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BOOKS029831I: Cambodia, Royal Government - Political Platform of the Royal Government of Cambodia of the Fifth Legislature of the National Assembly
BOOKS008149I: Cambon, Glauco - Michelangelo's Poetry: Fury of Form
BOOKS024746I: Camenisch, Carl [1874-1956] - Carlo Borromeo und die Gegenreformation im Veltlin, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Landesschule in Sondrio
BOOKS011033I: Cameron, Maxwell A. & Tomlin, Brian W. - The Making of NAFTA: How the Deal Was Done
BOOKS009486I: Cameron, Kenneth M. - Africa on Film: Beyond Black and White
BOOKS005677I: Cameron, Maxwell A. - Democracy & Authoritarianism in Peru: Political Coalitions & Social Change
BOOKS023857I: Cameron, Peter [1847-1912] - Hymenoptera Orientalis, or Contributions to a Knowledge of the Hymenoptera of the Oriental Zoological Region. Parts I, III- VI
BOOKS004821I: Cameron, James N. - The Respiratory Physiology of Animals
BOOKS019733I: Cameron, Alan - Porphyrius the Charioteer
BOOKS022118I: Cameron, P. J. (Peter Jephson) ; & Lint, Jacobus Hendricus van - Graphs, Codes and Designs
BOOKS023856I: Cameron, Peter [1847-1912] - Hymenoptera Orientalis, or Contributions to a Knowledge of the Hymenoptera of the Oriental Zoological Region. Parts VII - IX
BOOKS025484I: Camhy, Ovadia [1888-1971] - La Bible dans la légende et la vie
BOOKS015437I: Cami, Shpëtim - Në emër të jetës
BOOKS031512I: Camilleri, Victor J. - Saint Agatha : An Archaeological Study of the Ancient Monuments at St. Agatha's Building Complex : Crypt, Catacombs, Church..,.
BOOKS031513I: Camilleri, Victor J. - Ex votos : A Complete Study of the Stone-slabs Which are Found in the Church and at the Museum of Saint Agatha, Rabat
BOOKS014534I: Camilleri, Kristian - Heisenberg and the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics : The Physicist as Philosopher
BOOKS023030I: Camlibel, Yilmaz - Serhildana Cîyayê Agiriyê : Gilîdax bêxwedî nîn e!
BOOKS013033I: Cammen, Hans van der; editor: [Gowling, Derek; Penny, Leith; Lecoin, Jean-Pierre; et al] - Four Metropolises in Western Europe: Development and Urban Planning of London, Paris, Randstad Holland and the Ruhr Region
BOOKS021374I: Camp, Roderic Ai - Mexico's Mandarins : Crafting a Power Elite for the 21st Century
BOOKS000795I: Campana, Bruno - Un geologo parla del suo paese : introduzione alla geologia, alla morfologia e all'evoluzione dell'Uomo con particolare riguardo
BOOKS011332I: Campantam, Tiru - Tenaliraman kataikal
BOOKS012812I: Campantan, Ma. Cu. - Eluttum accum
BOOKS014189I: Campbell, Lyle - Historical Linguistics: An Introduction
BOOKS014059I: Campbell, Hilbert H. - James Thomson (1700-1748) : An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Editions and the Important Criticism
BOOKS008195I: Campbell, Alan Tormaid - To Square With Genesis: Causal Statements and Shamanic Ideas in Wayapi
BOOKS012158I: Campbell, SueEllen - The Enemy Opposite: The Outlaw Criticism of Wyndham Lewis
BOOKS012137I: Campbell, Sue - Interpreting the Personal : Expression and the Formation of Feelings
BOOKS027803I: Campbell, George [1916-2002] - First Poems
BOOKS014877I: Campbell, Joseph [1904-1987] [ Van Couvering, Antony ; editor: ] - The Mythic Dimension : Selected Essays, 1959-1987
BOOKS010188I: Campbell, C. Jean - The Game of Courting and the Art of the Commune of San Gimignano, 1290-1320
BOOKS009964I: Campbell, Fiona - The Construction of Environmental News: A Study of Scottish Journalism
BOOKS006923I: Campbell, Aidan - Western Primitivism : African Ethnicity : A Study in Cultural Relations
BOOKS008253I: Campbell, Patricia Shehan. - Songs in Their Heads: Music and Its Meaning in Children’s Lives
BOOKS007643I: Campbell, Bonnie K. & Loxley, John; editors: - Structural Adjustment in Africa
BOOKS007417I: Campbell, John Creighton & Ikegami, Naoki - The Art of Balance in Health Policy: Maintaining Japan's Low-Cost Egalitarian System
BOOKS018554I: Campbell, John - The Present State of Europe; explaining the Interests, Connections, Political and Commercial Views of its Several Powers..,.
BOOKS016230I: Campbell, Joseph ; editor: - Man and Time : Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks [Bollingen Series XXX, Volume 3]
BOOKS005202I: Campbell, Jill - Natural Masques : Gender and Identity in Fielding's Plays and Novels
BOOKS004833I: Campbell, Lyle; Ventur, Pierre; Stewart, Russell & Gardner, Brant - Bibliography of Mayan Languages & Linguistics
BOOKS004050I: Campbell, Lily B. - Divine Poetry & Drama in 16th Century England
BOOKS016325I: Campbell, I. C. (Ian Christopher) - A History of the Pacific Islands
BOOKS022001I: Campbell, Joseph Keim ; O’Rourke, Michael ; & Silverstein, Harry ; editors: - Causation and Explanation
BOOKS016614I: Campenhausen, Hans, Freiherr von, 1903- - Kirchliches Amt und geistliche Vollmacht in den ersten drei Jahrhunderten
BOOKS017169I: Campos, Jose Moreira - Bom nome e reputacao: I: Caderno do ultramar - Diamang, Prediang, Carbonand...etc,etc
BOOKS021700I: Campos e Matos, Maria Miguelina de Araujo Martins - Filipa de Lancaster
BOOKS012436I: Camus, Jean-Yves; editor: - Extremism in Europe
BOOKS013317I: Can, Nurullah - Insanlara dogru: Siirler
BOOKS023014I: Can, Alim - Oguzlardan Yatagan Mahmud Sultan
BOOKS015222I: Canarache, V. ; Aricescu, AS. ; Barbu, V.; & Radulescu, A. - Tezaurul de sculpturi de la Tomis
BOOKS006139I: Institutum Canarium - Almogaren : Jahrbuch des Institutum Canarium Hallein/Austria : I - XVI, 1970-1985
BOOKS006409I: Cancian, Frank - The Innovator's Situation. Upper-Middle-Class Conservatism in Agricultural Communities
BOOKS007015I: Cândea, Ionel - Braila : Origini si evolutie pâna la jumatatea secolului al XVI-lea
BOOKS009816I: Candolini, Gernot - Das geheimnisvolle Labyrinth : Mythos und Geschichte eines Menschheitssymbols
BOOKS015324I: Candrasekhar Reddi, Vi. - Nellurujilla gramanamalu, bhasa samajika parisilana / A Socio-Linguistic Study of the Place Names of Nellore District.
BOOKS018953I: Candrasekhara, Rajaguru [18th century] - Madhuraniruddhanatakam / Cayanicandraskhararayaguruviracitam
BOOKS006910I: Cane, Peter - Tort Law and Economic Interests
BOOKS021245I: Du Cane, Florence ; & Du Cane, Ella (illustrator) - The Canary Islands
BOOKS000128I: Canellas Anoz, Magdelena - La iglesia colegiata de Santa Maria de los Corporales de Daroca y su prior...Francisco Clemente,segun un vade-mecum ... de 1397
BOOKS030614I: Lê Ngoc Canh - Hê thông nôt múa (chu múa) : sách chuyên khao
BOOKS027380I: Canitz, H.[ Siegert, Wilhelm ] [ Spohr, Peter (1828-1921)] - Das Scharlachfieber, seine Ursachen und naturgemässe Heilung [bound together with 3 other pamphlets]
BOOKS020934I: Canmukam, Ce. Vai. - Cuvaminatam / patippum uraiyum Ce. Vai. Canmukam
BOOKS022393I: Irattina Canmukanar - Noy tirkkum ariya paccilaikal 100 : vilakkap patankalutan
BOOKS015490I: Cannadine, David - Ornamentalism. How the British Saw Their Empire
BOOKS003651I: Cannadine, David - In Churchill's Shadow: Confronting the Past in Modern Britain
BOOKS020113I: Cannell, Fenella - Power and Intimacy in the Christian Philippines
BOOKS002217I: Cannon, Byron - Politics of Law & the Courts in Nineteenth-Century Egypt
BOOKS011700I: Canovan, Margaret - The Political Thought of Hannah Arendt.
BOOKS031358I: Cantarutti, Novella - Oh, ce gran biela vintura! : narrativa di tradizione orale tra Meduna e Mujé
BOOKS005279I: Cantemir, Dimitrie - Beschreibung der Moldau. Faksimiledruck der Originalausgabe von 1771.
BOOKS001271I: Aargau Canton - Gesetz über den Bestand und Einrichtigung der Brandversicherungsanstalt [together with 9 other pamphlets ca. 183l-1843]
BOOKS028078I: Aargau Canton (Switzerland) - Vollziehungsverordnung zum Schulgesetze vom 21. März und 8. April 1835, das Gemeindeschulwesen betreffend
BOOKS026674I: Cantone, Gaetana - La città di marmo : da Alberti a Serlio : la storia tra progettazione e restauro
BOOKS009384I: Cantor, Norman F. & King, Nathalia; editors: - Notebooks in Cultural Analysis. An Annual Review: Volume 2.
BOOKS020501I: Cantor, Georg - Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers
BOOKS020821I: Cantor, Georg [1845-1918] - Sur les fondements de la théorie des ensembles transfinis
BOOKS029444I: Canturia, Akaki ; & Canturia, Ariane [ Tchanturia, Akaki ] - Ok'ros kravisa da ok'ros verjis zgaprebi : et'nologiuri masala Akaki Canturias ark'ividan
BOOKS014117I: Cao García, Ramón J. & Matos Díaz, Horacio - Educación universitaria y oportunidad económica en Puerto Rico
BOOKS020418I: Caoursin, Guillaume [ Isager, Jacob ; translator : ] [ Schrøder, Ulrik ; editor : ] - Beretning om belejringen af byen Rhodos / Guillaume Caoursin : oversat i Odense 1982 af Jacob Isager
BOOKS004617I: Capaldi, Nicholas - John Stuart Mill: A Biography
BOOKS020231I: Capecelatro, Alfonso, Cardinal [1824-1912] - La vita del Padre Rocco narrata particolarmente ai popolani
BOOKS025201I: Capelle, Torsten - Kunst und Kunsthandwerk im bronzezeitlichen Nordeuropa
BOOKS017058I: Capelle, Torsten - Archäologie der Angelsachsen : Eigenständigkeit und kontinentale Bindung vom 5. bis 9. Jahrhundert
BOOKS023841I: Capellini, Giovanni [1833-1922] - Balenottere fossili e pachyacanthus dell'Italia meridionale [bound together with 3 other palaeontological papers by Capellini]
BOOKS018425I: Capes, Renalt. - Poseidon : A Personal Study of Admiral Lord Nelson
BOOKS027611I: Capidan, Theodor [1879-1953] - Meglenoromânii : I : Istoria si graiul lor
BOOKS031712I: Capitan, Louis ; Breuil, Henri, Abbé ; Peyrony,D. ; & Bourrinet, P. - Les gravures sur cascade stalagmitique de la grotte de la Mairie à Teyjat (Dordogne)
BOOKS019874I: Capitan, Joseph Louis - Excursion aux villes mortes du Yucatan
BOOKS000129I: Capitani, Ovidio - Immunita Vescovili ed Ecclesiologia ineta " Pregregoriana" e "Gregoriana" : L'Avvio alla "Restaurazione
BOOKS011761I: Caplan, David & Hildebrandt, Nancy - Disorders of Syntactic Comprehension
BOOKS023911I: Caplan, Gerald L. - The Elites of Barotseland, 1878-1969 : A Political History of Zambia’s Western Province
BOOKS003096I: Caplan, Lionel - Land & Social Change in East Nepal : A Study of Hindu-Tribal Relations
BOOKS025955I: Caplin, William Earl - Theories of Harmonic-Metric Relationships from Rameau to Riemann
BOOKS015743I: Capogrossi Colognesi, Luigi - La terra in Roma antica : forme di proprietà e rapporti produttivi : I : Età arcaica
BOOKS025864I: Capogrossi, Guglielmo ; & Morelli, Francesca, editors : [Capogrossi, Giuseppe (1900-1972)] ; - Giuseppe Capogrossi : catalogo ragionato : Tomo primo 1920-1949
BOOKS015565I: Capot-Rey, Robert - Borkou et Ounianga : étude de géographie régionale
BOOKS011861I: Capps, Donald; editor: - Freud and Freudians on Religion: A Reader
BOOKS017314I: Capps, Donald ; editor: - Freud and Freudians on Religion : A Reader
BOOKS013267I: Capps, Donald - Men, Religion, and Melancholia: James, Otto, Jung, and Erikson
BOOKS007139I: Caprile, Jean-Pierre - La denomination des couleurs chez les Mbay de Moissala (Une ethnie Sara du sud du Tchad)
BOOKS013764I: Caputo, Michael R. (Ralph) - Foundations of Dynamic Economic Analysis : Optimal Control Theory and Applications
BOOKS011302I: Caputo, John D.; editor: - The Religious
BOOKS009316I: Carabine, Keith; Knowles, Owen; & Krajka, Wieslaw; editors: - Contexts for Conrad [Conrad: Eastern and Western Perspectives, Volume II]
BOOKS026796I: Caradja, Marie G. - Mirror of the Past : Sketches from King Otho's Greece
BOOKS015822I: Caramani, Danièle - The Nationalization of Politics : The Formation of National Electorates and Party Systems in Western Europe
BOOKS020534I: Caramel, Luciano - Medardo Rosso : Impressions In Wax and Bronze 1882-1906
BOOKS027525I: Andrea Carandini, - L'anatomia della scimmia : la formazione economica della società prima del capitale : con un commento alle Forme che precedono.,
BOOKS007626I: Carapentirar [ Vacuteva Castiri, K. ; Venkatarajan, S. ; & Kantacamip Pillai, Ni. ; editors: ] - Carapentirar vaittiya muraikal : kunma roka cikiccai
BOOKS011976I: Carberry, Sandra - Plan Recognition in Natural Language Dialogue
BOOKS021238I: Carbonell y Rivero, José Manuel [1880-1968] [ Chacón y Calvo, José María (1893-1969)] - Carlos A. Boissier y Díaz: Discurso leído en recepción pública. Contesta en nombre de la corporación José María Chacón y Calvo
BOOKS010930I: Carchidi, Daniel M. - The Virtual Delivery and Virtual Organization of Postsecondary Education
BOOKS011752I: Cârciumaru, Minodora - Tehnologie si spiritualitate în arta mobiliara din Paleoliticul superior - România
BOOKS012118I: Card, Claudia; editor: - Adventures in Lesbian Philosophy
BOOKS005322I: Cardinal, Roger, editor: - Sensibility and Creation. Studies in Twentieth Century French Poetry
BOOKS006870I: Cardoso, Boaventura - O Fogo da Fala (Exercicios de Estilo)
BOOKS005579I: Cardoso, Carlos Lopes - Do Uso da Zorra em Angola
BOOKS019746I: Cardoso, Jayme - Tenda de Saul (Contos)
BOOKS000268I: Cardozo, Linda & Staskin, David; editors: - Textbook of Female Urology and Urogynaecology
BOOKS020277I: Cardozo Junior, João - Ideia geral sobre digestão : Dissertacão para o acto de zoologia (4. anno de philosophia) na Universidade de Coimbra
BOOKS006981I: Cardullo, Mario W. - Technological Entrepreneurism: Enterprise Formation, Financing and Growth
BOOKS004884I: Carenou, Charles - La Religion dolmenique suivie du dechiffrement de la piere du dolmen ruine de Parc Guren
BOOKS010612I: Carey, Henry C. - Miscellaneous Works, Vol. 1 & 2
BOOKS010349I: Carey, John - Thackeray : Prodigal Genius
BOOKS008315I: Carey, James R. & Judge, Debra S. - Longevity Records: Life Spans of Mammals, Birds, Amphibians, Reptiles, and Fish
BOOKS007176I: Carey, M. - Miscellaneous Essays...
BOOKS018152I: Carey, Roane ; editor: - The New Intifada : Resisting Israel's Apartheid
BOOKS027422I: Cargill, G.S. (George Slade) ; & Chaudhari, P. (Praveen) ; editors : - Proceedings of the Topical Conference on Atomic Scale Structure of Amorphous Solids .,.,.
BOOKS027268I: Carillo, Sandra ; & Ragnisco, Orlando ; editors : - Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems
BOOKS027651I: Carita, Helder - Palaces of Goa : Models and Types of Indo-Portuguese Civil Architecture
BOOKS000741I: Carkunavati, Mu. - Mannil valum malaimakkal
BOOKS024794I: Carl, Doris - Benedetto da Maiano : ein Florentiner Bildhauer an der Schwelle zur Hochrenaissance : Textband + Tafelband
BOOKS020681I: Carl, Hans - Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble : Fragments of the History of Yokohama from 1859 to 1987
BOOKS025620I: Carl, Axel - Etatsraad L. H. Carls Historie
BOOKS030010I: Carlier, Georges - Des rapports de la taille avec le bien-être : étude faite dans l'arrondissement d'Évreux
BOOKS005294I: Carlsen, Hanne - A Bibliography to the Classical Tradition in English Literature
BOOKS026552I: Carlsen, Jesper ; Ørsted, Peter ; & Skydsgaard, Jens Erik ; editors: - Landuse in the Roman Empire
BOOKS030768I: Carlson-Nilsson, B. Ulrika - Variation in Rosa with Emphasis on the Improvement of Winter Hardiness and Resistance to Marssonina rosae (Blackspot)
BOOKS029559I: Carlsson, Frans - The Iconology of Tectonics in Romanesque Art
BOOKS021552I: Carlsson, Per ; Hult, Marie ; Mårtensson, Bo; & Sandström, Rolf - Utveckling och underutveckling i Etiopien : en politisk och ekonomisk studie
BOOKS012642I: Carlton, Eric - Treason : Meanings and Motives
BOOKS012820I: Carlyle, Thomas; & Carlyle, Jane Welsh [Sanders, Charles Richard; Fielding, Kenneth J.; Ryals, Clyde de L.; et al: editors] - Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Volume 10: 1838
BOOKS006661I: Carlyle, Thomas; & Carlyle, Jame Welsh [Ryals, Clyde de L. & Fielding, Kenneth; editors:] - The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle. Volume 13 - 1841
BOOKS001761I: Carmichael, Calum M. - Law, Legend and Incest in the Bible : Leviticus 18-20
BOOKS022110I: Carnevale, Nicholas T. ; & Hines, Michael L. - The NEURON Book
BOOKS019682I: Carnoy, Martin - Faded Dreams : The Politics and Economics of Race in America
BOOKS023920I: De Caro, Stefano - La villa rustica in località Villa Regina a Boscoreale
BOOKS030550I: Caro, Jakub [1836- 1904] ; editor : [ Ciolek, Stanislaw (ca 1382-1437) ] - Liber cancellariae Stanislai Ciolek : Ein Formelbuch der polnischen Königskanzlei aus der Zeit der husitischen Bewegung [Part 1]
BOOKS011330I: Caron, Jean-Benoit; Fortin, Michel & Maloney, Gilles; editors: - Melanges d'etudes anciennes offerts a Maurice Lebel
BOOKS001089I: Caron, Vicki - Uneasy Asylum : France and the Jewish Refugee Crisis, 1933-1942
BOOKS024103I: Carotenuto, Aldo - The Call of the Daimon
BOOKS024470I: Carotenuto, Aldo - Kant's Dove : The History of Transference in Psychoanalysis
BOOKS031066I: Carozzi, Albert V. ; Crettaz, Bernard ; & Ripoll, David ; editors : - Les plis du temps : mythe, science et H.-B. de Saussure
BOOKS017345I: Carpeaux, Jean-Baptiste [ Galerie Manzi, Joyant (Paris)] - Catalogue de sculptures originales par J.-B. Carpeaux. Terres cuites, platres, bronzes, marbres..,.
BOOKS008169I: Carpenter, Gail A. & Grossberg, Stephen; editors: - Pattern Recognition by Self-Organizing Neural Networks
BOOKS018821I: Carpenter, Hale - Pseudacraea eurytus (L.) (Lep. Nymphalidae) : Study of a Polymorphic Mimic in Various Degrees of Speciation
BOOKS001954I: Carpenter, Lynette & Kolmar, Wendy; compilers: - Ghost Stories by British and American Women: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography
BOOKS012020I: Carpenter, Kenneth J. - Beriberi, White Rice and Vitamin B: A Disease, a Cause, and a Cure
BOOKS017190I: Carpo, Mario - Architecture in the Age of Printing : Orality, Writing, Typography and Printed Images in the History of Architectural Theory
BOOKS007013I: Carr, Philip - Phonology
BOOKS017249I: Carr, David McLain - The Erotic Word: Sexuality, Spirituality, and the Bible
BOOKS026445I: Carr, E.H. (Edward Hallett) [1892-1982] - Michael Bakunin
BOOKS026950I: Carré, Jean Marie [1887-1958] - Voyageurs et écrivains francais en Égypte : [Tome II]: De la fin de la domination turque à l’inauguration du canal de Suez .,.,
BOOKS026949I: Carré, Jean Marie [1887-1958] - Voyageurs et écrivains français en Égypte : [Tome I]: Du début à la fin de la domination turque (1517-1840)
BOOKS008601I: De la Carrera, Rosalina - Success in Circuit Lies: Diderot's Communicational Practice
BOOKS000756I: Carrère d'Encausse, Hélène ; & Schram, Stuart Reynolds - L'U.R S.S. et la Chine devant les révolutions dans les sociétés pré-industrielles
BOOKS010062I: Carrier, James G.; editor: - History and Tradition in Melanesian Anthropology
BOOKS003753I: Carrillo Alday, Santiago - El Cantico de Moises (Dt. 32)
BOOKS012675I: Carrington, Peter J.; Scott, John; & Wasserman, Stanley; editors: - Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis
BOOKS011006I: Carroll, William C. - Fat King, Lean Beggar: Representations of Poverty in the Age of Shakespeare
BOOKS008293I: Carroll, Vern; editor: - Adoption in Eastern Oceania
BOOKS001387I: Carroll, John - Puritan, Paranoid, Remissive. A Sociology of Modern Culture
BOOKS015904I: Carroll, David - Subject in Question: The Languages of Theory and the Strategies of Fiction
BOOKS004259I: Carruthers, Jane ; & Arnold, Marion I. - The Life and Work of Thomas Baines
BOOKS023158I: Carson, John Miller [1837-1912] [ United States, Dept. of Commerce and Labor ] - Packing and Marketing of Cotton : A Study of Present Wasteful Methods and Certain Suggestions for their Improvement
BOOKS013460I: Cârstean, Stelian - Balada în folclorul Moldovei de nord
BOOKS003344I: Carsten, F.L. - War Against War. British & German Radical Movements in the First World War
BOOKS025809I: Carstens, Goslar ; Johannsen, Albrecht ; & Peters, L. C. ; editors : [ Nordfriesischen Instituts ] - Jahrbuch des Nordfriesischen Instituts : Jahrgang 1 : 1949
BOOKS013527I: Carstensen, Jürgen - Peter Ludvig Panum : Professor der Physiologie in Kiel, 1853-1864
BOOKS014627I: Carstoiu, Justinian - Sfintii Prooroci Ilie si Elisei, prefiguratori ai monohiismului
BOOKS021037I: Cartan, Henri Paul [1904-2008] - Formes différentielles : Applications élémentaires au calcul des variations et a la théorie des courbes et des surfaces
BOOKS014179I: Carter, Susan B.; et al; editors: - The Historical Statistics of the United States : Volume 1: Population
BOOKS014178I: Carter, Susan B.; et al; editors: - The Historical Statistics of the United States : Volume 4: Economic Sectors
BOOKS014177I: Carter, Susan B.; et al; editors: - The Historical Statistics of the United States : Volume 2: Work and Welfare
BOOKS013795I: Carter, Robert Edgar - The Nothingness Beyond God: Introduction to the Philosophy of Nishida Kitaro
BOOKS011074I: Carter, Ronald; Goddard, Angela; Reah, Donald; Sanger, Keith; & Browning, Maggie - Working with Texts: A Core Book for Language Analysis
BOOKS010253I: Carter, Stephen D.; editor: - Medieval Japanese Writers
BOOKS009541I: Carter, George F. - Earlier Than You Think: A Personal View of Man in America
BOOKS018352I: Carter, Gwendolen Margaret, 1906- ed. - National Unity and Regionalism in Eight African States
BOOKS017915I: Carter, Gwendolen Margaret ; & Gallagher, Charles F. ; editors: - African One-Party States
BOOKS015910I: Carter, J. Scott ; Flath, Daniel E. ; & Saito, Masahico - The Classical and Quantum 6j-Symbols
BOOKS020536I: Carter, Sebastian - Twentieth Century Type Designers
BOOKS027412I: Cartier, P. (Pierre) ; & Foata, Dominique - Problèmes combinatoires de commutation et réarrangements
BOOKS012748I: Cartledge, Paul - Spartan Reflections
BOOKS015180I: Cartledge, Paul ; editor: - The Cambridge Illustrated History of Ancient Greece
BOOKS004693I: Carton de Wiart, Comte & Roux, J.-A.,editors: - Premier Congres International de Droit Penal, Bruxelles (26-29 juillet 1926). Actes du Congres...
BOOKS012056I: Carty, Anthony - Law and Development
BOOKS003181I: Caruthers, William - Loafing along Death Valley Trails. A Personal Narrative of People & Places
BOOKS007436I: Carvalho, Joao Vasco de - O torofo de Cotigao (Breve estudo agricola-florestal)
BOOKS030114I: Carvalho, Guilhermino ; Clairand, Arnaud ; & Kind, Jean-Yves - L'atelier monétaire municipal de Besancon : 1534 -1676
BOOKS017223I: Carvalho e Vasconcellos, João de - O arroz : Estudo botânico
BOOKS001361I: Carvalho-Neto, Paulo de - History of Iberoamerican Folklore: Mestizo Culture
BOOKS003217I: Carvalho, Adriano J. de - O regime florestal em Serpins : Exposicao e critica
BOOKS020264I: Carvalho, Marianno Cyrillo de [1836-1905] - Os planos financeiros
BOOKS030115I: Carvalho, Guilhermino ; & Kind, Jean-Yves - Bibliographie numismatique francaise : 1970-1994
BOOKS000350I: Carven, John W. - Napoleon and the Lazarists
BOOKS027294I: Casas-Vázquez, José ; Jou, David ; & Rubi, José-Miguel ; editors: - Recent Developments in Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics : Fluids and Related Topics : Proceedings of the Meeting .,.,.
BOOKS004700I: Casas Trujillo, María del Carmen ; editor: [Seminario Taller Reforma Descentralista y Minorías Etnicas en Colombia] - Colombia multiétnica y pluricultural : Memorias, Seminario Taller Reforma Descentralista y Minorías Etnicas en Colombia
BOOKS027279I: Casas-Vázquez, José ; Jou, David ; & Lebon, Georgy ; editors: - Recent Developments in Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics : Proceedings of the Meeting held at Bellaterra School of Thermodynamics.,.
BOOKS002287I: Case, Lynn M., compiler & editor: - French Opinion on the United States and Mexico 1860-1867.Extracts from the Reports of the Procureurs Generaux
BOOKS024918I: Case, Margaret H. ; editor: - Heinrich Zimmer : Coming into his Own
BOOKS021197I: Casebeer, William D. - Natural Ethical Facts : Evolution, Connectionism, and Moral Cognition
BOOKS024309I: Casement, Ann ; editor: - Post-Jungians Today : Key Papers in Contemporary Analytical Psychology
BOOKS010011I: Casey, D.E.; Chase, T.N.; Christensen, A.V. & Gerlach, J; editors: - Dyskinesia: Research and Treatment
BOOKS016338I: Casey, Edward S. - Remembering: A Phenomenological Study
BOOKS005349I: Casey, Edward S. - Imagining. A Phenomenological Study
BOOKS005356I: Casey, John - The Language of Criticism
BOOKS016197I: Casimir, H. B. G. (Hendrik Brugt Gerhard) [1909-2000] - Haphazard Reality : Half a Century of Science
BOOKS010665I: Casley, Dennis J. ; & Lury, Denis A. - Monitoring and Evaluation of Agriculture and Rural Development Projects
BOOKS003666I: Caspar, Franz - Tupari. Unter Indios im Urwald Brasiliens
BOOKS025210I: Casparie, W. A. ; & Groenman-Van Waateringe, Willy - Palynological Analysis of Dutch Barrows
BOOKS013866I: Cassam, Quassim; editor: - Self-Knowledge
BOOKS031510I: Cassar, George - Qrendi : Its People and Their Heritage
BOOKS013518I: Casse, P. [Hindenburg, A] - Højesteretsadvocat Hindenburg og "den Høyerske Arvesag" ..,. [bound together with two other related pamphlets]
BOOKS008619I: Casse, Michel - Stellar Alchemy: The Celestial Origin of Atoms
BOOKS009041I: Cassell, Eric J. - The Nature of Suffering and the Goals of Medicine
BOOKS012176I: Cassell, Justine; Sullivan, Joseph; Prevost, Scott; & Churchill, Elizabeth; editors: - Embodied Conversational Agents
BOOKS021785I: Cassels, Nancy Gardner - Religion and Pilgrim Tax under the Company Raj
BOOKS020153I: Cassese, Antonio - International Criminal Law
BOOKS016227I: Cassirer, Ernst [1874-1945] - The Philosophy of the Enlightenment
BOOKS020189I: Castán Ramírez, Carlos - Las monedas de los Reyes Católicos y de la Casa de Austria, 1475-1700
BOOKS007740I: Castel-Branco, Joao Bentes - Ensaios sobre o estudo da crise agricola e investigacao das suas causas
BOOKS006576I: Castel-Branco, A.J.F. - A Lagarta dos Coquieros: (Nephantis serinopa Meyrick) na India Portuguesa
BOOKS018588I: Castel-Branco, A.J.F. - A lagarta dos coqueiros (Nephantis serinopa Meyrick) na India Portuguesa
BOOKS003662I: Castelar, Emilio - Historia del Ano 1883
BOOKS001591I: Castelin, Karel O. - Grossus Pragensis : der Prager Groschen und seine Teilstücke, 1300-1547
BOOKS003720I: Castelino, Joaquim Manoel - Pneumonia e Oxido Branco de Antimonio
BOOKS027479I: Castellani, Claudio ; Castro, Carlo ; & Peliti, Luca ; editors : - Disordered Systems and Localization : Proceedings of the Conference Held in Rome, May 1981
BOOKS030041I: Castilho, Alexandre Magno de [1834-1871] - Descripcão e roteiro da costa occidental de Africa, desde o cabo de Espartel até o das Agulhas : Tomo I & II
BOOKS022744I: Castilho, Antonio Feliciano de [1800-1875] [ Leal, Gomes (1849-1921) ] [ Cunha, Henrique da ] - Tosquia d'um camelo : carta a todos os mestres das aldeas e das cidades [bound together with 2 other pamphlets]
BOOKS015385I: Castilho, Alexandre Magno de [1835 - ] - Études historico-géographiques: Seconde etudes sur les colonnes ou monuments commemoratifs des decouvertes portugaises en afriqu
BOOKS026405I: Castilho, Augusto de [1841-1912] - Portugal e Brazil : conflicto diplomatico: O processo no Conselho de Guerra de Marinha do capitão de fragata Augusto de Castilho
BOOKS011276I: Castiri, Venkatarama - Cita kalyanamu: pakavatamela icai nattiya natakam / patippaciriyarkal
BOOKS010777I: Castle, Marjorie and Taras, Ray - Democracy in Poland
BOOKS010176I: Castle, Terry - The Apparitional Lesbian: Female Homosexuality and Modern Culture
BOOKS010616I: Castoriadis, Cornelius - Political and Social Writings. Volume 1: 1946-1955: From the Critique of Bureaucracy to the Positive Content of Socialism
BOOKS022263I: Castoriadis-Aulagnier, Piera [ Aulagnier, Piera ] - La violence de l'interprétation : du pictogramme à l'énoncé
BOOKS031929I: Castrén, Paavo - Ordo populusque Pompeianus : Polity and Society in Roman Pompeii
BOOKS015643I: Castro, Fidel - On Imperialist Globalization : Two Speeches
BOOKS001492I: Castro, Luciano de - A questão do Amazonas nos tratados de Paris e de Madrid (1797 e 1801)
BOOKS001287I: Castro, Silvio [ Caminha, Pero Vaz de ] - La lettera di Pero Vaz de Caminha sulla scoperta del Brasile
BOOKS030773I: Catacchio, Nuccia Negroni ; editor : - Sorgenti della Nova : una comunità protostorica e il suo territorio nell'Etruria Meridionale
BOOKS021754I: Catalina, Francis V. - A Study of the Self Concept of Sankhya Yoga Philosophy
BOOKS022307I: Colegio de Arquitectos de Cataluña (Barcelona, España) - Josep Maria Jujol : Arquitecto, 1879-1949 : [catalogo razonado]
BOOKS031504I: Catania, Paul - In-Naxxar : stejjer, grajjiet u laqmijiet
BOOKS021998I: Catchpole, Clive K. ; & Slater, Peter James Bramwell - Bird Song : Biological Themes and Variations - Second Edition
BOOKS031847I: Cátedra de San Isidoro, Instituto Leonés de Estudios Romano-visigóticos - Legio VII Gemina
BOOKS006458I: Catedra, Maria - This World, Other Worlds. Sickness, Suicide, Death & the Afterlife among the Vaqueiros de Alzada of Spain
BOOKS017981I: Cathala, Jean [1905-19??] - They Are Betraying Peace
BOOKS003778I: Cathcart, George - Correspondence of Lieut.-General the Hon. Sir George Cathcart relative to this Military Operations in Kaffraria...
BOOKS026696I: Fédération Nationale Catholique - La pieuvre maconnique..,.
BOOKS022637I: Cattan, Henry - Jerusalem
BOOKS004148I: Cattani, Alfred & Hasler, Alfred A., editors: - Minderheiten in der Schweiz. Toleranz auf der Prufstand
BOOKS010392I: Cattant, Jean - Les civilisations oubliees des sites desertes de Palaiseau
BOOKS005980I: Cattell, W.R.; editor: - Infections of the Kidney and Urinary Tract
BOOKS031144I: Cattiyacilan, Ca. - Ilankait Tamilar varalarrin cila pakkankal
BOOKS018951I: Caturbhujadasa [ Singh, Pateh ; editor: ] - Sacitra Madhumalati katha
BOOKS002354I: Caturla, Maria Luise - Un Pintor Gallego en la Corte de Felipe IV: Antonio Puga
BOOKS022879I: Caturvedi, Devidatta - Devisukktta rahasya
BOOKS018960I: Cauchy, Eugène [1802-1877] - Du duel considéré dans ses origines et dans l'état actuel des moeurs : Tome I - II
BOOKS019002I: Caudhari, Raghavaprasada ; editor: [ Chaudhary, Raghava Prasad ] [ Chaudhari, Raghavaprasad ] - Bhargavatantram / sampadaka Raghavaprasad Chaudhari / Bhargava Tantram : A Pancratragama Text
BOOKS026904I: Caudhari, Raghuvira [ Chaudhari, Raghuveer ] - Hindi-Gujarati dhatukosa : Hindi aura Gujarati ki kriyavacaka dhatuom ka tulanatmaka adhyayana
BOOKS022770I: Caudhuri Kamilya, Mihira - Rarhera purbapurusha puja : gramadebadebi, lokadharma, lokasamskrti
BOOKS018724I: Caudwell, Christopher [1907-1937] - Studies in a Dying Culture
BOOKS018166I: Caul, Leslie ; editor: [ Stranmillis College (Belfast, Northern Ireland). Learning Resources Unit ] - A Common Curriculum : The Case of Northern Ireland
BOOKS003724I: Caushi, Tefik - Karakteri Popullor i Artit
BOOKS023529I: Cauvière, Jules - Donations à cause de mort en droit romain : Des partages d'ascendants en droit francais
BOOKS013329I: Cavalier, Caliste - Poser les bases d'une pyrétologie conforme a l'état actual de la médicine
BOOKS007446I: Cavalieri, Paola - The Animal Question : Why Nonhuman Animals Deserve Human Rights
BOOKS020455I: Cavallo, Sandra - Charity and Power in Early Modern Italy : Benefactors and their Motives in Turin, 1541-1789
BOOKS010013I: Cavalloro, R. P & Pelerents, C. ; editors: - Integrated Pest Management in Protected Vegetable Crops. Proceedings of the CEC / IOBC Experts' Group Meeting Cabrils / ...
BOOKS013455I: Cavanaugh, Jan - Out Looking in : Early Modern Polish Art, 1890-1918
BOOKS017807I: Cavell, Stanley - The World Viewed : Reflections on the Ontology of Film
BOOKS029423I: Cavus, Rahimizade Ibrahim [ Chavush, Rahimizade Ibrahim ] [ Ilurije, Marina ; editor: ] - Ganj'is dapqrobis cigni
BOOKS018002I: Caws, Mary Ann. - The Surrealist Look : An Erotics of Encounter
BOOKS012120I: Cawsey, Alison - Explanation and Interaction : The Computer Generation of Explanatory Dialogues
BOOKS016098I: Cayci, Ahmet - Anadolu Selcuklu sanati'nda gezegen ve burc tasvirleri
BOOKS020796I: Cayla, Alfred - L'habitation rurale du Quercy et de ses alentours
BOOKS023004I: Cayley, Edward Stillingfleet [1802-1862] - The European Revolutions of 1848. Volumes I & II.
BOOKS009865I: Cayrac, Albert; Djiraingue, Pascal & Tedebaye, Felix - Contes Sar: Tome 1 & 2
BOOKS001484I: Cazacu, P. - Vine Vremea de Apoi : Povestire Istorica din Trecutul Basarabei
BOOKS002967I: Cazalis, Anne Marie - Kadhafi, le templier d’Allah
BOOKS019568I: Cazort, Mimi - Mauro in America : An Italian Artist Visits the New World
BOOKS005555I: Ceard, Jean & Margolin, Jean-Claude, editors: - Voyager a la Renaissance. Actes du Colloque de Tours 30 juin - 13 juillet 1983
BOOKS008581I: Cebik, L. B. - Fictional Narrative and Truth : An Epistemic Analysis
BOOKS001705I: Cebon, Peter; Dahinden, Urs; Davies, Huw; Imboden, Dieter M.; & Jaeger, Carlo C.; editors: - Views From the Alps: Regional Perspectives on Climate Change
BOOKS030737I: Ceccoli, Stefania ; & Stazio, Attilio ; editors : [ Istituto per la storia e l'archeologia della Magna Grecia ] - L'Italia meridionale in età tardo antica : atti del Trentottesimo Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto, 2-6 ottobre 199
BOOKS028672I: Cecen, Kâzim - Mimar Sinan ve Kirkcesme tesisleri
BOOKS002562I: Cederblad, Marianna - A Child Psychiatric Study on Sudanese Arab Children
BOOKS029744I: Cederlund, Carl Olof - The Old Wrecks of the Baltic Sea : Archaeological Recording of the Wrecks of Carvel-built Ships
BOOKS012408I: Cekaran, Cattur - Vanalaviya Tamil
BOOKS019804I: Cekaran, Cattur - Ulakalaviya Tamil
BOOKS013183I: Celik, Zeynep - The Remaking of Istanbul : Portrait of an Ottoman City in the Nineteenth Century
BOOKS023066I: Celiker, Dervise - Geçmisten Günümüze Kibris Türk Islemeleri
BOOKS004757I: Céline, Louis-Ferdinand [ Hansen, Troels Hughes ; translator : ] - Breve fra Vestre Fængsel
BOOKS024929I: Céline, Louis-Ferdinand - Rigodon
BOOKS019305I: India. Directorate of Marketing and Inspection. Market Research and Planning Cell. - Potato Price Spread Studies
BOOKS023858I: India. Directorate of Marketing and Inspection. Market Research and Planning Cell - Marketing of Betel Leaves in India
BOOKS007294I: Cell, Edward - Language, Existence & God. Interpretations of Moore, Russell, Ayer, Wittgenstein, Wisdom, Oxford Philosophy & Tillich
BOOKS003918I: India. Directorate of Marketing and Inspection. Market Research and Planning Cell - Marketing of Oil-seeds in Madhya Pradesh
BOOKS004720I: Celli Bellucci, Novella ; & Trenti, Luigi ; editors : - Leopardi a Roma / a cura di Novella Bellucci e Luigi Trenti
BOOKS009673I: Celso, Affonso, visconde [1860 - 1938] - O Imperador no Exilio
BOOKS024373I: Celteano, Victor - Regard sur le parcours roumain
BOOKS017382I: Cénac Moncaut, Justin Edouard Matthieu [ Uvarov, Sergei Semionovich ] - Les révolutions imminentes et l'attitude de la France a leur égard [bound with 2 other pamphlets published by E. Dentu, 1861-72]
BOOKS017672I: Cendrars, Blaise [1887-1961] - Complete Postcards from the Americas : Poems of Road and Sea
BOOKS029002I: Cenollari, Ilir - Profecitë e Zotit të Tomorit : studim historik
BOOKS005451I: Centeno y Rilova, Augusto & Sutherland, Donald - The Blue Clown. Dialogues
BOOKS007431I: Environmental Book Center (Yokohama) - An Overview from Japan : Environmental Book Center's Report. No.s 1, 2, 3, 4/5 [June 1978 - February 1979]
BOOKS000883I: Centers, Richard - The Psychology of Social Classes: A Study of Class Consciousness
BOOKS007931I: Centivel, Ci Ka - Vattukkottaiyil iruntu Mullaittivu varai
BOOKS003986I: Centlivres-Demont, Micheline - Volkskunst in Afghanistan : Malereien an Lastwagen, Moscheen und Teehäusern
BOOKS018648I: Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha, (India) - Management of Mutrasmari by Three Ayurvedic Drugs : Varua, Kulattha & Gokuru
BOOKS005618I: Central Advisory Board for Harijan Welfare, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India - Report of the Scavenging Conditions Enquiry Committee - December 1960
BOOKS020933I: Union Republicaine Centrale - Question des loyers
BOOKS028854I: Centre des Etudes Artistiques, des Expressions Littéraires et de la Production Audiovisuelle - Les types poétiques amazighes traditionnels : actes du colloques organisé par le Centre des Etudes Artistiques..,.
BOOKS006435I: Centre d’études supérieures spécialisé d’histoire des religions, Strasbourg - Aspects du judéo-christianisme: Colloque de Strasbourg 23-25 avril 1964
BOOKS006390I: Jammu & Kashmir Human Rights Awareness & Documentation Centre - Tearful Summer in Kashmir : A Report on Human Rights Violations Committed by the Indian Forces..,.June & July, 1993
BOOKS006389I: Jammu & Kashmir Human Rights Awareness & Documentation Centre - Slaughter in Sopore (North of Srinagar), Kashmir : A Report on Arson & Mayhem by Border Security Forces in Sopore on Jan.6, 1993
BOOKS031893I: Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, Universität Hamburg [ Enzel, Kathrin ; Hahn, Oliver ; Knödel, Susanne ; et al.] - Ausstellungskatalog : Farbe trifft Landkarte / Exhibition Catalogue : Colour Meets Map
BOOKS000131I: Centro Europeo di Studi Traci, editors: - V Symposium Internazionale di Tracologia... 1987 .La civilta dei Traci : Tradizioni classiche e richerche archeologiche moderne
BOOKS011485I: Escuela de Sociologia Universidad Centroamericana [Banberger, Ellen L.; editor:] - Construccion de la Democracia en Nicaragua
BOOKS025548I: Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche (Faenza) - Faenza : bollettino del Museo internazionale delle ceramiche in Faenza : Annata XCII - Anno 2006 - Fascicolo I - III
BOOKS006547I: Cercignani, Fausto - The Consonants of German: Synchrony and Diachrony
BOOKS031281I: Cerdá Juan, Damián - La nave romano-republicana de la Colonia de Sant Jordi
BOOKS003205I: Ceresa, R.J. (Raymond John) [1929-2017] - South Russia and Russian Refugee Post Issues : Text & Plates "A" + Plates "B" [The Postage Stamps of Russia 1917-1923, Volume 3]
BOOKS005137I: Cereteto, P. Giovanni Giacinto, et al - Storicita dei Primi Tre Capitoli della Genesi [bound together with 8 other papers concerning Pentateuch]
BOOKS028618I: Cerio, Edwin - Capri nel seicento : Documenti e note
BOOKS025419I: Cerny, Adolf ; editor: - Slovansky prehled : Rocnik III, Cislo 1-10 [1900-1901]
BOOKS030215I: Cerulli, Enrico - Il linguaggio dei Giangerò ed alcune lingue Sidama dell'Omo (Basketo, Ciara, Zaissè) [ Studi etiopici, 3 ]
BOOKS005050I: Cervantes, Fernando - The Devil in the New World. The Impact of Diabolism in New Spain
BOOKS013415I: Cervenka, Exene [ Mortensen, Viggo ; editor: ] - Magical Meteorite Songwriting Device : Collages by Exene Cervenka
BOOKS015531I: Cervenka, Zdenek ; & Rogers, Barbara - Nuclear Axis : Secret Collaboration Between West Germany and South Africa
BOOKS015769I: Césaire, Aimé [ Davis, Gregson ] - Non-vicious Cycle: Twenty Poems of Aime Cesaire
BOOKS014348I: Di Cesare, Mario A. ; & Mignani, Rigo - A Concordance to the Complete Writings of George Herbert
BOOKS026943I: Cesari, Lamberti [1910-1990] - a collection of 107 offprints and extracts ca. 1940-1983, in English and Italian
BOOKS018578I: Cesc - Gargots : Publicats a Serra d'Or del juny de 1963 al desembre de 1968. Amb un pròleg de Joan Fuster.
BOOKS007215I: Svazu Fotoobchodniko Ceskoslovenska - Odborna skupina v rámci P.V.V. : 6.- 15. III. 1936 : Pod protektorátem svazu fotoobchodniko ceskoslovenska
BOOKS012287I: Cetin, Birol - Osmanli Imparatorlugu’nda barut sanayi, 1700-1900
BOOKS020610I: Ceturaman, G. [ Sethuraman, G. ] - Rukmankatha charitram
BOOKS012190I: Ceylan, Emine - Cuvasca cok zamanli ses bilgisi
BOOKS015340I: Cha, Victor D. - Alignment Despite Antagonism : The United States-Korea-Japan Security Triangle
BOOKS016343I: Cha'th, Chawqi [ Sha'ath, Shawqi ] - Al-Qods Acharif : Étude sur la ville sainte des Musulmanes, son histoire, sa géographie et son developpement économique ..,,.
BOOKS009151I: Chaara, Ahmed - L'Agriculture et la peche dans la littoral du Rif
BOOKS007583I: Chachage, Chacage Seithy L. ; Ericsson, Magnus ; & Gibbon, Peter - Mining and Structural Adjustment : Studies on Zimbabwe and Tanzania
BOOKS026522I: Chacko, Chirakaikaran Joseph [1899-19??] - The World Court's Judgement on Dadra and Nagar Aveli Case
BOOKS021549I: Chacón Hidalgo, Manuel Benito - El papel moneda : folleto técnico
BOOKS013760I: Chadwick, Henry [Boethius] - Boethius, The Consolations of Music, Logic, Theology, and Philosophy
BOOKS019573I: Chadwick, Nora Kershaw [1891-1972] - The Beginnings of Russian History : An Enquiry Into Sources
BOOKS031582I: Chaffee, C.G.,Captain ; & Ozol, R.J., Lieutenant, U.S.Ord. - Compilation of German Fuels and Lubricants Specifications : 28 August 1945
BOOKS013550I: Apdutchakun Bin Chafi'i Dina - Fa wikrit chaidæn Tai nai saita khong 'utsatat / 'Apdutchakun Bin Chafi'i Dina, riapriang
BOOKS025263I: Chagin, B. A. (Boris Aleksandrovich) [1899-1987] ; editor : - Sotsiologicheskaia mysl' v Rossii : ocherki istorii nemarksistskoi sotsiologii poslednei treti XIX--nachala XX veka.
BOOKS017951I: Chai, Leon - Aestheticism : The Religion of Art in Post-Romantic Literature
BOOKS017821I: Chai, Chengwen ; & Zhao, Yongtian - Banmendian tan pan [ Ban Men Dian tanpan ] / Panmumjom negotians [sic]
BOOKS015446I: Chai, Elena - Of Temple and Tatung Tradition in Singkawang
BOOKS029853I: Hâk Chaihuk - Ryan nauknunlok nrh poeghmam pan
BOOKS030751I: P'iv Chailan [ Piv, Chai Lan ] - Nan sák kraqup [ Neang sak kraop ] / Piv Cae Lan
BOOKS008921I: Chaini, Ratnakar [b. 1945] - Santhakabi Acyutananda
BOOKS011104I: Pinit Chaisuwan - Phan naa phlaehng reuuang
BOOKS022872I: Phinit Chaisuwan - Homrong sepha
BOOKS006706I: Chaitanya, Krishna - The Sociology of Freedom
BOOKS012385I: Chaklader, Snehamoy - Minority Rights : A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Group Conflicts in Eastern Region of India
BOOKS005472I: Chaklader, Snehamoy [1935- ] - Linguistic Minority as a Cohesive Force in Indian Federal Process
BOOKS000052I: Chakrabarti,Prafulla - Social Profile of Tarakeswar : Study of a Pilgrim Town of West Bengal
BOOKS007819I: Chakrabarty, Dipesh - Rethinking Working-Class History : Bengal 1890 - 1940
BOOKS006182I: Chakrabarty, Nrisingha - History of Railway Trade Union Movement : A Study
BOOKS003209I: Chakraborti, Smarajit - The Bengali Press (1818-1868) : A Study in the Growth of Public Opinion
BOOKS002755I: Chakraborty, S.R. - Economic Tables (Tripura)
BOOKS013376I: Chakraborty, Dilip Kumar - The Great Andamanese : Struggling for Survival
BOOKS008933I: Chakraborty, A.K.; Rangan, Sheela; & Uplekar, Mukund; editors: - Urban Tuberculosis Control: Problems and Prospects
BOOKS015126I: Chakraborty, Santosh Kumar - A Study of Tipra Language
BOOKS001846I: Chakraborty, S.R. - Tripura: Census Atlas
BOOKS001199I: Chakraborty, S. - Contribution to the Knowledge of the Mammalian Fauna of Jammu & Kashmir
BOOKS002773I: Chakraborty, S.R. - Administrative Statistics & Census Tables: Tripura: West,North & South Districts
BOOKS008747I: Chakravarti, B. - The Children of Abo Tani in India, Fiji and Polynesia, Volume 1 (An Account of the Migration of the Indian Danavas...
BOOKS002327I: Chakravarti, P.C. - Doctrine of Sakti in Indian Literature
BOOKS008539I: Chakravarti, B. - A Cultural History of Bhutan. Volumes I & II
BOOKS004489I: Chakravarti, Adhir - Royal Succession in Ancient Cambodia
BOOKS001313I: Chakravarti, Sudhindra Chandra - Philosophical Foundation of Bengal Vaisnavism (A Critical Exposition)
BOOKS011423I: Chakravarti, B. - The Sens of Himachal : Their Pan-Indian Heritage. Volume I
BOOKS027811I: Chakravarti, Mahadev - The Concept of Rudra-Siva through the Ages
BOOKS004343I: Chakravarty, H.L. - Cucurbitaceae. [ Flora of India, Fascicule 11.]
BOOKS001687I: Chakravarty, L.N. - Glimpses of the Early History of Arunachal
BOOKS001605I: Chakravarty, H.L. - Cucurbitaceae [ Fascicles of Flora of India, Fascicle 11 ]
BOOKS008570I: Chakravarty, Biharilal [1835-1894] - Biharilalera kabyasamgraha
BOOKS010653I: Chakravorty, Amiya Kumar - Studies in Mahimabhatta : A Critical and Comparative Study of Mahimabhatta’s Vyaktiviveka
BOOKS012342I: Chaliha, Bhaba Prasad [ Caliha, Bhawaprasada ] ; editor : - Sankaradeva : Studies in Culture
BOOKS015086I: Chalker, Kari ; Dubin, Lois Sherr ; Whiteley, Peter M. ; & Togashi, Kiyoshi ; editors: - Totems to Turquoise : Native North American Jewelry Arts of the Northwest and Southwest
BOOKS016357I: Chalmers, Damian ; Hadjiemmanuil, Christos ; Monti, Giorgio ; Tomkins, Adam & Maduro, Miguel Poiares - European Union Law: Text and Materials
BOOKS006079I: Chalubinska, Aniela ; editor: [ Lencewicz, Stanisaw ] [ Marszewska-Ziemiecka, Jadwiga ] - Listy Stanislawa Lencewicza do Jadwigi Marszewskiej-Ziemieckiej / do druku przygotowala i wstepem opatrzya Aniela Chalubinska
BOOKS014895I: Cham, Mbye B; & Andrade-Watkins, Claire; editors: - Blackframes: Critical Perspectives on Black Independent Cinema
BOOKS016494I: Chamberlain, Andrew - Demography in Archaeology
BOOKS005869I: Chamberlin, Waldo, compiler: - Industrial Relations in Wartime. Great Britain, 1914 - 1918. Annotated Bibliography of Materials in the Hoover Library...
BOOKS006271I: Chambers, Robert - Managing Canal Irrigation. Practical Analysis from South Asia
BOOKS007086I: Chambers, Ross - The Writing of Melancholy : Modes of Opposition in Early French Modernism
BOOKS028129I: Chambers, Robert [1881-1957] [Ferguson, Jeremiah.S.] - Micrurgical Studies in Cell Physiology [bound together with 25 other offprints concerning cell biology, ca. 1912-1929]
BOOKS026282I: Chambers, D. S. (David Sanderson) - Cardinal Bainbridge in the Court of Rome, 1509 to 1514
BOOKS013449I: Chambert-Loir, Henri; editor: - Sastra : Introduction à la littérature indonésienne contemporaine : études et textes réunis
BOOKS015068I: Soraya Chamchuri - Yieoya batphlæ khun wan 'an hotrai duai sattha athon læ huangyai : pathakatha Munnithi Komon Khimthong pracham pi Pho. So. 2549
BOOKS001853I: Chameides, W.L. & Perdue, E.M. - Biogeochemical Cycles. A Computer-Interactive Study of Earth System Science & Global Change
BOOKS010168I: Chamisso, Adelbert von [1786-1838] [Müller, Hans Alexander (1888-1962)] - Das Lied von der Weibertreue / mit Holzschnitten von Hans Alexander Müller
BOOKS009095I: Chamla, Marie-Claude & Dastuge, Jean - Aksha III: La population du cimitiere meriotique. Etude anthropologique
BOOKS006998I: Chamla, Marie-Claude; & Demoulin, Francoise - Croissance des algeriens de l'enfance a l'age adulte (Region de l'Aures)
BOOKS014591I: Chamley, Christophe P. - Rational Herds : Economic Models of Social Learning
BOOKS010348I: Champagne, G. - Paris en feu : ou, Les nuits des 23, 24 et 25 mai 1871 : poème dramatique
BOOKS010292I: Champeaux-Kleczynski, Denise de - Jozef Kleczynski : Un patriote polonais oublié et retrouvé
BOOKS023204I: Champion, Timothy ; Gamble, Clive ; Shennan, Stephen ; & Whittle, Alasdair - Prehistoric Europe
BOOKS006103I: Champlin, Edward [1948 - ] - Final Judgments: Duty and Emotion in Roman Wills, 200 B.C.-A.D. 250
BOOKS010327I: Chamseddine, Ahmed - La curation par la graine noire d'apres la sunna prophetique et la medecine antique et moderne
BOOKS013802I: Chan, Alan Kam-leung - Two Visions of the Way: Study of the Wang Pi and the Ho-shang Kung Commentaries on the Lao-Tzu
BOOKS011115I: Chan, Tak-hung Leo [1954- ] - The Discourse on Foxes and Ghosts: Ji Yun and Eighteenth-Century Literati Storytelling
BOOKS011038I: Chan, Jachinson - Chinese American Masculinities: From Fu Manchu to Bruce Lee
BOOKS007653I: Chan, Steve & Mintz, Alex; editors: - Defense, Welfare, and Growth
BOOKS024869I: Chan Lau, Kit-ching - From Nothing to Nothing : The Chinese Communist Movement and Hong Kong 1921-1936
BOOKS015034I: Chanan, Michael - From Handel to Hendrix : The Composer in the Public Sphere
BOOKS004937I: Chance, John K. - Race & Class in Colonial Oaxaca
BOOKS006619I: Chand, Mool - The Bahujan and their Movement
BOOKS004165I: Chander, Ishwar - Sagiyo Ee Suwal (Short Stories)
BOOKS021164I: Chander, Jag Parvesh - The Congress Case
BOOKS010827I: Chandès, Gerard - Le serpent, la femme et l'epee : Recherches sur l'imagination symbolique d'un romancier medieval: Chretien de Troyes
BOOKS004071I: Chandler, Edmund - Pater on Style. An Examination of the Essay on "Style" & the Textual History of "Marius the Epicurean
BOOKS025601I: Chandra, Ramesh - Inquiry Report Regarding the Incidents and Related Sequence of Events at the State Guest House, Meera Bai Marg, Lucknow..,.
BOOKS012382I: Chandra, Pratap - The Hindu Mind
BOOKS017363I: Chandra, Asit Nath - The Date of Kurukshetra War
BOOKS030971I: Chandra, K. Rishabh - A Critical Study of Paumacariyam
BOOKS004959I: Chandra, Suresh - Identity and Thought Experiment
BOOKS003892I: Chandra, Abhijit & Mukherjee, ubrata - Boundary Element Methods in Manufacturing
BOOKS011404I: Chandra, Mahesh - The Leeches of India: A Handbook
BOOKS004670I: Chandra, Jag Parvesh - Jana Sangh Manifesto Exposed
BOOKS022846I: Chandra Sekhar, A. ; editor: - A Monograph on Maredumaka Village (Vijayawada Taluk, Krishna District) [ Census of India, 1961: Andhra Pradesh ]
BOOKS027183I: Harish-Chandra - Automorphic Forms on Semisimple Lie Groups
BOOKS026898I: Chandra, K. Rishabh ; editor: [ Seminar in Prakrit Studies (5th : 1973 : Ahmedabad, India) ] - Proceedings of the Seminar on Prakrit Studies, 1973
BOOKS002610I: Chandrachud, Y. V. [India. Commission of Inquiry to Enquire into the Facts and Circumstances...] - Report Regarding the Facts and Circumstances Relation to the Death of Shri Deen Dayal Upadhyaya
BOOKS006109I: Chandrasekhar, S. - The Population of Mauritius : Fact, Problem and Policy
BOOKS004962I: Chandrasekhar, S. - A Dirty, Filthy Book". The Writings of Charles Knowlton & Annie Besant on Reproductive Physiology and Birth Control ...
BOOKS002442I: Chandrasekharan, T., editor: - Poona Pet Kaifiyat
BOOKS010651I: Chandrasekharan, T. ; editor: [ Varma, Lakshmikanta ] - Nitiprakasika / by Vaisampayana ; with Tattvavivrti of Sitarama
BOOKS000947I: Chandrasekharan, T., editor: - Ruqa'at-i-Walajahi (with notes)
BOOKS011643I: Chandrasekharan, T.; editor: - Kerala-Desa-Varalaru
BOOKS020371I: Chandrasekharan, T. ; editor: - Bhonsle and Pesva's Bakhar
BOOKS020340I: Chandrasekharan, T. ; editor: - Antatik kottu [ Antadi-k-kottu ] : Volume 2
BOOKS002306I: Chandrasekharan, T., editor: - Tuzuk-e-Walajahi (With Notes)
BOOKS022809I: Chandrasekharendra Saraswati, Jagatguru Sankaracharya of Kamakoti [1893-1994] - Sri Periyavalin Ponmoli ainuru / tokuppe Kanka Ramamurtti, Kr. Ramamurtti
BOOKS001463I: Chandvaria, Munendra Singh - Acreage Response of Oilseeds in India
BOOKS001336I: Chandy, Anna - A Community in Peril : Christian Women's Struggle for Equal Inheritance Rights in Kerala
BOOKS004441I: Chaney, Rick - Regional Emigration & Remittances in Developing Countries. The Portuguese Experience.
BOOKS008821I: Chang, John B.; editor: - Modern Vascular Surgery: Volume 6
BOOKS016859I: Chang, Chung-li - The Income of the Chinese Gentry
BOOKS016218I: Chang, Chung-li - The Chinese Gentry : Studies on their Role in Nineteenth-Century Chinese Society
BOOKS026419I: Chang, Kwang-chih - Art, Myth, and Ritual : The Path to Political Authority in Ancient China
BOOKS015198I: Changkakati, Keshab Chandra - Sravani Satrar Nrtyar Tal
BOOKS023891I: Changova, Iordanka - Pernik. Tom III: Krepostta Pernik VIII-XIV v.
BOOKS027788I: Thadsaphon Changphanidkun - Atsachan bângfi phyanakh..,.
BOOKS028305I: Thadsaphon Changphanidkun - Peid tanan Chu Chok....
BOOKS024834I: Thotsaphon Changphanitkun - Hin phrathat patchek phutthachao : prasopkan nua patihan
BOOKS024800I: Thotsaphon Changphanitkun - Prawat læ thamma 68 phraariyasong
BOOKS029790I: Chanmara, Preap - Baky proe campoah samnang puran ning kpâc lama / Brap Canm"ar"a
BOOKS031160I: Ly Daravuth.; Ingrid Muan; Preap Chanmara - Kámnoet kún Khmær / Li Daravudh ning "Ingkrit Múân
BOOKS010657I: Channell, David F. - The Vital Machine: A Study of Technology and Organic Life
BOOKS031135I: Preap Chanmara ; Ly Daravuth ; Van Chanratha - Lakhon Khol ..,.
BOOKS003717I: Chantraine, Heinrich; Gechter, Michael; Horn, Heinz Gunter, et al: - Das romische Neuss.
BOOKS030014I: Chantre, Ernest [1843-1924] - Apercu sur l'anthropométrie des peuples de la Transcaucasie [together with one other offprint by Chantre]
BOOKS008471I: Chao, Kang - Man and Land in Chinese History : An Economic Analysis
BOOKS004011I: Chapin, James P. - Size-Variation in Pyrenestes.A Genus of Weaver Finches [bound together with 6 other offprints fr.Bulletion,Am.Mus.Natl.History]
BOOKS021933I: Chapman, Kenneth Garnier - Icelandic-Norwegian Linguistic Relationships
BOOKS009601I: Chapman, Herrick; Kesselman, Mark; & Schain, Martin A.; editors: - A Century of Organized Labor in France: A Union Movement for the Twenty-First Century?
BOOKS011753I: Chapman, James - Saints and Avengers: British Adventure Series of the 1960s
BOOKS017983I: Chapman, Hester W. [1899-1976] - Caroline Matilda : Queen of Denmark
BOOKS016467I: Chapman, Siobhan ; & Routledge, Christopher - Key Thinkers in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language
BOOKS016006I: Chapman, George [1559?-1634] - The Revenge of Bussy D' Ambois
BOOKS001326I: Chapman, Ronald - The Laurel & the Thorn. A Study of G.F. Watts
BOOKS031754I: Chapot, Victor [1873-1954] - La flotte de Misène; son histoire, son recrutement, son régime administratif : Edizione anastica
BOOKS022673I: Chapotat, Gabriel - Vienne gauloise : le matériel de la Tène III trouvé sur la colline de Sainte-Blandine
BOOKS007200I: Chapple, Christopher Key - Non-violence to Animals, Earth and Self in Asian Traditions
BOOKS015721I: Chaqueri, Cosroe - Origins of Social Democracy in Modern Iran
BOOKS009464I: Charak, Sukhdev Singh - History and Culture of Himalayan States : Volume V. Jammu Kingdom : Part II
BOOKS030924I: Charasch, Abraham - Lenin / Mit einem Vorwort von Paul Axelrod
BOOKS027080I: Charbonnier, R. [ Editions Buchet / Chastel ] [ Miller, Henry (1891-1980) ] - A typed-letter-signed by the commercial agent of Editions Buchet / Chastel to Henry Miller dated 7 février 1979
BOOKS006083I: Charbonnier, Victor - The People's Mojahedin of Iran : A Struggle for What?
BOOKS027061I: Charbonnier, R. [ Editions Buchet / Chastel ] [ Miller, Henry (1891-1980) ] - A typed-letter-signed by the Commercial Director of publisher Buchet/Chastel to Henry Miller dated 20 décembre 1978
BOOKS003483I: Chardon, Michel - Les Prealpes lombardes et leurs bordures. Tome I & II
BOOKS009846I: Charencey, H. de - De la conjugaison dans les langues de la famille Maya-Quichee
BOOKS004239I: Charencey, Hyacinthe, comte de [1832 - 1916] - Les hommes-chiens
BOOKS030835I: Chari, A.S.R. - Sino-Indian Border Dispute
BOOKS027740I: Charisis, Vassilis An. - Greek Traditional Architecture : Metsovo
BOOKS027018I: Charles-Roux, F. (Francois) [1879-1961] - Les échelles de Syrie et de Palestine au XVIIIe siècle
BOOKS008166I: Charlick, Robert Barry - Power and Participation in the Modernization of Rural Hausa Communities
BOOKS014926I: Charlton, H. B. (Henry Buckley) - Shakespearian Tragedy
BOOKS016934I: Charnov, Eric L. - The Theory of Sex Allocation
BOOKS031329I: Charpentier, Paulin-Joseph-Louis - Restif de La Bretonne ; sa perversion fétichiste
BOOKS000783I: Charrié, Pierre - Drapeaux et étendards du roi
BOOKS001147I: Charrié, Pierre - Drapeaux et étendards de la Révolution et de l'Empire
BOOKS028072I: Charrière, Louis de [1795-1874] - Recherches sur les dynastes de Cossonay et les diverses branches de leur famille, avec pièces justificatives.,.,.
BOOKS004694I: Chartres, J.A. - Pre-Industrial Britain [The Industrial Revolutions, Volume 1]
BOOKS010983I: Charvet, John - The Idea of an Ethical Community
BOOKS030987I: Charvet, Jules - Description de monnaies francaises royales et féodales / décrites par J. Charvet et faisant partie de ses collections
BOOKS017261I: Chase, John - Glitter, Stucco and Dumpster Diving : Reflections on Building Production in the Vernacular City
BOOKS005566I: Chase, Elise, compiler: - Healing Faith. An Annotated Bibliography of Christian Self-Help Books
BOOKS002220I: Chase, William J. - Enemies Within the Gates? : The Comintern and the Stalinist Repression, 1934-1939
BOOKS024524I: Chase, Karen - Eros and Psyche: The Representation of Personality in Charlotte Bronte, Charles Dickens and George Eliot
BOOKS015900I: Chasseguet-Smirgel, Janine ; & Grunberger, Béla - Freud or Reich?: Psychoanalysis and Illusion
BOOKS000435I: Guiges du Chastel [1083-1137] [ Wilmart, André (1876-1941) editor: ] - Mediationes Gvigonis prioris Cartvsiae. Le recueil des pensées du B. Guigue
BOOKS020025I: Chastoupes, Athanasios P. - Ennoiologike kai kritike diasaphesis tes glossikes idiotypias tou Amos
BOOKS003894I: Chaterji, G.C. - Water Supply of the South Andaman Island with reference to Neighbouring Islands & Quality of Water from the South Andaman Island
BOOKS003851I: Chaterji, G.C. & Biswas, A.B. - Geology & Groundwater Resources of the Mahendragarh Region, Punjab
BOOKS018342I: Chatman, Seymour Benjamin ; & Fink, Guido ; editors: [ Antonioni, Michelangelo ] - L'Avventura
BOOKS014433I: Chatterjee, Piya - A Time for Tea : Women, Labor and Postcolonial Politics in an Indian Plantation
BOOKS002973I: Chatterjee, Manini - BJP's Rightwing Communalism : The Political Face of Hindutva
BOOKS010365I: Chatterjee, Anjali - Bengal in the Reign of Aurangzib 1658-1707
BOOKS023844I: Chatterjee, Chinmayi - Studies in the Evolution of Bhakti Cult with Special Reference to Vallabha School. Part 2
BOOKS008765I: Chatterjee, Abhas - The Concept of Hindu Nation
BOOKS023826I: Chatterjee, Chinmayi - Studies in the Evolution of Bhakti Cult with Special Reference to Vallabha School. Part I
BOOKS001013I: Chatterjee, Satischandra - The Nyaya Theory of Knowledge : A Critical Study of some Problems of Logic & Metaphysics
BOOKS012604I: Chatterjee, Deen K. & Scheid, Don E.; editors: - Ethics and Foreign Intervention
BOOKS025759I: Chatterjee, Ashok Kumar - Facets of Buddhist Thought
BOOKS023278I: Chatterji, P. C. (Probhat Chandra) - Secular Values for Secular India
BOOKS022355I: Chatterji, Suniti Kumar [1890-1977] - Kirata-jana-krti : The Indo-Mongoloids : Their Contribution to the History and Culture of India
BOOKS029890I: Chatterji, Suniti Kumar [1890-1977] - The Place of Assam in the History and Civilisation of India
BOOKS023120I: Chatterji, Jagadish Chandra. - Kashmir Shaivaism
BOOKS001653I: Chatterji, P.C., editor: - Self-Images, Identity and Nationality
BOOKS021198I: Chatterji, Saral Kumar ; editor: - Profile of Bangla Desh
BOOKS022762I: Chatterji, Suniti Kumar ; Dandekar, R.N. ; Raghavan, V. ; Schmidt, H.P. ; Mainkar, T.G. ; & Gajendragadkar, S.N. ; editors: - Some Aspects of Indo-Iranian Literary and Cultural Traditions : Commemoration Volume of Dr. V. G. Paranjpe
BOOKS025483I: Chatterji, Suniti Kumar [1890-1977] - Iranianism : Iranian Culture and Its Impact on the World from Achaemenian Times
BOOKS003791I: Chatterton, Percy - Day That I Have Loved
BOOKS009371I: Chattopadhyay, K.P. [ Diwedi, S.N. ] [ Basavapunnaiah, M. ] [ Nizami, Zafar Ahmed ] [ Sampradayikta Virodhi Committee ] - A Socio-Economic Survey of Jute Labour [bound together with 6 other Indian political pamphlets, ca. 1952-1975]
BOOKS001907I: Chattopadhyay, K.P. - A Socio-Economic Survey of Jute Labour
BOOKS023124I: Chattopadhyay, Satish Chandra - Tattva- jijnaso
BOOKS023717I: Chattopadhyaya, K.P. - The Ancient Indian Culture Contacts and Migrations
BOOKS022391I: Chattopadhyaya, Kshetresh Chandra [1896-1974] - Rg Vedic River Sarasvati
BOOKS002797I: Chattopadhyaya, Sudhakar - Racial Affinities of Early North Indian Tribes
BOOKS031386I: Chattopadhyaya, Haraprasad - Indians in Africa : A Socio-economic Study
BOOKS012488I: Chattopadhyaya, Ramananda - Bangla Upanyase Musalman Charitra O Samaj: 1865-1925 A.D.
BOOKS005106I: Chattopadhyaya, Debiprasad - Knowledge & Intervention: Studies in Society & Consciousness
BOOKS004745I: Chattopadhyaya, Sudhakar - Reflections on the Tantras
BOOKS001576I: Chattopadhyaya, Debiprasad, editor: - Select Bibliography of Journal Articles on Philosophy, Religion, Science & Related Aspects of Indian Culture
BOOKS031781I: Chattopadhyaya, Brajadulal [1939-2022] - Coins and Currency Systems in South India, c. A.D. 225-1300
BOOKS012596I: Chaturvedi, Hari Kishor - Bhakti Sagar Ke Anmol Mukta
BOOKS018178I: Chaturvedi, Banarasidas ; & Sykes, Marjorie - Charles Freer Andrews : A Narrative
BOOKS018024I: Chaturvedi, Vinayak ; editor: - Mapping Subaltern Studies and the Postcolonial
BOOKS019610I: Chatzopoulos, Konstantinos K. ; Kissas, Soterios ; Nasopoulou, Maria ; & Patelakes, Apostolos ; compilers: - Vivliographia tes Thessalonikes : koinonikos, oikonomikos kai politikos vios, techne kai politismos
BOOKS006750I: Chaubal, Pushpalata D. - Palynological Studies of the Family Acanthaceae
BOOKS021011I: Chaudhari, Nagesh - Hindutva Desh Todnare Sootra
BOOKS018775I: Chaudhary, Angraj ; editor: - Theragatha-atthakatha Paramatthadipani Vol. I & II
BOOKS016092I: Chaudhary, Vijay Chandra Prasad - Imperial Honeymoon with Indian Aristocracy
BOOKS010719I: Chaudhri, Mohammed Ahsen - Pakistan and the Regional Pacts : A Study of Pakistan's Foreign Policy 1947 to 1954
BOOKS011822I: Chaudhry, Kiren Aziz - The Price of Wealth: Economics and Institutions in the Middle East
BOOKS029382I: Chaudhuri, Sibadas - Topographical List of the Vamana Purana [ Index to Place Names in the Puranas, Volume 4 ]
BOOKS023259I: Chaudhuri, Roma - Ten Schools of the Vedanta : Part I: Five Schools: Samkara’s Kevaladvaitada ; Ramanuja’s Visistadvaitavada ; Nimbarka’s Svabhavi
BOOKS004595I: Chaudhuri, A.B. - Witch-Killings amongst Santals
BOOKS000062I: Chaudhuri, Buddhadeb - The Bakreshwar Temple : A Study on Continuity & Change
BOOKS020959I: Chaudhuri, Sibadas - Topographical List of the Varaha Purana
BOOKS022404I: Chaudhuri, Nani Gopal - British Relations with Hyderabad, 1798-1843
BOOKS029972I: Chaudhury, Binayendra Nath - Abhidhamma Terminology in the Ruparupavibhaga
BOOKS008217I: Chaudhury, Nagendra Nath - Tragedies of Modernism
BOOKS006171I: Chaudhury, Pravas Jivan - Studies in Comparative Aesthetics
BOOKS003215I: Chaudhury, Binayendra Nath - Buddhist Centers in Ancient India
BOOKS021025I: Chaudhury, Binayendra Nath - Buddhist Centres in Ancient India
BOOKS006107I: Chauhan, Anant Ram - The Kangri Central Subsystems ( A Structural Description)
BOOKS020953I: Chauhan, Suraj Pal - Chhu nahin sakta [ Choo nahi sakta ]
BOOKS031770I: Chaumeil, Jean-Pierre - Historia y migraciones de los Yagua de finales del siglo XVII hasta nuestros días
BOOKS029269I: Chauvet, Gustave [1840-1933] - Les haches en bronze de Chebrac
BOOKS030002I: Chauvet, Gustave [1840-1933] - Coup d'oeil sur les temps quaternaires dans la vallée de la Charente
BOOKS002494I: Chavchavadze, T. A. [Chavchavadze, Tinatin Aleksandrovna] - Imennoe slovoslozhenie v novopersidskom iazyke
BOOKS003817I: Chavda, V.K. ; editor : - Studies in Trade and Urbanisation in Western India
BOOKS024864I: Chavez Ibañez, Olinda - Leyenda del "Illimani" o "El camello blanco" : leyenda del libro de "Odiseas Bolivianas" de Olinda Chavez Ibañez
BOOKS015774I: Chayanov, Alexander [Chaianov, A. V. (Aleksandr Vasil'evich) (1888-1939)] - The Theory of Peasant Co-Operatives
BOOKS005240I: Chebel, Malek - L'islam et la raison : le combat des idées
BOOKS006995I: Cheesbrough, Monica - District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries, Part II
BOOKS028675I: Cheetham, Nicolas, Sir - Mediaeval Greece
BOOKS023871I: Gringoire ; rédacteur en chef : [Bregeot, H. ; Gérant :] - Le Placard : Numéro 1. ["la légende de Jean Hiroux"]
BOOKS028709I: Chéhab, Maurice H. - Tyr à l’époque des croisades : Tome II : Histoire sociale, économique et religieuse
BOOKS007944I: Chehabi, H.E. - Iranian Politics and Religious Modernism : The Liberation Movement of Iran Under the Shah and Khomeini
BOOKS031992I: Cheikh-Moussa, A.; Buresi, P.; Lagrange, F.; & Mayheur-Jaouen, C. ; editors : - Arabica : Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies : Tome LX, Fascicules 1-2 ; 3-4; 5; 6 [2013]
BOOKS031990I: Cheikh-Moussa, A.; Gilliot, Cl. ; Mayheur-Jaouen, C. ; Zakharia, K. , et al. editors : - Arabica : Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies : Tome LVII, Fascicules 1; 2-3; 4; 5-6 [2010]
BOOKS031989I: Cheikh-Moussa, A. ; Gilliot, Cl. ; Mayheur-Jaouen, C. ; et al. editors : - Arabica : Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies : Tome LVIII, Fascicules 1-2; 3-4; 5; 6 [2011]
BOOKS031987I: Cheikh-Moussa, A.; & Zakharia, K. ; editors : - Arabica : Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies : Tome LIX, Fascicules 1- 2 ; 3- 4; 5; 6 [2012]
BOOKS007211I: Chejne, Anwar G. - Succession to the Rule in Islam with Special Reference to the Early 'Abbasid Period
BOOKS004837I: Chelhod, Joseph; Baldry,J.; Bensimon,D.;Couland,J.; Renaud,E., et al: - La societe yemenite de l'Hegire aux ideologies modernes [ L'Arabie du Sud, histoire et civilisation.Tome II ].
BOOKS008374I: Chen Yuan; & Marshall, David F.; editors: - Sociolinguistics in the People's Republic of China [International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 81]
BOOKS015253I: Chen, Jianxing - Yuan lin shi qing : Chen Jianxing she ying yi shu / [zuo zhe Chen Jianxing]
BOOKS016468I: Chen, Lung-chu - An Introduction to Contemporary International Law: A Policy-oriented Perspective
BOOKS027449I: Chen, James Huei-young - Uranium-lead Isotopic Ages from the Southern Sierra Nevada Batholith and Adjacent Areas, California
BOOKS018865I: Chenery, Hollis Burnley ; Bowls, Samuel, Falcon, Walter; Gotsch, Carl; Kendrick, David; MacEwan, Arthur; et al.; editors: - Studies in Development Planning
BOOKS014762I: Cheng, Ying-wan - Postal Communication in China and its Modernization, 1860-1896
BOOKS016950I: Yung Hua Cheng - Ji nian Soong Ching Ling tung chih
BOOKS006071I: Cheng, Fangwu - Chang zheng hui yi lu
BOOKS004848I: Cheng, Te-K'un - Archaeology in China. Volume Three: Chou China
BOOKS004412I: Cheng, Te-K'un - Archaeology in China. Volume II: Shang China
BOOKS004361I: Cheng, Te-K'un - Archaeology in China: Volume I: Prehistoric China
BOOKS025438I: Yang Chengwu [1914-2004] - Yi chang zheng
BOOKS027744I: Chénier, André [1762-1794] [ Dimoff, Paul ] - L'invention, poème / avec introduction et notes par Paul Dimoff
BOOKS023308I: Chénon, Emile - Étude sur les controverses entre les Proculéiens et les Sabiniens sous les premiers emperateur de Rome
BOOKS000665I: Chenoufi, Ali - Un savant tunisien du XIXème siècle : Muhammad as-Sanusi, sa vie et son oeuvre
BOOKS009398I: Chenoy, Kamal Mitra - Violence in Gujarat: Test Case for a Larger Fundamentalist Agenda,. Report of the Citizen's Commission on Persecution...
BOOKS030630I: Cherbonneau, Auguste [1813-1882] ; translator : [ Tiqtaqa, Muhammed Ibn-Ali Ibn-at- ] - Histoire du Khalife Abbaside al-Mo'tassem : extraite de l'ouvrage intitulé : traité de la conduite des rois et histoire ..,.
BOOKS021951I: Cherchi Usai, Paolo ; Engberg, Marguerite ; et al. ; editors: - Schiave bianche allo specchio : le origini del cinema in Scandinavia (1896-1918)
BOOKS028823I: Cherif, Mohamed ; editor : [ Tamimi, Muhammad ibn Qasim (approximately 1207 CE)] - al-Mustafad fi manaqib al-'ubbad bi-madinat Fas wa-ma yaliha min al-bilad : al-qism 1 : al-Dirasah ; & al-qism 2 : al-Nass
BOOKS031599I: Cherkashin, Nikolai - Posledniaia gavan
BOOKS008819I: Chern, Shiing-shen - Selected Papers: Volume IV
BOOKS013444I: Cheshmedzhieva, Violeta L. [Tchechmedjieva, Violeta L.] - Fossilia Bulgarica. Vb: Cretace Superieur: Chaetetides (Porifera) et Anthozoaires (Coelenterata)
BOOKS026569I: Chesneaux, Jean - Pasts and Futures : or, What is History For?
BOOKS008153I: Chesney, Elizabeth A. - The Countervoyage of Rabelais and Ariosto: A Comparative Reading of Two Renaissance Mock Epics
BOOKS014239I: Chesnutt, Randall D. - From Death to Life : Conversion in Joseph and Aseneth
BOOKS025736I: Chesnutt, Michael ; editor: - Telling Reality : Folklore Studies in Memory of Bengt Holbek
BOOKS001989I: Chesnutt, Margaret - Studies in the Short Stories of William Carleton
BOOKS022914I: Chesnutt, Michael [ Knut Lavard, Saint, ca. 1096-1131 CE] - The Medieval Danish Liturgy of St Knud Lavard
BOOKS002232I: Chessman, Harriet Scott - The Public is Invited to Dance: Representation, the Body, and Dialogue in Gertrude Stein
BOOKS014452I: Chethimattam, John B. - Dialogue in Indian Tradition
BOOKS008979I: Cheung, C.S. & Yat-Ki Lai, C.A.; editors: - Principles of Dialectical Diagnosis and Treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Current Interpretation
BOOKS024880I: Cheung, Sidney C. H. ; editor: - On the South China Track : Perspectives on Anthropological Research and Teaching
BOOKS010875I: Chevalier, Jacques M. - A Postmodern Revelation: Signs of Astrology and the Apocalypse
BOOKS031122I: Le Chevalier, Armand - Les murailles d'Alsace-Lorraine : Metz, Sarreguemines, Strasbourg, Haguenau, Saverne, Nancy, etc.
BOOKS031123I: Le Chevalier, Armand - Les murailles politiques françaises : tome II : La commune - Paris - Versailles - la province : 18 mars - 27 mai 1871
BOOKS031352I: Chevé, Fernand - Le tampon en obstétrique dans les hémorrhages utérines : étude historique
BOOKS004991I: Cheyfitz, Eric - The Trans-Parent. Sexual Politics in the Language of Emerson
BOOKS028632I: Cheyne, T. K. (Thomas Kelly) [1841-1915] - The Book of the Prophet Isaiah : Critical Edition of the Hebrew Text Arranged in Chronological Order and Printed in Colors ..,.
BOOKS022692I: Chézy, Helmina von ; editor: - Französische Miscellen. Zwölfter - Dreizehnter Band [1805]
BOOKS031777I: Chhabra, Bahadur Chand [ National Museum of India ] - Catalogue of the Gupta Gold Coins of the Bayana Hoard in the National Museum
BOOKS002380I: Chhangani, Shanti Prashad - Inter-State Relations in Ancient India (A Study of its Major Aspects)
BOOKS000056I: Chhatrapati ,A. C. - The Vanaspati Industry .A Historical Review
BOOKS018959I: Chi, R. S. Y. (Richard See Yee) - Buddhist Formal Logic. Part 1: A Study of Dignaga's Hetucakra and K'uei-chi's Great Commentary on the Nyayapravesa
BOOKS018281I: Chia, Li-hui [ Jia Li Hui ; & Jia Zhao Xiang ] - Pointing Therapy : A Chinese Traditional Therapeutic Skill
BOOKS009908I: Chiala, Luigi [1834-1904] - Tunisi. [ Pagine di storia contemporanea. Fascicolo 2 ]
BOOKS011439I: Chiang, Yee - Chinese Calligraphy : An Introduction to Its Aesthetic and Technique
BOOKS017681I: Chibwe, E. C. - Afro-Arab Relations in the New World Order
BOOKS013272I: Chichilnisky, Graciela; & Heal, Geoffrey M. - The Evolving International Economy
BOOKS007730I: Chickering, Roger & Forster, Stig: editors; - Great War, Total War : Combat and Mobilization on the Western Front, 1914-1918
BOOKS001086I: Chico, Conde - Taulo. Cronica da Vida no Mato
BOOKS001198I: Chidambaranatha Pillai, V. - Phonology of Kasaba with Vocabulary
BOOKS000844I: Chidambaranatha Pillai, V. - A Grammar of the Kasaba Language
BOOKS012605I: Chidester, David - Savage Systems : Colonialism and Comparative Religion in Southern Africa
BOOKS020480I: Hsiao Chien - How the Tillers Win Back their Land
BOOKS015677I: Chilcote, Ronald H. ; & Lutjens, Sheryl ; editors & compilers: - Cuba, 1953-1978 : A Bibliographical Guide to the Literature
BOOKS017541I: Child, Clifton James - The German-Americans in Politics, 1914-1917
BOOKS015255I: Child, Irvin Long - Humanistic Psychology and the Research Tradition: Their Several Virtues
BOOKS021086I: Child, Ruth C. - The Aesthetic of Walter Pater
BOOKS017158I: Childers, Joseph ; & Hentzi, Gary ; editors: - The Columbia Dictionary of Modern Literary & Cultural Criticism
BOOKS011928I: Childress, Herb - Landscapes of Betrayal, Landscapes of Joy: Curtisville in the Lives of its Teenagers
BOOKS004449I: Childs, J.F.L., editor: - Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of the International Organization of Citrus Virologists
BOOKS024332I: Childs, Wendy R. - Anglo-Castilian Trade in the Later Middle Ages
BOOKS024027I: Chileshe, Jonathan H. - Alderman Safeli Hannock Chileshe : A Tribute to (the Man), His Life and History
BOOKS016561I: Chilton, John - Ride, Red, Ride : The Life of Henry "Red" Allen
BOOKS022422I: Chilton, John - Roy Eldridge: Little Jazz Giant
BOOKS029320I: Chilungar, Muhammad 'Ali ; Zamani, Ahmad ; & 'Askari, Zuhrah ; editors : - Majmu'ah-i maqalat-i Hamayish-i Pishinah-'i Tashayyu' dar Isfahan
BOOKS012115I: Chimalpahin Cuauhtlehuanitzin, Domingo Francisco de San Antón Muñón [1579-1660] - Das Memorial breve acerca de la fundación de la ciudad de Culhuacan.,.
BOOKS021430I: Chime, Chimelu [ Chime, Sam ] - Integration and Politics among African States : Limitations and Horizons of Mid-term Theorizing
BOOKS028025I: Chimirri, Niklas A. - Investigating Media Artifacts with Children : Conceptualizing a Collaborative Exploration of the Sociomaterial Conduct ..,.
BOOKS018338I: Smedley-Strong-Snow Society of China - Salute to Smedley, Strong and Snow / Chung-kuo SSS yen chiu hui pien
BOOKS020738I: Suphaphon Chindamanirot - Prawattisat sangkhom khong chumchon Lumnam Tha Chin
BOOKS011665I: Ching, Leo T.S. - Becoming "Japanese": Colonial Taiwan and the Politics of Identity Formation
BOOKS000409I: Chinnery, G. A.; editor: - Records of the Borough of Leicester. Volume VI: The Chamberlains' Accounts 1688 - 1835
BOOKS008864I: Chion, Michel - La toile trouée
BOOKS008395I: Chion, Michel - Le son au cinéma
BOOKS026392I: Chipasula, Frank Mkalawile - Nightwatcher, Nightsong
BOOKS014624I: Chippendale, George McCartney - Eucalyptus Buds and Fruits : Illustrations of the Buds and Fruits of the Genus with a List of Authentic Specimens ..,.
BOOKS007935I: Chippindale, Christopher; Malone, Caroline; & Stoddart, Simon; editors: - Antiquity [formerly: Antiquity: A Quarterly Review of Archaeology] Nr.234 [March 1988] - Nr. 274 [Dec.1997]; Nr. 276 [June 1998]
BOOKS017224I: Chirri, Mohamad Jawad - The Shiites Under Attack
BOOKS006684I: Chisda-Goldberg, Levi - Der Osirisname "Roi". Ein Osirisname in der Bibel
BOOKS009862I: Chisholm, Roderick M. - A Realistic Theory of Categories: An Essay on Ontology
BOOKS009381I: Chisholm, Roderick M. - The Foundations of Knowledge
BOOKS010687I: Chishti, Nighat Mehroze - Constitutional Development in Afghanistan
BOOKS018955I: Chiswell, J.B. - A Taxonomic Account of the Last Instar Larvae of Some British Tipulinae (Diptera: Tipulidae)
BOOKS002054I: Chithiraputhiran, H. [ Cittiraputtiran, Ec. ] - Cankattamil uravumuraic corkal
BOOKS005913I: Chitnis, K.N. - Keladi Polity
BOOKS013846I: Chittick, William C. - The Sufi Path of Knowledge : Ibn Al-Arabi's Metaphysics of Imagination
BOOKS013780I: Chittick, William C. - Imaginal Worlds: Ibn Al-'Arabi and the Problem of Religious Diversity
BOOKS015503I: Chittick, William C. - The Self-disclosure of God : Principles of Ibn Al-'Arabi's Cosmology
BOOKS013948I: Chittick, William, C.; translator: - The Faith and Practice of Islam: Three Thirteenth-Century Sufi Texts
BOOKS013779I: Chittick, William C. ; translator: [Jalal al-Din Rumi, Maulana (AD 1207-1273)] - The Sufi Path of Love : The Spiritual Teachings of Rumi
BOOKS006873I: Chlapowski, Krzysztof - Realizacja reform egzekucji dobr (1563-1665) : Sprawa zastawow krolewszczyn malopolskich
BOOKS031556I: Chmielewski, Edward - Tribune of the Slavophiles : Konstantin Aksakov
BOOKS020861I: Chmielinska, Aniela - Ksiezacy (Lowiczanie)
BOOKS027000I: Cho, Seung-bog - A Phonological Study of Korean : With a Historical Analysis
BOOKS022966I: Chobanov, Todor - Izsledvaniia vurkhu kulturata na starite Bulgari
BOOKS002682I: Chockalingam, K. - Pondicherry Census Atlas
BOOKS031819I: Chodat, R. [Henneguy, Louis-Félix (1850-1928)] [Kuwada, Yoshinari (1882-1981] et al. - La Caryocinèse et la réduction chromatique observées sur le vivant [bound together with 15 other offprints & monographs,]
BOOKS013777I: Chodkiewicz, Michel; editor [Abd al-Qadir ibn Muyi al-Din, Amir of Mascara (1807?-1883 AD)] [Abd al-Kader] - The Spiritual Writings of Amir Abd al-Kader
BOOKS023449I: Chodongse, Tsalongse ; & Kapfo, Kedutso - Sangtam Folktales
BOOKS029571I: Chodorow, Stanley - Christian Political Theory and Church Politics in the Mid-twelfth Century : The Ecclesiology of Gratian's Decretum
BOOKS008000I: Rosenfield; Leonora Choen; editor: - Condorcet Studies I
BOOKS029056I: Choiseul-Gouffier, Sophie de Tisenhaus, comtesse de [1790-1878] - Mémoires historiques sur l'empereur Alexandre et la cour de Russie, publiés par Mme la Ctesse de Choiseul-Gouffier..,.
BOOKS000336I: Chojnacki, Wojciech - Bibliografia wydawnictw zwartych Polonii amerykanskiej, 1867-1900
BOOKS021114I: Choksey, R. D. (Rustom Dinshaw) [1914-19??] - Economic Life in the Bombay Gujarat, 1800-1939
BOOKS023406I: Choksi, Nishaant ; editor: - Tribal Literature of Gujarat
BOOKS023215I: Bunthanong Chomchaiphon - Kom lok duai khamkavi : botkavi læ botpheng luakfen KhoSo 1970-1999
BOOKS022320I: Chomsky, Noam - Aspects of the Theory of Syntax
BOOKS017847I: Chomsky, Noam - Syntactic Structures
BOOKS017318I: Chomsky, Noam - On Language
BOOKS021382I: Choon, Angela ; & Cameron Shaw (Firm) ; editors: [ Kertess, Klaus ] [ Ofili, Chris ] - Chris Ofili : Devil's Pie
BOOKS026362I: Chopard, L. - Orthoptera-Ensifera from Northern Kenya and Jubaland
BOOKS000058I: Chopra, Pran, editor: - The Challenge of Bangla Desh. A Special Debate
BOOKS017154I: Chopra, R.S. (Ram Saran) - Taxonomy of Indian Mosses : An Introduction
BOOKS026456I: Chornohuz, Oleh - A ty zapysavsia u vorohy Ukraïny? : zbirnyk statei
BOOKS020513I: Chou, Mark - A Discourse on Hung Hsien Porcelain
BOOKS010887I: Choudhary, M. Iqbal; editor: - Progress in Medicinal Chemistry
BOOKS000982I: Choudhary, B.N. - Land Utilisation in Subarnarekha Basin
BOOKS001200I: Choudhuri,D.K. and Banerjee, Somenath - Soil Factors and Oribatid Mites under Conditions of West Bengal
BOOKS009155I: Choudhury, G.W. - The Last Days of United Pakistan
BOOKS008158I: Choudhury, Pratima - The Antiquity of Khasi-Jaintia People
BOOKS002095I: Choudhury, S. Dutta ; editor : - Arunachal Pradesh District Gazetteers : Subansiri District
BOOKS001748I: Choudhury, D.P. - The North-East Frontier of India 1864-1914
BOOKS001700I: Choudhury, S. Dutta, editor: - Arunachal Pradesh District Gazetteers: East Siang & West Siang Districts
BOOKS002714I: Choudhury, N.K. - Assam Town Directory
BOOKS000060I: Choudhury, N.C. - Munda Social Structure
BOOKS000061I: Choudhury, Sumita - Beggars of Kalighat, Calcutta
BOOKS000059I: Choudhury, Amalendu Bikash Kar - Tribal Songs of Northeast India with Special Reference to Arunachal Pradesh (A Field Study from December l977 to May 1981)
BOOKS021532I: Choudhury, Sunanda Kr. - The Darkened Corridor Assam Trudging Along
BOOKS005026I: Chough, Sung Kwun - Marine Geology of Korean Seas
BOOKS013972I: Chow, Kai-wing - The Rise of Confucian Ritualism in Late Imperial China: Ethics, Classics and Lineage Discourse
BOOKS009917I: Chow, Kai-wing - The Rise of Confucian Ritualism in Late Imperial China: Ethics, Classics, and Lineage Discourse
BOOKS021889I: Chowdary, T.H. - India Under Assault
BOOKS000673I: Chowdhery, H. J. ; & Wadhwa, B. M. - Flora of Himachal Pradesh : Analysis : Volumes 1 -2 - 3
BOOKS001083I: Chowdhury, J. N. - Arunachal Panorama. A Study in Profile
BOOKS020570I: Chowdhury, Manindra Mohan ; editor : [ Mathuresa ] - Sabdaratnavali : An Early Seventeenth Century Kosa Work, Compiled in the Name of Musa-Khan, by Mathuresa
BOOKS006027I: Chowdury, B.K. - Economics of Tubewell Irrigation in West Bengal
BOOKS001990I: Chrétien, Louis-Emile - La pensée morale de Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864), symboliste néo-puritain : esquisse d'une interprétation
BOOKS009469I: Chrisman, Miriam Usher - Bibliography of Strasbourg Imprints, 1480-1599
BOOKS015263I: Christ, Karl - The Romans: An Introduction to Their History and Civilization
BOOKS028673I: Christ, Karl [1923-2008] - Römische Geschichte und deutsche Geschichtswissenschaft
BOOKS028547I: Christ, Karl [1923-2008] - Griechische Geschichte und Wissenschaftsgeschichte
BOOKS026790I: Christensen, Arthur [1875-1945] - Études sur le persan contemporain
BOOKS026056I: Christensen, Jens - Pathanske Folkeeventyr / samlet og udgivet af Jens Christensen, Muhammedanermissionær
BOOKS030685I: Christensen, Aksel Erhardt [1906-1981] - Scandinavia and the Advance of the Hanseatics
BOOKS025651I: Christensen, Erik M. - Verifikationsproblemet ved litteraturvidenskabelig meningsanalyse
BOOKS024772I: Christensen, Jean Marie - Arnold Schoenberg's Oratorio Die Jakobsleiter : Volume I & II
BOOKS028051I: Christensen, Peter Thorning ; editor : - Tysk befæstningsbyggeri 1933-1945 : ..,. / Deutscher Festungsbau 1933-1945 : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Ausbaues .,.,
BOOKS029753I: Christensen, Erik Fjeldsø - The Søby Flora: Fossil Plants from the Middle Miocene Delta Deposits of the Søby-Fasterholt Area, Central Jutland, Denmark: pt.2
BOOKS003000I: Christensen, Preben Moller - Ornithosis. A Study of Virus & Antigen
BOOKS012325I: Christensen, Christian Bundgaard - Georg Brandes : Et Forfatterbillede
BOOKS009924I: Christensen, Niels Egmont - On the Nature of Meanings: A Philosophical Analysis
BOOKS031984I: Christensen, Arthur [1875-1945] - Essai sur la démonologie iranienne
BOOKS008693I: Christensen, Hanne - Afghan Refugees in Pakistan: From Emergency Towards Self-Reliance : A Report on the Food Relief Situation & Related..,.
BOOKS007969I: Christensen, Olav - Bibliografi over sonderjydsk slaegtstavlelitteratur...
BOOKS007661I: Christensen, Walter Kegel - Belemnitella from the Upper Campanian & Lower Maastrichtian Chalk of Norfolk, England
BOOKS007141I: Christensen, Nils - Ocular Malformations Induced by Radiation of the Mouse Embryo. A Histopathological Study...
BOOKS022130I: Christensen, Benny ; editor : - Danske lodser
BOOKS012792I: Christensen, E. V. - Fremstilling av kirsebaersaft til farmaceutisk brug gennom 300 år
BOOKS006326I: Christensen, G.S. & Soliman, S.A. - Optimal Long-Term Operation of Electric Power Systems
BOOKS016051I: Christensen, Pia Monrad ; & O’Brien, Margaret ; editors: - Children in the City : Home, Neighborhood and Community
BOOKS025734I: Christensen, Lis - Elizabeth Bowen : The Later Fiction
BOOKS016819I: Christensen, Arthur [1875-1945] - Contributions à la dialectologie iranienne [Volume I]: Dialecte guiläki de Recht, dialectes de Färizänd, de Yaran et de Natanz
BOOKS016412I: Christensen, Werner ; & Larsen, Gunnar - Tungsandsforekomster i Danmark
BOOKS020375I: Christensen, Torben - Rufinus of Aquileia and the Historia Ecclesiastica, lib. VIII-IX, of Eusebius
BOOKS016191I: Christensen, Aksel Erhardt [1906-1981] - Kongemagt og aristokrati : epoker i middelalderlig dansk statsopfattelse indtil unionstiden
BOOKS016068I: Christensen, Niels - De fynske kornmøller og deres møllere ca. 1660-1800
BOOKS005847I: Christensen, Carl - Revision of the American Species of Dryopteris of the Group D. Opposita
BOOKS013228I: Christensen, Ole H. - Storlandbrug Under Omformning: Uddrag af danske godsforvalterbreve 1784-1792
BOOKS005144I: Christensen, Dan Ch., editor: - European Historiography of Technology. Proceedings from the TISC-Conference in Roskilde.
BOOKS004976I: Christensen, Carl C. - Skibsmæglerfiraet N. Schiøtt & Hochbrandt, Grundlagt 8. Oktober 1792: Et Københavnsk Skibsmæglerfirms Historie
BOOKS030307I: Christensen, Kjeld - Opbygning af dendrokronologisk grundkurve for egetræ fra Danmark for perioden 7000 - 0 f. Kr.
BOOKS001499I: Christensen, Jens - Landbostatistik : Håndbog i dansk landbohistorisk Statistik 1830 - 1900
BOOKS000835I: Christensen, Arthur [1875-1945] - Le premier chapitre du Vendidad et l'histoire primitive des tribus iraniennes
BOOKS026271I: Christensen, Olav - Haderslev Amtssygehus i Gram 1860-1960 : et bidrag til medicinalvæsenets historie i Sønderjylland
BOOKS025531I: Christensen, Carl Christian Johan Ludvig [1866-1935] - Hotel d'Angleterre i København : Grundlagt 1755 : Dets Historie fra Grundlæggelsen til Nutiden
BOOKS028174I: Christensen, Tommy P. ; Jensen, Jens Villiam ; Skovgaard-Petersen, Vagn ; & Tønnesen, Allan ; editors : [ Prange, Knud ] - Slægter, skjolde, steder : festskrift til Knud Prange 6. juni 1990
BOOKS022825I: Christensen, Oline - Pathophysiology of Hunger Pains : Gastrographic and Titrimetric Investigations
BOOKS024526I: Christensen, Tyge - Vaucheria Collections from Vaucher's Region
BOOKS025970I: Christensen, Mathilde - I Foyeren : Skuespil i en Akt
BOOKS004768I: Christensen, Aksel Erhardt [1906-1981] - Danmark, Norden og Østersøen : udvalgte afhandlinger
BOOKS022406I: Christian, William Armistead - Person and God in a Spanish Valley : New Revised Edition
BOOKS029974I: Christian, Arthur [1838-1906] ; & Claretie, Jules [1840-1913] - Débuts de l'imprimerie en France : L'Imprimerie nationale : L'Hôtel de Rohan
BOOKS015903I: Christian, William A. - Person and God in a Spanish Valley
BOOKS004815I: Christian, William A., Jr. - Apparitions in Late Medieval and Renaissance Spain
BOOKS007120I: Christiano, Kevin J. - Religious Diversity & Social Change. American Cities, 1890 - 1906
BOOKS014466I: Christiansen, Sofus - Subsistence on Bellona Island (Mungiki) : A Study of the Cultural Ecology of a Polynesian Outlier in the British Solomon Islands
BOOKS002733I: Christiansen, Einar [1861-1939] - Den trekantede Hat : komisk Opera i Tre Akter
BOOKS028090I: Christiansen, Reidar Th. ; Lid, Nils ; & Liestøl, Knut ; editors : - Studia norvegica : ethnologica og folkloristica : Vol. I (1-4)
BOOKS028091I: Christiansen, Reidar Th. ; Lid, Nils ; & Liestøl, Knut ; editors : - Studia norvegica : ethnologica og folkloristica : Vol. II (5-7)
BOOKS022509I: Christiansen, Svend - Henrik Ibsen and the Theatre Conventions
BOOKS031889I: Christiansen, Erik ; & Kromann, Anne ; editors : [ Kongelige Mønt- og Medaillesamling ] - Sylloge nummorum Graecorum : The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum / [Part 41], Alexandria- Cyrenaica
BOOKS002872I: Christiansen, Einar [1861-1939] - Vifandaka : Opera i 3 Akter
BOOKS005964I: Christiansen, A.C. Hojberg - Studier over Lybaeks Kancellisprog fra c. 1300-1470
BOOKS025800I: Christiansen, Alfred - Arbejderbeskyttelse : Fabriklovgivning
BOOKS030794I: Christiansen, Ernst Valdemar [1891-1974] - Lærlinge-udbytning eller uddannelse?
BOOKS014040I: Christiansen, Thomas ; Jørgensen, Knud Erik ; & Wiener, Antje ; editors: - The Social Construction of Europe
BOOKS031768I: Christiansen, Jette ; & Melander, Torben ; editors : - Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Ancient Greek and Related Pottery : Copenhagen, August 31-September 4, 1987
BOOKS020452I: Christiansen, Ernst [1891-1974] - Generalstrejken og Socialdemokratier i Paasken 1920
BOOKS021150I: Christiansen, Jens Anton [1888-1969] - Reaktionskinetiske studier : problemer fra de kemiske reaktioners kinetik med en eksperimentel undersogelse ..,.
BOOKS030735I: Christiansen, Ernst Valdemar [1891-1974] ; & Erwig, Johannes [1891-1926] - Fire Aars Kamp : Socialdemokratisk Ungdomsforbund under Verdenskrigen
BOOKS004869I: Christianson, Paul - Discourse on History, Law, and Governance in the Public Career of John Selden, 1610 - 1635
BOOKS010742I: Christianson, John Robert - On Tycho's Island: Tycho Brahe and his Assistants, 1570-1601
BOOKS012597I: Christiansson, Hans ; & Knutsson, Kjel ; editors: - The Bjurselet Settlement III: Volumes 1 & 2 : Finds & Features. Excavation Reports for 1962 to 1968
BOOKS019785I: Christiansson, Hans ; & Hyenstrand, Åke ; editors: - Nordsvensk forntid : Studies in North Swedish Archaeology
BOOKS028694I: Christides, V. ; & Papathomopoulos, M. ; editors : [Hetaireia Hellenoaravikon Spoudon/ Association for Greek and Arabic Studies] - Graeco-Arabica : Volume I : 1982
BOOKS007735I: Christie, Clive - Race and Nation: A Reader
BOOKS030309I: Christie's South Kensington / Christie's Paris - Sale of 19th and 20th Century Photographs [together with 7 other photograph auction catalogues, ca. 1976-2002]
BOOKS013171I: Christman, John Philip - The Politics of Persons : Individual Autonomy and Socio-historical Selves
BOOKS017648I: Christmann, Hans Helmut; editor: - Sprachwissenschaft des 19. Jahrhunderts
BOOKS024046I: Christmas Møller, John [1894-1948] - En Tale, som ikke blev holdt
BOOKS026008I: Christmas-Møller, Ingeborg - På fattighuset : Greve Hospital og andre fattighuse på landet i 1700- og 1800-tallet
BOOKS016094I: Christoff, Peter K. - An Introduction to Nineteenth-Century Russian Slavophilism : A Study in Ideas : Volume 2 : I.V. Kireevskij
BOOKS017456I: Christoff, Peter K. - An Introduction to Nineteenth-Century Russian Slavophilism : A Study in Ideas : Volume 1 : A.S. Xomjakov
BOOKS011512I: Christoff, Peter K - An Introduction to Nineteenth-Century Russian Slavophilism : Iu. F. Samarin
BOOKS023190I: Christoffersen, Peter Woetmann - French Music in the Early Sixteenth Century..,.Volume I: Description, Reconstruction, and Repertory
BOOKS026450I: Christoffersen, Peter Woetmann - French Music in the Early Sixteenth Century : Studies in the Music Collection of a Copyist of Lyons.,.,.Volume II : Catalogue
BOOKS027101I: Christol, Michel ; & Magioncalda, Andreina - Studi sui procuratori delle due Mauretaniae
BOOKS024152I: Christopher, John R. - Regenerative Diet
BOOKS026692I: Christopher, Georgia B. - Milton and the Science of the Saints
BOOKS021650I: Christopher, Apolus ; Curtis, Jonah; Pongi, Fred ; Clement, Sucy; Elangaiyan, R. ; & Gnanasundaram, V. ; et al. - Ro tarik [Volumes 1 & 2]
BOOKS007068I: Christophersen, Paul - A Linguist's Credo. Selected Papers
BOOKS004090I: Christophersen, H.O. - A Bibliographical Introduction to the Study of John Locke
BOOKS022691I: Christopoulos, Vassilis - Greek Traditional Architecture : Achaia
BOOKS020334I: Chrzaszczewski, Stanislaus R. v. - Der Oder-Weichsel-Dniestr-Kanal
BOOKS007886I: Chu, C.Y. Cyrus - Population Dynamics: A New Economic Approach
BOOKS027451I: Qi Ping Chu - Maximum Likelihood Parameter Identification of Flexible Spacecraft
BOOKS001401I: Chu, Jonathan M. - Neighbors, Friends or Madmen. The Puritan Adjustment to Quakerism in Seventeenth Century Massachusetts Bay
BOOKS002815I: Harvard-Yenching Institute. Yin de bian zuan chu [Hung, William (1893-19??)] - Liao Jin Yuan zhuan ji san shi zhong zong he yin de / Combined indices to thirty collections of Liao, Chin, and Yüan biographies
BOOKS030505I: Doàn Thiên Thuât ; & Mai Ngoc Chù - Tiêng Dao
BOOKS006180I: Ditu Chubanshe [Di tu chu ban she] [Di tu chu ban she bian zhi] - Han yu pin yin "Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo di tu" di ming suo yin / Hanyu pinyin "Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo ditu" diming suoyin
BOOKS004210I: Chubin, Shahram, editor: - Germany & the Middle East. Patterns & Prospects
BOOKS018036I: Chuh, Kandice ; & Shimakawa, Karen , editors: - Orientations : Mapping Studies in the Asian Diaspora
BOOKS025040I: Chulalongkorn, Somdeth Phra Paraminda Maha [ Chulalongkorn, King of Siam (1853-1910)] - Letteres sur la France dans loin des siens (Klai Baan)
BOOKS016504I: Chundavat, Rani K. Lakchiikumariji ; editor: - Kavi Pithal Virachita : Jugal - Vilash
BOOKS001959I: Chung, T. J. [1929 - ] - Computational Fluid Dynamics
BOOKS019356I: Chunlachakkraphong, Prince [ grandson of Chulalongkorn King of Siam ] - Darathong : prawat kankhæng rot khong Phraong Phira
BOOKS005015I: Chunn, Dorothy E. - From Punishment to Doing Good. Family Courts and Socialized Justice in Ontario 1880 - 1940
BOOKS008692I: Church, Thomas W. & Heumann, Milton - Speedy Disposition: Monetary Incentives and Policy Reform in Criminal Courts
BOOKS016056I: Unification Church [Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity] - Our Response to the Report of October 31.1978 on the Investigation of Korean-American Relations...
BOOKS024736I: Church, Clive H. - Europe in 1830 : Revolution and Political Change
BOOKS028551I: Churchill, Charles Henry [1828-1877] - The Druzes and the Maronites Under the Turkish Rule from 1840 to 1860 / by Colonel Churchill
BOOKS016732I: Churchland, Patricia Smith - Neurophilosophy: Toward a Unified Science of the Mind / Brain
BOOKS009957I: Chydenius, Johan [Wright, J.M. von] [Luoma, Matti] - The Typological Problem in Dante: A Study in the History of Medieval Ideas [bound together with 3 other monographs & papers]
BOOKS009131I: Cicchetti, Dante & Walker, Elaine; editors: - Neurodevelopmental Mechanisms in Psychopathology
BOOKS013163I: Cichon, Dieter - Antonius de Haens Werk "De Magia" (1775): Eine Auseinandersetzung mit der Magie und ihrer Bedeutung für die Medizin...
BOOKS017133I: Cici, Yaovi - Eyi Bledu Keti
BOOKS001430I: Cicogna, Emmanuele Antonio - Saggio de Bibliografia Veneziana, Vol. 1 & 2
BOOKS000175I: Cielava, Skaidrite - Janis Kuga
BOOKS013912I: Cienkowski, Leon [ Tsenkovsky, Lev Semyonovich (1822-1887)] [ Menshutkin, Nikolai Aleksandrovich (1842-1907)] ; et al. - Zur Morphologie der Bacterien [bound together with 5 other unrelated monographs by various authors]
BOOKS002234I: Cieslak, Edmund, editor: - Studia Maritima, Volume VIII
BOOKS007801I: Cig, M.; Kizilyay, H.; & Salonen, A. - Istanbul Arkeoloji Muzelerinde Bulunan.../ Die Puzris-Dagan-Texte der Istanbuler Archaologischer Museen,Teil I: Nr. 1-725
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