modulor: A Harmonious Measure to the Human Scale Universally applicable to Architecture and Mechanics
33516: LE CORBUSIER - Quand les Cathédrales ètaient Blanches. Voyages au Pays des Timides.
33435: LE CORBUSIER - Ronchamp les carnets de la recherche patiente
33438: LE CORBUSIER - Catalogue de l'exposition de Lyon-Charbonnières
33530: LE CORBUSIER (présenté), CORDAT Charles (text) - La Tour Eiffel
33431: LE CORBUSIER - Le Livre de Ronchamp
33422: Le CORBUSIER - Croisade ou le Crépuscule des Académies
33517: LE CORBUSIER (trans by Eleanor Levieux) - Nursery Schools
33519: LE CORBUSIER - Modulor 2 La parole est aux usagers
33520: LE CORBUSIER - The Modulor
38909: LE CORBUSIER & DE PIERREFEU François - The Home of Man
38901: LE CORBUSIER - Concerning Town Planning.
38997: LE CORBUSIER - Le Corbusier et Pierre Jeanneret: Oeuvre Complète de 1910-1929.
38999: LE CORBUSIER - Le Corbusier et Pierre Jeanneret: Oeuvre Complete de 1929-1934.
39000: LE CORBUSIER - Le Corbusier & P. Jeanneret: Oeuvre Complete 1934-1938.
38908: LE CORBUSIER - The Four Routes.
39001: LE CORBUSIER - Le Corbusier & P. Jeanneret: Oeuvre Complete 1934-1938.
39002: LE CORBUSIER - Le Corbusier: Oeuvre Complete 1938-1946.
38903: LE CORBUSIER - The City of Tomorrow: and its planning. Translated from the 8th French edition of Urbanisme by Frederick Etchells.
38961: LE CORBUSIER - Towards a New Architecture by..... translated from the thirteenth French edition with an introduction by Frederick Etchells.
34663: CORK Richard - Social Role of Art: 34 Essays in Criticism for a Popular Newspaper
36063: CORNELIUS Charles Over - Furniture Masterpieces of Duncan Phyfe
38592: CORNFORTH John - The Search for a Style: Country Life and Architecture 1897-1935.
26704: CORNWALL COUNTY COUNCIL - County Development Plan. Written Statement for County Area and Undermentioned Town Map Areas........[12 towns]
34126: CORNWALL COUNTY COUNCIL - Development Plan 1952: Report of the Survey (2 vols) Part One - The County: Part Two - The Plans (Bodmin etc)
36544: CORNWALL COUNTY COUNCIL - Towards a Future Cornwall. An Interim Statement.
28639: CORNWALL COUNTY COUNCIL - Towards a Future Cornwall. An Interim Statement.
35244: CORPORATION OF BIRMINGHAM - Building Bye-Laws in force in the City of Birmingham, arranged and collated for the use of architects, builders, and others interested in building bye-laws.
35973: CORPORATION OF LONDON - Report. Improvements and Town Planning Committee ....on the Preliminary Draft Proposals for Post-War Reconstruction in the City of London.
30704: CORPORATION OF LONDON - Report. Improvements and Town Planning Committee ....on the Preliminary Draft Proposals for Post-War Reconstruction in the City of London.
37163: CORPORATION OF LONDON - City of London: Unitary Development Plan 2002
38390: CORPORATION OF GLASGOW, PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Report on Overcrowding as Required by Section I of the Housing (Scotland) Act, 1935
31519: CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF GLASGOW - Municipal Glasgow: Its Evolution and Enterprises.
33487: COSTA, Xavier and HARTRAY, Guido - SERT arquitecto en Nueva York
34040: COSTA Xavier & HARTRAY Guido (eds) - Sert: arquitecto en Neuva York.
38993: COULIN Claudius (intro) - Helmut Jacoby: Architectural Drawings
35791: COUNCIL FOR THE CARE OF CHURCHES (Panel appointed by...) - Building New Churches: a handbook for building committees and architects
33367: COUNCIL of EUROPE - The reviving of monuments Preservation and development of gourps and areas of buildings of historical or artistic interest (CCC/CDS/B (65) 27)
35614: Council for the Preservation of Rural England - Your House on View
36086: COUNCIL FOR THE PRESERVATION OF RURAL ENGLAND - Cheshire Branch (publ) - Building in Cheshire
33885: COUNTRY LIFE - Homes and Gardens, with which is incorporated "The Garden" Houses - Furniture and Equipment - Gardens (12 issues in total)
33886: COUNTRY LIFE (intro. by R. Randal Phillips) - The Modern English Interior
33884: COUNTRY LIFE - Our Homes and Gardens (Vol. 3, Number 9 to Vol 4, Number 7 inclusive)
35124: COUNTY COUNCIL OF DURHAM - Buildings of the Countryside - notes for the guidance of developers
34887: COUNTY PLANNER, County Council of Essex, and Borough Engineer and Planning Officer, Southend-on-Sea County Borough Council - South Essex: A Planning Choice
32860: COWAN Peter, FINE Daniel, IRELAND John et al - The Office: a facet of urban growth
37466: COWPER William (Chairman) - Special Report From The Select Committee on Metropolitan Commons Act 1866 Amendment Bill, Together with the Proceedings of the Committee and Minutes of Evidence (HOC 333)
30579: COWPER A. D. - Sands for Plasters Mortars and Renderings.
36516: COX J Charles - English Church Fittings, Furntiture and Accessories
37179: COX Ian - Festival Ship Campania. A guide to the story it tells
33604: COX Ian - Festival Ship Campania. A guide to the story it tells
36826: COX David, with foreword by AL BALDRY - A Treatise on Landscape Painting in Water Colours
36362: COX Peter - Demograpy
36142: COX J Charles and FORD Charles Bradley - The Parish Churches of England
36906: COZZI Mauro - Antonio Da Sangallo Il Vecchio e l'architettura del Cinquecento in Valdichiana.
36085: CPRE - Save Leicestershire's Countryside.
34095: CRAFTS COUNCIL et al - Glass in the Environment
25491: CRAFTS ADVISORY COMMITTE GALLERY - The Industrial Art of Gijs Bakker. A Dutch production.
38288: CRAMOND R.D. - Allocation of Council Houses. A Report of a Survey of Methods of Allocation of Tenancies by Local Authorities in Scotland.
38289: CRAMOND R.D. - Housing Policy in Scotland 1919-1964: A Study in State Assistance (Research Paper Number 1, University of Glasgow Social & Economic Studies)
38785: CREDA, SLONETRIC, HEATRAE, CREDA, ARTIC - Various Leaflets for Heaters, Fires, Water Heaters etc (7 leaflets)
35536: CREESE Walter - The Search for Environment: The Garden City: Before and After
36385: CRESSWELL H B - The Honeywood File
34835: CRESSWELL Roy (ed) - Quality in Urban Planning and Design
37513: CRESWELL H B - The Honeywood File/ The Honeywood Settlement (combined edition)
32579: CRESWELL H B - Grig In Retirement. With drawings by Antony Gardner
34390: CRESWELL H B - Grig. With drawings by Anthony Gardner.
34391: CRESWELL H B - Grig In Retirement. With drawings by Antony Gardner
38891: CRITTALL MANUFACTURING COMPANY LIMITED - Crittall Windows: A General Description of Crittall Products and Methods of Production
33570: CRITTALL MANUFACTURING CO. LTD - Crittal Rustless Sectional Greenhouse. [Trade Catalogue]
37360: CROAL Thomas A - A Book About Travelling Past and Present. The Sedan Chair, the Stage Coach, the Canal, the Steamer, the Railway, etc
35170: CROCKER A - The Elements of Land Surveying: Designed Principally for the Use of Schools and Students
38890: CROOK J. Mordaunt - The Greek Revival
38664: CROOK J. Mordaunt - The Greek Revival
35719: CROSBY Theo - Let's Build A Monument
33415: CROSBY Theo (ed & designed by) - Le Corbusier: Architecture Painting Sculpture Tapestries. Exhibition catalogue: Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool / Building Centre, London.
38907: CROSBY Theo (ed & designed by) - Le Corbusier: Architecture Painting Sculpture Tapestries. Exhibition catalogue: Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool / Building Centre, London.
36664: CROSBY Theo (ed & designed by) - Le Corbusier: Architecture Painting Sculpture Tapestries. Exhibition catalogue: Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool/ Building Centre, London.
34681: CROSBY Theo - Architecture: City Sense
34527: CROSS Tom - Painting the Warmth of the Sun. St Ives Artists 1939-1975
38635: CROSSLEY Fred. H - English Church Monuments A.D. 1150-1550. An introduction to the study of tombs & effegies of the medieval period.
34311: CROSSLEY Fred H - The English Abbey: Its life and work in the Middle Ages.
38581: CROUCH Henry A (architect), WEBSTER Geo. (surveyor) - Estimate for the Erection and Completion of The Free Library at Malvern for the Urban District Council
34294: CRUICKSHANK Dan - A Guide to the Georgian Buildings of Britain & Ireland
38244: CULLINGWORTH, J Barry - Environmental Planning Vol 3: New Towns Policy
38265: CULLINGWORTH, J Barry - Environmental Planning Vol 1: Reconstruction and Land Use Planning 1939-1947
38290: CULLINGWORTH J B & WATSON C J - Housing in Clydeside 1970: Reports on a Household Survey and a House Condition Survey in the Central Clydeside Conurbation.
38339: CULLINGWORTH JB - Scottish Housing in 1965
34780: CULLINGWORTH J.B. - Housing and Local Government in England and Wales.
33625: CULLINGWORTH, Barry - British Planning 50 Years of Urban and Regional Policy
33626: CULLINGWORTH J B & KARN V A - The Ownership and Management of Housing in the New Towns: report submitted to the Minister of Housing and Local Government by...
38273: CULLINGWORTH J B - Restraining Urban Growth. The Problem of Overspill
35293: CULLINGWORTH J B - Housing in Transition A Case Study in the City of Lancaster 1958-1962
26363: CULLINGWORTH J B & KARN V A - The Ownership and Management of Housing in the New Towns: report submitted to the Minister of Housing and Local Government by...
38854: CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL - Report of the Committee for the County of Cumbria Established under Section 264 of the Local Government Act, 1972
33444: CURL James Stevens - The Life and Work of Henry Roberts 1803-1876. The Evangelical Conscience and the Campaign for Model Housing and Healthy Nations
33277: CURL James Stevens - Piety Proclaimed. An Introduction to Places of Worship in Victorian England.
39069: CURRY Alderman AC (Fwd) - Development Plan for the City and County of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
33382: CURRY Manfred - The Beauty of Flight
15032: CURTIS Henry S. - The Practical Conduct of Play,
38926: CURTIS GREEN W. - The Drawings of W. Curtis Green R.A.
34382: CUST Robert H Hobart - Giovanni Antonio Bazzi, hitherto usually styled "Sodoma": the man and the painter, 1477- 1549. A study.
34096: DAILY TELEGRAPH introduces... - Son et Lumière
38752: DAILY MAIL - Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition 1949. Catalogue and Review
38754: DAILY MAIL - Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition 1955 Catalogue and Review
37455: DAILY CHRONICLE (Special Commissioners of the...) - New London: Her Parliament and its Work
37290: DAILY MAIL - Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition 1953 Catalogue and Review
33605: DAILY MAIL - The British Pavilion from Brussels. Exhibited at the Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition, Olympia London 1959.
38753: DAILY MAIL - Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition 1953 Catalogue and Review
15149: DAL BIANCO Maria Pia, CAMPANINO Pier et al - Palazzo Bricherasio: Restoration and rehabilitation of a Palazzo in Turin
17736: DALE Lawrence - Towards a Plan for Oxford City.
38558: DALE Lawrence - Towards a Plan for Oxford City.
33768: DALE Lawrence - Towards a Plan for Oxford City.
36651: DALTON CLIFFORD H - New Houses for Moderate Means
36645: DALTON CLIFFORD H and ENTHOVEN RE - New Homes from Old Buildings
36801: DALY César - L'Architecture Privée au XIXme siecle sous Napoléon III. Nouvelles maisons de Paris et des environs. Tome I. Hotels privés.
38231: DANIELS P W & WARNES A M - Movement in Cities. Spatial perspectives on urban transport and travel
17257: DANIELS P W - Office Location and the Journey to Work. A Comparative Study of Five Urban Areas.
39050: DANNATT Trevor (ed) - Architects' Year Book 10
39045: DANNATT Trevor (ed) - Architects' Year Book 5
39046: DANNATT Trevor (ed) - Architects' Year Book 6
39047: DANNATT Trevor (ed) - Architects' Year Book 7
39048: DANNATT Trevor (ed) - Architects' Year Book 8
36035: DARWIN Charles - The Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
37024: DASENT Arthur Irwin - Piccadilly In Three Centuries with Some Account of Berkeley Square and the Haymarket
34779: DAUNTON M J (ed) - Housing the Workers: A Comparative History, 1850-1914.
35083: DAVEY Peter (intro) - Heikkinen & Komonen
34175: DAVIDGE W R - Bedfordshire Regional Planning Report. Prepared for the Bedfordshire Advisory Joint Town Planning Committee.
35119: DAVIDGE W R - Cambridgeshire Regional Planning Report:. Prepared for the Cambridgeshire Joint Town Planning Committee
34974: DAVIDSON Cynthia C, with SERAGELDIN Ismail - Architecture Beyond Architecture: Creativity and Social Transformations in Islamic Cultures. The 1995 Aga Khan Award for Architecture.
35708: DAVIDSON Bruce - Views from Pentagram, 212 5th Avenue (Pentagram Papers 8)
38201: DAVIES R L & CHAMPION A G (eds) - The Future for the City Centre.
29264: DAVIS H J - The Honoured Name. Our Tribute to the Late Lord Trent.
30986: DAVIS Colin J - Improving Design in the High Street. An RFAC guide....
30802: DAVIS Colin J - Improving Design in the High Street. An RFAC guide....
37054: DAVIS Henry George - The Memorials Of The Hamlet Of Knightsbridge.
38748: DAVIS AND CO. - Where to Buy: Ironmongery and Hardware (March 1924) Index to the Principal Sources of Supply of Ironmongery and Hardware
23509: DAVIS Professor W - Hosiery Manufacture
34528: DAVIS Bob - Faces of Japan
33553: DAVIS Frank - Victorian Patrons of the Arts: Twelve Famous Collections and their Owners
37395: DAWES JC - Report of an Investigation Into the Public Cleansing Service in the Administrative County of London
37412: DAY John R - The Story of London's Underground
34510: DDR. ROITZSCH Helmut (compiled by) - Architektur in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Materialsammlung für Schüler
33045: DDR. ZENTRALER METHODISCHEN KABINETT (ed) - Frohe Ferientage für alle Kinder. Eine Richtlinie und Anleitung für Pioneeleiter und Helfer zur Erziehungsarbeit in der Ferienzeit 1952 mit allen Jungen Pioneren und Schülern
25070: DDR. GRUNDMANN Siegfried - Die Stadt. Gedanken uber Geschichte und Funktion
32516: O'DEA William - The Meaning of Engineering
38555: O'DEA William (introduction) - Let There Be Light A Loan Exhibition March 11 - April 16 1964
38822: DEAD CAN DANCE (Brendan PERRY and Lisa GERRARD) - Dead Can Dance 2005
20843: DEAN David - The Architect as Stand Designer. Building Exhibitions 1895-1983
38929: DEAN David - The Thirties: Recalling the English Architectural Scene
35919: DEAN G.A. - A Series of Selected Designs for Country Residences, Entrance Lodges, Farm Offices, Cottages, &c., Which have been Erected for H.R.H. the late Prince Consort, the Earl of Leicester, Lord Harris, Hon. G. W. Fitzwilliam, &c., &c., under the Superintendence of George Alfred Dean, 1, Lancaster Place, Strand, London; and of Messrs. Dean & Yeoman, 22, Coney Street, York; With remarks upon Site, Soil, Ornamental Planting, Water, Drainage, Sewerage Construction, &c.
38218: DEAS James - The River Clyde: An Historical Description of the Rise and Progress of the Harbour of Glasow, and of the Improvement of the River from Glasgow to Port-Glasgow
21275: DECATUR CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - Decatur Waterfront Development Report
38425: DELAFONS Allan (ed) - Penrose's Pictorial Annual, The Process Year Book 1959 (Vol. 53)
38426: DELAFONS Allan (ed) - Penrose's Pictorial Annual, The Process Year Book 1960 (Vol. 54)
38428: DELAFONS Allan (ed) - Penrose's Pictorial Annual, The Process Year Book 1962 (Vol. 56)
38427: DELAFONS Allan (ed) - Penrose's Pictorial Annual, The Process Year Book 1961 (Vol. 55)
38738: DELCO-LIGHT - Delco-Light: The Complete Electric Light and Power Plant
33883: DELTA METAL COMPANY - "Delta" Extruded Rods and Sections
36838: DEMOULIN Maurice - Traité Pratique de la Machine Locomotive (vols I, II, III, IV)
29885: DEMPSEY G. Drysdale - Rudimentary Treatise on the Drainage of Districts and Lands.
34151: Departamento de Turismo etc - Brasilia 1968: the city of a century / la capitale du siècle
35824: DEPARTMENT OF THE TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING SERVICE - Proposal for a Kafue River Linear Park
34252: DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT - Inner Area Studies: Liverpool, Birmingham, Lambeth. Summaries of consultants' final report.
38246: DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT - Inner Area Studies: Liverpool, Birmingham, Lambeth. Summaries of consultants' final report.
38222: DEPARTMENT OF TRADE - Airport Strategy for Great Britain: Part 1 - The London Area
38223: DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT - Greater London Development Plan: Statement by the Rt Hon Geoffrey Rippon QC, MP, Secretary of State for the Environment
35102: DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS - The North West: A regional study
15384: DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE - Secondary School Design: Workshop Crafts
38383: DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT - Development of the Strategic Plan for the South East: Interim Report
34696: DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT - Marsham Street: Urban Design Competition. Competition Pack
36441: DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT - Review of the Potential Effects of Climate Change in the United Kingdom. Second Report.
35608: DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT - Greater London Development Plan: Statement by the Rt Hon Geoffrey Rippon QC, MP, Secretary of State for the Environment
38317: DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT - Study of the Inner Areas of Conurbations: Summary and Conclusions (Vol I); Detailed Studies (Vol II)
38294: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FOR SCOTLAND - Report of the Scottish Departmental Committee on Housing (Cmd. 4469)
38276: DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AFAIRS - The Problems of Merseyside. An appendix to 'The North West: A regional study'
36496: DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT, SCOTTISH OFFICE, WELSH OFFICE - Community Land Bill (Bill 108), Land (White Paper Cmnd. 5730); Community Land Act 1975 (Chapter 77) [two volumes]
38237: DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS - The North West: A regional study
35311: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT - Cars in Housing 2: I) Dimensions; II) Multi-storey Parking Garages (Design Bulletin 12)
38370: DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS - The Task Ahead: Economic Assessment to 1972
35320: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT - Housing for the Elderly: the size of grouped schemes (Design Bulletin 31)
34812: DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT - Housing Act 1974: Parts IV, V, VI (Housing Action Areas, Priority Neighbourhoods and General Improvement Areas) Circular 14/75
38197: DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT (publ) - Greater London Development Plan: Report of the Panel of Inquiry (2 uniform volumes): I, Report; II, Appendices
38382: DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT - Strategic Planning in the South East: A First Report of the Monitoring Group
27798: DEPARTMENT OF URBAN PLANNING AND LAND ALLOCATION - Masterplan for the Hague Agglomoration [cover title]
25794: DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON THE EQUIPMENT OF SMALL HOLDINGS - Report of the Departmental Committee....to Inquire and Report as to Buildings for Small Holdings in England and Wales, together with Abstract of the Evidence, appendices, and a series of Plans and specifications.
35619: DEPT. OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE - Report of the Land Use Study Group. Forestry, Agriculture and the Multiple Use of Rural land
35020: DERBYSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL - Matlock Bath Conservation Area Partnership Scheme
14476: DERQUI MORILLA F. F. - Conservacion de Monumentos. Restauracion y Conservacion de Templos, Pinturas Murales, Esculturas y Retablos Carcomidos.
38611: DEUTSCHE HERAKLITH (published by) - Heraklith-Rundschau: 3 Jahrgang, Nummer 3 (Juli 1931)
38612: DEUTSCHE HERAKLITH (published by) - Heraklith-Rundschau: 3 Jahrgang, Nummer 6 (November 1931)
38972: DIAMANT R M E - Industrialised Building. 50 International Methods.
34479: DIAMANT R M E - Industrialised Building. 50 International Methods.
38388: DIAMOND DR and LEVIN PH - The Reorganization of Local Government in North Wiltshire
34530: DIAZ Hernan - Cartagena de siempre. Fotografias de Hernan Diaz
34420: DICKENS Charles (with illustrations by Frank REYNOLDS) - The Posthumous Papers Of The Pickwick Club
28858: DICKERMAN Leah (ed) - Building the Collective. Soviet Graphic Design 1917-1937. Selection from the Merrill C Berman collection.
36439: DICKINSON Robert E - City Region and Regionalism. A Geographical Contribution to Human Ecology
38232: DICKINSON Robert E - City and Region: A Geographical Interpretation
37008: DICKINSON Henry Winram - Water Supply of Greater London
36429: DICKINSON Robert - The Regions of Germany
33448: DIEMAL Ulrich and WITTMAR Petra (eds) - Jene Zwanziger Jahre/Those Twenties. Fotografien zur Architektur im Rheinland und in Westfalen/Photographs of Architecture in the Rhineland and in Westphalia
33966: DIETZ Albert G H and CUTLER Laurence S - Industrialized Building for Housing A compendium based on Industrialized Building
34724: VAN DIJK Hans van - Herman Hertzberger: Recent Works.
28944: DIMSON Theo (Selected by) - Great Canadian Posters.
29862: DIRCKS Rudolf (ed) - Sir Christopher Wren AD 1632-1723. Bicentenary Memorial volume published under the auspices of the Royal Institute of British Architects
33142: DISQUE Earl A - Selective Cutting of Roadside Vegetation. Special Report 43
38696: DIXON-NUTTALL Tim - Town Planning in Hexham
37093: DIXON HUNT John - Vauxhall and London's Garden Theatres
36503: DOBRY George - Review of the Development Control System: Final Report presented to the Secretary State for the Environment and the Secretary of State for Wales
36497: DOBRY George - Review of the Development Control System: Interim Report presented to the Secretary State for the Environment and the Secretary of State for Wales
29890: DOBSON Edward - Rudimentary Treatise on the Art of Building In Five Sections- General Principles of Construction; Materials used in Building; Strength of Materials; Use of Materials; Working Drawings; Specification, and Estimates
37193: DODD George - Days at the Factories or The Manufacturing Industry of Great Britain Described and Illustrated by Numerous Engravings of Machines and Processes
37050: DODD George - The Food of London A sketch of the chief varieties, sources of supply, probable quantities, modes of arrival, processes of manufacture, suspected adulteration, and machinery of distribution, of the food for a community of two millions and a half
26253: VAN DER DONCK (publ) - Exposition Universelle de Bruxelles 1935. Guide Officiel.
38374: DONNISON DV - Health, Welfare and Democracy in Greater London (Greater London Papers No. 5)
38453: DOOLITTLE William H - Inventions in the Century The Nineteenth Century Series
28634: DOUBLEDAY DORAN - Homes of Doubleday, Doran and Company, Inc. Garden City. London. Kingswood, Surrey.Toronto.
37245: DOWLING SW - The Exchanges of London
35510: DOXIADIS Constantinos A - City for Human Development: Research Report No. 12
29479: DOZE Pierre (preface) - Christophe Pillet Design
34480: DRAKE F (ed) - Scarborough (National Union of Teachers Conference Souvenir)
39044: DREW, Jane B and DANNATT Trevor (eds) - Architects' Year Book 4
39055: DREW Jane B, DANNATT Trevor, LEWIS David, KENNEDY Declan and Magrit (eds) - Architects' Year Books - a complete set. Nos 1 - 14
39042: DREW, Jane B (ed) - Architects' Year Book 2
39043: DREW, Jane B and DANNATT Trevor (eds) - Architects' Year Book 3
39041: DREW Jane B (ed) - Architects' Year Book 1
34958: DREXLER Arthur - The Drawings of Frank Lloyd Wright
13058: DRUDY P J (ed) - Regional & Rural Development: Essays in Theory and Practice
35882: DUBOIS MJ - Curtains & Draperies: A Survey of the Classic Periods
34348: DUBON David - Tapestries from the Samuel H. Kress Collection: At the Philadelphia Museum of Art
34678: DUFFY Francis (introduction) - Paternoster Square Urban Design Competition
31080: DUFOURNY M.M.A. and HERMAN G - Note sur le Nouveau Pont Destiné a Franchir la Branche septentrionale de l'Elbe a Hambourg.
26396: DULFFER Jost, THIES Jochen HENKE Josef - Hitler Städte. Baupolitik im Dritten Reich. Eine Dokumentation.
38191: DUNBAR John G - The Historic Architecture of Scotland
15495: DUNLOP Beth. Foreword by Vincent Scully - Building a Dream: The Art of Disney Architecture
38603: DUNNETT H McG (ed) - Festival of Britain: Guide to the Exhibition of Architecture Town-Planning and Building Research.
38229: DUNNING John H, with STOKES Eric - Economic Planning and Town Expansion: A Case Study of Basingstoke.
26490: DUNSTER David (ed) - Michael Graves
34529: DURANT Stuart - Ornament. From The Industrial Revolution to Today.
37209: DURHAM John - Telegraphs in Victorian London
34498: DURM Josef, ENDE Hermann, et al (general authors) - Entwerfen, Anlage und Einrichtung der Gebaude. Gebaude fur Erziehung, Wissenschaft und Kunst. Niedere und hohere Schulen
24256: DURTH Werner. - Deutsche Architeckten. Biographische Verflechtungen 1900-1970.
27902: DUTTMANN Martina, SCHMUCK Friedrich & UHL Johannes - Farbe im Stadtbild. Handbuch in 6 Teilen für Architekte, Bauherren, Farbegestalter, für Stadtbewohner und Betrachter.
34497: DUTTON John - New American Urbanism: Re-forming the Suburban Metropolis.
34308: DUTTON Ralph - The English Interior 1500 to 1900
35152: DUTTON Ralph - The Age of Wren
38622: DUTTON Ralph - The English Interior 1500 to 1900
34708: DYCKHOFF Tom (ed) - Post-War Houses
37450: EARL of CAMPERDOWN (Chairman) - Report from the Joint Select Committee of the House of Lords and the House of Commons on Housing of the Working Classes, Together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Index (HC 325)
36150: EARLY James - Romanticism and American Architecture.
38484: EASTWOODS FROY LIMITED - Sanitary, Heating, Ironmongery, Building Materials
33449: EAVES Morris - The Counter-Arts Conspiracy: Art and Industry in the Age of Blake
21965: EBHARDT Bodo - Stienerne Zeugen: Wehrbauten Veronas von........
39064: ÉCOLE NATIONALE DES BEAUX-ARTS - Les Concours d'Architecture de l'Année Scolaire 1907-1908: deuxième année
34856: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL - The Future Pattern of Shopping
36714: EDEN F Sydney - Ancient Stained and Painted Glass
38476: EDEN FISHER & CO (publ) - The Country Gentleman's Catalogue of Requisites for the House, Field, Farm, Garden, Stable, Kennel &c. To which is added a note book, prize record and directory. specially compiled for the use of the Country Gentleman
38830: EDITA GG - Tadao Ando: Architecture and Spirit / arquitectura y espíritu
36300: EDITORIALE DOMUS - Domus: Architettura, Arredamento, Arte (Issue 392, July 1962)
36301: EDITORIALE DOMUS - Domus: Architettura, Arredamento, Arte (Issue 395, September 1962)
36288: EDITORIALE DOMUS - Domus: Architettura, Arredamento, Arte (Issue 429, August 1965)
36289: EDITORIALE DOMUS - Domus: Architettura, Arredamento, Arte (Issue 432, November 1965)
36294: EDITORIALE DOMUS - Domus: Architettura, Arredamento, Arte (Issue 440, July 1966)
36295: EDITORIALE DOMUS - Domus: Architettura, Arredamento, Arte (Issue 441, August 1966)
36296: EDITORIALE DOMUS - Domus: Architettura, Arredamento, Arte (Issue 442, September 1966)
36298: EDITORIALE DOMUS - Domus: Architettura, Arredamento, Arte (Issue 444, November 1966)
36299: EDITORIALE DOMUS - Domus: Architettura, Arredamento, Arte (Issue 445, December 1966)
36291: EDITORIALE DOMUS - Domus: Architettura, Arredamento, Arte (Issue 435, February 1966)
36293: EDITORIALE DOMUS - Domus: Architettura, Arredamento, Arte (Issue 439, June 1966)
36297: EDITORIALE DOMUS - Domus: Architettura, Arredamento, Arte (Issue 443, October 1966)
36284: EDITORIALE DOMUS - Domus: Architettura, Arredamento, Arte (Issue 423, February 1965)
36283: EDITORIALE DOMUS - Domus: Architettura, Arredamento, Arte (complete run for 1964 - issues 410 to 421 inclusive)
36302: EDITORIALE DOMUS - Domus: Architettura, Arredamento, Arte (Issue 556, March 1976)
36286: EDITORIALE DOMUS - Domus: Architettura, Arredamento, Arte (Issue 426, May 1965)
36287: EDITORIALE DOMUS - Domus: Architettura, Arredamento, Arte (Issue 427, June 1965)
36290: EDITORIALE DOMUS - Domus: Architettura, Arredamento, Arte (Issue 434, January 1966)
38442: EDMUNDSONS TOOLS LIMITED - Manual of Electric & Hand Tools
38772: EDWARD E LAZARUS Ltd - Haberdashery - Dress Accessories: Self Selection and Display Units
34623: EDWARDS Ralph (preface) - Hepplewhite Furniture Designs
33968: EDWARDS Brian (edited) - Green Buildings Pay.
27606: EDWARDS Max - The Regional Plannng of The North Lonsdale Area
24432: EGLI Ernst - Die Neue Stadt in Landschaft und Klima/Climate and Town Districts. Consequences and Demands.
23156: EHLGÖTZ Hermann - Städtebaukunst (Wissenschaft und Bildung 160)
38793: EKCO/EKCO-HAWKINS/LG HAWKINS & Co/PYE/PHILIPS - Hawkins Hostess Trolley Range and Other Household Appliances (12 assorted leaflets and 4 pamphlets)
38543: ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS LTD - Domestic Appliances 1967-68 (Cat. 967)
38789: ELECTRICAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCATION - Household Helps: Electric Lighting
38794: ELECTROLUX/SUNBEAM/WESTINGHOUSE/THOR/SERVIS/KENWOOD/TRICITY/GEC - Household appliances, Fridges, Cleaners etc (10 assorted leaflets)
35543: ELGOOD George S and JEKYLL Gertrude - Some English Gardens
38184: ELKIN Stephen L - Politics and Land Use Planning. The London Experience
33178: ELLIOTT John & PRITCHARD John (eds) - George Edmund Street. a Victorian architect in Berkshire.
37171: ELLMERS Chris and WERNER Alex, introduction by Gavin STAMP - London's Lost Riverscape: A Photographic Panorama
36848: ELSAS MJ - Housing Before the War and After
33304: ELSON Martin J - Green Belts: conflict mediation in the urban fringe.
32988: ELUARD Paul - Poèmes Politiques Préface D'Aragon
13523: ELVEHJEM ART CENTRE, U OF WISCONSIN-MADISON (publ) - A Selection of Remarks presented at a Symposium on Collecting
36021: ELVIN C R S - The History of Walmer and Walmer Castle.
38546: A EMANUEL & SONS Ltd - Artistic Electric Light Fittings & Sundries
38551: A EMANUEL & SONS Ltd - Electric Light Fittings
35728: EMBASSY OF DENMARK - sust-DANE-able
21627: ENGELUND Anker& SCHAPER G - Die Strassen-und Eisenbahnbrücke über den Kleinen Belt in Dänemark. 1. Vorarbeiten-Entwurf Ausschreibung und Vertragsabschluss. 2. Die Pfeiler des stählerne Überbaues über den Belt und die Vorlandüberbauten.
36986: ENGINEERING - The Manchester Ship Canal : Reprinted from "Engineering", January 26, 1894
33446: ENGLISH Helen W Drutt & DORMER Peter - Jewelry of Our Time: art, ornament and obsession
33972: ERDMANNSDORFFER Karl (ed) - Bauberater für Siedlung und Eigenheim. Die Baugestaltung.
34601: ESHLEMAN Clayton - Portrait of Francis Bacon
38964: ESSEX PLANNING OFFICERS ASSOCIATION - The Essex Design Guide for Residential and Mixed Use Areas
38945: ESSEX COUNTY COUNCIL (publ) - A Design Guide for Residential Areas
26843: ESTAPE Fabian - Vida y Obra de Ildefonso Cerdá.
38250: EVANS ESP (Chief Planning Officer) - City of Liverpool Planning Handbook 1977
34145: EVANS Tony and LYCETT GREEN Candida, Introduction by John BETJEMAN - English Cottages
25013: EVANS Siân - Contemporary Japanese Design
30725: EVANS Sian - Contemporary Japanese Design
33412: C.P.R.E. EVANS Brothers (pub) - The Penn Country of Buckinghamshire
11150: EVANS Hazel (ed) - New Towns Come of Age:
37235: EVARARD Stirling - The History of the Gas Light and Coke Company 1812-1849
37260: EVELYN John - Fumifugium: Or The Inconvenience of the Aer and Smoake of London Dissipated Together with some Remedies humbly proposed By John Evelyn Esq; To His Sacred Majestie, and To the Parliment now Assembled.
33627: EVENSON Norma - The Indian Metropolis: A View Toward the West
36392: FABER Oscar and KELL JR - Heating and Air Conditioning of Buildings
36507: FABER Oscar - Reinforced Concrete Simply Explained
20542: FABIAN SOCIETY - Houses for the People. A summary of the powers of Local Authorities under the Housing of the Working Classes Acts, 1890 to 1903, and the use which has been and can be made of them
35780: FABIAN SOCIETY - Fabian Tracts (c. 45 different tracts, numbers 5, 7, 13, 14, 15, 23, 29, 46, 47, 48, 54, 62, 72, 79, 82, 85, 86, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 108, 111, 112, 115, 117, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 126, 127, 128, 137, 139, 140, 215)
7869: FAIR T J D - Report on Regional Planning in Britain, The Netherlands and Germany
36956: FAIRBAIRN William - An Account of the Construction of the Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges with A Complete History of their Progress, from the conception of the original idea, to the conclusion of the elaborate experiments which determined the exact form and mode of construction ultimately adopted.
36048: FAIRLEY John A. - Agnes Campbell, Lady Roseburn: A Contribution to the History of Printing in Scotland
37516: FAIRWEATHER George - Structural Econony for the Architect and Builder
38765: FALK, STADELMANN & Co. - Efesca: Electrical Appliances for the Modern Home
35051: FALK Nicholas - Getting Down to Grassroots: Attitudes to Change in a Riverside Conservation Area in Rotherhithe
38513: FALK, STADELMANN and Co. - Electrical Supplies for the Modern Home (Catalogue 749/389)
30128: VON FALKE, Dr. J - Art in the House; Historical, critical, and aesthetical, studies of the decoration and furnishing of the dwelling. Edited with notes by Charles C PERKINS.
34051: FALKINER Suzanne (ed) - Leslie Wilkinson. A Practical Idealist.
33715: FALUDI E G (consultant) - A 30-year program for Development. Peterborough 1946-1976
29881: FALYS Dominique-Anne, HOMEZ Roger et al - Questions 4. Le jardin dans la cité.
37512: FARRAR The Very Rev F W et al & PUREY-CUST The Very Rev A P And Others - Our English Minsters: First and Second Series (in 2 vols)
31993: FARRELL Terry - Terry Farrell Interiors and the Legacy of Postmodernism
32017: FARRELL Terry and MAXWELL Robert (essays) - Sketchbook 12.05.98. Terry Farrell & Partners.
37053: FAULKNER Thomas - The History and Antiquities of the Parish of Hammersmith, Interspersed with Biographical Notices of Illustrious and Eminent Persons, Who Have Been Born, or Who Have Resided in the Parish, During the Three Preceding Centuries
32095: FAWCETT C B - A Residential Unit for Town & Country Planning
34212: FAWCETT C B - A Residential Unit for Town & Country Planning
36513: FAWCETT C B - A Residential Unit for Town & Country Planning
37381: FAY CR - Palace of Industry 1851. A Study of the Great Exhibition and its Fruits.
38472: FD NEWCOMBE & CO. LTD - Catalogue of Electrical Installation Equipment, Lighting Fittings, Appliances (No. 1260)
33975: FEDOROV Sergej G - Wilhelm von Traitteur. Ein badischer Baumeister als Neuerer in der russischen Architektur 1814-1832. Zur entwicklung der deutsch-russischen Beziehungen im Bauwesen der ersten Halfte des 19. Jahrhunderts
35022: FEILDEN & MAWSON (Architects) - Wisbech: Old Market and West Bank Buildings: Consultants' Report
16447: R. FELLOWS (publishers) - Report from His Majesty's Commissioners for Inquiring into the Administration and Practical Operation of the Poor Laws. Published by Authority.
34312: FELTON Herbert & HARVEY John - The English Cathedrals
33038: FERREY Benjamin - Recollections of A. N. Welby Pugin and his father Augustus Pugin... with an appendix by E Sheridan PURCELL and a new introduction and index by Clive and Jane WAINWRIGHT
38492: FESTIVAL OF BRITAIN - Exhibition of Science, South Kensington. A Guide to the Story it Tells.
30484: FEVRE L A - Quelques Aperçus sur les Pierres de Taille françaises par L.A. Fevre Ingénieur Civil de la Société Févre & Cie.
34948: FICHER Sylvia, MILAN ACAYABA Marlene - Arquitetura Moderna Brasileira
31637: FIDLER A G Sheppard - "Housing to High Density" (paper given at the Public Works and Municipal Services Congress)
35814: FIELD Frank - Housing and Poverty
36097: FIELD Horace and BUNNEY Michael - English Domestic Architecture of the XVII and XVIII Centuries. A selection of examples of smaller buildings measured drawn and photographed with introductions and notes by..
11255: FIELDHOUSE Ken & HARVEY Sheila (eds) - Landscape Design: An International Survey.
24944: LE FIGARO: TARIDE (published by) - Guide Bleu du Figaro a l'Exposition de 1900. Ouvrage contenant de nombreuses photographies et deux plans.
34533: FILETICI Luigi and ZANETTI Umberto (eds) - Mockba XXI (Moscow XXI)
36252: FINCH Christopher - The Art of Walt Disney from Mickey Mouse to the Magic Kingdoms
38810: FINE ARTS CENTER CAMPAIGN - Completion of Performing Arts Building
38569: FIRLEY Eric and GRÖN Katharina - The Urban Masterplanning Handbook
35773: FIRST GARDEN CITY M and I Co. Ltd. - Proposed Houses in Howard Drive, Letchworth
36995: FISCHER Ludwig - Graf Zeppelin: Sein Leben Sein Werk Ein Zeppelin-Denkmal für das Deutsche Volk
38409: FISHENDEN RB (ed) - Penrose's Pictorial Annual, The Process Year Book 1936 (Vol. XXXVIII)
38423: FISHENDEN RB (ed) - Penrose's Pictorial Annual, The Process Year Book 1956 (Vol. 50)
38413: FISHENDEN RB (ed) - Penrose's Pictorial Annual, The Process Year Book 1940 (Vol. 42)
38408: FISHENDEN RB (ed) - Penrose's Pictorial Annual, The Process Year Book 1935 (Vol. XXXVII)
38410: FISHENDEN RB (ed) - Penrose's Pictorial Annual, The Process Year Book 1937 (Vol. XXXIX)
38420: FISHENDEN RB (ed) - Penrose's Pictorial Annual, The Process Year Book 1954 (Vol. 48)
38421: FISHENDEN RB (ed) - Penrose's Pictorial Annual, The Process Year Book 1955 (Vol. 49)
38417: FISHENDEN RB (ed) - Penrose's Pictorial Annual, The Process Year Book 1951 (Vol. 45)
38419: FISHENDEN RB (ed) - Penrose's Pictorial Annual, The Process Year Book 1953 (Vol. 47)
19264: FISHER J R - Government and Society in Colonial Peru. The Intendant System 1784-1814.
19966: FISHER Michael - Pugin-Land: A.W.N. Pugin, Lord Shrewsbury and the Gothic Revival in Staffordshire.
33450: FISHER Michael - 'Gothic for Ever' A. W. N. Pugin, Lord Shrewsbury, and the Rebuilding of Catholic England.
36677: FITCH James Marston (Intro), GROPIUS Ise (Catalogue) - Walter Gropius: Buildings, Plans, Projects 1906-1969
37039: FITTER RSR - London's Natural History
35227: FLEETWOOD-HESKETH Peter - Murray's Lancashire. Architectural Guide
38601: FLEMING John - Robert Adam and his Circle: in Edinburgh and Rome
24297: FLETCHER Sir Banister & FLETCHER Major H. Phillips - Architectural Hygiene: or Sanitary Science as Applied to Buildings.....
38896: FLETCHER Hanslip - Changing London (Second Series): A Book of Sketches by ... With an Introduction by Professor AE Richardson
15705: FLINCHUM Robert - Henry Dreyfuss Industrial Designer: The Man in the Brown Suit
38471: FLINDERS (WHOLESALE) LIMITED - General Catalogue No. 654: Electrical Installation Materials, Lighting Fittings, Appliances
38209: FOGARTY M P - Town and Country Planning
37416: FOLEY Donald L - Controlling London's Growth: Planning the Great Wen 1940-60.
38920: FOLTYN Ladislav - Slowakische Architektur und die Tschechische Avantgarde 1918-1939.
34932: Fondation Roi Baudouin - Les intérieurs d'îlots: Villes, villages 80
36892: FONDAZIONE GIORGIO CINI - Venti anni di attività della Fondazione Giorgio Cini.
38301: For the SCOTTISH DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT by UNIVERSITY of GLASGOW (DJ ROBERTSON, ed) - Vol I; MATTHEW Robert and JOHNSON-MARSHALL Percy - Vol II - The Lothians Regional Survey and Plan: Vol I - Economic and Social Aspects; Vol II - Physical Planning Aspects
33585: FORD Professor P. & THOMAS C. J. - Housing Targets: The Third Report of the Southampton Survey
33538: FORMES ET VIE - Revue Trimestrielle de Synthese des Arts: No. 1
39078: FORSHAW J. H. & ABERCROMBIE Patrick - County of London Plan. Prepared for the London County Council
34991: FORSTER C A - Court Housing in Kingston Upon Hull An Example of Cyclic Processes in the Morphological Development of Nineteenth-century Bye-Law Housing.
38897: FOSTER AND PARTNERS - Foster Catalogue 2001
31619: FOWLER Charles Evan - The Coffer-Dam Process for Piers. Practical Examples From Actual Work
8730: FOX R Fortescue (introduction) - The Spas of Britain : the official handbook of the British Spa Federation: compiled from the Reports of the local Medical Committees. For the use of the medical profession
38829: FRAMPTON Kenneth (text) - Tadao Ando
35930: FRAMPTON Kenneth, WEBSTER Anthony C, TISCHHAUSER Anthony - Calatrava Bridges
38869: De FRANCLIEU Françoise (commentaries) - Le Corbusier: Sketchbooks: Volume 3 1954-1957
28012: FRAYLING Christopher (intro) - David Mellor: Master Metalworker.
26990: FREDLAND Arne (ed) - Swedish Planning. In times of transition
37298: FREEMAN Albert C. - Hints on the Planning of Poor Law Buildings and Mortuaries.
2574: FREMANTLE Sir Francis - The Housing Problem: A Concise Survey
37100: FREWIN Leslie (edited by), GREENE Graham (foreword) - The Café Royal Story: A Living Legend
37239: FRIED Albert and ELMAN Richard (eds) - Charles Booth's London
20769: FRIEDMAN Terry - The Georgian Parish Church. Monuments to Posterity.
35874: FRIEDMAN Joe & APRAHAMIAN Peter (photos) - Inside London. Discovering London's Period Interiors
34098: FRIENDS OF WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL - Son et Lumière in the Cathedral Close
34659: FRIENDS OF THE CITY CHURCHES - Occasional Paper No. 3
34658: FRIENDS OF THE CITY CHURCHES - Occasional Paper No. 3
33656: FROST William - The Modern Bricklayer. A practical work on bricklaying in all its branches. With special sections on tiling and slating, specifications, estimating, etc. etc. (3 uniform vols).
36003: J S FRY AND SONS LTD - English City. The Growth and the Future of Bristol
36729: FRY Maxwell - Fine Building
33879: FRY Maxwell - Fine Building
35953: FRY Maxwell - Art in a Machine Age: A critique of contemporary life through the medium of architecture
36069: FRY Maxwell - Fine Building
36366: FRY Maxwell - Fine Building
37524: FULLERTON William - Architectural Examples in Brick, Stone, Wood and Iron
34971: FURST Viktor - The Architecture of Sir Christopher Wren
30020: FURTHER SPIGELWERKE - Dielen-Garnituren Flurgarderobe Spiegel u. Bilder.
38838: FUTAGAWA Yukio (photographs and editor) - Mies van der Rohe - Crown Hall and New National Gallery: GA 14
33076: FUTAGAWA Yukio (ed and photographed by) - Zaha M, Hadid: GA Document Extra 03
38831: FUTAGAWA Yukio (ed) - Japan: GA Document 15
38832: FUTAGAWA Yukio (ed) - GA Document 13 Meier - Des Moines Art Center Addition; Murphy/Jahn - State of Illinois Center etc
38837: FUTAGAWA Yukio (ed), LOHAN Dirk (text) - Mies van der Rohe - Farnsworth House: GA Detail 1
36258: FW DODGE CORPORATION - Home Owners' Catalogs: A Guide to the Selection of Building Materials, Equipment and Furnishings
36257: FW DODGE CORPORATION - Home Owners' Catalogs: A Guide to the Selection of Building Materials, Equipment and Furnishings
35855: FW DODGE CORPORATION - Home Owners' Catalogs: A Guide to the Selection of Building Materials, Equipment and Furnishings
34139: GABO Naum - Of Divers Arts: The A.W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts, 1959
13779: VAN GALEN John Jansen & SCHREURS Huib - Site for the Future: A Short History of the Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum, 1895-1995
26504: GALERIE FRED JAHN - Stefan Wewerka. Drawings earth architecture watercolours 1955-1958. February 1984. [cover title].
36034: GALERIE FRED JAHN - Stefan Wewerka. Drawings earth architecture watercolours 1955-1958. February 1984. [cover title].
21256: GALLERIE MATHIAS FELS - J. M. Sanejouand Plans D'Organisation D'Espaces
37463: GALTON Douglas, SIMPSON James - Copy of a Letter to the Right Honourable Lord John Manners, MP, First Commissioner of Her Majesty's Works, from the Government Referees for the Main Drainage of the Metropolis, in answer to the Report made by Messrs. Bidder, Hawksley and Bazalgette, to the Metropolitan Board of Works, upon the Report of the Referees.
38400: GAMBLE William (ed) - Penrose's Pictorial Annual, The Process Year Book 1913-1914 (Vol. 19)
38398: GAMBLE William (ed) - Penrose's Pictorial Annual, The Process Year Book 1912-1913 (Vol. 18 )
38396: GAMBLE William (ed) - Penrose's Pictorial Annual, The Process Year Book 1911-1912 (Vol. XVII )
38403: GAMBLE William (ed) - Penrose's Pictorial Annual, The Process Year Book 1927 (Vol. 29)
38404: GAMBLE William (ed) - Penrose's Pictorial Annual, The Process Year Book 1929 (Vol. XXXI)
38406: GAMBLE William (ed) - Penrose's Pictorial Annual, The Process Year Book 1933 (Vol. XXXV)
38405: GAMBLE William (ed) - Penrose's Pictorial Annual, The Process Year Book 1932 (Vol. XXXIV)
38395: GAMBLE William (ed) - Penrose's Pictorial Annual, The Process Year Book 1905-6 (Vol. XI )
31767: GAMMAGE Jr. Grady - Phoenix in Perspective. Reflections on Developing the Desert.
33375: Gandy LUKACHER, Brian - Joseph Michael Gandy (1771-1843)
38435: GARDINER of BRISTOL - Catalogue No 229: Hand and Power Tools
36436: GARDSIDE JT - Old English Furniture. I. The Oak Period 1500-1630
37385: GARLAND COLLINS F - A Report upon the Public Health Services of West Ham - 1929 Annual Report of the Medical Officer of Health and School Medical Officer for the Year 1929. Including his Report as Administrative Officer under the Mental Deficiency Act.
33628: GARREAU Joel - Edge City: Life on the New Frontier.
34393: GASCOYNE David (text) and SUTHERLAND Graham (illustrations) - Poems 1937-1942
37319: GASKELL S. Martin - Model Housing: From the Great Exhibition to the Festival of Britain.
34823: GASSON Barry, NORWICH John Julius - The Burrell Collection
37333: GATER Sir George and GODFREY Walter H (general eds) - Survey of London vol. XVIII The Strand (The Parish of St Martin-In-The-Fields, Part II)
37407: GATER GH (Clerk of the Council) - The London County Council 1938. An Annual Publication of the Council.
16219: GAUT Alfred - Seaside Planting of Trees and Shrubs. Illustrated from photographs by Frank Sutcliffe.
33430: GAUTHIER Maximilien - Le Corbusier ou L'Architecture au Service de L'Homme
35929: GAUZIN-MÜLLER Dominique - Behnisch and Partners: 50 Years of Architecture
38320: GEBBUTT LF (Intelligence Unit) - The Land Use Survey, 1966 (Greater London Reseach, Research Report No. 8)
12182: GEBHARD David & VAN BRETON Harriette (Exhibition by) - Lloyd Wright Architect: 20th Century Architecture in an Organic Exhibition.
18264: GEBHARDT R und EBERHARD Carl - Eigenhäuser: 70 kleine Wohnhauser usw. für Gartenstädte, Villenkolonien, Vororte und das Land. 70 bürgerliche Hausbeispiele in 200 Ansichten und Grundrisse mit Angaben der jeweiligen Baukosten.
33678: GEDDES Patrick & THOMSON J Arthur - Sex
33726: GEDDES Professor Patrick - University Studies and University Residence.
3508: GEDDES M.P. - "Sur la fonction de la chlorophylle chez les Planaires vertes".
10198: GEDDES Patrick (devised and interpreted by) - Dramatisations of History. I, The Masque of Ancient Learning and its Many Meanings. A Pageant of Education from Primitive to Celtic Times. II, The Masque of Medieval and Modern Learning and Its Many Meanings. (In one)
33699: GEDDES Prof Patrick - Women, the Census, and the Possibilities of the Future: Notes of Lectures of Prof. Patrick Geddes London & Edinburgh Summer 1921
10111: GEDDES Patrick - The Masque of Ancient Learning and its Many Meanings: a pageant of education from primitive to Celtic times devised and interpreted by......
10112: GEDDES Patrick (devised and interpreted by) - Dramatisations of History. I, The Masque of Ancient Learning and its Many Meanings. A Pageant of Education from Primitive to Celtic Times. II, The Masque of Medieval and Modern Learning and Its Many Meanings. (In one)
33700: GEDDES Patrick (devised and interpreted by) - Dramatisations of History. I, The Masque of Ancient Learning and its Many Meanings. A Pageant of Education from Primitive to Celtic Times. II, The Masque of Medieval and Modern Learning and Its Many Meanings. (In one)
33727: GEDDES Patrick - An Analysis of the Principles of Economics (Part I)
38278: GEE Frances A - Homes and Jobs for Londoners in New and Expanding Towns. A survey of Industrial Selection Scheme registrants carried out for the Department of the Environment by the Social Survey Division, Office of Poulation Censuses and Surveys
37347: GEE Frances A - Homes and Jobs for Londoners in New and Expanding Towns. A survey of Industrial Selection Scheme registrants carried out for the Department of the Environment by the Social Survey Division, Office of Poulation Censuses and Surveys
33978: GEHRY Frank (Commentary) - The Architecture of Frank Gehry
24767: GEISERT Helmut (intro) - Stephen Willats. Häuser und Menschen/Buildings and People. Berlin 1979-1993
26200: GEISERT Helmut (foreword) - Johannes Niemeyer. Architekt und Maler.
29489: GELERNTER Mark - Sources of Architectural Form: A critical history of Western design theory.
28170: GEMMELL William - The Oldest House in Glasgow Being the Story of Provand's Lordship The Manse and The Hospital.
38741: GENERAL ELECTRICAL Co. Ltd - GEC Flourescent Lighting
38739: GENERAL ELECTRICAL Co. Ltd - GEC Flourescent Fittings/Osram Flourescent Lamps
38740: GENERAL ELECTRICAL Co. Ltd - GEC Variform Lighting
38780: GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY CO. LTD. OF ENGLAND - GEC Electric Water Heating Equipment
36528: GENERAL REGISTER OFFICE and GENERAL REGISTRY OFFICE, SCOTLAND - Census 1951, England and Wales: Prelimary Report; Great Britain, One Per Cent Sample Tables, Parts I and II (3 volumes in total)
38514: GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY - Magnet Household Electric Appliances D (1) Section
38458: GENERAL ELECTRIC Co. Ltd of England - Electrical Equipment for the Aircraft Industry (1939); Electrical Lighting Supplies (1934); Electric Batteries, Bells & Pushes, Fire Alarms, Indicator, Lighting Conductors, Luminous Signalling, Mining Equipment, Sirens, Torches (1935); Electric Lighting Fittings for Hospitals, Sanitoria, Nursing Homes etc (1938); Home Series of Modern Lighting Fittings (1940); Osram Fluorescent Lamps and GEC Fittings (1946); Glassware and Fancy Shades for Electric Lighting (1948); Osram Lamps and GEC Equipment for Photographic Studio Lighting (1939); Electric Light Fittings Accessories (1942); Torches, Pocket Lamps, Cycle Lamps and Batteries (1941); Ironclad Switchgear and Transformers (1941); Wiring Systems (1935); Osram Projector Lamps (1937) [13 separate catalogues in binder]
36530: GENERAL REGISTER OFFICE - Estimates of the Sex and Age Distribution of the Civilian Population in Regions and Administrative Areas of England and Wales at 31st December 1947
28048: GENNETE M - Nouvelle Construction de Cheminèes, Qui garantit du Feu, & de la Fumee à l'èpreuve des Vents, du Soleil, de la Plui, & des autres Causes qui font les Cheminèes ordinaires
38751: GEO. BRAY & COMPANY LIMITED - Bray Flat Flame and Cylindrical Jets for Coal Gas (Catalogue 205); Bray Jets for Natural Gas (Catalogue 215) [Two catalogues bound together]
38210: GEORGE Pierre - La Ville. Le fait urbain a travers le monde.
27727: GEORGE Pierre, LAVANDEYRA M Agulhon, ELHAI HD and SCHAEFFER R - Etudes sur la Banlieue de Paris. Essais Méthodologiques.
34303: GERE Charlotte and WHITEWAY Michael - Nineteenth-Century Design: From Pugin to Mackintosh
34087: GERHARDT Dr Wolfgang (preface), KIESOW Gottfried et al (texts) - Architektur und Städtebau der Fünfziger Jahre. Dokumentation der 14. Pressefahrt des DND
38610: GERMANN Georg - Gothic Revival in Europe and Britain: Sources, Influences and Ideas
38948: GIBBERD Frederick - Harlow New Town: A Plan prepared for the Harlow Development Corporation
24594: GIBBON Sir Gwilym - Reconstruction and Town & Country Planning. With an Examination of the Uthwatt and Scott Reports.
37351: GIBBON Sir Gwilym - Reconstruction and Town & Country Planning. With an Examination of the Uthwatt and Scott Reports
39035: GIBBS-SMITH C H (compiler) - The Great Exhibition of 1851: A Commemorative Album
38645: GIBBS James - Rules for Drawing the Several Parts of Architecture ... in a More Exact and Easy Manner by Which All Fractions, in Dividing the Principal Members and Their Parts, Are Avoided.
38350: GIBSON Tony et al - Us Plus Them? How to Use the Experts to Get What People Really Want
36469: GIEDION Sigfried - Space, Time and Architecture: the growth of a new tradition.
36111: GIEDION Sigfried - Spätbarocker und Romantischer Klassizismus
24991: GILBERT Christopher & WELLS-COLE Anthony - The Fashionable Fire Place 1660-1840
33979: GILBERT-ROLFE Jeremy with GEHRY Frank - Frank Gehry. The City and Music
36032: GILIS Henri - Notes d'Urbanisme.
27831: GILL Norman N (ed) - Planning Milwaukee 1943 [cover title]
33556: GILLE Bertrand - The Renaissance Engineers
35519: GILLIE F B & HUGHES P L - Some Principles of Land Planning
36367: GILLIE F B & HUGHES P L - Some Principles of Land Planning
34983: GIRAUDY Danièle and BOUILHET Henri - Le Musée el la Vie: Un Texte Commenté et Illustré de Cinquante Dessins Originaux
35861: GIROUARD Mark - Victorian Pubs
36728: GIRSBERGER Hans and ADLER Florian - Architekturführer Schweiz - Guide d'Architecture Suisse - Architectural Guide Switzerland
33370: GLASGOW, UK City of Architecture - 4th Dimension Glasgow 1999: UK City of Architecture and Design, Volume 2
36682: GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART (publ) - Furniture by Charles Rennie Mackintosh
34671: GLASGOW 1999 COMPANY - Homes for the Future: Master Plan
27626: GLASS David V. - The Town: and a changing civilisation
38233: GLC (Greater London Council) - The London Industrial Strategy
38571: GLC (GREATER LONDON COUNCIL) - An Introduction to Housing Layout A GLC Study
37424: GLC (pub) - Tomorrow's London: a background to the Greater London Development Plan
38946: GLC (GREATER LONDON COUNCIL) - An Introduction to Housing Layout A GLC Study
35715: GLICKMAN Michael - Crop Circles (Pentagram Papers 21)
38857: GLIKSON Artur - Regional Planning and Development: Six Lectures delivered at the Institute of Social Studies, at the Hague 1953
37182: GLOAG John (new introduction) - The Crystal Palace Exhibition Illustrated Catalogue London (1851). An Unabridged Republication of the Art-Journal Special Issue.
38624: GLOAG John - Mr. Loudon's England
39015: GLOAG John - Victorian Taste: some social Aspects of Architecture and Industrial Design from 1820-1900
34068: GLUSBERG Jorge (ed) - Vision of the Modern
4050: F.R. GOBBAERTS (publ) - Palais de Fêtes et Réunions Publiques dans L'Agglomération Bruxelloise: Projet de la Compagnie Immobilière de Belgique.
25962: GOBEL Karin, KOHLMANN Theodor et al - Auf's Ohr geschaut. Ohrringe aus Stadt und Land vom Klassizismus bis zur neuen Jugendkultur.
36876: GODFREY Walter H - A History of Architecture in London. Arranged to illustrate the course of Architecture in England until 1800, with a sketch of the preceding European styles.
37254: GODWIN George - Town Swamps and Social Bridges
36855: GOLDTHWAITE Richard A - The Building of Renaissance Florence. An Economic and Social History.
38821: GOLDWATER Robert, in collaboration with René d'HARNONCOURT - Modern Art in Your Life
26612: GOLLWITZER Gerda (Hgb), ORTNER Rudolf (Mitwirkung) - Kinderspielplätze Heft 2 der Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gessellschaft für Gartenkunst und Landschaftspflege.
35716: GOMBRICH Sir Ernst - On Pride and Prejudice in the Arts (Pentagram Papers 26)
37115: GOMME George Laurence - The Governance of London: Studies on the Place Occupied by London in English Institutions, with Maps.
3989: GOODFELLOW James - Leeds House Improvements, Heating Efficiency and Clean Air Handbook
34661: GOODING Mel - Promenade: Bauman Lyons/Bruce McLean - An Architectural Collaboration for Bridlington
38737: GOODSON & Co. - The Goodson Specialities for Gas Lighting and Heating
32899: GOODWAY David (editor in intro) - Herbert Read. A One-Man Manifesto and other writings for Freedom Press
37217: GORDON WJ - How London Lives: The Feeding, Cleansing, Lighting and Police of London with Chapters on the Post Office and other Institutions
36879: GOTCH J. Alfred - Early Renaissance Architecture in England: a historical & descriptive account of the Tudor, Elizabethan, & Jacobean periods, 1500-1625
33225: GOTTWALD Frans - Berlin Einst und Jetzt. Geschichte Berlins in Bildern mit begleitendem text. 1. folge. Inneres Berlin Erste Auflage
36887: GOULD Cecil - Bernini in France: An Episode in Seventeenth-Century History
38352: GOVERNMENT OF NORTHERN IRELAND - Layout of New Streets
33186: GOWAN James - Style and Configuration
35805: GPO - Second Class Mail For Abroad At Low Postage Rates
35806: GPO - Mails for East and South Africa, India, Malaya etc
37156: GRAHAM-LEIGH John - London's Water Wars: The Competition for London's Water Supply in the Nineteenth Century
26483: LES GRANDS RESEAX DE CHEMIN DE FER FRANCAIS - Stations Thermales Francaises
30987: GRANGER Frank - The Council House Nottingham: a review of the Council House & Exchange Buildings. [Cover title: Nottingham New Exchange Buildings & Council House 1929]
28349: GRANVILLE A B - Spas of England and Principal Sea-Bathing Places. Vol 1: The North: vol 2: The Midlands and South
35045: GRAVES Charles - Collected Poems
33588: GRAY George Herbert - Housing and Citizenship: a study of low-cost housing.
33557: GRAY W S - Reinforced Concrete Resevoirs and Tanks
36527: GRAY P (for the SOCIAL SURVEY) - The British Household: Based on an inquiry carried out in April, 1947
38309: GREATER LONDON COUNCIL (publ) - Greater London Development Plan: Notice of Approval etc
38318: GREATER LONDON COUNCIL - Land for London: Work of the Valuation and Estates Department 1970-73
37127: GREATER LONDON REGIONAL PLANNING COMMITTEE - First Report of the Greater London Regional Planning Committee
38224: GREATER LONDON COUNCIL (GLC) - The Future of London: Alterations to the Greater London Development Plan (advance draft copy)
38206: GREATER LONDON COUNCIL (publ) - Greater London Development Plan: Report of Studies
38204: GREATER LONDON COUNCIL (publ) - Movement in London. Transport Research Studies and their Context.
37143: GREATER LONDON COUNCIL (publ) - Greater London Development Plan: Report of Studies
37141: GREATER LONDON COUNCIL (publ) - Movement in London. Transport Research Studies and their Context.
38198: GREATER LONDON REGIONAL PLANNING COMMITTEE - First Report of the Greater London Regional Planning Committee
25470: GREBE Wilhelm - Handbuch für das Bauen auf dem Lande.
36976: GREBER Josef M - David Roentgen. Der königliche Kabinettmacher aus Neuwied. Leben und Werk 1743-1807. Mit 93 Bildern.
33633: GREEN W Curtis (Intro and sketches) and DAVIE W Galsworthy (photos) - Cottages and Farmhouses in Surrey.
37220: GREEN Oliver (new introduction) - Metro-land: British Empire Exhibition Number 1924.
36479: GREEN BALANCE (prepared for the CPRE by...), with the assistance of Dr David EVERSLEY and Annabel RUSHTON - The Housing Numbers Game: A Campaigners' Guide
37338: GREENACOMBE John (general ed) - Survey of London vol. XLV Knightsbridge
35406: GREENWOOD Charles - A Plan for Redevelopment
21165: GREENWOOD Charles - Chester: A Plan for Redevelopment
23202: GREENWOOD Charles - A Plan for Redevelopment
33746: GREENWOOD Charles - Chester: A Plan for Redevelopment
31574: GREEVES Ivan S - London Docks 1800-1980 a civil engineering history.
35301: GREEVES T Affleck - Bedford Park: the first garden suburb.
34383: GREGORI Mina (ed) - Mural Painting in Italy: The Late 13th to the Early 15th Centuries
34384: GREGORI Mina (ed) - Mural Painting in Italy: The Late 16th Century
38649: GREGORY Edward W - The Art and Craft of Home-Making
38886: GREGOTTI Vittorio - New Directions in Italian Architecture
34946: GREIFF Constance M (ed) - Lost America: Vol 1 From the Atlantic to the Mississippi; Vol 2 From the Mississippi to the Pacific
38958: GREIFF Constance M, GIBBONS Mary W and MENZIES Elizabeth GC - Princeton Architecture. A Pictorial History of Town and Campus.
23814: GRENIER Lise - Villes D'Eaux en France
33992: GRESLERI Giuliano - Josef Hoffmann
35332: GREVE John - Voluntary Housing in Scandinavia Occasional Paper No 21.
34874: GREY Arthur L, BONSTEEL David, WINKEL Gary, PARKER Roger - People and Downtown: Use, Attitudes, Settings
32872: DE GREY Roger (foreword) - Kisho Kurokawa. Recent Projects - 4 Museums
29109: GREYSMITH Brenda - Wallpaper
38220: GRIEVE Robert - The Clyde Valley - A review. The Clyde Valley Report and Plan 1944-46
38295: GRIEVE Robert - The Clyde Valley - A Review The Clyde Valley Report and Plan 1944-46
19127: GRIEVE R & ROBERTSON D. J. - The City and the Region
34594: GRIFFITHS Bill - A Preliminary Account of Nordrhein-Westfalen etc
34593: GRIFFITHS Bill - A Preliminary Account of Nordrhein-Westfalen etc
34084: GRIMSHAW Nicholas - Nicholas Grimshaw & Partners: Product + Process. Mock-ups, models, drawings, photographs.
32481: GRIMSHAW Nick (introduction) - Nicholas Grimshaw & Partners (2 uniform vols): Book 1, Product, Book 2, Process
38489: GRIST W (ed) - International Electric Exhibition 1881-82: Official Catalogue, with Specially Prepared Plans Showing the Position of Each Exhibitor, and Indicating the Spaces Lighted by the Various Systems
36875: GROMORT Georges - Italian Renaissance Architecture: A short historical and descriptive account with a series of 110 photographs and measured drawings and 45 illustrations in the text
36852: GROMORT Georges (translated by George F WATERS) - Italian Renaissance Architecture: A short historical and descriptive account with a series of 110 photographs and measured drawings and 45 illustrations in the text
37355: GROOM Arthur - Old London Coaching Inns and their Successors - The London Midland & Scottish Railway and Travel and Transport in Four Centuries
38904: GROPIUS Walter, introduction by Frank PICK, translated from the German by P Morton SHAND - The New Architecture and The Bauhaus
38887: GROPIUS Walter - The New Architecture and The Bauhaus
38991: GROPIUS Walter - Scope of Total Architecture
34625: GROTH-KIMBALL I (photographs) and FEUCHTWANGER F (text) - The Art of Ancient Mexico
34859: GROVE A. B. & CRESSWELL R.W. (eds) - City Landscape
10570: GRUBER Alain (ed) - Classicism and the Baroque in Europe.
35627: GRUFFYDD J St Bodfan - Protecting Historic Landscapes
36727: GRUNDY R F B - Builders' Materials
38280: GUARDIAN (pub) - Moving Out Of London
35713: GUARNACCIA Steven - Skeleton Closet (Pentagram Papers 18)
36992: GUERINET Armand (ed) - La Peinture Décorative au XVIII Siècle (Complete Set - Séries I-IV)
37271: GUILLERY Peter - The Small House in Eighteenth-Century London
38578: GUNN Edwin (introduction); SHEPHERD Alison (drawings) - Regency Houses: A Record of some that are in danger of demolition Supplements to The Architect & Building News [11 seperate Supplements - NOT a complete run]
38217: GUNN John and NEWBIGIN Marion (eds) - The City of Glasgow Its Origin, Growth and Development
33696: GUNTHER Harri und HARKSEN Sibylle - Peter Joseph Lenné. Pläne für Berlin.
8759: GUTHE Carl - The Management of Small History Museums
38957: GUTHEIM Frederick - Alvar Aalto
33876: GUTHEIM Frederick - Alvar Aalto
35065: GUTKIND E A - Creative Demobilization Vol II - Case Studies in National Planning
33794: GUTSCHOW Konstanty - Stadtmitte Hannover. Beiträge zur Aufbauplanung der Innenstadt
20696: GUTTON André - Conversations Sur l'Architecture: cours de théorie de l'architecture professé a l'École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-arts (2 uniform volumes).
36382: GUYER & KETTIGER H & E (ed), MEYER Peter (intro) - Möbel & Wohnraum/Meubles et Aménagements Intérieurs/Furniture and Rooms
26664: GWATHMEY Charles (intro) - Zumikon Residence Gwathmey Siegel.
35168: GYFFORD E - Designs for Small Picturesque Cottages and Hunting Boxes, adapted for Ornamental Retreats for Hunting and Shooting; also Some Designs for Park Entrances, Bridges, &c carefully studied and thrown into perspective.
38521: HABITAT - Habitat Catalogue 1983/84
38520: HABITAT - Habitat Catalogue 1980/81
38519: HABITAT - Habitat Catalogue 1982/83
34505: HAFERKORN Cornelia (ed). - Helmut Jahn: Vier Projekte, Skizzen and Pläne
33594: HAGMAN Tore, HAMMARSTOM Tommy & WASTBERG, Per - True North: The Grand Landscapes of Sweden
25050: HAHN Volker, SACK Manfred and STEINLE Alfred - Zublin-Haus
36920: HAKE A Egmont - Paris Originals with Twenty Etchings by Léon Richeton
36424: HALL David - Cornerstone. A Study of Britain's Building Industry
38632: HALL Ivan & Elisabeth - A New Picture of Georgian Hull
37216: HALL Peter - The Industries of London Since 1861
34372: HALL Zillah - Machine-Made Lace in Nottingham in the 18th and 19th centuries
35486: HALPERN Kenneth - Downtown USA. Urban Design in Nine American Cities
38881: HALSE Albert O - Architectural Rendering. The techniques of contemporary presentation
35242: HALTON Elizabeth E - Houses, Towns and Countryside
36024: HAMADA Masuji (ARS Series) - Gendai shogyo bijutsu: 7 Jitsuyo kanban isho-shu gendai shu bijutsu [Modern Commercial Art: Volume 7 - Practical Billboard Design]
30107: HAMER Mick - Wheels Within Wheels. A Study of the Road Lobby.
35164: HAMILTON William, KIRK Thomas - Outlines from the Figures and Compositions upon the Greek, Roman, and Etruscan Vases of the late Sir William Hamilton : with engraved borders. Drawn and engraved by the late Mr. Kirk.
13354: HAMILTON C Mark - Nineteenth-Century Mormon Achitecture and City Planning.
36672: HAMILTON Alec - Charles Spooner: Arts and Crafts Architect
26630: HAMON Ray L - Playgrounds
34178: HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL - South Hampshire Structure Plan: summary of the main proposals of the plan
15548: HANAFORD Phebe A - The Life of George Peabody: Containing a record of those princely acts of benevolence which entitle him to the esteem and gratitude of all friends of education and the destitute, both in America, the land of his birth, and in England, the place of his death
32750: HANOVER GALLERY - Pen Pencil and Paper
25207: HANSEN Joan Maria - Lewis Foreman Day (1845-1910). Unity in Design and Industry.
34490: HANSESTADT HAMBURG (issued by) - Skizzen zum Generalbebauungsplan 1947.
37243: HANWAY Jonas; CARPENTER Kenneth E (Advisory Editor) - Improving the Lot of the Chimney Sweeps: One Book and Nine Pamphlets, 1785-1840 (A Sentimental History of Chimney-Sweepers.. and nine others) (British Labour Struggles: Contemporary Pamphlets 1727-1850)
32871: HAPPOLD - Buro Happold Twenty Five Years 1976-2001
35003: Von HARBOU Thea - Metroplis
32917: HARDERN Donald B et al - Glass of the Ceasars
38375: HARDMAN Henry (Report by) - The Dispersal of Government Work from London
35667: HARDY Dennis - 1899-1999: Tomorrow and Tomorrow The TCPA's First Hundred Years, and the next...
38179: HARLOE Michael - Swindon: A Town in Transition. A Study in Urban Development and Overspill Policy
35545: HARLOW DISTRICT COUNCIL - Harlow Local Plan: Shaping the Future
34538: HARRISON Martin, POWELL Kenneth CLARKE Brian (essays) - Brian Clarke Architectural Artist.
36462: HARRISON D Dex - Building Science
36522: HARRISON F - The Painted Glass of York
35262: HARRISON Tom (ed) - War Factory. A Report by Mass-Observation
8727: HARROGATE MEDICAL SOCIETY - A brief account of the nature of Spa Treatment followed by a description of the Harrogate waters, and baths, and the accessory treatments employed with them. Compiled by the .... For The Medical Profession Only
38185: HART Douglas A - Strategic Planning in London: The Rise and Fall of the Primary Road Network
30205: HARTNELL A P. - Shop Planning and Design.
24859: HARVEY John - Old Buildings - Problem and Challenge
36874: HARVEY John - The Mediaeval Architect
38636: HARVEY John - The Perpendicular Style 1330-1485
34712: HARWOOD Elain, POWERS Alan (eds) - Houses: Regional Practice and Local Character
34711: HARWOOD Elain, POWERS Alan (eds) - Housing the Twentieth Century Nation
34709: HARWOOD Elain, POWERS Alan (foreword) - The Sixties. Life: Style: Architecture
31517: HARWOOD Elain and POWERS Alan (eds) - Festival of Britain
33481: HARWOOD Elain, POWERS Alan (eds) - The Sixties. Life - Style - Architecture
38609: HASKELL Francis - Rediscoveries in Art: Some Aspects of Taste, Fashion and Collecting in England and France
36737: HATTRELL AND PARTNERS - Hotels, Restaurants and Bars
33832: HAUPT Stephan - Individualerziehung u. Drill Individualerziegung und Drill oder Sollen wir die Jugend mit Milde oder Strenge erziehen
33990: HAUSSER Jurgen (publ) - 6 Projects for 4 Cities.
23832: HAVELAAR Just - Dr. H. P. Berlage
33659: HAVERFIELD F. - Ancient Town-Planning
33114: HAVINDEN Michael, CLARK Genefer et al - Visions for Oxford in the 21st Century.
33074: HAVINDEN Michael, CLARK Genefer et al (editors) - Visions for Oxford in the 21st century.
30095: HAVINDEN Ashley (foreword) - Posters 1890-1920.
8728: HAVINS Peter J. Neville - The Spas of England
37252: HAW George - No Room to Live. The Plaint of Overcrowded London.
31564: HAWKES Dean and FORSTER Wayne - Architecture, Engineering and Environment
38855: HAWKINS LM - Planning for Posterity A Pictorial Supplement to Building for Beauty in Bedford, Issued in Response to an Invitation for Suggestions and Dedicated to the Chairman of the Town Planning Committee
38849: HAWKINS L.M. - Building for Beauty and How Not to Do it. From a Note on Contemporary Development read to the Bedford Natural History and Archaeology Society.
34374: HAWKINS Daisy Waterhouse - Old Point Lace and How to Copy It
24381: HAWTREE Marin - "The Emergence of the Planning Profession". [offprint article]
36239: HAYASHI Kyohei et al - Shinpen Meiho Nihon No Bijutsu, 29 [Art Treasures of Japan]
35658: HAYHOW David, CRAIG Marianne and PHILLIPS Mark - Streets Ahead: Impressions from a Survey of Tenants' Co-operatives
34622: HAYWARD Charles H - English Rooms & Their Decoration at a Glance: a simple review in pictures, from the eleventh to the eighteenth centuries (two volumes: 1066-1620 and 1620-1800)
31733: HAYWARD R A - Sir William Fairbairn
34630: HEALY Anthony (text) and McGRATH Brendan (screenprints) - The Subject Split Twice Over
17313: HEAP Desmond - Introducing the Town and Country Planning Act, 1947.
33252: HEARN Michael Patrick - The Art of the Broadway Poster.
38799: HEATRAE - Electric Fires, Water Heaters, Electric Cookers, Immersion Heaters, Electric Kettles etc etc for the Home, Office and Factory
38517: HEATRAE - Electric Heating Apparatus - Of Recognised Superiority and Merit
38468: HEDGES Killingworth - Useful Information on Electric Lighting
38469: HEDGES Killingworth - Useful Information on Practical Electric Lighting; Notes on the Principal Systems of Electric Light In Use in England and in the United States; The Supply of Electricty by Local Authorities;
21145: HEGEMANN Werner (ed) - Städtebau. Monatshefte fur Stadtbaukunst. Statisches Verkehrs-Park-und Siedlungswesen. Vol XXIII
22815: HEGEMANN Werner - City Planning Housing. First volume of text: Historical and Sociological.
35793: HEGEMANN Werner - Stadtebau: Begrundet 1904 von Camillo Sitte (XXIV, 1929, Heft 12), plus index for 1929 volume.
33709: HEILIG Wilhelm - Wende im Städtebau. Erster Band: Altstadt und NeuzeitZweiter Band: Wirtschaft und Soziologie
37438: HELLARD RC - Report of the London Traffic Branch of the Board of Trade 1914 [Cd. 7757.]
37439: HELLARD RC - Report of the London Traffic Branch of the Board of Trade 1913 [Cd. 7190.]
31725: HELPS Sir Arthur - Life and Labours of Mr Brassey. With an introduction by Jack Simmons
3966: HENDERSON Arthur, and MADDOCK Leslie - Henderson and Maddock's Housing Acts 1899 to 1935 ...
32534: HENDERSON Justin - Museum Architecture
38892: HENRY HOPE and SONS Ltd - Hope's Metal Windows and Casements
34788: HENSLOWE Philip - Ninety Years On. An account of the Bournville Village Trust
25652: HENVAUX Emile - Condition de l'Architecture
35030: HERBERT David (ed), PEARS Peter (preface) - The Operas of Benjamin Britten. The complete librettos illustrated with designs of the first productions.
37176: HERBERT AP, with a technical essay by JO BUNGE - 'No Boats on the River'
32971: HERMAN Josef, TAYLOR Basil (intro) - Josef Herman: Drawings
36932: HERON-ALLEN Ed. - Violin-Making As It Was and Is Being a Historical, Theoretical, and Practical Treatise on the Science and Art of Violin-Making for the Use of Violin Makers and Players Amateur and Professional
34901: HERTFORDSHIRE ASSOCIATION OF ARCHITECTS - Architecture in Hertfordshire, 1929-1979. Exhibition Catalogue
27586: HEYER Paul - Mexican Architecture: the work of Abraham Zabludovsky and Teodoro González de León
4720: HIESINGER Kathryn Bloom (ed) - Art Nouveau in Munich. Masters of Jugendstil from the Stadtmuseum, Munich and other Public & Private Collections
39058: HIGGINS Walter - Individual Work in Design Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd.
37334: HIGH PADDINGTON COMMITTEE (pub) - High Buildings in the United Kingdom: An investigation of the principal components of structures and services with particular reference to High Paddington
38378: HIGHLANDS AND ISLANDS DEVELOPMENT BOARD - North 7: Special Issue [Holmes Planning Group Report]
36993: HILDEBRANDT Hans - Zeppelin-Denkmal für das Deutsche Volk Aus Anlass des fünfundzwanzigjährigen Jubiläums des ersten Luftschiff-Aufstiegs des Grafen Zeppelin. Herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung der Luftschiffbau Zeppelin G.m.b.H. Friedrichshafen a.B.
36994: HILDEBRANDT Hans - Zeppelin-Denkmal für das Deutsche Volk Aus Anlass des fünfundzwanzigjährigen Jubiläums des ersten Luftschiff-Aufstiegs des Grafen Zeppelin. Herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung der Luftschiffbau Zeppelin G.m.b.H. Friedrichshafen a.B.
34893: HILL William Thomson - Octavia Hill: Pioneer of the National Trust and Housing Reform.
33846: HILL Rosemary and HALL Michael (eds) - The 1840s
36716: HILL H and DODSWORTH E - Sanitary Science Notes: A Handbook for Students
36715: HILL H and DODSWORTH E - Sanitary Science Notes: A Handbook for Students
38951: HILL Oliver - Fair Horizon: Buildings of To-day.
18635: HILLIER Bevis - The Style of the Century
13012: HILLMAN Judy - The Bournville Hallmark: Housing People for 100 Years
37354: HILLMAN Judy (foreword by Margaret THATCHER) - A New Look for London
33719: HILLMAN Judy - The Bournville Hallmark: Housing People for 100 Years
19348: HINDLEY Geoffrey - A History of Roads
35453: HINES Thomas S - Burnham of Chicago: Architect and Planner
38188: HIORNS Frederick R - Town-Building in History: An outline review of conditions, influences, ideas, and methods affecting `planned` towns through five thousand years.
36247: HIPGNOSIS (THORGERSON Storm) and DEAN Roger - The Album Cover Album
34629: HIRST Damien and BURN Gordon - On the Way to Work
37515: HIRTH Georg - Das Deutsche Zimmer. Der Gothik und Renaissance, des Barock-, Rococo- und Zopfstils. Anregungen zur häuslichen Kunstpflege
38914: HITCHENS Stephen (ed) - Sheppard Robson: Architects
34284: HM GOVERNMENT (foreword by CROSLAND Anthony) - Transport: A Consultation Document (vol 1).
38314: HM GOVERNMENT - Sustainable Development: The UK Strategy (Cmd. 2426)
36538: HM GOVERNMENT - Planning Procedures: Eighth Report from the Expenditure Committee Together with the minutes of the evidence taken before the Environment Sub-Committee in Session 1975-76 and Session 1976-77, Appendices and Index (395-I, 466 (1975-76), 35)
36403: HM GOVERNMENT - Sustainable Development: The UK Strategy (Cmd. 2426)
37469: HM GOVERMENT - The Metropolitan Interments Act. Being the Full Particulars of an Act passed to make better Provision for the Interment of the Dead in and near the Metropolis, and all the Particularrs Relating to Closing the Burial Grounds etc etc etc
36446: HM GOVERNMENT - Environmental Protection Act 1990 (Chapter 43)
36492: HM GOVERNMENT - The Building Regulations 1972 (SI 1972, no 317) (DOE 4804)
32438: HMSO (publ) - Festival of Britain. Souvenir Weather Report & Forecast [for 22 August 1951]
35077: HMSO - Town and Country Planning Act, 1947. Explanatory Memorandum. Part II -Notes on Sections.
26992: HMSO - New Towns Act 1965. Chapter 59
35422: HMSO - Town and Country Planning Act, 1947. Explanatory Memorandum. Part II -Notes on Sections.
28652: HMSO - National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, 1949.
28706: HMSO (publ) - Report of Committee on Schemes of Assistance to Necessitous Areas.
23144: HMSO (publ) - Report of Committee on Schemes of Assistance to Necessitous Areas.
39073: HMSO - Town and Country Planning Act, 1947. 10 & 11 Geo. 6 Ch 51
34873: HOARE H, illustrations by Gertrude HAMILTON - Flowering Trees and Shrubs
37339: HOBHOUSE Hermione (general ed) - Survey of London. Monograph 17, County Hall
17247: HOBSON Neville and DOW Peter - Shaw's Restatement of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1947.
33976: HODGE Brooke (organized by) - FOG: flowing in all directions
25481: HODGES Henry - Technology in the Ancient World
29991: HOFFMAN Barry - The Fine Art of Advertising. Irreverent, Irrepressible, Irresistibly Ironic.
36698: HOFFMANN Kurt and GRIESE Helga - Building with Wood: Form, Structural Design and Preservation
33988: HOFFMANN Donald - The Architecture of John Wellborn Root
36243: HOFSTÄTTER Hans H, with JAWORSKA W & HOFSTÄTTER S - Art Nouveau: Prints, Illustrations and Posters
36894: HOGG James, photographs by Michele MEROLA - The Charterhouse of Padula: Volume II - Album
36895: HOGG James - La Certosa di Pesio: The Charterhouse of Pesio
36793: HOGG A.H.A and KING D.J.C - Early Castles in Wales and the Marches - A Preliminary List; Masonry Castles in Wales and the Marches - A List; Castles in Wales and the Marches - Additions and Corrections to lists published in 1963 and 1967 (three offprints, bound separately)
36893: HOGG James - La Certosa di Firenze: The Charterhouse of Florence
36888: HOLBERTON Paul - Palladio's Villas. Life in the Renaissance Countryside
35968: HOLDEN C. H. & HOLFORD W. G. - The New Plan for the City of London. A Summary and explanation of the interim proposals for reconstruction....
34127: HOLDEN Arthur C - Planning Recommendations for the Washington Square Area
38254: HOLDEN C H & HOLFORD W G - The City of London: a Record of Destruction and Survival. With a report on reconstruction by the planning consultants:
35969: HOLDEN C. H. & HOLFORD W. G. - The New Plan for the City of London. A Summary and explanation of the interim proposals for reconstruction....
35604: HOLFORD William - Proposals for the Development of a Site for the University of Liverpool
38279: HOLFORD Sir William - The Built Environment: Its Creation, Motivations, and Control
3057: HOLFORD William - Proposals for the Development of a Site for the University of Liverpool TOGETHER WITH The Report of the Development Committee to the Council and Senate of the University on Building Progress 11949-1954 (The First Quinquennial Review of the Post-War development plan) 2 uniform volumes.
38874: HOLFORD William & WRIGHT H. Myles - Cambridge Planning Proposals: A Report to the Town and Country Planning Committee of the Cambridgeshire County Council (2 vols)
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