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049194: Mahon, Alyce - Eroticism and Art
034905: Mahoney, Robert J. - The Mayaguez Incident; Testing America's Resolve in the Post-Vietnam Era
020436: Mahoney, Rosemary - Whoredom in Kimmage; Irish Women Coming of Age
050124: Mahoney, Francis Silvester - The Reliques of Father Prout, Late P.P. Of Wateergrasshill, in the County of Cork, Ireland
006937: Mahoney, Patrick - Maurice Maeterlinck, Mystic and Dramatist; a Reminiscnet Biography of the Man and His Ideas
035486: Mahony, Bertha E., Et al. - Illustrators of Children's Books, 1744-1945
020927: Mahood, M. M. - Joyce Cary's Africa
006685: Maichel, Karol - Soviet and Russian Newspapers at the Hoover Institution; a Catalog
047316: Maier, Pauline - American Scripture; Making the Declaration of Indipendence
053131: Maier, Jean-Louis - Les Missions Divines Selon Saint Augustin
052848: Maier, Anneliese - Ausgehendes Mittelalter; Gesammelte Aufsätze Zur Geistesgeschichte Des 14. Jahrhunderts
052407: Maier, Franz Georg - Augustin Und Das Antike Rom
049743: Maier, Dieter - Die Donau
013683: Mailer, Norman - Portrait of Picasso As a Young Man: An Interpetive Biography
039762: Maillard, Brigitte - Vivre En Touraine Au Xviiie Siècle
033932: Maimon, Solomon - Solomon Maimon; an Autobiography
028921: Maimonides, Moses - The Code of Maimonides. Book 13; the Book of CIVIL Law
011477: Maine, Basil - The King's First Ambassador; a Biographical Study of H.R. H. The Prince of Wales
050271: Maines, Clark - The Western Portal of Saint-Loup-de-Naud
022239: Mainiero, Lina, Ed - American Women Writers; a Critical Reference Guide from Colonial Times to the Present
046751: Mair, Victor H., Ed - The Columbia History of Chinese Literature
049090: Mair, Victor H., Ed - The Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature
009647: Mair, Walter - Ennebergische Morphologie; Analyse Eines Dolomiten Ladinischen Flexionssystems
050965: Mair, Victor H., Ed - The Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature
050953: De Paor, Maire and Liam De Paor - Early Christian Ireland
019957: Mairowitz, David Zane - The Radical Soap Opera; an Impression of the American Left from 1917 to the Present
015228: Mais, S. P. B. - The Best in Their Kind
048573: Maisey, John G. - Discovering Fossil Fishes
015864: Majdalany, Fred - The Battle of Cassino
044889: Majid, Shahn, Ed - On Space and Time: Alain Connes, Michael Heller, Shahn Majir Roger Penrose, John Polkinghorne and Andrew Taylor
002586: Majno, Guido - The Healing Hand; Man and Wound in the Ancient World
050544: Major, Tristan - Undoing Babel; the Tower of Babel in Anglo-Saxon Literature
048777: Majorano, Matteo - IL Roman Des Eles Di Raoul de Houdenc
036513: Makarenko, A. S. - A Book for Parents
007059: Makarova, Natalia - A Dance Autobiography
022565: Makine, Andrei - Dreams of My Russian Summers
038590: Mäkinen, Eija-Hilkka - Lappeenrannan Julkiset Kuvanveistokset Ja Muistomerkit
046980: Makkai, Adam - Szomj és Ecet; Versek
052205: Makowsky, Veronica A. - Caroline Gordon; a Biography
038774: Ioann Maksimovic - Iliotropion, ILI Soosbrazovanie Celoveceskoj Voli S Bozestvennouju Voleju; Pjat' Knig Perelozeno S Cerkovno-Slavjanskogo Na Russkij Jazyk
026800: Malabre, Alfred L., Jr. - Within Our Means; the Struggle for Economic Recovery After a Reckless Decade
038218: Malamud, Bernard - The Stories of Bernard Malamud
032701: Malamud, Randy - The Language of Modernism
019101: Malamud, Bernard - The Tenants
013960: Malantschuk, Gregor - Kierkegaard's Thought
036335: Malaoney, T. J., Ed - U.S. Camera 1941. Volume I: "America
031264: Malaurie, Jean - The Last Kings of Thule; with the Polar Eskimos, As They Face Their Destiny
042299: Malboissière, Geneviève De - Lettres de Geneviève de Malboissière à Adélaide Méliand 1761-1766
033584: Malclès, Louise-Noelle - Les Sources Du Travail Bibliographique
043938: Godden, Malcolm and Michael Lapidge, Eds - The Cambridge Companion to Old English Literature
016805: Malcolm, Noel - Kosovo; a Short History
014485: Easton, Malcolm and Michael Holroyd - The Art of Augustus John
020630: Brown, Malcom and Julia Cave - A Touch of Genius; the Life of T.E. Lawrence
013067: Malden, Richard H. - The Story of Wells Cathedral
038059: Mâle, Emile - The Gothic Image; Religious Art in France of the Thirteenth Century
022681: Malecek, Frantisek - Zapadni Cechy
028064: Engelsing-Malek, Ingeborg - Amor Fati: In Zuckmayers Dramen
005327: Malenbaum, Wilfred - Prospects for Indian Development
041659: Maler, Anselm - Der Held IM Salon; Zum Antiheroischen Programm Deutscher Rokoko-Epik
052803: Malet, André - Personne Et Amour Dans la Théologie Trinitaire de Saint Thomas D'Aquin
045935: Malevez, Léopold - Le Message Chrétien Et le Mythe; la Théologie de Rudolf Bultmann
033265: Malevich, Kazirmir - Kazimir Malevich, 1878-1935
020339: Malicet, Michel - Lecture Psychanalytique de L'Oeuvre de Claudel
019410: Malignac, George - L'Alcoolisme
027720: Malinowski, Bronislaw - Die Dynamik Des Kulturwandels
021531: Malinowski, Bronislaw - Coral Gardens and Their Magic
039134: Malinvaud, E. - Statistical Methods of Econometrics
023460: Malinvaud, E. - Statistical Methods of Econometrics
022479: Malkiel, Yakov - Essays on Linguistic Themes
022228: Malkiel, Yakov - Patterns of Derivational Fixation in the Cabraniego Dialect of East-Central Asturian
021381: Malkiel, Yakov - Hispanic Algu(I)En and Related Formation; a Study of the Stratification of the Romance Lexicon in the Iberian Peninsula
050117: Malkiel, Yakov - Etymology
653: Malkiel, Yakov - Studies in the Reconstruction of Hispano-Latin Word Families. I the Romance Progeny of Vulgar Lat in (Re)Pedare and Cognates. II. Hispano-Latin Pedia and Mania. III. The Coalescence of Expedire and Petere in Ibero-Romance
009651: Malkiel, Yakov - Linguistics and Philology in Spanish America; a Survey (1925-1970
004474: Malkiel, Yakov - Essays on Liniguistic Themes
026420: Malkoff, Karl - Escape from the Self; a Study in Contemporary American Poetry and Poetics
022896: El Mallakh, Ragaei - Economic Development and Regional Cooperation: Kuwait
016662: El Mallakh, Ragaei, Ed - Heavy Versus Light Oil; Technical Issues and Economic Considerations
027520: Mallalieu, Huon, Ed - The Illustrated History of Antiques; the Essential Reference for All Antique Lovers and Collectors
015170: Mallaliue, Huon - The Norwich School: Crome, Cotman and Their Followers
047251: Mallarmé, Stéphane - Poems
028539: Mallett, Richard P. - University of Maine at Farmington; a Study in Educational Change *1864-1975)
039079: O'Malley, C. D., Ed - Leonardo's Legacy; an International Symposium
021156: O'Malley, T. J. - Military Transport; Trucks & Transporters
016584: O'Malley, Padraig - Biting at the Grave; the Irish Hunger Strikes and the Politics of Despair
053786: O'Malley, John W. - The First Jesuits
032282: Mallinson, William - Partition Through Foreign Aggression; the Case of Turkey in Cyprus
013634: Mallo, Cristino - Cristino Mallo: Exposicion Homenaje
053363: Mallon,Thomas - A Book of One's Own; People and Their Diaries
010119: Mallon, Richard D. - Economic Policymaking in a Conflict Society; the Argentine Case
042916: Mallowan, M. E. L. - Early Mesopotamia and Iran
002824: Mally, Ernst - Logische Schriften; Grosses Logikfragment--Grundgesetze Des Sollens
037307: Malm, William P. - Japanese Music and Musical Instruments
049876: Malmanger, Magne - One Hundred Years of Norwegian Painting with Illustrations from Selected Works in Nasjonalgalleriet, Oslo
018137: Malmberg, Bertil - Structural Linguistics and Human Communication; an Introduction Into the Mechanism of Language Adn the Methodology of Linguistics
009654: Malmberg, Berltil - Linguistique Générale Et Romane; études En Allemand, Anglais, Espagnol Et Français
048719: Malmer, Brita - Nordiska Mynt Före år 1000
047504: Malone, Dumas - Thomas Jefferson As Political Leader
025398: Malone, Lee - Louisiana Plantation Homes; a Return to Splendor
014987: Malone, Dumas - The Sage of Monticello
012203: Malone, Paul Scott - This House of Women
041642: Maloney, Clarence, Ed - The Evil Eye
032650: Becks-Malorny, Ulrike - Wassily Kandinsky, 1866-1944. The Journey to Abstractions
048973: Malory, Thomas - Works
050021: Malory, Thomas - The Tale of the Death of King Arthur
034510: Malory, Thomas - Le Morte Darthur; Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and of His Noble Knights of the Round Table
052953: Malory, Thomas - The Works of Sir Thomas Malory
038879: Malpighi, Marcello - The Correspondence of Marcello Malpighi
042563: Malraux, Clara - Rahel, Ma Grande Soeur; Un Salon Littéraire à Berlin Au Temps Du Romantisme
030898: Malraux, André - The Voices of Silence; Man and His Art
019102: Malroux, André - Anti-Memoirs
013591: Patel, Malvika and Gerhard Tintner - Some Econometric Studies in Indian Agriculture
009077: Patel, Malvika and Gerhard Tintner - Some Econometric Studies in Indian Agriculture
053515: Malzahn, Melanie, Ed - Instrumenta Tocharica
042970: Mamedov, A. Dzh - Ucebnik Arabskogo Jazyka
046625: Mamet, David - Make-Believe Town; Essays and Remembrances
005717: Mammarella, Giuseppe - Italy After Fascism; a Political History, 1943-1965
019251: Mampel, Siegfried - Die Sozialen Leistungen in Der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone Und in Ost-Berlin
019250: Mampel, Siegfried - Die "Technische Intelligenz" in Der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone
027758: De Man, Hendrik - Vermassung Und Kulturverfall; Eine Diagnose Unserer Zeit
026650: Manaster, Jane - Pecans; the Story in a Nutshell
023545: Manaster, Jane - Javelinas
044667: Mancarella, Giovan Battista - IL Dialetto Di Tursi
028209: Manchester, William - A World Lit Only by Fire; the Medieval Mind and the Renaissance. Portrait of an Age
042879: Mancini, Augusto - Storia Di Lucca
043827: Mänd, Anu - Urban Carnival; Festive Culture in the Hanseatic Cities of the Eastern Baltic, 1350-1550
022473: Mandelbaum, Maurice - The Problem of Historical Knowledge; an Answer to Relativism
036791: Freudenheim, Leslie Mandelson and Elisabeth Sussman - Building with Nature; Roots of the San Francisco Bay Region Tradition
044866: Mander, Jerry - The Capitalism Papers; Fatal Flaws of an Obsolete System
053080: Mandis, Steven G. - What Happened to Goldman Sachs? an Insider's Story of Organizational Drift and Its Unintended Consequences
045269: Mandler, Peter - Return from the Natives; How Margaret Mead Won the Second World War and Lost the Cold War
022306: Mandrell, James - Don Juan and the Point of Honor; Seduction, Patriarchal Society, and Literary Tradition
049737: Lacorte, Manel and Jennifer Leemans, Eds - Español En Estados Unidos Y Otros Contextos de Contacto; Sociolinguistica, Ideologia Y Pedagogia. Spanish in the United States and Other Contact Environment; Sociolinguistics, Iedology and Pedagogy
049634: Manfield, Christine - Christine Manfie Desserts
015316: Manfred, Frederick - Of Lizards and Angels; a Saga of Siouxland
014947: Bachmann, Manfred and Reinhold Langner - Berchtesgadener Volkskunst; Tradition Und Gegenwärtiges Schaffen IM Bild
046053: Mango, Marlia MUndell - Silver from Early Byzantium; the Kaper Koraon and Related Treasures
047534: Mangold, Max - Etudes Sur la Mise En Relief Dans le Français de L'époque Classique
021906: Mangold, Max - Laut Und Schrift IM Deutschen
025693: Manheim, Michael - The Weak King Dilemma in the Shakespearean History Play
039020: Manheimer, Ronald J. - Kierkegaard As Educator
024108: Manion, Clarence - The Conservative American; His Fight for National Independence and Constitutional Government
050715: Manitius, Max - Geschichte Der Lateinischen Literatur Des Mittelalters
046779: Mankell, Henning - The Troubled Man
040146: Mankowitz, Wolf - Wedgwood
023622: Mankowitz, Wolf - The Portland Vase and the Wedgewood Copies
020928: Mankowitz, Wolf - Dickens of London
029049: Manley, Lawrence - Convention; 1500-1750
019715: Manley, Robert N. - Centennial History of the University of Nebraska. I: Fontier University (1869-1919)
048999: Mann, Thomas - Thomas Mann Diaries 1918-1939
046629: Mann, Vivian B., Ed - Gardens and Ghettos; the Art of Jewish Life in Italy
040185: Mann, Thomas - Ein Briefwechsel
040184: Mann, Thomas - Dieser Friede
037877: Gell-Mann, Murray - The Quark and the Jaguar; Adventures in the Simple and the Complex
035706: Mann, Thomas - Stories of Three Decades
034964: Mann, K. H. - Ecology of Coastal Waters; a Systems Approach
034679: Mann, Sue - Fantastic Cakes
032731: Mann, Arthur - La Guardia Comes to Power 1933
030863: Mann, William - The Operas of Mozart
029521: Mann, James - An Outline of Arms and Armour in England from the Early Middle Ages to the CIVIL War
051308: Mann, Thomas - Pariser Rechenschaft
014689: Mann, Kathleen - Peasant Costume in Europe
010002: Mann, Arthur - La Guardia Comes to Power, 1933
002825: Mann, Ulrich - Schöpfungsmythen; Vom Ursprung Und Sinn Der Welt
1306: (Manning, Henry Edward). Leslie, Shane - Henry Edward Manning; His Life and Labours
038456: Manning, Beverley - Index to American Women Speakers 1828-1978
028931: Manning, Alan - The Argentaye Tract
006855: Manning, Clarence A. - Russian Influence on Early America
049477: Manning, Catherine - Fortunes à Faire; the French in Asian Trade, 1719-48
032515: Manningham, John - The Diary of John Manningham of the Middle Temple 1602-1603
021931: Mannoury, Gerrit - Les Fondements Psycho-Linguistiques Des Mathématiques
051612: Manns, Peter - Vater IM Glauben; Studien Zur Theologie Martin Luthers. Festgabe Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 10 März 1988
040605: Mannucci, Loretta Valtz, Ed - People and Power: Rights, Citizenship and Violence
021907: Manoliu, Maria - El Estructuralismo Lingüistico
028257: Manross, William Wilson - A History of the American Episcopal Church
026805: Manross, G. Gary - The Impact of Theory-Driven Public Opinion Research in Strategic Planning for Winning Campaigns
024508: Manross, William Wilson - A History of the American Episcopal Church
043419: Doménech Mansana, Josep - La Casa; Cómo Se Costea Y Edifica Una Vivienda
008968: Mansbridge, Albert - The Older Universities of England: Oxford & Cambridge
030790: Jones, P. Mansell and G. Richardson, Eds - A Book of French Verse: Lamartine to éluard
011691: Mansergh, Nicholas - The Government of Northern Ireland; a Study in Devolution
052435: Mansfield, Mary C. - The Humliation of Sinners; Public Penance in Thirteenth-Century France
025216: Mansfield, Bruce - Phoenix of His Age; Interpretations of Erasmus C. 1550-1750
022933: Mansfield, Peter, Ed - The Middle East; a Political and Economic Survey
051867: Thomas, M. L. Manson and William Conrad Cooper - Catalog of Works in the Neurological Sciences Collected by Chril Brian Courville, M.D. Representative of Clinical Neurology, Neuroanatomy Andneuropathology with Particular Reference to Head Trauma
053728: Mansouri, Lotfi - Lotfi Mansouri; an Operatic Journey
026525: Mansuelli, G. A. - The Art of Etruria and Early Rome
020356: Mansuy, Michel - Prélude Et Suite de Cosmopolis; Sur Un Manuscrit de Paul Bourget
028862: Mantegazza, Paul - Indien
015312: Mantey, Eberhard Von, Ed - So War Die Alte Kriegsmarine
041795: Manthorpe, Victoria - Children of the Empire; the Victorian Haggards
027078: Mantle, Mickey - The Yogi Berra I Know
050394: Laumann, Manu and J. B. Hofmann - Lateinische Grammatik Auf Der Grundlage Des Werkes Von Friedrich Stolz Und Joseph Hermann Schmalz
048073: Castells, Manuel and Peter Hall - Technopoles of the World; the Making of Twenty-First-Century Industrial Complexes
043363: Abascal Palazon, Juan Manuel and Géza Alföldy - El Arco Romano de Medinaceli (Soria, Hispania Citerior)
040316: Manuel, Juan - Count Lucanor; or the Fifty Pleasnt Stories of Patronio
039705: Castells, Manuel and Emma Kiselyova - The Collapse of Soviet Communism: A View from the Information Society
024325: Manuel, Frank E. - Shapes of Philosophical History
029684: Manvell, Roger - Shakespeare and the Film
041874: Manzella, Andrea - IL Parlamento
018666: Mapleson, J. H. - The Mapleson Memoirs; the Career of an Operatic Impresario, 1858-1888
041987: Maraffi, Marco - Politica Ed Economia in Italia; la Vicenda Dell'Impresa Pubblica Dagli Anni Trenta Agli Anni Cinquanta
032127: Maraini, Fosco - Japan; Pattern of Continuity
026526: Marañon, Gregorio - Tiberius; Geschichte Eines Resenntiments
044832: Marazov, Ivan, Ed - Ancient Gold: The Wealth of the Thracians. Treasures from the Republic of Bulgaria
033643: Marazov, Ivan, Ed - Ancient Gold: The Wealth of the Thracians. Treasures from the Republic of Bulgaria
048324: Boegner, Marc and André Siegfried - Protestantisme Français
022060: Dominicy, Marc and Marc Wilmet - Linguistique Romane Et Linguistique Française; Hommages à Jacques Pohl
030723: Marcadé, Jean - Roma Amor; Essay on Erotic Elements in Etruscan and Roman Art
042128: Marçais, Georges - Algérie Médiévale; Monuments Et Paysages Historiques
017597: March, Marion - Creative Typography!
015108: March, Arthur - Einführung in Die Moderne Atomphysik in Allgemeinverständliche Darstellung
005599: March, Harold - Gide and the Hound of Heaven
005005: March, Andrew - The Idea of China; Myth and Theory in Geographic Thought
028202: Marchaj, C. A. - Sailing Theory and Practice
009053: Marchak, Patricia - God's Assassins; State Terrorism in Argentina in the 1970s
004958: Marchant, Leslie R. - To Phoenix Seat; an Introductory Study of Maosim and the Chinese Communist Quest for a Paradise on Earth
052406: Lecoy de La Marche, Albert - La Chaire Française Au Moyen Age Spécialement Au Xiiie Siècle D'Après Les Manuscrits Contemporains
044449: Marchetti, Gina - Romance and the "Yellow Peril"; Race, Sex, and Discursive Strategies in Hollywood Fiction
657: Marchini, Giuseppe - IL Duomo Di Prato
043410: Marcks, Gerhard - Gerhard Marcks; a Retrospective Exhibition Organized by the Ucla Art Galleries
038321: Marcks, Gerhard - Gerhard Marcks
038171: Marcks, Gerhard - Gerhard Marcks, October 16-November 10, 1951
038170: Marcks, Gerhard - Gerhard Marcks Zum Achtzigsten Geburtstag: Plastiken, Zeichnungen, Druckgraphiken. Galerie Nierendorf Berlin, Ausstellung Vom 10. 2-30. 4. 1969
043723: Caliaro, Marco and Mario Francesconi - John Baptist Scalabrini, Apostle to Emigrants
050302: Mancini, Marco and Barbara Turchetta, Eds - Scrittura E Scritture; Ee Figure Della Lingua. Atti Del XXIX Convegno Della Società Italiana Di Glottologia
011834: Marcosson, Isaac F. - Cooper Heritage; the Story of Revere Cooper and Brass Incorporated
041416: Marcovich, Miroslav - Studies in Greek Poetry
028932: Marcucci, Luisa - Gallerie Nazionali Di Firenze: I Dipinti Toscani Del Secolo XIII; Scuole Bizantine E Russe Dal Secolo XII Al Secolo XVIII
037942: Marcus, Leonard S. - 75 Years of Children's Book Week Posters Celebrating Great Illustrators of American Children's Books
034387: Marcus, Russell, Ed - English-Lao, Lao-English Dictionary
029471: Marcus, Leonard S., Ed - An épinal Album; Popular Prints from Nineteenth-Century France
028381: Marcus, Joyce - Emblem and State in the Classic Maya Lowlands; an Epigraphic Approach to Territorial Organization
053224: Marcus, Jacob R. - The Jew in the Medieval World; a Source Book: 315-1791
015467: Li-Marcus, Moying - Beacon Hill; the Life & Times of a Neighborhood
006709: Banks, Marcus and Howard Morphy, Eds - Rethinking Visual Anthropology
003907: Marcus, Maeva - Truman and the Steel Seizure Case; the Limits of Presidential Power
032675: Marcuse, Ludwig - Heine; a Life between Love and Hate
028258: Marcuse, Herbert - Psychoanalyse Und Politik
013962: Marcuse, Herbert - Soviet Marxism; a Critical Analysis
003170: Marcuse, Ludwig - Mein Zwanzigstes Jahrhundert; Auf Dem Weg Zu Einer Autobiographie
038418: Marder, Yuri - Yuri Marder: The Exile Project
030835: Marder, Tod A., Ed - The Critical Edge; Controversy in Recent American Architecture
023749: Carl-Mardorf, Wilhelm - Die Lüneburger Heide
031796: De La Mare, Walter - Behold, This Dreamer! of Reverie, Night, Sleep, Dreams, Love-Dreams, Nightmare, Death, the Unconscious, the Imagination, Divination, the Artist, and Kindred Subjects
007014: De La Mare, Walter - The Burning-Glass and Other Poems
018120: Marechal, Christian - La Mennais; la Dispute de L'Essai Sur Lndifférence
048681: Marek, George R. - Schubert
035640: Marek, Kurt W. - Yestermorrow; Notes on Man's Progress with a Glossary-Index
018667: Marek, George R. - Cosima Wagner
044636: Arnaud de Mareuil - Les Saluts D'Amour Du Troubadour Arnaud de Mareuil
015869: Margadant, Ted W. - French Peasants in Revolt; the Insurrection of 1851
028261: Margalit, Avishai, Ed - Meaning and Use; Papers Presented at the Second Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter, April 1976
037101: Mead, Margaret and Martha Wolfenstein, Eds - Childhood in Contemporary Cultures
036754: Lambert, Margaret and Enid Marx - English Popular Art
019569: Mare, Margaret and Alicia C. Percival - Victorian Best-Seller; the World of Charlotte M. Yonge
053576: Gibson, Margaret and Janet Nelson, Eds - Charles the Bald: Court and Kingdom
043929: Andersson-Schmitt, Margarete et al. - Mittelalterliche Handschriften Der Universitätsbibliothek Uppsala. Katalog ûber Die C-Sammlung. Band 4. Handschriften C301-400
052041: Zimmerman, Margarete and Dina De Rentis, Eds - The City of Scholars; New Approaches to Christine de Pizan
042268: Badia Margarit, ANtonio - Contribucion Al Vocabulario Aragones Moderno
006138: Margetson, Stella - Leisure and Pleasure in the Nineteenth Century
027592: Margiotta, Franklin D., Et al., Eds - Changing U.S. Military Manpower Realities
022536: Marglin, Stephen A. - Public Investment Criteria; Benefit-Cost Analysis for Planned Economic Growth
040932: Margo, Eileen - IM Reich Des Grauens; Die Besten Unheimlichen Geschichten
046614: Margolick, David - Dreadful; the Short Life and Gay Times of John Horne Burns
039137: Margolies, John - Home Away from Home; Motels in America
037461: Margolies, John - Pump and Circumstance; Glory Days of the Gas Station
046455: Margolin, Phillip - Violent Crimes; an Amanda Jaffe Novel
045165: Margolin, Malcolm - The Way We Lived; California Indian Reminiscneces, Stories and Songs
036483: Margolin, Malcolm - The Ohlone Way; Indian Life in the San Francisco-Monterey Bay Area
035078: Margolin, Malcolm - The Way We Lived; Calfiornia Indian Reminiscences, Stories and Songs
025567: Margolin, Malcolm - The Way We Lived; California Indian Stories, Songs & Reminiscences
039450: Margolis, Julius, Ed - The Analysis of Public Output
030399: Margolis, Mac - The Last New World; the Conquest of the Amazon Frontier
025918: Margolis, John D. - Joseph Wood Krutch; a Writer's Life
015334: Margolis, Maxine L. - Mothers and Such; Views of American Women and Why They Changed
037398: Brauch, Margot and Albrecht Bangert - Blechspielzeug; Mechanische Raritäten Und Ihre Hersteller
047686: Margouliès, Georges - Histoire de la Littérature Choinoise; Prose
046996: Margouliès, Georges - Le "Fou" Dans le Wen-Siuan; étude Et Textes
015265: Margozzi, Mariastella - Ottorino Mancioli; Figure E Mite Anni '30; the Fabulous Thirties
049011: Brey, Maria and Victor Infantes, Eds - Relación de la Coca Y de Su Origen Y Principio Y Por Qué Es Tan Ussada Y Apetecida de Los Indios Naturales Deste Reyno Del Pirú
046024: Medina Guerra, ANtonia Maria and Mart Concepcion Ayala Castro, Eds - Los Diccionarios a Través de la Historia
044604: Iliescu, Maria and Werner Marxgut, Eds - Latin Vulgaire--Latin Tardif; Actes Du Iiieme Colloque International Sur le Latin Vulgaire Et Tardif (Innsbruck, 2-5 Septembre 1991)
025889: Chiabo, Maria and Luciana Roberti - Index Verborum Hygini de Astronomia
002922: Blazquez Martinez, José Maria and Jesus Valiente Malla - Castulo III
030936: Mariacher, Giovanni - Arte a Venezia Dal Medioevo Al Settecento; Testimonianze E Recuperi
041676: Szyrocki, Marian and Konrad Gajek, Eds - Ungarischer Oder Dacianischer Simplicissimus (1683)
049123: Mariani, Valerio - Michelangelo the Painter
020929: Mariani, Paul - Dream Song; the Life of John Berryman
052348: Marichal, Robert - Les Graffites de la Graufesenque
044796: Boivin, Jeanne-Marie and Proinsias MacCana - Mélusines Continentales Et Insulaires; Actes Du Colloque International Tenu Les 27 Et 28 Mars 1997 à L'Université de Paris XII Et Au Collège Des Irlandais
042978: Collins, Marie and Virginia Davis - A Medieval Book of Seasons
039679: Hagen, Rose-Marie and Rainer Hagen - Egypt: People, Gods, Pharaohs
038995: Collins, Marie and Virginia Davis - A Medieval Book of Seasons
036571: Harris, Marie and Kathleen Aguero, Eds - A Gift of Tongues; Critical Challenges in Contemporary American Poetry
035886: Bogaert-Damin, Anne-Marie and Jacques A. Piron - Livres de Fruits Du Xvie Au Xxe Siècle Dans Les Collections de la Bibliothèque Universitaire Moretus Plantin
051578: Sainte-Marie, Henri De - Sancti Hieronymi Psalterium Iuxta Hebraeos; àdition Critique
053317: Mayeur, Jean-Marie et al. - Histoire Du Christianisme Des Origines à Nos Jours. Tome IV: éVêques, Moines Et Empereurs (610-1054)
051877: Thompson, Marie and Ian Biddle, Eds - Sound, Music, Affect; Thoerizing Sonic Experience
048963: Barend-vanHaeften, Marijke and Bert Paasman - De Kaap: Goede Hoop Halverwege Indië. Bloemlezing Van Kaapteksten Uit de Compagniestijd
014582: Beek, Marijke and Ernest Kurpershoek - Amsterdam's Nieuwe Kerk
053608: Teeuwen, Mariken and Sinéad O'Sullivan, Eds - Carolingian Scholarship and Martianus Capella; Ninth-Century Commentary Traditions on de Nuptiis in Context
034871: Maril, Robert Lee - The Fence; National Security, Public Safety and Illegal Immigration Along the U.S. -Mexico Border
044754: Marcos Marin, Francisco - Libro de Alexandre; Estudio Y Edición
047627: Marinatos, Spyridon - Excavations at Thera IV (1970 Season)
031840: Marinatos, Spyridon - Crete and Mycenae
026950: Marinelli, Peter V. - Ariosto and Boiardo; the Origins of Orlando Furioso
050292: Marinetti, A., Et al., Eds - Varietà E Continuità Nella Storia Linguistica Del Veneto. Atti Del Convegno Della Società Italiana Di Glottologia
042913: Mariniatos, Spyridon - Die Ausgrabungen Auf Thera Und Ihre Probleme
036493: Ogenova-Marinova, Ljuba - Statuettes En Bronze Du Musée National Archéologique a Sofia (Statuettes de Culte)
041852: Caciagli, Mario and Piergiorgio Corbetta - Elezioni Regionali E Sistema Politico Nationale: Italia, Spagna E Repubblica Federale Tedesca
041688: Missiroli, Mario and Olivia Rossetti Agresti - The Organisation of the Arts and Profession in the Fascist Guild State
026596: Moretti, Mario and Guglielmo Maetzke - The Art of the Etruscans
017876: Saltarelli, Mario and Dieter Wanner, Eds - Diachronic Studies in Romance Linguistics
050288: Negri, Mario and Diego Poli, Eds - La Semantica in Prospettiva Diacronica E Sincronica. Atti Del Convengo Della Società Italiana Di Glottologia
047276: Merriman, Marion and Warren Lerude - American Commander in Spain; Robert Hale Merriman and the Abraham Lincoln Brigade
035219: Marion, Marcel - Dictionnaire Des Institutions de la France Aux Xviie Et Xviiie Siècles
051305: Marion, Lucie - The Home Chef
005259: Benedict, Marion and Burton Benedict - Men, Women and Money in Seychelles
016747: Golden, Marita and Susan Richards Shreve, Eds - Skin Deep; Black Women and White Women Write About Race
013963: Maritain, Jacques - La Philosophie de la Nature; Essai Critique Sur Ses Frontières Et Son Objet
038434: Quennell, Marjorie and C. H. B. Quennell - A History of Everyday Things in England. Volume IV: 1851 to 1914
048885: Rosenthal, Mark and Richard Marshall - Jonathan Borofsky
046429: Stevens, Mark and Annalyn Swan - De Kooning; an American Master
040304: Pinsky, Mark and Björn Birnir, Eds - Probability, Geometry and Integrable Systems, for Henry Mckean's Seventy-Fifth Birthday
031804: Golden, Mark and Peter Toohey, Eds - Inventing Ancient Culture; Historicism, Periodization, and the Ancient World
030679: Kingwell, Mark and Patrick Turmel, Eds - Rites of Way; the Politics and Poetics of Public Space
028416: Juergensmeyer, Mark and N. Gerald Barrier, Eds - Sikh Studies; Comparative Perspectives on a Changing Tradition
027909: Tully, Mark and Gillian Wright - India in Slow Motion
051282: Markale, Jean - Le Roi Arthur Et la Société Celtique
010400: Markham, R. H. - Tito's Imperial Communism
027280: Marki, IVan - The Trial of the Poet; an Interpretation of the First Edition of Leaves of Grass
014390: Markman, Sidney David - Colonial Architecture of Antiqua Guatemala
012807: Markovitz, Irving Leonard - Léopold Sédar Senghor and the Politics of Negritude
026528: Markovski, Ivan S. - Bibleiska Arkheologiia
022577: Markowitz, Harvey, Ed - American Indian Biographies
007778: Markowitz, Fran - A Community in Spite of Itself; Soviet Jewish Emigres in New York
045950: Marks, Stuart A. - Large Mammals and a Brive People; Subsistence Hunters in Zambia
050151: Marks, Richard Lee - Three Men of the Beagle
013964: Marks, Emerson R. - Relativist & Absolutist; the Early Neoclassical Debate in England
048676: Markus, R. A. - Saeculum: History and Society in the Theology of St Augustine
027227: Markus, Stefan - Zar Peter III. Tragödie in Fünf Akten
039989: Markusen, Ann Roell - Profit Cycles, Oligopoly, and Regional Development
024852: Marlé, René - Bultmann Et L'Interprétation Du Nouveau Testament
011481: Marlow, Joyce - The Oak and the Ivy; an Intimate Biography of William and Catherine Gladstone
037326: Marlowe, Christopher - Marlowe's Edward II
033744: Marlowe, Christopher - Marlowe's Edward II
006856: Marlowe, George Francis - Churches of Old New England; Their Architecture and Their Architects, Their Pastors and Their People
006102: Marlowe, John - Perfidious Albion; the Origins of Anglo-French Rivalry in the Levant
051492: Marmardji, A. S. - Textes Géographiques Arabes Sur le Palestine
033491: Marmion, Shackerley - The Dramatic Works of Shackerley Marmion with Prefatory Memoir, Introductions, and Notes
051318: Marmion, Columba - Le Christ Dans Ses Mystères
044651: Marmocchi, Aurelia Forni, Ed - Romanzo Cavalleresco Inedito (British Library Add. Ms 10808)
038823: Marmor, Judd, Ed - Sexual Inversion; the Multiple Roots of Homosexuality
018123: Marmorstein, Emile - Heaven at Bay; the Jewish Kulturkampf in the Holy Land
017744: Musée Marmottan - Monet Et Ses Amis: Le Legs Michel Monet, la Donation Donop de Monchy
018669: Marnat, Marcel - Moussorgsky
045759: Marney, John - Liang Chien-Wen Ti
053119: Vergilius Maro, Publius - Aeneidos Liber Secundus
033215: Vergilius Maro, Publius - Virgil: The Aeneid
049650: Vergilius Maro, Publius - P. Virgilius Maro
049792: Vergilius Maro, Publius - P. Virgilii Maonis Opera
049811: Vergilius Maro, Publius - Aeneidos Libri VII-VIII
049810: Vergilius Maro, Publius - Aeneidos Liber Sextus
047790: Marol, Jean-Claude - L'Amour Libérée Ou L'érotique Initiale Des Troubadours
020045: Maron, Margaret - High Country Fall
053001: Marot, Clement - Oeuvres Diverses: Rondeaux, Ballades, Chant-Royaux, Epitaphes, Ettrenes, Sonnets
052999: Marot, Clement - Oeuvres Satiriques
052998: Marot, Clement - Les Epîtres
053000: Marot, Clement - Oeuvres Lyriques
048415: Marouzeau, J. - Traité de Stylistique Latine
002826: Marquard, Odo - Farewell to Matters of Principle; Philosophical Studies
040140: Marquardt, Bernhard - Der Totalitarismus--Ein Gescheitertes Herrschaftssystem. Eine Analyse Der Sowjetunion Und Anderer Staaten Ost-Mitteleuropas
042192: Oliveira Marques, A. H. De - A la República Portuguesa (Alguns Aspectos Estruturais)
052208: Branch, Edgar Marquess and Robert H. Hirst - The Grangerford-Shepherdson Feud by Mark Twain. Facsimile of That Episode's First Publication Prior to Adventure of Huckleberry Finn, with an Account of Mark Twain's Literary Use of the Bloddy Encounter at Compromise, Kentucky
038556: Marquet, Albert - Marquet; Dessins
041299: Gabaldón Márquez, Joaquín - Páginas de Evasión Y Devaneo (1948-1958)
024610: Marquez, Raul Antonio - Martin Heidegger: Una Teoria de la Experiencia
018915: Garcia Marquez, Gabriel - The World of Marquez; a Photographic Exploration of Macondo
008492: Garcia Marquez, Gabriel - Of Love and Other Demons
020013: Marranca, Bonnie - Theatre Writings
026674: Marrance, Bonnie - Theatrewritings
022683: Marriott, J. A. R. - The Eastern Question; an Historical Study in European Diplomacy
014647: Marriott, Alice - Maria, the Potter of San Ildefonso
012808: Marris, Peter - Family and Social Change in an African City; a Study of Rehousing in Lagos
051668: Marrocco, W. Thomas - Fourteenth-Century Italian Cacce
044774: Marroquin, José Manuel - Entre Primos
053023: Marrou, Henri - Saint Augustin Et L'Augustinisme
044650: Marrou, Henri-Irénée - Les Troubadours
053279: Marrou, Henri-Irénée - Histoire de L'éducation Dans L'Antiquité
026681: Marrs, Suzanne - Eudora Welty; a Biography
019482: Marrus, Michael R. - The Unwanted; European Refugees in the Twentieth Century
042793: Marsch, Wolf-Dieter, Ed - Diskussion über Die "Theologie Der Hoffung" Von Jürgen Moltmann
046715: Marsden, George M. - Jonathan Edwards; a Life
044686: Marsden, George M. - Jonathan Edwards; a Life
036501: Marsden, Christopher - Palmyra of the North; the First Days of St. Petersburg
004994: Marsden, Donald - The Long Kickline; a History of the Princeton Triangle Club
045120: Marsh, Frank Burr - The Reign of Tiberius
038914: Marsh, Frank Burr - English Rule in Gascony 1199-1259, with Special Reference to the Towns
038004: Marsh, C. D., Et al. - Lupines As Poisonous Plants
033113: Marsh, David - The Quattrocento Dialogue; Classical Tradition and Humanist Innovation
021545: Marsh, Peter, Ed - The Conscience of the Victorian State
047314: Marshall, Dorothy - English People in the Eighteenth Century
052385: Marshall, Andrew - The Trouser People; a Story of Burma--in the Shadow of the Empire
051008: Marshall, Robert Lewis - The Compositional Process of J.S. Bach; a Study of the Autograph Scores of the Vocal Works
000041: Marshall, Howard D. - The Great Economists; a History of Economic Thought
037991: Marshall, Francis - London West
035349: Dodge, Marshall and Robert Bryan - Bert and I and Other Stories from Down East
033411: Marshall, Geoffrey - Restoration Series Drama
033089: Marshall, Donald G., Ed - Literature As Philosophy; Philosophy As Literature
024082: Marshall, Dominique - The Social Origins of the Welfare State; Québec Families, Compulsory Education, and Family Allowances, 1940-1955
015871: Marshall, Katherine Tupper - Together; Annals of an Army Wife
050801: Marshall, Cynthia - The Shattering of the Self; Violence, Subjectivity, and Early Modern Texts
005474: Marshall, Rosalind K. - The Days of Duchess Anne; Life in the Household of the Duchess of Hamilton, 1656-1716
003005: Marshall, M. H. B. - Verbs, Nouns and Postpositives in Attic Prose
002592: Marshall, M. H. B. - Verbs, Nouns, and Pospositives in Attic Prose
033453: Marston, John - Antonio's Revenge
028525: Marston, Everett C. - Origin and Development of Northeastern University 1898-1960
027329: Marston, John - The Malcontent
015875: Marszalek, John F. - Sherman; a Soldier's Passion for Order
038864: Martell, Arthur E, Ed - Coordination Chemistry. Volume 2
011483: Martelli, George - Jemmy Twitcher; a Life of the Fourth Earl of Sandwich, 1718-1792
013965: Marti, Fritz - Religion, Reason and Man
046821: Martialis, Marcus Valerius - Epigrammata
035716: Martien, Jerry - Shell Game; a True Account of Beads and Money in North America
047597: Martin, Alfred Von - Sociology of the Renaissance
047192: Mace, Martin and John Grehan - Unearthing Churchilll's Secret Army; the Official List of Soe Casualties and Their Stories
046460: Martin, John F. - In Character; Opera Portraiture
046436: Martin, Justin - Rebel Souls; Walt Whitman and America's First Bohemians
044776: Lerner, Martin and Steven Kossak - The Lotus Transcendent; Indian and Southeast Asian Art from the Samuel Eilenberg Collection
044230: Martin, Priscilla - Chaucer's Women; Nuns, Wives, and Amazons
043084: Martin, Françoise - Sociétés Anonymes de Famille; Structure, Maintien Et Optimisiation de la Détention Du Capital
042535: Martin, Daria - Daria Martin. Kunsthalle Zürich; Kunstverein in Hamburg
042196: Friedman, Martin and Graham W. J. Beal - George Segal: Sculptures
040047: Meyerson, Martin and Edward C. Banfield - Boston: The Job Ahead
039277: David, Martin and Timothy Smeeding, Eds - Horizontal Equity, Uncertainty, and Economic Well-Being
037638: Martin, Violet - The Real Charlotte [by] E. Oe. Somerville & Martin Ross
036370: Martin, Edward S. - The Diary of a Nation; the War and How We Got Into It
035827: Martin, Judith - Miss Manners' Guide to Rearing Perfect Children
035811: Martin, Paul - Victorian Snapshots
035212: Martin, Rux, et al., Eds - The Eating Well Cookbook. Volume 1, Favorite Recipes from Eating Well, the Magazine of Food & Health
030942: Martin, Edward T. - Thomas Jefferson: Scientist
030867: Martin, George - Verdi; His Music, Life and Times
030866: Martin, George - Verdi at the Golden Gate; Opera and San Francisco in the Gold Rush Years
030688: Martin, Walter - The Kingdom of the Cults
029815: Bookspan, Martin and Ross Yockey - Zubin Mehta
028936: Martin, Franz - Die Kunstdenkmäler Des Politischen Bezirkes Braunau
028201: Martin, Cy - The Saga of the Buffalo
027991: Tolchin, Martin and Susan Tolchin - To the Victor... Political Patronage from the Clubhouse to the White House
027510: Martin, Robert Bernard - Enter Rumour; Four Early Victorian Scandals
027273: Martin, Robert Bernard - Tennyson; the Unquiet Heart
026905: Martin, Robert K. - The Homosexual Tradition in American Poetry
025784: Martin, Milward W. - Was Shakespeare Shakespeare? a Lawyer Reviews the Evidence
025644: Martin, David A. - Pacifism; an Historical and Sociological Study
025498: Gilbert Martin - The Day the War Ended; May 8, 1945--Victory in Europe
025008: Martin, Hugh - Puritanism and Richard Baxter
024604: Seiler, Martin and Friedrich Stadler, Eds - Heinrich Gomperz, Karl Popper Und Die österreichische Philosophie
024327: Martin, Rex - Historical Explanation; Re-Enactment and Practical Inference
023812: Barker, Martin and Julian Petley, Eds - ILL Effects; the Media/Violence Debate
052191: Stevens, Martin and Daniel Woodward, Eds - The Ellesmere Chaucer; Essays in Interpretation
052932: Martin, James - My Life with the Saints
049926: Martin, Roger H. - Racing Odysseus; a College President Becomes a Freshman Again
019471: Meyerson, Martin and Edward C. Banfield - Boston: The Job Ahead
053591: Martin, Harold C., Ed - Style in Prose Fiction
050785: Martin, Pol - Pol Martin's Supreme Cuisine
051789: Martin, Thomas - The Royal Institution
016814: Martin, Justin - Greenspan; the Man Behind Money
015878: Martin, James Kirby - Benedict Arnold, Revolutionary Hero; an American Warrior Reconsidered
014513: Martin, Kingsley - The Magic of the British Monarchy
013967: Martin, R. M. - Logic, Language and Metaphysics
013966: Martin, Kingsley - French Liberal Thought in the Eighteenth Century; a Study of Political Ideas from Bayle to Condorcet
013306: Martin, Albro - Railroads Triumphant; the Growth, Rejection, and Rebirth of a Vital American Force
012648: Brown, F. Martin and Bernard Heineman - Jamaica and Its Butterflies
011484: Martin, Robert Bernard - The Dust of Combat; a Life of Charles Kingsley
009555: Martin, George - The Damrosch Dynasty; American's First Family of Music
009199: Martin, George - Aspects of Verdi
009086: Martin, Alfred Von - Sociology of the Renaissance
008734: Tolchin, Martin and Susan J. Tolchin - Selling Our Security; the Erosion of America's Assets
006098: Martin, Kingsley - The Triumph of Lord Palmerston; a Study of Public Opinion in Englaidn Before the Crimean War
005384: Martin, Robert Bernard, Ed - Victorian Poetry; Ten Major Poets
004732: Martin, J. E. - Greater London; an Industrial Geography
003173: Martin, Herbert - The Inquiring Mind; Introductory Philosophic Studies
036229: Martineau, Gilbert - Napoleon's St. Helena
1354: Martineau, James - Types of Ethical Theory. 3d Edition, Revised
006929: Martineau, Harriet - Harriet Martineau's Letters to Fanny Wedgwood
047018: Martines, Lauro - Power and Imagination; City-States in Renaissance Italy
047805: Martinet, André - Evolution Des Langues Et Reconstruction
046976: Martinet, Andre - A Functional View of Language
053459: Martinet, André - économie Des Changement Phonétiques; Traité de Phonologie Diachronique
043608: Blásquez Martinez, José Maria - Trajano
041619: Martinez, Ernest R. - Luca--Atti; Un Viaggio Spirituale
041618: Martinez, Ernest R. - La Sequela Di Gesù Cristo Nel Vengelo Secondo Marco
038071: Martinez, Esteban José - Esteban José Martinez; His Voyage in 1779 to Supply Alta California
033072: Martínez, Eduardo Ruiz - Aproximación a Una Bibliografia de Don Antonio Nariño Y Alvarez
045192: Martini, Albert - The Renaissance of Science; the Story of the Atom, Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics
038921: Martini, Carlo Maria - Coenae Tuae; Itinerario Sacerdotoale
037572: Martini, Alexandra - Litter Only; a Book About Dustbins
035106: Martini, Anna - The Mondadori Regional Italian Cookbook
017427: Martini, Simone - Simone Martini
052340: Martino, Stefano De - Annali E Res Gestae Antico Ittiti
044641: Martinson, A. P. A. - Biography O Rev. Benjamin A. Martinson
046406: Martis, Nicolaos K. - The Falsification of Macedonian History
030904: Marton, Kati - The Great Escape; Nine Jews Who Fled Hitler and Changed the World
007435: Martone, Michael - The Flatness and Other Landscapes; Essays
042069: Marty, Martin E. - Modern American Religion. Volume 1: The Irony of It All 1893-1919
039824: Webb, Martyn and Audrey Webb - Edge of Empire
016409: Martyn, Carlos - Wendell Phillips, the Agitator
001845: Martynov, Ivan - Dmitri Shostakovich; the Man and His Work
023512: Justin Martyr - The Writings of Justin Martyr and Athenagoras
041789: Martz, Louis L. - The Wit of Love: Donne, Carew, Crashaw, Marvell
041130: Martz, Louis L. - Thomas More; the Search for the Inner Man
034126: Martz, Louis L. - Thomas More; the Search for the Inner Man
005630: Martz, Louis L. - The Later Career of Tobias Smollett
003416: Marucchi, Orazio - Manuale Di Archeologia Cristiana
013071: Marvan, Jiri - Prehistoric Slavic Contraction
041777: Harris, Marvin and Eric B. Ross, Eds - Food and Evolution; Toward a Theory of Human Food Habits
037077: Mondlin, Marvin and Roy Meador - Book Row; an Anecdotal and Pictorial History of the Antiquarian Book Trade
040983: Marwedel, Günter - Geschichte Der Juden in Hamburg, Altona Und Wandsbek
024328: Marwick, Arthur - The Nature of History
022598: Marwick, Arthur - The Nature of History
011486: Marwick, Arthur - The Deluge; British Society and the First World War
025217: Marwil, Jonathan - The Trials of Counsel; Francis Bacon in 1621
030868: Marx, Henry - Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya
028431: Roger-Marx, Claude - French Original Engravings from Manet to the Present Time
018671: Marx, Adolf Bernhard - Ludwig Van Beethoven; Leben Und Schaffen
010626: Marx, Fritz Morstein - Government in the Third Reich
1251: (Marx, Karl). Jackson, J. Hampden - Marx, Proudhon and European Socialism
003176: Marx, Werner - Vernunft Und Welt; Zwischen Tradition Und Anderem Anfang
044840: Crow Dog, Mary and Richard Erdoes - Lakota Woman
043296: Procter, Mary and Bill Matuszeski - Gritty Cities; a Second Looik at Allentown, Bethlehem, Bridgeport, Hoboken, Lancaster, Norwich, Pterson, Reading, Trenton, Troy, Waterbury, Wilmington
037741: Eden, Mary and Richard Carrington - The Philosophy of the Bed
029490: Williams, Mary and James A. de Rothschild, Eds - A Miscellany of Studies in Romance Languages & Literatures Presented to Leon E. Kastner
027607: Foakes, Mary and Reginald Foakes - The Columbia Dictionary of Quotation from Shakespeare
018558: Garden, Mary and Louis Biancolli - Mary Garden's Story
015358: Austin, Mary and John Muir - Writing the Western Landscape
003169: Lukas, Mary and Ellen Lukas - Teilhard
043636: Marzik, Trude - A Bissl Schwarz, a Bissl Weiss; Gereimtes Und Ungereimtes
023858: Marzullo, Benedetto - I Sofismi Di Prometeo
013968: Masani, Rustom P. - Le Zoroastrisme, Religion de la Vie Bonne
1358: Masaryk, T. G. - Modern Man and Religion. Translated by Ann Bibza and V Clar Bene
043861: Masciandaro, Nicola - The Voice of the Hammer; the Meaning of Work in Middle English Literature
046398: Masefield, John - Melloney Holtspur or the Pangs of Love
020941: Masefield, Muriel - The Story of Fanny Burney, Being an Introduction to the Diary & Letters of Madame D'Arblay
005526: Masefield, John - Letters of John Masefield to Florence Lamont
040344: Maser, Werner - Hitler Segreto; Lettere E Appunti Inediti
050153: Maser, Chris - Mammals of the Pacific Northwest from the Coast to the High Cascades
050320: Calderoni Masetti, Anna Rosa - Smalti En Ronde-Basse Fra Italia Ed Europa; Atti Del Convegno Di Studi, Sucola Normale Superiore Di Pisa, 20-21 Maggio 2000
012500: Mash, Kaye - How Invertebrates Live
008414: Maslenikov, Oleg A. - The Frenzied Poets; Andrey Biely and the Russian Symbolists
043773: Maslenitsyn, Stanislav I. - Iaroslavskaia Ikonopis; Yaroslavian Icon Painting
006399: Maslow, Alexander - A Study in Wittgenstein's Tractatus
022771: Dal Maso, Leonardo B. - Rome of the Caesars
025249: Mason, J. Alden - Las Antiguas Culturas Del Peru
023869: Mason, H. A. - To Homer Through Pope; an Introduction to Homer's Iliad and Pope's Translation
021605: Mason, Mary Grimley - Working Against Odds; Stories of Disabled Women's Work Lives
017324: Mason, H. A. - Humanism and Poetry in the Early Tudor Period; an Essay
015882: Mason, Herbert Molloy, Jr. - The Rise of the Luftwaffe; Forging the Secret German Air Weapon, 1918-1940
015881: Mason, F. Van Wyck - American Men at Arms
013584: Mason, Philip - The Men Who Ruled India
010846: Mason, John T. Jr., Ed - The Atlantic War Remembered; an Oral History Collection
010004: Mason, Alpheus Thomas - Security Through Freedom; American Political Thought and Practice
007120: Mason, Alpheus Thomas - Brandeis; Free Man's Life
053507: Mason, Daniel Gregory - Contemporary Composers
041918: Massari, Oreste - Giovanni Sartori; Notizia Bio-Bibliografica
051343: Massé, Henri - Firdousi Et L'épopée Nationale; Les épopées Persanes
024329: Massé, Vivalde - Brève Explication de Aa Règle Des Frères Mineurs
030871: Massenet, Jules - Manon
028259: Massey, Marilyn Chapin - Feminine Soul; the Fate of an Ideal
032169: Massie, Robert K. - The Romanovs; the Final Chapter
008435: Massie, Suzanne - The Living Mirror; Five Young Poets from Leningrad
046539: Massin, Robert - Händlerrufe Aus Europäischen Städten
011501: Mongomery-Massingberd, Hugh - Atlas of Royal Britain
049907: Massinger, Philip - Philip Massinger
050112: Massinger, Philip - The Plays of Philip Massinger, in Four Volumes
030299: Masson, Jeffrey Moussaieff - The Nine Emoitional Lives of Cats; a Journey Into the Feline Heart
029679: Masson, André - Le Rebelle Du Surréalisme; écrits
025009: Masson, David - Chapters from the Sixth Volume of the Life of John Milton, Narrated in Connexion with the Political, Ecclesiastical and Literary History of Hit Time
051482: Masssignon, Louis - Opera Minora
022270: Masterd, G. Mallary - Rabelaisian Dialectic and the Platonic-Hermetic Traidition
033398: Masterman, J. C. - The Double-Cross System in the War of 1939 to 1945
007980: Masterman, Ernest W. Gurney - Studies in Galilee
015019: Masters, G. Mallary - Rabelaisian Dialectic and the Platonic-Hermetic Tradition
014790: Masters, Anthony - Nancy Astor; a Life
009088: Masters, Roger D. - Fortune Is a River; Leonardo Da Vinci and Niccolo Machiavelli's Magnificent Dream to Change the Course of Florentine History
005193: Masters, John - Casanova
032885: Masterson, James F. - Countertransference and Psychotherapeutic Technique; Teaching Seminars on Psychotherapy of the Borderline Adult
053358: Masuda, Shozo, Ed - Contribuciones a Los Estudios de Los Andes Centrales
015886: Masur, Louis P. - ... The Real War Will Never Get in the Books"; Selections from Writers During the CIVIL War
042851: Matanic, Atanazije - Francesco D'Assisi; Fattori Causali Della Su Spiritualità
039667: Mateljan, George - Cooking without Fat
035168: Mathan, Gerda Straus - Valentina's Uncle; Portrait of an Old Man
043606: International Congress of Mathematicians, Berlin 1998 - Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Berlin 1998, August 18-27
003481: International Congress of Mathematicians, 1954 - Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, 1954
023779: Mather, F. Isabel - Our Ancestors
019107: Mather, Edward - Nathaniel Hawthorne, a Modest Man
018769: Seidl, Mathes and Hans Steinbeck - Schweizer Komponisten Unserer Zeit; Biographien, Werkverzeichnisse Mit Diskographie Und Bibliographie. Compositeurs Suisses de Notre Temps; Biographie, Catalogues D'Oeuvres Avec Discographie Et Bibliographie
046093: Matheson, Sylvia A. - Persia: An Archaeological Guide
045338: Matheson, Lister M. - The Prose Brut: The Development of a Middle English Chronicle
030631: Matheson, Rebecca Jumper - The Sunbonnet; an American Icon in Texas
029177: Matheson, Sylvia A. - Persien; Ein Archäologischer Führer
028937: Mathew, David - The Celtic Peoples and Renaissance Europe; a Study of Th Eceltic and Spanish Influences on Elizabethan History
050329: Mathews, Nancy Mowll - The Art of Leisure; Maurice Prendergast in the Williams College Muesum of Art
030215: Mathewson, Rufus W., Jr. - The Positive Hero in Russian Literature
004158: Mathewson, Rufus W., Jr. - The Positive Hero in Russian Literature
028472: Mathias, Frank Furlong - Albert D. Kirwan
053425: Auclair, Mathias and Elizabeth Giuliani - Rameau Et la Scène
009149: Mathiesen, Thomas - The Defences of the Weak; a Scoiological Study of a Norwegian Correctional Institution
038444: Mathieson, Elizabeth L. - The Complete Book of Crochet
042181: Mathiot, Madeleine - An Approach to the Cognitive Study of Language
029817: Mathy, Jean-Philippe - Extrême Occident; French Intellectuals and America
039392: La Matina, Marcello - IL Problema Del Significante; Testi Greci Fra Semiotica E Filosofia Del Linguaggio
049374: Matisoff, James A. - The Grammar of Lahu
015889: Matloff, Maurice - American Wars and Heroes, Revolutionary War Through Vietnam
015888: Matloff, Maurice - American Military History
040891: Matson, Wallace I. - The Existence of God
045091: Matsuda, Matt K. - The Memory of the Modern
023522: Mattar, Philip, Ed - Encyclopedia of the Palestinians
031841: Mattei, Jean-François - Pythagore Et Les Pythagoriciens
023409: Matteo, Henry S. - Denationalization V. "the Right to Have Rights"; the Standard of Intent in Citizenship Loss
011272: Matteucig, Giacinto - Poggio Buco, the Necropolis of Statonia
041237: Matthaei, Adelbert - Deutsche Baukunst IM Mittelalter
023406: Matthes, François E. - Sequoia National Park; a Geological Album
038365: Matthew, Annu Palakunnathu - Annu Palakunnathu Matthew; Bollywood Cowboys and Indians from India
001776: Matthews, William - Charles II's Escape from Worcester; a Collection of Narratives Assembled by Samuel Papys
040302: Matthews, J. L., Et al., Eds - Particles and Nuclei; Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Particles and Nuclei, Massachusetts Institute of Techonology, Cambridge, Ma, June 25-29, 1990
036649: Matthews, William - British Autobiographies; an Annotated Bibliography of British Autobiographies Published or Written Before 1951
036612: Matthews, William - American Diaries; an Annotated Bibliography of American Diaries Written Prior to the Year 1861
034698: Matthews, W. K. - The Structure and Development of Russian
029524: Matthews, John - Gawain: Night of the Goddess; Restoring an Archetype
021936: Matthews, P. H. - Morphology; an Introduction to the Theory of Word-Structure
019571: Matthews, Honor - Charact & Symbol in Shakespeare's Plays; a Study of Certain Christian and Pre-Christian Elements in Their Structure and Imagery
018673: Matthews, David - Michael Tippett; an Introductory Study
018125: Matthews, Gwynneth - Plato's Epistemology and Related Logical Problems
015604: Matthews, T. S. - Great Tom; Notes Towards the Definition of T.S. Eliot
009008: Matthews, William - British Diaries; an Annotated Bibliography of British Diaries Written between 1442 and 1942
007659: Matthews, Glenna - Just a Housewife"; the Rise and Fall of Domesticity in Amerida
052969: Matthiae, Guglielmo - Pittura Romana Del Medioevo. Volume I: Secoli IV-X
043332: Korn, Matthias and Hans Jürgen Tschiedel, Eds - Ratis Omnia Vincet. Untersuchungen Zu Den Argonautica Des Valerius Flaccus
053293: Becher, Matthias and Jürg Jarnut, Eds - Der Dynastiewechsel Von 751; Vorgeschichte Legitimationsstrategien Und Erinnerung
031289: Matthiessen, Peter - East of Lo Monthang in the Land of Mustang
028397: Matthiessen, Peter - Sand Rivers
003006: Mattingly, Harold - Christianity in the Roman Empire; Six Lectures
049943: Mattison, Chris - The New Encyclopedia of Snakes
012016: Mattison, Karl - Det Sydsvenska Halmtaket
011273: Matton, Raymond - La Crète Antique
051397: Mattson, Kevin - We'Re Not Here to Entertain; Punk Rock,Ronald Reagan, and the Real Culture War of 1980s America
031081: Phillips-Matz, Mary Jane - Leonard Warren, American Baritone
017103: Matz, Mary Jane - Opera; Grand and Not So Grand
010628: Matzner, Egon - Trade between East and West; the Case of Austria
048604: Mau, August - Pompeji in Leben Und Kunst
013969: Mauchaussat, Gaston - L'Idélisme de Lachelier
036445: Mauclair, Camille - Schumann; Biographie Critique
024799: Mauduit, Roger - Auguste Comte Et la Science économique
018126: Mauduit, Roger - Auguste Comte Et la Science économique
052576: Mauer, Friedrich, Ed - Das Alexanderlied Des Pfaffen Lamprecht. Das Rolandslied Des Pfaffen Konrad
033362: Maulucci, Francesco Paolo - The National Archaeological Museum of Naples
038403: Maupassant, Guy De - Europa Edition Günter Koch Legt Vor: Guy de Maupassant: La Maison Tellier. Eine Erzählung. Mit 16 Reproduktionen Nach Lithographien Von Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
027007: Maupin, Armistead - Back to Barbary Lane; the Final Tales of the City Omnibus
053034: Maur, Hansjörg Auf Der - Das Psalmenverständnis Des Ambrosius Von Mailand;; Ein Beitrag Zum Deutungshintergrund Der Psalmenverwendung IM Gottesdienst Der Alten Kirche
052413: Auf der Maur, Ivo - Mönchtum Und Glaubensverkündigung in Den Schriften Des Hl. Johannes Chrysostomus
048533: Fries, Maureen and Neanie Watson, Eds - Approaches to Teaching the Arthurian Tradition
047345: Maurer, Hans-Martin - Die Landesherrliche Burg in Wirtemberg IM 15. Und 16. Jahrhundert; Studien Zu Den Landesherrlich-Eigenen Burgen, Schlössern Und Festungen
042463: Maurer, Friedrich - Nordgermanen Und Alemannen; Studien Zur Germanischen Und Frühdeutschen Sprachgeschichte, Stammes- Und Volkskunde
041103: Maurer, Friedrich - Beiträge Zur Sprache Oswalds Von Wolkenstein
039526: Maurer, Friedrich - Untersuchungen über Die Deutsche Verbstellung in Ihrer Geschichtlichen Entwicklung
039464: Maurer, Arnold E. - Carlo Goldoni; Seine Komödien Und Ihre Verbreitung IM Deutschen Sprachraum Des 18. Jahrhunderts
029525: Maurer, Friedrich - Die "Pseudoreimare"; Fragen Der Echtheit, Der Chronologie Und Des "Zyklus" IM Liedercorpus Reinmars Des Alten
027830: Maurer, Christian F. - Entscheidungsschlachten Der Weltgeschichte
052788: Maurer, Theodoro Henrique, Jr. - O Problema O Latim Vulgar
019126: Mauriac, François - Mémoires Politiques
015890: Mauriac, Claude - The Other de Gaulle; Diaries 1944-1954
048200: Berry, Maurice and Michel Fleury - L'Enceinte Et le Louvre de Philippe Auguste
1011: (Maurice, Frederick Denison). Brose, Olive J. - Frederick Denison Maurice, Rebellious Conformist
039587: Gross, Maurice and André Lentin - Introduction to Formal Grammars
028671: Beresford, Maurice and John Hurst - Wharram Percy, Deserted Medieval Village
028260: Maurice, Frederick Denison - The Kingdom of Christ or Hints to a Quaker Respecting the Principles, Constitution and Ordinances of the Catholic Church
052439: Brillant, Maurice and René Aigrain - Histoire Des Religions
005512: Solaun, Mauricio and Michael A. Quinn - Sinners and Heretics; the Politics of Military Intervention in Latin America
045861: Maurier, Henri - Essai D'Une Théologie Du Paganisme
037851: Du Maurier, George - The Young George Du Maurier; a Selection of His Letters 1860-67
037494: Du Maurier, George - The Young George Du Maurie; a Selection of His Letters, 1860-67
053508: Du Maurier, George - Peter Ibbetson. With an Introduction by His Cousin Lady **** ("Madge Plunket")
037947: Mauriès, Patrick - Christian Lacroix; the Diary of a Collection
018979: Mauriès, Patrick - Les Gays Savoirs
026309: Forte, Maurizio and Alberto Siliotti - Virtual Archaeology; Re-Creating Ancient Worlds
049211: Perani, Mauro and Saverio Campanini - I Frammenti Ebraici Di Bologna; Archivio de Stato E Collezioini Minori
042009: De Mauro, Tullio - Storia Linguistica Dell'Italia Unita
049210: Perani, Mauro and Saverio Campanini - I Frammenti Ebraici Di Modena; Archivio Storico Comunale
027992: Maurois, Andre - Disraeli; a Picture of the Victorian Age
011771: Maurois, Andre - The Life of Sir Alexander Fleming, Discoverer of Penicillin
023671: Mauroni, Al - Chemical and Biological Warfare; a Reference Handbook
048744: Maurras, Charles - De la Colère à la Justice; Rèflexions Sur Un Dèastre
020105: Maurras, Charles - Les Princes Des Nuées
016486: Maurras, Charles - Les Princes Des Nuées
050551: Mauss, Maracel - Sociologie Et Anthropologie
053422: Mauss, Marcel - The Gift; the Form and Reason for Exchange in Archaic Societies
018128: Mauthner, Fritz - Der Atheismus Und Seine Geschichte IM Abendlande
041866: Mawdsley, Dean L. - Cruise Books of the United States Navy in World War II; a Bibliography
035927: Blagg, Max and Ken Tisa - Nine Years in a Windtunnel, Being Pages from the Hotel Firbank Archive (Including Songs from the Asylum)
018610: Johnes, Max and John Chilton - Louis; the Louis Armstrong Story, 1900-1971
010989: Beloff, Max and Gillian Peele - The Government of the Uk; Political Authority in a Changing Society
051989: Maximus, of Turin - Maximi Episcopi Taurinensis Collectionem Sermonum Antiquam Nonnullis Sermonibus Extravagantibus Adiectis
032585: Maxwell, Baldlwin - Studies in Beaumont, Fletcher, and Masinger
015071: Maxwell, D. E. S. - American Fiction; the Intellectual Background
011489: Maxwell, Donald - Unknown Surrey; Being a Series of Unmethodical Explorations of the County Illustrated in Line and Colour by the Author
011488: Maxwell, Donald - Unknown Sussex; Begin a Series of Unmethodical Explorations of the County Illustrated in Line and Colour by the Author
042562: Le May, Reginald - The Coinage of Siam
038694: May, Herbert G., Ed - Oxford Bible Atlas
029970: May, Henry F. - The Enlightenment in America
022054: May, Florence Lewis - Hispanic Lace and Lace Making
015891: May, Antoinette - Witness to War; a Biography of Marguerite Higgins
012901: May, Gita - Madame Roland and the Age of Revolution
012859: May, Jacques M. - The Ecology of Malnutrition in Middle Africa (Ghana, Nigeria Republic of the Congo, Rwanda Burundi, and the Former French Equatorial Africa
009354: May, Antoinette - Passionate Pilgrim; the Extraordinary Life of Alma Reed
007949: May, Charles Paul - The Early Indians; Their Natural and Imaginary Worlds
007660: May, Ernest R. - The World War and American Isolation, 1914-1917
005144: May, Arthur J. - The Hapsburg Monarchy, 1867-1914
052837: May, Steven W. - The Elizabethan Courtier Poets; the Peoms and Their Contexts
028400: Maybon, Albert - Le Théatre Japonaise
041751: Mayer, L. A. - Saracenic Heraldry
037634: Mayer, Tony - La Vie Anglaise
034209: Mayer, Henry - All on Fire; William Lloyd Garrison and the Abolition of Slavery
030872: Mayer, Martin - The Met; One Hundred Years of Grand Opera
016716: Mayer, Henry - All on Fire; William Lloyd Garrison and the Abolition of Slavery
016153: Mayer, S. L., Ed - Signal; Years of Retreat, 1943-44; Hitler's Wartime Picture Magazine
016152: Mayer, S. L., Ed - Signal; Hitler's Wartime Picture Magazine
012906: Mayer, Hans - Georg Büchner Und Seine Zeit
009667: Mayer, Robert R. - Social Planning and Social Change
009363: Mayer, Alfred - The Annals of European Civilization, 1501-1900
007661: Mayer, George H. - The Republican Party, 1854-1966
031798: Mayers, Florence Cassen - ABC; the Alef-Bet Book; the Israel Museum, Jerusalem
024591: Mayers, David - George Kennan and the Dilemmas of Us Foreign Policy
007591: Mayers, David - George Kennan and the Dilemmas of Us Foreign Policy
021938: Mayerthaler, Eva - Unbetonter Vokalismus Und Silbenstruktur IM Romanischen; Beiträge Zu Einer Dynamischen ProzeßTypologie
045339: Mayes, David - Communal Christianity; the Life and Loss of a Peasant Vision in Early Modern Germany
019109: Mayfield, Sara - The Constant Circle; H.L. Mencken and His Friends
050176: Mayhew, Henry - Mayhew's Characters
011490: Mayhew, Henry - Mayhew's London; Being Selections from "London Labour and the London Poor" by Henry Mayhew
007665: Mayhew, Ira - Reports of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of the State of Michigan, for the Years 1855, '56, and '57, with Accompanying Documents
053146: De Jong, Mayke and Frans Theuws, Eds - Topographies of Power in the Early Middle Ages
034904: Maynard, Frank - Cowboy's Lament; a Life on the Open Range
023052: Maynard, Eileen A. - Patterns of Community Service Development in Selected Communities of the Mantaro Valley, Peru
006093: Mayne, Ethel Colburn - A Regency Chapter; Lady Bessborough and Her Friedships
036116: Mayo, Diane - Murder at Bean & Beluga
026531: Mayo, Margaret Ellen - Ancient Art
041887: Mayor, Jean-Claude - Le Jet D'Eau de Genève; Un Centenaire Qui a Du Panache
035012: Mayor, A. Hyatt - The Bibiena Family
027540: Mayor, A. Hyatt - Prints & People; a Social History of Printed Pictures
047998: Mayr, Melchior - Wilhelm Und Rosina; Ein Ländliches Gedicht
040953: Mayr, Ernst - This Is Biology; the Science of the Living World
050231: Mayrhofer, Manfred - Iranisches Personennamenbuch. Band I: Die Altiranischen Namen
052025: Mazelier, Roger - Chronogrammes Et Cabale Chez Les Troubadours Et L'Archiprêtre de Hita
025621: Mazlish, Bruce - James and John Stuart MILL; Father and Son in the Nineteenth Century
050150: Mazlish, Bruce - The Leader, the Led, and the Psyche; Essays in Psychohistory
015293: Mazlish, Bruce - The Revolutionary Ascetic; Evolution of a Political Type
052602: Mazouer, Charles - Le Théâtre Français Du Moyen Age
022304: Mazour, Anatole G. - Modern Russian Historiography
021627: Mazour, Anatole G. - An Outline of Modern Russian Historiography
044074: Frappier-Mazur, Lucienne - L'Expression Métaphorique Dans la Comédie Humaine; Domaine Social Et Physiologique
043090: Mazzacurati, Giancarlo - L'Albero Dell'Eden; Dante Tra Mito E Storia
041894: Mazzaferro, Luciano - Elezioni Politiche in Una Zona Di Riforma E Di Emigrazione
041893: Mazzaferro, Luciano - Geografia Elettorale Del Delta Padano; Risultati Elettorali E Conseguenze Politiche Della Riforma Agraria
043601: Mazzaro, Jerome - Transformations in the Renaissance English Lyric
023517: Mazzeo, Joseph Anthony - Renaissance and Seventeenth-Century Studies
003007: Mazzolani, Lidia Storoni - The Idea of the City in Roman Thought from Walled City to Spiritual Commonwealth
032572: Mazzoni, Guido - L'Ottocento
010198: McAdam, Roger Williams - Salts of the Sound; an Informal History of Steamborat Days and the Famous Skippers Who Sailed Long Island Sound
038435: McAdams, Dona Ann - The Garden of Eden
037681: McAdie, Mary R. B. - Alexander Mcadie, Scientist and Writer. A Volume Containing Fifty-Four Articles and Essays by Alexander Mcadie, Letters, a Short Memoir and Bibliography, and Lists of Books and Instruments
030796: McAlindon, T. - English Renaissance Tragedy
025214: McAlister, Linda - The Development of Franz Brentano's Ethics
049685: McAlmon, Robert - Being Geniuses Together 1920-1930
040798: McAlpine, D. - Bitter Pit Investigation. The Past History and Present Position of the Bitter Pit Question
037618: McArdle, Phil, Ed - Exactly Opposite the Golden Gate; Essays on Berkeley's History 1845-1945
037611: McArthur, Tom, Ed - The Oxford Companion to the English Language
018658: McArthur, Edwin - Flagstad; a Personal Memoir
009972: McArthur, Norma - Island Popluations of the Pacific
006391: McAvoy, Thomas T. - The Great Crisis in American Catholic History, 1895-1900
044952: McBride, Robert - Aspects of Seventeenth-Century French Drama and Thought
003828: McBride, James H. - Barbarian Invasions of the Roman Empire; an Essay
030800: McBrien, Richard P. - Lives of the Popes; the Pontiffs from St. Peter to John Paul II
036131: McBurney, Henrietta - Mark Catesby's Natural History of America; the Watercolors from the Royal Library, Windsor Castle
005616: McCanles, Michael - The Text of Sidney's Arcadian World
047048: McCann, Colum - Thirteen Ways of Looking; Fiction
050318: McCann, Graham - Cary Grant; a Class Apart
034044: McCarthy, B. Euguene - William Wycherley: A Biography
032844: McCarthy, Timothy G. - The Catholic Tradition Before and After Vatican II 1878-1993
018660: McCarthy, Albert - Big Band Jazz
011435: McCarthy, Justin - The Reign of Queen Anne
011433: McCarthy, Justin - The Story of Gladstone's Life
010196: McCarthy, Mary - Mary Mccarthy's Theatre Chronicles, 1937-1962
007628: McCarthy, Justin - Reminiscences
053634: McCarthy, Kevin F., Et al. - Gifts of the Muse; Reframing the Debate About the Benefits of the Arts
049600: McCarthy, John J. - Hidden Generalizations; Phonological Opacity in Optimality Theory
051026: McCartney, Marcellus A. - Faculties of Regular Confessors; a Historical Synopsis and a Commentary
047444: McCarus, Ernest, Ed - The Development of Arab- American Identity
034353: McCauley, Robert - Robert Mccauley: Sculpture and Drawings
049126: McCauley, Anne - Clarence H. White and His World; the Art & Craft of Photography, 1895-1925
039649: McCawley, James D. - The Eater's Guide to Chinese Characters
018134: McCawley, James D. - The Syntactic Phonomena of English
031029: McCconnell, Sophie - Metropolitan Jewelry
038887: McChesney, Robert W. - Rich Media, Poor Democracy; Communication Politics in Dubious Times
036873: McChristian, Joseph A. - The Role of Military Intelligence 1965-1967
012543: McClain, Charles J. - In Search of Equality; the Chinese Struggle Against Discrimination in Nineteenth-Century America
012435: McClane, A. J., Ed - Mcclane's Standard Fishing Encyclopedia and International Angling Guide
045782: McClelland, Denise - Le Vocabulaire Des Lais de Marie de France
005127: McClelland, Charles E. - The German Historians and England; a Study in Nineteenth-Century Views
026677: McClintock, Russell - Lincoln and the Decision for War; the Northern Response to Secession
013720: McClinton, Katharine Morrison - The Chromolithographs of Louis Prang
049175: McCloskey, Donald N., Ed - Second Thoughts; Myths and Morals of U.S. Economic History
046166: McClure, Michael - Of Indigo and Saffron; New and Selected Poems
020622: McClure, Charlotte S. - Gertrude Atherton
053217: McClurg, Virginia Donaghé - The Poems of Virginia Donaghv Mcclurg, Litt. D. (Mrs. Gilbert Mcclurg), Officier de L'Instruction Publique de France
038723: McCluskey, Stephen C. - Astronomies and Cultures in Early Medieval Europe
016725: McColley, Robert - Slavery and Jeffersonian Virginia
047733: McConnell, Winder, Ed - A Companion to the Nibelungenlied
043270: McConnell, Winder - The Nibelungenlied
021640: McConnell, Thomas - A Picture Book of Hell and Other Landscapes
015846: McConnell, Malcolm - Inside Hanoi's Secret Archives; Solving the Mia Mystery
008495: McConnell, Grant - The Decline of Agrarian Democracy
052967: McCormick, John Patrick - A Study of the Nominal Syntax and of Indirect Discourse in Hegesippus
016414: McCormick, John - George Santayana; a Biography
015714: McCormick, Joseph B., Et al. - Level 4; Virus Hunters of the Cdc
053491: McCormick, Michael - Origins of the European Economy; Communications and Commerce, A.D. 300-900
008869: McCormick, Virginia E. - Educational Architecture in Ohio; from One-Room Schools and Carnegie Libraries to Community Education Villages
007631: McCormick, Daivd - The Downsized Warrior; America's Army in Transition
007630: McCormick, Richard P. - The Second American Party System; Party Formation in the Jacksonian Era
042347: McCourt, James - Queer Street; Rise and Fall of an American Culture, 1947-1985
017022: McCourt, Malachy - Voices of Ireland; Classic Writings of a Rich and Rare Land
044488: McCoy, Esther - Five California Architects
013955: McCoy, Marjorie Casebier - Frederick Buechner, Novelist/Theologian of the Lost and Found
053782: McCoy, Dorothy Schuchman - Tradition and Convention; a Study of Periphrasis in English Pastoral Poetry from 1557-1715
037929: McCracken, Grant - Big Hair; a Journey Into the Transformation of Self
027938: McCracken, Harold - George Catlin and the Old Frontier
013630: McCracken, Philip - Philip Mccracken
036225: McCray, Marilyn - Electroworks
024866: Cavert, Samuel McCrea and Henry Pitney Van Dusen, Eds - The Church Through Half a Century; Essays in Honor of William Adams Brown
047711: McCrillis, John O. C. - Printer's Abecedarium
049091: McCullers, Carson - Complete Novels: The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter; Reflections in a Golden Eye; the Ballad of the Sad Café; the Member of the Wedding; Clock without Hands
033869: McCullough, David - John Adams
023053: McCullough, David - The Path between the Seas; the Creation of the Panama Canal, 1870-1914
033171: McCurdy, Harold Grier - The Personality of Shakespeare; a Venture in Psychological Method
045135: McDade, Lucinda A., et al, Eds - La Selva; Ecology and Natural History of a Neotropical Rain Forest
007859: McDaniel, Ruel - Vinegarroon; the Saga of Judge Roy Bean, "Law West of the Pecos
039465: McDavid, Reven I., Jr. - Varieties of American English; Essays by Raven I. Mcdavid, Jr.
047067: McDermott, John J. - Streams of Experience; Reflections on the History and Philosophy of American Culture
050773: McDermott, James - Martin Frobisher, Elizabethan Privateer
039948: McDonald, Russ - Shakespeare & Jonson; Jonson & Shakespeare
027624: McDonald, Russ, Ed - Shakespeare Reread; the Texts in New Contexts
026521: McDonald, William A. - Progress Into the Past; the Rediscovery of Mycenaean Civilizations
021607: McDonald, Walt - A Thousand Miles of Stars
051203: McDonald, Mary Francis, Sister - Saint Augustine's de Fide Rerum Quae Non Videntur
007867: McDonald, Walt - Whatever the Wind Delivers; Celebrating West Texas and the Near Southwest
050518: McDonough, Peter - Men Astutely Trained; a History of the Jesuits in the American Century
015337: McDougal, Dennis - Privileged Son; Otis Chandler and the Rise and Fall of the L.A. Times Dynasty
041064: McDowell, Frederick P. W., Ed - The Poet As Critic
027355: McDowell, Frederick P. W., Ed - E.M. Forster; an Annotated Bibliography of Writings About Him
007471: McDowell, Katharine Sherwood Bonner - A Sherwood Bonner Sampler, 1869-1884; What a Bright, Educated, Witty, Lively, Snappy Young Woman Can Say on a Variety of Topics
022827: McEnery, Tom - The New City-State; Change and Renewal in America's Cities
009963: McFarland, Keith D. - Harry H. Woodring; a Political Biography of Fdr's Controversial Secretary of Was
047214: McFarlane, K. B. - The Nobility of Later Medieval England
039119: McFate, Katherine, et al, Eds - Poverty, Inequality, and the Future of Social Policy; Western States in the New World Order
016704: McFeely, William S. - Frederick Douglass
010050: McFeely, William S. - Proximity to Death
002416: McFeely, Mary Drake - Lady Inspectors; the Campaign for a Better Workplace, 1893-1921
004212: McGarry, Susan Hallsten - West of Camelot; the Historical Paintings of Kenneth Riley
036336: McGarvey, Elsie S. - The Delights of Fine Fashion; Costumes Frfom the Philadelphia Museum of Art
047114: McGee, Mark Thomas - Roger Corman; the Best of the Cheap Acts
051346: McGee, Tiimothy J. - Medieval and Renaissance Music; a Performer's Guide
046907: McGhee, Robert, Ed - Archaeological Survey of Canada: Annual Reviews 1980-1981
016627: McGill, Douglas C. - Michael Heizer: Effigy Tumuli, the Reemergence of Ancient Mound Building
018375: McGlashan, Charles Fayette - History of the Donner Party
018361: McGlashan, C. F. - History of the Donner Party
050068: McGlathery, James M. - Mysticism and Sexuality: E.T. A. Hoffmann
005996: McGlinchee, Claire - The First Decade of the Boston Museum
024321: McGlinchey, Jseoph F. - Mission Tours: India
032820: McGoldrick, Monica, et al., Eds - Ethnicity and Family Therapy
014511: McGovern, Constance M. - Masters of Madness; Social Origins of the American Psychiatric Profession
047057: McGowan, Bruce - Economic Life in Ottoman Europe; Taxation, Trade and the Sturggle for Land, 1600-1800
035283: Tyler-McGraw, Marie - At the Falls; Richmond, Virginia, and Its People
013956: McGreal, Ian Philip - Analyzing Philosophical Arguments; an Introduction to Philosophical Method
026179: McGregor, John C. - Southwestern Archaeology
005251: McGregor, R. S. - The Language of Indrajit of Orcha; a Study of Early Braj Bhasa Prose
026777: McGrew, Patrick - Landmarks of San Francisco
034318: McGuire, William - Bollingen; an Adventure in Collecting the Past
016763: McGuire, William - Bollingen; an Adventure in Collecting the Past
049723: McGuire, Martin R. P. - Introduction to Classical Scholarship; a Syllabus and Bibliographical Guide
010202: McHale, John - The Future of the Future
011470: McHenry, Dean E. - His Majesty's Opposition; Structure and Problems of the British Labour Party, 1931-1938
051880: McHugh, Heather - Broken English; Poetry and Partiality
032140: McHughen, Alan - Pandora's Picnic Basket; the Potential and Hazards of Genetically Modified Foods
053747: McIntosh, Robert Dale - A Documentary Hstory of Music Invictoria, British Columbia. Volume I: 1850-1899
042094: McIntosh, Robert P. - The Background of Ecology; Concept and Theory
027885: McIntosh, Christopher - Ludwig II of Bavaria, the Swan King
012805: McIntosh, B. G., Ed - Ngano; Studies in Traditional and Modern East African History
033858: McIver, Tom - Anti-Evolution; a Reader's Guide to Writings Before and After Darwin
007637: McJimsey, George T. - Genteel Partisan; Manton Marble 1834-1917
030646: McKanna, Clare V., Jr. - Court-Martial of Apache Kid; the Renegade of Renegades
042925: McKay, A. G. - Houses, Villas and Palces in the Roman World
042753: McKay, John C. - A Guide to Germanic Reference Grammars; the Modern Standard Languages
015852: McKee, Alexander - King Henry VIII's Mary Rose
008728: McKee, Russell - Great Lakes Country
035935: McKeldin, Caroline - Japanese Jive; Wacky and Wonderful Products from Japan
005873: McKelvey, Blake - The Urbanization of America [1860-1915]
030552: McKendry, Maxime - Seven Hundred Years of English Cooking
029598: McKenna, Neil - The Secret Life of Oscar Wilde
038985: McKenny, Margaret - The Savory Wild Mushroom; a Pacific Northwest Guide
012634: McKenny, Margaret - Birds in the Garden; and How to Attract Them
029516: McKenzie, Donald A. - Otfried Von Weissenburg; Narrator or Commentator? a Comparative Study
026839: McKenzie, Richard B. - The American Job Machine
022277: McKenzie, John D. - On Time, on Target; the World War II Memoir of a Paratrooper in the 82d Airborne
039908: McKerrow, Ronald B. - An Introduction to Bibliography for Literary Students
033164: McKerrow, Ronald B. - An Introduction to Bibliography for Literary Students
038929: McKie, Douglas - Antoine Lavoisier, Scientist, Economist, Social Reformer
034884: McKinley, Jane - Vanitas; Poems
025294: McKinnon, Alastair - Kierkegaard in Translation; En Traduction; in ûbersetzung
051446: McKinnon, James, Ed - Antiquity and the Middle Ages from Ancient Greece to the 15th Century
022481: McKinsey, J. C. C. - Introduction to the Theory of Games
048794: McKitterick, Rosamond, Ed - Carolingian Culture: Emulation and Innovation
050881: McKitterick, Rosamond - The Carolingians and the Written Word
046329: McKnight, Reginald - I Get on the Bus; a Novel
028253: McKnight, Edgar V. - Meaning in Texts; the Historical Shaping of a Narrative Hermeneutics
046805: McLanathan, Richard - Gilbert Stuart
014205: McLanathan, Richard - The Art of Marguerite Stix
1337: McLaurin, C. C. - Pioneering in Western Canada; a Story of the Baptists
043249: McLean, Ruari - Joseph Cundall, a Victorian Publisher. Notes on His Life and a Check-List of His Books
033317: McLean, T. C. - Dream Tracks; the Railroad and the American Indian, 1890-1930
031839: McLeish, Kenneth - The Theatre of Aristophanes
023856: McLeish, Kenneth - The Theatre of Aristophanes
037156: McLennan, John Ferguson - Studies in Ancient History Comprising a Reprint of Primitive Marriage; an Inquiry Into the Original of the Form of Capture in Marraige Ceremonies
036485: McLennan, John F. - Primitive Marriage; an Inquiry Into the Origin of the Form of Capture in Marriage Ceremonies
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