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034984: DeShell, Jeffrey - Arthouse; a Novel
020024: De Charms, Desiree and Paul F. Breed - Songs in Collections; an Index
011071: Desjardins, Rosemary - The Rational Enterprise; Logos in Plato's Theaetetus
019132: Desmarest, Jacques - évolution de la France Contemporaine: La France de 1870
046203: DEsmond, Adrian - Archetypes and Ancestors; Palaeontology in Victorian London 1850-1875
045806: Desmond, Marilynn, Ed - Christine de Pizan and the Categories of Difference
053837: Desmond, Karen - Music and the Moderni, 1300-1350; the Ars Nova in Theory and Practice
004190: Desmond, Adrian - Archetypes and Ancestors; Palaeontology in Victorian London, 1850-1875
048458: Desonay, Fernand - Villon
020849: DeSormo, Maitland C. - John Bird Burnham--Klondiker, Adirondacker and Eminent Conservationist
030186: Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas - épîtres; Art Poétique; Lutrin
017551: Desrosier, Norman W. - Attack on Starvation
044544: Dessaint, Micheline - La Femme Médiatrice Dans de Grandes Oeuvres Romanesques Du Xiie Siècle
018867: Dessureault, Pierre - Carnets de Voyage; Travel Journals
023539: Destler, Chester McArthur - American Radicalism, 1865-1901
013647: DeTolnay, Charles - Michelangelo: Sculptor, Painter, Architect
026262: Detsicas, Alec - The Cantiaci
032959: Dettman, John W. - Mathematical Methods in Physics and Engineering
012076: Detzer, David - Thunder of the Captains; the Short Summer in 1950
007174: Deuel, Leo - Conquistadors without Swords; Archaeologists in the Americas. An Account with Original Narratives
048965: Van Deursen, A. Th - Een Dorp in de Polder; Graft in de Zeventiende Eeuw
048188: Deursen, Arie Theodorus Van - Maurits Van Nassau 1567-1625; de Winnaar Die Faalde
046261: Van Deursen, A. Th - Willem Van Oranje; Een Biografisch Portret
051011: Van Deusen, Nancy - Theology and Music at the Early University; the Case of Robert Grosseteste and Anonymous IV
049795: Van Deusen, Glyndon G. - William Henry Seward
041924: Deutsch, Emeric, et al. - Les Familles Politiques Aujourd'Hui En France
005449: Deutsch, Harold C. - The Conspiracy Against Hitler in the Twilight War
012077: Deutschkron, Inge - Outcase; a Jewish Girl in Wartime Berlin
053557: Devailly, Guy - Le Diocèse de Bourges
052722: Devambez, Pierre - La Sculpture Grecque
038641: Dévigne, Roger - Le Légendaire Des Provinces Françaises à Travers Notre Folklore
051581: Devreesse, Robert - Le Commentaire de Théodore de Mopsueste Sur Les Psaumes (I-LXXX)
379: DeWald, Ernest T. - Italian Painting, 1200-1600
030970: Dewart, Gilbert - Antarctic Comrades; an American with the Russians in Antarctica
021204: Dewdney, J. C. - Turkey; an Introductory Geography
044697: Dewey, Phelps, Ed - Headlines; Front Page News from the San Francisco Chronicle 1865-1988
012017: Dewhurst, Kenneth - Dr. Thomas Sydenham (1624-1689); His Life and Original Writings
053301: Dey, Hendrik W. - The Afterlife of the Roman City; Architecture and Ceremony in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
053310: Dey, Hendrik W. - The Aurelian Wall and the Refasioning of Imperial Rome
043082: Deyermond, Alan, Ed - Proceedings of the Tenth Colloquium
053367: Dhorme, Édouard - A Commentary on the Book of Jo9b
053028: Dhorme, Paul - Le Livre de Job
053693: Dhuoda - Manuel Pour Mon Fils
030620: Brandt, Di and Barbara Godard, Eds - Wider Boundaries of Daring; the Modernist Impulse in Canadian Women's Poetry
047608: Diacono, Mario - Thothaility; Sulla Letteratura, Verso la Fine 1954-2014
046953: Diamond, Jared - Collapse. How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed
025834: Diamond, Larry, et al., Eds - Consolidating the Third Wave Democracies; Regional Challenges
024861: Diamond, Malcolm L. - Martin Buber, Jewish Existentialist
046538: Diamonstein, Barbaralee - American Architecture Now, II
045377: Honeybone, Diana and Michael Honeybone, Eds - The Correspondence of the Spalding Gentlemen's Society 1710-1761
053585: Webb. Diana - Saints and Cities in Medieval Italy
027053: Deere, Carmen Diand and Magdalena León, Eds - Rural Women and State Policy; Feminist Perspectives on Latin American Agricultural Development
044861: Siebert, Diane and Wendell MInor - Heartland
034976: Looker, E. Dianne and Ted D. Naylor, Eds - Digital Diversity; Youth, Equity, and Information Technology
052475: Fernanda Dias, Aida - O "Cancioneiro Geral" E a Poesia Peninsular de Quatrocentos (Contactos E Sobrevivência)
051762: Diaz y Diaz, Manuel - Isidoriana; Colección Sobre Isidoro de Sevilla, Publicados Con Ocasio Del XIV Centenario de Su Nacimento
043697: Marin Diaz, Maria Amalia - Emigracion, Colonizacion Y Municipalizacion En la Hispania Republicana
039440: Castro Diaz, Antonio - Los "Coloquios" de Pedro Mexia (Un Género, Una Obra Y Un Humanista Sevillano Del Siglo XVI)
024730: Dibelius, Martin - From Tradition to Gospel
051818: Dibner, Bern - Galvani-Volta; a Controversy That Led to the Discovery of Useful Electricity
051815: Dibner, Bern - Oersted and the Discovery of Electromagnetism
021714: Dibner, Bern - Luigi Galvani; an Expanded Version of a Biography Prepared for the Forthcoming Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica
021713: Dibner, Bern - Ten Founding Fathers of the Electrical Science
021711: Dibner, Bern - Early Electrical Machines; the Experiments and Apparatus of Two Enquing Centuries (1600 to 1800) That Led to the Triumph of the Electrical Age
051797: Dibner, Bern - Faraday Discloses Electro-Magnetic Induction. Hie Epochal Letter Sent from Brighton to Richard Phillips,F.R. S. , Is Her Reproduced
017133: Dibner, Bern - The Victoria and the Triton
010154: Dibner, Bern - Alessandro Volta and the Electric Battery
051816: Dibner, Bern - Heralds of Science As Represented by Two Hundred Epochal Books and Pamphlets Sslected from the Burndy Library
051817: Dibner, Bern - Benjamin Franklin Electrician in Celbration of the Two Hundredth Year of the Nation He Helped Found
051814: Dibner, Bern - Darwin of the Beagle
051813: Dibner, Bern - Agricola on Metals
051870: Dibner, Bern - The Atlantic Cable
014267: Dick, Stewart - Arts and Crafts of Old Japan
013815: Dick, Thomas - The Christian Philosopher or, the Connection of Science and Philosophy with Religion
004016: Dick, Aliki Lafkidou - Paedeia Through Laughter; Jonson's Aristophanic Appeal to Human Intelligence
033222: Dickens, A. G., Et al. - Background to the English Renaissance; Introductory Lectures
020604: Dickens, Charles - Pickwick-Klubbens Efterlämnade Papper
020602: Dickens, Charles - Charles Dickens, 1812-1870; an Anthology
049113: Dickens, Charles - Great Expectations
036175: Dickerson, John - Pottery Making; a Complete Guide
030528: Dickerson, Debra J. - An American Story
049300: Dickey, Franklin M. - Not Wisely But Too Well; Shakespeare's Love Tragedies
051018: Dickinson, A. E. F. - Bach's Fugal Works. With an Account of Fugue Before and After Bach
035961: Dickinson, Eleanor - Eleanor Dickinson: Line Drawing, October 8-December 14, 1975
008542: Dickinson, Helen A. - German Masters of Art
045223: Dickson, Harold E. - Portraits Usa 1776-1976
035649: Dickson, Paul - The Great American Ice Cream Book
016433: Dickstein, Morris - Gates of Eden; American Culture in the Sixties
033993: Diderot, Denis - Le Neveu de Rameau
024724: Diderot, Denis - Zweite Satire (Rameaus Neffe)
020605: Diderot, Denis - Rameau's Nephew and Other Works
049582: Diderot, Denis - Jaques le Fataliste Et Son Maitre
003607: Diederich, Werner - Konventionalität in Der Physik; Wissenschaftstheoretische Untersuchungen Zum Konventionalismus
048150: Garcia de Diego, Vicente - Contribución Al Diccionario Hispanico Etimológico
021721: Garcia de Diego, Vicente - Etimologias Españoles
030189: Dieguez, Manuel De - Rabelais Par Lui-Même
381: Diehl, Charles - Byzantium: Greatness and Decline
048380: Diehl, Patrick S. - The Medieval European Religious Lyric; an Ars Poetica
043305: Diehl, Charles - Manuel D'Art Byzantin
025968: Diehl, Gaston - F. Léger
005624: Diekhoff, John S., Ed - A Maske at Ludlow; Essays on Milton's Comus
009460: Diekman, Eerwin - Die Substantivbildung Mit Suffixen in Den Fabliaux
035091: Diekmann, Erwin - Die Substantivbildung Mit Suffixen in Den Fabliaux
053298: Diem, Albrecht - Keusch Und Rein; Eine Untersuchung Zu Den Ursprüngen Des Frühmittelalterlichen Klosterwesens Und Seinen Quellen
023537: De Dienes, Andre - Marilyn, Mon Amour; the Private Album of André de Dienes, Her Preferred Photographer
025059: Diercks, Gustav - Kulturbilder Aus Den Vereinigten Staaten
048685: Dierks, Manfred - Studien Zu Mythos Und Psychologie Bei Thomas Man; an Seinem Nachlaß Orientierte Untersuchungen Zum "Tod in Venedig", Zum "Zauberberg" Und Zur "Joseph"-Tetralogie
014519: Dies, Edward Jerome - Titans of the Soil; Great Builders of Agriculture
003561: Diesch, Carl - Bibliographie Der Germanistischen Zeitschriften
052878: Diesenberger, Maximilian - Predigt Und Politik IM Frühmittelalterlichen Bayern; Karl Der GroßE, Arn Von Salzburg Und Die Salzburger Sermones-Sammlung
030429: Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich - Reverberations; the Memoirs of Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
015637: Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich - Reverberations; the Memoirs of Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
002943: Diesner, Hans-Joachim - Wirtschaft Und Gesellschaft Bei Thukydides
043864: Riesner, Dieter and Helmut Gneuss, Eds - Festschrift Für Walter Hübner
010673: Sinn, Dieter and Renate Sinn - Der Alltag in PreußEn
010505: Bös, Dieter and Robert Holzmann - Steuerfunktionen in Prognose- Und Entscheidungsmodellen; Eine Aggregationstheoretische Fundierung
004007: Bös, Dieter and Robert Holzmann - Simulationsanalysen Zur ôsterreichischen Pensionskynamik; Eine Studie Zur Indexbindung Von Einkommen
041097: Dietrich, Margret, Ed - Das Burgtheater Und Sein Publikum. 1. Band
025601: Disselhoff, Hans Dietrich and Sigvald Linné - The Art of Ancient America; Civilizations of Central and South America
019279: Dietrich, Rudolphus - Testimonia de Herodoti Vita Praeter Itinera
026733: Dieudonné, J. - Foundations of Modern Analysis
014382: Diez, Ernst - Die Kunst Indiens
047388: Dihle, Albrecht - Greek and Latin Literature of the Roman Empire from Augustus to Justinian
053417: Dijkstra, Roald, Ed - The Early Reception and Appropriation of the Apostle Peter (60-800 Ce); the Anchors of the Fisherman
043417: Dijkstra, Bram - American Expressionism; Art and Social Change 1920-1950
037910: Dijkstra, Bram - The Hieroglyphics of a New Speech: Cubism, Stieglitz, and the Early Poetry of William Carlos Williams
052594: Dijkstra, C. Th. J. - La Chanson de Croisade; étude Thématique D'Un Genre Lybride
009462: Dil, Anwar S. - Studies in Pakistani Linguistics
034849: Dilke, O. A. W. - Mathematics and Measurement
030277: Dill, Charles - Monstrous Opera; Rameau and the Tragic Tradition
015224: Dillard, Annie - For the Time Being
384: Diller, Hans-Jürgen - Redeformen Des Englischen Misterienspiels
040807: Diller, Hans, et al. - Gottheit Und Mensch in Der Tragödie Des Sophokles
006252: Dillistone, F. W. - Charles Raven, Naturalist, Historian, Theologian
044965: Dillmont, Thérèse De - Encyclopédie Des Ouvrages de Dames
030816: Dillmont, Thérèse De - The Complete Encyclopedia of Needlework
050408: Dillmont, Thérèse De - Encyklopaedie Der Weiblichen Handarbeiten
048524: Dillo, Ingrid G. - De Nadagen Van de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie 1783-1795; Schepen En Zeervarenden
045115: Dillon, Peter - Narrative of la Pérouse's Expedition
035839: Dillon, Millicent - After Egypt; Isadora Duncan and Mary Cassatt
027669: Dillon, Richard H. - North American Indian Wars
025163: Dillon, E. J. - The Sceptics of the Old Testament: Job, Koheleth, Agur
014489: Dillon, Richard - Great Expectations; the Story of Benicia, California
051967: Dillon, Emma - Medieval Music-Making and the Roman de Fauvel
008415: Dillon, Millicent - A Little Original Sin; the Life and Work of Jane Bowles
007177: Dillon, Merton L. - Benjamin Lundy and the Struggle for Negro Freedom
002373: Dilman, Ilham - Freud; Insight and Change
038883: Dilthey, Wilhelm - Weltanschauung Und Analyse Des Menschen Seit Renaissance Und Reformation
049759: Dimand, M. S. - Oriental Rugs in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
037903: Dimbleby, Josceline - A Taste of Dreams; Josceline Dimbleby's Cookery Book
047233: Diment, Galya - The Autobiographical Novel of Co-Consciousness: Goncharaove, Woolf, and Joyce
026331: Dimick, John - Episodes in Archaeology; Bit Parts in Big Dramas
041219: Dimier, Louis - Le Primatice
051386: Dimier, Anselme - Les Moines Bâtisseurs
040931: Dimoff, Paul - La Vie Et L'Oeuvre D'André Chénier Jusqu'a la Revolution Française 1962-1790. Tome II: L'Elaboration de L'Oeuvre; la Réalisation de L'Oeuvre
029629: Charaf ed-Din - Le Premier Manuscrit Chirurgical Turc, Rédigé Par Charaf Ed-Din (1465) Et Illustré de 140 Miniatures
032430: Dysart, Dinah and Hannah Fink, Eds - Asian Women Artists
052573: Dinaux, Arthur - Les Trouvères Brabançons, Hainuyers, LIégois Et Namurois
048065: Dine, Jim - Jim Dine Designs for a Midsummer Night's Dream
050223: Dine, Jim - Jim Dine in Der Glyptothek
050330: Dine, Jim - Jim Dine. A Day Longer
044576: Diner, Dan - Lost in the Sacred; Why the Muslim World Stood Still
028495: Diner, Hasia - Jewish Americans: The Immigrant Experience
014459: Dines, Elaine K. - Anxious Interiors; an Exhibition of Tableau Photography and Sculpture
020607: Dinesen, Isak - Letters from Africa, 11914-1931
016762: Dinesen, Isak - Carnival; Entertainments and Posthumous Tales
021678: Dingwall, William Orr - A Survey of Linguistic Science
009464: Dingwall, William Orr - Transformational Generative Grammar; a Bibliography
042015: Dinnage, Rosemary - Alone! Alone! Lives of Some Outsider Women
017877: Dinnsen, Daniel A. - Current Approaches to Phonological Theory
043303: DiNoto,Andrea - Art Plastique; la Vie Quotidienne
043965: Dinshaw, Carolyn - Chaucer's Sexual Poetics
052817: Dinsmoor, William Bell - The Architecture of Ancient Greece; an Account of Its Historical Development
044313: Dinzelbacher, Peter - Himmel, Hölle, Heilige; Visionen Und Kunst IM Mittelalter
002488: Diolé, Philippe - 4,000 Years Under the Sea
039115: Dion, Gérard - Vocabulaire Français-Anglais Des Relation Professionneles; Glossary of Terms Used in Industrial Relation (English-French)
002093: DiPietro, Robert - Language Structures in Contrast
049567: Diringer, David - The Alphabet; a Key to the History O Mankind
040755: Schubert, Dirk and Hans Harms - Wohnen Am Hafen; Leben Und Arbeiten an Der Wasserkante; Stadtgeschichte, Gegewart, Zukunft--Das Beispiel Hamburg
025164: Dirks, John Edward - The Critical Theology of Theodore Parker
037899: Disch, Thomas M. - The Tale of Dan de Lion
024765: Society for the Improvement of Prison Discipline - The Fifth Report of the Committee of the Society for the Improvement of Prison Discipline, and for the Reformation of Juvenile Offenders. 1823. With an Appendix
006060: Disraeli, Benjamin - Disraeli's Reminiscences
007795: Disselhoff, Hans Dietrich - Geschichte Der Altamerikanischen Kulturen
036656: Ditchfield, P. H. - The Story of the City Companies
026080: Ditmars, Raymond L. - The Reptiles of North America; a Review of the Crocodilians, Lizards, Snakes, Turtles and Tortoises Inhabiting the United States and Northern Mexico
049862: Ditmars, Elizabeth Van Nes - Sophocles' Antigone; Lyric Shap and Meaning
012659: Ditmars, Raymond L. - Reptiles of the World; the Crocodilians, Lizards, Snakes, Turtles and Tortoises of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres
009368: Ditmars, Raymond L. - The Reptiles of North America; a Review of the Crocodilians, Lizards, Snakes, Turtles and Tortoises Inhabting the United States and Northern Mexico
052096: Dittmer, Luther, Ed - Facsimile Reproduction of the Manuscript Madrid 20486
052085: Dittmer, Luther, Ed - Firenze, Biblioteca Mediceo-Laurenziana, Pluteo 29, 1
001706: Divo, Jean-Paul - Die Taler Der Schweiz
004682: Dixon, Peter - George Canning, Politician and Statesman
030278: Dizikes, John - Opera in America; a Cultural History
002094: Djavadi, Abbasali - Phonologie Des Persischen
020428: Djerassi, Carl - The Pill, Pgymy Chimps, and Degas' Horse; the Autobiography of Carl Djerassi
038432: Djoleto, Amu - The Strange Man
003528: Beric-Djukic, Vesna - Die Wortstellung in Den Werken Jörg Wickrams
035954: Sarabianov, Dmitri and Natalia L. Adaskina - Popova
008401: Dobb, Maurice - Papers on Capitalism, Development and Planning
047425: Dobbie, Elliott Van Kirk, Ed - Beowulf and Judith
028031: Dobbs, Michael - Saboteurs; the Nazi Raid on America
028003: Dobie, Ann Brewster, Ed - Something in Common; Contemporary Louisiana Stories
045973: Dobranski, Stephen B. - Milton, Authorship, and the Book Trade
030882: Dobrée, Bonamy - English Literature in the Early Eighteenth Century 1700-1740
008177: Dobrée, Bonamy - Restoration Tragedy, 1660-1720
040550: Dobrin, Adam, et al. - Statistical Handbook on Violence in America
002490: Dobschütz, Ernst Von - Probleme Des Apostolischen Zeitalters
053820: Dobson, William Arthur Charles Harvey - Late Archaic Chinese
030619: Dobson, Kit - Transnational Canadas; Anglo-Canadian Literature and Globalization
021046: Dobson, Rosemary, Ed - Australian Voices; Poetry and Prose of the 1970s
034740: Dockès, Pierre - Medieval Slavery and Liberation
052000: Dockstader, Frederick J. - Weaving Arts of the North American Indian
008179: Doctorow, E. L. - Jack London, Hemingway, and the Constitution: Selected Essays, 1977-1992
001665: Doctors, Samuel I. - The Role of Federal Agencies in Technology Transfer
006137: Dodd, A. H. - The Growth of Responsible Government from James the First to Victoria
011105: Dodds, John W. - The Age of Paradox; a Biography of England, 1841-1851
006697: Dodds, John W. - The Several Lives of Paul Fejos; a Hungarian-American Odyssey
039013: Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge - Lewis Carroll and the Kitchiins, Containing Twenty-Five Letters Not Previously Published and Ninetten of His Photographs
036444: Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge - The Letters of Lewis Carroll
048754: Dodwell, C. R. - Anglo-Saxon Art; a New Perspective
051683: Doe, Paul - Elizabethan Consort Music, I.
004247: Doe, Paul - A Warbler's Song in the Dusk; the Life and Work of Otomo Yakamochi (718-785)
033774: Doebler, John - Shakespeare's Speaking Pictures; Studies in Iconic Imagery
045694: Doehaerd, Renée - Le Haut Moyen Age Occidental; économies Et Sociétés
019278: Doehler, Alfred - De Partibus Quibusdam Historiarum Herodoti Earumque Compositionis Genere Quaestiones
025538: Doelman, C. - Hendrik Chabot
050714: Doering, Oscar - Romanische Malerei in Deutschen Landen
043395: Doherty, Beatrice J. - How to Prepare Food; the New Method
013818: Doherty, Robert W. - The Hicksite Separation; Sociological Analysis of Religious Schism in Early Nineteenth Century America
051056: Doisneau, Robert - Three Seconds of Eternity
021597: Dolan, Uri, Comp - A Bibliography of Articles on the Middle East 1959-1967
046038: Dolby, William - A History of Chinese Drama
015416: Dolin, Anton - Alicia Markova; Her Life and Art
034439: Dolléans, Edouard - Proudhon
048321: Döllinger, Johann Josef Ignaz Von - Kirche Und Kirchen, Papstthum Und Kirchenstaat; Historisch-Politische Betrachtungen
020003: Dollot, René - L'Afghanistan: Histoire, Description, Moeurs Et Coutumes, Folklore, Fouilles
046417: Dolmetsch, Joan D., Ed - Eighteenth-Century Prints in Colonial America' to Educate and Decorate
027946: Dolnick, Edward - The Rescue Artist; a True Story of Art, Thieves, and the Hunt for a Missing Masterpiece
023949: Dolnick, Edward - Down the Great Unknown; John Wesley Powell's 1869 Journey of Discovery and Tragedy Through the Grand Canyon
049507: Dolores, Juan - Papago Verb Stems
019795: Domaratius, Louise - Gadji
012419: Dombrowski, Ernst, Ritter Von - Deutsche Weidmannsprache. Mit Zugrundelegung Des Gesamten Quellenmaterials Für Den Praktischen Jäger Bearbeit
001766: Domes, Jürgen - The Internal Politics of China, 1949-1972
004982: Domes, Jürgen - China After the Cultural Revolution; Politics between Two Party Congresses
050158: Domico, Terry - Bears of the World
018513: Domingo, Placido - My First Forty Years
052371: Boutet, Dominique and Jacques Verger, Eds - Penser le Pouvoir Au Moyen Age (Viiie-Xve Siècle); études D'Histoire Et de Littérature Offertes à Françoise Autrand
045741: Don, J. - De Archieven Der Gemennte Kampen
026804: Tapscott, Don and Art Caston - Paradigm Shift; the New Promise of Information Technology
017930: Brothwell, Don and Eric Higgs, Eds - Science in Archaeology; a Comprehensive Survey of Progress and Research
052355: O Donaill, Niall - Foclóir Gaeilge-Béaria
048277: Shearer, Donald and Norbert H. Miller - Ignatius Cardinal Persico O.M. Cap. [Plus] Pioneer Missionaries in the United States (1784-1816)
046997: Leslie, Donald and Jeremy Davidson - Author Catalogues of Western Sinologists
045573: Weinstein, Donald and Rudolph M. Bell - Saints & Society; the Two Worlds of Western Christianity, 1000-1700
026239: Fleming, Donald and Bernard Bailyn, Eds - The Intellectual Migration; Europe and America, 1930-1960
021079: Donald, David Herbert - Look Homeward; a Life of Thomas Wolfe
016932: Donald, David - Lincoln's Herndon
049125: Johanson, Donald and Blake Edgar - From Lucy to Language
014569: Kuspit, Donald and Lynn Gamwell - Health and Happiness in 20th-Century Art
049307: Reid Donald - Paris Sewers and Sewermen; Realities and Representations
033108: Donaldson, Ian, Ed - Jonson and Shakespeare
019528: Donaldson, Frances - Evelyn Waugh; Portrait of a Country Neighbour
014646: Eberlein, Harold Donaldson and Roger Wearne Ramsdell - The Practical Book of Chinaware
011106: Donaldson, Frances - Edward VIII
049080: Donaldson, Bruce - Dutch: A Comprehensive Grammar
039005: Bensimon-Donath, Doris - Immigrants D'Afrique Du Nord En Israel; évolution Et Adaptation
389: Donati, Lamberto - Incisioni Fiorentine Del Quattrocento
048761: Donawerth, Jane - Shakespeare and the Sixteenth-Century Study of Language
052631: Dondaine, Antoine - Un Traité Néo-Manichéen Du Xiiie Sièccle: Le Liber de Duobus Principiis. Suivi D'Un Fragment de Ritual Cathare
053736: Rosenbaum-Dondaine, Catherine - L'Image de Piété En France,1814-1914
051212: Dondaine, Hyacinthe François - L'Attrtion Suffisante
028730: Dondorp, Jan Hendirk - Rechtmatigheistoetsing; Toetsing Van Pauselijke Rescripten Bij de Decretisten En Decretalisten
013553: Dongerkery, S. R. - A History of the University of Bombay, 1857-1957
048346: Donghi, kkTulio Halperin - Un Conflicto Nacional Moriscos Y Cristianos Viejos En Valancia de Cuadernos de Histoira de España
039562: Donington, Robert - The Interpretation of Early Music
030279: Donington, Robert - Opera and Its Symbols; the Unity of Words, Music, and Staging
030280: Donington, Robert - The Rise of Opera
030370: Donizetti, Gaetano - Roberto D'Evereux, Conte D'Essex; a Lyric Tragedy in 3 Acts with Italian Text
030369: Donizetti, Gaetano - Poliuto
030367: Donizetti, Gaetano - Lucrezia Borgia. Opera in Italian
030366: Donizetti, Gaetano - Lucia Di Lammermoor (the Bride of Lammermoor). Opera in Three Acts
030365: Donizetti, Gaetano - La Fille Du Regiment; Opéra-Comique En Deux Actes
030362: Donizetti, Gaetano - Don Pasquele; Dramma Buffo in Tre Atti
030363: Donizetti, Gaetano - Don Pasquale. An Opera in Three Acts with Italian-English Text
030283: Donizetti, Gaetano - Dom Sébastien, Roi de Portugal
030282: Donizetti, Gaetano - Anna Bolena; an Opera in Two Acts. For Soli, Chorus, and Orchestra with Italian Text. Vocal Socre
021228: Donkin, Richard - Blood, Sweat and Tears; the Evolution of Work
036646: Rodnitzky, Donna et al. - The Prune Gourmet
050246: Donnan, Christopher B. - Moche Art in Peru; Pre-Columbian Symbolic Communication
051910: Delle Donne, Fulvio - Federico II: La Condanna Della Memoria. Metamorfosi Di Un Mito
032980: Donne, John - Essays in Divinity
030109: Donne, John - The Poems of John Donne
028116: Donne, John - Suicide
050665: Donne, John - The Songs and Sonets of John Donne
013819: Donne, John - Deaths Duell. A Sermon Delivered Before King Charles I in the Beginning of Lent 1630/1
046018: O'Donnell, Patrick - Echo Chambers; Figuring Voice in Modern Narrative
023506: O'Donnell, Terence - Garden of the Brave in War
014816: Donnelly, Michael - Managing the Mind; a Study of Medical Psychology in Early Nineteenth-Century Britain
049998: O'Donoghue, Heather - The Genesis of a Saga Narrative; Verse and Prose in Kormaks Saga
027451: Donoghue, Denis - Walter Pater, Lover of Strange Souls
007761: Donoghue, Denis - The Sovereign Ghost; Studies in Imagination
004248: Donoghue, Daniel - Style in Old English Poetry; the Test of the Auxiliary
053314: Donovan, Richard B. - The Liturgical Drama in Medieval Spain
051790: Chilton, Donovan and Noel G. Coley - The Laboratoires of the Royal Institution in the Nineteenth Century
027533: Doody, Margaret Anne - Frances Burney; the Life in the Works
028050: Loewenstein, Dora and Philip Dodd, Eds - According to the Rolling Stones: Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watss, Ronnie Wood
030875: Doran, Madeleine - Endeavors of Art: A Study of Form in Elizabethan Drama
028731: Doran, John - The Book of the Princes of Wales
034495: Dordevic, Tihomir R. - Nas Narodni Zivot
033593: Dordevic, Mihailo - Anthology of Serbian Poetry: The Golden Age
026005: Doré, Gustav - Potpourri
008545: Van Doren, Carl - Mutiny in January; the Story of a Crisis in the Continental Army Now for the First Time Fully Told from Many Hitherto Unknown or Neglected Sources Both American and British
022782: Dorey, T. A., Ed - Latin Biography
1101: Dorey, T. A., Ed - Erasmus
011751: Dorfman, Jacob S. - Pharmaceutical Latin; for Pharmaceutical, Medical, Dental and Veterinary Students and Practitioners
012512: Dorfmüller, Kurt, Ed - Quellenstudien Zur Musik, Wolfgang Schmieder Zum 70. Geburtstag
022894: Dorgelès, Roland - La Caravane Sans Chameaux
011755: Dorian, Max - The Du Ponts; from Gunpowder to Nylon
029951: Dorigny, Marcel - Les Abolitions de L'Esclavage de L.F. Sonthonax à V. Schoelcher 1793, 1794, 1848
045143: Sloan, Doris and David L. Wagner, Eds - Geologic Excursions in Northern California: San Francisco to the Sierra Nevada
023905: Heyden, Doris and Paul Gendrop - Architektur Der Hochkulturen Mittelamerikas
012687: Doritsch, Alexnader - Gebrauch Der Altbulgarischen Adverbia
040793: Dorn, Wilhelm - Benjamin Neukirch; Sein Leben Und Seine Werke. Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Zweiten Schlesischen Schule
050495: Dorn, Edward - Hello, la Jolla
044540: Dornbush, Jean M. - Pygmalion's Figure; Reading Old French Romance
003288: Dornseiff, Franz - Echtheitsfragen Antik-Griechischer Literatur: Rettungen Des Theognis, Phokylides, Hekataios, Choririlos
045941: Kraus, Dorothy and Henry - The Gothic Choirstalls of Spain
038732: Eagle, Dorothy and Hilary Carnell, Eds - The Oxford Literary Guide to the British Isles
038327: Hartley, Dorothy and Margaret M. Elliot - Life and Work of the People of England; a Pictorial Record from Contemporary Sources
032041: Healey, Dorothy and Maurice Isserman - Dorothy Healey Remembers; a Life in the American Communist Party
027517: Eagle, Dorothy and Hilary Carnell, Eds - The Oxford Illustrated Literary Guide to Great Britain and Ireland
019472: Samachson, Dorothy and Joseph Samachson - The Dramatic Story of the Theatre
052854: Dörries, Hermann - Wort Und Stunde
048957: Dorson, Richard M., Ed - Handbook of American Folklore
032514: Dorson, Richard M. - The British Folkorists; a History
025782: Dorson, Richard M. - Folklore: Selected Essays
007184: Dorson, Richard M. - American Folklore
037033: Dorst, John D. - The Written Suburb; an American Site, an Ethnographic Dilemma
052284: Dort, Bernard - Lecture de "Galilee"; étude Comparée Des Trois états D'Un Texte Dramatique de Bertolt Brecht
010523: Dorwart, Reinhold August - The Administrative Reforms of Frederick William I of Prussia
052135: Dorwin, John T. - The Bowen Site; an Archaeological Study of Culture Process in the Late Prehistory of Central Indiana
032468: Dostal, Walter - Die Beduinen in Südarabien; Eine Ethnologische Studie Zur Entwicklung Der Kamelhirtenkultur in Arabien
010419: Doster, Michael - Reflections
041801: Dostoevskii, Fedor Mikhailovich - Sobranie Sochinenii
048049: Dostoevsky, Fyodor - Crime & Punishment
005856: Dostoevsky, Fyodor - The Notebooks for a Raw Youth
012081: Dothie, W. H. - Operation Disembroil; Deception and Escape, Normandy 1940
018869: Doty, Robert - Photo-Secession; Stieglitz and the Fine-Art Movment in Photography
006924: Doty, Gresdna Ann - The Carer of Mrs. Anne Brunton Merry in the American Theatre
005520: Doubleday, Neal Frank - Variety of Attempt; British and American Fiction in the Early Nineteenth Century
022590: Doubrovsky, Serge - The New Criticism in France
023376: Adams, Doug and Diane Apostolos-Cappadona, Eds - Art As Religious Studies
045478: Douglas, Florence Louise - A Study of the Moretum
041101: Douglas, David C. - The Norman Fate 1100-1154
038858: Douglas, Norman - Late Harvest
035818: Douglas, Norman - Some Limericks; Collected for the Use of Students, & Ensplendourdd'd with Introduction, Georgraphical Index, and with Notes Expalnatory and Critical
032620: Douglas, David C. - English Scholars
030372: Douglas, Nigel - More Legendary Voices
030371: Douglas, Nigel - Legendary Voices
029862: Johnson, Douglas and Madeleine Johnson - The Age of Illusion; Art and Politics in France 1918-1940
029219: Douglas, David C. - William the Conqueror; the Norman Impact Upon England
027673: Barrett, Douglas and BAsil Gray - Indian Painting
015281: Douglas, Norman - Together
014252: Allen, Douglas and Douglas Allen, Jr. - N.C. Wyeth: The Collected Paintings, Illustrations and Murals
051770: Douglas, A. Vibert - The Life of Arthur Stanley Eddington
048991: Douglass, Jane., Ed - Trustable and Preshus Friends: I Like to Write Letters But I Like to Get the Ansers Still Better. Your Liitle Friend, Elsie Leslie
045217: Douglass, William A., Et al., Eds - Anglo-American Contributions to Basque Studies: Essays in Honor of Jon Bilbao
033490: Douglass, E. Jane Dempsey - Justification in Late Medieval Preaching; a Study of John Geiler of Keisersberg
005784: Douglass, William A. - Death in Murelaga; Funerary Ritual in a Spanish Basque Village
036235: Doulgas, Ronald Macdonald - The Scots Book of Lore and Folklore
033238: Doumas, Christos G. - Cycladic Art; Ancient Sculpture and Pottery from the N.P. Goulandris Collection
026269: Doumas, Christos G. - The N.P. Goulandris Collection of Early Cycladic Art
036359: Doumergue, E. - Geneva Past and Present; an Historical and Descriptive Guide for the Use of Foreign Visitors in Geneva
012688: Dournovo, L. A. - Miniatures Arméniennes
037133: Douroff, B. A. - étains Français Des Xviie Et Xviiie Siècles
020317: Doutrepont, Georges - La Littérature Et la Société
052144: Ben-Dov, Meir - In the Shadow of the Temple; the Discovery of Ancient Jerusalem
038750: Dover, Kenneth - The Greeks
031732: Dover, K. J. - Aristophanic Comedy
022785: Dover, Kenneth - The Greeks
029739: Nichols, Frederick Doveton and Ralph E. Griswold - Thomas Jefferson, Landscape Architect
050380: Dovine, David - Hadrian's Wall; a Study of the North-West Frontier of Rome
048486: Dow, Sterling - A Century of Humane Archaeology
047193: Dow, PHilip, Ed - 19 New American Poets of the Golden Gate
047941: O'Dowd, Mina - The Changing Nature of Knowledge; Mapping the Discourse of the Malmö Longitudinal Study 1939-1995
033673: Dowden, Edward - Shakspere; a Critical Study of His Mind and Art
046155: Dowdey, Clifford - The Golden Age; a Climate for Greatness, Virginia 1732-1775
012082: Dowdey, Clifford - Lee's Last Campaign; the Story of Lee and His Men Against Grant--1864
037075: Dowling, Kim, Ed - Buffalo Cookbook; Buffalo Meat
026555: Dowling, William C. - Confessions of a Spoilsport; My Life and Hard Times Fighting Sports Corruption at an Old Easten University
036464: Panter-Downes, Mollie - At the Pines; Swinburne and Watts-Dunton in Putney
034142: Downes, John - Roscius Anglicanus
034062: Downes, John - Roscius Anglicanus
049833: Downes, Kerry - Sir John Vanbrugh; a Biography
039708: Downing, Michael - Shoes Outside the Door; Desire, Devotion, and Excess at San Francisco Zen Center
026859: Downing, Christine - Myths and Mysteries of Same-Sex Love
039955: Downs, Anthony - New Visions for Metropolitan America
011555: Downs, Norton, Ed - Essays in Honor of Conyers Read
046371: Dowson, Ernest - New Letters from Ernest Dowson
032313: Dowson, John - A Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology and Religion, Georgraphy, History, and Literature
040990: Doyle, James E. - The Official Baronage of England Showing the Succession, Dignities, and Offices of Every Peer from 1066 to 1885, with Sixteen Hundred Illustrations. Dukes-Viscounts
026794: Doyle, Arthur Conan - The Valley of Fear
026792: Doyle, Arthur Conan - The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes
026791: Doyle, Arthur Conan - A Study in Scarlet
026790: Doyle, Arthur Conan - The Sign of the Four
019843: Doyle, Paul E. - Hot Shots and Heavy Hits; Tales of an Undercover Drug Agent
007441: Doyle, Christine - Louisa May Alcott & Charlotte Bronte; Transatlantic Translations
017878: Drabbe, Peter - Spraakkunst Van Het Ekagi: Wisselmeren Ned. N. Guinea
035503: Drabble, Margaret, Ed - The Oxford Companion to English Literature
053232: Drabek, Anna M. - Die Verträge Der Fränkischen Und Deutschen Herrscher Mit Dem Papasttum Von 754 Bis 1020
005708: Drachkovitch, Milorad M., Ed - The Revolutionary Internationals, 1864-1943
053461: Dragnich, Alex N. - Serbs and Croats; the Struggle in Yugoslavia
010837: Drago, Harry Sinclair - The Steamboaters; from the Early Side-Wheelers to the Big Packets
021681: Dragutinovic, Miodrag, et al. - Gramatika Srpskog Jezika Za Prvi Razred Gimnazije
047961: Drakakis, John, Ed - Shakespearean Tragedy
027244: Drakakis, John, Ed - Shakespearean Tragedy
047710: Drake, Marie - Alaskana
044000: Drake, Stillman - Galileo: Pioneer Scientist
026717: Drake, Paul W., Ed - Money Doctors, Foreign Debts, and Economic Reforms in Latin America from the 1890s to the Present
018515: Drake, James A. - Richard Tucker; a Bioigraphy
010033: Drake, Leonard A. - Trends in the New York Printing Industry
008454: Drake, Francis - Sir Francis Drake's West Indian Voyage, 1585-86
007008: Drake, Francis - The World Encompassed. And the Realtion of Aa Wonderfull Voiage by William Cornelison Schouten
051869: Drake, Stillman - Copernicus. Philosoph and Science: Bruno--Kepler--Galileo
045097: Drape, Joe, Ed - To the Swift; Classic Triple Crown Horses and Their Race for Glory
026414: Draper, John W. - The Funeral Elegy and the Rise of English Romanticism
022982: Draper, Theodore - Israel and World Politics; Roots of the Third Arab-Israeli War
010208: Draper, John W. - Stratford to Dogberry; Studies in Shakespeare's Earlier Plays
012689: Dräseke, Johannes - Johannes Scotus Erigena Und Dessen Gewährsmänner in Seinem Werke de Divisione Naturae Libri V.
024160: Dray, William - Laws and Explanation in History
050385: Drayton, Michael - The Battaile of Agincourt
032039: Drechsel, Edwin J. - From Venezuela with Love
037933: Drees, Ludwig - Olympia; Gods, Artists, and Athletes
051984: Dreghorn, William - Geology Explained in the Severn Vale and Cotswolds
037102: Von Drehle, David - Triangle, the Fire That Changed America
027566: Dreifus, Claudia - Interview
042781: Dreissen, Josef - Zentrale Glaubenswahrheiten Neu Gesehen; Katechetische Impulse
038803: Dreissen, Josef - Gegenwärtigkeit; Die ûbersetzung Des Glaubens Für Heute
025364: Drell, Sidney D. - In the Shadow of the Bomb; Physics and Arms Control
014963: Drepperd, Carl W. - Victorian; the Cinideralla of Antiques
033798: Drescher, Hans-Georg - Ernst Troeltsch; His Life and Work
022546: Dresher, Melvin - Games of Strategy: Theory and Applications
024166: Dresner, Samuel H. - The Zaddik; the Doctrine of the Zaddik According to the Writings of Rabbi Yaakov Yosef of Polnoy
050620: Dresser, Horace - The New Constable's Guide and Marshal's Assistant, Being a Compendium of the Powers, Duties, Privileges and Liabilities of Contables and Marshals, in the State of New York, Both in CIVIL and Criminal Proceedings:
032144: Dressler, Alan - Voyage to the Great Attractor; Exploring Intergalactic Space
021682: Dressler, Wolfgang U. - Grundfragen Der Morphonologie
051961: Dressler, Rachel Ann - Of Armor and Men in Medieval England; the Chivalric Rhetoric of Three English Knights' Effigies
035307: Egbert, Donald Drew and Stow Persons, Eds - Socialism and American Life
030374: Drew, David - Kurt Weill; a Handbook
001915: Drewes, G. W. J. - Maleise Bloemlezing Uit Hedendaagse Schrijvers
042286: Drewes, A. J. - Classical Arabic in Central Ethiopia
053336: Drews, Wolfram - Die Karolinger Und Die Abbasiden Von Bagdad; Legitmationsstrategien Frühmittelalterlicher Herrscherdynastien IM Transkulturellen Vergleich
026274: Drexler, Hans - Herodot-Studien
005047: Dreyer, Lynette - The Modern African Elite of South Africa
024720: Dreyfus, Paul - Sainte Marie D'En Haut
050731: Dreyfus, Laurence - Bach's Continuo Group; Players and Practices in His Vocal Works
050732: Dreyfus, Laurence - Bach and the Patterns of Invention
042590: Driesbach, Janice T., Et al. - Art of the Gold Rush
015053: Drinka, George Frederick - The Birth of Neurosis; Myth, Malady, and the Victorians
005806: Drinkwater, John, Ed - The Eighteen-Sixties; Essays by Fellows of the Royal Society of Literature
036207: Driver, Elizabeth - A Bibliography of Cookery Books Published in Britain, 1875-1914
033390: Driver, Tom F. - The Sense of History in Greek and Shakespearean Drama
025167: Driver, S. R. - Notes on the Hebrew Text and the Topography of the Books of Samuel with an Introduction on Hebrew Palaeography and the Ancient Versions and Facsimiles of Inscriptions and Maps
042323: Drobin, Ulf, Ed - Religion Och Samhälle I Det Förkristna Norden. Ett Sympoisum
024182: Drobna, Zoroslava - La Riqueza Del Bordado Eclesiastico En Checoslovaquia
045836: Dronke, Peter - Women Writers of the Middle Ages; a Critical Study of Texts from Perpetua (+203) to Marguerite Porete (+1310)
042751: Dronke, Peter - Women Writers of the Middle Ages; a Critical Study of Texts from Perpetua (+ 203) to Marguerite Porete (+ 1310)
029249: Dronke, Peter - Die Lyrik Des Mittelalters; Eine Einführung
051931: Dronke, Peter - Medieval Latin and the Rise of European Love-Lyric
032091: Drop, Mark - The Hollywood Storyteller
027716: Dröscher, Vitus B. - ... Und Der Wal Schleuderte Jona an Land"; Die Tierwundner Der Bibel Naturwissenschaftlich Erklärt
015126: Drost, Willi - Barockmalerei in Den Germanischen Ländern
031733: Drower, Margaret S. - Egypt in Color
003289: Droysen, Johann Gustav - Geschichte Alexanders Des GroßEns
029675: Droz, Jacques, et al. - L'Epoque Contemporaine. I: Restaurations Et Révoltuions (1815-1871)
024721: Dru, Alexander - The Contribution of German Catholicism
030406: Drucker, Philip - Ceramic Sequences at Tres Zapotes, Veracruz, Mexico
026225: Drucker, Philip, et al. - Excavations at la Venta, Tabasco, 1955
010881: Druhe, David N. - Russo-Indian Relations, 1466-1917
045046: Drummond, Henry - Tropical Africa
032740: Drury, Nevill - The Shaman and the Magician; Journeys between the Worlds
022788: Drury, Allen - Egypt; the Eternal Smile. Reflections on a Journey
007819: Drury, Clififord Merrill - William Anderson Scott, "No Ordinary Man
042813: Druxman, Michael B. - Make It Again, Sam; a Survey of Movie Remakes
030608: Dryden, Linda, et al., Eds - Robert Louis Stevenson and Joseph Conrad; Writers of Transition
025818: Dryden, John - Four Comedies
006873: Dryden, John - Hymns Attributed to John Dryden
039954: Dryzek, John S. - Deliberative Democracy and Beyond; Liberals, Critics, Contestations
051567: Dsidsiguri, Schota - Die Georgische Sprache. Kurzer Abriß
012850: Dubb, A. A., Ed - The Multitribal Society; Proceedings of the Sixteenth Conference of the Rhodes-Livingstone Institute Held at the Oppenheimer College for Social Change, Lusaka, February, 1962
013555: Dube, S. C. - Indian Village
046745: Duberman, Martin - Midlife Queer; Autobiography of a Decade 1971-1981
050826: Duberman, Martin - Cures; a Gay Man's Odyssey
009248: Dubisch, Jill, Ed - Gender & Power in Rural Greece
006254: Dubnov, S. M. - Die Neueste Geschichte Des Jüdischen Volkes (1789-1914)
008425: DuBois, Cora - Social Forces in Southeast Asia
043983: Dubos, Rene J. - The Professor, the Institute, and Dna
013455: Dubuffet, Jean - Jean Dubuffet: Drawings
052660: Duby, Georges - Rural Economy and Country Life in the Medieval West
046490: Duby, Georges - L'économie Rurale Et la Vie Des Campagnes Dans L'Occident Médiéval
045730: Duby, Georges - The Early Growth of the European Economy; Warriors and Peasants from the Seventh to the Twelfth Century
044264: Duby, Georges - France in the Middle Ages 987-1460, from Hugh Capet to Joan of Arc
043666: Duby, Georges - Hommes Et Structures Du Moyen Age; Recueil D'Articles
041102: Duby, Georges - Medieval Marriage; Two Models from Twelfth-Century France
035402: Duby, Georges - William Marshal; the Flower of Chivalry
029250: Duby, Georges - The Age of the Cathedrals; Art and Society 980-1420
012711: Duby, Georges - The Age of the Cathedrals; Art and Society 980-1420
051241: Duby, Georges - William Marshal; the Flower of Chivalry
052326: Viollet Le Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel - Encyclopedie Medievale D'Après Viollet le Duc
026275: Ducati, Pericle - Pittura Etrusca-Italo-Greca E Romana
040625: Duchêne, Roger - Ecrire Au Temps de Mme de Sévigné: Lettres Et Texte Littéraire
046229: Duchesne, Louis - Fastes épiscopaux de L'Ancienne Gaule
046645: Duchscherer, Paul - The Bungalow; America's Arts and Crafts Home
044491: Ducibella, Joseph William - The Phonology of the Sicilian Dialects
047267: Duckett, Eleanor Shipley - Carolingian Portraits; a Study in the Ninth Century
045128: Duckett, Eleanor - Death and Life in the Tenth Century
018517: Duckles, Vincent - Music Reference and Research Materials; an Annotated Bibliography
031735: Duckworth, George D. - The Nature of Roman Comedy; a Study in Popular Entertainment
026276: Duckworth, George D. - The Nature of Roman Comedy; a Study in Popular Entertainment
020001: Ducrest, Georgette - Secret Memoirs of the Court of the Empress Josephine, with Anecdotes of the Courts of Navarre and Malmaison
044316: Ducretet, Pierre R. - Voltaire: Candide; étude Quantitative. Dictionnaire de Fréquence, Index Verborum Et Concordance de Candide. Essai de Méthologie Et D'Analyse de Données Quantitatives
049133: Duda, Bozena - The Synonyms of Fallen Woman in the History of the English Literature
007190: Dudden, Arthur P., Ed - The Assault of Laughter; a Treasury of American Political Humor
026568: Dudek, Louis - All These Roads; the Poetry of Louis Dudek
002098: Duden, Konrad - Vollständiges Orthographisches Wörterbuch Der Deutschen Sprache
014324: Duerden, Dennis - The Invisible Present: African Art & Literature
052768: Duesberg, Hilaire - Jésus, Prophète Et Docteur de la Loi
018518: Dufallo, Richard - Trackings; Composers Speak with Richard Dufallo
030080: Duff, J. D. - Russian Lyrics with Notes and Vocabulary
022791: Duff, J. Wight - A Literary History of Rome from the Origins to the Close of the Golden Age
017216: Duffus, R. L. - The Santa Fe Trail
010188: Duffy, James - Shipwreck & Empire; Being an Account of Portuguese Maritime Disasters in a Century of Decline
018520: Dufourcq, Norbert - La Musique Française
052695: Dufournet, Jean - Nouvelles Recherches Sur le Tristan En Prose
044931: Dufournet, Jean - Approches Du Lancelot En Prose; études Recueillies
052626: Dufournet, Jean - Etudes Sur le Roman de la Rose de Guillaume de Lorris
052677: Dufournet, J. - Les écrivains de la Ive Croisade: Villehardouin Et Clari
018178: Dugan, Ellen, Ed - This Sporting Life 1878-1991
042906: Duggan, Mary Kay - Italian Music Incunabula; Printers and Type
042614: Duggan, Lawrence G. - Bishop and Chapter; the Goverance of the Bishopric of Speryer to 1552
029251: Duggan, Joseph J. - The Song of Roland; Formulaic Style and Poetic Craft
028732: Duggan, Joseph J. - A Concordance of the Chanson de Roland
049284: Duggan, Joseph J. - The Song of Roland; Formulaic Style and Poetic Craft
048320: Duhm, Bernhard - Die Psalmen Erklärt
019269: Duhn, Fridericus De - De Menelai Itinere Aegyptio Odysseae Carminis IV Episodio Quaestiones Criticae
048628: Duhoux, Yves - Introduction Aux Dialectes Grecs Anciens; Problèmes Et Méthodes; Recueil de Textes Traduits
025238: Stadtbücherei Duisburg - Karl Marx 1818-1968; Mensch, Werk, Wirkung
020492: Duisit, Lionel - Madame Du Deffand, épistolière
005339: Duke, Benjamin C. - Japan's Militant Teachers; a History of the Left-Wing Teacher's Movement
009202: Dukes, Paul - October and the World; Perspectives on the Russian Revolution
396: Dülberg, Franz - Niederländische Malerei Der Spätgotik Und Renaissance
047723: Dull, Paul S. - A Battle History of the Imperial Japanese Navy (1941-1945
023370: Dulles, Eleanor Lansing - American Foreign Policy in the Making
036130: Dumas, Ann, et al. - The Private Collection of Edgar Degas
048127: Dumbauld, Edward - Thomas Jefferson, American Tourist. Being an Account of His Journeys in the United States of America, England, France, Italy, the Low Countries, and Germany
051211: Dumeige, Gervais - Ives: Epître à Séverin Sur Aa Charité. Richard de Saint-Victor: Les Quatre Degrés de la Violente Charité
048833: Dumézil, Georges - Les Dieux Souverains Des Indo-Européens
049053: Dumézil, Georges - Du Mythe Au Roman; la Saga de Hadingus (Saxo Grammaticus, I, V-VIII) Et Autres Essais
050266: Dumézill, Georges - Heur Et Malheur Du Guerrier; Aspects Mythique de la Fonction Guerrière Chez Les Indo-Européens
053539: Dümmler, Ernst, et al., Eds - Epistolae Merowingici Et Karolini Aevi I.
053288: Dümmler, Ernst - Geschichte Des Ostfränkischen Reiches
048078: Dumont, Rene - Types of Rural Economy; Studies in World Agriculture
051576: Dumont, Chrstophe Jean - Les Voies de L'Unité Chrétienne; Doctrine Et Spiritualité
014552: Dunaway, David King - Huxley in Hollywood
041719: Dunbabin, Jean - A Hound of God; Pierre de la Palud and the Fourteenth-Century Church
038473: Dunbar, Flanders - Mind and Body; Psychosomatic Medicine
026409: Dunbar, Janet - J.M. Barrie; the Man Behind the Image
012604: Dunbar, M. J., Ed - Marine Distributions
007192: Dunbar, Seymour - A History of Travel in America
048053: Duncan, David Ewing - Calendar; Humanity's Epic Struggle to Determine a True and Accurate Year
043980: Duncan, Elmer H. - Sören Kierkegaard
000094: Duncan, Martha Grace - Romantic Outlaws, Beloved Prisons; the Unconscious Meanings of Crime and Punishment
039982: Duncan, Alastair - Tiffany Windows
039816: Duncan, David Douglas - Self-Portrait: U.S. A.
037717: Duncan, Charles - A Photographic Pilgrim's Progress; Being the Adventures of an Itinerant Photographer Among Cameras, Cabbages and Kings
036178: Duncan, David Douglas - Magic Worlds of Fantasy: Dorle Lindner, Dr. Oscar Forel, Hsueh Shao-Tang, Ariane
030375: Duncan, Edmondstoune - The Story of the Carol
026774: Duncan, David Douglas - The Kremlin
026652: Duncan, Carol B. - This Spot of Ground; Spiritual Baptists in Toronto
022825: Duncan, David - Pedalling the Ends of the Earth
018870: Duncan, David Douglas - Yankee Nomad; a Photographic Odyssey
018521: Duncan, Edmondstoune - Schubert
010063: Duncan, David Douglas - The Silent Studio
046812: Dundes, Alan - From Game to War and Other Psychoanalytic Essays
036417: Dundes, Alan - Interpreting Folklore
034347: Dundes, Alan - Folklore Matters
008665: Duneier, Mitchell - Slim's Table ; Race , Respectability, and Masculinity
1103: Dunham, Barrows - Heroes & Heretics; a Political History of Western Thought
033205: Dunham, William Huse, Jr., and Stanley Pargellis, Eds - Complaint and Reform in England 1436-1714. Fifty Writings of the Time on Politics, Religion, Society, Economics, Architecture, Sciences, and Education
029451: Dunham, Arthur Louis - La Révolution Industrielle En France (1815-1848)
010524: Dunke, Horst - Die Kpd Von 1933 Bisw 1945
045312: Dunlap, Carol - California People
046815: Dunlop, John Colin - History of Prose Fiction
038855: Dunlop, Richard - Donovan, America's Master Spy
022533: Dunlop, John T. - Wage Determination Under Trade Unions
017243: Dunlop, Ian - The Cathedrals' Crusade; the Rise of the Gothic Style in France
047759: Dunn, Douglas, Ed - The Faber Book of Twentieth-Century Scottish Poetry
036875: Dunn, Carroll H. - Base Development in South Vietnam 1965-1970
033704: Dunn, Esther Couldman - Ben Jonson's Art: Elizabethan Life and Literture As Reflected Therein
033462: Dunn, T. A. - Philip Massinger; the Man and the Playwright
032936: Dunn, C. J. - Everyday Life in Imperial Japan
021684: Dunn, Oscar - Glossaire Franco-Canadien
046933: Dunne, George H. - Generation of Giants; the Story of the Jesuits in China in the Last Decades of the Ming Dynasty
020300: Dunne, Dominick - Another City, Not My Own
020176: Dunne, Dominick - Justice; Crimes, Trials, and Punishments
012962: Dunne, George H. - Generation of Giants; the Story of the Jesuits in China in the Last Decades of the Ming Dynasty
040788: Dünnhaupt, Gerhard - Diederich Von Dem Werder; Versuch Einer Neuwertung Seiner Hauptwerke
025805: Dünnhaupt, Gerhard - Bibliographisches Handbuch Der Barockliteratur; Hundert Personalbibliographien Deutscher Autoren Des Siebzehnten Jahrhunderts
024719: Dunning, Albert E. - Congregationalists in America; a Popular History of Their Origin, Belief, Polity, Growth and Work
008039: Dunning, Jennifer - Alvin Ailey; a Life in Dance
051495: Dunning, Albert - Count Unico Wilhelm Van Wassenaer (1692-1766); a Mster Unmasked or the Pergolesi-Cicciotti Puzzle Solved
043577: Dünninger, Eberhard, Ed - Begegnung Mit Regensburg; Stadt Und Landschaft IM Erlebnis Der Jahrhunderte
019371: Dunroy, William Reed - Corn Tassels
051497: Dunstable, John - Complete Works
051104: Dunstable, John - Complete Works
022843: Dunston, A. J. - Essays on Roman Culture; the Todd Memorial Lectures
005354: Duplessis, Gustavo Gallet - The Claim of Doctor Don Gustavo Gallet Duplessis of Havana Against Certain Orders of the Military Governor of Havana and the Military Ogvernor of Cuba in Relation to His Property: Argument and Protest
003106: Duplessis, Samuel Ignatius Marinus - Kants Hypothesisbegriff
028733: Dupont, Etienne - Les Légendes Du Mont Saint-Michel; Historiettes Et Anecdotes Sur L'Abbaye Et Les Prisons
051545: Dupont, Jacques - Les Béatitudes: Le Problème Littéraire; Les Deux Versions de Sermon Sur la Montagne Et Des Béatitudes
002495: Dupont, Jacques - Les Problèmes Du Libre Des Actes D'Après Les Travaux Récents
028734: Dupree, Louis - Shamshir Ghar, Historic Cave Site in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan
010443: Dupree, A. Hunter - Science in the Federal Government; a History of Policies and Activities to 1940
053292: Duprueux, Philippe - Prosopographie de L'Entrouage de Louis le Pieux (781-840)
042854: Dupuis, Michel - Hugo Claus
052063: Duran, Rafael M. - Iconografia Española de San Bernardo
042782: Durandeaux, Jacques - L'Eternité Dans la Vie Quotidienne
026280: Durando, Furio - Ancient Greece; the Dawn of the Western World
019530: Durant, Alan - Ezra Pound, Identity in Crisis; a Fundamental Reassessment of the Poet and His Work
012492: Durant, Mary - In Pursuit of the Mous, the Snaile, and the Clamm; a Roving Dictionary of the Animal Kingdom
052001: Durante, Elio - Du Usfilhan Ana Gastim; la Funzione Di "Ana" E IL Costrutto "Du" Con L'Infinito in Gotico
012090: Duras, Marguerite - The War; a Memoir
011109: Durcan, J. W., Et al. - Strikes in Post-War Britain; a Study of Stoppages of Work Due to Industrial Disputes, 1946-73
049659: Dureet, Patricia - La Sculpture Romane de L'Abbeye de Déole
045070: Dürer, Albrecht - Albrecht Dürer1471-1971; Ausstellung Des Germanischen Nationalmuseums, Nürnberg 21. Mai Bis 1. August 1971
042089: Dürer, Albrecht - Landschaftsaquarelle
038383: Dürer, Albrecht - Dürers Kupferstichpassion
008057: Durgnat, Raymond - Jean Renoir
031361: Durham, Michael S. - Desert between the Mountains; Mormons, Miners, Padres, Mountain Men, and the Opening of the Great Basin 1772-1869
022614: Durham, William H. - Scarcity and Survival in Central America; Ecological Origins of the Soccer War
009324: Durham, Frank - Elmer Rice
053095: Durliat, Jean - Les Finances Publiques de Diocletien Aux Carolingiens (284-889)
027124: Durling, Robert M. - The Figure of the Poet in Renaissance Epic
033963: Durnovo, L. A. - Haykakan Manrankarch'Ut'Yun; Armianskaia Miniatiura; Miniatures Arméniennes
019402: Durosoy, Maurice - Saumur; Historique de L'école D'Application de L'Arme Blindée Et de la Cavalerie
026415: Durova, Nadezhda - The Cavalry Maiden; Journals of a Female Russian Officer in the Napoleonic Wars
042395: Dürr, Alfred - Kantaten Zum 2. Und 3. Ostertag; Kritischer Bericht
012091: Durrance, Dick - Where War Lives; a Photographic Journal of Vietnam
043252: Durrell, Lawrence - Caesar's Vast Ghost; Aspects of Provence
021081: Durrell, Lawrence - The Greek Island
017163: Durrell, Gerald - Mmadarak, Vadak, Rokonok
017161: Durrell, Gerald - Allaltlkert a Poggyaszomban
017162: Durrell, Gerald - Aranydenevérek, Rozsaszin Galambok
015695: Durrell, Gerald - Vadak a Vadonban
022465: Dürrenmatt, Friedrich - Achterloo; Eine Komödie in Zwei Akten
012092: Durschmied, Erik - Shooting Wars; My Life As a Wara Cameraman, from Cuba to Iraq
038377: Dury, G. H., Ed - Rivers and River Terraces
005359: Dury, G. H. - The East Midlands and the Peak
040774: Ernst/Duschanek, Margit Von - Gedichte
007072: Dusenberry, William H. - The Mexican Mesta; the Administration of Ranching in Colonial Mexico
006257: Dussault, Gabriel, et al. - Panthéisme, Action, Oméga Chez Teilhard de Chardin
009060: Dutta, Narendra Chandra - Land Problems and Land Reforms in Assam
043449: Dutton, Clarence Edward - The Charleston Earthquake of August 31, 1886
010756: Dutton, Georffrey - Founder of a City; the Life of Colonel William Light, First Surveyor-Gerneral of the Colony of South Australia: Founder of Adelaide, 1786-1839
048632: Duval, Paul-Marie - Pouquoi "Nos Ancêtres Les Gaulois
045955: DuVal, Katahleen - Independence Lost; Lives on the Edge of the American Revolution
042900: Duval, Edwin M. - Poesis and Poetic Tradition in the Early Works of Saint-Amant; Four Essays in Contextual Reading
026281: Duval, Paul-Marie - Les Celts
022168: Duval, Edwin M. - The Design of Rabelais's Pantagruel
052648: Duval, Rubens - Anciennes Littératures Chrétiennes
034851: Duveau, Georges - La Vie Ouvrière En France Sous le Second Empire
035738: Duveen, J. H. - The Rise of the House of Duveen
015523: Duveneck, Josephine Whitney - Life on Two Levels; an Autobiography
019129: Duverger, Maurice - La Cinquième République
015408: Duvernoy, Anne - Michael Denard: Danse L'Oiseua de Feu. Ballet de Maurice Béjart
052611: Düwel, Klaus - Runenkunde
036258: Nguyen-Duy, Pipo - Pipo Nguyen-Duy: East of Eden
036400: Dvinsky, Emmanuel - Durov and His Performing Animals
402: Dvorak, Max - Idealism and Naturalism in Gothic Art. Translated with Notes and Bibliograp Hy by Randolph J. Klawiter
008543: Dvorak, Max - Das Rätsel Der Kunst Der Brüder Van Eyck Mit Einem Anhang über Die Anfänge Der Holländischen Malerei
051561: Dvornik, François - Le Schisme de Photius; Histoire Et Légende
049513: Dwivedi, Amar Nath - Indian Thought and Tradition in T.S. Eliot's Poetry
022441: Dworkin, Andrea - Intercourse
048384: Dwyer, William Francis - The Vocabulary of Hegesippus; a Study in Latin Lexicography
041948: Dwyer, Robert Joseph - The Gentile Comes to Utah; a Study in Religious and Social Conflict (1862-1890)
003937: Dyar, Ralph E. - News for an Empire; the Story of the Spokesman-Review of Spokane
018219: Dyen, Isidore, Ed - Lexicostatistics in Genetic Linguistics; Proceedings of the Yale Conference, Yale University, April 3-4, 1971
048196: Dyer, Donald R. - Cross-Currents of Jungian Thought; an Annotated Bibliography
043833: Dyer, James - Hillforts of England and Wales
049638: Dyja, Thomas - The Third Coast; When Chicago Built the American Dream
051835: Van Dyke, Robert E., Ed - Hawaiian Yesterdays; Historical Photographs by Ray Jerom Baker
002496: Dykmans, Gommaire - Histoire économique Et Sociale de L'Ancienne égypte
050962: Dykstra, ANdrew - The Kanji ABC
041704: Dykstra, Klaes - Lyts Hânboek Fan de Fryske Literatuer
018522: Dyson, George - The New Music
016569: Dyson, Freeman J. - The Sun, the Genome, the Internet; Tools of Scientific Revolutions
012094: Dyson, Freeman - Weapons and Hope
048714: Davis, Lance E. and Robert A. Huttenback - Mammon and the Pursuit of Empire; the Political Economy of British Imperialism, 1860-1912
048635: Dawson, Giles E. And Laetitia Kennedy-Skipton - Elizabethan Handwriting 1500-1650; a Manual
052207: Stone, Michael E. And John Strugnell - The Books of Elija Parts 1-2
048392: Hughes, G. E. And M. J. Cresswell - An Introduction to Modal Logic
050685: Hopcroft, John E. and Jeffrey D. Ullman - Formal Languages and Their Relation to Automata
047074: Haverkamp-Begemann, E. and Anne-Marie S. Logan - European Drawings and Watercolors in Th Eyale University Art Gallery 1500-1900
044777: Silva E., R. S. - Mexican History; Diego Rivera's Frescoes in the National Palace of Mexico, City. A Descriptive Guide Book of the National Palace and Its Royal Rooms with 32 Illustrations
043781: Dawson, Giles E. and Laetitia Kennedy-Skipton - Elizabethan Handwriting 1500-1650; a Manual
043747: Herzig, Heinz E. and Regula Frei-Stolba, Eds - Labor Omnibus Unus; Gerold Walser Zum 70. Geburtstag Dargebracht Von Freunden, Kollegen Und Schülern
043288: Senn, Milton J. E. and Claire Hartford, Eds - The Firstborn; Experiences of Eight American Families
039870: Wharton, Mary E. and Roger W. Barbour - A Guide to the Wildflowers and Ferns of Kentucky
039439: Mortensen, Brita M. E. and Brian W. Downs - Strindberg; an Introduction to His Life and Work
038925: Werbell, Frederick E. and Thurston Clarke - Lost Hero; the Mystery of Raoul Wallenberg
038851: Goodin, Robert E. and Philip Pettit, Eds - A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy
038247: McMinn, Howard E. and Evelyn Maino - An Illustrated Manual of Pacific Coast Trees
037788: Martinus, Norman E. and Harry L. Rinker - Warman's Paper
037265: Quinn, Karen E. and Theodore E. Stebbins, Jr. - Weston's Westons; California and the West
037214: Ficken, Robert E. and Charles P. LeWarne - Washington; a Centennial History
036737: Fussell, G. E. and K. R. Fussell - The English Countrywoman; Her Life in Farmhouse and Field from Tudor Times to the Victorian Age
036557: McMinn, Howard E. and Evelyn Maino - An Illustrated Manual of Pacific Coast Trees
035950: Fussell, G. E. and K. R. Fussell - The English Countryman; His Life and Work from Tudor Times to the Victorian Age
035434: Kaplan, David E. and Alec Dubro - Yakuza; the Explosive Account of Japan's Criminal Underworld
035308: Hoxie, Frederick E. and Harvey Markowitz - Native Americans; an Annotated Bibliography
034590: Queller, Donald E. and Thomas F. Madden - The Fourth Crusade; the Conquest of Constantinople
031493: Studwell, William E. and David A. Hamilton - Opera Plot Index; a Guide to Locating Plots and Descriptions of Operas, Operettas, and Other Works of the Musical Theater, and Associated Material
030718: Klimas, John E. and James A. Cunningham - Wildflowers of Eastern America
029647: Boyce, William E. and Richard C. DiPrima - Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems
028391: Leakey, Richard E. and Roger Lewin - Origins; What New Discovereies Reveal About the Emergence of Our Species and Its Possible Future
028385: Reina, Ruben E. and Robert M. Hill II - The Traditional Pottery of Guatemala
025836: Harris, James E. and Kent R. Weeks - X-Raying the Pharaohs
025697: Boyce, William E. and Richard C. DiPrima - Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems
024978: Nickelsburg, George W. E. and Michael E. Stone - Faith and Piety in Early Judaism: Texts and Documents
024130: Rubin, Robert E. and Jacob Weisberg - In an Uncertain World; Tough Choices from Wall Street to Washington
023736: Black, Cyril E. Et al. - Rebirth; a History of Europe Since World War II
022900: Long, David E. and Bernard Reich, Eds - The Government and Politics of the Middle East and North Africa
022486: Kobrinskii, N. E. and B. A. Trakhtenbrot - Introduction to the Theory of Finite Automata
022181: Asher, R. E. and Eugenie J. A. Henderson, Eds - Towards a History of Phonetics
878: Troch e, Ernst Güner - Niederländische Malerei Des Fünfzehnten Und Sechzehnten Jahr- Hunderts
018973: Meyer, Karl E. And Shareen Blair Brysac - Tournament of Shadows; the Great Game and the Race for Empire in Central Asia
017935: Johnson, David E. And Paul M. Postal - Arc Pair Grammar
017694: Mather, R. E. And F. E. Boswell - John David Borthwick, Artist of the Goldrush
017617: Wood, Samuel E. And Alfred E. Heller - California Going, Going... ; Our State's Struggle to Remain Beautiful and Productive
016545: Terrill, Tom E. And Jerrold Hirsch, Eds - Such As Us; Southern Voices of the Thirties
053354: Beecher, Catharine E. and Harriet Beecher Stowe - The American Woman's Home: Or, Principles of Domestic Seicnes, Being a Guide Ot the Formation and Maintenance of Economical, Healthful, Beautiful, and Christian Homes
015974: O'Neill, James E. And Robert W. Krauskopf - World War II; an Account of Its Documents
015731: Henderson, Gail E. And Myron S. Cohen - The Chinese Hospital; a Socialist Work Unit
015016: Bell, H. E. And R. L. Ollard, Eds - Historical Essays, 1600-1750, Presented to David Ogg
050999: Szarmach, Paul E. And Joel T. Rosenthal, Eds - The Preservation and Transmission of Anglo-Saxon Culture; Selected Papers from the 1991 Meeting of the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists
013065: Nicholson, Lewis E. And Dolores Warwick Frese, Eds - Anglo-Saxon Poetry; Essays in Appreciation for John C. Mcgalliard
012470: Kuck, Loraine E. And Richard C. Tongg - Hawaiian Flowers & Flowering Trees
012451: Sinclair, A. R. E. And M. Norton-Griffiths, Eds -
011579: Scherman, David E. and Richard Wilcox - Literary England; Photographs of Places Made Memorable in English Literature
052616: Oesterley, W. O. E. And Theodore H. Robinson - A History of Israel
011038: Butler, D. E. And Anthony King - The British General Election of 1964
010240: Kaplan, David E. And Alec Dubro - Yakuza; the Explosive Account of Japan's Criminal Underworld
009589: Bergin, Allen E. And Hans H. Strupp - Changing Frontiers in the Science of Psychotherapy
007494: Caird, David E. And Rebecca M. Blank, Eds - Finding Jobs; Work and Welfare Reform
005279: Rose, Leo E. And Margaret W. Fisher - The Politics of Nepal; Persistence and Change in an Asian Monarchy
005194: Graham, Victor E. And W. McAllister Johnson - The Paris Entries of Charles IX and Elisabeth of Austria, 1571
003201: Radford, E. And M. A. Radford - Encyclopaedia of Superstitions
045416: Eagleton, Mary - Feminist Literary Criticism
009219: Eagly, Robert V. - The Structure of Classical Economic Theory
037453: Eakins, Thomas - Thomas Eakins; His Photographic Works
025168: Eames, Elizabeth Ramsden - Bertrand Russell's Theory of Knowledge
053306: O Carragain, Eamonn and Carol Neuman de Vegvar, Eds - Roma Felix--Formation and Reflection of Medieval Rome
013825: Earhart, H. Byron - The New Religions of Japan; a Bibliograph of Western-Language Materials
051903: Earl, James W. - Thinking About Beowulf
010226: Earl, David Magarey - Emperor and Nation in Japan; Political Thinkers of the Tokugawa Period
039943: Earle, Peter, Ed - Essays in European Economic History 1500-1800
026031: Earle, Joe, Ed - The Toshiba Gallery; Japanese Art and Design
019359: Earle, Sylvia Alice - Sea Change; a Message of the Oceans
026693: Early, Gerald, Ed - Sppech & Power; the African-American Essay and Its Cultural Content from Polemics to Pulpit
008711: Earnest, Ernest - The Single Vision; the Alienation of American Intellectuals
031738: Earp, F. R. - The Way of the Greeks
031736: Earp, F. R. - The Style of Sophocles
039278: Easterlin, Richard A. - Population, Labor Force, and Long Swings in Economic Growh; the American Experience
039122: Easterlin, Richard A. - Birth and Fortune; the Impact of Numbers on Personal Welfare
039405: Easterly, William - The Elusive Quest for Growth; Economists' Adventures and Misadventures in the Tropics
030573: Eastman, Ralph M. - Some Famous Privateers of New England
025507: Eastman, Charles Alexander - From the Deep Woods to Civilization
031224: Easton, Carol - No Intermissions; the Life of Agnes de Mille
017729: Easton, Robert - Guns, Gold & Caravans; the Extraordinary Life and Times of Fred Meyer Schroder, Frontiersman and Soldier of Fortune, in California, Mexico, Alaska and China
039045: Eaton, Clement - A History of the Southern Confederacy
030377: Eaton, Quaintance - Opera Caravan; Adventures of the Metropolitan on Tour, 1883-1956
030376: Eaton, Quaintance - The Boston Opera Company
018524: Eaton, Quaintance - Opera Caravan; Adventures of the Metropolitan on Tour, 1883-1956
012095: Eaton, Clement - Jefferson Davis
008544: Eaton, D. Cady - A Handbook of Modern French Sculpture
047819: Eatwell, John, et al., Eds - The New Palgrave; the World of Economics
022522: Eatwell, John, et al., Etd - The New Palgrave: General Equilibrium
022983: Eban, Abba - Abba Eban; an Autobiography
005382: Eban, Abba - Voice of Israel
044811: Ebel, Else - Die Waräger; Ausgewählte Texte Zu Den Fahrten Der Wikinger Nach Vorderasien
040976: Ebel, Else - Kleine Altisländische Grammatik
017624: Ebel, Robert E. - The Petroleum Industry of the Soviet Union
045002: Luschin von Ebengreuth, A. - Allgemeine Münzkunde Und Geldgeschichte Des Mittelalters Und Der Neueren Zeit
047880: Eber, Dorothy - Pitseolak: Pictures out of My Life
036288: Eber, Dorothy - Cape Dorset Print Collection; Collections de Gravures de Cape Dorset
044487: Fischer, Eberhard and Hans Himmelheber - Das Gold in Der Kunst Westafrikas
009925: Zwirner, Eberhard and Kurt Zwirner - Principles of Phonometrics
004962: Eberhard, Wolfram - A History of China
014920: Eberlein, Harold Donaldson, et al. - The Practical Book of Interior Decoration
037718: Eberly, Carole - More... Michigan Cooking... And Other Things
021394: Ebermeier, Werner - Der Historische Verein Für Niederbayern Und Seine Sammlungen; Vom Vereinsmuseum Zum Stadtmuseum
037936: Ebersole, Robert - Black Pagoda
029068: Ebert, Max - SüdrußLand IM Altertum
026282: Ebert, Udo - Die Geschichte Des Edikts de Hominibus Armatis Coactisve
009470: Ebert, Robert Peter - Infinitival Complement Constructions in Early New High German
043089: Ebin, Lois A. - Illuminator, Makar, Vates; Visions of Poetry in the Fifteenth Century
033653: Ebisch, Walther - A Shakespeare Bibliography
033327: Ebisch, Walther - Supplement for the Years 1930-1935 to a Shakespeare Bibliography
032090: Ebner, Michael H. - Creating Chicago's North Shore; a Suburban History
028739: Ebrard, Johann Heinrich August - Bonifatius Der Zerstörer Des Columbanischen Kirchentums Auf Dem Festlande. Ein Beitrag Zu Dem Werke: "Die Iroschottische Missionskirche
046894: Ebrey, Patricia Buckley - The Cambridge Illustrated History of China
012096: Eby, Cecil - Between the Bullet and the Lie; American Volunteers in the Spanish CIVIL War
042886: Ortiz Echagüe, Jose - España Pueblos Y Paisajes
041121: Diez Echarri, Emiliano - Teorias Metricas Del Siglo de Oro; Apuntes Para la Historia Del Verso Español
022766: Echavarria, Rogelio - MIL Y Una Notas
025841: Echeruo, Michael J. C. - Joyce Cary and the Dimensions of Order
016483: Eckardstein, Hermann, Freiherr Von - Lebenserinnerungen Und Politische Denkwürdigkeiten
044882: Eckardt, F. E., Ed - Methodology of Plant Eco-Physiology; Proceedings of the Montpellier Symposium. Méthodologie de L'éco-Physiologie Végétale; Actes Du Colloque de Montpellier
028312: Eckardt, Hans Von - Ivan the Terrible
025068: Eckart, Rudolf - Der Wehrstand IM Volksmund; Eine Sammlung Von Sprichwörtern, Volksliedern, Kinderreimen Und Inschriften an Deutschen Waffen Und Geschützen
040130: Eckel, Edwin, Ed - Nevada Test Site
048347: Ecker, Lawrence - Arabischer, Provenzalischer Und Deutscher Minnesang; Eine Motivgeschichtliche Untersuchung
050662: Eckermann, Johann Peter - Gespräche Mit Goethe in Den Lezten Jahren Seines Lebens 1823-1832
030807: Eckert, Allan W. - The Owls of North America (North of Mexico). All the Species and Subspecies Illutrated in Colore and Full Described
013439: Eckert, Christian - Peter Cornelius
036886: Eckhardt, George S. - Command and Control 1950-1969
026646: Eckhardt, C. F. - Tales of Badmen, Bad Women, and Bad Places; Four Centuries of Texas Outlawry
014692: Eckhardt, George H. - Pennsylvania Clocks and Clockmakers; an Epic of Early American Science, Industry, and Craftsmanship
053351: Eckhart, Meister - Magistri Echardi Sermones
045463: Eckhart, Meister - Meister Eckharts Buch Der Göttlichen Tröstung Und Von Dem Edlen Menschen (Liber "Benedictus")
043095: Eckstein, Oskar, et al. - Kennzeichen Des Kalimangels; Signes de Manque de Potasse; Potash Deficiency Symptoms
036216: Eckstein, Paul K., Ed - The United States Defense Equipment Catalog 1983
022574: Eckstein, Otto - Core Inflation
019967: Eckstein, Gustav - The Body Has a Head
019008: Eckstein, Susan Eva - Back from the Future; Cuba Under Castro
037649: Eco, Umberto - Apocalypse Postponed
035735: Eco, Umberto - The Island of the Day Before
044565: Economou, George D. - The Goddess Natura in Medieval Literature
042829: Banco del Ecuador - Banco Del Ecuador; Historia de Medio Siglo 1868 a 1918
045943: Taverne, Ed and Irmin Isser, Eds - Stedebouw; de Geschiedenis Van de Stad in de Nederlanden Van 1500 Tot Heden
002439: Doerr, Edd and Albert J. Menendez - Religious Liberty and State Constitutions
037785: Eddington, A. S. - The Nature of the Physical World
051902: Eddis, William - Letters from America
032151: Edel, Leon - Henry James; the Treacherous Years, 1895-1901
027272: Edel, Leon - Bloomsbury, a House of Lions
026403: Edel, Leon - Bloomsbury, a House of Lions
046487: Edelman, Nathan - The Eye of the Beholder; Essays in French Literature
040785: Edelman, Hendrik - Dutch-American Bibliography 1693-1794; a Descriptive Catalog of Dutch-Language Books, Pamphlets and Almanacs Printed in America
007684: Edelstein, Arthur, Ed - Images and Ideas in American Culture; the Functions of Criticism. Essays in Memory of Philip Rahv
041620: Eder, Peter - Sühne; Eine Theologische Untersuchung
011128: Edgar, Donald - Britain's Royal Family in the Twentieth Century; King Edward VII to Queen Elizabeth II
021490: Edgren, Gösta, et al. - Wage Formation and the Economy
014410: Edinger, William - Samuel Johnson and Poetic Style
004133: Edinger, Lewis J. - Kurt Schumacher; a Study in Personality and Political Behavior
043397: Fel, Edit and Tamas Hofer - Proper Peasants; Traditional Life in a Hungarian Village
022655: Fél, Edit and Tamas Hofer - Proper Peasants; Traditional Life in a Hungarian Village
038031: Sterba, Editha and Richard Sterba - Beethoven and His Nephew; a Psychoanalytic Study of Their Relationship
024731: Edman, Irwin - John Dewey; His Contribution to the American Tradition
022867: Edmar, Birger - Studien Zu Den Epistulae Ad Caesarem Senem de Re Publica
048286: Martène, Edmond and Ursin Durand - Veterum Scriptorum Et Monumentorum Historicorum, Dogmaticorum, Morlium, Amplissima Collectio
052815: Martène, Edmond and Ursin Durand - Voyage Littéraire de Deux Religieux Benedictins de la Congregation de Saint Maur
004080: Blanc, Edmond and Léon Delhoume - La Vie émouvante Et Noble de Gay-Lussac
007290: Edmonds, Walter D. - The First Hundred Years, 18448-1948: 1848, Oneida Community; 1880, Oneida Community, Limited; 1935, Oneida Ltd
045613: Berkeley, Edmund and Dorothy Smith Berkeley - The Life and Travels of John Bartram: From Lake Ontario to the River St. John
012933: Capon, Edmund and William MacQuitty - Princes of Jade
032683: Edmunds, R. David - The Shawnee Prophet
039389: Bornet, Édouard and Charles Flahault - Revision Des Nostocacées Hétérocystées Contenues Dans Les Principaux Herbiers de France
020931: Winter, Eduard and Maria Winter - Der Bolzanokreis 1824-1833 in Briefen Von Anna Hoffmann, Michael Josef Fesl, Franz Schneider Und Franz Prhihonsky
053210: Carbonell, Eduard and Roberto Cassanelli, Eds - Von Mohammed Zu Karl Dem GroßEn; Aufbruch Ins Mittelalter
002900: Winter, Eduard and Maria Winter - Domprediger Johann Emanuel Veith Und Kardinal Friedrich Schwarzenberg; Der Güntherprozess in Unveröffentlichten Briefen Und Akten
022607: Da Costa Eduardo, Octavio - The Negro in Northern Brazil; a Study in Acculturation
045220: Shapiro, Michael Edward and Peter H. Hassrick - Frederic Remington: The Masterworks
036973: Malins, Edward and Patrick Bowe - Irish Gardens and Demesnes from 1830
030808: Shapiro, Michael Edward and Peter H. Hassrick - Frederic Remingiton: The Masterworks
005312: Edwardes, Michael - The Last Years of British India
044463: Edwards, K. C. - The Peak District
043460: Edwards, George Wharton - Vanished Towers and Chimes of Flanders
036541: Edwards, Everett E. - A Bibliography of the History of Agriculture in the United States
035191: Edwards, Richard - The World Around the Chinese Artist; Aspects of Realism in Chinese Painting
029253: Edwards, Robert - The Montecassino Passion and the Poetics of Medieval Drama
022869: Edwards, I. E. S. - The Treasures of Tutankhamum
020117: Edwards, I. E. S. - Tutankhamun: His Tomb and Its Treasures
053571: Edwards, Nancy, et al., Eds - Transforming Landscapes of Belief in the Early Medieval Insular World and Beyond; Converting the Isles II
015605: Edwards, Stewart - The Paris Commune, 1871
012097: Edwards, Kenneth - The Mutiny at Invergordon
011129: Edwards, George Wharton - London
006960: Edwards, Tudor - The Lion of Arles; a Portrait of Mistral and His Circle
005896: Edwards, Jerome E. - The Foreign Policy of Col. Mccormick's Tribune, 1929-1941
051893: Edwards, Jonathan - Freedom of the Will
023922: Perry Ben Edwin - The Ancient Romances; a Literary-Historical Account of Their Origins
019329: Diamond, Edwin and Robert A. Silverman - White House to Your House: Media and Politics in Virutal America
005248: Van Eekelen, W. F. - Indian Foreign Policy and the Border Dispute with China
022913: Karsh, Efraim and Inari Rautsi - Saddam Hussein; a Political Biography
003107: Efron, Benjamin - Currents and Trends in Contemporary Jewish Thought
026283: Efros, Israel I. - Ancient Jewish Philosophy; a Study in Metaphysics and Ethics
013826: Efros, Israel - Studies in Medieval Jewish Philosophy
012717: Efros, Israel - Studie in Medieval Jewish Philosophy
035493: Egami, Tomi - Rice Recipes from Around the World
034971: Egan, Susanna - Burdens of Proof; Faith, Doubt, and Identity in Autobiography
016978: Whittington-Egan, Richard - William Roughhead's Cronicles of Murder
052724: Egbert, Virginia Wylie - On the Bridges of Mediaeval Paris; a Record of Early Fourteenth-Century Life
032893: Egenhoff, Elisabeth L. - The Elephant As They Saw It; a Collection of Contemporary Pictures and Statements on Gold Mining in California
011760: Egerton, Alfred - Sir Alfred Egerton F.R. S. , 1886-1959; a Memoir with Papers
049198: Wentzlaff-Eggbert, Frieidrich-Wilhelm - Kreuzzugsdichtung Des Mittelalters; Studien Zu Ihrer Geschichtlichen Und Dichterischen Wirklichkeit
038661: Eggeling, H. F. - A Dictionary of Modern German Prose Usage
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