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BOOKS017529I: Slavin, Kenneth ; & Slavin, Julie - The Tuareg
BOOKS019325I: Slavinska-Holy, Nonna ; editor: - Borderline and Narcissistic Patients in Therapy
BOOKS019451I: Slavkova, Magdalena - Tsiganite evangelisti v Bulgariia
BOOKS006073I: Slavney, Phillip R. - Perspectives on "Hysteria
BOOKS001382I: Slavov, Atanas - The "Thaw" in Bulgarian Literature
BOOKS020462I: Slawinger, Gerhard - Die Manufaktur in Kurbayern : Die Anfänge der grossgewerblichen Entwicklung in der Übergangsepoche vom Merkantilismus..,.
BOOKS000240I: Slawomirski, Jerzy - Origins of the Doubled Complement Construction in the I.E. Language of Europe
BOOKS009526I: Sleeth, Charles R. - Studies in 'Christ and Satan'
BOOKS018868I: Sleight, Frederick W. [ Bullen, Ripley P. ] - Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Island of St. John, United States Virgin Islands
BOOKS004787I: Sleiman, Salim - Le parlement libanais
BOOKS010440I: Slide, Anthony; editor: - Filmfront. A Reprint Edition
BOOKS021979I: Slide, Anthony - The Big V : A History of the Vitagraph Company
BOOKS030559I: Sling [pseudonym of Paul Felix Schlesinger (1878-1928)] - Das Sling-Buch / von Sling
BOOKS003143I: Sliwczynska, Bozena - The Gitagovinda of Jayadeva and the Krsna-yatra: An Interaction Between Folk and Classical Culture in Bengal
BOOKS017764I: Slizinski, Jerzy - Podania z poludniowej nowotarszczyzny
BOOKS017191I: Sloan, Frank A. ; Ostermann, Jan ; Picone, Gabriel ; Conover, Christopher; & Taylor, Donald H.,Jr. - The Price of Smoking
BOOKS020161I: Sloane, Arthur A. - Hoffa
BOOKS009379I: Slobodkin, Lawrence B. - Simplicity and Complexity in Games of the Intellect
BOOKS025671I: Sloek, Johannes [ Sløk, Johannes ] - Devotional Language
BOOKS000173I: Ray. Punya Sloka - Linguistic Matrices
BOOKS008151I: Sloman, Judith - Dryden: The Poetics of Translation
BOOKS029912I: Slomann, H.C. ( Herman Christian ) [1860-1929] - Bidrag til læren om den pulserende exoftalmus
BOOKS024769I: Slomann, Vilhelm [1885-1962] - Bicorporates : Studies in Revivals and Migrations of Art Motifs . Volume 1: Text + Volume 2: Plates
BOOKS000344I: Slominsky, H. - Heraklit und Parmenides
BOOKS003379I: Slootweg, Adri Peter - Multiple Beam Generation with a Digital Computer for Echosounding at Low & High Frequencies
BOOKS027709I: Sloterdijk, Peter ; & Heinrichs, Hans-Jürgen - Die Sonne und der Tod : dialogische Untersuchungen
BOOKS027857I: Sloterdijk, Peter - Derrida, un Egyptien : le problème de la pyramide juive
BOOKS003304I: Sluijk, D. - Geology & Tin- Tungsten Deposits of the Regoufe Area, Northern Portugal
BOOKS012767I: Smail, Daniel Lord - Imaginary Cartographies : Possession and Identity in Late Medieval Marseille
BOOKS028705I: Smail, R. C. - Crusading Warfare, 1097-1193
BOOKS005218I: Small, Miriam Rossiter - Charlotte Ramsay Lennox. An Eighteenth Century Lady of Letters
BOOKS012406I: Small, Robert - An Account of the Astronomical Discoveries of Kepler
BOOKS031801I: Small, Alastair ; editor : [ Barker, Graeme ; et al.] - Monte Irsi, Southern Italy : The Canadian Excavations in the Iron Age and Roman Bites, 1971-1972
BOOKS016968I: Smalley, William Allen ; Vang, Chia Koua ; & Yang, Gnia Yee - Mother of Writing: Origin and Development of a Hmong Messianic Script
BOOKS023680I: Smart, J.J.C. ; & Williams, Bernard - Utilitarianism : For and Against
BOOKS025032I: Smedstad, Ingrid - Etableringen av et organisert veihold i Midt-Norge i tidlig historisk tid
BOOKS006150I: Smee, A[lfred].H[utchison,Jr.]. - Scientific Papers and Letters
BOOKS011189I: Smelser, Niel J. - Problematics of Sociology
BOOKS011702I: Smelser, Neil J. - The Social Edge of Psychoanalysis
BOOKS020144I: Smelser, Ronald M. ; & Davies, Edward J., II - The Myth of the Eastern Front : The Nazi-Soviet War in American Popular Culture
BOOKS027033I: Smerdel, Inja - Orala : zbirka Slovenskega etnografskega muzeja / Ploughing Implements : the Collection of the Slovene Ethnographic Museum
BOOKS000837I: de Smet, M. - De Oorzaken der Kindersterfte in der Streek van Yangambi (1948-1950)
BOOKS024706I: De Smet, Robin - Published Music for the Viola da Gamba and Other Viols
BOOKS007833I: Smethurst, Richard J. - Agricultural Development and Tenancy Disputes in Japan, 1870 - 1940
BOOKS009194I: Smidt, C.M. - Roskilde Domkirkes Middelalderlige Bygningshistorie
BOOKS007186I: Smidt, Erik L.B. - Animal Production in the Danish Waddensea
BOOKS027930I: Smija, Dagobert - Quantitative Untersuchungen über die Parasitierung von Fischen aus verschieden alten Baggerweihern .,.,.
BOOKS027243I: Smilansky, U. ; Talmi, I. ; & Weidenmüller, H. A. ; editors: - Nuclear Structure Physics : Proceedings of the Minerva Symposium on Physics held at the Weizmann Institute of Science .,.,.
BOOKS015305I: Smirnova, N.S. - Kazahskaia narodnaia poeziia
BOOKS018286I: Smit, D. E. - Bibliography of Anonymous and Pseudonymous Works from a South African Bibliography to the Year 1925
BOOKS003626I: Smit, Gjalt Roelof - The Oscillatory Motion of the Magnetopause & the Earth's Bow Shock
BOOKS025482I: Smit-Vis, Johanna Hendrika - Some Aspects of the Hibernation in the European Hedgehog, Erinaceus europaeus L.
BOOKS027319I: Smith, Lindsay - The Politics of Focus : Women, Children, and Nineteenth-century Photography
BOOKS023403I: Smith, Ian Russell - Sri Lanka Creole Portuguese Phonology
BOOKS024645I: Smith, F. B. (Francis Barrymore) - The Making of the Second Reform Bill
BOOKS011020I: Smith, Woodruff D. - Consumption and the Making of Respectability, 1600-1800
BOOKS023730I: Smith, Richard Chase - The Amuesha People of Central Peru : Their Struggle to Survive
BOOKS014596I: Smith, Brent L. - Terrorism in America : Pipe Bombs and Pipe Dreams
BOOKS014186I: Smith, Vernon L. - Papers in Experimental Economics
BOOKS022631I: Smith, Paul - Pound Revised
BOOKS028931I: Smith, Walter E. - Charles Dickens in the Original Cloth : A Bibliographical Catalogue .,.,.,: Part I : The Novels, with Sketches by Boz
BOOKS007775I: Smith, Sydney; editor: - Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Volume 42 [1967]
BOOKS019299I: Smith, Paul Julian - Vision Machines : Cinema, Literature and Sexuality in Spain and Cuba, 1983-1993
BOOKS009102I: Smith, Tony - Dialectical Social Theory and its Critics : From Hegel to Analytical Marxism and Postmodernism
BOOKS025262I: Smith, Bengt - Dry Methods for Removing Hydrogen Sulphide from Gases : A Survey
BOOKS003094I: Smith, Elaine Diana - Turkey: The Origins of the Kemalist Movement and the Government of the Grand National Assembly (1919-1923)
BOOKS011468I: Smith, Ronald Bishop; compiler: - The First Age of the Portuguese Embassies, Navigations and Peregrinations to the Ancient Kingdoms of Cambay and Bengal (1500-152
BOOKS014857I: Smith, Myron J. - Watergate : An Annotated Bibliography of Sources in English, 1972-1982
BOOKS010998I: Smith, Patricia; editor: - Feminist Jurisprudence
BOOKS010906I: Smith, P. Christopher - The Hermeneutics of Original Argument: Demonstration, Dialectic, Rhetoric
BOOKS010443I: Smith, Nathaniel B. & Snow, Joseph T.; editors: - The Expansion and Transformations of Courtly Literature
BOOKS006841I: Smith, John H. - The Spirit and Its Letter : Traces of Rhetoric in Hegel's Philosophy of Bildung
BOOKS015807I: Smith, S. A. (Stephen Anthony); editor: - Oktyabr'skaya revolyutsiya i fabzavkomy (The October Revolution and the Factory Committees)
BOOKS009274I: Smith, D. Moody - Johannine Christianity: Essays on Its Setting, Sources, and Theology
BOOKS009760I: [Smith, Harold John & Williams, Hywel] Smith, H. John; editor: - Smith and Williams' Introduction to the Principles of Drug Design and Action
BOOKS025989I: Smith, Anthony D. ; & Bulmer, Martin ; editors: - Ethnic and Racial Studies : Volume 16, No. 4 - October 1993
BOOKS009580I: Smith, Robert J.; editor: - Social Organization and the Applications of Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Lauriston Sharp
BOOKS008715I: Smith, M.G. - Government in Zazzau 1800 - 1950
BOOKS007774I: Smith, Sydney; editor: - Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Volume 43 [1968]
BOOKS007772I: Smith, Sydney & Willmer, E.N.; editors: - Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Volume 44 [1969]
BOOKS019046I: Smith, William Edgett - Nyerere of Tanzania
BOOKS007674I: Smith, Bruce R. - Ancient Scripts & Modern Experience on the English Stage, 1500-1700
BOOKS007525I: Smith, Robert J. - Kurusu : The Price of Progress in a Japanese Village, 1951 - 1975
BOOKS016032I: Smith, Huston [Bryant, M. Darral; editor:] - Essays on World Religion
BOOKS031546I: Smith, Helmer [1882- 1956] - Analecta rhythmica
BOOKS022617I: Smith, Richard Joseph - China’s Cultural Heritage : The Ch'ing Dynasty, 1644-1912
BOOKS006813I: Smith, Wilfred Cantwell - Modern Islam in India. A Social Analysis
BOOKS006522I: Smith, Anthony - The Shadow in the Cave: A Study of the Relationship Between the Broadcaster, his Audience & the State
BOOKS006456I: Smith, C. Lavett, editor: - Fisheries Research in the Hudson River
BOOKS018602I: Smith, J.T.; & Lacuata, Eusebio M. - Smith-Lacuata Debate : Conducted in M'lang, Cotabato, Republic of the Philippines
BOOKS013312I: Smith, Tony [1942 - ] - The French Stake in Algeria, 1945-1962
BOOKS018112I: Smith, Effie Waller [1879-1960] - The Collected Works of Effie Waller Smith
BOOKS018082I: Smith, Eric - Pianos in Practice : An Owner's Manual
BOOKS017885I: Smith, Thomas Carlyle - The Agrarian Origins of Modern Japan
BOOKS017743I: Smith, Robert John; & Beardsley, Richard K. (Richard King); editors: - Japanese Culture : Its Development and Characteristics
BOOKS025017I: Smith, Donnal Vore [1901-1989] - Chase and Civil War Politics
BOOKS006178I: Smith, Virginia Llewellyn - Henry James and the Real Thing : A Modern Reader's Guide
BOOKS017259I: Smith, Kathleen E. - Remembering Stalin's Victims : Popular Memory and the End of the U.S.S.R.
BOOKS017246I: Smith, Barry ; editor: - John Searle
BOOKS017187I: Smith, Adam T. - The Political Landscape : Constellations of Authority in Early Complex Polities
BOOKS016806I: Smith, Marquard ; & Morra, Joanne ; editors: - The Prosthetic Impulse: From a Posthuman Present to a Biocultural Future
BOOKS016581I: Smith, Marquard ; editor: - Stelarc: The Monograph
BOOKS016153I: Smith, Jon ; & Cohn, Deborah N. ; editors: - Look Away!: The U.S. South in New World Studies
BOOKS016003I: Smith, John Edwin - Reason and God. Encounters of Philosophy with Religion
BOOKS015981I: Smith, Huston ; & Snake, Reuben A.; editors: - One Nation Under God: The Triumph of the Native American Church
BOOKS015968I: Smith, Huston - Beyond the Post-Modern Mind
BOOKS020914I: Smith, R.E. F. ; editor: - The Russian Peasant, 1920 and 1984
BOOKS013251I: Smith, Catherine Parsons [1933 - ] - William Grant Still: A Study in Contradictions
BOOKS010473I: Smith, Zachary A & Pratt, Richard C.; editor: - Politics and Public Policy in Hawaii
BOOKS027199I: Smith, Jonathan D. H. - Mal'cev Varieties
BOOKS005527I: Smith, Barbara Herrnstein - Contingencies of Value. Alternative Perspectives for Critical Theory
BOOKS005369I: Smith, Barbara Herrnstein - On the Margins of Discourse. The Relation of Literature to Language
BOOKS005043I: Smith, Raymond T., editor: - Kinship Ideology and Practice in Latin America
BOOKS011926I: Smith, Robert C. - Racism in the Post-Civil Rights Era: Now You See It, Now You Don't
BOOKS011901I: Smith, Patrick; editor: - Africa Confidential: Who's Who of Southern Africa
BOOKS004535I: Birket-Smith. S.J.R. - Fossil Insects from Spitsbergen
BOOKS001789I: Smith, Anthony - Blind White Fish in Persia
BOOKS001669I: Smith, Gerard P., editor: - Satiation: From Gut to Brain
BOOKS022585I: Smith, Keith ; editor: - Sparrow : The Legend : Calypso King of the World
BOOKS001494I: Smith, Valerie - Not Just Race, Not Just Gender. Black Feminist Readings
BOOKS001425I: Smith, George David - From Monopoly to Competition. The Transformation of Alcoa 1888-1986
BOOKS001398I: Smith, Susan Valeria Harris - Masks in Modern Drama
BOOKS000380I: Smith, Newlin R. - Land for the Small Man. English and Welsh Experience with Publicly-supplied Small Holdings, 1860-1937
BOOKS001063I: Smith, Stuart Grayston ; & Hosking, Eric - Birds Fighting : Experimental Studies of the Aggressive Displays of Some Birds
BOOKS000310I: Smith, David J. & Chambers, Gerald - Inequality in Northern Ireland
BOOKS000940I: Smith, Michael Stephen - Tariff Reform in France 1860 - 1900. The Politics of Economic Interest
BOOKS000866I: Smith, Gil R., [1952 - ] - Architectural Diplomacy : Rome and Paris in the Late Baroque
BOOKS016145I: Smith, Curtis D. - Jung's Quest for Wholeness: A Religious and Historical Perspective
BOOKS012706I: Smith, Richard Candida - Mallarme's Children : Symbolism and the Renewal of Experience
BOOKS019603I: Smith, Frank ; & Miller, George Armitage ; editors: - The Genesis of Language : A Psycholinguistic Approach : Proceedings of a Conference on "Language Development in Children
BOOKS019882I: Smith, Ole Langwitz ; editor: - Scholia metrica anonyma in Euripidis Hecubam, Orestem, Phoenissas / Edited with Prolegomena, Critical Apparatus, Appendix..,.
BOOKS019885I: Smith, Andrew B. - Systematics and the Fossil Record : Documenting Evolutionary Patterns
BOOKS020867I: Smith, Caspar Wilhelm [1811-1881] - De verbis imperfectivis et perfectivis in linguis Slavonicis
BOOKS021244I: Smith, Jack A. - Unite the Many, Defeat the Few : China’s Revolutionary Line in Foreign Affairs
BOOKS021270I: Smith, Roger M. - Cambodia's Foreign Policy
BOOKS021349I: Smith, Karen, B.A. - Nine Lives : The Birth of Avant-garde Art in New China : Updated Edition
BOOKS021416I: Smith, Martin ; & Allsebrook, Annie [ Sharman, Anne-Marie; editor: ] [ Anti-Slavery International ] - Ethnic Groups in Burma : Development, Democracy and Human Rights
BOOKS021464I: Smith, C. W. (Caspar Wilhelm) [1811-1881] - C.W. Smith og hans polske korrespondenter, 1861-1879 ..,./ C.W. Smith i jego polscy korespondenci, 1861-1879 ..,.
BOOKS022208I: Smith, Ole Langwitz ; editor: - The Oxford Version of the Achilleid
BOOKS024539I: Smith, Henrik - Hortulus synonymorum
BOOKS012735I: Smither, Howard E. - A History of the Oratorio. Volume 4: The Oratorio in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.
BOOKS013541I: Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology - Anthropological Papers. Numbers 27 - 32
BOOKS009286I: Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology - Anthropological Papers. Numbers 19 - 26
BOOKS009285I: Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology - Anthropological Papers. Numbers 33 - 42
BOOKS007318I: Smitka, Michael J. - Competitive Ties. Subcontracting in the Japanese Automotive Industry
BOOKS002571I: Smits, M.B. - De Rijstcultuur in Noord-Amerika met Behulp van Mechanischen Arbeid
BOOKS020128I: Smolensky, Paul ; & Legendre, Geraldine - The Harmonic Mind : From Neural Computation to Optimality-theoretic Grammar : Cognitive Architecture. Volume. 1
BOOKS008708I: Smoller, Laura Ackerman - History, Prophecy, & the Stars: The Christian Astrology of Pierre d'Ailly 1350-1420
BOOKS018034I: Smoodin, Eric Loren - Regarding Frank Capra : Audience, Celebrity, and American Film Studies, 1930-1960
BOOKS024382I: Smout, T. Christopher ; editor: - Victorian Values : A Joint Symposium of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the British Academy December 1990
BOOKS006604I: Smyser, W.R. - The German Economy: Colossus at the Crossroads
BOOKS011413I: Smyth, William Robert - Thesaurus criticus ad Sexti Propertii textum. Congressit et in ordinem redegit Gulielmus Robertus Smyth
BOOKS003273I: Smyth, Leo F.V. - Power, Threat & Justice Behaviour: A Social Psychological Study in the Context of Northern Ireland
BOOKS011654I: Smyth, Egbert Coffin [1829-1904] & Tucker, William Jewett [1839-1926] - In the Matter of the Complaint against Egbert C. Smyth and Others...The Andover Defence....
BOOKS031654I: Snajdr, Milan - Bohemian Trilobites
BOOKS026769I: Sneep, J. ; Treu, H. A. ; Tydeman, M. ; Heuvel, Charles van den ; editors: [ Stichting Menno van Coehoorn (Den Haag) ] - Vesting : vier eeuwen vestingbouw in Nederland
BOOKS016897I: Snegarov, Iv. - Istoricheski vesti za Turnovskata Mitropoliia
BOOKS014014I: Snell, Bruno ; & Fleischer, Ulrich ; editors: - Antike und Abendland : Beiträge zum Verständnis der Griechen und Römer und ihres Nachlebens. Band VIII (1959)
BOOKS029174I: Snell, Ludwig [1785-1854] - Geschichtliche Darstellung der kirchlichen Vorgänge und Aufstände in der katholischen Schweiz..,.Erste Abtheilung
BOOKS017039I: Snell, Ludwig [1785-1854] - Documentirte pragmatische Erzählung der neuen kirchlichen Veränderungen so wie der progressiven Usurpationen der römischen Kurie
BOOKS020902I: Snell-Hornby, Mary - Verb-descriptivity in German and English : A Contrastive Study in Semantic Fields
BOOKS018039I: Snellgrove, David L. - Indo-Tibetan Buddhism : Indian Buddhists and Their Tibetan Successors
BOOKS025636I: Snethlage, Jacob Leonard [1886-1983] - De schoolopvoeding in Amerika en het vraagstuk der kennis
BOOKS007216I: Sniezewski, Stanislaw A. - Problem boskosci Oktawiana-Augusta w poezji augustowskiej
BOOKS003404I: Snijders, Mattheus Antonius Jeroen - Study of Magnesium II and Helium I in the Spectra of Early Type Stars
BOOKS019168I: Snodgrass, Jeffrey G. - Casting Kings : Bards and Indian Modernity
BOOKS014487I: Snorrason, Egill - C. G. Kratzenstein, professor physices experimentalis Petropol. et Havn. and his Studies on Electricity during the 18th Century
BOOKS026402I: Snorrason, Egill - Der Däne Johan Rhode in Padua des 17. Jahrhunderts
BOOKS015539I: Snowden, Frank M. - Blacks in Antiquity: Ethiopians in the Greco-Roman Experience
BOOKS011011I: Snyder, Glenn H. - Alliance Politics
BOOKS007895I: Snyder, Jon R. - Writing the Scene of Speaking: Theories of Dialogue in the Late Italian Renaissance
BOOKS014529I: So, Alvin Y. - The South China Silk District: Local Historical Transformation and World System Theory
BOOKS014798I: Soames, Scott - Reference and Description : The Case Against Two-Dimensionalism
BOOKS022584I: Soares, Maria Micaela R. T. ; editor: - O povo da Lezíria e a literatura oral
BOOKS021052I: Soares, Annibal de Andrade - Chronica do exilio : Publicacao Semanal. No.s 2; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 10; 11; 18; 19: 20; 21; 23; 24 [Novembro 1912 - Abril 1913]
BOOKS022893I: Soares, Maria Micaela - Mulheres da Estremadura
BOOKS022894I: Soares, Maria Micaela - Varinos : O Tejo, Pesca e Pescade, Pescadores e Peixeiras
BOOKS010203I: Sobczyk, Maciej - Arquitectura funeraria prehispanica en la region del Nevado Coropuna, Peru
BOOKS014434I: Sober, Elliott - From a Biological Point of View : Essays in Evolutionary Philosophy
BOOKS019712I: Sober, Elliott - Evidence and Evolution : The Logic Behind the Science
BOOKS022669I: Sobieski, Waclaw [1872-1935] - Der Kampf um die Ostsee : Von den ältesten Zeiten bis zur Gegenwart
BOOKS030970I: Soboul, Albert [1914-1982] - Les Sans-culottes parisiens en l'an II : mouvement populaire et gouvernement révolutionnaire, 2 Juin 1793-9 Thermidor An II
BOOKS015631I: Sobrer, Josep Miquel - Catalonia: A Self Portrait
BOOKS004598I: Sobti, Harcharan Singh - Studies in Buddhism and Sikhism
BOOKS004540I: Sobti, Harcharan Singh - Nibbana in Early Buddhism. Based on Pali Sources ( 6th B.C. to 5th A.D.)
BOOKS000874I: Sobti, Harcharan Singh - Studies in Panjabi Fiction
BOOKS019375I: Portugal. Instituto da Comunicacao Social - O que ha de portugues na arte moderna portuguesa
BOOKS031035I: Internationale militante socialiste [ Internationaler Sozialistischer Kampfbund (ISK) ] - Les ouvriers devant la guerre [together with 4 other pamphlets issued by ISK ca. 1935-1937]
BOOKS025218I: Parti socialiste [Switzerland] - Votez la Liste Socialiste!
BOOKS029967I: Société des sciences morales, des lettres et des arts de Seine-et-Oise, Versailles - Mémoires de la Société des sciences morales, des lettres et des arts de Seine-et-Oise, tome seizième [1889]
BOOKS024785I: Société des sciences morales, des lettres et des arts de Seine-et-Oise, Versailles - Mémoires de la Société des sciences morales, des lettres et des arts de Seine-et-Oise, tome huitième [1870]
BOOKS004685I: Société des sciences morales, des lettres et des arts de Seine-et-Oise, Versailles - Mémoires de la Société des sciences morales, des lettres et des arts de Seine-et-Oise, tome onzième [1878]
BOOKS029962I: Société des sciences morales, des lettres et des arts de Seine-et-Oise, Versailles - Mémoires de la Société des sciences morales, des lettres et des arts de Seine-et-Oise, tome quatrième [1857]
BOOKS029961I: Société des sciences morales, des lettres et des arts de Seine-et-Oise, Versailles - Mémoires de la Société des sciences morales, des lettres et des arts de Seine-et-Oise, tome cinquième [1859]
BOOKS024438I: Société des sciences morales, des lettres et des arts de Seine-et-Oise, Versailles - Mémoires de la Société des sciences morales, des lettres et des arts de Seine-et-Oise, tome dixième [1874]
BOOKS029964I: Société des sciences morales, des lettres et des arts de Seine-et-Oise, Versailles - Mémoires de la Société des sciences morales, des lettres et des arts de Seine-et-Oise, tome neuvième [1873]
BOOKS022323I: Asiatic Society (Calcutta) - Rajendralala Mitra : 150th Anniversary Lectures
BOOKS026798I: Fabian Society - Fabian Quarterly [a collection of 4 issues, ca.1940-1947]
BOOKS014519I: Royal Historical Society - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Sixth Series. XII. [2002]
BOOKS029069I: California Historical Society - Quarterly of the California Historical Society : Vol. IX : Nos 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 [March-December 1930]
BOOKS026297I: Gypsy Lore Society - Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society : Third Series : Volume XI, Part I
BOOKS014758I: Aristotelian Society - The Aristotelian Society. The Symposia Read at the Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society ...Supplementary Volume LII, 1978
BOOKS003141I: Nordic Demographic Society - The Eighth Nordic Demographic Symposium June 1986, Gilleje Denmark
BOOKS010294I: Monumental Brass Society (London, England) - Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society [No.s 76-77; 82-96, 98-99] [Vol. IX, Pt. VI (April 1958 -Vol. XIII, Pt. III (1982)]
BOOKS007836I: Royal Entomological Society [ Jordan, Karl ] - A Collection of Essays and Scientific Papers Brought Together to Celebrate the Ninety Fourth Birthday of Karl Jordan
BOOKS028092I: Thailand Research Society - The Natural History Bulletin of the Thailand Research Society Vol. XIV, No. 1 [April 1944] [bound together with 3 other items]
BOOKS018335I: Aristotelian Society - The Aristotelian Society : Supplementary Volume XLVII, 1973
BOOKS015477I: Royal Historical Society - The Royal Historical Society Transactions, Sixth Series, Volume 5
BOOKS016075I: Aristotelian Society - Freedom, Language and Reality: The Symposia Read at the Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association
BOOKS015941I: Siam Society - The Mrabri : Studies in the Field
BOOKS026661I: Walpole Society - The First Annual Volume of the Walpole Society: 1911-1912
BOOKS003684I: Royal Dublin Society - The Natural Resources of Ireland. A Series of Discourses delivered before the Royal Dublin Society on April...1944...
BOOKS001356I: South West African Scientific Society - Wissenschaftliche Forschung in Sudwestafrika.Referate und Vortrage gehalten vor dem Ersten Kongress ...
BOOKS020061I: Valorian Society (U.S.) - Human History Viewed as Sovereign Individuals versus Manipulated Masses / from the Valorian Society
BOOKS005146I: Heraldry Society - The Full Report of the Case of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of the City of Manchester versus the Manchester Palace ..,.
BOOKS012058I: Asiatic Society [Jumpa Ngawang; compiler:] - Catalogue of Tibetan Manuscripts in the Collection of the Asiatic Society. Vol. 1: Narthang Tanjur
BOOKS017313I: Polska Partia Socjalistyczna - Z pola walki : zbiór materyalów tyczacych sie polskiego ruchu socyalistycznego
BOOKS005599I: Soderberg, Gunilla - Taga, bagare, Bragby. Om 'g' for aldre 'k' i svenskan
BOOKS022361I: Söderberg, Sven - Om djurornamentiken under folkvandringstiden
BOOKS000471I: Söderberg, Staffan - Profetens roll i religionsmötet : iakttagelser från religionsmötets Västgrönland
BOOKS019565I: Söderquist, K. Brian - The Isolated Self : Irony as Truth and Untruth in Søren Kierkegaard's On the Concept of Irony
BOOKS006408I: Soedjatmoko ; Ali, Mohammad ; Resink, G.J. ; & Kahin, G. McT.; editors : - An Introduction to Indonesian Historiography
BOOKS026774I: Soekanto, Soerjono - Hukum adat Indonesia
BOOKS012518I: Soemmerring, Detmar Wilhelm [1793-1871] [Andersen, Sigurd Ry (1915- ) & Munk, Ole, editors: ] - An Extract of Detmar Wilhelm Soemmerring's Thesis: A Comment on the Horizontal Section of Eyes in Man and Animals
BOOKS003285I: Soen, Oen Ing - The Geology, Petrology & Ore Deposits of the Viseu Region, Northern Portugal
BOOKS009280I: [Sorensen, Knud] Soerensen, Knud [Powell, Marianne & Presiler, Bent; editors:] - English Past and Present: A Selection of Essays by Knud Sorensen Presented to Him on his Sixtieth Birthday
BOOKS002732I: Soest, J. van - Geologie und Palaeontologie des Zentralen Biokovo (Dalmatien)
BOOKS025459I: Soffietti, James Peter - Phonemic Analysis of the Word in Turinese : An Analysis of the Phonemic Structure of the Word in Turinese..,.
BOOKS023179I: Sognnes, Kalle - Iron Age Arrow-heads from Hordaland, Norway : Testing a Classification System
BOOKS003774I: Sohlberg, Saul Carol - Psychologische en sociale Aspecten van Intelligentie en Schoolaanpassing bij orientaalse Immigrantenkindern in Israel
BOOKS014842I: Sohmen, Helmut - Legislative Interlude : Hong Kong's Road to 1997
BOOKS003980I: Sohn-Rethel, Alfred [1899-1990] - Die ökonomische Doppelnatur des Spätikapitalismus
BOOKS026222I: Søholm, Ejgil - Godheds ubændige vælde : en lille bog om William Heinesen, Færøernes store danske digter
BOOKS006285I: Soifer, Deborah A. - The Myths of Narasimha & Vamana. Two Avatars in Cosmological Perspective
BOOKS011884I: Sokel, Walter H. - The Writer in Extremis: Expressionism in Twentieth-Century German Literature
BOOKS019170I: Sokoll, Thomas ; editor: - Essex Pauper Letters, 1731-1837
BOOKS006609I: Sokoloff, Michael - A Dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic of the Talmudic and Geonic Periods
BOOKS002419I: Sokolov, Ju. M. & Volina, B.M. - Russkaja Narodnaja Pesnja. Sbornik dlja Uchascikhsja Srednei Shkoli
BOOKS029376I: Sokolovitch, P.-P. de - Le probléme italo-slave dans la guerre actuelle
BOOKS016801I: Sokolowski, Robert - Introduction to Phenomenology
BOOKS014208I: Sola-Solé, Josep María ; Crisafulli, Alessandro S. ; Schulz, Siegfried A. ; editors: - Studies in Honor of Tatiana Fotitch
BOOKS031455I: Solakan, Z. Galust - Diezeragitut'yune ev diezerabanut'yune haykakan zhayr'apatkernerum : Girk' 1. : Veradardz armatnerin
BOOKS024813I: Solanas, Valerie [1936- 1988] - Manifest der Gesellschaft zur Vernichtung der Männer SCUM
BOOKS003784I: Solanas, Valerie - SCUM Manifesto
BOOKS021459I: Soldatos, Konstantinos - Die jungen Vulkanite der griechischen Rhodopen und ihre provinziellen Verhältnisse
BOOKS020510I: Soler Puig, José - Bertillón 166
BOOKS017892I: Soleri, Paolo - The Omega Seed : An Eschatological Hypothesis
BOOKS026478I: Solf, Wilhelm Heinrich [1862-1936] - Kolonialpolitik : mein politisches Vermächtnis
BOOKS019928I: Soliman, Samer - State and Industrial Capitalism in Egypt
BOOKS012135I: Solinger, Dorothy J. - Contesting Citizenship in Urban China : Peasant Migrants, the State, and the Logic of the Market
BOOKS016020I: Sölken, Heinz - Seetzens Áffadéh : Ein Beitrag zur Kotoko-Sprachdokumentation
BOOKS008915I: Solla, Sara A.; Leen, Todd K.; & Muller, Klaus-Robert; editors: - Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12: Proceedings of the 1999 Conference
BOOKS025808I: Sollund, May-Liss Bøe - Åsrøyser : gravminner fra bronsealderen? : en analyse av asrøysene i Vestfold
BOOKS025576I: Solmi, Franco ; & Dezzi Bardeschi, Marco ; editors: - Alfonso Rubbiani : i veri e i falsi storici : [mostra] Bologna, febbraio/marzo 1981
BOOKS009901I: Solmsen, Felix [ Fraenkel, Ernst ; editor : ] - Indogermanische Eigennamen als Spiegel der Kulturgeschichte
BOOKS019285I: Solnit, Rebecca - Hollow City : The Siege of San Francisco and the Crisis of American Urbanism
BOOKS018488I: Solnit, Rebecca - A Book of Migrations : Some Passages in Ireland
BOOKS000262I: Solomon, Robert - The Transformation of the World Economy, 1980-93
BOOKS016656I: Solomon, Robert C. - Living with Nietzsche: What the Great Immoralist Has to Teach Us
BOOKS026610I: Solothurn [Switzerland] - Prozessordnung in civil- und administrativ-rechtssachen für den Kanton Solothurn
BOOKS017908I: Solow, Robert M. - Growth Theory : An Exposition
BOOKS024709I: Solow, Barbara L. ; editor: - Slavery and the Rise of the Atlantic System
BOOKS025708I: Sølver, Carl Vilhelm [1882-1966] - Puntlandets Genopdagelse c. 1500 f.c. : Bidrag til Studiet af Oldtidens Handelsveje til Søs
BOOKS019761I: Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr Isaevich - Nihon yo doko e iku : Sorujenitsin tainichi zenkiroku
BOOKS030190I: Somadewa, Raj - Sri Lankave adi ithihasaya keti hadinveemak
BOOKS019203I: Somani, Arun K. - Survivability and Traffic Grooming in WDM Optical Networks
BOOKS026892I: Somasekharan Nair, P. - Cochin Dialect of Malayalam
BOOKS006446I: Somayaji, D.A. - A Critical Study of the Ancient Hindu Astronomy in the Light & Language of the Modern
BOOKS009514I: Some, Malidoma Patrice - Of Water and Spirit: Ritual, Magic, and Initiation in the Life of an African Shaman
BOOKS010283I: Somerville, Augustus - Crime and Religious Beliefs in India
BOOKS016667I: Somerville, Robert ; & Brasington, Bruce Clark ; editors: - Prefaces to Canon Law Books in Latin Christianity: Selected Translations, 500-1245
BOOKS024928I: Somkin, Fred - Unquiet Eagle : Memory and Desire in the Idea of American Freedom, 1815-1860
BOOKS025788I: Sømme, L. J. - Fra åger til samarbeide
BOOKS026167I: Sommer, Peter [pseudonym of Viggo Herrmann (1822-1897)] - Fut" : No. 1: Ældre og nyere Gade- og Skæmteviser / samlede og udgivne af Peter Sommer
BOOKS029735I: Sommerfeld, Arnold Johannes Wilhelm [1868-1951] - Electronic Structure of the Atom and the Quantum Theory
BOOKS025075I: Sømod, Jørgen - Forordninger & rescripter med videre angående det danske og norske møntvæsen 1483-1813
BOOKS025865I: Sompura, Kantilal F. - Buddhist Monuments and Sculptures in Gujarat : A Historical Survey
BOOKS012126I: Spink & Son [ Untracht, Oppi ; & Spink, Michael ; editors : ] - Islamic and Hindu Jewellery : To be Exhibited for Sale by Spink and Son Ltd., London, April 13th to May 6th 1988
BOOKS020269I: Truong-Son - A Bitter Dry Season for the Americans
BOOKS007672I: Sonder, J.K. - Behörden und Beamte nach bündnerischem Staatsrecht
BOOKS000206I: Sonderegger, Stefan - Andreas Heusler und die Sprache
BOOKS015784I: Sonderegger, René [1899- 1965] - Jean Henry Dunant Revolutionär! : unveröffentlichte Briefe des Gründers des Internationalen Roten Kreuzes
BOOKS000808I: Sondergaard, Bent - Indledende Studier over den Nordiske Stednavnetype "Lev" (Lov)
BOOKS025177I: Historisk samfund for Sønderjylland - Sønderjysk månedsskrift [a collection of 185 issues, mostly ca. 1971-1987]
BOOKS025232I: Historisk samfund for Sønderjylland - Sønderjydske Aarbøger [a collection of 91 volumes, ca. 1933-1988]
BOOKS013263I: Song, Shin-Min; & Waldron, Kenneth J. - Machines that Walk: The Adaptive Suspension Vehicle
BOOKS015847I: Phuwadol Songprasert - Ekkaphap : thamklang khwamplækyæk nai Phak Tai
BOOKS027806I: Bunthan Songsanasita - Sing didi mithi khwæng Salavan : Phak 1. Adit - Patchuban - Anakhot (108 luang - 1009 banha) / hiphom doi Bunthan Songsanasita
BOOKS024838I: Soni, Suresa - Hamari samskrtika vicaradhara ke mula srota
BOOKS007987I: Sonn, Tamara - Interpreting Islam : Bandali Jawzi's Islamic Intellectual History
BOOKS031856I: Sonne, Lasse Christian Arboe - Thor-kult i vikingetiden : historiske studier i vikingetidens religion
BOOKS011275I: Sonne, Birgitte - Eskimoiske Doderitualer: Religiose betydninger og sociale funktioner
BOOKS029519I: Sonne, Birgitte - The Happy Family : Myths, Ritual, and Society on Nunivak
BOOKS021125I: Sonnemann, Ulrich - Handwriting Analysis as a Psychodiagnostic Tool : A Study in General and Clinical Graphology
BOOKS000429I: Sonnenberg, Gerhard Siegfried - Hundert Jahre Sicherheit : Beiträge zur technischen und administrativen Entwicklung des Dampfkesselwesens in Deutschland 1810.,.
BOOKS011075I: Münzen- und Medaillenhandlung Dr. Michael Brandt & Stefan Sonntag (Stuttgart) - Die Auktion der Raritäten : Gold aus Baden-Württemberg, 1000 Münzen und Medaillen aus der Sammlung Hermann ..,.
BOOKS007926I: Sonoda, Kyoichi - Health and Illness in Changing Japanese Society
BOOKS015113I: Sida Sonsi - Rat kap sangkhom Mutsalim nai Filippin : chak khwamkhatyæng su khwamruammu
BOOKS004656I: Sontag, Frederick - The Return of the Gods : A Philosophical / Theological Reappraisal of the Writings of Ernest Becker
BOOKS024602I: Soom, Arnold - Der Herrenhof in Estland im 17. Jahrhundert
BOOKS029083I: Soom, Jost - Avancement et fortune : Schweizer und ihre Nachkommen als Offiziere, Diplomaten und Hofbeamte im Dienst des Zarenreiches
BOOKS004886I: Soomaney, Jashanlal D. - Aad Akhar Gujharat (Crossword Puzzles in Sindhi)
BOOKS027170I: Soprintendenza per i beni ambientali e architettonici per le provincie di Verona, Vicenza e Rovigo - Restauri di monumenti palladiani : diversi aspetti di un problema di tutela
BOOKS001431I: Soranzo, Girolamo - Bibliografia Veneziana compilata ... in aggiunta e continuazione del 'Saggio' di Emmanuele Antonio Cicogna. Vol. I & II
BOOKS019834I: Sorava [pseudonym of Gerrit Barron ] - Bloeddruppels op mijn kussensloop
BOOKS017661I: Sorban, Raoul - Fantasma Imperiului Ungar si Casa Europei : "Maghiaromania" în doctrina ungarismului
BOOKS007936I: Soren, Basudev - Kherwal Bonga Latha
BOOKS008970I: Soren, Basudev - Bonga nehar
BOOKS009958I: Soren, Basuden - Marsal Hor
BOOKS020575I: Soren, Basudev - Sereng anjle
BOOKS021046I: Soren, Basudev - Lita alag
BOOKS030109I: Sørensen, Grethe ; editor : - Den indiske sari / The Indian Sari : Trapholtmuseet [6. februar-27.april 1997]
BOOKS030273I: Sørensen, Per - Prehistoric Iron Implements from Thailand
BOOKS024420I: Sørensen, Knud - A Dictionary of Anglicisms in Danish
BOOKS012934I: Sørensen, Hugo H. ; editor : - Spodsbjerg : En yngre stenalders boplads på Langeland
BOOKS016036I: Sørensen, Lone Wriedt ; & Pentz, Peter - Lindos IV, 2 : Excavations and Surveys in Southern Rhodes : The Post-Mycenaean Period until Roman Times and the Medieval Period
BOOKS028702I: Sørensen, Rasmus Møller [1799-1865], - Vor christne troes forsvar imod pastor Bastholms angreb med beviis for at hans yttringer, i hans betragtning om hindringer ..,.
BOOKS013695I: Sørensen, Søren Peter Lauritz - Studier over Koboltidoxalater
BOOKS009763I: Sorensen, Knud - Thomas Lodge's Translation of Seneca's De Beneficiis compared with Arthur Golding's Version: A Textual Analysis with Special ...
BOOKS016857I: Sørensen, John Kousgård - Patronymer i Danmark, 1 : Runetid og middelalder
BOOKS006879I: Sørensen, Sven ; & Schiro, Joseph ; editors: [ Pavels, Peder (1769-1855) ] - Malta 1796-1797 : Thorvaldsen’s Visit / Based on the Unpublished Diary of Peder Pavels
BOOKS005219I: Sorensen, Hans - La Poesie de Paul Valery. Etude stylistique sur 'La Jeune Parque'.
BOOKS009697I: Sørensen, Øystein ; editor: - Nationalism in Small European Nations
BOOKS004702I: Sorensen, Per & Hatting, Tove - Ban-Kao. Neolithic Settlements with Cemeteries in the Kanchanaburi Province. Part 1:The Archaeological Material from the Burials
BOOKS003917I: Sorensen, S. - Om Sanskrits Stilling i den almindelige Sprogudvikling i Indien
BOOKS026003I: Sørensen, Marianne - Halvmånefasen og kuglen : kærlighed, arbejde og kvindefrigørelse i Charlotte Brontës romaner
BOOKS018100I: Sørensen, Holger Steen - Word-Classes in Modern English with Special References to Proper Names : With an Introductory Theory of Grammar, Meaning..,.
BOOKS022549I: Sørensen, Anders Dræby ; Gormsen, Lise ; & Hørning, Søren ; editors: - Ethics, Rights and Death in Modern Medicine
BOOKS029119I: Sørensen, Camilla T. N. - The Contingent Rise of China : The Development in Chinese Post-Cold War Security Policy
BOOKS023520I: Sørensen, Vibeke [1952-1995] - Denmark's Social Democratic Government and the Marshall Plan, 1947-1950
BOOKS028899I: Sørensen, Georg - Changes in Statehood : The Transformation of International Relations
BOOKS006741I: Sorge, Richard - Tiefbohrtechnische Studien uber Olgruben-Betrieb und Spulbohrung
BOOKS007475I: Sorgenfrei, Theodor [1915 - 19??] - Marint nedre-miocæn i Klintinghoved paa Als. Et bidrag til løsning af Aquitanien-spørgsmaalet
BOOKS027913I: Soria, Sally Pia C. - Untersuchungen zur Schwermetallbelastung von Perna viridis und Crassostrea iredale aus der Bucht von Manila (Philippinen)
BOOKS018313I: Sorkin, Michael - Exquisite Corpse : Writing on Buildings
BOOKS018284I: Sorkin, Michael [ Michael Sorkin Studio ] - Wiggle
BOOKS005780I: Sørlie, Mikjel [1892-1976] - En færøysk-norsk lovbok fra omkring 1310 : En studie i færøysk språkhistorie
BOOKS030333I: Sosiasvili, Sot'a - Rani vqop'ilvart'! ... Rani vik'nebit'?
BOOKS005120I: Sosin, J.M. - English America and the Restoration Monarchy of Charles II. Transatlantic Politics, Commerce, and Kinship
BOOKS024335I: Thotsaphon Changphanitkun ; Kong Bannathikan Khao Sot - Mahatsachan phayanak : thep phupokpong Phraphutthasatsana
BOOKS028528I: Sotheby's Geneva - Monnaies du Brésil / Coins of Brazil : Lundi 9 Novembre 1987 / Mardi 10 Novembre 1987
BOOKS002551I: Sotir, Janev - Osnovni Vprosi za Balgarskija Sotsializm
BOOKS005880I: Sotirov, Ivan - Chiprovska zlatarska shkola : sredata na XVI-nachaloto na XVIII vek
BOOKS019971I: Sotnikova, M. P. (Marina Petrovna) ; & Spasskii, I. G. (Ivan Georgievich) - Russian Coins of the X-XI Centuries A.D. : Recent Research and a Corpus in Commemoration of the Millenary of the Earliest ..,.
BOOKS026049I: Søtoft, Nikolai Bierfreund [1790-1844] [ Monrad, Ditlev Gothard ] - Knud den Hellige : Tragödie : Udgivet efter Forfatterens Død af D.G. Monrad
BOOKS026042I: Søtoft, Nikolai Bierfreund [1790-1844] - Nikolai Søtofts Theater : Første Deel : Haarlokkerne , Hyrdedrengen, Legetøiet i Ørknen, Mac-Lean
BOOKS004328I: Søttrup, Tage - Studies in the Pulmonary Function and the Diaphragmatic Function in Patients Convalescing from Life-Threatening Poliomyelitis..
BOOKS027270I: Soubbaramayer ; & Boujot, J. P. ; editors : - Ninth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics
BOOKS000255I: Souchopova, Vera - Hutnicki zeleza v 8. -11. stoleti na zapadni Morave
BOOKS012112I: Souchy, Agustín [1892- 19??] [ Souchy, Augustin ] - Anarcho-Syndikalisten über Bürgerkrieg und Revolution in Spanien: Ein Bericht
BOOKS001021I: Soundra,P. - A Study of Saint Thirugnana Campantar
BOOKS004618I: Sountoura, M'bamissa, Adjutant-Chef - Mon Afrique: Recueil de poemes
BOOKS000413I: Sourek, Otakar - The Chamber Music of Antonin Dvorak
BOOKS017462I: Souresrafil, Behrouz - Khomeini and Israel
BOOKS025501I: Sourirajan, P. [ Cauriracan, Pon ] - National Consciousness in Tamil Literature
BOOKS026406I: Sousa, Luzia da Conceicão - Anacreonte : Breve estudo da sua obra
BOOKS023256I: Sousa e Almeida, Jacintho Carneiro de - Uma execucao iniqua: Embargos d'executado oppostos pela Companhia Agricole da Ilha de S. Thome na execucao hypothecaria..,.
BOOKS009307I: Sousa, Joao de; editor: - Um dossier de provas edificantes ( A questao do Hospicio)
BOOKS017153I: De Sousa, Ronald - The Rationality of Emotion
BOOKS004166I: Teixeira de Sousa - A Questao dos Tabacos (de 21 de Marco a 17 de Maio de 1906)
BOOKS000838I: Sousa, Ester Pereira de - Contribuicões para o conhecimento da Flora da Guiné Portuguesa
BOOKS000763I: Sousa Ribeiro, Antonio de [1868-19??] - Liccão das mulas
BOOKS001900I: Sousa Falcao, Antonio Henriques de - A experimentacão no Posto de Culturas Regadas do Vale do Limpopo (Servicos de Agricultura de Mocambique)
BOOKS028403I: Souter, Alexander [1873-1949] - De codicibus manuscriptis Augustini quae feruntur quaestionum Veteris et Novi Testamenti CXXVII
BOOKS001393I: Southall, Aidan William; editor: - Social Change in Modern Africa : Studies Presented and Discussed at First International African Seminar
BOOKS009768I: Southgate, Douglas & Whitaker, Morris - Economic Progress and the Environment : One Developing Country's Policy Crisis
BOOKS003879I: Southgate, Douglas & Whitaker, Morris - Economic Progress & the Environment. One Developing Country's Policy Crisis
BOOKS004280I: Southwood, T.R.E. [ Southwood, Richard, Sir ] - The Structure of the Eggs of the Terrestrial Heteroptera and Its Relationship to the Classification of the Group
BOOKS001622I: Southworth, Franklin C. - Nepali Transformational Grammar: A Sketch
BOOKS013120I: Souto, Agostinho Antonio do ; Azevedo, Joaquim Pinto de; Pinto, Manoel Rodrigues da Silva; & Silva, Antonio Joaquim Ferreira da - O caso medico-legal Urbino de Freitas
BOOKS007731I: Souza, Jose Joaquim de - Estatistica dos valores e respectivos direitos do commercio e movimento de navegacao das possessoes ultramarinas... 1890 e 1899
BOOKS006705I: D'Souza, Victor S. - Inequality & its Perpetuation: A Theory of Social Stratification
BOOKS008651I: Sova, Dawn B - Banned Books : Literature Suppressed on Social Grounds
BOOKS017603I: Sova, Dawn B. - Literature Suppressed on Sexual Grounds
BOOKS020284I: Sovijärvi, Antti [1912-1995] - Die gehaltenen, geflüsterten, und gesungenen Vokale und Nasale der finnischen Sprache : Physiologisch-physikalische Lautanalysen
BOOKS001825I: Sowayan, Saad Abdullah - Nabati Poetry : The Oral Poetry of Arabia
BOOKS015115I: Sowell, Thomas - Classical Economics Reconsidered
BOOKS028958I: Soysal, Ismail ; editor : [ Foundation for Studies on Turkish-Arab Relations ] - Studies on Turkish-Arab Relations : Annual : 4 : 1989
BOOKS028973I: Soysal, Ismail ; Inalcik, Halil ; Manisali, Erol ; & Kologlu, Orhan ; editors: [ Ortadogu ve Balkan Incelemeleri Vakfi ] - Balkanlar
BOOKS028939I: Soysal, Ismail ; editor : - Turkish Review of Middle East Studies : Annual : 1993 [Volume 7]
BOOKS015958I: Soyyer, Yilmaz - Sosyolojik açidan Alevî Bektasî geleneci
BOOKS031589I: Sozialdemokratische Partei, Städtische Agitationskommission - Das rote Zürich legt Rechenschaft ab
BOOKS010360I: Sozialdemokratische Partei des Kantons Zürich, Geschäftsleitung - Die Streikinitiative vor dem Zürcher Kantonsrate / Hrg. von der Geschäftsleitung der Sozialdemokrat. Partei d[es] Kantons Zürich
BOOKS010073I: International Conference and Exhibition on the Commercial and Industrial Uses of Outer Space - Space Commerce: Proceedings of the Second International Conference & Exhibition on the Commercial & Industrial Uses of Outer...
BOOKS016309I: Spadaccini, Nicholas ; & Taléns, Jenaro ; editors: - Autobiography in Early Modern Spain
BOOKS024081I: Spaeter, Rudolf - Ahnen-und Sippenkreise Spaeter : Teil I & II.
BOOKS030235I: Spahiu, Nexhmedin - National Awakening Process Among Orthodox Albanians
BOOKS030254I: Spahiu, Hëna - Qyteti iliro-arberor i Beratit
BOOKS024699I: Spahiu, Arsim - Iliriciteti i maqedonasve dhe i epirotëve
BOOKS029678I: Spahlinger, Mathias - A collection of 9 musical compositons, articles and theoretical writings, ca. 1975-1981
BOOKS002907I: Spain, James W. - The Way of the Pathans
BOOKS016931I: Spain, Dirección General de Archivos y Bibliotecas. - La Orden de Santiago y los monarcas españoles en la Edad Media : catalogo de exposicion
BOOKS016895I: Spain, Gran Canaria, Cabildo Insular [Canary Islands] - Obras Hidráulicas : Memoria
BOOKS002202I: Spalburg, J.G. - De Tapanahoni Djuka rond de eeuwwisseling: het dagboek van Spalburg (1896-1900)
BOOKS007955I: Spalding, Karen - Huarochiri: An Andean Society Under Inca and Spanish Rule
BOOKS024326I: Spaltenstein, François - Commentaire des élégies de Maximien
BOOKS014846I: Spang-Hanssen, Henrik Stakemann - Cyberspace and International Law on Jurisdiction: Possibilities of Dividing Cyberspace into Jurisdictions with Help of Filters a
BOOKS009725I: Spang-Hanssen, Ebbe - Les prepositions incolores du francais moderne
BOOKS030263I: Spång, Lars Göran - Fångstsamhälle i handelssystem : Åsele lappmark neolitikum - bronsålder
BOOKS005466I: Spang-Hanssen, Henning - Recent Theories on the Nature of the Language Sign
BOOKS005148I: Spang-Hansen, Ebbe - Les propositions incolores du francais moderne.
BOOKS002654I: Spanggaard, Kristen D. - Dansk Skonlitteratur i fransk Oversaettelse.../ Les lettres danoises en traduction francaise depuis le Moyen Age jusqu'a 1975...
BOOKS021609I: Spangler, Gottfried ; & Zimmermann, Peter ; editors: - Die Bindungstheorie : Grundlagen, Forschung und Anwendung
BOOKS017492I: Spanuth, Jürgen - Das Enträtselte Atlantis
BOOKS009518I: Sparing, Margarethe Wilma - The Perception of Reality in the Volksmärchen of Schleswig-Holstein : A Study in Interpersonal Relationships and World View
BOOKS025835I: Sparre, Johannes - Tradition og antitradition
BOOKS031961I: Sparreboom, M. (Marcus) [1951 - 2016] - Chariots in the Veda
BOOKS001240I: Sparrman, Anders [ Hansen, Lars ; Hansen, Viveka ; Cormack, Eivor ; Sörbom, Per ; & Edberg, Ragnar ; editors : ] - The Linnaeus Apostles : Global Science & Adventure : Vol. 5 : Southern Africa, Oceania, Antarctica, South America
BOOKS012269I: Sparrow, Malcolm K. - The Character of Harms : Operational Challenges in Control
BOOKS017858I: Sparshott, Francis Edward - Looking for Philosophy
BOOKS003346I: Sparup, K.H. - Late Prognosis in Lumbar Disc Herniation. An Investigation of the Clinical Importance of the Degenerative Disc...
BOOKS020211I: Centre National d'Études Spatiales - Quatrièmes journées d'optique spatiale / Fourth Conference on Space Optics : Marseille, 6-8 novembre 1973
BOOKS007137I: Spaulding, Robert - How Spanish Grew
BOOKS019844I: Spawforth, A.J.S. [ Spawforth, Antony ] ; editor: - The Court and Court Society in Ancient Monarchies
BOOKS015405I: Spear, Thomas T. - Mountain Farmers: Moral Economies of Land and Agricultural Development in Arusha and Meru
BOOKS018406I: Spector, Tom - The Ethical Architect : The Dilemma of Contemporary Practice
BOOKS013313I: Spector, Tom [1957 -] - The Ethical Architect: The Dilemma of Contemporary Practice
BOOKS017381I: Speer, Robert Elliott [1867-1947] - Race and Race Relations : A Christian View of Human Contacts
BOOKS022019I: Spegele, Roger D. - Political Realism in International Theory
BOOKS031970I: Speidel, Michael P. - Mithras-Orion : Greek Hero and Roman Army God
BOOKS029991I: Speijer, Emanuel Arnold Maurice - De hypopygia van eenige agromyzidae, benevens theoretische beschouwingen over de homologieën van de aanhangsels hiervan
BOOKS001873I: Speiser, Andreas - Die Mathematische Denkweise
BOOKS013367I: Speller, Elizabeth - Following Hadrian : A Second Century Journey through the Roman Empire
BOOKS028280I: Spence, Lewis - The History of Atlantis
BOOKS017495I: Spence, Donald P. - Narrative Truth and Historical Truth : Meaning and Interpretation in Psychoanalysis
BOOKS028047I: Spencer, H.S. - On Zoroastrian Traditions, Customs & Ceremonials
BOOKS014443I: Spencer, Christopher ; & Blades, Mark ; editors: - Children and Their Environments : Learning, Using and Designing Spaces
BOOKS009552I: Spencer, Frank - Piltdown: A Scientific Forgery
BOOKS009390I: Spencer, Colin - The Heretic's Feast: A History of Vegetarianism
BOOKS006310I: Spencer, H - Pathology of the Lung. Volume 1 & 2
BOOKS018368I: Spencer, Herbert - Pioneers of Modern Typography
BOOKS005548I: Spencer, Theodore - Selected Essays
BOOKS005479I: Spencer, Sharon - Space, Time and Structure in the Modern Novel
BOOKS008054I: Spencer, John - The Kenya African Union
BOOKS010275I: Spengler, Joseph J. - France Faces Depopulation: Postlude Edition, 1936-1976.
BOOKS003166I: Spenter, Arne - Sprachbewegung in der Landschaft um Marburg an der Lahn 1880-1960
BOOKS005363I: Spenter, Arne - Der Vokalismus der akzentuierten Silben in der schiermonnikooger Mundart. Eine geschichtliche Studie...
BOOKS019418I: Sper, A. [ pseudonym of Hans Rau (1882-1906)] [ Rau, Hans ] - Der Marquis de Sade und der Sadismus / von A. Sper.
BOOKS024627I: Sperber, Jonathan - The European Revolutions, 1848-1851
BOOKS027990I: Sperling, Michael - Optimierung der Anregungsbedingungen in einem induktiv gekoppelten Plasma für die Atomemissionsspektrometrie
BOOKS003762I: Sperling, Thomas ; editor : [ Hagn, Herbert ; et al. ] - Carl Wilhelm von Gümbel (1823-1898) : Leben und Werk des bedeutendsten Geologen Bayerns
BOOKS017667I: Sphinx, Comtesse - Le secret de Marguerite / par la Csse Sphinx
BOOKS027659I: Spieckermann, Marie-Luise ; editor : - Der curieuse Passagier : deutsche Englandreisende des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts als Vermittler kultureller und technologischer.,.
BOOKS004213I: Spiegel, Gabrielle M. - Romancing the Past. The Rise of Vernacular Prose Historiography in Thirteenth Century France
BOOKS007885I: Spielberger, Charles D.; Diaz-Guerrero, R.; & Strelau, Jan; editors: - Cross-Cultural Anxiety: Volume 4
BOOKS011538I: Spierings, Egilius L.H. - Management of Migraine
BOOKS018200I: Spiers, R.A.H. ; editor : - Round About 'The Mitre' at Oxford : (Episodes of the University, City and Hotel)
BOOKS008331I: Spies, Otto - Zwei volkstumliche Liebesgeschichten aus dem Orient. Ubersetzt und Untersucht
BOOKS017330I: Spies, Marijke - Bij noorden om : Olivier Brunel en de doorvaart naar China en Cathay in de zestiende eeuw
BOOKS000282I: Spies, Otto - Die Turkische Prosaliteratur der Gegenwart
BOOKS018695I: Spiess, Camille [1878- 19??] - L'âme et le corps au point de vue bio-physiologique: Quelques réflexions a propos d'un ouvrage récent de M. Binet.
BOOKS000017I: Spigel, Lynn & Curtin, Michael; editors - The Revolution Wasn't Televised: Sixties Television and Social Conflict
BOOKS003394I: Spijer, Salomon Bernard - Geologie de la Region de Venaco (Corse)
BOOKS019109I: Spillane, John David - Medical Travellers : Narratives from the Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth Centuries
BOOKS020841I: Spillmann, Franz - Die Sirenen aus dem Oligozän des Linzer Beckens (Oberösterreich) : mit Ausführungen über "Osteosklerose" und "Pachyostose
BOOKS031809I: Spillmann, Louis ; & Bruntz, Louis-Charles-Théophile [1877-1944] [ Randoin-Fandard, Lucie (1888-1960)] [ Théodoridés, Théodore ] - Le leucocyte éliminateur en physiologie et en pathologie [bound together with two other French dissertations ca. 1918-1931]
BOOKS019788I: Spilok, Ulla - Synonymer og Synonymproblematik i 1700 og 1800-tallet ..,.
BOOKS006966I: Spindler, Louise S. - Menomini Women and Culture Change
BOOKS016432I: Spinella, Marcello - The Psychopharmacology of Herbal Medicine: Plant Drugs That Alter Mind, Brain and Behavior
BOOKS008114I: Spinelli, Lawrence - Dry Diplomacy: The United States, Great Britain, and Prohibition
BOOKS028930I: Spink - Cape of Good Hope - Rectangular Issues
BOOKS029095I: Spink - Great Britain King George the V Issues [1911-1935] : The Monarch Collection - Part I
BOOKS028928I: Spink - Important Stamps and Covers of South East Asia
BOOKS011922I: Spinner, Jeff - The Boundaries of Citizenship: Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality in the Liberal State
BOOKS022533I: Spinner-Halev, Jeff - Surviving Diversity : Religion and Democratic Citizenship
BOOKS029927I: Spinnler, Heinz - Bau der Hauenstein-Basislinie Sissach-Olten 1912-1916
BOOKS014835I: Spinoza, Benedictus de [1632 - 1677] [ White, W. Hale; translator:] - Tractatus de intellectus emendatione : et de via, qua optime in veram rerum cognitionem dirigitur / translated from the Latin
BOOKS015993I: Spirgis, Roberts - Brunrupucu saktas ar krusu vazinrotam un libiesu kulturas attistiba Daugavas lejtece 10.-13. gadsimta
BOOKS013673I: Spiridonov, Hernani - Krugovi morfostrukturi v Srednogorieto
BOOKS029554I: Arm the Spirit [Meyer, Matt ; & Mickel, Betsy ; editors : ] - Enemies of the State
BOOKS016471I: Spiro, Melford E. - Anthropological Other or Burmese Brother?: Studies in Cultural Analysis
BOOKS004518I: Spiro, Solomon J. - Tapestry for Designs. Judaic Allusions in the Second Scroll & the Collected Works of A.M. Klein
BOOKS028026I: Spitzbarth, Wolf-Dieter - Die Pronations- und Supinationsbewegungen beim Spitzhörnchen (Tupaia glis)
BOOKS009787I: Spitzer, Robert J.; editor: - Politics and Constitutionalism : The Louis Fisher Connection
BOOKS019207I: Spivey, Nigel Jonathan - Enduring Creation : Art, Pain and Fortitude
BOOKS022183I: Spoehr, Alexander [1913-1992] - Marianas Prehistory : Archaeological Survey and Excavations on Saipan, Tinian and Rota.
BOOKS016389I: Spolsky, Bernard - Language Policy
BOOKS022490I: Sponsler, Claire - Drama and Resistance : Bodies, Goods and Theatricality in Late Medieval England
BOOKS015494I: Spooner, Brian ; editor : - Population Growth: Anthropological Implications
BOOKS006917I: Spoor, Max - The State & Domestic Agricultural Markets in Nicaragua. From Interventionism to Neo-Liberalism
BOOKS011114I: Spore, Palle - Etudes toponymiques I: Les noms de lieux determines par un syntagme prepositionnel
BOOKS008656I: Spore, Palle - La diphtongaison romane
BOOKS018961I: Spores, Ronald - The Mixtec Kings and their People
BOOKS027991I: Spork-Frischling, Peter - Optomotorische Kontrolle des Schwarmzusammenhalts bei wandernden Wüstenheuschrecken (Schistocerca gregaria Forskål)
BOOKS014030I: Spoto, Angelo - Jung's Typology in Perspective
BOOKS017740I: Spotoft, Johs. - Osteosynthesis Colli Femoris: Klinisk-experimentelt arbejde med analyse af 304 operationer og efterundersøgelse af 183 patienter
BOOKS008042I: Spraker, Ella Hazel Atterbury - The Boone Family : A Genealogical History of the Descendants of George and Mary Boone who Came to America in 1717..,.
BOOKS006605I: Spratt, D. A. - Linear Earthworks of the Tabular Hills of Northeast Yorkshire / by Don Spratt
BOOKS005139I: Spree, Reinhard - Die Wachstumszyklen der deutschen Wirtschaft von 1840 bis 1880 mit einem konjunkturstatistischen Anhang.
BOOKS022747I: Sprenger, Rudolf [ pseudonym of Helmut Wagner (1904-1989) ] - Bolshevism : Its Roots, Role, Class View and Methods
BOOKS006469I: Sprenger, Maja - Die etruskische Plastik des V. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. und ihr Verhaltnis zur griechischen Kunst
BOOKS006649I: Spreti, Vittorio, marchese ; & Pulazzini, Corrado Facchinetti - La nobiltà e gli ordini equestri della Repubblica di San Marino
BOOKS007654I: Spriano, Paolo - Stalin and the European Communists
BOOKS021111I: Sprigge, Cecil Jackson Squire [1896-1959] - Benedetto Croce : Man and Thinker
BOOKS030298I: Spriggs, James A. ; editor : - A Celebration of Wood : Proceedings of a Conference Held by York Archaeological Wood Centre in York, June 1993
BOOKS002616I: Spring, A.- F. - Sur les larves d'oestre developpees dans la peau d'un enfant [together with 5 other offprints]
BOOKS009770I: Springenschmid, R.; editor: - Thermal Cracking in Concrete at Early Ages : Proceedings of the International Symposium held by RILEM...October 10-12, 1994
BOOKS027198I: Springer, T. A. - Invariant Theory
BOOKS017475I: Springer, Sally P.; Deutsch, Georg; - Left Brain, Right Brain
BOOKS000291I: Sprott, Julie E. - Alaska Native Parents in Anchorage. Perspectives on Childrearing
BOOKS007633I: Sprug, Joseph W.; compiler: - Index to Fairy Tales, 1987-1992. Including 310 Collections of Fairy Tales, Folktales, Myths & Legends...
BOOKS025280I: Spuhler, Friedrich ; Mellbye-Hansen, Preben ; & Thorvildsen, Majken [ Bencard, Mogens ; editor: ] - Denmark's Coronation Carpets
BOOKS018597I: Spuhler, J. N. - Genetic Diversity and Human Behavior
BOOKS000613I: Spuzic, Vladimir ; & Spuzic, Ivan - Alergoloska ispitivanja u nas i njihovo imunolosko tumacenje
BOOKS011653I: Spykman, Nicholas J. - The Social Theory of Georg Simmel
BOOKS026848I: Spyropoulos, Theodoros G. ; Chadwick, John ; & Melena, José L. - The Thebes Tablets II : Including Indexes of the Thebes Tablets by José L. Melena
BOOKS021867I: Squier, E. G. (Ephraim George) [1821-1888] - Travels in Central America, Particularly in Nicaragua : With a Description of its Aboriginal Monuments, Scenery ..,. Vol. 2.
BOOKS012407I: Squier, E. G. (Ephraim George) [1821-1888] - Travels in Central America, Particularly in Nicaragua : With a Description of its Aboriginal Monuments, Scenery ..,. Vol. I.
BOOKS002378I: Squire, Larry W.; Weinberger, Norman W.; Lynch, Gary & McGaugh, James L., editors: - Memory: Organization & Locus of Change
BOOKS028294I: Srbik, Heinrich, Ritter von [1878-1951] - Ein Schüler Niebuhrs: Wilhelm Heinrich Grauert
BOOKS028443I: Srbik, Heinrich, Ritter von [1878-1951] - Aus den Tagen der preussischen Unionspolitik
BOOKS028407I: Srbik, Heinrich, Ritter von [1878-1951] - Ein Mordanschlag Felix Schwarzenbergs auf Ludwig Kossuth?
BOOKS028536I: Sreckovic, Slobodan - Osmanlijski novac kovan na tlu Jugoslavije
BOOKS019209I: Srednicki, Mark Allen - Quantum Field Theory
BOOKS008559I: Sreedhar, M.V. - Sema Phonetic Reader
BOOKS000615I: Sreedhar, M. V. - Sema Grammar
BOOKS000614I: Sreedhar, M. V. - Naga Pidgin. A Sociolinguistic Study of Inter-lingual Communication
BOOKS011417I: Sreekantaiya, T.N. - Affricates in Kannada Speech and Other Linguistic Papers
BOOKS008683I: Sri Lanka, Ministry of National Co-existence, Dialogue and Official Languages [Department of Official Languages] - Demala akuru / Tamil eluttukkal / Tamil Letters
BOOKS005647I: Sri Lanka, Jatika Kautukagara Departamentuva / Department of National Museums - Kautukagara [nr.s 11 - 17 (2005-2014)]
BOOKS009913I: Srinivasa Rau, K. - The Crisis in India
BOOKS018921I: Srinivasa Varma, G. - Yerukala Dialect
BOOKS014915I: Srinivasa Varma, G. - Kurumba Kannada : Pudukkottai Kurumba Dialect
BOOKS001549I: Srinivasa Varma, G. and Ramaswamy, R. - Harijan Dialect of Tamil
BOOKS022899I: Srinivasa, P. S. - A Comparative Study of Sarana and Dasa Literature
BOOKS003153I: Srinivasan, K.S. - Phycologia Indica (Icones of Indian Marine Algae). Volumes 1 & 2
BOOKS002719I: Srinivasan, C. - Studies in the Mosses of South India
BOOKS004334I: Srinivasan, Doris - Concept of Cow in the Rgveda
BOOKS026592I: Srinivasan, K. - The Truth About Tibet
BOOKS020850I: Srinivasaraghavah, A. ; editor: - Rangaramanujabhasyopeta Brhadaranyakopanisat : Angalanuvadasahita [Volumes I & II]
BOOKS015256I: Sripatipandita [14th century] [Sripati Panditacarya] [ Nanjundaradhya, M.G.; editor: ] - Srikarabhasyam / Sripatipanditabhagavatpadacaryaviracitam ; sampadakah Em. Ji. Nanjundaradhyah
BOOKS017343I: Srirama Sastri, Durvasula - Theory of Adoption
BOOKS022373I: Sriramamurti, Pocañcarla - Contribution of Andhra to Sanskrit Literature
BOOKS019055I: Srivallabharayaji, Go. - Vaishnavabhavapracura Vajapeya yaga : svarupa aura mahattva / Go. Srivallabharayaji
BOOKS008493I: Srivastav, Prem Shankar; compiler: - Rajasthan men Urdu tanz-o-mizah
BOOKS023724I: Srivastava, Harish - Aankodaya
BOOKS022417I: Srivastava, A. L. - Srivatsa : An Auspicious Motif of Indian Art
BOOKS016975I: Srivastava, Kumkum - The Wandering Sufis : Qalandars and their Path
BOOKS000507I: Srivastava, Alka - Family Planning in India (An Economic Assessment)
BOOKS001219I: Srivastava, L.R.N. - Among the Wanchos of Arunachal Pradesh
BOOKS001158I: Srivastava, S.C.; Johari, D.P. and Gill, P.S. - Manual of Sugarcane Production in India
BOOKS000807I: Srivastava, K. G. - Aristotle's Doctrine of Tragic Katharsis. A Critical Study.
BOOKS016607I: Srivastava, M. C. P. (Mahesh Chandra Prasad) - Mother Goddess in Indian Art, Archaeology & Literature
BOOKS002691I: Srivastava, I.C. - Rajasthan Census Atlas
BOOKS023475I: Srivastava, Surendra Lal - An Introduction to the Satavahana Coinage
BOOKS023476I: Srivastava, Sadhana - Chattisagarha ke rashtriya andolana mem Dhamatari Ancala ka yogadana : rajanaitika evam samajika pariprekshya mem
BOOKS002171I: Ingi Sigurðsson - Íslenzk sagnfræði frá miðri 19. öld til miðrar 20. aldar
BOOKS001743I: Tsentralnoe Statisticheskoe Upravlenie Kazakhiskoi SSR - Kazakhstan v Tsifrakh. Kratkii Statisticheskii Sbornik
BOOKS018912I: Akademiia Nauk SSSR - Zhurnal obshchei biologii. Tom XIX - XXXIII No. 1 [1958-1972] [Lacking 1 issue for this period]
BOOKS010656I: International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics ; International Symposium on Recent Crustal Movements ; Akademiia nauk SSSR - Problems of Recent Crustal Movements : Third International Symposium / Problemy sovremennykh dvizhenii zemnoi kory..,.
BOOKS015043I: St. Clair, David. - Drum and Candle
BOOKS001797I: St. Patrick's Church, Karachi - Dor Mhuiniachi Rotti. Mensageiro do Coracao de Jesus, em Concanim. Otubr ani Novembr 1936, Pustoc XXII, Anc 10 & 11.
BOOKS017855I: Staal, Frits - Exploring Mysticism : A Methodological Essay
BOOKS018402I: Kreis der Freunde Theodor Fontanes / Theodor-Fontane-Archiv der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek - Fontane Blätter : Heft 1 - 35; 37 -48; 50 - 52 [50 issues ca.1965-1991] + Sonderheft 1-5 + Register [2 bd]
BOOKS030449I: Deutsche Staatspartei - An alle Handwerker und Kaufleute!
BOOKS030456I: Deutsche Staatspartei [ Bäumer, Gertrud (1873-1954) ] - Ein offener Brief an Viele
BOOKS024205I: Deutsche Staatspartei - An die Deutschen Frauen!
BOOKS018556I: Stacey, David - The Pauline View of Man : In Relation to Its Judaic and Helenistic Background
BOOKS008287I: Stachowiak, Herbert - Denken und Erkennen im kybernetischen Modell
BOOKS002308I: Stachowski, Stanislaw; editor: - Studia Turcologica Cracoviensia, 1.
BOOKS010154I: Stachowski, Stanislaw; editor: - Studia Turcologica Cracoviensia 8
BOOKS003222I: Stachowski, Marek - Konsonantenadaptation russischer Lehnwoerter im Dolganischen
BOOKS013350I: Stackhouse, Max L.; & Obenchain, Diane Burdette; editors: - God and Globalization: Christ and the Dominions of Civilization [God and Globalization, Volume 3]
BOOKS004917I: Stacy, R.H. - Defamiliarization in Language and Literature
BOOKS008569I: Stadelmann, Christof - Fortunatissime cantilene! : Padre Martini und die Tradition des gregorianischen Chorals
BOOKS024788I: Stadelmann, Rudolf [1902-1949] - Soziale und politische Geschichte der Revolution von 1848
BOOKS005108I: Stadius, Gunnar - Les jeux educatifs de Decroly dans l'enseignement des enfants anormaux: Etude sur les debuts de l'enseignement special
BOOKS007416I: Stadler, Alf - The Political Economy of Modern South Africa
BOOKS021363I: Staeck, Klaus ; & Steidl, Gerhard - Beuys in America
BOOKS009009I: Staël-Holstein, Lage Fabian Wilhelm von - Norway in Arcticum : From Spitzbergen to - Greenland?
BOOKS003293I: Stafleu, Jan - Seismic Models of Outcrops as an Aid in Seismic Interpretation
BOOKS030463I: Stagakis, George - Studies in the Homeric Society
BOOKS029910I: Stage, G.G. (Georg Gottlob) [1839-1930] - Undersøgelser afgaaende Barselfeberen i Danmark udenfor Kjøbenhavn
BOOKS014364I: Stahl, Nanette - Law and Liminality in the Bible
BOOKS008737I: Stahl, Kathleen M. - British and Soviet Colonial Systems
BOOKS017077I: Stahl, Ernst [ Stahl, Christian Ernst (1848-1919) ] - Zur Biologie des Chlorophylls : Laubfarbe und Himmelslicht, Vergilbung und Etiolement
BOOKS019620I: Stahl, Stephen M. - Essential Psychopharmacology of Antipsychotics and Mood Stabilizers
BOOKS029836I: Stahlfest, Frederik Petrus [ Thaarup, Frederik (1766-1845)] - Indlæg i den ved den Kongelige Lands-Over- samt Hof- og Stads-Ret i Kjøbenhavn paadømte Sag : Magister artium Lindberg imod ..,.
BOOKS024112I: Stählin, Otto - Die Familie Stählin aus Memmingen
BOOKS004956I: Stahn-Shimizu, Michael - Stilkritische Untersuchungen zur buddhistischen Holzskulptur der Nara- und der frühen Heian-Zeit ..,. Teil 1 - 2 - 3
BOOKS005535I: Staiger, Emil - Grundbegriffe der Poetik
BOOKS006655I: Stajic, Dubravka - Kominterna i kolonijalizam
BOOKS025466I: Stajic, Vasa - Samoobrazovanje
BOOKS025510I: Stalder, Anselm [ Heidt Heller, Renate ; editor: ] - Anselm Stalder : der Figurenmagnet und die Flüssigkeit zur Auflösung der Figur : 30. Juni-18. August 1985..,.
BOOKS014635I: Staley, William Wesley - Introduction to Mine Surveying
BOOKS014438I: Staley, Kent Wade - The Evidence for the Top Quark : Objectivity and Bias in Collaborative Experimentation
BOOKS015071I: Staley, Jeffrey Lloyd, - Reading with a Passion : Rhetoric, Autobiography, and the American West in the Gospel of John
BOOKS024289I: Stalin, J - Über Lenin
BOOKS030577I: Stalin,G. (Georges) - La préhistoire dans l'Oise. II : L'atelier et la station d'Hodenc-en-Bray
BOOKS016738I: Stallabrass, Julian - High Art Lite
BOOKS009687I: Stallings, Barbara - Class Conflict and Economic Development in Chile, 1958-1973
BOOKS005519I: Stallman, Robert Wooster, editor: - The Critic's Notebook
BOOKS014345I: Stam, Robert - Tropical Multiculturalism: A Comparative History of Race in Brazilian Cinema and Culture
BOOKS026720I: Stamatopoulos, Nondas - Old Corfu : History and Culture
BOOKS030007I: Stamatopoulou, Charoula - Greek Traditional Architecture : Zagori
BOOKS008626I: Stambach, Amy - Lessons from Mount Kilimanjaro: Schooling, Community, and Gender in East Africa
BOOKS013236I: Stamenova, Zhivka - Etnosotsialni aspekti na bita v Iztochnite Rodopi prez 70te-80te godini
BOOKS019449I: Stamenova, Zhivka ; Sredkova, Sonia ; Iimpireva, Zhenia ; Kristeva-Blagoeva, Evgeniia; Mircheva, Darina ; & Tanielian, Siranus - Gagauzite v Bulgariia : Zapiski ot terena
BOOKS012181I: Stamm, Johann Jakob - Erlosen und Vergeben im alten Testament: Eine begriffsgeschichtliche Untersuchung.
BOOKS028572I: Stamm, Konrad - Marokko-Müller : ein Schweizer Oberst im Reich des Sultans (1907-1911) : eine Tatsachenerzählung
BOOKS017866I: Stammel, Heinz Josef - Die Apotheke Manitous : das medizinische Wissen der Indianer und ihre Heilpflanzen
BOOKS012486I: Stammer, Karl ; editor : - Jahres-Bericht über die Untersuchungen und Fortschritte auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Zuckerfabrikation [24 volumes, 1878-1900]
BOOKS004751I: Stamperius, L. - Wilskracht en Genie. Tafereelen uit het Leven van Edison
BOOKS030736I: Stanchev, Vasil - Iskri ot zhertvenata klada na Makedoniia i Trakiia
BOOKS012206I: Stancheva, Maria - Upper Miocene Ostracods from Northern Bulgaria
BOOKS001266I: Verein von Bürgern aller Stände - Eidgenossen aller Kantone!
BOOKS014996I: Stanford, Craig Britton - The Hunting Apes : Meat Eating and the Origins of Human Behavior
BOOKS031864I: Stangier, Susanne - Ornamentstudien innerhalb der dänischen romanischen Wandmalereien
BOOKS021170I: Stangl, Thomas - Zu Cassiodorius Senator
BOOKS012500I: Stanislawski, Michael [1952 - ] - Zionism and the Fin-de-siecle: Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism from Nordau to Jabotinsky
BOOKS011195I: Stankiewicz, Maria - Kanaly sodowe w blonach neuronalnych owadow jako miejsce docelowe dzialania neurotoksyn pochodzacych z jadu skorpionow
BOOKS012943I: Stankov, Valentin Slavchev; editor: - Problemi na gramatichnata sistema na bulgarskiia ezik
BOOKS016273I: Stanley, John L.; editor: [Sorel, Georges (1847-1922)] - From Georges Sorel : Essays in Socialism and Philosophy
BOOKS030936I: Stanley, Ernest ; editor : - Dawn 1951 : The Official Yearbook of the British Sun Bathing Association
BOOKS023264I: Stansbury, Howard [1806-1863] - An Expedition to the Valley of the Great Salt Lake
BOOKS019310I: Stapleton, Ammon [1850-1916] - Flashlights on Evangelical History : A Volume of Entertaining Narratives, Anecdotes and Incidents..,.
BOOKS017408I: Stapleton, Laurence - The Elected Circle : Studies in the Art of Prose
BOOKS005505I: Stapleton, Laurence - Marianne Moore. The Poet's Advance
BOOKS009123I: Starcevic, Vladan - Anxiety Disorders in Adults : A Clinical Guide
BOOKS019362I: Stark, Werner [1909-1985] - The Sociology of Knowledge : An Essay in Aid of a Deeper Understanding of the History of Ideas.
BOOKS017820I: Stark, Freya - The Lycian Shore
BOOKS021449I: Stark, Herbert - Die Behandlung der Heranwachsenden (18-20, resp. 18-21 Jährigen) im Strafrecht..,.
BOOKS000901I: Stark, Johannes [1874-1957] - Fortschritte und Problem der Atomforschung
BOOKS009292I: Starkie, Enid - Petrus Borel the Lycanthrope: His Life and Times.
BOOKS002623I: Starkie, Enid - From Gautier to Eliot. The Influence of France on English Literature 1851 - 1939
BOOKS002848I: Starkie, Walter [1894-1976] - Jacinto Benavente
BOOKS026238I: Starkova, Vera [1914-1979] - Kniha samoty
BOOKS003112I: Starn, Randolph - Contrary Commonwealth. The Theme of Exile in Medieval & Renaissance Italy
BOOKS013728I: Starobin, Joseph R. (Joseph Robert) [1913 - 1976] - American Communism in Crisis, 1943-1957
BOOKS004577I: Starobinski, Jean - Action and Reaction : The Life and Adventures of a Couple
BOOKS018308I: Starr, Paul - The Social Transformation of American Medicine
BOOKS025375I: Starrett, Henry P. ; compiler : [ United States. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce ] - Trade Directory of South Australia. / Compiled by Henry P. Starrett, American Consul at Adelaide, Australia
BOOKS030499I: Starzer, Albert [1863-1909] ; & Redlich, Oswald [1858-1944] ; editors : - Eine Wiener Briefsammlung zur Geschichte des Deutschen Reiches und der österreichischen Länder in der zweiten Hälfte des XIII..,
BOOKS008025I: States, Bert O. - Dreaming and Storytelling
BOOKS019999I: Italy. Direzione Generale della Statistica [ Bodio, Luigi (1840-1920)] - L'Italia economica nel 1873. Pubblicazione ufficiale.
BOOKS004025I: Staub, France - Fauna of Mauritius and Associated Flora
BOOKS028900I: Stauffer, Paul - Polen - Juden - Schweizer : Felix Calonder (1921-1937), "Exilpolens" Berner Emissäre (1939-1945), die Schweiz und Katyn (1943)
BOOKS009644I: Stavraky, George W. - Supersensitivity following Lesions of the Nervous System: An Aspect of the Relativity of Nervous Integration
BOOKS030847I: Stavyts'ka, Lesia Oleksiïvna - Ukraïns'ka mova bez tabu : slovnyk netsenzurnoï leksyky ta iï vidpovidnykiv : obstsenizmy, evfemizmy, seksualizmy
BOOKS024178I: Stawiarska, Teresa - Naczynia szklane okresu rzymskiego z terenu Polski : studium archeologiczno-technologiczne
BOOKS025333I: Stawski, I. [ Stavskii, Ivan (1877-1957)] - Vom spontanen zum planmässig organisierten Streik
BOOKS028847I: Stazio, Attilio ; & Ceccoli, Stefania ; editors : [ Istituto per la storia e l'archeologia della Magna Grecia ] - I Messapi : atti del convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto-Lecce, 4-9 ottobre 1990
BOOKS030852I: Stazio, Attilio ; & Vitale, Rosa ; editors : [ Istituto per la storia e l'archeologia della Magna Grecia ] - Un secolo di ricerche in Magna Grecia : atti del ventottesimo Convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto, 7-12 ottobre 1988.
BOOKS030765I: Stazio, Attilio ; & Ceccoli, Stefania ; editors : [ Istituto per la storia e l'archeologia della Magna Grecia ] - La Magna Grecia e Oriente mediterraneo prima dell'età ellenistica : atti del trentanovesimo Convegno ..,.
BOOKS015304I: Stcherbatskoi, F. I., (Fedor Ippolitovich) [1866 - 1942] - Buddhist Logic. Volume I & II
BOOKS026509I: Stcherbatsky, Th. [Stcherbatskoi, Fedor Ippolitovich (1866 - 1942)] - The Central Conception of Buddhism and the Meaning of the "Dharma
BOOKS008919I: Steadman, John M. - Milton and the Paradoxes of Renaissance Heroism
BOOKS006596I: Steadman, John M. - The Wall of Paradise: Essays on Milton's Poetics
BOOKS016447I: Steane, John M. - The Archaeology of Medieval England and Wales
BOOKS016312I: Stearman, Allyn MacLean - Camba and Kolla: Migration and Development in Santa Cruz, Bolivia
BOOKS013763I: Stearns, Cyrus - The Buddha from Dolpo : A Study of the Life and Thought of the Tibetan Master Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen
BOOKS010484I: Stearns, Peter N. - Paths to Authority: The Middle Class and the Industrial Labor Force in France, 1820-48
BOOKS000633I: Stearns, Louis W. - Sea Urchin Development. Cellular and Molecular Aspects
BOOKS008224I: Stebbins, William C. - The Acoustic Sense of Animals
BOOKS016814I: Stebich, Ute - Haitian Art
BOOKS024044I: Stechow, Friedrich-Carl, Freiherr von - Die Stechows und ihre Zeit : 1000 Jahre im Wandel der Jahrhunderte Geschlechtshistorie der Herren und Freiherren von Stechow
BOOKS027956I: Steeg, Elke - Komponenten des Phenylpropanmetabolismus als Bausteine des Honigaromas
BOOKS006494I: Steele, Marilyn - Life in the Round: A Model of Adult Female Development
BOOKS021992I: Steele, Meili - Theorizing Textual Subjects : Agency and Oppression
BOOKS023867I: Steen, Adolf - Samenes kristning og Finnemisjonen til 1888
BOOKS011107I: Steen, Jürgen & Weiden, Gabriele; editors: - Tony Sender 1888-1964: Rebellin, Demokratin, Weltbürgerin
BOOKS005787I: Steenberg, C.- M. - Etudes sur l'Anatomie et la Systematique des Maillots (Fam. Pupillidae S. Lat.)
BOOKS009296I: Steenberg, Jan - Studier i dansk og nordtysk Teglstensarkitektur i 13. Aarhundrede
BOOKS012780I: Steenberg, Carl Marinus [1882-1946] - Etude sur deux espèces de Phronia dont les larves se forment de leurs excréments une couche protectrice..,.
BOOKS003337I: Steenken, Willem Frederik - Geology & Petrology of the Region South of Russanes,Saltdal, Norway
BOOKS001911I: Steensberg, Axel [1906-1999] - Ancient Harvesting Implements : A Study in Archaeology and Human Geography
BOOKS002440I: Steensberg, Axel - New Guinea Gardens : A Study of Husbandry with Parallels in Prehistoric Europe
BOOKS022560I: Steensberg, Axel [ 1906-1999 ] - Man the Manipulator : An Ethno-archaeological Basis for Reconstructing the Past
BOOKS013517I: Steensberg, Axel - Fire-clearance Husbandry : Traditional Techniques Throughout the World
BOOKS024233I: Steensberg, Axel ; Fenton, Alexander ; & Lerche, Grith ; editors: - Tools & Tillage : A Journal on the History of the Implements of Cultivation and Other Agricultural Processes [1969-1991]
BOOKS009165I: Steensberg, Axel ; Fenton, Alexander ; & Lerche, Grith ; editors: - Tools & Tillage : A Journal on the History of the Implements of Cultivation and Other Agricultural Processes [1971-1991]
BOOKS020278I: Steensberg, Axel [1906-1999] - Stone Shares of Ploughing Implements from the Bronze Age of Syria : A Contribution to the Early History of the Ard-plough
BOOKS017485I: Steensberg, Axel [1906-1999] - Caritas Romana : The Concept of Culture
BOOKS000055I: Steensberg, Axel - Hard Grains, Irrigation, Numerals & Script in the Rise of Civilisations
BOOKS016085I: Steensberg, Axel [ 1906- 1999 ] - Ancient Harvesting Implements: A Study in Archaeology and Human Geography
BOOKS026713I: Steensberg, Axel [1906-1999] - a collection of 12 extracts, offprints, etc., ca. 1936-1980 concerning Danish archaeology & agrarian history
BOOKS022659I: Steensgaard, Niels - Carracks, Caravans and Companies : The Structural Crisis in the European-Asian Trade in the Early 17th Century
BOOKS007739I: Steenstrup, J. Japetus S. - Yak-Lungta-Bracteaterne, Archaeologernes 'nordiske Gruppe af Guldbracteater'...
BOOKS016081I: Steenstrup, J. Japetus S. - Yak-Lungta-Bracteaterne: Archæologernes "nordiske Gruppe af Guldbracteater" fra den ældre Jernalder
BOOKS015570I: Steenstrup, Japetus [1813-1897] ; & Lütken, Christian Frederik [1827-1901] - Spolia Atlantica : Bidrag til Kundskab om Klump- eller Maanefiskene (Molidae)
BOOKS001127I: Steenstrup, Carl - Hojo Shigetoki (1198-1261) and his Role in the History of Political & Ethical Ideas of Japan
BOOKS005989I: Stefan, Corneliu ; editor [ Chitu, Stefan ; Drambocianu, Vasile ; Mandricel, Ilie ; Nica, Dumitru ; et al . ] - Vestigiile rupestre din Muntii Buzaului
BOOKS023866I: Stefani, Aristide [1846-1925] - Contributi alla fisiologia del cuore e dei vasi : memoria
BOOKS019508I: De Stefani, Carlo - Escursione scientifica nella Calabria (1877-78) : Jejo, Montalto e Capo Vaticano.
BOOKS023954I: Stefanidis, Ioannis [ Stephanides, Giannes D.] - Substitute for Power : Wartime British Propaganda to the Balkans, 1939-44
BOOKS030230I: Stefanini, Giuseppe [1882-1938] ; & Desio, Ardito [1897-2001] - Le Colonie : Rodi e le isole italiane dell'Egeo
BOOKS027603I: De Stefano, Ottavo - La indicazione razionale nella cura della difterite
BOOKS027453I: Stefano, Ottavio de - La difterite curata senza la causticazione resoconto dell'ultima epidemia
BOOKS007386I: Stefansson, Unnsteinn - North Icelandic Waters
BOOKS029907I: Magnús Stefánsson - Staðir og staðamál : studier i islandske egenkirkelige og beneficialrettslige forhold i middelalderen, I.
BOOKS027957I: Steffen, Andreas - Biologische, chemische und physikalische Eigenschaften frischen und gelagerten Holzes schwedischer Kiefern .,.,.
BOOKS024365I: Steffen, Detlev - Franz Blei (1871-1942) als Literat und Kritiker der Zeit
BOOKS028378I: Steffenhagen, Emil Julius Hugo [1838-1919] - Johann von Buch und die kanonische Glosse [ Entwicklung der Landrechtsglosse des Sachsenspiegels, XII ]
BOOKS030941I: Steffenhagen, Emil Julius Hugo [1838-1919] - Der Einfluss der Buch'schen Glosse auf die späteren Denkmäler [ Parts 1 & 2 ]
BOOKS028383I: Steffenhagen, Emil Julius Hugo [1838-1919] - Die Stendaler Glosse [ Entwicklung der Landrechtsglosse des Sachsenspiegels, II ]
BOOKS007049I: Steffensen, Steffen [1908 - 19??] - Bertolt Brechts Gedichte
BOOKS013151I: Steffensen, Eigil - Ide og Virkelighed i Gogol’s Kunst. En analyse af forfatterskabets centrale problematik
BOOKS025543I: Stegemann, C.F. - Aktieselskabet de forenede Malermesteres Farvemølle : Tilbagebklik paa Selskabets Virksomhed 1845-1895
BOOKS024404I: Steger, Hugo - Philologia musica : Sprachzeichen, Bild & Sache im literarisch-musikalischen Leben des Mittelalters: Lire, Harfe, Rotte & Fidel
BOOKS029633I: Steglich, Rudolf ; editor : [ Rodolphe de Saint-Trond (approximately 1070-1138 CE)] - Die Quaestiones in Musica : ein Choraltraktat des zentralen Mittelalters und ihr mutmasslicher Verfasser, Rudolf von St. Trond
BOOKS021210I: Stegmann, Markus ; & Hardmeier, Daniela ; editors: [ Weischer, Matthias ] - Matthias Weischer : Malerei / Painting
BOOKS004098I: Stegner,Page - Escape into Aesthetics. The Art of Vladimir Nabokov
BOOKS021825I: Stehkämper, Hugo - Der Kölner Erzbischof Adolf von Altena und die deutsche Königswahl : 1195-1205
BOOKS030351I: Stehlin, Karl - Ausgrabungen in Augst 1890-1934
BOOKS007392I: Steiger, Lothar - Die Hermeneutik als dogmatisches Problem. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit dem transzendentalen Ansatz des theologischen Verstehens
BOOKS003347I: Steigerwald, Robert - Burgerliche Philosophie und Revisionismus im imperialistischen Deutschland
BOOKS016597I: Steigmann-Gall, Richard - The Holy Reich: Nazi Conceptions of Christianity, 1919-1945
BOOKS022921I: Stein, Murray - Solar Conscience, Lunar Conscience : An Essay on the Psychological Foundations of Morality, Lawfulness, and the Sense of Justice
BOOKS019717I: Stein, Harald - Ved Frøken Josephine Schneiders Jordefærd i St. Matthæus Kirke den 29. Juni 1887
BOOKS008161I: Stein, Robert Louis - The French Sugar Business in the Eighteenth Century
BOOKS017902I: Stein, Guenther - Far East in Ferment
BOOKS015272I: Stein, Murray - Jung's Treatment of Christianity: The Psychotherapy of a Religious Tradition
BOOKS016174I: Stein, Rolf Alfred - Tibetan Civilization
BOOKS005503I: Stein, Arnold - The Art of Presence. The Poet and Paradise Lost
BOOKS004274I: Stein, R.A. - Tibetan Civilization
BOOKS012965I: Stein, Maximilian [Independent Order of B’nai B’rith. Grossloge für Deutschland VIII] - Vorträge und Ansprachen
BOOKS030604I: Stein, Adolf [1871-1945] - Hindenburg in Untersuchung / von "A
BOOKS030946I: Steinbach, Josef - Bewertung und Simulation der regionalen Verkehrserschlossenheit dargestellt am Beispiel einer Untersuchung der "regionalen ..,.
BOOKS025706I: Steinbach, Walter [ Schwimmer, Max (1895-1960) ; illustrator : ] - Die roten Strassen : Gedichte
BOOKS022933I: Steinbauer, Clarence Emil - Physiological Studies of Jerusalem-artichoke Tubers, With Special Reference to the Rest Period
BOOKS027401I: Steinbeck, Susanne - Die Ouvertüre in der Zeit von Beethoven bis Wagner : Probleme und Lösungen
BOOKS003617I: Steinbeck, John [1902-1968] - The Red Pony / Rizhii Poni. Kniga dlia chteniia na angliickom iazike dlia uchashtikhsia kh klassa srednei shkoli
BOOKS014003I: Steinberg, Michael P.; editor: - Walter Benjamin and the Demands of History
BOOKS011230I: Steinberg, Shirley R.; Kincheloe, Joe L. & Hinchey, Patricia H.; editors: - The Post-Formal Reader. Cognition and Education
BOOKS011749I: Steinberg, Paul F. - Environmental Leadership in Developing Countries: Transnational Relations & Biodiversity Policy in Costa Rica and Bolovia
BOOKS024506I: Steinberg, Salomon David [1889-1965] ; editor : - So war der Krieg ! Ein pazifistisches Lesebuch
BOOKS014403I: Steinby, Christa - The Roman Republican Navy : From the Sixth Century to 167 B.C.
BOOKS025657I: Steincke, K. K. (Karl Kristian) [1880-1963] - Frisind eller letsind : Oprørende selvfølgeligheder
BOOKS025779I: Steincke, K.K. (Karl Kristian) [1880-1963] - Kravet om Jord : udgivet af Det danske Socialdemokrati
BOOKS025754I: Steincke, K.K. (Karl Kristian) [1880-1963] - Moderat eller radikal
BOOKS028872I: Steinen, Karl von den - Die Marquesaner und ihre Kunst : Studien über die Entwicklung primitiver Südseeornamentik ..,. Band 2 : Plastik
BOOKS012800I: Steiner, Peter - The Deserts of Bohemia: Czech Fiction and Its Social Context
BOOKS010002I: Steiner, Kurt - Local Government in Japan
BOOKS005545I: Steiner, Wendy - Exact Resemblance to Exact Resemblance. The Literary Portraiture of Gertrude Stein
BOOKS005476I: Steiner, George - On Difficulty and Other Essays
BOOKS005424I: Steiner, Wendy - Pictures of Romance. Form against Context in Painting and Literature
BOOKS000290I: Steiner, Jurg and Dorff, Robert H. - A Theory of Political Decision Modes. Intraparty Decision Making in Switzerland
BOOKS025732I: Steiner, John Michael - Power Politics and Social Change in National Socialist Germany : A Process of Escalation into Mass Destruction
BOOKS014289I: Steinfeld, Robert J. - Coercion, Contract, and Free Labor in the Nineteenth Century
BOOKS019147I: Steinfeld, Robert J. - Coercion, Contract, and Free Labor in the Nineteenth Century
BOOKS004913I: Steinhart, Edward I. - Conflict & Collaboration. The Kingdoms of Western Uganda 1890 - 1907
BOOKS003522I: Steinhauer, Hein ; & Gomang, Hendrik D. R. ; compilers : - Kamus Blagar-Indonesia-Inggris / Blagar-Indonesian-English Dictionary
BOOKS027523I: Steinhaus, Friedrich - Der Einfluss der Toxine des Bact. typhi und des Bact. coli commune auf die Leukocyten : eine differential-diagnostische Studie
BOOKS009421I: Steinhaus, Edward A. - Insect Microbiology: An Account of the Microbes Associated with Insects and Ticks with Special Reference to the Biologic...
BOOKS030596I: Steinhausen, Georg [1866-1933] - Der politische Niedergang Deutschlands und seine tieferen Ursachen
BOOKS010676I: Steinherz, Samuel; editor: - Rocenka Spolecnosti pro Dejiny Zidu v Ceskoslovenske Republice: Sedmy Rocnik
BOOKS026189I: Steinherz, Samuel - Der Sturz des Vicedominus Jacob (1124)
BOOKS028085I: Steininger, Helga ; Steininger, Hans ; & Unger, Ulrich ; editors : - Sino-Japonica : Festschrift André Wedemeyer zum 80. Geburtstag
BOOKS030502I: Steininger, Fritz - Die Molluskenfauna aus dem Burdigal (Unter-Miozän) von Fels am Wagram in Niederösterreich
BOOKS009874I: Steinitz, Kate Trauman - Leonardo da Vinci's Trattato della Pittura 'Treatise on Painting': A Bibliography of the Printed Edition 1651-1956...
BOOKS028069I: Steinkellner, Ernst ; & Krasser, Helmut ; editors : - Dharmottaras Exkurs zur Definition gültiger Erkenntnis im Pramanaviniscaya ..,.
BOOKS031514I: Steinkellner, Ernst ; & Krasser, Helmut ; editors & translators : - Dharmottaras Exkurs zur Definition gultiger Erkenntnis in Pramaviniscaya : Materialen zur Definition gültiger Erkenntnis ..,.
BOOKS027249I: Steinmann, Othmar - Perturbation Expansions in Axiomatic Field Theory
BOOKS016516I: Steinmetz, David Curtis - Reformers in the Wings: From Geiler Von Kaysersberg to Theodore Beza
BOOKS000012I: Steinmetz, B.J.F. - De Progressieve Winstbelasting en het Nederlandsche-Indie Belastingsvraagstuk.Een Fiscal-Vergelijkende...Studie
BOOKS005013I: Stelling, Erwin - Uber die Condensation von Benzylcyanid mit Opiansaure sowie mit einigen Aldehyden
BOOKS027640I: Stellrecht, Irmtraud ; compiler : - Bibliography - Northern Pakistan
BOOKS014959I: Stelter, Reinhard ; & Roessler, Kirsten Kaya ; editors: - New Approaches to Sport and Exercise Psychology
BOOKS025318I: Steman, J.D., Premierløjtnant af Fodfolket - Det 17. Lithauiske Uhlanregiments indkvartering i Ribe 1814 [together with 2 other pamphlets]
BOOKS025405I: Stemann, Christian Ludvig Ernst von - Die Familie Andersen in der Karrharde : Nach Urkunden / Von den Appellationsgerichts-Präsidenten v. Stemann
BOOKS007167I: Sten, Holger - L'emploi des temps en portugais moderne
BOOKS004348I: Stenager, Elsebeth Nylev - Attempted Suicide Treatment and Outcome. A Clinical Psychiatric Study
BOOKS026764I: Stenberg, Karl-Erik - Tidiga svenska datumstämplar : Del I : Bågstämplar [together with] Del II: Fyrkantstämplar
BOOKS013492I: Stenberg, Kay August Elias [1906 - 19??] - Sverige - Norges skandinaviska allianspolitik 1863, Det officiella skedet
BOOKS026666I: Stenberger, Marten ; editor: [ Visby-symposiet för historika Vetenskaper, 1963] - Die Zeit der Stadtgründung im Ostseeraum
BOOKS026444I: Stene, Aasta [1909- 1961] - English Loan-words in Modern Norwegian : A Study of Linguistic Borrowing in the Process
BOOKS000258I: Stene, Aasta - Hiatus in English. Problems of Catenation and Juncture
BOOKS011612I: Stengel, Wayne B. - The Shape of Art in the Short Stories of Donald Barthelme
BOOKS020881I: Stengel, H.W. - Wasserspeicherung in den Sanden eines Riviers : Ein wasserbautechnischer Beitrag, dargestellt an den Verhältnissen der Farm ..,.
BOOKS003727I: Stenlund, Soren - Language & Philosophical Problems
BOOKS025505I: Steno, Nicolaus [1638-1686] [ Plovgaard, Karen ; Alenius, Marianne ; & Hansen, Harriet Merete ; editors & translators: ] - Niels Stensen's korrespondance i dansk oversættelse : I: E 1-251, 1661-1681
BOOKS031719I: Steno, Nicolaus [1638-1686] [ Scherz, Gustav ] - Lecture on the Anatomy of the Brain
BOOKS027207I: Stenström, Bo - Rings and Modules of Quotients
BOOKS001470I: Stent, Gunther S., editor: - Morality as a Biological Phenomenon. The Presuppositions of Sociobiological Research
BOOKS007949I: Stenzel, Julius [1883-1935] - Studien zur Entwicklung der platonischen Dialektik von Sokrates zu Aristoteles
BOOKS015267I: Stepaniants, Marietta Tigranovna - Sufi Wisdom
BOOKS015866I: Stepanov, TSvetelin - Vlast i avtoritet v rannosrednovekovna Bulgaria (VII - sr. IX v.)
BOOKS000259I: Stepanovic, Predrag - A Taxonomic Description of the Dialects of Serbs and Croats in Hungary. The Stokavian Dialect.
BOOKS019990I: Stepanyan, Ashot - Grigor Lusavorich : srbutyun ev arvest
BOOKS021397I: Stephan, Jürgen - Edgetensionplease 01 : Line Design for the 21st Century [ Edge Tension Please 01 ]
BOOKS022834I: Stephan, Egon - Die Stuttgarter Opferbefragung : Eine kriminologisch-viktimologische Analyse zur Erforschung des Dunkelfeldes..,.
BOOKS014653I: Stéphane, Marc [1870-1944] - Aphorismes, boutades et cris de révolte (Deuxième série)
BOOKS028094I: Stephanius, Stephen Hansen [1599-1650] [ Schepelern, H.D. ] - Stephani Johannis Stephanii Notae uberiores in Historiam Danicam Saxonis Grammatici : Sorø 1645 : Facsimile Edition
BOOKS013562I: Stephens, George [1813-1895] - Tvende old-engelske digte : med oversættelser
BOOKS016808I: Stephens, G. Lynn ; & Graham, George - When Self-consciousness Breaks : Alien Voices and Inserted Thoughts
BOOKS025946I: Stephens, George - Brottstycken av en Dominikaner-Ordens eller Predikare Brödernas Status- eller Capitel-Bok ifrån XIII Århundradet.,.,.
BOOKS019631I: Stephens, Lester D. - Science, Race and Religion in the American South : John Bachman and the Charleston Circle of Naturalists, 1815-95
BOOKS023261I: Stephens, William [1671-1753] - A Journal of the Proceedings in Georgia
BOOKS015812I: Stephenson, Bruce ; Bolt, Marvin ; & Friedman, Anna Felicity - The Universe Unveiled : Instruments and Images Through History
BOOKS021682I: Stephenson, Gunther ; editor: - Der Religionswandel unserer Zeit im Spiegel der Religionswissenschaft
BOOKS006560I: Stepniak, Tomasz P. - Quantitative Aspects of Bronze Age Metalwork in Western Poland. Long-distance Exchange & Social Organization
BOOKS017179I: Sterba, James P. - Justice for Here and Now
BOOKS014290I: Stern, Robert W. - Changing India : Bourgeois Revolution on the Subcontinent
BOOKS006756I: Stern, Samu - A zsidokerdes magyarorszagon
BOOKS017490I: Stern, Richard G. ; compiler: - Honey and Wax : Pleasures and Powers of Narrative, An Anthology
BOOKS016675I: Stern, Radu - Against Fashion: Clothing as Art, 1850-1930
BOOKS015560I: Stern, Gustaf [1882-1948] - Meaning and Change of Meaning, with Special Reference to the English Language
BOOKS015525I: Stern, Steve J. - Remembering Pinochet's Chile: On the Eve of London, 1998 [The Memory Box of Pinochet's Chile Bk. 1]
BOOKS023064I: Stern, Bernhard [1867-1927] - Aus dem modernen Russland
BOOKS011685I: Sternberg, Frank, firm of (Zürich) / Höflich, Peter , firm of (Zürich) / Apparuti, Giorgio , firm of - Antike Munzen : Griechen Romer Byzantiner : [five auction catalogues: Auktion 1979; XIV, 1984; XV, 1985; XVI, 1985; XVII, 1986]
BOOKS026161I: Sternberg, Frank, firm of (Zürich] - Antike Münzen : Griechen - Römer : Byzantinische Münzen und Bleisiegel ..,.Auction XXV. am 25. und 26. November 1991 in Zürich
BOOKS026542I: Sternberg, Frank, firm of (Zürich) - Antike Münzen Griechen - Römer - Byzantiner : Geschnittene Steine ..,.Auktion XXII am 20. und 21. November 1989 in Zürich
BOOKS001194I: Sternberg, Robert J. - Cupid's Arrow : The Course of Love through Time
BOOKS020549I: Sternberg, Robert J. ; & Barnes, Michael L. ; editors: - The Psychology of Love
BOOKS021342I: Sternfeld, Joel - Sweet Earth : Experimental Utopias in America
BOOKS018536I: Sternin, G. - Aleksandr Alekseevich Agin 1817-1875
BOOKS003259I: Sternin, G. - Aleksandr Alekseevich Agin 1817 . 1875
BOOKS011100I: Sternquist, Berta - Technical Analysis as a Factor in Archaeological Documentation
BOOKS015373I: Sterrer, Wolfgang - Bermuda's Marine Life
BOOKS011848I: Steven, Rob - Japan's New Imperialism
BOOKS013476I: Steveni, William Barnes [1859 - 19??] - The Scandinavian Question
BOOKS027326I: Steveninck, Erik Douwe de Ruyter van - Ecological Studies of Two Abundant Macroalgae on a Caribbean Coral Reef
BOOKS009322I: Stevens, Malcolm P. - Polymer Chemistry: An Introduction
BOOKS027643I: Stevens, Henry Newton [1855-1930] - Ptolemy's Geography : A Brief Account of All the Printed Editions Down to 1730
BOOKS016705I: Stevens, Garry - The Favored Circle: The Social Foundations of Architectural Distinction
BOOKS000264I: Stevens, Richard P. - Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Botswana
BOOKS023393I: Stevens, Anthony - The Two Million-Year-Old Self
BOOKS016371I: Stevens, Kenneth N. - Acoustic Phonetics
BOOKS014300I: Stevenson, Glenn G. - Common Property Economics : A General Theory and Land Use Applications
BOOKS010027I: Stevenson, David K. & Sunshine, Philip; editors: - Fetal and Neonatal Brain Injury: Mechanisms, Management, and the Risks of Practice
BOOKS009935I: Stevenson, Leslie Forster - Seven Theories of Human Nature
BOOKS018202I: Stevenson, R. Scott (Robert Scott) - Morell Mackenzie :The Story of a Victorian Tragedy
BOOKS022016I: Stevenson, Sara ; & Bennett, Helen - Van Dyck in Check Trousers : Fancy Dress in Art and Life 1700-1900
BOOKS013351I: Stewart, Ian; & Cohen, Jack - Figments of Reality : The Evolution of the Curious Mind
BOOKS011167I: Stewart, Jon; editor: - The Debate Between Sartre and Merleau-Ponty
BOOKS010855I: Stewart, Jon; editor: - The Hegel Myths and Legends
BOOKS027432I: Stewart, Brian [1922- 2015] - Smashing Terrorism in the Malayan Emergency : The Vital Contribution of the Police
BOOKS015746I: Stewart, John O. - Drinkers, Drummers and Decent Folk: Ethnographic Narratives of Village Trinidad
BOOKS016289I: Stewart, Jon Bartley ; editor: - The Phenomenology of Spirit Reader: Critical and Interpretive Essays
BOOKS003942I: Stewart, Gary - Rumba on the River: A History of the Popular Music of the Two Congos
BOOKS011610I: Stewart, Joan Hinde - Gynographs: French Novels by Women of the Late Eighteenth Century
BOOKS021273I: Stewart, Jon Bartley ; editor & translator: [Heiberg, Johan Ludvig (1791-1860)] - Heiberg’s On the Significance of Philosophy for the Present Age and Other Texts / Edited and Translated by Jon Stewart.
BOOKS029575I: Stewart, Jon Bartley ; editor ; & translator : [ Mynster, Jakob Peter (1775-1854) ] - Mynster's "Rationalism, Supernaturalism" and the Debate about Mediation
BOOKS021891I: Sthitaprajna - Christmas : Fact or Fiction
BOOKS011930I: Stich, Stephen P. - The Fragmentation of Reason: Preface to a Pragmatic Theory of Cognitive Evaluation
BOOKS007893I: Stich, Stephen P. - Deconstructing the Mind
BOOKS030648I: Stichting "Indië in Nood, Geen Uurote Veliezen" [ Commissie tot Bestudeering van Staatsrechelijke Hervormingen ] - Dit vroeg Indië : Indië's wenschen vastgelegd tot op het moment, waarop de Japanners kwamen : Zeer korte samenvatting ..,.
BOOKS022546I: Stief, Carl - Studies in the Russian Historical Song
BOOKS001998I: Stievater, Susan M., compiler: - Biographies of Creative Artists : An Annotated Bibliography
BOOKS030713I: Fyns Stiftsmuseum - Til de fynske Tørvearbejdere!
BOOKS025233I: Viborg stiftsmuseum - MIV : Museerne i Viborg amt [a collection of 16 volumes ca.1971-1991]
BOOKS024245I: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung [ Spilker, Dirk ; et. al. ] - Somalia : Current Conflicts and New Chances for State Building
BOOKS000014I: Stikker, A.H. - Economie van de Indischen Archipel
BOOKS006188I: Stilhoff, Henrik [editor:] - Breve fra en dansk Ingenior
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BOOKS003556I: Stone, George Winchester, editor: - The Stage & the Page : London's "Whole Show" in the Eighteenth Century Theatre
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BOOKS000207I: Storå, Nils - Fiskets Åland och fiskarkulturen
BOOKS024809I: Storer, Robert W. - A Comparison of Variation, Behavior and Evolution in the Sea Bird Genera Uria and Cepphus
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BOOKS031833I: Størmer, Carl [1874-1957] - Sur les trajectoires des corpuscules électrisés dans l'espace sous l'action du magnétisme terrestre avec application aux aurores
BOOKS006218I: Storrs, Ronald, Sir [1881-1955] - Orientations
BOOKS007172I: Story, R. - A Botanical Survey of the Keiskammahoek District
BOOKS027013I: Story, G. M. (George Morley) ; Kirwin, W. J. ; & Widdowson, J. D. A. (John David Allison) ; editors: - Dictionary of Newfoundland English : Second Edition with Supplement
BOOKS007043I: Stovall, Francis Davis - Schubert's Heine Songs : A Critical and Analytical Study
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BOOKS019255I: Stowe, Keith S. - An Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics - Second Edition
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BOOKS030172I: Strastil von Strassenheim, Theodor - Bibliographie der im Herzogtume Kärnten bis 1910 erschienenen Druckschriften
BOOKS014323I: Stratton, Beverly J. - Out of Eden : Reading, Rhetoric and Ideology in Genesis 2-3
BOOKS013915I: Stratton-Pruitt, Suzanne L.; editor: - The Cambridge Companion to Velazquez
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BOOKS026487I: Straub, Wolfgang - Toxoplasmose des Auges : experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Art und den Verlauf der Erkrankung bei Kaninchen .,.,.
BOOKS030228I: Straube, Helmut [1923-1984] - Westkuschitische Völker Süd-Äthiopiens
BOOKS005959I: Strauchen, James A. - Diagnostic Histopathology of the Lymph Node
BOOKS028097I: Straumann, Benjamin - Hugo Grotius und die Antike : römisches Recht und römische Ethik im frühneuzeitlichen Naturrecht
BOOKS011608I: Straus, Ralph - Robert Dodsley: Poet, Publisher & Playwright
BOOKS020117I: Strausbaugh, John - Rock 'til You Drop : The Decline from Rebellion to Nostalgia
BOOKS015292I: Strauss, Leo - The City and Man
BOOKS016235I: Strauss, Leo - The Argument and the Action of Plato's Laws
BOOKS017865I: Strauss, Leo - Thoughts on Machiavelli
BOOKS010106I: Strauss, Jonathan - Subjects of Terror: Nerval, Hegel, and the Modern Self
BOOKS020966I: Strauss, Leo - The Political Philosophy of Hobbes : Its Basis and Its Genesis
BOOKS029520I: Strauss, Claudia ; & Quinn, Naomi - A Cognitive Theory of Cultural Meaning
BOOKS015063I: Strawn, Martha - Alligators: Prehistoric Presence in the American Landscape
BOOKS016616I: Strecker, Georg - Der Weg der Gerechtigkeit : Untersuchung zur Theologie des Matthäus
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BOOKS016713I: Streeck, Wolfgang ; & Yamamura, Kozo ; editors: - The Origins of Nonliberal Capitalism: Germany and Japan in Comparison
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BOOKS028253I: Streicher, Hubert - Die kriminologische Verwertung der Maschinschrift
BOOKS031609I: Streiff, Kaspar ; editor : - Aus Niederlagen lernen : Dokumente zum schweizerischen Landesgeneralstreik 1918
BOOKS012133I: Streletski, Camille [1881-1959] [ Ernest Charles Lasègue ] - Essai sur Ch. Lasègue, 1816-1883
BOOKS007085I: Strenger, Carlo - Between Hermeneutics and Science : An Essay on the Epistemology of Psychoanalysis
BOOKS003388I: Stretta, Etienne - Etude Hydrogeologique du Bassin de l'Oued el Hai (Hauts Plateux du Maroc Oriental)
BOOKS017280I: Stricker, Herbert ; & Marx, Rudolf - Über die Bedeutung der Art und der Stärke der Sulfurierung von Chondroitinschwefelsäuren für deren blutgerinnungshemmende ..,.,.
BOOKS009465I: Strier, Karen B. - Faces in the Forest: The Endangered Muriqui Monkeys of Brazil
BOOKS021597I: Strik, J. J. T. W. A. ; & Koeman, J. H. ; editors: - Chemical Porphyria in Man: The Diagnosis & Occurrence of Chronic Hepatic Porphyria in Man Caused by Halogenated Aromatics..,.
BOOKS014344I: Stringer, Martin D. - A Sociological History of Christian Worship
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