Dr Hoff's Therapeutic Bibliotheca
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001303-psychil: DAVIS, MARION QUINLAN. - A Plan for Growing Up. The Blue Book for Building Better Lives.
000332-ash: DAVIS, PATRICIA A. - Suicidal Adolescents.
009113-chrstor: DAVISON, MARY. - Little Solomon and Her Friends.
001050-chrdevo: DAWSON, W.J. - The Empire of Love.
011530-chrscie: DAWSON, J. WILLIAM. - Modern Ideas of Evolution As Related to Revelation and Science.
011529-chrscie: DAWSON, J. WILLIAM. - Nature and the Bible. A Course of Lectures Delivered in New York, in December, 1874, on the Morse Foundation of the Union.
011053-chrbiog: DAWSON, E.C. - James Hannington D.D. , F.L. S. , F.R. G.S. First Bishop of Eastern Equatorial Africa a History of His Life and Work 1847-1885.
008223-chrscie: DAWSON, J.W. - The Story of the Earth and Man.
008214-chrserm: DAWSON, W.J. - The Evangelistic Note.
003504-chrscie: DAWSON, W. BELL. - The Bible, Science and Superstition.
002902-chrserm: DAWSON, W.J. - The Church of to-Morrow. Addresses Delivered in the United and Canada During the Autumn of 1891.
001708-chrbiog: DAWSON, LAWRENCE H. - A Book of Saints.
010989-chrstor: DAY, BONNIE. - This Life One Leaf. Collected Poems By Bonnie Day.
010784-chrstor: DAY, BONNIE. - Observations on War and Other Poems.
008759-chrstor: DAY, THOMAS. - The History of Sandford and Merton.
006240-miscsci: DAY, JEREMIAH. - An Introduction to Algebra, Being the First Part of a Course of Mathematics, Adapted to. . . Instruction in the American Colleges.
012259-chrnewt: DE GRAAFF, ARNOLD, & CALVIN SEERVELD. - Understanding the Scriptures.
000165-ash: DE GOURMONT, REMY. - The Natural Philosophy of Love.
012133-chrnewt: DE GRAAF, S.G. - Promise and Deliverance - from Creation to the Conquest of Canaan; the Failure of Israel's Theocracy.
012107-chrtheo: DE BOER, T. - Naming God Today.
012072-chrsoci: DE BOER, CECIL. - Responsible Protestantism - Essay on the Christian's Role in a Secular Society.
011733-chrhist: DE MUN, COMTE ALBERT. - Ma Vocation Sociale - Souvenir de la Fondation de L'ceuvre Des Cercles Catholiques D'ouvriers [1871-1875].
011651-chrsoci: DE VRIES, EGBERT (ED). - Man in Community - Christian Concern for the Human in Changing Society.
011644-chrhist: DE BUHR, LEONARD. - Golden Lamp-Stands of Northern Iowa.
011548-chrnewt: DE GRAAF, S.G. - Verbondsgeschiedenis Schetsen Voor de Vertelling Van de Bijbelse Geschiedenis.
011166-chrhist: DE BUHR, LEONARD. - Golden Lamp-Stands of Northern Iowa.
010944-chrserm: DE SOYRES, JOHN. - The Children of Wisdom and Other Sermons Preached in Canadian Pulpits.
009749-chrnewt: DE HAAN, M.R. - Revelation - 35 Simple Stuides on the Major Themes in Revelation.
009379-miscbio: DE WITT, CORNELIS. - Histoire de Washington Et de la Fondation de la Republique Des Etats-Unis.
008884-chrnewt: DE GRAAF, S.G. - Verbondsgeschiedenis Schetsen Voor de Vertelling Van de Bijbelse Geschiedenis.
008698-chrnewt: DE MOOR, J.C. - De Hemel Geopend, de Openbaring Van Johannes.
008666-psycogn: DE BONO, EDWARD. - The Use of Lateral Thinking.
006107-miscsoc: DE LIMA SIMOES, RAUL HUMBERTO. - Vers la Paix Organisee.
005537-chrstor: DE VRIES, ANNE. - De Levensroman Van Johannes Post.
004666-chroldt: DE GRAAF, S.G. - Het Eeuwig Evangelie. Preken over Jeremia.
004647-chroldt: DE GRAAF, S.G. - Een Profeet Den Volken Preeken Uit Jeremia.
004268-chrdevo: DE DIETRICH, SUZANNE. - Free Men. Meditations on the Bible Today.
004221-miscbio: DE VILLAMIL, R. - Newton
002852-chrserm: DE MOOR, J.C. - Genade Voor Genade. Predikatien Voor de Christelijke Vierdagen.
002844-chrnewt: DE MOOR, J.C. - De Hemel Geopend. Predikatien over de Openbaring Van Johannes.
000380-chrbiog: DE BLOIS, AUSTEN KENNEDY. - John Bunyan the Man.
000251-psygene: DE CHARMS, RICHARD. - Personal Causation
008110-chrhist: DEANESLY, MARGARET. - A History of the Medieval Church 590-1500.
011500-chrnewt: DEARDEN, H.W. - Modern Romanism Examined.
010544-chrnewt: DEISSMANN, ADOLF. - Licht Vom Osten. Das Neue Testament Und Die Neuentdeckten Texte Der Hellenistisch-Romischen Welt.
003700-chrsoci: DEKOSTER, LESTER. - All Ye That Labor. An Essay on Christianity, Communism, and the Problem of Evil.
009480-miscmed: DELELLIS, RONALD A. (ED). - Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry.
011574-chroldt: DELITZSCH, FRANZ. - A New Commentary on the Book of Job.
011573-chroldt: DELITZSCH, FRANZ. - A New Commentary on Genesis.
006636-chrhymn: DEMILLE, C.W. (CHAIRMAN). - The Canadian Youth Hymnal (with Music).
012146-chrsoci: DENGERINK, JAN. - The Idea of Justice in Christian Perspective.
006088-miscsoc: DENISON, WALTER W. - Denison's Manual of Companies, Being the Practice of the Department of the Provincial Secretary of Ontario. . . .
005925-chrchri: DENNEY, JAMES. - Jesus and the Gospel
001424-psygene: DENNIS, WAYNE (ED). - Readings in General Psychology.
008371-psygene: DENNIS, WAYNE (ED). - Readings in General Psychology.
002195-miscmed: DENSLOW, L.N. - A Surgical Treatment of Locomotor Ataxia.
009084-miscmed: DENSON, K.W.E. - The Use of Antibodies in the Study of Blood Coagulation.
008045-chroldt: DEUTSCH, EMANUEL. - Literary Remains of the Late Emanuel Deutsch.
006528-psychoa: DEUTSCH, HELENE. - Neuroses and Character Types. Clinical Psychoanalytic Studies.
010340-chroldt: DEVINE, MINOS. - Ecclesiastes Or the Confessions of an Adventurous Soul - a Pratical Application of the Book of Koheleth Called.
005436-psychil: DEVLIN, WILLIAM J. - Psychodynamics of Personality Development.
011787-psychia: DEWAN, JOHN G. & WILLIAM B. SPAULDING. - The Organic Psychoses - a Guide to Diagnosis.
008555-chrtheo: DEWART, EDWARD HARTLEY. - Priestly Pretensions Disproved; Or, Methodism and the Church of England.
000747-chrserm: DEWHURST, FREDERIC E. - The Investment of Truth and Other Sermons.
009722-psypers: DIAMOND, SOLOMON. - Personality and Temperament.
008634-psyhist: DIAMOND, SOLOMON (ED). - The Roots of Psychology. A Sourcebook in the History of Ideas.
012378-chrnewt: DICE, A. - The Revelation - a Book for to-Day.
001164-chrpsyc: DICKERSON, ROY E. - Understanding Myself.
008162-chrdevo: DICKINSON, RICHARD W. - Religion. Teaching By Example
005892-psychia: DIETHELM, OSKAR. - Treatment in Psychiatry.
001152-chreccl: DIFFENDORFER, RALPH E. (ED). - The World Service of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
012051-chrtheo: DIJK, K. - Over de Laatste Dingen
011974-chroldt: DIJK, K. - Lijden En Loven. Het Boek Job in Schriftoverdenkingen.
011174-chreccl: DIJK, K - De Dienst Der Kerk.
011162-chrtheo: DIJK, K. - Over de Laatste Dingen
010897-chrtheo: DIJK, K. - Over de Laatste Dingen
004700-chroldt: DIJK, K. - Lijden En Loven. Het Boek Job in Schriftoverdenkingen.
002876-chrtheo: DIJK, K. - Het Profetische Woord (de Leer Der Inspiratie).
004509-chrmiss: DILLISTONE, F.W. - Christianity and Communication.
010800-philoso: DILTHEY, WILHELM. - Gesammelte Schriften.
010891-mischum: DINOTA, ANDREA. - Art Plastic Designed for Living.
004511-ash: DOBSON, J.O. - Worship.
003296-chrbiog: DOBSON, JAMES O. - The Little Poor Man of Assisi. A Consideration of the Life and Significance of St. Francis.
002212-ash: DOBSON, JAMES. - Emotions Can You Trust Them?.
005734-psygene: DOCKERAY, FLOYD C. - Psychology.
012187-chrtheo: DODDRIDGE, PHILIP. - Practical Discourses on Regeneration, in Ten Sermons. Preached at Northampton and Published at the Earnest Request of Many That.
010668-ash: DODGE, MARY MAPES. - Donald and Dorothy.
011498-chroldt: DODS, MARCUS. - Israel's Iron Age Or Sketches from the Period of the Judges.
011140-chrnewt: DODS, MARCUS. - The Bible. Its Origin and Nature - Seven Lectures Delivered Before Lake Forest College on the Foundation of the Late.
009878-chrnewt: DODS, MARCUS. - The Parables of Our Lord
009818-chrdevo: DODS, MARCUS. - The Prayer That Teaches to Pray.
008119-chrnewt: DODS, MARCUS. - An Introduction to the New Testament.
006860-chrbiog: DODS, MARCUS. - Later Letters of Marcus Dods, D.D. Late Principal of New College, Edinburgh (1895-1909).
006577-chrdevo: DODS, MARCUS. - The Prayer That Teaches to Pray.
006435-chrdevo: DODS, MARCUS. - The Prayer That Teaches to Pray.
005314-chroldt: DODS, MARCUS. - The Book of Genesis.
003938-chroldt: DODS, MARCUS. - The Book of Genesis.
001791-chrnewt: DODS, MARCUS. - The Bible. Its Origin and Nature.
001379-chrnewt: DODS, MARCUS. - The First Epistle to the Corinthians.
011989-chrnewt: DOEKES, G. - De Beteekenis Van Israels Val. Commentaar Op Romeinen Ix-Xi.
012341-chrdevo: DOLLARD, JAMES B. - Poems.
000301-psychth: DOLLARD, JOHN, & NEAL E. MILLER. - Personality and Psychotherapy.
004443-chrpsyc: DOMINIAN, J. - Psychiatry and the Christian.
004444-chrpsyc: DONIGER, SIMON (ED). - Sex and Religion Today.
005580-chrdevo: DONNER, J.H. (VOORAF VAN). - De Bijbelsche Beschiedenis Aan Kinderen Verhaald.
010569-psyogen: DONOVAN, H.C. - The Brain Book and How to Read It. Being an Exposition of Phrenology in Theory and Practice.
012139-chrtheo: DOOYEWEERD, HERMAN. - In the Twilight of Western Thought - Studies in the Pretended Autonomy of Philosophical Thought.
012007-chrtheo: DOOYEWEERD, HERMAN. - In the Twilight of Western Thought. Studies in the Pretended Autonomy of Philosophical Thought.
011635-chrtheo: DOOYEWEERD, HERMAN. - In the Twilight of Western Thought. Studies in the Pretended Autonomy of Philosophical Thought.
012188-chrdevo: DORCHESTER, DANIEL. - The Problem of Religious Progress.
004513-chrserm: DORRITY, D., ROBERTS, J.E., A.S. PEAKE, GEORGE JACKSON, GEORGE SHILLITO, & J.E. ADAMSON. - Our Common Faith. Addresses By Five Nonconformists, Delivered By Invitation of the Rector in St. Ann's Church, Manchester.
011430-psygene: DORSEY, JOHN M. - Psychology of Emotion. Self Discipline By Conscious Emotional Continence.
001449-psyogen: DORSEY, GEORGE A. - Why We Behave Like Human Beings.
012330-chrdevo: DOTY, THOS. K. - The Two=Fold Gift of the Holy Ghost.
009661-chrstor: DOUDNEY, SARAH. - Nothing But Leaves.
005243-chrhist: DOUGLASS, H. PAUL. - Church Unity Movements in the United States.
011161-chroldt: DOUMA, J. - De Nachtgezichten Van Zacharia.
004742-chroldt: DOUMA, J. - De Nachtgezichten Van Zacharia.
011928-chrbiog: DOUMERGUE, E. - Calvijn's Jeugd / Calvijn in Het Strijdperk / Calvijn En Geneve.
007356-chrbiog: DOW, JOHN. - Alfred Gandier. Man of Vision and Achievement.
004483-chrtheo: DOW, JOHN. - This Is Our Faith. An Exposition of the Statement of Faith of the United Church of Canada.
000125-psysoci: DOW, GROVE SAMUEL. - Society and Its Problems. An Introduction to the Principles of Sociology.
008440-chrtheo: DOWLING, MORGAN E. - Reason and Ingersollism.
002582-ash: DRAPER, JOHN WILLIAM. - Thoughts on the Future Civil Policy of America.
011817-chrstor: DREWSON, M.E. - Frances Grey's Decision
006011-chrtheo: DREXELIUS, JEREMIAS. - The Heliotropium ("Turning to Him") Or Conformity of the Human Will to the Divine.
002102-chroldt: DRIVER, SAMUEL ROLLES. - An Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament.
002103-chroldt: DRIVER, SAMUEL ROLLES. - An Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament.
003724-chrmiss: DROWN, FRANK & MARIE. - Mission to the Head Hunters.
012317-chrserm: DRUKKER, DERK D. - The Beauty of the Lord and Other Sermons - a Selection of Sermons Preached By the Reverend D.R. Drukker.
010375-chrbiog: DRUMMOND, MARGARET MARY. - The Life and Times of Margaret Bourgeoys (the Venerable).
009849-chrserm: DRUMMOND, HENRY. - The New Evangelism and Other Papers.
008166-chrserm: DRUMMOND, HENRY. - The New Evangelism and Other Papers.
008019-ash: DRUMMOND, HENRY. - Natural Law in the Spiritual World.
002882-chrtheo: DRUMMOND, ROBERT J. - The Relation of the Apostolic Teaching to the Teaching of Christ.
002311-ash: DRUMMOND, WILLIAM HENRY. - Johnnie Courteau and Other Poems.
001903-chrserm: DRUMMOND, HENRY. - The Ideal Life and Other Unpublished Addresses.
010384-mischum: DU MAURIER, GEORGE. - Pictures of English Society.
003366-chrmiss: DU SACRE-COEUR, MARIE-ANDRE. - The House Stands Firm.
003352-chrscie: DU NOUY, LECOMTE. - Human Destiny.
008752-ash: DUCHAMEL, GEORGES. - Le Notaire Du Havre.
010166-chrmiss: DUCHAUSSOIS, P. - The Grey Nuns in the Far North (1867-1917).
012350-chrhymn: DUFFIELD, SAMUEL WILLOUGHBY. - The English Hymns
012349-chrhymn: DUFFIELD, SAMUEL WILLOUGHBY. - The Latin Hymn-Writers and Their Hymns.
011300-chrhymn: DUFFIELD, SAMUEL WILLOUGHY. - English Hymns
008985-psygene: DUIJKER, H.C.J., AND N.H. FRIJDA. - National Character and National Stereotypes - a Trend Report Prepared for the International Union of Scientific.
011262-miscbio: DUNBAR, PAUL LAURENCE. - Joggin' Erlong.
011816-chrbiog: DUNCAN, T. BENTLEY. - A Missionary Arrives in Brazil.
005711-chreccl: DUNCAN, LESLIE H. - The Art of Teaching.
000341-chrmiss: DUNCAN, JESSIE. - Life in India.
012073-chrdevo: DUNDORE, PAUL J. - The Compulsion of Love Or Jesus and the Woman at the Well.
008300-chrdevo: DUNKERLEY, RODERIC (ED). - God's Promises.
008392-chrhist: DUPUY, PAUL. - Villemarie. Petites Fleurs Religieuses Du Vieux Montreal.
010464-chrstor: DURIEZ, COLIN (ED). - Workshop Ii.
009049-philoso: DURR, KARL. - Metaphysik Und Wissenschaftliche Philosophie.
001882-ash: DUTT, R. PALME. - The Problem of India.
012157-chrsoci: DUVENAGE, SCHALK CARL WILLEM. - Kerk, Volk En Jeug Deel I - Die Verhouding Van Kerk Tot Volk 'n Histories-Prinsipiele Studie.
008528-chrdevo: DWIGHT, THEODORE. - The Father's Book; Or Suggestions for the Government and Instruction of Young Children on Principles Appropriate to A.
009968-chrtheo: DYCK, CORNELIUS J. (ED). - The Lordship of Christ - Proceedings of the Seventh Mennonite World Conference, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, August 1-7, 1962.
009959-chrtheo: DYCK, CORNELIUS J. (ED). - The Witness of the Holy Spirit - Proceedings of the Eighth Mennonite World Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, July.
011198-miscsoc: DYMOND, M.J. (ED). - The Canadian Woman's Legal Guide.
012254-chrstor: E.M.S. - The History of a Pin.
009139-chrstor: E.M. AND A.H. - Mabel's Holiday.
006561-chrstor: E.A.B.D. - Pincherton Farm. The Story of Maurice Hamilton.
009407-miscmed: EAGLES, ELDON L., SAMUEL M. WISHIK, AND LEO G. DOERFLER. - Hearing Sensitivity and Ear Disease in Children
005511-ash: EAKIN, MILDRED MOODY. - Teaching Junior Boys and Girls.
011078-miscsoc: EARL BALDWIN OF BEWDLEY. - The Falconer Lectures Deliverd By the Right Hon. The Earl Baldwin of Bewdley, K.G. , at the University of Toronto, April.
009626-ash: EASTON, DAVID. - A Framework for Political Analysis.
005917-ash: EASTON, JOHN. - British Postage Stamp Design.
009020-psychil: EBERSOLE, MARYLOU, NEWELL C. KEPHART, AND JAMES B. EBERSOLE. - Steps to Achievement for the Slow Learner.
000627-chreccl: EBY, BENJAMIN (ED). - Christliches Gemutsgesprach Vom Seligmarhenden Glauben Fur Die Jugend. . . ; Und Ein Glaubensbekenntnis Der Mennoniten.
004515-chrsoci: ECKARDT, A. ROY. - The Surge of Piety in America. An Appraisal.
011480-chrhist: ECKENSTEIN, LINA. - Woman Under Monasticism. Chapters on Saint-Lore and Convent Life between A.D. 500 and A.D. 1500.
001491-philoso: EDDINGTON, ARTHUR STANLEY. - Science and the Unseen World.
006305-chrserm: EDDY, MARY BAKER. - The First Church of Christ Scientist and Miscellany.
003035-chrserm: EDDY, MARY BAKER. - Rudimental Divine Science / No and Yes.
002589-chrserm: EDDY, MARY BAKER. - Christian Science Versus Pantheism and Other Messages to the Mother Church.
001252-chrserm: EDDY, MARY BAKER. - Unity of Good. Rudimental Divine Science. No and Yes. Retrospection and Introspection.
001249-chrserm: EDDY, MARY BAKER. - Retrospection and Introspection.
001248-chrhist: EDDY, MARY BAKER. - The First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts.
011384-chroldt: EDELKOORT, A.H. - De Christus Vervachting in Het Oude Testament.
004741-chroldt: EDELKOORT, A.H. - Micha. De Profeet Vol Recht En Geldenmoed.
011138-chrbiog: EDEN, HORATIA K.F. - Juliana Horatia Ewing and Her Books.
011107-chrstor: EDGEWORTH, MARIA. - Rosamond
010901-chrtheo: EDGHILL, ERNEST A. - Faith and Fact - a Study of Ritschlianism Being the Essay for the Norrisian Prize, 1908.
007598-chrhist: EDINBOROUGH, ARNOLD (ED). - The Enduring Word, a Centennial History of Wycliffe College.
002474-chreccl: EDLAND, ELISABETH. - Children's Dramatizations.
012321-chrhist: EDWARDS, F.G. - The History of Mendelssohn's Oratorio 'elijah'.
009038-miscmed: EDWARDS, DAVID G. (ED). - Drugs Affecting Kidney Function and Metabolism.
006799-chrsoci: EDWARDS, THEODORE, & BLASE BONPANE. - Marxism and Christianity
011407-chrhist: EGGINKSZ, A. - Ewiet Gerritsz, de Goudsche Chirurgijn En Zijn Woelige Omgeving.
001176-chrpsyc: EGGLESTON, MARGARET W. - Faith Or Fear in Child Training.
009593-psysoci: EIBL-EIBESFELDT, IRENAUS. - The Biology of Peace and War - Men, Animals, and Agression.
000276-psybiol: EIBL-EIBESFELDT, IRENAUS. - Ethology the Biology of Behavior.
002765-miscsoc: ELIOT, CHARLES. - A Late Harvest. Miscellaneous Papers Written between Eighty and Ninety.
002918-chrhist: ELIZABETH, CHARLOTTE. - Judaea Capta.
000277-ash: ELKIND, DAVID. - The Hurried Child
006428-chrnewt: ELLICOTT, CHARLES JOHN. - A Critical and Grammatical Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, with a Revised Translation.
004965-chrnewt: ELLICOTT, CHARLES JOHN. - A Critical and Grammatical Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, with a Revised Translation.
011509-chrdevo: ELLIOTT, SPENCER H. - When Trouble Comes.
001084-chrdevo: ELLIOTT, HARRISON S. - How Jesus Met Life Questions.
011820-chrbiog: ELLIS, J.J. - Mary Slessor - the Dundee Factory Girl Who Became a Devoted African Missionary; Jeanie Gilchrist - Pioneer Missionary to the.
011714-chrtheo: ELLIS, E. EARLE. - Prophecy and Hermeneutic in Early Christianity - New Testament Essays.
011398-chrold: ELLIS, E. EARLE. - Paul's Use of the Old Testament.
011365-psysexu: ELLIS, ALBERT. - The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Dating and Mating.
005223-psyogen: ELLIS, ROBERT. - The Psychology of Individual Differences.
001764-psysexu: ELLIS ===>> GROSSKURTH, PHYLLIS. - Havelock Ellis.
000167-ash: ELLIS, HAVELOCK. - The Dance of Life.
008181-chroldt: ELLSWORTH, E.E. - Children of the Old Testament.
012005-chrsoci: ELLUL, JACQUES. - The Technological System.
012002-chrsoci: ELLUL, JACQUES. - Living Faith. Belief and Doubt in a Perilous World.
004490-chroldt: ELMSLIE, W.A.L. - How Came Our Faith. A Study of the Relgion of Israel and Its Significance for the Modern World.
004823-chrhist: ELTON, G.E. - Reform and Reformation. England 1509-1558.
011687-chrsoci: ELY, RICHARD T. - The Social Law of Service.
011134-chrsoci: ELY, RICHARD T. - Social Aspects of Christianinty, and Other Essays.
010545-miscsoc: ELY, RICHARD T., THOMAS S. ADAMS, MAX O. LORENZ, & ALLYN A. YOUNG. - Outlines of Economics.
008896-psypers: ENDLER, NORMAN S., AND DAVID MAGNUSSON (EDS). - Interactional Psychology and Personality.
005728-psychil: ENDLER, NORMAN S., LAWRENCE R. BOULTER, & HARRY OSSER. - Contemporary Issues in Developmental Psychology.
009976-phiethi: ENGBERG-PEDERSEN, TROELS. - Aristotle's Theory of Moral Insight.
002768-psychia: ENGLISH, O. SPURGEON, & GERALD H.J. PEARSON. - Common Neuroses of Children and Adults.
001312-ash: ENGLISH, O. SPURGEON, & GERALD H.J. PEARSON. - Emotional Problems of Living. Avoiding the Neurotic Pattern.
001951-chrbiog: ENGLISH, JAMES W. - Handyman of the Lord
000017-psychia: ENGLISH, O. SPURGEON, & GERALD H.J. PEARSON. - Emotional Problems of Living.
009217-chrbiog: ENGSTROM, THEODORE W. - The Real Mckoy.
005397-chreccl: EPP, DIETRICH H. - Kurze Erklarungen U. Erlauterungen Zum "Katechismus Der Christlichen, Tausgesinnten Gemeinden So Mennoniten Genannt W. . ".
005479-chrnewt: ERDMAN, CHARLES R. - The Acts. An Exposition.
002694-chrnewt: ERDMAN, CHARLES R. - Your Bible and You.
002586-chrnewt: ERDMAN, CHARLES R. - The First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians. An Exposition.
002525-psychil: ERIKSON, ERIK H. - Identity Youth and Crisis.
000302-psychoa: ERIKSON, ERIK H. - Insight and Responsibility
001767-psysexu: ERNST, MORRIS L., & DAVID LOTH. - American Sexual Behavior and the Kinsey Report.
000166-psysexu: ERSKINE, MRS. MONTEITH [CICELY]. - Sex at Choice.
007910-psyhist: ESPER, ERWIN A. - A History of Psychology.
004047-chrbiog: ESPINASSE, FRANCIS. - Life and Writings of Ernest Renan.
008964-chrtheo: EUCKEN, RUDOLF. - The Truth of Religion.
002795-miscmed: EULER, H. - Lehrbuch Der Zahnheilkunde.
011944-chrstor: EVANS WILSON, AUGUSTA J. - Vashti Or "Until Death Us Do Part".
007819-chrtheo: EVANS, JOHN. - A Sketch of the Denominations of the Christian World, to Which Is Prefixed an Outline of Atheism, Deism, Theophilanthropism,.
003009-psychoa: EVANS, RICHARD I. - Dialogue with Erik Erikson.
007877-chrdevo: EVERARD, GEORGE. - Lys Og Skjon. En Bog for Unge Koinder.
009663-chrstor: EVERETT-GREEN, EVELYN. - The Eversley Secrets.
008063-chrstor: EVERETT-GREEN, EVELYN. - Gladys Or Gwenyth. The Story of a Mistake.
006228-chrstor: EVERETT-GREEN, EVELYN. - Old Miss Audrey.
007114-miscsoc: EWART, JOHN S. - The Kingdom of Canada Imperial Federation, the Colonial Conferences the Alaska Boundary and Other Essays.
005130-chrstor: EWING, JULIANA HORATIA. - Six to Sixteen.
006900-chrhymn: EXCELL, E.O., & WILLIAM EDWARD BIEDERWOLF (EDS). - Make Christ King. A Selection of High Class Gospel Music for Use in General Worship and Special Evangelistic Meetings.
000303-psychia: EYSENCK, HANS. - Handbook of Abnormal Psychology.
011060-chrtheo: FABER, FREDERICK WILLIAM. - The Creator and the Creature, Or, the Wonders of Divine Love.
010948-chrchri: FABER, FREDERICK WILLIAM. - Bethlehem.
004514-chrsoci: FAGLEY, RICHARD M. - The Population Explosion and Christian Responsibility.
001887-chrmiss: FAHS, SOPHIA LYON. - Uganda's White Man of Work. A Story of Alexander M. Mackay.
007803-chrsoci: FAIRBAIRN, A.M. - Religion in History and in Modern Life. Together with an Essay on the Church and the Working Classes.
003511-ash: FAIRBAIRN, ANDREW MARTIN. - Studies in the Life of Christ.
003510-chrchri: FAIRBAIRN, ANDREW MARTIN. - Studies in the Life of Christ.
003411-chrtheo: FAIRBAIRN, ANDREW MARTIN. - The Philosophy of the Christian Religion.
003360-chrserm: FAIRBAIRN, A.M. - Christ in the Centuries and Other Sermons.
003078-chrhist: FAIRBAIRN, ANDREW MARTIN. - Religion in History and in Modern Life. Together with an Essay on the Church and the Working Class.
002886-chrtheo: FAIRBAIRN, ANDREW MARTIN. - The Philosophy of the Christian Religion.
002884-chrtheo: FAIRBAIRN, ANDREW MARTIN. - Studies in the Philosophy of Religion and History.
000638-ash: FAIRBAIRN, ANDREW MARTIN. - The Philosophy of the Christian Religion.
011119-chrpsyc: FALLOWS SAMUEL, & HELEN M. FALLOWS. - Science of Health from the Viewpoint of the Newest Christian Thought.
012286-chrserm: FARLEY, BENJAMIN W. (ED). - John Calvin's Sermons on the Ten Commandments.
004506-ash: FARMER, HERBERT H. - Towards Belief in God.
012363-chrhist: FARRAR, FREDERIC W. - Darkness and Dawn Or Scenes in the Days of Nero - an Historic Tale.
006660-chrpale: FARRAR, JOHN. - A Manual of Biblical Geography
007036-chrbiog: FARTHING, JOHN CRAGG. - Recollections of the Right Rev. John Cragg Farthing, Bishop of Montreal, 1909-1939.
002988-chrbiog: FARTHING, JOHN CRAGG. - Recollections of the Right Rev. John Cragg Farthing, Bishop of Montreal, 1909-1939.
006129-chrserm: FAUSSET, W. YORKE. - The Values of the Cross Or the Things That Matter. A Course of Six Lectures Given in Lent, 1913.
012269-chrtheo: FEE, GORDON D. - God's Empowering Presence - the Holy Spirit in the Letters of Paul.
008285-chrhist: FEE, NORMAN. - Knox Presbyterian Church Centenary. A History of the Congregation.
012161-chrtheo: FEENSTRA, J.G. - Leer En Leven - Eenvoudig Dogmatisch Leesboek.
010473-chrtheo: FEENSTRA, C.A. - Calvinism in the Light of God's Word (Or God's Word Versus Man's Words).
008978-psygene: FEIGL, HERBERT, MICHAEL SCRIVEN, AND GROVER MAXWELL. - The Foundations of Science and the Concepts of Psychology and Psychoanalysis / Concepts, Theories, and the Mind-Body Problem.
000110-ash: FEINBERG, MORTIMER R. - Effective Psychology for Managers.
011408-psybiol: FEINDEL, WILLIAM (ED). - Memory, Learning and Language
011409-mischis: FELTOE, RICHARD. - Redpath
011289-chrstor: FENN, GEORGE MANVILLE. - Fire Island - Being the Adventures of Uncertain Naturalists in an Unknown Track.
011093-chrtheo: FENWICK, THOMAS. - Archbishop Lynch's "Answers to Questions and Objections Concerning Catholic Doctrine and Practices. ".
010801-psygene: FERGUSON, GEORGE A. - Statistical Analysis in Psychology and Education.
010802-psygene: FERGUSON, GEORGE A. - Statistical Analysis in Psychology and Education.
005775-chrsoci: FERGUSON, JOHN. - The Enthronement of Love. Christ the Peacemaker.
000419-ash: FERGUSON, CHARLES W. - Naked to Mine Enemies the Life of Cardinal Wolsey.
010792-chrpsyc: FERM, ROBERT O. - The Psychology of Christian Conversion.
004486-chrtheo: FERM, VERGILIUS (ED). - The Protestant Credo. Ten Essays on the Protestant Faith and Its Essentials.
003077-chrhist: FERM, VERGILIUS (ED). - The American Church of the Protestant Heritage.
005431-psysucc: FERN, WILLIAM G. - Twelve Axioms of Success.
011546-chroldt: FERNHOUT, HARRY. - Of Kings and Prophets
010529-chroldt: FERNHOUT, HARRY. - Promises Broken; Promise Kept. A Reader's Guide to I and Ii Samuel.
009253-chrtheo: FERRE, NELS F.S. - The Living God of Nowhere and Nothing.
008669-chrtheo: FERRE, NELS F.S. - Evil and the Christian Faith.
004542-chrtheo: FERRIS, THEODORE PARKER. - The Image of God.
008304-psygene: FERSTER, C.B., AND MARY CAROL PERROTT. - Behavior Principles.
008886-psyogen: FESTINGER, LEON, AND DANIEL KATZ (EDS). - Research Methods in the Behavioral Sciences.
006078-chrserm: FEUER, LEON I. - Jewish Literature Since the Bible
011811-chrstor: FEUVRE, AMY LE. - Daddy's Sword.
011809-chrstor: FEUVRE, AMY LE. - Andy Man - a Story of Two Simple Souls.
011421-chrtheo: FEVAL, PAUL. - Jesuits!.
007820-misctra: FIELD, HENRY M. - From the Lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn.
005461-chrstor: FIELD, ROSWELL. - The Bondage of Ballinger.
005005-chrpale: FIELD, HENRY M. - Among the Holy Hills.
003866-chrmiss: FIELD, HENRY M. - The Barbary Coast.
005221-chrdevo: FILLMORE, CHARLES. - Mysteries of Genesis.
003813-chrdevo: FILLMORE, CHARLES. - Jesus Christ Heals.
003203-chrdevo: FILLMORE, MYRTLE. - Myrtle Fillmore's Healing Letters.
003404-chrnewt: FINDLAY, GEORGE G. - The Epistles of the Apostle Paul
002393-chrnewt: FINDLAY, GEORGE G. - The Epistles of the Apostle Paul
001560-chrnewt: FINDLAY, G.G. - The Epistle to the Galatians.
012336-chrstor: FINLEY, MARTHA. - Elsie at Nantucket.
011746-chrstor: FINLEY, MARTHA. - Mildred's New Daughter.
011745-chrstor: FINLEY, MARTHA. - Mildred's Married Life and a Winter with Elsie Dinsmore - a Sequel to Mildred and Elsie.
011691-chrstor: FINLEY, MARTHA. - Elsie's Widowhood
011690-chrstor: FINLEY, MARTHA. - Elsie and the Raymonds.
011689-chrstor: FINLEY, MARTHA. - Christmas with Grandma Elsie.
008026-chrstor: FINLEY, MARTHA [MRS. FARQUHARSON]. - Elsie's Girlhood.
002531-ash: FINN, REX WELLDON. - The English Heritage.
009091-chrtheo: FINNEY, CHARLES G. - Finney's Lectures on Systematic Theology.
001907-psysoci: FIRTH, RAYMOND. - Elements of Social Organization.
010286-psyogen: FISHER, RAYMOND ANDERSON. - The Psychology of Desire Or a Measure for Men.
009221-chrbiog: FISHER, CLAUDE LAING. - James Cardinal Mcguigan - Archbishop of Toronto.
008989-miscmed: FISHER, DELBERT A., AND GERARD N. BURROW. - Perinatal Thyroid Physiology and Disease.
007357-chrbiog: FISHER, CLAUDE LAING. - James Cardinal Mcguigan. Archbishop of Toronto.
003508-chrtheo: FISHER, GEORGE PARK. - Faith and Rationalism, with Short Supplementary Essays on Related Topics.
002477-chrtheo: FISHER, GEORGE P. - The Grounds of Theistic and Christian Belief.
001624-chreccl: FISHER, DANIEL W. - The Unification of the Churches.
005762-ash: FISK, DOROTHY. - Dr. Jenner of Berkeley.
003518-chrtheo: FISKE, JOHN. - Through Nature to God.
003512-chrtheo: FISKE, JOHN. - Through Nature to God.
007646-chrhist: FITCH, WILLIAM. - Knox Church Toronto. Avant-Garde Evangelical Advancing.
007645-chrhist: FITCH, WILLIAM. - Knox Church Toronto. Avant-Garde Evangelical Advancing.
010874-miscsci: FITZGERALD, SALLIE G., & OTHERS. - The Priscilla Basketry Book. No. 1. Lessons in Reed Weaving, Indian Basketry, Splint Work, and Chair Caning.
008948-miscedu: FITZPATRICK, ALFRED. - The University in Overalls - a Plea for Part-Time Study.
004159-psychil: FLAVELL, JOHN H. - The Developmental Psychology of Jean Piaget.
003735-psychil: FLAVELL, JOHN H. - The Developmental Psychology of Jean Piaget.
001081-chrchri: FLEETWOOD, JOHN. - The Life of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ;. . . Added the Lives and Sufferings of the Holy Evangelists and Apostles.
009826-chrhist: FLEMING, J.R. (ED). - Proceedings of the Twelfth General Council of the Alliance of Reformed Churches Holding the Presbyterian System Held at.
009825-chrhist: FLEMING, J.R. (ED). - Proceedings of the Twelfth General Council of the Alliance of Reformed Churches Holding the Presbyterian System Held at.
009823-chrhist: FLEMING, J.R. (ED). - Proceedings of the Eleventh General Council of the Alliance of Reformed Churches Holding the Presbyterian System Held at.
009641-chrtheo: FLEMING, J. DICK. - Redemption - the Christian Doctrine Set in the Light of History.
007604-chrhist: FLEMING, ARCHIBALD LANG. - A Book of Remembrance Or the History of St. John's Church. Saint John, New Brunswick.
006098-chrbiog: FLEMING, ARCHIBALD LANG. - Archibald the Artic.
003254-chroldt: FLEMING, J. DICK. - Israel's Golden Age. The Story of the United Kingdom.
011261-chrhymn: FLESHER, JOHN. - The Primitive Methodist Hymn Book. Partly Compiled from the Large and Small Hymn Books, Prepared By the Late Mr. Hugh Bourne.
010347-chrserm: FLETCHER, FRANK. - Brethren and Companions Charterhouse Chapel Addresses.
005564-chrarch: FLETCHER, J.M.J. - The Story of Salisbury Cathedral.
011823-chrstor: FLINT, ANNIE JOHNSON. - Songs in the Night.
002891-chrtheo: FLINT, ROBERT. - Theism.
002890-chrtheo: FLINT, ROBERT. - Theism.
007872-psychoa: FLUGEL, J.C. - Man, Morals and Society. A Psycho-Analytical Study.
005794-psysoci: FLUGEL, J.C. - Population, Psychology and Peace.
004224-psychoa: FLUGEL, J.C. - The Psycho-Analytical Study of the Family.
003828-psychoa: FLUGEL, J.C. - Man, Morals and Society. A Psycho-Analytical Study.
010855-chrbiog: FORAN, J.K. - Jeanne Mance Or "the Angel of the Colony," Foundress of the Hotel-Dieu Hospital, Montreal, Pioneer Nurse of North America.
010348-miscbio: FORBES, ARCHIBALD. - Memories and Studies of War and Peace.
009436-chrsoci: FORBES, RICHARD. - Humanism & Human Rights - a Christian View.
007858-chrhist: FORBES, A.S.C. - California Missions and Landmarks. El Camino Real.
011126-psysoci: FORBUSH, WILLIAM BYRON. - The Boy Problem.
005006-chrdevo: FORCE, MAYNARD A. - Jonah Speaks. Devotional Meditations from the Book of Jonah.
000752-chrserm: FORCEY, CLARK. - Palaces of God.
012218-psychth: FOREL, AUGUST. - Hypnotism Or Suggestion and Psychotherapy - a Study of the Psychological, Psycho-Physiological and Therapeutic Aspects . . .
009682-chrstor: FORESTER, F.B. - His Level Best.
007917-psycogn: FORGUS, RONALD H., AND LAWRENCE E. MELAMED. - Perception. A Cognitive Stage Approach.
006954-chrtheo: FORREST, DAVID W. - The Authority of Christ.
008591-chreccl: FORSTER, HARVEY G.(ARRANGED BY). - Holy Days. A Lectionary of the Christian Year. .
006639-chrdevo: FORSTER, HARVEY G. (ARRANGER). - Holy Days. A Lectionary of the Christian Year. .
010303-chrsoci: FORSYTH, P.T. - The Christian Ethic of War.
012102-miscsci: FORTESCUE, C.L. - Wireless Telegraphy.
002276-chrdevo: FOSBERY, THOMAS VINCENT (ED). - Voices of Comfort.
010325-chrnewt: FOSDICK, HARRY EMERSON. - The Modern Use of the Bible.
010106-chrserm: FOSDICK, HARRY EMERSON. - The Hope of the World - Twenty-Five Sermons on Christianity Today. .
009529-chrnewt: FOSDICK, HARRY EMERSON. - The Modern Use of the Bible.
001293-chrchri: FOSDICK, HARRY EMERSON. - The Man from Nazareth As His Contemporaries Saw Him.
006739-ash: FOSTER, JOHN W. - Arbitration and the Hague Court.
003195-chrserm: FOSTER, JOHN. - Essays in a Series of Lectures.
001772-psychia: FOUDRAINE, JAN. - Not Made of Wood. A Psychiatrist Discovers His Own Profession.
012074-chrsoci: FOWLER, S. - A Christian Voice Among Students and Scholars.
008319-miscmed: FOWLER, GEORGE RYERSON. - A Treatise on Appendicitis.
000934-chrdevo: FOWLER, W.J. - Grace and Gold Or Scriptural Giving.
000067-ash: FOX, ADAM. - Dean Inge.
012282-chroldt: FRANCE, R.T. - Jesus and the Old Testament - His Application of Old Testament Passages to Himself and His Mission.
008924-psychia: FRANCES, ALLEN. - Dsm-Iii Personality Disorders
008558-psychia: FRANCES, ALLEN. - Dsm-Iii Personality Disorders
008352-chrhist: FRANCIS, C.D. - A Story of the Church of England.
001120-psychia: FRANK, GEORGE. - Psychiatric Diagnosis
006040-chrnewt: FRANZMANN, MARTIN H. - The Word of the Lord Grows. A First Historical Introduction to the New Testament.
007543-chrbiog: FRASER, DONALD. - Thomas Chalmers.
003716-ash: FRASER, SYLVIA. - My Father's House. A Memoir of Incest and of Healing.
000570-chrserm: FRASER, THOMAS. - Sermons.
002395-chrnewt: FRAZER, J.G. - Passages of the Bible Chosen for Their Literary Beauty and Interest.
009422-chrhist: FREE, JOSEPH P. - Archaeology and Bible History.
011458-chrhist: FREEMAN, JAMES DILLET. - The Household of Faith - the Story of Unity.
007969-psygene: FREEMAN, FRANK S. - Theory and Practice of Psychological Testing.
005947-psygene: FREEMAN, FRANK S. - Theory and Practice of Psychological Testing.
004299-chrdevo: FREEMAN, JOHN D. - Life on the Uplands.
001546-ash: FREEMAN, LUCY. - Freud Rediscovered.
005641-psygene: FREEMON, FRANK R. - Sleep Research. A Critical Review.
010620-miscmed: FRENCH, HERBERT. - Medical Laboratory Methods and Tests.
003049-psychoa: FRENCH, THOMAS M. - The Integration of Behavior. Volume I. Basic Postulates.
011004-psychil: FREUD, ANNA, & DOROTHY BURLINGHAM. - Infants without Families - the Case for and Against Residential Nurseries.
005035-psychoa: FREUD, SIGMUND. - Inleiding Tot de Studie Der Psychoanalyse.
003831-psychoa: FREUD, SIGMUND. - Selected Papers on Hysteria and Other Psychoneuroses.
001186-psychoa: FREUD, SIGMUND. - Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety.
000307-psychoa: FREUD, SIGMUND. - The Ego and the Id.
000018-ash: FREUD, SIGMUND. - The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud.
008834-miscmed: FRIEDMAN, ELI A., AND FRANCIS A. L'ESPERANCE JR. (EDS). - Diabetic Renal-Retinal Syndrome.
008832-miscmed: FRIEDMAN, ELI A. (ED). - Strategy in Renal Failure.
008315-psychth: FRIEDMAN, WILLIAM H. - Practical Group Therapy. A Guide for Clinicians.
001550-psysoci: FRIEDMAN, NEIL. - The Social Nature of Psychological Research.
006112-chrbiog: FRIESEN, I.P. - Meine Reise Nach Palastina.
005352-chrdevo: FRIESEN, ISAAC P. - Im Dienste Des Meisters.
012117-chrtheo: FRINGS, J.W. - Life Everlasting and Psychic Evolution - a Scientific Inquiry the Origin of Man Considered As Body, Soul and Spirit, and Some.
008849-miscmed: FRISHMAN, WILLIAM H. - Clinical Pharmacology of the B-Adrenoceptor Blocking Drugs.
012210-psychtr: FROMM, ERIKA & STEPHEN KAHN. - Self-Hypnosis
001096-ash: FROMM, ERICH. - The Forgotten Language
012331-chrtheo: FROST, HENRY W. - Matthew Twenty-Four and the Revelation - an Analysis, Literal Translation and Exposition of Each.
012370-chrdevo: FRY, CAROLINE. - Christ Our Example.
010022-chrstor: FRY, SARAH MARIA. - The Young Hop-Pickers.
008237-misctra: FULLER, HIRAM. - Belle Brittan on a Tour, at Newport, and Here and There.
010730-miscmed: FULOP-MILLER, RENE. - Triumph over Pain.
011675-chrdevo: FULTON, JUSTIN D. - Why Priests Should Wed.
008321-ash: FULTON, LEVI S., AND GEO. W. EASTMAN. - A Practical System of Book-Keeping By Single and Double Entry
011067-chrdevo: FUNCKE, O. - Reisebilder Und Heimathklange.
005389-chrdevo: FUNCKE, O. - Gottes Weisheit in Der Kinderstube.
003186-psybiol: FURST, CHARLES. - Origins of the Mind. Mind-Brain Connections.
001773-psychil: FURTH, HANS G., & HARRY WACHS. - Thinking Goes to School. Piaget's Theory in Practice.
005376-chrsoci: GAEBELEIN, ARNO CLEMENS. - Hopeless -- Yet There Is Hope. A Study in World Conditions and Their Solution.
005344-chrtheo: GAEBELEIN, ARNO CLEMENS. - Christendum Oder Religion? Eine Betrachtung Uber Den Ursprung Und Die Entwicklung Der Religion. . . .
005208-chrsoci: GAEBELEIN, ARNO CLEMENS. - World Prospects
011780-chrstor: GAGGIN, E.R. - Down Ryton Water.
007330-chrserm: GALLOWAY, GEORGE. - Faith and Reason in Religion.
003513-chrtheo: GALLOWAY, GEORGE. - The Philosophy of Religion.
008160-chrbiog: GAMMIE, ALEXANDER. - Dr. George H. Morrison. His Life and Work.
010306-chrserm: GANDIER, ALFRED. - The Son of Man Coming in His Kingdom - a Study of the Apocalyptic Element in the Teaching of Jesus.
005707-ash: GANE, MARGARET DRURY. - Parade on an Empty Street.
008306-psychoa: GANZARAIN, RAMON. - Object Relations Group Psychotherapy. The Group As an Object, a Tool, and a Training Base.
008842-miscmed: GARDINER-HILL, H. (ED). - Modern Trends in Endocrinology 3.
006920-chrhist: GARDINER, CHRISTINE E. (ED). - St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. A History.
003611-chrchri: GARDINER, ROBERT B. - The Life of Christ. Selections from the Gospels Chronologically Arranged.
002949-chrnewt: GARDNER, PERCY. - The Ephesian Gospel.
001157-chrsoci: GARDNER, E. CLINTON. - Biblical Faith and Social Ethics.
002055-psyogen: GARRETT, HENRY E. - Great Experiments in Psychology.
004990-chrstor: GARRIOCH, A.C. - The Far and Furry North. A Story of Life and Love and Travel in the Days of the Hudson's Bay Company.
011016-chrhist: GARRISON, WINFRED ERNEST & ALFRED T. DEGROOT. - The Disciples of Christ a History.
002397-chrnewt: GARVIE, ALFRED E. - Studies of Paul and His Gospel.
012316-chrhist: GASQUET, ABBOT. - The Eve of the Reformation - Studies in the Religious Life and Thought of the English People in the Period Preceding the.
004859-chrdevo: GASQUET, CARDINAL. - Religio Religiosi. Objet Et But de la Vie Religieuse.
002952-psysoci: GAULT, ROBERT H. - Social Psychology. The Bases of Behavior Called Social.
011477-chrscie: GAUSSEN, LOUIS. - The World's Birthday. A Book for the Young.
005285-chrscie: GAUSSEN, LOUIS. - The World's Birthday. A Book for the Young.
008572-chrhist: GAWTHORP, WALTER E. - The Brasses of Our Homeland Churches.
003024-psybiol: GAZZANIGA, MICHAEL S. (ED). - Perspectives in Memory Research.
009988-chrtheo: GEEHAN, E.R. (ED). - Jerusalem and Athens - Critical Discussions on the Theology and Apologetics of Cornelius Van Til.
009713-psysoci: GEEN, RUSSELL G, AND EDGAR C. O'NEAL (EDS). - Perspectives on Aggression.
009711-psysoci: GEEN, RUSSELL G., AND EDWARD I. DONNERSTEIN (EDS). - Aggression - Theoretical and Empirical Reviews.
012030-chrtheo: GEESINK, W. - Van 's Heeren Ordinantien.
010212-chrtheo: GEESINK, W. - Van 's Heeren Ordinantien.
001953-chrbiog: GEHMAN, RICHARD. - Let My Heart Be Broken. . . With the Things That Break the Heart of God.
010385-misclit: GEIBEL, EMANUEL. - Gedichte.
006716-chrdevo: GEISTWEIT, WILLIAM HENRY. - Heart Talks. On Every Day Themes for Every Day People. .
009299-chrstor: GELDART, THOMAS. - Emilie the Peacemaker.
002208-ash: GENUNG, JOHN F. - Outlines of Rhetoric, Embodied in Rules, Illustrative Examples, and a Progressive Course of Prose Composition.
004866-philoso: GENY, PAULO. - Critica de Cognitionis Humanae Valore Disquisitio.
001129-philoso: GEORGE, WILLIAM H. - The Scientist in Action. A Scientific Study of His Methods.
011064-chreccl: GERBERDING, G.H. - The Way of Salvation in the Lutheran Church - Written for the Common People Also for Use in Luther Leagues, Adult Bible and.
002773-psyogen: GERLING, D.J. - Short Stature and Height Increase.
005409-chrdevo: GEROK, KARL. - Blumen Und Sterne. Vermischte Gedichte.
005410-chrdevo: GEROK, KARL. - Pfingstrosen.
012087-chrtheo: GERSTNER, JOHN H. - The Theology of the Major Sects.
010804-psychil: GESELL, ARNOLD, & FRANCES L. ILG. - Infant and Child in the Culture of Today
010458-psychil: GESELL, ARNOLD. - The Mental Growth of the Pre-School Child. A Psychological Outline of Normal Development from Birth to the Sixth Year,.
010406-psychil: GESELL, ARNOLD. - Studies in Child Development.
001110-psychil: GESELL, ARNOLD, & FRANCES L. ILG. - Infant and Child in the Culture of Today
000220-psychil: GESELL, ARNOLD, & FRANCES L. ILG. - Infant and Child in the Culture of Today
010398-chrbiog: GIBBON, F.P. - William A. Smith of the Boys' Brigade.
011779-chrstor: GIBERNE, AGNES. - Next-Door Neighbours.
009698-chrdevo: GIBRAN, KAHLIL. - A Treasury of Kahlil Gibran / a Second Treasury of Kahlil Gibran.
010537-chrbiog: GIBSON, LUCILE FOREMAN. - Lives Entwined, Lives of Finley F. Gibson, D.D. And Mrs. Finley F. Gibson.
010367-psycogn: GIBSON, ELEANOR J. - Principles of Perceptual Learning and Development.
007047-chrtheo: GIBSON, J. MONRO. - Protestant Principles.
006942-chrnewt: GIBSON, JOHN MONRO. - The Gospel of St. Matthew.
005750-chrnewt: GIBSON, JOHN MONRO. - The Gospel According to St. Matthew.
005170-chrstor: GIBSON, SARAH. - Donald and His Friends.
011133-chrtheo: GIFFORD, M.W. - Christian Science Against Itself.
001676-chreccl: GIFT, FOSTER U. - Week Day Religious Education.
007834-chrbiog: GILBERT, GEORGE B. - Forty Years a Country Preacher.
005524-chrtheo: GILBERT, DAN. - Jehovah's Witness [an Expose of Russelism].
005522-chrsoci: GILBERT, DAN. - Will Russia Invade Palestine?.
003608-chrchri: GILBERT, GEORGE HOLLEY. - The Student's Life of Christ.
004997-chrdevo: GILFILLAN, GEORGE. - The Bards of the Bible.
003347-chrsoci: GILKEY, LANGDON. - How the Church Can Minister to the World without Losing Itself.
004991-psychoa: GILL, MERTON M., & MARGARET BRENMAN. - Hypnosis and Related States. Psychoanalytic Studies in Regression.
003888-psysoci: GILLIN, JOHN LEWIS. - Poverty and Dependency, Their Relief and Prevention.
005437-psychth: GILMAN, LEONARD. - Insomnia and Its Relation to Dreams.
005334-psychth: GINDES, BERNARD C. - New Concepts of Hypnosis.
004908-ash: GINSBERG, HERBERT, & SYLVIA OPPER. - Piaget's Theory of Intellectual Development. An Introduction.
012167-chrtheo: GISPEN, W.H. - Eenige Brieven Aan Een Vriend Te Jeruzalem.
001655-ash: GLADDEN, WASHINGTON. - The Christian Pastor and the Working Church.
012334-chrserm: GLADSTONE, W.E. - The Creation Story.
007274-psybiol: GLASS, DAVID C. (ED). - Neurophysiology and Emotion.
000311-ash: GLASSER, WILLIAM. - Reality Therapy
005569-chrarch: GLOAG, JOHN. - The Englishman's Castle.
003516-chrchri: GLOVER, T.R. - Jesus in the Experience of Men.
000753-chrserm: GLOVER, T.R. - The Pilgrim. Essays on Religion.
009100-psysoci: GLUECK, SHELDON, & ELEANOR GLUECK. - Predicting Delinquency and Crime.
009015-miscmed: GLYNN, L.E., AND E.J. HOLBOROW. - Autoimmunity and Disease.
008044-chrtheo: GOARD, WILLIAM PASCOE. - The Kingdom of God.
001929-chrtheo: GODDARD, JOHN. - Right and Wrong Unveilings of the Spiritual World.
008482-miscmed: GODFREY, CHARLES M. - Medicine for Ontario
011948-chrbiog: GOFORTH, ROSALIND. - Goforth of China.
009404-miscmed: GOLDBERG, A., AND M.C. BRAIN (EDS). - Recent Advances in Haematology.
008545-psyogen: GOLDBERG, E.M. - Family Influences and Psychosomatic Illness - an Inquiry Into the Social and Psychological Background of Duodenal Ulcer.
009688-chrsoci: GOLDENBERG, NAOMI R. - Changing of the Gods - Feminism and the End of Traditional Religions.
001342-chrpale: GOLDING, LOUIS. - In the Steps of Moses.
007318-ash: GOLDMAN, STANFORD. - Information Theory.
004808-ash: GOLDSMITH, M.M. - Hobbes's Science of Politics.
009555-psychia: GOLDSTEIN, GERALD AND MICHEL HERSEN (EDS). - Handbook of Psychological Assessment.
007594-psychil: GOODENOUGH, FLORENCE L. - Exceptional Children.
006743-psychil: GOODENOUGH, FLORENCE L., & JOHN E. ANDERSON. - Experimental Child Study.
004255-psychil: GOODENOUGH, FLORENCE L. - Developmental Psychology. An Introduction to the Study of Human Behavior.
003727-psychil: GOODENOUGH, FLORENCE L., & LEONA E. TAYLOR. - Developmental Psychology. An Introduction to the Study of Human Behavior.
010546-psysucc: GOODMAN, JORDAN. - The Money Answers Program / Everybody's Money Book / 12 Commandments of Personal Finance.
009031-psychil: GOODWIN, WILLIAM L., AND LAURA A. DRISCOLL. - Handbook for Measurement and Evaluation in Early Childhood Education.
008359-chrtheo: GOODWIN, J.W. - The Gospel for Our Age.
005802-ash: GOODWIN, W.L. - A Handbook of Prospecting.
009687-chrdevo: GOOT, MARY VANDER. - A Life Planning Guide for Women.
010898-chrdevo: GORDON, S.D. - Quiet Talks on the Crowned Chirst of Revelation.
010296-chrsoci: GORDON, JAMES L. - The Young Man and His Problems.
010043-chrdevo: GORDON, S.D. - Quiet Talks on Service.
009765-chrdevo: GORDON, S.D. - Quiet Talks on Power.
009708-chrdevo: GORDON, S.D. - Quiet Talks on Power.
009476-miscmed: GORDON, EMERIC (ED). - A Basis and Practice of Neuroanaesthesia.
007009-chrbiog: GORDON, CHARLES W. [RALPH CONNOR]. - The Life of James Robertson. D.D.
003846-chroldt: GORDON, ALEXANDER R. - The Early Traditions of Genesis.
001388-chroldt: GORDON, ALEXANDER R. - The Faith of Isaiah. Statesman and Evangelist.
011464-chrbiog: GORE, JOHN. - Charles Gore Father and Son - a Background to the Early Years and Family Life of Bishop Gore.
001470-ash: GORE, CHARLES. - The Philosophy of the Good Life.
004007-psybiol: GORSKI, ROGER A., & RICHARD E. WHALEN (EDS). - Brain and Behavior. Vol Iii
008550-chrdevo: GOSSIP, ARTHUR JOHN. - In the Secret Place of the Most High.
007989-ash: GOSSIP, ARTHUR JOHN. - Experience Worketh Hope, Being Some Thoughts for a Troubled Day.
008307-chrsoci: GOUDZWAARD, BOB. - Aid for the Overdeveloped West.
004426-miscmed: GOULD, A. PEARCE. - Elements of Surgical Diagnosis.
008533-chrarch: GOWANS, ALAN. - Church Architecture in New France.
005156-chrhist: GRAFTON, CHAPMAN. - Pusey and the Church Revival.
004029-chrhist: GRAFTON, C.C. - The Lineage from Apostolic Times of the American Catholic Church Commonly Called the Episcopal Church.
008716-chrtheo: GRAHAM, JAS. - The Bible the Mightiest Factor in Human Progress. With Hints to Evolutionists.
006767-chrbiog: GRAHAM, CAROL. - Azariah of Dornakal.
004572-chrdevo: GRAHAM, MRS. E. JEFFERS. - Etchings from a Parsonage Veranda.
011142-chrtheo: GRANT, FREDERICK W. - Facts & Theories As to a Future State
010734-chrtheo: GRANT, GEORGE M. - The Religions of the World.
008478-miscsoc: GRANT, GEORGE. - Lament for a Nation
007599-chrmiss: GRANT, JOHN WEBSTER. - God's People in India.
004485-chrnewt: GRANT, FREDERICK C. - The Gospels
003529-chrtheo: GRANT, GEORGE M. - The Religions of the World.
001559-chrnewt: GRANT, W.M. - Ideals of the Early Church. The Religious Ideas of Acts.
009614-chrtheo: GRAVIE, ALFRED E. - The Rischlian Theology Critical and Constructive - an Exposition and an Estimate.
012045-chreccl: GRAY, CHARLOTTE E. - Experimental Object Lessons - Bible Truths Simply Taught.
011889-chrbiog: GRAY, EDNA. - One Woman's Life. Edna Gray's Story.
008130-psysoci: GRAY, J. STANLEY. - Psychology Applied to Human Affairs.
005559-chrstor: GRAY, E.J. - The True Vine.
003553-chrbiog: GRAY, EDWIN (TED). - In All Thy Ways. Letters from a Canadian Flying Officer in Training in Canada and England and in Action in North Africa.
000756-ash: GRAY, A. HERBERT. - Finding God.
000606-chrhist: GRAZULIS, NIJOLE (TR & ED). - The Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania.
012256-psychia: GREBEN, STANLEY E., VIVIAN M. RAKOFF, & GEORGE VOINESKOS (EDS). - A Method of Psychiatry.
007443-psychia: GREBEN, STANLEY E., VIVIAN M. RAKOFF, & GEORGE VOINESKOS (EDS). - A Method of Psychiatry.
011868-psychil: GREEN, RICHARD. - The "Sissy Boy Syndrome" and the Deveoopment of Homosexuality.
009314-phiethi: GREEN, THOMAS HILL. - Prolegomena to Ethics.
005953-miscsoc: GREEN, THOMAS HILL. - Lectures on the Principles of Political Obligation .
004499-phiethi: GREEN, PETER. - The Problem of Right Conduct. A Text-Book of Christian Ethics.
008507-psygene: GREENGLASS, ESTHER R. - A World of Difference. Gender Roles in Perspective.
009032-psychia: GREENSPAN, STANLEY I. - The Clinical Interview of the Child.
009183-chrtheo: GREG, WILLIAM RATHBONE. - The Creed of Christendom
012034-chrhist: GREGG, WILLIAM. - History of the Presbyterian Church in the Dominion of Canada from the Earliest to 1834; with a Chronological Table of.
009870-chrhist: GREGG, WILLIAM. - History of the Presbyterian Church in the Dominion of Canada from the Earliest to 1834; with a Chronological Table of Events.
005811-ash: GREGG, WILLIAM. - Short History of the Presbyterian Church in the Dominion of Canada from the Earliest to the Present Time.
005206-chrserm: GREGG, DAVID. - Our Best Moods
004350-chrhist: GREGG, WILLIAM. - Short History of the Presbyterian Church in the Dominion of Canada from the Earliest to the Present Time.
007620-chrdevo: GREGORY, JOHN / MRS. CHAPONE. - A Father's Legacy to His Daughters, a Book for Young Women / on the Improvement of the Mind / a Letter to a New-Married Lady.
002460-ash: GREGORY, J.W. - The Making of the Earth.
011936-chreccl: GREIDANUS, SIDNEY. - Sola Scriptura - Problems and Principles in Preaching Historical Texts.
011913-chrnewt: GREIDANUS, SIDNEY. - Sola Scriptura. Problems and Principles in Preaching Historical Texts.
009993-chrnewt: GREIDANUS, SIDNEY. - Sola Scriptura. Problems and Principles in Preaching Historical Texts.
011907-chrnewt: GREIJDANUS, S. - Heilige Gescheidenis. Volgens de Vier Evangelieverhalen.
004935-chrdevo: GRENFELL, WILFRED T. - What Can Jesus Christ Do with Me?.
002808-chrmiss: GRENFELL, WILFRED T. - Down North on the Labrador.
010289-psyogen: GRIFFIN, J.D.M., S.R. LAYCOCK, & W. LINE. - Mental Hygiene, a Manual for Teachers.
012106-chrtheo: GRIFFIOEN, SANDER. - De Roos En Het Kruis - de Waardering Van de Eindigheid in Het Latere Denken Van Hegel.
012105-chrtheo: GRIFFIOEN, SANDER. - De Roos En Het Kruis - de Waardering Van de Eindigheid in Het Latere Denken Van Hegel. . .
007474-chrmiss: GRIFFIS, WILLIAM ELIOT. - Religions of Japan from the Dawn of History to the Era of Meiji.
003528-ash: GRIFFITH-JONES, E. - The Ascent Through Christ
012324-chrsoci: GRINDROD, RALPH BARNES. - Bacchus - a Essay on the Nature, Causes, Effects, and Cure, of Intemperance.
005245-psychia: GRINKER, ROY R. - Psychiatry in Broad Perspective.
003042-psychia: GRINKER, ROY R., & FRED P. ROBBINS. - Psychosomatic Case Book.
007331-miscmed: GROLLMAN, ARTHUR. - The Adrenals.
010102-psychth: GROLOW, LEON, ERASMUS L. HOCH, AND EARL F. TELSCHOW. - The Nature of Nondirective Group Psychotherapy - an Experimental Investigation.
012027-chrtheo: GRONBECH, VILHELM. - De Menschenzoon.
010682-chrbiog: GROOT, CARRIE. - No Time for Tears.
010382-mischis: GROSER, HORACE G. - Out with the Old Voyagers.
001696-chreccl: GROSER, WILLIAM H. - The Sunday-School Teacher's Manual Or the Principles and Methods of Instruction As Applied to Sunday-School Work.
001678-chreccl: GROSER, WILLIAM H. - The Art of Picturing.
001670-chreccl: GROSER, WILLIAM H. - The Teacher's Model; Or, the Art of Teaching As Exhibited in the Discourses of Our Lord.
011163-chrdict: GROSHEIDE, F.W., G.P. VAN ITTERZON (RED). - Christelijke Encyclopedie.
010580-chrdict: GROSHEIDE, F.W., G.P. VAN ITTERZON (RED). - Christelijke Encyclopedie.
010213-chrtheo: GROSHEIDE, F.W. - Het Schriftbewijs.
005463-psyogen: GROVES, ERNEST R., & PHYLLIS BLANCHARD. - Introducton to Mental Hygiene.
009086-miscmed: GRUBB, R. - The Genetic Markers of Human Immunoglobulins.
012268-chrsoci: GUARDINI, ROMANO. - Letters from Lake Como - Explorations in Technology and the Human Race.
000621-ash: GUEDALLA, PHILIP. - The Two Marshalls. Bazaine & Petain.
003096-ash: GUEDALLA, PHILIP. - The Hundred Years.
005531-mischis: GUERBER, H.A. - De Mythen Van Griekenland En Rome Haar Oorsprong En Beteekenis.
001106-ash: GUERNEY, BERNARD G. (ED). - Psychotherapeutic Agents
011765-chrstor: GUERNSEY, LUCY ELLEN. - The Hidden Treasure.
010577-chrstor: GUERNSEY, LUCY ELLEN. - Myra Sherwood's Cross and How She Bore It.
012056-psysoci: GUEST, FLORA BIGELOW. - Casting out Fear.
007483-chrstor: GUEST, EDGAR A. - The Passing Throng.
000962-ash: GUEST, EDGAR A. - A Heap O' Livin'.
008132-psygene: GUILFORD, J.P. (ED). - Fields of Psychology Basic and Applied.
011806-psygene: GUILLAUME, PAUL. - Introduction a la Psychologie.
011102-chrstor: GUIZOT DE WITT, MADAME. - Motherless; Or a Parisian Family.
010361-chrbiog: GUIZOT, M. - Saint Louis and Calvin.
008622-chrhist: GUNN, WILLIAM T. - Uniting Three United Churches.
000525-ash: GUNN, WILLIAM T. - His Dominion.
012128-chroldt: GUNNING, J.H. - Van Babel Naar Jeruzalem.
009307-philoso: GUSDORF, GEORGES. - Speaking [la Parole].
005611-chrserm: GUTHRIE, THOMAS. - "out of Harness" Sketches, Narrative and Descriptive.
003190-psygene: GUTHRIE, EDWIN R., & ALLEN L. EDWARDS. - Psychology
003072-chrhist: GWATKIN, HENRY MELVILL. - The Knowledge of God and Its Historical Development.
007504-miscsci: HAANEL, EUGENE. - On the Location and Examination of Magnetic Ore Deposits By Magnetometric Measurements.
006790-chrstor: HABBERTON, JOHN. - Helen's Babies. With Some Account of Their Ways. Witching and Repulsive.
007783-psycogn: HABER, RALPH NORMAN, AND MAURICE HERSHENSON. - The Psychology of Visual Perception.
007782-psycogn: HABER, RALPH NORMAN (ED). - Contemporary Theory and Research in Visual Perception.
005504-chrdevo: HABERMANN, JOHANN / DR. NEUMAN. - Dr. Johann Habermann's Christliches Gebet=Buchlein, Enthaltend
012191-chrnewt: HACKETT, HORATIO B. - Illustrations of Scripture Suggested By a Tour Through the Holy Land.
011484-psysucc: HADDOCK, FRANK CHANNING. - Power of Succes Through Culture of Vibrant Magnetism.
005774-chrtheo: HAERING, THEODORE. - The Christian Faith. A System of Dogmatics.
005392-chrhist: HAGENBACH, KARL RUDOLPH. - Die Christliche Kirche Der Drei Ersten Jahrhunderte.
011513-chroldt: HAGUE, DYSON. - Jonah.
011514-chrtheo: HAGUE, DYSON. - The Evangelical and Scholarship - Reprinted from the English Church Record and the American Champion with Emendations and.
008800-psychia: HAILMAN, KENNETH M., AND EDWARD VALENSTEIN (EDS). - Clinical Neuropsychology.
001422-psysexu: HAIRE, NORMAN (ED). - Encyclopaedia of Sexual Knowledge.
008946-psybiol: HALDANE, J.B.S., AND JULIAN HUXLEY. - Animal Biology.
007496-ash: HALDANE, J.B.S. - A Banned Broadcast and Other Essays.
004099-chrstor: HALE, EDWARD EVERETT. - Sunday Afternoon Stories for Home and School.
008610-psychth: HALEY, JAY. - Reflections on Therapy and Other Essays.
007692-psychth: HALEY, JAY. - Problem-Solving Therapy.
011478-psychil: HALL, G. STANLEY. - Aspects of Child Life and Education.
011248-chrtheo: HALL, JAMES. - Knowledge, Belief, and Transcendence.
011116-chrtheo: HALL, A. WILFORD. - Universalism Against Itself
010978-psysexu: HALL, WINFIELD SCOTT, & JEANNETTE WINTER HALL. - Sexual Education for Sex Problems Sex Hygiene By Highest Authority - Sexual Knowledge.
010461-psygene: HALL, JOHN F. - Psychology of Motivation.
009685-chrtheo: HALL, LASHLEY. - The Continuity of Revelation
008467-chrsoci: HALL, FRANCIS J. - Christian Reunion in Ecumenical Light.
002668-miscmed: HALL, FREEMAN. - Tuberculosis.
001904-ash: HALL, CALVIN S., & GARDNER LINDZEY. - Theories of Personality.
001232-chrtheo: HALL, CHARLES CUTHBERT. - Christian Belief Interpreted By Christian Experience.
001156-chrbiog: HALL, DOUGLAS. - Not Made for Defeat. The Authorized Biography of Oswald Smith.
000160-ash: HALL, JOHN F. - Psychology of Motivation.
011411-chrdevo: HALLESBY, O. - Temperamentene.
010415-chrpamp: HALLESBY, OLE. - Om Underet.
009936-chrdevo: HALLESBY, O. - Religious Or Christian.
009933-chrdevo: HALLESBY, O. - Conscience.
009931-chrdevo: HALLESBY, O. - The Christian Life in the Light of the Cross.
005136-chrdevo: HALLESBY, O. - Het Gebed.
011005-psychia: HALLIDAY, JAMES L. - Mr. Carlyle - My Patient (His Stomach, Soul and Mind).
009639-chrpsyc: HALLIDAY, W. FEARON. - Psychology and Religious Experience.
007192-chrdevo: HALLIMAND, J.G. - The Miracle of Answered Prayer.
010248-chrbiog: HALLOCK, WILLIAM. - A Sketch of the Life and Labors of the Rev. Justin Edwards, D.D. The Evangelical Pastor; the Advocate of Temperance, the.
002714-chrmiss: HALLOCK, GERALD BENJAMIN FLEET. - The Evangelistic Cyclopedia. A New Century Handbook of Evangelism.
002253-chrdevo: HALPER, B. (ED). - Post-Biblical Hebrew Literature. An Anthology.
010744-psychia: HALPERN, ANDREW S., & MARCUS J. FUHRER (EDS). - Functional Assessment in Rehabilitation.
011734-chreccl: HALPIN, P.A. - Children's Retreats Preparing for First Confession, First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
009597-psysoci: HAMBURG, DAVID A., AND MICHELLE B. TRUDEAU (EDS). - Biobehavioral Aspects of Aggression.
012189-chrdevo: HAMILTON, FRANKLIN. - The Cup of Fire.
011837-chrtheo: HAMILTON, RICHARD WINTER. - The Revealed Doctrine of Rewards and Punishments.
011024-mischum: HAMILTON, EDWIN T. - Tin-Can-Craft.
004447-chrpsyc: HAMILTON, MICHAEL P. (ED). - The New Genetics and the Future of Man.
004446-ash: HAMILTON, WILLIAM. - The Christian Man.
008771-philoso: HAMLYN, D.W. - The Psychology of Perception. A Philosophical Examination of Gestalt Theory and Derivative Theories of Perception.
011798-chrserm: HAMMOND, THOMAS E. - Sermons and Poems.
010063-ash: HANAFORD, PHEBE A. - The Life of George Peabody; Containing a Record of Those Princely Acts of Benevolence Which Entitle Him to the Esteem and.
009702-chrpale: HANDCOCK, P.S.P. - The Archaeology of the Holy Land.
006569-chrdevo: HANNA, WILLIAM. - The Last Day of Our Lord's Passion.
005053-chroldt: HANSON, FELIX VALENTINE. - Studies in Genesis.
011309-chrserm: HANZSCHE, WILLIAM THOMSON. - The Great Themes of Jesus.
010991-chrtheo: HARBAUGH, H. - Heaven.
011832-chrstor: HARDING, EMILY GRACE. - Perilpoint Lighthouse; Story of a Waif from the Sea.
006079-chrhist: HARDWICK, CHARLES. - A History of the Christian Church During the Reformation.
011771-chrbiog: HARDY, EVELYN. - Donne - a Spirit in Conflict.
006647-chrstor: HARLAW, JOHN. - Sandy Gordon. Missionar. A Story of Struggle.
001856-psybiol: HARLOW, HARRY F., AND CLINTON N. WOOLSEY (EDS). - Biological and Biochemical Bases of Behavior.
009405-miscmed: HARPER, TREVOR A. - Laboratory Guide to Disordered Haemostasis.
006450-chrpale: HARPER, HENRY A. - The Bible and Modern Discoveries.
002108-chroldt: HARPER, WILLIAM RAINEY. - The Prophetic Element in the Old Testament
011242-phiethi: HARRIS, GEORGE. - Moral Evolution.
009660-chrstor: HARRIS, BETH COOMBE. - The Shining Ladder.
008994-miscmed: HARRIS, JULES E., AND JOSEPH G. SINKOVICS. - The Immunology of Malignant Disease.
007509-chrhist: HARRIS, R.W. - The Cross-Bearers of the Saguenay.
003732-psychia: HARRIS, ROBERT E., JAMES G. MILLER, GEORGE A. MUENSCH, L. JOSEPH STONE, HANS-LUKAS TEUBER, & JOSEPH ZUBIN. - Diagnostic Psychological Testing. A Critical Summary.
012022-chrdict: HART, TREVOR A. (ED). - The Dictionary of Historical Theology.
011545-chrtheo: HART, HENDRIK. - The Challenge of Our Age.
011338-chrtheo: HART, HENDRIK. - The Challenge of Our Age.
006973-philoso: HART, HENDRIK. - Communal Certainty and Authorized Truth. An Examination of John Dewey's Philosophy of Verification.
004775-chrtheo: HART, HENDRIK. - Communal Certainty and Authorized Truth. An Examination of John Dewey's Philosophy of Verification.
003056-psychil: HART, HAROLD W. (ED). - Summerhill
000315-psychoa: HART, BERNARD. - The Psychology of Insanity.
011347-misctra: HARTWIG, G. - The Polar and Tropical Worlds
003392-chrchri: HASKELL, L. - The Sweet Story of Old. A Life of Christ for Children.
007642-chrdevo: HASLAM, R.H.A. - An Highway Shall Be There. Meditations on the Way of Life.
012277-chrethi: HASS, GUENTHER H. - The Concept of Equity in Calvin's Ethics.
010013-psychia: HAUBRICH, DENNIS J., AND DONALD W. MCLEOD. - Psychosocial Dimensions of Hiv and Aids
009112-chrstor: HAUFF, WILHELM. - The Oriental Story Book - Collection of Tales.
004108-chrstor: HAWKES, CLARENCE. - The Hope of the World and Other Poems.
003376-ash: HAWTREY, R.G. - Economic Destiny
000149-ash: HAYAKAWA, S.I. - Language in Action. A Guide to Accurate Thinking.
011755-chrstor: HAYCRAFT, M.S. - Like a Little Candle Or, Bertrande's Influence.
010979-miscmed: HAYES, ALBERT H. - The Science of Life; Or, Self-Preservation. A Medical Treatise on Nervous and Physical Debility, Spermatorrhoea, Impotence, and.
010204-miscsci: HAYES, ALBERT ORION. - Wabana Iron Ore of Newfoundland.
005981-chrhist: HAZELTON, JOHN E. - "Inasmuch"
006763-chrtheo: HEADLAM, ARTHUR CAYLEY. - Christian Unity.
002249-chrserm: HEADLAM, ARTHUR C. - History, Authority and Theology.
002062-chrhist: HEADLAM, ARTHUR C. - The Church of England.
005562-chrarch: HEATH, SYDNEY. - Our Homeland Churches and How to Study Them.
001433-chrhist: HEATH, SIDNEY. - In the Steps of the Pilgrims.
010933-chrbiog: HEENEY, BERTAL. - John West and His Red River Mission.
007763-chrbiog: HEENEY, BERTAL. - I Walk with a Bishop (Charles James Stewart).
007635-chrtheo: HEENEY, BERTAL, W.H.P. HATCH, S.A.B. MERCER, E.F. SCOTT, W.H. DAVISON, AND A. MACMILLAN. - The Great Certainty.
001191-chrdevo: HEILMAN, LEE M. - Christian Nurture in the Church and Home.
010828-chrtheo: HEIM, KARL. - The Transformation of the Scientific World View.
003471-chrtheo: HEIM, KARL. - Jesus the World's Perfecter. The Atonement and the Renewal of the World.
001736-chrsci: HEIM, KARL. - Christian Faith and Natural Science.
011263-chrtheo: HEINDEL, MAX. - The Rosicrucian Philosphy in Questions and Answers.
002784-miscmed: HEINEMANN, PAUL G. - A Laboratory Guide in Bacteriology.
010830-miscsoc: HELPS, ARTHUR. - Social Pressure.
000253-ash: HELSON, HARRY, & WILLIAM BEVAN (EDS). - Contemporary Approaches to Psychology.
006773-ash: HEMON, LOUIS. - Maria Chapdelaine. A Tale of the Lake St. John Country.
006768-ash: HEMON, LOUIS. - Maria Chapdelaine. A Tale of the Lake St. John Country.
004546-chrtheo: HENDERLITE, RACHEL. - Forgiveness and Hope. Toward a Theology for Protestant Christian Education.
012016-miscmed: HENDERSON, DONALD, ROGER P. HAMERNIK, DARSHAN S. DOSANJH, & JOHN H. MILLS (EDS). - Effects of Noise on Hearing.
009984-chreccl: HENDERSON, G.D. - Church and Ministry. A Study in Scottish Experience.
007096-chroldt: HENDERSON, GEORGE. - Studies in the Book of Genesis.
010781-chrnewt: HENDRIKSEN, W. - More Than Conquerors - an Interpretation of the Book of Revelation.
008106-chrserm: HENDRIX, EUGENE RUSSELL. - The Religion of the Incarnation. The Cole Lectures for 1903.
012163-chrnewt: HENRY, MATTHEW. - A Topical Index to Matthew Henry's a Commentary on the Whole Bible.
012162-chrnewt: HENRY, MATTHEW. - Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible Wherein Each Chapter, Is Summed Up in Its Contents
010929-chrtheo: HENRY, CARL F.H. (ED). - Contemporary Evangelical Thought.
010786-phiethi: HENRY, CARL F.H. - Christian Personal Ethics.
010078-chrnewt: HENRY, MATTHEW, & THOMAS SCOTT. - A Commentary Upon the Holy Bible, from Henry and Scott; with Occasional Observations and Notes from Other Writers. Matthew.
009746-chrnewt: HENRY, MATTHEW. - Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible.
006055-chrtheo: HENRY, CARL F.H. - Jesus of Nazareth
005264-chrhist: HENRY, CARL F.H. - The Pacific Garden Mission. A Doorway to Heaven.
001221-chrtheo: HENRY, CARL F.H. - The God Who Shows Himself.
012114-chrdevo: HEPHER, CYRIL. - The Fruit of Silence - Being Further Studies in the Common Use of Prayer without Words, Together with Kindred Essays in Worship.
010214-chrtheo: HEPP, V. - De Antichrist.
005819-philoso: HERMANCE, WILLIAM ELLSWORTH. - An Unorthodox Conception of Being. A Synthetic Philosophy of Ontology.
003442-chrtheo: HERMANN, E. - Eucken and Bergson. Their Significance for Christian Thought.
005075-chrbiog: HERMANT, R.P. LEON. - Le Serviteur de Dieu. Vital-Justin Grandin, Oblat de Marie Immaculee, Misionnaire Des Indiens, Premier Eveque de. . .
009948-chrsoci: HERNLEY, H. RALPH. - The Compassionate Community - a Collection of Lectures Presented at Conferences of the Association of Mennonite Aid.
004853-chrnewt: HERR, JOHN. - The Illustrating Mirror; Or a Fundamental Illustration of Christ's Sermon on the Mount.
011633-psychia: HERRING, JOHN P. - Herring Revision of the Binet-Simon Tests. Examination Manual
004389-psychil: HERRMANN, THEO (ED). - Psychologie Der Erziehungsstile. Braunschweiger Symposion Uber Erziehungsstile (28. 3. -31. 3. 1966).
011596-psychth: HERRON, WILLIAM G. & SHEILA ROUSLIN. - Issues in Psychotherapy.
010136-chrdevo: HERVEY, JAMES. - De Tyd Van Gevaar, En de Middelen Ter Beveiliging; Nevens de Weg Tot Heiligheid
007908-psygene: HERZOG, THOMAS. - Research Methods and Data Analysis in the Social Sciences.
010035-chrbiog: HESS, JOSEPH F. - Out of Darkness Into Light; Or, the Story of My Life.
000447-psychoa: HEUSCHER, JULIUS E. - A Psychiatric Study of Fairy Tales Their Origin, Meaning and Usefulness.
000921-chrhist: HEUSSI, KARL. - Kompendium Der Kirchengeschichte.
001657-chreccl: HEWITT, ARTHUR WENTWORTH. - Highland Shepherds. A Book of the Rural Pastorate.
004787-ash: HEXTER, JACK H. - The Vision of Politics on the Eve of the Reformation. More, Machiavelli, and Seyssel.
010217-chreccl: HEYNS, W. - Homiletiek (Theoretisch Deel), Dictaat Voor de Theologishe School Der Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerk in Amerika.
010774-chrchri: HICK, GEO. E. - John the Baptist - the Neglected Prophet.
007622-chrdevo: HICKMAN, R.G. - Waters of Comfort.
004927-ash: HIGHAM, FLORENCE. - Frederick Denison Maurice.
003071-chrhist: HIGHAM, FLORENCE. - Faith of Our Fathers. The Men and Movements of the Seventeenth Century.
009075-misclit: HILDEBRAND [NICOLAAS BEETS]. - Camera Obscura Van Hildebrand.
011400-chrtheo: HILGENFELD, A. - Die Judische Apokalyptik in Ihrer Geschichtlichen Entwickelung - Ein Beitrag Zur Vorgeschichte Des Christenthums . . .
011315-chrserm: HILL, J. EDGAR. - Queen Charity and Othe Sermons.
011277-psyogen: HILLIS, NEWELL DWIGHT. - A Man's Value to Society - Studies in Self-Culture and Character.
011128-chrdevo: HILLIS, NEWELL DWIGHT. - The Home School - a Study of the Debt Parents Owe Their Children.
010065-ash: HILLIS, NEWELL DWIGHT. - Great Books As Life Teachers - Studies of Character Real and Ideal.
006673-ash: HILLIS, NEWELL DWIGHT. - Great Men As Prophets of a New Era.
006571-chrpsyc: HILLIS, NEWELL DWIGHT. - The Quest of Happiness. A Study of Victory over Lifes Troubles.
009337-chrbiog: HILLS, A.M. - Life and Labors of Mrs. Mary A. Woodbridge - Who Was for Six Years President of the Ohio W.C. T.U. ; . . . .
011429-psychoa: HINKLE, BEATRICE M. - The Re-Creating of the Individual. A Study of Psychological Types and Their Relation to Psychoanalysis.
000854-philoso: HIRST, R.J. - The Problems of Perception.
006289-chrpsys: HITES, ROBERT W. - Act of Becoming
004349-chrpale: HOADE, EUGENE. - Jerusalem and Its Environs.
011001-chrdevo: HOATH, ARNOLD. - Meeting Good.
012328-chrdevo: HOBART, ALVAH SABIN. - Seed Thoughts for Right Living.
010703-ash: HOBBS, WILLIAM HERBERT. - Earth Features and Their Meaning - an Introduction to Geology for the Student and the General Reader.
002450-phiethi: HOBHOUSE, L.T. - Morals in Evolution. A Study in Comparative Ethics.
002957-psychia: HOCH, PAUL H., & JOSEPH ZUBIN (EDS). - Depression.
010054-chrstor: HOCKING, SILAS K. - Sea-Waif
006587-chrtheo: HOCKING, WILLIAM ERNEST. - The Meaning of God in Human Experience. A Philosophic Study of Religion.
002590-philoso: HOCKING, WILLIAM ERNEST. - Human Nature and Its Remaking.
011299-chrnewt: HODGE, CHARLES. - An Exposition of the First Epistle to the Corinthians.
011249-chrtheo: HODGE, CHARLES. - Systematic Theology.
011071-chrsoci: HODGES, GEORGE. - Religion in a World at War.
001264-chrhist: HODGES, GEORGE. - Three Hundred Years of the Episcopal Church in America.
011420-chrhist: HODGINS, J. GEORGE. - Ryerson Memorial Volume
000489-chrbiog: HODGKIN, L.V. - A Book of Quaker Saints.
006136-chrmiss: HODGKINS, LOUISE MANNING. - Via Christi. An Introduction to the Study of Missions.
010482-chrpsyc: HOEKEMA, ANTHONY A. - The Christian Looks at Himself.
012079-chrhist: HOEKSEMA, HERMAN. - The Protestant Reformed Churches in America - Their Origin, Early History and Doctrine.
005379-chrserm: HOFACKER, LUDWIG. - Predigten Fur Alle Soon=, Fest= Und Feiertage.
011151-psyhist: HOFF, TORY. - The Controversial Appointment of James Mark Baldwin to the University of Toronto in 1889.
011150-psyhist: HOFF, TORY. - Theories of Body Expression in Their Historical Relationship to Psychological Concepts
010645-chrnewt: HOFF, TORY. - Nephesh and the Fulfillment It Receives As Psuche.
003880-philoso: HOFFDING, HARALD. - The Philosophy of Religion.
001539-psychia: HOFFER, ABRAM, & HUMPHRY OSMOND. - How to Live with Schizophrenia.
008177-chtstor: HOFLAND, MRS. [BARBARA]. - The Young Crusoe Or, the Adventures of a Shipwrecked Family on a Desolate Island.
003644-ash: HOFMANN, HANS. - The Theology of Reinhold Niebuhr.
003645-chrtheo: HOFMANN, HANS. - The Theology of Reinhold Niebuhr.
003574-chrtheo: HOLE, F.B. - The Great Salvation.
004392-psysoci: HOLLANDER, EDWIN P., & RAYMOND G. HUNT (EDS). - Current Perspectives in Social Psychology. Readings with Commentary.
004391-psysoci: HOLLANDER, EDWIN P., & RAYMOND G. HUNT (EDS). - Current Perspectives in Social Psychology. Readings with Commentary.
004390-psysoci: HOLLANDER, EDWIN P., & RAYMOND G. HUNT (EDS). - Current Perspectives in Social Psychology. Readings with Commentary.
005421-chrdevo: HOLLAZ, DAVID. - Die Heils Und Gnaden Ordnung Nach Dem Evangelium; in Vier Gesprachen Vorgestellt.
004449-ash: HOLMAN, CHARLES T. - Psychology and Religion for Everyday Living.
008814-ash: HOLMES, URBAN TIGNER. - Daily Living in the Twelfth Century - Based on the Observations of Alexander Neckam in London and Paris.
004120-ash: HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL. - John Lothrop Motley.
002953-ash: HOLMES, MARY J. - Cousin Maude and Rosamond.
011921-chrstor: HOLT, EMILY SARAH. - Margery's Son; Or, "Until He Find It. " a Fifteenth Century Tale of the Court of Scotland.
010964-mischum: HOLT, EMILY. - Encyclopaedia of Etiquette - What to Write, What to Wear, What to Do, What to Say. A Book of Manners for Everyday Use.
008877-chroldt: HOLWERDA, B. - De Priester-Koning in Het Oude Testament.
011434-mischum: HOMERE. - L'iliade.
012084-chrtheo: HOOGSTRA, JACOB T. (ED). - John Calvin Contemporary Prophet - a Symposium.
001549-philoso: HOOK, SIDNEY (ED). - American Philosophers at Work. The Philosophic Scene in the United States.
001101-psychoa: HOOK, SIDNEY (ED). - Psychoanalysis, Scientific Method and Philosophy.
000852-philoso: HOOK, SIDNEY (ED). - Dimensions of Mind. A Symposium.
011066-chrscie: HOOPER, E. RALPH. - Does Science Support Evolution?.
011395-chrtheo: HOPKINS, MARK. - Evidences of Christianity. Lectures Before the Lowell Institute, January, 1844. Revised As a Text Book.
008262-phiethi: HOPKINS, MARK. - The Law of Love and Love As a Law; Or, Christian Ethics. Theory of Morals Restated.
009237-chrhist: HORNE, C. SILVESTER. - A Popular History of the Free Churches.
006680-chrhist: HORNE, C. SILVESTER. - A Popular History of the Free Churches.
011884-chrdevo: HORNER, RALPH C. - Pentecost.
001310-ash: HORNEY ===>> QUINN, SUSAN. - A Mind of Her Own. The Life of Karen Horney.
000322-psychoa: HORNEY, KAREN ==>> KELMAN, HAROLD (ED). - Advances in Psychoanalysis
000818-psychoa: HORNEY, KAREN. - The Neurotic Personality of Our Time.
000825-ash: HORNEY, KAREN. - Self-Analysis.
000826-ash: HORNEY, KAREN. - New Ways in Psychoanalysis.
011175-miscsoc: HORRELL, MURIEL, DUDLEY HORNER, JOHN KANE-BERMAN, & ROBIN MARGO. - A Survey of Race Relations in South Africa.
003733-psychia: HORROCKS, JOHN E. - Assessment of Behavior. The Methodology and Content of Psychological Measurement.
012020-miscmed: HORSLEY, VICTOR, & MARY D. STURGE. - Alcohol and the Human Body - an Introduction to the Study of the Subject, and a Contribution to National Health.
009737-psygene: HORST, PAUL. - Factor Analysis of Data Matrices.
009727-psygene: HORST, PAUL. - Matrix Algebra for Social Scientists.
011474-chrnewt: HORT, FENTON JOHN ANTHONY. - Prolegomena to St Paul's Epistles to the Romans and the Ephesians.
003443-chrtheo: HORTON, WALTER MARSHALL. - Theism and the Modern Mood.
007157-chrdevo: HOSSACK, D.C. - The Gospel of the Home.
011696-chrdevo: HOSTE, W. & R. MCELHERAN (EDS). - The Great Sacrifice Or, What the Death of Christ Has Wrought - Twenty Well-Known Writers Tell of the Triumphs of Calvary.
008813-psyhist: HOTHERSALL, DAVID. - History of Psychology.
000613-chrmiss: HOUGH, S.S., & H.F. SHUPE. - Partners in the Conquering Cause.
003879-chrserm: HOUGH, LYNN HAROLD. - Imperishable Dreams.
003520-chrtheo: HOUGH, LYNN HAROLD. - The Meaning of Human Experience.
003472-chrtheo: HOUGH, LYNN HAROLD. - The Productive Beliefs.
000762-chrserm: HOUGH, LYNN HAROLD. - Imperishable Dreams.
005238-chrhist: HOUGHTON, LOUISE SEYMOUR. - Handbook of French and Belgian Protestantism.
002277-chrmiss: HOUGHTON, WILL H. - Lessons in Soul-Winning.
007527-chreccl: HOW, W. WALSHAM. - Pastor in Parochia.
010808-ash: HOWARD, PETER. - Frank Buchman's Secret.
010807-ash: HOWARD, PETER. - Frank Buchman's Secret.
007634-chrhist: HOWARD, OSWALD. - The Montreal Diocesan Theological College. A History from 1873 to 1963.
002948-chrnewt: HOWARD, WILBERT FRANCIS. - The Fourth Gospel in Recent Criticism and Interpretation.
000340-chrmiss: HOWARD, R.W. (ED). - Totems, Tigers, Torches and Other Stories of Indian Boys.
010998-chrdevo: HOWE, MAUD. - A Challenge Answered -- Atheism Or Christ?.
005247-psysoci: HOWE, FREDERIC C. - European Cities at Work.
001920-psychia: HOWELL, J. G. (ED). - Modern Perspective in World Psychiatry.
010950-chrdevo: HOWEY, WILLIAM. - Canadian Carols.
000427-chrdevo: HOWEY, WILLIAM. - Canadian Carols.
011114-chrtheo: HOWLETT, THOMAS ROSLING. - Anglo-Israel and the Jewish Problem. The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel Found and Identified in the Anglo-Saxon Race. The Jewish.
011088-chrhist: HOWLEY, M.F. - Ecclesiastical History of Newfoundland.
000635-ash: HOWSE, ERNEST MARSHALL. - The Law and the Prophets.
006936-chrsoci: HOYLAND, JOHN S. - The Race Problem and the Teaching of Jesus Christ.
010009-psychia: HUCKER, STEPHEN (CHAIRMAN). - Oak Ridge
011671-chrtheo: HUDSON, THOMSON JAY. - A Scientific Demonstration of the Future Life.
009403-miscmed: HUESTIS, DOUGLAS W., JOSEPH R. BOVE, AND SHIRLEY BUSH. - Practical Blood Transfusion.
003573-chroldt: HUFFMAN, JASPAR ABRAHAM. - Voices from Rocks and Dust Heaps of Bible Lands.
002495-chroldt: HUFFMAN, JASPAR ABRAHAM. - Old Testament Messages of the Christ.
012365-chrbiog: HUGHES, KATHERINE. - Father Lacombe - the Black-Robe Voyageur.
010932-chrbiog: HUGHES, KATHERINE. - Archbishop O'brien Man and Churchman.
010916-chrtheo: HUGHES, THOMAS HYWEL. - The Atonement Modern Theories of the Doctrine.
008288-chrbiog: HUGHES, BRENDA. - King Among Cannibals. The Story of James Chalmers.
008003-chrbiog: HUGHES, THOMAS. - Vacation Rambles.
005459-psyogen: HUGHES, JAMES L. - Dickens As an Educator.
011103-chrstor: HUGHS, MRS. - Buds and Blossoms for the Young.
009009-psygene: HULL, CLARK L. - Essentials of Behavior.
010220-chrbiog: HULST, LAMMERT J. - Drie En Zestig Jaren Prediker.
004222-psyogen: HUMPHREY, GEORGE. - Thinking. An Introduction to Its Experimental Psychology.
002935-psyhist: HUMPHREY, GEORGE. - The Story of Man's Mind.
001797-psycogn: HUNT, MORTON M. - The Thinking Animal. A Report on the Rational and Emotional Life of Modern Man.
008855-miscmed: HUNTER, DONALD, AND R.R. BOMFORD. - Hutchison's Clinical Methods.
002403-chrnewt: HUNTING, HAROLD B. - The Story of Our Bible.
011342-chrdevo: HUNTINGTON, F.D. - Helps to Holy Lent.
002037-ash: HUNTINGTON, ELLSWORTH, & SUMNER W. CUSHING. - Principles of Human Geography.
000221-psychil: HURLOCK, ELIZABETH B. - Child Development.
009800-chrtheo: HURST, JOHN F. - History of Rationalism Embracing a Survey of Present State of Protestant Theology.
007196-ash: HURST, ALLAN M. - The Canadian Y.M. C.A. In World War Ii.
007195-chrhist: HURST, ALLAN M. - The Canadian Y.M. C.A. In World War Ii.
010870-chrtheo: HURTER, H. - Theologia Dogmaticae Compendium in Usum Studiosorum Theologiae.
011709-chrtheo: HUTTEN, KURT. - Geloof En Sekte - Het Sektarisme Als Anti-Reformatorisch Geloofsvershijnsel Zijn Doelstelling En Zijn Tragiek.
010860-chrbiog: HUTTON, WILLIAM HOLDEN. - Sir Thomas More.
009985-chrhist: HUTTON, WILLIAM HOLDEN. - A Short History of the Church in Great Britain.
007456-chrserm: HUTTON, MAURICE. - All the Rivers Run Into the Sea.
006736-philoso: HUTTON, MAURICE. - The Greek Point of View.
006735-philoso: HUTTON, MAURICE. - Many Minds.
005149-chrserm: HUTTON, MAURICE. - All the Rivers Run Into the Sea.
003474-chrtheo: HUTTON, RICHARD HOLT. - Essays on Some of the Modern Guides to English Thought in Matters of Faith.
003237-chrserm: HUTTON, JOHN A. - As at the First.
003236-chrserm: HUTTON, JOHN A. - Our Ambiguous Life.
000763-chrserm: HUTTON, JOHN A. - That the Ministry Be Not Blamed.
010886-miscsci: HUXLEY, THOMAS HENRY. - Lay Sermons, Addresses, and Reviews.
008758-miscsci: HUXLEY, THOMAS HENRY. - Lay Sermons, Addresses, and Reviews.
006019-chrtheo: HYDE, WILLIAM DE WITT. - The Five Great Philosophies of Life.
003454-philoso: HYDE, LAWRENCE. - An Introduction to Organic Philosophy. An Essay on the Reconciliation of the Masculine and Feminine Principles.
012088-chrhist: HYMA, ALBERT. - The Christian Renaissance - a History of the "Devotio Moderna".
006467-chrpale: IDEN, T.M. - Upper Room Letters from Bible Lands.
002933-chrpsyc: IKIN, A. GRAHAM. - New Concepts of Healing. Medical, Psychological, and Religious.
009677-phiethi: ILLINGWORTH, J.R. - Christian Character, Being Some Lectures on the Elements of Christian Ethics.
006531-chrserm: INGE, WILLIAM RALPH. - Assessments and Anticipations.
005982-chrserm: INGE, WILLIAM RALPH. - More Lay Thoughts of a Dean.
003693-chrserm: INGE, WILLIAM RALPH. - Truth and Falsehood in Religion.
003269-chrserm: INGE, WILLIAM RALPH. - Outspoken Essays.
002248-chrserm: INGE, WILLIAM RALPH. - Outspoken Essays.
000066-ash: INGE, WILLIAM RALPH. - The Gate of Life.
009185-miscsoc: INGERSOLL, R.G. - Wit, Wisdom, Eloquence, and Great Speeches of Col. R.G. Ingersoll, Including Eloquent Extracts, Witty, Wise,. . . .
011958-chrstor: INGRAHAM, J.H. - The Prince of the House of David Or Three Years in the Holy City Relating, As If By an Eye Witness, All the Scenes and.
011957-chrstor: INGRAHAM, J.H. - The Throne of David. From the Consecration of the Shepherd of.
011956-chrstor: INGRAHAM, J.H. - The Pillar of Fire
009761-chrstor: INGRAHAM, J.H. - The Pillar of Fire Or Israel in Bondage.
007226-chroldt: INGRAHAM, J.H. - The Throne of David; Or, the Rebellion of Prince Absolom.
005637-chrchri: INGRAHAM, J.H. - Der Furst Aus David's Hause [the Prince of the House of David].
005636-chrchri: INGRAHAM, J.H. - Das Leben Jesu. Der Furst Aus David's Hause [the Prince of the House of David].
005088-chrstor: INGRAHAM, J.H. - The Pillar of Fire Or Israel in Bondage.
012062-chrdevo: INGRAM, ATHUR F. WINNINGTON. - The Spirit of Peace.
010018-chrbiog: INGRAM, ARTHUR F. WINNINGTON. - Holiday Recollections of a World Tour.
008368-chrdevo: INGRAM, ARTHUR F. WINNINGTON. - The Love of the Trinity.
008183-chrserm: INGRAM, ARTHUR F. WINNINGTON. - The Attractiveness of Goodness.
007554-psychil: INHELDER, BARBEL, & JEAN PIAGET. - The Growth of Logical Thinking from Childhood to Adolescence.
005613-chrhist: INNES, ARTHUR D. - Cranmer and the English Reformation.
010426-psysoci: INSKO, CHESTER A. - Theories of Attitude Change.
001073-chrchri: INWOOD, INA M., & BETTY ROSS STEHELIN. - Paul the Triumphant.
010026-chrbiog: IREMONGER, F.A. - William Temple Archbishop of Canterbury His Life and Letters.
009863-chrbiog: IREMONGER, F.A. - William Temple Archbishop of Canterbury His Life and Letters.
001703-ash: IREMONGER, F.A. - William Temple Archbishop of Canterbury His Life and Letters.
006754-chrnewt: IRONSIDE, H.A. - Addresses on the Second Epistle to the Corinthians.
009041-miscmed: IRVINE, W.J. (ED). - Thyrotoxicosis - Proceedings of an International Symposium, Edinburgh, May 1967.
003694-ash: IRVINE, WILLIAM. - Apes, Angels, and Victorians. The Story of Darwin, Huxley, and Evolution.
012312-philoso: IRVING, JOHN (EDITOR). - Architects of Modern Thought. 5th & 6th Series.
010670-chrbiog: IRVING, WASHINGTON. - Biography and Poetical Remains of the Late Margaret Miller Davidson.
010077-mischis: IRVING, WASHINGTON. - The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus; Together with the Voyages of His Companions.
008745-chrnewt: IRWIN, A.J. - The Holy Spirit in the New Testament - a Study in Biblical Theology.
002310-chrstor: IRWIN, WILL. - Where the Heart Is. Showing That Christmas Is What You Make It.
007805-chrtheo: IVES, L. SILLIMAN. - The Trails of a Mind in Its Progress to Catholicism
006945-chrnewt: J.N.D. [JOHN NELSON DARBY] - Notes on the Gospel of John.
001944-chrhist: JACK, DAVID RUSSELL. - History of Saint Andrew's Church, Saint John, N.B. .
003916-chrserm: JACKS, L.P. - A Living Universe. Three Lectures.
003915-chrserm: JACKS, L.P. - Responsibility and Culture.
003914-chrserm: JACKS, L.P. - The Faith of a Worker.
008748-chrserm: JACKSON, W. - Scripture Views of the Atonement; and the Atonement, the Conservative Force of the Moral Universe. Two Sermons.
008212-chrserm: JACKSON, GEORGE. - The Table-Talk of Jesus and Other Addresses.
007948-psyogen: JACKSON, WILLIAM. - The Light of Language Or How to Hear and Read Aright the King of Sciences.
007436-chreccl: JACKSON, GEORGE. - The Preacher and the Modern Mind.
007437-chrserm: JACKSON, GEORGE. - The Guests of God.
007435-chrbiog: JACKSON, GEORGE. - Collier of Manchester. A Friend's Tribute.
006911-chrserm: JACKSON, GEORGE. - The Ten Commandments.
006778-chroldt: JACKSON, GEORGE. - Studies in the Old Testament.
002110-chroldt: JACKSON, GEORGE. - Studies in the Old Testament.
001660-chreccl: JACKSON, GEORGE. - The Preacher and the Modern Mind.
000765-chrserm: JACKSON, GEORGE. - A Young Man's Religion.
000766-chrserm: JACKSON, GEORGE. - The Guests of God.
008517-psychia: JACOBS, JERRY. - Adolescent Suicide.
001425-psysoci: JACOBS, JANE. - Systems of Survival. A Dialogue on the Moral Foundations of Commerce and Politics.
012211-psyogen: JACOBSON, EDMUND. - You Must Relax - a Practical Method of Reducing the Strains of Modern Living.
011804-psygene: JAENSCH, E.R. - Eidetic Imagery and Typological Methods of Investigation Their Importance for the Psychology of Childhood, the Theory of.
011467-chrdevo: JAGER, OKKE. - Worden Als Een Kind.
011466-chrdevo: JAGER, OKKE. - Achter Een Glimlach.
011386-chrhist: JAGER, OKKE. - Het Eeuwige Leven, Met Name in Verband Met de Verhouding Van Tijd En Eeuwigheid.
001543-ash: JAHODA, MARIE. - Freud and the Dilemmas of Psychology.
009195-chrdevo: JAMES, JOHN ANGELL. - Christian Progress
001908-psyogen: JAMES, WILLIAM. - Psychology. Briefer Course.
001761-psyogen: JAMES ===>> LEWIS, R.W.B. - The Jameses. A Family Narrative.
001662-chreccl: JAMES, JOHN ANGELL. - An Earnest Ministry the Want of the Times.
011201-chrtheo: JAMIESON, GEORGE. - The Great Problem of God Involving the Principles of a Scientific Theology
010962-chrhist: JAMIESON, JOHN. - A Historical Account of the Ancient Culdees of Iona, and of Their Settlements in Scotland, England, and Ireland.
008795-chrnewt: JAMIESON, ROBERT, A.R. FAUSSET, & DAVID BROWN. - A Commentary, Critical and Explanatory, on the Old and New Testaments.
007038-chrbiog: JAMIESON, ANNIE STRAITH. - William King. Friend and Champion of Slaves.
001823-ash: JAMIESON, ANNIE STRAITH. - William King. Friend and Champion of Slaves.
011185-phiethi: JANET, PAUL. - The Theory of Morals.
000318-ash: JANOV, ARTHUR. - The Primal Revolution
012367-chrdevo: JAQUES, EDNA. - Aunt Hattie's Place.
006254-chrstor: JAQUES, EDNA. - My Kitchen Window.
001757-chrstor: JAQUES, EDNA. - Beside Still Waters.
008851-miscmed: JARNEROT, GUNNAR. - The Thyroid in Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease.
008192-chrtheo: JARROLD, W.T.F. - Our Great Heritage with Its Responsibilities. How and Where to Find the Title-Deeds.
011392-psychia: JASPERS, KARL. - General Psychopathology.
001406-psyogen: JASTROW, JOSEPH. - Keeping Mentally Fit. A Guide to Everyday Psychology.
011561-psyogen: JASTROW, JOSEPH. - The Subconscious.
007315-psyogen: JASTROW, JOSEPH. - Keeping Mentally Fit. A Guide to Everyday Psychology.
007801-chrbiog: JEFFS, H. - "J.B. " J. Brierley. His Life and Work.
011206-chrtheo: JENKINS, JOHN. - A Protestant's Appeal to the Douay Bible, and Other Roman Catholic Standards, in Support of the Doctrines of the.

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