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William Glynn 18 The Crescents, IP18 6RT, Reydon, Suffolk, United Kingdom. Tel.: +44 (0)7966 213 965 Email: williamglynnbooks@gmail.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
018594: TOMKINSON, G S; NEWDIGATE, B H - A Select Bibliography of the Principal Modern Presses Public and Private in Great Britain and Ireland
018675: TOOBY, MICHAEL - The Presence of Painting. Aspects of British Abstraction 1957-1988
018178: ARTHUR TOOTH - British Paintings 1890-1950
012212: TORAO, T - T Torao
018164: DE LA TOURETTE, GILLES - Lautrec
018716: TOUSSAINT, FRANZ - The Garden of Caresses
017878: TOZER, JASON - Monograph June 08 Ice, Smoke and Solder
015947: TRAILL, WILLIAM HENRY - A Queenly Colony - Pen Sketches and Camera Glimpses
018685: TRASI, NICOLETTA - Interdisciplinary Architecture
013902: TRENCH, LUCY (ED.) - Materials & Techniques in the Decorative Arts: An Illustrated Dictionary
016695: TRENHOLM, GEORGE F - Bodoni
014314: TRIADÓ, JUAN MANUEL - La Pintura Espańola: El Siglo de Oro
010663: TROUSSELLE, JEAN - Odysseus Elytis Dialogue Avec la Grčce
015011: TRUSLER, REV. DR. - Hogarth Moralized; a Complete Edition of All the Most Capital and Admired Works of William Hogarth, Accompanied with Concise and Comprehensive Explanations of Their Moral Tendency
015106: TSCHICHOLD, JAN - Hu Cheng-Yen: A Chinese Wood-Engraver and Picture-Printer. Chinese Color Prints from the Ten Bamboo Hall
016841: TUCCI, GIUSEPPE (FWD.) - Italian Architecture 1965 - 1970. Second Itinerant Triennial Exhibition of Contemporary Italian Architecture
017572: TUCHMAN, MAURICE - Chaim Soutine 1893 -1943
018724: HOLGER TÜMMLER - Vier Jahre Hermann - Göring - Werke Salzgitter
016521: TUNICK, DAVID - Fine Prints from Six Centuries
015084: TURKIENICZ, BENAMY; MALTA, MAURÍCIO - Desenho Urbano: Anais Do Ii Sedur - Seminário Sobre Desenho Urbano No Brasil
017373: TURNER, LAURENCE; BOLTON, ARTHUR T (INTRO.) - Decorative Plasterwork in Great Britain
016127: TURNOR, REGINALD - James Wyatt 1746-1813
005666: TUTEN, FREDERIC - Roy Lichtenstein, Water Lilies
015065: TWOMBLY, ROBERT (ED.) - Louis Sullivan: The Public Papers
016310: TWYMAN, MICHAEL (ED.) - John Phillips's Lithographic Notebook.
017979: TYACK, DR GEOFFREY (ED.) - The Georgian Group Journal Volume Xxiii 2015
017980: TYACK, GEOFFREY (ED.) - The Georgian Group Journal Volume Xxiv 2016
017300: TYMMS, W R & WYATT, M D - The Art of Illuminating As Practised in Europe from the Earliest Times. Illustrated By Borders, Initial Letters and Alphabets. Selected & Chromolithographed By W R Tymms. With an Essay and Instructions By M D Wyatt Archt.
015993: TYMMS, SAMUEL - An Architectural and Historical Account of the Church of St. Mary, Bury St. Edmunds
016424: TYMMS, SAMUEL - An Architectural and Historical Account of the Church of St. Mary, Bury St. Edmunds Parts1 to 4
017303: LETRASET UK - Star Faces '84
018334: UNGER, LEONARD - T S Eliot
018071: UNWIN, PHILIP - Publishing from Manuscript to Bookshop. The Book Number Five
018305: UPDIKE, DANIEL BERKELEY - Printing Types. Their History, Forms, and Use. A Study in Survivals Volume 1
018306: UPDIKE, DANIEL BERKELEY - Printing Types. Their History, Forms, and Use. A Study in Survivals Volume 2
016630: URBANELLI, LORA - The Book Art of Lucien Pissarro. With a Bibliographical List of the Books of the Eragny Press 1894-1914
013656: VAIZEY, MARINA - Christo Obra 1958-1991
018747: VALE, BRENDA A - A Survey of Indigenous Building Materials Working Paper 4
016004: VALLANCE, AYMER - The Old Colleges of Oxford. Their Architectural History Illustrated and Described
018427: VARIOUS - The Princeton University Library Chronicle. The Scheide Library
012928: VARIOUS - Oxford Bibliographical Society Proceedings & Papers Volume Iv Part I. Ii 1934
017871: VARIOUS - La Revue Moderne Des Arts Et de la Vie 1 Octobre 1965
014121: VARIOUS - Histoire Des Nations de Lamérique Latine
012799: VARNEDOE, KIRK - Vienna 1900: Art Architecture & Design
016597: LE VAY, DAVID - The Life of Hugh Owen Thomas
015177: VIDELA, ALBINO DIÉGUEZ - Gutiérrez Gońi - the Praxis Ccollection
016276: WILLY [HENRY GAUTHIER-VILLARS] - Une Plage D'amour
015920: VISENTINI, ANTONIO - Osservazioni Che Servono Di Continuazione Al Trattato Di Teofilo Gallaccini
017528: VOGT, MANFRED - Unterwegs Notiert Reiseskizzen Von Manfred Vogt
017881: VON - Monograph September 08 Animals/Migrations
018249: VORWERK, URSULA - The Master of Flémalle and Rogier Van Der Weyden. Art to Hear
015903: ROBINSON, B W ET AL - Persian and Mughal Art
014802: BRAYLEY, E W AND BRITTON, JOHN - A Topographical and Historical Description of the County of Essex: Containing an Account of Its Towns, Castles, Antiquities, Churches, Monuments, Public Edifices, Picturesque Scenery, the Residences of the Nobility, Gentry, &C.
018635: NASH, PAUL W AND FLAVELL, A J - The Corvinus Press. A History and Bibliography
018069: WALLIS L W - Type Design Developments 1970 to 1985
013688: WADDINGTON - Morris Louis: Paintings
014950: WADDLETON, NORMAN - A Chronology of Books with Coloured Illustrations Or Decorations Mainly Relief Or Planar Colour Printed. Mainly of the Nineteenth Century
017384: WADE, ALEX - Neil Pinkett - Scillonian
017349: WAGNER, HANS - Largo Light, Largo Bold, Largo Open
018782: WALDOW, ALEXANDER - Archiv Für Buchgewerbe Band 49 Heft 7 Juli 1912
018780: WALDOW, ALEXANDER - Archiv Für Buchgewerbe Band 48 Heft 2 Februar 1911
018781: WALDOW, ALEXANDER - Archiv Für Buchgewerbe Band 48 Heft 10 Oktober 1911
018783: WALDOW, ALEXANDER - Archiv Für Buchgewerbe Band 49 Heft 9 September 1912
015967: WALFORD, EDWARD - Greater London: A Narrative of Its History, Its People, and Its Places. 2 Volumes
018278: WALFORD, E JOHN - Jacob Van Ruisdael and the Perception of Landscape
016651: WALKER, ALAN - Edward Upward a Bibliography 1920-2000
014975: WALL, ALAN - A to Z
015454: WALMSLEY, EDWARD - Physiognomical Portraits. One Hundred Distinguished Characters, from Undoubted Originals, Engraved in the Line Manner, By the Most Eminent British Artists 2 Volumes
014615: WALTER, RODOLPHE - Corot ŕ Mantes
016875: WALTERS, GWYN - The Account Book, 1826-1836, of the Reverend John Parry, Printer and Publisher of Chester
014204: WALTERS, JOHN L (ED.) - Eye the International Review of Graphic Design No. 60 Vol. 15 Summer 2006
014203: WALTERS, JOHN L (ED.) - Eye the International Review of Graphic Design No. 45 Vol. 12 Autumn 2002
014821: WARD, LESLIE & OTHERS - The Book of the Bench, with Thirty-Nine Reproductions in Colour from Paintings By ''spy'' and Other Cartoonists
017861: WARD, A E (PREFACE) - Simplified Cataloguing Rules for General Use in Private Libraries
016742: WARDE, BEATRICE - Verses Written to the Sound of Fire Engines
018307: WARDE, BEATRICE - The Crystal Goblet. Sixteen Essays on Typography
017361: WARING, J B - Illustrations of Architecture and Ornament. A Series of Seventy Plates Drawn and Etched on Copper, from His Own Sketches in France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Holland, and Belgium
015169: WARNER, OLIVER - A History of the Innholders' Company
017887: WARREN, FRANK (COMPILER) - Postsecret - Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives
018127: WATERFIELD, GILES - Soane and Death. The Tombs and Monuments of Sir John Soane
018126: WATERFIELD, GILES - Soane and After. The Architecture of Dulwich Picture Gallery
013480: WATERS, HELEN; LONG, RICHARD - Richard Long: The Spike Island Tapes
017968: WATERSON, MERLIN (ED.) - The Country House Remembered. Recollections of Life between the Wars
013159: WATKINS, JONATHAN - Craig Wood: Shelf Life
017892: WATKINSON, RAY (INTRO.) - Fighting Spirits - Peter Perri and Cliff Rowe
016870: WATMOUGH, J E - Watmoughs 1888 to 1965
014876: WATSON, GEORGE (ED.) - The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature: Volume V Supplement: Ad 600-1900
015714: [WATSON, JEAN L] - By Loch and Land. The Circular Route of the Caledonian Railway, By Crieff Etc.
015908: WATSON, BRIAN - Devon - a Shell Guide
016671: WATTENMAKER, RICHARD J; DISTEL, ANNE - I Capolavori Della Barnes Foundation
011575: WATTS, JESSICA & SHADWICK, LOUIS - Jeroen Verhoeven: Lectori Salutem
018299: WAUGH, ARTHUR - A Hundred Years of Publishing. Being the Story of Chapman & Hall, Ltd.
018181: WEAVER, REBECCA (INTRO.) - Time and Tide. Key Works By Simon Read
017863: WEAVER, REBECCA (INTRO.) - Jennie Moncur. Public and Private
017864: WEAVER, REBECCA (INTRO.) - Freighted with Wonders
017865: WEAVER, REBECCA (INTRO.) - On the Border. An Innovative Open Submission Exhibition for All Artists Living Or Working in Suffolk and Essex. Selected By Griff Rhys Jones and Mark Wallinger
018174: WEAVER, REBECCA (INTRO.) - Arts in Town
018173: WEAVER, REBECCA (INTRO.) - David Austen - Objects and Images from the Edge of the World
009001: WEIGHT, CAREL (ED.) - The Artist's Portfolios Contemporary Academicians No. 1 Carel Weight, Ara
016411: WELLEK, RENÉ - The Attack on Literature
016433: WELLEK, RENÉ - Genre Theory, the Lyric, and ''erlebnis''
016666: WELLEK, RENÉ - Criticism As Evaluation
016664: WELLEK, RENÉ - Literary Theory, Criticism, and History
017257: WELLEK, RENÉ - Vernon Lee, Bernard Berenson and Aesthetics
016434: WELLEK, RENÉ - The Nineteenth-Century Russian Novel in English and American Criticism
014998: VON WENCKSTERN, FRIEDRICH - A Bibliography of the Japanese Empire, Being a Classified List of All Books, Essays and Maps in European Languages Relating to Dai Nihon (Great Japan), Published in Eurpe, America and in the East from 1859-93
010687: WEST, REBECCA & LOW, DAVID - The Modern "Rake's Progress"
011333: WESTBURY, LORD - Handlist of Italian Cookery Books
014967: DE WESTENHOLZ, CAROLINE; BEAUMONT, MARY ROSE - Links of Affinity: Dutch Contemporary Art in Britain
015103: WESTERBY, HERBERT - The Complete Organ Recitalist. British and American. Historical, Educational and Descriptive
018194: WEWERKA, STEFAN - 1972-1982 Bericht Einer Deutschen Unternehmung
014880: WHEATLEY, HENRY B; CUNNINGHAM, PETER - London Past and Present: Its History, Associations, and Traditions. Based Upon the Handbook of London By the Late Peter Cunningham
017827: WHINNEY, DR. MARGARET - Home House No. 20 Portman Square. An Architectural and Historical Description of the Notable London House Designed By Robert Adam
012684: WHITE, WILLIAM - A Jubilee Memorial of the Consecration of Christ Church, Cambridge, Which Took Place June 27th, 1839. To Which Is Prefixed a Short History of Barnwell Priory, from Its Foundation to the Present Time.
018302: WHITE, GLEESON - English Illustration 'the Sixties': 1855-70
017476: WHITEFORD, KATE; PHIBBS, JOHN; PIERONI, AUGUSTO - Kate Whiteford. Airfield
018480: WHITEHILL, CLAYTON - The Moods of Type
017823: WHITTAKER, DR. ESMÉ - William Morris: Story Memory Myth
018518: WHITTEN, WILFRED - London in Song
018396: WHITTET, G S (ED.) - The Studio. The Leading Magazine of Contemporary Art November 1958
018634: WILCOX, TIMOTHY (ED.) - Eric Gill and the Guild of St Joseph and St Dominic
016698: WILEY, BEN - Garamond
004063: WILKIN, KAREN - Modern Masters: David Smith
018580: WILKINSON, DAVID (INTRO.) - Guido Morris Fine Printer the Last Chapter? a Catalogue of Late Printings
015083: WILKINSON, MARYANN - Saarinen Amerikassa: Saarinen I Amerika: Design in America. The Cranbrook Vision 1925-1950
015645: WILKINSON, WILLIAM - English Country Houses. Sixty-One Views and Plans of Recently Erected Mansions, Private Residences, Parsonage-Houses, Farm-Houses, Lodges and Cottages; with Sketches of Furniture and Fittings: And a Practical Treatise on House-Building
014438: WILLATS, STEPHEN - Living Within Contained Conditions Stephen Willats
017085: WILLETTS, PAUL - Fear and Loathing in Fizrovia: The Bizarre Life of Writer, Actor, Soho Raconteur Julian Maclaren-Ross
017466: CHAMBERS, SIR WILLIAM ET AL - A Theoretical and Practical Treatise on the Five Orders of Architecture; Containing the Most Plain and Simple Rules for Drawing and Executing Them in the Purest Style
014810: UNCLE WILLIAM - A Visit to Uncle William in Town; Or, a Description of the Most Remarkable Buildings and Curiosities in the British Metropolis
014290: UNCLE WILLIAM - A Visit to Uncle William in Town; Or, a Description of the Most Remarkable Buildings and Curiosities in the British Metropolis
012997: WILLIAMS, MONIER - An Easy Introduction to the Study of Hindústáni, in Which the English Alphabet Is Adapted to the Expression of Hindústáni Words, with a Full Syntax
016627: WILLIAMS, EVELYN; MCEWEN, JOHN - Evelyn Williams Works and Words
016155: WILLIAMS, DIANE M; KENYON, JOHN R (EDS.) - The Impact of Edwardian Castles in Wales
016626: WILLIAMS, EVELYN; BATTERSBY, CHRISTINE - Antimonies: Works By Evelyn Williams
015942: WILLIAMSON, MRS F HARCOURT [EMMA SARA] - The Book of Beauty (Late Victorian Era) a Collection of Beautiful Portraits with Literary, Artistic, and Musical Contributions By Men and Women of the Day. First Edition de Luxe
014060: WILLIAMSON, GEORGE - Memorials of the Lineage, Early Life, Education, and Development of the Genius of James Watt
018732: WILLIAMSON, HUGH - Methods of Book Design. The Practice of an Industrial Craft
012303: WILLING, VICTOR & MACLAGAN, DAVID - In Another World: Outside Art from Europe & America
018255: WILLY, MARGARET (ED.) - Poems of to-Day Fifth Series
010647: WILSON, L M - The Old Bookseller
016577: WILSON, COLIN ST JOHN & LONG, M J - Kitaj: The Architects
015893: WILSON, COLIN ST JOHN - The Design and Construction of the British Library
015894: WILSON, COLIN ST JOHN - The Design and Construction of the British Library Japanese Edition
013730: WILSON, MICHAEL - Libby Raynham: That Inward Eye
018336: WILSON, COLIN ST JOHN - Architectural Reflections: Studies in the Philosophy and Practice of Architecture
015012: WILSON, COLIN ST JOHN - The Other Tradition of Modern Architecture. The Uncompleted Project
017131: WILSON, COLIN ST JOHN (FWD.) - Office Performance. The Design and Analysis of 50 Schemes from the Final Year of the Diploma Course in Architecture at Cambridge University October '77 to June '78
016075: WISE, THOMAS J; SMART, J P - A Complete Bibliography of the Writings in Prose and Verse of John Ruskin Ll. D. , [18 Parts of 19]
012807: WISE, THOMAS J - A Complete Bibliography of the Writings in Prose and Verse of John Ruskin Ll. D. , with a List of the More Important Ruskiniana
017928: WOGENSCKY, ANDRÉ; LE CORBUSIER - L'homme Et L'architecture Numéro Spéciale 11-12 13-14 Unité D’Habitation a Marseille de le Corbusier
012896: WOLF, REINHART; TERZANI, ANGELA - Japan: The Beauty of Food
017851: SAVELSBERG, WOLFGANG AND QUILITZSCH, UWE - Infinitely Beautiful. The Garden Realm of Dessau-Wörlitz
016159: WOOD, JULIET - Alone and Together, Brunel's People
015143: WOOD, JON - Close Encounters: The Sculptor's Studio in the Age of the Camera
018150: WOOD, CHRISTOPHER - Burne-Jones. The Life and Works of Sir Edward Burne-Jones (1833-1898)
017953: WOODBRIDGE, KENNETH - Landscape and Antiquity. Aspects of English Culture at Stourhead 1718 to 1838
013815: WOODBRIDGE, JOHN MARSHALL & SALLY BYRNE - Buildings of the Bay Area: A Guide to the Architecture of the San Francisco Region
016438: WOODSWORTH, GLENN - Cheap Sons of Bitches. An Informal Bibliography of the Publications of William Hoffer, Bookseller
013486: WOOLF, CECIL - A Bibliography of Norman Douglas
016067: WOOSTER, DAVID - Alpine Plants: Figures and Descriptions of Some of the Most Striking and Beautiful of the Alpine Flowers
013678: THE WEAVERS WORKSHOP - Contemporary Dutch Weavers
012499: WORNUM, RALPH NICHOLSON - The Epochs of Painting: A Biographical and Critical Essay on Painting and Painters of All Times and Many Places
016220: WORTHINGTON, GREVILLE - A Bibliography of the Waverley Novels
017888: WRIGHT, ELIZABETH - Mini - Escort and Other Works
016562: WRIGHT, STUART - Randall Jarrell. A Descriptive Bibliography
015258: WRIGHT, OLGIVANNA LLOYD - The Roots of Life
018663: WRIGHT, KAREN (ED.) - Modern Painters Winter 1997
015675: WRIGHT, LANCE (ED.) - The Architectural Review Volume 160 July - December 1976
015676: WRIGHT, LANCE (ED.) - The Architectural Review Volume 162 July - December 1977
015677: WRIGHT, LANCE (ED.) - The Architectural Review Volume 165 January - June 1979
015674: WRIGHT, LANCE (ED.) - The Architectural Review Volume 159 January - June 1976
015672: WRIGHT, LANCE (ED.) - The Architectural Review Volume 155 January - June 1974
016321: WROTH, LAWRENCE C - The Colonial Printer
016395: WYATT, WOODROW (FWD.) - Sir Matthew Digby Wyatt 1820-1877. Travel Sketches in France, Italy and Germany 1844-1846
015636: YORKE, MALCOLM - The Inward Laugh: Edward Bawden and His Circle
018533: YOUNG, ANDREW MCLAREN - Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868-1928) Architecture, Design and Painting
017389: ZAHIR, YASMIN; MALBERT, ROGER - Paper Cuts
017842: ZALAPĚ, ANGHELI - Palazzi of Sicily
014454: ZANA, CHARLES (INTRO.) - Repertorio Sottsass: 23 Octobre 2018
017944: ZERVOS, CHRISTIAN ( INTRO.) - Cahiers D'art 23e Année 1948 No. 1 Oeuvres de Picasso 1946-1948
011296: ZIEGLER, CHRISTOPH - Illustrationen Zur Topographie Des Alten Rom
015272: VAN ZIJL, IDA; MULDER, BERTUS - Rietveld Schröder House
018786: ZIMMERMANN, HANS DIETER - Comic Strips. Geschichte, Struktur, Wirkung Und Verbreitung Der Bildergeschichten
011049: JERI ZULLI, JONATHAN GREGORY (EDS.) - 68th Art Directors Annual and 3rd International Exhibition
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