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Griffin Books 283 June Road, CT 06903, Stamford, Connecticut, USA. Tel.: +1 203 353 9193 Email: dagreif@yahoo.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
104043: GILMAN, STEPHEN - The Art of la Celestina
98095: GILMAN, STEPHEN; PEARCE, ROY HARVEY [FOREWORD] - The Novel According to Cervantes
116181: GILMOUR, PAT - Ken Tyler: Master Printer, and the American Printmaking Renaissance
90444: GILMOUR, JANE - Colette's France: Her Lives, Her Loves
102901: ARTHUR LYDIARD; GARTH GILMOUR - Running: The Lydiard Way
108030: GILPIN, LAURA - Temples in Yucatan : A Camera Chronicle of Chichen Itza
80883: GILSON, ETIENNE. - Painting and Reality: The A.W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts 1955, National Gallery of Art, Washington. (Bollingen Series XXXV 4)
119188: CARMEN GIMENEZ (EDITED BY) - Picasso Black and White
120865: GINGER, ANDREW - Cecil Beaton at Home: An Interior Life
101576: GINNEKEN, JAAP VAN - Crowds, Psychology, and Politics, 1871–1899 (Cambridge Studies in the History of Psychology)
96586: GINSBERG, ALLEN - The Visions of the Great Rememberer (Haystack Book)
27313: LOUIS GINSBERG (WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY ALLEN GINSBERG) - Morning in Spring: And Other Poems. By Ginsberg, Louis,
120256: GINSBURG, YITZCHAK - The Alef-Beit: Jewish Thought Revealed Through the Hebrew Letters
119315: GINSBURG, YITZCHAK - The Alef-Beit: Jewish Thought Revealed Through the Hebrew Letters
80531: GINZBERG, ELI - Human Economy
108153: GIOIA, TED - The Imperfect Art: Reflections on Jazz and Modern Culture
118472: GIOVANNI, NIKKI - Those Who Ride the Night Winds
117107: GIOVANNI, NIKKI - Make Me Rain: Poems & Prose
50631: GIOVANNI, NIKKI - Bicycles: Love Poems
109817: THERLEE GIPSON - Jfk Last Day in Dallas
122141: BORGNES GIRAMONTI, LISA - Novel Interiors: Living in Enchanted Rooms Inspired by Literature
119626: GIRARD, RENé - Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World
104593: GIRARD, XAVIER - French Riviera (Icons)
121527: GIRARDET, HERBERT - Creating Regenerative Cities
66291: GIRLING, CYNTHIA L.; HELPHAND, KENNETH I. - Yard, Street, Park: The Design of Suburban Open Space
116731: GUERRILLA GIRLS - Bitches, Bimbos, and Ballbreakers: The Guerrilla Girls' Illustrated Guide to Female Stereotypes
116725: GUERRILLA GIRLS - The Guerrilla Girls' Bedside Companion to the History of Western Art
119502: GIULIANI,MAURO - Complete Works for Guitar & Orchestra
76768: GIULIANI, JOHN B - The Crow Series: [Icons]
116170: GRILLOT DE GIVRY, EOEMILE ANGELO - Witchcraft, Magic & Alchemy,
91541: GLADSTONE, JACK - Tappin the Earths Backbone
119872: GLADSTONE, BILL - North U Trim Book: North U Racing Trim
117321: GLANNON, JOSEPH W. - The Glannon Guide to CIVIL Procedure: Learning CIVIL Procedure Through Multiple-Choice Questiions and Analysis, Third Edition
97037: GLASER, MILTON - The Milton Glaser Poster Book
112138: GLASS, PHILIP - Words without Music: A Memoir
105360: PAUL BECKER; GLASS, ROBERT; JOHN FULLER [SERIES EDITOR] - Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering
122092: GLASS, CHRISTOPHER - At Home in Maine: Houses Designed to Fit the Land
106047: GLASSE, HANNAH - The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy
114093: GLASSERMAN, PAUL - Monte Carlo Methods in Financial Engineering (Stochastic Modelling and Applied Probability, 53)
33818: ANDREW S. GLASSNER - Andrew Glassner's Notebook: Recreational Computer Graphics (the Morgan Kaufma...
116515: GLEASON, HENRY A.; CRONQUIST, ARTHUR - Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada
115186: GLEESON, DAVID (FOREWORD) - Alison Lambert - Face to Face
120838: GLEISER, MARCELO - The Island of Knowledge: The Limits of Science and the Search for Meaning
103536: GLEITZMAN, MORRIS - Toad Rage
108574: GLEN, HEATHER - Charlotte Bront: The Imagination in History
100446: GLICK, THOMAS F. - From Muslim Fortress to Christian Castle: Social and Cultural Change in Medieval Spain
101578: GLICK, BRIAN; ABBE SMITH [ILLUSTRATOR] - War at Home: Covert Action Against U.S. Activists and What We Can Do About It (South End Press Pamphlet Series)
40372: KENNETH GLOAG - Tippett: A Child of Our Time (Cambridge Music Handbooks) [Paperback]
115308: GLOTZER, LEONARD R. - The Fundamentals of Jewish Mysticism: The Book of Creation and Its Commentaries
SKU-026067: MARK GLOUBERMAN - The Origins and Implications of Kant's Critical Philosophy: Nc = Pk (Studies...
122382: GLOVER, SAVION - Savion!: My Life in Tap
115372: GLUCK, BOB - You'LL Know When You Get There: Herbie Hancock and the Mwandishi Band
119072: C.W. VON GLUCK - Paride Ed Elena
114214: GLUCKMAN, DALE CAROLYN - Kimono As Art
119529: GLUCKMAN, DALE CAROLYN - Kimono As Art
117160: GOBEL, DAVID [EDITOR] - Classicist No. 13: The American South
105356: GOCKELER, M. - Differential Geometry, Gauge Theories, and Gravity (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics)
117723: SETH GODIN - Footprints on the Moon: What Changemakers Know
104403: GOEHR, LYDIA [EDITOR]; HERWITZ, DANIEL [EDITOR]; - The Don Giovanni Moment: Essays on the Legacy of an Opera (Columbia Themes in Philosophy, Social Criticism, and the Arts)
104406: GOEHRING, EDMUND J. - Three Modes of Perception in Mozart: The Philosophical, Pastoral, and Comic in Cos Fan Tutte (Cambridge Studies in Opera)
121871: JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE - Faust. From the German by John Auster. Illustrated by Harry Clarke. 1925. Cloth with Dustjacket. Signed by Harry Clarke. Limited Edition.
122083: GOETHE, JOHANN WOLFGANG VON - Goethe's Botanical Writings
118386: GOETZMANN, WILLIAM N. [EDITOR]; ROUWENHORST, K. GEERT [EDITOR]; - The Origins of Value: The Financial Innovations That Created Modern Capital Markets
110248: GOFF, LEE - Stone Houses: Colonial to Contemporary
118424: LE GOFF, JACQUES - The Birth of Purgatory
119252: LE GOFF, JACQUES - The Birth of Europe
63052: TONY WHELAN; JOHN GOFF - Injection Molding of Engineering Thermoplastics (Pocket Guides to Plastics)
106779: GOFF, LEE - Tudor Style: Tudor Revival Houses in America from 1890 to the Present
112081: GOFFSTEIN, M. B - The First Books
113336: LA OREJA DE VAN GOGH - En Vivo - Lo Que Te Conte Mientras Te Hacias la Dormida Cd + Dvd
117483: ROSI GOLAN - Lead Balloon
121051: GOLDBERGER, PAUL - Frank Stella: Painting Into Architecture
118775: GOLDBERGER, PAUL - Building Art: The Life and Work of Frank Gehry
102667: GOLDBLATT, HOWARD - Writers and Artists in the People's Republic of China: Congress Proceedings: 4th: Congress Proceedings
103508: GOLDBLATT, HOWARD - Worlds Apart: Recent Chinese Writing and Its Audiences: Recent Chinese Writing and Its Audiences (Studies on Contemporary China)
88702: GOLDEN, BRUCE L. [EDITOR]; RAGHAVAN, S. [EDITOR]; WASIL, EDWARD A. [EDITOR]; - The Vehicle Routing Problem: Latest Advances and New Challenges: Latest Advances and New Challenges (Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series)
120908: TURINA; GOLDEN, RUTH - Turina: Rapsodia Sinfonico and la Oracion Del Torero/Rodrigo: Cuatro Madrigales Amatorios/Tres Viejos Aires de Danza
59642: GOLDER, FRANK ALFRED - The March of the Mormon Batallion from Council Bluffs to California;: Taken from the Journal of Henry Standage,
102990: GOLDFIELD, DAVID; ARGERSINGER, JO ANN E.; ARGERSINGER, PETER H.; ANDERSON, VIRGINIA DEJOHN; ABBOTT, CARL - The American Journey: A History of the United States, Volume 1 with New Myhistorylab with Etext -- Access Card Package (7th Edition)
84275: GOLDIE, MARK - The Reception of Locke's Politics Vol 2: Patriarchalism, the Social Contract and CIVIC Virture 1705- 1760
119749: GOLDMAN, JUSTIN; VALLEY, MIKE - The Power Within II: Continuing the Path to Elite Goaltending
108580: GOLDMAN, WILLIAM - Marathon Man
116831: GOLDMAN, EMMA - Living My Life, Vol. 1
119748: GOLDMAN, JUSTIN; VALLEY, MIKE - Embracing the Grind
96332: GOLDNER, NANCY - Balanchine Variations
122266: GOLDRING, ELIZABETH - Nicholas Hilliard: Life of an Artist (the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art)
54064: GOLDSMITH, OLIVER (1730?-1774) RACKHAM, ARTHUR (ILLUSTRATOR) - The Vicar of Wakefield / Oliver Goldsmith ; Illustrated by Arthur Rackham
119391: JERRY GOLDSMITH [COMPOSER]; GOLDSMITH, JERRY [COMPOSER]; - The Mummy: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
113194: GOLDSMITH, DOLF L. - The Grand Old Lady of No Man's Land: The Vickers Machinegun
115732: GOLDSMITH, JAMES - The Trap
87498: RONALD E. GOLDSTEIN - Esthetics in Dentistry, Volume 2: Esthetic Problems of Individual Teeth, Missing Teeth, Malocclusion, Special Populations (Book with Cd-Rom)
90453: GOLDSTEIN, CARL - Teaching Art: Academies and Schools from Vasari to Albers
51681: GOLDSTEIN, FRANZ. - Monogram Lexikon. Internationales Verzeichnis Der Monogramme Bildender KNstler Seit 1850.
85019: GOLDSTEIN, RONALD E. - Esthetics in Dentistry: Principles, Communications, Treatment Methods
120107: GOLDSTEIN, JUDITH S. - Inventing Great Neck: Jewish Identity and the American Dream
110104: GOLDSTEIN, ROBIN S. [EDITOR] - Mechanisms of Injury in Renal Disease and Toxicity
100956: GOLDSTEIN, SID; FRANZ-MOORE, PAUL [PHOTOGRAPHER]; ASH, JOHN [FOREWORD]; - The Wine Lover's Cookbook: Great Recipes for the Perfect Glass of Wine
96769: GOLDSTONE, LAWRENCE - Inherently Unequal: The Betrayal of Equal Rights by the Supreme Court, 1865-1903
95717: GOLDSWORTHY, ADRIAN - Caesar: Life of a Colossus
98242: GOLDSWORTHY, ANDY - Midsummer Snowballs
121333: GOLDSWORTHY, ADRIAN - How Rome Fell: Death of a Superpower
122473: GOLDSWORTHY, ANDY - Passage
109881: GOLENBOCK, PETER - Bums: An Oral History of the Brooklyn Dodgers
113617: GOLGBERG - Mourning in Halachah
122296: GOMEZ, EDMUND TERENCE - Political Business: Corporate Involvement of Malaysian Political Parties
25668: CAROLINE GONDA - Reading Daughters' Fictions 1709-1834: Novels and Society from Manley to Edge...
73227: GONZALES,BABS [PERFORMER] - Babs Gonzales 1947-1949
121664: GOOD, MICHAEL - The Search for Major Plagge: The Nazi Who Saved Jews, Expanded Edition
115800: GOODDEN, ANGELICA - Madame de StaL: The Dangerous Exile
111059: GOODERSON, DR IAN - Air Power at the Battlefront: Allied Close Air Support in Europe 1943-45 (Studies in Air Power)
109249: GOODHUE, BERTRAM GROSVENOR - A Book of Architectural and Decorative Drawings
108218: GOODING, MEL [EDITOR] - Maggi Hambling: An Eye Through a Decade 1981-1991
73250: BENNY GOODMAN & HIS ORCHESTRA [PERFORMER] - Benny Goodman 1940-1941
122403: GOODMAN, WENDY - The World of Gloria Vanderbilt
117970: GOODMAN, SUSAN TUMARKIN - Chagall: Love, War, and Exile
111828: GOODMAN, BENNY - 1941 Vol 2
115711: W.L. GOODMAN - History of Woodworking Tools
114374: JONATHAN GOODMAN (INTRO) - Lance Letscher / Someone's Life Collages, 2001-2002
71039: BENNY GOODMAN - Classic Columbia and Okeh Benny Goodman Orchestra Sessions (1939-1958)
105666: GOODMAN, PAUL - Speaking and Language: Defence of Poetry
71685: GOODMAN, BENNY - The Complete 1947-1949 Small Group Sessions, Vol. 1: 1947
106343: GOODMAN, BENNY - Yale Recordings 5
78186: GOODMAN, BENNY - Alternative Takes 3: 1938-39
121883: GOODS, CALEB - Greening Auto Jobs: A Critical Analysis of the Green Job Solution
52282: GOODSPEED, CHARLES E. - Nathaniel Hawthorne and the Museum of the Salem East India Marine Society or the Gathering of a Virtuoso's Collection
108303: GOODWIN, NEVA; HARRIS, JONATHAN M.; NELSON, JULIE A.; ROACH, BRIAN; TORRAS, MARIANO - Macroeconomics in Context, 2nd Edition
116211: GOODWIN, DORIS KEARNS; HERRMANN, EDWARD [READER] - The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism
122030: GOOR, M.E. LULIUS VAN. - A Short Guide to the Ruined Temples in the Prambanan Plain, the DiNg Plateau, and Gedong Sanga
84053: NADINE GORDIMER - Face to Face
65307: GORDIMER, NADINE - None to Accompany Me
98062: GORDIN, MICHAEL D. - A Well-Ordered Thing: Dmitrii Mendeleev and the Shadow of the Periodic Table
108373: MARK AITKEN GORDON - Descendants of David Gordon and Margaret Ker a Partial Genealogy of a Connecticut Immigrant Family
106637: GORDON, NATHAN J.; FLEISHER, WILLIAM L. - Effective Interviewing and Interrogation Techniques
108145: GORDON, CYRUS H. - A Scholar's Odyssey (Biblical Scholarship in North America)
118135: GORDON, ANDREW - A Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present
113242: GORDON, DENNIS [EDITOR]; OTOUPALIK, HAYES [EDITOR]; - Quartered in Hell: The Story of the American North Russia Expeditionary Force 1918-1919
117058: STEWART-GORDON, FAITH; NAZELTON, NIKA - The Russian Tea Room Cookbook
25336: WILLIAM REED GORDON - The Story of the Buffalo, Lockport, and Rochester Railway 1908-1919; the Roch...
121500: GORDON, MEL - Erik Jan Hanussen: Hitler's Jewish Clairvoyant
93832: JUSTIN GORDON - Holocaust Postal History
122555: TODD GORDON - Forex Trading: Using Fibonacci & Elliott Wave
120472: BOB GORDON - Basic Golf Pointers to Help You Improve Your Score
82790: MISHA GORDON - Crowd
108264: GORDON, RUTH - Ruth Gordon: An Open Book
100144: GOREY, EDWARD - The Loathsome Couple
100145: GOREY, EDWARD - Amphigorey
110900: GOREY, EDWARD - The Betrayed Confidence: Seven Series of Dogear Wryde Postcards
121307: GOREY, EDWARD - Les Passementeries Horribles
110372: GOREY, EDWARD - Unstrung Harp; or, Mr. Earbrass Writes a Novel
111054: GOREY, EDWARD - The Black Doll: A Silent Film by Edward Gorey
94673: GOREY, EDWARD - The Black Doll: A Silent Film by Edward Gorey
121311: GOREY, EDWARD - Dracula: A Toy Theatre : The Sets and Costumes of the Broadway Production of the Play
121312: GOREY, EDWARD - The Disrespectful Summons
121313: EDWARD GOREY ( MRS REGERA DOWDY) - The Pious Infant. A Volume in the Catafalque Works.
106233: GOREY, EDWARD - Rare Edward Gorey / the Wuggly Ump First Edition 1963
121309: GOREY, EDWARD - Dancing Cats and Neglected Murderesses
121450: [GOREY, EDWARD] MANLEY, SEON; LEWIS, GOGO - Ladies of Fantasy: Two Centuries of Sinister Stories by the Gentle Sex
105739: GOREY, EDWARD - L'Heure Bleue
121306: GOREY, EDWARD - The Evil Garden
121308: EDWARD GOREY - The Dwindling Party (a Pop-Up Book from Random House)
24585: EDWARD GOREY - Cat E Gory by Gorey, Edward
109325: GOREY, EDWARD - Le Melange Funeste
121305: GOREY, EDWARD - The Water Flowers
106237: GOREY, EDWARD - The Bue Aspic/Der Traurige Zwolfpfunder
81779: GORGES, RAYMOND - Sir Ferdinando Gorges and His Connection with the Essex Rebellion
90817: GORMAN, GREG; KNUDSON, GREG - Greg Gorman: Just between Us
97769: O'GORMAN, NED - The Storefront
117386: R. C. GORMAN - The Radiance of My People (Native American Navajo Artist)
106899: GORME, EYDIE - Eydie in Love
110706: GORMLEY, ANTHONY; GORMLEY, ANTONY - Making an Angel
121441: GORNICK, VIVIAN - Women in Science: Then and Now
120927: GORRELL, EDGAR S - The Measure of America's World War Aeronautical Effort; ([Norwich University, Northfield, Vt. James Jackson Cabot Professorship of Air Traffic Regulation and Air Transportation] Publication)
115849: GORSE, GOLDEN; EDWARDS, LIONEL (ILLUSTRATOR) - Moorland Mousie: The Life Story of a Child's Pony.
122175: GORSKI, PHILIP - American Covenant: A History of CIVIL Religion from the Puritans to the Present
110730: GORSUCH, NEIL - A Republic, If You Can Keep It
121428: GORTEMAKER, HEIKE B. - Eva Braun: Life with Hitler
118136: GORTON, GARY B. - The Maze of Banking: History, Theory, Crisis
117152: SEMPE AND GOSCINNY - Young Nicholas (le Petit Nicolas)
105806: GOSLING, JAMES; EISNER, MARC ALLEN [CONTRIBUTOR] - Economics, Politics, and American Public Policy
106188: GOSLING, JAMES J.; EISNER, MARC ALLEN - Economics, Politics, and American Public Policy
115139: GOSLING, CECIL - Travel and Adventure in Many Lands,
82577: (GOSSAGE, JOHN). GOSSAGE, JOHN. INTRODUCTION BY JANE LIVINGSTON - Stadt Des Schwarz / Eighteen Photographs of Berlin by John Gossage - Signed Limited Edition with a Photographic Print
90125: JUDITH BURGER-GOSSART - Sadie's Winter Dream: Fishermen's Wives & Maine Sea Coast Mission Hooked Rugs, 1923-1938
102249: GOSSMAN, LIONEL - Basel in the Age of Burckhardt: A Study in Unseasonable Ideas
118716: GOTTLIEB, ROBERT - Great Expectations: The Sons and Daughters of Charles Dickens
106449: LOUIS MOREAU GOTTSCHALK - Notes of a Pianist
119466: GOTTSCHALK, L.M. - Piano Music 8
107807: SAMUEL A. GOUDSMIT - Alsos
95410: [GOUDY, FREDERIC W.]. - A Goudy Memoir: Essays by and About America€™S Great Type Designer Frederick W. Goudy.
58724: MELISSA GOULD, ELLEN ROTHENBERG, NANCY SPERO, ART SPIEGELMAN - Impossible Evidence: Contemporary Artists View the Holocaust : Melissa Gould, Ellen Rothenberg, Nancy Spero, Art Spiegelman : Freedman Gallery,... Pennsylvania, November 4-December 18, 1994
120420: GOULD, ROY R. - Universe in Creation: A New Understanding of the Big Bang and the Emergence of Life
118915: GLENN GOULD - Glenn Gould Edition - Bach: Partitas, Preludes & Fugues
120507: GOULD, JONATHAN W.; MARTINDALE, DAVID A. - The Art and Science of Child Custody Evaluations
95310: BARING-GOULD, SABINE - Iceland: Its Scenes and Sagas
113303: CAROLINE GOURLAY - Through the Cafe Door
108134: ALAN GOVENAR AND MARY NILES MAACK - Anne Morgan: Photography, Philanthropy & Advocacy (English and French Edition)
98590: GOW, IAN - Scottish Houses and Gardens: From the Archives of Country Life
102248: EMMET GOWIN - Hidden Likeness
74474: EMMET GOWIN - Petra (Photography Portfolio)
116834: GOWING, LAWRENCE - Paul CeZanne: The Basel Sketchbooks
119232: GOZLAN, OREN - Transsexuality and the Art of Transitioning: A Lacanian Approach
108665: GRACIA, JORGE J.E. [EDITOR]; DE GREIFF, PABLO [EDITOR]; - Hispanics/Latinos in the United States: Ethnicity, Race, and Rights
120305: GRADE, CHAIM - The Sacred and the Profane
121581: PROFESSIONAL COIN GRADI - Official Guide to Coin Grading and Counterfeit Detection
113403: MITCHELL GRAFTON - Grafton Pottery and Tall Tales
104359: GRAFTON, ANTHONY - Worlds Made by Words: Scholarship and Community in the Modern West
115716: GRAGG, LARRY D. - The Salem Witch Crisis
117786: EVAN GRAHAM - Smartwork for Retreivers (Volume One, Basics and Transition)
70993: GRAHAM, BENJAMIN - The Intelligent Investor: A Book of Practical Counsel
72244: JAMIE MAXTONE GRAHAM - Fishing Tackle of Yesterday - a Collector's Guide
107597: ANDREW GRAHAM - Being Seen Celebrating the Male Nude in Art
110425: GRAHAM, LOREN R - Science and Philosophy in the Soviet Union
121989: GREENER GRAHAM - The Greener Story: The History of the Greener Gunmakers and Their Guns
120059: GRAHAM, THOMAS - Mr. Flagler’S St. Augustine
121924: BENJAMIN GRAHAM - The Intelligent Investor
62791: GRAHAM, JACK; TODD, RAYMOND [NARRATOR] - Are You Fit for Life?
61483: GRAHAM, FLORENCE POND - Jersey City: As I Remember It
103956: GRAHAM, BENJAMIN; DODD, DAVID L.; JR., CHARLES TATHAM [COLLABORATOR] - Security Analysis: Principles and Technique, 3rd Edition
107120: GRAHAM, BENJAMIN - Security Analysis: Principles and Technique
64851: GRAHAM, SARAH - Sarah Graham Works on Paper
72248: BENJAMIN GRAHAM - The Intelligent Investor: A Book of Practical Council
117785: EVAN GRAHAM - Smartwork II Secrets of the Pros
93704: GRAHAM, BENJAMIN - Security Analysis: Principles and Technique, 2nd Edition
101829: GRAHAME, KENNETH; MOORE, INGA [ILLUSTRATOR] - The Wind in the Willows Boxed Set
31169: KENNETH GRAHAME - The Wind in the Willows by Grahame, Kenneth
121880: GRAHAME, KENNETH - The Wind in the Willows - Illustrated by Arthur Rackham
119483: GRAINGER,PERCY - Piano Music (Complete)
111564: GRALL, VANESSA - Don't Be a Tourist in Paris: The Messy Nessy Chic Guide
20494: HARDIE GRAMATKY - Little Toot by Gramatky, Hardie
88313: GRAMATKY, HARDIE - Little Toot Through the Golden Gate
121908: GRAMM, JEFF - Dear Chairman: Boardroom Battles and the Rise of Shareholder Activism
103981: GORDON GRAND - Mr. Nip and Mr. Tuck: A Christmas Story
110439: GRAND, GORDON; ILLUS [ILLUSTRATOR] - The Silver Horn
100665: GRANDVILLE, JEAN IGNACE ISIDORE - Grandville's Animals
117215: GRANFIELD, LINDA; DAHLINGER, FRED - The Circus. 1870s–1950s (Bibliotheca Universalis) (Multilingual Edition)
121409: HENRY-LOUIS DE LA GRANGE - Gustav Mahler: V. 1
113370: JAMES J. GRANT - Single-Shot Rifles Finale
120715: GRANT, JAMES - The Trouble with Prosperity: The Loss of Fear, the Rise of Speculation, and the Risk to American Savings
98849: ULYSSES S. GRANT - Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant (2 Volumes)
84898: GRANT, GREGOR - Ajs: The History of a Great Motorcycle
122452: GRANT, JAMES J - Single-Shot Rifles
89077: JOHN GRANT - Brothers in Arms
94812: ANDREJS GRANTS - Andrejs Grants, Fotografijas
121434: GLOBAL GRAPHICS - Quick Access Napa-Sonoma Wine Country Map and Guide
72283: GRAPPELLI, STEPHANE - I Hear Music by Grappelli, Stephane (2000-11-08)
108204: GUNTER GRASS - The Flounder (3 Vols. )
85582: GRAVES, ROBERT - Good-Bye to All That: An Autobiography
103492: ROBERT GRAVES - Goodbye to All That: An Autobiography
105144: MICHAEL GRAVES - Walt Disney World Dolphin Hotel, Walt Disney World Swan Hotel, Lake Buena Vista Florida
105330: GRAY, JOHN - False Dawn: The Delusions of Global Capitalism
118220: GRAY, LENDON - Lessons with Lendon: 25 Progressive Dressage Lessons Take You from Basic Whoa and Go to Your First Competition
107544: HUTTON; GRAY - Afterglow/Warm Brandy
101496: GRAY, EDWARD G. [EDITOR]; FIERING, NORMAN [EDITOR]; - The Language Encounter in the Americas, 1492-1800 (European Expansion & Global Interaction, 1)
27215: LUKE GRAY - Musee Picasso [Paperback] by Luke Gray
23585: LUKE GRAY - Recent Observations [Paperback] by Luke Gray
98042: GRAY, PATTY A. - The Predicament of Chukotka's Indigenous Movement: Post-Soviet Activism in the Russian Far North
97937: GRAY, DAVID - Draw the Line (Deluxe Edition)
107447: THEODORE GRAY - Molecules: The Elements and the Architecture of Everything
106192: DE GRAZIA, VICTORIA - Irresistible Empire: America's Advance Through Twentieth-Century Europe
41962: JOHN GRECO - Putting Skeptics in Their Place: The Nature of Skeptical Arguments and Their...
24372: SEVEN YEARS RESIDENT IN GREECE (FELICIA SKENE) - Wayfaring Sketches Among the Greeks and Turks and on the Shores of the Danube
114600: GREECE, PRINCE MICHAEL OF - Jewels of the Tsars: The Romanovs and Imperial Russia
113639: GREEN, HOWARD E. - Tarzan Chronicles (Welcome Book)
102723: GREEN, RICHARD T; JAMES, DAVID M. - Rail Transit Station Area Development: : Small Area Modeling in Washington Dc
112828: GRANT GREEN - Feelin' the Spirit
121448: GREEN, MICHAEL - Unicornis: On the History and Truth of the Unicorn
92958: GREEN, JAMES M - Bicycle Accident Reconstruction for the Forensic Engineer
20591: RICHARD GREEN - Mary Fedden (Richard Green at Three London Galleries) [Paperback]
105434: GREENAWAY, KATE - Almanack for 1927
107960: GREENBERG, STANLEY; GARVER, THOMAS [INTRODUCTION] - Invisible New York: The Hidden Infrastructure of the City (Creating the North American Landscape)
108697: GAIL GREENBERG - Conventions the Key to Better Bidding
102142: GREENBERG, MARC L - A Historical Phonology of the Slovene Language (Historical Phonology of the Slavic Languages)
108696: GAIL GREENBERG - Two over One & Forcing No Trump
59218: GREENBERG, BRUCE C. - Greenberg's Guide to Lionel Trains 1945-1969: Behind the Scenes, Vol. 2
121945: CARA GREENBERG - Mid-Century Modern: Furniture of the 1950's
114648: GREENBERG, BRUCE C. [EDITOR] - Greenberg's American Flyer Catalogues: 1946-1955
100073: HANK GREENBERG - The Story of My Life Easton Press
120924: GREENBERG, CARA - Mid-Century Modern: Furniture of the 1950s
116063: HUDSON TALBOTT; MARK GREENBERG - Amazon Diary: The Jungle Adventures of Alex Winters
111505: GREENBERG, DAVID F. - The Construction of Homosexuality
112623: GREENBURGER, FRANCIS J. - Risk Game: Self Portrait of an Entrepreneur
99564: GRAHAM GREENE - Monsignor Quixote
104488: DANIEL GREENE - Daniel Greene: Oil Portrait: Erin
108389: GREENE, SAMUEL A.; ROBERTSON, GRAEME B. - Putin V. The People: The Perilous Politics of a Divided Russia
101952: GREENE, NELSON - The Old Mohawk Turnpike Book
118654: GREENE, VIVIEN [EDITOR]; ADAMSON, WALTER [CONTRIBUTOR]; BRAUN, EMILY [CONTRIBUTOR]; BARISIONE, SILVIA [CONTRIBUTOR]; GENTILE, EMILIO [CONTRIBUTOR]; - Italian Futurism, 1909-1944: Reconstructing the Universe (Guggenheim Museum, New York: Exhibition Catalogues)
54604: GREENE, THURSTON; FLEXNER, STUART B. [EDITOR]; ARNOLD, DOUGLAS M. [EDITOR]; COLLIER, CHRISTOPHER [EDITOR]; EGAN, DOMINICK [EDITOR]; - The Language of the Constitution: A Sourcebook and Guide to the Ideas, Terms, and Vocabulary Used by the Framers of the United States Constitution
116714: ROBERT GREENE - The 48 Laws of Power
117982: GREENE, GRAHAM - Ways of Escape
85622: GRAHAM GREENE - Doctor Fischer of Geneva or the Bomb Party
83771: GREENE, RICHARD LEIGHTON. - Digressions and Indiscretions
87876: GREENER, WILLIAM WELLINGTON - Modern Breech-Loaders, Sporting and Military
119601: GREENFELD, LIAH - Nationalism: Five Roads to Modernity
111779: GREENFIELD, JOSEPH C. - A Quail Hunter's Odyssey
66349: GREENHILL, PETER - Heraldic Miniature Knights
119245: GREENSPAHN, FREDERICK E. - When Brothers Dwell Together: The Preeminence of Younger Siblings in the Hebrew Bible
109027: GREENSPAN, DORIE - Chocolate Desserts by Pierre Herme
114040: GREENWALD, RICKY - Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (Emdr) in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy
69104: JUNIOR LEAGUE OF GREENWICH - The Great Estates: Greenwich, Connecticut, 1880-1930
121917: JUNIOR LEAGUE OF GREENWICH - The Great Estates: Greenwich, Connecticut, 1880-1930
120398: THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF GREENWICH - The Great Estates: Greenwich, Connecticut, 1880-1930
94380: DAVID GREER WILLIAM GREER - A Trip Through the Composing Room
73772: GREER, RA - Theodore of Mopsuestia
101477: GREGOR, A. JAMES - A Place in the Sun: Marxism and Fascism in China's Long Revolution
122085: GREGORY, DANIEL P. - Cliff May and the Modern Ranch House
110442: GREGORY, ALEXIS - In the Spirit of Venice (Icons)
99745: GREITENS, SHEENA CHESTNUT - Dictators and Their Secret Police: Coercive Institutions and State Violence (Cambridge Studies in Contentious Politics)
121267: GRENFELL, DIANA; SHADRACK, MICHAEL - The New Encyclopedia of Hostas
30760: GRETA, CORNELL - The Ossining Story. Also Includes a Primer of Ossining History. [Paperback]
85062: GRETZKY, WAYNE; REILLY, RICK - Gretzky: An Autobiography
117909: HARRY GREY - Hoods
67318: GREY, ZANE - Tales of Fishing Virgin Seas with 100 Illustrations from Photographs Taken by the Author and Others. Drawings by Lillian Wilhelm Smith.
118571: GREY, ALEX - The Mission of Art
112855: GREY, HARRY - The Hoods
120177: GRIEG, E. - Complete Music from String Quartet
120178: GRIEG, E. - Grieg: Piano Concerto in a Minor, Op. 16 (Original Version); Larvikspolka (1858); 23 Small Piano Pieces (1859)
92214: GRIES, DAVID - The Science of Programming (Monographs in Computer Science)
112106: HAP GRIESHABER - Der Grosse Garten
90960: GRIFFIN, DUSTIN - Satire: A Critical Reintroduction
57717: KNIGHT OF GLIN; GRIFFIN, D. - Vanishing Country Houses of Ireland
108324: GRIFFIN, LEONARD - Clarice Cliff: The Art of Bizarre : A Definitive Centenary Celebration
105515: GRIFFIN, KEITH [EDITOR] - Institutional Reform and Economic Development in the Chinese Countryside
95128: GRIFFIN, J. A. A. MAJ. GEN - The History of the Tenth Foot 1919-1950
120532: GRIFFIN, G. EDWARD - The Creature from Jekyll Island : A Second Look at the Federal Reserve
114331: GRIFFITH, NANCI - Nanci Griffith - Winter Marquee
114322: GRIFFITH, NANCI - There's a Light Beyond These Woods
121490: GRIFFITHS, SALLY - English Country Cottage: Interiors, Details & Gardens
115757: MUSSORGSKY; STRAVINSKY; VIERU; GRIGORE - Pictures at Exhibition / Rite of Spring
94825: LESLIE B. GRIGSBY - The Longridge Collection of English Slipware and Delftware (2 Volumes)
82763: GRIHAULT, ALAN - Dodo: The Bird Behind the Legend
84179: GRIM - Grimm's Marchen
107616: GRIMAL, PIERRE - Churches of Rome
101139: GRIMAL, PIERRE - The Dictionary of Classical Mythology (Blackwell Reference) (English, French and French Edition)
113932: GRIMALDI, DAVID; ENGEL, MICHAEL S. - Evolution of the Insects (Cambridge Evolution Series)
96936: SALOMÓN GRIMBERG - Pedro Diego Alvarado
101272: GRIMES, MARTHA - The Man with a Load of Mischief
117229: JACOB GRIMM; WILHELM GRIMM - Grimms' Other Tales. A New Selection by Wilhelm Hansen: Translated & Edited by Ruth Michaelis-Jena and Arthur Ratcliff: Illustrated with Ten Wood-Engravings by Gwenda Morgan.
109930: GRIMM, BROTHERS - Grimm's Fairy Tales
113677: GRINDER, JOHN; BANDLER, RICHARD - Trance-Formations: Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Structure of Hypnosis
117410: JEANNERET-GRIS, CHARLES-EDOUARD - Le Corbusier Sketchbooks, Vol. 1, 1914-1948
119752: GRISSLER, JEFF - Marijuana Business: How to Open and Successfully Run a Marijuana Dispensary and Grow Facility
118109: GROARKE, VONA - Hereafter: The Telling Life of Ellen o'Hara (the Glucksman Irish Diaspora Series)
118510: GRODDECK, GEORG WALTHER - The World of Man
80284: GRODNER, M. [EDITOR] - Concepts in String Playing: Reflections by Artist-Teachers at the Indiana University School of Music
110162: WINSTON GROOM - Forrest Gump
111013: GROOM ET. ALL - Impressionism, Fashion & Modernity
84375: THEOCRITUS. GROSS, ANTHONY, ILLUS. - Sixe Idyllia Chosen out of the Sicilian Poet Theocritus and Translated Into English Verse.
117901: GROSS, MICHAEL - House of Outrageous Fortune: Fifteen Central Park West, the World's Most Powerful Address
87654: GROSS, CHAIM (ARTIST); CHANIN, A. L. (INTRODUCTION); ATKIN, SAMUEL, M.D. (ANALYTICAL ESSAY) - Chaim Gross: Fantasy Drawings (with a Full Page Drawing, Signed)
118175: GROSS, PROFESSOR PAUL R.; LEVITT, PROFESSOR NORMAN - Higher Superstition: The Academic Left and Its Quarrels with Science
110583: GROSS, LORI ETTLINGER; BEHL, DAVID [PHOTOGRAPHER] - Brooches: Timeless Adornment
66972: GROSS, ALLAN G. [EDITOR]; KEITH, WILLIAM M. [EDITOR]; - Rhetorical Hermeneutics: Invention and Interpretation in the Age of Science (S U N y Series in Speech Communication)
120409: GROSS, MILT - Nize Baby
107430: GROSSBLATT, BEN - Gotcha Gadgets
101869: GROSSER, MORTON - Diesel, the Man & the Engine
99997: GROSSMAN, BILL; WINT, FLORENCE [ILLUSTRATOR] - Cowboy Ed (a Laura Geringer Book)
25837: GEORGE GROSZ - Ecce Homo [Hardcover] by Grosz, George; Illus. By the Author
110686: MARGAET MITCHELL; JOHN GROTH (ILLUS) - Gone with the Wind (in Two Volumes)
38700: BRIEFINGS PUBLISHING GROUP - For Managers... Creating a Positive Workplace: Good Attitudes Are Contagious .
91244: GROUT, DONALD JAY; PALISCA, CLAUDE V. [EDITOR] - Norton Recorded Anthology of Western Music
105041: BAMBUDDHA GROVE - Vol. 6-Bambuddha Grove
100593: GROVE, VALERIE - Dear Dodie : The Life of Dodie Smith
111081: GROVE, ELLIOT - 130 Projects to Get You Into Filmmaking (Aspire Series)
79463: GROVE, BOB - Sports and Entertainment Frequencies
119732: GROVER, RALPH SCOTT - The Music of Edmund Rubbra
103621: PATRICIA GROVES AND JAAP CROESE - Strongholds of Heritage: Forts and Castles of Oman
55149: GRUELLE, JOHNNY - All About Cinderella (the All About Series)
82583: BOB GRUEN - Rockers
110447: BONNIE URQUHART GRUENBERG - Hoofprints in the Sand: Wild Horses of the Atlantic Coast
122067: M. GRUMBACHER - Grumbacher Color Compass an Illustrated Guide for Color Mixing and Selecti on, Color Theory and Harmony
104150: GRUNDBERG, ANDY - Mike and Doug Starn
86806: GRUNEWALD, MATTHIAS - Matthias Grunewald (Art & Design S. )
43261: FAWAZ GRUOSI - The Black Diamond [Hardcover] by Fawaz Gruosi
102403: GU, MING DONG - Chinese Theories of Reading and Writing: A Route to Hermeneutics and Open Poetics (Suny Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture)
94982: FRAY ANDRES DE GUADALUPE - Historia de la Santa Provincia de Los Angeles de la Regular Observancia, y Orden de Nuestro Serafico Padre San Francisco...
37333: ENRIQUE GUAL - Siqueiros [Hardcover] by Gual, Enrique
97694: GUARINO, LINDSAY [EDITOR]; OLIVER, WENDY [EDITOR]; - Jazz Dance: A History of the Roots and Branches
105545: GUARNERI, CARL J.; DAVIS, JIM - Teaching American History in a Global Context
43278: ALBANO GUATTI - Fugitdigit [Hardcover] by Albano Guatti
121574: SANTOS GUERRERO, PALOMA DE LOS - Real Lcazar de Sevilla
74763: GUEST, JOHN S. - The Yezidis: A Study in Survival
87628: GUEVARA, CHE - Guerrilla Warfare
108628: GUIBERNAU, MONTSERRAT [EDITOR]; REX, JOHN [EDITOR]; - The Ethnicity Reader: Nationalism, Multiculturalism and Migration
107850: FODOR'S TRAVEL GUIDES - Fodor's Chicago (Full-Color Travel Guide)
114628: GUIDONI, ENRICO - Primitive Architecture (History of World Architecture)
115882: GUILD, GEORGE R., AND TEST, FREDERISK C. - Militia Field Manual
119363: DR. JEAN-CLAUDE GUIMBERTEAU - Muscle Attitudes
115246: LE GUIN, URSULA K; DORBAND, ROGER [PHOTOGRAPHER] - Out Here: Poems and Images from Steens Mountain Country
122507: LE GUIN, URSULA K.; SEATON, JEROME P.; LAO-TZU - Lao Tzu: Tao Te Ching
94035: GUINESS - Guiness Pub Food Recipe Manual
114934: GRATTAN-GUINNESS, I. - The Search for Mathematical Roots, 1870-1940
92999: GULIAYEV, VLADIMIR - The Fine Art of Russian Lacquered Miniatures
110307: GUMBEL, ANDREW; CHARLES, ROGER G. - Oklahoma City: What the Investigation Missed--and Why It Still Matters
104180: GUMLEY, ANDREW; SCHWANNAUER, MATTHIAS - Staying Well After Psychosis: A Cognitive Interpersonal Approach to Recovery and Relapse Prevention
81956: GUMPERT, DAVID E.; GUMPERT, DAVID E - Do-It-Yourself Public Relations: A Success Guide to Lawyers
114124: GUMPRECHT, MR. BLAKE - The Los Angeles River: Its Life, Death, and Possible Rebirth (Creating the North American Landscape)
95023: MICHELLE GUNAWARDANA - The Adventure of Arrack
115867: GUNN, MURRAY - Trading Regime Analysis: The Probability of Volatility
117735: JANICE GUNN - Janice Gunn's Step by Step Training Open & Utility
119979: JANICE GUNN - Janice Gunn's Proofing and Problem Solving
119980: JANICE GUNN - Janice Gunn's Clicked Hold & Retrieve
119981: JANICE GUNN - Janice Gunn's Relationship Building and Ring Entrance Skills
54024: GUNNELL, JOHN - Standard Catalog of American Muscle Cars 1973-2006(Standard Catalog) (V. II)
104378: GUNNING, TOM - D.W. Griffith and the Origins of American Narrative Film: The Early Years at Biograph
86789: GUPTILL, ARTHUR L. - Norman Rockwell, Illustrator. Preface by Dorothy Canfield Fisher; Biographical I
109302: GURGEVICH, PHD STEVEN - Hepatitis-Liver Support & Healing
77814: GURR, ANDREW - Playgoing in Shakespeare's London
77815: GURR, ANDREW - The Shakespeare Company, 1594-1642
104308: GUSE, ERNST-GERHARD [EDITOR] - Henri Matisse: Drawings and Sculpture
105237: GUSLER, WALLACE B. - Decorated Firearms, 1540-1870, from the Collection of Clay P. Bedford
104195: GUSTAFSON, JAMES P. - Very Brief Psychotherapy
120972: GUSTAFSON, ERIC A. - The Ringing Sound: An Introduction to the Sound Current
101784: GUSTE, ROY F. - The Secret Gardens of the Vieux Carre: The Historic French Quarter of New Orleans
113992: GUSTON, PHILIP - Philip Guston: Late Works
118331: BUDDY GUY - Can't Quit the Blues
111670: RUTLEDGE, JUDGE IRVINE H. (EDITOR) & RUTLEDGE, ARCHIBALD - Fireworks in the Peafield Corner, a Treasury of the Best of the Sage of Hampton Plantation and the First Poet Laureate of South Carolina
41737: THOMAS H. ET AL JENKINS - Bark Kathleen Sunk by a Whale As Related by the Captain : To Which Is Added A...
SKU-054367: NORTON ARTHUR H - Birds of the Bowdoin College Expedition to Labrador in 1891 by Norton, Arthur H
51932: LAWRENCE D.H. - Sun
SKU-045416: EVELETH F. H. - Burmese Pocket Dictionary Compiled from Dr. Judson's Dictionaries Burmese and...
68794: HA, FONG - Yiquan and the Nature of Energy
116597: GEIRR H. HAARR - The Battle for Norway, April-June 1940
89865: HAAS, RICHARD; DUNLOP, BETH - The City Is My Canvas
52473: KHUSHAL HABIBI - The Desert Ibex: Life History, Ecology and Behaviour of the Nubian Ibex in Saudi Arabia
105372: HACHEY, THOMAS E.; MCCAFFREY, LAWRENCE J. - The Irish Experience Since 1800: A Concise History: A Concise History
109152: HACK, GARRETT - Classic Hand Tools
108305: HACKER, JEFFREY H. - Colonial Roots: Settlement to 1783 (History Through Literature)
108307: HACKER, JEFFREY H. - The Early Republic and Rise of National Identity: 1783-1861 (History Through Literature)
108308: HACKER, JEFFREY H. - Slavery, War, and a New Birth of Freedom: 1840s-1877 (History Through Literature)
24534: JOHN WINTHROP HACKETT - The Profession of Arms (Lees Knowles Lectures on Military Science;1962) [Import]
106997: HACKETT,BOBBY DICKENSON,VIC HALL,EDMOND - Milton Jazz Concert 1963
100405: BOBBY HACKETT & ORCHESTRA - 1938-40
95104: STEWART HACKNEY - Bygone Days on the Old Course
100721: HADDON, ALFRED C.; HORNELL, JAMES - Canoes of Oceania (Special Publications - Bernice P. Bishop Museum ; 27-29)
113506: BERTA HADER; ELMER HADER - The Big Snow
100126: JANA HADKOVA - A Town Marked by Tragedy: Chapters from Terezin's History
38478: ALBERT HADLEY - Parish-Hadley: Sixty Years of American Design by Christopher Petkanas
112229: HAFELE, RICK; ROEDERER, SCOTT - An Angler's Guide to Aquatic Insects and Their Imitations for All North America
110410: HAFELE, RICK - Nymph-Fishing Rivers & Stream: A Biologist's View of Taking Trout Below the Surface
110403: FAYE O'LEARY HAFFORD - The Fall of the Forest Tales of the Last Generation
27015: UTA HAGEN - Respect for Acting [Hardcover] by Hagen, Uta; Frankel, Haskel
98462: HAGENSTEIN, EDWIN C. [EDITOR]; DONAHUE, BRIAN [EDITOR]; GREGG, SARA M. [EDITOR]; - American Georgics: Writings on Farming, Culture, and the Land (Yale Agrarian Studies Series)
116617: HAGGARD, MARIAN E. (EDT) (C - Waterfront Homes : 200 Plans for River, Lake or Sea
118050: HAGGARD, THOMAS R - The Scrivener: A Primer on Legal Writing
115170: MICK HAGGERTY - A Life : A True Story by Mick Haggerty
SKU-042576: FRIEDEMANN HAHN - Das Auge Des Seemanns: Eine Expedition in Bildern = the Eye of the Seaman : A...
105568: HAIGH, JAMES - The Dier's Assistant in the Art of Dying Wool and Woollen Goods
114437: HAINES, JEAN - Jean Haines' Atmospheric Watercolours: Painting with Freedom, Expression and Style
83761: HALBERSTAM, DAVID; DONOVAN, TATE - The Teammates: A Portrait of Friendship
121440: HALBERTAL, MOSHE - People of the Book: Canon, Meaning, and Authority
103798: HALDANE, J.B.S. - Possible Worlds
31521: PHIL HALE - Goad: The Many Moods of Phil Hale by Hale, Phil
115921: KATE FITZ GIBBON; ANDREW HALE - Ikat : Splendid Silks of Central Asia - the Guido Goldman Collection
122121: HALE, JONATHAN - The Old Way of Seeing (and How to Get It Back)
107737: HALEVI, Z'EV BEN SHIMON - The Anatomy of Fate: Kaballistic Astrology
117559: Z'EV BEN SHIMON HALEVI - The Work of the Kabbalist
107316: HALEVI, GABRIEL - Cogida
110952: HALEY, JAY - Power Tactics of Jesus Christ, and Other Essays
121892: CURRID-HALKETT, ELIZABETH - The Warhol Economy: How Fashion, Art, and Music Drive New York City
115109: HALKIN, HILLEL - Across the Sabbath River: In Search of a Lost Tribe of Israel (in Search of a Lost Tribe of Israel)
120041: HALL, MICHAEL G. - The Last American Puritan: The Life of Increase Mather, 1639–1723
108474: HALL, JAMES A. - Hall's Dictionary of Subjects and Symbols in Art
88935: HALL,EDMOND - Alternative Takes 1: 1940-44
118363: MANLY P. HALL - Secret Teachings of All Ages: An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy (Golden Anniversary Edition)
83241: PRENTICE HALL - Prentice Hall World History: Connections to Today Revised Modern Era Computer Testbank 2005c
117632: HALL, JAMES BAKER - Tobacco Harvest: An Elegy
74276: HALL, LIBBY [COMMENTARY] - Prince and Other Dogs II
26348: MICHAEL D. HALL - Great Lakes Muse: American Scene Painting in the Upper Midwest, 1910-1960: Th...
121366: HALL, MARSHALL - Combinatorial Theory (Wiley Classics Library)
89733: HALL, MICHAEL - The English Country Houses: From the Archives of Country Life, 1897-1939
103110: HALL, WADE H. [EDITOR]; WALLACH, RICK [EDITOR]; - Sacred Violence: Cormac Mccarthy's Appalachian Works
115369: HALL, STEPHEN S. - A Commotion in the Blood: Life, Death, and the Immune System (Sloan Technology Series)
89983: HARRISON-HALL, JESSICA - Ming Ceramics in the British Museum
114653: CLARK HALL, J.R.; MERRITT, HERBERT T. [CONTRIBUTOR] - A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary (Mart: The Medieval Academy Reprints for Teaching)
110157: HALL, DAVID - The Spiritual Revitalization of the Legal Profession: A Search for Sacred Rivers
120579: SHAWN D. HALLADAY, SUDHIR P. AMEMBAL - The Handbook of Equipment Leasing Volume One
120593: HALLAM, ANTHONY - An Outline of Phanerozoic Biogeography (Oxford Biogeography Series)
112312: HALLER, MARK H.; YEAGER, MATTHEW G. [EDITOR] - Illegal Enterprise: The Work of Historian Mark Haller
121797: HALLER, GILBERT - The Haller Theory of Stock Market Trends
102256: HALLER, ED. ROBERT - Fritz Lang 2000. 2000. Paper.
95494: G.F.E HOLLIS HALLETT - Butler's History of the Bermudas: A Contemporary Account of Bermuda's Earliest Government
82603: DAVID HALLIDAY - The Perfect World of David Halliday
103259: DOUGLAS SIRK; JON HALLIDAY - Sirk on Sirk; Interviews with Jon Halliday
42724: SCOTT HALLMAN - The Power of One Profitnow [Audio Cd] by Scott Hallman
105769: PAUL R. HALMOS - I Want to Be a Mathematician: An Automathography
65120: HALSEY, BRENTON S - James River Corporation: A Personal Memoir
117338: HALSMAN, JANE - Phillipe Halsman: A Retrospective
114658: HAMADY, MARY LAIRD; FOTHERGILL, JANA [ILLUSTRATOR] - Lebanese Mountain Cookery
112141: HAMANN, BRIGITTE; BANCE, ALAN [TRANSLATOR] - Winifred Wagner: A Life at the Heart of Hitler's Bayreuth
117947: BOOS-HAMBURGER, H - The Creative Power of Colour: Rudolf Steiner's Approach to Colour in Art ; with 66 Exercises Illustrated in Full Colour
122198: DE HAMEL, CHRISTOPHER - Meetings with Remarkable Manuscripts: Twelve Journeys Into the Medieval World
122132: DE HAMEL, CHRISTOPHER - The Book: A History of the Bible
104536: HAMERTON, PHILIP GILBERT - Etching & Etchers
108632: HAMESO, SEYOUM Y. - Ethnicity and Nationalism in Africa (English and Spanish Edition)
97906: HAMILTON, EDWARD - Rums of the Eastern Caribbean
59058: HAMILTON, MAURICE (EDITOR) - Autocourse -the World's Leading Grand Prix Annual 1984/85
77593: HAMILTON, ANTHONY - Memoirs of Count Grammont
94181: HAMILTON, JOHN - War at Sea, 1939-1945
108650: HAMILTON, RICHARD - Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors Even
78116: HAMILTON, ALASTAIR - An Arabian Utopia: The Western Discovery of Oman (Studies in the Arcadian Library)
110603: UNDER THE HAMMER - Under the Hammer
98971: EMANUEL F. HAMMER - Clinical Application of Projective Drawings
109137: HAMMER, LEON; KAPTCHUK, TED [FOREWORD] - Dragon Rises, Red Bird Flies: Psychology, Energy and Chinese Medicine
109966: DASHIELL HAMMETT - Dashiell Hammett: Complete Novels ( Red Harvest / the Dain Curse / the Maltese Falcon / the Glass Key / the Thin Man )
113843: HAMMETT, DASHIELL - Dashiell Hammett: Crime Stories and Other Writings (Library of America)
113851: DASHIELL HAMMETT - Dashiell Hammett: Complete Novels ( Red Harvest / the Dain Curse / the Maltese Falcon / the Glass Key / the Thin Man )
88139: HAMMOND, S. H. - Hunting Adventures in the Northern Wilds; or, a Tramp in the Chateaugay Woods, over Hills, Lakes, and Forest Streams
104248: HAMPL, PATRICIA - I Could Tell You Stories: Sojourns in the Land of Memory
85538: HAMPSHIRE, JACK - Prams, Mailcarts and Bassinets: A Definitive History of the Child's Carriage
112369: HAMPSON, THOMAS; WHITMAN, WALT - Sings the Poetry of Walt Whitman
95953: HAMPTON, LIONEL - In Vienna 2
71696: HAMPTON, LIONEL - In Vienna 1
62116: HAMPTON, MARK - Mark Hampton on Decorating
117458: HAMPTON, DUANE - Mark Hampton: An American Decorator
76237: HAMPTON, ALEXA - Alexa Hampton: The Language of Interior Design
101849: HAMPTON, LIONEL - All Star Jazz Sessions 2
100017: HAMSUN, KNUT; LYNGSTAD, SVERRE [TRANSLATOR] - Rosa (Sun & Moon Classics)
118874: GRAHAM HANCOCK - Fingerprints of the Gods: The Evidence of Earth's Lost Civilization
93718: MARKIE HANCOCK - Exclusions & Awakenings: The Life of Maxine Greene
69951: HAND, THOMAS G. - Crossing over Together
119810: HAND, LEARNED - The Spirit of Liberty;: Papers and Addresses of Learned Hand
83822: SINGLE HANDED - Single-Handed, Set 2
120352: HAYDN; TELEMANN; HUMMEL; HANDEL; & - Trumpet Classics
112379: HANDEL, G.F. - Handel: Israel in Egypt
70063: ALBERT HANDELL - Early Spring with Albert Handell - Pastel
111312: HANENKRAT, WILLIAM FRANK; FRANK T. HANENKRAT [EDITOR] - The Education of a Turkey Hunter
116488: HANFF, HELENE - Underfoot in Show Business
105830: HANFSTAENGL, ERNST - Unheard Witness
106669: HANH, THICH NHAT - Peace Is Every Breath: A Practice for Our Busy Lives
73674: RUTH HANKE - Miniature House Plants Made from Florist Tape (Patterns for 1" and 1/2" Scale)
33758: NIBLICK [CHARLES STEDMAN HANKS] - Hints to Golfers [Hardcover] by Niblick [Charles Stedman Hanks]
108704: HANNAFORD, IVAN - Race: The History of an Idea in the West
64236: BEDFORD, A. N.; HELWEG, HANS AND MEL CRAWFORD [ILLUSTRATOR] - Roy Rogers and the New Cowboy a Little Golden Book
39834: PEARCE HANSEN - Street Raised by Hansen, Pearce
36537: YVONNE M HANSEN - Think Visually!: A Handbook of Simple Techniques by Hansen, Yvonne M
112513: LULU HANSEN - Fishing for the Moon and Other Zen Stories: A Pop-Up
28837: L'ONCLE HANSI - Le Paradis Tricolore: Petites Villes Et Villages de L'Alsace Deja Deliveree U...
104815: HANSON, ALICE M. - Musical Life in Biedermeier Vienna (Cambridge Studies in Music)
118487: HANSON, DIAN [EDITOR] - History of Men's Magazines Vol. 1
107207: O'HARA, JOHN; MCGRATH, CHARLES [EDITOR] - John o'Hara: Stories (Loa #282) (Library of America John o'Hara Edition)
121994: O'HARA, JOHN - The Novellas of John o'Hara
72373: JOHN O'HARA - The Doctor's Son and Other Stories
122431: O'HARA, ELIOT - Making the Brush Behave (More About Watercolor): An Invaluable Series of Lessons for Teachers and Students of Watercolor, and for Architects
120013: O'HARA, FRANK; MCSHINE, KYNASTON - In Memory of My Feelings
103184: HARCOURT, G. C. - Capitalism, Socialism and Post-Keynesianism: Selected Essays of G.C. Harcourt (Economists of the Twentieth Century)
27010: SAMUEL HARDEN - Those I Have Met, or Boys in Blue, in Which Is Remembered Those I Have Met Al...
103918: NOVALIS; HARDENBERG, FRIEDRICH VON; DONEHOWER, BRUCE [TRANSLATOR]; DONEHOWER, BRUCE [INTRODUCTION]; - The Birth of Novalis: Friedrich Von Hardenberg's Journal of 1797, with Selected Letters and Documents (Suny Series, Intersections: Philosophy and Critical Theory)
113122: HARDER, JOHN R. - The Orvis Fly Patterns Index
112783: RUSS HARDIN - Fortune Cookies from Hell
121046: HARDING, KAT - The Lesbian Kama Sutra
119422: HARDING, ALICE - The Peony: Alice Harding's Peonies in the Little Garden & the Book of the Peony, Updated Edition
85333: HARDORFF, RICHARD G. [EDITOR]; GREENE, JEROME A. [INTRODUCTION]; - Lakota Recollections of the Custer Fight: New Sources of Indian-Military History
111294: HARDWICK, ELIZABETH - Herman Melville
117085: HARDY, ALAIN-RENE - Art Deco Textiles: The French Designers
116202: HARE, WILLIAM - L.A. Noir: Nine Dark Visions of the City of Angels
105807: HAREL, ISSER - The House on Garibaldi Street
104558: ISTVAN HARGITTAI - The Martians of Science: Five Physicists Who Changed the Twentieth Century
121076: HARGRAVE, LOUISA - The Vineyard: The Pleasures and Perils of Creating an American Family Winery
108618: HARGREAVES, M. C. - Mr. Uppity (Mr. Mens Books)
114744: HARIHARAN, P. - Basics of Holography
121329: HARING, KEITH - Keith Haring: Journals
118945: PRFESSOR KENNETH W. HARL, TULANE UNIVERSITY [PRIMARY CONTRIBUTOR] - The Teaching Company, the Great Courses, Ancient & Medieval History, the World of Byzantium
109080: HARLEY, J. B. [EDITOR]; WOODWARD, DAVID [EDITOR]; - The History of Cartography, Volume 2, Book 2: Cartography in the Traditional East and Southeast Asian Societies
33365: GEORGE W. HARLEY, GEORGE SCHWAB - Tribes of the Liberian Hinterland (Papers of the Peabody Museum of American A...
102544: HARLOW, BARBARA - Resistance Literature
24774: MOSES HARMAN - Right to Be Born Well [Hardcover] by M. Harman
115248: HARNECKER, MARTA - Landless People: Building a Social Movement
95517: SEYMOUR, HAROLD AND DOROTHY SEYMOUR - Baseball; the People's Game: [Easton Press]
108013: HARPER, GLYN - Kippenberger: An Inspired New Zealand Commander
121647: MEIRION & SUSIE HARRIES: - The War Artists: British Official War Art of the Twentieth Century
SKU-041139: HARRIETT - Froggie Went a-Courtin' by Harriett
99469: HARRINGTON, MICHAEL - The Other America Poverty in the United States
72548: HARRINGTON, MELISSA H - The New York Yacht Club, 1844-1994
120863: HARRIS, STEVEN - True Life: Steven Harris Architects
118327: EMMYLOU HARRIS - Stumble Into Grace
108973: HARRIS, RANDY ALLEN - The Linguistics Wars
113298: MARK HARRIS - Burnt
34954: THADDEUS WILLIAM (1795-1856) HARRIS - A Treatise on Some of the Insects Injurious to Vegetation. By Thaddeus Willia...
120621: HARRIS, MARK - Grave Matters: A Journey Through the Modern Funeral Industry to a Natural Way of Burial
103879: JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS - Uncle Remus His Songs and Sayings
70549: HARRIS, JESSICA G. - Cut Glass in a Capsule I American Brilliant Period Cut Glass (1880--1915)
105704: DEVON HARRIS - Keep on Pushing: Hot Lessons from Cool Runnings
122548: HARRIS, RICHARD B. - Wildlife Conservation in China: Preserving the Habitat of China's Wild West (East Gate Books)
75650: ANTHONY GOICOLEA; JANE HARRIS - Anthony Goicolea
81470: HARRIS, WILLIAM V. - Restraining Rage: The Ideology of Anger Control in Classical Antiquity
119039: HARRIS, LARRY - Trading and Exchanges: Market Microstructure for Practitioners
106736: HARRIS, BARRY - Live at Maybeck 12
118863: HARRIS, JAY - God's Country; a History of Pound Ridge, New York
107162: HARRIS, JAY - For the Record: The People Who Made Pound Ridge "God's Country" 1718-1991
100959: HARRIS, BETH - Wainscott Seafood Shop Cookbook
121954: HARRISFROST - Tar-Baby and Other Rhymes of Uncle Remus
122227: HARRISON, COLIN - Edward Lear: Drawings and Watercolours
97745: HARRISON, PETER D.; HARRISON, PETER - The Lords of Tikal: Rulers of an Ancient Maya City
102639: HARRISON, COLIN; BARKER, ELIZABETH E.; VAUGHAN, WILLIAM - Samuel Palmer (1805-1881): Vision and Landscape
118844: JIM HARRISON - Legends of the Fall
111502: HARRISON, PETER; HARBISON; HARBISON, PETER - The Golden Age of Irish Art: The Medieval Achievement, 600-1200
102520: HARRISON, MARTIN - In Camera - Francis Bacon: Photography, Film and the Practice of Painting
122574: KEVIN GARVIN; JOHN HARRISSON - Neiman Marcus Cookbook
SKU-054235: WHITTINGTON HARRY - Satan's Widow [Paperback] by Whittington Harry
116204: HARRYHAUSEN, RAY; DALTON, TONY - Ray Harryhausen: An Animated Life
121906: HARRYSON, SIGVALD J. - Know-Who Based Entrepreneurship: From Knowledge Creation to Business Implementation
117453: H.L. HART - The Concept of Law
51615: MOSS HART - Lady in the Dark
77567: BRET HARTE - The Writings of Bret Harte
89232: HARTELIUS, MARGARET A. - The Chicken's Child
110408: HARTLING, NEIL; ILLUSTRATED [ILLUSTRATOR] - Nahanni: River of Gold... River of Dreams
109035: HARTMANN, F - The Life and Doctrines of Jacob Boehme the God-Taught Philosopher. An Introduction to the Study of His Works
101528: DE HARTOG, JAN - The Commodore: A Novel of the Sea
118677: F. VAN DEN BRANDEN; THOMAS L. HARTSELL - Plastering Skills
119425: HARTWIG, MELA - Am I a Redundant Human Being? (German and Austrian Literature Series)
91494: HARVARD, STEPHEN - Ornamental Initials: The Woodcut Initials of Christopher Plantin, a Complete Catalogue
71901: HARVEY, ALAN - Economic Expansion in the Byzantine Empire, 900-1200
97625: HARVEY, ELEANOR JONES - The Painted Sketch: American Impressions from Nature 1830-1880
109321: HARVEY, P D A - Medieval Maps
101628: HARVEY, DAVID - Justice, Nature and the Geography of Difference
119522: HARWOOD, HERBERT H - The New York, Westchester & Boston Railway: J.P. Morgan's Magnificent Mistake (Railroads Past and P)
107639: HERBERT H. HARWOOD, JR. - Impossible Challenge: The Baltimore and Ohio (B & o) Railroad in Maryland
110747: HASIDAH, YISRAEL YITSHAK; CHASIDAH, YISHAI - Encyclopedia of Biblical Personalities: Anthologized from the Talmud, Midrash and Rabbinic Writing S
117684: HASKELL, BARBARA - Burgoyne Diller
106302: HASKELL, FRANCIS - The Painful Birth of the Art Book (the Nineteenth of the Walter Neurath Memorial Lectures)
118523: HASKIN, STEVE - Kelso (Thoroughbred Legends (Numbered))
115458: HASKINS, SYLVIA SHAW JUDSON - For Gardens and Other Places;: The Sculpture of Sylvia Shaw Judson
121534: HASKINS, JIM - Power to the People: The Rise and Fall of the Black Panther Party
120769: HASLAM, NICKY - Nicky Haslam's Folly de Grandeur: Romance and Revival in an English Country House
108142: HASLAM, NICKY - Nicky Haslam: A Designer's Life
117527: THOMAS E. HASSAN - A Classroom Revolution: Reflections on Harkness Learning and Teaching
116557: ALI HASSOURI - Sistan Carpets
85057: VERN HASTY - Pitcher Perfect a Complete Mechanical Analysis of the Pitching Delivery
103192: HASTY, CHRISTOPHER - Meter As Rhythm
71928: HATA, JUDITH SETSUKO; KOZO SEKIYA [ILLUSTRATOR] - Flowers Are... East and West
108494: HATCH, DENISON - Million Dollar Mailings (the Libey Business Library)
122251: HATCH, PETER J. - A Rich Spot of Earth: Thomas Jefferson's Revolutionary Garden at Monticello
117623: HATCH, DENSION - Method Marketing
112964: HATCHER, JULIAN S - The Book of the Garand (a National Rifle Association Library Book)
96919: BETH HATEFUSOTH, 1996 - Treasures of Jewish Galicia
107221: HATFIELD, JERRY - Indian Motorcycle: Restoration Guide 1932-53 (Authentic Restoration Guides)
118436: ELLSWORTH, ROBERT HATFIELD; ET ALL; GRINDLEY, NICHOLAS - Essence of Style: Chinese Furniture of the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties
90176: HATJE, GERD - New Furniture 10
89075: JIMMY HATLO - They'LL Do It Every Time
25548: I. M. HATZIFOTIS - Patmos - the Island of the Revelation - the Monastery of St. John the Divine,...
102721: HAU, BERRY FONG-CHUNG - The Common Law System in Chinese Context (Studies on Modern China)
110656: HAUER, ERWIN - Erwin Hauer: Continua--Architectural Screens and Walls
22016: JOHN F HAUGHT - Chaos, Complexity and Theology (Teilhard Studies) by Haught, John F
118460: HAUSER, MARC - Moral Minds: How Nature Designed Our Universal Sense of Right and Wrong
103513: HAVEL, VACLAV; KEANE, JOHN - Power of the Powerless: Citizens Against the State in Central Eastern Europe: Citizens Against the State in Central Eastern Europe
121620: HAVENS, RONALD A. - The Wisdom of Milton H. Erickson
116715: HAVOC, JUNE - More Havoc
84059: JOHN HAWKES - Second Skin
121986: HAWKESWORTH, CELIA; HEPPELL, MURIEL; NORRIS, HARRY - Religious Quest and National Identity in the Balkans (Studies in Russia and East Europe)
120216: HAWKING, STEPHEN - The Illustrated a Brief History of Time / the Universe in a Nutshell - Two Books in One
SKU-044415: HAWKINS, ALEXANDER L - Official History of the Operations of the Tenth Pennsylvania Infantry, U.S. V...
82817: HAWKINS, COLEMAN - The Centennial Collection (Bonus Dvd)
118517: HAWKSLEY, LUCINDA - The Mystery of Princess Louise: Queen Victoria's Rebellious Daughter
121659: T. C. HAWLEY - The Rhodesian Ridgeback: The Origin, History and Standard of the Breed
119592: NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE - The Scarlet Letter (the 100 Greatest Books Ever Written)
110297: NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE - The Scarlet Letter
64815: HAY, D. R. - The Natural Principles and Analogy of the Harmony of Form
36627: AMY DE LA HAY (FOREWORD) - Zandra Rhodes and the Art of Textiles: A Life Long Love Affair [Hardcover]
121201: HIKARU HAYASHI - Techniques for Drawing Female Manga Characters
39379: STERLING HAYDEN - Wanderer by Hayden, Sterling
97098: HAYDN, J. - Seasons
96165: HAYDOCK, ROGER; SONSTENG, JOHN - Evidence, Objections, and Exhibits: Court Trials, Arbitrations, Administrative Cases, Jury Trials
108055: HAYEK, FRIEDRICH AUGUST - Studies in Philosophy, Politics and Economics
120421: HAYEK, F A - Counter-Revolution of Science, the
70298: NICOLAS G. HAYEK (INTRO) - Jaquet-Droz: Le SiCle Des LumiRes. Tome Premier
108390: HAYES, KEVIN J. [EDITOR] - Charlie Chaplin: Interviews (Conversations with Filmmakers Series)
107841: HAYES, STEPHEN - Ninja Realms of Power: Spiritual Roots and Traditions of the Shadow Warrior
116157: HAYES, CHRISTINE - Red Tree: Insight Into Lost Continents, Mu and Atlantis,
109282: HAYES, GEOFFREY - Bear by Himself
122414: HAYES, LOUIS D. - Political Systems of East Asia
122501: HAYES, NEIL; MURPHY, BRIAN - The Last Putt: Two Teams, One Dream, and a Freshman Named Tiger
64180: JOHN EARL HAYNES - Calvin Coolidge and the Coolidge Era: Essays on the History of the 1920s
114439: HAYNES, JOHN HAROLD - Haynes Jaguar E Type 3. 8 & 4. 2 Owners Workshop Manual No 140: 1961 1972 (Haynes Owners Workshop Manuals)
109017: HAYNES, JOHN HAROLD; LEGG, A. K. - Weber Carburetors Owners Workshop Manual
109461: HAYS, LUCILE WALKER - Spring Island Plantation: A Remembrance
122532: JOHN (EDIT). HAYWARD - John Donne, Dean of St. Paul's: Complete Poetry and Selected Prose.
121272: GORDON HAYWARD WITH DAN SNOW - Gardening on Granite: Teddy and Peter Berg's Thirty Years on Rice Mountain
110213: JOHN HAYWOOD - The Encyclopedia of Ancient Civilizations of the Near East and Mediterranean
110934: HAZELCORN, HOWARD - A Collector's Guide to the Columbia Spring-Wound Cyclinder Graphonphone, 1894-1910 (Apm Monograph Series)
121283: HAZLETON, LESLEY - Mary: A Flesh-and-Blood Biography of the Virgin Mother
107236: NANCY SINATRA; LEE HAZLEWOOD - Fairy Tales & Fantasies: The Best of Nancy & Lee
118636: HAZONY, YORAM - The Virtue of Nationalism
118704: HAZONY, YORAM - The Philosophy of Hebrew Scripture
115209: HAZZARD, SHIRLEY - Greene on Capri: A Memoir
51550: ZHANG CHUN HE - Continuity of an Ancient Civilization Dongba Painting
121431: INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE; BOARD ON POPULATION HEALTH AND PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE; COMMITTEE ON LYME DISEASE AND OTHER TICK-BORNE DISEASES: THE STATE OF THE SCIENCE - Critical Needs and Gaps in Understanding Prevention, Amelioration, and Resolution of Lyme and Other Tick-Borne Diseases: The Short-Term and Long-Term Outcomes: Workshop Report
117864: HEALY, DERMOT - A Goat's Song
34615: MARK HEALY - Hannibal's War with Rome: The Armies and Campaigns 216 Bc (Special Editions (...
119738: HEARN, MAXWELL K. [EDITOR]; CHANG, CHIN-SUNG [CONTRIBUTOR]; FONG, WEN C. [CONTRIBUTOR]; HEARN, MAXWELL K. [CONTRIBUTOR]; - Landscapes Clear and Radiant: The Art of Wang Hui (1632-1717) (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
34613: LAFCARDIO HEARN - Chin Chin Kobakama Japanese Fairy Tale Series No. 25 [Paperback]
61446: BIANCA NAEF; RUDOLPH S. HEARNS - Franklin D. Roosevelt: A Graphobiography (Reproductions of Manuscripts, Their Graphological Elements and Analyses)
80071: HEARTNEY, ELEANOR - Roxy Paine
118963: HEARTZ, DANIEL - Music in European Capitals: The Galant Style, 1720-1780
118518: HEATLEY, MICHAEL - The Phantom of the Opera 25th Anniversary Edition: Uk Trade Edition
113108: HECHT, BEN; SMITH, WALLACE [ILLUSTRATOR] - Fantazius Mallare : A Mysterous Oath 1922 [Hardcover]
107893: HECHT, BEN - A Guide for the Bedevilled
116908: HECHT, JENNIFER MICHAEL - Stay: A History of Suicide and the Philosophies Against It
115148: BEN HECHT, GENE FOWLER - The Great Magoo, a Love-Sick Charade in Three Acts and Something Like Eight Scenes, Recounting the Didoes of Two Young and Amorous Souls, Who Nigh Perished When They Weren't in the Hay Together... .
111806: HEDGPETH, DON; TERPNING, HOWARD; KELTON, ELMER [INTRODUCTION] - Howard Terpning: Spirit of the Plains People
59639: RICHARD HEDMAN AND FRED BAIR JR. - And on the Eighth Day... . : The Last Word on City Planning and Planners
102546: HEFNER, WILLIAM - California Homes: Studio William Hefner (Master Architects)
97671: HEFNER, WILLIAM - California Homes: Studio William Hefner (Master Architects)
122319: HEGEL, GEORG WILHELM FREDRICH - Hegel: Elements of the Philosophy of Right (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought)
122293: HEHENBERGER, MICHAEL; XIA, ZHI - Our Animal Connection: What Sapiens Can Learn from Other Species
81899: HEIDE, FLORENCE PARRY; GOREY, EDWARD - Treehorn's Treasure
109367: HEIGHT, DOROTHY - Open Wide the Freedom Gates: A Memoir
121022: HEIKALA - The Art of Heikala: Works and Thoughts
122149: HEILBRON, J. L. - The Sun in the Church: Cathedrals As Solar Observatories
122444: BARNEY A. HEIMBINDER - White Conquest: An Epic of Antarctica
107621: MONIKA HEIMBOLD, MAX J. FRIEDMAN - Designing a Life
101301: HEIMERT, ALAN [EDITOR]; DELBANCO, ANDREW [SERIES EDITOR]; - The Puritans in America: A Narrative Anthology
115805: HEIN, DAVID; SHATTUCK, GARDINER H. - The Episcopalians (Denominations in America)
103962: HEINERTH, JILL - The Essentials of Cave Diving: Jill Heinerth's Guide to Cave Diving
107348: HEINISCH, MARGARETE - MI Amor Legacy Appliqu
108767: HEINLEIN, ROBERT A - The Star Beast
72975: HEINLEIN, ROBERT A. - Podkayne of Mars: Her Life and Times
109197: MARC HEIREMANS - Murano-Glas IM 20. Jahrhundert: Vom Kunsthandwerk Zum Design / Murano Glass in the 20th Century: From Decorative Art to Design
117033: ELIZABETH HEISENBERG - Inner Exile: Recollections of a Life with Werner Heisenberg
41959: JOHN W. HEISMAN - Principles of Football [Hardcover] by John W. Heisman
121582: HEITING, MANFRED - Helmut Newton: Work
105090: SUZANNE W. HELBURN - Marx, Schumpeter, & Keynes: A Centenary Celebration of Dissent
99678: HELD, GILBERT - Introduction to Light Emitting Diode Technology and Applications
115287: HELD, RABBI SHAI; GREENBERG, RABBI YITZ [FOREWORD] - The Heart of Torah, Volume 2: Essays on the Weekly Torah Portion: Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy (Volume 2)
120254: HELD, VIRGINIA - Justice and Care: Essential Readings in Feminist Ethics
94897: HELDT, PETER MARTIN - High-Speed Combustion Engines: Design, Production, Tests
SKU-037593: LEVITT HELEN - A Way of Seeing by Levitt, Helen
111510: HELFAND, DAVID - A Survival Guide to the Misinformation Age: Scientific Habits of Mind
113172: HELFAND, WILLIAM H. - Quack, Quack, Quack: The Sellers of Nostrums in Prints, Posters, Ephemera, & Books
121364: HELLEGOUARCH, YVES - Invitation to the Mathematics of Fermat-Wiles
116045: HELLER, RUTH - Behind the Mask: A Book About Prepositions
118144: HELLER, STEVEN; ILIC, MIRKO; KLEBER, BETH - Milton Glaser: Pop
111402: HELLER, JOSEPH - Catch-22
120985: HELLER, PETER - The Painter: A Novel
96429: SCHMIDT-HELLERAU, CORDELIA - Life Drive & Death Drive, Libido & Lethe
120565: KATHERINE HELM - The True Story of Mary, Wife of Lincoln: Containing the Recollections of Mary Lincoln's Sister Emilie (Mrs. Ben Hardin Helm), Extracts from Her War-Time Diary, Numerous Letters and Other Documents (CL
58962: HELMS, JESSE - Lot of Human Beings Have Been Born Bums: Twenty Years of the Words of Senator Jesse Helms
111307: HELPERN, ALICE J - The Technique of Martha Graham
120126: HELPRIN, MARK - Winter's Tale
116854: HELPRIN, MARK - Paris in the Present Tense: A Novel
122524: PRIYA HEMENWAY - The Tao Box by Priya Hemenway (2002-08-03)
117272: ERNEST HEMINGWAY - A Farewell to Arms (the Leatherbound Library of Ernest Hemingway)
65099: ERNEST HEMINGWAY - The Old Man and the Sea - Special Student's Edition
115409: ERNEST HEMINGWAY, LYNN WARD (ILLUS) - For Whom the Bell Tolls
82599: HEMINGWAY, ERNEST - The Sun Also Rises Easton Press
90571: HEMINGWAY, ERNEST - The Fifth Column, and Four Stories of the Spanish CIVIL War (the Scribner Library. Contemporary Classics)
111989: ERNEST HEMINGWAY - The Sun Also Rises 1st Ed `26
120743: HEMINGWAY, ERNEST, ET AL. - Writers Take Sides Letters About the War in Spain from 418 American Authors
106977: HEMMERLE - Nature's Jewels
121882: HEMMING, JOHN - Tree of Rivers: The Story of the Amazon
116427: HEMPELMAN, R.; OSSELTON, N. - New Routledge Dutch Dictionary
102175: HEMRICK, LEVI E - Once a Marine
66904: HENDERSON, DEBBIE - The Top Hat: An Illustrated History of Its Styling and Manufacture
77030: HENDERSON, FLETCHER - Fletcher Henderson 1921 1923
92776: HENDERSON, FLETCHER - Study in Frustration: The Fletcher Henderson Story
116677: HENDERSON, RICHARD - Philip L. Rhodes and His Yacht Designs
121195: HENDERSON, FERGUS - The Complete Nose to Tail
120370: JANE HENDERSON - The Stovers of Tinicum Township ; a Narrative Genealogy
95586: HENDERSON, ALEXANDER - The History of Ancient and Modern Wines
114240: HENDERSON, WILLIAM PENHALLOW - William Penhallow Henderson: Master Colorist of Santa Fe
101914: SEAN KELLY; TONY HENDRA - Not the Bible
122323: HENDRICK, JOANNE - First Steps Toward Teaching the Reggio Way
69233: HENDRICKS, GAY - The Breathing Box
115108: HENKIN, YEHUDA - New Interpretations on the Parsha (English, Hebrew and Hebrew Edition)
110657: JOHN POPE-HENNESSY - Cellini
89302: POPE-HENNESSY, JOHN. - Fra Angelico.
99597: POPE-HENNESSY, JAMES - A Lonely Business: A Self-Portrait of James Pope-Hennessy
117216: HENRY, MARGUERITE - Misty of Chincoteague Deluxe Edition
SKU-028157: LEWIN WALTER HENRY - Did Peary Reach the Pole? by Lewin, Walter Henry
114375: GERRIT HENRY (AUTHOR), JACK RABINOWITZ (ILLUSTRATOR), MARY ABBOTT (INTRODUCTION) - Jack Rabinowitz. 1925-1974. One of the Most Brilliant Painter / Sculptor's of His Time. A Painter's Painter.
120554: SONJA HENRY - Let's Peel an Onion
95060: BARBARA HENRY - Walt Whitman's Faces
102646: PATRICK HENRY (FORWARD) - The Society of the Four Arts History and Legacy
76112: HENRY, ALAN - Ferrari Prototype Era: 1962-1973 in Photographs
30472: STEVEN HENRY; ET AL MADOFF - Stranger Than Paradise: Contemporary Scandinavian Photography [Paperback]
72307: THOMAS, HENRY AND STANLEY MORISON. - Andres Brun, Calligrapher of Saragossa, Some Account of His Life and Work, with a Facsimile in Collotype of the Surviving Text and Plates of His Two Writing Books, 1583-1612.
69553: HENSON, SLADE - Treasure Maps (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, Gr3 9377)
116360: HEPFNER, SHARON T. - The Audiogram Workbook
112495: TALK TO HER - Talk to Her (Full Frame)
108195: FRANK HERBERT - Dune
121381: HERBERT, ROBERT L.; D'ARIENZO, DARIA - Orra White Hitchcock: An Amherst Woman of Art and Science
98569: ZBIGNIEW HERBERT - The King of the Ants
88740: HERBERT, XAVIER - Poor Fellow My Country
109882: RABBI YISRAEL HERCZEG - Sapirstein Edition Rashi Bamidbar: The Torah with Rashi's Commentary Translated, Annotated, and Elucidated: 4
116307: HERDRICH, STEPHANIE L.; WEINBERG, H. BARBARA - American Drawings and Watercolors in the Metropolitan Museum of Art: John Singer Sargent
117862: HERF, JEFFREY - The Jewish Enemy: Nazi Propaganda During World War II and the Holocaust
114964: HERGESHEIMER, JOSEPH - The Party Dress [Inscribed]
88947: WOODY HERMAN & HIS ORCHESTRA - The Complete Capitol Recordings of Woody Herman
121934: HERMAN, ARTHUR - Douglas Macarthur: American Warrior
119234: HERMAN, WOODY - Live at Carnegie Hall 1946
116707: HERMAN, DR. BARRY (EDITOR) - Jews in New Haven-Volume VII
116704: BARRY HERMAN AND WERNER HIRSCH [EDITOR] - Jews in New Haven Volume 3 (Jews in New Haven, 3)
116703: HERMAN, DR. BARRY (EDITOR) - Jews in New Haven -Volume II
113112: HERMAN, MELVILLE; ROCKWELL, KENT (ILLUSTRATIONS - 1930 Vtg Moby Dick Melville Rockwell Kent Illustrated Random House 1st First Ed
84306: PETER HERMAN - Minding Other People's Business (But Not Our Own) : Why Arthur D. Little, Inc. , Went from the Action to the Auction in the Words of Those Who Were There : The Story of This Precipitous Fall As Told Through Interviews with Many of Those Who Led and Contributed Significantly to the Company in the Years from 1970 to 2002
91318: MESSIAEN; ZENDER; HERMANN - Les Offrandes
108719: HERMANS, HUBERT J.M.; KEMPEN, HARRY J.G. - The Dialogical Self: Meaning As Movement
34105: BRENDA GONZALEZ-HERMOSILLO - Transmission of Shocks Across Global Financial Markets: The Role of Contagion...
96968: HERNANDEZ, KEITH; BRYAN, MIKE - If at First: A Season with the Mets
86474: HERNDON,CATHY [PERFORMER] - For You My Love
116486: HERODOTUS - The Histories
120604: HERON, PATRICK - The Colour of Colour (E. William Doty Lectures in Fine Arts)
122372: SCOTT-HERON, GIL - First Minute of a New Day
83261: HERRERA, HAYDEN - Tom Otterness
100658: HERRESHOFF, L. FRANCIS - Nathanael Greene Herreshoff, 1848-1938: A Life and an Appreciation of His Work (Wadsworth Atheneum Marine Room. Publications)
102915: HERRIGEL, EUGENE - Zen in the Art of Archery
119899: HERRING, GEORGE C. - Years of Peril and Ambition: U.S. Foreign Relations, 1776-1921 (Oxford History of the United States)
23206: ROBERT HERRLINGER - History of Medical Illustration from Antiquity to 1600 [Hardcover]
105679: HERRMANN, DIANE L.; SALLY JR., PAUL J. - Number, Shape, & Symmetry: An Introduction to Number Theory, Geometry, and Group Theory
94749: FRED HERSCH - Horizon
115482: HERSEY, GEORGE L - Pythagorean Palaces: Magic and Architecture in the Italian Renaissance
104637: HERSEY, BOB; LEIGHTON, JOHN - Van Gogh's House: A Pop-Up Experience
95925: HERSHAN, STELLA K. - The Candles She Lit
113511: HERSHKOWITZ, ALLEN - Garbage Management in Japan: Leading the Way
95464: HERTZBERG, HANS - I and II Samuel (1965): A Commentary (Old Testament Library)
122517: HERZBERG, DAVID - White Market Drugs: Big Pharma and the Hidden History of Addiction in America
96309: HERZEN, ALEKSANDR - My Past and Thoughts;: The Memoirs of Alexander Herzen
120285: ABRAHAM JOSHUA HESCHEL - God in Search of Man: A Philosophy of Judaism
115675: HESI - Hesi Comprehensive Review for the Nclex-Pn Examination
112403: HESLIP, COLLEEN COWLES - Between the Rivers: Itinerant Painters from the Connecticut to the Hudson
118352: HESS, ALAN - Frank Lloyd Wright Prairie Houses
105758: HESS, HANS - Lyonel Feininger.
103629: MICHAEL STERN; ALAN HESS - Julius Shulman: Palm Springs
118900: IRVING B. WEINER; ALLEN K. HESS - The Handbook of Forensic Psychology
50852: H.D. HESS - Machine Design- Hoists, Derricks, Cranes
108493: HESSE, HERMANN; ACKERMANN, HELMUT [ILLUSTRATOR] - Steppenwolf (Limited Editions Club): Herman Hesse, Woodcuts by Helmut Ackermann
66917: HESTON, CHARLTON - Charlton Heston Presents the Bible (Four-Pack Dvd)
68664: CHARLTON HESTON - Beijing Diary Signed First Edition Bound in Genuine Leather
121327: HESTON, CHARLTON - In the Arena: An Autobiography
114390: ARISTOTLE; HETT, W. S. [TRANSLATOR] - Aristotle: Problems, Books 1-21 (Loeb Classical Library No. 316) (English, Greek and Ancient Greek Edition)
91479: SUZANNE HETTS, PH.D.; DANIEL Q. ESTEP, PH.D. - Counter Conditioning and Desensitization; Using Techniques Effectively to Modify Behavior
94698: L'HEUREUX, JOHN - Picnic in Babylon; a Jesuit Priest's Journal, 1963-1967
89685: PAUL HEUSSENSTAMM - Art As a Spiritual Path
72965: MAURICE HEWLETT - Madonna of the Peach-Tree
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96275: HOCKNEY, DAVID - David Hockney by David Hockney
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120066: ) HODGES, ELAINE R. S. (ED. - The Guild Handbook of Scientific Illustration
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