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1682: Monsarrat, Nicholas - The Story Of Esther Costello.
1416: Monsarrat, Nicholas - The Time Before This.
12049: Montague, C E - A Writer's Notes on His Trade.
3841: Montague, C E - Action And Other Stories.
14477: Montanelli, Indro - Storia Di Roma.
13002: Montgomery, Rutherford - Midnight.
4490: Montgomery, Viscount - The Memoirs of Field Marshal The Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, K G.
8460: Montgomery, Brian - A Field-Marshal in The Family.
12433: Montherlant, Henry De - Port-Royal.
14280: Moodie, Graeme C - The Government of Great Britain.
3911: Moody, Ellen - Trollope on The Net.
9540: Moorcock, Michael - Lord of The Spiders.
12133: Moore, Dorothea - Judy Patrol Leader.
12443: Moore, W G - Racine Britannicus.
5231: Moore, Stephen S - The Road To The Orchestra.
8863: Moore, Harry T - Priest of Love A Life of D H Lawrence Revised Edition.
11576: Moore, Thomas - The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore Reprinted from the Early Editions with Explanatory Notes Etc.
1163: Moore, Brian - The Magician's Wife.
14126: Moore, Harry T - The Intelligent Heart The Story of D H Lawrence.
12000: Moore, Brian - The Magician's Wife.
11497: Moore, John Robert - Daniel Defoe Citizen of the Modern World.
5926: Moore, Dorothea - Judy, Patrol Leader.
13804: Moore, George - Esther Waters.
11174: Moore, Michael - Stupid White Men.
178: Moorehead, Alan - No Room in the Ark.
11219: Moorhouse, Geoffrey - The Pilgrimage of Grace the Rebellion That Shook Henry VIII's Throne.
8346: Moraes, Dom - Gone Away An Indian Journal.
1533: Moran, James - NATSOPA Seventy Five Years.
6210: More, Euston - Oranges at Half Time.
11986: Morecambe, Gary - The Return of the Count.
5032: Moreno, Francisco Zarco - Toledo.
1292: Morgan, Charles - A Breeze Of Morning.
10468: Morgan, Helen - Who'd Be A Missionary?.
10028: Morgan, Stanley - Inside Albery Shifty.
9396: Morgan, Alyssa - No Other Love.
12509: Morgan, Charles - Challenge to Venus.
4397: Morgan, Charles - Reflections In A Mirror.
5115: Morgan, Charles - The Voyage.
3080: Morgan, Charles - The Judge's Story.
13929: Morgan, Charles - Sparkenbroke A Tale of Piers Tenniel, Lord Sparkenbroke.
13753: Morgan, Mike - Forward Regardless! Will Lacy The Green Howards' Polar Veteran.
12381: Moriarty, Mary and Sweeney, Catherine - W B Yeats.
6366: Moriber, George - Chemistry The Working Science.
10318: Morison, Elting E - From Know How to Nowhere the Development of American Technology.
4325: Morland, Brian - The Young Angler's Handbook.
6479: Morley, Henry - English Writers An Attempt Towards a History of English Literature III From the Conquest to Chaucer.
12997: Morley, Neville - Ancient History Key Themes and Approaches.
7289: Morley, Henry - English Writers An Attemot Towards A History of English Literature IX Spenser and His Time.
3172: Morley, Robert - Book Of Bricks.
300: Morpurgo, J E - The Road to Athens.
10130: Morris, Richard - Yorkshire A Lyrical History of England's Greatest County.
12032: Morris, Jan - Farewell The Trumpets An Imperial Retreat.
1654: Morris, Johnny - Animal Magic.
16078: Morris, William - The Early Romances of William Morris in Prose and Verse.
9504: Morris, Desmond - The Naked Ape.
2127: Morris, Lord et al - Bronte Society Transactions 1997 Volume 22.
10462: Morris, Tony - Comments.
11794: Morrison, Blake - And When Did You Last See Your Father?.
956: Morrison, Margaret - Angles.
6124: Morrison, Wilbur, H - Adventure Guide to The Catskills & Adirondacks.
768: Morrison, Tony - Pathways To The Gods The Mystery of the Andes Lines.
5192: Morrow, Ann - The Queen.
5837: Morrow, Ann - The Queen.
11858: Mortimer, John - The Best of Rumpole.
9295: Mortimer, John - The Best of Rumpole.
11167: Morton, Andrew - Posh & Becks.
269: Morton, Arthur S - Under Western Skies.
5783: Moss, Robert and Nisbet, Marjorie et al - Purnell's Book Of Brownie Stories.
9804: Moss, Robert - The Collapse of Democracy.
14383: Mostafa, Joshua - Word Processing Letters and Mailing.
10808: Mott, George and Aall, Sally Sample - Follies and Pleasure Pavilions.
5575: Mottram, V H - The Physical Basis Of Personality.
17881: Mountgarret, Viscount - A History of The Manor of Nidd.
5515: European Movement - The Economic Potential of Europe.
4929: Mowbray, John - The Radio Mystery.
10525: Muir, Ramsay - A Short History of The British Commonwealth Volume I.
10575: Muir, Ramsay - A Short History of The British Commonwealth Volume II.
5691: Mulford, Clarence E - Bar 20.
5690: Mulford, Clarence E - The Man From Bar 20.
5060: Muller, Klaus Peter - Historische Photos aus dem Bereich des Deutschen Ordens an der Elisabeth Kirche zu Marburg.
10026: Munby, Julian - Stokesay Castle.
11414: Munn, Norman L - Studen't Manual to Accompany Psychology Fourth Edition.
9226: Munro, Neil - Para Handy Tales.
6213: Munro, Neil - Doom Castle.
854: Murdoch, Iris - The Red and the Green.
3591: Murdoch, Iris - An Unofficial Rose.
10368: Murison, A F - King Robert The Bruce.
7485: Murphy, Brian - The Enigma Variations.
9089: Murray, Tricia - Margaret Thatcher.
17657: Murray, Hugh and RIddick, Sarah and Green, Richard - York through the Eyes of the Artist.
100: Murray, W H - The Story of Everest.
5879: Murray, W H - The Story of Everest.
3796: Murray, D L - Leading Lady.
14346: Murray, A Victor - The School in the Bush A Critical Study of the Theory a nd Practice of Native Education in Africa.
9346: Murray, Venetia - Where Have All The Cowlsips Gone?.
2295: Murray, D L - Candles And Crinolines.
17886: Murray, Hugh and RIddick, Sarah and Green, Richard - York through the Eyes of the Artist.
17869: Murray, Hugh - Opportunity of Leisure The History of York Railway Institute 1889 - 1989.
8187: Murray, Stephen - Death and Transfiguration.
13145: Murray, Charlotte - Muriel Malone or From Door To Door.
13180: Murray, Charlotte - Coral A Sea Waif and Her Friends.
7604: Murray, Hugh and Riddick, Sarah and Green, Richard - York Through The Eyes of the Artist.
17870: Murray, Hugh - Heraldry and the Buildings of York.
12551: Murry, Katherine Middleton - Beloved Quixote the Unknown Life of John Middleton Murry.
7863: Murube, Joaquin Romero - Pregon De Semana Santa.
8525: Musgrave, E I and Murray, Lord James - Blair Castle.
9598: Muskett, Netta - The Long Road.
7558: Musman, Richard - Robert En Vacances.
6357: Musson, A E - The Typographical Association.
11543: Mustoe, Anne - Two Wheels In The Dust From Kathmandu to Kandy.
12955: Myer, Valerie Grosvenor - Obstinate Heart Jane Austen A Biography.
7081: Myers, L H - The Near And The Far The Root and the Flower and The Pool of Vishnu.
17867: Myerscough, Corita - Uncle John Carr The Diaries of His Great Nieces Harriet and Amelia Clark.
13577: Nabarro, Derrick - The Rod of Anger.
11896: Naipaul, V S - Magic Seeds.
10641: Naipaul, V S and Mailer, Norman and Wilson, Colin and Gunn, Thom et al - Twentieth Century Winter 1964/5.
12244: Naipaul, V S - Magic Seeds.
8761: Naipaul, V S - Half A Life.
7906: Naish, Nora - Sunday Lunch.
11129: Naish, Nora - An Accidental Affair.
1811: Nash, N Richard - The Last Magic.
5360: Nash, Ogden and Smith, Linell Nash - Loving Letters From Ogden Nash a Family Album.
13271: Nashe, Thomas - Christ's Teares Over Jerusalem Wherunto is Annexed a Comparative Admonition to London.
13113: Nathan, Robert - Winter in April.
11117: Navis, Al and Saltsman, Tom and Michaud, Charles and Smiley, Robin - Firsts Collecting Modern First Editions February 1994.
879: Navratilova, Martina and Nickles, Liz - The Total Zone.
9714: Nawrath, Alfredet al - The Aegean World Peloponnese Sporades Cyprus.
9801: Needham, Jack - Modelling Ships In Bottles.
8179: Needham, C D - Organizing Knowledge in Libraries An Introduction to Classification and Cataloguing.
9821: Negus Arthur and Robertson, Max - Going For A Song English Furniture.
4830: Neil, Barbara - The Possession Of Delia Sutherland.
8254: Neil, William - The Rediscovery Of The Bible.
8603: Neil, William - The Truth About The Bible.
8533: Neil, William - The Rediscovery of the Bible.
8550: Neilan, Sarah - The Old Enchantment.
12864: Neos - Neos Guide Turkey.
486: Nesbit, Roy Conyers - An Illustrated History of the RAF.
11509: Vergil and A A Irwin Nesbitt - Vergil Aeneid Book IV A Translation.
6209: Neumann, Alfred - The Life of Christina of Sweden.
7931: Newbery, Georgina - Sand and Slingbacks.
8491: Henry Newbolt (ed) - Robert Herrick.
10484: Newby, Eric - A Merry Dance Around The World.
6402: Newby, Eric - Love And War In The Apennines.
13275: Newby, Eric - Something Wholesale My Life and Times in the Rag Trade.
9260: Newman, Aubrey (ed) - The Parliamentary Lists of The Early Eighteenth Century Their Compilation and Use.
3439: Newman, P R - Moor Monkton and Its People 1600 to 1916.
4174: Newnes, George (ed) - The Strand Magazine Vol XVII.
12653: Newton, D B - Crooked River Canyon.
8305: Newton, H W - The Face of The Sun.
17893: Newton, Peter - Gwenllian The Welsh Warrior Princess.
13107: Niall, Ian - Pastures New.
12901: Nichol Smith, David - Characters from the Histories and Memoirs of the Seventeenth Century with an Essay on the Character and Historical Notes.
7050: Nicholas, B Melville - Round The Year.
9050: Nicholas, B Melville - Garden Bird Sanctuaries.
5525: Nicholls, A D (ed) - Exercises On Ordnance Survey Maps 2 OneInch Sheet 90 Wensleydale.
9770: Nicholson, Geoff - Everything and More.
13265: Nicol, A M - General Booth and the Salvation Army.
8665: Nicoll, Allardyce - British Drama An Historical Survey From The Beginnings to the Present Time.
12695: Nicoll, Helen - Poems for 7 Year Olds and Under.
13189: Nicolson, Nigel - Portrait of A Marriage.
11885: Nicolson, James R - Beyond the Great Glen.
7991: Nicolson, Juliet - A House Full of Daughters.
13167: Niemeyer, Nannie - Stories For The History Hour from Augustus to Rolf.
10036: Nijinsky, Romola - Nijinsky.
11332: Nilson, Bee - The Career Woman's Cookbook.
12918: Nimmo, Derek - Not In Front of the Servants! Humour with Class.
8837: Niven, Larry - The Integral Trees.
12873: Nixon, Joan Lowery - The Weekend Was Murder.
4371: Nixon, Edna - Mary Wollstonecraft Her Life And Times.
9330: Nobbs, David - Pratt of the Argus.
11068: Noble, R W - Joyce Cary.
4077: Noordegraaf, Leo - Spectrum/Sijthoff Atlas Van De Nederlandse Marktsteden.
7053: Norling, Winifred and Fry, Leonora et al - Popular Stories For Girls.
1776: Norman, Cecilia (ed) - The Colour Book Of Microwave Cooking.
8743: Norman, David and Tucker, Vic - Where to Watch Birds in Devon and Cornwall.
2491: Norman, Barry - The Mickey Mouse Affair.
8893: Norman, E R - The Catholic Church and Ireland in the Age of Rebellion 1859 - 1873.
12463: Norris, Frank - Shanghaied A Story of Adventure off the California Coast.
3487: Northcott, Cecil - Star Over Gobi The Story Of Mildred Cable.
726: Northcott, Cecil - Star Over Gobi The Story of Mildred Cable.
11186: Norton-Taylor, Richard - Whose Land Is It Anyway?.
11547: Nourse, Edwin G - American Agriculture and the European Market.
8234: Nowell Smith, Simon - International Copyright Law and the Publisher in the Reign of Queen Victoria.
10334: O Nuallain, Sean (ed) - Dualism Platonism and Voluntarism Explorations at the Quantum Microscopic Mesoscopic and Symbolic Neural Levels.
5628: Nuno, J A Gaya - El Escorial The Escorial.
17873: Nuttgens, Patrick - Brierley in Yorkshire The Architecture of the Turn of the Century.
13067: Nuttgens, Patrick - York Buildings in the City.
5539: Nutting, Anthony - South Col The Ascent of Everest 1953.
2644: Nye, Robert - Falsaff.
11361: Obmascik, Mark - The Big Year A Tale of Man, Nature and Fowl Obsession.
11250: Obolensky, Prince Alexis and James, Ted - Backgammon.
10850: Ochiltree, Dianne - Ten Monkey Jamboree.
10417: Odone, Cristina - The Shrine.
5948: Oesterley, W O E - A History of Israel Vol II From the Fall of Jerusalem to the BarKokhba Revolt.
5751: Colonial Office - Introducing the Colonies.
7873: Ogilvie, M A - The Bird-Watcher's Guide to the Wetlands of Britain.
332: Oman, Carola - Baltic Spy.
4995: Ommanney, F D - Eastern Windows.
4938: Ommanney, F D - The Shoals Of Capricorn.
12796: Opie, Iona and Peter - The Oxford Nursery Rhyme Book.
1291: Oppenheim, E Phillips - The Great Prince Shan.
492: Oppenheim, E Phillips - The Great Prince Shan.
7125: Oppenheim, E Phillips - Mr Grex of Monte Carlo.
4565: Oppenheim, E Phillips - A Maker Of History.
12522: Orczy, Countess - The Legion of Honour.
12521: Orczy, Baroness - Leatherface A Tale of Old Flanders.
12778: Orczy, Countess - Eldorado A Romance of the Scarlet Pimpernel.
4533: Orczy, Baroness - The Scarlet Pimpernel.
10849: Osborne, Roger - The Floating Egg Episodes In the Making of Geology.
8572: Osborne, Charles - W H Auden The Life of a Poet.
500: Osborne, Richard - Basic Instinct.
11239: Osborne, John - Luther.
9619: Osborne, Christine - Essential Seychelles.
8848: Osmond, Andrew - Plenty.
10865: Oswald, Arthur - Old Towns Revisited.
5212: Benesch Otto - The Albertina Collection of Old Master Drawings An Illustrated Supplement To The Exhibition Catalogue.
4444: Oufkir, Malika and Fitoussi, Michele - La Prisonniere.
10269: Ovid - The Metamorphoses of Ovid.
8446: Owen, Will - Old London Town.
1524: Oxenham, Elsie J - The Abbey Girls At Home.
2328: Oxford, Margot - Octavia.
2588: D'Oyley, Elizabeth (ed) - English Diaries.
3754: Padwick, C E - Mackay Of The Great Lakes.
14448: Page, Norman - Thomas Hardy.
13130: Page, Brenda - Monica and the Fifth.
8110: Pain, Barry - Mrs. Murphy.
3324: George D Painter - Marcel Proust A Biography Volume One.
13718: Pajot, Anne-Marie - Twitter the Tit.
13716: Pajot, Anne-Marie - Dinah the Dove.
13719: Pajot, Anne-Marie - Percy the Parrot.
13720: Pajot, Anne-Marie - Teresa the Tortoise.
13721: Pajot, Anne-Marie - Galahad the Guinea Pig.
13722: Pajot, Anne-Marie - Patrick the Piglet.
13610: Palgrave, Francis Turner - The Golden Treasury of English Songs And Lyrics.
9687: Palgrave, Sir Francis - History of the Anglo Saxons.
106: Palin, Michael - Hemingway's Chair.
4345: Paling, Chris - After The Raid.
12044: Palmer, Diana - Matt Caldwell Texas Tycoon.
10496: Palmer, William T - More Odd Corners In English Lakeland.
4310: Palmer, Geoffrey and Lloyd, Noel - Haunting Stories Of Ghosts And Ghouls.
10894: Paloczi Horvath, George - The Undefeated.
15040: Pamuk, Orhan - My Father's Suitcase The Nobel Lecture Privately Printed For Faber and Faber.
5384: Pantorba, Bernardino de - A Guide Book Of The Prado Museum.
3801: Paret, Luigi, Brezzi, Paolo and Petech, Luciano - The Ancient World Part 1 1200 BC to 500 BC.
12075: Paretsky, Sara - Killing Orders.
11920: Park, Michael - Kirkbridge Papers.
5369: Parker, Eric - Surrey.
15201: Parker, Adam - The Archaeology of Roman York.
2450: Parkes, Roger - Gamelord.
8995: Parsons, Tony - Man and Wife.
11702: Parsons, Tony - Man and Boy.
11288: Pascoe, Jed - The Funny Side of 50 For Him.
13077: Paston-Williams, Sara - The Art of Dining A History of Cooking & Eating.
244: Patch, Blanche - 30 Years With G. B. S..
770: Patchett, Mary Elwyn - Your Call, Miss Gaynor.
15509: Patel Campbell, Claire - Abernathy.
3277: Paterson, Neil - Behold Thy Daughter.
10651: Paterson, Herbert John - A Surgeon Looks Back.
10042: Patnaik, Naveen and Welch, Stuart Cary - A Second Paradise Indian Courtly Life 1590 - 1947.
13566: Paton Walsh, Jill - A Desert in Bohemia.
13964: Paton, Alan - Kontakion For You Departed.
1173: Pattee, Fred L - The New American Literature 1890 - 1930.
13088: Patten, Marguerite - 500 Recipes Electric Mixers and Blenders.
1569: Patterson, Harry - To Catch A King.
8040: Patterson, James - When The Wind Blows.
12008: Pattinson, James - The Spayde Conspiracy.
11001: Pattison, Mark - Milton.
5023: Paul, Charles B - Science and Immortality The Eloges of the Paris Academy of Sciences 1699 - 1791.
9535: Paul, William - The Hindmost.
4637: Peach, Howard - East Riding Limericks.
3349: Peacock, W (ed) - Selected English Essays.
11434: Peacocke, A R - Creation and The World of Science The Bampton Lectures 1978.
5881: Pearce, Rev John (ed) and Jenner, Henry - Seeking a See A Journal of The Right Reverend Henry Lascelles Jenner D D of His Visit to New Zealand in 1868 - 1869.
13990: Pearson, Anna - First Steps in Needlepoint.
12009: Pearson, Harry - Racing Pigs and Giant Marrows Travels Around North Country Fairs.
12539: Pearson, John - York Golf Club 1890 -1990.
11983: Pearson, Katie - Don't Try This At Home.
2804: Pearson, Hesketh - Walter Scott His Life And Personality.
1474: Pearson, John (ed) - Wildlife And Safari In Kenya.
7350: Pearson, Hesketh - Bernard Shaw.
6149: Pearson, Hesketh - Bernard Shaw His Life and Personality.
7213: Peebles, Ian - Batter's Castle A Ramble Around The Realm of Cricket.
7214: Peebles, Ian - Bowler's Turn A Further Ramble Round The Realm of Cricket.
12415: Pellati, Francesco - The Latest Archaeological Discoveries in Italy.
2624: Pelling, Henry - The Origins Of The Labour Party.
14177: Pemberton, Max - The Iron Pirate.
7615: Pemble, John - Venice Rediscovered.
10556: Penstone, MM and Hughes, M V - The Story of Christ's First Missioners.
12832: Penteas, E - What to See in Greece A Pracical Guide.
2120: Pentecost, Hugh - The Lonely Target.
9525: Pentecost, Hugh - Hide Her From Every Eye.
9508: Pentecost, Hugh - Bargain With Death.
12687: Pepper, Dennis - The Young Oxford Book of Timewarp Stories.
12164: Pepper, Andrew - The Last Days of Newgate.
12921: Pepys, Samuel and Latham, Robert - The Illustrated Pepys Extracts From The Diary.
5281: Percival, Allen - History of Music.
8680: Perera, Shyama - Haven't Stopped Dancing Yet.
6030: Perkins, J R - The Emperor's Physician.
5450: Perpillou, Aime Vincent - Human Geography.
11134: Perrett, Bryan - Impossible Victories Ten Unlikely Battefield Successes.
9035: Peters, Ellis - The Holy Thief.
12118: Peters, Maureeen - Joan of the Lilies.
9955: Peters, Ellis - One Corpse Too Many.
9949: Peters, Ellis - The Rose Rent.
9944: Peters, Ellis - The Virgin In The Ice.
8702: Peters, Ellis - City of Gold and Shadows.
9950: Peters, Ellis - An Excellent Mystery.
1846: Petersen, Christian - Mystery Comes To St Christopher's.
1271: Peterson, Margaret - The Pitiful Rebellion.
12853: Pfeiffer, Robert H - The Books of the Old Testament.
6954: Phelan, James - Howard Hughes the Hidden Years.
8802: Philby, Rufina and Peake, Hayden and Lyubimov, Mikhail - The Private Life of Kim Philby The Moscow Years.
12449: Phillips, Stephen - Paola & Francesca A Tragedy in Four Acts.
11900: Phillips, Mike - An Image To Die For.
3506: Phillips, Jayne Anne - Shelter.
9453: Phinn, Gervase - The Other Side of the Dale.
11354: Picardie, Ruth - Before I Say Goodbye.
8843: Picardie, Justine - If The Spirit Moves You Life and Love After Death.
5262: Pickles, Dorothy M - France.
13073: Pietzner, Cornelius (ed) and Van Der Post, Laurens - A Candle On The Hill Images of Camphill Life.
10105: Pilcher, Rosamunde - September.
8994: Pilcher, Robin - An Ocean Apart.
7913: Pilcher, Rosamunde - The Carousel.
7110: Pilgrim, David - The Grand Design.
4755: Pilling, Ann - The Year Of The Worm.
4841: Piper, David - The Treasures Of Oxford.
2709: Piper, Leonard - Murder By Gaslight.
519: Pire, Father Dominique - Europe of the Heart.
12948: Plaidy, Jean - The Sixth Wife.
12051: Plaidy, Jean - The Queen and Lord M.
13941: Plaidy, Jean - The Heart of the Lion.
12108: Plaidy, Jean - Spain For The Sovereigns.
12112: Plaidy, Jean - The Sixth Wife.
12116: Plaidy, Jean - The Revolt Of The Eaglets.
13933: Plaidy, Jean - The Plantagenet Prelude.
2024: Plato - The Symposium and Other Dialogues.
2918: Playfair, Giles and FitzGibbon, Constantine - The Little Tour Andorra Monaco Liechtenstein San Marino.
6503: Pocock, Guy N - Ballads and Ballad Poems.
8480: Pocock, Michael - York.
108: Pole, J R - Abraham Lincoln & the Working Classes of Britain.
2362: Pollard, Eliza F - The Old Moat Farm.
7938: Pollard, Eliza F - The White Standard A Story of Joan of Arc.
9827: Pollard, Eliza F - True Unto Death.
8184: Pollard, Captain A O - Invitation To Death.
8078: Pollet, Maurice - John Skelton Poet of Tudor England.
3254: De Polnay, Peter - Death And Tomorrow.
4724: Polner, Tikhon - Tolstoy And His Wife.
11010: Polo, Marco - The Travels of Marco Polo.
5962: Ponsonby, D A - The Bristol Cousins.
12757: Pontefract, Ella and Hartley, Marie - Yorkshire Tour Illustrated with Line Drawings Photographs and Maps.
2655: Ponting, Kenneth G - Wiltshire Portraits.
10665: Pool, Bernard (ed) - The Croker Papers.
9925: Poolman, Kenneth - Ark Royal.
1005: Pope-Hennessy, Una - Charles Dickens.
7392: Pope-Hennessy, Una - Charles Dickens.
6198: Pope-Hennessy, Una - Charles Dickens.
6151: Pope-Hennessy, Una - Charles Dickens.
3967: Popham, F S(ed) - A History of Christianity in Yorkshire.
9231: Porter, Eleanor H - Pollyanna.
10513: Portway, Donald - Militant Don.
10507: Portway, Donald - Memoirs of an Academic Old Contemptible.
10933: Van Der Post, Laurens - Venture To The Interior.
1305: Van Der Post, Laurens - Venture To The Interior.
2608: Van Der Post, Laurens - Journey Into Russia.
887: Van Der Post, Laurens - Journey Into Russia.
1356: Van Der Post, Laurens - Venture To The Interior.
8384: Van Der Post, Laurens and Pottiez, Jean-Marc - A Walk With A White Bushman.
9703: Van Der Post, Laurens - Journey Into Russia.
13903: Potter, Dennis - Ticket to Ride.
10842: Potter, Beatrix - Peter Rabbit.
10312: Potter, T W - A Faliscan Town in South Etruria Excavations at Narce 1966 - 71.
5896: Potter, Beatrix - The Tale of Jemima Puddle Duck.
5897: Beatrix Potter - The Tale of Tom Kitten.
7698: Potter, Beatrix - The Tale of Mrs. Tittlemouse.
7697: Potter, Beatrix - The Tale of The Flopsy Bunnies.
4450: Pottinger, Stanley - A Slow Burning.
12566: Powell, Karen - The River Within.
6025: Powell, Dilys - An Affair Of The Heart.
2604: Power, Phyllis - Under Australian Skies.
950: Power, Phyllis M - Nursing In The Outback.
3589: Powys, A R - The English Parish Church.
12578: A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Pradhupada - Sri Isopanisad.
3791: Prantera, Amanda - The Young Italians.
1072: Preedy, George R (Marjorie Bowen) - Nightcap and Plume.
17661: Pressly, Miss I P and Wright, Miss F E - York Georgian Society Occasional Papers Number 1.
10448: Preston, Jill (ed) - Cases in European Business.
5607: Priestland, Gerald - Something Understood An Autobiography.
13780: Priestley, J B - They Walk in the City The Lovers in the Stone Forest.
227: Priestley, J B - The Doomsday Men An Adventure.
8418: Priestley, J B - It's An Old Country.
6147: Priestley, J B - Bright Day.
10453: Priestley, J B - All England Listened The Wartime Broadcasts of J B Priestley.
12452: Priestley, J B - Saturn Over The Water.
11927: Priestley, J B - Angel Pavement.
12143: Priestley, J B - Jenny Villiers A Story of the Theatre.
6533: Priestley, J B - The Good Companions.
11926: Priestley, J B - Out of the People.
6271: Priestley, J B - Sir Michael and Sir George A Tale of Comsa and Discus and the New Elizabethans.
6301: Priestley, J B - Faraway.
4998: Priestley, J B - Midnight on the Desert Chapters of Autobiography.
6067: Priestley, J B - Rain Upon Godshill A Further Chapter of Autobiography.
6658: Priestley, J B - Out of the People.
1897: Priestley, H E and Betts, J J - The Momentous Years 1919 1958.
5516: Pringle, J and George, T Neville - British Regional Geology South Wales.
11347: Pritchett, V S (ed) - The Oxford Book of Short Stories.
11318: Pritchett, V S (ed) James Joyce, Woolf, Auden, Betjeman - Turnstile One.
9051: Pritchett, V S (ed) - Turnstile One.
8711: Pritchett, V S, Blunden, Edmund, Nichols, Beverley et al - Now and Then No 84 Autumn 1951.
16834: Surplus People Project - Forced Removals in South Africa The SPP Reports Vol 5 The Transvaal.
9510: Proulx, E Annie - The Shipping News.
9143: Pryce, Malcolm - Last Tango in Aberystwyth.
9607: Pucci, Eugenio - Pompeii Practical Guide to the Excavations.
13787: Purvis, Rev J S - The York Cycle of Mystery Plays A Shorter Version of the Ancient Cycle.
9441: Pyman, Avril - The Life of Aleksander Blok Volume II The Release of Harmony 1908 - 1921.
8270: Quack, Paulheinz - Monchengladbach.
8097: Quayle, Marilyn T and Northcott, Nancy T - Embrace The Serpent.
1766: Quayle, Marilyn T and Northcott, Nancy T - Embrace The Serpent.
3860: Quednau, Marion - The Butterfly Chair.
7292: Quennell, Peter - The Pursuit of Happiness.
8: Quennell, Peter (ed) - The Journal of Thomas Moore 1818 - 1841.
2262: Quennell, Peter - Byron The Years Of Fame.
5555: Quennell, Peter - Byron The Years Of Fame.
12345: Questier, M C (ed) - Newsletters from the Archpresbyterate of George Birkhead Camden Fifth Series Volume 12.
11548: Le Queux, William - The Golden Three.
6787: Quick, Richard (editor) - Discover Norman Britain 9 Norman Heritage Trails.
2519: Quiller-Couch, Arthur - Shorter Stories.
10396: De Quincey, Thomas - The Confessions of an English Opium Eater.
3697: Quinton, Ann - Storm Islands.
6689: Raban, Jonathan - Old Glory.
12490: Rabelais, Francois - Gargantua and Pantagruel Volume One.
12871: Rabelais, Francois - The Heroic Deeds of Gargantua and Pantagruel Volume I.
14136: Rabelais, Francis - The Works of Mr Francis Rabelais Doctor in Physick Containing Five Books of the Lives Heroick Deeds and Sayings of Gargantua and His Sonne Pantagruel.
10734: Raby, Peter - Bright Paradise Victorian Scientific Travellers.
14425: Racine - BritannicusTragedie Nouvelle Edition Suivie De Britannicus Par L'Image.
14296: Racine - Andromaque.
14298: Racine, J - Iphigenie En Aulide Tragedie En Cinq Actess.
12950: Radcliffe, Robert - Upon Dark Waters.
11695: Radley, Sheila - The Chief Inspector's Daughter.
10774: Radley, Sheila - Blood On The Happy Highway.
12751: Raistrick, A - Teach Yourself Geology.
10825: Raistrick, Arthur - The Story of Bolton Priory.
9182: Ramsay, Jack - The Doomsday Scenario.
10840: Randall, Ronne - Little Pink Ballerina.
2261: Randolph, Edmund - Hell Among The Yearlings.
8092: Randolph, Edmund - Hell Among The Yearlings.
17883: Rankin, Stuart and Thompson, David - York 100 1877 1977 The Story of a Station.
11272: Rankin, Ian - Tooth & Nail An Inspector Rebus Novel.
8018: Rankin, Ian - Mortal Causes An Inspector Rebus Novel.
6917: Ransome, Mary (ed) - The State of The Bishopric of Worcester 1782 - 1808.
10758: Raphael, Rick and Dickson, Gordon and Anvil, Christopher and Porges, Arthur et al - Analog Science Fact & Science Fiction.
8648: Rappaport, Helen - A Magnificent Obsession Victoria Albert and the Death Which Changed the British Monarchy.
13607: Ratcliffe, Jane - Fly High Run Free.
13328: Rathbone, Belinda - Living With The Laird A Love Affair with a Man and his Mansion.
5557: Rattey, B K - A Short History of the Hebrews from Moses to Herod The Great.
7317: Rauh, Wilhelm and Rudolf, Ernst Peter - Verliebt in Bayreuth.
12354: Raven, Michael - Staffordshire and The Black Country.
12975: Rawson, C J - Henry Fielding and the Augustan Ideal Under Stress Nature's Dance of Death and Other Studies.
5414: Ray, Kerrrie and Rutherford, Tracy (eds) - Stir Fry and Pan Fry Recipes.
11975: Rayban, Chloe - Wild Child.
9332: Raye, Kimberly - Faithless Angel.
829: Raymond, Ernest - To The Wood No More.
2647: Rayner, Claire - Family Chorus.
1470: Rayner, Claire - Lunching At Laura's.
7987: Rayner, William - Knave of Swords.
11044: Raynes, F W - Sanitary Engineering Plumbing and Heating Systems Vol I.
11710: Read, Herbert and Dobree, Bonamy (eds) - The London Book of English Prose.
3850: Read, Piers Paul - Polonaise.
11887: Reade, Charles - The Cloister and the Hearth.
6415: Reade, Charles - The Cloister And The Hearth.
6005: Reade, Charles - The Cloister And The Hearth A Tale of The Middle Ages.
9961: Reade, Charles - The Cloister And The Hearth.
11417: Reazon, Alethea and Malley, Acasio - The Transactions of the Johnson Society 20001998.
11416: Reazon, Alethea and Malley, Acasio - The Transactions of the Johnson Society 1998.
9704: Redhead, Brian and Gumley, Frances - The Good Book An Introduction To The Bible.
7941: Reed, Myrtle - Lavender and Old Lace.
6875: Reedy, W Curran - Slip Catches A Cricket Miscellany.
8582: Reeman, Douglas (Introduction) - Great Tales of the Sea Volume One.
5725: Rees, Wiliam and John, Richard and Lawrence, Vernon - Cardiff 1960 Visit of the British Association For The Advancement of Science.
7918: Reeve, Christopher - Still Me.
7456: Reeves, James - Mulbridge Manor.
11521: Reeves, James - The Critical Sense Practical Criticism of Prose and Poetry.
5844: Reeves & Mortimer with Jonsson, Ulrika - Shooting Stars.
12276: Uncle Reg - Beautiful Bairns Stories From Dickens.
4778: Reichs, Kathy - Deadly Decisions.
8798: Reid, Capt. P R - The Colditz Story.
5934: Reid, Forrest - The Milk of Paradise Some Thoughts on Poetry.
8767: Reid, Matthew (Quinton Jardine) - Blackstone's Pursuits.
9810: O'Rell, Max - Woman and Artist.
7623: O'Rell, Max and Allyn, Jack - Jonathan and His Continent Rambles Through American Society.
10131: Relling, William - Deadly Vintage.
6592: Renan, Ernest - La Reforme Intellectuelle et Morale.
1839: Rendell, Ruth - The Crocodile Bird.
12926: Rendell, Ruth - Vanity Dies Hard.
2958: Rendell, Ruth - The Bridesmaid.
5047: Rendell, Ruth - Going Wrong.
9915: Rendell, Ruth - Road Rage.
9918: Rendell, Ruth - Harm Done.
11237: Rendell, Ruth - Harm Done.
11505: Renwick, W L - Edmund Spenser An Essay on Renaissance Poetry.
10082: Repchuk, Caroline - A Host of Angels.
12395: Von Rezzori, Gregor - The Snows of Yesteryear Portaits for an Autobiography.
13761: Rhea, Nicholas - Constable In the Dale.
8769: Rhea, Nicholas - Death Of A Princess.
6108: Rhode, John - The Venner Crime.
7492: Rhodes, Pam - Whispers.
518: Rhodes, Evan H - The Carrion Eaters.
13519: Rhodes, Gary - Step By Step Cooking.
11323: Rhodes, Gary - Fabulous Food.
11324: Rhodes, Gary - Fabulous Food.
13299: Rhys, Jean - Quartet.
4415: Rice, D - The Boy On The Boat Train.
10685: Rich, E E (ed) - St Catharine's College Cambridge A Volume of Essays to Commemorate the Quincentenary of the Foundation of the College.
1937: Rich, Meredith - Little Sins.
9960: Richards, Frank - Billy Bunter at Butlin's.
9896: Richards, Frank - Bunter's Last Fling.
3490: Richards, Frank - Cardew's Catch.
8109: Richardson, A Eva - The Moon Lady.
3066: Richardson, Jean (ed) - Stage Struck.
6726: Richmond, I A - Roman Britain.
13496: Richmond, I A - Roman Britain.
14276: Richmond, P G - An Introduction to Piaget.
12739: Richmond, I A - Roman Britain.
10911: Richter, J C A - Dresden Um Die Mitte des 19 Jahrhunderts Dargestellt in 48 Farbigen Radierungen.
7602: Riddick, Sarah - Pioneer Studio Pottery The Milner-White Collection.
7601: Riddick, Sarah - Pioneer Studio Pottery The Milner-White Collection.
7585: Riddick, Sarah - Pioneer Studio Pottery The Milner-White Collection.
7583: Riddick, Sarah - Pioneer Studio Pottery The Milner-White Collection.
12465: Ridge, W Pett - Mrs Galer's Business.
12299: Ridgway, Judy - The Quick After-Work Pasta Cookbook.
11614: Ridgway, Judy - Home Cooking for Money.
13331: Ridout, Ronald and Witting, Clifford - English Proverbs Explained.
12872: Riedl, Frederick - A History of Hungarian Literature.
7728: Ries, Al - Focus The Future of Your Company Depends On It.
6053: Homer Edited by E V Rieu - The Odyssey.
10282: Plautus Edited By H T Riley - The Trinummus of Plautus The Three Pieces of Money.
2577: Riley, James Whitcomb - The Complete Works Of James Whitcomb Riley Volume 7.
3895: Ripley, Mike - Angels In Arms.
4356: Rippon, Angela - Riding.
1952: Risdon, D H S - Foreign Birds For Beginners.
8093: Ritchie, Henry R - Laugh Around The Clock.
1610: Ritchie, Henry R - Laugh Around The Clock.
2232: Rivers, James and Harvey, F R (eds) - Macdonald Medley.
14476: Ro'i, Yaacov (ed) - The USSR and the Muslim World Issues in Domestic and Foreign Policy.
12937: Roan, H M and Scott, S H - An Introduction to Cactus and Other Succulent Plants.
6170: Robb, Jady - The Border Fox of the '45.
8750: Robb, Candace - A Gift of Sanctuary.
9552: Robb, Sandra - Surrender In Paradise.
9892: Robb, Candace - A Spy For The Redeemer.
6869: Robb, John - Gun Town Marshal.
10008: Robbins, Harold - Dreams Die First.
4905: Robbins, Harold - Spellbinder.
1294: Harling Robert - The Enormous Shadow.
8622: Harling Robert - The Enormous Shadow.
13862: Roberts, A R R R - The Va Dinci Cod or the Eda Vinci Cod or Coddy Delight.
9546: Roberts, Cecil - One Small Candle.
13704: Roberts, Elizabeth Kilham (ed) - Nature BBC Radio For Schools Spring Term 1966.
3343: Roberts, Cecil - Wide Is The Horizon.
12284: Roberts, Hugh - Be Careful For Nothing.
8725: Roberts, Charles G D - The Backwoodsmen.
2383: Roberts, J M - Different Worlds.
12007: Robertson, Denise - Illusion.
9043: Robertson, E Arnot - Thames Portrait.
11603: Robertson, Alec and Stevens, Denis - The Pelican History of Europe 2. Renaissance and Baroque.
4874: Robertson, Max (ed) - The LTA Book Of The Game.
9491: Robins, Denise - Put Back The Clock.
7130: Robins, Patricia (Lorrimer, Claire) - None But He.
13789: T H Robinson - Old Testament Vol III The Decline and Fall of the Hebrew Kingdoms Israel in the Eighth and Seventh Centuries BC.
14010: Robinson, Arthur R B - The Counting House Thomas Thompson of Hull 1754 - 1828 and His Family.
14404: Robinson, Kenneth - Patterns of Care A Study of Provisions for the Mentally Disordered in Two Continents.
5382: Robinson, J Lewis - Resources of the Canadian Shield.
14344: Robson, William A and Crick, Bernard (eds) - The Future of the Social Services.
10862: Robson, William - James Chalmers Missionary and Explorer of Rarotonga and New Guinea.
17839: Robson, Michael - The Franciscans in the Medieval Custody of York.
13481: Robson, William and Briad, Frank B. - James Chalmers Missionary and Explorer of Rarotonga and New Guinea.
14289: Robson, William A - Local Government in Crisis.
3001: Roddick, Anita (ed) - The Body Shop Book.
9085: Rodolfi, A - Let's Speak Italian.
2561: Roe, F Gordon - The Georgian Child.
12288: Roebuck, Janet - The Making of Modern English Society from 1850.
8578: Roesler, J H - God's Second Door Volume Two.
16381: Rogers, John C and Jourdain, Margaret - English Furniture.
14446: Rogers, Alan - A History of Lincolnshire.
7815: Rojas, Antonio Rubio - Caceres Ciudad Historico Artistica.
5006: Rojas, Pedro - The Art And Architecture Of Mexico.
7379: Rolbin, Ann - Easy Russian Phrasebook & Dictionary.
14417: Romains, Jules - Knock Ou Le Triomphe De La Medicine.
5925: Roome, W J W - Through The Lands of Nyanza Central Africa.
4440: Roose-Evans, James - One Foot On The Stage The Biography Of Richard Wilson.
14212: Roosevelt, Elliott - Murder in The East Room.
9606: Rooth, Anne Reed - Eye of the Beholder.
9886: Rose, Enid - Gordon Craig and The Theatre A Record and An Interpretation.
4170: Rosenberg, Jakob - Rembrandt Life & Work.
1019: Rosenberg, Samuel - Naked Is The Best Disguise.
12756: Rosenberry, Edward H - Melville.
6501: Rosenfeld, Sybil - The XVIII Century Theatre at Richmond.
11295: Rosenthal, Jim - Jim Rosenthal's 1997 Grand Prix Guide.
13622: Ross, K N - Christian Science.
2770: Ross, John - Royal Scotland.
713: Ross, Ian - Beverley Hills Butler.
9318: Ross, Jonathan - Here Lies Nancy Frail.
14387: Rossini, Gioacchino and Dent, Edward J - The Barber of Seville.
12329: Roujon, M Henri (ed) - Jordaens.
10398: Rousseau, Jean Jacques - Confessions Volume One and Volume Two.
14190: Routledge - Routledge's French English and English French Dictionary.
6926: Rowdon, Maurice - Lorenzo The Magnificent.
3832: Rowe, Vivian - Royal Chateaux Of Paris.
9894: Rowlands, Avril - God's Wonderful Railway Clear Ahead.
7515: Rowley, H H - The Zadokite Fragments and the Dead Sea Scrolls.
849: Royce, Ken - The President Is Dead.
3852: Royce, Ken - The President Is Dead.
7749: Royce, Kenneth - The Stalin Account.
2311: Rubin, Michael - In A Cold Country.
8813: Rubini, Dennis - Court and Country 1688 - 1702.
15550: Rubinstein, Hilary L - Captain Luckless James First Duke of Hamilton 1606 - 1649.
6752: Rundle, R V G - Shrubs Amateur Gardening Picture Book No. 14.
11992: Runyon, Damon - Runyon a La Carte.
1429: Rushton, William - Spy Thatcher.
3337: Ruskin, John - Sesame And Lilies.
4149: Ruskin, John - Sesame And Lilies Three Lectures.
7274: Rutherford, Mark (William Hale White - Clara Hopgood.
12976: Rutherford, J H - The Joyful Pilgrimage.
7244: Rutherford, Mark (William Hale White) - Miriam's Schooling And Other Papers (including Michael Trevanion).
1844: Rutley, C Bernard and Methley, Violet and Owens, W H and Whitaker, Marjorie Etc - Chatterbox Annual.
14011: Rutley, C Bernard andTalbot, Ethel and Wynne, May et al - The Girls' Budget.
6900: Rutley, C Bernard and Markham, Harold and Cowper, E E and Fairhurst, Allan et al - The Big Budget For Boys.
11963: Rutley, C Bernard and Methley, Violet M and Seymour, A W and Leonard, Bertha - Jean of the Northlands and Other Stories.
5329: Rutley, C M, and Lumley,Joan et al - Playtime Book Stories For Happy Days.
11722: Du Ry, Carel J - Art of Islam.
11381: Ryan, Michael - Secret Life An Autobiography.
12378: Rygg, Pernille - The Golden Section.
5246: Rytz Miller, Walter - Alpenblumen.
9637: Rzepka, Charles J - Sacramental Commodities Gift Text and the Sublime in De Quincey.
2294: Sadleir, Michael - These Foolish Things.
13301: Saint-Pierre, J-H and Cottin, Madame - Paul and Virginia Translated from the French of St Pierre to Which is added Elizabeth from the French of Madame Cotton.
1595: Saki ( H H Munro) - The Unbearable Bassington.
6650: Salgado, Gamini - A Preface to Lawrence.
1445: Salinger, Pierre - For the Eyes of The President Only.
10801: Sallis, Susan - The Pumpkin Coach.
9719: Sallis, Susan - By Sun And Candlelight Summer Visitors.
9324: Sallis, Susan - An Ordinary Woman.
10291: Sallust - Jugurthine War Conspiracy of Catiline.
9163: Salwood, F K - The Ragged School.
10527: Sampson, Anthony - The New Europeans A Guide To The Workings, Institutions and Character of Contemporary Western Europe.
8749: Sampson, Anthony - The Anatomist The Autobiography of Anthony Sampson.
8643: Sampson, Anthony - The Scholar Gypsy The Quest for a Family Secret.
2290: Sander, Lloyd C - Life of Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
10091: Sanders, Lawrence - The Passion of Molly T.
6459: Sanders, Wilbur - John Donne's Poetry.
1941: Sanders, Lawrence - The Case Of Lucy Bending.
3084: Sanders, Lawrence - The Case Of Lucy Bending.
2596: Sanders, Lawrence - The Seduction of Peter S..
14314: Sandstrom, C I - The Psychology of Childhood and Adolescence.
12671: Sansom, C J - Heartstone.
11842: Sansom, C J - Winter in Madrid.
12618: Sansom, C J - Winter in Madrid.
14025: Sansom, Ian - The Norfolk Mystery with 29 Places and 22 Pictures.
3524: Sansom, William - The Face Of Innocence.
1725: Santini, Loretta - Michelangelo Painter Sculptor Architect.
14172: Sargent, W E - Teach Yourself Psychology.
10847: Sarmiento, Fausto and Hitchner, Sarah (eds) - Indigeneity and the Sacred Indigenous Revival and the Conservaton of Sacred Natural Sites in the Americas.
12532: Sartre, Jean Paul - Words.
13869: Sasson, Jean - Mayada Daughter of Iraq One Woman's Survival in Saddam Hussein's Torture Jail.
10567: Sassoon, Siegfried - Memoirs of A Fox Hunting Man.
13831: Sassoon, Siegfried - Memoirs of a Fox Hunting Man.
10814: Satterthwait, Walter - At Ease With The Dead.
180: Sava, George - School For War.
17880: Saville, Alan (ed) - European Journal of Archaeology Volume 13 Number 1 April 2010.
17878: Saville, Alan (ed) - European Journal of Archaeology Volume 10 Number 1 April 2007.
17879: Saville, Alan (ed) - European Journal of Archaeology Volume 11 Number 1 April 2008.
9769: Sawyer, Group Captain Tom - Only Owls and Bloody Fools Fly at Night.
7940: Sawyer, Paul L - Ruskin's Poetic Argument The Design of the Major Works.
11190: Sayce, R A - Style in French Prose a Method of Analysis.
5884: Sayer, Paul - Howling At The Moon.
13653: Sayers, Dorothy L - The Nine Tailors.
1085: Sayle, Amanda - The Last Frontier.
8038: Sayles, G O - The Medieval Foundations of England.
14360: Schickele, Rene - Meine Freundin Lo.
11981: Schildt, Goran - In The Wake of Odysseus.
15707: Schlesinger, Arthur M Jr. - A Life in the 20th Century Innocent Beginnings 1917 - 1950.
10885: Schliemann, Dr Henry - Troja Results of the Latest Researches and Discoveries on the Site of Homer's Troy.
8340: Schmidt, Richard - Schwabisch Gmund.
8296: Schneider, Rudolf - 'auf Deutsch gesagt'.
3042: Scholefield, Alan - King Of The Golden Valley.
4903: Scholefield, Alan - Berlin Blind.
5070: Schubiger, Benno et al - Unsere Kunstdenkmaler Nos Monuments d'Art et d'Histoire I Nostri Monumenti Storici 1985.
11083: Schulz, Charles M - Good Grief, Charlie Brown!.
1102: Schulz, Paul Otto (Ed. ) - Hans Joachim Billib.
8311: Schumacher, Karl Von and Richardson, Dorothy - The Du Barry.
13487: Schweitzer, Albert - On The Edge of the Primeval Forest The Experiences and Observations of a Doctor in French Equatorial Africa..
2060: Scobey, Joan - Rugs & Wall Hangings.
9635: Scott Giles, C W - Boutell's Heraldry Revised By C W Scott Giles.
13899: Scott, Sir Walter - Kenilworth.
1376: Scott, Hardiman - Operation 10.
12365: Scott, Sir Walter - The Bride of Lammermoor.
10386: Scott, Sir Walter - The Talisman.
10382: Scott, Sir Walter - Old Mortality.
13896: Scott, Sir Walter - Count Robert of Paris.
13898: Scott, Sir Walter - Peveril of the Peak.
14579: Scott, Sir Walter - Redgauntlet.
13105: Scott, Walter - Ivanhoe.
9293: Scott, Paul - The Day of The Scorpion.
9407: Scott, Paul - A Division of the Spoils.
16714: Scott, Sir Walter - Redgauntlet.
6464: Scott, A F - Current Literary Terms A Concise Dictionary of Their Origin and Use.
13609: Scott, Sir Walter - The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott.
13727: Scott, Michael - Inward Eye.
13710: Scott, Peter - The Eye of the Wind An Autobiography.
6466: Scott, Sir Walter - Ivanhoe.
9466: Scott, Paul - Staying On.
13900: Scott, Sir Walter - Redgauntlet.
13901: Scott, Sir Walter - Rob Roy.
13853: Scudder, Horace E - Noah Webster.
13143: Searle, D V - Tales From Many Lands.
10803: Searle, Ronald - The Illustrated Winespeak.
13172: Searle, D V - In The Far-Off Days.
5290: Sears, W Gordon - Anatomy and Physiology For Nurses.
2568: Seaton, Stuart - The Successors.
5812: Sebastian, Tim - The Spy in Question.
9936: Sebastian, Tim - War Dance.
12878: Sefton, Catherine - Emer's Ghost.
2010: Segal, Erich - Only Love.
6098: Segal, Gerald - The Fate of Hong Kong.
4881: Segal, Elaine - She Loves You.
5159: Segal, Zohra et al - World Theatre Le Theatre Dans Le Monde Spring 1956 Indian Theatre.
14216: Segar, M G (ed) - Essays From Eighteenth Century Periodicals.
8763: Seierstad, Asne - The Bookseller of Kabul.
3041: Sela, Owen - The Petrograd Assignment.
4710: Selz, Jean - Turner.
812: Sempill, Cecilia - English Pottery and Porcelain.
1462: Service, Robert W - Rhymes Of A Rolling Stone.
11254: Seton, Anya - The Hearth & Eagle.
13103: Seton, Anya - The Turquoise.
12552: Seton, Anya - Foxfire.
11183: Severin, Tim - The China Voyage A Pacific Quest By Bamboo Raft.
7007: Sewall, John S - The Logbook of the Captain's Clerk Adventures in the China Seas.
5184: Seward, Sir Albert - Geology For Everyman.
12675: Sewell, Anna and Sebag-Montefiore, Mary - Black Beauty.
13162: Sewell, Anna - Black Beauty.
6335: Sexton, Linda Gray - Between Two Worlds Young Women In Crisis.
1565: Seymour, Ana - Frontier Bride.
2473: Seymour, William Kean - Names And Faces.
14290: Shackleton, Lord (Introduction) - CSD Report 1969 First Report of the Civil Service Department.
12500: Shakespeare, William and Walker, Alice - Troilus and Cressida.
14359: Shakespeare, William - The Tragedy of Macbeth.
11879: Shakespeare, William - The Works of William Shakespere Dramatic and Poetical Knight's Cabinet Edition Vol VIII Cymbeline Othello King Lear.
11880: Shakespeare, William and Henry N Hudson (ed) - The Windsor Shakespeare Illustrated from the Paintings of Great Artists Vol VI Merry Wives of Windsor Measure for Measure.
11882: Shakespeare, William and Henry N Hudson (ed) - The Windsor Shakespeare Illustrated from the Paintings of Great Artists Vol IX King Henry the Sixth Part III King Richard III.
13522: Shakespeare, William - Histories King John Richard II Henry IV Henry V Henry VI.
13523: Shakespeare, William - Later Histories The Third Part of Henry VI Richard III Henry VIII Coriolanus Julius Caesar Antony and Cleopatra.
13525: Shakespeare, William - Later Comedies The Merchant of Venice As You Like It The Taming of the Shrew All's Well That Ends Well The Comedy of Errors Twelfth Night The Winter's Tale.
13526: Shakespeare, William and Smith, Evelyn - Shakespeare's As You Like It.
7280: Shakespeare, William and Everett, Barbara - The Tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra.
3202: Shakespeare, William and Allen, J - Julius Caesar.
3200: Shakespeare, William - Coriolanus.
3205: Shakespeare, William and Verity A W - Macbeth.
7478: Shane, Ted - Bar Guide A Lighthearted Guide to Entertaining Your Guests.
9922: Shapiro, Lionel - The Sixth of June.
4777: Sharkey, John - Celtic Mysteries The Ancient Religion.
8626: Sharma, Akhil - An Obedient Father.
5521: Sharp, Mary - Fourth Book of Humour.
7925: Sharpe, Tom - Porterhouse Blue.
11707: Sharpe, Tom - Grantchester Grind A Porterhouse Chronicle.
9463: Sharpe, Tom - The Wilt Alternative.
7346: Sharpe, Tom - Vintage Stuff.
9216: Sharpe, Tom - Ancestral Vices.
4679: Shatner, William - Star Trek Avenger.
6581: Shaw, Bernard - Saint Joan A Chronicle Play In Six Scenes And An Epilogue.
13631: Shaw, Bernard - Back to Methuselah A Metabiological Pentateuch.
9083: Shaw, Rebecca - Talk of the Village.
4167: Shaw, Bernard - Pygmalion A Romance in Five Acts.
963: Shaw, Jane - Crooks Tour.
5229: Shaw, Bernard - Plays Unpleasant widowers' Houses the Philanderer Mrs Warren's Profession.
2282: Irwin Shaw - The Top Of The Hill.
122: Shaw, Bernard - Bernard Shaw & Mrs Patrick Campbell Their Correspondence.
1743: Shaw, Frank - Captain Lash.
248: Shaw, Irwin - Acceptable Losses.
6662: Shaw, Bernard - George Bernard Shaw - The Complete Plays of Bernard Shaw - George Bernard Shaw.
5488: Shaw, Mabel - God's Candlelights An Educational Venture in Northern Rhodesia.
9924: Shaw, Rebecca - Country Lovers.
496: Shaw, Irwin - The Top Of The Hill.
3877: Shaw, Bernard - Major Barbara A Screen Version.
1875: Shaw, Irwin - Acceptable Losses.
6644: Shaw, Bernard - Pygmalion a Play in Five Acts.
3844: Shaw, Bernard - Saint Joan.
1911: Shaw, Bernard - Saint Joan The Apple Cart.
644: Shaw, Stanley - A Siren of the Snows.
3845: Shaw, Bernard - Saint Joan.
238: Shears, W S (ed) - Hutchinson's Pocket Guides Kent Surrey and Sussex.
3122: Shedd, George C - The Lady Of Mystery House.
10670: Sheehan, Angela - The Squirrel.
4300: Sheils, Sarah - The Friends of York Art Gallery A Brief History.
1946: Sheldon, Sidney - The Sands Of Time.
3717: Sheldon, Sidney - The Sands Of Time.
3718: Sheldon, Sidney - Memories Of Midnight.
3880: Sheldon, Sidney - The Doomsday Conspiracy.
703: Sheldon, Sidney - Bloodline.
12919: Shelley, Percy Bysshe and Brooke, Stopford A - Poems of Shelley.
10413: Shelley, Percy Bysshe - Selected Poems.
12998: Sheridan, Richard Brinsley - The Rivals.
4179: Sheridan, Richard Brinsley - Plays The Rivals St Patrick's Day The Duenna A Trip to Scarborough The School for Scandal The Critic Pizarro.
12455: Shields, Rodney - Margarita's Olive Press.
12374: Shields, Jody - The Fig Eater.
11807: Shindler, Colin - Manchester United Ruined My Life.
4333: Shipley, Debra - Durham Cathedral.
11972: Shone, Neville - Cancer - A Family Affair.
12410: Shreeve, James - The Neanderthal Enigma Solving the Mystery of Modern Human Origins.
11364: Shreve, Anita - The Last Time They Met.
7437: Shulman, Irving - Harlow An Intimate Biography.
12938: Shurly, E - How to Grow Cacti and Succulents.
4649: Shute, Nevil - The Rainbow And The Rose.
10253: Shute, Nevil - The Man Who Missed the War.
7744: Shute, Nevil - Landfall.
3312: Shute, Nevil - The Chequer Board.
3420: Shute, Nevil - The Rainbow And The Rose.
9685: Shute, Nevil - Ruined City.
9444: Shute, Nevil - Landfall.
4667: Shuttleworth, Rev H C - The Two Crowns And Other Stories.
5793: Sibley, William F - The Shiga Hero.
11163: Sibson, Caroline - The Chosen One.
8466: Sieff, Israel - Memoirs.
5637: Siegen, J - Le Lotschental Une Des Plus Curieuses Vallees Alpestres.
13516: Sienkiewicz, Henryk - Quo Vadis?.
9962: Sienkiewicz, Henryk - Quo Vadis?.
11440: Silkin, Jon and Maxwell, Glyn and Debney, Jack et al - Stand Magazine Spring 1993 Volume 34 Number 2 Poetry Issue.
8071: Silkin, Jon, and Palmer , William and Drew, John, and Husbands, Phil and Pavese, Cesare et al - Stand Volume 24 Number 1.
11150: Silverman, Stephen - Where There's A Will Who Inherited What and Why.
9582: Simenon, Georges - Lost Moorings.
4126: Simon, Edith - The Reformation.
8897: Simons, Paul - Weird Weather.
11494: Simpson, Willian Hays - Life in Mill Communities.
13835: Simpson, Dorothy - A Day For Dying.
14035: Simpson, John - Days From A Different World A Memoir of Childhood.
7624: Simpson, Colin and Angeloglou, Christopher - Sir Francis Chichester Voyage of the Century.
13590: Simpson, Dorothy - Puppet For A Corpse.
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