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28030: BOOKBINDING. - Exhibition of Modern Bookbindings by the Chief European Craftsmen, at The Caxton Head, 232, High Holborn...
27945: BOOKBINDING. - The Law Times on the Deterioration of Law Libraries: The Disease and the Remedy.
27946: BOOKBINDING. - Christmas Card from Birdsall & Son Ltd.
26998: BOOKBINDING. - Leathers for Bookbinding and Upholstery, Produced by Edw. & Jas. Richardson, Elswick Leather Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
27021: BOOKBINDING. - Reliures du Moyen Age au Ier Empire. Exposée a la Bibliothèque Royale.
25122: BOOKBINDING. - Modern British Bookbinding - La Reliure Moderne Britannique - De Moderne Britse Boekband. [Exhibited at] Bibliotheca Wittockiana, Brussels & Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague. 1985.
23767: BOOKBINDING. - Bog og Bind Udgivet af Dansk Bogbindertidende.
17929: BOOKBINDING. - Bibliopegy. Association Bindings and others of Artistic Beauty from the Sixteenth to Twentieth Centuries. Offered for Sale by Chas. J. Sawyer. Catalogue No. 255.
15716: BOOKBINDING. - Engelska Bokband. [Catalogue of an Exhibition of Bindings by] The Guild of Contemporary Bookbinders.
13609: BOOKBINDING. - Notes Descriptive of an Exhibition of Bookbindings of the Fifteenth to the Nineteenth Centuries. Together with a Select List of Books on Bookbindings and Bookbinding.
39677: GROLIER CLUB. ARMORIAL BOOKBINDINGS. - The Catalogue of Books from the Libraries or Collections of Celebrated Bibliophiles and Illustrious Persons of the Past with Arms or Devices upon the Bindings Exhibited at the Grolier Club.
33530: EMBROIDERED BOOKBINDINGS. - Exhibition of Silver Embroidered and Curious Bookbindings.
33200: ROYAL ENGLISH BOOKBINDINGS. - Royal English Bookbindings in the British Museum.
31548: BOOKPLATES. - Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Book-Plates (Ex-Libris). To by Sold by Auction by Messrs. Puttick & Simpson.
21484: BOOKPLATES. - General Catalogue of Book-Plates, A Descriptive Reference List of Ex-Libris, Compiled and Annotated by James Dorman. No. 1, Part I. [All Published].
21482: BOOKPLATES. - Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Book-Plates, (Ex-Libris).
21480: BOOKPLATES. - Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Book-Plates, (Ex-Libris).
21481: BOOKPLATES. - Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Book-Plates, (Ex-Libris).
21479: BOOKPLATES. - Catalogue of Book-Plates, (Ex-Libris). The Property of a Well-Known Collector.
21477: BOOKPLATES. - Catalogue of a Collection of Book-Plates, Including many Rare Dated Plates.
21478: BOOKPLATES. - Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Book-Plates, (Ex-Libris) and Armorial China.
21475: BOOKPLATES. - Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Book-Plates, (Ex-Libris) and Armorial China.
21472: BOOKPLATES. - Catalogue of Book-Plates (Ex-Libris) Consisting of a Private Collection Recently Purchased... Catalogue No. 3.
21474: BOOKPLATES. - Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Book-Plates, (Ex-Libris)...
21459: BOOKPLATES. - Catalogue of Book-Plates (Ex-Libris) Offered for Sale by Edmund Lister... Catalogue No. 2.
21451: BOOKPLATES. - A Catalogue of Old and Rare British and American Book-Plates (Ex-Libris), Offered for Sale at the Prices Affixed...
21453: BOOKPLATES. - Catalogue of a Collection of Book-Plates, (Ex-Libris), the Property of a Well-Known Amateur.
21444: BOOKPLATES. - Catalogue of a Collection of Ex-Libris Formed by a Well-Known Collector. Comprising Examples of Early Dated; Jacobean; Chippendale; Pictorial; Bookpile; Sheraton; and other Styles...
38010: HEBREW BOOKS. - Catalogue of Valuable Hebrew Printed Books. The Property of the Valmadonna Trust.
4784: ITALIAN BOOKS. - Fine Italian Books 15th and 16th Century. Bulletin X.
21561: MEDICAL BOOKS. - Notable Medical Books from the Lilly Library, Indiana University. Prepared by William R. LeFanu.
14434: ITALIAN BOOKS. - Fine Italian Books 15th and 16th Century. Bulletin X.
10451: PUBLICATION OF SCHOOL BOOKS. - On the Publication of School Books by Government at the Public Expense. A Correspondence with the Right Honourable Lord John Russell, M.P.
38976: BOOKSELLER'S CATALOGUE. - A Catalogue of Old Books, in the Ancient and Modern Languages and Various Classes of Literature: Comprising Several Valuable Libraries and Numerous Articles of Great Rarity, Recently Purchased. To be Sold at the Prices Affixed to Each by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown.
21255: BOOKSELLER'S CATALOGUE. - New Publications, Printed for T.N. Longman and O. Rees, No 39, Paternoster-Row, London.
14950: BOOKSELLER'S CATALOGUE. - A Catalogue of Valuable New and Second-Hand Books, English and Foreign, in all Classes of Literature and the Fine Arts, also, Early Printed Books, Manuscripts, Etc. On Sale at Very Reasonable Prices by Willis and Sotheran.
14411: BOOKSELLER'S CATALOGUE. - A Catalogue of Leading Books on Egypt and Egyptology, and on Assyria and Assyriology, to be had at the Affixed Prices, of Trübner & Co.
40432: BOOT (Jesse) - Boots Comrades in Khaki. Our Roll of Honour. Vol. I. No. 1. (April 1915) - Vol. I. No. 12 (April & May 1916) [All published].
24035: BORDEAUX (Henry Bordes de) - Catalogue de Livres Rares et Precieux... 21-22 mars 1902.
35323: BORELLA (Mr.) - The Court and Country Confectioner: or, the House-Keeper's Guide; To a more speedy, plain, and familiar method of understanding the whole art of confectionary, pastry, distilling, and the making of fine flavoured English wines from all kinds of fruits, herbs, and flowers; comprehending near five hundred easy and practical receipts, never before made known. Particularly, Preserving. Candying. Icing. Transparent Marmalade. Orange. Pine-Apple. Pistachio, and other Rich Creams. Caramel. Pastils. Bomboons. Syrups. Puff, Spun, and Fruit-Pastes. Light-Biscuits. Puffs. Rich Seed-Cakes. Custards. Syllabubs. Flummeries. Trifles, Whips, Fruits, and other Jellies. - Pickles, &c. Also New and easy directions for clarifying the different degrees of sugar, together with several bills of fare of deserts for private gentlemen's families, A new edition. To which is added, a dissertation on the different species of fruits, and the art of distilling simple waters, cordials, persumed oils, and essences. By Mr. Borella, now head confectioner to the Spanish Ambassador in England.
14906: BORRONI (Fabia) - Le Carte Rajna della Biblioteca Marucelliana. Catalogo e Bibliografia.
33143: BORTHWICK (William) - An Inquiry into the Origin and Limitations of the Feudal Dignities of Scotland.
35148: BOSANQUET (Eustace F.) - English Printed Almanacks and Prognostications. A Bibliographical History to the Year 1600.
35761: BOSQUET (Émile) - Barèmes ou devis de travaux de reliure, établis au moyen de 48 tableaux divisés en 28 formats chacun, indiquant les prix de revient, tant en main d'oeuvre qu'en fournitures, de 54 genres de reliure et emboîtages divers, soit plus de 1200 devis, précédés d'une notice, accompagnés d'un tableau de réductions sur les travaux en nombres, d'un projet de prix courant et d'une feuille in-plano soleil donnant les tracés et dimensions de tous les formats par Em. Bosquet.
27263: BOSSUAT (Robert) - Manuel Bibliographique de la Littérature Française du Moyen Age.
38385: BOTTOMLEY (Samuel) - The Redeemer in The Midst Of Those who are Assembled in His Name the substance of a Sermon preached at the opening of a New Chapel in Pickering, in the County of York, on Wednesday April 29th. 1789.
38143: BOUCHARD (Louis) - Traité des Constructions Rurales et de Leur Disposition...
39987: BOUCHOT (Henri) - Les Reliures d'Art a la Bibliothèque Nationale.
35790: BOUCHOT (Henri) - Les Reliures d'Art a la Bibliothèque Nationale.
30864: BOUGEANT (Guillaume-Hyacinthe) - A Philosophical Amusement upon the Language of Beasts. Written originally in French, by Father Bougeant, a famous Jesuit; now confined at La Fleche, on Account of this Work.
37781: BOUILLAUD (Jean-Baptiste) - Traité clinique et physiologique de l'encéphalite, ou inflammation du cerveau, et des ses Suites, telles que de Ramollissement, la Suppuration, les Abcès, les Tubercules, le Squirrhe, le Cancer, etc.
33029: BOUILLY (Jean Nicolas) - Jean-Jacques Rousseau, à ses derniers momens: trait historique en un acte et en prose, représenté pour la premiere fois, à Paris, par les comédiens italiens ordinaires du roi, le 31 décembre 1790.
32171: BOUISSON (Etienne Frederic) - De la Bile, de ses Varietes Physiologiques, de ses Alterations Morbides.
38877: BOULTON (Matthew Piers Watt) - Specification of Matthew Piers Watt Boulton. Turbines or Propellers.
39727: BOULTON (Matthew Piers Watt) - Specification of Matthew Piers Watt Boulton. Propelling Vessels. Letters Patent to Matthew Piers Watt Boulton of Tew Park, Oxfordshire, Esquire, for the Invention of "Improvements in Propulsion, and in Rotary Apparatus for Giving Motion or Energy to Fluids and Receiving Motion or Energy from Them."
23308: BOURALIERE (M.A. de la) - L'Imprimerie & la Librairie a Poitiers Pendant le XVIe Siecle. Bulletin et Mémoires de la Société des Antiquaires de l'Ouest, tome XXIII, Année 1899.
38949: BOURDICHON (Jean) - Les Heures d'Anne de Bretagne, Bibliothèque Nationale (Manuscrit Latin 9474). Texe par Émile Mâle, Légendes par Edmond Pognon.
21815: BOURDILLON (F.W.) Editor. - Cest Daucasi & de Nicolete. Reproduced in Photo-Facsimile and Type-Transliteration from the Unique MS. in the Bibliothèque Nationale at Paris, fonds français, 2168.
20497: BOURDILLON (F.W.) - The Early Editions of The Roman de la Rose. Illustrated Monographs No. XIV..
15076: BOURDILLON (F.W.) - The Early Editions of The Roman de la Rose. Illustrated Monographs No. XIV.
37596: BOURNEVILLE (Désiré Magloire) - Disours Pronocès les 12, 14 et 17 août 1886 aux Distribtions des Prix des Écoles Municipales d'Infirmières Laïques (Neuvième Année Scolaire).
24445: BOURSEAUD (H.-M.) - Histoire et Description des Manuscits et des Éditions Originales des Ouvrages de Bossuet.
36661: BOW (William Forrester) - Notions of the Nature of Fever, and of Nervous Action.
29260: BOWEN (Karen Lee) - Christopher Plantin's Books of Hours: Illustration and Production.
37797: BOWER (John) - Description of the Abbeys of Melrose and Old Melrose, with their Traditions.
26933: BOWES (Robert) - A Catalogue of Books Printed at or Relating to the University Town & County of Cambridge from 1521 to 1893. With Bibliographical & Biographical Notes. [with:] Index.
21437: BOWES (Robert) - A Catalogue of Books Printed at or Relating to the University Town & County of Cambridge from 1521 to 1893. With Bibliographical & Biographical Notes. [With:] Index.
39046: BOWLES (William Lisle) - Scenes and shadows of days departed: a narrative accompanied with poems of youth and some other poems of melancholy and fancy in the journey of life from youth to age.
38313: BOWLES (William Lisle) - The Grave of the last Saxon; or, the Legend of the Curfew. A Poem.
39584: BOWLES (Rev. W. L.) - The Parochial History of Bremhill, in the County of Wilts; containing a particular account, from authentic and unpublished documents, of the Cistercian Abbey of Stanley in that parish; with observations and reflections on the Origin and Establishment of Parochial Clergy, and other circumstances of General Parochial Interest, including illustrations of the origin and designation of the stupendous monuments of antiquity in the neighbourhood, Avebury, Silbury, and Wansdike.
26031: BOWLES (William Lisle) - The Grave of Howard. A Poem.
26030: BOWLES (William Lisle) - Verses to John Howard, F.R.S. on his State of Prisons and Lazarettos.
34238: BOWMAN (William) - The traditions of the clergy destructive of religion: with an enquiry into the grounds and reasons of such traditions. A sermon preach'd at the visitation held at Wakefield in Yorkshire, June 25. 1731.
30735: BOWNAS (Samuel) - A Description of the Qualifications necessary to a Gospel Minister, containing Advice to Ministers and Elders, how to conduct themselves in their Conversations, and various Services, according to their Gifts in the Church of Christ.
32670: BOYCE (William B.) - A Grammar of the Kaffir Language by William B. Boyce, Wesleyan Missionary. Second Edition, augmented and improved, with Vocabulary and Exercises by William J. Davis, Wesleyan Missionary.
39608: BOYER (Abel) - The Royal Dictionary Abridged. In two parts. I. French and English. II. English and French.... The third edition, carefully corrected and improv'd with above two thousand words, extracted out of the most approved authors.
9344: BOYESEN (Einar) - J.W. Cappelen 1805-1878. Noen Blad av Norsk Bokhandels og Norsk Kulturkamps Historie.
41224: BOYLE (Roger, Bishop of Clogher) - Summa Theologie Christianae. Authore Rogero Boyle episcopo clogherensi.
9345: BOYNE (William) - The Yorkshire Library. A Bibliographical Account of Books on Topography...
32189: BOYNE (William) - The Yorkshire Library. A Bibliographical Account of Books on Topography, Tracts of the Seventeenth Century, Biography, Spaws, Geology, Botany, Maps, Views, Portraits, and Miscellaneous Literature, Relating to the County of York. With Collations and Notes on the Books and Authors. With Collations and Notes on the Books and Authors.
39892: BRADBURY (Thomas) - Jesus Christ the Brightness of Glory, &c. In four sermons, Preach'd at the Friday-Lecture, in Little St. Helens.
30746: BRADFORD (Samuel) - Unanimity and Charity, the Characters of Christians. A sermon preached in the parish-church of St. Sepulchre, June 16th, 1709. Being Thursday in Whitsun-Week, at the anniversary meeting of the children educated in the charity-schools, in and about the cities of London and Westminster. Publish'd at the Request of several Gentlemen concern'd in that Charity. By Samuel Bradford, D. D. Rector of St. Mary le Bow, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty.
14977: BRADLEY (John W.) - Illuminated Manuscripts.
39648: BRADSHAW (Henry) - Collected Papers. Comprising 1. 'Memoranda'; 2. 'Communications' Read before the Cambridge Antiquarian Society; Together with an Article Contributed to the 'Bibliographer', and Two Papers not Previously Published. [Edited by Francis Jenkinson].
38362: BRAMSTON (Thomas Gardiner) - A Practical Inquiry into the Nature and Extent of the present Agricultural Distress, and the means of relieving it.
41231: BRAMWELL (William) - A Short Account of the Life and Death of Ann Cutler, who was made a principal Instrument in the beginning of the late Revival of the Work of God in Yorkshire, Lancashire, &c. &c.
9351: BRANNER (John Casper) - A Bibliography of Clays and the Ceramic Arts.
39962: BRANSBY (John) - The Use of the Globes: an introduction to astronomy and geography; a description of globes and maps; and a variety of problems performed by the globes, and by calculation; with a Numerous set of Suitable Examples.
35602: BRASSINGTON (W. Salt) - Historic Bindings in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. With Reproductions of Twenty-four of the Finest Bindings.
21393: BRASSINGTON (W. Salt) Editor. - A History of the Art of Bookbinding, with Some Account of the Books of the Ancients.
13442: BRASSINGTON (W. Salt) Editor. - A History of the Art of Bookbinding, with Some Account of the Books of the Ancients.
34651: MANNING (Rev. Owen) & BRAY (William) - The History and Antiquities of the County of Surrey, Compiled from the best and most authentic historians, valuable records, and manuscripts in the public offices and libraries, and in private hands. With a facsimile copy of Domesday, engraved on thirteen plates. Continued to the present day by William Bray.
37513: BRAYE (John) Editor. - Swanage (Isle of Purbeck). Its History, Resources as an Invigorating Health Resort, Botany, and Geology.
39004: BRITTON (J.) & BRAYLEY (E. W.) - Northampton; or, Original Delineations, Topographical, Historical, and Descriptive, of that County. The Results of Personal Survey.
38633: POSSE-BRAZDOVA (Amelie) - Sardinian Sideshow.
40031: BREAD. - A Table of the Assize of Bread, In Pounds, Ounces, and Drams, Averdupois Weight. Explanation: in the First and Last Columns is the Price of the Bushel of Wheat...
19653: CORRARD DE BREBAN. - Recherches sur l'Établissement et l'Exercice de l'Imprimerie a Troyes...
25344: BRECKNOCKSHIRE. - A List of Brecknockshire Manuscripts and Records in the National Library of Wales.
40548: BREGEAUT (R. L.) - Manuels-Roret. Nouveau Manuel Complet, Théorique et Pratique, du Dessinateur et de l'Imprimeur Lithographe.
27919: LITHOGRAPHY. BRÉGEAUT (R. L.) - Manuel Complet Théorique et Pratique du Dessinateur et de l'Imprimeur Lithographe. Seconde édition revue, corrigée, augmentée et ornée de douze lithographies.
40348: Hoffmann (P. G.) & Breitmeyer (Arno) - Sport und Straat. Ernest Band.
31049: BREMONTIER (Nicolas T.) - Recherches sur le Mouvement des Ondes.
33473: BRESLAUER (Bernard H.) - Bibliotheca Bibliographica Breslaueriana.
39527: BRESLAUER (Bernard H.) - Bibliotheca Bibliographica Breslaueriana.
40870: BRESLAUER (Bernard H.) - Bibliotheca Bibliographica Breslaueriana.
41416: RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE. - Sara by Restif de la Bretonne. Translated by R. C. M.
40631: BRETT (Edwin J.) - A Pictorial and Descriptive Record of the Origin and Development of Arms and Armour. To which appended 133 plates specially drawn from the collection at Oaklands, St. Peter's, Thanet, and Burleigh House, London.
31778: BREWINGTON (M. V. & Dorothy) - Kendall Whaling Museum Prints.
38676: BREWSTER (John) - The Parochial History and Antiquities of Stockton upon Tees: including an Account of the Trade of the Town, the Navigation of the River, and of such parts in the neighbourhood as have been connected with that place. In a Series of Letters; embellished with Views of Public Buildings, &c.
35471: BREWSTER (John) - Meditations for the Aged.
30744: BREWSTER (Sir Francis) - New Essays on Trade, wherein the present State of our Trade, it's Great Decay in the Chief Branches of it, and the Fatal Consequence thereof to the Nation (unless timely Remedy'd) is considered, under the most Important Heads of Trade and Navigation.
28093: BRICKER (Charles) - A History of Cartography: 2500 Years of Maps and Mapmakers. Maps chosen and displayed by R. V. Tooley, Preface by Gerald Roe Crone.
41408: BOSTON BRIDGE. - Collection of Facts and Documents Relative to the Project of a Bridge from South Street in Boston [Massachusetts] to Dorchester Neck, and the Annexation of that Peninsula to the Town of Boston.
40798: BRIDGMAN (W. Kencely) - A Guide for the proper Treatment of the Teeth, with a view to their Preservation: containing a popular Explanation of their Structure and Appendages, with Directions for the Management of them in Health, and Treatment in Disease, together with Observations on the best means of replacing them when lost.
35680: O'BRIEN (Matthew) - Mathematical Tracts, Part I. On Laplace's Coefficients, The Figure Of The Earth; The Motion Of A Rigid Body About Its Center Of Gravity And Precession And Nutation.
12823: O'BRIEN (Kate) - English Diaries and Journals. Britain in Pictures.
38390: BRIGGS (John) - A Reply to a Pamphlet Entitled "An Antidote Against the Poison of Antinomianism;" or, More Work for George Jamieson.
39932: SCARPA (Antonio) & BRIGGS (James) - Practical Observations of the Principal Diseases of the Eyes: translated from the Italian of Antonio Scarpa, with notes by James Briggs.
34402: JAUNDICE. BRIGGS (William) - Dissertatio medica, inauguralis, de ictero. Quam, Annuente Summo Numine, Ex Auctoritate Reverendi admodum Viri, D. Gulielmi Robertson, S. T. P. Academiae Edinburgenae Praefecti; nec non Amplissimi Senatus Academici consensu, Et nobilissimae Facultatis Medicae decreto; pro gradu doctoris, Summisque in Medicina Honoribus ac privilegiis rite et legitime consequendis; eruditorum examini subjicit Gulielmus Briggs, Anglus, Soc. Reg. Phys. Sod. Hon. Ad diem 24 Junii, hora locoque solitis.
9356: BRIGGS (Grace M.) Editor. - The Honnold Library. The William W. Clarey Oxford Collection. A Descriptive Catalogue.
30607: BRIGGS (John R.) - An Approach to Type.
22456: BRIGGS (Asa) Editor. - Essays in the History of Publishing in Celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the House of Longman 1724-1974.
38456: BRISTOWE (John Syer) - Case of Aphemia of nine months' duration, in which speech was restored by the education of the organs of articulation. [Offprint from the 'Clinical Society's Reports.']
38455: BRISTOWE (John Syer) - Note in Reference to the Welsh LL and certain other Surd or Aspirate Consonants. [Offprint from the 'St. Thomas's Hospital Reports' for 1876.]
31823: BRISTOWE (J. S.) - Clinical Remarks on Tumours Involving the Parts in the Neighbourhood of the Third and Fourth Ventricles and the Aqueduct of Sylvius.
38451: FREEMAN OF GREAT BRITAIN. - A Second Letter to a Late Noble Commander of the British forces in Germany. In which the noble commander's address to the public, his letter to Colonel Fitzroy. Together with the Colonel's answer, and Captain Smith's declaration, are candidly and impartially considered. By the author of the first letter.
41140: BRITTON (John) - A Topographical and Historical Description of the County of Lincoln; containing an account of its towns, cathedral, castles, antiquities...
37806: BRITTON (John) - The History and Antiquities of the Abbey, and Cathedral Church of Peterborough: illustrated by a series of engravings of views, elevations, plans, and details of the architecture of the church, with biographical anecdotes of eminent persons connected with the establishment.
41340: WILTSHIRE. JACKSON (Rev. J. E.) & BRITTON (John) - The History of the Parish of Grittleton, in the County of Wilts.
31723: BROADBENT (W. H.) - On the Function of the Blood in Muscular Work.
31705: BROADBENT (W. H.) - An Attempt to Apply Chemical Principles in Explanation of the Action of Remedies and Poisons.
31347: BROADBENT (W. H.) - Remarks on the Pathology of Chorea. [Offprint from the British Medical Journal].
40962: LINCOLN EXECUTION BROADSIDE. - Copy of Verses, Timothy Brammer and Thomas Strong, who will be Executed on Friday, the 19th March 1830.
40331: TRADE BROADSIDE. - Léon Clerc & Charles's Price List for Wood, Tin, Iron, and Japanned Ware.
19709: BROADSIDES. - Catalogue of the Collection of Broadsides [1641-1820] in the University Library.
37821: BRODIE (Sir Benjamin C.) - Lectures Illustrative of Certain Local Nervous Affections.
32371: BRODIE (Sir Benjamin Collins) - Lectures on the Diseases of the Urinary Organs.
32359: BRODIE (Sir Benjamin Collins) - Lectures on the Diseases of the Urinary Organs.
32164: BRODIE (Sir Benjamin Collins) - Lectures on the Diseases of the Urinary Organs.
35709: BROOK (John) - French Measure and English Equivalents. For the Use of Manufactures in Iron, Steel, &c.; Engineers, Toolmakers, Millwrights, Draughtsmen, Foremen, Mechanics, Forgemen, Rollermen & Artisans generally.
36722: BROOKES (Samuel) - An Introduction to the Study of Conchology: Including Observations on the Linnaean Genera, and on the Arrangement of M. Lamarck; a Glossary, and a Table of English Names.
38045: BROOKS (Harold F.) - A Bibliography of John Oldham, the Restoration Satirist.
31866: BROOKS (Harold F.) - A Bibliography of John Oldham, the Restoration Satirist.
39803: BROOKS (H.C.) - Compendiosa Bibliografia di Edizioni Bodoniane.
14627: BROOKS (H.C.) - Compendiosa Bibliografia di Edizioni Bodoniane.
40703: BROOKSHAW (George) - Groups of Flowers [Groups of Fruit... & Six Birds...], Drawn and Accurately Coloured after Nature, with Full Directions for the Young Artist; Designed as a Companion to the Treatise on Flower Painting.
38503: BROOME (Ralph) - A Comparative Review of the Administration of Mr. Hastings and Mr. Dundas, in War and in Peace.
40248: BROOME (Ralph) - An Elucidation of the Articles of Impeachment Preferred by the Last Parliament Against Warren Hastings, Esq. Late Governor General of Bengal.
12514: BROOMHEAD (Frank) - The Book Illustrations of Orlando Jewitt.
39270: MAGGS BROS. - Bookbinding in Great Britain; Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century. Catalogue No. 893.
39271: MAGGS BROS. - A Selection of Books, Manuscripts, Bindings and Autograph Letters Remarkable for their Interest & Rarity. Being the Five Hundred and Fifty-fifth Catalogue Issued by Maggs Bros. Catalogue 555.
38791: MAGGS BROS. - A Catalogue of Maggs Catalogues 1918 to 1968. Catalogue 918.
41138: MUSIC. MAGGS BROS. - English Composers of the Twentieth Century. Catalogue 1012.
41139: CHILDREN'S BOOKS. MAGGS BROS. - Some Things Childish. Catalogue 993.
37800: MAGGS BROS. - Catalogue of a Unique Collection of Early Editions of Ronsard by Seymour De Ricci.
37278: MAGGS BROS. - Books Printed in Spain and Spanish Books Printed in Other Countries. Catalogue No. 495.
39748: MAGGS BROS. - A Selection of Books, Manuscripts, Bindings and Autograph Letters Remarkable for their Interest & Rarity. Being the Five Hundred and Fifty-fifth Catalogue Issued by Maggs Bros. Catalogue 555.
37072: MAGGS BROS. - Food and Drink Through the Ages 2500 B.C. to 1937 A.D. A Catalogue of Antiquities, Manuscripts, Books, and Engravings Treating of Cookery, Eating and Drinking Including Books from the Library and with the Bookplate of Robert Viel, the Famous Paris Restaurateur. Catalogue 645.
36795: MAGGS BROS. - The History of Flight. A Descriptive Catalogue of Books, Engravings and Airmail Stamps Illustrating the Evolution of the Airship and the Aeroplane. Catalogue 619.
34791: MAGGS BROS. - Books Printed in Spain and Spanish Books Printed in Other Countries. Catalogue No. 495.
33521: MAGGS BROS. - Bookbinding in Great Britain; Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century. Catalogue No. 893.
33485: MAGGS BROS. - Catalogue No. 1098. Comprising a Large Collection of Books on Bookbinding and Several Hundred Volumes of Signed or Unusual Bindings Mostly of the Nineteenth Century. The Majority from the Library of E.P. Wormersley. With an Introduction by Bernard Middleton.
32060: MAGGS BROS. - Books Printed in Spain and Spanish Books Printed in Other Countries. Catalogue No. 495.
41129: MAGGS BROS. - Austria. A Chronological Catalogue of Books, Documents, Letters, etc. 15th to 20th Century. Catalogue 933.
41125: MAGGS BROS. - John Milton. A Catalogue of Works by or Relating to John Milton, Largely Comprising the Library of the Well-Known Milton Scolar, the late Prof. Hugh C.H. Candy. Catalogue No. 620.
41124: MAGGS BROS. - Rudyard Kipling; A Collection of First and other Editions... Catalogue 663.
31737: MAGGS BROS. - Four Centuries of Military Books. Catalogue No. 915.
29101: VOYAGES & TRAVELS. MAGGS BROS. - Voyages and Travels. Being a Selection of One Thousand Books Relating to all Parts of the World. Catalogue No. 562.
29020: MAGGS BROS. - North Carolina under the Lords Proprietors. A Series of Original Documents (many signed by the Lords Proprietors), to Governor Stephens and Governor Carteret between the years 1664 and 1674 including the Form of Government of 1667, the original document signed by the Lords Proprietors.
27315: MAGGS BROS. - Voyages and Travels in All Parts of the World. Vol. 1-5. A Descriptive Catalogue.
26478: MAGGS BROS. - Bookbinding in the British Isles, Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century. Catalogue No. 1075.
41128: MAGGS BROS. - Voltaire. An Illustrated Catalogue of 18th Century Editions. Together with a few of Later Date and a Section of Voltaireana. Catalogue No. 910.
26225: MAGGS BROS. - Bookbinding in Great Britain, Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century. Catalogue No. 966.
25416: AERONAUTICS. MAGGS BROS. - A Descriptive Catalogue of Books, Engravings and Medals Illustrating the Evolution of the Airship and the Aeroplane. Catalogue No. 545.
41127: MAGGS BROS. - Books, Manuscripts and Bindings Remarkable for their Rarity, Beauty and Interest. Catalogue No. 456.
23091: MAGGS BROS. - Witchcraft and Magic. Catalogue 921.
20507: MAGGS BROS. - Provincial Bookbinding in Great Britain, Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century. Catalogue 1014.
40388: MAGGS BROS. - Seven American Incunables Printed Before 1600.
16387: MAGGS BROS. - Judaica and Hebraica. Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Illustrative of the History, Martyrdom and Literature of the Jews. Catalogue No. 419.
16037: MAGGS BROS. - Books Printed in France and French Books Printed in other Countries from 1470 to 1700 A.D. Catalogue No. 484.
15944: MAGGS BROS. - One Hundred Spanish Books Selected from the Stock of Maggs Bros.
15732: MAGGS BROS. - A Royal Catalogue Comprising Books, Bindings, Autograph Letters, Engravings and Coins by or Relating to Royalty. Catalogue 606.
15734: MAGGS BROS. - English Literature and Books Printed in England Prior to 1800. Part 1 A-C [-5 S-Z]. Catalogue 929,951,978,987 & 994.
15740: MAGGS BROS. - Rousseau: An Illustrated Catalogue of Works by and Related to Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Catalogue 914.
15741: MAGGS BROS. - English Plays Prior to 1800; Theatrical Literature and Dramatic Criticism. Catalogue 775.
15731: MAGGS BROS. - Sports & Pastimes. A Catalogue of Books and Illustrations Relating to Sport. Catalogue 792.
15728: MAGGS BROS. - Charles Dickens and Walter Scott. Catalogue 1120.
15729: MAGGS BROS. - Royalty 2400 BC - AD 1977. A Catalogue of Books, Manuscripts, Letters, Charters, Medals, Coins and Portraits. Catalogue 982.
15724: MAGGS BROS. - Canada, Newfoundland, Labrador and the Canadian Arctic. Catalogue 678.
15725: MAGGS BROS. - A Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland & Ireland and of English Books Printed Abroad 1483-1640. Catalogue 691 & 692.
15571: MAGGS BROS. - Four Centuries of Military Books. Catalogue No. 915.
14374: MAGGS BROS. - Printing, Illustration, Binding & Illumination. A Classified Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts XIVth to XIXth Centuries. Catalogue No. 830.
14116: MAGGS BROS. - English Literature & Printing from the 15th to the 18th Century. Part I (A-L) [-Part II (M-Z)]. Catalogue No. 461 and 462.
12609: MAGGS BROS. - Australia and the South Seas. Catalogue No. 491.
10162: MAGGS BROS. - A Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland & Ireland and of English Books Printed Abroad 1483-1640. Catalogue Nos. 691,692 & 725.
10163: MAGGS BROS. - A Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland & Ireland and of English Books Printed Abroad 1640-1700. Catalogue Nos. 696 & 699.
10165: MAGGS BROS. - Plays of the Palmy Days. English Plays Prior to 1800; Theatrical Literature and Dramatic Criticism. Catalogue No. 860.
29241: FACSIMILE. VITALE-BROVARONE (Alessandro) - Il codice Varia 124 della Biblioteca Reale di Torino miniato da Cristoforo De Predis (Milano, 1476).
38836: BROWN (Robert) - General View of the Agriculture of the West Riding of Yorkshire. Surveyed by Messrs Rennie, Brown, & Shirreff, 1793. With Observations on the Means of its Improvement, and Additional Information since received. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement. London:1799.
38350: BROWN (Thomas) - General View of the Agriculture of the County of Derby, with Observations on the Means of Improvement.
37859: BROWN (Thomas) - Lectures of the Philosophy of the Human Mind.
40456: ALISON AGAINST BROWN. - January 2. 1798. MEM.—James Alison, &c. Against John Brown, and Others. H. Clerk A. Blane, W. S. Agent. Memorial for James Alison of Hillhead, and others, Heritors of the Parish of Avondale,---- Pursuers; Against John Brown of Newtoun, and others, Heritors od said Parish,-----Defenders.
40917: BROWN (Ford Madox) - A Catalogue of the Household & Decorative Furniture, Works of Art, Books & Effects Belonging to the Distinguished Painter Ford Madox Brown, Which will be Sold by Mr. T.G. Wharton, Upon the premises, No.1, St. Edmund's Terrace, Regent's Park on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, May 29th, 30th & 31st, 1894...
34121: BROWN (Robert) - General View of the Agriculture of the West Riding of Yorkshire. Surveyed by Messrs Rennie, Brown, & Shirreff, 1793. With Observations on the Means of its Improvement, and Additional Information since received. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
33015: BETTY BROWN. - Betty Brown; or, the St. Giles's Orange Girl. With some Account of Mrs. Sponge, the Money-Lender.
32931: BROWN (Cornelius) - Lives of Nottinghamshire Worthies and of Celebrated and Remarkable Men of the County from the Norman Conquest to A.D. 1882. Illustrated with Permanent Photographs.
21447: BOOKPLATES. BROWN (James Roberts) - Catalogue of the Collection of Book Plates (Ex-Libris)...
21434: BROWN (Stephen J.) - Ireland in Fiction. A Guide to Irish Novels, Tales, Romances, and Folk-Lore.
19644: BROWN (Cynthia J.) - Poets, Patrons, and Printers. Crisis of Authority in Late Medieval France.
19623: BROWN (Carleton) - A Register of Middle English Religious & Didactic Verse. Part 1: List of Manuscripts. [Part 2: Index of First Lines and Index of Subjects and Titles.]
40235: WHITAKER (W.) & JUKES-BROWNE (A. J.) - The Geology of the Borders of the Wash: Including Boston and Hunstanton.
33041: BROWNE (Isaac Hawkins) - A Pipe of Tobacco. In Imitation of Six several Authors.
26064: BROWNE (Thomas) - Poems on Several Occasions.
38489: BROWNELL (William) - Original Poems on Various Subjects.
22982: BROWNING (Elizabeth Barrett) - Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Unpublished Correspondence Including her Letter to her Brother George Announcing her Secret Marriage & Elopement and Robert Browning's Letters to his Brother-in-Law George Barrett with the Letter in which Browning gives a Pathetic Account of the Last Hours, Death & Burial of Elizabeth Browning.
19671: BROWNING (Elizabeth Barrett) - Catalogue of the Papers of Lt. Col. Harry Peyton Moulton-Barrett... Nephew of Elizabeth Barrett Browning...
41409: BROWNLOW (Richard) - Writs Judiciall, shewing the Formes, Nature, and Entries of all manner of Executions, in Reall, Personall, and Mixt Actions, as they are now used in the Court of Common Pleas: Together with many other Judiciall Transactions; as by scire facias, &c. in order to Execution.... Whereunto is added, A Collection of the Formes both of Judiciall, and other Special Writs, belonging to the Practice of the Court of Upper Bench: Extracted out of the diverse Ancient and Learned Clerks of that Court: Usefull for all Clerks, Attorneys, and others, both Practisers and Students of the Law. With Two exact Tables, wherein may be found the Principall Matters therein contained.
9381: BRUCCOLI (Matthew J.) - F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Descriptive Bibliography.
31758: BRUNET (Jacques Charles) - Manuel du Libraire et de l'Amateur de Livres...
39834: BRUNET (Gustave) - La Reliure Ancienne et Moderne. Recueil de 116 Planches de Reliures Artistiques des XVIe, XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe Siècles, ayant Appartenu a Grolier, Henri II, François Ier, Diane de Poitiers, Marguerite de Valois, Louis XIII, Mazarin, etc., et Exécutées par le Gason, Clovis et Nicolas Eve, Hardy Mennil, Bauzonnet, Belz-Niédrée, Etc. Introduction par Gustave Brunet.
27013: BRUNET (Gustave) - Lettre au Bibliophile Jacob au sujet de l'étrange accusation intentée contre M. Libri, membre de l'Institut, contenant des recherches sur les livres a la reliure de Grolier, sur les volumes Elzeviriens non rognés, et sur quelques particularités bibliographiques.
23813: BRUNET (Gustave) - Études sur la Reliure des Livres, et sur les Collections des Bibliophiles Célèbres.
23645: BRUNET (Jacques Charles) - Recherches Bibliographiques et Critiques sur les Éditions Originales des cinq Livres du Roman satirique de Rabelais, et sur les Différences de texte qui se font Remarquer Particulièrement dans le Primeir Livre du Pantagruel et dans le Gargantua.
14898: BRUNET (Jacques-Charles) - Manuel du Libraire et de l'Amateur de Livres, Contenant: 1 Un Nouveau Dictionnaire Bibliographique... 2 Une Table en Forme de Catalogue Raisonné..
36838: BRUNKER (J. P.) - Flora of the County Wicklow: Flowering Plants, Higher Cryptogams and Characeæ.
41242: BRUSHFIELD (T.N.) - A Bibliography of Sir Walter Ralegh Knt.
31624: BRUSHFIELD (T.N.) - A Bibliography of Sir Walter Ralegh Knt.
9387: BRUSSEL (I.R.) - Anglo-American First Editions 1826-1900. East to West. Describing First Editions of English Authors whose Books were Published in America Before their Publication in England. Bibliographia Series, Edited by Michael Sadleir, No. IX. Constable & Co. Ltd. 1935. [Sold with:] Anglo-American First Editions. Part Two: West to East 1786-1930... Bibliographia Series No. X.
34085: BRUSSELS. - Bruxelles millénaire = Duizendjarig Brussel = Bruselas milenaria.
27830: BRUTON (Henry William) - The H. W. Bruton Collections. Catalogue of the Well-Known Collection of Choice Old Engravings formed by the late Henry William Bruton, Esq. of Bewick House, Gloucester... Consisting of Mezzotints After Old Masters and Artists of the XVIII Century, by Celebrated Engravers... Which will be Sold by Auction, By Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge... on Tuesday, the 7th of June, 1921.
32169: BRYANT (Thomas) - The Bradshaw Lecture on Colotomy, Lumbar and Iliac; with Special Reference to the Choice of Operation.
40992: BRYANT (Charles) - Flora Diaetetica: or, history of esculent plants, both domestic and foreign. In which they are accurately described, and reduced to their Linnaean Generic and Specific Names. With Their English Names annexed, and ranged under Eleven General Heads, Viz. Esculent, 1 Roots, 2 Shoots, Stalks, etc. 3. Leaves, 4 Flowers, 5 Berries, 6 Stone-fruit, 7 Apples, 8 Legumens, 9 Grain, 10 Nuts, 11 Funguses. And A particular Account of the Manner of using them; their native Places of Growth; their several Varieties, and physical Properties: Together with whatever is otherwise curious, or very remarkable in each Species. The whole so methodized, as to form a short Introduction to the Science of Botany.
34331: BRYCE (Alexander) - A Probationary Essay of Fracture of the Cranium, Submitted... to the examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh...
36583: BUCHANAN (Thomas) - Illustrations of Acoustic Surgery.
32912: BUCHANAN (George) - A bound volume of twenty offprints (first separate printings) by this distinguished Scottish surgeon. These include his important papers on 'the excision of one lateral half of the tongue' and 'the excision of the superior maxillary bone', an early pamphlet on a operation on a hermaphrodite and his 'lithotrity, and statistics of lithotomy'.
35646: BUCK (Mjor C. H.) - Faiths, Fairs, and Festivals of India.
37606: BUCKINGHAM (J. S.) - Belgium, the Rhine, Switzerland, and Holland. An Autumnal Tour.
39808: BUCKINGHAM (George Villiers, Duke of) - The Duke of Buckingham His Grace's Letter, to the unknown Author of a paper, entituled, A Short Answer to his Grace the Duke of Buckingham's paper, concerning Religion, Toleration, and Liberty of Conscience.
34638: BUDGE (John) - The Practical Miner's Guide; The Practical Miner's Guide: comprising a set of Trigonometrical Tables, adapted to all the purposes of oblique or diagonal, vertical, horizontal and traverse Dialling, with their application to the dial exercise of shafts, adits, drifts, lodes, slides, levelling, inaccessible distances, heights, &c. Also a Treatise on the Art and Practice of assaying Silver, Copper, Lead, and Tin, with tables which exhibit at one view the value of assayed ores: Rules for calculating the power of Steam and Water Engines: a discourse on the Quality, Manufacture, and choice of cordage for Mine Service; together with a collection of essential Tables, Rules, and Illustrations, exclusively applicable to Mining Business. The whole introduced and exemplified in the most plain and practical manner.
39312: BUFFON (Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de) - Natural History, General and Particular, by the Count de Buffon, Illustrated with above Six Hundred Copper Plates... A new edition, carefully corrected and considerably enlarged, by many additional articles, notes, and plates, and some account of the life of M. De Buffon by William Wood.
39529: BUILDER, THE. - The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine for the Drawing Room, the Studio, the Office, the Workshop, and the Cottage. 3 vols., 1843-45. [Continued under the title:] The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Journal, for the Architect, Engineer, Operative, and Artist. 22 vols., 1846-67. [Continued under the title:] The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine [later, a Journal] for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Contractor, Sanitary Reformer, and Art-Lover. 52 vols., 1868-1899. [Continued in two vols., per annum from 1880].
31926: BULKLEY (L. Duncan) - A Clinical Study on Alopecia Areata and its Treatment.
31927: BULL (Edvard) - En raekke Tilfaelde af Morbus Basedowii, med nogle gragmentariske Bemaerkninger om denne Sygdom.
30689: BULLAR (Dr. Joseph and Henry) - A Winter in the Azores; and a Summer at the Baths of the Furnas.
38659: BULLEN (G.) - British Museum. Luther Exhibition, 1883, in the Grenville Library, arranged by G. Bullen. Printed Books, Manuscripts, Portraits, and Medals Illustrating the Life of Martin Luther, with Biographical Sketch.
27829: BULLOCK (John) - Catalogue of Interesting and Valuable Autograph Letters... Which will be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. S. Leigh Sotheby & Co... on Monday, July 10th, 1848. [Compton & Ritchie, Printers], 1848. 35pp., final leaf bound in reverse, 482 lots. [Bound with:] Catalogue of a Collection of Rare Books... Illustrated with Engravings... more Particularly those Connected with London and Middlesex... Which will be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. S. Leigh Sotheby & Co... on Thursday, July 13th, 1848.
41186: BULMER'S DERBYSHIRE. - History, Topography, and Directory of Derbyshire, comprising its history and archæology, a general view of its physical and geological features, with separate historical and topographical descriptions of each town, parish, manor, and extra-parochial liberty / by T. Bulmer & Co. ; with a map prepared expressly for the work.
38910: BUNYAN (John) - Catalogue of the Unrivalled Collection of the Works of John Bunyan Forming part of the renowned Library of the late Sir R. Leicester Harmsworth...
27866: BUNZEL (Ruth L.) - The Pueblo Potter: A Study of Creative Imagination in Primitive Art.
40307: BURDEN (Philip D.) - The Mapping of North America II (A List of Printed Maps; 1671-1700).
37307: BURDEN (Philip D.) - The Mapping of North America (A List of Printed Maps; 1511-1670).
30950: BURDEN (Philip D.) - The Mapping of North America II (A List of Printed Maps; 1671-1700).
39410: BURDEN (Philip D.) - The Mapping of North America (A List of Printed Maps; 1511-1670). [Sold with:] The Mapping of North America II (A List of Printed Maps; 1671-1700).
30787: BURGES (Cornelius) - The Broken Title of Episcopal Inheritance. Or, A Discovery of the vveake Reply, to the Humble Examination of the Answers to the Nine Reasons of the House of Commons, against the Votes of Bishops in Parliament, their Lordly Dignity, and Civill Authority. Dedicated to both Houses of Parliament.
31973: BURGESS (Ronald J.) - A Geography of the Maltese Islands.
16988: BURGESS (Renate) - Portraits of Doctors & Scientists in the Wellcome Institute of the History of Medicine. A Catalogue.
33771: BURKE (Edmund) - Mr. Burke's Speech, on the Motion made for Papers relative to the Directions for charging the Nabob of Arcot's private debts to Europeans, on the Revenues of the Carnatic. February 28th, 1785. With an Appendix, containing several Documents.
39665: BURNABY (Rev. Andrew) - Travels through the Middle Settlements in North-America. In the Years 1759 and 1760 with Observations Upon the State of the Colonies.
38669: BURNET (John) - A Practical Treatise on Painting. In three Parts. Consisting of Hints on Composition, Chiaroscuro, and Colouring. The Whole Illustrated by Examples from the Italian, Venetian, Flemish, and Dutch Schools.
32465: BURNET (John) - The Discourses of Sir Joshua Reynolds; Illustrated by Explanatory Notes & Plates...
30811: BURNET (Sir Thomas) - The Necessity of Impeaching the late Ministry. In a Letter to the Earl of Hallifax.
39094: BURNS (Robert) - Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, by Robert Burns.
31134: BURNS (Robert) - Bibliotheca Burnsiana. Life and Works of Burns: Title Pages and Imprints of the Various Editions in the Private Library of James M'Kie, Kilmarnock, prior to date 1866.
37838: BURROWS (George Man) - An Inquiry into Certain Errors Relative to Insanity; and their Consequences; Physical, Moral, and Civil.
38926: BURTON (Richard Francis) - Description of an Extraordinary Volume of Shakespeareana, the Property of Richard Frances Burton, Seq. of Longner Hall, near Shrewsbury.
36410: BURTON (William) - A General History of Porcelain.
35897: BURTON (Sir Richard) - Catalogue of a Large Collection of Miscellanouse Books, Including a Selection from the Library of the late Sir Richard Burton, of Sackett's Hill House, near Margate, Etc. Which will be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. Puttick and Simpson, on Tuesday, November 6th, 1855.
40861: BURTON (John Hill) - The Book-Hunter etc.
38698: DE BURY (Richard) - Philobiblon Richard De Bury. The text and translation of E.C. Thomas. edited with a Foreword by Michael Maclagan.
37875: DE BURY (Richard) - The Philobiblon of Richard De Bury. Translated by Andrew Fleming West.
14889: BUSTICO (Prof. Dr. Guido) - Bibliografia di Vittorio Alfieri da Asti.
38898: BUTLER (Charles) - Catalogue of the First [-Fifth] Portion of the Extensive and Valuable Library of the late Charles Butler, Esq. (of Warren Wood, Hafield, and Connaught Place, W.)... Most in Fine Bindings selected from the most famous Libraries dispersed during the last fifty years.
39814: BUTLER (William) - Arithmetical Questions, on a New Plan: designed as a supplement to the author's engraved Introduction to arithmetic; and Intended to Answer the Double Purpose of Arithmetical Instruction and Miscellaneous Information. To Which are Serjoined, Observations on Weights and Measures, with a Complete Collection of Arithmetical Tables, and Explanatory Remarks. For the Use of Young Ladies.
38211: BUTLER (James) - The Life and Character of James Butler, Late Duke, Marquis and Earl of Ormond; Earl of Brecknock and Ossery, Viscount Thurlo, Baron of Lanthony and Moor-Park, Baron of Arcklow, &c. with a particular account of all his battles; and an impartial relation of the rise, Grandeur, Merit, and Personal Endowments of that illustrious family. Together with The Particulars of the Marriages, Descents, and Deaths of the said Family, ever since King Henry Il's Reign. The whole publish'd from authentick manuscripts.
31484: SELCH (Frederick R.) & BUTLER (H. Reynolds) - The Legacy of Sebastian Virdung. The Frederick R. Selch Collection Pertaining to the History of Musical Instruments.
25003: BUTLER (Samuel) - Hudibras, A Poem... with Notes, selected from Grey and other Authors. To which are prefixed, a Life of the Author, and a preliminary Discourse on the Civil War. A New Edition, embellished with Engravings.
18708: ROXBURGHE CLUB. BUTLER (Geoffrey G.) Editor. - The Edmondes Papers: A Selection from the Correspondence of Sir Thomas Edmondes, Envoy from Queen Elizabeth at the French Court.
15365: BUTSCH (A.F.) - Die Bücher-Ornamentik der Renaissance. Eine Auswahl Stylvoller Titeleinfassungem, Initialen, Leisten, Vignetten und Druckerzeichen Hervorragender Italienischer, Deutscher v. Französischer Officinen aus der zeit der Frührenaissance.
17460: BUTT (John) - Pope's Poetical Manuscripts.
40281: BUTTER (William) - A Treatise on the Disease Commonly Called Angina Pectoris.
40539: LAW. BUTTERWORTH (Henry) - Butterworth's General Catalogue of Law Books including all the Reports. Intended as a guide to purchasers.
33769: BYNG (John, Admiral). [?WHITEHEAD (Paul)] - A Letter to a Member of Parliament in the Country, from his Friend in London, relative to the Case of Admiral Byng: with some original Papers and Letters which passed during the Expedition.
39026: BYROM (John) - The Universal English Short-Hand; or, The Way of Writing English, in the Most Easy, concise, regular, and beautiful Manner, Applicable to any other Language, But particularly adjusted to our own.
22385: BYRON. - Bibliographical Catalogue of First Editions, Proof Copies and Manuscripts of Books by Lord Byron. Exhibited at the Fourth Exhibition Held by the First Edition Club, January 1925.
9403: BYZANTINE. - Blackwell's Byzantine Hand List. A Catalogue of Byzantine Authors and Books on Byzantine Literature, History, Religion, Art, Archaeology, Etc.
24464: CABEEN (D. C.) - A Critical Bibliography of French Literature.
41105: CAERLEON. - Good News for the Industrious; or, The Blessings of Saving Money betimes. Addressed generally to the Poor: but in Particular to all Journeymen, Apprentices, Servants, and Labourers, of Caerleon, and its Neighbourhood.
31391: CAGLE (William R.) - A Matter of Taste. A Bibliographical Catalogue of International Books on Food and Drink in the Lilly Library, Indiana University.
38832: CAIGER (G.) - Dolls on Display: Japan in Miniature. Being an Illustrated Commentary on the Girls' Festival and the Boys' Festival.
38000: CALCUTTA. - The Calcutta Annual Register and Directory, for the Year of our Lord 1818; or, Civil, Military, Medical, and Marine Lists of the Presidency of Bengal; with an Almanack, and an Appendix: Containing Regulations of the Custom House, Treasury, Post Office, Bank, Pension and Life Insurance Funds, Union, Laudable and Provident Societies, Calcutta Tontine—Lists of the Law Department, College, Asiatic Society, and Public Charities—Complete Calcutta Lists—List of former Governors, &c.—List of Shipping, &c.—Chronological Table—Rates of Commission and Godown-rent—Tables of Coins, Weights and Measures—Ditto of Exchange, Siccas into Sonats, and Vice Versa—Ditto of Expence, Income, or Wages—A Polymetrical Table—Lists of Administrations, Arrivals and Departures of Passengers, Marrigaes, Births and Deaths—Rates of Boat Hire, &c. Together with a General List of the European Inhabitants of Bengal.
31860: CALIFORNIA. - California. The Library of Jennie Crocker Henderson with Additions. Catalogue 50. [Offered for Sale by] John Howell Books.
41200: CALMANN (Gerta) - Ehret, Flower Extraordinary. An Illustrated Biography.
40186: CALTHORP (Sir Henry) - Reports of Speciall Cases touching severall Customs and Liberties of the City of London. Collected by Sir H. Calthorp Knight, sometimes Recorder of London, after Attorney-General of the Court of Wards and Liveries. Whereunto is annexed divers Ancient Customes and Usages of the said City of London. Never before in Print.
35584: CALVERT (Albert F.) - The Discovery of Australia. With Maps and Illustrated Appendix.
22063: CALVERT (Rev. Thomas) - Catalogue of the Library... Comprising Valuable Archaeological and Topographical Works...
15613: CAMBRIDGE. - The University Printing Houses at Cambridge from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century. Printed for the Opening of the New Printing House.
40484: CAMDEN (William) - Remains Concerning Britain.
32341: CAMERON (Joy) - Prisons and Punishment in Scotland from the Middle Ages to the Present.
34322: CAMPBELL (John) - An Essay of Neuralgia Spasmodica, or Tic Douloureaux; Submitted... to the examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh...
40800: CAMPBELL (John) - A Journey to Lattakoo, in South Africa.
9409: CAMPBELL (Thomas) - Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Campbell, Esq. of Stretford Row, Manchester.
41003: CAMPBELL (John) - A Political Survey of Britain: Being a Series of reflections on the Situation, Lands, Inhabitants, Revenues, Colonies, and Commerce of This Island. Intended to Shew That we have not as yet approached near the Summit of Improvement, but that it will afford Employment to many Generations before they push to their utmost Extent the natural Advantages of Great Britain.
23636: CAMPBELL (M. F. A. G.) - Annales de la Typographie Néerlandaise au XVe Siècle. [Bound with:] Supplements 1-4.
12072: CAMROSE (Viscount) - British Newspapers and their Controllers.
37318: LEEDS-LIVERPOOL CANAL. - Anno Regni Georgii III... [An Act for making and maintaining a Navigable Cut or Canal from Leeds Bridge, in the County of York, to the North Lady's Walk in Liverpoole, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, and from thence to the River Mersey.]
33806: KENNET AND AVON CANAL. - An Act for enabling the Company of Proprietors of the Kennet and Avon Canal Navigation to complete the same; and for altering and enlarging the Powers of the several Acts passed for making the said Canal.
40334: KENNET AND AVON CANAL. - Kennet and Avon Canal Navigation, Devizes, June 30, 1808. The committee of management of the Kennet and Avon Canal Company, referring to their last Report, dated June 30, 1807, to which was annexed a Statement of Receipts and Expenditure...
38463: CANDOR. - A Letter from Candor, to the Public Advertiser.
32272: CANNING (George) - Substance of the Speech of the Right Hon. George Canning, on Lord Morpeth's Motion for a Committee on the State of Ireland.
38477: CANTANI (Arnaldo) - A collection of 32 offprints by Arnaldo Cantani offprints by Arnaldo Cantani in various languages.
34271: CANTON (John) - A Method of Making Artificial Magnets without the use of Natural Ones, Communicated to the Royal Society by John Canton, M. A. and Fellow of the said Society.
21901: CAPITAINE (Ulysse) - Nouvelles Recherches sur les Imprimeurs de Namur.
38459: CAPPIE (James) - The Relation of the Cranial Contents to the Pressure of the Atmosphere. [Offprint from the 'Edinburgh Medical Journal' for August 1874.]
38460: CAPPIE (James) - On the Balance of Pressure within the Skull. [Offprint from 'Brain', Part VII.]
35603: CARD (Henry) - The History of the Revolutions of Russia, to the Accession of Catharine the First; including a Concise Review of the Manners and Customs of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.
33935: HERSTMONCEUX SCHOOL. TRADE CARD. - At Herstmonceux School, near Battel, Sussex, Young Gentlemen are Boarded, and Instructed in English, Writing Arithmetic, Mathematics, and Mercantile Accounts. At Thirty Guineas per Annum....
38757: CARDINI (François) - Dictionnaire d'Hippiatrique et d'Équitation, Ouvrage où Se Trouvent Réunies Toutes Les Connaissances Hippiques.
25405: CAREW (Thomas) - The Poems of Thomas Carew, sewer in Ordinary to Charles I. and a Gentleman of his Privy Chamber. Now First Collected and Edited with Notes from the Former Editions and New Notes and a Memoir by W. Carew Hazlitt.
31921: HAYCRAFT (John Berry) & CARLIER (Edmund William Wace) - Morphological changes that occur in the human blood during coagulation.
39021: CARLISLE (Sir Anthony) - An Essay on the Disorders of Old Age, and on the means for prolonging Human Life.
21415: CARLSON (David R.) - English Humanist Books. Writers and Patrons, Manuscripts and Print, 1475-1525.
40952: CARLTON (William J.) - Bibliotheca Pepysiana. A Descriptive Catalogue of the library of Samuel Pepys. Part IV. Shorthand Books.
14688: CARLYLE (Thomas) - Catalogue of Printed Books, Autograph Letters, Literary Manuscripts... Formerly the Property of Thomas Carlyle. 1795-1881...
37981: SHEPHERD (W.) JOYCE (J.) & CARPENTER (Lant) - Systematic Education: or Elementary Instruction in the various departments of Literature and Science; with Practical Rules for studying each Branch of Useful Knowledge.
37712: CARPENTER (William B.) - The Physiology of Temperance & Total Abstinence. Being an examination of the effects of the excessive, moderate, and occasional use of alcoholic liquors on the healthy human system.
33746: CARRINGTON (W. A.) - Selections from the Stewards' Accounts preserved at Haddon Hall, from 1549 to 1671.
29262: CARTA (Francesco) - Codici Corali e Libri a Stampa Miniati della Biblioteca Nazionale di Milano. Catalogo Descrittivo.
37687: CARTER (John) - More Binding Variants. Aspects of Book-Collecting.
39275: CARTER (J. C.) - Familiar Chinese Faces: A Selection of Figure Studies of Everyday Life from Photographs.
33910: CARTER (John) - Books and Book-Collectors.
34251: CARTWRIGHT (Thomas) - A Sermon preached to the Gentlemen of Yorkshire, at Bow-Church in London, the 24th of June, 1684. Being the Day of their Yearly Feast.
20543: CARY (Melbert B.) - A Bibliography of the Village Press 1903-1938. Including an Account of the Genesis of the Press by Frederick W. Goudy and a Portion of the 1903 Diary of Will Ransom, Co-Founder.
38906: CARYSFORT (Earl of) - Catalogue of Nineteen Books of the Highest Importance, from the Library of the Late... Sold by Order of the Owner, Col. D. J. Proby...
24396: CASE (Arthur E.) - A Bibliography of English Poetical Miscellanies 1521-1750.
18051: CASE (Arthur E.) - A Bibliography of English Poetical Miscellanies 1521-1750.
18127: CASPAR (M.) - Bibliographia Kepleriana. Ein Führer durch das Gedruckte Schrifttum von Johannes Kepler. Im Auftraag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften unter Mitarbeit von Ludwig Rothenfelder
40042: NOTTINGHAM CASTLE. - Report of the Proceedings Against the Parties Charged with Burning Nottingham Castle, firing Lowe's Mill and sacking Colwick Hall : who were tried at the special assize holden at Nottingham, January the fourth to the fourteenth 1832 : before the the Hon. Sir Joseph Littledale, Knight and the Hon. Sir Stephen Gazelee, Knight. Copied from the Nottingham Review.
36896: PORTCHESTER CASTLE. - History of Portchester Castle.
35852: BELVOIR CASTLE. - Catalogue of the Library at Belvoir Castle, the Seat of the Duke of Rutland.
9435: CATALOGUE. - A Catalogue of Cheap, New and Second Hand Books & Books of Prints on Sale by P. Wright.
9448: CATALOGUE. - Catalogue of the Library of a Gentleman, Removed from his Residence in Surrey...
9449: BOOK AUCTION CATALOGUE. - Catalogue of the Library of a Gentleman, Removed from his Residence in Surrey... Which Will be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. Puttick and Simpson.
38269: MINTONS TILES TRADE CATALOGUE. - Mintons Tiles. Selected Patterns of Enamelled Tiles for Walls, Hearths, Fire Places, Furniture, Flower Boxes, &c., Reduced to a scale of 1½ inch to a foot.
40685: FASQUE INVENTORY CATALOGUE. - Inventory: Being the Contents of "Fasque", the Property of Sir John R. Glandstone Bart. 1925.
35264: TRADE CATALOGUE. - Moseman's Illustrated Guide for Purchasers of Horse Furnishing Goods, Novelties and Stable Appointments, Imported and Domestic. For the Wholesale and Retail Trade. Warerooms: 126 & 128 Chambers Street, New York.
32606: ESTATE AUCTION CATALOGUE. - Particulars, and Conditions of Sale, of the Extensive Manors of Grewell and Nately-Scures, Situated in the Vicinity of Hartford-Bridge and Basingstoke, in the County of Southampton... Which will be Sold by Auction, by Mr. W. Young, on Thursday the 12th of April, 1787... at Garraway's Coffee-house, Change-Alley, London... By Order of the Co-Heiresses of the Right Honourable The Earl of Northington, deceased.
32603: ESTATE AUCTION CATALOGUE. - Particulars, and Conditions of Sale, of a Very Valuable Leasehold Estate, Held under the Bishop of Winchester, for Two good Lives, Consisting of a Mansion-House, with Suitable Offices, Garden, and Paddock (in hand,) and of a very capital Farm, called Crawley or Newbarn Farm, Pleasantly situate at Crawley, Five Miles from Winchester, in the County of Southampton... Also, a Very Valuable Leasehold Estate, Held under the Bishop of Salisbury for Twenty one Years, Consisting of the Manor or Chardstock, in the County of Dorset... Which will be Sold by Auction, By Mr. W. Young, On Tuesday the 10th of April, 1787... at Garraway's Coffee-house, Change-Alley, London... By Order of the Co-Heiresses of the Right Honourable The Earl of Northington, deceased.
31638: ARCHITECTURE. BERLIN CATALOGUE. - Katalog der Ornamentstich-sammlung der Staatlichen Kunstbibliothek Berlin.
9438: LIBRARY CATALOGUE. - A Classified Catalogue of the Circulating Portion of the Library of the Corporation of London.
16191: BOOK AUCTION CATALOGUE. - Catalogue of a Collection of Highly Valuable Books, Including a Portion of the Library of a Nobleman, Comprising Books of Prints, Natural History, Fine Arts, Architecture, Engineering, & the Sciences... Which will be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. Puttick and Simpson... On Wednesday, December 5th, 1866.
14234: LIBRARY CATALOGUE. - Catalogue of Books in the Library at The House of Commons.
14108: LIBRARY CATALOGUE. - Catalogue of Books Belonging to the Linonian, Brothers' and Moral Libraries. Yale College, September, 1822.
40519: SUBSCRIPTION LIBRARY CATALOGUE. - Catalogue des Livres en Tout Genre, et Principalement d'Amusement, Arrangés par No et par lettre alphabetique, qui se donnent à lire par abon.ment au Cabinet littéraire, rue du Collège, Sect. D. No. 205.... Les Romans sont désignés par une éroile devant chaque No.
40785: CAULFIELD (James) - Calcographiana: The Printsellers Chronicle and Collectors Guide to the Knowledge and Value of Engraved British Portraits.
26659: CAULFIELD (James) - Calcographiana: The Printsellers Chronicle and Collectors Guide to the Knowledge and Value of Engraved British Portraits.
28028: DERBYSHIRE YEOMANRY CAVALRY. - List of Subscribers to the Testimonial Presented by the Quartermaster, N.C. officers, Members & ex-Members of the H. Troop of R. 1st D. Y. C. to Cap. J. Garratt, Esq. on his retirement from the Troop, 1874, after a lengthened service of Forty Years.
14883: CAVAZZA (Silvano) - Catalogo del Fondo Antico della Biblioteca del Seminario di Gorizia.
40006: CAVE (Roderick) - The Private Press.
27410: BIRMINGHAM SCHOOL OF PRINTING. CAVE (Thomas) - John Baskerville: The Printer 1706-1775, His Ancestry. A Retrospect.
27402: BIRMINGHAM SCHOOL OF PRINTING. CAVE (Thomas) - John Baskerville: The Printer 1706-1775, His Ancestry. A Retrospect.
38935: CAXTON (William) - Jacobus de Cessolis. The Game of Chess. Translated and Printed by William Caxton c.1483. Reproduced in Facsimile from the Copy at Trinity College, Cambridge, with an Introduction by N.F. Blake.
36894: CAXTON. - The Churl and the Bird Translated from the French by John Lydgate. Printed by William Caxton About 1478.
36630: CAXTON (William) - The story of Queen Anelida and the false Arcite: by Geoffrey Chaucer. Printed at Westminster by William Caxton about the year 1477.
36628: CAXTON (William) - Parvus Cato Magnus Cato Translated by Benet Burgh. Printed at Westminster by William Caxton about the Year 1477.
36627: CAXTON (William) - The Temple of Glass by John Lydgate. Printed at Westminster by William Caxton about the year 1477.
22577: CAXTON. - The book of curtesye. Printed at Westminster by William Caxton about the year 1477.
21982: CAXTON. - John Lydgate's "Pylgremage of the Sowle." Printed by William Caxton at Westminster, June 6th, 1483. A Hitherto Unknown Copy.
21379: CAXTON. - A Reprint in Facsimile of a treatise spekynge of the arte & crafte to knowe well to dye/traslated oute of frenshe in to englysshe by Willm Caxton. 1485.
21349: CAXTON (William) - Commemoracio Lamentacionis sive Compassionis Beate Marie. Reproduced in Facsimile from the Unique Copy Printed at Westminster by William Caxton, with an Introduction by E. Gordon Duff.
19481: CAXTON. - Eight Papers Presented to the Caxton International Congress 1976. Journal of the Printing Historical Society. Number II 1976/7.
19132: CAXTON. - Paris and Vienne. Translated from the French and Printed by William Caxton. Edited by MacEdward Leach.
18676: CAXTON. - Caxton's Advertisement. Photolithograph of the Copy Preserved in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, Being One of the only Two Copies Known. With an Introductory Note by Edward W.B. Nicholson.
39788: CAZOTTE (Jacques) - The Devil in Love. From the French of Jacques Cazotte. With Six Engravings on Copper by J. E. Laboureur.
40687: CELSIUS (Olof) - Bibliothecae Upsaliensis Historia.
14911: CELSIUS (Olof) - Uppsala Universitetsbiblioteks Historia.
38407: CHALMERS (George) - An Estimate of the Comparative Strength of Great Britain, during the present and four preceding reigns; and of the Losses of her Trade from every War since the Revolution.
38684: CHAMBERS (Ephraim) - [Cyclopaedia: or, an universal dictionary of arts and sciences...]
32832: CHAMBERS (J. D.) - Modern Nottingham in the Making.
39706: CHANCELLOR (J. G.) - Sterling Castle [A poem].
32194: CHANDLER (George) - William Roscoe of Liverpool. Introduction by Sir Alfred Shennan.
30970: CHANDLER (Samuel) - A Letter to the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, occasioned by his Lordship's nomination of five persons, disqualified by act of Parliament, as Fit and Proper Persons to serve the Office of Sheriffs. In which the Nature and Design of the Corporation Act is impartially considered and stated.
24206: CHANDLER (George) - William Roscoe of Liverpool. Introduction by Sir Alfred Shennan.
38112: CHANNING (William Ellery) - Lectures on the Elevation of the Labouring Portion of the Community.
31339: CASTLEFORD MISSION CHAPEL. - Potteries Congregational Mission Chapel. A a series of special religious services will be conducted in the above Chapel by Mr. Blackburn, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday Evenings, which you are affectionately and earnestly invited to attend. Service to commence at Seven o'clock.
40171: CHAPLAIN. - An Old Chaplain's Farewell Letter.
35553: CHAPMAN (John Alexander) - Lyrical Poems.
38186: CHAPONE (Mrs. Hester) - Letters on the Improvement of the Mind, Addressed to a Young Lady.
30868: CHARACTERS. - An Enquiry into the Present State of our Domestick Affairs. Shewing the Danger of a New Opposition; and wherein Some Characters, which have been unjustly aspersed, are modestly vindicated.
40070: CHARAS (Moyse) - New Experiments upon Vipers. With exquisite remedies, that may be drawn from them, as well for the cure of their bitings, as for that of other maladies. Also a letter of Francisco Redi, concerning some objections made upon his observations about vipers: written to Monsieur Bourdelot and Mr. Alex. Morus. Together with the sequel of new experiments upon vipers, in a reply to a letter written by Sign. F. Redi. By M. Charas. Now rendred English.
35662: NEWARK CHARITIES. - The entire Report of the Commissioners for inquiring concerning Charities, (as far as relates to the Neighbourhood of Newark), dated January 31, 1829.
35543: DEVONSHIRE CHARITIES. - The Report of the Commissioners concerning Charities; containing that part which relates to the County of Devon.
35544: DEVONSHIRE CHARITIES. - The Report of the Commissioners concerning Charities; containing that part which relates to the County of Devon. [and] The Appendix to the Report of the Commissioners concerning Charities of the County of Devon.
33396: CHARLES VII, Emperor. - The Emperor's Plan for a Peace. With Remarks upon it. To which is added the Original Copy in French.
33390: CHARLES VII, Emperor. - The Emperor's Plan for a Peace. With Remarks upon it. To which is added the Original Copy in French.
31106: CHARLES I. - A Large Declaration concerning the late Tumults in Scotland from their first originals: Together with a Particular Deduction of the seditious Practices of the Prime Leaders and Covenanters: Collected out of their owne foule Acts and Writings: By which it doth plainly appeare, that Religion was onely pretended by those Leaders, but nothing lesse intended by them.
31020: CHARLES 1, King of England. - His Majesties Declaration, made the 13. of June, 1642. To the Lords, attending His Majestie at York: and to others of His Majesties Privie Councell there. Together with their Promise thereupon subscribed by them. Also, the Copie of a Letter, sent from divers Knights and Gentlemen of Nottinghamshire, to the Knights serving for that County in Parliament. 1. July, 1642.
36657: CHARLESWORTH (E. P.) - Remarks of the Treatment of the Insane, and the Management of Lunatic Asylums. Being the Substance of a Return from the Lincoln Lunatic Asylum, to the Circular of His Majesty's Secretary of State: with a Plan.
36934: CHARLTON (James) - Trial of James Charlton, at the Northumberland Assizes, Held on the 20th of August, 1810, before Sir Robert Graham, Knt., one of the barons of his Majesty's Court of Exchequer, at the prosecution of Michael Aynsley the elder, on the charge of robbing Kirkley Hall on the 3d of April, 1809, and feloniously stealing therefrom the sum of L1157 13s. 6d., the property of Nathaniel Ogle, Esq.
27277: BOUILLET (M.N.) & CHASSANG (A.) - Dictionnaire Universel d'Histoire et de Géographie Contenant: I. l'Histoire proprement dite. II. La biographie universelle. III. La mythologie. IV. La geographie ancienne et moderne.
38843: CHATWIN (Bruce) - Utz.
40677: CHAUCER (Geoffrey) - The Canterbury Tales.
39192: PERCY (Pierre Francois Baron Percy) & CHAUSSIER (Francois) - Rapport fait a l'Académie Royale des Sciences, par le chevalier Chaussier et le baron Percy. Sur le nouveau moyen du docteur Civiale. Pour détruire la pierre dans la vessie sans l'opération de la taille.
35656: CHEETHAM (F. H.) - Architectural and Historical Notes on Haddon Hall: For the use of Visitors. Illustrated by Josephine Norris and the author and with a plan.
37112: CHELTENHAM. - New Edition of the Cheltenham Guide with Map and Views.
37104: CHELTENHAM. - A New Guide to Cheltenham, and its Environs.
30389: CHETHAM (Humphry) - The Last Will of Humphry Chetham, of Clayton, in the County of Lancaster, Esq; Dated December 16, 1651; Whereby he founded and endowed an Hospital and Library in Manchester. Also the Charter of King Charles II. Dated November 10, 1665. For making the Trustees under Mr. Chetham's Will a Body-Corporate.
31131: CHEVALIER (M. le Chanoine Ulysse) - Son oeuvre scientifique. Sa Bio-Bibliographie.
40655: CHEVIGNY (Sieur de) - La science des personnes de la cour, de l'epée et de la robe, où l'on trouve une instruction sur la religion. l'astronomie. la geographie. l'histoire. la chronologie. les fables. le blazon. l'interet des princes. la guerre. les fortification. Par le sieur de Chevigny, gouverneur de monsieur le marquis de Janson.
38486: CHEYNE (George) - An Essay of Health and Long Life.
33118: CHEYNE (W. Watson) - Report to the Association for the Advancement of Medicine by Research on the Relation of Micro-Organisms to Tuberculosis. [Extracted from the New York Medical Abstract].
30890: CHEYNE (George) - The Natural Method of cureing [sic] the Diseases of the Body, and the Disorders of the Mind depending on the Body. In Three Parts. Part I. General Reflections on the Oeconomy of Nature in Animal Life. Part II. The Means and Methods for preserving Life an Faculties; and also concerning the Nature and Cure of Acute, Contagious, and Cephalic Disorders. Part. III. Reflections on the Nature and Cure of particular Chronical Distempers.
39172: CHILD (Samuel) - Every Man his own Brewer. A practical treatise, explaining the art and mystery of brewing porter, ale, twopenny and table-beer; recommending and proving the ease and possibility of every man's brewing his own beer... [Bound with: FELLOWES (William Dorset) Narrative of the Loss of His Majesty's Packet The Lady Hobart... and two other works (see below)].
38918: CHILDE (Captain) - Catalogue of the Library from Millichope Park, the Property of Captain Childe.
34089: CHILDREN'S BOOKS. - The Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books 1566-1910. A Catalogue. Prepared by Judith St. John, with an Introduction by Edgar Osborne.
31253: CHILDREN'S BOOKS. - The Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books 1566-1910. A Catalogue. Prepared by Judith St. John, with an Introduction by Edgar Osborne.
22307: CHILDREN'S BOOKS. - The Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books 1566-1910. A Catalogue. Prepared by Judith St. John, with an Introduction by Edgar Osborne.
39379: CHILDREY (Joshua) - Britannia Baconica: or, the Natural Rarities of England, Scotland, & Wales. According as they are to be found in every shire. Historically related, according to the precepts of the Lord Bacon; methodically digested; and the causes of many of them philosophically attempted. With observations upon them, and deductions from them, whereby divers secrets in nature are discovered, and some things hitherto reckoned prodigies, are fain to confess the cause whence they proceed. Usefull for all ingenious men for all of what profession or quality soever.
36078: CHILDS (Edmund) - William Caxton: A Portrait in a Background.
34499: CHILDS (A. P.) - The British Botanist's Field-Book. A Synopsis of the British Flowering Plants.
32813: CHILDS (A. P.) - The British Botanist's Field-Book. A Synopsis of the British Flowering Plants.
40570: CHILDS (J. Rives) - Casanoviana: An Annotated World Bibliography of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt and of Works Concerning him.
39778: CHISHOLM (Colin) - A Manual of the Climate and Diseases, of Tropical Countries; in which a practical view of the statistical pathology, and of the history and treatment of the diseases of those countries, is attempted to be given: calculated chiefly as a guide to the young medical practitioner on his first resorting to those countries. London: Printed for Burgess and Hill, 1822. First edition, 8vo (205 x 127 mm), [2], ii, 236pp., 1 folding table of mortality and one engraved plate. [Bound with:] PARK (John Ranicar) The Pathology of Fever; being the subject of the Gulstonian Lecture, lately delivered at the Royal College of Physicians.
38817: REED (George Edward) & CHISOLM (William Wallace) - Catalogue of Law Books of the Pennsylvania State Library.
14096: CHIVERS (Cedric) - The Paper of Lending Library Books, with some Remarks on their Bindings, Illustrated by Diagrams and Photomicrographs.
34146: CHOLERA. - An Enquiry into the Remote Cause of Cholera.
40292: CHRIST'S HOSPITAL, LONDON. - A List of such Governors of Christ's-Hospital, London, As are to Present Children at Easter 1774. Note, Those Gentlemen marked thus * may, if they think proper, present Children whose Parents are not free of the City of London. And those marked + may resent Children whose Parents are both living.
27696: SINCERE CHRISTIAN. - The Sincere Chistian's [sic] Devout Companion, or, how to live one day to God. Set forth in a large collection of spiritual songs and ejaculations; proper to be had in all Christian Families.
19163: CHRISTIAN (Arthur) - Débuts de l'Imprimerie en France. L'Imprimerie Nationale. L'Hôtel de Rohan.
9472: CHRISTIANSENS (Einar) - Einar Christiansens Efterladte Bogsamling Forste del. Katalog Over.
28128: CHRISTIE (Richard Copley) - The Old Church and School Libraries of Lancashire.
31543: CHRISTOPHERSEN (H.O.) - A Bibliographical Introduction to the Study of John Locke.
41244: CHRYSOLOGUS (Petrus) - Divi Petri Chrysologi Archiepiscopi Ravennatis viri ervsitissmi atqve sanctissimi, insigne et pervetvstvm Opvs Homiliarvm nvnc primvm in lvcem editvm.
31888: CHUBB (Thomas) - The Printed Maps in the Atlases of Great Britain and Ireland. A Bibliography, 1579-1870. With an Introduction by F.P. Spent, and Biographical Notes on the Map Makers, Engravers and Publishers.
37632: NORTHAMPTON CHURCHES. - Architectural notices of the churches of the Archdeaconry of Northampton. Deaneries of Higham Ferrers and Haddon.
37573: CHURCHILL (Charles) - The Prophecy of Famine. A Scots Pastoral. Inscribed to John Wilkes. London: Printed for the Author, 1763. Second edition, 4to (240 x 185 mm), [4], 28pp., with half-title, mounted on stubs. [Bound with:] WHITEHEAD (William) An Hymn to the Nymph of Bristol Spring. London: Printed for R. Dodsley, 1751. First edition, 4to (240 x 190 mm), 37, [3]pp., with a half-title and a final advertisement leaf, 3 engraved vignettes, mounted on stubs. [Bound with:] CHURCHILL (Charles) Independence. A Poem, Addressed to the Minority.
26289: CHILDREN'S BOOKS. GUMUCHIAN & CIE. - Les Livres de l'Enfance du XVe au XIXe Siecle. Preface de Paul Gavault.
35500: PRIVATE CITIZEN. - An Address to those Citizens who, in their Public and Private Capacity, resisted the claim of the late House of Commons, to nominate the Ministers of the Crown.
38771: CLAIR (Colin) - A History of European Printing.
18196: CLAIR (Colin) - A Chronology of Printing.
34150: CLANNY (W. Reid) - Hyperanthraxis; or, the Cholera of Sunderland.
35473: CLARE (Martin) - The Motion of Fluids, Natural and Artificial; in particular that of Air and Water, in a familiar Manner, proposed and proved, by evident and conclusive Experiments with many useful remarks. Done with such Plainness and Perspicuity, as that they may br understood by the Unlearned. For whose Sake there is added, a Short Explanation of such Uncommon Terms, which in Treating on this Subject could not, without Affection, be avoided. With plain Draughts of such Experiments and Machines, which, by Description only, might not be readily comprehended.
24048: CLARETIE (Jules) - Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de feu M. Jules Claretie. 14 January 1918-1 March 1920.
36855: CLARIDGE (John) - The Shepherd of Banbury's Rules, to judge of the changes of the weather, grounded on forty years experience, by which you may know the weather for several days to come, and in some cases for months. To which is added, a rational account of the causes of such alterations, the nature of wind, rain, snow, &c. By John Claridge, shepherd.
38437: CLARK (F. Le Gros) - Recent Advances in Natural Science in their Relation to the Christian Faith. An Address delivered at he Reading Church Congress, October, 1883.
40671: CLARK (Samuel) - The Fatal Vespers: a true and full narrative of that signal judgement of God upon the papists by the fall of the house in Black Friers, London, upon their fifth of November 1623.
41282: CLARK (J. Paterson) - A New System of treating the Human Teeth: explaining the causes which lead to their decay, and the most approved methods of preserving them: with Copious & Explanatory Notes. To which is added, some Account of a Discovery made by the Author for the Cure of Tooth-ache and Tic-Douloureux, &c. &c.
39539: CLARK (James) - Historical Record and Regimental Memoir of The Royal Scots Fusiliers Formerly Known as the 21st Royal North British Fusiliers. Containing and Account of the Formation of the Regiment in 1678 and its Subsequent Services until June 1885.
35173: CLARK (H. Geo.) - Baxter Colour Prints. Thier History and Methods of Production; and other Interesting Matter Relating to Operators of Processes Akin to his Methods Together with Baxter & Le Blond Auction Records for 1917-18.
34610: CLARK (John) - Observations on the Diseases which Prevail in Long Voyages to Hot Countries, particularly on those in the East Indies; and on the same diseases as they appear in Great Britain.
40433: CLARK (G. T.) - The Earls, Earldom, and Castle of Pembroke.
30762: CLARK (Thomas) - A new process for purifying the Waters supplied to the Metropolis by the existing Water Companies: rendering each water much softer, preventing a Fur Boiling Matter, separating Vegetating and Colouring Matter, destroying numerous Water-Insects, and withdrawing from solution large quantities of Solid Matter, not separable by mere Filtration.
18210: CLARK (F.) - A Catalogue of Old Books, to be Sold at the Prices Affixed to Each, by F. Clark, No. 33, Piccadilly.
39064: CLARKE (Arthur Melville) - A Bibliography of Thomas Heywood. [With:] An Index to Rawlinson's Collections (circa 1700-50) for a New Edition of Wood's 'Athenae Oxonienses by S. & M.A. Gibson.
35275: CLARKE (Benjamin) - A New Arrangement of Phanerogamous Plants, with Especial Reference to Relative Position, Including their Relations with the Cryptogamous.
34367: CLARKE (Adam) - [A] Dissertation on the Use and Abuse of Tobacco. Wherein The Advantages and Disadvantages attending the consumption of that entertaining weed, are particularly considered. humbly addressed, to all the tobacco-consumers in Great-Britain and Ireland, but especially to those among religious people.
40537: LAW. CLARKE (John) - Clarke's Bibliotheca Legum; or, Complete Catalogue of the Common and Statute Law-Books of the United Kingdom, with an account of their dates and prices, arranged in a new manner, interspersed with observations, from the best authorities, on the principal works.
31250: CLARKE (W. J.) - Early Nottingham Printers and Printing.
28600: CLARKE (H.G.) - Baxter Colour Prints. Their History and Methods of Production; and other Interesting Matter Relating to Operators of Processes akin to his Methods Together with Baxter & Le Blond Auction Records for 1917-18.
27536: CLARKE (George Augustine) - The British Physician: or, family instructor in the knowledge of medicine; containing descriptions of all the diseases of the human body.... With directions in what manner to treat every distemper. And prescriptions in English of all the medicines necessary to be given in each. Written by George Augustine Clarke, M.D. Revised, corrected, and enlarged, by a physician in London.
27530: CLARKE (John) - An Introduction to the Making of Latin. Comprising, After an easy compendious Method, the Substance of the Latin Syntax. With Proper English Examples, most of them Translations from Classick Authors, in one Column, and the Latin Words in another. To which is subjoin'd, in the same Method, A succinct Account of the Affairs of Ancient Greece and Rome; intended at once to bring Boys acquainted with History and the Idiom of the Latin Tongue.
39334: CLARKE (John) - An Essay on the Epidemic Disease of Lying-in Women, of the Year 1787 and 1788.
39111: CLATER (Francis) - Every man his own Farrier; or, The whole Art of Farriery laid open...
24026: CLAUDIN (A[natole]) - Catalogue de la Collection Typographique ayant fait partie de la Bibliothèque de feu M. A. Claudin.
21899: CLAUDIN (A[natole]) - Les Origines de l'Imprimerie a la Réole en Guyenne (1517).
21898: CLAUDIN (A[natole].) - Les Origines de l'Imprimerie a Saint-Lo en Normandie.
39764: CLAVELL (John) - In the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. Sentence Pronounced by the Judge, The Rt. Hon. Sir Herbert Jenner, Kt. on the 19th May 1836, in a cause of John Barnes (the producent of an alleged will of the Rev. John Clavell, late of Smedmore House, in the Isle of Purbeck, deceased) against Louisa Mansel, the wife of Colonel John Mansel, C.B. (to whom, as one of the nieces of Mr. Clavell, letters of administration of his estate and effects, as upon an intestacy had been granted by the same court), declaring the alleged will not to be the will of Mr. Clavell, and decreeing the letters of administration to Mrs. Mansel, and condemning John Barnes the party in the costs incurred.
19674: CLEMENTS (William L.) - The William L. Clements Library of Americana at the University of Michigan.
33957: CLENDON (John Chitty) - The Causes of the Evils incident to Infant Dentition. (Read before the Greenwich Medical Society)
39933: CLEOBUREY (William) - A Review of the Different Operations Performed on the Eyes, for the restoration of lost and the improvement of imperfect vision; in which the most judicious and successful methods of operating on these organs are described, and the general causes of failure faithfully delineated. Also a full account of the various structures and diseases of the eyes and their appendages; together with the necessary mode of treatment: the whole being the result of several years extensive practice in this important department of Surgery.
38696: CLERK (John) - An Essay on Naval Tactics, Systematical and Historical. With Explanatory Plates.
37365: CLERK (John, Lord Eldin) - Catalogue of the Extensive, Genuine, and Highly Valuable Collection of Pictures, late the property of the Hon. John Clerk of Eldin... works of... Raffaele, Titian, Proccacini, Tintoretto, Pordenone, Paduanino, Paulo and Alexander Veronese, Corregio, Parmigiano, Cigoli, Annibal Caracci, Guido, Garofolo, Nicolo and Gasper Poussin, Claude, Mignard, Rubens, Van Dyck, Rembrandt, Gerard Dow, Netscher, David Teniers, Isaac and Adrian Ostade, Schalken, Both, Carl Du Jardin, Adrian and William Van de Velde, Philip Wouvermans, Van der Neer, and other favourite painters...British artists, Wilkie, Stothard, Rev. J. Thomson, Runciman, Geddes, P. Nasmyth, &c. &c., also the superb and entire collection of engravings, painters' etchings, and original drawings by the greatest masters and a splendid and rare assemblage of ancient china, bronzes, terra-cottas, casts from the antique, coins, &c. &c. Which will be unreservedly sold by auction by Messrs Thomas Winstanley & Sons (of Liverpool), at no. 16, Picardy Place, Edinburgh, on Thursday the 14th day of March 1833, and thirteen following days, at one o'clock precisely each day, by order of the executors... [Edinburgh: Printed by J. Hutchison,] 1833. One of 50 privately printed large paper copies, [4], 2, [2], 103, [1, blank]pp., with half-title and limitation statement, engraved frontis., 5 engraved plates (one double-page). [Bound with:] [HOWELL (John)] A Concise and Accurate Account of the Accident that Occurred at the Sale of the late Lord Eldin's Pictures, on Saturday the 16th March, at 16, Picardy Place. By a Sufferer.
35551: CLICHTOVEUS (Judocus) - De Vita et Moribus sacerdotum opusculum singularem eorum dignitatem oftendens, & quibus ornata esse debeant virtutibus, authore Iudoco Clichthoueo theologo Parisiensi. Item Sacri canonis missæ parphrastica explicatio per Michaelem suffraganeum Moguntinum. Ionnes Rokziana de septem sacramentis de non scriptis traditionibus.
38063: CLIFFORD (Isodore E. and R. E.) - Crown, Bar, and Bridge-work: New Methods of permanently adjusting Artificial Teeth without Plates.
37090: CLIFFORD (Isidore E. & R. E.) - Crown, Bar, and Bridge-Work; New Methods of Permanently Adjusting Artificial Teeth without Plates.
31298: CLIFFORD (James L.) - Hester Lynch Piozzi (Mrs. Thrale).
30717: CLIFFORD (Isodore E. and R. E.) - Crown, Bar, and Bridge-work: New Methods of permanently adjusting Artificial Teeth without Plates.
39260: CLINE (Henry) - On the Form of Animals.
21917: CLOUZOT (Henri) - Notes pour Servir a l'Histoire de l'Imprimerie a Niort et dans les Deux-Sèvres.
38712: BISHOP'S STORTFORD FIELD CLUB. - List of Species of the Flowering Plants, Ferns, Fungi, Butterflies, Moths, Birds, and Fishes Identified by the Members of the Bishop's Stortford Field Club, 1904-1906.
37777: BULL TERRIER CLUB. - Catalogue of the Bull Terrier Club's Championship Show. Saturday 24th October 1964.
33196: GROLIER CLUB. - Commercial Bookbindings. An historical sketch, with some mention of an exhibition of drawings, covers, and books, at the Grolier Club.
21997: ROXBURGHE CLUB. - A Book of Old Testament Illustrations of the Middle of the XIIIth Century. Sent by Cardinal Bernard Maciejowski to Shab Abbas the Great, King of Persia, Now in the Pierpont Morgan Library at New York. Described by Sydney C. Cockerell. With an Introduction by Montague Rhodes James, and Notes on the Armour by Charles J. Ffoulkes.
21807: DOUBLE CROWN CLUB. - Eton College Library. An Exhibition of Printed Books 1455-1974. Selected by Paul Quarrie for the Double Crown Club.
20860: ROXBURGHE CLUB. - Two Tracts. Affrican and Mensola, an Elizabethan Prose Version of Il Ninfale Fiesolano by Giovanni Boccaccio and News and Strange Newes from St. Christophers by John Taylor the Water Poet.
18679: BANNATYNE CLUB. - Catalogue of the Bannatyne Club Publications, with a Chronological List of the Members Since the Institution of the Club in February M.DCCC.XXIII.
16457: FIRST EDITION CLUB. - A Bibliographical Catalogue of the First Loan Exhibition of Books and Manuscripts held by The First Edition Club 1922.
24202: CLUBB (Louise George) - Italian Plays (1500-1700) in the Folger Library. A Bibliography with Introduction.
35319: CLUBBE (John) - A Treatise upon the Inflammation in the Breasts, Peculiar to lying-in women; and also upon some diseases attending them, which are the consequences of neglect or maltreatment. By J. Clubbe, surgeon, of Ipswich.
37809: CLUTTERBUCK (Henry) - Remarks on some of the Opinions of the late Mr. John Hunter Respecting Venereal Disease; in a Letter to Joseph Adams, M.D.
37932: DICKSONS & CO. - A Catalogue of Fruit and Forest Trees, Flowering, American, and Evergreen Shrubs, Herbaceous Plants, Bulbous Flower Roots, &c. Also Garden, Flower, Tree, Shrubs, and Agricultural Seeds, Garden Utensils, &c. Sold by Dicksons & Co. Nursery, Seedmen, and Florists, Waterloo-Place, Edinburgh.
9627: DULAU & CO. - A Catalogue of Foreign Books, Comprising Popular & Standard Works in the French and other Foreign Languages, on Sale by...
25478: NATIONAL TYPOGRAPHIC CO. - Report of the Board of Directors of the National Typographic Co., and of the Board of Trustees of the Mergenthaler Printing Co., 154 Nassau St., New York City: Submitted to Stockholders' Meetings, March 19, 1892, and Ordered Printed.
10615: SOTHERAN & CO. - Illustrated Catalogue of the Complete Library of the Late Alfred Austin Poet Laureate... Catalogue No. 44.
39819: FIRST WAR OF THE COALITION. - A Correct Sketch of the Northern Seat of War, Exhibiting the Whole of the Country, wherein the British Troops under the Command of His Royal Highness the Duke of York, have been employed. Together with an account of the different battles and sieges, within the extent of this sketch. As the capital is probably the object of the combined army, now under the immediate command of the Emperor of Germany, the view is extended to Paris & Versailles.
13827: RIVINGTONS AND COCHRAN. - A Catalogue of Books, in Various Languages, and in Every Department of Literature, now Selling, at the Prices Affixed to each Article, by Rivingtons and Cochran.
40771: COCHRANE (Archibald, Earl of Dundonald) - A Treatise, shewing the intimate connection that subsists between Agriculture and Chemistry. Addressed to the Cultivators of the Soil, to the Proprietors of Fens and Mosses, in Great Britain and Ireland; and to the Proprietors of West India Estates.
31160: COCHRANE (Archibald, Earl of Dundonald) - A Treatise shewing the intimate connection that subsists between Agriculture and Chemistry. Addressed to the Cultivators of the Soil, to the Proprietors of Fens and Mosses, in Great Britain and Ireland; and to the Proprietors of West India Estates.
22382: ROXBURGHE CLUB. COCKAINE (Sir Thomas) - A Short Treatise of Hunting: Compyled for the Delight of Noblemen and Gentlemen by Sir Thomas Cockaine, Knight, 1591.
39332: COCKELL (William) - An Essay on the Retroversion of the Uterus; Illustrated with Cases and Observations.
34432: COCKERELL (Sydney Carlyle) - A Psalter and Hours Executed Before 1270 for a Lady Connected with St. Louis, Probably his Sister Isabelle of France, Founder of the Abbey of Longchamp, Now in the Collection of Henry Yates Thompson... with Photographs of all the Miniatures by Emery Walker.
34033: COCKLE (Maurice J.D.) - A Bibliography of Military Books up to 1642. With an Introduction by Sir Charles Oman.
39031: SIDER (Sandra) ANDREASIAN (Anita) & CODDING (Mitchell) - Maps, Charts, Globes: Five Centuries of Exploration. A New Edition of E. L. Stevenson's Portolan Charts and Catalogue of the 1992 Exhibition.
39574: TEA & COFFEE. - T. Pellow's Price Current of Teas, Coffees, and General Groceries, Italian and Proprietary Goods.
32392: COGHILL (John George Sinclair) - Antiseptic Inhalation in Pulmonary Affections.
32382: COGHILL (John George Sinclair) - The Hypophosphites in Phthisis.
31961: COGHILL (J. G. Sinclair) - Chlorate of Potash.
31694: COHEN (Ben) - The Thames, 1580-1980. A General Bibliography.
16874: COHEN (Ben) - The Thames, 1580-1980. A General Bibliography.
20279: COHN (Albert M.) - A Bibliographical Catalogue of the Printed Works Illustrated by George Cruikshank.
32147: COIGNEY (Rodolphe L.) - Izaak Walton; A New Bibliography 1653-1987.
31883: COLAS (Rene) - Bibliographie General du Costume et de la Mode...
30743: COLBY (Colonel T. F.) - Ordnance Survey of the County of Londonderry. Volume the First [all published].
37786: COLE (G. D. H.) - The Life of Robert Owen.
36948: COLE (William) - A Poetical Sketch of the Norwich & Lowestoft Navigation Works, from their Commencement at Lake Lothing, to the Opening of the Harbour, August 10, 1831, in Three Cantos, with Notes.
39236: JONSON (Ben) COLE (Geoge Watson) - The Gypsies Metamorphosed written by Ben Jonson. Edited from Original and Unexpurgated Sources by George Watson Cole. A Variorum Edition.
31671: COLEBY (R. J. W.) - Regional Angling Literature. A Check-List of Books on Angling and the Salmon Fisheries in Scotland, Northern England, Wales and Ireland.
34862: WEBB (Rev. R. H.) & COLEMAN (Rev. W. H.) - Flora Hertfordiensis: or A Catalogue of Plants found in the County of Hertford, with the Stations of the Rarer Species.
36023: COLENSO (The Right Rev. J. W.) - First Steps in Zulu: Being an Elementary Grammar of the Zulu Language.
33961: COLERIDGE (Rev. James Duke) - Joshua's Choice; or, Family religion recommended as the best antidote to sedition and blasphemy; in a sermon preached... on Sunday, 26th September, 1819.
33946: COLERIDGE (Samuel Taylor) - Hints towards the Formation of a more comprehensive Theory of Life. Edited by Seth B. Watson.
36840: COLGAN (Nathaniel) - Flora of the County Dublin: Flowering Plants, Higher Cryptograms, and Characeæ.
36134: COLIN (Georges) - Reliures à la Marque de Jean Bogard. [Offprint from 'Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 1958.']
37731: DE ORBE NOVO COLLECTION. - The De Orbe Novo Collection Exploration of the New Worlds 1492-1625.
36814: HAMILTON PALACE COLLECTION. - Catalogue of the Collection of Pictures, Works of Art, and Decorative Objects, the Property of His Grace the Duke of Hamilton, K. T.: Which will be Sold by Auction...
35884: HAMILTON COLLECTION. - Catalogue of Ninety-One Manuscripts on Vellum, Illuminated by English (Anglo-Saxon), Byzantine, French, Flemish, Dutch, Burgundian, German, Italian and Spanish Artists, of the VIIth to the XVIIth Century, Chiefly from the Famous Hamilton Collection, and till Lately in the Possession of the Royal Museum of Berlin. Which will be Sold by Auction by Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, on Thursday, the 23rd day of May, 1889.
34845: COOKERY BOOKS. WESTBURY COLLECTION. - Catalogue of the Westbury Collection of Cookery Books...
31389: ROMANY COLLECTION. - Catalogue of the Romany Collection Formed by D.U. McGrigor Phillips, LL.D. and Presented to the University of Leeds.
31312: NEWTON. BABSON COLLECTION. - A Descriptive Catalogue of the Grace K. Babson Collection of the Works of Sir Isaac Newton and the Material Relating to him in the Babson Institute Library, Babson Park, Mass. With an Introduction by Roger Babson Webber. [With:] Supplement... Compiled by Henry P. Macomber.
31060: HONEYMAN COLLECTION. - The Honeyman Collection of Scientific Books and Manuscripts. The Property of Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co., which will be sold by auction...
22630: HARLEIAN COLLECTION. - A Catalogue of the Harleian Collection of Manuscripts, Purchased by Authority of Parliament, for the use of the Public; and Preserved in the British Museum.
18454: ROSENHEIM COLLECTIONS. - Catalogue of the Library of Printed Books, Illuminated and other Manuscripts, Engravings and Libri Amicorum, Collected by the Late Max Rosenheim and Maurice Rosenheim.
38922: A COLLECTOR. - Catalogue of the Library, Prints, Drawings, Paintings, Antiquities, Miniatures, China, &c.
39504: OSCOTT COLLEGE. - The French Verbs Made Easy; for the Use of the Students at Oscott College.
36602: COLLIE (Michael) - George Gissing: A Bibliographical Study.
31616: COLLIE (Michael) - George Gissing: A Bibliography.
26271: COLLIER (J. Payne) - A Catalogue, Bibliographical and Critical, of Early English Literature; Forming a Portion of the Library at Bridgewater House, the Property of the Rt. Hon. Lord Francis Egerton, M.P.
23661: COLLIJN (Isak) - Bok- ock Biblioteks-Historiska Studier Tillägnade Isak Collijn pa Hans 50-Årsdag.
31261: COLLINGTON (John) - Authentick Memoirs of the Wicked Life and Dying Words of the late John Collington, of Throwleigh, in Kent, who was executed on Saturday, April 7, 1750, at Maidstone, for maliciously hiring John Stone and William Luckhurst, to set on Fire to the Barn and Ricks of Mr. John Clarke; in which is a full and particular Account of his unheard-of of Cruelties, Acts of Revenge, and Malice; particularly to his first Wife and Children, and Neighbours where-ever he lived: Together with his Behaviour during his Confinement in Goal to the Time of his Execution,.... To which is added of the Life and Dying Words of John Stone,.... as also those of John Williams for House-breaking, and Francis Foster for robbing on the Highway, who were all three executed at the same Time with Collington.
33400: COLLINS (Mortimer) - Idyls and Rhymes.
41161: COLLINS (George E.) - History of the Brocklesby Hounds 1700-1901.
27552: BONAPARTE (Prince Louis-Lucien). COLLINS (Victor) - Attempt at a Catalogue of the Library of the Late Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte.
27293: BONAPARTE (Prince Louis-Lucien). COLLINS (Victor) - Attempt at a Catalogue of the Library of the Late Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte.
31736: COLLISON (Robert L.) - Dictionaries of English and Foreign Languages. A Bibliographical Guide to both General and Technical Dictionaries with Historical and Explanatory Notes and References.
22683: ROXBURGHE CLUB. COLLMAN (Herbert L.) Editor. - Ballads & Broadsides Chiefly of the Elizabethan Period and Printed in Black-Letter. Most of which were Formerly in the Heber Collection and now in the Library at Britwell Court, Buckinghamshire. Edited with Notes and an Introduction by Herbert L. Collman.
41029: GLOSS PAINT COLOURCARD. - Standard Colourcard 'Combinol' Hard-Drying Gloss Paint.
37823: COMBE (Andrew) - Observations on Mental Derangement: Being an Application of the Principles of Phrenology to the Elucidation of the Causes, Symptoms, Nature, and Treatment of Insanity.
34328: COMBE (J. S.) - An Essay on the Hip Disease; Submitted... to the examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh...
40156: COMBER (William Turner) - An Inquiry into the State of National Subsistence, as connected with the Progress of Wealth and Population.
33858: COMEDY. - The Comedy of Errors: or, A Peep behind the Curtain; or, The Glassman; or, What you Will.
39881: COMMERCE. - A Series of Wisdom and Policy: being a full Justification of all Our Measures ever since the Year 1721, inclusive; and especially of our late most Honourable Convention with Spain.
35489: COMMERCE. - To guard against Misrepresentation. An Authentic Statement, faithfully extracted from the Report of the Committee of the Privy Council, appointed by His Majesty, for the Consideration of all Matters relating to the intended System of Commerce between Great-Britain and Ireland..... Addressed to the Merchants and Manufacturers of Great-Britain.
33845: COMMERCE. - The Policy of the Blockading System refuted, with Observations on the Present Stage of the War! In a Letter to a Friend.
14636: IRISH MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION. - Catalogue of Publications Issued and in Preparation 1928-1966.
40014: LADIES COMMITTEE. - Selections from the Communications Received by the Ladies Committee. No. II. Published by Direction of the Ladies Committee.
39864: HOUSE OF COMMONS. - A State of the Proceedings in the House of Commons, with relation to the impeached Lords: and what happened thereupon between the two Houses.
33292: MEMBER OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. - A Letter to Sir John Barnard, upon his Proposals for raising three Millions of Money for the Service of the Year 1746. From a Member of the House of Commons.
30752: HOUSE OF COMMONS. - The Second Report of the Commissioners for the Taking, Examining and Stating the Public Accounts, &c.
26792: ABERDEEN FARMER'S POCKET COMPANION. - The Aberdeen Farmer's Pocket Companion: or, a New Prognostication, Improved and Enlarged. For the Year of our Lord 1799 [1800; 1801; 1802; 1806; 1808]; Being the third after Leap-Year. Containing, A Chronological Table of remarkable events—Vulgar notes—Feasts and Fasts—Eclipses—Rising and setting of the sun—Length of the days and nights—Age and changes of the moon—Disposition of the weather—The whole known Fairs in Scotland—Royal Navy of Great Britain—Royal Family.
40032: EAST INDIA COMPANY. - An Act to permit British-built Ships to carry on the Fisheries in the Pacific Ocean, without Licence from the East India Company, or the South Sea Company. [22d June 1802].
35495: EAST-INDIA COMPANY. - Popular Topics; or, the Grand Question discussed. In which the following subjects are considered. Viz. the King's prerogative, the privileges of Parliament, secret influence, and a System of reform for the East-India Company.
32247: EAST INDIA COMPANY. - Considerations on Colonial Policy, with relation to the renewal of the East India Company's Charter. By an Impartial Observer.
32050: EAST-INDIA COMPANY. - A Catalogue of the Library of the Hon. East-India Company.
40477: PROPOSAL TO ESTABLISH "THE LEICESTERSHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY." - Leicestershire Fire Insurance Company. Patrons. The Right Hon. The Earl Howe, Sir George H. W. Beaumont, Bart... Capital, £200,000. In Four Thousand Shares of £50. each....
39809: EAST INDIA COMPANY. - Papers and proceedings of the Honorable Court of Directors relative to the orders to Madras of 20th January, 1796, for payment of the private debts of the Nabob of Arcot.
9207: AUSTIN (Roland) Compiler. - Catalogue of the Gloucestershire Collection. Books, Pamphlets and Documents in the Gloucester Public Library Relating to the County, Cities, Towns and Villages of Gloucestershire.
38856: TAYLOR (Michael J. H.) Compiler and Editor. - Jane's Encyclopedia of Aviation.
38804: McBURNEY (William Harlin) Compiler. - A Check-List of English Prose Fiction 1700-1739.
39382: URWICK (Thomas A.) Compiler. - Records of the Family of Urswyk, Urswick, or Urwick. Edited by the Rev. William Urwick, with Illustrations by W. H. Urwick.
40385: BRADSHAW IRISH COLLECTION. [SAYLE (C.E.)] Compiler. - A Catalogue of the Bradshaw Collection of Irish Books in the University Library, Cambridge.
39340: WYLLY (Colonel H. C.) Compiler. - History of the 1st and 2nd Battalions, The Sherwood Foresters, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment 1740-1914.
38592: LEMON (Robert) Compiler. - Catalogue of a Collection of Printed Broadsides in the Possession of the Society of Antiquaries of London.
39760: THOMPSON (C. W.) Compiler. - Records of the Dorset Yeomanry. ("Queen's Own.")
40202: HAWKINS (Rush C.) POLLARD (Alfred W.) Compiler. - Catalogue of Books Mostly from the Presses of the First Printers Showing the Progress of Printing with Movable Metal Types Through the Second Half of the Fifteenth Century. Collected by Rush C. Hawkins, Catalogued by Alfred W. Pollard and Deposited in the Annmary Brown Memorial at Providence, Rhode Island.
38168: [TURNER (Dawson)] Compiler. - List of Norfolk Benefices; with the Names of their Respective Incumbents and Patrons, and the Dates of the several Presentations; as also with the Annual Value and Population; continued from Blomefield's History of Norfolk to the present time.
39550: WYNN (Lieut.-Col. R. W. Williams) & FREEMAN (Benson) Compiler. - The Historical Records of the Yeomanry and Volunteers of Montgomeryshire, 1803-1908.
37871: HAGELIN (Ove) Compiler. - Rare and Important Medical Books In the Library of the Swedish Society of Medicine. A Descriptive and Annotated Catalogue.
37865: WYLLY (Colonel H. C.) Compiler. - Record of Services of the Officers of the 1st and 2nd Battalions, The Sherwood Foresters. Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment 45th and 95th 1741-1931.
37721: NAVARI (Leonora) Compiler. - Cyprus and the Levant: Rare Books from the Sylvia Ioannou Foundation. Edited by Artemis Scutari.
40086: BRAUN (Hugh) Compiler. - Works of Art in Malta: Losses and Survivals in the War.
37638: MUHAMMAD KHAN (Haji Mirza Said) Compiler. - Specimen Papers for Examinations in Pushto comprising:- I:- Colloquial sentences from April 1900 to October 1910, i.e., 10 years translated into Pushto (roman characters). II:- 22 passages for written translation into Pushto. III:- Selected sentences taken taken from the papers actually set for H. S. from 1873 to 1900, i.e., 27 years. IV:- 8 Special papers of Colloquial sentences for Candidates for admission to the Quetta Staff College and Revenue officers.
37565: COLERIDGE (K.A.) Compiler. - A Descriptive Catalogue of the Milton Collection in the Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
40134: OATES (J. C. T.) Compiler. - A Catalogue of the Fifteenth-Century Printed Books in the University Library Cambridge.
9782: GODDARD (Jeanne M.) & KRITZLER (Charles) Compiler. - A Catalogue of the Frederick W. & Carrie S. Beinecke Collection of Western Americana. Volume One: Manuscripts.
37287: GORMAN (Pierre) Compiler. - Cambridge in Books. The University, the Town and the County. A Catalogue, Arranged by Year of Publication, of the Collection Held in the University of Melbourne Library.
37188: BRERETON (Frederick) Compiler. - An Anthology of War Poems. Introduction by Edmund Blunden.
40796: PARKES (M.B.) Compiler. - The Medieval Manuscripts of Keble College Oxford. A Descriptive Catalogue with Summary Descriptions of the Greek and Oriental Manuscripts.
9988: JOHNSON (Frederic) Compiler. - A Catalogue of the Collection of Engraved Norfolk & Norwich Portraits in the Possession of Russell J. Colman.
36693: DARTT (Captain Robert L.) Compiler. - G. A. Henty: A Bibliography.
36397: TROTTER Torrens) Compiler. - Cowdray in the Parish of Easebourne, near Midhurst, Sussex. A short history, architectural and biographical, together with a detailed guide to the Ruins and Museum, and some account of the ancient domain.
36287: [GRIFFITHS Acton Frederick] Compiler. - Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica; or, a Descriptive Catalogue of a Rare and Rich Collection of Early English Poetry: in the Possession of Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. Illustrated by Occasional Extracts and Remarks, Critical and Biographical.
36228: KILVINGTON-SHAW (Tessa) Compiler. - New Hall Lives II: A Decade of Change 1965-1974.
36109: BANKS (Joyce M.) Compiler. - Books in Native Languages in the Collection of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Division of the National Library of Canada.
40943: WALWEIN DE TERVLIET (Joseph Antoine) Compiler. - Catalogue des Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Publique de la Ville de Gand, Classés par Joseph-Ant.e Walwein de Tervliet.
35694: SMITH (Harold F.) Compiler. - American Travellers Abroad. A Bibliography of Accounts Published Before 1900.
35658: ELIAS (Edward E.) Compiler. - Elias' Practical Dictionary of the Colloquial Arabic of the Middle East. English-Arabic.
35643: SIGNET LIBRARY. [SANDY (George)] Compiler. - Catalogue of the Library of the Writers to His Majesty's Signet.
35589: BRERETON (Frederick) Compiler. - An Anthology of War Poems. Introduction by Edmund Blunden.
33918: WHEELER (H.A.) Compiler. - A Short Catalogue of Books Printed in England and English Books Printed Abroad before 1641 in the Library of Wadham College Oxford.
33664: TUPLING (G.H.) Compiler. - Lancashire Directories 1684-1957. Revised, Enlarged and Edited by Sidney Horrocks.
33375: DAVIES (Hugh Wm.) Compiler. - Catalogue of a Collection of Early German Books in the Library of C. Fairfax Murray.
33314: NASH (Paul W.) Compiler. - Folio 50: A Bibliography of The Folio Society 1947-1996.
33304: BAKER (Frank) Compiler. - A Union Catalogue of the Publications of John and Charles Wesley.
33247: [TAYLOR (Arnold R.)] Compiler. - A Catalogue of the Icelandic Collection.
33101: [CHALMERS (George)] Compiler. - [Three related works bound in one] The Beauties of Fox, North, and Burke, selected from their speeches, from the passing of the Quebec Act, in the year 1774, down to the present time. With a copious index to the whole, and an address to the public. London: Printed for J. Stockdale, 1784. Second edition, viii, 92, [12]pp., with a half-title and a final advertisement leaf, engraved portrait frontispiece (lightly offset), early ownership signature of Addis Archer. [Bound with:] ----. The Deformities of Fox and Burke, Faithfully Selected from their Speeches. Together with authentic copies of the addresses presented to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, on the rejection of the East India Bill, introduced by Mr. Fox, and the Dismission of the late Administration from his Majesty's Councils. London: Printed for J. Stockdale, 1784. First and only edition, viii, 68pp., with half-title, engraved frontispiece (lightly offset). [Bound with:] [PROSPECTUS]. Beauties of Fox, North and Burke, this day is published, price 3s. 6d. Embellished with a beautiful frontispiece...
32837: VANCIL (David E.) Compiler. - Catalog of Dictionaries, Word Books, and Philological Texts, 1440-1900. Inventory of the Cordell Collection, Indiana State University.
41203: WOOD LEA PRESS. GREENWOOD (Jeremy) Compiler. - The Wood-Engravings of John Nash. A Catalogue of the Wood-Engravings, Early Lithographs, Etchings and Engravings on Metal.
40188: [BLACKWOOD (William)] Compiler. - A Selection from the Obituary Notices of the Late John Blackwood.
9959: JACKSON (Stuart W.) Compiler. - La Fayette: A Bibliography. With a Foreword by Brand Whitlock.
40772: ELLIS (F. S.) Compiler. - The Hours of Albert of Brandenburg. some account of a manuscript Book of Hours formerly in the posession of Albert of Brandenburg ; executed by the artists of the Grimani Breviary, 1514-23 / with a notice of the miniature painters & illuminators of Bruges, 1457-1523, by W. H. James Weale ; illustrated with nine photographs from the book described, from the Grimani Breviary, and from a triptych by the wife of Gerard David.
32280: MAXWELL (W. Harold) Compiler. - A Bibliography of English Law to 1650: Including Books Dealing with that Period, Printed from 1480 to 1925.
41374: MILL (Hugh Robert) Compiler. - Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Geographical Society.
41375: ALSTON (R. C.) Compiler. - A Checklist of Women Writers 1801-1900: Fiction, Verse, Drama.
32137: COLBECK (Norman) Compiler. - A Bookman's Catalogue. The Norman Colbeck Collection of Nineteenth Century and Edwardian Poetry and Belles Letters in the Special Collections of the University of British Columbia. Edited by Tirthanker Bose. Introduction by William E. Fredeman.
32104: STORM (Colton) Compiler. - A Catalogue of the Everett D. Graff Collection of Western Americana.
32082: HEALEY (George Harris) Compiler. - The Cornell Wordsworth Collection. A Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts Presented to the University by Mr Victor Emanuel.
31953: OTTLEY (George) Compiler. - A Bibliography of British Railway History.
31954: WOOD (Casey A.) Compiler. - An Introduction to the Literature of Vertebrate Zoology Based Chiefly on the Titles in the Blacker Library of Zoology...
31935: STARKMAN (Susan B.) & READ (Stanley E.) Compiler. - The Contemplative Man's Recreation: A Bibliography of Books on Angling and Game Fish in the Library of the University of British Columbia.
31938: GILLETT (Charles Ripley) Compiler. - Catalogue of the McAlpin Collection of British History and Theology.
31939: MARSH (Elsie A.G.) Compiler. - The Economic Library of Jacob H. Hollander, Ph.D.
31931: GREEN (J. A.) Compiler. - Thomas De Quincey. A Bibliography based upon the De Quincey Collection in the Moss Side Library.
31798: SHORT (D. Mary) Compiler. - A Bibliography of Printed Items Relating to the City of Lincoln.
31796: STEWART (Powell) Compiler. - British Newspapers and Periodicals 1632-1800. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Collection at the University of Texas.
31791: SCHUSTER (Thomas E.) Compiler. - Printed Kate Greenaway: A Catalogue Raisonne. Edited by Rodney Engen.
31784: BLANCK (Jacob) Compiler. - Bibliography of American Literature.
31691: EMMERSON (Joan S.) Compiler. - Catalogue of the Pybus Collection of Medical Books, Letters and Engravings 15th - 20th Centuries, Held in the University Library Newcastle Upon Tyne.
31651: DOBELL (Percy J.) Compiler. - A Catalogue of XVIIIth Century Verse and A Catalogue of Books by and Relating to Dr. Jonathan Swift. [Offered for Sale by P. J. & A. E. Dobell].
41388: CLARK (C. F. G.) Compiler and editor. - The curiosities of Dudley and the Black Country, from 1800 to 1860: also an account of the trials and sufferings of Dud Dudley with his metallum martis: the artificer in iron, made with pit coale and sea coale, in 1618: : being some lively and instructive traits of the peculiarities of the inhabitants and their doings in the coal and iron district: also, an account of the erection of St. Thomas's church.
31577: FORBES (David W.) Compiler. - Hawaiian National Bibliography 1780-1900. Volume I: 1780-1830 & Volume II: 1830-1850.
31541: BIRD (D.T.) Compiler. - A Catalogue of Sixteenth-Century Medical Books in Edinburgh Libraries.
39402: SHEPHERD (Colonel C. H.) Compiler. - Historical Records of the 2nd Battalion of His Majesty's Ninth Regiment of Foot, now the 2nd Battalion Norfolk Regiment.
31490: BROMLEY (John) Compiler. - The Clockmakers' Library. The Catalogue of the Books and Manuscripts in the Library of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers.
31465: GUNN (Drewey Wayne) Compiler. - Mexico in American and British Letters. A Bibliography of Fiction and Travel Books, Citing Original Editions.
31394: ROGER (Elizabeth M.) Compiler. - The Large Scale County Maps of the British Isles 1596-1850: A Union List.
31373: GODDARD (Canon Ed. H.) Compiler. - Wiltshire Bibliography. A Catalogue of Printed Books, Pamphlets and Articles Bearing on the History, Topography and Natural History of the County.
31322: HELTZEL (Virgil B.) Compiler. - A Check List of Courtesy Books in the Newberry Library.
31295: DURLING (Richard J.) Compiler. - A Catalogue of Sixteenth Century Printed Books in the National Library of Medicine. Bethesda, Maryland. 1967. First Edition, 4to, 698pp., 1 facsimile, orig. cloth. [Sold with:] KRIVATSY (Peter) Compiler. A Catalogue of Seventeenth Century Printed Books in the National Library of Medicine. National Library of Medicine. 1989. First Edition, 4to, 1,315pp., orig. cloth. [Sold with:] BLAKE (John B.) Compiler. A Short Title Catalogue of Eighteenth Century Printed Books in the National Library of Medicine.
31240: METZDORF (Robert T.) Compiler. - The Tinker Library. A Bibliographical Catalogue of the Books and Manuscripts Collected by Chauncey Brewster Tinker.
39565: MIDDLETON (A. H.) Compiler. - Records of the Stirlingshire, Dumbarton, Clackmannan, and Kinross Militia, Highland Borderers Light Infantry now 3rd Battalion Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (Princess Louise's).
40399: JONES (E. Alfred) Compiler. - Catalogue of Plate Belonging to the Duke of Portland... at Welbeck Abbey.
9469: CHAUNDY (Leslie) Compiler. - A Bibliography of the First Editions of the Works of Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham.
30503: RYE (Reginald) Compiler. - Catalogue of the Printed Books and Manuscripts Forming the Library of Frederic David Mocatta.
29214: CHARRINGTON (John) Compiler. - A Catalogue of the Engraved Portraits in the Library of Samuel Pepys, F.R.S. Now Belonging to Magdalene College.
40341: [RAINE (James)] Compiler. - A Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Library of the Dean and Chapter of York.
29076: ADAMS (Ramon F.) Compiler. - Six-Guns and Saddle Leather. A bibliography of books and pamphlets on Western Outlaws and Gunmen.
9258: BESTERMAN (Theodore) Compiler. - A Bibliography of Sir James George Frazer.
28125: BOARDMAN (The Rev. C.) Compiler. - A Catalogue of Books Printed either in Gothic Letter or before the Year 1551, Forming Part of the Library of Stonyhurst College.
28085: WOOD (Casey A.) Compiler. - An Introduction to the Literature of Vertebrate Zoology. Based Chiefly on the Titles in the Blacker Library of Zoology...
27901: DANIELL (Walter V.) Compiler. - A Catalogue of Engraved Portraits of Celebrated Personages, Chiefly Connected with the History and Literature of Great Britain...
27860: NIXON (Howard M.) Compiler. - Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College Cambridge. Volume VI. Bindings.
41132: FABER (Reginald Stanley) Compiler. - Catalogue of the Library at Claremont, Clevedon and 16, Royal Crescent, Bath. Collected by George Weare Braikenridge.
27159: HEALEY (George Harris) Compiler. - The Cornell Wordsworth Collection. A Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts Presented to the University by Mr Victor Emanuel.
27104: GEE (Ernest R.) Compiler. - The Sportsman's Library. Being a Descriptive List of the most important Books on Sport.
26397: SIMPSON (N. Douglas) Compiler. - A Bibliographical Index of the British Flora. Including Floras, Herbals, Periodicals, Societies and References Relating to the Identification and Occurrence of Phanerogams, Vascular Cryptograms and Charophytes in the British Isles.
26188: [COXE (William)] Compiler. - Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Possession of the Earl of Hardwicke.
26167: SKELTON (R.A.) Compiler. - County Atlases of the British Isles 1579-1850: A Bibliography. 1579-1703.
26129: CUBBON (William) Compiler and Editor. - A Bibliographical Account of Works Relating to the Isle of Man. With Biographical Memoranda and Copious Literary References.
25434: BOOKPLATES. THAIRLWALL (F.J.) Compiler. - An Index to "A Guide to the Study of Book-Plates" (Ex-Libris) by The Hon. J. Leicester Warren.
25399: FORBES (David W.) Compiler. - Hawaiian National Bibliography 1780-1900. Volume I: 1780-1830 & Volume II: 1830-1850.
25396: TAYLOR (Louise Marion) Compiler. - Catalog of Books on China in the Essex Institute.
24745: BARBER (Giles) Compiler. - French Letterpress Printing. A List of French Printing Manuals and other texts in French bearing on the Technique of Letterpress Printing, 1567-1900.
24591: MOTTELAY (Paul Fleury) Compiler. - Bibliographical History of Electricity & Magnetism Chronologically Arranged. Researches into the Domain of the Early Sciences, Especially from the Period of the Revival of Scholasticism with Biographical and other Account of the most Distinguished Natural Philosophers throughout the Middle Ages. With an Introduction by the late Prof. Silvanus P. Thompson and foreword by Sir R.T. Gazebrook.
24416: PODESCHI (John B.) Compiler. - Books on the Horse and Horsemanship. Riding, Hunting, Breeding & Racing 1400-1941 [in the Paul Mellon Collection]. A Catalogue.
24304: WOOD (Casey A.) Compiler. - An Introduction to the Literature of Vertebrate Zoology. Based Chiefly on the Titles in the Blacker Library of Zoology...
24284: NIXON (Howard M.) Compiler. - Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College Cambridge. Volume VI. Bindings.
24244: SMITH (Harold F.) Compiler. - American Travellers Abroad. A Bibliography of Accounts Published Before 1900.
23684: NIXON (Howard M.) Compiler. - Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College Cambridge. Volume VI. Bindings.
23438: BALLARD (James F.) Compiler. - A Catalogue of Medical Incunabula Contained in the William Norton Bullard Loan Collection, Deposited in the Boston Medical Library.
22945: JOHNSTON (Stanley H.) Compiler. - The Cleveland Herbal, Botanical, and Horticultural Collections. A Descriptive Bibliography of Pre-1830 Works from the Libraries of the Holden Arboretum, the Cleveland Medical Library Association, and the Garden Center of Greater Cleveland.
22843: MOTTELAY (Paul Fleury) Compiler. - Bibliographical History of Electricity & Magnetism Chronologically Arranged. Researches into the Domain of the Early Sciences, Especially from the Period of the Revival of Scholasticism with Biographical and other Account of the most Distinguished Natural Philosophers throughout the Middle Ages. With an Introduction by the late Prof. Silvanus P. Thompson and foreword by Sir R.T. Gazebrook.
22665: HYDE (Douglas) & O'DONOGHUE (D.J.) Compiler. - Catalogue of the Books & Manuscripts Comprising the Library of the Late Sir John T. Gilbert.
22663: HAYWARD (John) Compiler. - English Poetry. A Catalogue of First & Early Editions of Works of the English Poets from Chaucer to the Present Exhibited by the National Book League.
22300: DURLING (Richard J.) Compiler. - A Catalogue of Sixteenth Century Printed Books in the National Library of Medicine.
21831: [LIEBAERS (Herman)] Compiler. - Quinze Années d'Acquisitions de la pose de la Première Pierre à l'Inauguration Officielle de la Bibliothèque.
21544: CHAMBERS (C.E.S.) Compiler. - A List of Works Containing Illustrations by John Leech.
20427: KODA (Paul S.) Compiler. - A Short-Title Catalogue of the Warren N. & Suzanne B. Cordell Collection of Dictionaries 1475-1900.
20393: SIMMONS (Charles H.) Compiler. - A Bibliography of John Masefield.
20260: DENSON (Alan) Compiler. - Printed Writings by George W. Russell (AE) A Bibliography with some Notes on his Pictures and Portraits.
20140: GOODWIN (Gordon) Compiler. - A Catalogue of the Harsnett Library at Colchester. In which are Included a Few Books Presented to the Town by Various Donors Since 1631.
20006: [ALDEN (Timothy)] Compiler. - Catalogue of the Books, Pamphlets, Newspapers, Maps, Charts, Manuscripts, &c. in the Library of the Massachusetts Historical Society.
19403: McBRIDE (William M.) Compiler. - Mark Twain. A Bibliography of the Collections of the Mark Twain Memorial and the Stowe-Day Foundation.
19351: DURLING (Richard J.) Compiler. - A Catalogue of Sixteenth Century Printed Books in the National Library of Medicine. Bethesda, Maryland. 1967. First Edition, 4to, 698pp., 1 facsimile, orig. cloth. [Sold with:] KRIVATSY (Peter) Compiler. A Catalogue of Seventeenth Century Printed Books in the National Library of Medicine. National Library of Medicine. 1989. First Edition, 4to, 1,315pp., small neat library stamp on title-page, orig. cloth. [Sold with:] BLAKE (John B.) Compiler. A Short Title Catalogue of Eighteenth Century Printed Books in the National Library of Medicine.
19287: AUSTIN (Roland) Compiler. - Catalogue of the Gloucestershire Collection. Books, Pamphlets and Documents in the Gloucester Public Library Relating to the County, Cities, Towns and Villages of Gloucestershire.
19042: SMITH (David Eugene) Compiler. - Rara Arithmetica. A Catalogue of the Arithmetics Written Before the Year MDCI with a Description of those in the Library of George Arthur Plimpton of New York.
18735: HODGSON (Henry W.) Compiler. - A Bibliography of the History and Topography of Cumberland & Westmorland.
18736: KEYSER (Marja) Compiler. - Dirk Philips 1504-1568. A Catalogue of his Printed Works in the University Library of Amsterdam.
18530: HAGELIN (Ove) Compiler. - The Byrth of Mankynde Otherwise Named the Womens Booke. Embryology, Obstetrics, Gynaecology through Four Centuries. An Illustrated and Annotated Catalogue of Rare Books in the Library of the Swedish Society of Medicine.
18528: HAGELIN (Ove) Compiler. - The Adam Helms Collection of Books in the History of Publishing and Bookselling.
18335: HILL (Brad Sabin) Compiler. - Incunabula, Hebraica & Judaica. Five Centuries of Hebraica and Judaica, Rare Bibles, and Hebrew Incunables from the Jacob M. Lowy Collection.
18353: DIX (E.R. McC.) Compiler. - Catalogue of Early Dublin-Printed Books 1601 to 1700. Volume One: Parts I-III [Volume Two: Part IV and Supplement].
18187: RHODES (Dennis E.) Compiler. - Incunabula in Greece: A First Census.
18007: HEWETT (Mary Crane) Compiler. - Catalogue of the Library of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society.
16818: TODD (William B.) Compiler. - A Directory of Printers and Others in Allied Trades (London and Vicinity 1800-1840).
16482: HAND (Thomas W.) Compiler. - The Yorkshire Archaeological Society. Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Library, 31st December, 1916.
16461: BROMLEY (John) Compiler. - The Clockmakers' Library. The Catalogue of the Books and Manuscripts in the Library of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers.
16311: MAXWELL (W. Harold) Compiler. - A Bibliography of English Law to 1650 [-1800].
16173: PARKES (M.B.) Compiler. - The Medieval Manuscripts of Keble College Oxford. A Descriptive Catalogue with Summary Descriptions of the Greek and Oriental Manuscripts.
15711: BIRD (D.T.) Compiler. - A Catalogue of Sixteenth-Century Medical Books in Edinburgh Libraries.
15528: AUSTIN (Roland) Compiler. - Catalogue of the Gloucestershire Collection. Books, Pamphlets and Documents in the Gloucester Public Library Relating to the County, Cities, Towns and Villages of Gloucestershire.
15005: OATES (J.C.T.) Compiler. - A Catalogue of the Fifteenth-Century Printed Books in the University Library Cambridge.
15001: DAVIES (Hugh Wm.) Compiler. - Catalogue of a Collection of Early German Books in the Library of C. Fairfax Murray.
14672: JAYAWARDENE (S.A.) Compiler. - Reference Books for the Historian of Science: A Handlist.
14315: [STEVENS (Henry)] Compiler. - Bibliotheca Americana. A Catalogue of Books Relating to the History and Literature of America. Sold by Messrs. Puttick and Simpson.
14253: BRADFORD (Thomas Lindsley) Compiler. - The Bibliographer's Manual of American History. Containing an Account of all States, Territory, Town and County Histories Relating to the United States of North America, with Verbatim Copies of their Titles, and useful Bibliographical Notes, Together with Prices at which they have been Sold for the Last Forty Years. And with an Extensive Index by Titles, and an Index by States... Edited and Revised by Stan. V. Henkels.
13682: LISTER (Raymond) Compiler. - A Bibliographical Check-List of Works by Philip Gosse.
13517: CAMPBELL (J. Menzies) Compiler. - A Dental Bibliography: British and American, 1682-1880.
40518: LAW. MAXWELL (W. Harold) Compiler. - A Catalogue of Modern Law Books, British and Colonial; with a Selection of such Old Works as are still of value and Appendices...
13036: GILLETT (Charles Ripley) Compiler. - Catalogue of the McAlpin Collection of British History and Theology.
12931: WILLIAMSON (Hugh) Compiler. - Photocomposition at the Alden Press, Oxford. A Printer's Type-Specimen Book.
12759: FERGUSON (J.P.S.) Compiler. - Scottish Newspapers held in Scottish Libraries. The Scottish Central Library.
12736: CRANE (Joan St. C.) Compiler. - Robert Frost: A Descriptive Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts in the Clifton Waller Barrett Library University of Virginia. Wth an essay on collecting Frost by C. Waller Barrett and a bibliographical introduction by Fredson Bowers.
12455: ESDAILE (Arundell) Compiler. - Bibliography of the Writings in Prose and Verse of George Meredith.
12188: BYRD (Cecil K.) Compiler. - Searching for Riches: The California Gold Rush.
10827: WITHINGTON (Mary C.) Compiler. - A Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Collection of Western Americana Founded by William Robertson Coe Yale University Library.
10434: POWELL (Lawrence Clarke) Compiler. - The Manuscripts of D.H. Lawrence. A Descriptive Catalogue.
10209: MASON (Lauris) Compiler. - Print Reference Sources: A Select Bibliography 18th-20th Centuries.
10219: McCORISON (Marcus A.) Compiler. - Vermont Imprints 1778-1820. A Check List of Books, Pamphlets, and Broadsides.
9407: CALLERY (B.G.) & MOSIMANN (E.A.) Compilers. - The Tradition of Fine Bookbinding in the Twentieth Century. Catalogue of an Exhibition 12 November 1979 to 15 February 1980. Essays by Jean Gunner, Bernard Middleton & Marianne Tidcombe.
36238: SPARFVENFELDT (Johann Gabriel) - BENZELIUS (Erik, the Younger) & CELSIUS (Olof, the Younger) Compilers. - Catalogus Centuriae Librorum Rarissimorum Manuscript. & partim Impressorum, Arabicorum, Persicorum, Turcicorum, Graecorum, Latinorum, &c...
33913: KELLEY (Philip) & COLEY (Betty A.) Compilers. - The Browning Collections: A Reconstruction with other Memorabilia.
32340: MINET (William) & COURTNEY (Charles J.) Compilers. - A Catalogue of the Collection of Works Relating to the County of Surrey Contained in the Minet Public Library. [With:] Supplement.
32205: HILER (Hilaire and Meyer) Compilers. - Bibliography of Costume. A Dictionary Catalogue of About Eight Thousand Books and Periodicals.
31944: PAUL MELLON COLLECTION. PODESCHI (John B.) SNELGROVE (Dudley) & EGERTON (Judy) Compilers. - Books on the Horse and Horsemanship. Riding, Hunting, Breeding & Racing 1400-1941. A Catalogue Compiled by John B. Podeschi. [With:] British Sporting and Animal Prints 1658-1874. A Catalogue Comiled by Dudley Snelgrove. [With:] British Sporting and Animal Drawings c.1500-1850. A Catalogue Compiled by Judy Egerton & Dudley Snelgrove. [With:] British Sporting and Animal Paintings 1655-1867. A Catalogue Compiled by Judy Egerton.
31945: BASKETT (John) SNELGROVE (Dudley) Compilers. - The Drawings of Thomas Rowlandson in the Paul Mellon Collection.
31910: ADAMS (Thomas R.) & WATERS (David W.) Compilers. - English Maritime Books Printed Before 1801. Relating to Ships, their Construction and their Operation at Sea...
31588: LYLES (Albert M.) & DOBSON (John) Compilers. - The John C. Hodges Collection of William Congreve in the University of Tennessee Library: A Bibliographical Catalog.
31568: QUINBY (Jane) & STEVENSON (Allan) Compilers. - Catalogue of Botanical Books in the Collection of Rachel McMasters Miller Hunt.
31227: McLEOD (W. R. and V. B.) Compilers. - Anglo-Scottish Tracts, 1701-1714. A Descriptive Checklist.
31226: McLEOD (W. R. and V. B.) Compilers. - Anglo-Scottish Tracts, 1701-1714. A Descriptive Checklist.
31122: CANNEY (Margaret) & KNOTT (David) Compilers. - Catalogue of the Goldsmiths' Library of Economic Literature.
41386: NASH (Paul W.) SAVAGE (Nicholas) BEASLEY (Gerald) MERITON (John) & SHELL (Alison) Compilers. - Early Printed Books 1478-1840: Catalogue of the British Architectural Library's Early Imprints Collection. Volume 3: M-R.
29066: EMBLEM BOOKS. HECKSCHER (William S.) & SHERMAN (Agnes B.) Compilers. - Emblem books in the Princeton University Library: a short-title catalogue. With the assistance of Stephen Ferguson.
28129: MCLEAD (Margaret S. G.) JAMES (Karen I.) & SHAW (David J.) Compilers. - The Cathedral Libraries Catalogue. Books Printed Before 1701 in the Libraries of the Anglican Cathedrals of England and Wales.
28086: POLLARD (A.W.) & REDGRAVE (G. R.) Compilers. - A Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English Books Printed Abroad 1475-1640. Revised and Enlarged, begun by W. W. Jackson & F. S. Ferguson Completed by Katharine F. Pantzer.
26172: GOMME (George Laurence) & MARTIN (William) Compilers. - Index of Archaeological Papers Published in 1665[-1909].
23357: SPARFVENFELDT (Johann Gabriel) - BENZELIUS (Erik, the Younger) & CELSIUS (Olof, the Younger) Compilers. - Catalogus Centuriae Librorum Rarissimorum Manuscript. & partim Impressorum, Arabicorum, Persicorum, Turcicorum, Graecorum, Latinorum, &c...
22715: EAGLE (Dorothy) & CARNELL (Hilary) Compilers. - The Oxford Illustrated Literary Guide to Great Britain and Ireland.
22700: MAYONY (Bertha E.) LATIMER (Louise Payson) & FOLMSBEE (Beulah) Compilers. - Illustrators of Children's Books 1744-1945.
21431: HILER (Hilaire and Meyer) Compilers. - Bibliography of Costume. A Dictionary Catalogue of About Eight Thousand Books and Periodicals.
41070: NASH (Paul W.) SAVAGE (Nicholas) BEASLEY (Gerald) MERITON (John) & SHELL (Alison) Compilers. - Early Printed Books 1478-1840: Catalogue of the British Architectural Library's Early Imprints Collection. Volume 1: A-D.
41071: NASH (Paul W.) SAVAGE (Nicholas) BEASLEY (Gerald) MERITON (John) & SHELL (Alison) Compilers. - Early Printed Books 1478-1840: Catalogue of the British Architectural Library's Early Imprints Collection. Volume 4: S-Z.
13222: MONGAN (Elizabeth) & WOLF (Edwin, 2nd) Compilers. - The First Printers and their Books. A Catalogue of an Exhibition Commemorating the Five Hundredth Anniversary of the Invention of Printing.
10435: POWELL (Walter) & CASHMORE (Herbert Maurice) Compilers. - A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection Including Printed Books and Pamphlets, Manuscripts, Maps, Views, Portraits etc. City of Birmingham Public Libraries. [with:-] Supplement... 1918-1931.
10270: MONGAN (Elizabeth) & SCHMIEWIND (Carl O.) Compilers. - The First Century of Printmaking 1400-1500. A Catalogue. An Exhibition at the Art Institute of Chicago.
30976: METHODIST NEW CONNEXION. CONFERENCE. - Minutes of Conversations between Preachers and Delegates, late in Connexion with The Rev. Mr. Wesley, held in Nottingham, on the 14th &c. of May, 1799.
37747: OCCASIONAL CONFORMITY. - The Bill, entituled, An Act for preventing Occasional Conformity: with the Amendments made by the Lords, and the Amendments made by the House of Commons to those Amendments: and the Reports of the several Conferences relating thereunto; and the Proceedings thereupon. As also the Reports of the Conferences between the Two Houses, relating to a Message the fourth of February last, touching the Commissioners of Accounts, and the Proceedings thereupon.
23083: OCCASIONAL CONFORMITY. - The Dissenters Address of Thanks to the Bishops, for Casting out the Bill against Occasional Conformity.
40822: CONGREVE (John Ussher) - Catalogue of the Library of John Ussher Congreve, Esq. Mount-Congreve. MDCCCXXVII.
16564: CONNOLLY (Joseph) - Modern First Editions: Their Value to Collectors.
32792: FATAL CONSEQUENCES. - The Fatal Consequences to be feared (if not speedily prevented) by our assisting the Queen of Hungary, and the King of Sardinia, in the Mediterranean, and on the Coasts of Italy, and from the Treaty we entered into with Them at Worms in September 1743. And likewise the Danger of keeping our Lord Mercenary Hanoverian Troops in the Pay, when they are not in the Service of Great Britain. As also the imminent Danger of employing our Naval Force in the Service of Foreigners, and exposing our own Trade to the Depredation of Spain, leaving our own Coast naked and open to the Insults (if not to the Invasion) of France.
12802: CONSERVATION. - Recommendations for Repair and Allied Processes for the Conservation of Documents. Part 1. Treatment of Sheets, Membranes and Seals.
33105: CONSIDERATIONS. - Considerations on the Times.
39921: Friend to the English Constitution. - The rise and fall of the late projected excise, impartially consider'd. By a friend to the English Constitution.
40000: CONTARINI (Gasparo) - De Magistratibus & Republica Venetorum, Libri quinque, authore Gaspare Contareno Patricio Veneto.
33810: COMMERCE WITH THE CONTINENT. - General Remarks on our Commerce with the Continent, shewing our Commercial and Political influence on the States of Russia, Prussia, Sweden, and Denmark. To which is added, Observations on British Expeditions to Germany; and our Diplomatique Agents abroad, &c. &c. Respectfully dedicated to the Merchants and Manufacturers of Great Britain and Ireland.
33074: CONVERSATION. - An Interesting Conversation between Mr. Thumb, a Hosier of Nottingham; and Mr. Candour, A Country Gentleman, both in the interest of Mr. Coke. Parts I-III.
38981: COOKE (George Alexander) - A Topographical and Statistical Description of the County of Northampton;
38131: COOKE (W. B. & G.) - Source of the Thames [Thames Scenery]. [Sold with:] Descriptions of the Plates of Thames Scenery. Engraved by W. B. Cooke & G. Cooke, from Original Drawings by Eminent Artists.
38553: COOKERY. HUMELBERGIUS SECUNDUS (Dick), pseud. - Apician Morsels, or, Tales of the Table, Kitchen, and Larder: Containing a New and Improved Code of Eatics; Select Epicurean Precepts; Nutritive Maxims, Reflections, Anecdotes, &c. Illustrating the Veritable Science of the Mouth which Includes the Art of Never Breakfasting at Home, and Always Dining Abroad.
40195: AMERICAN COOKERY. - The Cook Not Mad, or Rational Cookery: being a collection of original and selected receipts, embracing not only the art of curing various kinds of meats and vegetables for future use, but of cooking, in its general acceptation, to the taste, habits, and degrees of luxury, prevalent with the American publick, in town and country. : To which are added, directions for preparing comforts for the sick-room; together with sundry miscellaneous kinds of information, of importance to housekeepers in general, nearly all tested by experience.
39261: COOPER (William) - Dissertatio medico-pratica inauguralis De abortionibus, quam... ex auctoritate magnifici rectoris, Friderici Bernardi Albini,... pro gradu doctoratus,... eruditorum examini submittit Gulielmus Cooper, Anglo-Britannus. Ad diem III. Februarii MDCCLXVII
39540: COOPER (W. S.) - A History of the Ayrshire Yeomanry Cavalry.
40945: COOPER (L. G.) - The Pigotts of Doddershall: A Brief History.
36087: BAYNES-COPE (A. D.) - Caring for Books and Documents.
25552: MILLER (Liam) Copiler. - Dolmen XXV: An Illustrated Bibliography of the Dolmen Press 1951-1976.
38552: COOKERY. COPLEY (Esther) - The Housekeeper's Guide, or a Plain & Practical System of Domestic Cookery.
31875: CORDIER (Henri) - Bibliotheca Indosinica. Dictionnaire Bibliographique des Ouvrages Relatifs à la Péninsule Indochinoise.
23968: CORDIER (Henri) - Bibliotheca Indosinica. Dictionnaire Bibliographique des Ouvrages Relatifs à la Péninsule Indochinoise.
23960: CORDIER (Henri) - Bibliotheca Japonica. Dictionnaire Bibliographique des Ouvrages Relatifs à l'Empire Japonais Ranges par Ordre Chronologique Jusqu'a 1870.
23717: CORDIER (Henri) - Bibliographie des Oeuvres de Beaumarchais.
41115: CORFIELD (Professor W. H.) - Catalogue of the Collection of Books in Valuable Bindings of the Late Professor W.H. Corfield, M.D. Comprising Early Stamped, Embroidered, Inlaid, and Other Bindings, by Binders of Various Countries and Periods... Chiefly in Fine Preservation.
35556: KASPROWICZ (E.) & CORNET (J.) - A Manual of Polish and English Conversation.
33060: CORONATION. - An account of the proceedings in Newcastle upon Tyne & Gateshead, in celebration of the coronations of Their Majesties Geo. III. and Charlotte, September 22, 1761, and of His Majesty George IV. July 19, 1821 : with engravings on wood.
40010: CORP (William) - An Essay on the Jaundice; in which the propriety of using the Bath waters in that disease, and also in some particular affections of the liver, is considered.
33773: BEDFORD LEVEL CORPORATION. - A State of the Revenues and Debt of the Corporation of Bedford-Levels, as the same stood at Lady-day 1752, with the Advantages which will accrue to the Creditors of the Corporation, and the Proprietors of the South and Middle Levels, by permitting the Proprietors of the North Level to be discharged of the Debt. in order to their making a Security for a sufficient Sum of Money to be raised for their better Draining, on the Terms which have lately been proposed..... For if that Debt has, by its specific Lien, a Right to Satisfaction, in the First place, out of the Revenues of the North Level, nothing will be taken from other Creditors, as there is no Prospect of any Surplus. But if that Security should be set aside, or the Duke of Bedford and Lord Lincoln should, by reason of the Insufficiency of the Revenues of the North Level be intitled to a Satisfaction over on the Revenues of the other Levels; in such Case the Creditors will, by this proposal, have near One-half of the Debt discharged, for a Release of One-eighth of their Security; which will greatly better their Security, and put them into a much better State and Condition than they now are.
18990: CORRIE (G.E.) - A Catalogue of the Books Which were Given to the Library and Chapel of St Catharine's Hall, Cambridge, by Dr Woodlark, the Founder of the College. [Bound with:] SMITH (Rev. J.J.) Abbreviata Cronica. Ab Anno 1377 Usque ad Annum 1469. [Bound with:] GOODWIN (Rev. James) An Account of the Rites and Ceremonies Which Took Place at the Consecration of Archbishop Parker, with an Introductory Preface and Notes.
36830: STEWART (Samuel Alexander) & CORRY (Thomas Hughes) - A Flora of the North-East of Ireland. Including the Phanerogamia, the Cryptogamia Vascularia, and the Musineae.
36831: STEWART (Samuel Alexander) & CORRY (Thomas Hughes) - A Flora of the North-East of Ireland. Flowering Plants, Vascular Cryptogams and Charophytes.
40192: CORSER (The Rev. Thomas) - Catalogue of the First [-Seventh] of the Extensive Library Formed by... Comprising a Large Assemblage of Rare and Unique Works of our Early English Poets and Dramatists, Several Volumes by Caxton and other Early English Printers, Manuscripts, Block Books, Etc.
23859: COSTE (Jean Louis Antoine) - Catalogue des Livres Rare et Precieux de la Bibliothèque de Feu M. J.L.A. Coste...
34811: COSTINE (D. Dunlop) - Has the Present System of the Administration of the Poor Laws Increased or Decreased Pauperism? A Paper Read at the Annual Conference of Poor Law Guardians of the Lancashire and Cheshire Unions, at Manchester, October 6, 1876.
34337: COTTING (Benjamin Eddy) - Medical Addresses.
35456: COTTON (Rev. Henry) - The Typographical Gazetteer.
22567: COTTON (Rev. Henry) - The Typographical Gazetteer.
30889: COULTER (John) - Adventures in the Pacific; with Observations on the Natural Productions, Manners and Customs of the Natives of the various Islands; together with remarks on Missionaries, British and other Residents.
30749: PRIVY COUNCIL. - The Several Declarations, Togther with the Several Depositions made in Council on Monday, the 22d of October, 1688. Concerning the birth of the Prince of Wales. N.B. Those mark'd with this mark, * were Roman Catholicks.
32121: COURT (Jules-Victor de le) & COURT (G. de le) - Bibliographie Nationale. Dictionnaire des Anonymes et Pseudonymes [XVe siècle - 1900]. Tome I.
40786: ROYAL COURT. - Character of an ill-court-favourite: representing the mischiefs that flow from ministers of state when they are more great than good. The arts they use to seduce their masters, and the unhappiness of princes, that are curs'd with such destructive servants. Translated out of French.
38295: COURTEN (Lady Catherine) - The Story of Lady Courten, of Mr. John Mortimer, and Matthias Dolanscius, Who Was Saved from Starving by a Little Bird Which Brought a Piece of Gold to the Window of His Prison.
39430: BURDETT COUTTS (Baroness) - The Burdett Coutts Library. Catalogue of the Valuable Library...
35170: COWEN (William) - Six Views of Italian and Swiss Scenery, Etched by. W. Cowen, from his own drawings, made during two tours on the continent in the years 1819 & 1822, and dedicated by Permission to the Viscount Milton.
33469: COWIE (The Rev. Morgan) - A Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts and Scarce Books in the Library of St John's College, Cambridge.
37054: COWPER (William) - Glandularum quarundam, nuper detectarum, ductuumque earum excretoriorum descriptio, cum figuris: cui accessit eucharistia, &c.
38985: COX (Thomas) - Northamptonshire [Taken From] Cox's Magna Britannia et Hibernia Antiqua et Nova.
36757: COX (J. Charles) - Notes on the Churches of Derbyshire. Vol. I. The Hundred of Scarsdale. Vol. II. The Hundreds of the High Peak and Wirksworth. Vol. III. The Hundreds of Appletree and Repton and Gresley. Vol. IV. The Hundred of Morleston and Litchurch: and general supplement. Illustrated with heliotypes from photographs by R. Keene, and numerous other plates.
35503: COX (John) - Dissertatio Medica inauguralis, de ictero. Quam, annuente summo numine,.... Pro Gradu Doctoris,..... Eruditorum examini subjicit Joannes Cox, Anglus, Societatis Regiae Physicae Edinensis Socius Honorarius.
31344: COX (Ian) - Royal Crown Derby Imari Wares.
40864: COXE (William) - Memoirs of Horatio, Lord Walpole. Selected from his Correspondence and Papers, and Connected with the History of the Times, from 1678 to 1757.
25136: ROXBURGHE CLUB. COXE (H. O.) Editor. - Poema quod dicitur Vox Clamantis, necnon Chronica Tripartita, auctore Johanne Gower. Nunc primum edidit H.O. Coxe, M.A. Impensis Societatis Roxburgensis.
36129: CRAGG (William A.) Editor. - Tales of a Lincolnshire Antiquary. Essays and Reminiscences of the Late Gilbert George Walker, M.A.
40905: CRAIG (Maurice) - Irish Bookbindings. The Irish Heritage Series: 6.
32425: CRAIG (William) - On the External uses of the Hydrate of Chloral. Read before the 'Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh', 10th November 1875.
32409: CRAIG (William) - On the Therapeutics of Aloin. (Red before the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh, 7th February 1877.)
32410: CRAIG (William) - Notes on "Changed Aloin" and the Resin of Aloes.
16478: CRAIG (Maurice) - Irish Bookbindings 1600-1800.
25586: CRAMPTON (William) - Catalogue of the Valuable Library... Sporting Books, Coloured Caricatures...
32095: CRANFIELD (G. A.) - A Hand-List of English Provincial Newspapers and Periodicals 1700-1760.
18897: CRANFIELD (G.A.) - A Hand-List of English Provincial Newspapers and Periodicals 1700-1760.
39656: CRASHAW (Richard), TUTIN (J. R.) Editor. - The Delights of the Muses, Secular Poems. Edited by J. R. Tutin.
20351: CRASTER (Sir Edmund) - History of the Bodleian Library 1845-1945.
39559: CRAWSHAW (Richard) - Notes and illustrations to Crashaw's "The delights of the muses" "Steps to the temple" and "Carmen Deo nostro" ['English Poems'].
31825: CREIGHTON (Charles) - Three cases of tumour arising from skin-glands in the dog: showing the connection between disorder of the glandular structure and function and cancerous invasion of the connective tissue.
31824: CREIGHTON (Charles) - Illustrations of the Pathology of Sarcoma, from Cases of Subcutaneous Cystic Tumours.
33299: CRELLE (A. L.) - Memoire sur les differentes manieres de se servir de l'elasticite de l'air atmospherique comme force motrice sur les chemins de fer. Une de ces manieres constitue les chemins de fer atmospheriques proprement dits.
33460: CRESWELL (Rev. Samuel Francis) - Collections Towards the History of Printing in Nottinghamshire, with an Index of Persons and Subjects.
23746: CREUZEVAULT (Colette) - Henri Creuzevault 1905-1971.
27089: CRICKET. - Catalogue of the Collection of Pictures and other items illustrating the History of Cricket at 'The Yorker' Piccadilly, London, W.I. With an Introduction and an Anthology of Quotations on Cricket by A. Lloyd-Taylor.
38497: CRIMPS. - Reflections on the Pernicious Custom of Recruiting by Crimps; and on various other Modes now practised in the British Army. In a Letter to a Friend.
41182: CRISP (Frederick Arthur) - Catalogue of the Extensive and Valuable Library...
38060: CROCKER (Henry Radcliffe) - Atlas of the Diseases of the Skin: in a Series of Illustrations from Original Drawings with Descriptive Letterpress.
34239: CROMEK (Thomas H.) - A Manual of Hebrew Verbs: to facilitate the acquirement of the various changes in the different conjugations of regular and irregular verbs.
30931: CROMWELL (Oliver). - The Life of Oliver Cromwell. Containing his Military Exploits in England during the Grand Rebellion; his Reduction of Scotland, and Conquest of Ireland: His Civil Government, Policy, Treaties with, and Respect paid by him, by Foreign Princes and States. With an Account of the Great Actions performed by his brave Generals and Admirals in the War with the Dutch and the Spaniards.
31251: CROOK (Ronald E.) - A Bibliography of Joseph Priestley 1733-1804.
38950: CROOKSHANK (Lt.-Col. C. De W.) - Prints of British Military Operations. A Catalogue Raisonne with Historical Descriptions Covering the Period from the Norman Conquest to the Campaign in Abyssinia.
40644: CROSFIELD (George) - A Calendar of Flora, Composed during the Year 1809, at Warrington, Lat. 53o. 30'.
32989: MAP. CRUCHLEY (G. F.) - Cruchley's Improved Geographical Companion Throughout England & Wales Including Part of Scotland.
27732: CRUDEN (William) - Nature Spiritualised, in a Variety of Poems. Containing Pious and Practical Observations on the Works of Nature, and the Ordinary Occurrences in Life.
17514: WILSON (Edward M.) & CRUICKSHANK (Don W.) - Samuel Pepys's Spanish Plays.
13229: CRUM (Margaret) Editor. - First-Line Index of English Poetry 1500-1800 in Manuscripts of the Bodleian Library Oxford.
38155: CRUMPE (Samuel) - An Essay on the Best Means of Providing Employment for the People. To which was Adjudged the Prize Proposed by the Royal Irish Academy for the best Dissertation on that Subject.
26686: CRUNDEN (John) - Convenient and Ornamental Architecture, Consisting of original designs, for plans, elevations, and sections: beginning with the farm house, and regularly ascending to the most grand and magnificent villa, calculated for both town and country, and to suit all persons in every situation of life. Engraved on 70 copper-plates, with reference and explanation of the use of every room, and the dimensions accurately figured on the plans, with exact scales for measurements.
14498: CRUSE (Amy) - The Englishman and his Books in the Early Nineteenth Century.
39983: CRUTCHLEY (Brooke) - Tributes to Brooke Crutchley on his Retirement as University Printer.
40120: CRUTCHLEY (Brooke) - A Printer's Christmas Books. With a Foreword by Euan Phillips.
9532: CRUTCHLEY (E.A.) - A History and Description of The Pitt Press Erected to the Memory of Mr Pitt for the use of the University Printing Press A.D. 1833 Altered and Restored A.D. 1937.
21291: CRUTCHLEY (Brooke) - To be a Printer.
14190: CRUTCHLEY (Brooke) Editor. - Siberch Celebrations 1521-1971.
35502: CUGNONI (Jacobus) - Tentamen Medicum inaugurale, pauca de Typho complectens; quod.... pro Gradu Doctoris.... Eruditorum examini subjicit Jacobus Cugnoni,...
33902: MISS CULLEN'S ALMSHOUSES. - Copy, Deed of Conveyance of Land at Carrington, in the Parish of Basford, from Miss Marianne Cullen, to the Trustees of the Charity. Dated 15th September, 1882. Enrolled in Chancery, 30th September, 1882.
38349: BAILEY (John) & CULLEY (George) - General View of the Agriculture of the County of Cumberland. with Observations on the Means of Improvement.
34114: BAILEY (J.) & CULLEY (G.) - General View of the Agriculture of the County of Northumberland; with observations on the means of its improvement. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
27029: BOOKBINDING. CULOT (Paul) - Sur Quelques Reliures d'Époque à Décor Doré du <>. Extrait des 'Cahiers de Mariemont'.
40315: CULPEPER'S HERBAL. - Culpeper's Herbal and Family Doctor.
34329: CUNDELL (David R.) - An Essay on Inguinal Hernia; Submitted... to the examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh...
23864: CUNLIFFE (Rt. Honble. Lord) - Catalogue of the Extremely Important and Valuable Library... English Books Published before 1640.
41220: CUNNINGHAM (Timothy) - A New Treatise on the Laws concerning Tithes: Containing all the Statutes, Adjudged Cases, Resolutions and Judgments relative thereto,.....
24712: CUNNINGHAM (John) - Poems Chiefly Pastoral.
31587: CURLE (Richard) - The Ray Society: A Bibliographical History.
40198: CURTIS (William) - Lectures on Botany, as Delivered in the Botanic Garden at Lambeth.
30728: CURTIS (Rev. John) - A Topographical History of the County of Leicester, the Ancient part compiled from Parliamentary and other Documents, and the modern from Actual Survey: Being the first of a series of the Counties of England and Wales, on the same plan.
39317: CURTIS (William) - A Catalogue of the British, Medicinal, Culinary, and Agricultural Plants, Cultivated in the London Botanical Garden. To which are prefixed, Proposals for opening it by Subscription.
39116: CURWEN (J. C.) - Hints on Agricultural Subjects and on the Best Means of Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes.
36396: CURZON (The Marquess, of Kedleston) - British Government in India. The Story of the Viceroys and Government Houses.
36395: CURZON (The Marquess, of Kedleston) - Kedleston Church. An Account, Historical, Descriptive and Archaeological. The Kedleston Series. Vo. I.
33849: CUST (Robert Needham) - The Opium Question; or, is India to be sacrificed to China?
40974: PUREY-CUST (Very Rev. A. P.) - Picturesque Old York: Chapters Historical and Descriptive.
9705: FINE CUT. - A Review for the Arts of the Book. Vol. 4 - 4; Vol. 6 - 1; Vol. 10 - 1,2,3 & 4; Vol. 11 - 1,2,3 & 4; Vol. 12 - 1,2,3 & 4; Vol. 13 - 1,2,3 & 4; Vol. 14 - 1,2,3 & 4; Vol. 15 - 3 & 4; Vol. 16 - 1.
12753: CUTHBERTSON (David) - The University Library of Edinburgh. With a Short Notice of its Rarer Treasures.
41087: GARMENT CUTTING. - The Self Varying Rule, or Explanation of the Chart, for Cutting Garments, for the use of Tailors.
31759: DAHL (Folke) - A Bibliography of English Corantos and Periodical Newsbooks 1620-1642.
9544: DAHL (Folke) - A Bibliography of English Corantos and Periodical Newsbooks 1620-1642.
37862: DALBIAC (Col. P. H.) - History of the 45th: 1st Nottinghamshire Regiment (Sherwood Foresters).
38180: DALRYMPLE (Sir John) - Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland; from the Dissolution of the last Parliament of Charles II.
32034: DALRYMPLE (Sir John) - The Question considered, whether Wool should be allowed to be exported, when the price is low at home, on paying a Duty to the Public?
40740: DALTON (John) - Meteorological Observations and Essays.
38668: DAMPIER (William) - A New Voyage Round the World. With an Introduction by Sir Albert Gray.
38225: DANA (Richard Henry) - The Seaman's Manual; Containing a Treatise on Practical Seamanship, with plates; a Dictionary of Sea Terms; Customs and Usages of the Merchant Service; Laws relating to the Practical Duties of Master and Mariners.
39863: CASE OF THE EARL OF DANBY. - An Examination of the impartial State of the Case of the Earl of Danby. In a Letter to a Member of the House of Commons.
38929: DANIELL (W.V.) - Catalogue of Valuable Books and Literarary Properties, a Portion of the stock of Mr. W. V. Daniell, formerly of 33, King Street, St. James', S.W.
39777: DANIELL (Edward Thomas) - Twelve Etchings by the Rev. E. T. Daniell with a Short Notice of his Life by R. H. Inglis Palgrave.
37546: DANN (George J.) - First Lessons in Urdu.
18779: DANON (Robert) - Collection Robert Danon. Manuscrits Enluminés et Livres Rare.
11981: DARCEL (Alfred) - L'Office au XVe Siècle d'Après une Miniature de la Bibliothèque de Rouen.
41143: DARELL (Rev. William) - The History of Dover Castle.
40930: DARLEY (Lionel S.) - Bookbinding Then & Now. A Survey of the First Hundred and Seventy-Eight Years of James Burn & Company.
14964: DARLEY (L.) - Bookbinding Then and Now. A Survey of the First Hundred and Seventy Eight Years of James Burn & Company.
14851: DARMON (J.E.) - Dictionnaire des Estampes & Livres Illustrés sur les Ballons & Machines Volantes des Débuts Jusques vers 1880.
40506: DART (Rev. John) - The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury, and the Once-Adjoining Monastery: Containing an Account of its First Establishment, Building, Re-Edifications, Repairs... A Survey of the Present Church and Cloysters... The Lives of the Archbishops... An Appendix of Ancient Charters and Writings...
34527: SAWYER (Charles J.) & DARTON (F.J. Harvey) - English Books 1475-1900. A Signpost for Collectors.
15714: SAWYER (Charles J.) & DARTON (F.J. Harvey) - English Books 1475-1900. A Signpost for Collectors.
12857: SAWYER (Charles J.) & DARTON (F.J. Harvey) - English Books 1475-1900. A Signpost for Collectors.
32234: DAUBENY (Charles) - A Sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London : On Thursday, June 1, 1809. Being the tome of the Yearly Meeting of the Children educated in the Charity-Schools, in and about thye Cities of London and Westminster. By the reverend Charles Daubeny, L.L. B. Archdeacon of Sarum. Published at the Request of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, and the Trustees of the several Schools.
23316: PASQUIER (Emile) & DAUPHIN (Victor) - Imprimeurs & Libraires de
23994: DAUPHINÉ. - Catalogue de Letters Autographes et de Livres. Renfermant une belle collection d'ouvrages imprimés et de manuscrits, portraits, cartes, plans, etc., relatifs à la du Dauphiné, etc.
38786: DAVENPORT (Cyril) - Cameo Book-Stamps Figured and Described.
40508: DAVENPORT (Cyril) - English Heraldic Book-Stamps.
35754: DAVENPORT (John Marriott) - Oxfordshire Annals.
9560: DAVENPORT (William Bromley) - Catalogue of the Library from Baginton Hall, Near Coventry...
26313: DAVENPORT (Cyril) - Royal English Bookbindings.
26206: DAVENPORT (Cyril) - Royal English Bookbindings.
18040: DAVENPORT (Cyril) - Royal English Bookbindings.
39659: DAVEY (F. Hamilton) - Flora of Cornwall being an Account of the Flowering Plants and Ferns Found in the County of Cornwall Including the Scilly Isles.
26285: SCOTT (Rev. Dr.) & DAVEY (Samuel) - A Guide to the Collector of Historical Documents, Literary Manuscripts and Autograph Letters etc. With an Index of Valuable Books of Reference, where Several Thousand Facsimiles of Handwriting may be Found for the Verification of Mss. and Autograph Letters, also, A New Edition of Wright's Court-Hand Restoration with an Introductory Chapter for the use of Students and Facsimiles of Watermarks.
31622: DAVID (T.) - Bibliographie Française de l'Art Dentaire.
19427: DAVID (T.) - Bibliographie Française de l'Art Dentaire.
40514: DAVIES (D.P.) - A New Historical and Descriptive View of Derbyshire, from the remotest period to the present time.
38864: DAVIS (Joseph) - A Digest of Legislative Enactments, relating to the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers, in England; with occasional Observations.
37168: DAVIS (Rev. William J.) - A Grammar of the Kaffir Language.
24268: DAVIS (William) - An Olio of Bibliographical and Literary Anecdotes and Memoranda Original and Selected; Including Mr. Cole's Unpublished notes on the Revd. Jas. Bentham's History and Antiquities of Ely Cathedral.
39162: DAVISON (Thomas) - The Fall of Angels Laid Open, I. In the greatness of the sin that caus'd it. II. In the grievousness of the punishment inflicted for it. III. The honour of divine goodness, in permitting the one; and of divine justice, in inflicting the other, vindicated. IV. And lastly, some inferences relating to practice, deducted from it. In a sermon preached October 14, 1683. Before the Right Worshipful the mayor, recorder, aldermen, sheriffs, &c. At St. Nicholas Church (on the afternoon) in the town and county of New Castle upon Tyne. By Thomas Davison, A.M. Presbyter in the Church of England, at Balmbrough in Northumberland, and sometimes student in St. John's Colledge in Cambridge.
35810: DUCKWORTH (Dyce) & DAVY (Richard) - Observations on some Local Anaesthetics.
40770: DAVY (Sir Humphry) - Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, in a Course of Lectures for the Board of Agriculture.
32062: MILLER (A. E. Haswell) & DAWNAY (N. P.) - Military Drawings and Paintings in the Collection of Her Majesty The Queen.
32163: DAWSON (Richard) - An Essay on Spermatorrhoea, and Urinary Deposits; with Observations on the Nature, Causes, and Treatment of the various disorders of the generative system Illustrated by numerous cases.
39142: DAY (John) - The Ile of Gvls 1606. With an Introduction by G. B. Harrison.
38859: DAY (Graham) - Graham Day. Marbrures Intégrales: Integral Marbling.
40676: MORISON (Stanley) & DAY (Kenneth) - The Typographic Book 1450-1935: A Study of Fine Typography Through Five Centuries. Exhibited in Upwards of Three Hundred and Fifty Title and Text Pages Drawn from Presses Working in the European Tradition.
33855: DAY (St. John Vincent) - On some Evidences as to the very Early Use of Iron, and of certain Old Bits of Iron in particular. Read before the Philosophical Society of Glasgow, April 12, 1871.
33846: DAY (St. John Vincent) - The Sun's Distance and Parallax; being a Paper read to the Philosophical Society of Glasgow, April 14, 1869.
27699: DAY (Thomas) - Thought on Incorporations in General, on that of Lynn in Particular, and on the Principles and Modes of Internal Defence. [Lynn?], 1796. 21,[1]pp., fore-edges closely shaved, just touching final letter of several words. Not found on ESTC, Copac or OCLC. [Bound with:] The Lynn Magazine: or, a collection of papers, published during the contest in that town between the following candidates, viz. the Hon. Thomas Walpole, Sir John Turner, Bart. Crisp Molineux,... Began December 12, 1766, in the mayoralty of William Langley, Esq. London, 1768. [4],108pp., half-title, with additional title page containing errata on verso. Verses and letters lampooning the contestants of the Lynn election of 1766. [Bound with:] The Two Separate Addresses of Sir Jacob Astley, Bart. and Thomas William Coke, Esq. to the Freeholders of Norfolk; the first of the conclusion of the Poll, and the second, on the termination of the Scrutiny... to these are added, the addresses of Colonel Wodehouse, (the rejected Candidate) on the same subject.
36119: DEACON (Richard) - A Biography of William Caxton. The First English Editor, Printer, Merchant and Translator.
19691: DEAKIN (Andrew) - Outlines of Musical Bibliography. A Catalogue of Early Music and Musical Works: Part I [All Published].
24979: DEAN (G.A.) - A Series of Selected Designs for Country Residences, Entrance Lodges, Farm Offices, Cottages, &c., Which have been Erected for H.R.H. the late Prince Consort, the Earl of Leicester, Lord Harris, Hon. G.W. Fitzwilliam, &c... With remarks upon Site, Soil, Ornamental Planting, Water, Drainage, Sewerage Construction, &c.
38235: DEANE (Samuel) - The New England Farmer; or Georgical Dictionary. Containing a Compendious Account of the ways and methods in which the Important Art of Husbandry, in all its various branches, is, or may be, practised, to the greatest advantage, in this country.
39228: DEBATE. - The debate in the House of Commons, on Mr. Beaufoy's motion for the repeal of such parts of the Test and Corporation Acts as affect the Protestant Dissenters. On Friday the eighth of May, 1789.
33968: DEBONO (J. M.) - The Siege of Malta. 1940-1943. [in verse].
33063: PROTESTANT DEFAMATION. - On Protestant Information, its causes and effects. An Essay dedicated to the Association of St. Thomas of Canterbury, for the Vindication of Catholic Rights.
23644: DEGEORGE (Léon) - La Maison Plantin a Anvers. Monographie Compléte de cette Célbre Documents Historiques sur l'Imprimerie Liste Chronologique des Ouvrages Imprimés par Plantin de 1555 a 1589.
18198: DEGERING (Hermann) - Dir Schrift. Atlas der Schriftformen des Abendlandes vom Altertum bis zum Ausgang des 18. Jahrhunderts.
35396: DEIGHTON, HUDDERSFIELD, YORKSHIRE. - Manuscript 'Deighton Sunday-School Ticket Book, John Wiley - Master, 1823.
41202: DEKKER (Elly) - Globes at Greenwich. A Catalogue of the Globes and Armillary Spheres in the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich.
11912: DELAFONTEYNE (Joseph) - Catalogue de la Librairie...
29288: DELAISSÉ (L.M.J.) - A Century of Dutch Manuscript Illumination.
40381: DELAMOTTE (William Alfred) - Original Views of Oxford, its Colleges, Chapels, and Gardens. From drawings made expressly for this work by William Alfred Delamotte; Executed in Lithography by William Gauci: with historical and descriptive notices by Charles Ollier.
40400: DELAMOTTE (F.) - The Book of Ornamental Alphabets, Ancient and Mediaeval, from the Eighth century with numerals, including Gothic; Church Text, Large and Small; German Arabesque; Initials for Illumination, Monograms, Crosses, &c., for the use of Architectural and Engineering Draughtsmen, Masons, Decorative Painters, Lithographers, Engravers, Carvers, &c.
18048: DELANY (Paul) - British Autobiography in the Seventeenth Century.
37462: DELAUNAY (L.-A.) - Étude sur les Anciennes Compagnies d'Archers, d'Arbalétriers et d'Arquebusiers.
32454: DELAUNEY (Honoré Francis) - Origine de la Tapisserie de Bayeux, prouvée par elle-meme.
39020: FOULCHE-DELBOSE (R.) - Echo of Spoken French. With a French-English Vocabulary by Rev. A. L. Becker.
35145: DELEN (A. J. J.) - Histoire de la Gravure, dans les anciens Pays-Bas & dans les provinces Belges, des origines jusqu'à la fin du XVIIIe siècle. Première partie: Des origines a 1500.
20788: DELISLE (Léopold) - Notice sur un Manuscrit Mérovingien de la Bibliothèque d'Épinal Communiquée a l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres le 14 Septembre 1877.
31876: O'DELL (Sterg) - A Chronological List of Prose Fiction in English Printed in England and other Countries 1475-1640.
24539: FACSIMILE. DELONEY (Thomas) - Thomas of Reading: or, The sixe worthie Yeomen of the West. Now the sixth time corrected and enlarged by T.D. London, Printed by Eliz. Allde for Robert Bird. 1632.
32173: DELPECH (Jacques Mathien) - Memoire sur la Complication des Plaies et des Ulceres, cooue sous le nom de Pourriture d'Hopital.
9581: DELTEIL (Leo) - Annuaire des Ventes de Livres, Manuscrits, Reliures Armoriees. Guide du Bibliophile et du Libraire Publie par Leo Delteil.
40769: DENHAM (Commander Henry Mangles) - Sailing Directions from Point Lynas to Liverpool with Charts, Coast-views, River-Sections, Tidal Courses and Gauge Table, for Navigating the Dee and Mersey. [Bound with:] Remarks and Sailing Directions for Approaching and Navigating the Sea-Reach of Wyre up to Port Fleetwood, with some Account of Wyre Lighthouses & Estuary. By Commander H. W. Denham.
22743: DENIS (M[ichael]) - Merkwurdigkeiten der K.K. Garellischen Offentl.
33865: DENMARK. - The Policy of Denmark towards the Duchies of Schleswig-Holstein, from the year 1806, to the breaking out of the War in March, 1848. From the German of MM. Droysen and Samver.
34475: DENNIS (Jonas) - The Necessity of Religious Education, proved by Arguments deduced from the Scriptural Doctrine of the Corruption of Human Nature, with an Inquiry into the True Meaning of St. Peter's Position, that "Charity shall cover the Multitude of Sins." A Sermon preached on Sunday, December 22, 1799, at the Parish-Church of St. Paul, for the Benefit of Charity-Schools established in the City of Exeter. With a Variety of Notes and Illustrations. By Jonas Dennis, S.C.L. of Exeter College, Oxford.
40863: DENT (J. M.) - The House of Dent 1888-1938.
41137: DERBYSHIRE. - Derbyshire and some Neighbouring Records: Historical, Biographical and Pictorial.
34265: WATSON (White)A Delineation of the Strata of Derbyshire, - A Delineation of the Strata of Derbyshire, Forming the Surface from Bolsover in the East to Buxton in the West, by a plate, designed from a tablet, composed of the specimens of each stratum within the above line, With an Explanatory Account of the same; Together with a Description of the Fossils found in these Strata; and also of the Nature and Quality of the respective Soils.
29207: DERCSÉNYI [Dezso ] Editor. - The Hungarian illuminated chronicle: Chronica de gestis Hungarorum.
30891: DERMOTT (George Darby) - Anatomical Description of the Reflections of the Peritoneum and Pleuræ; with Diagrams.
29258: DEROLEZ (Albert) - Codicologie des manuscrits en écriture humanistique sur parchemin. Bibliologia: elementa ad librorum studia pertinentia. Volume 5 & 6.
39850: DEROME (L.) - La Reliure de Luxe le Livre et l'Amateur.
20192: DEROME (L.) - Les Éditions Originales des Romantiques. Causeries d'un ami des Livres.
14901: DEROME (L.) - Les Éditions Originales des Romantiques. Causeries d'un ami des Livres.
37018: DESAGULIERS (John Theophile) - A Course of Experimental Philosophy.
34067: DESCHAMPS (Pierre) - Dictionnaire de Géographie Ancienne et Moderne / suivi de l'Imprimerie hors l'Europe.
15775: JOUIN (E.) & DESCREUX (V.) - Bibliographie Occultiste et Maconnique...
27505: DESH-U-LUBUN OCHARIK, pseud. - Letter to the Author of a "View of the Present State and Future Prospects of the Free Trade and Colonization of India" [by John Crawfurd]; or, a Plain and practical review of the above subjects. By Desh-u-lubun Ocharik, of Calcutta.
34758: DEUTSCH (Solomon) - Medical German. A Manual designed to aid Physicians in their intercourse with German Patients and in reading Medical Works and Publications in the German Language.
31086: DEVENTER (Hendririk van) - Observations importantes sur le Manuel des Accouchemens. Première Partie [-seconde partie] où l'on trouve tout ce qui est nécessaire pour les Operations qui les concernent, & l'on fait voir de quelle maniere, dans le cas d'une necessite pressante, on peut, sans recours aux Instrumens, remettre dans une sisuation convenable, ou tirer par les pieds, d'une Matrice oblique ou directe, les Enfans mal situes, vivans, ou morts, fans les endommager, ni la Mere. Traduite du Latin de M. Henry de Deventer, Docteur en Medecine, & augmente de Reflexions sur Les points les plus interessans, Par Jacques-Jean Bruier d'Ablaincourt, Docteur en la Meme Faculte.
35733: DEVIZES. - Gillman's Devizes Public Register and Business Directory, and Family Almanack, for the Year of our Lord 1883 [1884; 1885].
40451: LAND AND PROPERTY IN DEVON. - An Act to enable Richard Lee, an Infant, with the Consent of Trustees, to grant Leases of some Part of his Estate, not withstanding his Minority.
39771: LAND AND PROPERTY IN DEVON. - An Act for Vesting in Trustees Part of the Estate of Nicholas Fry, Esq; Deceased, for Payment of his Debts.
32891: DEWAR (James) - On the Application of Sulphurous Acid, Gaseous and Liquid, to the Prevention, Limitation and Cure of Disease. With cases illustrative of the advantages to be Derived from its employment.
33387: DIALOGUE. - A True Dialogue between Thomas Jones [a pseudonym], a Trooper, lately return'd from Germany; and John Smith, a Serjeant in the First Regiment of Foot Guards. To which is subjoin'd, a Second Letter, taken from The Constitutional Journal, concerning Mercenaries.
29290: DIBA (F.) - A Persian Bibliography: A Catalogue of the Library of Books and Periodicals in Western Languages on Persia (Iran) in the Diba Collection.
38324: DIBDIN (Rev. Thomas Frognal) - The Bibliographical Decameron: or, Ten Days Pleasant Discourse upon Illuminated Manuscripts, and Subjects Connected with Early Engraving, Typography, and Bibliography.
38292: DIBDIN (Thomas Frognall) - A Bibliographical Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany.
37282: DIBDIN (Thomas Frognall) - Bibliotheca Spenceriana; or A Descriptive Catalogue of the Books Printed in the Fifteenth Century, and of many Valuable First Editions, in the Library of George John Earl Spencer... [Vols., I-IV]. [With:] Aedes Althorpianae; or an Account of the Mansion, Books, and Pictures, at Althorp... To which is Added a Supplement to the Bibliotheca Spenceriana. [Vol. V]. [With:] Supplement to the Bibliotheca Spenceriana... [Vol. VI]. [With:] A Descriptive Catalogue of the Books Printed in the Fifteenth Century, Lately Forming Part of the Library of the Duke di Cassano Serra... [Vol. VII].
33838: DIBDIN (Rev. Thomas Frognall) - A Bibliographical Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany.
33645: DIBDIN (Thomas Frognall) - Poems.
40709: DIBDIN (Thomas Frognall) - A Descriptive Catalogue of the Books Printed in the Fifteenth Century, Lately Forming Part of the Library of the Duke di Cassano Serra, and now the property of George John Earl Spencer.
18449: DIBDIN (Rev. T.F.) - The Library Companion; or, the Young Man's Guide, and the Old Man's Comfort, in the Choice of a Library.
32572: DICAS (John) - Directions for Using the Patent Saccharometer, for brewing ale and beer, at all times to the same strength, also shewing the comparative value of malt, &c. Invented by the late John Dicas, and for upwards of sixteen years, made only by his daughter and successor, Mary Arstall, late Mary Dicas, mathematical instrument maker, Liverpool: the only proprietor of the patent, who, for some time previous to the decease of her father, assisted in making the above instruments. The manufactory of the patent saccharometers, hydrometers, and lacto-meters, was for some time carried on by M. Arstall, under the firm of Dicas & Co.
40701: DICKENS (Charles) - Gone Astray. With Illustrations by Ruth Cobb, from Old Prints, and from photographs by T. W. Tyrrell, and an Introduction by B. W. Matz.
19526: DICKENS. - Charles Dickens. An Exhibition to Commemorate the Centenary of his Death. Victoria and Albert Museum.
15723: DICKENS. - Dickens Memento... Catalogue with Purchasers Names and Prices Realised of the Pictures, Drawings and Objects of Art of the Late Charles Dickens, Sold by Auction in London... July 9th, 1870. With Introduction by Francis Phillimore [Alice Meynell] and "Hints to Dickens Collectors" by John F. Dexter.
36834: DICKIE (G.) - A Flora of Ulster and Botanist's Guide to the North of Ireland.
37998: DICKINSON (Joseph), MARRAT (Frederick P.) - The Flora of Liverpool. [With:] Supplement. [Bound with:] On the Musci and Hepaticae Found within Twelve Miles of Liverpool and Southport.
35780: DICKINSON (William) - Antiquities Historical, Architectural, Chronological, and Itinerary, in Nottinghamshire and the adjacent Counties; comprising the Histories of Southwell (the Ad Pontem) and of Newark (the Sidnacester, of the Romans) interspersed with Biographical Sketches, and profusely embellished with engravings, in Four Parts. Part I. [and II]. Vol.1. [all published].
40957: DICKINSON (William) - Antiquities, historical, architectural, chorographical, and itinerary, in Nottinghamshire and the adjacent counties; comprising the histories of Southwell (the Ad Pontem) and of Newark (the Sidnacester, of the Romans), interspersed with biographical sketches, and profusely embellished with engravings.
24569: DICKINSON (Donald) - Henry E. Huntington's Library of Libraries.
36567: MILITARY DICTIONARY. - The News-Readers Pocket-Book: or, a Military Dictionary. Explaining The most difficult Terms made use of in Fortification, Gunnery, and the whole Compass of the Military Art. And a naval dictionary; explaining The Terms used in Navigation, Ship-Building, &c. To which is added, a Concise Political History of Europe. With the Genealogies and Families of the several Emperors, Kings, and Princes, now reigning; and some account of the Religions they profess.
18314: DIDEROT (D.) - L'Encyclopédie Diderot et d'Alembert. Imprimerie, Reliure.
33848: DIDIER (M.) - Analyse pratique du Rapport de l'Académie impériale de médecine sur les Dents et Dentiers en pate Minérale de M. Didier: Application de ce systême aux Dentiers à base de Gutta-Percha et de Caoutchouc vulcanisé suive de Conseils aux Mères de Famille pour diriger la Dentition des Enfants et conserver leurs dents toute la vie. Publié par M. Page élève et successeur de M. Didier, médecin dentiste.
37492: TYPE SPECIMENS. DIDOT. - Armes et Fleurons de la Fonderie de Firmin Didot, Rue Jacob, No 24, à Paris.
33792: FIRMIN-DIDOT (Ambroise) - Alde Manuce et l'Hellénisme a Venise.
23973: FIRMIN-DIDOT (Ambroise) - Catalogue des Livres Précieux, Manuscrits et Imprimés... Belles-Lettres - Histoire [Théologie - Jurisprudence - Sciences - Art - Beaux-Arts - Lettres - Histoire].
33866: DIDSBURY (Henry) - Histoire Anecdotique des Dents.
40003: DILKE (O. A. W.) - Roman Books and their Impact.
36081: DILKS (Sharon Elizabeth) - Fifteenth Century Realism in Florence and Flanders.
38095: DILLENIUS (Johann Jacob) - Historia Muscorum: A General History of Land and Water, &c. Mosses and Corals, Containing all the Known Species, Exhibited by about 1000 Figures, on 85 large Royal 4to Cooper Plates, collected, drawn and engraved in the best Manner from the Originals by the Author.
38970: BA DIN (Maung) - Self Help for Foreigners aspiring to a Knowledge of the Burmese Language and for Young Students and Junior Clerks studying both English and Burmese.
9606: DINGLEY (Pauline) - The Finzi Book Room at the University of Reading. A Catalogue. Introduction by Adrian Caesar.
31379: DINGLEY (Pauline) - Historic Books on Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry.
26071: DINGLEY (Pauline) - Historic Books on Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry.
31992: Muhammad Ka´diri. - Tota-Kahani; or, Tales of a Parrot, in the Hindustani language... A new ed., with the vowel points, &c. carefully marked... By Duncan Forbes.
34425: RECTAL DISEASE. - Considerations sur les Polypes du Rectum chez les Enfants et chez les Adultes. [Reprinted from 'Journal de médecine et de chirurgie pratiques', 1869.]
39702: CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. - Instructions Relative to Self-preservation during the Prevalence of Contagious Diseases. By a Physician.
39946: DIXON (James) - A Guide to the Practical Study of Diseases of the Eye: with an outline of their medical and operative treatment.
16865: DOBBIN (Michael) - Nottinghamshire History and Topography: A Select Descriptive Bibliography to 1980.
30354: DOBIE (James) - Examination of the Claim of John Lindsay Crawfurd, to the Titles and Estates of Crawfurd and Lindsay...
35156: DOBSON (Matthew) - A Medical Commentary on Fixed Air: Particularly, I. On the different methods of procuring and administring fixed air. II. On its sensible effects in health, taken internally. III. On its effects in diseases of the putrid class. IV. On putresaction, the putrid effluvium, and the means of correcting the putrid effluvium. V. On the effects of fixed air, on the putrefactive process, and on the putrid effluvium. VI. On the use of fixed air in cachexies and phagedenic ulcers. VII. In some diseases of the stomach. VIII. In the stone and gravel. IX. On the disposition to the stone in the cyder counties, compared with some other parts of England. X. On the noxious effects of fixed air.
40290: DOBSON (Austin) - The Story of Rosina and other Verses. Illustrated by Hugh Thomson.
39799: DOCKER (Frances) - John Paas & James Cook, Provincial Bookbinding in the Eighteen Thirties.
25366: PLOUGH PRESS. DOCKER (Frances) - John Paas & James Cook, Provincial Bookbinding in the Eighteen Thirties.

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